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{{#Wiki_filter:N UREG/BR-0317 Rev. 201Timeliness GoalsThe timely resolution of issues is one of the goals of the enforcement ADR program. Accordingly, the NRC  
{{#Wiki_filter:Mediation Location and Duration                          Timeliness Goals The parties usually hold the mediation at or near one of  The timely resolution of issues is one of the goals of the NRCs offices. However, the parties may agree on      the enforcement ADR program. Accordingly, the NRC any alternate location. Mediation sessions are usually    expects timely progress of a case at each stage no longer than 1 day. In some cases, the mediation may    of the mediation process. In cases where the parties take longer with the mutual consent of the parties.      achieve settlement, the NRC expects to issue a CO within 90 calendar days of the date of the agencys letter The NRC Mediation Team                                    offering the ADR option to the other party.
The responsible NRC senior manager (i.e., Office          Additional Sources of Information Director, Regional Administrator, or his or her designee) will serve as the principal negotiator for the NRC in    More information about the NRCs ADR program cases that involve wrongdoing and technical issues.      is available from the following:
When a case involves discrimination, the Director of t e
* Cornell University's Scheinman Institute on Conflict ffi e of nfo e ent i se ve as t e in i a                Resolution negotiato        e ot e e e s of t e            e iation Toll-Free Number: (877) 733-9415 tea t i a in          e an enfo e ent s e ia ist an atto ne an a staff e esentative          o is fa i ia it
* The NRC's ADR Program Manager in the Office of any te ni a iss es n e is ssion                          Enforcement Toll-Free Number: (800) 368-5642 or (301) 287-9527 The Confirmatory Order
* The NRC enforcement ADR program on the agencys Web site at
A CO is a legally binding document that includes the regulatory/enforcement/adr.html terms of the AIP. The NRC will issue a CO only with the prior written consent of the other party and with a waiver of the right to a hearing. After the entity or the individual has completed the terms of the CO, the NRC Enforcement will verify that the terms of the CO have been satisfied in a timely manner. Because the CO is legally binding, Alternative Dispute failing to comply with its terms exposes the entity or individual to additional enforcement action.
Resolution Program Although the substance of the mediation session remains confidential, the details of the settlement will normally be made public via a press release and the publication of the CO in the Federal Register.
NUREG/BR-0317 Rev. 2 May 2018

expects of a case at each stage of the mediation process. In cases where the parties achieve settlement, the NRC expects to issue a CO within 90 calendar days of the date of the agency's letter
The Program                                                    a ti i ation in t e og a is enti e vo nta            e    t e e iato o s a e e iation te e onfe en e it an t e entit o t e in ivi a a it a f o                t e    t e a ties to is ss ogistics or any special needs.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissions (NRCs)                e iation o ess at an ti e enforcement alternative dispute resolution (ADR)                                                                            During the mediation, the mediator will give the parties program, formerly referred to as "post-investigation                                                                       an opportunity to discuss their views on the issue.
offering the ADR option to the other party.
ADR," provides an amicable process for resolving              The Program Administrator                                    Often, the mediator will meet privately with each party enforcement matters. It is intended to produce more                                                                         to develop a clear understanding of the partys timely and effective outcomes for the NRC and an              The NRC has a contract with the Cornell University            perspective and explore and assess options. Although entity (e.g., an NRC licensee, certificate holder, or         Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution (Cornell) to serve the mediator does not have any power to make contractor of an NRC licensee or certificate holder) or      as the program administrator for the enforcement ADR         decisions that may bind either party, he or she may ask an individual who is subject to an enforcement action,       program. Cornell manages the logistics associated with       questions intended to help the parties assess the merits through mediation.                                           enforcement ADR, including working with the parties to       of their positions, help them converse in a respectful select a mediator from Cornells roster of mediators.        atmosphere, and identify potential settlement options.
Additional Sources of Information information about the NRC's ADR program is available from the following: AD Program Manager in the Office ofNRC enforcement ADR program on the agency'sWeb site at
The NRC established the post-investigation ADR                Cornell uses a network of independent and experienced program in 2004. In 2015, the NRC expanded its                mediators who help the parties find areas of agreement        If t e a ties ea a sett e ent ag ee ent          ing t e scope to include certain types of enforcement cases          and settle their dispute.                                        e iation session t e i t i a        o    ent t e that do not involve an investigation. Accordingly, the                                                                      te s of t ei ag ee ent in iting          eve o ing an name of this program was changed from "post-investigation ADR" to "enforcement ADR."
regulatory/enforcement/adr.html Mediation Location and Duration The parties usually hold the mediation at or one of the NRC's offices. However, the parties may agree any alternate location. Mediation sessions are usually
The Mediator                                                 ag ee ent in in i e I          o enfo ea e eit e a t against t e ot e ent e I is not t it is t e asis on      i t e        afts a onfi ato o e The mediator is an experienced neutral individual who is Enforcement ADR includes two distinct case types:                                                                                . The CO is a ega    in ing o      ent se to mutually selected by the parties. He or she has no stake in (1) discrimination cases or other wrongdoing and,                                                                            onfi t e o        it ents a e in t e I      o eve if the outcome of the mediation or any power to make (2) nonwillful (traditional) enforcement cases with the                                                                    t e a ties o not ea a sett e ent ag ee ent t e decisions that may bind either party. The role of the potential for civil penalties (not including violations                                                                    t a itiona enfo e ent o ess es es t at is t e mediator is to facilitate communication between the parties associated with findings assessed through the Reactor                                                                      enfo e ent o ess ontin es as it o              ave if the and to provide an environment where the parties can Oversight Process). For discrimination cases or other                                                                      parties had not engaged in ADR.
address their differences. The mediator uses consensus-wrongdoing, mediation is used after the completion of building skills and knowledge of negotiation to help the an investigation by the NRC Office of Investigations.
no longer than day. In some cases, the mediation may
parties find ways to overcome any misunderstandings and       Confidentiality find areas of agreement. The mediator does not act as legal As long as the enforcement matter is within the scope of    counsel or provide legal advice. Each party should consult   Although the terms of an ADR settlement become the program, the NRC normally offers enforcement ADR        an attorney for legal advice as appropriate.                  publicly available through the issuance of the CO, with at each of the following stages of the enforcement                                                                        certain exceptions, the substance of the discussions process: (1) before an initial enforcement action, (2) after                                                              during the mediation session is confidential. The the initial enforcement action is taken, typically upon      The Mediation Process                                        mediator is prohibited from discussing the mediation issuance of a notice of violation, and (3) when a civil                                                                    proceedings, testifying on anyones behalf concerning penalty is imposed but before a hearing request.            Historically, most enforcement ADR mediations have            the mediation, or submitting a report on the substance occurred at the first stage of the enforcement process        of the discussions.
Mediation is an informal process in which a trained and      (i.e., before an initial enforcement action). In those cases, experienced mediator works with the parties to help them reach a resolution. The parties are the NRC and the the NRC presents the entity or the individual with the opportunity to engage in mediation with the agency before Cost entity or individual in the mediation. The mediator          it makes an enforcement decision. If the entity or t e        The NRC and the entity or individual, equally share the focuses the attention of the parties on their needs and      in ivi a e e ts            o ne i e t e          an t e    fees and travel expenses of the mediator and any interests rather than on their stated positions. Mediation  entit o t e in ivi a oint se e t a e iato fte                meeting room fees. However, each party is responsible gives the parties an opportunity to discuss issues, clear    selecting a e iato t e a ties in coordination with the        for its own expenses, such as travel, lodging, and legal up misunderstandings, identify creative ways to address      mediator, set a date and place for the mediation. Typically,  representation.
take longer with the mutual consent of the parties.
issues, find areas of agreement, and resolve their dispute.}}
The NRC Mediation T eam Director, Regional Administrator or his or her  in cases that involve wrongdoing and technical issues. 
When a case involves discrimination, the Director
The Confirmatory Order A CO is a legally binding document that includes the terms of the AIP. The NRC will issue a CO with the prior written consent of the other party and with a  
waiver of the right to a hearing. After the entity or the
individualhas completed the terms of the CO, the NRC will that the terms of the CO have been satisfied in a timely manner. Because the CO is legally binding, failing to comply with its terms exposes the entity or
individual to additional enforcement action.
Although the substance of the mediation session remains confidential, the details of the settlement will  
normally be made public via a press release and the  
publication of the CO in the The Program
program, formerly referred to as post-investigation  
ADR, provides an amicable process  
enforcement matters. It produce more  
timely and effective  
certificate holder, or  
contractor of an NRC licensee or  
enforcement action he NRC established the post-investigation ADR program in to include. 
enforcement ADR Enforcement ADR
As long as the enforcement matter is within the scope of the program, the NRC normally offers enforc ement ADR at each of the following stages of t he enforc ement process: before an initial enforcement ac is taken, typica lly upon issuance of a notice of violation, and when a civil penalty is imposed but before a hearing request.
Mediation is an informal process in which a trained and experienced mediator works with the parties to help them reach a resolution. The parties are the NRC and the
entity in the mediation. The mediator
focuses the attention of the parties on their needs and
interests rather than on their stated positions. Mediation
gives the parties anopportunity to discuss
The Program Administrator The NRC has a contract with the Cornell University
as the program administrator for the enforcement ADR  
program. Cornell
with the parties to select a mediator from Cornell's roster of mediators.
Cornell uses a network of independent and experienced mediators who help the parties find areas The Mediator The mediator is an experienced neutral individual who is mutually selected by the parties. He or she has no stake in  
the outcome of the mediation or any power to make  
decisions that may bind either party. The role of the  
mediator is to facilitate communication between the parties  
and to provide an environment where the parties address their differences. The mediator usesconsensus building skills and knowledge of negotiation to help the  
parties find ways to overcome anymisunderstandings and  
find areas of agreement. The mediator does not act as legal  
counsel or provide legal advice. Each party should consult  
an attorney for legal advice asappropriate.
The Mediation Process
If the entity or
During the mediation, the mediator will give the parties an opportunity to discuss their views on the issue. 
Often, the mediator will meet privately with each party
to develop a clear understanding of the party's
perspective and explore and assess options. Although
the mediator does not have any power to make
decisions that may bind either party, he or she may ask
questions intended to help the parties assess the merits
of their positions, help them converse in a respectful
atmosphere, and identify potential settlement options.
Confidentiality Although the terms of an ADR settlement become public available through the issuance of the CO, with  
certain exceptions, the substance of the discussions  
during the mediation session is confidential. The  
mediator is prohibited from discussing the mediation  
proceedings, testifying on anyone's behalf concerning  
the mediation, or submitting a report on the substance  
of the discussions.
Cost The NRC and the entity or individual, equally share the  
fees and travel expenses of the mediator and any  
meeting room fees. However, each party is responsible  
for its own expenses, such as travel, lodging, and legal  

Latest revision as of 07:04, 21 October 2019

NUREG/BR-0317, Rev. 2, Enforcement Alternative Dispute Resolution Program.
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/31/2018
From: Harrison J
Meyd, Donald
NUREG/BR-0317 R02
Download: ML18122A101 (2)


Mediation Location and Duration Timeliness Goals The parties usually hold the mediation at or near one of The timely resolution of issues is one of the goals of the NRCs offices. However, the parties may agree on the enforcement ADR program. Accordingly, the NRC any alternate location. Mediation sessions are usually expects timely progress of a case at each stage no longer than 1 day. In some cases, the mediation may of the mediation process. In cases where the parties take longer with the mutual consent of the parties. achieve settlement, the NRC expects to issue a CO within 90 calendar days of the date of the agencys letter The NRC Mediation Team offering the ADR option to the other party.

The responsible NRC senior manager (i.e., Office Additional Sources of Information Director, Regional Administrator, or his or her designee) will serve as the principal negotiator for the NRC in More information about the NRCs ADR program cases that involve wrongdoing and technical issues. is available from the following:

When a case involves discrimination, the Director of t e

  • Cornell University's Scheinman Institute on Conflict ffi e of nfo e ent i se ve as t e in i a Resolution negotiato e ot e e e s of t e e iation Toll-Free Number: (877) 733-9415 tea t i a in e an enfo e ent s e ia ist an atto ne an a staff e esentative o is fa i ia it
  • The NRC's ADR Program Manager in the Office of any te ni a iss es n e is ssion Enforcement Toll-Free Number: (800) 368-5642 or (301) 287-9527 The Confirmatory Order
  • The NRC enforcement ADR program on the agencys Web site at

A CO is a legally binding document that includes the regulatory/enforcement/adr.html terms of the AIP. The NRC will issue a CO only with the prior written consent of the other party and with a waiver of the right to a hearing. After the entity or the individual has completed the terms of the CO, the NRC Enforcement will verify that the terms of the CO have been satisfied in a timely manner. Because the CO is legally binding, Alternative Dispute failing to comply with its terms exposes the entity or individual to additional enforcement action.

Resolution Program Although the substance of the mediation session remains confidential, the details of the settlement will normally be made public via a press release and the publication of the CO in the Federal Register.

NUREG/BR-0317 Rev. 2 May 2018

The Program a ti i ation in t e og a is enti e vo nta e t e e iato o s a e e iation te e onfe en e it an t e entit o t e in ivi a a it a f o t e t e a ties to is ss ogistics or any special needs.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissions (NRCs) e iation o ess at an ti e enforcement alternative dispute resolution (ADR) During the mediation, the mediator will give the parties program, formerly referred to as "post-investigation an opportunity to discuss their views on the issue.

ADR," provides an amicable process for resolving The Program Administrator Often, the mediator will meet privately with each party enforcement matters. It is intended to produce more to develop a clear understanding of the partys timely and effective outcomes for the NRC and an The NRC has a contract with the Cornell University perspective and explore and assess options. Although entity (e.g., an NRC licensee, certificate holder, or Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution (Cornell) to serve the mediator does not have any power to make contractor of an NRC licensee or certificate holder) or as the program administrator for the enforcement ADR decisions that may bind either party, he or she may ask an individual who is subject to an enforcement action, program. Cornell manages the logistics associated with questions intended to help the parties assess the merits through mediation. enforcement ADR, including working with the parties to of their positions, help them converse in a respectful select a mediator from Cornells roster of mediators. atmosphere, and identify potential settlement options.

The NRC established the post-investigation ADR Cornell uses a network of independent and experienced program in 2004. In 2015, the NRC expanded its mediators who help the parties find areas of agreement If t e a ties ea a sett e ent ag ee ent ing t e scope to include certain types of enforcement cases and settle their dispute. e iation session t e i t i a o ent t e that do not involve an investigation. Accordingly, the te s of t ei ag ee ent in iting eve o ing an name of this program was changed from "post-investigation ADR" to "enforcement ADR."

The Mediator ag ee ent in in i e I o enfo ea e eit e a t against t e ot e ent e I is not t it is t e asis on i t e afts a onfi ato o e The mediator is an experienced neutral individual who is Enforcement ADR includes two distinct case types: . The CO is a ega in ing o ent se to mutually selected by the parties. He or she has no stake in (1) discrimination cases or other wrongdoing and, onfi t e o it ents a e in t e I o eve if the outcome of the mediation or any power to make (2) nonwillful (traditional) enforcement cases with the t e a ties o not ea a sett e ent ag ee ent t e decisions that may bind either party. The role of the potential for civil penalties (not including violations t a itiona enfo e ent o ess es es t at is t e mediator is to facilitate communication between the parties associated with findings assessed through the Reactor enfo e ent o ess ontin es as it o ave if the and to provide an environment where the parties can Oversight Process). For discrimination cases or other parties had not engaged in ADR.

address their differences. The mediator uses consensus-wrongdoing, mediation is used after the completion of building skills and knowledge of negotiation to help the an investigation by the NRC Office of Investigations.

parties find ways to overcome any misunderstandings and Confidentiality find areas of agreement. The mediator does not act as legal As long as the enforcement matter is within the scope of counsel or provide legal advice. Each party should consult Although the terms of an ADR settlement become the program, the NRC normally offers enforcement ADR an attorney for legal advice as appropriate. publicly available through the issuance of the CO, with at each of the following stages of the enforcement certain exceptions, the substance of the discussions process: (1) before an initial enforcement action, (2) after during the mediation session is confidential. The the initial enforcement action is taken, typically upon The Mediation Process mediator is prohibited from discussing the mediation issuance of a notice of violation, and (3) when a civil proceedings, testifying on anyones behalf concerning penalty is imposed but before a hearing request. Historically, most enforcement ADR mediations have the mediation, or submitting a report on the substance occurred at the first stage of the enforcement process of the discussions.

Mediation is an informal process in which a trained and (i.e., before an initial enforcement action). In those cases, experienced mediator works with the parties to help them reach a resolution. The parties are the NRC and the the NRC presents the entity or the individual with the opportunity to engage in mediation with the agency before Cost entity or individual in the mediation. The mediator it makes an enforcement decision. If the entity or t e The NRC and the entity or individual, equally share the focuses the attention of the parties on their needs and in ivi a e e ts o ne i e t e an t e fees and travel expenses of the mediator and any interests rather than on their stated positions. Mediation entit o t e in ivi a oint se e t a e iato fte meeting room fees. However, each party is responsible gives the parties an opportunity to discuss issues, clear selecting a e iato t e a ties in coordination with the for its own expenses, such as travel, lodging, and legal up misunderstandings, identify creative ways to address mediator, set a date and place for the mediation. Typically, representation.

issues, find areas of agreement, and resolve their dispute.