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#REDIRECT [[MNS-14-012, Relief Request 13-MN-003 Limited Weld Examinations]]
| number = ML14055A402
| issue date = 02/06/2014
| title = McGuire Nuclear Station, Unit 2 - Relief Request 13-MN-003 Limited Weld Examinations
| author name = Capps S D
| author affiliation = Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/Document Control Desk, NRC/NRR
| docket = 05000370
| license number =
| contact person =
| case reference number = MNS-14-012
| document type = Inservice/Preservice Inspection and Test Report, Letter
| page count = 37
| project =
| stage = Other
{{#Wiki_filter:Steven D. CappsVice President ENERGY. McGuire Nuclear StationDuke EnergyMGO1VP I 12700 Hagers Ferry RoadHuntersville, NC 28078o: 980.875.4805 f: 980.875.4809 Serial No: MNS-14-012 February 6, 2014 10 CFR 50.55aU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control DeskWashington, DC 20555-0001
Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke Energy)McGuire Nuclear Station, Unit 2Docket No. 50-370Relief Request 13-MN-003 Limited Weld Examinations Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii),
Duke Energy hereby requests U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's approval of relief for the welds listed in Table 1 of the proposed relief request.These welds were required to be examined in accordance with the Inservice Inspection Plan forMcGuire Unit 2, Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval.
The details of the request areincluded in the enclosure.
This submittal contains no regulatory commitments.
If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact P.T. Vu of Regulatory Affairs at (980) 875-4302.
Sincerely, Steven D. CappsEnclosure U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission February 6, 2014Page 2xc:V. M. McCree, Region II Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Marquis One Tower245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE Suite 1200Atlanta, GA 30303-1257 J. Paige, Project ManagerU. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 11555 Rockville PikeMail Stop O-8G9ARockville, MD 20852-2738 J. ZeilerNRC Senior Resident Inspector McGuire Nuclear Station
.VENCLOSURE Relief Request 13-MN-003 McGuire Relief Request 13-MN-003 1.0 Scope of Relief RequestRelief is requested pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii) for welds listed in Table 1.These welds were required to be examined in accordance with the Inservice Inspection Plan for the following Unit.McGuire Nuclear Station -Unit 2Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection IntervalInterval Start Date: March 1, 2004Table 1Relief McGuire Examination Weld ID Number Item/Summary Examination Request Unit Performed Number DataSection Number (Refuelingq Number Outacqe)2.0 2 2EOC21 2ELDHX-HD-FLG M2.C1.20.0003 SeeAttachment APages 1-93.0 2 2EOC21 2RCHPSS-OUT-1 M2.R1.11.0278 SeeAttachment APages 10-164.0 2 2EOC21 2RCHPSS-OUT-1 M2.R1.16.0029 SeeAttachment APages 17-23Notes:1. Duke Energy procedures required ASME Code, Section Xl examinations that did not meetthe requirements of Code Case N-460 to be marked "reject" for tracking
: purposes, regardless ofwhether indications were noted. Therefore, the limited exams in 13-MN-003 without indications were marked "reject" on data sheets.2. Duke Energy has invoked Westinghouse Owners Group Topical Report WCAP-14572, Revision 1-NP-A and Supplement 2, Revision 1-NP-A (Risk Informed ISI Program),
which doesnot require surface exams for the welds listed in Sections 3.0 and 4.0 of this Relief Request.Page 1 of 10 McGuire Relief Request 13-MN-003 2.0 Weld ID 2ELDHX-HD-FLG 2.1 ASME Code Component(s)
AffectedUnit 2 Excess Letdown Heat Exchanger Head to Flange Weld, Chemical andVolume Control System, Weld ID 2ELDHX-HD-FLG, Summary NumberM2.C1.20.0003, and ASME Code Class 2.2.2 Applicable Code Edition and AddendaASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, 1998 Edition through the2000 Addenda.2.3 Applicable Code Requirement IWC-2500, Table IWC-2500-1, Examination Category C-A, Item Number C(1.20Figure IWC-2500-1 (a), 100% Volume Coverage of Examination VolumeA-B-C-D.2.4 Impracticality of Compliance Component configuration
* Surface 1: Carbon Steel Flange" Surface 2: Stainless Steel Head* Diameter:
9.5 inch OD* Thickness:
0.750 inchThis component was ultrasonically (UT) scanned manually with conventional methods.
Scanning requirements are described in ASME Section XI, AppendixI1l. Appendix 111-4420 requires coverage of the examination volume in two beampath directions and Appendix 111-4430 requires scanning on the weld crown in twodirections.
These requirements describe and are specific to scanningcomponents in two axial and two circumferential directions.
This component wasscanned to the extent possible to meet these requirements.
The aggregate coverage that was obtained is described and calculated from the following:
For 51.6% of the total weld lenqth:* 450 shear waves obtained 51.6% coverage in one axial direction (Si-Flange)
* 450 shear waves obtained 51.6% coverage in one axial direction (S2-Head)
* 450 shear waves obtained 51.6% coverage in one circumferential direction (S3-CW)* 450 shear waves obtained 51.6% coverage in one circumferential direction (S4-CCW)* The aggregate coverage was calculated to be (51.6% + 51.6%+ 51.6% + 51.6%)/4
= 51.6%Page 2 of 10 McGuire Relief Request 13-MN-003 For 48.4% of the total weld length:* 450 shear waves obtained 38.28% coverage in one axial direction (Si-Flange)
* 450 shear waves obtained 18.05% coverage in one axial direction (S2-Head)
* 450 shear waves obtained 28.17% coverage in one circumferential direction (S3-CW)* 450 shear waves obtained 28.17% coverage in one circumferential direction (S4-CCW)* The aggregate coverage was calculated to be (38.28% + 18.05%+ 28.17% + 28.17%)/4
= 28.17%The total aggregate coverage was 51.6% + 28.17% = 79.8%Supplemental coverage was obtained using a 600 refracted longitudinal wave inareas that were limited to a single sided scan. This coverage is not included inthe reported total aggregate coverage.
The impracticality was caused by the four physical scanning limitations thatinclude one vent line, one drain line, one inlet nozzle, and one outlet nozzle, alllocated on the S2 head side which did not allow access for scanning in theseareas. In order to scan all of the required volume for this weld, the scanninglimitations of the heat exchanger would have to be redesigned or removed inorder to allow scanning from both sides of the weld, which is impractical.
The McGuire Inservice Inspection Plan allows the use of Code Case N-460,which requires greater than 90% volumetric coverage of examination volumeA-B-C-D.
The achieved coverage did not meet the acceptance criteria of thisCode Case.This relief request is specific to examination volume coverage limitations only.All other Code requirements were satisfied.
No indications were recorded during this examination.
The reject box is markedfor internal tracking purposes of the coverage limitation only.2.5 Proposed Alternative and Basis for UseNo substitution alternative for this weld is available which would provide bettercoverage.
Radiography (RT) is not a desired option because RT is limited in theability to detect service induced flaws. Use of other manual or automated UTtechniques, whether conventional or phased array, were considered, but wouldnot increase coverage due to the limitation created by the component configuration.
The use of any other UT technique available would incur the samephysical scanning limitations.
Page 3 of 10 McGuire Relief Request 13-MN-003 2.6 Duration of Proposed Alternative This request is for the duration of the Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection
: Interval, currently scheduled to end on July 15, 2014.2.7 Justification for Granting ReliefUT of the weld for Item Number M2.C1.20.0003 was conducted using personnel, equipment, and procedures qualified in accordance with ASME Section Xl, 1998Edition with the 2000 Addenda.In addition to the above Code required examination (volumetric),
ReactorBuilding Normal Sump and Reactor Building Area Radiation Monitoring contribute to ensuring pressure boundary integrity by providing means to detectreactor coolant leakage and take prompt corrective actions.Duke Energy has examined the weld to the maximum extent possible utilizing approved examination techniques and equipment.
Based on the acceptable results for the coverage completed by the volumetric examination and theleakage monitoring, it is Duke Energy's position that the combination of thesemeans provides a reasonable assurance of the continued structural integrity ofthis weld.2.8 References NonePage 4 of 10 McGuire Relief Request 13-MN-003 3.0 Weld ID 2RCHPSS-OUT-1 3.1 ASME Code Component(s)
AffectedUnit 2 Reciprocating Charging Pump Suction Stabilizer Piping Nozzle to FlangeWeld, Chemical and Volume Control System, Weld ID 2RCHPSS-OUT-1, Summary Number M2.R1.11.0278, and ASME Code Class 2.3.2 Applicable Code Edition and AddendaASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, 1998 Edition through the2000 Addenda.3.3 Applicable Code Requirement WCAP-1 4572, Revision 1-NP-A, Supplement 2, Revision 1-NP-A, Table 4.1-1,Examination Category R-A, Item Number R1.11, Figure IWB-2500-8 (c), 100%Volume Coverage of Examination Volume C-D-E-F.The NRC authorized the inclusion of the RI-ISI Program as an acceptable alternative to the ASME Code, Section XI requirements for ASME Code Class 1Piping Welds, Examination Categories B-F and B-J and ASME Code Class 2Piping Welds, Examination Categories C-F-1 and C-F-2 for the Third 10-Year ISIInterval by letter dated June 12, 2002. (Reference Relief Request 01-005 and01-008, ML021480421) 3.4 Impracticality of Compliance Component configuration
" Surface 1: Forged Stainless Steel Flange* Surface 2: Forged Stainless Steel Nozzle* Diameter:
4.5 inch OD* Thickness:
0.237 inchThis component was ultrasonically (UT) scanned manually with conventional methods.
Scanning requirements are described in 10 CFR50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(A)(1).
These requirements describe and are specific toscanning components in two axial and two circumferential directions.
Thiscomponent was scanned to the extent possible to meet these requirements.
Theaggregate coverage that was obtained is described and calculated from thefollowing:
For 100% of the total weld length:* 450 shear waves obtained 0% coverage in one axial direction (Sl-Flange)
* 700 shear waves obtained 50% coverage in one axial direction (S2-Nozzle)
* 450 shear waves obtained 100% coverage in one circumferential direction (CW)* 450 shear waves obtained 100% coverage in one circumferential direction (CCW)Page 5 of 10 McGuire Relief Request 13-MN-003 The aggregate coverage was calculated to be (0% + 50% + 100%+ 100%)/4 = 62.5%Supplemental scanning was also performed using 700 shear waves forinterrogation of the inner 1/3 of the wall thickness on the flange side, but is notqualified to be calculated into the above claimed coverage.
The supplemental refracted longitudinal waves were only used for interrogation in the axial direction per procedural direction.
Supplemental scanning is not performed in thecircumferential direction.
The impracticality was caused by the taper configuration of the flange that did notallow access for scanning and cannot be effectively interrogated by ultrasound.
Therefore, no coverage could be obtained by scanning from the flange side. Inorder to scan all of the volume for this weld, the flange would have to beredesigned and replaced, which is impractical.
The McGuire Inservice Inspection Plan allows the use of Code Case N-460,which requires greater than 90% volumetric coverage.
The achieved coveragedid not meet the acceptance criteria of this Code Case.This relief request is specific to examination volume coverage limitations only.All other Code requirements were satisfied.
No indications were recorded during this examination.
The reject box is markedfor internal tracking purposes of the coverage limitation only.3.5 Proposed Alternative and Basis for UseNo substitution alternative for this weld is available.
This Risk Segment containsonly two welds and both welds have been examined.
This weld was examinedusing procedures, equipment, and personnel qualified in accordance with ASMESection XI, Appendix VIII. Radiography (RT) is not a desired option because RTis limited in the ability to detect service induced flaws, and has not been qualified through performance demonstration.
Use of other manual or automated UTtechniques, whether conventional or phased array, were considered, but wouldnot increase coverage due to the limitation created by the taper configuration ofthe flange. The use of any other UT technique available would incur the samephysical scanning limitations.
3.6 Duration of Proposed Alternative This request is for the duration of the Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection
: Interval, currently scheduled to end on July 15, 2014.3.7 Justification for Granting ReliefUT of the weld for Item Number M2.R1.11.0278 was conducted using personnel, equipment, and procedures qualified in accordance with ASME Section XI, 1998Edition with the 2000 Addenda.Page 6 of 10 McGuire Relief Request 13-MN-003 The system leakage test performed each inspection period in accordance withTable IWC-2500-1; Examination Category C-H requires a Visual, VT-2examination to detect evidence of leakage.
This test and VT-2 examination provides additional assurance of pressure boundary integrity.
The Reciprocating Charging Pump Suction Stabilizer is located in theReciprocating Charging Pump Room in the Auxiliary Building.
The Reciprocating Charging Pump Room is part of Operator Rounds conducted once per shift.During rounds, Operators are required to look for leakage in the general area.Operators are not required by procedure to examine individual welds.Duke Energy has examined the weld to the maximum extent possible utilizing approved examination techniques and equipment.
Based on the acceptable results for the coverage completed by the volumetric examination, the pressuretesting (VT-2) examinations required by Section Xl, and the leakage monitoring, it is Duke Energy's position that the combination of these means provides areasonable assurance of the continued structural integrity of this weld.3.8 References NonePage 7 of 10 McGuire Relief Request 13-MN-003 4.0 Weld ID 2RCHPSS-OUT-1 4.1. ASME Code Component(s)
AffectedUnit 2 Reciprocating Charging Pump Suction Stabilizer Piping Nozzle to FlangeWeld, Chemical and Volume Control System, Weld ID 2RCHPSS-OUT-1, Summary Number M2.R1.16.0029, and ASME Code Class 2.4.2. Applicable Code Edition and AddendaASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, 1998 Edition through the2000 Addenda.4.3. Applicable Code Requirement WCAP-14572, Revision 1-NP-A, Supplement 2, Revision 1-NP-A, Table 4.1-1,Examination Category R-A, Item Number R1.16, Figure IWB-2500-8 (c), 100%Volume Coverage of Examination Volume C-D-E-F.The NRC authorized the inclusion of the RI-ISI Program as an acceptable alternative to the ASME Code, Section Xl requirements for ASME Code Class 1Piping Welds, Examination Categories B-F and B-J and ASME Code Class 2Piping Welds, Examination Categories C-F-1 and C-F-2 for the Third 10-Year ISIInterval by letter dated June 12, 2002. (Reference Relief Request 01-005 and01-008, ML021480421) 4.4. Impracticality of Compliance Component configuration
" Surface 1: Forged Stainless Steel Flange* Surface 2: Forged Stainless Steel Nozzle* Diameter:
4.5 inch OD* Thickness:
0.237 inchThis component was ultrasonically (UT) scanned manually with conventional methods.
Scanning requirements are described in 10 CFR50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(A)(1).
These requirements describe and are specific toscanning components in two axial and two circumferential directions.
Thiscomponent was scanned to the extent possible to meet these requirements.
Theaggregate coverage that was obtained is described and calculated from thefollowing:
For 100% of the total weld length:* 450 shear waves obtained 0% coverage in one axial direction (Si-Flange)
* 700 shear waves obtained 50% coverage in one axial direction (S2-Nozzle)
* 450 shear waves obtained 100% coverage in one circumferential direction (CW)* 450 shear waves obtained 100% coverage in one circumferential direction (CCW)Page 8 of 10 McGuire Relief Request 13-MN-003 The aggregate coverage was calculated to be (0% + 50% + 100%+ 100%)/4 = 62.5%Supplemental scanning was also performed using 700 shear waves forinterrogation of the inner 1/3 of the wall thickness on the flange side, but is notqualified to be calculated into the above claimed coverage.
The supplemental refracted longitudinal waves were only used for interrogation in the axial direction per procedural direction.
Supplemental scanning is not performed in thecircumferential direction.
The impracticality was caused by the taper configuration of the flange that did notallow access for scanning and cannot be effectively interrogated by ultrasound.
Therefore, no coverage could be obtained by scanning from the flange side. Inorder to scan all of the volume for this weld, the flange would have to beredesigned and replaced, which is impractical.
The McGuire Inservice Inspection Plan allows the use of Code Case N-460,which requires greater than 90% volumetric coverage.
The achieved coveragedid not meet the acceptance criteria of this Code Case.This relief request is specific to examination volume coverage limitations only.All other Code requirements were satisfied.
No indications were recorded during this examination.
The reject box is markedfor internal tracking purposes of the coverage limitation only.4.5. Proposed Alternative and Basis for UseNo substitution alternative for this weld is available.
This Risk Segment containsonly two welds and both welds have been examined.
This weld was examinedusing procedures, equipment, and personnel qualified in accordance with ASMESection Xl, Appendix VIII. Radiography (RT) is not a desired option because RTis limited in the ability to detect service induced flaws, and has not been qualified through performance demonstration.
Use of other manual or automated UTtechniques, whether conventional or phased array, were considered, but wouldnot increase coverage due to the limitation created by the taper configuration ofthe flange. The use of any other UT technique available would incur the samephysical scanning limitations.
4.6. Duration of Proposed Alternative This request is for the duration of the Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection
: Interval, currently scheduled to end on July 15, 2014.4.7. Justification for Granting ReliefUT of the weld for Item Number M2.R1.16.0029 was conducted using personnel, equipment, and procedures qualified in accordance with ASME Section XI, 1998Edition with the 2000 Addenda.Page 9 of 10 McGuire Relief Request 13-MN-003 The system leakage test performed each inspection period in accordance withTable IWC-2500-1; Examination Category C-H requires a Visual, VT-2examination to detect evidence of leakage.
This test and VT-2 examination provides additional assurance of pressure boundary integrity.
The Reciprocating Charging Pump Suction Stabilizer is located in theReciprocating Charging Pump Room in the Auxiliary Building.
The Reciprocating Charging Pump Room is part of Operator Rounds conducted once per shift.During rounds, Operators are required to look for leakage in the general area.Operators are not required by procedure to examine individual welds.Duke Energy has examined the weld to the maximum extent possible utilizing approved examination techniques and equipment.
Based on the acceptable results for the coverage completed by the volumetric examination, the pressuretesting (VT-2) examinations required by Section XI, and the leakage monitoring, it is Duke Energy's position that the combination of these means provides areasonable assurance of the continued structural integrity of this weld.4.8. References NonePage 10 of 10 Attachment AWeld Examination Data r~abo-SiWUnt Summary No-.workscope:
UT Callbratio~Damination 011coulre 1 2U2.CI.20.0003 161Pmcedure:
Procedure Rev.:Work Order No.:NDE-3630201986844Outage No.: 12-21Report No.: UT-12-258 Psos. 1 of 9I I ii I IInPaIgeI.
I of 9 iCode, 199812000 A Cat/item:
C-AICI.20 Location:
Drawig No.: MC-ISIN3-2554.01.02 Descuipton:
HEAD to FLANGESystem ID: NVComponent ID: 2ELDHX4-D-FLG Size/Lengfl:
N/A Thlness/Dlameter:
SS-CS 1.75019.A Umitabons:
Yes -See attached sheets StadTime:
1115 Finish Time: 1130Insulumeo Setigs SearcI UnitSerial No.: 024213 Serial No.: 0IF7J0Manulactuene.
KRAULTRAMER Manu,.acturr KBAModel, USN.60SW Size: .S Shape: Round8.8259 Range: 4.0" Freq- 2. UHZ Style: Comp -GMV1 Cab/Vel .1230 PuI Square -, Exw Angle: 45 # of Elements:
500 Reject 0% Mode: Show.Rep. Rate: Autohigh Freq: 225 Measured Angle: 46Fflter. Fixed Mode: PE Wedge Style: MSWQC (Voalage:
4S0 Other. FuiwaveAx Gain (dB) 28.1 Cho. Gain (dB)[ 30.6 Search Unit CableI Sreen Div. = A in. of Sound Puh Type: RG-174Linearity Report No.: L-12-128 Length: 6 No. Conn.: 0 o Block Seen Covwa95Cal. BlockI N.: 50471 Upseamm Downstrma 0 Scan dB: 42.1Thickness:
00" Dia.: 8.625 CW0 CCWla Scan dB: 44.6Cal. W1k. Temp.: 75 Temp. Toot MCKDE40123 Exam Surfae:,
OD.Comp. Temp.: 84 Temp. Tool: MCMDE4I130 Surface Condition:
As PreppedRecordable Indication(s):
Yes I No [ (if Yes. Ref. Attached Ultrasonic Indication Report)Results:
Accept 0 Reject Fa Into C]iCaL Time DabtChecks I Ini Cal. 0810 9119=2012 Int. Caeinter. Cal. 1115 91112012Inter. CaLF Mnal Cal 1240 9/1912012 Couplanta1. Batch: 11225Type: ULTRAGEL IIMfg.: MAGNAFLUX E3cm Batch: 11225rye: ULTRAGEL 0Mfg.: MAGNAFLUX Reference BlockSerial No.: 86-3259Type: ROMPAS Signal Sweep Sound PahReflector Amplitude
% Division j_ _ID Notch 80 2.65 1.06Circumflrentlal Orlentated Search UnitCenella.o Signal SweepReflector Amplitude
% Division PathID Notch 80 3.2 1.26.Reumwnce/Simulator BlockcmSigna sw Sound PawedB RefectDr Ampitu-de
% Division24.5 SON 52 4.3 1.7rPercent Of Coverage Obtained
> 90%: _Comments:
Pubs Width: 220 nsFC 11-16Changed scan dB due to noise level.MAE I OF Ze PA& WI Sitlunt McGuireUT Calibratiofaminatdon 1 2EI2.C20.0003 Procedure:
Procedure Rev.:Wovk Order No.:NDE-36320Oulage No- MI2-21Report No.: UT.12-25M Page. 2 of 9Wodksoope:
IS'0195044Code: 199812000 A Catj/tmn:
C-AICI.20 Location:
Drawng No.: MC-ISIN3-2554-01.02
HEAD to FLANGESystem IDt NVComponent ID: 2ELDHX4-D-FLG SIL.ength Nhk Thtmaiss/Diameter.
SS-CS 1.75019.6 Limltations:
Yes -See attached
$hefts SWatTime:
1232 Rnls "rime: 11245IntuetsarhUiIa Time Datb Axial Orientated Search UnitSerial No.: 022D3 Serial No.: 0IFTJO Checks I Ceaibrmion Signal Sweep Sound PahManullacharer K(RAUTCRAMIER mauatrr R Initial Cal. 08W If1912012 Reflector Am~pfltude
% OlvulonMod: USN4O SW Sm Shape: Round i. C. Ntch SA rDelay. 6.0012 Range: 2.0 Freq.: 2.25 MHz Style: Comp- G Inter. C 123_ _______L" CabVet: .1263 Ptdsw. square Exam Angle: 45 #Dof Elments:
Single inter. Cal.Damping:
G00 Reject 0% Mode: Shear Final 1320 Co. 1Rep. Rate: Autohigh Freq.: 2.25 Measured Angle: 45 CouplantFillte. Fbad Mode: PE Wedge Style: MSWQC Cal. Batch: 11225 Cbcurnlfrential Orlientated Search UnitVolage: 450 Other: Fullwoo Type: UVIRAMEL II Calibration Signai Sweep Sound PatAx. Gain (o'): 29A Circ. Gain (dB)Y 31.4 Search Unit Cable Mrfg.: MAGNAFLUX Reflector Ampltude
% oiislonI Screwn Oiv. ..2 in. of Sound Paith Type:. RG-174 Exam- Betf,, 112=5 I i 80 5.9 _ __Linearity Report No.: L-12-128 Length: V' No. Conn.: 0 Type: ULTRAGEL fl -Calibrtion Block scan Coverage Mfg.: MAGNAFLUX "Ce!. Block No.: C8411-03 Upstreamrn Downstreami ScandB:
RefemnceSlwmulator BlockTh"icmese:
0.7S0 DU.: 9.5 CW 2 CCWR Scan dS: 46.0 8Gain Siqnal Sweep Sound PathCal. Bik. Temp.: 75 Temp. Tool: MCNDE40130 Exam Surface:
O.D. Type: ROMPAS d7.6 I Radcus 80 % 0 1.0Comp. Temp- 84 Temp. Tool. MCNDE4S130 Surface Condition:
As Recordable Indication(s):
Yes, -No IJ (If Yes, Ref. Alached U.ibasonic Indicabon Reporl)Results Accept r Reject PI info 0 Comments:
Pulse WIcth: 220 nsFC 11-16Percent Of Coverage Obtained
> 903 JR ev.. eW Previous Daw Yeaexaminer Level *'SgaueDate Re~wr7 , S ignature DateBrite". Nicolas Sf191202 r" ; et-7.IExaminer Signature Date Sit eve Sgature DateMoss. Gary J. // /191.012.
.other Level Signature Date AI Review Signature DateNIA /0fv.a~~-i-IJ ATT~cHNEIT APACE : OF216 C:LiSite4Unit McGuireSummary No.:workscope:
UT Calibratioz~amination I 2M2.C1.20-0003 1WIP.ocedure:
Procedure Rev.:Work Order No.:NDE-3630201986540Outage No.: Mm221Report No.: UT-12-25B Paw 3 of 9Code: 199812000 A Catfltem:
C-NC1.20 Locaton:Drawing No.: MC-ISIN3-2554-01.02 Descriptio:
HEAD to FLANGESystem ID: NVComponent ID: 2ELOHX-ND-FLG SfzeLength:
NIA ThiclmessiDialeter.
SS-CS I .750 19.5Limitations:
Yes -See attached sheets Start Time: 1131 Finish Thie: 1135Insinmuent Settings Search Unit Col. TIM a Axial orientated Seach UfdtiSeridal No- 0242D3 Serial No.: 225i5001 checks M Cairto S.IVManurecture.
KRAUlKRAMER hilanufact,.
Siame Infllal Cal. 104 1019r2012 Reflector Amplitude
% DivsonModel: USN4O SW Size: 2 (.SLS) Shape SQUae -. ID Notch 80 6.96 1.74Delay. 7.8934 Range: 2.V Freq.: 2.25 MHz Style:. SDA Inter. Cal. 1130 MW CaiVel: .2313 Pulser Squa- Exam Angle: 60 S of Eements:
Du e r re. -Ca" 1 1Damping:
So0 Reject 0% Mode: Long. Final Cal. 1405 10192012-Rep. Rate: Autohigh Freq.: 2.0 Measured Angle: s0 CauplantFilter: ad Mode: Dual Wedge Style: Integral Cal. Batch: 11225 Clcumferenital Orientated Search UnitVoltage:
4S0 Other. Fullwave Type: ULTRAGEL II Caibraton Signal Sweep mPathAx. Gain (dB): 63.3 Cim. Gain (dE) WA Search Unit Cable Mfg.: MAGNAFLUX Re6lecor Amiplitude
% DM5vsi0n pathI Screen Div. = 25 in. of Sound Path Type: RG-174 Exam Batch: 11225 NWALinearty Report No.: L-12-128 Length. V No. Conn.: 0 Type: ULTRAGEL
_ICalitaiotn Block Scan Coverage Mfg.: MAGNAFLUX Cal. Block No.: 50471 Uptam 2 Downstream Scan dB: 78.0 Refeence Block Reference ulato BlockThickness:.
0.9w Da.: 8.625 CW-- CCWCJ Scan dE: WA SeralNo.:
--m Gain Signal Sweep Sound Path________
eral 857ld Reflector Amplitde
% DivisoniCal. BOk. Temp.: 79 Temp. Tool: MCNDE40130 Exam Surface:
o.0. Type: ROMPAS 52 SDH 80 3.4 1.rCamp. Temp.: 85 Temp. Tool: MCNDE40130 Surface Conditon:
As PreppedRecordable Indication(s):
Yes 0 No W (If Yes& Ref. Atached UIb-san c inicafton Report)Results:
Accept Q Reject J; Info fl Comments:
Pulse WIdth: 25o asFC 11-I6Percent Of Coverage Obtained
* 90%: No Reviewed Previous Oata: YesExaminer inalIM Signature Data Ravi u Si,,ignature Datemess. GetaryJJ.21 1 101912 _ 012'-n ý / --1Ei-miner L Signate Date Site Review Signature DatarNA IAOther Level INA Signatur Date ANII Review Signature DateNIA I _ _ _ __ _ __(I_ __ _ _ _(I,AI I AU I'IH 1.1MAE 3 OF 2 9 2C)©)DUKE POWER COMPANYISI LIMITATION REPORTComponentlWeld ID: 1ELDHX-HD-FLG Item No: M2.C1.20.0003 remarks:0 NO SCAN SURFACE BEAM DIRECTION Due to vent pipe.E] LIMITED SCAN 1 [9 2 0 1 E" 2 0 cw ED ccwFROM L 27" to L 30.25" INCHES FROM WO +.35" to BeyondANGLE: 0] 0 N 45 0D 60 other FROM NIA DEG to NIA DEG0 NO SCAN SURFACE BEAM DIRECTION Due to inlet connection El LIMITED SCAN 1 0 2 Z 1 El 2 [9 cw 0 ccwFROM L 0.50 to L 4.0" INCHES FROM WO +0.9" to BeyondANGLE: 0 0 09 45 0 60 other FROM N/A DEGto N/A DEG0 NO SCAN SURFACE BEAM DIRECTION Due to outlet connection E] LIMITED SCAN El 1 0 2 9 1 E0 2 0 cw 0 ccwFROM L 11.75" to L 16.25" INCHES FROM WO +0.9" to Beyond _ANGLE: 0 0 (0 45 0@ 60 other FROM N/A DEGto N/A DEG(D NO SCANEl UMITED SCANSURFACE BEAM DIRECTION E- 1 [0 2 [ 1 E- 2 [9 cw 0 ccwINCHES FROM WO +.35 to Beyond03I1p~____
FROM N/A DEG to N/A DE(Due to draw pipeUT-12-258 Sketch(s) attachedFROM L 16.75" to L 18.25"4ANGLE: 0 0 0 5 9160,,30 yesEl NoPrepared By: Nicolas Briley09/19/12ATTACHNENT APAGE 4 OF 2_3 C>0Supplemental Report0Report No.: UT-42-25M Page: S of 9A-&- Date; .Summary No.. M2.CI.20.0003 Examiner:
Moss, GaryJ.Otmmher SAW. NicolasOther MA_Levet IM-Levet II-NLeve: WASits Review.AMI ReviewY/0'IVCommiefts Weld# IELD"-D-PLG Sketch or Photo:h .IW.*r37) -- 5Z.I X;:-LAx5&
_ -'51o7/0 WVJL) L/V4,7//
ZVOo2 e-34CL"S 7,-0729Z AAZD ZAAI'hrn.3, -2.._'= A P/Arck9= /'z rT"Z. D'" -yP/g/6. 7_5"-. 30, X /O6D 1.`W259 Ae -o# o/A:rtFE7r 4 f'LIL -SCALIC-ATTACINEIT APASES OF 2-9 00Supplemental Report0Report No.: UT-12-258 Page: 6 of 9Summary No.: M2.CI.20.0013 E tammner Mass, Gary J.Excaminer B[. NioaOthe. WALevel: II-NLevet IMASue3 ReviewAND ReviewDate: to--IO-)-
Weldg I .ELDH4iD.FLG-I --~zoSketch or Photo:hr.prIf a o u~PLA-36C -'GI -VA~ ,- -;71.U76IT-CAY-A 4I%' CoV~/2A6E 1,31-w (- lei #)Yh31)cloo
=0 7q. %rUI-LL .SCALr-.ATTACHMENT APAGE (p OF 2B CfiwuyNo.,
Examiner:,s, Ga \.Examiner Briley, NicolasOther NIA0Supplemental Report0Report No.: UT-12-256 Page: 7 of 9_ _ _._ _ _ Date:_ eF2-r a6level: fI-NLevet IM-NLeveL WAReviewer.
Sib Review.ANtI Review.Comments' Weld* isDH-HD-FLG Skeatch Or Photo:Tiff.,;%LAVLE -1$1z M5. 75 ,75 )".5" ."1,3Y x/o=37.3" zrULL1 seLALI-*ATTACHMENT APAE 7e OF2-ATTACHMENT APA6E 7 OF Summary No M2.CI20.0003 Emaminer Moss, GaryJ.OU.rr NiA0Supplemental Report0Report No.: UT-12-2MPage: 8 of 9J\UI ~J r 1 S7Z Ja' r~Levet II-NLevel I-NLevel NWAReviewer.
Sie ReviewANI ReviewAmDate:Comments" Weld # ELDH-KD-FLG Skefth or Photo:%.K...~rfr~a.&d3i VW~PLA.0bre~
-6 1/, 3q//5/z _. 71" x, 7.5"= 7' W zX/6-iiiFrI-CILNLI Sc.AL6 ý*LAirACHNEIT AFH6E OF 23b Determination of Percent Coverage forUT Examinations
McGuire i 2Summary No.: M2-C1.20.0003 Wodwscope:
Procedure Rev.:Work Order No.:NDE-3630201986944Outage No.: M2-21Report No.: UT.12-268 Page: 9 of 9Scan% Length X % volume of length 1100 = % total for 0 degScan 1Scan 2Scan 3Scan 461.600 % Length X 100.000 % volume of length 1100 =51.600 % Length X 100.000 % volume of length 1100 =61.600 % Length X 100.000 % volume of length 1100 =61.600 % Length X 100.000 % volume of length 1100a51.600 % total for Scan I51.600 % total for Scan 261.600 % total for Scan 361.600 % total for Scan 4Add totals and divide by# scans a 61.600 % total for 48 degCIIOftr don 48Scan I 48A00 % Length X 79.100 % volume oflength
/100 = 38.284 % total for Scan IScan 2 48.400 % LengthX 37,300 % volume of length / 100 = 18.063 % total for Scan 2Scan 3 48A400 % Length X 58.200 % volume of length/ 1t00: 28.169 % total for Scan 3Scn4 48.400 % Length X 8.200 % volume oflength 1100 a 28.169 % total for Scan 4Add totals and divide by# scans = 28.169 % total for 46 dogPercent comalete cwypraoe~. hi Add totals for each angle and scan required and divide by # of angles to determine, "Tq.I,161
% Total for complete exam*Pt .. Note:10*0"r'supptementel coverage may be achieved by use of other angles/ methods.
When used, the coverage for volumobtained with angles as noted above shall be c'culated and added to the total to provide the percent total for the completeexamlnabon, C,/11211;IZ, e,<lSite Field Supervisor:
Date: .Lq14if tATTACHMENT APA6E'9 OF23, Site/Unit McGuireSummary No..Workscope:
UT CalibratiorLi,,aminafion I2M2.Ri.11.0278 Procedure:
Procedure Rev.:Work Order No.:PDI-UT-2E01985813Outage No.: 12-21Report No.: UT-12-237 Page: 1 of 7IS'Code: 199812000 Addenda Cat/Item:
R-AIR1.11 Location:
Drawing No.: MCFI-2NV32
Noztle to RangeSystem I: NVComponent 1D: 2RCHPSS-OUT-1 Shoe/Length:
NIA ThicknessDlnmeter:
SS10.23714.0 Limitations:
Yes -See attached sheets Start Time: 1043 Finish Time: 1048II I ll~ l I Il I I III II I III I II-i i"Instrment Setngs Search Unit ,Cal. Time Date Axial Orientated Search UnitSerial No.: 023K3V Serial No.: 880482 Checks I Calibration Signal Sweep Sound PathManufacturez.
GE Manufacturer:.
GE Initial Cal. 0906 9/712012 Reflector Amplitude
% DivisionModel: USN 60SW Size: .25 Shape: Round Inter. Cal. MO" Notch so 4.6 XAWDelay*. 3.031 Range: 1.25" Freq.: 2.25 MHz Style: Comp- G tnte. Cal. 1043 91712-12Mft CaIl/V: .1230 Pulse. Square Exam Angle, 45 # of Elements:
Single Inter. Cal.Damping:
500 Reject 0% Mode. Shear -Final Cal. 1250 9)=12012Rep. Rate: Autohigh Freq.: 2.25 Measured Angle. 45 CouplantFilter: Fixed Mode: PE Wedge Style: MSWQC CAd. Batch: 11225 Circumnfmntial Orientated Search UnitVoltage.
450 Other: Fullwave Type: ULTRAGEL 6 Calibration Signal SweepAx. Gam (dB):. 21.6 Circ. Gain (dB): 21.6 Search Unit Cable Mfg.: MAGNAFLUX Reflector Ampfltudo
% Division Sound PathI Screen Div. = .125 m. of Sound Path Type: RG-174 Exam Batch: 11225 See AxialLineadty Report No.: L-12-122 Length: 6 No. Conn.: 0 Type: ULTRAGEL IICalibaton Block Scan Coverage Mfg.: MAGNAFLUX Cal. Block No.: PDI-UT2A-M Upstream F Downstream I IScan dB- 30Reference Block ReferencelSimulator BlockThickness:
.375.1.25 Dia.: Flat CWR CCWLJ Scan dB. 30 Serial No.: 04.8735 Gain Signal SwIeep Sound Pat'hCal. SOk. Temp.: 75 Temp. Tool: MCNDE40129 Exam Surface:
O.D. Td: ROMPAS 17.4 1" Radlus 80 6.2 1.00"Comp. Temp.: 81 Temp. Tool: MCNDE40129 Surface Condition:
As GroundRecordable Indlcation(s):
Yes -No W- (If Yes. Ref. Attached Ultrasonic indicaton Report.)Results.
Accept Q Reject t Info []Comments:
Pulse Width: 220 asPercent Of Coverage Obtained
> 90%: No Rev'iewd Previous Daa: YesExaminier Level w-N Signature Date Reviewer S1 Si reu DataRansom. Greg J. ,, 91712012
, Ia.i__t.
_"_ _._..Examiner Level N/A Signature Date Site Rev ,-- SlaAture DateN/AOther Level NIA Signature Date ANII Review/i iSignature DateNIA 1/-,- 4--61A1 IACflHNE APAME 1O0F 23 SiteIUnit:
McGuireSummary No.:Workscope:
UT Callbratior-Lfamination
/2112.R1.111.0278 2Procedure:
Procedure Rev.:Work Order No.:P01913-209Outage No.- M2-21Report No.: UT-12-237 Page: 2 of 7'SIE01988813Code: 199812000 Addenda Cat.Item:
R-AFRI.11 Locatlion:
Drawing No.: MCFI-2NV32
Nozzle to FlangeSystem ID: NVComponent ID: 2RCHPSS-OUT-1 Size/Length:
MIA ThiclnessDlamete.
SS 10.23714.0 Limitations:
Yes -See attached sheets StartTime:
1031 FinishTime:
1036I I -- i 1. .. -. r'I~bnstrent Settings search unit Cal. Tm DaaAxial Orientated Search UnitSerial No.: 023K3V Serial No.: 01F3WR C k C.a Si-nal 9- Sound PathManufcturer GE Manufacturer KA Initial Cal. 0908 917/2012 Reflector Amplitude
% DivisionModel: USN 60 SW Size: .25 Shape: Round Inter. Cal. .500A Notch 80 4.7 .663Delay. 4.8381 Range .Freq.: 2.25 MHz Style: Comp-G Cal 1031 917/2012MIl Caljel: .1230 Pulser. Square Exam Angle. 60 # of Elements*
Single inter Cal. I12___1Damping:
S00 Reject 0% Mode: Shear Final Cal. 1251 91V2012Rep. Rate: Autohigh Freq.: 2.25 Measured Angle: so Catiplantt____
Fiter Fixed Mode: PE Wedge Style: MSWQC CaL Batch: 11225 Circumferential Orientated Search UnitVoltage:
450 Olher. Fullwave Type: ULTRAGEL II Calibration Signal Sweep Sound PathAx. Gain (dB)X 36.9 Cirr- Gain (dB) MIA Search Unit Cable Mig.: MAGI4AFLUX Reflector Amplitude
% DivisPatn 1 Screen Div. = .15 in. of Sound Path Type: RG-174 .Exm Satoh: 11225 NIALinearity Report No.: L-12-122 Length: V No. Corn.: 0 Type: ULTRAGEL I!Calibration Block Scan Coverage Mfg.: MAGNAFLUX
__ _ _ S r aCal. Block No.: PDI-T-2A-M Upstream rJ Downstream Scan dB: 42.4 Referencelflmu locThickness:
.375-1.25 Dia.: Flat CW[- CCW' ScandB: MIA SeReallNoct 0A735 S% D Soun PlathCal. elk. Temp.: 7.__5 Temp. Tool: MCNDE40129 Exam Surface:
0.1) Type: ROMPAS 21.4 J" Radius 80 6.8 1.0Camp. Temp.: 81 Temp. Tool: MCNDE40120 Surface Condlbow:
As GroundRecordable Indication(s):
Yes C1 No (If Yes, Ref. Attached Ultrasonic Indication Report)Results:
Accept Q Reject ; Info 0 Comments:
Pulse Width: 220 asPercent Of Coverage Obtained
: 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: YesExmminer Level Data 0*ll IIIRansom. Greg J. 917/2012
-;-t. 2 DExaminer Level NA Signature Da Site ignature DateODAOthier Level NIA Signature Date, AN Review SgaueDate WIA __ _ _;__ __ _ __ _ _ a. '(IATTACINENT APAGE It 6FZS Worksoope:
UT CalibratiorL
/ 2M2.RI.11.0278 Procedure:
Procedure Rev.:Work Order No.:PDI-UT-2E0185813Outage No.: 12-21Report No.: UT.12-237 Page: 3 of 7ISlCode: 1S812000 Addends CatLtern:
R-AfR1.11 Location:
Drawing No.: MCFI.2NV32 DesZutpon:
Noszle to FlangeSystem ID: NVComponent ID: 2RCHPSS-OUT-1 Slze/Length:
N/A ThicnesaI~lametar 5510.237140 Limiltatons:
Yes -See attached sheets Start Time: 1037 Finish Time: 1042Instrurnent Settings Search Unit CaL I Time Data Axial Orientated Search UnitSerial No.: 023K3V Serial No.: 880492 Checks Calibration Signal Sweep Soun PamManufacturer GE Manufacturer GE Initial Col. I M7 9f7_M2 Reflector Amplitude
% Division
_Model: USN 60 SW Size: ,25 Shape: Round Inter. Cal. -.00" Notch 80 V___. _Delay. 6.6847 Range: 2.00" Freq.: 2.25 MHz Sty4e: Comp -G Inter. Col. 1037 97/-12-Witl CaNeWl: .1234 Pulsea. Square Exan Angle: 70 # of Elements:
Single Inter. CaLDamping:
S00 Reject 0% Mode; Shoear 1 Fin Cal. 1256 91712811Rep. Rates Autohigh Freq.: 2.25 Measured Angle 69 CouplantFllter FMxed Mode: PE Wedge Style: MSWQC Cal. Batch: 11225 Clrcunfeenial OriMeated Search UnitVoltage:
450 Oth~er~ Fuliwave Type: ULTRAGEL 11 Callbratvon I ~SIgnal SweepAx. Gain (dBr) 48&1 CimC Gain (dS): NIA Search Unit Cable Mfg.! MAGNAALUX WA ~~in on ai1 Screew Div. = .2 In. of Sound Path Type: RG-174 Exam Batch: 11225 N/AUnearity Report No.: L-12-122 Length: V No. Conn-. 0 Type: ULTRAGEL IICalibration Block Scan Coverage Mfg.: MAGNAPLUX CaL Block No.: PDI-UT'-2A-.i' Upstream 0 Downsbam D Scan dB: 57 Refernce Block BlockThickness:
.37S-1.25 DOa.: Flat CWI- CCWJ_ ScandB-:
NIA SeialNo.:
0S.na735 Gi RrsAglt Sweep Sound PthCal. B1k. Temp.: 75 Temp. Tool: MCNDE40129 Exam Surface:
O.D. Type: .OMPAS 2508 3 Radlusl Be 1.0r"Comp. Temp.: 81 Temp. Tool: MCNDE40129 Surface Condition:
As GroundRecordable Indication(s):
Yes r_1 No (if Yes. Ref. Attached Ulrasonic Indication Report-)Results:
Accept fl Reject (,j Info fl Comment:.
Pulse WIdth: 220 naPercent Of Coverage Obtained
> 90%: No Reviewed Premous Data: YesExaminer Level IMt ,,&#xfd; .&#xfd;Slgnature Date Reviewer
~- Sqiue DamRanscom Greg J- 9 1712012 &#xfd; = C oft ;-/ -i / 12.Examiner LeveO A Signature Date Site RevIew ' Signature DateN/A ,AOther Level WA Signaure Date ANII Review / " Dsgnature DateNIA IC , /,ATTACHNENT APAME IS OF 3
(-~ i0-0DUKE POWER COMPANYISI LIMITATION REPORTComponent/Weld ID: 2RCHPSS-OUT-1 Item No: M2.R1.11.0278 remarks:Z NO SCAN SURFACE BEAM DIRECTION No scan due to flangeEl LIMITED SCAN 1 1 [-2 [11 0 2 [ cw [:1 ccw configuration.
[ii LIMITED SCAN [ 1 [1 2 [1 1 [1 2 [1 cw [1ccwFROM L to L INCHES FROM WO toANGLE: [] 0 [] 45 [] 60 other FROM DEG to DEG[M NO SCAN SURFACE BEAM DIRECTION
[1 LIMITED SCAN [E 1 [1 2 [1 1 [1 2 [] cw [1 ccwFROM L to L INCHES FROM WO toANGLE: [10 [E 45 [] 60 other FROM DEG to DEGEl NO SCAN[1 LIMITED SCANSURFACE[1 [-12BEAM DIRECTION
[1 [ 2 [1 Cw [- CcwUT-12-237 FROM L to L INCHES FROM WO to4ANGLE: [ 0 [E 5 [1 60 other FROM DEG to DEGSketch(s) attached0 yes[1 NoM AE IS OF 226 Supplemental Report0Report No.: UT-42-237 Page: 5 of 7Summary No.: M2.Rt.11.0278 Examiner:
Ransom, Greg J. / ..Examiner NWAOther: NWALevel I-NLevet NMALevel: WAReviver.Shte Rieaw.AMI Review.CiDote:___Date: q -D:ate: tComments:
2RC-IPSSOUT-4 he photo:FLAN6[.(L. (JCA/?-Z/ooLCAS&k
)(501/ VbL.3.SCM3:400 Lu'#IX 1001o V0L. 100,.SAA q )bcA~AX 6/ Vl=I OTAL -Z 5 0/fS = 20IiLiAJ1AtC WENl APAGE 4 of z
(~NSupplemenlal Report Report No.:Page:0UT-t2-237 6 of 7Summary No.: M2.RI.I1.0278 Examiner Ransom. Greg J. t7Examiner MAOther NIALeve: II-NLevel- WALeve. WAReviewe _________
SIte ReviewAMI Review.I -54LDate___Date:? ,-- A -/ aCommnents:
Skeatvh or Photo'FLRNC-F-StAIQ 7--;L-LE-S t.b&#xfd;V 79ATTACHHENT APA6E ISOF Z I Determination of Peroent Coverage forUT Examinations
-PipecSb~kt.A Escure 1 2SwmnyNo.:
NWRI.1.0278 Wtkmae 1iProcedure Pmcsdure Rev.:Work Order No.:PDI.11"2E0188881Outaa No.: M2ziReport No.: U'.12.287 Pop: 7 d 7&iii-s8ant 1oom % LngUmX 0.000 % voame f ler h1llO0. 06000 % totuforSoenl 6cun2 % Lenog X % vo__ofbnne oM 110gthllO0 a %tIloforScen2 Soons 100.000 % LonghX 100,000 %volumsodlen"IhI00c 100000 % tot for Scan 3Soan4 100000 %LewgOhX 100.000 %voaunm oflen"g1/100l 100M000 % Ita fr Scan 4AddolaetimndcdsebytSeC..n S 6LG.60 Ohrdon. 2LMws date to be Heled below Is for coverage that we not obtined with the 46 do scans.Sam I % Lngi X % volwnof leo1gth _100,a % tol for oan 1San2 100.000 % LOth X W0 % volume d tmlgh 100= -ta0%ttwfirSan 2SanS % LGMX _% vahmeof ksn tp 1o00 %_ total forscn s8=sn4 % _tenglhX
%Wvc moeof leq 0llo0, % _otold 8tcm 4Jzpmnmt omlete covetenAdd otels for esac Sh n required and dvde by # of con to detennrne; 02,0 % Totel fr complete examSite Fild SupervAoe
__ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _DaOe.ATTACHMENT APA6R Ip OF 26 fi~f ~y-SIWZnZ McGuireWowlcscope:
UT Calibration-
.ami nationI 2M2.RI.16.0029 Is'Procedure:
Procedur Rev.:Work Order No.:PDI-UT-2E0"985933Outage No.:- M2-21Report No- UT-12-236 Page: 1 of 7Code: 19982000 Addenda Cat/Itern:
R-AIR.16 Locaton:Orawing No." MCFI-2NV32
Nozzle to FlangeSystem ID: NVComponent ID: 2RCHPSS-OUT-1 Slze/Lenglh:
NA Thickness/Diameter SS 10.23 1O4.0Luntations:
Yes -See attached sheets Start Time: 1043 Finish Time: 1048ii i-INN n m.i I in nI m l IInsrumnent SettingsSerial No.: 023K3V Serial NiManufacture.
GE ManufaModel: USN 60 S Size:Delay: 3.8031 Range: 1.2W Freq.:MVI CaliVel:
.1230 Pulsec. Square ExamDamping:
S00 Reject 0% Mode:Rep. Rate: Autohigh Freq.: 2.25 MeasunuFilter Fixed Mode: PE WedgeVoltage:
456 Othe FutwavuAx. Gain (d0): 21.6 Circ. Gain (dB): 21.61 Screen Div. = .125 in. of Sound Path Type:Lnearity Report No.: L-12-122 Length:Search Unito.: S80482*trer. GE.25 Shape: Round2.25 MHz Stle: Comp- Grhgle: 45 # of Elementr.
45Style: MSWQCSearch Unit CableRG-174CalChecInter.Inter.Inter.Cal. BeType:Mfg.:ExamType:Mfg.:lTime Date Axial Orientated Search UnitCalibration Signal Sweep Sound PathCl. 000 9W712012 Reflector Amplitude
% DivslonCal. 01" Notch 80 4.6 .WCal. 1043 91712K2a. 1250 Coiaptant
___itch: 11225 Circumferential Orientated Search UnitULTRAGEL U Calibration Signal SweepSMAGNAFLUX Reflector Amplitude
% Dlvisbo Sound PathBatch: 11225 See AxialULTRAGEL HMAGNAFLUX Reference Block Reference/Simulator Block0485 Gan Signal Sweep Sound PathNO.:3 dB Refetor .Amphd DivisionROMPAS 7.7 11. Rddiusl 80 1 8.2 r 1.00-6' No. Conn.: 0Scan CoverageCalbration BlockCal. Block No.: PDI-UT-2A-M Upstream E DownstreamnQ Scan dB: 30Thickness:
.375S1.25 DIa.: Rat CW P3 CCW-j ScandB: 30Ca. Blk. Temp.: 75 Temp. Tool: MCNOE40129 Exam Surface:
O.D. Type:Comp. Temp.: 81 Temp. Tootl MCNDE40129 Surface Condtllon:
As GroundRecordable Indlcalton(s):
Yes Qj No R (If Yes, Ref. Attached Ultrasonic Indication Report)Resuftr.
Accept [] Reject InfooComments:
Pulse Width: 220 nsPercent Of Coverage Obtained
> 90%:MAE 11I OF 2-'
sitelunift Summary No.:Workscope:
UT Callbratlok-!.Imination McGulre 1 2r12.R.1&0029 1611Prmcedu:Procedure Rev.:work Order No.:PD14.172EOutage No.: M2-21Report No.: UT.12-236 Page: 2 of 701985933Code: 1998I2000 Addenda Cat/Item:
R-A/R1.16 Location:
Drawing No.: UCFI-2NV32
Noezie to FlangeSystem ID: NVComponent ID: 2RCHPSS-OUT-1 SizeLength:
NIA Thikness/Dianeter SS 10.23714.0 Limitations:
Yes -See attached sheets Start Time: 1031 Finish Time: 1036Instrument Seftings Search UnitSerial No.: 023K3V Serial No.: GE Manufachure KBAModel: USN 60 SW Size: .2s Shape:. RoundDelay: 4.8381 Range: 1.5" Freq.: 2.25 MHz Style: Comp-GCal.Initial Cal.Inter. Cal.Inter. Cal.inter. Cal.Time0906.1031Date917/201291712012MY U %." VUE. .r&#xfd;i u- Squ.~ iareu =MUl tngge; QU " UT mzumuin .aIlum I-ia ,a.Iisirqr-in2 Damping:
500 Reject 0% Mode- sleawRep. Rate: Autohigh Freq.: 2.2 Measued Angle: 56 CouplantFilter: Fixed Mode: PE Wedge Style: rUSWQC Cal. Batch: 11225Voltage:
450 Other Fulhwave Type: ULTRAGEL UAx Gain (dB) 36.9 arc. Gain (dB): WFA Search Unit Cable Mig.: MAGNAFLUX I Screen Div. = .15 in. of Sound Path Type: RG4174 Exam Batch: 11225Unearity Report No.: L-12-122 Length: 6 No. Conn.: 0 Type: ULTRAGEL HCalibration Block Scan Coverage Mtg.: MAGNAFLUX Cal. Block No.: PDIUT-2A.M Upatam Fe DownStream[m Scan dB: 42.4Cal. k___o.:_____________--
Reference BlockThlcknnes:
.375-125 Dia.: Fiat CWr CCW1: Scan dB: WA_______ __________-
Seslal No.: 04.6735Cal. BIk. Temp- 75 Temp. Tool: MCNDE40129 Exam Surface:
O.D. Type: ROMPASComp. Temp.: 81 Temp. Toot: MCNDE40129 Surface Condidon:
As GroundRecordable Indication(s):
Yes [j No W) (if Yes. Ref. Attached Ulb-asonic Indicatlon Report.)Resulta:
Accept 5] Reject P info E] Comments:
PuPercent Of Coverage Obtained
> g0%: No Reviewed Previous Data: YesAxial Orientated Search UnitCalibration Signal Sweep Sound PathReflector Amplitude
% DivisionS0 Notch 80 4.7 .66rCircumferential Orientated Search UnitCalibration Signal Sweep S PathReflector Amplitude
% Division
_o__PtNIARefrencemuletor BlockGamn Stnal Sweep Sound PathdB Reflecto Ampiifude
% Division21.4 11- Radlusl 80 6.8 1.00rIlse Width: 220 nsP A6EIt IF 2-iiSite/Unit Summary No.:Workscope:
UT Calibratioml
.mination McGuire I 2M2.RI.16.0029 ProcedueProcedure Rev.:Work Order No.:POI-tJTT2 EOutage No.: M2-21Report No.: UT.12.236 Page: 3 of 7IS'01985933Code, 199812000 Addenda Catlitem:
R-I1.R16 Locaton:Drawing No.: MCFI-2NV32
Nozzle to FlangeSystem ID: NVComponent ID: 2RCHPSS-.OUT-1 Sizel.ength:
NIA Thickness/Dlameter 81310.23714.0 Limitations.
Yes -See attached sheets StartTime:
1037 Finish Time: 1042Instrhment Settings Search Unit Cal. ime Date Axial Orientated Search UnitSedal No.: 023K__ _ Serial No.. S8B0492 Checks Signl Sweep Sound PathManufacture.
GE Manufacturec.
GE Infitl Cal. 0917 9r712012 Reflector Ampltude
% DMalonModel: USN 60 SW Size: .25 Shape: Round Inter. Cal. .500" Notch 80 5.7 1.OSDelay. 6.6847 Range: 2.00" Freq- 225 MHz Style: Comp-_G Inter. CalJ. 2M'tl CaiVel: .1234 Pulser Square Exam Angle:. 70 S of Elements:
Singl Inter. Cal. IIDamping:
500 Reject 0% Mode: Shear Final Cal. 1t12561 ___uRep. Rate: Autohigh Freq.w 2.25 Measured Angle: 69 Couplaint Filter: Fixed Mode: PE Wedge Style: MSWQC CaL Batch: 11225 Ccumnuferentlal Orientated Search UnitVoltage:
450 Other: Fullwave Type: ULTRAGEL II Calibration Signal Sweep Sound PathAx. Gain (dB): 48.1 Circ. Gain (dB): WNA Search Unit Cable Mfg.: MAGNAFLUX Reflector Amplitude
% DivisionI Screen Div. = .2 in. of Sound Path Type: RG-174 Exam Batch: 11225 WALineanityReportNo.:
L-12-122 Length: V No. Conn.: 0 Type: ULTRAGEL NCalibration Block Scan Coverage Mig.: MAGNFLIJX Cal Block No.. PDIAJT-2A-M Upstream 2 Downsiream (J Scan dB: S7 Reference Block R rencmSimuiitor BlockThickness:
.375-1.25 Die.: Flat CW-N CCW[] Scan dB: WA Serial No- 044735 dB SiRgnaclr Sw iieeIp. l Sound PathCal. BIk. Temp.. 75 Temp. Tool: MCNDE40129 Exam Surface:
O.D. Type: ROIPAS 25A i1" Radius 80 S 1.0"Comp. Temp.: 81 Temp. Tool: MCNDE40129 Surface Condition:
As GroundRecordable Indication(s):
Yes I No J (If Yes. Ref. Attached Ultrasonic Indication Report)Results:
Accept r-1 Reject I1 Info [J Comments:
Pulse Width: 220 nsPercent Of Coverage Obtained
:. 90%: No Reviewed Previous Date: YesExaminer Level IM Si~~S gnature Date Reviewer
~~g aueDateRansom,.
Greg J. Da9te01Examiner Level wA Signature Date Site Rtew Signature-aWZAOlhwer Level WA SIgnature Date ANII Review .. Signature DateN" A -ITTACHNENT APAGE A OFZ2j (1/2(77)DUKE POWER COMPANYISI LIMITATION REPORTComponentiWeld ID: 2RCHPSS-OUT-1 Item No: M2.R1.16.0029 remarks:[ NO SCAN SURFACE BEAM DIRECTION No scan due to flangeELIMITED SCAN I 1 l 2 l1 02 El cw E] ccw configuration.
[E LIMITED SCAN El I El 2 El I El 2 El cw E- ccwFROM L to L INCHES FROM WO toANGLE: El 0 [] 45 [E 60 other FROM DEG to DEGnl NO SCANEl LIMITED SCANSURFACEBEAM DIRECTION E1 2 [ cw l ccwElI [ E2UT-12-236 FROM Lto L4INCHES FROM WOtoSketch(s) attached0 yesANGLE: E 5 El 60E1 NootherFROMDEG toDEGPrepared By: Gregorl Ransom IV -- Level:rl -Reviewed By. 4~ Date: 0 2PAS GE90 OF;Z i -Summary No.: M2.Ri.16.0029 Examiner Ransom, Greg J.Examiner NIAOtther WASupplemenlal Reportr"***)Report No.:Papg:A445 of 7Date: .12Date:Levet I,-NLevel WALevel: WAReviewer.
Sit Review.ANII Review.Comments" 2ACPSS-OUT-1 h or Phat:PLANE L..s,52.V(AN/ f =0070 le094'A )c 07. IocX~SM4AI 3j? O LemyAjf ce &Sn, /I .,co:SCAA-J q: es$L~3hy~o jjyrA LLiPAGE21 OF2-S Supplemental ReportSummary No." M2RI.16.0029 Examiner.
Ransom, Grog J.Examiner NIAOther NIAReport No.: UT-42-236 Page: 6 of 7Levet II-NLevel: NALevel: WARevieiw.Sb Review.ANII Review.Date.___Date:Date: ~~lr -FII IIIComments:
Sketch or Photo:-FLAA16E SiIV4( 43/4VAIIALEUINL:I APAGE22 OF 2S mkkmkdsroffiWW-.
Deteminatlon of Percent Coverage forUT Examinations
.PipeF,Sitalftint Mo~unr. 2Summary No.: U2.R.1600111 Worlmcops:
PI-T.-2Procedue Rev.: EWodkOrder No.: 8118"3MOutage No.: 112.211Repod No.: UT-12,220 Page: 7 of 7CBoen1 100.000 % LgthX 0.G00 % volum oflengl/I00 a 0.000 % totaeorc'nt Somn 2 _%Lenxgth.X
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,, _ %voadw olenugth1100
-% ,toW t fomSn4Pamant conmbb cayWAdd taolfs for each scan uelded and divide by* at ocn to delamei6.600 % Total for oempiete examOde Field SUPevSo~
lodawe .A -'f 00eeATTACHM4ENT APA6E9ZSOF 2-S}}

Latest revision as of 11:10, 11 April 2019