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#REDIRECT [[NL-09-088, Indian Point, Units 2 & 3 - Amendment 8, Revision 1 to License Renewal Application (LRA)]]
| number = ML091880426
| issue date = 06/30/2009
| title = Indian Point, Units 2 & 3 - Amendment 8, Revision 1 to License Renewal Application (LRA)
| author name = Dacimo F
| author affiliation = Entergy Nuclear Northeast, Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/Document Control Desk, NRC/NRR
| docket = 05000247, 05000286
| license number = DPR-026, DPR-064
| contact person =
| case reference number = NL-09-088
| document type = Letter
| page count = 26
| project =
| stage = Other
{{#Wiki_filter:'6ýEnteW 0 Enterqy Nuclear Northeast Indian Point Energy Center 450 Broadway, GSB P.O. Box 249 Buchanan, NY 10511-0249 Tel (914) 788-2055 Fred Dacimo Vice President License Renewal NL-09-088 June 30, 2009 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory C6mmission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001
Amendment 8, Revision 1 to License Renewal Application (LRA)Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 & 3 Docket Nos. 50-247 and 50-286 License Nos. DPR-26 and DPR-64 1. Entergy Letter dated April 23, 2007, F. R. Dacimo to Document Control Desk, "License Renewal Application" (NL-07-039)
: 2. Entergy Letter dated April 23, 2007, F. R. Dacimo to Document Control Desk, "License Renewal Application Boundary Drawings (NL-07-040)
: 3. Entergy Letter dated April 23, 2007, F. R. Dacimo to Document Control Desk, "License Renewal Application Environmental Report References (NL-07-041)
: 4. Entergy Letter dated October 11, 2007, F. R. Dacimo to Document Control Desk, "License Renewal Application (LRA)" (NL-07-124)
: 5. Entergy Letter dated November 14, 2007, F. R. Dacimo to Document Control Desk, "Supplement to License Renewal Application (LRA)Environmental Report References" (NL-07-133)
: 6. Entergy Letter dated May 15, 2009, F. R. Dacimo to Document Control Desk, "Amendment 8 to License Renewal Application (LRA)" (NL-09-060)
==Dear Sir or Madam:==
In the referenced letters, Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. applied for renewal of the Indian Point Energy Center operating license. The amendment revision provided in Attachment 1 supersedes the previous version submitted to the NRC by Reference
: 6. The amendment revision is needed to provide updated and corrected information associated with Amendment 8 to the LRA.Aw E3 NL-09-088 Page 2 of 2 If you have any questions, or require additional information, please contact Mr. Robert Walpole at 914-734-6710.
I declare unr penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on imt
: 1. Amendment 8, Revision 1 to License Renewal Application, Annual Update Amendment cc: Mr. Samuel J. Collins, Regional Administrator, NRC Region I Mr. Sherwin E. Turk, NRC Office of General Counsel, Special Counsel Mr. John Boska, NRR Senior Project Manager Ms. Kimberly Green, NRC Safety Project Manager NRC Resident Inspector's Office Mr. Paul Eddy, New York State Department of Public Service Mr. Francis J. Murray, President and CEO, NYSERDA ATTACHMENT 1 TO NL-09-088 Amendment 8, Revision I to License Renewal Application, Annual Update Amendment ENTERGY NUCLEAR OPERATIONS, INC.INDIAN POINT NUCLEAR GENERATING UNIT NOS. 2 & 3 DOCKET NOS. 50-247 AND 50-286 LICENSE NOS. DPR-26 and DPR-64 Attachment 1 NL-09-088 Page 1 of 23 INDIAN POINT NUCLEAR GENERATING UNIT NOS. 2 AND 3 LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION-ANNUAL UPDATE AMENDMENT (NOTE: Changes made under revision 1 of this document are identified by revision bars in right margin)In accordance with 10 CFR 54.21(b), each year following submittal of the license renewal application and at least 3 months before scheduled completion of the NRC review, an amendment to the renewal application must be submitted that identifies any change to the CLB of the facility that materially affects the contents of the license renewal application (LRA), including the FSAR supplement.
This attachment is that required amendment for the Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC).The review included documents affecting the CLB during the period of May 1, 2008 through March 1, 2009. The last annual update of the LRA included a review of documents thru April 30, 2008.This review concluded that certain sections of the LRA are affected by changes to the CLB over the period of review. The table below summarizes the changes listing the affected system (if applicable), an explanation of the change (including effect on the LRA), and the affected LRA section.IPEC LRA Sections Affected I LRAffectedn System CLB Change LRA Section Engineering change modified the buffer chemical in the IP3 containment spray system from sodium hydroxide (liquid injection) to baskets containing sodium tetraborate.
The sodium hydroxide injection components are (1P3)retired in place (disconnected and drained).
Table 2.3.2-2-1P3 (The baskets themselves have no license Table 3.2.2-2-1P3 CS renewal intended function and as such are not (including notes)subject to aging management review, but the App. B, B.1.29 buffer descriptions in the LRA are changed.)[Deleted line items associated with sodium hydroxide components from LRA tables and tank inspection activities from the LRA Appendix B aging management program]-- Engineering change- added drain piping and float valve to protect RHR pump motors from Table 2.3.3-18-A internal flooding (located in section Attachment 1 NL-09-088 Page 2 of 23 LRA Section System CLB Change [ Affected[Additional component type/ Table 3.3.2-18-1P2 material/environment added to plant drains LRA Table 3.3.2-18-1P3 tables -See identical material/environment line items in LRA tables 3.3.2-19-28-1P2 and 3.3.2-11 -1P3 with the exception of plastic/soil which is a new material/environment combination]
Engineering change replaced IP3 Security Generator[Change in materials for section 3.3 tables -See identical material/environment line items in table 3.3.2-16-1P2 for the stainless steel/exhaust gas line item and NUREG 1801, Rev. 1 line item VII.A4-5 for the aluminum/treated water line item. Modified heat exchanger (bonnet) line SPG item for a new fiberglass/treated water combination.
This fiberglass/treated water material/environment combination has been previously reviewed as documented in the final Vermont Yankee Safety Evaluation Report (dated February 2008), in section which includes the staff finding that the fiberglass/treated water combination has no aging effects. Therefore, no program is required for management of this combination]
Engineering change -IP2 Fuel Storage Building Crane[Change to text only to identify new gantry 2.4.3 crane in building description.
No impact to table line items]In addition to the identified CLB changes, corrections to the LRA were also identified and are described below.There is buried piping in the containment isolation support system (CISS) that had not been previously identified.
This piping is part of the air pressure supply that feeds Rack 15 for steam and feedwater penetrations on drawing LRA-9321-2726-0 at grid B-6. Correction of this omission requires the addition of stainless steel/soil as a material/environment to section and table 3.2.2-3-1P2 and adds the CISS reference to Attachment 1 NL-09-088 Page 3 of 23 the Appendix B program, B.1.6. An identical material/environment line item is already included in tables 3.2.2-2-1P3 and 3.2.2-4-1P3...
-The IP2 fire pr6tection COsystem described in the LRA does not exist. This C02 system was to be installed as part of the new station blackout diesel, but the design was changed to eliminate the C02system.
This affects LRA section
IPEC LRA changes are shown below.(Changes are shown as strikethroughs for deletions and underlines for additions)
LRA Section, Containment Spray System, System Description, Unit 3, second and-third paragraphs, is revised as follows.The containmcnt spray system inldsa spray additive tank containing sodium hydroxidc and cduc~torS that draw from the tank when the GontainMont spray pumps aro in oporation follGowig a LOCA for pH conetrol o-f the water in containmenft.Lonq-term post-accident retention of iodine is assured by sodium tetraborate baskets located in the containment that will be flooded under accident conditions, allowing the sodium tetraborate to dissolve into the fluid for PH control.The containment spray system also includes a dousing system for the carbon filter bank of each fan cooler unit of the containment air recirculation cooling and filtration system. Each dousing system can be started manually if high temperature conditions occur.The containment spray system has the following intended functions for 10 CFR 54.4(a)(1).
* Provide means for rapid reduction of containment pressure and temperature by providing borated water from the RWST following a design basis loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) or a steam-line-break accident inside containment.
* Distribute flow from the containment recirculation pumps or RHR pumps to the containment atmosphere during the recirculation phase of an accident.a Provide a. .s to injct chemical Wspay additives ( "_'_m hydroxide sodium tetraborate) into the ontainmcnt spray to increase the pH of post-accident fluids in the recirculation and containment sumps.* Provide containment isolation capability for lines penetrating containment.
Attachment 1 NL-09-088 Page 4 of 23 LRA Table 2.3.2-2-1P3 is revised as-follows.'
Table 2.3.2-2-1P3 Containment Spray System Components Subject to Aging Management Review Component Type Intended Function(s)
Bolting- Pressure boundary Eductor Pressure boundary Flow control Flow element Pressure b0u'ndary-
:-Nozzle -Pressure boundary-Flow-control-Piping Pressure boundary Pump casing Pressure boundary Tank Precuro boundary Pressure boundary.-
Valve body. Pressure boundary Attachment 1 NL-09-088 Page 5 of 23 LRA Table 3.2.2-2-lP3 is revised as follows.Table 3.2.2-2-1P3:
Containment Spray System Aging Effect Aging n UREG-Component Intended Material Environment Requiring iM e 1801 Vol 2 Notes Type Function Management Programs Item Item Flow element Pressure Stainless Air -indoor (int) None: None G- -- G boundary steel bou~idaiy stee kip*} and PrevenRtiVeG 2-02 Flowelement pRressuae w 1 k rg Periodic Surveillance. -n " boundary steelO On and P..,ontiA'.o , 202 Nozzle Pressure Stainless Air -indoor (ext) None None V.F-13 3.2.1-57 A boundary steel (EP-19)Flow control Nozzle Pressure Stainless Air -indoor (int) None None -- -- G boundary steel Flow control Piping Pressure Stainless Air- indoor (ext) None None V.F-13 3.2.1-57 A boundary steel (EP-19)Piping Pressure Stainless Air -indoor (int) None None -- G boundary steel Attachment 1 NL-09-088 Page 6 of 23 Table 3.2.2-2-1P3:
Containment Spray System* '' ....Aging Effect NUREG-Component Intended A E Aging Management 1UEG Table 1 Material Environment Requiring 1801 Vol. 2 Notes Type Function Mngmn Programs Item Ie..' .Management Item ie Piping Pressure Stainless Air -outdoor Loss of material External Surfaces -- -- G boundary steel (ext) Monitoring Piping Pressure Stainless Soil (ext) Loss of material Buried Piping and V.D1-26 3.2.1-4 E boundary steel, Tanks Inspection (EP-31)Piping Pressure Stainless Treated borated Loss of material Water Chemistry V.A-27 3.2.1-49 A boundary steel water (int) Control -.Primary (EP-41)and Secondary P4099 P-essure Stainless T rea eq4-wAe GFaGJkng ,
.stel (R4 ~and Provontive 2-02 P-f-essur-e , .,Stailaes Trea;tAd-Wate Lose of material Peorodic Survoiance
----,stee" (4i14 and Prevont~ve 2-02 MaintenaRG9 Pump casing Pressure Stainless Air- indoor (ext) None None V.F-13 3.2.1-57 A boundary.
steel (EP-19)Pump casing Pressure Stainless Treated borated Loss of material Water Chemistry V.A-27 3.2.1-49 A boundary steel water (int), Control -Primary (EP-41)and Secondary Tank P-ressur-e Gabesteel Air-ieei:-(ext}
Loss of material Exteral Surfaces V F=-7 3.2.!-31 -A i4MeniteFg l E-44, staelless Attachment 1 NL-09-088 Page 7 of 23 Table 3.2.2-2-1P3:
Containment Spray System Aging Effect NUREG-Component Intended M r EingE Aging Management 1801 Table 1 Type Function Material IteEnvirmnment Requiring Programs 1801mVol.
2 -Item Notes Management Proram Tank P-oasIe Garban-stel Ait--4neAi
-(9xt) less of material Boric Acid Corr-sion t i D1, -3.2.!1-4. -G bewqdary Wih preve'MiG (E-2-8 Tank Pressure Gab6t994 T.,eated-watei GraekigR Periedic Surveilance
-bc ,,da.y with (0t4 and Preventive 202 Tank Rensa re Garbon-steel T-re-ate-d w~fater less- of materialPridcSrelac
-boyn.a. y and Peventive 202 Stainless Maihtenanee
__eladding Tank Pss&G61e Ganb steel Ticeated wa~e Loss of material Periodic-Surveillance boundary with (in4 and Preventive 2-02 stai~eesMahitenan~e Gladd'n§ _ _Tubing Pressure Stainless Air- indoor (ext) None None'. V.F-13 3.2.1-57 A boundary steel (EP-19)Tubing Pressure Stainless Air -indoor (int) None None -: -G boundary steel Tubing Pressure Stainless Treated borated Loss of material Water Chemistry V.A-27 3.2.1-49 A boundary steel water (int) Control -Primary (EP-41)and Secondary Attachment 1 NL-09-088 Page 8 of 23 Table 3.2.2-2-1P3:
Containment Spray System Component Intended Aging Effect Aging Management NUREG- Table 1 Notes Type Fntin Material Environment Requiring P1801 Vol. 2 Item SType Function ' aaeet Programs 'Ie Item Management Item Tubing P-eSGU9 S4aiR4es&
Teated- Lo-c of materiaO Periodic SurveillaRnc
--boundary steel {i4- and PreventVi 2-2 Ma~i!in~eaRG Tubing P-essU~e S4*61sFs GCaGki4g Periodic Surve.lanc
.I".. "a.. steel (-in- and Pi:eveRive 202 MaiqitenaRG Valve body Pressure Stainless Air- indoor (ext) None None, V.F-13 3.2.1-57 A boundary steel (EP-19)Valve body Pressure Stainless Air -outdoor Loss of material External Surfaces G boundary steel (ext) Monitoring Valve body Pressure Stainless Treated borated Loss of material Water Chemistry V.A-27 3.2.1-49 A boundary steel water (int) Control -Primary (EP-41)and Secondary (a e-0 d P-essur-e Stainless Tr4eted-wa F Lo fmteriaf l Periodic.
._" stee (-i- and Preventive 2-2 MalnteRaRG9 Valve-body StAbs leate4-we C,-,ter Gaki,-g Proi Srelac .botndlry (it-) and1 Prteventl 2-2 MaiWt9RanGG Attachment 1 NL-09-088 Page 9 of 23 LRA Notes for Tables 3.2.2-1-1P2 through 3.2.2-5-1P3 are revised as follows.Notes for Tables 3.2.2-1-1P2 through 3.2.2-5-1P3 Plant-Specific Notes .. .201. The air -treated environment is the equivalent of the NUREG-1 801 defined dried air.202: This treated wat.. .n.i r.nm"nt is watcr with sodium hyd"oxide.
Not used.203. This treated water environment is the equivalent of the NUREG-1 801 defined closed cycle cooling water.- .204. The containment sump suction line on IP3 utilizes a "mini-containment" consisting of guard piping and encapsulation of the containment outboard isolation valve. The air pressure internal to the "mini-containment" is maintained above the pressure internal to the RHR components by instrument air;-205. Not used.LRA Appendix B, Section B.1.29, Periodic Surveillance and Preventive Maintenance, is revised as follows.B.1.29 PERIODIC SURVEILLANCE AND PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Program Description The Periodic Surveillance and Preventive Maintenance Program is an existing program that includes periodic inspections and tests that manage aging effects not managed by other aging management programs.
In addition to specific activities in the plant's preventive maintenance program and surveillance program, the Periodic Surveillance and Preventive Maintenance Program includes enhancements to add new activities.
The preventive maintenance and surveillance testing activities are generally implemented through repetitive tasks or.routine monitoring of plant operations.
Credit for program activities has been taken in the aging management review of the following systems and structures.
All activities are new unless otherwise noted.Reactor building Use visual or other NDE techniques to inspect the surface condition of carbon steel components of the reactor building cranes (polar and manipulator), crane rails, and girders, and Attachment 1 NL-09-088 Page 10 of 23 refueling platform to manage loss of material.[existing]
ontain..nt pa ....system ,P3:. Porfom wall thi.knos .measurement.
of the NaIH tank to mAnago loss of matorial.
1123: PerformA visuial OF othcr NDE inspections on4 the ins*dc s~urfacoS of a rcprcsentative sample of stainlcss stoel cempncnRets oxpesed to Aodwium.hydroxidc to managc loss of mnatorial and G-FaGkH4g.
LRA Appendix B, Periodic Surveillance and Preventive Maintenance, Section B.1.29, Attribute 10, is revised as follows.10. Operating Experience Typical inspection results of this program include:* IP2 reactor building polar crane (May 2006): no indication of corrosion, cracking, or wear in the crane structural members.* IP3 reactor building polar crane (February 2001 and March 2005): no indication of corrosion, cracking, or wear in the crane structural members..1123 sodium hydrGoxde (NaQH) storage tank (August 2004):; no dedoticRienis.
Ul~traSonic measurement o~f wall thickness was satisfactOr,'.
* IP2 and IP3 recirculation pumps and related system components (2005 and 2006): no deficiencies.
* IP2 Diesel Generator Building floor drain backwater valves (October 2006): no loss of material.I IP2 and IP3 EDG's (2005 and 2006): no unacceptable loss of material.The use of proven monitoring techniques and acceptance criteria provides assurance that this program will remain effective for managing aging effects for passive components.
The inspections of the WP3 sodium hydroxide (NaH) storage tank, IP2 and IP3 recirculation pumps, IP2 and IP3 emergency diesel generators, the security generator, and the IP3 Appendix R fire protection diesel found no evidence of loss of material Attachment 1 NL-09-088 Page 11 of 23 LRA Section Containment Isolation Support System is revised as follows.Environment-_-
-. -Containment isolation support system components are exposed to the following environments.
* air -indoor* air -treated-gas a treated water a soil Aging Effects Requiring Management The following aging effects associated with the containment isolation support-system require management.
loss of material , Aging Management Programs-The following aging management programs manage the aging effects for containment isolation support system components.
* Bolting..Integrity
---External Surfaces Monitoring
* Water Chemistry Control -Primary and Secondary* Buried Pipina and Tanks Inspection Attachment 1 NL-09-088 Page 12 .of 23 LRA table 3.2.2-3-1P2, Containment Isolation Support Systems Summary of Aging Management Review (IP2),.is revised as follows.Table 3.2.2-3-1P2:
Containment Isolation Support Systems Component Intended MaerarAging Effect ging Management NUREG- Table 1 Material Environment 1801 Vol. 2 Notes Type Function Requiring Programs 1801 V. Item Management Progrs Itemt Piping Pressure Carbon steel Air'-treated (int) None':: None VII.J-22 3.3.1-98.
C, boundary (AP-4) 201 Pressure Stainless Soil (ext) Loss of material Buried Piping and VII.C1-18 3.3.1-19 C boundary steel Tanks Inspection (A-01)n Pressure Stainless Air- treated (int) None None VII.J-18 3.3.1-98 C, 201 boundary steel (AP-20)Piping Pressure Stainless Air -indoor (ext) None None V.F-12 3.2.1-53 A boundary steel (EP-18)Piping Pressure Stainless Treated water Loss of material Water Chemistry V.C-4 3.2.1-3 C, boundary steel (int) Control -Primary (E-33) 206 and Secondary Tank Pressure Carbon steel Air- indoor (ext) Loss of material External Surfaces V.E-7 3.2.1-31 A boundary Monitoring (E-44)Tank Pressure Carbon steel Air- treated (int) None None VII.J-22 3.3.1-98 C, boundary (AP-4) 201 Attachment 1 NL-09-088 Page 13 of 23 LRA Appendix B, BURIED PIPING AND TANKS INSPECTION, Section B.1 .6, is revised as follows.B.1.6 BURIED PIPING AND TANKS INSPECTION Program Description
...The Buried Piping and Tanks Inspection Program is a new program that includes (a) preventive measures to mitigate corrosion and (b) inspections to manage the effects of corrosion on the pressure-retaining capability of buried carbon steel, gray cast iron' and stainless steel components.
Preventive measures are in accordance with standard industry practice for maintaining external coatings and wrappings.
Buried components are inspected when excavated during maintenance.
If trending within the corrective action program identifies susceptible locations, the areas with a history of corrosion problems are evaluated for the need for additional inspection, alternate coating, or replacement.
The program applies to buried components in the following systems.-Safety injection* Service water 9 Fire protection e Fuel oil* Security generator* City water* Plant drains-Auxiliary feedwater-Containment isolation support LRA Section, Plant Drains is revised as follows.Materials
-Plant drains components are constructed of the following materials.
* carbon steel* stainless steel-qray cast iron* plastic Attachment 1 NL-09-088 Page 14 of 23 LRA Table 2.3.3-18-A, Floor Drains Routing is revised as follows: Table 2.3.3-18-A Floor Drains Routing (Continued)
Route Number Description-1I: Fire Area A, Zone 32A,_Electrical Tunnel in the Primary and Control Building, contains automatic closed, head,'preaction Water spray systems. Water from the actuated sprinklers in the electrical tunnel flow down the sloped floor toward the cable spreading room. At the end of the tunnel, a properly sized drain routes water to the yard where drainage terminates.
2 IP2: Fire Area G, Zone 10, Diesel Generator-Building, contains an automatic*(closed head) spray system with backflow prevention devices. Five drainage sumps are provided in the building and connect to the site drainage system routing water from elevation 64' to elevation 18' and terminates at manhole 17.3 ..IP: Primary Auxiliary Building (PAB) drains protect safety-related equipment from flooding at various elevations throughout the building.
Drain water is routed through a series of 4" drains to a deep sump located at the 15' elevation.
The-doee loading to the m..ain tiransfor.mer.
yard is designed to provide for drainago to the yard A float operated valve with PVC pipe that penetrates the exterior PAB wall is routed below grade to a nearby storm drain manhole in the transformer yard to prevent RHR pump failure in the unlikely event the pipe failure is undetected.
Operator actions are also credited to prevent flooding of the RHR pumps.6 iP3: The Primary Auxiliary Building (PAB) is designed so flooding from any elevation will result in water settling at the lowest elevation (15'). Each room utilizes drains to protect safety-related equipment from flooding at various elevations throughout the building.
Drain water is routed through a series of 4" drains to a deep sump located at the 15' elevation.
Sufficient drainage area is provided in addition to a flap leading to the main transformer yard A float operated valve with PVC pipe that penetrates the exterior PAB wall is routed below grade to a nearby storm drain manhole in the transformer yard in the.unlikely event the pipe failure is undetected to prevent RHR pump failure. Operator actions are also credited to prevent flooding of the RHR pumps.
Attachment 1 NL-09-088 Page 15 of 23 LRA Table 3.3.2-18-1P2, Plant Drains Summary of Aging Management Review (IP2) and LRA table 3.3.2-18-1P3, Summary of Aging Management Review (IP3), is revised as follows.Plant Drains Table 3.3.2-18-1P2:
Plant Drains , " Aging Effect N U:E -Component Intended Aging Management NUREG- Table 1 Material Environment Requiring gaam 1801 Vol. 2 Notes Type Function Management m ItemItem Mangeen Item Nte Pipinq Pressure Plastic Air -indoor (int) None None -- -- F boundary jjPressure Plastic Air -indoor (ext) None ' None .,-- F boundary ' ' ' , : , Pressure Plastic Soil (ext) .' None None ; -- F boundary 7 St ai e Filt atio Strainer Filtration Carbon steel Air- indoor (ext) Loss of material External Surfaces VII.l-8 3.3.1-58 A.Monitoring (A-77)Strainer Filtration Stainless Air -indoor (ext) None None VII.J-15 3.3.1-94 A ste e l ' : seel."' ' ..' ,(AP-17)Tubing Pressure Stainless
' *Air -indoor (ext) None None VII.J-15 3.3.1-94 A boundary steel, ' ..-17)Tubing Pressure Stainless Raw water (int) i! Loss of material One-Time Inspection VII.C1-15.
3.3.1-79 E boundary' steel .,, ' (A-54)
Attachment 1 NL-09-088 Page 16 of 23 Table 3.3.2-18-1P2:
Plant Drains Aging Effect Aging Management NUREG- Table 1 Notes ypoen Fnctind Material Environment Requiring Pr1801 Vol. 2 Item Management o Item Valve body Pressure Carbon steel Air -indoor (ext) Loss of material External Surfaces VII.1-8 3.3.1-58 A boundary Monitoring (A-77)Valve body Pressure Carbon steel Raw water (int) Loss of material Periodic Surveillance VII.C1-19 3.3.1-76 E boundary and Preventive (A-38)Maintenance Valve body Pressure Stainless Air -indoor (ext) None None VII.J-15 3.3.1-94 A boundary steel (AP-1 7)Valve body Pressure Stainless Gas (int) None None VII.J-19 3.3.1-97 A boundary steel (AP-22)Valve body Pressure Stainless Raw water (int) Loss of material One-Time Inspection VII.C1-15 3.3.1-79 E boundary steel (A-54)Valve body Pressure Stainless Treated borated Loss of material Water Chemistry VIi.E1-17 3.3.1-91 C boundary steel water (int) Control -Primary (AP-79)and Secondary Valve body Pressure Gray cast Air -indoor (ext) Loss of material External Surfaces VII.I-8 3.3.1-58 A boundary iron Monitorinq (A-77)Valve body Pressure Gray cast Air -indoor (int) Loss of material External Surfaces V.A-19 3.2.1-32 E boundary iron Monitorinq (E-29)
Attachment 1 NL-09-088 Page 17 of 23 Table 3.3.2-18-1P3 Plant Drains Summary of Aging Management Review Table 3.3.2-18-1P3:.
Plant Drains Component Intended Aging Effect A " I NUREG-mpnent Fntend Material Environment Requiring Aging Management Vol Table 1 Notes Type Function Management Programs Item Item Pressure Plastic Air -indoor (int) None None --... F boundary.Pressure Plastic Air -indoor (ext) None None -- -- F boundary, Pressure Plastic Soil (ext) None None .... F boundary Strainer Filtration Carbon Air- indoor (ext) Loss of material External Surfaces VII.I-8 3.3.1-58 A steel Monitoring (A-77)Strainer Filtration Stainless Air -indoor (ext) None None VII.J-15 3.3.1-94 A steel .(AP-17)Tubing Pressure Stainless
.Air -indoor (ext) None None VII.J-15 3.3.1-94 A boundary steel' (AP-17)
Attachment 1 NL-09-088 Page 18 of 23 Table 3.3.2-18-1P3:
Plant Drains Component Intended Aging Management NUREG- Table I Notes Material Environment Requiring 1801 Vol. 2 Item Type FunctionManagement Programs Item I Tubing Pressure Stainless Raw water (int) Loss'of material One-Time Inspection VII.C1-15 3.3.1-79 E boundary steel (A-54)Valve body Pressure Stainless Air -indoor (ext) None None VII.J-15 3.3.1-94 A boundary steel (AP-17)Valve body Pressure Stainless Gas (int) None None VII.J-19 3.3.1-97 A boundary steel (AP-22)Valve body Pressure Stainless Raw water (int) Loss of material One-Time Inspection VII.C1-15 3.3.1-79 E boundary steel (A-54)Valve body Pressure Stainless Treated borated Loss of material Water Chemistry Control VII.E1-17 3.3.1-91 C boundary steel water (int) Primary and (AP-79)Secondary Valve body Pressure Gray cast Air -indoor (ext) Loss of material External Surfaces VII.I-8 3.3.1-58 A boundary iron Monitorinq (A-77)Valve body Pressure Gray cast Air -indoor (int) Loss of material External Surfaces V.A-19 3.2.1-32 E boundary iron Monitorinq (E-29)
Attachment 1 NL-09-088 Page 19 of 23 LRA Section, Security Generator is revised as follows.Materials Security generator system components are constructed of the following materials." aluminum" carbon steel* copp96r alley >146% zinc" stainless steel-fiberglass Aging Management Programs The following aging management programs manage the aging effects for security generator system components.
* Bolting Integrity-Buried Piping and Tanks Inspection
-External Surfaces Monitoring e Periodic Surveillance and Preventive Maintenance
--* Water Chemistry Control -Closed Cooling Water Attachment 1 NL-09-088 Page 20 of 23 LRA Table 3.3.2-15-1P3, Security Generator Summary of Aging Management Review, is revised as follows.Table 3.3.2-15-IP3:
Security Generator Component IneddAging Effect A M NUREG- Tal1 Agitgenfect Aging Management NUE- Table 1 Notes Material Environment Requiring gin m 1801 Vol. 2 Note Type Function Mngmn Programis Item Ie Management.
:vr',s " Item Bolting Pressure Carbon steel Air -indoor (ext) Loss of material Bolting integrity VII.1-4 3.3.1-43 A boundary (AP-27)Bolting Pressure Stainless Air -indoor (ext) None None VII.J-15 3.3.1-94 C boundary steel (AP-1 7)Filter housing Pressure Carbon steel Air -indoor (ext) Loss of material External Surfaces VII.I-8 .3.3.1-58 A boundary Monitoring (A-77)Filter housing Pressure Carbon steel Air- indoor (int) Loss of material ExternalISurfaces V.A-19 3.2.1-32 E boundary Monitoring (E-29)Flexible Pressure Garbeonsteel Air -indoor (ext) Loss of material External Surfaces V-.-8 58 C bellows boundary Stainless None M,,;itG,,.- (A474 3.3.1-94 Steel None VII.J-15 (AP-17)Flexible Pressure Garben-steel Exhaust gas (int) Cracking -Periodic Surveillance
-- H bellows boundary Stainless fatigue and Preventive Steel Maintenance Flexible Pressure Ga ben Mee! Exhaust gas (int) Loss of material Periodic Surveillance VII.H2-2 3.3.1-18 E bellows boundary Stainless and Preventive (A-27)Steel Maintenance Attachment 1 NL-09-088 Page 21 of 23 Table 3.3.2-15-1P3:
Security Generator SAging Effect NUREG- Table1 Component Intended Aging Management NUREN-Material Environment Requiring 1801 Vol. 2 Notes Type Function Programs Item Management Item Ie Flexible Pressure Stainless Air- indoor (ext) None None. VIU.J-15 3.3.1-94 A connection boundary steel (AP-17)Flexible Pressure Stainless Gas (int) None None Vii.J-19 3.3.1-97 A connection boundary steel (AP-22)Heat Pressure GeppeC r ale Air -indoor (ext) None None , 2 -C exchanger boundary 1 5%e ZO -- F (bonnet) Fibergqlass Heat Pressure Copper alley Treated water Lsof matrial 4-2 3.3.1-51 -4 exchanger boundary :15% Z n (int) None Con -trol C oed (AP-34) .F (bonnet) Fiberqlass G" eGI"Watef
-'None.Heat Heat transfer Aluminum Air -indoor (ext) Fouling Periodic Surveillance " -- H exchanger and Preventive (fins) Maintenance Heat Heat transfer Copper-allo Air -indoor (ext) Fouling Periodic Surveillance -G exchanger
> 145%-Zn and Preventive F (tubes) Aluminum Maintenance Heat Heat transfer Qepper-aley Treated water Fouling Water Chemistry V11-k02-2 3.3.--52 -D exchanger
> 15% Z7 (int) Control -Closed (AP 80) F (tubes) Aluminum Cooling Water Attachment 1 NL-09-088 Page 22 of 23 Table 3.3.2-15-1P3:
Security Generator Component Intended Aging Effect NUREG- Table 1 Material Environment Requiring A1801 Vol.P2 It Notes Type Function oan agement Management PrgasItem e Heat Pressure Gopper-ally Air -indoor (ext) None None V.F-3 3.2.,153 -G exchanger boundary -!6% Zn. (E-P-40) -- F (tubes) Aluminum Heat PFr-6uFe Goppeaey Loss of matroial Seoti, Leaching V3.3.2-82 3.3.!-.
> bor -1,,/ ZR -) ýP* (Ap-43 304 (tubes)Heat Pressure Gepper-alle Treated water Loss of material Water Chemistry VlkEi-2 3.. -D exchanger boundary 1-- !5% Zn (int) Control -Closed (AP-34) F (tubes) Aluminum Cooling Water -Piping Pressure Carbon steel Air- indoor (ext) Loss of material External Surfaces VII.1-8 3.3.1-58 A boundary Monitoring (A-77)Piping Pressure Carbon steel Air- indoor (int) Loss of material External Surfaces V.A-19 3.2.1-32 E boundary Monitoring (E-29)Piping Pressure Carbon steel Exhaust gas (int) Cracking -Periodic Surveillance H boundary fatigue and Preventive Maintenance Piping Pressure Carbon steel Exhaust gas (int) Loss of material Periodic Surveillance VII.H2-2 3.3.1-18 E boundary and Preventive (A-27)Maintenance Attachment 1 NL-09-088 Page 23 of 23 LRA Section, Fire Protection -C02, Halon, and RCP Oil Collection Systems, System Description, Unit 2, third paragraph, is revised as follows.The fire protection
-C02, halon, and RCP oil collection system consists of fixed fire suppression systems utilizing c--arbon, dioide (002) and bromotrifluoromethane (Halon 1301) as well as oil leakage collection for the reactor coolant pumps (RCPs). The GO2 aRd halon systems consists of gas storage tanks and the necessary piping, valves, and instrumentation.
The RCP oil collection system consists of drain pans, collection tanks and the necessary piping, valves, and instrumentation to collect any leakage of the RCP lube oil system.The Un~it 2 firo pro~tection-GQOQ system is no~t required to meet the requirements of 10 CFIR 50.48 +and uis thocfo, Ronot within the scopo of .ic.ns ro nowa .LRA Section 2.4.3, Turbine Buildings, Auxiliary Buildings and Other Structures, Description, fourteenth section (Fuel Storage Buildings (IP2/3) is revised as follows.Fuel Storage Buildings (IP2/3)For Units 2 and 3, the fuel storage building is designed to handle and store both spent and new fuel and provides support for the spent fuel crane and other fuel handling equipment.
In addition, the floor of IP2 provides support of a gantry crane. Each structure is located adjacent to, but separate from, its respective containment building.}}

Revision as of 09:25, 10 November 2018