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#REDIRECT [[LD-86-038, Provides Info for Reactor Coolant Pump Data Bases on C-E Designed NSSS 80 for facilities.WPPSS-3 Should Be Added to Data Base]]
| number = ML20210D474
| issue date = 09/05/1986
| title = Provides Info for Reactor Coolant Pump Data Bases on C-E Designed NSSS 80 for facilities.WPPSS-3 Should Be Added to Data Base
| author name = Scherer A
| addressee name = Campbell W
| docket = 05000000, 05000508, 05000528, 05000529, 05000530
| license number =
| contact person =
| document report number = LD-86-038, LD-86-38, NUDOCS 8609190223
| page count = 4
{{#Wiki_filter:-                                                                              _
l September 5, 1986                      -
LD-86-038                              -
Mr. W. E. Campbell, Jr.
Mechanical Structural Engineering Branch Division of Engineering Branch Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research                                                        .
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555
Reactor Coolant Pump Data Base
(A)    USNRC letter, W. E. Campbell, Jr. to CE-KSB Company,              1 Inc. dated July 17, 1986 (B)    USNRC letter, W. E. Campbell, Jr. to Combustion Engineering, Inc., dated July 17, 1986                            ;
==Dear Mr. Campbell,==
References (A) and (B) requested manufacturing information on Reactor Coolant Pumps used in certain plants with a C-E designed NSSS.- The following information is provided for your use.                                              .
PaloVerdeUnits1,2,and3andWashingtonNuclearProjectgit3 (WNP-3) utilize the C-E standardized NSSS design, System 80                          . This design (including the reactor coolant pumps) is described in CESSAR (Docket No. 50-470).
The System 80 NSSS utilized four Reactor Coolant pumps manufactured by the CE-KSB Pump Company in Newington, New Hampshire, as a licensee of the KSB Company.            (Hence, the pump manufacturer should be identified              ;
as CE-KSB). For Palo Verde Units 1, 2, and 3 and WNP-3 pump model RO1 (size 37 x 37) is used. This pump utilizes hydrodynamic seals in three (3) seal stages which are manufactured by KSB. Seal injection is a design feature of the CE-KSB pumps. Seal information for all C-E designed NSSSs has been provided in the attachment.
e609190223 e60905 0 PDR      ADOCK 0500 Pcwer Systems                          1000 Prospect Hal Road        (203) 688 1911 Combus'. ion En9:neering. loc.        Post Office Box 500            Telex: 99297 Windsor, Connecteut 06095-0500
          * -    Oh!r.W.E. Campbell                                                                                  S:ptenter 5, *.986
* Page 2                                                                                              LD'-86-038 t
C-E recorrJnends that WNP-3 be addsd t.n year dhta basa and that the infornatiott provided above be incorporated as w.all.                                                If we may be of further assistance, please feel .fre.e to call me or Mr. I'. J. Collier of my staff at (203) 225-5215.                                                                                                                          .
Very truly yours, COMBUSTION ENGINEERING,.INO.                                                                *
                                                                                                                    'o  -
A. E. Gcherer                                                                                -
Director liuclear ,Licen. ting AES:bkm                                                                                                                                                -
attachment cc:      J. W. Leavitt (C-E KSB)                                                                                                                        ,
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        ?agehe.        1 07,'l&/66 REACIONS SY NSSS AEC Atool: Energy tanada, N= Byron Jackson, B&N= Babcock &
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KSbtlein, Schanzlia & Socker, W Nestinghouse PLAN 1          PUMF WL        P',IMP      PU'tP    SEAL    SEAL
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Latest revision as of 20:50, 9 July 2023