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#REDIRECT [[IR 05000317/1997002]]
| number = ML20140B224
| issue date = 05/29/1997
| title = Forwards Insp Repts 50-317/97-02 & 50-318/97-02 on 970302-0412 & Nov.Several Apparent Violations That Are Being Considered for Escalated Enforcement Action IAW General Statement of Policy & Procedure, Were Identified
| author name = Hehl C
| addressee name = Cruse C
| addressee affiliation = BALTIMORE GAS & ELECTRIC CO.
| docket = 05000317, 05000318
| license number =
| contact person =
| document report number = 50-317-97-02, 50-317-97-2, 50-318-97-02, 50-318-97-2, EA-97-192, NUDOCS 9706060109
| package number = ML20140B228
| page count = 4
See also: [[see also::IR 05000318/1997002]]
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                                                                                                            _ _ _ _ _ .
                                                                    May 29, 1997
              EA No. 97-192
:            Mr. Charles H. Cruse
              Vice President - Nuclear Energy
              Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (BGE)
              Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant
              1650 Calvert Cliffs Parkway
              Lusby, MD 20657 -4702
              SUBJECT:      NRC REGION I INTEGRATED INSPECTION REPORT NOS. 50-317/97-02                                :
                                AND 50-318/97-02 AND NOTICE OF VIOLATION
              Dear Mr. Cruse:
              This refers to the inspection conducted at the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant from
j            March 2,1997 to April 12,1997 and on April 24,1997. The enclosed report presents the
              results of the inspection. At the conclusion of the inspection, these findings were                        -
              discussed with Mr. Katz and others of your staff.
              Based on the results of this inspection, the NRC has determined that a violation of NRC
              requirements occurred. This violation is cited in the enclosed Notice of Violation (Notice)
              and the circumstances surrounding the issue are described in detail in Section E1.4 of the
              enclosed inspection report. The violation concerns inadequate corrective actions following
              identification of degraded conditions for one of the Unit 1 power operated relief valve block
              You are required to respond to the enclosed Notice and should follow the instructions
              specified in the Notice when preparing your response. in your response, you should
          q  document the specific actions taken and include any additional actions you plan to prevent
              recurrence. Your response may reference or include previous docketed correspondence, if
              the correspondence adequately addresses the required response. After reviewing your
              response to the Notice, including your proposed corrective actions and the results of future
        g    inspections, the NRC will determine whether further NRC enforcement action is necessary
      Ya,    to ensure compliance with NRC regulatory requirements.
              in addition, several apparent violations were identified that are being considered for
      So      escalated enforcement action in accordance with the " General Statement of Policy and
      Y      Procedure for NRC Enforcement Actions" (Enforcement Policy), NUREG-1600. As
              described below, the apparent violations involve the series of problems identified during
    '84      fuel handling operations, and control of high radiation area access including the failure to              I
      jg    effectively control diving activities in the Unit 2 spent fuel storage pool.
              The fuel handling problems included the poor material condition of the fuel handling
              equipment, operation of the refueling equipment contrary to the Technical Specification
                              h    !,hh    lh          0FFICIAl. RECORD COPY                          IE:01
j    Charles H. Cruse                                    2
    requirements, failure to use engineering drawings during troubleshooting, and the failure to
    follow fuel handling procedures.
    On April 3,1997, your staff failed to effectively control diving activities in the Unit 2 spent
    fuel storage pool and as a result, a diver moved from a comprehensively surveyed area at
    the south end of the pool to unsurveyed areas at the north end of the pool. The diver
    sustained an unplanned exposure. Although no exposure in excess of regulatory limits is
    believed to have occurred, we are concerned that sufficient measures were not employed
    to provide positive contrnt of this activity which involved very high levels of radiation.
    Specifically, due to insufficient controls, including inadequate pre-job planning and
    communication, and lack of positive surveillance, the individual inadvertently came in close
    proximity to radiation fields in excess of 500 rads per hour.
    During the inspection period, we also noted a failure to control access to the Unit 2
    containment, a high radiation area, via the emergency airlock, and a failure to properly
    document the problem in the corrective action system. Additionally, on May 1,1997, a
    worker performed maintenance for over one hour in a locked high radiation area inside the
    Unit 2 containment without any dosimetry. Subsequently, on May 4, two workers
    inadvertently gained access to a high radiation area during the construction of scaffolding
    in the Unit 2 auxilian :uilding. Although the last two problems occurred outside the
    inspection period, those issues, in conjunction with the loss of control of the diver, were
    considered to reflect an apparent breakdown in the applied radiation protection program,
    specifically the control of high radiation area access at Calvert Cliffs.
    Accordingly, no Notice of Violation is presently being issued for these inspection findings.
    In addition, please be advised that the number and characterization of apparent violations
    described in the enclosed inspection report may change as a result of further NRC review.
    A predecisional enforcement conference to discuss these apparent violations has been
    scheduled for June 12,1997 at 10:00 a.m. The decision to hold a predecisional
    enforcement conference does not mean that the NRC has determined that a violation has
    occurred or that enforcement action will be taken. This conference is being held to obtain
    information to enable the NRC to make an enforcement decision, such as a common
    understanding of the facts, root causes, missed opportunities to identify the apparent
    violation sooner, corrective actions, significance of the issues and the need for lasting and
    effective corrective action. In particular, we expect you to address the apparent lack of
    effective management oversight in both fuel handling and high radiation area access
    control, including the May 1 and May 4 high radiation area access problems, as well as the
    effectiveness of your corrective action processes in identifying and correcting problems in
    these areas, in addition, the conference is an opportunity for you to point out any errors in
    our inspection report and for you to provide any information concerning your perspectives
    on 1) the severity of the violations, 2) the application of the factors that the NRC considers
    when it determines the amount of a civil penalty that may be assessed in accordance with
    Section VI.B.2 of the Enforcement Policy, and 3) any other application of the Enforcement
    Policy to this case, including the exercise of discretion in accordance with Section Vll.
    You will be advised by separate correspondence of the results of our deliberations on these
    matters. No response regarding these apparent violations is required at this time.
I          Charles H. Cruse                                  3                                      1
            In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the NRC's " Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter,
            its en::losures, and your response will be placed in the NRC Public Document Room (PDR).
                                                              Sincerely,                            fs
                                                              Original Signed by:
                                                                Larry Nicholson for                    ,
                                                              Charles W. Hehl, Director
                                                              Division of Reactor Projects
            Docket / License Nos:        50-317/DPR-53                                                )
[                                        50-318/DPR-69                                                '
            1.      Notice of Violation                                                                '
            2.      NRC Region I integrated Inspection Report Nos. 50-317/97-02
                    and 50-318/97-02
            cc w/encls:
            T. Pritchett, Director, Nuclear Regulatory Matters (CCNPP)
!          R. McLean, Administrator, Nuclear Evaluations
l-          J. Walter, Engineering Division, Public Service Commission of Maryland
            K. Burger, Esquire, Maryland People's Counsel
            R. Ochs, Maryland Safe Energy Coalition
            State of Maryland (2)
      . - .            -
              Charles H. Cruse                                  4
              Distribution w/encis:
              W. Axelson, DRA                                                                                J
              D. Screnci, PAO                                                                                l
              R. Zimmerman, ADPR, NRR                                                                        l
              J. Goldberg, OGC                                                                              l
              J. Lieberman, OE (OEMAIL)                                                                      l
              D. Holody, EO, RI                                                                              l
              Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)                                                      !
              PUBLIC                                                                                        l
              NRC Resident inspector
              Region i Docket Room (with concurrences)
              R. Correia, NRR
              F. Talbot, NRR
              L. Cunningham, NRR
              D. Barss, NRR
              L. Doerflein, DRP                                                                              i
              J. White, DRS
              T. Moslak, DRP'
              R. Junod, DRP
              Distribution w/ encl: (VIA E-MAIL)                                                            !
              W. Dean, OEDO (WMD)
              S. Stewart - Calvert Cliffs                                                                    j
              S. Bajwa, NRR                                                                                  ,
              A. Dromerick, NRR
              G. Vissing, NRR
              M. Campion, RI
              Inspection Program Branch, NRR (IPAS)
;  To r:ceive a copy of this document, indicate in the box: "C" = Copy without attachment / enclosure "E" =
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    OFFICE    Rl/DRP        n,        FK/QRS ,          Rl/DRP        l, Rl/DRP/ h                        '
.    NAME      SStewart    ,y$ b j$its                  LDoerflein blT4/ CHehlg "
    DATE      05/27/97          ll #' 05/ /97            05/21/97        05 0 /97
l                                                OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
                  .            _          _
                                              . .

Revision as of 09:29, 1 August 2020