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#REDIRECT [[DCL-11-104, Attachment 9: Revision 1 to 10115-J-NPG, Diablo Canyon Power Plant Units 1 & 2 Process Protection System Replacement Controller Transfer Function Specification.]]
| number = ML13308B839
| issue date = 03/09/2011
| title = Attachment 9: Revision 1 to 10115-J-NPG, Diablo Canyon Power Plant Units 1 & 2 Process Protection System Replacement Controller Transfer Function Specification.
| author name = Lint R A
| author affiliation = Pacific Gas & Electric Co
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/NRR
| docket = 05000275, 05000323
| license number =
| contact person =
| case reference number = DCL-11-104
| document report number = 10115-J-NPG, Rev 1
| package number = ML113070457
| document type = Report, Technical
| page count = 32
{{#Wiki_filter:Enclosure Aftachment 9PG&E Letter DCL-1 1-10410115-J-NPG Revision 1, "DCPP Units I & 2 Process Protection SystemReplacement Controller Transfer Function Specification" (LAR Reference 120)
Specification No.: 10115-J-NPG, Rev. 1Title, Process Protection System Controller Transfer.Functions Design Input Specification Project:
Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Units 1 & 2 Date 03/09/2011 Departmcnt/Group:
Engineering Projects/lnstrumentation and ControlsStructure, System or Component:
Process Protection.System (System 38)Type or Purpose of Specification:
Design of Controller Transfer Functions for the ProcessProtection System (PPS)No. of Sheets:PREPARER:
COORD SECT:,31 (inc. cover)Signature R LintJ Hefler.JReinholdt Nuclear Safety Related:
Yes X NoI0CFR2l Applies:
Yes X NoGraded Quality:
Yes _ No XSection DatePSSA 03/08/2011 PSSA 03/08/2.0 iPSSA 03/08/2011 N/A N/AN/A N/ADE 03/09/2011 SEISMIC APPROVAL:
R KlimczakEnter the professional engineer's (PE) full nameand registration number, or stamp, or seal andexpiration date in this space.RECORDS OF REVISIONS Revision Revised Verified Coord APPROVALNumber Date Reasons for Revision By By BQ E.PE G0 Initial Iss c for Use .R.L m -_ N/A N/A JA ,L II .o / lt Sec Rcvision Summary 6,11'14-1,,i
ýA I..,ft,,Y I,. -
Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page ii of iiiRevision Number Affected Pages Reason for Revision0 All Initial issueSection 2.4.1 Revised to clarify Lead/Lag Filter equation.
Section 2.6.1 Revised to clarify Rate/Lag Filter equation.
Added new section to define Thot Estimate Compensation Section 2.14.2 Algorithm.
iPG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page iii of iiiCONTENTSI INTRO DUCTION ...................................................................................................................................
11 .1 P U R P O S E .........................................................................................................................................
11 .2 S C O P E .............................................................................................................................................
11 .3 A C R O N Y M S .......................................................................................................................................
11 .4 R E F E R E N C E S ....................................................................................................................................
...... 32 .1 O V E R V IE W ........................................................................................................................................
INPUT SCALING ......................................................................................... FUNCTION:
LEAD/LAG FILTER .......................................................................................
4T RANSFER FUNCTIO N : LAG FILTER ....................................................................................................
RATE/LAG FILTER ..........................................................................................
SENSOR QUALITY ALGORITHM 2 (SQA2) ..................................................
STEAM GENERATOR LOW-LOW LEVEL TRIP TIME DELAY ................................
28PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 1 of 281 Introduction 1.1 PurposeThe purpose of this Specification is to provide vendors with details necessary to develop the appropriate algorithms to implement the Controller Transfer Functions specified in the Process Protection System (PPS)Functional Requirements Specification (FRS) [Reference].
1.2 ScopeThe PPS FRS [Reference]
identifies the requirements that must be implemented by the PPS and iswritten in terms that are hardware independent.
This specification supplements the PPS FRS by providing details for developing algorithms for use by a digital system to implement the PPS FRS specified controller transfer functions.
All transfer functions specified in the PPS FRS (with the exception of bistablecomparators) are included in this specification with the appropriate PPS FRS requirement section identified for traceability purposes.
1.3 Acronyms1.3.1 AcronymsACRONYM DEFINITION CFR Code of Federal Regulations DCPP Diablo Canyon Power PlantDTTA Delta-T / TavgFRS Functional Requirements Specification OPDT Overpower Delta-TOPSP Overpower SetpointOPTR Overpower Turbine RunbackOTDT Overtemperature Delta-TOTTR Overtemperature Turbine RunbackPG&E (PGE) Pacific Gas & Electric CompanyPLS Precautions, Limitations, and Setpoints (document)
PPS Process Protection SystemRCS Reactor Coolant SystemPG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 2 of 28ACRONYM.
DEFINITION RTD Resistance Temperature DetectorRTP Rated Thermal PowerSQA Sensor Quality Algorithm
===1.4 References===
1.4.1 Implementing Documents (Use Latest Revision) DC 663195-44-1, DCPP Units 1 & 2, Process Protection System Functional Requirements Specification (Altran Solutions Corporation Document 08-0015-SP-001) Technical Specifications, DCPP Units 1 and 2, Appendix A to License Nos. DPR-80 and DPR-82, as amended1.4.1.3 DC 663229 -47, Precautions Limits and Setpoints Document (PLS) PG&E IDAP CF2.1D9, Software Quality Assurance Plan, Software Development DCPP Maintenance Scaling Calculation (Unit 1) SC-I-36-M.2 DCPP Maintenance Scaling Calculation (Unit 2) SC-I-36-M.2 DCPP Maintenance Scaling Calculation (Unit 1) SC-I-36-M.5 DCPP Maintenance Scaling Calculation (Unit2) SC-I-36-M.5 PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 3 of 282 Controller Transfer Function Requirements 2.1 OverviewThe PPS FRS [Reference]
specifies that controller transfer functions be provided to handle variouscontrol actions necessary to implement protection channel functions.
The methods to be utilized toimplement the specified controller transfer functions are included in this specification.
The methods defined in this section are acceptable.
Any alternate method proposed by a particular vendormust be presented with proof of equivalence for acceptance for use by PG&E. Any such acceptance byPG&E will result in a revision to this specification to document the acceptability for use of the methodology proposed by the vendor.Certain controller transfer functions that satisfy Technical Specification
requirements must/shall be implemented as shown in this specification.
This requirement will be specifically identified where that function is described in this specification.
2.2 Transfer Function:
Input Scaling2.2.1 Input Scaling Implementation Scaling shall be implemented as follows:N= m*X+bWhere:N = input scaling value (engineering units)M = gain (constant)
X = transmitter input (engineering units)b = offset (constant) 2.2.2 Input Scaling capability shall be provided for the following PPS functions:
a) All analog inputs [PPS FRS]
: i. m (gain) shall be set to one (1) unless specific scaling requirements arespecified in the PPS FRSii. b (offset) shall be set to zero (0) unless specific scaling requirements arespecified in the PPS FRSb) Reactor Coolant Flow [PPS FRS]
: i. Tuning constant ranges: [PPS FRS]
ii. Information:
gain (m) and offset (b) values are determined per ScalingCalc SC-I-36-M.2
[,]c) Steamflow
: i. Tuning constant ranges: [PPS FRS]
ii. Information:
gain (m) and offset (b) values are determined per ScalingCalc SC-I-36-M.5
[,]PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 4 of 282.3 Transfer Function:
RTD Resistance to Temperature Conversion 2.3.1 RTD Resistance to Temperature Conversion Implementation Resistance to temperature conversion shall be implemented as follows:RS(T)= a + bT + cT2Where:RS(T) = resistance in ohms (actual measured reading)T = temperature in degrees Fa, b, c = RTD constants from the RTD calibration curve (manually input for eachRTD)Hence:T -b+ -v/b2 -4c(a -RS(T))2c2.3.2 Resistance to temperature conversion shall be provided for the following PPS functions:
a) Wide Range Reactor Coolant Temperature
: i. Tuning constant ranges: a, b, c values per individual RTD calibration curve.b) DTTA (Narrow Range Hot and Cold Leg Temperatures)
: i. Tuning constant ranges: a, b, c values per individual RTD calibration curve.c) Pressurizer Vapor Temperature
: i. Tuning constant ranges: a, b, c values per individual RTD calibration curve.2.4 Transfer Function:
Lead/Lag Filter2.4.1 Lead/Lag Filter Implementation Lead/Lag filters shall be implemented as follows:Reference equation:
Y(n) = C1
* X(n) + C2
* X(n- 1) + C3
* Y(n- 1)Where:Y(n) = present output value (engineering units)X(n) = present input value (engineering units)PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 5 of 28X(n-1) = previous cycle input value (engineering units)Y(n-1) = previous cycle ouput value (engineering units)Coefficient C1 *2*td +TCoefficient 02= G*d2*t n- TCoefficient 03- (2*TT)~2*Td + TWhere:G = Gain (equal to 1 unless otherwise specified)
-In = user entered lead time constant (seconds)
Td = user entered lag time constant (seconds)
T = cycle time in secondsTo provide a unity transfer function (output = input), set lead time constant (Tn) and lag timeconstant (Td) equal to Lead/Lag Filters shall be provided for the following functions:
a) DTTA Tavg [PPS FRS]
= Y (Lead/Lag filter output value per Section 2.4.1)ii. (Tavg -Toavg) = X (Lead/Lag filter input per Section 2.4.1)iii. Tuning constant ranges: [PPS FRS].
b) DTTA Delta-T [PPS FRS]
= Y (Lead/Lag filter output value per Section 2.4.1)ii. Calculated AT = X (Lead/Lag filter input value per Section 2.4.1)iii. Tuning constant ranges: [PPS FRS].
c) Pressurizer Pressure reactor trip compensation
: i. Tuning constant ranges: [PPS FRS].
d) Steamline Pressure
: i. Tuning constant ranges: [PPS FRS]
2.5 Transfer Function:
Lag Filter2.5.1 Lag Filter Implementation PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 6 of 28NThe Lag Filter shall be implemented using the same format as the Lead/Lag Filter described in Section 2.4 with the lead time constant (T) set to Lag filters shall be provided for the following PPS functions:
The following functions require Lag Filters for other than process noise filtering purposes:
a) Low pass (Lag) filtering capability shall be provided for all analog inputs [PPS FRS3.]
: i. Lag time constant shall be tunable as specified in the referenced PPSFRS section.ii. Lag filter (time constant) shall be adjusted as necessary to provideattenuation of process noise.iii. Lag time constant shall be set to 0.0 if not required for process noiseattenuation.
iv. Adjustment of the Lag time time constant will be per administrative procedure.
b) DTTA Narrow Range Tcold [PPS FRS]
: i. Each DTTA Tcold input shall be provided with a Lag Filter.ii. Tuning constant ranges: [PPS FRS]
c) DTTA Narrow Range Thot [PPS FRS]
: i. Each DTTA Thot input shall be provided with a Lag Filter.ii. Tuning constant ranges: [PPS FRS]
d) Calculated Thot Streaming Factor [PPS FRS]
: i. Each calculated Thot streaming factor output shall be provided with aLag Filter.ii. Tuning constant ranges: [PPS FRS]
2.6 Transfer Function:
Rate/Lag Filter2.6.1 Rate/Lag Filter shall be implemented as follows:Reference equation:
Y(n) = C1 * (X(n)- X(n -1)) + C2
* Y(n -1)Where:Y(n)X(n)X(n-1)Y(n-1)-present output value (engineering units)= present input value (engineering units)= previous cycle input value (engineering units)= previous cycle output value (engineering units)PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1IPPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 7 of 28Coefficient C1 G*2*"1,t2*-d + T)Coefficient C2 (2* T .d T-~2* d +T)Where:G = Gain (equal to 1 unless otherwise specified)
"In = user entered rate time constant (seconds)= user entered lag time constant (seconds)
T = cycle time in seconds2.6.2 Rate/Lag filters shall be provided for the following functions:
a) Tavg input to DTTA OPSP calculation
: i. Calculated Tavg = X (Rate/Lag filter input value per Section 2.6.1).ii. Tuning constant ranges: [PPS FRS]
b) Steamline Pressure
: i. Gain for steamline pressure Rate/Lag shall be = -1ii. Tuning constant ranges: [PPS FRS]
2.7 Transfer Function:
DTTA Tavg Calculation 2.7.1 DTTA Tavg Calculation Algorithm
DTTA Tavg shall be calculated as follows:mfhavg + TfcavgTavg = 2.0Where:Tavg = calculated loop average temperature (OF)Tfhavg = calculated loop average hot leg temperature (OF)Tfcavg = calculated loop average cold leg temperature (OF)Note: Tfhavg and Tfcavg values are determined by the SQA3A(B)
[Section 2.13] and SQA2[Section 2.12] algorithms.
2.8 Transfer Function:
Normalized Power (PB) Calculation PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 8 of 282.8.1 Normalized Power calculation algorithm
Normalized Power shall be calculated as follows:PB -Tfhavg -TfcavgAToWhere:PB = normalized power (unitless)
Tfhavg = calculated loop average hot leg temperature
(&deg;F)Tfcavg = calculated loop average cold leg temperature (OF)AT&deg; = user entered tuning constant representing the loop specific DT at ratedthermal power (OF)PB = 0.0 when calculated PB < 0.0PB = 1.5 when calculated PB > 1.5Note: Tfhavg and Tfcavg values are determined by the SQA3A(B)
[Section 2.13] and SQA2[Section 2.12] algorithms.
2.9 Transfer Function:
DTTA Delta-T Calculation 2.9.1 DTTA Delta-T Calculation Algorithm
DTTA Delta-T shall be calculated as follows:AT= PB*100Where:AT = reactor power equivalent of loop differential temperature (equivalent reactor power units)PB = normalized power (unitless) 2.10 Transfer Function:
Overtemperature Delta-T (OTDT) Setpoint Calculation 2.10.1 DTTA OTDT Setpoint Calculation Algorithm
Note: Tech Spec requirement
-no change to algorithm allowed.DTTA OTDT Setpoint shall be calculated as follows:OTDTsetpoint
= AT&deg; * [Ki -K2* TaVgLEAD/LAO
+ K3* (P -p-) -fi(Al)]Where:AT0 = loop specific indicated AT at rated thermal power (expressed in equivalent reactor power units)Tavg = measured Tavg signal (OF)T~avg = nominal Tavg at rated thermal power (OF)PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 9 of 28P = pressurizer pressure (psig)P&deg; = nominal RCS operating pressure (psig)s = Laplace transform operator (sec-')K1  = user entered tuning constant (unitless)
K2  = user entered tuning constant
(/OF)K3  = user entered tuning constant
(/psig)f,(AI) = flux imbalance as shown below (% of rated thermal power)TaVgLEAD/LAG
= see Section 2.4.2Ranges for tuning constants:
PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 10 of 28fi(Al)0Q Nly No A[Where:Al = the difference between the upper and lower calibrated ion chamber currentreadingsA = breakpoint (user entered tuning constant)
B = slope (user entered tuning constant)
Q = limit (user entered tuning constant)
D = breakpoint (user entered tuning constant)
N = slope (user entered tuning constant)
C = limit (user entered tuning constant)
Ranges for tuning constants:
2.10.2 The input to the OTDT temperature comparator shall be:ATLEAD/LAG
= see Section 2.4.2Ranges for tuning constants:
2.10.3 An OTDT Reactor Trip shall occur when:ATLEAD/LAG
>- OTDTsetpoint ATLEAD/LAG
= see Section 2.4.2Ranges for tuning constants:
2.10.4 An OTDT Turbine Runback shall occur when:ATLEAD/LAG
>- OTTRsetpoint ATLEAD/LAG
= see Section 2.4.2Ranges for tuning constants:
2.11 Transfer Function:
Overpower Delta-T (OPDT) Setpoint Calculation 2.11.1 DTTA OPDT Setpoint Calculation Algorithm
PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 11 of 28Note: Tech Spec requirement
-no change to algorithm allowed.DTTA OPDT Setpoint shall be calculated as follows:OPDTsetpoint
= AT0 * [K4- K5* TavgRATE.AAG-K6 * (Tavg- T'avg)- f2(AI)]Where:AT = loop specific indicated AT at rated thermal power (expressed in equivalent reactor power units)Tavg = measured Tavg signal ('F)T/avg = nominal loop specific indicated Tavg at rated thermal power ('F)s = Laplace transform operator (sec-1)K4  = user entered tuning constant (unitless)
K5  = user entered tuning constant
(/&deg;F)K6  = user entered tuning constant
(/&deg;F)f2(AI) = flux imbalance as shown below (% of rated thermal power)TavgRATE/LAG
= see Section 2.6.2Note: f2(AI) shall be 0% of rated thermal power for all Al at DCPP.Ranges for tuning constants:
f2(AI)-N-AlWhere:Al = the difference between the upper and lower calibrated ion chamber currentreadingsF = breakpoint (user entered tuning constant)
V = slope (user entered tuning constant)
W = limit (user entered tuning constant)
I = breakpoint (user entered tuning constant)
J = slope (user entered tuning constant)
H = limit (user entered tuning constant)
Ranges for tuning constants:
2.11.2 The input to the OPDT temperature comparator shall be:ATLEAD/LAG
-OPDmsetpoint PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 12 of 28ATLEAD/LAG
---- see Section 2.4.2Ranges for tuning constants:
2.11.3 An OPDT Reactor Trip shall occur when:ATLEAD/LAG
>- OPDTsetpoint ATLEAD/LAG
= see Section 2.4.2Ranges for tuning constants:
2.11.4 An OPDT Turbine Runback shall occur when:ATLEAD/LAG
-OPDT setpoint
= see Section 2.4.2Ranges for tuning constants:
2.12 Transfer Function:
Sensor Quality Algorithm 2 (SQA2)2.12.1 SQA2 Algorithm
The SQA2 algorithm is performed to determine the average temperature of a DTTA loop coldleg channel (Tfcavg).
The SQA2 Algorithm shall be implemented per Steps "a" and "b" as follows:a) Determine the SQA2 Case and perform the associated "Action" per the following Truth Table:SQA2 Algorithm Case Determination Truth TableCase Input Diag -Diag -RFS -RFS -[ActionPass Fail Yes No _2 Good Inputs (pass diagnostics and not RFS)1 TC X X Perform Consistency Check 1-Tc2 X x1 Good Input (pass diagnostics and not RFS)2 TC1 X X Tcavg = Tt clT2c2 X X3 VC X X T cavg =VCxTc- X X Alarms =TRBL4 VT, X X Tcavg =TVPG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 13 of 28T'cavg = T'c, or T',2 (see Note 1 at end of Table)Alarms = RTD FAILURE (no Tc available)
T'cavg = TVc, or T'c2 (see Note 1 at end of Table)Alarms = RTD FAILURE (no Tc available)
Ttcavg = T cl or Ttc2 (see Note 1 at end of 1Alarms = RTD FAILURE (no Tc available)
PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 14 of 28Case Input Diag -Diag -RFS -RFS -ActionPass Fail Yes No15 Tc X X TTcavg = V2T'12 X X Alarms = RTD FAILURE (no Tc available) 16 T, X X Ttcavg = Ttc1 or TTc2 (see Note 1 at end of Table)V12 X X Alarms = RTD FAILURE (no Tc available)
Where:T'cavg = average cold leg temp (OF)Tfcl = filtered cold leg temperature from thermowell RTD "1" (OF)Tf.2 = filtered cold leg temperature from thermowell RTD "2" (OF)Note 1: When administratively removed from service, Tfcl or TfC2 shall retain its lastvalue while in service.
The value of Tfcavg will be from the last Tfc (1 or 2)removed from service when both are RFS.b) Perform the following SQA2 DELTAC Consistency Checks as directed by SQA2Case Determination Truth Table:Consistency Check 1 Truth TableCondition
< DELTAC > DELTAC ActionIT'cl-m'X21 X T'cavg = (TT1c + TTc2)/2IT 21 X T-cavg = (Trc, + Tc2)/2, Alarms = RTD FAILUREWhere:DELTAC = user entered tuning constant (OF)Ranges for tuning constants:
2.13 Transfer Function:
Sensor Quality Algorithm 3A and 3B (SQA3AISQA3B) 2.13.1 SQA3A/SQA3B Algorithms
The SQA3A and SQA3B algorithms are performed to determine the average temperature of aDTTA loop hot leg channel (Tfhavg).
Each determines a value and the two values (TfhavgAand TfhavgB) are combined to determine theTfhavg for the DTTA channel.The SQA3A algorithm shall be used to determine the average hot leg temperature for theDTTA channel as developed from the three (3) "A" Thot RTDS (one per thermowell).
The SQA3B algorithm shall be used to determine the average hot leg temperature for theDTTA channel as developed from the three (3) "B" Thot RTDS (one per thermowell).
The SQA3 and SQA3B Algorithms shall be implemented per Steps "a" thru "e" as follows:a) Determine the SQA3 Case and perform the associated "Action" per the following PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 15 of 28Truth Table:SQA3 Algorithm Case Determination Truth Table (Typical of SQA3A or.SQA3B)
PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 16 of 28PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 17 of 28PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 18 of 28PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 19 of 28PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 20 of 28PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 21 of 28PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 22 of 28= (Thlest + Th2est)/2 Alarms = TRBL (<2 Good inputs this SQA3)PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 23 of 28Case Input Diag -Diag -RFS -RFS -ActionPass Fail Yes NoTh2est X X Alarms = TRBL (<2 Good inputs this SQA3)Th3est X XWhere:Tfhavg = average hot leg temp for SQA3 (A or B) (OF)Thlest = filtered Thot (T-hl) corrected for hot leg streaming (OF)Th2est = filtered Thot (Tfh2) corrected for hot leg streaming (OF)Th3est = filtered Thot (Tfh3) corrected for hot leg streaming (OF)Note 1: These values are representative of SQA3A or SQA3B and tagnames would have"A" or "B" appended.
Note 2: When administratively removed from service, Thlest, Th2est, or Th3est shallretain its last value while in service.
The value of Tfhavg will be from the last Thest(1, 2, or 3) removed from service when all are RFS.b) Perform the following SQA3 DELTAH Consistency Checks as directed by SQA3Case Determination Truth Table:Consistency Check 1 Truth TableCondition Al A2 A3 None Action> DELTAH X Tthavg = (Thlest + Th2est + Th3est)/3
> DELTAH X Perform Consistency Check 2 (Case 1)> DELTAH X Perform Consistency Check 2 (Case2)> DELTAH X Perform Consistency Check 2 (Case 3)> DELTAH X X Perform Delta Comparison Check 1> DELTAH X X Perform Delta Comparison Check 2> DELTAH X X Perform Delta Comparison Check 3> DELTAH X X X Perform Delta Comparison Check 4Where:DELTAH = user entered tuning constant (OF)Thestavg
= (Th lest + Th2est + Th3est)/3 (OF)Al = IThestavg
-Thlestj (OF)A2 = IThestavg
-Th2estj (OF)A3 = IThestavg
-Th3estl (OF)Ranges for tuning constants:
PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 24 of 28c) Perform the following SQA3 DELTAH Consistency Checks as directed by the SQA3Case Determination Truth Table or the Delta Comparison Check Truth Tables:Consistency Check 2 Truth TableCase Condition
< DELTAH > DELTAH Action1 IThlest-Th2estl X T'havg = (Thlest + Th2est)/2 IThl est -Th2estl X T'havg = (Thlest + Th2est)/2, Alarms = TRBL2 IThlest -Th3estl X T havg = (Thlest + Th3est)/2 IThlest -Th3estl X TThavg = (Thlest + Th3est)/2, Alarms = TRBL3 ITh2est -Th3estl X Tthavg = (Th2est + Th3est)/2 ITh2est -Th3estl x T'havg = (Th2est + Th3est)/2, Alarms = TRBLWhere:DELTAH = user entered tuning constant (OF)Ranges for tuning constants:
d) Perform the following SQA3 Delta Comparison Checks as directed by the SQA3Consistency Check 1 Truth Table:Delta Comparison Check 1 Truth TableCondition A2 > A3 A3 > A2 A2 = A3 ActionCompare:
A2, A3 X Perform Consistency Check 2 (Case 2)Compare:
A2, A3 X Perform Consistency Check 2 (Case 1)Compare:
A2, A3 X Perform Consistency Check 2 (Case 3)Delta Comparison Check 2 Truth TableCondition Al > A3 A3 > Al Al = A3 ActionCompare:
Al, A3 X Perform Consistency Check 2 (Case 3)Compare:
Al, A3 X Perform Consistency Check 2 (Case 1)Compare:
Al, A3 X Perform Consistency Check 2 (Case 2)Delta Comparison Check 3 Truth TableCondition Al > A2 A2 > Al Al = A2 ActionCompare:
Al, A2 X Perform Consistency Check 2 (Case 3)PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 25 of 28Delta Comparison Check 4 Truth TableCondition Al > A2 > A3 > Al = A2 = A3 ActionA2,A3 A1,A3 A1,A2Compare:
Al, A2, X Perform Consistency Check 2 (Case 3)A3Compare:
Al, A2, X Perform Consistency Check 2 (Case 2)A3Compare:
Al, A2, X Perform Consistency Check 2 (Case 1)A3Compare:
Al, A2, X Tfhavg = (Thlest + Th2est + Th3est)/3, A3 Alarms = TRBLe) Determine the Loop Tfhavg (from SQA3A and SQA3B results) by performing thefollowing Truth Table (applicable)
Actions after completion of Steps "a" thru "d" abovefor each SQA3:Tfhavg Calculation Truth Table (from SQA3A and SQA3B results)Condition TrhavgA TthavgB Neither TRBL TRBL ActionSQA3A SQA3B Alarm Alarm(1 Bad (1 BadInput) Input)SQA3A SQA3BTRBL Alarm (< 2 X Tthavg (TthavgA + mThavgB)/2 Good Inputs)TRBL Alarm (< 2 X X Tthavg = (TThavgA + T'havgB)/2 Good Inputs)TRBL Alarm (< 2 X X Tthavg = (TthavgA + TfhavgB)/2 Good Inputs)TRBL Alarm (< 2 X X X TThavg -(TthavgA
+ T'havgB)/2 Good Inputs)TRBL Alarm (< 2 X Tthavg = TthavgAGood Inputs)TRBL Alarm (< 2 X X TThavg= TThavgAGood Inputs)PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 26 of 28Condition TthavgA TthavgB Neither TRBL TRBL ActionSQA3A SQA3B Alarm Alarm(1 Bad (1 BadInput) Input)SQA3A SQA3BTRBL Alarm (< 2 X Tthavg = TthavgBGood Inputs)TRBL Alarm (< 2 X X Thavg = TthavgBGood Inputs)TRBL Alarm (< 2 X X Tthavg = (TThavgA + TthavgB)/2Good inputs) Alarms = RTD FAILURE (< 2Good Inputs SQA3A & SQA3B)2.14 Transfer Function:
Thot Streaming Factor Calculation 2.14.1 Thot Streaming Factor Calculation Algorithm
The Thot streaming factor shall be determined per the following truth table:Th Streaming Factor Determination Truth TableCondition TthjA Good TrhjB Good Action(Pass Diagnostics (Pass Diagnostics and Not RFS) and Not RFS)PB -PLOW X X Sj = [((TthjA + TrhjB) / 2) -Tthavg) / PB]PB> PLOW X Sj = [(TfhjA -T-hag) / PB]PB > PLOW X Sj = [(TfhjB -Tthav) / PB]PB -PLOW Sj = Value from previous scanPB < PLOW X X Sj = Value from previous scanPB < PLOW X Sj = Value from previous scanPB < PLOW X Sj = Value from previous scanPB < PLOW Sj = Value from previous scanWhere:PB = normalized power (unitless)
PLOW = lower threshold value for PB (user entered tuning constant)
PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 27 of 28Tfhavg = calculated average Thot in the DTTA loop (OF)TrhjA = value of the "A" RTD in the jt thermowell (OF)TfhjB = value of the "B" RTD in the jth thermowell (OF)j = loop Th thermowell (1, 2, or 3)Si = calculated streaming factor value for the jth thermowell RTDs (&deg;F)Ranges for tuning constants:
Si shall be available for updating SO) tuning constant.
SOj tuning constant is used to adjust the Thestvalue to be used in the SQA3a or SQA3B algorithm for the jth thermowell RTDs.2.14.2 Thot Estimate Compensation Algorithm
The Thot streaming factor calculated for each Thot input shall be applied as a compensation factor in determining the Thot Estimate value for each Thot input as follows:Thjest = Thjf -PB
* SjWhere:Thjest = the jth filtered Th signal compensated for Thot streaming Thjf = the jth filtered Th signal (j = 1 to 6)P8  = normalized powerSj = calculated streaming factor for the jth filtered Th signalThe Thot streaming factors shall be calculated in each loop cycle but shall require user actionto update the streaming factors used by the Thot Estimate algorithms.
2.15 Transfer Function:
Steamflow Compensation 2.15.1 Steam Density Calculation Algorithm:
= A * (Steam Pressure in psig) + BNote: The steam density calculation is a best fit linearization of the steam densityvs. pressure function.
Where:A = steamflow tuning constant (user entered)B = steamflow tuning constant (user entered)Ranges for tuning constants:
2.15.2 Non-compensated Steamflow Calculation Algorithm:
SF= (SteamDensity)*
(SFDP -SFDPmin) for SF > SFmin(SteamDensityref)
-SFDP min)Where:PG&E Spec. No.10115-J-NPG Rev. 1PPS Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification Page 28 of 28SF = non-compensated steamflow SF = 0 for SF < SFminSFmin = user entered tuning constantSFDP = steamflow transmitter DP signal (% of full load DP)max = operator adjustable maximum value of SFC and SFDP signal rangesmin = operator adjustable minimum value of SFC and SFDP signal rangesSteamDensityref
= user entered tuning constant derived from:"A * (Rated Steam Pressure
@ Full Load) + B"(A and B from Section 2.15.1)Ranges for tuning constants:
2.15.3 Steamflow Compensation Algorithm
The Steamflow Compensation Algorithm shall be implemented as follows:SFC = (SFCmax -SFCmin) * (SF)12 + SFCminWhere:SFC = compensated steamflow (million pounds per hour)2.16 Transfer Function:
Steam Generator Low-Low Level Trip Time Delay2.16.1 Steam Generator Low-Low Level Trip Time Delay Algorithm
Note: Tech Spec requirement
-no change to algorithm allowed.The Steam Generator Low-Low Level Trip Time Delay Algorithm shall be implemented asfollows:TD = A(PL) 3+ B(PL)2 + C(PL) + DWhere:TD = allowable time delay (seconds) with PL _< 50% RTPTD = 0 with PL > 50% RTPPL = RCS Loop AT Equivalent to power (% RTP)A = constant (unitless)
B = constant (unitless)
C = constant (unitless)
D = constant (unitless)
Ranges for tuning constants:
Note: the formula shown is functionally equivalent to the format as presented in theTechnical specification.

Revision as of 21:19, 13 July 2018