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#REDIRECT [[BW210060, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System]]
| number = ML21258A067
| issue date = 08/20/2021
| title = National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
| author name = Lecrone D
| author affiliation = State of IL, Environmental Protection Agency
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = Exelon Generation Co, LLC, NRC/NRR
| docket = 05000456, 05000457
| license number = NPF-072, NPF-077
| contact person =
| case reference number = BW210060
| package number = ML21258A065
| document type = Environmental Monitoring Report, Letter
| page count = 23
{{#Wiki_filter:ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 1021 NORTH GRAND AVENUE EAST, P.O. Box 19276, SPRINGFIELD, ILUNOIS 62794-9276 * {217) 782-3397 JB PRITZKER, GOVERNOR                                            JOHN J. KIM, DIRECTOR 217/782-0610 August 20, 2021 Exelon Generation Company, LLC Braidwood Nuclear Power Station 35100 South Route 53 Braceville, IL 60407-9619 Re:        Exelon Generation Company, LLC Braidwood Nuclear Power Station NPDES Pennit No. IL004832 l BOW ID: Wl978160003 Final Pem1it Gentlemen:
Attached is the final NPDES Permit for your discharge. The Permit as issued covers discharge limitations, monitoring, and reporting requirements. Failure to meet any portion of the Pennit could result in civil and/or criminal penalties. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency is ready and willing to assist you in interpreting any of the conditions of the Penn it as they relate specifically to your discharge.
In reference to the comments in your {{letter dated|date=August 4, 2021|text=letter dated August 4, 2021}}, the Agency offers the following response:
I. The name and address of the Discharger were changed to match the name and address of the facility on Page 1 of the Fact Sheet.
: 2. The name and address of the Discharger were changed to match the name and address of the facility on Page I of the Permit.
: 3. The language in the second sentence of the first paragraph of Special Condition 4 was not changed, because including outfall 005 in the manner requested would imply that there is a defined mixing zone for outfall 005.
Outfall 001 does have a defined mixing zone, but outfall 005 only has allowed mixing for them1al discharges.
: 4. The language in Special Condition 9.S has been changed per Exelon 's request. The infom1ation collection period for annual inspections shall now begin on July l s1 each year, with the associated inspection report due for submission .
to the Agency by September 30'h of the following year.
: 5. The language in Special Condition 9.U has been changed per Exelon's request, allowing annual inspection reports to be submitted to the Agency electronically or by mail. Previously, both fonns of submission were required.
: 6. The language in Special Condition l l has been changed per Exelon's request, shifting the due date for DMRs for a given month to the 28 th day of the following month. Previously, DMRs were due on the 25 th day of the following month.
Pursuant to the Final NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule, all pem1ittees must report DMRs electronically unless a waiver has been granted by the Agency. The Agency utilizes NetDMR, a web based application, which allows the submittal of electronic Discharge Monitoring Reports instead of paper Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs). More information regarding NetDMR can be found on the Agency website, hups) "ww2.illinois.go\ *\::pa topics watcr-qualitv surfacc-water/netdmr/Pages/quick-answer-guide.asi:2x.
4302 N. Moio St., ~od<ford, IL 61103 {815)987.7760                                      9511 Horri,on St., De$ Plaine,, il 60016 (8A7'294-4000 595 S. S101e, Elgin, It 60123 (847)608-3131                                            5407 N. Vnivenity St., Arbor 1 l 3, Pe<lrio, I. 61614 (309)693.5462 2125 S. firit SI., Olon-.:,oign, IL61820 (217)278-.5800                                2309 W. Main St., Suite l l 6, Morion, ll 62959(618)993 7200 2009 Moll S1., Collinsville, IL 6223-4 (618)346-5120                                    100 W. Rondolph, Suite l0.300, O,.cog", L 60601(312;814,6026
Page 2 If your facility has received a waiver from the NetDMR program, a supply of preprinted paper DMR Fom1s will be sent to your facility during the interim period prior to your registration in the NetDMR program. Additional information and instructions will accompany the preprinted DMRs. P!ease see the attachment regarding the electronic reporting rule.
The attached Pern1it is effective as of the date indicated on the first page of the Penn it. Until the effective date of any re.
issued Permit, the limitations and conditions of the previously-issued Permit remain in full effect You have the right to appeal any condition of the Permit to the Illinois Pollution Control Board within a 35 day period following the issuance date.
Should you have questions concerning the Pennit, please contact Keegan MacDonna at the 217/782-0610.
Sin~~Jl Darin. E. LeCrone, P.E.
Manager, Pem1it Section Division of Water Pollution Control DEL: KPM:2005280 l .docx
Final Permit cc:      Records
          .Compliance Assurance Section
              , Plaines Region J:51,,'ng
    -,JO? H Moio SL, ~od<lo,-d, It 6 J l03 (815)987-7760                    9511 Hacri,011 Sl., De, ?loin.,,,iL 60016 {S47j29A-A000 595 S. Stole, figio, IL 601 23 (847)608-3131                            5<07 N. Urtiver,ily S!., Arbo,* 113, P,iodo, ll61614 (309)693-5462 2125 S. Finl St., 010"&#xa5;'aign, IL 61820 (217)2711.:5000                  2.109 W, Mnin St, S<1il" 116, Morion, IL 6'2959 (618;993,7200 2009 Moll St, Collio,vale, !l 62134 (618)346-.5120                      l 00 W. Rci,dolph, Suile 10-300, O,,i<:090, il 60601 fl 12;814,6026
NPDES Permit No. lL0048321 111inois Environmental Protection Agency Division of Waler Po!lu!ion Control 1021 North Grand Avenue East Post Office Box 19276 Springfield, IHinois 62794-9276 NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Reissued (NPOES} Permit Expiration Dale: August 31
* 2026                                        Issue Date. August 20, 2021 Effective Date: September 1, 2021 Name and Address of Perrnittee:                                          Facility Name and Address:
Exelon Generation Company, LLC                                            Exelon Generation Company, LLC Braidwood Nuclear Power Station                                          Braidwood Nuclear Power Station 35100 South Route 53                                                      35100 South Route 53 Braceville, Illinois 60407-9619                                          Braceville, Illinois 60407-9619 (Wm County)
Discharge Number and Name:                                                Receiving Waters:
001  Cooling Pond Blowdown Line (Diffuser)                              Kankakee River A01  Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent C01  Radwaste Treatment System Effluent D01  Dernineralizer Regenerant Wastes F01  Chemical Metal Cleaning Wastes 002  North Site Stormwater Runoff Basin                                  Mazon River 003  South Site Stormwater Runoff Basin                                  Mazon River 004  Switchyard Area Runoff                                              Mazon River 005  Cooling Pond Blowdown Line {Old Canal Discharge)                    Kankakee River 006  Cooling Pond Overflow                                              Mazon River In compliance with the provisions of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act, Title 35 of lll. Adm. Code, Subtitle C and/or Subtitle D, Chapter 1, and the Clean Waler Act (CWA), the above-named permittee is hereby authorized to discharge at the above location to the above-named receiving stream in accordance with the standard conditions and attachments herein.
Permittee is not authorized to discharge after the above expiration date. !n order to receive authorization to discharge beyond !he expiration date, the permittee shall submit the proper application as required by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (!EPA) not tater than 180 days prior to the expiration date.
Darin E. Lecrone, P.E.
Manager, Permit Section Division of Water Pollution Control DEL :KPM :20052801
Page 2 NPDES Permit No. ll0048321 Effluent Limitations and Monitoring From the effective date of this permit unti! the expiration date, the effluent of the following discharge(s) shall be monitored and limited at al! times as foilows:
OutfaH: 001 Coolmg Pond Blowdown Line (Diffuser) (OAF"" 30,000 gpm or 43.2 MGD}
LOAD LIMITS                        CONCENTRATION lbs/day                              LIMITS mg!I 30 DAY              DAILY              30 DAY              DAILY            SAMPLE            SAMPLE PARAMETER                  AVG.                MAX.              AVG.                MAX.              FREQUENCY        TYPE This discharge consists of:                                                  Approximate Fiow
: 1. Condenser cooling water                                                        11.31 MGD
: 2. House service water                                                            1.3 MGO
: 3. Essential service water                                                        1.3 MGO
: 4. Demineraiizer regenerant waste                                                  0.128MGD
: 5. Wastewater treatment plant effluent                                            0.079MGD
: 6. Radwaste treatment system effluent                                              0.032 MGD
: 7. House service water strainer backwash                                          0.03MGD
: 8. Essential service water strainer backwash                                      0.017 MGD
: 9. Water treatment system tiller backwashes                                        0.03 MGD
: 10. River intake screen backwash*                                                  0.112MGD 11 . Cooling pond intake screen backwash                                          0.4 MGD Flow(MGD}                  See Special Condition 1                                                      Daily              Continuous pH                          See Special Condition 2                                                      11Week            Grab Temperature                See Special Condition 4                                                      Daily              Continuous Total Residual Chlonne**                                                                0.2              1/Month          Grab'"
Total Residual Oxidant**                                                                0.05              1iMonth          Grab*"
*See Speciaf Condition 14
*'See Special Condition 5
Page 3 NPDES Permit No. IL0048321 Effluent Urnitations and Monitoring From !he effective date of this permit until the expiration date, the effluent of the following dlscharge{s) shall be monitored and limited at all times as follows:
OutfaU: A01 Waslewater Treatment Plant Effluent LOAD LIMITS                      CONCENTRATION
                                      !bs/dal!                            LIMITS mg/I 30DAY            DAILY              30 DAY              DAILY            SAMPLE            SAMPLE PARAMETER                    AVG.              MAX.              AVG.                MAX.            FREQUENCY          TYPE This discharge consists of:                                                  Approximate Flow 1,    Turbine building fire and oil sump*                                          0.079 MGD
: a. Turbine building floor drain tank*
: i. Turbine building floor drain sumps IL Essential service water drain sumps iiL Condensate pit sumps
: b. Turbine building equipment drain tank*
C. Units 1 and 2 tendon tunnel sumps
: d. Auxiliary boiler blowdown
: e. Units 1 and 2 diesel fuel storage tank sumps
: f. OH-water separator No. 1 effluent
: g. Secondary-Side drain water
: h. Miscellaneous non-contaminated auxiliary building drains
: 2. Water treatment area floor and equipment drain sumps                        In!ermittent
: 3. Wastewater treatment system sand filter backwash                            0.002 MGD
: 4. Condensate polisher regenerant wastes (alternate route)                      Intermittent
: 5. Demineralizer regeneranl waste drains {alternate route)                      Intermittent
: 6. Chemical Metal Cleaning Wastes                                              0.16 MGD Flow(MGD)                    See Special Condition 1                                                    Daily              24 Hour Totaf Total Suspended Solids                                              15.0                30.0              1/Month          24 Hour Composite Oil and Grease                                                      15.0                20.0              1/Month          Grab
'These wastestreams may be directed lo the Radwaste Treatment System depending on the results of the process radiation monitors.
Page 4 NP DES Permit No I l 0048321 Effiu~m! Limitations and Momtoring From the effective date of ttm; permit untll the expiration date, the effluent of the foltowing discharge(s) shal! be monitored and !imited at al! times as fol!ows:
Outfall; CO 1 Radwaste Treatment System Effluent LOAD UM!TS                          CONCENTRATION lbs/day                              UM!TS mg/I 30OAY              DAiLY              30 DAY              DAILY            SAMPLE            SAMPLE PARAMETER                  AVG.                MAX.              AVG.                MAX.            FREQUENCY          TYPE This discharge consists of:                                                  Approximate Flow:
: 1. Steam generator condensate b!owdown                                          Intermittent
: 2. Cooling jacket blowdown                                                      Intermittent
: 3. Auxiliary building and turbine building floor drains                            Intermittent
: 4. Laundry waste treatment system drains                                          0.001 MGO
: 5. Chemical and volume control system drains                                      Intermittent 6.. Boron recycle system blowdown                                                  Intermittent
: 7. Radwaste demineralizer regenerant wastes and filter backwash                    0.002 MGD B. Reactor building floor and equipment drains                                    Intermittent
: 9. Turbine building floor drain tank (Alternate Route)                            Intermittent
: 10. Turbine building fire and oil sump {Alternate Route)                          Intermittent
: 11. Turbine building equipment drain tank (Alternate Route)                        Intermittent
: 12. Evaporator wastewater                                                          Intermittent Flow(MGD)                    See Special Condition 1                                                    Daily              Continuous Total Suspe(1ded Solids                                            15.0                30.0            1/Month            Discharge Tank Composite Oil and Grease                                                      15JJ                20.0                                Grab
Page 5 NPDES Permit No. IL0048321 Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Fmm the effective date of this permit untii the expiration dale, the effluent of lhe following discharge(s) shall be monitored and limited at all times as fo!!ows:
Outfall* D01 Demineralizer Regenerant Wastes (OAF= 0.128 MGD)
LOAD LIMITS                        CONCENTRATION
_ ____,lbs/day -**-**--                      LIMITS _mg{j__ _
30 DAY            DAil Y            30 DAY              DAILY            SAMPLE            SAMPLE PARAMETER                  AVG.              MAX.              AVG.                MAX.            FREQUENCY          TYPE This discharge consists of                                                  Approximate Flow
: 1. Make-up demineralizer regenerant waste***                                  Intermittent
: 2. Condensate polisher regenerant waste*..                                    Intermittent
: 3. Regenerant chemical area drains                                            Intermittent
: 4. Portable demineratizer regenerate wastes                                    Intermittent
: 5. Secondary-Side drain waler***                                              0.10 MGD Flow (MGD}                  See Special Condition 1                                                    Daily              Continuous Total Suspended Solids                                            15.0                30.0            1/Mcnth            24 Hour Composite
'**This wastestream may be alternately routed to the wastewater treatment system.
Page6 NPDES Permit No !L0048321 Effluent Limitations and Monitoring From the effective dale of this perm.t unli! the expirallon dale, the effluent of the following discharge(s) shall be monitored and iimited at all times as follows:
Outfall: F01 Chemical Metal Cleaning Wastes (OAF"' 0.16 MGD)
LOAD LIMITS                        CONCENTRATION
                            ---~l=bs/Q&sect;L__                                LIMiTS mg!!
30 DAY              DA!LY              30 DAY              DAILY            SAMPLE            SAMPLE PARAMETER                  AVG.                MAX.              AVG.                MAX.              FREQUENCY          TYPE Flow(MGD)                  See Special Condition 1                                                      Daily              Continuous Total Suspended Solids                                              15.0              30.0              1/Batch            Grab OH and Grease                                                      15.0              20.0              1/Batch            Grab Iron                                                                                  10                1/Balch            Grab Copper                                                                  Monitor On!y                    1/Batch            Grab
Page i NPDES Permit No !L0048321 Effluent limitations and Monitoring From the effective date of this permit until !he expirallon date, the effluent o! the fol!owmg discharge(s) shal! be monitored and limited al all times as follows Outfal!: 002 North Site Stormwater Runoff Basin*
LOAD LlMffS                      CONCENTRATION lbsiday                          LIMITS mg/I 30 DAY            DAILY              30 DAY              DAILY          SAMPLE            SAMPLE PARAMETER                    AVG.              MAX.              AVG.                MAX.            FREQUENCY          TYPE This discharge consists of:                                                  Approximate Flow:
1.. Parkmg iot runoff                                                            !ntermlttenl
: 2. Transformer area runoff                                                      !nterm!ttent
: 3. North staUon area runoff                                                    lnlerm,ttenl
: 4. Turbine building, auxiliary building and waste                              Intermittent treatment building roof drains Flow(MGD)                    See Special CondiHon 1                                                    1/Quarter*~        Measure When Monitoring Oii & Grease                                                        15                  30            1/Quarter..        Grab
*See Special Conditions 9 and 13
**Quarterly results shall be submitted with the March, June, September, and December DMRs.
Outfall 003 South Sile Stormwater Runoff Basin*
Approximate Flow Intermittent
*see    Special Condition 9 Outfall: 004 Switchyard Area Runoff' Approximate Flow Intermittent
*see Special Condition 9
Pago 8 NPDES Permit No. IL0048321 Effluent limitations and Monitoring From the effective date of this permit un!il the expiration date. the effluent of the followmg discharge(s) shall be monitored and limited at all times as follows:
OutfaH: 005 Coo!lng Pond B!owdown Line (O!d Cana! Discharge) (DAF = 30,000 gpm or 43.2 MGD)
LOAD LIMITS                        CONCENTRATION lbs/day                              llMJTS mg/I 30 DAY            DAILY              30DAY              DAILY            SAMPLE            SAMPLE PARAMETER                    AVG.              MAX.              AVG,                MAX.            FREQUENCY        TYPE This discharge consists of:                                                  Approximate Flow
: 1. Condenser cooling water                                                      11.31 MGD
: 2. House service water                                                          1.3 MGD
: 3. Essential service water                                                      1.3 MGD
: 4. Demineralizer regenerant waste                                              0.128 MGD
: 5. Wastewater treatment plan! effluent                                          0.079 MGD
: 6. Radwaste treatment system effluent                                              0.032 MGD
: 7. House service water strainer backwash                                          0.03 MGD
: 8. Essential service water strainer backwash                                      0.017 MGD
: 9. Water treatment system filter backwashes                                        0.03 MGD
: 10. River intake screen backwash*                                                  0.112MGD
: 11. Cooling pond intake screen backwash                                            0.4 MGD Flow(MGD)                    See Special Condition 1                                                  Daily              Continuous pH                            See Special Condition 2                                                  1/Week            Grab Temperature                  See Special Condition 4                                                  Daily              Continuous Tota! Residua! Chlorine..                                                              0.2              1/Month            Grab**
Total Residual Oxidanr-                                                                0.05            1/Month            Grab ..
*see Special Condition 14
..See Special Condition 5 This outfall may only be used during those times the diffuser structure is out-of-service.
Page 9 NPDES Permit No, IL004832 i Effluent Um1tations and Monitoring From the effective dale of this permit unEI the expiration date, the effluent of the fo!lowing discharge{s) shall be monitored and limited al all times as follows:
Outfall: 006 Cooling Pond Emergency Overflow {Intermittent Discharge)
LOADUMffS                          CONCENTRA Tl ON lbsldaJ!'.                          LIMITS mg{.I ____
30DAY                DAILY            30DAY              DAILY            SAMPLE            SAMPLE PARAMETER                  AVG                  MAX.            AVG.                MAX.              FREQUENCY        TYPE This discharge consists of:                                                Approximate Flow
: 1. Condenser cooling waler                                                        11.31 MGD
: 2. House service waler                                                            1.3 MGD
: 3. Essential service water                                                        1.3 MGD
: 4. Deminerallzer regenerant waste                                                0.128 MGD 5, Wastewater treatment plant effluent                                            0.079 MGD
: 6. Radwaste treatment system effluent                                            0.032MGD 7, House service water strainer backwash                                          O.D3MGD
: 8. Essential service water strainer backwash                                      0.017 MGD
: 9. Water treatment system filter backwashes                                      0.03 MGD
: 10. River intake screen backwash*                                                0.112 MGD
: 11. Cooling pond intake screen backwash                                          0.4MGD Flow(MGD)                  See Special Condition 1                                                    Daily When        Estimate Discharging pH                          See Special Condition 2                                                    Daily When        Grab Discharging Temperature                See Special Condition 4                                                    Daily When        Measure Discharging Total Residual Chlorine ..                                                            0.2              Daily When        Grab ..
Discharging Total Residua! Oxidant*'                                                              0.05            Daily When        Grab**
*see Special Condition 14
.. See Special Condition 5 The thermal mixing zone in special condition 4 does not apply to the discharges from this outfall. The temperature standards in special condition 4(d) must be met al the discharge point prior lo enlry in the receiving stream.
Page 10 NPDES Permit No. ll0048321 Sp~cia! Conditions SPECIAL CONDITION 1. Flow shall be reported as a monthly average and a daily maximum.
SPECIAL CONDITION 2. The pH shafl be in the range 6.0 to 9.0, The monthly minimum and monthly maximum values shall be reported on the DMR form.
SPECIAL CONDITION 3, Samples taken in compliance wi1h the effluent monitoring requirements shall be taken at                  a  point representative of the discharge, but prior to entry into the receiving stream.
SPECIAL CONDITION 4. Th[s facility meets the criteria for establishment of a formal mixing zone for thermal discharges from outfall 001 and allowed mixing for the thermal discharges from outfalt 005 pursuant to 35 IAC 302.102. The following mixing zone defines the area and volume of the receiving water body in which mixing is allowed to occur for the thermal discharges from outfall 001. Water quality standards for temperature lis!ed in table below must be met at every point outside of the mixing zone. Outfall 006 is not granted any mixing for thermal discharges.
A. The facility has installed a high rate diffuser and has completed a CORM IX mode! to determine the size of the mixing zone for outfal!
001, which is 35 meters wide by 25 meters downstream of the diffuser. The applicant may field verify the CORMIX model mixing zone dimensions and submit the results as part of the renewal application for this permit B. There shail be no abnormal temperature changes that may adversely affect aquatic life unless caused by natural conditions.
The normal daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations which existed before the addition of heat due to other than natural causes shal! be maintained.
C. The maximum temperature rise above natural temperatures shall not exceed 2.s* C (5" F).
D. The water temperature at the edge of the mixing zone defined above for outfall 001, at the edge of allowed mixing for outfall 005, and at the point of discharge for outfall 006 shall not exceed the maximum limits in the following table during more than one percent of the hours in the 12 month period (87.6 hours) ending with any month, excursion hours, and shall be reported on the monthly DMR.
Moreover, at no time shat! the water temperature at the edge of the mixing zone for outfali 001, at the edge of allowed mixing for outfall 005, and at the point of discharge for outfall 006 exceed the maximum limits in the following table by more than 1.7&deg; C (3&deg; F).
Feb.      Mar.      April                      JWY      Aug.      ~\,      Q~t.
        'F      60        60        60        90      90        90      90      90        90        90        90      60
        *c      16        16        16        32      32        32      32      32          32      32        32      16 Compliance with this part shall be determined by the following equation:
Tt:,oe."' [0.25 x (Qu,; x T vs)+ Qr; x T5] {0.25 x Octs + OE)
T EDGE. = Temperature at the edge of the mixing zone.
Ous = Upstream Flow T us= Upstream Temperature*
OE ;:;; Effluent Flow T, = Temperature of the effluent.
Temperature data from !he upstream USGS station at Custer Park or the temperature and flow data from the downstream USGS station at Wl!mington can be utilized for upstream conditions, When utilizing the Wilmington USGS station for upstream flow data the discharge flow amount at Outfall 001 shall be deducted from station data.
E. The monthly maximum temperature at the edge of the mixing zone              the monthly maximum temperature rise (Teoge- Ta), and the number of excursion_ hours shall be reported on the OMR form SPECIAL, CONJ)lTIOfil Chlorine or bromine may not be discharged from each unit's main cooling condensers for more than two hours per day, The reported mean concentration and maximum concentration of Total Residual Chlorinerrotal Residual Oxidant (TRCrrRO) shall be based on a minimum of three grab samples taken at approximately five minute intervals at Outfall 001. The time samples were collected, the time and duration of oxidant dosing period plus the monthly average and daily maximum amount of oxidant applied shall be reported on ihe Discharge Monitoring Reports. The reported average concentration of TRCrrRO is the average of all values measured for a sampling event and the reported maximum concentration is the highest value measured for a single grab sample, Discharge Monitoring Reports sha!! indicate whether bromine and10, chlorine compounds were used during the
Page 11 NPDES Permit No. IL0048321 Sgedal Conditions mor.lh. A discharge limit. as measured at the blowdown to the Kankakee River. of 0.05 mg/I (instantaneous maximum) shall be achieved for total residual oxidant (total residual chtorine/total residual halogen) when bromine biocides are used for condenser biofouling control.
* SPECIAL CONDITION 6. There shall be no discharge of polychlorinated bipheny! compounds.
SPECIAL CONDITION 7.          Complex me!al bearing wastestreams and associated rinses from chemical metal cleaning may be discharged.
SPECIAL CONDrl)ON 8. Intake impacts will be reduced by limiling pumping from the river during the peak entrainment period. For a four-week period (last three weeks in May and first week in June). pumping will be allowed only during the day (between one hour after sunrise and one hour before sunset). in addition, during_the four-week period, pumping will be minimized during the day.
Pumping will occur when needed to fill the freshwater holding pond and to maintain efficient operation of the cooling pond. In an extreme emergency, and upon immediate notification of the Agency, pumping could occur at night. Such pumping would cease as soon as the emergency was over. Records of all pumping during the four-week period will be maintained. Such records will include dates, number o_f pumps operating and start and end times.
A. A storm water pollution prevention plan shall be maintained by the permittee for the storm water associated with industrial activity at this facility. The plan shall identify potential sources of pollution which may be expected to affect the quality of storm water discharges associated with the industrial activity at the facility. In addition. the plan shall describe and ensure the implementation of practices which are to be used to reduce the pollutants in storm water discharges associated with industrial activity at the facility and to assure compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit The permittee shall modify the plan if substantive changes are made or occur affecting compliance with this condition.
: 1. Waters not classified as impaired pursuant to Section 303(d} of the Clean Water Act.
Unless otherwise specified by federal regulation, the storm water pollution prevention plan shall be designed for a storm event equal to or greater than a 25-year 24-hour rainfall event.
: 2. Waters classified as impaired pursuant to Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act For any site which discharges directly to an impaired water identified in the Agency's 303{d) listing, and if ;;ny parameter in !he subject discharge has been identified as the cause of impairment. the storm water pollution preve11tion plan shaH be designed for a storm event equal to or greater than a 25-year 24-hour rainfall event. If required by federal regulations, the storm water pollution prevention plan shall adhere to a more restrictive design criteria.
B. The operator or owner of the facility shall make a copy of the plan available to the Agency at any reasonable time upon request.
Facilities which discharge to a municipal separate storm sewer system shall also make a copy available to the operator of the municipal system at any reasonable time upon request C. The permittee may be notified by the Agency at any time that the plan does not meel the requirements of this condition. After such notification, the permitlee shall make changes lo the plan and shall submit a written certification that the requested changes have been made. Unless otherwise provided, !he permit!ee shall have 30 days after such notification to make the changes.
D. The discharger shall amend the plan whenever there is a change in construction, operation, or maintenance which may affect the discharge of significant quantities of pollutants to the waters of the Slate or if a facility inspection required by paragraph I of this condition indicates that an amendment is needed. The plan should also be amended if the discharger is in violation of any conditions of this permit, or has not achieved the general objective of controlling pollutants in storm water discharges. Amendments to the plan shall be made within 30 days of any proposed construction or operational changes at !he faci!i!y, and shall be provided to the Agency for review upon request.
E. The plan shall provide a description of potential sources which may be expected to add slgnificanl quantities of pollutants to storm water discharges. or which may result in non-storm waler discharges from storm water outfalls at the facility. The plan shall include, at a minimum, the following items:
: 1. A topographic map extending one.quarter mile beyond the property boundaries of !he facility, showing: the facility, surface water bodies, wells (including injection wells), seepage pits, infiltration pond$, and the discharge points where the facility's storm water
Page 12 NPDES Permi! No. IL0048321 Specia_l Conditions discharges to a municipal storm drain system or o!her water body. The requirements of this paragraph may be included on the site map if appropriate. Any map or portion of map may be withheld for security reasons.
: 2. A siie map showing:
L      The storm water conveyance and discharge structures;
        !L    An outline of the storm water drainage areas for each storm water discharge point; iiL    Paved areas and buildings; iv. Areas used for outdoor manufacturing, storage, or disposal of significant materials, including activities that generate sfgnificanl quantities of dust or particulates.
: v. Location of existing storm water structural control measures (dikes, coverings, detention facilities, e!c.);
vi. Surface water locations andior municipal storm drain locations vii. Areas of existing and potential soil erosion; viii. Vehicle setvice areas:
ix. Material loading, unloading, and access areas.
: x. Areas under items iv and ix above may be withheld from the site map for security reasons.
: 3. A narrative description of the follmving:
L    The nature of the industrial activities conducted at the site, including a description of significant materials that are treated, stored or disposed of in a manner to allow expo.sure to storm water; ii,  Materials, equipment, and. vehicle management practices employed to minimize contact of sig!'lificanl materials with storm water discharges; iii. Existing structural and non-structural control measures to reduce pollutants in storm water discharges; iv. Industrial storm water discharge treatment facilities;
: v. Methods of onsile storage and disposal of significant materials.
: 4. A list of the types of pollutants that have a reasonable potential to be present in storm water discharges in significant quantities.
Also provide a list of any pollutant that is listed as impaired in the most recent 303(d) report.
: 5. An estimate of the size of the facility in acres or square feet, and the percent of the facility that has impervious areas such as pavement or buildings.
: 6. A summary of existing sampling data describing pollutants in storm water discharges.
F. The plan shall describe the storm water management controls which wm be implemented by the facmty. The appropriate controls shall reflect identified existing and potential sources of pollutants at the facility. The description of the storm water management controls shall include:
: 1. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Personnel * !denlification by job titles of the individuals who are responsible for developing, implementing, and revising !he plan.
: 2. Preventive Maintenance - Procedures for inspection and maintenance of storm water conveyance system devices such as oil/water separators, catch basins, etc .. and inspection and testing of plant equipment and systems that could fail and result in discharges of pollutants to storm water.
: 3. Good Housekeeping - Good housekeeping requires the maintenance of clean, orderly facility areas that discharge storm watec Ma!elial handling areas shall be inspected and cleaned to reduce the potential for pollutants to enter the storm water conveyance system.
Page i3 NPDES Permit No, IL0048321
                                                              ,lSQecial Conditions 4,  Spill Prevention and Response - Identification of areas where significant materials can spill into or other,vise enter the storm water conveyance systems and their accompanying drainage points, Specific material handling procedures, storage requirements, sprn cleanup equipment and procedures should be identified, as appropriate, Internal notification procedures for spills of significant materials should be established.
5,  Storm Water Management Practices
* Storm water management practices are practices other than those which control the source of pollutants. They include measures such as installing oil and grit separators, diverting storm water into retention basins, etc. Based on assessment of the potential of various sources to contribute pollutants, measures lo remove pollutants from storm water discharge shall be implemented. In developing the p!an, the following management practices shall be considered:
L      Containment
* Storage within berms or other secondary containment devices to prevent leaks and spills from entering storm
* water runoff. To the maximum extent practicable storm water discharged from any area where material handling equipment or activities, raw material, intermediate products, final products, waste materials, by-products, or Industrial machinery are exposed to storm water should not enter vegetated areas or surface waters or infiltrate into the soil unless adequate treatment is provided.
ii. Oil & Grease Separation - Oil/water separators, booms, skimmers or other methods to minimize oil contaminated storm water discharges.
iii. Debris & Sediment Control - Screens, booms, sediment ponds or other methods to reduce debris and sediment in storm water discharges.
iv. Waste Chemical Disposal - Waste chemicals such as antifreeze, degreasers and used oils shall be recycled or disposed of in an approved manner and in a way which prevents them from entering storm water discharges.
: v. Storm Water Diversion - Storm water diversion away from materials manufacturing, storage and other areas of potential storm waler contamination. Minimize !he quantity .of storm water entering areas where material handling equipment of activities, raw material, intermediate products, final products, waste materials, by-products, or industrial machinery are exposed to storm waler using green infrastructure techniques where practicable in the areas outside the exposure area, and otherwise divert storm waler away from exposure area.
vi. Cov~red Storage or Manufacturing Areas - Covered fueling operations, materials manufacturing and storage areas to prevent contact with storm water.
vii. Storm Water Reduclion - install vegetation on roofs of buildings within or adjacent to the exposure area to detain and evapotranspirate runoff where precipitation falling on the roof is not exposed to contaminants, to minimize storm water runoff; capture storm waler in devices that minimize the amount of storm water runoff and use this water as appropriate based on quality.
: 6. Sediment and Erosion Prevention - The plan shall identify areas which due to topography, activities, or other factors, have a hlgh potential for significant soil erosion. The plan shall describe measures to limit erosion.
: 7. Employee Training - Employee training programs shall inform personnel at all levels of responsibility of the components and goals of the storm water pollution control plan. Training should address topics such as spill response, good housekeeping and material management practices, The plan shall identify periodic dates for such training.
: 8. Inspection Procedures - Qualified plant personnel shall be identified to inspect designated equipment and plant areas, A tracking or follow-up    procedure shall be used to ensure appropriate response has been taken in response to an inspection. Inspections and maintenance activities shall be documented and recorded.
G. Non-Storm Water Discharge
* The plan shall include a certification that the discharge has been tested or evaluated for the presence of non-storm water discharge. The certification shall include a description of any lest for the presence of non-storm water discharges, the methods used, the dates of the testing, and any onsite drainage points that were observed during !he testing. Any facility that is unable to provide this certification must describe the procedure of any test conducted for the presence of non-storm water discharges, the test results, potential sources of non-storm water discharges lo the storm sewer. and why adequate tests for such storm sewers were not feasible.
H. Quarterly Visual Observation of Discharges - The requirements and procedures far quarterly visual obser..ations are applicable to all outfalls covered by this condition.
: 1. You must perform and document a quarterly visual observation of a storm water discharge associated with industrial activity from each outfaH. The visual observation must be made during daylight hours. If no storm event resulted in runoff during daylight
Page 14 NPDES Permil No. il0048321 Special Conditions hours from the facility during a monitoring quarter, you are excused from the visual observations requirement for that quarter, provided you document in your records that no runoff occurred. You must sign and certify lhe document.
: 2. Your visual observation must be made on samples collected as soon as practical, but not to exceed 1 hour or when the runoff or snow melt beglns discharging from your facility. Ail samples must be collected from a storm event discharge that is greater than 0.1 inch in magnitude and that occurs at least 72 hours from the previously measureable (greater than 0.1 inch rainfall) storm event. The observation must document: color, odor, clarity, floating solids, settled solids, suspended solids, foam, oil sheen, and other obvious indicators of storm water porlution. If visual observations indicate any unnatural color, odor, turbidity, floatable material, oil sheen or other indicators of stomi water pollution, the permitlee shall obtain a sample and monitor for the parameter or the list of pollutants !n Part E.4.
: 3. You must maintain your visual observation reports onsite with the SWPPP. The report mus! include the obsetVation date and lime, inspection personnel, nature of the discharge (Le., runoff or snow melt), visual quality of the storm water discharge (including observations of color, odor, floating solids, settled solids, suspended solids, foam, oil sheen, and other obvious indicators of storm water pollution), and probable sources of any observed storm water contamination.
: 4. You may exercise a waiver of the visual *observation requirement at a facility that is inactive or unstaffed, as long as there are no industrial materials or activities exposed to storm water. If you exercise this waiver, you must maintain a certification with your SWPPP stating that the site is inactive and unstaffed, and Iha! there are no industrial materials or activities exposed to storm water.
: 5. Representative Outfalls - If your facility has two or more outfalls that you believe discharge substantially identical effluents, based on similarities of the industrial activities. significant materials, size of drainage areas, and storm water management practices occurring within the drainage areas of the outfalls, you may conduct visual observations of the discharge at just one of the outfalls and report that the results also apply to the substantially identical outfa!l(s),
: 6. The visual observation documentation shall be made available          to the Agency and general public upon written  request L  The permittee shall conduct an annual facility inspection to verify that all elements of the plan, including the site map, potential pollutant sources, and structural and non-structural controls to reduce pollutants in industrial storm waler discharges are accurate.
Observations that require a response and the appropriate response to the observation shall be retained as part of the plan. Records documenting significant observations made during !he site inspection shall be submitted to the Agency in accordance with the reporting requirements of this permit
* J. This plan should briefly describe the appropriate elements of other program requirements, including Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plans required under Section 311 of the CWA and the regulations promulgated there under, and Best Management Programs under 40 CFR 125.100.
K. The plan ls considered a report that shall be available to the public at any reasonable time upon request L. The plan shall include the signature and title of the person responsible for preparation of the plan and include the* date of initial preparation and each amendment thereto.
M. Facilities which discharge slonn water associated with industrial activity lo municipal separate storm sewers may also be subject to additional requirement imposed by the operator of the municipal system Construction Auihorization Authorization is hereby granted to construct treatment works and related equiprneni that may be required by the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan developed pursuant to this permit This Authorization is issued subject to lhe following condition(s).
N. If any statement or representation is found to be incorrect, this authorization may be revoked and the pennittee there upon waives all rights there under.
: 0. The issuance of this authorization (a) does not release the perrnittee from any liability for damage to persons or property caused by or resulting from the installation, maintenance or operation of the proposed facilities; (b} does not take into consideratlon the structural stability of any units or part of this project; and (c) does not release the permittee from compliance wilh other applicable statutes of the State of Illinois, or other applicable local law, regu!a!ions or ordinances.
P. Plans and specifications of all treatment equipment being included as part of !he stormwater management practice shall be included in the SWPPP.
Page 15 NPDES Permit No. ll0048321 Special Conditions Q. Construction activities which result from treatment equipment installation, including clearing, grading and excavation activities which result ln the disturbance of one acre or more of land area, are not covered by this authorization. The pem,ittee shall contact the 1EPA regarding the required permit(s).
REPORTING R. The facility shall submit an electronic copy of the annual inspection report to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, The report shall include results of the annual facility inspection which is required by Part I of this condition. The report shall also include documentation of any event (spill, treatment uni! malfunction, etc.} whlch would require an inspection, results of the inspection, and any subsequent corrective maintenance activity. The report shall be completed and signed by the authorized facility employee(s) who conducted the inspecfon(s), The annual inspection report is considered a public document that shall be available at any reasonable lime upon request.
S. The first report shall contain information gathered during the one-year time period beginning with July 1s1 of each year and shall be submitted no later than September 30th after this one year period has expired. Each subsequent report sha!! contain the previous year's information and shall be submitted by September 30 th of the following year.
T. If the facility performs inspections more frequently than required by this permit. the results shall be included as additional information in the annual report U. The permittee shall retain the annual inspection report on me at least 3 years. This period may be extended by request of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency at any time.
Annual inspection reports shall be submitted electronically at epa.npdes.inspeclion( or mailed to the following address:
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Bureau of Waler Compliance Assurance Section Annual Inspection Report 1021 North Grand Avenue East Post Office Box 19276 Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276 V. The permittee shall notify any regulated small municipal separate storm sewer owner (MS4 Community) to which they discharge that they maintain coverage under an individual NPDES permit. The permittee shall submit any SWPPP or any annual inspection to the MS4 community upon request by the MS4 community.
Withdrawal from and discharge to adjacent impoundments in which permittee has water rights is permitted during periods of low flow in the Kankakee River, when the station must decouple its operation from the river.
No monitoring is required for this permitted activity, The IEPA shall be promptly notified cluring such operations.
SPECIAL CONDITION i 1. The Permi!tee shaH record monitoring results on Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) electronic forms using one such form for each outfall each month.
In the event that an outfall does not discharge during a monlh!y reporting period, the DMR Form shall be submitted with no discharge indicated, The Permittee is required to submit electronic DMRs (NetDMRs) instead of mailing paper DMRs to the !EPA unless a waiver has been granted by the Agency. More information, including registralion information for the NetDMR program, can be obtained on the IEPA website,!water-guality/surface-water/neldmr/Pageslguick-answer-guide.aspx.
The completed Discharge Monitoring Report forms shall be submitted to IEPA no later than the 28th day of the following month, unless otherwise specified by the permlUing authority.
Permittees that have been granted a waiver shall mail Discharge Monitoring Reports with an original signature to the IEPA at the following address:
Page 16 NPDES Permit No. IL0048321 Special Conditions Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Division of Waler Pollution Control Attention: Compliance Assurance Section, Mail Code# 19 1021 North Grand Avenue East Post Office Box 19276 Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276 SPECIAL CONDITION 12. The provisions of 40 CFR Section 122.41 (m} & (n} are incorporated herein by reference .
.SPECIAL CONDITION 13. The Agency has reviewed the Oil Separator Oil Level Quarterly Surveillance (Document OBwOS OD-01) standard operating procedures plan.
This surveillance in conjunction with effluent limits and monitoring requirements shall be conducted as described in the plan.
Any maintenance activities required as a result of these inspections shall be recorded and submitted to the Agency on a semi-annual basis with the July and January DMRs for the preceding six-month period.
SPECIAL COND!TION i4. Debris collected on intake screens is prohibited from being discharged back to the river. Debris does not include living fish or other living aquatic organisms.
SPECIAL CONDfflON 15. Slowdown Line Vacuum Breaker Monitoring The permittee shall at all limes operate a continuous monitoring system in each vacuum breaker vault in which there is an operating vacuum breaker to wam of any wastewater release from the vacuum breakers. In the event !hat the Station's monitoring system is not functioning, the permittee shall have staff provide continuous visual verification during any discharge at the Station through the biowdown line that the vacuum breaker is functioning properly until the vault monitoring system resumes i!s proper function. In the event a release occurs from a malfunctioning vacuum breaker on the blowdown line, the permittee shall immediately collect a!! released water that has not entered the soil or surface water until the Station's blowdown line is repaired and ensure that !he collected waler that is ultimately discharged lo !he environment is in compliance with al! applicable requirements of the Act, Board regulations, the terms of the NPDES permit, and NRC regulations. The permittee shall take al! reasonable action to determine the cause of release from the blowdown line and to repair the probtem to haft further releases as soon as possible. tn the event a release occurs the permittee shall notify the fllinois EPA within24-hours of becoming aware of the release.
In the event the permittee shall require the use or change (increase of feed rate or quantity) of water treatment additives other than those previously approved by this Agency or provided in the renewal application, the permittee sha!I request a modification of this permit in accordance with the Standard Conditions - Attachment H.
The following information must be submitted lo the Agency for review and approval prior to the additive's use.
: i. Brand name.
: 2. The function of the water treatment additive.
: 3. The Material Safety Data Sheet. (MSDS) for the additive, which must include:
: a. Product lngredients.
: b. Aquatic life toxicity estimates for the product
: 4. The proposed application rate of the product, including:
: a. The frequency and duration of usage.
: b. The dose (ppm) and the application rate (gallons/day) within the system.
: c. The volume (MGD) of water the product is applied into.
: 5. Information regarding the fate of the product within the system, such as:
: a. Neutralization - Dechlorination or pH buffering.
: b. Degradation - Breakdown within the system, with a retention pond, or from biological treatment
: c. lntema! dilution with other waste streams prior lo outfall.
: 6. A flow diagram showing the point of application within the system.
: 7. The final outfall from which the additive would be discharged.
: 8. The estimated concentration of the final product.
The addrtive shall not be used until Agency approval has been issued.
Page 17 NPDES Permit No. IL0048321 Sf'ECIA.L C,:QND!TION 17. The fadlity utilizes a closed-cycle recirculal!ng cooling system with a 2,537-acre cooling pond for cooling of piant condensers. and is delermined to be the equivalent of Best Technotogy Available (STA) for cooling water intake structures to prevent/minimize impingement mortahty and entrainment provisions of 40 CFR i25.94{c) and 40 CFR 125.94{d), respectively, because it allows !he facility lo only withdraw the amount of water necessary for maintaining the level of the cooling pond. Entrainment is further minlmized at the facility by reducing intake flow during the peak entrainment penod as oumned in Special Condition 8.
The permitlee has submitted information on the cooting water intake structure operation in accordance with Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act This permit may also be revised or modified in accordance with any laws, regulations, or judicial orders pursuant to Sectfon 3 i 6(b) of !he Clean Water Act.
Nothing in this pemiit authorizes take for the purposes of a facility's compliance with the Endangered Special Act.
8-Hour Composite Sample means a combination of at least Attachment H                                    sample aliquots of at least 100 milliliters, collected at period1 intervals during the operating hours of a facility over an 8-hour perio, Standard Conditions Flow Proportional Composite Sample means a combination c Definitions                                  sample aliquots of at least 100 milliliters collected at penodic interval such that either the time interval bel:'.veen each aliquot or the volum*
Act means !he Illinois Environmental Protection Act, 415 ILCS 5 as          of each aliquot 1s proporti,onal to either the stream flow at the time c Amended                                                                    sampling or the total stream flow since the collection of the previou aliquot.
Agency means the 111ino,s Environmental Protection Agency.
( 1} Duty to comply. The pe1111ittee must comply with al! condition Board means the Illinois Pollution Control Board                                  of this permit Any permit noncompliance constitutes a viola!lo*
of the Act and 1s grounds for enforcement action, perm Clean Water Act (formerly referred to as the Federal Water Pollution              termination, revocation and reissuance, modification, or fc Control Act) means Pub L 92,500, as amended 33 U.S.C. 1251 et                    denial of a penrnt renewal application. The permittee sha seq.                                                                              comply with effluent standards or prohibitions established unde Section 307(a) of the Clean Water Act for toxic pollutants withi, NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System} means                    the time provided in the regulations that establish thes, the national program for issuing, modifying, revoking and reissuing,              standards or prohibitions. even if the permit has not yet bee terminating, monitoring and enforcing permits, and imposing and                  modified to incorporate the requirements.
enforcing pretreatment requirements, under Sections 307, 402, 318          (2) Duty to reapply If the permittee wishes to continue an activit and 405 of the Clean Water Ac!.                                                  regulated by this permit after the expiration date of this permi the permittee must apply for and obtain a new permit. !f th, USEPA means the United States Environmental Protection Agency.                    permittee submf!s a proper application as required by th,
              .              .                                                    Agency no later than 180 days prior to the expiration date, thi Dally Discharge means !he discharge of a poUulant measured                        permit shall continue in full force and effect until the final Agenc during a calendar day or any 24-hour period that reasonably                      decision on the application has been made.
represents the calendar day for purposes of sampling. For pollutants        (3) Need to halt or reduce activity not a defense. It shall not b, with limitations expressed in units of mass, the 'dai!y discharge' is            a defense for a permittee in an enforcement action that it woul calculated as the total mass of the pollutant discharged over the day,            have been necessary to hall or reduce the permitted activity i For pollutants with limitations expressed in other units of                      order to maint 9 ii\.compliance with the conditions of this permit.
measurements, the "daily discharge" is calculated as the average            (4) Duty to mitigate . The permittee shall take all reasonable step measurement of the pollutant over the day.                                        to minimize or prevent any discharge in violation of this perm which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting huma, Maximum Daily Discharge Limitation (daily maximum} means !he                      health or the envlronment highest allowable daily discharge.                                          (5) Proper operation and maintenance. The permittee shall at a times properly operate and maintain all facilities and systems c Average Monthly Discharge Limitation (30 day average) means                        treatment and control {and related appurtenances} which ar the highest al!owabte average of daily discharges over a ca!endar                installed or used by the pem1ittee to achieve compliance wit month, calculated as the sum of all daily discharges measured during              conditions of this permit. Proper operation and mainlenano a calendar month divided by the number of daily discharges                        includes effective performance, adequate funding, adequat measured during that month.                                                        operator staffing and training, and adequate laboratory an process controls, including appropriate quality assuranc Average Weekly Discharge Limitation (7 day average) means the                      procedures. This provision requires the operation of back-up. c highest altowable average of daily discharges over a calendar week,                auxiliary facilities, or similar systems only when necessary t calculated as the sum of all daily discharges measured during a                    achieve compliance with the conditions of the permit.
calendar week divided by the number of daily discharges measured            (6) Permit actions. This permit may be modified, revoked an during that week.                                                                  reissued, or terminated for cause by the Agency pursuant iq 4 CFR 122.62 and 40 CFR 122.63. The filing of a request by th Best Management Practices (BMPs) means schedules of activities,                    permittee for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and other                      or termination, or a notification of planned changes c management practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of waters of              anticipated noncompliance, does not stay any permit condition the State. 8MPs also include treatment requirements, operating              (7) Property rights. This permit does not convey any propert procedures, and practices to control plant site runoff, spillage or                rights of any sort, or any exclusive privilege.
leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or drainage from raw material                (8) Duty to provide information. The permitlee shall furnish to th storage.                                                                          Agency within a reasonable time, any information which th Agency may request to determine whether cause exists k Aliquot means a sample of specified volume used to make up a total                modifying, revoking and reissuing, or terminating this permit, c composite sample.                                                                  to determine compHance with the permit. The permitlee sha also furnish to the Agency upon request, copies of record Grab Sample means an individual sample of at least        too milliliters        required to be kept by this permit.
collected at a randomly-selected lime over a period not exceeding 15 minutes.                                                                    (9) Inspection and entry. The permitlee shall allow an authorize representative of the Agency or US EPA {including an authorize 24-Hour Composite Sample means a combination of at least 8                        contractor acting as a representative of the Agency or USEPA sample aliquots of at least 100 milliliters, collected at periodic                upon the presentation of credentials and other documents a inteNa!s during the operating hours of a facility over a 24-hour period.          may be required by law, to:
(a) Enter upon the permittee*s premises where a regulated facility or activity is located or conducted, or where record
Page i9 must be kept under the conditions of this perm;t;                                The autnonzat1on specifies either an individual or (b) Have access lo and copy, al reasonab!e limes. any                                position responsible for the overall operation of th records that must be kepi under the conditions of this                          facility, from which the discharge originates, such as permit                                                                          plant manager, superintendent or person of equivaler (c) Inspect at reasonable times any lacilities, equipment                            responsibility; and (including monitoring ood control equipment). practices. or                {3) The written authorization is submitted to the Agency operations regulated or required under this permit; and              (c) Changes of Authorization. If an authorization under {t (d) Sample or monitor at reasonable limes, for the purpose of                  is no longer accurate because a different individual c assuring permit compliance. or as otherwise authorized by                  position has responsibility for the overall operation of th the Act, any substances or parameters at any location.                    facility, a new authorization satisfying the requirements (
(b} must be submitted lo the Agency prior to or togeth, (10) Monitoring and records                                                          with any reports, information, or applications to be signe (a) Samples and measurements taken for the purpose of                          by an authorized representative.
monitoring shall be representative or the monitored activity.        {d} Certification. Any person signing a document undE (b) The permittee shall retain records of a!! monitoring                        paragraph (a) or (b) of this section shall make !he fol!owin informaifon, induding all calibration and maintenance                      certification:
records, and all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation, copies of all reports required by              l certify under penalty of law !hat this document and e this permit, and records of all data used to complete !he                  attachments were prepared under my direction c application for this permit, for a period of    at least 3 years          supervision in with a system designed t from the date of this permit, measurement, report or                      assure that qualified personnel properly gather an application. Records related to the permittee's sewage                    evaluate lhe information submitted. Based on my inquir sludge use and disposal activiUes shall be retained for a                  of the person or persons who manage the system, orthos period of at least five years ( or longer as required by 40 CFR            persons directly responsible for gathering the informatior Part 503). This period may be extended by request of the                  the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledg Agency or USEPA at any time.                                              and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware thf (c) Records of monitoring information shall include:                            there are significant penalties for submitting fals (1) The date, exact place, and time of sampling or                        information. including the possibility of fine an measurements;                                                        imprisonment for knowing violations.
(2) The indiv1dual(s} who performed the sampling or measurements;                                              (12) Reporting requirements.
(3) The date(s) analyses were performed;                              {a} Planned changes. The permiitee shall give notice to th (4) The individua!{s) who performed the analyses;                          Agency as soon as possible of any planned physic, (5) The analytical techniques or methods used; and                          alterations or additions to lhe permitted facility.
(6) The results of such analyses.                                          Notice is required when:
(d) Monitoring must be conducted according to test procedures                  (1} The aiteration or addition to a permitted facility ma approved under 40 CFR Part 136, unless other test                                meet one of the criteria for determining whether procedures have been specified in this permit. Where no                          facility is a new source pursuant to 40 CFR 122.29 (b test procedure under 40 CFR Part 136 has been approved.                          or the i,ermitte'e must submit to the Agency a test method for                (2) The alteration or addition could significantly chang approval.      The permittee shall calibrate and perform                          the nature or increase the quantity of pollutant maintenance procedures on all monitoring and analytical                          discharged. This notification applies to pollutant instrumentation at inte1Vals to ensure accuracy of                                which are subject neither to effluent limitations in th measurements.                                                                    permit, nor to notification requirements pursuant to 4 CFR 122.42 (a)(1).
( 1 i) Signatory requirement. Al! applications, reports or information              (3) The alteration or addition results in a significar submitted to the Agency shall be signed and certified                                change in the permlttee's sludge use or dispos, (a) Application. All permit applications shall be signed as                          practices, and such alteration, addition, or chang follows:                                                                        may justify the application of permit conditions that ar (1) For a corporation: by a principal executive officer of at                  d,fferenl from or absent in the existing permi least !he level of vice president or a person or position                  including not\lication of additional use or disposal site having overall responsibility for environmental matters                    not reported during !he permit application process c for the corporation:                                                      not reported pursuant to an approved land applicatio (2) For a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general                      plan.
partner or the proprielor, respectively; or                    (b) Anticipated noncompliance. The permlttee shall giv (3) For a municipality. State, Federal, or other public                  advance notice to the Agency of any planned changes i agency: by either a principal execu!!Ve officer or                  the permitted facility or activity whlch may result i ranking elected official.                                            noncompliance with permit requirements.
(b) Reports.      Al! reports required by permits, or other              (c) Transfers. This permil is not transferable to any perso information requested by the Agency shall be signed by a                  except after notice to the Agency.
person described in paragraph {a) or by a duly authonzed            {d) Compliance schedules.              Reports of compliance <
representative of that person.          A person is a duly                noncompliance with, or any progress reports on, interi1 authorized representative only if:                                        and final requirements contained in any complianc
( 1) The authorization is made in writing by a person                    schedule of this permit shall be submitted no latei: than 1 described ln paragraph (a); and                                      days foflowing each schedule date.
(e) Monitoring reports. Monitoring results shall be reporte at the intervals specified elsewhere in this permit.
(1) Monitoring results must be reported on a Discharg Monitoring Report (DMR).
PagB 20
( 2 J If the permittee monitors any pollutant more frequently          (c) Notice, than required by the permit using lest procedures                      ( 1) Anticipated bypass. if the permi!tee knows i, approved under 40 CFR 136 or as specified in the                                advance of the need for a bypass, it shall subm pem1it, the results of this monitoring shall be included                        prior notice, if possible al leas! ten days before th, in the calculation and reporting of the data submitted                          date of the bypass.
in !heDMR                                                              (2) Unanticipated bypass. The permittee shall subm
{3} Cak;uiations for all !imitations which require averaging                          notice of an unanticipated bypass as required i1 of measurements shall utilize an arithmetic mean                                paragraph (12)(il {24-hour notice).
unress otherwise specified by the Agency in the                  (d) Prohibition of bypass.
permit.                                                                ( 1 ) Bypass is prohibited, and the Agency may tak, (fl  Twenty-four hour reporting. The permlttee shall report                                enforcement action against a permittee for bypas;;
any noncompliance which may endanger hea!!h or the                                    unless:
environment Any information shall be provided orally                              (i) Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life within 24-hours from the time the permittee becomes                                      personal injury, or severe property damage; aware of Hie circumstances, A written submission shall                            (ii) There were no feasible alternatives to th, also be provided within 5 days of the time the permlttee                                bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatmer becomes aware of the circumstances,              The written                            facilities, retention of untreated wastes, o submission shall contain a description of the                                            maintenance during normal              periods c noncompliance and            its  cause;    the period      of                          equipment downtime, This condition is nc noncompliance, including exact dates and time; and if the                                satisfied if adequate back-up equlpment shouli noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated                                    have been installed in the - exercise c lime it is expected to continue: and steps taken or planned                              reasonable engineering judgment to prevent ,
to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the                                    bypass which occurred during normal periods c noncompliance.        The following shaH be included as                                equipment        downtime        or    preventivi information which must be reoorted within 24-hours:                                      maintenance; and
{ 1) Any unanticipated bypas's which exceeds any effluent                        (iii) The permittee submitted notices as require, limitation in the permit.                                                          under paragraph (13)(c).
{2) Any upset which exceeds any effluent limitation in the                    (2) The Agency may approve an anticipated bypass permit.                                                                        after considering its adverse effects, if the AgenC' (3} Violation of a maximum daily discharge limitation for                            determines that ii will meet the three condition, any of !he pollutants listed by the Agency in the permit                        listed above in paragraph (i3)(d)(1).
or any pollutant which may endanger health or !he          (14) Upset envfrnnment                                                    (a) Definition. Upset means an exceptional incident in whicl The Agency may waive the written report on a case-                  there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance will by-case basis if the oral report has been received                  technology based permit effluent limitations because c within 24-hours.                                                    factors beyond the reasonable control of the permittee, Ai (g)  Other noncompliance. The permittee shall report all                      upset does not include noncompliance to the ex!er.
instances of noncompliance not reported under                            caused by operational error, improperly designe, paragraphs (12) (d), (e), or (f)', at the lime monitoring                treatment facilities,, inadequate treatment facilities, lack c reports are submitted. The reports shall contain the                      preventive maintenance, or careless or imprope information listed in paragraph (12) {f),                                operation.
(hl  Other information. Where the permillee becomes aware                  (b} Effect of an upset. An upset constitutes an affirmativ1 that it failed to submit any relevant facts in a permit                  defense to an action brought for noncompliance with sucl application, or submitted incorrect information in a permit              technology based permit effiuent limitations if th1 application, or in any report to the Agency, it shall promptiy            requirements of paragraph (14)(c) are met.                      Ni submit such facts or information,                                        determination made during administrative review of claim that noncompliance was caused by upset, and before a1 (13)    Bypass.                                                                    action for noncompliance, is final administrative adia1 (a) Definitions.                                                          subject to judicial review.
(1) Bypass means the intentional diversion of waste                (c) Conditions necessary for a demonstration of upset. I streams from any portion of a treatment facility                  permittee who wishes to establish the affirmative defens1 (2) Severe property damage means substantial physical                  of upset shall demonstrate, through properly signec damage to property, damage to the treatment                      contemporaneous operating logs, or other relevar facihties which causes them to become inoperable.,                evidence !hat:
or substantial and permanent loss of natural                      ( 1) An upset occurred and th al the permittee can idenlif resources which can reasonably be expected to                          the cause(s) of the upset; occur in !he absence of a bypass. Severe property                (2) The permitted facility was at the lime being properl' damage does not mean economic loss caused by                          operated; and delays in production.                                            (3} The permittee submitled notice of the upset as require, (b) Bypass not exceeding limitations. The permlttee may                        in paragraph (12)(f)(2) (24-hour noHce).
allow any bypass to occur which does not cause                      (4) The permittee complied with any remedial measure effluent limitations to be exceeded, but only if It also is              required under paragraph (4).
for essential maintenance to assure efficient operation          (d) Burden of proof. In any enforcement proceeding th These bypasses are not subject to the provisions of                  permittee seeking to establish the occurrence of an ups paragraphs (13)(c} and (13)((:1).                                    has the burden of proof.
Pt* g,e 21
\ 15)    Transfer of permits          Permits may be transferred by              (b) Toxic pollutant effluent standards and pretreatmer modification or automatic transfer as described below:                          standards pursuant to Section 307 of the Clean Water A.c (a) Transfers by modification.          Except as provided in                  and paragraph (b), a permit may be transferred by the                    (c) Inspection, monitoring and entry pursuant to Section 30 permiltee to a new owner or operator only if lhe permit has                of the Clean Water Act.
been modified or revoked and reissued pursuant to 40            ( 19) If an applicable standard or limitation 1s promulgated undE CFR 122.62 (bl (2). or a minor modification made pursuant            Section 301(b)(2)(C) and (D), 304(b)(2), or 307{a)(2) and the to 40 CFR 122.63 (d), to identify !he new permittee and              effluent standard or !imitation is more stringent than any eflluer incorporate such other requirements as may be necessary              llmitation in the permit, or controls a pollutant not limited in lh under the Clean Water Act.                                            permit, the permit shall be promptly modified or revoked, an (b) Automatic transfers. As an alternalwe to transfers under              reissued to conform to that effluent standard or limitation.
paragraph (a), any NPDES perrn,t may be automatically          (20)  Any authorization to construct issued lo the permittee pursuar transferred to a new permittee if:                                    to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 309.154 is hereby incorporated b
( 1) The current permittee notifies lhe Agency at !east 30            reference as a condition of this permit.
days in advance of the proposed transfer date;            (21)  The permittee sha!I no! make any false statemen (2) The notice includes a *written agreement between the              representation or certification in any application, record, repor existing and new permatees containing a specified date          plan or other document submitted to the Agency or the USEP.<l for transfer of permit responsibility, coverage and              or required lo be maintained under this permit.
liability between the existing and new permittees: pnd    (22)  The Clean Water Act provides that any person who violates (3) The Agency does not notify the existing permi!tee and            permit condition implementing Sections 301, 302, 306, 30i the proposed new permiltee of its intent to modify or            308, 318, or 405 of th_e C!ean Water Act is subject to a civ revoke and reissue the permit. If this notice is not            penalty not to exceed $25,000 per day of such violation. An received, the transfer is effective on the date specified        person who willfully or negligently violates permit condition in the agreement                                                implementing Sections 301, 302, 306, 307, 308, 318 or 405 c (16) All manufacturing, commercial, mining, and si!vicultural                      the Clean Water Act is subject to a fine of not less than $2,50*
dischargers must notify the Agency as soon as they know or                nor more than $25,000 per day of violation, or by imprisonmer have reason to believe:                                                    for not more than one year, or both.
(a) That any activity has occurred or will occur which would              Additional penalties for violating these sections ofthe Clean result in the discharge of any toxic pollutant identified            Water Act are identified in 40 CFR 122.41 {a)(2) and (3).
under Section 307 of the Clean Water Act which is not          (23)  The Clean Water Act provides that any person who falsifief limited in the permit, if that discharge wi!l exceed the              tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any monitorin, highest of the following notification levels:
* device or method required to be maintained under !his perm (1) One hundred micrograms per liter (100 ugl!);                      shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more Iha (2) Two hundred micrograms per liter (200 ug/1) for                  $10,000. or by imprisonment for not more than 2 years, or bott acrolein and ac,ylonitri!e; five hundred micrograms            if a conviction of a person is for a violation commltted after per liter (500 ug,1) for 2,4-dinitrophenol and for 2-          first convictlon of such person under this paragrapt methyl-4.6 dinitrophenol; and one milligram per titer (i        punishment is a fine of not more than $20,000 per day c mgil) for antimony.                                            violation, or by imprisonment of not more than 4 years, or bolt (3) Five {5) times the maximum concentratitm value              (24}  The Clean Water Act provides that any person who knowing!
reported for that pollutant in the NPDES permit                makes any false statement, representation, or certification i application; or                                                any record or other document submitted or required to b (4) The level established by the Agency in this permit                maintained under this permit, including monitoring reports c (b) That they have begun qr expect lo begin to use or                      reports of compliance or non-compliance shall, upo manufacture as an intermediate or final product or                    conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $10.000 pe byproduct any toxic pollutant which was not reported in the          violation. or by imprisonment for not more than 6 months PE NPDES permit application.                                            violation, or by both.
(i7) All Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs} must provide                (25)  Collected screening, slurries, sludges, and other solids shall b adequate notice to the Agency of the following:                            disposed of in such a manner as to prevent entry of !hos (a) Any new introduction of pol!u!ants into that POTW from an              wastes (or runoff from the wastes) into waters of the State. Th indirect discharge which would be subject to Sections 301              proper authorization for such disposal shall be obtained fror or 306 of lhe Clean Water Act if it were directly discharging          the Agency and is incorporated as part hereof by reference.
those pollutants: and                                          (26)  In case of conflict bet-,veen these standard conditions and an (b} Any substantial change in the volume or character of                    other condition(s) included in this permit, the other condition(~
pollutants being introduced into that POTW by a source                shall govern.
introducing pollutants into the POTW at the time of            (27)  The permi\tee shaU comply with, in addition to the requirement issuance of the permit.                                              of the pem1it, all applicable provisions of 35 !IL Adm. Code (c) For purposes of !his paragraph, adequate notice shall                  SubtiUe C, Subtitle D, Subtitle E, and all applicable orders <
include information on {i) the quality and quantity of effluent        ihe Board or any court with jurisdiction.
introduced into the POTW, and (ii) any an!lcipated impact      (28)  The provisions of this permit are severable, and if any provisio of !he change on the quantity or quality of effluent to be            of this permit, or the application of any provision of !his perm discharged from lhe POTW ..                                            is held invalid, the remaining provisions of this permit sha
( 18) If the permit is issued to a publicly owned or publicly regulated            continue in full force and effect.
treatment works, the permittee shall require any industrial user of such treatment works to comply wilh federal requirements concerning:
(a) User charges pursuant to Section 204 (b) of the Clean            (Rev, 7-9-2010 bah)
Water Act, and applicable regulations appearing in 40 CFR 35:}}

Latest revision as of 11:01, 18 November 2021