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#REDIRECT [[DCL-14-027, Request for Relief from the Requirements of Appendix Ix of ASME Section Xi, 2001 Edition with 2003 Addendum]]
| number = ML14088A001
| issue date = 03/28/2014
| title = Request for Relief from the Requirements of Appendix Ix of ASME Section Xi, 2001 Edition with 2003 Addendum
| author name = Allen B S
| author affiliation = Pacific Gas & Electric Co
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/Document Control Desk, NRC/NRR
| docket = 05000275
| license number = DPR-080
| contact person =
| case reference number = PG&E Letter DCL-14-027
| document type = Inservice/Preservice Inspection and Test Report, Letter
| page count = 34
{{#Wiki_filter:Pacific Gas and Electric Company March 28, 2014 PG&E Letter DCL-14-027 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Docket No. 50-275, OL-DPR-80 Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) Unit 1 Barry S. Allen Site Vice President 10 CFR 50.55a Diablo Canyon Power Plant Mail Code 104/6 P. 0. Box 56 Avila Beach, CA 93424 805.545.4888 Internal:
691.4888 Fax: 805.545.6445 Request for Relief from the Requirements of Appendix IX of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition with 2003 Addendum Dear Commissioners and Staff: Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3)(ii), Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) hereby requests NRC approval for relief from the requirements of Appendix IX, "Mechanical Clamping Devices for Class 2 and 3 Piping Pressure Boundary," of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition with 2003 Addendum.
Paragraph (c)(2) of Article IX-1 000 of Appendix IX prohibits the use of clamping devices on "portions of a piping system that forms the containment boundary." PG&E requests approval to use a clamping device on piping that forms part of the containment boundary.
Paragraph (a) of Article IX-6000 contains monitoring requirements including that "the area immediately adjacent to the clamping device shall be examined using a volumetric method." PG&E requests approval to use increased visual monitoring of the clamping device in lieu of the volumetric method. This request, contained in Enclosure 1, applies to Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP), Unit 1. PG&E has also provided additional background information regarding the repair and monitoring plans in Enclosure
: 1. The NRC staff _previously approved similar requests to use a clamping device on piping that forms part of the containment boundary for Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 4 (TAG No. MC7338) and for Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 (TAG No. MC8542), for relief from the requirements of paragraph 1.0(a) of ASME Section XI, Code Case N-523-2, "Mechanical Clamping Devices for Class 2 and 3 Piping," when it was unconditionally approved by the NRC in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 13, prior to Code Case N-523-2 being incorporated into Appendix IX of ASME Section XI Code. PG&E requests authorization of this relief request no later than March 31, 2014, to allow DCPP to remain in Mode 1 and prevent additional dose received by personnel and unnecessary cycles to plant systems and components that would result from a unit shutdown and subsequent restart. A member of the STARS (Strategic Teaming and Resource Sharing) Alliance Callaway
* Comanche Peak
* Diablo Canyon
* Palo Verde
* Wolf Creek Document Control Desk March 28, 2014 Page 2 PG&E Letter DCL-14-027 PG&E makes regulatory commitments (as defined by NEI 99-04) in this letter. The commitments are contained in Enclosure
: 2. If you have any questions regarding the information enclosed, or other inservice inspection program activities, please contact Mr. Tom Baldwin at (805) 545-4720.
Sincerely, (i?S-ffi--
Barry S. Allen Site Vice President kjse/4328/SAPN 50619608 Enclosures cc: cc/enc: Diablo Distribution Peter J. Bamford, NRR Project Manager Marc L. Dapas, NRC Region IV Administrator Thomas R. Hipschman, NRC Senior Resident Inspector State of California, Pressure Vessel Unit A member of the STARS (Strategic Teaming and Resource Sharing) Alliance Callaway
* Comanche Peak
* Diablo Canyon
* Palo Verde
* Wolf Creek Enclosure 1 PG&E Letter DCL-14-027 ASME Code Section XI lnservice Inspection Program Request for Relief from the Requirements of Appendix IX of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition with 2003 Addendum Enclosure 1 PG&E Letter DCL-14-027 10 CFR 50.55a Request for Proposed Alternative in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3)(ii)
Hardship or Unusual Difficulty without Compensating Increase in Level of Quality and Safety 1. ASME Code Component(s)
Affected The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, Class 2, Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) Unit 1, 3/4-inch vent valve line off Main Steam System Line 1066. The leak is located in a socket weld: Code Cat/Item Description Size Socket weld for vent valve C-H C7.10 off Main Steam 3/4-inch carbon steel System Line 1 066 2. Applicable Code Edition and Addenda The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (Code) of record is Section XI, 2001 Edition including Addenda through 2003, for the current 1 0-year in service inspection (lSI) interval and the Repair/Replacement Program. 3. Applicable Code Requirements The applicable ASME Code requirements are ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition with 2003 Addendum, Article IX-1 000 of Appendix IX, "Mechanical Clamping Devices for Class 2 and 3 Piping Pressure Boundary." Paragraph (c) of Article IX-1 000 states in part "Clamping devices shall not be used on the following:
(1) Class 1 piping; (2) portions of a piping system that forms the containment boundary;
... " 1 
: 4. Impracticality of Compliance Enclosure 1 PG&E Letter DCL-14-027 Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3)(ii), an alternative from the requirements of Appendix IX of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition with 2003 Addendum, is requested.
DCPP Unit 1 is currently in Mode 1 and PG&E has determined that a permanent ASME Code Section XI repair is not possible during Mode 1 or 2 operation as the leak is unisolable and subject to full steam generator (SG) pressure.
PG&E intends to implement a code repair in accordance with Appendix IX of ASME Section XI, however, relief is required to allow application of a mechanical clamping device to piping that forms the containment boundary and to utilize increased visual monitoring in lieu of volumetric method monitoring.
Background On March 26, 2014, during main steam system lSI pressure test walkdowns, a nonradioactive steam pin-hole leak was identified at the socket weld interface of the 3/4-inch Vent Valve MS-1-908.
This vent line is downsteam of the relief valves in Main Steam Line 1 066. This vent valve line is an ASME Class 2 line located outside the reactor containment and upstream of the main steam isolation valve on Main Steam Lead 1-4. The piping for the vent valve line is 3/4-inch, Schedule 80 (0.154-inch nominal wall thickness), seamless carbon steel pipe, A 106 Grade B piping. The design and operating conditions for vent valve line are as follows: Design conditions:
1085 PSIG and 600°F Operating conditions (full power): 790 PSIG and 519°F Operating conditions (Startup):
1005 PSIG and 547°F The leak is located in the socket weld for the riser to Vent Valve MS-1-908.
Since the time of discovery, the leak has been monitored and has remained stable. Based on visual examination of the defect area using a ten times magnification instrument, the leak source was determined to be a triangular shape with approximately 0.050-inch diameter in the largest dimension and volumetric in nature. An extent of condition has been completed on DCPP Unit 1 through piping walkdowns and no other similar steam leaks have been identified.
The through-wall pinhole defect appears to be the result of a welding abnormality that has corroded through the wall. Based on the location of the leak (45 degrees off the extrados point of the elbow above) and the orientation and shape of the defect in relation to the cantilever load, the defect was not caused by fatigue. An ultrasonic (UT) examination demonstrated that the base material in the pipe stub next to the pinhole defect is approximately 0.18 inches and complies with minimum wall requirements and is of sufficient thickness to install a mechanical clamp device. A radiographic examination of the weld was 2 Enclosure 1 PG&E Letter DCL-14-027 performed on March 28, 2014, using a 58 curie iridium source and computed radiography phosphor film. Multiple exposures with varying angles were taken to assure that the flaw was properly characterized to the extent possible.
The temperature of the piping (approximately 500°F) and the active steam leak limited the accessibility of the area of investigation.
The images were interpreted by a PG&E Levell II radiographer and the flaw appears to initiate on the root of the fillet weld, and propagate radially along the lower fusion line of the weld, adjacent to the coupling.
At this location, the fitting was scaled to be 0.191 inches thick and the pipe is 0.133 inches thick. There is visible pullback between the pipe and the fitting, as the pipe is not bottomed out in the socket. This is an appropriate engagement for this type of coupling.
By interpreting the different radiographic views, it was determined that the flaw has volumetric aspects which are not commonly found with fatigue cracks. The radiographic density of the flaw is much greater than is expected to be found in a fatigue crack, and the direction of flaw propagation appears to follow the fusion zone without any other orientation.
These attributes, when considered with no measurable vibration on the pipe and the off-axis location of the flaw, do not indicate a fatigue-type crack. On March 28, 2014, a vibration inspection survey was performed to determine if steam line vibration exists in the vicinity of Vent Valve MS-1-908.
The inspection was performed using a SKF Microlog analyzer over a frequency span of 2 to 1 0 Hertz at locations above the leak, on the body of the elbow, and below the leak on the larger transition member that is attached to the main steam pipe. The survey was performed at a radial azimuth directly above and below the leak, and at angles 45 degrees both left and right of the leak. The observed vibration amplitudes were very low and the spectral content showed random broadly distributed energy across the entire frequency span and no dominant peaks. The inspection did not identify any dominant specific frequencies of vibration within the frequency span of 2 to 1 0 Hertz. A calculation for the allowable flaw size at the fillet weld of the main steam vent line was performed using a linear elastic fracture mechanics method using guidance in IWB-3612 of Section XI of ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code. It was conservatively assumed the weld was a flux weld and that the flaw is in the circumferential direction.
The loadings considered include design pressure, deadweight, and seismic events. The allowable flaw length for the normal/upset condition is 1.16 inches. All seismic loads were included regardless of whether they are for normal/upset or emergency/faulted conditions.
The allowable flaw size of 1.16 inches significantly exceeds the existing flaw size of 0.050 inches in the largest dimension.
Therefore, the existing flaw is bounded by the allowable flaw length of 1.16 inches and structural integrity of the vent line is confirmed.
Subsequent crack growth is not expected to be significant.
For the location of Vent Valve MS-1-908, the mechanism considered for crack growth would be fatigue. For fatigue crack growth to occur, cyclic loading is required.
The leak location is subjected to cyclic pressure from plant startup-shutdown events, 3 Enclosure 1 PG&E Letter DCL-14-027 which are very limited in number. Thermal stress cycling is expected to be insignificant because of the vent line configuration.
The only other cyclic load would be from vibration.
Based on the vibration inspection of Vent Valve MS-1-908 performed on March 28, 2014, there are no dominant specific frequencies of vibration within the frequency span of 2 to 10 Hertz in the vicinity of the Vent Valve MS-1-908.
In addition, based on the location of the leak and the orientation and shape of the defect in relation to the load on the pipe, the cause of the defect is not due to fatigue. Therefore due to the lack of cyclic events and cyclic stress, crack growth is not expected to be significant through the end of the operating cycle. The mechanical clamping device has been designed to encapsulate the 3/4-inch vent line pipe and conform to the geometry of the pipe configuration.
Therefore, even in the unlikely event that flaw growth caused failure of the vent line pipe, the clamp will provide the needed restraint to maintain the piping configuration and prevent it from separating.
PG&E performed an operability determination to address the impact of the steam leak located on Main Steam Line 1066 on containment integrity and the requirements of Technical Specification (TS) 3.6.1, Containment.
This determination considered dose consequences due to secondary steam leakage from the steam system during a postulated accident.
The accident considered limiting is the Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR) accident.
PG&E has an administrative procedure for controlling and evaluating plant leakage. The Administrate Procedure AD4.102, "Plant Leakage Evaluation," contains a limit of 0.5 Ibm/sec for un-isolable leakage from secondary side systems within the containment isolation boundary outside containment.
Calculations demonstrate that the leak on Main Steam Line 1066 at the current leak rate (0.015 Ibm/sec) are well within the administrative limit of 0.5 Ibm/sec for secondary side systems within the containment isolation boundary outside containment and do not adversely effect the consequence results of the dose analyses.
Therefore, the primary containment remains operable and applicable 10 CFR 1 00 consequences limits continue to be met. PG&E has determined that a permanent ASME Code Section XI repair is not possible during power operation since the leak is unisolable and subject to full SG pressure.
Therefore, PG&E intends to implement a code repair in accordance with Appendix IX of ASME Section XI. However, relief is required from Paragraph (c) of Article IX-1000 of Appendix IX and Paragraph (a) of Article IX-6000 of Appendix IX as described below. 5. Proposed Alternative and Basis for Use According to Paragraph (c) of Article IX-1 000 of Appendix IX of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition with 2003 Addendum, clamping devices shall not be used on portions of a piping system that forms the containment boundary.
Also, 4 Enclosure 1 PG&E Letter DCL-14-027 Paragraph (a) of Article IX-6000 contains monitoring requirements including that "the area immediately adjacent to the clamping device shall be examined using a volumetric method." Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3)(ii), PG&E requests relief from the containment boundary restriction of Paragraph (c) of Article IX-1 000 of Appendix IX of ASME Section XI and relief from the volumetric method monitoring requirements of Paragraph (a) of Article IX-6000, so that repair may be performed on the vent valve line using a mechanical clamping device that meets the remaining provisions of Article IX-1 000 of Appendix IX of ASME Section XI. As required by Paragraph (a) of Article IX-1000 of Appendix IX of ASME Section XI, the proposed clamping device will not remain in service beyond the next scheduled DCPP Unit 1 refueling in Fall of 2015, at which time the defect will be repaired or piping replaced.
A permanent ASME Code repair is not possible during plant operation in Modes 1 or 2 as the affected piping cannot be isolated.
Although a mechanical clamping device would provide an acceptable repair to control leakage and ensure continued structural integrity of the vent valve line, Paragraph (c) of Article IX-1 000 of Appendix IX of ASME Section XI prohibits its' use in a containment boundary.
Under these conditions, it would be necessary for DCPP, Unit 1, to shutdown from Mode 1 to Mode 5 in order to perform a permanent ASME Code When the plant is shutdown from Mode 1 to Mode 5 and then returned to Mode 1, plant inspections and TS surveillances need to be performed which results in total radiological dose to personnel exceeding 150 mrem. In addition, a shutdown and subsequent restart unnecessarily cycles plant systems and components.
The additional dose received by plant personnel and unnecessary cycling of plant systems and components represents a hardship without compensating increase in plant quality and safety. PG&E plans to use a mechanical clamping device to control the leak and to ensure structural integrity of the piping. The proposed mechanical clamping device is to be designed to comply with the design requirements of Article IX-3000 of Appendix IX and the material requirements of Article IX-4000 of Appendix IX. These requirements meet or exceed the design rating of the piping. The clamping device enclosure material is carbon steel (SA 516 GR 70). Therefore, the clamping device is suitable for the intended application and capable of performing its specified design function.
A drawing of the clamping device is contained in Enclosure 3 to this letter. The design for the clamping device including stress calculations is contained in Enclosure
: 4. A sealant will be used within the clamping device to eliminate the leak path. The sealant temperature rating is 600°F which is within the design rating of the piping. The degradation temperature of the sealant is 1200°F. PG&E has performed an evaluation of the weight (76 pounds) of the clamping device on Main Steam Line 1 066, including consideration of seismic loads during a design basis seismic 5 Enclosure 1 PG&E Letter DCL-14-027 event, on the piping stress analysis and concluded the piping will be acceptable and perform its design function.
Main Steam Line 1 066 is well supported with a bilateral restraint adjacent to the vent line. Mandatory Appendix IX Article IX-1000 Paragraph (d) requires a Repair/Replacement plan shall be developed in accordance with IWA-4150, and shall identify the defect characterization method, design requirements, and monitoring requirements.
PG&E is developing a Repair/Replacement plan in accordance with IWA-4150 for the steam leak on Main Steam Line 1 066. Paragraph (c) of Article IX 1000 PG&E understands that the basis for the limitation in Paragraph (c) of Article IX-1 000 for use of a clamping device in piping that forms the containment boundary is concerns that temporary clamp devices may not be able to prevent interactions between the affected line and the containment atmosphere during accident conditions.
The main steam system containment isolation design utilizes a closed system inside containment and isolation valves outside containment.
The mechanical clamping device will be located on a small 3/4-inch pipe outside containment, and the closed system will continue to provide a passive containment isolation barrier. The normal operating pressure at the location of the mechanical clamping device is in the range of 790 -1005 psig. The clamping device is located in an area that is readily accessible for inspection.
As such, positive verification of the leak-tight integrity of the mechanical clamping device will be accomplished by visual observations.
The clamping device will be visually monitored for leakage once per day (24 hours). This significantly exceeds the requirements of paragraph (c) of Article IX-6000 of Appendix IX, which states "The clamping device shall be monitored for leakage at least weekly. Any leakage at any time shall be dispositioned." The use of a mechanical clamping device on a portion of a system which is considered containment boundary is acceptable based on the system being continuously pressurized at pressures significantly greater than containment post-accident conditions as well as ambient atmospheric pressure.
Because this is the case, leakage during operation would be readily detected by visual observation.
In addition, since the clamping device is suitable for the intended application, capable of performing its specified design function, and not directly exposed to containment atmosphere during an accident conditions, the main steam vent line will continue to perform its containment boundary safety function.
Any observed leakage during operation will be evaluated according to the current administrate procedure requirements that limit unisolable leakage from secondary side systems within the containment isolation boundary outside 6 Enclosure 1 PG&E Letter DCL-14-027 containment to less than 0.5 Ibm/sec to ensure there is no adverse effect on the consequence results of the dose analyses.
Paragraph (a) of Article IX-6000 Paragraph (a) of Article IX-6000 contains monitoring requirements associated with use of a clamping device. Paragraph (a) states: "Except as permitted by (b) below, or where precluded by the clamping device configuration, the area immediately adjacent to the clamping device shall be examined using a volumetric method. The examination frequency shall not exceed three months, and shall be specified in the Repair/Replacement Plan. When the examination reveals defect growth to a size that exceeds the projected size determined by IX-31 OO(b), the defect shall be removed or reduced to an acceptable size." PG&E requests relief from the volumetric method monitoring requirements of paragraph (a) of Article IX-6000. In order to ensure structural integrity of the main steam vent line containing the defect, the clamping device being installed on the main steam vent line will entirely encapsulate the vent line piping section containing the flaw (see drawing in Enclosure 3). This configuration will prevent access to perform a volumetric method inspection of the piping immediately adjacent to the clamping device. Paragraph (c) of Article IX-6000 of Appendix IX of ASME Section XI states: "The clamping device shall be monitored for leakage at least weekly. Any leakage at any time shall be dispositioned." The clamping device will be visually monitored for leakage once per day (24 hours). This significantly exceeds the requirements of Paragraph (c) of Article IX-6000 and provides equivalent assurance that any leakage will be promptly identified without the performance of volumetric method inspections.
In addition, Paragraph (a) of Article IX-6000 allows an exception to performing examinations of the area immediately adjacent to the clamping device using a volumetric method, when it is precluded by the clamping device configuration. Therefore, the use of the proposed alternative will continue to provide an acceptable level of quality and safety. 6. Duration of Proposed Alternative The proposed relief will apply until the next DCPP, Unit 1, refueling outage in fall of 2015 (Refueling Outage 19). 7. Precedents Similar requests to use a clamping device on piping t J at forms part of the containment boundary have been previously approvJd for relief from the requirements of Paragraph 1.0(a) of ASME Section XI, Code Case N-523-2, "Mechanical Clamping Devices for Class 2 and 3 Piping," when it was 7 Enclosure 1 PG&E Letter DCL-14-027 unconditionally approved by the NRC in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 13, prior to Code Case N-523-2 being incorporated into Appendix IX of ASME Section XI Code: 1. Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 (TAC No. MC8542) dated February 9, 2006 (ADAMS Accession No. ML060460590).
: 2. Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 4 (TAC No. MC7338) 8. References
: 1. Article IX-1 000 of Appendix IX, "Mechanical Clamping Devices for Class 2 and 3 Piping Pressure Boundary," of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition with 2003 Addendum.
8 Regulatory Commitments Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter DCL-14-027 Regulatory Commitments Commitment 1 Enclosure 2 PG&E Letter DCL-14-027 The clamping device will be visually monitored for leakage once per day (24 hours). Commitment 2 As required by Paragraph (a) of Article IX-1000 of Appendix IX of ASME Section XI, the proposed clamping device will not remain in service beyond the next scheduled DCPP, Unit 1, refueling in fall2015, at which time the defect will be repaired or piping replaced.
1 Clamping Device Drawing Enclosure 3 PG&E Letter DCL-14-027 Enclosure 3 PG&E Letter DCL-14-027 Clamping Device Drawing RV-60 [ _ _J N co .... MS-1 -908 !---..l...---._l.__
____ --1...-+-j_-_\_ -__J___-------.
24"0 STEAM LEAD FOUR REPAIR CLAMP f-------------r-------1----------'
1 Clamp Design Calculation (18 pages) Enclosure 4 PG&E Letter DCL-14-027 TEIM- Industrial Services Registration#
F -00314 3 Engineering De])a.rtment.
Tel: (281) 388-5695 Fax: (281) 388-5690 ROUTING SLIP & COVER SHEET FOR NUCLEAR SAFETY RELATED JOBS Branch Work Order#: 212-00359 I Status: Priority I Caller: Eddie Rivera I i--C_u_s-to_m_e_r_:
____ :lsafety Review#: 288166 I Engr Order#: 288166EM ------1 QC Received By:
Design Pressure:
11085 psi J Design Temperature:
600 °F Service: ! Steam \ Torque Value: 1/4" studs: 7.63 ft*lbs 5/8" studs: 125.21 ft*lbs f I Total Weight: l 75.76lb J Void: 7.56 in/\3 BC ! i 11.35 in/\3 AC Sealant Type: 12X J Notification Number: 50619608 Maximum Injection Pressurl1627.5 PSI+ STATIC I Equipment Number: I MS-1-908 l I QC FINAL INSPECTION REQUIRED ..... -"''''"'" -----.a OF i \\ ,... Jt* .........
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: 2. 3/16 X 0.09 TUBING GROOVES IN BORES 3. INSTALL COPPER TUBING "SAFETY FIRST* QUALITY ALWAYS" (/)5/16" 1 /4" STUDS --._ _ ____,_3) PLACES ALT D/T D/T MIN\!! 1 /2" TORQUE: 7.63 lb*ft
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SCALE: 1:3 SHEET 3 OF 17 II 1!1 \''I Industrial Services, Inc. Sheet 4 of 17 Registration#
F-003143 EQUIPMENT#:
D Non-Critical/Nuclear Critical/Nuclear 50619608 Drawn By: MWY Date: 3/27/14 Engineering Order No.: 288166EM Checked By: AG Date: 3/27/14 Enclosures Material Specification MTR coc NR PIPE FITTING ROLLED PLATE BLOCK/ PLATE I SIDEBARS SA 516 GR 70 X X ENDPLATES STRONGBACK BARS SA 516 GR 70 X X S.B. EARS/FINGERS Fasteners STUDS ENCLOSURE SA 193 GR 87 X X STUDS STRONGBACK SA 193 GR 87 X X NUTS ENCLOSURE SA 194 GR2H X X NUTS STRONGBACK SA 194 GR 2H X X SET SCREWS HTS ....,......._,,,,,, ...... ----c., OFT \\ ,..
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FES Miscellaneous 3/28/14 TUBING COPPER X 05/26/2009 Designer MWY Date 3/27/14 Checker .A&sect;_ Date 3/27/14 TEAM Industrial Services REGISTRATION#
F-003143 Sheet 5 of 17 288166EM Split Circular End plate Analysis EQUIPMENT#:
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section II, Part D, (Table for Maximum Allowable Stresses, 2013 Formulas for Stress and Strain by Roark and Young, Fifth Edition, Table 24, Case 31 Data: Design Pressure Design Temperature Split Endplate OD Cover Wall Thickness Split Endplate Thickness Opening Hole Diameter Maximum Allowable Stress Inside Radius Analysis:
Solving for Modulus of Rigidity G:= __ E __ 2*(I + v) Solving for variables OD-2*twa!I a:= 2 a= I*in P := I 085*psi T := 600*deg OD := 6.0*in twall := 2.0*in tendpl := 0.5-in HD := O*in (consv) sallow:= 19400*psi
[ OD-2(twa!I)]
IR := -=---___;_-:...::.
2 G = 10I92307.6923*psi HD a--2 c:=---2 b :=a-c b = 0.5*in Modulus of Elasticity Poisson's Ratio Maximum Allowable Deflection Joint Efficiency External Corrosion Allowance Internal Corrosion Allowance OD := OD -2* ExtCA twall := twa!! -ExtCA -IntCA tendpl := tendpl -ExtCA -IntCA c = 0.5*in v := 0.30 Ymax := 0.05*in JE :=I ExtCA := O*in IntCA := O*in OD = 6*in twa!!= 2*in tendpl = 0.5-in ........ ""'"''\
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3/28/14 Solving for Constants TEAM Industrial Services REGISTRATION#
F-003143 SheetS of 17 288166EM 4 ( 3 ( )2 ( J b-e b-e b-e b-e K := 0.42338*(--J
-1.58614* --J + 2.85046* ---3.17277* --+ 2.48483 b+c b+c b+c b+c K = 2.4848 2* b ( .625*tendplJ G ( bJ 2 '"'{ := -+ 4* 1 -*-* 1 +-c 2*c E
* c '"'{ = 2.4962 '"Yl = 2.4629 '"'12 = 0.406 ( .625*tendplJ G ( bJ 2 >-.1 := 4* 1 -*-* 1 + -2*c E c >--1 = 4.2308 >-. = 0.2924 c 1 = 0.0116 c 1 := (b ij ("fr'ITJ -1 1 J(A-1)*cosh c 2 = 0.4087 c 2 := (b 2) ( 1 J (12*1\J -1 2 ) * -1 *cosh Stress at A (maximum) 6* p. C* b ( b 1 J [ ( 2 C) ( 2 C) CJ rrt := --2
* 3
* cr 1 -'"'11 *b + c2* 1 -12 *b + b *K tendpl rrt = 13828.95*psi Deflection at B (maximum) y = 0.0006*in Minimum Cover Wall Thickness P*IR EQUIPMENT#:
50619608 .......... , ..........
T.t::-\\ -;t
* **;?IS' a, "' ** ** 'J "*: "**I I'*!
'1. l CHRISTIAN G. LARSEN J .................................
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--3/28/14 < sallow = 19400. psi < Ymax = 0.05*in treqd = 0.05787*in
< twa11 = 2*in treqd := ( ) ffi*Sallow
TEAM Industrial Services REGISTRATION#
F-003143 Line Enclosure Analysis Purpose: This analysis will calculate the internal stresses and bolt load of a line enclosure.
Sheet 7 of 17 288166EM EQUIPMENT#:
50619608 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section II, PartD, (Table for Maximum Allowable Stresses),2013 Team Industrial Services, Teco Manufacturing, Engineering Department, IS0-9001 Quality Manual, EP8.7 0 i 1M*ns ions Data: Design Pressure P = 1 085*psi Design Temperature T = 600*deg Inside Radius Cover Thickness Cavity to Stud CL R := IR-IntCA R = l*in t := twall + IntCA t = 2 *in End of Sidebar to Stud CL Sidebar Thickness External Corrosion Allowance Internal Corrosion Allowance R := R + IntCA t := t -ExtCA -IntCA A:= A-IntCA A:= 0.25*in B := 0.25*in ts := 3.0*in ExtCA = O*in lntCA = O*in R= l*in t = 2*in A= 0.25*in "f _..) Free Diagram Length Between Centerline of Seals Sidebar Length (at Centerline)
# of Studs per Half Hole Size Stud Tensile Area Stud Allowable Stress Enclosure Allowable Stress B := B-ExtCA LB := LB-2*ExtCA ts := ts -ExtCA ._ ...........
\l f" t:O}** *
** "'* */ \*IJ "*: 1.****: ....*.................
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93539 /r._,; It o;;* ..
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.... --3/28/14 LS := 1.25*in LB := 1.5-in NS2 := 3 h := 0.3125*in TA := 0.0318*in 2 Ss := 25000*psi sallow= 19400*psi B = 0.25*in LB = 1.5-in ts = 3*in TEAM Industrial Services REGISTRATION#
F-003143 Sheet 8 of17 288166EM Analysis:
Solving for forces and moments F := P*R*LS Fx := F Fy:= F F = 1356.25*lbf Fx = 1356.25*lbf Fy = 1356.25*lbf Setting forces in x direction equal to 0 R2 = 1356.25*lbf Setting moments around centerpoint of cavity equal to 0 t A+B--EQUIPMENT#:
50619608 2 BL:=F*----
B BL = -2712.5*lbf BL := if(BL < F,F,BL) BL = 1356.25*lbf Allowable Bolt Load BLa := TASs*NS2 BLa = 2385*lbf Stresses in Shell (thin walled enclosure)
R a:= P*-t Sidebar Stress R 1 := BL-F a= 542.5*psi (at Bolt Centerline)
R1 = O*lbf (jb2 := 1 3 ab 2 = O*psi -*(LB-NS2*h)*ts 12 3 F Ts:= -* 2 (LB -NS2*h)*ts Results: Bolt Load BL = 1356.25 *lbf T 3 = 1205.5556*psi Less Than Stresses in Shell (thin walled enclosure) a= 542.5 *psi Sidebar Stresses (@bolt centerline) ab 2 = O*psi Shear Stresses in Sidebar T 3 = 1205.56*psi
._...,.,,,,,, ---'*. OF '' -A.
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: .... l CHRISTIAN G. LARSENJ f., .*.*.*.*.*.......******.**
******,/ . 3 . ,1 ,, .(')... 9 53 9. . .. n.. ttl .*q;, 't
.,:" ' *********
.. ,(;'\ -\\\Sf ON
''''" __ _ 3/28/14 Allowable BLa = 2385*lbf sallow= 19400*psi sallow = 19400. psi 0.8*Sallow
= 15520*psi Torgue Analysis:
TEAM Industrial Services REGISTRATION#
F-003143 An Introduction To The Design And Behavior Of The Bolted Joint by Bickford, Second Edition, Page 133. Stud Tensile Area Stud Allowable Stress Allowable Strength of Stud Torque Application Factor Pitch of Threads Coefficient of Friction Nut/Stud Effective Contact Radius of Threads Half Angle of Threads Coefficient of Friction Nut/Joint Effective Contact Radius Nut/Joint Analysis:
Fp :=TASS (Pitch ) Torque:= Fp*A --+ --+ j..Ln*rn 2*'1T cos(f3) TA := 0.0318*in 2 SS := 25000*psi Fp = 795*lbf A:= 2.1 Pitch:= 0.05*in j..Lt := 0.15 rt := 0.1082*in r3 := 30*deg j..Ln := 0.15 rn := 0.1875*in Torque= 7.63*ft*lbf OR Torque= 91.5279*in*lbf Sheet 9 of 17 288166EM EQUIPMENT#:
50619608 .....................
,,,'\ --'C,OF i \\
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---'''"''...., 3/28/14 TEAM Industrial Services REGISTRATION#
F-003143 Line Enclosure Analysis-Worst Case Sheet 10 of 17 288166EM Purpose: This analysis will calculate the internal stresses and bolt load of a line enclosure.
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section II, Part D, (Table for Maximum Allowable Stresses),2013 Team Industrial Services, Teco Manufacturing, Engineering Department, IS0-9001 Quality Manual, EP8.7 _rt J ... ,.-, , , J _ _,.,.,..,.--
f R Di oHms ions Data: Design Pressure P = 1085*psi Design Temperature T = 600*deg Inside Radius R := IR-IntCA R = 1*in Cover Thickness t := twall + IntCA t = 2*in Cavity to Stud CL A:= 0.75*in End of Sidebar to Stud CL Sidebar Thickness External Corrosion Allowance Internal Corrosion Allowance R := R + IntCA t := t -ExtCA -IntCA A:= A-IntCA B := 0.75*in ts := 3.0*in ExtCA = O*in IntCA = O*in R = 1*in t = 2*in A= 0.75*in ElL J I R1 Free Bod8 Diagram Length Between Centerline of Seals Sidebar Length (at Centerline)
#of Studs per Half Hole Size Stud Tensile Area Stud Allowable Stress Enclosure Allowable Stress B := B-ExtCA LB := LB-2*ExtCA ts := ts -ExtCA 3/28/14 LS := 1.5-in LB := 1.75*in NS2 := 1 h := 0.75*in TA := 0.226*in 2 Ss := 25000*psi sallow= 19400*psi B = 0.75*in LB = 1.75*in ts = 3*in TEAM Industrial Services REGISTRATION#
F-003143 Sheet 11 of 17 288166EM Analysis:
Solving for forces and moments F := P*R*LS Fx:= F Fy:= F F = 1627.5*lbf Fx = 1627.5*lbf Fy = 1627.5*lbf Setting forces in x direction equal to 0 R2 = 1627.5*lbf Setting moments around centerpoint of cavity equal to 0 t A+B--EQUIPMENT#:
50619608 2 BL := F* BL = 1085*lbf BL := if(BL < F,F,BL) BL = 1627.5-lbf B Allowable Bolt Load BLa:= TA*Ss*NS2 BLa = 5650*lbf Stresses in Shell (thin walled enclosure)
R a:= P*-t Sidebar Stress R1 := BL-F a= 542.5*psi (at Bolt Centerline)
R1=0*lbf (J'b2 := ts RrB*-2 1 3 ab 2 = O*psi -*(LB-NS2*h)-ts 12 3 F Ts:= -* 2 (LB-NS2*h)*ts T 8 = 813.75*psi Results: Bolt Load Less Than BL = 1627.5*lbf Stresses in Shell (thin walled enclosure) a= 542.5 *psi Sidebar Stresses (@ bolt centerline) ab 2 = O*psi Shear Stresses in Sidebar Ts = 813.75*psi
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_:-\\ ......... \\ IONA\..e --
3/28/14 Allowable BLa = 5650*lbf Sallow= 19400*psi Sallow = 19400 *psi 0.8*Sallow
= 15520*psi Torgue Analysis:
TEAM Industrial Services REGISTRATION#
F-003143 An Introduction To The Design And Behavior Of The Bolted Joint by Bickford, Second Edition, Page 133. Stud Tensile Area Stud Allowable Stress Allowable Strength of Stud Torque Application Factor Pitch of Threads Coefficient of Friction Nut/Stud Effective Contact Radius of Threads Half Angle of Threads Coefficient of Friction Nut/Joint Effective Contact Radius Nut/Joint Analysis:
Fp :=TASS (Pitch l!t
* rt ) Torque:= Fp*A --+ --+ 1-1n*m 2*1T cos(f3) TA := 0.226*in 2 SS := 25000*psi Fp = 5650*lbf A:= 2.1 Pitch:= 0.0909*in 1-Lt := 0.15 rt := 0.2822* in f3 := 30*deg 1-Lll := 0.15 m := 0.4219*in Torque= 125.21*ft*lbf OR Torque= 1502.4728*in*lbf Sheet 12 of 17 288166EM EQUIPMENT#:
50619608 --'''"'"'
r \\
S'_,f: \' ci:J.' .**********:!U'
: a. ;'. .. *. '* I'.* ... ** * ,, : ':. * , , .... ......................
: ... I CHRISTIAN G. LARSEN J '-, ................................
/ . . "' ,, "'').... 93539 .:,._, .
tt o,;;* ..
..:' ,,
--,,,,,---3/28/14 TEAM Industrial Services REGISTRATION#
F-003143 Thrust Calculation Due to Unequal Bores Larger Diameter Smaller Diameter Number of Studs Size of Studs Injection Pressure Design Pressure Tensile Area of Studs Stud Allowable Stress Allowable Load of Studs Thrust Produced SS := Ss ( 2 2)7\ (2)7\ Thrust:= D -d *-*IP + d *-*P 4 4 Number of Studs Required ND := Thrust H Force per Stud F := Thrust NS D := 1.75*in d := 1.05*in NS:= 2 1/2" X 13UNC IP := 1627.5*psi P = 1085*psi At:= 0.1418*in 2 SS = 25000*psi H:= AfSS H = 3545*lbf Thrust= 3444.845*lbf ND = 0.9717 F = 1722.422*lbf
< Sheet 13 of 17 288166EM EQUIPMENT#:
50619608 --''"'"''\
---'C. OF rl"-'\ ,.. ,(
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a -J.*" *.\r I , * :" \
* IJ .. *,. / ..... : .......................
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/ *
* tl ,,,.., ... 93539
* ":f;:Y-; 't;po;* ..
_;"' ,, (S'ss ********* \\ ION
* --''''-""'"--
3/28/14 NS = 2 Thrust and Bending Calculation:
Clamp Ear Thrust Produced Moment Arm Total Width Number of Studs per Half Allowable Stress Thickness Provided Joint Efficiency Force per Ear Fs := Thrust N Thickness Required tr := 6*Fs*X B*E*Sa11ow Thrust= 3444.845*lbf X:= 1.5913*in B := 5*in N:= 1 Sallow= 19400*psi tp := l.O*in E := 1 Fs = 3444.845*lbf tr = 0.582*in < tp = l*in TEAM Industrial Services REGISTRATION#
F-003143 Sheet 14 of 17 288166EM EQUIPMENT#:
50619608 Thrust and Bending Calculation:
Radius Bar Ear Thrust Produced Moment Arm Total Width Number of Studs per Half Allowable Stress Thickness Provided Joint Efficiency Force per Ear Fs := Thrust N Thickness Required tr:= 6*Fs*X B*E*Sa11ow Thrust = 3444.845*
lbf X= 1.5913*in B := 1.25*in N:= 1 sallow= 19400*psi tp := 1.25*in E := 1 Fs = 3444.845*
lbf tr = 1.165 *in < tp = 1.25*in __ ,,,,,\ ---'C. OF \\ -
c..f': \\ ,.:-c.:,:.******
****:!d' -k tl" * * '* " * ... ... * ,J l'*i \*f'
'-CHRISTIAN G. LARSEN J f.t********n***********u*******
.. / . . . , ,, ..&#xa2;"-. 93539 ln..,
.,:' '' ;&.ss ......... \\ . 10NA\.. 'e --'''"'" __ _ 3/28/14 TEAM Industrial Services REGISTRATION
# F-003143 Strap Thickness:
Radius Bar
Practical Stress Analysis in Engineering Design, Alexander Blake, 2nd Ed., pages 29-30. DATA: Number of Bolts Thrust per Bolt Ear Width Maximum Allowable Stress Joint Efficiency Strap ID Strap OD Bolt Circle Bar thickness(fumished)
Moment Arm Thickness Equation derivation:
F N:= 1 F = 1722.422*lbf B := 1.25*in sallow= 19400*psi E := 1 ID := 24*in OD := 26*in BC := 25*in OD-ID t := 2 OD + ID BC----X:= 2 2 t = l*in X= O*in X:= 1.5913*in Where, P2 := N* F M := P2*X c = t/2 I = (1/12)B(treqd) 3 S = (M*C)/1 S = (P2*X*(t/2))/(1/12)*B*t3 Bar thickness(required):
treqd := 6*M B*Sallow*E treqd = 0.82*in < t = l*in Stress on Ear 6*M Stress:=--
2 t *B*E Stress = 13156.28*
psi < Sheet 15 of 17 288166EM EQUIPMENT#:
50619608 --"''''""\ \\ -,4
* **:1u-a, ,1" * * ' "'*/ \*II "*: *** .... : ......................
: .... l CHRISTIAN G. LARSEN 1: ................................ , r, * * ,, ..o\ 93539 **'#., tt **
.;"' \\
-\\ 10NALf::.
--,,,,,---3/28/14 sallow= 19400*psi TEAM Industrial Services REGISTRATION#
F-003143 Sheet 16 of 17 288166EM Thrust Calculation Due to Separation (Flat Bar) Separation Diameter Thrust Produced Thrust:=
4 Moment Arm Total Width Number of Studs per Half Allowable Stress Thickness Provided Joint Efficiency Force per Ear Fs := Thrust N Thickness Required tr := 6*Fs*X B*E*Sa11ow d = 1.05*in Thrust= 939.503 *lbf X:= 1.25in B := l*in N:= 1 sallow= 19400*psi tp := l*in E := 1 Fs = 939.503*lbf tr = 0.603*in < EQUIPMENT#:
50619608 tp = l*in _ .................
T.r_.. \\ .-.(
*. ,-** . 'J , *.. "** J 1'*: ..
* 1'****! ......................
: .... f. CHRISTIAN G. LARSEN I .. ******************************.! . . . ,; ,, ..o\ . 93539 .:1\-, *. .*g;*., ft o;,* ..
,.:' \\
\\ IONA\."* --'''''""'--
3/28/14 TEAM Industrial Services REGISTRATION#
F-003143 Weight and Void Void Number of Injection Valves Cavity:= (2*in)2* 71 *(1.125*in)
4 4 InjVlv := NIY.O.l9*in 3 Line:=
4 4 4 Hose:=
.4 Void := Cavity -Line + InjVlv + Hose "d 6 . 3 V01 = 7.5 72*m B.C. Voidac := Void*l.5 Voidac = 11.3508*in 3 A.C Weight (Clamp & Strongback from SolidWorks Models) Clamp:= 29.91*lb*2 allthread
:= 2*0.056 lb *8*in + 2*0.056 lb *18*in + 6*0.066*lb in in Studs:= 3*0.087 *8*in + 6*0.ll*lb
+ (3*0.014 *6*in + 3*0;012*lb) m m
* Sealant:= . 3 m InjValves
:= NIV
* 0.46*lb Strongback
:= 6.37*lb + 0.8l*lb Weight:= Clamp+ allthread
+ Sealant+ InjValves
+ Strongback
+ Studs Weight= 75.7629*lb Sheet 17 of 17 288166EM EQUIPMENT#:
50619608 NIV:= 4 Cavity = 6.2402*in 3 . I 6 . 3 In]V v = 0.7 *m Line= 2.5255*in 3 Clamp = 59.82*lb allthread
= 3.308*lb Studs = 3.036*lb Sealant = 0.5789*lb InjValves
= 1.84*lb Strongback
= 7.18*lb _ ...................
,,,, \\ .-.t
** , . . , "'* / \
* IJ 1'*: ***' / .... : ............................ '-CHRISTIAN G. LARSEN J "*****************************--*/' . . ,,
93539 :"r...
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Revision as of 09:37, 11 April 2019