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#REDIRECT [[LIC-90-0632, Monthly Operating Rept for Jul 1990 for Fort Calhoun Station Unit 1]]
| number = ML20058P138
| issue date = 07/31/1990
| title = Monthly Operating Rept for Jul 1990 for Fort Calhoun Station Unit 1
| author name = Gates W, Stice D
| author affiliation = OMAHA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT
| addressee name =
| docket = 05000285
| license number =
| contact person =
| document report number = LIC-90-0632, LIC-90-632, NUDOCS 9008160097
| page count = 8
{    .; .,
Omaha Public Power District 444 South 16th Street Mall Omaha. Nebraska 68102-2247 :
402/636-2000 August-13, 1990
V. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk                                                      :
Mail Station Pl-137 Washington, DC 20555
Docket No. 50-285 l
July Monthly Operating Report (MOR)
Please find enclosed the July 1990 Monthly Operating Report for the Fort Calhoun Station Unit No. I as required by Technical Specification Section 5.9.1.
If you should have any questions, please contact me.
              ' Sincerely, W. G. Gates Division Ma ger                                                                  ,
Nuclear Operations                                                                  '
WGG/sel Enclosures                                                                        ;
c:    LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby & MacRae R. D. Martin, NRC' Regional Administrator, Region IV R. P. Mullikin, NRC Senior Resident. Inspector D. K. Sentell,. Combustion Engineering R. J. Simon, Westinghouse
                    ' Office of Management & Program Analysis (2)
Nuclear Safety Analysis Center INP0 Records Center                                                gj[
American. Nuclear Insurers                                          pI 900816o097hhhk
          .[DR      =ADOCK        o gg PDC Employment  Eq Opcatunity            / g' i
                , L AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL DOCKET NO.      50-285' UNIT          -Fort Calhoun Station DATE            August 13, 1990-COMPLETED BY D. L. Stice TELEPHONE-      (402)636-2474
                                                                                                              .l MONTH        July 1990 DAY    . AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL            DAY    AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL; (MWe-Net)                                  (MWe-Net) l
:1.                468                        17-              472'                    l
                    -2                  467'                      181 472 3                467-                      19-                471                    j
                    ~4                467                      ' 20 ' .            471                      1 5                468                        21'                473 6                469                        22-                473-7                471                        23.                474                    :;
8              -469                                                                    "
24'                475 9                470                        25                474 10                470%,                      26-                475                        ;
11'                471                        27                -473'                    o 12                474                        28                473                        I 13                476                      .29                472                        i 14                476                        30                472 15                475                        31                472 16                473 l
INSTRUCTIONS On'this form, list the average daily unit power level in MWe-Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.
f s    -                                                                          )
DOCKET N0.                                50-285 UNIT                                    Fort Calhoun Station                                  l DATE                                    August 13, I F                                        '
COMPLETED BY D. L. Stice                                                                      ,
I 1 TELEPHONE                                (402)636-2474 OPERATING STATUS' W
: 1.      Unit Name: ' Fort Calhoun' Station                                                      Notes                                                          l r
: 2.      Reporting Period:          July 1990                                                                                                                  ,
: 3.      Licensed Thermal Power (MWt):                1500
: 4.      NameplateRating(GrossMWe):                  502-
: 5.      Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): -478
: 6.                                                            502                                                                                                ,
: 7.      Maximum. Dependable Capacity-((Gross          '
Maximum Dependable' Capacity- Net MWe)(:'If changes occur in Capacity Ratings
: 8.                                                                                                  ' '
Give Reasons:-                                            <
1 N/A-L.          9. PowerLeveltoWhichRestricted,IfAny(NetMWe):                                  N/A                                                                              i L          10. Reasons for Restrictions;'If Any:                  N/A v
This Month'        .Yr-to-DateL                                      Cumulative 11.. Hours in Reporting Piriod                                      744.0                              5,087.0                          147,697.0              t
: 12. Number of Hours-Reactor was Critical                            744.0                              2,755.6                          113,921.9              ~
: 13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown. Hours                                    0.0-                                                0.0-          1,309.5
: 14. Hours Generator _0n-Line                              _
744.0                        -2,600.7                              112,606.1
: 15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours                                        0.0  .                                              0.0                0.0              t
: 16. Gross Thermal Energy. Generated (MWH)'                  1,112,248.1-        3,602,976.6                                        147,218,087.8            -i
: 17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated-(MWH) 368,010.0;                          1,177,148.0                                          48,387,256.2            1
: 18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)_
350,967.2        1,119,091.2                                          46,186,644.0
: 19. Unit Service Factor                                        100.0-                                51.1-                              76.2
: 20. Unit. Availability Factor                                  100.0                                  51.1                              76.2 21 '. UnitCapacityFactor-(UsingMDCNet)                    ,
98.7                                  46.0-                              67.9
        .22.- Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net)                        98.7                                  46.0                              66.3                -!
: 23. Unit Forced Outage Rate                                        0.0                                      0.0-                          2.9 1          24. ShutdownsScheduledOverNext6 Months (Type,Dateiand--Durs'                                                                n of-Each):
NONE                                                                                              '
: 25.        If. Shut Down at End of Report Period, Estimated Date of Startup:,                                                    N/A
: 26. UnitsInTestStatus(PriortoCommercialOperation): Forcast                                                                      Achieved INITIAL CRITICALITY
                                  ' INITIAL ELECTRICITY              N/A COMERCIAL OPERATION
    ,                      ,        ,                                                                                                                      ,,...~.--.r
A o      .."
DOCKET NO. 50-285-                                              ..
UNIT NAfE Fort Calhoun Station DATE August 13, 1990 UNIT SHUTDOWHS AND POWER REPUCTIC*:S                                  C0pFLETED BY D. L. Stice TELEPHONE (402) 636-2474 REPORT MONTH July 1990 5                                                  ~
E            E                Ucensee            g g'                g                                cause a m No.        Date .
                                        .E g
g 5          jjg g              Event dg y
Acton to e                                iI a                      e
:          g4=j ae,-t e 9
3 8
                                                                                                                                                                              ~ There were no unit shutdowns or power reductions during the month of -July, 1990.
I                                                                                                                                4 2                                                                                                          3 1
Methoet                                            Exfedt G - Instructions F-Forced              Reasort 14denual                                            for Preparation of Data.
S-Scheduled          A-Eqidpment Fagure (Explain) 2-4denomi Scram                                    Entry Shoots for Uconese B-Meintenance er Test 3-Automette Scram                                  Event Report A fee INUREG-01811 C-RefueEng D-Regulatory Restriction                                                                                          4-Other Stadeir$
5 E-Operator Training a Ucense Exandnation Exfedt 1 - Some Source F-Administattwe G-Operational Error                    .
H-Other (Explain)
                                                    -.                                                - - . . - -            - - - -            . - -    - - - - - -        - -                  .L
h        .Q f  ''
(                                      '
                                            ~ Refueling-Information Fort Calhoun'- Unit No.-1 Report for the month ending July 1990~
  . 1. Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown.                      Seotember 1991
: 2. Scheduled date for restart following refueling.                  November 1991
: 3. L Will refueling-or resumption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other? license amendment?                              Yes
: a. If answer is'yes, what, in general, will                                                q these'be?;                                                                                i Incorporate ' specific
                                                                          - requirements - resul_ ting 1 from reload, safety >
                                                                            . analysis..                    ;
: b. If answer is no,.has the reload fuel design and                                        -  !
core-configuration'been reviewed by.your P1 ant-                                    *    '
Safety Review Committee to determine whether any unreviewed safety questions are associated with the core reload.
: c. If no such review has taken place, when-is                  .
i it' scheduled?                                            N/A
: 4. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed 11icensing action and support information.
June 1991 L
: 5. Important licensing considerations associated                                                    I with refueling, e.g., new or different' fuel design or supplier; unreviewed design or performance' analysis' methods, significant changes in. fuel design, new operating                                                            ,
i procedures.                                                      New fuel supplier                  ,
New LOCA'Analvsis'
: 6. The number of fuel assemblies: a) in the core                    133 ' Assemblies b) in the spent fuel pool-      477 Assemblies c) spent. fuel pool storage-d capacity-                  729 Assemblies d) planned spent fuel pool      Planned to be increased storage capacity          with higher density spent          !
fuel racks.
: 7. The projected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the spent fuel pool assuming the present licensed capacity.                                              1994*                              '
Capability of full core offload of 133 assemblies lost.
  ~ Prepared by          E ~- Mb                          Date 8'?-9d                                              I
e OMAHA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1                                        ,
                                                              - July .1990
                                                    ' Monthly Operating Report I. OPERATIONS
l L                        Fort Calhoun Station operated at a nominal 100% power for the month of July 1990. The Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INP0) annual evaluation-                  '
exit and the corporate evaluation were held in July. The NRC Systematic                l Assessment-of Licensee Performance (SALP) briefing was held on July-26, 1990.
Full flow testing of-the-motor driven and turbine driven auxiliary-feedwater pumps using a' recirculation line was. conducted for the first time              '
to verify the baseline pump curves. The turbine driven pump-speed control                  ,
                        . loop and back-pressure trip were also_ verified.                                          :
                        -Pre-operational testing for'the new diesel engine-driven auxiliary                          '
feedwater pumt has been completed. Flow testing of the.pum) was'in progress at tie end of the month. The engine-driven pump s1ould be operable in August 1990 barring any unforeseen. circumstances.
Investigation of emergency diesel generator (DG) cooling problems continued -
in July with DG room temperature profiles being generated during DG operation. The water / antifreeze coolant mixture for DG-2 was' replaced with
L water and a corrosion inhibitor, as was done with DG-1 in June, to aid in heat transfer capability. An electrical load capacity curve for the DGs with respect to ambient air temperature has been issued.                                  ,
The following NRC inspections took p1~ ace in July:
IR.90-32      Residents' Monthly Inspection (06/17/90 thru 07/28/90)
                        .IR 90-35        Residents' Monthly. Inspection-(from 07/29/90 to present).
The following LERs were submitted:                            Date Submitted 90-018 Error in Axial Shape Index Calibration Procedure        July 12, 1990 l,                      90-019 Automatic Start of Diesel Generators Due to            July 23, 1990
;                                  Main Turbine Trip A. SAFETY VALVES OR PORV CHALLENGES OR FAILURES hHICH OCCURRED None I
J i
'[ ;
    -Monthly Operating Report July,1990.
Page Two B. RESULTS OF LEAK RATE TESTS The results of_ the Reactor Coolant System-(RCS) Leak Rate-Tests for                  q the month of' July indicate a continuation of the very low RCS leakage                i
                . trend following the' 1990 refueling and maintenance outage. lia known .              '
leakage to the Reactor Coolant Drain Tank and the Pressurizer Quench                  !
                -Tank varied throughout the month from 0.0 to-0.051 gpm. The f.otal
                -leak rate, is the sum of both the known and unknown leak rates,                  i peaked on July 21,1990 with 0.188 gpm calculated. The highest                          !
unknown leakage was determined on July 24, 1990 as 0.164 gpm _                        1 Reactor power remained essentially constant at 100% for the' month..                  'j C. CHANGES, TESTS AND EXPERIMENTS REQUIRING NUCLEAR REGULATORY
                -COMMISSION AUTHORIZATION PURSUANT T0 10CFR50.59 Amendment No.        Descriotion; 4
No. 132              The amendment made changes to pages 5 - 1, ' 5 - 5, -.' 5 - 8, .
and 5-19a of the Technical Specifications _to ~                      ;
incorporate title changes as a result of a.                        ;
reorganization and also a partial relocation of                      i the Emergency Planning Department. In addition, a                    i title was changed in Amendmant 115 but was'omitted                  :
from page 5-19a, so this change was'also included.                  !
D. SIGNIFICANT SAFETY RE. LATED MAINTENANCE FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 199'O Significant safety-related maintenance activities the month of July 1990 are outlined below:
During the performance of ST-ESF-2 F.4 the " Auto-Start" light on.                      ,
sequencer S2-2 for Charging Pump CH-13 did.not come on after its timer timed out. The breaker for CH-1B did close,~however. Work                        ,
performed verified ~ continuity in the " Auto Start" light circuit. ..The failure was due to dirty -contacts. Post Maintenance Testing (PMT) _
was performed in accordance with OP-ST-ESF-0023, S2-2 Automatic Load                        i Sequencer Test.
The Qualified Safety Parameter Display System (QsPDS),' Channel A,' had'                    i excessive system failure alarms. The fiber optic modems were tested,                        !
removed and adjusted for zero errors..The failure was due-to the modem'on the Emergency Response Facility Computer: System end being out of adjustment. PMT was performed by monitoring for proper operation'of the system over a 24 hour period.
                                                                                                          ,1 i
4 Monthly Operating Report July-1990-
                      - Page Three.
The 125 volt direct' current Battery Charger 2 developed problems with thr, low voltage sensing relay cart. - Repairs _ required installation of                  i
                                          -a new low voltage sensing relay card. The cause of. failure was unknown.        Post Maintenance = Testing was performed in accordance with' applicable sections of EH RR-EE-0811, Maintenance of Battery Charger
                                          #2, (EE-8B) Alarm Cards.
Terry L. Patterson;                                                                                            ,
Manager-Fort Calhoun Station -
l 3--
                                                                                                                                      -I E
4 I

Latest revision as of 01:47, 3 June 2023