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#REDIRECT [[IR 05000454/1995013]]
| number = ML20128P537
| issue date = 08/23/1996
| title = Discusses Insp Repts 50-454/95-13,50-455/95-13,50-454/96-05, & 50-455/96-05 on 951222-960222 & 960522-0702 & NRC OI Rept 3-96-009 & Forwards Notice of Violation
| author name = Beach A
| addressee name = Palmer D
| addressee affiliation = AFFILIATION NOT ASSIGNED
| docket = 05000454, 05000455
| license number =
| contact person =
| document report number = IA-96-046, IA-96-46, NUDOCS 9610170290
| package number = ML20128P541
| page count = 3
See also: [[see also::IR 05000454/1996005]]
{{#Wiki_filter:.                          --.      .
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          #" "%                                    UNITE 8 STATES
                    (                  NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION                      '
    ,                S                                REGION m                            j
    E                *
                                                801 WARRENVILLE ROAD                      '
    k,                                      USLE. ILUNOIS 60532-4351
                                                August 23, 1996
          IA 96-046
          Mr. Dennis C. Palmer
          UNDER 10 CFR 2.790]
                      (NRC INSPECTION REPORT NOS. 50-454/455/95013; AND 50-454/455/96005)
          Dear Mr. Palmer:                                                                l
          This refers to NRC inspections conducted on December 25, 1995, through
          February 22, 1996, and May 22 through July 2,1996, and NRC Office of
          Investigations (01) Report of Investigation No. 3-96-009 concerning the
          circumstances surrounding your violation of NRC requirements as a Control
          System Technician (CST) at Byron Station. Copies of the inspection reports
          and the synopsis of the investigation are enclosed.                            l
          On January 25, 1996, you and a lead CST were assigned to perform the quarterly
          Surveillance Procedure 1BVS 3.3.10-3 for Process Radiation Monitor 1PR01J.
          The lead CST went to the Main Control Room where the RM-11 console is located
          ~and you went to the Auxiliary Building where process radiation monitor IPR 01J
          is located. Step F.2.1 of the procedure required the lead CST to record the
          as-found conversion factor stored in Channel 12 displayed on the RM-11
          console. The as-found value was 3.23E-11. Subsequent steps of the procedure
          required the lead CST to enter calculated conversion factors into Channel 12
          to initiate interlock and high radiation alarms. Step F.2.16 required the
          lead CST to restore Channel 12 by entering the original as-found value
          recorded in Step F.2.1. However, the lead CST inadvertently left 3.23E-04
          entered in Channel 12. The lead CST also inappropriately initialed the second
          block of Step F.2.16 which was required to be initialed by you as independent
          verification. Your supervisor identified the verification error and you were
          directed to verify Step F.2.16. However, you did not identify that the wrong
          value was left in Channel 12.
          The next day during a planned Unit I containment release, IPR 01J erroneously
          alarmed on high radiation because the value the lead CST left in Channel 12
          was conservative. After discussing the event with the system engineer the
          lead CST realized that he had left the wrong value in Channel 12. The lead
          CST subsequently located the work package, and while you were present, changed
          the original as-found value recorded in Step F.2.1 to the wrong value he had
          left in Channel 12 in an attempt to prevent disciplinary action against both
          of you. However, while following up on the event, the work package was
          reviewed by.your supervisor, the system engineer and the Master Instrument
          Mechanic, and it was determined that the lead CST had falsified Step F.2.1.
          Deliberate misconduct is defined in 10 CFR 50.5(a), (a copy is enclosed) and
          includes a deliberate submittal to the NRC or licensee information that the
      9610170290 960823
      PDR ADOCK 05000454
      G                      PDR
              -~              .-          .              .          .        . .      . - . . -        =      ..          .
      Mr. Dennis C. Palmer                                        -2-                              August 23, 1996
      person submitting the information knows to be incomplete or inaccurate in some
      respect material to the NRC. The NRC 01 investigation determined that you                                                    t
      collaborated with the lead CST to deliberately falsify the data in Step F.2.1                                                '
      of the procedure, which is a violation of 10 CFR 50.5.                                                                      1
      After consultation with the Director, Office of Enforcement, I have decided to
      issue the enclosed Notice of Violation (Notice) for violation of 10 CFR 50.5,
      while you were engaged in licensed activities at Byron Station. In not taking
i      more significant action against you, we recognized (1) the minor safety
I      consequences of the violation, and (2) that you have resigned employment with                                                I
      Commonwealth Edison.
;      You should be aware of the seriousness with which the NRC views your actions.
;      The public health, safety, and trust demand that nuclear power plant personnel
l      conduct themselves with integrity at all times. You did not conduct yourself
      in this manner in this case. In the future, any similar violation may result
      in more significant enforcement actions including an order prohibiting
      involvement in NRC licensed activities.
      You are not required to respond to this letter. However, if you choose to
      provide a response, please provide it to me in writing and under oath within
      30 days at U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region III, 801 Warrenville
      Road, Lisle, Illinois 60532.
      In accordance with Section 2.790 of the NRC's " Rules of Practice," Part 2,
      Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, records or documents compiled for
      enforcement purposes are placed in the NRC Public Document Room (PDR).                                              A copy
      of this letter with your address removed, and your response, if you choose to
      submit one, will be placed in the PDR after 45 days unless you provide
l      sufficient basis to withdraw this letter and Notice of Violation.
      If you have any questions or comments, please contact Bruce Burgess of my
      staff at (708) 829-9666.
                                                                  /s/ A. B. Beach
l                                                                A. Bill Beach
                                                                  Regional Administrator
l      Enclosures:
      l.    Notice of Violation
      2.    Inspection Report Nos. 50-454/455/95013 and
      3.    Synopsis of 01 Report No. 3-96-005
      4.    Deliberate Misconduct Rule, 10 CFR 50.5
;      cc w/o enclosures: (if placed in the PDR)
      K. Graesser, Site Vice President,
          Byron Station
;    DOCUMENT NAME:            P:96218REV.MS
      To receive a copy of this document, indicato in the box "C" = Copy w/o attach /enci *E" = Copy w/ attach /enci *N" = No copy
        0FFICE        RIII:El k _l N              RIIM)MC          l      Rl U:l)RP          l        RI@:RA0            l
        NAME          Pelke/kl(f                  Bu@#                      ClllM1,1                        l
        DATE          08/ R /96'                  08[\)/96                  OEWj '796                    08/Z2./96
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Latest revision as of 01:58, 26 September 2020