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#REDIRECT [[CNS-16-002, License Amendment Request (LAR) to Adopt National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 805 Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light-Water Reactor Generating Plan, LAR Supplement to Transmit Entire Attachment.]]
| number = ML16011A121
| issue date = 01/07/2016
| title = Catawba, Units 1 and 2 - License Amendment Request (LAR) to Adopt National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 805 Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light-Water Reactor Generating Plan, LAR Supplement to Transmit Entire Atta
| author name = Henderson K
| author affiliation = Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/Document Control Desk, NRC/NRR
| docket = 05000413, 05000414
| license number =
| contact person =
| case reference number = CNS-16-002, TAC MF2936, TAC MF2937
| document type = Letter
| page count = 16
| project = TAC:MF2937, TAC:MF2936
| stage = Other
{{#Wiki_filter:ENERGYKelvin HendersonVice PresidentCatawba Nuclear StationDuke EnergyCNO1VP I 4800 Concord RoadYork, SC 29745CNS-1 6-002January 7, 2016o:803.701.4251f: 803.701.322110 CFR 50.90U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)Attention: Document Control DeskWashington, D.C. 20555
Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke Energy)Catawba Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2Docket Numbers 50-413 and 50-414License Amendment Request (LAR) to Adopt National Fire ProtectionAssociation (NFPA) 805 Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protectionfor Light-Water ReaCtor Generating PlantsLAR Supplement to Transmit Entire Attachment 5, "Modifications andImplementation Items"'(TAC Nos. MF2936 and MF2937)Letters from Duke Energy to the NRC, dated September 25, 2013(ADAMS Accession Number ML13276A503), January 13, 2015 (ADAMSAccession Number ML1 501 5A409), January 28, 2.015 (ADAMSAccession Number ML15029A697), February 27, 2Q15 (ADAMSAccession Number ML1 5065A1 07), March 30, 2015 (ADAMS AccessionNumber ML15091A339), April 28, 2015 (ADAMS Accession :NumberML15!119A533), July 15, 2015 (ADAMS Accession. NumberML15198A036), August 14, 2015 (ADAMS Accession NumberML15231A01!0), September 3, 2015 (ADAMS Accession NumberML1 5310GAl23), and December 11, 2015 (ADAMS Accession NumberML1 5350A01 4)The reference letters comprise in their entirety Duke Energy's request for NRC reviewand approval for adoption of a new fire protection licensing basis which complies withthe requirements in 10 CFR 50.48(a), 10 CFR 50.48(c), and the guidance in RegulatoryGuide (RG) 1.205, "Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Fire Pr'otection for ExiStingLight-Water Nuclear Power 'Plants", Revision 1, dated December 2009. The September25, 2013 *reference LAR was developed in accordance with the guidance contained inNuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 04-02, "Guidance for Implementing a Risk-Informed,Performance-Based Fire Protection Program Under 10 CFR 50.48(c)", Revision Document Control DeskPage 2January 7, 2016The purpose of this LAR supplement is to transmit the final LAIR Attachment S,"Modifications and Implementation Items" in its entirety. The NRC requested that theentire Attachment S be transmitted via letter in a telephone conference call onDecember 14, 2015.The enclosure to this letter provides the entire Attachment S. It has been designated asRevision 4 and all revision bars have been removed. It therefore constitutes a cleancopy of Attachment S.The conclusions of the No Significant Hazards Consideration and the EnvironmentalConsideration contained in the September 25, 2013 reference LAR, are unaffected bythis LAR supplement.There are no regulatory commitments contained in this letter or its enclosure.Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.91, a copy of this LAR supplement is being sent to theappropriate State of South Carolina official.Inquiries on this matter should be directed to L.J. Rudy at (803) 701-3084.I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.Executed on January 7, 2016.Very truly yours,Vice President, Catawba Nuclear StationLJR/sEnclosure Document Control DeskPage 3January 7, 2016xc (with enclosure):L.D. WertActing Regional AdministratorU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission -Region IlMarquis One Tower245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE Suite 1200Atlanta, GA 30303-1257G.A. Hutto IllSenior Resident Inspector (Catawba)U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionCatawba Nuclear StationG.E. Miller (addressee only)NRC Project Manager (Catawba)U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionOne White Flint North, Mail Stop 8 G9A11555 Rockville PikeRockville, MD 20852-2738S.E. JenkinsManagerRadioactive and Infectious Waste ManagementDivision of Waste ManagementSouth Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control2600 Bull St.Columbia, SC 29201 EnclosureEntire LAR Attachment S, "Modifications and Implementation Items" Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Attachment S -Modifications and Implementation ItemsS. Modifications and Implementation Items11 Pages AttachedRev 4 Page 5-1Rev 4Page S-1 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLCAtahetS-MdfctosndmlmnainIesAttachment S -Modifications and Implementation ItemsTables S-I, Plant Modifications Completed, S-2a, Plant Modifications Committed -Internal Events PRA, and S-2b, PlantModifications Committed -Fire PRA, provided below, include a description of the modifications along with the followinginformation:* A problem statement,* Risk ranking of the modification,* An indication if the modification is currently included in the Fire PRA,* Compensatory Measure in place, and*A risk-informed characterization of the modification and compensatory measure.Table S-1 Plant Modifications CompletedItem Rank Unit Problem Statement Proposed ModificationIn cpRiknfreFPRA Measure CharacterizationNONERev 4 Page 5-2Rev 4Page S-2 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLCAttachment S -Modifications and Implementation ItemsDuke Energy Carolinas, LLC Attachment S -Modifications and Implementation ItemsTable S-2a Plant Modifications Committed -Internal Events PRAItem Rank Unit Problem Statement Proposed ModificationInCmRiknfreIEPRA Measure Characterization01 High 1, 2 Auxiliary Shutdown Panels A Harden stairwell doorways and Y N This modification will provideand B are located in the CA associated flow paths to protect the an internal flood risk reductionFeed water) Pump room Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Rooms to offset the Fire PRA riskand are theoretically against water intrusion for both increase post-transition.susceptible to being rendered Units.non-functional by an internalflood from a pipe break at a Completion Date:higher elevation within the December 31, 2017AuxiliaryBuilding.02 Deleted via Letter CNS-1 5-101.03 High 1, 2 The current installation and Replace/upgrade turbine building Y N This modification will providemaintenance program of the siding fasteners and institute a an internal events high windsturbine building siding fasteners preventative maintenance program risk reduction to offset the Fireleave the siding susceptible to to periodically inspect the fasteners. PRA risk increase post-being affected by low speed transition.(73-114 mph) straight line Completion Date:winds thus increasing the PRA December 31, 2017risk probability of a LOOPevent.Rev 4 Page S-3Rev 4Page S-3 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLCAttachment S -Modifications and Implementation ItemsDuke Energy Carolinas, LLC Attachment S -Modifications and Implementation ItemsTable S-2b Plant Modifications Committed -Fire PRAItem Rank Unit Problem Statement Proposed ModificationInCmRiknfreFPRA Measure Characterization01 High 2 KSI Inverter Modification to Cable 2KSI-SKXP for NY This cable modification isrelocate cable in fire area 0ETLPLSKXP will be re-routed from required for NFPA 805.9. SSF shutdown fire area 9 (Unit 2Battery Room) to non-SSF Compensatory measures willshutdown fire area(s). be established when the NFPA805 fire protection programCompletion Date: becomes effective and remainDecember 31, 2017 in place until this modification iscomplete.02 Med I Unit 1 Breaker Coordination Remove the incoming breaker and Y Y This coordination modificationissues identified for MCCs connect wiring directly to the MCC is required for NFPA 805.1 EMXA, 1 EMXB, 1 EMXC, bus for the following MCCs: The current coordination study1 EMXD, 1 EMXI, 1 EMXJ, I1EMXA, 1 EMXB, 1 EMXC, 1 EMXD, is valid for current licensing1EMXK, and 1EMXL. 1EMXI, 1EMXJ, 1EMXK, and basis.1EMXL.Compensatory measures willCompletion Date: be established when the NFPADecember 31, 2017 805 fire protection programbecomes effective and remainin place until this modification iscomplete.03 Med 2 Unit 2 Breaker Coordination Remove the incoming breaker and Y Y This coordination modificationissues identified for MCCs connect wiring directly to the MCC is required for NFPA 805.2EMXA, 2EMXB, 2EMXC, bus for the following MCCs: The current coordination study2EMXD, 2EMXI, 2EMXJ, 2EMX(A, 2EMXB, 2EMXC, 2EMXD, is valid for current licensing2EMXK, and 2EMXL. 2EMXI, 2EMXJ, 2EMXK, and basis.2EMXL.Compensatory measures willCompletion Date: be established when the NFPADecember 31, 2017 805 fire protection programbecomes effective and remainin place until this modification iscomplete.Rev 4Page S-4 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLCAtahetS-MdfctosndmlmnainIesAttachment S -Modifications and Implementation ItemsTable S-2b Plant Modifications Committed -Fire PRAItem Rank Unit Problem Statement Proposed ModificationInCmRiknfmeFPRA Measure Characterization04 Med 1, 2 Breaker Coordination issues Install fuses on the load side of Y Y This coordination modificationidentified on load side of EDE EDE and EDF breakers, Involves 4 is required for NFPA 805.and EDF breakers. breakers on EDE and 3 on EDF. The current coordination studyMount new fuses in each panel. is valid for current licensingbasis.Completion Date:December 31, 2017 Compensatory measures willbe established when the NFPA805 fire protection programbecomes effective and remainin place until this modification iscomplete.05 Med 1, 2 Spurious valve operation with Remove the fuse from the Motor Y Y This spurious operationBreaker Coordination issues Operator Heater circuit for 1 CA modification is required foridentified with 600 VAC MCCs. VA0050A and 2CAVA0050A. NFPA 805. The currentdeterministic analysis is validCompletion Date: for current licensing basis.December 31, 2017Compensatory measures willbe established when the NFPA805 fire protection programbecomes effective and remainin place until this modification iscomplete.06 Med 1, 2 Spurious valve operation with Route new cables for the normally Y Y This spurious operationBreaker Coordination issues energized circuits on 1WLLS5900 modification is required foridentified with 600 VAC MCCs. and 2WLLS5900. NFPA 805. The currentdeterministic analysis is validCompletion Date: for current licensing basis.December 31, 2017Compensatory measures willbe established when the NFPA805 fire protection programbecomes effective and remainin place until this modification iscomplete.Rev 4Page S-5 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLCAtahetS-Mdfctosndmpenttn esAttachment S -Modifications and Implementation ItemsTable S-2b Plant Modifications Committed -Fire PRAItem Rank Unit Problem Statement Proposed ModificationInCmRiknfreFPRA Measure Characterization07 Med 1, 2 TDCAP is susceptible to fire in Cable routes modified such that the Y Y This modificationthe ETA/ETB Switchgear TDCAP will remain available in the is required for NFPA 805.Rooms, event of a fire in the ETA or ETB The modification will ensureSwitchgear Room. that the TDCAP is available inaddition to the already creditedCompletion Date: opposite train motor driven CADecember 31,2017 pump for a lire in the ETA orETB Switchgear Rooms.Compensatory measures willbe established when the NFPA805 fire protection programbecomes effective and remainin place until this modification iscomplete.Rev 4Rev 4Page S-6 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLCAttachment S -Modifications and Implementation ItemsTable S-3, Items provided below are those items (procedure changes, process updates, and training to affected plantpersonnel) that will be completed prior to the implementation of new NEPA 805 fire protection program. This will occurwithin 180 days after issuance of the license amendment unless that date falls within a scheduled refueling outage. Then,implementation will occur within 60 days after startup from that scheduled refueling outage. Note Item 13 is associatedwith modifications in Table S-2b and will be completed 180 days after completion of the last risk related modification.Table S-3 implementation ItemsItem Unit Description LAR Section / Source11, 2 Perform the following recommendations from the Radiological Release 4.4.2 and Attachment EEvaluation:1. Within each yard area fire strategy, identify radiologicallycontrolled area boundaries within the strategy and anypotential escape paths. This includes building sumps andstorm drains, where applicable. For consistency, it isrecommended that even hardened barriers are identified.Examples of these would include: hatches, passage doors,and roll-up doors.2. Enhance the appropriate existing procedures or guidelines,or create a new procedure or guideline, to include moredetail on the control measures used to maintain radioactiverelease limits where monitoring cannot be accomplished.Examples include:* Water fog streams used for smoke scrubbing* Controlling water runoff during fire suppression activities* Covering drains and other similar containmentmeasures3. Enhance Fire Brigade Guidelines (Procedure RP-29) toinstruct Radiation Protection personnel to respond to fireswhere there are radiological concerns inside and outside theProtected Area.4. Enhance the appropriate existing procedures or guidelines,or create a new procedure or guideline, to include guidancefor crossing RCA/Radioactive Control Zone boundariesincluding escape routes.5. Create new fire strategies for yard areas that contain RCAs.This includes the following:* Retired Steam Generator Storage Facility (Building7777)Rev 4Page S-7 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLCAttachment S -Modifications and Implementation ItemsTable S-3 Implementation ItemsItem Unit Description LAR Section / Source* Radiation Materials Controi Building (Building 7767)* Hold-Up Ponds* Radiography Vault* Radioactive Materials Containers*Tents Containing Radioactive Material* Mixed Waste Storage* ISFS1 Storage of non-ISESI Radioactive Materials6. Within each fire strategy, identify the RadiologicallyControlled Area (RCA) or Radioactive Control Zone in thewritten text.7. Fire Brigade training will be revised to ensure the newguidance proposed in Recommendations 2, 3 and 4 forradioactive release is covered during the establishedtraining interval.8. Add a standard statement for smoke and water runoff to allradiologically controlled area fire strategies to promptmeasures to avoid radioactive release.9. Incorporate all fire fighting strategies into the electronicrecords management retrieval system (internally referred toas NEDL). This will provide consistency for current usersand the ability to conduct effective reviews to ensure allradioactive release recommendations have beenincorporated.10. Add an appendix to the fire strategies for building sumpdrainage and site storm drains. This is NOT intended to bea detailed plan, but a site overview that identifies areaswhere runoff has the potential to route to a storm drain or anautomatic sump that will pump without radiation monitoring.11. Develop administrative guidance in collaboration withradiation protection to support ensuring that radioactiverelease(s) do not exceed limits in the event of a fire in areaswhere engineering controls will not contain the potentialrelease. Attachment A contains a flow chart of the variousconsiderations needed for administrative controls that canbe directed via one or more plant procedures dependingupon the performing group(s).Rev 4Page S-8 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLCDukeEnegy CrolnasLLCAttachment S -Modifications and Implementation ItemsTable S-3 Implementation ItemsItem Unit Description LAR Section 1 Source2 1, 2 After the approvaJ of the LAR, in accordance with 10 CFR 50.71(e) and 5.4approved exemptions, the CNS UFSAR will be revised. The format andcontent will be consistent with NEI 04-02 FAQ 12-0062.3 1,2 The Design Basis Specification for the Plant Fire Protection, which is the Attachment A, fire protection program policy document, will be updated toinclude the statement that the NRC is the AHJ for fire protection changesrequiring approval.4 1,2 Appropriate fire protection program document(s) will be updated to Attachment A, 3.2.3(1)provide a requirement that if a plant elects to implement themethodologies in EPRI Report TR1 006756, that the methodologies will beimplemented in their entirety as they pertain to the fire protection systemsor features being evaluated.51,2 The monitoring program required by NFPA 805 Section 2.6 will be 4.6.2, Attachment A, 3.2.3(3)implemented after the LAR approval as part of the fire protection programtransition to NFPA 805, in accordance with NFPA 805 FAQ 10-0059, andwill include a process that reviews fire protection performance and trendsin performance. Program specifics are provided in LAR Section 1,2 Revise station procedures/directives to comply with NFPA 805 Section Attachment A, ) 1,2 Appropriate station documentation will be updated to include the Attachment A, for installation of cable above suspended ceilings.8 1,2 The Fire Strategies will be reviewed and updated to include any changes Attachment A, equipment important to nuclear safety and other updates pertinent tothe NFPA 805 Transition.9 1,2 The Fire Protection Design Basis Document described in Section 4.7.1of NFPA 805 and necessary supporting documentation described inSection of NFPA 805 will be created as part of transition to10 CFR 50.48(c) to ensure program implementation following receipt ofthe safety evaluation. Appropriate cross references will be established tosupporting documents as required by Duke Energy processes.Rev 4Rev 4Page S-9 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLCAttachment S -Modifications and Implementation ItemsTable S-3 Implementation ItemsItem Unit Description LAR Section / Source10 1, 2 Ensure the CNS configuration control process follows the requirements in 4.7.2NFPA 805 and the guidance outlined in RG 1.174 which requires the useof qualified individuals, procedures that require calculations be subject toindependent review and verification, record retention, peer review, and acorrective action program that ensures appropriate actions are takenwhen errors are discovered. The configuration control requirementsshould be implemented in accordance with FAQ 12-0061.11 1, 2 Develop Engineering training guidelines to identify and document 4.7.3required training and mentoring to ensure individuals are appropriatelyqualified per the requirements of NFPA 805 Section to performassigned work.12 1, 2 Revise Shutdown Risk Management procedures to reflect the following 4.3 and Attachment Drecommendations during higher risk evolutions from the calculationentitled, "NFPA 805 Transition Non-Power Fire Area Assessments (PinchPoints Analysis)":* include CNS specific HRPOS definition.* Limit hot work in affected fire area during Higher Risk PlantOperating States (HRPOS's).* Prohibit hot work in affected fire areas during Higher Risk PlantOperating States (HRPOS's).*Verify that the available fire detection systems located in theaffected fire areas are functional. Post firewatch per SL~s inaffected fire areas prior to entering Higher Risk Plant OperatingStates if system(s) are impaired.*Verify that the available fire suppression systems located in theaffected fire areas are functional. Post firewatch per SL~s inaffected fire areas prior to entering Higher Risk Plant OperatingStates if system(s) are impaired.* Limit transient combustible storage in affected fire areas duringHigher Risk Plant Operating States (HRPOS's).* Prohibit transient combustible storage in affected fire areasduring Higher Risk Plant Operating States (HRPOS's).* Provide a firewatch (continuous or periodic) in affected fire areasduring Higher Risk Plant Operating States (HRPOS's).Rev 4Page S-10 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLCAttachment S -Modifications and Implementation ItemsTable S-3 Implementation ItemsItem Unit Description LAR Section I Source*Activities in affected fire areas should be rescheduled to non-Higher Risk Plant Operating States (HRPOS's) periods.13 1, 2 Following installation of the risk related modifications and the as-built 4.8.2installation details, additional refinements surrounding the modificationand any procedural implementation items (Table S-3 Items 12 and 16) willbe incorporated into the Fire PRA model and Internal Events model, asrequired. In addition, a verification will be performed to confirm that therisk results are not appreciably changed. If the as-built change-in-riskestimates exceed the RG 1.174 acceptance guidelines, the responsiblefeature will be identified and evaluated. Actions taken to address such acase may be one or more of the following: 1) implementing additionalmodifications, 2) refining the analytical estimates, or 3) requesting thatexceeding the guidelines be deemed acceptable in a new LAR.14 1,2 Develop formal training program for nonfire brigade personnel that Attachment A, 3.4.3(b)respond to a fire incident.15 1,2 Revise the QA Topical, as appropriate, to update the definition of QA 3 tomatch post NFPA 805 criteria. QA Topical currently defines QA 3 as:"QA Condition 3 covers those systems, components, items, and serviceswhich are important to fire protection as defined in the Hazards Analysisfor each station. The Hazards Analysis is in response to Appendix A ofNRC Branch Technical Position APCSB 9.5-1."16 1,2 Implementation items resulting from the feasibility evaluation include: Attachment G* Corrective Action to add equipment tags to the petcocks for theCA valves. These equipment numbers will be added to FireProcedure, AP10lA155001045.* Corrective Action to revise steps to Fire Procedure,AP10/A/5500/045 to add valve numbers (or descriptivenomenclature) as applicable to the individual steps for throttlingthe CA valves (valve to isolate air, bleed air).* Corrective Action to revise steps to Fire Procedure,AP/0/A/5500/045 to include requiring operators to obtain aclimbing harness prior to throttling the CA valves locally.* Corrective Action to add steps to Fire ProcedureRev 4Page S-11 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLCAtahetS-MdfctosndmpmnainIesAttachment S -Modifications and Implementation ItemsTable S-3 Implementation ItemsItem Unit Description LAR Section I SourceAPIOI/N55001045 to trip the NC pumps locally (if unable to tripfrom the control room).* Corrective Action to add performance of recovery action drills toOperator training.17 1, 2 Update station documentation to indicate requirements for interior floor Attachment A, 3.3.3finishes.18 1, 2 Ensure procedures are provided for long-term alignments for makeup of oil, feedwater, and reactor coolant.19 1, 2 Evaluate the transient combustible control procedure for additional RAl PRA-1 5bcontrols in the identified fire areas to account for a larger transient fireheat release rate.Rev 4 Page S-12Rev 4Page S-12

Latest revision as of 04:17, 7 April 2019