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{{#Wiki_filter:IMPINGEMENT OF ORGANISMS ON THE INTAKE SCREENSAT PILGRIM NUCLEAR POWER STATIONJANUARY -DECEMBER 2010Submitted toEntergy NuclearPilgrim Nuclear Power StationPlymouth, Massachusetts byNormandeau Associates, Inc.Falmouth, Massachusetts NORMANDEAU ASSOCIATES
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Introduction Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (PNPS) is located on the northwestern shore of Cape CodBay (Figure 1) with a licensed capacity of 685 megawatts.
The unit has two circulating waterpumps with a capacity of approximately 345 cfs (155,500 gallons per minute) each and fiveservice water pumps (2,500 gallons per minute each) with a combined capacity of 23 cfs. Wateris drawn under a skimmer wall, through vertical bar racks spaced approximately three inches oncenter, and finally through vertical traveling screens of /2 x 1/4 inch mesh (Figure 2). There arefour vertical
: screens, two for each circulating water pump.This report describes the monitoring of impinged organisms at Pilgrim Station based onscreen wash samples taken from January to December 2010 and provides documentation of theenvironmental monitoring and reporting requirements of NPDES Permit No. MA0003557 (USEPA) and No. 359 (MA DEP).Methods and Materials Three scheduled screen wash periods were monitored each week from January toDecember 2010. These included the 0830 wash on Monday, the 1630 wash on Wednesday, andthe 0030 wash on Saturday.
Each sampling period thus represented a separate, distinct eight-hour period. Prior to each sampling period, the time of the previous screen wash was obtainedfrom a strip chart recorder located in the screen house or from the Control Room log to permitthe actual sampling interval to be calculated.
Whenever the screens were static upon arrival a30-minute sample was collected, and if the screens were already operating then a 60-minute sample was obtained.
Low and high pressure spray nozzles directed at the screens washed impinged organisms and debris into a sluiceway which was sampled by inserting a collection basket made of stainless steel mesh. All fauna were identified and noted as being alive, dead, or injured.
Fish weredetermined to be alive if they showed opercular movement and no obvious signs of injury.Fauna determined to be alive were measured for total length (mm), then released.
Thosedetermined to be dead or injured were preserved.
In the lab, the weights (grams) and totallengths (mm) were recorded for up to 20 specimens of each species.
The impingement rate wascalculated by dividing the number of fish collected by the number of hours in the collection period. Counts made from all collections during a month were pooled and then extrapolated toestimate a monthly total (total number of fish in each month divided by the total collection hoursin each month) x 24 hours x number of days in the month. These monthly totals were summedto derive an annual total adjusted for number of collection hours.If an impingement rate of 20 fish per hour was obtained for static washes, an additional one-hour sample was taken. If at least 20 fish were present in the extra 60-minute collection period the Operator and Shift Manager were immediately informed and advised to leave thescreens operating until further notice. Additional follow-up sampling would be performed atapproximately 4-hour intervals, as warranted by conditions until the impingement rate declinedto less than 20 fish per hour. As these subsequent samples were taken communication typically 2Normandeau Associates, Inc.
z0r"ia 42B SAWAL IN KMPlymouth 0Nuclear.
Cape Cod B&y rnPowmr E,tstaiom ~Figure 1. Location of Pilgrim Nuclear Power StationN"go
: z0710td, SAs " jhEl-- -- -- -- IllK*RAW Li IEVEL RM)1LOrmacCD,~Figure 2. Cross-section of intake structure of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station.0.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring occurred in order to keep all appropriate individuals updated.
A similar procedure was followedif 20 or more fish were found in an initial continuous wash sample, with additional monitoring occurring until the impingement rate was less than 20 fish per hour. As in the case of static washsamples all appropriate individuals were kept apprised as conditions changed.Results and Discussion FishIn 434.78 collection hours, an estimated total of 32,962 fish consisting of 33 species wascollected during sampling completed from January -December 2010 (Table 1, Figure 3).Atlantic silversides (Menidia menidia),
alewife (Alosapseudoharengus),
: menhaden, (Brevoortia tyrannus),
winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus),
rainbow smelt(Osmerus mordax),
and cunner (Tautogolabrus adspersus),
were the top six numerical dominants accounting for 41, 38, 4, 3, 3 and 2 %, respectively, of the annual total. The overallimpingement rate of all fish combined in 2010 was 4.43 fish per hour, ranging from 16.7 in Julydown to 0.1 fish per hour in June (Table 1).Atlantic silversides, historically one of the most numerous fish impinged at PNPS, rankedfirst with an estimated annual total of 13,576 fish. Silversides were represented in the catchevery month but were most abundant in April (8,233 fish), when 61% of the annual total wascollected (Table 1). Impinged silversides were all young-of-the-year and age 1 fish (see Conoverand Murawski 1982) ranging in size from 63 to 152 mm with a mean length of 95 mm (Table 2).Alewife ranked second in 2010 with an extrapolated total of 12,680 fish. They wereimpinged most often in July when 95% of the annual total was obtained (Table 1). Theremaining individuals were found in March, April, May, August, and October throughDecember.
Impinged alewives were juvenile fish ranging in size from 64 to 172 mm with amean length of 95 mm (Table 2).Menhaden were impinged from July through December with 65% of the year's totalbeing collected in August. Winter flounder were impinged every month except for June,September, and October; 63% were recorded from January through March. Smelt were mostcommon in November, and March, 68% of the fish being impinged during those two months.Lastly, cunner were represented in the catch primarily during the cold months of Novemberthrough February; 93% of the fish were taken during those months.In 2010 there were two brief impingement incidents where the sampled impingement rateexceeded 20 fish per hour; one in April and one in July. The April sample, taken on the 12th,involved Atlantic silversides and spotted hake impinged at the rate of 25 fish per hour. The Julysample, taken onthe 28th , contained five species impinged at a combined rate of 236 fish perhour. Silversides accounted for 99.5% of the April catch and alewives accounted for 99.4% ofthe July catch. In both cases subsequent samples taken immediately following the first (3 and 0fish per hour, respectively) indicated that the relatively high rates of impingement were of shortduration.
: Inc, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Impingement Monitoring Pilgrim Station Impingement January -December 2010Atlantic Silverside 41.2%unner 1.6%Rainbow Smelt 2.8%Winter Flounder 3.1%Atlantic Menhaden 4.3%27 Remaining Species 8.7%Alewife 38.5Figure 3. Percent of total for numerically dominant species of fish impinged on the PilgrimNuclear Power Station intake screens, January to December 2010.Annual extrapolated totals for all species impinged from 1980 to 2010 along with theirrespective 1980 to 2009 long-term means are shown in Table 3; results for the 14 typicaldominants and total fish are also shown in Figure 4. The select 14 species typically account forgreater than 90% of the annual total collected on the screens.
The 2010 impingement total of32,962 fish was 71% of the 30-year mean of 46,516 fish impinged.
The below average value in2010 was clearly due to reduced numbers of Atlantic menhaden which have typically ranked firstor second over the 1980 to 2009 time period; in 2010 their annual total (1,403) amounted to only5% of the time series mean of 25,691 fish. Overall among the remaining numerical dominants silversides,
: alewife, cunner, and lumpfish were above average in number in 2010. The alewifetotal, in particular, was seven times the time series mean. Grubby, smelt, tomcod, hakes,blueback
: herring, windowpane, tautog, and Atlantic herring were below average in number.Winter flounder numbers were near average (1005 in 2010 compared with a mean of 975).6 Normandeau Associates, Inc.6Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Previous large impingement events, defined as those involving more than 1,000 fish, aredocumented in Table 4. The short-lived influx of alewives in July represented the only suchevent in 2010 and the first one occurring since September 2007. At PNPS menhaden andsilversides have accounted for 15 of the 21 cases. These events often occur in the late summerand autumn when young fish are abundant, actively moving offshore for the winter and watertemperatures are declining.
As water temperatures drop, metabolism declines along withswimming ability.Impingement rates (number of fish collected divided by number of collection hours) foreach species and their respective estimated annual totals for 2010 are presented in Table 5.Alewife and silverside yielded the highest impingement rates (2.465 and 1.290 fish/hour, respectively).
For all species combined, the impingement rates were 4.44 fish/hour and 32,962fish/year, ranking 11th over the 31-year time series from 1980 to 2010 (Table 6). The averageannual impingement total recorded from 1980 to 2009 was 46,448 fish per year, ranging from1,112 (1984) to 302,883 (2005) fish per year.Since 1980, 80 species of fish have been collected on the PNPS intake screens (Table 7).Nine species of fish (alewife, Atlantic silverside, Atlantic tomcod, blueback
: herring, cunner,grubby, hakes, rainbow smelt, and winter flounder) were collected every year from 1980 to 2010.Eight other species, Atlantic
: herring, Atlantic
: menhaden, lumpfish, northern
: pipefish, rockgunnel, tautog, threespine stickleback, and windowpane were present at least 90% of the time(>28 annual occurrences).
Invertebrates From January to December 2010, 12,454 invertebrates representing 13 taxa (Table 8)were estimated to have been impinged at Pilgrim Station yielding an impingement rate of 1.4invertebrates per hour. Sevenspine bay shrimp (Crangon septemspinosa) ranked first andaccounted for 51% of the annual estimated total. They were primarily impinged in January,February and April when 28, 35 and 24%, respectively, of the 6,368 estimated total wascollected.
Cancer crabs (Cancer spp) and green crabs (Carcinus maenas) ranked second andthird in numerical order accounting for 18 and 8%, respectively, of the annual invertebrate total.Cancer crabs were present throughout the year and were most abundant in November when 22%of their total (2,301 crabs) was collected.
Green crabs were also impinged every month and weremost abundant in January when 28% of their annual total of 999 crabs was impinged.
Seventeen American lobsters (Homarus americanus) were impinged during sampling periods in 2010ranging in size from 12 to 143mm, yielding an annual estimated total of 350 animals.
Amongthe seventeen lobsters collected three were of legal size (> 82 mm) and the rest were less that 80mm and likely juveniles.
Table 9 presents annual estimated totals for impinged invertebrates dating back to 1980.Based on the times series mean the bay shrimp total for 2010 was below average amounting to89% of the mean. The green crab total was also below average amounting to 75% of the mean.In contrast, rock crab were impinged in above average numbers, 1.6 times the mean (2301compared with 1447)..7Normandeau Associates, hic.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement.
Monitoring Conclusions
: 1. The average hourly impingement rate for 2010 at Pilgrim Station from January toDecember was 4.4 fish per hour for all fish combined.
The estimated annualimpingement total of 32,962 fish ranked I Ith over the 31-year time series, 66% ofall previous annual totals were lower.2. Thirty-three species of fish were sampled in 437.28 collection hours in 2010.3. Atlantic silversides,
: alewife, Atlantic menhaden,,
winter flounder, rainbow smelt,and cunner, were the numerical dominants accounting for 41, 38, 4, 3, 3 and 2 %,respectively, of the annual total.4. In 2010 there were two brief impingement incidents where the sampledimpingement rate exceeded 20 fish per hour; one in April and one in July.Silversides accounted for 99.5% of the April catch and alewives accounted for99.4% of the July catch. In both cases subsequent samples indicated that therelatively high rates of impingement were of short duration.
: 5. The short-lived influx of alewives in July represented the only large impingement event (more than 1,000 fish) in 2010 and the first one that occurred sinceSeptember 2007.6. Invertebrates were impinged at a rate of 1.4 animals per hour. Sevenspine bayshrimp, cancer crabs and green crabs accounted for 51, 18, and 8% of the 2010estimated annual total of 12,454 invertebrates.
S Norrnandeau Associates, Inc.8Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Literature CitedConover, D.O. and S.A. Murawski.
1982. Offshore winter migration of the Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia.
Fishery Bulletin U.S. 80(1):145-150.
Witherell, D.B. and J. Burnett.
1993. Growth and maturation of winter flounder, Pleuronectes americanus, in Massachusetts.
Fishery Bulletin U.S. 91(4):816-820.
9 Normandeau Associates, Inc.9Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Atlantic Silverside Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement Extrapolated Total10 0 ,00 0 -:- -. .--. ."" 13 25 .7 29 91 93 95 97 99 '01 03 01 07 .090 .TtA. -Mean 980-2Atlantic MenhadenPilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement Extrapolated Tota1,00,000
--- ----------100,00010,00010010-10 22 84 86 82 90 92 94 96 92 '00 N2 4 06 % 101 13 8 .i 7? 89 91 93 95 97 99 .01 03 '05 '07 09iorotal -Mea 980-200Winter FlounderPilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement EOxtrapolated Total2,500......
2,000 ---1,0005020 82 24 16 22 90 92 94 96 9 D 00 '02 4 ' 06 'l 1O 01 03 15 27 89 91 93 95 97 99 '01 3 '05 07. WO0'otal -Mean 1980-2091 AlewifePilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement Fxtapolated Total100,000 7- ... ...l , O ..-....- ..._ ..- ...- ------- --.-- -.. .......10,0001,0023 82 24 86 88 9 92 94 96 92 00 '02 '04 U V 1081 13 85 27 29 91. 93 95 97 99 '01 '03 '05 7 V09iTotal -Mean 1980-2009 Figure 4, Extrapolated annual totals for typical numerical dominants impinged at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, 1980-2010.
10Normandeau Associales, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Blueback HerringPilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement Extrapolated Total10,000 --- --- -'- -"-1,000 ----- --------r *- -1,0g0 12 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 1)6 '02 N4 V6 '08 10I8 83 85 87 89 91 93 91 97 99 '0V '03 '0S '0/ 9JOToWa -Mea 1980-2009]
CunnerPilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement 1,200 Ex polated Total1,000 --- ----800 -------------I , 0, I .......................20080 82 84 16 18 90 92 94 9 98 ' T2 '04 '06 18 081 13 85 817 89 91 93 95 97 99 v0 '03 65 '0910Total -Mean 1980.2009 TautogPilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement 600 Extrapolated Total500 ----....41 0 -.... ... ......300 ...........
.200100-80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 '00 '02 '04 ' '08 t01 83 85 87 .8991 93 95 91 99 V1 W .05 W7 '09JOToOW -Mean 71W872009 Figure 4. Continued.
II Normandeau Associates, Inc.11Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring GrubbyPilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement 2500 Extrapolated Total2,5002,000500080 82 84 86 81 90 92 94 % 98 90 '02 '04 '6 '00 I0,1 83 85 87 9 91 93 95 97 99 '01 .03 ,05 .'091T otal -Mean 1980-20091 Rainbow SmeltPilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement Extrapolated Total10,000 -- ------------ -1,000 -= -1001080 82 £4 £6 88 90 92 94 96 98 '00 '02 '04 '06 '08 0£1 13 £5 £7 19 91 93 95 97 99 'o0 '03 '5'7'09ODTotal -Mean 1980-2009 Atlantic TomcodPilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement 800 Extrapolated Total1,6001,400 .... .-1,400 ....1,2000800 -....--....---.
---- -- -6000400 -------rj -- ---200 ..080 82 £4 86 B1 90 92 94 96 98 '00 '02 '04 '06 '00 10a1 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 'VI '0S 07 09OTotal -Mean 1980-2009 Hakes (Red and White)Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement Extrapolated Total1,000 --------.00 ---- -~- --- ------- 7£0 £2 £4 £6 88 90 92 94 96 9£ '00 '02 '04 '06 '0£ 10-1 £3. 85 £7 £9 91 97 95 97 9 -'03- '05-'07 '09[OTolal Mean 1980.2009]
Figure 4. Continued.
12 Normandeau Associates, Inc.12Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring LumpfishPilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement Extrapolated Tolal500200 ----200 -- ---80 82 24 86 88 90 92 94 % 98 Q0 V0 0 '06 08 1081 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 .01 '03 '05 07 '09[DTotal -Mean 1980.2009 Atlantic HerringPilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement Exapolated Total10,000~1 0 ---------.00...., --. ..........-_ ..80 82 84 86 11 90 92 94 96 9 '00 '02 '04 06 '01 1081 83 85 87 19 91 93 95 97 99 0 1 '03 '03 '07 '09ImTotal -Mean 1980-2009 Total FishPilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement Extrapolated Total100,00010,0001,000100 L80 82 84 86 18 9D 92 94 96 98 00V2 0v V6 '03 1081 S3 85 87 89 91 93. 95 97 99 '01 ,03 '05 07 9~To~nI -Mean 190020Figure 4. Continued.
13 Normandeau Associates, Inc.13Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Table 1. Monthly extrapolated totals for all fishes collected from Pilgrim Station intake screens, January-December 2010,2010Common Name Species Summa__ .Jan Feb -Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecAtlantic Silverside Menidia menidiaAlewife Alma pseudoharengis Atlantic Menhaden Brevoortia tyranraWinter Flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus Rainbow Smelt Osmerns mordatcunner Tautogolabrus adrpersus Lumpfish CyClopterus Blueback Herring Alosa aestivalis Sand Lance Ammndtes sp.Atlantic Tomcod Microgadls tomcodStriped Killifish Fundulua majalisGrubby yoxocepholts aetnaeunAtlantic Herring Clupea harengusNorthern Pipefish Syngnalnfiacus American Shad Alosa sapidsima Atlantic Moonfish Selene setapinnk Little Skate Leocoraja erinaceaThreespine Stickleback Gasterosteos aculeamus Windowpane Scophthalmus aquosusSmallmouth Flounder Etropur microstomas Butterfish Peprilus trtacanthus Spotted flake Uroprycis regiaRadiated Shanny Ulvaria subbifjrcata Red Hake Uroplryis chwsAtlantic Cod Gadu morhluRock Gunnel Pholis gunnefhis Mummichog Furduha heteroclitno Searobins Prionota spp.Scup Stenotoms cluYsopsAmerican Eel Anguilla rotrataWhite Perch Morone americana Tautog Taatoga onitoStriped Bass Morone saxotilis 13,57612,6801,4031,0059115353192712461961871811621311201141121129390747262575343323226251713127840019640118004000400000079000040040000000002,755 8,233 148 24357 64 13 00 0 0 0292 22 37 0260 0 13 00 0 13 033 0 0 00 22 13 0130 22 0 00 22 37 00 0 0 065 0 0 098 64 0 00 22 0 098 22 0 00 0 0 00 0 25 2433 0 0 00 43 13 033 43 0 00 0 0 00 22 50 00 0 0 00 0 13 00 0 13 00 43 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 13 00 0 0 01212,0821833502300000120000350002300120000120001217 61317 3717 1090 1090 3610 730 017 1090 00 730 370 00 00 1090 0114 0,0 00 00 370 00 370 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 017 00 00 0572963296962232869632641280000000000003200323200000NumberofSpecies 33 9 8 II 13 13 2 II 10 3 6 12 14Ectrapolated Totals 32,962 1,377 785 4,154 8,644 401 48 12,441 1,196 196 199 1,704 1,817Number of "Collection Hours" 437.28 19.00 31.97 .22.96 34.02 60.63 30.88 65.09 53.66 29.78 45.88 19.98 23.43Impingement Rate ýish per hour) 4.43 1.84 1.16 5.57 11.99 0.53 0.06 16.72 1.60 0.27 0.26 2.35 2.4314 Normandeau Associates, Inc.14Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Table 2. Species, number, length and weight for all fish impinged at Pilgrim Station, January-December 2010.Common NameLittle SkateAmerican EelBlueback HerringAlewifeAmerican ShadAtlantic MenhadenAtlantic HerringRainbow SmeltAtlantic CodAtlantic
'omcodRed HakeSpotted HakeMummichog Striped Killifish Atlantic Silverside Threespine Stickleback Northern PipefishSearobins GrubbyLumpfishWhite PerchStriped BassAtlantic MoonfishScupTautogCunnerRadiated ShannyRock GunnelSand LanceButterfish Smallmouth FlounderWindowpane Winter FlounderSpeciesLeucoraja erinaceaAnguilla rostrataAlosa aestivalis Alosa pseudoharengus Alosa sapidissima Brevoortia JyrannusClupea harengusOsmerus mordaxGadus morhuaMicrogadus tonriodUrophycis chussUrophycis regiaFundulus heteroclitus Fundulus majalisMenidia inenidiaGasterosteus aculeatus Sngnathusfuscus Prionotus spp.Moxocephalus aenaeusCyclopterm lumpusMorone americana Morone saxatilis Selene setapinnis Stenotomus chrysopsTautoga onilisTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp,Peprilus triacanthus Etropus microstomus Scophthalmus aquosusPseudopleuronectes americanus Number Length (mm) Weight (g)Collected n Mean Min Max n Mean Min Max8 8 457.9 384 552 0I 1 305.0 305 305 I 28.64 28.64 28,6410 10 141.7 55 295 3 3.28 1.65 4.771,078 47 94.6 64 172 41 5.68 2.20 14.824 4 114.0 75 150 2 3,65 1.92 5.3793 93 61.5 34 121 59 1.79 0.35 8.466 6 140.3 124 160 6 13.61 8.23 22.8732 32 100,7 77 198 16 5,21 1.85 23.532 2 256.5 63 450 I 1.99 1.99 1.998 8 97.0 45 153 5 3.51 0.66 13.023 3 76.3 62 87 2 2.43 1,77 3.085 5 88.8 64 120 3 3,22 1.41 5.58I 1 87.0 87 87 06 6 73.8 60 102 I 3.08 3.08 3.08564 305 95.0 63 152 154 3.78 0.84 12,863 3 59.0 44 68 04 4 115.8 82 150 0I 1 212.0 212 212 07 7 71.6 58 95 010 10 58.4 38 69 0I 1 121.3 121.3 121,3 I 23.77 23.77 23.771 1 585.0 585 585 I 1282.00 1282.00 1282.007 7 49.6 46 55 02 2 37,5 32 43 1 0.28 0.28 0.281 I 320.0 320 320 1 670.00 670.00 670.0019 19 78.3 40 160 3 39.46 10.12 70.942 2 100,5 76 125 02 2 138.0 113 163 08 8 152,9 110 195 1 7.06 7.06 7,064 4 44.8 39 51 3 0.92 0.73 1,094 4 88.8 48 196 2 1.73 1.00 2.454 4 119,8 34 214 039 39 90.2 44 310 4 1.36 0,95 1.7815 Norunandeau Associates, Inc.15Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Impingement Monito~ng Table 3. Annual extrapolated totals for fish found on the Pilgrim Station intake screens, 1980-2010.
Species 1980 1981 1982 1983 19841 1985 1986 19872 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 19943 19954Alewife 99 201 262 83 88 807 261 26 464 149 1,480 250 247 1,021 123 39,884American Eel 18 41 12 0 0 0 19 0 0 15 0 0 8 0 0 0American Plaice 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0American Sand Lance 0 0 12 11 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0American Shad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 212 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Atlantic Cod 12 122 I1 0 0 0 33 0 23 0 0 24 10 47 42 58Atlantic Herring 83 53 156 22 0 35 3,009 6 51 138 408 24,238 51 169 28 108Atlantic Mackerel 0 49 0 12 0 0 0 0 24 29 13 0 0 0 12 0Atlantic Menhaden 226 0 171 522 II 1,491 953 0 177 2,020 3,135 1,117 32 46 58 1,560Atlantic Moonfish 0 0 0 10 8 0 0 0 0 43 0 0 14 0 0 21Atlantic Seasnail 0 53 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 0 19 0 0 11Atlantic Silverside 191 90,449 2,626 1,586 245 4,417 702 1,298 940 2,838 4,761 2,955 2,381 9,872 36,498 13,085Atlantic Tonicod 63 76 221 276 157 389 174 57 11578 433 291 159 104 329 153 260BayAnchovy 9 0 859 0 0 12 42 0 0 10 42 25 0 0 0 0Bigeye 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I1 0 0 0 0 0 0Black Ruff 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0Black Sea Bass 0 13 0 0 0 0 10 7 0 10 0 19 14 0 0 85Black Spotted Stickleback 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 25 33 0BluebackHerring 46 230 251 754 34 791 63 7 222 207 1,194 298 110 295 269 1,244Bluefish 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Butterfish 0 36 0 30 15 39 0 0 0 10 1,686 24 0 12 41 42Crevalle Jack 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Cunner 1,043 870 610 196 45 580 270 115 .97 199 210 182 28 93 77 346Dogfish 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Flying Gurnard 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22Foubeard Rockling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Fourspine Stickleback II 207 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Fourspot Flounder 87 7 10 22 0 0 0 0 12 0 10 69 0 12 0 21Gizzard Shad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Golden Redfish 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Goosefish 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Grubby 107 448 340 490 114 932 359 200 124 684 585 468 507 640 1,094 648Gulf Strea Flounder 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Haddock 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Hakes (Red and White) 93. 101 125 0 8 34 27 53 23 55 0 55 14 166 23 18216 Normandeau Associates, Inc.16Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station M6e Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Impingement Monitoring Table 3, (continued),
1980 1981 1982 1983 19841 1985 1986 19872 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994, 1995,Hogchoker Little SkateLonghorn SculpinLumpfishMummichog Northern KingfishNorthern PipefishNorthern PufferNorthern SearobinOcean PoutOrange FilefishPlanehead FilefishPollockRadiated ShannyRainbow SmeltRock GunnelRound ScadSand Lance sp.Sculpin sp.ScupSea RavenSeaboard GobyScarobin sp.Shorthorn SculpinSilver HakeSilver-rag Smallmouth FlounderSmooth DogfishSmooth FlounderSpiny DogfishSpotSpotted HakeStriped BassStriped Cusk EelStriped Killifish 0 0 7 0 00 7 12 45 150 0 8 25 038 0 160 103 750 0 21 0 023 17 0 0144 79 122 177 8144 1,327 177 94 7869 20 70 60 170 0 0 0 09 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 022 0 381 119 1430 0 45 0 0814 236 634 1,224 29II 30 0 53 80 0 0 0 066 0 24 79 00 0 0 0 080 23 83 11 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 11 0 057 35 0 22 00 0 8 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 08 23 0 28 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 31 0 13 00 10 0 0 0 032 II 29 120 84 00 0 0 0 0 13125 46 72 674 30 780 0 0 97 0 280 0 0 0 0 0213 0 0 24 176 2836 51 0 120 388 4769 13 27 0 51 130 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 II 230 0 0 0 0 018 0 25 56 0 5065 70 30 0 36 9189 1,909 1,070 370 886 38744202009590002400000000064II0100000004901610000002280000000026000000000270 480 210 00 00 510 00 00 00 00 100 00 056 II0 012 70 00 00 00 041 59422300599000129235120190000468 0 0 0 078 92 147 48 350 0 0 0 051 122 329 177 11612 0 11 35 2010 0 0 0 030 28 116 230 180141 42 12 0 4323 0 48 80 680 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 14 0 0 023 17 107 9 3920 43 66 141 85372 317 8,302 9,464 2,19162 38 210 84 1070 0 0 0 020 19 0 79 00 0 0 0 0159 32 8 13 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 010 0 11 0 023 9 32 27 I10 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 010 0 8 0 00 0 8 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 27 0 082 51 12 385 5217 Normandeau Associates, Inc.17Normandeau Associates,
: Inc, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Impingement Monitoring Table 3. (continued),
Striped Searobins Summer FlounderTautogThreespine Stickleback WeakfishWeitzman's Pearlside White PerchWindowpane Winter FlounderWinter SkateYellowtail Flounder1980 1981 1982 1983 1984' 1985 1986 1987' 1988 1989 19900 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 1012 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 00 69 18 41 11 83 26 113 82 159 5237 118 434 21 7 112 0 372 72 114 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 75 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 00 42 0 0 5 81 0 0 0 0 068 96 107 173 56 146 87 0 0 171 171297 249 297 232 47 884 908 138 556 1,119 336it 0 10 12 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 51 50 0 0 01991 1992 1993 19943 1995430 0 12 0 120 0 0 22 0175 93 275 50 7319 26 47 270 1240 0 0 0 00 0 34 0 029 88 0 24 21103 41 133 179 232694 787 1,181 1,018 1,6280 0 0 0 00 0 27 0 0Annual totals 4,028 95,358 8,406 6,559 1,104 12,243 9,241 3,783 6,227 10,290 15,935 32,077 5,398 23,890 50,786 62,614Collection Time (hrs.) 687 574,8 687 763 1,042 465 806 527 525 618 919.5 930.3 774.0 673.5 737.4 607.7Impingement Rate (fish/hour) 0.66 10.02 0.93 0.57 0.13 1.14 1.26 0.28 0.27 018 1.70 3.38 0.63 2.78 5.97 5.87I No CWS pumps were in operation April to August 1984.2 No CWS pumps were in operation August 1987.3 No CWS pumps were in operation 9 October.
14 November 1994,4 No CWS pumps were in operation 30 March- 15 May 1995.5 No CWS pumps were in operation 10 May. 10 June 1999.6 No CWS pumps were in operation 28 April -9 May2001.7 No CWS pumps were in operation 21 April -II May 2003.8 No CWS pumps were in operation 20 April- 8 May 2005.9 No CWS pumps were in operation 7 April -20 April 2007.isNormandeau Associates,
: Inc, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Table 3. (continued),
MeanSpeciesAlewifeAmerican EelAmerican PlaiceAmerican Sand LanceAmerican ShadAtlantic CodAtlantic HerringAtlantic MackerelAtlantic MenhadenAtlantic MoonfishAtlantic SeasnailAtlantic Silverside Atlantic TomcodBay AnchovyBigeyeBlack RuffBlack Sea BassBlack Spotted Stickleback Blueback HerringBluefishButterfish Crevalle JackCunnerDogfishFlying GurnardFourbeard RocklingFourspine Stickleback Fourspot FlounderGizzard ShadGolden RedfishGoosefish GrubbyGulf Stream FlounderHaddockHakes (Red and White)1996 1997 1998 1999' 2000 20016 2002 2003' 2004 2005' 2006 2007' 2008 2009 1980-2009 2010216 317 158 610 2,443 1,618 334 438 145 265 240 438 75 1,261 1,800 12,6800 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 5 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 1200 0 53 42 0 113 0 61 99 192 688 56 143 86 64 530 13 108 181 77 48 301 51 138 549 122 0 23 0 1,006 1620 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 60 7 02,168 1,329 1,423 42,686 64,354 3,599 53,304 119,041 10,431 277,601 15,189 154,832 721 12,528 25,691 1,40394 0 17 273 0 86 234 0 0 20 70 0 0 23 30 1140 0 0 0 0 13 0 10 8 0 0 0 16 0 6 016,615 6,303 6,773 8,577 25,665 4,987 4,430 23,149 13,107 11,590 7,993 3,362 6,167 5,349 10,630 13,576466 72 40 302 323 278 168 19 304 1,518 616 154 289 107 313 1960 23 0 0 0 8 148 60 0 0 0 28 23 23 44 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 15 0 57 0 38 147 188 82 0 30 0 24 00 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 0 6 02,462 424 134 550 5,919 229 943 1,968 2,046 646 570 352 203 30 750 2710 0 17 0 0 0 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 044 1,581 42 188 0 170 0 0 31 78 29 85 28 186 147 740 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 2 0332 41 101 153 348 140 59 172 240 716 384 367 247 895 305 5250 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 00 0 I1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 72 0 0 0 0 10 00 17 6 47 0 0 0 56 122 0 0 0 0 0 17 00 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 00 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01,347 405 335 628 1,105 517 1,087 237 2,257 501 306 349 374 666 595 1810 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 1. 0113 196. 106 682 182 .1,158 192 128 .202 70 72 126 159 273 154 5719 Normandeau Associates, Inc.19Normandeau Associates,
: Inc, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Table 3, (continued),
MeanSpecies 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 20016 2002 2003 2004 2005' 2006 2007' 2008 2009 1980-2009 2010Hogchoker Little SkateLonghom SculpinLumpfishMummichog Northern KingfishNorthern PipefishNorthern PufferNorthern SearobinOcean PoutOrange FilefishPlanehead FilefishPollockRadiated ShannyRainbow SmeltRock GunnelRound ScadSand Lance sp.Sculpin sp.ScupSea RavenSeaboard GobySearobin sp.Shorthorn SculpinSilver HakeSilver-rag Smallmouth FlounderSmooth DogfishSmooth FlounderSpiny DogfishSpotSpotted HakeStriped BassStriped Cusk EelStriped Killifish 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 027 46 48 0 0 80 69 12113 0 21 15 261 0 0 0206 173 244 136 131 0 137 610. 0 0 36 13 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0143 55 0 187 92 28 110 990 105 0 0 0 0 0 I10 0 6 31 319 57 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 260 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 105 52 0 0 029 0 63 26 13 67 31 593,728 1,978 1,656 875 13 879 335 532155 0 21 16 100 75 50 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 38 0 0 35 0 30,7650 0 0 0 13 0 0 00 0 6 0 12 0 35 270 0 0 0 0 0 0 190 0 0 0 0 0 12 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 2626 138 21 83 165 114 0 970 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 11 10 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 260 0 0 0 0 11 0 220 0 0 0 0 28 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 21 0 0 0 0 077 0 0 0 39 0 0 160 0 19 0 0 0 0 029 0 44 52 309 64 613 4880237080014051140053141,092240380720000000160000139012101380409270509058000788162,840216050021623039000720015400002230 0 069 75 460 0 091 161 21149 30 00 0 015 46 12018 0 00 30 1200 16 00 0 00 0 00 67 015 31 311,191 943 67729 29 150 0 078 320 3610 0 048 0 230 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 230 0 00 23 610 81 00 0 084 54 00 0 00 0 021 31 00 16 0144 100 1202601214313210396452i065351,5306511,07205320123318711501122108011203193201310000006291143024602600320009000007212018720 Normandeau Associates, Inc.20Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Madne Ecology Studies 2010 Impingement Monitoring Table 3, (continued).
MeanSpeciesStriped SSummerTautogThreespiWeakfislWeiizmWhite PWindowWinter FWinter SYellowta1996 1997 1998 1999' 2000 20016 2002 20037 2004 2005 2006 20079 2008 2009 1980-2009 2010Searobins 0 83 0 61 0 0 0 0 0 0 83 21 0 0 II 0Flounder 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 23 0 5 0488 172 129 119 157 92 289 46 14 39 158 89 0 0 104 13ne Stickleback 99 0 91 19 27 64 13 19 158 151 262 69 62 398 108 112h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 27 0 0 2 0an's Peaxlsidc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 16 0 0 0 5 0erch 206 34 43 122 24 21 72 15 86 28 21 27 145 60 40 17pane 296 65 416 434 363 162 24 13 37 135 158 42 30 301 141 93Flounder 857 608 2,069 1,021 1,358 1,729 1,466 1,435 2,021 2,688 1.242 715 1,010 672 975 1,005kate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0ail Flounder 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 16 37 24 0 0 0 0 8 0Annual totals30,236 14,228 14,301 58,314 103,986 16,567 64,583 179,445 33,564 302,883 29,808 163,036 11,821 24,756 46,516 32,952416 455 575 375.5 507 430.1 494.4 714.1 638.3 440.5 432.3 468.0 388.2 249.1 597 436.3Collection Time (hrs.)ImpingementRate(fish/hour) 3.11 1.43 1.30 7.21 9.25 1.78 4.93 25.58 2.85 18.87 3.26 10.24 1.41 2.15 4.33 4.4621Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Impingement Monitoring Table 4. Dominant species and estimated number impinged during highimpingement events at PNPS, 1973-2010.
DateAugust-September, 1973August 5, 1976November 23-28, 1978December 11-29, 1978March/April, 1979September 23-24, 1981July 22-25, 1991December 15-28, 1993November 26-28, 1994December 26-28, 1994September 8-9, 1995September 17-18, 1999November 17-20, 2000August/September, 2002November 1, 2003November 12 -17, 2003November 19 -21, 2003November 29, 2003August 16 -18, 2005September 14-15, 2007July 29, 2010SpeciesClupeidsAlewifeAtlantic menhadenRainbow smeltAtlantic silverside Atlantic silverside Rainbow smeltAtlantic silverside Atlantic silverside Atlantic silverside and Rainbow smeltAlewifeAtlantic menhadenAtlantic menhadenAtlantic menhadenAtlantic menhadenAtlantic menhadenSand lance and Atlantic menhadenAtlantic silverside Atlantic menhadenAtlantic menhadenAlewifeEstimated Number for allSpecies1,6001,90010,2006,2001,1006,0004,2005,1005,80011,40013,1004,91019,90033,3002,50063,90017,9003,900107,0006,5001,06122Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Table 5. Impingement rates, fish per hour and fish per year, for all fishes sampled from thePilgrim Station intake screens, January-December 2010 (assuming 100% operation).
SpeciesLittle SkateAmerican EelBlueback HerringAlewifeAmerican ShadAtlantic MenhadenAtlantic HerringRainbow SmeltAtlantic CodAtlantic TomcodRed HakeSpotted HakeMummichog Striped Killifish Atlantic Silverside Threespine Stickleback Northern PipefishSearobins GrubbyLumpfishWhite PerchStriped BassAtlantic MoonfishScupTautogCunnerRadiated ShannyRock GunnelSand LanceButterfish Smallmouth FlounderWindowpane Winter FlounderFish Per Hour0.0180.0020.0232.4650.0090.2130.0140.0730.0050.0180.0070.0110.0020.0141.2900.0070.0090.0020.0160.0230.0020.0020.0160.0050.0020.0430.0050.0050.0180.0090.0090.0090.089Estimated AnnualRate112* 2527112,6801201,4031629115319657723218713,576112131321813191712114261353562432467490931,005Dominant Month ofOccurrence JulySeptember NovemberJulyMarchAugustMarchNovemberJanuaryNovemberDecemberMayDecemberDecemberAprilJanuaryNovemberDecemberMarchDecemberOctoberJulyOctoberAugustMayDecemberJanuaryAprilMarchNovemberAprilAprilMarchTotal Collected 81101,07849363228351656434172o1I7211922844439Annual Totals 4.44 32,962 1,94023 Normandeau Associates, Inc.23Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10Impingement Monitoririg Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Manne Eco1o~' Studies 2010 Impingement Monitoring Table 6. Hourly, daily, and estimated annual impingement rates for all species combined andannual dominants collected on the PNPS intake screens, 1980-2010.
Year Fish/Hour Fish/Year Dominant Species (Number/Year)
Cunner1980 0.66 4,030 (1043)(1,043)1981 10.02 95,336 Atlantic silverside (90,449)Atlantic silverside 1982 0.93 8,411(26)
(2,626)Atlantic silverside 1983 0.57 6,558(,56 (1,586)Atlantic silverside 1984 0.13 1,112(25(245)1985 1.14 12,499 Atlantic silverside (4,417)1986 1.26 9,259 Atlantic herring(3,009)1987 0.28 3,155 Atlantic silverside (1,298)1988 0.27 6,675 Atlantic tomcod(1,578)Atlantic silverside 1989 0.80 9,088(28)
(2,838)Atlantic silverside 1990 1.70 15,939(47)
(4,761)1991 3.38 32,080 Atlantic herring(24,238)Atlantic silverside 1992 0.63 (2,381(2,381)Atlantic silverside 1993 2.78 24,105(982 (9,872)Atlantic silverside 1994 5.97 50,439(36,498) 24Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Impingement Monitoring Table 6, (continued),
Year199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009Fish/Hour 5.873.111.431.307.219.251.784.9325.582.8518.843.2610.241.412.15Fish/Year 62,61630,26414,23014,30358,318103,96815,63664,606179,60833,591302,88329,711163,03611,82124,779Dominant Species (Number/Year)
Alewife(39,884)Atlantic silverside (16,615)Atlantic silverside (6,303)Atlantic silverside (6,773)Atlantic menhaden(42,686)Atlantic menhaden(34,354)Atlantic silverside (4,987)Atlantic menhaden(53,304)Atlantic menhaden(119,041)
Atlantic silverside (13,107)Atlantic menhaden(277,607)
Atlantic menhaden(15,189)Atlantic menhaden(154,832)
Atlantic silverside (6,167)Atlantic menhaden(12,528)Mean 4.32 46,448Atlantic silverside 2010 4.44 33,457(13,576) 25 Normandeau Associates, Inc.25Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Impingement Monitoring Table 7. Species collected on the Pilgrim Station intake screens, 1980-2010.
Common Name SpeciesAlewife Alosa pseudoharengus American Eel Anguilla rostrataAmerican Plaice Hippoglossoides platesAmerican Shad Alosa sapidissinma Atlantic Cod Gadus morhuaAtlantic Herring Clupea harengusAtlantic Mackerel Scomber scombrusAtlantic Menhaden Brevoortia rannusAtlantic Moonfish Selene setapinnis Atlantic Seasnail Liparis adlanlicus Atlantic Silverside Menidia menidiaAtlantic Tomcod bficrogadus tomcodBay Anchovy Anchoa mitchilli Bigeye Priacanthus arenatusBlack Ruff Centrolophorus nigerBlack Sea Bass Centropristis strialoBlack Spotted Stickleback Gasterosteus wheatlanBlueback Herring Atosa aestivalis Bluefish Pornatomus salatruix Butterfish Peprilus Iriacanthus Crevalle Jack Caranx hipposCurmer Tautogolabrus adspersDogfish see belowFlying Gumard Datyloplerus volitansFourbeard Rockling Enchelyopus rimbriusFourspine Stickleback Apeltes quadrassodesdi1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995x x x x x x x x x x x x x X x xx X x X x XxX x Xx xx Xx X X x x Xa x a a axa a a a ax x a x an n a .a aX Xxa x a a xx a x a ax xx xxaxxaaxaxaxxa x x x a aa a a x xaX XxX x xx X XXx Xx x a x X x XxX X xX X X Xx x X X x xxX x26 Normandeau Associates, Inc.26Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Table 7. (continued).
Common NameFourspot FlounderGizzard ShadGolden RedfishGoosefish GrubbyGulf Stream FlounderHaddockHakes (red and white)Hogchoker Little SkateLonghorn SculpinLumpfishMummichog Northern KingfishNorthern PipefishNorthern PufferNorthern SearobinOcean poutOrange FilefishPlanehead FilefishPollockRadiated ShannyRainbow SmeltRock GunnelRound ScadSand LanceSpeciesParalichthys oblongusDorosoma cepedianuam Sebastes norvegicus Lophius americanus Myoxocephalus aenaeusCitharichihys arctifrons Melanogramm us aeglefinus Urophyc is spp.Trinecles maculausLeucoraja erinaceaMyoxocephalus octodecemspinosus Cyclopterus lumpusFuidulus heteroclitus Menticirrhus saxatilis Syngnathus fuscusSphoeroides maculatus Prionoaus carolinus Zoarces americanus Alhterus schoepfii Monacanthus hispidusPollachtus virensUMraria subbifurcata Osmerus mordaxPholis gunnellus Etrumeus teresAmmodytes sp.1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995x x x x x x x xx X a x X x x X X x x x X x X XX a X X X X X X x x x x x X a xX xx xxaax X X X X X a x x x Xa a a X a aax xxaxxx xxaaaaX X X X X a x X X x X X X xax a a x x a a a xaaX xXx xaaX xX Xaaaax x Xa x xx x Xx xa x aa x x aX X XX X X XaaaaaaaaaxaaaaaaxX XX Xx Xx Xa a a x ax x27 Normandeau Associates, Inc.27Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Table 7, (continued).
Common NameSculpin sp.ScupSea RavenSeaboard GobySearobin sp.Shorthorn SculpinSilver HakeSilver-rag Smallmouth FlounderSmooth DogfishSmooth FlounderSpiny DogfishSpotSpotted HakeStriped BassStrped Cusk EelStriped Killifish Striped Searobins Summer FlounderTautogThreespint Stickleback WeakfishWeitzman's Pearlside White PerchWindowpane Winter FlounderWinter SkateYellowtail FlounderSpeciesMyAxocephalus spp.Stenotomus chrysopsHemitripterus americanus Gobiosoma ginsburgi Prnonotus sp.Myxocephalas scorpiusMerluccius bilinearas Ariomma bondiEtropas microstomus Muafelus canisPleuronectesputnami Squalus acanthusLeiostomusianthar Urophycis reiaMorone saxatilis Ophidion marginatum Fundulus majalisPrionotus evolansPoralichthys dentalusTautoga onitisGasterosteus aculeatus Cynoscion regalisMaurolicus weitmaniMorone americana Scophthalmus aquosusPleuronectes americanus Leucoraja ocelataLimandaferruginea 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995x x xx x X X X X X x X X Xxx xx x x XXxxx aX Xxx x X xx XXxSx x S x S X x x x x S X xx x x xx Xx x xx x x xxxx X xS S S x S x x S x S xx x x x S S S x x xxS X S Sa x x a x x x a x x x a x a.5 x x a a x x a a x a x x x x xx x x xx xx28 Norrnandeau Associates, Inc.28Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Moriitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Staflon Marine Ecology Studies 2~lO Impingement Monitoring Table 7. (continued),
Common NameAlewifeAmerican EelAmerican PlaiceAmerican ShadAtlantic CodAtlantic HerringAflantic MackerelAtlantic MenhadenAtlantic MoonfishAtlantic SeasnailAtlantic Silverside Atlantic TomcodBay AnchovyBigeyeBlack RuffBlack Sea BassBlack Spoted Stickleback Blueback HerringBluefishButterfish Crevalle JackCunnerDogfishFlying GurnardFourbeard RocklingFourspine Stickleback SpeciesAlosa pseudoharengus Anguilla rostrataHippoglossoides platessoides Alosa sapidissima Gadus morhuaClupea harengusScomber scombrusBrevoortia lyrannusSelene setapinnis Liparis atlanticus Menidia menidiaMicrogadus tomcodAnchoa mitchilli Priacanthus arenaiusCentrolophorus nigerCentropristis striataGasterosteus wheatlandi Alosa aestivalis Pomatomus saltatrix Peprilus triacanthus Caranx hipposTautogolabrus adspersus see below1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010x x x x x x X x X x X x x x xx x xxa a xa x a xx xxxaxxxX x XXaaaaxxxxxxxx XXx X xXaaaxaxxxxaxaxaaxaaxxaxx X X Xxa a a a xa xX a a a aX X a a aaa a x XX x a a aaxa xX X X x x x aaa x x a a a x XDactylopterus volitansEnchelyopus cimbriusApeltes quadracus Xxx29Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Table 7. (continued),
Common NameFourspot FlounderGizard ShadGolden RedfishSpeciesParalichihs oblongusDorosoma cepedi&num Sebasies norvegicus 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010x x x x x xxGoosefish GrubbyGulf Stram FlounderHaddockHakesHogchoker Little SkateLonghorn SculpinLumpfishMummichog Northern KingfishNorthern PipefishNordern PufferNorthern SearobinOcean poutOrange FilefishPlanehead FilefishPollockRadiated ShannyRainbow SmeltRock GunnelRound ScadSand LanceLophius arnericanus Myoxocephalus aenaeusCitharichilhs arcnfrorm Melonogrommus aeglefinus Uroptycir spp.Trinectes maculatus Leucoraja erinaceayvoxocephalus octodecemspinosus Cyclopterns lumpusFundulus heterocitus Menticirrhus saatilisSyngnathusfuscus Sphoeroides maculatus Prionotus carolinus Zoarces americanus Aluterus schoepfii Monacanthus hispidusPollachius virensUlvaria subbifu'cata Osmerus mordaxPso/is gannellus Etrwneus teresAmmodyles sp.x x x Xx X S xx x xx X Xx S S xxx u xxx xxxxx x x x x x x x x xx x x S S x x x x xx x a a a a x x x aaxxa x x x a a xx xX X xX Xx x Ax x X X x x XX XX a x X x XaxxXx Sxax a xa x xxa x axxxxSxx xx x a a ax x x x a xa x x x x aa x XX x X x x X .X30 Normandeau Associates, Inc.30Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Impingement Monitoring Table 7. (continued).
Common NameSculpin sp.ScupSea RavenSeaboard GobySearobin sp.Shonhom SculpinSilver HakeSilver.rag Smallmouth FlounderSmooth DogfishSmooth FlounderSpiny DogfishSpotSpoited HakeStriped BassStriped Cusk EelStriped Killifish Striped Searobins Summer FlounderTautogThreespine Stickleback WeakfishWeitzman's Peariside White PerchWindowpane Winter FlounderWinter SkateYellowtail FlounderSpeciesMfyoxocephalus spp.Stenolomus chrysopsHem itripterus americanus Gobiosoma ginsburgp Prionolus sp.Myxocephalus scorpiusMerluccius bilinearus Ariomma bondiEfropus microstomus Mustelus canisPleuronectes putnamiSqualus acanthusLeioslomusxanthurus Urophycis regiaMorone saxatilis Ophidion marginatum Fundulus majalisPrionotus evolansParalichthys dentalusTautoga onifisGasterosteus aculeatus C)yoscion regalisMaurolicus weifmaniMorone americana Scophthalmus aquosusPleuronectes americanus Leucoraja ocelataLimandaferruginea 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010a x xxx xxx xx xx x xx xxx Xx x xxxxxa xx xXa a a a a a x a x ax x Xx a a xa xaa x xXx x xx xaaxaxxxxaa x aaX xX X xa x Xa. x xaaxaa x axx a a x a x aa a x x a a aaX X X xa a a xX x x XX x X31Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Table 8. Monthly extrapolated totals for invertebrates impinged on the PNPS intake screens, January-December 2010.2010Common Name Species Summa!Y Jan Feb Mar Apt May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DcRibbon worm Nemertean 129 0 0 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96Nereis Nereissp.
916 0 673 163 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 0Nephtys Nephtyssp.
325 0 0 325 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Squid Loligo pealeii 455 0 0 0 0 I11 234 23 70 0 17 0 0Horseshoe Crab Limuhapolyphemus 61 0 0 0 0 25 24 12 0 0 0 0 0Sevenspine Bay Shrimp Crangon septemspinosa 6,368 1,763 2,250 649 1,503 62 0 0 0 0 0 109 32American Lobster flomarys americanus 350 40 0 65 0 123 0 0 0 0 17 73 32Spider Crabs Libinia spp. 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0Cancer Crabs Cancer spp. 2,301 235 337 130 106 234 210 69 14 121 244 505 96Blue Crabs Callinectes sapidus 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0Green Crabs Carctnomaepas 999 275 22 33 64 62 24 46 14 49 65 217 128Lady Crabs Ovalipesocellatas 218 0 0 98 22 0 0 12 0 0 49 37 0Starfish Asterias spp. 282 40 0 0 43 86 24 0 0 25 0 0 64Number of Species 13 5 4 8 6 7 5 5 3 5 5 6 6Extrapolated Totals 12,454 2,353 3,282 1,496 1,781 703 516 162 98 245 392 978 448Number of "Collection Hours" 437 19 32 23 34 61 31 65 54 30 46 20 23Impingement Rate (fish per hour) 1.41 3.68 5.29 2.61 2.70 1.04 0.71 0.35 0.28 0.34 0.70 1.70 1.0732 Nonnandeau Asso~iate.~
Inc.32Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Table 9. Extrapolated totals for invertebrates collected at Pilgrim Station from the intake screens, January-
: December, 1980- 2010.SpeciesAmerican Lobster Homarus americanus Amphipod Amphipoda Arctic Lyre Crab Hyvas coarciatls Barnacle Cirripedia Bloodwonrm G era sp.Blue Crab Callinecles sapidusBlue Mussel Myilus edullsBrittle Star Ophiuroidea Cancer Crab Cancer 5pp.Caridean Shrimp CarideaClam Worm Nereis spp.Common Periwinkle Littorina litloreaGammarid Shrimp Gammarus spp.Glass Shrimp Dichelopandulus leptocerus Green Crab Carcinus maenasHermit Crab Paguridae Horseshoe Crab Limuluspo4.phemus Isopod IsopodaJapanese Shore Crab Hemigraphussanguineus Jellyfish CnidariaLady Crab Ovalipes ocellatus Mysid Shrimp ,ysidacea Mantis Shrimp Squia empusaNephtys Nephtys spp.Nadibranch Nudibranchia Oligochaele worm Orbinlldae Penaeid Shrmip Penaeidae Polychaete worm Polychaeta Ribbon worm Nemerlean Rock Crab Cancer irroratus Roundworm Nemuatoda Sea Anenome Actinaria Sea Urchin Echinoidea Sevenspine Bay Shrimp Crangon septenispinosa Sofishell Clam *ya arenariaSpider Crab Libinia spp.Squid Loligo spp.Starfish Asterias spp.Tunicate TunicataTwelve-scaled Worm Lepidodontus spp,Unidentified crab1980 1981 1982 19837,482 3,828 4,596 6,0440 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 7,49444,708 154266 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 08,589 6,521 0 8,2130 0 0 00 0 0 00 11,177 0 04,582 3,828 4,279 4,6640 0 0 03,610 4,167 3,962 11,9060 0 0 00 0 0 00 744 0 9408,939 8,975 6,125 5,3040 0 0 00 0 6,736 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 11,207 00 10,427 8,975 03,891 5,352 2,836 4,2100 0 0 09,771 0 0 06,858 8,259 15,661 8,9526,657 11,038 4,893 7,1990 0 0 9,6820 0 0 07,988 16,567 13,473 3,8813,596 6,849 5,31 .6,7680 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 10,463 019840000005,96600000001,75009930005,243000000003,1426,71103,7722,584004,50648200019855,483000006,59800000004,49004,6179,124004,8590000007,15906,701008,48323,243005,3277,7660001986 1987 1988 1989112 0 46 3230 0 233 530 0 0 is0 0 0 00 0 0 011 0 0 09,195 49,823 4,891 3,3090 0 23 00 49 0 1580 0 0 44658 149 133 3299 30 24 00 0 0 00 0 0. 0447 220 311 3620 0 24 0842 .88 718 72111 542 266 1700 0 0 00 0 0 0263 31 0 3410 0 0 00 0 7 00 0 0 0236 2,767 2,684 2460 0 0 00 0 0 099 5,004 5,530 63874 1,558 348 90446 2,767 1,725 1,2150 0 79 059 0 196 045 1,215 222 8551,778 5,903 4,043 3,4560 0 0 011 0 0 0240 39 328 660302 35 2215 2,9340000007003600Total116,669 251,997 98,736 85,257 35,150 93,850 14,237 70,218 24,051 16,35433 Normandeau Associates, Inc.33Normandean Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Table 9. (continued),
SpeciesAmerican Lobster Homarus americanus Amphipod Amphipoda Arctic Lyre Crab Hyas coarctatus Barnacle Cirripedia Bloodworm Glycera sp.Blue Crab Callinectes sapidusBlue Mussel Mytilus edulisBrittle Star Ophiuroidea Cancer Crab Cancer spp.Caridean Shrimp CarideaClam Worm Nereis spp.Common Periwinkle Littorina IittoreaGammarid Shrimp Gammarus spp.Glass Shrimp Dichelopandulus leptocenGreen Crab Carcinus maenasHermit Crab Paguridae Horseshoe Crab Limuluspolyphemus Isopod IsopodaJapanese Shore Crab llemigraphus sanguineus Jellyfish CnidariaLady Crab Ovalipes ocellatus Mysid Shrimp k,,sidacea Mantis Shrimp Squila empusaNephtys Nephtys spp.Nudibranch Nudibranchia Oligochaete worm Orbimidae Penacid Shrmip Penaeidae Polychaete worm Polchaeta Ribbon worm Nemertean Rock Crab Cancer irroratus Roundworm NematodaSea Anenome Actinaria Sea Urchin Echinoidea Sevenspine Bay Shrimp Crangon septemspinosa Sofishell Clam Mya arenariaSpider Crab Libinia spp.Squid Loligo spp.Starfish Asterias spp.Tunicate TunicataTwelve-scaled Worm Lepidodontus spp.Unidentified crabS1990 1991 1992410 631 1,0500 0 010 12 100 10 00 0 012 0 0209 742 140 0 00 0 00 0 010 70 2260 0 014 0 00 0 0272 597 6229 32 0340 421 1,1289 73 1060 0 00 0 090 466 440 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 2545 10 42565 893 2150 0 00 0 5872 63 611,019 1,573 2,8250 0 00 0 0605 296 4451,661 1,812 610 0 00 0 00 0 019931,55402200000006480001,01301,6165000490000001001551,207340611,7050036067500019949930130480350091,0860001,64305191300103300048001881300956,876240760351000199561900031000001,4170001,39501837600400000000641,60700825,740002,270147000199698600021000005100001,3580190270044013002104001,3370196016,342003091130001997383000003400096000906013100064055031200027244007190700343534.0001998429000000000970005500711000530000000011300319,570001,145222000199960600000000042000095003700035015162600267836000317,861001,0131,8851000Total 5,352 7,702 6,934 9,249 13,390 13,671 21,389 4,107 12,290 13,37134Normandeau Associates,
: Inc, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10Impingement Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Impingement Monitoring Table 9, (continued),
1980-2009 Species 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Mean 1 2010American Lobster Homarusamencanus 631 112 145 321 140 1,025 278 519 54 0 1)93 350Amphipod Amphipoda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0Arctic Lyre Crab Hyas coarctatus 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0Barnacle Cirripedia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Bloodworm Glycerasp.
0 24 0 0 0 16 15 0 0 0 5 0Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 251 25Blue Mussel Mytilt edulis 0 21 0 183 0 288 819 135 0 0 9,375 0Brittle Star Ophiuroidea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0Cancer Crab Cancer spp. 100 1,467 1,224 1,954 0 479 462 858 258 1,170 273 0Caridean Shrimp Caridea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0Clam Worm Nereisspp.
1,809 302 147 478 392 1,055 53 15 316 399 1,118 916Common Periwinkle Littorina fittorea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0Gammarid Shrimp Gammarus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Glass Shrimp Dichelopandulus leptocerus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 373 0Green Crab Carcinusmaenas 2,277 1,378 569 426 III 68 265 314 177 279 1,337 999Hermit Crab Paguridae 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0Horseshoe Crab Limuluspolyphemus 26 0 0 0 0 22 57 14 0 0 1,213 61Isopod Isopoda 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 350 0Japanese Shore Crab Hemigraphus sanguineus 0 0 47 36 21 0 60 0 0 35 7 0Jellyfish Cnidaria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 0Lady Crab Ovalipesocellatus 0 27 135 27 0 0 0 14 0 0 1,373 218Mysid Shrimp Mysidacea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0Mantis Shrimp Squilaempusa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 228 0Nephtys Nephtysspp.
0 0 0 0 0 II 23 667 0 0 24 325Nudibranch Nudibranchia 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 209 0Oligochaete worm Orbiniidae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0Penaeid Shrmip Penaeidae 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Polychaete worm Pol)chaeta 0 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 997 0Ribbon worm Nemertean 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 123 93 738 129RockCrab Cancerirroratus 3,134 0 0 0 634 0 0 0 0 0 1,447 2,301Roundworm Nematoda 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 228 0Sea Anenome Actinaria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 337 0Sea Urchin Echinoidea 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 1,833 0Sevenspine Bay Shrimp Crangonseptemspinosa 26,959 7,030 7,165 7,925 15,622 9,283 1,728 1,544 3,575 7,505 7,118 6,368SoftshellClam Myaarenaria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 324 0Spider Crab Libiniaspp.
26 0 12 0 0 72 0 0 45 0 6 25Squid Lohgospp.
1,961 903 878 545 36 64 850 468 299 62 2221 455Starfish Asteriasspp.
0 1,206 274 61 26 45 51 76 36 97 1,527 282Tunicate Tunicata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0Twelve-scaled Worm Lepidodontus ipp. 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0Unidentified crab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 349 0Total 36,939 12,622 10,609 11,979 16,990 12,428 4,661 4,624 4,883 9,667 34646 12,45435 Normandeau Associates, Inc.35Normandeau Associates, Inc.
ICHTHYOPLANKTON ENTRAINMENT MONITORING AT PILGRIM NUCLEAR POWER STATIONJANUARY -DECEMBER 2010Submitted toEntergy NuclearPilgrim Nuclear Power StationPlymouth, Massachusetts byNormandeau Associates, Inc.Falmouth, Massachusetts
-20 10 11B. Unusual Entrainment Values 16C. Multi-year Ichthyoplankton Comparisons 18D. Entrainment and Impingement Effects -Specific 61E. Lobster Larvae Entrained 113V LITERATURE CITED 119APPENDICES A and B (available upon request)iNormandeau Associates, Inc.
LIST OF FIGURESFIGURE PAGE1 Entrainment sampling station in PNPS discharge canal. 72 Dominant species of fish eggs and larvae found in PNPS ichthyoplankton samples during the winter-early summer season. Percent of total andsummed monthly means for all species are also shown. 123 Dominant species of fish eggs and larvae found in PNPS ichthyoplankton samples during the late spring-early spring season. Percent of total andsummed monthly means for all species are also shown. 144 Dominant species of fish eggs and larvae found in PNPS ichthyoplankton samples during the late summer-autumn season. Percent of total andsummed monthly means for all species are also shown. 165 Mean monthly densities per 100 m3 of water in the PNPS discharge canalfor the eight numerically dominant egg species and total eggs, 2010 (boldline). Solid lines encompassing shaded area show high and low values overthe 1981-2009 period. 37-426 Mean monthly densities per 100 m3 of water in the PNPS discharge canalfor the thirteen numerically dominant larval species and total larvae, 2010(bold line). Solid lines encompassing shaded area show high and low valuesover the 1981-2009 period. 43-507 Numbers of equivalent adult winter flounder estimated from entrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.
898 Numbers of equivalent adult winter flounder estimated from survival adjustedentrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.
899 Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries spring winter floundernorthern stock abundance data (mean catch per tow) from 1978-2010.
9010 NMFS spring survey winter flounder mean catch per tow in the Gulf ofMaine from 1979-2010.
9011 Numbers of equivalent adult cunner estimated from entrainment andimpingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.
91iiNormandeau Associates,
: Inc, LIST OF FIGURES (continued)
FIGURE PAGE12 Numbers of equivalent adult cunner estimated from survival adjustedentrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.
9113 Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic mackerel estimated from survivaladjusted entrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.
9214 Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic menhaden estimated fromentrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.
9215 Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic menhaden estimated from survivaladjusted entrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-20 10. 9316 Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic herring estimated fromentrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.
9317 Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic cod estimated from entrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.
9418 Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic cod estimated from survival adjustedentrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-20 10. 94LIST OF TABLESTABLE PAGEI PNPS ichthyoplankton entrainment values for 2010 by species categoryand month used to determine unusually high densities.
8-102 Species of fish eggs (E), larvae (L), and juveniles (J) obtained inichthyoplankton collections from the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Stationdischarge canal, January-December 2010. 513 Ichthyoplankton densities (number per 100 m3 of water) for each samp-ling occasion during months when notably high densities were recorded, January-December 2010. Densities marked by + were unusually highbased on values in Table 1. Number in parentheses indicates percent ofall previous values during that month which were lower. 52-564 Species of fish eggs (E) and larvae (L) collected in the PNPS discharge canal, 1975-2010.
57-60iii Nonnandeau Associafes, Inc.iiiNormandeau Associates, Inc.
LIST OF TABLES (continued)
TABLE PAGE5 Numbers of winter flounder eggs and larvae entrained at PNPS annually bystage, 1980-20 10. Number and weight of equivalent age 3 adults calculated by four methods is also shown. Estimates based on normal operation flowexcept where indicated.
956 Numbers of winter flounder eggs and larvae entrained adjusted for survival atPNPS by stage, 1980-2010.
Numbers and weights of equivalent age 3 adultscalculated by three methods is also shown. Estimates based on normaloperational flow. 967 Numbers of winter flounder impinged at PNPS annually, 1980-20 10.Numbers and weights of equivalent age 3 adults calculated by threemethods is also shown. 978 Numbers of winter flounder impinged adjusted for survival at PNPS, 1980-2010. Numbers and weights of equivalent age 3 adults calculated by threemethods is also shown. 989 Numbers of cunner eggs and larvae entrained at PNPS annually, 1980-2010. Numbers and weights of equivalent adults calculated by twomethods are also shown. Estimates based on normal operational flow. 9910 Numbers of cunner eggs and larvae entrained adjusted for survival at PNPS,1980-2010.
Numbers and weights of equivalent adults calculated by twomethods are also shown. Estimates based on normal operational flow. 100I I Numbers of cunner impinged at PNPS, 1980-2010.
Numbers and weightsof equivalent adults calculated by two methods are also shown. Estimates based on normal operational flow. 10112 Numbers of cunner impinged adjusted for survival at PNPS, 1980-2010.
Numbers and weights equivalent adults calculated by two methods arealso shown. Estimates based on normal operational flow. 10213 Numbers of Atlantic mackerel eggs and larvae entrained at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.
Numbers and weights of equivalent age I and age 3 fish arealso shown. Estimates based on normal operational flow. 103iv Normandeau Associates, Inc.ivNormandeau Associates, Mc.
LIST OF TABLES (continued)
TABLE PAGE14 Numbers of Atlantic mackerel impinged at PNPS, 1980-2010.
Numbersand weights of equivalent age 3 fish calculated by two methods arealso shown. Estimates based on normal operational flow. 10415 Numbers of Atlantic menhaden eggs and larvae entrained at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.
Numbers and weights of equivalent age 2 and age 3 fishCalculated by two methods also shown. Estimates based on normaloperational flow. 10516 Numbers of Atlantic menhaden eggs and larvae entrained adjusted forsurvival at PNPS, 1980-2010.
Numbers and weights of equivalent age 2and age 3 fish calculated by two methods are also shown. Estimates based on normal operational flow. 10617 Numbers of Atlantic menhaden impinged at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.
Numbers and weights of equivalent age 2 and 3 adults calculated by twomethods are also shown. Estimates based on normal operational flow. 10718 Numbers of Atlantic herring larvae entrained at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.
Numbers and weights of equivalent age I and age 3 fish calculated by twomethods are also shown. 10819 Numbers of Atlantic herring impinged at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.
Numbers and weights of equivalent age 3 fish calculated by two methodsare also shown. 10920 Numbers of Atlantic cod eggs and larvae entrained at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.
Numbers and weights of equivalent age 2 fish calculated bytwo methods are also shown. 11021 Numbers of Atlantic cod impinged at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.
Numbers and weights of equivalent age 2 fish calculated by two methodsare also shown. 11122 Numbers of Atlantic cod impinged adjusted for survival at PNPS, 1980-20 10.Numbers and weights of equivalent age 2 fish calculated by two methodsare also shown. 11223 Numbers of lobster entrained and impinged at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.
Numbers of equivalent adults (82 mm) are also shown. 118V Normandeau Associates, Inc.VNormandeau Associates, Inc.
LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIXA* Densities of fish eggs and larvae per 100 m3 of water recorded in the PNPSdischarge canal by species, date, and replicate, January-December 2010.B* Geometric mean monthly densities and 95% confidence limits per 100 m3of water for the dominant species of fish eggs and larvae entrained at PNPS,January-December 1981-2010.
*Available upon Normandeau Associales, Inc.viNormandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring SECTION ISUMMARYSampling of entrained ichthyoplankton at PNPS in 2010 followed the revised protocolinitiated in April 1994. In January,
: February, and October through December three sampleswere taken every other week each month, weather permitting, for a total of six per month. InMarch through September samples were taken three times every week in conjunction with theimpingement monitoring study, except on March I S and 3rd due to a severe storm and September 3rd due to Hurricane Earl moving up along the New England coast.A total of 40 species of fish were represented in the January-December
: samples, slightlyhigher than the 35-year mean (39 species).
Winter-early spring (January
-April) samples weredominated by Gadidae-Glyptocephahts, Labridae-Limanda, windowpane, fourbeard
: rockling, and American plaice eggs along with sand lance, grubby, rock gunnel, and Atlantic seasnaillarvae. Late spring-early summer collections, taken from May through July, were dominated bytautog-cunner-yellowtail
: flounder, fourspot flounder-windowpane, fourbeard rockling-hake-butterfish, and Atlantic mackerel eggs along with cunner, winter flounder, radiated shanny,tautog, fourbeard
: rockling, yellowtail
: flounder, and Atlantic menhaden larvae. Late summer-autumn collections (August -December) were dominated by the tautog-cunner-yellowtail, silverhake-scup-weakfish, fourspot flounder-windowpane, and fourbeard rockling-hake-butterfish egggroups, along with cunner, tautog, Atlantic
: menhaden, hake, fourbeard
: rockling, fourspotflounder, windowpane, and silver hake larvae.Comparisons of ichthyoplankton densities over the 1975-2009 time series suggested that,in most cases, numbers in 2010 were consistent with those recorded since sampling began atPNPS in 1975. Species that appeared abundant in 2010 compared with past years includedsearobin and fourspot flounder-windowpane eggs and tautog larvae. In contrast, Atlanticmackerel eggs and larval seasnail, rock gunnel, and sand lance densities were relatively low.Unusually high entrainment densities, based on historical results (defined under PNPS'ssampling plan), were identified on 76 occasions in 2010 and involved six species of eggs and tenspecies of larvae. High abundance episodes were generally scattered among species and overtime, and were of short duration.
Entrainment and impingement of winter flounder, cunner, Atlantic
: mackerel, Atlanticmenhaden, Atlantic
: herring, and Atlantic cod were examined in some detail dating back to 1980INormandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring using equivalent adult (EA) procedures.
These estimates were compared to commercial andrecreational
: landings, and local stock size estimates where available.
Equivalent adult estimates for winter flounder eggs and larvae entrained in 2010 were 6,293 age 3 adults compared with a1980-2009 average of 13,629 assuming 100% entrainment mortality.
When entrainment survival was included in the calculations, estimates decreased to 4,292 age 3 adults in 2010compared to a time series average of 9,206. An additional 112 age 3 equivalent adults wereestimated from the number of winter flounder impinged in 2010. The number of equivalent age3 adults impinged declined to 88 when impingement survival was included in the calculations.
The EA estimate for cunner entrained in 2010 was 562,953 fish assuming 100%entrainment mortality.
The 2010 cunner equivalent adult estimates decreased to 128,357 fishwhen entrainment survival was included in the calculations.
An additional 442 equivalent adultcunner were impinged in 2010 that declined to 393 equivalent adults after adjustment forimpingement survival.
Atlantic mackerel equivalent adults attributable to entrainment in 2010amounted to 316 age 1 fish or 114 age 3 fish based on two sets of survival values. Atlanticmackerel are swift swimmers and are not often impinged at PNPS. EA values for Atlanticmenhaden were 1,004 age 2 fish in 2010 assuming 100% entrainment mortality, with anadditional 355 age 2 equivalents estimated to have been impinged in 2010. The number of age 2menhaden declined to 532 fish when adjusted for entrainment survival.
Atlantic menhaden aresensitive to impingement and were assumed to have zero survival.
Atlantic herring larvaeentrained in 2010 were equivalent to 8,043 age 1 or 3,260 age 3 fish. Impingement, generally contributed little to herring equivalent adults at PNPS. Atlantic herring were assumed to havezero entrainment and impingement survival.
Lastly, EA values for Atlantic cod were 664 age 2fish, with an additional 36 equivalent age 2 Atlantic cod estimated to have been impinged in20 10 at PNPS. Atlantic cod were assumed to have zero entrainment survival.
Equivalent age 2cod declined to 32 when impingement survival was included in the calculations.
Twenty-seven lobster larvae were collected at PNPS during the January-December 2010entrainment sampling period, resulting in an estimated total of 766,221 entrained larvae. Theequivalent adult (82 mm CL) estimates for lobster larvae entrained in 2010 were 15 lobsters withan additional 238 equivalent adult lobsters attributed to impingement.
2 Normandeau Associates, Inc.2Normandeau Associales, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10Entraim-nent Monitoring SECTION IIINTRODUCTION This report summarizes the results of ichthyoplankton entrainment sampling conducted atthe Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (PNPS) from January through December 2010 byNormandeau Associates, Inc. for Entergy Nuclear uhder Contract No. 50014600, in compliance with environmental monitoring and reporting requirements of the PNPS NPDES Permit (U.S.Environmental Protection Agency and Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection),
Included here is a brief summary of the dominant taxa collected over the course of the year, areview of long-term trends for the dominant fish eggs and larvae, and an assessment of numbersentrained for six key species, winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus),
cunner(Tautogolabrus adspersus),
Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus),
Atlantic menhaden(Brevoortia tyrannus),
Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus),
and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).SECTION IIIMETHODS AND MATERIALS Monitoring Entrainment sampling at PNPS, begun in 1974, was originally completed twice permonth during January and February, October-December; weekly during March throughSeptember; in triplicate at low tide. The sampling regime was modified beginning in April 1994;the revised program exchanged replication for improved temporal coverage and has beenfollowed every year since then. In January,
: February, and October through December duringtwo alternate weeks each month single samples were taken on three separate occasions.
Beginning with March and continuing through September single samples were taken three timesevery week. During autumn and winter months when sampling frequency was reduced,sampling was postponed during onshore storms due to heavy detrital loads. The delayed samplewas taken during the subsequent week; six samples were ultimately taken each month.To minimize costs, sampling was linked to the impingement monitoring program so thatcollections were made Monday morning, Wednesday afternoon, and Friday night regardless oftide (see Impingement Section).
All sampling was completed with a 60-cm diameter planktonnet streamed from rigging mounted approximately 30 meters from the headwall of the discharge canal (Figure 1). In instances where the net rigging mount failed, a temporary rigging was3Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrairunent Monitoring installed and sampling continued.
Standard mesh was 0.333-mm except from late Marchthrough late May when 0.202-mm mesh was employed to improve retention of early-stage larvalwinter flounder.
Sampling time in each case varied from 8 to 30 minutes depending on tide,higher tide requiring a longer interval due to lower discharge stream velocities.
In most cases, aminimum quantity of 100 m3 of water was sampled although at astronomically high tides itproved difficult to collect this amount even with long sampling intervals since the net would notinflate in the low current velocity near high tide. Exact filtration volumes were calculated usinga General Oceanics Model 2030R digital flowmeter mounted in the mouth of the net. Near timesof high water a 2030 R2 rotor was employed to improve sensitivity at low velocities.
All samples were preserved in 10% Formalin-seawater solutions and returned to thelaboratory for microscopic examination.
A detailed description of laboratory and analytical procedures appears in MRI (1988) and NAI (2008). As in past years, larval winter flounder wereenumerated in four developmental stages as follows:Stage I -from hatching until the yolk sac is fully absorbed (2.3-2.8 mm TL).Stage 2 -from the end of stage 1 until a loop or coil forms in the gut (2.6-4 mm TL).Stage 3 -from the end of stage 2 until the left eye migrates past the midline of the headduring transformation (3.5-8 mm TL).Stage 4 -from the end of stage 3 onward (7.3-8.2 mm TL).Similarly larval cunner (Tautogolabrus adspersus) were enumerated in three developmental stages:Stage 1 -from hatching until the yolk sac is fully absorbed (1.6-2.6 mm TL).Stage 2 -from the end of stage 1 until dorsal fin rays become visible (1.8-6.0 mm TL).Stage 3 -from the end of stage 2 onward (6.5-14.0 mm TL).Samples were examined in their entirety for larval American lobster (Homarusamericanus).
When collected these were staged following Herrick (1911).Unusual Entrainment LevelsWhen the Cape Cod Bay ichthyoplankton study was completed in 1976, provisions wereadded to the entrainment monitoring program to identify unusually high densities of fish eggsand larvae. Prior to 1994 "unusually abundant" was defined as any mean density, calculated over4Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring three replicates, which was found to be 50% greater than the highest mean density observedduring the same month from 1975 through to the current year. Restricting comparisons tomonthly periods damped the large seasonal variation so readily apparent with ichthyoplankton and allowed tracking densities as each species' season progressed.
Starting with 1994"unusually abundant" was redefined.
On a month-by-month basis for each of the numerically dominant species all previous mean densities over three replicates (1974-1993) were examinedand tested for normality following logarithmic transformation.
Single sample densities obtainedfrom 1994-2009 were added to the pool within each month. Where data sets (for example,mackerel eggs taken in June) fit the lognormal distribution, then "unusually large" was definedby exceeding the overall log mean density plus 2 or 2.58 standard deviations.'
Log densities were back-transformed to make them easier to interpret thus providing geometric means. Incases where data sets did not fit the lognormal distribution (generally months when a species wasfrequently but not always absent, i.e., many zeros occurred),
the mean and standard deviation was computed using the delta-distribution (see for example Pennington 1983). The same meanplus standard deviation guideline was applied.The decision to rely on 2 standard deviations or 2.58 standard deviations was based onthe relative importance of each species.
The more critical criterion was applied to species ofcommercial, recreational, or biological
: interest, the less critical to the remaining species (i.e.,relatively greater densities were necessary to flag a density as unusual).
Species of commercial, recreational, or biological interest include Atlantic
: menhaden, Atlantic
: herring, Atlantic cod,tautog and cunner (the labrids; Tautoga onitis and Taulogolabrus adspersus),
sand lance(Ammodytes sp.), Atlantic
: mackerel, windowpane (Scophthalmus aquosus),
American plaice(Hippoglossoides platessoides),
and winter flounder.
Table I provides summary data for eachspecies of egg and larva by month within these two categories showing the 2010 "unusually high" levels.A scan of Table I will indicate that, in cases where the long-term mean amounts to I or 2eggs or larvae per 100 mi, the critical level is also quite small. This situation occurred during'Normal distribution curve theory states that 2.5% of the measurements in a normally distributed population exceed the mean plus 1.96 standard deviations
(= s, we rounded to 2 for simplicity),
2.5% lie below the mean minus1.96 standard deviations.
Stated another way 95% of the population lies within that range and 97.5% lies below themean plus L.96s. Likewise 0.5% of measurements exceed the mean plus 2.58s, 99% lie within the range of the meanX 2.58s, 99.5% lie above the mean + 2.58s.:5Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring months when a given species was obviously uncommon and many zeros were present in the dataset with an inherent small standard deviation.
The external reference distribution methodology of Box et al. (1975) was also employed, This procedure relies on a dotplot of all previousdensities for a species within each month to produce a reference distribution.
Densities exceeding either 97.5 or 99.5% of the reference set values were considered unusually high withthis procedure.
6 Normandeau Associates, Inc.6Normandeau Associates, Inc.
y2zC-tt12~II005-rj2C-0C.,00~t'i02~000.C,0C,Figure 1. Aerial photograph of the entrainment sampling station in PNPS discharge canal.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 1. PNPS ichthyoplankton entrainment values for 2010 by species categoryand month used to determine unusually high densities.
See text for details,Densities per Long-term Mean + Mean + Previous High100 m3of water: Meant 2
(Year_JanuaryLARVAEAtlantic herring2SculpinRock gunnelSand lance2FebruaryLARVAEAtlantic herring2SculpinRock gunnelSand lance2MarchEGGSAmerican plaice2LARVAEAtlantic herring2SculpinSeasnails Rock gunnelSand lance2Winter flounder2AprilIEGGSAmerican plaice2LARVAEAtlantic herringSculpinSeasnails Radiated shannyRock gunnelSand lance2Winter flounder2MayEGGSGadidae-Glyptocephalus Labrids2Atlantic mackerel2Windowpane 2American plaice20. (2006)17.6 (2009)78.1 (2002)337.0 (1996)5.8 (2002)341.1 (2006)133.0 (1999)372.9 (1995)19.0 (1977)30.9 (2005)369.9 (1997)16.9 (2002)882.2 (1997)2242.0 (2005)16.2 (1997)70.3 (1978)83.1 (2005)386.2 (1985)98.1 (1974)83.9(2002) 121.1 (1992)2590.6 (1994)198.3 (1974)63.5(2002) 34050.0 (1974)19203.0 (1995)603.9 (2008)162.4 (2007)2.63618923.135144031147158Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Table I (continued).
Densities per100 m3of water:Long-term Mean +Mean' 2 +2.58 High(Year)MayLARVAEAtlantic herringFourbeard rocklingSculpinSeasnails Radiated shannySand lance2Atlantic mackerelWinter flounder2JuneEGGSAtlantic menhaden2Searobins Labrids2Atlantic mackerel2Windowpane 2 2American plaiceLARVAEAtlantic menhaden2Fourbeard rocklingHakeCunner2Radiated shannyAtlantic mackerel2Winter flounder2JulyEGGSAtlantic menhaden2Labrids2Atlantic mackerel2Windowpane 2LARVAEAtlantic menhaden2Fourbeard rocklingHakeTautog,CunnerAtlantic mackerel20.74.1377372914295863271690.3547911026159126.960.74.1721.15941232221599351526131087155106413349161569.35.331838420823636341109115.2 (2005)159.7 (2001)78.3 (1997)164.4 (1974)266.9 (1998)639.1 (1996)377.6 (1998)573.8 (1998)799.7 (1998)128.0 (1987)37282.0 (1995)8193.2 (1990)355.5 (1998)35.0 (1980)495.9 (1981)224.0 (1992)50.6 (1998)2215.6 (1998)290.6 (2004)2700.0 (1981)813.5 (1998)59.1 (1978)12917.0 (1981)119.0(1981) 840.3 (2007)212.8 (2005)115.8 (1999)301.8 (2009)268.6 (1998)2162.5 (1981)60.1 (1996)9 Normandeau Associates, inc.9Normandeau Associales, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment MOnitOTMig Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Table 1 (continued).
Densities per100 m3of water:Long-term Mean +Mean' 2 +2.58 High(Year)AugustEGGSSearobins Labrids2Windowpane 2LARVEAtlantic menhaden2Fourbeard rocklingSilver hakeHakeTautog2Cunner2September EGGSAtlantic menhaden2Labrids2Windowpane LARVAEAtlantic menhaden2Fourbeard rocklingSilver hake2HakeTautog2Cunner2OctoberEGGSAtlantic menhaden2Windowpane 2LARVAEAtlantic menhaden2Fourbeard rocklingHakeNovemberLARVAEAtlantic menhaden2Atlantic herring2DecemberLARVAEAtlantic herring24231593613661043.66I23.2105.32415422111.641511112315942.72226989.2 (1995)3500.0 (1984)261.3 (2006)760.2 (2008)204.6 (1983)157.3 (2009)235.9 (2008)89.6 (2008)254.0 (1997)73.2 (1993)112.8(1993) 539.6 (2005)81.0 (1999)68.6 (1993)46.2 (1999)327.2 (1997)32.1 (2009)42,1 (1993)163.6 (2002)40.2 (2000)70.3 (1997)67.9 (1994)13.7 (1985157.1 (1997)124.8 (1995)216_7 (19Q9\216242.3110.441621823 21670995)
'Geometric or Delta Mean.2Species of commercial, recreational, or biological interest for which more critical unusualevent level will be used.10 Normandeau Associates, Inc.10Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring SECTION IVRESULTSA. Ichthyoplankton Entrained
-2010Estimated densities per 100 m3 of water for each species listed by date, station, andreplicate are presented for January-December 2010 in Appendix A (available upon request).
Theoccurrence of eggs and larvae of each species by month appears in Table 2. lchthyoplankton collections are summarized below within the three primary spawning seasons observed in CapeCod Bay waters: winter-early spring, late spring-early summer, and late summer-autumn.
Winter-Early Spring (January-April)
Ichthyoplankton entrained during January through April generally represent winter-early spring spawning fishes. Many of these species employ a reproductive strategy that relies ondemersal, adhesive eggs not normally entrained.
As a result, more species are typically represented by larvae than by eggs during the early portion of the year. Over both life stages thenumber of species represented in the catch increased from 6 in January to 16 in April. Eggcollections in winter-early spring were numerically dominated by the Gad idae-Glyptocephalus egg group, the Labridae-Limanda egg group, windowpane, fourbeard rockling (Enchelyopus cimbrius),
and American plaice eggs. These species accounted for 40, 27, 11, 10, and 8% of thetotal egg catch during the period, respectively.
Gadidae-Glyptocephalus eggs were entrained from January through April with respective monthly geometric mean densities of 0.4, 0.4, 4.0,and 0.3 eggs per 100 m3 of water. Labridae-Limanda eggs were entrained in March and Aprilwith monthly geometric mean densities of 0.3 and 3.2 eggs per 100 m3 of water, respectively.
Windowpane eggs were entrained in March and April with corresponding monthly geometric mean densities of 0.1 and 1.5 eggs per 100 m3 of water. Fourbeard rockling eggs were alsoentrained in March and April with corresponding monthly geometric mean densities of 0.03 and1.4 eggs per 100 m3 of water. Lastly, American plaice eggs were entrained in March and Aprilwith monthly geometric mean densities of 0.5 and 0.8 eggs per 100 m3 of water, respectively.
In the winter-early spring, 16 species of larval fish were collected from the discharge canal. Sand lance, grubby (Myoxocephahis aenaeus),
rock gunnel (Pholis gunnellus),
andAtlantic seasnail (Liparis atlanticus) made up the majority of the larval fish collected fromJanuary to April, contributing respectively, 42, 21, 16, and 5% of the total collected.
Sand lanceI1INormandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring were collected from January through April with monthly geometric mean densities of 0.04, 1.4,3.5, and 15.1 larvae per 100 m3 of water, respectively.
Grubby were collected during Februarythrough April with corresponding monthly geometric mean densities of 0.3, 3. 1, and 5.6 larvaeper 100 m3 of water. Rock gunnel were collected from January through April with respective monthly geometric mean densities of 0.4, 2.8, 3.2, and 0.1 larvae per 100 m3 of water. Atlanticseasnail were collected during April with a monthly geometric mean density of 1.9 larvae per100 m3of water.Winter -Early SpringJanuary -April 2010EggsAmerican plaice7.8%Windowpane 10.7%All others5.3%LarvaeLabridae-Limanda 27.1% Sand lance42.3%I Fourbeard rockling9.5%Grubby20,6%IRock gunnel16.2%Atlantic seasnail5.0%Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 39.6%All others16.0%Sum of monthly means = 16.50Sum of monthly means = 51.46Figure 2: Dominant species of fish eggs and larvae found in PNPS ichthyoplankton samples during thewinter-early spring season, 2010. Percent of total and summed monthly mean densities for all species arealso shown.Late Spring-Early Summer (May-July)
May through July represents the late spring-early summer ichthyoplankton season,typically the most active reproductive period among temperate fishes. Considering both eggsand larvae, 30 species were represented in the May-July collections, 23 species by eggs and 24species by larvae. Numerically dominant eggs were the tautog-cunner-yellowtail flounder egg12 Normandeau Associates, Inc.12Normandeau Associates,
: Inc, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring group (Labridae-Limandaferruginea),
the fourspot flounder-windowpane egg group(Paralichthys oblongus-Scophthalmus aquosus),
the fourbeard rockling-hake-butterfish egggroup (Enchelyopus-Urophycis-Peprilus) and Atlantic mackerel (Figure 3). Tautog-cunner-yellowtail flounder eggs accounted for 85.5% of the late spring-early summer egg catch, andpeaked in June at a geometric mean density of 1616.6 eggs per 100 m3 of water. Labrid eggmeasurement studies completed at PNPS suggested that the majority of labrid eggs collected near PNPS are cunner (Scherer 1984). Labrid eggs far exceed yellowtail eggs during the periodwhen they are indistinguishable from each other. Fourspot-windowpane eggs accounted for5.2% of the seasonal egg catch, and peaked in June with a geometric mean density of 74.9 eggsper 100 m3 of water. Fourbeard rockling-hake-butterfish eggs accounted for 3.6% of the latespring-early summer egg catch, and peaked in June with a geometric mean density of 28.0 eggsper 100 m3 of water. Atlantic mackerel eggs accounted for 2.7% of the seasonal egg catch andalso peaked in June when they were collected at a mean density of 25.0 eggs per 100 m3 ofwater.Numerically dominant larvae during late spring-early summer collections were cunner,winter flounder, radiated shanny (Ulvaria subbifurcata),
tautog, fourbeard
: rockling, yellowtail
: flounder, and Atlantic menhaden (Figure 3). Cunner accounted for 34.8% of the seasonal total,winter flounder for 13.0%, radiated shanny for 10.8%, tautog for 7.3%, fourbeard rockling for7.0%, yellowtail flounder for 4.9%, and menhaden for 4.9%. Cunner larvae were observed inJune and July with monthly geometric mean densities of 1.8 and 31.1 larvae per 100 m3 of water,respectively.
Winter flounder larvae were collected in May and June with monthly meandensities of 5.8 and 1.5 larvae per 100 m3 of water. Radiated shanny were observed from Maythrough July with corresponding monthly means of 5.3, 2.3, and 0.3 per 100 m3 of water. Tautoglarvae were collected from May through July with respective monthly mean densities of 0.6, 0.6,and 6.1 per 100 ml of water. Fourbeard rockling were most abundant in June with a monthlymean density of 2.0 per 100 ml of water. Yellowtail flounder larvae were most abundant in Maywith a monthly mean density of 2.0 per 100 m3 of water. Lastly, Atlantic menhaden larvae weremost abundant in July with a monthly geometric mean density of 3.1 per 100 m3of water.13 Norm andeau Associates, Inc.13Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Late Spring -Early Summer SeasonMay -July 2010Eggs LarvaeTautogCunnerYellowtail Winter flounder85.5% 13.0%Radiated shanny10,8%CunnerYellowtail flounder 34.8%4.9%73%All others All others Fourbeard rocklingFourspotWindo p e 3.1% 17.3% Atlantic menhaden 7.0%5.2% RocklinggHakeButterfish 4.9%Atlantic mackerel 3.6%2.7%Sum of monthly means = 2989.68 Sum of monthly means = 94.37Figure 3. Dominant species of fish eggs and larvae found in PNPS ichthyoplankton samples during thelate spring-early summer season, 2010. Percent of total and summed monthly mean densities for allspecies are also shown.Late Summer -Autumn (August -December)
This season is typically marked by a decline in both overall ichthyoplankton density andin the number of species collected.
Considering egg and larval stages combined, 27 species werecollected during the August through December period; 21 species in August declined to 3 speciesin December.
Numerically dominant eggs were the tautog-cunner-yellowtail, silver hake-scup-
: weakfish, fourspot flounder-windowpane, and fourbeard rockling-hake-butterfish egg groups.Seasonal percentages for these egg groups were 34%, 34%, 15%, and 12%, respectively (Figure4). Tautog-cunner-yellowtail flounder eggs were present in August through October, the highestgeometric mean density occurred in August at 28.9 eggs per 100 m3 of water. Silver hake-scup-weakfish eggs were present from August through October and peaked in August at 19.2 eggs per100 m3 of water. Fourspot flounder-windowpane eggs occurred from August through Octoberand peaked in August (13.8 egg per 100 m3 of water). Lastly, fourbeard rockling-hake-butterfish eggs were collected from August through November and peaked in August (14.2 eggs14Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring per 100 m3 of water). Larval dominants in the late summer-autumn season were cunner, tautog,Atlantic
: menhaden, hake, fourbeard
: rockling, fourspot
: flounder, windowpane, and silver hake(Merluccius bilinearis).
Seasonal percentages for these species were 26, 13, 9, 8, 8, 6, 6, and5%, respectively (Figure 4). Cunner were collected from August through October withcorresponding geometric mean densities of 5.0, 0.3, and 0.1 larvae per 100 m3 of water. Tautogwere collected in August through October with geometric mean densities of 1.3, 2.8, and 0.1larvae per 100 ml of water, respectively.
Atlantic menhaden occurred from August throughOctober at geometric mean densities of 0.4, 1.3, and 0.5 larvae per 100 m3 of water. Hake werepresent from August through October at geometric mean densities of 1.8, 0.9, and 0. 1 larvae per100 m3 of water. Fourbeard rockling occurred from August through November.
Peak densityoccurred in August with a geometric mean of 1.7 larvae per 100 M3.Fourspot flounder werecollected from August through October.
The peak density occurred in August at 1.1 larvae per100 m3 of water. Windowpane were present from August through October and peaked inSeptember at 1. 1 larvae per 100 m3 of water, respectively.
Lastly, silver hake were observed inAugust and September, and peaked in August at a mean density of 1.7 larvae per 100 m3 ofwater.15 Normandeau Associates.
Inc.15Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Late Summer -Autumn SeasonAugust -December 2010Eggs LarvaeAltantic menhadenHakeScupWeakfish Fourspot flounder 9.0% Silver hake Hake33.7% 6.2% 85.4%FourspotWindowpane 14.8%All othersRocking 5.2% -263%RocklingHakeButterfish 12.0% All others19.0%TautogCunnerYellowtail Tautog34.3% 12.5%Windowpane 5.6%Sum of monthly means = 148.89 Sum of monthly means = 35.08Figure 4. Dominant species offish eggs and larvae found in PNPS ichthyoplankton samples during the latesummer-autumn season, 2010. Percent of total and summed monthly mean densities for all species are alsoshown.B. Unusual Entrainment ValuesIchthyoplankton densities reached the unusually high level, as defined under Methods,during the 2010 sampling season on 76 specific occasions and involved fourteen species (Table3). These species were Atlantic
: herring, seasnail, winter flounder, radiated shanny, windowpane, Atlantic
: menhaden, searobins, American plaice, hake, Atlantic
: mackerel, fourbeard
: rockling, silver hake, and labrid species.
Several species recorded unusually high densities either onseveral occasions or during more than a single month. In general, unusually high densities weresporadic and of short duration.
Atlantic herring larvae reached unusually high entrainment numbers on six occasions in2010 (Table 3). The March 17th density (6.9 larvae per 100 m3 of water) exceeded 94% of allprevious March densities.
Seasnail larvae occurred at unusually high densities on two occasions in 2010 (Table 3),the April 23rd density (19.7 larvae per 100 in3) exceeded 95% of all previous April densities.
16 Norinandeau Associates, inc.16Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Radiated shanny larvae were collected at unusually high densities on three occasions in2010 (Table 3). The April 30th density of 10.3 larvae per 100 m3 of water exceeded 95% of allprevious April densities.
Winter flounder larvae attained an unusually high density once in 2010 on April 23rd(17.8 larvae per 100 m3 of water) exceeding 95% of all previous April densities (Table 3).Labrid eggs were observed at unusually high densities on four occasions in 2010 (Table3). The May 31t density (4300.9 eggs per 100 in3) and the September 10th density (28.6 eggs per100 in3) exceeded 97% of all previous May and September densities respectively.
Windowpane eggs reached unusually high entrainment numbers on five occasions in2010 (Table 3). The May 24th density (458.7 eggs per 100 M3) and the August 20th density(231.2 eggs per 100 M3 ) exceeded 99% of all previous May and August values, respectively.
The October 8h density (17.1 eggs per 100 M3) exceeded 95% of all previous October values.Atlantic menhaden eggs were recorded at unusually high densities on six occasions in2010 (Table 3). The density of 266.4 eggs per 100 m3 of water on June 25"h exceeded 98% of allprevious June densities.
The July 5th and 7th densities (42.4 and 27.0 eggs per 100 m3 of water)exceeded 99 and 98% respectively of all previous July densities.
Searobin eggs occurred at unusually high entrainment numbers on five occasions in 2010(Table 3). The June 25'h and 30th densities (17.0 and 13.6 eggs per 100 M3 of water)correspondingly exceeded 99 and 98% of all previous June densities.
The August 20th density of26.0 eggs per 100 in3 of water exceeded 98% of all previous August densities.
American plaice eggs were collected at unusually high densities twice in June 2010(Table 3), with the June 7th density (19.9 eggs per 100 M3) exceeding 99% of all previous Junedensities.
Hake larvae were attained at unusually high entrainment numbers on eight occasions in2010 (Table 3). The June 4th density of 2.7 larvae per 100 M3 of water surpassed 95% of allprevious June densities.
Additionally, the larval density collected on July 30th (4.6 larvae per100 in3) surpassed 92% of all previous July densities.
Atlantic mackerel eggs reached unusually high densities twice in July 2010 (Table 3).The July 2nd and 5th densities (29.1 and 22.4 eggs per 100 M3 , respectively) exceeded 97and 96%of all previous July densities.
17 Normandeau Associates, Jnc.17Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Atlantic menhaden larvae occurred at unusually high densities three times in 2010 (Table3). The July 7 h density of 19.4 larvae per 100 m3 of water exceeded 90% of all previous Julydensities.
Fourbeard rockling larvae were collected at unusually high numbers on two occasions in2010 (Table 3). The August 6Ih larval density (20.8 larvae per 100 M3) exceeded 95% of allprevious August densities.
Tautog larvae were recorded at unusually high densities twenty times in 2010 (Table 3).The July 7rh larval density (22.6 larvae per 100 M3) exceeded 96% of all previous July densities.
The larval densities collected on September 81hand 101h (12.6 and 22.2 larvae per 100 M3,respectively) each surpassed 99% of all previous September densities.
The September 15th and22 d larval densities (8.7, and 9.1 larvae per 100 M3, respectively) surpassed 96 and 97% of allprevious September densities.
Silver hake larvae attained unusually high densities on three occasions in August 2010(Table 3). Larval densities collected on August 20th, 25th, and 27th (8.2, 7.2, and 12.5 larvae per100 M3 respectively) each exceeded 95% of all previous August densities.
Lastly, cunner larvae appeared at unusually high densities four times in 2010 (Table 3).The August 6th density (118.9 larvae per 100 M3) surpassed 98% of all previous August densities.
C. Multi-year Ichthyoplankton Comparisons A master species list for ichthyoplankton collected from the PNPS discharge canal for theyears 1975 through 2010 is provided in Table 4. A total of 40 species were represented in the2010 collections, slightly above the 1975-2009 time series mean of 39 species.Appendix B (available upon request) lists geometric mean monthly densities along with95% confidence limits for each of the numerical dominants collected over the January-December period dating back to 1981. Geometric means are reported because they more accurately reflectthe true population mean when the distribution of sample values are skewed to the right as iscommonly the case with plankton data. Generally low values obtained for both eggs and larvaeduring April-June 1984 and 1987, as well as May-June 1999, were shaded because low through-plant water volumes during those months probably affected the measurement of ichthyoplankton densities (MRI 1994). Entrainment data collected from 1975-1980 remain in an outdatedcomputer format requiring conversion before geometric mean densities can be generated.
These18Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrairanent Monitoring years were therefore excluded from comparison.
To help compare values over the 35-yearperiod, egg data were plotted in Figure 5 for those species whose combined total represented 96% of the 2010 egg catch. For this figure, cod, haddock, pollock and witch flounder eggs werecombined in the Gadidae-Glyptocephalus group; rockling, hake and butterfish made up theEnchelyopus-Urophycis-Peprilus group, and labrids and yellowtail flounder were combined inthe Labridae-Limanda group. For each category shown, the highest monthly geometric meansobtained from 1981 through 2009 were joined by solid lines as were the lowest geometric means,and the area between was shaded, indicating the range of these values. Monthly geometric meanvalues for 2010 were joined by a solid line. Alongside each plot is a bar graph showing annualabundance indices for each year. These were generated by integrating the area under each2annual curve using trapezoidal integration
.One set of bars was based on geometric monthlymeans and the other, longer time series, on arithmetic monthly means (1975-2010).
Appendix Band Figure 6 contain corresponding data for the 13 numerically dominant species of fish larvae,those accounting for 83% of the 2010 catch as well as total larvae (all species combined).
Asmentioned for eggs, low values obtained for both eggs and larvae during April through August1984 and 1987 and May-June 1999 were flagged in these figures and omitted from the following discussion.
In many cases densities of fish eggs and larvae vary considerably from year to year. Forexample, over the 28-year geometric mean time series for Atlantic menhaden eggs, the highestannual abundance index (3,023 in 1993) divided by the lowest (10 in 1992) amounted to 292. Inspite of such pronounced variation, no consistent upward or downward trend is apparent over thetime series for many species including menhaden and windowpane eggs, sculpin and rock gunnellarvae. Following are noteworthy observations concerning the multi-year time series. Sincedensities of each ichthyoplankton species rise and fall to zero over the course of eachrepresentative occurrence season, interannual comparisons are often conveniently made withinmonthly periods..Atlantic menhaden 2010 monthly mean egg densities were within the historical range thathas been observed from 1981 to 2009, and showed the traditional peaks in egg densities 2 Curve integration results in units of (Numbers x days) per 100 m3of water.19NormandeauAssociates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring in late spring and late summer (Figure 5). The 2010 annual geometric mean abundance index (159) increased compared to the 2007 (98), 2008 (53), and 2009 (6) indices (Figure5). The 2010 arithmetic mean index (1,104) also increased compare to the 2007 (462)through 2009 (9.6) indices, and is the highest since 1997. Atlantic menhaden eggs werecollected at unusually high densities on six occasions in 2010 (See Section B above,Table 3).Gadidae-Glyptocephalus eggs were recorded at a new high in March 2010 at a monthlymean density of 4.04 eggs per lOOm3 of water (Figure 5). Egg group monthly meandensities showed the traditional seasonal characteristics in 2010 with peaks in earlyspring and early winter that have been observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 5). Atlanticcod eggs were typically collected in low numbers at PNPS during winter months from1975-1987 (5 per 100 m3 of water, for example).
Following 1987 they becameuncommon particularly during January and February.
The gadidae-Glyptocephalus groupshowed a significant decline from 1975 to 1993 (p<0.001),
based on a nonparametric signtest (Sprent 1989). This is consistent with the downward trend reported for Atlantic codand witch flounder (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus) stocks for this time period, apparently resulting, at least in part, from overexploitation (NOAA 1998, NEFSC 1998). In 1998,the annual geometric mean index (163) reached the highest value since 1989 (195) andsuggested that this decline had ended, at least locally, since the values for 1994 through1997 (119, 114, 122, and 105, respectively),
appeared stable at about two times the lowvalue recorded in 1993 (51). From 2000-2003 the geometric mean indices increased (194, 237, 212, and 483, respectively),
then decreased from 2004-2006 (334, 208, and128, respectively) and increased in 2007 (172). The 2010 geometric mean index (253)increased from 2008 (140) and 2009 (212; Figure 5). Overall an upward trend wasapparent in these eggs from 1999 through 2005, which is consistent with increases in theGulf of Maine Atlantic cod spawning stock biomass from 1998 through 2004. Thedecline in eggs observed from 2006 through 2008 followed by the increases in 2009 and2010 may reflect the decline observed in spawning stock biomass in 2005 followed bythe increases in 2006 and 2007. The Gulf of Maine Atlantic cod stock is not considered overfished although overfishing is occurring (NEFSC 2008).20 Normandeau Associates, Inc.20Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10Entrainment Monitoring 0 Rockling, hake, and butterfish (grouped in their early developmental stages,Enchelyopus-Urophycis-Peprilus; MRI 1988) monthly mean egg densities reached a newDecember high in 2010 at a density of 0.12 eggs per 100m3 of water, but in generalshowed the traditional seasonal characteristics observed from 1981 to 2009 in 2010(Figure 5). Rockling, hake, and butterfish eggs have been uncommon in recent years.Trend analysis using the longer-term arithmetic time series indicated that a significant downward trend occurred from 1978 through 1996 (p = 0.05) even with a moderate catchin 1995. The 1999 (4,715 and 2,366) and 2000 (7,946 and 4,301) indices suggested anupward trend might have begun, however in 2001 arithmetic and geometric mean indicesdeclined (1,897 and 641, respectively).
Although the arithmetic and geometric meanindices improved slightly in 2002 (1,980 and 1,199, respectively),
they continued todecline in 2003 (1,915 and 585) and 2004 (953 and 438, respectively).
The 2004 indexvalues were the lowest recorded in the time series. The arithmetic and geometric meanindices increased from 2005 (1,340 and 611, respectively) through 2008 (8,709 and2,987), and then declined in 2009 (3,019and 1,606, respectively).
The 2010 arithmetic and geometric mean indices increased to 4,298 and 2,377; the geometric mean index wasabove the 1981-2009 time series average of 2,259 (Figure 5).Fourbeard rockling dominate within this egg grouping based on late-stage eggs aswell as larval collections.
Since they are a small bottom fish with little or no commercial value, stock size data are not available with which to compare trends. Hake on the otherhand contribute to the commercial bottom fishery.
The Gulf of Maine and northernGeorges Bank white hake stock is considered to be overfished (NEFSC 2008). Thenorthern red hake stock which includes the Gulf of Maine and northern Georges Bankareas is currently not considered overfished.
The spring and fall total northern red hakestock biomass indices declined from 2003 through 2006 then increased through 2008(NEFSC 2011). The low egg collections observed at PNPS from 2001 through 2005followed by an increase through 2008 is consistent with the trend in the northern red hakestock biomass.0 Searobin (Prionotus spp.) egg monthly densities in 2010 showed the traditional latespring -early summer peak that has been observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 5).Searobin egg abundance has been low in recent years, a downward trend in egg21Norinandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring abundance has occurred during the 1981 through 2010 time period. A Mann-Kendall trend test at a 95% significance level (a = 0.05) using the geometric mean index supportsthis downward trend (p = 0.003). The 1981-2009 geometric mean abundance index timeseries shows an alternating, intermittent rise and fall in abundance between years since1987. The arithmetic and geometric mean abundance indices increased in 1999 (258 and123) and 2000 (452 and 290), declined in 2001 (108 and 62) and 2002 (57 and 33), andreached a time series low in 2003 of 1.8 and 1.5, respectively.
The arithmetic andgeometric mean abundance indices remained low from 2004 (36 and 21, respectively) through 2006 (17 and 8), and then gradually increased from 2007 (39 and 21,respectively) through 2009 (361 and 152). The 2010 indices continued to increase (694and 319, respectively) and remained above the time series averages of 236 and 146,respectively.
The 2010 indices are the highest values recorded since 1987 (Figure 5).Searobin eggs were recorded at unusually high densities on five occasions in 2010 (SeeSection B above, Table 3). The Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (MADMF)resource survey trawls showed relatively high searobin abundance during the late 1970'sthrough the mid-1980's followed by a sharp decline through the early 1990's (McBride etal. 1998). The decline in the 1990's appears to be reflected in the PNPS egg data.Labridae-Limanda egg monthly mean densities in 2010 showed the traditional late spring-early summer peak that has been observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 5). Labridae(tautog/cunner) eggs, believed to be composed primarily of cunner (Scherer 1984),appeared to be in a downward trend from the late 1970's through 1994 (Figure 5)although a sign test failed to confirm it using the conventional 95% significance level (p= 0.055). The arithmetic and geometric indices both showed an increase in density in1995. The 1995 arithmetic index appeared exceptionally high and disproportionate to thegeometric value due to a single high density in June (37,282 per 100 m3 of water), whichgreatly skewed the arithmetic mean for that month. The arithmetic and geometric indicesdeclined in 1997 but increased again in 1998. The 1998 arithmetic index wasdisproportionately high due to two high densities in June. The geometric indices declinedin 1999 and 2000 (29,885 and 28,156 respectively) and increased in 2001 (40,559).
In2002 both the arithmetic and geometric indices declined (32,754 and 14,709respectively);
the arithmetic mean was the lowest recorded in the 1975-2009 time series.22Normandeau Associates.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring The geometric indices increased in 2003 and 2004 (15,438 and 32,693 respectively),
however in 2005 both the arithmetic and geometric indices declined (45,602 and 12,707respectively).
In 2006, the arithmetic index increased (55,672) compared to the 2005index, however the geometric abundance index (11,534) continued to decline, to thelowest value in the 1981-2010 time series. The arithmetic and geometric indicesincreased in 2007 (82,258 and 34,322 respectively),
declined slightly in 2008 (56,123 and22,201) and then increased in 2009 (125,164 and 25,288 respectively).
The 2010arithmetic mean index (121,731) decline slightly and remained below the 1975-2009 timeseries average (127,440).
The 2010 geometric index (70,236) increased to the highestvalue since 1989 and was above the 1981-2009 time series average of 40,009 (Figure 5).Labrid eggs were recorded at unusually high densities on four occasions in 2010 (SeeSection B above, Table 3).The downward trend noted through 1994 was consistent with observations of finfishin the PNPS area as well as impingement collections at the Station (Lawton et al. 1995).Changes in sampling protocols at PNPS have negated the ability to monitor generalcunner population trends beyond 1994, which in the past were sampled by gill net, trawl,and diver surveys.
Numbers impinged appeared to systematically decline from 1980through 1992 (annual totals dropped from 1,043 to as low as 28 in 1992), then increased in 1993 (93) and 1995 (346). They remained high in 1996 (332), which appeared toroughly parallel the egg abundance data. The impingement total for 1997 (41) and 1998(101) represented a substantial drop relative to the preceding two years and appeared outof step with the ichthyoplankton collections.
Cunner impingement dropped in 2002 (59),increased from 2003 (172) to 2005 (716), declined from 2006 (384) to 2008 (247),increased in 2009 (895) which was similar to the ichthyoplankton collections.
Cunnerimpingement declined in 2010 (535; See Impingement Section),
which appears out ofstep with the increase observed in the ichthyoplankton collections.
Early stage yellowtail flounder eggs are similar to and grouped with the labrids.Yellowtail flounder eggs are believed to account for all eggs of the Labridae-Limanda type collected in April since the labrids are not likely to spawn until May. Yellowtail flounder eggs were relatively abundant in April from 1999 through 2002, abundance thendeclined from 2003 through 2007, increased in 2008, declined slightly in 2009, and23Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring increased in 2010. The April geometric mean densities were 2.4 per 100 m3 in 1999, 4.0per 100 m3 in 2001, 1.1 per 100 m3 in 2003, 0.5 per 100 m3 in 2005, 0.1 per m3 in 2007,1.3 per 100 m3 in 2008, and 1.2 per 100 m3 in 2009. The 2010 April yellowtail floundereggs' geometric mean index was 2.5 per 100 m3 of water. Spawning stock biomass ofCape Cod -Gulf of Maine yellowtail flounder decreased from 2,633 mt in 1990 to 949 mtin 1998, and then increased to 1,797 mt in 2002. The spawning stock biomass declinedto 796 mt in 2005 and then increased to 1,922 mt in 2007. The Cape Cod -Gulf of Maineyellowtail flounder stock is currently considered overfished (NEFSC 2008). The declineseen in yellowtail flounder egg abundance at PNPS from 2003 through 2007 followed byan increase in 2008 reflects the overall trend observed throughout the Cape Cod -Gulf ofMaine yellowtail flounder stock.Mackerel egg monthly mean densities in 2010 showed the traditional late spring peakabundance observed from 1981 to 2009 in June (Figure 5). Mackerel eggs typically display a sharp peak in their seasonal abundance curve often with one or two very highdensities.
For example, in May 1995 a single density of 19,203 eggs per 100 m3 wasrecorded on May 26, dropping to 557 eggs per 100 m3 on the 29th. The second highestdensity occurred on June 91h that year with 4,754 eggs per 100 M3.Due to these briefsharp peaks, arithmetic and geometric indices are often quite far apart (Figure 5).Mackerel eggs were more abundant from 1988 to 1998 compared to the 1975 through1987 period. A sign test using the arithmetic index time series supported this upwardtrend (p < 0.006). In 1999 and 2001, the numbers decreased significantly to 1,135 and727, respectively.
These decreases are likely due to the fact that the main seawaterpumps were off for extended periods during the month of May both years, the peakseason for mackerel eggs. In 2002, the geometric mean index increased to the secondhighest value in 10 years (11,850) but then declined in 2003 (3,411) and 2004 (661). Thegeometric mean index value increased slightly in 2005 (676) and then declined in 2006(451) and 2007 (311), which was the lowest value in the time series. The geometric mean increased in 2008 (1,106) and 2009 (1,906),
and then declined in 2010 (1,127;Figure 5). Entrainment of high densities of mackerel eggs during the 1990's wasconsistent with a dramatic rise in stock biomass attributable to reductions in foreignfishing and low commercial landings by U.S. fishermen (Overholtz 1993, NOAA 1998,24Normandeau Associates.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring NEFSC 1998). The northwest Atlantic mackerel spawning stock biomass declined from1,359,003 mt in 1972 to 96,968 mt in 2008, and recruitment declined from an average of2.1 billion age 1 fish from 1962-1984 to 566 million age I fish from 1985-2009 (TRAC2010). The decline in mackerel egg densities observed at PNPS during the last eightyears is consistent with the decline in northwest Atlantic mackerel productivity.
0 The Paralichthys-Scophthahnus egg group was recorded at new March high in 2010 at amonthly mean density of 0.07 eggs per 100m3 of water. The traditional high monthlymean egg densities observed during late spring from 1981 to 2009 were seen in 2010(Figure 5). Windowpane eggs are predominant within the Paralichthys-Scophthahnus egg group based on larval collections.
The geometric mean indices increased from 1994(2,216) through 2001 (6,377),
declined in 2002 (1,396),
increased in 2003 (1,973) and2004 (2,843),
and declined slightly in 2005 (2,074) and 2006 (2,038).
In 2007 thegeometric mean index increased to 7,294 and then decline to 2,792 in 2008. Thegeometric mean index increased in 2009 (4,496) and 2010 (5,140),
and was above the1981-2009 time series average of 3,061. The arithmetic mean index increased in 2007(13,474) compared to the 2006 index (4,300) and then declined in 2008 (6,265).
Thearithmetic mean index increased in 2009 (7,800) and 2010 (9,000) and continued to beabove the 1975-2009 time series average (5,213; Figure 5). Windowopane eggs wererecorded at unusually high densities on five occasions in 2010 (See Section B above,Table 3).In general these eggs have not shown wide variations in number, at leastcompared with other species regularly entrained.
Massachusetts Division of MarineFisheries spring and fall trawl surveys suggest that stocks gradually increased from 1978to 1995 but then decreased more or less steadily through 2004. A slight increase seemsto have occurred from 2005 to 2007 (Matthew Camisa, MDMF, personalcommunication).
Over that time series catch did not swing over a very wide range, thelow being two fish per tow and the high 14 (average of spring and fall surveys).
TheGulf of Maine-Georges Bank windowpane stock is considered to be overfished (NEFSC2008).* American plaice monthly mean egg densities in 2010 generally showed the traditional seasonal characteristics that have been observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 5). The25Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring highest geometric mean index value in the 1981-2010 time series occurred in 2004 (450).The index dramatically declined in 2005 (54), increased in 2006 (113) and 2007 (230),and then declined in 2008 (113). The arithmetic mean index followed a similar trenddeclining from 811 in 2004 to 186 in 2005, increasing to 206 in 2006 and 742 in 2007,and then declining to 296 in 2008. Both the geometric and arithmetic mean indicesincreased in 2009 (375 and 756, respectively) and then declined in 2010 (113 and 173,respectively) dropping below the time series averages (190 and 414, respectively; Figure5). American plaice eggs were collected on two occasions at unusually high densities in2010 (See Section B above, Table 3).Plaice egg abundance at PNPS appears to generally follow trends in adult stocksize. Entrainment was low in the mid 1980's when stock size was known to be low(NEFSC 1998, NEFSC 2008), increased from 1987 through 1992, and decreased slightlythrough 1996 although remained above the low of 1990; then rose again through 2001.Egg abundance has fluctuated from 2002 through 2007. Relatively strong egg production near PNPS may be accounted for by the strong year class produced in 1992 and areduction in fully recruited fishing mortality from 1992 to 1999 (NEFSC 2001).Spawning stock biomass decreased from 10,648 mt in 2001 to 8,560 mt in 2004 and thenincreased to 15,569 mt in 2007. The Gulf of Maine -Georges Bank American plaicestock is currently not considered to be overfished although the spawning stock biomass isbelow the target level (28,600 mt; NEFSC 2008).Total eggs collected in 2010, all species pooled together (Figure 5), showed thecharacteristic temperate fish late spring-early summer peak observed during the 1981-2009 time series. The total egg geometric mean abundance index declined in 2005(20,056) and 2006 (17,694),
increased in 2007 (49,697),
and then declined in 2008(36,468).
The geometric mean index increased in 2009 (57,933) and 2010 (96,590).
The2006 index was the lowest in the 1981-2010 time series. The 2005 arithmetic mean index(58,440) was the second lowest value in the 1975-2010 time series. The arithmetic meanindex increased in 2006 (70,794) and 2007 (106,760),
declined in 2008 (80,640),
andthen increased in 2009 (145,176) and 2010 (147,058; Figure 5). The 2010 geometric index was above the time series average (75,010) although the arithmetic index remainedbelow the 1981-2009 series average (185,827).
The low indices recorded in 2005 and26Normandeau Associoles, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring 2006 may reflect to a large extent the below-average production of fourbeard
: rockling, cunner, yellowtail
: flounder, mackerel, and American plaice eggs. The increase recordedin 2010 may reflect above average production of searobins, labrid, and Paralichthys-Scophthalmus eggs.Larvaea Atlantic menhaden larvae monthly mean densities show the traditional seasonalcharacteristics in 2010 (Figure 6). Menhaden larval abundance was relatively high from1996-1999, then noticeably dropped during 2000 and 2001, climbed slightly in 2002 andthen dropped again in 2003 and 2004. The 2004 annual geometric mean abundance index (10) and arithmetic mean index (12) were the lowest values recorded in the timeseries. The geometric mean abundance index increased from 2005 (312) through 2008(819), then declined in 2009 (320) and 2010 (194) dropping below the 1981-2009 timeseries average of 264. The arithmetic mean abundance index increased in 2005 (1,022)and 2006 (1,374),
then declined slightly in 2007 (1,116),
and increased in 2008 (4,048).The arithmetic mean index declined in 2009 (719) and 2010 (352) dropping below the1975-2009 time series average of 606 (Figure 6). Atlantic menhaden larvae werecollected in unusually high densities on three occasions in 2010 (See Section B above,Table 3).Atlantic menhaden are coastal migrants that travel in schools that can often bequite dense and are attracted to both intake and discharge currents at industrial facilities.
The great variability in numbers of eggs taken at PNPS probably reflects not onlynumbers of adults in the surrounding waters but variability in the distance from PNPS atwhich spawning takes place. Spawning stock biomass increased from 1993 through 1995(Cadrin and Vaughan 1997), which is consistent with the observed increase in egg andlarval densities in 1997 and larval densities alone in 1997-1999.
Currently the stock isbelieved to be healthy (ASMFC 2010) consistent with the relatively high numbers oflarvae entrained during the last six years.* Larval Atlantic herring 2010 monthly mean densities showed the traditional spring andearly winter peaks that have been observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 6). Peakabundance of Atlantic herring larvae shift somewhat from year to year due to abiotic27Normandeau Associates, Inc.
PilgTim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entraininent Monitoring factors like water temperature.
For example, the major spawning for Atlantic herring inthe Northwest Atlantic traditionally occurs from late August through November (Collette and Klein-MacPhee, 2002), but during unseasonably cold winters this spawningseasonality usually shifts later into December, as seen in 2003. Atlantic herring larvaewere collected in unusually high densities on six occasions in 2010 (See Section B above,Table 3).Atlantic herring larval abundance indices have proven valuable in management ofherring stocks on Georges Bank, Nantucket Shoals, and in the Northwest Atlantic ingeneral (Smith and Morse 1993). The Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank herring stockcomplex was seriously depleted by overseas fleets during the 1960's and 1970's to thepoint where no larval herring were found on Georges Bank for a decade (Anthony andWaring 1980, Smith and Morse 1993, Overholtz and Friedland 2002). The stock hasincreased more or less steadily since 1986 following reductions in fishing pressure to thepoint where they are abundant on Nantucket Shoals and in the Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank region. The estimated 2008 stock biomass (652,000 mt) is slightly below the BMsy(670,600 mt) but the stock is not considered overfished (TRAC 2009). Larval collections at PNPS from 1994 through 2002 reflect the general increase in stock size, the geometric mean index for those seven years ranking among the top six. In 2003, however, thegeometric mean index (32) fell relative to the 2002 index of 147, and represented afourteen-year low dating back to 1989. The geometric and arithmetic mean indicesincreased in 2004 and 2005. The 2006 geometric mean index (148) was very similar tothe 2005 index (147), however the 2006 arithmetic mean index (349) decreased compared to the 2005 index (602). In 2007 the geometric mean index declined to 9,representing a 1981-2010 time series low. The 2007 arithmetic mean index also declinedto 13, representing the second lowest value in the 1975-2010 time series. The geometric and arithmetic mean indices increased in 2008 (72 and 145, respectively),
were similar in2009 (79 and 146), and increased slightly in 2010 to 93 and 185, respectively (Figure 6).Fourbeard rockling larval monthly mean densities showed the traditional seasonalcharacteristics in 2010 that have been observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 6). Larvaldensities were unusually high on two occasions in 2010 (See Section B above, Table 3).Fourbeard rockling larvae were relatively abundant in 1998 and 1999 due to the28Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring unusually high densities recorded in July of those years. The annual geometric meanindex dropped sharply in 2000 (50), rebounded in 2001 (607), and then declined in 2002and 2003. The 2003 geometric mean index (47) was a time series low and under onetenth the series average (479). In 2004, the geometric mean index increased (528)relative to the 2002 and 2003 indices.
: However, the geometric and arithmetic meanindices declined in 2005 (195 and 536, respectively) and 2006 (162 and 346). The 2007geometric mean index remained essentially unchanged while the arithmetic mean indexincreased slightly (363). The geometric and arithmetic mean indices increased in 2008(225 and 522, respectively) and 2009 (330 and 710). In 2010, both the geometric andarithmetic mean indices declined to 194 and 406 remaining below their respective timeseries averages of 459 and 1,324 (Figure 6). In spite of these swings in abundance, noconsistent trend over the times series is evident.
As mentioned above under eggs, therockling is a small bottom fish with little or no commercial value and stock size data areunavailable with which to compare trends.Larval hake monthly mean densities in 2010 were within the historical range observedfrom 1981 to 2009 (Figure 6). Larval hake densities were unusually high on eightoccasions in 2010 (See Section B above, Table 3). Larval hake abundance has been lowsince 1999. The arithmetic and geometric mean indices declined to time series lows in2003 (16 and 9, respectively).
The arithmetic and geometric mean indices increased slightly from 2005 (28 and 15) through 2007 (62 and 37), and then increased morenoticeably in 2008 (1,332 and 217) and 2009 (1,549 and 226, respectively).
In 2010 boththe arithmetic and geometric mean indices declined (188 and 103 respectively),
droppingbelow their respective time series averages of 789 and 200 (Figure 6). The Northeast Fisheries Center (NEFSC) autumn bottom trawl surveys biomass index suggests that thenorthern red hake stock biomass gradually increased from the 1970's though 2002, steadydeclined to 1.16 kg per tow in 2005, and then increased reaching 12.46 kg per tow in2009. Commercial landings reached a historic low in 2005 of 150 mt. The MADMF fallsurvey biomass increased from a low of 447 mt in 1987 through the 1990's to amaximum of 3,842 mt in 2000, and then declined from 2002 through 2008. TheMADMF fall survey biomass was 1,233 mt in 2009. The northern red hake stock iscurrently not considered overfished (NEFSC 2011). White hake NEFSC autumn bottom29Normandeau Associates.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring trawl survey biomass index declined during the 1990's reaching a near record low in1999. The biomass then increased from 2000 to 2002 due to the strong 1998 year classand then declined to a very low level (Sosebee 2006). Spawning stock biomass wasestimated to be 19,800 mt in 2007 which is below the spawning stock biomass maximumsustainable yield of 56,300 mt. The Georges Bank -Gulf of Maine white hake stock iscurrently considered as overfished (NEFSC 2008). Time series highs in larval hakeabundance at PNPS in 1997 (994) and 1998 (932) may indicate production of strong yearclasses or simply reflect a localized spawning aggregation.
The low larval hakeabundance observed in the 2000 to 2007 indices may reflect the declines in biomass ofboth red and white hake stocks in the Gulf of Maine.Sculpin larval monthly mean densities followed historical characteristics with an earlyspring peak in 2010 (Figure 6). Sculpin abundance has remained relatively stable overthe 36-year arithmetic mean time series (Figure 6). A slight increasing trend occurredfrom 1977 through 1988 and a secondary peak was observed in 1997 (arithmetic meanindex = 5,058, geometric mean index = 2,249). After dropping in 1998 to 1,086, thegeometric mean index increased in 1999 (1,668) and 2000 (1,528) before declining in2001 (958). The sculpin geometric mean index rebounded in 2002 (2,428) to the thirdhighest value since 1981 and the highest since 1988. The arithmetic mean and geometric mean indices then declined from 2003 to 2005. The arithmetic and geometric meanindices increased in 2006 (3,166 and 1,183) but then declined in 2007 (3,044 and 932)and 2008 (844 and 375). The 2008 geometric mean index was a time series low. Thearithmetic and geometric mean indices increased in 2009 (1,949 and 843, respectively) and then declined in 2010 to 513 and 305 remaining below their respective time seriesaverages of 2,446 and 1,266 (Figure 6). The major species within this genus entrained atPNPS is the grubby. Since these fish are small and have no commercial or recreational significance, no stock size data are available with which to compare the larval abundance patterns.
Seasnail larvae monthly mean densities showed the traditional seasonal characteristics that have been observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 6). Seasnail larvae exceeded unusualdensity levels twice in 2010 although those values did not produce notably high monthlymeans (See Section B above, Table 3). Larval seasnail abundance has been low in since30Norniandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10Entrainment Monitoring 1998. The arithmetic and geometric mean indices declined to time series lows of 30 and27, respectively in 2003. The arithmetic mean index has remained at approximately 40%of the 1975-2009 time series average (579) since 2004, with an average index of 234from 2004-2009.
The geometric mean index has fluctuated continuously since the low in2003 ranging from 233 in 2004 to 45 in 2007, and has remained below the 1981-2009 time series average (214) since 2005. The arithmetic and geometric mean indicesincreased slightly in 2010 to 200 and 92, respectively from 122 and 57 in 2009 (Figure6). Since these fish typically reach a length of less than 6 inches and have no commercial or recreational significance, no stock size data are available with which to compare thelarval abundance patterns.
Tautog larval monthly mean densities reached a new September high in 2010 with adensity of 2.8 larvae per I 00m3 of water. However in general, the monthly meansdensities showed the historical patterns that have been observed from 1981 to 2009(Figure 6). Tautog larvae exceeded unusual high density levels on nine occasions inSeptember corresponding to the new September high monthly mean density observed.
Additionally tautog larvae exceeded unusual high density levels on eleven otheroccasions in 2010, although those densities did not produce notably high monthly means(See Section B above, Table 3). Larval tautog geometric mean abundance reached a five-year high in 2001 (268), followed by a decline in 2002 (73) and 2003 (64), and anincrease in 2004 (172). Abundance decreased in 2005 (132) and 2006 (69), and increased from 2007 (79) through 2009 (722). The 2009 geometric mean index was the secondhighest value in the time series. The geometric mean index declined in 2010 to 337, butremained well above the 1981-2009 time series average of 174. The arithmetic meanindices show a similar increasing trend in 2008 (679) and 2009 (1,198) compared to the2006 (189) and 2007 (137) values. The 2009 arithmetic mean index was also the secondhighest value in the time series. The arithmetic mean index declined in 2010 to 538, butcontinued to remain above the time series average of 346 (Figure 6). The arithmetic mean index (1975-2010) extends over a longer time period than the geometric meanindex and historically shows peaks and ebbs from year to year with no apparent long-term trend. Tautog spawning stock biomass declined from 1982 to 2003 (NEFSC 1998,ASMFC 2006a). Recent data indicate that Massachusetts commercial landings decreased 31AlormandeauAssociales, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrairunent Monitoring from 1993 to 2001 and recreational landings decreased from 1988-2004 (Stirratt 2002,ASMFC 2006a). Due to limited data, the Massachusetts tautog stock status is uncertain although it does not currently appear to be overfished.
However coastwide tautog areconsidered overfished (ASMFC 2006a).Cunner larval monthly mean densities in 2010 showed the traditional seasonalcharacteristics that have been observed from 1981 to 2009. Cunner larvae exceededunusual density levels on four occasions in 2010 although those values did not producenotably high monthly means (See Section B above, Table 3). No consistent long-term geometric mean index trends are apparent for this species.
: However, cunner larvalabundance was low from 2002 through 2007. The geometric mean index declined from1,697 in 2000 to 115 in 2003. The index increased slightly in 2004 (373), declined againin 2005 (350) and 2006 (259), and then increased from 2007 (294) to 2009 (1,229).
The2010 geometric mean index declined to 1,181 but remained above the 1981-2009 timeseries average of 1,020 (Figure 6). Arithmetic mean indices for cunner larvae over thetime series (1975-2009) also show no apparent trends in entrainment collections, butrather fluctuate between a few years of relatively high abundance followed by years inwhich cunner larvae were less common. For instance, in 1981 the arithmetic mean indexfor cunner was 10,701 but then declined sharply to 437 in 1982 and climbed to 2,067 in1983. The 2010 arithmetic mean index of 2,200 increased slightly compared to the 2009index of 2,122 but remained below the 1975-2009 time series average of 2,461 (Figure6). This general fluctuating pattern is repeated throughout the time series and likelyreflects a localized, dynamic recruitment pattern for this temperate wrasse. Current stocksize data for cunner are unavailable.
" Larval radiated shanny monthly densities in 2010 showed the historical characteristics that have been observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 6). Radiated shanny larvae occurredat unusually high densities on three occasions in 2010 although those values did notproduce notably high monthly means (See Section B above, Table 3). Radiated shannylarval geometric mean abundance rebounded in 2000 (239) following a 12-year low in1999 (73), and reached a seven year high in 2002 (651). The geometric mean indexdeclined in 2005 (101) ending the 5-year increase in abundance, and remained low in2006 (113) and 2007 (103). The geometric mean index increased in 2008 (456) and 200932Normandeau Associates.
Pilgfirn Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entraimnent Monitoring (700) and then declined in 2010 to 274, dropping below the 1981-2009 time seriesaverage of 384. The 2010 arithmetic mean index also decreased to 462 which was belowthe 1975-2009 time series average of 834 (Figure 6). Since this is a small, ratherinconspicuous bottom fish, relatively little is known of its habits and data are notavailable concerning population trends.0 Rock gunnel larval monthly mean densities were collected at a new April low in 2010with a density of 0.06 larvae per 100m3 of water. However in general, the monthlymeans densities showed the traditional patterns observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 6).Rock gunnel larvae were collected in above-average numbers from 2000 to 2002 but thendeclined in 2003 and have since remained relatively low. The 2010 geometric meanindex (195) declined compared to the 2009 index (351) and continued to remain belowthe time series average (933). The arithmetic mean index has also shown a low relativeabundance since 2003. The 2010 arithmetic mean index (408) was also below the 1975-2009 arithmetic mean index time series average of 1,725 (Figure 6). Overall, however,there was no obvious or statistically significant trend from 1975 to 2010, although thereappeared to be intermittent highs in relative abundance followed by one or two-yeardeclines with the abundance indices generally increasing over the 1981-2002 time period.The appearance of rock gunnel larvae from February through April, the three monthswhen they typically are most abundant, fell below the time series mean for these monthsfrom 2003 through 2010 consistent with the overall annual indices.
Since the rockgunnel is a small bottom fish with no commercial or recreational value, abundance dataare not available with which to compare the entrainment estimates.
* Sand lance larval monthly mean densities reached a new November high in 2010 with adensity of 0.08 larvae per 1 00m3 of water, and generally showed the traditional characteristics that have been observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 6). The geometric mean index increased nearly three-fold from 1994-2006 (mean index = 2,791) comparedto 1981-1993 (mean index = 1,054) indicating a general increase in abundance that beganin 1991 after a period of relatively low sand lance abundance from 1987-1990.
Overall,the geometric mean index peaked in 1996 (6,156) and the arithmetic index peaked in1994. The sand lance geometric mean index increased from 2004 (1,824) to 2006(3,195).
In 2007 the geometric mean index dropped 94% to 189, becoming the third33NormandeauAssociales, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring lowest value in the time series and the lowest value since 1988. The 2007 arithmetic mean index (397) also declined 95% from 2006 (7,998) and was the lowest value since1989. The geometric mean and arithmetic mean indices increased in 2008 (2,911 and7,223, respectively) and then declined in 2009 (728 and 1,696) and 2010 (633 and1,0101) dropping below their respective time series averages of 1,856 and 3,854 (Figure6).Sand lance play an important role in community ecology since they are a majorprey source for a number of finfish species including several of the dominant speciesdiscussed above: mackerel, cod, hake, plaice, and yellowtail flounder (Winters 1983).Adult sand lance are also a key prey species in the diet of several baleen whales such ashumpback (Megaptera novaeangliae) and finback whales (Balaenoptera physalis) thatmigrate seasonally to or through Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays and influence theseseasonal migrations (Weinrich et al 1997; Hain et al 1995). Traditionally, other dominantprey sources for humpback whales have been Atlantic herring and Atlantic mackerel.
: However, as both these prey sources declined in abundance during the late 1970's andearly 1980's, humpback whales began targeting sand lance as their main prey source forthis region (Kenney et al 1996). Unfortunately, sand lance have little to no commercial orrecreational value, and therefore abundance data are unavailable to compare to theentrainment estimates.
Atlantic mackerel larval monthly mean densities in 2010 were within the historical rangethat has been observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 6). Peak larval abundance historically occurs in May and June with time series average geometric means of 0.63 and 8.4 per100 m3 of water, respectively.
The 2010 May and June geometric means continued to bebelow these averages with densities of 0.0 per 100 m3 of water in May and 0.59 in June.Mackerel larvae, like their eggs discussed above, typically display a sharp peak in theirabundance curve often with one or two very high densities.
Due to these brief sharppeaks, arithmetic and geometric indices are often quite far apart (Figure 6). Thearithmetic mean index generally increased from 1975 until 1995 and then declined.
Peaks in abundance occurred in 1981 (10,030) and 1995 (12,086).
The 2008 arithmetic mean index (39) declined from the 2006 (565) and 2007 (387) values. The arithmetic mean increased slightly in 2009 (68) but then declined in 2010 (37) and continued to be34Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring below the time series average (1,601).
The arithmetic mean index has been below thetime series average since 1999. The mackerel larval geometric mean index increased in2001 (159) from 2000 (131) but then declined in 2002 (70) and 2003 (36). A 5-year highoccurred in 2004 when the geometric mean index reached 251, but then declined in 2005(95). The geometric mean index increased slightly in 2006 (139), declined in 2007 (105)and 2008 (20), and then increased slightly in 2009 (30). In 2010 the geometric meanindex decreased to 18, the fourth lowest value in the 1981-20 10 time series, and was wellbelow the 1981-2009 series average of 286 (Figure 6). The northwest Atlantic mackerelspawning stock biomass declined from 1,359,003 mt in 1972 to 96,968 mt in 2008, andrecruitment declined from an average of 2.1 billion age 1 fish from 1962-1984 to anaverage of 566 million age 1 fish from 1985-2009 (TRAC 2010). The decline inmackerel larvae densities observed at PNPS since 1999 is consistent with the currentdecline in the northwest Atlantic mackerel spawning stock biomass.Winter flounder larvae, a species of considerable recreational and commercial interestand value, are typically among the numerically dominant members of the larval fishcommunity around PNPS in May and the first part of June. Winter flounder larvalmonthly mean densities generally showed the traditional seasonal patterns that have beenobserved from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 6) although a single individual was collected inAugust in 2010. Winter flounder larvae were recorded at an unusually high density of17.8 larvae per 100 m3 of water in April 2010 which did not produce a notably highmonthly mean (See Section B above, Table 3). The annual geometric mean curve areaindex reached a high of 2,307 in 2001. This high was followed by a decline in 2002(575) and 2003 (195), a slight increase in 2004 (539), and then a decline from 2005 (492)through 2007 (172). The geometric mean index increased in 2008 (264) and 2009 (272),then declined in 2010 to 258 and remained below the 1981-2009 time series mean of 481.The arithmetic mean index increased in 2004 (3,047);
declined in 2005 (2,009) and 2006(429); and then increased from 2007 (480) through 2009 (1,422).
The arithmetic meanindex declined in 2010 (593) and was well below the 1975-2009 time series average of1,162 (Figure 6). Overall these indices varied without trend over the time series.The Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic winter flounder stock, including offshore Cape Cod, continues to be overfished (NEFSC 2008, Mayo and Terceiro 2005).35Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrain.ment Monitoring The 2002 year class was estimated to be very small at only 4.4 million fish; it wasfollowed by an average size year class (21.6 million) in 2003 (Mayo and Terceiro 2005).The 2006 year class was estimated to be the smallest on record (1981 to 2007) at 3.6million fish and was followed by a small 2007 year class estimated to be 8.8 million fishThe 2007 spawning stock biomass was estimated to be 3,368 mt (NEFSC 2008). TheGulf of Maine winter flounder stock appeared to be doing better than the Southern NewEngland stock; this stock was considered to have been rebuilding since 1995 (NEFSC2003, Mayo and Terceiro 2005) and was listed as not being overfished (Mayo andTerceiro 2005). However, in the most recent stock assessment a high degree ofuncertainty in stock status determination exists although all models suggest that currentspawning stock biomass is below the spawning stock biomass maximum sustainable yield value. The Gulf of Maine winter flounder stock is now considered to likely beoverfished (NEFSC 2008). See additional information below.The total for all larvae combined in 2010 showed the traditional seasonal patterns thathave been observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 6). The 2010 total larval arithmetic meanindex (8,472) declined compared to the 2008 (24,825) and 2009 (23,411) indices and waswell below the 1975-2009 time series average (21,179).
The 2010 geometric mean index(5,521) also declined compared to the 2008 (11,264) and 2009 (11,773) indices and wasconsiderably below the 1981-2009 time series average (11,147; Figure 6).36 Normandeau Associates, Inc.36Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrairunent Monitoring Figure 5. Geometric mean monthly densities per 100 m3 of water in the PNPS discharge canalfor the eight numerically dominant egg species and total eggs, 2010 (bold line). Solidlines encompassing shaded area show high and low values over the 1981-2009 period.Brevoortia tyrannusLabridae-Lirnandas Gadidae-Glyptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis-Peprilus Prionotus spp.Scomber scombrusParalichtys-Scopthalmus Hippoglossoides platessoides Total eggsTo the right are plotted integrated areas under the annual entrainment abundance curves for1975-2010.
An asterisk above 1984, 1987 and 1999 marks the three years when values mayhave been low due to low through-plant water volumes from April-August.
An asterisk above1976 indicates abundance value may be low due to absence of sampling during January -lateApril; see text for clarification.
Light bars represent indices based on monthly means arithmetic means, solid bars (1981-2009) indices based on monthly geometric means.Occasionally bars were rescaled to improve readability.
The actual value in those cases isprinted above the bar.37 Normandeau Associates.
Inc.37Normandeau Associates.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Brevoortia tyrannusbggs10IE80.z 7. .zJ F M AMJ J A SO0N DMonthC0i1.9l/Low q*20I0)1500,I1000 F200067,00023,2323,02'3.. .... , ..500 F0.010.00175 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10Year(! Abundance Index based on:.t~n6Arithnnetic means WmGeornetrk manGadidae -Glyptocephalus 10I0.10.010.00120001500500075 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 80 02 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10Year Index based on,nIrthmrrtic means =Geometric meanjMHg/onth0I Figure 5 (continued),
38Normandeau Associates.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Enchelyopus
-PeprilusI-9!0.8S100010010I0.10.017 7 7zk : m :m-. 7z.At:4j %...........................
"ggs3025201510F M A M J J A S O N DMonthhteiud- 1 :~1,' 11. h/Lmw *210'"'":75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 9J 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 O0 02 04 06 08 I0Year63 Abundance Index based on:Arithmetic means W~eometrk rncJPrionotus spp.I10010I400LE0.1L z-z-z-zZ, *2z Z, z -z1 'z 7: Z ZMonth.0120010008006004002000.010.00175 77 79 81 83 05 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 00 10Year6; Abundance&#xa2; Index based on: "Arithmetic mea., WIOcorntn~ri meatsJFigure 5 (continued).
39 Normandeau Associates, Inc.39Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Labridae
-LimandaEggs0000 3001000E 25010 z z200'10 -15L ------- -.50100 -J --7 ~~~75 77 790816385 87 09 91 93 95 9799 01 03 0507 09-1 1 76 780g002 9489688090 92 94 96 9800002 04 D600 100.0013 FM A MJ J A SON D YaMonth AudneIie ae nMo h Anthmic means MiGeornetric mean)Scomber scombrusL gS100001000100L1071.- -~- ------5'p~I0I200 1- -15Dt00Ftso ------ ---- -----. -[ ~ --------0,0.010.00)0.1.Irr lail I *75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10YcarAbundance Index based on:&#xfd;Arithrnetic trims _=",.metric cn.J F M A M J J A S 0 N DMonthFigure 5 (continued).
40 Normandeau Associates, Inc.40Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear POWeT Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Paralichthys
-Scophthalmus EIgs1000100aS10I0.1I __I0,010.001J F M A M J J A S 0 N DMonth[lHi h/Low ") 11 19 i1 W53 5 8v Y1 j V)9 9 1 99 U1 I.I U) 07 0976 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10YearAbundance Index based6Arithmetic means =Geonwtori'c Figure 5 (continued).
41Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Total Eggs1000010M900Z10010----------- -------- -----i -.-------------------. --W- --U 4- -------J FM AM J J A SON DMonth4003002001000.10.010.001l3 I I iy 61 6j 63 6O 60 YI YJ V3 Y V U V 1 U. V) VI VY76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10YearAbundance Indecx biased o.n:Arithmetic mecans IGeornetne means)Figure 5 (continued).
42 Normandeau Associales, Inc.42Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Figure 6. Geometric mean monthly densities per 100 m3 of water in the PNPS discharge canalfor the thirteen numerically dominant larval species and total larvae, 2010 (bold line).Solid lines encompassing shaded area show high and low values over the 1981-2009 period.Brevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis speciesMyoxocephalus speciesTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunnellus Amnmodytes speciesScomber scombrusLiparis speciesTautoga onitisPleuronectes americanus Total larvaeTo the right are plotted integrated areas under the annual entrainment abundance curves for1975-2009.
An asterisk above 1984, 1987 and 1999 marks the three years when values mayhave been low due to low through-plant water volumes from April-August, An asterisk above1976 indicates abundance value may be low due to absence of sampling during January -lateApril; see text for clarification.
Light bars represent indices based on monthly means arithmetic means, solid bars (1981-2009) indices based on monthly geometric means.Occasionally bars were rescaled to improve readability.
The actual value in those cases isprinted above the bar.43 Normandeau Associates, Inc.43Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Brevoortia tyrannusi0-- -----I F M AMJ J A SON DMonth0.10.010,00175 77 79 81 83 8S 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 DO 02 04 06 08 10YEAR&#xfd;Arit'u'nctliu means mGeornerricmen Clupea harengusLarvae100 1600140010 z z .z :, z z: z 0- 0 ----- .'I 20100-0ooo ....86 0 0 ........010 .0.01 240000,7577 79 81 870 78 8082J F M A M i J A S O N DMonth 6Ai v/~w 3 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 9901 03 05 07 0984 86 88 90 92 94 9900 02 04 06 08 10YEARAbundace Index based on: marithmeri&#xa2; means WGeometric
&#xa2;Figure 6 (continued).
44 Normandeau Associates, Inc.44Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Enchelyopus cimbriusLarvae10010Ez- ---841261 u0.10.010.01J F MA AM)JJ A SO0N DMonth[CIfi k,'Low ;;20I 075 77 79 81 83 85 87 09 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 D2 04 06 08 10A boundanc c Index ba sd on :6Arithmence means 0(0*omchic ineanUrophycis spp.Larvae~1100.17 11-r~ ~ r-a ------- --I.8I50.010.001I F M A M 1 3 A S 0 N DMonthCHi h/Low Z20l075 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 00 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10YearAbundance Inde~x based on.ArL m nans ,n&#xfd;Figure 6 (continued).
45 Normandeau Associates, Inc.45Normandeau Associates,
: Inc, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Myoxocephalus spp.Larvaez 6z'j Z8 70 828:8010C20.001J F M A M J J A S 0 N DMonth f_ Abur(=
4 01J&#xfd; Arithrneti 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0988 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10Yearndance Index bas on:ic -ea- Weome&#xa2;fic me"mj)Liparis spp.LaIrvae2500800I0.0I7\y4 -- --- --- --20001500J1000S0o0.10.010.001J FM A MJ J A SON DMonth75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 g0 82 84 86 88190 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10YcatAbundant:ce Index based on: "6Arithmeitic me~ans WGcornetri meanjFigure 6 (continued).
46 Normandeau Associates, Inc.46Normandeau Associates, hic.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Tautoga onitisLatrvacI10 72000I0 21000_ I~00000 z 70 MA--76 7 80 82 8486 8890929496980004060 IJI F M AMJ J A S O NIDMonth L AudceIixbudo 0.Hi1/o
~ oercmanTautogolabrus adspersus
-201000100I.0. Iz -z zz zzS.7 E .1i*R----, -,. -- ---15II10 &#xfd;25,901----- ------------*-*-*50.010.0010J F M AMJ JA SO0N DMonth~75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 8002 84 86 80 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 1 UYearAbundance Index based on.. &#xfd;Arithmnetic means IGeotnenric Figure 6 (continued).
47 Normandeau Associates, Inc.47Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Ulvaria subbifurcata Larvae250010010I--- --- ----- ---------"- ----20001500100050090.10.010.00175 77 79 01 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10YearAbundance Index basedmon:
6A-rithetntic means WlGcomet'ic mean.)Month(Mivh,0.02010 Pholis gunnellus LarvaeIDO .............610574:.,0.01 -- -75 77 79 01 83A ~76 78 80 82 80.001 ' rFMAMJ J ASONDMonth rt85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 094 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10YearAbundance Index based on:hmetic meana IIGeormetric meanFigure 6 (continued).
48 Normandeau Associates, Inc.48Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Ammodytes spp.100A810.I. ' -m-----I MAMJ J 7S N7o 7 7-------N880.10.0I0.00175 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 070976 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10YearArithmctic
--ns I~omemr r eapScomber scombrusLarvae10010112 . M AMJ J ASO0N DMonthIS8864212,08610,030-----1 -I I -I, 848'484!
.LU f4ifa= rF .fi LWI75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10YearAbundance Ind"x based on:CAnthmclic means 11110cmerric meajsFigure 6 (continued).
49 Nor~nandeau Associates, Inc.49Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pleuronectes americanus Larvae
: :: -.6 "_. ..... .... ...1006----- ................75 777 7 83-88 -939 9790 03 -00F JMAM J0 A OND Year-Arnth ic e I-oma b-rd -- -n-Figure 6 (continued).
50 Nor~nandeau Associates, Inc.50Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 2. Species offish eggs (E), larvae (L), and juveniles (J) obtained in ichthyoplankton collections from the Pilgrim Nuclear PowerStation discharge canal, January-December 2010*.Species ....._At lantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannusAtlantic herring Clupea harengusAnchovy Anchoa spp.Bay anchovy A. mitchilli Fourbcard rockling Enche/yopus cimbriusAtlantic cod Gadus morhuaHaddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus Silver hake Merluccius bilinearls Atlantic tomcod Microgadus tomcodPollock Pollachius virensHake Urophycis spp.Striped cusk-eel Ophidion marginaturn Gooselish Lophius americanus Silvers ides Men idia spp.Northern pipefish Syngnathusfuscus Searobins Prionolus spp.Northern searobin P. carolinus Striped searobin P. evolansGrubby Myoxocephalus aenaeusLonghorn sculpin M. octodecernspinosus Shorthorn sculpin M. scorpiusSeasnail Liparis atlanticus Black sea bass Centroprislis striaiaScup Stenotomus chrysopsWrasses LabridaeTautog Tautoga onitisCunner Tautogolabrus adspersus Radiated shanny Ulvaria subbtfurcata Rock gun nel Pho/isgunnellus Wrymouth Cryptacanthodes maculatus Sand lance Ammodytessp.
Seaboard Goby Gobiosoma ginsburgi Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrusButterfish Peprilus triacanthus Srmllmouth flounder Etropus microstomus Windowpane Scophihalmus aquosusSumner flounder Paralichthys dentatusFourspot flounder P. oblongusWitch Flounder Glyptocephatus cynoglossus American plaice Hippoglossoides platesso idesW inter flounder Pseudopleuronecles arnericanus Yellowtail flounder Limandaferrugineus Hogchoker Trinectes maculatus Number ofspecies 2010Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec SpeciesFLEL /L L EtL F/L EILL L UJ L L, t/JL L UJE E EE EtL F/L F/L E/L L F/ L FJL E/L E FJLE FJL E EIL E EL E E E F/LE E E EtL ELE L F/L F EL /L EL FJLL LL E F/LE FIL EL E/L F/L E/LFL F/iLL LE E EL L L L LL L L L L LE E E FJL F/LL LL L LL EL L L L FLLL L LL L LL L L LL L L L L LE/LE/L FiLE E E E E E E E EF LL FJL E/L E/L E'L EL E'LF/L EIL F/L F/L UL E'LL L L L LL L L L LL LL L L I.J UJ LUJJL E FILE E/L E EILFiL FJ L L it.LE E E E F/L FJL FiLE E L EIL FJL /L FL L FiLJ L UJEIL F)L ItL EtL FIL E/l-E E FLt E E L FiLE t. L Ft L FiLFtL EtL FitL L L F/LFitL F/IL FtL FtL FiL FLtL L6 6 14 16 20 27 20 21 19 12 4 3 40*Occurrence of species in egg groups was based on spawning season and the presence of larvae in samples.51Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 3. Ichthyoplankton densities (number per 100 m5 of water) for each sampling occasion during monthswhen notably high densities were recorded, January -December, 2010. Densities marked by + wereunusually high based on values in Table I. Numbers in the last colum indicate percent ofall previous values during the month which were lower.Atlantic Herring LarvaeNarch 5 0.08 0.010 0.012 1.8Is 0.017 6.9 + 9419 4.5 + 9122 4.1 + 9024 0.026 0.029 1.431 0.8Previous high: 30.9 (2005)Notice level: 3.0Radiated Shanny LarvaeApril 2 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.012 1.114 1.816 1.819 0.021 6.823 1.326 4.428 0.730 10.3 + 95Previous high: 83.9(2002)
Notice level: 7.0Labrd .g sMay 3 55.25 12.37 33.510 58.212 25.314 54.717 52.919 22.321 537.424 21.226 221.028 568.031 4300.9 + 97Previous high: 34,050.0(1974)
Notice level: 3514.0Seasnall LarvaeApril 2 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.012 1.114 1.816 1.819 14.6 + 9121 0.023 19.7 + 9526 4.428 3.230 1.3Previous high: 98.1 (1974)Notice level: 8.0Winter Flounder LarvaeApril 2 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.012 0.514 0.016 1.819 9,721 0.023 17.8 + 9526 0.028 6.530 0.0Previous high: 198.3 (1974)Notice level: 12.0Windomane EggsMay 3 7.85 28.57 48.810 14.812 4.214 47.117 0.019 7.121 94.424 458.7 + 9926 96.728 111.431 160.6 + 95Previous high: 603.9(2008)
Notice level: 147.052 Nor~nandeau Associates, Inc.52NormandeauAssociates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear POWeT Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entraimnent Monitoring Table 3. Continued.
Atlantic Menhaden EggsJune 2 0.04 0.07 0.79 8.6II 0.714 0.016 0.018 0.021 7.423 11.825 266.4 + 9828 13.230 124.0 + 96Previous high: 799.7 (1998)Notice level: 22.0American Plaice EggsJune 2 1.94 10.3 + 987 19.9 4 999 2.0II 0.714 0.016 0.018 0.021 0.023 0.025 0.028 0.030 0.0Searolin EggsJune 2 0.04 0.07 0.09 1.3II 2.014 0.016 0.018 0.021 1.923 1.125 17.0 + 9928 7.9 + 9630 13.6 + 98Previous high: 128.0(1987)
Notice level: 3.0Hake LarvaeJune 2 0.04 2.7 + 957 0.09 0.0I1 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.021 0.023 0.025 0.028 0.030 0.0Previous high: 35.0(1980)
Notice level: 3.0Previous high: 50.6(1998)
Notice level: 1.0Radiated S hanny LarvaeJune 2 0.54 10.8 + 827 7.19 1.3I1 5.914 1.216 1.118 1.221 0.923 0.025 1.328 19.4 + 8930 1.0Atlantic Menhaden EggsJuly 2 11.6 + 965 42.4 + 997 27.0 + 989 1.112 0.014 0.016 4.7 + 9219 0.021 0.024 0.026 0.028 0.030 0.0Previous high: 290.6 (2004)Notice level: 10.0Previous high: 59.1 (1978)Notice level: 4.053 Normandeau Associates, Inc.53NormandeauAssociates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Table 3. Continued.
Atlantic Mackerel EggsJuly 2 29.1 + 975 22.4 4 967 0,09 I1I12 2.214 8.916 0.019 1.221 0.024 0.026 0.028 0.030 0.0Previous high: 119.0 (1981)Notice level: 16.0Fourbeard Rockling LarvaeJuly 2 0.05 18,7 + 877 0.09 0.012 0.014 5.516 2.419 0.021 0.024 0.026 0.028 1.830 1.9Previous high: 115.8 (1999)Notice level: 9.0Tautog LarvaeJuly 2 17.5 + 945 17.5 1 947 22.6 + 969 13.1 4 9212 6.6 + 8314 12.2 -+ 9116 4.719 2.421 8.6 + 8624 1.526 0.028 3.530 12.1 + 91Atlantic Menhaden LarvaeJuly 2 2.95 11.2 + 867 19.4 + 909 3.312 2.214 6.716 2.419 1.221 2.524 0.726 0.028 3.530 3.7Previous high: 212.8 (2005)Notice level: 9.3Hake LarvaeJuly 2 0.05 0.07 0.09 2.2 + 8812 0.014 0.016 0.019 2.4 + 8821 0.024 0.026 0.028 0.030 4.6 4 92Previous high: 301.8 (2009)Notice level: 1.0Searobin EggsAugust 2 2.04 0.06 0.09 0.011 7.2 + 9313 4.416 2.718 3.920 26.0 4 9825 0.027 0.030 0.7Previous high: 268.6 (1998)Notice level: 5.3Previous high: 89.2 (2005)Notice level: 6.054Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Table 3. Continued.
WiundwLne EggsAugust 2 11.74 13.26 4.99 9.611 39.213 57.616 33.418 19.220 231.2 + 9925 0.027 23.530 11.2Previous high: 261.3 (2006)Notice level: 136.0Silver Hake LarvaeAugust 21.34 1.26 1.29 0.0I1 1.313 1.916 0.518 0.420 8.2 + %25 7.2 + 9527 12.5 + 9730 0.0Fourbeard Rockl ngLarvaeAugust 2 2.64 5.46 20.8 + 959 0.0II 5.213 0.016 0.018 3.020 1.425 0.027 4.430 0.7Previous high: 204.6(1983)
Notice level: 10.0Hake LarvaeAugust 2 0.04 3.06 7.4 + 869 1.311 7.2 + 8613 1.916 1.118 0.020 2.725 0.027 12.5 + 9230 0.7Previous high: 235.9 (2008)Notice level: 4.0Cunner LarmeAugust 2 27.4 f 914 26.4 + 906 118.9 + 989 9.011 0.013 5.616 1.118 0.920 5.525 3.627 2.230 0.0Previous high: 254.0(1997)
Notice level: 15.0Previous high: 157.3 (2009)Notice level: 2.0Tautog LarvaeAugust 2 0.74 5,4 + 866 1.29 0.611 3.913 44 + 8416 0.518 0.020 4.1 + 8325 0.027 2.230 0.0Previous high: 89.6 (2008)Notice level: 4.055 Norinandeau Associates, Inc.55Normandeau Associaies, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 3. Continued.
September I6Labrid Eggs4.1 + 81 September 0.08 1.610 28.613 2.615 2.217 4.120 1.622 1.324 1.027 0.029 2.19781Hake LarvaeI 0.06 0.08 0.010 14.3 + 8913 3.615 0.717 1.420 1.622 1.324 0.027 4.229 0.0Previous high: 112.8 (1993)Notice level: 3.0Previous high: 3272 (1997)Notice level: 9.0September Tautog Larvae1 0.06 1.78 12.6 4 9910 22.2 + 9913 4.6 1 9115 8.7 + 9617 2.7 + 8320 1.622 9.1 + 9724 2.9 -8427 5.3 + 9329 3.2 + 85Previous high: 32,1 (2009)Notice level: 2.0Windowpmne EggsOctober 8 17.1 A 95II 6.5 + 9014 0.618 0.720 0.022 0.0Previous high: 40.2 (2000)Notice level: 2.0Cunner LarvaeSeptember 1 4.1 + 936 0.08 1.610 0.013 0.515 0.017 0.020 0.022 0.024 0.027 0.029 0.0Previous high: 42.1 (1993)Notice level: 2.0Atlantic Menhaden LarvaeOctober 8 0.8II 0.014 0.018 0.020 5.2 4- 8822 3.3Previous high: 70.3(1997)
Notice level: 4.0Atlantic Herring LarvaeDecember 6 4.2 1 818 8.3 + 8610 0.717 0.0Previous high: 216.7 (1995)Notice level: 3.0NovemberAtlantic Herring Larvae1 0.03 4.55 0.015 12.7 + 8617 0.019 1.3Previous high: 124.8 (1995)Notice level: 8.056 Normandeau Associates, Inc.56Normandeau Associates, Inc.
PIlgr'M Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Mow'tofing Table 4. Species of fish eggs (E), and larvae (L) collected in the PNPS discharge canal, 1975-2010, General periods ofoccurrence for eggs and larvae comrbined arc shownalong the right side; for the domninant
: species, periods ofpeak abundance are also shown in parentheses.
SpeciesAnguilla rosirataConger oceanicus Alosa spp.Brevoortia tyrannusClupeas harengusAnchoa spp.A. hepsetusA. mitchilli Osmerus inordaxBrosme brosmeEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaAMelanogrammus aeglefinus Merluccius bilinearis Alicrogadus tornodPollachius virensUrophycis spp.Ophidion marginatum Lophius americanus Strongylura marinaFundulus spp.F. heteroclitus F. majolisMenidia spp.M. menidiaSyngnathusfrscus Sebasies norvegicus Prionolus spp.flemitriplerus americanus Afyoxocephalus spp.A, aenaeusA. ociodecemspinosus M. scorpiusAspidophoroides monopterygius Cyclopierus lupusLiparis spp.L. atlanticus 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995i I i j i i i i i iL L J L L iEL i. L E/L EL E(L E/i E/ L E/i E/IL E EL Ei.L ElL El FJL EL /L E/iL EL EL i LL L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L LL L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L LE E E E E/L E E E E E E EL L L L L El L L L L L L EL L L L LEL. L l EL EiL EL E E EEl EL EL El El E /i. ELl. El. E/L EiL EfL FL EL FJL ELi. EiL FJL E EILEl. El i El Eli. E L Fl Ei. FL. FJL E EL FJL EL El EL FEL E/i EL F EL iL EL RL EiL L L E E E EFL EiL REliL EL EL El EL. El. E EJ L FJL Ei EL E(L Ei E L EFL El E L FJL E/LL L L LELLLL L L L L L L Li. L L L L LFEL FJL E FJL FJL RJ L L RJ L F/L L L L L EIL L LE liL ELi FJL E ElL EIL EiL Ei E EL FJL Eli E L E L E Fl FR L El EiLL LEl. E El EL El UL L i.L EiL EL FJL FJL E E E EIL E/L FL El EJL EIL E/LLE EL LEIL EL EL L LEJ EL E EL L L L L L L L L L LiL L L L L LLE/L E E E R FI L E E/L EL RL R L EL E E E E EL ELL L L L L L L L EIL L KL L L L RL L RL L L LL L L L L L L L L L L L 151 L L LL L L L L L L L L RL L L L L LL L L L L L L L L L L L L LL L L LL L L L E L L L L EL L L LL L L L L L L L L L L L. L L i LL L L LL L L L L L L L L L L L L LLLELLLLLLLL57 Normandeau Associates, Inc.57Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 4 (continued).
Species 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995L coheni L L L L L L L L L L L L L LCentropristisstriata L L L L L L L L L L L LCynoscion regally L L LStenoloms chrysops L L L E L L L L Lhfenticirrhus saxatilis L LLabridae E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E ETautogaonitis L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L LTauiogolabrns adspersus L L L L L L L L L L L L L i.L .L L L L L L LLurmpenus lumpretaeformis L L L L L L L. L LUlvariasubbifircafa L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L LPholisgunnellus L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L LCryptacanthodes maculatus L L L L L L L L i.L L L L L L LAnmdytes sp. L L L L F./L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L LGobiosomaginsburgi L L L L L LScomberscombrus R EL VL FJL E /L E/L FL .L IL EL FL EX IL E/L U L R REL FJL EL E VI L IELPeprilustriacanthus FIL EL FL E E FLEIL L E(L E(L L E FIL EIL LEL *L L ILEtropusmicrostoms L L E EIL E E E E E E'LParalichthysdentatus FL &L L EIL E L RiL E E.LP.oblongus IEU L R Eli El IL EL K_ .L E L UiL E /L El L FLEIL &L U U L VELi L EILScophihalmusaquosus EL EL ./L R L E fL E IL EL L Ell FIL E EIL KE L FJL RLEL EI L ULE E! LGlyplocephalus cynoglossus ElL El EL FL FJ L R .R lR L FEL E E Rl FL F.L ./L EiL EL U.EL E RE L ElHippoglossoidesplatessoides E.L ElL E/Li FI.EUL EI EIL I. ELi. Eli ElI. FlL RL Ri. KI E. L FEL DEL EE L EliPleuronectesamericanus EiL EL L FL Eli.E l El El .L FIL .FEL E(L EL .Ei El ElL Ei. EL EILiP. pulnami L Fli LLi'andaferrugineus F.L &LL E L LR LR EI fL E E FL .IL UL &L FLA IL F.L FJL &IL EFLTrinectes maculatus E E E E E E F./L EXl ESphoeroidesmaculatus L ,LNumber ofSpecies4 41 36 43 35 37 35 40 38 37 34 42 37 36 41 40 42 34 36 38 39 42IJ=Juvenile IAbsent August and September; peaks =March-May and Novenber.Decenrber.
3Although these eggs were not identified specificaly, they were assurnd to have occurred as shown based on the occurrence of larvae.For comparative purposes three species of Myozcephalus were assuned for 1975-1978 and two species of liparis for1975-1980.
58Nomandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Table 4 (continued).
Species 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 PeriodofOccurrence Anguilla rosirata J J J L L L L L L L L Feb-SepCongeroceanicus L JulAlosa spp. L L U[ May -JulBrevoortiatyrannus EUL E/L R R/ EL R E'L ElL E'L ElIE E/IJJ &#xa3; IJJ E/L/J EI[JJ REL Apr(Jun)-(Oct)Dec Clupeasharengus L L L L L EIL L L L UJ L/J l/J L l.J 1J Jan- Dec2Anchoaspp.
L L L E/L E L L L IL/J L Jun- SepA. hepsetus E Jun- SepA. Mitchilli L E EIL E!L E E E E E E E Jun-SepOsmerusmordax L L E'L L E L L L L L Mar-JulBrosme brosme EIL E Elf E L ElI Apr-JulEnchelyopus cimbrius ElL E'L E/L ElI E/I ElL E/L E F./R EI L E lL EL &#xa3;1 K F L EL ElL Apr(Jun)
-(Sep)DecGadusmorhua EL E/IL ElL E/i E/L R/L E/L ElL El I EIL Eli/J &#xa3;/J11 EI I.JJ EUL Jan(Nov)
-(Def)DecMelanogrami, usaeglefinus E L E/ ElL E RL E E/L ElI ElI EfL E EUL E EIL Mar-JulMerlucciusbilinearis ElL FiEL E.L E/L EiL E/L E/L E ERL E RL ElL E.L Ef L E/L May(May)
-(Jun)NovMicrogadustiomod L L L L L L L L L L L L L L Jan.JunPollachiusvirens E L E L L EIL EL Jan-JunNov,Dec Urophycisspp.
E/L E IL E!L ElL EIL FiL El / E/L E/L 1_1R F/L E/T VIL E JL Apr(Aug)
-(Sep)NovOphidion marginatum L L L L L L L L L Aug- SepLophiusamericanus ElI El, El R .R .El L ElI E E E E F/L ./L E May-OctStrongylura marina JulFundulusspp.
JulF. heteroclitus JunF. majalis OctMenidiaspp.
t L t EL L ElL L L L UJ L L L L May-SepM. mnidia ElI May -SepSyngnaihusfiscus L L L L L L L L E L L L L L Apr-NovSebastes norvegicus L L Jun(jul)Prionolusspp.
E EL R.E/L El E E IL ElL E Eli E F.E/L l I EL FJL May(Jun)-(Aug)Sep Hemitripterus americanus L L Feb- MarMyoxocephalusspp.
L L L L Dec(Mar)
-(Apr)JulH.aenaeus L L L L L L L L L L L L L L ElL Jan(Mar)-(Apr)Jul M octodecemspinosus L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L Jan(Mar)
-(Apr)MayM. scorpius L L L L L L L L L L L L Feb-AprAspidophoroides monopterygius L L L Mar-AprCyclopierus lumpus L L L Apr-JulLiparis spp. 1 .L L L L Jan(Apr)
-(Jun)JulL.allanticus L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L Mar(Apr)-(Jun)Jul 59Normandeau Associates,
: Inc, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrairiment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Table 4 (continued).
Species1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Period of Occurrence L coheniCentropristis striataCynoscion regalisStenriomus chiysopsMenticirrhus saxatilis LabridaeTautoga onifisTautogolabrus adspersus Lumpenus lumpretaeponnis Ulvaria subbifircata Pholisgunnellus Ctyptacanthodes maculatus Ainrnodytes sp.Gobiosonm ginsburgi Scomberscombrus Peprilus triacanthus Etropus microstormus Paraichihys dentatusP. oblongus IScophthalms aquosusGlyptocephalus cynoglossus Hippoglossoidesplatessoides Pleuronectes americanus P. putnamiLinrndaferrugineus Trinectes aculatusSphoeroides maculatus L Li. L L LL L L L L LLL L E'L E/L L LLLEli.EILEE/LLL L L L L LL ELLL RL EL ELE E E E E EEiL RL EL EIL EIL FLJan(Feb)-
(Aug)OctL Jan -JunL L l.J L L Feb(Apr)-(Jun)Oct L L UJ UJ L Jan(Feb)
-(Apr)JulL L L L Feb-AprL L UJ UJ UJ Jan(Mar)-(May)Dec E L E/L Jul-SepEUL Eli EIL Ei.L [/L ApiMay) -(Jul)Sep,ELUL EL R. E/L May-OctE E I El L RE/i Jul-OctEi.L E L [/UJ UJ May-NovElL Ei. [ [L R / EL May-OctRI FL EliL [L E/i Apr(May)
-(Sep)OctR U L EIL Fi.L ELi Mar(May)-(Jun)Nov Eli Eli El L Eli. Jan(Mar)-(Jun)Nov E/L Eli EJL Ri. R/L Jan(Apr)
-(Jun)SepMar-JunEll EL i. Ei. EfL Feb(Apr)
-(May)NovEiL L May-SepJul-AugL Eli E EULEli [L i L EL i L EL L Eli Eli RLEli EL UL EL Eli Eli. EiEli .L E ELEli EL. UL Eli. E EL Eli EEL E/L Eli KL E/L [IL El El. El , EliEl El LUL E(L iL El l Eli El i L L EliLEUL. El E l. EL EL UL El El ELEL E ELLNumber of Species 437 37 40 3841 37 42 43 3938 40 42 39 45 4060 Normandeau Associates, Inc.60Nomandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Mafine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring D. Entrainment and Impingement Effects -SpecificEstimated numbers of eggs and larvae entrained annually at PNPS were examined insome detail for six species of fish using the equivalent adult (EA) procedure (see Horst 1976,Goodyear 1978, Saila et al 1997, EPRI 2004, for example).
Numbers impinged were alsoconsidered.
This review dates back to 1980 so that, with the addition of 2010, 31 years ofanalyses are included.
The adult equivalent methodology applies estimated survival rates tonumbers of eggs and larvae entrained and numbers of fish impinged to obtain a number of adultfish which might have entered the local population had entrainment and impingement notoccurred.
The consequences, if any, of entrainment and impingement can then be considered ifthe size of the extant population is known or numbers can be compared with commercial orrecreational landings.
Many assumptions are associated with the EA procedure.
The fish population isassumed to be in equilibrium, therefore in her lifetime each female will replace herself plus onemale. It was initially assumed that no eggs or larvae survive entrainment.
In assessing potential entrainment values the assumption is also made that no density-dependent compensation occursamong non-entrained individuals, i.e. the approach assumes that non-entrained individuals do notbenefit from reduced competition as a direct result of lower densities.
The later two assumptions result in an overestimation of plant impacts.
Additionally, survival has been demonstrated forsome species of entrained fish eggs at PNPS such as the labrids (45%; MR] 1978a) and winterflounder (73%, n = 11; MR] 1982) and among larvae at other power plants (0-100% initialsurvival depending on species and size; Ecological Analysts 1981). LMS (2001) used induced-flow larval sampling tables to assess initial and latent survival among entrained winter flounderand other species.
They determined that larval flounder mortality was high and statistically similar in both intake and discharge samples.
In spite of high natural mortality they reported thatsurvival increased with increasing larval length and decreasing through-plant temperature change.Numbers of eggs and larvae entrained at Pilgrim Station were determined using a typicalnormal operation flow capacity of 461.28 million gallons per day (MGD) except when thestation was out of service for refueling or other maintenance.
During outage periods when onecirculating seawater pump was in service sampling continued and flow prevailing at the time was61 Norm andeau Associates.
Inc.61Normandeau Associates.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring used to calculate numbers entrained.
Typically if both circulating seawater pumps were offentrainment sampling was discontinued as little if any entrainment occurred.
In 1984 and 1987an exception occurred since both circulating seawater pumps were shut down from April throughAugust yet sampling continued using the salt service water system. Estimated numbers entrained for species present during those months are quite low as little entrainment was observed to occur(MRI 1994). Due to the extended outages those two years were omitted from 1980-2009 timeseries averages and ranges in the following six species reviews.
During the more typical 1999outage extending from May 9 to June 11 sampling was also conducted with only the salt servicewater pumps running with results similar to 1984 and 1987. Based on the very low numbersentrained when both seawater pumps were off entrainment sampling was not conducted duringthe portion of the 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, and 2009 outage periods in which both circulating seawater pumps were shut down and entrained was assumed to be zero.Since plankton densities are notorious for deviating from a normal distribution but dogenerally follow the lognormal, geometric mean densities more accurately reflect the truepopulation mean. The geometric mean is always less than the arithmetic mean particularly fordata which are skewed to the right such as plankton densities (see Figures 5 and 6). Incalculating total entrainment values for the adult equivalent methodology we chose to use thelarger arithmetic mean for all sampling dates proceeding April 1994 when three replicate samples were taken per sampling occasion to lend additional conservatism to the assessments.
Beginning with April 1994 each individual sample density was utilized so that no averaging wasnecessary.
The six species selected for review were winter flounder, cunner, Atlantic
: mackerel, Atlantic
: menhaden, Atlantic
: herring, and Atlantic cod. Flounder were chosen because of theircommercial and recreational value as well as their importance in PNPS ecology studies.
Cunnerwere selected because they are abundant in entrainment samples and in the local nearshore area.Mackerel and menhaden were included because they are abundant among the ichthyoplankton entrained, both eggs and larvae being removed from the local population, and they arecommercially and recreationally valuable.
Atlantic herring and cod are not entrained in greatnumbers but they are valuable species in New England waters.62 Normandeau Associates.
Inc.62Normandeau Associates.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Winter FlounderIn 2010 an estimated total of 756,692 eggs and 10,181,766 winter flounder larvae wereentrained by PNPS (Table 5). The number of larvae ranked in the middle of the range (37,hpercentile),
20th among the 31 totals recorded over the 1980 -2010 time series. The averagenumbers entrained from 1980-2009 were 3,614,239 eggs and 21,822,298 larvae. Values rangedfrom 28,600 in 2002 to 32,717,500 in 1985 for eggs and 3,505,517 in 1999 to 86,850,000 in1998 for larvae.The annual larval entrainment estimates were converted to equivalent numbers of age 3adults, the age at which flounder become sexually mature (Witherell and Burnett 1993, NOAA1995). Four sets of survival values were used and the results averaged.
The first set followedNEP (1978) using data from Pearcy (1962) and Saila (1976). Briefly, this consisted of dividingthe total number of entrained larvae by 0.09 to estimate the number of eggs which hatched toproduce that number of larvae. NEP (1978) did not specifically account for entrained winterflounder eggs. While they are demersal and adhesive, numbers of them are entrained each year.A survival rate of 0.058 for entrained winter flounder eggs was assumed based on Rose et al(1996) and assuming that the entrained eggs were 15 days from hatching.
The number of newlyhatched eggs derived from the number of eggs entrained was then added to the number ofhatched eggs derived from the larvae entrained.
The combined number of eggs was thenmultiplied in succession by 0.004536, an estimate of survival from a newly hatched egg to day26; 0.2995, survival from day 27 to metamorphosis; 0.03546, survival of juveniles from 3 to 12months; 0.3491, survival from 13 to 24 months; and finally 0.33, survival from 24 to 36 months.The second approach followed larval stage-specific survival rates (S) derived fromNiantic River data (Crecco and Howell 1990) as modified by Gibson (1993). These are asfollows:S (stage 1) = 0.236 S (age 0) = 0.0730S (stage 2) = 0.108 S (age 1) = 0.250S (stage 3) = 0.154 S (age 2) = 0.477S (stage 4) = 0.623A survival rate of 0.058 was assumed for winter flounder eggs as indicated for the unstagedapproach.
All fish eggs or larvae are not entrained at the same point or age in a given life stageand it is assumed that the further along in development the greater the probability that an63 Normandeau Associates, Inc.63Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring individual will survive to the next life stage. To account for this, the survival values for each lifestage entrained were adjusted based on EPRI (2004). The adjusted survival value was appliedonly to the stage being entrained, not to subsequent stages as numbers were calculated toequivalent adults. The adjusted survival values were as follows:Adjusted Eggs = 0.1096Adjusted S (stage 1) = 0.3819 Adjusted S (stage 3) = 0.2669Adjusted S (stage 2) = 0.1949 Adjusted S (stage 4) = 0.7677In using the stage-specific rates it is recognized that Dominion employs different morphological stage criteria than those used at PNPS (Dominion 2008). However a comparison of samplesfrom both studies showed stages to be quite comparable until larvae approach metamorphosis, asize not often collected because these individuals begin to assume a benthic life style.The third set of survival values obtained from PG&E (2001) was as follows:Eggs = 0.75S (stage 1) = 0.1286 S (age 0) = 0.0927S (stage 2) = 0.0328 S (age 1) = 0.3291S (stage 3) = 0.0296 S (age 2) = 0.3654S (stage 4) = 0.8377As above, survival values were adjusted based on EPRI (2004) and applied only to the stagebeing entrained.
The values used were as follows:Adjusted Eggs = 0.8571Adjusted S (stage 1) = 0.2279 Adjusted S (stage 3) = 0.0575Adjusted S (stage 2) = 0.0635 Adjusted S (stage 4) = 0.9117The fourth set of survival values obtained from EPA (2004), which were based on PG &E (2001), was as follows:Eggs = 0.75S (stage 1) = 0.1287 S (age 0) = 0.0926S (stage 2) = 0.0327 S (age 1) = 0.3307S (stage 3) = 0.0296 S (age 2) = 0.3657S (stage 4) = 0.8378As above, an adjustment was made to each survival value based on EPRI (2004) to account forthe fact that entrained eggs and larvae are of mixed ages. The values used were as follows:Adjusted Eggs = 0.8570Adjusted S (stage 1) = 0.2281 Adjusted S (stage 3) = 0.0575Adjusted S (stage 2) = 0.0634 Adjusted S (stage 4) = 0.911764 Normandeau Associates, Inc.64Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010EntTainment Monitoring Prior to calculating EA values numbers of eggs collected from 1980 -1994 when 0.333-mm mesh was used on all sampling occasions were scaled upward by 1.24 to correct for meshextrusion.
While no direct mesh extrusion information is available for winter flounder eggs inthe PNPS discharge stream, the value for similar sized cunner eggs was used. Numbers of stage 1and 2 larvae collected prior to 1995 were likewise scaled upward by 1.62 to adjust for meshextrusion (MRT 1995).Numbers of age 3 fish were converted to weight based on 0.49 pounds per fish for thefirst three survival values. This was derived from the length-weight equation presented inNEFSC (1998) using mean length at age 3 for males (262 mm TL) and females (267 mm TL).Mean length at age was obtained using the gender specific, north of Cape Cod growth equations provided by Witherell and Burnett (1993). These relationships gave mean weights of 0.47 and0.50 pounds for males and females, respectively; these were averaged.
For the fourth set ofsurvival values the number of age 3 fish were converted to weight based on 0.997 pounds perfish following EPA (2004).The mean EA value for 2010 was 6,293 age 3 fish weighing 3,931 pounds. Comparable values for 1980 -2009 ranged from 726 in 1999 to 72,476 in 1998 with an overall mean of13,629 fish weighing 8,432 pounds (Figure 7, Table 5).Winter flounder larvae have been shown to survive entrainment (MR.! 1982, Ecological Analysts 1981, PG&E 2001). To account for this survival winter flounder eggs and larvae wereadjusted based on the following:
winter flounder eggs and stage 1 and stage 2 larvae wereassumed to have zero entrainment
: survival, stage 3 larvae were assumed to have 48.9% survival, and stage 4 larvae were assumed to have 49.4% survival (PG&E 2001). Only the three life stagemethods were used when calculating EA with entrainment survival since survival was specific tolife stage. When entrainment survival was considered the mean EA value for 2010 declined to4,292 age 3 adults weighing 2,683 pounds. The 1980 -2009 time series mean also declined to9,206 age 3 adults weighing 5,698 pounds (Figure 8, Table 6).In addition to those entrained, small numbers of winter flounder were impinged on theintake screens each year (Table 7; also See Impingement Monitoring Section 3.3). Annual totalsranged from 232 in 1983 to 2,688 in 2005 and averaged 1,038 fish over the time series. The2010 estimated total was below the average at 1,005. Based on annual mean length data, mostimpinged fish were young-of-the-year.
Assuming all fish would have completed their first year,65Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring the average age I and age 2 survival rates from the first three entrainment EA procedures wereapplied.
For the fourth method relying on EPA data, the ages of impinged fish were determined by length frequency distributions.
The percent composition was multiplied by the total estimated number of fish impinged each month to partition the monthly total into age classes.
Theinstantaneous mortality rate for juvenile winter flounder was obtained from EPA (2004) andadjusted to account for the higher probability that fish impinged later in any given year are morelikely to survive to their first birthday.
Mortality rate adjustments were made for each monththat juvenile fish were impinged.
This was done by dividing the EPA stage-specific instantaneous mortality rate by the respective stage duration in days to obtain a dailyinstantaneous rate. This daily instantaneous rate was multiplied by the number of daysremaining until each fish's first birthday to derive the mortality rate expected to the end of year1. That mortality rate was converted to the corresponding survival rate (I -mortality rate) andmultiplied by the number of age 0 fish impinged during each respective month. The monthlytotals were then combined to obtain an estimated annual total number of equivalent age 1 fish.All impinged fish older than age I were conservatively assumed to survive to their next birthday.
Annual survival values obtained from EPA (2004) were used to convert age I fish to age 3 fish.Impinged winter flounder would be equivalent to an annual average of 117 age 3 adults(range = 26 to 261, 1980-2009) weighing 74 pounds (range = 17 to 152 pounds).
The 2010estimate amounted to 71 pounds, below the average.
Some winter flounder typically surviveimpingement, particularly under continuous screen wash operation (see for example MRI 1982,1984, 1997). To account for this survival the numbers of flounder impinged were adjustedassuming a 23.1% survival rate attributable to the fish return sluiceway and the low pressurespraywash (MRI 1984). When impingement survival was considered the annual average numberof fish lost to impingement declined to 799 (range = 181 to 2,070) over the 1980 -2009 timeseries. The 2010 estimated number of flounder lost to impingement was 788, which would beequivalent to 88 age 3 adults weighing 57 pounds. The 2010 EA value was below the time seriesaverage of 93 age 3 adults weighing 60 pounds (Figure 8, Table 8).Winter flounder were commercially landed from NOAA statistical area 514 whichcovers Cape Cod Bay and Massachusetts Bay over the 1982 through 2009 period at an annualaverage of 992,793 pounds (s.e. = 202,551 pounds).
The estimated average of 8,316 pounds ofequivalent age 3 adults due to PNPS entrainment and impingement over the same time frame66Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring (Tables 5 and 7) represents less than 0.9% of those landings.
Area 514 commercial landingsdeclined sharply after 1993 from 1,057,211 pounds.that year to 16,788 pounds in 1995, 1,798pounds in 1997, and only 221 pounds in 1999. Catch rebounded in 2000 to 40,000 pounds butdropped again each of the next three years to 4,742 pounds in 2003. Landings increased to956,886 pounds in 2004 but decline to 286,927 pounds in 20073, Area 514 commercial landingswere 309,632 pounds in 2010 (David Sutherland, NOAA, personal communication).
Since the declines in the Gulf of Maine winter flounder stock occurred in the 1990's andrevised management practices have evolved to reduce fishing mortality rates and hence landings, comparing equivalent adult values with landing data has been less realistic as an impactassessment screening tool. Also since survival rates used in the equivalent adult impact analysiswere derived when winter flounder were far more abundant they are likely optimistic and resultin considerable overestimates of equivalent adult values today.Winter flounder also have considerable value as a recreational species.
Based on NOAArecords4 an annual average of 1,253,187 fish weighing an average of about one pound each werelanded from Massachusetts inland waters and within 3 miles of shore over the 1981-2009 timeperiod. Over the course of the past two decades or so (1991-2009) recreational landings werewell below 1980's levels due to stock declines and catch limits consistent with commercial landings; an annual average of 123,023 fish were reported landed in the state from inland watersand within 3 miles of shore over the fourteen-year period since 1996. Over the last five yearsthese landings have averaged only 114,824 fish. Unfortunately, recreational landings arecompiled by state within distance from shore areas (inland,
<3 miles from shore, > 3 miles fromshore) and the number of fish taken from a more appropriate area such as Cape Cod Bay are notavailable.
Arbitrarily adding 20,000 pounds of recreationally-caught flounder to the depressed 1994-2009 Area 514 commercial landings would bring the respective totals for those sixteenyears to an average of 221,914 pounds (s.e. = 67,622).
The average PNPS EA entrainment andimpingement values based on the four parameter sets for the same years (12,216 pounds) wouldamount to 6%. Clearly the decline in commercial landings after 1994 suggests that those values,3 Beginning in 2004 the landings data have been entered by dealers and in the majority of theentries the statistical area field has been null (000). Landings data from vessel trip reports havebeen used when available.
4 Recreational landings data were obtained via the internet at http://remora.ssp.nmfs~gov/mrfss.
67Normandeau Associates.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring even when combined with the recreational
: landings, may no longer be a realistic comparison toequivalent adult values.Stock assessment data available from the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries for north of Cape Cod suggest that flounder abundance has varied without trend since 1978 withpeaks in 1979, 1983, and 2000 (34 kg per tow). Similarly National Marine Fisheries Servicestock assessment data vary without trend with peaks in 1981, 1983, 2000, and 2002 (Figure 9and 10). If entrainment and impingement at PNPS were having an adverse environmental impacton winter flounder these fishery independent surveys would be expected to decline over time.Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) personnel made estimates of thenumber of adult winter flounder
(>280 mm TL -age 3+) in a 267 km2 (106 square mile) area inthe vicinity of PNPS using the area swept by a commercial trawl each year from 1997-1999 (Lawton et al. 2000). Marine Research, Inc./Normandeau Associates, Inc. completed comparable Area Swept surveys from 2000 through 2010 (see Section 3.1 of this volume).While reliable estimates of local population size are difficult to make, they can provide morerealistic numbers with which to compare EA values relative to commercial and recreational landings which are difficult if not impossible to pinpoint to the actual study area. Landings datatypically represent numbers caught over a very large area or as displayed by the most recentcommercial landings can be subject to stock management catch restrictions, changes in fishingeffort, and data handling which make them less useful.The Normandeau area swept estimate for 2010 equaled 255,008 adult flounder based ongear efficiency of 50% with confidence limits ranging from 250,574 to 259,442 fish. The areacovered by the spring trawl survey was based on a simplistic hydrodynamic model used topredict spatial estimates of the origin of winter flounder larvae that are subject to entrainment atPNPS. Modeling work completed by the U.S. Geological Survey showed that the majority ofparticles released into the water column off Boston Harbor would be transported through CapeCod Bay within a 15-day period. Considering that larval winter flounder can drift for 30 to 60days depending on prevailing water temperature the size of the area-swept survey is likely veryconservative.
Regardless, the size of the area was not intended to represent the entire population potentially affected by PNPS. For example, the National Marine Fisheries Service manages thewinter flounder resource as three stocks -Southern New England-Mid-Atlantic Bight, GeorgesBank, and the Gulf of Maine. Although winter flounder appear to form localized spawning68Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring aggregations (Lobell 1939, Saila 1961, Grove 1982) they also move inshore and offshore duringthe course of the year and mixing occurs then (Perlmutter 1947, Howe and Coates 1975, Hansonand Courtenay 1996).Comparing the average number of age 3 equivalent adults attributable to entrainment andimpingement estimated for 1997 through 2007 with the corresponding area-swept estimates lagged by three years provided the percentages shown below. The average over the 1997-2007 time period was 11.0% and the current 2010 estimated number of equivalent adults of 6,405amounts to 2.5% of the 2010 area swept estimate.
Since assuming that the spring trawl survey reflects all fish potentially influenced byPNPS is likely an over estimate, the area swept estimates were expanded to reflect all of CapeCod Bay. The trawl surveys covered approximately 267 km2 or 16.7% of the area of Cape CodBay (1600 km2, Emberton 1981). It is important to note that the area of Cape Cod Bay amountsto only 1.7% of the area of the Gulf of Maine which represents the stock management unit.Based on Cape Cod Bay's area the average number of equivalent adults over the 1997-2007 timeperiod represented less than 2.0% of the expected population and the current 2010 estimated number of equivalent adults of 6,405 amounts to 0.4% of the 2010 area swept Cape Cod Bayestimate.
69 Norrnandeau Associates, Inc.69Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Numbers of age 3 equivalent adult winter flounder estimated for entrainment and impingement atPNPS assuming 100% mortality compared with area-swept estimates for nearshore waters andall of Cape Cod Bay three years later.Equivalent Age 3 Adults Area-Swept Cape Cod Bay Percent Of Percent Of(Number of Fish) Entrainmient Estimate 3 Estimate 3 Years Area-Swept Cape Codand Impingement Years Later Later Estimate Bay Estimate1997 41,970 464,176 2,785,056 9.0 1.51998 72,710 400,812 2,404,872 18.1 3.01999 835 476,263 2,857,578 0.2 0.032000 3,629 262,604 1,575,624 1.4 0.22001 26,869 157,532 945,192 17.1 2.82002 18,557 126,117 756,702 14.7 2.42003 3,205 112,480 674,880 2.9 0.52004 46,801 184,432 1,106,592 25.4 4.22005 42,951 166,496 998,976 25.8 4.32006 7,605 172,404 1,034,424 4.4 0.72007 4,401 255,008 1,530,048 1.7 0.3Mean 24,503 252,575 1,515,449 11.0 1.8Recognizing that some entrained winter flounder larvae do survive, particularly the oldermore valuable individuals, and that many impinged winter flounder also survive, the following table reflects those adjustments.
Entrainment survival was accounted for as described above. Animpingement survival rate of 23.1% was based on studies completed after installation of lowpressure sprays and the fish return sluiceway (MRI 1984).70 Normandeau Associates, Inc.70Normandeau,4ssociales, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Numbers of age 3 equivalent adult winter flounder estimated fir entrainment and impingement compared with area-swept estimates for nearshore waters and all of Cape Cod Bay three yearslater. Numbers entrained and impinged were corrected for entrainment and impingement survivalEquivalent Age 3 Adults Area-Swept Cape Cod Bay Percent Of Percent Of(Number of Fish) Entrainment Estimate 3 Estimate 3 Years Area-Swept Cape Codand Impingerment Years Later Later Estimte Bay Estimate,-,F71997 28,251 464,176 2,785,056 6.10 1.001998 49,110 400,812 2,404,872 12.30 2.001999 573 476,263 2,857,578 0.10 0.022000 2,450 262,604 1,575,624 0.90 0.202001 18,190 157,532 945,192 11.60 1.902002 12,593 126,117 756,702 10.00 1.702003 2,161 112,480 674,880 1.90 0.302004 31,502 184,432 1,106,592 17.10 2.802005 29,041 166,496 998,976 17.40 2.902006 5,132 172,404 1,034,424 2.98 0.502007 3,037 255,008 1,530,048 1.19 0.20Mean 16,549 [252,575 1,515,449 7.42 1.23The average over this period of time after adjusting for survival was 7.4% using only thearea-swept
: estimate, 1.2% based on Cape Cod Bay and the current 2010 estimated number ofequivalent adults of 4,380 fish amounted to 1.7% of the current area-swept estimate.
The latest Groundfish Assessment Review Meeting (NEFSC 2008) concluded that theGulf of Maine stock assessment is currently uncertain.
The stock is "likely in an overfished condition and overfishing is probably occurring".
In spite of the uncertainty spring abundance indices for the Gulf of Maine developed by NOAA's Northeast Fisheries Science Center(NEFSC) and the MDMF spring resource assessment for the northern winter flounder stock donot display a downward trend that would suggest an adverse environmental impact is occurring.
CunnerAs described above, cunner eggs are consistently among the most abundant fish eggs inPNPS entrainment samples and in the waters surrounding the Station (Scherer 1984). Thebreakwaters protecting the intake and discharge in particular provide considerable habitat forcunner, a temperate reef fish (Nitschke et al. 2002). Total numbers entrained ranged from71 Nrmaneau ssocates Inc71Normandeau Associates.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring 580,955,000 in 2002 to 6,576,000,000 in 1981 with a time series mean of 2,291,526,600 through2009. For cunner larvae annual totals ranged from 2,792,000 in 1992 to 576,300,000 in 1981with a time series average of 70,552,000..
Totals for 2010 were 2,555,971,000 eggs and37,470,000 larvae. The number of eggs was above the 1980-2009 average while larvae numberswere below the average (Table 9). The egg total ranked 12th overall and was in the 63thpercentile.
Larvae ranked 15t" overall, in.the 53rd percentile and 53% of the times series mean.Two methods were used to estimate equivalent adult values for cunner. The firstmethod followed Goodyear (1978) by converting numbers of eggs and larvae to numbers of fishat age of sexual maturity which occurs for approximately half the population at age I (P.Nitschke, University of Massachusetts,
: Amherst, personal communication).
Assuming all labrideggs were cunner eggs in PNPS entrainment samples (Scherer 1984), cunner larva/egg ratioswere determined from PNPS samples to provide an estimate of survival from spawned egg toentrained larva. Mesh correction values were first applied to both eggs and larvae. Presented inMRI (1998) these were 1.24 for eggs taken from 1980-1995, 1.14 for eggs taken in 1995, and1.10 for eggs taken in 1997. The mean of 1995 and 1997 values was used for 1998 through 2010except in early-season cases where cunner eggs occurred in 0.202-mm mesh samples.
Larvalcunner mesh values applied were 1.16 for stage I and 1.28 for stage 2, irrespective of year.From 1980 to 2010 the larva/egg ratio ranged from 0.001284 to 0.128812 and averaged0.027885; 1984, 1987, and 1999 were excluded because of extended circulating seawater pumpshutdown during the cunner spawning season. Average lifetime fecundity was calculated fromfish collected in the PNPS area by Nitschke (1997) and Nitschke et al. (2001 a, b). He providednumbers of eggs produced at age in the second order form:Log F = [2.891 log A] -[1.355 log A2] + 3.149 whereF = fecundity at age AAge-specific instantaneous mortality necessary for calculation of average lifetimefecundity was calculated from fish trap collections made from 1992 -1997 (Brian Kelly,Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, personal communication, MRI 1998). Averageinstantaneous mortality rates for the PNPS area collections from 1992 through 1997 using thisapproach were as follows:Age 3 = 0.286 Age 7 = 0.653Age 4 = 0.342 Age 8 = 1.46372Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Age 5 = 0.645 Age 9 = 0.728Age 6 = 1.260Utilizing data from Serchuk and Cole (1974) for age I through 5 cunner collected withassorted gear, a survival rate of S = 0.605 was obtained (Z = 0.5025) which appears comparable to the PNPS values. Age 1 and 2 fish appeared less abundant in the PNPS collections than age 3fish (MRI 1998), suggesting they were not fully recruited to the trap collections, perhaps due totheir small size or behavior.
Fish older than age 10 were rarely taken both because they areuncommon and because they can exceed the maximum size susceptible to the fish traps. In theabsence of additional information an overall mean value of Z = 0.831 was substituted for age 2and age 10.Based on the PNPS area fecundity study (Nitschke 1997, Nitschke et al. 2001), 50% ofage 1 females were assumed to be mature; complete recruitment was assumed by age 2.Following Goodyear (1978), an average lifetime fecundity of 17,226 eggs per female at age Iwas calculated.
Utilizing the survival estimate for eggs to larvae assuming most eggs wererecently spawned and average lifetime fecundity, a survival estimate for larvae to adult of4.116E-3 was obtained.
Numbers of eggs were converted to larvae based on the larva/egg ratioand then numbers of larvae were converted to adults.The second method to estimate cunner equivalent adult values relied on early life stagesurvival rates obtained from EPA (2004). These were S = 0.031 for eggs, S = 0.055 for larvae,and S = 0.055 for juveniles.
The survival values for each entrained life stage were adjustedfollowing EPRI (2004) to account for the fact that entrained eggs and larvae are of mixed ages.The resulting values were: adjusted S = 0.0592 for eggs and adjusted S = 0.1043 for larvae.An estimated 562,953 cunner were potentially lost to entrainment effects in 2010. The1980- 2009 average was 687,677 ranging from 134,565 in 2003 to 3,810,945 in 1981 (Figure11, Table 9). The high value recorded in 1981, attributable to high egg and exceptionally highlarval densities skewed the mean EA value. As mentioned for winter flounder, estimates madein 1984 and to a lesser extent those made in 1987 and 1999 were low due to reduced flow duringoutage periods.Cunner eggs were assumed to have an entrainment survival rate of 90% based on datacollected during the entrainment survival study conducted at PNPS in 2007 (NAI unpublished data). Cunner larvae were assumed to have 100% entrainment survival at discharge temperatures 73Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring between 25 and 30'C and 48% entrainment survival at discharge temperatures between 30 and35&deg;C (EPRI 2000). When entrainment survival was accounted for the number of age 1 adultspotentially lost to entrainment in 2010 decreased to 128,357 fish (6,582 pounds).
The 2010value was lower than the 1980 -2009 average of 150,213 fish (range = 12,613 to 888,528;Figure 12, Table 10).In addition to numbers of eggs and larvae entrained, cunner were impinged on the PNPSintake screens (See Impingement Monitoring Section 3.3). Annual estimated totals ranged from28 in 1992 to 1,043 in 1980 with a time series average of 300 fish. A total of 535 fish wereimpinged in 2010 the seventh highest value overall.
The number of equivalent adult cunnerpotentially lost to impingement was calculated by two methods.
The first method made noequivalent adult adjustment to the number impinged since cunner mature as early as age I. Thesecond method estimated the age of the impinged cunner by annual length frequency distributions.
The percent composition for each 10-mm length class was multiplied by the totalestimated number of fish impinged each month to partition each monthly total into age classes.The instantaneous mortality rate for the cunner age classes were obtained from EPA (2004) andwere adjusted as above in winter flounder to account for the higher probability that fish impingedlater in any given year are more likely to survive to their first birthday.
Mortality rateadjustments were made for each month that juvenile fish were impinged.
The mortality rate wasconverted to the corresponding survival rate and multiplied by the number of age 0 fish impingedduring each respective month. The monthly totals were then combined to obtain an estimated annual. total number of equivalent age 1 fish. All impinged fish older than age 1 were considered adults. These methods produced 442 equivalent adult cunner in 2010 which is above the 1980-2009 mean of 266 fish (range = 25 to 708; Table 11). Cunner often survive being impinged atPNPS (MR. 1984). Cunner impingement
: survival, attributable to the fish return sluiceway andthe low pressure spraywash system, was assumed to be 10.7% (MRI 1984). When impingement survival is considered the number of equivalent adult cunner potentially lost in 2010 declined to393 fish (29 pounds) and the time series average to 226 (17 pounds; Figure 12, Table 12).Cunner have no commercial value and little recreational importance (although many maybe taken unintentionally by shore fishermen) so that current landing records are not available.
To shed some light on their abundance in the PNPS area, calculations were performed toestimate the number of adult cunner which would be necessary to produce the number of eggs74Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring found there. The PNPS area was defined by Cape Cod Bay sampling stations 2,3,4,7,8 (MRI1978b), the half-tide volume of which was estimated by planimetry from NOAA chart 1208 at22,541,000 100 m3 units. Labrid egg densities were obtained at those stations on a weekly basisin 1975 and they were integrated over time (April-December) using the mean density of the fivestations.
The integrated values were multiplied by 1.40 to account for extrusion through the0.505-mm mesh used in that survey (MRI unpublished data), then by the sector volume. Basedon the 0.333/0.202-mm mesh data collected from the PNPS discharge stream from 1994 through1997, additional upward scaling might be appropriate; however specific data for towed sampleswith 0.202-mm mesh are not available and an estimated value was not applied.
Omitting thisstep likely led to an underestimate of the number of eggs produced and therefore to anunderestimate of the number of adults spawning in the area. The resulting value was divided by2.2, the estimated incubation time in days for cunner eggs (Johansen 1925), then divided by17,226 the average life time fecundity value described.
Lastly the resulting value was multiplied by 2 assuming an even sex ratio. These calculations resulted in an estimated production of6.899E12 eggs by an estimated 364,090,000 adult fish. The potential loss of 563,394 adults in2010 due to PNPS operation represents 0.2% of the estimated spawning stock. The annual meanof 687,943 fish attributable to entrainment and impingement, including all years, represents 0.2%of the stock estimate.
In earlier studies MDMIF personnel chose cunner as an indicator species for PNPS impactinvestigations.
Tagging studies were conducted during the 1994 and 1995 seasons to estimatethe size of the cunner population in the immediate PNPS area. Minimum tagging size andtherefore the minimum size fish enumerated was 90 mm TL. Estimates were highly localized since individual cunner have a very small home range measured on the order of 100 m2 or less(Pottle and Green 1979). Very young cunner may spend their first year within a single squaremeter (Tupper and Boutilier 1995, 1997). Estimated population size for the outer breakwater andintake areas combined were 7,408 and 9,300 for the two respective years. Combining upper 95%confidence limits for breakwater and intake produced totals of 10,037 and 11,696 fish,respectively.
Since the upper confidence limit total is only 0.003% of the egg based population
: estimate, it is clear that eggs must arrive at PNPS from areas beyond the immediate vicinity ofthe Station.
A hydrodynamic modeling study completed by Eric Adams of MIT predicted that90% of the cunner eggs and larvae entrained at PNPS come from within about 5.5 miles of PNPS75Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10Entrairunent Monitoring to the north down to White Horse Beach, about one mile to the south of PNPS. This areaextends further to the north than the area 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 used in the above egg estimates and wouldpresumably provide an even greater adult population estimate.
The number of eggs entrained indicated that cunner must be very abundant in these waters.Atlantic MackerelNumbers of mackerel eggs entrained at PNPS ranged from 6,182,000 in 1999 to4,674,000,000 in 1989 with an average of 767,204,000.
Totals for larval mackerel ranged from311,000 in 1999 to 320,135,600 in 1981 with an average of 38,197,000.
Corresponding valuesfor 2010 were 72,370,028 for eggs and 779,129 for larvae (Table 13). The current egg totalranked 26th in the l Ith percentile and the larval total ranked 27th in the 7th percentile.
Valuesamounted to 9 and 2% of the respective time series means.Two methods were used to determine equivalent adult Atlantic mackerel.
The firstmethod followed the procedures outlined by Vaughan and Saila (1976) to derive a survival ratefor spawned mackerel eggs to age I fish. This procedure utilizes the Leslie matrix algorithm toestimate early survival from proportion mature, fecundity, and survival within each age classassuming a stable population.
Fecundity for Atlantic mackerel was obtained from Griswold andSilverman (1992) and Neja (1992). Age-specific instantaneous natural mortality (M = 0.20) wasobtained from Overholtz (2000a) and NOAA (1995). A low fishing mortality rate ofF = 0.02was used consistent with the current low exploitation rate (NEFSC 2000). A maximum age of14 and maturity schedules were obtained from NEFSC (1996). Since two fecundity profilesprovide two egg to age 1 survival values: 2.2820E-6 for Griswold and Silverman, 2.1692E-6 forNeja, the values were averaged (2.22559E-6).
To account for the fact that all eggs entrained were not recently spawned and theVaughan and Saila estimate begins at time of spawning an estimate of daily mortality wasderived from Pepin (1991). Based on an average late-spring summer water temperature of 15 Cdaily mortality was estimated to be M. = 0.074. At 15 C mackerel eggs require approximately 4days to hatch assuming an average diameter of 1.15 mm (Colton and Marak 1969, Pepin 1991).Entrained eggs were therefore assumed to average one day old with a corresponding mortality rate of M = 0.446 (survival rate S = 0.640). The number of entrained eggs was therefore dividedby 0.640 to estimate the equivalent number of newly spawned eggs entrained.
76Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Staflon Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring To back calculate from entrained larvae to spawned eggs so the spawned egg to age Isurvival rate could be applied the observed average ratio of eggs to larvae for PNPS of 0.0712(1980-2009) was used. In calculating the average larva/egg ratio 1981, 1984, 1987, and 1999were omitted, 1981 because larvae were more abundant then eggs, 1984, 1987, and 1999 becauseboth circulating seawater pumps were off for all or an important portion of the mackerel egg andlarval seasons during maintenance outages.
A mesh adjustment factor of 1.12 was applied to theegg data obtained with 0.333-mm mesh nets based on mesh comparison collections completed from 1994 through 1997 (MRI 1998). No mesh adjustment was justified for larvae. Numbers ofentrained larvae were divided by 0.0712 then by the age adjustment factor of 0.640 and the backcalculated total was then added to the age-adjusted egg total. The age 0 survival rate of 2.2256E-6 was then applied to the combined egg total to derive the number of age I fish.According to NOAA (1995, 1998) and Overholtz (2000a) stock biomass consists of fishage I and older while fish completely recruit to the spawning stock by age 3. Therefore, juvenileand adult equivalent values are shown for both respective age groups (Figure 13, Table 13). Age3 individuals were estimated using an instantaneous mortality rate of M = 0.52 for age 1 fish andM = 0.37 for age 2 fish (Overholtz et al. 1988). These values provided annual survival rates of S= 0.595 and 0.691, respectively.
Numbers of age 1 and 3 mackerel were expressed on a weightbasis using 0.2 and 0.7 pounds per fish, respectively (Clayton et al. 1978).The gecond method to estimate Atlantic mackerel equivalent adult values followed thelife stage method. The survival values obtained from EPA (2004) were S = 0.092 for eggs, S =0.005 for larvae, and S = 0.005 forjuveniles, S = 0.595 for age 1, and S = 0.538 for age 2. Thesurvival values were adjusted following EPRI (2004) to account for the mixed ages of entrained eggs and larvae. The resulting values were: adjusted S = 0.1679 for eggs and adjusted S =0.0099 for larvae. The adjusted survival values were applied only to the stage being entrained, not to subsequent stages as numbers were calculated to equivalent adults.PNPS equivalent age I juvenile mackerel lost to entrainment for 2010 amounted to 316age I fish weighing 82 pounds or 114 age 3 fish weighing 95 pounds. Corresponding age Ivalues over the 1980 through 2009 time series ranged from 39 (1999) to 21,128 (1989) fish withan average of 4,818. Age 3 values ranged from 14 to 7,646 with an annual average of 1,748individuals.
Converting numbers of fish to weight resulted in an estimated average annual valuethrough 2009 of 1,242 pounds or 1,174 pounds, respectively.
Due to the insufficient species and77Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring life stage specific data on upper lethal temperatures and exposure limits for Atlantic
: mackerel, alleggs and larvae were assumed to die following entrainment.
The number of eggs and larvae entrained in 2010 and therefore the number of equivalent juveniles and equivalent adults was well below average, amounting to 6.5% of the time seriesmean (Table 13). This follows 2001 through 2009 when numbers ranged from only about 6 to23% of the time series average.
The below average totals suggest that mackerel egg and larvalproduction in the waters near PNPS was not particularly high during the last ten years. TheTransboundary Resources Assessment Committee (TRAC) status report for Atlantic mackerel inthe northwest Atlantic was completed in 2010. The estimated spawning stock biomass hasdeclined from 1.36 million mt in 1972 to 96,968 mt in 2008. Stock recruitment has also declinedin recent years from an average of 2.1 billion age I fish during 1962 through 1984 to an averageof 566 million age I fish from 1985 through 2009. The assessment time series average is 1.3billion age 1 fish (TRAC 2010). Atlantic mackerel recruitment is strongly dependent oncopepod nauplii production through species that contribute to the larval mackerel diet. Strongmackerel year-classes such as 1999 were characterized by remarkably high prey copepod naupliiavailability (Castonguay et al. 2008).Atlantic mackerel are swift swimmers and not often impinged at PNPS. They occurredduring only eight years from 1980 to 20 10 with an average of 8 individuals annually.
Forsimplicity all impinged mackerel were considered adult fish using the Vaughan and Sailaapproach and therefore included with the EA totals. Following the life stage method, the age ofimpinged mackerel was determined from annual length frequency distributions.
The percentcomposition was multiplied by the total estimated number of fish impinged each month topartition each year's monthly total into age classes.
Based on length data all impinged fish wereyoung of the year. The instantaneous mortality rates for mackerel age classes were obtainedfrom EPA (2004) and were adjusted described for winter flounder to account for the higherprobability that fish impinged later in any given year are more likely to survive to their firstbirthday.
Mortality rate adjustments were made for each month that juvenile fish were impinged.
The mortality rate was converted to the corresponding survival rate and multiplied by the numberof age 0 fish impinged during each respective month. The monthly totals were then combined toobtain an estimated annual total number of equivalent age I fish. All impinged fish older thanage I were conservatively assumed to survive to their next birthday.
Annual survival rates78Normandeau Associates,
[nc, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring obtained from EPA (2004) were used to convert age 1 fish to age 3 fish. Atlantic mackerelimpinged were assumed to have 0% survival since no site specific data were available (MRJ1984).According to NOAA statistical
: records, an annual average of 227,887 pounds (s.e. =60,174) of mackerel were taken commercially from statistical area 514 over the years 1982-2009. For PNPS the loss of an average of 1,242 pounds of age 1 fish (1980-2009) amounts to0,5% of those landings and the loss of an average of 1,174 pounds of age 3 fish, less than 0.5%.In addition to commercial
: landings, mackerel have considerable recreational value. Forexample, over the years 1981-2009 an average of 1,065,194 fish (s.e. = 149,259) were landed inMassachusetts by fishermen working inland waters and within three miles of shore. These fishhad an average weight of about one pound. Unfortunately these landings are available only bystate and therefore the portion attributable to Cape Cod Bay is not known. Arbitrarily adding200,000, 1 pound fish to the Area 514 commercial landings brings the average harvest total to427,887 pounds. The mean PNPS age 1 estimate amounts to 0.3% of those landings and themean age 3 equivalent adult total to 0.3% of the landings.
Calculations performed to estimate the number of adult cunner which would be necessary to produce the number of eggs found in the PNPS area were also completed for Atlanticmackerel.
Mackerel eggs occurred at Cape Cod Bay stations 2, 3, 4, 7, and 8 from early Maythrough early July in 1975. Integration over time using the mean density of the five stationsproduced an estimate of 1.3529E12 eggs. This total included a mesh correction factor of 1.95 toaccount for extrusion through 0.505-mm mesh (MRI unpublished data). The resulting value wasdivided by 4, the estimated incubation time in days for mackerel eggs (Sette 1950), then dividedby 319,978, an estimate of mean annual fecundity per female for age 3 fish from Griswold andSilverman (1992) and Neja (1992). Lastly the resulting value was multiplied by 2 assuming aneven sex ratio. These calculations resulted in an estimated production of 3.382E1 1 eggs by anestimated 2,114,052 adult fish. The annual mean equivalent (1980-2009) of 1,748 age 3 fish(Table 13) due to PNPS entrainment represents less than 0.1% of that value.Atlantic MenhadenTotal numbers of Atlantic menhaden eggs entrained at PNPS dating back to 1980 rangedfrom 393,000 in 1992 to 947,800,000 in 1993, with an overall average of 56,887,000.
79Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Corresponding totals for menhaden larvae ranged from 176,000 in 2004 to 48,300,000 in 1997averaging 13,158,000 over the 1980 -2009 time series. Totals for 2010 amounted to 21,379,962 eggs and 5,751,886 larvae. The current year's egg total ranked 6'h, in the 80th percentile, andrepresented 38% of the time series mean. The larval total ranked at 15th, in the 50th percentile and represented 44% of the time series mean (Table 15).Numbers of eggs and larvae entrained each year at PNPS were converted to numbers ofequivalent adults using two methods.
The first method followed Vaughan and Saila (1976).This procedure requires an estimate of the ratio of larvae to eggs plus fecundity and mortality foreach age class. To provide an estimate of survival from spawned egg to entrained larva (Se) theratio of larvae to eggs at PNPS was calculated.
In some years, such as 2009, more larvae wereentrained then eggs so that estimates were not obtained for all cases. Estimates ranging from0.005 to 0.987 were obtained in 1980, 1982, 1985, 1986, 1988-1991, 1993, 1994, 1997, 1998,2001-2004, and 2010. A geometric mean of 0.216 was obtained over those 17 estimates.
In theMount Hope Bay section of Narragansett Bay from 1973-1991 a geometric mean ratio of 0.066was obtained providing a second estimate based on extensive data. An average of the twoestimates, 0.141 was used to approximate survival from egg to larva.Since Se is defined as survival from spawned egg to entrained larva, an adjustment to theaverage larva/egg ratio was necessary.
To derive this estimate, collected menhaden eggs wereestimated to average one day old, one-quarter their incubation period at 15'C, assuming thatspawning takes place nearby. A 4-day incubation period was obtained from Pepin (1991) whorelated incubation duration to water temperature and egg diameter.
A mean diameter of 1.6 mmwas obtained from Colton and Marak (1969). Pepin (1991) also related daily egg mortality towater temperature (M. = 0.030e 0.1IT). Assuming an average spring-early summer watertemperature of 15'C, menhaden eggs would experience a daily mortality rate of Me = 0.4464.The mean egg/larva ratio of 0.141, equivalent to an instantaneous mortality rate of 1.959 wasadded to 0.4464 to derive the mortality rate from spawned egg to entrained larva of Ze = 2.4055(Se = 0.0902).The procedure of Vaughan and Saila (1976) using the Leslie matrix algorithm providedan estimate of survival from spawned egg to age I of 5.41 9E-05. Fecundity for ages 3 through 5was obtained from Dietrich (1979). All females were assumed to spawn first at age 3 based onAhrenholz et al. (1987) who reported that all age 2 fish mature by the fourth quarter.
Since fall80Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10Entrainment Monitoring spawning does occur but is uncommon in Cape Cod Bay (Scherer 1984), we assumed initialspawning at age 3. Dietrich's (1979) age 5 fecundity was assumed for ages 6 through 9 as wellsince direct counts were not available.
Instantaneous natural mortality rates (M) were obtainedfrom ASFMC (2004); these were 0.98, 0.56, and 0.55 for ages 1, 2, and 3-9, respectively.
Fishing mortality (F) of 0.14 for age I and 0.79 for older individuals was also used (ASFMC2004). To account for the fact that all eggs entrained were not recently spawned and the Vaughanand Saila estimate begins at time of spawning the estimate of daily mortality rate for menhadeneggs described above was used. Numbers of entrained larvae were back calculated to spawnedeggs using Se and that total added to the number of entrained eggs. These parameters providedan estimate of 5,266 age 1 individuals potentially lost as a result of egg and larvae entrainment in2010. Since menhaden enter the fishery at age 2 (Durbin et al. 1983), the annual naturalmortality rate of M = 0.98 and F = 0.14 (S = 0.326) was applied to the age 1 value. Age 2natural mortality (M = 0.56) and fishing mortality (F = 0.79) rates were then applied to thenumbers of age 2 fish to estimate the number of age 3 adults potential lost to the population.
Awet weight of 0.6 pound for age 2 individuals (ASFMC 2006a) was used to calculate weight.The second method to estimate equivalent adults utilized life stage survival values fromEPA (2004): S = 0.301 for eggs, S = 0.011 for larvae, S = 0.002 for age 0 juveniles, S = 0.583for age 1, and S 0.212 for age 2. The survival values were adjusted following EPRI (2004) toaccount for the fact that entrained eggs and larvae are of mixed ages (adjusted S = 0.4630 foreggs and adjusted S = 0.0226 for larvae).
A weight of 0.235 pounds for age 2 individuals (EPA2004) was used to calculate weight.The two EA methods provided an average estimate of 1,004 age 2 fish (550 pounds)potentially lost to the fishery in 2010. Corresponding age 2 values for the 1980-2009 time seriesranged from 30 fish (16 pounds) in 2004 to 17,414 fish (9,295 pounds) in 1993 with an averagevalue of 2,688 fish (1,390 pounds).
For 2010 the average estimated number of age 3 adults lostto the population was 253 adults. Corresponding age 3 values for the 1980-2009 time seriesranged from 8 to 4,365 with an average value of 669 (Figure 14, Table 15). Some Atlanticmenhaden eggs and larvae survive entrainment.
To reflect this survival Atlantic menhaden eggswere assumed to survive at the rate of 80% based on the data collected during the PNPSentrainment survival study conducted in 2007 (NAI unpublished data). Atlantic menhadenlarvae were assumed to survive at the rate of 55% at temperatures between 25 and 30'C and 24%81Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010EntTainment Monitoring at temperatures between 30 and 351C (EPRI 2000). When survival was incorporated into theequivalent adult calculations the number of age 2 fish potentially lost to entrainment in 2010decreased to 532 fish (248 pounds) and age 3 fish decreased to 135. The 2010 age 2 value wasbelow the 1980 -2009 average of 1,256 age 2 fish (Figure 15, Table 16).In addition to numbers entrained 1,403 young menhaden were estimated to have beenimpinged in 2010 (See Impingement Monitoring Section 3.3). That compares with an average of26,451 annually from 1980-2009 and a range from 0 in 1981 and 1987 to 277,601 in 2005.Since menhaden are sensitive to impingement and handling in general (see for example Tathamet al. 1977, MRI 1984) all were assumed to have died. Method 1 assumed conservatively that50% would have survived to the end of their first year had they not been impinged and 32.6%would then survive to age 2. Method 2 determined the age of the impinged menhaden by annuallength frequency distributions.
The percent composition for each I I 0-mm length class wasmultiplied by the total estimated number of menhaden impinged each month to partition themonthly total into age classes.
The instantaneous mortality rate for each age class was obtainedfrom EPA (2004) and was adjusted as described for winter flounder to account for the higherprobability that fish impinged later in any given year are more likely to survive to their nextbirthday.
Mortality rate adjustments were made for each month that juvenile fish were impinged.
The mortality rate was converted to the corresponding survival rate and multiplied by the numberof age 0 fish impinged during each respective month. The monthly totals were then combined toobtain an estimated annual total number of equivalent age I fish. All impinged fish older thanage I were conservatively assumed to survive to their next birthday.
Annual survival ratesobtained from EPA (2004) were used to convert age I fish to age 2 and 3 fish. Based on thesecalculations an additional 355 fish might have been lost to the fishery and 81 adults might havebeen lost to the spawning stock from impingement in 2010. This compares with a time seriesaverage of 7,223 age 2 and 1,634 age 3 fish potentially lost to impingement.
Combined potential entrainment and impingement EA values totaled 1,359 age 2 (675 pounds) and 334 age 3 fish in2010 which compared with average of 9,911 age 2 (3,874 pounds) and 2,303 age 3 fish over the1980-2009 time series.The Atlantic menhaden resource has supported one of the largest fisheries in the UnitedStates since colonial times and is believed to consist of a single population based on taggingstudies (Dryfoos et al. 1973, Nicholson 1978, ASMFC 2004). The menhaden fishery has two82Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring components, a reduction fishery that produces fishmeal and fish oil and the bait fishery.
As bait,menhaden are collected in pound nets, trawls, haul seines, purse seines and gill nets. Obtaining data from the bait fishery is difficult to achieve but the bulk of the bait landings in New Englandare used by the lobster fishery.
Bait landings along the New England coast averagedapproximately 11.9 million pounds from 1985-2009 representing 15% of the average coastwide bait landings and 2% of the total coastwide landings (ASMFC 2010, ASMFC 2006b). Thepotential loss of an average of 3,874 pounds of menhaden to entrainment and impingement atPNPS represents 0.03% of the average 1985-2009 New England menhaden bait landings and0.005% of the average 1985-2009 total coastwide bait landings.
Numbers of menhaden eggs were revisited from 1975 when ichthyoplankton samplingwas completed throughout Cape Cod Bay (see for example Scherer 1984). At that timemenhaden eggs were found from late May into July and again in October.
To determine anapproximation of the number of menhaden that might have spawned in the Bay that year meandensities were integrated over time. The integrated total was multiplied by 2.0 to adjust forextrusion through the 0.505-mm mesh used in those studies (MRI unpublished),
then divided by3 an estimate of the incubation period for menhaden eggs. This value was then divided by theaverage lifetime fecundity (456,481 eggs) and assuming an even sex ratio, multiplied by 2 toaccount for males. The resulting value was then multiplied by the volume of Cape Cod Bay(4.5EI0 M3; Collings et al. 1981). This procedure produced an estimate of 3.4 million adultsspawning in the Bay at that time. To be conservative that number was divided in half assumingthat eggs were present in only half the volume of Cape Cod Bay. Using this roughapproximation and assuming that numbers of menhaden spawning in the Bay in 1975 weresimilar to current levels the average loss of 2,303 age 3 menhaden (1980-2009) would amount to0.1% of the estimated spawning stock in Cape Cod Bay.MRI completed estimates of the number of menhaden eggs and larvae passing throughthe Cape Cod Canal during the 1999 spawning season (TRC 2000). Estimates were based onichthyoplankton sampling completed in the Canal near the eastern end as well as a near-canal station in Buzzard's Bay and in Cape Cod Bay. The seasonal total passing through the Canalamounted to 520 million eggs and 258 million larvae. The number of menhaden eggs and larvaeentrained by PNPS in 1999 amounted to 2.8 and 4.6% of those estimates, respectively.
83Normnandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Atlantic HerringSince Atlantic herring spawn demersal, adhesive eggs primarily on offshore banks, theyare not subject to entrainment at PNPS. Larval entrainment at the station ranged from 341,371 in2007 to 43,248,000 in 1995 and averaged 6,558,300 over the 1980-2009 period. For the 2010season the number entrained was estimated to be 3,737,447 larvae (Table 18). Since they arerelatively large, no mesh adjustment factor was applied to the estimated values.Two methods were used to determine equivalent adult Atlantic herring from the numbersentrained.
The first method followed the Vaughan and Saila procedure to derive an estimate ofsurvival from spawned egg to age 1. For this estimate fecundity was obtained from Messieh(1976); age-specific mortality of M = 0.2 was obtained from NOAA (1998) and NEFSC (1998).A maximum age of 11 was assumed following (NEFSC 1998) and fishing mortality was set at F= 0.2 beginning at age 1. These values provided an estimated survival rate of 5.1004E-5 for aspawned herring egg to age 1. To estimate the number of eggs which must have been spawnedto produce the number of larvae entrained, individuals were assumed to average 45 days of age.This was based on their relatively long larval period (see for example Jones et al. 1978, Folkvordet al. 1997) and the fact that spawning occurs on offshore banks. Over that 45-day period larvaewere assumed to experience a mortality rate of 5.75% per day. This value equals the mediansummarized from various authors by Dragesund (1970). A mortality rate of 50% was assumedamong spawned eggs (Lough et al. 1985). The mortality rate among eggs coupled with a 5.75%daily mortality rate over 45 days provided a mortality rate of Se = 0.034804 from spawned egg toentrained larva. The number of entrained larvae was divided by the egg to larva mortality rateand multiplied by 5.1 004E-5 to provide an estimate of age I herring potentially lost toentrainment.
Based on an annual survival rate of 0.67 (M = 0.20, F = 0.20, see above), age 3fish, the age at which 50% of herring recruit to the spawning stock (NOAA 1995, Overholtz 2000b), were calculated.
Age I juveniles (sardines) were assumed to weigh 0.03 pounds and age3 adults 0.4 pounds.The second method to estimate equivalent adults relied on life stage data from EPA(2004): S = 0.038 for larvae and juvenile stages, and S = 0.619 for age I and age 2 fish. Thelarval survival value was adjusted following EPRI (2004) to account for the mixed ages ofentrained larvae (adjusted S = 0.0739).
Age I (sardines) juveniles were assumed to weigh 0.03pounds and age 3 adults 0.3 pounds.84Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10EntTainMeDt Monitoring The two methods used to calculate equivalent adult herring produced an average of 8,043age 1 (249 pounds) and 3,260 age 3 herring (1,105 pounds) that would have been lost due toentrainment in 2010. The 2010 values were below the long term average for age 1 (14,113) andage 3 (5,721) equivalents (Figure 16, Table 18). Atlantic herring larvae were assumed have 0%survival due to insufficient species specific data on upper lethal temperatures and exposurelimits.In addition to being entrained Atlantic herring are also impinged at PNPS (seeImpingement section),
at an annual average of 1,077 fish from 1980-2009 ranging from 0 in1996, 2007, and 2009 to 24,238 in 1991 (Table 19). Over the time series fish were most oftenimpinged from late winter to spring although a relatively large number was impinged in July1991. While some adults appeared in the catch from time to time, the majority of fish weresmall, ranging in length from 25 to 75 mm total length. Using the Vaughan and Saila approachimpinged fish were converted to equivalent age 3 adults using the annual mortality rate givenabove, assuming that young fish would complete their first year. Using EPA life stage dataimpinged herring were converted to equivalent age 3 fish using an adjusted juvenile stagesurvival value (adjusted S = 0.0739) to account for the mixed ages of impinged juveniles.
Thecalculations then used the survival values for age 1 and 2 fish above. Based on these twomethods impingement would add an annual average of 638 age 3 fish to the potential number offish lost. Since Atlantic herring are generally fragile like other members of the herring family100% impingement mortality was assumed.Atlantic herring have long been an important component of the commercial fishery offthe northeast coast of the United States (see for example Matthiessen 2004) They were severelyoverfished by distant-water fleets during the 1960's and 1970's to the point where no larvalherring were found on Georges Bank for a decade (Overholtz and Friedland 2002). They havesince recovered and are currently abundant on Nantucket Shoals and in the Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank region. Although likely to increase, landings remain low. For example, while 1 .1million pounds were landed from Statistical Area 514 in 1997, none were reported for that areafrom 1999 through 20035, and 14.6 million pounds were landed in 2008. Spawning stockbiomass in the northeast was estimated at 400,000 metric tons (0.9 billion pounds) of adult fish5 NOAA cautions that landings reported by water codes such as 514 may be unreliable as codes can be assignedafter the fact and not necessarily based on observations or fisherman reports.85Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring in 2008 (TRAC 2009). If spawning stock biomass in the 514 statistical area equals only onepercent of the northeast stock, then the 2010 equivalent adult value resulting from entrainment and impingement at PNPS (1,121 pounds) would amount to about 0.01%. The combined timeseries average of 2,156 pounds would amount to about 0.02%.Atlantic CodEstimated numbers of Atlantic cod eggs entrained at PNPS dating back to 1980 rangedfrom 1,268,748 in 1993 to 20,388,850 in 1980 averaging 6,332,831 over the 30-year time seriesfrom 1980-2009.
For cod larvae corresponding estimates ranged from 119,436 in 1989 to4,215,642 in 2001, averaging 1,206,309 over the time series. Corresponding estimates for 2010amounted to 8,707,496 eggs and 754,858 larvae. These values ranked 81h and 18th, respectively in the 77th and 43 d percentiles indicating that eggs were above average and larvae were belowaverage in abundance in 2010 (Table 20).Two methods were used to calculate equivalent adult Atlantic cod. The first method usedthe Vaughan and Saila procedure to convert the numbers of eggs and larvae to equivalent age 2fish, the age at which 50% of the stock reaches maturity and the age at which they enter thefishery.
To calculate age 0 survival using the Vaughan and Saila procedure fecundity at age wasobtained by averaging values from May (1967) and Kjesbu et al.(1996).
A natural mortality rateof M= 0.20 was obtained from NOAA (1998) along with a fishing mortality rate ofF = 0.2beginning at age 2. A maximum age of 6 was assumed based on their high exploitation rate(Serchuk et al 1994). Using these variables an age 0 survival rate of 1.5506E-6 was obtained.
Survival from spawned egg to entrained larva (Se) was estimated by averaging threevalues:* The average larva/egg ratio obtained at PNPS from 1980-20 10 following adjustment forthe average age of entrained eggs; this equaled 0.0964. To derive this estimate, cod eggswere assumed to average 6 days old, half their incubation period at 5C. A 12-dayincubation period was obtained from Pepin (1991) who related incubation duration towater temperature and egg diameter.
A mean diameter of 1.5 mm was obtained fromColton and Marak (1969). Pepin (1991) also related daily egg mortality to watertemperature.
Assuming an average winter water temperature of 5C cod eggs wouldexperience a daily instantaneous mortality rate of Me = 0.074 or 0.443 over six days. The86Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10Entrainment Monitoring observed geometric mean egg/larva ratio at PNPS from 1980-2010 of 0.1502, equivalent to an instantaneous mortality rate of 1.8959 was added to 0.443 to derive the mortality rate from spawned egg to entrained larva of Ze = 2.3389 (Se = 0.0964)." The second estimate relied on daily mortality rates given for the closely related pollockby Saila et al (1997; 0.0068).
They estimated egg mortality for pollock eggs fromspawning to hatch to be Ze = 0.922 and larval mortality at Z = 1.358 per mm of growth.Assuming cod larvae entrained at PNPS average 6 mm in length and that they hatch at 3mm (Colton and Marak 1969), they would be expected to experience a mortality rate of Z= 4.074. Combined these estimates equal 2.4184 = Z corresponding to a survival ratefrom spawned egg to entrained larva of S = 0.0068." The third value (Se = 0.0077) was derived as follows.
Larvae entrained at PNPS wereassumed to average 10 days old. Eggs were assumed to require 20 days to hatch with adaily mortality rate of 10% per day (Serchuk et al. 1994). Larval mortality from hatch today 10 was assumed to be 4% per day (Serchuk et al. 1994) providing a survival rate of0.0077 from spawned egg to entrained larva.The average of those three values, Se = 0.0370, was used to estimate the number of eggsnecessary to yield the number of entrained larvae at PNPS. The average Se value was thenapplied to the number of larvae entrained each year, the result added to the number of eggsentrained and the value of age 0 survival applied to the total to provide the estimated equivalent adult values. Numbers of equivalent adults were converted to weight in pounds using anestimate of 0.5 pounds per fish.The second method to estimate equivalent adults followed the life stage method.Survival values were obtained from EPA (2004): S = 0.008 for eggs, S = 0.003 for larvae, S =0.400 for juveniles, and S = 0.670 for age 1. The survival values were adjusted following EPRI(2004) to account for the mixed ages of entrained eggs and larvae (adjusted S = 0.0152 for eggsand adjusted S = 0.0059 for larvae).
A weight of 0.245 pound for age 2 individuals (EPA 2004)was used to calculate weight.The average number of age 2 fish potentially lost due to entrainment was 664 in 2010.This was below the 1980 -2009 mean of 1,011 age 2 fish. The 2010 average weight of 167pounds was also below the overall mean of 254 pounds (Figure 17, Table 20). Atlantic cod eggs87 Normandeau Assocknes, Inc.87Normandeau Associales, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring and larvae were all assumed to die following entrainment since species specific data on upperlethal temperatures and exposure limits were not available.
In addition to the numbers entrained 53 Atlantic cod were estimated to have beenimpinged on the PNPS intake screens in 2010. That compares with an average of 68 annuallyfrom 1980-2009 ranging from 0 to 688 in 2006; no cod were impinged during 10 years (seeimpingement section).
The number of equivalent adult Atlantic cod potentially lost toimpingement was calculated by two methods.
Based on size the majority of impinged cod wereyoung fish ranging in size from 50 to 100 mm total length. The first method assumed allimpinged fish were age 1 and calculated survival from a natural mortality rate of M= 0.20obtained from NOAA (1998). The second method used annual length frequency distributions toestimate the age of impinged cod. The percent composition for each 10-mm length class wasmultiplied by the total estimated number of fish impinged each month to partition each monthlytotal into age classes.
The instantaneous mortality rate for the Atlantic cod age classes wereobtained from EPA (2004) and were adjusted as above in winter flounder to account for thehigher probability that fish impinged later in any given year are more likely to survive to theirfirst birthday (January st). Mortality rate adjustments were made for each month that juvenilefish were impinged.
The mortality rate was converted to the corresponding survival rate andmultiplied by the number of fish impinged during each respective month. The monthly totalswere then combined to obtain an estimated annual total number of equivalent age 2 fish. Thenumber of impinged fish would account for an additional 36 equivalent age-2 adults in 2010 andan average of 41 additional adults over the 1980-2009 time series. These totals were considered low relative to any recent landings information for the Cape Cod Bay area. For reference Area514 landings averaged 1,636,863 pounds (s.e. = 543,890) from 1995-2009 and Massachusetts inland and near shore (< 3 miles) recreational landings averaged 452,550 pounds (s.e. = 129,450)over the same period. Atlantic cod impingement survival was assumed to be 10.7% attributable to the fish return sluiceway and the low pressure spraywash (MRI 1984). When impingement survival is considered the number of equivalent adult cod potentially lost in 2010 declined to 32fish (13 pounds).
The 1980 -2009 time series mean also declined to 37 age 2 adults weighing15 pounds (Figure 18, Table 22).88 Norinandeau Associaies, Inc.88Normandeau Associaies, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Winter FlounderPNPS Equivalent Adult Summary198019821984 Age 3 Fish19861988199019921994199619982000200220042006200820100 20 40 60 80Numbers Of Fish (Thousands)
Annual Mean = 13,745Figure 7. Numbers of equivalent adult winter flounder estimated fromentrainment and Impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.
Winter FlounderPNPS Survival Adjusted Equivalent Adult Summary19801982 Age 3 Fish1986198819901992199419961998200020020200620082010 ._0 10 20 30 40 50Numbers Of Fish (Thousands)
Annual Mean = 9,29960Figure 8. Numbers of equivalent adult winter flounder estimated fromsurvival adjusted entrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.
89 Nornandeau Associates.
Inc.89Normandeau Associates.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Winter Flounder Abundance Massachusetts (MDMF)Mean Number Per Tow200160 A12080 V40078 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 1079 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09YearSpring SurveyFigure 9. Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries spring winterflounder northern stock abundance data (mean catch per tow) from1978-2010.
Winter Flounder Abundance Gulf of MaineMean Number Per Tow1412 A10/IAAA A k AV,642079 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0980 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10YearSpring SurveyFigure 10. NMFS spring survey winter flounder mean catch per tow inthe Gulf of Maine from 1979-2010.
90 Norrnandeau Associates, Inc.90Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring CunnerPNPS Equivalent Adult Summary198019821984198619881990199219941996199820002002 I2004200620082010-IAge I)Fish0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000Number Of Fish (Thousands)A~nnual Meanf = 66 ,Y'43Figure 11. Numbers of equivalent adult cunner estimated fromentrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.
CunnerPNPS Survival Adjusted Equivalent Adult Summary198019821984 Age I Fish1986198819901992 .199499619982000200220042006 I20082010 _. _, J , ,0 200 400 600 800 1,000Annual Mean 150,439 Numbers Of Fish (Thousands)
Figure 12. Numbers of equivalent adult cunner estimated from survivaladjusted entrainment and Impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.
91 Normandeau Associates, Inc.91Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitorig Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Atlantic MackerelPNPS Equivalent Adult Summary1980198219841986198819901992199419961998200020022004200620082010I[EDAgc 3FlII0510is2025Numbers Of Fish (Thousands)
Annual Mean = 4,818 Agc I or 1,753 Age 3Figure 13. Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic mackerel estimated from entrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.
Atlantic MenhadenPNPS Equivalent Adult Summary198019821984 Age 3 Fish19861988199019921994199619982000200220042006200820100 5 10 15 20Numbers Of Fish (Thousands)
Annual Mean= 2,303Figure 14. Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic menhaden estimated from to entrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.
92 Normandeau Associates, Inc.92Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Atlantic MenhadenPNPS Survival Adjusted Equivalent Adult Summary198019821984 Age 3 Fish198619881990199219941996199820002002L20042006200820100 5 10 15 20Numbers Of Fish (Thousands)
Annual Mean = 1,944Figure 15. Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic menhaden estimated from survival adjusted entrainment and impingement data at PNPS,1980-2010.
Atlantic HerringPNPS Equivalent Adult Summary1980198219841 986198819901992199419961998200020022006200820100 10 20 30Numbers Of Fish (Thousands)
Annual Mean -6,360Age 3 Fish40Figure 16. Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic herring estimated from entrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.
93Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Atlantic CodPNPS Equivalent Adult Summary19801982198419861988 I1990 Age 2 Fish19921994199619982000200220042006200820100 1 2 3 4Numbers Of Fish (Thousands)
Annual Mean = 1,051Figure 17. Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic cod estimated fromentrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.
Atlantic CodPNPS Survival Adjusted Equivalent Adult Summary198019821984198619988 Age:2 Fish1990199219941996199820022004200620100 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000Annual Mean -1,047Figure 18. Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic cod estimated fromsurvival adjusted entrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.
94 Normandeau Associates.
Inc.94Normandeau Associates, Inc.
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)19 l !)/ (sqi qUi M PN paw 111U1335 WAY E nn pflrs 95 Z n0.fS 939019 I 2:1ns PAIS lIcauaj !121010i f I os2t J3AI ;Sis Jo,mog u~ooodo jaiuou uo poe s~looxn lios qto ao spnzmg 4q p~ v5sopn p [41lP &#xa3; q~nj *p l0p0flmJ s9xpNM IO -~N 0 0861 ';Oq kq 4S10 SdN I M =3 M4 P? A JVM9 ~12W Jo siq= '56 gMopow jumulviJU3 01 oio q S aIol0Xo~o3 anwuoie Ui)~Jmod
'mIonN WUIAd Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitonng Table 6. Nunbers ofwiter Bounder egg and Liae M Wtraed adjusted for srvivl at PNPS by stage, 1980-2010.
Ntanters and weigtfs ofeqtaMlel age 3 aduts coated by lee uhdods are also shown, Estinates based on mnomal operation ow.Nuner Nark rOfAdjusted Larae En.raed Equivalent Age 3 AdultsOfAdjusted Stage IYear Eggs I 2 3 4 Toul Staged Suie I Staged Suite 2 Staged Suie 3 AverageEntraied Nuober Weight(las)
Nurber Weighlt(lbs)
Number Weightls]
Nunber Weight(lbs) 1980 &#xfd;513,717 8,694,456 12,714,0 3,739,053 0 25148,331 7,790 3. 2,252 1,992 26251 2,54 4,101 2Z3751981 9,674,954 7,6^6,942 19,133,121 1570,367 21,916 28,332,347 5,819 2.825 1,427 692 1,432 1,420 2,893 1,6471982 7,001,776 2,706,834 6.74,795 5,918k981 215,09 15,565,709 1,210 5.437 5,495 2,665 5,516 5,500 7,407 4,5341983 1,305,735 1,933,453 2,216,172 3A62,411 131,763 8,173,798 6,907 3,350 3,458 1,677 3,471 3,461 4,612 2,8291984 341,424 165,925 0 83,02 7,960 258,707 181 III 127 62 127 127 145 1001985 32W7L7,535 1,039,01 2,312,789 4,101,0 66,191 7,518.987 6,667 3330 2.950 1,431 2,962 2,953 4260 25711986 5,118,035 5,397,403 5,7a3,669 2,025,475 38,972 1345,519 4332 24101 1,601 776 1,608 1,603 2,514 1,4931987 20,782324 0 5,613 12.037 0 17,650 67 53 27 13 35 35 43 34198 3,494,771 1,995,9 1,656,376 7,705,859 258,622 11,616,826 3,229 6,416 6,83 3,299 6,83R 6,9 8,954 5,5081989 6,423,9V7 1,668,23 5,755,240 1,136,0 19,795 8580,667 2.787 1,352 922 447 926 923 1,545 9071990 48,501 643,683 1,155,404 3,498,673.
16,702 5,314,462 5.386 2612 20870 1,04 2,078 2,072 3,178 1,8961991 1,217,178 3,471,0 3,.90,408 2651,096 19.088 10,049,695 4,724 2,291 1,694 822 1,701 1,696 2,706 1,031992 4,124,308 97,660 V76,914 3,594,727 13,256 5,358,557 5,474 2.655 2,086 1,012 2,094 2,088 3,218 1,9181993 3,07t941 1,595,700 3X40,750 2M21,761 44,849 7,70,060 49 2,226 1,878 911 1,886 1,80 2,784 1,6721994 2,530.397 1,034,617 6,433,716 6,673,851 97,356 14229,540 11333 5,497 4589 2226 4,607 4,593 6,843 4,1051995 2Z766,716 1,632907 2,820,023 422339 190,221 5,065,491 8,322 4,036 4,411 .,139 2.24 2218 4,986 2,7981996 4,896,687 5,810 5,818,499 5,789,556 503,63 124616,499 12722 6,170 8335 4,042 8,368 8,343 6.1051997 3,609,393 225,634 9,537,788 21,198,332 1,076,110 34,037,864 39,514 19,164 22,494 10,910 22584 22,516 28,197 17,51998 1,035,001 3,111,891 20,82,772 29,917,474 2482,158 55,794,295 63.306 30,703 41,653 202.02 41,819 41,694 48,926 30,8661999 1,409,453 2,0,743 496,056 499,438 681 3,02,918 881 447 289 140 292 291 4872= 1,693,672 33,42 170,475 2,754,846 0 2,958,803 4,020 1,950 1,484 720 1,490 1,405 2331 1,3852001 338,28 4,638,5 13,93,697 18,916,64 133,177 36,702,285 30,564 14,924 11,750 5,699 11,797 11,762 18,037 10,7612M32 28,637 1,389319 6911,151 7,564255 623,953 16,488.678 16,9 7,902 10,527 5,106 1(0,569 10,537 12,I63 7.8482983 1,977333 700,749 480,190 1,553,593 78,033 2,812564 2877 1395 1,639 795 1,646 1,641 2,054 1,2772431 246,468 159,859 10,431,901 25,344,488 1,034,884 36,971,132 45307 21,974 24,309 11,790 24,407 24,333 31,341 193662005 243,151 158 6 7,470,964 10,445,649 2,164,636 20240236 3009 14,942 27,739 13,453 27,850 27,767 2799 R&721M 758,001 0 1394,121 3220378 247,981 4A63,50 6,44 3,174 4,26 2,069 4,203 4270 5,031 3,1712007 125,635 703347 3A28,911 1,925,985 119,479 6,677,723 4251 2,Z62 2.319 1,125 2,328 2,321 2,966 1,836200 1,19Z616 1,197,418 k,579,471 2,010351 132,470 9,919,710 4,911 382 2,545 1234 ,555 2,547 3,337 2,0542089 635,09 72,902 4,136,179 3,613,558 58,647 8,079285 6,576 3,189 2,697 2707 2,699 3,993 2399Mean 3,614,239 2,043,64 51,231 6,504,971 349,168 14,899,017 13,119 6,3 7'74 3,528 7,225 7,203 9206 5,698s.C. 1,168,2 413,097 995,080 1,45841 118,460 2441,007 2,837 1376 1,870 907 1,884 1,878 2,179 1377Mrinvma 28,637 0 170.475 422,339 0 2,812,564 881 447 289 140 292 291 487 293Maimnto 32Z717,535 8,604,456 20282,772 29,917,474 2,42,158 55,7,295 63,306 30,703 41,653 20,202 41,819 41,694 48,926 30,8662010 756,692 731,634 3,013,055 2,681,925 198,717 7,423,331 5,845 2,835 3,508 1.702 3,522 3,512 4,292 2,683Notes: See teo for details.I The nran, rnioirrum n d tu w werecalculated with 1984 and 1997 onitted due to the unusouay low nunters rrtuling firomplat outages.Mesh factor -124 applied to eggs prior O 1995.Mesh actor- 1.62 applied to Stages I and 2 priorto 1995.arvial densiea recorded i 1984,1987, and 1999 ate believed to be low relative to densitiet i sutrunding wateis, see tem for detais,Weights for Staged Suite I and Staged Suite 2 ate based on 0.485 pounds per fish. Weights for Staged Suite 3 are based on 0.997 pounds per fosh.Winter flunder eggs,and stage I and sage 2 larvae were assurnd to have moo survival, Winter Bounder stage 3 laivae were assu md to have suuvival, and stage 4 larvae were ass und to have 49.39% survival96 Normandeau Associates, Inc.96Normandeau AssockItes, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10EntTainment Monitoring Table 7. Numbers of winter flounder impinged at PNPS annually, 1980- 2010. Nurrbers and weights of equivalent age 3 adultscalculated by three methods are also shown.Estimated
_Equivalent Age 3 AdultsYear Annual Number General Staged Staged Suite 3 AverageImpinged Number Weight (bs) Number Weight (Ibs) Number Weight Obs) Number Weight (Ibs)1980 297 34 16 36 17 59 59 43 311981 249 29 14 30 15 57 57 39 281982 297 34 16 36 17 128 128 66 541983 232 27 13 28 14 24 24 26 171984 47 5 2 6 3 6 6 6 41985 884 102 49 106 51 120 120 109 741986 908 105 51 109 53 62 62 92 551987 138 16 8 17 8 16 16 16 111988 556 64 31 67 32 44 44 58 361989 ,1119 129 63 134 65 105 105 123 771990 336 39 19 40 19 36 36 38 251991 694 80 39 83 40 86 86 83 551992 787 91 44 94 46 142 142 109 771993 1,181 136 66 141 68 115 115 131 831994 1,018 117 57 122 59 116 116 118 771995 1,628 188 91 195 95 223 222 202 1361996 857 99 48 103 50 137 137 113 781997 608 70 34 73 35 62 62 68 441998 2,069 238 115 248 120 217 216 234 1511999 1,021 118 57 122 59 87 87 109 682000 1,358 156 76 163 79 74 74 131 762001 1,729 199 97 207 100 177 176 194 1242002 1,466 169 82 176 85 104 104 ISO 902003 1,435 165 80 172 83 94 94 144 862004 2,021 233 113 242 117 141 141 205 1242005 2,688 310 150 322 156 151 151 261 1522006 1,242 143 69 149 72 99 99 130 802007 715 82 40 86 42 107 107 92 632008 1,010 116 56 121 59 144 144 127 862009 672 77 38 80 39 39 39 66 38Mean 1,038 120 58 124 60 105 105 117 74s.c. 114 13 6 14 7 10 10 11 7Minimum, 232 27 13 28 14 24 24 26 17Maximum 2,688 310 150 322 156 223 222 261 1522010 1,005 116 56 120 58 100 100 112 71Notes: See text for details.The mean, minirmum, and maxiaum were calculated with 1984 and 1987 omitted due to the unusually low numbers resulting fromplant outages.Weights for General and Staged methods are based on 0.485 pounds per fish.Weights for Staged Suite 3 are based on 0.997 pounds per fish,97 Normandeau Associates.
inc.97Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10Entrainmcnt Monitoring Table 8. Numbers of winter flounder impinged adjusted for survival at PNPS, 1980- 2010. Numbers and weights of equivalent age 3 adults calculated by three methods are also shown.Equivalent Age 3 AdultsYear Adjusted General Staged Staged Suite 3 AverageNumber Impinged Number Weight (Ilbs) Number Weight (lbs) Number Weight(Ibss)
Number WeightiLbs) 1980 231 27 13 28 13 46 46 33 241981 194 22 11 23 I1 45 45 30 221982 232 27 13 28 13 100 100 52 421983 181 21 10 22 11 20 20 21 141984 37 4 2 4 2 5 5 5 31985 684 79 38 82 40 94 94 85 571986 701 81 39 84 41 48 48 71 431987 108 12 6 13 6 13 13 13 81988 431 50 24 52 25 36 36 46 281989 865 100 48 104 50 82 82 95 601990 261 30 15 31 15 27 27 29 191991 540 62 30 65 31 68 68 65 431992 609 70 34 73 35 110 110 84 601993 912 105 51 109 53 90 90 101 651994 789 91 44 94 46 91 91 92 601995 1,258 145 70 151 73 173 172 156 1051996 663 76 37 79 39 108 108 88 611997 473 54 26 57 27 50 50 54 351998 1,595 184 89 191 93 169 168 181 1171999 788 91 44 94 46 69 69 85 532000 1,047 121 58 125 61 105 105 117 752001 1,334 154 75 160 77 138 138 150 972002 1,131 130 63 135 66 118 118 128 822003 1,000 115 56 120 58 83 83 106 662004 1,559 180 87 187 91 112 112 159 962005 2,070 238 116 248 120 229 228 238 1552006 959 110 54 115 56 78 78 101 622007 553 64 31 66 32 84 84 71 492008 779 90 44 93 45 113 113 99 672009 526 61 29 63 31 32 32 52 31Mean' 799 92 45 96 46 90 90 93 60s.e. 87 10 5 10 5 9 9 to 6Minimum 1 37 4 2 4 2 5 5 5 3Maximum, 2,070 238 116 248 120 229 228 238 1552010 788 91 44 94 46 80 80 88 57Notes: See text for details.The mean, minimum, and nixxurumwere calculated with 1984 and 1987 omitted due to the unusually low numbers resulting fromplant outages.Impingement survival was assumed to be 23.1% attributable to the fish return sluiceway and low pressure spraywash.
Weights forGeneral and Staged methods are based on 0.485 pounds per fish.Weights for Ufe Stage are based on 0,997 pounds per fish.98Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 9. Numbers ofcunner eggs and larvae entrained at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.
Numbers and weights ofequivalent age I adults calculated by two methods are also shown. Estimates based on normal operation flow,Equivalent Age I AdultsYear Total Number Entrained Method I Method 2 AverageEggs Larvae Number Weight(kbs)
Number Weight(bs)
Number Weight (bs)1980198119821983198419851986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820093,257,891,776 120,991,540 882,0276,576,294,915 576,322,566 3,163,174 2,010,779,150 10,136,561 275,6645,895,329,347 42,488,978 861,38156,209,029 43,701 6,7082,021,886,071 39,882,271 400,807"1,493,653,289 26,913,778 285,4801,122,803,794 239,840 131,3601,539,089,318 7,376,502 209,4074,469,416,004 52,188,130 736,2121,336,048,112 172,098,797 871,690675,000,390 16,735,627 148,0522,174,661,078 2,791,875 264,1103,235,317,207 15,250,109 439,1291,558,253,667 9,986,072 222,4984,116,491,874 47,130,178 674,1762,807,124,109 17,418,813 398,444.1,718,289,720 99,634,994 614,3514,341,664,826 370,217,451 2,045,563 1,098,618,436 46,550,682 321,3771,349,685,330 63,093,975 419,4092,744,377,803 71,295,038 615,484580,954,607 15,566,804 132,267759,226,058 4,557,281 107,124.1,452,433,321 19,052,802 247,963816,334,983 19,546,053 176,1641,033,954,109 14,140,211 178,9221,384,419,011 10,574,648 204,7661,102,923,951 42,052,473 303,1482,612,626,136 41,475,460 476,027105,843 1,278,287 379,581 4,486,298 33,080 418,548103,366 1,300,417 805 10,32548,097 591,25934,258 422,15915,763 202,60525,129 318,17188,345 1,100,532 104,603 1,227,175 17,766 217,02431,693 405,76652,695 667,35826,700 336,58380,901 1,008,252 47,813 603,06473,722 879,788245,468 2,902,906 38,565 464,06350,329 604,00673,858 901,03115,872 193,46112,855 162,22429,756 369,65521,140 258,48421,471 266,46024,572 308,80636,378 439,01856,885 706,2753,835 1,080,157 13,459 3,824,736 1,2156 347,1063,901 1,080,899 31 8,5161,774 496,0331,266 353,819608 166,983955 263,7893,302 918,3723,682 1,049,433 651 182,5381,217 334,9382,002 553,2431,010 279,5413,025 841,2141,809 500,7542,639 747,0708,709 2,474,234 1,392 392,7201,812 511,7082,703 758,258580 162,864487 134,6741,109 308,809775 217,324799 222,691926 256,7861,317 371,0832,119 590,15954,839196,52017,16853,63341824,93517,7628,18613,04245,82354,1429,20916,45527,34913,85541,96324,81138,181127,08819,97926,07138,2818,2266,67115,43210,95811,13512,74918,84729,502Mean' 2,291,526,593 70,552,488 559,815 67,169 815,610 2,447 687,677 34,808s.e. 295,611,260 23,293,720 121,147 14,538 171,424 514 146,278 7,526Minimum' 580,954,607 2,791,875 107,124 12,855 162,224 487 134,674 6,671Maxirmum 6,576,294,915 576,322,566 3,163,174 379,581 4,486,298 13,459 3,824,736 196,5202010 2,555,970,632 37,470,155 452,772 54,333 673,133 2,019 562,953 28,176Notes: See text for details.IThe mean, minimum, and maximum were calculated with 1984 and 1987 omitted due to the unusually low numbersresulting from plant outages.Mesh adjustment factors incorporated as necessary.
Egg and larval densities recorded in 1984, 1987, and 1999 are believed to be low relative to densities inwaters, see text for details.Method 1 weight based on 0.12 pound per fish. Method 2 weight based on 0.003 pounds per fish.99 Norntandeau Associates.
Inc.99Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station M~arine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 10. Numbers ofcunner eggs and larvae entrained adjusted for survivalat PNPS, 1980-2010.
Numbers andweights of equivalent age I adults calculated by two methods are also shown. Estimates based on normaloperation flow.Total Adjusted Number Equivalent Age I AdultsYear Entrained Method 1 Method 2 AverageEggs Larvae Number Weight (bs) Number Weight (lbs)l Number Weight (Ibs)1980 316,015,502 52,188,454 253,988 30,479 356,162 1,068 305,075 15,7741981 637,900,607 161,201,665 745,260 89,431 1,039,511 3,119 892,386 46,2751982 195,045,578 2,812,358 34,355 4,123 51,097 153 42,726 2,1381983 571,846,947 17,344,339 138,610 16,633 202,031 606 170,321 8,6201984 5,452,276 22,725 728 87 1,108 3 918 451985 196,122,949 4,643,473 42,105 5,053 61,799 185 51,952 2,6191986 144,884,369 375,307 18,384 2,206 28,120 84 23,252 1,1451987 108,911,968 83,969 12,995 1,559 20,001 60 16,498 8101988 149,291,664 3,615,463 32,387 3,886 47,506 143 39,947 2,0141989 433,533,352 13,205,564 105,319 12,638 153,489 460 129,404 6,5491990 129,596,667 88,510,263 383,578 46,029 531,214 1,594 457,396 23,8121991 65,475,038 5,508,754 30,539 3,665 43,351 130 36,945 1,8971992 210,942,125 1,033,522 28,794 3,455 43,737 131 36,266 1,7931993 313,825,769 7,779,515 68,828 8,259 100,893 303 84,860 4,2811994 151,150,606 5,145,732 38,974 4,677 56,622 170 47,798 2,4231995 399,299,712 9,399,794 85,498 10,260 125,511 377 105,504 5,3181996 272,291,039 7,595,788 63,241 7,589 92,395 277 77,818 3,9331997 166,674,103 44,337,878 203,962 24,475 284,340 853 244,151 12,6641998 421,141,488 121,472,847 554,674 66,561 772,648 2,318 663,661 34,4391999 106,565,988 8,822,383 49,107 5,893 69,733 209 59,420 3,0512000 130,919,477 21,257,305 103,710 12,445 145,466 436 124,588 6,4412001 266,204,647 30,182,136 156,577 18,789 220,934 663 188,756 9,7262002 56,352,597 6,871,478 35,154 4,218 49,537 149 42,345 2,1842003 73,644,928 352,711 10,019 1,202 15,223 46 12,621 6242004 140,886,032 5,152,826 37,812 4,537 54,823 164 46,318 2,3512005 79,184,493 4,120,844 26,352 3,162 37,842 114 32,097 1,6382006 100,293,549 919,390 15,473 1,857 23,251 70 19,362 9632007 134,288,644 1,382,286 21,347 2,562 32,001 96 26,674 1,3292008 106,983,623 17,505,914 85,311 10,237 119,646 359 102,478 5,2982009 253,424,735 21,194,144 117,670 13,999 167,059 501 141,857 7,250Mean' 222,278,080 23,711,862 124,537 14,940 175,926 528 150,213 7,734s.e. 28,674,292 7,327,778 32,509 3,901 45,162 135 38,835 2,018 56,352,597 352,711 10,019 1,202 15,223 46 12,621 624Maximum, 637,900,607 161,201,665 745,260 89,431 1,039,511 3,119 892,386 46,2752010 247,929,151 18,529,225 105,936 12,712 150,779 452 128,357 6,582Notes: See text for details.'The mean, minimum, and maxinum were calculated with 1984 and 1987 onrtted due to the unusually low numbersresulting from plant outages.Mesh adjustment factors incorporated as necessary.
Egg and larval densities recorded in 1984, 1987, and 1999 are believed to be low relative to densities in surrounding waters, see text for details.Method I weight based on 0.12 pound per fish. Method 2 weight based on 0.003 pounds per fish.Cunner eggs were assumed to have 900/. survival.
Cunner larvae were assumed to have 100%/ survival at temperatures between 25 and 30'C and 48% survival at temperatures between 30 and 35"C.100Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrairunent Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entiainment Monitoring Table 11. Numbers ofcunner impinged at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.
Numbers and weights ofequivalent age 1+ adults calculated by two methods are also shown. Estimates basedon normal operation flow.Year198019811982198319841985198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009TotalNumberImpinged1,04387061019645580270115971992101822893773463324110115334814059172240716384367247895Equivalent Age I+ AdultsMethod INumber Weight (Ibs)Met1,0438706101964558027011597199210182289377346332411011533481405917224071638436724789512510473245703214122425223II942405121842177212986464430107Number37350844618732537271805613321317922837720125632101119228773149169485156226210501hod 2Weig~ht (lbs)l120200000000000000021AverageNumber Weight (Ibs)708 63689 53528 37192 1238 3559 36271 1798 777 6166 12212 13181 I125 288 677 5274 21294 2037 3101 6136 9288 21109 945 4III 10204 15600 44270 23296 22229 15698 54Mean' 321 321 39 212 1 266 20s.e. 52 52 6 30 0 40 3Minimum 28 28 3 22 0 25 2Maximum 1,043 1,043 125 537 2 708 632010 535 535 64 348 1 442 33Notes: See text for details.IThe mean, minimum, and maximum were calculated with 1984 and 1987 omitted due to theunusually low numbers resulting from plant outages.Method I weight based on 0.12 pound per fish. Method 2 weight based on 0.003 pounds per fish.101 Normandeau Associates, Inc.101Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 12. Numbers ofcunner impinged adjusted for survival at PNPS, 1980- 2010. Numbers andweights ofequivalent age I adults calculated by two methods are also shown. Estimates based on normal operation flow.Adjusted Equivalent Age I AdultsYear Number Method I Method 2 AverageSImpinged Number Weighi (lbs) Number Weight (Ibs) Number Weight 0bs)19801981198219831984198519861987198819891990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200993177754517540518241103871771881622583693092973790136310125531542146393433282217999317775451754051824110387177188162258369309297379013631012553154214639343328221799112936521562291210212319310837364II163715618267741392796507431348972935417558509612612415554718317725591051889028441514331512028328171960444713635436208816913715714320695824623731751212491084199183536247265152540574733112321565111110254191825819839133921201348Mean 287 287 34 165 0 226 17s.e. 47 47 6 26 0 36 3Minimum' 25 25 3 15 0 20 2Maximum 931 931 112 507 2 719 572010 478 478 57 308 1 393 29Notes: See text for details.'The mean, minimum, and were calculated with 1984 and 1987 omitted due to theunusually low nunbers resulting from plant outages.Cunner impinged were assumed to have a 10.7% survival attributable to the fish return sluiceway and the low pressure spraywash.
Method I weight based on 0.12 pound per fish. Method 2 weight based on 0.003 pounds per fish.102 Norrnandeau Associa!es, Inc.102NormandeauAssociates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoing Tabk 13. Nunmbers of Arlic maiekcrel cggs and lrvae traicd ai PNPS annuaoly, 19802010.
Nuntbc and weights of equivalent age I and age 3 fih calculated by two nthods artalso shown. Esarntes based on nomloperation flow.E&#xfd;uivknt Age I Juveniles and Age 3 AdultsMethod I Method 2 AverageYear Total NundberEntnamned Age Juveniles Age 3Aduh Age Age3Adult Age I Juveniles Age3AduhEggs , alrvae Nunber Weight(Rs)
Nunber Weight(Ibs)
Nuaner Weight(bs)
Nunber Weight~lbs)
Nueeber WightlOs)
Nutber Weighths) 19&0 81,599432 22U293,108 1,373 275 54 395 1,447 447 463 296 1,410 361 513 3451981 183,959,791 320,135,596 16.275 3,255 6,691 4,684 16643 5,143 5,323 3,401 16,459 4,199 6,007 4,0431982 1023,931 9,308,143 135 167 343 240 918 284 294 188 877 225 318 2141983 148,616.621 41333,673 2,536 507 ,042 730 2,671 825 0 546 2,603 666 948 6381984 570,054 2,480. 2 0 1 I 3 1 I 2 I I I19t5 1,867,648,438 45,711,343 8,727 1,745 3,50 2,512 10,079 3,114 3223 2,060 9,403 2,430 3,406 2,1986 219,488,066 58333,520 3,612 722 1,485 1,040 3,811 1,177 1,219 779 3,711 950 1,352 91987 2397,224 107,727 14 3 6 4 15 5 5 3 14 4 5 41988 2,663,608,568 3,401,489 9,429 1,806 3,077 2,714 11,210 3,495 3,617 2,311 10369 2,690 3,747 2,5121989 4,673.915,938 65,562,469 19,455 3,891 7,999 5,599 22,801 7,046 7,292 4,660 21,128 5,468 7,646 5,1301996 2,313,416,455 4,627,202 1,271 1,654 3,401 2300 9,906 3,061 3,168 2,024 9,008 2,58 3,284 2,2021991 479,761,865 6609,482 4,892 978 2,011 1,400 5,280 1,631 1,689 1,079 5,086 1,305 1,050 1,431992 377,610,764 8,008393 1,708 342 702 492 1,980 612 633 405 1.A44 477 668 4481993 1,801,378,418 8,325,789 6,671 1,334 2,743 1,920 7,948 2,456 2,542 1,624 7,309 I,0 2,642 1,7721994 520,917221 3,419,299 1,978 396 813 569 2,48 726 751 480 2,163 561 782 5251995 I,767,0,278 197,609,693 1 V,2 3,16 6,497 4,548 17,19 5,314 5,506 3,514 16,499 4,237 5,998 4,0311996 1,507370,682 70,947,053 8,707 1,741 3,580 2,506 9,823 3,035 3,142 2,007 9,265 2,38 3,361 2,1997 316,969390 25,770,062 2,361 472 971 680 2.604 805 833 532 2,483 630 902 6061998 530,017,0 X622,% 4609 922 1,895 1,326 5,025 1553 1,607 1,027 4,817 1,237 1,751 1,1711999 6,1802166 311,394 37 7 15 11 41 13 13 8 39 10 14 102000 619,863,003 16,496,664 2,961 592 1,218 852 3,411 1,054 1,091 6r7 3,186 823 1,154 7752001 134,385,477 4,839,176 704 141 289 203 802 240 257 164 753 194 273 1832002 2,852,511 3,704444 1,10 232 476 333 1,358 420 434 278 1,258 326 455 3052003 310,982,536 4,924,563 1,322 264 544 380 1.545 477 494 316 1.433 371 519 34820W4 70,143,355 10,894,804 776 155 319 223 834 258 267 170 805 206 293 1972W05 K441,242 2,782,044 436 87 179 126 500 154 160 102 468 121 170 1142M 154,562,772 9,378,507 995 199 409 286 1,111 343 355 227 1,05 271 382 2572067 97,050,673 6,522,372 656 131 270 189 729 225 233 149 693 178 251 1692000 98,816,053 609,492 373 75 154 107 444 137 142 91 400 106 148 992009 6K,306,471 1,407,741 278 55 114 80 322 100 103 66 299 77 108 73Mean 767,207,897 38,197,437 4,533 907 I,6 Ix,305 5,1A9 1577 1,632 1,043 4,818 1,242 1,748 1,174s.C. 2D4,855,181 12,952,531 1,006 201 414 290 1,129 349 361 231 1,067 275 387 260Mioinun1 6,182,166 311,394 37 7 Is II 41 13 13 8 39 10 14 10Maiiroum 4,673,915,938 320,135,596 19,455 3,891 7,999 5,599 22,801 7.046 7,292 4,660 21,128 5,468 7,646 5,1302010 72,370,028 779,129 290 58 119 120 341 105 109 70 316 82 114 95Notes: See tec for detais.The man,asmnarun, and troximmwere cculated with and 1987 onted due Io the unusually lownurthers resultirtg Ootplant outages.Mesh adjustment factors incorporated as nesnsary.
Egg and hrval densities recorded ir 1904,1987, and 199 are belkved to be low relative to densitcs in sunuanding water5, see Let for details.Method I weight based an a 2pound per f1h fir Age I and 0,7 pound per fish for Ae 3. Method 2 weight based on 0.309 pounds pen fish for Age I and 0.639 pound per fosh for Age 3.Atlantic tnsduoleggs and larvacentraoiied wm assumed to have zero survival.
103Nomandeou Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 14. Numbers of Atlantic mackerel impinged at PNPS annually, 1980 -2010. Numbers and weightsof equivalent age 3 adults calculated by two methods are also shown.Year198019811982198319841985198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009Estimated AnnualNumber impinged04901200002429130001200000000000015060Method INumber Weight (Ibs)0 049 340 012 80 00 00 00 024 1729 2013 90 00 00 012 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 015 110 060 42 Age 3 Adu~ltsMethod 2 AverageNumber Weight s) Number Weight lbs)0 *0 0 0Mean' 8 8 5 2 1 5 3s.c. 3 3 2 2 1 2 2Minimum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Maximum1 60 60 42 60 38 60 402010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Notes: See texd for details.IThe mean, minimum, and mraximum were calculated with 1984 and 1987 omitted due to the unusually low numbers resulting fromplant outages.Method I weight based on 0.7 pound per fish. Method 2 weight based on 0.639 pound per fish.Atlantic mackerel impinged were assumed to have zero survival, 104 Norinandeau Associates, Inc.104Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 15. Numbers of Atlan tic menhaden eggs and larvae entrained at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.
Numbers and weights ofequivalent age 2 and 3 fishcalculated by Iwo methods are also shown. Fstitmtes based on normal operation flow.Equivaleni Age 2 and Age 3 AdultsMethod I Method 2 AverageYear Total Number Entrained Age 2 Age 3 Age 2 Age 3 Age 2 Age 3Eggs Larvae Number Weight (Ibs) Number Nutmber Weight (Fbs) Number INumber Weight (Ibs) Number1980 16,468,408 12,060,791 2.8191981 3,473,080 40,076,799 7,9501982 365,091,471 1,845,849 10.4501983 869,580 1,227,190 2651984 300,943 0 1311985 41,131,470 9,190,654 2,9381986 21,112,802 3,654,854 1,3001987 135,755 731,741 3141988 9,273,771 2,713,857 7881989 11,212,165 4,411,807 1,1741990 7,057,041 3,263,718 8351991 5,744,115 512,319 2591992 392,533 1,117,881 2301993 947,815,345 11,833,443 28,5081994 10,221,752 2,361,834 7451995 3,280,481 12,419,886 2,5251996 4,861,265 8,660,874 1,8321997 48,899,715 48,283,152 10,8141998 44,730,447 33,280,806 7,7581999 10,385,304 18.939,526 4,1852000 882.086 809,127 1832001 4,025,648 1,251,898 3572002 14,464,446 5,164,308 1,4122003 6,122,068 4,059,959 9652004 613,682 176,011 512005 1,402,677 17,566,121 3,4812006 1,681,187 22,066,458 4,3712007 8,328,758 17,482,918 3,6572008 3,085,175 69,472,958 13,7012009 203,077 14,512,115 2,8501,691 731 4304,770 2,061 1,1066,270 2,709 2,361159 69 3979 34 21,763 761 509780 337 232189 82 21473 204 132705 304 190501 216 133155 67 50138 60 3317,105 7,389 6,320447 193 1291,515 654 3571,099 475 2656,488 2,803 1,6154,655 2,011 1,1832,511 1,085 578110 47 27214 92 59847 366 231579 250 14931 13 92,089 902 4842,623 1,133 6072,194 948 14,5728,221 3,551 2,0191,659 739 394101260555901205553145311281,485308462380278136614543521141433,4244749391 1,625235 4,528501 6,4058 1520 67108 1,72349 7664 16828 46040 68228 484II 1557 1311,341 17,41427 43776 1,44156 1,048343 6,215251 4,471123 2,3816 10513 20849 82232 5572 30103 1,983129 2,4893,093 9,114475 7,86084 1,57989625153,41284409414179725237526684739,2952397995813,4342,4671,32358114451307161.1011,3832,8094,3478764111,1481,60538174351934311617212239334,365I103652661,5731,131604275320814185036312,0202,013400Mean 56,886,770 13,157,754 4,157 2,493 1,078 1,222 287 261 2,688 1,390 669s.e. 35,425,186 3,129,038 1,133 680 294 548 129 116 724 371 179MinimuInm 203,077 176,011 51 31 13 9 2 2 30 16 8 947,815,345 69,472,958 28,508 17,105 7,389 14,572 3,424 3,093 17,414 9,295 4,3652010 21,379,962 5,751,886 1,718 1,031 445 291 68 62 1,004 550 253Notes: See text fordetails.
IThe mean, minirnum, and ma~xitm were calculated with 1984 and 1987 onitted due to the unusually low numbers resulting from plant outages.Egg and larval densities recorded in 1984, 1987, and 1999 are believed lo be low relative to densities in surrounding waters, see tIex for details.Method 1 weight based on 0.6 pound per fish. Method 2 weight based on 0.235 pound per fish.105 Normandeau Associates.
Inc.105Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Table 16. Numbers ofAtlantic menhaden eggs and larvae entrained adjusted for survivalat PNPSannually, 1980-2010.
Numbers and weights ofequivalent age 2 and 3 Rsh calculated by two methods are also shown. Estimates based on normal operation flow.Equivalent Age 2 and Age 3 AdultsMethod I Method 2 AverageYear Adjusted Number Entrained Age 2 Age 3 Age 2 Age 3 Age 2 Age 3Eggs Larvae Number Weight (Ibs) Number Number Weight (los) Number Number Weight (Ibs) Number1980 3,293,682 5,780,660 1,224 734 317 177 42 38 701 388 1771981 694,616 19,776,470 3,895 2,337 1,010 539 127 114 2,217 1,232 5621982 73,018,294 1,225,310 2,258 1,355 585 495 116 105 1,377 736 3451983 173,916 808,723 163 98 42 23 5 5 93 52 241984 60,189 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 I I 01985 8,226,294 4,253,143 1,061 637 275 167 39 35 614 338 1551986 4,222,560 1,694,157 449 269 116 73 17 15 261 143 661987 27,151 469,555 93 56 24 13 3 3 53 29 131988 1,854,754 2,001,043 443 266 115 66 15 14 255 141 641989 2,242,433 2,451,756 542 325 141 80 19 17 311 172 791990 1,411,408 2,189,095 468 281 121 68 16 14 268 148 681991 1,148,823 230,543 77 46 20 14 3 3 45 25 II1992 78,507 641,934 128 77 33 18 4 4 73 40 181993 189,563,069 8,077,164 6,821 4,092 1,768 1,418 333 301 4,120 2,213 1,0351994 2,044,350 1,155,213 283 170 73 44 10 9 164 90 411995 656,096 5,932,286 1,181 708 306 165 39 35 673 374 1701996 972,253 4,878,306 983 590 255 138 32 29 560 311 1421997 9,779,943 29,17"2,650 5,988 3,593 1,552 851 200 181 3,419 1,896 8M61998 8,946,089 24,529,846 5,055 3,033 1,310 720 169 153 2,887 1,601 7311999 2,077,061 13,174,086 2,639 1,584 684 369 87 78 1,504 835 3812000 176,417 497,183 102 61 27 15 3 3 58 32 152001 805,130 762,485 172 103 45 26 6 5 99 55 252002 2,892,889 3,839,619 832 499 216 122 29 26 477 264 1212003 1,224,414 2,238,968 473 284 123 68 16 14 270 I5O 692004 122,736 169,682 37 22 9 5 1 I 21 12 52005 280,535 7,904,754 1,557 934 404 216 51 46 886 492 2252006 336,237 6,459,340 1,275 765 331 177 42 38 726 403 1842007 1,665,752 9,867,163 1,092 655 283 10,953 2,574 2,325 6,022 1,615 1,3042008 617,035 52,641,902 10,334 6,200 2,679 1,427 335 303 5,881 3,268 1,4912009 40,615 10,869,225 2,131 1,241 552 294 69 62 1,181 655 299Mean' 11,377,354 7,972,240 1,845 1,106 478 669 157 142 1,256 631 310sc. 7.085,037 2,165,964 465 279 121 388 91 82 321 152 77Minimum, 40,615 169,682 37 22 9 5 I I 21 12 5Maximum' 189,563,069 52,641,902 10,334 6,200 2,679 10,953 2,574 2,325 6.022 3,268 1,4912010 4,275,992 4,119,483 926 463 240 138 33 29 532 248 135Notes: See texa for details.IThe mean, minimum, and nmaxmum were calculated with 1984 and 1987 orntted due to the unusually low numbers resulting from plant outages.Egg and larval densities recorded in 1984, 1987, and 1999 are believed to be low relative to densities in surrounding waters.Method I weight based on 0.5 pound per fish. Method 2 weight based on 0.235 pound per fish.Atlantic menhaden eggs were assumed to have 80/o survival.
Atlantic menhaden larvae were assumed to have 55% survival at temperatures between 25 and 30*C, and 24% survival at lenmperatures between 30 and 35"C.106 Norman deau Associates.
Inc.106Normandeau Associates, fnc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 17. Numbers of Atlantic menhaden impinged at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.
Numbers and wcights of equivalent age 2 and 3 fishcalculated by two methods are also shown.Estimated Equivalent Age 2 and Age 3 AdultsAnnual Method I Method 2 AverageYear Number Agc 2 Age 3 Age 2 Age 3 Age 2 Age 3Impinged Number Weight (Ibs) Number Number Weight (Ibs) Number Number Weight Ibs) Number1980198119821983198419851986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092260171522II1,49195301772,0203,1351,1173246581,5602,1681,3291,42342,68634,3543,59953,304119,04110,341277,60115,189154,83272112,528370288522431550293295111825792543532172326,9585.6005878,68919,4041,68645,2492,47625,2381182,04222017511146930171973071093451522121301394,1753,3603525,21311,6421,01227,1491,48615,143711,22510 1040 07 10222 2230 563 56740 4060 07 7385 845132 1,24947 4401 222 342 2066 57692 1,59056 47160 5011,803 16,2851,451 27,432152 1,4052,252 19.0705,029 48,899437 4,20811,729 90,770642 5,6756,542 57,20330 319529 5,2682502453113395017198293103585135374III1183,8276,4463304,48111,49198921,3311,33413,443751,23822 710 022 6547 154I 3120 40586 2810 016 51179 587265 88093 3115 137 214 14122 415338 972100 344106 3673,456 11,6215,822 16,516298 9964,048 13,87910,379 34,152893 2,94719,266 68,0091,205 4,07612,141 41,22168 2181,118 3,65523020521140940171983001064651442931201284,0014,9033414,84711,5671,0O024,2401,41014,293731,232160143519263012132199703539421578832,6303,6372253,1507,70466515,4989249,34149824Mean 26,451 4,312 2,587 1,117 10,134 2,382 2,151 7,223 2,484 1,634s.c. 11,615 1,893 1,136 491 4,065 955 863 2,971 1,042 675Mini'mum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Maximum 1 277,601 45,249 27,149 11,729 90.770 21,331 19,266 68,009 24,240 15,4982010 1,403 229 137 59 481 113 102 355 125 81Notes: See text for details.The mean, minimum, and nmxinium were calculated with 1984 and 1987 omitted due to the unusually low numbers resulting from plantoutages.Method I weight based on 0.6 pound per fish. Method 2 weight based on 0.235 pound per fish.Atlantic menhaden impinged were assumed to have zero survival.
107 Normandeau Associates, Inc.107Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 18. Nurners of AtlanticherTig larvae entrained at PNSannually, 1980.2010.
Numbers and weights of equivalent age I and 3fish cakulated by tworutbods are also shown.TotalEquivalent Age Juveniles and Age 3 AdultsNunterof Method I Method 2 AverageYear Larvae Age I Age 3 Age I Age3 Age! Age3Entrained Nunter Weight(lhs)
Nuer Weightls)
Nuater WtigbhtL(s)
Nutrber WeightIs)
Nuaer Wei(%h5lhe)
Number Weightis) 1900 1,060,466 IN561981 2471,492 3,6221982 732,857 1,0741983 50,,315 8,6181984 460,840 6871985 1,586435 2,3161986 1,811,101 2,6541987 5,142,045 7,5961900 639,009 9371989 911,487 I3361990 2079,483 3,0481991 12K0,273 1,8761992 3,70,300 5,8191993 2,09,952 3,0761994 16,51,765 23,%661995 43,347,883 633851996 9263,826 13,5801997 24,445,056 35,8271998 4,026,783 5,9021999 1,379,446 16,U782000 12,306,502 18,0372001 4,062977 5,9552002 3,468,890 5,0042003 1,096,032 16072004 5,064,603 7,4232005 9,860,824 14,4522006 8,006,769 11,7352007 341,371 5002008 2,879217 42202009 3,303,704 4,84247 703 281 3,033109 1,626 650 7,01532 482 193 2,080259 3,869 1,540 16,69121 308 123 1,33169 1,040 416 4,48680 1,192 477 5,141276 3,383 1,353 14,59528 420 168 1,81440 600 240 2.58791 1,8 547 5,9M56 842 337 3,634175 2,612 1,045 1126992 1,381 552 5,958719 10,758 4,303 46,4121,902 28,454 11,381 122,754407 6,096 2438 26,3001,075 16,003 6,433 69,384177 2,649 1,060 11,430500 7,487 2,995 32,299541 8,097 3239 34,930179 2,673 1,069 11,532153 2282 913 9,84648 721 288 3,113223 3,332 1,333 14,375434 6,488 2X95 27,989352 5,268 2,107 2272615 225 90 969127 1,894 758 8,172145 2,174 869 9,37795 1,161 351 2,299220 2,686 811 5,31965 796 241 1,577524 6,391 1,930 12,65442 510 154 1,009141 1,718 519 3,40116! 1,968 594 3,897458 5,508 1,688 11,06657 695 210 1,375S1 991 299 1,962185 2,260 683 4,475114 1,391 420 2755354 4,315 1,303 8,544187 2,201 69 4,5171,457 17,771 5,367 35,1893,854 47,002 14,194 93,070826 10,070 3,041 19,9402,179 260567 8,023 52,606359 4,376 1,322 8,6661,014 12,367 3,735 24,4891,097 13,375 4,039 26,484362 4,416 1,334 8,744309 3,770 1,139 7,46598 1,192 360 2X360451 5,504 1,662 10M99879 10,717 3236 21,220714 8,702 2,628 17,23130 371 112 734257 3,129 945 6,196294 3,590 1,084 7,11071 932 316164 2,156 73149 639 217391 5,130 1,73931 409 139105 1,379 467121 1,500 536342 4,486 1,52043 558 18961 795 270138 1,814 61585 1,117 379264 3,463 1,174140 1,831 6211,00 14,265 4,8352,878 37,728 12,788617 8,083 2.7401,627 21,325 7,228260 3,513 1,191757 9,927 3,365819 10,736 3,639270 3,544 1,201231 3,026 1,02673 956 324337 4,418 1,498656 8,602 2,916533 6,905 2,36823 298 I01192 2,512 851220 2,802 977Mean 6,558,300 9,612 288 4,315 1,726 18,615 585 7,128 2Z153 14,113 436 5,721 1,939se. 1,715,780 2Z515 75 1,129 452 4,870 153 1,.65 563 3,692 114 1,497 507Minianm1 341,371 500 15 225 90 969 30 371 112 734 23 298 101Ma~nimt 43247,83 63,385 1,902 28,454 11,301 122,754 3,854 47,002 14,194 93,070 2,070 37,728 12,7882010 3,737,447 5,478 164 2.459 984 10,60 333 4,062 1,227 8,043 249 3,260 1,105Notes: See tex for details.The tmn, rnrR and nrtnnustwere calculated wh 1994 and 1987 otnttied due to the unusuaoy low nuttmer rsuhing fom the plant out age.Outage periods in 1984 and 1987 nay have affected entrainnrnt estiatnates at the end of the spring larval heating period.The outage n 1999 occurred afier the latvalhermag season.Method I wveight conversion based on 0.03 for Age I and 0.4 pound per Age 3 fish. Method 2 weighr conversion based on 0.0314 for Age I and 0.302 pound per Age 3 fish.Atlantic hetting entrained were assumed to havo zero survival.
108Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Table 19. Numbers ofAtlantic herring impinged at PNPS annually 1980-2010, Numbers and weights of equivalent age 3 fish calculated by two methods are also shown.Estimated Equivalent Age 3 AdultsAnnual Method I Method 2 AverageYear Number Age I Age 3 Age I Age 3 Number Weight(lbs)
,Iinged Weight(bs)
Number Weightlbs)
Number Weight(lbs)
Age3 Age l Age31980 83 2 37 15 3 61 18 49 3 171981 53 2 24 10 2 39 12 32 2 I11982 156 5 70 28 5 115 35 92 5 311983 22 I 10 4 1 16 5 13 1 41984 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01985 35 1 16 6 I 26 8 21 I 71986 3,009 90 1,351 540 94 2,218 670 1,785 92 6051987 6 0 3 I 0 4 1 4 0 11988 51 2 23 9 2 38 11 30 2 101989 138 4 62 25 4 102 31 82 4 281990 408 12 183 73 13 301 91. 242 13 821991 24,238 727 10,880 4,352 761 17,867 5,396 14,373 744 4,8741992 51 2 23 9 2 38 11 30 2 101993 169 5 76 30 5 125 38 100 5 341994 28 1 13 5 I 21 6 17 1 61995 108 3 48 19 3 80 24 64 3 221996 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01997 13 0 6 2 0 10 3 8 0 31998 108 3 48 19 3 80 24 64 3 221999 181 5 81 32 6 133 40 107 6 362000 77 2 35 14 2 57 17 46 2 162001 48 1 22 9 2 35 II 29 I 102002 301 9 135 54 9 222 67 178 9 612003 51 2 23 9 2 38 11 30 2 102004 138 4 62 25 4 102 31 82 4 282005 549 16 246 98 17 405 122 325 17 1102006 122 4 55 22 4 90 27 72 4 252007 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02008 23 I 10 4 1 0 0 5 I 22009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Mean) 1,077 32 484 193 34 793 240 638 33 217s.C. 864 26 388 155 27 637 192 513 27 174Minimum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Maximum 24,238 727 10,880 4,352 761 17,867 5,396 14,373 744 4,8742010 162 5 73 29 I 9 3 41 3 16Notes: See text for details.The mean, minimum, and maxmum were calculated with 1984 and 1987 omitted due to the unusually low number resulting from theplant outage.Method I weight conversion based on 0.03 forAge I and 0.4 pound per Age 3 fish.Method 2 weight conversion based on 0.0314 for Age I and 0.302 pound perAge 3 fish.Atlantic herring impinged were assumed to have zero survival.
109Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 20. Numbers of Atlantic cod eggs and larvae entrained at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.
Numbers and weights ofequivalent age 2 fish calculated by two methods are also shown.Equivalent Age 2 AdultsYear Total Number Entrained Method I Method 2 AverageEggs Larvae Number Weight (lbs) Number Weight (lbs)l Number Weight (Ibs)1980 20,388,850 1,450,522 76 38 2,524 618 1,300 3281981 11,620,588 2,173,076 89 45 3,554 871 1,822 4581982 2,582,984 222,721 11 5 381 93 196 491983 9,349,728 142,136 17 8 336 82 176 451984 11,726,579 587,054 35 18 1,063 260 549 1391985 5,071,151 1,441,442 56 28 2,326 570 1,191 2991986 2,788,767 1,035,987 39 20 1,661 407 850 2131987 5,623,282 122,579 11 6 260 64 136 351988 2,747,034 254,239 12 6 432 106 222 561989 3,395,726 119,436 8 4 228 56 118 301990 2,406,536 1,566,291 57 28 2,490 610 1,273 3191991 3,668,649 239,746 13 6 421 103 217 551992 2,819,673 469,713 20 10 772 189 396 991993 1,268,748 446,489 17 8 717 176 367 921994 3,119,312 1,904,519 69 35 3,030 742 1,550 3891995 2,549,370 602,594 24 12 978 239 501 1261996 8,542,922 2,369,255 92 46 3,826 937 1,959 4921997 1,800,711 1,101,118 40 20 1,752 429 896 2251998 4,971,621 735,301 32 16 1,215 298 623 1571999 1,932,894 464,125 18 9 753 184 385 972000 18,525,824 325,095 35 17 733 180 384 982001 6,869,977 4,215,642 153 77 6,707 1,643 3,430 8602002 8,538,146 1,299,393 55 28 2,144 525 1,100 2772003 10,087,198 2,000,121 81 41 3,264 800 1,673 4202004 6,934,046 1,550,052 62 31 2,519 617 1,290 3242005 14,954,283 950,164 52 26 1,673 410 862 2182006 2,921,907 2,681,553 96 48 4,249 1,041 2,172 5442007 6,308,949 1,419,048 57 28 2,306 565 1,181 2972008 3,413,624 1,009,708 39 19 1,628 399 833 2092009 7,740,045 1,587,158 64 32 2,587 634 1,325 333Mean' 6,332,831 1,206,309 49 25 1,972 483 1,011 254s.e. 949,001 176,303 6 3 279 68 143 36Minimum 1,268,748 119,436 8 4 228 56 118 30Maximum 20,388,850 4_215,642 153 77 6,707 1,643 3,430 8602010 8,707,496 754,858 37 18 1,291 316 664 167Notes: See text for details.The mean, minimum, and maxinum were calculated with 1984 and 1987 omitted due to the unusually low numberresulting from the plant outage.fromplant outages.Method I weight conversion based on 0.5 pounds per fish. Method 2 weight conversion based on 0.245 pounds per fish.Atlantic cod eggs and larvae were assumed to have zero entrainment survival.
110 Normandeau Associates, inc.110Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10Entrainment Monitoring Table 21. Numbers of Atlantic cod impinged at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.
Numbers and weights ofequivalent age 2 fish calculated by two methods are also shown.Estimated Equivalent Age 2 AdultsAnnual Method I Method 2Year Number NumberIrnpinged Age 219801981198219831994198519861987198819891990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200912100I1000330230024104742580053420113061991926885614386108290002701900208383447004334093050811575634611770Weight Obs)Age 2541500014010001041917240022170470254179282235935NumberAge 253830001307001462416190016210630234276246284329Weight (lbs)AWe 291000302003I6450045015061019607117AverugeNumber Weight Obs)Age 2 Age 28 360 256 30 00 00 020 80 013 60 00 017 77 331 1225 1033 140 00 030 1328 110 078 310 037 1562 25117 49405 17137 158o 3550 21Mean' 68 55 28 26 6 41 17s.e. 25 20 10 9 2 15 6Minimurm' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 688 563 282 246 60 405 1712010 53 43 22 29 7 36 14Notes; See tex for details,The mean, minimum, and maximum were calculated with 1984 and 1987 omitted due to the unusually low numberresulting from the plant outage.Method I weight conversion based on 0.5 pounds per fish.Method 2 weight conversion based on 0.245 pounds per fish.Ill Normandeau Associates, Inc.IIINormandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 22. Numbers of Atlantic cod impinged adjusted forsurvival at PNPS, 1980-2010.
age 2 fish calculated by two methods are also shown.Numbers of equivalent Equivalent AdultsAdjusted Method I Method 2Year Number NumberInpinged Age 2198019811982198319841985198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009I189100002902100229423752004738010105488171614501287798980002401700187343142003931083045721405034110563Weight (Ibs)Age 24454000120800941715210019150410223670251205332NumberAge 243430001607001262214170014190560213768220253826Weight (Ibs)AWe 218000040200353400350140591754696AverageNumber Weight Obs)Age 2 Age 26 362 266 20 00 00 020 80 012 50 00 015 67 328 I122 930 130 00 026 II25 100 069 280 033 1455 23104 43361 15333 1372 3145 19Mean 60 50 25 24 6 37 15s.C. 22 18 9 8 2 13 6Minimum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Maximumm 614 503 251 220 54 361 1532010 47 38 19 25 6 32 13Notes: See text for details.The mean, minimnm, and maxmun mwere calculated with 1984 andresulting from the plant outage.Method I weight conversion based on 0.5 pounds per fish.Method 2 weight conversion based on 0.245 pounds per fish.1987 omitted due to the unusually low numberAtlantic cod were assumed to have 10.7% survival attributable to the fish return sluiceway and the low&#xfd;pressure spraywash.
112Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrairtment Monitoring E. American Lobster Larvae Entrainment Twenty-seven American lobster larvae were found in the entrainment samples collected during 2010, resulting in an estimated total of 766,221 entrained larvae (Table 23). The numberof larvae collected in 2010 was the fourth highest collected in a year dating back to 1974. Thehighest number of lobster larvae collected in a single year occurred in 2006 when 60 larvae werecollected.
A total of 212 lobster larvae have been collected at PNPS from 1974 -2009 including the more intensive sampling directed specifically toward lobster larvae in 1976. The estimated total number of lobster larvae entrained in 2010 was above the 1980-2009 average of 271,766(range = 0 to 1,973,143 in 2008, Table 23).The annual larval entrainment estimates were converted to equivalent numbers of 82 mmcarapace length (CL) adults, the age at which they enter the Massachusetts fishery (Dean et al,2004, 2005, and Dean et al. 2006). Survival values were obtained from French McCay et al.(2003). To determine the individual instantaneous mortality, rates (Z) for each of the four larvalstages, the total larval stage instantaneous mortality rate (Zs = 4.116; French McCay et al. 2003)was divided by the stage duration of 28 days (French McCay et al. 2003) to produce a dailyinstantaneous larval mortality rate of ZD = 0.147. The daily mortality rate was then multiplied bythe number of days in each larval stage interval at a water temperature of 19'C (Stage 1 = 3 days,Stage 2 = 4 days, Stage 3 = 6 days, and Stage 4 = 15 days; MacKenzie and Moring 1985). Thelarval stage mortality rates were then converted to survival rates (S = ez) as follows:S (stage 1) = 0.6434 S (stage III) = 0.4140S (stage II) = 0.5554 S (stage IV) = 0.1103All lobster larvae are not entrained at the same point in a given life stage and it isassumed that the further along in development the greater their probability in reaching the nextlife stage. To account for this, the survival values of the life stage entrained were adjusted basedon EPRI (2004). The adjusted survival values were as follows:Adjusted S (stage I) = 0.7830 Adjusted S (stage III) = 0.5855Adjusted S (stage II) = 0.7142 Adjusted S (stage IV) = 0.1986Following Stage IV, when settlement to the bottom occurs, numbers were converted to equivalent adults by applying S = 0.2645 from the settlement to 7 mm CL interval and S = 0.0037 for the 7to 82 mm CL interval (French McCay et al. 2003). This produced a total of 15 equivalent 82 mm113 Norrnandeau Associates, Inc.113Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring lobsters potentially lost due to entrainment in 2010. The 2010 value is above the time seriesaverage of 8 (range = 0 to 47 in 2008) equivalent adult lobsters (Table 23).In addition to those entrained, American lobster were impinged on the intake screenseach year (also see the impingement section).
Annual totals ranged from 0 in 1984 and 1987 to1,559 in 1993 and averaged 480 lobsters over the time series. The 2010 estimated total wasbelow the average at 350 lobsters (Table 23). Based on annual mean length data most impingedlobsters were juveniles.
Survival values for 5 mm size class increments from 7 mm CL to 82 mmCL were obtained from French McCay et al. (2003) and adjusted to account for the higherprobability that lobster impinged later in the size class increment are more likely to survive to thenext increment.
Impinged lobsters would be equivalent to an average of 283 equivalent adults(range = 0 to 1,065). The 2010 estimate amounted to 238 equivalent adult lobsters, which wasbelow the average (Table 23).A number of factors may be contributing to the increase in the number of lobster larvaeobserved at PNPS in recent years. The first is the addition of a nighttime sampling period to theentrainment monitoring protocol beginning in 1995. Adult female lobsters release larvae at night(Ennis et al.1975, Charmantier et al. 1991), so that more stage I individuals would be expected inthe surrounding water at that time. Predation, dispersion, and mortality likely rapidly reduce theirnumbers during subsequent days. Since 1995, 84% of the lobster larvae captured were collected during the Friday evening sampling period. This represents 80% of the total larvae captured overthe 37-year time period. In spite of the relatively high numbers obtained at night, numberscontinue to show a recent increase when the Friday night sample is omitted as shown below.114 Normandeau Associates, Inc.114Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Maxine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring The number oflobster larvae entrained from 1995 to2010 with Friday night samples excluded.
Equivalent 82 num adults are also shown.Total Annual Total AnnualNumber Entrained Equivalent Adults1995 0 01996 0 01997 0 01998 0 01999 94,362 92000 0 02001 0 02002 0 02003 40,947 12004 39,725 12005 53,781 22006 29,946 12007 1,913,512 372008 462,728 182009 0 02010 316,938 6There is no apparent direct relationship between prevailing winds or tides at samplingtime and the number of lobster larvae entrained.
The second factor that may be contributing to the increase in lobster larvae is theestablishment of a protection zone around Pilgrim Station extending seaward from the shorefront for a distance of approximately 1,000 feet on September 11, 2001. Within this zone no lobsterharvesting is permitted; as a result there may be an increase in nearshore lobster reproductive activity and successful larval release.The last factor that may be contributing to the increase in the number of lobster larvaeobserved at PNPS is an increase in lobster larvae abundance in Cape Cod Bay. Although larvallobster abundance data for Massachusetts waters are not currently available, there are data forearly benthic phase lobsters (0 to 40 mm carapace length).
The Massachusetts Division of MarineFisheries coastal lobster project observed an increase in early benthic phase lobsters in Cape CodBay, Boston Harbor, and Salem Sound from 2001 to 2004 (MDMF 2005). The Gulf of MaineAmerican lobster stock is currently at a record high (1981-2007; ASMFC 2009); except forlobsters in the southern Gulf of Maine (Statistical Area 514) which are considered to be in poorcondition with low abundance, low recruitment, and a high exploitation rate. Lobster landings inArea 514 declined to a time series low of 5,392,509 lobsters in 2005 (ASMFC 2009). The115Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring increase in lobster larvae observed at PNPS is consistent with the increase seen in other coastalMassachusetts and Gulf of Maine areas.116 Normandeau Associates, Inc.116Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Tabulation of previous lobster larvae collections, 1974 to 2010:2010: 27 larvae: I stage 1, May 24; 1 stage 1, May 31; 4 stage 1, June 4; I stage 1, June 7;2 stage 1, June 11; 9 stage I & I stage 2, June 18; 2 stage 1, June 30; 3 stage 1, July 2;2 stage 1, Juy 19; 1 stage 1, August 2;2009: 11 larvae: 8 stage 1, May 29; 1 stage 1, Jun 5; 1 stage 1, Jun 19; 1 stage I, June 26.2008: 44 larvae: I stage 1, May 19; I stage 1, May 23; 1 stage 1, June 2; 13 stage 1, June 6;3 stage I & I stage 2, June13; 6 stage 1 June 20; 1 stage I June 27; 5 stage 1, July 41 stage 1, July 7; 4 stage 1, July 11; 1 stage 1, July 25; 1 stage 1, July 28; 1 stage 1,August 15; 1 stage 1 & 1 stage 2, August 18; 1 stage I, August 22; i stage 4, September 22.2007:19 larvae: 3 stage 1, June 8; 13 stage 1, June 13; 1 stage 1, June 18; 1 stage 1,July 16; i stage 1, July 23.2006:60 larvae: 13 stage 1, June 2; 26 stage 1, 1 stage 2, June 16; 4 stage 1, June 24; 15stage 1, June 30; 1 stage 1 July 3.2005: 32 larvae: 8 stage 1, June 3; 1 stage 1, June 17; 5 stage 1, 1 stage 2, June 24; 9 stage1, 1 stage 2, 2 stage 4, July 8; 2 stage 1, July 15; 1 unstaged July 18; 2 stage 1,August 5.2004:9 larvae: 2 stage 1, June 4; 2 stage 1, June 11; 1 stage 1, July 5; I stage 1, July 23;1 stage 1, August 13; 1 stage 3, 1 stage 4, September 3.2003:16 larvae: I stage 2, June 2; 1 stage 3, June 6; 1 stage 3, June 13; 7 stage 3, June 20;5 stage 3, July 4; 1 stage 1, July 11.2002: none found2001: none found.2000: none found.1999: 8 larvae: 4 stage 1, June 18; 1 stage 1, July 3; 1 stage 1, July5; 1 stage 1, August 6;1 stage 4, August 25.1996-1998:
none found,1995: 1 larva -stage 4-5, July 28.1994: none found.1993: 1 larva -stage 4-5, July 21.1991-1992:
none found.1990: 2 larvae -I stage 1, June 26; 1 stage 4, August 23.1983-1989:
none found.1982: 1 larva-stage I on June 14.1981: 1 larva -stage 4 on June 29.1980: none found.1979: 1 larva-stage I on July 14.1978: none found.1977: 3 larvae -I stage 1, June 10; 2 stage 1, June 17.1976: 2 larvae -I stage 1, July 22; July 22; 1 stage 4-5, August 5.1975: 1 larva -stage 1, date unknown.1974: none found.117 Normandeau Associates.
Inc.117Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 23. Numbers of American lobster entrained and impinged at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.
Numbers of equivalent adults (82 mm) calculated by two methods are also shown.Entrainment
.Impingement Entrainment
+ Impingement Year Total Larvae Equivalents Total Lobsters Equivalents Total Equivalents Entrained Adult (82 mma) Impinged Adult (82 mam) Number Adult (82 min)1980 0 0 56 45 56 451981 39,013 8 200 174 39,213 1821982 38,306 I 332 221 38,638 2221983 0 0 93 74 93 741984 0 0 0 0 0 01985 0 0 420 216 420 2161986 0 0 110 96 110 961987 0 0 0 0 0 01988 0 0 48 30 48 301989 0 0 326 187 326 1871990 108,254 12 568 325 108,822 3371991 0 0 579 327 579 3271992) 0 0 1,053 557 1,053 5571993 40,936 8 1,559 771 42,495 7791994 0 0 998 551 998 5511995 34,389 7 622 348 35,011 3551996 0 0 990 543 990 5431997 0 0 387 206 387 2061998 0 0 431 229 431 2291999 258,377 10 608 283 258,985 2932000 0 0 633 355 633 3552001 0 0 114 94 114 942002 0 0 148 105 148 1052003 604,079 35 321 260 604,400 2952004 265,850 10 434 293 266,284 3032005 1,382,946 45 1,493 1,065 1,384,439 1,1102006 1,728,159 34 701 445 1,728,860 4792007 1,392,550 27 532 311 1,393,082 3382008 1,973,143 47 III 85 1,973,254 1322009 286,979 6 542 280 287,521 286Mean 271,766 8 480 283 272,246 291s.C. 102,375 3 75 43 102,387 44Minimum 0 0 0 0. 0 0Maximum 1,973,143 47 1,559 1,065 1,973,254 1,1102010 766,221 is 350 238 766,571 253118 Normandeau Associates, Inc.118Normandeau Associates, Inc.
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APPENDIX A*. Densities of fish eggs and larvae per 100 m3 of water recorded in thePNPS discharge canal by species, date, and replicate, January-December 2010.*Available upon request.
PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJANUARY 20 10 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATER' EGGSDate In -JANUARY 2010:MEANSARITHM. GEOIVl.468GmDs MOMAWTOTAL EMGS0.830.830,830.830.B30.93No sample collection gor Monday anzd Friday, duo to snow covered rocks.Nermandeam
.ucAs e~fm Inc., Falmousth, AMe.File C:IfeflimulNew IchfbyalPNPS-Ichfhswpnps2GlO.mdb Table., JnnwiO4 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJANUARY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERI MEANSDatc In -JANUARY 2010:TOTAL LARVAB468MEANSARITHM. GEOM.0.00 0.000.00No sampleG collection for Monday and Friday, due to snow covered rocks.Normwadeau Anociasa Ine-, Faimeush, 4114FileC.lAIeldssu1Ngwkchsh"IPNS-Ichh-ayvnps29lO.mAd Tahle January04 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJANUARY 2010.DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSARrrHM. GEOM.Dalc In -- JANUARY 2010:emCus Omm Aagog111.091.0913Is0.000.000.540.540.440.44Nonmndamui
: Assecaig, Ine., Falmaggth, Ma.Piler CIAfeli @ ew Icthsye1PNPS-Iehdlowlnps29I~mdb Tabe. Jwanuaiy PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJANUARY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDale In -JANUARY 2010: I1 13 Is ARITHM. GEOM.CLU1M 8AJvZ 0.00 -0.87 0.44 0.37PLL 0.54 -0.00 0.27 0.24PUOUIS 8 0.00 -0.67 0.44 0.37AMODDTES SR. 0.54 -0.00 0.27 0.24TOTAL LARVAE 1.09 -1.74 1.41 1.37Nermndaivco duo~ac% Ias,, Falmouth, Afa.Fl/a CWdLnUOwEVlckhdj IpNPS-Ichthyeipnps2OlO.mdb Tabla. JwwayII PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJANUARY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGSc"sMEANSARIT'HM.
0O1M.Date In-- JANUARY 2010:182022GADUL ENSMUA1.731.731.731.731.731.73Norpuandena
: Amiodalp, Inc., FaurnouathoAla F7Ie C.tAldlsuWcw lckAyvPNPS-lrhthyui~p,3OlO.,ndb Table: Januayll PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJANUARY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEDaie In- JANUARY 2010:FoMs Lauzoos182022MEANSARITHM. GEOM.1.73 1.731.73 1.731,731.73jNormuadwau
: Asmlate, luw., Falsueuh, fia.FileCIIA feinalI~ew[lkhjviPNPS-Ichiltjw~pnpz2OIO.mdb Table JanuaryiF PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJANUARY 20 10 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSII III TMEANSARITHM. GEOM.Date In -JANUARY 2010:252729GADUS HORI=ATOTAL EMGS4.504.504.504.504.504,50Normandean Associate; Ina~, Fulmouth, Afa.fieC.UkllnMsiNow JchIAIoPNPS-Jclithyolpnpz2QIO.nidb Tahle:10wauwy25 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJANUARY 20 I0.DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC MTERS Or WATERLARVAEDate In -JANUARY 2010:bUoxoG=FlALS QIO~DscVEUpD(osus PHOZIS GUWMELLWB MEANSARITHM. GEOM.2527291.299.0010. LARVAE10.29 10.29Normamteau
GEOM.Date In -FEBRUARY 2010:GAoDs 14mm APHOIS AN=Y=S OR.TOTWAL IAVAI32.7112.214.0719.0050.001.751.753.511.366.982.9111.250.934.632.678.16Normmndeou
: Amsclele, Ina., Falmoutk, Ala.Fie CriAkelifuit~w IchthyelPNPS-ceatlquoppiZUIOl.itrnb Table. Febmaryol PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYFEBRUARY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSARITHM. GEOM.Date In -FEBRUARY 2010:81012GADuE XOIUA!TMAL 30010.420.420,420.420.420.42Norau'~nkau Asseclam Inc., Falmoutfh.
: Auvdafa, Ina., Fainwathit Al..Fl/u CulMfellzm~w IcAry.IPNPS-IclalhyolphvPS2Oanudh raba~e F aug'VW PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYFEBRUARY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSI IIIMEANSARITHM. GEOM.Date in -FEBRUARY 2010:GADZDAX-MI1!cPRALU3 GADIJS mRumA.TOT~AL EGGS150.000.000.00170.002.122.12190.462.292.750.151.471.620.131.171.27No rmwnduf Auadmta&#xfd; Inc., Falmeish, AftFle C Ltbeaue~ew IckhjvPNPS-frhdyelpnps3OIULmdb Tabm Febmaryl$
GEOM.NYOXOMZPRAUS AENAZU8 1.05 0.00 3.66 1.57 1.12MroxocZPKJS 3.15 0.00 0.00 1.05 0.61MXO=OCEHAW SCOMZS 4.20 2.12 1.83 2.72 2.54PHOtIZS GWIHilLus 13.65 7.41 26.11 15.72 13.83AJmDX"rTs Sp. 8.40 2.12 3.21 4.57 3.85YOTA LAZW.Z 30.45 11.65 34.81 25.64 23.12Normmideaa Anediales, Inc., Falmealh, Ma.Filc C.1lA1dLualNewv IcihlklPNPS-Ichfhy.pnpOI0md Tebic *FebruarYI$
: sampling, dos to sniow stormn.Notmmndeau
: Assodawu, Inc, Falmouth~,
PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMARCH 2010 .DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In -MARCH 2010 10 12 ARITHM. GEOM.GADzIDAZ-9L.'0cZPlIATU8 2.34 16.94 6.15 5.46 6.25GADU8 ORIWUA 1.17 16.20 17.21 12.19 7.16iuzHK)AXGNOi8 AsaGzNVU8 0.00 1.25 0,00 0.42 0.31Z.5ZDAMM-LDWIDA 0.59 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.17HI1POGOSOZDES PVIATESSOIDES 1.17 2.51 1.84 1.64 1.76T'TAL 5GGS 5.27 30.90 25.20 23.12 17.29Normandecuu AssedWfa&#xfd; Ijv, Feimeuth, Nu.flic C:.5fIgbasteNw ich yoPNPS-kchthyelpaps3olO.mdh irahle. Afarch08 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMARCH 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSARITHM. GEOM.Date In -MARCH 2010:CLwz& RARZ2MGUM4ONOZPN&UMS AZNAMVlaOXOccPHAWa 8COMPUS?ROLZ8 sulaamwaCRPTACAEN00E I4ACULP.TU Alo40Drn sp.ID6ThNTZVZED Fl.AHEMTTW~AL LhARYM810120.0022.250.5926.950.00o.001.7651.560.001,884.395.650.005.020.0016.941.843.070 .008.600.6137.491.8453.470.619.071.6613.730.2014.171.2040.660.425.051.0410.940.175.140.9936.01Normauadiuu Amoda(Ca, Iuc., Falmufieah Ala.F714 Ch1MellsualNew lchrhy.IPNP&1IcAh~tP~pnps2910.mdh Tarble: Muarch0 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMARCH 2010.-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDoe In -MARCH 2010: 15 17 19 ARITHM. GEOM.0WDZIDA-GYPTOCEPHAWu 3.14 1.72 1.13 2.00 1.82GADV8 HOR1IA 15.72 3.43 2.25 7.14 4.95I6MX~OGRMOW8
,GLBflm'ua8 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.29 0.23oU0X0C2PHM, 8 =$a 1.57 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.37LARRDIM 0.00 0.00 1.13 0.39 0.29HiPl0.Oms0oDF,8
?LAhT880'D38 0.00 0.86 0,00 0.29 0.23PSEUDO1=P3UW=CT'8
)OW]CS.l8 3.14 0.00 0.00 1.05 0.61TOMi GG8 23.50 6.87 4.50 11.65 9.00Nwmwandow Asseciaes Ina,1 FeaIwai, Af aFlk OIfferksxaUie' kchfh*PNPS.IcIfhyolpnps20IO~idb Table: Afavt'hIS PILORIM POWER PLANT DISCHARIE STUDYMARCH 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATER.. LARVAEMEANSDotc In -MARCH 2010: 15 17 19 ARITHM. GEOM.cimm Dmamwm 0.00 6.67 4.50 3.79 2.51H!0orcZ1HJUS MAzU 0.00 0.00 5.63 1.88 0.88INOLZ8 GOuWNLU, 0.00 3.43 10.13 4.52 2.67AmSoTZESR.
17.29 14.60 41.64 24.51 21.90TOUzL Lvm 17.29 24.90 61.89 34.69 21.87Nemndurafu Azsec eta Inc., Falmeudi.
Aie.Pile C%,lMelisa Wei c h1kpPNPS-IclliiJ/olpfalPSOamdh TabicMarch15 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMARCH 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATER-- EGGSMEANSDaIt In -MARCH 2010: 22 24 26 ARITHM, GEOM,O"bZDA-GLTMPrR!cMS 0.59 1.32 2.15 1.35 1.19NcHsL-om8 cnamzis 0.00 0.66 0.00 0.22 0.18GAUS HORHUA 1.76 3.29 2.15 2,40 2.32LJRDA-MZ=-LfMbA 0.00 1.32 0.00 0.44 0.32SooWrm,8 A.osus ..59 0.00 o.oo 0.20 0.17IAW8 crNoWossus 0.59 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.17sipowesoZDso 0.00 0.66 0.00 0.22 0.18i8EWPiLUURCRTMS 0.00 J.32 4.31 1.87 1.31TOTOM 5gm8 3.53 8.55 8.62 6.90 6.38tNermeidu Amodal, rn~1. rabIm.U*.
Mo.File Cl~AdisslNew kchrhyvIpNPS.Ihjhyv$,wps2ol~mdh Table. dllanh2
-. .. ... -- -. ~ ~..inae-~-~.-..,-.......
PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMARCH2010-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSARITHM. GEOM.Date In -MARCH 2010:CiLUiz IuuanmismycshuAL~us AEImum11101.1 oulnusLWAmmD!ms sp.ToThL IAWJA224.124.712.3514.1225.30240.006.586.580.0013.16260.,984.7113.540.724.061.941.470.95voimundeaw, Awoclalies, I=c, Pamoaith, Ma.FlitC.)Me~iha)
Nae.khtAp.IPNPS-IcMIOIipVp2019.Dfldb Table: Afarch22 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMARCH 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In-- MARCH 20 10: 29 31 2 ARITHM. GEOM.QWzDM-.(mpouHAL,8 1.41 0.00 1.34 0.92 0.780WU5 HopWi= 1.41 0.00 0.67 0.69 0.59LABRZAS-LDUMIA 0.00 0.00 6.04 2.01 0.92LAUR.I 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.22 0.19SIVQPHALIM AQJOSUS 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.22 0.19HIPPOGWS8OZDIS PLATESSOZDU8 2.11 0.00 1.34 1.15 0.94TOTAL ZGGS 4.92 0.00 10.74 5.22 3.11Nonuvanem
: Auwadral, In. Paimeuth.
Ala.File C-lAfefisaWew Ida ~pNpS-Jc~hthy Zpip2Imdh TOM-e Al ard2Vi PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMARCH 20 10 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDatc In -MARCH 2010: 29 31 2 ARITHM. GEOM.cWrmZ S 1.41 0.90 0.00 0.73 0.63mioxocuPnhiMj AR US 18.29 21.51 12.75 17.52 17.12POLU8 GNEiLWs e.44 7.17 2.01 5.9 4.96A)0o0TZS SP. 3.52 3.19 2.01 2.91 2.83P.
S TAQ 2 0.00 0.80 0.00 0.27 0.22UNMMXEZFZ YPAMUNT8 1.41 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.34TOTAL LA.VAE 33.06 33.47 16.77 27.77 26.48Normnmdw,
: Asoedata, Ins., Fafmontb, Ma.Me C.MWlLvaiNew lckhiAyPNP&lchdthompnps2Oi0.mdb TaOeW March29 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYAPRIL2010-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGOSMEANSDate In -APRIL 2010: 5 7 9 ARITHM. GEOM.wDus "Mu"A 0.00 0.58 4.36 1.65 1.042ALRZDJM-LrlahDA 2.61 1.16 4.36 2.71 2.36LADRMDM 0.52 0.00 0.00 0,17 0.215HIPPOGLOSSOMI)S PL3h5SOZDgE 2.61 0.00 0.00 0.87 0.53TOTAL 38ZO 5.75 1.74 0.71 5.40 4.43Norwandeav~
AnocleawA iam, Fuinwuth, Mm.Plk C:%IMdbiuNev IchfhyelPNVPS-,chthiywpnpi2OIO.mdh TuII.April05 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYAPRIL 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDate In -APRIL 2010: 5 7 9 ARITHM. GEOM.VWWA Uz 0.52 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.15u.uas NtJ& 0.52 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.15X ToxocPU1ALU8 AM,,UMs 3.14 5.80 13.07 7.34 6.19LZPARXS ATLAlTXCVS 0.00 0.58 0.00 0.19 0.16AiMwTHS ap. 7.84 17.39 52.28 25.84 19.25AOHDmTE 81G. (JVw.) 0.00 1.16 4.36 1.84 1.26 0.00 0.00 4.36 1.45 0.75HZIPPOLOSSOWB5 PL&Tzsso8zg 0.00 0.58 0.00 0.19 0.16LZMAW FBRRUGNME 0.52 0.00 8.71 3.08 1.45UNDIZTIZFU 1R&GbgN8 0.00 L.74 0.00 0.58 0.40TOTAL LARVAE 12.55 27.25 82.78 40.86 30.48Normandmau Amodawns Ina., Falmouth, A.tflit 4CAfissaWew khehy.IPNPS-Idhthy.Ipnp2UIO~mdh Tabic Apri05 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYAPRIL 20 10.-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In -APRIL 2010: 12 14 16 ARITHM. GEOM.0DDAS-GLYfTOcEPRaLus o .00 0.00 0.45 0.15 0.13,,8 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.16ELzJSOGRU8JU, AE, ErUUS 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.18 o0.6umopycCs sUp. 0.54 0.oo 0.00 0.18 0.16 AGUOSU8 0.00 13.54 0.00 4.51 1.44311PMoOSSOZODM
,LAT'I'OZDZS 5.42 3.61 0.45 3.16 2.071amo 1.63 5.42 0.90 2.65 1.99= 8.67 22.57 1.80 11.02 7.06Nugraianee Asseclaft, Ina., Feiiwmmth, Afe.Flit CAi~dbulNew khihjowIPNPS-kIutyo~papsr2OiO.mdb TOMi& Ap#JI12 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYAPRIL 2010.-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDatc In -APRIL 2010: 12 14 16 ARITHM. GEOM.CLUPSA HANDIGUS 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.15 0.13taOXOEIIPHALUS AIUMS 4.34 17.15 10.35 10.62 9.17LIPARIM8 ALANICU8 1.06 1.91 1.00 1.56 1.52VLVARA CTA 0.00 3.61 0.00 1.20 0.66AN4ODTU8 Sp. 7.05 32.50 31.96 23.64 19.42A.IOrOTZS 5p. (juV.) 0.00 0.00 2.70 0.90 0.55P. CANU8 STAGE 1 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.15 0.13P. AIRANMIUS STAGE 2 0.54 0.00 0.90 0.48 0.43P. AHMCANU8 STAGE 3 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.15 0,13LZ30DA VERUOZINA 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.15 0.13UIZDXfrXlZD YFRAQEWS 0.00 1.01 0.90 0.90 0.75TOTAL LARVAE 13.01 56.05 50.42 40.10 33.42No~raande~a Aned lt!, Inc., Falmeaah, He.Rlit C:IWtinaI New Ichihy.IPNPS.IchshjwopnPJr2OIQ.mdb Table:ApP1l12 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYAPRIL 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGOSMEANSDatc In -APRIL 2010: 19 21 23 ARImM. GEOM.G.IDDAZ-GLYPOCPHAUS 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.32 0.25WCHMUYOPUS CDnORUS 2.43 7.79 6.97 5.73 5,098CO3PHTHMLJI AQMN8 2.43 0.76 2.54 4.57 3.70pIEUDOP.ZUR 8 UAM)RICANUS 1.82 0.00 0.63 0.02 0.66LIDW.A r URRUGM 0.61 18.49 4.44 7.04 3.65TOM 3008 7.29 36.01 14.50 19.29 15.64Nemwfndm Assadata^
Inc., Fulmouth, hi..FileC'IAIfe~isse~w chfh)WIPNS-IctdhyepanpsJomdh TabA e:ApPII9 PILORIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYAPRIL 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAE , ,,MEANSDatel In -- APRIL 2010: 19 21 23 ARITHM. GEOM.cimm KmES 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.17=m Hmams (J0V.) 1.21 0.00 0.63 0.62 0.54ZNCULTroPU czxmazus 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.21 0.19m,0oxo0C mws MfZU8 15.19 0.00 15.05 10.34 5.40LIZPAP8 ,TLMNIZCU8 14.57 0.00 19.65 11.41 5.95UiV).PzM 8t)BIF,."Th 0.00 6.91 1.27 2.69 1.61PHoLZ$ GUmMLLv 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.32 0.25hOAO=YTR9S ip. 33.39 21.41 17.11 23,97 23.04=o 8 P11. (JUV,) 1.21 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.30HZIPPOGLOBSOZDS PLAUMS0OIDE 0.61 0.97 0.00 0.53 0.47P. MXWCANS $?A8 1 1.21 0.00 12.68 4.63 2.12P. A)MCc3IS STAGE 2 6.07 0.00 5.07 3.71 2.50P. ANU= C sNU STAGE 3 2.43 0.00 0.00 0.81 0.51zMNM FERRUVflNRA 1.52 0.00 3.17 1.66 1.27UNDDXF Ir FRAGMENTS 1.21 0.00 2.54 1.25 0.99TOTA YvR 79.53 30.17 78.60 62.77 57.35Normandmeu
: Auwdutta, Inac, Folmeuth, Ma.Fil~eC:IMeissaiNew IchthyoIPNPS-khlhyelpnps2gO~amd Tabie.cApri 19 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYAPRIL 2010-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In -APRIL 2010: 26 28 30 ARITHM. GEOM,u14cwjO9Us czzUs 2.62 0.40 2.57 4.53 3.83L ,D-L 0.00 0.00 6.41 2.14 0.95LAJRM 1.74 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.40SCOIUTHNMMUS AQUOS81S 0.97 1.94 3.85 2.22 1.07HIZPOGLOBSODES PLAXEIIozDE8 1.74 0.00 1.25 1.01 0.54Lfl@JA Vr'RUGZN1M 9.59 1.29 20.53 10.47 6.34rom.L zGGS 16.56 11.63 34.64 20.94 16.82Noeinandeau Assodiam I=c, Falmouthe, Mfa.,F~ie C:IWekaNew ichfhyeIPNPS-Ichthyel~ps2vlIO.mdb Table: Aprl/26 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYAPRIL 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDate In -APRIL 2010: 26 28 30 ARITHM. GEOM.wCVIL!Opu8 CZnSam 0.00 0.00 2.57 0.66 0.53 Ammmu8 2.62 5.91 1.28 3.24 2.69LVARZB ATLAMITCUS 4.36 3.23 1.28 2.96 2.62ULV"JR.A SU3ZI'URCATA 4.36 0.65 10.26 5.09 3.07A30I)'T58 3p. 3.49 4.52 6.41 4.81 4.66AM 'Y8TX 9P. (,-,V.) 0.00 1.94 .0.00 0.65 0.43P. APJ=CAii8 TAGS 1 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.22 0.18P. )OWCAMUS STAG 2 0.00 1.94 0.00 0.65 0.43I?. -ANRCANJtS S!M 3 0.00 3.69 0.00 1.29 0.70RUDflWOGfnA 0.00 0.00 5.13 1.71 0.83 rRASMS 0.00 1.29 0.00 0.43 0.32TOTAL LbAVAS 14.82 23.90 26.94 21.89 21.21Nomondmau Anoclates, Inc., Fedneulh Mea.FIk ClMdinueWew chihyeIPNPS-Ichhyetaps~lO.mdh Table. Apnil26 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY MAY 2010 .DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In -MAY 2010: 3 5 7 ARITHM. GEOM.GADZDAZ-R6LPTOMPHALUS 1.41 0.95 0.00 0.79 0.68ZNCMLTOMS-UROPIYCZS-PZURZLUS 7.70 0.95 6.70 5.14 3.67 cuRr8 18.39 6.65 2.87 9.30 7.05,,DIs HOPS"A 1.41 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.34tm.LUcTCZS
,ZLZNEARs 1.41 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.34LARRMAZ-LXJWWA 41.02 8.54 27.74 25.77 21.34LADMAIO 14.15 3.90 5.74 7.89 6.76Go0zoSOMR GD1VSu3Z 22.63 0.00 0.00 7.54 1.87sCMZ3R SC0MMS 0.00 1.90 0.00 0.63 0.43R.zCHTHYS--SCOIwHTHALMU 7.78 20.48 48.78 28.35 22.11GPVTOcZPPALUS CYNOGLOSSUS 1.41 0.95 0.00 0.79 0.60HXPPOGQoSSOIDZs PRTZSSOZDBs 0.00 2.05 1.91 1.59 1.24TOTAL EGGS 117.41 55.07 93.73 88.74 04.63Nenemandaue Assedae.tu1ar-,
czexluS 0.71 3.80 0.00 1.50 1.02LZIPAR8 0.71 1.90 1.91 1.51 1.37ULVMA 81"EZIRFWCATA 12.73 6.65 15.30 11.56 10.90A)OMrES8 8P. 2.12 0.95 0.96 1.34 1.24AOOOYT38 IP. (MV.) 1.41 0.00 0.96 0.79 0.68HIPPOGL.OSSOSZZ8 PLA3SOZD38 0.71 2.85 1.91 1.82 1.57P. A.SUCAMUS STAGS 1 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.32 0.25P. AHMU CAHU8 STAGS 2 1.41 11.39 27.74 13.52 7.65P.
STAGS 3 0.71 1.90 7.65 3.42 2.17BiZNDA VrZR.uOZn!
0.71 20.89 19.13 13.57 6.56UNIZDMFM1 Fl MZN0T8 1.41 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.34TOTAL LARVAS 22.63 51.27 75.56 49.82 44.43Nonnandeau Assadafc; Ina., Faim uth, Mo.FIJI C~iMelluaWNew khfhyo1PNPS-lchkhy.Wpps20lO~mdb Table. May03 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMAY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSIIIMEANSAR]THM. GEOM.Date In.-MAY 2010:GaDZDA-GLYPTOCEPHALUS UXWIL!OpUs-UftQP8cZs-vlpRnw$l ZNCHEIJOIUS C138.XUBGADus moi40h3RLUcCZUS-3T3M0TOMJ-CyN0scZom LaB=cDA-LnVWIA LABRXDAscobizn scommsPARALICNTWLS-SCORUTNALmus GLYPT0CURALUS CYROGLO8SUB HZPPIOW.8SO11D38 PLAR8=8OW8 MBUDO1LEURONUCTU AMRI.CAMU TOTAL 3rGGU10120.002.253.420.000.0041.0517.1011.4014.821.141.142.2994.650.002.331.680.840.8416.858.423,374.210.0010.110.0040.06141.5215.104.560.000.0047.077.5928.8547.070.001.520.00153.360.516.553.220.280.2834,9911.0414.5422.040.384.260.760.364.442.970.230.2331.9310.3010.3514.320.292.600.4998.95 89.17Nenmonduwa Asscalata lime, Fai'aoth, Ma.Rtc 0IHdinuINew IcktAye1PNS-ikhfhy.ipnp:2010.mdh Table.'May10 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMAY2010.DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEDate In -MAY 2010:HToxSOp3NwI AsmmNSLuPAS.Z3 AT2IANTICUU I3LAMI SU]UBU&#xb6;JfP=rA Am40myne op.Ammyne~ op. (OW.)P. AERZCAMUS
$?ACV 1P. AMUaCANUS SIAGE 2P. ABURCANwS FlAGS 3LIMMA flRRGZl3A TOTAL LARVAZI01.1419.393.420.000.001.1412,5413.683.4254.73120.002.537.581.680.840.000.002.530.9416.00140.000.001.520, GEOM.0.387.304.170.560.280.384.187.431.420.293.163.400.390.230.291.385.941.0126.11 18.81N~rwmeamdg
: Auefagca, Ina., Fahneuh, MAi.Rioe C.01imleuINew IchthyelPNPS..Ich:Ayelpnps2019.mdb Tabki Mfay10 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMAY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In -MAY 2010: 17 19 21 ARITHM. GEOM., LOPS-U1OPHTCIS-PDEfILUS 15.76 7.97 12.79 12.18 11.71KCULYO1U8 CiDURU8 0.00 0.00 4.00 1.33 0.71GADTu HOJMU 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.27 0.22 0.00 0.00 1.60 0.53 0.37 42.78 366.70 502.20 303.89 198.98LAZDAI 10.13 20.50 35.19 21.94 19.41SCON4ER SCOsa8U8 41.65 19.36 37.59 32.57 31.19VARAIZCTIRYS-S"COPHTHAL.U8 0.00 122.99 94.36 72.45 21.78GLYTOcPHALUS CYiNOGLOSSUS 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.27 0.22 V:ErATSSOMZSD 3.38 0.00 0.00 1.13 0.64TOTAL, XGW 113.70 537.52 689.33 446.85 347.96Nornwaatea Arnocates, Ine. Foirnaut, Ma.Rig C.WlbMu/nNew khihyoPIPPS-Ikiuhyalpps2OlO.mdh Table'May17 AA~fl.PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMAY 2010-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDate In -MAY 2010 : 17 19 21 ARITHM. GEOM.INcULTOPUS CflURIU8 0.00 4.56 0.00 1.52 0.77LZIVAIS ATLMITZCU8 2.25 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.46ULVA.IA SUDZVIURCATA 10.13 5.69 0.00 5.28 3.21,m msOTT3 Sp. 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.27 0.22AM400MYL5 Sp. (JUL.) 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.27 0.22SCOpITIMJSis AUJOUS 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.27 0.221. ANMCAMuS STAGS 2 9.01 0.00 060e 3.27 1.62P. -A .ICANU8 STAGS 3 32.65 0.00 3.20 11.95 4.21LDWh AIK 2.25 0.00 0.80 1.02 0.60TOTAL 56.29 10.25 7.20 24.58 16.07Nermandeau Associate Inc., Falmoutfh, filmPlifVle Mel#ssawmu Ib*yIPNPS-IcIhiyolpnps2OIO.mdb Table: A1qyl PILGRIM POWER PLANT DPISCHARGE STUDY MAY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSIDate In -MAY 2010 :HCWMLoigU9-U=oPHVC1PZP8RPXLU8 ams wOiwuN4P!AUCC-MUS BZM.MMUAR LolZUS XMRZCAUSLAflDPMJ-1.DS)DA Mcmm acoamusEFtROPI8 HICROSO)08 PM"4CNTHXS-CO VWZNALMSHZPPOGLISOI8DEU VLhATEhSQ=s OTMAL EGGS2426MEANSARITHM. GEOM.5.0510. 546.44Norm.andeam Auoclagre, INC., Falmouth, Ma.FLP f lch:yo1pNPS.lkhhyotpnpzOlOamdb Tabe: May24 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMAY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAE.MEANSDaic In -MAY 2010: 24 26 28 ARITHM. GEOM.IKCMVOB8 cnDG-us 0.00 0.00 2.18 0.73 0.47"mcmia sp. 0.00 0.00 1.09 0.36 0.28TAUTOGA ONITZS 0.00 0.00 1.09 0.36 0.28MVARIA U8UDDZ1UA.A 12.13 0.00 22.94 11.69 5.80NZeP0OGssoross ULTZUs9Zo 0.00 0.00 2.16 0.73 0.47P. AMMICANM8 STA= 2 0.00 0.00 7.65 2.55 1.05P. 3 0.00 0.00 25.12 8.37 1.97P. AhMCANUS 8GTM 4 0.00 0.00 2.18 0.73 0.47L WNk r ozWjGINZ 0.00 0.00 10.92 3.64 1.28TOTAL LAAVA. 12.13 0.00 75.36 29.16 9.01Nonnaideua AuocIatcs Inc., Faimeauh.
240.26 17.32 55.72 104.44 61.443ICHELYOPU8 Cl1411,=B 4.76 6.26 5.41 5.47 5.44CAMS HOMiA 0.00 0.00 4.33 1.44 0.75WgRLUCCZU8-8TEWOTO48-CNO8OCOZN 33.30 8.66 10.28 17.41 14.371mUrLUZUS 5.95 0.96 2.16 3.02 2.31UROPHYCS SIPp. 3.57 2.41 0.00 1.99 1.50LOP=$ uRICA.NUS 15.46 3.37 0.54 6.46 3.04LARZOE-L-;dIDA 4129.50 404.22 2515.96 2350.92 1614.05I.UWDAZ 171.27 61.60 76.28 103.05 93.02SC=o,,R 8co 818.30 110.68 10.82 313.27 99.33E1hOpus8 IftR0TQNs 3.57 0.96 0.00 1.51 1.08PMALZCIIHTHs-5COPT5Mm,8 160.57 128.00 87.10 125.23 121.42G.LYPOC10PKALU8 CYNOGLOSSUS 1.19 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.30HZPPOGLOSSOZDES 0.00 1.92 10.26 4.07 2.21TMAL EGGS 5587.78 746.37 2701.89 3038.68 2263.83Nnrmandeaw Associates, Inc., Falmouth, MN.ile CAlAfid alNuiw lch~h)VFPNPS&Idith)VyIps20OdOmdb Table. June02 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMAY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATER-. LARVAEMEANSDate In- MAY 2010: 31 2 4 ARITI-IM.
GEOM.,NCIWLTOPgU CnosuUs 5.95 0.00 3.25 3.06 2.09,N JOG9,Joo 8 Ah0GLEIZVU8 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.18 0.16bMRLVCCU'S MrZNEARI 0.00 0.00 4.33 1.44 0.75UROPHYCIS OPP. 1.19 o00O 2.71 1.30 1.10HZ mIOIA SPy. 0.00 0.48 0.54 0.34 0.32.IlpARZS ATLMIIICUS 0.00 0.00 2.62 0.54 0.38TUTOGA 0N1TIS 0.00 0.00 1.08 0.36 0.28ULVAM.A 1.MXZFURCATA 11.89 0.40 10.82 7.73 3.96S0WQMR 8CmRU8 4.76 0.00 7.03 3.93 2.595COPHTRhU,8 AQUOSUS 1.19 0.96 4.87 2.34 1.77HZPPg[,O88OZUD8 PLAT380]sODB 1.19 0.48 0.00 0.56 0.48F. A6RMCANUS STAM 2 0.00 0.48 0.00 0.16 0.14P. A4ERICAIUS STAGZ 3 0.00 1.92 0.00 0.64 0.43P.
STAG "4 0.00 1.44 0.54 0.66 0.56LD94MA FU8R'IrEA 2.38 0.00 5.41 2.60 1.79TOTA& LARVAE 28.55 6.26 42.74 25.85 19.69Nomndanu
TY'Rvu 0.71 1.61 0.65 1.59gADWA-ouoImmwe 1.42 O.00 0.00 0.47 0.34ZNCEL!O1US-U30-ROPHTC1$-PEP S 9.96 39.76 3.27 17.66 10.90 cawizus 2.14 5.96 2.62 3.57 3.22Gnus. mOpiA 9.96 1.33 0.00 3.76 1.94 8-CYN0SCjON 5.69 39.10 9.02 18.20 12.98)amLuOCIu VIZLflMARZS 7.12 0.00 5.24 4.12 2.70UflOPUYCIS 8PP. 1.42 0.66 3.93 2.00 1.55nzoomsua spp. 0.00 1.33 1.96 1.10 0.90L 8744.96 4219.67 1696,83 4887.15 3970.93LARIDAM 5.69 0.00 115.22 40.30 8.20SCC0IUZ C 8CM88 21.39 64.28 32.73 36.13 28.83EROPU8 blCROS'?OwS 0.00 0.00 1.31 0.44 0.32 81.13 216.02 66.77 121.31 105.38GYZPJ0CPEIAIA8 Cftl1G0 OSBus 1.42 1.33 0.00 0.92 0.78HIP:OowBssOZl8 PL.AIBSOZV8 19.93 1.99 0.65 7.52 2.96T EAL EGGs 8902.95 4600.02 1941.01 5148.00 4299.73Nonmundeai
: Anecluta, Inc., Fmdmoutb, MA.File C~l~delvSNewiu Ih)IhePNPS-cIthyelpnpe29Iamdb Table. June07 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY JUNE 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDate In -JUNE 2010: 7 9 I1 ARITHM. GEOM.KXCUZLTOPUS cztRuM8 1.42 1.99 4.58 2.66 2.35*as NoRRUA 2.85 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.57ULVAIA SU1IBZFURCATA 7.12 1.33 5.89 4.78 3.92ScOBR SOcMRU8 0.00 0.66 2.62 1.09 0.82SCOPHTAMMS AQUOSUS 1.42 2.65 1.31 1.79 1.70 CU0mDO58U5 1.42 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.34HIZPP0FO8SSOES PLAT288OZDES 7.12 0.00 0.00 2.37 1.01P.
8STA 2 0.00 0.00 3.93 1.31 0.70F. AIMUCMU.
A8GEZ 3 2.14 3.98 5.24 3.78 3.54P. 8 STAGS 4 0.00 0.00 1.96 0.65 0.44LnOLqDA JFRRUGI1A 1.42 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.34UiIxIExzFD
]RAGNMT8 2.14 0.00 0.00 0.71 0.46TOTAL. LARVAE 27.04 10.60 25.53 21.06 19.42Neonmandean Amodalm&#xfd; Inc. Fahutn~h, hfa.File C:~IuMd~New fcthyhjwIPNPS.Ichthjwlpnps2OIO.mdb Table.-June97 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJUNE 2010-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In -JUNE 2010: 14 16 18 ARITHM. GEOM.AICIOA )M:CHzLLZ 1.15 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.29 MLoUG 2S.28 14.08 9.13 16.16 14.91 CnOiXu8 4.02 2.17 1.83 2.67 2.51HiGPCC ZU8-S 8 NOTOWS-CTIO8CZON 48.26 19.49 25.56 31.10 28.86MP.,UCCIVS BZLDWAR,8 6.32 0.00 3.65 3.32 2.24UROPHYCZ8 8pp. 2.30 4.33 0.00 2.21 1.60LAJRVM-LD0-A 1075.55 701.70 924.95 900.73 897.09LARRIDAZ 280.38 246.89 63.29 196.85 163.63sCo M R 8COMBU8 44.24 9.75 15.82 23.27 18.97ET"OIS CRtO8T0CI3 1.15 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.29PM, C"rn8 -8COPHTuHRa17 68.95 167.84 0.00 79.93 21.77GLPTOcMHZALUS CfI'QGOSSUJ 0.00 0.00 1.22 0.41 0.30TOTAL 8 1557.59 1166.25 1045.44 1256.43 1238.36Nermandeau Aueclat.
?RAmMU8 0.00 2.17 3.04 1.74 1.34ENCHELTOPUS CUIMRZUS 0.00 2.17 1.83 1.33 1.08)HE=DZA 81p. 0.S7 0.00 1.83 0.90 0.64BTU M THUS Fuscum 0.57 0.00 0.61 0.39 0.36IzvARSz An.xmVzCUS 0.00 0.00 0.61 0.20 0.17CUWROPRX8TZ8 STRZATA 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.36 0.28STZR0TOWI CHRTSOV8 0.00 2.17 1.22 1.13 0.91T. ADSPE3RMS8 STAGE 1 0.00 3.25 0.00 1.08 0.62ULVARXA S=ISVUR.OTh 1.15 1.08 1.22 1.15 1.15ARALWICTHNS ODLM S 0.00 1.09 0.00 0.36 0.28SCOPHRT1ALUS AQUOSUS 0.00 0.00 0.61 0.20 0.17P. AIMCAZUS hTAGE 3 1.72 0.00 1.83 1.10 0.97P. A)URCAAIUS STAGE 4 1.15 1.05 0.61 0.95 0.91TOTAL LARVAE 5.17 14.00 13.39 10.88 9.91Normwndeou
: Assedata, Ina., Falmouth, AmaFile r-*IhfdbmA~ew 1~lhaPNPS.Ickrh)vwlpns3l9.db Table. J~n14 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJUNE 2010.-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In -JUNE 2010: 21 23 25 ARITHM. GEOM.DPWAMRTZA TYRAIONtJS 7.40 11.82 266.44 95.22 28.56ANICHOA HTICI"LL 0.00 2,25 0,00 0.75 0.48GADZDM=-GL&#xa5;PTOCEPlMUS 0.00 0.56 0.00 0.19 0.16ZNICL&#xa5;OTPUS-UROPVUCZS-VEPRZW8 5.55 18.57 02.28 35.47 20.39 CflABRIV 0.92 1.69 3.92 2.18 1.83
-CYNl0SC1O0l 34.20 51.22 32.65 39.36 30.53mubwcczu8 SIUMlSA3XS 5.55 5.63 3.92 5.03 4.96UROPm cis spw. 0.00 0.56 18.29 6.28 2.11Up,. 1.85 1.13 16.90 6.65 3.29LABXRI M-LXMANDA 210.77 799.20 3719.72 1576.56 855.70L.ARBDAB 20.34 29.27 522.43 190.60 67.75Mcom= scobwu 10.17 11.26 27.43 16.20 14.64w pROPuS HICROSTKUS 0.00 0.00 2.61 0.57 0.53 59.16 69.23 113.63 90.67 77.49InoumA F3BRUcnZ 3.70 9.01 0.00 4.23 2.61T07AL EgS 359.59 1011.35 4610.30 2060.43 1204.95Nennandeam A4usdoa 10Q. Falmouth, Ma.File C0~f1bntivew IchUkyoIPNPS.IchlhyolpnpaOlO.mdb Table: June2i PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJUNE 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAE&deg;MEANSDaLe In -JUNE 2010: 21 23 25 ARITItM.
GEOM.S oirMOSTA, MAIMGUS 3.70 1.69 2.621 2.67 2.54 cna34zn s 38,3 5.07 1.3. 15.07 6.36W=DU8 MORHUA 0.00 0.56 0.00 0.319 0.16HUULUCCZU8 8IIN W zu 0.92 3.94 0.00 1.62 1.129"p. 0.00 0.56 1.31 0.62 0.53SYgHAiTMV8 FUSCU8 0.92 2.81 1.96 1.90 1.72CtT/ROfI.8TZ8 SWIATA 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.248T9NOTOWS Cu'i.OPS 1.85 1.13 0.00 0.99 0.82TAUTOGA ONTIZS 2.77 1.69 0.00 1.49 1.16T. Abu1JmsU STAGE 1 2.77 0.56 0.00 1.11 0.81T. ADSRRSUS STAGI 2 20.34 9.01 0.00 9.78 4.98I'LVARIA 8BBDZiJUATA 0.92 0.00 1.31 0.74 0.64SCOMII4ALIWS AQUOSUS 9.24 5.63 0.00 4.96 3.08.TP'?OCZMIALUU CYDIGLOSSUS 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.24HW1POGLOU88ODES VLATEsSOWEs 0.00 0.56 0.00 0.19 0.16P. AbOZCA)NS STAJZ 3 2.77 2.25 0.00 1.67 1.31P. A- RCA)IMS STAG= 4 0.00 0.56 0.00 0.19 0.16L3BIqA ,RERMlEA 4.62 0.56 0.00 1.73 1.061LXqnvIZD vA 8Wn 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.31 .0.24TOTA. LA Am 92.44 36.58 8.49 45.84 30.62Nernaandivu Avod#1A Ina., Falmouth, Mo.F7ioC:IM~
Al New ckhry.IPNPS-kchiyolpnps2DIO.mdh Table; June21 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY JUNE 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In --- JUNE 2010: 28 30 2 ARIThM. GEOM.381Vo ,.A TYA1NUS 13.24 124.03 11.63 49.63 26.73ANCl"O1,
)CTCHILLI 0.00 5.61 14.54 6.78 3.738NiCUELOPU8-UROPHYC18-fPRMLUS 12.36 65.30 26.17 35.70 28.13ENmMaOUS czMm sZu8 2.65 1.94 1.45 2.01 1.951=11UCCIU-8'D3ONOUW8-CrhmsC101 22.07 8.72 26.17 18.99 17.143MLUCCZU8 1o0.59 0.00 2.91 4.50 2.56PO,.ACHI"US 1 'lRfS o0.8 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.23uaoRPuci spy, 0.00 10.66 13.09 7.91 4.45PIOIO0TU8 M.P. 7.94 13.57 15.99 12.50 11.99LAUMDAD-L]4MDA 506.68 2496.01 4769.22 2590.64 1820.30LARD m 49.43 131.70 663,04 281.42 162.85SCam=] 8Commas 11.48 3.88 29.08 14.81 10.90ETAOPUS )MCROSTOJS 0.88 3.88 1.45 2.07 1.71PARALZCHTI5-SCOPUTHMLW8 107.69 09.14 129.41 108.75 107.50GmPTOCEPHAWU8 CINOGWIS8U8 1.77 0.00 0.00 0.59 0.40LDVWMA UFCIWEA 5.30 0.00 0.00 1.77 0.85TO'ZAL EGGS 752.96 2958.20 5704.16 3130.44 2333.44Normnge atI Associates, Inc., Fearnefti1j Ma.Mie CA~elissvit Nw IehihyoiPNPS-Ichihyvlpqps2OIO0ndb Table: Jwwo28 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJUNE 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAE .MEANSDate In .- JUNE 2010: 28 30 2 ARITHM. GEOM.DREVVoQ0 7TY-ANNU 6.18 0.00 2.91 3.03 2.04 ciGZS 0.5us 0.O0 o0.0O 0.29 0.23GADS 0.8e o0oo 0.00 0.29 0.23UERLUCCZUS 8ZZUARXS 0.00 0.00 1.45 0.48 0.353m1rA $PP. 0.00 1.94 4.36 2.10 1.51Sm1GwTuuS vuscms 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.32 0.25TA*TOGA ONITIS 1.77 0.00 17.45 6.40 2.71T. ADPZERSS STAGE 1 0.88 0.00 2.91 1.26 0.94T. ADSPIRBMS 8TMI 2 7.06 1.94 95.97 34.99 10.95T. ADSPMUSUB STA= 3 0.00 0.00 45.07 15.02 2.55ULVARPZA 91TZ8VURCAA 19.42 0.97 0.00 6.00 2.438CO.cR 0.00 0.00 2.91 0.97 0.58SCOFMUMJLYS AQUOSUS 0.00 0.00 4.36 1.45 0.75P. AWRICARNUS STAGE 3 0.88 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.23UNDUNTIrZFlZ FRAWGNTS 2.65 1.94 0.00 1.53 1.20TOTAL. LARVAS 40.61 7.75 177.39 75.25 38.22Norm andeau 4.uoclat, Ina, Falmmotla,AMa.
GEOM.IRVVOORTIZA TYMNMU 42.38 26.95 1.09 23.48 10.76Aich laTCII 12.47 0.62 3.28 8.12 7.06 95.90 36.65 7.64 46.76 29.96UNCHILYTOPU8 CDMZ"8 6.23 4.31 0.00 3.51 2.37URlJUCCrU8-S TMW'8a-CXWOSCZON 3.74 0.00 2.18 1.97 1.47UOOPHYCIS SPp. 0.00 0.00 1.09 0.36 0.28nIoomz uwi. 33.66 78.70 5.46 39.27 24.36Lh8AZ-LZ)JWDA 1027.14 1285.06 1039.48 1117.23 1111.20LAR.DAE 309.14 491.60 26.21 275.65 155.518CONDER SCOMRiS 22.44 0.00 1.09 7.84 2.66ETROpul Huc:os"owa 7.48 0.00 0.00 2.49 1.04PARALICiiTRTS-SCOPHTHAMNU8 67.31 77.62 40.40 61.70 59.54TOTAL 30= 1627.97 2009.53 1127.93 1588.48 1545.28Nu~rmadeau Assod aes. Ina., Faimouile, Ala.Fie C:IAleiuissaew Ichihye1PNPS.Ichih~wlpnpslchih)jwZVl9.sudb Table. July905 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCIlARGE STUDY JULY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDate In --- JULY 2010: 5 7 9 ARITHM. GEOM.RB.VOOmTZA TYRAMU8 11.22 19.41 3.26 11.30 6.93ElICLyopsU 18.70 0.00 0.00 6.23 1.70i,3LuCcZu"8 BZLrZasZ8 0.00 0.00 1.09 0.36 0.28U'oUpfCZS SPp. 0.00 0.00 2.18 0.73 0.47HEMZA SPP. o0.00 1.08 0.00 0.36 0.298TmHoTviS CHEYSOP8 8.73 6.47 2.18 5.79 4.99TAflOGA 0IZTIS 27.45 22.64 13.10 17.73 17.30T. ADSPXUUS STAGE 1 48.61 42.04 0.00 30.22 11.98T. ADSPERSIJs STAGE 2 58.59 9.16 40.40 36.05 27.89T. ADiPER"US STAGE 3 0.00 0.00 63.33 21.11 3.01ULVAR.A SUBBIFURCATA 1.25 0.00 2.18 1.14 0.93PAP.ALrCHTT8 OBLONGUS 0.00 1.08 1.09 0.72 0.63 AQUOSUS 0.00 3.23 8.74 3.99 2.45LzMANDA Fr.IGnmA 0.00 0.00 1.09 0.36 0.28TOTAL LARVAE 164.54 105.11 138.67 136.11 133.86Nuormaadua Assdam, Ina., Fulimuth, Ma.F7le C:.Iellssa~ew ichi~uVIPNPS.kchthytpq~Ichthyt22OJO.mndb Table: JU005l PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHIARGE STUDY JULY2010-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGS .MEANSDitcIn-JULY2010:
12 14 16 ARITHM. GEOM.aDRZVOORIXA M sAIS 0.00 0.00 4.73 1.58 0.79ANCHOA N)TCHZLLZ 11.04 12.18 0.00 7.74 4.41vWCRmLyOpu$-URQPKyCZ8-PvfTLv3 34.23 14.40 14.19 20.94 19.12ICHIELTOpuS C3)Rmus 0.00 4.43 0.00 1.48 0.76ZRLVCCZUS-S!DX0TQW8-CrHO8CZOH 13.25 13.29 26.01 17.52 16.61HEPLUCCIUS BILIhRAPJU 2.21 0.00 21.28 7.83 3.15UTOPH0c'r$
8Pp. 3.31 0.00 7.09 3.47 2.27PP.omITUS SPp. 15.46 11.08 0.00 8.65 4.84 477.02 4341.93 1286.40 2035.12 1386.33(lo"zDAZ 719.50 212.67 61.48 117.88 101.30sc5 m sCOmmsJ 2.21 8.86 0.00 3.69 2.16ETROPUS5 IUCROSTO8 3.31 6.65 4.73 4.90 4.70pARuTCHTRYS-8COPHTALwNJ8 68.46 60.92 40.20 S6.53 S5.14 CTNOGLOssus 0.00 0.00 2.36 0.79 0.50TOTAL 2309 710.01 4686.40 1468.49 2286.30 1696.91Normurnhaa Assvcialez, Inc., Falwsewh, Ma.Fik CiMeflssaNew kh~IuhPNPS-kchihyolpnpslchihyi2OlO~mdb Tabfe: JulyIZ PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY JULY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATER.LARVAEMEANSDate In -JULY 2010: 12 14 16 ARITHM. GEOM.BDJOOA'lA T&#xa5;UPAMS 2.21 6.65 2.36 3.74 3.26iMcrzouus czuzous 0.00 5.54 2.36 2.63 1.80UROPHYCI&#xa5; 8a1. 1.10 0.00 0,00 0.37 0.25bw=DZJA 8pp. 2.21 0.00 4.73 2.31 1.64SfN M, THUS IrCUS 0.00 4.43 0.00 1.48 0.76 STflATA 1.10 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.20minOU OuNTzS 6.63 12.16 4.73 7.55 7.25T. ADaPm.S UTAGZ 1 0.00 7.75 0.00 2.58 1.06T. ADupzRvs sTAG 2 8.83 35.77 4.73 17.44 11.74T.
STAGS 3 20.95 0.00 21.28 14.09 6.89ULVARZA SUUSShVRCATA 0.00 0.00 2.36 0.79 0.50PARALIzCTHYS 0SONGUU 2.21 2.22 0.00 1.47 1.15SCOIHTHAUJWS AQUOSUS 2.21 7.75 0,00 3.32 2.04LfW1ODA YZRRUCZNEA 1.10 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.20TOTAL LARVAZ 48.59 85.29 42.56 59.81 56.08NennaademuAsseciett, Ism~, Falmeut~h, a.File C.lidlssaiNew Ichth~vwNPS.Idhthy.pnpsIchtlIJW2OI1dfld Table: July12 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY JULY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In -JULY 2010: 19 21 24 ARITHM. GEOM.NCHoA MbTCHXLLZ 0.00 3.70 0.00 1.23 0.68ZNCxI, ToF138-UROpITfCZ8-1pRZLUS 5.07 16.52 45.21 23.20 ,7.00SHtCHLYOPUs CZDRu 2.35 0.00 0,00 0.78 0.50NZALUCC ZUS-STZ3HOTOMS-CYNOSCZ04N 8.22 28.39 64.49 33.70 24.69)enuccZu8 ULZimmms 0.00 7.41 3.71 3.70 2.41UROPNcZs 8FF. 3.52 13.58 2.96 6,59 5.21MIIONOTU8 SF. 15.26 11.11 5.19 10.52 9.55LABRI[AX-LDAMNDA 112.68 387.62 515.89 338.73 292.441AD = As 133.00 93.82 26.60 84.77 69.45S 8C0o R 8C0S.U8 1.17 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.30UTROPU8 )UCROSTOWS 5.07 1.23 6.67 4.59 3.64PATXCW=8-3COPHTHALXU8 53.99 30.86 35.58 40.14 38.99TOTAL Sacs 342.72 596.24 706.39 546.45 524.57IVonnandeou Assodafe36 Inrh, Feimeuh, Ala.file Ci MellualNr' 1chrhyeipNvpS~chtlt.,pwirpchfhyeo1ol.Idb Table: Juil19 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY JULY 2010-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDate In -JULY 2010: 19 21 24 ARITHM. GEOM.BZVOO!A TTPrAMU 1.17 2.47 0.74 1.46 1.294MRUCCZU5 BZIL-,RIZ S 1.17 0.00 0.74 0.64 0.56umOpIYCZ8 O1P. 2.35 0.00 0.00 0.78 0.50imIZD1A OPP. 0.00 3.70 0.74 1.40 1.02STIG AT HU FUSCeJs 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.25 0.20TAUTOGA ONIT!S 2.35 8.64 1.48 4.16 3.11T. ADSPEPSUS STAGE 2 9.39 13.59 15.57 12.84 12.57T. ADSPERSIJ STAGE 3 0.00 6.17 10.36 5.52 3.34MpUZLUS TRIACWZS 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.25 0.20PPA&RICHTKYB OLORGUS 0.00 3.70 3.71 2.47 1.81BCOPHTHRLh, AQUOSVS 4.69 2.47 0.00 2.39 1.70LZDANWA MUPMZMA 1.17 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.30UVN=DEUTXZD MAGNMITs 2.35 O.00 1.48 1.28 2.03TOTAL LARVAE 24.65 40.74 36.32 33.90 33.16Normandem
,luodata, Inc.. Fabneuih, Ala.FileC:-IhdiluaiNew 1c*ihyeiIVPNPIckth~wvnpsIChthyo2Oi9Jfldb Tab.Jle hyIP PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJULY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDale In -JULY 20 10: 26 28 30 ARITHM. GEOM.MUClIMZYOPUS-UROPHrICIs-PEPRZLUS 6.12 5,27 12.90 0.12 7.46uic mu,0W5u Ci m8 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.15XBuALCClU8
-STZ1OTONUS-CTNOSCZOm 39.75 10.53 34.29 20.19 24.31IgRLUCCIVS 3ZL-NaiAIS 1.02 5.27 8.34 4.88 3.55uROPHlCI8 gyP. 1.53 5.27 9.27 5.35 4.21PRIONOT113 8PP. 3.06 1.76 1.95 2.22 2.15LABSIR AS-LW4NDA 191.61 115.86 242.03 183.44 175,35I.AUDA 10.19 10.53 35.22 18.65 15.58ETROIPJ$
HICROSTONUI 4.06 0.00 5.56 3.21 2.22PMRALZCIMS9-8COPIHTALMIIS 0.00 21.07 21.32 14.13 6.90TOTAL EGMS 257.85 175.57 371.65 266.36 256.25Nemwndcm.,t nc., Falmouib, Afa.File C.Iefdnatiew Ichfh)WIPNPS.Ichfhyelpnpslchlh)w2010.mdb liable: July,26 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY JULY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAE .MEANSDate In -JULY 2010: 26 28 30 ARITHM. GEOM.
TrrRNmUS 0.00 3.51 3.71 2.41 1.77 CflORZ-S 0.00 1.76 1.65 1.20 0.99b'RLUCCZU8 DILIZEARZ8 0.00 0.00 1.85 0.62 0.42uROIIYCzu snp. 0.00 0.00 4.63 1.54 0.75bHMXMA UPP. 0.51 0.00 1.55 0.79 0.63SNG w Hus8 Fuscus 1.02 0.00 0.93 0.65 0.57OMITZ8 0.00 3.51 12.05 5.19 2.69T. ADSPRSU8 STAGE 2 4.59 36.67 7.41 16.29 10.78T. ADSPRSUS STAGE 3 3.57 14.05 10.19 9.27 7.99PEflXLUS TRIACANTHUS 1.02 0.00 0100 0.34 0.26SCOPH'THALS AQVO80S 0.00 1.76 2.76 1.51 1.15UHMENTVrUED FRAGMOT8 0.51 0.00 1. 55 0.79 0.63TOTAL LARVAE 11.21 61.45 49.12 40.59 32.35Nonnandieou Assodares, Inc.. Falmouth, Ili.File CIA fdissalNew IchihyeIPNPS-ichihyeipnpsakhihp2OIO.midb Table. July26 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY AUGUST 2010-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDale In -AUGUST 2010: 2 4 6 ARITIIM.
GEOM.NCUZLOPU38-UROPHIYClS-PUPR.LV8 3.26 24.03 0.00 9.10 3.74
*CIM5RZ.-8 1.30 1.20 0.00 0.54 0.72KIDXAJCCZU-STIZ-Ol 8-CN0SCZON 20.22 28.23 3.68 17.38 12.80I6.LUCCZU8 BIZLINEAS 9.75 5.41 4.90 6.70 6.38UROPHYCX8 5PP. 7.17 1.80 0.00 2.99 1.84PUJOHW JS $pp. 1.96 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.44LAIHZDAX-LX)NDA 23.48 165.78 23.30 70.85 44.93LAMMI..D 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.16TROVUS M7C8ROSTOWJ8 2.61 3.60 1.23 2.45 2.26 11.74 13.21 4.90 9.95 9.13GOPTOMPVHALU8 CYNlIO8805U8 0.00 0.00 1.23 0.41 0.31TOTAL EGGS 82.18 243.27 39.23 121.56 92.22dNormwdcaj
,4ssoaciea Inc., Falmuagh, No.fl/eC ClMdiUai New Ickth)y.,IPNPS~ichthyupnpdchdwjv2DlO.mdb Table: AupuGff2 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY AUGUST 2010.DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATER.LARVAE .... ..MEANSDate In -AUGUST 2010 2 4 6 ARITHM. GEOM.Du3vOoRTI TRM1JM 1.30 0.60 2.45 1.45 1.24KXcwL0o1vs CDORM 2.61 5.41 20.54 9.62 6.65)MUCCZUS DBILZNAMS 1.30 1.20 1.23 1.24 1.24URO0PHYCIS 5PP. 0.00 3.00 7.36 3.45 2.22mig= )A sPr. 0.65 0.60 0.00 0.42 0.30SIYGaM'MUS FUsCUS 0.00 1.20 1.23 0.91 0.70ONI'Z8 0.65 5.41 1.23 2.43 1.63T. ADSPBRSU8 STAO3 2 17.61 16.22 62.53 32.12 26.14T. ADSFMSUS STAG 3 9.78 10.21 56.40 25.46 17.79PEPPZWLU IUZACANHU8 0,00 9.01 0.00 3.00 1.16 OBLORMGIS 0.65 2.40 0.00 1.02 0.78SCOPWDIMIU4US AgOOSUS 0.65 0.60 0.00 0.42 0.38LDI4A VfMRUQ"MA 0,00 0.00 2.45 0.02 0,51TOTAL LARVAZ 35.22 55.96 155.71 82.26 67.41Nernundeaua AsiaelaInc aw. Folrivt'ui, Um.Flit C1hiimalfsz1ew Ichlb lPNPS4chdyevlpnhwicbAII)W2OIU~ldb Table. lutgwWst PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYAUGUST 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In --- AUGUST2010:
9 1I 13 ARITIIM.
0.54 93.67 6.99 30.40 7.17 czMiRuwe 0.64 5.23 0.63 2.17 1.20 0.64 47.72 10.63 19.66 6.99N&TWCCZUS DZLZ-NEARS 0.00 3.27 3.13 2.13 1.60UOPwHYCcz8 sp. 9.62 49.02 19.14 25.60 20.45spi. 0.00 7.19 4.39 3.06 2.53, mD-Lne4nk 0.00 75.93 525.49 200.44 33.33,A8NDA 3.21 9.15 27.53 13.29 9.31ETROFUS HZCROS!OMUS 7.70 36.61 14.39 19.56 15.94I.ARLICHTU8-SCOPRTKRALUS 9.62 39.22 57.55 35.46 27.90TOTAL ZGGS 32.06 356.90 668.74 352.57 197.06Nermandeau,
: Asseciwu, Ina., Falmouth.,
M1a.F~litC:IMslIUssow JchhJPNPS-IchlylffoVpslchthye2Ol&mdb Tabl: AauguAV PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY AUGUST 2010-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDate In -- AUGUST 2010: 9 I1 13 ARITHM. GEOM.SPIVOORTIA TFIRAMUS 0.00 0.65 1.88 0.84 0.68ANCHOA SeP. 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.21 0.188NC13LOvUS CDlRZS 0.00 5.23 0.00 1.74 0.84HEMUCCcUs 8DLlZ s 0.00 1.31 1.80 1.06 0.88UROPHYCIS s82. 1.28 7.19 1.88 3.45 2.59oeHWVZO MZiuM 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.21 0.10s82. 0.00 0.00 8.13 2.71 1.09SYR GNATHUS ruscus 0.00 1.31 1.25 0.85 0.73C0TROPRZSTIs
$SITATA 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.21 0.18TAITOGh ONlTZS 0.64 3.92 4.38 2.98 2.22T. ADSPERSVS STAGE 2 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.21 0.18T. ADSP!JWUS STAG! 3 8.98 0.00 5.00 4.66 2.91PZPRZIUS TRXACAM MTV 0.00 0.00 5.00 1.67 0.02PAPALICHTHYS OBLOINGUS 0.64 3.27 1.88 1.93 1.58SCOPHTIIALMUS AQUOSVS 0.00 0.65 1.25 0.63 0.55p. AmJmCAsIus STAGS 3 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.22 0.18UNIDENTZFZED FrMENT8 0.00 1.31 0.00 0.44 0.32LARVAE 21.54 25.49 35.03 24.02 21.76Nennandeau Asgecleles.
Inc., Felawuth,
GEOM.ZNC=ULTOPUS-UWVPlTCI$-PIEPRZL8 12.73 0.00 101.23 37.98 10.20MmCL*Olus CZrmRZus 1.06 1.71 2.74 1.84 1.71,LUCClU8-8T$ZOT0S-CTNOCW8C 67.87 913.08 0.00 326.98 38.79HGWUCCZUS ZZLINZAI)f.U8 15.91 92.76 23.25 43.97 32.50UROPKYCZI SPP. 10.61 5.56 47.88 21.35 14,13maoXOmTus Epp. 2.65 3.85 25.99 10.83 6.42LAiZDAR-LDfmA 77.42 0.00 199.72 92.30 24.06LARZIDAZ 0.49 23.08 273.58 101.72 37,70g 1wpus MCgOSTomus 0.53 31.21 51.98 27.91 9.51FARAICHYS-S&#xa2;OMUJI 33.41 19.24 231,11 94.61 52.96TOTAL EGGS 230.66 1090.48 957.54 759.56 622.18Normmndeem
.4soetata, Inc., Falmoush Ala.File C.14felksalNew ckthajwPNPS-lchthyolpnpsleciIhy.29lO.mdb Table.-Aqup&6 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY AUGUST 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAE .MEANSDate In -AUGUST 20I10: 16 Is 20 ARITHM. GEOM.uNcH oYOPUS cORZIus 0.00 2.99 1.37 1.45 1.11IH EL UCCIUS 0.53 0.43 8.21 3.06 1.23)CROGADUS TOCC00 0.00 2.99 0.00 1.00 0.59utoPfNTcis sPp. 1.06 0.00 2.74 1.27 0.97sUflIWATHUs Fuscus 0.00 0.00 4.10 1.37 0.72CIZTROPR.STZI STR.ATA 0.00 0.00 1.37 0.46 0.33TAITOGA ONTZS 0.53 0.00 4.10 1.54 0.98T. ADSPIERSUS STAGE 3 1.06 0.85 5.47 2.46 1.71PEPRZLUS 1.59 0.43 0.00 0.67 0.55PAPALZCHTHYS OBLONGU$
1.06 0.43 9.58 3.69 1.63LIMAMA FlMCUGZC 0.00 0.00 1.37 0.46 0.33TOTAL LARVAE 5.83 0.12 38.30 17.42 12.20Normandeaaa Anocdates Inc., Fe/mouth.
Ala.Fie C:1MefialsNew Ickh~hIPNPS-IcJtthyelpnpslchl.J'2010.mdh Tahle2 August16 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY AUGUST 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In -AUGUST 2010: 23 25 27 ARITHM. GEOM.ZWCHzL&#xa5;OpUS-1ROPH!Cs-p MPRILUS -21.45 3.68 12.56 8.80GeDUs mO- 0.00 0.74 0.37 0.32ULWUCCIZU-ST6NOTOMU5-CYNOSCZON
-25.02 13.24 19.13 19.20HE J= CCIUS ,IZLIZARIS 3.57 11.03 7.30 6.28UROPHTCls SPp. 7.15 12.50 9.83 9.45LA3.ANZ-LUDH A -28.59 46.33 37.46 36.40LBRIVAS 0.00 1.47 0.74 0.57ETROPFUS 3.57 1.47 2.52 2.29
-0.00 23.53 11.77 3.95GL.YPTOCPRALU8 CYNOGCO88U8
-7.15 0.00 3.57 1.85TOTAL GGS- 96.50 113.99 105.25 104.88Normandeou
: Amwckles, Inc., Falmeuth, JIM.File C:IhelissaW~ewlchth.vIwPNPS.Ilchhjwipnpslchthy2OJOO.rmdh Table: August23 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYAUGUST 20 10 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDate In -- AUGUST 2010: 23 25 27 ARITHM. GEOM.ENCUJOPUB CflIVRXUS 0.00 4.41 2.21 1.331UmmUcczUs anKAZS -8 7,1.5 12.50 9.83 9.45UR0PYChz8 OPP. 0.00 12.50 6.25 2.67 ZVLwM 0.00 0.74 0.37 0.32TAUITOGA ONZTU 0.00 2.21 1.10 0.79T. ADSPZRSU$
STAGE 3 3.57 2.21 2.89 2.91PARALIc1TWYS OLONU8- 0.00 1.47 0.74 0.57scoPHT1sA M AQUOSUS 0.00 0.74 0.37 0.32TOTAL LARVAE -10.72 36.77 23.75 19.86Norm andeou A mscara, Ina., Falmouth, Ma.FileC:WeIlssIeiNew Ic hy iPNPS.ickihyolpapsIchfhye2OIO~mdb Table: AugsW25 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYAUGUST 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGS -MEANSARIThM. GEOM.Date In -AUGUST 2010:EMciLopus-URO1HYcz-psUIRZWs GERLUccru I ULINEMRZ5 flXONOTUS SF1.LAZP.ZAR-LMMA LA3RZDMSXTROPUS )UCROSTVMSS PARALICHTHTS-8COPHTHAU4UU
LADRIDAEETROPUS )aVIWSTOWJU PAPALZCKTIITS-ICOPTHTJALMJ TOTAL 9=G61.735.,251.302.090.370.404.1989.31 31.73Nannandeau Associates, Ina., Falmnouth, Aid.Flie C~lheftslsNew lcbhrnjIPNVPS-Ikthihywpnpskhldhy.91.mndb Table. SepienbvrM PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY SEPTEMBER 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDate In -SEPTEMBER 2010: 6 8 10 ARITHM. GEOM.SUVOO~rT-,
TYRA HMS 0.00 2.62 22.24 9.29 3.38AICHOA s,. 0.00 0.00 1. 59 0.53 0.37m mLUVCZUJ8 BLf = ARZ8 0.00 1.57 1.59 1.05 0.80ROPHKTCZS SFP. 0.00 0.00 14.30 4,77 1.48SYNK(ATHVUIB ISCUS 0.00 1.05 1.59 0.08 0.74 pp. 0.00 0.00 1.59 0.53 0.37NlOXOChPHKALUS AMDUS 0.00 1.05 0.00 0.35 0.27CUNTnOPRlSUlS 0.00 0.00 3.18 1.06 0.61TNATOGR ON=TZ5 1.73 12.57 22.24 12.18 7.85T.
STAGZ 2 0.00 0.52 0.00 0.17 0.15T. USPES S WTAGS 3 0.00 1.05 0.00 0.35 0.27FRPPJLU$
TRKACAN)THUS 0.00 0.00 3.10 1.06 0.51 DEWTATUS fWUV.) 0.00 0.52 0.00 0.17 0.15PARALICBKHS oMoUM o.oo .0.00 15.09 5.30 1.578COPHTKALMIUS AQUOSUS 0.00 0.00 12.71 4.24 1.39TraNECTEU HACULATUS 0.00 3.14 0.00 1.05 0.61TOTAL LRWIAZ 1.73 24.09 100.08 41.97 16.10Nvnhluhdeau Asdias. limc, Falmoseth, AmoFile C:I~elssalew khbthytiPNPS-lehfhjwlpnrpslchfhyu2Olg.mdh 7ihhk: Seplemhe$J6 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY SEPTEMBER 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In -SEPTEMBER 2010: 13 is 17 ARITHM. GEOM.
1.02 4.34 1.37 2.24 1.833zNcmmOy, S clP.Xuo 0.00 0.72 0.00 0.24 0.20HERLUCCZ"-STRU8O--C"N0SCON 4.60 5.78 4.12 4.93 4.70HN1LC=
1.02 5.06 1.37 2.49 1.92UROHYCIZS
: 51. 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.15LA5DIDM-LflAMA 2.55 2.17 3.43 2.72 2.67L.BRIDAN 0.00 0.00 0.69 0.23 0.19rn0O1IS )CROSTOW878 0.00 0.72 0.69 0.47 0.43 9.69 27.47 41.06 26.01 21.54T'OTAL EC=S 18.40 46.27 53.53 39.40 35.72Ntmn~deuu Avoclater, In,c Falmoulls, Mm.~ile C-LMeiluatNew IcAhy.pPNPS.Ichwluep~epsickhttyg2OlO.mdh 7'able: Septemberij PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYSEPTEMBER 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEIIIII IIIIMEANSARITHM. GEOM.Dale In -SEPTEMBER 2010:13DUEVOORTIA TYUAMNUSENCNBLTOPUS CDAXUsMCRWCCIVS SILfl3ARtS UROPHYCZU 311'.NTNM1THW5 YUSCUSPAoKQTU NVOLP.M8C3N4TROMOZ8?S STRIATATAUTOGA ONTIfST. ADSPUSUS STAGE 3STUOPUS M4cROSTcKUS PARALICKTHTI ODLOIIGS8COPHTIIALNIIS AQUoSUSTOTAL LARVAE1.021.530.003.550.510.001.024.600.510.512.047.1522.48150.000.720.720.720.720.000.000.680.000.001.456.5119.52173.431.370.691.370.691,370.002.740.0001001.372.0615.101.481.210.471.590.640.460.345.340.170.171.625.2419.
!ThORAUS 17.22 5.14 0.00 7.69 3.99z(CIMIZ!opu8 s cisU.-8 0.00 3.24 0.97 1.40 1.03HRLUCCXUs BZILZNEARZ 0.00 1.30 0.00 0.43 0.32URoPHcIZs 8,,. 1.57 1.30 0.00 0.95 0.91M.OMN S CMOUZRN--
0.00 0.00 0.97 0,32 0.25C OMPMSTo S STRsATA 0.00 0.00 1.93 0.64 0.43TAXITOGA ONXTZ8 1.57 9.09 2.90 4.52 3.44TROwPUS JacROSTOUus 0.00 6.49 1.93 2.01 1.60PARAL"CWZU!8 1.57 0.00 1.93 1.17 0.96SCORIITIALMB AQUOSUS 0.00 1.30 1.93 1.08 0.59GLYPTMOCHUNMUS CYN)0GOSSUS 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.32 0.25TOTAL LARVIAE 21.92 26.54 13,54 21.33 20.38Normaundeu Azzocluses Inc., Falmouth, M.4.FitCleCAfd~isnNewlc~hiyoiPNPS-Ickthy.ipskbhlhjWZ~laZidb Table., SepfrembeZO el PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY SEPTEMBER DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGS =2010-MEANSARITIIM.
GEOM.Datc to -- SEPTEMBER 20 10:ENCULTOPtUS-UPOPHYCz8-vPEPRwS UImcNL!QI' VIMUPIUSlRUCCZU8-W0fTOXU3-CflN08CZON WJ6OWCCIZ38 BZLnhEAmLAMDAWMPARALICHTNTS-SCOMHAIMIAUU TOTAL Grp$,601.,920.535.281.0611.3721.971.620.610.444.850,7711.1321.95No Frtday Fall-Winter schedule begins.Nonmmadovu Assoddres, Inc., Falmesith, AftsFile C1M~diD5oEw Ichihye1PNPS.IchfhyelpnpsIchfhye2Oft*mdb Table.-Seplernhcr27 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY SEPTEMBER 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDate ]n -SEPTEMBER 2010: 27 29 1 ARITHM. GEOM.3ERVOORTZA TY&#xa5;1UIUS 2.11 0.00 -1.05 0.76BNCULny1U8 0.00 4.79 -2.39 1.41MERLCCIU8 BZLfINABIS 0.00 1.06 -0.53 0.44VROPHYCZ8
$PP. 4.21 0.00 -2.11 1.208TNGMAHKUS VUSCV8 0.00 0.53 -0.27 0.24FPRI0T"=8 UVOLMU 0.00 0.53 -0.27 0.24CfINTO M 8T18 STRZATA 0.00 2.66 -1.33 0.91TAUTOGA ONITZI 5.27 3.19 -4.23 4.10PBPRIUZ8 TRIACANTHVS 1.05 0.53 -0.79 0.75ZYROPU8 1.05 10.10 -5.58 3.26PAVALZCHTUIS OOWJ8 0.00 1.06 -0.53 0.44SCOPHTIIAL.v8 AguoW,' 0.00 2.13 -1.06 0.77TOTAL LARVAE 13.70 26.59 -20.14 19.08No Frlday sampling, Full-Wint.r achedule begins.Nenuwadeam
IPARALZCHTilYS-8C0PHTHNIEMS TOTAL 50080.814.894.891.631.6317.1030.940.514.894.091.631.6317.1030.940.814.894.891. *631.63.7.1030.94Noe Monday and Wednesday
: aempling, due to high tide and uto=u.Normandeaia
: Azseciaf, liw., Falmatih.
ma.Fie C AMefissaV~ew irAhy.I PNPS Iklhj apsAmlehy.2~l9~nub ruble. OcfvbewO4
: sampling, due to hi1gh tide and storm.Nomandmou
: Assocata, Ina~, Fehuwuth, Ma.file C.IWellualNew IcbthyjetPNPS.IchthyolpnpslclhthyeZlO.mdb Table: Octber94 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYOCTOBER 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSJtDate In -- OCTOBER 2010:)WLUCCXU8-U$g)IOT41B-CTYtO8CXON IW.WccIus MILN3Ms3fltPoJ HICROSTQUS PARALICSTUTS-SCOPSTWALWJI TOTAL EGGSII14I5MEANSARITHM. GEOM.2.176.501.086.5016. izn progress on wed, Sample collected on Thursday.
Noe friday seampiug.
?AAMLICHIITS ODWWJDU8COPHKANWS AQUOSUSTOTAL LARVAEII0.,793.570.600.540.540.840.541.985.030.480.440.440.900.441.974.02Backwash in programs on Ned, Smaple collected on Thursday.
No friday sawpling.
AWmandeau Associaels, Imc, Fal~s Mh.ALaPite C~i Aldlsai New IshytWPNPS-Ichthyipnpulchthyo29l9.mdb Table Octoerill
Inc., Fdalmuh, KlaFIU C.IthkllualNew IchtkhIPNP$.IclulhvYetprpshth)w2010.mdb Tae.l:OcloberIB
AftFile C:I1efinatI~ew IchihyolPNPS&ichth)iw~pnpsichfhyvZUIUamdh Thbbk:Novembeu0l PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYNOVEMBER 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLkIRVAEMEANSARITHM. GEOM.Date In -NOVEMBER 2010:I .-35-LPAHARMzICNLlo1us cZiURZusUN=Mxn=cwnzyoaxs TOTAL lmAJWA0. .640. Assoclutu, inc., Faimeut, MA.tF6718 CLidbl~Naw lcht)AyePNF$.IchfhyolpnpskhtdyeglO.mdb ruble; NawnhcOJ PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHAROE STUDYNOVEMBER 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSARITHM. GEOM.Date In- NOVEMBER 2010:EHIMMXUODU-U1~t1NCl8-lP~n=1Z GADVI KORBUA!0'AL 1GW150.002.002.00170.550.000.55190. Asseciale, Inc., Fulmoulh, Ma.File CtMe1savalew ichthyelPNm.Icblhyotpnpsichih jo3OO.mdb rabic; Novemlbfr1 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYNOVEMBER 20 10 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERI.ARVA.MEANSARITHM. GEOM.Date In -NOVEMBER 2010:CLUP" A 1IM~GSD1cHLTovus CnmIUsAbo4OVyn8 or.WIZDBNTZIED FrpAumuUNZITX Clmun-mTOTAL LARVAE1512.701.340.001.340.0015.37170.000.000.550.001.101.65191. Amodes, lim, FalmoutI.
Ma.File ClMei~nai New IldshyolPNPSlckhiyolpnpsichthy.2UlO.mdh Thble.*NoewuberiS
!4 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYDECEMBER 201!0 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGOS.. .. .. .. I Il l I I III IIII IIIMEANSARITHM. GEOM.Dale In -DECEMBER 2010:"~DUB bgxWW&1VBM.IC=VH8-SQ1?HTHAZJW8 IV=A go"860.700.000.7080.750.000.751012.640.74L3.3 394.700.254.951.880,201.92Normandeou Assocdafft,~In
: Auecinfa, lite., Faimeutho bft.P 1tC~IalksaIw ldfuhyelp?3Y,.IlIuth~relpuzkhfhjw29lOgnmdh Tdbhie.;Dftrwmhu06 r"' PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYDECEMBER 2010.-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER IDD CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSARITHM. GEOM.Dale In -DECEMBER 2010:131517GADws HOJumATW~AL losG2.202.202, Ina, Fulmouth, Jm.~Plle CMICILUWEw kIcAy.PNPS4dchhyolpnpuidakyio2OJo.mdb Tabk. Dwmhg7ij PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYDECEMBER 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDato In -- DECEMBER 2010:WO!AL WMRYM1315MEANS17 ARITHM. GEOM.0900 0199 0.00NerMandeau Anochutes Inc.. Falniouth, al.File C.RIdbuuINew I hgPNP-kchlhyv*npskhlchvy2Olumdb Table, December))
APPENDIX B*Geometric mean monthly densities and 95% confidence limits per 100 m3 of water for thedominant species of fish eggs and larvae entrained at PNPS, Note the following:
When extra sampling series were required under the contingency sampling regime, results wereincluded in calculating monthly mean densities.
Shaded columns for certain months in 1984, 1987, and 1999 delineate periods when samplingwas conducted for all or part of a month with only salt service water pumps in operaton.
Densities recorded at those times were probably biased low due to low through-plant water flow(MRI 1994).*Available upon request.
.LanuaEGGSBrevoortia tyrannusGadidae-Glyptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis.
PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp.Prionotus spp.Labridae-Limanda LabridaeScomber scombrusParalichthys-Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Limandaferruginea 1981 1982~1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 19890 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00002.81,1-600000000.050-0.200000.50.l-l0000000000000.30.1.1000000000000.50-1.500000000000.090-0.4000000000 0 0 0Total 2.9 0.05 0 0.3 0 0.5 0.09 0 01.1-6 0.1-1 0-1.1 0-1.5 0-0.4 January (continued)
EGGS 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortia tyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gadidae-Glyplocephalus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,10-0.5Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 00-0.5Gadus morhua 0.4 0 0 0 0 0.09 0 0 0-0.4 0-1Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.09 00-0.4Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Prionotus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labridae-Limanda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.10-0.5Labfidae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Paralichthys-Scophthalmus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Hippogloissoides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0 0.2 0 0.3 0 0 00-0.7 0-0,9Total 0.4 0 0 0.2 0 0.3 0.1 0.09 0.70-1.1 0-0.7 0-1.1 0-1.1 0-0.4 0.2-1.3 Januay (continued)
EGGS 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevooria tyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0 0 0.5 0.1 0 0 0 0 00.2 0-0.3Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gadus morhua 0 3.0 0.6 1.3 1.7 0.7 2.1 0,4 0,050-27 0-1.7 0.04-4 0.2.5 0.2-1.4 0-19 0-1.6 0-0.2Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Prionotus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labrdae-Limanda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labridae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Paralichthvs-Scophthalmus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Hippogloissoides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Total 0 3.0 1.4 1.5 1.7 0.7 2.1 0.4 0.050-27 0.4-3 0.2-4 0.2-5 0.2-1,4 0-19 0-1.6 0-0.2 January (continued)
EGGSBrevoortia tyrannusGaddae-Glyptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis-PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp.Prionotus spp.Labridae-Limanda LabridaeScomber scombrusParalichthys-Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Limandaferruginea 2008000000000000002009 20100 00 00 00 00 0.40-1.00 00 00 00 00.08 00-0,30 00 00 00 00.1 0.40-0.3 0-1.0Total FebruaryEGGS 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989Brevoortia tyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Enchelyopus-Urophcis-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gadus morhua 1.0 0.08 0.2 1.2 0.4 0.4 0.1 0 00.2-2.2 0-0.3 0-0.7 0.6-2.1 0-1 0-1 0-0.4Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a oUrophycisspp.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a aPrionotus spp. 0 0 0 a a a a a 0Labridae-Limanda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labridae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 aScomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Paralichthys-Scophthalmus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Hippogloissoides 0 0 0.3 0.3 0 a 0 0.08 0platessoides 0-0.8 0.1-0.6 0.0.3Limandaferruginea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Total 1.9 0.08 0.5 1.6 0.8 0.4 1.0 0,08 0.10.1-7.1 0-0.3 0-1.4 0,8-29 0.3-1.6 0-1 0-0.4 0-0,3 0-0.4 Februa_ (continued)
EGGS 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortia tyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gadidae-Glvplocephalus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Enchelvopus-Urophycis-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.20-0.7Gadus morhua 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.3 0.2 2.10-0.8 0-1.1 0-0.9 0,74.8Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 00-1,1Urophycis spp, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Prionolus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labridae-Limanda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labridae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Paralichthys-Scophthalmus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Hippogloissoides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.30-1.4Limandaferruginea 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 00-0.5Total 0 0 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.3 0.7 2.90-0.8 0-0.5 0-1.1 0.5-1.1 1-6.1 Febrgaa (continued)
EGGS 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoortia tyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0.08 0 0 0 0 0 0.15 00-0.3 0-0.4Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.03 00W0.1Gadus morhua 0.2 0 0.9 1.5 1.1 0.5 1.0 0.3 00-0.5 0-5.8 0.4-3.7 0.2-2.5 0.1-1 0.2-2,5 0-0.9Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Prionotus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labndae-Limanda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labn'dae 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0.070-0.3 0-0.3Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00Paralichthys-Scophihalmus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Hippogloissoides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0plaressoides Limandafernuginea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Total 0.3 0 0.9 1.7 1. 0.5 1.3 0.5 0.070-0.9 0-5.8 0.6-3.7 0.2-2.5 0,1-1 0.5-2.7 0-0.9 0-0.3 February (continued)
EGGS 2008 2009 2010Brevoortia tyrannus 0 0 0Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0 0.05 0.040-0.2 0-0.2Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0 0PeprilusEncheivopus cimbrius 0 0 0Gadus morhua 0 0 0.350-1.0Pollachius virens 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0Prionotus spp, 0 0 0Labridae-Limanda 0 0 0Labridae 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0Paralichthys-Scophhalmus 0 0 0Hippogloissoides 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 -0Total 0 0.05 0.370-0.2 0-1.0 MarchEGGS 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989Brevoorlia yrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gadidae-Glyplocephalus 0 0 0.4 0.08 0 0 0.4 0.1 0,040-0.9 0-0.2 0-1 0-0.3 0-0.1Enchelyopus-Urophycis.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.08 00-0.2Gadus morhua 0.9 0.3 2.9 1.7 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.040.2-2 0.0.8 1.1-5.9 0.8-2.9 0-0.5 0.1-0.6 0-0.8 0.01-0.4 0-0.1Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Prionots spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labn'dae-Limanda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labridae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Paralichthys-Scophihalmus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Hippogloissoides 1.7 0 6,0 2.7 0.2 0 0 0.09 0.07platessoides 0.4-4.3 3.3-10 1.44.7 0-0.5 0-0.2 0-0.2Limandaferruginea 0.03 0 0 0.07 0.04 0,03 0 0.06 00-0.1 0-0.2 0-0.1 0-0,1 0-0.2Total 4.1 0.9 10.4 5,3 1.4 2.3 12.1 2.4 0.31.6-8.7 0.2-2.1 5.8-18 3.1-8.5 0.4-3.2 0.6-5,5 2-56 0.6-6.3 0.04-0.6 March (continued)
EGGS 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortia tvrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0 0.05 0 0 0.2 0.06 0.1 0 0.10-0.2 0-0.5 0-0.2 0-0.3 0-0.4Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PeprilusEnchelvopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0.2 00-0.5 0-0.7Godus morhua 0 0.2 0 0.2 0.05 0,6 0.5 0 0.10-0.4 0-0.4 0-0.2 0-1.6 0.2-0.9 0-0.3Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Prionotus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labridae-Limanda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labridae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Paralichthys-Scophthalmus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Hippogloissoides 0 0.2 0.07 0.04 0.3 0.1 0.3 0 0.2platessoides 0-0.5 0-0.2 0-0.1 0.01-0.7 0-0.4 0-0.7 0-0.5Limandaferruginea 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.10.01-0.5 0-0.3Total 0 0.4 0.2 0.6 1.8 1.0 1.2 1.2 0.70.01-0.9 0-0.5 0-1.9 0.6-3,8 0.2-2.5 0.3-2.7 0-5 0.2-1.3 March (continued)
EGGS 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Breworlia tyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gadidae-Glptocephalus 0.3 0.3 0.2 0 0.4 0 0.6 0.2 0.050.01-0.7 0-0.9 0-0.6 0.1-0.9 0.1-1.5 0-0.7 0-0.2Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0.1 0 0.05 0.05 0 00-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.2Gadus morhua 0.1 0 0.3 0 0.7 0.05 0.07 0 00-0.3 0.1-0.6 0.2-1.7 0-0.2 0M0.3Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Prionotus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labridae-Limanda 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 00-1Labridae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomberscombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Hippogloissoides 0.3 0 0.3 0 0.3 0 0.1 0.1 0platessoides 0-0.7 0-1 0.7-0.6 0-0.2 0-0.2Limandaferruginea 0 0 0.1 0 0.6 0 0 0 00.0.4 0.2To 0.8 0.3 1.0 0.2 2.3 0.2 0.8 0.3 0.050.2-1.5 0-0.9 0.3-2.3 0.1 0.94.8 0-0.5 0.2-1.8 0-0.8 0-0.2 March (continued)
EGGSBrevoortia tyrannusGadidae-Glyptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis-PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp.Prionotus spp,Labridae-Limanda LabddaeScomber scombrusHippogloissoides platessoides Limandaferruginea Total20080000,050-0.20.20-0.700000.060-0.200.20-0.600.60.1-1.42009 20100 00 1.60.7-3.00 00.04 0.030-0.1 0-0.10 2.41.0-4.90 00 00 00 0.20-0.70 0.10-0.20 00.06 0.5040.2 0.2-1.000.2 5.40-0.7 2.4-11.1 kA~nEGGSBrevoortia tyrannusGadidae-GlYptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis.
PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp.Prionotus spp.Labrdae-Limanda LabndaeScomber scombrusParalichthys-Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Limandaferruginea Total'No sampl~ig.
1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 19871 198.80 0 0 ,4- 0 : 00.03 04 ,,0 0 0.060M0.1 0.02-08 0-0.20 0 0 00.2 0.03 0.4 0.5 2.1 1.90-0.5 M-O.1 0,01-0.8 0-14 0.5-5.4 0.4-5.20.3 0.07 0.4 .1.0 0.1 1.10-0.7 0-0.2 0107 02-2.2 0M0.4 0.03-3.40 0 0 0 .05 0 0.i' 0-020 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 ~ O0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00g0 0 Y 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0.... U ':- .0 0 0 0 0. 00 -0.50.2-1.4 0,03-1,4 0.6-2.8 I:L 0,1-2.3 0-0.4 1,1-5.40.7 0.03 18 1.7 0.3 1.30.04-1.8 0-0.09 0.6-3.8 Tt 0.3.5 0-0.7 0.5-2.54.6 1.0 5.8 6.3 5.4 11.51.2-13 0.3-2.1 2.911 2.7-13 0.6-10 6.5-20198900.060-0.20.50-1.30.40-10000.20-0.90000.60-1.80.50- Apil (continued)
EGGS 1990Brevoortia tyrannus 0Gaddae.Glyptocephalus 0Enchelyopus-Urophycis.
0PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius 1.00-3.7Gadus morhua 0.10-0.3Pollachius virens 0Urophycis spp. 0Prionotus spp. 0Labridae-Limanda 0Labridae 0Scomber scombrus 0Paralichthys-Scophthalmus 0Hppogloissoides 0.9platessoides 0,3-1.9LJmandaferruginea 0.50.1-1199100.10-0.300.70.1-1.70,70.2-1.400000002.71.3-,1-,400000007.53-171.00.3-2.219930000.10-,72.2-130199400.10-0.500.20-0.60.30-0.70000.060-0.20001.80.6-3.70.20-0.6'99500000.1M0.600000003.83-4.80.70-1,819960000.10- 19980. 00.2 0.20.0,5 0-0.60 03.9 3.41.1-9.1 0.8-9.61.4 0.80.5-2.9 0.2-1.70 00 00 00.6 0.30-2.3 0-1,10.3 0.20-1.1 0-0,60.06 0.040-0.2 0-0,10 05.2 4.02.7-9.6 1-124.6 7,71.3-13 2.7-20Total 4.1 7.7 14.7 6.1 39 7.6 2.7 20.6 23.21.9-8.2 4.7-12 6.2-33 2.4-14 1.9-7.3 4-14 0.8-6.6 9.1-45 9.9:53 April (continued)
EGGS 1999Brevoortia tyrannus 0Gadidae-Glyptocephahu.
0PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius 1.60.6-3.3Gadus morhua 0.20-0.6Pollachius virens 0Urophyci spp, -0Prionotus spp, 0Labridae-Limanda 0Labridae 0Scomber scombrus 0.10-5Paralichthys.Scophthalmus 0.10-0.4Hippoglossoides platessoides 5.32.5-10.4Limandaferruginea 2.40.8-5.3Total 13.27.5-22200000.90.1-,30.6-170.80-2.50.50-1.3I.10-'.50.5- 20070 00.5 0.70,04-1.1 0-3.30.1 00-0.30.1 00-0.20.1 0.20-0.4 0-1.10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00.8 0.70.1-2.0 0-2.40.3 0.10-0.7 0-0.52.8 1.91-6.0 0-9.2IIM&#xfd; Ap~I coiiCtinued)
EGGS 2008 2009 2010Brevoortia 0,rannms 0 0 0Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0.04 0 0.10-0.1 0-0.3Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0.1 0 0Peprilus 0-0.3Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.4 0.2 1.40-0.9 0-0.8 0.3-3.3Gadus morhua 0.7 0.2 0.20.2-1.5 0-0.8 0-0.7Pollachius virens 0 0 0Urophyvcis spp. 0 0 0.040M0.!Prionofus spp. 0 0 0Labridae-Limanda 0.3 0 0.60-1,1 0-1,6Labridae 0.04 0 0.10-0.1 0-0.4Scomber scombrus 0.1 0 00-0.2Paralichthys-Scophihalmus 0.1 0 00-0.2Hippoglossoides platessoides 1.4 0.5 0.80,24.1 0-2.2 0,1-1.8Limandaferruginea 1.0 1.2 2,50,3-2.3 0.4-2.5 0.7-6.1Total 4.8 3.3 10.31.5-12.6 0.8-9.8 5.6-18.4 MayEGGSBrewortia tyrannusGadidae-Glyptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis-PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbriusGodus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp.Prionotus spp,Labridae-Limanda LabrdaeScomber scombn.4Paralichthys-Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Limandaferruginea 198100.20-,100,080-0.3023.010-501.30.1-3.75,40.8-227.02-204,52.6- 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 19890 0 0 0 0 0.104 0.2 20 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.60.02-0.4 0.647.7 ' " 0.2-1.2 0,09 0-0,4 0.1-1.32.2 6.0 4.5 16.3 ___ 92 22.11,2-3.6 4.3-8.2 1.9-9 6.241 2,7-27 6.9-660.6 3.3 6.7 135 18.6 8.70.2-1.1 0.6-10 4 4.3-10 56-31 6848 3,5-200.09 0 .0.3 0.2 .. 0.06 0.30-0.2 0.1-09 01-L4 0106 0 -04002 0-0.60 0., 0 0 _ , 0 00 0 .04 04 0.06 0 O 0.30-0.1 ..+- 0 0.9 0-02 ,.0 0
* 0.2 0 0 00.1-0.416.3 6.6 85.2 18.9 A..7 39,6 47.27.1-36 1.3-24 Z2 9g7:: 19-365 ::i?7 13-115 8.3-2502.4 0.2 0.6 0.9 A , 4.4 0-0.4 .-. , 0-1,5 0-2.6 L.,- 1 6-10 9.5 a 204.3 91.0 i1.[ 152.5 137.50.5-7.1 1.1-51 i~1 64-644 56-149 +:4O 18-1217 14-13223.9 3.6 15.3 143 4_7 22,4 15.71.4-8.7 0.8.11 1! 10-24 6.4.30 6374 6.9-34* ~ ~ ~ 1 6.3.l4, 6.9(-236,-4 0.9 1.8 09 0.4 0.05 1.20.3-1.6 0.9-3 .0.5-1.6 0.01-0.8 0-0.2 0.3-2.71,5 10 2.5 0.4 .4.6 2.50.7-2.7 0.2-2,4 , 1.1-4.8 0.01-0.9 Q.90 1.9-10 0.8-5.5107.1 663 757.8 230.1 73.7 616.659-194 21-202 :, 271-2111 1M50-353 t~'i 129-1727 125-3021TotalmI May (continued)
EGGSBrevoortia tyrannusGadidae-Glyptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis-PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 19980 0.3 0 0 0 0.06 0.1 0. 0.90-0.9 0-0.2 0-0.3 0.02-2.40.5 1.4 0.20.2-1 0.3-3.7 0-0.60 0,2 1.2 0.1 0.3 0.20-0,7 0-4.2 0-0.2 0-0.7 0-0.521 15.9 1.0 3.7 3.2 3,7 3.3 2.2 5.79-46 5,3-44 0.3-2.2 1.9-6.6 1.1-7.5 0-25 1.4-6.8 0.6-5.3 3.3-9.410.7 18.9 3.1 1.8 5,9 9.9 2.7 3.5 3.66.7-17 9.38 0.7-8.8 0,9-3.1 1.8-16 3.7-24 1-6 0.9-9.6 1.9-6Gadus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp.Prionotus spp,Labidae-Limanda Labridae0.5 0.9 0.60.1-I 0.3-1.9 0.1-1.50 0 00 0.4 0.8 0.10.1-1 0,2-1.8 0-0.4o 0 0 00 0o 00 0 0 0. 0 0 0.1 0 00-0.20 0 0 00 0 0.050-0.20 020.9 36.7 16.9 110.0 10.0 25.0 24.2 19.5 51.17.3-57 6.6-187 3.8-66 12-928 2-40 2.4-197 4.9-107 5.8-61 8.6-2810.6 5.3 2.4 2.8 0.6 2.7 4.6 1.8 1.30-1.5 1.4-16 0.7-5.5 0.5-8.2 0-2.1 0.1-11 0.6-19 0.4-4.4 0-8.4Scomberscombrus 50.4 75.0 22.5 1042.1 67.4 73.2 201.4 21.3 196.08.7-271 12-451 5.8-80 157-6890 16-269 6.5-733 23-1699 3.2-117 43-887Paralichthys-Scophthalmus 6.7 10.3 12.0 34.2 2.6 16.2 11.4 8.8 23.32.8-15 5.8-18 4.8-28 7.6-143 0.8-6.1 2.7-79 3.1-36 3.8-19 13-42Hippogloissoides platessoides 1.2 1.7 3.2 0.7 4.2 5.8 1.3 1.3 1.10.5-2.2 0.7-3.1 0.9-8.2 0-2.5 2-8 2.9-11 0.5-2.5 0.4-2.8 0.2-2.7Limandaferruginea 0.7 1. 0.8 0.5 4.8 3.5 0.5 2.6 2.00.3-1.2 0.4-2.6 0.1-2 0-1.5 2.5-8.6 0.6-12 0.02-1.1 1.1-5 0.4-5.1Total 278.6 298.5 131.1 1301.9 139.4 240.2 336.1 91.3 579.699-784 91-969 63-272 211-7999 44-441 43-1315 53-2119 28-289 174-1921 May (continued)
EGGS 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoortia
,vrannus 0 0.3 0.03 0 0 0 0 0.50-0.8 0-0.8 0-1.6Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0.8 0.1 1.6 1.1 0.5 0.5 .0.2 1.10.1-2.2 0-0.3 0.24.5 0.3-2.5 0.1-0,9 0.1.6 0.0.7 0.4-2.2Enchelyopus-Urophyds-
, 7.3 1.7 6.5 3.9 2.2 1.6 2.2 7Peprilus 66..31 3.2-15 0-6.4 3.3-12.2 1-11 1-4.2 0.5-3.4 0.6-5,6 3.6-13.1,nche0yopus cim ss 0.6 5.3 0.2 3.3 1.4 2.5 10 2.9t 0-1,4 0.7-22 0-0.7 1.1-8.1 0.3-3.3 0.5-7.1 0.1-2.7 1,1-6.1Gduslmorhua 040.04 0.4 0.06 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 1.904 04.1 0-1.2 0.0.2 0-1.3 0-1 0-0.9 0-0.6 0.8-3.7Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophvcis spp, ,. 0 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0.10-0.4 0-0.4 0-0.4 0-0.3Prionotus spp, 0,1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0". ! 0.0.5Labridae-Limanda 4W1i." 80.7 44.4 29,6 7.2 27.9 24.8 37.5 16.6Ji7. 22-282 7.8-234 11-75 1.5-25 7.6-97 7.4-78.1 9.5-140 6.441.1Labridae
! 0 0 0 0.06 0.7 2.2 0.2 0 1.80-0.2 0-2.1 0.4-6.3 0-0.7 0,542Scomberscombrus 1 197.6 141.3 371.2 60.1 15.6 6 8.6 7,2': ,! 44-870 45436 224-616 13-281 4 .2-52 1.0-23.3 1.9-22.2Paralichthys-Scophthalmus
.22,4 30.0 19.8 5.6 15.1 4.9 8.7 11.47:10; 7.8-61 15-57 12-31 2.1-13 5.5-39 1.8-11.4 3.3-21.0 4.3-27.9Hippogloissoides
, .= 3.4 2.4 1.3 5.9 5.9 0.9 2.8 6.6platessoides 1.3-7.4 0.4-7.4 0.1-3.8 1.4-19 2.2-14 0-3.2 1.2-5.8 2.4-15.8Limandaferruginea 0 1.9 2.5 0.5 0 0 0,1 0,50.3-5.3 0.6-6.4 0-1.6 0-0.3 0,1-1.1Total ! 712.6 394.1 514.4 129.4 141.9 56.9 89.4 66.8922 -1 28-790 138-1120 345-768 44-374 63-316 17.6-178.6 22.4-196.0 May (continued)
EGGS 2008 2009 2010Brevoortia tyrannus 0.2 0 00-0.7Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0.2 1.3 0.20-0.5 0.3-3.0 0-0.6Enchelyopus.
Urophycis-12.9 5.1 5.7Peprilus 6.2-26.0 1.3-14,7 2.7-11.1Enchelyopus cimbrius 2.5 3.8 4.00.7-6.2 1.1-9.7 1.8-8.1Gadus morhua 0.4 3.3 0.30-1.4 0.6-10.6 0-0.7Pollachius virens 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0.2 0 00-0.6Prionotus spp. 0 0 0Labridae-Limanda 65.5 85.5 31.524.3-173.4 11,7-590,1 7,8-118.5 Labridae 2.1 18.5 19.30.2-6.9 5.7-55.6 8.6-42.2Scomberscombrus 33.7 56.3 10.97.6-138,6 12.7-238.3 3.6-30.2Paralichthys-Scophthalmus 20.1 58.2 33.77.4-52,0 16.4-200.3 11.0-99.3 Hippogloissoides 1.7 11.6 1,7platessoides 0.4-4.3 3.6-33.3 0.7-3.5Limandaferruginea 0 0 0Total 190.2 309.1 195.173.5-489.7 49.0-1922 102.5-370.8 JuneEGGS 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989Brevoortia tyrannus 1.3 1.4 0.4 , 0.4 0.1.8 21.10.7-2.1 0.3-3.4 0-0.9 i A !: 0.1.3 0-2.4 '!:
16-28Gaddae-Glyptocephalus 1.6 0_3 0.3 0.7 0.7 : O'2 " 1.1 0.20.8-2.8 0.04-0.7 0,14,7 00.42.2 0-0.6Enchelyopus-Urophocis-32.3 6.7 23.7 -13.7 14.0 21.9 26.9Peprilus 18-57 3.9-11 1341 76,,1 73-25 4-44 "i*24 11-43 19-38p;: : ." ::,.. :.! .. .~Enchelyopuscimbrius 11.8 6.7 7,0 5,5 22.7 283 26.77.9-17 4.6-9.6 3-15 g J 2.2-12 6,2-77 2 15-52 1742Gadusmorhua 1.7 0.2 0.4 , .0.2 0.05 ' : 0.2 00.9-2.8 0.01-0.4 0-1.0 124-,. 0-0.4 002 M.Si.5" 0-05Pollachius virens 0 0 0 F 0 0 ' 0 0Urophycis spp. 3.8 1.4 1.7 2.6' 27 23 2,2 26.91.9-7.1 0.7-2.3 0.6-33 1.34.8 0.6-5.9 1.1-3.9 20-35Prionotus spp. 0.5 0.3 0.8 3.5 2.7 0. 1.80.2-1 0.04-0.7 0.2-1.6 1.5-7.2 1.64.3 "A-' 0.1-0.3 0.6-3.9Labfidae-Limanda 892.7 1187.9 2641.3 4%83 376.6 900.3 ._._ 704.6 2941.8459-1734 745-1893 932-7480
'~37-8 169-838 431-1879 i89 419-1184 18074789Labridae 58.7 143.8 100.5 ' 61.2 41.7 '' 147.7 674.333-105 115-180 50-201 7,'- 30-123 17-98 "4,11445:
114-192 461-986Scomber scombrus 46.6 15.0 77,3 ' , j 47.8 434 542.9 114.625-86 3.2-60 35-169 18-126 8,5-207 n i 155-1901 25-513Paralichthys-Scophihalmus 30.7 30.8 292 i A 275 228 ! " 37.1 114.618-52 2048 15-56 74 12-60 16-33 !.! ":- 22-62 73-179Hippogloissoides 1.2 0 0.5 0 0 0. 07 0platessoides 0.6-1.8 0.1 .I ) ' -7" 00.2Limandafemruginea 1.6 0.7 0.8 : 0.7 0.3 "p*' ' 1.4 2.50.5-3.3 0-2.0 0.09-2 .0-2.1 0-1.1 0332 0.7-6.5Total 1432.7 1565,7 40354 575.4 1555,9 ..2659.4 4653.7813-2524 1040-2357 1930-8435 I 264-1254 867-2792 4 S 1563-4524 2825-7665 June (continued)
EGGS 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortia tyrannus 0.5 0.7 0.3 1.5 2.8 0.7 3.21 20.3 7.30.1-1.1 0-2.3 0-0.8 0.5-3.3 0.5-8.2 0-2.1 0.7-9,.1 6.2-62 2.4-20Gadidae-Glyptoceph/lus 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.2 0 0 0.50.1-1.7 0-044 0-0.4 0.01-0.9 0-0.6 0-0.6 0-1.1Enchelyopus-Urophycis-9.8 3.6 2.5 7.9 3.4 7.1 4.1 7.7 13.6Peprilus 3.5-25 1-9 0.7-6.3 3.1-18 1-8.8 1.8-23 1.14-1 2.4-21 7.9-23Enchelvopus cimbrius 8.9 2.2 2.3 3.4 5.6 8.5 1.6 9.7 7.33,1-23 0.04-9 0.6.6 1.1-8.4 2.3-12 2.3-27 0.3A4 4.9-18 3-16Gadus morhua 0.5 0 0.2 0.2 1.0 0.02 0.8 0 0.080.2-0.8 .0-0.4 0-0.6 0.4-1.9 0-0.5 0.1-1.9 0-0.2Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 1.6 0.6 0.4 0.1 0 0.7 1.21 7.4 1.40.1-5.2 0-1.7 0.1-0.9 0-0.3 0.1-1.6 0.3-2.7 2.7-18 0-4.6Prionotus spp. 0.2 1.5 0.1 0 0 0.8 0.5 1.2 0.040-0.5 0-5.3 0-0.3 0.2-1.8 0.1-1.,1 0.3-2.6 0-0.1Labridae-Lirnanda 794.6 448.6 453.8 596.5 218.9 1102.0 779.1 918.1 1292.0492-1283 362-556 261-829 191-1858 87-547 304-3987 330-1839 439-1919 564-2956Labfidae 14.3 54.5 32.6 39.6 6.7 77.4 112.9 186.5 4.83.1-56 6.3-420 11-97 17-91 2.2-18 28-211 34-365 68-511 0.4-23Scomber scombrus 83.3 44.2 58.8 19.4 107.6 24.6 18.4 14.3 11.011-589 0.4-1466 12-282 3.7-88 38-304 2.2-205 3.1-91 1.8-83 3.7-30Paralichthys-Scophthalmus 17,8 14.4 18.4 47.6 14.2 35.7 37.7 43.2 41.86.7-45 3.2-55 10-33 34-67 6.1-31 20-64 16-87 20-92 24-71Hippogloissoides 0.7 0 0 0.5 1.2 0.1 1.4 0.4 0.5platessoides 0.1-1.8 0,02-1.3 0.4-2.6 0-0.4 0.1-4.1 0.1-0.8 0-1.4Limandaferruginea 0 0.3 0 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.30-1.4 0.1-1.3 0,04-0.9 0-2.1 0-I.5J 0-1.2 0-1Total 1448,7 867.4 924.4 1622.5 638.2 2246.0 1548.4 2062.0 1585.0645-3250 367-2051 528-1618 886-2972 326-1250 787-6409 732-3275 1282-3317 716-3506 June (continued)
EGGS 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Brevoortia 0yrannus
: 0. 7 1.5 0.7 1.4 0,2 .2 2.5,, 0-1.7 0.14.7 0-2.2 0-5,3 0-0.6 0-1.9, 0.2-3.3 0.4-7.7Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0 0.03 0.5 0.7 0.3 0.04. 0.3 0' 0-0.1 0-1.4 0.2-1.3 0-1 0.-011 0-0.8Enchyopus-Urophycis-
.10.3 4.8 19,5 4.6 3.7 3.91 7.6 8.7Peprilus
: 49-21 2.5-8.6 11-35 1.9-9.9 1.3-8.6 2.0-7.1 2.7-19.0 3.6-19,5Enchelyopuscimbrius
.. , 23 2.2 0.5 0.8 2.8 2.1 2.9 4.10.7-5.4 0.8-4.8 0-2 0.2-1,8 0.4-9.3 0.4-5.7 0.4-9.6 1.3-10.3Gadus..orhua 0 0.3 0 0.9 0 0.1 0.1 0.30.04-0.7 0-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.3 0-1.0Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. -10.7 0.1 0.7 0.8 0 0.33.6-29 0-0.5 0.1-1.6 0-2.5 0-0.7 0-1.3 0-0.9Prionotus spp. '.ijt 1.9 0.5 0.6 0 0.2 0 0.1 0.10.., 4 0.44.8 0-1.3 0.1-1.3 0-0.7 0-0.4 0-0.4Labddae-Limanda
, ..42I: ., 438.9 808.6 390.0 376.0 730.4 157.8 264.7 681.8 182-1054 335-1952 178-854 143-985 338-1579 49499 56.1-1236 291-1593Labridae 2!1i 0 50.1 5.2 6.2 4.8 1.51  1.3 25.4:.20,1 i24-105 1.3-16 1.6-18 0.7-18 0-6,9, 0-5.6 5.2-110.3 Scomberscomhrus 7.2i : 13,0 21.3 9.1 50.7 5.9 16.2 6.2 3,2-2 4.3-36 7.2-60 1.9-34 9-267 1-24 3-73.1 0.5-34.6 0.5-34.6Paralichthys-Scophthalmus 1231. If 39.3 51.3 15.4 28.0 26.7 8.6 12.4 93.25 22-71 31-84 5.6-40 9.3-81 13-54 2.9-22.4 4.9-29.5 49.1-176.1 Hippogloissoides i. 002 1.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.041 0.05 0.3plaessoides R 0-0.6 0.4-2.5 0-0.5 0-0.4 0-0.5 0-0.1 0-0.2 0-0.9Limandaferruginea
; 0 1.0 6.5 0 0 0 0.5 0.40.1-2.8 1-27 0-2.9 0-1.4Total 649.6 1073.2 599.8 964.0 943.1 289.6 335.1 928.0313-1346 487-2364 328-1095 485-1916 507-1755 117-71,7 72-1556 406-2117 June (continued)
EGGS 2008 2009 2010Brevoortia tyrannus 0.1 0.1 3.80-0.3 0-0.3 0.7-12.4Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0.1 0.7 0.10-0.3 0-2.1 0-0.3Enchelyopus-Urophycis-20.9 2.5 23.1Peprilus 7.6-55.3 0.8-5.9 12.4-42.3 Enchelyopus cimbrius 1.9 2.0 2.91.1-3.0 0.7-4.4 2.1-3,9Gadus morhua 0.4 0.2 0.40-0.9 0-0.6 0-1.1Pollachius virens 0 0 0.040-0.1Urophycis spp. 0.8 0.5 2.10.1-1.9 0-1.5 0,8-4.5Prionotus spp, 0.4 0.8 1.60-1.0 0.2-1.9 0.4-3.9Labfidae-Limanda 249.4 249.3 1547.5134.4-462 39.2-1556 857-2795Labridae 37.3 31.5 68.69.9-133 7.3-126.4 26.3-176.4 Scomber scombrus 2.3 6.0 25.00.5-6.5 1.3-20.6 12.0-51.2 Paralichthys-Scophthalmus 39.0 30.7 75.020.2-74.6 9.1-98.9 36.9-151.3 Hippogloissoides 0.3 0.2 0.7platessoides 0-047 0-0.5 0-2.0Limandaferruginea 0 0 0.50-1.3Total 444.4 337.4 2039.6247-799 51.8-2170 1206-3394 I
JulyEGGSBrevoortia yrannusGadidae-Glyptocephahus Enchelyopus-Urophycis-PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp.Prionotus spp.Labrdae-Limanda LabrdaeScomber scombrusParalichthys-Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Limandaferruginea 1981 1982 1983 1984 19852.0 0.7 0.6 , .00.4-5.4 0.1-1.7 0.1-1.2 "....0.2 0.5 0.8 0.030-0.4 0.09-1.1 0.1-1.7 0-0.136.7 6.4 73.7 11.916-83 2.3-16 29-188 8-162.6 3.5 10.0 13 D11-5.5 1.4-7A4 3.9-24 2",-"2 0.7-2.10 0.2 0.3 -_s 00.0,4 0-0.7 10 "0 0 0 " 031.1 1.6 54.2 5 5.811-82 0.5-3.7 35-84 N-- :. 3.9-8.54.4 0.2 12.6 -' 3.62.8-6.7 0-0.4 5-30 2.4-5.2630.3 481.4 862.1 -513.4141-2807 245-944 580-1280 2 .4,77 196-134157.8 21.5 84.9 23.110-314 11-42 58-124 11-488.-5 0.2 4.0 0,061.1.42 0-0.6 0.6-14 0-0.227.2 11.7 23.2 10.69.9-72 5.9-22 13-41 6.9-160 0 0.04. 00.4 0 0 i.,- 00-1.51986 1987 1988S0.1-4.80 .0 0,. 20 -0.410.3 .26.5-16 -w4-S. 7 --4 1.2049 0-.5 0.6-2.20 0 ~ 00 L = 01.6-7,7 ":4 -0.9-4.13.1 L 0.61.7-5.4 .0lJi l .01-1.4175 i3.i 01177.6 .-488282-385 6&#xfd;&4 , 311-76519.1 69.410-36 16, 005'1 38-12506 5_60.1-1.4 i' 3.2-106.5 03.8-11 :4.2 ._0 .00 .0.10-0.419890.080-0.30.20-,7Total986.1 576.5 1317.6 4 670.5 293.3 6517 490.3238-4068 312-1065 932-1862 301-1491 165-520 1,4443W 425-1000 221-1086 July (continued)
EGGSBrevoorlia tyrannusGadidae-Glvptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis-PeprilusEnchdyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virens1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 19980.1 0 0 1U3 0.06 0,04 0 0.9 1.00-0.4 0.5-2.6 0-0.2 0H0.1 0-3.4 0.02-2.70.3 0.08 0.07 0.05 0 0 0 0 0.20.04-0.7 0-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.619.8 3.0 12.3 5.3 0.9 5.6 4.5 5.7 10.211-35 1.84.7 6.2-24 1.8-13 0.1-2.3 1.9-14 1.9-9.2 1.6-16 4.9-218.7 0.5 0 1.7 0.5 0.4 0.07 1.2 6.92.8-24 0.02-1.1 0.6-3.3 0-1.4 0-1.3 0-0.2 0-3.7 2.7-160.04 0 0 0 0.2 0 0.03 0 00-0.1 0-0.6 0-0.10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 8,7 0.5 0.06 0.9 0.04 1.1 1.0 4.3 10.94.3-17 0.1-1.1 0-0.2 0.1-2.6 0-0.2 0.2-2.7 0-2.9 0.7-16 4.2-26Prionotus spp. 0 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.7 2.2 0.2 0.7 0.40.1-0.7 0-1 0.1-0.8 0.2-1.6 0.6-5.6 0-0.6 0-2.1 0-1.1Labridae-Limanda 451.0 99.3 418.6 240.8 210.1 187.9 705.4 115.7 238.8279-728 45-218 52-3351 73-794 81-545 92-381 343-1450 38-351 61-930Labridac 83.3 2.6 14.6 60.0 34.9 28.6 39.7 12.7 29.948-144 1.24.9 1-119 25-144 10-118 11-74 23-70 3.8-38 4.2-182Scomber scornbrus 1.6 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.3 0 0 1.20.4-3.8 0.03-0.4 0-0.4 0-0.5 0-1.3 0-1 0.3-2.7Paralichthys-Scophthalmus 31.3 3.8 12.8 17.7 29.5 12.7 21.6 19.8 20.624-41 1.3-8.7 6.5-24 8.8-35 17-51 7-22 11-41 8.6-44 8.2-49Hippogloissoides platessoide 0 0 0 0.05 0.1 0 0 0 0.10-0.2 0-0.4 0-0.4Limandafemrginea 0.2 0.2 0.3 0 0 0.04 0.1 1.7 00-0.6 0-0.4 0-0.9 0-0.1 0-0.4 0-8.6Total 712.5 130.5 2 388.6 431.8 361.3 841,2 213,.7 427.8481-1055 69-246 384-4010 140-1074 211-884 213-612 434-1629 91-501 97-1869 July (continued)
EGGS 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoortiaryrannus
:'. .01 0.4 0 0.4 0 0.4 0.03 0.130-0.3 0-1.3 0-1.1 0.1.5 0-0.1 0-0.5Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0 01. 0 0.03 0 0 0 0 000.3 0-0.1Enchelyopus-Urophycis.
.9.4 4.7 6.4 1.3 1.0 1,2 1.07 4.4Peprilus 9-32 3.26 2.5-8.5 3.1-12 0.4-2.8 0.2-2.6 0,3-2.7 0.4-2.1 1.2-12.5Enchelyopuscimbrius
., 0.3 1.5 0.1 0.05 0 0 0.34 0.0415;2 0-047 0.2-4.1 0-0.4 0-0.2 0-1.2 0-0.1Gadus morhua : 0 0.2 0 0 0,1 0 0 0.0-0.5 0-0.2Pollachius virens *0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 27.6 2.2 0.2 0 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.9i'l.7! -16 7.2-99 0 5 0-0,5 0-0.2 0-0.4 0-1.5 0-2.7Prionotus spp. "i2 4 1.2 0.2 0 0.4 0.3 0 0.3, 1.7-8.2 0.4-2.4 0-0.5 0-1 0-0.8 0-0.7Labridae-Limanda Q3 I.A.g 0 380,5 40.1 95.0 283.0 201.3 49.3 337.5&#xfd;-,ngwq 166-872 9.3-162 32-281 71-1120 62-649 23.7-101.4 131.9-860.9 Labridae
.6 150_.66 17.9 0.7 0.5 2.9 0 1.2 9.026-841 8.3-37 0-2.5 0-1.8 0.5-9.4 0.1-3.5 2.5-27,5Scomber scombrus 1.0 1.2 0.1 0.04 0 0 0 0* 1 0.2-2.2 0.3-2.8 0-0.4 0-0.1Paralichts-..9 03 49.4 5.2 3,0 9.2 5.1 7.1 36.8Scophihalmus 0-1.3 32-77 2.2-11 1.2-6.3 3.1-25 1.3-15.1 3.5-13.8 14.3-92.0 Hippogloissoides 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0platessoides 0-0.5Limandaferruginea
.. 0 0.1 0.3 0 0 0 0.1 00-0.2 0-0.8 0-0.2Total i 558.3 95.6 106.4 298.7 214.3 69.42 419.8281-1107 36-249 37-306 74-1190 66-688 34.6-138.2 172.7-1019 Jul (continued)
EGGSBrevoortia tyrannus Enchelyopus-Urophycis.
PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp,Prionotus spp.Labidae-Limanda LabidaeScomber scombrusParalichthys-Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Limandaferruginea 2008 2009 20100.6 0.1 1.20-1.6 0-.3 0 00-0,226.6 17.5 16.88.4-80.0 9.4-31.7 9.2-29.93.2 2.11 0.81.4-6.2 0.7-4.7 0.1-2.00.1 0 00-0.40 0 07.5 6.7 2.52.9-17.7 3.2-13.3 0.9-5.30.5 3.5 7.50-1.1 1.6-6.8 393.2 526.285.9-919.8 86.1- 261.3-1782.9 1058.731.5 28.4 65.411.9-81.1 6.6-112.3 29,5-144.0 0.3 0.2 1.00-0.9 0-.5 0-2.816.4 25.6 31.26.6-38.6 16.9-38.4 14.3-66.9 0 0 00.04 0 00-0.1449.9 1107.7 770.9140-1441 598.5- 421.2-2049.4 1410.4Total AupustEGGSBrevoortia tyrannusGadidae-Glyptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis-PeprilusEnchelopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virensUrop/zcis spp.Prionotus spp.Labridae-Limanda LabridaeScomber scombrusParalichthys.
Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Lirnandaferruginea Total16. 1982 1983 1984 1985a 0.2 0 * ., 00.0.4 "-. 110"01l ~ " 11.7 3.7 3.5 Ut 9.40-22 12-9 2.2-5.3 1:, RM& 1.9 0.7 , _. , 336-2.4 0.8-3.5 0.3-1.3 --, 1.8-5.50 0 0 04.9 4.4 3 .,9 12.13-10 1.6-9.9 2.1-6.9 ,107rr&#xfd; 8.8-173.1 0.5 2.0 8.71-7.1 0,3-0.9 0.9-3.6 '&#xfd; S54&-`.X 3.4-202.1 12.2 11.9 6-4.9 2.4-50 9-16 "5 i 9, 5.9-122.5 3.0 3.1 .' 7.124.8 0.8-7.9 1.5-5.9 .4,1-120 0 0 : 015.3 12.0 4.8 .-+ .,, 16.95-30 7.3-19 2.1-9.8 7 9.6-290 0 0 00.1 0.02 0 0-0.2 0-0.08 04 .8.2 53.1 41.6 .-Q 80.88-89 20-136 35-50 W71 6-081986 1987 19880.. 0o -q.; og13.3 7 01748.2-21 .1251 .2.90.2-2.4 1.2-5.90 <O~ 00 0-. 4 ., +t , ,5.2 5 13-9 , 4 1.9-121.7-5.3 !:'! 9 :! 0.1-255 ... i ' 16.13-9 A.: '.5 36-633.9 ,9. 3.21.9-7.4 421 1-80,05 -'K 0,080-0.2 , 0-0.34.4 ., * .12.23.3-5.9 i 224, 5.3-270 [1 043.7 :.., 57.533-58 t1 i 20-16619890024.411-511.40.5-2.90011.56.1-211.70,34.465.226-16014.76.7-310.060-0.281.954-12500.10-0.4261.4152-449 August(continued)
EGGSBrevoortia tyrannusGdidae-Glvptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis-PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virens1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 19980.05 0 0.04 0.9 0 0.4 0 0 0.40M0.2 0-0.1 0.2-2.2 0-1.4 0.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 00-0.2 0-0.20.6 5.6 18.5 0.9 1.4 1.3 8,5 1.2 6.10.2-1.3 1.4-17 7.2-45 0.1-2.1 0.3-3.7 0.2-3.8 3.2-21 0.3-2.8 2,4-142.2 4.0 2.8 3.5 2.1 1.1 0,7 0.3 2.61.4 0.7.14 0.5-8.5 0.7-4.8 0.2-2.8 0,01.2 0-0.6 0.8-6.10.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00-0.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 2.9 4.2 8.7 2.0 2.5 3.6 13.0 0.9 7.71.3-5.6 1-13 1.7-35 1.2-3.3 0.8-5.8 0.8-11 5.2.31 3.2-17Prionotus spp. 0,6 1.3 1.0 0.4 0.4 1.7 0.5 0.2 0.40.1-1.3 0.5-2.5 0,3-2,0 0-1 0.1-0.7 0.2-5 0M.3 0-0.6 0-1Labridac-Limanda 4.0 11.2 18.0 15.5 6.6 12.5 15.7 4.0 20.71.1-11 5.3-23 4.3-67 5.3-42 2.6-15 3.8-37 6.1-39 1.1-11 7-58Labridae 1.9 5.6 25,5 4.3 2.2 2.1 3.6 0.6 7.30,7-3.8 2.2-13 8,3-75 1,9-8.7 0.6-5.4 0.26.9 1.1-9.3 0-1.5 2.6-18Scomber scombrus 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.2 0 0.070-0.4 0-0.7 0-0.3Paralichihys-18.3 0 15.9 17.7 18.0 8.0 31.5 6.2 38.0Scophihalmus 13-25 7.9-31 9.2-34 6.6-47 4.3-14 17-59 1.8-17 24-60Hippogloissoides 0 0 0.05 0 0 0 0.04 0 0platessoides 0-0.2 0-0.2Limandafemiginea 0.05 0.3 0.05 0.06 0 0 0 0 0.070-0.2 0.1-0.7 0-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.2Total 37.9 68.6 131.2 62.2 33.4 51,0 113.9 18.9 127.626-55 28-165 48-355 36-107 11-100 23-111 69-188 9.4-37 74-221 August (continued)
EGGS 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoortia tyrahnus
-0 0 0 0.04 0 0.03 0 00-0.1 0.09Ga~dae-GIyptocephalus Wt,, 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 00-0.3Enchelyopus-Urophycis-1.6 2,8 1.8 1.66 0.9 1.5 10.3 7.8Peprilus
.03.4.2 1-6 0.7-3.4 0.24,9 0.2-2.3 2.8-32.6 2.8-19.5Enchelvopus cimbrius 16 0 0.2 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.20-0.4 0-0.8 0-0.4Gadus morhua -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 5.4 1.7 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.9 1.2 1.8ii 0,01-6 0.1-1.2 0-0.6 0-0.3 0.2-2 04.43 0.4-4.5Prionotus spp. " IO 1,5 0.4 0.3 0.05 0.1 0 0.2 0.1>SO_2.3 0.6-2.9 0.02-0.8 0-0.9 0-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.6 0-0.3Labn'dae-Limanda 0 8.5 1.7 14.9 12.0 24.8 19.8 41.1I : V;&#xfd; 2.8-23 0.4-4.2 5.6-37 3-42 8.6-68.8 6.5-56.7 16,1-102.6 Labridae
-5i 4.3 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.1 1.2 1.71.2-12 0.1.1 0-1.8 0-0.4 0-0.3 0.2-3.0 0.5-3.7Scomber scombrus 0 0 0.05 0.08 0 0 0 00-0.2 0-0.3Paralichhys-18.7 13.9 2.4 9.1 12.2 12.8 29.66 26.7Scophthalmus i 7 ; 6849 6.1-31 0.5-6.8 4.9-16 5.3-27 5.5-28.4 10.2-83.0 13.3-52.8 flippogloissoides 0 0.04 0 0.05 0 0 0 0platessoides 0-0.1 0-0.2Limandafermginea 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.2 0Totl .-:. 0-0.9 0-0N5Total 38.0 14.0 30.6 27.6 47.4 71.2 115.3f 16-91 6.3-30 14-64 9.8-75 19-114 21.8-227.5 60.3-219.7 Aunt (continued)
EGGS 2008 2009 2010Bfievoortia tyrannus 0.9 0 00-3.1Gaddae-Glypiocephalus 0.3 0 00-0.8Enchelyopus-Urophycis-7.2 1.3 6.1Peprilus 2.4-18.9 0-4.3 1.5-19.6Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.9 0.7 0.90.3-1.8 0-2.5 0.3-1.7Gadu. morhua 0 0 0.050-0.2Pollachius virens 0 0 0Uropkvcis spp. 5.6 6.2 7.21.8-14.4 2.5-13.8 2.7-17.4Prionotus spp. 0.5 0.6 1.50-1.2 0-2.3 0.34.1Labridae-Limanda 45.1 10.9 24.812.0-162.5 3.1-33.9 5.6-100.9 Labridae 6.9 1.9 4.12.3-18.0 0-8.5 0.7-14.7Scomber scombrus 0 0 0Paralichihys.
10.6 19.4 13.8Scophihalmus 4.5-23.8 11.4-32.6 4.5-38.9Hippogloissoides 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0Total 82.8 105.0 126.023-289 57.4-191.4 36.7426.9 September EGGS 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989Brevooria tyrannus 0 39,1 0 0 0 1.7 0.05 0 0.42.8-429 0-7.6 0-0.2 0-1.1Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0.04 0.04 0.06 0 0 0 0 0 0.0-0.1 0-0.1 0-0.2Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0.3 8.9 6.3 5.9 1.5 1.2 1.4 2.1 0,4Peprilus 0.1-0.7 2.9-24 1.5-21 1.4-19 0.7-2.6 0.5-2.3 0.6-2.5 0.6-4.9 0,1-0.7Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.04 1.6 3.4 4.2 2.4 1.9 1.4 1.4 2.30-0.1 0.4-3.8 0.9-9.4 0.8-14 0.6-6.2 1-31 0.5-2.8 0.5-2.8 1.5-3.3Gadus morhua 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pollachius virensUrophycis spp.Prionotus spp.Labridae-Limanda LabridaeScomber scombrusParalichthys-Scophihalmus Hippogloissoides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00.7 5.8 3.9 11.5 5.8 3.5 1.5 0.9 1.00.4-1.2 2.5-12 1.5-8.4 3.8-31 3-11 1.8-6.5 0.8-2.6 0.2-2.1 0.3-2.20 1.5 0.2 2.1 0.4 0 0 0.3 00.6-2.8 0-045 0.4-5.6 0.1-0.7 0-0.80 1,8 0.8 1.04 0.4 0.09 1.0 1.4 0.50.04-6.5 0-2.2 0.3-2.3 0-1 0-0.3 0.3-2 0.2-3.5 0.1-10.04 0.8 0.3 0.6 0.1 0.04 0.4 0.5 0.40-0.2 0.1-2 0-0.7 0.1-1.3 00.4 0-0.1 0.1-0.7 0.02-1.1 0-10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04.6 80.4 16.1 27.5 4.4 0.9 12.3 11.1 41.02.9-7.1 57-112 9-28 19-39 2.4-7.7 0.4-1.6 7.6-20 3.1-35 22-740 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 00-0.4Total 7.3 469.2 40.7 85,8 17.2 20.3 21.2 19.4 47.34.5-12 199-1107 20-82 56-132 10-29 10-41 14-32 6.8-52 27-84 Setember (continued)
EGGSBrevoortia tyrannusGadidae-Glyptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophvcis.
PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virens1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 19981.5 0.3 0 95.4 0.3 0.5 0.2 1.4 0.50-5.7 0-1.4 17-513 0-0.8 0-1.8 0-0.5 0.03-4.8 0-1.50 0 0 0.05 0 0.08 0 0 00-0,2 0-0.30.2 1.9 0.4 6.5 0 2.5 0.7 1.7 2,60-0.6 0.6-4.3 0.02-0.9 1.5-21 0.8-6.1 0-2 0.442 1.1-5.20.4 1.4 1.7 3.1 1.1 0.9 0.3 0.9 1.70-1.1 0.3-3.4 0.9-2.7 1H1-7 0.3.7 0.3-1.8 0-0.7 0.1-2.3 0.8-3.20 0 0 0.03 0 0 0 0 00-0.90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00.4 0.7 1.9 4.1 0.3 0.8 0.9 1.1 2.00-1 0.1-1.9 0.9-3.4 1.2-11 0-0.8 0.04-2 0.2-2 0.1-2.9 0.5-50 0.05 0.1 1.2 0 0 0 0.3 00-0.2 0-0.3 0.2-3.2 0-1.20.05 0.2 1.0 3.1 0.4 0.2 0.5 1.5 0.60-0.2 0-0.5 0.3-2 0.9-7.9 0-1.4 0-0.6 0.02-1.2 0.3-3.7 0-1.90 0.09 0.3 2.0 0.09 0.5 0.3 1.2 0.30-0.2 00.6 0.4-5.4 0-0.3 0-2.3 M0.9 0.2-2.9 0-0.80.1 0 0 0.04 0 0 0 0 00-0.4 0-0.13.1 5.0 13.3 19.9 7.6 6.4 2.6 21.3 16.71.2-6.7 2.2-10 7.7-22 6,5-57 3.2-17 3.1-13 0.4-8 11-40 7.2-370 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp,Prionotus spp.Labfidae-Limanda LabridaeScomber scombmsParalichthys-Scophihalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Limandafertmunea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 00-0.8Total. 77 10.2 23.6 201.8 10.9 17.5 5.4 41.6 26.62.6-20 3.9-25 16-34 41-978 4.3-26 8.5-35 1.4-16 23-76 11-63l m l I ll Setembcr (continued)
EGGS 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoortia tyrannus 0.6 0.04 0.2 0.2 0.05 0 0.5 0.04 0.060,03-1.5 0-0.2 0-0.7 0-0.6 0-0.2 0-1.7 0-0.1 0-0.2Gadidae-Glyptocepholus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 00-0.4Enchelyopus-Urophycis.
1.25 0.1 0.4 1.2 1.2 1.0 4.8 1.6 15.0Peprilus 0,1-3.8 0-0.3 0-1.3 0.2-3 0.3-2.6 0.1-2.5 1,3-13,2 0.6-4.0 6.4-33.4Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.5 0.04 0 0.05 0.6 0 0.2 0.04 0.20-1.6 0-0.2 0-0.2 0.2-1.3 0-0.5 0-0.1 0-0.6Gadus morhua 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pollachius virensUrophycis spp.Prionotus spp.Labridae-Limanda LabidaeScomber scombrusParalichthys.
Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00.9 0.7 0.1 0.3 0.4 0 0.5 0.2 2.80.1-2.4 0.1-1.5 0-0.2 0-0.8 0-1,2 0-1.9 0-0.8 0.4-8.80.3 0 0 0 0 0 0.07 0 0.20-0.8 0-0.2 0-0.70 0 0.5 0.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 0.9 3.80-1.2 0-0,4 0,9-4.5 0,4-6.7 0.6-5.7 0-2.9 1.3-9.00 0.05 0.04 0 0.05 0 0.2 0.1 00-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.6 0-0.30 0 0o2 0 0 0.1 0 0 00-0.6 0-0.57.9 3.1 42.7 0.8 12 19.5 24.5 5.5 47.15.3-11 1.2-6.5 25-72 0.1-1.7 4.8-28 8.7-42 7,6-74.7 1.9-13.8 26.2-83.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Total 14.9 46.5 3.9 17.8 27.9 38.4 8.4 88.38.4-26 29-75 1.7-7.9 6.7-45 13-57 12-114 2.5-24.6 45.1-171.8 Setenber (continued)
EGGS 2008 2009 2010Brevoortia tyrannus 0 0 0.10-0.2Gadidae.Glyptocephalus 0 0 0Enchelyopus-Urophycis-4.3 1,8 3.1Peprihus 1.5-9.9 .44.5 1.3-6.1Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.3 0.2 0-.5 0-0.6Gadus morhua 0 0 0Pollachius virens 0 0 0Urophycis spp, 1.1 0.9 0.40.2-2.7 .01-2.4 0-1.2Prionomus spp, 0 0.1 0.040-.3 0-0.1Labridae-Limanda 1.4 1.9 1.10.3-3.2 .353 0.3-2.6Labridae 0.4 0.1 0.40-1.3 0..3 0-1.0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0Paralichthys-2.7 8.5 8.3Scophihalmus 0.9-6.4 3.3-20.1 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0Totai 14.0 16.6 19.74.9-37.0 6.640.0 8.4-44.4 OctoberEGGS 1981Brevoortia tyrannus 0Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0.10-0.6Enchelyopus-Urophycis-1.5Peprilus 0.14,6Enchelvyopus cimbrius morhua 0Pollachius virens 0Urophycis spp. 0.40-1.4Prionotus spp. 0Labfidae-Limanda 0.20-0.5Labfidae 0Scomber scombrus 0Paralichthys-1.7Scophthalmus 0-7,7Hippogloissoides 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 019820.20- 1984 19850 0 34.55-2020 1.5 0.70.3-3.8 0-2.20.7 0.2 2.90.2-1.5 0-0.7 04I81.0 0.4 0-1.1 2.9-150 0.1 00-0.40 0 00.5 0.1 0.50-1.5 0-0.4 0-2.40 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 03.1 0,6 0.50.4-12 0-1.8 0-1.90 0 00.09 0 00-0.419860.20-0.800.080-0.30.10-0.6000.090-0.400000001987000.20- 19890 00 0.30-0.90.1 0.20-0.4 1.10-8.6 0-3.60 0.090-0.40 00.1 0.10-0.4 0-0.50 00.1 00-0.40 00 00.3 0.50-0.9 0.1-1.20 00 0Total 4.1 L.7 6.3 4.4 52.0 0.5 2.2 2.4 2.70.3-19 0.4-4.3 2-17 2.6-7.1 11-232 0-1.5 0.8-4.8 0-13 1-6 October (continued)
EGGS 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortia fyrannus 0.9 0 0 0 0.7 0.5 0 1.2 1.00-3,2 0-2.9 0-1.7 0-4.3 04.8Gaddae-Glptocephalus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0.1 0 2.7 0 0 0.08 1.2 1.5Peprilus 0-0.4 0-17 0-0.3 0-5.2 0.03-4.8Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.2 0.8 0.3 1.7 0 0.1 0 0.2 0.20-0.7 0.3-1.6 0-1.2 0-9.8 0-0.4 0-0.7 0-0.7Gadus morhua 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0.2 0.1 0 0 0 0.10-0,7 0-0.4 0-0.5Prionotus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labfidae-Limanda 0.2 0 0.1 0.4 0 0 0 0.2 0.50-0.7 0-0.5 0-1 0-0.8 0-1.6Labridae 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 00.0.5Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Paralichthyvs-0.1 0.2 0.1 0.9 0.2 0.9 0 2.7 0.4Scophihalmus 0-0.5 0-0.6 0-0.5 0-3,2 0.0.6 0-2.7 0-15 0-1,2Hippogloissoides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Total 1.8 1.4 1.0 5.4 3.3 1.3 0.1 5.5 0,8.2 0.4.1 0.01-40 1.2-7.7 0.4.5 040,5 0.6-25 0.1-16 October (continued)
EGGSBreivorlia tyrannusGaddae-Glyptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis-PepritusEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp.Prionotus spp.Labnidae-Limanda LabrdaeScomber scombrusParalichthys-Scophihalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Limandaferruginea 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2000 0 0 0.5 0.4 0.5 0 0.2 07000000000.50-20000.50-20000.10.0.300001.10-6.70000.20-0.6000000.20-0.7001.30-7.9000-2.9 0-1.30 00.2 0.50-0.7 0-1.50.2 0.20-0.6 0-0.80 00 00.1 0.060-0.4 0-0.20 00 0.40-1.10 00 00.1 2.050-0.4 0-9.10 00 00-3.500.30-0.9000000.10-0.4001.20-50000.20-0.4000000000.050-0.2000-0.700.30-0.7000000.10-0.6000.50-1.40000.70-2.30.10-0.5000.20-0.700000.70-3.000Total 0.9 3.0 1.4 3.2 1.9 0.3 1.2 1.70-3.2 0.1-13 0-5.5 0.2-14 0-9.9 0-0.7 0.1-3.4 0-6.0I II ] II October (confinued)
EGGSBrevoortia tyranraus Gadidae-Glyptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis-PepritusEnchelyopus cimbriutGadus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp.Prionotus spp.Labfidae-Limanda LabridaeScomber scombrusParalichihys-Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Limandaferruginea Total2008 20090 00 00.7 0.70-2.1 0-2.10 0.10-.40 00 00.3 0,10-1.3 0-.30 00 00 00 00.2 0.60-0.7 0-1.50 00 01.1 1.40-4.3 .041-4.420100.,4001.30-5.4I NovemberEGGS 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989Brevoorlia tyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gaddae-Glyptocephalus 6.0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.7 0 2.01.8-20 0-0.6 0.04-1.8 1.4-2.7Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0 0 0 0 0 0.9 0 0Peprilus 0-0.4Enchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 00-0.6Gadus morhua 1.2 0.3 2.6 2.1 3.3 0.5 0.2 0 0.40.5-2.9 0.1.5 1.4-4.4 0,248 1.5-6.5 0-1.5 0-0.7 0-1.1Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Prionolus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labrdae-Limanda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.10-0.4Labridae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Paralichthys.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Total 7.3 0.3 2.6 2.1 4.5 0.6 1.3 0 2.42.8-19 0-1.5 1,4.4.4 2.1-8.6 0-2 0.3-3.1 1.34.1 November (continued)
EGGS 1990 1921 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortia vrannus 0.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.070-2.6 0-0.2Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.20-0.9 0-0.4 0-0.6Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Peprilus 0-0.4Enchelyopus cimbrius 0 0.2 0 0 0.08 0 0 0 00-0.7 0-0.3Gadus morhua 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.6 0.2 1.6 0.6 0.20-0.4 0-0.5 0.0,4 0-1.9 0-0.9 0-7 0-2.7 0-0.5Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Prionotus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labfdae-Limanda 0 0 0.2 0.1 0.2 0 0.1 0.1 0.10-1 0-0.6 0-0,7 0-0.5 0-0.4 0-0.4Labridae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0.070-0.4 0-0.2Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Paralichthys-0 0 0 0 0.08 0 0.3 0 0Scophihalmus 0-0.3 0-1.1Hippogloissoides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0platessoides Limandafemrginea 0 0 0.4 0 0 0 0 0 00-1.5total 1.1 0.3 0.6 0.2 1.3 0.2 1.9 0.9 0.60,1-3.1 0-1.3 0-2.6 0-0.8 0.4-2.7 0.0.9 0-8.6 0.3.4 0.1-1.5 November (continued)
EGGS 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoortia tyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gaddae-Glypiocephalus 0 0 0,1 0 0 0 0 0.2 00-0.4 0-0.6Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gadus morhua 0.2 0.4 0.2 1.1 2.8 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.20-0.5 0-1.3 0-0.6 0U3.7 0.7-7.8 0-0.9 0-0.5 0-0.6 0-0.6Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 00-0.9Urophvcis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Prionotus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labkidae-Limanda 0.1 0 0 0.08 0.2 0 0 0 00-0.5 0-0.3 0.0.8Labidae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Paralichthys.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Total 0.3 0.4 0.4 1.2 3.0 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.20-0.9 0-1.3 0.03-0.9 0-4.5 0.7-8.5 0-0.9 0-0.5 0-1.1 0-0.6 November (continued)
EGs 2008 2009 2010Brevoortia yrannus 0 0 0Gadidae-Glyptoceplialus 0 0 0Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0 0.1Peprilus 0-0.3Ettchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0Gadus morhua 0,4 0.1 0.201.2 0-0.4 0-0.9Pollachius virens 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0Prionotus spp. 0 0 0Labdidae-Limanda 0 0 0Labridae 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0Paralichihys-0 0 0Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0Total 0.4 0.1 0.30-1.2 0-0.4 0-1.1 DecemberEGGS 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989Brevoorlia lyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius 0 a a a 0 a a a aGadus morhua 2.4 1.1 1.3 0.7 1.2 1.2 2.5 0.1 0.1-3.9 0.6-2.2 0.3-2,7 0.14 0-0.4 0-3.8Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0.3 0 00-0.8Urophycis spp. 0 a 0 0 a a 0 a aPrionotus spp. a a 0 a a 0 0 0 0Labfidae-Limanda a a a a a a 0 a aLabridae 0 0.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 00-0.2Scomber scombrus 0 a a a a a 0 0 0Paralichthys.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Total 2,4 1.2 1.7 0.7 1.2 1.4 2,7 0.2 1.11.7-3.2 0.4-2.5 0.5-3.9 0,1-1.9 0.6-2.2 0.3-3.6 0-16 0-0.7 0-3,8 December (continued)
EGGSBrevoortia tyrannusGaWdae-Glyptocephalus Enchelvopus-Urophycis-PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp,Prionotus spp.Labridae-Limanda LabidaeScomber scombrusParalichthys.
Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Lirnandaferruginea 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 19980 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000000a0a00a00.40- 1.2a00.,00000a00.80-30.1M-.60a00a0a00000..10-0.400a0000a00000,20-0.600a0a.10-0,500000a0.080-0.30000aa00.080-0.30.070-0.2000.20-0.8000000000000000.10-0.4000000.40-1.20000.600.60-2.3000aTotal 0.a8 0.4 1.1 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.1 1.30-0.3 0-1.2 0.3.6 0.0.4 0.1-1 0-0.7 0-0.9 0-0.4 0.2-3.5 December (continued)
EGGSBrevoortia lyrannusGadidae-Glyptocephalus Enchelyopus-Uroplycis-PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp.Pnonotus spp.Labrdae-Limanda LabridaeScomber scorn brusParalichthys-Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Limandaferrmginea 199900001.10-40000000002000 20010 00 0.30-1.70 00 01.8 1.80-22 0-9.30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0200300000.80-2.30200200.10-0.4001.60.1-4.9000000000200300000.80-2.3000000000200400000.200.4400000000000000._20-0,40200500000.20-0.6000000000200500000.20-0.60200600.040-0.2000.40-1.0000000000200700000.80-4.7000000000Total 1.1 1.8 2.8 1.6 0.8 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.80-4 0-22 0.1-12 0.1-5.1 0-2.3 0-0.4 0-0.6 0-1.1 0-4.7 December (continued)
EGGS 2008 2009 2010Brevoortia trannus 0 0 0Gadidae.Glvptocephalus 0.24 0 00-0.8Enchelyopus-Urophycis.
0 0 0PeprilusEnchelvopus cimbrius 0 0 0Gadus morhua 0.2 0.7 1.70-0.6 0-2.1 0-6.5Pollachius virens 0 0 0Urophycis spp, 0 0 0Prionotus spp, 0 0 0Labfidae-Limanda 0 0 0Labridae 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0Paralichthys-0 0 0.1Scophthalmus 0-0.4nippogloissoides 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0Total 0.4 0.7 1.70-1.2 0-2.1 0-6.7 LARVAE 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989Brevooruia lyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Clupea harengus 0.1 0.08 0.9 0 0 0,08 0.7 0 00-0.4 0.0.3 0.1-2.1 0-0.3 0.2.1Enchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Uroph)cis spp, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M. aenaeus 0 0.08 0 0 0.1 0 0.09 0.09 00.0.3 0-0.4 0-0.4 0-0.4Hi octodecemspinosus 0 0.2 2.3 0,2 1.2 0.4 9,1. 0.2 00.0.5 0.3-7.5 0-0.6 0.5-2.3 0-1.4 0-0.6 0.0.6M.scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. atlanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. coheni 0 0 0.1 0 0.05 0 0.09 0 00-0.4 0-0.2 0.0.3Tautoga onitis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ulvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0.05 0.08 1.9 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.10-0.2 0-0.3 0.54.3 0-0.8 0-0.4 0-2.6 0.02-I 0-1.1 0-0.4Ammodyies sp. 1.0 0.5 0.7 0 13.4 0.9 0 0 00-3.6 0-1.3 0.2-1.4 1.9-70 0K2.9Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pseudopleuronecies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0americanus Total 1.1 1.0 7.5 0.6 15.5 2.3 1.3 0.8 0.204.1 0.3-2.1 4.2-13 0-1.9 2.6-75 0.1-9.4 0.14 0.1-2 0-0.7 Janua, (continued)
LARVAE 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortia tyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Clupea harengus 0.2 0.5 0,1 0.3 0 0.09 0.4 0,07 0.20-0.6 0.1.3 0-0.4 0-0.8 040.4 0-1.1 0-0.3 0-0,9Enchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Uroph;cis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M. aenaeus 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.4 0M1.3 0.0.7M. octodecemspinosus 0 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0.9 00-0.6 0-0.4 0-0.4 0.1-2.3M. scorpius 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 00-0.6L. adantics 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 00-0.8L. coheni 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 00M0.5Tauoga onitis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ulvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0.1 1.6 0.1 0.5 0.2 1.6 0.07 1.0 0.50-0.6 0.34.4 0.0.4 0-2.2 0-0.7 0.1-5.2 0-0.3 0.1-2.6 0.1.7Ammodytes sp. 0.09 0.07 0 3.3 .1.9 1.3 2.5 1.2 0.10-0.3 0-0.3 0.5-12 0.54,7 04.2 040 0.1-3.4 0-0.5Scomber scombnrs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Psaedopleuronectes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0americanus Total 0.6 2.8 0.5 4.2 2.2 3.8 3.0 3.4 1.30.2-1.1 0.9-6.4 0.1.3 0.5-17 0-44 0.7.10 0.3-2,9 Januag (contiued)
LARVAE 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoorlia lyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Clupea harengus 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3 00-1.4 0-0.4 0-0.7 0-1.5 0-0.5 0-1.3 0-0.4 0-1.5Enchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M. aenaeus 0 0 0 0.3 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.50-0.7 0-0.4 0-0.4 0-1.4M octodecemspinosus 2.8 1.4 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 00.5-8.6 0.4-3.2 0.2-0.8M. scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. adanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L coheni 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00-0.9Tautoga onitis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ulvaria subbifircata 0 0 0 0.08 0 0 0 0 00-0.3Pholis gunnellus 4.9 2.7 1.7 34 0.2 0.08 0.5 0.7 1.11-17 0-13 0.2-5.3 13-86 0-0.8 0-0.3 0-1.5 0-1.9 0.1-2.9Ammodytes sp. 0.8 0 0.8 1.0 0 0.7 0.3 1.1 0.20-2.6 0-2.6 0-5.5 0-2.1 0-1.6 0-6.0 0-0.5Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pseudopleuronecles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0americanus Total 11.0 4.8 3.7 38.2 1.4 1.4 1.2 2.3 1-16 1.4-8.4 15-96 0.4-3 0.1-4.3 0-3.9 0-10.7 0.14.1 Januaf (continued)
LARVAE 2008 2009 2010Brevoortia tyrannus 0 0 0Clupea harengus 0.2 0 0.050-0.8 0-0.2Enchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0M aenaeus 0.1 0 00-0.5M, octodecemspinosus 0.2 0.4 0.10-0.7 0.1.5 0-0.3M. scorpius 0 0 0L. adlanticus 0 0 0L,coheni 0 0 0Tautoga oniis 0 0 0Taulogolabrus a&persus 0 0 0Ulvaria subbifircata 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0.8 0.2 0.40-3.5 0.0.6 0-1.2Ammodytes sp. 1.7 0.1 0.040-9.0 0-0.4 0-.1Scomberscombrus 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0americanus Total 2.9 0.7 0.50-14.2 0.2.2 0.1.5 FebrugLARVAEBrevoorlia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M aenaeusM. octodecemspinosus Md scorpiusL. ailanticus L. coheniTautoga onisiTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunnellus Ammod,'ies sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus Total1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 19890 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000._!0-0,41.00-3,6000000.060- I002.102-7.20.20-0.8001.,63-1260.40-1.1000.60-20.40-1.10000004.72.3-8.70.080-0.3007.64.9-120.10-0.5008.46.5-110.20- 0.30-18 0-0.90.4 00-1.212.7 1.11.3-82 0.04-3.40 00.1 1.00-0.4 0.2-2.40 00 00 04.0 8.40.3-19 3.2-200.4 00-10 00 019.4 10.92.3-124 4.4-25..j Februg (continued)
LARVAE 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortiat rannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Clupea harengus 0 0.1 0.4 0.7 0.2 0 0.09 0.4 00-0.4 0-1.6 0-3.3 0.0.5 0-0.4 0-1.8Enchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0U. aenaeus 0.! 8.6 0.1 2.2 0.6 4.4 0.3 7.4 7.50-0.5 6-12 0.0.4 0-11 0-1.8 0.9-15 0-1.4 0.2-60 0-81M. ociodecemspinosus 0 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.6 0.09 0.3 0.7 0.30-0.6 0-0.4 0-0.8 0-1.6 0-0.4 0-0.7 0-2.5 0-1.2M. scorpius 0 12.2 1.9 0.9 0.3 1.8 2.5 8.5 0.52.8-46 0.4-5.1 0-3.1 0-0.8 0.2-6 0-15 2.6-24 0.1.7L. atlanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. coheni 0 0.07 0.1 0 0.1 0 0 0 0X0.3 0-0.4 0M0.3Tautoga onitis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Taulogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ulvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pholisgunnellus 1.1 45.7 1.8 2.0 1.5 6.4 3.7 4.8 6.80-4.2 38-55 0.54.4 0-7.9 0.01-5.3 0.9-28 0.5-13 0-36 0.8-33Ammodvies sp. 0.5 0.6 4.5 5.9 18.9 29.6 2.7 7.1 0.80-2.4 0.2-1.2 0-30 0.2-39 12-29 5.9-134 0.1-12 0.6-41 0-3Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0americanus Total 1.5 74.5 11.1 8.5 22.9 48.3 9.5 550.4 24.40-6.7 54-103 2.541 0.3-69 13-40 13-178 1.446 42-61 4.6-113 Februar (confinued)
LARVAEBrewortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM. ociodecempinosus M scorpiusL. adanticus L. coheniTautoga onitisTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subb ,rcataPholis gunnellus Ammodyres sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus 1999 2000 20010 0 02002 2003 20040 0 00.2 00-0.60 00 01.2 3.20.1-3.1 0.1-160.2 3.20-0.6 0-200.7 2.20-2 0.1-8.70 00.1 00-0.40 00 00 01.5 15.20M5.7 3.6-570.9 11.80.1-2.2 0.5-1110 00 00.20-1003.30.4-121.30-5.80.80-2.900.10-04500019.44.5-755.00.8-19002.9I-6.50016.85.528.91.7-361.20.2-3.10000059.129-11843.716-115000,050-0.2000.50-1.60.601.,90.30-1.1000002,50.3- 2006 20070 0 00 0.2 00-0.60 0 00 0 01.9 6.4 3.20-9.8 1.2-24.0 0.6-9.70.1 2.6 3.70-0.2 0,6-7.1 0.5-14.30.3 4.0 00-1.5 0.5-15.30,1 0.3 00-0.4 0-1.00 0.1 00-0.30 0 00 0 00 0 02.9 4.2 2.60.2-11.1 0.9-13.5 0.2-9.82.6 3.7 0.90.6-7.0 0.5-13.5 0,02-2.40 0 00 0 0Total 4.2 41.9 40.0 179.7 4.1 1.0 7.8 13.2 28,90.6-15 7.6-213 15-107 98-326 0.5-17 0.3-2.1 1.2-34 0.9-103.3 9.5-84.5 Februat (continued)
LARVAEBrevoortia trannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM, octodecemspinosus M, scorpiusL. atlanticus L. coheniTautoga oniliTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbihmrcata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronecies americanus Total2008 2009 20100 0 00.2 0 00-0.60 0 00 0 01.6 1.4 0-5.1 0-0.91.5 I.1 0.2-2.6 1.2 0.5.3 0-1.50 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 02.0 2.0 2.80.1-7.1 0.8.2 0.4-9.71.6 5.5 1,40.5.7 0.3-3.50 0 00 0 05.5 9.8 4.10.8-22.7 1.2-51.0 0.6-15.6 MarchLARVAEBrevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM octodecemspinosus M. scorpiusL, atlanticus L. coheniTautoga oniisTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus Total1981 19820 01.7 0.20.7-3.3 0-0.60 00 018.9 17.18.6-40 7.6-371.2 0.50.5-2.4 0-1.70.1 0.80-0.3 0.1-1.90.03 00-0.10.4 0.080.1-0.7 0-0.30 00 00.04 00-0.110.4 14.83.5-28 7.6-2830.0 59.020.45 12.2830 00.5 1.00.1-1.1 0-3.684.8 124.958-125 48-322198302.60.9-5.8004.62.1-90.060-0.200.60-1.80.30-0.70003.71.4- 1985 19860 0 00.3 0.8 0.!0.01-0.7 0.3-1.7 0-0.30 0 00 0 08.4 14.2 34.03.3-19 6.7-29 18-640 0.5 0.80.2-1 0.4-1.32.0 1.0 3.50.4-5.6 0.3-1.9 2-60 0.04 0.20-0.2 0-0.60.03 0.4 0.30-0.1 0.1-0.8 0.03-0.60 0 00 0 00.03 0 0.20-0.9 0-0.516.3 24.5 30.34.5-53 8.3-69 14.660.7 4.1 5.10.3-1.3 1.1-11 2.3-100 0 00.1 0.2 0.70-0.3 0-0.5 55.7 86.79.8-89 26-118 47-1591987 1988 19890 0 00 0.5 0.20-1.5 0.03-0.40 0 00 0 02.7 59.8 18.61.1-55 32-11 7.7-430.1 0.2 1.00-0.4 0-0.5 0.3-1.90.1 7.1 6.50-0.4 3.5-14 1.9-180 0.08 0.040-0.2 0-0.10.06 0.3 0.40-0.2 0.04-0.90 0 00 0 00 0 02.4 57.6 32.30.9-52 25-129 12-830.06 1.3 3.00-0.2 0.4-2.8 0 00 0 06.4 137.6 70.63.3-12 71-266 29-168 March (continued)
LARVAE 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortiayrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Clupea harengw 0 0.5 1.1 0.5 1.5 1.0 0.4 0.7 0.3-2.4 0.1-1 0.7-2.9 0.1-2.6 0.1-0.9 0-3.2 0.2-1.8Enchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M. aenaeus 1.6 33.8 3.3 7.2 5.5 13.6 13.9 38.5 .17.20,1-5.4 2349 1.9-22 1.2-18 8.5-21 5.36 7.9-175 8.3-35M ociodecemspinosus 0 0 0.7 0.2 1.2 0.1 0.3 0.6 0.080.1-1.5 0-0.4 0.1-3.1 0-0.5 0-0.9 0-2.3 0-0.2MU scorpius 6.9 1.3 4,1 2.5 2.5 5.4 6.2 0.8 0.91.6-23 0.7-2.2 1.2-11 0.7-6.2 1.14.9 2.1-12 1.7-18 0.2.5 atlanticus 0 0.05 0 0 0.05 0 0 0 0.20-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.5L. coheni 0.1 0.09 0 0.5 0.06 0 0 0 00-0.4 0M0.2 0.1.2 0M0.2Tauloga onitis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ulvaria subbfircata 0 0.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 00-0.2Pholis gunnellus 2.8 14.3 5.9 2.0 71.1 8.2 16.1 51.5 6.70.7-7.5 8-26 1.6-17 0.4-5.3 40-126 2.6-23 641 11-228 3-14Ammodytes sp. 0.8 3.4 21,4 4.7 61.3 26.2 45.0 42.6 8.50-2.8 1.6-6.3 8,3-53 1.4-12 17-217 11,63 16-126 12-151 3.5-19Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pseudopleuronecies 0 0.05 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.3americanus 0-0.2 0-2.2 0-0,7Total 14.9 59.3 52.7 16.6 188.9 74.0 108.7 147 38.96.9-31 48-84 25-110 5.4-47 82-432 42-131 47-249 30-695 19-78 March (continued)
LARVAEBrevoorfia lyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M aenaeusM. octodecemspinosus
/! scorpiusL, atianticus L, coheniToutoga onitisTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus 1999 2000 2001 2002 20030 0 0 0 02004 2005 2006 20070 0 0 01.30.5-2.50032.315-670.80- 0.3 1.1 0.20.2-2.7 0,04-0.6 0.2-2.7 0-0.50 0 0 00 0 0 010.8 16.1 55.8 17.23.1-33 5-48 30-104 6.3.450.8 0.2 2.3 1.60.1-2.1 0.0.6 0.2-8.3 0.4-4.12.5 1.8 0.9 2.50.8-5.8 0.5-4.3 0-2,6 0.9-5.50.1 0.1 0.7 00-0.3 0-0.3 0K2.10.04 0 0.07 0.080-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.30 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 024.1 14.3 9.4 7.67.1-77 5.1-37 2.9-27 1.9-2524.7 2.4 55.9 7.98.72 0.6-6.2 19-163 3.4-170 0 0 00 0 0.3 00-1.20.40-0.9009.83.7-240.30- 0.5 0.030.02-3.3 0-1.5 0-0.10 0 00 0 09.8 16.3 8.83.5-25 6.5-39.3 1.9-32.00 0.5 1.30.1-1.1 0.1-3.70.7 5.3 1.60.3-1.3 2.5-10.4 0.3 00-0.6 0-0.60 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 0.040-0.16.4 5.4 3.62.8-13.5 2-12.7 1.1-9.59.8 36.4 34.3 2.73,5-25 8.4-148 12.2-93 0.9-6.40 0 0 00 0 0 0Total 94.6 113.4 36.0 161.6 49.7 38.2 67.8 88.1 17.438-234 49-257 11-110 73-355 19-131 17-84 19-237 42.5-181.4 4.4-61.8 March (continued)
LARVAEBrevoortia ryrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM. octodecernspinosus M. scorpiusL. atlanticus L. coheniTautoga onitisTautogolabnrs adspersus U(varia subbifurcata Pholis gunellusAmmodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus Total2008 2009 20100 0 00.7 0.4 0.70.1-1.7 0.1-0.8 0.1-1.60 0 00 0 038.6 11.8 3.117.9-82.3 4.4.29,6 1.1-7.01.5 0.2 00.5-3.3 0-0.51.9 1.1 0.20.4-5.2 0.4-2.3 0-0.50.3 0 00.1.20 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 013.9 5.7 3.25.8-31.6 2.3-12.8 1.3-6.444.8 8.0 3.517.1-.114,9 3.3-17.7 1.1-8.60 0 00 0 0.040-0.1134.8 32.7 13.270.257 13.0-80.6 5.7-29.0 LARVAEBrevoortia ryrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.MU aenaeusM, octodecemspinosus M scorpiusL. atlanticus L coheniTautoga onitisTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunnellus Amodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronecies americanus 1981 1982 1983 1984 19850 0 0 0. 00 0.8 1.1 0" 010.4-1.4 0,2-2.4 0 0 0.04 " 00.0.10 0 0 0: 0198600,30-0.7019871 1988 19890 004010.0 47.8 4.7 -: 58.7.3-22 21-108 2.1-9.2 0.;,03 28-1240.3 0.1 0 0 0-0.6 0-0.30.06 0.1 0 0.. !. 0.1-0.2 0-0,4 .0.030.6 0 5.1 3.11-1.3 1.5-13 1.70 0.7 0 0, 0.30.3-1.2 .0-0.70 0 0 1'0 00 0 0 0: 02.5 0.05 2.7 .-205-6.9 0-0.2 1.2-5.3 .4-5.41.6 21 1.2 F:4 99.4-3.9 9.4-45 0.1-3.6 .O1-,- 2.5-3324.8 28.6 9.7 .' 12.64.42 15-54 4.3-21 .5.6-270 0 0 .o 01.3 2.6 2 0 2.54-2.8 1-5.6 0.6-4.5 1.- 5.357.3 112.7 36.9 -136.90-82 55.230 21-66 0710 82-22924.98-740.30-0.80.20-,11.1- II II1.20-3.932.713-83III'No sampling April (continued)
LARVAEBrevoortia trannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM. ociodecempinosus M. scorpiusL. adanticus L. coheniTauloga onitisT adypersus 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 19980 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00.2 0.2 1.1 0.1 4.0 2.3 2.5 0.3 1._10-0.6 0-0.5 0-0.5 1.8-7.9 0.4-7.2 0.6-6.5 0-0.7 0.5-1.80.06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 1.10-0.2 0-0.6 0-3.20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 022.2 11.3 12.9 5.4 11.4 31.1 19.0 14.1 8.712-41 8.4-15 8.9-19 0.3-32 4,7-26 12-77 9-39 6.3-30 3.9-180.2 0.06 0,1 0 1.0 0.3 0.2 0.06 0.10-0.5 0-0.2 0-0.4 0.5-1.8 0-1.2 0-0.5 0-0.2 0-0.50.5 0,1 0.9 0 0.6 1.0 0.4 0 0.070.1-1.1 0-0.3 0.2-2 0.2-2.2 0-1 0-0.23.0 1.4 0.3 0 0.8 4.4 0.7 4.6 0.51.9-4.5 0.4.2,9 0-0,7 0-2.9 1.7-9.8 0-1.8 1.2-13 0.1.1,10,05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.08 00-0.2 040,30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,040-0.10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00.5 2.0 0.5 0 0 0 0.09 0.1 0.70-1.2 0.5-5 0.1,2 0-0.3 0-0.5 0.1-1.69.6 3.5 11.9 1.4 10.6 8.9 7.0 5.3 0.83.8-22 1,7-6.6 4.3-31 0.014.9 5.9-18 1-48 2.2-19 2.2-12 0.3-1.633.3 26.1 34.9 11.2 274.4 44,2 154.2 52.1 18.713-84 13-50 21-58 1-73 130-580 14-131 48-489 29-92 6.2-530 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ulvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronecies 0.8 1.0 0.1 0.3 0.9 2.2 0.2 8.2 1.8americanus 0.1-1.7 0.3-1.9 0-0.3 0-0.8 0.2-2 0.1.8 0-0.5 2.9-21 0.5-4.5Total 109.0 55.2 99.7 20.2 349.1 114.3 216.2 118.6 53.464-185 35-87 78-128 2,8-116 182-668 44-293 77-607 85-166 32-90 Aprl (continued)
yrannusClupea harengusEnchelypus.
cimbriusUrophycis spp.U. aenaeusM. octodecemspinosus Af. scorpiusL. adanticus L. coheniTautoga onitisT. adspersus Ulvaria subbifrcata Pholis gunnellus Ammodvtes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus 199903.71.4-8007-2400.060-0.23.71,2.9.100001.10.3-2.438.916-9002.51-5.2200001.00,2-2.50.050-0.2018.47.8-420.050-0.20.10- 20060 01.3 2.50-6.2 0.5-7.20 00 05.1 3.60.6-22 1.6-7.10 00.5 0.30.01-1.2 0-1.10.2 1.50-0.4 0.8-2.60 00 00 00 0.90.1-2.32.4 50.1-9.6 2-11.227.1 64.72.9-202 25.3-163.1 0 00.1 0.10-0.2 0-0.2200700.080-0.3001.20-7.300.10-0.3000000.40-1.41.20-5.100.10-0.4Total 79.4 69.9 36.5 74.5 103.0 78.6 45.1 98.2 2.641-155 34-140 12-106 47-118 40-266 35-177 5.5-327 47-204.2 0-15.6 AL61 (continued)
LARVAEBrevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM ociodecemspinosus M. scorpiusL. adanticus L. coheniTautoga onitisTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifircata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronecies americanus Total2008 2009 20100 0 00.7 1.2 0.20.04-1.7 0-4.4 0.0.60 0 0.20-0.50 0 04.4 10.3 5.61,8-9.3 1.6-48.9 2.7-10.70.2 0 00-0.50.3 0 00-0.61.4 0.1 2.00.6-2.9 0-0.4 0.6-4.60 0 00 0 00 0 01.0 0 0.2-2.81.4 3.6 0.060.7-2.3 0.3-16.1 0-0.244.5 7.9 15.119.3-100.8 1.0-30.9 8.3-26.50 0 00.5 0 1.10.05-1.2 0.04-3.271.1 24.1 33.636.3-138.5 3,3-144.9 21,4-52.4 MayLARVAEBrevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM. ociodecemspinosus M. scorpiusL. atilanicus L. coheniTautoga onitisTautogolabrus adspersus UMvaria subbircata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 19880 0 0 0 0 0 '" i 0S 0.1 0.03 0.05 0 0.06 0.0060-0.3 0-0.1 U .2 0-0.2 :"- " 0-0.20.7 0.03 0,2 1.0 13 1.8 , 1.70.2-1.5 0-0.08 0-0.5 .0.4-2.9 0.3-5.3 i2>5. 0.2-5.30 0 0 0:.. 0 0 ,.0.0.2 1.8 2.4 '.. .10 0.3 .. 90-0.4 0.8-3.5 0.5-7.1 .2 1 0.3-2 0.01-0.8
.. 0.04-2A40 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 08.0 1.0 6.2 .7.4 1.8 .12.63.5-17 0.3-2.2 2.1-16 0?8.4 3.5-15 1-3 1 ' 5.2-290 0.1 0 0 0 0 "04.30 0.05 0 0: 0.03 0 00-0.1 "'?"' 0-0.1 -"0.03 0 0 0 0 0.1 00-0.1 , 0.4 -9.3 1.9 4I LO7. 4,4 1.76.4-13 0.7-3.7 53-22 01 3.3-14 2.4-7.5 0.5-40 0.1 0.2 : 0.08 0.06 .: 0.70-0.3 0.01-0.3
:&#xfd;:&#xfd;.'2 :: 0-0.2 0.0.2 0.2-1.41.4 9.1 3.9 .,0 0.7 090.6-.,6 4.20 1.6-8,6 -'"1,.4&#xfd;.:
0.150.8 0.1-1.7 i:"i ':; 0-2.70.4 0.07 0 .., 0.2 0.1 .00-1.2 H-.2 0-0.6 0-0.3 fi:12.6 8.0 10.0 ..7.6 6.5 9.43.9-37 2.9-20 4.7-20 1. 4.1-14 4.4-9.4 3.2-2545.9 39.7 37.7 .45.2 22.4 38.026-82 25-62 18-76 3;49_3...
33-63 18-28 ..; 19-75198900.20-0.50.60-1.900000000.050-; -m Ma, (continued)
LARVAEBrevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM. ociodecemspinosus M. scorpiusL. atlantius L. coheniTauloga onitisTautogolabrus adsperswUlvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunnellus Ammodtes sp.Scomber scombrnsII Llill II l I lll lU 995l1990 1991 1992 1993 19940 0 0 0 01.7 0.2 1.5 0 0-0.5 0.4-3.5 0.2-1.80 1.8 0 0.2 0.050.8-3.3 0.0.6 0-0.20 0 0 0 01.9 0 0.7 0.5 5.60.5-4.4 0-2 0.1-1.1 1.8150 0 0.1 0 0.060-0.4 0-0.20 0 0 0 04.9 4.7 1.5 3.7. 8.42.5-8.8 3.3-6.7 0.4-3.6 1.2-9.1 3.6.180 0 0 0.2 00-0.6o 0.04 0 0 00-0.10 0.1 0 0 00-0.517.1 9.3 13.5 11.3 6.48,8-33 3.7-22 6.2-28 2.4-44 3-130.4 0.1 0.5 0.08 0.70.1-0.8 0-0.3 0-1.2 0-0.3 0.1-1,714.2 0,6 17,5 10.9 53.37.1-27 0.1-1.2 3.7-72 4,6.24 23-1240,04 1.2 0 0.4 01995002.40.2-8.300.90-4.3009.03.4-22000.060-,10-0N52.30.1-8.60.30-41,17.311-271996 1997 19980 0 0.050-0.20.4 0 0.10-1.3 0-0.31.4 5.0 4.70.2-3.8 1.4-14 1.9-100 0 0.20-0.62.1 2.2 0.30.5-5.3 1.1-3.9 0-0.80 0 00 0 01.3 8.1 1.00,4-2.9 2.5-22 0.3-20 0 00 0 0.050-0.20 0 0.20-0.619.5 10.4 13.010-37 5.6-19 3.6-420.2 0.2 00-0,7 0-0.618.7 15.6 2.86.1-54 6.3-37 0.5-8.51.3 0.7 2.804,7 0-2.3 1-57.3 45.3 27.93,1-16 20.2-100 9.4-790-0.1 0-4.70.01-0.9Pseudopleuronectes americanus 5.6 10.3 3.5 9.6 -16.82.2-13 4.3-23 0.6-12 5.7-16 7.6-36Total 68.9 50.8 72.4 54.5 136.7 94.0 97,6 127.7 111,.051-92 37-70 32-163 30-99 86-216 53-166 70-136 80-203 51-240I I II I I n l I iii M~ay (continued)
LARVAE 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoortia yrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.4 Clupea harengus 0.2 0.5 0 0.3 0.2 1.0 0 0.0MZ -.8 M-.8 0-1.2 0 -0.5 0 .2-2.4 0.0.1Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.06 8.5 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.80-02 2-29 0-8 0.04-1.5 0-1.5 0-0.9 0-0.2 0.1-1.8Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.040-0.,1M. aenaeus 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.4 1.3 0.2 0.1 0.8-01.6 0-1.6 0-0.5 0.1.2 0.3-3 0-0.5 0-0.2 0.2-1.6M. oclodecemspinosus-0 0 0 0.05 0 0 0 0... .. 0-0.2M. scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0L. allanticus i 0.4 4.0 3.5 0.5 4.1 0.7 1.8 1.20-1.2 1-12 1.3-8 0-1.3 1.8-8.2 0.1-1.9 0.7-3.8 0.4-2.6L, coheni , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautogaonitis 7:: 0 0.3 0 0 0.05 0 0 0.060-0.9 0-0.2 0-0.2Tautogolabrus adppersus 0 0.3 0 0 0 0 0.04 0.1.. .-1.5 -0.1 0-0.4Uvaria s1bb[urcaia 5.3 16.2 14.6 I1. 14.9 1.3 2.4 1.91-19 9-29 5.1.39 6.3-19 5.8-36 0.3-3.0 0.9-5.0 0.8-3.6Pholisgunnellus 0.05 0.2 0 0 0.03 0,1 0.05 0.15&#xfd;i`;, 0.0.2 00.05 0-0.1 0-0.3 0-0.2 0044Ammodvies sp. .5.0 2.1 0.8 6.4 3.2 1.4 1.1 0.6S 1-17 0-1 0.1-. 1.9-1 1.6- 0.14. 0.3-.
.&#xa5; 0 3.3 0.5 0.1 0.09 0.05 0.2 0.10.6-11 0.02-1.2 0.0.4 0-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.8 0-0.3Pseudopleuronecies
, 1.2 71.0 13.2 3.2 11.3 5.7 5.1 3.9americanus
.0.2-3.5 25-197 5.3-31 1.1-7.6 2.5-43 1.5-17 2-11.3 1.3-9.5Total 53.2 164.4 50.9 29.2 70.3 16.6 16.2 12.432-89 81-334 25-101 18-47 33-147 6.143 8.1-31.2 4.3-34.0 May (continued)
LARVAEBrevoortia tyrannuClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M aenaeusM. ociodecemspinosus M scorpiusL. adanticus L. coheniTauloga onifisTaut.golabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunneltaAmmodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus Total2008 2009 20100 0 00.08 0.1 00-0.2 0-0.40.6 0.4 0.50-1.7 0-1.5 0-1.30 0.2 00-0.60 0.3 0.100.8 0-0,20 0 00 0 01.9 1.6 1.00.5-4,5 0.1-5.0 0.1-2.50 0 00 0 0.10-0.20 0.2 00-0.611.7 20.2 5.34.4-29.0 4.2-85.9 2.2-11.20.04 0 00-0.12.4 2.4 0.70.05-8.4 0.3-5.1 0.1-1,40.4 o0. 00-1.2 0-0.34.8 6.6 5.80.9-16.9 0.5-38.6 1.7-16.342.7 36.8 19.018.6-96.1 6.0-203.2 7.943,8 JuneLARVAEBrevoortia lyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M aenaemsm8.0.M. octodecemspinosus b.,r scorpiusL. atlanticus L. coheniTautoga onitfsTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifurcara Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronecies americanus Total1,6.000-6.0.981 1982 1983 1984 1985.8.1 0.2 0.2 .0 476-37 0.05 0-0.5 .1-150 0 0 " 0.050-0.219.6 0.5 7.1 i., 15.92.33 0.1-1.1 3.16 Q-S" 6.5-370.4 0 0.4 ",, 01-0.8 0.03-0.80 0 0 01 00 0 0 00 0 0 00.7 0.3 0.5 1.43-1.4 0407 0,03-1.2 055~ 0.8-2.20 0 0 0 03.5 1.0 0.4 -1.77466 0.1-2.6 0.1-0.8 0.34.4634.4 3.3 3.2 0. 845-79 1.2-7.3 0.6-9.8 L2.380.5 0.9 94 ~2.3.2-1 0.3-1.8 0.2-1.2 01 4 1-4.70.03 0 0 0.0.1 I402 0 0.06 0.....0.06 0-0.2 OO15.6 4.8 20.6 13.21-38 1.6-12 7.6-53 2.5-561.0 2.3 0.3 1.75-1.8 1-4.4 0-0.6 0.8-381.6 16.9 47.1 ~ .. 69.2-336 6.8-40 20-110 ..&#xfd;,24 21-2191986 1987 19882.6 Vf" .4-,3...
0-0.60 012.6 z., 4, 1.06.3-24 .0.4-190.6 .00-1.7 , -"0 i:, 00 ~ 00 00.4-3.3 '- 1 19-7.30 0. ...,,',4 ; ...0.7 3 ,, .0.2-1.6 rNI029 &#xfd;h 0.04-0.512.8 0.63.4-43 ~ -2 0.1-1.31.9 0.51-3.3 i0 ' 0-1.50 .00 Q,&#xfd; 04,* 15.3 1 ' .71.9-90 ... ' 0.38 L .14.534-220 Wi0 i 9.2319893.00.8-7.9016.37.3-350.20.0.60000.70.1-1.806.02,5-1335.815.852.10,7-4.700.090-0.337.88.4-1600.40-1204.9121-34698 un__ (continued)
LARVAEBrevoortia yrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp,M. aenaeusM. ociodecemspinosus.
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 19980.6 0.4 0.5 0 0.5 6.3 0.9 3.4 1.60.1-1.4 0-1.5 0,03.1.2 0-1.5 1.9.18 0.2-2.1 1.2-7,9 0.3-4.30 0 0 0.07 0 0 0 0 00-0.38.1 1.3 8.9 10.0 3.6 9.9 10.7 11.9 10.52-26 0,1.3.9 2.7-26 7.2-14 1.7-6.6 2.2-36 3-33 4.5-29 4.1-250 0 0 0 0 0.08 0.2 0.7 1.80M0.3 0-0.4 0.2-1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.10-0.3 0.30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M. scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. atlanticus 2.3 2.4 0.4 1.6 2.6 1.3 2.0 0.8 0.080.9-4.8 0-13 0.1-0.8 0.1-5,2 1.1-5.2 0.1-3,5 0.3-6.3 0.2-1.8 0-0.2L. coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautogaonitis 1.3 1.0 2.1 0.6 0 1.5 0.8 0.9 1.10.2-3.3 0-3.8 0.8-4.4 0.03-1.4 0-5 0.1-1.9 0.3-1.9 0.4-2.2Tautogolabrus adspersus 2.0 4.9 1.1 0.3 0.2 0 1.9 9.9 13.80.2-6.7 0-44 0.4-22 0.1-0.7 0-0.6 0.4-5 3.9-23 2.8-57UMvaria subbifircata 2.7 1,2 1.2 3.4 6.3 0.7 9.7 2.2 0.1-33 0.5-2.2 1.9-5.7 2.6-14 0-2 3.2-26 0.4-6,7 1-11Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.07 00-0.2Ammodytes sp, 0.4 0 0 1.1 0.4 0 0.06 0.2 0.10.1-0.9 0.1-3.1 0-0.9 0-0.2 0-0.6 0-0.4Scomber scombrus 2.4 19,0 7.0 5.5 1.2 30.5 13.8 16.1 8.10.5-6.4 0-626 2.9-15 2,1-13 0.2-3.3 3.4-223 4.142 5-48 1,9-27Pseudopleuronectes 0.08 1.1 0.4 3.7 2.3 0.8 6.5 4.9 11.6arericanus 0-0.3 0-4.1 0.1-0.9 1.5-7.8 0.6-5.5 0.1-1.8 1.6-21 1.2-15 3.6-33Total 36.8 31.8 23.8 45.2 33.8 59.7 89.4 98.1 150.417-79 0.5-732 8-70 31-66 25.45 8.2-399 33-238 53-180 62-363 June (continued)
LARVAE 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoorlia tyrannus
' 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.8 2.0 6.30' H-.2 0-1.I 0-0.2 0-0.3 0.1-1.8 0.1-7.4 2.1-16.2Clupea harengus 0 0 0 0.03 0,07 0 0 00-0.1 0-0.3Enchelyopus cimbrius
" 05 3.6 2.5 0.7 15.7 3.7 3.8 3.20-1.4 1.9-6.2 0.7-6.3 0.1-1.8 5.7-40 1.2-9.0 1.1-.74Urophycis spp. 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.4 0 0.2 0.10-2.1 0.1-0.8 0-0.9 0-0.9 0-1.3 0-0.7 0-0.3Maenaeus
* 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 00-0.2M. octodecemspinosus
, ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M. scorpius
.0 0 0.05 0 0 0 0 00-0.2L. aa.icus 0 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.1 0,30.03-0.7 0-0.5 0-0.3 0.04-1.1 0-0.9 0-0.4 0-0.6L. coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautog, onilis .0.4 1.6 0.6 0 1.9 1.9 1.0 0.50-1.1 0.1-5.1 0,02-1.4 0.7-4 0.6-4.4 0-2.9 0-1.2Tautogolabrus adspersus D 34 6.3 1.8 0.4 7.0 4.3 5.2 5.4z33 0,6-11 1.3-22 0.6-3.8 0-1.3 2.1-20 0.7-16 1.2-16.4 1.6-14.5Mivaria suhbifirc 1.4 3.1 1,6 3.6 3.5 2.0 0.4 1.1-7,2 0.2-5 0.8-I1 0.8-10 0.3-5.8 0-1.3 0-6.1Phois gunnellus 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 00-0.3Am-nodytes sp. 0 0.1 0 0.6 0 0.3 0 00-0.3 0-1,8 0-0.8Scomberscombrus
.4.3 1.7 1.4 0.9 7.6 2.5 4.3 3.3"M-,. 0.4-18 0.24.8 0.2-3.8 0.1-2.5 2-24 0.7-6 1.0-13.1 0.7-10.2Pseudopleuronecies 43 3.2 2.2 3.0 6.0 10.3 0.8 1.6americanus
-O.. 0.4.18 1.4-6.4 0.3-7 1.1-6.7 2.3-14 2.3-37 0.1-1.8 0,34.3Total 29,9 47.7 24.2 17.0 107.8 75.4 25.2 46.112-71 28-79 13-46 18-35 52-221 43-132 7.4-81.0 23.3-90.5 June (continued)
LARVAEBrevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.H. aenaeusM. ociodecemspinosus M. scorpiusL, atlanticus L. coheniTautoga onitisTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbiifrcata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus Total2008 2009 20100.4 0.04 0.90-1.0 0.0.1 0.3-1.90 0.04 00-0.12.3 2.7 2.00.5%6.3 0.7-7.1 0.1 0.20-1.5 0-0.3 040.40 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.2 0.10-0.4 0-030 0 00.4 0.04 0-0.1 0.4 0-1.2 0.2-5.52.2 2.7 2.30,1.6.0 0.4-8.8 0.94.60 0.05 00-0.20.3 0.04 00-0.7 0-0.10.2 0.7 0.60-0.5 0-1.9 0.1-1.43.3 2.3 1.51.1-7.9 0.4-7.0 0.7-2.821.0 14.1 21.87.3-56.9 4.3-42.4 12.4-37.8 MulYLARVAE 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989Brevoortiatyrannus 3.8 0 0.8 , A 0.3 0.1 .2, 1.2 1.40.8-12 0.3-1.5 0,04-0.7 0-0.3 0.1-3.2 04-3Clupeaharengus 0 0 0 i 003 0 ' 0 0Enchelyopuscimbrius 6.3 1.0 3.4 1.6 0.09 1 0.62.8-13 0,5-1.8 1.1-8.5 0.5-3.5 00.2 0225 0-1.6Urophycis spp. 2.1 0 2.3 0.04 0 ,. 0060.4-6 0.7-5.3 .0-01 0-0.2M. aenaeus 0 0 0 i..0 0 0 0M. oclodecemspinosus 0 0 0 0 0 00 .., ":!,:" 0 ......................
, .M.Scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0L. atlanticus 0 0 0 0...., 00, 00-0.1L. coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautogaonitis 3.4 0.3 1.5 ..0.5 0.4 1, 1.2 1.61.6-6.3 0.01-0.6 0.4-3.3 , 0.1-1 0.1-09 1&#xfd; 0.3-2.9 0.4-3.9Tautogolabrus adspersus 83.5 0.9 21.2 .4.4 0.4 5.1 6.418-384 0.3-1.7 9.8-45 2-85 0.05-0.8 2.6-9.6 3.6-11Ulvaria subbifurcata 0.1 0.09 0 0 0 .0 00-0.4 0-0.3Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0 ..0,$ .: 0 0Ammodytes sp. 0 0 0 0 0 00Scomberscombrus 2.1 0 0.6 0.7 0.3 0 0.080.2-7.3 0.09-1.4
.0.2-1.5 0-0.7 0-0.3Pseudopleuronectes 0 0.05 0.08 .0 0 ' 0 0 July (continued)
LARVAEBrevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM. octodecemspinosus M scorpiusL. atlanticus L. coheniTautoga onitis19901.90.8-3.6000.70.2-1.4000002.60.8-6.31991 1992 1993 19940 0.5 0.04 0.30.2-0.9 0-0.2 0.01-0.60 0 0 00 0.3 0.6 2.40-0.9 0.01-1.6 0.9-5.10.04 0 0 00-0.10 0 0.2 00-0.60 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0.050-0.20 0 0 00 0.6 0 0.40.1-1.3 0-10 0.4 0.7 2.30.09-0.7 0.07-1.8 0.9-4.70 0.4 0.05 0.80.08-0.8 0-0.2 0.03-2.10 0 0 00 0 0.2 00-0.50 0.6 0.3 0.60.1-1.4 0-0.8 0-1.80 0 0.1 00-0.41.1 3.8 4.4 11.00.5-2.1 1.7-7.7 3-6.2 5.3-2219951.00.4-1.801.90.5-4.40.80-3.2000000.70.3-1.24,52.7-7.30001.60.1-5.10.060-0.218.39-3619961.40.4-,301.60.8- adspersus 106.4Ulvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus Total53-2140.20.01-0.4001.20.2-2.90146.780-270 Jul (continued)
LARVAE 1999Brevoortia tyrannus 4.52-9.2Clupea harengus 0Enchelyopus cimbrius 18.58.6-39Urophycis spp. 3.10.9-8M aenaeus 0M, octodecemspinosus 0M scorpius 0L. atlanticus 0L. coheni 0Tautoga onitis 1.20.3-2.7Tautogolabrus adspersus 22.21143Ulvaria subbifurcata 0.70-2.4Pholis gunnellus 0Ammodytes sp. 0Scomber scombrus 0.20-0.5Pseudopleuronectes 0americanus 20000.20- 20069.0 5.42.4-28.2 2.8-9.60 00.8 0.10-2,5 0-0.40 0.030-0.10 00 00 00.06 00-0.20 00.8 0.20.01-2.1 0,02-0.56.2 2.12.7-12.8 0.9-4.00.03 00-0.10 00 00 00.06 00-0.220073.20.8-8.700.10-0.30000000.81.00.3-2.000000Total 70.0 66.5 26.5 6.4 4.8 27.1 11.1 9.045-109 39-112 15-46 3.2-12 1.5-13 11-64.0 6.8-18.0 3.8-20.0 July (continued)
LARVAEBrevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM octodecemspinosus M. scorpiusL. atlanticus L. coheniTautoga onitisTautogolabns adspersus Ulvaria subbifur cataPholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus Total2008 2009 20101.1 6.3 3.10.4-2.0 2.8-13.1 1.5-6.00 0 03.1 2.6 1.01.2-6.4 0.9-5.6 0.1-2.71.4 2.2 0.50.5-2.9 0-9.2 0-1.20 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 01.2 5.2 6.10.5-2.3 2.2-11.3 2.9-11.816.5 31 31.16.8-37.9 18.4-52.1 0.04 0 0.30-0.1 0-0.80 0 00 0 00.05 0.2 00-0.2 0-0.40.04 0 0H-O.127.9 185.2 53.612-62.7 86.5-395.1 33.3-85.9 AugustLARVAE 1981Brevoortia tyrannus 0.10-0.3Clupea harengus 0Enchelyopus cimbrius 1.70.6-3.7Urophycis spp. 1.20.3-2.9M. aenaeus 0M, octodecemspinosus 0M. scorpius 0L. atlanticus 0L. coheni 0Tautoga onitis 0.90.3-1.9Tautogolabrus adspersus 3.21.6-5.9Ulvaria subbifurcata 0Pholis gunnellus 0Ammodytes sp. 0Scomber scombrus 0Pseudopleuronectes 0americanus 1982 19830.2 0.20-0.4 0-0.50 01.6 5.30.5-3.6 1.1-180,5 0.40.1-0.9 0.06-0.90 00 00 00 00 00.06 0.70-0.2 0.2-1.52.8 3.5I-.6.1 1.1-90 0.050-0.20 00.04 00-0.10 00 019850.050-* 0000* 0.60.1-* 0001986 1900 10000 40 4A0.3 00,01-0.7 O0.200 4-,000
* I19880.50-1.502.10.3-6.30.30-0.9000000.40- Auust (continued)
LARVAE 1990Brevoortia yrannus 0.30-0,8Clupea harengus 0Enchelyopus cimbrius 2.20.4-6.2Urophycis spp. 1.30,4-3M. aenaeus 0M. octodecemspinosus 0M. scorpius 0L. atlanticus 0L. coheni 0Tautoga onitis 3.41.3-7.5Tautogolabrus adspersus 10.02.3-36Ulvaria subbifurcata 0Pholis gunnellus 0Ammodytes sp. 0Scomber scombrus 0.10-0.3Pseudopleuronectes 0americanus 1991 19920 0.050-0.20 01.7 0.4-1.80.6 1o0.06-1.6 0.04-2.70 00 00 00 00 01.0 0.40.4-1.8 0-1.19.9 1.15.6-17 0.4-1.90 0.050-0.20 00 00 0.080-0.30 019930.30-0.800.30-0.90.30-0.7000001.60.1-58.54.1-17000001994002.60.6-,90-,10-0.30.20-1019960.10-0.302.70.8-,6000001.,1-8.80000019977.51.9-2401.20.2-3.14,01.1-11000003.10.8-8.534.312-970000019980.70.09-1.602.,3-6.900000Total 26.7 18.5 5.2 13.1 9.4 31.6 22.4 89.2 20.910-67 14-25 2.7-9.4 5.7-28 3.4-23 13-77 11-43 45-175 9,7-44 August (continued)
LARVAE 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoortia tyrannus 0.9 0.1 0.2 1.5 0.4 0 0.3 2.1 0.350.3-1.8 0-0.3 0-0.5 0.14.6 0-1 0-0.9 0.2-7.4 0-0.8Clupea harengus 0 0 0 0.04 0 0 0.09 0 00-0.1 0-0.3Enchelyopus cimbrius 1.6 0.4 2.7 0.6 0 0.5 1.4 0.4 0.30.4-3.7 0-1 0.7-7 0.04-1.5 0-1.4 0.4-3.4 0-1.2 0-0.7Urophycis spp, 0.7 0.3 1.7 0.1 0.2 0 0.5 0.4 0.60.08-1.6 0-0.6 0.9-2.8 0-0.4 0-0.7 0.03-1.1 0-1.1 0.1-1.3M. aenaeus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M, octodecemspinosus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. atlanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L, coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautoga onitis 1.0 0.8 1.5 0.1 0.2 1.5 0.7 0.5 0.50.3-2 0.3-1.5 0.4-3.3 0-0.3 0-0.5 0.5-3.3 0.2-1.6 0-1.5 0.1-1.1Tautogolabrus adspersus 1.3 2.3 4.8 0.6 0.3 2.6 0.8 1.1 3.00.5-2.7 0.8-5.3 1.8-11 0-1.8 0-0.7 0.8-6.3 0.2-1.5 0.1-3.1 1.5-5.2UMvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0 0.04 0 0.1 0 0 00-0.1 0-0.3Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0 0.09 0 0 0 0 00-0.3Ammodytes sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomberscombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 00-0.2Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.03 0 0americanus 0-0.2 0-0]1Total 10.8 17.6 6.2 1.9 9.1 6.1 6.9 6.85.3-21 9.8-31 2.8-13 0.8-3.7 4.6-17 2.8-12.3 2.1-18.9 3.6-12.1 Aust (continued)
LARVAE 2008 2009 2010Brevoortia tyrannus 23.5 2.2 0.45.0-99.9 0.6-5.2 0-0.9Clupea harengus 0 0 0Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.7 4.9 1.70.1-1.6 1.6-12.2 0.4-4.2Urophycis spp, 4.8 3.7 1.80.6-20.6 1.5 0.5-4.0M. aenaeus 0 0 0M. octodecemspinosus 0 0 0M scorpius 0 0 0L. atlanticus 0 0 0L. coheni 0 0 0Tautoga onitis 4.8 17.4 1.31.0-15.9 10.2-29.2 0.5-2.7Tautogolabrus adspersus 6.5 8.1 5.01.6-20.8 3.9-15.9 1.4-14.2Ulvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0Ammodytes sp, 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0.04americanus 0-0.1Total 50.1 69.0 19.011.1-216 7.9-44.4 Sietember LARVAEBrevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp,M. aenaeusM octodecemspinosas M. scorpiusL. atlanticus L. coheniTautoga onilisTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifircata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus 19810.040- 19870.1 00.01-0.30 00.3 1.60.03-0.60.20-0.5000000.20-0.50.040-0.1000000.8-2.80.30,03-0.7000000.20-,0.70.3- 5.3 8.3 19.6 27.3 21.5 2.3 3,9 3.4 8.82.1-12 3.9-17 11-34 12-61 9-48 1-4.4 2.1-6.7 .1.4-7.2 7-11 September (continued)
LARVAE 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortia tyrannus 0.2 0 0 7.7 0.2 0 0.6 1.9 0.40-0.5 3.9-15 0.0.7 0-1.7 0.7-3.8 0.04-0.9Clupea harengus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Enchelyopus cimbrius 1.0 1.6 1.7 3.2 0.9 0.2 0.5 2.7 1.70-3.3 0.4-3.7 0.6-3.8 1-7.8 0-3,1 0-0.4 0.04-1 1.2-5.3 0.6-3,4Urophycis spp. 0.9 1.7 1.0 4.3 7.8 3.6 2.6 24.3 7.20.01-2.5 0.6-3.8 0.1-2.7 2.5-7.1 2.5-21 1-10 0.6-7.5 7.8-72 1.6-25M aenaeus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M.octodecemspinosus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0m scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Latlanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L.coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautoga onitis 0.1 1,7 0.3 1.1 0.5 0.05 1.2 0.4 1.60-0.4 0.4-4.1 0-0.6 0.5-1.9 0-1.6 0-0.2 0.2-2.9 0-9 0.5-3.5Tautogolabrus adspersus 0.5 2.8 0.3 3.2 0.5 0.4 1.2 0.3 0.50-1.3 0.6-7.8 0-0.9 1.3-6.8 0-1.3 0-1.2 0.2-2.9 0-0.9 0.02-1.1Ulvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0 0.03 0 0 0 0 00-0.1Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ammodytes sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pseudopleuronecies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0americanus Total 4.2 10.5 4.1 28.3 15,2 9.1 7.2 48.4 18.71.3-11 4-25 1.4-9.9 17-47 6.6-33 3.8-20 2.1-20 24-95 5.8-56 September (continued)
LARVAEBrevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM. octodecemspinosus M scorpiusL. atlanticus L. coheniTautoga onitisTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus 19999.020000.082001 2002 20032004 20052006 20070.04 0.3 0 0.1 0 1.0 0.23.3-22 0-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.7 0-1.70 0 0 0 0.040-0.11.2 0 0,6 0.1 0.050.1-3.3 0,09-1.5 0-0,3 0-0,21.2 0.4 0.2 0.04 0,070-3.9 0-0.5-0.8 0-0.4 0-0.1 0-0.20 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 01.4 1.4 0.3 0 0.50.5-2.8 0.5-2.8 0-0.9 0.1-1.10.1 0.1 0.6 0.04 0.50-0.3 0.0.3 0.03-1.4 0-0.1 0,04-1.30 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00-0,3009000001.20.3-2.90.10-0.20000000.090-0.300.10-0.300000.90.3-1.80.20-0.6000000.2-2.400.60-1.40.20-0.5000000.30-0.90.10-0.3000000-0.400.60-2.10.50-1.1000000.70.1-1.70.10-0.300000Total 22.1 2.5 0,8 3.1 1.7 2,1 3.7 9.59.6-50 0.9-5.7 0.3-1.5 1.2-6.8 0.5-3.7 0.8-4.5 1.4-8.3 4.0-20.9 Setember (continued)
LARVAE 2008 2009 2010Brevoortia yrannus 1.8 1.6 0.2-4.4 0.3-3.3Clupea harengus 0 0 0Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.3 0.2 0.60.1-0.6 0-.5 0.1-1.2Urophycis spp. 0.5 1.1 0.90-1.3 0.2-2.7 0.2-2.0M aenaeus 0 0 0.050-0.2M, octodecemspinosus 0 0 0M. scorpius 0 0 0L. atlanticus 0 0 0L. coheni 0 0 0Tauloga onitis 0.7 0.9 2.80.2-1.6 0.1-2.5 1.2-5.7Tautogolabrus adspersus 0.1 0.1 0.30-0.4 0-0.3 0-0.8Ulvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0Ammodytes sp. 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0americanus Total 11.0 9.0 10.44.1-27.4 3.7-20.4 4.6-22.5 OctoberLARVAE 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989Brevoonia tyrannus 0 0.4 0 0 0.4 0,1 0.2 0 00-1.1 0-1.4 0-0.4 0-0.5Clupea harengus 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 0.05 0 00-0.8 0-0.2Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.8 0 0.3 0.06 6.2 0 1.3 0.6 6.70-2.5 0-0.8 0-0.2 2.3-15 0.4-2.8 0-2 3.3-13Urophycis spp, 1,5 1.1 0 0.4 4.3 0.1 0.2 0 1.10.01-5.2 0-4 0-1.2 0.5-18 0-0.4 0-0.4 0.01-3.3M aenaeus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M. octodecemspinosus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M. scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. atlanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautoga onitis 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 00-0.5 0-0.6Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0.07 0 0 0 0 0.06 0 00-0.3 0-0.2Ulvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ammodytes sp, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomberscombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0americanus Total 2.1 1.7 0.9 0.9 11.9 0.5 3.2 0.9 9.90-8.6 0.07-5.9 0.2-1.9 0.1-2.2 3.7-34 0-1.7 1.6-5.9 0-2.6 4.9-19 October (continued)
LARVAE 1990Brevoortia lyrannus 1.20.1-3.5Clupea harengus 0Enchelyopus cimbrius 6.11.4-20Urophycis spp. 1,50.24M. aenaeus 0M. octodecemspinosus 0M. scorpius 0L. adanticus 0L. coheni 0Tautoga onitis 0Tautogolabrus adspersus 0Ulvaria subbifiurcata 0Pholis gunnellus 0Ammodytes sp. 0Scomber scombrus 0Pseudopleuronectes 0americanus 1991000.30-10000000000000199200.10- 0 0 0Total 11.6 0.3 3.4 2.8 10.8 13.0 4.1 34.0 2.04.9-26 0-1 1.7-6.1 0.2-11 0.7-79 5.4-30 0.6-15 11-104 0,03-7.8 October (continued)
LARVAE 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoortia tyrannus 4.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 00.8-17 0-0.7Clupea harengus 0 0.5 0 0 0 0.1 0.07 0.3 00-1.4 0-0.3 0-0.2 0-1.3Enchelyopus cimbrius 1,0 0 1.1 0 0.04 0.1 0 0.3 0.10-5.2 0-3.8 0-0.1 0-0.3 04,7 0-0.3Urophycis spp. 0.4 0.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.040-1.7 0-1.8 0-0,1M aenaeus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M, octodecemspinosus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M. scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. atlanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautoga onitis 0.1 0 0 0 0.3 0.1 0 0.2 00-0.5 0-1.2 0-0.6 0-0.9Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.10-0.4Ulvaria subbifircata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ammodytes sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0americanus Total 13.9 4.1 0.06 0.4 1.0 0.1 1.5 0.87.3-26 1-12 0-0.2 0-1.3 0-3.2 0-0.2 0.1-4.5 0.2-1.9 October (continued)
LARVAE 2008 2009 2010Brevoortia tyrannus 0 0.3 0.50-0.6 0-1.7Clupea harengus 0.2 0 00-0,7Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.3 0 0.20-0.6 0-0.6Urophycis spp. 0 0.2 0.10-0.5 0-0.2M. aenaeus 0 0 0M. octodecemspinosus 0 0 0M. scorpius 0 0 0L. atlanticus 0 0 0L. coheni 0 0 0Tauloga onilis 0 0 0.10-0.3Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0.10-0.2Ulvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0Ammodytes sp, 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0americanus Total 1.2 0.7 2.10.4-2.7 0.1-1.7 0.3-6.1 NovemberLARVAE 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989Brevoortia yrannus 0 0 0.5 0 2.1 0 0.4 0 00.04-1 0.7.5 0-1.1Clupea harengus 0 0 0 0,2 0 0.5 0.8 0 0.40-0.8 0-1.7 0-2.9 0-1.2Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.2 0 0.09 0 0.1 0 0.3 0 0.60-1.7 0-0.4 0-044 0-0.8 0-1.6Urophycis spp. 0.2 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.090-1.7 0-0.7 0-0.4M. aenaeus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M. octodecemspinosus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L, atlanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautoga onitis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ulvaria subbircata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ammodyies sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0americanus Total 0.4 0 0.7 0.5 2.5 0.5 2.4 0 1.30-4 0-2 0.05-1.3 0.6-6.5 0-1.7 0.8-5.6 0.8-1.9 November (continued)
LARVAE 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortia tyrannus 0.7 0.3 0.2 0,5 0 0 0 0 0.50-2.2 0-1.5 0-0.9 0.07-1.1 0-1.2Clupea harengus 4.6 0 0 0 11.4 15.3 2.8 12.5 1.51.3-13 1.4-64 1.3-117 0.6-8.1 1.6-69 0-5.8Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.4 0 0 0.1 0.08 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.20-0.9 0-0.6 0-0,3 0M0.5 0-0.5 0-0.5 0-0.6Urophycis spp. 0.2 0 0 0 0,06 0 0 0 0.60-0.8 0-0.2 0-1.7M, aenaeus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M octodecemspinosus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. atlanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L.coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tauwoga onilis 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 00-0.5Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ulvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ammodytes sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 aPseudopleuronectes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0americanus Total 5.3 0.6 0.2 0.7 11.5 16.9 3.0 14.2 5.31.2-17 0-23 0-1 0.04-1.8 1.4-65 1.7-118 0.6-8.8 2.7-61 1.9-13 November (continued)
LARVAE 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoortia tyrannus 1.1 0 0.8 0.09 0.1 0 0 0 0.10-4.6 0-2.5 0-0.4 0-0.5 0-0.3Clupea harengus 3.7 4.7 0.4 0.3 0 0.5 0,7 0.5 00.4.15 0-31 0-2.1 0-1.6 0-1.2 0-4,4 0-1.6Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.1 0 0,2 0 0 0 0 0.1 00-0.4 0-0.5 0-0.2Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M aenaeus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M. octodecemspinosus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Latlanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautoga onitis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ulvaria subb&#xfd;rcaia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ammodytes sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0 0.06 0 0 0 0 0americanus 0-0.2Total 6.6 2.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.12-19 0.5-6 0-1.9 0.1-1.2 0-1.4 0-4.4 0-2.3 0-0.3 November (continued)
LARVAEBrevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophvcis spp.M. aenaeusM octodecemspinosus M. scorpiusL, atlanticus L. coheniTautoga onitisTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp,Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus Total20080.10-0.30.20-0,70.10-0.400000000000000.60-1.72009 20100 00.6 1.40-1.7 0-6.40 0.30-0.80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0.10-0.30 00 00.6 2.10-1.8 0.1-8,0 DecemberLARVAEBrevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM. octodecemspinosus M. scorpiusL. allanticus L. coheniTautoga onitisTautogolabnis adspersus Ulvaria subbifircata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes 198100.20-0.60000000000000019820.20-0.50000000000002,10.9,300198301.90-8,8000000000000.10-0.6001984 1985 19860 0 00 1.0 0.10.02-3.1 0-0.40 0 00 0 00.1 0 00-0.40 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0,1 00-0.40 0 00 0 0198704.61.1-14000000000.1000198800.10.0.400000000000000198900.10-0.400000'00000000~amencanus Total 0.2 2.8 2.3 0.2 1.8 0.1 4.9 0.1 0.2-11 0.08-9.1 0-0.6 0.3-5.4 0.0,4 1.4-14 0.0.4 0-0.4 December (continued)
LARVAE 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortia tyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 00-1.4Clupea harengus 1.2 1.0 1.3 0 1.2 13.3 0.6 9.9 2,00.8-1.6 0-4 0.3-2.9 0-5.5 1.9-70 0.02-1.5 1.3-51 054.9Enchelyopuscimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M aenaeus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M octodecemspinosus 0 0 0 0 0.09 0 0.04 0 00-0.4 0-0.1M scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Latlanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L.coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautoga oniti 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ulvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0.050-1 0-0.2Ammodytes sp. 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.04 0 0.40-1.1 0-0.1 0-1.4Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0americanus Total 1.2 1.0 2.0 0.2 1.5 13.3 0.6 10,5 3.40.8-1.6 0-4 0-0.7 0-6 1.9-70 0.02-1.6 1.4-55 1.3-7.3 December (continued)
LARVAE 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevooria tyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Clupea harengus 3.2 0.5 1.0 0 0.5 1.6 0.6 1.1 0.20.4-12 0-3 0-2.9 0,04-1.1 0,34,3 0-2.1 0.2-2.5 0-1.0Enchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00-0.5M aenaeus 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00.1M. octodecemspinosus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 00-0.4M scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. atlanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L.coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautoga onitis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Thutogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0UIvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Phols gunnellus 0.2 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 00-0.6 0-3.7 0-0.2 0-0.2Ammodytes sp. 0.2 0 0 0 0.4 0 0 0 00-1.2 0-1.5Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0americanus Total 4.8 1.1 0 0.8 1.7 0.9 1.2 0.41,1-15 0-3.7 0-2.3 0.3-4.4 0-2.7 0.3-2,8 0-1.5 December (continued)
LARVAE 2008 2009 2010Brevooruia tyrannus 0 0 0Clupea harengus 0.2 0.5 0-1.5 0-5.9Enchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0Uropycis spp, 0 0 0M. aenaeus 0 0 0M, octodecemspinosus 0 0 0M. scorpius 0 0 0L. atlanticus 0 0 0L. coheni 0 0 0Tautoga onitis 0 0 0Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0Ulvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0 0Ammodytes sp. 0.2 0.1 00-0.9 0-0.3Scomber scombrus 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0americanus Total 0.5 0.7 1.40-1.7 0-1.9 0-5.9}}

Revision as of 21:13, 4 July 2018

Attachment - Impingement of Organisms on the Intake Screens at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 04/22/2011
Normandeau Associates
Entergy Nuclear Generation Co, Office of Information Services
Download: ML13196A182 (357)


IMPINGEMENT OF ORGANISMS ON THE INTAKE SCREENSAT PILGRIM NUCLEAR POWER STATIONJANUARY -DECEMBER 2010Submitted toEntergy NuclearPilgrim Nuclear Power StationPlymouth, Massachusetts byNormandeau Associates, Inc.Falmouth, Massachusetts NORMANDEAU ASSOCIATES


Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Introduction Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (PNPS) is located on the northwestern shore of Cape CodBay (Figure 1) with a licensed capacity of 685 megawatts.

The unit has two circulating waterpumps with a capacity of approximately 345 cfs (155,500 gallons per minute) each and fiveservice water pumps (2,500 gallons per minute each) with a combined capacity of 23 cfs. Wateris drawn under a skimmer wall, through vertical bar racks spaced approximately three inches oncenter, and finally through vertical traveling screens of /2 x 1/4 inch mesh (Figure 2). There arefour vertical

screens, two for each circulating water pump.This report describes the monitoring of impinged organisms at Pilgrim Station based onscreen wash samples taken from January to December 2010 and provides documentation of theenvironmental monitoring and reporting requirements of NPDES Permit No. MA0003557 (USEPA) and No. 359 (MA DEP).Methods and Materials Three scheduled screen wash periods were monitored each week from January toDecember 2010. These included the 0830 wash on Monday, the 1630 wash on Wednesday, andthe 0030 wash on Saturday.

Each sampling period thus represented a separate, distinct eight-hour period. Prior to each sampling period, the time of the previous screen wash was obtainedfrom a strip chart recorder located in the screen house or from the Control Room log to permitthe actual sampling interval to be calculated.

Whenever the screens were static upon arrival a30-minute sample was collected, and if the screens were already operating then a 60-minute sample was obtained.

Low and high pressure spray nozzles directed at the screens washed impinged organisms and debris into a sluiceway which was sampled by inserting a collection basket made of stainless steel mesh. All fauna were identified and noted as being alive, dead, or injured.

Fish weredetermined to be alive if they showed opercular movement and no obvious signs of injury.Fauna determined to be alive were measured for total length (mm), then released.

Thosedetermined to be dead or injured were preserved.

In the lab, the weights (grams) and totallengths (mm) were recorded for up to 20 specimens of each species.

The impingement rate wascalculated by dividing the number of fish collected by the number of hours in the collection period. Counts made from all collections during a month were pooled and then extrapolated toestimate a monthly total (total number of fish in each month divided by the total collection hoursin each month) x 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> x number of days in the month. These monthly totals were summedto derive an annual total adjusted for number of collection hours.If an impingement rate of 20 fish per hour was obtained for static washes, an additional one-hour sample was taken. If at least 20 fish were present in the extra 60-minute collection period the Operator and Shift Manager were immediately informed and advised to leave thescreens operating until further notice. Additional follow-up sampling would be performed atapproximately 4-hour intervals, as warranted by conditions until the impingement rate declinedto less than 20 fish per hour. As these subsequent samples were taken communication typically 2Normandeau Associates, Inc.

z0r"ia 42B SAWAL IN KMPlymouth 0Nuclear.

Cape Cod B&y rnPowmr E,tstaiom ~Figure 1. Location of Pilgrim Nuclear Power StationN"go

z0710td, SAs " jhEl-- -- -- -- IllK*RAW Li IEVEL RM)1LOrmacCD,~Figure 2. Cross-section of intake structure of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station.0.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring occurred in order to keep all appropriate individuals updated.

A similar procedure was followedif 20 or more fish were found in an initial continuous wash sample, with additional monitoring occurring until the impingement rate was less than 20 fish per hour. As in the case of static washsamples all appropriate individuals were kept apprised as conditions changed.Results and Discussion FishIn 434.78 collection hours, an estimated total of 32,962 fish consisting of 33 species wascollected during sampling completed from January -December 2010 (Table 1, Figure 3).Atlantic silversides (Menidia menidia),

alewife (Alosapseudoharengus),


menhaden, (Brevoortia tyrannus),

winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus),

rainbow smelt(Osmerus mordax),

and cunner (Tautogolabrus adspersus),

were the top six numerical dominants accounting for 41, 38, 4, 3, 3 and 2 %, respectively, of the annual total. The overallimpingement rate of all fish combined in 2010 was 4.43 fish per hour, ranging from 16.7 in Julydown to 0.1 fish per hour in June (Table 1).Atlantic silversides, historically one of the most numerous fish impinged at PNPS, rankedfirst with an estimated annual total of 13,576 fish. Silversides were represented in the catchevery month but were most abundant in April (8,233 fish), when 61% of the annual total wascollected (Table 1). Impinged silversides were all young-of-the-year and age 1 fish (see Conoverand Murawski 1982) ranging in size from 63 to 152 mm with a mean length of 95 mm (Table 2).Alewife ranked second in 2010 with an extrapolated total of 12,680 fish. They wereimpinged most often in July when 95% of the annual total was obtained (Table 1). Theremaining individuals were found in March, April, May, August, and October throughDecember.

Impinged alewives were juvenile fish ranging in size from 64 to 172 mm with amean length of 95 mm (Table 2).Menhaden were impinged from July through December with 65% of the year's totalbeing collected in August. Winter flounder were impinged every month except for June,September, and October; 63% were recorded from January through March. Smelt were mostcommon in November, and March, 68% of the fish being impinged during those two months.Lastly, cunner were represented in the catch primarily during the cold months of Novemberthrough February; 93% of the fish were taken during those months.In 2010 there were two brief impingement incidents where the sampled impingement rateexceeded 20 fish per hour; one in April and one in July. The April sample, taken on the 12th,involved Atlantic silversides and spotted hake impinged at the rate of 25 fish per hour. The Julysample, taken onthe 28th , contained five species impinged at a combined rate of 236 fish perhour. Silversides accounted for 99.5% of the April catch and alewives accounted for 99.4% ofthe July catch. In both cases subsequent samples taken immediately following the first (3 and 0fish per hour, respectively) indicated that the relatively high rates of impingement were of shortduration.


Inc, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Impingement Monitoring Pilgrim Station Impingement January -December 2010Atlantic Silverside 41.2%unner 1.6%Rainbow Smelt 2.8%Winter Flounder 3.1%Atlantic Menhaden 4.3%27 Remaining Species 8.7%Alewife 38.5Figure 3. Percent of total for numerically dominant species of fish impinged on the PilgrimNuclear Power Station intake screens, January to December 2010.Annual extrapolated totals for all species impinged from 1980 to 2010 along with theirrespective 1980 to 2009 long-term means are shown in Table 3; results for the 14 typicaldominants and total fish are also shown in Figure 4. The select 14 species typically account forgreater than 90% of the annual total collected on the screens.

The 2010 impingement total of32,962 fish was 71% of the 30-year mean of 46,516 fish impinged.

The below average value in2010 was clearly due to reduced numbers of Atlantic menhaden which have typically ranked firstor second over the 1980 to 2009 time period; in 2010 their annual total (1,403) amounted to only5% of the time series mean of 25,691 fish. Overall among the remaining numerical dominants silversides,

alewife, cunner, and lumpfish were above average in number in 2010. The alewifetotal, in particular, was seven times the time series mean. Grubby, smelt, tomcod, hakes,blueback
herring, windowpane, tautog, and Atlantic herring were below average in number.Winter flounder numbers were near average (1005 in 2010 compared with a mean of 975).6 Normandeau Associates, Inc.6Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Previous large impingement events, defined as those involving more than 1,000 fish, aredocumented in Table 4. The short-lived influx of alewives in July represented the only suchevent in 2010 and the first one occurring since September 2007. At PNPS menhaden andsilversides have accounted for 15 of the 21 cases. These events often occur in the late summerand autumn when young fish are abundant, actively moving offshore for the winter and watertemperatures are declining.

As water temperatures drop, metabolism declines along withswimming ability.Impingement rates (number of fish collected divided by number of collection hours) foreach species and their respective estimated annual totals for 2010 are presented in Table 5.Alewife and silverside yielded the highest impingement rates (2.465 and 1.290 fish/hour, respectively).

For all species combined, the impingement rates were 4.44 fish/hour and 32,962fish/year, ranking 11th over the 31-year time series from 1980 to 2010 (Table 6). The averageannual impingement total recorded from 1980 to 2009 was 46,448 fish per year, ranging from1,112 (1984) to 302,883 (2005) fish per year.Since 1980, 80 species of fish have been collected on the PNPS intake screens (Table 7).Nine species of fish (alewife, Atlantic silverside, Atlantic tomcod, blueback

herring, cunner,grubby, hakes, rainbow smelt, and winter flounder) were collected every year from 1980 to 2010.Eight other species, Atlantic
herring, Atlantic
menhaden, lumpfish, northern
pipefish, rockgunnel, tautog, threespine stickleback, and windowpane were present at least 90% of the time(>28 annual occurrences).

Invertebrates From January to December 2010, 12,454 invertebrates representing 13 taxa (Table 8)were estimated to have been impinged at Pilgrim Station yielding an impingement rate of 1.4invertebrates per hour. Sevenspine bay shrimp (Crangon septemspinosa) ranked first andaccounted for 51% of the annual estimated total. They were primarily impinged in January,February and April when 28, 35 and 24%, respectively, of the 6,368 estimated total wascollected.

Cancer crabs (Cancer spp) and green crabs (Carcinus maenas) ranked second andthird in numerical order accounting for 18 and 8%, respectively, of the annual invertebrate total.Cancer crabs were present throughout the year and were most abundant in November when 22%of their total (2,301 crabs) was collected.

Green crabs were also impinged every month and weremost abundant in January when 28% of their annual total of 999 crabs was impinged.

Seventeen American lobsters (Homarus americanus) were impinged during sampling periods in 2010ranging in size from 12 to 143mm, yielding an annual estimated total of 350 animals.

Amongthe seventeen lobsters collected three were of legal size (> 82 mm) and the rest were less that 80mm and likely juveniles.

Table 9 presents annual estimated totals for impinged invertebrates dating back to 1980.Based on the times series mean the bay shrimp total for 2010 was below average amounting to89% of the mean. The green crab total was also below average amounting to 75% of the mean.In contrast, rock crab were impinged in above average numbers, 1.6 times the mean (2301compared with 1447)..7Normandeau Associates, hic.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement.

Monitoring Conclusions

1. The average hourly impingement rate for 2010 at Pilgrim Station from January toDecember was 4.4 fish per hour for all fish combined.

The estimated annualimpingement total of 32,962 fish ranked I Ith over the 31-year time series, 66% ofall previous annual totals were lower.2. Thirty-three species of fish were sampled in 437.28 collection hours in 2010.3. Atlantic silversides,

alewife, Atlantic menhaden,,

winter flounder, rainbow smelt,and cunner, were the numerical dominants accounting for 41, 38, 4, 3, 3 and 2 %,respectively, of the annual total.4. In 2010 there were two brief impingement incidents where the sampledimpingement rate exceeded 20 fish per hour; one in April and one in July.Silversides accounted for 99.5% of the April catch and alewives accounted for99.4% of the July catch. In both cases subsequent samples indicated that therelatively high rates of impingement were of short duration.

5. The short-lived influx of alewives in July represented the only large impingement event (more than 1,000 fish) in 2010 and the first one that occurred sinceSeptember 2007.6. Invertebrates were impinged at a rate of 1.4 animals per hour. Sevenspine bayshrimp, cancer crabs and green crabs accounted for 51, 18, and 8% of the 2010estimated annual total of 12,454 invertebrates.

S Norrnandeau Associates, Inc.8Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Literature CitedConover, D.O. and S.A. Murawski.

1982. Offshore winter migration of the Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia.

Fishery Bulletin U.S. 80(1):145-150.

Witherell, D.B. and J. Burnett.

1993. Growth and maturation of winter flounder, Pleuronectes americanus, in Massachusetts.

Fishery Bulletin U.S. 91(4):816-820.

9 Normandeau Associates, Inc.9Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Atlantic Silverside Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement Extrapolated Total10 0 ,00 0 -:- -. .--. ."" 13 25 .7 29 91 93 95 97 99 '01 03 01 07 .090 .TtA. -Mean 980-2Atlantic MenhadenPilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement Extrapolated Tota1,00,000

--- ----------100,00010,00010010-10 22 84 86 82 90 92 94 96 92 '00 N2 4 06 % 101 13 8 .i 7? 89 91 93 95 97 99 .01 03 '05 '07 09iorotal -Mea 980-200Winter FlounderPilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement EOxtrapolated Total2,500......

2,000 ---1,0005020 82 24 16 22 90 92 94 96 9 D 00 '02 4 ' 06 'l 1O 01 03 15 27 89 91 93 95 97 99 '01 3 '05 07. WO0'otal -Mean 1980-2091 AlewifePilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement Fxtapolated Total100,000 7- ... ...l , O ..-....- ..._ ..- ...- ------- --.-- -.. .......10,0001,0023 82 24 86 88 9 92 94 96 92 00 '02 '04 U V 1081 13 85 27 29 91. 93 95 97 99 '01 '03 '05 7 V09iTotal -Mean 1980-2009 Figure 4, Extrapolated annual totals for typical numerical dominants impinged at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, 1980-2010.

10Normandeau Associales, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Blueback HerringPilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement Extrapolated Total10,000 --- --- -'- -"-1,000 ----- --------r *- -1,0g0 12 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 1)6 '02 N4 V6 '08 10I8 83 85 87 89 91 93 91 97 99 '0V '03 '0S '0/ 9JOToWa -Mea 1980-2009]

CunnerPilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement 1,200 Ex polated Total1,000 --- ----800 -------------I , 0, I .......................20080 82 84 16 18 90 92 94 9 98 ' T2 '04 '06 18 081 13 85 817 89 91 93 95 97 99 v0 '03 65 '0910Total -Mean 1980.2009 TautogPilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement 600 Extrapolated Total500 ----....41 0 -.... ... ......300 ...........


.200100-80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 '00 '02 '04 ' '08 t01 83 85 87 .8991 93 95 91 99 V1 W .05 W7 '09JOToOW -Mean 71W872009 Figure 4. Continued.

II Normandeau Associates, Inc.11Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring GrubbyPilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement 2500 Extrapolated Total2,5002,000500080 82 84 86 81 90 92 94 % 98 90 '02 '04 '6 '00 I0,1 83 85 87 9 91 93 95 97 99 '01 .03 ,05 .'091T otal -Mean 1980-20091 Rainbow SmeltPilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement Extrapolated Total10,000 -- ------------ -1,000 -= -1001080 82 £4 £6 88 90 92 94 96 98 '00 '02 '04 '06 '08 0£1 13 £5 £7 19 91 93 95 97 99 'o0 '03 '5'7'09ODTotal -Mean 1980-2009 Atlantic TomcodPilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement 800 Extrapolated Total1,6001,400 .... .-1,400 ....1,2000800 -....--....---.

-- -6000400 -------rj -- ---200 ..080 82 £4 86 B1 90 92 94 96 98 '00 '02 '04 '06 '00 10a1 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 'VI '0S 07 09OTotal -Mean 1980-2009 Hakes (Red and White)Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement Extrapolated Total1,000 --------.00 ---- -~- --- ------- 7£0 £2 £4 £6 88 90 92 94 96 9£ '00 '02 '04 '06 '0£ 10-1 £3. 85 £7 £9 91 97 95 97 9 -'03- '05-'07 '09[OTolal Mean 1980.2009]

Figure 4. Continued.

12 Normandeau Associates, Inc.12Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring LumpfishPilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement Extrapolated Tolal500200 ----200 -- ---80 82 24 86 88 90 92 94 % 98 Q0 V0 0 '06 08 1081 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 .01 '03 '05 07 '09[DTotal -Mean 1980.2009 Atlantic HerringPilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement Exapolated Total10,000~1 0 ---------.00...., --. ..........-_ ..80 82 84 86 11 90 92 94 96 9 '00 '02 '04 06 '01 1081 83 85 87 19 91 93 95 97 99 0 1 '03 '03 '07 '09ImTotal -Mean 1980-2009 Total FishPilgrim Nuclear Power Station Impingement Extrapolated Total100,00010,0001,000100 L80 82 84 86 18 9D 92 94 96 98 00V2 0v V6 '03 1081 S3 85 87 89 91 93. 95 97 99 '01 ,03 '05 07 9~To~nI -Mean 190020Figure 4. Continued.

13 Normandeau Associates, Inc.13Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Table 1. Monthly extrapolated totals for all fishes collected from Pilgrim Station intake screens, January-December 2010,2010Common Name Species Summa__ .Jan Feb -Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecAtlantic Silverside Menidia menidiaAlewife Alma pseudoharengis Atlantic Menhaden Brevoortia tyranraWinter Flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus Rainbow Smelt Osmerns mordatcunner Tautogolabrus adrpersus Lumpfish CyClopterus Blueback Herring Alosa aestivalis Sand Lance Ammndtes sp.Atlantic Tomcod Microgadls tomcodStriped Killifish Fundulua majalisGrubby yoxocepholts aetnaeunAtlantic Herring Clupea harengusNorthern Pipefish Syngnalnfiacus American Shad Alosa sapidsima Atlantic Moonfish Selene setapinnk Little Skate Leocoraja erinaceaThreespine Stickleback Gasterosteos aculeamus Windowpane Scophthalmus aquosusSmallmouth Flounder Etropur microstomas Butterfish Peprilus trtacanthus Spotted flake Uroprycis regiaRadiated Shanny Ulvaria subbifjrcata Red Hake Uroplryis chwsAtlantic Cod Gadu morhluRock Gunnel Pholis gunnefhis Mummichog Furduha heteroclitno Searobins Prionota spp.Scup Stenotoms cluYsopsAmerican Eel Anguilla rotrataWhite Perch Morone americana Tautog Taatoga onitoStriped Bass Morone saxotilis 13,57612,6801,4031,0059115353192712461961871811621311201141121129390747262575343323226251713127840019640118004000400000079000040040000000002,755 8,233 148 24357 64 13 00 0 0 0292 22 37 0260 0 13 00 0 13 033 0 0 00 22 13 0130 22 0 00 22 37 00 0 0 065 0 0 098 64 0 00 22 0 098 22 0 00 0 0 00 0 25 2433 0 0 00 43 13 033 43 0 00 0 0 00 22 50 00 0 0 00 0 13 00 0 13 00 43 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 13 00 0 0 01212,0821833502300000120000350002300120000120001217 61317 3717 1090 1090 3610 730 017 1090 00 730 370 00 00 1090 0114 0,0 00 00 370 00 370 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 017 00 00 0572963296962232869632641280000000000003200323200000NumberofSpecies 33 9 8 II 13 13 2 II 10 3 6 12 14Ectrapolated Totals 32,962 1,377 785 4,154 8,644 401 48 12,441 1,196 196 199 1,704 1,817Number of "Collection Hours" 437.28 19.00 31.97 .22.96 34.02 60.63 30.88 65.09 53.66 29.78 45.88 19.98 23.43Impingement Rate ýish per hour) 4.43 1.84 1.16 5.57 11.99 0.53 0.06 16.72 1.60 0.27 0.26 2.35 2.4314 Normandeau Associates, Inc.14Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Table 2. Species, number, length and weight for all fish impinged at Pilgrim Station, January-December 2010.Common NameLittle SkateAmerican EelBlueback HerringAlewifeAmerican ShadAtlantic MenhadenAtlantic HerringRainbow SmeltAtlantic CodAtlantic

'omcodRed HakeSpotted HakeMummichog Striped Killifish Atlantic Silverside Threespine Stickleback Northern PipefishSearobins GrubbyLumpfishWhite PerchStriped BassAtlantic MoonfishScupTautogCunnerRadiated ShannyRock GunnelSand LanceButterfish Smallmouth FlounderWindowpane Winter FlounderSpeciesLeucoraja erinaceaAnguilla rostrataAlosa aestivalis Alosa pseudoharengus Alosa sapidissima Brevoortia JyrannusClupea harengusOsmerus mordaxGadus morhuaMicrogadus tonriodUrophycis chussUrophycis regiaFundulus heteroclitus Fundulus majalisMenidia inenidiaGasterosteus aculeatus Sngnathusfuscus Prionotus spp.Moxocephalus aenaeusCyclopterm lumpusMorone americana Morone saxatilis Selene setapinnis Stenotomus chrysopsTautoga onilisTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp,Peprilus triacanthus Etropus microstomus Scophthalmus aquosusPseudopleuronectes americanus Number Length (mm) Weight (g)Collected n Mean Min Max n Mean Min Max8 8 457.9 384 552 0I 1 305.0 305 305 I 28.64 28.64 28,6410 10 141.7 55 295 3 3.28 1.65 4.771,078 47 94.6 64 172 41 5.68 2.20 14.824 4 114.0 75 150 2 3,65 1.92 5.3793 93 61.5 34 121 59 1.79 0.35 8.466 6 140.3 124 160 6 13.61 8.23 22.8732 32 100,7 77 198 16 5,21 1.85 23.532 2 256.5 63 450 I 1.99 1.99 1.998 8 97.0 45 153 5 3.51 0.66 13.023 3 76.3 62 87 2 2.43 1,77 3.085 5 88.8 64 120 3 3,22 1.41 5.58I 1 87.0 87 87 06 6 73.8 60 102 I 3.08 3.08 3.08564 305 95.0 63 152 154 3.78 0.84 12,863 3 59.0 44 68 04 4 115.8 82 150 0I 1 212.0 212 212 07 7 71.6 58 95 010 10 58.4 38 69 0I 1 121.3 121.3 121,3 I 23.77 23.77 23.771 1 585.0 585 585 I 1282.00 1282.00 1282.007 7 49.6 46 55 02 2 37,5 32 43 1 0.28 0.28 0.281 I 320.0 320 320 1 670.00 670.00 670.0019 19 78.3 40 160 3 39.46 10.12 70.942 2 100,5 76 125 02 2 138.0 113 163 08 8 152,9 110 195 1 7.06 7.06 7,064 4 44.8 39 51 3 0.92 0.73 1,094 4 88.8 48 196 2 1.73 1.00 2.454 4 119,8 34 214 039 39 90.2 44 310 4 1.36 0,95 1.7815 Norunandeau Associates, Inc.15Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Impingement Monito~ng Table 3. Annual extrapolated totals for fish found on the Pilgrim Station intake screens, 1980-2010.

Species 1980 1981 1982 1983 19841 1985 1986 19872 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 19943 19954Alewife 99 201 262 83 88 807 261 26 464 149 1,480 250 247 1,021 123 39,884American Eel 18 41 12 0 0 0 19 0 0 15 0 0 8 0 0 0American Plaice 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0American Sand Lance 0 0 12 11 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0American Shad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 212 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Atlantic Cod 12 122 I1 0 0 0 33 0 23 0 0 24 10 47 42 58Atlantic Herring 83 53 156 22 0 35 3,009 6 51 138 408 24,238 51 169 28 108Atlantic Mackerel 0 49 0 12 0 0 0 0 24 29 13 0 0 0 12 0Atlantic Menhaden 226 0 171 522 II 1,491 953 0 177 2,020 3,135 1,117 32 46 58 1,560Atlantic Moonfish 0 0 0 10 8 0 0 0 0 43 0 0 14 0 0 21Atlantic Seasnail 0 53 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 0 19 0 0 11Atlantic Silverside 191 90,449 2,626 1,586 245 4,417 702 1,298 940 2,838 4,761 2,955 2,381 9,872 36,498 13,085Atlantic Tonicod 63 76 221 276 157 389 174 57 11578 433 291 159 104 329 153 260BayAnchovy 9 0 859 0 0 12 42 0 0 10 42 25 0 0 0 0Bigeye 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I1 0 0 0 0 0 0Black Ruff 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0Black Sea Bass 0 13 0 0 0 0 10 7 0 10 0 19 14 0 0 85Black Spotted Stickleback 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 25 33 0BluebackHerring 46 230 251 754 34 791 63 7 222 207 1,194 298 110 295 269 1,244Bluefish 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Butterfish 0 36 0 30 15 39 0 0 0 10 1,686 24 0 12 41 42Crevalle Jack 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Cunner 1,043 870 610 196 45 580 270 115 .97 199 210 182 28 93 77 346Dogfish 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Flying Gurnard 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22Foubeard Rockling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Fourspine Stickleback II 207 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Fourspot Flounder 87 7 10 22 0 0 0 0 12 0 10 69 0 12 0 21Gizzard Shad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Golden Redfish 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Goosefish 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Grubby 107 448 340 490 114 932 359 200 124 684 585 468 507 640 1,094 648Gulf Strea Flounder 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Haddock 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Hakes (Red and White) 93. 101 125 0 8 34 27 53 23 55 0 55 14 166 23 18216 Normandeau Associates, Inc.16Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station M6e Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Impingement Monitoring Table 3, (continued),

1980 1981 1982 1983 19841 1985 1986 19872 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994, 1995,Hogchoker Little SkateLonghorn SculpinLumpfishMummichog Northern KingfishNorthern PipefishNorthern PufferNorthern SearobinOcean PoutOrange FilefishPlanehead FilefishPollockRadiated ShannyRainbow SmeltRock GunnelRound ScadSand Lance sp.Sculpin sp.ScupSea RavenSeaboard GobyScarobin sp.Shorthorn SculpinSilver HakeSilver-rag Smallmouth FlounderSmooth DogfishSmooth FlounderSpiny DogfishSpotSpotted HakeStriped BassStriped Cusk EelStriped Killifish 0 0 7 0 00 7 12 45 150 0 8 25 038 0 160 103 750 0 21 0 023 17 0 0144 79 122 177 8144 1,327 177 94 7869 20 70 60 170 0 0 0 09 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 022 0 381 119 1430 0 45 0 0814 236 634 1,224 29II 30 0 53 80 0 0 0 066 0 24 79 00 0 0 0 080 23 83 11 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 11 0 057 35 0 22 00 0 8 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 08 23 0 28 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 31 0 13 00 10 0 0 0 032 II 29 120 84 00 0 0 0 0 13125 46 72 674 30 780 0 0 97 0 280 0 0 0 0 0213 0 0 24 176 2836 51 0 120 388 4769 13 27 0 51 130 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 II 230 0 0 0 0 018 0 25 56 0 5065 70 30 0 36 9189 1,909 1,070 370 886 38744202009590002400000000064II0100000004901610000002280000000026000000000270 480 210 00 00 510 00 00 00 00 100 00 056 II0 012 70 00 00 00 041 59422300599000129235120190000468 0 0 0 078 92 147 48 350 0 0 0 051 122 329 177 11612 0 11 35 2010 0 0 0 030 28 116 230 180141 42 12 0 4323 0 48 80 680 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 14 0 0 023 17 107 9 3920 43 66 141 85372 317 8,302 9,464 2,19162 38 210 84 1070 0 0 0 020 19 0 79 00 0 0 0 0159 32 8 13 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 010 0 11 0 023 9 32 27 I10 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 010 0 8 0 00 0 8 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 27 0 082 51 12 385 5217 Normandeau Associates, Inc.17Normandeau Associates,

Inc, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Impingement Monitoring Table 3. (continued),

Striped Searobins Summer FlounderTautogThreespine Stickleback WeakfishWeitzman's Pearlside White PerchWindowpane Winter FlounderWinter SkateYellowtail Flounder1980 1981 1982 1983 1984' 1985 1986 1987' 1988 1989 19900 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 1012 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 00 69 18 41 11 83 26 113 82 159 5237 118 434 21 7 112 0 372 72 114 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 75 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 00 42 0 0 5 81 0 0 0 0 068 96 107 173 56 146 87 0 0 171 171297 249 297 232 47 884 908 138 556 1,119 336it 0 10 12 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 51 50 0 0 01991 1992 1993 19943 1995430 0 12 0 120 0 0 22 0175 93 275 50 7319 26 47 270 1240 0 0 0 00 0 34 0 029 88 0 24 21103 41 133 179 232694 787 1,181 1,018 1,6280 0 0 0 00 0 27 0 0Annual totals 4,028 95,358 8,406 6,559 1,104 12,243 9,241 3,783 6,227 10,290 15,935 32,077 5,398 23,890 50,786 62,614Collection Time (hrs.) 687 574,8 687 763 1,042 465 806 527 525 618 919.5 930.3 774.0 673.5 737.4 607.7Impingement Rate (fish/hour) 0.66 10.02 0.93 0.57 0.13 1.14 1.26 0.28 0.27 018 1.70 3.38 0.63 2.78 5.97 5.87I No CWS pumps were in operation April to August 1984.2 No CWS pumps were in operation August 1987.3 No CWS pumps were in operation 9 October.

14 November 1994,4 No CWS pumps were in operation 30 March- 15 May 1995.5 No CWS pumps were in operation 10 May. 10 June 1999.6 No CWS pumps were in operation 28 April -9 May2001.7 No CWS pumps were in operation 21 April -II May 2003.8 No CWS pumps were in operation 20 April- 8 May 2005.9 No CWS pumps were in operation 7 April -20 April 2007.isNormandeau Associates,

Inc, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Table 3. (continued),

MeanSpeciesAlewifeAmerican EelAmerican PlaiceAmerican Sand LanceAmerican ShadAtlantic CodAtlantic HerringAtlantic MackerelAtlantic MenhadenAtlantic MoonfishAtlantic SeasnailAtlantic Silverside Atlantic TomcodBay AnchovyBigeyeBlack RuffBlack Sea BassBlack Spotted Stickleback Blueback HerringBluefishButterfish Crevalle JackCunnerDogfishFlying GurnardFourbeard RocklingFourspine Stickleback Fourspot FlounderGizzard ShadGolden RedfishGoosefish GrubbyGulf Stream FlounderHaddockHakes (Red and White)1996 1997 1998 1999' 2000 20016 2002 2003' 2004 2005' 2006 2007' 2008 2009 1980-2009 2010216 317 158 610 2,443 1,618 334 438 145 265 240 438 75 1,261 1,800 12,6800 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 5 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 1200 0 53 42 0 113 0 61 99 192 688 56 143 86 64 530 13 108 181 77 48 301 51 138 549 122 0 23 0 1,006 1620 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 60 7 02,168 1,329 1,423 42,686 64,354 3,599 53,304 119,041 10,431 277,601 15,189 154,832 721 12,528 25,691 1,40394 0 17 273 0 86 234 0 0 20 70 0 0 23 30 1140 0 0 0 0 13 0 10 8 0 0 0 16 0 6 016,615 6,303 6,773 8,577 25,665 4,987 4,430 23,149 13,107 11,590 7,993 3,362 6,167 5,349 10,630 13,576466 72 40 302 323 278 168 19 304 1,518 616 154 289 107 313 1960 23 0 0 0 8 148 60 0 0 0 28 23 23 44 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 15 0 57 0 38 147 188 82 0 30 0 24 00 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 0 6 02,462 424 134 550 5,919 229 943 1,968 2,046 646 570 352 203 30 750 2710 0 17 0 0 0 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 044 1,581 42 188 0 170 0 0 31 78 29 85 28 186 147 740 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 2 0332 41 101 153 348 140 59 172 240 716 384 367 247 895 305 5250 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 00 0 I1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 72 0 0 0 0 10 00 17 6 47 0 0 0 56 122 0 0 0 0 0 17 00 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 00 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01,347 405 335 628 1,105 517 1,087 237 2,257 501 306 349 374 666 595 1810 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 1. 0113 196. 106 682 182 .1,158 192 128 .202 70 72 126 159 273 154 5719 Normandeau Associates, Inc.19Normandeau Associates,

Inc, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Table 3, (continued),

MeanSpecies 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 20016 2002 2003 2004 2005' 2006 2007' 2008 2009 1980-2009 2010Hogchoker Little SkateLonghom SculpinLumpfishMummichog Northern KingfishNorthern PipefishNorthern PufferNorthern SearobinOcean PoutOrange FilefishPlanehead FilefishPollockRadiated ShannyRainbow SmeltRock GunnelRound ScadSand Lance sp.Sculpin sp.ScupSea RavenSeaboard GobySearobin sp.Shorthorn SculpinSilver HakeSilver-rag Smallmouth FlounderSmooth DogfishSmooth FlounderSpiny DogfishSpotSpotted HakeStriped BassStriped Cusk EelStriped Killifish 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 027 46 48 0 0 80 69 12113 0 21 15 261 0 0 0206 173 244 136 131 0 137 610. 0 0 36 13 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0143 55 0 187 92 28 110 990 105 0 0 0 0 0 I10 0 6 31 319 57 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 260 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 105 52 0 0 029 0 63 26 13 67 31 593,728 1,978 1,656 875 13 879 335 532155 0 21 16 100 75 50 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 38 0 0 35 0 30,7650 0 0 0 13 0 0 00 0 6 0 12 0 35 270 0 0 0 0 0 0 190 0 0 0 0 0 12 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 2626 138 21 83 165 114 0 970 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 11 10 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 260 0 0 0 0 11 0 220 0 0 0 0 28 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 21 0 0 0 0 077 0 0 0 39 0 0 160 0 19 0 0 0 0 029 0 44 52 309 64 613 4880237080014051140053141,092240380720000000160000139012101380409270509058000788162,840216050021623039000720015400002230 0 069 75 460 0 091 161 21149 30 00 0 015 46 12018 0 00 30 1200 16 00 0 00 0 00 67 015 31 311,191 943 67729 29 150 0 078 320 3610 0 048 0 230 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 230 0 00 23 610 81 00 0 084 54 00 0 00 0 021 31 00 16 0144 100 1202601214313210396452i065351,5306511,07205320123318711501122108011203193201310000006291143024602600320009000007212018720 Normandeau Associates, Inc.20Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Madne Ecology Studies 2010 Impingement Monitoring Table 3, (continued).

MeanSpeciesStriped SSummerTautogThreespiWeakfislWeiizmWhite PWindowWinter FWinter SYellowta1996 1997 1998 1999' 2000 20016 2002 20037 2004 2005 2006 20079 2008 2009 1980-2009 2010Searobins 0 83 0 61 0 0 0 0 0 0 83 21 0 0 II 0Flounder 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 23 0 5 0488 172 129 119 157 92 289 46 14 39 158 89 0 0 104 13ne Stickleback 99 0 91 19 27 64 13 19 158 151 262 69 62 398 108 112h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 27 0 0 2 0an's Peaxlsidc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 16 0 0 0 5 0erch 206 34 43 122 24 21 72 15 86 28 21 27 145 60 40 17pane 296 65 416 434 363 162 24 13 37 135 158 42 30 301 141 93Flounder 857 608 2,069 1,021 1,358 1,729 1,466 1,435 2,021 2,688 1.242 715 1,010 672 975 1,005kate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0ail Flounder 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 16 37 24 0 0 0 0 8 0Annual totals30,236 14,228 14,301 58,314 103,986 16,567 64,583 179,445 33,564 302,883 29,808 163,036 11,821 24,756 46,516 32,952416 455 575 375.5 507 430.1 494.4 714.1 638.3 440.5 432.3 468.0 388.2 249.1 597 436.3Collection Time (hrs.)ImpingementRate(fish/hour) 3.11 1.43 1.30 7.21 9.25 1.78 4.93 25.58 2.85 18.87 3.26 10.24 1.41 2.15 4.33 4.4621Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Impingement Monitoring Table 4. Dominant species and estimated number impinged during highimpingement events at PNPS, 1973-2010.

DateAugust-September, 1973August 5, 1976November 23-28, 1978December 11-29, 1978March/April, 1979September 23-24, 1981July 22-25, 1991December 15-28, 1993November 26-28, 1994December 26-28, 1994September 8-9, 1995September 17-18, 1999November 17-20, 2000August/September, 2002November 1, 2003November 12 -17, 2003November 19 -21, 2003November 29, 2003August 16 -18, 2005September 14-15, 2007July 29, 2010SpeciesClupeidsAlewifeAtlantic menhadenRainbow smeltAtlantic silverside Atlantic silverside Rainbow smeltAtlantic silverside Atlantic silverside Atlantic silverside and Rainbow smeltAlewifeAtlantic menhadenAtlantic menhadenAtlantic menhadenAtlantic menhadenAtlantic menhadenSand lance and Atlantic menhadenAtlantic silverside Atlantic menhadenAtlantic menhadenAlewifeEstimated Number for allSpecies1,6001,90010,2006,2001,1006,0004,2005,1005,80011,40013,1004,91019,90033,3002,50063,90017,9003,900107,0006,5001,06122Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Table 5. Impingement rates, fish per hour and fish per year, for all fishes sampled from thePilgrim Station intake screens, January-December 2010 (assuming 100% operation).

SpeciesLittle SkateAmerican EelBlueback HerringAlewifeAmerican ShadAtlantic MenhadenAtlantic HerringRainbow SmeltAtlantic CodAtlantic TomcodRed HakeSpotted HakeMummichog Striped Killifish Atlantic Silverside Threespine Stickleback Northern PipefishSearobins GrubbyLumpfishWhite PerchStriped BassAtlantic MoonfishScupTautogCunnerRadiated ShannyRock GunnelSand LanceButterfish Smallmouth FlounderWindowpane Winter FlounderFish Per Hour0.0180.0020.0232.4650.0090.2130.0140.0730.0050.0180.0070.0110.0020.0141.2900.0070.0090.0020.0160.0230.0020.0020.0160.0050.0020.0430.0050.0050.0180.0090.0090.0090.089Estimated AnnualRate112* 2527112,6801201,4031629115319657723218713,576112131321813191712114261353562432467490931,005Dominant Month ofOccurrence JulySeptember NovemberJulyMarchAugustMarchNovemberJanuaryNovemberDecemberMayDecemberDecemberAprilJanuaryNovemberDecemberMarchDecemberOctoberJulyOctoberAugustMayDecemberJanuaryAprilMarchNovemberAprilAprilMarchTotal Collected 81101,07849363228351656434172o1I7211922844439Annual Totals 4.44 32,962 1,94023 Normandeau Associates, Inc.23Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10Impingement Monitoririg Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Manne Eco1o~' Studies 2010 Impingement Monitoring Table 6. Hourly, daily, and estimated annual impingement rates for all species combined andannual dominants collected on the PNPS intake screens, 1980-2010.

Year Fish/Hour Fish/Year Dominant Species (Number/Year)

Cunner1980 0.66 4,030 (1043)(1,043)1981 10.02 95,336 Atlantic silverside (90,449)Atlantic silverside 1982 0.93 8,411(26)

(2,626)Atlantic silverside 1983 0.57 6,558(,56 (1,586)Atlantic silverside 1984 0.13 1,112(25(245)1985 1.14 12,499 Atlantic silverside (4,417)1986 1.26 9,259 Atlantic herring(3,009)1987 0.28 3,155 Atlantic silverside (1,298)1988 0.27 6,675 Atlantic tomcod(1,578)Atlantic silverside 1989 0.80 9,088(28)

(2,838)Atlantic silverside 1990 1.70 15,939(47)

(4,761)1991 3.38 32,080 Atlantic herring(24,238)Atlantic silverside 1992 0.63 (2,381(2,381)Atlantic silverside 1993 2.78 24,105(982 (9,872)Atlantic silverside 1994 5.97 50,439(36,498) 24Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Impingement Monitoring Table 6, (continued),

Year199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009Fish/Hour 5.873.111.431.307.219.251.784.9325.582.8518.843.2610.241.412.15Fish/Year 62,61630,26414,23014,30358,318103,96815,63664,606179,60833,591302,88329,711163,03611,82124,779Dominant Species (Number/Year)

Alewife(39,884)Atlantic silverside (16,615)Atlantic silverside (6,303)Atlantic silverside (6,773)Atlantic menhaden(42,686)Atlantic menhaden(34,354)Atlantic silverside (4,987)Atlantic menhaden(53,304)Atlantic menhaden(119,041)

Atlantic silverside (13,107)Atlantic menhaden(277,607)

Atlantic menhaden(15,189)Atlantic menhaden(154,832)

Atlantic silverside (6,167)Atlantic menhaden(12,528)Mean 4.32 46,448Atlantic silverside 2010 4.44 33,457(13,576) 25 Normandeau Associates, Inc.25Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Impingement Monitoring Table 7. Species collected on the Pilgrim Station intake screens, 1980-2010.

Common Name SpeciesAlewife Alosa pseudoharengus American Eel Anguilla rostrataAmerican Plaice Hippoglossoides platesAmerican Shad Alosa sapidissinma Atlantic Cod Gadus morhuaAtlantic Herring Clupea harengusAtlantic Mackerel Scomber scombrusAtlantic Menhaden Brevoortia rannusAtlantic Moonfish Selene setapinnis Atlantic Seasnail Liparis adlanlicus Atlantic Silverside Menidia menidiaAtlantic Tomcod bficrogadus tomcodBay Anchovy Anchoa mitchilli Bigeye Priacanthus arenatusBlack Ruff Centrolophorus nigerBlack Sea Bass Centropristis strialoBlack Spotted Stickleback Gasterosteus wheatlanBlueback Herring Atosa aestivalis Bluefish Pornatomus salatruix Butterfish Peprilus Iriacanthus Crevalle Jack Caranx hipposCurmer Tautogolabrus adspersDogfish see belowFlying Gumard Datyloplerus volitansFourbeard Rockling Enchelyopus rimbriusFourspine Stickleback Apeltes quadrassodesdi1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995x x x x x x x x x x x x x X x xx X x X x XxX x Xx xx Xx X X x x Xa x a a axa a a a ax x a x an n a .a aX Xxa x a a xx a x a ax xx xxaxxaaxaxaxxa x x x a aa a a x xaX XxX x xx X XXx Xx x a x X x XxX X xX X X Xx x X X x xxX x26 Normandeau Associates, Inc.26Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Table 7. (continued).

Common NameFourspot FlounderGizzard ShadGolden RedfishGoosefish GrubbyGulf Stream FlounderHaddockHakes (red and white)Hogchoker Little SkateLonghorn SculpinLumpfishMummichog Northern KingfishNorthern PipefishNorthern PufferNorthern SearobinOcean poutOrange FilefishPlanehead FilefishPollockRadiated ShannyRainbow SmeltRock GunnelRound ScadSand LanceSpeciesParalichthys oblongusDorosoma cepedianuam Sebastes norvegicus Lophius americanus Myoxocephalus aenaeusCitharichihys arctifrons Melanogramm us aeglefinus Urophyc is spp.Trinecles maculausLeucoraja erinaceaMyoxocephalus octodecemspinosus Cyclopterus lumpusFuidulus heteroclitus Menticirrhus saxatilis Syngnathus fuscusSphoeroides maculatus Prionoaus carolinus Zoarces americanus Alhterus schoepfii Monacanthus hispidusPollachtus virensUMraria subbifurcata Osmerus mordaxPholis gunnellus Etrumeus teresAmmodytes sp.1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995x x x x x x x xx X a x X x x X X x x x X x X XX a X X X X X X x x x x x X a xX xx xxaax X X X X X a x x x Xa a a X a aax xxaxxx xxaaaaX X X X X a x X X x X X X xax a a x x a a a xaaX xXx xaaX xX Xaaaax x Xa x xx x Xx xa x aa x x aX X XX X X XaaaaaaaaaxaaaaaaxX XX Xx Xx Xa a a x ax x27 Normandeau Associates, Inc.27Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Table 7, (continued).

Common NameSculpin sp.ScupSea RavenSeaboard GobySearobin sp.Shorthorn SculpinSilver HakeSilver-rag Smallmouth FlounderSmooth DogfishSmooth FlounderSpiny DogfishSpotSpotted HakeStriped BassStrped Cusk EelStriped Killifish Striped Searobins Summer FlounderTautogThreespint Stickleback WeakfishWeitzman's Pearlside White PerchWindowpane Winter FlounderWinter SkateYellowtail FlounderSpeciesMyAxocephalus spp.Stenotomus chrysopsHemitripterus americanus Gobiosoma ginsburgi Prnonotus sp.Myxocephalas scorpiusMerluccius bilinearas Ariomma bondiEtropas microstomus Muafelus canisPleuronectesputnami Squalus acanthusLeiostomusianthar Urophycis reiaMorone saxatilis Ophidion marginatum Fundulus majalisPrionotus evolansPoralichthys dentalusTautoga onitisGasterosteus aculeatus Cynoscion regalisMaurolicus weitmaniMorone americana Scophthalmus aquosusPleuronectes americanus Leucoraja ocelataLimandaferruginea 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995x x xx x X X X X X x X X Xxx xx x x XXxxx aX Xxx x X xx XXxSx x S x S X x x x x S X xx x x xx Xx x xx x x xxxx X xS S S x S x x S x S xx x x x S S S x x xxS X S Sa x x a x x x a x x x a x a.5 x x a a x x a a x a x x x x xx x x xx xx28 Norrnandeau Associates, Inc.28Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Moriitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Staflon Marine Ecology Studies 2~lO Impingement Monitoring Table 7. (continued),

Common NameAlewifeAmerican EelAmerican PlaiceAmerican ShadAtlantic CodAtlantic HerringAflantic MackerelAtlantic MenhadenAtlantic MoonfishAtlantic SeasnailAtlantic Silverside Atlantic TomcodBay AnchovyBigeyeBlack RuffBlack Sea BassBlack Spoted Stickleback Blueback HerringBluefishButterfish Crevalle JackCunnerDogfishFlying GurnardFourbeard RocklingFourspine Stickleback SpeciesAlosa pseudoharengus Anguilla rostrataHippoglossoides platessoides Alosa sapidissima Gadus morhuaClupea harengusScomber scombrusBrevoortia lyrannusSelene setapinnis Liparis atlanticus Menidia menidiaMicrogadus tomcodAnchoa mitchilli Priacanthus arenaiusCentrolophorus nigerCentropristis striataGasterosteus wheatlandi Alosa aestivalis Pomatomus saltatrix Peprilus triacanthus Caranx hipposTautogolabrus adspersus see below1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010x x x x x x X x X x X x x x xx x xxa a xa x a xx xxxaxxxX x XXaaaaxxxxxxxx XXx X xXaaaxaxxxxaxaxaaxaaxxaxx X X Xxa a a a xa xX a a a aX X a a aaa a x XX x a a aaxa xX X X x x x aaa x x a a a x XDactylopterus volitansEnchelyopus cimbriusApeltes quadracus Xxx29Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Table 7. (continued),

Common NameFourspot FlounderGizard ShadGolden RedfishSpeciesParalichihs oblongusDorosoma cepedi&num Sebasies norvegicus 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010x x x x x xxGoosefish GrubbyGulf Stram FlounderHaddockHakesHogchoker Little SkateLonghorn SculpinLumpfishMummichog Northern KingfishNorthern PipefishNordern PufferNorthern SearobinOcean poutOrange FilefishPlanehead FilefishPollockRadiated ShannyRainbow SmeltRock GunnelRound ScadSand LanceLophius arnericanus Myoxocephalus aenaeusCitharichilhs arcnfrorm Melonogrommus aeglefinus Uroptycir spp.Trinectes maculatus Leucoraja erinaceayvoxocephalus octodecemspinosus Cyclopterns lumpusFundulus heterocitus Menticirrhus saatilisSyngnathusfuscus Sphoeroides maculatus Prionotus carolinus Zoarces americanus Aluterus schoepfii Monacanthus hispidusPollachius virensUlvaria subbifu'cata Osmerus mordaxPso/is gannellus Etrwneus teresAmmodyles sp.x x x Xx X S xx x xx X Xx S S xxx u xxx xxxxx x x x x x x x x xx x x S S x x x x xx x a a a a x x x aaxxa x x x a a xx xX X xX Xx x Ax x X X x x XX XX a x X x XaxxXx Sxax a xa x xxa x axxxxSxx xx x a a ax x x x a xa x x x x aa x XX x X x x X .X30 Normandeau Associates, Inc.30Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Impingement Monitoring Table 7. (continued).

Common NameSculpin sp.ScupSea RavenSeaboard GobySearobin sp.Shonhom SculpinSilver HakeSilver.rag Smallmouth FlounderSmooth DogfishSmooth FlounderSpiny DogfishSpotSpoited HakeStriped BassStriped Cusk EelStriped Killifish Striped Searobins Summer FlounderTautogThreespine Stickleback WeakfishWeitzman's Peariside White PerchWindowpane Winter FlounderWinter SkateYellowtail FlounderSpeciesMfyoxocephalus spp.Stenolomus chrysopsHem itripterus americanus Gobiosoma ginsburgp Prionolus sp.Myxocephalus scorpiusMerluccius bilinearus Ariomma bondiEfropus microstomus Mustelus canisPleuronectes putnamiSqualus acanthusLeioslomusxanthurus Urophycis regiaMorone saxatilis Ophidion marginatum Fundulus majalisPrionotus evolansParalichthys dentalusTautoga onifisGasterosteus aculeatus C)yoscion regalisMaurolicus weifmaniMorone americana Scophthalmus aquosusPleuronectes americanus Leucoraja ocelataLimandaferruginea 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010a x xxx xxx xx xx x xx xxx Xx x xxxxxa xx xXa a a a a a x a x ax x Xx a a xa xaa x xXx x xx xaaxaxxxxaa x aaX xX X xa x Xa. x xaaxaa x axx a a x a x aa a x x a a aaX X X xa a a xX x x XX x X31Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Table 8. Monthly extrapolated totals for invertebrates impinged on the PNPS intake screens, January-December 2010.2010Common Name Species Summa!Y Jan Feb Mar Apt May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DcRibbon worm Nemertean 129 0 0 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96Nereis Nereissp.

916 0 673 163 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 0Nephtys Nephtyssp.

325 0 0 325 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Squid Loligo pealeii 455 0 0 0 0 I11 234 23 70 0 17 0 0Horseshoe Crab Limuhapolyphemus 61 0 0 0 0 25 24 12 0 0 0 0 0Sevenspine Bay Shrimp Crangon septemspinosa 6,368 1,763 2,250 649 1,503 62 0 0 0 0 0 109 32American Lobster flomarys americanus 350 40 0 65 0 123 0 0 0 0 17 73 32Spider Crabs Libinia spp. 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0Cancer Crabs Cancer spp. 2,301 235 337 130 106 234 210 69 14 121 244 505 96Blue Crabs Callinectes sapidus 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0Green Crabs Carctnomaepas 999 275 22 33 64 62 24 46 14 49 65 217 128Lady Crabs Ovalipesocellatas 218 0 0 98 22 0 0 12 0 0 49 37 0Starfish Asterias spp. 282 40 0 0 43 86 24 0 0 25 0 0 64Number of Species 13 5 4 8 6 7 5 5 3 5 5 6 6Extrapolated Totals 12,454 2,353 3,282 1,496 1,781 703 516 162 98 245 392 978 448Number of "Collection Hours" 437 19 32 23 34 61 31 65 54 30 46 20 23Impingement Rate (fish per hour) 1.41 3.68 5.29 2.61 2.70 1.04 0.71 0.35 0.28 0.34 0.70 1.70 1.0732 Nonnandeau Asso~iate.~

Inc.32Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Table 9. Extrapolated totals for invertebrates collected at Pilgrim Station from the intake screens, January-

December, 1980- 2010.SpeciesAmerican Lobster Homarus americanus Amphipod Amphipoda Arctic Lyre Crab Hyvas coarciatls Barnacle Cirripedia Bloodwonrm G era sp.Blue Crab Callinecles sapidusBlue Mussel Myilus edullsBrittle Star Ophiuroidea Cancer Crab Cancer 5pp.Caridean Shrimp CarideaClam Worm Nereis spp.Common Periwinkle Littorina litloreaGammarid Shrimp Gammarus spp.Glass Shrimp Dichelopandulus leptocerus Green Crab Carcinus maenasHermit Crab Paguridae Horseshoe Crab Limuluspo4.phemus Isopod IsopodaJapanese Shore Crab Hemigraphussanguineus Jellyfish CnidariaLady Crab Ovalipes ocellatus Mysid Shrimp ,ysidacea Mantis Shrimp Squia empusaNephtys Nephtys spp.Nadibranch Nudibranchia Oligochaele worm Orbinlldae Penaeid Shrmip Penaeidae Polychaete worm Polychaeta Ribbon worm Nemerlean Rock Crab Cancer irroratus Roundworm Nemuatoda Sea Anenome Actinaria Sea Urchin Echinoidea Sevenspine Bay Shrimp Crangon septenispinosa Sofishell Clam *ya arenariaSpider Crab Libinia spp.Squid Loligo spp.Starfish Asterias spp.Tunicate TunicataTwelve-scaled Worm Lepidodontus spp,Unidentified crab1980 1981 1982 19837,482 3,828 4,596 6,0440 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 7,49444,708 154266 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 08,589 6,521 0 8,2130 0 0 00 0 0 00 11,177 0 04,582 3,828 4,279 4,6640 0 0 03,610 4,167 3,962 11,9060 0 0 00 0 0 00 744 0 9408,939 8,975 6,125 5,3040 0 0 00 0 6,736 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 11,207 00 10,427 8,975 03,891 5,352 2,836 4,2100 0 0 09,771 0 0 06,858 8,259 15,661 8,9526,657 11,038 4,893 7,1990 0 0 9,6820 0 0 07,988 16,567 13,473 3,8813,596 6,849 5,31 .6,7680 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 10,463 019840000005,96600000001,75009930005,243000000003,1426,71103,7722,584004,50648200019855,483000006,59800000004,49004,6179,124004,8590000007,15906,701008,48323,243005,3277,7660001986 1987 1988 1989112 0 46 3230 0 233 530 0 0 is0 0 0 00 0 0 011 0 0 09,195 49,823 4,891 3,3090 0 23 00 49 0 1580 0 0 44658 149 133 3299 30 24 00 0 0 00 0 0. 0447 220 311 3620 0 24 0842 .88 718 72111 542 266 1700 0 0 00 0 0 0263 31 0 3410 0 0 00 0 7 00 0 0 0236 2,767 2,684 2460 0 0 00 0 0 099 5,004 5,530 63874 1,558 348 90446 2,767 1,725 1,2150 0 79 059 0 196 045 1,215 222 8551,778 5,903 4,043 3,4560 0 0 011 0 0 0240 39 328 660302 35 2215 2,9340000007003600Total116,669 251,997 98,736 85,257 35,150 93,850 14,237 70,218 24,051 16,35433 Normandeau Associates, Inc.33Normandean Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Impingement Monitoring Table 9. (continued),

SpeciesAmerican Lobster Homarus americanus Amphipod Amphipoda Arctic Lyre Crab Hyas coarctatus Barnacle Cirripedia Bloodworm Glycera sp.Blue Crab Callinectes sapidusBlue Mussel Mytilus edulisBrittle Star Ophiuroidea Cancer Crab Cancer spp.Caridean Shrimp CarideaClam Worm Nereis spp.Common Periwinkle Littorina IittoreaGammarid Shrimp Gammarus spp.Glass Shrimp Dichelopandulus leptocenGreen Crab Carcinus maenasHermit Crab Paguridae Horseshoe Crab Limuluspolyphemus Isopod IsopodaJapanese Shore Crab llemigraphus sanguineus Jellyfish CnidariaLady Crab Ovalipes ocellatus Mysid Shrimp k,,sidacea Mantis Shrimp Squila empusaNephtys Nephtys spp.Nudibranch Nudibranchia Oligochaete worm Orbimidae Penacid Shrmip Penaeidae Polychaete worm Polchaeta Ribbon worm Nemertean Rock Crab Cancer irroratus Roundworm NematodaSea Anenome Actinaria Sea Urchin Echinoidea Sevenspine Bay Shrimp Crangon septemspinosa Sofishell Clam Mya arenariaSpider Crab Libinia spp.Squid Loligo spp.Starfish Asterias spp.Tunicate TunicataTwelve-scaled Worm Lepidodontus spp.Unidentified crabS1990 1991 1992410 631 1,0500 0 010 12 100 10 00 0 012 0 0209 742 140 0 00 0 00 0 010 70 2260 0 014 0 00 0 0272 597 6229 32 0340 421 1,1289 73 1060 0 00 0 090 466 440 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 2545 10 42565 893 2150 0 00 0 5872 63 611,019 1,573 2,8250 0 00 0 0605 296 4451,661 1,812 610 0 00 0 00 0 019931,55402200000006480001,01301,6165000490000001001551,207340611,7050036067500019949930130480350091,0860001,64305191300103300048001881300956,876240760351000199561900031000001,4170001,39501837600400000000641,60700825,740002,270147000199698600021000005100001,3580190270044013002104001,3370196016,342003091130001997383000003400096000906013100064055031200027244007190700343534.0001998429000000000970005500711000530000000011300319,570001,145222000199960600000000042000095003700035015162600267836000317,861001,0131,8851000Total 5,352 7,702 6,934 9,249 13,390 13,671 21,389 4,107 12,290 13,37134Normandeau Associates,

Inc, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10Impingement Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Impingement Monitoring Table 9, (continued),

1980-2009 Species 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Mean 1 2010American Lobster Homarusamencanus 631 112 145 321 140 1,025 278 519 54 0 1)93 350Amphipod Amphipoda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0Arctic Lyre Crab Hyas coarctatus 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0Barnacle Cirripedia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Bloodworm Glycerasp.

0 24 0 0 0 16 15 0 0 0 5 0Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 251 25Blue Mussel Mytilt edulis 0 21 0 183 0 288 819 135 0 0 9,375 0Brittle Star Ophiuroidea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0Cancer Crab Cancer spp. 100 1,467 1,224 1,954 0 479 462 858 258 1,170 273 0Caridean Shrimp Caridea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0Clam Worm Nereisspp.

1,809 302 147 478 392 1,055 53 15 316 399 1,118 916Common Periwinkle Littorina fittorea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0Gammarid Shrimp Gammarus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Glass Shrimp Dichelopandulus leptocerus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 373 0Green Crab Carcinusmaenas 2,277 1,378 569 426 III 68 265 314 177 279 1,337 999Hermit Crab Paguridae 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0Horseshoe Crab Limuluspolyphemus 26 0 0 0 0 22 57 14 0 0 1,213 61Isopod Isopoda 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 350 0Japanese Shore Crab Hemigraphus sanguineus 0 0 47 36 21 0 60 0 0 35 7 0Jellyfish Cnidaria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 0Lady Crab Ovalipesocellatus 0 27 135 27 0 0 0 14 0 0 1,373 218Mysid Shrimp Mysidacea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0Mantis Shrimp Squilaempusa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 228 0Nephtys Nephtysspp.

0 0 0 0 0 II 23 667 0 0 24 325Nudibranch Nudibranchia 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 209 0Oligochaete worm Orbiniidae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0Penaeid Shrmip Penaeidae 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Polychaete worm Pol)chaeta 0 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 997 0Ribbon worm Nemertean 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 123 93 738 129RockCrab Cancerirroratus 3,134 0 0 0 634 0 0 0 0 0 1,447 2,301Roundworm Nematoda 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 228 0Sea Anenome Actinaria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 337 0Sea Urchin Echinoidea 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 1,833 0Sevenspine Bay Shrimp Crangonseptemspinosa 26,959 7,030 7,165 7,925 15,622 9,283 1,728 1,544 3,575 7,505 7,118 6,368SoftshellClam Myaarenaria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 324 0Spider Crab Libiniaspp.

26 0 12 0 0 72 0 0 45 0 6 25Squid Lohgospp.

1,961 903 878 545 36 64 850 468 299 62 2221 455Starfish Asteriasspp.

0 1,206 274 61 26 45 51 76 36 97 1,527 282Tunicate Tunicata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0Twelve-scaled Worm Lepidodontus ipp. 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0Unidentified crab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 349 0Total 36,939 12,622 10,609 11,979 16,990 12,428 4,661 4,624 4,883 9,667 34646 12,45435 Normandeau Associates, Inc.35Normandeau Associates, Inc.

ICHTHYOPLANKTON ENTRAINMENT MONITORING AT PILGRIM NUCLEAR POWER STATIONJANUARY -DECEMBER 2010Submitted toEntergy NuclearPilgrim Nuclear Power StationPlymouth, Massachusetts byNormandeau Associates, Inc.Falmouth, Massachusetts


-20 10 11B. Unusual Entrainment Values 16C. Multi-year Ichthyoplankton Comparisons 18D. Entrainment and Impingement Effects -Specific 61E. Lobster Larvae Entrained 113V LITERATURE CITED 119APPENDICES A and B (available upon request)iNormandeau Associates, Inc.

LIST OF FIGURESFIGURE PAGE1 Entrainment sampling station in PNPS discharge canal. 72 Dominant species of fish eggs and larvae found in PNPS ichthyoplankton samples during the winter-early summer season. Percent of total andsummed monthly means for all species are also shown. 123 Dominant species of fish eggs and larvae found in PNPS ichthyoplankton samples during the late spring-early spring season. Percent of total andsummed monthly means for all species are also shown. 144 Dominant species of fish eggs and larvae found in PNPS ichthyoplankton samples during the late summer-autumn season. Percent of total andsummed monthly means for all species are also shown. 165 Mean monthly densities per 100 m3 of water in the PNPS discharge canalfor the eight numerically dominant egg species and total eggs, 2010 (boldline). Solid lines encompassing shaded area show high and low values overthe 1981-2009 period.37-426 Mean monthly densities per 100 m3 of water in the PNPS discharge canalfor the thirteen numerically dominant larval species and total larvae, 2010(bold line). Solid lines encompassing shaded area show high and low valuesover the 1981-2009 period.43-507 Numbers of equivalent adult winter flounder estimated from entrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.

898 Numbers of equivalent adult winter flounder estimated from survival adjustedentrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.

899 Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries spring winter floundernorthern stock abundance data (mean catch per tow) from 1978-2010.

9010 NMFS spring survey winter flounder mean catch per tow in the Gulf ofMaine from 1979-2010.

9011 Numbers of equivalent adult cunner estimated from entrainment andimpingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.

91iiNormandeau Associates,

Inc, LIST OF FIGURES (continued)

FIGURE PAGE12 Numbers of equivalent adult cunner estimated from survival adjustedentrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.

9113 Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic mackerel estimated from survivaladjusted entrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.

9214 Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic menhaden estimated fromentrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.

9215 Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic menhaden estimated from survivaladjusted entrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-20 10. 9316 Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic herring estimated fromentrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.

9317 Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic cod estimated from entrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.

9418 Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic cod estimated from survival adjustedentrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-20 10. 94LIST OF TABLESTABLE PAGEI PNPS ichthyoplankton entrainment values for 2010 by species categoryand month used to determine unusually high densities.

8-102 Species of fish eggs (E), larvae (L), and juveniles (J) obtained inichthyoplankton collections from the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Stationdischarge canal, January-December 2010. 513 Ichthyoplankton densities (number per 100 m3 of water) for each samp-ling occasion during months when notably high densities were recorded, January-December 2010. Densities marked by + were unusually highbased on values in Table 1. Number in parentheses indicates percent ofall previous values during that month which were lower.52-564 Species of fish eggs (E) and larvae (L) collected in the PNPS discharge canal, 1975-2010.

57-60iii Nonnandeau Associafes, Inc.iiiNormandeau Associates, Inc.

LIST OF TABLES (continued)

TABLE PAGE5 Numbers of winter flounder eggs and larvae entrained at PNPS annually bystage, 1980-20 10. Number and weight of equivalent age 3 adults calculated by four methods is also shown. Estimates based on normal operation flowexcept where indicated.

956 Numbers of winter flounder eggs and larvae entrained adjusted for survival atPNPS by stage, 1980-2010.

Numbers and weights of equivalent age 3 adultscalculated by three methods is also shown. Estimates based on normaloperational flow. 967 Numbers of winter flounder impinged at PNPS annually, 1980-20 10.Numbers and weights of equivalent age 3 adults calculated by threemethods is also shown. 978 Numbers of winter flounder impinged adjusted for survival at PNPS, 1980-2010. Numbers and weights of equivalent age 3 adults calculated by threemethods is also shown. 989 Numbers of cunner eggs and larvae entrained at PNPS annually, 1980-2010. Numbers and weights of equivalent adults calculated by twomethods are also shown. Estimates based on normal operational flow. 9910 Numbers of cunner eggs and larvae entrained adjusted for survival at PNPS,1980-2010.

Numbers and weights of equivalent adults calculated by twomethods are also shown. Estimates based on normal operational flow. 100I I Numbers of cunner impinged at PNPS, 1980-2010.

Numbers and weightsof equivalent adults calculated by two methods are also shown. Estimates based on normal operational flow. 10112 Numbers of cunner impinged adjusted for survival at PNPS, 1980-2010.

Numbers and weights equivalent adults calculated by two methods arealso shown. Estimates based on normal operational flow. 10213 Numbers of Atlantic mackerel eggs and larvae entrained at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.

Numbers and weights of equivalent age I and age 3 fish arealso shown. Estimates based on normal operational flow. 103iv Normandeau Associates, Inc.ivNormandeau Associates, Mc.

LIST OF TABLES (continued)

TABLE PAGE14 Numbers of Atlantic mackerel impinged at PNPS, 1980-2010.

Numbersand weights of equivalent age 3 fish calculated by two methods arealso shown. Estimates based on normal operational flow. 10415 Numbers of Atlantic menhaden eggs and larvae entrained at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.

Numbers and weights of equivalent age 2 and age 3 fishCalculated by two methods also shown. Estimates based on normaloperational flow. 10516 Numbers of Atlantic menhaden eggs and larvae entrained adjusted forsurvival at PNPS, 1980-2010.

Numbers and weights of equivalent age 2and age 3 fish calculated by two methods are also shown. Estimates based on normal operational flow. 10617 Numbers of Atlantic menhaden impinged at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.

Numbers and weights of equivalent age 2 and 3 adults calculated by twomethods are also shown. Estimates based on normal operational flow. 10718 Numbers of Atlantic herring larvae entrained at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.

Numbers and weights of equivalent age I and age 3 fish calculated by twomethods are also shown. 10819 Numbers of Atlantic herring impinged at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.

Numbers and weights of equivalent age 3 fish calculated by two methodsare also shown. 10920 Numbers of Atlantic cod eggs and larvae entrained at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.

Numbers and weights of equivalent age 2 fish calculated bytwo methods are also shown. 11021 Numbers of Atlantic cod impinged at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.

Numbers and weights of equivalent age 2 fish calculated by two methodsare also shown. 11122 Numbers of Atlantic cod impinged adjusted for survival at PNPS, 1980-20 10.Numbers and weights of equivalent age 2 fish calculated by two methodsare also shown. 11223 Numbers of lobster entrained and impinged at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.

Numbers of equivalent adults (82 mm) are also shown. 118V Normandeau Associates, Inc.VNormandeau Associates, Inc.

LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIXA* Densities of fish eggs and larvae per 100 m3 of water recorded in the PNPSdischarge canal by species, date, and replicate, January-December 2010.B* Geometric mean monthly densities and 95% confidence limits per 100 m3of water for the dominant species of fish eggs and larvae entrained at PNPS,January-December 1981-2010.

  • Available upon Normandeau Associales, Inc.viNormandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring SECTION ISUMMARYSampling of entrained ichthyoplankton at PNPS in 2010 followed the revised protocolinitiated in April 1994. In January,

February, and October through December three sampleswere taken every other week each month, weather permitting, for a total of six per month. InMarch through September samples were taken three times every week in conjunction with theimpingement monitoring study, except on March I S and 3rd due to a severe storm and September 3rd due to Hurricane Earl moving up along the New England coast.A total of 40 species of fish were represented in the January-December
samples, slightlyhigher than the 35-year mean (39 species).

Winter-early spring (January

-April) samples weredominated by Gadidae-Glyptocephahts, Labridae-Limanda, windowpane, fourbeard

rockling, and American plaice eggs along with sand lance, grubby, rock gunnel, and Atlantic seasnaillarvae. Late spring-early summer collections, taken from May through July, were dominated bytautog-cunner-yellowtail
flounder, fourspot flounder-windowpane, fourbeard rockling-hake-butterfish, and Atlantic mackerel eggs along with cunner, winter flounder, radiated shanny,tautog, fourbeard
rockling, yellowtail
flounder, and Atlantic menhaden larvae. Late summer-autumn collections (August -December) were dominated by the tautog-cunner-yellowtail, silverhake-scup-weakfish, fourspot flounder-windowpane, and fourbeard rockling-hake-butterfish egggroups, along with cunner, tautog, Atlantic
menhaden, hake, fourbeard
rockling, fourspotflounder, windowpane, and silver hake larvae.Comparisons of ichthyoplankton densities over the 1975-2009 time series suggested that,in most cases, numbers in 2010 were consistent with those recorded since sampling began atPNPS in 1975. Species that appeared abundant in 2010 compared with past years includedsearobin and fourspot flounder-windowpane eggs and tautog larvae. In contrast, Atlanticmackerel eggs and larval seasnail, rock gunnel, and sand lance densities were relatively low.Unusually high entrainment densities, based on historical results (defined under PNPS'ssampling plan), were identified on 76 occasions in 2010 and involved six species of eggs and tenspecies of larvae. High abundance episodes were generally scattered among species and overtime, and were of short duration.

Entrainment and impingement of winter flounder, cunner, Atlantic

mackerel, Atlanticmenhaden, Atlantic
herring, and Atlantic cod were examined in some detail dating back to 1980INormandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring using equivalent adult (EA) procedures.

These estimates were compared to commercial andrecreational

landings, and local stock size estimates where available.

Equivalent adult estimates for winter flounder eggs and larvae entrained in 2010 were 6,293 age 3 adults compared with a1980-2009 average of 13,629 assuming 100% entrainment mortality.

When entrainment survival was included in the calculations, estimates decreased to 4,292 age 3 adults in 2010compared to a time series average of 9,206. An additional 112 age 3 equivalent adults wereestimated from the number of winter flounder impinged in 2010. The number of equivalent age3 adults impinged declined to 88 when impingement survival was included in the calculations.

The EA estimate for cunner entrained in 2010 was 562,953 fish assuming 100%entrainment mortality.

The 2010 cunner equivalent adult estimates decreased to 128,357 fishwhen entrainment survival was included in the calculations.

An additional 442 equivalent adultcunner were impinged in 2010 that declined to 393 equivalent adults after adjustment forimpingement survival.

Atlantic mackerel equivalent adults attributable to entrainment in 2010amounted to 316 age 1 fish or 114 age 3 fish based on two sets of survival values. Atlanticmackerel are swift swimmers and are not often impinged at PNPS. EA values for Atlanticmenhaden were 1,004 age 2 fish in 2010 assuming 100% entrainment mortality, with anadditional 355 age 2 equivalents estimated to have been impinged in 2010. The number of age 2menhaden declined to 532 fish when adjusted for entrainment survival.

Atlantic menhaden aresensitive to impingement and were assumed to have zero survival.

Atlantic herring larvaeentrained in 2010 were equivalent to 8,043 age 1 or 3,260 age 3 fish. Impingement, generally contributed little to herring equivalent adults at PNPS. Atlantic herring were assumed to havezero entrainment and impingement survival.

Lastly, EA values for Atlantic cod were 664 age 2fish, with an additional 36 equivalent age 2 Atlantic cod estimated to have been impinged in20 10 at PNPS. Atlantic cod were assumed to have zero entrainment survival.

Equivalent age 2cod declined to 32 when impingement survival was included in the calculations.

Twenty-seven lobster larvae were collected at PNPS during the January-December 2010entrainment sampling period, resulting in an estimated total of 766,221 entrained larvae. Theequivalent adult (82 mm CL) estimates for lobster larvae entrained in 2010 were 15 lobsters withan additional 238 equivalent adult lobsters attributed to impingement.

2 Normandeau Associates, Inc.2Normandeau Associales, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10Entraim-nent Monitoring SECTION IIINTRODUCTION This report summarizes the results of ichthyoplankton entrainment sampling conducted atthe Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (PNPS) from January through December 2010 byNormandeau Associates, Inc. for Entergy Nuclear uhder Contract No. 50014600, in compliance with environmental monitoring and reporting requirements of the PNPS NPDES Permit (U.S.Environmental Protection Agency and Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection),

Included here is a brief summary of the dominant taxa collected over the course of the year, areview of long-term trends for the dominant fish eggs and larvae, and an assessment of numbersentrained for six key species, winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus),

cunner(Tautogolabrus adspersus),

Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus),

Atlantic menhaden(Brevoortia tyrannus),

Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus),

and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).SECTION IIIMETHODS AND MATERIALS Monitoring Entrainment sampling at PNPS, begun in 1974, was originally completed twice permonth during January and February, October-December; weekly during March throughSeptember; in triplicate at low tide. The sampling regime was modified beginning in April 1994;the revised program exchanged replication for improved temporal coverage and has beenfollowed every year since then. In January,

February, and October through December duringtwo alternate weeks each month single samples were taken on three separate occasions.

Beginning with March and continuing through September single samples were taken three timesevery week. During autumn and winter months when sampling frequency was reduced,sampling was postponed during onshore storms due to heavy detrital loads. The delayed samplewas taken during the subsequent week; six samples were ultimately taken each month.To minimize costs, sampling was linked to the impingement monitoring program so thatcollections were made Monday morning, Wednesday afternoon, and Friday night regardless oftide (see Impingement Section).

All sampling was completed with a 60-cm diameter planktonnet streamed from rigging mounted approximately 30 meters from the headwall of the discharge canal (Figure 1). In instances where the net rigging mount failed, a temporary rigging was3Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrairunent Monitoring installed and sampling continued.

Standard mesh was 0.333-mm except from late Marchthrough late May when 0.202-mm mesh was employed to improve retention of early-stage larvalwinter flounder.

Sampling time in each case varied from 8 to 30 minutes depending on tide,higher tide requiring a longer interval due to lower discharge stream velocities.

In most cases, aminimum quantity of 100 m3 of water was sampled although at astronomically high tides itproved difficult to collect this amount even with long sampling intervals since the net would notinflate in the low current velocity near high tide. Exact filtration volumes were calculated usinga General Oceanics Model 2030R digital flowmeter mounted in the mouth of the net. Near timesof high water a 2030 R2 rotor was employed to improve sensitivity at low velocities.

All samples were preserved in 10% Formalin-seawater solutions and returned to thelaboratory for microscopic examination.

A detailed description of laboratory and analytical procedures appears in MRI (1988) and NAI (2008). As in past years, larval winter flounder wereenumerated in four developmental stages as follows:Stage I -from hatching until the yolk sac is fully absorbed (2.3-2.8 mm TL).Stage 2 -from the end of stage 1 until a loop or coil forms in the gut (2.6-4 mm TL).Stage 3 -from the end of stage 2 until the left eye migrates past the midline of the headduring transformation (3.5-8 mm TL).Stage 4 -from the end of stage 3 onward (7.3-8.2 mm TL).Similarly larval cunner (Tautogolabrus adspersus) were enumerated in three developmental stages:Stage 1 -from hatching until the yolk sac is fully absorbed (1.6-2.6 mm TL).Stage 2 -from the end of stage 1 until dorsal fin rays become visible (1.8-6.0 mm TL).Stage 3 -from the end of stage 2 onward (6.5-14.0 mm TL).Samples were examined in their entirety for larval American lobster (Homarusamericanus).

When collected these were staged following Herrick (1911).Unusual Entrainment LevelsWhen the Cape Cod Bay ichthyoplankton study was completed in 1976, provisions wereadded to the entrainment monitoring program to identify unusually high densities of fish eggsand larvae. Prior to 1994 "unusually abundant" was defined as any mean density, calculated over4Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring three replicates, which was found to be 50% greater than the highest mean density observedduring the same month from 1975 through to the current year. Restricting comparisons tomonthly periods damped the large seasonal variation so readily apparent with ichthyoplankton and allowed tracking densities as each species' season progressed.

Starting with 1994"unusually abundant" was redefined.

On a month-by-month basis for each of the numerically dominant species all previous mean densities over three replicates (1974-1993) were examinedand tested for normality following logarithmic transformation.

Single sample densities obtainedfrom 1994-2009 were added to the pool within each month. Where data sets (for example,mackerel eggs taken in June) fit the lognormal distribution, then "unusually large" was definedby exceeding the overall log mean density plus 2 or 2.58 standard deviations.'

Log densities were back-transformed to make them easier to interpret thus providing geometric means. Incases where data sets did not fit the lognormal distribution (generally months when a species wasfrequently but not always absent, i.e., many zeros occurred),

the mean and standard deviation was computed using the delta-distribution (see for example Pennington 1983). The same meanplus standard deviation guideline was applied.The decision to rely on 2 standard deviations or 2.58 standard deviations was based onthe relative importance of each species.

The more critical criterion was applied to species ofcommercial, recreational, or biological

interest, the less critical to the remaining species (i.e.,relatively greater densities were necessary to flag a density as unusual).

Species of commercial, recreational, or biological interest include Atlantic

menhaden, Atlantic
herring, Atlantic cod,tautog and cunner (the labrids; Tautoga onitis and Taulogolabrus adspersus),

sand lance(Ammodytes sp.), Atlantic

mackerel, windowpane (Scophthalmus aquosus),

American plaice(Hippoglossoides platessoides),

and winter flounder.

Table I provides summary data for eachspecies of egg and larva by month within these two categories showing the 2010 "unusually high" levels.A scan of Table I will indicate that, in cases where the long-term mean amounts to I or 2eggs or larvae per 100 mi, the critical level is also quite small. This situation occurred during'Normal distribution curve theory states that 2.5% of the measurements in a normally distributed population exceed the mean plus 1.96 standard deviations

(= s, we rounded to 2 for simplicity),

2.5% lie below the mean minus1.96 standard deviations.

Stated another way 95% of the population lies within that range and 97.5% lies below themean plus L.96s. Likewise 0.5% of measurements exceed the mean plus 2.58s, 99% lie within the range of the meanX 2.58s, 99.5% lie above the mean + 2.58s.:5Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring months when a given species was obviously uncommon and many zeros were present in the dataset with an inherent small standard deviation.

The external reference distribution methodology of Box et al. (1975) was also employed, This procedure relies on a dotplot of all previousdensities for a species within each month to produce a reference distribution.

Densities exceeding either 97.5 or 99.5% of the reference set values were considered unusually high withthis procedure.

6 Normandeau Associates, Inc.6Normandeau Associates, Inc.

y2zC-tt12~II005-rj2C-0C.,00~t'i02~000.C,0C,Figure 1. Aerial photograph of the entrainment sampling station in PNPS discharge canal.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 1. PNPS ichthyoplankton entrainment values for 2010 by species categoryand month used to determine unusually high densities.

See text for details,Densities per Long-term Mean + Mean + Previous High100 m3of water: Meant 2


(Year_JanuaryLARVAEAtlantic herring2SculpinRock gunnelSand lance2FebruaryLARVAEAtlantic herring2SculpinRock gunnelSand lance2MarchEGGSAmerican plaice2LARVAEAtlantic herring2SculpinSeasnails Rock gunnelSand lance2Winter flounder2AprilIEGGSAmerican plaice2LARVAEAtlantic herringSculpinSeasnails Radiated shannyRock gunnelSand lance2Winter flounder2MayEGGSGadidae-Glyptocephalus Labrids2Atlantic mackerel2Windowpane 2American plaice20. (2006)17.6 (2009)78.1 (2002)337.0 (1996)5.8 (2002)341.1 (2006)133.0 (1999)372.9 (1995)19.0 (1977)30.9 (2005)369.9 (1997)16.9 (2002)882.2 (1997)2242.0 (2005)16.2 (1997)70.3 (1978)83.1 (2005)386.2 (1985)98.1 (1974)83.9(2002) 121.1 (1992)2590.6 (1994)198.3 (1974)63.5(2002) 34050.0 (1974)19203.0 (1995)603.9 (2008)162.4 (2007)2.63618923.135144031147158Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Table I (continued).

Densities per100 m3of water:Long-term Mean +Mean' 2 +2.58 High(Year)MayLARVAEAtlantic herringFourbeard rocklingSculpinSeasnails Radiated shannySand lance2Atlantic mackerelWinter flounder2JuneEGGSAtlantic menhaden2Searobins Labrids2Atlantic mackerel2Windowpane 2 2American plaiceLARVAEAtlantic menhaden2Fourbeard rocklingHakeCunner2Radiated shannyAtlantic mackerel2Winter flounder2JulyEGGSAtlantic menhaden2Labrids2Atlantic mackerel2Windowpane 2LARVAEAtlantic menhaden2Fourbeard rocklingHakeTautog,CunnerAtlantic mackerel20.74.1377372914295863271690.3547911026159126.960.74.1721.15941232221599351526131087155106413349161569.35.331838420823636341109115.2 (2005)159.7 (2001)78.3 (1997)164.4 (1974)266.9 (1998)639.1 (1996)377.6 (1998)573.8 (1998)799.7 (1998)128.0 (1987)37282.0 (1995)8193.2 (1990)355.5 (1998)35.0 (1980)495.9 (1981)224.0 (1992)50.6 (1998)2215.6 (1998)290.6 (2004)2700.0 (1981)813.5 (1998)59.1 (1978)12917.0 (1981)119.0(1981) 840.3 (2007)212.8 (2005)115.8 (1999)301.8 (2009)268.6 (1998)2162.5 (1981)60.1 (1996)9 Normandeau Associates, inc.9Normandeau Associales, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment MOnitOTMig Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Table 1 (continued).

Densities per100 m3of water:Long-term Mean +Mean' 2 +2.58 High(Year)AugustEGGSSearobins Labrids2Windowpane 2LARVEAtlantic menhaden2Fourbeard rocklingSilver hakeHakeTautog2Cunner2September EGGSAtlantic menhaden2Labrids2Windowpane LARVAEAtlantic menhaden2Fourbeard rocklingSilver hake2HakeTautog2Cunner2OctoberEGGSAtlantic menhaden2Windowpane 2LARVAEAtlantic menhaden2Fourbeard rocklingHakeNovemberLARVAEAtlantic menhaden2Atlantic herring2DecemberLARVAEAtlantic herring24231593613661043.66I23.2105.32415422111.641511112315942.72226989.2 (1995)3500.0 (1984)261.3 (2006)760.2 (2008)204.6 (1983)157.3 (2009)235.9 (2008)89.6 (2008)254.0 (1997)73.2 (1993)112.8(1993) 539.6 (2005)81.0 (1999)68.6 (1993)46.2 (1999)327.2 (1997)32.1 (2009)42,1 (1993)163.6 (2002)40.2 (2000)70.3 (1997)67.9 (1994)13.7 (1985157.1 (1997)124.8 (1995)216_7 (19Q9\216242.3110.441621823 21670995)

'Geometric or Delta Mean.2Species of commercial, recreational, or biological interest for which more critical unusualevent level will be used.10 Normandeau Associates, Inc.10Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring SECTION IVRESULTSA. Ichthyoplankton Entrained

-2010Estimated densities per 100 m3 of water for each species listed by date, station, andreplicate are presented for January-December 2010 in Appendix A (available upon request).

Theoccurrence of eggs and larvae of each species by month appears in Table 2. lchthyoplankton collections are summarized below within the three primary spawning seasons observed in CapeCod Bay waters: winter-early spring, late spring-early summer, and late summer-autumn.

Winter-Early Spring (January-April)

Ichthyoplankton entrained during January through April generally represent winter-early spring spawning fishes. Many of these species employ a reproductive strategy that relies ondemersal, adhesive eggs not normally entrained.

As a result, more species are typically represented by larvae than by eggs during the early portion of the year. Over both life stages thenumber of species represented in the catch increased from 6 in January to 16 in April. Eggcollections in winter-early spring were numerically dominated by the Gad idae-Glyptocephalus egg group, the Labridae-Limanda egg group, windowpane, fourbeard rockling (Enchelyopus cimbrius),

and American plaice eggs. These species accounted for 40, 27, 11, 10, and 8% of thetotal egg catch during the period, respectively.

Gadidae-Glyptocephalus eggs were entrained from January through April with respective monthly geometric mean densities of 0.4, 0.4, 4.0,and 0.3 eggs per 100 m3 of water. Labridae-Limanda eggs were entrained in March and Aprilwith monthly geometric mean densities of 0.3 and 3.2 eggs per 100 m3 of water, respectively.

Windowpane eggs were entrained in March and April with corresponding monthly geometric mean densities of 0.1 and 1.5 eggs per 100 m3 of water. Fourbeard rockling eggs were alsoentrained in March and April with corresponding monthly geometric mean densities of 0.03 and1.4 eggs per 100 m3 of water. Lastly, American plaice eggs were entrained in March and Aprilwith monthly geometric mean densities of 0.5 and 0.8 eggs per 100 m3 of water, respectively.

In the winter-early spring, 16 species of larval fish were collected from the discharge canal. Sand lance, grubby (Myoxocephahis aenaeus),

rock gunnel (Pholis gunnellus),

andAtlantic seasnail (Liparis atlanticus) made up the majority of the larval fish collected fromJanuary to April, contributing respectively, 42, 21, 16, and 5% of the total collected.

Sand lanceI1INormandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring were collected from January through April with monthly geometric mean densities of 0.04, 1.4,3.5, and 15.1 larvae per 100 m3 of water, respectively.

Grubby were collected during Februarythrough April with corresponding monthly geometric mean densities of 0.3, 3. 1, and 5.6 larvaeper 100 m3 of water. Rock gunnel were collected from January through April with respective monthly geometric mean densities of 0.4, 2.8, 3.2, and 0.1 larvae per 100 m3 of water. Atlanticseasnail were collected during April with a monthly geometric mean density of 1.9 larvae per100 m3of water.Winter -Early SpringJanuary -April 2010EggsAmerican plaice7.8%Windowpane 10.7%All others5.3%LarvaeLabridae-Limanda 27.1% Sand lance42.3%I Fourbeard rockling9.5%Grubby20,6%IRock gunnel16.2%Atlantic seasnail5.0%Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 39.6%All others16.0%Sum of monthly means = 16.50Sum of monthly means = 51.46Figure 2: Dominant species of fish eggs and larvae found in PNPS ichthyoplankton samples during thewinter-early spring season, 2010. Percent of total and summed monthly mean densities for all species arealso shown.Late Spring-Early Summer (May-July)

May through July represents the late spring-early summer ichthyoplankton season,typically the most active reproductive period among temperate fishes. Considering both eggsand larvae, 30 species were represented in the May-July collections, 23 species by eggs and 24species by larvae. Numerically dominant eggs were the tautog-cunner-yellowtail flounder egg12 Normandeau Associates, Inc.12Normandeau Associates,

Inc, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring group (Labridae-Limandaferruginea),

the fourspot flounder-windowpane egg group(Paralichthys oblongus-Scophthalmus aquosus),

the fourbeard rockling-hake-butterfish egggroup (Enchelyopus-Urophycis-Peprilus) and Atlantic mackerel (Figure 3). Tautog-cunner-yellowtail flounder eggs accounted for 85.5% of the late spring-early summer egg catch, andpeaked in June at a geometric mean density of 1616.6 eggs per 100 m3 of water. Labrid eggmeasurement studies completed at PNPS suggested that the majority of labrid eggs collected near PNPS are cunner (Scherer 1984). Labrid eggs far exceed yellowtail eggs during the periodwhen they are indistinguishable from each other. Fourspot-windowpane eggs accounted for5.2% of the seasonal egg catch, and peaked in June with a geometric mean density of 74.9 eggsper 100 m3 of water. Fourbeard rockling-hake-butterfish eggs accounted for 3.6% of the latespring-early summer egg catch, and peaked in June with a geometric mean density of 28.0 eggsper 100 m3 of water. Atlantic mackerel eggs accounted for 2.7% of the seasonal egg catch andalso peaked in June when they were collected at a mean density of 25.0 eggs per 100 m3 ofwater.Numerically dominant larvae during late spring-early summer collections were cunner,winter flounder, radiated shanny (Ulvaria subbifurcata),

tautog, fourbeard

rockling, yellowtail
flounder, and Atlantic menhaden (Figure 3). Cunner accounted for 34.8% of the seasonal total,winter flounder for 13.0%, radiated shanny for 10.8%, tautog for 7.3%, fourbeard rockling for7.0%, yellowtail flounder for 4.9%, and menhaden for 4.9%. Cunner larvae were observed inJune and July with monthly geometric mean densities of 1.8 and 31.1 larvae per 100 m3 of water,respectively.

Winter flounder larvae were collected in May and June with monthly meandensities of 5.8 and 1.5 larvae per 100 m3 of water. Radiated shanny were observed from Maythrough July with corresponding monthly means of 5.3, 2.3, and 0.3 per 100 m3 of water. Tautoglarvae were collected from May through July with respective monthly mean densities of 0.6, 0.6,and 6.1 per 100 ml of water. Fourbeard rockling were most abundant in June with a monthlymean density of 2.0 per 100 ml of water. Yellowtail flounder larvae were most abundant in Maywith a monthly mean density of 2.0 per 100 m3 of water. Lastly, Atlantic menhaden larvae weremost abundant in July with a monthly geometric mean density of 3.1 per 100 m3of water.13 Norm andeau Associates, Inc.13Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Late Spring -Early Summer SeasonMay -July 2010Eggs LarvaeTautogCunnerYellowtail Winter flounder85.5% 13.0%Radiated shanny10,8%CunnerYellowtail flounder 34.8%4.9%73%All others All others Fourbeard rocklingFourspotWindo p e 3.1% 17.3% Atlantic menhaden 7.0%5.2% RocklinggHakeButterfish 4.9%Atlantic mackerel 3.6%2.7%Sum of monthly means = 2989.68 Sum of monthly means = 94.37Figure 3. Dominant species of fish eggs and larvae found in PNPS ichthyoplankton samples during thelate spring-early summer season, 2010. Percent of total and summed monthly mean densities for allspecies are also shown.Late Summer -Autumn (August -December)

This season is typically marked by a decline in both overall ichthyoplankton density andin the number of species collected.

Considering egg and larval stages combined, 27 species werecollected during the August through December period; 21 species in August declined to 3 speciesin December.

Numerically dominant eggs were the tautog-cunner-yellowtail, silver hake-scup-

weakfish, fourspot flounder-windowpane, and fourbeard rockling-hake-butterfish egg groups.Seasonal percentages for these egg groups were 34%, 34%, 15%, and 12%, respectively (Figure4). Tautog-cunner-yellowtail flounder eggs were present in August through October, the highestgeometric mean density occurred in August at 28.9 eggs per 100 m3 of water. Silver hake-scup-weakfish eggs were present from August through October and peaked in August at 19.2 eggs per100 m3 of water. Fourspot flounder-windowpane eggs occurred from August through Octoberand peaked in August (13.8 egg per 100 m3 of water). Lastly, fourbeard rockling-hake-butterfish eggs were collected from August through November and peaked in August (14.2 eggs14Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring per 100 m3 of water). Larval dominants in the late summer-autumn season were cunner, tautog,Atlantic

menhaden, hake, fourbeard
rockling, fourspot
flounder, windowpane, and silver hake(Merluccius bilinearis).

Seasonal percentages for these species were 26, 13, 9, 8, 8, 6, 6, and5%, respectively (Figure 4). Cunner were collected from August through October withcorresponding geometric mean densities of 5.0, 0.3, and 0.1 larvae per 100 m3 of water. Tautogwere collected in August through October with geometric mean densities of 1.3, 2.8, and 0.1larvae per 100 ml of water, respectively.

Atlantic menhaden occurred from August throughOctober at geometric mean densities of 0.4, 1.3, and 0.5 larvae per 100 m3 of water. Hake werepresent from August through October at geometric mean densities of 1.8, 0.9, and 0. 1 larvae per100 m3 of water. Fourbeard rockling occurred from August through November.

Peak densityoccurred in August with a geometric mean of 1.7 larvae per 100 M3.Fourspot flounder werecollected from August through October.

The peak density occurred in August at 1.1 larvae per100 m3 of water. Windowpane were present from August through October and peaked inSeptember at 1. 1 larvae per 100 m3 of water, respectively.

Lastly, silver hake were observed inAugust and September, and peaked in August at a mean density of 1.7 larvae per 100 m3 ofwater.15 Normandeau Associates.

Inc.15Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Late Summer -Autumn SeasonAugust -December 2010Eggs LarvaeAltantic menhadenHakeScupWeakfish Fourspot flounder 9.0% Silver hake Hake33.7% 6.2% 85.4%FourspotWindowpane 14.8%All othersRocking 5.2% -263%RocklingHakeButterfish 12.0% All others19.0%TautogCunnerYellowtail Tautog34.3% 12.5%Windowpane 5.6%Sum of monthly means = 148.89 Sum of monthly means = 35.08Figure 4. Dominant species offish eggs and larvae found in PNPS ichthyoplankton samples during the latesummer-autumn season, 2010. Percent of total and summed monthly mean densities for all species are alsoshown.B. Unusual Entrainment ValuesIchthyoplankton densities reached the unusually high level, as defined under Methods,during the 2010 sampling season on 76 specific occasions and involved fourteen species (Table3). These species were Atlantic

herring, seasnail, winter flounder, radiated shanny, windowpane, Atlantic
menhaden, searobins, American plaice, hake, Atlantic
mackerel, fourbeard
rockling, silver hake, and labrid species.

Several species recorded unusually high densities either onseveral occasions or during more than a single month. In general, unusually high densities weresporadic and of short duration.

Atlantic herring larvae reached unusually high entrainment numbers on six occasions in2010 (Table 3). The March 17th density (6.9 larvae per 100 m3 of water) exceeded 94% of allprevious March densities.

Seasnail larvae occurred at unusually high densities on two occasions in 2010 (Table 3),the April 23rd density (19.7 larvae per 100 in3) exceeded 95% of all previous April densities.

16 Norinandeau Associates, inc.16Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Radiated shanny larvae were collected at unusually high densities on three occasions in2010 (Table 3). The April 30th density of 10.3 larvae per 100 m3 of water exceeded 95% of allprevious April densities.

Winter flounder larvae attained an unusually high density once in 2010 on April 23rd(17.8 larvae per 100 m3 of water) exceeding 95% of all previous April densities (Table 3).Labrid eggs were observed at unusually high densities on four occasions in 2010 (Table3). The May 31t density (4300.9 eggs per 100 in3) and the September 10th density (28.6 eggs per100 in3) exceeded 97% of all previous May and September densities respectively.

Windowpane eggs reached unusually high entrainment numbers on five occasions in2010 (Table 3). The May 24th density (458.7 eggs per 100 M3) and the August 20th density(231.2 eggs per 100 M3 ) exceeded 99% of all previous May and August values, respectively.

The October 8h density (17.1 eggs per 100 M3) exceeded 95% of all previous October values.Atlantic menhaden eggs were recorded at unusually high densities on six occasions in2010 (Table 3). The density of 266.4 eggs per 100 m3 of water on June 25"h exceeded 98% of allprevious June densities.

The July 5th and 7th densities (42.4 and 27.0 eggs per 100 m3 of water)exceeded 99 and 98% respectively of all previous July densities.

Searobin eggs occurred at unusually high entrainment numbers on five occasions in 2010(Table 3). The June 25'h and 30th densities (17.0 and 13.6 eggs per 100 M3 of water)correspondingly exceeded 99 and 98% of all previous June densities.

The August 20th density of26.0 eggs per 100 in3 of water exceeded 98% of all previous August densities.

American plaice eggs were collected at unusually high densities twice in June 2010(Table 3), with the June 7th density (19.9 eggs per 100 M3) exceeding 99% of all previous Junedensities.

Hake larvae were attained at unusually high entrainment numbers on eight occasions in2010 (Table 3). The June 4th density of 2.7 larvae per 100 M3 of water surpassed 95% of allprevious June densities.

Additionally, the larval density collected on July 30th (4.6 larvae per100 in3) surpassed 92% of all previous July densities.

Atlantic mackerel eggs reached unusually high densities twice in July 2010 (Table 3).The July 2nd and 5th densities (29.1 and 22.4 eggs per 100 M3 , respectively) exceeded 97and 96%of all previous July densities.

17 Normandeau Associates, Jnc.17Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Atlantic menhaden larvae occurred at unusually high densities three times in 2010 (Table3). The July 7 h density of 19.4 larvae per 100 m3 of water exceeded 90% of all previous Julydensities.

Fourbeard rockling larvae were collected at unusually high numbers on two occasions in2010 (Table 3). The August 6Ih larval density (20.8 larvae per 100 M3) exceeded 95% of allprevious August densities.

Tautog larvae were recorded at unusually high densities twenty times in 2010 (Table 3).The July 7rh larval density (22.6 larvae per 100 M3) exceeded 96% of all previous July densities.

The larval densities collected on September 81hand 101h (12.6 and 22.2 larvae per 100 M3,respectively) each surpassed 99% of all previous September densities.

The September 15th and22 d larval densities (8.7, and 9.1 larvae per 100 M3, respectively) surpassed 96 and 97% of allprevious September densities.

Silver hake larvae attained unusually high densities on three occasions in August 2010(Table 3). Larval densities collected on August 20th, 25th, and 27th (8.2, 7.2, and 12.5 larvae per100 M3 respectively) each exceeded 95% of all previous August densities.

Lastly, cunner larvae appeared at unusually high densities four times in 2010 (Table 3).The August 6th density (118.9 larvae per 100 M3) surpassed 98% of all previous August densities.

C. Multi-year Ichthyoplankton Comparisons A master species list for ichthyoplankton collected from the PNPS discharge canal for theyears 1975 through 2010 is provided in Table 4. A total of 40 species were represented in the2010 collections, slightly above the 1975-2009 time series mean of 39 species.Appendix B (available upon request) lists geometric mean monthly densities along with95% confidence limits for each of the numerical dominants collected over the January-December period dating back to 1981. Geometric means are reported because they more accurately reflectthe true population mean when the distribution of sample values are skewed to the right as iscommonly the case with plankton data. Generally low values obtained for both eggs and larvaeduring April-June 1984 and 1987, as well as May-June 1999, were shaded because low through-plant water volumes during those months probably affected the measurement of ichthyoplankton densities (MRI 1994). Entrainment data collected from 1975-1980 remain in an outdatedcomputer format requiring conversion before geometric mean densities can be generated.

These18Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrairanent Monitoring years were therefore excluded from comparison.

To help compare values over the 35-yearperiod, egg data were plotted in Figure 5 for those species whose combined total represented 96% of the 2010 egg catch. For this figure, cod, haddock, pollock and witch flounder eggs werecombined in the Gadidae-Glyptocephalus group; rockling, hake and butterfish made up theEnchelyopus-Urophycis-Peprilus group, and labrids and yellowtail flounder were combined inthe Labridae-Limanda group. For each category shown, the highest monthly geometric meansobtained from 1981 through 2009 were joined by solid lines as were the lowest geometric means,and the area between was shaded, indicating the range of these values. Monthly geometric meanvalues for 2010 were joined by a solid line. Alongside each plot is a bar graph showing annualabundance indices for each year. These were generated by integrating the area under each2annual curve using trapezoidal integration

.One set of bars was based on geometric monthlymeans and the other, longer time series, on arithmetic monthly means (1975-2010).

Appendix Band Figure 6 contain corresponding data for the 13 numerically dominant species of fish larvae,those accounting for 83% of the 2010 catch as well as total larvae (all species combined).

Asmentioned for eggs, low values obtained for both eggs and larvae during April through August1984 and 1987 and May-June 1999 were flagged in these figures and omitted from the following discussion.

In many cases densities of fish eggs and larvae vary considerably from year to year. Forexample, over the 28-year geometric mean time series for Atlantic menhaden eggs, the highestannual abundance index (3,023 in 1993) divided by the lowest (10 in 1992) amounted to 292. Inspite of such pronounced variation, no consistent upward or downward trend is apparent over thetime series for many species including menhaden and windowpane eggs, sculpin and rock gunnellarvae. Following are noteworthy observations concerning the multi-year time series. Sincedensities of each ichthyoplankton species rise and fall to zero over the course of eachrepresentative occurrence season, interannual comparisons are often conveniently made withinmonthly periods..Atlantic menhaden 2010 monthly mean egg densities were within the historical range thathas been observed from 1981 to 2009, and showed the traditional peaks in egg densities 2 Curve integration results in units of (Numbers x days) per 100 m3of water.19NormandeauAssociates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring in late spring and late summer (Figure 5). The 2010 annual geometric mean abundance index (159) increased compared to the 2007 (98), 2008 (53), and 2009 (6) indices (Figure5). The 2010 arithmetic mean index (1,104) also increased compare to the 2007 (462)through 2009 (9.6) indices, and is the highest since 1997. Atlantic menhaden eggs werecollected at unusually high densities on six occasions in 2010 (See Section B above,Table 3).Gadidae-Glyptocephalus eggs were recorded at a new high in March 2010 at a monthlymean density of 4.04 eggs per lOOm3 of water (Figure 5). Egg group monthly meandensities showed the traditional seasonal characteristics in 2010 with peaks in earlyspring and early winter that have been observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 5). Atlanticcod eggs were typically collected in low numbers at PNPS during winter months from1975-1987 (5 per 100 m3 of water, for example).

Following 1987 they becameuncommon particularly during January and February.

The gadidae-Glyptocephalus groupshowed a significant decline from 1975 to 1993 (p<0.001),

based on a nonparametric signtest (Sprent 1989). This is consistent with the downward trend reported for Atlantic codand witch flounder (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus) stocks for this time period, apparently resulting, at least in part, from overexploitation (NOAA 1998, NEFSC 1998). In 1998,the annual geometric mean index (163) reached the highest value since 1989 (195) andsuggested that this decline had ended, at least locally, since the values for 1994 through1997 (119, 114, 122, and 105, respectively),

appeared stable at about two times the lowvalue recorded in 1993 (51). From 2000-2003 the geometric mean indices increased (194, 237, 212, and 483, respectively),

then decreased from 2004-2006 (334, 208, and128, respectively) and increased in 2007 (172). The 2010 geometric mean index (253)increased from 2008 (140) and 2009 (212; Figure 5). Overall an upward trend wasapparent in these eggs from 1999 through 2005, which is consistent with increases in theGulf of Maine Atlantic cod spawning stock biomass from 1998 through 2004. Thedecline in eggs observed from 2006 through 2008 followed by the increases in 2009 and2010 may reflect the decline observed in spawning stock biomass in 2005 followed bythe increases in 2006 and 2007. The Gulf of Maine Atlantic cod stock is not considered overfished although overfishing is occurring (NEFSC 2008).20 Normandeau Associates, Inc.20Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10Entrainment Monitoring 0 Rockling, hake, and butterfish (grouped in their early developmental stages,Enchelyopus-Urophycis-Peprilus; MRI 1988) monthly mean egg densities reached a newDecember high in 2010 at a density of 0.12 eggs per 100m3 of water, but in generalshowed the traditional seasonal characteristics observed from 1981 to 2009 in 2010(Figure 5). Rockling, hake, and butterfish eggs have been uncommon in recent years.Trend analysis using the longer-term arithmetic time series indicated that a significant downward trend occurred from 1978 through 1996 (p = 0.05) even with a moderate catchin 1995. The 1999 (4,715 and 2,366) and 2000 (7,946 and 4,301) indices suggested anupward trend might have begun, however in 2001 arithmetic and geometric mean indicesdeclined (1,897 and 641, respectively).

Although the arithmetic and geometric meanindices improved slightly in 2002 (1,980 and 1,199, respectively),

they continued todecline in 2003 (1,915 and 585) and 2004 (953 and 438, respectively).

The 2004 indexvalues were the lowest recorded in the time series. The arithmetic and geometric meanindices increased from 2005 (1,340 and 611, respectively) through 2008 (8,709 and2,987), and then declined in 2009 (3,019and 1,606, respectively).

The 2010 arithmetic and geometric mean indices increased to 4,298 and 2,377; the geometric mean index wasabove the 1981-2009 time series average of 2,259 (Figure 5).Fourbeard rockling dominate within this egg grouping based on late-stage eggs aswell as larval collections.

Since they are a small bottom fish with little or no commercial value, stock size data are not available with which to compare trends. Hake on the otherhand contribute to the commercial bottom fishery.

The Gulf of Maine and northernGeorges Bank white hake stock is considered to be overfished (NEFSC 2008). Thenorthern red hake stock which includes the Gulf of Maine and northern Georges Bankareas is currently not considered overfished.

The spring and fall total northern red hakestock biomass indices declined from 2003 through 2006 then increased through 2008(NEFSC 2011). The low egg collections observed at PNPS from 2001 through 2005followed by an increase through 2008 is consistent with the trend in the northern red hakestock biomass.0 Searobin (Prionotus spp.) egg monthly densities in 2010 showed the traditional latespring -early summer peak that has been observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 5).Searobin egg abundance has been low in recent years, a downward trend in egg21Norinandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring abundance has occurred during the 1981 through 2010 time period. A Mann-Kendall trend test at a 95% significance level (a = 0.05) using the geometric mean index supportsthis downward trend (p = 0.003). The 1981-2009 geometric mean abundance index timeseries shows an alternating, intermittent rise and fall in abundance between years since1987. The arithmetic and geometric mean abundance indices increased in 1999 (258 and123) and 2000 (452 and 290), declined in 2001 (108 and 62) and 2002 (57 and 33), andreached a time series low in 2003 of 1.8 and 1.5, respectively.

The arithmetic andgeometric mean abundance indices remained low from 2004 (36 and 21, respectively) through 2006 (17 and 8), and then gradually increased from 2007 (39 and 21,respectively) through 2009 (361 and 152). The 2010 indices continued to increase (694and 319, respectively) and remained above the time series averages of 236 and 146,respectively.

The 2010 indices are the highest values recorded since 1987 (Figure 5).Searobin eggs were recorded at unusually high densities on five occasions in 2010 (SeeSection B above, Table 3). The Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (MADMF)resource survey trawls showed relatively high searobin abundance during the late 1970'sthrough the mid-1980's followed by a sharp decline through the early 1990's (McBride etal. 1998). The decline in the 1990's appears to be reflected in the PNPS egg data.Labridae-Limanda egg monthly mean densities in 2010 showed the traditional late spring-early summer peak that has been observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 5). Labridae(tautog/cunner) eggs, believed to be composed primarily of cunner (Scherer 1984),appeared to be in a downward trend from the late 1970's through 1994 (Figure 5)although a sign test failed to confirm it using the conventional 95% significance level (p= 0.055). The arithmetic and geometric indices both showed an increase in density in1995. The 1995 arithmetic index appeared exceptionally high and disproportionate to thegeometric value due to a single high density in June (37,282 per 100 m3 of water), whichgreatly skewed the arithmetic mean for that month. The arithmetic and geometric indicesdeclined in 1997 but increased again in 1998. The 1998 arithmetic index wasdisproportionately high due to two high densities in June. The geometric indices declinedin 1999 and 2000 (29,885 and 28,156 respectively) and increased in 2001 (40,559).

In2002 both the arithmetic and geometric indices declined (32,754 and 14,709respectively);

the arithmetic mean was the lowest recorded in the 1975-2009 time series.22Normandeau Associates.


Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring The geometric indices increased in 2003 and 2004 (15,438 and 32,693 respectively),

however in 2005 both the arithmetic and geometric indices declined (45,602 and 12,707respectively).

In 2006, the arithmetic index increased (55,672) compared to the 2005index, however the geometric abundance index (11,534) continued to decline, to thelowest value in the 1981-2010 time series. The arithmetic and geometric indicesincreased in 2007 (82,258 and 34,322 respectively),

declined slightly in 2008 (56,123 and22,201) and then increased in 2009 (125,164 and 25,288 respectively).

The 2010arithmetic mean index (121,731) decline slightly and remained below the 1975-2009 timeseries average (127,440).

The 2010 geometric index (70,236) increased to the highestvalue since 1989 and was above the 1981-2009 time series average of 40,009 (Figure 5).Labrid eggs were recorded at unusually high densities on four occasions in 2010 (SeeSection B above, Table 3).The downward trend noted through 1994 was consistent with observations of finfishin the PNPS area as well as impingement collections at the Station (Lawton et al. 1995).Changes in sampling protocols at PNPS have negated the ability to monitor generalcunner population trends beyond 1994, which in the past were sampled by gill net, trawl,and diver surveys.

Numbers impinged appeared to systematically decline from 1980through 1992 (annual totals dropped from 1,043 to as low as 28 in 1992), then increased in 1993 (93) and 1995 (346). They remained high in 1996 (332), which appeared toroughly parallel the egg abundance data. The impingement total for 1997 (41) and 1998(101) represented a substantial drop relative to the preceding two years and appeared outof step with the ichthyoplankton collections.

Cunner impingement dropped in 2002 (59),increased from 2003 (172) to 2005 (716), declined from 2006 (384) to 2008 (247),increased in 2009 (895) which was similar to the ichthyoplankton collections.

Cunnerimpingement declined in 2010 (535; See Impingement Section),

which appears out ofstep with the increase observed in the ichthyoplankton collections.

Early stage yellowtail flounder eggs are similar to and grouped with the labrids.Yellowtail flounder eggs are believed to account for all eggs of the Labridae-Limanda type collected in April since the labrids are not likely to spawn until May. Yellowtail flounder eggs were relatively abundant in April from 1999 through 2002, abundance thendeclined from 2003 through 2007, increased in 2008, declined slightly in 2009, and23Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring increased in 2010. The April geometric mean densities were 2.4 per 100 m3 in 1999, 4.0per 100 m3 in 2001, 1.1 per 100 m3 in 2003, 0.5 per 100 m3 in 2005, 0.1 per m3 in 2007,1.3 per 100 m3 in 2008, and 1.2 per 100 m3 in 2009. The 2010 April yellowtail floundereggs' geometric mean index was 2.5 per 100 m3 of water. Spawning stock biomass ofCape Cod -Gulf of Maine yellowtail flounder decreased from 2,633 mt in 1990 to 949 mtin 1998, and then increased to 1,797 mt in 2002. The spawning stock biomass declinedto 796 mt in 2005 and then increased to 1,922 mt in 2007. The Cape Cod -Gulf of Maineyellowtail flounder stock is currently considered overfished (NEFSC 2008). The declineseen in yellowtail flounder egg abundance at PNPS from 2003 through 2007 followed byan increase in 2008 reflects the overall trend observed throughout the Cape Cod -Gulf ofMaine yellowtail flounder stock.Mackerel egg monthly mean densities in 2010 showed the traditional late spring peakabundance observed from 1981 to 2009 in June (Figure 5). Mackerel eggs typically display a sharp peak in their seasonal abundance curve often with one or two very highdensities.

For example, in May 1995 a single density of 19,203 eggs per 100 m3 wasrecorded on May 26, dropping to 557 eggs per 100 m3 on the 29th. The second highestdensity occurred on June 91h that year with 4,754 eggs per 100 M3.Due to these briefsharp peaks, arithmetic and geometric indices are often quite far apart (Figure 5).Mackerel eggs were more abundant from 1988 to 1998 compared to the 1975 through1987 period. A sign test using the arithmetic index time series supported this upwardtrend (p < 0.006). In 1999 and 2001, the numbers decreased significantly to 1,135 and727, respectively.

These decreases are likely due to the fact that the main seawaterpumps were off for extended periods during the month of May both years, the peakseason for mackerel eggs. In 2002, the geometric mean index increased to the secondhighest value in 10 years (11,850) but then declined in 2003 (3,411) and 2004 (661). Thegeometric mean index value increased slightly in 2005 (676) and then declined in 2006(451) and 2007 (311), which was the lowest value in the time series. The geometric mean increased in 2008 (1,106) and 2009 (1,906),

and then declined in 2010 (1,127;Figure 5). Entrainment of high densities of mackerel eggs during the 1990's wasconsistent with a dramatic rise in stock biomass attributable to reductions in foreignfishing and low commercial landings by U.S. fishermen (Overholtz 1993, NOAA 1998,24Normandeau Associates.


Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring NEFSC 1998). The northwest Atlantic mackerel spawning stock biomass declined from1,359,003 mt in 1972 to 96,968 mt in 2008, and recruitment declined from an average of2.1 billion age 1 fish from 1962-1984 to 566 million age I fish from 1985-2009 (TRAC2010). The decline in mackerel egg densities observed at PNPS during the last eightyears is consistent with the decline in northwest Atlantic mackerel productivity.

0 The Paralichthys-Scophthahnus egg group was recorded at new March high in 2010 at amonthly mean density of 0.07 eggs per 100m3 of water. The traditional high monthlymean egg densities observed during late spring from 1981 to 2009 were seen in 2010(Figure 5). Windowpane eggs are predominant within the Paralichthys-Scophthahnus egg group based on larval collections.

The geometric mean indices increased from 1994(2,216) through 2001 (6,377),

declined in 2002 (1,396),

increased in 2003 (1,973) and2004 (2,843),

and declined slightly in 2005 (2,074) and 2006 (2,038).

In 2007 thegeometric mean index increased to 7,294 and then decline to 2,792 in 2008. Thegeometric mean index increased in 2009 (4,496) and 2010 (5,140),

and was above the1981-2009 time series average of 3,061. The arithmetic mean index increased in 2007(13,474) compared to the 2006 index (4,300) and then declined in 2008 (6,265).

Thearithmetic mean index increased in 2009 (7,800) and 2010 (9,000) and continued to beabove the 1975-2009 time series average (5,213; Figure 5). Windowopane eggs wererecorded at unusually high densities on five occasions in 2010 (See Section B above,Table 3).In general these eggs have not shown wide variations in number, at leastcompared with other species regularly entrained.

Massachusetts Division of MarineFisheries spring and fall trawl surveys suggest that stocks gradually increased from 1978to 1995 but then decreased more or less steadily through 2004. A slight increase seemsto have occurred from 2005 to 2007 (Matthew Camisa, MDMF, personalcommunication).

Over that time series catch did not swing over a very wide range, thelow being two fish per tow and the high 14 (average of spring and fall surveys).

TheGulf of Maine-Georges Bank windowpane stock is considered to be overfished (NEFSC2008).* American plaice monthly mean egg densities in 2010 generally showed the traditional seasonal characteristics that have been observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 5). The25Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring highest geometric mean index value in the 1981-2010 time series occurred in 2004 (450).The index dramatically declined in 2005 (54), increased in 2006 (113) and 2007 (230),and then declined in 2008 (113). The arithmetic mean index followed a similar trenddeclining from 811 in 2004 to 186 in 2005, increasing to 206 in 2006 and 742 in 2007,and then declining to 296 in 2008. Both the geometric and arithmetic mean indicesincreased in 2009 (375 and 756, respectively) and then declined in 2010 (113 and 173,respectively) dropping below the time series averages (190 and 414, respectively; Figure5). American plaice eggs were collected on two occasions at unusually high densities in2010 (See Section B above, Table 3).Plaice egg abundance at PNPS appears to generally follow trends in adult stocksize. Entrainment was low in the mid 1980's when stock size was known to be low(NEFSC 1998, NEFSC 2008), increased from 1987 through 1992, and decreased slightlythrough 1996 although remained above the low of 1990; then rose again through 2001.Egg abundance has fluctuated from 2002 through 2007. Relatively strong egg production near PNPS may be accounted for by the strong year class produced in 1992 and areduction in fully recruited fishing mortality from 1992 to 1999 (NEFSC 2001).Spawning stock biomass decreased from 10,648 mt in 2001 to 8,560 mt in 2004 and thenincreased to 15,569 mt in 2007. The Gulf of Maine -Georges Bank American plaicestock is currently not considered to be overfished although the spawning stock biomass isbelow the target level (28,600 mt; NEFSC 2008).Total eggs collected in 2010, all species pooled together (Figure 5), showed thecharacteristic temperate fish late spring-early summer peak observed during the 1981-2009 time series. The total egg geometric mean abundance index declined in 2005(20,056) and 2006 (17,694),

increased in 2007 (49,697),

and then declined in 2008(36,468).

The geometric mean index increased in 2009 (57,933) and 2010 (96,590).

The2006 index was the lowest in the 1981-2010 time series. The 2005 arithmetic mean index(58,440) was the second lowest value in the 1975-2010 time series. The arithmetic meanindex increased in 2006 (70,794) and 2007 (106,760),

declined in 2008 (80,640),

andthen increased in 2009 (145,176) and 2010 (147,058; Figure 5). The 2010 geometric index was above the time series average (75,010) although the arithmetic index remainedbelow the 1981-2009 series average (185,827).

The low indices recorded in 2005 and26Normandeau Associoles, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring 2006 may reflect to a large extent the below-average production of fourbeard

rockling, cunner, yellowtail
flounder, mackerel, and American plaice eggs. The increase recordedin 2010 may reflect above average production of searobins, labrid, and Paralichthys-Scophthalmus eggs.Larvaea Atlantic menhaden larvae monthly mean densities show the traditional seasonalcharacteristics in 2010 (Figure 6). Menhaden larval abundance was relatively high from1996-1999, then noticeably dropped during 2000 and 2001, climbed slightly in 2002 andthen dropped again in 2003 and 2004. The 2004 annual geometric mean abundance index (10) and arithmetic mean index (12) were the lowest values recorded in the timeseries. The geometric mean abundance index increased from 2005 (312) through 2008(819), then declined in 2009 (320) and 2010 (194) dropping below the 1981-2009 timeseries average of 264. The arithmetic mean abundance index increased in 2005 (1,022)and 2006 (1,374),

then declined slightly in 2007 (1,116),

and increased in 2008 (4,048).The arithmetic mean index declined in 2009 (719) and 2010 (352) dropping below the1975-2009 time series average of 606 (Figure 6). Atlantic menhaden larvae werecollected in unusually high densities on three occasions in 2010 (See Section B above,Table 3).Atlantic menhaden are coastal migrants that travel in schools that can often bequite dense and are attracted to both intake and discharge currents at industrial facilities.

The great variability in numbers of eggs taken at PNPS probably reflects not onlynumbers of adults in the surrounding waters but variability in the distance from PNPS atwhich spawning takes place. Spawning stock biomass increased from 1993 through 1995(Cadrin and Vaughan 1997), which is consistent with the observed increase in egg andlarval densities in 1997 and larval densities alone in 1997-1999.

Currently the stock isbelieved to be healthy (ASMFC 2010) consistent with the relatively high numbers oflarvae entrained during the last six years.* Larval Atlantic herring 2010 monthly mean densities showed the traditional spring andearly winter peaks that have been observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 6). Peakabundance of Atlantic herring larvae shift somewhat from year to year due to abiotic27Normandeau Associates, Inc.

PilgTim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entraininent Monitoring factors like water temperature.

For example, the major spawning for Atlantic herring inthe Northwest Atlantic traditionally occurs from late August through November (Collette and Klein-MacPhee, 2002), but during unseasonably cold winters this spawningseasonality usually shifts later into December, as seen in 2003. Atlantic herring larvaewere collected in unusually high densities on six occasions in 2010 (See Section B above,Table 3).Atlantic herring larval abundance indices have proven valuable in management ofherring stocks on Georges Bank, Nantucket Shoals, and in the Northwest Atlantic ingeneral (Smith and Morse 1993). The Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank herring stockcomplex was seriously depleted by overseas fleets during the 1960's and 1970's to thepoint where no larval herring were found on Georges Bank for a decade (Anthony andWaring 1980, Smith and Morse 1993, Overholtz and Friedland 2002). The stock hasincreased more or less steadily since 1986 following reductions in fishing pressure to thepoint where they are abundant on Nantucket Shoals and in the Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank region. The estimated 2008 stock biomass (652,000 mt) is slightly below the BMsy(670,600 mt) but the stock is not considered overfished (TRAC 2009). Larval collections at PNPS from 1994 through 2002 reflect the general increase in stock size, the geometric mean index for those seven years ranking among the top six. In 2003, however, thegeometric mean index (32) fell relative to the 2002 index of 147, and represented afourteen-year low dating back to 1989. The geometric and arithmetic mean indicesincreased in 2004 and 2005. The 2006 geometric mean index (148) was very similar tothe 2005 index (147), however the 2006 arithmetic mean index (349) decreased compared to the 2005 index (602). In 2007 the geometric mean index declined to 9,representing a 1981-2010 time series low. The 2007 arithmetic mean index also declinedto 13, representing the second lowest value in the 1975-2010 time series. The geometric and arithmetic mean indices increased in 2008 (72 and 145, respectively),

were similar in2009 (79 and 146), and increased slightly in 2010 to 93 and 185, respectively (Figure 6).Fourbeard rockling larval monthly mean densities showed the traditional seasonalcharacteristics in 2010 that have been observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 6). Larvaldensities were unusually high on two occasions in 2010 (See Section B above, Table 3).Fourbeard rockling larvae were relatively abundant in 1998 and 1999 due to the28Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring unusually high densities recorded in July of those years. The annual geometric meanindex dropped sharply in 2000 (50), rebounded in 2001 (607), and then declined in 2002and 2003. The 2003 geometric mean index (47) was a time series low and under onetenth the series average (479). In 2004, the geometric mean index increased (528)relative to the 2002 and 2003 indices.

However, the geometric and arithmetic meanindices declined in 2005 (195 and 536, respectively) and 2006 (162 and 346). The 2007geometric mean index remained essentially unchanged while the arithmetic mean indexincreased slightly (363). The geometric and arithmetic mean indices increased in 2008(225 and 522, respectively) and 2009 (330 and 710). In 2010, both the geometric andarithmetic mean indices declined to 194 and 406 remaining below their respective timeseries averages of 459 and 1,324 (Figure 6). In spite of these swings in abundance, noconsistent trend over the times series is evident.

As mentioned above under eggs, therockling is a small bottom fish with little or no commercial value and stock size data areunavailable with which to compare trends.Larval hake monthly mean densities in 2010 were within the historical range observedfrom 1981 to 2009 (Figure 6). Larval hake densities were unusually high on eightoccasions in 2010 (See Section B above, Table 3). Larval hake abundance has been lowsince 1999. The arithmetic and geometric mean indices declined to time series lows in2003 (16 and 9, respectively).

The arithmetic and geometric mean indices increased slightly from 2005 (28 and 15) through 2007 (62 and 37), and then increased morenoticeably in 2008 (1,332 and 217) and 2009 (1,549 and 226, respectively).

In 2010 boththe arithmetic and geometric mean indices declined (188 and 103 respectively),

droppingbelow their respective time series averages of 789 and 200 (Figure 6). The Northeast Fisheries Center (NEFSC) autumn bottom trawl surveys biomass index suggests that thenorthern red hake stock biomass gradually increased from the 1970's though 2002, steadydeclined to 1.16 kg per tow in 2005, and then increased reaching 12.46 kg per tow in2009. Commercial landings reached a historic low in 2005 of 150 mt. The MADMF fallsurvey biomass increased from a low of 447 mt in 1987 through the 1990's to amaximum of 3,842 mt in 2000, and then declined from 2002 through 2008. TheMADMF fall survey biomass was 1,233 mt in 2009. The northern red hake stock iscurrently not considered overfished (NEFSC 2011). White hake NEFSC autumn bottom29Normandeau Associates.


Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring trawl survey biomass index declined during the 1990's reaching a near record low in1999. The biomass then increased from 2000 to 2002 due to the strong 1998 year classand then declined to a very low level (Sosebee 2006). Spawning stock biomass wasestimated to be 19,800 mt in 2007 which is below the spawning stock biomass maximumsustainable yield of 56,300 mt. The Georges Bank -Gulf of Maine white hake stock iscurrently considered as overfished (NEFSC 2008). Time series highs in larval hakeabundance at PNPS in 1997 (994) and 1998 (932) may indicate production of strong yearclasses or simply reflect a localized spawning aggregation.

The low larval hakeabundance observed in the 2000 to 2007 indices may reflect the declines in biomass ofboth red and white hake stocks in the Gulf of Maine.Sculpin larval monthly mean densities followed historical characteristics with an earlyspring peak in 2010 (Figure 6). Sculpin abundance has remained relatively stable overthe 36-year arithmetic mean time series (Figure 6). A slight increasing trend occurredfrom 1977 through 1988 and a secondary peak was observed in 1997 (arithmetic meanindex = 5,058, geometric mean index = 2,249). After dropping in 1998 to 1,086, thegeometric mean index increased in 1999 (1,668) and 2000 (1,528) before declining in2001 (958). The sculpin geometric mean index rebounded in 2002 (2,428) to the thirdhighest value since 1981 and the highest since 1988. The arithmetic mean and geometric mean indices then declined from 2003 to 2005. The arithmetic and geometric meanindices increased in 2006 (3,166 and 1,183) but then declined in 2007 (3,044 and 932)and 2008 (844 and 375). The 2008 geometric mean index was a time series low. Thearithmetic and geometric mean indices increased in 2009 (1,949 and 843, respectively) and then declined in 2010 to 513 and 305 remaining below their respective time seriesaverages of 2,446 and 1,266 (Figure 6). The major species within this genus entrained atPNPS is the grubby. Since these fish are small and have no commercial or recreational significance, no stock size data are available with which to compare the larval abundance patterns.

Seasnail larvae monthly mean densities showed the traditional seasonal characteristics that have been observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 6). Seasnail larvae exceeded unusualdensity levels twice in 2010 although those values did not produce notably high monthlymeans (See Section B above, Table 3). Larval seasnail abundance has been low in since30Norniandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10Entrainment Monitoring 1998. The arithmetic and geometric mean indices declined to time series lows of 30 and27, respectively in 2003. The arithmetic mean index has remained at approximately 40%of the 1975-2009 time series average (579) since 2004, with an average index of 234from 2004-2009.

The geometric mean index has fluctuated continuously since the low in2003 ranging from 233 in 2004 to 45 in 2007, and has remained below the 1981-2009 time series average (214) since 2005. The arithmetic and geometric mean indicesincreased slightly in 2010 to 200 and 92, respectively from 122 and 57 in 2009 (Figure6). Since these fish typically reach a length of less than 6 inches and have no commercial or recreational significance, no stock size data are available with which to compare thelarval abundance patterns.

Tautog larval monthly mean densities reached a new September high in 2010 with adensity of 2.8 larvae per I 00m3 of water. However in general, the monthly meansdensities showed the historical patterns that have been observed from 1981 to 2009(Figure 6). Tautog larvae exceeded unusual high density levels on nine occasions inSeptember corresponding to the new September high monthly mean density observed.

Additionally tautog larvae exceeded unusual high density levels on eleven otheroccasions in 2010, although those densities did not produce notably high monthly means(See Section B above, Table 3). Larval tautog geometric mean abundance reached a five-year high in 2001 (268), followed by a decline in 2002 (73) and 2003 (64), and anincrease in 2004 (172). Abundance decreased in 2005 (132) and 2006 (69), and increased from 2007 (79) through 2009 (722). The 2009 geometric mean index was the secondhighest value in the time series. The geometric mean index declined in 2010 to 337, butremained well above the 1981-2009 time series average of 174. The arithmetic meanindices show a similar increasing trend in 2008 (679) and 2009 (1,198) compared to the2006 (189) and 2007 (137) values. The 2009 arithmetic mean index was also the secondhighest value in the time series. The arithmetic mean index declined in 2010 to 538, butcontinued to remain above the time series average of 346 (Figure 6). The arithmetic mean index (1975-2010) extends over a longer time period than the geometric meanindex and historically shows peaks and ebbs from year to year with no apparent long-term trend. Tautog spawning stock biomass declined from 1982 to 2003 (NEFSC 1998,ASMFC 2006a). Recent data indicate that Massachusetts commercial landings decreased 31AlormandeauAssociales, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrairunent Monitoring from 1993 to 2001 and recreational landings decreased from 1988-2004 (Stirratt 2002,ASMFC 2006a). Due to limited data, the Massachusetts tautog stock status is uncertain although it does not currently appear to be overfished.

However coastwide tautog areconsidered overfished (ASMFC 2006a).Cunner larval monthly mean densities in 2010 showed the traditional seasonalcharacteristics that have been observed from 1981 to 2009. Cunner larvae exceededunusual density levels on four occasions in 2010 although those values did not producenotably high monthly means (See Section B above, Table 3). No consistent long-term geometric mean index trends are apparent for this species.

However, cunner larvalabundance was low from 2002 through 2007. The geometric mean index declined from1,697 in 2000 to 115 in 2003. The index increased slightly in 2004 (373), declined againin 2005 (350) and 2006 (259), and then increased from 2007 (294) to 2009 (1,229).

The2010 geometric mean index declined to 1,181 but remained above the 1981-2009 timeseries average of 1,020 (Figure 6). Arithmetic mean indices for cunner larvae over thetime series (1975-2009) also show no apparent trends in entrainment collections, butrather fluctuate between a few years of relatively high abundance followed by years inwhich cunner larvae were less common. For instance, in 1981 the arithmetic mean indexfor cunner was 10,701 but then declined sharply to 437 in 1982 and climbed to 2,067 in1983. The 2010 arithmetic mean index of 2,200 increased slightly compared to the 2009index of 2,122 but remained below the 1975-2009 time series average of 2,461 (Figure6). This general fluctuating pattern is repeated throughout the time series and likelyreflects a localized, dynamic recruitment pattern for this temperate wrasse. Current stocksize data for cunner are unavailable.

" Larval radiated shanny monthly densities in 2010 showed the historical characteristics that have been observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 6). Radiated shanny larvae occurredat unusually high densities on three occasions in 2010 although those values did notproduce notably high monthly means (See Section B above, Table 3). Radiated shannylarval geometric mean abundance rebounded in 2000 (239) following a 12-year low in1999 (73), and reached a seven year high in 2002 (651). The geometric mean indexdeclined in 2005 (101) ending the 5-year increase in abundance, and remained low in2006 (113) and 2007 (103). The geometric mean index increased in 2008 (456) and 200932Normandeau Associates.


Pilgfirn Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entraimnent Monitoring (700) and then declined in 2010 to 274, dropping below the 1981-2009 time seriesaverage of 384. The 2010 arithmetic mean index also decreased to 462 which was belowthe 1975-2009 time series average of 834 (Figure 6). Since this is a small, ratherinconspicuous bottom fish, relatively little is known of its habits and data are notavailable concerning population trends.0 Rock gunnel larval monthly mean densities were collected at a new April low in 2010with a density of 0.06 larvae per 100m3 of water. However in general, the monthlymeans densities showed the traditional patterns observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 6).Rock gunnel larvae were collected in above-average numbers from 2000 to 2002 but thendeclined in 2003 and have since remained relatively low. The 2010 geometric meanindex (195) declined compared to the 2009 index (351) and continued to remain belowthe time series average (933). The arithmetic mean index has also shown a low relativeabundance since 2003. The 2010 arithmetic mean index (408) was also below the 1975-2009 arithmetic mean index time series average of 1,725 (Figure 6). Overall, however,there was no obvious or statistically significant trend from 1975 to 2010, although thereappeared to be intermittent highs in relative abundance followed by one or two-yeardeclines with the abundance indices generally increasing over the 1981-2002 time period.The appearance of rock gunnel larvae from February through April, the three monthswhen they typically are most abundant, fell below the time series mean for these monthsfrom 2003 through 2010 consistent with the overall annual indices.

Since the rockgunnel is a small bottom fish with no commercial or recreational value, abundance dataare not available with which to compare the entrainment estimates.

  • Sand lance larval monthly mean densities reached a new November high in 2010 with adensity of 0.08 larvae per 1 00m3 of water, and generally showed the traditional characteristics that have been observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 6). The geometric mean index increased nearly three-fold from 1994-2006 (mean index = 2,791) comparedto 1981-1993 (mean index = 1,054) indicating a general increase in abundance that beganin 1991 after a period of relatively low sand lance abundance from 1987-1990.

Overall,the geometric mean index peaked in 1996 (6,156) and the arithmetic index peaked in1994. The sand lance geometric mean index increased from 2004 (1,824) to 2006(3,195).

In 2007 the geometric mean index dropped 94% to 189, becoming the third33NormandeauAssociales, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring lowest value in the time series and the lowest value since 1988. The 2007 arithmetic mean index (397) also declined 95% from 2006 (7,998) and was the lowest value since1989. The geometric mean and arithmetic mean indices increased in 2008 (2,911 and7,223, respectively) and then declined in 2009 (728 and 1,696) and 2010 (633 and1,0101) dropping below their respective time series averages of 1,856 and 3,854 (Figure6).Sand lance play an important role in community ecology since they are a majorprey source for a number of finfish species including several of the dominant speciesdiscussed above: mackerel, cod, hake, plaice, and yellowtail flounder (Winters 1983).Adult sand lance are also a key prey species in the diet of several baleen whales such ashumpback (Megaptera novaeangliae) and finback whales (Balaenoptera physalis) thatmigrate seasonally to or through Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays and influence theseseasonal migrations (Weinrich et al 1997; Hain et al 1995). Traditionally, other dominantprey sources for humpback whales have been Atlantic herring and Atlantic mackerel.

However, as both these prey sources declined in abundance during the late 1970's andearly 1980's, humpback whales began targeting sand lance as their main prey source forthis region (Kenney et al 1996). Unfortunately, sand lance have little to no commercial orrecreational value, and therefore abundance data are unavailable to compare to theentrainment estimates.

Atlantic mackerel larval monthly mean densities in 2010 were within the historical rangethat has been observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 6). Peak larval abundance historically occurs in May and June with time series average geometric means of 0.63 and 8.4 per100 m3 of water, respectively.

The 2010 May and June geometric means continued to bebelow these averages with densities of 0.0 per 100 m3 of water in May and 0.59 in June.Mackerel larvae, like their eggs discussed above, typically display a sharp peak in theirabundance curve often with one or two very high densities.

Due to these brief sharppeaks, arithmetic and geometric indices are often quite far apart (Figure 6). Thearithmetic mean index generally increased from 1975 until 1995 and then declined.

Peaks in abundance occurred in 1981 (10,030) and 1995 (12,086).

The 2008 arithmetic mean index (39) declined from the 2006 (565) and 2007 (387) values. The arithmetic mean increased slightly in 2009 (68) but then declined in 2010 (37) and continued to be34Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring below the time series average (1,601).

The arithmetic mean index has been below thetime series average since 1999. The mackerel larval geometric mean index increased in2001 (159) from 2000 (131) but then declined in 2002 (70) and 2003 (36). A 5-year highoccurred in 2004 when the geometric mean index reached 251, but then declined in 2005(95). The geometric mean index increased slightly in 2006 (139), declined in 2007 (105)and 2008 (20), and then increased slightly in 2009 (30). In 2010 the geometric meanindex decreased to 18, the fourth lowest value in the 1981-20 10 time series, and was wellbelow the 1981-2009 series average of 286 (Figure 6). The northwest Atlantic mackerelspawning stock biomass declined from 1,359,003 mt in 1972 to 96,968 mt in 2008, andrecruitment declined from an average of 2.1 billion age 1 fish from 1962-1984 to anaverage of 566 million age 1 fish from 1985-2009 (TRAC 2010). The decline inmackerel larvae densities observed at PNPS since 1999 is consistent with the currentdecline in the northwest Atlantic mackerel spawning stock biomass.Winter flounder larvae, a species of considerable recreational and commercial interestand value, are typically among the numerically dominant members of the larval fishcommunity around PNPS in May and the first part of June. Winter flounder larvalmonthly mean densities generally showed the traditional seasonal patterns that have beenobserved from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 6) although a single individual was collected inAugust in 2010. Winter flounder larvae were recorded at an unusually high density of17.8 larvae per 100 m3 of water in April 2010 which did not produce a notably highmonthly mean (See Section B above, Table 3). The annual geometric mean curve areaindex reached a high of 2,307 in 2001. This high was followed by a decline in 2002(575) and 2003 (195), a slight increase in 2004 (539), and then a decline from 2005 (492)through 2007 (172). The geometric mean index increased in 2008 (264) and 2009 (272),then declined in 2010 to 258 and remained below the 1981-2009 time series mean of 481.The arithmetic mean index increased in 2004 (3,047);

declined in 2005 (2,009) and 2006(429); and then increased from 2007 (480) through 2009 (1,422).

The arithmetic meanindex declined in 2010 (593) and was well below the 1975-2009 time series average of1,162 (Figure 6). Overall these indices varied without trend over the time series.The Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic winter flounder stock, including offshore Cape Cod, continues to be overfished (NEFSC 2008, Mayo and Terceiro 2005).35Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrain.ment Monitoring The 2002 year class was estimated to be very small at only 4.4 million fish; it wasfollowed by an average size year class (21.6 million) in 2003 (Mayo and Terceiro 2005).The 2006 year class was estimated to be the smallest on record (1981 to 2007) at 3.6million fish and was followed by a small 2007 year class estimated to be 8.8 million fishThe 2007 spawning stock biomass was estimated to be 3,368 mt (NEFSC 2008). TheGulf of Maine winter flounder stock appeared to be doing better than the Southern NewEngland stock; this stock was considered to have been rebuilding since 1995 (NEFSC2003, Mayo and Terceiro 2005) and was listed as not being overfished (Mayo andTerceiro 2005). However, in the most recent stock assessment a high degree ofuncertainty in stock status determination exists although all models suggest that currentspawning stock biomass is below the spawning stock biomass maximum sustainable yield value. The Gulf of Maine winter flounder stock is now considered to likely beoverfished (NEFSC 2008). See additional information below.The total for all larvae combined in 2010 showed the traditional seasonal patterns thathave been observed from 1981 to 2009 (Figure 6). The 2010 total larval arithmetic meanindex (8,472) declined compared to the 2008 (24,825) and 2009 (23,411) indices and waswell below the 1975-2009 time series average (21,179).

The 2010 geometric mean index(5,521) also declined compared to the 2008 (11,264) and 2009 (11,773) indices and wasconsiderably below the 1981-2009 time series average (11,147; Figure 6).36 Normandeau Associates, Inc.36Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrairunent Monitoring Figure 5. Geometric mean monthly densities per 100 m3 of water in the PNPS discharge canalfor the eight numerically dominant egg species and total eggs, 2010 (bold line). Solidlines encompassing shaded area show high and low values over the 1981-2009 period.Brevoortia tyrannusLabridae-Lirnandas Gadidae-Glyptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis-Peprilus Prionotus spp.Scomber scombrusParalichtys-Scopthalmus Hippoglossoides platessoides Total eggsTo the right are plotted integrated areas under the annual entrainment abundance curves for1975-2010.

An asterisk above 1984, 1987 and 1999 marks the three years when values mayhave been low due to low through-plant water volumes from April-August.

An asterisk above1976 indicates abundance value may be low due to absence of sampling during January -lateApril; see text for clarification.

Light bars represent indices based on monthly means arithmetic means, solid bars (1981-2009) indices based on monthly geometric means.Occasionally bars were rescaled to improve readability.

The actual value in those cases isprinted above the bar.37 Normandeau Associates.

Inc.37Normandeau Associates.


Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Brevoortia tyrannusbggs10IE80.z 7. .zJ F M AMJ J A SO0N DMonthC0i1.9l/Low q*20I0)1500,I1000 F200067,00023,2323,02'3.. .... , ..500 F0.010.00175 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10Year(! Abundance Index based on:.t~n6Arithnnetic means WmGeornetrk manGadidae -Glyptocephalus 10I0.10.010.00120001500500075 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 80 02 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10Year Index based on,nIrthmrrtic means =Geometric meanjMHg/onth0I Figure 5 (continued),

38Normandeau Associates.


Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Enchelyopus


-PeprilusI-9!0.8S100010010I0.10.017 7 7zk : m :m-. 7z.At:4j %...........................

"ggs3025201510F M A M J J A S O N DMonthhteiud- 1 :~1,' 11. h/Lmw *210'"'":75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 9J 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 O0 02 04 06 08 I0Year63 Abundance Index based on:Arithmetic means W~eometrk rncJPrionotus spp.I10010I400LE0.1L z-z-z-zZ, *2z Z, z -z1 'z 7: Z ZMonth.0120010008006004002000.010.00175 77 79 81 83 05 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 00 10Year6; Abundance¢ Index based on: "Arithmetic mea., WIOcorntn~ri meatsJFigure 5 (continued).

39 Normandeau Associates, Inc.39Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Labridae

-LimandaEggs0000 3001000E 25010 z z200'10 -15L ------- -.50100 -J --7 ~~~75 77 790816385 87 09 91 93 95 9799 01 03 0507 09-1 1 76 780g002 9489688090 92 94 96 9800002 04 D600 100.0013 FM A MJ J A SON D YaMonth AudneIie ae nMo h Anthmic means MiGeornetric mean)Scomber scombrusL gS100001000100L1071.- -~- ------5'p~I0I200 1- -15Dt00Ftso ------ ---- -----. -[ ~ --------0,0.010.00)0.1.Irr lail I *75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10YcarAbundance Index based on:ýArithrnetic trims _=",.metric cn.J F M A M J J A S 0 N DMonthFigure 5 (continued).

40 Normandeau Associates, Inc.40Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear POWeT Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Paralichthys

-Scophthalmus EIgs1000100aS10I0.1I __I0,010.001J F M A M J J A S 0 N DMonth[lHi h/Low ") 11 19 i1 W53 5 8v Y1 j V)9 9 1 99 U1 I.I U) 07 0976 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10YearAbundance Index based6Arithmetic means =Geonwtori'c Figure 5 (continued).

41Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Total Eggs1000010M900Z10010----------- -------- -----i -.-------------------. --W- --U 4- -------J FM AM J J A SON DMonth4003002001000.10.010.001l3 I I iy 61 6j 63 6O 60 YI YJ V3 Y V U V 1 U. V) VI VY76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10YearAbundance Indecx biased o.n:Arithmetic mecans IGeornetne means)Figure 5 (continued).

42 Normandeau Associales, Inc.42Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Figure 6. Geometric mean monthly densities per 100 m3 of water in the PNPS discharge canalfor the thirteen numerically dominant larval species and total larvae, 2010 (bold line).Solid lines encompassing shaded area show high and low values over the 1981-2009 period.Brevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis speciesMyoxocephalus speciesTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunnellus Amnmodytes speciesScomber scombrusLiparis speciesTautoga onitisPleuronectes americanus Total larvaeTo the right are plotted integrated areas under the annual entrainment abundance curves for1975-2009.

An asterisk above 1984, 1987 and 1999 marks the three years when values mayhave been low due to low through-plant water volumes from April-August, An asterisk above1976 indicates abundance value may be low due to absence of sampling during January -lateApril; see text for clarification.

Light bars represent indices based on monthly means arithmetic means, solid bars (1981-2009) indices based on monthly geometric means.Occasionally bars were rescaled to improve readability.

The actual value in those cases isprinted above the bar.43 Normandeau Associates, Inc.43Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Brevoortia tyrannusi0-- -----I F M AMJ J A SON DMonth0.10.010,00175 77 79 81 83 8S 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 DO 02 04 06 08 10YEARýArit'u'nctliu means mGeornerricmen Clupea harengusLarvae100 1600140010 z z .z :, z z: z 0- 0 ----- .'I 20100-0ooo ....86 0 0 ........010 .0.01 240000,7577 79 81 870 78 8082J F M A M i J A S O N DMonth 6Ai v/~w 3 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 9901 03 05 07 0984 86 88 90 92 94 9900 02 04 06 08 10YEARAbundace Index based on: marithmeri¢ means WGeometric

¢Figure 6 (continued).

44 Normandeau Associates, Inc.44Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Enchelyopus cimbriusLarvae10010Ez- ---841261 u0.10.010.01J F MA AM)JJ A SO0N DMonth[CIfi k,'Low ;;20I 075 77 79 81 83 85 87 09 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 D2 04 06 08 10A boundanc c Index ba sd on :6Arithmence means 0(0*omchic ineanUrophycis spp.Larvae~1100.17 11-r~ ~ r-a ------- --I.8I50.010.001I F M A M 1 3 A S 0 N DMonthCHi h/Low Z20l075 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 00 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10YearAbundance Inde~x based on.ArL m nans ,nýFigure 6 (continued).

45 Normandeau Associates, Inc.45Normandeau Associates,

Inc, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Myoxocephalus spp.Larvaez 6z'j Z8 70 828:8010C20.001J F M A M J J A S 0 N DMonth f_ Abur(=

4 01Jý Arithrneti 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0988 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10Yearndance Index bas on:ic -ea- Weome¢fic me"mj)Liparis spp.LaIrvae2500800I0.0I7\y4 -- --- --- --20001500J1000S0o0.10.010.001J FM A MJ J A SON DMonth75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 g0 82 84 86 88190 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10YcatAbundant:ce Index based on: "6Arithmeitic me~ans WGcornetri meanjFigure 6 (continued).

46 Normandeau Associates, Inc.46Normandeau Associates, hic.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Tautoga onitisLatrvacI10 72000I0 21000_ I~00000 z 70 MA--76 7 80 82 8486 8890929496980004060 IJI F M AMJ J A S O NIDMonth L AudceIixbudo 0.Hi1/o

~ oercmanTautogolabrus adspersus

-201000100I.0. Iz -z zz zzS.7 E .1i*R----, -,. -- ---15II10 ý25,901----- ------------*-*-*50.010.0010J F M AMJ JA SO0N DMonth~75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 8002 84 86 80 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 1 UYearAbundance Index based on.. ýArithmnetic means IGeotnenric Figure 6 (continued).

47 Normandeau Associates, Inc.47Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Ulvaria subbifurcata Larvae250010010I--- --- ----- ---------"- ----20001500100050090.10.010.00175 77 79 01 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10YearAbundance Index basedmon:

6A-rithetntic means WlGcomet'ic mean.)Month(Mivh,0.02010 Pholis gunnellus LarvaeIDO .............610574:.,0.01 -- -75 77 79 01 83A ~76 78 80 82 80.001 ' rFMAMJ J ASONDMonth rt85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 094 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10YearAbundance Index based on:hmetic meana IIGeormetric meanFigure 6 (continued).

48 Normandeau Associates, Inc.48Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Ammodytes spp.100A810.I. ' -m-----I MAMJ J 7S N7o 7 7-------N880.10.0I0.00175 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 070976 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10YearArithmctic

--ns I~omemr r eapScomber scombrusLarvae10010112 . M AMJ J ASO0N DMonthIS8864212,08610,030-----1 -I I -I, 848'484!

.LU f4ifa= rF .fi LWI75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0976 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10YearAbundance Ind"x based on:CAnthmclic means 11110cmerric meajsFigure 6 (continued).

49 Nor~nandeau Associates, Inc.49Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pleuronectes americanus Larvae

:: -.6 "_. ..... .... ...1006----- ................75 777 7 83-88 -939 9790 03 -00F JMAM J0 A OND Year-Arnth ic e I-oma b-rd -- -n-Figure 6 (continued).

50 Nor~nandeau Associates, Inc.50Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 2. Species offish eggs (E), larvae (L), and juveniles (J) obtained in ichthyoplankton collections from the Pilgrim Nuclear PowerStation discharge canal, January-December 2010*.Species ....._At lantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannusAtlantic herring Clupea harengusAnchovy Anchoa spp.Bay anchovy A. mitchilli Fourbcard rockling Enche/yopus cimbriusAtlantic cod Gadus morhuaHaddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus Silver hake Merluccius bilinearls Atlantic tomcod Microgadus tomcodPollock Pollachius virensHake Urophycis spp.Striped cusk-eel Ophidion marginaturn Gooselish Lophius americanus Silvers ides Men idia spp.Northern pipefish Syngnathusfuscus Searobins Prionolus spp.Northern searobin P. carolinus Striped searobin P. evolansGrubby Myoxocephalus aenaeusLonghorn sculpin M. octodecernspinosus Shorthorn sculpin M. scorpiusSeasnail Liparis atlanticus Black sea bass Centroprislis striaiaScup Stenotomus chrysopsWrasses LabridaeTautog Tautoga onitisCunner Tautogolabrus adspersus Radiated shanny Ulvaria subbtfurcata Rock gun nel Pho/isgunnellus Wrymouth Cryptacanthodes maculatus Sand lance Ammodytessp.

Seaboard Goby Gobiosoma ginsburgi Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrusButterfish Peprilus triacanthus Srmllmouth flounder Etropus microstomus Windowpane Scophihalmus aquosusSumner flounder Paralichthys dentatusFourspot flounder P. oblongusWitch Flounder Glyptocephatus cynoglossus American plaice Hippoglossoides platesso idesW inter flounder Pseudopleuronecles arnericanus Yellowtail flounder Limandaferrugineus Hogchoker Trinectes maculatus Number ofspecies 2010Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec SpeciesFLEL /L L EtL F/L EILL L UJ L L, t/JL L UJE E EE EtL F/L F/L E/L L F/ L FJL E/L E FJLE FJL E EIL E EL E E E F/LE E E EtL ELE L F/L F EL /L EL FJLL LL E F/LE FIL EL E/L F/L E/LFL F/iLL LE E EL L L L LL L L L L LE E E FJL F/LL LL L LL EL L L L FLLL L LL L LL L L LL L L L L LE/LE/L FiLE E E E E E E E EF LL FJL E/L E/L E'L EL E'LF/L EIL F/L F/L UL E'LL L L L LL L L L LL LL L L I.J UJ LUJJL E FILE E/L E EILFiL FJ L L it.LE E E E F/L FJL FiLE E L EIL FJL /L FL L FiLJ L UJEIL F)L ItL EtL FIL E/l-E E FLt E E L FiLE t. L Ft L FiLFtL EtL FitL L L F/LFitL F/IL FtL FtL FiL FLtL L6 6 14 16 20 27 20 21 19 12 4 3 40*Occurrence of species in egg groups was based on spawning season and the presence of larvae in samples.51Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 3. Ichthyoplankton densities (number per 100 m5 of water) for each sampling occasion during monthswhen notably high densities were recorded, January -December, 2010. Densities marked by + wereunusually high based on values in Table I. Numbers in the last colum indicate percent ofall previous values during the month which were lower.Atlantic Herring LarvaeNarch 5 0.08 0.010 0.012 1.8Is 0.017 6.9 + 9419 4.5 + 9122 4.1 + 9024 0.026 0.029 1.431 0.8Previous high: 30.9 (2005)Notice level: 3.0Radiated Shanny LarvaeApril 2 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.012 1.114 1.816 1.819 0.021 6.823 1.326 4.428 0.730 10.3 + 95Previous high: 83.9(2002)

Notice level: 7.0Labrd .g sMay 3 55.25 12.37 33.510 58.212 25.314 54.717 52.919 22.321 537.424 21.226 221.028 568.031 4300.9 + 97Previous high: 34,050.0(1974)

Notice level: 3514.0Seasnall LarvaeApril 2 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.012 1.114 1.816 1.819 14.6 + 9121 0.023 19.7 + 9526 4.428 3.230 1.3Previous high: 98.1 (1974)Notice level: 8.0Winter Flounder LarvaeApril 2 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.012 0.514 0.016 1.819 9,721 0.023 17.8 + 9526 0.028 6.530 0.0Previous high: 198.3 (1974)Notice level: 12.0Windomane EggsMay 3 7.85 28.57 48.810 14.812 4.214 47.117 0.019 7.121 94.424 458.7 + 9926 96.728 111.431 160.6 + 95Previous high: 603.9(2008)

Notice level: 147.052 Nor~nandeau Associates, Inc.52NormandeauAssociates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear POWeT Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entraimnent Monitoring Table 3. Continued.

Atlantic Menhaden EggsJune 2 0.04 0.07 0.79 8.6II 0.714 0.016 0.018 0.021 7.423 11.825 266.4 + 9828 13.230 124.0 + 96Previous high: 799.7 (1998)Notice level: 22.0American Plaice EggsJune 2 1.94 10.3 + 987 19.9 4 999 2.0II 0.714 0.016 0.018 0.021 0.023 0.025 0.028 0.030 0.0Searolin EggsJune 2 0.04 0.07 0.09 1.3II 2.014 0.016 0.018 0.021 1.923 1.125 17.0 + 9928 7.9 + 9630 13.6 + 98Previous high: 128.0(1987)

Notice level: 3.0Hake LarvaeJune 2 0.04 2.7 + 957 0.09 0.0I1 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.021 0.023 0.025 0.028 0.030 0.0Previous high: 35.0(1980)

Notice level: 3.0Previous high: 50.6(1998)

Notice level: 1.0Radiated S hanny LarvaeJune 2 0.54 10.8 + 827 7.19 1.3I1 5.914 1.216 1.118 1.221 0.923 0.025 1.328 19.4 + 8930 1.0Atlantic Menhaden EggsJuly 2 11.6 + 965 42.4 + 997 27.0 + 989 1.112 0.014 0.016 4.7 + 9219 0.021 0.024 0.026 0.028 0.030 0.0Previous high: 290.6 (2004)Notice level: 10.0Previous high: 59.1 (1978)Notice level: 4.053 Normandeau Associates, Inc.53NormandeauAssociates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Table 3. Continued.

Atlantic Mackerel EggsJuly 2 29.1 + 975 22.4 4 967 0,09 I1I12 2.214 8.916 0.019 1.221 0.024 0.026 0.028 0.030 0.0Previous high: 119.0 (1981)Notice level: 16.0Fourbeard Rockling LarvaeJuly 2 0.05 18,7 + 877 0.09 0.012 0.014 5.516 2.419 0.021 0.024 0.026 0.028 1.830 1.9Previous high: 115.8 (1999)Notice level: 9.0Tautog LarvaeJuly 2 17.5 + 945 17.5 1 947 22.6 + 969 13.1 4 9212 6.6 + 8314 12.2 -+ 9116 4.719 2.421 8.6 + 8624 1.526 0.028 3.530 12.1 + 91Atlantic Menhaden LarvaeJuly 2 2.95 11.2 + 867 19.4 + 909 3.312 2.214 6.716 2.419 1.221 2.524 0.726 0.028 3.530 3.7Previous high: 212.8 (2005)Notice level: 9.3Hake LarvaeJuly 2 0.05 0.07 0.09 2.2 + 8812 0.014 0.016 0.019 2.4 + 8821 0.024 0.026 0.028 0.030 4.6 4 92Previous high: 301.8 (2009)Notice level: 1.0Searobin EggsAugust 2 2.04 0.06 0.09 0.011 7.2 + 9313 4.416 2.718 3.920 26.0 4 9825 0.027 0.030 0.7Previous high: 268.6 (1998)Notice level: 5.3Previous high: 89.2 (2005)Notice level: 6.054Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Table 3. Continued.

WiundwLne EggsAugust 2 11.74 13.26 4.99 9.611 39.213 57.616 33.418 19.220 231.2 + 9925 0.027 23.530 11.2Previous high: 261.3 (2006)Notice level: 136.0Silver Hake LarvaeAugust 21.34 1.26 1.29 0.0I1 1.313 1.916 0.518 0.420 8.2 + %25 7.2 + 9527 12.5 + 9730 0.0Fourbeard Rockl ngLarvaeAugust 2 2.64 5.46 20.8 + 959 0.0II 5.213 0.016 0.018 3.020 1.425 0.027 4.430 0.7Previous high: 204.6(1983)

Notice level: 10.0Hake LarvaeAugust 2 0.04 3.06 7.4 + 869 1.311 7.2 + 8613 1.916 1.118 0.020 2.725 0.027 12.5 + 9230 0.7Previous high: 235.9 (2008)Notice level: 4.0Cunner LarmeAugust 2 27.4 f 914 26.4 + 906 118.9 + 989 9.011 0.013 5.616 1.118 0.920 5.525 3.627 2.230 0.0Previous high: 254.0(1997)

Notice level: 15.0Previous high: 157.3 (2009)Notice level: 2.0Tautog LarvaeAugust 2 0.74 5,4 + 866 1.29 0.611 3.913 44 + 8416 0.518 0.020 4.1 + 8325 0.027 2.230 0.0Previous high: 89.6 (2008)Notice level: 4.055 Norinandeau Associates, Inc.55Normandeau Associaies, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 3. Continued.

September I6Labrid Eggs4.1 + 81 September 0.08 1.610 28.613 2.615 2.217 4.120 1.622 1.324 1.027 0.029 2.19781Hake LarvaeI 0.06 0.08 0.010 14.3 + 8913 3.615 0.717 1.420 1.622 1.324 0.027 4.229 0.0Previous high: 112.8 (1993)Notice level: 3.0Previous high: 3272 (1997)Notice level: 9.0September Tautog Larvae1 0.06 1.78 12.6 4 9910 22.2 + 9913 4.6 1 9115 8.7 + 9617 2.7 + 8320 1.622 9.1 + 9724 2.9 -8427 5.3 + 9329 3.2 + 85Previous high: 32,1 (2009)Notice level: 2.0Windowpmne EggsOctober 8 17.1 A 95II 6.5 + 9014 0.618 0.720 0.022 0.0Previous high: 40.2 (2000)Notice level: 2.0Cunner LarvaeSeptember 1 4.1 + 936 0.08 1.610 0.013 0.515 0.017 0.020 0.022 0.024 0.027 0.029 0.0Previous high: 42.1 (1993)Notice level: 2.0Atlantic Menhaden LarvaeOctober 8 0.8II 0.014 0.018 0.020 5.2 4- 8822 3.3Previous high: 70.3(1997)

Notice level: 4.0Atlantic Herring LarvaeDecember 6 4.2 1 818 8.3 + 8610 0.717 0.0Previous high: 216.7 (1995)Notice level: 3.0NovemberAtlantic Herring Larvae1 0.03 4.55 0.015 12.7 + 8617 0.019 1.3Previous high: 124.8 (1995)Notice level: 8.056 Normandeau Associates, Inc.56Normandeau Associates, Inc.

PIlgr'M Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Mow'tofing Table 4. Species of fish eggs (E), and larvae (L) collected in the PNPS discharge canal, 1975-2010, General periods ofoccurrence for eggs and larvae comrbined arc shownalong the right side; for the domninant

species, periods ofpeak abundance are also shown in parentheses.

SpeciesAnguilla rosirataConger oceanicus Alosa spp.Brevoortia tyrannusClupeas harengusAnchoa spp.A. hepsetusA. mitchilli Osmerus inordaxBrosme brosmeEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaAMelanogrammus aeglefinus Merluccius bilinearis Alicrogadus tornodPollachius virensUrophycis spp.Ophidion marginatum Lophius americanus Strongylura marinaFundulus spp.F. heteroclitus F. majolisMenidia spp.M. menidiaSyngnathusfrscus Sebasies norvegicus Prionolus spp.flemitriplerus americanus Afyoxocephalus spp.A, aenaeusA. ociodecemspinosus M. scorpiusAspidophoroides monopterygius Cyclopierus lupusLiparis spp.L. atlanticus 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995i I i j i i i i i iL L J L L iEL i. L E/L EL E(L E/i E/ L E/i E/IL E EL Ei.L ElL El FJL EL /L E/iL EL EL i LL L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L LL L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L LE E E E E/L E E E E E E EL L L L L El L L L L L L EL L L L LEL. L l EL EiL EL E E EEl EL EL El El E /i. ELl. El. E/L EiL EfL FL EL FJL ELi. EiL FJL E EILEl. El i El Eli. E L Fl Ei. FL. FJL E EL FJL EL El EL FEL E/i EL F EL iL EL RL EiL L L E E E EFL EiL REliL EL EL El EL. El. E EJ L FJL Ei EL E(L Ei E L EFL El E L FJL E/LL L L LELLLL L L L L L L Li. L L L L LFEL FJL E FJL FJL RJ L L RJ L F/L L L L L EIL L LE liL ELi FJL E ElL EIL EiL Ei E EL FJL Eli E L E L E Fl FR L El EiLL LEl. E El EL El UL L i.L EiL EL FJL FJL E E E EIL E/L FL El EJL EIL E/LLE EL LEIL EL EL L LEJ EL E EL L L L L L L L L L LiL L L L L LLE/L E E E R FI L E E/L EL RL R L EL E E E E EL ELL L L L L L L L EIL L KL L L L RL L RL L L LL L L L L L L L L L L L 151 L L LL L L L L L L L L RL L L L L LL L L L L L L L L L L L L LL L L LL L L L E L L L L EL L L LL L L L L L L L L L L L. L L i LL L L LL L L L L L L L L L L L L LLLELLLLLLLL57 Normandeau Associates, Inc.57Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 4 (continued).

Species 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995L coheni L L L L L L L L L L L L L LCentropristisstriata L L L L L L L L L L L LCynoscion regally L L LStenoloms chrysops L L L E L L L L Lhfenticirrhus saxatilis L LLabridae E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E ETautogaonitis L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L LTauiogolabrns adspersus L L L L L L L L L L L L L i.L .L L L L L L LLurmpenus lumpretaeformis L L L L L L L. L LUlvariasubbifircafa L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L LPholisgunnellus L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L LCryptacanthodes maculatus L L L L L L L L i.L L L L L L LAnmdytes sp. L L L L F./L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L LGobiosomaginsburgi L L L L L LScomberscombrus R EL VL FJL E /L E/L FL .L IL EL FL EX IL E/L U L R REL FJL EL E VI L IELPeprilustriacanthus FIL EL FL E E FLEIL L E(L E(L L E FIL EIL LEL *L L ILEtropusmicrostoms L L E EIL E E E E E E'LParalichthysdentatus FL &L L EIL E L RiL E E.LP.oblongus IEU L R Eli El IL EL K_ .L E L UiL E /L El L FLEIL &L U U L VELi L EILScophihalmusaquosus EL EL ./L R L E fL E IL EL L Ell FIL E EIL KE L FJL RLEL EI L ULE E! LGlyplocephalus cynoglossus ElL El EL FL FJ L R .R lR L FEL E E Rl FL F.L ./L EiL EL U.EL E RE L ElHippoglossoidesplatessoides E.L ElL E/Li FI.EUL EI EIL I. ELi. Eli ElI. FlL RL Ri. KI E. L FEL DEL EE L EliPleuronectesamericanus EiL EL L FL Eli.E l El El .L FIL .FEL E(L EL .Ei El ElL Ei. EL EILiP. pulnami L Fli LLi'andaferrugineus F.L &LL E L LR LR EI fL E E FL .IL UL &L FLA IL F.L FJL &IL EFLTrinectes maculatus E E E E E E F./L EXl ESphoeroidesmaculatus L ,LNumber ofSpecies4 41 36 43 35 37 35 40 38 37 34 42 37 36 41 40 42 34 36 38 39 42IJ=Juvenile IAbsent August and September; peaks =March-May and Novenber.Decenrber.

3Although these eggs were not identified specificaly, they were assurnd to have occurred as shown based on the occurrence of larvae.For comparative purposes three species of Myozcephalus were assuned for 1975-1978 and two species of liparis for1975-1980.

58Nomandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Table 4 (continued).

Species 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 PeriodofOccurrence Anguilla rosirata J J J L L L L L L L L Feb-SepCongeroceanicus L JulAlosa spp. L L U[ May -JulBrevoortiatyrannus EUL E/L R R/ EL R E'L ElL E'L ElIE E/IJJ £ IJJ E/L/J EI[JJ REL Apr(Jun)-(Oct)Dec Clupeasharengus L L L L L EIL L L L UJ L/J l/J L l.J 1J Jan- Dec2Anchoaspp.

L L L E/L E L L L IL/J L Jun- SepA. hepsetus E Jun- SepA. Mitchilli L E EIL E!L E E E E E E E Jun-SepOsmerusmordax L L E'L L E L L L L L Mar-JulBrosme brosme EIL E Elf E L ElI Apr-JulEnchelyopus cimbrius ElL E'L E/L ElI E/I ElL E/L E F./R EI L E lL EL £1 K F L EL ElL Apr(Jun)

-(Sep)DecGadusmorhua EL E/IL ElL E/i E/L R/L E/L ElL El I EIL Eli/J £/J11 EI I.JJ EUL Jan(Nov)

-(Def)DecMelanogrami, usaeglefinus E L E/ ElL E RL E E/L ElI ElI EfL E EUL E EIL Mar-JulMerlucciusbilinearis ElL FiEL E.L E/L EiL E/L E/L E ERL E RL ElL E.L Ef L E/L May(May)

-(Jun)NovMicrogadustiomod L L L L L L L L L L L L L L Jan.JunPollachiusvirens E L E L L EIL EL Jan-JunNov,Dec Urophycisspp.

E/L E IL E!L ElL EIL FiL El / E/L E/L 1_1R F/L E/T VIL E JL Apr(Aug)

-(Sep)NovOphidion marginatum L L L L L L L L L Aug- SepLophiusamericanus ElI El, El R .R .El L ElI E E E E F/L ./L E May-OctStrongylura marina JulFundulusspp.

JulF. heteroclitus JunF. majalis OctMenidiaspp.

t L t EL L ElL L L L UJ L L L L May-SepM. mnidia ElI May -SepSyngnaihusfiscus L L L L L L L L E L L L L L Apr-NovSebastes norvegicus L L Jun(jul)Prionolusspp.

E EL R.E/L El E E IL ElL E Eli E F.E/L l I EL FJL May(Jun)-(Aug)Sep Hemitripterus americanus L L Feb- MarMyoxocephalusspp.

L L L L Dec(Mar)

-(Apr)JulH.aenaeus L L L L L L L L L L L L L L ElL Jan(Mar)-(Apr)Jul M octodecemspinosus L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L Jan(Mar)

-(Apr)MayM. scorpius L L L L L L L L L L L L Feb-AprAspidophoroides monopterygius L L L Mar-AprCyclopierus lumpus L L L Apr-JulLiparis spp. 1 .L L L L Jan(Apr)

-(Jun)JulL.allanticus L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L Mar(Apr)-(Jun)Jul 59Normandeau Associates,

Inc, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrairiment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Table 4 (continued).

Species1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Period of Occurrence L coheniCentropristis striataCynoscion regalisStenriomus chiysopsMenticirrhus saxatilis LabridaeTautoga onifisTautogolabrus adspersus Lumpenus lumpretaeponnis Ulvaria subbifircata Pholisgunnellus Ctyptacanthodes maculatus Ainrnodytes sp.Gobiosonm ginsburgi Scomberscombrus Peprilus triacanthus Etropus microstormus Paraichihys dentatusP. oblongus IScophthalms aquosusGlyptocephalus cynoglossus Hippoglossoidesplatessoides Pleuronectes americanus P. putnamiLinrndaferrugineus Trinectes aculatusSphoeroides maculatus L Li. L L LL L L L L LLL L E'L E/L L LLLEli.EILEE/LLL L L L L LL ELLL RL EL ELE E E E E EEiL RL EL EIL EIL FLJan(Feb)-


(Aug)OctL Jan -JunL L l.J L L Feb(Apr)-(Jun)Oct L L UJ UJ L Jan(Feb)

-(Apr)JulL L L L Feb-AprL L UJ UJ UJ Jan(Mar)-(May)Dec E L E/L Jul-SepEUL Eli EIL Ei.L [/L ApiMay) -(Jul)Sep,ELUL EL R. E/L May-OctE E I El L RE/i Jul-OctEi.L E L [/UJ UJ May-NovElL Ei. [ [L R / EL May-OctRI FL EliL [L E/i Apr(May)

-(Sep)OctR U L EIL Fi.L ELi Mar(May)-(Jun)Nov Eli Eli El L Eli. Jan(Mar)-(Jun)Nov E/L Eli EJL Ri. R/L Jan(Apr)

-(Jun)SepMar-JunEll EL i. Ei. EfL Feb(Apr)

-(May)NovEiL L May-SepJul-AugL Eli E EULEli [L i L EL i L EL L Eli Eli RLEli EL UL EL Eli Eli. EiEli .L E ELEli EL. UL Eli. E EL Eli EEL E/L Eli KL E/L [IL El El. El , EliEl El LUL E(L iL El l Eli El i L L EliLEUL. El E l. EL EL UL El El ELEL E ELLNumber of Species 437 37 40 3841 37 42 43 3938 40 42 39 45 4060 Normandeau Associates, Inc.60Nomandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Mafine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring D. Entrainment and Impingement Effects -SpecificEstimated numbers of eggs and larvae entrained annually at PNPS were examined insome detail for six species of fish using the equivalent adult (EA) procedure (see Horst 1976,Goodyear 1978, Saila et al 1997, EPRI 2004, for example).

Numbers impinged were alsoconsidered.

This review dates back to 1980 so that, with the addition of 2010, 31 years ofanalyses are included.

The adult equivalent methodology applies estimated survival rates tonumbers of eggs and larvae entrained and numbers of fish impinged to obtain a number of adultfish which might have entered the local population had entrainment and impingement notoccurred.

The consequences, if any, of entrainment and impingement can then be considered ifthe size of the extant population is known or numbers can be compared with commercial orrecreational landings.

Many assumptions are associated with the EA procedure.

The fish population isassumed to be in equilibrium, therefore in her lifetime each female will replace herself plus onemale. It was initially assumed that no eggs or larvae survive entrainment.

In assessing potential entrainment values the assumption is also made that no density-dependent compensation occursamong non-entrained individuals, i.e. the approach assumes that non-entrained individuals do notbenefit from reduced competition as a direct result of lower densities.

The later two assumptions result in an overestimation of plant impacts.

Additionally, survival has been demonstrated forsome species of entrained fish eggs at PNPS such as the labrids (45%; MR] 1978a) and winterflounder (73%, n = 11; MR] 1982) and among larvae at other power plants (0-100% initialsurvival depending on species and size; Ecological Analysts 1981). LMS (2001) used induced-flow larval sampling tables to assess initial and latent survival among entrained winter flounderand other species.

They determined that larval flounder mortality was high and statistically similar in both intake and discharge samples.

In spite of high natural mortality they reported thatsurvival increased with increasing larval length and decreasing through-plant temperature change.Numbers of eggs and larvae entrained at Pilgrim Station were determined using a typicalnormal operation flow capacity of 461.28 million gallons per day (MGD) except when thestation was out of service for refueling or other maintenance.

During outage periods when onecirculating seawater pump was in service sampling continued and flow prevailing at the time was61 Norm andeau Associates.

Inc.61Normandeau Associates.


Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring used to calculate numbers entrained.

Typically if both circulating seawater pumps were offentrainment sampling was discontinued as little if any entrainment occurred.

In 1984 and 1987an exception occurred since both circulating seawater pumps were shut down from April throughAugust yet sampling continued using the salt service water system. Estimated numbers entrained for species present during those months are quite low as little entrainment was observed to occur(MRI 1994). Due to the extended outages those two years were omitted from 1980-2009 timeseries averages and ranges in the following six species reviews.

During the more typical 1999outage extending from May 9 to June 11 sampling was also conducted with only the salt servicewater pumps running with results similar to 1984 and 1987. Based on the very low numbersentrained when both seawater pumps were off entrainment sampling was not conducted duringthe portion of the 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, and 2009 outage periods in which both circulating seawater pumps were shut down and entrained was assumed to be zero.Since plankton densities are notorious for deviating from a normal distribution but dogenerally follow the lognormal, geometric mean densities more accurately reflect the truepopulation mean. The geometric mean is always less than the arithmetic mean particularly fordata which are skewed to the right such as plankton densities (see Figures 5 and 6). Incalculating total entrainment values for the adult equivalent methodology we chose to use thelarger arithmetic mean for all sampling dates proceeding April 1994 when three replicate samples were taken per sampling occasion to lend additional conservatism to the assessments.

Beginning with April 1994 each individual sample density was utilized so that no averaging wasnecessary.

The six species selected for review were winter flounder, cunner, Atlantic

mackerel, Atlantic
menhaden, Atlantic
herring, and Atlantic cod. Flounder were chosen because of theircommercial and recreational value as well as their importance in PNPS ecology studies.

Cunnerwere selected because they are abundant in entrainment samples and in the local nearshore area.Mackerel and menhaden were included because they are abundant among the ichthyoplankton entrained, both eggs and larvae being removed from the local population, and they arecommercially and recreationally valuable.

Atlantic herring and cod are not entrained in greatnumbers but they are valuable species in New England waters.62 Normandeau Associates.

Inc.62Normandeau Associates.


Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Winter FlounderIn 2010 an estimated total of 756,692 eggs and 10,181,766 winter flounder larvae wereentrained by PNPS (Table 5). The number of larvae ranked in the middle of the range (37,hpercentile),

20th among the 31 totals recorded over the 1980 -2010 time series. The averagenumbers entrained from 1980-2009 were 3,614,239 eggs and 21,822,298 larvae. Values rangedfrom 28,600 in 2002 to 32,717,500 in 1985 for eggs and 3,505,517 in 1999 to 86,850,000 in1998 for larvae.The annual larval entrainment estimates were converted to equivalent numbers of age 3adults, the age at which flounder become sexually mature (Witherell and Burnett 1993, NOAA1995). Four sets of survival values were used and the results averaged.

The first set followedNEP (1978) using data from Pearcy (1962) and Saila (1976). Briefly, this consisted of dividingthe total number of entrained larvae by 0.09 to estimate the number of eggs which hatched toproduce that number of larvae. NEP (1978) did not specifically account for entrained winterflounder eggs. While they are demersal and adhesive, numbers of them are entrained each year.A survival rate of 0.058 for entrained winter flounder eggs was assumed based on Rose et al(1996) and assuming that the entrained eggs were 15 days from hatching.

The number of newlyhatched eggs derived from the number of eggs entrained was then added to the number ofhatched eggs derived from the larvae entrained.

The combined number of eggs was thenmultiplied in succession by 0.004536, an estimate of survival from a newly hatched egg to day26; 0.2995, survival from day 27 to metamorphosis; 0.03546, survival of juveniles from 3 to 12months; 0.3491, survival from 13 to 24 months; and finally 0.33, survival from 24 to 36 months.The second approach followed larval stage-specific survival rates (S) derived fromNiantic River data (Crecco and Howell 1990) as modified by Gibson (1993). These are asfollows:S (stage 1) = 0.236 S (age 0) = 0.0730S (stage 2) = 0.108 S (age 1) = 0.250S (stage 3) = 0.154 S (age 2) = 0.477S (stage 4) = 0.623A survival rate of 0.058 was assumed for winter flounder eggs as indicated for the unstagedapproach.

All fish eggs or larvae are not entrained at the same point or age in a given life stageand it is assumed that the further along in development the greater the probability that an63 Normandeau Associates, Inc.63Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring individual will survive to the next life stage. To account for this, the survival values for each lifestage entrained were adjusted based on EPRI (2004). The adjusted survival value was appliedonly to the stage being entrained, not to subsequent stages as numbers were calculated toequivalent adults. The adjusted survival values were as follows:Adjusted Eggs = 0.1096Adjusted S (stage 1) = 0.3819 Adjusted S (stage 3) = 0.2669Adjusted S (stage 2) = 0.1949 Adjusted S (stage 4) = 0.7677In using the stage-specific rates it is recognized that Dominion employs different morphological stage criteria than those used at PNPS (Dominion 2008). However a comparison of samplesfrom both studies showed stages to be quite comparable until larvae approach metamorphosis, asize not often collected because these individuals begin to assume a benthic life style.The third set of survival values obtained from PG&E (2001) was as follows:Eggs = 0.75S (stage 1) = 0.1286 S (age 0) = 0.0927S (stage 2) = 0.0328 S (age 1) = 0.3291S (stage 3) = 0.0296 S (age 2) = 0.3654S (stage 4) = 0.8377As above, survival values were adjusted based on EPRI (2004) and applied only to the stagebeing entrained.

The values used were as follows:Adjusted Eggs = 0.8571Adjusted S (stage 1) = 0.2279 Adjusted S (stage 3) = 0.0575Adjusted S (stage 2) = 0.0635 Adjusted S (stage 4) = 0.9117The fourth set of survival values obtained from EPA (2004), which were based on PG &E (2001), was as follows:Eggs = 0.75S (stage 1) = 0.1287 S (age 0) = 0.0926S (stage 2) = 0.0327 S (age 1) = 0.3307S (stage 3) = 0.0296 S (age 2) = 0.3657S (stage 4) = 0.8378As above, an adjustment was made to each survival value based on EPRI (2004) to account forthe fact that entrained eggs and larvae are of mixed ages. The values used were as follows:Adjusted Eggs = 0.8570Adjusted S (stage 1) = 0.2281 Adjusted S (stage 3) = 0.0575Adjusted S (stage 2) = 0.0634 Adjusted S (stage 4) = 0.911764 Normandeau Associates, Inc.64Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010EntTainment Monitoring Prior to calculating EA values numbers of eggs collected from 1980 -1994 when 0.333-mm mesh was used on all sampling occasions were scaled upward by 1.24 to correct for meshextrusion.

While no direct mesh extrusion information is available for winter flounder eggs inthe PNPS discharge stream, the value for similar sized cunner eggs was used. Numbers of stage 1and 2 larvae collected prior to 1995 were likewise scaled upward by 1.62 to adjust for meshextrusion (MRT 1995).Numbers of age 3 fish were converted to weight based on 0.49 pounds per fish for thefirst three survival values. This was derived from the length-weight equation presented inNEFSC (1998) using mean length at age 3 for males (262 mm TL) and females (267 mm TL).Mean length at age was obtained using the gender specific, north of Cape Cod growth equations provided by Witherell and Burnett (1993). These relationships gave mean weights of 0.47 and0.50 pounds for males and females, respectively; these were averaged.

For the fourth set ofsurvival values the number of age 3 fish were converted to weight based on 0.997 pounds perfish following EPA (2004).The mean EA value for 2010 was 6,293 age 3 fish weighing 3,931 pounds. Comparable values for 1980 -2009 ranged from 726 in 1999 to 72,476 in 1998 with an overall mean of13,629 fish weighing 8,432 pounds (Figure 7, Table 5).Winter flounder larvae have been shown to survive entrainment (MR.! 1982, Ecological Analysts 1981, PG&E 2001). To account for this survival winter flounder eggs and larvae wereadjusted based on the following:

winter flounder eggs and stage 1 and stage 2 larvae wereassumed to have zero entrainment

survival, stage 3 larvae were assumed to have 48.9% survival, and stage 4 larvae were assumed to have 49.4% survival (PG&E 2001). Only the three life stagemethods were used when calculating EA with entrainment survival since survival was specific tolife stage. When entrainment survival was considered the mean EA value for 2010 declined to4,292 age 3 adults weighing 2,683 pounds. The 1980 -2009 time series mean also declined to9,206 age 3 adults weighing 5,698 pounds (Figure 8, Table 6).In addition to those entrained, small numbers of winter flounder were impinged on theintake screens each year (Table 7; also See Impingement Monitoring Section 3.3). Annual totalsranged from 232 in 1983 to 2,688 in 2005 and averaged 1,038 fish over the time series. The2010 estimated total was below the average at 1,005. Based on annual mean length data, mostimpinged fish were young-of-the-year.

Assuming all fish would have completed their first year,65Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring the average age I and age 2 survival rates from the first three entrainment EA procedures wereapplied.

For the fourth method relying on EPA data, the ages of impinged fish were determined by length frequency distributions.

The percent composition was multiplied by the total estimated number of fish impinged each month to partition the monthly total into age classes.

Theinstantaneous mortality rate for juvenile winter flounder was obtained from EPA (2004) andadjusted to account for the higher probability that fish impinged later in any given year are morelikely to survive to their first birthday.

Mortality rate adjustments were made for each monththat juvenile fish were impinged.

This was done by dividing the EPA stage-specific instantaneous mortality rate by the respective stage duration in days to obtain a dailyinstantaneous rate. This daily instantaneous rate was multiplied by the number of daysremaining until each fish's first birthday to derive the mortality rate expected to the end of year1. That mortality rate was converted to the corresponding survival rate (I -mortality rate) andmultiplied by the number of age 0 fish impinged during each respective month. The monthlytotals were then combined to obtain an estimated annual total number of equivalent age 1 fish.All impinged fish older than age I were conservatively assumed to survive to their next birthday.

Annual survival values obtained from EPA (2004) were used to convert age I fish to age 3 fish.Impinged winter flounder would be equivalent to an annual average of 117 age 3 adults(range = 26 to 261, 1980-2009) weighing 74 pounds (range = 17 to 152 pounds).

The 2010estimate amounted to 71 pounds, below the average.

Some winter flounder typically surviveimpingement, particularly under continuous screen wash operation (see for example MRI 1982,1984, 1997). To account for this survival the numbers of flounder impinged were adjustedassuming a 23.1% survival rate attributable to the fish return sluiceway and the low pressurespraywash (MRI 1984). When impingement survival was considered the annual average numberof fish lost to impingement declined to 799 (range = 181 to 2,070) over the 1980 -2009 timeseries. The 2010 estimated number of flounder lost to impingement was 788, which would beequivalent to 88 age 3 adults weighing 57 pounds. The 2010 EA value was below the time seriesaverage of 93 age 3 adults weighing 60 pounds (Figure 8, Table 8).Winter flounder were commercially landed from NOAA statistical area 514 whichcovers Cape Cod Bay and Massachusetts Bay over the 1982 through 2009 period at an annualaverage of 992,793 pounds (s.e. = 202,551 pounds).

The estimated average of 8,316 pounds ofequivalent age 3 adults due to PNPS entrainment and impingement over the same time frame66Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring (Tables 5 and 7) represents less than 0.9% of those landings.

Area 514 commercial landingsdeclined sharply after 1993 from 1,057,211 pounds.that year to 16,788 pounds in 1995, 1,798pounds in 1997, and only 221 pounds in 1999. Catch rebounded in 2000 to 40,000 pounds butdropped again each of the next three years to 4,742 pounds in 2003. Landings increased to956,886 pounds in 2004 but decline to 286,927 pounds in 20073, Area 514 commercial landingswere 309,632 pounds in 2010 (David Sutherland, NOAA, personal communication).

Since the declines in the Gulf of Maine winter flounder stock occurred in the 1990's andrevised management practices have evolved to reduce fishing mortality rates and hence landings, comparing equivalent adult values with landing data has been less realistic as an impactassessment screening tool. Also since survival rates used in the equivalent adult impact analysiswere derived when winter flounder were far more abundant they are likely optimistic and resultin considerable overestimates of equivalent adult values today.Winter flounder also have considerable value as a recreational species.

Based on NOAArecords4 an annual average of 1,253,187 fish weighing an average of about one pound each werelanded from Massachusetts inland waters and within 3 miles of shore over the 1981-2009 timeperiod. Over the course of the past two decades or so (1991-2009) recreational landings werewell below 1980's levels due to stock declines and catch limits consistent with commercial landings; an annual average of 123,023 fish were reported landed in the state from inland watersand within 3 miles of shore over the fourteen-year period since 1996. Over the last five yearsthese landings have averaged only 114,824 fish. Unfortunately, recreational landings arecompiled by state within distance from shore areas (inland,

<3 miles from shore, > 3 miles fromshore) and the number of fish taken from a more appropriate area such as Cape Cod Bay are notavailable.

Arbitrarily adding 20,000 pounds of recreationally-caught flounder to the depressed 1994-2009 Area 514 commercial landings would bring the respective totals for those sixteenyears to an average of 221,914 pounds (s.e. = 67,622).

The average PNPS EA entrainment andimpingement values based on the four parameter sets for the same years (12,216 pounds) wouldamount to 6%. Clearly the decline in commercial landings after 1994 suggests that those values,3 Beginning in 2004 the landings data have been entered by dealers and in the majority of theentries the statistical area field has been null (000). Landings data from vessel trip reports havebeen used when available.

4 Recreational landings data were obtained via the internet at http://remora.ssp.nmfs~gov/mrfss.

67Normandeau Associates.


Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring even when combined with the recreational

landings, may no longer be a realistic comparison toequivalent adult values.Stock assessment data available from the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries for north of Cape Cod suggest that flounder abundance has varied without trend since 1978 withpeaks in 1979, 1983, and 2000 (34 kg per tow). Similarly National Marine Fisheries Servicestock assessment data vary without trend with peaks in 1981, 1983, 2000, and 2002 (Figure 9and 10). If entrainment and impingement at PNPS were having an adverse environmental impacton winter flounder these fishery independent surveys would be expected to decline over time.Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) personnel made estimates of thenumber of adult winter flounder

(>280 mm TL -age 3+) in a 267 km2 (106 square mile) area inthe vicinity of PNPS using the area swept by a commercial trawl each year from 1997-1999 (Lawton et al. 2000). Marine Research, Inc./Normandeau Associates, Inc. completed comparable Area Swept surveys from 2000 through 2010 (see Section 3.1 of this volume).While reliable estimates of local population size are difficult to make, they can provide morerealistic numbers with which to compare EA values relative to commercial and recreational landings which are difficult if not impossible to pinpoint to the actual study area. Landings datatypically represent numbers caught over a very large area or as displayed by the most recentcommercial landings can be subject to stock management catch restrictions, changes in fishingeffort, and data handling which make them less useful.The Normandeau area swept estimate for 2010 equaled 255,008 adult flounder based ongear efficiency of 50% with confidence limits ranging from 250,574 to 259,442 fish. The areacovered by the spring trawl survey was based on a simplistic hydrodynamic model used topredict spatial estimates of the origin of winter flounder larvae that are subject to entrainment atPNPS. Modeling work completed by the U.S. Geological Survey showed that the majority ofparticles released into the water column off Boston Harbor would be transported through CapeCod Bay within a 15-day period. Considering that larval winter flounder can drift for 30 to 60days depending on prevailing water temperature the size of the area-swept survey is likely veryconservative.

Regardless, the size of the area was not intended to represent the entire population potentially affected by PNPS. For example, the National Marine Fisheries Service manages thewinter flounder resource as three stocks -Southern New England-Mid-Atlantic Bight, GeorgesBank, and the Gulf of Maine. Although winter flounder appear to form localized spawning68Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring aggregations (Lobell 1939, Saila 1961, Grove 1982) they also move inshore and offshore duringthe course of the year and mixing occurs then (Perlmutter 1947, Howe and Coates 1975, Hansonand Courtenay 1996).Comparing the average number of age 3 equivalent adults attributable to entrainment andimpingement estimated for 1997 through 2007 with the corresponding area-swept estimates lagged by three years provided the percentages shown below. The average over the 1997-2007 time period was 11.0% and the current 2010 estimated number of equivalent adults of 6,405amounts to 2.5% of the 2010 area swept estimate.

Since assuming that the spring trawl survey reflects all fish potentially influenced byPNPS is likely an over estimate, the area swept estimates were expanded to reflect all of CapeCod Bay. The trawl surveys covered approximately 267 km2 or 16.7% of the area of Cape CodBay (1600 km2, Emberton 1981). It is important to note that the area of Cape Cod Bay amountsto only 1.7% of the area of the Gulf of Maine which represents the stock management unit.Based on Cape Cod Bay's area the average number of equivalent adults over the 1997-2007 timeperiod represented less than 2.0% of the expected population and the current 2010 estimated number of equivalent adults of 6,405 amounts to 0.4% of the 2010 area swept Cape Cod Bayestimate.

69 Norrnandeau Associates, Inc.69Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Numbers of age 3 equivalent adult winter flounder estimated for entrainment and impingement atPNPS assuming 100% mortality compared with area-swept estimates for nearshore waters andall of Cape Cod Bay three years later.Equivalent Age 3 Adults Area-Swept Cape Cod Bay Percent Of Percent Of(Number of Fish) Entrainmient Estimate 3 Estimate 3 Years Area-Swept Cape Codand Impingement Years Later Later Estimate Bay Estimate1997 41,970 464,176 2,785,056 9.0 1.51998 72,710 400,812 2,404,872 18.1 3.01999 835 476,263 2,857,578 0.2 0.032000 3,629 262,604 1,575,624 1.4 0.22001 26,869 157,532 945,192 17.1 2.82002 18,557 126,117 756,702 14.7 2.42003 3,205 112,480 674,880 2.9 0.52004 46,801 184,432 1,106,592 25.4 4.22005 42,951 166,496 998,976 25.8 4.32006 7,605 172,404 1,034,424 4.4 0.72007 4,401 255,008 1,530,048 1.7 0.3Mean 24,503 252,575 1,515,449 11.0 1.8Recognizing that some entrained winter flounder larvae do survive, particularly the oldermore valuable individuals, and that many impinged winter flounder also survive, the following table reflects those adjustments.

Entrainment survival was accounted for as described above. Animpingement survival rate of 23.1% was based on studies completed after installation of lowpressure sprays and the fish return sluiceway (MRI 1984).70 Normandeau Associates, Inc.70Normandeau,4ssociales, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Numbers of age 3 equivalent adult winter flounder estimated fir entrainment and impingement compared with area-swept estimates for nearshore waters and all of Cape Cod Bay three yearslater. Numbers entrained and impinged were corrected for entrainment and impingement survivalEquivalent Age 3 Adults Area-Swept Cape Cod Bay Percent Of Percent Of(Number of Fish) Entrainment Estimate 3 Estimate 3 Years Area-Swept Cape Codand Impingerment Years Later Later Estimte Bay Estimate,-,F71997 28,251 464,176 2,785,056 6.10 1.001998 49,110 400,812 2,404,872 12.30 2.001999 573 476,263 2,857,578 0.10 0.022000 2,450 262,604 1,575,624 0.90 0.202001 18,190 157,532 945,192 11.60 1.902002 12,593 126,117 756,702 10.00 1.702003 2,161 112,480 674,880 1.90 0.302004 31,502 184,432 1,106,592 17.10 2.802005 29,041 166,496 998,976 17.40 2.902006 5,132 172,404 1,034,424 2.98 0.502007 3,037 255,008 1,530,048 1.19 0.20Mean 16,549 [252,575 1,515,449 7.42 1.23The average over this period of time after adjusting for survival was 7.4% using only thearea-swept

estimate, 1.2% based on Cape Cod Bay and the current 2010 estimated number ofequivalent adults of 4,380 fish amounted to 1.7% of the current area-swept estimate.

The latest Groundfish Assessment Review Meeting (NEFSC 2008) concluded that theGulf of Maine stock assessment is currently uncertain.

The stock is "likely in an overfished condition and overfishing is probably occurring".

In spite of the uncertainty spring abundance indices for the Gulf of Maine developed by NOAA's Northeast Fisheries Science Center(NEFSC) and the MDMF spring resource assessment for the northern winter flounder stock donot display a downward trend that would suggest an adverse environmental impact is occurring.

CunnerAs described above, cunner eggs are consistently among the most abundant fish eggs inPNPS entrainment samples and in the waters surrounding the Station (Scherer 1984). Thebreakwaters protecting the intake and discharge in particular provide considerable habitat forcunner, a temperate reef fish (Nitschke et al. 2002). Total numbers entrained ranged from71 Nrmaneau ssocates Inc71Normandeau Associates.


Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring 580,955,000 in 2002 to 6,576,000,000 in 1981 with a time series mean of 2,291,526,600 through2009. For cunner larvae annual totals ranged from 2,792,000 in 1992 to 576,300,000 in 1981with a time series average of 70,552,000..

Totals for 2010 were 2,555,971,000 eggs and37,470,000 larvae. The number of eggs was above the 1980-2009 average while larvae numberswere below the average (Table 9). The egg total ranked 12th overall and was in the 63thpercentile.

Larvae ranked 15t" overall, in.the 53rd percentile and 53% of the times series mean.Two methods were used to estimate equivalent adult values for cunner. The firstmethod followed Goodyear (1978) by converting numbers of eggs and larvae to numbers of fishat age of sexual maturity which occurs for approximately half the population at age I (P.Nitschke, University of Massachusetts,

Amherst, personal communication).

Assuming all labrideggs were cunner eggs in PNPS entrainment samples (Scherer 1984), cunner larva/egg ratioswere determined from PNPS samples to provide an estimate of survival from spawned egg toentrained larva. Mesh correction values were first applied to both eggs and larvae. Presented inMRI (1998) these were 1.24 for eggs taken from 1980-1995, 1.14 for eggs taken in 1995, and1.10 for eggs taken in 1997. The mean of 1995 and 1997 values was used for 1998 through 2010except in early-season cases where cunner eggs occurred in 0.202-mm mesh samples.

Larvalcunner mesh values applied were 1.16 for stage I and 1.28 for stage 2, irrespective of year.From 1980 to 2010 the larva/egg ratio ranged from 0.001284 to 0.128812 and averaged0.027885; 1984, 1987, and 1999 were excluded because of extended circulating seawater pumpshutdown during the cunner spawning season. Average lifetime fecundity was calculated fromfish collected in the PNPS area by Nitschke (1997) and Nitschke et al. (2001 a, b). He providednumbers of eggs produced at age in the second order form:Log F = [2.891 log A] -[1.355 log A2] + 3.149 whereF = fecundity at age AAge-specific instantaneous mortality necessary for calculation of average lifetimefecundity was calculated from fish trap collections made from 1992 -1997 (Brian Kelly,Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, personal communication, MRI 1998). Averageinstantaneous mortality rates for the PNPS area collections from 1992 through 1997 using thisapproach were as follows:Age 3 = 0.286 Age 7 = 0.653Age 4 = 0.342 Age 8 = 1.46372Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Age 5 = 0.645 Age 9 = 0.728Age 6 = 1.260Utilizing data from Serchuk and Cole (1974) for age I through 5 cunner collected withassorted gear, a survival rate of S = 0.605 was obtained (Z = 0.5025) which appears comparable to the PNPS values. Age 1 and 2 fish appeared less abundant in the PNPS collections than age 3fish (MRI 1998), suggesting they were not fully recruited to the trap collections, perhaps due totheir small size or behavior.

Fish older than age 10 were rarely taken both because they areuncommon and because they can exceed the maximum size susceptible to the fish traps. In theabsence of additional information an overall mean value of Z = 0.831 was substituted for age 2and age 10.Based on the PNPS area fecundity study (Nitschke 1997, Nitschke et al. 2001), 50% ofage 1 females were assumed to be mature; complete recruitment was assumed by age 2.Following Goodyear (1978), an average lifetime fecundity of 17,226 eggs per female at age Iwas calculated.

Utilizing the survival estimate for eggs to larvae assuming most eggs wererecently spawned and average lifetime fecundity, a survival estimate for larvae to adult of4.116E-3 was obtained.

Numbers of eggs were converted to larvae based on the larva/egg ratioand then numbers of larvae were converted to adults.The second method to estimate cunner equivalent adult values relied on early life stagesurvival rates obtained from EPA (2004). These were S = 0.031 for eggs, S = 0.055 for larvae,and S = 0.055 for juveniles.

The survival values for each entrained life stage were adjustedfollowing EPRI (2004) to account for the fact that entrained eggs and larvae are of mixed ages.The resulting values were: adjusted S = 0.0592 for eggs and adjusted S = 0.1043 for larvae.An estimated 562,953 cunner were potentially lost to entrainment effects in 2010. The1980- 2009 average was 687,677 ranging from 134,565 in 2003 to 3,810,945 in 1981 (Figure11, Table 9). The high value recorded in 1981, attributable to high egg and exceptionally highlarval densities skewed the mean EA value. As mentioned for winter flounder, estimates madein 1984 and to a lesser extent those made in 1987 and 1999 were low due to reduced flow duringoutage periods.Cunner eggs were assumed to have an entrainment survival rate of 90% based on datacollected during the entrainment survival study conducted at PNPS in 2007 (NAI unpublished data). Cunner larvae were assumed to have 100% entrainment survival at discharge temperatures 73Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring between 25 and 30'C and 48% entrainment survival at discharge temperatures between 30 and35°C (EPRI 2000). When entrainment survival was accounted for the number of age 1 adultspotentially lost to entrainment in 2010 decreased to 128,357 fish (6,582 pounds).

The 2010value was lower than the 1980 -2009 average of 150,213 fish (range = 12,613 to 888,528;Figure 12, Table 10).In addition to numbers of eggs and larvae entrained, cunner were impinged on the PNPSintake screens (See Impingement Monitoring Section 3.3). Annual estimated totals ranged from28 in 1992 to 1,043 in 1980 with a time series average of 300 fish. A total of 535 fish wereimpinged in 2010 the seventh highest value overall.

The number of equivalent adult cunnerpotentially lost to impingement was calculated by two methods.

The first method made noequivalent adult adjustment to the number impinged since cunner mature as early as age I. Thesecond method estimated the age of the impinged cunner by annual length frequency distributions.

The percent composition for each 10-mm length class was multiplied by the totalestimated number of fish impinged each month to partition each monthly total into age classes.The instantaneous mortality rate for the cunner age classes were obtained from EPA (2004) andwere adjusted as above in winter flounder to account for the higher probability that fish impingedlater in any given year are more likely to survive to their first birthday.

Mortality rateadjustments were made for each month that juvenile fish were impinged.

The mortality rate wasconverted to the corresponding survival rate and multiplied by the number of age 0 fish impingedduring each respective month. The monthly totals were then combined to obtain an estimated annual. total number of equivalent age 1 fish. All impinged fish older than age 1 were considered adults. These methods produced 442 equivalent adult cunner in 2010 which is above the 1980-2009 mean of 266 fish (range = 25 to 708; Table 11). Cunner often survive being impinged atPNPS (MR. 1984). Cunner impingement

survival, attributable to the fish return sluiceway andthe low pressure spraywash system, was assumed to be 10.7% (MRI 1984). When impingement survival is considered the number of equivalent adult cunner potentially lost in 2010 declined to393 fish (29 pounds) and the time series average to 226 (17 pounds; Figure 12, Table 12).Cunner have no commercial value and little recreational importance (although many maybe taken unintentionally by shore fishermen) so that current landing records are not available.

To shed some light on their abundance in the PNPS area, calculations were performed toestimate the number of adult cunner which would be necessary to produce the number of eggs74Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring found there. The PNPS area was defined by Cape Cod Bay sampling stations 2,3,4,7,8 (MRI1978b), the half-tide volume of which was estimated by planimetry from NOAA chart 1208 at22,541,000 100 m3 units. Labrid egg densities were obtained at those stations on a weekly basisin 1975 and they were integrated over time (April-December) using the mean density of the fivestations.

The integrated values were multiplied by 1.40 to account for extrusion through the0.505-mm mesh used in that survey (MRI unpublished data), then by the sector volume. Basedon the 0.333/0.202-mm mesh data collected from the PNPS discharge stream from 1994 through1997, additional upward scaling might be appropriate; however specific data for towed sampleswith 0.202-mm mesh are not available and an estimated value was not applied.

Omitting thisstep likely led to an underestimate of the number of eggs produced and therefore to anunderestimate of the number of adults spawning in the area. The resulting value was divided by2.2, the estimated incubation time in days for cunner eggs (Johansen 1925), then divided by17,226 the average life time fecundity value described.

Lastly the resulting value was multiplied by 2 assuming an even sex ratio. These calculations resulted in an estimated production of6.899E12 eggs by an estimated 364,090,000 adult fish. The potential loss of 563,394 adults in2010 due to PNPS operation represents 0.2% of the estimated spawning stock. The annual meanof 687,943 fish attributable to entrainment and impingement, including all years, represents 0.2%of the stock estimate.

In earlier studies MDMIF personnel chose cunner as an indicator species for PNPS impactinvestigations.

Tagging studies were conducted during the 1994 and 1995 seasons to estimatethe size of the cunner population in the immediate PNPS area. Minimum tagging size andtherefore the minimum size fish enumerated was 90 mm TL. Estimates were highly localized since individual cunner have a very small home range measured on the order of 100 m2 or less(Pottle and Green 1979). Very young cunner may spend their first year within a single squaremeter (Tupper and Boutilier 1995, 1997). Estimated population size for the outer breakwater andintake areas combined were 7,408 and 9,300 for the two respective years. Combining upper 95%confidence limits for breakwater and intake produced totals of 10,037 and 11,696 fish,respectively.

Since the upper confidence limit total is only 0.003% of the egg based population

estimate, it is clear that eggs must arrive at PNPS from areas beyond the immediate vicinity ofthe Station.

A hydrodynamic modeling study completed by Eric Adams of MIT predicted that90% of the cunner eggs and larvae entrained at PNPS come from within about 5.5 miles of PNPS75Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10Entrairunent Monitoring to the north down to White Horse Beach, about one mile to the south of PNPS. This areaextends further to the north than the area 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 used in the above egg estimates and wouldpresumably provide an even greater adult population estimate.

The number of eggs entrained indicated that cunner must be very abundant in these waters.Atlantic MackerelNumbers of mackerel eggs entrained at PNPS ranged from 6,182,000 in 1999 to4,674,000,000 in 1989 with an average of 767,204,000.

Totals for larval mackerel ranged from311,000 in 1999 to 320,135,600 in 1981 with an average of 38,197,000.

Corresponding valuesfor 2010 were 72,370,028 for eggs and 779,129 for larvae (Table 13). The current egg totalranked 26th in the l Ith percentile and the larval total ranked 27th in the 7th percentile.

Valuesamounted to 9 and 2% of the respective time series means.Two methods were used to determine equivalent adult Atlantic mackerel.

The firstmethod followed the procedures outlined by Vaughan and Saila (1976) to derive a survival ratefor spawned mackerel eggs to age I fish. This procedure utilizes the Leslie matrix algorithm toestimate early survival from proportion mature, fecundity, and survival within each age classassuming a stable population.

Fecundity for Atlantic mackerel was obtained from Griswold andSilverman (1992) and Neja (1992). Age-specific instantaneous natural mortality (M = 0.20) wasobtained from Overholtz (2000a) and NOAA (1995). A low fishing mortality rate ofF = 0.02was used consistent with the current low exploitation rate (NEFSC 2000). A maximum age of14 and maturity schedules were obtained from NEFSC (1996). Since two fecundity profilesprovide two egg to age 1 survival values: 2.2820E-6 for Griswold and Silverman, 2.1692E-6 forNeja, the values were averaged (2.22559E-6).

To account for the fact that all eggs entrained were not recently spawned and theVaughan and Saila estimate begins at time of spawning an estimate of daily mortality wasderived from Pepin (1991). Based on an average late-spring summer water temperature of 15 Cdaily mortality was estimated to be M. = 0.074. At 15 C mackerel eggs require approximately 4days to hatch assuming an average diameter of 1.15 mm (Colton and Marak 1969, Pepin 1991).Entrained eggs were therefore assumed to average one day old with a corresponding mortality rate of M = 0.446 (survival rate S = 0.640). The number of entrained eggs was therefore dividedby 0.640 to estimate the equivalent number of newly spawned eggs entrained.

76Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Staflon Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring To back calculate from entrained larvae to spawned eggs so the spawned egg to age Isurvival rate could be applied the observed average ratio of eggs to larvae for PNPS of 0.0712(1980-2009) was used. In calculating the average larva/egg ratio 1981, 1984, 1987, and 1999were omitted, 1981 because larvae were more abundant then eggs, 1984, 1987, and 1999 becauseboth circulating seawater pumps were off for all or an important portion of the mackerel egg andlarval seasons during maintenance outages.

A mesh adjustment factor of 1.12 was applied to theegg data obtained with 0.333-mm mesh nets based on mesh comparison collections completed from 1994 through 1997 (MRI 1998). No mesh adjustment was justified for larvae. Numbers ofentrained larvae were divided by 0.0712 then by the age adjustment factor of 0.640 and the backcalculated total was then added to the age-adjusted egg total. The age 0 survival rate of 2.2256E-6 was then applied to the combined egg total to derive the number of age I fish.According to NOAA (1995, 1998) and Overholtz (2000a) stock biomass consists of fishage I and older while fish completely recruit to the spawning stock by age 3. Therefore, juvenileand adult equivalent values are shown for both respective age groups (Figure 13, Table 13). Age3 individuals were estimated using an instantaneous mortality rate of M = 0.52 for age 1 fish andM = 0.37 for age 2 fish (Overholtz et al. 1988). These values provided annual survival rates of S= 0.595 and 0.691, respectively.

Numbers of age 1 and 3 mackerel were expressed on a weightbasis using 0.2 and 0.7 pounds per fish, respectively (Clayton et al. 1978).The gecond method to estimate Atlantic mackerel equivalent adult values followed thelife stage method. The survival values obtained from EPA (2004) were S = 0.092 for eggs, S =0.005 for larvae, and S = 0.005 forjuveniles, S = 0.595 for age 1, and S = 0.538 for age 2. Thesurvival values were adjusted following EPRI (2004) to account for the mixed ages of entrained eggs and larvae. The resulting values were: adjusted S = 0.1679 for eggs and adjusted S =0.0099 for larvae. The adjusted survival values were applied only to the stage being entrained, not to subsequent stages as numbers were calculated to equivalent adults.PNPS equivalent age I juvenile mackerel lost to entrainment for 2010 amounted to 316age I fish weighing 82 pounds or 114 age 3 fish weighing 95 pounds. Corresponding age Ivalues over the 1980 through 2009 time series ranged from 39 (1999) to 21,128 (1989) fish withan average of 4,818. Age 3 values ranged from 14 to 7,646 with an annual average of 1,748individuals.

Converting numbers of fish to weight resulted in an estimated average annual valuethrough 2009 of 1,242 pounds or 1,174 pounds, respectively.

Due to the insufficient species and77Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring life stage specific data on upper lethal temperatures and exposure limits for Atlantic

mackerel, alleggs and larvae were assumed to die following entrainment.

The number of eggs and larvae entrained in 2010 and therefore the number of equivalent juveniles and equivalent adults was well below average, amounting to 6.5% of the time seriesmean (Table 13). This follows 2001 through 2009 when numbers ranged from only about 6 to23% of the time series average.

The below average totals suggest that mackerel egg and larvalproduction in the waters near PNPS was not particularly high during the last ten years. TheTransboundary Resources Assessment Committee (TRAC) status report for Atlantic mackerel inthe northwest Atlantic was completed in 2010. The estimated spawning stock biomass hasdeclined from 1.36 million mt in 1972 to 96,968 mt in 2008. Stock recruitment has also declinedin recent years from an average of 2.1 billion age I fish during 1962 through 1984 to an averageof 566 million age I fish from 1985 through 2009. The assessment time series average is 1.3billion age 1 fish (TRAC 2010). Atlantic mackerel recruitment is strongly dependent oncopepod nauplii production through species that contribute to the larval mackerel diet. Strongmackerel year-classes such as 1999 were characterized by remarkably high prey copepod naupliiavailability (Castonguay et al. 2008).Atlantic mackerel are swift swimmers and not often impinged at PNPS. They occurredduring only eight years from 1980 to 20 10 with an average of 8 individuals annually.

Forsimplicity all impinged mackerel were considered adult fish using the Vaughan and Sailaapproach and therefore included with the EA totals. Following the life stage method, the age ofimpinged mackerel was determined from annual length frequency distributions.

The percentcomposition was multiplied by the total estimated number of fish impinged each month topartition each year's monthly total into age classes.

Based on length data all impinged fish wereyoung of the year. The instantaneous mortality rates for mackerel age classes were obtainedfrom EPA (2004) and were adjusted described for winter flounder to account for the higherprobability that fish impinged later in any given year are more likely to survive to their firstbirthday.

Mortality rate adjustments were made for each month that juvenile fish were impinged.

The mortality rate was converted to the corresponding survival rate and multiplied by the numberof age 0 fish impinged during each respective month. The monthly totals were then combined toobtain an estimated annual total number of equivalent age I fish. All impinged fish older thanage I were conservatively assumed to survive to their next birthday.

Annual survival rates78Normandeau Associates,

[nc, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring obtained from EPA (2004) were used to convert age 1 fish to age 3 fish. Atlantic mackerelimpinged were assumed to have 0% survival since no site specific data were available (MRJ1984).According to NOAA statistical

records, an annual average of 227,887 pounds (s.e. =60,174) of mackerel were taken commercially from statistical area 514 over the years 1982-2009. For PNPS the loss of an average of 1,242 pounds of age 1 fish (1980-2009) amounts to0,5% of those landings and the loss of an average of 1,174 pounds of age 3 fish, less than 0.5%.In addition to commercial
landings, mackerel have considerable recreational value. Forexample, over the years 1981-2009 an average of 1,065,194 fish (s.e. = 149,259) were landed inMassachusetts by fishermen working inland waters and within three miles of shore. These fishhad an average weight of about one pound. Unfortunately these landings are available only bystate and therefore the portion attributable to Cape Cod Bay is not known. Arbitrarily adding200,000, 1 pound fish to the Area 514 commercial landings brings the average harvest total to427,887 pounds. The mean PNPS age 1 estimate amounts to 0.3% of those landings and themean age 3 equivalent adult total to 0.3% of the landings.

Calculations performed to estimate the number of adult cunner which would be necessary to produce the number of eggs found in the PNPS area were also completed for Atlanticmackerel.

Mackerel eggs occurred at Cape Cod Bay stations 2, 3, 4, 7, and 8 from early Maythrough early July in 1975. Integration over time using the mean density of the five stationsproduced an estimate of 1.3529E12 eggs. This total included a mesh correction factor of 1.95 toaccount for extrusion through 0.505-mm mesh (MRI unpublished data). The resulting value wasdivided by 4, the estimated incubation time in days for mackerel eggs (Sette 1950), then dividedby 319,978, an estimate of mean annual fecundity per female for age 3 fish from Griswold andSilverman (1992) and Neja (1992). Lastly the resulting value was multiplied by 2 assuming aneven sex ratio. These calculations resulted in an estimated production of 3.382E1 1 eggs by anestimated 2,114,052 adult fish. The annual mean equivalent (1980-2009) of 1,748 age 3 fish(Table 13) due to PNPS entrainment represents less than 0.1% of that value.Atlantic MenhadenTotal numbers of Atlantic menhaden eggs entrained at PNPS dating back to 1980 rangedfrom 393,000 in 1992 to 947,800,000 in 1993, with an overall average of 56,887,000.

79Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Corresponding totals for menhaden larvae ranged from 176,000 in 2004 to 48,300,000 in 1997averaging 13,158,000 over the 1980 -2009 time series. Totals for 2010 amounted to 21,379,962 eggs and 5,751,886 larvae. The current year's egg total ranked 6'h, in the 80th percentile, andrepresented 38% of the time series mean. The larval total ranked at 15th, in the 50th percentile and represented 44% of the time series mean (Table 15).Numbers of eggs and larvae entrained each year at PNPS were converted to numbers ofequivalent adults using two methods.

The first method followed Vaughan and Saila (1976).This procedure requires an estimate of the ratio of larvae to eggs plus fecundity and mortality foreach age class. To provide an estimate of survival from spawned egg to entrained larva (Se) theratio of larvae to eggs at PNPS was calculated.

In some years, such as 2009, more larvae wereentrained then eggs so that estimates were not obtained for all cases. Estimates ranging from0.005 to 0.987 were obtained in 1980, 1982, 1985, 1986, 1988-1991, 1993, 1994, 1997, 1998,2001-2004, and 2010. A geometric mean of 0.216 was obtained over those 17 estimates.

In theMount Hope Bay section of Narragansett Bay from 1973-1991 a geometric mean ratio of 0.066was obtained providing a second estimate based on extensive data. An average of the twoestimates, 0.141 was used to approximate survival from egg to larva.Since Se is defined as survival from spawned egg to entrained larva, an adjustment to theaverage larva/egg ratio was necessary.

To derive this estimate, collected menhaden eggs wereestimated to average one day old, one-quarter their incubation period at 15'C, assuming thatspawning takes place nearby. A 4-day incubation period was obtained from Pepin (1991) whorelated incubation duration to water temperature and egg diameter.

A mean diameter of 1.6 mmwas obtained from Colton and Marak (1969). Pepin (1991) also related daily egg mortality towater temperature (M. = 0.030e 0.1IT). Assuming an average spring-early summer watertemperature of 15'C, menhaden eggs would experience a daily mortality rate of Me = 0.4464.The mean egg/larva ratio of 0.141, equivalent to an instantaneous mortality rate of 1.959 wasadded to 0.4464 to derive the mortality rate from spawned egg to entrained larva of Ze = 2.4055(Se = 0.0902).The procedure of Vaughan and Saila (1976) using the Leslie matrix algorithm providedan estimate of survival from spawned egg to age I of 5.41 9E-05. Fecundity for ages 3 through 5was obtained from Dietrich (1979). All females were assumed to spawn first at age 3 based onAhrenholz et al. (1987) who reported that all age 2 fish mature by the fourth quarter.

Since fall80Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10Entrainment Monitoring spawning does occur but is uncommon in Cape Cod Bay (Scherer 1984), we assumed initialspawning at age 3. Dietrich's (1979) age 5 fecundity was assumed for ages 6 through 9 as wellsince direct counts were not available.

Instantaneous natural mortality rates (M) were obtainedfrom ASFMC (2004); these were 0.98, 0.56, and 0.55 for ages 1, 2, and 3-9, respectively.

Fishing mortality (F) of 0.14 for age I and 0.79 for older individuals was also used (ASFMC2004). To account for the fact that all eggs entrained were not recently spawned and the Vaughanand Saila estimate begins at time of spawning the estimate of daily mortality rate for menhadeneggs described above was used. Numbers of entrained larvae were back calculated to spawnedeggs using Se and that total added to the number of entrained eggs. These parameters providedan estimate of 5,266 age 1 individuals potentially lost as a result of egg and larvae entrainment in2010. Since menhaden enter the fishery at age 2 (Durbin et al. 1983), the annual naturalmortality rate of M = 0.98 and F = 0.14 (S = 0.326) was applied to the age 1 value. Age 2natural mortality (M = 0.56) and fishing mortality (F = 0.79) rates were then applied to thenumbers of age 2 fish to estimate the number of age 3 adults potential lost to the population.

Awet weight of 0.6 pound for age 2 individuals (ASFMC 2006a) was used to calculate weight.The second method to estimate equivalent adults utilized life stage survival values fromEPA (2004): S = 0.301 for eggs, S = 0.011 for larvae, S = 0.002 for age 0 juveniles, S = 0.583for age 1, and S 0.212 for age 2. The survival values were adjusted following EPRI (2004) toaccount for the fact that entrained eggs and larvae are of mixed ages (adjusted S = 0.4630 foreggs and adjusted S = 0.0226 for larvae).

A weight of 0.235 pounds for age 2 individuals (EPA2004) was used to calculate weight.The two EA methods provided an average estimate of 1,004 age 2 fish (550 pounds)potentially lost to the fishery in 2010. Corresponding age 2 values for the 1980-2009 time seriesranged from 30 fish (16 pounds) in 2004 to 17,414 fish (9,295 pounds) in 1993 with an averagevalue of 2,688 fish (1,390 pounds).

For 2010 the average estimated number of age 3 adults lostto the population was 253 adults. Corresponding age 3 values for the 1980-2009 time seriesranged from 8 to 4,365 with an average value of 669 (Figure 14, Table 15). Some Atlanticmenhaden eggs and larvae survive entrainment.

To reflect this survival Atlantic menhaden eggswere assumed to survive at the rate of 80% based on the data collected during the PNPSentrainment survival study conducted in 2007 (NAI unpublished data). Atlantic menhadenlarvae were assumed to survive at the rate of 55% at temperatures between 25 and 30'C and 24%81Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010EntTainment Monitoring at temperatures between 30 and 351C (EPRI 2000). When survival was incorporated into theequivalent adult calculations the number of age 2 fish potentially lost to entrainment in 2010decreased to 532 fish (248 pounds) and age 3 fish decreased to 135. The 2010 age 2 value wasbelow the 1980 -2009 average of 1,256 age 2 fish (Figure 15, Table 16).In addition to numbers entrained 1,403 young menhaden were estimated to have beenimpinged in 2010 (See Impingement Monitoring Section 3.3). That compares with an average of26,451 annually from 1980-2009 and a range from 0 in 1981 and 1987 to 277,601 in 2005.Since menhaden are sensitive to impingement and handling in general (see for example Tathamet al. 1977, MRI 1984) all were assumed to have died. Method 1 assumed conservatively that50% would have survived to the end of their first year had they not been impinged and 32.6%would then survive to age 2. Method 2 determined the age of the impinged menhaden by annuallength frequency distributions.

The percent composition for each I I 0-mm length class wasmultiplied by the total estimated number of menhaden impinged each month to partition themonthly total into age classes.

The instantaneous mortality rate for each age class was obtainedfrom EPA (2004) and was adjusted as described for winter flounder to account for the higherprobability that fish impinged later in any given year are more likely to survive to their nextbirthday.

Mortality rate adjustments were made for each month that juvenile fish were impinged.

The mortality rate was converted to the corresponding survival rate and multiplied by the numberof age 0 fish impinged during each respective month. The monthly totals were then combined toobtain an estimated annual total number of equivalent age I fish. All impinged fish older thanage I were conservatively assumed to survive to their next birthday.

Annual survival ratesobtained from EPA (2004) were used to convert age I fish to age 2 and 3 fish. Based on thesecalculations an additional 355 fish might have been lost to the fishery and 81 adults might havebeen lost to the spawning stock from impingement in 2010. This compares with a time seriesaverage of 7,223 age 2 and 1,634 age 3 fish potentially lost to impingement.

Combined potential entrainment and impingement EA values totaled 1,359 age 2 (675 pounds) and 334 age 3 fish in2010 which compared with average of 9,911 age 2 (3,874 pounds) and 2,303 age 3 fish over the1980-2009 time series.The Atlantic menhaden resource has supported one of the largest fisheries in the UnitedStates since colonial times and is believed to consist of a single population based on taggingstudies (Dryfoos et al. 1973, Nicholson 1978, ASMFC 2004). The menhaden fishery has two82Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring components, a reduction fishery that produces fishmeal and fish oil and the bait fishery.

As bait,menhaden are collected in pound nets, trawls, haul seines, purse seines and gill nets. Obtaining data from the bait fishery is difficult to achieve but the bulk of the bait landings in New Englandare used by the lobster fishery.

Bait landings along the New England coast averagedapproximately 11.9 million pounds from 1985-2009 representing 15% of the average coastwide bait landings and 2% of the total coastwide landings (ASMFC 2010, ASMFC 2006b). Thepotential loss of an average of 3,874 pounds of menhaden to entrainment and impingement atPNPS represents 0.03% of the average 1985-2009 New England menhaden bait landings and0.005% of the average 1985-2009 total coastwide bait landings.

Numbers of menhaden eggs were revisited from 1975 when ichthyoplankton samplingwas completed throughout Cape Cod Bay (see for example Scherer 1984). At that timemenhaden eggs were found from late May into July and again in October.

To determine anapproximation of the number of menhaden that might have spawned in the Bay that year meandensities were integrated over time. The integrated total was multiplied by 2.0 to adjust forextrusion through the 0.505-mm mesh used in those studies (MRI unpublished),

then divided by3 an estimate of the incubation period for menhaden eggs. This value was then divided by theaverage lifetime fecundity (456,481 eggs) and assuming an even sex ratio, multiplied by 2 toaccount for males. The resulting value was then multiplied by the volume of Cape Cod Bay(4.5EI0 M3; Collings et al. 1981). This procedure produced an estimate of 3.4 million adultsspawning in the Bay at that time. To be conservative that number was divided in half assumingthat eggs were present in only half the volume of Cape Cod Bay. Using this roughapproximation and assuming that numbers of menhaden spawning in the Bay in 1975 weresimilar to current levels the average loss of 2,303 age 3 menhaden (1980-2009) would amount to0.1% of the estimated spawning stock in Cape Cod Bay.MRI completed estimates of the number of menhaden eggs and larvae passing throughthe Cape Cod Canal during the 1999 spawning season (TRC 2000). Estimates were based onichthyoplankton sampling completed in the Canal near the eastern end as well as a near-canal station in Buzzard's Bay and in Cape Cod Bay. The seasonal total passing through the Canalamounted to 520 million eggs and 258 million larvae. The number of menhaden eggs and larvaeentrained by PNPS in 1999 amounted to 2.8 and 4.6% of those estimates, respectively.

83Normnandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Atlantic HerringSince Atlantic herring spawn demersal, adhesive eggs primarily on offshore banks, theyare not subject to entrainment at PNPS. Larval entrainment at the station ranged from 341,371 in2007 to 43,248,000 in 1995 and averaged 6,558,300 over the 1980-2009 period. For the 2010season the number entrained was estimated to be 3,737,447 larvae (Table 18). Since they arerelatively large, no mesh adjustment factor was applied to the estimated values.Two methods were used to determine equivalent adult Atlantic herring from the numbersentrained.

The first method followed the Vaughan and Saila procedure to derive an estimate ofsurvival from spawned egg to age 1. For this estimate fecundity was obtained from Messieh(1976); age-specific mortality of M = 0.2 was obtained from NOAA (1998) and NEFSC (1998).A maximum age of 11 was assumed following (NEFSC 1998) and fishing mortality was set at F= 0.2 beginning at age 1. These values provided an estimated survival rate of 5.1004E-5 for aspawned herring egg to age 1. To estimate the number of eggs which must have been spawnedto produce the number of larvae entrained, individuals were assumed to average 45 days of age.This was based on their relatively long larval period (see for example Jones et al. 1978, Folkvordet al. 1997) and the fact that spawning occurs on offshore banks. Over that 45-day period larvaewere assumed to experience a mortality rate of 5.75% per day. This value equals the mediansummarized from various authors by Dragesund (1970). A mortality rate of 50% was assumedamong spawned eggs (Lough et al. 1985). The mortality rate among eggs coupled with a 5.75%daily mortality rate over 45 days provided a mortality rate of Se = 0.034804 from spawned egg toentrained larva. The number of entrained larvae was divided by the egg to larva mortality rateand multiplied by 5.1 004E-5 to provide an estimate of age I herring potentially lost toentrainment.

Based on an annual survival rate of 0.67 (M = 0.20, F = 0.20, see above), age 3fish, the age at which 50% of herring recruit to the spawning stock (NOAA 1995, Overholtz 2000b), were calculated.

Age I juveniles (sardines) were assumed to weigh 0.03 pounds and age3 adults 0.4 pounds.The second method to estimate equivalent adults relied on life stage data from EPA(2004): S = 0.038 for larvae and juvenile stages, and S = 0.619 for age I and age 2 fish. Thelarval survival value was adjusted following EPRI (2004) to account for the mixed ages ofentrained larvae (adjusted S = 0.0739).

Age I (sardines) juveniles were assumed to weigh 0.03pounds and age 3 adults 0.3 pounds.84Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10EntTainMeDt Monitoring The two methods used to calculate equivalent adult herring produced an average of 8,043age 1 (249 pounds) and 3,260 age 3 herring (1,105 pounds) that would have been lost due toentrainment in 2010. The 2010 values were below the long term average for age 1 (14,113) andage 3 (5,721) equivalents (Figure 16, Table 18). Atlantic herring larvae were assumed have 0%survival due to insufficient species specific data on upper lethal temperatures and exposurelimits.In addition to being entrained Atlantic herring are also impinged at PNPS (seeImpingement section),

at an annual average of 1,077 fish from 1980-2009 ranging from 0 in1996, 2007, and 2009 to 24,238 in 1991 (Table 19). Over the time series fish were most oftenimpinged from late winter to spring although a relatively large number was impinged in July1991. While some adults appeared in the catch from time to time, the majority of fish weresmall, ranging in length from 25 to 75 mm total length. Using the Vaughan and Saila approachimpinged fish were converted to equivalent age 3 adults using the annual mortality rate givenabove, assuming that young fish would complete their first year. Using EPA life stage dataimpinged herring were converted to equivalent age 3 fish using an adjusted juvenile stagesurvival value (adjusted S = 0.0739) to account for the mixed ages of impinged juveniles.

Thecalculations then used the survival values for age 1 and 2 fish above. Based on these twomethods impingement would add an annual average of 638 age 3 fish to the potential number offish lost. Since Atlantic herring are generally fragile like other members of the herring family100% impingement mortality was assumed.Atlantic herring have long been an important component of the commercial fishery offthe northeast coast of the United States (see for example Matthiessen 2004) They were severelyoverfished by distant-water fleets during the 1960's and 1970's to the point where no larvalherring were found on Georges Bank for a decade (Overholtz and Friedland 2002). They havesince recovered and are currently abundant on Nantucket Shoals and in the Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank region. Although likely to increase, landings remain low. For example, while 1 .1million pounds were landed from Statistical Area 514 in 1997, none were reported for that areafrom 1999 through 20035, and 14.6 million pounds were landed in 2008. Spawning stockbiomass in the northeast was estimated at 400,000 metric tons (0.9 billion pounds) of adult fish5 NOAA cautions that landings reported by water codes such as 514 may be unreliable as codes can be assignedafter the fact and not necessarily based on observations or fisherman reports.85Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring in 2008 (TRAC 2009). If spawning stock biomass in the 514 statistical area equals only onepercent of the northeast stock, then the 2010 equivalent adult value resulting from entrainment and impingement at PNPS (1,121 pounds) would amount to about 0.01%. The combined timeseries average of 2,156 pounds would amount to about 0.02%.Atlantic CodEstimated numbers of Atlantic cod eggs entrained at PNPS dating back to 1980 rangedfrom 1,268,748 in 1993 to 20,388,850 in 1980 averaging 6,332,831 over the 30-year time seriesfrom 1980-2009.

For cod larvae corresponding estimates ranged from 119,436 in 1989 to4,215,642 in 2001, averaging 1,206,309 over the time series. Corresponding estimates for 2010amounted to 8,707,496 eggs and 754,858 larvae. These values ranked 81h and 18th, respectively in the 77th and 43 d percentiles indicating that eggs were above average and larvae were belowaverage in abundance in 2010 (Table 20).Two methods were used to calculate equivalent adult Atlantic cod. The first method usedthe Vaughan and Saila procedure to convert the numbers of eggs and larvae to equivalent age 2fish, the age at which 50% of the stock reaches maturity and the age at which they enter thefishery.

To calculate age 0 survival using the Vaughan and Saila procedure fecundity at age wasobtained by averaging values from May (1967) and Kjesbu et al.(1996).

A natural mortality rateof M= 0.20 was obtained from NOAA (1998) along with a fishing mortality rate ofF = 0.2beginning at age 2. A maximum age of 6 was assumed based on their high exploitation rate(Serchuk et al 1994). Using these variables an age 0 survival rate of 1.5506E-6 was obtained.

Survival from spawned egg to entrained larva (Se) was estimated by averaging threevalues:* The average larva/egg ratio obtained at PNPS from 1980-20 10 following adjustment forthe average age of entrained eggs; this equaled 0.0964. To derive this estimate, cod eggswere assumed to average 6 days old, half their incubation period at 5C. A 12-dayincubation period was obtained from Pepin (1991) who related incubation duration towater temperature and egg diameter.

A mean diameter of 1.5 mm was obtained fromColton and Marak (1969). Pepin (1991) also related daily egg mortality to watertemperature.

Assuming an average winter water temperature of 5C cod eggs wouldexperience a daily instantaneous mortality rate of Me = 0.074 or 0.443 over six days. The86Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10Entrainment Monitoring observed geometric mean egg/larva ratio at PNPS from 1980-2010 of 0.1502, equivalent to an instantaneous mortality rate of 1.8959 was added to 0.443 to derive the mortality rate from spawned egg to entrained larva of Ze = 2.3389 (Se = 0.0964)." The second estimate relied on daily mortality rates given for the closely related pollockby Saila et al (1997; 0.0068).

They estimated egg mortality for pollock eggs fromspawning to hatch to be Ze = 0.922 and larval mortality at Z = 1.358 per mm of growth.Assuming cod larvae entrained at PNPS average 6 mm in length and that they hatch at 3mm (Colton and Marak 1969), they would be expected to experience a mortality rate of Z= 4.074. Combined these estimates equal 2.4184 = Z corresponding to a survival ratefrom spawned egg to entrained larva of S = 0.0068." The third value (Se = 0.0077) was derived as follows.

Larvae entrained at PNPS wereassumed to average 10 days old. Eggs were assumed to require 20 days to hatch with adaily mortality rate of 10% per day (Serchuk et al. 1994). Larval mortality from hatch today 10 was assumed to be 4% per day (Serchuk et al. 1994) providing a survival rate of0.0077 from spawned egg to entrained larva.The average of those three values, Se = 0.0370, was used to estimate the number of eggsnecessary to yield the number of entrained larvae at PNPS. The average Se value was thenapplied to the number of larvae entrained each year, the result added to the number of eggsentrained and the value of age 0 survival applied to the total to provide the estimated equivalent adult values. Numbers of equivalent adults were converted to weight in pounds using anestimate of 0.5 pounds per fish.The second method to estimate equivalent adults followed the life stage method.Survival values were obtained from EPA (2004): S = 0.008 for eggs, S = 0.003 for larvae, S =0.400 for juveniles, and S = 0.670 for age 1. The survival values were adjusted following EPRI(2004) to account for the mixed ages of entrained eggs and larvae (adjusted S = 0.0152 for eggsand adjusted S = 0.0059 for larvae).

A weight of 0.245 pound for age 2 individuals (EPA 2004)was used to calculate weight.The average number of age 2 fish potentially lost due to entrainment was 664 in 2010.This was below the 1980 -2009 mean of 1,011 age 2 fish. The 2010 average weight of 167pounds was also below the overall mean of 254 pounds (Figure 17, Table 20). Atlantic cod eggs87 Normandeau Assocknes, Inc.87Normandeau Associales, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring and larvae were all assumed to die following entrainment since species specific data on upperlethal temperatures and exposure limits were not available.

In addition to the numbers entrained 53 Atlantic cod were estimated to have beenimpinged on the PNPS intake screens in 2010. That compares with an average of 68 annuallyfrom 1980-2009 ranging from 0 to 688 in 2006; no cod were impinged during 10 years (seeimpingement section).

The number of equivalent adult Atlantic cod potentially lost toimpingement was calculated by two methods.

Based on size the majority of impinged cod wereyoung fish ranging in size from 50 to 100 mm total length. The first method assumed allimpinged fish were age 1 and calculated survival from a natural mortality rate of M= 0.20obtained from NOAA (1998). The second method used annual length frequency distributions toestimate the age of impinged cod. The percent composition for each 10-mm length class wasmultiplied by the total estimated number of fish impinged each month to partition each monthlytotal into age classes.

The instantaneous mortality rate for the Atlantic cod age classes wereobtained from EPA (2004) and were adjusted as above in winter flounder to account for thehigher probability that fish impinged later in any given year are more likely to survive to theirfirst birthday (January st). Mortality rate adjustments were made for each month that juvenilefish were impinged.

The mortality rate was converted to the corresponding survival rate andmultiplied by the number of fish impinged during each respective month. The monthly totalswere then combined to obtain an estimated annual total number of equivalent age 2 fish. Thenumber of impinged fish would account for an additional 36 equivalent age-2 adults in 2010 andan average of 41 additional adults over the 1980-2009 time series. These totals were considered low relative to any recent landings information for the Cape Cod Bay area. For reference Area514 landings averaged 1,636,863 pounds (s.e. = 543,890) from 1995-2009 and Massachusetts inland and near shore (< 3 miles) recreational landings averaged 452,550 pounds (s.e. = 129,450)over the same period. Atlantic cod impingement survival was assumed to be 10.7% attributable to the fish return sluiceway and the low pressure spraywash (MRI 1984). When impingement survival is considered the number of equivalent adult cod potentially lost in 2010 declined to 32fish (13 pounds).

The 1980 -2009 time series mean also declined to 37 age 2 adults weighing15 pounds (Figure 18, Table 22).88 Norinandeau Associaies, Inc.88Normandeau Associaies, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Winter FlounderPNPS Equivalent Adult Summary198019821984 Age 3 Fish19861988199019921994199619982000200220042006200820100 20 40 60 80Numbers Of Fish (Thousands)

Annual Mean = 13,745Figure 7. Numbers of equivalent adult winter flounder estimated fromentrainment and Impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.

Winter FlounderPNPS Survival Adjusted Equivalent Adult Summary19801982 Age 3 Fish1986198819901992199419961998200020020200620082010 ._0 10 20 30 40 50Numbers Of Fish (Thousands)

Annual Mean = 9,29960Figure 8. Numbers of equivalent adult winter flounder estimated fromsurvival adjusted entrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.

89 Nornandeau Associates.

Inc.89Normandeau Associates.


Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Winter Flounder Abundance Massachusetts (MDMF)Mean Number Per Tow200160 A12080 V40078 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 1079 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09YearSpring SurveyFigure 9. Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries spring winterflounder northern stock abundance data (mean catch per tow) from1978-2010.

Winter Flounder Abundance Gulf of MaineMean Number Per Tow1412 A10/IAAA A k AV,642079 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 0980 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10YearSpring SurveyFigure 10. NMFS spring survey winter flounder mean catch per tow inthe Gulf of Maine from 1979-2010.

90 Norrnandeau Associates, Inc.90Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring CunnerPNPS Equivalent Adult Summary198019821984198619881990199219941996199820002002 I2004200620082010-IAge I)Fish0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000Number Of Fish (Thousands)A~nnual Meanf = 66 ,Y'43Figure 11. Numbers of equivalent adult cunner estimated fromentrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.

CunnerPNPS Survival Adjusted Equivalent Adult Summary198019821984 Age I Fish1986198819901992 .199499619982000200220042006 I20082010 _. _, J , ,0 200 400 600 800 1,000Annual Mean 150,439 Numbers Of Fish (Thousands)

Figure 12. Numbers of equivalent adult cunner estimated from survivaladjusted entrainment and Impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.

91 Normandeau Associates, Inc.91Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitorig Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Atlantic MackerelPNPS Equivalent Adult Summary1980198219841986198819901992199419961998200020022004200620082010I[EDAgc 3FlII0510is2025Numbers Of Fish (Thousands)

Annual Mean = 4,818 Agc I or 1,753 Age 3Figure 13. Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic mackerel estimated from entrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.

Atlantic MenhadenPNPS Equivalent Adult Summary198019821984 Age 3 Fish19861988199019921994199619982000200220042006200820100 5 10 15 20Numbers Of Fish (Thousands)

Annual Mean= 2,303Figure 14. Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic menhaden estimated from to entrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.

92 Normandeau Associates, Inc.92Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Atlantic MenhadenPNPS Survival Adjusted Equivalent Adult Summary198019821984 Age 3 Fish198619881990199219941996199820002002L20042006200820100 5 10 15 20Numbers Of Fish (Thousands)

Annual Mean = 1,944Figure 15. Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic menhaden estimated from survival adjusted entrainment and impingement data at PNPS,1980-2010.

Atlantic HerringPNPS Equivalent Adult Summary1980198219841 986198819901992199419961998200020022006200820100 10 20 30Numbers Of Fish (Thousands)

Annual Mean -6,360Age 3 Fish40Figure 16. Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic herring estimated from entrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.

93Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Atlantic CodPNPS Equivalent Adult Summary19801982198419861988 I1990 Age 2 Fish19921994199619982000200220042006200820100 1 2 3 4Numbers Of Fish (Thousands)

Annual Mean = 1,051Figure 17. Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic cod estimated fromentrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.

Atlantic CodPNPS Survival Adjusted Equivalent Adult Summary198019821984198619988 Age:2 Fish1990199219941996199820022004200620100 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000Annual Mean -1,047Figure 18. Numbers of equivalent adult Atlantic cod estimated fromsurvival adjusted entrainment and impingement data at PNPS, 1980-2010.

94 Normandeau Associates.

Inc.94Normandeau Associates, Inc.

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'mIonN WUIAd Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitonng Table 6. Nunbers ofwiter Bounder egg and Liae M Wtraed adjusted for srvivl at PNPS by stage, 1980-2010.

Ntanters and weigtfs ofeqtaMlel age 3 aduts coated by lee uhdods are also shown, Estinates based on mnomal operation ow.Nuner Nark rOfAdjusted Larae En.raed Equivalent Age 3 AdultsOfAdjusted Stage IYear Eggs I 2 3 4 Toul Staged Suie I Staged Suite 2 Staged Suie 3 AverageEntraied Nuober Weight(las)

Nurber Weighlt(lbs)

Number Weightls]

Nunber Weight(lbs) 1980 ý513,717 8,694,456 12,714,0 3,739,053 0 25148,331 7,790 3. 2,252 1,992 26251 2,54 4,101 2Z3751981 9,674,954 7,6^6,942 19,133,121 1570,367 21,916 28,332,347 5,819 2.825 1,427 692 1,432 1,420 2,893 1,6471982 7,001,776 2,706,834 6.74,795 5,918k981 215,09 15,565,709 1,210 5.437 5,495 2,665 5,516 5,500 7,407 4,5341983 1,305,735 1,933,453 2,216,172 3A62,411 131,763 8,173,798 6,907 3,350 3,458 1,677 3,471 3,461 4,612 2,8291984 341,424 165,925 0 83,02 7,960 258,707 181 III 127 62 127 127 145 1001985 32W7L7,535 1,039,01 2,312,789 4,101,0 66,191 7,518.987 6,667 3330 2.950 1,431 2,962 2,953 4260 25711986 5,118,035 5,397,403 5,7a3,669 2,025,475 38,972 1345,519 4332 24101 1,601 776 1,608 1,603 2,514 1,4931987 20,782324 0 5,613 12.037 0 17,650 67 53 27 13 35 35 43 34198 3,494,771 1,995,9 1,656,376 7,705,859 258,622 11,616,826 3,229 6,416 6,83 3,299 6,83R 6,9 8,954 5,5081989 6,423,9V7 1,668,23 5,755,240 1,136,0 19,795 8580,667 2.787 1,352 922 447 926 923 1,545 9071990 48,501 643,683 1,155,404 3,498,673.

16,702 5,314,462 5.386 2612 20870 1,04 2,078 2,072 3,178 1,8961991 1,217,178 3,471,0 3,.90,408 2651,096 19.088 10,049,695 4,724 2,291 1,694 822 1,701 1,696 2,706 1,031992 4,124,308 97,660 V76,914 3,594,727 13,256 5,358,557 5,474 2.655 2,086 1,012 2,094 2,088 3,218 1,9181993 3,07t941 1,595,700 3X40,750 2M21,761 44,849 7,70,060 49 2,226 1,878 911 1,886 1,80 2,784 1,6721994 2,530.397 1,034,617 6,433,716 6,673,851 97,356 14229,540 11333 5,497 4589 2226 4,607 4,593 6,843 4,1051995 2Z766,716 1,632907 2,820,023 422339 190,221 5,065,491 8,322 4,036 4,411 .,139 2.24 2218 4,986 2,7981996 4,896,687 5,810 5,818,499 5,789,556 503,63 124616,499 12722 6,170 8335 4,042 8,368 8,343 6.1051997 3,609,393 225,634 9,537,788 21,198,332 1,076,110 34,037,864 39,514 19,164 22,494 10,910 22584 22,516 28,197 17,51998 1,035,001 3,111,891 20,82,772 29,917,474 2482,158 55,794,295 63.306 30,703 41,653 202.02 41,819 41,694 48,926 30,8661999 1,409,453 2,0,743 496,056 499,438 681 3,02,918 881 447 289 140 292 291 4872= 1,693,672 33,42 170,475 2,754,846 0 2,958,803 4,020 1,950 1,484 720 1,490 1,405 2331 1,3852001 338,28 4,638,5 13,93,697 18,916,64 133,177 36,702,285 30,564 14,924 11,750 5,699 11,797 11,762 18,037 10,7612M32 28,637 1,389319 6911,151 7,564255 623,953 16,488.678 16,9 7,902 10,527 5,106 1(0,569 10,537 12,I63 7.8482983 1,977333 700,749 480,190 1,553,593 78,033 2,812564 2877 1395 1,639 795 1,646 1,641 2,054 1,2772431 246,468 159,859 10,431,901 25,344,488 1,034,884 36,971,132 45307 21,974 24,309 11,790 24,407 24,333 31,341 193662005 243,151 158 6 7,470,964 10,445,649 2,164,636 20240236 3009 14,942 27,739 13,453 27,850 27,767 2799 R&721M 758,001 0 1394,121 3220378 247,981 4A63,50 6,44 3,174 4,26 2,069 4,203 4270 5,031 3,1712007 125,635 703347 3A28,911 1,925,985 119,479 6,677,723 4251 2,Z62 2.319 1,125 2,328 2,321 2,966 1,836200 1,19Z616 1,197,418 k,579,471 2,010351 132,470 9,919,710 4,911 382 2,545 1234 ,555 2,547 3,337 2,0542089 635,09 72,902 4,136,179 3,613,558 58,647 8,079285 6,576 3,189 2,697 2707 2,699 3,993 2399Mean 3,614,239 2,043,64 51,231 6,504,971 349,168 14,899,017 13,119 6,3 7'74 3,528 7,225 7,203 9206 5,698s.C. 1,168,2 413,097 995,080 1,45841 118,460 2441,007 2,837 1376 1,870 907 1,884 1,878 2,179 1377Mrinvma 28,637 0 170.475 422,339 0 2,812,564 881 447 289 140 292 291 487 293Maimnto 32Z717,535 8,604,456 20282,772 29,917,474 2,42,158 55,7,295 63,306 30,703 41,653 20,202 41,819 41,694 48,926 30,8662010 756,692 731,634 3,013,055 2,681,925 198,717 7,423,331 5,845 2,835 3,508 1.702 3,522 3,512 4,292 2,683Notes: See teo for details.I The nran, rnioirrum n d tu w werecalculated with 1984 and 1997 onitted due to the unusouay low nunters rrtuling firomplat outages.Mesh factor -124 applied to eggs prior O 1995.Mesh actor- 1.62 applied to Stages I and 2 priorto 1995.arvial densiea recorded i 1984,1987, and 1999 ate believed to be low relative to densitiet i sutrunding wateis, see tem for detais,Weights for Staged Suite I and Staged Suite 2 ate based on 0.485 pounds per fish. Weights for Staged Suite 3 are based on 0.997 pounds per fosh.Winter flunder eggs,and stage I and sage 2 larvae were assurnd to have moo survival, Winter Bounder stage 3 laivae were assu md to have suuvival, and stage 4 larvae were ass und to have 49.39% survival96 Normandeau Associates, Inc.96Normandeau AssockItes, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10EntTainment Monitoring Table 7. Numbers of winter flounder impinged at PNPS annually, 1980- 2010. Nurrbers and weights of equivalent age 3 adultscalculated by three methods are also shown.Estimated

_Equivalent Age 3 AdultsYear Annual Number General Staged Staged Suite 3 AverageImpinged Number Weight (bs) Number Weight (Ibs) Number Weight Obs) Number Weight (Ibs)1980 297 34 16 36 17 59 59 43 311981 249 29 14 30 15 57 57 39 281982 297 34 16 36 17 128 128 66 541983 232 27 13 28 14 24 24 26 171984 47 5 2 6 3 6 6 6 41985 884 102 49 106 51 120 120 109 741986 908 105 51 109 53 62 62 92 551987 138 16 8 17 8 16 16 16 111988 556 64 31 67 32 44 44 58 361989 ,1119 129 63 134 65 105 105 123 771990 336 39 19 40 19 36 36 38 251991 694 80 39 83 40 86 86 83 551992 787 91 44 94 46 142 142 109 771993 1,181 136 66 141 68 115 115 131 831994 1,018 117 57 122 59 116 116 118 771995 1,628 188 91 195 95 223 222 202 1361996 857 99 48 103 50 137 137 113 781997 608 70 34 73 35 62 62 68 441998 2,069 238 115 248 120 217 216 234 1511999 1,021 118 57 122 59 87 87 109 682000 1,358 156 76 163 79 74 74 131 762001 1,729 199 97 207 100 177 176 194 1242002 1,466 169 82 176 85 104 104 ISO 902003 1,435 165 80 172 83 94 94 144 862004 2,021 233 113 242 117 141 141 205 1242005 2,688 310 150 322 156 151 151 261 1522006 1,242 143 69 149 72 99 99 130 802007 715 82 40 86 42 107 107 92 632008 1,010 116 56 121 59 144 144 127 862009 672 77 38 80 39 39 39 66 38Mean 1,038 120 58 124 60 105 105 117 74s.c. 114 13 6 14 7 10 10 11 7Minimum, 232 27 13 28 14 24 24 26 17Maximum 2,688 310 150 322 156 223 222 261 1522010 1,005 116 56 120 58 100 100 112 71Notes: See text for details.The mean, minirmum, and maxiaum were calculated with 1984 and 1987 omitted due to the unusually low numbers resulting fromplant outages.Weights for General and Staged methods are based on 0.485 pounds per fish.Weights for Staged Suite 3 are based on 0.997 pounds per fish,97 Normandeau Associates.

inc.97Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10Entrainmcnt Monitoring Table 8. Numbers of winter flounder impinged adjusted for survival at PNPS, 1980- 2010. Numbers and weights of equivalent age 3 adults calculated by three methods are also shown.Equivalent Age 3 AdultsYear Adjusted General Staged Staged Suite 3 AverageNumber Impinged Number Weight (Ilbs) Number Weight (lbs) Number Weight(Ibss)

Number WeightiLbs) 1980 231 27 13 28 13 46 46 33 241981 194 22 11 23 I1 45 45 30 221982 232 27 13 28 13 100 100 52 421983 181 21 10 22 11 20 20 21 141984 37 4 2 4 2 5 5 5 31985 684 79 38 82 40 94 94 85 571986 701 81 39 84 41 48 48 71 431987 108 12 6 13 6 13 13 13 81988 431 50 24 52 25 36 36 46 281989 865 100 48 104 50 82 82 95 601990 261 30 15 31 15 27 27 29 191991 540 62 30 65 31 68 68 65 431992 609 70 34 73 35 110 110 84 601993 912 105 51 109 53 90 90 101 651994 789 91 44 94 46 91 91 92 601995 1,258 145 70 151 73 173 172 156 1051996 663 76 37 79 39 108 108 88 611997 473 54 26 57 27 50 50 54 351998 1,595 184 89 191 93 169 168 181 1171999 788 91 44 94 46 69 69 85 532000 1,047 121 58 125 61 105 105 117 752001 1,334 154 75 160 77 138 138 150 972002 1,131 130 63 135 66 118 118 128 822003 1,000 115 56 120 58 83 83 106 662004 1,559 180 87 187 91 112 112 159 962005 2,070 238 116 248 120 229 228 238 1552006 959 110 54 115 56 78 78 101 622007 553 64 31 66 32 84 84 71 492008 779 90 44 93 45 113 113 99 672009 526 61 29 63 31 32 32 52 31Mean' 799 92 45 96 46 90 90 93 60s.e. 87 10 5 10 5 9 9 to 6Minimum 1 37 4 2 4 2 5 5 5 3Maximum, 2,070 238 116 248 120 229 228 238 1552010 788 91 44 94 46 80 80 88 57Notes: See text for details.The mean, minimum, and nixxurumwere calculated with 1984 and 1987 omitted due to the unusually low numbers resulting fromplant outages.Impingement survival was assumed to be 23.1% attributable to the fish return sluiceway and low pressure spraywash.

Weights forGeneral and Staged methods are based on 0.485 pounds per fish.Weights for Ufe Stage are based on 0,997 pounds per fish.98Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 9. Numbers ofcunner eggs and larvae entrained at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.

Numbers and weights ofequivalent age I adults calculated by two methods are also shown. Estimates based on normal operation flow,Equivalent Age I AdultsYear Total Number Entrained Method I Method 2 AverageEggs Larvae Number Weight(kbs)

Number Weight(bs)

Number Weight (bs)1980198119821983198419851986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820093,257,891,776 120,991,540 882,0276,576,294,915 576,322,566 3,163,174 2,010,779,150 10,136,561 275,6645,895,329,347 42,488,978 861,38156,209,029 43,701 6,7082,021,886,071 39,882,271 400,807"1,493,653,289 26,913,778 285,4801,122,803,794 239,840 131,3601,539,089,318 7,376,502 209,4074,469,416,004 52,188,130 736,2121,336,048,112 172,098,797 871,690675,000,390 16,735,627 148,0522,174,661,078 2,791,875 264,1103,235,317,207 15,250,109 439,1291,558,253,667 9,986,072 222,4984,116,491,874 47,130,178 674,1762,807,124,109 17,418,813 398,444.1,718,289,720 99,634,994 614,3514,341,664,826 370,217,451 2,045,563 1,098,618,436 46,550,682 321,3771,349,685,330 63,093,975 419,4092,744,377,803 71,295,038 615,484580,954,607 15,566,804 132,267759,226,058 4,557,281 107,124.1,452,433,321 19,052,802 247,963816,334,983 19,546,053 176,1641,033,954,109 14,140,211 178,9221,384,419,011 10,574,648 204,7661,102,923,951 42,052,473 303,1482,612,626,136 41,475,460 476,027105,843 1,278,287 379,581 4,486,298 33,080 418,548103,366 1,300,417 805 10,32548,097 591,25934,258 422,15915,763 202,60525,129 318,17188,345 1,100,532 104,603 1,227,175 17,766 217,02431,693 405,76652,695 667,35826,700 336,58380,901 1,008,252 47,813 603,06473,722 879,788245,468 2,902,906 38,565 464,06350,329 604,00673,858 901,03115,872 193,46112,855 162,22429,756 369,65521,140 258,48421,471 266,46024,572 308,80636,378 439,01856,885 706,2753,835 1,080,157 13,459 3,824,736 1,2156 347,1063,901 1,080,899 31 8,5161,774 496,0331,266 353,819608 166,983955 263,7893,302 918,3723,682 1,049,433 651 182,5381,217 334,9382,002 553,2431,010 279,5413,025 841,2141,809 500,7542,639 747,0708,709 2,474,234 1,392 392,7201,812 511,7082,703 758,258580 162,864487 134,6741,109 308,809775 217,324799 222,691926 256,7861,317 371,0832,119 590,15954,839196,52017,16853,63341824,93517,7628,18613,04245,82354,1429,20916,45527,34913,85541,96324,81138,181127,08819,97926,07138,2818,2266,67115,43210,95811,13512,74918,84729,502Mean' 2,291,526,593 70,552,488 559,815 67,169 815,610 2,447 687,677 34,808s.e. 295,611,260 23,293,720 121,147 14,538 171,424 514 146,278 7,526Minimum' 580,954,607 2,791,875 107,124 12,855 162,224 487 134,674 6,671Maxirmum 6,576,294,915 576,322,566 3,163,174 379,581 4,486,298 13,459 3,824,736 196,5202010 2,555,970,632 37,470,155 452,772 54,333 673,133 2,019 562,953 28,176Notes: See text for details.IThe mean, minimum, and maximum were calculated with 1984 and 1987 omitted due to the unusually low numbersresulting from plant outages.Mesh adjustment factors incorporated as necessary.

Egg and larval densities recorded in 1984, 1987, and 1999 are believed to be low relative to densities inwaters, see text for details.Method 1 weight based on 0.12 pound per fish. Method 2 weight based on 0.003 pounds per fish.99 Norntandeau Associates.

Inc.99Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station M~arine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 10. Numbers ofcunner eggs and larvae entrained adjusted for survivalat PNPS, 1980-2010.

Numbers andweights of equivalent age I adults calculated by two methods are also shown. Estimates based on normaloperation flow.Total Adjusted Number Equivalent Age I AdultsYear Entrained Method 1 Method 2 AverageEggs Larvae Number Weight (bs) Number Weight (lbs)l Number Weight (Ibs)1980 316,015,502 52,188,454 253,988 30,479 356,162 1,068 305,075 15,7741981 637,900,607 161,201,665 745,260 89,431 1,039,511 3,119 892,386 46,2751982 195,045,578 2,812,358 34,355 4,123 51,097 153 42,726 2,1381983 571,846,947 17,344,339 138,610 16,633 202,031 606 170,321 8,6201984 5,452,276 22,725 728 87 1,108 3 918 451985 196,122,949 4,643,473 42,105 5,053 61,799 185 51,952 2,6191986 144,884,369 375,307 18,384 2,206 28,120 84 23,252 1,1451987 108,911,968 83,969 12,995 1,559 20,001 60 16,498 8101988 149,291,664 3,615,463 32,387 3,886 47,506 143 39,947 2,0141989 433,533,352 13,205,564 105,319 12,638 153,489 460 129,404 6,5491990 129,596,667 88,510,263 383,578 46,029 531,214 1,594 457,396 23,8121991 65,475,038 5,508,754 30,539 3,665 43,351 130 36,945 1,8971992 210,942,125 1,033,522 28,794 3,455 43,737 131 36,266 1,7931993 313,825,769 7,779,515 68,828 8,259 100,893 303 84,860 4,2811994 151,150,606 5,145,732 38,974 4,677 56,622 170 47,798 2,4231995 399,299,712 9,399,794 85,498 10,260 125,511 377 105,504 5,3181996 272,291,039 7,595,788 63,241 7,589 92,395 277 77,818 3,9331997 166,674,103 44,337,878 203,962 24,475 284,340 853 244,151 12,6641998 421,141,488 121,472,847 554,674 66,561 772,648 2,318 663,661 34,4391999 106,565,988 8,822,383 49,107 5,893 69,733 209 59,420 3,0512000 130,919,477 21,257,305 103,710 12,445 145,466 436 124,588 6,4412001 266,204,647 30,182,136 156,577 18,789 220,934 663 188,756 9,7262002 56,352,597 6,871,478 35,154 4,218 49,537 149 42,345 2,1842003 73,644,928 352,711 10,019 1,202 15,223 46 12,621 6242004 140,886,032 5,152,826 37,812 4,537 54,823 164 46,318 2,3512005 79,184,493 4,120,844 26,352 3,162 37,842 114 32,097 1,6382006 100,293,549 919,390 15,473 1,857 23,251 70 19,362 9632007 134,288,644 1,382,286 21,347 2,562 32,001 96 26,674 1,3292008 106,983,623 17,505,914 85,311 10,237 119,646 359 102,478 5,2982009 253,424,735 21,194,144 117,670 13,999 167,059 501 141,857 7,250Mean' 222,278,080 23,711,862 124,537 14,940 175,926 528 150,213 7,734s.e. 28,674,292 7,327,778 32,509 3,901 45,162 135 38,835 2,018 56,352,597 352,711 10,019 1,202 15,223 46 12,621 624Maximum, 637,900,607 161,201,665 745,260 89,431 1,039,511 3,119 892,386 46,2752010 247,929,151 18,529,225 105,936 12,712 150,779 452 128,357 6,582Notes: See text for details.'The mean, minimum, and maxinum were calculated with 1984 and 1987 onrtted due to the unusually low numbersresulting from plant outages.Mesh adjustment factors incorporated as necessary.

Egg and larval densities recorded in 1984, 1987, and 1999 are believed to be low relative to densities in surrounding waters, see text for details.Method I weight based on 0.12 pound per fish. Method 2 weight based on 0.003 pounds per fish.Cunner eggs were assumed to have 900/. survival.

Cunner larvae were assumed to have 100%/ survival at temperatures between 25 and 30'C and 48% survival at temperatures between 30 and 35"C.100Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrairunent Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entiainment Monitoring Table 11. Numbers ofcunner impinged at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.

Numbers and weights ofequivalent age 1+ adults calculated by two methods are also shown. Estimates basedon normal operation flow.Year198019811982198319841985198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009TotalNumberImpinged1,04387061019645580270115971992101822893773463324110115334814059172240716384367247895Equivalent Age I+ AdultsMethod INumber Weight (Ibs)Met1,0438706101964558027011597199210182289377346332411011533481405917224071638436724789512510473245703214122425223II942405121842177212986464430107Number37350844618732537271805613321317922837720125632101119228773149169485156226210501hod 2Weig~ht (lbs)l120200000000000000021AverageNumber Weight (Ibs)708 63689 53528 37192 1238 3559 36271 1798 777 6166 12212 13181 I125 288 677 5274 21294 2037 3101 6136 9288 21109 945 4III 10204 15600 44270 23296 22229 15698 54Mean' 321 321 39 212 1 266 20s.e. 52 52 6 30 0 40 3Minimum 28 28 3 22 0 25 2Maximum 1,043 1,043 125 537 2 708 632010 535 535 64 348 1 442 33Notes: See text for details.IThe mean, minimum, and maximum were calculated with 1984 and 1987 omitted due to theunusually low numbers resulting from plant outages.Method I weight based on 0.12 pound per fish. Method 2 weight based on 0.003 pounds per fish.101 Normandeau Associates, Inc.101Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 12. Numbers ofcunner impinged adjusted for survival at PNPS, 1980- 2010. Numbers andweights ofequivalent age I adults calculated by two methods are also shown. Estimates based on normal operation flow.Adjusted Equivalent Age I AdultsYear Number Method I Method 2 AverageSImpinged Number Weighi (lbs) Number Weight (Ibs) Number Weight 0bs)19801981198219831984198519861987198819891990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200993177754517540518241103871771881622583693092973790136310125531542146393433282217999317775451754051824110387177188162258369309297379013631012553154214639343328221799112936521562291210212319310837364II163715618267741392796507431348972935417558509612612415554718317725591051889028441514331512028328171960444713635436208816913715714320695824623731751212491084199183536247265152540574733112321565111110254191825819839133921201348Mean 287 287 34 165 0 226 17s.e. 47 47 6 26 0 36 3Minimum' 25 25 3 15 0 20 2Maximum 931 931 112 507 2 719 572010 478 478 57 308 1 393 29Notes: See text for details.'The mean, minimum, and were calculated with 1984 and 1987 omitted due to theunusually low nunbers resulting from plant outages.Cunner impinged were assumed to have a 10.7% survival attributable to the fish return sluiceway and the low pressure spraywash.

Method I weight based on 0.12 pound per fish. Method 2 weight based on 0.003 pounds per fish.102 Norrnandeau Associa!es, Inc.102NormandeauAssociates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoing Tabk 13. Nunmbers of Arlic maiekcrel cggs and lrvae traicd ai PNPS annuaoly, 19802010.

Nuntbc and weights of equivalent age I and age 3 fih calculated by two nthods artalso shown. Esarntes based on nomloperation flow.Eýuivknt Age I Juveniles and Age 3 AdultsMethod I Method 2 AverageYear Total NundberEntnamned Age Juveniles Age 3Aduh Age Age3Adult Age I Juveniles Age3AduhEggs , alrvae Nunber Weight(Rs)

Nunber Weight(Ibs)

Nuaner Weight(bs)

Nunber Weight~lbs)

Nueeber WightlOs)

Nutber Weighths) 19&0 81,599432 22U293,108 1,373 275 54 395 1,447 447 463 296 1,410 361 513 3451981 183,959,791 320,135,596 16.275 3,255 6,691 4,684 16643 5,143 5,323 3,401 16,459 4,199 6,007 4,0431982 1023,931 9,308,143 135 167 343 240 918 284 294 188 877 225 318 2141983 148,616.621 41333,673 2,536 507 ,042 730 2,671 825 0 546 2,603 666 948 6381984 570,054 2,480. 2 0 1 I 3 1 I 2 I I I19t5 1,867,648,438 45,711,343 8,727 1,745 3,50 2,512 10,079 3,114 3223 2,060 9,403 2,430 3,406 2,1986 219,488,066 58333,520 3,612 722 1,485 1,040 3,811 1,177 1,219 779 3,711 950 1,352 91987 2397,224 107,727 14 3 6 4 15 5 5 3 14 4 5 41988 2,663,608,568 3,401,489 9,429 1,806 3,077 2,714 11,210 3,495 3,617 2,311 10369 2,690 3,747 2,5121989 4,673.915,938 65,562,469 19,455 3,891 7,999 5,599 22,801 7,046 7,292 4,660 21,128 5,468 7,646 5,1301996 2,313,416,455 4,627,202 1,271 1,654 3,401 2300 9,906 3,061 3,168 2,024 9,008 2,58 3,284 2,2021991 479,761,865 6609,482 4,892 978 2,011 1,400 5,280 1,631 1,689 1,079 5,086 1,305 1,050 1,431992 377,610,764 8,008393 1,708 342 702 492 1,980 612 633 405 1.A44 477 668 4481993 1,801,378,418 8,325,789 6,671 1,334 2,743 1,920 7,948 2,456 2,542 1,624 7,309 I,0 2,642 1,7721994 520,917221 3,419,299 1,978 396 813 569 2,48 726 751 480 2,163 561 782 5251995 I,767,0,278 197,609,693 1 V,2 3,16 6,497 4,548 17,19 5,314 5,506 3,514 16,499 4,237 5,998 4,0311996 1,507370,682 70,947,053 8,707 1,741 3,580 2,506 9,823 3,035 3,142 2,007 9,265 2,38 3,361 2,1997 316,969390 25,770,062 2,361 472 971 680 2.604 805 833 532 2,483 630 902 6061998 530,017,0 X622,% 4609 922 1,895 1,326 5,025 1553 1,607 1,027 4,817 1,237 1,751 1,1711999 6,1802166 311,394 37 7 15 11 41 13 13 8 39 10 14 102000 619,863,003 16,496,664 2,961 592 1,218 852 3,411 1,054 1,091 6r7 3,186 823 1,154 7752001 134,385,477 4,839,176 704 141 289 203 802 240 257 164 753 194 273 1832002 2,852,511 3,704444 1,10 232 476 333 1,358 420 434 278 1,258 326 455 3052003 310,982,536 4,924,563 1,322 264 544 380 1.545 477 494 316 1.433 371 519 34820W4 70,143,355 10,894,804 776 155 319 223 834 258 267 170 805 206 293 1972W05 K441,242 2,782,044 436 87 179 126 500 154 160 102 468 121 170 1142M 154,562,772 9,378,507 995 199 409 286 1,111 343 355 227 1,05 271 382 2572067 97,050,673 6,522,372 656 131 270 189 729 225 233 149 693 178 251 1692000 98,816,053 609,492 373 75 154 107 444 137 142 91 400 106 148 992009 6K,306,471 1,407,741 278 55 114 80 322 100 103 66 299 77 108 73Mean 767,207,897 38,197,437 4,533 907 I,6 Ix,305 5,1A9 1577 1,632 1,043 4,818 1,242 1,748 1,174s.C. 2D4,855,181 12,952,531 1,006 201 414 290 1,129 349 361 231 1,067 275 387 260Mioinun1 6,182,166 311,394 37 7 Is II 41 13 13 8 39 10 14 10Maiiroum 4,673,915,938 320,135,596 19,455 3,891 7,999 5,599 22,801 7.046 7,292 4,660 21,128 5,468 7,646 5,1302010 72,370,028 779,129 290 58 119 120 341 105 109 70 316 82 114 95Notes: See tec for detais.The man,asmnarun, and troximmwere cculated with and 1987 onted due Io the unusually lownurthers resultirtg Ootplant outages.Mesh adjustment factors incorporated as nesnsary.

Egg and hrval densities recorded ir 1904,1987, and 199 are belkved to be low relative to densitcs in sunuanding water5, see Let for details.Method I weight based an a 2pound per f1h fir Age I and 0,7 pound per fish for Ae 3. Method 2 weight based on 0.309 pounds pen fish for Age I and 0.639 pound per fosh for Age 3.Atlantic tnsduoleggs and larvacentraoiied wm assumed to have zero survival.

103Nomandeou Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 14. Numbers of Atlantic mackerel impinged at PNPS annually, 1980 -2010. Numbers and weightsof equivalent age 3 adults calculated by two methods are also shown.Year198019811982198319841985198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009Estimated AnnualNumber impinged04901200002429130001200000000000015060Method INumber Weight (Ibs)0 049 340 012 80 00 00 00 024 1729 2013 90 00 00 012 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 015 110 060 42 Age 3 Adu~ltsMethod 2 AverageNumber Weight s) Number Weight lbs)0 *0 0 0Mean' 8 8 5 2 1 5 3s.c. 3 3 2 2 1 2 2Minimum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Maximum1 60 60 42 60 38 60 402010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Notes: See texd for details.IThe mean, minimum, and mraximum were calculated with 1984 and 1987 omitted due to the unusually low numbers resulting fromplant outages.Method I weight based on 0.7 pound per fish. Method 2 weight based on 0.639 pound per fish.Atlantic mackerel impinged were assumed to have zero survival, 104 Norinandeau Associates, Inc.104Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 15. Numbers of Atlan tic menhaden eggs and larvae entrained at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.

Numbers and weights ofequivalent age 2 and 3 fishcalculated by Iwo methods are also shown. Fstitmtes based on normal operation flow.Equivaleni Age 2 and Age 3 AdultsMethod I Method 2 AverageYear Total Number Entrained Age 2 Age 3 Age 2 Age 3 Age 2 Age 3Eggs Larvae Number Weight (Ibs) Number Nutmber Weight (Fbs) Number INumber Weight (Ibs) Number1980 16,468,408 12,060,791 2.8191981 3,473,080 40,076,799 7,9501982 365,091,471 1,845,849 10.4501983 869,580 1,227,190 2651984 300,943 0 1311985 41,131,470 9,190,654 2,9381986 21,112,802 3,654,854 1,3001987 135,755 731,741 3141988 9,273,771 2,713,857 7881989 11,212,165 4,411,807 1,1741990 7,057,041 3,263,718 8351991 5,744,115 512,319 2591992 392,533 1,117,881 2301993 947,815,345 11,833,443 28,5081994 10,221,752 2,361,834 7451995 3,280,481 12,419,886 2,5251996 4,861,265 8,660,874 1,8321997 48,899,715 48,283,152 10,8141998 44,730,447 33,280,806 7,7581999 10,385,304 18.939,526 4,1852000 882.086 809,127 1832001 4,025,648 1,251,898 3572002 14,464,446 5,164,308 1,4122003 6,122,068 4,059,959 9652004 613,682 176,011 512005 1,402,677 17,566,121 3,4812006 1,681,187 22,066,458 4,3712007 8,328,758 17,482,918 3,6572008 3,085,175 69,472,958 13,7012009 203,077 14,512,115 2,8501,691 731 4304,770 2,061 1,1066,270 2,709 2,361159 69 3979 34 21,763 761 509780 337 232189 82 21473 204 132705 304 190501 216 133155 67 50138 60 3317,105 7,389 6,320447 193 1291,515 654 3571,099 475 2656,488 2,803 1,6154,655 2,011 1,1832,511 1,085 578110 47 27214 92 59847 366 231579 250 14931 13 92,089 902 4842,623 1,133 6072,194 948 14,5728,221 3,551 2,0191,659 739 394101260555901205553145311281,485308462380278136614543521141433,4244749391 1,625235 4,528501 6,4058 1520 67108 1,72349 7664 16828 46040 68228 484II 1557 1311,341 17,41427 43776 1,44156 1,048343 6,215251 4,471123 2,3816 10513 20849 82232 5572 30103 1,983129 2,4893,093 9,114475 7,86084 1,57989625153,41284409414179725237526684739,2952397995813,4342,4671,32358114451307161.1011,3832,8094,3478764111,1481,60538174351934311617212239334,365I103652661,5731,131604275320814185036312,0202,013400Mean 56,886,770 13,157,754 4,157 2,493 1,078 1,222 287 261 2,688 1,390 669s.e. 35,425,186 3,129,038 1,133 680 294 548 129 116 724 371 179MinimuInm 203,077 176,011 51 31 13 9 2 2 30 16 8 947,815,345 69,472,958 28,508 17,105 7,389 14,572 3,424 3,093 17,414 9,295 4,3652010 21,379,962 5,751,886 1,718 1,031 445 291 68 62 1,004 550 253Notes: See text fordetails.

IThe mean, minirnum, and ma~xitm were calculated with 1984 and 1987 onitted due to the unusually low numbers resulting from plant outages.Egg and larval densities recorded in 1984, 1987, and 1999 are believed lo be low relative to densities in surrounding waters, see tIex for details.Method 1 weight based on 0.6 pound per fish. Method 2 weight based on 0.235 pound per fish.105 Normandeau Associates.

Inc.105Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Table 16. Numbers ofAtlantic menhaden eggs and larvae entrained adjusted for survivalat PNPSannually, 1980-2010.

Numbers and weights ofequivalent age 2 and 3 Rsh calculated by two methods are also shown. Estimates based on normal operation flow.Equivalent Age 2 and Age 3 AdultsMethod I Method 2 AverageYear Adjusted Number Entrained Age 2 Age 3 Age 2 Age 3 Age 2 Age 3Eggs Larvae Number Weight (Ibs) Number Number Weight (los) Number Number Weight (Ibs) Number1980 3,293,682 5,780,660 1,224 734 317 177 42 38 701 388 1771981 694,616 19,776,470 3,895 2,337 1,010 539 127 114 2,217 1,232 5621982 73,018,294 1,225,310 2,258 1,355 585 495 116 105 1,377 736 3451983 173,916 808,723 163 98 42 23 5 5 93 52 241984 60,189 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 I I 01985 8,226,294 4,253,143 1,061 637 275 167 39 35 614 338 1551986 4,222,560 1,694,157 449 269 116 73 17 15 261 143 661987 27,151 469,555 93 56 24 13 3 3 53 29 131988 1,854,754 2,001,043 443 266 115 66 15 14 255 141 641989 2,242,433 2,451,756 542 325 141 80 19 17 311 172 791990 1,411,408 2,189,095 468 281 121 68 16 14 268 148 681991 1,148,823 230,543 77 46 20 14 3 3 45 25 II1992 78,507 641,934 128 77 33 18 4 4 73 40 181993 189,563,069 8,077,164 6,821 4,092 1,768 1,418 333 301 4,120 2,213 1,0351994 2,044,350 1,155,213 283 170 73 44 10 9 164 90 411995 656,096 5,932,286 1,181 708 306 165 39 35 673 374 1701996 972,253 4,878,306 983 590 255 138 32 29 560 311 1421997 9,779,943 29,17"2,650 5,988 3,593 1,552 851 200 181 3,419 1,896 8M61998 8,946,089 24,529,846 5,055 3,033 1,310 720 169 153 2,887 1,601 7311999 2,077,061 13,174,086 2,639 1,584 684 369 87 78 1,504 835 3812000 176,417 497,183 102 61 27 15 3 3 58 32 152001 805,130 762,485 172 103 45 26 6 5 99 55 252002 2,892,889 3,839,619 832 499 216 122 29 26 477 264 1212003 1,224,414 2,238,968 473 284 123 68 16 14 270 I5O 692004 122,736 169,682 37 22 9 5 1 I 21 12 52005 280,535 7,904,754 1,557 934 404 216 51 46 886 492 2252006 336,237 6,459,340 1,275 765 331 177 42 38 726 403 1842007 1,665,752 9,867,163 1,092 655 283 10,953 2,574 2,325 6,022 1,615 1,3042008 617,035 52,641,902 10,334 6,200 2,679 1,427 335 303 5,881 3,268 1,4912009 40,615 10,869,225 2,131 1,241 552 294 69 62 1,181 655 299Mean' 11,377,354 7,972,240 1,845 1,106 478 669 157 142 1,256 631 310sc. 7.085,037 2,165,964 465 279 121 388 91 82 321 152 77Minimum, 40,615 169,682 37 22 9 5 I I 21 12 5Maximum' 189,563,069 52,641,902 10,334 6,200 2,679 10,953 2,574 2,325 6.022 3,268 1,4912010 4,275,992 4,119,483 926 463 240 138 33 29 532 248 135Notes: See texa for details.IThe mean, minimum, and nmaxmum were calculated with 1984 and 1987 orntted due to the unusually low numbers resulting from plant outages.Egg and larval densities recorded in 1984, 1987, and 1999 are believed to be low relative to densities in surrounding waters.Method I weight based on 0.5 pound per fish. Method 2 weight based on 0.235 pound per fish.Atlantic menhaden eggs were assumed to have 80/o survival.

Atlantic menhaden larvae were assumed to have 55% survival at temperatures between 25 and 30*C, and 24% survival at lenmperatures between 30 and 35"C.106 Norman deau Associates.

Inc.106Normandeau Associates, fnc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 17. Numbers of Atlantic menhaden impinged at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.

Numbers and wcights of equivalent age 2 and 3 fishcalculated by two methods are also shown.Estimated Equivalent Age 2 and Age 3 AdultsAnnual Method I Method 2 AverageYear Number Agc 2 Age 3 Age 2 Age 3 Age 2 Age 3Impinged Number Weight (Ibs) Number Number Weight (Ibs) Number Number Weight Ibs) Number1980198119821983198419851986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092260171522II1,49195301772,0203,1351,1173246581,5602,1681,3291,42342,68634,3543,59953,304119,04110,341277,60115,189154,83272112,528370288522431550293295111825792543532172326,9585.6005878,68919,4041,68645,2492,47625,2381182,04222017511146930171973071093451522121301394,1753,3603525,21311,6421,01227,1491,48615,143711,22510 1040 07 10222 2230 563 56740 4060 07 7385 845132 1,24947 4401 222 342 2066 57692 1,59056 47160 5011,803 16,2851,451 27,432152 1,4052,252 19.0705,029 48,899437 4,20811,729 90,770642 5,6756,542 57,20330 319529 5,2682502453113395017198293103585135374III1183,8276,4463304,48111,49198921,3311,33413,443751,23822 710 022 6547 154I 3120 40586 2810 016 51179 587265 88093 3115 137 214 14122 415338 972100 344106 3673,456 11,6215,822 16,516298 9964,048 13,87910,379 34,152893 2,94719,266 68,0091,205 4,07612,141 41,22168 2181,118 3,65523020521140940171983001064651442931201284,0014,9033414,84711,5671,0O024,2401,41014,293731,232160143519263012132199703539421578832,6303,6372253,1507,70466515,4989249,34149824Mean 26,451 4,312 2,587 1,117 10,134 2,382 2,151 7,223 2,484 1,634s.c. 11,615 1,893 1,136 491 4,065 955 863 2,971 1,042 675Mini'mum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Maximum 1 277,601 45,249 27,149 11,729 90.770 21,331 19,266 68,009 24,240 15,4982010 1,403 229 137 59 481 113 102 355 125 81Notes: See text for details.The mean, minimum, and nmxinium were calculated with 1984 and 1987 omitted due to the unusually low numbers resulting from plantoutages.Method I weight based on 0.6 pound per fish. Method 2 weight based on 0.235 pound per fish.Atlantic menhaden impinged were assumed to have zero survival.

107 Normandeau Associates, Inc.107Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 18. Nurners of AtlanticherTig larvae entrained at PNSannually, 1980.2010.

Numbers and weights of equivalent age I and 3fish cakulated by tworutbods are also shown.TotalEquivalent Age Juveniles and Age 3 AdultsNunterof Method I Method 2 AverageYear Larvae Age I Age 3 Age I Age3 Age! Age3Entrained Nunter Weight(lhs)

Nuer Weightls)

Nuater WtigbhtL(s)

Nutrber WeightIs)

Nuaer Wei(%h5lhe)

Number Weightis) 1900 1,060,466 IN561981 2471,492 3,6221982 732,857 1,0741983 50,,315 8,6181984 460,840 6871985 1,586435 2,3161986 1,811,101 2,6541987 5,142,045 7,5961900 639,009 9371989 911,487 I3361990 2079,483 3,0481991 12K0,273 1,8761992 3,70,300 5,8191993 2,09,952 3,0761994 16,51,765 23,%661995 43,347,883 633851996 9263,826 13,5801997 24,445,056 35,8271998 4,026,783 5,9021999 1,379,446 16,U782000 12,306,502 18,0372001 4,062977 5,9552002 3,468,890 5,0042003 1,096,032 16072004 5,064,603 7,4232005 9,860,824 14,4522006 8,006,769 11,7352007 341,371 5002008 2,879217 42202009 3,303,704 4,84247 703 281 3,033109 1,626 650 7,01532 482 193 2,080259 3,869 1,540 16,69121 308 123 1,33169 1,040 416 4,48680 1,192 477 5,141276 3,383 1,353 14,59528 420 168 1,81440 600 240 2.58791 1,8 547 5,9M56 842 337 3,634175 2,612 1,045 1126992 1,381 552 5,958719 10,758 4,303 46,4121,902 28,454 11,381 122,754407 6,096 2438 26,3001,075 16,003 6,433 69,384177 2,649 1,060 11,430500 7,487 2,995 32,299541 8,097 3239 34,930179 2,673 1,069 11,532153 2282 913 9,84648 721 288 3,113223 3,332 1,333 14,375434 6,488 2X95 27,989352 5,268 2,107 2272615 225 90 969127 1,894 758 8,172145 2,174 869 9,37795 1,161 351 2,299220 2,686 811 5,31965 796 241 1,577524 6,391 1,930 12,65442 510 154 1,009141 1,718 519 3,40116! 1,968 594 3,897458 5,508 1,688 11,06657 695 210 1,375S1 991 299 1,962185 2,260 683 4,475114 1,391 420 2755354 4,315 1,303 8,544187 2,201 69 4,5171,457 17,771 5,367 35,1893,854 47,002 14,194 93,070826 10,070 3,041 19,9402,179 260567 8,023 52,606359 4,376 1,322 8,6661,014 12,367 3,735 24,4891,097 13,375 4,039 26,484362 4,416 1,334 8,744309 3,770 1,139 7,46598 1,192 360 2X360451 5,504 1,662 10M99879 10,717 3236 21,220714 8,702 2,628 17,23130 371 112 734257 3,129 945 6,196294 3,590 1,084 7,11071 932 316164 2,156 73149 639 217391 5,130 1,73931 409 139105 1,379 467121 1,500 536342 4,486 1,52043 558 18961 795 270138 1,814 61585 1,117 379264 3,463 1,174140 1,831 6211,00 14,265 4,8352,878 37,728 12,788617 8,083 2.7401,627 21,325 7,228260 3,513 1,191757 9,927 3,365819 10,736 3,639270 3,544 1,201231 3,026 1,02673 956 324337 4,418 1,498656 8,602 2,916533 6,905 2,36823 298 I01192 2,512 851220 2,802 977Mean 6,558,300 9,612 288 4,315 1,726 18,615 585 7,128 2Z153 14,113 436 5,721 1,939se. 1,715,780 2Z515 75 1,129 452 4,870 153 1,.65 563 3,692 114 1,497 507Minianm1 341,371 500 15 225 90 969 30 371 112 734 23 298 101Ma~nimt 43247,83 63,385 1,902 28,454 11,301 122,754 3,854 47,002 14,194 93,070 2,070 37,728 12,7882010 3,737,447 5,478 164 2.459 984 10,60 333 4,062 1,227 8,043 249 3,260 1,105Notes: See tex for details.The tmn, rnrR and nrtnnustwere calculated wh 1994 and 1987 otnttied due to the unusuaoy low nuttmer rsuhing fom the plant out age.Outage periods in 1984 and 1987 nay have affected entrainnrnt estiatnates at the end of the spring larval heating period.The outage n 1999 occurred afier the latvalhermag season.Method I wveight conversion based on 0.03 for Age I and 0.4 pound per Age 3 fish. Method 2 weighr conversion based on 0.0314 for Age I and 0.302 pound per Age 3 fish.Atlantic hetting entrained were assumed to havo zero survival.

108Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring Table 19. Numbers ofAtlantic herring impinged at PNPS annually 1980-2010, Numbers and weights of equivalent age 3 fish calculated by two methods are also shown.Estimated Equivalent Age 3 AdultsAnnual Method I Method 2 AverageYear Number Age I Age 3 Age I Age 3 Number Weight(lbs)

,Iinged Weight(bs)

Number Weightlbs)


Number Weight(lbs)

Age3 Age l Age31980 83 2 37 15 3 61 18 49 3 171981 53 2 24 10 2 39 12 32 2 I11982 156 5 70 28 5 115 35 92 5 311983 22 I 10 4 1 16 5 13 1 41984 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01985 35 1 16 6 I 26 8 21 I 71986 3,009 90 1,351 540 94 2,218 670 1,785 92 6051987 6 0 3 I 0 4 1 4 0 11988 51 2 23 9 2 38 11 30 2 101989 138 4 62 25 4 102 31 82 4 281990 408 12 183 73 13 301 91. 242 13 821991 24,238 727 10,880 4,352 761 17,867 5,396 14,373 744 4,8741992 51 2 23 9 2 38 11 30 2 101993 169 5 76 30 5 125 38 100 5 341994 28 1 13 5 I 21 6 17 1 61995 108 3 48 19 3 80 24 64 3 221996 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01997 13 0 6 2 0 10 3 8 0 31998 108 3 48 19 3 80 24 64 3 221999 181 5 81 32 6 133 40 107 6 362000 77 2 35 14 2 57 17 46 2 162001 48 1 22 9 2 35 II 29 I 102002 301 9 135 54 9 222 67 178 9 612003 51 2 23 9 2 38 11 30 2 102004 138 4 62 25 4 102 31 82 4 282005 549 16 246 98 17 405 122 325 17 1102006 122 4 55 22 4 90 27 72 4 252007 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02008 23 I 10 4 1 0 0 5 I 22009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Mean) 1,077 32 484 193 34 793 240 638 33 217s.C. 864 26 388 155 27 637 192 513 27 174Minimum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Maximum 24,238 727 10,880 4,352 761 17,867 5,396 14,373 744 4,8742010 162 5 73 29 I 9 3 41 3 16Notes: See text for details.The mean, minimum, and maxmum were calculated with 1984 and 1987 omitted due to the unusually low number resulting from theplant outage.Method I weight conversion based on 0.03 forAge I and 0.4 pound per Age 3 fish.Method 2 weight conversion based on 0.0314 for Age I and 0.302 pound perAge 3 fish.Atlantic herring impinged were assumed to have zero survival.

109Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 20. Numbers of Atlantic cod eggs and larvae entrained at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.

Numbers and weights ofequivalent age 2 fish calculated by two methods are also shown.Equivalent Age 2 AdultsYear Total Number Entrained Method I Method 2 AverageEggs Larvae Number Weight (lbs) Number Weight (lbs)l Number Weight (Ibs)1980 20,388,850 1,450,522 76 38 2,524 618 1,300 3281981 11,620,588 2,173,076 89 45 3,554 871 1,822 4581982 2,582,984 222,721 11 5 381 93 196 491983 9,349,728 142,136 17 8 336 82 176 451984 11,726,579 587,054 35 18 1,063 260 549 1391985 5,071,151 1,441,442 56 28 2,326 570 1,191 2991986 2,788,767 1,035,987 39 20 1,661 407 850 2131987 5,623,282 122,579 11 6 260 64 136 351988 2,747,034 254,239 12 6 432 106 222 561989 3,395,726 119,436 8 4 228 56 118 301990 2,406,536 1,566,291 57 28 2,490 610 1,273 3191991 3,668,649 239,746 13 6 421 103 217 551992 2,819,673 469,713 20 10 772 189 396 991993 1,268,748 446,489 17 8 717 176 367 921994 3,119,312 1,904,519 69 35 3,030 742 1,550 3891995 2,549,370 602,594 24 12 978 239 501 1261996 8,542,922 2,369,255 92 46 3,826 937 1,959 4921997 1,800,711 1,101,118 40 20 1,752 429 896 2251998 4,971,621 735,301 32 16 1,215 298 623 1571999 1,932,894 464,125 18 9 753 184 385 972000 18,525,824 325,095 35 17 733 180 384 982001 6,869,977 4,215,642 153 77 6,707 1,643 3,430 8602002 8,538,146 1,299,393 55 28 2,144 525 1,100 2772003 10,087,198 2,000,121 81 41 3,264 800 1,673 4202004 6,934,046 1,550,052 62 31 2,519 617 1,290 3242005 14,954,283 950,164 52 26 1,673 410 862 2182006 2,921,907 2,681,553 96 48 4,249 1,041 2,172 5442007 6,308,949 1,419,048 57 28 2,306 565 1,181 2972008 3,413,624 1,009,708 39 19 1,628 399 833 2092009 7,740,045 1,587,158 64 32 2,587 634 1,325 333Mean' 6,332,831 1,206,309 49 25 1,972 483 1,011 254s.e. 949,001 176,303 6 3 279 68 143 36Minimum 1,268,748 119,436 8 4 228 56 118 30Maximum 20,388,850 4_215,642 153 77 6,707 1,643 3,430 8602010 8,707,496 754,858 37 18 1,291 316 664 167Notes: See text for details.The mean, minimum, and maxinum were calculated with 1984 and 1987 omitted due to the unusually low numberresulting from the plant outage.fromplant outages.Method I weight conversion based on 0.5 pounds per fish. Method 2 weight conversion based on 0.245 pounds per fish.Atlantic cod eggs and larvae were assumed to have zero entrainment survival.

110 Normandeau Associates, inc.110Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 20 10Entrainment Monitoring Table 21. Numbers of Atlantic cod impinged at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.

Numbers and weights ofequivalent age 2 fish calculated by two methods are also shown.Estimated Equivalent Age 2 AdultsAnnual Method I Method 2Year Number NumberIrnpinged Age 219801981198219831994198519861987198819891990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200912100I1000330230024104742580053420113061991926885614386108290002701900208383447004334093050811575634611770Weight Obs)Age 2541500014010001041917240022170470254179282235935NumberAge 253830001307001462416190016210630234276246284329Weight (lbs)AWe 291000302003I6450045015061019607117AverugeNumber Weight Obs)Age 2 Age 28 360 256 30 00 00 020 80 013 60 00 017 77 331 1225 1033 140 00 030 1328 110 078 310 037 1562 25117 49405 17137 158o 3550 21Mean' 68 55 28 26 6 41 17s.e. 25 20 10 9 2 15 6Minimurm' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 688 563 282 246 60 405 1712010 53 43 22 29 7 36 14Notes; See tex for details,The mean, minimum, and maximum were calculated with 1984 and 1987 omitted due to the unusually low numberresulting from the plant outage.Method I weight conversion based on 0.5 pounds per fish.Method 2 weight conversion based on 0.245 pounds per fish.Ill Normandeau Associates, Inc.IIINormandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 22. Numbers of Atlantic cod impinged adjusted forsurvival at PNPS, 1980-2010.

age 2 fish calculated by two methods are also shown.Numbers of equivalent Equivalent AdultsAdjusted Method I Method 2Year Number NumberInpinged Age 2198019811982198319841985198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009I189100002902100229423752004738010105488171614501287798980002401700187343142003931083045721405034110563Weight (Ibs)Age 24454000120800941715210019150410223670251205332NumberAge 243430001607001262214170014190560213768220253826Weight (Ibs)AWe 218000040200353400350140591754696AverageNumber Weight Obs)Age 2 Age 26 362 266 20 00 00 020 80 012 50 00 015 67 328 I122 930 130 00 026 II25 100 069 280 033 1455 23104 43361 15333 1372 3145 19Mean 60 50 25 24 6 37 15s.C. 22 18 9 8 2 13 6Minimum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Maximumm 614 503 251 220 54 361 1532010 47 38 19 25 6 32 13Notes: See text for details.The mean, minimnm, and maxmun mwere calculated with 1984 andresulting from the plant outage.Method I weight conversion based on 0.5 pounds per fish.Method 2 weight conversion based on 0.245 pounds per fish.1987 omitted due to the unusually low numberAtlantic cod were assumed to have 10.7% survival attributable to the fish return sluiceway and the lowýpressure spraywash.

112Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrairtment Monitoring E. American Lobster Larvae Entrainment Twenty-seven American lobster larvae were found in the entrainment samples collected during 2010, resulting in an estimated total of 766,221 entrained larvae (Table 23). The numberof larvae collected in 2010 was the fourth highest collected in a year dating back to 1974. Thehighest number of lobster larvae collected in a single year occurred in 2006 when 60 larvae werecollected.

A total of 212 lobster larvae have been collected at PNPS from 1974 -2009 including the more intensive sampling directed specifically toward lobster larvae in 1976. The estimated total number of lobster larvae entrained in 2010 was above the 1980-2009 average of 271,766(range = 0 to 1,973,143 in 2008, Table 23).The annual larval entrainment estimates were converted to equivalent numbers of 82 mmcarapace length (CL) adults, the age at which they enter the Massachusetts fishery (Dean et al,2004, 2005, and Dean et al. 2006). Survival values were obtained from French McCay et al.(2003). To determine the individual instantaneous mortality, rates (Z) for each of the four larvalstages, the total larval stage instantaneous mortality rate (Zs = 4.116; French McCay et al. 2003)was divided by the stage duration of 28 days (French McCay et al. 2003) to produce a dailyinstantaneous larval mortality rate of ZD = 0.147. The daily mortality rate was then multiplied bythe number of days in each larval stage interval at a water temperature of 19'C (Stage 1 = 3 days,Stage 2 = 4 days, Stage 3 = 6 days, and Stage 4 = 15 days; MacKenzie and Moring 1985). Thelarval stage mortality rates were then converted to survival rates (S = ez) as follows:S (stage 1) = 0.6434 S (stage III) = 0.4140S (stage II) = 0.5554 S (stage IV) = 0.1103All lobster larvae are not entrained at the same point in a given life stage and it isassumed that the further along in development the greater their probability in reaching the nextlife stage. To account for this, the survival values of the life stage entrained were adjusted basedon EPRI (2004). The adjusted survival values were as follows:Adjusted S (stage I) = 0.7830 Adjusted S (stage III) = 0.5855Adjusted S (stage II) = 0.7142 Adjusted S (stage IV) = 0.1986Following Stage IV, when settlement to the bottom occurs, numbers were converted to equivalent adults by applying S = 0.2645 from the settlement to 7 mm CL interval and S = 0.0037 for the 7to 82 mm CL interval (French McCay et al. 2003). This produced a total of 15 equivalent 82 mm113 Norrnandeau Associates, Inc.113Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring lobsters potentially lost due to entrainment in 2010. The 2010 value is above the time seriesaverage of 8 (range = 0 to 47 in 2008) equivalent adult lobsters (Table 23).In addition to those entrained, American lobster were impinged on the intake screenseach year (also see the impingement section).

Annual totals ranged from 0 in 1984 and 1987 to1,559 in 1993 and averaged 480 lobsters over the time series. The 2010 estimated total wasbelow the average at 350 lobsters (Table 23). Based on annual mean length data most impingedlobsters were juveniles.

Survival values for 5 mm size class increments from 7 mm CL to 82 mmCL were obtained from French McCay et al. (2003) and adjusted to account for the higherprobability that lobster impinged later in the size class increment are more likely to survive to thenext increment.

Impinged lobsters would be equivalent to an average of 283 equivalent adults(range = 0 to 1,065). The 2010 estimate amounted to 238 equivalent adult lobsters, which wasbelow the average (Table 23).A number of factors may be contributing to the increase in the number of lobster larvaeobserved at PNPS in recent years. The first is the addition of a nighttime sampling period to theentrainment monitoring protocol beginning in 1995. Adult female lobsters release larvae at night(Ennis et al.1975, Charmantier et al. 1991), so that more stage I individuals would be expected inthe surrounding water at that time. Predation, dispersion, and mortality likely rapidly reduce theirnumbers during subsequent days. Since 1995, 84% of the lobster larvae captured were collected during the Friday evening sampling period. This represents 80% of the total larvae captured overthe 37-year time period. In spite of the relatively high numbers obtained at night, numberscontinue to show a recent increase when the Friday night sample is omitted as shown below.114 Normandeau Associates, Inc.114Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Maxine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring The number oflobster larvae entrained from 1995 to2010 with Friday night samples excluded.

Equivalent 82 num adults are also shown.Total Annual Total AnnualNumber Entrained Equivalent Adults1995 0 01996 0 01997 0 01998 0 01999 94,362 92000 0 02001 0 02002 0 02003 40,947 12004 39,725 12005 53,781 22006 29,946 12007 1,913,512 372008 462,728 182009 0 02010 316,938 6There is no apparent direct relationship between prevailing winds or tides at samplingtime and the number of lobster larvae entrained.

The second factor that may be contributing to the increase in lobster larvae is theestablishment of a protection zone around Pilgrim Station extending seaward from the shorefront for a distance of approximately 1,000 feet on September 11, 2001. Within this zone no lobsterharvesting is permitted; as a result there may be an increase in nearshore lobster reproductive activity and successful larval release.The last factor that may be contributing to the increase in the number of lobster larvaeobserved at PNPS is an increase in lobster larvae abundance in Cape Cod Bay. Although larvallobster abundance data for Massachusetts waters are not currently available, there are data forearly benthic phase lobsters (0 to 40 mm carapace length).

The Massachusetts Division of MarineFisheries coastal lobster project observed an increase in early benthic phase lobsters in Cape CodBay, Boston Harbor, and Salem Sound from 2001 to 2004 (MDMF 2005). The Gulf of MaineAmerican lobster stock is currently at a record high (1981-2007; ASMFC 2009); except forlobsters in the southern Gulf of Maine (Statistical Area 514) which are considered to be in poorcondition with low abundance, low recruitment, and a high exploitation rate. Lobster landings inArea 514 declined to a time series low of 5,392,509 lobsters in 2005 (ASMFC 2009). The115Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010 Entrainment Monitoring increase in lobster larvae observed at PNPS is consistent with the increase seen in other coastalMassachusetts and Gulf of Maine areas.116 Normandeau Associates, Inc.116Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Tabulation of previous lobster larvae collections, 1974 to 2010:2010: 27 larvae: I stage 1, May 24; 1 stage 1, May 31; 4 stage 1, June 4; I stage 1, June 7;2 stage 1, June 11; 9 stage I & I stage 2, June 18; 2 stage 1, June 30; 3 stage 1, July 2;2 stage 1, Juy 19; 1 stage 1, August 2;2009: 11 larvae: 8 stage 1, May 29; 1 stage 1, Jun 5; 1 stage 1, Jun 19; 1 stage I, June 26.2008: 44 larvae: I stage 1, May 19; I stage 1, May 23; 1 stage 1, June 2; 13 stage 1, June 6;3 stage I & I stage 2, June13; 6 stage 1 June 20; 1 stage I June 27; 5 stage 1, July 41 stage 1, July 7; 4 stage 1, July 11; 1 stage 1, July 25; 1 stage 1, July 28; 1 stage 1,August 15; 1 stage 1 & 1 stage 2, August 18; 1 stage I, August 22; i stage 4, September 22.2007:19 larvae: 3 stage 1, June 8; 13 stage 1, June 13; 1 stage 1, June 18; 1 stage 1,July 16; i stage 1, July 23.2006:60 larvae: 13 stage 1, June 2; 26 stage 1, 1 stage 2, June 16; 4 stage 1, June 24; 15stage 1, June 30; 1 stage 1 July 3.2005: 32 larvae: 8 stage 1, June 3; 1 stage 1, June 17; 5 stage 1, 1 stage 2, June 24; 9 stage1, 1 stage 2, 2 stage 4, July 8; 2 stage 1, July 15; 1 unstaged July 18; 2 stage 1,August 5.2004:9 larvae: 2 stage 1, June 4; 2 stage 1, June 11; 1 stage 1, July 5; I stage 1, July 23;1 stage 1, August 13; 1 stage 3, 1 stage 4, September 3.2003:16 larvae: I stage 2, June 2; 1 stage 3, June 6; 1 stage 3, June 13; 7 stage 3, June 20;5 stage 3, July 4; 1 stage 1, July 11.2002: none found2001: none found.2000: none found.1999: 8 larvae: 4 stage 1, June 18; 1 stage 1, July 3; 1 stage 1, July5; 1 stage 1, August 6;1 stage 4, August 25.1996-1998:

none found,1995: 1 larva -stage 4-5, July 28.1994: none found.1993: 1 larva -stage 4-5, July 21.1991-1992:

none found.1990: 2 larvae -I stage 1, June 26; 1 stage 4, August 23.1983-1989:

none found.1982: 1 larva-stage I on June 14.1981: 1 larva -stage 4 on June 29.1980: none found.1979: 1 larva-stage I on July 14.1978: none found.1977: 3 larvae -I stage 1, June 10; 2 stage 1, June 17.1976: 2 larvae -I stage 1, July 22; July 22; 1 stage 4-5, August 5.1975: 1 larva -stage 1, date unknown.1974: none found.117 Normandeau Associates.

Inc.117Normandeau Associates, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Marine Ecology Studies 2010Entrainment Monitoring Table 23. Numbers of American lobster entrained and impinged at PNPS annually, 1980-2010.

Numbers of equivalent adults (82 mm) calculated by two methods are also shown.Entrainment

.Impingement Entrainment

+ Impingement Year Total Larvae Equivalents Total Lobsters Equivalents Total Equivalents Entrained Adult (82 mma) Impinged Adult (82 mam) Number Adult (82 min)1980 0 0 56 45 56 451981 39,013 8 200 174 39,213 1821982 38,306 I 332 221 38,638 2221983 0 0 93 74 93 741984 0 0 0 0 0 01985 0 0 420 216 420 2161986 0 0 110 96 110 961987 0 0 0 0 0 01988 0 0 48 30 48 301989 0 0 326 187 326 1871990 108,254 12 568 325 108,822 3371991 0 0 579 327 579 3271992) 0 0 1,053 557 1,053 5571993 40,936 8 1,559 771 42,495 7791994 0 0 998 551 998 5511995 34,389 7 622 348 35,011 3551996 0 0 990 543 990 5431997 0 0 387 206 387 2061998 0 0 431 229 431 2291999 258,377 10 608 283 258,985 2932000 0 0 633 355 633 3552001 0 0 114 94 114 942002 0 0 148 105 148 1052003 604,079 35 321 260 604,400 2952004 265,850 10 434 293 266,284 3032005 1,382,946 45 1,493 1,065 1,384,439 1,1102006 1,728,159 34 701 445 1,728,860 4792007 1,392,550 27 532 311 1,393,082 3382008 1,973,143 47 III 85 1,973,254 1322009 286,979 6 542 280 287,521 286Mean 271,766 8 480 283 272,246 291s.C. 102,375 3 75 43 102,387 44Minimum 0 0 0 0. 0 0Maximum 1,973,143 47 1,559 1,065 1,973,254 1,1102010 766,221 is 350 238 766,571 253118 Normandeau Associates, Inc.118Normandeau Associates, Inc.

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APPENDIX A*. Densities of fish eggs and larvae per 100 m3 of water recorded in thePNPS discharge canal by species, date, and replicate, January-December 2010.*Available upon request.

PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJANUARY 20 10 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATER' EGGSDate In -JANUARY 2010:MEANSARITHM. GEOIVl.468GmDs MOMAWTOTAL EMGS0.830.830,830.830.B30.93No sample collection gor Monday anzd Friday, duo to snow covered rocks.Nermandeam

.ucAs e~fm Inc., Falmousth, AMe.File C:IfeflimulNew IchfbyalPNPS-Ichfhswpnps2GlO.mdb Table., JnnwiO4 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJANUARY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERI MEANSDatc In -JANUARY 2010:TOTAL LARVAB468MEANSARITHM. GEOM.0.00 0.000.00No sampleG collection for Monday and Friday, due to snow covered rocks.Normwadeau Anociasa Ine-, Faimeush, 4114FileC.lAIeldssu1Ngwkchsh"IPNS-Ichh-ayvnps29lO.mAd Tahle January04 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJANUARY 2010.DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSARrrHM. GEOM.Dalc In -- JANUARY 2010:emCus Omm Aagog111.091.0913Is0.000.000.540.540.440.44Nonmndamui

Assecaig, Ine., Falmaggth, Ma.Piler CIAfeli @ ew Icthsye1PNPS-Iehdlowlnps29I~mdb Tabe. Jwanuaiy PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJANUARY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDale In -JANUARY 2010: I1 13 Is ARITHM. GEOM.CLU1M 8AJvZ 0.00 -0.87 0.44 0.37PLL 0.54 -0.00 0.27 0.24PUOUIS 8 0.00 -0.67 0.44 0.37AMODDTES SR. 0.54 -0.00 0.27 0.24TOTAL LARVAE 1.09 -1.74 1.41 1.37Nermndaivco duo~ac% Ias,, Falmouth, Afa.Fl/a CWdLnUOwEVlckhdj IpNPS-Ichthyeipnps2OlO.mdb Tabla. JwwayII PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJANUARY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGSc"sMEANSARIT'HM.

0O1M.Date In-- JANUARY 2010:182022GADUL ENSMUA1.731.731.731.731.731.73Norpuandena

Amiodalp, Inc., FaurnouathoAla F7Ie C.tAldlsuWcw lckAyvPNPS-lrhthyui~p,3OlO.,ndb Table: Januayll PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJANUARY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEDaie In- JANUARY 2010:FoMs Lauzoos182022MEANSARITHM. GEOM.1.73 1.731.73 1.731,731.73jNormuadwau
Asmlate, luw., Falsueuh, fia.FileCIIA feinalI~ew[lkhjviPNPS-Ichiltjw~pnpz2OIO.mdb Table JanuaryiF PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJANUARY 20 10 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSII III TMEANSARITHM. GEOM.Date In -JANUARY 2010:252729GADUS HORI=ATOTAL EMGS4.504.504.504.504.504,50Normandean Associate; Ina~, Fulmouth, Afa.fieC.UkllnMsiNow JchIAIoPNPS-Jclithyolpnpz2QIO.nidb Tahle:10wauwy25 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJANUARY 20 I0.DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC MTERS Or WATERLARVAEDate In -JANUARY 2010:bUoxoG=FlALS QIO~DscVEUpD(osus PHOZIS GUWMELLWB MEANSARITHM. GEOM.2527291.299.0010. LARVAE10.29 10.29Normamteau

GEOM.Date In -FEBRUARY 2010:GAoDs 14mm APHOIS AN=Y=S OR.TOTWAL IAVAI32.7112.214.0719.0050.001.751.753.511.366.982.9111.250.934.632.678.16Normmndeou

Amsclele, Ina., Falmoutk, Ala.Fie CriAkelifuit~w IchthyelPNPS-ceatlquoppiZUIOl.itrnb Table. Febmaryol PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYFEBRUARY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSARITHM. GEOM.Date In -FEBRUARY 2010:81012GADuE XOIUA!TMAL 30010.420.420,420.420.420.42Norau'~nkau Asseclam Inc., Falmoutfh.


Auvdafa, Ina., Fainwathit Al..Fl/u CulMfellzm~w IcAry.IPNPS-IclalhyolphvPS2Oanudh raba~e F aug'VW PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYFEBRUARY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSI IIIMEANSARITHM. GEOM.Date in -FEBRUARY 2010:GADZDAX-MI1!cPRALU3 GADIJS mRumA.TOT~AL EGGS150.000.000.00170.002.122.12190.462.292.750.151.471.620.131.171.27No rmwnduf Auadmtaý Inc., Falmeish, AftFle C Ltbeaue~ew IckhjvPNPS-frhdyelpnps3OIULmdb Tabm Febmaryl$


GEOM.NYOXOMZPRAUS AENAZU8 1.05 0.00 3.66 1.57 1.12MroxocZPKJS 3.15 0.00 0.00 1.05 0.61MXO=OCEHAW SCOMZS 4.20 2.12 1.83 2.72 2.54PHOtIZS GWIHilLus 13.65 7.41 26.11 15.72 13.83AJmDX"rTs Sp. 8.40 2.12 3.21 4.57 3.85YOTA LAZW.Z 30.45 11.65 34.81 25.64 23.12Normmideaa Anediales, Inc., Falmealh, Ma.Filc C.1lA1dLualNewv IcihlklPNPS-Ichfhy.pnpOI0md Tebic *FebruarYI$


sampling, dos to sniow stormn.Notmmndeau
Assodawu, Inc, Falmouth~,


PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMARCH 2010 .DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In -MARCH 2010 10 12 ARITHM. GEOM.GADzIDAZ-9L.'0cZPlIATU8 2.34 16.94 6.15 5.46 6.25GADU8 ORIWUA 1.17 16.20 17.21 12.19 7.16iuzHK)AXGNOi8 AsaGzNVU8 0.00 1.25 0,00 0.42 0.31Z.5ZDAMM-LDWIDA 0.59 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.17HI1POGOSOZDES PVIATESSOIDES 1.17 2.51 1.84 1.64 1.76T'TAL 5GGS 5.27 30.90 25.20 23.12 17.29Normandecuu AssedWfaý Ijv, Feimeuth, Nu.flic C:.5fIgbasteNw ich yoPNPS-kchthyelpaps3olO.mdh irahle. Afarch08 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMARCH 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSARITHM. GEOM.Date In -MARCH 2010:CLwz& RARZ2MGUM4ONOZPN&UMS AZNAMVlaOXOccPHAWa 8COMPUS?ROLZ8 sulaamwaCRPTACAEN00E I4ACULP.TU Alo40Drn sp.ID6ThNTZVZED Fl.AHEMTTW~AL LhARYM810120.0022.250.5926.950.00o.001.7651.560.001,884.395.650.005.020.0016.941.843.070 .008.600.6137.491.8453.470.619.071.6613.730.2014.171.2040.660.425.051.0410.940.175.140.9936.01Normauadiuu Amoda(Ca, Iuc., Falmufieah Ala.F714 Ch1MellsualNew lchrhy.IPNP&1IcAh~tP~pnps2910.mdh Tarble: Muarch0 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMARCH 2010.-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDoe In -MARCH 2010: 15 17 19 ARITHM. GEOM.0WDZIDA-GYPTOCEPHAWu 3.14 1.72 1.13 2.00 1.82GADV8 HOR1IA 15.72 3.43 2.25 7.14 4.95I6MX~OGRMOW8

,GLBflm'ua8 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.29 0.23oU0X0C2PHM, 8 =$a 1.57 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.37LARRDIM 0.00 0.00 1.13 0.39 0.29HiPl0.Oms0oDF,8

?LAhT880'D38 0.00 0.86 0,00 0.29 0.23PSEUDO1=P3UW=CT'8

)OW]CS.l8 3.14 0.00 0.00 1.05 0.61TOMi GG8 23.50 6.87 4.50 11.65 9.00Nwmwandow Asseciaes Ina,1 FeaIwai, Af aFlk OIfferksxaUie' kchfh*PNPS.IcIfhyolpnps20IO~idb Table: Afavt'hIS PILORIM POWER PLANT DISCHARIE STUDYMARCH 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATER.. LARVAEMEANSDotc In -MARCH 2010: 15 17 19 ARITHM. GEOM.cimm Dmamwm 0.00 6.67 4.50 3.79 2.51H!0orcZ1HJUS MAzU 0.00 0.00 5.63 1.88 0.88INOLZ8 GOuWNLU, 0.00 3.43 10.13 4.52 2.67AmSoTZESR.

17.29 14.60 41.64 24.51 21.90TOUzL Lvm 17.29 24.90 61.89 34.69 21.87Nemndurafu Azsec eta Inc., Falmeudi.

Aie.Pile C%,lMelisa Wei c h1kpPNPS-IclliiJ/olpfalPSOamdh TabicMarch15 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMARCH 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATER-- EGGSMEANSDaIt In -MARCH 2010: 22 24 26 ARITHM, GEOM,O"bZDA-GLTMPrR!cMS 0.59 1.32 2.15 1.35 1.19NcHsL-om8 cnamzis 0.00 0.66 0.00 0.22 0.18GAUS HORHUA 1.76 3.29 2.15 2,40 2.32LJRDA-MZ=-LfMbA 0.00 1.32 0.00 0.44 0.32SooWrm,8 A.osus ..59 0.00 o.oo 0.20 0.17IAW8 crNoWossus 0.59 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.17sipowesoZDso 0.00 0.66 0.00 0.22 0.18i8EWPiLUURCRTMS 0.00 J.32 4.31 1.87 1.31TOTOM 5gm8 3.53 8.55 8.62 6.90 6.38tNermeidu Amodal, rn~1. rabIm.U*.

Mo.File Cl~AdisslNew kchrhyvIpNPS.Ihjhyv$,wps2ol~mdh Table. dllanh2

-. .. ... -- -. ~ ~..inae-~-~.-..,-.......

PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMARCH2010-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSARITHM. GEOM.Date In -MARCH 2010:CiLUiz IuuanmismycshuAL~us AEImum11101.1 oulnusLWAmmD!ms sp.ToThL IAWJA224.124.712.3514.1225.30240.006.586.580.0013.16260.,984.7113.540.724.061.941.470.95voimundeaw, Awoclalies, I=c, Pamoaith, Ma.FlitC.)Me~iha)

Nae.khtAp.IPNPS-IcMIOIipVp2019.Dfldb Table: Afarch22 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMARCH 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In-- MARCH 20 10: 29 31 2 ARITHM. GEOM.QWzDM-.(mpouHAL,8 1.41 0.00 1.34 0.92 0.780WU5 HopWi= 1.41 0.00 0.67 0.69 0.59LABRZAS-LDUMIA 0.00 0.00 6.04 2.01 0.92LAUR.I 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.22 0.19SIVQPHALIM AQJOSUS 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.22 0.19HIPPOGWS8OZDIS PLATESSOZDU8 2.11 0.00 1.34 1.15 0.94TOTAL ZGGS 4.92 0.00 10.74 5.22 3.11Nonuvanem

Auwadral, In. Paimeuth.

Ala.File C-lAfefisaWew Ida ~pNpS-Jc~hthy Zpip2Imdh TOM-e Al ard2Vi PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMARCH 20 10 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDatc In -MARCH 2010: 29 31 2 ARITHM. GEOM.cWrmZ S 1.41 0.90 0.00 0.73 0.63mioxocuPnhiMj AR US 18.29 21.51 12.75 17.52 17.12POLU8 GNEiLWs e.44 7.17 2.01 5.9 4.96A)0o0TZS SP. 3.52 3.19 2.01 2.91 2.83P.

S TAQ 2 0.00 0.80 0.00 0.27 0.22UNMMXEZFZ YPAMUNT8 1.41 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.34TOTAL LA.VAE 33.06 33.47 16.77 27.77 26.48Normnmdw,

Asoedata, Ins., Fafmontb, Ma.Me C.MWlLvaiNew lckhiAyPNP&lchdthompnps2Oi0.mdb TaOeW March29 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYAPRIL2010-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGOSMEANSDate In -APRIL 2010: 5 7 9 ARITHM. GEOM.wDus "Mu"A 0.00 0.58 4.36 1.65 1.042ALRZDJM-LrlahDA 2.61 1.16 4.36 2.71 2.36LADRMDM 0.52 0.00 0.00 0,17 0.215HIPPOGLOSSOMI)S PL3h5SOZDgE 2.61 0.00 0.00 0.87 0.53TOTAL 38ZO 5.75 1.74 0.71 5.40 4.43Norwandeav~

AnocleawA iam, Fuinwuth, Mm.Plk C:%IMdbiuNev IchfhyelPNVPS-,chthiywpnpi2OIO.mdh TuII.April05 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYAPRIL 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDate In -APRIL 2010: 5 7 9 ARITHM. GEOM.VWWA Uz 0.52 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.15u.uas NtJ& 0.52 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.15X ToxocPU1ALU8 AM,,UMs 3.14 5.80 13.07 7.34 6.19LZPARXS ATLAlTXCVS 0.00 0.58 0.00 0.19 0.16AiMwTHS ap. 7.84 17.39 52.28 25.84 19.25AOHDmTE 81G. (JVw.) 0.00 1.16 4.36 1.84 1.26 0.00 0.00 4.36 1.45 0.75HZIPPOLOSSOWB5 PL&Tzsso8zg 0.00 0.58 0.00 0.19 0.16LZMAW FBRRUGNME 0.52 0.00 8.71 3.08 1.45UNDIZTIZFU 1R&GbgN8 0.00 L.74 0.00 0.58 0.40TOTAL LARVAE 12.55 27.25 82.78 40.86 30.48Normandmau Amodawns Ina., Falmouth, A.tflit 4CAfissaWew khehy.IPNPS-Idhthy.Ipnp2UIO~mdh Tabic Apri05 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYAPRIL 20 10.-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In -APRIL 2010: 12 14 16 ARITHM. GEOM.0DDAS-GLYfTOcEPRaLus o .00 0.00 0.45 0.15 0.13,,8 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.16ELzJSOGRU8JU, AE, ErUUS 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.18 o0.6umopycCs sUp. 0.54 0.oo 0.00 0.18 0.16 AGUOSU8 0.00 13.54 0.00 4.51 1.44311PMoOSSOZODM

,LAT'I'OZDZS 5.42 3.61 0.45 3.16 2.071amo 1.63 5.42 0.90 2.65 1.99= 8.67 22.57 1.80 11.02 7.06Nugraianee Asseclaft, Ina., Feiiwmmth, Afe.Flit CAi~dbulNew khihjowIPNPS-kIutyo~papsr2OiO.mdb TOMi& Ap#JI12 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYAPRIL 2010.-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDatc In -APRIL 2010: 12 14 16 ARITHM. GEOM.CLUPSA HANDIGUS 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.15 0.13taOXOEIIPHALUS AIUMS 4.34 17.15 10.35 10.62 9.17LIPARIM8 ALANICU8 1.06 1.91 1.00 1.56 1.52VLVARA CTA 0.00 3.61 0.00 1.20 0.66AN4ODTU8 Sp. 7.05 32.50 31.96 23.64 19.42A.IOrOTZS 5p. (juV.) 0.00 0.00 2.70 0.90 0.55P. CANU8 STAGE 1 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.15 0.13P. AIRANMIUS STAGE 2 0.54 0.00 0.90 0.48 0.43P. AHMCANU8 STAGE 3 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.15 0,13LZ30DA VERUOZINA 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.15 0.13UIZDXfrXlZD YFRAQEWS 0.00 1.01 0.90 0.90 0.75TOTAL LARVAE 13.01 56.05 50.42 40.10 33.42No~raande~a Aned lt!, Inc., Falmeaah, He.Rlit C:IWtinaI New Ichihy.IPNPS.IchshjwopnPJr2OIQ.mdb Table:ApP1l12 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYAPRIL 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGOSMEANSDatc In -APRIL 2010: 19 21 23 ARImM. GEOM.G.IDDAZ-GLYPOCPHAUS 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.32 0.25WCHMUYOPUS CDnORUS 2.43 7.79 6.97 5.73 5,098CO3PHTHMLJI AQMN8 2.43 0.76 2.54 4.57 3.70pIEUDOP.ZUR 8 UAM)RICANUS 1.82 0.00 0.63 0.02 0.66LIDW.A r URRUGM 0.61 18.49 4.44 7.04 3.65TOM 3008 7.29 36.01 14.50 19.29 15.64Nemwfndm Assadata^

Inc., Fulmouth, hi..FileC'IAIfe~isse~w chfh)WIPNS-IctdhyepanpsJomdh TabA e:ApPII9 PILORIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYAPRIL 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAE , ,,MEANSDatel In -- APRIL 2010: 19 21 23 ARITHM. GEOM.cimm KmES 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.17=m Hmams (J0V.) 1.21 0.00 0.63 0.62 0.54ZNCULTroPU czxmazus 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.21 0.19m,0oxo0C mws MfZU8 15.19 0.00 15.05 10.34 5.40LIZPAP8 ,TLMNIZCU8 14.57 0.00 19.65 11.41 5.95UiV).PzM 8t)BIF,."Th 0.00 6.91 1.27 2.69 1.61PHoLZ$ GUmMLLv 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.32 0.25hOAO=YTR9S ip. 33.39 21.41 17.11 23,97 23.04=o 8 P11. (JUV,) 1.21 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.30HZIPPOGLOBSOZDS PLAUMS0OIDE 0.61 0.97 0.00 0.53 0.47P. MXWCANS $?A8 1 1.21 0.00 12.68 4.63 2.12P. A)MCc3IS STAGE 2 6.07 0.00 5.07 3.71 2.50P. ANU= C sNU STAGE 3 2.43 0.00 0.00 0.81 0.51zMNM FERRUVflNRA 1.52 0.00 3.17 1.66 1.27UNDDXF Ir FRAGMENTS 1.21 0.00 2.54 1.25 0.99TOTA YvR 79.53 30.17 78.60 62.77 57.35Normandmeu

Auwdutta, Inac, Folmeuth, Ma.Fil~eC:IMeissaiNew IchthyoIPNPS-khlhyelpnps2gO~amd Tabie.cApri 19 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYAPRIL 2010-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In -APRIL 2010: 26 28 30 ARITHM. GEOM,u14cwjO9Us czzUs 2.62 0.40 2.57 4.53 3.83L ,D-L 0.00 0.00 6.41 2.14 0.95LAJRM 1.74 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.40SCOIUTHNMMUS AQUOS81S 0.97 1.94 3.85 2.22 1.07HIZPOGLOBSODES PLAXEIIozDE8 1.74 0.00 1.25 1.01 0.54Lfl@JA Vr'RUGZN1M 9.59 1.29 20.53 10.47 6.34rom.L zGGS 16.56 11.63 34.64 20.94 16.82Noeinandeau Assodiam I=c, Falmouthe, Mfa.,F~ie C:IWekaNew ichfhyeIPNPS-Ichthyel~ps2vlIO.mdb Table: Aprl/26 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYAPRIL 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDate In -APRIL 2010: 26 28 30 ARITHM. GEOM.wCVIL!Opu8 CZnSam 0.00 0.00 2.57 0.66 0.53 Ammmu8 2.62 5.91 1.28 3.24 2.69LVARZB ATLAMITCUS 4.36 3.23 1.28 2.96 2.62ULV"JR.A SU3ZI'URCATA 4.36 0.65 10.26 5.09 3.07A30I)'T58 3p. 3.49 4.52 6.41 4.81 4.66AM 'Y8TX 9P. (,-,V.) 0.00 1.94 .0.00 0.65 0.43P. APJ=CAii8 TAGS 1 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.22 0.18P. )OWCAMUS STAG 2 0.00 1.94 0.00 0.65 0.43I?. -ANRCANJtS S!M 3 0.00 3.69 0.00 1.29 0.70RUDflWOGfnA 0.00 0.00 5.13 1.71 0.83 rRASMS 0.00 1.29 0.00 0.43 0.32TOTAL LbAVAS 14.82 23.90 26.94 21.89 21.21Nomondmau Anoclates, Inc., Fedneulh Mea.FIk ClMdinueWew chihyeIPNPS-Ichhyetaps~lO.mdh Table. Apnil26 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY MAY 2010 .DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In -MAY 2010: 3 5 7 ARITHM. GEOM.GADZDAZ-R6LPTOMPHALUS 1.41 0.95 0.00 0.79 0.68ZNCMLTOMS-UROPIYCZS-PZURZLUS 7.70 0.95 6.70 5.14 3.67 cuRr8 18.39 6.65 2.87 9.30 7.05,,DIs HOPS"A 1.41 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.34tm.LUcTCZS

,ZLZNEARs 1.41 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.34LARRMAZ-LXJWWA 41.02 8.54 27.74 25.77 21.34LADMAIO 14.15 3.90 5.74 7.89 6.76Go0zoSOMR GD1VSu3Z 22.63 0.00 0.00 7.54 1.87sCMZ3R SC0MMS 0.00 1.90 0.00 0.63 0.43R.zCHTHYS--SCOIwHTHALMU 7.78 20.48 48.78 28.35 22.11GPVTOcZPPALUS CYNOGLOSSUS 1.41 0.95 0.00 0.79 0.60HXPPOGQoSSOIDZs PRTZSSOZDBs 0.00 2.05 1.91 1.59 1.24TOTAL EGGS 117.41 55.07 93.73 88.74 04.63Nenemandaue Assedae.tu1ar-,



czexluS 0.71 3.80 0.00 1.50 1.02LZIPAR8 0.71 1.90 1.91 1.51 1.37ULVMA 81"EZIRFWCATA 12.73 6.65 15.30 11.56 10.90A)OMrES8 8P. 2.12 0.95 0.96 1.34 1.24AOOOYT38 IP. (MV.) 1.41 0.00 0.96 0.79 0.68HIPPOGL.OSSOSZZ8 PLA3SOZD38 0.71 2.85 1.91 1.82 1.57P. A.SUCAMUS STAGS 1 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.32 0.25P. AHMU CAHU8 STAGS 2 1.41 11.39 27.74 13.52 7.65P.

STAGS 3 0.71 1.90 7.65 3.42 2.17BiZNDA VrZR.uOZn!

0.71 20.89 19.13 13.57 6.56UNIZDMFM1 Fl MZN0T8 1.41 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.34TOTAL LARVAS 22.63 51.27 75.56 49.82 44.43Nonnandeau Assadafc; Ina., Faim uth, Mo.FIJI C~iMelluaWNew khfhyo1PNPS-lchkhy.Wpps20lO~mdb Table. May03 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMAY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSIIIMEANSAR]THM. GEOM.Date In.-MAY 2010:GaDZDA-GLYPTOCEPHALUS UXWIL!OpUs-UftQP8cZs-vlpRnw$l ZNCHEIJOIUS C138.XUBGADus moi40h3RLUcCZUS-3T3M0TOMJ-CyN0scZom LaB=cDA-LnVWIA LABRXDAscobizn scommsPARALICNTWLS-SCORUTNALmus GLYPT0CURALUS CYROGLO8SUB HZPPIOW.8SO11D38 PLAR8=8OW8 MBUDO1LEURONUCTU AMRI.CAMU TOTAL 3rGGU10120.002.253.420.000.0041.0517.1011.4014.821.141.142.2994.650.002.331.680.840.8416.858.423,374.210.0010.110.0040.06141.5215.104.560.000.0047.077.5928.8547.070.001.520.00153.360.516.553.220.280.2834,9911.0414.5422.040.384.260.760.364.442.970.230.2331.9310.3010.3514.320.292.600.4998.95 89.17Nenmonduwa Asscalata lime, Fai'aoth, Ma.Rtc 0IHdinuINew IcktAye1PNS-ikhfhy.ipnp:2010.mdh Table.'May10 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMAY2010.DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEDate In -MAY 2010:HToxSOp3NwI AsmmNSLuPAS.Z3 AT2IANTICUU I3LAMI SU]UBU¶JfP=rA Am40myne op.Ammyne~ op. (OW.)P. AERZCAMUS

$?ACV 1P. AMUaCANUS SIAGE 2P. ABURCANwS FlAGS 3LIMMA flRRGZl3A TOTAL LARVAZI01.1419.393.420.000.001.1412,5413.683.4254.73120.002.537.581.680.840.000.002.530.9416.00140.000.001.520, GEOM.0.387.304.170.560.280.384.187.431.420.293.163.400.390.230.291.385.941.0126.11 18.81N~rwmeamdg

Auefagca, Ina., Fahneuh, MAi.Rioe C.01imleuINew IchthyelPNPS..Ich:Ayelpnps2019.mdb Tabki Mfay10 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMAY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In -MAY 2010: 17 19 21 ARITHM. GEOM., LOPS-U1OPHTCIS-PDEfILUS 15.76 7.97 12.79 12.18 11.71KCULYO1U8 CiDURU8 0.00 0.00 4.00 1.33 0.71GADTu HOJMU 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.27 0.22 0.00 0.00 1.60 0.53 0.37 42.78 366.70 502.20 303.89 198.98LAZDAI 10.13 20.50 35.19 21.94 19.41SCON4ER SCOsa8U8 41.65 19.36 37.59 32.57 31.19VARAIZCTIRYS-S"COPHTHAL.U8 0.00 122.99 94.36 72.45 21.78GLYTOcPHALUS CYiNOGLOSSUS 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.27 0.22 V:ErATSSOMZSD 3.38 0.00 0.00 1.13 0.64TOTAL, XGW 113.70 537.52 689.33 446.85 347.96Nornwaatea Arnocates, Ine. Foirnaut, Ma.Rig C.WlbMu/nNew khihyoPIPPS-Ikiuhyalpps2OlO.mdh Table'May17 AA~fl.PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMAY 2010-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDate In -MAY 2010 : 17 19 21 ARITHM. GEOM.INcULTOPUS CflURIU8 0.00 4.56 0.00 1.52 0.77LZIVAIS ATLMITZCU8 2.25 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.46ULVA.IA SUDZVIURCATA 10.13 5.69 0.00 5.28 3.21,m msOTT3 Sp. 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.27 0.22AM400MYL5 Sp. (JUL.) 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.27 0.22SCOpITIMJSis AUJOUS 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.27 0.221. ANMCAMuS STAGS 2 9.01 0.00 060e 3.27 1.62P. -A .ICANU8 STAGS 3 32.65 0.00 3.20 11.95 4.21LDWh AIK 2.25 0.00 0.80 1.02 0.60TOTAL 56.29 10.25 7.20 24.58 16.07Nermandeau Associate Inc., Falmoutfh, filmPlifVle Mel#ssawmu Ib*yIPNPS-IcIhiyolpnps2OIO.mdb Table: A1qyl PILGRIM POWER PLANT DPISCHARGE STUDY MAY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSIDate In -MAY 2010 :HCWMLoigU9-U=oPHVC1PZP8RPXLU8 ams wOiwuN4P!AUCC-MUS BZM.MMUAR LolZUS XMRZCAUSLAflDPMJ-1.DS)DA Mcmm acoamusEFtROPI8 HICROSO)08 PM"4CNTHXS-CO VWZNALMSHZPPOGLISOI8DEU VLhATEhSQ=s OTMAL EGGS2426MEANSARITHM. GEOM.5.0510. 546.44Norm.andeam Auoclagre, INC., Falmouth, Ma.FLP f lch:yo1pNPS.lkhhyotpnpzOlOamdb Tabe: May24 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMAY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAE.MEANSDaic In -MAY 2010: 24 26 28 ARITHM. GEOM.IKCMVOB8 cnDG-us 0.00 0.00 2.18 0.73 0.47"mcmia sp. 0.00 0.00 1.09 0.36 0.28TAUTOGA ONITZS 0.00 0.00 1.09 0.36 0.28MVARIA U8UDDZ1UA.A 12.13 0.00 22.94 11.69 5.80NZeP0OGssoross ULTZUs9Zo 0.00 0.00 2.16 0.73 0.47P. AMMICANM8 STA= 2 0.00 0.00 7.65 2.55 1.05P. 3 0.00 0.00 25.12 8.37 1.97P. AhMCANUS 8GTM 4 0.00 0.00 2.18 0.73 0.47L WNk r ozWjGINZ 0.00 0.00 10.92 3.64 1.28TOTAL LAAVA. 12.13 0.00 75.36 29.16 9.01Nonnaideua AuocIatcs Inc., Faimeauh.


240.26 17.32 55.72 104.44 61.443ICHELYOPU8 Cl1411,=B 4.76 6.26 5.41 5.47 5.44CAMS HOMiA 0.00 0.00 4.33 1.44 0.75WgRLUCCZU8-8TEWOTO48-CNO8OCOZN 33.30 8.66 10.28 17.41 14.371mUrLUZUS 5.95 0.96 2.16 3.02 2.31UROPHYCS SIPp. 3.57 2.41 0.00 1.99 1.50LOP=$ uRICA.NUS 15.46 3.37 0.54 6.46 3.04LARZOE-L-;dIDA 4129.50 404.22 2515.96 2350.92 1614.05I.UWDAZ 171.27 61.60 76.28 103.05 93.02SC=o,,R 8co 818.30 110.68 10.82 313.27 99.33E1hOpus8 IftR0TQNs 3.57 0.96 0.00 1.51 1.08PMALZCIIHTHs-5COPT5Mm,8 160.57 128.00 87.10 125.23 121.42G.LYPOC10PKALU8 CYNOGLOSSUS 1.19 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.30HZPPOGLOSSOZDES 0.00 1.92 10.26 4.07 2.21TMAL EGGS 5587.78 746.37 2701.89 3038.68 2263.83Nnrmandeaw Associates, Inc., Falmouth, MN.ile CAlAfid alNuiw lch~h)VFPNPS&Idith)VyIps20OdOmdb Table. June02 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYMAY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATER-. LARVAEMEANSDate In- MAY 2010: 31 2 4 ARITI-IM.

GEOM.,NCIWLTOPgU CnosuUs 5.95 0.00 3.25 3.06 2.09,N JOG9,Joo 8 Ah0GLEIZVU8 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.18 0.16bMRLVCCU'S MrZNEARI 0.00 0.00 4.33 1.44 0.75UROPHYCIS OPP. 1.19 o00O 2.71 1.30 1.10HZ mIOIA SPy. 0.00 0.48 0.54 0.34 0.32.IlpARZS ATLMIIICUS 0.00 0.00 2.62 0.54 0.38TUTOGA 0N1TIS 0.00 0.00 1.08 0.36 0.28ULVAM.A 1.MXZFURCATA 11.89 0.40 10.82 7.73 3.96S0WQMR 8CmRU8 4.76 0.00 7.03 3.93 2.595COPHTRhU,8 AQUOSUS 1.19 0.96 4.87 2.34 1.77HZPPg[,O88OZUD8 PLAT380]sODB 1.19 0.48 0.00 0.56 0.48F. A6RMCANUS STAM 2 0.00 0.48 0.00 0.16 0.14P. A4ERICAIUS STAGZ 3 0.00 1.92 0.00 0.64 0.43P.

STAG "4 0.00 1.44 0.54 0.66 0.56LD94MA FU8R'IrEA 2.38 0.00 5.41 2.60 1.79TOTA& LARVAE 28.55 6.26 42.74 25.85 19.69Nomndanu


TY'Rvu 0.71 1.61 0.65 1.59gADWA-ouoImmwe 1.42 O.00 0.00 0.47 0.34ZNCEL!O1US-U30-ROPHTC1$-PEP S 9.96 39.76 3.27 17.66 10.90 cawizus 2.14 5.96 2.62 3.57 3.22Gnus. mOpiA 9.96 1.33 0.00 3.76 1.94 8-CYN0SCjON 5.69 39.10 9.02 18.20 12.98)amLuOCIu VIZLflMARZS 7.12 0.00 5.24 4.12 2.70UflOPUYCIS 8PP. 1.42 0.66 3.93 2.00 1.55nzoomsua spp. 0.00 1.33 1.96 1.10 0.90L 8744.96 4219.67 1696,83 4887.15 3970.93LARIDAM 5.69 0.00 115.22 40.30 8.20SCC0IUZ C 8CM88 21.39 64.28 32.73 36.13 28.83EROPU8 blCROS'?OwS 0.00 0.00 1.31 0.44 0.32 81.13 216.02 66.77 121.31 105.38GYZPJ0CPEIAIA8 Cftl1G0 OSBus 1.42 1.33 0.00 0.92 0.78HIP:OowBssOZl8 PL.AIBSOZV8 19.93 1.99 0.65 7.52 2.96T EAL EGGs 8902.95 4600.02 1941.01 5148.00 4299.73Nonmundeai

Anecluta, Inc., Fmdmoutb, MA.File C~l~delvSNewiu Ih)IhePNPS-cIthyelpnpe29Iamdb Table. June07 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY JUNE 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDate In -JUNE 2010: 7 9 I1 ARITHM. GEOM.KXCUZLTOPUS cztRuM8 1.42 1.99 4.58 2.66 2.35*as NoRRUA 2.85 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.57ULVAIA SU1IBZFURCATA 7.12 1.33 5.89 4.78 3.92ScOBR SOcMRU8 0.00 0.66 2.62 1.09 0.82SCOPHTAMMS AQUOSUS 1.42 2.65 1.31 1.79 1.70 CU0mDO58U5 1.42 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.34HIZPP0FO8SSOES PLAT288OZDES 7.12 0.00 0.00 2.37 1.01P.

8STA 2 0.00 0.00 3.93 1.31 0.70F. AIMUCMU.

A8GEZ 3 2.14 3.98 5.24 3.78 3.54P. 8 STAGS 4 0.00 0.00 1.96 0.65 0.44LnOLqDA JFRRUGI1A 1.42 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.34UiIxIExzFD

]RAGNMT8 2.14 0.00 0.00 0.71 0.46TOTAL. LARVAE 27.04 10.60 25.53 21.06 19.42Neonmandean Amodalmý Inc. Fahutn~h, hfa.File C:~IuMd~New fcthyhjwIPNPS.Ichthjwlpnps2OIO.mdb Table.-June97 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJUNE 2010-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In -JUNE 2010: 14 16 18 ARITHM. GEOM.AICIOA )M:CHzLLZ 1.15 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.29 MLoUG 2S.28 14.08 9.13 16.16 14.91 CnOiXu8 4.02 2.17 1.83 2.67 2.51HiGPCC ZU8-S 8 NOTOWS-CTIO8CZON 48.26 19.49 25.56 31.10 28.86MP.,UCCIVS BZLDWAR,8 6.32 0.00 3.65 3.32 2.24UROPHYCZ8 8pp. 2.30 4.33 0.00 2.21 1.60LAJRVM-LD0-A 1075.55 701.70 924.95 900.73 897.09LARRIDAZ 280.38 246.89 63.29 196.85 163.63sCo M R 8COMBU8 44.24 9.75 15.82 23.27 18.97ET"OIS CRtO8T0CI3 1.15 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.29PM, C"rn8 -8COPHTuHRa17 68.95 167.84 0.00 79.93 21.77GLPTOcMHZALUS CfI'QGOSSUJ 0.00 0.00 1.22 0.41 0.30TOTAL 8 1557.59 1166.25 1045.44 1256.43 1238.36Nermandeau Aueclat.


?RAmMU8 0.00 2.17 3.04 1.74 1.34ENCHELTOPUS CUIMRZUS 0.00 2.17 1.83 1.33 1.08)HE=DZA 81p. 0.S7 0.00 1.83 0.90 0.64BTU M THUS Fuscum 0.57 0.00 0.61 0.39 0.36IzvARSz An.xmVzCUS 0.00 0.00 0.61 0.20 0.17CUWROPRX8TZ8 STRZATA 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.36 0.28STZR0TOWI CHRTSOV8 0.00 2.17 1.22 1.13 0.91T. ADSPE3RMS8 STAGE 1 0.00 3.25 0.00 1.08 0.62ULVARXA S=ISVUR.OTh 1.15 1.08 1.22 1.15 1.15ARALWICTHNS ODLM S 0.00 1.09 0.00 0.36 0.28SCOPHRT1ALUS AQUOSUS 0.00 0.00 0.61 0.20 0.17P. AIMCAZUS hTAGE 3 1.72 0.00 1.83 1.10 0.97P. A)URCAAIUS STAGE 4 1.15 1.05 0.61 0.95 0.91TOTAL LARVAE 5.17 14.00 13.39 10.88 9.91Normwndeou

Assedata, Ina., Falmouth, AmaFile r-*IhfdbmA~ew 1~lhaPNPS.Ickrh)vwlpns3l9.db Table. J~n14 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJUNE 2010.-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In -JUNE 2010: 21 23 25 ARITHM. GEOM.DPWAMRTZA TYRAIONtJS 7.40 11.82 266.44 95.22 28.56ANICHOA HTICI"LL 0.00 2,25 0,00 0.75 0.48GADZDM=-GL¥PTOCEPlMUS 0.00 0.56 0.00 0.19 0.16ZNICL¥OTPUS-UROPVUCZS-VEPRZW8 5.55 18.57 02.28 35.47 20.39 CflABRIV 0.92 1.69 3.92 2.18 1.83

-CYNl0SC1O0l 34.20 51.22 32.65 39.36 30.53mubwcczu8 SIUMlSA3XS 5.55 5.63 3.92 5.03 4.96UROPm cis spw. 0.00 0.56 18.29 6.28 2.11Up,. 1.85 1.13 16.90 6.65 3.29LABXRI M-LXMANDA 210.77 799.20 3719.72 1576.56 855.70L.ARBDAB 20.34 29.27 522.43 190.60 67.75Mcom= scobwu 10.17 11.26 27.43 16.20 14.64w pROPuS HICROSTKUS 0.00 0.00 2.61 0.57 0.53 59.16 69.23 113.63 90.67 77.49InoumA F3BRUcnZ 3.70 9.01 0.00 4.23 2.61T07AL EgS 359.59 1011.35 4610.30 2060.43 1204.95Nennandeam A4usdoa 10Q. Falmouth, Ma.File C0~f1bntivew IchUkyoIPNPS.IchlhyolpnpaOlO.mdb Table: June2i PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJUNE 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAE°MEANSDaLe In -JUNE 2010: 21 23 25 ARITItM.

GEOM.S oirMOSTA, MAIMGUS 3.70 1.69 2.621 2.67 2.54 cna34zn s 38,3 5.07 1.3. 15.07 6.36W=DU8 MORHUA 0.00 0.56 0.00 0.319 0.16HUULUCCZU8 8IIN W zu 0.92 3.94 0.00 1.62 1.129"p. 0.00 0.56 1.31 0.62 0.53SYgHAiTMV8 FUSCU8 0.92 2.81 1.96 1.90 1.72CtT/ROfI.8TZ8 SWIATA 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.248T9NOTOWS Cu'i.OPS 1.85 1.13 0.00 0.99 0.82TAUTOGA ONTIZS 2.77 1.69 0.00 1.49 1.16T. Abu1JmsU STAGE 1 2.77 0.56 0.00 1.11 0.81T. ADSRRSUS STAGI 2 20.34 9.01 0.00 9.78 4.98I'LVARIA 8BBDZiJUATA 0.92 0.00 1.31 0.74 0.64SCOMII4ALIWS AQUOSUS 9.24 5.63 0.00 4.96 3.08.TP'?OCZMIALUU CYDIGLOSSUS 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.24HW1POGLOU88ODES VLATEsSOWEs 0.00 0.56 0.00 0.19 0.16P. AbOZCA)NS STAJZ 3 2.77 2.25 0.00 1.67 1.31P. A- RCA)IMS STAG= 4 0.00 0.56 0.00 0.19 0.16L3BIqA ,RERMlEA 4.62 0.56 0.00 1.73 1.061LXqnvIZD vA 8Wn 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.31 .0.24TOTA. LA Am 92.44 36.58 8.49 45.84 30.62Nernaandivu Avod#1A Ina., Falmouth, Mo.F7ioC:IM~

Al New ckhry.IPNPS-kchiyolpnps2DIO.mdh Table; June21 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY JUNE 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In --- JUNE 2010: 28 30 2 ARIThM. GEOM.381Vo ,.A TYA1NUS 13.24 124.03 11.63 49.63 26.73ANCl"O1,

)CTCHILLI 0.00 5.61 14.54 6.78 3.738NiCUELOPU8-UROPHYC18-fPRMLUS 12.36 65.30 26.17 35.70 28.13ENmMaOUS czMm sZu8 2.65 1.94 1.45 2.01 1.951=11UCCIU-8'D3ONOUW8-CrhmsC101 22.07 8.72 26.17 18.99 17.143MLUCCZU8 1o0.59 0.00 2.91 4.50 2.56PO,.ACHI"US 1 'lRfS o0.8 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.23uaoRPuci spy, 0.00 10.66 13.09 7.91 4.45PIOIO0TU8 M.P. 7.94 13.57 15.99 12.50 11.99LAUMDAD-L]4MDA 506.68 2496.01 4769.22 2590.64 1820.30LARD m 49.43 131.70 663,04 281.42 162.85SCam=] 8Commas 11.48 3.88 29.08 14.81 10.90ETAOPUS )MCROSTOJS 0.88 3.88 1.45 2.07 1.71PARALZCHTI5-SCOPUTHMLW8 107.69 09.14 129.41 108.75 107.50GmPTOCEPHAWU8 CINOGWIS8U8 1.77 0.00 0.00 0.59 0.40LDVWMA UFCIWEA 5.30 0.00 0.00 1.77 0.85TO'ZAL EGGS 752.96 2958.20 5704.16 3130.44 2333.44Normnge atI Associates, Inc., Fearnefti1j Ma.Mie CA~elissvit Nw IehihyoiPNPS-Ichihyvlpqps2OIO0ndb Table: Jwwo28 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJUNE 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAE .MEANSDate In .- JUNE 2010: 28 30 2 ARITHM. GEOM.DREVVoQ0 7TY-ANNU 6.18 0.00 2.91 3.03 2.04 ciGZS 0.5us 0.O0 o0.0O 0.29 0.23GADS 0.8e o0oo 0.00 0.29 0.23UERLUCCZUS 8ZZUARXS 0.00 0.00 1.45 0.48 0.353m1rA $PP. 0.00 1.94 4.36 2.10 1.51Sm1GwTuuS vuscms 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.32 0.25TA*TOGA ONITIS 1.77 0.00 17.45 6.40 2.71T. ADPZERSS STAGE 1 0.88 0.00 2.91 1.26 0.94T. ADSPIRBMS 8TMI 2 7.06 1.94 95.97 34.99 10.95T. ADSPMUSUB STA= 3 0.00 0.00 45.07 15.02 2.55ULVARPZA 91TZ8VURCAA 19.42 0.97 0.00 6.00 2.438CO.cR 0.00 0.00 2.91 0.97 0.58SCOFMUMJLYS AQUOSUS 0.00 0.00 4.36 1.45 0.75P. AWRICARNUS STAGE 3 0.88 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.23UNDUNTIrZFlZ FRAWGNTS 2.65 1.94 0.00 1.53 1.20TOTAL. LARVAS 40.61 7.75 177.39 75.25 38.22Norm andeau 4.uoclat, Ina, Falmmotla,AMa.


GEOM.IRVVOORTIZA TYMNMU 42.38 26.95 1.09 23.48 10.76Aich laTCII 12.47 0.62 3.28 8.12 7.06 95.90 36.65 7.64 46.76 29.96UNCHILYTOPU8 CDMZ"8 6.23 4.31 0.00 3.51 2.37URlJUCCrU8-S TMW'8a-CXWOSCZON 3.74 0.00 2.18 1.97 1.47UOOPHYCIS SPp. 0.00 0.00 1.09 0.36 0.28nIoomz uwi. 33.66 78.70 5.46 39.27 24.36Lh8AZ-LZ)JWDA 1027.14 1285.06 1039.48 1117.23 1111.20LAR.DAE 309.14 491.60 26.21 275.65 155.518CONDER SCOMRiS 22.44 0.00 1.09 7.84 2.66ETROpul Huc:os"owa 7.48 0.00 0.00 2.49 1.04PARALICiiTRTS-SCOPHTHAMNU8 67.31 77.62 40.40 61.70 59.54TOTAL 30= 1627.97 2009.53 1127.93 1588.48 1545.28Nu~rmadeau Assod aes. Ina., Faimouile, Ala.Fie C:IAleiuissaew Ichihye1PNPS.Ichih~wlpnpslchih)jwZVl9.sudb Table. July905 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCIlARGE STUDY JULY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDate In --- JULY 2010: 5 7 9 ARITHM. GEOM.RB.VOOmTZA TYRAMU8 11.22 19.41 3.26 11.30 6.93ElICLyopsU 18.70 0.00 0.00 6.23 1.70i,3LuCcZu"8 BZLrZasZ8 0.00 0.00 1.09 0.36 0.28U'oUpfCZS SPp. 0.00 0.00 2.18 0.73 0.47HEMZA SPP. o0.00 1.08 0.00 0.36 0.298TmHoTviS CHEYSOP8 8.73 6.47 2.18 5.79 4.99TAflOGA 0IZTIS 27.45 22.64 13.10 17.73 17.30T. ADSPXUUS STAGE 1 48.61 42.04 0.00 30.22 11.98T. ADSPERSIJs STAGE 2 58.59 9.16 40.40 36.05 27.89T. ADiPER"US STAGE 3 0.00 0.00 63.33 21.11 3.01ULVAR.A SUBBIFURCATA 1.25 0.00 2.18 1.14 0.93PAP.ALrCHTT8 OBLONGUS 0.00 1.08 1.09 0.72 0.63 AQUOSUS 0.00 3.23 8.74 3.99 2.45LzMANDA Fr.IGnmA 0.00 0.00 1.09 0.36 0.28TOTAL LARVAE 164.54 105.11 138.67 136.11 133.86Nuormaadua Assdam, Ina., Fulimuth, Ma.F7le C:.Iellssa~ew ichi~uVIPNPS.kchthytpq~Ichthyt22OJO.mndb Table: JU005l PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHIARGE STUDY JULY2010-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGS .MEANSDitcIn-JULY2010:

12 14 16 ARITHM. GEOM.aDRZVOORIXA M sAIS 0.00 0.00 4.73 1.58 0.79ANCHOA N)TCHZLLZ 11.04 12.18 0.00 7.74 4.41vWCRmLyOpu$-URQPKyCZ8-PvfTLv3 34.23 14.40 14.19 20.94 19.12ICHIELTOpuS C3)Rmus 0.00 4.43 0.00 1.48 0.76ZRLVCCZUS-S!DX0TQW8-CrHO8CZOH 13.25 13.29 26.01 17.52 16.61HEPLUCCIUS BILIhRAPJU 2.21 0.00 21.28 7.83 3.15UTOPH0c'r$

8Pp. 3.31 0.00 7.09 3.47 2.27PP.omITUS SPp. 15.46 11.08 0.00 8.65 4.84 477.02 4341.93 1286.40 2035.12 1386.33(lo"zDAZ 719.50 212.67 61.48 117.88 101.30sc5 m sCOmmsJ 2.21 8.86 0.00 3.69 2.16ETROPUS5 IUCROSTO8 3.31 6.65 4.73 4.90 4.70pARuTCHTRYS-8COPHTALwNJ8 68.46 60.92 40.20 S6.53 S5.14 CTNOGLOssus 0.00 0.00 2.36 0.79 0.50TOTAL 2309 710.01 4686.40 1468.49 2286.30 1696.91Normurnhaa Assvcialez, Inc., Falwsewh, Ma.Fik CiMeflssaNew kh~IuhPNPS-kchihyolpnpslchihyi2OlO~mdb Tabfe: JulyIZ PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY JULY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATER.LARVAEMEANSDate In -JULY 2010: 12 14 16 ARITHM. GEOM.BDJOOA'lA T¥UPAMS 2.21 6.65 2.36 3.74 3.26iMcrzouus czuzous 0.00 5.54 2.36 2.63 1.80UROPHYCI¥ 8a1. 1.10 0.00 0,00 0.37 0.25bw=DZJA 8pp. 2.21 0.00 4.73 2.31 1.64SfN M, THUS IrCUS 0.00 4.43 0.00 1.48 0.76 STflATA 1.10 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.20minOU OuNTzS 6.63 12.16 4.73 7.55 7.25T. ADaPm.S UTAGZ 1 0.00 7.75 0.00 2.58 1.06T. ADupzRvs sTAG 2 8.83 35.77 4.73 17.44 11.74T.

STAGS 3 20.95 0.00 21.28 14.09 6.89ULVARZA SUUSShVRCATA 0.00 0.00 2.36 0.79 0.50PARALIzCTHYS 0SONGUU 2.21 2.22 0.00 1.47 1.15SCOIHTHAUJWS AQUOSUS 2.21 7.75 0,00 3.32 2.04LfW1ODA YZRRUCZNEA 1.10 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.20TOTAL LARVAZ 48.59 85.29 42.56 59.81 56.08NennaademuAsseciett, Ism~, Falmeut~h, a.File C.lidlssaiNew Ichth~vwNPS.Idhthy.pnpsIchtlIJW2OI1dfld Table: July12 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY JULY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In -JULY 2010: 19 21 24 ARITHM. GEOM.NCHoA MbTCHXLLZ 0.00 3.70 0.00 1.23 0.68ZNCxI, ToF138-UROpITfCZ8-1pRZLUS 5.07 16.52 45.21 23.20 ,7.00SHtCHLYOPUs CZDRu 2.35 0.00 0,00 0.78 0.50NZALUCC ZUS-STZ3HOTOMS-CYNOSCZ04N 8.22 28.39 64.49 33.70 24.69)enuccZu8 ULZimmms 0.00 7.41 3.71 3.70 2.41UROPNcZs 8FF. 3.52 13.58 2.96 6,59 5.21MIIONOTU8 SF. 15.26 11.11 5.19 10.52 9.55LABRI[AX-LDAMNDA 112.68 387.62 515.89 338.73 292.441AD = As 133.00 93.82 26.60 84.77 69.45S 8C0o R 8C0S.U8 1.17 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.30UTROPU8 )UCROSTOWS 5.07 1.23 6.67 4.59 3.64PATXCW=8-3COPHTHALXU8 53.99 30.86 35.58 40.14 38.99TOTAL Sacs 342.72 596.24 706.39 546.45 524.57IVonnandeou Assodafe36 Inrh, Feimeuh, Ala.file Ci MellualNr' 1chrhyeipNvpS~chtlt.,pwirpchfhyeo1ol.Idb Table: Juil19 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY JULY 2010-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDate In -JULY 2010: 19 21 24 ARITHM. GEOM.BZVOO!A TTPrAMU 1.17 2.47 0.74 1.46 1.294MRUCCZU5 BZIL-,RIZ S 1.17 0.00 0.74 0.64 0.56umOpIYCZ8 O1P. 2.35 0.00 0.00 0.78 0.50imIZD1A OPP. 0.00 3.70 0.74 1.40 1.02STIG AT HU FUSCeJs 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.25 0.20TAUTOGA ONIT!S 2.35 8.64 1.48 4.16 3.11T. ADSPEPSUS STAGE 2 9.39 13.59 15.57 12.84 12.57T. ADSPERSIJ STAGE 3 0.00 6.17 10.36 5.52 3.34MpUZLUS TRIACWZS 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.25 0.20PPA&RICHTKYB OLORGUS 0.00 3.70 3.71 2.47 1.81BCOPHTHRLh, AQUOSVS 4.69 2.47 0.00 2.39 1.70LZDANWA MUPMZMA 1.17 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.30UVN=DEUTXZD MAGNMITs 2.35 O.00 1.48 1.28 2.03TOTAL LARVAE 24.65 40.74 36.32 33.90 33.16Normandem

,luodata, Inc.. Fabneuih, Ala.FileC:-IhdiluaiNew 1c*ihyeiIVPNPIckth~wvnpsIChthyo2Oi9Jfldb Tab.Jle hyIP PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYJULY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDale In -JULY 20 10: 26 28 30 ARITHM. GEOM.MUClIMZYOPUS-UROPHrICIs-PEPRZLUS 6.12 5,27 12.90 0.12 7.46uic mu,0W5u Ci m8 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.15XBuALCClU8

-STZ1OTONUS-CTNOSCZOm 39.75 10.53 34.29 20.19 24.31IgRLUCCIVS 3ZL-NaiAIS 1.02 5.27 8.34 4.88 3.55uROPHlCI8 gyP. 1.53 5.27 9.27 5.35 4.21PRIONOT113 8PP. 3.06 1.76 1.95 2.22 2.15LABSIR AS-LW4NDA 191.61 115.86 242.03 183.44 175,35I.AUDA 10.19 10.53 35.22 18.65 15.58ETROIPJ$

HICROSTONUI 4.06 0.00 5.56 3.21 2.22PMRALZCIMS9-8COPIHTALMIIS 0.00 21.07 21.32 14.13 6.90TOTAL EGMS 257.85 175.57 371.65 266.36 256.25Nemwndcm.,t nc., Falmouib, Afa.File C.Iefdnatiew Ichfh)WIPNPS.Ichfhyelpnpslchlh)w2010.mdb liable: July,26 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY JULY 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAE .MEANSDate In -JULY 2010: 26 28 30 ARITHM. GEOM.

TrrRNmUS 0.00 3.51 3.71 2.41 1.77 CflORZ-S 0.00 1.76 1.65 1.20 0.99b'RLUCCZU8 DILIZEARZ8 0.00 0.00 1.85 0.62 0.42uROIIYCzu snp. 0.00 0.00 4.63 1.54 0.75bHMXMA UPP. 0.51 0.00 1.55 0.79 0.63SNG w Hus8 Fuscus 1.02 0.00 0.93 0.65 0.57OMITZ8 0.00 3.51 12.05 5.19 2.69T. ADSPRSU8 STAGE 2 4.59 36.67 7.41 16.29 10.78T. ADSPRSUS STAGE 3 3.57 14.05 10.19 9.27 7.99PEflXLUS TRIACANTHUS 1.02 0.00 0100 0.34 0.26SCOPH'THALS AQVO80S 0.00 1.76 2.76 1.51 1.15UHMENTVrUED FRAGMOT8 0.51 0.00 1. 55 0.79 0.63TOTAL LARVAE 11.21 61.45 49.12 40.59 32.35Nonnandieou Assodares, Inc.. Falmouth, Ili.File CIA fdissalNew IchihyeIPNPS-ichihyeipnpsakhihp2OIO.midb Table. July26 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY AUGUST 2010-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDale In -AUGUST 2010: 2 4 6 ARITIIM.

GEOM.NCUZLOPU38-UROPHIYClS-PUPR.LV8 3.26 24.03 0.00 9.10 3.74

  • CIM5RZ.-8 1.30 1.20 0.00 0.54 0.72KIDXAJCCZU-STIZ-Ol 8-CN0SCZON 20.22 28.23 3.68 17.38 12.80I6.LUCCZU8 BIZLINEAS 9.75 5.41 4.90 6.70 6.38UROPHYCX8 5PP. 7.17 1.80 0.00 2.99 1.84PUJOHW JS $pp. 1.96 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.44LAIHZDAX-LX)NDA 23.48 165.78 23.30 70.85 44.93LAMMI..D 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.16TROVUS M7C8ROSTOWJ8 2.61 3.60 1.23 2.45 2.26 11.74 13.21 4.90 9.95 9.13GOPTOMPVHALU8 CYNlIO8805U8 0.00 0.00 1.23 0.41 0.31TOTAL EGGS 82.18 243.27 39.23 121.56 92.22dNormwdcaj

,4ssoaciea Inc., Falmuagh, No.fl/eC ClMdiUai New Ickth)y.,IPNPS~ichthyupnpdchdwjv2DlO.mdb Table: AupuGff2 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY AUGUST 2010.DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATER.LARVAE .... ..MEANSDate In -AUGUST 2010 2 4 6 ARITHM. GEOM.Du3vOoRTI TRM1JM 1.30 0.60 2.45 1.45 1.24KXcwL0o1vs CDORM 2.61 5.41 20.54 9.62 6.65)MUCCZUS DBILZNAMS 1.30 1.20 1.23 1.24 1.24URO0PHYCIS 5PP. 0.00 3.00 7.36 3.45 2.22mig= )A sPr. 0.65 0.60 0.00 0.42 0.30SIYGaM'MUS FUsCUS 0.00 1.20 1.23 0.91 0.70ONI'Z8 0.65 5.41 1.23 2.43 1.63T. ADSPBRSU8 STAO3 2 17.61 16.22 62.53 32.12 26.14T. ADSFMSUS STAG 3 9.78 10.21 56.40 25.46 17.79PEPPZWLU IUZACANHU8 0,00 9.01 0.00 3.00 1.16 OBLORMGIS 0.65 2.40 0.00 1.02 0.78SCOPWDIMIU4US AgOOSUS 0.65 0.60 0.00 0.42 0.38LDI4A VfMRUQ"MA 0,00 0.00 2.45 0.02 0,51TOTAL LARVAZ 35.22 55.96 155.71 82.26 67.41Nernundeaua AsiaelaInc aw. Folrivt'ui, Um.Flit C1hiimalfsz1ew Ichlb lPNPS4chdyevlpnhwicbAII)W2OIU~ldb Table. lutgwWst PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYAUGUST 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In --- AUGUST2010:

9 1I 13 ARITIIM.


0.54 93.67 6.99 30.40 7.17 czMiRuwe 0.64 5.23 0.63 2.17 1.20 0.64 47.72 10.63 19.66 6.99N&TWCCZUS DZLZ-NEARS 0.00 3.27 3.13 2.13 1.60UOPwHYCcz8 sp. 9.62 49.02 19.14 25.60 20.45spi. 0.00 7.19 4.39 3.06 2.53, mD-Lne4nk 0.00 75.93 525.49 200.44 33.33,A8NDA 3.21 9.15 27.53 13.29 9.31ETROFUS HZCROS!OMUS 7.70 36.61 14.39 19.56 15.94I.ARLICHTU8-SCOPRTKRALUS 9.62 39.22 57.55 35.46 27.90TOTAL ZGGS 32.06 356.90 668.74 352.57 197.06Nermandeau,

Asseciwu, Ina., Falmouth.,

M1a.F~litC:IMslIUssow JchhJPNPS-IchlylffoVpslchthye2Ol&mdb Tabl: AauguAV PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY AUGUST 2010-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDate In -- AUGUST 2010: 9 I1 13 ARITHM. GEOM.SPIVOORTIA TFIRAMUS 0.00 0.65 1.88 0.84 0.68ANCHOA SeP. 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.21 0.188NC13LOvUS CDlRZS 0.00 5.23 0.00 1.74 0.84HEMUCCcUs 8DLlZ s 0.00 1.31 1.80 1.06 0.88UROPHYCIS s82. 1.28 7.19 1.88 3.45 2.59oeHWVZO MZiuM 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.21 0.10s82. 0.00 0.00 8.13 2.71 1.09SYR GNATHUS ruscus 0.00 1.31 1.25 0.85 0.73C0TROPRZSTIs

$SITATA 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.21 0.18TAITOGh ONlTZS 0.64 3.92 4.38 2.98 2.22T. ADSPERSVS STAGE 2 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.21 0.18T. ADSP!JWUS STAG! 3 8.98 0.00 5.00 4.66 2.91PZPRZIUS TRXACAM MTV 0.00 0.00 5.00 1.67 0.02PAPALICHTHYS OBLOINGUS 0.64 3.27 1.88 1.93 1.58SCOPHTIIALMUS AQUOSVS 0.00 0.65 1.25 0.63 0.55p. AmJmCAsIus STAGS 3 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.22 0.18UNIDENTZFZED FrMENT8 0.00 1.31 0.00 0.44 0.32LARVAE 21.54 25.49 35.03 24.02 21.76Nennandeau Asgecleles.

Inc., Felawuth,


GEOM.ZNC=ULTOPUS-UWVPlTCI$-PIEPRZL8 12.73 0.00 101.23 37.98 10.20MmCL*Olus CZrmRZus 1.06 1.71 2.74 1.84 1.71,LUCClU8-8T$ZOT0S-CTNOCW8C 67.87 913.08 0.00 326.98 38.79HGWUCCZUS ZZLINZAI)f.U8 15.91 92.76 23.25 43.97 32.50UROPKYCZI SPP. 10.61 5.56 47.88 21.35 14,13maoXOmTus Epp. 2.65 3.85 25.99 10.83 6.42LAiZDAR-LDfmA 77.42 0.00 199.72 92.30 24.06LARZIDAZ 0.49 23.08 273.58 101.72 37,70g 1wpus MCgOSTomus 0.53 31.21 51.98 27.91 9.51FARAICHYS-S¢OMUJI 33.41 19.24 231,11 94.61 52.96TOTAL EGGS 230.66 1090.48 957.54 759.56 622.18Normmndeem

.4soetata, Inc., Falmoush Ala.File C.14felksalNew ckthajwPNPS-lchthyolpnpsleciIhy.29lO.mdb Table.-Aqup&6 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY AUGUST 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAE .MEANSDate In -AUGUST 20I10: 16 Is 20 ARITHM. GEOM.uNcH oYOPUS cORZIus 0.00 2.99 1.37 1.45 1.11IH EL UCCIUS 0.53 0.43 8.21 3.06 1.23)CROGADUS TOCC00 0.00 2.99 0.00 1.00 0.59utoPfNTcis sPp. 1.06 0.00 2.74 1.27 0.97sUflIWATHUs Fuscus 0.00 0.00 4.10 1.37 0.72CIZTROPR.STZI STR.ATA 0.00 0.00 1.37 0.46 0.33TAITOGA ONTZS 0.53 0.00 4.10 1.54 0.98T. ADSPIERSUS STAGE 3 1.06 0.85 5.47 2.46 1.71PEPRZLUS 1.59 0.43 0.00 0.67 0.55PAPALZCHTHYS OBLONGU$

1.06 0.43 9.58 3.69 1.63LIMAMA FlMCUGZC 0.00 0.00 1.37 0.46 0.33TOTAL LARVAE 5.83 0.12 38.30 17.42 12.20Normandeaaa Anocdates Inc., Fe/mouth.


-25.02 13.24 19.13 19.20HE J= CCIUS ,IZLIZARIS 3.57 11.03 7.30 6.28UROPHTCls SPp. 7.15 12.50 9.83 9.45LA3.ANZ-LUDH A -28.59 46.33 37.46 36.40LBRIVAS 0.00 1.47 0.74 0.57ETROPFUS 3.57 1.47 2.52 2.29

-0.00 23.53 11.77 3.95GL.YPTOCPRALU8 CYNOGCO88U8

-7.15 0.00 3.57 1.85TOTAL GGS- 96.50 113.99 105.25 104.88Normandeou

Amwckles, Inc., Falmeuth, JIM.File C:IhelissaW~ewlchth.vIwPNPS.Ilchhjwipnpslchthy2OJOO.rmdh Table: August23 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYAUGUST 20 10 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDate In -- AUGUST 2010: 23 25 27 ARITHM. GEOM.ENCUJOPUB CflIVRXUS 0.00 4.41 2.21 1.331UmmUcczUs anKAZS -8 7,1.5 12.50 9.83 9.45UR0PYChz8 OPP. 0.00 12.50 6.25 2.67 ZVLwM 0.00 0.74 0.37 0.32TAUITOGA ONZTU 0.00 2.21 1.10 0.79T. ADSPZRSU$

STAGE 3 3.57 2.21 2.89 2.91PARALIc1TWYS OLONU8- 0.00 1.47 0.74 0.57scoPHT1sA M AQUOSUS 0.00 0.74 0.37 0.32TOTAL LARVAE -10.72 36.77 23.75 19.86Norm andeou A mscara, Ina., Falmouth, Ma.FileC:WeIlssIeiNew Ic hy iPNPS.ickihyolpapsIchfhye2OIO~mdb Table: AugsW25 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYAUGUST 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGS -MEANSARIThM. GEOM.Date In -AUGUST 2010:EMciLopus-URO1HYcz-psUIRZWs GERLUccru I ULINEMRZ5 flXONOTUS SF1.LAZP.ZAR-LMMA LA3RZDMSXTROPUS )UCROSTVMSS PARALICHTHTS-8COPHTHAU4UU




LADRIDAEETROPUS )aVIWSTOWJU PAPALZCKTIITS-ICOPTHTJALMJ TOTAL 9=G61.735.,251.302.090.370.404.1989.31 31.73Nannandeau Associates, Ina., Falmnouth, Aid.Flie C~lheftslsNew lcbhrnjIPNVPS-Ikthihywpnpskhldhy.91.mndb Table. SepienbvrM PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY SEPTEMBER 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDate In -SEPTEMBER 2010: 6 8 10 ARITHM. GEOM.SUVOO~rT-,

TYRA HMS 0.00 2.62 22.24 9.29 3.38AICHOA s,. 0.00 0.00 1. 59 0.53 0.37m mLUVCZUJ8 BLf = ARZ8 0.00 1.57 1.59 1.05 0.80ROPHKTCZS SFP. 0.00 0.00 14.30 4,77 1.48SYNK(ATHVUIB ISCUS 0.00 1.05 1.59 0.08 0.74 pp. 0.00 0.00 1.59 0.53 0.37NlOXOChPHKALUS AMDUS 0.00 1.05 0.00 0.35 0.27CUNTnOPRlSUlS 0.00 0.00 3.18 1.06 0.61TNATOGR ON=TZ5 1.73 12.57 22.24 12.18 7.85T.

STAGZ 2 0.00 0.52 0.00 0.17 0.15T. USPES S WTAGS 3 0.00 1.05 0.00 0.35 0.27FRPPJLU$

TRKACAN)THUS 0.00 0.00 3.10 1.06 0.51 DEWTATUS fWUV.) 0.00 0.52 0.00 0.17 0.15PARALICBKHS oMoUM o.oo .0.00 15.09 5.30 1.578COPHTKALMIUS AQUOSUS 0.00 0.00 12.71 4.24 1.39TraNECTEU HACULATUS 0.00 3.14 0.00 1.05 0.61TOTAL LRWIAZ 1.73 24.09 100.08 41.97 16.10Nvnhluhdeau Asdias. limc, Falmoseth, AmoFile C:I~elssalew khbthytiPNPS-lehfhjwlpnrpslchfhyu2Olg.mdh 7ihhk: Seplemhe$J6 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY SEPTEMBER 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSDate In -SEPTEMBER 2010: 13 is 17 ARITHM. GEOM.

1.02 4.34 1.37 2.24 1.833zNcmmOy, S clP.Xuo 0.00 0.72 0.00 0.24 0.20HERLUCCZ"-STRU8O--C"N0SCON 4.60 5.78 4.12 4.93 4.70HN1LC=

1.02 5.06 1.37 2.49 1.92UROHYCIZS

51. 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.15LA5DIDM-LflAMA 2.55 2.17 3.43 2.72 2.67L.BRIDAN 0.00 0.00 0.69 0.23 0.19rn0O1IS )CROSTOW878 0.00 0.72 0.69 0.47 0.43 9.69 27.47 41.06 26.01 21.54T'OTAL EC=S 18.40 46.27 53.53 39.40 35.72Ntmn~deuu Avoclater, In,c Falmoulls, Mm.~ile C-LMeiluatNew IcAhy.pPNPS.Ichwluep~epsickhttyg2OlO.mdh 7'able: Septemberij PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYSEPTEMBER 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEIIIII IIIIMEANSARITHM. GEOM.Dale In -SEPTEMBER 2010:13DUEVOORTIA TYUAMNUSENCNBLTOPUS CDAXUsMCRWCCIVS SILfl3ARtS UROPHYCZU 311'.NTNM1THW5 YUSCUSPAoKQTU NVOLP.M8C3N4TROMOZ8?S STRIATATAUTOGA ONTIfST. ADSPUSUS STAGE 3STUOPUS M4cROSTcKUS PARALICKTHTI ODLOIIGS8COPHTIIALNIIS AQUoSUSTOTAL LARVAE1.021.530.003.550.510.001.024.600.510.512.047.1522.48150.000.720.720.720.720.000.000.680.000.001.456.5119.52173.431.370.691.370.691,370.002.740.0001001.372.0615.101.481.210.471.590.640.460.345.340.170.171.625.2419.


!ThORAUS 17.22 5.14 0.00 7.69 3.99z(CIMIZ!opu8 s cisU.-8 0.00 3.24 0.97 1.40 1.03HRLUCCXUs BZILZNEARZ 0.00 1.30 0.00 0.43 0.32URoPHcIZs 8,,. 1.57 1.30 0.00 0.95 0.91M.OMN S CMOUZRN--

0.00 0.00 0.97 0,32 0.25C OMPMSTo S STRsATA 0.00 0.00 1.93 0.64 0.43TAXITOGA ONXTZ8 1.57 9.09 2.90 4.52 3.44TROwPUS JacROSTOUus 0.00 6.49 1.93 2.01 1.60PARAL"CWZU!8 1.57 0.00 1.93 1.17 0.96SCORIITIALMB AQUOSUS 0.00 1.30 1.93 1.08 0.59GLYPTMOCHUNMUS CYN)0GOSSUS 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.32 0.25TOTAL LARVIAE 21.92 26.54 13,54 21.33 20.38Normaundeu Azzocluses Inc., Falmouth, M.4.FitCleCAfd~isnNewlc~hiyoiPNPS-Ickthy.ipskbhlhjWZ~laZidb Table., SepfrembeZO el PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY SEPTEMBER DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGS =2010-MEANSARITIIM.

GEOM.Datc to -- SEPTEMBER 20 10:ENCULTOPtUS-UPOPHYCz8-vPEPRwS UImcNL!QI' VIMUPIUSlRUCCZU8-W0fTOXU3-CflN08CZON WJ6OWCCIZ38 BZLnhEAmLAMDAWMPARALICHTNTS-SCOMHAIMIAUU TOTAL Grp$,601.,920.535.281.0611.3721.971.620.610.444.850,7711.1321.95No Frtday Fall-Winter schedule begins.Nonmmadovu Assoddres, Inc., Falmesith, AftsFile C1M~diD5oEw Ichihye1PNPS.IchfhyelpnpsIchfhye2Oft*mdb Table.-Seplernhcr27 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDY SEPTEMBER 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDate ]n -SEPTEMBER 2010: 27 29 1 ARITHM. GEOM.3ERVOORTZA TY¥1UIUS 2.11 0.00 -1.05 0.76BNCULny1U8 0.00 4.79 -2.39 1.41MERLCCIU8 BZLfINABIS 0.00 1.06 -0.53 0.44VROPHYCZ8

$PP. 4.21 0.00 -2.11 1.208TNGMAHKUS VUSCV8 0.00 0.53 -0.27 0.24FPRI0T"=8 UVOLMU 0.00 0.53 -0.27 0.24CfINTO M 8T18 STRZATA 0.00 2.66 -1.33 0.91TAUTOGA ONITZI 5.27 3.19 -4.23 4.10PBPRIUZ8 TRIACANTHVS 1.05 0.53 -0.79 0.75ZYROPU8 1.05 10.10 -5.58 3.26PAVALZCHTUIS OOWJ8 0.00 1.06 -0.53 0.44SCOPHTIIAL.v8 AguoW,' 0.00 2.13 -1.06 0.77TOTAL LARVAE 13.70 26.59 -20.14 19.08No Frlday sampling, Full-Wint.r achedule begins.Nenuwadeam


IPARALZCHTilYS-8C0PHTHNIEMS TOTAL 50080.814.894.891.631.6317.1030.940.514.894.091.631.6317.1030.940.814.894.891. *631.63.7.1030.94Noe Monday and Wednesday

aempling, due to high tide and uto=u.Normandeaia
Azseciaf, liw., Falmatih.

ma.Fie C AMefissaV~ew irAhy.I PNPS Iklhj apsAmlehy.2~l9~nub ruble. OcfvbewO4


sampling, due to hi1gh tide and storm.Nomandmou
Assocata, Ina~, Fehuwuth, Ma.file C.IWellualNew IcbthyjetPNPS.IchthyolpnpslclhthyeZlO.mdb Table: Octber94 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYOCTOBER 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSJtDate In -- OCTOBER 2010:)WLUCCXU8-U$g)IOT41B-CTYtO8CXON IW.WccIus MILN3Ms3fltPoJ HICROSTQUS PARALICSTUTS-SCOPSTWALWJI TOTAL EGGSII14I5MEANSARITHM. GEOM.2.176.501.086.5016. izn progress on wed, Sample collected on Thursday.

Noe friday seampiug.


?AAMLICHIITS ODWWJDU8COPHKANWS AQUOSUSTOTAL LARVAEII0.,793.570.600.540.540.840.541.985.030.480.440.440.900.441.974.02Backwash in programs on Ned, Smaple collected on Thursday.

No friday sawpling.

AWmandeau Associaels, Imc, Fal~s Mh.ALaPite C~i Aldlsai New IshytWPNPS-Ichthyipnpulchthyo29l9.mdb Table Octoerill


Inc., Fdalmuh, KlaFIU C.IthkllualNew IchtkhIPNP$.IclulhvYetprpshth)w2010.mdb Tae.l:OcloberIB


AftFile C:I1efinatI~ew IchihyolPNPS&ichth)iw~pnpsichfhyvZUIUamdh Thbbk:Novembeu0l PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYNOVEMBER 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLkIRVAEMEANSARITHM. GEOM.Date In -NOVEMBER 2010:I .-35-LPAHARMzICNLlo1us cZiURZusUN=Mxn=cwnzyoaxs TOTAL lmAJWA0. .640. Assoclutu, inc., Faimeut, MA.tF6718 CLidbl~Naw lcht)AyePNF$.IchfhyolpnpskhtdyeglO.mdb ruble; NawnhcOJ PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHAROE STUDYNOVEMBER 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSARITHM. GEOM.Date In- NOVEMBER 2010:EHIMMXUODU-U1~t1NCl8-lP~n=1Z GADVI KORBUA!0'AL 1GW150.002.002.00170.550.000.55190. Asseciale, Inc., Fulmoulh, Ma.File CtMe1savalew ichthyelPNm.Icblhyotpnpsichih jo3OO.mdb rabic; Novemlbfr1 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYNOVEMBER 20 10 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERI.ARVA.MEANSARITHM. GEOM.Date In -NOVEMBER 2010:CLUP" A 1IM~GSD1cHLTovus CnmIUsAbo4OVyn8 or.WIZDBNTZIED FrpAumuUNZITX Clmun-mTOTAL LARVAE1512.701.340.001.340.0015.37170.000.000.550.001.101.65191. Amodes, lim, FalmoutI.

Ma.File ClMei~nai New IldshyolPNPSlckhiyolpnpsichthy.2UlO.mdh Thble.*NoewuberiS

!4 PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYDECEMBER 201!0 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGOS.. .. .. .. I Il l I I III IIII IIIMEANSARITHM. GEOM.Dale In -DECEMBER 2010:"~DUB bgxWW&1VBM.IC=VH8-SQ1?HTHAZJW8 IV=A go"860.700.000.7080.750.000.751012.640.74L3.3 394.700.254.951.880,201.92Normandeou Assocdafft,~In

Auecinfa, lite., Faimeutho bft.P 1tC~IalksaIw ldfuhyelp?3Y,.IlIuth~relpuzkhfhjw29lOgnmdh Tdbhie.;Dftrwmhu06 r"' PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYDECEMBER 2010.-DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER IDD CUBIC METERS OF WATEREGGSMEANSARITHM. GEOM.Dale In -DECEMBER 2010:131517GADws HOJumATW~AL losG2.202.202, Ina, Fulmouth, Jm.~Plle CMICILUWEw kIcAy.PNPS4dchhyolpnpuidakyio2OJo.mdb Tabk. Dwmhg7ij PILGRIM POWER PLANT DISCHARGE STUDYDECEMBER 2010 -DENSITIES IN NUMBER OF PLANKTON PER 100 CUBIC METERS OF WATERLARVAEMEANSDato In -- DECEMBER 2010:WO!AL WMRYM1315MEANS17 ARITHM. GEOM.0900 0199 0.00NerMandeau Anochutes Inc.. Falniouth, al.File C.RIdbuuINew I hgPNP-kchlhyv*npskhlchvy2Olumdb Table, December))

APPENDIX B*Geometric mean monthly densities and 95% confidence limits per 100 m3 of water for thedominant species of fish eggs and larvae entrained at PNPS, Note the following:

When extra sampling series were required under the contingency sampling regime, results wereincluded in calculating monthly mean densities.

Shaded columns for certain months in 1984, 1987, and 1999 delineate periods when samplingwas conducted for all or part of a month with only salt service water pumps in operaton.

Densities recorded at those times were probably biased low due to low through-plant water flow(MRI 1994).*Available upon request.

.LanuaEGGSBrevoortia tyrannusGadidae-Glyptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis.

PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp.Prionotus spp.Labridae-Limanda LabridaeScomber scombrusParalichthys-Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Limandaferruginea 1981 1982~1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 19890 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00002.81,1-600000000.050-0.200000.50.l-l0000000000000.30.1.1000000000000.50-1.500000000000.090-0.4000000000 0 0 0Total 2.9 0.05 0 0.3 0 0.5 0.09 0 01.1-6 0.1-1 0-1.1 0-1.5 0-0.4 January (continued)

EGGS 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortia tyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gadidae-Glyplocephalus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,10-0.5Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 00-0.5Gadus morhua 0.4 0 0 0 0 0.09 0 0 0-0.4 0-1Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.09 00-0.4Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Prionotus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labridae-Limanda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.10-0.5Labfidae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Paralichthys-Scophthalmus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Hippogloissoides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0 0.2 0 0.3 0 0 00-0.7 0-0,9Total 0.4 0 0 0.2 0 0.3 0.1 0.09 0.70-1.1 0-0.7 0-1.1 0-1.1 0-0.4 0.2-1.3 Januay (continued)

EGGS 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevooria tyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0 0 0.5 0.1 0 0 0 0 00.2 0-0.3Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gadus morhua 0 3.0 0.6 1.3 1.7 0.7 2.1 0,4 0,050-27 0-1.7 0.04-4 0.2.5 0.2-1.4 0-19 0-1.6 0-0.2Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Prionotus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labrdae-Limanda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labridae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Paralichthvs-Scophthalmus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Hippogloissoides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Total 0 3.0 1.4 1.5 1.7 0.7 2.1 0.4 0.050-27 0.4-3 0.2-4 0.2-5 0.2-1,4 0-19 0-1.6 0-0.2 January (continued)

EGGSBrevoortia tyrannusGaddae-Glyptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis-PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp.Prionotus spp.Labridae-Limanda LabridaeScomber scombrusParalichthys-Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Limandaferruginea 2008000000000000002009 20100 00 00 00 00 0.40-1.00 00 00 00 00.08 00-0,30 00 00 00 00.1 0.40-0.3 0-1.0Total FebruaryEGGS 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989Brevoortia tyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Enchelyopus-Urophcis-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gadus morhua 1.0 0.08 0.2 1.2 0.4 0.4 0.1 0 00.2-2.2 0-0.3 0-0.7 0.6-2.1 0-1 0-1 0-0.4Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a oUrophycisspp.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a aPrionotus spp. 0 0 0 a a a a a 0Labridae-Limanda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labridae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 aScomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Paralichthys-Scophthalmus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Hippogloissoides 0 0 0.3 0.3 0 a 0 0.08 0platessoides 0-0.8 0.1-0.6 0.0.3Limandaferruginea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Total 1.9 0.08 0.5 1.6 0.8 0.4 1.0 0,08 0.10.1-7.1 0-0.3 0-1.4 0,8-29 0.3-1.6 0-1 0-0.4 0-0,3 0-0.4 Februa_ (continued)

EGGS 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortia tyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gadidae-Glvplocephalus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Enchelvopus-Urophycis-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.20-0.7Gadus morhua 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.3 0.2 2.10-0.8 0-1.1 0-0.9 0,74.8Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 00-1,1Urophycis spp, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Prionolus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labridae-Limanda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labridae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Paralichthys-Scophthalmus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Hippogloissoides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.30-1.4Limandaferruginea 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 00-0.5Total 0 0 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.3 0.7 2.90-0.8 0-0.5 0-1.1 0.5-1.1 1-6.1 Febrgaa (continued)

EGGS 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoortia tyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0.08 0 0 0 0 0 0.15 00-0.3 0-0.4Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.03 00W0.1Gadus morhua 0.2 0 0.9 1.5 1.1 0.5 1.0 0.3 00-0.5 0-5.8 0.4-3.7 0.2-2.5 0.1-1 0.2-2,5 0-0.9Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Prionotus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labndae-Limanda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labn'dae 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0.070-0.3 0-0.3Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00Paralichthys-Scophihalmus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Hippogloissoides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0plaressoides Limandafernuginea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Total 0.3 0 0.9 1.7 1. 0.5 1.3 0.5 0.070-0.9 0-5.8 0.6-3.7 0.2-2.5 0,1-1 0.5-2.7 0-0.9 0-0.3 February (continued)

EGGS 2008 2009 2010Brevoortia tyrannus 0 0 0Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0 0.05 0.040-0.2 0-0.2Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0 0PeprilusEncheivopus cimbrius 0 0 0Gadus morhua 0 0 0.350-1.0Pollachius virens 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0Prionotus spp, 0 0 0Labridae-Limanda 0 0 0Labridae 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0Paralichthys-Scophhalmus 0 0 0Hippogloissoides 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 -0Total 0 0.05 0.370-0.2 0-1.0 MarchEGGS 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989Brevoorlia yrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gadidae-Glyplocephalus 0 0 0.4 0.08 0 0 0.4 0.1 0,040-0.9 0-0.2 0-1 0-0.3 0-0.1Enchelyopus-Urophycis.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.08 00-0.2Gadus morhua 0.9 0.3 2.9 1.7 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.040.2-2 0.0.8 1.1-5.9 0.8-2.9 0-0.5 0.1-0.6 0-0.8 0.01-0.4 0-0.1Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Prionots spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labn'dae-Limanda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labridae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Paralichthys-Scophihalmus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Hippogloissoides 1.7 0 6,0 2.7 0.2 0 0 0.09 0.07platessoides 0.4-4.3 3.3-10 1.44.7 0-0.5 0-0.2 0-0.2Limandaferruginea 0.03 0 0 0.07 0.04 0,03 0 0.06 00-0.1 0-0.2 0-0.1 0-0,1 0-0.2Total 4.1 0.9 10.4 5,3 1.4 2.3 12.1 2.4 0.31.6-8.7 0.2-2.1 5.8-18 3.1-8.5 0.4-3.2 0.6-5,5 2-56 0.6-6.3 0.04-0.6 March (continued)

EGGS 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortia tvrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0 0.05 0 0 0.2 0.06 0.1 0 0.10-0.2 0-0.5 0-0.2 0-0.3 0-0.4Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PeprilusEnchelvopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0.2 00-0.5 0-0.7Godus morhua 0 0.2 0 0.2 0.05 0,6 0.5 0 0.10-0.4 0-0.4 0-0.2 0-1.6 0.2-0.9 0-0.3Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Prionotus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labridae-Limanda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labridae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Paralichthys-Scophthalmus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Hippogloissoides 0 0.2 0.07 0.04 0.3 0.1 0.3 0 0.2platessoides 0-0.5 0-0.2 0-0.1 0.01-0.7 0-0.4 0-0.7 0-0.5Limandaferruginea 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.10.01-0.5 0-0.3Total 0 0.4 0.2 0.6 1.8 1.0 1.2 1.2 0.70.01-0.9 0-0.5 0-1.9 0.6-3,8 0.2-2.5 0.3-2.7 0-5 0.2-1.3 March (continued)

EGGS 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Breworlia tyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gadidae-Glptocephalus 0.3 0.3 0.2 0 0.4 0 0.6 0.2 0.050.01-0.7 0-0.9 0-0.6 0.1-0.9 0.1-1.5 0-0.7 0-0.2Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0.1 0 0.05 0.05 0 00-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.2Gadus morhua 0.1 0 0.3 0 0.7 0.05 0.07 0 00-0.3 0.1-0.6 0.2-1.7 0-0.2 0M0.3Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Prionotus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labridae-Limanda 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 00-1Labridae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomberscombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Hippogloissoides 0.3 0 0.3 0 0.3 0 0.1 0.1 0platessoides 0-0.7 0-1 0.7-0.6 0-0.2 0-0.2Limandaferruginea 0 0 0.1 0 0.6 0 0 0 00.0.4 0.2To 0.8 0.3 1.0 0.2 2.3 0.2 0.8 0.3 0.050.2-1.5 0-0.9 0.3-2.3 0.1 0.94.8 0-0.5 0.2-1.8 0-0.8 0-0.2 March (continued)

EGGSBrevoortia tyrannusGadidae-Glyptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis-PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp.Prionotus spp,Labridae-Limanda LabddaeScomber scombrusHippogloissoides platessoides Limandaferruginea Total20080000,050-0.20.20-0.700000.060-0.200.20-0.600.60.1-1.42009 20100 00 1.60.7-3.00 00.04 0.030-0.1 0-0.10 2.41.0-4.90 00 00 00 0.20-0.70 0.10-0.20 00.06 0.5040.2 0.2-1.000.2 5.40-0.7 2.4-11.1 kA~nEGGSBrevoortia tyrannusGadidae-GlYptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis.

PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp.Prionotus spp.Labrdae-Limanda LabndaeScomber scombrusParalichthys-Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Limandaferruginea Total'No sampl~ig.

1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 19871 198.80 0 0 ,4- 0 : 00.03 04 ,,0 0 0.060M0.1 0.02-08 0-0.20 0 0 00.2 0.03 0.4 0.5 2.1 1.90-0.5 M-O.1 0,01-0.8 0-14 0.5-5.4 0.4-5.20.3 0.07 0.4 .1.0 0.1 1.10-0.7 0-0.2 0107 02-2.2 0M0.4 0.03-3.40 0 0 0 .05 0 0.i' 0-020 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 ~ O0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00g0 0 Y 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0.... U ':- .0 0 0 0 0. 00 -0.50.2-1.4 0,03-1,4 0.6-2.8 I:L 0,1-2.3 0-0.4 1,1-5.40.7 0.03 18 1.7 0.3 1.30.04-1.8 0-0.09 0.6-3.8 Tt 0.3.5 0-0.7 0.5-2.54.6 1.0 5.8 6.3 5.4 11.51.2-13 0.3-2.1 2.911 2.7-13 0.6-10 6.5-20198900.060-0.20.50-1.30.40-10000.20-0.90000.60-1.80.50- Apil (continued)

EGGS 1990Brevoortia tyrannus 0Gaddae.Glyptocephalus 0Enchelyopus-Urophycis.

0PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius 1.00-3.7Gadus morhua 0.10-0.3Pollachius virens 0Urophycis spp. 0Prionotus spp. 0Labridae-Limanda 0Labridae 0Scomber scombrus 0Paralichthys-Scophthalmus 0Hppogloissoides 0.9platessoides 0,3-1.9LJmandaferruginea 0.50.1-1199100.10-0.300.70.1-1.70,70.2-1.400000002.71.3-,1-,400000007.53-171.00.3-2.219930000.10-,72.2-130199400.10-0.500.20-0.60.30-0.70000.060-0.20001.80.6-3.70.20-0.6'99500000.1M0.600000003.83-4.80.70-1,819960000.10- 19980. 00.2 0.20.0,5 0-0.60 03.9 3.41.1-9.1 0.8-9.61.4 0.80.5-2.9 0.2-1.70 00 00 00.6 0.30-2.3 0-1,10.3 0.20-1.1 0-0,60.06 0.040-0.2 0-0,10 05.2 4.02.7-9.6 1-124.6 7,71.3-13 2.7-20Total 4.1 7.7 14.7 6.1 39 7.6 2.7 20.6 23.21.9-8.2 4.7-12 6.2-33 2.4-14 1.9-7.3 4-14 0.8-6.6 9.1-45 9.9:53 April (continued)

EGGS 1999Brevoortia tyrannus 0Gadidae-Glyptocephahu.


0PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius 1.60.6-3.3Gadus morhua 0.20-0.6Pollachius virens 0Urophyci spp, -0Prionotus spp, 0Labridae-Limanda 0Labridae 0Scomber scombrus 0.10-5Paralichthys.Scophthalmus 0.10-0.4Hippoglossoides platessoides 5.32.5-10.4Limandaferruginea 2.40.8-5.3Total 13.27.5-22200000.90.1-,30.6-170.80-2.50.50-1.3I.10-'.50.5- 20070 00.5 0.70,04-1.1 0-3.30.1 00-0.30.1 00-0.20.1 0.20-0.4 0-1.10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00.8 0.70.1-2.0 0-2.40.3 0.10-0.7 0-0.52.8 1.91-6.0 0-9.2IIMý Ap~I coiiCtinued)

EGGS 2008 2009 2010Brevoortia 0,rannms 0 0 0Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0.04 0 0.10-0.1 0-0.3Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0.1 0 0Peprilus 0-0.3Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.4 0.2 1.40-0.9 0-0.8 0.3-3.3Gadus morhua 0.7 0.2 0.20.2-1.5 0-0.8 0-0.7Pollachius virens 0 0 0Urophyvcis spp. 0 0 0.040M0.!Prionofus spp. 0 0 0Labridae-Limanda 0.3 0 0.60-1,1 0-1,6Labridae 0.04 0 0.10-0.1 0-0.4Scomber scombrus 0.1 0 00-0.2Paralichthys-Scophihalmus 0.1 0 00-0.2Hippoglossoides platessoides 1.4 0.5 0.80,24.1 0-2.2 0,1-1.8Limandaferruginea 1.0 1.2 2,50,3-2.3 0.4-2.5 0.7-6.1Total 4.8 3.3 10.31.5-12.6 0.8-9.8 5.6-18.4 MayEGGSBrewortia tyrannusGadidae-Glyptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis-PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbriusGodus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp.Prionotus spp,Labridae-Limanda LabrdaeScomber scombn.4Paralichthys-Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Limandaferruginea 198100.20-,100,080-0.3023.010-501.30.1-3.75,40.8-227.02-204,52.6- 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 19890 0 0 0 0 0.104 0.2 20 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.60.02-0.4 0.647.7 ' " 0.2-1.2 0,09 0-0,4 0.1-1.32.2 6.0 4.5 16.3 ___ 92 22.11,2-3.6 4.3-8.2 1.9-9 6.241 2,7-27 6.9-660.6 3.3 6.7 135 18.6 8.70.2-1.1 0.6-10 4 4.3-10 56-31 6848 3,5-200.09 0 .0.3 0.2 .. 0.06 0.30-0.2 0.1-09 01-L4 0106 0 -04002 0-0.60 0., 0 0 _ , 0 00 0 .04 04 0.06 0 O 0.30-0.1 ..+- 0 0.9 0-02 ,.0 0

  • 0.2 0 0 00.1-0.416.3 6.6 85.2 18.9 A..7 39,6 47.27.1-36 1.3-24 Z2 9g7:: 19-365 ::i?7 13-115 8.3-2502.4 0.2 0.6 0.9 A , 4.4 0-0.4 .-. , 0-1,5 0-2.6 L.,- 1 6-10 9.5 a 204.3 91.0 i1.[ 152.5 137.50.5-7.1 1.1-51 i~1 64-644 56-149 +:4O 18-1217 14-13223.9 3.6 15.3 143 4_7 22,4 15.71.4-8.7 0.8.11 1! 10-24 6.4.30 6374 6.9-34* ~ ~ ~ 1 6.3.l4, 6.9(-236,-4 0.9 1.8 09 0.4 0.05 1.20.3-1.6 0.9-3 .0.5-1.6 0.01-0.8 0-0.2 0.3-2.71,5 10 2.5 0.4 .4.6 2.50.7-2.7 0.2-2,4 , 1.1-4.8 0.01-0.9 Q.90 1.9-10 0.8-5.5107.1 663 757.8 230.1 73.7 616.659-194 21-202 :, 271-2111 1M50-353 t~'i 129-1727 125-3021TotalmI May (continued)

EGGSBrevoortia tyrannusGadidae-Glyptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis-PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 19980 0.3 0 0 0 0.06 0.1 0. 0.90-0.9 0-0.2 0-0.3 0.02-2.40.5 1.4 0.20.2-1 0.3-3.7 0-0.60 0,2 1.2 0.1 0.3 0.20-0,7 0-4.2 0-0.2 0-0.7 0-0.521 15.9 1.0 3.7 3.2 3,7 3.3 2.2 5.79-46 5,3-44 0.3-2.2 1.9-6.6 1.1-7.5 0-25 1.4-6.8 0.6-5.3 3.3-9.410.7 18.9 3.1 1.8 5,9 9.9 2.7 3.5 3.66.7-17 9.38 0.7-8.8 0,9-3.1 1.8-16 3.7-24 1-6 0.9-9.6 1.9-6Gadus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp.Prionotus spp,Labidae-Limanda Labridae0.5 0.9 0.60.1-I 0.3-1.9 0.1-1.50 0 00 0.4 0.8 0.10.1-1 0,2-1.8 0-0.4o 0 0 00 0o 00 0 0 0. 0 0 0.1 0 00-0.20 0 0 00 0 0.050-0.20 020.9 36.7 16.9 110.0 10.0 25.0 24.2 19.5 51.17.3-57 6.6-187 3.8-66 12-928 2-40 2.4-197 4.9-107 5.8-61 8.6-2810.6 5.3 2.4 2.8 0.6 2.7 4.6 1.8 1.30-1.5 1.4-16 0.7-5.5 0.5-8.2 0-2.1 0.1-11 0.6-19 0.4-4.4 0-8.4Scomberscombrus 50.4 75.0 22.5 1042.1 67.4 73.2 201.4 21.3 196.08.7-271 12-451 5.8-80 157-6890 16-269 6.5-733 23-1699 3.2-117 43-887Paralichthys-Scophthalmus 6.7 10.3 12.0 34.2 2.6 16.2 11.4 8.8 23.32.8-15 5.8-18 4.8-28 7.6-143 0.8-6.1 2.7-79 3.1-36 3.8-19 13-42Hippogloissoides platessoides 1.2 1.7 3.2 0.7 4.2 5.8 1.3 1.3 1.10.5-2.2 0.7-3.1 0.9-8.2 0-2.5 2-8 2.9-11 0.5-2.5 0.4-2.8 0.2-2.7Limandaferruginea 0.7 1. 0.8 0.5 4.8 3.5 0.5 2.6 2.00.3-1.2 0.4-2.6 0.1-2 0-1.5 2.5-8.6 0.6-12 0.02-1.1 1.1-5 0.4-5.1Total 278.6 298.5 131.1 1301.9 139.4 240.2 336.1 91.3 579.699-784 91-969 63-272 211-7999 44-441 43-1315 53-2119 28-289 174-1921 May (continued)

EGGS 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoortia

,vrannus 0 0.3 0.03 0 0 0 0 0.50-0.8 0-0.8 0-1.6Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0.8 0.1 1.6 1.1 0.5 0.5 .0.2 1.10.1-2.2 0-0.3 0.24.5 0.3-2.5 0.1-0,9 0.1.6 0.0.7 0.4-2.2Enchelyopus-Urophyds-

, 7.3 1.7 6.5 3.9 2.2 1.6 2.2 7Peprilus 66..31 3.2-15 0-6.4 3.3-12.2 1-11 1-4.2 0.5-3.4 0.6-5,6 3.6-13.1,nche0yopus cim ss 0.6 5.3 0.2 3.3 1.4 2.5 10 2.9t 0-1,4 0.7-22 0-0.7 1.1-8.1 0.3-3.3 0.5-7.1 0.1-2.7 1,1-6.1Gduslmorhua 040.04 0.4 0.06 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 1.904 04.1 0-1.2 0.0.2 0-1.3 0-1 0-0.9 0-0.6 0.8-3.7Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophvcis spp, ,. 0 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0.10-0.4 0-0.4 0-0.4 0-0.3Prionotus spp, 0,1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0". ! 0.0.5Labridae-Limanda 4W1i." 80.7 44.4 29,6 7.2 27.9 24.8 37.5 16.6Ji7.22-282 7.8-234 11-75 1.5-25 7.6-97 7.4-78.1 9.5-140 6.441.1Labridae

! 0 0 0 0.06 0.7 2.2 0.2 0 1.80-0.2 0-2.1 0.4-6.3 0-0.7 0,542Scomberscombrus 1 197.6 141.3 371.2 60.1 15.6 6 8.6 7,2': ,!44-870 45436 224-616 13-281 4 .2-52 1.0-23.3 1.9-22.2Paralichthys-Scophthalmus

.22,4 30.0 19.8 5.6 15.1 4.9 8.7 11.47:10; 7.8-61 15-57 12-31 2.1-13 5.5-39 1.8-11.4 3.3-21.0 4.3-27.9Hippogloissoides

, .= 3.4 2.4 1.3 5.9 5.9 0.9 2.8 6.6platessoides 1.3-7.4 0.4-7.4 0.1-3.8 1.4-19 2.2-14 0-3.2 1.2-5.8 2.4-15.8Limandaferruginea 0 1.9 2.5 0.5 0 0 0,1 0,50.3-5.3 0.6-6.4 0-1.6 0-0.3 0,1-1.1Total ! 712.6 394.1 514.4 129.4 141.9 56.9 89.4 66.8922 -1 28-790 138-1120 345-768 44-374 63-316 17.6-178.6 22.4-196.0 May (continued)

EGGS 2008 2009 2010Brevoortia tyrannus 0.2 0 00-0.7Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0.2 1.3 0.20-0.5 0.3-3.0 0-0.6Enchelyopus.

Urophycis-12.9 5.1 5.7Peprilus 6.2-26.0 1.3-14,7 2.7-11.1Enchelyopus cimbrius 2.5 3.8 4.00.7-6.2 1.1-9.7 1.8-8.1Gadus morhua 0.4 3.3 0.30-1.4 0.6-10.6 0-0.7Pollachius virens 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0.2 0 00-0.6Prionotus spp. 0 0 0Labridae-Limanda 65.5 85.5 31.524.3-173.4 11,7-590,1 7,8-118.5 Labridae 2.1 18.5 19.30.2-6.9 5.7-55.6 8.6-42.2Scomberscombrus 33.7 56.3 10.97.6-138,6 12.7-238.3 3.6-30.2Paralichthys-Scophthalmus 20.1 58.2 33.77.4-52,0 16.4-200.3 11.0-99.3 Hippogloissoides 1.7 11.6 1,7platessoides 0.4-4.3 3.6-33.3 0.7-3.5Limandaferruginea 0 0 0Total 190.2 309.1 195.173.5-489.7 49.0-1922 102.5-370.8 JuneEGGS 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989Brevoortia tyrannus 1.3 1.4 0.4 , 0.4 0.1.8 21.10.7-2.1 0.3-3.4 0-0.9 i A !: 0.1.3 0-2.4 '!:

16-28Gaddae-Glyptocephalus 1.6 0_3 0.3 0.7 0.7 : O'2 " 1.1 0.20.8-2.8 0.04-0.7 0,14,7 00.42.2 0-0.6Enchelyopus-Urophocis-32.3 6.7 23.7 -13.7 14.0 21.9 26.9Peprilus 18-57 3.9-11 1341 76,,1 73-25 4-44 "i*24 11-43 19-38p;: : ." ::,.. :.! .. .~Enchelyopuscimbrius 11.8 6.7 7,0 5,5 22.7 283 26.77.9-17 4.6-9.6 3-15 g J 2.2-12 6,2-77 2 15-52 1742Gadusmorhua 1.7 0.2 0.4 , .0.2 0.05 ' : 0.2 00.9-2.8 0.01-0.4 0-1.0 124-,. 0-0.4 002 M.Si.5" 0-05Pollachius virens 0 0 0 F 0 0 ' 0 0Urophycis spp. 3.8 1.4 1.7 2.6' 27 23 2,2 26.91.9-7.1 0.7-2.3 0.6-33 1.34.8 0.6-5.9 1.1-3.9 20-35Prionotus spp. 0.5 0.3 0.8 3.5 2.7 0. 1.80.2-1 0.04-0.7 0.2-1.6 1.5-7.2 1.64.3 "A-' 0.1-0.3 0.6-3.9Labfidae-Limanda 892.7 1187.9 2641.3 4%83 376.6 900.3 ._._ 704.6 2941.8459-1734 745-1893 932-7480

'~37-8 169-838 431-1879 i89 419-1184 18074789Labridae 58.7 143.8 100.5 ' 61.2 41.7 147.7 674.333-105 115-180 50-201 7,'- 30-123 17-98 "4,11445:

114-192 461-986Scomber scombrus 46.6 15.0 77,3 ' , j 47.8 434 542.9 114.625-86 3.2-60 35-169 18-126 8,5-207 n i 155-1901 25-513Paralichthys-Scophihalmus 30.7 30.8 292 i A 275 228 ! " 37.1 114.618-52 2048 15-56 74 12-60 16-33 !.! ":- 22-62 73-179Hippogloissoides 1.2 0 0.5 0 0 0. 07 0platessoides 0.6-1.8 0.1 .I ) ' -7" 00.2Limandafemruginea 1.6 0.7 0.8 : 0.7 0.3 "p*' ' 1.4 2.50.5-3.3 0-2.0 0.09-2 .0-2.1 0-1.1 0332 0.7-6.5Total 1432.7 1565,7 40354 575.4 1555,9 ..2659.4 4653.7813-2524 1040-2357 1930-8435 I 264-1254 867-2792 4 S 1563-4524 2825-7665 June (continued)

EGGS 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortia tyrannus 0.5 0.7 0.3 1.5 2.8 0.7 3.21 20.3 7.30.1-1.1 0-2.3 0-0.8 0.5-3.3 0.5-8.2 0-2.1 0.7-9,.1 6.2-62 2.4-20Gadidae-Glyptoceph/lus 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.2 0 0 0.50.1-1.7 0-044 0-0.4 0.01-0.9 0-0.6 0-0.6 0-1.1Enchelyopus-Urophycis-9.8 3.6 2.5 7.9 3.4 7.1 4.1 7.7 13.6Peprilus 3.5-25 1-9 0.7-6.3 3.1-18 1-8.8 1.8-23 1.14-1 2.4-21 7.9-23Enchelvopus cimbrius 8.9 2.2 2.3 3.4 5.6 8.5 1.6 9.7 7.33,1-23 0.04-9 0.6.6 1.1-8.4 2.3-12 2.3-27 0.3A4 4.9-18 3-16Gadus morhua 0.5 0 0.2 0.2 1.0 0.02 0.8 0 0.080.2-0.8 .0-0.4 0-0.6 0.4-1.9 0-0.5 0.1-1.9 0-0.2Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 1.6 0.6 0.4 0.1 0 0.7 1.21 7.4 1.40.1-5.2 0-1.7 0.1-0.9 0-0.3 0.1-1.6 0.3-2.7 2.7-18 0-4.6Prionotus spp. 0.2 1.5 0.1 0 0 0.8 0.5 1.2 0.040-0.5 0-5.3 0-0.3 0.2-1.8 0.1-1.,1 0.3-2.6 0-0.1Labridae-Lirnanda 794.6 448.6 453.8 596.5 218.9 1102.0 779.1 918.1 1292.0492-1283 362-556 261-829 191-1858 87-547 304-3987 330-1839 439-1919 564-2956Labfidae 14.3 54.5 32.6 39.6 6.7 77.4 112.9 186.5 4.83.1-56 6.3-420 11-97 17-91 2.2-18 28-211 34-365 68-511 0.4-23Scomber scombrus 83.3 44.2 58.8 19.4 107.6 24.6 18.4 14.3 11.011-589 0.4-1466 12-282 3.7-88 38-304 2.2-205 3.1-91 1.8-83 3.7-30Paralichthys-Scophthalmus 17,8 14.4 18.4 47.6 14.2 35.7 37.7 43.2 41.86.7-45 3.2-55 10-33 34-67 6.1-31 20-64 16-87 20-92 24-71Hippogloissoides 0.7 0 0 0.5 1.2 0.1 1.4 0.4 0.5platessoides 0.1-1.8 0,02-1.3 0.4-2.6 0-0.4 0.1-4.1 0.1-0.8 0-1.4Limandaferruginea 0 0.3 0 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.30-1.4 0.1-1.3 0,04-0.9 0-2.1 0-I.5J 0-1.2 0-1Total 1448,7 867.4 924.4 1622.5 638.2 2246.0 1548.4 2062.0 1585.0645-3250 367-2051 528-1618 886-2972 326-1250 787-6409 732-3275 1282-3317 716-3506 June (continued)

EGGS 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Brevoortia 0yrannus

0. 7 1.5 0.7 1.4 0,2 .2 2.5,, 0-1.7 0.14.7 0-2.2 0-5,3 0-0.6 0-1.9, 0.2-3.3 0.4-7.7Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0 0.03 0.5 0.7 0.3 0.04. 0.3 0' 0-0.1 0-1.4 0.2-1.3 0-1 0.-011 0-0.8Enchyopus-Urophycis-

.10.3 4.8 19,5 4.6 3.7 3.91 7.6 8.7Peprilus

49-21 2.5-8.6 11-35 1.9-9.9 1.3-8.6 2.0-7.1 2.7-19.0 3.6-19,5Enchelyopuscimbrius

.. , 23 2.2 0.5 0.8 2.8 2.1 2.9 4.10.7-5.4 0.8-4.8 0-2 0.2-1,8 0.4-9.3 0.4-5.7 0.4-9.6 1.3-10.3Gadus..orhua 0 0.3 0 0.9 0 0.1 0.1 0.30.04-0.7 0-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.3 0-1.0Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. -10.7 0.1 0.7 0.8 0 0.33.6-29 0-0.5 0.1-1.6 0-2.5 0-0.7 0-1.3 0-0.9Prionotus spp. '.ijt 1.9 0.5 0.6 0 0.2 0 0.1 0.10.., 4 0.44.8 0-1.3 0.1-1.3 0-0.7 0-0.4 0-0.4Labddae-Limanda

, ..42I: ., 438.9 808.6 390.0 376.0 730.4 157.8 264.7 681.8 182-1054 335-1952 178-854 143-985 338-1579 49499 56.1-1236 291-1593Labridae 2!1i 0 50.1 5.2 6.2 4.8 1.51 1.3 25.4:.20,1 i24-105 1.3-16 1.6-18 0.7-18 0-6,9, 0-5.6 5.2-110.3 Scomberscomhrus 7.2i : 13,0 21.3 9.1 50.7 5.9 16.2 6.2 3,2-2 4.3-36 7.2-60 1.9-34 9-267 1-24 3-73.1 0.5-34.6 0.5-34.6Paralichthys-Scophthalmus 1231. If 39.3 51.3 15.4 28.0 26.7 8.6 12.4 93.25 22-71 31-84 5.6-40 9.3-81 13-54 2.9-22.4 4.9-29.5 49.1-176.1 Hippogloissoides i. 002 1.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.041 0.05 0.3plaessoides R 0-0.6 0.4-2.5 0-0.5 0-0.4 0-0.5 0-0.1 0-0.2 0-0.9Limandaferruginea

0 1.0 6.5 0 0 0 0.5 0.40.1-2.8 1-27 0-2.9 0-1.4Total 649.6 1073.2 599.8 964.0 943.1 289.6 335.1 928.0313-1346 487-2364 328-1095 485-1916 507-1755 117-71,7 72-1556 406-2117 June (continued)

EGGS 2008 2009 2010Brevoortia tyrannus 0.1 0.1 3.80-0.3 0-0.3 0.7-12.4Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0.1 0.7 0.10-0.3 0-2.1 0-0.3Enchelyopus-Urophycis-20.9 2.5 23.1Peprilus 7.6-55.3 0.8-5.9 12.4-42.3 Enchelyopus cimbrius 1.9 2.0 2.91.1-3.0 0.7-4.4 2.1-3,9Gadus morhua 0.4 0.2 0.40-0.9 0-0.6 0-1.1Pollachius virens 0 0 0.040-0.1Urophycis spp. 0.8 0.5 2.10.1-1.9 0-1.5 0,8-4.5Prionotus spp, 0.4 0.8 1.60-1.0 0.2-1.9 0.4-3.9Labfidae-Limanda 249.4 249.3 1547.5134.4-462 39.2-1556 857-2795Labridae 37.3 31.5 68.69.9-133 7.3-126.4 26.3-176.4 Scomber scombrus 2.3 6.0 25.00.5-6.5 1.3-20.6 12.0-51.2 Paralichthys-Scophthalmus 39.0 30.7 75.020.2-74.6 9.1-98.9 36.9-151.3 Hippogloissoides 0.3 0.2 0.7platessoides 0-047 0-0.5 0-2.0Limandaferruginea 0 0 0.50-1.3Total 444.4 337.4 2039.6247-799 51.8-2170 1206-3394 I

JulyEGGSBrevoortia yrannusGadidae-Glyptocephahus Enchelyopus-Urophycis-PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp.Prionotus spp.Labrdae-Limanda LabrdaeScomber scombrusParalichthys-Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Limandaferruginea 1981 1982 1983 1984 19852.0 0.7 0.6 , .00.4-5.4 0.1-1.7 0.1-1.2 "....0.2 0.5 0.8 0.030-0.4 0.09-1.1 0.1-1.7 0-0.136.7 6.4 73.7 11.916-83 2.3-16 29-188 8-162.6 3.5 10.0 13 D11-5.5 1.4-7A4 3.9-24 2",-"2 0.7-2.10 0.2 0.3 -_s 00.0,4 0-0.7 10 "0 0 0 " 031.1 1.6 54.2 5 5.811-82 0.5-3.7 35-84 N-- :. 3.9-8.54.4 0.2 12.6 -' 3.62.8-6.7 0-0.4 5-30 2.4-5.2630.3 481.4 862.1 -513.4141-2807 245-944 580-1280 2 .4,77 196-134157.8 21.5 84.9 23.110-314 11-42 58-124 11-488.-5 0.2 4.0 0,061.1.42 0-0.6 0.6-14 0-0.227.2 11.7 23.2 10.69.9-72 5.9-22 13-41 6.9-160 0 0.04. 00.4 0 0 i.,- 00-1.51986 1987 1988S0.1-4.80 .0 0,. 20 -0.410.3 .26.5-16 -w4-S. 7 --4 1.2049 0-.5 0.6-2.20 0 ~ 00 L = 01.6-7,7 ":4 -0.9-4.13.1 L 0.61.7-5.4 .0lJi l .01-1.4175 i3.i 01177.6 .-488282-385 6ý&4 , 311-76519.1 69.410-36 16, 005'1 38-12506 5_60.1-1.4 i' 3.2-106.5 03.8-11 :4.2 ._0 .00 .0.10-0.419890.080-0.30.20-,7Total986.1 576.5 1317.6 4 670.5 293.3 6517 490.3238-4068 312-1065 932-1862 301-1491 165-520 1,4443W 425-1000 221-1086 July (continued)

EGGSBrevoorlia tyrannusGadidae-Glvptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis-PeprilusEnchdyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virens1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 19980.1 0 0 1U3 0.06 0,04 0 0.9 1.00-0.4 0.5-2.6 0-0.2 0H0.1 0-3.4 0.02-2.70.3 0.08 0.07 0.05 0 0 0 0 0.20.04-0.7 0-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.619.8 3.0 12.3 5.3 0.9 5.6 4.5 5.7 10.211-35 1.84.7 6.2-24 1.8-13 0.1-2.3 1.9-14 1.9-9.2 1.6-16 4.9-218.7 0.5 0 1.7 0.5 0.4 0.07 1.2 6.92.8-24 0.02-1.1 0.6-3.3 0-1.4 0-1.3 0-0.2 0-3.7 2.7-160.04 0 0 0 0.2 0 0.03 0 00-0.1 0-0.6 0-0.10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 8,7 0.5 0.06 0.9 0.04 1.1 1.0 4.3 10.94.3-17 0.1-1.1 0-0.2 0.1-2.6 0-0.2 0.2-2.7 0-2.9 0.7-16 4.2-26Prionotus spp. 0 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.7 2.2 0.2 0.7 0.40.1-0.7 0-1 0.1-0.8 0.2-1.6 0.6-5.6 0-0.6 0-2.1 0-1.1Labridae-Limanda 451.0 99.3 418.6 240.8 210.1 187.9 705.4 115.7 238.8279-728 45-218 52-3351 73-794 81-545 92-381 343-1450 38-351 61-930Labridac 83.3 2.6 14.6 60.0 34.9 28.6 39.7 12.7 29.948-144 1.24.9 1-119 25-144 10-118 11-74 23-70 3.8-38 4.2-182Scomber scornbrus 1.6 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.3 0 0 1.20.4-3.8 0.03-0.4 0-0.4 0-0.5 0-1.3 0-1 0.3-2.7Paralichthys-Scophthalmus 31.3 3.8 12.8 17.7 29.5 12.7 21.6 19.8 20.624-41 1.3-8.7 6.5-24 8.8-35 17-51 7-22 11-41 8.6-44 8.2-49Hippogloissoides platessoide 0 0 0 0.05 0.1 0 0 0 0.10-0.2 0-0.4 0-0.4Limandafemrginea 0.2 0.2 0.3 0 0 0.04 0.1 1.7 00-0.6 0-0.4 0-0.9 0-0.1 0-0.4 0-8.6Total 712.5 130.5 2 388.6 431.8 361.3 841,2 213,.7 427.8481-1055 69-246 384-4010 140-1074 211-884 213-612 434-1629 91-501 97-1869 July (continued)

EGGS 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoortiaryrannus

'. .01 0.4 0 0.4 0 0.4 0.03 0.130-0.3 0-1.3 0-1.1 0.1.5 0-0.1 0-0.5Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0 01. 0 0.03 0 0 0 0 000.3 0-0.1Enchelyopus-Urophycis.

.9.4 4.7 6.4 1.3 1.0 1,2 1.07 4.4Peprilus 9-32 3.26 2.5-8.5 3.1-12 0.4-2.8 0.2-2.6 0,3-2.7 0.4-2.1 1.2-12.5Enchelyopuscimbrius

., 0.3 1.5 0.1 0.05 0 0 0.34 0.0415;2 0-047 0.2-4.1 0-0.4 0-0.2 0-1.2 0-0.1Gadus morhua : 0 0.2 0 0 0,1 0 0 0.0-0.5 0-0.2Pollachius virens *0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 27.6 2.2 0.2 0 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.9i'l.7! -16 7.2-99 0 5 0-0,5 0-0.2 0-0.4 0-1.5 0-2.7Prionotus spp. "i2 4 1.2 0.2 0 0.4 0.3 0 0.3, 1.7-8.2 0.4-2.4 0-0.5 0-1 0-0.8 0-0.7Labridae-Limanda Q3 I.A.g 0 380,5 40.1 95.0 283.0 201.3 49.3 337.5ý-,ngwq 166-872 9.3-162 32-281 71-1120 62-649 23.7-101.4 131.9-860.9 Labridae

.6 150_.66 17.9 0.7 0.5 2.9 0 1.2 9.026-841 8.3-37 0-2.5 0-1.8 0.5-9.4 0.1-3.5 2.5-27,5Scomber scombrus 1.0 1.2 0.1 0.04 0 0 0 0* 1 0.2-2.2 0.3-2.8 0-0.4 0-0.1Paralichts-..9 03 49.4 5.2 3,0 9.2 5.1 7.1 36.8Scophihalmus 0-1.3 32-77 2.2-11 1.2-6.3 3.1-25 1.3-15.1 3.5-13.8 14.3-92.0 Hippogloissoides 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0platessoides 0-0.5Limandaferruginea

.. 0 0.1 0.3 0 0 0 0.1 00-0.2 0-0.8 0-0.2Total i 558.3 95.6 106.4 298.7 214.3 69.42 419.8281-1107 36-249 37-306 74-1190 66-688 34.6-138.2 172.7-1019 Jul (continued)

EGGSBrevoortia tyrannus Enchelyopus-Urophycis.

PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp,Prionotus spp.Labidae-Limanda LabidaeScomber scombrusParalichthys-Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Limandaferruginea 2008 2009 20100.6 0.1 1.20-1.6 0-.3 0 00-0,226.6 17.5 16.88.4-80.0 9.4-31.7 9.2-29.93.2 2.11 0.81.4-6.2 0.7-4.7 0.1-2.00.1 0 00-0.40 0 07.5 6.7 2.52.9-17.7 3.2-13.3 0.9-5.30.5 3.5 7.50-1.1 1.6-6.8 393.2 526.285.9-919.8 86.1- 261.3-1782.9 1058.731.5 28.4 65.411.9-81.1 6.6-112.3 29,5-144.0 0.3 0.2 1.00-0.9 0-.5 0-2.816.4 25.6 31.26.6-38.6 16.9-38.4 14.3-66.9 0 0 00.04 0 00-0.1449.9 1107.7 770.9140-1441 598.5- 421.2-2049.4 1410.4Total AupustEGGSBrevoortia tyrannusGadidae-Glyptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis-PeprilusEnchelopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virensUrop/zcis spp.Prionotus spp.Labridae-Limanda LabridaeScomber scombrusParalichthys.

Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Lirnandaferruginea Total16. 1982 1983 1984 1985a 0.2 0 * ., 00.0.4 "-. 110"01l ~ " 11.7 3.7 3.5 Ut 9.40-22 12-9 2.2-5.3 1:, RM& 1.9 0.7 , _. , 336-2.4 0.8-3.5 0.3-1.3 --, 1.8-5.50 0 0 04.9 4.4 3 .,9 12.13-10 1.6-9.9 2.1-6.9 ,107rrý 8.8-173.1 0.5 2.0 8.71-7.1 0,3-0.9 0.9-3.6 'ý S54&-`.X 3.4-202.1 12.2 11.9 6-4.9 2.4-50 9-16 "5 i 9, 5.9-122.5 3.0 3.1 .' 7.124.8 0.8-7.9 1.5-5.9 .4,1-120 0 0 : 015.3 12.0 4.8 .-+ .,, 16.95-30 7.3-19 2.1-9.8 7 9.6-290 0 0 00.1 0.02 0 0-0.2 0-0.08 04 .8.2 53.1 41.6 .-Q 80.88-89 20-136 35-50 W71 6-081986 1987 19880.. 0o -q.; og13.3 7 01748.2-21 .1251 .2.90.2-2.4 1.2-5.90 <O~ 00 0-. 4 ., +t , ,5.2 5 13-9 , 4 1.9-121.7-5.3 !:'! 9 :! 0.1-255 ... i ' 16.13-9 A.: '.5 36-633.9 ,9. 3.21.9-7.4 421 1-80,05 -'K 0,080-0.2 , 0-0.34.4 ., * .12.23.3-5.9 i 224, 5.3-270 [1 043.7 :.., 57.533-58 t1 i 20-16619890024.411-511.40.5-2.90011.56.1-211.70,34.465.226-16014.76.7-310.060-0.281.954-12500.10-0.4261.4152-449 August(continued)

EGGSBrevoortia tyrannusGdidae-Glvptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis-PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virens1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 19980.05 0 0.04 0.9 0 0.4 0 0 0.40M0.2 0-0.1 0.2-2.2 0-1.4 0.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 00-0.2 0-0.20.6 5.6 18.5 0.9 1.4 1.3 8,5 1.2 6.10.2-1.3 1.4-17 7.2-45 0.1-2.1 0.3-3.7 0.2-3.8 3.2-21 0.3-2.8 2,4-142.2 4.0 2.8 3.5 2.1 1.1 0,7 0.3 2.61.4 0.7.14 0.5-8.5 0.7-4.8 0.2-2.8 0,01.2 0-0.6 0.8-6.10.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00-0.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 2.9 4.2 8.7 2.0 2.5 3.6 13.0 0.9 7.71.3-5.6 1-13 1.7-35 1.2-3.3 0.8-5.8 0.8-11 5.2.31 3.2-17Prionotus spp. 0,6 1.3 1.0 0.4 0.4 1.7 0.5 0.2 0.40.1-1.3 0.5-2.5 0,3-2,0 0-1 0.1-0.7 0.2-5 0M.3 0-0.6 0-1Labridac-Limanda 4.0 11.2 18.0 15.5 6.6 12.5 15.7 4.0 20.71.1-11 5.3-23 4.3-67 5.3-42 2.6-15 3.8-37 6.1-39 1.1-11 7-58Labridae 1.9 5.6 25,5 4.3 2.2 2.1 3.6 0.6 7.30,7-3.8 2.2-13 8,3-75 1,9-8.7 0.6-5.4 0.26.9 1.1-9.3 0-1.5 2.6-18Scomber scombrus 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.2 0 0.070-0.4 0-0.7 0-0.3Paralichihys-18.3 0 15.9 17.7 18.0 8.0 31.5 6.2 38.0Scophihalmus 13-25 7.9-31 9.2-34 6.6-47 4.3-14 17-59 1.8-17 24-60Hippogloissoides 0 0 0.05 0 0 0 0.04 0 0platessoides 0-0.2 0-0.2Limandafemiginea 0.05 0.3 0.05 0.06 0 0 0 0 0.070-0.2 0.1-0.7 0-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.2Total 37.9 68.6 131.2 62.2 33.4 51,0 113.9 18.9 127.626-55 28-165 48-355 36-107 11-100 23-111 69-188 9.4-37 74-221 August (continued)

EGGS 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoortia tyrahnus

-0 0 0 0.04 0 0.03 0 00-0.1 0.09Ga~dae-GIyptocephalus Wt,, 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 00-0.3Enchelyopus-Urophycis-1.6 2,8 1.8 1.66 0.9 1.5 10.3 7.8Peprilus

.03.4.2 1-6 0.7-3.4 0.24,9 0.2-2.3 2.8-32.6 2.8-19.5Enchelvopus cimbrius 16 0 0.2 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.20-0.4 0-0.8 0-0.4Gadus morhua -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 5.4 1.7 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.9 1.2 1.8ii 0,01-6 0.1-1.2 0-0.6 0-0.3 0.2-2 04.43 0.4-4.5Prionotus spp. " IO 1,5 0.4 0.3 0.05 0.1 0 0.2 0.1>SO_2.3 0.6-2.9 0.02-0.8 0-0.9 0-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.6 0-0.3Labn'dae-Limanda 0 8.5 1.7 14.9 12.0 24.8 19.8 41.1I : V;ý 2.8-23 0.4-4.2 5.6-37 3-42 8.6-68.8 6.5-56.7 16,1-102.6 Labridae

-5i 4.3 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.1 1.2 1.71.2-12 0.1.1 0-1.8 0-0.4 0-0.3 0.2-3.0 0.5-3.7Scomber scombrus 0 0 0.05 0.08 0 0 0 00-0.2 0-0.3Paralichhys-18.7 13.9 2.4 9.1 12.2 12.8 29.66 26.7Scophthalmus i 7 ; 6849 6.1-31 0.5-6.8 4.9-16 5.3-27 5.5-28.4 10.2-83.0 13.3-52.8 flippogloissoides 0 0.04 0 0.05 0 0 0 0platessoides 0-0.1 0-0.2Limandafermginea 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.2 0Totl .-:. 0-0.9 0-0N5Total 38.0 14.0 30.6 27.6 47.4 71.2 115.3f 16-91 6.3-30 14-64 9.8-75 19-114 21.8-227.5 60.3-219.7 Aunt (continued)

EGGS 2008 2009 2010Bfievoortia tyrannus 0.9 0 00-3.1Gaddae-Glypiocephalus 0.3 0 00-0.8Enchelyopus-Urophycis-7.2 1.3 6.1Peprilus 2.4-18.9 0-4.3 1.5-19.6Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.9 0.7 0.90.3-1.8 0-2.5 0.3-1.7Gadu. morhua 0 0 0.050-0.2Pollachius virens 0 0 0Uropkvcis spp. 5.6 6.2 7.21.8-14.4 2.5-13.8 2.7-17.4Prionotus spp. 0.5 0.6 1.50-1.2 0-2.3 0.34.1Labridae-Limanda 45.1 10.9 24.812.0-162.5 3.1-33.9 5.6-100.9 Labridae 6.9 1.9 4.12.3-18.0 0-8.5 0.7-14.7Scomber scombrus 0 0 0Paralichihys.

10.6 19.4 13.8Scophihalmus 4.5-23.8 11.4-32.6 4.5-38.9Hippogloissoides 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0Total 82.8 105.0 126.023-289 57.4-191.4 36.7426.9 September EGGS 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989Brevooria tyrannus 0 39,1 0 0 0 1.7 0.05 0 0.42.8-429 0-7.6 0-0.2 0-1.1Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0.04 0.04 0.06 0 0 0 0 0 0.0-0.1 0-0.1 0-0.2Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0.3 8.9 6.3 5.9 1.5 1.2 1.4 2.1 0,4Peprilus 0.1-0.7 2.9-24 1.5-21 1.4-19 0.7-2.6 0.5-2.3 0.6-2.5 0.6-4.9 0,1-0.7Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.04 1.6 3.4 4.2 2.4 1.9 1.4 1.4 2.30-0.1 0.4-3.8 0.9-9.4 0.8-14 0.6-6.2 1-31 0.5-2.8 0.5-2.8 1.5-3.3Gadus morhua 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pollachius virensUrophycis spp.Prionotus spp.Labridae-Limanda LabridaeScomber scombrusParalichthys-Scophihalmus Hippogloissoides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00.7 5.8 3.9 11.5 5.8 3.5 1.5 0.9 1.00.4-1.2 2.5-12 1.5-8.4 3.8-31 3-11 1.8-6.5 0.8-2.6 0.2-2.1 0.3-2.20 1.5 0.2 2.1 0.4 0 0 0.3 00.6-2.8 0-045 0.4-5.6 0.1-0.7 0-0.80 1,8 0.8 1.04 0.4 0.09 1.0 1.4 0.50.04-6.5 0-2.2 0.3-2.3 0-1 0-0.3 0.3-2 0.2-3.5 0.1-10.04 0.8 0.3 0.6 0.1 0.04 0.4 0.5 0.40-0.2 0.1-2 0-0.7 0.1-1.3 00.4 0-0.1 0.1-0.7 0.02-1.1 0-10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04.6 80.4 16.1 27.5 4.4 0.9 12.3 11.1 41.02.9-7.1 57-112 9-28 19-39 2.4-7.7 0.4-1.6 7.6-20 3.1-35 22-740 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 00-0.4Total 7.3 469.2 40.7 85,8 17.2 20.3 21.2 19.4 47.34.5-12 199-1107 20-82 56-132 10-29 10-41 14-32 6.8-52 27-84 Setember (continued)

EGGSBrevoortia tyrannusGadidae-Glyptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophvcis.

PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virens1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 19981.5 0.3 0 95.4 0.3 0.5 0.2 1.4 0.50-5.7 0-1.4 17-513 0-0.8 0-1.8 0-0.5 0.03-4.8 0-1.50 0 0 0.05 0 0.08 0 0 00-0,2 0-0.30.2 1.9 0.4 6.5 0 2.5 0.7 1.7 2,60-0.6 0.6-4.3 0.02-0.9 1.5-21 0.8-6.1 0-2 0.442 1.1-5.20.4 1.4 1.7 3.1 1.1 0.9 0.3 0.9 1.70-1.1 0.3-3.4 0.9-2.7 1H1-7 0.3.7 0.3-1.8 0-0.7 0.1-2.3 0.8-3.20 0 0 0.03 0 0 0 0 00-0.90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00.4 0.7 1.9 4.1 0.3 0.8 0.9 1.1 2.00-1 0.1-1.9 0.9-3.4 1.2-11 0-0.8 0.04-2 0.2-2 0.1-2.9 0.5-50 0.05 0.1 1.2 0 0 0 0.3 00-0.2 0-0.3 0.2-3.2 0-1.20.05 0.2 1.0 3.1 0.4 0.2 0.5 1.5 0.60-0.2 0-0.5 0.3-2 0.9-7.9 0-1.4 0-0.6 0.02-1.2 0.3-3.7 0-1.90 0.09 0.3 2.0 0.09 0.5 0.3 1.2 0.30-0.2 00.6 0.4-5.4 0-0.3 0-2.3 M0.9 0.2-2.9 0-0.80.1 0 0 0.04 0 0 0 0 00-0.4 0-0.13.1 5.0 13.3 19.9 7.6 6.4 2.6 21.3 16.71.2-6.7 2.2-10 7.7-22 6,5-57 3.2-17 3.1-13 0.4-8 11-40 7.2-370 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp,Prionotus spp.Labfidae-Limanda LabridaeScomber scombmsParalichthys-Scophihalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Limandafertmunea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 00-0.8Total. 77 10.2 23.6 201.8 10.9 17.5 5.4 41.6 26.62.6-20 3.9-25 16-34 41-978 4.3-26 8.5-35 1.4-16 23-76 11-63l m l I ll Setembcr (continued)

EGGS 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoortia tyrannus 0.6 0.04 0.2 0.2 0.05 0 0.5 0.04 0.060,03-1.5 0-0.2 0-0.7 0-0.6 0-0.2 0-1.7 0-0.1 0-0.2Gadidae-Glyptocepholus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 00-0.4Enchelyopus-Urophycis.

1.25 0.1 0.4 1.2 1.2 1.0 4.8 1.6 15.0Peprilus 0,1-3.8 0-0.3 0-1.3 0.2-3 0.3-2.6 0.1-2.5 1,3-13,2 0.6-4.0 6.4-33.4Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.5 0.04 0 0.05 0.6 0 0.2 0.04 0.20-1.6 0-0.2 0-0.2 0.2-1.3 0-0.5 0-0.1 0-0.6Gadus morhua 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pollachius virensUrophycis spp.Prionotus spp.Labridae-Limanda LabidaeScomber scombrusParalichthys.

Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00.9 0.7 0.1 0.3 0.4 0 0.5 0.2 2.80.1-2.4 0.1-1.5 0-0.2 0-0.8 0-1,2 0-1.9 0-0.8 0.4-8.80.3 0 0 0 0 0 0.07 0 0.20-0.8 0-0.2 0-0.70 0 0.5 0.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 0.9 3.80-1.2 0-0,4 0,9-4.5 0,4-6.7 0.6-5.7 0-2.9 1.3-9.00 0.05 0.04 0 0.05 0 0.2 0.1 00-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.6 0-0.30 0 0o2 0 0 0.1 0 0 00-0.6 0-0.57.9 3.1 42.7 0.8 12 19.5 24.5 5.5 47.15.3-11 1.2-6.5 25-72 0.1-1.7 4.8-28 8.7-42 7,6-74.7 1.9-13.8 26.2-83.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Total 14.9 46.5 3.9 17.8 27.9 38.4 8.4 88.38.4-26 29-75 1.7-7.9 6.7-45 13-57 12-114 2.5-24.6 45.1-171.8 Setenber (continued)

EGGS 2008 2009 2010Brevoortia tyrannus 0 0 0.10-0.2Gadidae.Glyptocephalus 0 0 0Enchelyopus-Urophycis-4.3 1,8 3.1Peprihus 1.5-9.9 .44.5 1.3-6.1Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.3 0.2 0-.5 0-0.6Gadus morhua 0 0 0Pollachius virens 0 0 0Urophycis spp, 1.1 0.9 0.40.2-2.7 .01-2.4 0-1.2Prionomus spp, 0 0.1 0.040-.3 0-0.1Labridae-Limanda 1.4 1.9 1.10.3-3.2 .353 0.3-2.6Labridae 0.4 0.1 0.40-1.3 0..3 0-1.0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0Paralichthys-2.7 8.5 8.3Scophihalmus 0.9-6.4 3.3-20.1 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0Totai 14.0 16.6 19.74.9-37.0 6.640.0 8.4-44.4 OctoberEGGS 1981Brevoortia tyrannus 0Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0.10-0.6Enchelyopus-Urophycis-1.5Peprilus 0.14,6Enchelvyopus cimbrius morhua 0Pollachius virens 0Urophycis spp. 0.40-1.4Prionotus spp. 0Labfidae-Limanda 0.20-0.5Labfidae 0Scomber scombrus 0Paralichthys-1.7Scophthalmus 0-7,7Hippogloissoides 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 019820.20- 1984 19850 0 34.55-2020 1.5 0.70.3-3.8 0-2.20.7 0.2 2.90.2-1.5 0-0.7 04I81.0 0.4 0-1.1 2.9-150 0.1 00-0.40 0 00.5 0.1 0.50-1.5 0-0.4 0-2.40 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 03.1 0,6 0.50.4-12 0-1.8 0-1.90 0 00.09 0 00-0.419860.20-0.800.080-0.30.10-0.6000.090-0.400000001987000.20- 19890 00 0.30-0.90.1 0.20-0.4 1.10-8.6 0-3.60 0.090-0.40 00.1 0.10-0.4 0-0.50 00.1 00-0.40 00 00.3 0.50-0.9 0.1-1.20 00 0Total 4.1 L.7 6.3 4.4 52.0 0.5 2.2 2.4 2.70.3-19 0.4-4.3 2-17 2.6-7.1 11-232 0-1.5 0.8-4.8 0-13 1-6 October (continued)

EGGS 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortia fyrannus 0.9 0 0 0 0.7 0.5 0 1.2 1.00-3,2 0-2.9 0-1.7 0-4.3 04.8Gaddae-Glptocephalus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0.1 0 2.7 0 0 0.08 1.2 1.5Peprilus 0-0.4 0-17 0-0.3 0-5.2 0.03-4.8Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.2 0.8 0.3 1.7 0 0.1 0 0.2 0.20-0.7 0.3-1.6 0-1.2 0-9.8 0-0.4 0-0.7 0-0.7Gadus morhua 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0.2 0.1 0 0 0 0.10-0,7 0-0.4 0-0.5Prionotus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labfidae-Limanda 0.2 0 0.1 0.4 0 0 0 0.2 0.50-0.7 0-0.5 0-1 0-0.8 0-1.6Labridae 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 00.0.5Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Paralichthyvs-0.1 0.2 0.1 0.9 0.2 0.9 0 2.7 0.4Scophihalmus 0-0.5 0-0.6 0-0.5 0-3,2 0.0.6 0-2.7 0-15 0-1,2Hippogloissoides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Total 1.8 1.4 1.0 5.4 3.3 1.3 0.1 5.5 0,8.2 0.4.1 0.01-40 1.2-7.7 0.4.5 040,5 0.6-25 0.1-16 October (continued)

EGGSBreivorlia tyrannusGaddae-Glyptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis-PepritusEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp.Prionotus spp.Labnidae-Limanda LabrdaeScomber scombrusParalichthys-Scophihalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Limandaferruginea 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2000 0 0 0.5 0.4 0.5 0 0.2 07000000000.50-20000.50-20000.10.0.300001.10-6.70000.20-0.6000000.20-0.7001.30-7.9000-2.9 0-1.30 00.2 0.50-0.7 0-1.50.2 0.20-0.6 0-0.80 00 00.1 0.060-0.4 0-0.20 00 0.40-1.10 00 00.1 2.050-0.4 0-9.10 00 00-3.500.30-0.9000000.10-0.4001.20-50000.20-0.4000000000.050-0.2000-0.700.30-0.7000000.10-0.6000.50-1.40000.70-2.30.10-0.5000.20-0.700000.70-3.000Total 0.9 3.0 1.4 3.2 1.9 0.3 1.2 1.70-3.2 0.1-13 0-5.5 0.2-14 0-9.9 0-0.7 0.1-3.4 0-6.0I II ] II October (confinued)

EGGSBrevoortia tyranraus Gadidae-Glyptocephalus Enchelyopus-Urophycis-PepritusEnchelyopus cimbriutGadus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp.Prionotus spp.Labfidae-Limanda LabridaeScomber scombrusParalichihys-Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Limandaferruginea Total2008 20090 00 00.7 0.70-2.1 0-2.10 0.10-.40 00 00.3 0,10-1.3 0-.30 00 00 00 00.2 0.60-0.7 0-1.50 00 01.1 1.40-4.3 .041-4.420100.,4001.30-5.4I NovemberEGGS 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989Brevoorlia tyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gaddae-Glyptocephalus 6.0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.7 0 2.01.8-20 0-0.6 0.04-1.8 1.4-2.7Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0 0 0 0 0 0.9 0 0Peprilus 0-0.4Enchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 00-0.6Gadus morhua 1.2 0.3 2.6 2.1 3.3 0.5 0.2 0 0.40.5-2.9 0.1.5 1.4-4.4 0,248 1.5-6.5 0-1.5 0-0.7 0-1.1Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Prionolus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labrdae-Limanda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.10-0.4Labridae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Paralichthys.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Total 7.3 0.3 2.6 2.1 4.5 0.6 1.3 0 2.42.8-19 0-1.5 1,4.4.4 2.1-8.6 0-2 0.3-3.1 1.34.1 November (continued)

EGGS 1990 1921 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortia vrannus 0.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.070-2.6 0-0.2Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.20-0.9 0-0.4 0-0.6Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Peprilus 0-0.4Enchelyopus cimbrius 0 0.2 0 0 0.08 0 0 0 00-0.7 0-0.3Gadus morhua 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.6 0.2 1.6 0.6 0.20-0.4 0-0.5 0.0,4 0-1.9 0-0.9 0-7 0-2.7 0-0.5Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Prionotus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labfdae-Limanda 0 0 0.2 0.1 0.2 0 0.1 0.1 0.10-1 0-0.6 0-0,7 0-0.5 0-0.4 0-0.4Labridae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0.070-0.4 0-0.2Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Paralichthys-0 0 0 0 0.08 0 0.3 0 0Scophihalmus 0-0.3 0-1.1Hippogloissoides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0platessoides Limandafemrginea 0 0 0.4 0 0 0 0 0 00-1.5total 1.1 0.3 0.6 0.2 1.3 0.2 1.9 0.9 0.60,1-3.1 0-1.3 0-2.6 0-0.8 0.4-2.7 0.0.9 0-8.6 0.3.4 0.1-1.5 November (continued)

EGGS 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoortia tyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gaddae-Glypiocephalus 0 0 0,1 0 0 0 0 0.2 00-0.4 0-0.6Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Gadus morhua 0.2 0.4 0.2 1.1 2.8 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.20-0.5 0-1.3 0-0.6 0U3.7 0.7-7.8 0-0.9 0-0.5 0-0.6 0-0.6Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 00-0.9Urophvcis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Prionotus spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Labkidae-Limanda 0.1 0 0 0.08 0.2 0 0 0 00-0.5 0-0.3 0.0.8Labidae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Paralichthys.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Total 0.3 0.4 0.4 1.2 3.0 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.20-0.9 0-1.3 0.03-0.9 0-4.5 0.7-8.5 0-0.9 0-0.5 0-1.1 0-0.6 November (continued)

EGs 2008 2009 2010Brevoortia yrannus 0 0 0Gadidae-Glyptoceplialus 0 0 0Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0 0.1Peprilus 0-0.3Ettchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0Gadus morhua 0,4 0.1 0.201.2 0-0.4 0-0.9Pollachius virens 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0Prionotus spp. 0 0 0Labdidae-Limanda 0 0 0Labridae 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0Paralichihys-0 0 0Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0Total 0.4 0.1 0.30-1.2 0-0.4 0-1.1 DecemberEGGS 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989Brevoorlia lyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0Gadidae-Glyptocephalus 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0Enchelyopus-Urophycis-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbrius 0 a a a 0 a a a aGadus morhua 2.4 1.1 1.3 0.7 1.2 1.2 2.5 0.1 0.1-3.9 0.6-2.2 0.3-2,7 0.14 0-0.4 0-3.8Pollachius virens 0 0 0 0.3 0 00-0.8Urophycis spp. 0 a 0 0 a a 0 a aPrionotus spp. a a 0 a a 0 0 0 0Labfidae-Limanda a a a a a a 0 a aLabridae 0 0.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 00-0.2Scomber scombrus 0 a a a a a 0 0 0Paralichthys.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Total 2,4 1.2 1.7 0.7 1.2 1.4 2,7 0.2 1.11.7-3.2 0.4-2.5 0.5-3.9 0,1-1.9 0.6-2.2 0.3-3.6 0-16 0-0.7 0-3,8 December (continued)

EGGSBrevoortia tyrannusGaWdae-Glyptocephalus Enchelvopus-Urophycis-PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp,Prionotus spp.Labridae-Limanda LabidaeScomber scombrusParalichthys.

Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Lirnandaferruginea 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 19980 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000000a0a00a00.40- 1.2a00.,00000a00.80-30.1M-.60a00a0a00000..10-0.400a0000a00000,20-0.600a0a.10-0,500000a0.080-0.30000aa00.080-0.30.070-0.2000.20-0.8000000000000000.10-0.4000000.40-1.20000.600.60-2.3000aTotal 0.a8 0.4 1.1 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.1 1.30-0.3 0-1.2 0.3.6 0.0.4 0.1-1 0-0.7 0-0.9 0-0.4 0.2-3.5 December (continued)

EGGSBrevoortia lyrannusGadidae-Glyptocephalus Enchelyopus-Uroplycis-PeprilusEnchelyopus cimbriusGadus morhuaPollachius virensUrophycis spp.Pnonotus spp.Labrdae-Limanda LabridaeScomber scorn brusParalichthys-Scophthalmus Hippogloissoides platessoides Limandaferrmginea 199900001.10-40000000002000 20010 00 0.30-1.70 00 01.8 1.80-22 0-9.30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0200300000.80-2.30200200.10-0.4001.60.1-4.9000000000200300000.80-2.3000000000200400000.200.4400000000000000._20-0,40200500000.20-0.6000000000200500000.20-0.60200600.040-0.2000.40-1.0000000000200700000.80-4.7000000000Total 1.1 1.8 2.8 1.6 0.8 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.80-4 0-22 0.1-12 0.1-5.1 0-2.3 0-0.4 0-0.6 0-1.1 0-4.7 December (continued)

EGGS 2008 2009 2010Brevoortia trannus 0 0 0Gadidae.Glvptocephalus 0.24 0 00-0.8Enchelyopus-Urophycis.

0 0 0PeprilusEnchelvopus cimbrius 0 0 0Gadus morhua 0.2 0.7 1.70-0.6 0-2.1 0-6.5Pollachius virens 0 0 0Urophycis spp, 0 0 0Prionotus spp, 0 0 0Labfidae-Limanda 0 0 0Labridae 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0Paralichthys-0 0 0.1Scophthalmus 0-0.4nippogloissoides 0 0 0platessoides Limandaferruginea 0 0 0Total 0.4 0.7 1.70-1.2 0-2.1 0-6.7 LARVAE 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989Brevooruia lyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Clupea harengus 0.1 0.08 0.9 0 0 0,08 0.7 0 00-0.4 0.0.3 0.1-2.1 0-0.3 0.2.1Enchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Uroph)cis spp, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M. aenaeus 0 0.08 0 0 0.1 0 0.09 0.09 00.0.3 0-0.4 0-0.4 0-0.4Hi octodecemspinosus 0 0.2 2.3 0,2 1.2 0.4 9,1. 0.2 00.0.5 0.3-7.5 0-0.6 0.5-2.3 0-1.4 0-0.6 0.0.6M.scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. atlanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. coheni 0 0 0.1 0 0.05 0 0.09 0 00-0.4 0-0.2 0.0.3Tautoga onitis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ulvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0.05 0.08 1.9 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.10-0.2 0-0.3 0.54.3 0-0.8 0-0.4 0-2.6 0.02-I 0-1.1 0-0.4Ammodyies sp. 1.0 0.5 0.7 0 13.4 0.9 0 0 00-3.6 0-1.3 0.2-1.4 1.9-70 0K2.9Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pseudopleuronecies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0americanus Total 1.1 1.0 7.5 0.6 15.5 2.3 1.3 0.8 0.204.1 0.3-2.1 4.2-13 0-1.9 2.6-75 0.1-9.4 0.14 0.1-2 0-0.7 Janua, (continued)

LARVAE 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortia tyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Clupea harengus 0.2 0.5 0,1 0.3 0 0.09 0.4 0,07 0.20-0.6 0.1.3 0-0.4 0-0.8 040.4 0-1.1 0-0.3 0-0,9Enchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Uroph;cis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M. aenaeus 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.4 0M1.3 0.0.7M. octodecemspinosus 0 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0.9 00-0.6 0-0.4 0-0.4 0.1-2.3M. scorpius 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 00-0.6L. adantics 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 00-0.8L. coheni 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 00M0.5Tauoga onitis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ulvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0.1 1.6 0.1 0.5 0.2 1.6 0.07 1.0 0.50-0.6 0.34.4 0.0.4 0-2.2 0-0.7 0.1-5.2 0-0.3 0.1-2.6 0.1.7Ammodytes sp. 0.09 0.07 0 3.3 .1.9 1.3 2.5 1.2 0.10-0.3 0-0.3 0.5-12 0.54,7 04.2 040 0.1-3.4 0-0.5Scomber scombnrs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Psaedopleuronectes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0americanus Total 0.6 2.8 0.5 4.2 2.2 3.8 3.0 3.4 1.30.2-1.1 0.9-6.4 0.1.3 0.5-17 0-44 0.7.10 0.3-2,9 Januag (contiued)

LARVAE 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoorlia lyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Clupea harengus 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3 00-1.4 0-0.4 0-0.7 0-1.5 0-0.5 0-1.3 0-0.4 0-1.5Enchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M. aenaeus 0 0 0 0.3 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.50-0.7 0-0.4 0-0.4 0-1.4M octodecemspinosus 2.8 1.4 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 00.5-8.6 0.4-3.2 0.2-0.8M. scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. adanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L coheni 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00-0.9Tautoga onitis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ulvaria subbifircata 0 0 0 0.08 0 0 0 0 00-0.3Pholis gunnellus 4.9 2.7 1.7 34 0.2 0.08 0.5 0.7 1.11-17 0-13 0.2-5.3 13-86 0-0.8 0-0.3 0-1.5 0-1.9 0.1-2.9Ammodytes sp. 0.8 0 0.8 1.0 0 0.7 0.3 1.1 0.20-2.6 0-2.6 0-5.5 0-2.1 0-1.6 0-6.0 0-0.5Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pseudopleuronecles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0americanus Total 11.0 4.8 3.7 38.2 1.4 1.4 1.2 2.3 1-16 1.4-8.4 15-96 0.4-3 0.1-4.3 0-3.9 0-10.7 0.14.1 Januaf (continued)

LARVAE 2008 2009 2010Brevoortia tyrannus 0 0 0Clupea harengus 0.2 0 0.050-0.8 0-0.2Enchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0M aenaeus 0.1 0 00-0.5M, octodecemspinosus 0.2 0.4 0.10-0.7 0.1.5 0-0.3M. scorpius 0 0 0L. adlanticus 0 0 0L,coheni 0 0 0Tautoga oniis 0 0 0Taulogolabrus a&persus 0 0 0Ulvaria subbifircata 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0.8 0.2 0.40-3.5 0.0.6 0-1.2Ammodytes sp. 1.7 0.1 0.040-9.0 0-0.4 0-.1Scomberscombrus 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0americanus Total 2.9 0.7 0.50-14.2 0.2.2 0.1.5 FebrugLARVAEBrevoorlia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M aenaeusM. octodecemspinosus Md scorpiusL. ailanticus L. coheniTautoga onisiTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunnellus Ammod,'ies sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus Total1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 19890 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000._!0-0,41.00-3,6000000.060- I002.102-7.20.20-0.8001.,63-1260.40-1.1000.60-20.40-1.10000004.72.3-8.70.080-0.3007.64.9-120.10-0.5008.46.5-110.20- 0.30-18 0-0.90.4 00-1.212.7 1.11.3-82 0.04-3.40 00.1 1.00-0.4 0.2-2.40 00 00 04.0 8.40.3-19 3.2-200.4 00-10 00 019.4 10.92.3-124 4.4-25..j Februg (continued)

LARVAE 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortiat rannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Clupea harengus 0 0.1 0.4 0.7 0.2 0 0.09 0.4 00-0.4 0-1.6 0-3.3 0.0.5 0-0.4 0-1.8Enchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0U. aenaeus 0.! 8.6 0.1 2.2 0.6 4.4 0.3 7.4 7.50-0.5 6-12 0.0.4 0-11 0-1.8 0.9-15 0-1.4 0.2-60 0-81M. ociodecemspinosus 0 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.6 0.09 0.3 0.7 0.30-0.6 0-0.4 0-0.8 0-1.6 0-0.4 0-0.7 0-2.5 0-1.2M. scorpius 0 12.2 1.9 0.9 0.3 1.8 2.5 8.5 0.52.8-46 0.4-5.1 0-3.1 0-0.8 0.2-6 0-15 2.6-24 0.1.7L. atlanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. coheni 0 0.07 0.1 0 0.1 0 0 0 0X0.3 0-0.4 0M0.3Tautoga onitis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Taulogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ulvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pholisgunnellus 1.1 45.7 1.8 2.0 1.5 6.4 3.7 4.8 6.80-4.2 38-55 0.54.4 0-7.9 0.01-5.3 0.9-28 0.5-13 0-36 0.8-33Ammodvies sp. 0.5 0.6 4.5 5.9 18.9 29.6 2.7 7.1 0.80-2.4 0.2-1.2 0-30 0.2-39 12-29 5.9-134 0.1-12 0.6-41 0-3Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0americanus Total 1.5 74.5 11.1 8.5 22.9 48.3 9.5 550.4 24.40-6.7 54-103 2.541 0.3-69 13-40 13-178 1.446 42-61 4.6-113 Februar (confinued)

LARVAEBrewortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM. ociodecempinosus M scorpiusL. adanticus L. coheniTautoga onitisTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subb ,rcataPholis gunnellus Ammodyres sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus 1999 2000 20010 0 02002 2003 20040 0 00.2 00-0.60 00 01.2 3.20.1-3.1 0.1-160.2 3.20-0.6 0-200.7 2.20-2 0.1-8.70 00.1 00-0.40 00 00 01.5 15.20M5.7 3.6-570.9 11.80.1-2.2 0.5-1110 00 00.20-1003.30.4-121.30-5.80.80-2.900.10-04500019.44.5-755.00.8-19002.9I-6.50016.85.528.91.7-361.20.2-3.10000059.129-11843.716-115000,050-0.2000.50-1.60.601.,90.30-1.1000002,50.3- 2006 20070 0 00 0.2 00-0.60 0 00 0 01.9 6.4 3.20-9.8 1.2-24.0 0.6-9.70.1 2.6 3.70-0.2 0,6-7.1 0.5-14.30.3 4.0 00-1.5 0.5-15.30,1 0.3 00-0.4 0-1.00 0.1 00-0.30 0 00 0 00 0 02.9 4.2 2.60.2-11.1 0.9-13.5 0.2-9.82.6 3.7 0.90.6-7.0 0.5-13.5 0,02-2.40 0 00 0 0Total 4.2 41.9 40.0 179.7 4.1 1.0 7.8 13.2 28,90.6-15 7.6-213 15-107 98-326 0.5-17 0.3-2.1 1.2-34 0.9-103.3 9.5-84.5 Februat (continued)

LARVAEBrevoortia trannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM, octodecemspinosus M, scorpiusL. atlanticus L. coheniTautoga oniliTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbihmrcata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronecies americanus Total2008 2009 20100 0 00.2 0 00-0.60 0 00 0 01.6 1.4 0-5.1 0-0.91.5 I.1 0.2-2.6 1.2 0.5.3 0-1.50 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 02.0 2.0 2.80.1-7.1 0.8.2 0.4-9.71.6 5.5 1,40.5.7 0.3-3.50 0 00 0 05.5 9.8 4.10.8-22.7 1.2-51.0 0.6-15.6 MarchLARVAEBrevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM octodecemspinosus M. scorpiusL, atlanticus L. coheniTautoga oniisTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus Total1981 19820 01.7 0.20.7-3.3 0-0.60 00 018.9 17.18.6-40 7.6-371.2 0.50.5-2.4 0-1.70.1 0.80-0.3 0.1-1.90.03 00-0.10.4 0.080.1-0.7 0-0.30 00 00.04 00-0.110.4 14.83.5-28 7.6-2830.0 59.020.45 12.2830 00.5 1.00.1-1.1 0-3.684.8 124.958-125 48-322198302.60.9-5.8004.62.1-90.060-0.200.60-1.80.30-0.70003.71.4- 1985 19860 0 00.3 0.8 0.!0.01-0.7 0.3-1.7 0-0.30 0 00 0 08.4 14.2 34.03.3-19 6.7-29 18-640 0.5 0.80.2-1 0.4-1.32.0 1.0 3.50.4-5.6 0.3-1.9 2-60 0.04 0.20-0.2 0-0.60.03 0.4 0.30-0.1 0.1-0.8 0.03-0.60 0 00 0 00.03 0 0.20-0.9 0-0.516.3 24.5 30.34.5-53 8.3-69 14.660.7 4.1 5.10.3-1.3 1.1-11 2.3-100 0 00.1 0.2 0.70-0.3 0-0.5 55.7 86.79.8-89 26-118 47-1591987 1988 19890 0 00 0.5 0.20-1.5 0.03-0.40 0 00 0 02.7 59.8 18.61.1-55 32-11 7.7-430.1 0.2 1.00-0.4 0-0.5 0.3-1.90.1 7.1 6.50-0.4 3.5-14 1.9-180 0.08 0.040-0.2 0-0.10.06 0.3 0.40-0.2 0.04-0.90 0 00 0 00 0 02.4 57.6 32.30.9-52 25-129 12-830.06 1.3 3.00-0.2 0.4-2.8 0 00 0 06.4 137.6 70.63.3-12 71-266 29-168 March (continued)

LARVAE 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortiayrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Clupea harengw 0 0.5 1.1 0.5 1.5 1.0 0.4 0.7 0.3-2.4 0.1-1 0.7-2.9 0.1-2.6 0.1-0.9 0-3.2 0.2-1.8Enchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M. aenaeus 1.6 33.8 3.3 7.2 5.5 13.6 13.9 38.5 .17.20,1-5.4 2349 1.9-22 1.2-18 8.5-21 5.36 7.9-175 8.3-35M ociodecemspinosus 0 0 0.7 0.2 1.2 0.1 0.3 0.6 0.080.1-1.5 0-0.4 0.1-3.1 0-0.5 0-0.9 0-2.3 0-0.2MU scorpius 6.9 1.3 4,1 2.5 2.5 5.4 6.2 0.8 0.91.6-23 0.7-2.2 1.2-11 0.7-6.2 1.14.9 2.1-12 1.7-18 0.2.5 atlanticus 0 0.05 0 0 0.05 0 0 0 0.20-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.5L. coheni 0.1 0.09 0 0.5 0.06 0 0 0 00-0.4 0M0.2 0.1.2 0M0.2Tauloga onitis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ulvaria subbfircata 0 0.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 00-0.2Pholis gunnellus 2.8 14.3 5.9 2.0 71.1 8.2 16.1 51.5 6.70.7-7.5 8-26 1.6-17 0.4-5.3 40-126 2.6-23 641 11-228 3-14Ammodytes sp. 0.8 3.4 21,4 4.7 61.3 26.2 45.0 42.6 8.50-2.8 1.6-6.3 8,3-53 1.4-12 17-217 11,63 16-126 12-151 3.5-19Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pseudopleuronecies 0 0.05 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.3americanus 0-0.2 0-2.2 0-0,7Total 14.9 59.3 52.7 16.6 188.9 74.0 108.7 147 38.96.9-31 48-84 25-110 5.4-47 82-432 42-131 47-249 30-695 19-78 March (continued)

LARVAEBrevoorfia lyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M aenaeusM. octodecemspinosus

/! scorpiusL, atianticus L, coheniToutoga onitisTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus 1999 2000 2001 2002 20030 0 0 0 02004 2005 2006 20070 0 0 01.30.5-2.50032.315-670.80- 0.3 1.1 0.20.2-2.7 0,04-0.6 0.2-2.7 0-0.50 0 0 00 0 0 010.8 16.1 55.8 17.23.1-33 5-48 30-104 6.3.450.8 0.2 2.3 1.60.1-2.1 0.0.6 0.2-8.3 0.4-4.12.5 1.8 0.9 2.50.8-5.8 0.5-4.3 0-2,6 0.9-5.50.1 0.1 0.7 00-0.3 0-0.3 0K2.10.04 0 0.07 0.080-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.30 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 024.1 14.3 9.4 7.67.1-77 5.1-37 2.9-27 1.9-2524.7 2.4 55.9 7.98.72 0.6-6.2 19-163 3.4-170 0 0 00 0 0.3 00-1.20.40-0.9009.83.7-240.30- 0.5 0.030.02-3.3 0-1.5 0-0.10 0 00 0 09.8 16.3 8.83.5-25 6.5-39.3 1.9-32.00 0.5 1.30.1-1.1 0.1-3.70.7 5.3 1.60.3-1.3 2.5-10.4 0.3 00-0.6 0-0.60 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 0.040-0.16.4 5.4 3.62.8-13.5 2-12.7 1.1-9.59.8 36.4 34.3 2.73,5-25 8.4-148 12.2-93 0.9-6.40 0 0 00 0 0 0Total 94.6 113.4 36.0 161.6 49.7 38.2 67.8 88.1 17.438-234 49-257 11-110 73-355 19-131 17-84 19-237 42.5-181.4 4.4-61.8 March (continued)

LARVAEBrevoortia ryrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM. octodecernspinosus M. scorpiusL. atlanticus L. coheniTautoga onitisTautogolabnrs adspersus U(varia subbifurcata Pholis gunellusAmmodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus Total2008 2009 20100 0 00.7 0.4 0.70.1-1.7 0.1-0.8 0.1-1.60 0 00 0 038.6 11.8 3.117.9-82.3 4.4.29,6 1.1-7.01.5 0.2 00.5-3.3 0-0.51.9 1.1 0.20.4-5.2 0.4-2.3 0-0.50.3 0 00.1.20 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 013.9 5.7 3.25.8-31.6 2.3-12.8 1.3-6.444.8 8.0 3.517.1-.114,9 3.3-17.7 1.1-8.60 0 00 0 0.040-0.1134.8 32.7 13.270.257 13.0-80.6 5.7-29.0 LARVAEBrevoortia ryrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.MU aenaeusM, octodecemspinosus M scorpiusL. atlanticus L coheniTautoga onitisTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunnellus Amodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronecies americanus 1981 1982 1983 1984 19850 0 0 0. 00 0.8 1.1 0" 010.4-1.4 0,2-2.4 0 0 0.04 " 00.0.10 0 0 0: 0198600,30-0.7019871 1988 19890 004010.0 47.8 4.7 -: 58.7.3-22 21-108 2.1-9.2 0.;,03 28-1240.3 0.1 0 0 0-0.6 0-0.30.06 0.1 0 0.. !. 0.1-0.2 0-0,4 .0.030.6 0 5.1 3.11-1.3 1.5-13 1.70 0.7 0 0, 0.30.3-1.2 .0-0.70 0 0 1'0 00 0 0 0: 02.5 0.05 2.7 .-205-6.9 0-0.2 1.2-5.3 .4-5.41.6 21 1.2 F:4 99.4-3.9 9.4-45 0.1-3.6 .O1-,- 2.5-3324.8 28.6 9.7 .' 12.64.42 15-54 4.3-21 .5.6-270 0 0 .o 01.3 2.6 2 0 2.54-2.8 1-5.6 0.6-4.5 1.- 5.357.3 112.7 36.9 -136.90-82 55.230 21-66 0710 82-22924.98-740.30-0.80.20-,11.1- II II1.20-3.932.713-83III'No sampling April (continued)

LARVAEBrevoortia trannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM. ociodecempinosus M. scorpiusL. adanticus L. coheniTauloga onitisT adypersus 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 19980 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00.2 0.2 1.1 0.1 4.0 2.3 2.5 0.3 1._10-0.6 0-0.5 0-0.5 1.8-7.9 0.4-7.2 0.6-6.5 0-0.7 0.5-1.80.06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 1.10-0.2 0-0.6 0-3.20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 022.2 11.3 12.9 5.4 11.4 31.1 19.0 14.1 8.712-41 8.4-15 8.9-19 0.3-32 4,7-26 12-77 9-39 6.3-30 3.9-180.2 0.06 0,1 0 1.0 0.3 0.2 0.06 0.10-0.5 0-0.2 0-0.4 0.5-1.8 0-1.2 0-0.5 0-0.2 0-0.50.5 0,1 0.9 0 0.6 1.0 0.4 0 0.070.1-1.1 0-0.3 0.2-2 0.2-2.2 0-1 0-0.23.0 1.4 0.3 0 0.8 4.4 0.7 4.6 0.51.9-4.5 0.4.2,9 0-0,7 0-2.9 1.7-9.8 0-1.8 1.2-13 0.1.1,10,05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.08 00-0.2 040,30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,040-0.10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00.5 2.0 0.5 0 0 0 0.09 0.1 0.70-1.2 0.5-5 0.1,2 0-0.3 0-0.5 0.1-1.69.6 3.5 11.9 1.4 10.6 8.9 7.0 5.3 0.83.8-22 1,7-6.6 4.3-31 0.014.9 5.9-18 1-48 2.2-19 2.2-12 0.3-1.633.3 26.1 34.9 11.2 274.4 44,2 154.2 52.1 18.713-84 13-50 21-58 1-73 130-580 14-131 48-489 29-92 6.2-530 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ulvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronecies 0.8 1.0 0.1 0.3 0.9 2.2 0.2 8.2 1.8americanus 0.1-1.7 0.3-1.9 0-0.3 0-0.8 0.2-2 0.1.8 0-0.5 2.9-21 0.5-4.5Total 109.0 55.2 99.7 20.2 349.1 114.3 216.2 118.6 53.464-185 35-87 78-128 2,8-116 182-668 44-293 77-607 85-166 32-90 Aprl (continued)


yrannusClupea harengusEnchelypus.

cimbriusUrophycis spp.U. aenaeusM. octodecemspinosus Af. scorpiusL. adanticus L. coheniTautoga onitisT. adspersus Ulvaria subbifrcata Pholis gunnellus Ammodvtes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus 199903.71.4-8007-2400.060-0.23.71,2.9.100001.10.3-2.438.916-9002.51-5.2200001.00,2-2.50.050-0.2018.47.8-420.050-0.20.10- 20060 01.3 2.50-6.2 0.5-7.20 00 05.1 3.60.6-22 1.6-7.10 00.5 0.30.01-1.2 0-1.10.2 1.50-0.4 0.8-2.60 00 00 00 0.90.1-2.32.4 50.1-9.6 2-11.227.1 64.72.9-202 25.3-163.1 0 00.1 0.10-0.2 0-0.2200700.080-0.3001.20-7.300.10-0.3000000.40-1.41.20-5.100.10-0.4Total 79.4 69.9 36.5 74.5 103.0 78.6 45.1 98.2 2.641-155 34-140 12-106 47-118 40-266 35-177 5.5-327 47-204.2 0-15.6 AL61 (continued)

LARVAEBrevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM ociodecemspinosus M. scorpiusL. adanticus L. coheniTautoga onitisTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifircata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronecies americanus Total2008 2009 20100 0 00.7 1.2 0.20.04-1.7 0-4.4 0.0.60 0 0.20-0.50 0 04.4 10.3 5.61,8-9.3 1.6-48.9 2.7-10.70.2 0 00-0.50.3 0 00-0.61.4 0.1 2.00.6-2.9 0-0.4 0.6-4.60 0 00 0 00 0 01.0 0 0.2-2.81.4 3.6 0.060.7-2.3 0.3-16.1 0-0.244.5 7.9 15.119.3-100.8 1.0-30.9 8.3-26.50 0 00.5 0 1.10.05-1.2 0.04-3.271.1 24.1 33.636.3-138.5 3,3-144.9 21,4-52.4 MayLARVAEBrevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM. ociodecemspinosus M. scorpiusL. atilanicus L. coheniTautoga onitisTautogolabrus adspersus UMvaria subbircata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 19880 0 0 0 0 0 '" i 0S 0.1 0.03 0.05 0 0.06 0.0060-0.3 0-0.1 U .2 0-0.2 :"- " 0-0.20.7 0.03 0,2 1.0 13 1.8 , 1.70.2-1.5 0-0.08 0-0.5 .0.4-2.9 0.3-5.3 i2>5. 0.2-5.30 0 0 0:.. 0 0 ,.0.0.2 1.8 2.4 '.. .10 0.3 .. 90-0.4 0.8-3.5 0.5-7.1 .2 1 0.3-2 0.01-0.8

.. 0.04-2A40 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 08.0 1.0 6.2 .7.4 1.8 .12.63.5-17 0.3-2.2 2.1-16 0?8.4 3.5-15 1-3 1 ' 5.2-290 0.1 0 0 0 0 "04.30 0.05 0 0: 0.03 0 00-0.1 "'?"' 0-0.1 -"0.03 0 0 0 0 0.1 00-0.1 , 0.4 -9.3 1.9 4I LO7. 4,4 1.76.4-13 0.7-3.7 53-22 01 3.3-14 2.4-7.5 0.5-40 0.1 0.2 : 0.08 0.06 .: 0.70-0.3 0.01-0.3

ý:ý.'2 :: 0-0.2 0.0.2 0.2-1.41.4 9.1 3.9 .,0 0.7 090.6-.,6 4.20 1.6-8,6 -'"1,.4ý.:

0.150.8 0.1-1.7 i:"i ':; 0-2.70.4 0.07 0 .., 0.2 0.1 .00-1.2 H-.2 0-0.6 0-0.3 fi:12.6 8.0 10.0 ..7.6 6.5 9.43.9-37 2.9-20 4.7-20 1. 4.1-14 4.4-9.4 3.2-2545.9 39.7 37.7 .45.2 22.4 38.026-82 25-62 18-76 3;49_3...

33-63 18-28 ..; 19-75198900.20-0.50.60-1.900000000.050-ý -m Ma, (continued)

LARVAEBrevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM. ociodecemspinosus M. scorpiusL. atlantius L. coheniTauloga onitisTautogolabrus adsperswUlvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunnellus Ammodtes sp.Scomber scombrnsII Llill II l I lll lU 995l1990 1991 1992 1993 19940 0 0 0 01.7 0.2 1.5 0 0-0.5 0.4-3.5 0.2-1.80 1.8 0 0.2 0.050.8-3.3 0.0.6 0-0.20 0 0 0 01.9 0 0.7 0.5 5.60.5-4.4 0-2 0.1-1.1 1.8150 0 0.1 0 0.060-0.4 0-0.20 0 0 0 04.9 4.7 1.5 3.7. 8.42.5-8.8 3.3-6.7 0.4-3.6 1.2-9.1 3.6.180 0 0 0.2 00-0.6o 0.04 0 0 00-0.10 0.1 0 0 00-0.517.1 9.3 13.5 11.3 6.48,8-33 3.7-22 6.2-28 2.4-44 3-130.4 0.1 0.5 0.08 0.70.1-0.8 0-0.3 0-1.2 0-0.3 0.1-1,714.2 0,6 17,5 10.9 53.37.1-27 0.1-1.2 3.7-72 4,6.24 23-1240,04 1.2 0 0.4 01995002.40.2-8.300.90-4.3009.03.4-22000.060-,10-0N52.30.1-8.60.30-41,17.311-271996 1997 19980 0 0.050-0.20.4 0 0.10-1.3 0-0.31.4 5.0 4.70.2-3.8 1.4-14 1.9-100 0 0.20-0.62.1 2.2 0.30.5-5.3 1.1-3.9 0-0.80 0 00 0 01.3 8.1 1.00,4-2.9 2.5-22 0.3-20 0 00 0 0.050-0.20 0 0.20-0.619.5 10.4 13.010-37 5.6-19 3.6-420.2 0.2 00-0,7 0-0.618.7 15.6 2.86.1-54 6.3-37 0.5-8.51.3 0.7 2.804,7 0-2.3 1-57.3 45.3 27.93,1-16 20.2-100 9.4-790-0.1 0-4.70.01-0.9Pseudopleuronectes americanus 5.6 10.3 3.5 9.6 -16.82.2-13 4.3-23 0.6-12 5.7-16 7.6-36Total 68.9 50.8 72.4 54.5 136.7 94.0 97,6 127.7 111,.051-92 37-70 32-163 30-99 86-216 53-166 70-136 80-203 51-240I I II I I n l I iii M~ay (continued)

LARVAE 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoortia yrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.4 Clupea harengus 0.2 0.5 0 0.3 0.2 1.0 0 0.0MZ -.8 M-.8 0-1.2 0 -0.5 0 .2-2.4 0.0.1Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.06 8.5 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.80-02 2-29 0-8 0.04-1.5 0-1.5 0-0.9 0-0.2 0.1-1.8Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.040-0.,1M. aenaeus 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.4 1.3 0.2 0.1 0.8-01.6 0-1.6 0-0.5 0.1.2 0.3-3 0-0.5 0-0.2 0.2-1.6M. oclodecemspinosus-0 0 0 0.05 0 0 0 0... .. 0-0.2M. scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0L. allanticus i 0.4 4.0 3.5 0.5 4.1 0.7 1.8 1.20-1.2 1-12 1.3-8 0-1.3 1.8-8.2 0.1-1.9 0.7-3.8 0.4-2.6L, coheni , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautogaonitis 7:: 0 0.3 0 0 0.05 0 0 0.060-0.9 0-0.2 0-0.2Tautogolabrus adppersus 0 0.3 0 0 0 0 0.04 0.1.. .-1.5 -0.1 0-0.4Uvaria s1bb[urcaia 5.3 16.2 14.6 I1. 14.9 1.3 2.4 1.91-19 9-29 5.1.39 6.3-19 5.8-36 0.3-3.0 0.9-5.0 0.8-3.6Pholisgunnellus 0.05 0.2 0 0 0.03 0,1 0.05 0.15ýi`;, 0.0.2 00.05 0-0.1 0-0.3 0-0.2 0044Ammodvies sp. .5.0 2.1 0.8 6.4 3.2 1.4 1.1 0.6S 1-17 0-1 0.1-. 1.9-1 1.6- 0.14. 0.3-.

.¥ 0 3.3 0.5 0.1 0.09 0.05 0.2 0.10.6-11 0.02-1.2 0.0.4 0-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.8 0-0.3Pseudopleuronecies

, 1.2 71.0 13.2 3.2 11.3 5.7 5.1 3.9americanus

.0.2-3.5 25-197 5.3-31 1.1-7.6 2.5-43 1.5-17 2-11.3 1.3-9.5Total 53.2 164.4 50.9 29.2 70.3 16.6 16.2 12.432-89 81-334 25-101 18-47 33-147 6.143 8.1-31.2 4.3-34.0 May (continued)

LARVAEBrevoortia tyrannuClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M aenaeusM. ociodecemspinosus M scorpiusL. adanticus L. coheniTauloga onifisTaut.golabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunneltaAmmodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus Total2008 2009 20100 0 00.08 0.1 00-0.2 0-0.40.6 0.4 0.50-1.7 0-1.5 0-1.30 0.2 00-0.60 0.3 0.100.8 0-0,20 0 00 0 01.9 1.6 1.00.5-4,5 0.1-5.0 0.1-2.50 0 00 0 0.10-0.20 0.2 00-0.611.7 20.2 5.34.4-29.0 4.2-85.9 2.2-11.20.04 0 00-0.12.4 2.4 0.70.05-8.4 0.3-5.1 0.1-1,40.4 o0. 00-1.2 0-0.34.8 6.6 5.80.9-16.9 0.5-38.6 1.7-16.342.7 36.8 19.018.6-96.1 6.0-203.2 7.943,8 JuneLARVAEBrevoortia lyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M aenaemsm8.0.M. octodecemspinosus b.,r scorpiusL. atlanticus L. coheniTautoga onitfsTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifurcara Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronecies americanus Total1,6.000-6.0.981 1982 1983 1984 1985.8.1 0.2 0.2 .0 476-37 0.05 0-0.5 .1-150 0 0 " 0.050-0.219.6 0.5 7.1 i., 15.92.33 0.1-1.1 3.16 Q-S" 6.5-370.4 0 0.4 ",, 01-0.8 0.03-0.80 0 0 01 00 0 0 00 0 0 00.7 0.3 0.5 1.43-1.4 0407 0,03-1.2 055~ 0.8-2.20 0 0 0 03.5 1.0 0.4 -1.77466 0.1-2.6 0.1-0.8 0.34.4634.4 3.3 3.2 0. 845-79 1.2-7.3 0.6-9.8 L2.380.5 0.9 94 ~2.3.2-1 0.3-1.8 0.2-1.2 01 4 1-4.70.03 0 0 0.0.1 I402 0 0.06 0.....0.06 0-0.2 OO15.6 4.8 20.6 13.21-38 1.6-12 7.6-53 2.5-561.0 2.3 0.3 1.75-1.8 1-4.4 0-0.6 0.8-381.6 16.9 47.1 ~ .. 69.2-336 6.8-40 20-110 ..ý,24 21-2191986 1987 19882.6 Vf" .4-,3...

0-0.60 012.6 z., 4, 1.06.3-24 .0.4-190.6 .00-1.7 , -"0 i:, 00 ~ 00 00.4-3.3 '- 1 19-7.30 0. ...,,',4 ; ...0.7 3 ,, .0.2-1.6 rNI029 ýh 0.04-0.512.8 0.63.4-43 ~ -2 0.1-1.31.9 0.51-3.3 i0 ' 0-1.50 .00 Q,ý 04,* 15.3 1 ' .71.9-90 ... ' 0.38 L .14.534-220 Wi0 i 9.2319893.00.8-7.9016.37.3-350.20.0.60000.70.1-1.806.02,5-1335.815.852.10,7-4.700.090-0.337.88.4-1600.40-1204.9121-34698 un__ (continued)

LARVAEBrevoortia yrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp,M. aenaeusM. ociodecemspinosus.

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 19980.6 0.4 0.5 0 0.5 6.3 0.9 3.4 1.60.1-1.4 0-1.5 0,03.1.2 0-1.5 1.9.18 0.2-2.1 1.2-7,9 0.3-4.30 0 0 0.07 0 0 0 0 00-0.38.1 1.3 8.9 10.0 3.6 9.9 10.7 11.9 10.52-26 0,1.3.9 2.7-26 7.2-14 1.7-6.6 2.2-36 3-33 4.5-29 4.1-250 0 0 0 0 0.08 0.2 0.7 1.80M0.3 0-0.4 0.2-1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.10-0.3 0.30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M. scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. atlanticus 2.3 2.4 0.4 1.6 2.6 1.3 2.0 0.8 0.080.9-4.8 0-13 0.1-0.8 0.1-5,2 1.1-5.2 0.1-3,5 0.3-6.3 0.2-1.8 0-0.2L. coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautogaonitis 1.3 1.0 2.1 0.6 0 1.5 0.8 0.9 1.10.2-3.3 0-3.8 0.8-4.4 0.03-1.4 0-5 0.1-1.9 0.3-1.9 0.4-2.2Tautogolabrus adspersus 2.0 4.9 1.1 0.3 0.2 0 1.9 9.9 13.80.2-6.7 0-44 0.4-22 0.1-0.7 0-0.6 0.4-5 3.9-23 2.8-57UMvaria subbifircata 2.7 1,2 1.2 3.4 6.3 0.7 9.7 2.2 0.1-33 0.5-2.2 1.9-5.7 2.6-14 0-2 3.2-26 0.4-6,7 1-11Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.07 00-0.2Ammodytes sp, 0.4 0 0 1.1 0.4 0 0.06 0.2 0.10.1-0.9 0.1-3.1 0-0.9 0-0.2 0-0.6 0-0.4Scomber scombrus 2.4 19,0 7.0 5.5 1.2 30.5 13.8 16.1 8.10.5-6.4 0-626 2.9-15 2,1-13 0.2-3.3 3.4-223 4.142 5-48 1,9-27Pseudopleuronectes 0.08 1.1 0.4 3.7 2.3 0.8 6.5 4.9 11.6arericanus 0-0.3 0-4.1 0.1-0.9 1.5-7.8 0.6-5.5 0.1-1.8 1.6-21 1.2-15 3.6-33Total 36.8 31.8 23.8 45.2 33.8 59.7 89.4 98.1 150.417-79 0.5-732 8-70 31-66 25.45 8.2-399 33-238 53-180 62-363 June (continued)

LARVAE 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoorlia tyrannus

' 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.8 2.0 6.30' H-.2 0-1.I 0-0.2 0-0.3 0.1-1.8 0.1-7.4 2.1-16.2Clupea harengus 0 0 0 0.03 0,07 0 0 00-0.1 0-0.3Enchelyopus cimbrius

" 05 3.6 2.5 0.7 15.7 3.7 3.8 3.20-1.4 1.9-6.2 0.7-6.3 0.1-1.8 5.7-40 1.2-9.0 1.1-.74Urophycis spp. 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.4 0 0.2 0.10-2.1 0.1-0.8 0-0.9 0-0.9 0-1.3 0-0.7 0-0.3Maenaeus

  • 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 00-0.2M. octodecemspinosus

, ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M. scorpius

.0 0 0.05 0 0 0 0 00-0.2L. aa.icus 0 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.1 0,30.03-0.7 0-0.5 0-0.3 0.04-1.1 0-0.9 0-0.4 0-0.6L. coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautog, onilis .0.4 1.6 0.6 0 1.9 1.9 1.0 0.50-1.1 0.1-5.1 0,02-1.4 0.7-4 0.6-4.4 0-2.9 0-1.2Tautogolabrus adspersus D 34 6.3 1.8 0.4 7.0 4.3 5.2 5.4z33 0,6-11 1.3-22 0.6-3.8 0-1.3 2.1-20 0.7-16 1.2-16.4 1.6-14.5Mivaria suhbifirc 1.4 3.1 1,6 3.6 3.5 2.0 0.4 1.1-7,2 0.2-5 0.8-I1 0.8-10 0.3-5.8 0-1.3 0-6.1Phois gunnellus 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 00-0.3Am-nodytes sp. 0 0.1 0 0.6 0 0.3 0 00-0.3 0-1,8 0-0.8Scomberscombrus

.4.3 1.7 1.4 0.9 7.6 2.5 4.3 3.3"M-,. 0.4-18 0.24.8 0.2-3.8 0.1-2.5 2-24 0.7-6 1.0-13.1 0.7-10.2Pseudopleuronecies 43 3.2 2.2 3.0 6.0 10.3 0.8 1.6americanus

-O.. 0.4.18 1.4-6.4 0.3-7 1.1-6.7 2.3-14 2.3-37 0.1-1.8 0,34.3Total 29,9 47.7 24.2 17.0 107.8 75.4 25.2 46.112-71 28-79 13-46 18-35 52-221 43-132 7.4-81.0 23.3-90.5 June (continued)

LARVAEBrevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.H. aenaeusM. ociodecemspinosus M. scorpiusL, atlanticus L. coheniTautoga onitisTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbiifrcata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus Total2008 2009 20100.4 0.04 0.90-1.0 0.0.1 0.3-1.90 0.04 00-0.12.3 2.7 2.00.5%6.3 0.7-7.1 0.1 0.20-1.5 0-0.3 040.40 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.2 0.10-0.4 0-030 0 00.4 0.04 0-0.1 0.4 0-1.2 0.2-5.52.2 2.7 2.30,1.6.0 0.4-8.8 0.94.60 0.05 00-0.20.3 0.04 00-0.7 0-0.10.2 0.7 0.60-0.5 0-1.9 0.1-1.43.3 2.3 1.51.1-7.9 0.4-7.0 0.7-2.821.0 14.1 21.87.3-56.9 4.3-42.4 12.4-37.8 MulYLARVAE 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989Brevoortiatyrannus 3.8 0 0.8 , A 0.3 0.1 .2, 1.2 1.40.8-12 0.3-1.5 0,04-0.7 0-0.3 0.1-3.2 04-3Clupeaharengus 0 0 0 i 003 0 ' 0 0Enchelyopuscimbrius 6.3 1.0 3.4 1.6 0.09 1 0.62.8-13 0,5-1.8 1.1-8.5 0.5-3.5 00.2 0225 0-1.6Urophycis spp. 2.1 0 2.3 0.04 0 ,. 0060.4-6 0.7-5.3 .0-01 0-0.2M. aenaeus 0 0 0 i..0 0 0 0M. oclodecemspinosus 0 0 0 0 0 00 .., ":!,:" 0 ......................

, .M.Scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0L. atlanticus 0 0 0 0...., 00, 00-0.1L. coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautogaonitis 3.4 0.3 1.5 ..0.5 0.4 1, 1.2 1.61.6-6.3 0.01-0.6 0.4-3.3 , 0.1-1 0.1-09 1ý 0.3-2.9 0.4-3.9Tautogolabrus adspersus 83.5 0.9 21.2 .4.4 0.4 5.1 6.418-384 0.3-1.7 9.8-45 2-85 0.05-0.8 2.6-9.6 3.6-11Ulvaria subbifurcata 0.1 0.09 0 0 0 .0 00-0.4 0-0.3Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0 ..0,$ .: 0 0Ammodytes sp. 0 0 0 0 0 00Scomberscombrus 2.1 0 0.6 0.7 0.3 0 0.080.2-7.3 0.09-1.4

.0.2-1.5 0-0.7 0-0.3Pseudopleuronectes 0 0.05 0.08 .0 0 ' 0 0 July (continued)

LARVAEBrevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM. octodecemspinosus M scorpiusL. atlanticus L. coheniTautoga onitis19901.90.8-3.6000.70.2-1.4000002.60.8-6.31991 1992 1993 19940 0.5 0.04 0.30.2-0.9 0-0.2 0.01-0.60 0 0 00 0.3 0.6 2.40-0.9 0.01-1.6 0.9-5.10.04 0 0 00-0.10 0 0.2 00-0.60 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0.050-0.20 0 0 00 0.6 0 0.40.1-1.3 0-10 0.4 0.7 2.30.09-0.7 0.07-1.8 0.9-4.70 0.4 0.05 0.80.08-0.8 0-0.2 0.03-2.10 0 0 00 0 0.2 00-0.50 0.6 0.3 0.60.1-1.4 0-0.8 0-1.80 0 0.1 00-0.41.1 3.8 4.4 11.00.5-2.1 1.7-7.7 3-6.2 5.3-2219951.00.4-1.801.90.5-4.40.80-3.2000000.70.3-1.24,52.7-7.30001.60.1-5.10.060-0.218.39-3619961.40.4-,301.60.8- adspersus 106.4Ulvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus Total53-2140.20.01-0.4001.20.2-2.90146.780-270 Jul (continued)

LARVAE 1999Brevoortia tyrannus 4.52-9.2Clupea harengus 0Enchelyopus cimbrius 18.58.6-39Urophycis spp. 3.10.9-8M aenaeus 0M, octodecemspinosus 0M scorpius 0L. atlanticus 0L. coheni 0Tautoga onitis 1.20.3-2.7Tautogolabrus adspersus 22.21143Ulvaria subbifurcata 0.70-2.4Pholis gunnellus 0Ammodytes sp. 0Scomber scombrus 0.20-0.5Pseudopleuronectes 0americanus 20000.20- 20069.0 5.42.4-28.2 2.8-9.60 00.8 0.10-2,5 0-0.40 0.030-0.10 00 00 00.06 00-0.20 00.8 0.20.01-2.1 0,02-0.56.2 2.12.7-12.8 0.9-4.00.03 00-0.10 00 00 00.06 00-0.220073.20.8-8.700.10-0.30000000.81.00.3-2.000000Total 70.0 66.5 26.5 6.4 4.8 27.1 11.1 9.045-109 39-112 15-46 3.2-12 1.5-13 11-64.0 6.8-18.0 3.8-20.0 July (continued)

LARVAEBrevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM octodecemspinosus M. scorpiusL. atlanticus L. coheniTautoga onitisTautogolabns adspersus Ulvaria subbifur cataPholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus Total2008 2009 20101.1 6.3 3.10.4-2.0 2.8-13.1 1.5-6.00 0 03.1 2.6 1.01.2-6.4 0.9-5.6 0.1-2.71.4 2.2 0.50.5-2.9 0-9.2 0-1.20 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 01.2 5.2 6.10.5-2.3 2.2-11.3 2.9-11.816.5 31 31.16.8-37.9 18.4-52.1 0.04 0 0.30-0.1 0-0.80 0 00 0 00.05 0.2 00-0.2 0-0.40.04 0 0H-O.127.9 185.2 53.612-62.7 86.5-395.1 33.3-85.9 AugustLARVAE 1981Brevoortia tyrannus 0.10-0.3Clupea harengus 0Enchelyopus cimbrius 1.70.6-3.7Urophycis spp. 1.20.3-2.9M. aenaeus 0M, octodecemspinosus 0M. scorpius 0L. atlanticus 0L. coheni 0Tautoga onitis 0.90.3-1.9Tautogolabrus adspersus 3.21.6-5.9Ulvaria subbifurcata 0Pholis gunnellus 0Ammodytes sp. 0Scomber scombrus 0Pseudopleuronectes 0americanus 1982 19830.2 0.20-0.4 0-0.50 01.6 5.30.5-3.6 1.1-180,5 0.40.1-0.9 0.06-0.90 00 00 00 00 00.06 0.70-0.2 0.2-1.52.8 3.5I-.6.1 1.1-90 0.050-0.20 00.04 00-0.10 00 019850.050-* 0000* 0.60.1-* 0001986 1900 10000 40 4A0.3 00,01-0.7 O0.200 4-,000

  • I19880.50-1.502.10.3-6.30.30-0.9000000.40- Auust (continued)

LARVAE 1990Brevoortia yrannus 0.30-0,8Clupea harengus 0Enchelyopus cimbrius 2.20.4-6.2Urophycis spp. 1.30,4-3M. aenaeus 0M. octodecemspinosus 0M. scorpius 0L. atlanticus 0L. coheni 0Tautoga onitis 3.41.3-7.5Tautogolabrus adspersus 10.02.3-36Ulvaria subbifurcata 0Pholis gunnellus 0Ammodytes sp. 0Scomber scombrus 0.10-0.3Pseudopleuronectes 0americanus 1991 19920 0.050-0.20 01.7 0.4-1.80.6 1o0.06-1.6 0.04-2.70 00 00 00 00 01.0 0.40.4-1.8 0-1.19.9 1.15.6-17 0.4-1.90 0.050-0.20 00 00 0.080-0.30 019930.30-0.800.30-0.90.30-0.7000001.60.1-58.54.1-17000001994002.60.6-,90-,10-0.30.20-1019960.10-0.302.70.8-,6000001.,1-8.80000019977.51.9-2401.20.2-3.14,01.1-11000003.10.8-8.534.312-970000019980.70.09-1.602.,3-6.900000Total 26.7 18.5 5.2 13.1 9.4 31.6 22.4 89.2 20.910-67 14-25 2.7-9.4 5.7-28 3.4-23 13-77 11-43 45-175 9,7-44 August (continued)

LARVAE 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoortia tyrannus 0.9 0.1 0.2 1.5 0.4 0 0.3 2.1 0.350.3-1.8 0-0.3 0-0.5 0.14.6 0-1 0-0.9 0.2-7.4 0-0.8Clupea harengus 0 0 0 0.04 0 0 0.09 0 00-0.1 0-0.3Enchelyopus cimbrius 1.6 0.4 2.7 0.6 0 0.5 1.4 0.4 0.30.4-3.7 0-1 0.7-7 0.04-1.5 0-1.4 0.4-3.4 0-1.2 0-0.7Urophycis spp, 0.7 0.3 1.7 0.1 0.2 0 0.5 0.4 0.60.08-1.6 0-0.6 0.9-2.8 0-0.4 0-0.7 0.03-1.1 0-1.1 0.1-1.3M. aenaeus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M, octodecemspinosus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. atlanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L, coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautoga onitis 1.0 0.8 1.5 0.1 0.2 1.5 0.7 0.5 0.50.3-2 0.3-1.5 0.4-3.3 0-0.3 0-0.5 0.5-3.3 0.2-1.6 0-1.5 0.1-1.1Tautogolabrus adspersus 1.3 2.3 4.8 0.6 0.3 2.6 0.8 1.1 3.00.5-2.7 0.8-5.3 1.8-11 0-1.8 0-0.7 0.8-6.3 0.2-1.5 0.1-3.1 1.5-5.2UMvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0 0.04 0 0.1 0 0 00-0.1 0-0.3Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0 0.09 0 0 0 0 00-0.3Ammodytes sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomberscombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 00-0.2Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.03 0 0americanus 0-0.2 0-0]1Total 10.8 17.6 6.2 1.9 9.1 6.1 6.9 6.85.3-21 9.8-31 2.8-13 0.8-3.7 4.6-17 2.8-12.3 2.1-18.9 3.6-12.1 Aust (continued)

LARVAE 2008 2009 2010Brevoortia tyrannus 23.5 2.2 0.45.0-99.9 0.6-5.2 0-0.9Clupea harengus 0 0 0Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.7 4.9 1.70.1-1.6 1.6-12.2 0.4-4.2Urophycis spp, 4.8 3.7 1.80.6-20.6 1.5 0.5-4.0M. aenaeus 0 0 0M. octodecemspinosus 0 0 0M scorpius 0 0 0L. atlanticus 0 0 0L. coheni 0 0 0Tautoga onitis 4.8 17.4 1.31.0-15.9 10.2-29.2 0.5-2.7Tautogolabrus adspersus 6.5 8.1 5.01.6-20.8 3.9-15.9 1.4-14.2Ulvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0Ammodytes sp, 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0.04americanus 0-0.1Total 50.1 69.0 19.011.1-216 7.9-44.4 Sietember LARVAEBrevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp,M. aenaeusM octodecemspinosas M. scorpiusL. atlanticus L. coheniTautoga onilisTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifircata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus 19810.040- 19870.1 00.01-0.30 00.3 1.60.03-0.60.20-0.5000000.20-0.50.040-0.1000000.8-2.80.30,03-0.7000000.20-,0.70.3- 5.3 8.3 19.6 27.3 21.5 2.3 3,9 3.4 8.82.1-12 3.9-17 11-34 12-61 9-48 1-4.4 2.1-6.7 .1.4-7.2 7-11 September (continued)

LARVAE 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortia tyrannus 0.2 0 0 7.7 0.2 0 0.6 1.9 0.40-0.5 3.9-15 0.0.7 0-1.7 0.7-3.8 0.04-0.9Clupea harengus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Enchelyopus cimbrius 1.0 1.6 1.7 3.2 0.9 0.2 0.5 2.7 1.70-3.3 0.4-3.7 0.6-3.8 1-7.8 0-3,1 0-0.4 0.04-1 1.2-5.3 0.6-3,4Urophycis spp. 0.9 1.7 1.0 4.3 7.8 3.6 2.6 24.3 7.20.01-2.5 0.6-3.8 0.1-2.7 2.5-7.1 2.5-21 1-10 0.6-7.5 7.8-72 1.6-25M aenaeus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M.octodecemspinosus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0m scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Latlanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L.coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautoga onitis 0.1 1,7 0.3 1.1 0.5 0.05 1.2 0.4 1.60-0.4 0.4-4.1 0-0.6 0.5-1.9 0-1.6 0-0.2 0.2-2.9 0-9 0.5-3.5Tautogolabrus adspersus 0.5 2.8 0.3 3.2 0.5 0.4 1.2 0.3 0.50-1.3 0.6-7.8 0-0.9 1.3-6.8 0-1.3 0-1.2 0.2-2.9 0-0.9 0.02-1.1Ulvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0 0.03 0 0 0 0 00-0.1Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ammodytes sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pseudopleuronecies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0americanus Total 4.2 10.5 4.1 28.3 15,2 9.1 7.2 48.4 18.71.3-11 4-25 1.4-9.9 17-47 6.6-33 3.8-20 2.1-20 24-95 5.8-56 September (continued)

LARVAEBrevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM. octodecemspinosus M scorpiusL. atlanticus L. coheniTautoga onitisTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus 19999.020000.082001 2002 20032004 20052006 20070.04 0.3 0 0.1 0 1.0 0.23.3-22 0-0.2 0-0.2 0-0.7 0-1.70 0 0 0 0.040-0.11.2 0 0,6 0.1 0.050.1-3.3 0,09-1.5 0-0,3 0-0,21.2 0.4 0.2 0.04 0,070-3.9 0-0.5-0.8 0-0.4 0-0.1 0-0.20 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 01.4 1.4 0.3 0 0.50.5-2.8 0.5-2.8 0-0.9 0.1-1.10.1 0.1 0.6 0.04 0.50-0.3 0.0.3 0.03-1.4 0-0.1 0,04-1.30 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00-0,3009000001.20.3-2.90.10-0.20000000.090-0.300.10-0.300000.90.3-1.80.20-0.6000000.2-2.400.60-1.40.20-0.5000000.30-0.90.10-0.3000000-0.400.60-2.10.50-1.1000000.70.1-1.70.10-0.300000Total 22.1 2.5 0,8 3.1 1.7 2,1 3.7 9.59.6-50 0.9-5.7 0.3-1.5 1.2-6.8 0.5-3.7 0.8-4.5 1.4-8.3 4.0-20.9 Setember (continued)

LARVAE 2008 2009 2010Brevoortia yrannus 1.8 1.6 0.2-4.4 0.3-3.3Clupea harengus 0 0 0Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.3 0.2 0.60.1-0.6 0-.5 0.1-1.2Urophycis spp. 0.5 1.1 0.90-1.3 0.2-2.7 0.2-2.0M aenaeus 0 0 0.050-0.2M, octodecemspinosus 0 0 0M. scorpius 0 0 0L. atlanticus 0 0 0L. coheni 0 0 0Tauloga onitis 0.7 0.9 2.80.2-1.6 0.1-2.5 1.2-5.7Tautogolabrus adspersus 0.1 0.1 0.30-0.4 0-0.3 0-0.8Ulvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0Ammodytes sp. 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0americanus Total 11.0 9.0 10.44.1-27.4 3.7-20.4 4.6-22.5 OctoberLARVAE 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989Brevoonia tyrannus 0 0.4 0 0 0.4 0,1 0.2 0 00-1.1 0-1.4 0-0.4 0-0.5Clupea harengus 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 0.05 0 00-0.8 0-0.2Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.8 0 0.3 0.06 6.2 0 1.3 0.6 6.70-2.5 0-0.8 0-0.2 2.3-15 0.4-2.8 0-2 3.3-13Urophycis spp, 1,5 1.1 0 0.4 4.3 0.1 0.2 0 1.10.01-5.2 0-4 0-1.2 0.5-18 0-0.4 0-0.4 0.01-3.3M aenaeus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M. octodecemspinosus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M. scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. atlanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautoga onitis 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 00-0.5 0-0.6Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0.07 0 0 0 0 0.06 0 00-0.3 0-0.2Ulvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ammodytes sp, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomberscombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0americanus Total 2.1 1.7 0.9 0.9 11.9 0.5 3.2 0.9 9.90-8.6 0.07-5.9 0.2-1.9 0.1-2.2 3.7-34 0-1.7 1.6-5.9 0-2.6 4.9-19 October (continued)

LARVAE 1990Brevoortia lyrannus 1.20.1-3.5Clupea harengus 0Enchelyopus cimbrius 6.11.4-20Urophycis spp. 1,50.24M. aenaeus 0M. octodecemspinosus 0M. scorpius 0L. adanticus 0L. coheni 0Tautoga onitis 0Tautogolabrus adspersus 0Ulvaria subbifiurcata 0Pholis gunnellus 0Ammodytes sp. 0Scomber scombrus 0Pseudopleuronectes 0americanus 1991000.30-10000000000000199200.10- 0 0 0Total 11.6 0.3 3.4 2.8 10.8 13.0 4.1 34.0 2.04.9-26 0-1 1.7-6.1 0.2-11 0.7-79 5.4-30 0.6-15 11-104 0,03-7.8 October (continued)

LARVAE 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoortia tyrannus 4.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 00.8-17 0-0.7Clupea harengus 0 0.5 0 0 0 0.1 0.07 0.3 00-1.4 0-0.3 0-0.2 0-1.3Enchelyopus cimbrius 1,0 0 1.1 0 0.04 0.1 0 0.3 0.10-5.2 0-3.8 0-0.1 0-0.3 04,7 0-0.3Urophycis spp. 0.4 0.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.040-1.7 0-1.8 0-0,1M aenaeus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M, octodecemspinosus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M. scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. atlanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautoga onitis 0.1 0 0 0 0.3 0.1 0 0.2 00-0.5 0-1.2 0-0.6 0-0.9Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.10-0.4Ulvaria subbifircata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ammodytes sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0americanus Total 13.9 4.1 0.06 0.4 1.0 0.1 1.5 0.87.3-26 1-12 0-0.2 0-1.3 0-3.2 0-0.2 0.1-4.5 0.2-1.9 October (continued)

LARVAE 2008 2009 2010Brevoortia tyrannus 0 0.3 0.50-0.6 0-1.7Clupea harengus 0.2 0 00-0,7Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.3 0 0.20-0.6 0-0.6Urophycis spp. 0 0.2 0.10-0.5 0-0.2M. aenaeus 0 0 0M. octodecemspinosus 0 0 0M. scorpius 0 0 0L. atlanticus 0 0 0L. coheni 0 0 0Tauloga onilis 0 0 0.10-0.3Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0.10-0.2Ulvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0Ammodytes sp, 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0americanus Total 1.2 0.7 2.10.4-2.7 0.1-1.7 0.3-6.1 NovemberLARVAE 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989Brevoortia yrannus 0 0 0.5 0 2.1 0 0.4 0 00.04-1 0.7.5 0-1.1Clupea harengus 0 0 0 0,2 0 0.5 0.8 0 0.40-0.8 0-1.7 0-2.9 0-1.2Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.2 0 0.09 0 0.1 0 0.3 0 0.60-1.7 0-0.4 0-044 0-0.8 0-1.6Urophycis spp. 0.2 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.090-1.7 0-0.7 0-0.4M. aenaeus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M. octodecemspinosus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L, atlanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautoga onitis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ulvaria subbircata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ammodyies sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0americanus Total 0.4 0 0.7 0.5 2.5 0.5 2.4 0 1.30-4 0-2 0.05-1.3 0.6-6.5 0-1.7 0.8-5.6 0.8-1.9 November (continued)

LARVAE 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortia tyrannus 0.7 0.3 0.2 0,5 0 0 0 0 0.50-2.2 0-1.5 0-0.9 0.07-1.1 0-1.2Clupea harengus 4.6 0 0 0 11.4 15.3 2.8 12.5 1.51.3-13 1.4-64 1.3-117 0.6-8.1 1.6-69 0-5.8Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.4 0 0 0.1 0.08 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.20-0.9 0-0.6 0-0,3 0M0.5 0-0.5 0-0.5 0-0.6Urophycis spp. 0.2 0 0 0 0,06 0 0 0 0.60-0.8 0-0.2 0-1.7M, aenaeus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M octodecemspinosus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. atlanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L.coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tauwoga onilis 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 00-0.5Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ulvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ammodytes sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 aPseudopleuronectes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0americanus Total 5.3 0.6 0.2 0.7 11.5 16.9 3.0 14.2 5.31.2-17 0-23 0-1 0.04-1.8 1.4-65 1.7-118 0.6-8.8 2.7-61 1.9-13 November (continued)

LARVAE 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevoortia tyrannus 1.1 0 0.8 0.09 0.1 0 0 0 0.10-4.6 0-2.5 0-0.4 0-0.5 0-0.3Clupea harengus 3.7 4.7 0.4 0.3 0 0.5 0,7 0.5 00.4.15 0-31 0-2.1 0-1.6 0-1.2 0-4,4 0-1.6Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.1 0 0,2 0 0 0 0 0.1 00-0.4 0-0.5 0-0.2Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M aenaeus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M. octodecemspinosus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Latlanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautoga onitis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ulvaria subbýrcaia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ammodytes sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0 0.06 0 0 0 0 0americanus 0-0.2Total 6.6 2.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.12-19 0.5-6 0-1.9 0.1-1.2 0-1.4 0-4.4 0-2.3 0-0.3 November (continued)

LARVAEBrevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophvcis spp.M. aenaeusM octodecemspinosus M. scorpiusL, atlanticus L. coheniTautoga onitisTautogolabrus adspersus Ulvaria subbifurcata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp,Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes americanus Total20080.10-0.30.20-0,70.10-0.400000000000000.60-1.72009 20100 00.6 1.40-1.7 0-6.40 0.30-0.80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0.10-0.30 00 00.6 2.10-1.8 0.1-8,0 DecemberLARVAEBrevoortia tyrannusClupea harengusEnchelyopus cimbriusUrophycis spp.M. aenaeusM. octodecemspinosus M. scorpiusL. allanticus L. coheniTautoga onitisTautogolabnis adspersus Ulvaria subbifircata Pholis gunnellus Ammodytes sp.Scomber scombrusPseudopleuronectes 198100.20-0.60000000000000019820.20-0.50000000000002,10.9,300198301.90-8,8000000000000.10-0.6001984 1985 19860 0 00 1.0 0.10.02-3.1 0-0.40 0 00 0 00.1 0 00-0.40 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0,1 00-0.40 0 00 0 0198704.61.1-14000000000.1000198800.10.0.400000000000000198900.10-0.400000'00000000~amencanus Total 0.2 2.8 2.3 0.2 1.8 0.1 4.9 0.1 0.2-11 0.08-9.1 0-0.6 0.3-5.4 0.0,4 1.4-14 0.0.4 0-0.4 December (continued)

LARVAE 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998Brevoortia tyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 00-1.4Clupea harengus 1.2 1.0 1.3 0 1.2 13.3 0.6 9.9 2,00.8-1.6 0-4 0.3-2.9 0-5.5 1.9-70 0.02-1.5 1.3-51 054.9Enchelyopuscimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M aenaeus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0M octodecemspinosus 0 0 0 0 0.09 0 0.04 0 00-0.4 0-0.1M scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Latlanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L.coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautoga oniti 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ulvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0 0 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0.050-1 0-0.2Ammodytes sp. 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.04 0 0.40-1.1 0-0.1 0-1.4Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0americanus Total 1.2 1.0 2.0 0.2 1.5 13.3 0.6 10,5 3.40.8-1.6 0-4 0-0.7 0-6 1.9-70 0.02-1.6 1.4-55 1.3-7.3 December (continued)

LARVAE 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007Brevooria tyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Clupea harengus 3.2 0.5 1.0 0 0.5 1.6 0.6 1.1 0.20.4-12 0-3 0-2.9 0,04-1.1 0,34,3 0-2.1 0.2-2.5 0-1.0Enchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Urophycis spp. 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00-0.5M aenaeus 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00.1M. octodecemspinosus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 00-0.4M scorpius 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L. atlanticus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L.coheni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Tautoga onitis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Thutogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0UIvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Phols gunnellus 0.2 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 00-0.6 0-3.7 0-0.2 0-0.2Ammodytes sp. 0.2 0 0 0 0.4 0 0 0 00-1.2 0-1.5Scomber scombrus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0americanus Total 4.8 1.1 0 0.8 1.7 0.9 1.2 0.41,1-15 0-3.7 0-2.3 0.3-4.4 0-2.7 0.3-2,8 0-1.5 December (continued)

LARVAE 2008 2009 2010Brevooruia tyrannus 0 0 0Clupea harengus 0.2 0.5 0-1.5 0-5.9Enchelyopus cimbrius 0 0 0Uropycis spp, 0 0 0M. aenaeus 0 0 0M, octodecemspinosus 0 0 0M. scorpius 0 0 0L. atlanticus 0 0 0L. coheni 0 0 0Tautoga onitis 0 0 0Tautogolabrus adspersus 0 0 0Ulvaria subbifurcata 0 0 0Pholis gunnellus 0 0Ammodytes sp. 0.2 0.1 00-0.9 0-0.3Scomber scombrus 0 0 0Pseudopleuronectes 0 0 0americanus Total 0.5 0.7 1.40-1.7 0-1.9 0-5.9