PNO-III-80-169, A:since 800905,extensive Investigations by Region 3 & Util Personnel Into Allegations of Radioactive Release Has Not Determined Whether Actual Release of Low Level Radioactive Water Occurred: Difference between revisions

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#REDIRECT [[PNO-III-80-169, on 800904,reporter from Chicago Sun Times Contacted NRC Resident Inspectors Re Allegations That 400,000 Gallons of Radioactive Water Leaked from Station Since Jul 1980]]
| number = ML20148D723
| issue date = 09/10/1980
| title = PNO-III-80-169A:since 800905,extensive Investigations by Region 3 & Util Personnel Into Allegations of Radioactive Release Has Not Determined Whether Actual Release of Low Level Radioactive Water Occurred
| author name = Davis A, Heishman R, Reimann F
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation =
| docket = 05000010, 05000237, 05000249
| license number =
| contact person =
| case reference number = FOIA-80-533
| document report number = PNO-III-80-169A, NUDOCS 8010090262
| page count = 2
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                      -                                PREt IMINARY NOT I F ICAT 10N a                                  Date: Ssprenbsr 10, 1980                -
PRELI".lNARY N011f ICAT ION OF EVENT OR UNU5UAL OCCURENCE--PNO-111-80 169A Thh ,jLreliminery notification constitutes EARLY notice of events of POSSIBLE safety or public interest significance. "The infor1 nation- presented is as initially received without. verification or evaluation and is bisTcWly all that is known by IE staff as of this date.
Faci,,11ty,: Cosmonwealth Edison Company - Dresden Station                                                 .
Dockce Ntsabers 50-010, 50-237, 50-249,'
Morris, IL                                  ,
StLble e c,,t,:    NWS MEDTA TNTEREST CONCERNTNC ALTECATIONS OF OPFJtATTONS AT D1LEEDEN (UPDATE)  4                                -
Since September 5,1980, extensive inspections and investigatiens by site Jewident' and regional personnel, nnd by utility atte management, have been in progress.
To data it has not haen determined th=L un actual raluawu of low icval radioactive water did or did not occur. Utility management has stated that the existing station design and procedures are nnt ' capable of deturmining whnLhur or not Hueh a relaama occurrad. The utility is developing improved methods of invcutorying contaaluated water at this cima. Environmental sampics were collected on September 5,1980, and analyxad using the Region III Mobile Laboratory at the afte. A water nampla tram the Unit 2 LPCI Heat Exchanger suspceted4f leaking
,                wasalsganalyzed. The LPCI Hear _gxchanger water nerivity van 2X10 ac/cc of Co-60,                                    .
2.5Y10 ,Alce of Mn-54, and 6X104u/cc of CA-1:17. No activity was detected in T
any  uf Lhw detected      wasenvirutunuutal estimated tosamplas.
be 6X10'$<<he tWen. minimum  actiV!.ty that Tb:n indienten        could LhuL    Lhu have uhuvebeen luotopes, if present, were nt a combined concentration of less than 5% of MPC (for water),                            .
unrus.Lr i utud. Linunnwu wample results ara in agreement with NRC sample results.
DuplicmLu wamplew were also sent to Argonne National Laborstory (ANJ.) for mora canaitiva nnnlynin. Thn rnaults of these a tmples are expected September 10, 1980.
A ntsaber of residents near the stra hava rac[uonted that their private wcils be tested. One sample has been collected and is being analyzed by Argoune National Laboratory. Thw region pimus to wumple more wils to ensure that all uquifers used in the ureu have been tevred. T.neal newspapara in the Drandan area are aware of the conenrna of nenrhy runidenLn.
Recent trending of Dresden Station water inventories, in conjtmetion with 1mAk testing of systema which could have caused a release, and visual inspectionw for laakaga indicata that there is no abnormal leakage at this time.                      It hun been                  l
                - confirmed that the Unit 2 LFC1 Heat Exchanger B how leuked to the eervica water                                      l
            . pyytem. The neron) Innk rato han not been determined at this time. The licenwee has estimated a leak rate of 1 to 2 gallons per minute, and iv contiuulug to morr-at atately datar.nine historical lcokagc data. The leuking heat exchanger in now Iwuluted. The investigation of potentini leakant paths is continuing to attempt to verify rhnr no potentint leak paths have gone undetected.
8010090 M l
rRLLIMINARY tt0TIFICAT10'i Page 2 of 2 Ph0-Ill-80 ' I69A The licensee has comitted to provide to the NRC a report which docunwnts his evaluation of this event, and which provides a chronology of his obser-vations and actions relative to this concern by Friday, Septeiher 12, 1980.
The investigation into allegations that operators were found sleeping in the control room by resident inspectors is still in progress.
The State of Illinois 'and the EPA have been informed of environmental sampic analytical results.
The licensee and Region III have been responding to medla inquirics.
This information is current as of 12:45 p.m. on September 10, 1980
Vid A. D. Davis, 312/932-2510;      R.F.Heyshman,    312/932-2540; F. W.yeiniann 312/932-2558 Distribution:          Transmitted M St.
Chairman Ahearne                      Comissioner Hendrie            S. J. Chilk. SECY Comissioner Gilinsky                  Comissioner Bradford          C. C. Kanmerer. CA ACRs                          (For Distribution)
P. Bldg.                      IE: XOOS            (IE:HQ 01st.',
Transmi t ted:      HNBB                                  -
W. J. Dircks        EDO              H. R. Denton, NRR                                                  ;
R. H. Vollmer. NRR            Landow              (6 min /page)  i C. Michelson. AEOD                                                              __
J. J. Cummings, OIA J. J. Fouchard, PA                    R. J. Mattson, NRR N. M. Haller, MPA                    D. F. Ross. NRR                                                    1 D. Eisenhut. NRR              MAIL                                i r o                                                      R. Hinogue. SD C. W.
H.      Ke'ap,ar.SPELD K. Sh                            5. H. Hanauer IE: X005 Willste Bldg.          _
Document Mgt. Br. (For PDR/LF:
J. G. Davis. HMSS Regional Offices                      T . M. Mu rleey . RES                                          ,  l PRELIMINARY NOTIFICATION i

Latest revision as of 23:52, 11 December 2021