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#REDIRECT [[L-2016-034, St. Lucie, Units 1 and 2 - Annual Fitness-For-Duty Program Report for Period of January 1 Through December 31, 2015]]
| number = ML16055A118
| issue date = 02/19/2016
| title = St. Lucie, Units 1 and 2 - Annual Fitness-For-Duty Program Report for Period of January 1 Through December 31, 2015
| author name = Katzman E S
| author affiliation = Florida Power & Light Co
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/Document Control Desk, NRC/NRR
| docket = 05000335, 05000389
| license number =
| contact person =
| case reference number = L-2016-034
| document type = Letter, License-Fitness for Duty (FFD) Performance Report
| page count = 6
{{#Wiki_filter:February 19, 2016IFPLoL-201 6-03410 CFR 26U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control DeskWashington, DC 20555RE: St. Lucie Units 1 and 2Docket Nos. 50-335 and 50-389Annual Fitness-For-Duty Progqram ReportIn accordance with 10 CFR 26.717, letter forwards the fitness-for-duty programperformance data for the period of January 1 through December 31, 2015.Enclosed are the following attachments:
: 1) Fitness For Duty Program Performance Data (submitted via EIE General Submission Portal Submission ID 8564 -Note:The text block on page 2, "Summary of Management Action, Topic 1 Description,"
is truncated on the printed version attached) and 2) 10 CFR Part 26, Subpart I -Annual Fatigue Results.Please contact us should you have any questions regarding this submittal.
Sincerely, Eric S. KatzmanLicensing ManagerSt. Lucie PlantES K/tltAttachments Florida Power & Light Comnpany 6501 S. Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, FL 34957 St. Lucie Units 1 and 2Docket Nos. 50-335 and 50-389L-201 6-034Attachments Fitness For Duty Program Performance Data (2 pages)Note: Report was submitted via EIE General Submission Portal Submission ID 8564Page 2, "Summary of Management Action, Topic 1 Description,"
is truncated on theprinted version attached10 CFR Part 26, Subpart I -Annual Fatigue Results (2 pages)
Foot OW Nameta.LacieRaanmPen~ad
.2015 V10 CFR Part 26. Subpart I -Annual Fatigue ResultsNumber of Waivers Issued (Note: At least one ot the cells in this table should have a non-negative value)Operating yr on-site directing of the eromnhethpyisochisr Promngdtsofaiebgde Performing maintenance or onsite Performing securityoeainofssesadecie n duties as described in 26.4(a)(2) member, as described in 26.4(a)(3) dctiesctiasodescribedncin as dscribed i Outage OutageWork Hour Controls 26t.4(a)((1
) 26A(a)((4)
Ouisa ecie n2.()5 perating Tol( atedyTotal Ttl(as (fe a1.t.t0 60)Outaga (days Outage (after Outage (after Outage (after Outage (after Outage (aftrie______Operating 1-60) day 60) Operating Outage day 60) Operating Qaag day ftft Operating Outage,,...
day 60( Operating Outage day f0)t(trse tftraorkbhrebr any ___24 b priod ,.. .3 1 3 t 0Daily Wokftoo 26 mat km in any____Houm 0 O26.205(d)(1) ri br wonlad -.Rout Btreaks aonntmargofin eedastenfamfon 26.200(d)(2(
fvitto)rO SAv ftehtfrea n 2 n daysofprme Minimum fa 0 radfsfleeOafrgI DaysAon PerAvgOof0leaOthan 2.OtOa0s off0peu= uoouu mis oin, Quccec, pros 00M01 mereir oiiy ouner Ire rrre ornoaae colUmn. Wave avotUle count mane iorniolluais.
10 CFR Part 26, Subpart I -Annual Fatigue ResultsFactlitv NameSt. Lude__Report PeriodDistribution of Waiver for Individuals in Each Category
)liii)Number of Em toyees Issued WaiversOperating or on- Performing eroPerforming site directing of health phyaica Pefrming manencor Pfoigduties of a fire maneacor PfrigNumber of Waivers the operations or chemistry brigade member onsite directing security dutiesof systems, as duties as adecid nof maintenance as described indescribed in described in 264as)dscrbe in as described in 26.4(a)(5) 26.4(a)(1) 26.4(a)(2) 264a1) 26.4(a)(4) 4 __________
5 ______ ______318iMorethen 20' .......Numrber of ....Employ1ees Issed ;..WaVvers 00 0 120Provided to a S~nle*Note: Fori itdeida performing the [re bttgede dties, paease ounot themottt unde fi breede column, Do not doubte ou these iodividoae.
....... I............
-.... 9rn( 1'\1 IAnalysis of Waiver Assessment Data:rhere were 1121 twelve waivers performed in 2015. Two of the waivers involved the emergent replacement of Unit 2" 'Safety Related".1ass "A" Valves V3525 and V3527. Three of the waivers provided support for Unit1 Main Feedwater Isolation Valve (MFIV) Repairsnd 171 seven were in support of the 2A emergency diesel generator (EDG) critical maintenance management ICMM) activities.
Thewaivers were associated with work hour controls greater than 72 hours insa 7 day period, end less than a day off for 7day period,ireater than 16 hours in any 24 hour period and greater than 72 hours in any 7 days.Analysis of Fatiglue Assessment Data:Eight online fatigue assessments were conducted in 2015: Seven workers were assessed "For- Cause," I1l Engineering, 151 Contractor
: Norkers, and one I1l Maintenance worker: all were determined not to be impaired and continued to work. One badged worker wassassessed for Post Event and was determined not to be impaired, and continued to work.Conclusions:
There waresa total of twelve 1121 waivers issued in 2015. The waivers were not required for safely or security reasons but were requiredto perform maintenance on safety rated components to ensure safe and reliable operations of the nuclear units.Summary of Status of Cotrective Actions:There weam n"o corrective actions taken in response to the use of waivers and the conduct of fatigue assessments in 2015.
Estimated burden per response to comply with this collection request is 114 hours. This form is a voluntary means of reporting the information required under 10 CFR 26.717. The information is requiredby NRC to obtain on an annual basic site specific fitness-for-duty (FF0) program performance data on drug and alcohol programs from licensees and other entities.
Send comments regarding burdenestimate to the FOIA, Privacy and Information Collection Branch (T5-F53),
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington DC 20555-0001, or by e-mail to Infocollects.ResourceaNRC cov, and tothe Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory
: Affairs, NEOB-1020, (3150-0146),
Office of Management and Budget, Washington DC 20503. Ifsa means used to impose information collection does not display a currently valid 0MB control number, the NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, the information collection.
: 1) All fields required unless marked 'opt lanai'2) Use of Adobe Reader 8 or later is required3) Mouse over fields for additional information Select FacilitySt. Lucie [50-335; 50-389]D Submission UpdatePerodof ReportThete in Cal~ndnr YearTotal Number of Tests Conducted Total Number of Positive, Adulterated, Reason For Testing Licensee Employees ContractorsNendors Substituted, and Refusal to Test ResultsPre-Access 224 [1,996Z IRandom 520 489 41Total (Calculated) 796 2,566 1FFD Program Random Testing Population and RateAverage number of Average number of Total size of the random testing pool Annual random testing percentage licensee employees contractors/vendors throughout the period (Calculated) achieved for the testing poolLaboratory TestingDoes your program use aLicensee Testing Facility?
No(Yes / No)Identify your HHS-Certified Laboratory(ies)
IQuest Diagnostics, Inc. in Tucker, GAIdentify your Blind Performance Test Sample supplier(s)
IElSohly Laboratories in Oxford, MSSubstances TestedDid your program only test for NRC-required substances Does your program conduct LOD testing YeAND. at the NRC-specified minimum cutoff levels? (Yes / No) Yes permitted in 26.163(a)(2)?
(Yes / No) YesSpecialAnalyses Testing Results Total Number of "Dilute" 5 Total Number of "Dilute" Specimens II5Specimen Test Results 15 1(Special Analyses Testing Conducted) 1 2(Optional)
ItSbtne Use Only NRC Cutoff Initial Confirmatory LOD Testing?
CommentSbtne Levels? (Yes / No) Cutoff Cutoff (Yes / No) (Optional)
Alcohol IYes NotAplicable IICoca['""es"'s""..
LOD testing completed on Dilute, For Cause, PostCocineEvent and Followup specimens I I~ LOD testing completed on Dilute, For Cause, PostMarijuana Yes Yes Event and Followup specimens Apea ine Ye YsLOD testing completed on Dilute, For Cause, PostAmphetamine__esYes, vent and Followup specimens Opiats r~5  i " "'] LOD testing completed on Dilute, For Cause, Post[pae e ....______ Yes______
Event and Followup specimens PC YsLOD testing completed on Dilute, For Cause, Post._.. vent and Followup specimensReport Form (version 1.6.0 -December 19, 2014)-Page 1 of 2-NRC Form 891 (12/201, Substances Tested -continued Summary of Management Actions -26.71 7(b)(8)Summarize actions implemented to improve FFD program performance.
As applicable, reference in the topic description audit reports, 30-day reports, and/orcorrective action reports.
If reporting information on more than three topics, select "Others" for Topic 3 to report any additional topics.Tonic 1 Topic 1 Description
*-.Program and System Management For the reporting period of 2015, eleven (11) individuals were denied unescorted access authorization after testing positive for drugs or alcohol.
By test type, two (2) follow-up tests were positive, five (5)pre-access tests were positive, and four (4) random tests were positive.
Follow-Up Positive TestTwo (2) contractor employees tested positive for marijuana.
These individuals were denied access.One (1) follow-up test result was appealed.
The appeal test result confirmed the original result.Pre-Access Positive TestTwo (2) initial contractor employee tested positive for marijuana.
One (1) reinstatement less than 365day contractor employee tested positive for cocaine.
One (1) reinstatement less than 365 day LTopic 2Blind Performance Test SamplesTopic 2 Description For the 2015 reporting period, all blind specimens submitted to St. Lucie Nuclear Plant's HHS-certified laboratory yielded expected results.[] Add an additional TopicPerson(s)
Responsible for Information ProvidedPerson 1 (required):
RobertPerson 2 (optional):
lBoskeyFirst NameLast NamePerson 2 (optional):
Access/FFD Supervisor Position TitlePosition Company Email AddressCompany Email AddressFirst NameLast NameFinal Step (Required).-
NRC will consider this form authentic in accordance with 26.11 only when the "Validate
& Lock" button has been selected and all errors(i.e., those highlighted in red) have been corrected.
The "Validate
& Lock" button will change to "Locked" after the data validation process has been successfully completed and the form is ready for submission.
L1LI~~IIZ1 Annual Report Form (version 1 *6.0 -December 19, 2014)-Page 2 of 2 -NRC Form 891 (12/2014)
Annual Report Form (version 1.6.0 -December 19, 2014) Page2of2-NRC Form 891 (12/2014)
February 19, 2016IFPLoL-201 6-03410 CFR 26U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control DeskWashington, DC 20555RE: St. Lucie Units 1 and 2Docket Nos. 50-335 and 50-389Annual Fitness-For-Duty Progqram ReportIn accordance with 10 CFR 26.717, letter forwards the fitness-for-duty programperformance data for the period of January 1 through December 31, 2015.Enclosed are the following attachments:
: 1) Fitness For Duty Program Performance Data (submitted via EIE General Submission Portal Submission ID 8564 -Note:The text block on page 2, "Summary of Management Action, Topic 1 Description,"
is truncated on the printed version attached) and 2) 10 CFR Part 26, Subpart I -Annual Fatigue Results.Please contact us should you have any questions regarding this submittal.
Sincerely, Eric S. KatzmanLicensing ManagerSt. Lucie PlantES K/tltAttachments Florida Power & Light Comnpany 6501 S. Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, FL 34957 St. Lucie Units 1 and 2Docket Nos. 50-335 and 50-389L-201 6-034Attachments Fitness For Duty Program Performance Data (2 pages)Note: Report was submitted via EIE General Submission Portal Submission ID 8564Page 2, "Summary of Management Action, Topic 1 Description,"
is truncated on theprinted version attached10 CFR Part 26, Subpart I -Annual Fatigue Results (2 pages)
Foot OW Nameta.LacieRaanmPen~ad
.2015 V10 CFR Part 26. Subpart I -Annual Fatigue ResultsNumber of Waivers Issued (Note: At least one ot the cells in this table should have a non-negative value)Operating yr on-site directing of the eromnhethpyisochisr Promngdtsofaiebgde Performing maintenance or onsite Performing securityoeainofssesadecie n duties as described in 26.4(a)(2) member, as described in 26.4(a)(3) dctiesctiasodescribedncin as dscribed i Outage OutageWork Hour Controls 26t.4(a)((1
) 26A(a)((4)
Ouisa ecie n2.()5 perating Tol( atedyTotal Ttl(as (fe a1.t.t0 60)Outaga (days Outage (after Outage (after Outage (after Outage (after Outage (aftrie______Operating 1-60) day 60) Operating Outage day 60) Operating Qaag day ftft Operating Outage,,...
day 60( Operating Outage day f0)t(trse tftraorkbhrebr any ___24 b priod ,.. .3 1 3 t 0Daily Wokftoo 26 mat km in any____Houm 0 O26.205(d)(1) ri br wonlad -.Rout Btreaks aonntmargofin eedastenfamfon 26.200(d)(2(
fvitto)rO SAv ftehtfrea n 2 n daysofprme Minimum fa 0 radfsfleeOafrgI DaysAon PerAvgOof0leaOthan 2.OtOa0s off0peu= uoouu mis oin, Quccec, pros 00M01 mereir oiiy ouner Ire rrre ornoaae colUmn. Wave avotUle count mane iorniolluais.
10 CFR Part 26, Subpart I -Annual Fatigue ResultsFactlitv NameSt. Lude__Report PeriodDistribution of Waiver for Individuals in Each Category
)liii)Number of Em toyees Issued WaiversOperating or on- Performing eroPerforming site directing of health phyaica Pefrming manencor Pfoigduties of a fire maneacor PfrigNumber of Waivers the operations or chemistry brigade member onsite directing security dutiesof systems, as duties as adecid nof maintenance as described indescribed in described in 264as)dscrbe in as described in 26.4(a)(5) 26.4(a)(1) 26.4(a)(2) 264a1) 26.4(a)(4) 4 __________
5 ______ ______318iMorethen 20' .......Numrber of ....Employ1ees Issed ;..WaVvers 00 0 120Provided to a S~nle*Note: Fori itdeida performing the [re bttgede dties, paease ounot themottt unde fi breede column, Do not doubte ou these iodividoae.
....... I............
-.... 9rn( 1'\1 IAnalysis of Waiver Assessment Data:rhere were 1121 twelve waivers performed in 2015. Two of the waivers involved the emergent replacement of Unit 2" 'Safety Related".1ass "A" Valves V3525 and V3527. Three of the waivers provided support for Unit1 Main Feedwater Isolation Valve (MFIV) Repairsnd 171 seven were in support of the 2A emergency diesel generator (EDG) critical maintenance management ICMM) activities.
Thewaivers were associated with work hour controls greater than 72 hours insa 7 day period, end less than a day off for 7day period,ireater than 16 hours in any 24 hour period and greater than 72 hours in any 7 days.Analysis of Fatiglue Assessment Data:Eight online fatigue assessments were conducted in 2015: Seven workers were assessed "For- Cause," I1l Engineering, 151 Contractor
: Norkers, and one I1l Maintenance worker: all were determined not to be impaired and continued to work. One badged worker wassassessed for Post Event and was determined not to be impaired, and continued to work.Conclusions:
There waresa total of twelve 1121 waivers issued in 2015. The waivers were not required for safely or security reasons but were requiredto perform maintenance on safety rated components to ensure safe and reliable operations of the nuclear units.Summary of Status of Cotrective Actions:There weam n"o corrective actions taken in response to the use of waivers and the conduct of fatigue assessments in 2015.
Estimated burden per response to comply with this collection request is 114 hours. This form is a voluntary means of reporting the information required under 10 CFR 26.717. The information is requiredby NRC to obtain on an annual basic site specific fitness-for-duty (FF0) program performance data on drug and alcohol programs from licensees and other entities.
Send comments regarding burdenestimate to the FOIA, Privacy and Information Collection Branch (T5-F53),
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington DC 20555-0001, or by e-mail to Infocollects.ResourceaNRC cov, and tothe Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory
: Affairs, NEOB-1020, (3150-0146),
Office of Management and Budget, Washington DC 20503. Ifsa means used to impose information collection does not display a currently valid 0MB control number, the NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, the information collection.
: 1) All fields required unless marked 'opt lanai'2) Use of Adobe Reader 8 or later is required3) Mouse over fields for additional information Select FacilitySt. Lucie [50-335; 50-389]D Submission UpdatePerodof ReportThete in Cal~ndnr YearTotal Number of Tests Conducted Total Number of Positive, Adulterated, Reason For Testing Licensee Employees ContractorsNendors Substituted, and Refusal to Test ResultsPre-Access 224 [1,996Z IRandom 520 489 41Total (Calculated) 796 2,566 1FFD Program Random Testing Population and RateAverage number of Average number of Total size of the random testing pool Annual random testing percentage licensee employees contractors/vendors throughout the period (Calculated) achieved for the testing poolLaboratory TestingDoes your program use aLicensee Testing Facility?
No(Yes / No)Identify your HHS-Certified Laboratory(ies)
IQuest Diagnostics, Inc. in Tucker, GAIdentify your Blind Performance Test Sample supplier(s)
IElSohly Laboratories in Oxford, MSSubstances TestedDid your program only test for NRC-required substances Does your program conduct LOD testing YeAND. at the NRC-specified minimum cutoff levels? (Yes / No) Yes permitted in 26.163(a)(2)?
(Yes / No) YesSpecialAnalyses Testing Results Total Number of "Dilute" 5 Total Number of "Dilute" Specimens II5Specimen Test Results 15 1(Special Analyses Testing Conducted) 1 2(Optional)
ItSbtne Use Only NRC Cutoff Initial Confirmatory LOD Testing?
CommentSbtne Levels? (Yes / No) Cutoff Cutoff (Yes / No) (Optional)
Alcohol IYes NotAplicable IICoca['""es"'s""..
LOD testing completed on Dilute, For Cause, PostCocineEvent and Followup specimens I I~ LOD testing completed on Dilute, For Cause, PostMarijuana Yes Yes Event and Followup specimens Apea ine Ye YsLOD testing completed on Dilute, For Cause, PostAmphetamine__esYes, vent and Followup specimens Opiats r~5  i " "'] LOD testing completed on Dilute, For Cause, Post[pae e ....______ Yes______
Event and Followup specimens PC YsLOD testing completed on Dilute, For Cause, Post._.. vent and Followup specimensReport Form (version 1.6.0 -December 19, 2014)-Page 1 of 2-NRC Form 891 (12/201, Substances Tested -continued Summary of Management Actions -26.71 7(b)(8)Summarize actions implemented to improve FFD program performance.
As applicable, reference in the topic description audit reports, 30-day reports, and/orcorrective action reports.
If reporting information on more than three topics, select "Others" for Topic 3 to report any additional topics.Tonic 1 Topic 1 Description
*-.Program and System Management For the reporting period of 2015, eleven (11) individuals were denied unescorted access authorization after testing positive for drugs or alcohol.
By test type, two (2) follow-up tests were positive, five (5)pre-access tests were positive, and four (4) random tests were positive.
Follow-Up Positive TestTwo (2) contractor employees tested positive for marijuana.
These individuals were denied access.One (1) follow-up test result was appealed.
The appeal test result confirmed the original result.Pre-Access Positive TestTwo (2) initial contractor employee tested positive for marijuana.
One (1) reinstatement less than 365day contractor employee tested positive for cocaine.
One (1) reinstatement less than 365 day LTopic 2Blind Performance Test SamplesTopic 2 Description For the 2015 reporting period, all blind specimens submitted to St. Lucie Nuclear Plant's HHS-certified laboratory yielded expected results.[] Add an additional TopicPerson(s)
Responsible for Information ProvidedPerson 1 (required):
RobertPerson 2 (optional):
lBoskeyFirst NameLast NamePerson 2 (optional):
Access/FFD Supervisor Position TitlePosition Company Email AddressCompany Email AddressFirst NameLast NameFinal Step (Required).-
NRC will consider this form authentic in accordance with 26.11 only when the "Validate
& Lock" button has been selected and all errors(i.e., those highlighted in red) have been corrected.
The "Validate
& Lock" button will change to "Locked" after the data validation process has been successfully completed and the form is ready for submission.
L1LI~~IIZ1 Annual Report Form (version 1 *6.0 -December 19, 2014)-Page 2 of 2 -NRC Form 891 (12/2014)
Annual Report Form (version 1.6.0 -December 19, 2014) Page2of2-NRC Form 891 (12/2014)}}

Revision as of 15:17, 8 July 2018