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#REDIRECT [[IR 05000458/1988026]]
| number = ML20246H733
| issue date = 05/04/1989
| title = Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-458/88-26
| author name = Callan L
| addressee name = Deddens J
| addressee affiliation = GULF STATES UTILITIES CO.
| docket = 05000458
| license number =
| contact person =
| document report number = NUDOCS 8905160179
| title reference date = 04-17-1989
| page count = 2
See also: [[see also::IR 05000458/1988026]]
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          In Reply Refer To:
          Docket:                    50-458/88-26
          Gulf States Utilities
          ATTN: fir. James C. Deddens
                              Senior Vice President (RBNG)
          P.O. Box 220
          St. Francisville, Louisiana 70775
                      Thank you for your letter of April 17, 1989, in response to our letter and
          Notice of Violation dated March 17, 1989. We have reviewed your reply and find
          it responsive to the concerns raised in our Notice of Violation. We will review
          the implementation of your corrective actions during a future inspection to
          determine that full compliance has been achieved and will be maintained.
                                                                                  Onginal Signed Bp
                                                                                    t 3: CALLAN
                                                                                  L. J. Callan, Director
                                                                                  Division of Reactor Projects
          Gulf States Utilities
          ATTN:              J. E. Booker, Manager-
                                      River Bend Oversight
          P.O. Box 2951
          Beaumont, Texas 77704
          Gulf States Utilities
          ATTN: Les England, Director                                                                                  ,
                              Nuclear Licensing - RBNG                                                                !
          P.O. Box 220
          St. Francisville, Louisiana 70775
          Louisiana State University,
                Government Documents Department
          Louisiana Radiation Control Program Director
          bec to DMB (IE01)
          RIV:DRP/C                                            C:    d    D:DR                                \\
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            bec.distrib by RIV:-
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          'R. D. Martin, RA
            Lisa'Shea,RM/ALF                                                                                                          ' MIS System
            RPB-DRSS'                                                                                                                  RSTS Operator
            Project Engineer (DRP/C)'                                                                                                  RIV File
            W. Paulson, NRR Project Manager (MS:                                                                            13-D-18)  DRS
            _ _ - _ - _ - - _ _ _ - _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ - _ - _ . _
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                GULF STATES                            UTILITIES                                            COMPANY
                            RIVER DEND STATION    POST OFFICE 80x 220          ST FRANCISVILLE. LOUISIANA 70776
                                                ARE A CODE 604    636 6094            346 8661
                                                                                                                                        *        R@ RDW/RV                  . . . - --
                                                                      April 17, 1989                                                                    N                I
                                                                      RBG-30552                                                        jj
                                                                      File Nos. G9.5, G15.4.1
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                U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
                Document Control Desk
                Washington, D.C. 20555
                                            River Bend Station - Unit 1
                                                Refer to: Region IV
                                        Docket No. 50-458/ Report 88-26
                Pursuant      to      10CFR2.201, this letter provides Gulf States
                Utilities Company's (GSU) response to the Notice of Violation for
                NRC Inspection Report No. 50-458/88-26. The inspection was
                performed by Messrs. E. J. Ford and W. B. Jones during the period
                of December 1            -    31, 1988 of activities authorized by NRC
                Operating Licensing NPF-47 for River Bend Station                                                          -      Upit 1.
                GSU's response to the violations are provided in the attachments.
                This completes GSU's response to these items.
                Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. L.                                                      A.        England
                                                                      S ncerely
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                                                                  / . C. Deddens
                                                                      Senior Vice President
                                                                      River Bend Nuclear Group
                cc:    U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
                      Region IV
                      611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000
                      Arlington, TX 76011
                      NRC Senior Resident Inspector
                      P. O. Box 1051                                                                                                                                                      i
                      St. Francisville, LA 70775                                                                                                                                          ;
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                                                                      UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                                    NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
                      STATE OF LOUISIANA                                                    )
                      PARISH OF WEST FELICIANA                                              )
                      In the Matter of                                                      )                                  Docket No. 50-458
                      GULF STATES UTILITIES COMPANY                                          )
                              (River Bend Station,
                                Unit 1)
                              J. C. Deddens,                            being duly sworn,                  states that he'is a
                      Senior Vice President of Gulf States Utilities Company; that.
                  .he          is        authorized                      on. the part of said company to sign and
                      file with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission the documents
                      attached hereto; and that all such documents are true and
                      correct to the best of' his knowledge, information' and
                                                                                              D                                * * > --
                                                                                    J.#C. Deddens
                              Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public in
                      and for the State and Parish above named, this [7Ybdayof
                            ddClr 0 h                                    , 19 N.
                                                                                  l      ,e y
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                                                                                                                                                                                          W                              .
                                                                                  /J  otary Public in and for
                                                                                    West Feliciana Parish,
                      My Commission is for Life.
                                                                                                                                            _ _ . - . . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ - _ _
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                                                                                                          ATTACHMENT 1
                                                                                      Response to Notice of Violation 50-458/8826-01
                                                                                                      Level IV Violation
                                  1.                            Notice of Violation - Letter from R. D. Martin to to J. C. Deddens, dated
                                                                March 17, 1989.
                                  2.                            Licensee Event Report No. 88-027 - to NRC from J. E. Booker, dated January
                                                                  18, 1989
                                  FAILURE TO ENSURE RCIC SYSTEM OPERABILITY:
                                  RBS Technical                                      Specifications (TS) Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO)
                         requires that the reactor core isolation cooling -(RCIC) system be
                                  operable in Operational Conditions 1, 2, and 3 with reactor steam dome
                                  pressure greater than 150 psig.
                                  Contrary to the above, RBS was operated in Operational Conditions 1, 2, and 3
                                  during the period November 1985 to December 19, 1988, with the RCIC system
                                  inoperable. .The RCIC system was considered inoperable because the turbine
                                  configuration was not in accordance with the seismically tested-design
                                  REASON FOR VIOLATION:
                                  During a review by the Design Engineering group to prioritize outstanding
                                modification packages it was noted that the installation of the RCIC system
                                  turbine was not completed per design.                                            Contrary to its seismic qualification
                                  requirements, an oil piping support addition had not been completed, the
                                  coupling pedestal bolting had not been lockwired, and the pedestal dowel                                                      pins
                                were not in place.
                                  Investigation of historical documents shows that the portion of the original
                                modification to install the lock wire and dowel pins was completed.                                                        However,
                                  in a subsequent realignment of the turbine, the dowel pins would no longer
                                  fit. A new modification using new dowel pin locations .was initiated to
                                  complete the original modification. This MR was found not to be worked.
                                The                                        scope  of the management effort to reduce the backlog level of
                                  unprioritized MRs was established in response to two primary actions:
                                  (1) corrective action to NRC Inspection Report 88-01, to review all MRs
                                generated as a result of corrective actions identified on condition reports
                                  and provide recommendations for prioritization (schedule) by 12/31/88, and (2)
                                a commitment to.the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INP0) to have the
                                . backlog of unprioritized MRs reduced to a manageable level by the end of 1988.
                                The subject MR was not initiated as a result of the condition report program;                                                            ;
                                  it was a construction modification which was included in the balance of the                                                            i
                                  reduction effort.                                        All modifications as a result of condition                          report
                                  corrective                                      actions have been reviewed and prioritized.                          Less than 75
                                modification requests remain in the balance of the program. These 75 MRs have
                                  been screened by Design Engineering and none have been determined to have an
                                  impact on operabili^.y.
                                                                                                          Page 1 of 3
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  ,                                .
    .  .              ,
          Tfie root cause of this event appears to have been an oversight in identifying
          the operability impact of not performing this modification. Due to the large
          backlog of incomplete construction modifications that existed at the time, the
          potential significance of this MR did not surface quickly.
          The RCIC system was declared inoperable at 1700 on December 19, 1988. A
          condition report was written and the proper installation was completed on
          December 24, 1988. After satisfactory retest, the RCIC system was restored to
          operable status at 1245 on December 24, 1988.
          As identified above, the inadequate installation was initially identified as a
          direct result of an internal audit of incomplete construction modifications.
          All open MRs which have not been prioritized have been screened by Design
          Engineering and none have been determined to have an impact on operability.
          The identification of this deficiency and subsequent corrective action                                                                                  is
          indicative of GSU's improvement in the MR document control and administrative
          control areas. This review also confirmed that the operability oversight for
          incomplete construction modifications which had been tracked on system punch
          lists was isolated.
          An assessment of the safety implications have shown the effects of the
          incomplete construction modification to be minimal. The RCIC system provides
          redundancy to ttle high pressure core spray system (HPCS) for long term core
          cooling following a postulated control rod drop accident (CRDA). The RCIC
          system is not required to function ir, this emergency safety feature (ESF)
          capacity since the RBS design includes an automatic depressurization system
          (ADS). ADS provides the required redundancy to HPCS.
          No operability or functional problems related to this incomplete modification
          have been identified. Operation of the RCIC turbine and pump for quarterly
          surveillance test procedures, both before and after completion of the
          modification,                                          has been acceptable. Additionally, the RCIC system has
          experienced two automatic initiations and in each case the RCIC system
          performed as designed. Therefore, the operability of the RCIC system under
          normal plant conditions without a seismic event is not questionable.
l          Seismic qualification tests were conducted on the prototype test turbine at
          much higher accelerations than those assumed for RBS for either an operata.g
          basis earthquake (0BE) or safe shutdown earthquake (SSE). Also, part of these
          tests was conducted with smaller dowel pins and without bolt locking and oil
          piping supports. The satisfactory performance of the prototype test turbine
          in this configuration indicates that the RBS installation would r.ot have
          failed in an OBE or SSE. The probability of simultaneous occurrence of a
          seismic event and a CRDA with off-site power unavailable and HPCS inoperable
          is approximately 10(-7) per reactor year,
i          The RCIC system has demonstrated its ability to perform under normal plant
          conditions without a seismic event. Additionally, an evaluation comparing the
          as-found installation with the original seismic qualification tests indicates
          that the RCIC system would not have failed during a seismic event.                                                                              Therefore,
          the safe operation of the plant and the health and safety of the public were
          not adversely affected as a result of this event.                                      (For additional details of
          assessment of safety implications, refer to Reference 2.)
                                                                                Page 2 of 3
U___          _ _ - __ _ ___ -__ -_ - ________---_-_ _______ .__ _                                                                  _                  __            _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _
        ___ _
        .      -        .
    ..        .
                  ' A comprehensive review of the configuration management program at RBS has
                    shown that it is now thorough and effective. The current process for review
                    and prioritizing MRs is designed to          assure  that plant operability _
                    ' considerations'are factored into the final schedule decisions and that the MRs -
                    are prioritized for implementation accordingly.
                    RBS is currently in full compliance.
                                                      Page 3 of 3
                                                                                              _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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  i                                                                                                                                                                                            j
                                  .-                                                                                                                                                        1  '
    ;                    -
                                                                                                    ATTACIMENT 2
                                                                Response to Notice of Violation 50-458/8826-02
                                                                              Level IV Violation
                                              Notice of Violation - Letter from R. D. Martin to to J.                                    C.                    Deddens, dated
                                              March 17, 1989.
                                      -FAILURE TO SECURE A VHRA ACCESS DOOR:
                                              RBS TS 6.12.2 requires that accessible areas with radiation levels, such that
                                              a major portion of the body could receive in I hour a dose greater than 1000
                                            mrem, shall be provided with locked doors to prevent unauthorized entry and
                                              the keys shall be maintained under the administrative control of the control
                                              operating foreman (C0F) on duty and/or the radiation protection supervisor.                                                                    ,
                                              Doors shall remain locked, except during periods of access under an approved                                                                    :
                                              radiation work procedure (RWP) that specifies the dose rate levels in the
                                                immediate work area and the maximum allowable stay time for individuals in
                                              that area.
                                              Radiation Protection Procedure RPP-0005, " Posting of Radiologically Controlled
                                              Areas," Revision 5, paragraph 7.4, requires that very high radiation area
                                                (VHRA). entrances be locked and remain locked, except during periods of access
                                              under an approved RWP. Doors must be locked or attended at all times.
                                              Contrary to the above, on December 3,1988, from approximately 7:45 a.m. to
                                              4:30 p.m. (CST), turbine building door TB 123-20, which provided access to a
                                              VHRA around the moisture separator reheater tank, was not properly secured.
                                              TB 123-20 was not attended during the period the door was left unsecured.
                                              Seven cdditional examples of events where VHRA access doors were previously
                                              left unsecured are identified in NRC Inspection Report 50-458/88-26.
                                              REASON FOR VIOLATION:
                                              During normal full power operations, fifty-six (56) doors must be controlled
                                              as VHRAs. Locks for all VHRA doors may be opened by one of a limited number
                                              of identical keys.      The Shift Supervisor and the COF are issued a key for
                                              emergencies only, and radiation protection (RP) personnel maintain control of
                                              seven keys for their use. The key checkout method only identified who checked
                                              out these keys -- not which doors were opened. However, persons checking out
                                              these keys were required to read a statement of their responsibilities with
                                              the use of VHRA keys which includes ensuring that the door must be left locked
                                            and secured upon exit.
                                              Investigation was inconclusive as to who failed to ensure that these doors
                                            were secured upon exiting. The root causes of this problen are the failure on
                                              the part of the individual                  to verify that the doors were secured and
                                              ineffective controls to prevent recurrence.
                                                                                          Page 1 of 2
- ___ _ __-_-_ _ -______ . _ _ _ _ _ _
        i                                                      ,
                                                                .  '.*
                                                                  CORRECTIVE STEPS WHICH HAVE BEEN TAKEN AND RESULTS ACHIEVED:
                                                                  All VHRA doors were locked upon discovery.
                                                                  Numerous programmatic controls and corrective actions have been implemented
                                                                  since initial    plant operation to ensure that these doors are secured upon
                                                                  exit.  Increasingly stringent controls failed to produce the desired result.
                                                                  On December 7,    1988, the Plant Manager issued memorandum TFP-251-88 to
                                                                  supervisors    emphasizing  the  serious nature regarding VHRA doors and
                                                                  establishing more stringent administrative guidelines for routine access to
                                                                  VHRAs.    On December    9,  1988, procedure RPP-005,  " Posting Radiologically
                                                                  Controlled Areas", was revised by TCN 88-0782 to incorporate the Plant
                                                                  Manager's guidelines. The changes that were implemented require that 1) only
                                                                  radiation protection personnel will be issued keys to VHRA doors for routine
                                                                  access, 2) RP personnel will log the opening and locking of VHRA doors and is
                                                                  responsible for verification of locked doors, 3) for those entries without
                                                                  constant RP coverage, a double verification is required upon exit to assure
                                                                  that the door is locked, 4) RP personnel will daily physically check and
                                                                  verify that all VHRA doors are locked and 5) an operability verification of
                                                                  accessible VHRA doors will be performed monthly.
                                                                  In addition to the above, Security also physically verifies twice daily that
                                                                  accessible VHRA doors are locked.
                                                                  CORRECTIVE, STEPS WHICH WILL BE TAKEN TO AVOID FURTHER VIOLATIONS:
                                                                  No VHRA doors have been discovered unsecured and unattended since the
                                                                  implementation of the present program.
                                                                  The improved, more stringent administrative controls established for routine
                                                                  access to VHRA should prevent any future violations.
                                                                  DATE WHEN FULL COMPLIANCE WILL BE ACHIEVED:
                                                                  RBS is currently in full compliance.
                                                                                                    Page 2 of 2
              _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - _ - _ . _ _ - _ . _ - _
                                                                                                                      _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ -
                                                              .; ,
                                                                                                      ATTACMENT 3
                                                                                      Response to Notice of Violation 50-458/8826
                                                                                                  Level IV Violation
                                                          Notice of Violation              - Letter from R. D. Martin to to J. C. Deddens, dated
                                                        March 17, 1989.
                                                          VIOLATION C:
                                                          10CFR 50.73 requires licensees to submit licensee event reports (LERs) to NRC
                                                        within 30 days of the discovery of events which are described in this
                                                          regulation. Among the events licensees are required to report is "Any
                                                          operation or condition prohibited by the plant's Technical Specifications ..."
                                                        RBS TS                6.12.2, "High Radiation Area," states that, " areas with radiation
                                                          levels such that a major portion of the body could receive in I hour a dose
                                                        greater than 1000 mrem shall be provided with locked doors ..." and that the,
                                                          " doors shall remain locked except during periods of access under an approved
                                                        RWP ..."
                                                        Contrary .to the above, on at least seven occasions between June 1987 and
                                                        December 1988, doors to VHRAs were found unlocked, a condition prohibited by
                                                          the plant's TS, and LERs were not submitted to NRC within 30 days of.the
                                                        discovery of these events.
                                                        REASON FOR THE VIOLATION:
                                                        GSU has previously interpreted NUREG-1022, " Licensee Event Reporting System",
                                                        such that violation of this administrative section of the TSs need not be
                                                        reported since the condition does not affect plant operation.
                                                        CORRECTIVE STEPS WHICH HAVE BEEN TAKEN AND RESULTS ACHIEVED:
                                                        Condition reports will continue to be utilized to identify these events, and
                                                        RP management will now ensure that events related to TS section 6.12.2 are
                                                        reported under 10 CFR 50.73 requirements.
                                                        CORRECTIVE STEPS WHICH WILL BE TAKEN TO AVOID FURTHER VIOLATIONS:                                                                              l
                                                        A copy of this violation including the response will                                              be routed to Shift
                                                        Supervisors, Radiation Protection, Licensing, QA, ISEG, and Compliance group
                                                        supervisors to inform these individuals of the reporting                                                                          requirements
                                                        regarding discovery of unlocked VHRA doors.
                                                        DATE WHEN FULL COMPLIANCE WILL BE ACHIEVED:
                                                        The appropriate RBS supervisors as identified above will be informed by May
                                                        15, 1989 of the deportability of these events.
                                                                                                    Page 1 of 1
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Revision as of 17:17, 24 January 2022