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#REDIRECT [[IR 05000213/1985008]]
| number = ML20215M693
| issue date = 10/23/1986
| title = Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of long-term Corrective Actions Planned to Resolve Signal Cable Transmission Problems Between Meteorological Bldg & Control Room,Per Insp Rept 50-213/85-08
| author name = Martin T
| addressee name = Opeka J
| addressee affiliation = CONNECTICUT YANKEE ATOMIC POWER CO.
| docket = 05000213
| license number =
| contact person =
| document report number = NUDOCS 8611030167
| title reference date = 10-03-1986
| page count = 2
See also: [[see also::IR 05000213/1985008]]
i '.
                                    DDT 2 31986
      Docket No. 50-213
      Connecticut Yankee Atdmic Power Company
      ATTN: Mr. J. F. Opeka
              Senior Vice President - Nuclear
              Engineering and Operations Group
      P. O. Box 270
      Hartford, Connecticut 06101
      Subject: Inspection No. 50-213/85-08
      We have received your letter, dated October 3, 1986, outlining your long-term
      corrective actions planned to resolve signal cable transmission problems bet-
      ween the Meteorological Building and the Control Room at the Haddam Neck Plant.
      These actions will be examined during a future inspection of your Radiological
      Environmental Monitoring program.
      Your cooperation with us is appreciated.
                                                Oririn.6i 5iero II7
                                            / y      as T. 'Ma t n, Dirdcior
                                                Division of Radiation Safety
                                                  and Safeguard 2
      R. Graves, Plant Superintendent            ~.
      D. O. Nordquist, Manager of Quality Assurance
      R. T. Laudenat, Manager, Generation Facilities Licensing
      E. J. Mroczka, Vice President, Nuclear Operations
    ' Gerald Garfield, Esquire
      Public Document Room (PDR)
      Local Public Document Room (LPDR)
      Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)
      NRC Resident Inspector
      State of Connecticut
            D611030167 861023
            PDR    ADOCK 05000213
            G                PDR                                                        -
                                OFFICIAL RECORD COPY          RL HN 85-08 - 0001.0.0
                                                                10/21/86                j[4$
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  * - Connecticut Yankee Atomic                    2
      Power. Company
      Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)
      Management Assistant, DRMA (w/o enc 1)
    .Section Chief, DRP
      M. McBride, RI, Pilgrim
      J. Shediosky, SRI, Millstone 1&2
      T. Rebelowski, SRI, Millstone 3
      J. Akstulewicz, LPM, NRR
      Robert J. Bores, DRSS
                                              R D SS
      RI:DRSSd43          R:QRSS
      Weadock/e'mw        Shanbaky            Pas tak    Bellamy
      10/)3/86          10/4/86              10/ /6    10//A/86
                                    0FFICIAL RECORD COPY      RL HN 85-08 - 0002.0.0
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    . .
                                                                B E R L I N. CONNECTICUT
                                                  P O BOX 270  HARTFORD. CONNECTICUT 06141-0270
                                              October 3, 1986
                                              Docket No. 50-213
          Mr. Thomas T. Martin, Director
          Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards
          U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
          Region I
          631 Park Avenue
          King of Prussia, Pennsylvania    19406
          References:    (1)  T. T. Martin letter to J. F. Opeka, dated
                              May 20, 1985
                        (2)  J. F. Opeka letter to T. T. Martin, dated
                              August 14, 1985
                                    Haddam Neck Plant
                            Inspection Report No. 50-213/85-08
                            Informational Letter in Regard to
                          Unresolved Item No. 50-213/85-08-04
          I&E Inspection No. 50-213/85-08 identified an unrer31ved item
          (No. 50-213/85-08-04) in regard to Connecticut Yankee Atomic
          Power Company's (CYAPCO) inability to bring meteorological
          monitoring equipment within tolerance ranges specified in cali-
          bration procedures. As pointed out in the inspection report,
          CYAPCO attributes this problem to defects in certain pairs of the
          underground meteorological signal cable between the Meteoro-
          logical Building and Control Room. Because of this problem,
          CYAPCO committed to provide a short term solution and evaluate
          potential long term solutions considering the recurring nature
          associated with the underground meteorological signal cable.
          Again, as noted within your inspection report on March 31, 1985,
          during a phone conversation CYAPCO confirmed that a short term
          solution had been accomplished. This was done by utilizing spare
          pairs within the existing cable for meteorological signal trans-
          mission. Once this switchover was completed, successful
          instrument calibration was attained. This short term solution
          did not address the concern about the long term ir2tegrity of the
          underground cable.
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              In response to your second request to evaluate a long term
            solution, phase one of the two part action plan committed to in
            Reference (2) has been completed. A supplemental means of data
            transmission via use of an on-demand, dial-up data terminal was
              installed in the control room to obtain meteorological data from
            the mini-computer at the base of the tower, via a telephone line
            completely separate from the underground meteorological signal
            cable.                  This terminal was operational on October 1, 1985. The
            strip chart recorders remained operative. Thus, there are
            presently duplicate paths for getting meteorological data to the
            control room.
            The planned final solution to provide meteorological data access
            in the control room, which we initially planned to have in-
            service by October 11, 1986 per Reference (2), entails replacing
            the existing analog recorders with digital data displays and
            installing a dedicated, real time data terminal.                          This will
            continually display meteorological data which will be digitally
            transmitted via a telephone line rather than by the existing
            underground cable whose long-term integrity is uncertain.
            The request from the station for corporate engineering assistance
            was delayed due to relatively low priority (the interim fix
            worked well) during preparations for, and conduction of a major
            refueling outage.                  Evaluation of manpower resources by corporate
            engineering, when the request was finally received, determined
            that an inservice date of December 1, 1987 would be reasonably
            achievable, given other work in progress or already planned.
            This is the date by which CYAPCO intends to implement the above
            described final solution.
                                                      Very truly yours,
                                          CONNECTICUT YANKEE ATOMIC POWER COMPANY
                                                                    J% f. Op6Ma
                                                  Senior Vice President
            . _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _                _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _        _ . _ _      _

Revision as of 21:43, 26 January 2022