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                  %,,*****,o#                                    February 13, 1998                                                        L      i.
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:                    Mr. Steve Irwin 2510 N. 90th Avenue                                                                                                  [
Phoenix, AZ 85037
==Dear Mr. Irwin:==
l, In response to your telephone call of February 9,1998, I am providing information related to i                    source material and byproduct materiallicensing, and submiscion of a license application to the e                    U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. You stated that you were interested in regulation                        .
[ I relevant to heap leacning as an alternative for uranium recevery.                                                        (            0 The NRC's regulations covering the domestic licensing of source and byproduct material are                            ,
  ;                  contained in Title 10 of the Code of Federcl Regu'ations,10 CFR Part 40. ' Source mate-ial'                    j(
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* byproduct material
* are defined respectively, therein, as:                                                ,  j          j[jl i      )
(1) uranium or thorium, or any combination thereof, in any physical or chemical form, or                            { 'd (2) ores which contain by weight one-twentieth of one percent (0.05%) or more of; (i) uranium, (ii) thorium, or (iii) any combination thereof.                                                                      lli and                                                                                                                                      l
                                . . the tailings or wastes produced by the extraction or concentration of uranium or thorium from any ore processed primarily for its source material content, including
                                                                                                                                                      \l ij:
discrete surface wastes resulting from uranium solution extraction processes                                          jl 1 El The NRC's regulations contained in 10 CFR Part 40, establish procedures and criteria for the                                    G issuance of licenses to receive title to, receive, possess, use, transfer, or deliver source and j                      byproduct materials, as defined in 10 CFR Part 40, and provide the terms and conditions upon                                      !I which the NRC willissue such licenses. These regulations also address the disposal of.
byproduct material and the long-term care anci custody of the byproduct material,                                                        e
:  h I have enclosed a copy of NRC Regulatory Guide 3.5, " Standard Format and Content of license                                      i Applications for Uranium Mills." An entity wishing to pursue an NRC source material license for uranium milling operations should follow the direction provided in this guide to ensure that the appropriate subject areas are addressed in the license application. Such an entity will also need to meet the requirements for filing an application (NRC Form 313, " Application for Material                                  j License," enclosed) for an NRC source material license, as provided in 10 CFR 40.31,
                        " Application for Specific Licenses."                                                                                              ,
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S. Irwin                                                In addition, the potential environmentalimpacts of a proposed uranium milling operation will need to be assessed as part of any license application.10 CFR 51.60(b)(ii) requires a license applicant to prepare an environmental report in cases where source material will be possessed and used for the purpose of uranium milling. I have enclosed NRC Regulatory Guids 3.8, Preparation of Environmental Reports for Uranium Mills," to aid you in the preparatien of the environmental report.
You should also be aware of requirements under 10 CFR Part 20," Standards for Protection Against Radiation." The purpose of these regulations is to control the receipt, possession, use, transfer, and disposal of licensed material by any NRC licensee in such a manner that the total dose to an individual (including doses resulting from licensed and unlicensed radioactive material and from radiation sources other than background radiation) does not exceed the standards prescribed in 10 CFR Part 20. These regulations are applicable to persons licensed by the NRC to receive, possess, use, transfer, or riispose of source and byproduct materials, in addition to other NRC licensees.
Other NRC regulations may also be applicable to your project. These include:
(1) 10 CFR Part 51, " Environmental Protection Regulations for Domestic Licensing and Related Regulatory Functions" (provisions in addition to 10 CFR 51.60(b)(ii), discussed above);
: 2) 10 CFR Part 71," Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material"; and 3) 10 CFR Parts 170 and 171, which address licensing fees.
NRC is required to assess fees for the full cost of licensing reviews in accordance with 10 CFR Parts 170 and 171. Full cost fees will be determined based on the type of facility and amount of NRC staff time and appropriate contractual support services expended. Licensees are also required to set aside a financial assurance (e g., bond, parent company guarantee) for reclamation of uranium facilities. The value of the financial assurance is determined by site-specific criteria and is adjusted annually based on site considerations and inflation. NRC
        " Technical Position on Financial Assurances for Reclamation, Decommissioning, and Long-term Surveillance and Control of Uranium Recovery Facilities"(enclosed), provides information about this subject.
NRC's responsibilities concerning the recovery of source matenal only commence with the initial benefication (i.e., use including processing) of the ore, and include byproduct management and fuel fatsication. Therefore, additional federal regulations may apply (e.g.,
those concerning environmentalimpacts of the mining process, mining and occupational safety, and the actual transportatior of the uranium yellowcake slurry). You shold contac+ the appropriate federal agencies to gain additional information about these regulations.
Finally, each State has srecific requirements for permits for drilling and use of groundwater supplies. You should contact the appropriate state district regulatory office for information on state requirements.
S. Irwin                                                If you have any questions concerning this letter or the enc' ed documents, please contact Ms. Charlotte Abrams of my staff, at (301) 415 5808.
                                                        -          r1.                        .
Daniel M Gillen, Assistant Branch Chief Uranium Recovery Branch Division of Waste Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
NRC Form 313, Application for Material LIC5NSE
: 2. NRC Regulatory Guide 3.5," Standard Format and Content of License Applications for Uranium Mills"
: 3. NRC Regulaery Guide 3.8," Preparation of Environmental Reports for Uranium Mills"
: 4. September 1994, NRC letter to licensees on performance based licenses
: 5. 10 CFR Parts 170 and 171, " License, inspection, and Annual Fees for FY 1997
: 6. "Technicai Position on Financial Assurances for Reclamation, Decommissioning, and Long-term Surveillance and Control of Uranium Recovery Facilities"
I  I l            S. Irwin                                        -3*                        February 13, 1998 If you have any questions concerning this letter or the enclosed documents, please contact Ms. Charlotte Abrams of my staff, at (301) 415-5808.
[0riginal signed by D. Gillen)
Daniel M. Gillen, Assistant Branch Chief Uranium R overy Branch Division of Waste Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
: 1. MRC Form 313, Application for Material License
: 2. NRC Regulatory Guide 3.5," Standard Format and Content of License Applications for Uranium Mills'
: 3. NRC Regulatory Guide 3.8," Preparation of Environmental Reports for Uranium Mills"
: 4. September 1994, NRC letter to licensees on performance based licenses 5.10 CFR Parts 170 and 171, " License, inspection, and Annual Fees for FY 1997
: 6. " Technical Position on Financial Assurances for Reclamation, Decommissioning, and Long-term Surveillance and Control of Uranium Recovery Facilities" DISTRIBUTION:        ' FILE CENTER          PUBLIC        NMSS r/f      URB r/f        CNWRA ACNW                  CCain w/o Encl.:              MFederline            CAbrams        MLayton      RJohnson DOCUMENT NAME: S:\DWM\ URB \lRWIN.LTR OFC            URB A      N      #RA 1,      O.
NAME        CAbraW            DGi DATE        2/$/98              2 // 3/98      14 OFFICl' _ RECORD COPY l
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APPLICATlON FOR MATERIAL LICENSE                                                            " * *' c"*'"*a                                                                ''*"'**'-'
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  $      RADIGACTTVE MATERLAL e Elem.nt and m..a number, b sh.nwed ende peye. cal bem and s meanmum amount      6 PURPOSE (S) FOR WHICH UCENSED WATERIAL WILL BE USED when wne be at any one ame 7      NuiVOUAL(5) 3ESPONSIBLE FOR RADLATION SAFETY PROGRAM ANO THOR 8        TRANING FOR NOlVOUALS WORKNG H OR FREQUENTNG RESTRICTED AREAS TR AreHG EXPERIENCE 9 F ACIUTIES AND EQUIPMENT                                                              10 RADIAT10N SAFETY PROGRAM 12 UCENSEE FEES (See 10 CFR f 70 and Secten f10 JfJ 11 WASTE MANAGEMENT                                                                                                                                                  t AMOUNT FEE CATEOORY                                                        lENCLOSED $
APPROVED BY                                                                  DATE ARINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ed4C FORM 313 pag)
Enclosure 1
Revi lon 1 November 1977 l
            # @./penefr.1                            REGULATORY GUIDE
* OFFICE OF STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT REGULATORY GUIDB&5 STANDARD FORMAT AND CONTENT OF LICENSE APPLICATIONS FOR URANIUM MILLS paragrsph what information the                                      . licant wishes to A. INTRODUCTION                                                                                * "#
la order to process or refine ores containing by                                                                                                                  s require the Changes to existing (lic weight 0.05% or more of uranium, after removat                                        issuance of an appro ate                                    nse              endment. An frorn their place of deposit in nature, an NRC Source                                                                                                    nt should describe Material License is required. An applicant for a eew                                    application for such the proposed cha                            i license or renewal of an existing license to reccise, posa!.s, and use source matenals is required to pro-                                                                                            APPLICATION vide detailed information on his proposed facilities, equipment, experience, and procedures. This infor-                                          An app                          n            a uranium mill ng license mstion ~i used by the Commission in determining
                            .                                                                          shou                                    ing Form NRC-2 in accordance w    ether the applicant s proposed activities will.                                  ,th                              ments specified in i 40.31 of 10 CFR among other things, result in undue risk to the health                                            .
ired by 6 40.31(f) of 10 CFR Part 40 and safety of the public. General guidance for filing                                                ic                n for a new license should be filed at an application is approved in 6 40.31 of 10 CFR Part                                                                * "'h' P'I ' ' # ***"#I"8 # "''#"# " ""
40, " Applications for Specific Licenses." The pur                                                  proposed mill. An application for renewal of pose (? this guide is to provide specific guidan                                                  istng license should be filed at least thirty days the format and content of an application for                                                  or i the expirauon of the existing license. Appli-Source Material License authorizing uranium                                    lin      canons may k M with tk Dinctor, Nce of b activities. The information in this guid '                              e                clear Matenals Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear provide instructive guidance and sho                                not                  Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555.
sidered a substitute for a careful ev                              tion ( the          Applications may also be filed in person at the Cor.
pmPosed progr=m by the applicant                                              uring      missi n s o ces at 1717 H Street W, Wasyng-that the application clearly and adequate                            y  escribes        ton, D.C. or 7915 Eastern Avenue, Silscr Spnng.
the radiation r.afety proce                  : that will be followed.                  Maryland, National Epimamental PoM Act of WM sh          be          u        in t                n          t is      ir    r-    (83 Stat. 852), implemented 17 Executive Orde, tant part of an                                    ation proter = n pro-  .
11514 and the Council on Environmental Quality s An i                                                                            Guidelines of August 1,1973 (38 FR 20550), re-o sauanc                        ='      4 rna re it in                    al of a      qutres that s't agencies of the Federal Government g;ce,,,                                                                                  prepart detaild environmental statements on pmpos-bmissed to the Commission may be                            als for legislation and other majoe Federal actions laf                                                                                  significantly affecting the quality of the human envi-inc=i~. ' -
the application by reference. How-ronment. "the principal objective of the National En-ever, each reference should he clear and specific,                                        vironmental Policy Act of 1969 is to build into the i.e., the reference abound indicate by date, page, and
                                                                                                                                                                .8 .- t -                .u s awa= aw
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l Enclosure 2
agency decisionmaking process an appropnate and                                                  2.1 Geography and Demography careful consideration of environmental aspects of proposed acuons Title 10 CFR art $ 1 Leensing
                                                                                                                          *II        d'D and Regulatory Pohey and Procedures for Environ-                                            A geographic descriptwn of the area in which the mental Protection," sets forth the NRC policy and                                      mill is located should be provided, including il) procedures for the preparation and processing of em                                    : naps showing the location of the site with respect to varonmental impact statements and related documents                                    St:te, county, and local subdivisions, plus nearby in-pursuant to section 102(2)(C) of the National Fn.                                      habited areas and (2) maps (topographic, if available) vironmental Policy Act of 1969 in connection with                                      showing the mill, mill penmeter, tailings location.
the Commission's licensing and regulatory acuvities                                    esclusion area boundary, company property, abutting and adjacent Properties, nearby water bodies, and in-The per Ws of 10 CFR Part $1 and i 40.31(f) of                                      habited areas, plus other relevant details.
10 CIT, Part 40, " Licensing of Source Matenal,,,
require the submittal of environmental reports by ap-                                  2./.2 Demography plicants for NRC permits and licenses for certain                                            A description of the potentially affected populatwn facilities, including uranium mills. Thus, an applica-within a 5 mile radius of the mill should be provided-tion for a uranium milling license must be accom-                                        Cunent resident population information, based on ponied by an envirormental report.'                                                      moet recent census data, should be provided as well as the projected population for the anticipated life of C, CONTE *"9 OF AN APPdCATION the mill. Significant transient or seawnal populatwn The application s,.ould contain the information                                    vanations should be identified and discuss:d, includ-specified in items I through 8 of Form NRC-2. The                                          ing bases for assumptions and projections.
information required in items 9.hrough 14 of Form NRC-2 r.30uld be incorporated into the vanous items identified below. Each subject shouid tie treated in                                                            2.2 Wm%
sufficient depth to permit the Commission independ-                                            This section should provide a meteorological de-ently to determine whether the applicant's proposed                                        scription of the site and surrounding area. Sufficient activities will be cond                                      1 in accordance with NRC      information thould be included to permit an inde-rules and regulation-                                            pages of the application  pendent evaluation by the NRC staff of atmospheric should be numbered                                              red.                        diffusion characteristics of the local area. The sources of information and data supplied should be
: 1. PRO          J ACTIVITIES                      stated and should include (1) diurnal and monthly av-ernges and catanws M temperatun,and hm                                    p This section shoulo oriefly dixuss the overall mill-                                monthly wind characteristics including speeds                            di ing proposal for which a license is requested, indud-metmo, annual joint frequency of wind speed.,
ing the following: a brief description of the proposed                                      direction by stability category; (3) data on precir ta mill and its location; the corporate entities involved;                                                                                                        *"**"
the maalmuta design throughput of the mill; UsOs                                            IIO N **d N) I'*9 " Y **""****
st nns.
content of the ore to be processed; concentrate yield; milling procesa; tailings management; estimated time .
schedules for construction and startup; ar.d antici-                                                              2.3 Hydrology pased itfetime of the mill.                                                                    Sufficient information should be provided to allow
: 2. STTE CHARACTERISTICS an independent review to be made of all hy-drologically related design bases, performance re-This section should pmvide irformation on the to-                                    quirements, monitoring specifications, and oper6g cation of the mill and a description of the geograph-                                    procedures important to safety. Identify the wurces ical, desmographic., meteorological, hydrological,                                        of the hydrological information, the types of data col-seismlogical, and geological characteristics of the                                      lected, and the methods and frequency of collection.
sie. W Surroundlag eicinity. Sufficient information sterb u povided to persait an independent evalua.                                        2.3.1 Groundwaser tion d ute characteristics from a safety viewpoint.                                          Describe the region d and local groundwater aquif-Applications may refertace the pertinent section in                                        ers, formations, sources, and aiaks. Describe the re-the ==mpa=ying environmental report, prepared in                                          charge potential of the immediase plaat area, includ-conformance with NRC Regulatory Guide 3.5.                                                int vertical and horizontal permeabilities of the natu-ral and modified terrain, as well as that of tailing antas. Describe the present and projected regional use; tabulate caisting Privase users within the area n-e    u,          i.h        ,DMr[sI[e                    fluenced by the proposed activities and all local and regional public users (amounts, water levels, im-ca                      .ne .t          .,,t6e  . ..,ir          ,,,,,i.
3.5 2
,  h        tions, and drawdown), indnate gradients and sea sonal variations in groundwater lesek beneath tle uipmert Instude a Jiagram of the mill layout mW areas and points where dustt fumet and m site .                                                          are generated The shoulJ aho show the '
canon of the sentilatmn, filtration, continement. ar, '
2 3 2 Surfa, e Water dust collection systems referenced in item 41 and the Describe the location, we, shape, and other hy.              location of radiation monitoring equipment ref er drologic characterntics of streamt rnert laken                  enced m iterns 5 $(1) and 5 5121 marshes, estuanes, etc of the enserons include a deso..ption of any upstream and downstream nser contral structuees and downstream *ater supph usen 3.3 instrumentation (including location, arnount, and purpose, e g                              Provide a descnprion of all process instrumentatim domestic, agncultural), and proside a map tropo-                and control systems relevant to safety and all radi.
graphic, if available) showing major hydrologic fea-            tion safe,y sampling and monitonng instrumentation
            ' " " ' ''A'""*'
including their minimum specifications and operating charactenstics. Also, desenbe and identify by make.
2,4 Gwlogy and Selsmology                        model number, purpose, and locanon each radioac Provide the geologic and seismic charactenstics of          tne source as,d'or gauging device used throughout the area and site, the nature of the per,      the mill for which a license is required under the pro-formed, the results of investigations, conclusions,              visions of 10 CFR Part 30 " Rules of General rand identification of information sources. Supple.            A PPli cability to I.scensing of Hyproduct Matenal ''
ment the wntien desenption with tables and legible              The insecumentatioa associated witt .':ak testing such graphics as appropriate.                                        sources and/or devices should bs identified in thn 2.4.1 Geology Descrihe the geologic aspects of the site. The dis-cussion should note the broad features and general characteristics of the ;ite and environs inclueng                                        4. WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM stratigraphy and structural geology Descnbe charac-                                                                                4,1 Gaseous tenstics of the subsurface soil or rock including the identification and evaluation of tones of deformation                Provide a description of all ventilation, filtration, that might act as conduits for contaminants                      confinement, and dust collection systems that are used during mill operations to control gaseous 2#2 #*.*###8F                                                    radioactive materials. Include the type, specifica.
Discuss the seismicity (including history) of the            tions, and locations of such s3 stems, e.g., ore trans-region. Where possible, associate seismic events with            Icf Points, crushing, grinding, etc. Include an analy-tectonic features identified in the geology discussion.          sis of the efficiency of the equipment as desigred and Furnish a regional earthquake epicenter map thowing              operated to prevent radiation exposures to employees site location,                                                    and to limit such exposures to as low as is reasonably achievable. Also, include a description of mill dis-charge stacks, including stack heights, types and c ncentration of effluents discharved, and methods
: 3. MILL PROCESS AND EQUIPMENT                          (i.e., scrubbers, filters, etc.) for con rolling releases Provide sufficient information in this section on the        of radioactive materials and for limiting such releases mill procesa and operating equipment to permit the                to as low as is reasonably achievable, independent assesament of the radiological protec-tion factors associated with the proposed milling operations.                                                                                                                  4.2 Liquids and Sollds 3,g ggg p, I. Where retention systems such as levees, dikes, ponds, etc., are used to prevent the release of liquid Provide a quantitative flow diagram of the mill                or sohd wast.: containing radioactive material to Process showing the maaimum mill throughput per                    offsite areas, provide the information specified in unit time including the anticipated moisture content              the regulatory position of Regulatory Guide 3.11, of the ore and the composition of all flow streams for              " Design, Construction, and inapection of Embank-each major step in the process,                                    ment Retention Systems foe Uranium Mills" (appli-cable information concesning this subject provided in 3.2 M148 Equipament                            section 2 above need not be repeated here).
Provide a physical description and the operating                . nene sources wiin be sessocized in ska mill opermiies hcense charactenstics for all major items of mill process                  reiher than =parme Nite byproduct material licennes 3.5 3
                                                                                                                                                    's 2 If effluents are to be released into waten of the                                      1 Provide a detailed dewription of the program f or United States, provide a dncumon of the status of                                      ernuring that employee esposures Iboth airborne and efforts to obtain a water quality certification under                                  etternal radiation) and effluent releae are w 10 Section 401 and discharge permits under Section 402                                    .is n reasonably achievable of the Federal Water Pollution Control sci, as amended, or submit copies of these items if already issued                                                                                                    5.2 Qualifications howe a dewnpuon d de mimmum quaWa 4.3 Contaminated Equipment                                                tions and espenence required of personnel to holJ Provide a description of the methods for disposing                                  positions in the applicant's organization assigned the of contaminated waste sohds (such as filters, filter                                    responsibility for developing, conducting, and ad.
presses, obsolete or worn out equipment) that are                                      ministenng the radiation safety program for the mill generated in the milling process.                                                        Also, provide as an appendia the qualifications of the individuals currently holding these positions.
5.3 Training
                                                                                                '' nide a desenprion of the employee radiological Compliance with the statements, representations, Pf I'Cli^n training program addressing the follow my and procedures provided in this section will normally                                                                        .ndoctnnation, reso
                                                                                          ' nient of the initial trr;ning be made a specific condition of the NRC operating ing. on the. job training, and extent and frequency of license. Thus, the following should be considered as retraining. As an appendix, provide a copy of the specific commitments on the part of the applicant for                                  wntten radiological safety instruc6ons provided em-conducting nill cperations and radiological protec, Pl oyees. These instructions should include provisions tion programs. In order to facitatate administration of f r personal hygiene including washing, contarmna-the license by the licensee and NRC, this section                                        tion surveying prior to eating or leaving the mill, in-should be complete in itself, insofar as possible,                                      structions for wearing personnel monitoring devices without references to other subrnitials. Also, the and respirators, and instructions for good housekeep-bases for all programs addressed in this section, as ing requirements and for cleaning up dust and spills well as demonstration of their adequacy, should be
: provided, within the mill.
5.1 Corporate Organization and                                                                      5.4 Security Adenlaistrative Procedures Provide a description of the method for preventing
: 1. Provide a detailed description of the applicant's us, authorized entry to both the mill and the tailings organization, includst 3 authority and responsibility                                    systems, of each level of management and/or supervision in regard to development, review, approval, implemen-tation, and adherence to operating procedures, radia-                                                        5.5 Radiations Safety Lion safety programs, routine and nontoutine mainte-                                          Provide a d(acription of the radiation safety pro-nance activities, and changes in any of the above.
gram that has been densoped for determining that
: 2. Describe the management control program and                                        occupational radiation exposures and effluent releases administrative procedures to ensure that all activiiles                                  will be as low as it, reasonably achievable, include are conducted in accordance with written operating                                        the following:
procedures tha are approved and reviewed at speci-
: l. A description of the methods, . instrumentation, fled frequencies by radiation safety staff. This pro,                                                                                                  ;
and equipment for determining exposures of employ-gram should provide a method for ensuring that any                                        ces to external radiation during normal and non-noaroutine work or maintenance activity, not covered                                                                                                  ,
routine operations, maintenance, and cleanup ac-l by an effective operating procedure, is conducted in                                      tivities. Provide the type of surveys conducted.
accordance with a special work permit reviewed and                                                                                                    l critersa for determining survey locadoes Wacy              1 anproved by the radiation safety staff,                                                                      ,
of surveys, action levels, management audits, and          -
: 3. Describe the maangement audit and internal in-                                    corrective action rer.2irements. For personnel SPection program, including types and scopes of re-                                        monitoring devices such as film badges, indicate the views and inspections, frequencies, action levels, and                                      number and category of personnel involved in the corrective actice maeasures in regard to the foregoing                                      program and the sensitivity and range of the devices.
activities. Also identify by management position the                                      For survey instrutacets, provide instrument sen-individual responsible for each phase of the audit and                                    sitivities, ranges, and calibration methods (in an sip-inspection program.                                                                        pendix) and frequencies.
3.5-4                                                              ,
                                                                .      .    --                                    ~      . _ - - .  -        -
* 1              1 A descripuon of the samphng program that i.                          For both emironmental and effluent monit-me followed to determine concentrations of airborne                    the frequeng of samphng and analysn, the typn and radioactive materials (including radoni within the                  sensitnity of analym, action lesch and corream mill during routine and nonroutine operations,                      action equirements. and the rmnimum nurnber and maintenance, and cleanup actnines in the Jewrip-                    ersteria f or locating environmental and ef fluent i                    tion of the samphng program include                                  monitonng stations should be prouJed Propmed to cations should be indicated on a figure of the mill ana a The entena for determining umphng loca surrounJang area in an appendis.
tions with r s,~ct to proce"      tranon and penonnel occupancy and                                                            7
* A desenpuon of the hquid effluent suncy pro gram to deterrrune if process effluents are reachine b The freqaency of samphng, type of analysn.                  subterranean or surface water supphes, This should ensitivity of overall samphrig and analysis, acuan                  include the technical b      ':herefor, the minimum evels, management audits, corrective action re                        number of monitonng loc.uons, the entena for local quirements, and instrumentation cahbration fre.'
ing samphng stations, the frequency of samphng, and quency. Procedures for sample analysis and instru.                    action levels and corrective scuon requirements. Pro rnent cahbranon should be included as an appendiz.                    vide the step procedure for sample analysn or
: 3. A description of the procedure followed in de.                  natural uranium, radium 226 and thonum 230 as an termining the intake of radioacove materials, in con.                  appendix. Also, the proposed monitonng locations formance with 6 20.103 of 10 CFR Part 20. for eack                    should be shown on a figure of the mill and surround employee who occupies areas where airborne . mac.                      ang area in an appendis.
uve materials caist. l...sude esposures incurred dur.                      8. A descnpuon of the radiatiori safety program ing nontouune operauons, maintenance, and cleanup
                  ,                                                              associated with the rad.oactive sources and gauges acuvities as well as routine activities                            identified in section 3 3 above include methods and 4 A description of the bioassay program to be                    frequencies f-r leak testing the radioactive source conducted to confirm the results derned from the                          9. A description of the mienm stabilisation proce-programs identified in items 2 and 3 above. Indicate                dures (during milling operations) to eliminate the p        the number and category of personnel invr.lved in the              blowing of tailings from the tailings retention system (saw    program, the types and frequencies of bioassays per-                to unrestricted areas and the ore dust from the ori formed, and action level critena to be apphed to                    p les should be provided, including the demonstration bionssay results.
of the adequacy of these procedures under potential
: 5. A description of the survey program to deter-                wind and weatner conditions at the site location.
mine that employees (plus their workclothes or                                10. Provide the minimum performance specifica.
coveralls, etc.) entering clean areas (lunchrooms, of-fices, etc.) of the mill or leaving the null site are not            tions, such as filtration or scrubber efficiency and air contaminated with radioactive materials. include                      II w, I r Perating the mill ventilation, filtration.
confinement, and dust collection systems throughout good housekeeping and cleanup requirements and specifications in mill process areas to control con-                  the mill and associated laboratories at their rea-s nably expected best performance and the frequency tamination, frequency of surveys of clean a<eas, sur.
f tests and inspecnons to ensum that he specWea.
vey mesbods, and minimum sensitivity, range, and tions are being met.
calibration frequency of survey quipment. Provide contantlnation criteria or action levels for clean areas                      11. Provide a decommissioning program that in-and for the release of materials, equipmein, and                      cludes reclamation of the mill site at the termination workclothes to clean areas or from the site. Procc-                    of milling activities and the surety snangements to dures for instrument calibratiot, should be included as                ensare that sufficient funds are available to complete an appendix,                                                            this decommissioning program, 6,* A description of the survey program, methods,                        12 Provide a tailings management and reclama-and procedures for determining co..centrations and                      tion program addressing the following performance quantities of airborne radioactive materials released                          *****
to the environa and a description of the enviroe. mental monitoring program to be conducted plus the techni-                              a. Reduce direct gamma radiation from the im-cal basis therefor (i.e., a correlation of stack heights,                  poundment area to essentially background.
meteorological characteristics, etc.) to determine en-                            b. Reduce the radon emanation rate from the vironamental concentrations.                                              impoundment area to about twice the emanation rate
* 40 CFR Chapeer I, Pan 190, and Resulatory Guide 4 t4,                  in the surrounding environs.
            "Meneering. Evaluaties, and Reporting Radioactivity in Re-                      c. Eliminate the need for on ongoing monitonng leasse of Radesective Manerials in t.igeid and Aimorne Ettineau frase t>rnassen hetin.," .noond be reviewed in connection wnh              and maintenance program following successful
* rectemation.
3.5 5
i d Provide suret) arrangements to ensure that s o.-            up and operation, anJ the radiation utely propin
facient funds are available to complete the full recia          tincluding the in plant, elliuent, and environment &
matmn plan                                                      monitonng programsP should be defined and dis cuned Also diwuss the corrective action measures                .
: 6. ACCIDENTS        established to ensure that conditions adverse to qual it) are identified and corrected and that the cauw = t A spectrum of potential r,ill accidents rangini              ugnificant conditions adverse to quality is deter from trivial to serions should be established b)                mined    .J coirective action taken to preclude repeti classes of occurrence, and each clan of accidents              tmn should be appropriately evaluated The evaluation should include a dawussion of measures that have been implemented .o present accidents and a dernon-stration of the adequacy of the methods _ Emergency                    8. EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES plans and training for coper;g with accidents should also be desenbed. For example, potential xcidental                  where the proposed course of action was bawd on fires should t e discussed in terms of occurrence, pre-          the consideration of various alternatives, the sention, detection and suppression mechanisms (both              benefit cost analysis used in arriving at the "as low manual and automatic), and emergency plans for cop-              as is reasonably achievable" concept should be pre ing therewith. The adequacy of the program should                sented, and the rationale for the recommended course also be discussed                                                of action should be included.
* The NRC staff is prepenns a regulatory ,4ide on quality n sursace for radiological effluent and environmental monitorine The quality assurance program for all phaws of the            programs that is scheduled ta be pubisshed for comment in t>e milling project including design, construction, start                cember 1977 3.5 6
Reymon i
j e . .,,%                U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION                                                                    October 199
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4 l
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Ei E s:~E ~:"E$iE 5 E 455 Enclosure 3
INTRODUCTION , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                    iv CHAPTER 1 PROPOSED ACTIVITIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                    1-1 1
CHAPTER 2 THE SITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                  2-1 2.1 Site Location and Layout, .. .................
      '          2. 2 Uses of Adjacent Lands and Waters . . . . .                                        2-1
                                                                                . . . .  . . . . .        2-1
: 2. 3 Population Distribution . . . . . . . . . .
: 2. 4                                                        .........                2-3 Regional, Historic, Archeological Architectural, Scenic, Cultural, and Natt.ral Landmark                                      2-3
: 2. 5 Geologv and Soils , . . . . . . . . . . ...        .s ........
: 2. 6 Seismoiogy. . . . .    . ... . . . ...,....
: 2. 7 Hydrology . . . . .                                                .      .,,    2-4
                                              . . . .. . .      .......... .. ...                        2-4 J
2.7.1 Ground Water .
2.7.2 Surface Water. .. ... . .. .. .....
                                                                    .. . .... ........                  2-5
                                                                      ............                      2-5
: 2. 8 Meteorology . . . . . .. . . . . . ..... . ........                                2-5
: 2. 9 Ecology . .    .. ... .. . . . .
l A                                                  ...............                          2-6 2.10 Background Radiological Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . .
g    2.11 Background Nonradiological Characteristics.            ..........
2-8 2-8 2.12 Other Environmental Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                    2-8 CHAPTER 3 THE MILL AND HINE (S) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                  3-1 3.1 Site Area . . .... ... .. .                ............                            3-1
: 3. 2 External Appearance of Mill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                      . .
: 3. 3 Mill Circuit. .... .....                ................
3-1 3.
3.5 4  Sources    of Mill Wastes      and    Ef fluents. . . . . . . . . . . . . .      3-2
: 3. 6 Sanitary and Other Mill Waste S Effluents . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Controls  of Mill  Wastes    and                                              3-2
: 3. 7    Mining Activities . . . . . . .ystems            .............                  3-2
                                                            .. ..............                          3-3 CHAPTER 4 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF SITE PREPARATION, MILL CONSTRUCTION, AND MINE OPENING        . . . . . . . . . . . . .            4-1 4.1 Site Preparation and Construction . . . . . . . . . .                    . . . -      4-1 4.2 Resources Committed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                    ....        4-2 CHAPTER 5 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF MILLS AND MINE OPERATION.                              5-1 . . . .
5.1 Radiological Impact on Biota Other than Humans. . . . . . . . .                      5-1
_            5.1.1  Exposure Pathways. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                  5-1 5.1. 2 Effluents in the Environment .        .............                        5-2 O
l l
TABLE OF CONTENTS              (continued) fay >
: 5. 2 Radiological Impact on Humans . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .                                    .2
: 5. 2.1 Exposure Pathways. , . . . . . .              .. . . . . . . . . . .                  5-2 5.2.2  Liquid Effluents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                              5-2
: 5. 2. 3 Airborne Effluents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                              5-3
* 5. 2. 4 Ofrect Radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                              5-3 5.2.5 Summary of Annual Radiation Ooses. . . . . . . . . . . .                                5-3
: 5. 3 Chemical Impacts on Humans. ... . . . . . . . . .                  . . . . . .                    5-3 5.4 Effects of Sanitary and Other Waste Dischar                                                        5-4
: 5. 5 Other Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ges. . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . .              5-4
: 5. 6      Resources Comi.iitted . . . .. ... . .. . . . . . . . .                                  . . 5-4 l
CHAPTER 6 EFFLUENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEASUREMENTS AND MONITOR:::G PROGPAMS . . . . .    . . . . . . . . . .                  . . . . . . . . .            6-1 6.1 Applicant's Preoperational Environmental Programs . . . . . . .                                    6-2 6.1.1 Surface Water. .    . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .                              6-2 6.1. 2 Ground Water . .    . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .                              6-2 6.1. 3 Air.  ...... . . .... . . . . . . . . . .. . . .                                      6-2 6.1. 4 Land  . ..... . ..... .. ............                                                  6-3 6.1. 5 Radiological Surveys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .                                6-4 6.2 Applicant's Proposed Operational Monitoring Programs. . . . . .                                      6-4 6.2.1    Radiological Monitoring.        .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .                          6-4 6.2.2 Chemical Effluent Monitoring . .                  . . . . . . . . . . . .                  6-4 6.2.3 Meteorological Moni+oring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                    6-5 6.2.4 Ecological Monitorir.g. . . .                . . ... . . . . . . . . .                      6-5 6.3 Related Environmental Mearurement and Monitoring Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                    6-5 CHAPTER 7 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF ACCIDENTS . . . . . . . . . . . .                                    7-1 7.1 Mill Accidents Involving Rsdioactivity. . . . . .                                . . .. . .          7-1 7.2 Transportation Accidents. . .                ...... . . . . . . . . . .                            7-1 7.3 Other Accidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                      7~1 CHAPTER 8 ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL EFFECTS OF MILL CONSTRUCTION 1                            ANO OPERATION. . .    . ..... . ..... . . . . . . . .                                    8-1 8.1 Cenefits. . . . . . . .          . . .... . ... . . . . . . . . . .                                  8-1
: 8. 2 Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                      8-7 CHAPTER 9 DECO M ISSIONING AND RECLAMA1 ION.                . .. . . . . . . . . . -
9-1 (
CHAPTER 10 ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSE 0 ACTION . .                        . . . . . . . ..              10 '
    ~ ..
rABt C di CONYiNTS- (continued)
:                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Pne -
CHAPTER 11 BENEFJ'-COST AN8.LYS!! .                              . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                                                                        11-1 CHAP)ER 12 ENVIRONMENTAL APPROVALS AND CONSULTATIONS                                                                . . . . . . .                                                      12-1    !
CHAPTER 13 REFERENCES.                . .            . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .
13-1 APPEN0!X A POPULATION DISTRIBUTION DATA . . . .                                                          . . . . . . .                              - . . .                              A-1 APPEh0!X 8 PRINCIPAL PARAMETERS FOR RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT . . . .                                                                                                                          B-1 APPENJIX C METEOROLOGICAL DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
:t h
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a 4
          ~                                                                                                                                    -
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INTRODUCTION i                                                              1. National Environmental Goals l                                Prior to the issuance of a license authorizing uranium milling activities, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is required to assess the potential environmental effects of the proposed activities in order to ensure that f                        issuance of the license will be consistent witt, the national environmental goals.      In order to obttin information essential for this assessment, the Commission requires each apolicant for a license to submit a report on the potential environmental impact of the proposed uranium mill and related activities.
The national environmental goals are apressed by the National Environ-                                  i mental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 (Public Law 91-190, 83 Stat. -852), as follows:
                           is the continuing responsibility of the Federal Gove.nment                                  l to use all practicable means, consistent with other essential considerations of nationr1 policy, to improve and coordinate Federal plans, functions, programs, and resources to the end that the Nation may--
                                "(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generation as trustee of the environment for succeeding generations;
                                "(2) assure for all Americans safe, healthful, productive, and esthetically-and culturally pleasing surroundings;
                                "(3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses of the environ-ment without degradation, risk to health or safety, or other undesirable and unintended consr,quences;
                              "(4) preserve important historic, cultural, and natural aspect; e                              of our national heritage, and maintain, wherever possible, an environment which supports diversity and variety of it.dividuai cimice;
                                "(5) achieve a balance between population and resource use which will permit high standards of living and a wide sharing of life's amenities; and
                                "(6) enhance the quality of reneweble resources and approach the maximum attainable recycling of depletable resources."
In addition to NEPA, the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, and the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, numerous other pieces of legislation and implementing regulations, both Federal and State, may affect the siting and operation of-uranium mills. Some of these laws, such as the Endangered Species Act of 1973, require the NRC to determine acceptability of the mill site and operation.
Capliance with other laws such as the Federal Wates Pollution Control Act must be er. rely reported to the NRC.
  'I No attempt is made in chis guide to J' aust any of these requirements in detail. The applicant sbnuld make an in<iepanoi . t determination of those statutes and regulations that may affect the pic. posed mill. Early consul-tation with the NRC staff is encouraged to det umine the applicability of environmental requirements in e.occifit i n s t a nc e '. .
                                      ?  Appiicant's inv ironme tital Reports 10 CFR Part 51, "Licewing arid Regulatv's Policy and Procedures for Environmental Protection,'' S 51. 40, "Environn: ental Reports," requires that each ap91(cant for a license authorizing uranium milling submit 15 copies of a separate document, "fhe Applicant's Environmental Report," with the license l        application. The applicant must retain an additional 110 copies of the environne:1tal report for distribution te Federal, State, and local officials in accordance with written instructions issued by the NRC's Director of the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards. The applicant's environ-mental reports are important d::. men'.s of public record. Therefore, the applicant is ..yed to give full attention to their accurac.y and completeness.
The environmental report must discuss the following environmental considerations:
      ,            a. The environmental impact of tiie proposed action,
: b. Any adverse environmental effects that cannot be avoided should the proposal be implemented, N
h          c. Alternatives to the proposed action,
: d. The relationship between local short-term uses of the human environ-ment and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity, and
: e. Any irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources that would be involved in the proposed action should it be implemented.
The discussion of alternatives to the proposed action in the environmental report must be sufficiently complete to aid the Commission in developing and exploring, pursuant to Section 102(2)(0) of the National Environmental Policy Act, "... appropriate any proposal which involves unresolved conflicts concerning alternative uses of available resources."
Under S 51.20, " Applicant's Environmental Report -- Construction Permit Stage," the environmental report must also include a benefit-cost analysis that considers and balances the environmental effects of the facility and the alternatives available for reducing or avoiding adverse environment'1 effects, as well as the environmental, economic, technical, and other benefits of the facility. The benefit-cost analysis must, to the fullest extent practicable, quantify the various factors considered. To the extent that such factors
cannot be quantified, they must be discussed in qualitative terms. The environ-mental report should contain sufficient data to aid the Commission in its dowelopment of an independent benefit-cost analysis covering the factors specified.
    ~- _ - . -
The environmental report must further include a discussion of the status of compliance of the facility with applicable environmental quality standards and requirements that have been imposed by Federal, State, and regional agencies having responsibility for environmental protection. In addition, the environ-mental impact of the facility should be fully discussed witc respect to matters covered by such standards and requirements irrespective of whether a certifica-tion from the appropriate authority has been obtained (including, but not limited to, any certification obtained pursuant to Section 401 and any discharge permit obtained pursuant to Section 402 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended). While compliance with NRC standards and criteria pertaining to radiclogical effects will be necessary to meet the licensing requirements of the Atomic Energy Act, the benefit-cost analysis for the purposes of the National Environmental Policy Act must consider the radiological effects together with a broad range of other environmental effects of tne facility.
: 3. Preparation of Erc/ironmental Reports
: a. Purpose of This Guide The Commission's regulations in 10 CFR Part 51 provide only general information concerning the content of an applicant's environmental report.
!              This guide has been prepared to provide specific and detailed guidance for the preparation of environmental reports for uranium mills. Where appropriate, similar information should also be provided for support or ancillary facilities (e.g., heap leach and ion exchange facilities) both within and outside the mill site boundary.
The guide identifies infarmation needed by the NRC staff to assess the potential environmental effects of the proposed uranium mill and directly associated mining activities and establishes a format acceptable to the staff for its presentation. Conformance with this standard format, however, is not required. Use of the format of this guide will help ensure the completeness of the informatinn provided, will assist the NRC staff and others in locating the information, and will aid in shortening the time needed for the review process.
The environmental repert and the application, as discussed in Regulatory Guide 3.5, " Standard Format and Content of License Applications for Uranium Mills," should be submitted together. These documents provide the basis for the licensing action on the facility.
: b. Scope of This Guide In order to cover a wide variety of anticipated situations, the scope of this guide is comprehensive. In some instances, requests        for specific infcrmation may not be applicable to a particular mill or site.        The  applicant should identify those areas where the information requestcd is not relevant to the particular afl1 under consideration. If any topics in this guide relate to information not available at the time the report is prepared, the applicant
should indicate when the information will be available.
3 vi
Presentation of Information The applicant should strive for clear, concise presentation of the information provided in the environmental report. Each subject should be treated in sufficient depth and with sufficient documentation
* to permit the 1            Commission to evaluate the extent of ...e environmental impact independent of the applicant's analysis.
When an evaluation of information or data is necessary to show compliance with a regulation, the applicant should clearly state the conclusion of the evaluation and present the analyses and supporting data in sufficient detaf f to permit an independent reviewer to verify this result. Tables, line drawings, and photographs should be used wherever they contribute to the clarity and brevity of the report.      The number of significant figures stated in numerical data should reflect the accuracy of the data. Descriptive and narrative passages should be cancise.
In cases where test results are needed to support conclusions, test data, procedures, technique <, and equipment used to perform tests should be included.
Pertinent published information relating to the site, the mill, and its surroundings should be referenced.                          Where published information or assump-tions ire assential to evaluate specific environmental effects of the proposed activities, they should be included in summary or verbatim form in the environ-mental report or a, an appendix to the report.**
Some of the information that should c,e included in the environmental report may have already been prepared by the applicant during preparation of the license application for the proposed mill. In such cases, this information (whether in the form of text, tables, or figures) should be incorporated in the environmental report. where appropriate, to provide a complete document.
The site for the mill may also be the site of the mine. If there is a proposed mine adjacent to or in the vicinity of the mill site, the applicant should consider the cumulative or synergistic effects of directly associated mining activities when preparing the environmental report relating to such a all1.
A Documentation as used in this guide means information, supporting data, and statements and includes (1) ref2rences to published information, (2) citations from the applicant's experience, and (3) reference to unpublished information developed by the applicant or the applicant's consultants. Statements not supported by documentation should be identified either as information for which documentation is not available or as expressions of belief or judgment.
R4 The distinction between pertinent and essential hinges on the effect that the infoisation safety          may and the    have in the review of potential impacts to public health and environment.
public health and safety or the environment is pertinent.Useful                                                However,infors ation that is n informa-tion that may reasonably be necessary for the review to ensure protection of public health and safety and the environment is essential.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~  ~
CHAPTER 1. PROPOSED ACTIVITIES This chapter of the environmental report should discuss the proposed project and the activities to be conducted as a result of the project. For example, the applicant should addrest such matters as ore reserves, ore-body    .
Tocatfor's, anticipated quantity of ore to be mined and willed, mining methods, l
plans f(r overburden storage and disposal, ore transport, milling processes, plans for tailings disposal and management, transport of product, operating      j plans and schedules, expected longevity of the project, U3 0, content of the ore, ore procersing rate, concentrate yield, planned end use of the project      !
areas, and surety arrangements for the eventual decommissioning of the mill and reclamation of the areas impacted.
CHAP!fR 7. THE SITE This chapter should piesent the bu L relevant information concerning those physical, b1ologic;dl hurran, and rocial characteristics of the area potentially affected by the preposed p wject that might be affected by the construction and operatiot of a uraniw milling project and its associated activities in the region. To the exten possible, the information presented should reflect observations and seaserments made over periods of time sufficient to allow defensible conclusions to be reached.
2.1 Site Location and Layout A map should be provided that shws the site and its location with respect to State, county, c.d other political subdivisions. On detailed maps, show the location of the haundary of the proposed restricted area (10 CFR Part 20); the applicant's property; adjacent properties, including water bodies, wooded areas, and farms; nearby settlements; industrial plants, parks, and other public facilities; and transportation links (railroads, highways, waterways).
Indicate total acreage owned or leased by the applicant and that part occupied by or which will be modified for the mine and mill. Indicate other existing and proposed uses of applicant's property and the acreage devoted to these uses.
Y            Describe any plans for site modifications such as a visitors' center. A contour map of the site should also be supplied with elevation contours of an interval suitable to show significant variations of the site environs and drainage gradients. In addition, indicate if the site is in the vicinity of a flood plain. This information should be supplied as separate maps, if required, for clarity.
2.2 Uses of Ad.facent Lands and Waters Indicate, within an 6-km (5-mi) radius, the nature and extent of present.
and projected land use (e.g. , agriculture, livestock raising, dairies, l          pasturelands, residences, wildlife preserves, sanctuaries, hunting areas, industries, recreation, transportation) and any recent trends such as major or
!          unexpected changes in population or industrial patterns.            Note whether any l          other nuclear fuel cycle facilities are located or are proposed within an 80-km (50-mi) radius of the site.
Provide in tabular form for each of the 22-1/2-degree sectors centered on one of the 16 compass points, i.e. , north, no' th northeast, etc. , the distances l          [to a distance of 8 km (5 mi)] from the center of the site to the following:
: 1.      Nearest cattle (or other meat animals) grazing on natural forage, with types and nuebers of animals specified.
m j
L                  2.      Nearest game animals consumed by sportsmen.
: 3.      Nearest residence.
1 2-1
: 4. Nearest site boundary.                                                                      '
: 5. Nearest vegetable garden larger than-50 m                  2 (60 yd2)-in area.
The  ,
type'of crop and amounts produced should be noted.
Where possible, the applicant should provide specific information on actual consumption of the meat from cattle and game animals.
P Provide data on annual production and distribution-of meat (kg) and truck-farming produce (kg) within an 80-km (50-mi) radius from the proposed facility.
Provide information on grazing season (months of year) and feeding regimens for cattle. Agricultural production, crop yield, grazing, and feeding data may be obtained from sources such as local, State, and Federal agricultural agencies,                                  !
agricultural agents, and other reliable sources.
Identify the location, nature, and amounts of present and projected surface and recreation, ground-water              use (e.g.
and transportation)      within      , water 16 kmsupplies, (10 mi) ofirrigation, reservoirs, the site ano    c.he present.
l                            and projected population (during the active life of the mill) associated with each use point, where appropriate.
Data on both present and projected future water use should be summarized and tebulated; users should be located on maps of legible scale. Tabulations should include:
: 1.      Location: Include symbols shown on maps identifying the location of water users. Provide map coordinates if appropriate.
: 2.      Distance from mill.
: 3.        Withdrawal rate: Provide present and projected withdrawal rate (in liters per second or cubic meters per second) for each w:ter use.
: 4.        Return rates: Provide present and projected return rates (in liters Per second or cubic meters per secod), if appropriate.
: 5.        Type of water use: Pro Na type of water use for each location.
                        -e.g., municipal, industrial, irrim tion, stock / game watering.
: 6.        In addition, for ground-water use: Indicate depth of wells, ground-water elevation, and drawdown rates and characterize the use of each aquifer.
: 7.        Source and projection of water-use estimates:                      Where use rates are anticipated to che :e over tha life of the project and beyond, indicate Projection. and. the source of the projection information. . Sources for such projections may be available from users or planning agencies at different levels of government.
                                      'For items 3 and 4 above, if use varies significantly seasonally, indicate monthly--values.
Provide data on, the annual recreational and commercial- fish catch from waters within an 8-km (5-mi) radius of the site.                                  Report the catch by principal 2-2
                            .-                                        =              ==        - - = - +_                            = - - -        - = =                = =-_- =-              =:-.-
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specier., 10catho., ed a w m o n .i :or w.*                                                                        ,,sumption (note amounts consu m
                                              . locally)
                                                                                              ?3 Popuidt ion Jlst. rib.aion
                                                        -Population aati presented >na 's as ca,e.1 on the most recent census data.                                                                                        -
On a map of suMatile scoe ttat idenu ria plues of-significant population-grouping, such n < itles ind tows wi tb it. v 80-km (50 mi) radius, concentric l
circles-snoulo be drawn with the n'h! at -Lne . enter point, at distances of 0.1, i
0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3 0, < 0, 5.0. 10.J, 20 0, 30 0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0 and
'                                            80.0 kilometers.                          1rhe ef ecles should be die ned into 22-1/2-degree sectors with each sector centered on one of the 1E cound points (with reference to true north,- i.e. , north northeast, northeast, dc.. ). A table (see table in Appendix appropriately keyed to the map should p-uvice the current residential populatior within each area for the expected first year of mill operation and census years through the anticipated life af the mill. The tables should provide separate
:                                          and cumulative population totals for each sector and annular ring. nistance i                                          to the nearest residence shoulo be not.ed for each sector The basis for population projections should be deswibed.
i i                                                    Descriptive material should include tables giving the population of neighboring schools, plants, hospitals and residential areas within 8 km (5 mi).
i                                        Visitor statistics for such areas as sports facilities, residential areas, and parks within 8 km (5 mi) of the project site (s) should also be included.
I 2.4 Regional Historic, Archeological, Architectural . Scenic, j                                                                        Cultural, and Natural Landmarks i
Areas valued for their historic archeolagical, architectural, scenic,
cultural, or natural significance may, be affected. The environmental report                                                                                                        >
;                                      should include a brief discussion of the historic, scenic, archeological, architectural, cultural, and natural significance, if any, of the eill site and nearby areas with specific attention to the sites and areas listed in the National Registry of Natural Landmarks and properties included in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places.
The National Registry of Natural Landmarks appears in 37 FR 1496.                                                                                            The Nattoral Register of Historic Placis is published annually in the Federal
General guidance on the treatment of historic, archeological, architectural, and cultural features can be obtained by reference to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Regulations, 36 CFR Part 800,
                                      " Protection of Historic and Cultural Property," and by consulting the Cultural Programs Division of the nearest regional office of the National Park Service-and the relevant State Historic Society or its equivalent.
                                              .-The applicant should submit a copy-of tho report on the archeological and historical artifact survev of the disturbed by mill related activities. proposed                                                    With respect          site and to Indian  of any lands,'this areas to besurvey should be performed with special attention to sacred areas and other special features uncovered from the oral history of the appropriate Indian tribe (s).
3 The environmental report should identify those properties included in or L
4        (".                      eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Hf: toric Places located p                                  within the area of the project's notential environmental fspect. Also, the
.                                                                                                                  2-3
                                .-..m    ..                  ,.,r-. _ , -- - . .    -- -            m_.n .--- - - - . _ - . - _        . . - . .      4- -
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l              applicant should discuss its                                                  sultation with the appropriate State Historic
}              Preservation Of ficer concerning the identification of properties included in i
or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. The environmental report should contain evidence of this contact with the Historic Preservation Of ficer for the State involved, including a copy of the Officer's comments concerning the effect of the undertaking on .iistoric, archeological, architectural, and cultural resources.
State whether new roads, pipelines, and utilities connected with the proposed mill will pass through or near any area or location of known historic, scenic, cultural, natural, archeological, or architectural significance.
: 2. 5 Geology and Soils Describe the major geological and soils aspects of the site and its environs.        The discussion should note tha r.tratigraphy, structure, and tectonic history. Comment on regional continuity, faulting, dip, and strikes of water-bearing formations that will be affected. An inventory of economic 611y important minerals and energy-related deposits, in addition to the uranium ore, should be included. Any unique mineralogical or paleontological depos..s of particular scientific interest should also be noted. Any effect that planned operations might have on the future availability of )ther mineral resources shonid be noted.
Detailed geological data at building sites and in the vicinity of tailings or other effluent impoundments, sanitary landfills, spoil disposal areas, and sewage disposal facilities should be included. These data should include strike and dip and lateral and vertical distribution of per'neable layers, shales, and clays, and data on any fault, fracture, or joint pattern that may exist. Loca-tions of local outcroppings where seepage from landfills, dumps, impoundments, and sewage facilities is likely to occur should be noted.
The location of ground water with respect to tailings disposal areas, spoil dug s, liquid impoundments, sanitary landfills, and sewage disposal facilities is important for the assessment of possible ground-water contamination. The discJssion should include a statement concerning the hydraulic properties (such as permeability aad porosity) of the materLis between the ground water and these facilities.
2.6 Seismology Discuss the seismicity (including history) of the region. Where possible, associate seismic events win tectonic features identified in the geology discussion.            Furnish a regional earthquake epicenter map showing site location.
2.7 Hydrology The effects of mine, mill, ano other project facilities construction ant operation on adjacent surface and ground waters are of prime importance.                                                      The applicant should describe, in quantitative terms, the physical, chemical, biolog;.:al, rediological and hydrological characteristics, the typical seasonal ranges and averages, and the historical extremes for surface- and ground-water bodies. Information relating to water quality char cteristics should include measurements made on or in close proximity to the site.
4 Inf ormatica armv1J be m esented ir. sufficient detail to allow an independent staf f review of the ef ferts of tone.truction and operation on both resources.
Data Survey.*should be pres,enteo in metric ur'ts as specified by the U.S. Geological 2.7.1 Ground Water Describe the hyorology of the r egion that affects the local ground-water aquifers, form.ations, tources, anc ainks. Describe the recharge potential of the immediate plant area, including vertical and horizontal permeabilities of the natural and modified terrain, as well as that of tailing disposal areas.
Indicate gradients and seasonal variations in ground water levels beneath the site.      Furnish sufficient site-specific data for the evaluation of the effects of  constructior; tables and usage.
and operation of the facility on established ground water operations in as:;ociatedThis mines.
is especially important for consideration of dewatering Descriptions of tne ma contour maps, hydraulic grdients  jor aquifers in the area should include piezometric features, total and effective poro,sities, bulk densitpermeabilities for representative coefficients. dispersion and distribution (sorption) ycoefficients, estimates, storage descriptions of pertinent geologic formations cnd soil types, including formation depth throughout the site and to the ne'are3t downgradient well or water body, chemical    ,
and radiological properties, and time histories of ground-water fluctuations.
The applicant should provide data concerning any drawdown of ground water that,  may or municipal    be caused tells. by withdrawals from neighboring major industrial, agricultural, 2.7.2 Surface Water Describe the location, size, shape, and other hydrologic characteristics of water bodies in the environs of the site. Surface-water descriptions for receiving streams should include the channel shape, slope, roughness coefficient, sediment concentration- (suspended), flow records (at nearest gauges), and dispersion coefficients; for ponds M lakes the geometry of the beo, wind currents, and suspended solids (sediment) concentration.
Include a description of upstream and downstream river control structures, and provide a topographic map showing the major hydrologic features.
2.8 Meteorology This section should provide a description of the meteorological diffusion characteristics of the site and its surroending area. The description should include the use of data collected for at least one annual cycle from an onsite or  nearby localinformation.
meteorological          meteorological station, plus examination of additional regional Sufficient data should be included to permit "A. M. Orellama and S. M. Lang, " Conversion Factors:
SI Metric and U.S.
Customary Units," U.S. Geological Survey, Branch of Distribution, 1200 S. Eads St. Arlington. Virginia 22202.
independent staff evaluation and assessment of-atmospheric diffusion                "
The following data concerning site meteorology from meteorological measure-i        ments taken onsite and at nearby representative stations should be presented:
: 1. Quarterly and annual wind rose presentation for the 16. compass directions.
: 2. Quarterly and annual w;nd speed, wind direction, and atmospheric stability data in joint freyae9cy form at heights representative of effluent            i releases,                                                                              i 3.-  Total precipitation and evaporation by month.
This information should be fully documented as to validity of its representation of expected long-term conditions at and near the site.
Present the joint wind speed-stability-direction frequencies (in item 2
            -chove)-in tabular form, giving-the frequencies as fractiont when using 5 year National Weather Service summaries or as number of occurrences when using only 1 or 2 years of onsite data. The data should be presented for each of the
'              16 compass-directions, and the stability categories should be established to conform as closely as possible with those of Pasquill.* In addition, the annual average inversion height should be provided from other nearby weather stations.
Guidance on acceptable onsite meteorological measurements and data format for nuclear reactors is presented in Regulatory Guide 1.23, "0nsite Meteorological Programs." Staff guidance should be requested for adaptation of relevant portions of this document to the specific mill project.- See Appendix A of this regulatory guide for appropriate format for meteorological data.
In addition, this -section should provice a discussion of general climatology, the existing levels of air pollution and their effects on site operations, the relationship of .the meteorological d-ta gathered on a regional basis to local data, the impact of the local terrain and large lakes and other bodies of water on meteorological conditions in the area, and the occurrence of severe weather in the area and its effects. Data on diurnal and monthly averages and extremes of temperature and humidity should also be provided.
2.9 Ecciocy In this section,.the applicant should describe the biota (both flora and fauna) in the vicinity of the site, their habitats, and their distribution.
This initial inventory should reveal certain organisms which, because of their importance to the community, should be given specific attention. A species-is
            -"important" (for the purposes of this guide) if a specific link exists between the facility and tiie species and if one or more of the following criteria applies: (a) the species is-commercially or recreationally valuable, (b) the
  .          "F. Pasquill, "The Estimation >f Windborne Material," Meteorological Magazine,
:Vol. 90, pp. 33-49, 1961.
1 2    - - -  -..      ..
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x              species is threatened or endangered,* (c) the species affects the well-being of some important species within criteria (a) or W ), or (d) the species is critical to the structure and function of the ecological system or is a biological indicator of radionuclides or chemical pollutants in the environment.
The information should be presented in two separate subsections:
                              " Terrestrial Ecology" and " Aquatic Ecology." The sources of information shsuld be identified. As part of this identification, present a list of pertinent published material dealing with the ecology of the region. Locate and describe        l any    ecological or biological studies of the site or its environs currently in progress, 1
The initial inventory should establish the identity of the majority of terrestrial ar.d aquatic or (qualitative) abundances. ganisms on or near the site and their relative The applicant should identify the "important" species 4
from this list and discuss in detail their number and geographic distribution The discsssion should include species that migrate through to area or use it for breeding grounds. Special attention should be given to the relative importance of the site area as compared to the total regional ecosystem (potential or exploited). Any additional inventories should be reserved for those species identified as critical.
-                                  The applicant should provide data on the count and distribution of important domestic fauna, in particular, Cattle, sheep, and other meat animals that may
'                        be included in the biological pathway that ultimately could involve the exposure of humans to radionuclides. Important game animals should receive similar treatment. A description of marketing or consumption patterns for livestock or game should also be submitted, including livestock consumed by families 1
with grazing rights in the mill vicinity and the extent of sales to local or national markets. A map that shows the distribution of the principal flora communities should be provided. These plant communities should be characterizeo by predominant species, successional stage, percent ground cover and annual yield (in animal unit months or other acceptable units).
The discussion of species environment relationships should include descrip-tions of area usage (e.3., habitat, breeding, etc.) for important species; it should include life histories of important regional animals and.i.quatic organisms, their normal' seasonal population fluctuations, and their habitat requirements; and it should include identification of food chains and other interspecies relationships, particularly when these may contribute to predic-tions or evaluations of the impact of the facility on the regional biota.
t                              Information on the soils of the project area (s) should include soil map (s),
details of.the physical and chemical characteristics of typical soil profiles with respect to pntentially toxic elements and compounds, and land capacity i
N In the writmg and reviewing of environmental reports, specific considera-i tion should be given to possible impact on any species (or its habitat) that r  s.
has been determined by the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of l            Commerce to be endangered or threatened with endangerment. New terminology defining " endangered or threatened with endangerment" has been promulgated in Public Law 93-205, 87-Stat. 884.
classification. The site (s) soils should be evaluated with respect to suitability as sources of topsoil materials during the period of interim stabilization and final reclamation.
Identify any definable preexisting environment:1 stresses from sources such as pollutants, as well as pertinent ecological conditions suggestive of such stresses. The status of ecological succession should be described.
Discuss the histories of any infestations, epidemics, or catastrophes that have had a significant impact on regional biota.
2.10 Background Radiological Characteristics Regional radiological data should be reported, including both nctural background radiation levels and results of measurements of concentrations of radioactive materials occurring in important biota, in soil and rocks, in air, and in regional surface and local ground waters. These data, whether determined during the applicant's preoperational !urveillance program (see Section 6.1.5) or obtained from other sources, should be referenced.
2.11 B,ackground Nonradiological Characteristics Regional nonradiological characteristics, particularly those that are similar to expected site-related' effluents, should be reported. Data should include such p:rameter-s as heavy metals and other potentially toxic substances, atmospheric pollutants, and dusts that could affect water or air quality.
Other regional sources of these same materials should be noted along with a discussion of the possible contribution to levels found at the facility site.
2.12 Ot'ner Environmental Features i
For certain sites, some relevant information on the mill or mine environs may not clearly fall within the scope of the preceding topics. Submission of i
additional information may be appropriate with respect te some environmental l
features in order to reflect the value of the site and site environs to important l segments of the population. Such information should be included here.
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O                                tHAPTER 3. THE MILL AND HINE (S)
The operating , sill md any directly associated mine(s) adjacent to or in the vicinity )f the mill snould be described in this chapter. The alli and mine ef fluents and rel.ted systems that interact with the environment should be described in detail sufficient to allow the reviewer to independently assess the combined envi'onmental ef fects presented in this chapter of the environ-mental report.
3.1 Sitea Araa A map of the site area should be included; it should clearly show the following:
: 1. The ' ~ation of the site boundary.
: 2. The location and orientation of principal structares within the site area. Principal structures should be identified as to function, e.g., mines, ore crushing structures, chemical separation and storage, ore stock piles, waste rock du.nps, tailings disposal areas, retention and settling ponds, explosive t M nes, housing areas, administration build!ngs, yellowcake storage areas, ps ting lots.
: 3. The boundary lines of any restricted areas, access to which are to be controlled by fences or other means.
: 4. A scale that will permit the measurement of distances with reasonable accuracy.
: 5. True north.
3.2 External Appearance of Hill The building layout and plant pro'ile should be shown to scale by line drawings or other illustrative tecnniques. The architectural design and efforts to make the structures and grounds esthet.ically pleasing should be noted.
3.3 Mill Circuit The entire mill process or circuit should be quantitatively and qualitatively described in sufficient depth to permit confirmation of the quantities and constituents of all gaseous, liquid, and solif wastes and effluents generated in the process. The .'ollowing should be included:
: 1. A flow diagram of the process or circuit.
: 2. A material balante diagram.
C'y  " Site means the contiguous real estate on which the mine and mill are V      located.
I i
l 1
: 3. Description of any water recycle systems.
4 Water balance diagram for the entire mining /ttilling project.
3.4    Sources of Hill Wastes and Effluents Clearly identify the location of release points for all gaseous (include stack    heights), liquid, and solid wastes and effluents, including bulk storage locations,    i.2., piles of ore or tailings or overburden dumps. Specify quantities, concentrations, and physical, chemical, and radiological character-istics of all materials released. /.verage and maximum release rates should be included plus all pertinent supporting information such as assumptions and                                                -
computational methods used. The quantities and concentrations of radioactive and nonradioactive caterials that will be released into the environs should be compared with State and other applicable standards.
Suggested forr.ats for supplying this material on radioactive emissius are included as Appendix B of this guide. The tables supplied by the applicant should not be limited to the examples listed, however.
3.5 C_ontrols of Hill Wastes and Effluents Provide a description of mill waste and effluent control systems and equip-ment for minimizing to as low as is nasonably achievable the quantities of materials released into the environment. Identify the operating efficiency of such systems and equipment in relation to current best methods for controlling milling wastes ar.d ef fluents. Also, identify the factors that affeet these A
ef ficiencies, and describe the operating practices to be pursued during the                                              q life of the proposed project.
For waste retention systems, a design analysis of the integrity of the proposed systems should be provided.                                                                This should include:
: 1. Drawings showing the layout in plan, typical cross sections of all embankments show'. g proposed design and, if applicable, anticipated future extensions, and other pert.inent design o calls. Embankment designs should include information on heights, top width, side slopes, freeboard, seepage control, and protection of embankment surfaces as well as foundation design.
See Regulatory Guide 3.11. " Design, Construction, and Inspection of Embankment Retention Systems for Uranium Hills."
: 2. The results of soll tests, geologic exploration, foundation materials stability investigations, as well as characteristics of fill material and a description of the construction methods and specifications.
: 3. 6 Sanitary and Other Mill Waste Systems Describe any other nonradioactive solid or liquid wasta; materials, such as sanitsry, laundry, and chemical laboratory wastes that may be generated during operation. Describe the manner in which they will be treated and controlled, and dercribe procedures for disposal.
Means for control and treatment of all systems subject to effluent limita-tion guidelines and standards of performam '', der the Federal Water Pollution                              .
Control Act (FWPCA) should be described.
_                    _-_Y_.--_______-_
The applicant should (a) describe any other airborne effluents (e.g., from diesel engines, gas turbines, heating plants, incinerators) created during
                  /          project operation, (b) estimate the frequency of release and describe how they                                        l will be treated before release to the environment, and (c) estimate the total                                          l
;                            quantity of pollutants to be discharged annually.                                                                      !
: 3. 7 Mining Activities
:                                    This portion of the report should contain a thorough description of the                                        ,
interrelated mining activities including:
: 1.        Topographical maps showing locations and areas to be mined and haulage and access roads.
!                                  2.        A description of the mining method (s) to be employed, including any dewatering activities and associated effluents.
: 3.          A description of the method (s) for accumulating and storing wastes in order to minimize esthetic and other effects.
: 4.          Identification and source terms of all sources of effluents asso-
,                                              ciated with mining activities (e.g., radon and particulate emissions, 1
dust from haulage, storage activities), including release rates and concentrations and their physical and chemical characteristics.
: 5.          A description of methods to minimize and contrel releases of effluents into the invirons.
: 6.          Any other information that might be helpful in assessing the environ-
,                                            mental effects connected with the mining project.
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The construction of a uranium mill and the openings of related mines will inevitably affect the environment; some of the effects will be adverse and some i
may be beneficial.
Effects are considered adverse (1) if environmental change or stress causes a valuable or otherwise important biotic population or natural resource to be less safe, less healthy, less abundant, less productive, or less esthetically or culturally pleasing; (2) if the change or stress reducas the diversity and variety of individual choice, the standard of living, or the extent of sharing of life's amenities; or (3) if the change or stress tends to lower the quality of renewable resources or to impair the recycling of depletable resources.
In the applicant's discussion of adverse environmental effect.;, it should be vaade clear which of these adverse effects are considered unavoidable and subject to later amelioration and which are regarded as unavoidable and irreversible. Those effects that represent an irretrievable commitment of i
i rer,ources should receive detailed consideration in Section 4.2. In the context of this discussion, " irretrievable commitment of resources" alludes to natural resources and means a permanent impairment of these, e.g., loss of wildlife habitat; destruction of nesting, breeding, or nursing areas; interference with y          migratory routes; loss of valuable or esthetically treasured natural areas;
,                  and use of nonrenewable resources.
4.1 Site Preparation and Construction The appilcant should organize the discussion in terms of the effects of f,ite preparation (including mine opening) and alli construction on both land use and water use.        The applicant should consider consequences to both human and wf1diffe populations and indicate which are unavoidable and irreversible according to the categorization set forth above.
In the land-use discussion, describe how construction activities may 4
disturb the existing terrain and wildlife habitats. Consider the effects of such activities as creating building material supply areas; building temporary or pomanent roads, bridges, or service Ifnes; disposing of trash; excavating; and land filling. Provide information bearing on such questions as what is the total number of acres disturbed, at which locations, over what time periods, will there be dust or smoke problems, what type and amount of explosives will be used, where, and how often.
Indicate proximity of human populations and identify undesirable impacts on their environment arising from noise, disruption of stock grazing patterns, inconvenience because of the movement of people, material, machines, including
            ^    activities associated with any provision of housing, transportation, and educa-tional facilities for workers and their faellies. Describe any expected changes in accessibility of- historical and archeological sites in the region. Olscuss measures designeJ to mitigate or reverse undesirable effects, such as erosion control, dust stabilization, landscape restoration, control of truck traffic, and restoration of affected habitats.
The discussion stiould also include my ef f ects of site preparation and construction activities whose consequences may be beneficial to the region.
The discussion of water use should describe the impact of site preparation and construction activities on area water sources. Such activities would include mine dewatering, diversion of streams, and place.ient of fill material in water. The applicant should describe the effects of these activities on                  i fish and wildlife resources, water quality, water supply, downstream use of water and esthetics, as applicable. Describe measures to control pollution                    ,
;                      to mitigate undesirable effects and improve habitats.                                          l 1
4.2 Resources Comitted -
Olscuss any irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources (e.g.,
commitment of land, consumptive water use, and destruction of biota) that are expected should site preparation and mine opening and afli construction proceed.
Such use should be evaluated in terms of its relative and long-term na impacts, as well as its absolute impacts. (See Section 5.6 of this guide for more detailed consid ation.)
e j                        CHAPTER 5  ENVIRONM( A1 Ac (FFECTS OF HILLS AND HINE OPERATION um                    This enapter should descH te the interaction of the mill and mine (discussed in Chapter 3) and the ensironment (discussed in Chapter 2) during the operating phase of the project. To the extent possible, material presented in Chapters 2 and 3 does not need to be repaated. Measures planned to reduce any undesirable effects of the total project on the environment should be described in detail.
In the discussion of environmental ef fects, as in Chapter 4, effects that are considered unavoidable but either inherently temporary or subject to later amelioration should be clearly distinguished from those regarded as unavoidable and irreversible. Those effects that represent an irretrievable commitment of resourcer, should receive detailed consideration in Section 5 6.
The impacts of operation of the proposed activity should be, to the fullest extent practicable, quantified and systematically presented. In the discussion of each impact, the applicant should make clear whether the supporting evidence is ba:ed on theoretical, laboratory, onsite, or field studies undertaken on this or on previous occasions. The source of each impact (the plant subsystem, waste effluent) and the population or resource affected should be made clear in each case. The impacts should be distinguished in terms of their effects on surface water bodies, ground water, air, land, land use, ecological systems.
I      and important plants and animals.
Finally, the applicant should discuss the relationship between local short-term uses of the human environment and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity. As used in this guide, "short-ters" refers to the operating life of the proposed facility and "long-ters" refers to time periods extending beyond this life.      The applicant should assess the action for cumulative and projected long-tem effects from the point of view that each generation is trustee of the environment for each succeeding generation.
Principal parameters for the assessment of radiological impacts from proposed activities should be presented in the format of Appendix B.
5.1 Radioloalcal Impact on Biota Other Than Humans In this section the applicant should consider the impact on biota other than humans attributable to the release of radioactive or chemical materials from the facility. The biota to be considered are those species of local flora and local and migratory fauna defined as "important" in Section 2.9.
Since the region may contain many important species, the applicant should concentrate any efforts on those important species whose terrestrial and aquatic habitats provide the highest potential for radiation exposure.
5.1.1 Exposure Pathways
    /f /h--        The various possible pathways for radiation exposure of the important QF      local flora and local and migrators faena should be identified and described in textual and flow-chart format. The pathways should include the important
routes of radionuclide translocation (including food chains leading to important species) to organisms or sites, 5.1.2    Effluents in the Environment in Sections 3.4 and 3.7, the radionuclide and che.nical concentrations in the liquid and gaseous effluents discharged from the site are listed. In this section, the applicant should consider how these effluents are quantitatively distributed in the environment. Specifically, estimates should be provided for the concentration (a) in any water sources, (b) on land areas, and (c) on vegetation (on a per unit area basis) in the environs.
If there are other components of the physical environment that may become contaminated and thus result in the exposure of living organisms to radiation, they should be identified and their radioactivity burden estimated. In addition, information concerning any cumulative buildup of radionuclides in the environ-ment should be presented and discussed.        A summary of data, assumptions, and models used in determining radioactivity concentrations and burdens shsuld be provided.
From considerations of the exposure pathways and the distribution of radioactivity released into the environs, the applicant should estimate the maximum radionuclide concentrations that may be present in important local flora and local and migratory fauna. Valuee of bioaccumulation factors used in preparing the estimates should be based on site-specific data if available; otherwise, values from the literature may be used. The applicant should tabulate and reference the values of bicaccumulation factors used in the                                !
calculations.                                                                                            :
: 5. 2 Radiological Impact on Humans In this section the applicant should consider the radiological effects of operations and transportation of radioactive materials on human beings.
Estimates of the radiological impact on humans via various exposure pathways should be provided.
5.2.1 Exposure Pathways The various possible pathways for radiation exposure of humans should be identified and described in textual and flow chart format.
Olscuss any exposure pathways, if they exist, involving radionuclide accumulation in specific components of the environment.
5.2.2 Liquid Ef fluents Estimate the expected annual average concentrations of radioactive nuclides (listed in Sections 3.4 and 3.7) in receiving water at locations where water is consumed or otherwise used by human beings or where it is inhabited by blota of significance to human food chains. Specify the dilution factors used in preparing the estimates and the locations where the dilution factors are applicable. Consideration should be given to the absence of mixing and dilution because of factors such as channeling.
f                  Determine the expected radionuclia woncentrations in aquatic and I  '
terrestrial organisms sig*nificant to hut.e food chains. Use the bloaccumulation factors given in Section 5.) 7 v supp1 v )thers as necessary.
Using the above information and ora other necessary supporting data, calculate the total annum N.dy and RydHeant organ doses (millf rems) to individuals in the popu'ation (discu sad in Section 2.3) from all exposure pathways related to receiving water,                            r., all sources of internal and external exposure.      Provide, as t.n ar.oendix, ontails of the models and assumptions used in these calculations.
5.2.3 Airborne Effluents From release rates of airborne radioactivity and meteorological data (Sections 3.4, 3.7, and 2.8), estinate total annual body and significant organ doses (milliremf i to individuals e< posed at the point of maximum ground-level concentrations oH;ite, individuais exposed at the site boundary in the direction of the prev.2111ng wind, individuals exposed at the site boundary nearest to the . +rces of emission, and individuals exposed at the residence expected to receive the hi                                                    Assume annual average meteorological conditions.ghest      Identifydose commitments. locations of points of release (e.g.,
stacks, roof vents, tailings ponds and beach areas, and ore storage areas) used in calculations.
Estimate deposition of radioactive materials on food crops and pasture grass and any bioaccumulation in the human food chain. Estimate total annual l[W;[jg  body doses (alllirems) and significant annual doses received by other organs via such potential pathways.
Provide an appendix describing the models used in these calculations.
5.2.4 Direct Radiation The applicant should provide an estimate of the maximum annual external dose (millfress) that would be received by an individual at the nearest site boundary from direct radiation. Frovide an appendix describing the models and assumptions used in there calculations.
5.2.5 Susu6ary of Annual Radiation Doses The appitcant should provide estimates of the maximum annual doses (allitress) that could be received via all pathways by an individual at the sits boundary and at the nearest residence.
The applicant should also present a table that summarizes the estimated radiation dose to the regional population (within 80-km) from alli- and mine-related sources using values calculated in previous sections. The tabulation should include (a) the total annual doses (man-rems) to the population (discussed in Section 2.3) from all water-related pathways and (b) the total annual doses
      -    (man-ress) to the population attributable to airborne effluents.
  <                                        5.3 Chemical Impacts on Humans In this section, the specific concentrations of nonradioactive wastes in effluents at the points of discharge should be compared with natural ambient 5-3  .
concentrations without the discharge and also ompared with applicable standards.
The projected effects of the effluents for botn acute and chronic exposure of human beings (including those resulting from any long-term buildup in soils and sediments and in the biota) should be identified and discussed. Dilution and mixing of discharges into the receiving environs should be discussed in detail, and estimates of concentrations at various relevant distances from the point of discharge should be provided that relate to factors such as dilution, habitations, wells, and water intakes. The effects on humans from changes in terrestrial and aquatic environments f rom chemicals that contaminate ground water should be included.
5.4 Effects of Sanitary and Other Waste Ofscharges Describe and discuss the environmental impact associated with sanitary and other mill waste systems discussed in Section 3.6.
: 5. 5 Other Efiects The applicant should discuss any effects of operation that do not clearly fall under any single topic of Sections 5.1 throegh 5.4. These may ir:1ude changes in land and water use at the project site, interaction of the facility with other existing or projected neighboring facilities, effect of ground water withdrawal on ground-water resources in the vicinity of the mine and mill, effects of construction and operation of roads, transmission corridors, and rafiroads, effects on fish and wildlife resource usage, effects of changes in surface-water availability on biotic populations, and disposal of solid and liquid wastes other than those already discussed.
5.6 Resources Committed Any irreversible and irretrievable commitment of resources resulting from mine and mill operation should be discussed. This discussion should include both direct commitments, such as dapletion of uranium resources; irreversible environmental losses, such as destruction of wildlife habitat; and consumptive water use.
In this discussion, the applicant .should consider resources used from the viewpoints of both relative impacts ar.J long-ters net effects. As an example of relative impact assessment, the lo., of a few animals of a given species could represent quite different degrees of significance, depending on the total population in the immediate region. Such a loss in the case of a small local population, however, could be less serious if the same species were abundant in neighboring regions. Similarly, land use that precludes other highly desirable land uses should be evaluated in terms of the total amount of such land in the environs. These relative assessments should accordingly include statements expressed in percentage terms (a) in which the amount of expected resource loss is related to the total resource in the immediate region and (b) in which the total resource in the immediate region is related to that resource in surrounding regions. The latter should be specified in terms of areas and distances from the site.
t' CHAPTER t. . U f LUENI AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEMUREMENTS XED~M0YII61Trif PROGRAMS The purpose of tnia etiepter is to jescribe in detet.1 the means by which the applicant collected the banlint ete La presented in tether chapters and to describe the applicant's plans and pto; rams for monitor 6ng the impacts of the proposed activities on the environnetd.*
Section 6.1 addresses the measurtrwent of preexist'ing characteristics of the site and the surrounding tegion. This program should establish a reference framework for assessing subrequent environmental effects attributable to the proposed activity and for use as Mseline reference data at the time of site decommissioning.
The ap;1icant's attention is directed to two considerations pertinent to Section 6.1. First, the term " preexisting" refers to the characteristics of the site prior to any mining-related activities. A given characteristic or parameter may or may not require assessment prior to site disturbance and mill construction, depending on whether that particular characteristic may be altered at tt.ese stages. Second, in most instances this guide indicates the specific environmental effects to be evaluated; consequently, the parameters to be measured will be apparent. In some cases, it may be advisable to establish a monitoring program based on the applicant's own identification of potential or fg        possible effects and to provide the underlying rationale for such a program.
''        Accordingly, the applicant should carefully review the plans for measurement of preexisting conditions to ensure that these plans include all factors that must be subsequently monitored as discussed in Section 6.2.
Sampling design, frequency, methods (including calibration and checks with standards), and instrumentation for both collection and analysis should be discussed as applicable.**
In all cases, the applicant should estimate the statistical validity of any proposed sampling program.          Information should be provided on instrument accuracy, sensitivity, and (especially for highly automated systems) reliability.
Where standard analytical or sampling techniques can be identified, they should be so identified and referenced.
For quantitative descriptions of samples collected within areas and for periods of interest, descriptive statistics should include, unless justifiably omitted, the mean, standard deviation, standard error, and a confidence interval for the mean. In each case, the sample size should be clearly indicated. If diversity indices are used to describe a collection of organisms, the specific diversity indices used should be stated.
          "See Regulatory Guide 4.14. " Radiological Effluent and Environmental Monitor-
  '        ing at Uranium Mills."
  /g        See Regulatory Guide 4.15. "Q" alit) Assurance for Radiological Monitoring
(,7        Programs (Normal Operations) - Effluent Streams and the Environment."
6.1  Applicant's Preoperational I.nvironmental Programs The programs for collection of initial or baseline environmental data prior to submittal of the license application should be described in sufficient detail          .
to make it clear that the applicant has established a thorough and comprehensive approach to environmental assessment. The description of these programs should be confined principally to technical descriptions of instrumentation, f requency and duratfor., technique, and procedures.
Where information from the literaturu has been used by the applicant, it
(                                      should be concisely summarized and documented by reference to original data sources. Where the availability of original sources that support important i
conclusions is limited, the applicant should provide either extensive quotations or references to accessible secondary sources.* In all cases, information derived from published results should be -liarly distinguished from information t
derived from the applicant's field measurements.
6.1.1 Surface Water If a body of surface water may be affected by the proposed activities, the applicant should describe the programs by which the If  background      condition a natural water    body l
of the water and the related ecology were determined.
has already been subjected to environmental stress from pollutant sources, the l
nature of this stress and its consequences should be evaluated. The applicant should estimate the potential quality of the affected water body.
6.1.2 Ground Water In those cases in which the proposed activitics may potentially affect quality or quantity of local ground water, the program leading to assessment of potential effects should be described. Physical and Chemical Parameters. The properties and configura-tion of the local aquifer will have been defined in sufficient detail (in Section 2.7) to permit a reasonable projection of ef fects of proposed :ctivities on the ground water. Ik.thods for obtaining information on ground-water levels and ground-water quality should be described. Models. Models may be used to predict such effects as changes in ground-water levels, dispersion of contaminants, and eventual transport through aquifers to surface water bodies and downgradient wells. The models should be described and supporting evidence for their reliability and validity presented.
6.1.3 Air The applicant should describe the program and identify sources for obtain-ing information on local air quality and local and regional meteorology.
                                        "Any reports of work (e.g. , ecological surveys) supported by the applicant that are of significant value in assessing the environmental impact of the facility thuld be included as appendices or supplements to the environmental report unless these reports are otherwise generally available.
[            6.1. 3.1 Meteorology    the s 'irr t should dentif, sources of meteoro-logical data used'III f 6e umospherir .t risport mojels ata reported in Section 2.8. Locations and elevat ons uf observation st,tions, instrumentation, and f requency ana duration of nao.' m.mts should be spec ified both for the applicant's measuring activities anu fe activities of p*vernmental agencies or other organitottom an whose nforma..un the applicar. intends to rely.
Guidance Isr an arreptable meaut ological measurement pr ogram for nuclear reactors is presented in Regu vtog Guide 1.23 (Safety Guide 23), "Onsite Meteorological Progi w.." See Append,x C for the forate for reporting meteoro-logical data. The applicant's descrire. ion should show N.he basis for predicting such ef fects as the disper sloh of airoorne effluents .and should present the methodology for gathering baselfre data. Models. Any models used by the applice t, either to derive estimates of basic meteorological h1 formation or to estimate the effects of effluents, should be described " setill and their validity and accuracy discussed. St ..' guidance should be mught in adapting existing guidance to the particular eff1uents from uranium mines and mills.*
6.1.4    Land Data collection and evaluation programs concerning the terrestrial environ-ment of the proposed mill should be described and justified with regard to both scope and methodology.
  .-   Geology and Soils. Those geological and soil studies designed
(        to determine the environmental impact of the construction or operation of the mine/ mill should be described. The description should include identification of the sampling pattern and the justification for its selection, the sampling method holding periods, preanalysis treatment, and analytic techniques. Other geologIcalandsoilstudies(e.g.,+hoseconductedinsupportofsafetyanalyses) should be briefly summarized and reference made to the relevant reports for a more detailed presentation.    Land Use and Demographic Surveys. The applicant should describe its program for identifying the actual land use in the site environs and for acquiring demographic data for the .egion as reported in Section 2.3.
Sources of information should be identified. Methods used to forecast probable changes in land use and demographic trends should be described. Ecological Parameters. In this section, the applicant should discuss the program used to assess the ecological characteristics of the site, with primary reference to important biota identified in Section 2.9.
For example, see Regulatory Guide 1.111, " Methods for Estimating Atmospheric
: s. Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water-Cooled Reactors."
y 6.1. 5 Radiological Surveys" (his section of the environmental isport should discuss the methods used to detsrmine the preoperational radiction levels at the site and environs and the concentrations of radionuclides in important local and regional biota, soil, sediment, vegetation, air, and surface and ground waters.
: 6. 2 Applicant's_ Proposed Operational Nonitoring Programs _
The applicant should present the proposed operational monitoring program    i for planned operations. Review of this description will be facilitated if the          !
applicant includes maps of proposed observation sites and tabular presentation          i of summary descriptors of such factors as sample collection and analysis frequency, type of sampling, method of collection, analytic method, preanalysis treatment, instrumentation, and minimum sensitivities. The discussion should            ,
m ? ode the justification for the choice o.' samp1fng sites, analyses, and sampling frequencies. The program description should be exp1(cit with rupect to the parameter limits that are not to be exceeded under normal operating
* conditions and with regard to the actions planned in the event the limits are exceeded.
6.2.1 Radiological Monitorinc*
The applicant's operational monitoring program for radiological effects should be described both for the mine and mill effluent monitoring program and for the environmental monitoring program. Mill Effluent Monitoring. Describe the proposed effluent monitoring program for liquid and airborne effluents. Discuss the sensitivity limits for detecting radioactivity corresponding to routinely expected release rates. List the effluent streams, if any, that will not be monitored and provide a brief rationale for the absence of r.onitoring. Also, provide criteria for setting threshold levels for corrective action and describe the actions to be taken if these levels are exceeded. Environner tal Radiologica. #4onitgorin . The operational monitoring program should be described in detail, wit.h spectric attention given to the organisms and other types of samples to be collected, sampling locations and frequency, the analyses to be performed on each sample, the analytical sensitivity (detection threshold) for each analysis, and the criteria l'or investigating increases of concentration of material detected in the environs.
6.2.2 Chemical Effluent Monitoring The proposed measurement program, including instrumentation, locations, frequencies, and analytical tischn' ques, should be fully described. The descrip-tion of the program should include instrumentation sensitivity and reliability.
Monitoring procedures prescribed by local, State, or Federal agencies as conditions placed on operation should be so identified.
    " Regulatory Guide 4.14 should be reviewed in connection with this section.
4 l
                    ,r-                                                    The criteria for setting threshold levels for corrective action should be I                                      presented.                    In the case of prescribed quantitative standards set by egencies, the applicable regulation should be cited. In the case of quantitative limits
'                                                        set by the applicant to conform to qualitative standards or restrictions, the applicant's rationale should be presented. In either case, if measurements exceed thresholds, the action to be taken should be specified.
6.2.3 Meteorological Monitoring The applicant's program for monitoring meteorological phenomena should be described.
6.2.4                    Ecological Monitoring i
In the preoperational surveillance program, the applicant will have
,                                                      established methodology for determining the ecological characteristics of the                                i region. The applicant should describe any additional ecological monitraing e-be conducted during plant operation.
6.3 Related Environments 1 Measurement and Monitorina Programs i                                                                      When the applicant's site lies within a region for which environmental measurement or monitoring programs are carried out by public agencies or other l
agencies or groups not directly supported by the applicant, any such related programs known to the applicant should be identified and discussed. Relevanco of such independent findings to the proposed facility's effects should be described, and plans for exchange of information, if any, should be presented.
Agencies responsible for the programs should be identified, and, to the extent possible, the procedures and methodology employed should be briefly described.
1 4
o L
CHAPTER 7. ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF ACCIDENTS The applicant should discuss the environmental ef fects of possible accident:,
that may occur at the mill and during transportation of material; to and from the mill, whether or not those accidents may produce an impact on the site or its environs. Analyses should be based on relevant experience and statistics from operation of similar milling and transportation operations. The statistical validity of the data should be discussed as well as the rationale for applying the data to the applicant's proposed operation. Accidents caused by both humans and natural phenomena should be addressed.
7.1 MillAccidentsinvolvingRadioactivity The applicant should provide accident analyses for a ;pectrum of accidents that might occur ranging in severity from trivial (essentially no release of radioactivity to the environment) to very large releases. Each class within the spectrum should be characterized by an occurrence rate or probability and its po*ential consequences, if any. Examples of accidents resulting in large releases would be a tornado striking the mill or the failure of a waste retention system resulting from an act of nature or improper operatici..
Examples of accidents resulting in small releases would be a fire or explosion in a solvent extraction circuit or failure of the air cleaning system serving lj                                                                              the yellowcake area during operation. An example of a trivial accident                                would i
be the malfunction of mill process equipment or the rupture of a vessel containing mill solutions.
: 7. 2  Transoortation Accidents The potential environmental ef fects from transportation accidents involving radioactive and other hazardous materials should be evaluated. Even though the probability of such an accident may be low and its consequences small, the applicant should identify the environmental effects that might result. Adequate documentation should be presented to provide assurance that all safety require-ments will be met prior to transportation of hazardous materials (e.g. , spillage of hazardous chemicals, ores, fuels, yellow cake, sulfuric acid).
7.3 Other Accidents In addition to accidents that can release radioactivity to the environs, there may be accidents that, although radioactive materials are not involved, do have consequences that affect the environment.                                                Such accidents as chemical explosions or fires, steam boiler failures, and leakage or rupture of vessels containing toxic materials can have significant environmental impacts. These possible accidents and associated effects should be identified and evaluated.
_f6iMTRUCTION AND OPERATION The purpose of this chapter is to provide guidance on the information needed to assess the aconomic and social effects of the proposed facility.
There are, of course, Ilmitations on the extent to which all the social and economic benefits snd costs of a uranium milling project can be evaluated.
The wide variety of benefits and costs are not only difficult to assess, but many are not amenable to quantification or even to estimation in comparable units. Some primary benefits such as the quantity of uranium recovered are, to a degree, measurable as are the capital costs and operating and maintenance costs of the proposed facility. O th) other hand, numerous environmental costs and their economic and social consequences are not readily quantified.
8.1 Benefits The primary benefits of the proposed nuclear facility are those inherent in the value of the uranium to be re: overed and the kilowatt-hours of electricity that may be produced front it.
There are other social and economic benefits that affect various political jurisdictions or interests to a greater or lesser degree. Some of these reflect 1
transfer payments or other values that may partially, if not fully, compensate for certain services as well as external or environmental costs, and this fact should be reflected in the detilgnation of the benefit. The following are some examples:
* Tax revenues to be received by local, State, and Federal governments.
* Temporary and permanent new jobs created and payroll (value-added concept).
!                  Incremental increase in regional product.
Enhancement of recreational values.
Environmental enhancement in support of the propagation or protection of wildlife and the improvement of wildlife habitats.
Creation and improvement of local roads, waterways, or other transportation facilities.
* Increased knowledge of the environment as a consequence of ecological research and environmental monitoring activities associated with plant l                  operation and technological improvements from the applicant's research j                  program.
The applicant should discuss significant benefits that may be realized from the construction and operation of the proposed mill. Where the benefits l
x    / can be expressed in monetary ters:, they should be discounted to present value.
l In each instance where a particular benefit is discussed, the applicant should n .
indicate, to the extent practical, who is likely to be affected and for how long. In the case of esthetic impacts '. hat are dif ficult to quantify, the applicant should provide pictorial drawings of structures or environmental modifications visible to the public (refer to Section 3.2).
: 8. 2 Costs The economic and social costs resulting from the proposed nuclear facility and its milling project are also complex and should be appraised.
The primary internal costs are (1) the capital costs of land acquisition and improvement, (2) the capital costs of facility construction (3) other operating and maintenance costs, including ifcense fees and taxes, (4) plant decommissioning, taf1fngs stabilization, and site reclamation costs, and (5) research and development costs associated with potential future improve-ments of the alli and its operation and maincenance. As in the case of benefits, the applichnt should discount these costs to present value.
There are also ex.ernal costs. their effects on the interests of people need to be examined.      The applicant should supply, as applicable, an evaluation plus supporting data and rationale regarding such external social and economic costs,    for each cost, the applicant should describe the probable number and location of the population group adversely affected, the estimated economic and social impact, and any special measures to be taken to alleviate the impact.
Temporary external costs include shortages of housing; inflationary rentals or prices; congestion of local streets and highways; noise and temporary esthetic disturbances; overloading of water supply and sewage treatment facilities; crowding of local schools, hospitals, or other public facilities; overtaxing of community services; and disruption of people's lives or the local community caused by acquisition of land for the proposed site.
Long-ters external costs include imoairment of recreational values (e.g.,
reduced availability of desired species of wildlife and sport animals, restric-tions on access to land or water areas preierred for recreational use);
aeterior. tion of esthetic and scenic valus ; restrictions on access to areas of scenic, historic, nr cultural intarest; degradation of areas having historic, cultural, natural, or archeological value; removal of land from present or contemplated alternative uses; reduction of regional products because of displacement of persons from the land proposed for the site; lost income from recreation or tourism that may be impaired by environmental disturbances; lost income attributable to environmental degradation; decrease in real estate values                      '
in areas adjacent to the proposed facility; increased costs to local governments for the services required by the permanently employed workers and their families.
In discussing the costs, the applicant should indicate, to the extent practical, who is likely to be affected and for how long.
l l
l l
APPENDIX A POPULATION DISTRIBUTION DATA The population distribution should be given in trie following manner:
* Sectors are marked off by the sixteen compats directions and radial distances along the co:npass directions up to 80 km (50 miles).
                . The distances (km) should be broken up as indicated on the following page.
  ' LjI
POPULATION DISTRIBUTION C0frA55      N  NME    ME    ENE  E  ESE      SE    SSE    S    SSW IIIEGIl005. __929.. lite fiz9..flaE_29t9_ Zllai _l}}i9__}}Z,5''}gg,g^^ggg'g~~gg ' ~ #
W    W        W    NW KILDETERS                                                                          ' ~ IIE'E- III'I- 330'9- 23?'I--
1.0 - 2.0 2.0 - 3.0 3.0 - 4.0 4.0 - 5.0 5.0 - 10.0 10.0 - 20.0
    , 20.0 - 30.0 30.0 - 40.0 40.0 - 50.0
: f.      50.0 - 60.0 60.0 - 70.0
;      70.0 - a0.0 i
l i
I i
l l
9                                        A,FPDDIXB l                        PP!NCIPAL PARAMllE G F0k RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT iMametel                                        Value Ore quality, U 30s                                                                  %
Ore activity, U 2%. ti L.1<  tre tw  <c.226, and Pb-210                                                                        pCi/g Operating days per year (plant Sctor)                                                days Ore process rate                                                                    _ tonnes /yr R
Mill watu througnput                                                                  m3 /yr Annuai aver 3ge morning mixing height                                                m AnnU45 atiorage aftnrnoon mixirg height                                              m Ore Handling and Storage Estimated capacity of ore per delivery                                                MT Number of deliveries                                                                  per day /
per week Estimater. are dust released in delivery                                              kg/hr or MT/yr Average grade of ore and ranges                                                      %
Capacity of ore pad:
firal year of operation                                                            MT average during operation                                                            MT Maximum area of ore pad and height of ore storage pile                                                                  2 m,,
Approximate amount of ore haiidled per day 1.e., unloaded, loaded, bulldozed, etc.                                              MT/ day Operation time of front-end loaders, hoppers, feeders, and other ore pad equipment                                                  br/ day Fstimated amount of fugitive ore dust emission from handling of ore on ore pad                                              MT/yr
Dust emission control reduction factor                                          ,
by wetting, chemical, or other Controls.                            _%
Ore storage time                                                      __ days Crushers, Grinders, Rod Hills, Fine Ore Blend-ino, Solvent Extraction, Countercurrent Decanta-tion,_lon Exchange, and teaching for each piece of potential radioactive emission source equipment, report the following:*
Operation time                                                          hr/ day and days /yr Estimated dust lost to atmosphere                                      MT/yr Estimated radon released to atmosphere                                  Ci/yr Efficiency of emission control devices (effective and design)                                              %
Estimated dust lost to atmosphere through internal ore transportation devices (e.g., conveyor belts)                                              MT/yr Efficiency of emission controls of internal ore transportation devices (effective and design)                                                              %
Average daily capacity of temporary bin storage (fine ore bins)                                              MT/d Efficiency of controls for temporary bin storage                                                          %
Yellowcake Drying and Packacing (based on last                                          '
year of operation)
(Give parameter valuer for drying and packaging)
Processing rates                                  Drying                days /yr an:
hr/ day Packaging            days /yr anl hr/ day Operation time                                    Drying                __ days /yr an hr/ day Packaging              days /yr az hr/ day Efficiency of control of U 0s3 dust released to atmosphere (design and effective)            Drying                %
Packaging              %
R If change or expansion of the process is planned, provide approximate values as necessary.
j Estimated U3 0. dust released to atmosphere 9    Stack height (s)
Orying Packaging MT/yr HT/yr Orying                m Packaging            _m Recovery rate of U 30s                                                                                    %
Yellowcake yield                                                                                          tonnes /yr Yellowcake quality, U30                                                                                  %
Heap Leach Piles (if applicable)
Dimensions (height, width, length)                                                                        m,m,m Volume                                                                                                  m3 Capacity                                                                                                MT Pile activity for U-238. Th-230, Ra-226, and Pb-210                                                                                            pCi/g Fugitivo dust emissions                                                                                  HT/yr
(          Control efficiencies for                                                                          %
Solid and Liquid Disposal Impoundments (Tailings, evaporation, and settling ponds)
Area, volume, capacity of sand tallings                                                                    km2 , m3 , P Area, volume, capacity of slime tailings                                                                  km2 , m3 , M Area, volume, capacity of submerged tailings                                                              km2 , m3 , M If different grades of ore are used or if a time-dependent scenario is planned, indicate the following for each change:
Area, volume, capacity of sand tailings                                                                    km2 , m3 , M Area, volume, capacity of slime tailings                                                                  km2 , m3 , M Area, volume, capacity of submerged tailings                                                              km2 , m3 , M Operating time for impoundment area                                                  Attach graph and tables Fraction of U-238. Th-230, Ra-226. Pb-210 to tailings for each particular ore grade, h              if applicable                                                                                            %
l Tailings density                                                                        g/cm 3 Orying time prior to reclamatio.1                                                  _
yrs Efficiency of controls for fugitive dusting (wetting, chemical,etc.)                                                          %
Activity, U, Ra-226. Th-230, and Pb-210 in silmes                                                                  pCl/g Activity, U, Ra-226 Th-230, and                                                        pCl/g f              Pb-210 in sand Activity, U, Ra-226, Th-230, and                                                        pCf/1 Pb-210 in solution                                                            _
2 Total tallings area                                                                    _m m2 Tailings pond (solution) area m2 Tailings solids area m
Tallings impoundment depth gpm
                .            Seepsge rate from tallings impoundment l
Land Use and Grazing of Cattle Fraction of year spent grazing locally Fraction of feed that is pasture graze while grazing Fract'on of stored feed that is grown locally                                          %
Acreage required to graze one animi unit                                                ha (450 kg) for one month (AUM) n.onths/y?
Length of growing season Fraction of local consumption of locally produced:
vegetables                                                                            %
meat                                                                                  %
allk Locations of Sources and Receptors All locations should be given in teres of:
x kilometers east of the yellowcake dryer stack y kilometers north of the yellowcake dryer stack I meters elevation from the base of the yellowcake dryer stack (Denote locations to the south and/or west by a negative value.)
i l                                                                                              !
Sources (km) east    (Un) north    (m) elevat_l
: 1. Yellowcake dryer                                                            l i
: 2.                                                  0              0            --
      '                    Grinder (s)                                --              --
: 3. Crushers                                      -
4      Rod mill                                                                  --
5      Ore pad                                    --              --
6      Fine ore blending
: 7.      Tallings pond no. 1 (midpoint)            --
: 8.      Taflings pond no. 2 (midpoint)          --
: 9.      Heap leach pile                          --
: 10. Other sources (stacks, vents, etc.)      "-
fxtra Receptors
: 1.      Nearest re-    it                      --              --
: 2.      Nearest re,    ent in prevailing wind direction                        --              --
: 3.      Ranch                                  --
4        Carm                                    -~              --            --
: 5.      Orchard                                --              --
: 6.      Grazing location 1                    --              -
l            7.      Grazing location 2                      --              --
  '            4.      Garden                                  --
: 5.      Ranger, bunk house                    --
: 6.      Mine camp                                                              --
: h.              7.      Town 1 I
: 8.        Town 2
: 9.        City 1
: 10.      Other nearby residents (industrial                                ,
: 11.        or recreational facilities)        --            ~                --
Restricted area boundaries (N.
5, E. W. NE, SW, SE, NW)            --            --              --
9                                          APPENDIX C HETEOR0 LOGICAL DATA Annual Jnint Relative frequency Distributions of Wind Direction and Wind Speed by Atmospheric Stability Class Wind Ofrection is given in the 16 compass directions.
Wind Speed is given in knots in the n,Jicated classes:
j              0-3, 4-6, 7-10, 11-16, 17-21, >21 f        Atmospheric S'.sility is given in the following manner:
A - Extremely unstable 8 - Moderately unstable C - Slightly unstable 0 , Neutral E - Moderately stable F - Very stable W      The following table should be prepared for each of these stability classes.
O C-1
]      !
;                                    The applicant should describe in wepth its plans for mill decommissioning and site reclamation.
Detailed discussions should be provided for the following:
: 1.        Plans for reclaiming and restoring lands disturbed by mining and mill ing activities.                These plans should provide sufficient detafis for the staff                                3 to assess the suitability of these plans when compared to other alternatives (e.g., hoeftontal-vertical slope, type of cover, sources and thicknesses of cover materials, revegetation species, schedule of events from shutdown l                    through final reclamation).
: 2.        A technical and financial feasibility assessment un methods and costs of alli decommissioning and site reclamation, including tailings area.
: 3.        Financial arrangements to be made (such as bonding arrangements) to ensure that adequate funds will be available for mill decommissioning, site reclamation, and restoration when operations are concluded.
'l P
i Ah, 9-1
CHAPTER 10.      ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED ACTION In this chapter of the environmental report, the applicant's choice of a particular mill at a particular site and the location of project structures on the site should be supported through a comparative evaluation of available alternatives. To the extent possible, the applicant should discuss all parameters for the available alternatives. The NRC will consider all available alternatives that may reduce or avoid adverse environmental, social, and economic ef fects expected to result from construction and operation of the proposed milling and mining project. The NRC will not specify in advance which alter-natives should be selected by the applicant for consideration. The applicant should make this selection and also make clear the basis and rationale for tL choices in regard to number, availability, suitability, and . 6 tors ilmiting the range of alternatives that might avoid some or all of the environmental effects previously identified. Particular attention should be placed on the relationship between tailings management alternatives and mill site and process alternatives.
In the discussion of tailings management alternatives, consideration should be given to the following siting, design, and operation performance objectives developed by tt.e staf f in addition to the technical criteria listed in Chapter 9:
: 1. Locate the tailings isolacion area remote from people to reduce Ni          population exposures to the maximum extent reasonably achievable."
: 2. Locate the tailings isolation area so that disruption and dispersion by natural forces is eliminated or reduced to the maximum extent          -
4sonably achievable. See the EPA reference in the footnote below for adt.,cional guidance.
: 3. Design the isolation area so that seepage of toxic materials into the ground-water system would be eliminated or reduced to the maximum extent reasonably achievable.
4        Eliminate the blowing of tailings to unrestricted areas during normal operating conditions and prior to final reclamation.
See Environmental Protection Agency, " Criteria for Radioactive Waste,"
November 15, 1978 Federal Register (Part IX, 6560-01-M), Vol. 43, No. 221,
: p. 53267: Issue No. 5, Location and Waste Isolation.
4 10-1
___                ~              --
l l
* CHAPTER 11. BENEFIT-COST ANALYSIS In this chapter the appifcant's benefit-cost statement should be presented.
The prese,1tation should be made in the form of a narrative with accompanying tables and charts. It thould make clear wha
* the applicant considers to be the important benefits and costs of the proposed facility and why, in the judgment of the applicant, the former outweigh the latter.
The applicant should develop criteria for assessing and comparing benefits f        and costs where these are expressed in nonmonetary or qualitative terms. The rationales for the selection among mill-site alternatives, as well as among subsystem alternatives, should be presented.      In any case, the applicant should carefully descr,oe any aggregation of effects and discuss in deta.. the trade-offs that were made in order to justify the proposed operation. If any of the benefits or costs are deleted from the applicant's analysis, the rationale for doing so should be explained. The applicarit should key all the terms used in the benefit-cost analysis to the relevant sections of the environmental report.
l 9
          !                List all licenses, permits, and other approvals of construction and opera-tions required by Federal, State, local, and regional authorities authorized to develop and enforce relevant standards for the protection of the environ-ment.*  List those Federal and State approvals that have already been received and indicate the status of matters regarding approvals yet to be obtained.
For general background, submit similar information regardint approvals, licenses, and contacts with local authorities including any affected Indian tribes.
Discuss the status of efforts to obtain a water quality certification under Section 401 and discharge certrits under Section 402 of the Federal Water Pollution Cor' 71 Act, as amended. If not already obtained, indicate when certification is expected. If certification is not required, evplain.
In view of the effects of the plant on the economic development of the region in which it is located, the applicant should also note the State, local, and regior.a1 planning authorities contacted or consulted. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-95** identifies the State, metropolitan, and regional clearinghouse that should be contactad, as appropriate.
Cite meetings held with any Federal, State, or local agency or Indian
V tribe authorized to develop or enforce relevant environmental standards. Also include any meetings or contacts with environmental and other citi. ten groups and Indian tribes and cite specific instances of the applicant's compliance g
with or rejection of the recommendations of these groups. Citation should
        ,          also be given of efforts to locate such agencies or groups and to inform them of the possibilities and procedures for participating further in the envire--
mental review process.
This list should be updated semiannually until final licensing action is taken by the NRC, AA Inquiries concerning this circular may be addressed to the Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503.
I CHAPTER 13. REFERENCES The applicant should provide a bibliography of all sources used in prepara-tion of the environmental report. References cited should be keyed to the specific sections and page numbers to which they apply.
    .eh O
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -}}

Revision as of 01:59, 1 January 2021

Responds to 980209 Telcon by Providing Info Related to Source Matl & Byproduct Matl Licensing & Submission of License Application to NRC
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/13/1998
From: Gillen D
To: Irwin S
Shared Package
ML20203D129 List:
REF-WM-5 NUDOCS 9802250354
Download: ML20203D118 (58)



\ \


. " "8 00 9


r j

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%,,*****,o# February 13, 1998 L i.

o 1


Mr. Steve Irwin 2510 N. 90th Avenue [

Phoenix, AZ 85037

Dear Mr. Irwin:


l, In response to your telephone call of February 9,1998, I am providing information related to i source material and byproduct materiallicensing, and submiscion of a license application to the e U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. You stated that you were interested in regulation .

[ I relevant to heap leacning as an alternative for uranium recevery. ( 0 The NRC's regulations covering the domestic licensing of source and byproduct material are ,

contained in Title 10 of the Code of Federcl Regu'ations,10 CFR Part 40. ' Source mate-ial' j(
  • byproduct material
  • are defined respectively, therein, as: , j j[jl i )

(1) uranium or thorium, or any combination thereof, in any physical or chemical form, or { 'd (2) ores which contain by weight one-twentieth of one percent (0.05%) or more of; (i) uranium, (ii) thorium, or (iii) any combination thereof. lli and l


. . the tailings or wastes produced by the extraction or concentration of uranium or thorium from any ore processed primarily for its source material content, including

\l ij:

discrete surface wastes resulting from uranium solution extraction processes jl 1 El The NRC's regulations contained in 10 CFR Part 40, establish procedures and criteria for the G issuance of licenses to receive title to, receive, possess, use, transfer, or deliver source and j byproduct materials, as defined in 10 CFR Part 40, and provide the terms and conditions upon !I which the NRC willissue such licenses. These regulations also address the disposal of.


byproduct material and the long-term care anci custody of the byproduct material, e

h I have enclosed a copy of NRC Regulatory Guide 3.5, " Standard Format and Content of license i Applications for Uranium Mills." An entity wishing to pursue an NRC source material license for uranium milling operations should follow the direction provided in this guide to ensure that the appropriate subject areas are addressed in the license application. Such an entity will also need to meet the requirements for filing an application (NRC Form 313, " Application for Material j License," enclosed) for an NRC source material license, as provided in 10 CFR 40.31,

" Application for Specific Licenses." ,

I 4

^ '#

9802250354 900213 ,  !

hDR ,, $

MSM PDR h'  !'

4 5

Eg TRE CEFS CSM ll...ll llji.lll ll. l.l'l.l #


S. Irwin In addition, the potential environmentalimpacts of a proposed uranium milling operation will need to be assessed as part of any license application.10 CFR 51.60(b)(ii) requires a license applicant to prepare an environmental report in cases where source material will be possessed and used for the purpose of uranium milling. I have enclosed NRC Regulatory Guids 3.8, Preparation of Environmental Reports for Uranium Mills," to aid you in the preparatien of the environmental report.

You should also be aware of requirements under 10 CFR Part 20," Standards for Protection Against Radiation." The purpose of these regulations is to control the receipt, possession, use, transfer, and disposal of licensed material by any NRC licensee in such a manner that the total dose to an individual (including doses resulting from licensed and unlicensed radioactive material and from radiation sources other than background radiation) does not exceed the standards prescribed in 10 CFR Part 20. These regulations are applicable to persons licensed by the NRC to receive, possess, use, transfer, or riispose of source and byproduct materials, in addition to other NRC licensees.

Other NRC regulations may also be applicable to your project. These include:

(1) 10 CFR Part 51, " Environmental Protection Regulations for Domestic Licensing and Related Regulatory Functions" (provisions in addition to 10 CFR 51.60(b)(ii), discussed above);

2) 10 CFR Part 71," Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material"; and 3) 10 CFR Parts 170 and 171, which address licensing fees.

NRC is required to assess fees for the full cost of licensing reviews in accordance with 10 CFR Parts 170 and 171. Full cost fees will be determined based on the type of facility and amount of NRC staff time and appropriate contractual support services expended. Licensees are also required to set aside a financial assurance (e g., bond, parent company guarantee) for reclamation of uranium facilities. The value of the financial assurance is determined by site-specific criteria and is adjusted annually based on site considerations and inflation. NRC

" Technical Position on Financial Assurances for Reclamation, Decommissioning, and Long-term Surveillance and Control of Uranium Recovery Facilities"(enclosed), provides information about this subject.

NRC's responsibilities concerning the recovery of source matenal only commence with the initial benefication (i.e., use including processing) of the ore, and include byproduct management and fuel fatsication. Therefore, additional federal regulations may apply (e.g.,

those concerning environmentalimpacts of the mining process, mining and occupational safety, and the actual transportatior of the uranium yellowcake slurry). You shold contac+ the appropriate federal agencies to gain additional information about these regulations.

Finally, each State has srecific requirements for permits for drilling and use of groundwater supplies. You should contact the appropriate state district regulatory office for information on state requirements.

S. Irwin If you have any questions concerning this letter or the enc' ed documents, please contact Ms. Charlotte Abrams of my staff, at (301) 415 5808.


- r1. .

Daniel M Gillen, Assistant Branch Chief Uranium Recovery Branch Division of Waste Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards


NRC Form 313, Application for Material LIC5NSE

2. NRC Regulatory Guide 3.5," Standard Format and Content of License Applications for Uranium Mills"
3. NRC Regulaery Guide 3.8," Preparation of Environmental Reports for Uranium Mills"
4. September 1994, NRC letter to licensees on performance based licenses
5. 10 CFR Parts 170 and 171, " License, inspection, and Annual Fees for FY 1997
6. "Technicai Position on Financial Assurances for Reclamation, Decommissioning, and Long-term Surveillance and Control of Uranium Recovery Facilities"

I I l S. Irwin -3* February 13, 1998 If you have any questions concerning this letter or the enclosed documents, please contact Ms. Charlotte Abrams of my staff, at (301) 415-5808.


[0riginal signed by D. Gillen)

Daniel M. Gillen, Assistant Branch Chief Uranium R overy Branch Division of Waste Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards


1. MRC Form 313, Application for Material License
2. NRC Regulatory Guide 3.5," Standard Format and Content of License Applications for Uranium Mills'
3. NRC Regulatory Guide 3.8," Preparation of Environmental Reports for Uranium Mills"
4. September 1994, NRC letter to licensees on performance based licenses 5.10 CFR Parts 170 and 171, " License, inspection, and Annual Fees for FY 1997
6. " Technical Position on Financial Assurances for Reclamation, Decommissioning, and Long-term Surveillance and Control of Uranium Recovery Facilities" DISTRIBUTION: ' FILE CENTER PUBLIC NMSS r/f URB r/f CNWRA ACNW CCain w/o Encl.: MFederline CAbrams MLayton RJohnson DOCUMENT NAME: S:\DWM\ URB \lRWIN.LTR OFC URB A N #RA 1, O.

NAME CAbraW DGi DATE 2/$/98 2 // 3/98 14 OFFICl' _ RECORD COPY l

N ",C F OR M 313 U, S. NUCLEAR KEOULATORY COMMISSION APP @ ED9,CM8 40 N m LAPLE& 77m e -> t .~ w a -. . ,, ., s. e.,.e ..

  • R w n u .1  % 5. .- .,-... . .-.a. P..

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u n w w .e P. . .,m . .o.

- ,w.<a .m...-.,, # F - ---.+ . , w,e .

w.- e. R.-. Me. .~.N 0- n F u> u S .- ...

APPLICATlON FOR MATERIAL LICENSE " * *' c"*'"*a *"'**'-'

R.owct.oa P oi.ct ome * "m*0%.ocat "".a.'e'.'a*i Me ea Bme w .n.agma DC 2mos NRC eaa, noe conewet e ca . p.w .

aat e soone e a cob.eton at inNw'aseca va m.s a sw.r. .



1 THIS IS AN APF sCATON FOR (Chec. appragme.p dem) 2 NaME AND MAILING ADONESS OF APPUCANT pactane Lp ans)





Enclosure 1

Revi lon 1 November 1977 l


  1. @./penefr.1 REGULATORY GUIDE

la order to process or refine ores containing by s require the Changes to existing (lic weight 0.05% or more of uranium, after removat issuance of an appro ate nse endment. An frorn their place of deposit in nature, an NRC Source nt should describe Material License is required. An applicant for a eew application for such the proposed cha i license or renewal of an existing license to reccise, posa!.s, and use source matenals is required to pro- APPLICATION vide detailed information on his proposed facilities, equipment, experience, and procedures. This infor- An app n a uranium mill ng license mstion ~i used by the Commission in determining

. shou ing Form NRC-2 in accordance w ether the applicant s proposed activities will. ,th ments specified in i 40.31 of 10 CFR among other things, result in undue risk to the health .

ired by 6 40.31(f) of 10 CFR Part 40 and safety of the public. General guidance for filing ic n for a new license should be filed at an application is approved in 6 40.31 of 10 CFR Part * "'h' P'I ' ' # ***"#I"8 # "#"# " ""

40, " Applications for Specific Licenses." The pur proposed mill. An application for renewal of pose (? this guide is to provide specific guidan istng license should be filed at least thirty days the format and content of an application for or i the expirauon of the existing license. Appli-Source Material License authorizing uranium lin canons may k M with tk Dinctor, Nce of b activities. The information in this guid ' e clear Matenals Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear provide instructive guidance and sho not Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555.

sidered a substitute for a careful ev tion ( the Applications may also be filed in person at the Cor.

pmPosed progr=m by the applicant uring missi n s o ces at 1717 H Street W, Wasyng-that the application clearly and adequate y escribes ton, D.C. or 7915 Eastern Avenue, Silscr Spnng.

the radiation r.afety proce  : that will be followed. Maryland, National Epimamental PoM Act of WM sh be u in t n t is ir r- (83 Stat. 852), implemented 17 Executive Orde, tant part of an ation proter = n pro- .

11514 and the Council on Environmental Quality s An i Guidelines of August 1,1973 (38 FR 20550), re-o sauanc =' 4 rna re it in al of a qutres that s't agencies of the Federal Government g;ce,,, prepart detaild environmental statements on pmpos-bmissed to the Commission may be als for legislation and other majoe Federal actions laf significantly affecting the quality of the human envi-inc=i~. ' -


the application by reference. How-ronment. "the principal objective of the National En-ever, each reference should he clear and specific, vironmental Policy Act of 1969 is to build into the i.e., the reference abound indicate by date, page, and

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l Enclosure 2

agency decisionmaking process an appropnate and 2.1 Geography and Demography careful consideration of environmental aspects of proposed acuons Title 10 CFR art $ 1 Leensing

  • II d'D and Regulatory Pohey and Procedures for Environ- A geographic descriptwn of the area in which the mental Protection," sets forth the NRC policy and mill is located should be provided, including il) procedures for the preparation and processing of em  : naps showing the location of the site with respect to varonmental impact statements and related documents St:te, county, and local subdivisions, plus nearby in-pursuant to section 102(2)(C) of the National Fn. habited areas and (2) maps (topographic, if available) vironmental Policy Act of 1969 in connection with showing the mill, mill penmeter, tailings location.

the Commission's licensing and regulatory acuvities esclusion area boundary, company property, abutting and adjacent Properties, nearby water bodies, and in-The per Ws of 10 CFR Part $1 and i 40.31(f) of habited areas, plus other relevant details.

10 CIT, Part 40, " Licensing of Source Matenal,,,

require the submittal of environmental reports by ap- 2./.2 Demography plicants for NRC permits and licenses for certain A description of the potentially affected populatwn facilities, including uranium mills. Thus, an applica-within a 5 mile radius of the mill should be provided-tion for a uranium milling license must be accom- Cunent resident population information, based on ponied by an envirormental report.' moet recent census data, should be provided as well as the projected population for the anticipated life of C, CONTE *"9 OF AN APPdCATION the mill. Significant transient or seawnal populatwn The application s,.ould contain the information vanations should be identified and discuss:d, includ-specified in items I through 8 of Form NRC-2. The ing bases for assumptions and projections.

information required in items 9.hrough 14 of Form NRC-2 r.30uld be incorporated into the vanous items identified below. Each subject shouid tie treated in 2.2 Wm%

sufficient depth to permit the Commission independ- This section should provide a meteorological de-ently to determine whether the applicant's proposed scription of the site and surrounding area. Sufficient activities will be cond 1 in accordance with NRC information thould be included to permit an inde-rules and regulation- pages of the application pendent evaluation by the NRC staff of atmospheric should be numbered red. diffusion characteristics of the local area. The sources of information and data supplied should be

1. PRO J ACTIVITIES stated and should include (1) diurnal and monthly av-ernges and catanws M temperatun,and hm p This section shoulo oriefly dixuss the overall mill- monthly wind characteristics including speeds di ing proposal for which a license is requested, indud-metmo, annual joint frequency of wind speed.,

ing the following: a brief description of the proposed direction by stability category; (3) data on precir ta mill and its location; the corporate entities involved; *"**"

the maalmuta design throughput of the mill; UsOs IIO N **d N) I'*9 " Y **""****

st nns.

content of the ore to be processed; concentrate yield; milling procesa; tailings management; estimated time .

schedules for construction and startup; ar.d antici- 2.3 Hydrology pased itfetime of the mill. Sufficient information should be provided to allow

2. STTE CHARACTERISTICS an independent review to be made of all hy-drologically related design bases, performance re-This section should pmvide irformation on the to- quirements, monitoring specifications, and oper6g cation of the mill and a description of the geograph- procedures important to safety. Identify the wurces ical, desmographic., meteorological, hydrological, of the hydrological information, the types of data col-seismlogical, and geological characteristics of the lected, and the methods and frequency of collection.

sie. W Surroundlag eicinity. Sufficient information sterb u povided to persait an independent evalua. 2.3.1 Groundwaser tion d ute characteristics from a safety viewpoint. Describe the region d and local groundwater aquif-Applications may refertace the pertinent section in ers, formations, sources, and aiaks. Describe the re-the ==mpa=ying environmental report, prepared in charge potential of the immediase plaat area, includ-conformance with NRC Regulatory Guide 3.5. int vertical and horizontal permeabilities of the natu-ral and modified terrain, as well as that of tailing antas. Describe the present and projected regional use; tabulate caisting Privase users within the area n-e u, i.h ,DMr[sI[e fluenced by the proposed activities and all local and regional public users (amounts, water levels, im-ca .ne .t .,,t6e . ..,ir ,,,,,i.

3.5 2

, h tions, and drawdown), indnate gradients and sea sonal variations in groundwater lesek beneath tle uipmert Instude a Jiagram of the mill layout mW areas and points where dustt fumet and m site . are generated The shoulJ aho show the '

canon of the sentilatmn, filtration, continement. ar, '

2 3 2 Surfa, e Water dust collection systems referenced in item 41 and the Describe the location, we, shape, and other hy. location of radiation monitoring equipment ref er drologic characterntics of streamt rnert laken enced m iterns 5 $(1) and 5 5121 marshes, estuanes, etc of the enserons include a deso..ption of any upstream and downstream nser contral structuees and downstream *ater supph usen 3.3 instrumentation (including location, arnount, and purpose, e g Provide a descnprion of all process instrumentatim domestic, agncultural), and proside a map tropo- and control systems relevant to safety and all radi.

graphic, if available) showing major hydrologic fea- tion safe,y sampling and monitonng instrumentation

' " " ' A'""*'

including their minimum specifications and operating charactenstics. Also, desenbe and identify by make.

2,4 Gwlogy and Selsmology model number, purpose, and locanon each radioac Provide the geologic and seismic charactenstics of tne source as,d'or gauging device used throughout the area and site, the nature of the per, the mill for which a license is required under the pro-formed, the results of investigations, conclusions, visions of 10 CFR Part 30 " Rules of General rand identification of information sources. Supple. A PPli cability to I.scensing of Hyproduct Matenal

ment the wntien desenption with tables and legible The insecumentatioa associated witt .':ak testing such graphics as appropriate. sources and/or devices should bs identified in thn 2.4.1 Geology Descrihe the geologic aspects of the site. The dis-cussion should note the broad features and general characteristics of the ;ite and environs inclueng 4. WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM stratigraphy and structural geology Descnbe charac- 4,1 Gaseous tenstics of the subsurface soil or rock including the identification and evaluation of tones of deformation Provide a description of all ventilation, filtration, that might act as conduits for contaminants confinement, and dust collection systems that are used during mill operations to control gaseous 2#2 #*.*###8F radioactive materials. Include the type, specifica.

Discuss the seismicity (including history) of the tions, and locations of such s3 stems, e.g., ore trans-region. Where possible, associate seismic events with Icf Points, crushing, grinding, etc. Include an analy-tectonic features identified in the geology discussion. sis of the efficiency of the equipment as desigred and Furnish a regional earthquake epicenter map thowing operated to prevent radiation exposures to employees site location, and to limit such exposures to as low as is reasonably achievable. Also, include a description of mill dis-charge stacks, including stack heights, types and c ncentration of effluents discharved, and methods

3. MILL PROCESS AND EQUIPMENT (i.e., scrubbers, filters, etc.) for con rolling releases Provide sufficient information in this section on the of radioactive materials and for limiting such releases mill procesa and operating equipment to permit the to as low as is reasonably achievable, independent assesament of the radiological protec-tion factors associated with the proposed milling operations. 4.2 Liquids and Sollds 3,g ggg p, I. Where retention systems such as levees, dikes, ponds, etc., are used to prevent the release of liquid Provide a quantitative flow diagram of the mill or sohd wast.: containing radioactive material to Process showing the maaimum mill throughput per offsite areas, provide the information specified in unit time including the anticipated moisture content the regulatory position of Regulatory Guide 3.11, of the ore and the composition of all flow streams for " Design, Construction, and inapection of Embank-each major step in the process, ment Retention Systems foe Uranium Mills" (appli-cable information concesning this subject provided in 3.2 M148 Equipament section 2 above need not be repeated here).


Provide a physical description and the operating . nene sources wiin be sessocized in ska mill opermiies hcense charactenstics for all major items of mill process reiher than =parme Nite byproduct material licennes 3.5 3

's 2 If effluents are to be released into waten of the 1 Provide a detailed dewription of the program f or United States, provide a dncumon of the status of ernuring that employee esposures Iboth airborne and efforts to obtain a water quality certification under etternal radiation) and effluent releae are w 10 Section 401 and discharge permits under Section 402 .is n reasonably achievable of the Federal Water Pollution Control sci, as amended, or submit copies of these items if already issued 5.2 Qualifications howe a dewnpuon d de mimmum quaWa 4.3 Contaminated Equipment tions and espenence required of personnel to holJ Provide a description of the methods for disposing positions in the applicant's organization assigned the of contaminated waste sohds (such as filters, filter responsibility for developing, conducting, and ad.

presses, obsolete or worn out equipment) that are ministenng the radiation safety program for the mill generated in the milling process. Also, provide as an appendia the qualifications of the individuals currently holding these positions.

5.3 Training


nide a desenprion of the employee radiological Compliance with the statements, representations, Pf I'Cli^n training program addressing the follow my and procedures provided in this section will normally .ndoctnnation, reso

' nient of the initial trr;ning be made a specific condition of the NRC operating ing. on the. job training, and extent and frequency of license. Thus, the following should be considered as retraining. As an appendix, provide a copy of the specific commitments on the part of the applicant for wntten radiological safety instruc6ons provided em-conducting nill cperations and radiological protec, Pl oyees. These instructions should include provisions tion programs. In order to facitatate administration of f r personal hygiene including washing, contarmna-the license by the licensee and NRC, this section tion surveying prior to eating or leaving the mill, in-should be complete in itself, insofar as possible, structions for wearing personnel monitoring devices without references to other subrnitials. Also, the and respirators, and instructions for good housekeep-bases for all programs addressed in this section, as ing requirements and for cleaning up dust and spills well as demonstration of their adequacy, should be

provided, within the mill.

5.1 Corporate Organization and 5.4 Security Adenlaistrative Procedures Provide a description of the method for preventing

1. Provide a detailed description of the applicant's us, authorized entry to both the mill and the tailings organization, includst 3 authority and responsibility systems, of each level of management and/or supervision in regard to development, review, approval, implemen-tation, and adherence to operating procedures, radia- 5.5 Radiations Safety Lion safety programs, routine and nontoutine mainte- Provide a d(acription of the radiation safety pro-nance activities, and changes in any of the above.

gram that has been densoped for determining that

2. Describe the management control program and occupational radiation exposures and effluent releases administrative procedures to ensure that all activiiles will be as low as it, reasonably achievable, include are conducted in accordance with written operating the following:

procedures tha are approved and reviewed at speci-

l. A description of the methods, . instrumentation, fled frequencies by radiation safety staff. This pro,  ;

and equipment for determining exposures of employ-gram should provide a method for ensuring that any ces to external radiation during normal and non-noaroutine work or maintenance activity, not covered ,

routine operations, maintenance, and cleanup ac-l by an effective operating procedure, is conducted in tivities. Provide the type of surveys conducted.

accordance with a special work permit reviewed and l critersa for determining survey locadoes Wacy 1 anproved by the radiation safety staff, ,

of surveys, action levels, management audits, and -

3. Describe the maangement audit and internal in- corrective action rer.2irements. For personnel SPection program, including types and scopes of re- monitoring devices such as film badges, indicate the views and inspections, frequencies, action levels, and number and category of personnel involved in the corrective actice maeasures in regard to the foregoing program and the sensitivity and range of the devices.

activities. Also identify by management position the For survey instrutacets, provide instrument sen-individual responsible for each phase of the audit and sitivities, ranges, and calibration methods (in an sip-inspection program. pendix) and frequencies.

3.5-4 ,


. . -- ~ . _ - - . - -

  • 1 1 A descripuon of the samphng program that i. For both emironmental and effluent monit-me followed to determine concentrations of airborne the frequeng of samphng and analysn, the typn and radioactive materials (including radoni within the sensitnity of analym, action lesch and corream mill during routine and nonroutine operations, action equirements. and the rmnimum nurnber and maintenance, and cleanup actnines in the Jewrip- ersteria f or locating environmental and ef fluent i tion of the samphng program include monitonng stations should be prouJed Propmed to cations should be indicated on a figure of the mill ana a The entena for determining umphng loca surrounJang area in an appendis.

tions with r s,~ct to proce" tranon and penonnel occupancy and 7

  • A desenpuon of the hquid effluent suncy pro gram to deterrrune if process effluents are reachine b The freqaency of samphng, type of analysn. subterranean or surface water supphes, This should ensitivity of overall samphrig and analysis, acuan include the technical b ':herefor, the minimum evels, management audits, corrective action re number of monitonng loc.uons, the entena for local quirements, and instrumentation cahbration fre.'

ing samphng stations, the frequency of samphng, and quency. Procedures for sample analysis and instru. action levels and corrective scuon requirements. Pro rnent cahbranon should be included as an appendiz. vide the step procedure for sample analysn or

3. A description of the procedure followed in de. natural uranium, radium 226 and thonum 230 as an termining the intake of radioacove materials, in con. appendix. Also, the proposed monitonng locations formance with 6 20.103 of 10 CFR Part 20. for eack should be shown on a figure of the mill and surround employee who occupies areas where airborne . mac. ang area in an appendis.

uve materials caist. l...sude esposures incurred dur. 8. A descnpuon of the radiatiori safety program ing nontouune operauons, maintenance, and cleanup

, associated with the rad.oactive sources and gauges acuvities as well as routine activities identified in section 3 3 above include methods and 4 A description of the bioassay program to be frequencies f-r leak testing the radioactive source conducted to confirm the results derned from the 9. A description of the mienm stabilisation proce-programs identified in items 2 and 3 above. Indicate dures (during milling operations) to eliminate the p the number and category of personnel invr.lved in the blowing of tailings from the tailings retention system (saw program, the types and frequencies of bioassays per- to unrestricted areas and the ore dust from the ori formed, and action level critena to be apphed to p les should be provided, including the demonstration bionssay results.

of the adequacy of these procedures under potential

5. A description of the survey program to deter- wind and weatner conditions at the site location.

mine that employees (plus their workclothes or 10. Provide the minimum performance specifica.

coveralls, etc.) entering clean areas (lunchrooms, of-fices, etc.) of the mill or leaving the null site are not tions, such as filtration or scrubber efficiency and air contaminated with radioactive materials. include II w, I r Perating the mill ventilation, filtration.

confinement, and dust collection systems throughout good housekeeping and cleanup requirements and specifications in mill process areas to control con- the mill and associated laboratories at their rea-s nably expected best performance and the frequency tamination, frequency of surveys of clean a<eas, sur.

f tests and inspecnons to ensum that he specWea.

vey mesbods, and minimum sensitivity, range, and tions are being met.

calibration frequency of survey quipment. Provide contantlnation criteria or action levels for clean areas 11. Provide a decommissioning program that in-and for the release of materials, equipmein, and cludes reclamation of the mill site at the termination workclothes to clean areas or from the site. Procc- of milling activities and the surety snangements to dures for instrument calibratiot, should be included as ensare that sufficient funds are available to complete an appendix, this decommissioning program, 6,* A description of the survey program, methods, 12 Provide a tailings management and reclama-and procedures for determining co..centrations and tion program addressing the following performance quantities of airborne radioactive materials released *****

to the environa and a description of the enviroe. mental monitoring program to be conducted plus the techni- a. Reduce direct gamma radiation from the im-cal basis therefor (i.e., a correlation of stack heights, poundment area to essentially background.

meteorological characteristics, etc.) to determine en- b. Reduce the radon emanation rate from the vironamental concentrations. impoundment area to about twice the emanation rate

  • 40 CFR Chapeer I, Pan 190, and Resulatory Guide 4 t4, in the surrounding environs.

"Meneering. Evaluaties, and Reporting Radioactivity in Re- c. Eliminate the need for on ongoing monitonng leasse of Radesective Manerials in t.igeid and Aimorne Ettineau frase t>rnassen hetin.," .noond be reviewed in connection wnh and maintenance program following successful

  • rectemation.

3.5 5

i d Provide suret) arrangements to ensure that s o.- up and operation, anJ the radiation utely propin


facient funds are available to complete the full recia tincluding the in plant, elliuent, and environment &

matmn plan monitonng programsP should be defined and dis cuned Also diwuss the corrective action measures .

6. ACCIDENTS established to ensure that conditions adverse to qual it) are identified and corrected and that the cauw = t A spectrum of potential r,ill accidents rangini ugnificant conditions adverse to quality is deter from trivial to serions should be established b) mined .J coirective action taken to preclude repeti classes of occurrence, and each clan of accidents tmn should be appropriately evaluated The evaluation should include a dawussion of measures that have been implemented .o present accidents and a dernon-stration of the adequacy of the methods _ Emergency 8. EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES plans and training for coper;g with accidents should also be desenbed. For example, potential xcidental where the proposed course of action was bawd on fires should t e discussed in terms of occurrence, pre- the consideration of various alternatives, the sention, detection and suppression mechanisms (both benefit cost analysis used in arriving at the "as low manual and automatic), and emergency plans for cop- as is reasonably achievable" concept should be pre ing therewith. The adequacy of the program should sented, and the rationale for the recommended course also be discussed of action should be included.
  • The NRC staff is prepenns a regulatory ,4ide on quality n sursace for radiological effluent and environmental monitorine The quality assurance program for all phaws of the programs that is scheduled ta be pubisshed for comment in t>e milling project including design, construction, start cember 1977 3.5 6

Reymon i


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Ei E s:~E ~:"E$iE 5 E 455 Enclosure 3




INTRODUCTION , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv CHAPTER 1 PROPOSED ACTIVITIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1

CHAPTER 2 THE SITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 2.1 Site Location and Layout, .. .................

' 2. 2 Uses of Adjacent Lands and Waters . . . . . 2-1

. . . . . . . . . 2-1

2. 3 Population Distribution . . . . . . . . . .
2. 4 ......... 2-3 Regional, Historic, Archeological Architectural, Scenic, Cultural, and Natt.ral Landmark 2-3
2. 5 Geologv and Soils , . . . . . . . . . . ... .s ........
2. 6 Seismoiogy. . . . . . ... . . . ...,....
2. 7 Hydrology . . . . . . .,, 2-4

. . . .. . . .......... .. ... 2-4 J

2.7.1 Ground Water .

2.7.2 Surface Water. .. ... . .. .. .....

.. . .... ........ 2-5

............ 2-5

2. 8 Meteorology . . . . . .. . . . . . ..... . ........ 2-5
2. 9 Ecology . . .. ... .. . . . .

l A ............... 2-6 2.10 Background Radiological Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . .

g 2.11 Background Nonradiological Characteristics. ..........

2-8 2-8 2.12 Other Environmental Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 CHAPTER 3 THE MILL AND HINE (S) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3.1 Site Area . . .... ... .. . ............ 3-1

3. 2 External Appearance of Mill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3. 3 Mill Circuit. .... ..... ................

3-1 3.

3.5 4 Sources of Mill Wastes and Ef fluents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2

3. 6 Sanitary and Other Mill Waste S Effluents . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Controls of Mill Wastes and 3-2

3. 7 Mining Activities . . . . . . .ystems ............. 3-2

.. .............. 3-3 CHAPTER 4 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF SITE PREPARATION, MILL CONSTRUCTION, AND MINE OPENING . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4.1 Site Preparation and Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 4-1 4.2 Resources Committed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 4-2 CHAPTER 5 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF MILLS AND MINE OPERATION. 5-1 . . . .

5.1 Radiological Impact on Biota Other than Humans. . . . . . . . . 5-1

_ 5.1.1 Exposure Pathways. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 5.1. 2 Effluents in the Environment . ............. 5-2 O

l l

TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) fay >


5. 2 Radiological Impact on Humans . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .2
5. 2.1 Exposure Pathways. , . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 5.2.2 Liquid Effluents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
5. 2. 3 Airborne Effluents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
  • 5. 2. 4 Ofrect Radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 5.2.5 Summary of Annual Radiation Ooses. . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
5. 3 Chemical Impacts on Humans. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 5.4 Effects of Sanitary and Other Waste Dischar 5-4
5. 5 Other Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
5. 6 Resources Comi.iitted . . . .. ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . 5-4 l

CHAPTER 6 EFFLUENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEASUREMENTS AND MONITOR:::G PROGPAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 6.1 Applicant's Preoperational Environmental Programs . . . . . . . 6-2 6.1.1 Surface Water. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 6.1. 2 Ground Water . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 6.1. 3 Air. ...... . . .... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 6-2 6.1. 4 Land . ..... . ..... .. ............ 6-3 6.1. 5 Radiological Surveys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 6-4 6.2 Applicant's Proposed Operational Monitoring Programs. . . . . . 6-4 6.2.1 Radiological Monitoring. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 6-4 6.2.2 Chemical Effluent Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4 6.2.3 Meteorological Moni+oring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5 6.2.4 Ecological Monitorir.g. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 6-5 6.3 Related Environmental Mearurement and Monitoring Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5 CHAPTER 7 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF ACCIDENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 7.1 Mill Accidents Involving Rsdioactivity. . . . . . . . .. . . 7-1 7.2 Transportation Accidents. . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 7.3 Other Accidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7~1 CHAPTER 8 ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL EFFECTS OF MILL CONSTRUCTION 1 ANO OPERATION. . . . ..... . ..... . . . . . . . . 8-1 8.1 Cenefits. . . . . . . . . . .... . ... . . . . . . . . . . 8-1

8. 2 Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7 CHAPTER 9 DECO M ISSIONING AND RECLAMA1 ION. . .. . . . . . . . . . -

9-1 (


~ ..

rABt C di CONYiNTS- (continued)


Pne -

CHAPTER 11 BENEFJ'-COST AN8.LYS!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1 CHAP)ER 12 ENVIRONMENTAL APPROVALS AND CONSULTATIONS . . . . . . . 12-1  !

CHAPTER 13 REFERENCES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .



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1 i

INTRODUCTION i 1. National Environmental Goals l Prior to the issuance of a license authorizing uranium milling activities, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is required to assess the potential environmental effects of the proposed activities in order to ensure that f issuance of the license will be consistent witt, the national environmental goals. In order to obttin information essential for this assessment, the Commission requires each apolicant for a license to submit a report on the potential environmental impact of the proposed uranium mill and related activities.

The national environmental goals are apressed by the National Environ- i mental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 (Public Law 91-190, 83 Stat. -852), as follows: is the continuing responsibility of the Federal Gove.nment l to use all practicable means, consistent with other essential considerations of nationr1 policy, to improve and coordinate Federal plans, functions, programs, and resources to the end that the Nation may--

"(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generation as trustee of the environment for succeeding generations;

"(2) assure for all Americans safe, healthful, productive, and esthetically-and culturally pleasing surroundings;

"(3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses of the environ-ment without degradation, risk to health or safety, or other undesirable and unintended consr,quences;

"(4) preserve important historic, cultural, and natural aspect; e of our national heritage, and maintain, wherever possible, an environment which supports diversity and variety of it.dividuai cimice;

"(5) achieve a balance between population and resource use which will permit high standards of living and a wide sharing of life's amenities; and

"(6) enhance the quality of reneweble resources and approach the maximum attainable recycling of depletable resources."

In addition to NEPA, the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, and the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, numerous other pieces of legislation and implementing regulations, both Federal and State, may affect the siting and operation of-uranium mills. Some of these laws, such as the Endangered Species Act of 1973, require the NRC to determine acceptability of the mill site and operation.

Capliance with other laws such as the Federal Wates Pollution Control Act must be er. rely reported to the NRC.


'I No attempt is made in chis guide to J' aust any of these requirements in detail. The applicant sbnuld make an in<iepanoi . t determination of those statutes and regulations that may affect the pic. posed mill. Early consul-tation with the NRC staff is encouraged to det umine the applicability of environmental requirements in e.occifit i n s t a nc e '. .

? Appiicant's inv ironme tital Reports 10 CFR Part 51, "Licewing arid Regulatv's Policy and Procedures for Environmental Protection, S 51. 40, "Environn: ental Reports," requires that each ap91(cant for a license authorizing uranium milling submit 15 copies of a separate document, "fhe Applicant's Environmental Report," with the license l application. The applicant must retain an additional 110 copies of the environne:1tal report for distribution te Federal, State, and local officials in accordance with written instructions issued by the NRC's Director of the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards. The applicant's environ-mental reports are important d::. men'.s of public record. Therefore, the applicant is ..yed to give full attention to their accurac.y and completeness.

The environmental report must discuss the following environmental considerations:

, a. The environmental impact of tiie proposed action,

b. Any adverse environmental effects that cannot be avoided should the proposal be implemented, N

h c. Alternatives to the proposed action,

d. The relationship between local short-term uses of the human environ-ment and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity, and
e. Any irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources that would be involved in the proposed action should it be implemented.

The discussion of alternatives to the proposed action in the environmental report must be sufficiently complete to aid the Commission in developing and exploring, pursuant to Section 102(2)(0) of the National Environmental Policy Act, "... appropriate any proposal which involves unresolved conflicts concerning alternative uses of available resources."

Under S 51.20, " Applicant's Environmental Report -- Construction Permit Stage," the environmental report must also include a benefit-cost analysis that considers and balances the environmental effects of the facility and the alternatives available for reducing or avoiding adverse environment'1 effects, as well as the environmental, economic, technical, and other benefits of the facility. The benefit-cost analysis must, to the fullest extent practicable, quantify the various factors considered. To the extent that such factors


cannot be quantified, they must be discussed in qualitative terms. The environ-mental report should contain sufficient data to aid the Commission in its dowelopment of an independent benefit-cost analysis covering the factors specified.


~- _ - . -

The environmental report must further include a discussion of the status of compliance of the facility with applicable environmental quality standards and requirements that have been imposed by Federal, State, and regional agencies having responsibility for environmental protection. In addition, the environ-mental impact of the facility should be fully discussed witc respect to matters covered by such standards and requirements irrespective of whether a certifica-tion from the appropriate authority has been obtained (including, but not limited to, any certification obtained pursuant to Section 401 and any discharge permit obtained pursuant to Section 402 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended). While compliance with NRC standards and criteria pertaining to radiclogical effects will be necessary to meet the licensing requirements of the Atomic Energy Act, the benefit-cost analysis for the purposes of the National Environmental Policy Act must consider the radiological effects together with a broad range of other environmental effects of tne facility.

3. Preparation of Erc/ironmental Reports
a. Purpose of This Guide The Commission's regulations in 10 CFR Part 51 provide only general information concerning the content of an applicant's environmental report.

! This guide has been prepared to provide specific and detailed guidance for the preparation of environmental reports for uranium mills. Where appropriate, similar information should also be provided for support or ancillary facilities (e.g., heap leach and ion exchange facilities) both within and outside the mill site boundary.

The guide identifies infarmation needed by the NRC staff to assess the potential environmental effects of the proposed uranium mill and directly associated mining activities and establishes a format acceptable to the staff for its presentation. Conformance with this standard format, however, is not required. Use of the format of this guide will help ensure the completeness of the informatinn provided, will assist the NRC staff and others in locating the information, and will aid in shortening the time needed for the review process.

The environmental repert and the application, as discussed in Regulatory Guide 3.5, " Standard Format and Content of License Applications for Uranium Mills," should be submitted together. These documents provide the basis for the licensing action on the facility.

b. Scope of This Guide In order to cover a wide variety of anticipated situations, the scope of this guide is comprehensive. In some instances, requests for specific infcrmation may not be applicable to a particular mill or site. The applicant should identify those areas where the information requestcd is not relevant to the particular afl1 under consideration. If any topics in this guide relate to information not available at the time the report is prepared, the applicant


should indicate when the information will be available.

3 vi



Presentation of Information The applicant should strive for clear, concise presentation of the information provided in the environmental report. Each subject should be treated in sufficient depth and with sufficient documentation

  • to permit the 1 Commission to evaluate the extent of ...e environmental impact independent of the applicant's analysis.

When an evaluation of information or data is necessary to show compliance with a regulation, the applicant should clearly state the conclusion of the evaluation and present the analyses and supporting data in sufficient detaf f to permit an independent reviewer to verify this result. Tables, line drawings, and photographs should be used wherever they contribute to the clarity and brevity of the report. The number of significant figures stated in numerical data should reflect the accuracy of the data. Descriptive and narrative passages should be cancise.

In cases where test results are needed to support conclusions, test data, procedures, technique <, and equipment used to perform tests should be included.

Pertinent published information relating to the site, the mill, and its surroundings should be referenced. Where published information or assump-tions ire assential to evaluate specific environmental effects of the proposed activities, they should be included in summary or verbatim form in the environ-mental report or a, an appendix to the report.**

Some of the information that should c,e included in the environmental report may have already been prepared by the applicant during preparation of the license application for the proposed mill. In such cases, this information (whether in the form of text, tables, or figures) should be incorporated in the environmental report. where appropriate, to provide a complete document.

The site for the mill may also be the site of the mine. If there is a proposed mine adjacent to or in the vicinity of the mill site, the applicant should consider the cumulative or synergistic effects of directly associated mining activities when preparing the environmental report relating to such a all1.

A Documentation as used in this guide means information, supporting data, and statements and includes (1) ref2rences to published information, (2) citations from the applicant's experience, and (3) reference to unpublished information developed by the applicant or the applicant's consultants. Statements not supported by documentation should be identified either as information for which documentation is not available or as expressions of belief or judgment.

R4 The distinction between pertinent and essential hinges on the effect that the infoisation safety may and the have in the review of potential impacts to public health and environment.

public health and safety or the environment is pertinent.Useful However,infors ation that is n informa-tion that may reasonably be necessary for the review to ensure protection of public health and safety and the environment is essential.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~

CHAPTER 1. PROPOSED ACTIVITIES This chapter of the environmental report should discuss the proposed project and the activities to be conducted as a result of the project. For example, the applicant should addrest such matters as ore reserves, ore-body .

Tocatfor's, anticipated quantity of ore to be mined and willed, mining methods, l

plans f(r overburden storage and disposal, ore transport, milling processes, plans for tailings disposal and management, transport of product, operating j plans and schedules, expected longevity of the project, U3 0, content of the ore, ore procersing rate, concentrate yield, planned end use of the project  !

areas, and surety arrangements for the eventual decommissioning of the mill and reclamation of the areas impacted.



CHAP!fR 7. THE SITE This chapter should piesent the bu L relevant information concerning those physical, b1ologic;dl hurran, and rocial characteristics of the area potentially affected by the preposed p wject that might be affected by the construction and operatiot of a uraniw milling project and its associated activities in the region. To the exten possible, the information presented should reflect observations and seaserments made over periods of time sufficient to allow defensible conclusions to be reached.

2.1 Site Location and Layout A map should be provided that shws the site and its location with respect to State, county, c.d other political subdivisions. On detailed maps, show the location of the haundary of the proposed restricted area (10 CFR Part 20); the applicant's property; adjacent properties, including water bodies, wooded areas, and farms; nearby settlements; industrial plants, parks, and other public facilities; and transportation links (railroads, highways, waterways).

Indicate total acreage owned or leased by the applicant and that part occupied by or which will be modified for the mine and mill. Indicate other existing and proposed uses of applicant's property and the acreage devoted to these uses.

Y Describe any plans for site modifications such as a visitors' center. A contour map of the site should also be supplied with elevation contours of an interval suitable to show significant variations of the site environs and drainage gradients. In addition, indicate if the site is in the vicinity of a flood plain. This information should be supplied as separate maps, if required, for clarity.

2.2 Uses of Ad.facent Lands and Waters Indicate, within an 6-km (5-mi) radius, the nature and extent of present.

and projected land use (e.g. , agriculture, livestock raising, dairies, l pasturelands, residences, wildlife preserves, sanctuaries, hunting areas, industries, recreation, transportation) and any recent trends such as major or

! unexpected changes in population or industrial patterns. Note whether any l other nuclear fuel cycle facilities are located or are proposed within an 80-km (50-mi) radius of the site.

Provide in tabular form for each of the 22-1/2-degree sectors centered on one of the 16 compass points, i.e. , north, no' th northeast, etc. , the distances l [to a distance of 8 km (5 mi)] from the center of the site to the following:


1. Nearest cattle (or other meat animals) grazing on natural forage, with types and nuebers of animals specified.

m j

L 2. Nearest game animals consumed by sportsmen.

3. Nearest residence.

1 2-1

4. Nearest site boundary. '
5. Nearest vegetable garden larger than-50 m 2 (60 yd2)-in area.

The ,

type'of crop and amounts produced should be noted.

Where possible, the applicant should provide specific information on actual consumption of the meat from cattle and game animals.

P Provide data on annual production and distribution-of meat (kg) and truck-farming produce (kg) within an 80-km (50-mi) radius from the proposed facility.

Provide information on grazing season (months of year) and feeding regimens for cattle. Agricultural production, crop yield, grazing, and feeding data may be obtained from sources such as local, State, and Federal agricultural agencies,  !

agricultural agents, and other reliable sources.

Identify the location, nature, and amounts of present and projected surface and recreation, ground-water use (e.g.

and transportation) within , water 16 kmsupplies, (10 mi) ofirrigation, reservoirs, the site ano c.he present.

l and projected population (during the active life of the mill) associated with each use point, where appropriate.

Data on both present and projected future water use should be summarized and tebulated; users should be located on maps of legible scale. Tabulations should include:

1. Location: Include symbols shown on maps identifying the location of water users. Provide map coordinates if appropriate.
2. Distance from mill.
3. Withdrawal rate: Provide present and projected withdrawal rate (in liters per second or cubic meters per second) for each w:ter use.
4. Return rates: Provide present and projected return rates (in liters Per second or cubic meters per secod), if appropriate.
5. Type of water use: Pro Na type of water use for each location.

-e.g., municipal, industrial, irrim tion, stock / game watering.

6. In addition, for ground-water use: Indicate depth of wells, ground-water elevation, and drawdown rates and characterize the use of each aquifer.
7. Source and projection of water-use estimates: Where use rates are anticipated to che :e over tha life of the project and beyond, indicate Projection. and. the source of the projection information. . Sources for such projections may be available from users or planning agencies at different levels of government.

'For items 3 and 4 above, if use varies significantly seasonally, indicate monthly--values.

Provide data on, the annual recreational and commercial- fish catch from waters within an 8-km (5-mi) radius of the site. Report the catch by principal 2-2

.- = == - - = - +_ = - - - - = = = =-_- =- =:-.-

4 l

specier., 10catho., ed a w m o n .i :or w.* ,,sumption (note amounts consu m

. locally)

?3 Popuidt ion Jlst. rib.aion

-Population aati presented >na 's as ca,e.1 on the most recent census data. -

On a map of suMatile scoe ttat idenu ria plues of-significant population-grouping, such n < itles ind tows wi tb it. v 80-km (50 mi) radius, concentric l

circles-snoulo be drawn with the n'h! at -Lne . enter point, at distances of 0.1, i

0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3 0, < 0, 5.0. 10.J, 20 0, 30 0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0 and

' 80.0 kilometers. 1rhe ef ecles should be die ned into 22-1/2-degree sectors with each sector centered on one of the 1E cound points (with reference to true north,- i.e. , north northeast, northeast, dc.. ). A table (see table in Appendix appropriately keyed to the map should p-uvice the current residential populatior within each area for the expected first year of mill operation and census years through the anticipated life af the mill. The tables should provide separate

and cumulative population totals for each sector and annular ring. nistance i to the nearest residence shoulo be not.ed for each sector The basis for population projections should be deswibed.

i i Descriptive material should include tables giving the population of neighboring schools, plants, hospitals and residential areas within 8 km (5 mi).

i Visitor statistics for such areas as sports facilities, residential areas, and parks within 8 km (5 mi) of the project site (s) should also be included.

I 2.4 Regional Historic, Archeological, Architectural . Scenic, j Cultural, and Natural Landmarks i


Areas valued for their historic archeolagical, architectural, scenic,


cultural, or natural significance may, be affected. The environmental report >

should include a brief discussion of the historic, scenic, archeological, architectural, cultural, and natural significance, if any, of the eill site and nearby areas with specific attention to the sites and areas listed in the National Registry of Natural Landmarks and properties included in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places.

The National Registry of Natural Landmarks appears in 37 FR 1496. The Nattoral Register of Historic Placis is published annually in the Federal




General guidance on the treatment of historic, archeological, architectural, and cultural features can be obtained by reference to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Regulations, 36 CFR Part 800,

" Protection of Historic and Cultural Property," and by consulting the Cultural Programs Division of the nearest regional office of the National Park Service-and the relevant State Historic Society or its equivalent.

.-The applicant should submit a copy-of tho report on the archeological and historical artifact survev of the disturbed by mill related activities. proposed With respect site and to Indian of any lands,'this areas to besurvey should be performed with special attention to sacred areas and other special features uncovered from the oral history of the appropriate Indian tribe (s).

3 The environmental report should identify those properties included in or L

4 (". eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Hf: toric Places located p within the area of the project's notential environmental fspect. Also, the

. 2-3

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l applicant should discuss its sultation with the appropriate State Historic

} Preservation Of ficer concerning the identification of properties included in i

or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. The environmental report should contain evidence of this contact with the Historic Preservation Of ficer for the State involved, including a copy of the Officer's comments concerning the effect of the undertaking on .iistoric, archeological, architectural, and cultural resources.

State whether new roads, pipelines, and utilities connected with the proposed mill will pass through or near any area or location of known historic, scenic, cultural, natural, archeological, or architectural significance.

2. 5 Geology and Soils Describe the major geological and soils aspects of the site and its environs. The discussion should note tha r.tratigraphy, structure, and tectonic history. Comment on regional continuity, faulting, dip, and strikes of water-bearing formations that will be affected. An inventory of economic 611y important minerals and energy-related deposits, in addition to the uranium ore, should be included. Any unique mineralogical or paleontological depos..s of particular scientific interest should also be noted. Any effect that planned operations might have on the future availability of )ther mineral resources shonid be noted.

Detailed geological data at building sites and in the vicinity of tailings or other effluent impoundments, sanitary landfills, spoil disposal areas, and sewage disposal facilities should be included. These data should include strike and dip and lateral and vertical distribution of per'neable layers, shales, and clays, and data on any fault, fracture, or joint pattern that may exist. Loca-tions of local outcroppings where seepage from landfills, dumps, impoundments, and sewage facilities is likely to occur should be noted.

The location of ground water with respect to tailings disposal areas, spoil dug s, liquid impoundments, sanitary landfills, and sewage disposal facilities is important for the assessment of possible ground-water contamination. The discJssion should include a statement concerning the hydraulic properties (such as permeability aad porosity) of the materLis between the ground water and these facilities.

2.6 Seismology Discuss the seismicity (including history) of the region. Where possible, associate seismic events win tectonic features identified in the geology discussion. Furnish a regional earthquake epicenter map showing site location.

2.7 Hydrology The effects of mine, mill, ano other project facilities construction ant operation on adjacent surface and ground waters are of prime importance. The applicant should describe, in quantitative terms, the physical, chemical, biolog;.:al, rediological and hydrological characteristics, the typical seasonal ranges and averages, and the historical extremes for surface- and ground-water bodies. Information relating to water quality char cteristics should include measurements made on or in close proximity to the site.


4 Inf ormatica armv1J be m esented ir. sufficient detail to allow an independent staf f review of the ef ferts of tone.truction and operation on both resources.

Data Survey.*should be pres,enteo in metric ur'ts as specified by the U.S. Geological 2.7.1 Ground Water Describe the hyorology of the r egion that affects the local ground-water aquifers, form.ations, tources, anc ainks. Describe the recharge potential of the immediate plant area, including vertical and horizontal permeabilities of the natural and modified terrain, as well as that of tailing disposal areas.

Indicate gradients and seasonal variations in ground water levels beneath the site. Furnish sufficient site-specific data for the evaluation of the effects of constructior; tables and usage.

and operation of the facility on established ground water operations in as:;ociatedThis mines.

is especially important for consideration of dewatering Descriptions of tne ma contour maps, hydraulic grdients jor aquifers in the area should include piezometric features, total and effective poro,sities, bulk densitpermeabilities for representative coefficients. dispersion and distribution (sorption) ycoefficients, estimates, storage descriptions of pertinent geologic formations cnd soil types, including formation depth throughout the site and to the ne'are3t downgradient well or water body, chemical ,

and radiological properties, and time histories of ground-water fluctuations.

The applicant should provide data concerning any drawdown of ground water that, may or municipal be caused tells. by withdrawals from neighboring major industrial, agricultural, 2.7.2 Surface Water Describe the location, size, shape, and other hydrologic characteristics of water bodies in the environs of the site. Surface-water descriptions for receiving streams should include the channel shape, slope, roughness coefficient, sediment concentration- (suspended), flow records (at nearest gauges), and dispersion coefficients; for ponds M lakes the geometry of the beo, wind currents, and suspended solids (sediment) concentration.

Include a description of upstream and downstream river control structures, and provide a topographic map showing the major hydrologic features.

2.8 Meteorology This section should provide a description of the meteorological diffusion characteristics of the site and its surroending area. The description should include the use of data collected for at least one annual cycle from an onsite or nearby localinformation.

meteorological meteorological station, plus examination of additional regional Sufficient data should be included to permit "A. M. Orellama and S. M. Lang, " Conversion Factors:

SI Metric and U.S.

Customary Units," U.S. Geological Survey, Branch of Distribution, 1200 S. Eads St. Arlington. Virginia 22202.

independent staff evaluation and assessment of-atmospheric diffusion "


The following data concerning site meteorology from meteorological measure-i ments taken onsite and at nearby representative stations should be presented:

1. Quarterly and annual wind rose presentation for the 16. compass directions.
2. Quarterly and annual w;nd speed, wind direction, and atmospheric stability data in joint freyae9cy form at heights representative of effluent i releases, i 3.- Total precipitation and evaporation by month.

This information should be fully documented as to validity of its representation of expected long-term conditions at and near the site.

Present the joint wind speed-stability-direction frequencies (in item 2

-chove)-in tabular form, giving-the frequencies as fractiont when using 5 year National Weather Service summaries or as number of occurrences when using only 1 or 2 years of onsite data. The data should be presented for each of the

' 16 compass-directions, and the stability categories should be established to conform as closely as possible with those of Pasquill.* In addition, the annual average inversion height should be provided from other nearby weather stations.

Guidance on acceptable onsite meteorological measurements and data format for nuclear reactors is presented in Regulatory Guide 1.23, "0nsite Meteorological Programs." Staff guidance should be requested for adaptation of relevant portions of this document to the specific mill project.- See Appendix A of this regulatory guide for appropriate format for meteorological data.

In addition, this -section should provice a discussion of general climatology, the existing levels of air pollution and their effects on site operations, the relationship of .the meteorological d-ta gathered on a regional basis to local data, the impact of the local terrain and large lakes and other bodies of water on meteorological conditions in the area, and the occurrence of severe weather in the area and its effects. Data on diurnal and monthly averages and extremes of temperature and humidity should also be provided.

2.9 Ecciocy In this section,.the applicant should describe the biota (both flora and fauna) in the vicinity of the site, their habitats, and their distribution.

This initial inventory should reveal certain organisms which, because of their importance to the community, should be given specific attention. A species-is

-"important" (for the purposes of this guide) if a specific link exists between the facility and tiie species and if one or more of the following criteria applies: (a) the species is-commercially or recreationally valuable, (b) the

. "F. Pasquill, "The Estimation >f Windborne Material," Meteorological Magazine,

Vol. 90, pp. 33-49, 1961.

1 2 - - - -.. ..

~ , , - , , p p. p

- _ ~ - - . _- - _ _ - . . - - .- --.-.- --. - -_ .

x species is threatened or endangered,* (c) the species affects the well-being of some important species within criteria (a) or W ), or (d) the species is critical to the structure and function of the ecological system or is a biological indicator of radionuclides or chemical pollutants in the environment.

The information should be presented in two separate subsections:

" Terrestrial Ecology" and " Aquatic Ecology." The sources of information shsuld be identified. As part of this identification, present a list of pertinent published material dealing with the ecology of the region. Locate and describe l any ecological or biological studies of the site or its environs currently in progress, 1

The initial inventory should establish the identity of the majority of terrestrial ar.d aquatic or (qualitative) abundances. ganisms on or near the site and their relative The applicant should identify the "important" species 4

from this list and discuss in detail their number and geographic distribution The discsssion should include species that migrate through to area or use it for breeding grounds. Special attention should be given to the relative importance of the site area as compared to the total regional ecosystem (potential or exploited). Any additional inventories should be reserved for those species identified as critical.

- The applicant should provide data on the count and distribution of important domestic fauna, in particular, Cattle, sheep, and other meat animals that may

' be included in the biological pathway that ultimately could involve the exposure of humans to radionuclides. Important game animals should receive similar treatment. A description of marketing or consumption patterns for livestock or game should also be submitted, including livestock consumed by families 1

with grazing rights in the mill vicinity and the extent of sales to local or national markets. A map that shows the distribution of the principal flora communities should be provided. These plant communities should be characterizeo by predominant species, successional stage, percent ground cover and annual yield (in animal unit months or other acceptable units).

The discussion of species environment relationships should include descrip-tions of area usage (e.3., habitat, breeding, etc.) for important species; it should include life histories of important regional animals and.i.quatic organisms, their normal' seasonal population fluctuations, and their habitat requirements; and it should include identification of food chains and other interspecies relationships, particularly when these may contribute to predic-tions or evaluations of the impact of the facility on the regional biota.

t Information on the soils of the project area (s) should include soil map (s),

details of.the physical and chemical characteristics of typical soil profiles with respect to pntentially toxic elements and compounds, and land capacity i

N In the writmg and reviewing of environmental reports, specific considera-i tion should be given to possible impact on any species (or its habitat) that r s.

has been determined by the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of l Commerce to be endangered or threatened with endangerment. New terminology defining " endangered or threatened with endangerment" has been promulgated in Public Law 93-205, 87-Stat. 884.

classification. The site (s) soils should be evaluated with respect to suitability as sources of topsoil materials during the period of interim stabilization and final reclamation.

Identify any definable preexisting environment:1 stresses from sources such as pollutants, as well as pertinent ecological conditions suggestive of such stresses. The status of ecological succession should be described.

Discuss the histories of any infestations, epidemics, or catastrophes that have had a significant impact on regional biota.

2.10 Background Radiological Characteristics Regional radiological data should be reported, including both nctural background radiation levels and results of measurements of concentrations of radioactive materials occurring in important biota, in soil and rocks, in air, and in regional surface and local ground waters. These data, whether determined during the applicant's preoperational !urveillance program (see Section 6.1.5) or obtained from other sources, should be referenced.

2.11 B,ackground Nonradiological Characteristics Regional nonradiological characteristics, particularly those that are similar to expected site-related' effluents, should be reported. Data should include such p:rameter-s as heavy metals and other potentially toxic substances, atmospheric pollutants, and dusts that could affect water or air quality.

Other regional sources of these same materials should be noted along with a discussion of the possible contribution to levels found at the facility site.

2.12 Ot'ner Environmental Features i

For certain sites, some relevant information on the mill or mine environs may not clearly fall within the scope of the preceding topics. Submission of i

additional information may be appropriate with respect te some environmental l

features in order to reflect the value of the site and site environs to important l segments of the population. Such information should be included here.

l l


i l

l l

l l

l l


The operating , sill md any directly associated mine(s) adjacent to or in the vicinity )f the mill snould be described in this chapter. The alli and mine ef fluents and rel.ted systems that interact with the environment should be described in detail sufficient to allow the reviewer to independently assess the combined envi'onmental ef fects presented in this chapter of the environ-mental report.

3.1 Sitea Araa A map of the site area should be included; it should clearly show the following:

1. The ' ~ation of the site boundary.
2. The location and orientation of principal structares within the site area. Principal structures should be identified as to function, e.g., mines, ore crushing structures, chemical separation and storage, ore stock piles, waste rock du.nps, tailings disposal areas, retention and settling ponds, explosive t M nes, housing areas, administration build!ngs, yellowcake storage areas, ps ting lots.
3. The boundary lines of any restricted areas, access to which are to be controlled by fences or other means.
4. A scale that will permit the measurement of distances with reasonable accuracy.
5. True north.

3.2 External Appearance of Hill The building layout and plant pro'ile should be shown to scale by line drawings or other illustrative tecnniques. The architectural design and efforts to make the structures and grounds esthet.ically pleasing should be noted.

3.3 Mill Circuit The entire mill process or circuit should be quantitatively and qualitatively described in sufficient depth to permit confirmation of the quantities and constituents of all gaseous, liquid, and solif wastes and effluents generated in the process. The .'ollowing should be included:

1. A flow diagram of the process or circuit.
2. A material balante diagram.

C'y " Site means the contiguous real estate on which the mine and mill are V located.

I i


l 1

3. Description of any water recycle systems.

4 Water balance diagram for the entire mining /ttilling project.

3.4 Sources of Hill Wastes and Effluents Clearly identify the location of release points for all gaseous (include stack heights), liquid, and solid wastes and effluents, including bulk storage locations, i.2., piles of ore or tailings or overburden dumps. Specify quantities, concentrations, and physical, chemical, and radiological character-istics of all materials released. /.verage and maximum release rates should be included plus all pertinent supporting information such as assumptions and -

computational methods used. The quantities and concentrations of radioactive and nonradioactive caterials that will be released into the environs should be compared with State and other applicable standards.

Suggested forr.ats for supplying this material on radioactive emissius are included as Appendix B of this guide. The tables supplied by the applicant should not be limited to the examples listed, however.

3.5 C_ontrols of Hill Wastes and Effluents Provide a description of mill waste and effluent control systems and equip-ment for minimizing to as low as is nasonably achievable the quantities of materials released into the environment. Identify the operating efficiency of such systems and equipment in relation to current best methods for controlling milling wastes ar.d ef fluents. Also, identify the factors that affeet these A

ef ficiencies, and describe the operating practices to be pursued during the q life of the proposed project.

For waste retention systems, a design analysis of the integrity of the proposed systems should be provided. This should include:

1. Drawings showing the layout in plan, typical cross sections of all embankments show'. g proposed design and, if applicable, anticipated future extensions, and other pert.inent design o calls. Embankment designs should include information on heights, top width, side slopes, freeboard, seepage control, and protection of embankment surfaces as well as foundation design.

See Regulatory Guide 3.11. " Design, Construction, and Inspection of Embankment Retention Systems for Uranium Hills."

2. The results of soll tests, geologic exploration, foundation materials stability investigations, as well as characteristics of fill material and a description of the construction methods and specifications.
3. 6 Sanitary and Other Mill Waste Systems Describe any other nonradioactive solid or liquid wasta; materials, such as sanitsry, laundry, and chemical laboratory wastes that may be generated during operation. Describe the manner in which they will be treated and controlled, and dercribe procedures for disposal.

Means for control and treatment of all systems subject to effluent limita-tion guidelines and standards of performam , der the Federal Water Pollution .

Control Act (FWPCA) should be described.


_ _-_Y_.--_______-_

The applicant should (a) describe any other airborne effluents (e.g., from diesel engines, gas turbines, heating plants, incinerators) created during

/ project operation, (b) estimate the frequency of release and describe how they l will be treated before release to the environment, and (c) estimate the total l

quantity of pollutants to be discharged annually.  !
3. 7 Mining Activities
This portion of the report should contain a thorough description of the ,

interrelated mining activities including:

1. Topographical maps showing locations and areas to be mined and haulage and access roads.

! 2. A description of the mining method (s) to be employed, including any dewatering activities and associated effluents.

3. A description of the method (s) for accumulating and storing wastes in order to minimize esthetic and other effects.
4. Identification and source terms of all sources of effluents asso-

, ciated with mining activities (e.g., radon and particulate emissions, 1

dust from haulage, storage activities), including release rates and concentrations and their physical and chemical characteristics.

5. A description of methods to minimize and contrel releases of effluents into the invirons.
6. Any other information that might be helpful in assessing the environ-

, mental effects connected with the mining project.

l f

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The construction of a uranium mill and the openings of related mines will inevitably affect the environment; some of the effects will be adverse and some i

may be beneficial.

Effects are considered adverse (1) if environmental change or stress causes a valuable or otherwise important biotic population or natural resource to be less safe, less healthy, less abundant, less productive, or less esthetically or culturally pleasing; (2) if the change or stress reducas the diversity and variety of individual choice, the standard of living, or the extent of sharing of life's amenities; or (3) if the change or stress tends to lower the quality of renewable resources or to impair the recycling of depletable resources.

In the applicant's discussion of adverse environmental effect.;, it should be vaade clear which of these adverse effects are considered unavoidable and subject to later amelioration and which are regarded as unavoidable and irreversible. Those effects that represent an irretrievable commitment of i

i rer,ources should receive detailed consideration in Section 4.2. In the context of this discussion, " irretrievable commitment of resources" alludes to natural resources and means a permanent impairment of these, e.g., loss of wildlife habitat; destruction of nesting, breeding, or nursing areas; interference with y migratory routes; loss of valuable or esthetically treasured natural areas;

, and use of nonrenewable resources.

4.1 Site Preparation and Construction The appilcant should organize the discussion in terms of the effects of f,ite preparation (including mine opening) and alli construction on both land use and water use. The applicant should consider consequences to both human and wf1diffe populations and indicate which are unavoidable and irreversible according to the categorization set forth above.

In the land-use discussion, describe how construction activities may 4

disturb the existing terrain and wildlife habitats. Consider the effects of such activities as creating building material supply areas; building temporary or pomanent roads, bridges, or service Ifnes; disposing of trash; excavating; and land filling. Provide information bearing on such questions as what is the total number of acres disturbed, at which locations, over what time periods, will there be dust or smoke problems, what type and amount of explosives will be used, where, and how often.

Indicate proximity of human populations and identify undesirable impacts on their environment arising from noise, disruption of stock grazing patterns, inconvenience because of the movement of people, material, machines, including

^ activities associated with any provision of housing, transportation, and educa-tional facilities for workers and their faellies. Describe any expected changes in accessibility of- historical and archeological sites in the region. Olscuss measures designeJ to mitigate or reverse undesirable effects, such as erosion control, dust stabilization, landscape restoration, control of truck traffic, and restoration of affected habitats.


The discussion stiould also include my ef f ects of site preparation and construction activities whose consequences may be beneficial to the region.

The discussion of water use should describe the impact of site preparation and construction activities on area water sources. Such activities would include mine dewatering, diversion of streams, and place.ient of fill material in water. The applicant should describe the effects of these activities on i fish and wildlife resources, water quality, water supply, downstream use of water and esthetics, as applicable. Describe measures to control pollution ,

to mitigate undesirable effects and improve habitats. l 1

4.2 Resources Comitted -

Olscuss any irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources (e.g.,

commitment of land, consumptive water use, and destruction of biota) that are expected should site preparation and mine opening and afli construction proceed.

Such use should be evaluated in terms of its relative and long-term na impacts, as well as its absolute impacts. (See Section 5.6 of this guide for more detailed consid ation.)


e j CHAPTER 5 ENVIRONM( A1 Ac (FFECTS OF HILLS AND HINE OPERATION um This enapter should descH te the interaction of the mill and mine (discussed in Chapter 3) and the ensironment (discussed in Chapter 2) during the operating phase of the project. To the extent possible, material presented in Chapters 2 and 3 does not need to be repaated. Measures planned to reduce any undesirable effects of the total project on the environment should be described in detail.

In the discussion of environmental ef fects, as in Chapter 4, effects that are considered unavoidable but either inherently temporary or subject to later amelioration should be clearly distinguished from those regarded as unavoidable and irreversible. Those effects that represent an irretrievable commitment of resourcer, should receive detailed consideration in Section 5 6.

The impacts of operation of the proposed activity should be, to the fullest extent practicable, quantified and systematically presented. In the discussion of each impact, the applicant should make clear whether the supporting evidence is ba:ed on theoretical, laboratory, onsite, or field studies undertaken on this or on previous occasions. The source of each impact (the plant subsystem, waste effluent) and the population or resource affected should be made clear in each case. The impacts should be distinguished in terms of their effects on surface water bodies, ground water, air, land, land use, ecological systems.

I and important plants and animals.

Finally, the applicant should discuss the relationship between local short-term uses of the human environment and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity. As used in this guide, "short-ters" refers to the operating life of the proposed facility and "long-ters" refers to time periods extending beyond this life. The applicant should assess the action for cumulative and projected long-tem effects from the point of view that each generation is trustee of the environment for each succeeding generation.

Principal parameters for the assessment of radiological impacts from proposed activities should be presented in the format of Appendix B.

5.1 Radioloalcal Impact on Biota Other Than Humans In this section the applicant should consider the impact on biota other than humans attributable to the release of radioactive or chemical materials from the facility. The biota to be considered are those species of local flora and local and migratory fauna defined as "important" in Section 2.9.

Since the region may contain many important species, the applicant should concentrate any efforts on those important species whose terrestrial and aquatic habitats provide the highest potential for radiation exposure.

5.1.1 Exposure Pathways

/f /h-- The various possible pathways for radiation exposure of the important QF local flora and local and migrators faena should be identified and described in textual and flow-chart format. The pathways should include the important

routes of radionuclide translocation (including food chains leading to important species) to organisms or sites, 5.1.2 Effluents in the Environment in Sections 3.4 and 3.7, the radionuclide and che.nical concentrations in the liquid and gaseous effluents discharged from the site are listed. In this section, the applicant should consider how these effluents are quantitatively distributed in the environment. Specifically, estimates should be provided for the concentration (a) in any water sources, (b) on land areas, and (c) on vegetation (on a per unit area basis) in the environs.

If there are other components of the physical environment that may become contaminated and thus result in the exposure of living organisms to radiation, they should be identified and their radioactivity burden estimated. In addition, information concerning any cumulative buildup of radionuclides in the environ-ment should be presented and discussed. A summary of data, assumptions, and models used in determining radioactivity concentrations and burdens shsuld be provided.

From considerations of the exposure pathways and the distribution of radioactivity released into the environs, the applicant should estimate the maximum radionuclide concentrations that may be present in important local flora and local and migratory fauna. Valuee of bioaccumulation factors used in preparing the estimates should be based on site-specific data if available; otherwise, values from the literature may be used. The applicant should tabulate and reference the values of bicaccumulation factors used in the  !

calculations.  :

5. 2 Radiological Impact on Humans In this section the applicant should consider the radiological effects of operations and transportation of radioactive materials on human beings.

Estimates of the radiological impact on humans via various exposure pathways should be provided.

5.2.1 Exposure Pathways The various possible pathways for radiation exposure of humans should be identified and described in textual and flow chart format.

Olscuss any exposure pathways, if they exist, involving radionuclide accumulation in specific components of the environment.

5.2.2 Liquid Ef fluents Estimate the expected annual average concentrations of radioactive nuclides (listed in Sections 3.4 and 3.7) in receiving water at locations where water is consumed or otherwise used by human beings or where it is inhabited by blota of significance to human food chains. Specify the dilution factors used in preparing the estimates and the locations where the dilution factors are applicable. Consideration should be given to the absence of mixing and dilution because of factors such as channeling.


f Determine the expected radionuclia woncentrations in aquatic and I '

terrestrial organisms sig*nificant to hut.e food chains. Use the bloaccumulation factors given in Section 5.) 7 v supp1 v )thers as necessary.

Using the above information and ora other necessary supporting data, calculate the total annum N.dy and RydHeant organ doses (millf rems) to individuals in the popu'ation (discu sad in Section 2.3) from all exposure pathways related to receiving water, r., all sources of internal and external exposure. Provide, as t.n ar.oendix, ontails of the models and assumptions used in these calculations.

5.2.3 Airborne Effluents From release rates of airborne radioactivity and meteorological data (Sections 3.4, 3.7, and 2.8), estinate total annual body and significant organ doses (milliremf i to individuals e< posed at the point of maximum ground-level concentrations oH;ite, individuais exposed at the site boundary in the direction of the prev.2111ng wind, individuals exposed at the site boundary nearest to the . +rces of emission, and individuals exposed at the residence expected to receive the hi Assume annual average meteorological conditions.ghest Identifydose commitments. locations of points of release (e.g.,

stacks, roof vents, tailings ponds and beach areas, and ore storage areas) used in calculations.

Estimate deposition of radioactive materials on food crops and pasture grass and any bioaccumulation in the human food chain. Estimate total annual l[W;[jg body doses (alllirems) and significant annual doses received by other organs via such potential pathways.

Provide an appendix describing the models used in these calculations.

5.2.4 Direct Radiation The applicant should provide an estimate of the maximum annual external dose (millfress) that would be received by an individual at the nearest site boundary from direct radiation. Frovide an appendix describing the models and assumptions used in there calculations.

5.2.5 Susu6ary of Annual Radiation Doses The appitcant should provide estimates of the maximum annual doses (allitress) that could be received via all pathways by an individual at the sits boundary and at the nearest residence.

The applicant should also present a table that summarizes the estimated radiation dose to the regional population (within 80-km) from alli- and mine-related sources using values calculated in previous sections. The tabulation should include (a) the total annual doses (man-rems) to the population (discussed in Section 2.3) from all water-related pathways and (b) the total annual doses

- (man-ress) to the population attributable to airborne effluents.

< 5.3 Chemical Impacts on Humans In this section, the specific concentrations of nonradioactive wastes in effluents at the points of discharge should be compared with natural ambient 5-3 .

concentrations without the discharge and also ompared with applicable standards.

The projected effects of the effluents for botn acute and chronic exposure of human beings (including those resulting from any long-term buildup in soils and sediments and in the biota) should be identified and discussed. Dilution and mixing of discharges into the receiving environs should be discussed in detail, and estimates of concentrations at various relevant distances from the point of discharge should be provided that relate to factors such as dilution, habitations, wells, and water intakes. The effects on humans from changes in terrestrial and aquatic environments f rom chemicals that contaminate ground water should be included.

5.4 Effects of Sanitary and Other Waste Ofscharges Describe and discuss the environmental impact associated with sanitary and other mill waste systems discussed in Section 3.6.

5. 5 Other Efiects The applicant should discuss any effects of operation that do not clearly fall under any single topic of Sections 5.1 throegh 5.4. These may ir:1ude changes in land and water use at the project site, interaction of the facility with other existing or projected neighboring facilities, effect of ground water withdrawal on ground-water resources in the vicinity of the mine and mill, effects of construction and operation of roads, transmission corridors, and rafiroads, effects on fish and wildlife resource usage, effects of changes in surface-water availability on biotic populations, and disposal of solid and liquid wastes other than those already discussed.

5.6 Resources Committed Any irreversible and irretrievable commitment of resources resulting from mine and mill operation should be discussed. This discussion should include both direct commitments, such as dapletion of uranium resources; irreversible environmental losses, such as destruction of wildlife habitat; and consumptive water use.

In this discussion, the applicant .should consider resources used from the viewpoints of both relative impacts ar.J long-ters net effects. As an example of relative impact assessment, the lo., of a few animals of a given species could represent quite different degrees of significance, depending on the total population in the immediate region. Such a loss in the case of a small local population, however, could be less serious if the same species were abundant in neighboring regions. Similarly, land use that precludes other highly desirable land uses should be evaluated in terms of the total amount of such land in the environs. These relative assessments should accordingly include statements expressed in percentage terms (a) in which the amount of expected resource loss is related to the total resource in the immediate region and (b) in which the total resource in the immediate region is related to that resource in surrounding regions. The latter should be specified in terms of areas and distances from the site.


t' CHAPTER t. . U f LUENI AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEMUREMENTS XED~M0YII61Trif PROGRAMS The purpose of tnia etiepter is to jescribe in detet.1 the means by which the applicant collected the banlint ete La presented in tether chapters and to describe the applicant's plans and pto; rams for monitor 6ng the impacts of the proposed activities on the environnetd.*

Section 6.1 addresses the measurtrwent of preexist'ing characteristics of the site and the surrounding tegion. This program should establish a reference framework for assessing subrequent environmental effects attributable to the proposed activity and for use as Mseline reference data at the time of site decommissioning.

The ap;1icant's attention is directed to two considerations pertinent to Section 6.1. First, the term " preexisting" refers to the characteristics of the site prior to any mining-related activities. A given characteristic or parameter may or may not require assessment prior to site disturbance and mill construction, depending on whether that particular characteristic may be altered at tt.ese stages. Second, in most instances this guide indicates the specific environmental effects to be evaluated; consequently, the parameters to be measured will be apparent. In some cases, it may be advisable to establish a monitoring program based on the applicant's own identification of potential or fg possible effects and to provide the underlying rationale for such a program.

Accordingly, the applicant should carefully review the plans for measurement of preexisting conditions to ensure that these plans include all factors that must be subsequently monitored as discussed in Section 6.2.

Sampling design, frequency, methods (including calibration and checks with standards), and instrumentation for both collection and analysis should be discussed as applicable.**

In all cases, the applicant should estimate the statistical validity of any proposed sampling program. Information should be provided on instrument accuracy, sensitivity, and (especially for highly automated systems) reliability.

Where standard analytical or sampling techniques can be identified, they should be so identified and referenced.

For quantitative descriptions of samples collected within areas and for periods of interest, descriptive statistics should include, unless justifiably omitted, the mean, standard deviation, standard error, and a confidence interval for the mean. In each case, the sample size should be clearly indicated. If diversity indices are used to describe a collection of organisms, the specific diversity indices used should be stated.


"See Regulatory Guide 4.14. " Radiological Effluent and Environmental Monitor-

' ing at Uranium Mills."


/g See Regulatory Guide 4.15. "Q" alit) Assurance for Radiological Monitoring

(,7 Programs (Normal Operations) - Effluent Streams and the Environment."

6.1 Applicant's Preoperational I.nvironmental Programs The programs for collection of initial or baseline environmental data prior to submittal of the license application should be described in sufficient detail .

to make it clear that the applicant has established a thorough and comprehensive approach to environmental assessment. The description of these programs should be confined principally to technical descriptions of instrumentation, f requency and duratfor., technique, and procedures.

Where information from the literaturu has been used by the applicant, it

( should be concisely summarized and documented by reference to original data sources. Where the availability of original sources that support important i

conclusions is limited, the applicant should provide either extensive quotations or references to accessible secondary sources.* In all cases, information derived from published results should be -liarly distinguished from information t

derived from the applicant's field measurements.


6.1.1 Surface Water If a body of surface water may be affected by the proposed activities, the applicant should describe the programs by which the If background condition a natural water body l

of the water and the related ecology were determined.

has already been subjected to environmental stress from pollutant sources, the l

nature of this stress and its consequences should be evaluated. The applicant should estimate the potential quality of the affected water body.

6.1.2 Ground Water In those cases in which the proposed activitics may potentially affect quality or quantity of local ground water, the program leading to assessment of potential effects should be described. Physical and Chemical Parameters. The properties and configura-tion of the local aquifer will have been defined in sufficient detail (in Section 2.7) to permit a reasonable projection of ef fects of proposed :ctivities on the ground water. Ik.thods for obtaining information on ground-water levels and ground-water quality should be described. Models. Models may be used to predict such effects as changes in ground-water levels, dispersion of contaminants, and eventual transport through aquifers to surface water bodies and downgradient wells. The models should be described and supporting evidence for their reliability and validity presented.

6.1.3 Air The applicant should describe the program and identify sources for obtain-ing information on local air quality and local and regional meteorology.

"Any reports of work (e.g. , ecological surveys) supported by the applicant that are of significant value in assessing the environmental impact of the facility thuld be included as appendices or supplements to the environmental report unless these reports are otherwise generally available.

[ 6.1. 3.1 Meteorology the s 'irr t should dentif, sources of meteoro-logical data used'III f 6e umospherir .t risport mojels ata reported in Section 2.8. Locations and elevat ons uf observation st,tions, instrumentation, and f requency ana duration of nao.' m.mts should be spec ified both for the applicant's measuring activities anu fe activities of p*vernmental agencies or other organitottom an whose nforma..un the applicar. intends to rely.

Guidance Isr an arreptable meaut ological measurement pr ogram for nuclear reactors is presented in Regu vtog Guide 1.23 (Safety Guide 23), "Onsite Meteorological Progi w.." See Append,x C for the forate for reporting meteoro-logical data. The applicant's descrire. ion should show N.he basis for predicting such ef fects as the disper sloh of airoorne effluents .and should present the methodology for gathering baselfre data. Models. Any models used by the applice t, either to derive estimates of basic meteorological h1 formation or to estimate the effects of effluents, should be described " setill and their validity and accuracy discussed. St ..' guidance should be mught in adapting existing guidance to the particular eff1uents from uranium mines and mills.*

6.1.4 Land Data collection and evaluation programs concerning the terrestrial environ-ment of the proposed mill should be described and justified with regard to both scope and methodology.

.- Geology and Soils. Those geological and soil studies designed

( to determine the environmental impact of the construction or operation of the mine/ mill should be described. The description should include identification of the sampling pattern and the justification for its selection, the sampling method holding periods, preanalysis treatment, and analytic techniques. Other geologIcalandsoilstudies(e.g.,+hoseconductedinsupportofsafetyanalyses) should be briefly summarized and reference made to the relevant reports for a more detailed presentation. Land Use and Demographic Surveys. The applicant should describe its program for identifying the actual land use in the site environs and for acquiring demographic data for the .egion as reported in Section 2.3.

Sources of information should be identified. Methods used to forecast probable changes in land use and demographic trends should be described. Ecological Parameters. In this section, the applicant should discuss the program used to assess the ecological characteristics of the site, with primary reference to important biota identified in Section 2.9.

For example, see Regulatory Guide 1.111, " Methods for Estimating Atmospheric

s. Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water-Cooled Reactors."

y 6.1. 5 Radiological Surveys" (his section of the environmental isport should discuss the methods used to detsrmine the preoperational radiction levels at the site and environs and the concentrations of radionuclides in important local and regional biota, soil, sediment, vegetation, air, and surface and ground waters.

6. 2 Applicant's_ Proposed Operational Nonitoring Programs _

The applicant should present the proposed operational monitoring program i for planned operations. Review of this description will be facilitated if the  !

applicant includes maps of proposed observation sites and tabular presentation i of summary descriptors of such factors as sample collection and analysis frequency, type of sampling, method of collection, analytic method, preanalysis treatment, instrumentation, and minimum sensitivities. The discussion should ,

m ? ode the justification for the choice o.' samp1fng sites, analyses, and sampling frequencies. The program description should be exp1(cit with rupect to the parameter limits that are not to be exceeded under normal operating

  • conditions and with regard to the actions planned in the event the limits are exceeded.

6.2.1 Radiological Monitorinc*

The applicant's operational monitoring program for radiological effects should be described both for the mine and mill effluent monitoring program and for the environmental monitoring program. Mill Effluent Monitoring. Describe the proposed effluent monitoring program for liquid and airborne effluents. Discuss the sensitivity limits for detecting radioactivity corresponding to routinely expected release rates. List the effluent streams, if any, that will not be monitored and provide a brief rationale for the absence of r.onitoring. Also, provide criteria for setting threshold levels for corrective action and describe the actions to be taken if these levels are exceeded. Environner tal Radiologica. #4onitgorin . The operational monitoring program should be described in detail, wit.h spectric attention given to the organisms and other types of samples to be collected, sampling locations and frequency, the analyses to be performed on each sample, the analytical sensitivity (detection threshold) for each analysis, and the criteria l'or investigating increases of concentration of material detected in the environs.

6.2.2 Chemical Effluent Monitoring The proposed measurement program, including instrumentation, locations, frequencies, and analytical tischn' ques, should be fully described. The descrip-tion of the program should include instrumentation sensitivity and reliability.

Monitoring procedures prescribed by local, State, or Federal agencies as conditions placed on operation should be so identified.

" Regulatory Guide 4.14 should be reviewed in connection with this section.


4 l


,r- The criteria for setting threshold levels for corrective action should be I presented. In the case of prescribed quantitative standards set by egencies, the applicable regulation should be cited. In the case of quantitative limits

' set by the applicant to conform to qualitative standards or restrictions, the applicant's rationale should be presented. In either case, if measurements exceed thresholds, the action to be taken should be specified.

6.2.3 Meteorological Monitoring The applicant's program for monitoring meteorological phenomena should be described.

6.2.4 Ecological Monitoring i

In the preoperational surveillance program, the applicant will have

, established methodology for determining the ecological characteristics of the i region. The applicant should describe any additional ecological monitraing e-be conducted during plant operation.

6.3 Related Environments 1 Measurement and Monitorina Programs i When the applicant's site lies within a region for which environmental measurement or monitoring programs are carried out by public agencies or other l

agencies or groups not directly supported by the applicant, any such related programs known to the applicant should be identified and discussed. Relevanco of such independent findings to the proposed facility's effects should be described, and plans for exchange of information, if any, should be presented.


Agencies responsible for the programs should be identified, and, to the extent possible, the procedures and methodology employed should be briefly described.

1 4

o L


CHAPTER 7. ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF ACCIDENTS The applicant should discuss the environmental ef fects of possible accident:,

that may occur at the mill and during transportation of material; to and from the mill, whether or not those accidents may produce an impact on the site or its environs. Analyses should be based on relevant experience and statistics from operation of similar milling and transportation operations. The statistical validity of the data should be discussed as well as the rationale for applying the data to the applicant's proposed operation. Accidents caused by both humans and natural phenomena should be addressed.

7.1 MillAccidentsinvolvingRadioactivity The applicant should provide accident analyses for a ;pectrum of accidents that might occur ranging in severity from trivial (essentially no release of radioactivity to the environment) to very large releases. Each class within the spectrum should be characterized by an occurrence rate or probability and its po*ential consequences, if any. Examples of accidents resulting in large releases would be a tornado striking the mill or the failure of a waste retention system resulting from an act of nature or improper operatici..

Examples of accidents resulting in small releases would be a fire or explosion in a solvent extraction circuit or failure of the air cleaning system serving lj the yellowcake area during operation. An example of a trivial accident would i

be the malfunction of mill process equipment or the rupture of a vessel containing mill solutions.

7. 2 Transoortation Accidents The potential environmental ef fects from transportation accidents involving radioactive and other hazardous materials should be evaluated. Even though the probability of such an accident may be low and its consequences small, the applicant should identify the environmental effects that might result. Adequate documentation should be presented to provide assurance that all safety require-ments will be met prior to transportation of hazardous materials (e.g. , spillage of hazardous chemicals, ores, fuels, yellow cake, sulfuric acid).

7.3 Other Accidents In addition to accidents that can release radioactivity to the environs, there may be accidents that, although radioactive materials are not involved, do have consequences that affect the environment. Such accidents as chemical explosions or fires, steam boiler failures, and leakage or rupture of vessels containing toxic materials can have significant environmental impacts. These possible accidents and associated effects should be identified and evaluated.



_f6iMTRUCTION AND OPERATION The purpose of this chapter is to provide guidance on the information needed to assess the aconomic and social effects of the proposed facility.

There are, of course, Ilmitations on the extent to which all the social and economic benefits snd costs of a uranium milling project can be evaluated.

The wide variety of benefits and costs are not only difficult to assess, but many are not amenable to quantification or even to estimation in comparable units. Some primary benefits such as the quantity of uranium recovered are, to a degree, measurable as are the capital costs and operating and maintenance costs of the proposed facility. O th) other hand, numerous environmental costs and their economic and social consequences are not readily quantified.

8.1 Benefits The primary benefits of the proposed nuclear facility are those inherent in the value of the uranium to be re: overed and the kilowatt-hours of electricity that may be produced front it.

There are other social and economic benefits that affect various political jurisdictions or interests to a greater or lesser degree. Some of these reflect 1

transfer payments or other values that may partially, if not fully, compensate for certain services as well as external or environmental costs, and this fact should be reflected in the detilgnation of the benefit. The following are some examples:

  • Tax revenues to be received by local, State, and Federal governments.


  • Temporary and permanent new jobs created and payroll (value-added concept).


! Incremental increase in regional product.

Enhancement of recreational values.

Environmental enhancement in support of the propagation or protection of wildlife and the improvement of wildlife habitats.

Creation and improvement of local roads, waterways, or other transportation facilities.

  • Increased knowledge of the environment as a consequence of ecological research and environmental monitoring activities associated with plant l operation and technological improvements from the applicant's research j program.

The applicant should discuss significant benefits that may be realized from the construction and operation of the proposed mill. Where the benefits l


x / can be expressed in monetary ters:, they should be discounted to present value.

l In each instance where a particular benefit is discussed, the applicant should n .

indicate, to the extent practical, who is likely to be affected and for how long. In the case of esthetic impacts '. hat are dif ficult to quantify, the applicant should provide pictorial drawings of structures or environmental modifications visible to the public (refer to Section 3.2).

8. 2 Costs The economic and social costs resulting from the proposed nuclear facility and its milling project are also complex and should be appraised.

The primary internal costs are (1) the capital costs of land acquisition and improvement, (2) the capital costs of facility construction (3) other operating and maintenance costs, including ifcense fees and taxes, (4) plant decommissioning, taf1fngs stabilization, and site reclamation costs, and (5) research and development costs associated with potential future improve-ments of the alli and its operation and maincenance. As in the case of benefits, the applichnt should discount these costs to present value.

There are also ex.ernal costs. their effects on the interests of people need to be examined. The applicant should supply, as applicable, an evaluation plus supporting data and rationale regarding such external social and economic costs, for each cost, the applicant should describe the probable number and location of the population group adversely affected, the estimated economic and social impact, and any special measures to be taken to alleviate the impact.

Temporary external costs include shortages of housing; inflationary rentals or prices; congestion of local streets and highways; noise and temporary esthetic disturbances; overloading of water supply and sewage treatment facilities; crowding of local schools, hospitals, or other public facilities; overtaxing of community services; and disruption of people's lives or the local community caused by acquisition of land for the proposed site.

Long-ters external costs include imoairment of recreational values (e.g.,

reduced availability of desired species of wildlife and sport animals, restric-tions on access to land or water areas preierred for recreational use);

aeterior. tion of esthetic and scenic valus ; restrictions on access to areas of scenic, historic, nr cultural intarest; degradation of areas having historic, cultural, natural, or archeological value; removal of land from present or contemplated alternative uses; reduction of regional products because of displacement of persons from the land proposed for the site; lost income from recreation or tourism that may be impaired by environmental disturbances; lost income attributable to environmental degradation; decrease in real estate values '

in areas adjacent to the proposed facility; increased costs to local governments for the services required by the permanently employed workers and their families.

In discussing the costs, the applicant should indicate, to the extent practical, who is likely to be affected and for how long.

l l

l l



APPENDIX A POPULATION DISTRIBUTION DATA The population distribution should be given in trie following manner:

  • Sectors are marked off by the sixteen compats directions and radial distances along the co:npass directions up to 80 km (50 miles).

. The distances (km) should be broken up as indicated on the following page.



' LjI

POPULATION DISTRIBUTION C0frA55 N NME ME ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW IIIEGIl005. __929.. lite fiz9..flaE_29t9_ Zllai _li9__}}Z,5}gg,g^^ggg'g~~gg ' ~ # W W W NW KILDETERS ' ~ IIE'E- III'I- 330'9- 23?'I-- 1.0 - 2.0 2.0 - 3.0 3.0 - 4.0 4.0 - 5.0 5.0 - 10.0 10.0 - 20.0

    , 20.0 - 30.0 30.0 - 40.0 40.0 - 50.0
f. 50.0 - 60.0 60.0 - 70.0


70.0 - a0.0 i

l i I i L.

l l 9 A,FPDDIXB l PP!NCIPAL PARAMllE G F0k RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT iMametel Value Ore quality, U 30s  % Ore activity, U 2%. ti L.1< tre tw <c.226, and Pb-210 pCi/g Operating days per year (plant Sctor) days Ore process rate _ tonnes /yr R Mill watu througnput m3 /yr Annuai aver 3ge morning mixing height m AnnU45 atiorage aftnrnoon mixirg height m Ore Handling and Storage Estimated capacity of ore per delivery MT Number of deliveries per day / per week Estimater. are dust released in delivery kg/hr or MT/yr Average grade of ore and ranges  % Capacity of ore pad: firal year of operation MT average during operation MT Maximum area of ore pad and height of ore storage pile 2 m,, Approximate amount of ore haiidled per day 1.e., unloaded, loaded, bulldozed, etc. MT/ day Operation time of front-end loaders, hoppers, feeders, and other ore pad equipment br/ day Fstimated amount of fugitive ore dust emission from handling of ore on ore pad MT/yr

Dust emission control reduction factor , by wetting, chemical, or other Controls. _% Ore storage time __ days Crushers, Grinders, Rod Hills, Fine Ore Blend-ino, Solvent Extraction, Countercurrent Decanta-tion,_lon Exchange, and teaching for each piece of potential radioactive emission source equipment, report the following:* Operation time hr/ day and days /yr Estimated dust lost to atmosphere MT/yr Estimated radon released to atmosphere Ci/yr Efficiency of emission control devices (effective and design)  % Estimated dust lost to atmosphere through internal ore transportation devices (e.g., conveyor belts) MT/yr Efficiency of emission controls of internal ore transportation devices (effective and design)  % Average daily capacity of temporary bin storage (fine ore bins) MT/d Efficiency of controls for temporary bin storage  % Yellowcake Drying and Packacing (based on last ' year of operation) (Give parameter valuer for drying and packaging) Processing rates Drying days /yr an: hr/ day Packaging days /yr anl hr/ day Operation time Drying __ days /yr an hr/ day Packaging days /yr az hr/ day Efficiency of control of U 0s3 dust released to atmosphere (design and effective) Drying  % Packaging  % R If change or expansion of the process is planned, provide approximate values as necessary. B-2

j Estimated U3 0. dust released to atmosphere 9 Stack height (s) Orying Packaging MT/yr HT/yr Orying m Packaging _m Recovery rate of U 30s  % Yellowcake yield tonnes /yr Yellowcake quality, U30  % Heap Leach Piles (if applicable) Dimensions (height, width, length) m,m,m Volume m3 Capacity MT Pile activity for U-238. Th-230, Ra-226, and Pb-210 pCi/g Fugitivo dust emissions HT/yr ( Control efficiencies for  % Solid and Liquid Disposal Impoundments (Tailings, evaporation, and settling ponds) Area, volume, capacity of sand tallings km2 , m3 , P Area, volume, capacity of slime tailings km2 , m3 , M Area, volume, capacity of submerged tailings km2 , m3 , M If different grades of ore are used or if a time-dependent scenario is planned, indicate the following for each change: Area, volume, capacity of sand tailings km2 , m3 , M Area, volume, capacity of slime tailings km2 , m3 , M Area, volume, capacity of submerged tailings km2 , m3 , M Operating time for impoundment area Attach graph and tables Fraction of U-238. Th-230, Ra-226. Pb-210 to tailings for each particular ore grade, h if applicable  % B-3

l Tailings density g/cm 3 Orying time prior to reclamatio.1 _ yrs Efficiency of controls for fugitive dusting (wetting, chemical,etc.)  % Activity, U, Ra-226. Th-230, and Pb-210 in silmes pCl/g Activity, U, Ra-226 Th-230, and pCl/g f Pb-210 in sand Activity, U, Ra-226, Th-230, and pCf/1 Pb-210 in solution _ 2 Total tallings area _m m2 Tailings pond (solution) area m2 Tailings solids area m Tallings impoundment depth gpm

               .            Seepsge rate from tallings impoundment l

Land Use and Grazing of Cattle Fraction of year spent grazing locally Fraction of feed that is pasture graze while grazing Fract'on of stored feed that is grown locally  % Acreage required to graze one animi unit ha (450 kg) for one month (AUM) n.onths/y? Length of growing season Fraction of local consumption of locally produced: vegetables  % meat  % allk Locations of Sources and Receptors All locations should be given in teres of: x kilometers east of the yellowcake dryer stack y kilometers north of the yellowcake dryer stack I meters elevation from the base of the yellowcake dryer stack (Denote locations to the south and/or west by a negative value.)

i l  ! EXAMPLE: Sources (km) east (Un) north (m) elevat_l

1. Yellowcake dryer l i
2. 0 0 --
      '                     Grinder (s)                                --              --


3. Crushers -

4 Rod mill -- 5 Ore pad -- -- 6 Fine ore blending

7. Tallings pond no. 1 (midpoint) --
8. Taflings pond no. 2 (midpoint) --
9. Heap leach pile --
10. Other sources (stacks, vents, etc.) "-

fxtra Receptors

1. Nearest re- it -- --
2. Nearest re, ent in prevailing wind direction -- --
3. Ranch --

4 Carm -~ -- --

5. Orchard -- --
6. Grazing location 1 -- -

l 7. Grazing location 2 -- --

 '             4.       Garden                                  --
5. Ranger, bunk house --
6. Mine camp --
h. 7. Town 1 I
8. Town 2
9. City 1
10. Other nearby residents (industrial ,
11. or recreational facilities) -- ~ --

Restricted area boundaries (N. 5, E. W. NE, SW, SE, NW) -- -- --



9 APPENDIX C HETEOR0 LOGICAL DATA Annual Jnint Relative frequency Distributions of Wind Direction and Wind Speed by Atmospheric Stability Class Wind Ofrection is given in the 16 compass directions. Wind Speed is given in knots in the n,Jicated classes: j 0-3, 4-6, 7-10, 11-16, 17-21, >21 f Atmospheric S'.sility is given in the following manner: A - Extremely unstable 8 - Moderately unstable C - Slightly unstable 0 , Neutral E - Moderately stable F - Very stable W The following table should be prepared for each of these stability classes. O C-1


The applicant should describe in wepth its plans for mill decommissioning and site reclamation.

Detailed discussions should be provided for the following:

1. Plans for reclaiming and restoring lands disturbed by mining and mill ing activities. These plans should provide sufficient detafis for the staff 3 to assess the suitability of these plans when compared to other alternatives (e.g., hoeftontal-vertical slope, type of cover, sources and thicknesses of cover materials, revegetation species, schedule of events from shutdown l through final reclamation).
2. A technical and financial feasibility assessment un methods and costs of alli decommissioning and site reclamation, including tailings area.
3. Financial arrangements to be made (such as bonding arrangements) to ensure that adequate funds will be available for mill decommissioning, site reclamation, and restoration when operations are concluded.

'l P i Ah, 9-1

CHAPTER 10. ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED ACTION In this chapter of the environmental report, the applicant's choice of a particular mill at a particular site and the location of project structures on the site should be supported through a comparative evaluation of available alternatives. To the extent possible, the applicant should discuss all parameters for the available alternatives. The NRC will consider all available alternatives that may reduce or avoid adverse environmental, social, and economic ef fects expected to result from construction and operation of the proposed milling and mining project. The NRC will not specify in advance which alter-natives should be selected by the applicant for consideration. The applicant should make this selection and also make clear the basis and rationale for tL choices in regard to number, availability, suitability, and . 6 tors ilmiting the range of alternatives that might avoid some or all of the environmental effects previously identified. Particular attention should be placed on the relationship between tailings management alternatives and mill site and process alternatives. In the discussion of tailings management alternatives, consideration should be given to the following siting, design, and operation performance objectives developed by tt.e staf f in addition to the technical criteria listed in Chapter 9:

1. Locate the tailings isolacion area remote from people to reduce Ni population exposures to the maximum extent reasonably achievable."
2. Locate the tailings isolation area so that disruption and dispersion by natural forces is eliminated or reduced to the maximum extent -

4sonably achievable. See the EPA reference in the footnote below for adt.,cional guidance.

3. Design the isolation area so that seepage of toxic materials into the ground-water system would be eliminated or reduced to the maximum extent reasonably achievable.

4 Eliminate the blowing of tailings to unrestricted areas during normal operating conditions and prior to final reclamation. See Environmental Protection Agency, " Criteria for Radioactive Waste," November 15, 1978 Federal Register (Part IX, 6560-01-M), Vol. 43, No. 221,

p. 53267: Issue No. 5, Location and Waste Isolation.

4 10-1

___ ~ -- l l

  • CHAPTER 11. BENEFIT-COST ANALYSIS In this chapter the appifcant's benefit-cost statement should be presented.

The prese,1tation should be made in the form of a narrative with accompanying tables and charts. It thould make clear wha

  • the applicant considers to be the important benefits and costs of the proposed facility and why, in the judgment of the applicant, the former outweigh the latter.

The applicant should develop criteria for assessing and comparing benefits f and costs where these are expressed in nonmonetary or qualitative terms. The rationales for the selection among mill-site alternatives, as well as among subsystem alternatives, should be presented. In any case, the applicant should carefully descr,oe any aggregation of effects and discuss in deta.. the trade-offs that were made in order to justify the proposed operation. If any of the benefits or costs are deleted from the applicant's analysis, the rationale for doing so should be explained. The applicarit should key all the terms used in the benefit-cost analysis to the relevant sections of the environmental report.



          !                List all licenses, permits, and other approvals of construction and opera-tions required by Federal, State, local, and regional authorities authorized to develop and enforce relevant standards for the protection of the environ-ment.*   List those Federal and State approvals that have already been received and indicate the status of matters regarding approvals yet to be obtained.

For general background, submit similar information regardint approvals, licenses, and contacts with local authorities including any affected Indian tribes. Discuss the status of efforts to obtain a water quality certification under Section 401 and discharge certrits under Section 402 of the Federal Water Pollution Cor' 71 Act, as amended. If not already obtained, indicate when certification is expected. If certification is not required, evplain. In view of the effects of the plant on the economic development of the region in which it is located, the applicant should also note the State, local, and regior.a1 planning authorities contacted or consulted. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-95** identifies the State, metropolitan, and regional clearinghouse that should be contactad, as appropriate. Cite meetings held with any Federal, State, or local agency or Indian


V tribe authorized to develop or enforce relevant environmental standards. Also include any meetings or contacts with environmental and other citi. ten groups and Indian tribes and cite specific instances of the applicant's compliance g with or rejection of the recommendations of these groups. Citation should

       ,           also be given of efforts to locate such agencies or groups and to inform them of the possibilities and procedures for participating further in the envire--

mental review process.


This list should be updated semiannually until final licensing action is taken by the NRC, AA Inquiries concerning this circular may be addressed to the Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503. 12-1

I CHAPTER 13. REFERENCES The applicant should provide a bibliography of all sources used in prepara-tion of the environmental report. References cited should be keyed to the specific sections and page numbers to which they apply. (O

   .eh O

13-1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -}}