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#REDIRECT [[DCL-2015-517, Submittal of Marine Mammal Stranding Report for a Sea Lion (Zalophus Californianus)]]
| number = ML15097A261
| issue date = 03/24/2015
| title = Diablo Canyon, Submittal of Marine Mammal Stranding Report for a Sea Lion (Zalophus Californianus)
| author name = Cortese K W
| author affiliation = Pacific Gas & Electric Co
| addressee name = Viezbicke J
| addressee affiliation = NRC/NRR, US Dept of Commerce, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Admin (NOAA)
| docket = 05000275, 05000323
| license number = DPR-080, DPR-082
| contact person =
| case reference number = DCL-2015-517
| document type = Environmental Monitoring Report, Letter
| page count = 4
{{#Wiki_filter:E Pacific Gas andElectric Company' Diablo Canyon Power Plant P.O. Box 56Avila Beach, CA 93424PG&E Letter DCL-2015-517March 24, 2015Justin ViezbickeCalifornia Stranding Network CoordinatorNOAA Fisheries501 West Ocean Blvd., Suite 4200Long Beach, California 90802-4213Certified/Return Receipt# 7010-1060-0000-4204-2681Marine Mammal Stranding Report (Sea Lion) Diablo Canyon Power Plant
==Dear Mr. Viezbicke:==
Enclosed is a NOAA Fisheries Marine Mammal Stranding Report for a dead sea lion(Zalophus californianus) discovered in the Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) intakestructure forebay. The sea lion was discovered by plant operations staff on March 14, 2015against the Unit 1 intake 1-2 debris bar rack.As authorized in a letter dated June 3, 1994 from the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS),DCPP removed the dead sea lion from the intake structure and transported it offshore. The smallsea lion, likely a pup, was approximately 40 inches in length, with an estimated weight of about30 pounds. The animal had moderate decomposition, no photographs of the carcass were taken.Most of the head and neck area was gone. There was no indication of cause of death due to thedecomposition. It appears that this animal died in the vicinity of the power plant, and drifted upagainst the intake bar racks. Intake flows are not a challenge to live sea lions, and theyfrequently swim in and out of the intake structure. There was no indication of an adverse impactto the marine mammal due to power plant operations. It is most likely that the sea lion's death isattributable to natural causes.Verbal notification of this incident was reported to NOAA Fisheries on March 16, 2015 (Mondayfollowing weekend discovery).Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the enclosed report, or require additionalinformation, please contact Jim Kelly of my staff at (805) 545-3194.Sincerely,Kenneth W. CorteseManager- Chemistry and Environmental Operations2015517/jlk/bkcEnclosure (1)
PG&E Letter DCL-2015-517Justin Viezbicke, NOAA FisheriesMarch 24, 2015Page 2cc w/enclosure:Alan B. WangNRR Project ManagerU.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionOne White Flint NorthMail Stop 08B111555 Rockville PikeRockville, MD 20852-2738Thomas HipschmanSenior Resident InspectorU.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionDiablo Canyon Power Plant 104/5Regional AdministratorU.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionRegion IV611 E. Lamar Blvd., Suite 400Arlington, TX 76011-4125U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionDocument Control DeskWashington, D.C. 20555-0001Marine RegionCalifornia Department of Fish and Wildlife20 Lower Ragsdale Dr. Suite 100Monterey, CA 93940 MARINE MAMMAL STRANDING REPORT -LEVEL A DATAFIELD #: NMFS REGIONAL #:NATIONAL DATABASE#:(NMFS USE)(NMFS USE)COMMON NAME: California Sea Lion GENUS: ZalophusEXAMINER Name: James Kelly Affiliation: Pacific GzAddress: P.O. Box 56, Avila Beach, California 93424 Phone:SPECIES: californianusas and Electric Company(805) 545-3194Stranding Agreement or Authority:LOCATION OF INITIAL OBSERVATIONState: Ca, County: San Luis Obispocity: Avila BeachBody of Water Pacific OceanLocality Details: Diablo Canyon PowerPlant -Intake Structure Bay 1-2OCURRENCE DETAILS 0l RestrandGroup Event: 0l YES X NOIf Yes, Type: 0l Cow/Calf Pair El Mass Stranding # Animals:.GE#(NMFS Use)El Actual El EstimatedLat (DD): 35 12' 44" NLong (DD): 120 51' 13" wK; Actual El EstimatedHow Determined: (check ONE)X GPS El Map 0l Internet/SoftwareFindings of Human Interaction: El YES U NO F1 Could Not Be Determined (CBD)If Yes, Choose one or more: El 1. Boat Collision [D 2. Shot 0l 3. Fishery InteractionEl 4. Other Human Interaction:How Determined (Check one or more): X External Exam El Internal Exam El Necropsy13 Other:Gear Collected? El YES X NO Gear Disposition:Other Findings Upon Level A: El YES X NO El Could Not Be Determined (CBD)If Yes, Choose one or more: El 1. Illness El 2. Injury El 3. Pregnant El 4.Other.How Determined (Check one or more): El External Exam El Internal Exam El Necropsy0 Other:INITIAL OBSERVATION LEVEL A EXAMINATION 0l Not Able to ExamineDate: Year.2015 Month: 03 Day: 14 Date: Year: 2015 Month: 03 Day: 18First Observed: El Beach or Land X Floating El SwimmingCONDITION AT INITIAL OBSERVATION (Check ONE) CONDITION AT EXAMINATION (Check ONE)El 1. Alive El 4. Advanced Decomposition El 1. Alive El 4. Advanced DecompositionEl 2. Fresh dead El 5. Mummified/Skeletal El 2. Fresh dead El 5. Mummified/SkeletalX 3. Moderate decomposition El 6. Condition Unknown N 3. Moderate decomposition El 6. UnknownINITIAL LIVE ANIMAL DISPOSITION (Check one or more) MORPHOLOGICAL DATAEl 1. Left at Site El 6. Euthanized at SiteSEX (check ONE) AGE CLASS (Check ONE)El 2. Immediate Release at Site El 7. Transferred to Rehabilitation:El 1. Male El 1. Adult El 4. Pup/CalfEl 3. Relocated Date: Year__ Month: Day: El 2. Female El 2. Subadult El 5. UnknownFacility:_______________El 4. Disentangled El 8. Died during Transport D 3. Unknown K 3. YeariingEl 5. Died at Site El 9. Euthanized during Transport X Whole Carcass El Partial CarcassEl 10. Other_CONDITION/IDETERMINATION (Check one or more) Straight length: 40 El cm N in El actual K estimatedEl 1. Sick 7. Location Hazardous Weight: 30 El kg IN Ib El actual X estimatedEl 2. Injured E a. To animal PHOTOSMDEOS TAKEN: El YES [] NOEl 3. Out of Habitat El b. To public PhotoNideo Disposition:E 4. Deemed Releasable El 8. Unknown/CBDEl 5. Abandoned/Orphaned El 9.OtherEl 6. Inaccessible CARCASS STATUS (Check one or more)El 1. Left at Site K 4. Towed: Lat Long_ __ El 7. LandfillTAG DATA Tags Were: El 2. Buried El 5. Sunk: Let _ Long_ _ El 8. UnknownPresent at Time of Stranding (Pre-existing): El YES [E NO E 3. Rendered E 6. Frozen for Later Examination E 9. OtherApplied during Stranding Response:. El YES El NOSPECIMEN DISPOSITION (Check one or more)ID# Color Type Placement* Applied Present El 1. Scientific collection El 2. Educational collection(Cirde ONE)D DF L El El K 3. Other. Towed offshoreLF LR RF RR Comments:D DF L El E__________________LF LR RF RRNECROPSIED 9 NO El YES El Limited El CompleteD DF L E ELF LR RF RR El Carcass Fresh El Carcass Frozen/Thawed*D= Dorsal; DF= Dorsal Fin: L= Lateral Body NECROPSIED BY:LF= Left Front; LR= Left Rear, RF= Right Front; RR= Right Rear Date: Year: Month: Day:NOAA Form 89-864; OMB No.0648-0178; Expires 01/31/2014PLEASE USE THE BACK SIDE OF THIS FORM FOR ADDITIONAL REMARKS ADDITIONAL REMARKSADDITIONAL IDENTIFIER:(if animal is restranded, please indicate any previous field numbers here)The sea lion carcass was found against the 1-2 bar rack in the Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) intake structure.It had apparently died nearby, and drifted onto the bar rack in the intake flow. The carcass was removed by diversand towed offshore where it was released. There was no indication of an adverse impact to the animal attributableto power plant operations.DISCLAIMERTHESE DATA SHOULD NOT BE USED OUT OF CONTEXT OR WITHOUT VERIFICATION. THIS SHOULD BE STRICTLY ENFORCED WHEN REPORTING SIGNSOF HUMAN INTERACTION DATA.DATA ACCESS FOR LEVEL A DATAUPON WRITTEN REQUEST, CERTAIN FIELDS OF THE LEVEL A DATA SHEET WILL BE RELEASED TO THE REQUESTOR PROVIDED THAT THE REQUESTORCREDIT THE STRANDING NETWORK AND THE NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE. THE NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE WILL NOTIFY THECONTRIBUTING STRANDING NETWORK MEMBERS THAT THESE DATA HAVE BEEN REQUESTED AND THE INTENT OF USE. ALL OTHER DATA WILL BERELEASED TO THE REQUESTOR PROVIDED THAT THE REQUESTOR OBTAIN PERMISSION FROM THE CONTRIBUTING STRANDING NETWORK AND THENATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE.PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT INFORMATIONPUBLIC REPORTING BURDEN FOR THE COLLECTION OF INFORMATION IS ESTIMATED TO AVERAGE 30 MINUTES PER RESPONSE, INCLUDING THE TIMEFOR REVIEWING INSTRUCTIONS, SEARCHING EXISTING DATA SOURCES, GATHERING AND MAINTAINING THE DATA NEEDED, AND COMPLETING ANDREVIEWING THE COLLECTION OF INFORMATION. SEND COMMENTS REGARDING THIS BURDEN ESTIMATE OR ANY OTHER ASPECT OF THECOLLECTION INFORMATION, INCLUDING SUGGESTIONS FOR REDUCING THE BURDEN TO: CHIEF, MARINE MAMMAL AND SEA TURTLE CONSERVATIONDIVISION, OFFICE OF PROTECTED RESOURCES, NOAA FISHERIES, 1315 EAST-WEST HIGHWAY, SILVER SPRING, MARYLAND 20910. NOTWITHSTANDINGANY OTHER PROVISION OF THE LAW, NO PERSON IS REQUIRED TO RESPOND, NOR SHALL ANY PERSON BE SUBJECTED TO A PENALTY FOR FAILURETO COMPLY WITH, A COLLECTION OF INFORMATION SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT, UNLESS THECOLLECTION OF INFORMATION DISPLAYS A CURRENTLY VALID OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET (OMB) CONTROL NUMBER.NOAA Form 89-864; OMB No. 0648-0178; Expires 01/31/2014}}

Latest revision as of 13:35, 9 March 2020