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io ca,R n CERTIFICATE CF CEMPLIANCE FOR RADl! ACTIVE MATERIALS PACKACES                                                                                ,E 1 e,CE.-mFICATE NUMBER                                  D PLVIS:ON NUM6ER            C PACKAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMCER              Id PAGE NUMBER      e. TOTAL NUMBER PAGES g                    9079                                          13                                      USA /9079/A                                  1                    3 h
l    1 PREAMBLE                                                                                                                                                                  *t. N          '
l        a. This certificate is issued to certify that the packaging and ces tents described in f'em 5 below. meets the applicable safety standaros set forth in Title 10. Code        E l            of Federal Regulations. Part 71,
* Packaging of Radioacthe Matenals for Transport and Transportation of Radioactive Material Under Certain Conditions."                  I)
          !        b. This certificate does not reheve the consignor from comphance with any requirement of the regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation or otner N            apphcable regulatory agencies, including the government of any co .ntry snrough or ento which the packap will be transported.                                            f I
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u                            ***'* ' ^ **''" ^"^''''*l'M"'f' te No cE'I', 0f"^f' C f ou 'U" " Eo 7#^'s Fe  P  TAiON I        Nuclear Packaging, Incorporated                                                Nuclear Packaging, Incorporated, application                                                  l l
1010 South 336th Street                                                        Dated November 29, 1982, as supplemented.                                                    i l        Federal Hay, WA 98003                                                                                                                                                          g o g
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p s      71-9079                                                                  3 Rl                                                                          . e_6ccxEr NuueER u            - '~,              -
R l        4 CONDITIONS                                                      \  v" This certificate is conditional upon fulfilhng the requifements of 10 CFR Part 71, as apphcable, and the conditions specified below l*
ll (a)        Packaging                      C'                                                ,                }[
            !                          (1) Model Nos.l NUPAC 14D-2.0, HN-100 Series 2 and HN-100 Series 2A                                                                                      lB W
                                                                                                                            -y                                                                    N l
(2) Descriptbn                                      ,              .
                                                                                                                                                                                                ;j      <
: m.                                                                                                                                  l, Steel encased, lead shielded casks for low specific activity material,                                                                          lg The casks are right circular tyli_nders 81-1/2 inches high by 81-3/4                                                                              e inches in diameter. The cask cavities are 73-3/8 inches high by 75-                                                                              N 1/2 inches in diameter. The cask side walls consists'of a 3/8-inch                                                                                N thick' inner steel shell,-a 'l-3/4-inch lead shell, and 'a 7/8-inch thick                                                                        E I                                    outer steel shell. ' Each Tbas'e is comprised of two, 2-inch thick steel                                                                          l plates ' welded, fonn a 4-inch. thick base which is integrally                                                                        p welded to the inner arid outer steel shells' of the side wall. A steel                                                                            i flange is welded to the inner and outer steel shells of the side wall                                                                              I at the top. 'The lid is comprised of two, 2-inch thick steel plates.                                                                              E which are stepped and welded together to mate with the steel flange.                                                                            !j The cask closures are sealed by a Neoprene gasket located between the                                                                            Ip lid and steel flange, positive closure of the lid is accomplished by                                                                              g eight rachet binders. The lid contains a centrally located shield                                                                                  N plug comprised of two, 2-inch thick steel plates and one,1-inch thick                                                                              l steel plate stepped and welded.                                  The shield plug is sealed by a Neoprene il!,
l gasket, and eight, 3/4-inch studs and nuts are used to provide positive closu re,                                                                                                                                          y Tie-down is accomplished by four tie-down lugs welded to the cask                                                                                  i body.          There are four cask lifting lugs, three lid lifting lugs, and                                                                        R one shield plug lifting lug.                              The package gross weight is approximately J
48,000 pounds.
I                                                                                                                                                                                    .
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ll    1Page c2 - Certificate No. 9079 - Revision No.13 - Docket No. 71-9079                                  l ll ll l                                                                                                          r              .
[      - 5. -    (a)L(3): Drawings l'
l                              The Model No. NUPAC 14D-2.0 packaging is fabricated in accordance with        ,L Nuclear Packaging, Incorporated Drawing No. X-20-215D, Revision B; or l.l                                                                                                            [
I                              The Model Nos. HN-100 Series 2 and HN-100 Series 2A packaging is I                              fabricated in.accordance with Hittman Nuclear & Development Corp. .            !=
I                              Drawing Nos.: . C001-5-9122, Rev. 5; C001-5-9123, Rev. 3; and C001      I'                            9124, Rev. 3. The Model No. HN-100 Series 2:is constructed.of A-36              f carbon steel. The Model No. HN-100 Series 2A is constructed of A-516,            [      r l                              Grade 70, carbon steel .                                                        L
                        .(b) Contents l  '
(1) Type and foru[of material                          #
A l'
N                                    A Process solids, either dewatered, solid or solidified, meeting the l                              requirements fo low specific activity material,',in, secondary containers.    .
dQ      A                        !{(
l Maximu,9 l                      (2)              m          material per packagepf          (,d
l.l                                    L, quanti IN a h CA            /64                                      [          J I
Greater, than Type- ATquantity9ef lradioactiv,e material which may contain        L fissiTe. materia 1TprBvided thEfissileimaterial does'not exceed the i,
i                              limitsjin10        571153YThe weightf ofithe contenti"a'nd secondary I
containers sh'CFRau notrex'ieedr14,000" pounds and the internal decay hea          =
l                              load "shall n'ot7 exceed 7 sattsq!; 7 N o v            D                          [
l' For any package    n  $Nbcont'aining,j~ii f i n\ bsubstancesh which could organic( $'
i dwaterjand/og l        6.-      (a)                                                                                            (
i i
radiolyticallyjgenerateicombustible;g{asesPdeteminationimust tests and measurements' or by analysis of atrepresentative package such  be made that by l      =
I:                      the following ' criteria are met?over ajperiodlof time?that is twice the l    l                      expected shipment 7 time:            %                6.)
  ;  l
                                                    *f)                            rp
'                            (1) The hydrogen generated must be limited to a ' molar quantity that would l.
[l i
be no more than 5% by' volume _(or equivalent limits for other inflam-              =
L    l                              mable gases) of the secoridary contaiger gas void if present 'at STP ~
!. I                              (i.e., no more than 0.063 g-moles /ft at 14.7 psia and 70*F); or                    :    ,
l I                                                                                                                  :
I                      (ii) The secondary container and cask cavity must be inerted with a diluent              i
                                    .to assure that oxygen must be limited to 5% by volume in those portions f                              of the package which could have hydrogen greater than 5%.
l    i,
!    l
!-    1                      For any package delivered to a carrier for transport, the secondary container              :
i I                      must be prepared for shipment in the same manner in which detemination for-                ;
I                      gas generation is made. Shipment wriod begins when the package is prepared                  z (sealed) and must be completed wit 11n twice the expected shipment time.
      !                  (b)  For any package shipped within 10 days of preparation, or within 10 days
,    I                      after venting of drums or other secondary containers, the detemination in                  f l-    I'                      (a) above need not be made, and the time restriction in (a) above does not                  ,.
I l
1                      a pply.
        - .. . . . . .    ..... . . . .                . . . . ,    ..      . , , . ,.        .. -            .,.,.,,,.o,                ,.....,.c        ,. ..    ., . 4.s            l I
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                                                                                                                            " * * "" * ; ?'                          '    "
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R I    page 3 - Certificate No. 9079 - Revision No. 13 - Docket No. 71-9079                                                                                                  b        l I                                                                                                                                                                          16        l I                                                                                                                                                                          y I                                                                                                                                                                      4      -
I                                                                                                                                                                          W g    7. Except for close fitting contents shoring must be placed between secondary                                                                                    ;g          ;
I          containers and the cask cavity to prevent movement during nonnal conditions of                                                                                  i I          trans port.                                                                                                                                                    I I                                                                                                                                                                          i l
: 8. The lid and shield plug lifting lugs must not be used for lifting the cask, and shall be covered in transit.
j l                                                                                                                                                                        II I    9. In addition to the requirements of Subpart G of 10 CFR Part 71:                                                                                              ju I                                                                                                                                                                          I I          (i) Prior to each shipment, the packaging lid seals, if opened (or if security                                                                                  5  -
l                  seal is broken), must be inspected.. _The seals must be replaced with new                                                                              l g                  seals if inspection shows ;ani! defects-orjevery twelve (12) months, whichever                                                                          y I                  occurs first. Cavity diainiliile 'and' optional / vent / test connection must be                                                                        I I                                                                                                                                                                          I I                  sealed with approp%)riate*1iealant applied to the-pipe plug threads.                                                                                    I g                                                                4
                                                                                                                            ~A I          (ii) Each cask mustJmeet the Acceptance Tests and Maintenance Program of Section 4.0                                                                            I l,                  of the application.                    In addition, the cask must be leak tested at least l
g                    once every twelve-(12) months in accordance with-Appendix 4.3.2 of the                                                                                !g t                    house Hittman procedure.STD-P-02-002, Rev. O.
W                                                                                                                                                                            I l
  !I application  4/.jor Weiting%    9 #                                    /NS                                -                                        !I I    10. The cask body and each cask 11d ~must:be marked in ~accordanceiwith 10 CFR 971.85(c).                                                                        il        <
l                                    j                      Sy                rf \f,                                          p ll    11. The package authorized by this(ce)rtificate must be; transported;on a motor vehi railroad car, aircraf t,> inl~ nd
                                                                                                                                                                                }jy i                                                            a watercraf tTor.holdfor deck ofsa' seagoing vessel
                                                                                                                                      -"                                        Iy l              assigned for the sole use of.:theilicensee.J e C                                                      2                                                        I I  lI                                W              % , M i d j ill M d '~ 0                                                '
EO                                          I i    12. The package authorized,bytthis certificate!is'hereby approved for use under the                                                                                  I E            general license pr'ovisionslof l.0!CFR                            2571 12.m                                      ?                                            l t
l                                          A" April  M W~'                                                                  '.W                                            !!
: 13. Expiration date:                                30',1988.          7Q  [tM;C      , *
                                                                                                          .    'W,              ,<                                              ll s ;                            v  i.,m                                    .                                                ,y
                                                    'Ae                          REFERENCES                              ,                                                    !I lIll                                              UA                                                                ,
ll l'    Nuclear Packaging, IncorporaEed application dated November 29, 1982.                                                                                              >
g -( A                      ,-          >
l, yl        Supplements dated:          March 3 and April 8',; 1983. O                                                                                                          I n
I l                                                                                                                                                                                .
I    W::stinghouse Hittman Nuclear Inc. supplement dated:                                        June 8, 1984.                                                            I I,                                                                                                                                                                          I I                                                                            FOR THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION                                                      I I                                                                                                                                                                            I I                                                                                                                                                                            I
[8[&                                            Y I                                                                          Charles E. MacDonald, Chief                                                                      I I                                                                          Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and                                                                      l      ;
l                                                                              Material Safety, NHSS y
      ;                                                                                                                                                                            y Date:                2W                                                                                                                                              h l                                                                                                                                                                            I I                                                                                                                                                                            I I                                                                                                                                                                            I I                                                                                                                                                                            I  ~
I                                                                                                                                                                            I l                                                                                                                                                                            l
  .-      irm
    .j' s'o,j                        UNITED STATES NUOLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
                    ;-                    wAsmNGTON, D. C. 20555
                  ,e h    , $,                                                                      ~ ~ ;
Transportation Certification Branch Approval Record Combustible Gas Mixtures Conditions were imposed on packages containing water and/or organic substances to limit the accumulation of radiolytically generated gases              _
over the shipping period to preclude the possibility of significantly          -
reducing the packaging effectiveness due to explosion.
Part of the conditions included " must be detemined by tests and measurements of a representative package whether or not...."
There is no reason to believe that calculational methods could not be used as means of determining gas generation. So as not to preclude a valid analysis, part of the condition to limit the accumulation of radiolytically generated gases is revised to read " must be determined by tests and measurements or by analysis of a representative package                  <
whether or not...."
The analytic approach involves determlning the hydrogen generated in the waste by radiolysis based on the absorbed dose of the waste over a given period of time. To satisfy the condition to preclude a combustible mixture, the period since closure and twice the shipping time must be considered. The calculation requires that the properties of the waste are known. These properties may be detemined from test and measurement of representative waste foms or from data that is applicable to the waste fom. The detemination should be documented and retained as part of the records for the shipment.
Wub $N Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety, NMSS Date:          22E S}}

Latest revision as of 08:24, 23 July 2020

Certificate of Compliance 9079,Rev 13,for Models Nupac 14D-2.0,HN-100 Series 2 & HN-100 Series 2A.Approval Record Encl
Person / Time
Site: 07109079
Issue date: 05/22/1985
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML20129B813 List:
NUDOCS 8506050339
Download: ML20129B833 (4)


y -.

, . . . .. , , ,. , , c s ,s s , , w < , ,, ,, , emu mm m m m m m mmmmmim-h - s A mm mm-g Y"


l 1 PREAMBLE *t. N '

l a. This certificate is issued to certify that the packaging and ces tents described in f'em 5 below. meets the applicable safety standaros set forth in Title 10. Code E l of Federal Regulations. Part 71,

  • Packaging of Radioacthe Matenals for Transport and Transportation of Radioactive Material Under Certain Conditions." I)

! b. This certificate does not reheve the consignor from comphance with any requirement of the regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation or otner N apphcable regulatory agencies, including the government of any co .ntry snrough or ento which the packap will be transported. f I

  • E, I
  • ik'IPIfES^e'v','".'*e*S'ffSs"'

u ***'* ' ^ **" ^"^''*l'M"'f' te No cE'I', 0f"^f' C f ou 'U" " Eo 7#^'s Fe P TAiON I Nuclear Packaging, Incorporated Nuclear Packaging, Incorporated, application l l

1010 South 336th Street Dated November 29, 1982, as supplemented. i l Federal Hay, WA 98003 g o g

y ,

p s 71-9079 3 Rl . e_6ccxEr NuueER u - '~, -

R l 4 CONDITIONS \ v" This certificate is conditional upon fulfilhng the requifements of 10 CFR Part 71, as apphcable, and the conditions specified below l*

ll (a) Packaging C' , }[

! (1) Model Nos.l NUPAC 14D-2.0, HN-100 Series 2 and HN-100 Series 2A lB W

-y N l

(2) Descriptbn , .

j <
m. l, Steel encased, lead shielded casks for low specific activity material, lg The casks are right circular tyli_nders 81-1/2 inches high by 81-3/4 e inches in diameter. The cask cavities are 73-3/8 inches high by 75- N 1/2 inches in diameter. The cask side walls consists'of a 3/8-inch N thick' inner steel shell,-a 'l-3/4-inch lead shell, and 'a 7/8-inch thick E I outer steel shell. ' Each Tbas'e is comprised of two, 2-inch thick steel l plates ' welded, fonn a 4-inch. thick base which is integrally p welded to the inner arid outer steel shells' of the side wall. A steel i flange is welded to the inner and outer steel shells of the side wall I at the top. 'The lid is comprised of two, 2-inch thick steel plates. E which are stepped and welded together to mate with the steel flange. !j The cask closures are sealed by a Neoprene gasket located between the Ip lid and steel flange, positive closure of the lid is accomplished by g eight rachet binders. The lid contains a centrally located shield N plug comprised of two, 2-inch thick steel plates and one,1-inch thick l steel plate stepped and welded. The shield plug is sealed by a Neoprene il!,

l gasket, and eight, 3/4-inch studs and nuts are used to provide positive closu re, y Tie-down is accomplished by four tie-down lugs welded to the cask i body. There are four cask lifting lugs, three lid lifting lugs, and R one shield plug lifting lug. The package gross weight is approximately J

48,000 pounds.

I .

q I

l5 s :

N I4 lN ll !N'

l l
  1. B506050339 850522 l[y#

N PDR ADOCK 07109079 I '

il C PDR l ll N H------------------------------------------.------.--n

1 jf N'" - conomous (continuedy umcm mwaunosum>

  • ~

ll 1Page c2 - Certificate No. 9079 - Revision No.13 - Docket No. 71-9079 l ll ll l r .

[ - 5. - (a)L(3): Drawings l'

l The Model No. NUPAC 14D-2.0 packaging is fabricated in accordance with ,L Nuclear Packaging, Incorporated Drawing No. X-20-215D, Revision B; or l.l [

I The Model Nos. HN-100 Series 2 and HN-100 Series 2A packaging is I fabricated in.accordance with Hittman Nuclear & Development Corp. .  !=

I Drawing Nos.: . C001-5-9122, Rev. 5; C001-5-9123, Rev. 3; and C001 I' 9124, Rev. 3. The Model No. HN-100 Series 2:is constructed.of A-36 f carbon steel. The Model No. HN-100 Series 2A is constructed of A-516, [ r l Grade 70, carbon steel . L

.(b) Contents l '

(1) Type and foru[of material #

A l'

N A Process solids, either dewatered, solid or solidified, meeting the l requirements fo low specific activity material,',in, secondary containers. .



dQ A  !{(

l Maximu,9 l (2) m material per packagepf (,d


l.l L, quanti IN a h CA /64 [ J I

Greater, than Type- ATquantity9ef lradioactiv,e material which may contain L fissiTe. materia 1TprBvided thEfissileimaterial does'not exceed the i,

i limitsjin10 571153YThe weightf ofithe contenti"a'nd secondary I

containers sh'CFRau notrex'ieedr14,000" pounds and the internal decay hea =

l load "shall n'ot7 exceed 7 sattsq!; 7 N o v D [

l' For any package n $Nbcont'aining,j~ii f i n\ bsubstancesh which could organic( $'

i dwaterjand/og l 6.- (a) (

i i

radiolyticallyjgenerateicombustible;g{asesPdeteminationimust tests and measurements' or by analysis of atrepresentative package such be made that by l =

I: the following ' criteria are met?over ajperiodlof time?that is twice the l l expected shipment 7 time:  % 6.)

  • f) rp

' (1) The hydrogen generated must be limited to a ' molar quantity that would l.

[l i

be no more than 5% by' volume _(or equivalent limits for other inflam- =

L l mable gases) of the secoridary contaiger gas void if present 'at STP ~

!. I (i.e., no more than 0.063 g-moles /ft at 14.7 psia and 70*F); or  : ,

l I  :

I (ii) The secondary container and cask cavity must be inerted with a diluent i

.to assure that oxygen must be limited to 5% by volume in those portions f of the package which could have hydrogen greater than 5%.

l i,

! l

!- 1 For any package delivered to a carrier for transport, the secondary container  :

i I must be prepared for shipment in the same manner in which detemination for-  ;

I gas generation is made. Shipment wriod begins when the package is prepared z (sealed) and must be completed wit 11n twice the expected shipment time.



! (b) For any package shipped within 10 days of preparation, or within 10 days

, I after venting of drums or other secondary containers, the detemination in f l- I' (a) above need not be made, and the time restriction in (a) above does not ,.

I l

1 a pply.










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g p rad c '" conolinous (continu:s>

" * * "" * ; ?' ' "

I 1 I

R I page 3 - Certificate No. 9079 - Revision No. 13 - Docket No. 71-9079 b l I 16 l I y I 4 -

I W g 7. Except for close fitting contents shoring must be placed between secondary ;g  ;

I containers and the cask cavity to prevent movement during nonnal conditions of i I trans port. I I i l


8. The lid and shield plug lifting lugs must not be used for lifting the cask, and shall be covered in transit.

j l II I 9. In addition to the requirements of Subpart G of 10 CFR Part 71: ju I I I (i) Prior to each shipment, the packaging lid seals, if opened (or if security 5 -

l seal is broken), must be inspected.. _The seals must be replaced with new l g seals if inspection shows ;ani! defects-orjevery twelve (12) months, whichever y I occurs first. Cavity diainiliile 'and' optional / vent / test connection must be I I I I sealed with approp%)riate*1iealant applied to the-pipe plug threads. I g 4

~A I (ii) Each cask mustJmeet the Acceptance Tests and Maintenance Program of Section 4.0 I l, of the application. In addition, the cask must be leak tested at least l

g once every twelve-(12) months in accordance with-Appendix 4.3.2 of the !g t house Hittman procedure.STD-P-02-002, Rev. O.

W I l

!I application 4/.jor Weiting% 9 # /NS - !I I 10. The cask body and each cask 11d ~must:be marked in ~accordanceiwith 10 CFR 971.85(c). il <

l j Sy rf \f, p ll 11. The package authorized by this(ce)rtificate must be; transported;on a motor vehi railroad car, aircraf t,> inl~ nd

}jy i a watercraf tTor.holdfor deck ofsa' seagoing vessel

-" Iy l assigned for the sole use of.:theilicensee.J e C 2 I I lI W  % , M i d j ill M d '~ 0 '

EO I i 12. The package authorized,bytthis certificate!is'hereby approved for use under the I E general license pr'ovisionslof l.0!CFR 2571 12.m  ? l t

l A" April M W~' '.W  !!


13. Expiration date: 30',1988. 7Q [tM;C , *

. 'W, ,< ll s ; v i.,m . ,y


ll l' Nuclear Packaging, IncorporaEed application dated November 29, 1982. >

g -( A ,- >

l, yl Supplements dated: March 3 and April 8',; 1983. O I n

I l .

I W::stinghouse Hittman Nuclear Inc. supplement dated: June 8, 1984. I I, I I FOR THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION I I I I I

[8[& Y I Charles E. MacDonald, Chief I I Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and l  ;

l Material Safety, NHSS y

y Date
2W h l I I I I I I I ~

I I l l

.- irm


- wAsmNGTON, D. C. 20555

,e h , $, ~ ~ ;

Transportation Certification Branch Approval Record Combustible Gas Mixtures Conditions were imposed on packages containing water and/or organic substances to limit the accumulation of radiolytically generated gases _

over the shipping period to preclude the possibility of significantly -

reducing the packaging effectiveness due to explosion.

Part of the conditions included " must be detemined by tests and measurements of a representative package whether or not...."

There is no reason to believe that calculational methods could not be used as means of determining gas generation. So as not to preclude a valid analysis, part of the condition to limit the accumulation of radiolytically generated gases is revised to read " must be determined by tests and measurements or by analysis of a representative package <

whether or not...."

The analytic approach involves determlning the hydrogen generated in the waste by radiolysis based on the absorbed dose of the waste over a given period of time. To satisfy the condition to preclude a combustible mixture, the period since closure and twice the shipping time must be considered. The calculation requires that the properties of the waste are known. These properties may be detemined from test and measurement of representative waste foms or from data that is applicable to the waste fom. The detemination should be documented and retained as part of the records for the shipment.

Wub $N Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety, NMSS Date: 22E S