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#REDIRECT [[IA-92-329, Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re 10CFR40.13(a).Forwards Documents Listed in App A.Documents Also Available in PDR]]
| number = ML20127C286
| issue date = 08/24/1992
| title = Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re 10CFR40.13(a).Forwards Documents Listed in App A.Documents Also Available in PDR
| author name =
| author affiliation = NRC OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION (ADM)
| addressee name = Ross M
| addressee affiliation = SHAW, PITTMAN, POTTS & TROWBRIDGE
| docket =
| license number =
| contact person =
| case reference number = FOIA-92-329
| document report number = NUDOCS 9301140115
| package number = ML20127C289
| page count = 3
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Agency records subject to the request that are identifled in Appersi a(es)                A
_ ,,, ,i,,,,3, ,y,ii,bi, ,a, pubhc inspection erws copying at the NHC Pubhc Doc ument Hoom,21?O l. $treet. N W , Wnhmgton, DC.
Agency remrds subint to the tequest that are 6dentifirJ in Appredifes)                        _ _ _              are bemg made avahble for pubhc sospection and copying at the NHC Pybhe Document Hovm,21?O L Street. N W., Washington. DC. m a fnidt # uruter th6 T OI A numbet.
The nonpro i .etary wsion of the propowHs) that you areed to muent m a trophone conversation wth a member of my staff si now being anade available                                  l for put he irsspect.on rei cupymg at the. N HC Pubhc Document Houm,2120 i Spect. N W., Washmgton, DC, in a folder urder this F OI A number.                                          ;
Arnt y ret ords sutynt to the request that are k!cntified in Appendin(eO _.                                  may be inspectal and cop ed at the NRC Local Pubhc Docurnent            i Hoom identified in the Comments ocction.
( nck. sed is mfv  mnon on how you may obtsm auss to erut the t barrs for t oppsig recorris ic.cated at the NHC Public (bcument Hoom,2120 L. $treet, N W , ay.h'nyn DC _.
A7 nc y rer utds sutyett to the #cqunt are enclosed.
Heconf t subps t to the tr omt have l+en teforted to another f ederal ern< ybeO for review and d<rn t inponse to you r cea You ndl t+ bd%f by the NHC for h'es totahng $                          _____._._
You wd! rrteive a refunu f rom the N h C en the ainuunt of $ ___ _ _ _
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In ,'en of NHC s responw to th s reqast reo fusP<re act.on n bemy iaen on appeM netter dated                                                  ___.No PAH T 11. A-INF OHMAilON WITHHf LD F HOM PUBLIC DISCL OSUHL Certain informaton in the travested recore1 h being nothhekt from pubhc d sciosu'e pu rsuant to the enemptions dentibed in and for the trasons stated in Part II. B. C, and D Any rele.ncJ portions of the documents fc,r nbic h OMy part of the recorr$ ts t;eitig withhtId are being made available for Dubbt (fispeethm s'hi f 0pysng in the NitC Pubhc Document Hoom,2120 L Sirect. N W , WasNnWon, DC in a foMet under tNs FOI A number                                          ,
i COMMENTS                                                                                                                                                                                          '
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AA 9301140115 920024 PDR          FOIA ROSS92-329                            PDR t
NRC FORM 464 (Pert fl O JM)                                                                                                                  ~
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    'A Re:  FOIA-92-329 APPENDIX A DOCUMEETS ALREADY AVAILADLE IN THE PDR NUMDER    DATE                                                DESCRIPTIDN
: 1.        9/7/60                          Federal Register Notice - 10 CFR Part 40 -
Source Material - Notice of Proposed Rule Making.      (25 FR 86191
: 2.        1/14/61                          Federal Register Notice        -
Part 40 Licensing of Source Material.          (26 FR 284)
: 3.        4/11/61                          Federal Register Notice        -
Part 40 Licensing of Source Material        -
Unimportant Quantities of Source Material.          [26 FR) 4
: 1. 9/7/60  Federal Register Notice    -
10 CFR Part 40 -
Source Material - Notice of Proposed Rule Making.  (2S FR 8619)
: 2. 1/14/61  Federal Register Hotice        -
Part 40 Licensing of Source Material.    (26 FR 284)
: 3. 4/11/61  Federal Register Notice - Part 40 Licensing of Source Material - Unimportant Quantities of Source Material.  (26 FR)}}

Revision as of 00:13, 3 September 2020