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{{#Wiki_filter:2010 ACMUI RECOMMENDATIONS AND ACTION ITEMSITEMDATE 1 Dr. Thomadsen created a subcommittee to evaluate patient release issues; to objectively review and analyze available data, which may include state regulations  
{{#Wiki_filter:2010 ACMUI RECOMMENDATIONS AND ACTION ITEMS ITEM                                          DATE          STATUS Dr. Thomadsen created a subcommittee to evaluate patient release issues; to objectively review and analyze available data, which may include state regulations and guidance and international recommendations; to provide a statement on the issue; and to provide recommendations for improvements to existing NRC rules Closed 1 and guidance, if necessary, which should include the issue of patient release to        5/24/10 ACMUI Action 12/13/10 hotels. Subcommitte members include: Dr. Darrell Fisher, Ms. Debbie Gilley, Dr.
Susan Langhorst (chair), Mr. Steve Mattmuller, Dr. Orhan Suleiman, Dr. Bruce Thomadsen, Dr. James Welsh, Dr. Pat Zanzonico. The subcommitte should report to the full ACMUI at the fall meeting.
The Permanent Implant Brachytherapy subcommittee will revise the draft 2 subcommittee report and resubmit it to the full ACMUI for an email vote. The            5/24/10 ACMUI Action  Closed ACMUI will submit a final subcommittee report to the NRC.
NRC staff should provide information that describes safety culture problems as                                  Closed 3                                                                                          5/25/10  NRC action contributing factors to violations.                                                                            9/29/10 NRC staff should revise the Y-90 microsphere brachytherapy guidance to delete Partially  Closed 4 "but before the patient or human research subject leaves the post-prodecural            5/25/10 accepted    1/26/11 recovery area" under item 2 of the written directive section.
NRC staff should revise the Y-90 microsphere brachytherapy guidance to read (under 1 for written directives) "and, if the procedure was not performed in                        Partially  Closed 5                                                                                          5/25/10 accordance with the pre-adminstration written directive", then 2) "after                          accepted    1/26/11 administration and within 48 hours of the procedure, the signature of an AU."
NRC staff should consider the necessity and evaluate options to collect or obtain Closed 6 data for the denominator for medical events to improve the overall value of the          5/25/10  Accepted 3/1/11 medical events subcommitte report.
The ACMUI fully supports Dr. Darrell Fisher as Patients' Rights Advocate. The 7                                                                                          5/25/10 No NRC action  Closed Committee expressed their appeciation and honor to serve with him.
NRC staff should provide optimal staff and support to facilitate the licensing 8                                                                                          5/25/10 Acknowledged  Closed process for new domestic producers of the medical isotope, molybdenum 99.
ACMUI endorses the permanent implant brachytehrapy subcommittee report with Closed 9 the caveat that this is an interim report that may be revised in the future to consider 10/20/10  Accepted 12/22/10 additional input such as that received from stakeholders at public workshops.

and guidance and international recommendations; to provide a statement on the
2010 ACMUI RECOMMENDATIONS AND ACTION ITEMS ITEM                                        DATE          STATUS ACMUI endorses the draft version of FSME Policy and Procedures 2-5, Revision 0                             Closed 10                                                                                    10/21/10  Accepted presented at the meeting.                                                                                 1/21/11 Dr. Thomadsen created a subcommittee to prepare a document to guide the Closed 11 December discussion on 10 CFR Part 37. Debbie Gilley (chair), Susan Langhorst,     10/21/10 ACMUI Action 1/5/11 Darrell Fisher.
ACMUI will incorporate the comments made during the meeting to revise the Closed 12 patient release subcommittee report. The committee will vote to finalize the report 10/21/10 ACMUI Action 12/13/10 via email and will resubmit it to NRC in the near future.
issue; and to provide recommendations for improvements to existing NRC rules
Steve Mattmuller, Bruce Thomadsen, and Susan Langhorst offered to provide Closed 13 support to respond to the letter dated October 20, 2010, to Chairman Jaczko from   10/21/10 ACMUI Action 10/21/10 Congressman Markey regarding patient release.
ACMUI planned a teleconference to discuss 10 CFR Part 37 rulemaking and safety culture on Monday, December 13, 2010, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Eastern. The                                 Closed 14                                                                                    10/21/10 ACMUI Action backup time/date is Wednesday, December 15, 2010 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm                                 12/13/10 Eastern.
and guidance, if necessary, which should include the issue of patient release to
15 ACMUI endorsed draft Policy and Procedure 2-5 with comments, as reflected in the               Partially  Closed 12/13/10 meeting handout.                                                                              accepted   1/12/11 16 ACMUI approved the Patient Release Subcommittee Report, as reflected in the                               Closed 12/13/10  Accepted meeting handout.                                                                                          12/13/10 17 ACMUI will provide a list of action items for NRC staff based on the                                       Closed 12/13/10 ACMUI Action recommendations provided in the Patient Release Subcommittee Report.                                       9/22/11 2}}
hotels. Subcommitte members include: Dr. Darrell Fisher, Ms. Debbie Gilley, Dr.
Susan Langhorst (chair), Mr. Steve Mattmuller, Dr. Orhan Suleiman, Dr. Bruce
Thomadsen, Dr. James Welsh, Dr. Pat Zanzonico. The subcommitte should report
to the full ACMUI at the fall meeting.5/24/10ACMUI Action Closed 12/13/10 2 The Permanent Implant Brachytherapy subcommittee will revise the draft subcommittee report and resubmit it to the full ACMUI for an email vote. The
ACMUI will submit a final subcommittee report to the NRC.5/24/10ACMUI ActionClosed 3 NRC staff should provide information that describes safety culture problems as contributing factors to violations.5/25/10NRC action Closed 9/29/10 4 NRC staff should revise the Y-90 microsphere brachytherapy guidance to delete "but before the patient or human research subject leaves the post-prodecural
recovery area" under item 2 of the written directive section.
5/25/10 Partially accepted Closed 1/26/11 5 NRC staff should revise the Y-90 microsphere brachytherapy guidance to read (under 1 for written directives) "and, if the procedure was not performed in
accordance with the pre-adminstration written directive", then 2) "after
administration and within 48 hours of the procedure, the signature of an AU."
5/25/10 Partially accepted Closed 1/26/11 6 NRC staff should consider the necessity and evaluate options to collect or obtain data for the denominator for medical events to improve the overall value of the
medical events subcommitte report.5/25/10Accepted Closed 3/1/11 7 The ACMUI fully supports Dr. Darrell Fisher as Patients' Rights Advocate. The Committee expressed their appeciation and honor to serve with him.5/25/10No NRC actionClosed 8 NRC staff should provide optimal staff and support to facilitate the licensing process for new domestic producers of the medical isotope, molybdenum 99.5/25/10AcknowledgedClosed 9 ACMUI endorses the permanent implant brachytehrapy subcommittee report with the caveat that this is an interim report that may be revised in the future to consider
additional input such as that received from stakeholders at public workshops.10/20/10Accepted Closed 12/22/10 STATUS 1 2010 ACMUI RECOMMENDATIONS AND ACTION ITEMSITEMDATE STATUS 10 ACMUI endorses the draft version of FSME Policy and Procedures 2-5, Revision 0 presented at the meeting.10/21/10Accepted Closed 1/21/11 11 Dr. Thomadsen created a subcommittee to prepare a document to guide the December discussion on 10 CFR Part 37. Debbie Gilley (chair), Susan Langhorst, Darrell Fisher.10/21/10ACMUI Action Closed 1/5/11 12 ACMUI will incorporate the comments made during the meeting to revise the patient release subcommittee report. The committee will vote to finalize the report  
via email and will resubmit it to NRC in the near future.10/21/10ACMUI Action Closed 12/13/10 13 Steve Mattmuller, Bruce Thomadsen, and Susan Langhorst offered to provide support to respond to the letter dated October 20, 2010, to Chairman Jaczko from  
Congressman Markey regarding patient release.10/21/10ACMUI Action Closed 10/21/10 14 ACMUI planned a teleconference to discuss 10 CFR Part 37 rulemaking and safety culture on Monday, December 13, 2010, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Eastern. The  
backup time/date is Wednesday, December 15, 2010 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm  
Eastern.10/21/10ACMUI Action Closed 12/13/10 15 ACMUI endorsed draft Policy and Procedure 2-5 with comments, as reflected in the meeting handout.
12/13/10 Partially accepted Closed 1/12/11 16 ACMUI approved the Patient Release Subcommittee Report, as reflected in the meeting handout.12/13/10Accepted Closed 12/13/10 17 ACMUI will provide a list of action items for NRC staff based on the recommendations provided in the Patient Release Subcommittee Report.12/13/10ACMUI Action Closed 9/22/11 2}}

Latest revision as of 10:53, 21 October 2019

Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes (ACMUI) 2010 Recommendations and Actions Chart - Apr2018
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/09/2018
Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Holiday, Sophie
Download: ML18099A263 (2)


2010 ACMUI RECOMMENDATIONS AND ACTION ITEMS ITEM DATE STATUS Dr. Thomadsen created a subcommittee to evaluate patient release issues; to objectively review and analyze available data, which may include state regulations and guidance and international recommendations; to provide a statement on the issue; and to provide recommendations for improvements to existing NRC rules Closed 1 and guidance, if necessary, which should include the issue of patient release to 5/24/10 ACMUI Action 12/13/10 hotels. Subcommitte members include: Dr. Darrell Fisher, Ms. Debbie Gilley, Dr.

Susan Langhorst (chair), Mr. Steve Mattmuller, Dr. Orhan Suleiman, Dr. Bruce Thomadsen, Dr. James Welsh, Dr. Pat Zanzonico. The subcommitte should report to the full ACMUI at the fall meeting.

The Permanent Implant Brachytherapy subcommittee will revise the draft 2 subcommittee report and resubmit it to the full ACMUI for an email vote. The 5/24/10 ACMUI Action Closed ACMUI will submit a final subcommittee report to the NRC.

NRC staff should provide information that describes safety culture problems as Closed 3 5/25/10 NRC action contributing factors to violations. 9/29/10 NRC staff should revise the Y-90 microsphere brachytherapy guidance to delete Partially Closed 4 "but before the patient or human research subject leaves the post-prodecural 5/25/10 accepted 1/26/11 recovery area" under item 2 of the written directive section.

NRC staff should revise the Y-90 microsphere brachytherapy guidance to read (under 1 for written directives) "and, if the procedure was not performed in Partially Closed 5 5/25/10 accordance with the pre-adminstration written directive", then 2) "after accepted 1/26/11 administration and within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> of the procedure, the signature of an AU."

NRC staff should consider the necessity and evaluate options to collect or obtain Closed 6 data for the denominator for medical events to improve the overall value of the 5/25/10 Accepted 3/1/11 medical events subcommitte report.

The ACMUI fully supports Dr. Darrell Fisher as Patients' Rights Advocate. The 7 5/25/10 No NRC action Closed Committee expressed their appeciation and honor to serve with him.

NRC staff should provide optimal staff and support to facilitate the licensing 8 5/25/10 Acknowledged Closed process for new domestic producers of the medical isotope, molybdenum 99.

ACMUI endorses the permanent implant brachytehrapy subcommittee report with Closed 9 the caveat that this is an interim report that may be revised in the future to consider 10/20/10 Accepted 12/22/10 additional input such as that received from stakeholders at public workshops.


2010 ACMUI RECOMMENDATIONS AND ACTION ITEMS ITEM DATE STATUS ACMUI endorses the draft version of FSME Policy and Procedures 2-5, Revision 0 Closed 10 10/21/10 Accepted presented at the meeting. 1/21/11 Dr. Thomadsen created a subcommittee to prepare a document to guide the Closed 11 December discussion on 10 CFR Part 37. Debbie Gilley (chair), Susan Langhorst, 10/21/10 ACMUI Action 1/5/11 Darrell Fisher.

ACMUI will incorporate the comments made during the meeting to revise the Closed 12 patient release subcommittee report. The committee will vote to finalize the report 10/21/10 ACMUI Action 12/13/10 via email and will resubmit it to NRC in the near future.

Steve Mattmuller, Bruce Thomadsen, and Susan Langhorst offered to provide Closed 13 support to respond to the letter dated October 20, 2010, to Chairman Jaczko from 10/21/10 ACMUI Action 10/21/10 Congressman Markey regarding patient release.

ACMUI planned a teleconference to discuss 10 CFR Part 37 rulemaking and safety culture on Monday, December 13, 2010, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Eastern. The Closed 14 10/21/10 ACMUI Action backup time/date is Wednesday, December 15, 2010 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm 12/13/10 Eastern.

15 ACMUI endorsed draft Policy and Procedure 2-5 with comments, as reflected in the Partially Closed 12/13/10 meeting handout. accepted 1/12/11 16 ACMUI approved the Patient Release Subcommittee Report, as reflected in the Closed 12/13/10 Accepted meeting handout. 12/13/10 17 ACMUI will provide a list of action items for NRC staff based on the Closed 12/13/10 ACMUI Action recommendations provided in the Patient Release Subcommittee Report. 9/22/11 2