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#REDIRECT [[W3P84-0288, Forwards Description of Facility Capability for Assessing Sequence of Events & Analog Variable Time History Both pre- & post-trip,in Response to Item 1.2 in Generic Ltr 83-28]]
| number = ML20080F034
| issue date = 02/06/1984
| title = Forwards Description of Facility Capability for Assessing Sequence of Events & Analog Variable Time History Both pre- & post-trip,in Response to Item 1.2 in Generic Ltr 83-28
| author name = Cook K
| author affiliation = LOUISIANA POWER & LIGHT CO.
| addressee name = Knighton G
| docket = 05000382
| license number =
| contact person =
| document report number = GL-83-28, W3P84-0288, W3P84-288, NUDOCS 8402100237
| page count = 14
{{#Wiki_filter:_ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                          ________          _____
LOUISI AN A / 442 oe-0~oe erneer        . m eaxewe POWER & LIGHT / NEW ORLE ANS LOUSANA      70174eOOO      O 0504)366-234"5 MlOOLE SOUTH UTIUTIES SYSTEM February 6, 1984 W3P84-0288 3-A1.01.04 Q-3-A20.02.02 L.02 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention: Mr. G.W. Knighton, Chief Licensing Branch No. 3 Division of Licensing U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555
Waterford SES Unit 3 Docket No. 50-382 Response to Generic Letter 83-28, Item 1.2, Post-Trip Review - Data and Information Capability
==Dear Sir:==
The subject Generic Letter, in Item 1.2, requested a report describing the adequacy of equipment for diagnosing the cause of an unscheduled reactor shutdown.
Enclosed please find a description of the Waterford 3 capability for assess-ing sequence of events and analog variable time history both pre- and post-trip. When used in conjunction with our standard Post Trip Review this capability affords an effective means for diagnosing unscheduled reacter trips.
Should you have any questions or comments in this matter, please contact Mike Meisner at (504) 363-8938.
Yours very truly, 7
K. W. Cook Nuclear Support & Licensing Manager KWC/MJM/ch Enclosure cc:  W.M. Stevenson, E.L. Blake, J. Wilson, G.L. Constable G402100237 840206 PDR ADOCK 05000382
l' A                                            PDR                                                      8
~ '
1 i
: l.      Capability of assessing sequence of events.
j                        A.          Sequence of Events is logged by a progran in the Plant Monitoring-Computer.
B.          Attachment 1 is a list of computer points monitored by the sequence of events program.
C.          Time discrimination between events is 5 milliseconds.
D.          Sequence of Events hard copy format.
l l                                                          Point              State Point I.D.      Description            Message              Date          -Time XSSNNTTT      30 CHARACTERS    8 CHARACTERS MM/DD/YYL HH:MM:SS.SSS The hardcopy printout is presented in time order, 1 entry per printed line.
E.          When the first sequence of event file is 90% full                    it is j'
automatically. assigned to a printer device. Once                    the sequence of-events file has been auto-printed the contents of                    the file are no longer available. The operator may demand either                    the logging of the SOE's before the Auto-print condition' occurs or-the display of.
the SOE contents on one of the utility CRT monitors.
F.          The power source for the Plant Monitoring' Computer is Non-Class IE Static Uninterruptible. Power Supply with Primary and Secondary Power coming.from Class IE safety related switchgear. -The battery
.                                    will supply power for approximately 20 minutes on a loss of both
:                                    primary and secondary AC supplies.
;              2.      Capability for assessing the time' history.of-analog variables needed to determine the cause of unscheduled reactor shutdowns, and the functioning of safety related equipment.
A.          Post Trip Review File
: 1. Post Trip' Review File is-. logged by a program resident in the Plant Monitoring Computer..
I i
1 ..                                                                                                                                  .
              -  -          ,= --. -        ,,        e .        , e  , , ~      , - - , , -        --      ,  ,    n-.- ,    ,  x
283. Attachments 2 and 3 are the parameters monitored. The parameters in Attachment 2 are sampled every 2 secs and data is kept for 30 secs prior to and 30 seca post trip. The parameters in Attachment 3 are sampled every 30 secs and kept for 300 secs prior to trip and 300 secs post trip. The parameters were selected to monitor Reactor Trip parameters and Post Trip Engineered Safety Features Functions. The sampling rate is based on available Plant Monitoring Computer capacity with all other functions operating in a post trip environment.
: 4. Post Trip Review File hardcopy Format is shown in Attachment 4
: 5. Post Trip Review File will be maintained on a disk file with hardcopy capability on demand.
: 6. The power supply is the Non Class IE Static Uninterruptible power supply for the PMC.
B. Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS)
: 1. SPDS is a progran resident in the Plant Monitoring Computer.
: 2. The SPDS will monitor approximately 400 parameters, sampled every 1 second and stored for retrieval at a later time. The parameters are selected based on the requirements of NUREG 0737, Supplement 1. The selected parameters as well as a justificatioa for their selection will be detailed in the SPDS Safety Analysis report to be submitted to the NRC in the near future.
: 3. The SPDS Historical File will store data for 2 hours pre-event and 12 hours post event.
: 4. Format for diaplay is shown in Attachment 4.
: 5. At this time it has not been decided whether the Historical File will be assigned to a magnetic tape file or a diskfile.
: 6. SPDS is a program in the Plant Monitoring Computer which is powered from a non-class IE Statis Uninterruptible power supply.
: 3. Other data is available from various sources listed below.
A. Core Protection Calculators (CPCs) store a snapshot of values in memory when a trip is generated. This snapshot information can be dumped to a printer during the post trip evaluation.
l' B.      Control Board Recorders i                      Pressurizer Pressure 0-300 psia Pressurizer Level      .0-100%
Hot Leg Temperature 50-750*F
                      . Cold Leg Temperature 10-600'F
                    . Reactor Vessel Head Level Reactor Vessel Plenum Level Subcooled Margin Reactor Power              200%
Reactor Power    2X10 ~g200%
Steam,_ Generator 1 pressure 0-1200 psia Steam Generator 2 pressure 0-1200 psia Steam Generator 1 level        0-100% narrow range Steam Generator 2 level        0-100% narrow range Containment Pressure    -5 to 195 psig Containment Flood level      0-20 ft
: 4. There are no changes planned to Data or Information Capability at this time.
                                                                                        's y
s          .
OPERATING SYSTEM          PTID    EBASCO TAG      DESCRIPTION Conden. Pump A            D02100  BKR-CD-2300A2 SWGR 3Al-9 BRKR On-Off            ,
D02101  ES-CD-2300A      Mtr. Overcurrent/ Overload D02107  ES-CD-2304A      Hotwell A Lo Lvl Conden. Pump B            D02200                  SWGR 3B1-9 BRKR On-Off D02201  ES--CD-23003    Mer. Overcurrent/ Overload D02207  ES-CD-2304B      Hoewell B Lo Lvl Conden. Pump C            D02300  BKR-CD-2300C2 SWGR 3Al-10 BRKR On-Off D02301  ES-CD-2300C      Mer. Overcurrent/ Overload D02307  ES-CD-2304C      Hotwell C Lo Lvl Steam Gen. Feed Pump /    D08202  ES-FW-2012A      WPT Manual Trip Turbine A                D08204  ES-FW-2134A      FWPT Lube Oil D08225  ES-FW-2131A      Recire. Flow Lo D08226  ES-FW-2132A      Main Flow Hi Trip D08227  ES-FW-2133A      Suction Pres. Lo D08228  ES-FW-2135A      Turb. Exhaust Pres. High D08229  ES-FW-2136B      Condensate Pump Trip to cause a WPT trip D08230  ES-FW-2137A      Thrust Bearing 011 Pres. Lo D08231  ES-FW-2137A      Overspeed Trip D08232  ES-FW-2139A      High Vibration Trip D08234  ES-MD-3003A Steam Gen. Feed Pump /    D08502  ES-FW-20123      FWPT Manual Trip Turbine B                D08504  ES-FW-2134B      FWPT Lube Oil Pres. Lo D08525  ES-N-21313      Recire. Flow Lo D08527  ES-FW-2133B      Section Pres. Lo D08528  ES-FW-2135B      Tube Exhaust Pres. High D08529  ES-FW-2136B      Condensate Pump Trip to cause a FWPT trip D08530  ES-N-3137B      Thrust Bear Oil Pres. Lo D08531  ES-FW-2138B      Overspeed Trip D08532  ES-FW-2139B      High Vibration Trip D08534  ES-MD-3003B      011 Drain Tank Lvl Lo D08526  ES-FW-21323      Main Flow High Em. Fw. Pmp. A            D10100  Gd,-Fv/-6@A2. SWGR 3A3-5-10 BRKR On-Off D10102  ES- N-8300A      Overcurrent/ Overload Trip Em. Fw. Pmp. B            D10200 S M . w .S D B2. SWGR 3B3-S-2 BRKR On-Off D10202 Eis-map 6        Overcurrent/ Overload Trip-l l
l l
l        ,    , -      ,-                .-        ,-
CPERATING SYSTEM    PTID        EBASCO TAG      DESCRIPTION RCP Mtr. lA          D13200      BKR-RC-0150A2 SWGR 3Al-7 BRKR On-Off D13202      ES-RC-0152      overcurrent/ overload Trip RCP Mer. 2A          D13400      BKR-RC-0160A2 SWGR 3 Al-8 BRKR On-Off j                        D13402      ES-RC-0162      Overcurrent/ Overload Trip RCP Mtr. 1B          D13600    8gR. RC-Ol70AZ SWGR 3B1-7 BRKR On-Off
;                        D13602,    r9- RC-CI T2- ~0vercurrent/ overload Trip RCP Mer. 2B          D13800    W e %'0I N E SWGR 3B1-8 BRKR On-Off D13802      F4 -RC'o F62,    Overcurrent/ Overload Trip CEDMCS Inputs to PMC D36616    ES-PP-1091        Undervoltage Relay #1 Disconnect D36617    ES-PP-1092      Undervoltage Relay #2 Disconnect D36618    ES-PP-1093      Undervoltage Relay #3 Disconnect D36619    ES-PP-1094      Undervoltage Relay #4 Disconnect PPS Trips Operator  D38239  _ ES- FF-225h    Trip  Cir. Brk. #1, #5 Man. Discon. CP-2 CP-2, 7, 8          D38240    Es-79-1252. Trip  Cir. Brk. #2, #6 Man. Discon.-CP-8 D38241    ES-#F- 21S3    Trip  Cir. Brk. #7, #3 Man. Discon. CP-2 D38242    ES- FP- 2254    Trip  Cir. Brk.  #8, #4 Man. Discon. CP-8 D38243. _..E5_% 2255" ._ _ Trip Cir. Brk. #1,#5 Man. Discon.LCL C.
D38244    Es-N- 225G      Trip Cir. Brk. #2,#6 Man. Discon.LCL C.
D38245__. ES- &-MS7        Trip Cir. Brk. #7,#3 Man. Discon.LCL C.
D38246_ ES- fY-0.258      Trip Cir. Brk. #8,#4 Man. Discon.LCL C.
PPS Set Points      D38300    ES-PP-1001      SG 1 Lo Lvl Chal. A and Trips            D38301    ES-PP-1002      SG 1 Lo Lvl Chnl. B D38302    ES-PP-1003      SG 1 Lo Lvl Chnl. C D38303    ES-PP-1004      SG 1 Lo Lvl Chal. D D38304    ES-PP-1005      SG 2 Lo Lvl Chnl. A D38305    ES-PP-1006      SG 2 Lo Lvl Chnl. B D38306    ES-PP-1007      SG 2 Lo Lvl Chnl. C D38307    ES-PP-1008      SG 2 Lo Lvl Chnl. D D38308    ES-PP-1009      SG 1 Pres Lo Chal. A
* D38309    ES-PP-1010      SG 1 Pres Lo Chal. 3 D38310    ES-PP-1011      SG 1 Pres Lo Chnl. C D38311    ES-PP-1012      SG 1 Pres Lo Chal. D D38312    ES-PP-1013      SG 2 Pres Lo Chal. A D38313                    SG 2 Pres Lo Chal. B D38314    ES-PP-1015      SG-2 Pres Lo Chnl. C D38315    ES-PP-1016      SG 2 Pres Lo Chnl. D D38316    ES-PP-1017      Prz Pres Hi Chnl. A D38317    ES-PP-1018      Prz Pres Hi Chnl. B D38318    ES-PP-1019      Prz Pres Hi Chnl. C D38319    ES-PP-1020      Prz Pres Hi Chal. D D38320    ES-PP-1022      Prz Pres to Chnl. A D38321    ES-PP-1023      Prz Pres to Chnl. B                            !
D38322    ES-PP-1024      Prz Pres Lo Chnl. C D38323    ES-PP-1025      Prz Pres Lo Chnl. D l
i OPERATING SYSTEM          PTID      EBASCO TAG  DESCRIPTION PPS Setpoints            D38324    ES-PP-1026  LIN Fwr.      Si  Chnl. A and Trips (continued)    D38325    ES-PP-1027  LIN Pvr.      Hi  Chnl. 3            l D38326    ES-PP-1028  LIN Pwr.      Hi  Chnl. C            l D38327      ES-PP-1029 LIN  Pwr.      El  Chnl. D            :
D38328      ES-PP-1034 Cont. Pres Hi Chnl. A (RPS)
D38329      ES-PP-1035 Cont. Pres Hi Chnl. B (RPS)
D38330      ES-PP-1036 Cont. Pres Hi Chnl. C (RPS)
D38331      ES-PP-1037 Cont. Pres Hi Chnl. D (RPS)
D38332    ES-PP-1038  Cont. Pres Hi Chnl. A (ESF)
D38333    ES-PP-1039  Cont. Pres Hi Chnl. B (ESP)
D38334    ES-PP-1040  Cont. Pres Hi Chnl. C (ESF)
D38335    ES-PP-1041  Cont. Pres Hi Chnl. D (ESF)
D38336      ES-PP-1042  DNBR Lo Chnl. A D38337      ES-PP-1043  DNBR Lo Chnl. B D38338      ES-PP-1044  DNBR Lo Chal. C D38339      ES-PP-1045  DNBR Lo Chnl. D D38340      ES-PP-1046  LPD Hi Chul. A D38341      ES-PP-1047  LPD Hi Chnl. B D38342      ES-PP-1048  LPD Hi Chnl. C D38343      ES-PP-1049  LPD Hi Chnl. D D38344      ES-PP-1050  LOG Pwr. Ei Chal. A D38345      ES-PP-1051  LOG Pwr. Hi Chnl. B D38346      ES-PP-1052  LOG Pwr. Ei Chal. C D38347      ES-PP-1053  LOG Pwr. Hi Chnl. D D38348      ES-PP-1054  Cont. Pres Hi Hi Chnl. A D38349      ES-PP-1055  Cont. Pres Hi Hi Chnl. B D38350      ES-PP-1056  Cont. Pres Hi Hi Chnl. C D38351      ES-PP-1057  Cont. Pre's Hi Hi Chnl. D D38352      ES-PP-1058  RWSP Lo Lvl Chal. A D38353      ES-PP-1059  RWSP Lo Lvl Chal. B D38354      ES-PP-1060  RWSP Lo Lvl Chnl. C D38355      ES-PP-1061  RWSP Lo Lvl Chnl. D D38356      ES-PP-1062  SG 1 Hi Lvl Chnl. A D38357      ES-PP-1063  SG 1 Hi Lvl Chnl. B                    +
D38358      ES-PP-1064  SG 1 Hi Lvl Chnl. C D38359      ES-PP-1065  SG 1 Hi Lvl Chnl..D D38360      ES-PP-1066  SG 2 Hi Lvl Chnl. A D38361      ES-PP-1067  SG 2 Hi Lvl Chnl. B D38362      ES-PP-1068  SG 2 Hi Lvl Chal. C D38363      ES-PP-1069  SG 2 Hi Lvl Chnl. D D38364 . -ES-PP-1070    SG 1 Pres > SG 2 Pres Chnl. A l                                D38365..  ..ES-PP-1071  SG 1 Pres) SG 2 Pres Chal. B t
D38366      ES-PP-1072  SG 1 Pres > SG 2 Pres Chnl. C
!                                D38367      ES-PP-1073  SG 1 Pres ?SG 2 Pres Chnl. D 1
D38368      ES-PP-1074  SG 2 Pres >SG 1 Pres Chnl. A D38369      ES-PP-1075  SG 2 Pres > SG 1 Pres Chnl. B D38370      ES-PP-1076  SG 2 Pres) SG 1 Pres Chnl. C l                                D38371      ES-PP-1077  SG 2 Pres > SG 1 Pres Chnl. D
!                                D38372      ES-PP-1151  Spare  Chnl.      A D38373      ES-PP-1152  Spara Chnl.        B l                                D38374      ES-PP-1153  Spare Chnl.        C D38375      ES-PP-1154  Spare Chnl.        D
I OPERATING SYSTEM      PTID        E3ASCO TAG        DESCRIPTION PPS Set Points      D38376      ES-PP-1155        Spare  Chnl. A and Trips (continued) D38377      ES-PP-1156        Spare Chnl. B D38378      ES-PP-1157        Spare Chnl. C D38379      ES-PP-1158        Spare Chnl. D D38380      ES-PP-1159        Spare Chnl. A D38381      ES-PP-1160        Spare Chnl. B D38382      ES-PP-1161        Spare Chal. C D38383      ES-PP-1162        Spare Chnl. D D38384      ES-PP-1163        Spare Chal. A D38385      ES-PP-1164        Spare Chnl. B D38386      ES-PP-1165        Spare Chnl. C D38387      ES-PP-1166        Spare Chnl. D D38388      ES-PP-1167        Spare Chnl. A D38389      ES-PP-1168        Spare Chal. B D38390    ES-PP-1169        Spare Chnl. C D38391    ES-PP-1170        Spare Chnl. D D38392    ES-PP-1171        Spare Chnl. A D38393    ES-PP-1172        Spare Chnl. B D38394    ES-PP-1173        Spare Chnl. C D38395    ES-PP-1174        Spare Chal. D RTSG Brkrs            D38501    E S- P'#-dl82A1 RTSG Trip Cir. Brkr 1 Not Closed / Closed D38503    n- PP- C183A2. RTSG Trip Cir. Brkr 2 D38505    _ Es - PP-oi 8 4 A7. RTSG Trip Cir. Brkr 3 D38507    E M Pf'-Ci 8 S As RTSG Trip Cir. Brkr 4 D38509 _ _ g s- FF- cis(, A7. RTSG Trip Cir. Brkr 5 D38511, _ ES-FA-OIS 7 A7_ RTSG Trip Cir. Brkr 6 D38513 _. es,-FP-oie6 AT . RTSG Trip Cir. Brkr 7 D38515    es,.FF-03 8%7 RTSG' Trip Cir. Brkr 8        -
D38517    E s-FP-ciq0 A 2._ ,RTSG Trip Cir. Brkr 9 ESFAS                  D38600    ES-PP-9900        CSAS Chal. A in Action D38601    ES-PP-9901        MSIS Chnl. A in Action D38602    ES-PP-9902        CIAS Chnl. A in Action D38603    ES-PP-9903        RAS Chnl. A in Action D38604    ES-PP-9904        CCAS Chnl. A in Action D38605    ES-PP-9905        EFAS-1 Chnl. B in Action D38606    ES-PP-9906        EFAS-2 Chnl. B in Action D38607    ES-PP-9907        CSAS Chnl. B in Action                l D38608    ES-PP-9908        MSIS Chal. B in Action                !
D38609                        CIAS Chnl. B in Action                1 D38610    ES-PP-9910        RAS'Chnl. B in Action D38611    ES-PP-9911        CCAS Chnl. B in Action D38612    ES-PP-9912        EFAS-1 Chnl. A in Action D38613    ES-PP-9913        EFAS-2 Chnl. A in Action D38618    ES-PP-9940        STAS Chnl. A in Action
,                          D38620    ES-PP-9941        SIAS Chnl. B in Action i
l CVCS Chg. Pump A      D39600    BKR-CH-224X2      SWGR Brkr 3A31-S-5 Off-On
:                          D39604    PS-CH-0228X        Current Overload Trip
(                          D39605    PS-CH-0229X        Lube 011 Pres Lo
1 OPERATING SYSTEM    PTID      EBASCO TAG    DESCRIPTION CVCS Chg. Pump B      D39700  BRK-CH-24Z2    SWGR 3B31-S-6 Brkr. Off-On D39704  PS-CH-0228Z    Overload (Current) Trip D39705  PS-CH-0229Z    Lube Oil Pres Lo CVCS Chg. Pump A/B    D39800  BRK-CH-224Y2    SWGR 3AB31-S-4 Brkr. Off-On D39804  ES-CH-0228Y    Current Overload Trip D39805  PS-CH-0229Y    Lube Oil Pres to Cont. Spray Pump A    D42400  BKR-CS-7111A2 SWGR 3A3-S-6 Brkr. Off-On D42404  ES-CS-7114A    Mtr. Overload Trip Cont. Spray Pump B    D42500  BRK-CS-7111B2 SWGR 3B3-S-5 Brkr. Off-On D42504  ES-SI-6703B    Mtr. Overcurrent/ Overload Trip LPSI Pump A            D43100  BRK-SI-6710A2 SWGR 3A3-S-5 Brkr. Off-On D43102  ES-SI-6711A    Mtr. Overcurrent/ Overload Trip (Alarm)
LPSI Pump B            D43200  BKR-SI-6710B2 SWGR 3B3-S-4 Brkr. Off-On D43202  ES-SI-67113    Mtr. Overcurrent/ Overload Trip (Alarm)
HPSI Pump A            D43400  BKR-SI-6700A2 SWGR 3A3-S-4 Brkr. Off-On D43402  ES-SI-6701A    Mgr. Overcurrent/ Overload Trip (Alarm)
HPSI Pump B            D43500  BKR-SI-6700B2 SWGR 3B3-S-3 Brkr. Off-On D43502  ES-SI-6701B    Mer. Overcurrent/ overload Trip (Alarm)
HPSI Pump A/B          D43600  BKR-SI-6700C2 SWGR 3AB3-S-3 Brkr. Off-On D43604  ES-SI-6703C    Mer. Overcurrent/ Overload Trip (Alaan)
Main Turbine General  D55019  LS-TA-4301    Mn. Turb. Lube 011 Res Lo Trip Points Reserved for    D55800  PS-TA-4316    Mn. T/G Bearing 011 Pres Lo Trip Main Turb. Trips      D55802  PS-TA-4307A    EH Fluid Lo Pres Trip R2 corded by SOEs      D55803  PS-TA-4317    Mn. Turb. Thrust Brg. Oil Pres Lo Trip D55804  PS-TA-4318    Mn. T/G High Exhaust Pres D55807  ES-TA-4360    overspeed Trip D55808  ES-TA-4361    EH Cntrl. D.C. Bus No Pwr Trip D55810  ES-TA-4364    High Vibration /High Differ. Expans.
4 400 MWe Trip                            ,
D55811  ES-TA-4367    Gen. Seal 011 Differ. Pres Lo-Lo Trip D55812  ES-IA-4368A    F.W. Her. 6A Lvl Hi-Hi Trip D55813  ES-TA-4369A    F.W. Her. 5A Lvl Hi-Hi Trip D55814  ES-TA-4370A1  Moist. Sep. RH-A      Lvl Trip D55815  ES-TA-4371B1  Moist. Sep. RH-B      Lvl Trip            .
D55827  ES-TA-4368B    F.W. Her. 6B Lvl Hi-H1 Trip                l D55828  ES-TA-4368C    F.W. Her. 6C Lvl Hi-Hi Trip D55829  ES-TA-4369B    F.W. Her. 5B Lvl Hi-Hi Trip D55830  ES-TA-4369C    F.W. Her. SC Lvl Hi-H1 Trip D55831  ES-TA-4379A    Moist. Sep. RH-B      Lvl Trip D55832  ES-TA-437132  Moist. Sep. RH-B      Lvl Trip D55834  ES-TA-4374    High Vib/High Diff Exp. Trip > 400 MWu i
1 OPERATING SYSTEM          PTID  EBASCO TAG          DESCRIPTION Main Generator Trip      D58700 ES-EC-7200    Mn Trans Differ Curr Trip 74-1 Relay D58701 ES-EC-7201A  Mn Trans 3A Grnd Rly Trip 74-2 Relay D58702 ES-EC-7201B  Mn Trans 3B Grnd R1y Trip 74-3 Relay D58703 ES-GN-4623    Field Failure Trip (86GI)
D58704 ES-EC-7300    SGG1 SW. Sta. Intik Relay D58705 ES-GN-4626    Reverse Pwr  Trip D58707 ES-EC-7202A  Mn Trans 3A  Differ Curr Trip D58708 ES-EC-7202B  Mn Trans 3B  Differ Curr Trip D58709 ES-GN-4632    Mn Gen Diff  Prot Relay D58710 ES-GN-4623    Neg Seq Trip (Mn Gen)
D58712 ES-EC-7204A  Mn Trans 3A Sudden Gas Press Trip D58713 ES-EC-7204B  Mn Trans 3B Sudden Gas Press Trip D58714 ES-EC-7301    SW Sta Intik Relay D58715 ES-TA-4363    Trip From CP-15-Gen Loc 86Gl/G2 D58718 ES-EC-7010A1 D58719 ES-EC-7010A2  Unit Aux Trn 3A Sudden Gas Press Trip D58720 ES-EC-7010B1  Unit Aux Trn 3B Diff Current Trip D58721 ES-EC-7010B2  Unit Aux Trn 3B Sudden Gas Press Trip D58722 ES-EC-7203    86G2 Station Bus Diff Curr Trip D58723 ES-EC-8060    Distance Lockout Relay D58724 ES-GN-4622    Manual 86G1 Trip D58725 ES-GN-4631    Manual 86G2 Trip D58726 ES-CN-4634    86Cl Grnd Trip D58727 ES-TA-4355    86G2 Field Failure Trip D58728 ES-GN-4627    Turb Trip Relay System 88                D58826 ES-7A-4300    Turb Exhaust Hood High Temp (Trip Alarm)
Main Turbine Supervisory D56004  PS-TA-1806    Exh Press Diff/ Gen Monitoring Alarm Startup Traneformer      DS9200 ES-EC-7000Al  Diff Current Trip (3A)
DS9201 ES-EC-7000A2  Ground Trip (3A)
DS9202 ES-EC-7000A3  Sudden Gas Press Trip (3A)
D59203 ES-EC-7000A4  Lockout Relay Trip SWGR 3Al DS9204 ES-EC-7001A  3A Trans to 6.9KV Bus Overcurrent Trip D59207 ES-EC-7000B1  3B Diff Current Trip DS9208 ES-EC-7000B2  3B Ground Trip D59209 ES-EC-7000B3  3B Sudden Gas Press Trip D59210 ES-EC-7000B4  Lockout Relay Trip SWGR 3B1 D59211 ES-EC-7001B  3B Trans to 6.9KV Bus Overcurrent Trip Switching Station        DS9349 ES-EC-8050A7  011 Cir Erkr A BF Operation D59379 ES-EC-8050B7  Oil Cir Brkr B BF Operation D59360 ES-EC-8050AIB Pole Disagreement (A)
DS9370 ES-EC-8050BlB Pole Disagreement (B)
    .          '. .o OPERATING SYSTEM  PTID    EBASCO TAG            DESCRIPTION i
6.9 KV Switchgear DS9400  BKR-EC-7000A2 SU Trans 3A WDX to 6.9KV Bus 3Al DR Bi D59401  BRK-EC-7000B2 SU Trans 3B WDX to 6.9KV Bus 3B1 ."UR 31 DS9402  BRK-EC-7010A2 Unit Aux Trans 3A WDX to 6.9KV-3B1 Aux F Bkr DS9403  BKR-EC-7010B2 Unit Aux Trans 3B WDX to 6.9KV-331 Aux F Ekr 4                        D59404  ES-EC-7000A          6.9KV-3Al Under V. Trip D59412  ES-EC-7000B          6.9KV-3B1 Under V. Trip DS9413  ES-EC-701085 6.16 KV            DS9500  BKR-EC-4000A2 SU Trans 3A WDY to 4.16KV-3A2 t/2 FDR Switchgear                                            Bkr DS9501  BKR-EC-4010A2 Aux Trans 3A WDY to 4.16KV-3A2 #1 FDR DS9502  ES-EC-4000A5      00              r. n IA W M ~'        ~  ' '
D59503  ES-EC-4010A5      A ux "Tm .4 .3A W oy % 4. lWi/. S A7.      S. 4 i                      DS9506  ES-EC-4029A          4.16KV-3A2 Under V. Relay DS9516  BRK-EC-4000B2 SU Trans 3B WDY to 4.16KV-3B'i #4 FDR Bkr DS9517  BKR-EC-4010B2 Unit Aux 3B WDY to 4.16KV-3B2 #1 FDR Bkr D59518  ES-EC-4000B5        SU Trans 3B WOT M 4.16R.V-3BZ            FDR OC DS9519  ES-EC-4010B5        Unic Aux 3B wof w .2. IM/-392. FDR OC D59522  ES-EC-4029B        4.16KV-3B2 Under V.
. Cire. Water Pump A  D62100  h < R. cw - #221&2. SWGR 3Al-5 Brkr Off-On D62101  ES-tw-8221 A        SWGR 3Al-5 Overcurrent/ Overload Trip Cire. Water Pump B  D62200 BKR,-Cv/-07.Zitff. SWGR 3B1-5 Brkr Off-On D62201 322 t 3 SWGR 3B1-5 Overcurrent/ Overload Trip Circ.* Water Pump C D62300 SKA-Cu.)-822tC2- SWGR 3Al-6 Brkr Off-On D62301  ES-cet-9221 C Mtr. Overcurrent/ Overload Trip Cire. Water Pump D  D62400 3<R-cts-822tD 2- SWGR 3B1-6 Brkr Off-On D62401  ES -C.W- 8 2.2 t D Mer. Overcurrent/ Overload Trip i
I l
                                      ..- -~      , , . --                -      .    ,,
ATTACHMENT 2 2 SEC GROUP A12217 CPC.PZR Press CH 1        0 to 3000 psia C26242 PZR Lv 1                  0 to 100 P CNT A92208 CNTMT Press            ,
O to 70 psia Allll4 SG 1 Press        s      0 to 1200 psia All108 SG 1 Lv 1                  0 to 100 PCNT C26260 SG 1 FW Flow              0 to 8 MPPH C26258 SG 1 STM Flow              0 to 8 MPPH All214 SG 2 Press                O to 1200 psia A11208 SG 2 Lv 1                  0 to 100 PCNT C26261 SG 2 FW Flow              0 to 8 MPPH C26259 SG 2 STM Flow              0 to 8 MPPH C26236 Log Power CHC              l~ to 200%
C26330 Lin Power CHD              0 to 200%
C26413 CET SAT Margin            200 to -2100 'F A13200 RCPM 1A Amps              0 to 1200 Amps A13600 RCPM 1B Amps              0 to 1200 Amps A13400 RCPM 2A Amps              O to 1200 Amps A13800 RCPM 2B Amps              O to 1200 Amps C48088 CVP Exh Rad                lE -07 to .1 uci/cc All300 Mod Demand SBC Value 1    0 to 100%
ATTACHMENT 3 30 SECOND GROUP Include all points in 2 second group
!            A12300            PzR Quench Tank Level                O to 100 PCNT c              A12304            PzR Quench Tank Temp                0 to 300 Deg. F A12301            PzR Quench Tank Press                0 to 150 PSIG C26237            Boron Concentration                  0 to 6000 PPM
,              C26402            Rx VSL Lv 1 Head                    0 to-100 PCNT
l              C26403            Rx VSL Lv 1 Plenum-                  O to 100 PCNT i
C26229            EFW Flow SG 1                        O to 800 GPM C26231            EFW Flow Sg 2                        0 to 800 GPM S43101            LPSI Pump A Flow                    0 to 5000 GPM S43201            LPSI Pump B Flow                    0 to 5000 GPM C26247            HPSI Flow to RCL 1A                  0 to 500 GPM
C26248            HPSI Flow to RCL 1B                  0 to 500 GPM C26249'          HPSI Flow to RCL 2A                  0 to 500 GPM C26250            HPSI Flow to RCL 2B                  0 to 500 GPM C26245            Charging Flow                        0 to 150 GPM C26246            Letdown Flow                        0 to 150 GPM A61111            IA Dryer Outl Air Press              0 to 125 psig C26340            CNTMF Hi range Rad                  10 to lE08 R/HR C48071            Stack Gas Rad                        IE-07 to .1 VCI/CC
!              A59900            3A-DC-S Volts                        J to 150 VDC A59901            3D-DC-S Volts                      - O to 150 VDC i
A59902            3AB-DC-5 Volts                      O to 150 VDC A60104            EDG A Freq.                          55 to 65 H g.
              'A60204            EDG B Freq.                          55 to 65 H g C26238          -RCS Loop 1 Th                        .50 to 750 Deg. F.
?              C26331            RCS Ioop 2 Th '                      50 to 750 Deg. F.
C26239            RCS Inop 1A Tc                      50 to 750 Deg. F.
C26333            RCS Lmp 1B Tc                        50 to.750 Deg. F..
C26240            RCS Icop 2A Tc                      '50:to 750 Deg. F.
C26332-          RCS ' cop 2B Tc                      50 to 750 Deg. F.
i x
!-                                                                                          l i-                                                                                            i l
ATTACl! MENT 4 PTID                              POINT DESCRIPTION
: 2. ASST.TTT                                Point Description
: 3. ASSNITT                                Point Description TIM::                1                  2                  3 IIII:MM: SS        UNITS              UNITS              UN1TS XXXXXXXXQ          XXXXXXXXQ          XXXXXXXXQ v}}

Latest revision as of 01:53, 26 July 2023