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#REDIRECT [[L-16-241, Updated Steam Generator Inspection Report - Fall 2015 Refueling Outage]]
| number = ML16286A264
| issue date = 10/11/2016
| title = Updated Steam Generator Inspection Report - Fall 2015 Refueling Outage
| author name = Richey M L
| author affiliation = FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/Document Control Desk, NRC/NRR
| docket = 05000412
| license number = NPF-073
| contact person =
| case reference number = CAC MF7472, L-16-241
| document type = Inservice/Preservice Inspection and Test Report, Letter
| page count = 73
| project = CAC:MF7472
| stage = Other
{{#Wiki_filter:FENOCŽ --.. ArstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Marty L. Richey Site Vice President October 11, 2016 L-16-241 A TIN: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001
Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 2 Docket No. 50-412, License No. NPF-73 Beaver Valley Power Station P.O. Box4 Shippingport, PA 15077 724-682-5234 Fax: 724-643-8069 Updated Steam Generator Inspection Report -Fall 2015 Refueling Outage (CAC No. MF7472} By letter dated January 22, 2016 (Accession No. ML 16025A168)
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) submitted a report summarizing the results of the 2015 steam generator tube inspections for Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 2. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requested additional information to complete its review of the reports (Accession No. ML 16147A284).
FENOC responded to this request by letter dated July 14, 2016 (Accession No. ML 16196A318).
In the response, FENOC identified changes needed to the original January 22, 2016 report. As a result, the report (Beaver Valley Unit 2 End-of-Cycle 18 Analysis and Prediction for Cycle 19 Voltage-Based Repair Criteria 90-Day Report, Revision 1) has been updated to reflect these changes. During the review of the revised report, FENOC identified additional changes, and as a result, the report was subsequently updated. Revision bars are included in the left margin to identify substantial or technical changes from the version previously submitted to the Document Control Desk. The need to revise the original January 22, 2016 report was documented in the FENOC Corrective Action Program. The current revision of the report is enclosed.
There are no regulatory commitments contained in this letter. If there are any questions or if additional information is required, please contact Mr. Thomas A. Lentz, Manager -Fleet Licensing, at 330-315-6810.
Sincerely, . {, f*1 e_ Marty L. RicAey 
Westinghouse Non-Propr i etary Class 3 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 Beaver Valley Unit 2 End-of-Cycle 18 Analysis and Prediction for End-of-Cycle 19 Voltage-Based Repair Criteria 90-Day Report @Westinghouse Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 Beaver Valley Unit 2 End-of-Cycle 18 Analysis and Prediction for End-of-Cycle 19 Voltage-Based Repair Criteria 90 Day Report William R. LaMantia *, Senior Engineer Steam Generator Management Programs September 2016 Reviewer:
William K. Cullen*, Fellow Engineer Steam Generator Management Programs Approved:
David P. Lytle*, Manager Steam Generator Management Programs Owner Accepted:
I 0 I bto P. Pauvlinch, Manager, Technical ervices Engineering
*Electronically approved records are authenticated in the Electronic Document 111anagement System. SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC P.O. Box 158 Madison, PA l 5663 © 2016 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC AH Rights Reserved iiSG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5  RECORD OF REVISIONS Revision Date Description 0 December 2015 Original 1 January 2016 Editorial revisions to add commas and improve consistency.
In Section 3.1, sentence added to bett er explain that specific inspection probes can only be used in Row 3 and 4 tubes with sleeves and
indications on the cold leg side was corrected. Tables 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, and 6-1 and Figures 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 6-1, 6-2, and 6-3
updated to show that no indications exist beyond 1.5V. Figures 3-5 and 3-6 updated to show that the Cycle 17 growth rate curve was use as it bounded the growth observed during Cycle 18. Note added to Table 7-2 to better ex plain the use of the Cycle 17 growth rate curve, and Maximum Volts for SG-B corrected.
Comment column added to the tables in Appendix A.
Change bars are used in the left margins where substantial or technical changes occurred. Change bars are not used for editorial changes such as formatting changes and minor non-technical corrections.
2 July  2016 Fixed Table 3-4, growth statistics no longer have new indications included. Fixed Table 3-5, added "per EFPY" as qualifier to voltage change. Adjusted Table 3-5 bin values and entries; entries were one row off. Fixed Table 6-1, OA inputs are corrected, resulting in new results. Fixed Table 7-2, results changed, see Table 6-1. Fixed Figures 6-2 and 6-3 to reflect results from corrected OA inputs. On page 3-3, added "none of these exceeded 0.5 volts" and "on a per EFPY basis." Revised text on page 6-1, was 13 tubes and 13 indications, now 4 tubes and 6 indications. Maximum tube burst probability for the limiting SG was 3.61x10-5 at SG-B, now it is 4.87x10
-5 at SG-B. Maximum leak rate was 0.303 gpm at SG-B, now it is 0.300 gpm at SG-B. This change was made on pages 1-1, 2-1, and 7-1. Change bars are used in the left margins where substantial or technical changes occurred.
3 July 2016 Fixed Table 3-2, corrected errors in the totals for the 0.7 and 1.0 voltage bins. Revision 3 of this document is a minor revision. Change bars for Revision 2 still exist in this document.
Change bars are used in the left margins where substantial or technical changes occurred.
4 August 2016 Fixed Table 6-1 SG A entries. Simulation was re-run and table upd ated. Fixed Table 7-2.
The number of indications at EOC-19 was 500, now it is 502. Leak rate was 0.19, it is no w 0.19 gpm. Change bars are used in the left margins where substan tial or technical changes occurred.
iii SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 Revision Date Description 5 September 2016 Updated Table 6-1 entries for all SGs for consistency, using actual DSI voltage for bins above 1.1 volts instead of random sampling (SG-A and SG-C) in the largest bin. All SG rerun; SG A leak rate reduced to 0.189 gpm; SG C leak rate increased to 0.268 gpm, Table 7-2 updated to reflect these results. All other OA results remain consistent. Revised verbiage on pages 3-2 and 3-3 to clarify amplitudes greate r than or equal to 1.0, but no greater than 1.5. Updated rev bars throughout document for consistency amongst earlier versions.
Change bars are used in the left margins where substantial or technical changes occurred.
iv SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5  TABLE OF CONTENTS RECORD OF REVISIONS ............................................................................................................ iiTABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................
.. ivLIST OF TABLES ...........................................................................................................................vLIST OF FIGURES ... -----------------------------vi 1INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1-12
................................................................................ 2-132R18 INSPECTION RESULTS AND VOLTAGE GROWTH RATES
............................. 3-13.12R18 Inspection Results ............................................................................................. 3-13.2Voltage Growth Rates ................................................................................................. 3-33.3Probe Wear Criteria ..................................................................................................... 3-43.4NDE Uncertainties ...................................................................................................... 3-44DATABASE APPLIED FOR LEAK AND BURST CORRELATIONS ........................... 4-14.1Tube Material Properties ............................................................................................ 4-14.2Burst Correlation ......................................................................................................... 4-14.3Leak Rate Correlation ................................................................................................. 4-14.4Probability of Leak Correlation .................................................................................. 4-14.5NDE Uncertainties ...................................................................................................... 4-14.6Upper Voltage Repair Limit ....................................................................................... 4-15SLB ANALYSIS METHODS
........................................................................................... 5-16BOBBIN VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTIONS ......................................................................... 6-16.1Calculation of Voltage Distributions .......................................................................... 6-16.2Probability of Detection (POD).................................................................................. 6-26.3Limiting Growth Rate Distribution ............................................................................ 6-26.4Cycle Operatin g Period .............................................................................................. 6-26.5Projected EOC-19 Voltage Distribution ..................................................................... 6-27SLB LEAK RATE AND TUBE BURST PROBABILITY ANALYSES
........................... 7-17.12R18 Condition Monitoring Leak Rate and Tube Burst Probability........................ 7-17.2Cycle 19 Operational Assessment Leak Rate and Tube Burst Probability .............. 7-18REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 8-1APPENDIX A ....................................................................................................................
......... A-1 v SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5  LIST OF TABLES Table 3-1 2R18 DSI Voltage Distribution for SG-A--------------.-...3-5 Table 3-2 2R18 DSI Voltage Distribution for SG-B----.-----------...3-6 Table 3-3 2R18 DSI Voltage Distribution for SG-C----.-----------...3-7 Table 3-4 Indication Distribution as Function of Tube Support Plate---------.3-8 Table 3-5 Voltage Growth Cumulative Distribution----------------3-9 Table 3-6 Growth Rate as Function of BOC Voltage Range------------.3-10 Table 3-7 Indications with the Largest Growth in Cycle 18------------..3-11 Table 4-1 7/8" Tube Burst Pressure vs. Bobbin Amplitude Correlation Parameters-.--..4-3 Table 4-2 Tube Leak Rate vs. Bobbin Amplitude Correlation Parameters-------.4-4 Table 4-3 7/8" Tube Probability of Leak Correlation Parameters----------...4-5 Table 6-1 Predicted Voltage Distribution at EOC-19---------------..6-3 Table 7-1 Condition Monitoring Leak and Burst Results for 2R18----------7-2 Table 7-2 Operational Assessment Leak and Burst Results for EOC-19 (POD = 0.6)-...-7-2 Table A-1 DSI Indications for 2R18 in SG-A-----------------.....A-1 Table A-2 DSI Indications for 2R18 in SG-B-----------------.....A-9 Table A-3 DSI Indications for 2R18 in SG-C-----------------...A-20
vi SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1 Measured Bobbin DSI Voltage, 2R18 SG-A--------------.3-12 Figure 3-2 Measured Bobbin DSI Voltage, 2R18 SG-B--------------.3-13 Figure 3-3 Measured Bobbin DSI Voltage, 2R18 SG-C--------------.3-14 Figure 3-4 Number of Measured Bobbin DSI as a Function of TSP---------..3-15 Figure 3-5 Voltage Grow th during Cycle 18------------------...3-16 Figure 3-6 Expansion of Figure 3-5 at Extreme Voltage Growth during Cycle 18--.........3-17 Figure 3-7 Voltage Growth in Cycle 18 vs. BOC Voltage-------------. .3-18 Figure 6-1 Predicted Voltage Di stribution at EOC-19, SG-A------------...6-4 Figure 6-2 Predicted Voltage Di stribution at EOC-19, SG-B------------...6-5 Figure 6-3 Predicted Voltage Di stribution at EOC-19, SG-C------------...6-6
1-1 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 1 INTRODUCTION This report provides a summary of the Beaver Valley Unit 2 steam generator (SG) bobbin and
+PointŽ1 probe inspections at tube support plate (TSP) intersections from the Fall 2015, 2R18 outage, together w ith postulated Stea m Line Break (SLB) leak rate and tube burst probability analyses. The 2R18 outage represents the third application of the Generic Letter (GL) 95-05 (Reference 1) voltage based repair criteria, and implemen tation of its requirements, to the Beaver Valley Unit 2 Model 51M SGs. The criteria were implemented during the 2R16 outage. Information required by the GL 95-05 is provided in this report, including SLB leak rates and tube burst probabilities calculated using th e end-of-cycle (EOC) conditions for the recently completed Cycle 18, representing a condition monitoring assessment of bobbin coil signal amplitudes for observed possible indications. In addition, a projection of EOC-19 bobbin coil voltage distributions, as well as the associated SG tu be leak rates and bur st probabilities through EOC-19 conditions is provided. The condition monitoring analysis at End-of-Cycle 18 (EOC-18) was carried out using the actual bobbin coil voltage distributions measured during the 2R18 outage.
These results show that the 2R18 condition monitoring leak rates and conditi onal burst probabilities for all three SGs are well within their respective allowable limits. A comparison with the projections made in the previous 90 Day Report at the 2R17 outage (Reference 2) shows that the predictions were very conservative. These evaluations utilized the Westinghouse generic methodology that uses Monte Carlo analysis techni ques (Reference 3).
The operational asse ssment analysis was performe d to project leak rates and tube burst probabilities for postulated SLB conditions at the end of the upcom ing cycle (EOC-19) based on the 2.0 volt repair criteria for 7/8-inch diameter tubes. These anal yses utilized bobbin voltage distributions measured during the recent (2R18) inspection and a growth rate distribution boundi ng the last two inspections (2R17 and 2R18). Le ak and burst an alyses for the operational assessment were performed using the Reference 4 default value primary-to-secondary pressure differential of 2560 psi. The Cycle 19 operational assessment predicts that SG B will be the limiting SG for projected leakage. With a Cycle 19 period of operation estimated at 550 ef fective full power days (EFPD), the limiting EOC-19 maximum leak rate for SG B is projected to be 0.300 gpm (room temperature), which is well below the allowable limit of 2.2 gpm for the faulted SG. The corresponding maximum tube burst probability for the limiting SG (SG B) of 4.87 x 10
-5 is well below the GL 95-05 limit of 1.0 x 10
-2. Thus, the GL 95-05 requirements are predicted to be satisfied at the EOC-19.
1 +PointŽ is a trademark of Zetec, Inc.
2-1 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 2
AND CONCLUSIONS A total of 1051 distorted support indications (DSI) in all three SGs combined were reported during the Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 2 (BVPS2) 2R18 bobbin coil inspection. Per GL 95-05, only those DSI signals with a bobbin coil signal amplitude of 2.0 volts or greater are required to be inspected using a +Point (or equivalent) probe. All DSI signals reported during 2R18 were less than 2.0 volts, so no indications were required to be tested with the +Point probe. However, some indications were tested with the +Point probe to confirm the mi nimal bobbin coil voltage growth condition. These indications were confirmed as axial outside diameter stress corrosion cracking (ODSCC) using the +Point probe during the 2R16 outage and have been inspected with a +Point probe at each successive outage. The maximum bobb in coil voltage indication in all three SGs was 1.46 volts on R21 C54 at the 02H tube support plate in SG-B. 
SLB leak rate and tube burst probability analyses were performed using the actual 2R18 bobbin voltage distributions (condition monitoring anal ysis) as well as the projected EOC-19 bobbin voltage distributions (operational assessment). The SLB leak rates from the condition monitoring analysis show significant margins relative to the faulted SG allowable limit of 2.2 gpm (room temperature), Reference 11. The corresponding condition monitoring tube burst probability values are well below the allowable limit of 1.0 x 10
-2. At 2R18, the largest SLB leak rate in the condition monitoring anal ysis is calculated for SG-B, with a magnitude of 0.0617 gpm, which is well below the allowable SLB leakage limit of 2.2 gpm in the faulted SG. All leak rate values quoted are equivalent volumetric rates at room temperature. The limiting conditional tube burst probability from th e condition monitori ng analysis, 1.57 10-5 also predicted for SG-B, is well below the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) reporting guideline of 1.0 x 10
-2. Thus, the condition monitori ng results are well within the allowable limit/reporting guideline. SLB leak rate and tube burst probability projections at the EOC-19 conditions were performed using the latest alternate repair criteria (ARC) database available for 7/8 inch outside diameter (OD) tubing (Addendum 7 update), which is documented in Reference 4. Leak and burst analyses for the Cycle 19 operational assessment were performed using the Reference 4 default primary-to-secondary pressure differential of 2560 psi. SG-B is pr edicted to be the limiting SG. For a projected Cycle 19 duration of 550 EFPD, the EOC-19 leak rate projected for SG-B using the GL 95-05 constant probability of detection (POD) of 0.6 is 0.300 gpm (at room temperature), which is less than the current limit of 2.2 gpm in the faulted SG. This leak rate projection utilized the leak rate calculation methodology of References 5 and
: 6. The limiting EOC-19 burst probability of 4.87  10-5 is calculated for SG-B an d is well below the allowable limit of 1.0 x 10
-2. Therefore, all acceptance criteria of Reference 1 will be satisfied throughout Cycle 19. 
3-1 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 3 2R18 INSPECTION RESULTS AND VOLTAGE GROWTH RATES 3.12R18 Inspection Results For outages prior to 2R16, the alternate repair criterion per GL 95-05 had been approved for BVPS2, but was not implemented. FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) had not implemented the criterion due to the small num ber of bobbin indications at TSP intersections which were confirmed to contain axial outside diameter stress corrosion cracking (ODSCC) using a +Point probe. The criterion was implemented at 2R16 due to an increase in the number of DSIs confirmed to contain axial ODSCC from +Point probe examination.
It should be noted, for 2R16, and prior outages the bobbin probe analysis utilized the guidance and requirements of GL 95-05. Since the initial 2R16 (and prior outages) inspection plan did not assume that  GL 95-05 would be implemented, all bobbin coil DSIs were inspected using a +Point probe. Note that under GL 95-05, only DSI signals with a 400/100 mix (hereafter referred to simply as the mix channel) signal amplitude of greater than
===2.0 volts===
are required to be inspected using a
+Point probe. In accordance with the guidance provided by the NRC GL 95-05, the 2R18 inspection of the Beaver Valley Unit 2 SGs consisted of a 100
% eddy current (EC) bobbin probe full length examination of the tube bundles in all three SGs. All hot and cold leg TSP intersections were inspected using 0.720 inch diameter bobbin probes, with the exception of those hot leg TSP intersections in Row 3 and Row 4 tubes, which c ontain SG tube sleeves at the hot leg top-of-tubesheet. In these tubes (2), a 0.630 inch diameter wide gr oove bobbin probe was used for DSI detection. If a DSI was observed using the 0.630 inch wide groove bobbin probe, an attempt was made to obtain an inspection of these locations using a 0.720 inch diameter bobbin probe from the cold leg side. If this probe could not pass over the U-bend, the tube was to be plugged as FENOC has not received NRC approval to utilize the reduced diameter probe results in the analysis. Prior evaluation of DSIs from othe r plants, which were inspected using both the 0.640 inch wide groove and 0.720 standard bobbin pr obe show that the voltage response from the 0.640 inch wide groove, is c onservative compared to the vol tage response of the 0.720 inch standard bobbin probe. A 0.630 diameter wide groove bobbin probe was used at 2R17 and 2R18.
The performance characteristic s of the 0.630 and 0.640 inch wide groove probe were reviewed and confirmed to be consistent. During the 2R17 outage, only one such indication was reported.
During the 2R18 outage, none were reported. It s hould be noted that only two Row 3 or Row 4 tubes contain sleeves, both are Row 4 tubes. To assess depth growth, the 2R17 DSIs with +Point probe confirmation were also inspected at 2R18, even though none were requir ed to be inspected with a
+Point probe due to the low bobbin amplitudes. This inspection showed little or no change in the +Point probe signal character was observed, thus impl ying little or no depth growth of the indication. The largest +Point probe signal amplitude in the 300 kHz channel from the confirmed DSI indications is only 0.2 volt, which represents a depth of 51% through-wall (TW) using the sizing protocol of Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Examination Technique Specification Sheet (ETSS I28431.Long term trending of the Unit 2 DSI population has shown a limited growth potential. For Cycles 10 through 18, the mean DS I voltage growth has be en essentially zero.
3-2 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 Additionally, the +Point probe amplitudes for DSI signals confirmed as axial ODSCC have been much less than 1.0 volt, suggesting that a sha llow depth of penetration exists. This in turn suggests the DSI voltage growth will remain minimal and not move to "extreme" over the next operating cycle. Thus, it can be concluded that, th e character of DSI indica tions reported to date has been associated with a depth of penetration well below 100% TW.
In addition, the EOC-18 eddy current inspection plan included 100% +Point probe inspection of all hot leg and cold leg dents >5 volts (as measured from the bobbin probe), which exceeds the GL 95-05 requirement for testing of said dents of down to the lowest cold leg TSP with DSI reports. The 2R18 eddy current inspection plan al so included 100% +Point probe inspection of dents with indication (DNI) and 25% of support plate residuals (SPR). The DNI call is generated using an auto data screening (ADS) process, and identifies any TSP intersection with a mix channel voltage of >1.25 volts with a pha se angle of 55 degrees. This screening is performed for the detection of signals, which could be confirmed as axial primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) indications at TSP intersections. The identification of a DNI call is not solely restricted to the ADS output; the manual data an alysis can also report DNI indications. A DNI call also does not imply that a possible indication is being reported at a dented TSP, only that the bobbin coil signal amplitude and phase angle are within the DNI reporting window. SPRs are defined as bobbin coil signals wh ich do not contain flaw-like components but have a signal amplitude of >1.5 volts and phase angles >5 5 degrees. Axial ODSCC indications were not reported in these populations based on the +Point probe analysis. No axial PWSCC or circumferential stress corrosion cracking (SCC) was reported at any TSP intersection. The +Point probe inspection program for dents, DNIs, and SPRs was extensive. The following table provides the number of +Point probe exams performed at TSP intersections during 2R18. SG >5V Dents DNI SP R Total RPC Tested Total RPC Tested A 16 427 427 993 353 B 37 79 79 260 83 C 16 222 222 153 66 The requirements of the GL 95-05 methodology in Section 1.b of Reference 1 are all satisfied. Tube intersections with the flow distribution baffle are excluded from this GL 95-05 analysis.
There are no other excluded tube support plate intersections (Reference 7). None of the indications included in this analysis were detected in dents >5.0 volts, as measured by bobbin. All SPR indications >2V were tested with the +Point probe so that no ODSCC indications  >1.0 volt would be missed or misread, as discussed earlier. No copper signal interference was detected. Tables 3-1 through 3-3 present the 2R18 bobbin voltage data for the TSP intersections in the three SGs with distorted support indications (DSIs). A total of 1051 TSP locations had DSI indications in all three SGs combined, of which only 29 indications had amplitudes greater than or equal to 1.0 volt and no indications were greater than 1.5 volts. No DSI was above the 3-3 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 GL 95-05 lower voltage repair limit of 2.0 volts.
Tables 3-1 through 3-3 tabulate the number of field bobbin indications, the number of those indications that were +Point probe RPC inspected, the number of +Point probe RPC confirmed indications, and the number of indications removed from service. No tubes were deplugged in the current inspection with the intent of returning them to service after inspection in accordance with the alternate repair crit eria. The distribution of 2R18 indications is also shown in Figures 3-1, 3-2 and 3-3 for SG-A, SG-B, and SG-C, respectively.
The distribution of 2R18 indications as a func tion of support plate location is summarized in Table 3-4 and shown in Figure 3-4.
The data show a str ong predisposition of ODSCC to occur in the first few hot leg TSPs although the mechanism extended to higher TSPs. Only eight indications were detected on the cold leg side; none of these exceeded 0.5 volt. This distribution is consistent with that observed at other plants and is commonly attributed to the temperature dependence of ODSCC. Appendix A provides a listing of a ll DSIs reported at the BVPS 2R18 outage in the form of tables (Tables A-1, A-2, and A-3), whether axial ODSCC was confirmed (SAI/MAI in Comment column), and whether the tube contained the in dication(s) was plugged (Comment column). No sleeves were installe d at the 2R18 outage.
3.2Voltage Growth Rates For projection of leak rates and tube burst probabilities at EOC-19, voltage growth rates were developed from the 2R17 and 2R18 inspection bobbin data. Grow th is determined when the same indication can be identified in two successive inspections. Since there can be new indications in one outage, the number of indications for which a growth can be defined is less than the number of indications detected. Table 3-4 shows a distribution of growth as a function of TSP number. Table 3-5 shows the frequency and cumulative probability distribution of growth as a function of voltage change in each BVPS2 steam generator during Cycle 18 on a per EFPY basis.
The average bobbin coil vo ltage growth rates for each SG during Cycle 18 are given in Table 3-6. The average growth rates over the entire voltage range are negative indicating essentially no voltage growth. The Cycle 18 growth rates on an EFPY basis for each SG are shown in Figure 3-5. A magnification of the upper tail of this growth distribution is shown in Figure 3-6. Also shown in Figure 3-5 and in Figure 3-6 is a curve which bounds all of the growth curves for both Cycle 18 and Cycle 17 (Reference 2). The Cycle 17 bounding curve is more bounding than the Cycle 18 bounding curve therefore the Cycle 17 bounding curve is used in the operational assessment analysis to project the indication voltages at EOC-19. Table 3-7 lists the top 15 indications based on Cycle 18 growth rate in descending order. The average growth rates over the entire voltage range for Cycle 18 are negative indicating essentially no voltage growth, but Table 3-7 shows that in ca ses of positive growth rates, that Cycle 18 had only modest growth. The growth during Cycle 18 for all indications was under 0.4 volts.
3-4 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 To determine if BVPS2 growth rates exhibited a potential dependency on the BOC voltage, the growth rate data for Cycle 18 was plotted against BOC voltage, and the resulting plot is shown in Figure 3-7. The Cycle 18 growth data do not show any tendency to increase with the BOC voltage; if at all, the growth seems to decrease with increasing BOC voltage. Therefore, growth can be assumed independent of voltage in the Monte Carlo analysis for the operational assessment.
3.3Probe Wear Criteria An alternate probe wear criteria approved by the NRC (Reference 8) was applied during the 2R18 inspection. When a probe does not pass the 15% wear limit, this alternate criteria requires that only tubes with indications above 75% of the repair limit inspected since the last successful probe wear check be re-inspected with a good probe. As the repair limit for Beaver Valley Unit 2 is 2 volts, all tubes containing indications for wh ich the worn probe voltage is above 1.5 volts are to be inspected with a new probe. Since no indications had amplitudes over 1.5 volts no tubes were retested due to the probe wear criter ia being exceeded.
3.4NDE Uncertainties The NDE uncertainties applied for the Cycle 18 voltage distributions in the Monte Carlo analyses for leak rate and burst probab ilities are the same as those in the NRC Generic Letter 95-05 (Reference 1). The probe wear uncer tainty has a standard deviation of 7.0% about a mean of zero and has a cut-off at 15% based on implementation of the probe wear standard. If the random sample of probe wear selected during the Monte Carlo simulations exceeds 15%, sampling of the probe wear distribution is continued until a value less than 15% is picked. The analyst variability uncertainty has a standard deviation of 10.3% about a mean of zero with no cut-off. These nondestructive examination (NDE) uncertainty distributions are included in the Monte Carlo analyses for SLB leak rates and tube burst pr obabilities based on the 2R18 actual voltage distributions as well as for the EOC-19 projections.
3-5 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 Table 3-1 2R18 DSI Voltage Distribution for SG-A Voltage Bin Number of Indications
+Point Probe Confirmed
+Point Probe Tested  But Not Confirmed Not +Point Probe Tested Plugged Returned to Service In-Service, +Point Confirmed or +Point Not Tested 0.1 4 0 0 4 0 4 4 0.2 47 2 0 45 0 47 47 0.3 81 7 0 74 0 81 81 0.4 60 1 0 59 0 60 60 0.5 44 2 0 42 0 44 44 0.6 24 1 0 23 0 24 24 0.7 14 2 0 12 0 14 14 0.8 7 0 0 7 0 7 7 0.9 13 1 0 12 0 13 13 1 2 0 0 2 0 2 2 1.1 2 0 0 2 0 2 2 1.2 2 1 0 1 0 2 2 1.3 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  Total 301 17 0 284 0 301 301 Average voltage = 0.386 volts
3-6 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 Table 3-2 2R18 DSI Voltage Distribution for SG-B Voltage Bin Number of Indications
+Point Probe Confirmed
+Point Probe Tested  But Not Confirmed Not +Point Probe Tested Plugged Returned to Service In-Service, +Point Confirmed or +Point Not Tested 0.1 6 1 0 5 0 6 6 0.2 62 3 0 59 1 61 61 0.3 109 6 0 103 1 108 108 0.4 66 4 0 62 0 66 66 0.5 63 3 0 60 1 62 62 0.6 46 2 0 44 0 46 46 0.7 31 5 0 26 1 30 30 0.8 12 2 0 10 0 12 12 0.9 10 0 0 10 0 10 10 1 5 0 0 5 0 5 5 1.1 5 0 0 5 0 5 5 1.2 2 0 0 2 0 2 2 1.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  Total 418 26 0 392 4 414 414 Average voltage = 0.401 volts
3-7 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 Table 3-3 2R18 DSI Voltage Distribution for SG-C Voltage Bin Number of Indications
+Point Probe Confirmed
+Point Probe Tested  But Not Confirmed Not +Point Probe Tested Plugged Returned to Service In-Service, +Point Confirmed or +Point Not Tested 0.1 3 0 0 3 0 3 3 0.2 50 2 0 48 0 50 50 0.3 71 2 0 69 0 71 71 0.4 59 2 0 57 0 59 59 0.5 44 2 0 42 1 43 43 0.6 35 4 0 31 0 35 35 0.7 30 3 0 27 1 29 29 0.8 17 2 0 15 0 17 17 0.9 14 1 0 13 0 14 14 1 2 1 0 1 0 2 2 1.1 3 0 0 3 0 3 3 1.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.3 4 0 0 4 0 4 4 1.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  Total 332 19 0 313 2 330 330 Average voltage = 0.424 volts
3-8 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 Table 3-4 Indication Distribution as Function of Tube Support Plate SG-A  SG-BTSP Number of Indications Max. Volts Ave. Volts Largest Growth, Volts Average Growth, Volts TSP Number of Indications Max. Volts Ave. Volts Largest Growth, Volts Average Growth, Volts 02H 110 1.23 0.40 0.39 -0.04 02H 178 1.46 0.43 0.35 -0.03 03H 85 1.03 0.42 0.3 -0.03 03H 128 1.15 0.43 0.28 -0.02 04H 40 0.7 0.35 0.2 -0.03 04H 50 1.01 0.36 0.26 -0.04 05H 41 0.83 0.36 0.32 -0.04 05H 34 0.77 0.31 0.14 0.00 06H 8 0.44 0.28 0.17 -0.02 06H 8 0.42 0.29 0.09 -0.04 07H 5 0.66 0.41 0.14 0.00 07H 8 0.41 0.28 0.08 -0.04 08H 9 0.41 0.26 0.08 -0.01 08H 7 0.73 0.29 0.00 -0.13 04C 0 - - - - 04C 1 0.14 0.14 0.02 0.02 06C 2 0.3 0.25 0.08 0.03 06C 2 0.15 0.14 0.00 -0.08 08C 1 0.28 0.28 0.02 0.02 08C 2 0.33 0.29 0.00 -0.01 Total 301    Total 418      SG-C  Com positeTSP Number of Indications Max. Volts Ave. Volts Largest Growth, Volts Average Growth, Volts TSP Number of Indications Max. Volts Ave. Volts Largest Growth, Volts Average Growth, Volts 02H 135 1.3 0.51 0.36 -0.04 02H 423 1.46 0.45 0.39 -0.04 03H 99 1.04 0.41 0.36 -0.06 03H 312 1.15 0.42 0.36 -0.03 04H 41 0.71 0.31 0.19 -0.02 04H 131 1.01 0.34 0.26 -0.03 05H 29 0.77 0.37 0.11 -0.04 05H 104 0.83 0.34 0.32 -0.03 06H 13 0.35 0.22 0.06 -0.10 06H 29 0.44 0.26 0.17 -0.05 07H 7 0.51 0.26 -0.05 -0.13 07H 20 0.66 0.31 0.14 -0.05 08H 8 1.08 0.42 0.04 -0.07 08H 24 1.08 0.32 0.08 -0.07 04C 0 - - - - 04C 1 0.14 0.14 0.02 0.02 06C 0 - - - - 06C 4 0.3 0.19 0.08 -0.03 08C 0 - - - - 08C 3 0.33 0.29 0.02 0.01 Total 332    Total 1051 3-9 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 Table 3-5 Voltage Growth Cumulative Distribution SG-A SG-B SG-C Composite Voltage Change:  EOC-18 minus EOC-17 per EFPY Number of  Indications Cumulative Probability Distribution Number of Indications Cumulative Probability Distribution Number ofIndications Cumulative Probability Distribution Number of Indications Cumulative Probability Distribution -0.8<V-0.7 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 -0.7<V-0.6 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 -0.6<V-0.5 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 -0.5<V-0.4 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 -0.4<V-0.3 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 -0.3<V-0.2 18 0.0612 13 0.0327 17 0.0520 48 0.0471 -0.2<V-0.1 33 0.1735 41 0.1357 43 0.1835 117 0.1619
-0.1 <V-0.0 130 0.6156 198 0.6332 173 0.7125 501 0.6536 0.0<V0.1 87 0.9116 127 0.9523 81 0.9602 295 0.9431 0.1<V0.2 22 0.9864 16 0.9925 10 0.9908 48 0.9902 0.2<V0.3 4 1.0000 3 1.0000 3 1.0000 10 1.0000 0.3<V0.4 0 1.0000 0 1.0000 0 1.0000 0 1.0000 0.4<V0.5 0 1.0000 0 1.0000 0 1.0000 0 1.0000 0.5<V0.6 0 1.0000 0 1.0000 0 1.0000 0 1.0000 0.6<V0.7 0 1.0000 0 1.0000 0 1.0000 0 1.0000 0.7<V0.8 0 1.0000 0 1.0000 0 1.0000 0 1.0000 Number of Indications with Growth 294 398 327 1019
3-10 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 Table 3-6 Growth Rate as Function of BOC Voltage Range Voltage Range  Number of Indications for Growth Average BOC Voltage Average Voltage Growth per Cycle 18 Average Voltage Growth per EFPY              Composite Entire Range  1019 0.442 -0.0360 -0.0271 Vboc<0.75  914 0.389 -0.0312 -0.0234 Vboc>0.75  105 0.903 -0.0782 -0.0587 SG-A Entire Range  294 0.416 -0.0314 -0.0236 Vboc<0.75 268 0.369 -0.0259 -0.0194 Vboc>0.75 26 0.897 -0.0881 -0.0662 SG-B Entire Range  398 0.433 -0.0280 -0.0211 Vboc<0.75  362 0.385 -0.0253 -0.0190 Vboc>0.75  36 0.907 -0.0556 -0.0417 SG-C      Entire Range 327 0.477 -0.0500 -0.0375 Vboc<0.75 284 0.412 -0.0437 -0.0329 Vboc>0.75 43 0.902 -0.0912 -0.0685 3-11 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 Table 3-7    Indications with the Largest Growth in Cycle 18 SG Row Col TSP # EOC-18 Volts EOC-17 Volts C18 Growth, Volts +Point Probe Tested A 5 26 02H 1.01 0.62 0.39 No C 22 20 02H 1.3 0.94 0.36 No C 7 40 03H 0.73 0.37 0.36 No B 9 52 02H 0.86 0.51 0.35 No A 13 39 05H 0.7 0.38 0.32 No A 5 10 03H 0.74 0.44 0.30 No A 7 18 03H 0.88 0.59 0.29 No B 5 52 02H 0.89 0.6 0.29 No B 13 77 03H 1.05 0.77 0.28 No C 12 9 02H 0.64 0.37 0.27 No B 30 50 04H 1.01 0.75 0.26 No A 16 70 03H 0.47 0.22 0.25 No A 5 29 02H 1.13 0.89 0.24 Yes B 9 85 02H 0.86 0.63 0.23 No B 30 55 03H 0.63 0.40 0.23 No
3-12 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 Figure 3-1 Measured Bobbin DSI Voltage, 2R18 SG-A 0 20 40 60 80100 120 1400. NumberofIndications VoltageBin 2R18Measuredvs.PredictedVoltageDistributionSGAMeasured Predicted 3-13 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 Figure 3-2 Measured Bobbin DSI Voltage, 2R18 SG-B 0 20 40 60 80100120140 160 1800. NumberofIndications VoltageBin 2R18Measuredvs.PredictedVoltageDistributionSGBMeasured Predicted 3-14 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 Figure 3-3 Measured Bobbin DSI Voltage, 2R18 SG-C 0 20 40 60 801001200. NumberofIndications VoltageBin 2R18Measuredvs.PredictedVoltageDistributionSGCMeasured Predicted 3-15 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 Figure 3-4 Number of Measured Bobbin DSI as a Function of TSP 0 20 40 60 80100 120140160 18020002H03H04H05H06H07H08H04C06C08C NumberofIndications SupportNumber NumberofIndicationsvs.SupportNumber SGA SGB SGC 3-16 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 Figure 3-5 Voltage Growth during Cycle 18 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.4 0.2 0 0.20.4 0.6 CumulativeDistribution Growth,Volts/EFPYCycle18DSIBobbinVoltageGrowth/EFPY CY17Bound SGA SGB SGC 3-17 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 Figure 3-6 Expansion of Figure 3-5 at Extreme Voltage Growth during Cycle 18 0.900.91 0.920.930.940.950.96 0.970.980.991.0000. CumulativeDistribution Growth,Volts/EFPYCycle18DSIBobbinVoltageGrowth/EFPY SGA SGB SGC CY17Bound 3-18 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 Figure 3-7 Voltage Growth in Cycle 18 vs. BOC Voltage 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.800. GrowthinVolts BOCVoltsGrowthinVoltsinCycle18vs.BOCVolts SGA SGB SGC 4-1 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 4 DATABASE APPLIED FOR LEA K AND BURST CORRELATIONS 4.1Tube Material Properties The tube material properties are provided in Table 4-1 of Reference 4 for 7/8-inch diameter tubes at 650&deg;F. The parameters used in the analysis are the flow stress mean (sum of yield and ultimate strengths divided by 2) of 68.78 ksi and the fl ow stress standard deviation of 3.1725 ksi.
4.2Burst Correlation The burst pressure, P b, is normalized to a material with a flow stress of 68.78 ksi, which is the mean of the Westinghouse 7/8-inch tube data. The actual material property values for Beaver Valley Unit 2 are slightly higher than the average of all Westinghouse data. The correlation parameters shown in Table 4-1 are taken from Reference 4.
4.3Leak Rate Correlation The steam line break pressure to be applied is 2560 psi unless a lower pressure can be justified.
Therefore, the leak correlation for pressure of 2560 psi from Reference 4 is used for the leakage predictions. The parameters are shown in Table 4-2. The leak rate criterion is given in terms of gallons per minute as condensed liquid at room temperature.
4.4Probability of Leak Correlation The probability of leak as a function of indication voltage is taken from Reference 4. The parameters are shown in Table 4-3. In the Monte Carlo analysis leakage is quantified only if the indication is computed to be a leaker, based on the probabi lity of leak correlation.
4.5NDE Uncertainties The NDE uncertainties applied for the EOC-18 a nd EOC-19 voltage projections are described in Reference 1. The probe wear uncertainty has a st andard deviation of 7% about a mean of zero and has a cut-off at 15% based on implementation of the probe wear standard. The analyst variability uncertainty has a standard deviation of 10.3% about a mean of zero with no cut-off. These NDE uncertainty distributions are used in the Monte Carlo analysis to predict the burst probabilities and accident leak rates at EOC-18 and EOC-19. The voltages reported were adjusted to account for differences between the laboratory standard and the standard used in the field. 4.6Upper Voltage Repair Limit Per Table 5.4-20 of Reference 12, the BVPS-2 Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR), the pressurizer safety relief valves have a nomi nal setting of 2485 psig, or the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) design pressure. Applying a 3%
allowance for accumulation per Section 2 of Attachment 1 to GL 95-05, the applicable SLB conditions pressure differential across the SG tubes is then 2560 psig, which is the traditional pressure differential used for prior GL 95-05 4-2 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 analyses. The upper voltage repair limit of 4.55 volts is based on the structural limit in Table 4-1 for a pressure differential of 2560 psi with a safety factor of 1.4 applied to the differential pressure. The upper voltage repair limit considers the projected voltage growth during the next cycle and NDE uncertainty. The maximum average percentage growth rate as a percentage of BOC voltage values for any steam generator is seen from Table 3-6 to be very small. According to Reference 1, the minimum growth adjustment is 30% per EFPY (45.2% per cycle for the bounding 550 EFPD Cycle 19). Therefore the specific maximum growth value of 45.2% and 20% for NDE uncertainty was used to estimate the upper voltage repair limit. This results in an upper voltage repair limit of 7.51 / (1 + 0.452 + 0.20) = 4.55 volts.
No indications greater than this voltage were left in service; the largest DSI voltage reported at 2R18 was 1.46 volts.
The analysis takes no credit for power operated relief valve (PORV) actuation even though the PORVs, block valves, and associated testing programs have been shown to satisfy the requirements of GL 90-06, as indicated in the NRC Safety Evaluati on Report dated May 15, 1995. Crediting the PORVs would effectively increase the upper voltage repair limit by limiting the maximum pressure differential during a postulated SLB event and would reduce the calculated SLB conditions by limiting the maximum pressure differential.
Considering the inspection history of the BV PS2 SGs, it is unlikely that a bobbin coil DSI voltage of >4.5 volts will be observed within the BVPS2 SGs. 
4-3 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 Table 4-1 7/8" Tube Burst Pressure vs. Bobbin Amplitude Correlation Parameters
)lo g (10Voltsaa P B Parameter Addendum 7 Database Value Intercept, a 0 7.4801 Slope, a 1 -2.4002 Index of Deter., r 2 79.67% Std. Deviation,  Error 0.8802 Mean of Log(V) 0.3111 SS of Log(V) 51.6595 N (data pairs) 100 Str. Limit (2560 psi) (1) 7.51V Str. Limit (2405 psi) 9.40V p Value for a 1 (2) 5.60*10-36 Reference  f 68.78 ksi (3) Notes: (1) Values reported correspond to applying a safety factor of 1.4 on the differential pressure associated with a postulated SLB event.  (2) Numerical values are reported only to demonstrate compliance with the requirement that the value be less than 0.05.  (3) This is the flow stress value to which all data were normalized prior to performing the regression analysis. This affects the coefficient and standard error values. The corresponding values for a flow stress of 75.0 ksi can be obtained from the above values by multiplying by 1.0904.
4-4 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 Table 4-2 Tube Leak Rate vs. Bobbin Amplitude Correlation Parameters Voltsbb Q log43 10 Parameter Addendum 7 Database Value SLB P = 2560 psi Intercept, b 3 -0.33476 Slope, b 4 0.95311 Index of Determination, r 2 12.4% Residuals,  Error (b 5) 0.8175 Mean of Log(Q) 0.7014 SS of Log(Q) 22.8754 p Value for b 4 2.4% SLB P = 2405 psi Intercept, b 3 -0.8039 Slope, b 4 1.2077 Index of Determination, r 2 20.0% Residuals,  Error (b 5) 0.7774 Mean of Log(Q) 0.5090 SS of Log(Q) 22.6667 p Value for b 4 0.5% Common Data Data Pairs, N 32 Mean of Log(V) 1.0871 SS of Log(V) 3.1116 4-5 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 Table 4-3 7/8" Tube Probability of Leak Correlation Parameters  )log(21 1 1)Pr(Voltsbb e Leak Parameter Addendum 7 Database Value Logistic Intercept, b 1 -4.9847 Logistic Slope, b 2  7.6110 Intercept Variance, V 11 (1)  1.2904 Covariance, V 12 -1.7499 Slope Variance, V 22  2.8181 Number of Data, N 120 Deviance  33.66 Pearson SD  62.9% MSE  0.285 Note: (1) Parameters V ij are the elements of the covariance matrix of the coefficients,  i, of the regression equation.
5-1 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 5 SLB ANALYSIS METHODS A Monte Carlo analysis te chnique is used to calcu late the SLB leak rates and tube burst probabilities for both actual 2R18 and projected EOC-19 voltage distributions. The Monte Carlo analysis accounts for parameter uncertainty. The analysis methodology is described in the Westinghouse generic methods report of Reference 4 as supple mented by References 5 and 6. The Monte Carlo computer program used to implem ent this method is documented in Reference 9. Essentially the same methodology was applied to leak and burst analyses performed for the original Beaver Valley Unit 1 SGs, Reference 10. In general, the methodology involves application of correlations for burst pressure, probability of leakage and leak rate to a measured or calculated EOC voltage distri bution to estimate the likelihood of tube burst and primary-to-secondary leakage during a postulated SLB event.
Uncertainties associated with burst pressure, leak rate probability and leak rate correlations parameters are explicitly included by sampling distributions for the parameter uncertainties through the Monte Carlo sampling process. NDE uncertainties are also included. Th e voltage distributions used in the leak and burst projections for the next operating cycle are obtained by applying growth data to the BOC distribution. The probability of detection (POD) us ed to generate the BOC voltage distributions considers both detection uncertainty and the likely occurrence of new indications. Comparisons of projected EOC voltage distributions with actual distributions after a cycle of operation for a number of plants have shown that the Monte Carlo analysis technique yields conservative estimates for EOC voltage distribution as well as leak and burst results based on those distributions.
6-1 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 6 BOBBIN VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTIONS This section describes the input data used to calculate EOC bobbin voltage distributions and presents results of calculations to project EOC-19 voltage distributions.
6.1Calculation of Voltage Distributions The analysis for EOC-19 voltage distribution starts with an initial voltage di stribution which is projected to the end-of-cycle cond itions based on the growth rate and the anticipated cycle operating duration. The number of indications assumed in the analysis to project EOC voltage distributions, SLB leak rates and tube burst probabilities is obt ained by adjusting the number of reported indications using a POD, which accounts for both the detection uncertainty and the development of new indications over the projection period. This is accomplished by using a POD factor, which is defined as the ratio of the actual number of indications detected to total number of indications present. A conservative value is assigned to POD based on historic data, and the value used herein is discussed in Section 6.2. The calculation of projected bobbin voltage frequency distribution is based on a net total number of indications returned to service, defined as follows. NTot RTS = N i / POD - Nrepaired + Ndeplugged    where,  NTot RTS = Number of bobbin indications being returned to service for the next cycle,  N i = Number of bobbin indications (in tubes in service) identified by inspection after the previous cycle,  POD  = Probability of detection,  Nrepaired  = Number of N i which are repaired (plugged) after the last cycle,  Ndeplugged  = Number of indications in tubes deplugged after the last cycle and returned to service in accordance with vo ltage-based repair criteria. There are no deplugged tubes returned to service at the beginning of Cycle 19 (BOC-19); therefore, Ndeplugged = 0. Four tubes with 6 indications at the TSPs were plugged, therefore Nrepaired = 6. These tubes were plugged for reasons other than the presence of the DSI signal. 2R18 RPC "no degradation found" (NDF) indications were included in establishing the BOC-19 indication distributions shown in Table 6-1. During the Monte Carlo simulations, voltages for bins with several indications are selected by ran domly sampling the voltage bins. For a few higher voltage indications in each SG, each indication is considered to be in a separate bin, and the actual indication voltage is utilized in the calculations. The methodology used in the projection of EOC-19 bobbin voltage frequency distributions is described in Reference 3, and it is essentially the same as that used in the original Beaver Valley Unit 1 SGs, Reference 10.
6-2 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 6.2Probability of De tection (POD) The Generic Letter 95-05 (Reference 1) requires the application of a constant POD value of 0.6 to define the BOC distribution for EOC voltage projec tions unless an alternate POD is approved by the NRC. A POD value of 1.0 represents the ideal situation where all indications are detected. In this report the Reference 1 POD value of 0.6 is used.
6.3Limiting Growth Rate Distribution As discussed in Section 3.2, the NRC guidelines in Generic Letter 95-05 stipulate that the more conservative growth rate distributions from the past two inspections should be utilized for projecting EOC distributions for the next cycle. For conservatism, a growth rate curve which bounded the growth rates of both cycles was used. Growth distributions used in the Monte Carlo calculations are specified in the form of a histogram, so no interpolation is performed between growth bins. This assures that the largest growth value in the distribution is utilized in the Mont e Carlo simulations.
6.4Cycle Operating Period The operating periods used in the growth rate/EFPY calculations and voltage projections are as follows. Cycle 18 - 493 EFPD  or 1.331 EFPY (actual)
Cycle 19 - 550 EFPD or 1.506 EFPY (projected) 6.5Projected EOC-19 Voltage Distribution Calculations for the EOC-19 bobbin voltage projecti ons were performed for all three SGs based on the 2R18 distributions shown in Table 6-1. The BOC-19 distributions were adjusted to account for probability of detection as described above, and the adjusted number of indications at BOC-19 is also shown in Table 6-1. Calculations were performed using a constant POD of 0
.6 and 1,000,000 Monte Carlo trials. The distribution of indications at BOC-19 and the distribution of indications projected to EOC-19 are shown in Figures 6-1, 6-2, and 6-3 for SG-A, SG-B, and SG-C, respectively. SG-B has the largest number of indications at BOC-19. Reporting the maximum predicted voltage is not required by GL 95-05, but it is arbitrarily chosen to be the voltage where the integration of the upper tail of the voltage distribution reaches a 0.3 fractional indication.
6-3 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 Table 6-1 Predicted Voltage Distribution at EOC-19 SG-A Number of Indications  SG-B Number of Indications  SG-C Number of Indications Volt Bins Measured Input Predicted  Measured Input Predicted  Measured Input Predicted  EOC-18 BOC-19 EOC-19  EOC-18 BOC-19 EOC-19  EOC-18 BOC-19 EOC-19 0.1 4 6.67 3.04 6 10 4.34 3 5 2.64 0.2 47 78.33 26.22 62 102.33 34.79 50 83.33 26.46 0.3 81 135 63.46 109 180.67 83.21 71 118.33 60.95 0.4 60 100 85.29 66 110 109.05 59 98.33 79.92 0.5 44 73.33 84.40 63 104 107.93 44 72.33 82.46 0.6 24 40 72.56 46 76.67 100.3 35 58.33 76.07 0.7 14 23.33 54.52 31 50.67 81.96 30 49 64.87 0.8 7 11.67 38.40 12 20 60.34 17 28.33 51.79 0.9 13 21.67 26.43 10 16.67 41.02 14 23.33 38.16 1 2 3.33 17.83 5 8.33 26.74 2 3.33 26.02 1.1 2 3.33 11.59 5 8.33 17.1 3 5 16.56 1.2 2 3.33 7.36 2 3.33 10.65 0 0 10.14 1.3 1 1.67 4.62 0 0 6.43  4 6.68 6.20 1.4    2.79  0 0 3.77      3.81 1.5    1.58  1 1.67 2.19 2.33 1.6    0.58      1.26      1.38 1.7    0      0.6      0.58 1.8    0.7      0      0 1.9    0.3      0.7      0.7 2            0.3      0.3                        Total 301 502 502 418 693 693  332 551 551
.. " 12 0 .Q 100 ] s 'o 80 j &sect; 60 z 40 20 0 6-4 2R19 Predicted Vo l tage Di stribution SG A *E OC*l9 *BOC*l9 I l f 1 I -0.1 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 Vol t age B in Figure 6-1 Predicted Voltage Distribution at EOC-19, SG-A SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 
"' c 200 180 160 1 40 120 "' .... :c c :s 100 :;; .c E 80 "' z 60 *' 40 j 20 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 2Rl9 Predicted Voltage Distribution SG B
* EOC-19
* BOC-19 I. L I 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.3 Voltage Bin * -1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Figure 6-2 Predicted Voltage Distribution at EOC-19, SG-B 6-5 1.8 1.9 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 6-6 2R19 Predicted Voltage Distribution SG C
* EOC-19
* BOC-19 140 120 100 "' c 0 80 :;; E .... .. 60 ... E :J z 40 20 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 Voltage Bin Figure 6-3 Predicted Voltage Distribution at EOC-19, SG-C SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 7-1 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 7 SLB LEAK RATE AND TUBE BURS T PROBABILITY ANALYSES This section presents the results of the analyses carried out to predict leak rates and tube burst probabilities at the postulated SL B conditions using the actual voltage distributions from the 2R18 inspection (condition monitoring assessment) as well as for the projected EOC-19 voltage distributions (operational assessment). The methodology used in these analyses is described in Section 6.
7.12R18 Condition Monitoring Leak Rate and Tube Burst Probability Analyses to calculate the 2R18 SLB leak rates and tube burst pr obabilities were performed using the actual bobbin voltage distributions presented in Tables 3-1 to 3-3. The results of the Monte Carlo calculations are summarized in Table 7-1. The SLB leak rates and tube burst probabilities, calculated using the actual measured 2R18 voltage distributions using 1,000,000 Monte Carlo trials, are shown in Table 7-1. The methodology used for these calculations is documented in WCAP-14277, Rev. 1. The probability of leak, leak rate and burst pressure correlations for 7/8 inch tubes presented in the latest addendum to the EPRI Alternate Repair Criteria (ARC) Database, Reference 3, were used. The SLB primary-to-secondary pressure differential applied in the analysis is 2560 psi. The maximum 2R18 leak rate of 0.0617 gpm and the maximum conditional burst probability of 1.57 x 10-5 are well below their respective allowable limits (2.2 gpm per Reference 11, and 1.0 x 10-2 per Reference 1, respectively). Therefore, the condition monitoring performance criteria are satisfied.
===7.2 Cycle===
19 Operational Assessment Leak Rate and Tube Burst Probability The SLB leak rate and tube burst probability projection for the Cycl e 19 operational assessment was carried out using the latest update to the ARC database documented in Re ference 4, the POD of 0.60, and 1,000,000 Monte Carlo trials. The EOC-19 leak and burst analyses were performed using a primary-to-secondary pressure differential of 2560 psi, even though it is likely that PORV actuation will occur prior to the pressurizer safety relief valve lift setting.
The EOC-19 projections, considering a 550 EFPD operation cycle, using POD = 0.6 are shown in Table 7-2. Both the maximum projected EOC-19 leak rate of 0.300 gpm and the maximum conditional burst probability of 4.87 x 10
-5 are well below their respective allowable limits (2.2 gpm and 1.0 x 10
-2, respectively). Therefore, the operational assessment performance criteria for the DSI indications are satisfied for Cycle 19.
7-2 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 Table 7-1 Condition Monitoring Leak and Burst Results for 2R18 Number of Indications at  EOC-18 Maximum Volts at  EOC-18 Probability of 1 or More Burst at 95% Confidence SLB Leak Rate  at 95/95 (gpm) SG-A 301 1.23 1.05 x 10-5 0.0394 SG-B 418 1.46 1.57 x 10-5 0.0617 SG-C 332 1.3 7.75 x 10-6 0.0485  Table 7-2 Operational Assessment Leak and Burst Results for EOC-19 (POD = 0.6)
Growth Rate Used in Projection Number of Indications at EOC-19 Maximum Volts at EOC-19 Probability of 1 or More Burst SLB Leak Rate at 95/95 (gpm) SG-A  Cycle 17 Bound 502 1.9 2.67 x 10
-5 0.189 SG-B  Cycle 17 Bound  693 2.0 4.87 x 10
-5 0.300 SG-C  Cycle 17 Bound  551 2.0 3.14 x 10
-5 0.268    Note: The growth rate for Cycle 17 bounds th e growth rate observed during Cycle 18.
8-1 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 8 REFERENCES 1.NRC Generic Letter 95-05, "Voltage-Based Repair Criteria for Westinghouse Steam Generator Tubes Affected by Outside Diam eter Stress Corrosi on Cracking," USNRC Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, August 3, 1995.
2.Westinghouse Report, SG-SGMP-14-17, Rev. 1, "Beaver Valley Unit 2 End-of-Cycle 17 Analysis and Prediction for End-of-Cycle 18 Voltage-Based Repair Criteria 90-Day Report," July 2014.
3.WCAP-14277, Revision 1, "SLB Leak Rate and Tube Burst Probability Analysis Methods for ODSCC at TSP Intersections," Westinghouse Nuclear Services Division, December 1996.
4.EPRI Report 1018047, Addendum 7 to NP-7480-L Database, "Steam Generator Tubing Outside Diameter Stress Corrosion Cracking at Tube Support Plates Database for Alternate Repair Limits," September 2008.
5.Letter from A. Marion, Nuclear Energy Research Institute, to B. Sheron, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "Refining the Leak Rate Sampling Methodology for ODSCC ARC Applications (Generic Letter 95-05)," March 15, 2002.
6.Letter from W. Bateman, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, to A. Marion, Nuclear Energy Research Institute, "Refining the Leak Rate Sampling Methodology for Generic Letter 95-05 Voltage-Based Alternate Repair Criteria Applicati on," March 27, 2002.
7.Westinghouse Letter DLC-96-184, "Duquesne Light Company Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 2 Steam Generator LOCA Plus SSE Loads," June 17, 1996.
8.Letter from B.W. Sheron, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, to A. Marion, Nuclear Energy Research Institute, February 9, 1996.
9.Westinghouse Letter LTR-CDME-08-167, "Software Release Letter for CycleSim Version 3.2," July 30, 2008.
10.Westinghouse Report SG-SGDA-05-1, Rev. 1, "Beaver Valley Unit 1 Cycle 17 Voltage-Based Repair Criteria 90-Day Report," January 2005.
11.FENOC Letter BVTS-0109, "2R16 Steam Generator 90 Day Alternate Repair Criteria Report Input Data Validation," January 2, 2013.
12.Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 2, Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Revision 20.
A-1 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 APPENDIX A Table A-1:  DSI Indications for 2R18 in SG-A SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2A 2 24 07H 0.52 SAI 2A 2 88 02H 0.29  2A 2 92 03H 0.33  2A 3 15 03H 0.8  2A 3 59 02H 0.58  2A 3 65 07H 0.66  2A 3 77 08H 0.41 SAI 2A 3 79 07H 0.39  2A 3 81 03H 0.83  2A 3 84 03H 0.59  2A 3 85 04H 0.7  2A 3 92 02H 0.27  2A 4 9 03H 0.71  2A 4 9 04H 0.48  2A 4 18 05H 0.19  2A 4 21 03H 0.65  2A 4 24 02H 0.41  2A 4 26 02H 0.37  2A 4 34 03H 0.25  2A 4 39 02H 0.25  2A 4 50 02H 0.36  2A 4 50 03H 0.83  2A 4 50 04H 0.49  2A 4 54 02H 0.58  2A 4 54 04H 0.46  2A 4 54 05H 0.46  2A 4 60 02H 0.2  2A 4 60 06H 0.34  2A 4 63 02H 0.55  2A 4 78 05H 0.27  2A 4 85 08C 0.28  2A 5 10 02H 1.15  2A 5 10 03H 0.74  2A 5 10 04H 0.51  2A 5 11 04H 0.37  2A 5 25 05H 0.71 A-2 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2A 5 26 02H 1.01  2A 5 26 03H 0.89  2A 5 29 02H 1.13 SAI 2A 5 30 03H 0.43  2A 5 53 02H 0.23  2A 5 80 05H 0.26  2A 5 82 03H 0.44  2A 6 15 02H 0.39  2A 6 27 06H 0.2  2A 6 32 02H 0.2  2A 6 34 02H 0.28  2A 6 35 02H 0.78  2A 6 35 03H 0.49  2A 6 35 05H 0.44  2A 6 35 08H 0.29  2A 6 40 03H 0.33  2A 6 40 04H 0.26  2A 6 41 08H 0.21 SAI 2A 6 43 02H 0.65  2A 7 14 03H 0.34  2A 7 18 03H 0.88  2A 7 18 05H 0.37  2A 7 19 03H 0.46  2A 7 27 05H 0.34  2A 7 49 02H 0.18  2A 7 51 02H 0.27  2A 7 58 03H 0.43  2A 7 71 03H 0.23  2A 7 94 02H 0.25  2A 8 19 02H 0.36  2A 8 28 02H 0.33  2A 8 29 02H 0.26  2A 8 32 03H 0.32  2A 8 32 05H 0.83 SAI 2A 8 34 03H 1.03  2A 8 42 02H 0.28  2A 8 69 02H 0.17  2A 8 76 05H 0.19  2A 8 85 02H 0.1 A-3 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2A 8 91 04H 0.51  2A 9 10 02H 0.85  2A 9 13 02H 0.53  2A 9 14 03H 0.2  2A 9 16 02H 0.54  2A 9 16 03H 0.66  2A 9 16 04H 0.56  2A 9 34 02H 0.23 SAI 2A 9 35 02H 0.31  2A 9 38 05H 0.83  2A 9 40 03H 0.36  2A 9 51 04H 0.61 SAI 2A 9 56 02H 0.24  2A 9 56 04H 0.5  2A 9 57 02H 0.18  2A 9 57 03H 0.65  2A 9 74 03H 0.15  2A 10 7 02H 0.85  2A 10 7 03H 0.29  2A 10 8 03H 0.3  2A 10 19 04H 0.36  2A 10 26 04H 0.2  2A 10 37 03H 0.13  2A 11 2 03H 0.56  2A 11 48 02H 0.9  2A 11 48 08H 0.4  2A 11 77 05H 0.51  2A 11 78 06H 0.39  2A 12 34 02H 0.25  2A 12 48 05H 0.31  2A 12 69 03H 0.39  2A 12 70 03H 0.47  2A 12 72 02H 0.25  2A 12 73 05H 0.17  2A 12 74 02H 0.41  2A 12 74 03H 0.58  2A 13 32 02H 0.33  2A 13 39 05H 0.7  2A 13 49 04H 0.14 A-4 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2A 13 60 02H 0.46  2A 13 67 06C 0.3  2A 13 71 04H 0.41  2A 13 80 03H 0.24  2A 13 84 02H 0.53  2A 13 85 02H 0.61  2A 13 86 03H 0.4  2A 13 91 05H 0.51  2A 13 92 04H 0.45  2A 14 15 04H 0.22  2A 14 20 03H 0.27  2A 14 25 05H 0.31  2A 14 27 05H 0.28  2A 14 31 02H 0.17  2A 14 40 05H 0.28 SAI 2A 14 48 05H 0.34  2A 14 50 03H 0.25  2A 14 53 02H 0.17  2A 14 54 02H 0.48  2A 14 58 02H 0.32  2A 14 59 02H 0.14  2A 14 59 03H 0.24  2A 14 59 06H 0.44  2A 14 65 03H 0.38  2A 14 68 02H 0.34  2A 14 70 03H 0.78  2A 14 80 03H 0.21  2A 14 86 04H 0.5  2A 15 27 05H 0.21  2A 15 63 02H 0.4  2A 15 67 02H 0.31  2A 15 71 02H 0.2  2A 15 72 02H 0.38  2A 15 73 03H 0.7  2A 15 73 05H 0.31  2A 15 74 03H 0.95  2A 15 75 02H 0.47  2A 15 75 08H 0.27 SAI 2A 16 11 05H 0.15 SAI A-5 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2A 16 52 02H 0.49  2A 16 53 03H 0.35  2A 16 62 08H 0.12  2A 16 66 03H 0.42  2A 16 70 03H 0.47  2A 16 72 02H 0.19  2A 16 76 02H 0.37  2A 16 77 05H 0.13  2A 17 10 03H 0.23  2A 17 27 04H 0.25  2A 17 32 05H 0.51  2A 17 46 02H 0.81  2A 17 59 02H 0.27  2A 17 59 05H 0.14  2A 17 81 03H 0.27  2A 17 81 04H 0.24  2A 17 84 03H 0.26  2A 18 7 04H 0.17  2A 18 10 03H 0.6  2A 18 10 04H 0.19  2A 18 27 07H 0.21  2A 18 47 02H 0.24  2A 18 47 05H 0.4  2A 18 57 02H 0.67  2A 18 88 05H 0.14  2A 19 7 02H 0.56  2A 19 7 03H 0.31 SAI 2A 19 8 03H 0.37  2A 19 15 03H 0.27  2A 19 15 04H 0.22  2A 19 56 03H 0.25  2A 19 57 02H 0.65  2A 19 57 04H 0.23  2A 19 60 02H 0.11  2A 20 9 03H 0.22  2A 20 10 04H 0.31  2A 20 12 02H 0.29  2A 20 22 02H 0.32  2A 20 22 03H 0.4 A-6 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2A 20 22 08H 0.27  2A 20 57 02H 0.11  2A 20 62 05H 0.49  2A 20 75 05H 0.2  2A 20 78 04H 0.16  2A 20 85 03H 0.16  2A 21 18 04H 0.39  2A 21 25 03H 0.18  2A 21 26 05H 0.42  2A 21 34 02H 0.3  2A 21 43 02H 0.1  2A 21 46 02H 0.22  2A 21 55 02H 0.14  2A 21 72 03H 0.48  2A 21 73 03H 0.8  2A 21 78 08H 0.1  2A 22 7 02H 0.38  2A 22 21 02H 0.19  2A 22 21 03H 0.19  2A 22 23 02H 0.19  2A 22 25 02H 0.26  2A 23 11 02H 0.9  2A 23 11 03H 0.24  2A 23 19 02H 0.89  2A 23 20 02H 0.23  2A 23 21 03H 0.17  2A 23 53 02H 0.45 SAI 2A 23 87 04H 0.34  2A 24 16 02H 0.27  2A 24 16 03H 0.11  2A 24 23 05H 0.65 SAI 2A 24 24 02H 0.27  2A 24 33 03H 0.26  2A 24 52 02H 0.21  2A 24 63 05H 0.34  2A 25 21 02H 0.12  2A 25 22 02H 0.46  2A 25 30 04H 0.46  2A 26 15 03H 0.17 A-7 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2A 26 19 04H 0.28  2A 26 42 02H 0.34  2A 26 80 05H 0.22  2A 27 32 02H 0.34  2A 27 33 03H 0.57  2A 27 34 04H 0.25  2A 27 42 04H 0.23 SAI 2A 27 42 05H 0.22  2A 27 47 02H 0.45  2A 27 64 02H 0.19  2A 27 75 05H 0.28  2A 28 13 03H 0.3  2A 28 26 04H 0.34  2A 28 41 02H 0.33  2A 28 45 02H 0.42  2A 28 46 03H 0.36  2A 28 54 02H 0.22  2A 28 56 03H 0.5  2A 28 66 04H 0.1 SAI 2A 29 24 04H 0.39  2A 29 54 03H 0.29 MAI 2A 29 65 02H 0.33  2A 30 19 02H 0.31  2A 30 22 02H 0.45  2A 30 28 03H 0.26  2A 30 38 02H 0.12  2A 30 58 04H 0.31  2A 30 63 08H 0.23  2A 30 68 02H 0.36  2A 31 14 04H 0.25  2A 31 18 02H 0.92  2A 31 18 03H 0.42  2A 32 22 02H 0.36  2A 32 27 03H 0.3  2A 32 38 03H 0.26  2A 32 45 02H 0.54  2A 32 51 05H 0.25  2A 32 53 03H 0.39  2A 33 18 02H 0.19 A-8 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2A 33 18 03H 0.34  2A 33 42 05H 0.23  2A 33 45 07H 0.25  2A 33 54 06H 0.23  2A 33 57 04H 0.44  2A 33 66 02H 0.55  2A 34 52 02H 0.28  2A 34 53 02H 0.42  2A 34 56 05H 0.54  2A 35 45 02H 0.53  2A 36 28 03H 0.48  2A 36 28 04H 0.14  2A 36 44 03H 0.32  2A 36 46 06H 0.21  2A 37 39 03H 0.37  2A 37 42 03H 0.42  2A 37 54 05H 0.2  2A 37 56 02H 0.3  2A 37 56 03H 0.61  2A 38 40 05H 0.35  2A 38 44 02H 0.42  2A 39 23 02H 1.23  2A 39 42 02H 0.58  2A 39 46 02H 0.49  2A 39 57 03H 0.24  2A 40 37 03H 0.82  2A 40 44 06C 0.19  2A 42 64 04H 0.5  2A 44 35 03H 0.5  2A 44 58 06H 0.13  2A 46 52 06H 0.29 
A-9 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 Table A-2: DSI Indications for 2R18 in SG-B SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2B 1 43 02H 0.47  2B 1 52 02H 0.19  2B 1 56 02H 0.28  2B 1 57 04H 0.72  2B 2 24 02H 0.43  2B 2 28 02H 0.61  2B 2 54 04H 0.24  2B 2 62 03H 0.58  2B 2 63 04H 0.32  2B 2 67 06H 0.26  2B 2 70 05H 0.77  2B 2 73 03H 0.43  2B 2 73 04H 0.38  2B 2 94 04H 0.46  2B 3 32 03H 0.29  2B 3 54 02H 0.38  2B 3 55 02H 0.63  2B 3 60 02H 0.58  2B 3 60 03H 0.57  2B 3 61 06H 0.27  2B 3 62 03H 0.41  2B 3 62 04H 0.29  2B 3 63 02H 0.66  2B 3 63 03H 0.53  2B 3 72 03H 0.58  2B 3 88 04H 0.6  2B 3 89 04H 0.45  2B 4 23 02H 0.32  2B 4 23 06H 0.28  2B 4 32 03H 0.13  2B 4 36 04H 0.1 SAI 2B 4 41 04H 0.25  2B 4 43 02H 0.2  2B 4 44 02H 0.41  2B 4 48 03H 0.46  2B 4 52 03H 0.58  2B 4 54 02H 0.53  2B 4 56 04H 0.22 A-10 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2B 4 57 02H 0.38  2B 4 57 04H 0.2  2B 4 58 02H 0.35  2B 4 59 02H 0.49  2B 4 59 03H 0.25  2B 4 63 04H 0.57  2B 5 10 02H 0.62  2B 5 12 03H 0.23  2B 5 14 03H 0.58  2B 5 20 03H 0.35  2B 5 22 04H 0.47  2B 5 28 02H 0.62  2B 5 52 02H 0.89  2B 5 54 02H 0.28  2B 5 54 03H 0.23  2B 5 56 03H 0.53  2B 5 58 02H 0.21  2B 5 60 02H 0.31  2B 5 63 04H 0.16  2B 5 64 02H 0.43  2B 5 64 03H 0.39  2B 5 68 02H 0.49  2B 5 71 02H 0.5  2B 5 73 02H 0.43  2B 5 75 04H 0.17  2B 5 81 05H 0.24  2B 5 92 02H 0.5  2B 5 93 03H 0.33  2B 6 16 03H 0.26  2B 6 23 04H 0.25  2B 6 26 02H 0.25  2B 6 27 03H 0.29 SAI 2B 6 52 02H 0.12  2B 6 53 02H 0.35  2B 6 53 03H 0.06  2B 6 58 02H 0.56  2B 6 61 08H 0.16  2B 6 63 02H 0.2  2B 6 66 03H 1.15 A-11 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2B 6 70 05H 0.56  2B 7 52 02H 0.7  2B 7 54 02H 0.07  2B 7 56 02H 0.58  2B 7 56 06C 0.15  2B 7 63 07H 0.34  2B 7 70 04H 0.72  2B 7 70 05H 0.3  2B 7 75 02H 0.14  2B 8 2 03H 0.2  2B 8 9 02H 0.44  2B 8 9 03H 0.28  2B 8 18 02H 0.49  2B 8 18 03H 0.51  2B 8 20 02H 0.25  2B 8 22 02H 0.17  2B 8 37 03H 0.41  2B 8 53 02H 0.7  2B 8 56 03H 0.38  2B 8 57 08H 0.2  2B 8 59 02H 0.41  2B 9 4 03H 0.34 SAI 2B 9 5 03H 0.27  2B 9 8 03H 0.22  2B 9 11 02H 0.58  2B 9 11 03H 0.39  2B 9 16 03H 0.19  2B 9 17 02H 0.53  2B 9 17 03H 0.36  2B 9 18 02H 0.34  2B 9 18 03H 0.5  2B 9 26 02H 0.46  2B 9 26 03H 0.78  2B 9 52 02H 0.86  2B 9 52 03H 0.33  2B 9 59 03H 0.59  2B 9 59 05H 0.28  2B 9 64 04H 0.74 SAI 2B 9 72 04H 0.65 A-12 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2B 9 80 02H 0.53  2B 9 85 02H 0.86  2B 9 92 02H 0.43  2B 9 93 02H 0.29  2B 10 6 02H 0.58  2B 10 10 02H 0.17  2B 10 14 02H 0.43  2B 10 15 02H 0.36  2B 10 17 02H 0.39  2B 10 18 02H 0.57  2B 10 26 02H 0.59  2B 10 37 03H 0.21  2B 10 41 07H 0.35  2B 10 50 02H 0.3  2B 10 50 03H 0.35  2B 10 52 02H 1.17  2B 10 52 04H 0.38  2B 10 53 02H 0.35  2B 10 54 02H 0.46  2B 10 56 02H 0.25  2B 10 58 05H 0.29  2B 10 63 02H 0.44  2B 10 71 05H 0.38  2B 10 78 04H 0.26  2B 10 80 03H 0.24  2B 10 82 03H 0.31  2B 10 88 04C 0.14  2B 10 89 02H 0.38  2B 11 8 03H 0.24  2B 11 8 04H 0.14  2B 11 9 06H 0.15  2B 11 9 07H 0.28  2B 11 18 02H 0.58  2B 11 20 02H 0.52  2B 11 21 03H 0.3  2B 11 25 03H 0.44 SAI 2B 11 35 02H 0.14  2B 11 42 03H 0.19  2B 11 53 02H 0.37 A-13 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2B 11 53 08C 0.33  2B 11 57 03H 0.24  2B 11 58 03H 0.4  2B 11 58 04H 0.23  2B 11 61 02H 1  2B 11 61 03H 0.68  2B 11 64 03H 0.48  2B 11 75 02H 0.86  2B 11 75 03H 0.44  2B 11 83 03H 0.26  2B 11 83 04H 0.43  2B 12 10 02H 0.56  2B 12 15 02H 0.29  2B 12 15 03H 0.59  2B 12 16 03H 0.13  2B 12 22 02H 0.47  2B 12 24 02H 0.38  2B 12 24 04H 0.25  2B 12 51 02H 0.13  2B 12 52 02H 0.26  2B 12 52 03H 0.65  2B 12 61 03H 0.97  2B 13 16 02H 0.68 plug 2B 13 16 03H 0.18 plug 2B 13 16 06H 0.41 plug 2B 13 37 03H 0.34  2B 13 39 07H 0.13  2B 13 47 02H 0.24 SAI 2B 13 53 02H 0.68  2B 13 56 03H 0.31  2B 13 73 02H 0.39  2B 13 77 03H 1.05  2B 13 78 02H 0.1  2B 13 85 02H 0.26  2B 13 86 02H 0.16  2B 13 91 02H 0.34  2B 14 8 03H 0.2  2B 14 13 02H 0.48  2B 14 15 03H 0.5 A-14 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2B 14 18 02H 0.48  2B 14 25 02H 0.51  2B 14 27 03H 0.27  2B 14 28 05H 0.22  2B 14 32 02H 0.31  2B 14 35 06H 0.26  2B 14 36 03H 0.25  2B 14 39 02H 0.07  2B 14 54 02H 0.64  2B 14 54 03H 0.56  2B 14 57 02H 0.48  2B 14 57 03H 0.52  2B 14 61 02H 0.21  2B 14 61 03H 0.63  2B 14 61 05H 0.48  2B 14 63 03H 0.65  2B 14 70 02H 0.53  2B 14 84 04H 0.36  2B 14 88 02H 0.23  2B 15 12 03H 0.14  2B 15 26 03H 0.39  2B 15 26 07H 0.27  2B 15 27 02H 0.27  2B 15 36 02H 0.24  2B 15 51 02H 0.24 SAI, plug 2B 15 52 02H 0.61  2B 15 71 05H 0.47  2B 15 75 02H 0.22  2B 15 75 04H 0.27  2B 15 80 04H 0.4  2B 15 87 02H 0.23  2B 15 89 02H 0.34  2B 16 27 03H 0.48  2B 16 29 02H 0.17 SAI 2B 16 31 02H 0.3  2B 16 31 07H 0.19  2B 16 37 02H 0.35  2B 16 37 04H 0.2 SAI 2B 16 44 02H 0.46 A-15 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2B 16 55 05H 0.32  2B 16 61 02H 0.38  2B 16 71 02H 0.17  2B 17 35 03H 0.53  2B 17 42 03H 0.62  2B 17 42 04H 0.46  2B 17 44 02H 0.29 SAI 2B 17 64 02H 0.13  2B 17 68 02H 0.66  2B 17 68 03H 0.39  2B 17 68 04H 0.76 SAI 2B 17 83 06C 0.12  2B 18 12 03H 0.25  2B 18 18 02H 0.17  2B 18 28 04H 0.41  2B 18 29 02H 0.81  2B 18 30 04H 0.23  2B 18 36 03H 0.94  2B 18 37 03H 0.53  2B 18 38 03H 0.61  2B 18 42 02H 0.3  2B 18 53 03H 0.5  2B 18 53 04H 0.2  2B 18 54 02H 0.95  2B 18 57 03H 0.12  2B 18 58 02H 0.54  2B 18 61 03H 0.4  2B 18 64 03H 0.44  2B 18 69 05H 0.47  2B 18 76 03H 0.36  2B 19 15 02H 0.25  2B 19 15 04H 0.19  2B 19 29 02H 0.9  2B 19 29 03H 0.97  2B 19 36 02H 0.9  2B 19 39 03H 0.67  2B 19 39 04H 0.47  2B 19 40 03H 0.45  2B 19 45 02H 0.37 A-16 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2B 19 50 03H 0.64  2B 19 51 02H 0.68  2B 19 51 03H 0.58  2B 19 69 02H 0.77  2B 19 71 05H 0.57  2B 19 74 02H 0.13  2B 19 76 02H 0.51  2B 19 78 02H 0.26  2B 19 85 02H 0.14  2B 20 11 02H 1.09  2B 20 16 03H 0.43  2B 20 19 04H 0.1  2B 20 23 02H 0.17 SAI 2B 20 70 02H 0.14  2B 20 81 02H 0.27  2B 20 89 02H 0.5  2B 21 45 04H 0.34  2B 21 53 03H 0.46  2B 21 53 05H 0.22  2B 21 54 02H 1.46  2B 21 75 02H 0.18  2B 22 12 03H 0.13  2B 22 18 03H 0.7 SAI 2B 22 36 03H 0.24  2B 22 52 02H 0.22  2B 22 52 03H 0.27  2B 22 53 02H 0.15  2B 22 61 05H 0.21  2B 22 62 03H 0.48  2B 22 64 02H 0.52  2B 23 33 03H 0.39  2B 23 37 04H 0.68 SAI 2B 23 56 02H 0.26  2B 23 61 02H 0.3  2B 23 63 03H 0.29  2B 23 63 05H 0.2  2B 23 67 05H 0.22  2B 23 86 02H 0.22  2B 24 29 05H 0.29 A-17 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2B 24 30 03H 0.31  2B 24 32 03H 0.29  2B 24 42 02H 0.87  2B 24 51 08H 0.73  2B 24 52 02H 0.54  2B 24 56 02H 0.34  2B 24 58 03H 0.26  2B 24 62 03H 0.54  2B 24 63 03H 0.5  2B 24 65 02H 0.16  2B 24 68 08H 0.17  2B 24 71 05H 0.23  2B 24 84 05H 0.26  2B 25 17 02H 0.13  2B 25 24 03H 0.46  2B 25 29 02H 0.23  2B 25 64 06H 0.42  2B 25 79 08H 0.38  2B 26 30 03H 0.62  2B 26 39 03H 0.15  2B 26 78 02H 0.35  2B 27 46 06H 0.26  2B 27 52 04H 0.54  2B 27 53 03H 0.27  2B 27 68 02H 0.23  2B 28 41 02H 0.28  2B 28 63 03H 0.27  2B 28 67 03H 0.29  2B 28 81 02H 0.16  2B 29 20 03H 0.57  2B 29 27 03H 0.58  2B 29 31 05H 0.26  2B 29 32 03H 0.14  2B 29 32 05H 0.26  2B 29 34 03H 0.38  2B 29 35 04H 0.34 SAI 2B 29 37 03H 0.65  2B 29 38 02H 0.44 MAI 2B 29 40 03H 0.82 A-18 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2B 29 41 02H 0.41  2B 29 56 02H 1.08  2B 30 16 04H 0.21  2B 30 20 04H 0.19  2B 30 27 02H 0.34  2B 30 32 03H 0.19  2B 30 50 04H 1.01  2B 30 55 03H 0.63  2B 30 59 04H 0.23  2B 30 78 02H 0.34  2B 30 78 04H 0.28  2B 30 79 02H 0.31  2B 30 81 03H 0.29  2B 31 21 07H 0.24  2B 31 23 02H 0.79  2B 31 32 03H 0.41  2B 31 32 05H 0.33  2B 31 37 03H 0.51  2B 31 39 02H 0.17  2B 31 39 03H 0.6  2B 31 48 02H 0.75  2B 31 52 02H 0.64  2B 31 71 05H 0.23  2B 31 76 02H 0.44  2B 31 78 02H 0.38  2B 31 78 03H 1.04  2B 32 16 08H 0.28  2B 32 29 05H 0.23  2B 32 31 02H 0.33 SAI 2B 32 53 02H 0.74  2B 32 55 02H 0.63  2B 32 55 05H 0.22  2B 32 61 02H 0.27  2B 32 61 05H 0.43  2B 32 77 02H 0.37  2B 33 31 07H 0.41  2B 33 32 02H 0.13  2B 33 37 04H 0.17  2B 33 44 02H 0.43 A-19 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2B 33 62 02H 0.86  2B 34 18 08H 0.14  2B 34 32 02H 0.24  2B 34 35 03H 0.28  2B 34 37 03H 0.43  2B 34 48 02H 0.52 SAI 2B 34 48 03H 0.5  2B 34 48 04H 0.28  2B 34 51 02H 0.8  2B 34 51 03H 0.41  2B 34 57 02H 0.3  2B 35 40 02H 0.31  2B 36 25 05H 0.33  2B 36 42 03H 0.24  2B 36 58 05H 0.24  2B 37 24 05H 0.11  2B 37 32 03H 0.61  2B 37 57 02H 0.35  2B 37 57 05H 0.15  2B 38 35 02H 0.55  2B 38 63 03H 0.2  2B 39 31 05H 0.22  2B 39 33 03H 0.29  2B 40 31 05H 0.2  2B 40 42 02H 0.36  2B 41 31 05H 0.27  2B 41 52 08C 0.25  2B 42 51 04H 0.25  2B 44 48 02H 0.61 
A-20 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 Table A-3: DSI Indications for 2R18 in SG-C SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2C 2 78 03H 0.18  2C 2 80 03H 0.19  2C 2 85 03H 0.42  2C 3 8 04H 0.36  2C 3 9 06H 0.19  2C 3 18 03H 0.32  2C 3 35 05H 0.21  2C 3 39 07H 0.37  2C 3 45 02H 0.7  2C 3 58 02H 0.42  2C 3 60 02H 0.52  2C 3 60 03H 0.34  2C 3 64 02H 0.21  2C 3 64 03H 0.61  2C 3 80 02H 0.54  2C 3 90 06H 0.35  2C 3 93 04H 0.34  2C 4 3 04H 0.32  2C 4 26 03H 0.85  2C 4 33 02H 0.4  2C 4 39 07H 0.51 SAI 2C 4 48 02H 0.27  2C 4 49 03H 0.53  2C 4 69 03H 0.38  2C 4 76 03H 0.22  2C 5 6 03H 0.71  2C 5 6 04H 0.16  2C 5 7 02H 0.45  2C 5 7 03H 0.82  2C 5 15 03H 0.28  2C 5 18 02H 0.38  2C 5 19 02H 0.37  2C 5 19 03H 0.27  2C 5 62 02H 0.17  2C 5 66 03H 0.52  2C 5 71 02H 0.25  2C 5 76 03H 0.47  2C 5 86 08H 1.08 A-21 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2C 5 89 02H 0.65  2C 6 23 02H 0.28  2C 6 30 02H 0.23  2C 6 30 03H 0.24  2C 6 54 03H 0.58  2C 6 55 02H 0.29  2C 6 63 02H 0.57  2C 6 78 03H 1.04  2C 6 84 03H 0.25  2C 6 92 04H 0.36  2C 7 40 03H 0.73  2C 7 40 04H 0.58  2C 7 49 02H 0.59  2C 7 49 03H 0.29  2C 7 58 02H 0.58  2C 7 67 02H 0.47  2C 7 80 03H 0.23  2C 8 2 08H 0.41  2C 8 23 02H 0.65  2C 8 24 02H 0.68  2C 8 43 03H 0.27  2C 8 63 06H 0.14  2C 8 72 03H 0.28  2C 8 84 03H 0.2  2C 9 13 03H 0.14  2C 9 20 04H 0.46  2C 9 26 03H 0.26  2C 9 30 02H 0.31  2C 9 32 02H 0.76  2C 9 35 02H 0.57  2C 9 37 02H 0.58  2C 9 38 03H 0.35  2C 9 39 05H 0.27  2C 9 41 02H 0.31  2C 9 44 03H 0.25  2C 9 45 05H 0.42  2C 9 45 06H 0.25  2C 9 47 02H 0.66  2C 9 54 02H 0.43 A-22 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2C 9 54 04H 0.19  2C 9 65 06H 0.22  2C 10 8 02H 0.89  2C 10 9 03H 0.24  2C 10 10 02H 0.66  2C 10 10 03H 0.52  2C 10 18 04H 0.14  2C 10 24 03H 0.34  2C 10 36 02H 0.3  2C 10 37 02H 0.81  2C 10 38 07H 0.29  2C 10 43 02H 0.39  2C 10 44 02H 0.33  2C 10 51 02H 1.22  2C 10 51 05H 0.68  2C 10 54 02H 0.76  2C 10 54 03H 0.35  2C 10 72 02H 0.38  2C 10 72 03H 0.15  2C 10 78 03H 0.44  2C 11 7 02H 0.51  2C 11 9 03H 0.54  2C 11 17 02H 0.8  2C 11 36 02H 0.46  2C 11 42 02H 1.29  2C 11 49 02H 0.62  2C 11 49 03H 0.86  2C 11 62 03H 0.63  2C 11 70 03H 0.57  2C 11 72 03H 0.31  2C 11 88 05H 0.55  2C 12 9 02H 0.64  2C 12 30 02H 0.41  2C 12 35 04H 0.13  2C 12 55 02H 0.68  2C 12 70 02H 0.36  2C 12 70 03H 0.25  2C 12 83 03H 0.1  2C 13 32 02H 0.17 A-23 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2C 13 43 02H 0.25  2C 13 43 03H 0.39  2C 13 59 03H 0.36  2C 13 63 02H 0.29  2C 13 64 02H 0.68  2C 14 29 04H 0.29 SAI 2C 14 38 02H 0.5  2C 14 39 05H 0.19  2C 14 50 02H 0.85  2C 14 54 02H 0.44  2C 14 59 03H 0.19  2C 14 70 08H 0.2  2C 15 5 04H 0.52  2C 15 14 03H 0.33  2C 15 35 02H 0.16  2C 15 35 03H 0.56  2C 15 38 04H 0.53 SAI 2C 15 39 02H 0.7  2C 15 39 03H 0.45  2C 15 61 02H 0.27  2C 15 62 02H 0.26  2C 15 80 03H 0.3  2C 15 87 03H 0.27  2C 16 15 03H 0.49  2C 16 17 02H 0.35  2C 16 46 02H 0.86  2C 16 46 04H 0.3  2C 16 55 06H 0.28  2C 16 57 03H 0.4  2C 16 63 02H 0.17  2C 16 73 02H 0.39  2C 17 9 04H 0.25 SAI 2C 17 14 04H 0.17  2C 17 17 02H 0.28  2C 17 18 02H 0.42  2C 17 24 04H 0.11  2C 17 26 03H 0.23  2C 17 35 03H 0.83 SAI 2C 17 43 02H 0.51 A-24 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2C 17 48 02H 0.64  2C 17 49 02H 0.49  2C 17 50 03H 0.56 SAI 2C 17 61 02H 0.9  2C 17 61 03H 0.28  2C 17 63 02H 0.53  2C 17 66 02H 0.19  2C 17 67 02H 0.5  2C 17 68 02H 0.33  2C 18 15 06H 0.14  2C 18 47 03H 0.36  2C 18 48 02H 0.82  2C 18 48 03H 0.72  2C 18 48 04H 0.71  2C 18 50 02H 0.25  2C 18 51 02H 0.73  2C 18 53 02H 0.73  2C 18 54 02H 0.69  2C 18 54 03H 0.51  2C 18 55 02H 0.41  2C 18 62 02H 0.5  2C 18 62 03H 0.56  2C 18 62 04H 0.16  2C 18 67 02H 0.37  2C 18 67 03H 0.58  2C 18 73 03H 0.29  2C 19 26 03H 0.25  2C 19 29 02H 0.41  2C 19 48 02H 0.48  2C 19 48 03H 0.7  2C 19 54 02H 0.38  2C 19 57 04H 0.46  2C 19 57 05H 0.63  2C 19 79 02H 1.02  2C 20 75 02H 0.36  2C 20 76 02H 0.61 SAI 2C 20 76 03H 0.83  2C 20 85 03H 0.22  2C 21 18 02H 0.34 A-25 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2C 21 18 03H 0.36  2C 21 25 04H 0.1  2C 21 62 02H 0.42  2C 21 67 07H 0.21  2C 22 18 02H 0.41  2C 22 18 05H 0.3  2C 22 20 02H 1.3  2C 22 24 03H 0.18  2C 22 33 02H 0.38  2C 22 61 03H 0.19  2C 22 64 03H 0.33  2C 22 75 04H 0.45 SAI 2C 22 77 03H 0.19  2C 23 10 02H 0.35  2C 23 28 03H 0.37  2C 23 37 02H 0.71  2C 23 39 02H 0.47  2C 23 39 05H 0.44  2C 23 42 02H 0.43  2C 23 42 03H 0.5  2C 23 69 03H 0.24  2C 23 77 02H 0.35  2C 24 34 08H 0.35  2C 24 48 03H 0.68  2C 24 50 02H 0.31  2C 24 56 03H 0.69  2C 24 57 02H 0.39  2C 24 61 02H 0.76  2C 24 63 04H 0.2  2C 25 17 03H 0.3  2C 25 26 04H 0.13  2C 25 29 03H 0.41 plug 2C 25 31 02H 0.53  2C 25 33 08H 0.53  2C 25 34 02H 0.78  2C 25 34 03H 0.52  2C 25 34 05H 0.66  2C 25 47 03H 0.53  2C 25 47 08H 0.28 A-26 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2C 25 54 02H 0.23  2C 25 60 02H 0.47  2C 25 61 02H 0.55  2C 25 62 04H 0.4  2C 25 65 02H 0.62  2C 25 74 02H 0.18 SAI 2C 25 76 02H 0.84  2C 25 76 05H 0.33  2C 25 79 02H 0.41  2C 26 24 06H 0.2  2C 26 38 05H 0.11  2C 26 39 05H 0.45  2C 26 42 02H 0.57  2C 26 44 06H 0.2  2C 26 65 03H 0.18  2C 26 70 03H 0.67  2C 26 72 08H 0.34  2C 27 20 02H 0.61  2C 27 22 02H 0.4  2C 27 24 04H 0.26  2C 27 30 02H 0.66 plug 2C 27 31 02H 0.82  2C 27 60 02H 0.59  2C 27 69 02H 0.25  2C 27 76 03H 0.45  2C 28 27 05H 0.35  2C 28 35 02H 0.76  2C 28 42 02H 0.33  2C 28 42 04H 0.15  2C 28 44 02H 0.34  2C 28 50 03H 0.29  2C 28 73 03H 0.19  2C 28 85 02H 0.46  2C 29 11 05H 0.49  2C 29 26 05H 0.71  2C 29 29 03H 0.96  2C 29 37 02H 0.44  2C 29 38 05H 0.23  2C 29 43 03H 0.29 A-27 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2C 29 47 02H 0.41  2C 29 48 05H 0.25  2C 29 57 05H 0.35  2C 29 63 05H 0.77  2C 30 12 03H 0.25  2C 30 24 02H 0.5  2C 30 25 04H 0.12  2C 30 31 03H 0.42  2C 30 31 04H 0.38  2C 30 41 02H 0.19  2C 30 60 02H 0.66  2C 30 61 02H 0.77  2C 30 61 04H 0.38 SAI 2C 31 14 05H 0.22  2C 31 17 04H 0.25  2C 31 22 02H 0.23  2C 31 29 04H 0.31  2C 31 49 02H 0.28  2C 31 60 02H 0.31  2C 31 61 03H 0.51  2C 31 61 04H 0.17  2C 31 64 04H 0.5 SAI 2C 31 66 02H 0.65  2C 31 66 05H 0.3  2C 31 75 02H 0.17 SAI 2C 31 77 06H 0.25  2C 31 81 02H 1.23  2C 32 19 05H 0.25  2C 32 25 03H 0.24  2C 32 63 03H 0.35 SAI 2C 33 34 06H 0.32  2C 33 60 07H 0.17  2C 34 24 07H 0.12  2C 34 39 05H 0.21  2C 34 55 03H 0.14  2C 34 58 02H 0.61  2C 34 58 04H 0.22  2C 34 58 05H 0.28  2C 34 59 02H 0.74 A-28 SG-SGMP-15-22 Revision 5 September 2016 SG Row Col Locn 2R18 Volts Comment 2C 35 22 02H 0.2  2C 35 34 03H 0.29  2C 35 34 04H 0.16  2C 35 38 07H 0.15  2C 35 53 06H 0.21  2C 36 20 03H 0.81  2C 36 26 05H 0.58  2C 36 27 05H 0.28  2C 36 53 02H 0.97 SAI 2C 37 26 05H 0.07  2C 37 35 03H 0.38  2C 37 52 06H 0.15  2C 38 42 05H 0.11  2C 39 27 04H 0.41  2C 40 25 03H 0.2  2C 40 39 03H 0.11  2C 40 53 04H 0.65  2C 41 27 04H 0.32  2C 41 44 04H 0.22  2C 41 50 08H 0.18  2C 42 32 04H 0.29}}

Latest revision as of 17:32, 6 April 2019