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#REDIRECT [[L-94-016, Forwards Safeguards Event Log Entries for Fourth Quarter 1993.Log Does Not Contain Safeguards Info as Defined by 10CFR73.21]]
| number = ML20134B491
| issue date = 01/25/1994
| title = Forwards Safeguards Event Log Entries for Fourth Quarter 1993.Log Does Not Contain Safeguards Info as Defined by 10CFR73.21
| author name = Sager D
| author affiliation = FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO.
| addressee name =
| docket = 05000335, 05000389
| license number =
| contact person =
| case reference number = FOIA-96-485
| document report number = L-94-016, L-94-16, NUDOCS 9401310414
| package number = ML20134B255
| page count = 7
P.O. BIm 128, Ft. Pierce, FL 349544128 1
P L.              January 25, 1994                                                  l l                                                                                                  .
l                                                                      L-94-016 10 CFR 73.71 l
l U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn:  Document Control, Desk Washington, D. C. 20555 Re:  St. Lucie Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-335 and 50-389 Safeguards Event Log Entries                                                            i Fourth Oimrter 1993 Pursuant to 10 CFR 73.71(c) (2), Florida Power and Light Company is submitting a copy of St. Lucie Plant Safeguards Event Log;Mtries for the period October 1, 1994 to December 31, 1994.
The enclosed material does not contain safeguards information as defined by 10 CFR 73.21.
Very truly yours, dM/D. Aer 9. g/
Vice    esident St. Le Plant DAS/Cm/kw Enclosure cc: Stewart D. Ebneter, Regional Administrator, USNRC Region II Senior Resident Inspector, USNRC, St. Lucie Plant DAS/PSL #1049-94
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1 FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT ST. LUCIE PLANT QUARTERLY EVENT LOG FOURTH QUARTER 1993                                                          .
t October 1,1993 through December 31,1993 The Plant Disciplinary Policy for individuals who cause un' secured doors was modified on February 2,1993 to increase the severity levels of discipline for .
G  @
                                                                                                                                                                                                      . I log ENTRY            EVE T                                                                                                                ptsponsg EVE %T REASON and /cr Cr1DE                                                                                        ,
Hardware Faiture    Secunty Omcer posted @ 2059. Repahd tested, back in seMee @ 2103.
10 44-93/2055 Vital Door locking mechanism o4 93/001      10-04-93/2158 inoperative.
Hardware Failure  Securtty Omcor posted @ 0357. Repaired, tested, back in service @ 0401.
10-05-93,0423    1045-93/0353    Vital Door locking mechanism o493,002 Inoperative.
Hardware Failure  Security Omoer posted @ 2235. Repaired, tested, back in seMa @ 100G-10 45-93/2234    Door # 278 SDM inoperative.
10 45-93/2300                                                                                        93,0944.
04-93/003 Human Error              CK # 1120 deeted from computer @ 0220. Access history report showed no 1048-93/0.*20    Card Key (CK) # 1120 lost on site                                unauthertzed actMty CK found, retumed to securtty, checked for signs of 04-93/004    10 48-93/0300 tampering with negattve results and retumed t) indMdual suffenng the loss.
Human Error                Securry Omcar posted @ 1329. Area searched with negative results.
10 47-93/1314    Door to Vital Area left unsecured o4 93005      10-07-93/1350 Hardware Failure    Security Omcer posted @ 1452. Repaired, tested, back in seMcs @ 1522.
10Kr93/1448      Vital Door locking mechanism 04-93/008      10-08 93/1500 inoperative.
Hardware Failure  PTZ41 dedicated @ 1729. CCTV coverage regained, post secured @ 10 09-10-08-93/1729    PZ43 CCTV inoperative.
o4.g3j007    10-08-93/1800                                                                                        93/0815.
Coverage regelned,            Repelred, tested, Poc* estabilohed              como erK=eeures soeured      back in service.
1049-93/1830                  10-10-93/0423 10-11-93/1848                10-12-93/0830 10-12-93/1842                10-13-93/0808                10-13-93/1415          ,
Ha dware Failure    Securtty Omcer posted @ 1849. Repaired, tested, back in seMoe @ 1854.
10-11-93/1849    Vitaf Door locking mechanism 04-93/008      10-11-93/2039 Inoperative.                                                                                                                                        .
Hardware Failure    Securtty Omcer posted @ 2348. Ught levels were below 0.2 footcandte power 10 11-93/234S    Partial foss of penmeter lighting 04 93!009    10-12-93/0235                                                                                        and CCTV coverage was degraded on PZ-22. Repaired,16ght back in service and CCTV re-gained @ 10-12-93,0103 Human Error                Security Omcer posted @ 2042. Circuits were turned off in preparation fbr work 10-12-93/2042      Partfal loss of perimeter lighting 04-93/010    10-12-93/2100                                                                                        on lighting prior to notmcation of security Ught drcuit tJrned back on and post secured @ 2115.
Hardware Failure  Compensatory measures in place @ 2118. System opera 6onal @ 2209. All 1412-93/2112      Muttiple IMUX Failure,.
04-93/011    10-12-93/2243                                                                                      required checks made and compensatory measures secured @ 2243.
RE- No apparent reason Human Error                Security Omcer posted @ 2330. Area searched with negative results.
10-12-93/2338    Door to Vrtal Ares left unsecured 04-93/012    10-12-93/2350 Hardware Failure    Security Omcer posted @ 1322 Repaired, tested, back in sennee @ 1420.
10 13-93/1322 Vital Door locking mechanism 04-931013    1'O 13-93/1400 inoperative.
Human Error                Security Omcer posted @ 0921. Area searched with negstive resufts.
10-15-93/0918      Door to Vital Area left unsecured.
04-93/014    10 15-93/0930 2
                              . _ ~ . _.    .- _. .            . . - . . -  .  -      ..    . ._    _          ..      . . _ . .          .-    _              .        _    -~ .
LOG EDTRY        EVEDT                                                                                                                                                        .
LOG NO. DATE/ TIME    DATE/ TIME                      EVECT                CEAS0ed and /or CODE                                            RESPONSE 04-93/015 10-19-93/1900 10-19 93/1842  Vital Door locking mechanism                  Hardware Failure  Security Omcor posted @ 1322 Repaired, tested, back in eeMoe @ 2038.
inoperative.                                                                                                                                  .
04-93/016 10-20-93/1545 10 20-93/1533  CK # 4687 lost on site                Human Error                CK # 4687 doktod from computer @ 1534. Arman history report showed no unauthortzed actMty.
04-93/017 10-21-93/1955 10 21-93/1847  Vital Door locking mechanism                  Hardware Failure  Security Omcer posted @ 1847 Repaired, tested, back in seMce @ 1850.
Inoperative.                                                                                  Repelred, tested, Poet estabilohed              boek in service 10-22-93/0215                10-22-93/0319 04-93/018 4 26-93/2355  10 26-93/2354  Vital Door locking mechanism                  Hardware Failure  Securtty Omoer pos'ed @ 2354 Repaired, tested, back in service @ 10                                          Inoperatrve.                                                    93/0707.
04-93/019 10-29-93/1920 10-29-93/1909  PZ-30 CCTV inoperative                        Hardware Failure  PTZ47 dedicated @ 1909. CCTV coverage regained, post secured @ 10                                                                                                          93/1002.
Coverage regelned.            Repelred, tested, Poet estabilohed              como measures secured        back In service 10-30-93/2029                11-01-93/0639                11-01-93/1117 04-93;D20 10 30-93/1230 10-30-93/1112  CK # 762 Inadvertently hken off site. Human Error                CK # 782 retumed to escurfty by assigned indMdual @ 1112. Access history report showed no unauthorized actrvity CK checked for signs of ^eiWig with
                                                                            .                            negative resutts and returned to indMdual.
04-93M1  10-30-93/1400 10-30-93/1331  PZ43 CCTV inoperative.                      Hardware Falture  PTZ41 dedicated @ 1331. CCTV coverage regained, post secured @ 10                                                                                                          93/1350.
04-9322  10-30-93/1900 10-30-93/1818  CK # 2275 lost on site              Humar' Error              CK # 2275 deletsr1 from computer @ 1818. Access history report showed no            '
unauthorized acIMty CK found, retumed to security, checked for signs of
                                                                                                          ^eiwW w!!h negative results and retumed to individual suffering the loss.
04-9323  11-01-93/2300 11 01-93/2154  Door to Vital Area left unsecured. Human Error                Secunty Omcer posted @ 2158. Area searched wtth negative results.
04-93/024 11-02-93/0700 11-02-93/0640  Wrong CK issued.                      Human Error                CK # 2811 lesued to wrong person, IndMdual receMng CK # 2811 should have received CK # 2911. Ck # 2811 was In the hands of security at time of discovery Both indMduals were authorized the same access levels. Access history report showed no unauthorized actMty 04-93/025 11-02-93/0900 11 02-93/0834  Door to Vrtal Area left unsecured    Human Error                Secunty Omcor posted @ 0838. Area searthed with nogettve results.
04-93/026 11-03-93/0930 11-03-93/0859  CK # 497 lost on site                Human Error                CK # 497 deleted from computer @ 0900. Armee history report showed no unauthortred ackvity CK found, retumed to securtty, checked for signs of tampering wtth negative resutts and retumed to individual su% ring the loss.
04-93/027 11-03-93/1915 11-03-93/1858  Door to Vrtal Area left unsecured    Human Error                Security Omoer posted @ 1900. Area searched wtth negative results 3
            ..        a      .  . . _ . ~ ~ - - - - . -                .    . _      . . ~ . - . _ . - - - - , - . - - - - - . -. --- ._-..                                                            . _ - -            . .-        - -        . -
6 LOG ECTRY            EVECT
* EVECT                                                REASON and /or CODE                                                                RESPONSE                              ,
LOG NO.          DATE/ TIME        DATE/ TIME PZ 03 CCTV inoperatve.                                                                Hardware Failure        PTZ-01 dedicated @ 0707. CCTV covere9e regained, poet secured @ 11 04-93/028      11-08-93/0800    11-08-93 @ 7 93/0856.                                                                    -
CK # 1089 lost on site                                        Human Error                                    CK # 1089 deleted from computer @ 0839. Access history report showed no                ;
04-93/029      11-12-93/1145    11-12-93/0838                                                                                                                                                                                                                  '
unauthorized actMty Electroruc Secunty System (ESS)                                                      Hardware Failure        Compenselory measure in piece @ 1800. System operstonal @ 1712- Mt 04 93/030      11-12-93/1750    11-12-93/1552 failure.                                                                                                      required checks made and componeetory measures escured @ 1740.
RE: Unknown at this time. Programs aborted in computer Inadvertent unlocking of a penmeter                            Human Error                                  Gate re-locked within 1 minuto Compensatory Security Omcer in place @ 0811.
04-93/031      11-14-93/1130    11 14-93/0003 gate by the ESS system-                                                                                      Gate vertfied secure and post secured @ 0815.
Vital Door locking mechanism                                                          Hardware Failure        Security Omcer posted @ 1422 Repaired, tested, back in service @ 1514.
04 93/032      11 15-93/1500    11-15-93/1422 inoperative                                                                                                                                                                                          l Single IMUX Failure.                                                                Hardware Failure        Compensatory mesouros in pleos @ 1442. NUX operemonal @ 1446. Mi 04 93/033      11-15-93/1520    11-15-93/1433 required checks made and compensatory measures secured @ 1512.
RE: Short in Wiring.
Secondary Marm Station console                                                      Hardware Failure        Central Merm Staton assumed eli tunctons Console operatonal @ 1707. M1 04 93/034      11 16-93/1715    11-16 93/1644 inoperative.                                                                                                required checks made and system retumed to normat operatons.
RE Program aboned in computer Vital Door locking mecharism                                                        Hardware Failure        Securfty Of5cer posted @ 0012 Repaired, tested, back in service @ 0732.
04-93/035      11 17-93/0100    11-17-93/0012
Human Error                                  Securtry Offloor posted @ 0207, Aree eserched weet negseve reeutts.
04-93/038      11-18-93/0230    11-18-93/0205          Door to Vital Area left unsecured Hardware Failure        Compensatory measure in place @ 0429. System opere90n @ 0510. All required 04.g3fo37      11-20 93/0515    11-20-93/0421            ESS fanure.
ducks made and compensatory measures secured @ 0636.                                  t RE: both CRT consoles locked up.
ESS failure.                                                                        Hardware Failure        Compensatory measure in place @ 0239. System operatonsi @ 0317. M1 04-93/038      11-28-93/tX300  11-28-93/0234 required checks made and compensatory measures secured @ 0349.
RE: Both CRT consoles locked up.                                                    ;
PZ-30 CCTV L-@-1;.                                                                  Hardware Failure        PTZ-07 dedicated @ 2053. CCTV coversy regained, post secured @ 1130-                l 04 93/039      11-29-93/2103    11-29-93/2053                                                                                                                                                                                                              i 93/0809.
Hardware Failure Securtty Omcer posted @ 2240 Repaired, tested, back in servics @ 2244.                      ;
11-29-93/2245    11-29-93"2238          Vital Door locking mechanism 04 93/040                                                      _
Human Error                                  CK # 412 deleted from computer @ 0959. Access history report showed no 12 41-93/1030    12 41-93/0958          CK # 412 lost on site 04-93/041                                                                                                                                                              unauthorized actMty. CK found, retumed to security, checked for signs of d            ;
                                                                                                                                                -    - - - - - - - -      -----_m        ___ _ ,                ,  __,_c _
LOG ENTRY        EVE %T LOG NO. DATE/ TIME    DATE/ TIME                    EVE::T              REASON and for CODE                                                                          RESPONSE
                                                                                                                    -v 4 ewith negative results and returned m badging omeo.
04-93/042 1242 910100    12 42-93/0016 Door to Vttal hea left unsecured. Human Error                            Securtty Omcer posted @ 0018. Aree searched with nogetNo results.
0443 043  12 42-93/1700  1242-93/1615  PZ-30 CCTV inoperative.                      Hardware Failure              PTZ47 dedicated @ 1615. CCTV coverage regained, post escured @ 1243-93/0640 4
04-93/044 12 44-93/0715  12 44-93/0656 V!tal Door locking mechanism                Hardware Failure              Securtty Omcer posted @ 0659 Repaired, tested, back in service @ 0711.
04-93/045 12-05-93/2122  12-05-93/2052 Vital Door locking mechanisra                Hardware Failure              Securtty Officer pos'ed @ 2055 Repaired, tested, back in serv 6cm @ 2102.
04-93/046 12-06-93/1000  12-06-93/0912 Vital Door locking mechanism                Han1 ware Failure            Security Officer posted @ 0912 Repared,1ested, back in servios @ 0955 inoperative.                                                                                                                                                                      '
04-93/047 12-07-93/1200  12-07-93/1054 CK # 275 lost on site              Human Error                            CK # 275 deleted from osmputer @ 1055. Access h; story report showed no                              .
unauthorized activity CK found, retumed to security, checked for signs of                            !
tampenng wtth negative results and retumed to badging omce.
04-93/048 12 4 7-93/1201 12 47-93/1110 CK # 4007 lost on site              Human Error                            CK # 4007 found by securtty @ 1110. Access history report showed no unauthortzed activity. CK checked for signs of tampering with negative results and                    .
I retumed to badging office. IndMdual located and escort to badging and issued new CK.
04-93/049 12-06 93/1230  12-06-93/1208 Door to Vrtal Area left unsecured  Human Error                            Secunty Omcer posted @ 1213. Aree searched vdth negative resufts.                                    }
04>?3/050 1246-93/1345  12-06-93/1320 Door to Vital Area left unsecured  Human Error                            Secuty Omcer posted @ 1324. Area searched wfth negative results.
04-93/051 12 48-93/1423  1246-93/1400  Door to Vrtal Area left unsecured. Human Error                            Securtty Omcer posted @ 1405. Aree searched with nogettve results.
i 04 93/052 12-09-93/0600  12-09-93/0550  PZ-30 CCTV incrwative                        Hardware Failure            PTZ-07 dedicated @ 0550. CCTV coverage regained, post secured @ 0712.
04-03/053 12-12-93/1900  12-12-93/1808  Partialloss of perimeter lighting.          Hardware Failure            Securffy Offloor posted @ 1808. Ught levels were below 0.2 footcandle power                        ,
and CCTV cxrverage was degraded. Compensatory measure secured @ 12                              l I
93/0628 (sunrtoo).
RE: Ground fault in lighnng circuit.                                                                f S/O Posted-                          Camere Reemined:            Repelred, back in service-12-13-93/1751                        12-14-93/0558                                                  '
12-14-93/1732                        12-15-93/0655 12-15-93/1755                                                    12-15-93/2240                    I 04-93/054 12-14-93/1800  12 14-93/1750 PZ-30 CCTV inoperative.                      Hardware Failure              PTZ-07 dedicated @ 1750. CCTV coverage regained, post escured @                                    i 12-15-93/0655.                                Coverage regelned,          Repelred, tested,      '
Post estabnehed                                como          e. escured    back in service          l
    %                                                                                                              12-15-93/1755                                  12-16-93/0640                12-16-93/0955 5    '
                                                                                                                                                                      '    *  , s LOG EITRY        EVENT                                                                                                                                                - ,
LOG No. DATEi7tME    DATE/ TIME                      EYCT                WEASON and for CODE                                        RESPONSE 04-93mS5  12-16-93/1130 12-16-93/1037  Door to V!tel Aree left unseoJred Human Error              Seartty Omcor posted @ 1040. Aree seerthed weet % rerA 04-93256  12-21-93/0730 12-21-930 845  CK # 401 lost on sne              Human Era                CK # 401 deleted from cartputer @ 0853. Access history report showed no
* unautertzed ecsvtty 04C3/057  12-25 93/1600 12-25-93/1543  CK # 982 lost on site            Human Error              CK # 982 deleted kom computer @ 1544. Are=== Netory report showed no unauthertred ac9vity CK found, renamed to securfty, checked for signs of tempering with noge9ve results and retumed to IndMdual su9ering fie loss.
04-93/058 12-27-93/0745 12-27-93/0659  CK # 4721 lost off site          Human Error              CK # 4721 deleted from cxnputer @ 0859. Aumes history report showed no unauthorized actMty 04-93/059  12-27-93/0800 12-27-93/0715  CK # 3110 lost off site          Human Error              CK # 3110 deleted from computer @ 0716. Accmes history report showed no unauthorized actMey 04-93/060  12-28-93/0840 12-28-93/0810  Vital Door locking mechanism              Hardware Failure Security Omcar posted @ 0814 Repaired, touted, back in servics @ 0905 inoperetve 04-91081  12-29 93/1500 12-29-93/1445  CK # 568 lost off site            Human Error              CK # 588 deleted from computer @ 1446. Access history report showed no unauthorized actMty 04-93462  12-29-93/1900 12-29 93/1750  CK # 2988 lost off sne            Hu..en Error            CK # 2988 deleted from asmputer @ 1752. Arv=== history report showed no unauthorized eclMty 04-93/063 12-29-93/2215 12-29-93/2051  Door to Vltet Aree left unsecured Human Ewor              Secunty Omcor posted @ 2056. Aree searched with negeeve results.
Human Error          =      30 Hardware Failure =            33 6

Latest revision as of 20:26, 14 December 2021