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| number = ML113350385
| number = ML13350A243
| issue date = 03/31/2012
| issue date = 07/31/1976
| title = Terrestrial Environmental Studies for Nuclear Power Stations
| title = Terrestrial Environmental Studies for Nuclear Power Stations
| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = NRC/RES
| author affiliation = NRC/OSD
| addressee name =  
| addressee name =  
| addressee affiliation =  
| addressee affiliation =  
| docket =  
| docket =  
| license number =  
| license number =  
| contact person = Bayssie Mekonen/RES 251-7489
| contact person =  
| case reference number = DG-4016
| document report number = RG-4.011
| document report number = RG-4.011, Rev 2
| package number = ML113350061
| document type = Regulatory Guide
| document type = Regulatory Guide
| page count = 27
| page count = 9
{{#Wiki_filter:The NRC issues regulatory guides to describe and make available to the public methods that the NRC staff considers acceptable for use in implementing specific parts of the agency
{{#Wiki_filter:U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION                                                                                                                                    July 1976 REGULATORY GUIDE
=s regulations, techniques that the staff uses in evaluating specific problems or postulated accidents, and data that the staff needs in reviewing applications for permits and licenses. Regulatory guides are not substitutes for regulations, and compliance with them is not required. Methods and solutions that differ from those set forth in regulatory guides will be deemed acceptable if they provide a basis for the findings required for the issuance or continuance of a permit or license by the Commission.
                                                                    REGULATORY GUIDE 4.11 TERRESTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES
                                                        FOR NUCLEAR POWER STATIONS

This guide was issued after consideration of comments received from the public.
ixtientiaJl ctivit1JnarTieti            ,ct.,!ts5 mcudine iuddeti -11 extet.
Regulatory guides are issued in 10 broad divisions C1, Power Reactors; 2, Research and Test Reactors; 3, Fuels and Materials Facilities; 4, Environmental and Siting; 5, Materials and Plant Protection; 6, Products; 7, Transportation; 8, Occupational Hea lth; 9, Antitrust and Financial Review; and 10, General.
Electronic copies of this guide and other recently issued guides are available through the NRC
=s public Web site under the Regulatory Guides document collection of the NRC Library at and through the NRC=s Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) at , under Accession No. ML113350385. The regulatory analysis may be found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML113350388.

nAlized custs. of nucicau power statikin construction and The Nuclear Regulatory Conmiits,,n's policy and                                          operation. By identifying importanl envirornn,,znl costs procedures for picparing and proccssing erivirotimental                                        priot to site preparation and statnun construction. the impact statements and related documents pursuant ito                                          costs can be rmduced to acceptable levels by wleclting as- Section 102(2) (C) of the National invironmental Policy                                        appropriate site. revising the station de.i"'or modifying Act of 1969 (Public Law 91-190, 83 Stat. 852) are set                                          operating piocedures.
March 2012 Revision 2 REGULATORY GUIDE
    REGULATORY GUIDE 4.11 (Draft was issued as DG-4016, dated August 2011)  

forth in 10 C(FR Part SI, "Licensing and Regulatory                                                                                                            C.,
This guide provides technical guidance that U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff considers acceptable for terrestrial environmental studies and analyses supporting licensing decisions for nuclear power reactors. The NRC issued Regulatory Guide (RG) 4.11, Revision 1, in August 1977 before the implementation of many environmental regulations affecting licensing decisions. For purposes of this guide, the term "terrestrial" encompasses permanently dry lands (uplands) and those wetlands and other aquatic features supporting emergent (not submerged) vegetation. The NRC generally includes wetland and riparian (riverside) habitats with terrestrial issues as a matter of convenience, even though these habitats interface with aquatic habitats.  This guide does not address aquatic areas containing only submerged aquatic vegetation.  For purposes of this guide, the term "terrestrial environmental study" refers to ecological studies and assessments focused on characterizing environmental impacts on flora and fauna and their habitats.  Most terrestrial environmental studies performed in connection with NRC licensing decisions support decisionmaking under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This guidance is intended to improve the consideration of terrestrial environmental impacts in environmental impact statements and other documents produced to comply with NEPA.
  Policy arid Procedures foi Environmental Prtc'tion.'"                                              In this guide. environmental str4ies aute.4vided into Regulatory Guide 4.2. "Preparation of Environmental                                            four phases: rote Selection. box*                          'Mbdies. cnsitu.tion Reports for Nuclear Power Stations," identifies the                                           monitoring, arid oTibrati*tl                                    . 1 able
                                                                                                                                                                      -rihI shows informnation needed by the NRC staff in its aswscsnment                                        the oruganization foz ,=restual tdies identifying majoi of the potential eavironmental etlects of a lijpoted                                            task.5and their apprt'*).tetim&:hedults.

This guide defines general objectives for terrestrial analyses but does not provide stepwise instructions or technical protocols. Professional judgment is necessary when identifying analytical methods appropriate to each licensing decision and when collecting the associated data. Various agencies and other parties are continually refining terrestrial ecology protocols and developing new approaches to achieve regulatory objectives. Applicants using this guide should contact appropriate Federal and State Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 2 environmental regulatory agencies and search recent scientific literature for specific data collection protocols and analytical processes.  Applicants should justify the methods selected.
nuclear facility. This regulatory guide provides technical                                         Adversw irpal*.4n t                              Jtlo.gafisrh or ecological Jke inlfornima ion Imothe design and.c.c ecution of eterest rial                                  systems h.c histAoI4y itulted fr omr loss or niodifica.

This guide focuses on terrestrial analyses for licensing new nuclear power stations under the combined licensing process in Title 10, of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 52, "Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals for Nuclear Power Plants" (10 CFR Part 52) (Ref. 1) and power reactors under 10 CFR Part 50, "Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities" (Ref. 2).  This guide is also useful in identifying the more limited studies and analyses needed for nuclear reactor operating license renewal under 10 CFR Part 54, "Requirements for Renewal of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Power Plants" (Ref. 3), and portions may also be relevant to nuclear reactor decommissioning.
environmental studies for nuclear power stations. The                                          tititLol                          a4W-lea*
                                                                                                                                          out rtinvtals or toxic chemiicals information resulting from these studies, ai they relate                                        illtot      eti        nrtimt, and dnect desitruction of biota. A
to ecological aspects of site selection, as.sessment of bholcd*Cl,,eil'I nay be expressed at the level of lih terrestrial effects of station construction and operation, :'                                        `1i*, *gaPrtiXrns itrthrouh the collective jrcnponrt.

Terrestrial analyses are also addressed in guidance documents that the NRC has developed to help applicants prepare multidisciplinary environmental information for license applications. These documents include RG 4.2, "Preparation of Environmental Reports for Nuclear Power Stations" (Ref. 4), and RG 4.7, "General Site Suitability Criteria for Nuclear Power Stations" (Ref. 5). This guide provides focused guidance on terrestrial environmental studies and analyses supporting the broader environmental objectives in these other RGs. Like other NRC RGs, this guide addresses information that the NRC uses in making regulatory decisions. It does not necessarily cover all of the terrestrial environmental information that other Federal, State, or local regulatory agencies may need.
and formulation of related monitorting activitcs. mtay be 4.sins                                                      ,t the system level.. k.xar1-,: of effect- o',t appropriate for inclusion in the applicant's envirot*,S*,, ii)4gvithil organisms include death. redu, :, n of heallh tal report.                         *1or'ltalty,                                                                     accurmulation ofroxi" subs...nces. and
                                                                                              `ta.llteration of reproductive success. Lxa.mples of ecolo.

The NRC issues regulatory guides to describe to the public methods that the staff considers acceptable for use in implementing specific parts of the agency's regulations, to explain techniques that the staff uses in evaluating specific problems or postulated accidents, and to provide guidance to applicants. Regulatory guides are not substitutes for regulations and compliance with them is not required.
Although there is a need for a thorou,0,4i1uait*                                      : gical system efc1TIs include changes in birth mi,death environmental impacts, it is important thaItresouw.09s not                                    rate. changes of toxic ekinent concentrations through- be needlessly dissipated on programs of-.t*iteJ&'%aflu¢.                                      out entire food webs, and changes in population mle ot The need for accuraite evaluation and tun*                                    view of community structure, the environmental report makes it eswrntial to focus                                                  Mos lant and animal sopuletions havc sutficient quickly on Iearingful 'I9 a nd to avoid exhaustive                                                  Modt          pla      ct yn oma k Upu fort            o sshe1s t't,:ie w analyses not directiy fter                            ;.1station impacts. This                reproductive capacity tu make up for loses of a few guide racommindrirtk, C                        Itu ssessments, resource                        mdtvidual. without chanes in 3verage population W.,es management, s.f.c          .* *                  -andcontrol of effects asWhen                                                                          th loss of individual means for ,ro~ting                          terrestrial ecology. The ap- becomes sufficiently great, however, the populattori irs a proach r j061nn62              d f.1 terrestrial surveys begins with                         whorce ttay eas to                                punction em a elf.suytahning.

This regulatory guide contains information collection requirements covered by 10 CFR Part 51 (Ref. 6) that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved under OMB control number 3150-
broadly                  anll        and biotic inventories and then                          renewable resource. The poplation may then be focuses on1ig*nited number of significant environmental                                      overstressed. and species extinction or undesitable shifts issues.           1Rý                                                                          in community structure may become possible.
0021. The NRC may neither conduct nor sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, an information collection request or requirement unless the requesting document displays a currently valid OMB control number. This regulatory guide is a rule as designated in the Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. 801-808).  However, the NRC has determined this regulatory guide is not a major rule as designated by the Congressional Review Act and has verified this determination with the OMB.
The NRC has an interest in facilitating the harmonization of standards used internationally.  In this case, we did not find similar elements between this regulatory guide and the IAEA safety guides.

Background Terrestrial analyses can be broadly classified as those providing siting support, baseline investigations, identification of important species and habitats, impact analyses, monitoring efforts, and decommissioning support.  The applicant should use best professional judgment to develop and justify the objectives of terrestrial studies, their spatial and temporal coverage, their level of detail, and methods of data collection.
Excessive population stresses have resulted from It is important (hat environmental assessments pro-                                       natural phenomena, hunting, trapping. draining of wet- vide the information needed to estimate and limit                                              lands, harvesting forests, plowing prairies, widespread USNAC RE.GULATORY GUIDES                                                    Corn"rt.9   Sh.ould 104 so-t      tothi swc..tsv of t"       rnte~,   Ua I    cls
1%g,.tato,v Guide* Ole iltus4 to d~renit.h and _4119 4*AO0 to~e~'            0.4t.,.~
Terrestrial Siting Support
                                                                                    Outwitg:o              Sam"^t.4Octwg                          DCic                            e mefthods acce~lbillt 990tIle i9C stetI Of 'rnPtlt.ttt~tg 11009to Parts Of %as Comnrn16,00 S togujtbt.ofts. to dol~tes~bgtetVha            'J&" air Ito~Ot.t ft *Vt              The quid"e.l,.e,1'ttsfla nthf            fftobroa8d ff9.softe eo~
sting tiepc-fic ptoblernt at posttuteled &cc~de'tt a' to Po'tde guidane. to .o~tt.
Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 3 Terrestrial ecology is one of several technical disciplines involved in the site selection (screening) process commonly used to license a new nuclear power plant under 10 CFR Part 50 or 10 CFR Part 52.    The discussion of site selection procedures in this guide is limited to terrestrial ecological issues.  The presence or absence of terrestrial ecological resources contributes to screening a region of interest to identify sites for further evaluation.  Information on the site selection process commonly used for nuclear power plants appears in Electric Power Research Institute Report No. 1006878, "Siting Guide:  Site Selection and Evaluation Criteria for an Early Site Permit Application," issued 2002 (Ref. 7); RG 4.2; and RG 4.7.  Terrestrial ecology is also a factor in evaluating alternative energy sources and alternative heat dissipation systems.  The siting guidance below is expected to be useful only to licensing new reactors; siting is generally not a consideration in license renewal.
Site Selection (Site Alternatives)
  Reconnaissance-level information and published data are the primary information sources used to identify terrestrial ecology resources for site selection purposes.  Each step in the site selection process increases the level of detail used in identifying sensitive resources (including but not limited to terrestrial ecological resources), further narrows the field of possible sites, and increases confidence in the extent to which the resulting field of sites avoids sensitive resources. The region of interest may be initially screened at a coarse scale (e.g., using maps or aerial photographs at a scale of 1:250,000) to identify candidate areas that best exclude large land areas dedicated to ecological management (e.g., national wildlife refuges, critical habitat for Federally listed threatened or endangered species, and State wildlife or natural areas) and larger wetlands or floodplains.  Areas passing the initial screen may then be screened more closely by overlaying a polygon approximating the size of a project site on a resource map with a finer scale showing protected species and smaller wetland and floodplain areas that had been indiscernible at the coarser scale.  The polygon may be repositioned multiple times over the map as needed to identify a suite of candidate sites for further investigation.
Candidate sites can then be compared using specific qualitative and quantitative criteria.  Criteria may include numbers of known occurrences of Federally or State-listed species; the amount and quality of upland and wetland habitats; distance from wetlands, shorelines, and riparian zones; and other pertinent ecological attributes.  Criteria may be scored and potential sites compared using the scores.  Scoring criteria should reflect information that is as uniform in detail and accuracy as possible among candidate sites.  Scores should be reviewed for possible bias derived from the differing quality of available data.  For example, the number of known occurrences of Federally or State-listed species may vary from site to site depending on how well the differing geographic regions have been characterized in the past.  Applicants should justify the criteria selected and the criteria scoring schemes.
The applicant may identify a final suite of alternative sites, including a proposed site and alternative sites, by comparing candidate sites based on potential impacts to the terrestrial ecology resources noted above.  The analysis normally entails further screening at a higher confidence level using more detailed, site-specific data developed from onsite verification surveys; the analysis should also consider potential impacts from transmission lines and other offsite development (e.g., pipelines or access roads).  Site preparation and other project development impacts (e.g., presence of high-quality habitats and proximity to protected species) and operation impacts (e.g., distance to wetlands potentially affected by surface water drawdown or groundwater depletion) can be scored subjectively and then compared.
The evaluation of alternative sites needed by NRC staff may partially overlap that required by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) (Ref. 8).  Applicants may find it efficient to evaluate terrestrial ecology resources at alternative sites following an integrated approach that simultaneously achieves what is needed by both NRC and the Corps.
Applications for Section 404 permits must demonstrate that the proposed site is the least environmentally Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 4 damaging practicable alternative (LEDPA) under the alternatives analysis guidelines in 40 CFR Part 230, "Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines for Specification of Disposal Sites for Dredged or Fill Material" (Ref. 9), developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Practicable alternatives include, but are not limited to, discharges of dredged or fill material at other locations (see Subpart B, "Compliance with the Guidelines," of 40 CFR Part 230).  Applicants may contact the regional Corps district office to acquire information on local application of the LEDPA guidelines in 40 CFR Part 230 for site selection.
Energy Alternatives Terrestrial ecology is one of several technical disciplines involved in evaluating whether alternative energy sources requiring new generating capacity are competitive with the proposed energy source.  RG 4.2 identifies alternative energy sources for new generating capacity.  Nuclear, coal, natural gas, and a combination of alternatives are the most commonly considered alternative energy sources for new baseload power generating capacity; these alternative energy sources are normally compared under the assumption that they would be developed on the proposed site.  There are no specific terrestrial ecology criteria to evaluate competitiveness between the alternative energy sources and the proposed source.  Instead, terrestrial resources potentially affected by each energy alternative typically are described and compared at a coarse (low) level of resolution (e.g., use of previously disturbed versus undisturbed habitat) and are not quantified.
As indicated for site alternatives, the evaluation of alternative energy sources needed by NRC staff may partially overlap that needed by the Corps to demonstrate that a nuclear energy source is the LEDPA under the EPA alternatives analysis guidelines in 40 CFR Part 230. Practicable alternatives include functional alternatives (see Appendix B, "NEPA Implementation Procedures for the Regulatory Program," to 33 CFR Part 325, "Processing of Department of the Army Permits" (Ref. 10)) such as energy alternatives.  Applicants may contact the regional Corps district office to acquire information on local application of the LEDPA guidelines for energy source evaluation.  The Corps may require terrestrial environmental data beyond those recommended for NRC purposes in this guide.
Heat Dissipation System Design Alternatives Terrestrial ecology is also a factor for assessing design alternatives for heat dissipation systems for nuclear power plants.  Depending on the particular site, possible alternative heat dissipation systems may include once-through systems and closed-cycle systems such as mechanical draft wet cooling towers, natural draft cooling towers, wet-dry cooling towers, dry cooling towers, cooling ponds, and spray ponds.  No specific terrestrial ecology criteria are normally used to compare the alternative heat dissipation systems.  Instead, terrestrial resources potentially affected by each alternative are typically described and compared at a coarse (low) level of resolution (e.g., identifying general habitat types, such as forests or wetland, that system development would impact and the general operational effects of different cooling tower systems, such as salt drift and avian collisions) and are not typically quantified.
Sources of Information The following information sources are useful for identifying terrestrial ecological resources for purposes of project siting:  
a. online mapping products, including but not limited to topographic maps from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS);
b. National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS);
c. State wetland maps such as those developed by Maryland and New Jersey; 
Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 5 d. State (e.g., Natural Heritage Program) and Federal (e.g., FWS) data on the potential occurrence of threatened, endangered, and other protected species and habitats;
e. county soil surveys from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) (formerly the Soil Conservation Service);
f. flood insurance rate maps from the Federal Emergency Management Agency;
g. Federal, State, and private land use and land cover maps, including the following:
- the USDA National Agricultural Imagery Program (Ref. 11), - multiple-resolution land characteristics consortium national land cover database (Ref. 12), 
- others described in the section below regarding terrestrial habitat identification, and - existing and projected future land use maps from local planning and zoning offices. State and regional wetland maps are generally more reliable than NWI maps. However, some maps only show tidal (coastal) wetlands or wetlands that meet size or quality thresholds.  Therefore, applicants may have to use State or regional maps in conjunction with NWI maps (or other broadly scoped maps) to provide information on all wetland types. County soil surveys show soils indicative of wetlands (hydric soils) and other potentially sensitive habitats such as sand dunes.  Floodplains depicted on flood insurance rate maps may contain sensitive riparian or coastal habitats.  If land use or land cover maps are not available, aerial photographs or satellite imagery can provide similar data.
Terrestrial Environmental Baseline Investigations
Terrestrial environmental baseline investigations inventory and characterize upland and wetland flora, fauna, and habitats in potentially affected areas on, and in the vicinity of, a proposed site, including the associated offsite rights-of-way for features such as transmission lines.  Baseline investigations form a basis for assessing potential impacts to terrestrial resources and serve as a foundation for related Federal and State monitoring and mitigation requirements.  The detail should be roughly proportional to the anticipated magnitude of potential impacts and the level of information needed to evaluate the significance of the impacts.  The spatial extent of potential impacts can extend beyond the proposed limits of ground disturbance to encompass areas potentially affected by other activities, such as surface water or groundwater drawdown, spoils disposal, noise, runoff, dust deposition, and cooling tower drift.  Studies of terrestrial resources within the area of development and operation  should generally be more detailed than studies of peripheral areas.  The spatial extent and detail of baseline investigations may have to be expanded to address the concerns of interested Federal, State, Tribal, local, and private organizations.
The detail needed for baseline investigations may be less for proposed sites that have been partially developed (e.g., sites within an existing nuclear power plant property or a property with other energy production facilities) and that have been the subject of recent past ecological investigations.  The applicant may use descriptive field information gathered during previous environmental reviews to contribute to the description of the current condition of terrestrial resources, as long as the information is updated and augmented as necessary with current field investigation data. The updated data collection should address habitats lost and created by development of existing facilities (e.g., early successional upland habitats created by prior establishment of borrow and laydown areas, shoreline habitats that develop after the creation of cooling reservoirs) and ongoing natural processes that have taken place since collection of the earlier data. In general, the detail needed for license renewal is expected to be less than what is needed for new reactors. Not only does license renewal typically involve less extensive modifications to the terrestrial environment, the ecological conditions on renewal sites are more likely to have been previously characterized.
Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 6 Because baseline investigations form the foundation for subsequent analyses and monitoring, applicants should initiate them as early as possible and ensure that they are broad enough to support anticipated subsequent studies.  Applicants performing terrestrial baseline investigations should seek input from interested Federal, State, Tribal, local, and private organizations when initially designing the investigations.  Some baseline investigations commonly useful for NRC-licensed activities include the following:
a. terrestrial habitat identification, b. terrestrial habitat mapping, c. terrestrial habitat description, d. flora studies, e. fauna studies, f. wetland delineations, g. wetland functional assessments, and h. identification of important species and habitats.
Applicants can prepare terrestrial baseline studies as stand-alone reports or present them initially within an environmental report (see RG 4.2) or other broadly scoped environmental document.  Applicants can combine closely related baseline studies into single reports (e.g., presenting terrestrial habitat identification, mapping, and description logically in a single report) and prepare flora and fauna survey reports separately, together, or combined with a terrestrial habitat survey report and map.  Wetland delineations and functional assessments are commonly prepared as stand-alone reports.
Applicants may be able to draw upon existing scientific literature to obtain some of the necessary baseline data.  Terrestrial ecological baseline studies may have already been prepared to support other projects on or near the site.  Websites, databases, or other information sources maintained by Federal, state, or local agencies or conservation organizations may also contain useful data.  Applicants would have to use professional judgment to evaluate the applicability or possible obsolescence of the data.
Terrestrial Habitat Identification Terrestrial habitats should be identified on the proposed site and adjoining property, as well as along any new or existing transmission line corridors affected by the proposed action.  The area of potential effects can extend beyond the proposed limits of ground disturbance to encompass habitats potentially affected by surface water drawdown or groundwater depletion, spoils disposal noise, runoff, dust deposition, cooling tower drift, and other activities.
Although environmental documents have traditionally designated terrestrial habitats using broad vegetation-based terms such as "forest," "scrub," "thicket," "field," "open land," "marsh," and "swamp," nomenclature systems with more precisely defined terms are available as discussed below.  Applicants should inquire with Federal and State regulatory agencies whether they recommend use of a specific identification system.  Newer systems and updated versions of current systems may be developed or updated over time.
The USGS attempted to standardize the nomenclature for land cover, and hence terrestrial habitat, in the 1970s (Ref. 13).  Its system comprises a broad "Level I" series of land cover classes resolvable from satellite imagery, followed by tiered Level II, III, and IV classes resolvable from progressively more detailed aerial photography.  The Nature Conservancy (TNC) later developed the U.S. National Vegetation Classification (USNVC) system (Ref. 14).  The highest tier "class" distinguishes broad features such as forest and shrubland.  The next tier "subclass" distinguishes gross vegetation differences such as deciduous versus evergreen forest.  Lower tiers provide increasing specificity.  The lowest (most Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 7 detailed but least commonly used) levels of the USNVC system, the alliance and association, rely on indicator species.  Indicator species characterize a habitat because they are dominant or otherwise distinguish the vegetation.  Separate from the USNVC system, the U.S. Forest Service has developed standardized designations for forest cover using indicator species (Ref. 15).  However, the U.S. Forest Service system is useful only in describing forested habitats.
Perhaps the most broadly available uniform source for terrestrial land cover data geared specifically to ecological management is the national landcover map produced as part of the Gap Analysis Program (GAP) administered by the USGS (Ref. 16). The GAP strives to identify wildlife species and plant communities that are not adequately protected by conservation programs.  As with the earlier USGS approach to land cover, the GAP national landcover map provides three levels of detail.  As of 2010,
Level 1 contained eight classes based on generalized vegetation physiognomy (e.g., grassland, shrubland, and forest).  Level 2 contained 43 classes distinguishing broad vegetation differences, such as deciduous versus evergreen forest. Level 3 contained 590 classes.

Some States have also developed terrestrial habit/resource classification systems. For example, Florida developed a tailored version of the USGS system called the Florida Land Use, Cover, and Forms Classification System (Ref. 17). Other States, such as Maryland, have tailored the USNVC system to regional conditions (Ref. 18).  
coots Regulatory Gwtlfs 11te not subst.1tooto,              elalto'te. oed Itemt9,9'c*
The degree of habitat resolution within the geographic area of interest will vary among the different land cover and land use systems. Thus, applicants should select the tool or combination of tools that provides habitat resolution adequate to identify habitat impacts and to quantify impacts where necessary. The applicant should contact the regional Corps district office to ascertain recommended tools for identifying and quantifying impacts to wetlands.
                                                          mot                                    I Power 01tescs.'e                              Pioduct witth thte t %a'tt toqu,Irtd Melhads and Solutionse different #-rn too".se    Sol. OtI              40sc      W4 7#11 Arttorf                7 tlia guides will be accoptebie itlt ihyotovide a bastm#to ttt. 9.~donqlt9'44001% to                3 ul n Iloeii            Ftectttt~es        S etit crostions Meot!?
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ftc.1a'tV useful to oisetuht..q the need to- a. soetiy eiruon                                      2Mý Aite..ytott D..eo'w. etfhte at Simteo.4de eonp

Terrestrial Habitat Mapping Habitats can be mapped using USGS Level I and II classes, USNVC system classes and subclasses, or equivalents using only aerial photography or aerial photography with limited site reconnaissance.  More detailed field observation is usually needed to use USGS Level III or IV classes, USNVC system floristic alliances or associations, or indicator species.  Map detail should generally be greater for the proposed footprint of ground disturbance than for peripheral areas.  The applicant  should adjust the level of detail to meet the anticipated complexity of impact assessment and to address the concerns of various interested agencies and organizations.  Table 1 provides an example of how terrestrial habitats might be mapped for a new reactor licensing project under 10 CFR Part 52.
                                            RELATED TO THE CONSTRUCTION
                                      AND OPERATION OF NUCLEAR POWER STATIONS
Phase                                        Major Task                                    Time When Task Pcrformed*
                                            Regional land-use analysis                    Prior to apphcation for CP when Site selection candidate areas are being selected Local land-use analysis                      Prior to application for CP when preferred site is being sIcicted Baseline studies at the                    Biological iivcnborics                        Prior to application for CP when proposed site                                                                              ER is being prepared;m"ay continuc into period after CtP issuance (bui before OL issuarnce)
Construction monitoring                    Monitoring of construction                    DMring period bet-'eco CP issuance at the :approved site                      practice                                      and OL issuance Operational monitoring                      Problem-oliented monitoring                    After OL is issued at the approved site                        (short-term and continuing programs)

Table 1.  Example Approach to Habitat Mapping for a New Reactor Project AREA OF COVERAGE EXAMPLE LEVEL OF DETAIL  FOR TERRESTRIAL HABITAT MAPPING Areas subject to land clearing or grading on, or in the vicinity of, the proposed site plus a reasonable buffer tailored to site conditions GAP Level 3, USNVCS alliance, or equivalent or use of indicator species; based on satellite imagery, aerial photographs, and detailed field investigation Areas subject to land clearing or grading on a transmission line right-of-way (or other offsite rights-of-way) plus a reasonable buffer GAP Level 3, USNVCS alliance, or equivalent or use of indicator species; based on satellite imagery, aerial photographs, and detailed field investigation Areas not subject to land clearing GAP Level 2, USNVCS subclass, or equivalent; based on satellite Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 8 or grading or within the associated buffer but subject to other types of impacts such as noise or atmospheric deposition imagery, aerial photographs, and reconnaissance-level field investigation Areas not subject to impact but for which information is needed to understand the spatial context of impacted areas GAP Level 2, USNVCS subclass, or equivalent; based on satellite imagery, aerial photographs, and reconnaissance-level field investigation Boundaries between adjoining terrestrial habitats can usually be traced from vertical aerial photographs or satellite imagery.  Aerial photography flown during leaf-off seasons (usually winter) is superior because it differentiates deciduous from evergreen forest, woodland, and shrubland subclasses.
* CP    = construction permit ER = environmental report OL = operating license dispersion of toxic substances, and other activities This        engineering surveys to select candidate sites for tht does nut imply that these activities are always incom-            nuclear station. Local land-use anralysi3 is directed        u patible with the well-being of natural systems. Experi-           candidate sites and is used in conjunction with engi-W
ence has shown that good management often permits the              nec .ing consideratims to sclect a preferred site. Site coexistence of desired ecological systems with various            selection surveys of terrestrial ecology are coordinated enterprises.                                                      with prelinidnary engineering. studies. The information needed could be ob!ained from such sources as aerial Site Selection                                                    photographs. topographic maps, reconnaissance, litera- ture, and regional or local zoning and planning data. Site The results of site selection surveys are useful in          ,election surveys aaa performed with the objective of identifying potential Impacts of station siting, construe-       providing data for resource nunagement analysis, rather tion, and operation on terrestrial ecological systems and         than for detailed functional analysts of ecosystems.

Leaf-off color infrared aerial photography can be used to differentiate fine twig and foliar differences between tree species (e.g., to distinguish bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) from pines (Pinus spp.)).  Table 2 presents suggested ideal and minimal conditions for imagery used to delineate terrestrial habitats.  The ability to acquire better remote sensing imagery at reasonable cost and effort will likely continue to improve with technological advances.
permit evaluation of alternatives that could reduce ad- verse effects. In this guide, the suggested site selection            Terrestrial criteria at the regional level what are needed procedures* are limited to terrestrial ecoloey.

Remote-sensing imagery should always be representative of current habitat conditions and thus should be confirmed by data as necessary.
in the selection of candidate sites include the extent of valuable farmland in the region and the altematives avail- Site selection surveys may be descriptive in nature. In      able for siting on land of lower utility, the extent of describing biota, emphasis is generally placed on ecolo-          valuable wildlife habitat in the region and alternatives to gically significant groupings of organisms and manage-            Its use, and the extent of valuable forests in the region ment of resources rather than on ecological detail. it is        and alternatives to their use. Also needed is information important, however, that the investigations rapidly              on the current status of land use and zoning plans within focus on matters of special sensitivity, rather than              the region. This includes an accounting of all land within retaining a broad and diffitse approach.                          the region in major categories such as. agricultural land, forest land, urban areas. highway-s, and airporls.

Table 2. Suggested Remote Sensing Imagery Characteristics for Habitat Mapping PARAMETER RECOMMENDED IF POSSIBLE RECOMMENDED IF BETTER  IMAGERY NOT AVAILABLE Age Previous 5 years Previous 20 years but interpret with extreme care Scale 1:6,000 or better 1:24,000 Orientation Vertical, georeferenced Vertical, georeferenced Color Leaf off, color infrared Leaf off, color or black and white Habitat maps should be scaled and created from georeferenced geographic information system layers. Maps should include a title, date, revision number, north arrow, graphic scale bar, and legend identifying each habitat type and other mapping features. Maps should show features such as existing topography, roads, streams, and buildings as necessary to provide general spatial orientation.
Site selection surveys can be conduct'.s in two phases, regional land-use and local land-u:.-," analysis.             The selection process examines reasonable oppor- Regional land-use analysis is used in conjunction with            tunities for utilizing sites that have minimal impact on the diversity of regional land use, present and future.

Terrestrial Habitat Description Most terrestrial habitats are best described by vegetative strata, which are groupings of plants at the same general height. Various definitions are available for vegetative strata. The following set was originally developed for wetland delineation (Refs. 19 and 20), but it can used to describe most natural vegetation: 
*See also Regulatory Guide 4.7, "General Site Suitability Cri-    Preservation of a range of options for land use is teria for Nuclear Power. Stations."                              important for the consideration of biologically rare or.s

* Tree canopy includes woody plants over 20 feet (6.1 meters) tall and 5 inches (0.13 meter) in diameter at breast height.
unique areas. A unique wildljfe babita.1 may be und':six-      .in su:e      re'ioits. Howvver.  cooling towers could be able for a site since to use it could furodose oppof-          objectionlabe in sceruc aicas where a coohng lake could tunities for propagation of wildlife. scientifk" study,          be an aseiet. Visible plunes from coolirn tovtts could be natural history study, recreatu'tr, and public enjuyrnent      ntoze Abjvctivmb!e e ironrstentirly at sov            sitcs th*n of wildlife.                                                    it others becausc Of ground Itogs or sraig, l'ible 2 is an example matrix that could be to.d it bAa.ncing the Federal, State, regional, and local planning authoritis        &I-f factorV. i may be consulted to dct.ermine the existence and location of areas withiri the region that have. icen                FKY th.e lWca studies. delail 1s ncedcd in tOle dedicated to the public interest or areas in which 5iting      tatbi:iion of plant and anmal speci-e uegun during the would be in conflict with preexisting zoning plars.            rei.nun.d sunrey'. T'h. specis list mayxbe enla-,ed omorn Examples of such areas include dedicated patrks and            kanvidge or pdincipd habnaials %f the sites, re,'nt~nai.--
forests, especially produetive fartland, places whe're          tsance. ttw literature.. anid 1       t    .At      thi s wtg' it specialty c-rops are produced. rate but as yet undedicated      is tr-pi-qtwit to esutabbsh whterhe there te m>b4wiovs forests and wildlife habitats, scenic arcai, and wetland,.      differences aiuntg sites with ,rsp-,et to endAngercd
                                                                3pcjc. es, gamn. waitmals. or ,other ialportant spc'ies of More specilfic land-use classes are needed in t~Rwfucal    habi*tr.m The ,tvruwett ftr c4ch size should Jnclude surveys than in the regional surveys, but they should          c'-u iderariorn o~f the a
* ot prelefled habitat of be based on information obtained by reconnsance                im*utrutant w4eicies (iie Secki'n 22 of. Regt" rio"y Guide rather than detailed binlogical invcntory. Land-use cate-        4.2) that would be, adver*eiy affected.

* Subcanopy (sapling stratum) includes woody plants over 20 feet tall (6.1 meters) and under 5 inches (0.13 meter) in diameter at breast height.
gories may include farms. fields. secondary succeisiort (indicating dominant species), foiests, and residentiaJ.            tnt'ointutivr. ic uircd fwn r-k-vsiorcirtlo~i t- industrial, and commercial areas. If aerial photognphs          mmAnilm  in nature tortial. for. candidate site setkctiuf.

* Shrub stratum includes woody plants over 3 feet (1 meter) and under 20 feet (6.1 meters) tall.
are used for local land.u5c analysis, it is important that    DetaiLead cormidoi routes wt!.' not norrnall. be Known it their scale is sufficient to present views of the candidate    this stage. Nevertheless. tvnisi&-citiom needs to be gi'en sites and their inunediate environs.                            to prtIsbblb c0,or        IteI'fh, nid YIaTuurl barriers, imllpac on lai d use. o.*, utits for conubi*s*ig. ne'w transmission Major soil data for each sioe being conrsidei*ed may be with pree.xisting tourees, and      tbeltiC 0ffects in the obtained from existing literature or thirough recofltais-        wetectic.r of candidate sites..
santce it' not otherwise available. Soil Counrvtion Service offices are usually able to .upply sufficient                Tabie 3 is wa example matrix that could be used in Information. Information may be %upplied as a soil              wei*hnng and balancing altematihe sites. Site %lecriun ts association map that is keyed to a t ab!t of descriptive        dependent on a wide range of ficlors other th~an those information.                                                    rclating to tvrrestrial e'ology. In .ome c seCS    the weirring and balancing of Al factors may rt.mult in a selctiwn thtr The selection of a cooling method for the propsed          is les3 than optimum by renres'tial ecologic.l cJi1em1a. I.n plant is an important consideration in itle selection.        these cases the need for suhsequent no*amilTcning ptrtans Cooling reservoirs may require loss of land, which may          may be greater in the case of mote nearly optimum be unacceptable compared to the use of coolinp towers          choices. tomever, norve of the candidate sites shiould be OLE 2 FACTORS CONSIDERED IN THE SELECTION OF
                                            SITES AND COOLING METHODS
                                              Once.Througts                    COOlinS            Cowling            Spray Environmental Variable                          Cooling                          LAke            Towei              Canals Farn-land Woodland Wasteland Coastland Wetland Special Wildlife Habitats Preserves and Parks Aesthetic Impacts
                                                            4.11-3 W

* Groundcover includes woody and nonwoody plants (i.e., forbs, grasses, grasslike plants, ferns, and bryophytes) under 3 feet (1 meter) tall.
  Factor                                              Site A                  Site B                  Site C
  Land use Farmland Woodland Wildlife iHabitat Unique or Rare Habitats Area of Site Transmission Corridors
'Terrestrial Ecolog Inportant Species Present Endangered and Threatened Species Present OUnits %houldbe quantitative whenever appropriate: hWCveC, judgmenta3 eMr6      are acveptatlc if necde4..
located in critical, unique, of highly valuable haibitat          struction ot operation This judgernt should be based areas.                                                            on examination ot each            e-e*sl us"ng the criteria cited here and on professional biolo:cal ltetrpretation. Cons- rhe goal of the regional and local land-use surveys is        derations include the biolo cal reason for timportance the selection of a preferred site that does not have                and the link between the nuclear station and thc critical habitats or habitats in short local supply. Any            organisrm The spvcies considered important are those site selected, of course, %,liresult in the loss of some            that meet the d&fmition in Regu*tcrry Guide 4.12 and habitat and its associated residents. This loss is assessed        that are linked adversely to the station in some through an inventory of species present.                            reasonable way. These may require further quantitative effort in the baseline studies and operational monitoring surveys.

* Woody vine stratum includes woody vines supported by trees, saplings, and shrubs.
Baseline Studies                                                        It is important that judgment be exercised in selecting the thine for initiating quantitative population studies if Baseline studies of the preferred site, including              they are needed. Where construction effects are antrkips- transmission corridors, are needed to fully describe the            ted. quantitative studies should beg& in the bairline site and to establish a basis for predicting the impact of          phase. Where an effect of station operation is expected.

Descriptions should identify dominant (the most prevalent) plant species in each stratum. Commonly used dominance metrics include percent cover (for any stratum), basal area (for trees), stem Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 9 count (for subcanopy, shrub, or woody vine strata), or fresh or dry weight (for groundcover) (Ref. 21). Traditional application of these metrics entails the use of quantitative field methods, which are the most accurate means of distinguishing dominant species. However, experienced biologists might be able to identify the dominant species more readily through visual estimation.  For example, a tree species might be visually estimated to have the greatest canopy cover or basal area without actual collection of such measurements. In most instances, visual estimation of dominant species within vegetation strata is sufficient for the purpose of habitat description.
construction or operation. Baseline studies may be used             it would be best to defer quantitative baseline studies for comparison with later construction or operational                until some time prior to operation to ensure reasonable studies.                                                             compatibility with the operational studies. It will usually be adequate to bracket the per d of anticipated impact Biological studies of the proposed site are made in              with I or 2 years of prior studies and an appropriate advance of plant construction or operation. The qualita-            term of following studies.

Descriptive detail should generally be greater for the footprint of potential impacts on, and in the vicinity of, the proposed site and along affected new or existing transmission lines than for the surrounding areas. Other descriptive information may be useful when describing terrestrial habitats, including the following:
tive notations of station and animal abundance included In the baseline inventory are normally sufficient. Quanti-              Properly designed studies will avoid placinr undue tative measurement of population density Is not usually            emphasis on certain easily accessible groups of orn- needed as part of the species Inventory unless profes-              isms. Most species of insects. for example, are ecolo- sional judgment based on field study leads to a reason-            gically important In local food webs. However, species able conclusion that one or more populations of                    that cannot reasonably be judged threatened by the Important species could be adversely affected by con-              nuclear station or that are not likely to become of              4

* Presence of invasive species.  Executive Order 13112, "Invasive Species," dated February 3, 1999 (Ref. 22), defines invasive plant species as alien species whose introduction does, or is likely to, cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health. Invasive plant species include, but are not limited to, species on Federal or State noxious weed lists.  Information may be available from the USDA cooperative extension service local or regional offices and relevant departments of the State's associated land-grant university.
econom1ic o.1  r public health significance because of             it is normally continued for at least I year. Table 4 construction ot operation need not be studied quatiti-             suggests chemicals that are usually considered ini plan.

* Disease vectors, pests, or nuisance species.  Examples include chestnut blight fungus (Cryphonectria parasitica), Dutch elm disease fungus (Ophiostoma ulmi) carried by the American elm bark beetle (Hylurgopinus rufipes), and emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis).
tatively beyond the initial iniventories. Rtodeints are also        ninlg the program.
* Landscape biogeography information.  A habitat description should indicate whether the habitat serves as a wildlife travel corridor. Examples include forested stream valleys traversing agricultural landscapes and linear threads of naturally vegetated land traversing urban landscapes.  Similarly, the habitat might serve as an "oasis" or "stepping stone" facilitating wildlife movement across a landscape.  Examples include forested woodlots in agricultural settings and parklands in urban settings.

* Existing natural and human-induced effects. Past or ongoing natural and human processes have altered most terrestrial habitats.  Examples of natural processes include wildfires, flooding, and wildlife grazing.  Examples of human-induced processes include agriculture and timber management, livestock grazing, and the dumping of solid waste.
ecologically imnportasit food web organisnis. However.

* Recent or ongoing ecological or biological studies or management.  The description for a terrestrial habitat should note whether the habitat is the site of ecological investigations or management actions. If so, impacts to the habitat could simultaneously affect the studies or programs.
quantitative population mleasuremrients are riot needed as              Drift from saltgatet or brackish water cooling towers long as there is no reason to believe that station                  contains NaC I and Ltthet salts. Tile baseline chemical construction or operation will have an effect on their              measurements establish the Ni and Cl content of soils populations beyond that caused by the loss of habitat.              and plants in the expected drift field of cooliig towers that use seawater or brackish water. Baseline soil Cettain station site and designs have required special measurements noirmall , include the conductivity of envitonmental assssriment effort. Thiee i,'..ude sites              saturated extracts ani' phI of samples obtained froni tire With large cooling take.. or rew'tvoirs and planis having          expected drift field.

Flora and Fauna Surveys Tabular lists of observed plant and wildlife species greatly enhance habitat descriptions.  The majority of plant and wildlife species in the area of potential impacts should be identified. Therefore, field surveys are best conducted when flora and fauna are most readily detected and identified. For example, in temperate regions of the United States, plants generally flower in the spring, summer, or fall; therefore, flora surveys are best conducted in each of these seasons. Birds may be resident or migratory or both at various times during the year, so fauna surveys addressing birds are best conducted in each of the four seasons. Amphibians and reptiles are generally active from spring through fall; however, Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 10 amphibians are most detectable by their calls in spring during the reproductive period. Thus, amphibian and reptile surveys are best conducted in the spring, and supplementary surveys may be conducted as necessary in the summer or the fall. Mammals are generally active from spring through fall, so surveys addressing mammals should be conducted during one or more of these seasons.  Investigations for subtropical sites may be enhanced by supplemental winter surveys for plants and wildlife.
ckrO t ing trowets, part tolarly itf the wate, soIrce Is vi-wvatcf or0b0a1: isfl wate,. These arc di.d        ii, more detail in the t(1i4wing i:Ctuons.                                        It' the driflt frotr either fre-liwatler or saltwater towcr is likely to rt          ollal i.. .lwk
                                                                                                      ,     . ccs, their ttoficellrr iJtinlls It is iniplortant that the baseline stildivs of powcr          are Irreasurmd ultless it 1,; c!.t: tit          the allillrts irrid stations having proposed mnan-mrade coiling laks con-              concelrtraltlons ;ire SttflitCw r low ri precl ode h*rtlh sider physical anrd Olvi:ical ,elation.shlps bctweei the           short.trerf t arnd cUlrlrrrr'      ., adverse effects. Advirse water shed and lake; use of a new, habitwt by birds,              biological eft:iecs cart rrstrally herfiled ot withr lessorn.

Applicants should be generally familiar with the species that could potentially occur in the areas where they will conduct flora and fauna surveys. Thus, applicants should review any existing botanical and wildlife data for the survey area or nearby areas with similar habitats. Applicants should contact Federal, State, Tribal, local, and private organizations to acquire such data. These data may identify wildlife and plant species that could potentially inhabit the subject areas and may help the applicant identify suitable survey methods.  The agencies may also direct the applicant to survey for specific listed species and other species of regional interest and may provide recommended survey timings and protocols specific to such species.  For certain species, the agencies may request that uniquely qualified specialists conduct the surveys. Examples of potentially useful sources of information include the following:  
insects, and other anirriws in both bieeficial and adverse        able certainly ri        ros t elv' re nis aind crt rpr*mmrids found aspects: and the potential for successful rehabilitation of        it n tire whei the expected additions corthrred with the lake basin if the station is decommissioned. Both              jreexistifliz tortell wotrld rot raise tlhe concetllliration at'
a. conservation plans that FWS or State wildlife agencies may have prepared for privately owned tracts; b. detailed botanical and wildlife inventories that TNC may have conducted on public and private lands; c. conservation plans NRCS may have prepared for agricultural properties;
beneficial and adverse effects of the lake on the environ-          life Itoxrc subslanrce oulside lhie ranlge oii vithitlioll notmally found in Ilie hiota or soils of tlie regionr menrt s101uld be consideTed, Water quality of the artificial like riu.v te intluenced          Chemical analyses of' soils, plants, and animals in the no, only It source water qualiry but also by ,elatioh.             drift field of freshwater cooling towers ate riot usually ships with aoils and the surrounding landscape. Develop-          needed when all of the following apply: (I ) the domi- nirrt of a watershed management plan ib needed as well            mant salts ate hatmiless mixtutres of hiolocieral ltrlimrrents as as an estirate of the amoutltl        of rtwirffi oi" dissolved    slhowwn in Table 4. (2) the expected deposition ieyoild substances and soil into the lake ftorn the surrounding            the nearest site boundary is less thar 20 kglha-yy of landscape,                                                          mixed salts, and (3) Lii," drilt does riot cOntlin toxic eletent*s o corCmpounds it amolntois thalt could be hazardous to plants o, atnln*ds either b% direct or A new tesrvo*i forms a new htabitat for plants and indirect exposure over tIhe expected lifelintie of the animals. Waterfowl may be attracted in suhstantial facility.
d. surveys conducted at nearby public facilities such as parks, national or State forests or wildlife refuges, and institutional properties containing similar habitat types as the area to be surveyed;
e. regional biological surveys, such as the Christmas Bird Count and Breeding Bird Survey, and State game data; and f. field guides with range maps indicating species that could potentially occur in a geographic area.

Existing botanical and wildlife inventory data collected from the survey area may serve as a partial substitute for new field surveys in areas where the habitat has not changed substantially.  Existing survey data that reflect current conditions should be updated and augmented through limited field surveys (i.e., a lesser level of effort than that for surveys of areas with no existing botanical and wildlife data) and may be used to plan such limited surveys. When using existing data, the applicant should consider the spatial extent, purpose, and techniques of the original data collection.  Consideration of these factors may identify certain locations and groups of plants and animals that were omitted during the original data collection effort and that should be surveyed. Existing site-specific botanical and wildlife data that no longer reflect current conditions (e.g., a habitat has substantially changed) and areas without existing data will require reconnaissance surveys for planning purposes, followed by detailed field surveys (i.e., a greater level of effort than that for surveys of areas with applicable existing botanical and wildlife data).
numbiexrs during their normal migration and their nfigra- tion habits may be altered, e.g., by overwinteting in a northern chnmte om a warni.water lake. Waterfowl                        Usually, relference specimens of' soils, plants, and attracted to a lake may cause econrnit. loss to agricul-           animals for possible future aiilysis ;are retaihed iii cases ture by their feeding activities and may cause degrada.           where it is determinied tihat drift presert rs a chemilcl lion of the lake water quality ifom their metabolic                halTzard to the envillolniltnt. The spýcirtietis tilay consist wastes.                                                            of subsarirples of matertal that were collected prior to tower uperatirn afnd analyzed for baseline data. The Evaporative cooling towers affect ecosystems by              stored samples are adequately protected for analytical
Flora surveys should include well-defined survey routes in all potentially affected plant communities and habitats.  Survey routes should be spaced so that plant communities and their vegetation strata are thoroughly (although not necessarily exhaustively) covered, including any substantial microenvironments.  The spacing of survey routes will depend on the density of vegetation and topography because these factors affect visibility. Botanical surveys should list, but do not need to enumerate, individuals of common species; however, they should include numbers or estimates of numbers, where feasible, of rare species.  Applicants should list each observed species in a table.  For each species, the table (at a minimum) should provide the scientific name, common name, habitat(s) and vegetative strata where observed, and observation date. The table should also include a verbal description of abundance. The text should explain the data collection methods used.  A graphic should show survey routes or transects overlaid on a map or sketch of the investigated habitats.
  &eposition of drift containing dissolved minerals oft the         pu rpose s.

Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 11 Fauna surveys should employ standard techniques suitable for the detection and identification of the category of wildlife (i.e., mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles) and any life stages of interest.  Wildlife surveys should also note the presence of any insects or other invertebrates of interest.  Survey methods should readily permit the detection and identification of species preferably by sight first, then by calls, and followed by other signs (e.g., tracks, scat and guano, nests, feathers, skulls, eggs, burrows, food caches, and scratches or drags on the soil surface) that permit positive identification of the species.  Wildlife survey sample locations (e.g., stations, transects, and points) should be spaced such that most of the wildlife species are identified.  Spring and fall surveys are best timed to coincide as closely as possible with peak bird migration or amphibian calling periods.  Wildlife surveys are best conducted during the time of day that maximizes the detection and identification of species (e.g., early morning for breeding birds and dusk and nighttime for breeding amphibians and bats).  Wildlife surveys should list, but do not need to enumerate, individuals of common species; however, they should include numbers or estimates of numbers, where feasible, of rare species.  Applicants should list each observed species in a table.  For each species, the table should (at a minimum) provide the scientific name, common name, habitat(s) where observed, date(s) observed, sex and age class, sign observed, and qualitative notes on abundance.
landscape or by production of fog. Drift may be beneficdal or adverse depending on the chemlical c.m.

Other field observations useful in evaluating the suitability of terrestrial habitats for wildlife include the following:
pound# and elements being deposited and the amounts of depostion. The baseline program is designed to                  Constnrction Monitoring evwduatt the, potential effects of drift and to establish reference n*easmierenrts for comparison with later opera.               Biological monitoring of imnportant species Is necess.
a. wildlife food sources such as hard mast (nuts), soft mast (berries and other soft fruits), grain and small seeds, and foliage (browse);
b. standing dead trees (snags) with and without cavities;
c. downed dead trees, limbs, and other woody debris;
d. trees with exfoliating (flaking or peeling) bark (favored by certain bats and small birds);
e. the presence of trees near shorelines (favored by bald eagles and water birds); and f. small ground depressions that can trap rainwater (favored by many amphibians).  

Wetland Delineation Wetlands are a special habitat category that provide unique hydrological and ecological functions and receive special regulatory protection.  In 33 CFR Part 328, "Definition of Waters of the United States" (Ref. 23), the Corps defines wetlands as "areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions."
tieOed mnfltoring obsenatlons by determinIng the                  ary if unavoidable construction practice causes a threat amounts and kinds of alirborne chen*icals being deposi.             to some natural population or ecosystem that could ted on site prior to cooling tower operation. Acceptable          extend beyond the bounds of the area actually dedicated data could be obtained from existing sources of inform.a          to construction or associated activities. it such cases, tion or from monthly sampling of collectors that collect          studies may be designed to document the impact and rboth    dry and wet fallout. If a sampling program is used,        develop possible corrective actions.
Section 404 of the CWA authorizes the Corps to issue permits for work in "waters of the United States," a term that includes many but not all wetlands.  Michigan and New Jersey have been delegated partial responsibility for administering Section 404, although the Corps retains oversight.  Some other States have implemented State wetland regulations that complement Section 404.  Some States protect certain categories of wetlands, such as tidal wetlands (e.g., most coastal states) or wetlands exceeding specified size or quality thresholds (e.g., New York).  The NRC does not directly regulate wetlands or issue permits for wetland impacts, but it does consider impacts to jurisdictional and nonjurisdictional wetlands when making licensing decisions.

Wetland delineation is the process of identifying and mapping wetlands.  The Corps presently requires CWA Section 404 permit applicants to conduct onsite wetland delineations using the following guidance documents:
a. Technical Report Y-87-1, "Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual," issued January 1987 (commonly referred to as the "1987 Manual") (Ref. 24); 
Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 12 b. "Clarification and Interpretation of the 1987 Manual," dated March 6, 1992, (Ref. 19); and c. "Use of NRCS Field Indicators of Hydric Soils," dated March 21, 1997 (Ref. 25).
The Corps is also developing regional supplements to the 1987 Manual that provide guidance for individual physiographic regions.  Wetland delineators should confer with the Corps and any State wetland regulatory agencies to determine which, if any, regional supplement or other updated guidance to the 1987 Manual should be followed.  Wetland delineation reports should include a map showing delineated wetland boundaries and the locations of data points or transects used for collecting field data.  The map should label wetlands using nomenclature such as that of FWS (Ref. 26).  Wetland delineations should be completed as soon as practicable on sites proposed for new ground disturbance.

Wetland Functional Assessment Multiple techniques, called "functional assessment methods," are available for use in assessing the ecological and hydrological roles that individual wetlands play.  The NRC does not require or endorse the use of any specific procedure, but applications should include an analysis of the functions and values of wetlands affected by licensed activities.
I --      I          I -  I
                                                                TABLE 4 ELEMENTS AND COMPOUNDS OF POSSIBLE CONCERN
                                            IN CHEMICAL MONITORING PROGRAMS
                                                    FOR TERRESTRIAL SYSTEMS
                                                                                                      Rt BtvOiosoicsl kafrard
                                                                                                .Wlnot vi r.Q r"-. z

Functional assessment methodologies can be descriptive or semiquantitativeThe oldest Federal technique, called the Wetland Evaluation Technique (Ref. 27), uses the responses to a questionnaire to predict whether a wetland may provide specific functions and values. Functions are physical, chemical, or biological activities that directly benefit society or the environment. Values are indirect social benefits such as aesthetic qualities or availability for recreation. The New England District of the Corps developed a structured approach, called the Highway Methodology (Ref. 28), for a descriptive functional assessment. Descriptive methodologies provide good information when performed by an experienced professional. Specific values and functions considered by the Highway Methodology include the following:
====x. cpt in====
                                                        4 3      4 *    4 Ca, Mg, K, -kn Nil cron iti rienI
                                              Cu. Zn. Co, 8. Mo..V..                          No hs"~Ji              0Whu~a~ of Fe. I"
                                                                                                tsakwrns ye !otweiale    to hugh Chemical compounds                      ,NJ. C, F. 11CO) Co    2                        ktinor flhk at Winez'r'
      commonly found in envirom*wnt. sonic                                                                            dpen~icr  c'nwircji '4m required by animals
                                                                                              1.oQdum saall ruve Irxh rrk Toxic                                    Ph, I1g. Cd, Cr. Ai                            Pie.vrn~ed high. bologicila risk atI ail ~.ic ~auii albjvc thow'i ntmally found in nsture.

a. groundwater recharge and discharge (function);
Bijocides added to                      All                                            Preiurned high hi~nlopjcal risk cuoling wate.s                                                                          if Present in cooing tower drift.
b. floodflow alteration (function);
c. fish and shellfish habitat (function);
d. sediment, toxicant, and pathogen retention (function);
e. nutrient removal, retention, and transformation (function);
f. production export (function);
g. sediment and shoreline stabilization (function);
h. wildlife habitat (function);
i. recreation (value);
j. education and scientific value (value);
k. uniqueness and heritage (value);
l. visual quality and aesthetics (value); and m. threatened or endangered species habitat (value).
Several semiquantitative functional assessment methods involve the calculation of scores based on geographic, physical, and biological properties.  Some methods, such as the Corps' Hydrogeomorphic Approach (Ref. 29), compare scores against corresponding "reference" wetlands.  Other methods, such as the Florida Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method (Chapter 62-345 of the Florida Administrative Code) (Ref. 30), generate scores based on observed conditions.

The NRC encourages best professional judgment when selecting a functional assessment methodology. Environmental Concern, Inc., has summarized 40 separate functional assessment methodologies (Ref. 31). When selecting a methodology, applicants should consider regional suitability Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 13 and ease of use.  The NRC also encourages informal consultation with State agencies and Corps districts to help identify the best methodology.
Operasionall Mon~itoring                                                        C, REGULATORY POSITION
        Monitoring after coimnl ence n!ihtof station opera-                i. It is important to co.rdinate all the programs tions is intended to determine whether or not there are            discussed in Regulatory Guides 4.1. -Program. for Mdont- adverse biological effects attributable to station opera-          toting Radioactivity in the Environs of Nuclear Power tions. This monitoring program is outlined in detail in            Plants," and 4.2, "Preparation of Enritonrental Reports the technical specifications that arc issued in connection        for Nuclear Powmer Stations'" Since precise prediction.

Summary of Common Useful Terrestrial Environmental Baseline Data Table 3 summarizes some of the types of terrestrial baseline environmental data that are commonly helpful in supporting NRC licensing actions. The table provides separate information for new reactor licensing, relicensing of existing reactors, and decommissioning and covers applications for limited work authorizations. The text discusses the data in more detail.
with the station operating license. The scope of these            and assessments of impacts on terrestrial ecologicil studies is determined by the degree of direct linkage              systems are not allways p,.ssible, reasonable professictra between the proposed station and the terrestrial eco-              interpretations ýhould be made v*hen quantitative pre- system. It is not necessary to hypothesize vague effects          diction is impossible.

Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 14 Table 3. Types of Terrestrial Environmental Baseline Data and Utility  for Reactor Licensing, Relicensing, and Decommissioning DATA TYPE DATA UTILITY LICENSING OPERATING LICENSE RENEWAL DECOMMISSIONING Land cover and land use data (various scales and sources)
or to undertake a program to measure a phenomenon that has no reasonable relationship to station operation.
* Site selection
* Habitat impacts at the proposed site  Habitat impacts from refurbishment and operation Habitat impacts in and outside operational areas due to large component removal and material storage Reconnaissance-level data on species and habitats
* Site selection

* Impacts to species and habitats at the proposed site  Impacts to species and habitats from refurbishment and operation Impacts to species and habitats in and outside operational areas due to large component removal and material storage Old habitat, botanical, and wildlife data collected previously in support of the licensing of existing facilities at the proposed site (i.e., use professional judgment to evaluate the utility of possibly obsolete data)
However, when an adverse relationship between station operation and a terrestrial community Is reasonably thought to exist, a thorough evaluation is necessary. This            2. Adequate assessment of current land-use status evaluation is usually started during site selection or            should show (by a table, for example) major l-and-use baseline survey stages and continued after commence-              categories and areas devoted to each category along ment of station operation.                                        with aerial photographs showing the same categories.
* Possible partial substitute for field surveys at the proposed site if the accuracy of old data is verified in the field

* The planning of vegetation and wildlife surveys to augment old data at the proposed site
When data are not available from existing records, an There may be cases In which no important impact on            acceptable means of acquiring them would be through the terrestrial ecological community is anticipated. When          the use of aerial photographs in conjunction with such cases are adequately supported. there may be                  ground reconnaissance. The scale of photographs no necessity for terrestrial monitoring during operation.          should be appropriate to the degree of detail required.

* New and old data used to analyze impacts to habitats, vegetation, and wildlife  Impacts to habitats, vegetation, and wildlife from refurbishment and operation Impacts to habitats, vegetation, and wildlife in and outside operational areas due to large component removal and material storage Current habitat, botanical, and wildlife data collected in onsite field investigations Impacts to habitats, vegetation, and wildlife  Impacts to habitats, vegetation, and wildlife Impacts to habitats, vegetation, and wildlife Site-specific Federally and State-listed species occurrence data from current field investigations Impacts to Federally and State-listed species  Impacts to habitats, vegetation, and wildlife Impacts to habitats, vegetation, and wildlife Wetland delineation and functional assessment Impacts to wetlands; completion of the CWA Section 404 application Not usually needed unless new wetland impacts are anticipated Not usually needed unless decommissioning activities proposed for naturally vegetated areas are outside of the former operations area Locations of bald and golden eagle nests and roosting and foraging areas Impacts to these species at the proposed site  Impacts to these species from refurbishment and operation Impacts to these species in and outside operational areas due to noise and human activity associated with large component removal Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 15 Identifying Important Species and Habitats Terrestrial environmental impact analyses for the NRC generally emphasize species and habitats meeting one or more importance criteria established by the agency (Ref 32).  The criteria have been commonly used to address terrestrial and aquatic ecology impacts in NRC environmental documentation since the 1970s.  Baseline data and natural resource agency consultations should form the basis for identifying specific important species and habitats. The following are criteria used by NRC at this time to identify important species and habitats:

* Federally listed threatened or endangered species and designated critical habitat under the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) (Ref. 33)Although 50 CFR Part 17, "Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants" (Ref. 34), undergoes periodic updates to present each officially listed species, the NRC encourages informal consultation with the agencies responsible for administration of the ESA. For most terrestrial species, that agency is FWS. Note: For some analyses, it may be necessary to distinguish between species and habitats on Federal land and those on non-Federal land.
3. Di)ussioi    of   .Ails shoulk inclode ussociatimn              If cooling towers arte being considered, the mineral na~nws.' c~apbill'        elasscs,# and p~erc'entge or" sil          conzent ot      the cooling water supply should be coverage by eack amociatiun. 1Whn lliwunlmlts .;l*ssucij.            determined in lte baseline studies. An estimte should tlols of ,iiilo extent 1."C prcot li. it is acceptable to              ti" made of the amounts and dispersion of salts accouilt for 10 to I Slyfl    o, the total utea in a tiui:ella-    expected to be deposited froni the towers. The neous cukgoiii. . rxcept for areas of ci;ique %alue.                 eistimate should t., based oin cooling water q1ualiy.

* Species that are proposed or are candidates for Federal listing as threatened or endangered and a habitat that is proposed for designation as critical habitat.  As for listed threatened or endangered species, informal consultation with the FWS is the best source of information.  Note: For some analyses, it may be necessary to distinguish between proposed species and habitats on Federal land and those on non-Federal land.
Dktrilc,, ¢onlsiderationtof soils and t11e1 productioin              maunufa:t.urc r's specificationss to* drift release fronm the potential is necessary fot biles located iln areas that are           towers, concentration factors, and prevadiin              ceteono.

* State-listed threatened or endangered species and species otherwise considered rare in the State (in contrast to species that are widespread, abundant, and secure). As for Federally listed species, informal consultation with State agencies is the preferred basis.  State natural heritage programs may provide a listing of Federally listed species and State-listed and rare species that occur within specified buffers of a proposed site and transmission line corridors.  The use of databases is encouraged, but direct communication with State regulators is still preferred. Impacts from facilities near State borders can extend to neighboring states; consultation with both affected States is encouraged.  For sites near the Canadian or Mexican borders, consultation with appropriate foreign agencies may be appropriate.
especially productivc of agiicu tirfal or fotwstty prod.               logical conditions at the site, Meteorological disperswon uctI .                                                               models atre useful to obtain estimates of drift deposition.

* Bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) regulated under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940 (Ref. 35). Locations of bald and golden eagle nests and roosting and foraging areas are sometimes available from State wildlife agency nongame departments.
Elsthiated drift deposition fronl coouling tuweis may be
      4. lbldogical momuitrig prtjigam.s sho,:h1 he inlioaly          Plotted on a base map or graph centered on the towers devisd Io b0v sci, 1I        i ri.:vedhes to detctI k1.lesil-        and showing isopleths of salt deposit io

* Recreationally valuable species. Game species used for hunting are the obvious examples of important species under this criterion. Informal conversation with State game officials could identify species used for consumptive and nonconsumptive recreational uses. Increasingly, many areas, especially along coasts and bird migration routes, have derived substantial commercial benefits from recreational bird watchers. The inclusion of at least one bird species valued by bird watchers may be appropriate.
====n. The maps====
4ble Milects. If aidvcrsc biological ftle,'ts are dctecled.          should have a radius sufficient to show the ointstiat dc-taied ito aitic hf4h4giuhiJ "nd e"olohg.ka analyses                which -the amountt of drilft tomm the lower fall within itlay hlie IriiUicd to deieimijle cattse anid t) devise              thle normal range of annual variation of backgtound I('.".tR'    Ii ;3dVerseC 1t¢l t1 l lc lot dcltected qHatll U        deposition from other sources. They should also show tative studies are rot neredad.                                      thc vegetation types that occur in the drift field.

* Species essential to the maintenance and survival of species that are rare and recreationally valuable, as identified in the above bullets. Information may be available in scientific literature and from relevant Federal and State agencies. Consideration of habitat requirements and food web relationships is necessary.  For example, the Federally endangered red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) depends on large longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) trees where it can build nest Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 16 cavities. The Federally endangered Kirtland's warbler (Dendroica kirtlandii) depends on jack pine (Pinus banksiana) stands for habitat.  Many shorebirds valued by bird watchers on the mid-Atlantic coast depend on horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) eggs for food.
The sjic,ýwý invenlory of tile site should include                  Reco-lnaissance iand intpectioi of Woh.wa in Ihliit imlpt*litan 1wihi las id norirnal scastoitu variationS. Lo-          field beforc and a'fter cooling tower operation is ait1Ci:11,1 call, pro)milnt 0i1limporlanlt ,asculat plants, fiaintials,          Icornmended It' delecltion ot" pi:;sible adverse tlfTects birds repuies, amphiblans. inwects, and other plants and              of drift. The baseline hnI.neclion should be caitied out iy animnals should be included. The invenlory should he                  specialists In; biology workingg systC t'liltically foillt check.

* Species that can serve as biological indicators to monitor the effects of the proposed action on the terrestrial environment. Some species are exceptionally sensitive to impacts and can serve as indicators of otherwise inconspicuous adverse conditions. For example, flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) and white ash (Fraxinus americana) have displayed visible injury when exposed to salt drift deposition rates substantially lower than those that produce visible symptoms in other trees (Ref. 30).  Visible injury to these species could indicate less visible effects, such as growth reduction, in other plant species.
terisonably cormnpelbe hut may be terrinated when addi.              lists of possible advetse effects% In the coniunily, tioiq field effort no lo yields significant numbers of        Scasonal aerial and giound-level photographs in color or previoisly unobstn-cd tpecles.                                      inf.ared false color of iwrilanetit vegetation plots are often useful aids. Quanttiatlse chemical analysis of The inventory of inv,,ctsNieed not account for all              plants, animals, and soils arc needed if chemical deposits spCeie FiMce it RmRybN po,,lble oIQfind previouVly                  are expected to exceed toxic or injurious thrcsholds.

* National wildlife refuges, State wildlife areas, or other wildlife sanctuaries or preserves designated as such by State or Federal agencies. Examples include national and State parks and wildlife refuges.  Although not formally designated by Federal or State agencies, lands owned by private conservation organizations, such as TNC or the National Audubon Society, might also be considered as important under this criterion.
wjitabulated species for years after the beginning of the            Population monitoring of selected species could also he study. Insect surveys should provide Information on                  needed in such cases.

* Wetlands (Executive Order 11990, "Protection of Wetlands," dated May 24, 1977 (Ref. 36)) and floodplains (Executive Order 11988, "Floodplain Management," dated May 24, 1977 (Ref. 37)).  The delineation of wetlands is discussed above as a baseline investigation. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has mapped floodplains for many rivers and streams.  Floodplains can also be mapped by independently performing hydraulic calculations based on local soils and precipitation data.
important specics such as disease vectors, pests. and pollinating insects. Interpretation of insect data should                The assessment of coolinig lakes should include a whether or not populations could he altered, detailed consideration ol the effects of land diversion oin Willh advers consequences Io alnimls, vegetation, or local, regional, 31nd Staie agriculitual prodctlI0ion, foresl humans, by construction or operation of the station.

* Other habitats identified by State or Federal agencies as unique or rare or prioritized for protection. The NRC recommends informally meeting with agencies such as FWS and State conservation or game agencies. Some States have unique conservation agencies such as the water management districts in Florida, the Critical Areas Commission for the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays in Maryland, and the New Jersey Pinelands Commission.  The NRC also recommends informally speaking with potentially interested local agencies such as county or municipal planning and zoning departments, county wetlands boards, and town conservation commissions.
production, on rmc teat loital uses. The assessment should include both adveise and beneficial aspects of cooling Protectton of terrestrial syxtenri is usually adequate lake onstruction, Where a cooling lake: Is pitoposcd. ithe when it can be shown that (I) habitat losses or                       ba.eline studies should Include a prelimInury assessnent alterations are insignificant to populations of Important            of the potential for rechtination of the lake boltton for species in the regional or local context, (2) cheotical              agricultural, ccologlcad, or forestry use after decotninis.

* Invasive species (Executive Order 13112 (Ref. 22)).  Invasive plant species are alien species whose introduction does, or is likely to, cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.  Invasive plant species include, but are not limited to, species on Federal or State noxious weed lists.  Information may be available from the USDA cooperative extension service local or regional offices and relevant departments of the State's associated land-grant university.
emissions from the station ate sufficiently small to                  sloning. It Is not necessary, however, ito prejudge tuluue permit reasonable assurance that no adverse effect will u11 of the lake site It is sufficient to establish whether occur, and (3) no mechinism exists for causing uin-                  the option exists to reclalt the site for other pioducLtivC
tended destruction of organisms, or its occurrence Is uses or whether tile creation of the lake consiltutes an infrequent enough to give reasonable assurance that irretrievable change In land use.

The baseline studies described in the text sections above should form a generally adequate basis for identifying important species and habitats.  However, it may be necessary to conduct specialized field searches to establish the presence or absence of certain important species.  FWS has established specific field protocols for investigating sites for the presence of some threatened or endangered species and specific qualifications for field surveyors.  Information on suitable methods for surveying other important species may be obtained from FWS or State agencies or from the scientific literature.  Surveys should enumerate or estimate, where feasible, numbers of individuals observed of Federally listed species, species proposed or that are candidates for Federal listing, State-listed species, and species considered rare by the State.
whole populations will nol be adversely affected.

Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 17 Terrestrial Environmental Impact Analyses Professional judgment is necessary to determine the types of terrestrial environmental impact analyses appropriate to an NRC licensing action. In general, the level of detail needed to evaluate impacts from new reactors is expected to be higher than that required for license renewal. Applicants should consult recent scientific literature and natural resource regulatory agencies for direction in planning impact analyses. This guide cannot anticipate all categories of terrestrial environmental impact analyses potentially appropriate to NRC licensing actions. However, the following general recommendations apply: 
Environmental protection should be achieved by                      The asscssinenl should also include a report of the control of common Sources of environmental effects.                 number of hectares of the lake site that will feittain These Include soil erosion, siltation, use of herbicides.           undisturbed during construction, thle number of hectares dust and noise during construction, and others.                     and vegetation that will be disturbed, the source of Biological conequences can usually be prevented or                    "borrow" material for dike construction, and the man- reduced to acceptable levels through proper manage-                  agement of' topsoil removed during constructiion. Use of rent.                                                               topsoil stripped fronm the lake bottom for vegetative stabilization of dikes and for ultimate replacement on
*U.S. Deptment of Agriculturte I-VNi System should be used.           the lake bottom for rehabilitation should be considered.

* Impact analyses should be based on the best available baseline data, whether collected specifically for the subject licensing activity or available from published sources, agency files, or communication with regional experts.

* Impact analyses should be clearly supported by data and logic.
If -              veIa"WitnA~~
      na s,
    11..      capability      class.* and pCerIteagc of "lie                    Conteni        A tinjil, zuorl4d ftb
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    4Oc~erap by each.xa~x-iatv.-n V. cn unomceo'. msxiz-                        paerntsed in tisd *idQ vaeed                                        tfr    dpoi  ").Je tions, of rnrino extent 1 e pr.Xinl. I, n act;.IANC 1, account for 10 to 15'5.* of the iotwl arco in a ritawe!.                    expeted              to eedl.        tow        or        'ýsc        f't¢,1bh nIeous category, except tot areas of ct~*ique Vtut.                          Cs        lettnma ou"d 4.cte it                    b    d          t  ~aL    -      .v;IaZ
    Detailed consideration of sujs. and tfir prudthjitwn                        rn Tanul.: etunr,'s ,i                          nI dr z tek.ýat.d
                                                                                                                          ,ii "A-et                                  III:-.
    potential is necessary for sites located in areaex tha4 are                  dtoAers. cron.,tior*ttarlo            tor* atefc nd                n rtevn o especialy productive of airicultutal or forestry piod.,-                      ls      tckiconiirons at the        ute,          1eo' ai                        s:.n tic Is.

* Impact analyses should be as quantitative as practicable.
inclua.debush ader  ~ to btvn                    ci      dt.t      ckLingi1.iI
          4. Wiolugl,.al Iualltul      P)toyrail*.\ >.hId b13c lurg                        mittilly        Flotted onrt      a bau nup 4:er A                ceotl i-on    i roe            tVie devised to be succemnng pru,.edu,,% to d                    u!,kr u.      -
    able effects. If advcr.c biulogical ef(,",ts are detected,                  shoulid sAve            shaoius sL*f,*d a t-i*4rW th* aznms                X          iý,t delailed quapijtrii  ivc biolop-ial and c ,Kl.gic.. anAlysc.s                wofjiv theptetua u f q! rici tin                      the r raeIl wahe-oi Ow liay    heV wiqoimed to d.luwlit¢              i  Iiid  :
                                                              lo    ci,,          the mrir;t.l ra-,    m e-twe          ot f          atryu        vf      : kick.TKu1-
    1r0'1edies. Ii' advere effects arc not detcctcl. quAilti- tallve studies are irot needed.                                              the Weewption        types that                thethe dorift he ics,                        odu The species inventory ot ithe site should ic:lure                                                    and                      (4 Wof.n    Int~t 1re '10jt important habitats and normal Seasonal ,4fuItions, Lo.                      field befuCw          j -,oiAWF IC1oe;e op atiolt- 4 noa,ý
    cally prominent ol imputlasit va*cttlar Lmants mnamals.                        Css41tittertlhed t'o &errctou -Atp idak1.e 4dww rffiettý
    birds. rcptiles, amphibians, inwcts, and other plants And                    of djifs.    The bav.on i u pectseri i          siould be    a      teed out bh animals should be included. The inventory should be                           spn erhAIS rbaoes otke ak siten            , wl rhemai- reasonably complete but may be merninamed when addi-                            nistusie pdv          n Averse  t        if-t,is inn the    r bohmutars tilonal field effort no longer yields significant nomhcrs of                Scasdvetna ;1i0t          tAd            be pritsndvl Pdtbin ceOr or previously unobserved species.                                              irrf:aoed false cski of permanent veprtatm Plots air often useful aids. ouante*utjrig cothemirionalysis of
          'The inventory of insects necd not account for aU                      plants, animals, and      fros      are *eeded        if bottofar                dcpoaite
  . species sifWe it may be possible to find .jeviouoly untabulated spucict for yeitts after the beginning of the study, lnscct surveys should provide Informaton on dvsitonmg Itise- ate    expvcted nto nee*O,  flt exceed    101cOfk hwevey orq tobwj A1e,K'Ig PojpuLitiorr monitoring of xieertrd sqpýOei cculd attso 4C
                                                                                                                                            ixauris 111teshdAl~. *utl
                                                                                11eedled in such cases.

* Impact analyses should use methodologies or models that are widely accepted by scientific authorities and natural resource regulatory agencies.
important species such as disease vectors, pests, and pollinating insects. Interpretation of in.icct data should The wsessmnen            vf cxv1inj; lakeý- fhould tri-Llvd                      a include whether or not populations could be altered.

* Impact analyses should avoid use of experimental or unproven methodologies, assumptions, or models.
with adverse consequences to animals, vegetation. or                          detabili      onsoderitesn of the effects of rd divercsnt on humans. by construction or operation of the station.                          th aeal.  reh          and StAte agtri  itoal.          jmWd&eion. f'redi htural F170(111COOT, o~rreiJeAtiOrtAl uses. 11e J36sae1Irnt -,h1,uld include both Adverse andi bemcficial :opecis ofcoln Protection of terrestrial systems is usually          adeqclate lake cumnstructiurm.%'here a cor.4ing lake it, p-oposed, ttee when it can be shown that (I) habitat                      losses or baseline stodies should include a prelminrthry asine-vt~t alterations are Insignificant to populations of          important of the potential fut reclaxnaimsfn teC the take hottoin lar species in the regional or local context, (2)                chemical agricultural, ecological. or forestry use after decomitusw emissions from the station are sufficiently                  small to
*   permit reasonable assurance that no adverse effe t will                      sioning, It ii not necessary, however, to prepbdge futurr use of the take site It is vifficient to es~tablisth whether occur, and (3) no mechanism exists for causing u.,n- the option exmists to reclaim the site for other prod~uctive tended destruction of organisms, or its occurrence Is                        u~s-s Or whether the Creation of the lake constituites An infrequent enough to give reasonable assurance that                          irretrievale change in land use.

* Impact analyses should employ the best professional judgment and avoid unsupported speculation or opinion.
whole populations will not be adversely affected.

Habitat Loss Analyses
Environmental protection should be achieved by                              The asscssment should alm) include a reprtit of the control of common sources of environmental effects.                        number of hectares of the lake site that will remain These include soil erosion, siltation, ut: of herbicides,                  undisutubed during construction, the numbeT of hectare~s dust and noise during construction, and others.                            and vegetation that rMil be disturbed, the source of Biological consequences can usually be prevented or                            "borrow" material for dike constructiorm. and the man- reduced to acceptable levels through proper manage-                        agement of topsoil removed during construction. Use of ment.                                                                        topsoil stripped front the lake bottom for vegetative stabilization of dikes and for ultimate replacement ont
    *U.S. Department of Agriculture l-NtU System should be used.                the lake bottom for rehabilitation should be considered.

Clearing, grubbing, grading, inundation, and other site-preparation activities result in the loss of terrestrial habitats, including wetlands.  Habitat losses can be quantified by overlaying the following:
a. a habitat map that outlines the spatial extent of the terrestrial habitats (including wetlands), and b. a limits of disturbance plan that defines the proposed extent of ground surface and vegetation disturbance.

The limits of disturbance plan can be based on a formal grading plan or on a conceptual estimate of the bounds of vegetation or soil disturbance. The most accurate basis is a drawing depicting proposed grading overlaying existing topography. However, the outer limit of vegetation clearing may extend beyond the outer limit of grading. Vegetation clearing may also occur off site on rights-of-way or on locations for associated activities such as the excavation of borrow or disposal of dredged material.
When a pruposed lake is to be built on substrates                b. Dust Contrl -- OD t should be controlled by
.having a potential for affecting water quality, chemical        watering, gpaveling. kn paving. Areas subjec to wind analyses of the substrates should be performed. The               erosion should be controlled by mulching or seedin,.
elements to be measured depend on the nature of the                 c. ,oiaW Conrrtd Noise should be monoimred at zite substrate. If the substrate is formerly fertili.ed farndand.      bounda~ies.

Distinguishing between permanent and temporary habitat losses and distinguishing among habitat losses attributable to each major project element are both important. Impact analysis usually needs to extend beyond quantifying the acreage of habitat losses. It should evaluate the effects of habitat losses on the distribution, movement, and reproduction of flora and fauna.
analysis for elements common to chemical fertiliers is needed. If the substrate is land of some special history,.          d. Smoke Contrul - Open slash busaing of plant such as strip-mine land, appropriate chemical assessmnent        nateriai shouidJ be conducted in accidanct *eith local of the water-soluble and exchange- ,le components ,of           and State regulations.

Wildlife Noise Impact Analyses Impact analyses should consider the possible effects of proposed short-term and long-term noise sources on terrestrial wildlife in surrounding habitats. Noise generated by the operation of cooling towers and the use of equipment such as bulldozers, chainsaws, backhoes, trucks, and jackhammers can influence wildlife in nearby undeveloped habitats. Noise can adversely affect wildlife physiology and behavior such as migration, feeding, reproduction, and communication.  Analyses can compare projected noise levels in wildlife habitats near project sites with species noise tolerance levels reported in the scientific Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 18 literature. Responses reported in the literature vary widely among species and are a function of sound level (measured in decibels), sound duration, and pattern and frequency of occurrence (Refs. 38, 39, and 40). If quantitative noise data are not available in the scientific literature, qualitative evaluations may be substituted to account for the effects of existing background noise.
thle substrate should be made to obtain an estimate of             *C. ChOwdcal and Solid Wase Ccnfrol ..- Cerryta..
chemical input to the lake. Special attention is given            cleiicahs, fuels. sanmry 'asie'. lublic.an2s. bilwrcit ý
those elements that-could reach toxic concentrations in          flushing solutions, om other potentially hatzzid,.:.mi water, accumulate to toxic levels in food .-:"bs. or affect       rruterials should bc vavaged or disharged sifet) in the pil of the Like. The chemical analyses should be              accordance with existing regulatos. Spills          ,sh..Wdtb performed on appropriate chemical extracts of the soil            cle;ned up before dhey become a hazard.

Wildlife Displacement Analyses Impact analyses should consider how habitat loss and noise generation displace wildlife from affected habitats to nearby habitats. The receiving habitats may lack the resources necessary to accommodate the displaced wildlife, or the displaced wildlife may compete for limited resources with existing wildlife, resulting in net losses to affected populations.  Habitats can optimally support only a certain population level, called the carrying capacity.  Once the carrying capacity of habitats receiving displaced wildlife is exceeded, displaced individuals compete for resources until the population returns to the carrying capacity. Resource depletion during periods when the carrying capacity is exceeded can affect other species, thus disturbing delicate equilibriums that underlie food chains. In many areas of the United States, displacing species, such as the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), resident Canada geese (Branta canadensis), or American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis), can lead to indirect impacts in nearby habitats such as heavy feeding on vegetation or forcing dangerous wildlife into sensitive urban settings like parks and playgrounds.
material. The characterization of soil material shouid also include deteumination of exchanri. capacity, organic            f. Soil Erosion and Sediment Conpul          -E!-
matter, ph, and textural class.                                  should be cont odled by piped drainagt. diversion dikes.

A qualitative discussion of possible wildlife displacement may be adequate.  Applicants should confer with local, State, and Federal resource agencies. Analyses can include a discussion of possible mitigation measures such as regional habitat improvement projects to accommodate displaced wildlife or the use of hunters or trappers to reduce wildlife populations before habitat disturbance.
flumes, sediment control structures,. ground        r*mcn. o.

Bird and Bat Collision Analyses Birds and bats can collide with any structure while in flight, but the primary collision risk is from structures exceeding 200 feet above ground level. This is the minimum elevation for which the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Aviation Administration requires aircraft warning lights. Lights attract night-migrating birds and bats to the airspace around the structure, where they are physically injured by collision with the structure or the supporting guy wires (Ref. 41). Collisions are most probable in fog, mist, or low clouds during the bird and bat migration seasons.  The cumulative impact from the hundreds of recently constructed communications towers is suspected in playing a role in population declines for several migratory bird species, such as the cerulean warbler (Dendroica cerulea) (Ref. 41).
When a reservoir is proposed, the baseline studies          other appropriate neanf..
Impact analyses should discuss the potential effects on populations of migratory bird species colliding with any proposed structure exceeding the 200-foot (61 meters) threshold.  NUREG-1437 (Rev
should *: !ude reasonable predictions of the numober of              g. Dewneerirg. D)watern~g. *iouid b.cotonfined to birds (especially waterfowl) expected to use the lake on        the area needed for construction; test wells or pie- an annual basis, their expected residence time. the             existing wells should be monitored " in t&,)
0), "Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants," issued May 1996 (Ref. 42), summarizes the quantitative data of bird collisions with natural draft cooling towers in operation at several nuclear reactors before 1991.  Applicants should also consider more recent, relevant data, including those published for other types of tall structures.
expected Impact on farnilands, and all other impacts            water table.

The impact assessment may be qualitative, but it should address the cumulative impacts on populations of potentially affected bird and bat species from the proposed nuclear plant and from other tall structures in the region, including transmission lines. The analysis should consider site-specific factors such as occurrence of the site along coasts, near other high-quality bird habitats, or on migration flyways.
either on the birds themselves or on the surrounding area due to their prescnce. The estimates should be the best              If. after analysis o( the inventory oi svperis and obtainable bawed on known flyways, estimates of farm acreages nearby, literature, or 1,xal evidence of bird           consideration of potential effects of the nuclear ;pwer station, a conclusion is wartanmed Otuf if.erte vvi K- tit, utilization of other rescrvuirs under similar conditions.        advesew impact on biota, there may be no need to carry If significant numbers of waterfowl are expected to        out biological nionitoring ptopanms at the ctstroctih and operational stages and, correspondi,.gy, these mny congregate at the lake for app e'lable periods of time, a monitoring progiam should be started when the lake ha-s          be no wtee.d to tnitiate such piograms during the bascnire been filled The program should determine the number              stage.

Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 19 Avian Electrocution Analyses The electrical design factor most crucial to avian electrocutions is the physical separation between energized structures or energized and grounded structures, hardware, or equipment that birds can bridge to complete a circuit. Electrocutions occur with raptors, colonial water birds, and other birds on structures where phase conductors or grounded hardware and phase conductors are separated by less than the wrist-to-wrist or head-to-foot distances of a bird (Ref. 43).
of waterfowl, the extent of crop damage in hectares. the Special studk;s could he necessary if adverse effects value of crop lost on art annual basis due to bird fecifing, on hiota are detected and there is no obvious explana- and the numbers of dead or obviously diseased birds.
The impact of electrocutions on avian populations is poorly understood (Ref. 42).  Nevertheless, electrocution is a well-documented source of mortality (Ref. 43) and should be analyzed in terms of the species status locally and regionally (e.g., rare or declining versus widespread and abundant).  The applicant should take into consideration applicant commitments to implement conductor-to-conductor and conductor-to-structure separation distances, as recommended by the Avian Power Line Interaction Committee (Ref. 43), or to place transmission towers and lines outside of areas heavily used by birds (e.g., nesting and staging areas).  The impact assessment may be qualitative, but it should address the effects on bird species from the proposed transmission systems.

Cooling Tower Drift Analyses Operation of cooling towers releases plumes of water vapor and droplets of condensed water to the atmosphere. The plume generally travels farther from taller natural draft cooling towers than it does from lower mechanical draft towers. Water circulating through cooling towers never comes in contact with the reactor core; therefore, radioactive contamination in drift is not a concern.  However, drift carries dissolved salts, biocides, and other constituents. Salts originate from makeup (source) water and become concentrated as water evaporates inside the tower.  Brackish makeup water is of greater concern than fresh makeup water. Biocides are used to control microorganisms in the water.  Flora and fauna near cooling towers are exposed to drift, including salts and biocides.  Fogging from drift elevates the humidity experienced by flora and fauna.  In cold temperatures, drift can freeze to form ice on vegetation.
tion or remedy for the effect. In the usual, however, if habitat loss or alteration, dicrnjcal emissions, or direct
    5. Whcn adverse effects of construction ot operation destruction of organisms do not constitute a threat to a can be reasonably inferred from information obtained population of an important species. the effect need not during the baseline phase, quantitative studies that can be studied further even though it is important in an be compared with later studies during construction or            ecological sense.

Based on studies summarized in NUREG-1437 (Rev 0), the NRC recommends preparing a graphic that overlays projected salt deposition isopleths on the terrestrial habitat map wherever projected deposition exceeds 1 kilogram per hectare per month.  Applicants should search scientific literature for any recently published data on plant responses to salt deposition.  The NRC also recommends a more detailed analysis if deposition rates in naturally vegetated terrestrial habitats exceed 10 kilograms per hectare per month.  In some settings, qualitative analyses are adequate to assess potential impacts to terrestrial habitats from the fogging and icing caused by cooling tower drift.  In other settings, such as in arid climates where fogging could generate unnatural humidity levels or in areas dominated by evergreen trees prone to ice breakage, quantitative analyses may be more appropriate.
operational phases should be initiated. Such studies could Include measurements of population densities of endangered species or chemical measurements of toils                             
Analyses for Hydrological Impacts to Terrestrial Habitats Construction dewatering activities and water withdrawal during operations, including withdrawal of surface water or groundwater for cooling water, can affect the quality of terrestrial habitats.  Groundwater withdrawal can lower the water table, thereby shrinking or eliminating wetlands.  Site preparation can also alter surface runoff patterns by directing water that once drained to depressional wetlands into stormwater management facilities.  In arid areas, cones of depression resulting from groundwater withdrawals can convert mesic forest and scrub-shrub upland habitats, which are common in floodplains and arroyos, into desert habitats.  Although terrestrial ecologists do not perform hydrological modeling, they should attempt to work with hydrologists to quantify hydrological alterations to any wetlands, mesic lowlands, and other hydrologically sensitive terrestrial habitats.
Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 20 Terrestrial Environmental Monitoring Most terrestrial environmental monitoring requirements are derived from environmental permits, the ESA, and State regulations that protect rare species.  Biological opinions issued by FWS or the National Marine Fisheries Service (collectively referred to as "the Services") under the ESA may call for the monitoring of areas containing threatened or endangered species or the evaluation of the success of mitigation actions to relocate or protect those species.  The Services or permits may outline specific monitoring and reporting protocols.  If not, the NRC recommends contacting the Services or responsible permitting agency for the following individualized direction:
a. seasonal timing of monitoring visits, b. field data collection procedures, c. sampling approaches (e.g., use of sample quadrats or transects), d. field equipment specifications, e. qualifications of field personnel, and f. reporting requirements.
Decommissioning NUREG-0586, "Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities," Supplement 1, "Regarding the Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Reactors," issued November 2002 (Ref. 44), summarizes the potential impacts that the decommissioning of nuclear reactors could have on terrestrial environmental resources.  Decommissioning does not usually result in significant adverse ecological effects when ground disturbance is limited to the former operational area.  However, it may be helpful to characterize ecological conditions before site development when managing ecological resources on decommissioned sites.  Potentially significant impacts are possible, however, when ground disturbance from decommissioning activities extends to naturally vegetated areas outside of the former operational area.  Many of the same terrestrial environmental baseline and impact analyses described above could help support the review of decommissioning impacts affecting naturally vegetated areas.
1. Because precise predictions and assessments of impacts on terrestrial ecological systems are not always possible, reasonable professional interpretations are recommended when quantitative prediction is not practicable.
2. Professional judgment is needed to identify appropriate analytical methods to support NRC licensing actions.  Applicants should contact Federal, State, and local regulatory agencies and search recent scientific literature for specific analytical protocols.
3. Baseline investigations should be broad enough and completed early enough to support anticipated impact analyses and monitoring that might be required by federal and state agencies.  These investigations may be prepared as separate reports or presented as part of larger documents such as environment reports. Closely related baseline studies and analyses can be combined into single reports.
4. Terrestrial habitats should be labeled on maps using names based on indicator species or habitat or land cover naming systems developed for statewide or nationwide use.  Wetlands should be identified using a widely recognized wetland nomenclature system.  Each vegetative stratum in Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 21 each habitat should be described.
5. Wetland delineations for projects involving ground disturbance should be completed using routine Federal and State protocols.  Wetland delineation reports should include a functional assessment.
6. Applicants who can identify common plants and wildlife should visit project sites multiple times during the growing season.  When possible, they should time their visits to coincide with flowering seasons, bird migration seasons, and amphibian calling seasons.  The applicants should develop tables listing observed species with information on distribution and abundance.
7. Terrestrial environmental impact analyses should focus primarily on species meeting NRC importance criteria (Ref 32).  Specialists may need to conduct site visits at specific times of the year to determine whether important species are present and, if so, subject to impact.
8. Habitat losses should be quantified by overlaying the estimated limits of disturbance over a habitat map.  Losses of jurisdictional and nonjurisdictional wetlands should be considered.
9. Estimated salt drift isopleths from cooling towers should be plotted on a base map showing terrestrial habitats.
10. Other terrestrial environmental impact analyses that may be needed to support NRC licensing decisions include the following: 
(1) noise impacts on wildlife, 
(2) interruptions in wildlife movement and migration patterns, 
(3) introduction and expansion of coverage by pests and invasive species
(4) the potential for displaced wildlife to exceed the carrying capacity in nearby habitats, 
(5) the potential for bird and bat collisions with elevated structures, 
(6) the potential for electrocution of birds, and 
(7) hydrological effects on wetlands and other terrestrial habitats.
11. Terrestrial environmental monitoring required by environmental permits or regulations should be carefully planned with responsible regulatory agencies.
12. Terrestrial environmental baseline studies and impact analyses may be necessary for decommissioning activities that disturb naturally vegetated lands outside of the former operational area.
Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 22

The purpose of this section is to provide information on how applicants and licensees
and blota within the potential drift field of a cooling tower, for example.                                                   The purpose of this section is to provide information to applicants regarding the NRC staff's plans for using The preferred method of biological protection on            this regulatory guide.
1 may use this guide and information regarding the NRC's plans for using this regulatory guide.  In addition, it describes how the NRC staff complies with the Backfit Rule (10 CFR 50.109) and any applicable finality provisions in 10 CFR Part 52.
Use by Applicants and Licensees Applicants and licensees may voluntarily
2 use the guidance in this document to demonstrate compliance with the underlying NRC regulations.  Methods or solutions that differ from those described in this regulatory guide may be deemed acceptable if they provide sufficient basis and information for the NRC staff to verify that the proposed alternative demonstrates compliance with the appropriate NRC regulations.  Current licensees may continue to use guidance the NRC found acceptable for complying with the identified regulations as long as their current licensing basis remains unchanged.
Licensees may use the information in this regulatory guide for actions which do not require NRC review and approval such as changes to a facility design under 10 CFR 50.59.  Licensees may use the information in this regulatory guide or applicable parts to resolve regulatory or inspection issues.
Use by NRC Staff During regulatory discussions on plant specific operational issues, the staff may discuss with licensees various actions consistent with staff positions in this regulatory guide, as one acceptable means of meeting the underlying NRC regulatory requirements.  Such discussions would not ordinarily be considered backfitting even if prior versions of this regulatory guide are part of the licensing basis of the facility.  However, unless this regulatory guide is part of the licensing basis for a facility, the staff may not represent to the licensee that the licensee's failure to comply with the positions in this regulatory guide constitutes a violation.
If an existing licensee voluntarily seeks a license amendment or change and (1) the NRC staff's consideration of the request involves a regulatory issue directly relevant to this new or revised regulatory guide and (2) the specific subject matter of this regulatory guide is an essential consideration in the staff's determination of the acceptability of the licensee's request, then the staff may request that the licensee either follow the guidance in this regulatory guide or provide an equivalent alternative process that demonstrates compliance with the underlying NRC regulatory requirements. This is not considered backfitting as defined in 10 CFR 50.109(a)(1) or a violation of any of the issue finality provisions in 10 CFR Part 52.
The NRC staff does not intend or approve any imposition or backfitting of the guidance in this regulatory guide.  The NRC staff does not expect any existing licensee to use or commit to using the guidance in this regulatory guide, unless the licensee makes a change to its licensing basis.  The NRC staff does not expect or plan to request licensees to voluntarily adopt this regulatory guide to resolve a generic regulatory issue.  The NRC staff does not expect or plan to initiate NRC regulatory action which
1  In this section, "licensees" refers to licensees of nuclear power plants under 10 CFR Parts 50 and 52; and the term "applicants," refers to applicants for licenses and permits for (or relating to) nuclear power plants under 10 CFR Parts 50 and 52, and applicants for standard design approvals and standard design certifications under 10 CFR Part 52.
2  In this section, "voluntary" and "voluntarily" means that the licensee is seeking the action of its own accord, without the force of a legally binding requirement or an NRC representation of further licensing or enforcement action.
Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 23 would require the use of this regulatory guide.  Examples of such unplanned NRC regulatory actions include issuance of an order requiring the use of the regulatory guide, requests for information under 10 CFR 50.54(f) as to whether a licensee intends to commit to use of this regulatory guide, generic communication, or promulgation of a rule requiring the use of this regulatory guide without further backfit consideration.
Additionally, an existing applicant may be required to adhere to new rules, orders, or guidance if 10 CFR 50.109(a)(3) applies.
Conclusion This regulatory guide is not being imposed upon current licensees and may be voluntarily used by existing licensees.  In addition, this regulatory guide is issued in conformance with all applicable internal NRC policies and procedures governing backfitting.  Accordingly, the NRC staff issuance of this regulatory guide is not considered backfitting, as defined in 10 CFR 50.109(a)(1), nor is it deemed to be in conflict with any of the issue finality provisions in 10 CFR Part 52.
If a licensee believes that the NRC is either using this regulatory guide or requesting or requiring the licensee to implement the methods or processes in this regulatory guide in a manner inconsistent with the discussion in this Implementation section, then the licensee may file a backfit appeal with the NRC in accordance with the guidance in NUREG-1409 and NRC Management Directive 8.
===4.      ===
Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 24 The purpose of this section is to provide information to applicants for nuclear power reactor construction permits, early site permits and combined licenses on how applicants may use this regulatory guide.  It also provides information for construction permit and early site permit holders regarding the NRC staff's plans for using this regulatory guide. The methods described in this regulatory guide will be used in evaluating applications for construction permits, early site permits, combined licenses, and limited work authorizations, which includes information under 10 CFR 51.49(b) or (f), with respect to compliance with applicable regulations governing the siting of new nuclear power plants.  Methods or solutions that differ from those described in this regulatory guide may be deemed acceptable if they provide sufficient basis and information for the NRC staff to verify that the proposed alternative demonstrates compliance with the appropriate NRC regulations.
The NRC's consideration of the information provided by (i) the applicant for, or the holder of, an operating license, (ii) the holder of an early site permit who subsequently seeks, under 10 CFR 52.27, a limited work authorization under 10 CFR 50.10, and (iii) the holder of a combined license, is not a "siting" determination.  Therefore, such NRC consideration is neither backfitting nor an action inconsistent with the applicable issue finality requirements in 10 CFR Part 52.
3  1. 10 CFR Part 52, "Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals for Nuclear Power Plants," U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC.
2. 10 CFR Part 50, "Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC.
3. 10 CFR Part 54, "Requirements for Renewal of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Power Plants," U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC.
4. Regulatory Guide 4.2, "Preparation of Environmental Reports for Nuclear Power Stations, Revision 2, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, July 1976.
5. Regulatory Guide 4.7, "General Site Suitability Criteria for Nuclear Power Stations, Revision 2, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, April 1998.
6. 10 CFR Part 51, "Environmental Protection Regulations for Domestic Licensing and Related Regulatory Functions," U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC.
7. EPRI Report No. 1006878, "Siting Guide:  Site Selection and Evaluation Criteria for an Early Site Permit Application
," Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, 2002.
3  Publicly available NRC published documents are available electronically through the NRC Library on the NRC's public Web site at:  The documents can also be viewed on-line or printed for a fee in the NRC's Public Document Room (PDR) at 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD; the mailing address is USNRC PDR, Washington, DC 20555; telephone 301-415-4737 or (800) 397-4209; fax (301) 415-3548; and e-mail  4  Copies of the listed Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) standards and reports may be purchased from EPRI, 3420 Hillview Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304; telephone (800) 313-3774; fax (925) 609-1310.
Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 25
8. Clean Water Act of 1977, 33 USC 1251 et seq.
9. 40 CFR Part 230, "Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines for Specification of Disposal Sites for Dredged or Fill Material," U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
10. 33 CFR Part 325, "Processing of Department of the Army Permits," U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, DC.
11. Matthews, L., and D. Davis, "The National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP):  Options and Challenges," 2007 Environmental Systems Research Institute International User's Conference , San Diego, CA, Aerial Photography Field Office, Salt Lake City, UT, June 18-22, 2007.
12. Yang, L., "Development of the United States National Land Cover Database-Experience from 1992 and 2001 Implementation," International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, and Spatial Information Sciences, XXXVII, Part B4:  International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, pp. 1461-1465, 2008.
13. Anderson, J.R., et al., "A Land Use and Land Cover Classification System for Use with Remote Sensor Data," U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 964, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, DC, 1976.
14. Grossman, D.H., et al., "International Classification of Ecological Communities:  Terrestrial Vegetation of the United States.  Volume I.  The National Vegetation Classification System: Development, Status, and Applications," The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA, 1998.
15. Eyre, F.H., "Forest Cover Types of the United States and Canada,"
Society of American Foresters, Washington, DC, 1980.
16. U.S. Geological Survey, GAP Analysis Program Homepage, access date August 19, 2010.  (Available at  17. "Florida Land Use, Cover, and Forms Classification System," Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Tallahassee, FL, 1995 (3 rd edition, January 1999).
18. Harrison, J.W., "Classification of Vegetation Communities of Maryland:  First Iteration," NatureServe and Maryland Natural Heritage Program, Wildlife and Heritage Service, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Annapolis, MD, 2004.
19. "Clarification and Interpretation of the 1987 Manual," U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, memorandum dated March 6, 1992.
20. "Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands," Cooperative Technical Publication issued by the Federal Interagency Committee for Wetland Delineation:  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service, Washington, DC, 1989.
21. Mueller-Dombois, D., and H. Ellenberg, "Aims and Methods of Vegetation Ecology," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1974.
22. Executive Order 13112, "Invasive Species," February 3, 1999, as amended by Executive Order 13286, February 28, 2003.
Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 26
23. 33 CFR Part 328, "Definition of Waters of the United States," U.S. Department of Defense, Department of the Army, Washington, DC.
24. Technical Report Y-87-1, "Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual," U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Environmental Laboratory, Vicksburg, MS, January 1987.
25. "Use of NRCS Field Indicators of Hydric Soils," U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, memorandum dated March 21, 1997.
26. Cowardin, L.M., et al., "Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States,"
FWS/OBS-79/31, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Biological Services, Washington, DC, 1979.
27. Adamus, P.R., et al., "Wetland Evaluation Technique (WET), Volume II:  Methodology," National Technical Information Service No. ADA 189968, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, 1987.
28. "The Highway Methodology Workbook:  Supplement to Wetland Functions and Values:  A Descriptive Approach," U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division, Concord, MA, 1995. 29. Clairain, E.J., Jr., "Hydrogeomorphic Approach To Assessing Wetland Functions:  Guidelines for Developing Regional Guidebooks," ERDC/EL TR-02-3, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS, 2002.
30. Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 62-345, "Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method."
31. Bartoldus, C.C., "A Comprehensive Review of Wetland Assessment Procedures:  A Guide for Wetland Practitioners," Environmental Concern, Inc., St. Michaels, MD, 1999.
32. NUREG-1555,  "Standard Review Plans for Environmental Reviews for Nuclear Power Plants: Environmental Standard Review Plan,"  U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, October 1999.
33. Endangered Species Act of 1973, 7 USC 136 et seq.
34. 50 CFR Part 17, "Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants," U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC.
35. Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940, 16 USC 668 et seq.
36. Executive Order 11990, "Protection of Wetlands," May 24, 1977.
37. Executive Order 11988, "Floodplain Management," May 24, 1977, as amended by Executive Order 12148, July 20, 1979.
38. Bayne, E.M., L. Habib, and S. Boutin, "Impacts of Chronic Anthropogenic Noise from Energy-Sector Activity on Abundance of Songbirds in the Boreal Forest," Conservation Biology , 22(5):1186-1193, 2008.
Rev. 2 of RG 4.11, Page 27
39. Dufour, P.A., "Effects of Noise on Wildlife and Other Animals-Review of Research Since 1971," EPA 550/9-80-100, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Noise Abatement and Control, Washington, DC, 1980.
40. Radle, A.L., "The Effect of Noise on Wildlife:  A Literature Review," 1998.  (Available at  Retrieved and updated December 2007.)
41. Manville, A.M. II, "The ABCs of Avoiding Bird Collisions at Communication Towers:  The Next Steps," Proceedings of the Avian Interactions Workshop, December 2, 1999, Charleston, SC, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, 2000.
41. NUREG-1437, Rev 0, , "Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants," U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, May 1996.

42. "Suggested Practices for Avian Protection on Power Lines:  The State of the Art in 2006,"
many constructlon sites is direct control of potentially injurious work practice. Systematic inspection during                This guide reflects current NRC staff practice. There- construction at the site along transmission corridors and          fore, except in those cases in which the applicant in adjacent areas should be used to detect injurious or          proposes an acceptable alternative methud for com, unauthorized activities. Examples of items that may be            plying with specified portions of the Commission's checked are:                                                      regulations, the method described herein is being and will continue to be used in the evaluation of submittals for operating license or construction permit applications a. TPafflc Control - Vehicles should be confined to          until this guide is revised as a result of suggestions from authorized roadways and stream crossings.                        the public or additional staff review.
Edison Electric Institute, Avian Power Line Interaction Committee, and the California Energy Commission, Washington, DC, and Sacramento, CA, 2006.

43. NUREG-0586, "Generic Environmental Impact Statement for Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities," Supplement 1, "Regarding the Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Reactors," U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, November 2002.}}


Latest revision as of 01:23, 20 March 2020

Terrestrial Environmental Studies for Nuclear Power Stations
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/31/1976
Download: ML13350A243 (9)






ixtientiaJl ctivit1JnarTieti ,ct.,!ts5 mcudine iuddeti -11 extet.

nAlized custs. of nucicau power statikin construction and The Nuclear Regulatory Conmiits,,n's policy and operation. By identifying importanl envirornn,,znl costs procedures for picparing and proccssing erivirotimental priot to site preparation and statnun construction. the impact statements and related documents pursuant ito costs can be rmduced to acceptable levels by wleclting as- Section 102(2) (C) of the National invironmental Policy appropriate site. revising the station de.i"'or modifying Act of 1969 (Public Law 91-190, 83 Stat. 852) are set operating piocedures.

forth in 10 C(FR Part SI, "Licensing and Regulatory C.,

Policy arid Procedures foi Environmental Prtc'tion.'" In this guide. environmental str4ies aute.4vided into Regulatory Guide 4.2. "Preparation of Environmental four phases: rote Selection. box* 'Mbdies. cnsitu.tion Reports for Nuclear Power Stations," identifies the monitoring, arid oTibrati*tl . 1 able

-rihI shows informnation needed by the NRC staff in its aswscsnment the oruganization foz ,=restual tdies identifying majoi of the potential eavironmental etlects of a lijpoted task.5and their apprt'*).tetim&:hedults.

nuclear facility. This regulatory guide provides technical Adversw irpal*.4n t Jtlo.gafisrh or ecological Jke inlfornima ion Imothe design and.c.c ecution of eterest rial systems h.c histAoI4y itulted fr omr loss or niodifica.

environmental studies for nuclear power stations. The tititLol a4W-lea*

out rtinvtals or toxic chemiicals information resulting from these studies, ai they relate illtot eti nrtimt, and dnect desitruction of biota. A

to ecological aspects of site selection, as.sessment of bholcd*Cl,,eil'I nay be expressed at the level of lih terrestrial effects of station construction and operation, :' `1i*, *gaPrtiXrns itrthrouh the collective jrcnponrt.

and formulation of related monitorting activitcs. mtay be 4.sins ,t the system level.. k.xar1-,: of effect- o',t appropriate for inclusion in the applicant's envirot*,S*,, ii)4gvithil organisms include death. redu, :, n of heallh tal report. *1or'ltalty, accurmulation ofroxi" subs...nces. and

`ta.llteration of reproductive success. Lxa.mples of ecolo.

Although there is a need for a thorou,0,4i1uait*  : gical system efc1TIs include changes in birth mi,death environmental impacts, it is important thaItresouw.09s not rate. changes of toxic ekinent concentrations through- be needlessly dissipated on programs of-.t*iteJ&'%aflu¢. out entire food webs, and changes in population mle ot The need for accuraite evaluation and tun* view of community structure, the environmental report makes it eswrntial to focus Mos lant and animal sopuletions havc sutficient quickly on Iearingful 'I9 a nd to avoid exhaustive Modt pla ct yn oma k Upu fort o sshe1s t't,:ie w analyses not directiy fter  ;.1station impacts. This reproductive capacity tu make up for loses of a few guide racommindrirtk, C Itu ssessments, resource mdtvidual. without chanes in 3verage population W.,es management, s.f.c .* * -andcontrol of effects asWhen th loss of individual means for ,ro~ting terrestrial ecology. The ap- becomes sufficiently great, however, the populattori irs a proach r j061nn62 d f.1 terrestrial surveys begins with whorce ttay eas to punction em a elf.suytahning.

broadly anll and biotic inventories and then renewable resource. The poplation may then be focuses on1ig*nited number of significant environmental overstressed. and species extinction or undesitable shifts issues. 1Rý in community structure may become possible.


Excessive population stresses have resulted from It is important (hat environmental assessments pro- natural phenomena, hunting, trapping. draining of wet- vide the information needed to estimate and limit lands, harvesting forests, plowing prairies, widespread USNAC RE.GULATORY GUIDES Corn"rt.9 Sh.ould 104 so-t tothi swc..tsv of t" rnte~, Ua I cls

1%g,.tato,v Guide* Ole iltus4 to d~renit.h and _4119 4*AO0 to~e~' 0.4t.,.~

Outwitg:o Sam"^t.4Octwg DCic e mefthods acce~lbillt 990tIle i9C stetI Of 'rnPtlt.ttt~tg 11009to Parts Of %as Comnrn16,00 S togujtbt.ofts. to dol~tes~bgtetVha 'J&" air Ito~Ot.t ft *Vt The quid"e.l,.e,1'ttsfla nthf fftobroa8d ff9.softe eo~

sting tiepc-fic ptoblernt at posttuteled &cc~de'tt a' to Po'tde guidane. to .o~tt.

coots Regulatory Gwtlfs 11te not subst.1tooto, elalto'te. oed Itemt9,9'c*

mot I Power 01tescs.'e Pioduct witth thte t %a'tt toqu,Irtd Melhads and Solutionse different #-rn too".se Sol. OtI 40sc W4 7#11 Arttorf 7 tlia guides will be accoptebie itlt ihyotovide a bastm#to ttt. 9.~donqlt9'44001% to 3 ul n Iloeii Ftectttt~es S etit crostions Meot!?

Ike ilstuatco or cotnounvrc of a Ostrn't 0, hetrn. kV th~eCotrnntlwt.. 4 an SIT..9 I A.mtnw Commtentts and 1W994geetlot 110, o .... 't -, titeog 9-69.i% 61* mtCOu.aged1 a matoene 6`14 Pont Pltodtlan' 90Conoete Mt all totes. .1,d guide -,It be , *00'oo.,etu. In4 aeccOM'tOodet torn"

tm.e.ts and to t*tt~ct neow-Itai-,atm' o a, .. ec O,w4ea Commen~eton~ capt," at pubttl"04 gwude mnaybe obtotp bl, tantlan, 004"h11 tttdeetag fth flits quid*. .9 received wittvin About two moths'tI.After its 1.fOsu~* w~ttbe Par tbW~ovans dl"~ Tofthe US9t~l ftoctla egltory Cornvstewo. Waettotp t 0 DC

ftc.1a'tV useful to oisetuht..q the need to- a. soetiy eiruon 2Mý Aite..ytott D..eo'w. etfhte at Simteo.4de eonp




Phase Major Task Time When Task Pcrformed*

Regional land-use analysis Prior to apphcation for CP when Site selection candidate areas are being selected Local land-use analysis Prior to application for CP when preferred site is being sIcicted Baseline studies at the Biological iivcnborics Prior to application for CP when proposed site ER is being prepared;m"ay continuc into period after CtP issuance (bui before OL issuarnce)

Construction monitoring Monitoring of construction DMring period bet-'eco CP issuance at the :approved site practice and OL issuance Operational monitoring Problem-oliented monitoring After OL is issued at the approved site (short-term and continuing programs)

  • CP = construction permit ER = environmental report OL = operating license dispersion of toxic substances, and other activities This engineering surveys to select candidate sites for tht does nut imply that these activities are always incom- nuclear station. Local land-use anralysi3 is directed u patible with the well-being of natural systems. Experi- candidate sites and is used in conjunction with engi-W

ence has shown that good management often permits the nec .ing consideratims to sclect a preferred site. Site coexistence of desired ecological systems with various selection surveys of terrestrial ecology are coordinated enterprises. with prelinidnary engineering. studies. The information needed could be ob!ained from such sources as aerial Site Selection photographs. topographic maps, reconnaissance, litera- ture, and regional or local zoning and planning data. Site The results of site selection surveys are useful in ,election surveys aaa performed with the objective of identifying potential Impacts of station siting, construe- providing data for resource nunagement analysis, rather tion, and operation on terrestrial ecological systems and than for detailed functional analysts of ecosystems.

permit evaluation of alternatives that could reduce ad- verse effects. In this guide, the suggested site selection Terrestrial criteria at the regional level what are needed procedures* are limited to terrestrial ecoloey.

in the selection of candidate sites include the extent of valuable farmland in the region and the altematives avail- Site selection surveys may be descriptive in nature. In able for siting on land of lower utility, the extent of describing biota, emphasis is generally placed on ecolo- valuable wildlife habitat in the region and alternatives to gically significant groupings of organisms and manage- Its use, and the extent of valuable forests in the region ment of resources rather than on ecological detail. it is and alternatives to their use. Also needed is information important, however, that the investigations rapidly on the current status of land use and zoning plans within focus on matters of special sensitivity, rather than the region. This includes an accounting of all land within retaining a broad and diffitse approach. the region in major categories such as. agricultural land, forest land, urban areas. highway-s, and airporls.

Site selection surveys can be conduct'.s in two phases, regional land-use and local land-u:.-," analysis. The selection process examines reasonable oppor- Regional land-use analysis is used in conjunction with tunities for utilizing sites that have minimal impact on the diversity of regional land use, present and future.

  • See also Regulatory Guide 4.7, "General Site Suitability Cri- Preservation of a range of options for land use is teria for Nuclear Power. Stations." important for the consideration of biologically rare or.s


unique areas. A unique wildljfe babita.1 may be und':six- .in su:e re'ioits. Howvver. cooling towers could be able for a site since to use it could furodose oppof- objectionlabe in sceruc aicas where a coohng lake could tunities for propagation of wildlife. scientifk" study, be an aseiet. Visible plunes from coolirn tovtts could be natural history study, recreatu'tr, and public enjuyrnent ntoze Abjvctivmb!e e ironrstentirly at sov sitcs th*n of wildlife. it others becausc Of ground Itogs or sraig, l'ible 2 is an example matrix that could be to.d it bAa.ncing the Federal, State, regional, and local planning authoritis &I-f factorV. i may be consulted to dct.ermine the existence and location of areas withiri the region that have. icen FKY th.e lWca studies. delail 1s ncedcd in tOle dedicated to the public interest or areas in which 5iting tatbi:iion of plant and anmal speci-e uegun during the would be in conflict with preexisting zoning plars. rei.nun.d sunrey'. T'h. specis list mayxbe enla-,ed omorn Examples of such areas include dedicated patrks and kanvidge or pdincipd habnaials %f the sites, re,'nt~nai.--

forests, especially produetive fartland, places whe're tsance. ttw literature.. anid 1 t .At thi s wtg' it specialty c-rops are produced. rate but as yet undedicated is tr-pi-qtwit to esutabbsh whterhe there te m>b4wiovs forests and wildlife habitats, scenic arcai, and wetland,. differences aiuntg sites with ,rsp-,et to endAngercd

3pcjc. es, gamn. waitmals. or ,other ialportant spc'ies of More specilfic land-use classes are needed in t~Rwfucal habi*tr.m The ,tvruwett ftr c4ch size should Jnclude surveys than in the regional surveys, but they should c'-u iderariorn o~f the a

  • ot prelefled habitat of be based on information obtained by reconnsance im*utrutant w4eicies (iie Secki'n 22 of. Regt" rio"y Guide rather than detailed binlogical invcntory. Land-use cate- 4.2) that would be, adver*eiy affected.

gories may include farms. fields. secondary succeisiort (indicating dominant species), foiests, and residentiaJ. tnt'ointutivr. ic uircd fwn r-k-vsiorcirtlo~i t- industrial, and commercial areas. If aerial photognphs mmAnilm in nature tortial. for. candidate site setkctiuf.

are used for local land.u5c analysis, it is important that DetaiLead cormidoi routes wt!.' not norrnall. be Known it their scale is sufficient to present views of the candidate this stage. Nevertheless. tvnisi&-citiom needs to be gi'en sites and their inunediate environs. to prtIsbblb c0,or IteI'fh, nid YIaTuurl barriers, imllpac on lai d use. o.*, utits for conubi*s*ig. ne'w transmission Major soil data for each sioe being conrsidei*ed may be with pree.xisting tourees, and tbeltiC 0ffects in the obtained from existing literature or thirough recofltais- wetectic.r of candidate sites..

santce it' not otherwise available. Soil Counrvtion Service offices are usually able to .upply sufficient Tabie 3 is wa example matrix that could be used in Information. Information may be %upplied as a soil wei*hnng and balancing altematihe sites. Site %lecriun ts association map that is keyed to a t ab!t of descriptive dependent on a wide range of ficlors other th~an those information. rclating to tvrrestrial e'ology. In .ome c seCS the weirring and balancing of Al factors may rt.mult in a selctiwn thtr The selection of a cooling method for the propsed is les3 than optimum by renres'tial ecologic.l cJi1em1a. I.n plant is an important consideration in itle selection. these cases the need for suhsequent no*amilTcning ptrtans Cooling reservoirs may require loss of land, which may may be greater in the case of mote nearly optimum be unacceptable compared to the use of coolinp towers choices. tomever, norve of the candidate sites shiould be OLE 2 FACTORS CONSIDERED IN THE SELECTION OF


Once.Througts COOlinS Cowling Spray Environmental Variable Cooling LAke Towei Canals Farn-land Woodland Wasteland Coastland Wetland Special Wildlife Habitats Preserves and Parks Aesthetic Impacts

4.11-3 W


Factor Site A Site B Site C

Land use Farmland Woodland Wildlife iHabitat Unique or Rare Habitats Area of Site Transmission Corridors

'Terrestrial Ecolog Inportant Species Present Endangered and Threatened Species Present OUnits %houldbe quantitative whenever appropriate: hWCveC, judgmenta3 eMr6 are acveptatlc if necde4..

located in critical, unique, of highly valuable haibitat struction ot operation This judgernt should be based areas. on examination ot each e-e*sl us"ng the criteria cited here and on professional biolo:cal ltetrpretation. Cons- rhe goal of the regional and local land-use surveys is derations include the biolo cal reason for timportance the selection of a preferred site that does not have and the link between the nuclear station and thc critical habitats or habitats in short local supply. Any organisrm The spvcies considered important are those site selected, of course, %,liresult in the loss of some that meet the d&fmition in Regu*tcrry Guide 4.12 and habitat and its associated residents. This loss is assessed that are linked adversely to the station in some through an inventory of species present. reasonable way. These may require further quantitative effort in the baseline studies and operational monitoring surveys.

Baseline Studies It is important that judgment be exercised in selecting the thine for initiating quantitative population studies if Baseline studies of the preferred site, including they are needed. Where construction effects are antrkips- transmission corridors, are needed to fully describe the ted. quantitative studies should beg& in the bairline site and to establish a basis for predicting the impact of phase. Where an effect of station operation is expected.

construction or operation. Baseline studies may be used it would be best to defer quantitative baseline studies for comparison with later construction or operational until some time prior to operation to ensure reasonable studies. compatibility with the operational studies. It will usually be adequate to bracket the per d of anticipated impact Biological studies of the proposed site are made in with I or 2 years of prior studies and an appropriate advance of plant construction or operation. The qualita- term of following studies.

tive notations of station and animal abundance included In the baseline inventory are normally sufficient. Quanti- Properly designed studies will avoid placinr undue tative measurement of population density Is not usually emphasis on certain easily accessible groups of orn- needed as part of the species Inventory unless profes- isms. Most species of insects. for example, are ecolo- sional judgment based on field study leads to a reason- gically important In local food webs. However, species able conclusion that one or more populations of that cannot reasonably be judged threatened by the Important species could be adversely affected by con- nuclear station or that are not likely to become of 4


econom1ic o.1 r public health significance because of it is normally continued for at least I year. Table 4 construction ot operation need not be studied quatiti- suggests chemicals that are usually considered ini plan.

tatively beyond the initial iniventories. Rtodeints are also ninlg the program.

ecologically imnportasit food web organisnis. However.

quantitative population mleasuremrients are riot needed as Drift from saltgatet or brackish water cooling towers long as there is no reason to believe that station contains NaC I and Ltthet salts. Tile baseline chemical construction or operation will have an effect on their measurements establish the Ni and Cl content of soils populations beyond that caused by the loss of habitat. and plants in the expected drift field of cooliig towers that use seawater or brackish water. Baseline soil Cettain station site and designs have required special measurements noirmall , include the conductivity of envitonmental assssriment effort. Thiee i,'..ude sites saturated extracts ani' phI of samples obtained froni tire With large cooling take.. or rew'tvoirs and planis having expected drift field.

ckrO t ing trowets, part tolarly itf the wate, soIrce Is vi-wvatcf or0b0a1: isfl wate,. These arc di.d ii, more detail in the t(1i4wing i:Ctuons. It' the driflt frotr either fre-liwatler or saltwater towcr is likely to rt ollal i.. .lwk

, . ccs, their ttoficellrr iJtinlls It is iniplortant that the baseline stildivs of powcr are Irreasurmd ultless it 1,; c!.t: tit the allillrts irrid stations having proposed mnan-mrade coiling laks con- concelrtraltlons ;ire SttflitCw r low ri precl ode h*rtlh sider physical anrd Olvi:ical ,elation.shlps bctweei the short.trerf t arnd cUlrlrrrr' ., adverse effects. Advirse water shed and lake; use of a new, habitwt by birds, biological eft:iecs cart rrstrally herfiled ot withr lessorn.

insects, and other anirriws in both bieeficial and adverse able certainly ri ros t elv' re nis aind crt rpr*mmrids found aspects: and the potential for successful rehabilitation of it n tire whei the expected additions corthrred with the lake basin if the station is decommissioned. Both jreexistifliz tortell wotrld rot raise tlhe concetllliration at'

beneficial and adverse effects of the lake on the environ- life Itoxrc subslanrce oulside lhie ranlge oii vithitlioll notmally found in Ilie hiota or soils of tlie regionr menrt s101uld be consideTed, Water quality of the artificial like riu.v te intluenced Chemical analyses of' soils, plants, and animals in the no, only It source water qualiry but also by ,elatioh. drift field of freshwater cooling towers ate riot usually ships with aoils and the surrounding landscape. Develop- needed when all of the following apply: (I ) the domi- nirrt of a watershed management plan ib needed as well mant salts ate hatmiless mixtutres of hiolocieral ltrlimrrents as as an estirate of the amoutltl of rtwirffi oi" dissolved slhowwn in Table 4. (2) the expected deposition ieyoild substances and soil into the lake ftorn the surrounding the nearest site boundary is less thar 20 kglha-yy of landscape, mixed salts, and (3) Lii," drilt does riot cOntlin toxic eletent*s o corCmpounds it amolntois thalt could be hazardous to plants o, atnln*ds either b% direct or A new tesrvo*i forms a new htabitat for plants and indirect exposure over tIhe expected lifelintie of the animals. Waterfowl may be attracted in suhstantial facility.

numbiexrs during their normal migration and their nfigra- tion habits may be altered, e.g., by overwinteting in a northern chnmte om a warni.water lake. Waterfowl Usually, relference specimens of' soils, plants, and attracted to a lake may cause econrnit. loss to agricul- animals for possible future aiilysis ;are retaihed iii cases ture by their feeding activities and may cause degrada. where it is determinied tihat drift presert rs a chemilcl lion of the lake water quality ifom their metabolic halTzard to the envillolniltnt. The spýcirtietis tilay consist wastes. of subsarirples of matertal that were collected prior to tower uperatirn afnd analyzed for baseline data. The Evaporative cooling towers affect ecosystems by stored samples are adequately protected for analytical

&eposition of drift containing dissolved minerals oft the pu rpose s.

landscape or by production of fog. Drift may be beneficdal or adverse depending on the chemlical c.m.

pound# and elements being deposited and the amounts of depostion. The baseline program is designed to Constnrction Monitoring evwduatt the, potential effects of drift and to establish reference n*easmierenrts for comparison with later opera. Biological monitoring of imnportant species Is necess.

tieOed mnfltoring obsenatlons by determinIng the ary if unavoidable construction practice causes a threat amounts and kinds of alirborne chen*icals being deposi. to some natural population or ecosystem that could ted on site prior to cooling tower operation. Acceptable extend beyond the bounds of the area actually dedicated data could be obtained from existing sources of inform.a to construction or associated activities. it such cases, tion or from monthly sampling of collectors that collect studies may be designed to document the impact and rboth dry and wet fallout. If a sampling program is used, develop possible corrective actions.


I -- I I - I




Rt BtvOiosoicsl kafrard



.Wlnot vi r.Q r"-. z

x. cpt in

4 3 4 * 4 Ca, Mg, K, -kn Nil cron iti rienI

Cu. Zn. Co, 8. Mo..V.. No hs"~Ji 0Whu~a~ of Fe. I"

tsakwrns ye !otweiale to hugh Chemical compounds ,NJ. C, F. 11CO) Co 2 ktinor flhk at Winez'r'

commonly found in envirom*wnt. sonic dpen~icr c'nwircji '4m required by animals

1.oQdum saall ruve Irxh rrk Toxic Ph, I1g. Cd, Cr. Ai Pie.vrn~ed high. bologicila risk atI ail ~.ic ~auii albjvc thow'i ntmally found in nsture.

Bijocides added to All Preiurned high hi~nlopjcal risk cuoling wate.s if Present in cooing tower drift.

Operasionall Mon~itoring C, REGULATORY POSITION

Monitoring after coimnl ence n!ihtof station opera- i. It is important to co.rdinate all the programs tions is intended to determine whether or not there are discussed in Regulatory Guides 4.1. -Program. for Mdont- adverse biological effects attributable to station opera- toting Radioactivity in the Environs of Nuclear Power tions. This monitoring program is outlined in detail in Plants," and 4.2, "Preparation of Enritonrental Reports the technical specifications that arc issued in connection for Nuclear Powmer Stations'" Since precise prediction.

with the station operating license. The scope of these and assessments of impacts on terrestrial ecologicil studies is determined by the degree of direct linkage systems are not allways p,.ssible, reasonable professictra between the proposed station and the terrestrial eco- interpretations ýhould be made v*hen quantitative pre- system. It is not necessary to hypothesize vague effects diction is impossible.

or to undertake a program to measure a phenomenon that has no reasonable relationship to station operation.

However, when an adverse relationship between station operation and a terrestrial community Is reasonably thought to exist, a thorough evaluation is necessary. This 2. Adequate assessment of current land-use status evaluation is usually started during site selection or should show (by a table, for example) major l-and-use baseline survey stages and continued after commence- categories and areas devoted to each category along ment of station operation. with aerial photographs showing the same categories.

When data are not available from existing records, an There may be cases In which no important impact on acceptable means of acquiring them would be through the terrestrial ecological community is anticipated. When the use of aerial photographs in conjunction with such cases are adequately supported. there may be ground reconnaissance. The scale of photographs no necessity for terrestrial monitoring during operation. should be appropriate to the degree of detail required.


3. Di)ussioi of .Ails shoulk inclode ussociatimn If cooling towers arte being considered, the mineral na~nws.' c~apbill' elasscs,# and p~erc'entge or" sil conzent ot the cooling water supply should be coverage by eack amociatiun. 1Whn lliwunlmlts .;l*ssucij. determined in lte baseline studies. An estimte should tlols of ,iiilo extent 1."C prcot li. it is acceptable to ti" made of the amounts and dispersion of salts accouilt for 10 to I Slyfl o, the total utea in a tiui:ella- expected to be deposited froni the towers. The neous cukgoiii. . rxcept for areas of ci;ique %alue. eistimate should t., based oin cooling water q1ualiy.

Dktrilc,, ¢onlsiderationtof soils and t11e1 productioin maunufa:t.urc r's specificationss to* drift release fronm the potential is necessary fot biles located iln areas that are towers, concentration factors, and prevadiin ceteono.

especially productivc of agiicu tirfal or fotwstty prod. logical conditions at the site, Meteorological disperswon uctI . models atre useful to obtain estimates of drift deposition.

Elsthiated drift deposition fronl coouling tuweis may be

4. lbldogical momuitrig prtjigam.s sho,:h1 he inlioaly Plotted on a base map or graph centered on the towers devisd Io b0v sci, 1I i ri.:vedhes to detctI k1.lesil- and showing isopleths of salt deposit io

n. The maps

4ble Milects. If aidvcrsc biological ftle,'ts are dctecled. should have a radius sufficient to show the ointstiat dc-taied ito aitic hf4h4giuhiJ "nd e"olohg.ka analyses which -the amountt of drilft tomm the lower fall within itlay hlie IriiUicd to deieimijle cattse anid t) devise thle normal range of annual variation of backgtound I('.".tR' Ii ;3dVerseC 1t¢l t1 l lc lot dcltected qHatll U deposition from other sources. They should also show tative studies are rot neredad. thc vegetation types that occur in the drift field.

The sjic,ýwý invenlory of tile site should include Reco-lnaissance iand intpectioi of Woh.wa in Ihliit imlpt*litan 1wihi las id norirnal scastoitu variationS. Lo- field beforc and a'fter cooling tower operation is ait1Ci:11,1 call, pro)milnt 0i1limporlanlt ,asculat plants, fiaintials, Icornmended It' delecltion ot" pi:;sible adverse tlfTects birds repuies, amphiblans. inwects, and other plants and of drift. The baseline hnI.neclion should be caitied out iy animnals should be included. The invenlory should he specialists In; biology workingg systC t'liltically foillt check.

terisonably cormnpelbe hut may be terrinated when addi. lists of possible advetse effects% In the coniunily, tioiq field effort no lo yields significant numbers of Scasonal aerial and giound-level photographs in color or previoisly unobstn-cd tpecles. inf.ared false color of iwrilanetit vegetation plots are often useful aids. Quanttiatlse chemical analysis of The inventory of inv,,ctsNieed not account for all plants, animals, and soils arc needed if chemical deposits spCeie FiMce it RmRybN po,,lble oIQfind previouVly are expected to exceed toxic or injurious thrcsholds.

wjitabulated species for years after the beginning of the Population monitoring of selected species could also he study. Insect surveys should provide Information on needed in such cases.

important specics such as disease vectors, pests. and pollinating insects. Interpretation of insect data should The assessment of coolinig lakes should include a whether or not populations could he altered, detailed consideration ol the effects of land diversion oin Willh advers consequences Io alnimls, vegetation, or local, regional, 31nd Staie agriculitual prodctlI0ion, foresl humans, by construction or operation of the station.

production, on rmc teat loital uses. The assessment should include both adveise and beneficial aspects of cooling Protectton of terrestrial syxtenri is usually adequate lake onstruction, Where a cooling lake: Is pitoposcd. ithe when it can be shown that (I) habitat losses or ba.eline studies should Include a prelimInury assessnent alterations are insignificant to populations of Important of the potential for rechtination of the lake boltton for species in the regional or local context, (2) cheotical agricultural, ccologlcad, or forestry use after decotninis.

emissions from the station ate sufficiently small to sloning. It Is not necessary, however, ito prejudge tuluue permit reasonable assurance that no adverse effect will u11 of the lake site It is sufficient to establish whether occur, and (3) no mechinism exists for causing uin- the option exists to reclalt the site for other pioducLtivC

tended destruction of organisms, or its occurrence Is uses or whether tile creation of the lake consiltutes an infrequent enough to give reasonable assurance that irretrievable change In land use.

whole populations will nol be adversely affected.

Environmental protection should be achieved by The asscssinenl should also include a report of the control of common Sources of environmental effects. number of hectares of the lake site that will feittain These Include soil erosion, siltation, use of herbicides. undisturbed during construction, thle number of hectares dust and noise during construction, and others. and vegetation that will be disturbed, the source of Biological conequences can usually be prevented or "borrow" material for dike construction, and the man- reduced to acceptable levels through proper manage- agement of' topsoil removed during constructiion. Use of rent. topsoil stripped fronm the lake bottom for vegetative stabilization of dikes and for ultimate replacement on

  • U.S. Deptment of Agriculturte I-VNi System should be used. the lake bottom for rehabilitation should be considered.


If - veIa"WitnA~~

na s,

11.. capability class.* and pCerIteagc of "lie Conteni A tinjil, zuorl4d ftb

"aA' ) nyly o

4Oc~erap by each.xa~x-iatv.-n V. cn unomceo'. msxiz- paerntsed in tisd *idQ vaeed tfr dpoi ").Je tions, of rnrino extent 1 e pr.Xinl. I, n act;.IANC 1, account for 10 to 15'5.* of the iotwl arco in a ritawe!. expeted to eedl. tow or 'ýsc f't¢,1bh nIeous category, except tot areas of ct~*ique Vtut. Cs lettnma ou"d 4.cte it b d t ~aL - .v;IaZ

Detailed consideration of sujs. and tfir prudthjitwn rn Tanul.: etunr,'s ,i nI dr z tek.ýat.d

,ii "A-et III:-.

potential is necessary for sites located in areaex tha4 are dtoAers. cron.,tior*ttarlo tor* atefc nd n rtevn o especialy productive of airicultutal or forestry piod.,- ls tckiconiirons at the ute, 1eo' ai s:.n tic Is.

inclua.debush ader ~ to btvn ci dt.t ckLingi1.iI

4. Wiolugl,.al Iualltul P)toyrail*.\ >.hId b13c lurg mittilly Flotted onrt a bau nup 4:er A ceotl i-on i roe tVie devised to be succemnng pru,.edu,,% to d u!,kr u. -

able effects. If advcr.c biulogical ef(,",ts are detected, shoulid sAve shaoius sL*f,*d a t-i*4rW th* aznms X iý,t delailed quapijtrii ivc biolop-ial and c ,Kl.gic.. anAlysc.s wofjiv theptetua u f q! rici tin the r raeIl wahe-oi Ow liay heV wiqoimed to d.luwlit¢ i Iiid  :

lo ci,, the mrir;t.l ra-, m e-twe ot f atryu vf  : kick.TKu1-

1r0'1edies. Ii' advere effects arc not detcctcl. quAilti- tallve studies are irot needed. the Weewption types that thethe dorift he ics, odu The species inventory ot ithe site should ic:lure and (4 Wof.n Int~t 1re '10jt important habitats and normal Seasonal ,4fuItions, Lo. field befuCw j -,oiAWF IC1oe;e op atiolt- 4 noa,ý

cally prominent ol imputlasit va*cttlar Lmants mnamals. Css41tittertlhed t'o &errctou -Atp idak1.e 4dww rffiettý

birds. rcptiles, amphibians, inwcts, and other plants And of djifs. The bav.on i u pectseri i siould be a teed out bh animals should be included. The inventory should be spn erhAIS rbaoes otke ak siten, wl rhemai- reasonably complete but may be merninamed when addi- nistusie pdv n Averse t if-t,is inn the r bohmutars tilonal field effort no longer yields significant nomhcrs of Scasdvetna ;1i0t tAd be pritsndvl Pdtbin ceOr or previously unobserved species. irrf:aoed false cski of permanent veprtatm Plots air often useful aids. ouante*utjrig cothemirionalysis of

'The inventory of insects necd not account for aU plants, animals, and fros are *eeded if bottofar dcpoaite

. species sifWe it may be possible to find .jeviouoly untabulated spucict for yeitts after the beginning of the study, lnscct surveys should provide Informaton on dvsitonmg Itise- ate expvcted nto nee*O, flt exceed 101cOfk hwevey orq tobwj A1e,K'Ig PojpuLitiorr monitoring of xieertrd sqpýOei cculd attso 4C

ixauris 111teshdAl~. *utl

11eedled in such cases.

important species such as disease vectors, pests, and pollinating insects. Interpretation of in.icct data should The wsessmnen vf cxv1inj; lakeý- fhould tri-Llvd a include whether or not populations could be altered.

with adverse consequences to animals, vegetation. or detabili onsoderitesn of the effects of rd divercsnt on humans. by construction or operation of the station. th aeal. reh and StAte agtri itoal. jmWd&eion. f'redi htural F170(111COOT, o~rreiJeAtiOrtAl uses. 11e J36sae1Irnt -,h1,uld include both Adverse andi bemcficial :opecis ofcoln Protection of terrestrial systems is usually adeqclate lake cumnstructiurm.%'here a cor.4ing lake it, p-oposed, ttee when it can be shown that (I) habitat losses or baseline stodies should include a prelminrthry asine-vt~t alterations are Insignificant to populations of important of the potential fut reclaxnaimsfn teC the take hottoin lar species in the regional or local context, (2) chemical agricultural, ecological. or forestry use after decomitusw emissions from the station are sufficiently small to

  • permit reasonable assurance that no adverse effe t will sioning, It ii not necessary, however, to prepbdge futurr use of the take site It is vifficient to es~tablisth whether occur, and (3) no mechanism exists for causing u.,n- the option exmists to reclaim the site for other prod~uctive tended destruction of organisms, or its occurrence Is u~s-s Or whether the Creation of the lake constituites An infrequent enough to give reasonable assurance that irretrievale change in land use.

whole populations will not be adversely affected.

Environmental protection should be achieved by The asscssment should alm) include a reprtit of the control of common sources of environmental effects. number of hectares of the lake site that will remain These include soil erosion, siltation, ut: of herbicides, undisutubed during construction, the numbeT of hectare~s dust and noise during construction, and others. and vegetation that rMil be disturbed, the source of Biological consequences can usually be prevented or "borrow" material for dike constructiorm. and the man- reduced to acceptable levels through proper manage- agement of topsoil removed during construction. Use of ment. topsoil stripped front the lake bottom for vegetative stabilization of dikes and for ultimate replacement ont

  • U.S. Department of Agriculture l-NtU System should be used. the lake bottom for rehabilitation should be considered.


When a pruposed lake is to be built on substrates b. Dust Contrl -- OD t should be controlled by

.having a potential for affecting water quality, chemical watering, gpaveling. kn paving. Areas subjec to wind analyses of the substrates should be performed. The erosion should be controlled by mulching or seedin,.

elements to be measured depend on the nature of the c. ,oiaW Conrrtd Noise should be monoimred at zite substrate. If the substrate is formerly fertili.ed farndand. bounda~ies.

analysis for elements common to chemical fertiliers is needed. If the substrate is land of some special history,. d. Smoke Contrul - Open slash busaing of plant such as strip-mine land, appropriate chemical assessmnent nateriai shouidJ be conducted in accidanct *eith local of the water-soluble and exchange- ,le components ,of and State regulations.

thle substrate should be made to obtain an estimate of *C. ChOwdcal and Solid Wase Ccnfrol ..- Cerryta..

chemical input to the lake. Special attention is given cleiicahs, fuels. sanmry 'asie'. lublic.an2s. bilwrcit ý

those elements that-could reach toxic concentrations in flushing solutions, om other potentially hatzzid,.:.mi water, accumulate to toxic levels in food .-:"bs. or affect rruterials should bc vavaged or disharged sifet) in the pil of the Like. The chemical analyses should be accordance with existing regulatos. Spills ,sh..Wdtb performed on appropriate chemical extracts of the soil cle;ned up before dhey become a hazard.

material. The characterization of soil material shouid also include deteumination of exchanri. capacity, organic f. Soil Erosion and Sediment Conpul -E!-

matter, ph, and textural class. should be cont odled by piped drainagt. diversion dikes.

flumes, sediment control structures,. ground r*mcn. o.

When a reservoir is proposed, the baseline studies other appropriate neanf..

should *: !ude reasonable predictions of the numober of g. Dewneerirg. D)watern~g. *iouid b.cotonfined to birds (especially waterfowl) expected to use the lake on the area needed for construction; test wells or pie- an annual basis, their expected residence time. the existing wells should be monitored " in t&,)

expected Impact on farnilands, and all other impacts water table.

either on the birds themselves or on the surrounding area due to their prescnce. The estimates should be the best If. after analysis o( the inventory oi svperis and obtainable bawed on known flyways, estimates of farm acreages nearby, literature, or 1,xal evidence of bird consideration of potential effects of the nuclear ;pwer station, a conclusion is wartanmed Otuf if.erte vvi K- tit, utilization of other rescrvuirs under similar conditions. advesew impact on biota, there may be no need to carry If significant numbers of waterfowl are expected to out biological nionitoring ptopanms at the ctstroctih and operational stages and, correspondi,.gy, these mny congregate at the lake for app e'lable periods of time, a monitoring progiam should be started when the lake ha-s be no wtee.d to tnitiate such piograms during the bascnire been filled The program should determine the number stage.

of waterfowl, the extent of crop damage in hectares. the Special studk;s could he necessary if adverse effects value of crop lost on art annual basis due to bird fecifing, on hiota are detected and there is no obvious explana- and the numbers of dead or obviously diseased birds.

tion or remedy for the effect. In the usual, however, if habitat loss or alteration, dicrnjcal emissions, or direct

5. Whcn adverse effects of construction ot operation destruction of organisms do not constitute a threat to a can be reasonably inferred from information obtained population of an important species. the effect need not during the baseline phase, quantitative studies that can be studied further even though it is important in an be compared with later studies during construction or ecological sense.

operational phases should be initiated. Such studies could Include measurements of population densities of endangered species or chemical measurements of toils


and blota within the potential drift field of a cooling tower, for example. The purpose of this section is to provide information to applicants regarding the NRC staff's plans for using The preferred method of biological protection on this regulatory guide.

many constructlon sites is direct control of potentially injurious work practice. Systematic inspection during This guide reflects current NRC staff practice. There- construction at the site along transmission corridors and fore, except in those cases in which the applicant in adjacent areas should be used to detect injurious or proposes an acceptable alternative methud for com, unauthorized activities. Examples of items that may be plying with specified portions of the Commission's checked are: regulations, the method described herein is being and will continue to be used in the evaluation of submittals for operating license or construction permit applications a. TPafflc Control - Vehicles should be confined to until this guide is revised as a result of suggestions from authorized roadways and stream crossings. the public or additional staff review.
