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{{#Wiki_filter:; Quick Tables -American FactFinder Page 1 of 3 BU's2s 0doo r, ; -&Z T.s rrt!3a;;wasArneliC3n FactWinde 1 DP-3. Profile of Selected Economic Characteristics:
{{#Wiki_filter:Page 1 of 3
2000 Data Set: Census 2000 Summary File 3 (SF 3) -Sample Data Geographic Area: Minnesota NOTE: Data based on a sample except in P3, P4, H3, and H4. For information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions see http://factfinder.census.90ovlhometenfdatanoteslexosl3.htm.
; Quick Tables - American FactFinder BU's2s               0doo r,   rrt T.s      ;   -&Z
Subject Number Percent EMPLOYMENTSTATUS Population 16 years and over 3,781,756 100.0 In labor force 2,691,709 71.2 Civilian labor force 2,689,115 71.1 Employed 2.580.046 68.2 Unemoloyed 109.069 2.9 Percent of civilian labor force 4.1 (X Armed Forces 2,594 0.1 Not in labor force 1.090,047 28.8 Females 16 years and over 1,931,097 100.0 In labor force 1.275,413 66.0 Civilian labor force 1,275,090 66.0 Employed 1,231.124 63.8 Own children under 6 years 384,991 100.0 11 parents In family in labor force 264.979 68.8 COMMUTING TO WORK Workers 16 years and over 2,541,611 100.0 ar. truck, or van -drove alone 1,971,668 77.6 Car, truck, or van -carpooled 264,690 10.4 Public transportation (including taxicab) 81,276 3.2 alked 84,148 3.3 Other means 23,175 0.9 Worked at home 116,654 4.6 Mean travel time to work (minutes) 21.9 (X Employed civilian populatlon.16 years and over 2.580,046 100.0 OCCUPATION Management, professional.
and related occupations 923,768 35.8 Service occupations 354,147 13.7 Sales and office occupations  
wasArneliC3n FactWinde                                         1 DP-3. Profile of Selected Economic Characteristics: 2000 Data Set: Census 2000 Summary File 3 (SF 3) - Sample Data Geographic Area: Minnesota sampling error, NOTE: Data based on a sample except in P3, P4, H3, and H4. For information on confidentiality protection, nonsampling error, and definitions see http://factfinder.census.90ovlhometenfdatanoteslexosl3.htm.
-683.389 26.5 Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations 17,674 0.7 Construction, extraction, and maintenance occupations 217,294 8.4 Production.
Number               Percent Subject EMPLOYMENTSTATUS 3,781,756                 100.0 Population 16 years and over 2,691,709                   71.2 In labor force 2,689,115                   71.1 Civilian labor force 2.580.046                   68.2 Employed 109.069                   2.9 Unemoloyed 4.1                (X Percent of civilian labor force 2,594                   0.1 Armed Forces 1.090,047                 28.8 Not in labor force 1,931,097                 100.0 Females 16 years and over 1.275,413                 66.0 In labor force 1,275,090                 66.0 Civilian labor force 1,231.124                 63.8 Employed 384,991                 100.0 Own children under 6 years 264.979                 68.8 11parents In family in labor force COMMUTING TO WORK 2,541,611                 100.0 Workers 16 years and over 1,971,668                  77.6 ar. truck, or van - drove alone 264,690                  10.4 Car, truck, or van - carpooled 81,276                  3.2 Public transportation (including taxicab) 84,148                   3.3 alked 23,175                   0.9 Other means 116,654                   4.6 Worked at home 21.9                (X Mean travel time to work (minutes) 2.580,046                100.0 Employed civilian populatlon.16 years and over OCCUPATION 923,768                  35.8 Management, professional. and related occupations 354,147                 13.7 Service occupations 683.389                 26.5 Sales and office occupations         -
transportation, and material moving occupations 383.774 14.9 INDUSTRY Agriculture.
17,674                   0.7 Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations 217,294                   8.4 Construction, extraction, and maintenance occupations 383.774                 14.9 Production. transportation, and material moving occupations INDUSTRY
forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining *67,883 2.6 Construction 153,267 5.9 Manufacturing 419.271 16.3 Wholesale trade 92.854 3.6 Retail trade 307,714 11.9 Transportation and warehousing, and utilities 131,683 5.1 Information 65.460 2.5 nance. insurance, real estate. and rental and leasing 184,874 7.ofessional, scientific, management.
                                                                                                          *67,883                   2.6 Agriculture. forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining 153,267                   5.9 Construction 419.271                 16.3 Manufacturing 92.854                   3.6 Wholesale trade 307,714                 11.9 Retail trade 131,683                  5.1 Transportation and warehousing, and utilities 65.460                   2.5 Information 184,874                  7.
administrative, and waste management services 227,064 8.8 JEducational, health and social services 539,111 20.9 entertainment, recreation, accommodation and food services 186,001 7.2 n_- -sov -.A XCid;A*rsy,5 .yq /crCv lL-) D n .n '5 Qcq Quick Tables -American FactFinder Page 2 of 3 Subject. .Number Percent O0ther services (except public administration)
nance. insurance, real estate. and rental and leasing 227,064                  8.8 ofessional, scientific, management. administrative, and waste management services 539,111                  20.9 JEducational, health and social services 186,001                  7.2 entertainment, recreation, accommodation and food services                                                                       n_- -sov-. A XCid;A*rsy,5                     .n5
=118,322 4.6 ublic administration 8,4 3.4 CLASS OF WORKER .o Private wage and salary workers 2,074,432 80.4 Governmentworkers 318,93 12.4 Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business 178,586 6.c Un0aid family workers 8_096_0._INCOME IN 1999..Households i 1,896,20( 100.d Less than n10.000 127g955 6.7 510,000 to S14,999 102 205 5.4 t15h000 to S24e999 216 08n 11.4 S25.000 to $34.999 234,300 12.4 M35,000 to S49I999 322 52l 17.r$50.000 to 574,999 424.867 22.4 h75.000 to e99t999 228.834 12.1 5100.000 to $149,999 156,565 8.3 S150.000 to S199.999 40,734 2.1 S200,000 or more 42,131 2.2 Median household income (dollars) 47I111 (X'With earnings _1,580,573 83.4 Mean eamnings (dollars) 59,189 (X'With Souial Securita income 453,443 23.9 Mean Social Security Income (dollars) 11,471 (XI ,With Supplemental Securitv Income 54,348 2.S I Mean Supplemental Securitv Income (dollars) 6,501 (X 10th public assistance income .65.144 3.4 Mean public assistance income (dollars) 3,094 (X*ith retirement income 260_169 13.7 Mean retirement income (dollars) 17_034 (X'Families 1,262,953 100.0 Less than $10,000 39,374 3.1 S10.000 to S14.999 35,957 2.8 S15.C00 to S24,999 103,126 8.2 525,000 to $34,999 .132,108_ 10.'535.000 to $49.999 215,891 17.1$50.000 to $74,999 334,735 26.5$75.000 to $99,999 193.86815.4
                                                                                                              .yq     /crCv lL-)   D n   '     Qcq
$100,000 to S149.999 136,084 10.9 3150.000 to S199.999 35,640 2.8 3200,000 or more 36,170 2., Median family income (dollars) 56,874 _ _ _ _ j 1.Per capita income (dollars) 23,198 ( X W Median earnings (dollars):
Male full-time, year-round workers 39.364 (Female full-time.
Quick Tables - American FactFinder                                                                             Page 2 of 3 Subject.                                                           .Number                         Percent
year-round workers 28,708 (X'POVERTY STATUS IN 1999 (below poverty level) .Families 64.181 (X Percent below Poverty level _ _5.1 With related children under 18 years49,818 (Percent below poverty level (X 7._With related children under 5 years 25,426 _Percent below poverty level (X) 10.0 Families with female householder, no husband present 31,233 (XI Percent below poverty level (X' 19.3 Kith related children under 18 years 28,878X)
                                                              =118,322                                   4.6 O0ther services (except public administration) 8,4                 3.4 ublic administration CLASS OF WORKER                                               .o 2,074,432           80.4 Private wage and salary workers 318,93             12.4 Governmentworkers 178,586              6.c Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business Un0aid family workers                                                               8_096_0._
Quick Tables -American FactFinder Page 3 of 3 iSubject Numberl Percen Percent below poverty level () 25.0 With related children under 5 years 14,824 (X)Percent below poverty level (X) 37.9 Individuals 380,476 IX)Percent below poverty level (X' 7.9 18 years and over 258,785 (X Percent below poverty level (X) 7.3 65 years and over 45,405 (X)Percent below poverty level -(X 8.2 Related children under 18 years 115,441 (X)Percent below poverty level (X 9.2 Related children 5 to 17 years 81,089 (X)Percent below poverty level (X) 8.7 Unrelated individuals 15 years and over 160.379 (X)Percent below poverty level (X) 18.-1 (X) Not applicable.
INCOME IN 1999..
Detailed Occupation Code List (PDF 42KB)Detailed Industry Code List (PDF 44KB)User note on emolovment status data (PDF 63KB)Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Summary File 3, Matrices P30, P32, P33, P43, P46, P49, P50, P51, P52, P53, P58, P62, P63, P64, P65, P67. P71, P72, P73. P74, P76, P77, P82, P87, P90, PCT47, PCT52, and PCT53 Quick Tables -American FactFinder Page 1 of 5 DP-3. Profile of Selected Economic Characteristics:
i                                                         1,896,20(           100.d Households 127g955             6.7 Less thann10.000 102 205              5.4 510,000 to S14,999 t15h000 to S24e999                                                             216 08n           11.4 234,300            12.4 S25.000 to $34.999 to S49I999                                                           322 52l           17.r M35,000 424.867           22.4
2000 Data Set: Census 2000 Summarv File 3 (SF 3) -Sample Data Geographic Area: Sherburne County, Minnesota NOTE: Data based on a sample except in P3, P4, H3, and H4. For information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions see htto://factfinder.census.oovlhomelen/datanotes/exosf3.htrn.
  $50.000 to 574,999 h75.000 toe99t999                                                            228.834           12.1 156,565              8.3 5100.000 to $149,999 40,734              2.1 S150.000 to S199.999 42,131              2.2 S200,000 or more 47I111              (X' Median household income (dollars)
Subject Numbe Percent EMPLOYMENT STATUS Population 16 years and over 46,642 100.0 In labor force 35.429 76.0 Civilian labor force 35,425 76.0 Employed .34.509 74.0 Unemployed 916 2.0 Percent of civilian labor force 2.6 (XI Armed Forces ._4 0._Not in labor force 11.213 24.0 Females 16 years and over 22.969 100.0 In labor force ._ 16,342 71.1 Civilian labor force a 16,342 71.1 Emplov a ed6 008 69_7 Own children under 6 years_6,271 100_ _All parents in family In labor force 4,517 72.0 COMMUTING TO WORK Workers 16 years and over 34,084 100.0 Car, truck, or van-drove alone 27r662 81.2 Car, truck. or van -carpooled 4,229 12.4 Public transportation (including taxicab) 126 0.4 Walked 42i 1.3 Other means 159 0.5 Worked at home -1,481 4.3 Mean travel time to work (minutes) 29.9 -(EmploFed civilian population 16 years and over 34,509 100.0 OCCUPATION Management.
_1,580,573           83.4 With earnings 59,189             (X' Mean eamnings (dollars) 453,443           23.9 With Souial Securita income 11,471              (XI Mean Social Security Income (dollars) 54,348             2.S
professional, and related occuoations 100229.0 Service occupations 4,331 12.6 Sae an ofieouan 9,007 26.1 raming, fishing. and forestry occupations 100.5 Construction.
,With Supplemental Securitv Income 6,501             (X I Mean Supplemental Securitv Income (dollars)
extraction, and maintenance occupations 4,369 12.7 Production, transportation, and material moving occupations 6 _630_19.2 INDUSTRY Agriculture.
                                                              .65.144                                   3.4 10th public assistance income 3,094             (X Mean public assistance income (dollars) 260_169           13.7
forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining 387 1.1 Construction 3-9 9.5 Manufacturing 7,353 21.3 Wholesale trade 1.244 3.6 Retail trade -4,57 13.3 ransportation and warehousing, and utilities  
    *ith retirement income                                                                              (X' Mean retirement income (dollars)                                             17_034 Families                                                         1,262,953           100.0 39,374             3.1 Less than $10,000 35,957             2.8 S10.000 to S14.999 103,126             8.2 S15.C00 to S24,999
-6.1 Information 665 1.9 Finance, Insurance, real estate, and rental and leasing 1,842 5.3 Professional, scientific, management.
                                .                                                 132,108_           10.'
administrative, and waste management services 2,191 6.3 Educational, health and social services 6,136 17.8 , entertainment, recreation, accommodation and food services 2,053 ._ 5.9 Other services (except public administration) 1,512 44 KI DL Quick Tables -American FactFinder Page 2 of 5 Subject Numberl Percent Public administration 1,1511 3.3 CLASS OF WORKER -Private wage and salary workers 27,940 81.C Governmentworkers 4,214 12.2 Self-emoloved workers in own not Incorporated business 2.289 6__Unoaid family workers *661 0.2 INCOME IN 1999 Households 1 21,625 / 100.0 Lessthan 510,000 -697 32$10.000 to $14,999 809 3.7$15.000 to S24,999 1,58 7.3$25,000 to $34,999 2.12 9.8$35,000 to S49,999 3,634 16.8$50,000 to S74,999 6,506 30.1$75.000 to S99.999 3,75817.4$100,000 to $149.999 1,91 8.8$150,000 to 5199.999 296 1.4 200000 or more1.4 Median household income (dollars) o57l014r With earnings 19.553 90.4 Mean earnings (dollars) 61.963 (X With Sopal Secusity income 3,66 16.9 Mean Social Security income (dollars) 11,644 (With Supplemental Security Income 437 2.0 Mean Supplemental Security Income (dollars) 6,695 (X With public assistance Income .-314 1.5 Mean publicassistance income (dollars) 2.516 W With retirement income 2,32810.8 Mean retirement income (dollars) 15.39 (Families 16,821 100.0 Less than 510.000 23 1.4 10,000 to 514.999 27 1.C 15.000 to 524.999 90 5.4 525.000 to $34.999 1.48 8.8 535.000 to $49.999 2,82 16.8$50.000 to $74,999 5.383 32.0$75.000 to $99.999 3,454 20.5$100.000 to S149,999 1,74510.4$150.000 to S199,999 276 -1.6$200.000 or more 244 1.5 Median family Income (dollars) 61,790 (Per capita income (dollars) 21,32 (Xi Median earnings (dollars):
525,000 to $34,999 215,891             17.1 535.000 to $49.999 334,735           26.5
Male full-time, year-round workers 41,601 (Female full-time.
  $50.000 to $74,999
year-round workers 27,68 (POVERTY STATUS IN 1999 (below poverty level)Families 386 (Xl Percent below poverty level ( 2.3 With related children under 18 years -308 M Percent below poverty level (X 3.1i With related children under 5 years 156 (Percent below poverty level ( 3.8 Families with female householder, no husband present 239 (X1 Percent below poverty level .15.0 With related children under 18 years 216_ _Percent below poverty level (X 18._With related children under 5 years 10_ (X Quick Tables -Amencan .actFmder Page 3 of 5 Subject Number Perceni Percent below poverty level .(X 30.5 Individuals 2,776 (X)Percent below poverty level W(X 4.4 18 years and over 2,006 (Xl Percent below poverty level (X) 4.6 65 years and over 424 (XI Percent below poverty level (X 10.1 Related children under 18 years 679 (X)Percent below poverty level (X 3.5 Related children 5 to 17 years 454 (X: ,Percent below poverty level (X) 3.2 Unrelated individuals 15 years and over 1,531 (X: Percent below poverty level (X 19.61 (X) Not applicable.
  $75.000 to $99,999                                                               193.86815.4 136,084            10.9
Detailed Occupation Code List (PDF 42KB)Detailed Industry Code List (PDF 44KB)User note on emolovment status data (PDF 63KB)Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Summary File 3, Matrices P30, P32, P33, P43, P46, P49, P50. P51, P52, P53, P58, P62, P63, P64, P65, P67, P71, P72, P73, P74, P76, P77, P82, P87, P90, PCT47, PCT52, and PCT53 DP-3. Profile of Selected Economic Characteristics:
  $100,000 to S149.999 35,640              2.8 3150.000 to S199.999 36,170              2.,
2000 Data Set: Census 2000 Summary File 3 (SF 3) -Sample Data Geographic Area: Wright County, Minnesota NOTE: Data based on a sample except in P3, P4, H3, and H4. For Information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions see htto:/Ifactfinder.census.aov/home/en/datanotesfexosf3.htm.
3200,000 or more
Subject Numbe Percent EMPLOYMENT STATUS N Population 16 years and over 64,943 100.0 In labor force 49,527 76.3 Civilian labor force 49,508 76.2 Employed 48.045 74.0 Unemployed 1,463 2.3 Percent of civilian labor force 3.0 (X Armed Forces Is.. 0.0 Not In labor force 15.416 23.7 Females 16 years and over 32.541 100.0 In labor force 23.186 71.3 Civilian labor force 23.184 71.2 Employed 22.658 69.6 Own children under 6 years 8,702 100.0 All parents In family In labor force 6,307 72.5 COMMUTING TO WORK Workers 16years and over 47,284 100.0 Car, truck, or van -drove alone 37,957 80.3 Car, truck, or van -carpooled 5,946 12.6 Public transportation (including taxicab) 164 0.3 Walked 647 1.4 Other means 269 0.6 Worked at home 2,301 4.9 Mean travel time to work (minutes)  
_    56,874
'29.1 (X Employed civilian population 16 years and over 48,045 100.0 OCCUPATION' Management, professional.
_                      1. j Median family income (dollars)                                           _ _
and related occupations 14,020 29.2 I of\.1, .ko Quick Tables -American Fact1'inder Page 4 of 5 Subject Number Percent Service occupations 6.012 12.5 Sales and office occupations 12,549 26.1 Farming. fishing, and forestry occupations 296 0.6 Construction, extraction, and maintenance occupations 5,988 12.5 Production, transportation, and material moving occupations 9,180 19.1 INDUSTRY Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining2.1 Construction 4,850 10.1 Manufacturing 9.882 20.6 Wholesale trade 2.1264.4 Retail trade 6020 12.Transportation and warehousing, and utilities 2.371 4.'Information  
23,198      ( X    W Per capita income (dollars)
-79 1.7 Finance, insurance, real estate, and rental and leasing 2.881 6.0 Professional, scientific.
Median earnings (dollars):
39.364              (
administrative, and waste management services 399 .Educational.
Male full-time, year-round workers 28,708              (X' Female full-time. year-round workers
health and social services 8.29817.3 Arts, entertainment.
recreabion, accommodation and food services .2,436 S .1 Other services (exceot public administration) 2.253 4.7 Public administration 1,132 2.4 CLASS OF WORKER Private wage and salary workers 39.545 82.3 Government workers 4,73s 9.g Self-employed workers In own not incorporated business 3578_ ___ 7.4 Unpaid family workers 189 0.4 INCOME IN 1999 Households 31,415 100.a Less than $10,000 1.330 4.2$10.000 to 514,9999 1,24 4.C 515.000 to 524.999 .2,675 8.'$25.000 to $34,999 3,433 1 0.S$35.000 to 549.999 5,374 17.1 550.000 to S74.999- 8,657 27.6$75.000 to S99.999 4.712 15.0$100.000 to SI 49.999 2.943 9.4$150,000 to S199.999 599 1.9 200000 or more45 1.4 Median household income (dollars) 53,945 (X'With earnings2 88.4 Mean earnings (dollars) 60,727 (X)With Social Security Income 6,245 19.9 Mean Social Security income (dollars) 11,288(X)With Supplemental Security Income 757 2.4 Mean Supplemental Security Income (dollars)
POVERTY STATUS IN 1999 (below poverty level)
.*66 (X)With public assistance Income 683 22 Mean public assistance income (dollars) 2,48 (X With retirement Income 3,552 11.3 Mean retirement Income (dollars) 14,920 (X'Families 100.0 Less than 510,000 483 2.0$10.000 to S14.999 520 2.2$15.000 to 524.999 _ 1.46.' 6.1$25,000 to 334.999 2,1519.0$35.000 to 549.999 3.893 16.3$50.000 to 574,999 7,593 31.7$75.000 to 599,999 4.260 17.8$100,000 to S149.999 2.66 11.1$150,000 to S199.999 549 2$200,000 or more 363 1.C Median familv Income (dollars) 60,940 (XI HiEcK laDles -Amencan .k'acthmcler Page 5 of 5 Subject Number Percent Per capita Income (dollars) 21,844 (X)Median earnings (dollars):
Families                                                             64.181             (X Percent below Poverty level                                     _       _5.1
Male full-time, year-round workers 40,630 (X)Female full-time, year-round workers 28,201 (XI POVERTY STATUS IN 1999 (below poverty level)Families 868(X)Percent below poverty level (X 3.6 With related children under 18 years 654 (X)Percent below poverty level (X 4.8 With related children under 5 years 359 (X)Percent below poverty level (X) 6.5 Families with female householder, no husband present 377 (X)Percent below poverty level (X 16.7 With related children under 18 years 367 (X)Percent below poverty level (XI 22.2 With related children under 5 years 190 (X]Percent below poverty level (XI 35.0 Individuals 4.211 (X)Percent below poverty level (Xl 4.7 18 years and over 2,567 (XI Percent below poverty level (X) 4.2 65 vears and over 547 (X)Percent below poverty level (X 7.4 Related children under 18 years 1,512 (X)Percent below poverty level (X) 5.5 Related children 5 to 17 years 1.016 (X: Percent below poverty level (X) 5.1 Unrelated individuals 15 years and over 1,324 (X: Percent below poverty level (X 12.4 (X) Not applicable.
Detailed Occupation Code List (PDF 42KB)Detailed Industry Code List (PDF 44KB)User note on employment status data (PDF 63KB)Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Summary File 3, Matrices P30, P32. P33, P43, P46, P49. P50, P51, P52, P53, P58, P62, P63, P64, P65, P67, P71, P72, P73, P74, P76, P77, P82, P87, P90, PCT47, PCT52, and PCT53 f%, (C% '? '(P&C110 ;"}}
With related children under 18 years49,818 (X            7._
Percent below poverty level With related children under 5 years                                         25,426 _
Percent below poverty level                                           (X)           10.0 31,233              (XI Families with female householder, no husband present Percent below poverty level                                           (X'           19.3 Kith related children under 18 years                                             28,878X)
Quick Tables - American FactFinder                                                                                     Page 3 of 3 iSubject                                                                                     Numberl       Percen Percent below poverty level                                                         ()           25.0 With related children under 5 years                                                       14,824             (X)
Percent below poverty level                                                         (X)         37.9 Individuals                                                                       380,476             IX)
Percent below poverty level                                                         (X'           7.9 18 years and over                                                                           258,785             (X Percent below poverty level                                                         (X)           7.3 65 years and over                                                                         45,405             (X)
Percent below poverty level     -(X                                                               8.2 Related children under 18 years                                                               115,441             (X)
Percent below poverty level                                                       (X             9.2 Related children 5 to 17 years                                                           81,089             (X)
Percent below poverty level                                                       (X)           8.7 Unrelated individuals 15 years and over                                                       160.379             (X)
Percent below poverty level                                                         (X)         18.-1 (X) Not applicable.
Detailed Occupation Code List (PDF 42KB)
Detailed Industry Code List (PDF 44KB)
User note on emolovment status data (PDF 63KB)
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Summary File 3,Matrices P30, P32, P33, P43, P46, P49, P50, P51, P52, P53, P58, P62, P63, P64, P65, P67. P71, P72, P73. P74, P76, P77, P82, P87, P90, PCT47, PCT52, and PCT53
Quick Tables - American FactFinder                                                                                               Page 1 of 5 DP-3. Profile of Selected Economic Characteristics: 2000 Data Set: Census 2000 Summarv File 3 (SF 3) - Sample Data Geographic Area: Sherburne County, Minnesota NOTE: Data based on a sample except in P3, P4, H3, and H4. For information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions see htto://factfinder.census.oovlhomelen/datanotes/exosf3.htrn.
Subject                                                                                             Numbe               Percent EMPLOYMENT STATUS Population 16 years and over                                                           46,642               100.0 In labor force                                                                                       35.429                 76.0 Civilian labor force                                                                           35,425                 76.0 Employed                   .
34.509                 74.0 Unemployed                                                                                   916                 2.0 Percent of civilian labor force                                                           2.6               (XI Armed Forces                                                   ._4                                                   0._
Not in labor force                                                                                   11.213                 24.0 Females 16 years and over                                                             22.969               100.0 In labor force                                                             ._                       16,342                 71.1 Civilian labor force   a                                                                     16,342                 71.1 Emplov       a ed6                                                                           008               69_7 Own children under 6 years_6,271                                                                           _ 100_
All parents in family In labor force                                                                   4,517               72.0 COMMUTING TO WORK Workers 16 years and over                                                             34,084               100.0 Car, truck, or van-drove alone                                                                       27r662                 81.2 Car, truck. or van -carpooled                                                                         4,229               12.4 Public transportation (including taxicab)                                                               126                 0.4 Walked                                                                                                   42i                 1.3 Other means                                                                                             159                 0.5 1,481                 4.3 Worked at home Mean travel time to work (minutes)
29.9           -   (   KI DL EmploFed civilian population 16 years and over                                         34,509               100.0 OCCUPATION Management. professional, and related occuoations                                                   100229.0 Service occupations                                                                                   4,331                 12.6 Sae an ofieouan                                                                                       9,007               26.1 raming, fishing. and forestry occupations                                                           100.5 Construction. extraction, and maintenance occupations                                                 4,369                 12.7 Production, transportation, and material moving occupations                                           6       _630_19.2 INDUSTRY Agriculture. forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining                                                   387                 1.1 Construction                                                                                         3-9                   9.5 Manufacturing                                                                                         7,353                 21.3 Wholesale trade                                                                                       1.244                 3.6 Retail trade       -4,57 13.3 ransportation and warehousing, and utilities                             -                                               6.1 Information                                                                                             665                 1.9 Finance, Insurance, real estate, and rental and leasing                                               1,842                 5.3 Professional, scientific, management. administrative, and waste management services                   2,191                 6.3 Educational, health and social services                                                               6,136                 17.8
      , entertainment, recreation, accommodation and food services                                   2,053 .         _     5.9 Other services (except public administration)                                                         1,512                 44
Quick Tables - American FactFinder                                                             Page 2 of 5 Numberl     Percent Subject 1,1511         3.3 Public administration CLASS OF WORKER                     -
27,940         81.C Private wage and salary workers 4,214       12.2 Governmentworkers 2.289          6__
Self-emoloved workers in own not Incorporated business
                                                          *661                             0.2 Unoaid family workers INCOME IN 1999 Households                                                 1 21,625   /   100.0 32 Lessthan 510,000       -697 809          3.7
$10.000 to $14,999 1,58          7.3
$15.000 to S24,999 2.12          9.8
$25,000 to $34,999 3,634        16.8
$35,000 to S49,999 6,506        30.1
$50,000 to S74,999
$75.000 to S99.999                                                         3,75817.4 1,91          8.8
$100,000 to $149.999 296          1.4
$150,000 to 5199.999 200000 or more1.4 Medianhousehold income           (dollars) o57l014r 19.553       90.4 With earnings 61.963           (X Mean earnings (dollars) 3,66         16.9 With Sopal Secusity income 11,644          (
Mean Social Security income (dollars) 437          2.0 With Supplemental Security Income 6,695          (X Mean Supplemental Security Income (dollars)
                                              .-                               314         1.5 With public assistance Income 2.516          W Mean publicassistance income (dollars)
With retirement income                                                     2,32810.8 15.39          (
Mean retirement income (dollars)
Families                                                      16,821       100.0 23          1.4 Less than 510.000 10,000 to 514.999                                                           27           1.C 15.000 to 524.999                                                           90           5.4 1.48           8.8 525.000 to $34.999 2,82         16.8 535.000 to $49.999 5.383       32.0
$50.000 to $74,999 3,454       20.5
$75.000 to $99.999
$100.000 to S149,999                                                       1,74510.4 276        -1.6
$150.000 to S199,999 244          1.5
$200.000 or more 61,790          (
Median family Income (dollars) 21,32            (Xi Per capita income (dollars)
Median earnings (dollars):
41,601          (
Male full-time, year-round workers 27,68          (
Female full-time. year-round workers POVERTY STATUS IN 1999 (below poverty level)
Families                                                         386         (Xl Percent below poverty level                                   (           2.3
                                                                  -308                      M With related children under 18 years Percent below poverty level                                   (X         3.1i With related children under 5 years                                       156         (
Percent below poverty level                                   (           3.8 239          (X1 Families with female householder, no husband present Percent below poverty level                           .                 15.0 216_
With related children under 18 years                                     _
Percent below poverty level                                   (X       18._
10_          (X With related children under 5 years
Quick Tables - Amencan .actFmder                                                                                               Page 3 of 5 Subject                                                                                           Number           Perceni Percent below poverty level                 .(X                                                       30.5 Individuals                                                                             2,776               (X)
Percent below poverty level                                                               W(X           4.4 18 years and over                                                                                     2,006               (Xl Percent below poverty level                                                             (X)             4.6 65 years and over                                                                                 424               (XI Percent below poverty level                                                             (X             10.1 Related children under 18 years                                                                         679               (X)
Percent below poverty level                                                             (X             3.5 Related children 5 to 17 years                                                                     454               (X:
                  ,Percent below poverty level                                                             (X)             3.2 Unrelated individuals 15 years and over                                                               1,531               (X:
Percent below poverty level                                                             (X           19.61 (X) Not applicable.
Detailed Occupation Code List (PDF 42KB)
Detailed Industry Code List (PDF 44KB)
User note on emolovment status data (PDF 63KB)
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Summary File 3, Matrices P30, P32, P33, P43, P46, P49, P50. P51, P52, P53, P58, P62, P63, P64, P65, P67, P71, P72, P73, P74, P76, P77, P82, P87, P90, PCT47, PCT52, and PCT53 DP-3. Profile of Selected Economic Characteristics: 2000 Data Set: Census 2000 Summary File 3 (SF 3) - Sample Data Geographic Area: Wright County, Minnesota NOTE: Data based on a sample except in P3, P4, H3, and H4. For Information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions see htto:/Ifactfinder.census.aov/home/en/datanotesfexosf3.htm.
Subject                                                                                           Numbe             Percent EMPLOYMENT STATUS                                                                                 N Population 16 years and over                                                           64,943             100.0 In labor force                                                                                     49,527             76.3 Civilian labor force                                                                         49,508               76.2 Employed                                                                               48.045               74.0 Unemployed                                                                                 1,463               2.3 Percent of civilian labor force                                                           3.0             (X Armed Forces                                                                                         Is..           0.0 Not In labor force                                                                                   15.416             23.7 Females 16 years and over                                                             32.541             100.0 In labor force                                                                                     23.186             71.3 Civilian labor force                                                                         23.184             71.2 Employed                                                                                 22.658             69.6 Own children under 6 years                                                               8,702           100.0 All parents In family In labor force                                                                 6,307             72.5 COMMUTING TO WORK Workers 16years and over                                                               47,284             100.0 Car, truck, or van - drove alone                                                                   37,957             80.3 Car, truck, or van - carpooled                                                                       5,946             12.6 Public transportation (including taxicab)                                                               164             0.3 Walked                                                                                                   647             1.4 Other means                                                                                             269             0.6 Worked at home Mean travel time to work (minutes) 2,301
                                                                                                      '29.1 4.9 (X
I -skd.1,of\.ko Employed civilian population 16 years and over                                         48,045             100.0 OCCUPATION' Management, professional. and related occupations                                                   14,020             29.2
Quick Tables - American Fact1'inder                                                                                   Page 4 of 5 Number         Percent Subject 6.012           12.5 Service occupations 12,549           26.1 Sales and office occupations 296           0.6 Farming. fishing, and forestry occupations 5,988           12.5 Construction, extraction, and maintenance occupations 9,180           19.1 Production, transportation, and material moving occupations INDUSTRY Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining2.1 4,850           10.1 Construction 9.882           20.6 Manufacturing 2.1264.4 Wholesale trade 6020           12.
Retail trade 2.371            4.'
Transportation and warehousing, and utilities 1.7 Information           -79 2.881            6.0 Finance, insurance, real estate, and rental and leasing 399                .
Professional, scientific. management. administrative, and waste management services 8.29817.3 Educational. health and social services
                                                                                    .2,436                  S      .1 Arts, entertainment. recreabion, accommodation and food services 2.253            4.7 Other services (exceot public administration) 1,132           2.4 Public administration CLASS OF WORKER 39.545          82.3 Private wage and salary workers                                                                                 9.g Government workers                                                                             4,73s 3578_  ___      7.4 Self-employed workers In own not incorporated business 189            0.4 Unpaid family workers INCOME IN 1999 31,415         100.a Households 1.330           4.2 Less than $10,000 1,24             4.C
$10.000 to 514,9999
                                                                                .2,675                           8.'
515.000 to 524.999 3,433           10.S
$25.000 to $34,999 5,374           17.1
$35.000 to 549.999 8,657           27.6 550.000 to S74.999-4.712           15.0
$75.000 to S99.999 2.943           9.4
$100.000 to SI 49.999 599            1.9
$150,000 to S199.999 1.4 200000 or more45 53,945            (X' Median household income (dollars) 88.4 With earnings2 60,727           (X)
Mean earnings (dollars) 6,245           19.9 With Social Security Income 11,288(X)
Mean Social Security income (dollars) 757           2.4 With Supplemental Security Income
                                                                .                         *66                     (X)
Mean Supplemental Security Income (dollars) 683            22 With public assistance Income 2,48            (X Mean public assistance income (dollars) 3,552           11.3 With retirement Income 14,920           (X' Mean retirement Income (dollars) 100.0 Families 483            2.0 Less than 510,000 520            2.2
$10.000 to S14.999
_                                       1.46.'           6.1
$15.000 to 524.999 2,1519.0
$25,000 to 334.999 3.893           16.3
$35.000 to   549.999 7,593           31.7
$50.000 to 574,999 4.260           17.8
$75.000 to 599,999 2.66           11.1
$100,000 to S149.999 549           2
$150,000 to S199.999 363             1.C
$200,000 or more 60,940            (XI Median familv Income (dollars)
HiEcK laDles - Amencan .k'acthmcler                                                                                     Page 5 of 5 Subject                                                                                       Number         Percent Per capita Income (dollars)                                                                   21,844               (X) &C110 f%,(C% ;"
                                                                                                                                      '? '(P Median earnings (dollars):
Male full-time, year-round workers                                                             40,630               (X)
Female full-time, year-round workers                                                           28,201               (XI POVERTY STATUS IN 1999 (below poverty level)
Families                                                                             868(X)
Percent below poverty level                                                       (X               3.6 With related children under 18 years                                                             654               (X)
Percent below poverty level                                                       (X             4.8 With related children under 5 years                                                           359               (X)
Percent below poverty level                                                       (X)             6.5 Families with female householder, no husband present                                 377             (X)
Percent below poverty level                                                       (X             16.7 With related children under 18 years                                                               367             (X)
Percent below poverty level                                                       (XI           22.2 With related children under 5 years                                                           190             (X]
Percent below poverty level                                                       (XI           35.0 Individuals                                                                       4.211               (X)
Percent below poverty level                                                       (Xl             4.7 18 years and over                                                                               2,567               (XI Percent below poverty level                                                       (X)             4.2 65 vears and over                                                                             547               (X)
Percent below poverty level                                                       (X               7.4 Related children under 18 years                                                                 1,512               (X)
Percent below poverty level                                                       (X)             5.5 Related children 5 to 17 years                                                             1.016               (X:
Percent below poverty level                                                       (X)             5.1 Unrelated individuals 15 years and over                                                         1,324               (X:
Percent below poverty level                                                       (X             12.4 (X) Not applicable.
Detailed Occupation Code List (PDF 42KB)
Detailed Industry Code List (PDF 44KB)
User note on employment status data (PDF 63KB)
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Summary File 3, Matrices P30, P32. P33, P43, P46, P49. P50, P51, P52, P53, P58, P62, P63, P64, P65, P67, P71, P72, P73, P74, P76, P77, P82, P87, P90, PCT47, PCT52, and PCT53}}

Revision as of 01:12, 24 November 2019

Web Reference - Profile of Selected Economic Characteristics for the Year 2000 for Wright and Sherburne Counties, Minnesota, U.S. Census Bureau
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/01/2000
US Dept of Commerce, Bureau of Census
To: Jennifer Davis
Davis J, NRR/DRIP/RLEP, 415-3835
Download: ML052010595 (8)


Page 1 of 3

Quick Tables - American FactFinder BU's2s 0doo r, rrt T.s  ; -&Z


wasArneliC3n FactWinde 1 DP-3. Profile of Selected Economic Characteristics: 2000 Data Set: Census 2000 Summary File 3 (SF 3) - Sample Data Geographic Area: Minnesota sampling error, NOTE: Data based on a sample except in P3, P4, H3, and H4. For information on confidentiality protection, nonsampling error, and definitions see http://factfinder.census.90ovlhometenfdatanoteslexosl3.htm.

Number Percent Subject EMPLOYMENTSTATUS 3,781,756 100.0 Population 16 years and over 2,691,709 71.2 In labor force 2,689,115 71.1 Civilian labor force 2.580.046 68.2 Employed 109.069 2.9 Unemoloyed 4.1 (X Percent of civilian labor force 2,594 0.1 Armed Forces 1.090,047 28.8 Not in labor force 1,931,097 100.0 Females 16 years and over 1.275,413 66.0 In labor force 1,275,090 66.0 Civilian labor force 1,231.124 63.8 Employed 384,991 100.0 Own children under 6 years 264.979 68.8 11parents In family in labor force COMMUTING TO WORK 2,541,611 100.0 Workers 16 years and over 1,971,668 77.6 ar. truck, or van - drove alone 264,690 10.4 Car, truck, or van - carpooled 81,276 3.2 Public transportation (including taxicab) 84,148 3.3 alked 23,175 0.9 Other means 116,654 4.6 Worked at home 21.9 (X Mean travel time to work (minutes) 2.580,046 100.0 Employed civilian populatlon.16 years and over OCCUPATION 923,768 35.8 Management, professional. and related occupations 354,147 13.7 Service occupations 683.389 26.5 Sales and office occupations -

17,674 0.7 Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations 217,294 8.4 Construction, extraction, and maintenance occupations 383.774 14.9 Production. transportation, and material moving occupations INDUSTRY

  • 67,883 2.6 Agriculture. forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining 153,267 5.9 Construction 419.271 16.3 Manufacturing 92.854 3.6 Wholesale trade 307,714 11.9 Retail trade 131,683 5.1 Transportation and warehousing, and utilities 65.460 2.5 Information 184,874 7.

nance. insurance, real estate. and rental and leasing 227,064 8.8 ofessional, scientific, management. administrative, and waste management services 539,111 20.9 JEducational, health and social services 186,001 7.2 entertainment, recreation, accommodation and food services n_- -sov-. A XCid;A*rsy,5 .n5

.yq /crCv lL-) D n ' Qcq

Quick Tables - American FactFinder Page 2 of 3 Subject. .Number Percent

=118,322 4.6 O0ther services (except public administration) 8,4 3.4 ublic administration CLASS OF WORKER .o 2,074,432 80.4 Private wage and salary workers 318,93 12.4 Governmentworkers 178,586 6.c Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business Un0aid family workers 8_096_0._

INCOME IN 1999..

i 1,896,20( 100.d Households 127g955 6.7 Less thann10.000 102 205 5.4 510,000 to S14,999 t15h000 to S24e999 216 08n 11.4 234,300 12.4 S25.000 to $34.999 to S49I999 322 52l 17.r M35,000 424.867 22.4

$50.000 to 574,999 h75.000 toe99t999 228.834 12.1 156,565 8.3 5100.000 to $149,999 40,734 2.1 S150.000 to S199.999 42,131 2.2 S200,000 or more 47I111 (X' Median household income (dollars)

_1,580,573 83.4 With earnings 59,189 (X' Mean eamnings (dollars) 453,443 23.9 With Souial Securita income 11,471 (XI Mean Social Security Income (dollars) 54,348 2.S

,With Supplemental Securitv Income 6,501 (X I Mean Supplemental Securitv Income (dollars)

.65.144 3.4 10th public assistance income 3,094 (X Mean public assistance income (dollars) 260_169 13.7

  • ith retirement income (X' Mean retirement income (dollars) 17_034 Families 1,262,953 100.0 39,374 3.1 Less than $10,000 35,957 2.8 S10.000 to S14.999 103,126 8.2 S15.C00 to S24,999

. 132,108_ 10.'

525,000 to $34,999 215,891 17.1 535.000 to $49.999 334,735 26.5

$50.000 to $74,999

$75.000 to $99,999 193.86815.4 136,084 10.9

$100,000 to S149.999 35,640 2.8 3150.000 to S199.999 36,170 2.,

3200,000 or more

_ 56,874

_ 1. j Median family income (dollars) _ _

23,198 ( X W Per capita income (dollars)

Median earnings (dollars):

39.364 (

Male full-time, year-round workers 28,708 (X' Female full-time. year-round workers


POVERTY STATUS IN 1999 (below poverty level)

Families 64.181 (X Percent below Poverty level _ _5.1


With related children under 18 years49,818 (X 7._

Percent below poverty level With related children under 5 years 25,426 _

Percent below poverty level (X) 10.0 31,233 (XI Families with female householder, no husband present Percent below poverty level (X' 19.3 Kith related children under 18 years 28,878X)

Quick Tables - American FactFinder Page 3 of 3 iSubject Numberl Percen Percent below poverty level () 25.0 With related children under 5 years 14,824 (X)

Percent below poverty level (X) 37.9 Individuals 380,476 IX)

Percent below poverty level (X' 7.9 18 years and over 258,785 (X Percent below poverty level (X) 7.3 65 years and over 45,405 (X)

Percent below poverty level -(X 8.2 Related children under 18 years 115,441 (X)

Percent below poverty level (X 9.2 Related children 5 to 17 years 81,089 (X)

Percent below poverty level (X) 8.7 Unrelated individuals 15 years and over 160.379 (X)

Percent below poverty level (X) 18.-1 (X) Not applicable.

Detailed Occupation Code List (PDF 42KB)

Detailed Industry Code List (PDF 44KB)

User note on emolovment status data (PDF 63KB)

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Summary File 3,Matrices P30, P32, P33, P43, P46, P49, P50, P51, P52, P53, P58, P62, P63, P64, P65, P67. P71, P72, P73. P74, P76, P77, P82, P87, P90, PCT47, PCT52, and PCT53

Quick Tables - American FactFinder Page 1 of 5 DP-3. Profile of Selected Economic Characteristics: 2000 Data Set: Census 2000 Summarv File 3 (SF 3) - Sample Data Geographic Area: Sherburne County, Minnesota NOTE: Data based on a sample except in P3, P4, H3, and H4. For information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions see htto://factfinder.census.oovlhomelen/datanotes/exosf3.htrn.

Subject Numbe Percent EMPLOYMENT STATUS Population 16 years and over 46,642 100.0 In labor force 35.429 76.0 Civilian labor force 35,425 76.0 Employed .

34.509 74.0 Unemployed 916 2.0 Percent of civilian labor force 2.6 (XI Armed Forces ._4 0._

Not in labor force 11.213 24.0 Females 16 years and over 22.969 100.0 In labor force ._ 16,342 71.1 Civilian labor force a 16,342 71.1 Emplov a ed6 008 69_7 Own children under 6 years_6,271 _ 100_

All parents in family In labor force 4,517 72.0 COMMUTING TO WORK Workers 16 years and over 34,084 100.0 Car, truck, or van-drove alone 27r662 81.2 Car, truck. or van -carpooled 4,229 12.4 Public transportation (including taxicab) 126 0.4 Walked 42i 1.3 Other means 159 0.5 1,481 4.3 Worked at home Mean travel time to work (minutes)


29.9 - ( KI DL EmploFed civilian population 16 years and over 34,509 100.0 OCCUPATION Management. professional, and related occuoations 100229.0 Service occupations 4,331 12.6 Sae an ofieouan 9,007 26.1 raming, fishing. and forestry occupations 100.5 Construction. extraction, and maintenance occupations 4,369 12.7 Production, transportation, and material moving occupations 6 _630_19.2 INDUSTRY Agriculture. forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining 387 1.1 Construction 3-9 9.5 Manufacturing 7,353 21.3 Wholesale trade 1.244 3.6 Retail trade -4,57 13.3 ransportation and warehousing, and utilities - 6.1 Information 665 1.9 Finance, Insurance, real estate, and rental and leasing 1,842 5.3 Professional, scientific, management. administrative, and waste management services 2,191 6.3 Educational, health and social services 6,136 17.8

, entertainment, recreation, accommodation and food services 2,053 . _ 5.9 Other services (except public administration) 1,512 44

Quick Tables - American FactFinder Page 2 of 5 Numberl Percent Subject 1,1511 3.3 Public administration CLASS OF WORKER -

27,940 81.C Private wage and salary workers 4,214 12.2 Governmentworkers 2.289 6__

Self-emoloved workers in own not Incorporated business

  • 661 0.2 Unoaid family workers INCOME IN 1999 Households 1 21,625 / 100.0 32 Lessthan 510,000 -697 809 3.7

$10.000 to $14,999 1,58 7.3

$15.000 to S24,999 2.12 9.8

$25,000 to $34,999 3,634 16.8

$35,000 to S49,999 6,506 30.1

$50,000 to S74,999

$75.000 to S99.999 3,75817.4 1,91 8.8

$100,000 to $149.999 296 1.4

$150,000 to 5199.999 200000 or more1.4 Medianhousehold income (dollars) o57l014r 19.553 90.4 With earnings 61.963 (X Mean earnings (dollars) 3,66 16.9 With Sopal Secusity income 11,644 (

Mean Social Security income (dollars) 437 2.0 With Supplemental Security Income 6,695 (X Mean Supplemental Security Income (dollars)

.- 314 1.5 With public assistance Income 2.516 W Mean publicassistance income (dollars)

With retirement income 2,32810.8 15.39 (

Mean retirement income (dollars)

Families 16,821 100.0 23 1.4 Less than 510.000 10,000 to 514.999 27 1.C 15.000 to 524.999 90 5.4 1.48 8.8 525.000 to $34.999 2,82 16.8 535.000 to $49.999 5.383 32.0

$50.000 to $74,999 3,454 20.5

$75.000 to $99.999

$100.000 to S149,999 1,74510.4 276 -1.6

$150.000 to S199,999 244 1.5

$200.000 or more 61,790 (

Median family Income (dollars) 21,32 (Xi Per capita income (dollars)

Median earnings (dollars):

41,601 (

Male full-time, year-round workers 27,68 (

Female full-time. year-round workers POVERTY STATUS IN 1999 (below poverty level)

Families 386 (Xl Percent below poverty level ( 2.3

-308 M With related children under 18 years Percent below poverty level (X 3.1i With related children under 5 years 156 (

Percent below poverty level ( 3.8 239 (X1 Families with female householder, no husband present Percent below poverty level . 15.0 216_

With related children under 18 years _

Percent below poverty level (X 18._

10_ (X With related children under 5 years

Quick Tables - Amencan .actFmder Page 3 of 5 Subject Number Perceni Percent below poverty level .(X 30.5 Individuals 2,776 (X)

Percent below poverty level W(X 4.4 18 years and over 2,006 (Xl Percent below poverty level (X) 4.6 65 years and over 424 (XI Percent below poverty level (X 10.1 Related children under 18 years 679 (X)

Percent below poverty level (X 3.5 Related children 5 to 17 years 454 (X:

,Percent below poverty level (X) 3.2 Unrelated individuals 15 years and over 1,531 (X:

Percent below poverty level (X 19.61 (X) Not applicable.

Detailed Occupation Code List (PDF 42KB)

Detailed Industry Code List (PDF 44KB)

User note on emolovment status data (PDF 63KB)

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Summary File 3, Matrices P30, P32, P33, P43, P46, P49, P50. P51, P52, P53, P58, P62, P63, P64, P65, P67, P71, P72, P73, P74, P76, P77, P82, P87, P90, PCT47, PCT52, and PCT53 DP-3. Profile of Selected Economic Characteristics: 2000 Data Set: Census 2000 Summary File 3 (SF 3) - Sample Data Geographic Area: Wright County, Minnesota NOTE: Data based on a sample except in P3, P4, H3, and H4. For Information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions see htto:/Ifactfinder.census.aov/home/en/datanotesfexosf3.htm.

Subject Numbe Percent EMPLOYMENT STATUS N Population 16 years and over 64,943 100.0 In labor force 49,527 76.3 Civilian labor force 49,508 76.2 Employed 48.045 74.0 Unemployed 1,463 2.3 Percent of civilian labor force 3.0 (X Armed Forces Is.. 0.0 Not In labor force 15.416 23.7 Females 16 years and over 32.541 100.0 In labor force 23.186 71.3 Civilian labor force 23.184 71.2 Employed 22.658 69.6 Own children under 6 years 8,702 100.0 All parents In family In labor force 6,307 72.5 COMMUTING TO WORK Workers 16years and over 47,284 100.0 Car, truck, or van - drove alone 37,957 80.3 Car, truck, or van - carpooled 5,946 12.6 Public transportation (including taxicab) 164 0.3 Walked 647 1.4 Other means 269 0.6 Worked at home Mean travel time to work (minutes) 2,301

'29.1 4.9 (X

I -skd.1,of\.ko Employed civilian population 16 years and over 48,045 100.0 OCCUPATION' Management, professional. and related occupations 14,020 29.2

Quick Tables - American Fact1'inder Page 4 of 5 Number Percent Subject 6.012 12.5 Service occupations 12,549 26.1 Sales and office occupations 296 0.6 Farming. fishing, and forestry occupations 5,988 12.5 Construction, extraction, and maintenance occupations 9,180 19.1 Production, transportation, and material moving occupations INDUSTRY Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining2.1 4,850 10.1 Construction 9.882 20.6 Manufacturing 2.1264.4 Wholesale trade 6020 12.

Retail trade 2.371 4.'

Transportation and warehousing, and utilities 1.7 Information -79 2.881 6.0 Finance, insurance, real estate, and rental and leasing 399 .

Professional, scientific. management. administrative, and waste management services 8.29817.3 Educational. health and social services

.2,436 S .1 Arts, entertainment. recreabion, accommodation and food services 2.253 4.7 Other services (exceot public administration) 1,132 2.4 Public administration CLASS OF WORKER 39.545 82.3 Private wage and salary workers 9.g Government workers 4,73s 3578_ ___ 7.4 Self-employed workers In own not incorporated business 189 0.4 Unpaid family workers INCOME IN 1999 31,415 100.a Households 1.330 4.2 Less than $10,000 1,24 4.C

$10.000 to 514,9999

.2,675 8.'

515.000 to 524.999 3,433 10.S

$25.000 to $34,999 5,374 17.1

$35.000 to 549.999 8,657 27.6 550.000 to S74.999-4.712 15.0

$75.000 to S99.999 2.943 9.4

$100.000 to SI 49.999 599 1.9

$150,000 to S199.999 1.4 200000 or more45 53,945 (X' Median household income (dollars) 88.4 With earnings2 60,727 (X)

Mean earnings (dollars) 6,245 19.9 With Social Security Income 11,288(X)

Mean Social Security income (dollars) 757 2.4 With Supplemental Security Income

. *66 (X)

Mean Supplemental Security Income (dollars) 683 22 With public assistance Income 2,48 (X Mean public assistance income (dollars) 3,552 11.3 With retirement Income 14,920 (X' Mean retirement Income (dollars) 100.0 Families 483 2.0 Less than 510,000 520 2.2

$10.000 to S14.999

_ 1.46.' 6.1

$15.000 to 524.999 2,1519.0

$25,000 to 334.999 3.893 16.3

$35.000 to 549.999 7,593 31.7

$50.000 to 574,999 4.260 17.8

$75.000 to 599,999 2.66 11.1

$100,000 to S149.999 549 2

$150,000 to S199.999 363 1.C

$200,000 or more 60,940 (XI Median familv Income (dollars)

HiEcK laDles - Amencan .k'acthmcler Page 5 of 5 Subject Number Percent Per capita Income (dollars) 21,844 (X) &C110 f%,(C% ;"

'? '(P Median earnings (dollars):

Male full-time, year-round workers 40,630 (X)

Female full-time, year-round workers 28,201 (XI POVERTY STATUS IN 1999 (below poverty level)

Families 868(X)

Percent below poverty level (X 3.6 With related children under 18 years 654 (X)

Percent below poverty level (X 4.8 With related children under 5 years 359 (X)

Percent below poverty level (X) 6.5 Families with female householder, no husband present 377 (X)

Percent below poverty level (X 16.7 With related children under 18 years 367 (X)

Percent below poverty level (XI 22.2 With related children under 5 years 190 (X]

Percent below poverty level (XI 35.0 Individuals 4.211 (X)

Percent below poverty level (Xl 4.7 18 years and over 2,567 (XI Percent below poverty level (X) 4.2 65 vears and over 547 (X)

Percent below poverty level (X 7.4 Related children under 18 years 1,512 (X)

Percent below poverty level (X) 5.5 Related children 5 to 17 years 1.016 (X:

Percent below poverty level (X) 5.1 Unrelated individuals 15 years and over 1,324 (X:

Percent below poverty level (X 12.4 (X) Not applicable.

Detailed Occupation Code List (PDF 42KB)

Detailed Industry Code List (PDF 44KB)

User note on employment status data (PDF 63KB)

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Summary File 3, Matrices P30, P32. P33, P43, P46, P49. P50, P51, P52, P53, P58, P62, P63, P64, P65, P67, P71, P72, P73, P74, P76, P77, P82, P87, P90, PCT47, PCT52, and PCT53