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#REDIRECT [[05000277/LER-1980-001-01, /01T-0:on 800103,w/Unit 2 at Power & Drywell Being Deinerted in Preparation for Planned Outage,Drywell Ventilation Isolation Valves AO-2521A & AO-2521B Discovered Fully Open.Caused by Lack of Procedural Control]]
| number = ML19257C667
| issue date = 01/17/1980
| title = LER 80-001/01T-0:on 800103,w/Unit 2 at Power & Drywell Being Deinerted in Preparation for Planned Outage,Drywell Ventilation Isolation Valves AO-2521A & AO-2521B Discovered Fully Open.Caused by Lack of Procedural Control
| author name = Cooney M
| addressee name =
| docket = 05000277
| license number =
| contact person =
| document report number = LER-80-001-01T, LER-80-1-1T, NUDOCS 8001290573
| package number = ML19257C663
| page count = 1
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Latest revision as of 17:43, 3 January 2025