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#REDIRECT [[NL-16-133, Indian Point, Unit 3, IP-CALC-16-00079, Rev. 0, Evaluation of Leak on Weld 8297 on 31 Fan Cooler Unit Return Line.]]
| number = ML16314E598
| issue date = 11/07/2016
| title = Indian Point, Unit 3, IP-CALC-16-00079, Rev. 0, Evaluation of Leak on Weld 8297 on 31 Fan Cooler Unit Return Line.
| author name =
| author affiliation = Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/Document Control Desk, NRC/NRR
| docket = 05000286
| license number = DPR-064
| contact person =
| case reference number = NL-16-133
| package number = ML16314E601
| document type = Calculation
| page count = 21
0 Title: Evaluation of leak on weld 8297 on 31 Fan Cooler Unit return line Editorial DYES System(s):
SW Review Org (Department):
Civil/Structural Safety Class: Component/Equipment/Structure Type/Number:
IZI Safety I Quality Related FCU-31 D Augmented Quality Program D Non-Safety Related Document Type: CALC Keywords (Description/Topical Codes): SW 31 FCU REVIEWS S. Malinski .,. c 11-9/le J. Ruch /1 , II '1 R. Drake 1 * .,.., -l , ,,Y,.. Responsible Engineer IZI Design Verifier Supervisor/Approva IZI Reviewer D Comments Attached D Comments Attached ATTACHMENT 9.3 CALCULATION REFERENCE SHEET IP-CALC-16-00079
0 I. EC Markups Incorporated (N/A to NP calculations)
None II. Relationships:
Sht Rev Input Output Impact Tracking Doc Doc Y/N No. 1. D D 2. D D 3. D D 4. D D 5. D D Ill. CROSS
See page 5, section 5.6 IV. SOFTWARE USED: Title: N/A Version/Release:
Title: N/A Version/Release Disk/CD No. VI. OTHER CHANGES: None IP-CALC-16-00079 ATTACHMENT 9.4 RECORD OF REVISION Revision Record of Revision Initial issue. 0 ' '
TABLE OF CONTENTS Calculation Cover Page 2 Calculation Reference Sheet 3 Record of Revisions 4 Table of Contents 5 Calculation Section 5.1 Background 5.2 Purpose 5.3 Method of Analysis 5.4 Assumptions 5.5 Design Input 5.6 References 5.7 Calculation 5.8 Results/Conclusions Attachment 1
* Calculation for Minimum Required Wall Thickness and Allowable Flaw Sizes Attachment 2
* Miscellaneous reference information IP-CALC-16-00079
'-1/b Page No. 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 IP-CALC-16-00079 S/ft 5.0 Calculation Section 5.1 Background CR-IP3-2016-03607 documented a potential leak near the 31 FCU, observed from the 68' elevation walkway. After removing insulation and pressurizing the service water line 12b it was discovered that there is a pinhole leak at weld 8297. This weld is located on a 3.5 inch 0.D. pipe on a service water return branch line which connects 10 inch line 12b to the 31 FCU internal coils. 5.2 Purpose This calculation determines the minimum wall thickness for the 3.5 inch branch connection and evaluates the allowable flaw size {axial and circumferential) for this section of pipe. 5.3 Method of analysis The method of analysis is based on EN-CS-S-008-MULTI, Rev. 1, utilizing an Excel spreadsheet to calculate and tabulate the appropriate required values. Pipe stress inputs are extracted from IP3-CALC-SWS-03023 which inspected a weld on the same branch connection as part of 3R10 outage 89-13 inspections.
5.4 Assumptions Conservatively, the plant-wide standard observed wear rate= 0.012 in/yr is used. This calculation investigates a stainless steel component where the wear rate will be slower than that of carbon steel piping. Inaccessible areas assumed to have thickness consistent with available readings which are all at or above nominal thickness due to the relative consistency of results. Note: only actual UT readings are utilized in this calculation, including tabulation of average thicknesses.
5.5 Design Input 1. USAS 831.1 Power Piping Code, 1955 and 1973 edition 2. FCU specification MDA-RCFC-01
: 3. IP3-CALC-SWS-03023
: 4. IP3-UT-16-035
: 5. Flow Diagram 209762 5.6 Reference
: 1. Westinghouse Drawing INRN-1020-4
: 2. IP3 Line List, IP3-LIST-MULT-01177
: 3. ANSI 831.1 Power Piping Code, 1955 and 1973 edition 4. EN-CS-S-008-MULTI Rev. 1, "Pipe Wall Thinning Structural Evaluation" 5. Calculation IP3-CALC-SWS-03023 Rev. 1 IP-CALC-16-00079 0/b 5. 7 Calculation Based on the design temperature, pressure, and material condition, an allowable stress value for the piping material was obtained.
Pipe stresses from normal, upset and emergency loading conditions are either determined in this calculation or are obtained from other calculations for the component system. Some of the stress values obtained from existing calculations and various reference information are in Attachment
: 2. The calculated wall thickness for hoop stress, axial pipe stress are then determined and compared to 30% of the nominal pipe wall thickness and the highest value of the three will be used as the minimum required wall thickness for the design condition of the pipe at that location.
5.8 Conclusion/Results The minimum required thickness for the elbow containing weld B297 is 0.073 inches, whereas the minimum measured thickness is 0.117 inches. The maximum allowable axial flaw size is 4.11 inches and maximum allowable circumferential flaw size is 3.65 inches. The existing flaw is characteriseq as approximately 0.50 in x 0.50 in, and the uninspected arc length (approximately 3 in) of the pipe circumference is less than the allowable circumferential flaw length. Therefore, if the entirety of the uninspected portion of the pipe were to be considered a flaw, the pipe would still retain its structural integrity as evaluated in this calculation.
The pinhole flaw is opposite the uninspected portion and the flaw sizes of the two areas are independent and not additive.
Based on the above statements, the pipe is structurally adequate for service until a permanent repair can be made during the upcoming 3R19 outage in 2017.
I P-CALC-16-00079 Attachment 1 Calculation for Minimum Required Wall Thickness and Allowable Flaw Size Jf>-C/J '-(. . ( (p -6 0 l17f Design Parameters Stress values ref: IP3-CALC-SWS-03023 D 0: Outside Diameter, (in} tnom: Nominal Thickness, (in) Material P: Design Pressure, (psi} T: Design Temperature, (&deg;F} Sh : Allowable Stress at Design Temperature, (psi} (See App. A of 831.1} SA : Thermal Expansion Allowable Stress , (psi} A: An additional thickness per Section 104.1 of 831.1, (in) Prediction of Min. Thickness for 2 Years of Service, tp f.neas: Measured thickness of latest inspection, (in) Wr: Wear Rate (in/yr} based on IPEC experience Y : Service years between the latest and next inspections, (yr} SF : Safety factor Projected thermal cycles between the latest and next inspections tp = t'mln + SF''Wr*Y, (in} !meas must be _'.! Ip (1) Line 12b 3.5 0.216 904LSS 150 160 17100 25650 0 0.117 0.01200 2 1.1 70 0.099 RJt'min 50, "OK"; or> 50, "Buckling Evaluation Required" RJt'min' 24 OK b = estimate width of thinned section = Based on clamp support at 4 edges, allowable buckling stress= 8.46E(tplb) 2 = Actual compressive stress= [Snor* PD/(41,,om)](t,,oinlt'p)(l'/I)
Actual compressive stress= [Sups-PD/(41,,om)Htnoinlfp)(l'/I)
Actual compressive stress= [Sem 9-PD/(4tnomll(l,, 0 m/t'p)(l'/i)
Screening Rules for Pipe Wall Thinning Rule 1: Acceptance Standard = 0.875*tnom Rule 2: Minimum Required Thickness 0.3*1nom for Class 1 0.2*tnom for Class 2 or 3 2635 1113 24157 16282 (2),(3) Rule 3: Between the above two limits, wall thinning can be accepted by a structural evaluation Action required based on the above screening rules for the Inspected thinned pipe Class 1 piping Class 2 or 3 piping Structural Evaluation
: a. Minimum Thickness for Hoop Stress : tmln = P*DJ[2(Sh+.4*P}]
+A, (in} b. Minimum Thickness for Axial Stress : Is the thermal expansion stress required to be evaluated? ( No for tp _'.! 0. 75*1,, 0 m and 150; Yes for othenMse)
KNcr : Allowable stress increase factor for Normal Condition Kups : Allowable stress increase factor for Upset Condition KEmg : Allowable stress increase factor for Emergency Condition y : Allowable stress increase factor for CC-N-597 Safety Related Piping (4) psi <sh psi, o.k. psi, o.k.< 1.2Sh = psi, o.k.< 1.8Sh = 21.85 17100 20520 30780 0.189 0.065 0.043 Structural Evaluation Req'd Structural Evaluation Req'd 0.015 Yes 1.0 1.2 1.8 1.143 
&deg;J:f *.{).LC.-J 4-C D l> *7 '\ Original Piping Stresses SNar : Normal Condition Stress, (psi) Sups : Upset Condition Stress, {psi) SEmg : Emergency Condition Stress, (psi)
SThe : Thermal Expansion Stress, {psi) Let t 8 min = i = stress intensification factor at elbow= 0.9/[1.5(D}tn 0 mf(O.S(D 0-fo 0 m))2]0*55 i' = SIF of thinned section at elbow= 0.9/[1.5(D)t 3 min/(0.5(D 0-t 8 minl>2]0*55 i' Ii= ZJZ' = [Do 4 -(Do-2lnom) 4)/[Do 4 -(Do-2t" Allowable Stress -Axial Stress ? O Normal conditions:
y*KNor*Sh -[ P*DJ4t" min + (l'li)*(SNar
-P*DJ4t..0 m)*{Z/Z')]?
0 Upset conditions:
y*Kups*Sh -[ P*DJ4t" min + (i'/i)*(Sups
-P*DJ4t,, 0 m)*(Z/Z'))?
0 Emergency conditions:
[ P*DJ4t"m1n
+ (i'/i)*(SEmg-P*DJ4t,, 0 m)*(Z/Z')]?
0 (5) (6) Normal and Ther. Expansion conditions:
y*{Sh +SA) -[ P*DJ4t" min + (i'/i)*(SNor
+ Srho)*(Z/Z')]
? 0 c. Minimum Required Thickness Class 1: t'm1n = Max. [ lm1n* t" min* 0.3*tnoml* (in); Class 2 & 3: t' min = Max. [ lm1n* t" min* 0.2*tnoml* (in); Remaining Service Life (RSL) Notes: Class 1: RSL = [tmeas -t min)/(SF*Wr), (yr) Class 2 & 3: RSL = [ lmeas -t'm1n ]/(SF*W r), (yr) Acceptable if tmeas? t'm1n Acceptable if lmeas? t'm1n (1) The wear rate will be obtained from Responsible FAC Engineer or based on the Attachment 7.7. (2) The acceptance standard (0.8751,,om) can not be applied to: 1. Class 1 short radius elbows, 2. Reinforcement area of a tee or branch connection, and 0.073 0.073 3. For regions of piping designed to specific wall thickness requirements, such as counterbores or weld attachments.
(3) For the small end of reducers, the standard shall be based on the loom of the pipe size at the small end. For the large end, the large end transition and the conical portion, it shall be based on the loom of the pipe size at the larger end. (4) The formula is applicable for straight pipes, bends, and elbows. For reducers, tm1n at each end shall be equal to l.nin of straight pipe of the same nominal size as the reducer end. For the conical portion and transition at larger end of reducers, tm1n shall be that of the large diameter pipe end. For branch connections and tees, the reinforcement area of the opening shall be based on the 831.1 code. (5) t" min can be obtained by the "Trial and Error" method until the "Allowable Stress -Axial Stress" due to Normal, Upset, Emergency, and combined Normal and Thermal Expansion conditions are all positive and one of them shall be close to zero. (6) (I) can be calculated from Appendix D of ANSI 831.1. (i') needs to be adjusted for the pipe wall thinning.
It is suggested that the average thickness or 2 times of the original value be used for the i' calculation.
780 4350 3130 0.073 1.603 3.498 2.182 2.61 16765 317 19001 unknown Yes Yes 3.3 3.3 
*-w CAtr -1 & --tirn> ' ASME CODE CASE N-513 EVALUATION FOR A THROUGH-WALL FLAW I I A. Pipe Parameters D 0 = Pipe OD (in) 3.5 lava = average wall thickness of pipe circumference based on UT report (in) at section 0.243 lnam = nominal pipe wall thickness (in) 0.216 Pd = Design Pressure (psi) 150 Po= Operational Pressure (psi) (< 275 psig) 150 T = Metal Temperature at evaluation(&deg;F)
(< 200&deg;F) 160 E = elastic modulus at T (ksi) 27557 v = poison ratio 0.3 J 1 e =material toughness (lb/in) 45 S = allowable stress for pipe (ksi) 17.1 i = SIF =stress intensification factor used in the stress analysis 1.00 Service Level A B c D pdDJ( 4tnom) or from stress summary: Axial stress due to design pressure (ksl) -0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 s = pdDJ(4tnam)
+ (0.75i)crb:
Piping Axial Stress (ksi, from stress output) 0.78 4.35 3.13 3.13 SFm: Level A = 2. 7; Level B = 2.4; Level c = 1.8; Level D = 1.3 [C-2621& 2622] 2.7 2.4 1.8 1.3 SFb: Level A = 2.3; Level B = 2.0; Level c = 1.6; Level D = 1.4 [C-2621] 2.3 2.0 1.6 1.4 Rm = pipe mean radius (in) = (D 0 -t)/2 1.642 E' = E/(1 -v2) 30282 K 1e = material critical stress intensity factor =J,;E'/1000) 0*5 (ksi(in)0*5) 36.91 lm1n = PdDJ[2(S+0.4pd)] (in) 0.02 t = tad! = adjusted wall thickness, varied for evaluation of through-wall nonplanar flaw (in). tad! >= lmrn 0.189 (Start with average of the UT thickness at the grid points surrounding the leak) B. (Based on LEFM C*7400 & N513-2, 1-3.0) Service Level A *a c D c = fJ/2 = Half axial flaw length (in) , try "c" to make K 1 e
* K 1 >= 0.0 2.06 2.25 2.78 4.00 p = pressure for the service level condition 150 150 150 150 crh = p'*DJ(2t)/1000 (ksi 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 For through waif flaw, a = c : '}., = c/(tRm)0.5 3.69 4.04 5.00 7.18 F= 1 +AA.+ B'J..2 + C'J..3+ m.4 + Et..5 3.87 4.17 4.99 5.40 Where A= 0.0724 B= 0.6486 C= -0.2327 D= 0.0382 E= -0.0023 Kie* K1 = Kie -Kim= (SFm)Fcrh(n:c) 0*5 (ksi(in)0*5) 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.33 flaw length "2c" 4.11 4.50 5.57 8.00 Allowable Axial Flaw Length =Smaller "2c" of four service levels (in.) = 4.11 C. Evaluate as a planar flaw in circumferential direction I Service Level A B c D (0. 75i) >= 1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 cr'b = (s
* PdDJ(41nom)/(0.75i)
{ksi) 0.17 3.74 2.52 2.52 crb = o"b[D 0 4 * (D 0 -21 0 om)4]/[D 0 4 * (D 0 -(ksi) 0.157 3.406 2.295 2.295 p = pressure at the service level 150 150 150 150 crm = pDJ(4tave):
Axial stress due to service pressure (ksi) 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 Kie= 36.9 36.9 36.9 36.9 For through wall flaw, based on a = c c : Half circumferential flaw length , try "c" to make K 1e -K 1 > 0.0 3.31 1.83 2.53 2.76 a= c/(n:Rm) 0.642 0.354 0.491 0.535 r= Rmft 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 IP -CALc--f & -600761 ASME CODE CASE N-513 EVALUATION FOR A THROUGH-WALL FLAW i= 0 1 2 3 A,,,= Amo+ Am1r + Am2*r + Am3*r3 Ami -2.0292 1.6776 -0.0799 0.0018 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.7 Bm= Bmo + Bm1r + Bm2*r + Bm3*r3 Bm1 7.0999 -4.4239 0.2104 -0.0046 18 -18
-18 Cm= Cmo + Cm1*r + Cm2*r + Cm3*r3 Cm1 7.7966 5.1668 -0.2458 0.0054 37.7 37.7 37.7 37.7 Ab= Abo + Ab1*r + Ab2*r + Ab 3*r At.1 -3.2654 1.5278 -0.0727 0.0016 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 Bb= Bco + Bb1r + Bb2 *r + Bb3 *r3 Bw 11.363 -3.9141 0.1862 -0.0041 11 11 Ct= cbO + *r + cb2 *r + Ct3 *r3 cb1 -3.1861 3.8476 -0.1830 0.0040 19.1 19.1 19.1 19.1 Fm= 1+ A,,,*a1.s+Bm*a2.s+Cm
*a3.5 6.82 2.23 3.65 4.35 Fb= 1+ Ab*a 1*5+sb*a 2*5+cb*a 3*5 4.18 1.84 2.60 2.95 Kie* K1 =Kie* [(SFm)(xc) 0*5 (crmFm) + SFb(xc)0'5 (crb*Fb)]
:> 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Flaw length (2c) = 6.62 3.65 5.07 5.52 Allowable Circumferential Crack Length = Smaller "2c" of 4 service levels (in.)= 3.65 D. Check the hole penetration flaw length I Laxial = length of through wall flaw In the axial direction of the pipe (inch) 0.5 < allow flaw, OK Lcirc = length of through wall flaw In the circumferential direction of the pipe (inch) 0.5 < allow flaw, OK E. Minimum remaining ligament thickness requirement I I dadl = 1.5[Rmtadi]0.5(1.dl
-lm1n)/lm1n (in) 9.4886 Let dadl = (In) 4.11 Minimum remaining ligament thickness requirement=
0.353dad*(pd/s) 0*5 (In) 0.1359 Minimum remaining ligament thickness is less than adjusted thickness used OK I P-CALC-16-00079 Attachment 2 Miscellaneous Reference Information
* ID No. VC-8 VC-22 VC-23 VC-36 VC-37 VC-38 VC-39 VC-40 VC-41 VC-42 VC-43 VC-44 VC-45 VC-46 VC-47 VC-48 VC-49 VC-50
* VC-51 VC-52 VC-31-1 VC-32-2 VC-32-3 VC-32-4 VC-32-5 VC-33-1 VC-34-1 VC-35-1 VC-31*7 ..x VC-31-8 VC-32-7 VC-32-8 VC-33-7 VC-33-8 VC-34*7 VC-34-8 VC-35-7 VC-35-8 VC-52 Line No. 10"-#11b 10*-#11c 10"-#12c 10"-#12c 10*-#12b 2"-tl671 10*-#12e 10*-#11b 10*-#12a 2"-tl672 Node No. 640/650 421/425 109/110 39/41 70/80 1221123 820 1380 10"-#12b 780 10"-#12d 160 10"-#11c 138 1D"-#11a 1310 10"-#12a 1280 10"-#12e 87/90 10"-#11e 90 10"-#12d 15 10"-#11d 15 10"-#11c 140 12b-A 7060 11d-E 290 12d-C 490 12d-B 390 12d-F 335 12a-A 3560 12c-E 545 12e-A 290 11a-F 3790 12b-B 6050 11d-G 49Q" 12d-E 245 11 b-A 10110 12a-F 3040
* 110-0 1120 120-C 381 11e-B 350 12e-B 390 1" br line cs/ss coup tnom 0.365 0.365 0.365 0.365 0.365 0.154 0.365 0.365 0.365 D.154 0.365 0.365 0.365 0.365 0.365 0.365 0.365 0.365 0.365 0.365 0.216 0.216 0.216 0.216 0.216 0.216 0.216 0.216 0.216 Q.216 0.216 0.216 0.216 0.216 0.216 0.218 0.216 0.216 0.133 sh 15 15 15 15 15 17.1 17.1 17.1 15 17.1 17.1 17.1 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 15 TABLE2 Required Pipe Wall Thickness for Projected 2 Year Sesvlce \, 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 o.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.01 SNOR 1.32 1.33 1.24 2.32 2.18 2.9 1.58 2.71 1.21 2.9 1.18 1.82 2.28 2.01 2.32 1.41 1.43 1.49 1.99 2.3 0.74 1.19 1.13 1.32 1.98 1.07 1.02 0.91 0.7 0.78 1.23 1.93 1.7 0.93 0.91 1.89 0.8 0.83 0.38 SuPst 6.9 4.08 5.51 7.57 9.1 4.74 7.47 11.01 1.18 9.26 B.72 9.11 6.53 7.36 7.02 7.49 10.17 8.62 2.83 4.04 3.28 4.72 6.62 2.87 1.4 3.59 8.03 2.96 .(23 6.06 5.36 7.4 1.65 3.33 4.21 2.91 Sup52 2.16 4.53 4.49 8.17 9 4.89 6.78 3.13 1.18 8.14 5.79 5.91 5.29 7.61 5.48 5.8 7.83 8.94 1.01 3.78 1.45 3.59 3.27 1.98 1.71 1.31 3.78 1.25 1.78 4.44 3.06 2.92 2.12 3.01 2.5 1.29 Supsa 0 0 . 5.59 8.72 7.89 15.82 0 3.13 1.18 10.23 0 0 9.98 5.45 0 10.57 0 0 4.9 0 5.76 7.53 6.38 1.93 1.56 8.37 0 4.35 0 17.42 0 2.83 0 4.18 0 6.5 Sups 6.9 4.53 5.59 7.57 9.1 12 15.82 7.47 11.01 12 1.18 10.23 8.72 9.11 9.98 7.61 7.02 10.57 10.17 8.94 4.9 4.04 5.76 7.53 6.62 2.87 1.71 8.37 8.03 4.35 4.23 17.42 5.36 7.4 2.12 4.18 4.21 6.5 13.74 SEMCJ 8.3 4.03 6.25 9.21 8.55 16.5 4.41 7.96 10.69 16.5 1.18 8.18 7.95 8.38 6.83 6.3 6.63 6.96 9.84 7.9 2.96 4.09 3.94 4.35 6.54 2.98 1.47 4.09 7.34 .. .1.l_ 4.23 5.99 6.6 7.94 1.69 3.57 5.37 3.25 20.42 t. 0.14 0.092 0.113 0.154 0.185 0.09 0.281 0.133 0.223 0.09 0.025 0.182 0.177 0.185 0.202 0.154 0.142 0.214 0.206 0.181 0.052 0.043 0.061 0.079 0.07 0.03 0.018 0.088 0.085 0.046 0.045' 0.183 0.056 0.078 0.022 0.044 0.044 0.068 0.102 tm1n 0.14 0.11 0.113 0.154 0.185 0.09 0.281 0.133 0.223 0.09 0.11 0.182 0.177 0.185 0.202 0.154 0.142 0.214 0.206 0.181 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.079 0.07 0.065 0.065 . 0.088 0.085 0.065 0.065 0.183 0.065 0.078 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.068 0.102 l,911 0.162 0.135 0.138 0.175 0.203 0.097 0.292 0.156 0.239 0.097 0.135 0.201 0.196 0,204 0.22 0.176 0.165 0.231 0.223 0.2 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.093 0.084 0.08 0.08 0.101 0.098 0.08 0.08 0.188 0.08 0.092 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.083 0.106 Ref 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 91Vw: /i\ * -_.. 
* ew ...
*ciass3A * #32
---------vca-68' ET69'-* Eibo;-Miid, rro;;;
-* * -ew * -*
1NRN::1020..22 c25. <3) vc:J2-33 11 964L Class 3A.--#32FCURetur;-***----v-ca-68' El. 76;-** Elbow weld, 5th pipe upfromtlo;;;*
--* --. --9w-* -. eB-04162:00 fNRN.:1020:22
***.i Vc-32-4 3;. s64r Class-3.t\-
* #3if:cu.R.t1u,;;*---*-----vc-E1. 68' El. 74' * *-
3nt pipe *--*---ew ---ee-04162-00 VC-32-5 3" 904L-* Class 3A #32
.. -\ic'ei.68'e1.
-BW -*-9s-o4162:oo INRN-1o2G.
3&deg;9041. Class3A
*--* --* *
** *
* ew
: t. VC-34-1 3" 904L: Class 3A #34 Fcu Return VC El. *59* Elio'
* in'd pipe up from ew 9s-:Q4162.:00 INRN-1020-22 (2), 3A VC El. 68' El. 70'
-*ew -. 98-04162-00 (2)_. (3) ..
3;. 9o4C ciciss 3A ** #32 Fciis;;pj)1Y-
------vc eCsB' EL7a..-*
* -. Class 3A *-#32-i=cu Retu,;;-*
-**----* ... _v9 up
.3" so4i 3i* 904L' Class 3A.
.. -*--___ VC.EI. 68 1 El. 69'
-Class 3A-* #33.f:cu
___ .. ____ vc El. 68' El. 75' Elbow-we1d.'4th
------* *-----------------
-*-i----.. BW BW BW ----eB-OS100-(1->, c2>.-<4>
INRN-1020-:-22 (2);**(4) . ----"9a-ris1oO-
(2), (4) 98--05100-INRN-1020-22(2), (4)'. BW --------BW 98-05100-INRN-1020-22 (1), (2), (4) 3" 904L 3" 9o4C Class 3A #34
*-* . ---vcEIT8 1 El. *7w .. -
81hPij);UpfiO-;tk;or Class 3A -i34
**---*-Ve El. 68' EC78' --weld: &th p1pe up.from
.-.. -* -BW . --. 98-05100-. INRN-1020:22(;,, (2). (4) .... --* -*-----*-*------*---------------.
-----VC-35-7 3" 904L 3;;*9o4L Class 3A
________ VC El. 68 1 El. 72* Ciaiis3A #35 FCU Return VC El. 68 1 El. 75;*--
4th ElboW weld, 3rd pipe up from floor NOTES: (1) Need scaffolding.
(2) Need insulation removal. (3) R09 followup inspection.
(4) New R10 inspection.
*--.D. P. Pennino x6099 Systems Engineering Page3 of4 BW BW -... 05100-.
INRN-1020-22 (2), (4) 98-05100-iNRN:fo2o.:.22(2).
(4) -3/9/99 3:15 PM c:\Excel Files\R1 Ochecklstxls
* Site/Unit:
IP3 3 UT Erosion/Corrosion Examination Procedure:
CEP-NDE-0505 Outage No.: NIA-
------Summary No.: 31FCU Procedure Rev.: 4 Report No.: IP3-UT-16-035
Works cope: BOP Work Order No.: 00460297-04 Page: 1 of 6 Code: ANSI B31.1 '67 Edition * '69 Add. Cat./ltem:
NIA Location:
IP3 VC 68'@ 31 FCU DraWing No.: Westinghouse INRN-1020*4
UT to characterize leaking weld on 3" Line SWN #128 System ID: VCV -----------------------------------------------------
Component ID: Westinghouse DWG INRN-1020-4, Line C, Weld B297 Size/Length:
3" Sch 40 Thickness/Diameter:
SIS I 0.216" Limitations:
None Component File No.: LEAK CIRC I BULLSEYE Start Time: 04:33 Finish Time:
04:58 Calibration Information Partitioning Information Comnnnent Information*
Calibration Thickness (In) Calibration Times / lnlllals Aclual Measured 0.040" 0.040" Start: 04:32 VWD 0.100" 0.100" Verify: NIA NIA --0.200" 0.200" Verify: NIA NIA --0.300" 0.300" Verify: NIA NIA --Component Begin/Col/Row Endlng/CoVRow M. UPST Ext. NIA NIA Main UPST. NIA NIA Main A-1 J-5 Main DNST. NIA NIA M. DNSTExt. NIA NIA Component Geometry:
Pi.,., to Elbow Outside Diameter:
3.5" Grid Size: 1/2" x 1" Max. Thickness:
0.383" Min. Thickness:
0.117" Nominal Thickness:
0.375" Tmin.: 0.189" Min. Thickness Location:
At leak 0.500" 0.500" Final: 04:59 VWD --Branch NIA NIA Max. Thickness Location:
Bullseie A-4 Branch Ext. NIA NIA Surface Condition:
As Welded Instrument:
___ O__.lvm ...... p_u_s __ _ Model: 38DL Plus Serial No.: 151058303 Gain: 69 db Range: Transducer:
Reference/Simulator Block: Temp. Tool: Manufacturer:
Panametrics Serial No.: 97-7437 Manufacturer:
Traceable Serial No.: 673816 Type: SIS 0.04"-.5" Serial No.: QS-2 Size: 0.283" Freq.: 7.5 MHz RefJSimulator Block Temp.: Couplant:
81 "F Model: 07908 Type: Ultragel II # of Elements:
Dual Material/Component Temp.: 86 "F Batch No.: 12125 1.0" Comments/Obstructions:
Grid point readings taken. Reading of 0.117" at leak. Results: Accept [J Reject Info O Tmin = 0.189" (87.5% nominal) Leak identified in CR-IP3-2016-03607 Examiner Level Ill Date Signature Date Dittrich, Victor W. 11/4/2016 Examiner Level NIA Signature Date Date* NIA L ( t'-Other Level NIA Signature Date Date NIA
* Supplemental Report Report No.: IP3-UT-16-035 Page: 2 of 6 Summary No.: 31FCU E xam i ne r:
Level: Ill Reviewer: Date: E xaminer: NIA Level: NIA Site Review: '2.
l!-Date: l cl 4+ ft"' Other: NIA Level: NIA ANll Review: Date: Comments: Photo left below of the leaking weld, photo right below of the bullseye grid around the leak. Sketch or Photo: O:\lddeal Server_VerB\lddeal IP3\Graph l cs-Pictures\31FCU\31 FCU Leak circ p1c.jpg .. ,, /,-O:\lddeal_Server VerB\lddeal IP3\Graphics
-Pictu r es\31 FCU\31 FCU Leak Bullseye pic.jpg
* Supplemental Report Repo rt No.: IP3-UT-16-035 Page: 3 o f 6 Su m mary No.: 31FCU E xamine r: Dittrich , V i ctor Level: __ ll_L_ Rev i ewe r: E xam i ner: NIA Level: NIA Si te Rev i ew: Other: NIA L evel: NIA ANll Rev ie w: C omments: Drawing left below identify i ng the weld by number on Line C, drawing right below identifying the location of the weld on t he 31 FCU return header. Sketch or Photo: O:\lddeal Server V e r8\lddea l_IP3\Graphics-Pictures\Service Wate r\Line #126 b.Jpg ""I CDfllfCTllM 1 ClC: fil!) I MfAIL I O:\lddeal_Server Ver8\ld de al_I P3\Graphics
-P i cture s\Serv i ce Water\Line
#126 a.jpg * .... .:. .. -, .
* 1'..':.' I I' I: f' t, '**a 1--
.... I * '--' '-L ....... IA," I **I.. ,.._,_, ,\..1. \. -('. I*
* Supplemental Report Report No.: IP3-UT-16-035 Page: 4 of 6 Summary No.: 31FCU Examiner:
___ ...,(/>")r--,<<;t---
Level: Ill Examiner: N/A Level: N/A Other: N/A Level: NIA *' / Reviewer: _N_....;..A
Site Review: "?.-t\t,v9...,.:;
&#xa3; 4 l{ )j.., ll.-ANll Review:
Date: Date: -l-1 -l '=<-.-.,-l w-. Date: Comments: Sketch left below showing the 112" x 1" grid around the pipe, sketch right below showing the bullseye grid around the leak at 1/4" increments.
Sketch or Photo: O:\l ddeal Server_VerB\lddeal
-Pictures\Serv i ce Water\Line
# 128 G r id.jpg WAU. --'fl .. U .. --31 Fe U swu CIRC GRID WELD B?.q7 -n*w Rows A ... J :r o B STftvc. Tf!'!D ay WALL. O:\lddeal_ Server_ VerB\lddeal
_I P3\Graphics-Pictures\Servic e Water\L1ne
#128 Bullseye.jpg .D --
EYE GRIP 31 FCU 5WU WELD l3 2'17 A : -_.6--"[) .. : c*_: *. . .:..:_* *_c __ L
., .. r J> .....
'f-UT*T REAGIN(, of' o. ,,. TltrO/ O>J L&#xa3;Ai HltLE. -------------------
COLOR CODED DATA GRID The Survey Name: 31 FCU LEAK CIRC Survey Date: 11/4/2016 4: 26:00 PM Survey
== Description:==
CIRC GRID Survey Mode: THICKNESS Survey Type: 2D GRID Erase Protection:
OFF Location Note: UNIT-3 Inspector ID: ,.._ VWD __ ""',,, . ..,. -i OlpmpusNDT Thickness
-I". Reviewer: \t::. .11 u...-:....J . E-10 IL 11 I '-' f u .. NDE Report: IP3-UT-16-03 5 Page Sof(o A Min Max Avg Color legend: J.OOI 0.213 0.248 0.230 2 ooc 00<' 0.216 0.249 0.229 3 ()()[ J.000 0.251 0.342 0.290 4 ooc o oor 0.216 0.244 0.232 5 IUI JOOt 0.211 0.2 55 0.234 Min 0.000 0.234 0.225 0.217 0.240 0.218 0.2 1 8 0.2 1 6 0.211 0.000 0.350 Ma x 0.000 0.287 0.302 0.342 0.296 0.286 0.258 0.296 0.251 0.000 0.2 4 3 Avg 0.000 0.2 47 0.253 0.255 0.257 0.242 0.231 0.236 0.222 0.000 0 1 90 0 243 0.18 9 0.10 1 0 16 9 0.1 00 0 051 0.100 0.050 OOOC 00,fJ 0.000 Under Range Row or Column StatiSbcs Totill Statistics:
!Maximum IMlnkrum hge: l COLOR CODED DATA GRID The Survey Name: 31 FCU LEAK BULLSEYE Survey Date: 11/4/2016 4: 30:00 PM Survey
== Description:==
BULLSEYE GRID Survey Mode: THICKNESS Survey Type: 20 GRID Erase Protection:
OFF Location Note: UNIT-3 VC Inspector ID:
VWD r-OlpmpusNDT Thickness
' J.\.
't fit Q .L 'i-It/ '-f f NOE Report: IP3-UT-16-035 Page /;,of fo
* Min MaX Avg Color Legend: II 0 )?-l 0.241 0237 0?38 '.) .?qrJ 0 232 0.234 0.128 0.324 0.241 II G _H.'-1 0 241 0 .;jlJ 1 *'*IS 0 230 0.239 0.234 0.230 0.304 0.247 * **IG 0 233 0.14 1 n :i;(1 ,, ''.1 0.231 0 239 0.239
* 0 0 :>1CJ 0 236 {)ii 0.).?9 0 239 0.241 0.231 0.340 0.253 0.22 9 0.383 0.264 NctUsed 0 0 239 UJ8 0 c c"c 0.231 0.2 40 (* 247 0.231 0.341 0.258 Min 0304 0.235 0.237 0.236 0.248 0.229 0.234 0.128 OJ5 0 Max 0383 0.2 4 1 0.2 4 1 0.238 0.309 0.232 0.240 0.247 0.243 Avg 0.338 0.23 9 0.239 0.237 0.280 0.231 0.238 0.218 0 190 0 24) 0.189 0 101 0 89 0.100 0.051 -0.100 0.050 0 000 0 O',J 0.000 mdec Range Row or Colum n Sta tis tics Total Statistics:
jMaxlmum !Minimum 0 128 Page:1}}

Revision as of 15:37, 12 July 2018