05000317/LER-1982-021, Updated LER 82-021/03X-1:on 820417,main Steam Safety Valve RV-3993 Did Not Lift at Required Setpoint.No Cause Stated. Valve Reset & Retested: Difference between revisions

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#REDIRECT [[05000317/LER-1982-021, Forwards Updated LER 82-021/03X-1]]
| number = ML20062B893
| issue date = 07/19/1982
| title = Updated LER 82-021/03X-1:on 820417,main Steam Safety Valve RV-3993 Did Not Lift at Required Setpoint.No Cause Stated. Valve Reset & Retested
| author name = Huseby D, Lagiewski J
| author affiliation = BALTIMORE GAS & ELECTRIC CO.
| addressee name =
| docket = 05000317
| license number =
| contact person =
| document report number = LER-82-021-03X, LER-82-21-3X, NUDOCS 8208050092
| package number = ML20062B876
| page count = 2
| Title = Updated LER 82-021/03X-1:on 820417,main Steam Safety Valve RV-3993 Did Not Lift at Required Setpoint.No Cause Stated. Valve Reset & Retested
| Plant =
| Reporting criterion =
| Power level =
| Mode =
| Docket = 05000317
| LER year = 2082
| LER number = 21
| LER revision =
| Event date =
| Report date =
| ENS =
| abstract =
NRC FORM 336                                                                                                                                                    U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATOR COMMISSION (7 77)
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;  lo lc l l                          remained operable during this event. Repetitive events:                                                                                  50-317/79-16,                                1      -
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CAUSE DESCRIPTION AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS h li l0 l l                      Valve lifted below specified pressure (951 psig vice 985                                                                                  10 psig) but                                  I
;    lijil l                        showed good repeatability in testing. Valve was reset and retested.                                                                                                                    I
          , 7      l                Eight additional valves were also tested to insure setpoint accuracy                                                                                                                      l
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NAME OF PREPARER J. S. Lagiewski/D. E. Huseby                                                              PHONE:      301-269-4747/4816                                  {
LER NO.            82-21/3X, Rev. I DOCKET NO.          50-317 LICENSE NO.        DPR-53 EVENT DATE          04-17-82 REPORT DATE 07-19-82 ATTACHMENT CAUSE DESCRIPTION AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS When tested, this safety valve was lif ted three times. Although the valve lif ted at a pressure below the specifitd range (951 psig vice 985 +/-10 psig), it did show excellent repeatability. No physical damage or anomalies to the valve were found, so the valve was reset, retested, and returned to service at the manufacturer's recommendation.
Periodic statistical samplings of our main steam safety valve setpoints are performed specifically to identify these discrepancies. Upon failure of one safety valve to lif t at the required presure, additional testing is performed to verify setpoints of other redundant valves. Testing of eight other main steam safety valves, as well as retesting of this valve af ter it is reset, was performed near the end of 1982 refueling outage. Had a second failure occurred, all remaining main steam safety valves would have been tested for setpoint accuracy and repeatability. Because an on-going program of surveillance testing already exists, no other corrective or preventive action is deemed necessary.

Latest revision as of 20:38, 6 January 2021