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{{#Wiki_filter:Navigating the Future Oversight of Fusion Systems Duncan White Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards November 30, 2023
U.S. Strategic Approach to Fusion:
Bold Decadal Vision
* Objectives:
o Realize an operating fusion pilot plant on a decadal timescale and prepare the path broadly to fusion commercialization and scale-up.
o Leverage fusion technologies to realize transformative civil, defense, and space capabilities and dominance.
o Identify strategic interagency collaborative opportunities.
* Key Basis Documents:
o National Academies of Sciences: Bringing Fusion to the U.S. Grid o U.S. Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committees long range strategic plan 2
Participating Agencies
* Department of Energy o Lead agency in fusion energy R&D and coordinating the path to commercialization
* Department of State o Coordination on international collaborations and cooperation
* Nuclear Regulatory Commission o Fusion regulatory framework, licensing, and public engagement on public safety
* Department of Commerce o Export control and standards
* National Science Foundation o Partnerships on staffing & training and workforce development
* Department of Education o Partnerships on fusion-related educational curricula
* Supporting Agencies: Department of Defense and NASA 3
Legislation and Commission Direction
* The Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act (NEIMA; Public Law 115-439) requires NRC to establish a technology inclusive regulatory framework for fusion energy systems by December 31, 2027 o Definition of advanced reactor includes fusion reactor
* On April 13, 2023, the Commission issued SRM-SECY-23-0001 Options for Licensing and Regulating Fusion Energy Systems (ML23103A449) directing the staff to implement a byproduct material approach to regulating near-term fusion energy systems o Modify existing 10 CFR Part 30 to include a Fusion Energy Systems framework o Develop a new volume of NUREG-1556, Consolidated Guidance About Materials Licenses, dedicated to Fusion Energy Systems o If a design presents hazards sufficiently beyond near-term technologies, staff should notify the Commission and make recommendations for appropriate action.
Oversight of fusion systems will be performed by both NRC and Agreement States 4
Characteristics of Near-Term Fusion Systems
* Safety focus of near-term fusion systems will be the control, confinement, and shielding of radioactive material present rather than on the performance and control of the device.
* Near-term fusion systems are expected to have:
o Active engineered features to achieve a self-sustaining fusion reaction o No fissile material present and a self-sustaining neutron chain reaction is not possible o Energy and radioactive material production from fusion reactions cease without any intervention in off-normal events or accident scenarios o Active post shutdown cooling of the fusion device structures containing radioactive material is not necessary to prevent a loss of radiological confinement o Credible accident scenarios from any radionuclides present at the licensed facility are expected to result in low doses to workers and less than 1 rem effective dose equivalent to a member of the public offsite 5
U.S. Academic/Commercial Fusion Landscape
* Fusion Regulation and Regulatory Guidance Needed Now o Several academic/commercial fusion research and development facilities currently licensed by Agreement States o 25 commercial companies currently pursuing fusion in U.S. for energy, heat, propulsion, etc.
o Over $6 billion dollars in private investment o Two commercial companies currently constructing proof of concept fusion system facilities o Tokamak (magnetic) design currently under construction, operational by 2025 (CFS)
License application submitted to Agreement State o Field reverse configuration with magnetic confinement (magneto-inertial) design currently under construction, operational by 2025 (Helion)
Earlier prototype licensed by Agreement State, application for current design expected in 2024 Signed two purchase agreements to provide electricity by 2030 6
Fusion Basics Deuterium - Tritium (D - T)
Deuterium -
Deuterium (D - D)
Deuterium - Helium 3 (D - 3He) 7
Fusion Basics Breeding Blanket Deuterium (2H)  Neutron (1n)                  1. Shielding:
moderate and Captured in        absorb neutrons breeding blanket    to shield magnets
: 2. Heat Capture:
14.1 MeV                    generate power
: 3. Tritium breeding:
Make more Exhaust            tritium for fuel (Lithium +
neutron) 3.5 MeV Tritium (3H)  Helium (4He) 8
Lawson Criteria To initiate a fusion reaction, you must confine the energy long enough in a fuel that is dense enough at a temperature that is high enough. The relationship that quantifies this is called the Lawson criterion.
Horvath, A., Rachlew, E. Nuclear power in the 21st century:
Challenges and possibilities. Ambio 45, 38-49 (2016). Figure 4 9
Fusion is Hard: Status of the Technology and Performance Challenges 10
Three General Approaches to Fusion Magneto - Inertial Pulsed Inertial Magnetic                          Pulsed Continuous 11 Commonwealth Fusion Systems
- Devens, MA
SPARC Facility at Commonwealth Fusion Systems
Challenge - Diversity of Designs and Hazards under One Framework Fusion Reactions (Fuel)
* Deuterium - Tritium (DT)  Design Elements
* Deuterium - Helium 3
* Shielding
* Deuterium - Deuterium (DD)
* Breeding Blankets
* Proton - Boron 11
* System Controls (cryogenic, etc.)
* Access Control, etc.
Radiological Hazards
* Tritium                    Programmatic Elements
* Activation Products
* Radiation Protection
* Neutrons
* Training Fusion Technologies
* Waste Management
* Magnetic
* Accountability, etc.
* Inertial
* Magneto-Inertial 22
Radioactive Material
* Tritium o 10 - 20 grams for R&D o <500 grams for commercial                        1 gram of tritium = 9620 curies o HT or HTO is important for dosimetry
* Activation products o  Quantity and Type unknown o  Highly dependent on selection of materials o  Area of extensive research o  Mostly in structural materials
* Dust o  Quantity and type dependent on inner wall o  Small metallic particles from plasma and inner vessel wall interactions o  Contains tritium and activation products o  Contributor to offsite doses 23
Scope of Fusion Rulemaking Activities Rulemaking:
* Based on 11e.(3) definition in AEA of byproduct material (statutory)
  - Radioactive material for research, commercial or medical purposes
  - Accelerator-produced
* Limited-scope rulemaking in Title 10, Part 30 of Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR 30) to cover only near-term, known fusion energy system designs
  - Definitions
  - Content-of-application requirements specific to fusion - Use standard Part 30 processes where applicable
  - Other fusion-specific requirements, as needed, to address specialized topics
* Agreement State regulations required to be compatible 24
Preliminary Proposed Rule Language Definitions in Parts 20 and 30 Approach for New and Amended Definitions
* Focus on byproduct material and associated radiation
    - Emphasis on containing, processing, or controlling radiation and radioactive materials
* Limited to specific components - not facility-wide
* No impact on current licensees
* Enhance regulatory clarity and predictability 25
Preliminary Proposed Rule Language Content of Application in Part 30 Approach for Content of Application
* Supplement existing Part 30 regulations to address fusion system specific application o General description of fusion system o Operating and emergency procedures o Organization structure related to radiation safety o Training o Inspection and Maintenance o Material Inventory 26
Preliminary Proposed Rule Language Content of Application in Part 30 Approach for Content of Application - continued
* Alternative Approach o Radiation safety description of fusion system o Encourage pre-application communications
* Regulations are intended to apply to fusion systems during research and development or commercial deployment
* Issuance of license 27
Preliminary Proposed Rule Language Changes to Part 20 Approach for disposal of fusion systems byproduct material
* New construction materials potentially resulting in activation products consisting of different radionuclides and in different quantities than previously considered
    - Waste streams not considered in the development of the Part 61 tables may require disposal
    - Staff considering whether applications should include an assessment of the disposal pathway as part of the decommissioning funding plan
* Allow waste from fusion systems to be disposed at existing LLW disposal sites
* Use risk-informed approach based on site-specific intrusion assessment at LLW disposal facility to allow disposal of novel waste streams
    - Does not require changes to Part 61
    - Does not require changes to other sections and appendices in Part 20
    - Consistent with LLW rulemaking currently underway 28
Scope of Fusion Rulemaking Activities
* Licensing Guidance:
o New NUREG-1556 licensing volume o Well established structure - 21 volumes o Focus on topics that distinguish fusion from other uses of radioactive materials o Address range of fusion technologies o Technology-inclusive o Scale safety requirements o Use standard content from guidance documents to the extent possible o NRC, Agreement State, and DOE o No other licensing guidance development anticipated o Agreement State guidance required to be compatible
* Other Related Activities:
o Technology-specific implementation o Inspection guidance o Training for NRC and Agreement State staff o Public Outreach 29
Challenges - Regulatory and Guidance Development Several regulatory and safety issues need to be addressed during the rulemaking and guidance development process
* Sharing design approvals across the National Materials Program
* Composition of materials used in fusion systems o Area of active research to minimize production of activation products and minimize radiation damage o Radionuclides and quantities affect source term for emergency preparedness evaluation, decommissioning costs, waste disposal, maintenance and inspection protocols, etc.
* Radiation safety o Shielding of high energy neutrons and production of photons and x-rays o  Dosimetry considerations for gaseous tritium v. tritiated water (HTO) v. special tritiated products o  Worker protection during maintenance of vacuum vessel o  Tritium handling systems and containment of tritium contamination 30
Engagement and Outreach Leverage Existing                                                    Diverse Stakeholder Engagement Timeframe Communication Avenues
* Start of official rulemaking  Engagement
* State-Tribal
* Middle of draft development
* Agreement States Communication letters
* After publication of proposed
* Tribal Nations
* Government-to-                      rule (official public comment
* CRCPD Government meetings                period)
* Public Meetings                          Meetings as needed
* Federal Agencies
* User Groups
* Fusion Industry Association
* Professional Associations Leverage Existing Regulatory                Build Capabilities and
* Utilities Experience                                  Knowledge
* Universities
* Agreement States
* Workshops
* International community
* Office of Regulatory Research (RES)
* Seminars
* Non-Government
* Department of Energy (DOE)                                            Organizations
* Training
* Standards Development
* Staff rotations/details Organizations (ASME, ANS)
* International 31
Thank You!

Revision as of 23:18, 11 December 2023

Presentation to Health Physics Community on Navigating the Future Oversight of Fusion Systems
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/30/2023
From: White A
Download: ML23335A033 (1)


Navigating the Future Oversight of Fusion Systems Duncan White Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards November 30, 2023

U.S. Strategic Approach to Fusion:

Bold Decadal Vision

  • Objectives:

o Realize an operating fusion pilot plant on a decadal timescale and prepare the path broadly to fusion commercialization and scale-up.

o Leverage fusion technologies to realize transformative civil, defense, and space capabilities and dominance.

o Identify strategic interagency collaborative opportunities.

  • Key Basis Documents:

o National Academies of Sciences: Bringing Fusion to the U.S. Grid o U.S. Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committees long range strategic plan 2

Participating Agencies

  • Department of Energy o Lead agency in fusion energy R&D and coordinating the path to commercialization
  • Department of State o Coordination on international collaborations and cooperation
  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission o Fusion regulatory framework, licensing, and public engagement on public safety
  • Department of Commerce o Export control and standards
  • National Science Foundation o Partnerships on staffing & training and workforce development
  • Department of Education o Partnerships on fusion-related educational curricula
  • Supporting Agencies: Department of Defense and NASA 3

Legislation and Commission Direction

  • On April 13, 2023, the Commission issued SRM-SECY-23-0001 Options for Licensing and Regulating Fusion Energy Systems (ML23103A449) directing the staff to implement a byproduct material approach to regulating near-term fusion energy systems o Modify existing 10 CFR Part 30 to include a Fusion Energy Systems framework o Develop a new volume of NUREG-1556, Consolidated Guidance About Materials Licenses, dedicated to Fusion Energy Systems o If a design presents hazards sufficiently beyond near-term technologies, staff should notify the Commission and make recommendations for appropriate action.

Oversight of fusion systems will be performed by both NRC and Agreement States 4

Characteristics of Near-Term Fusion Systems

  • Safety focus of near-term fusion systems will be the control, confinement, and shielding of radioactive material present rather than on the performance and control of the device.
  • Near-term fusion systems are expected to have:

o Active engineered features to achieve a self-sustaining fusion reaction o No fissile material present and a self-sustaining neutron chain reaction is not possible o Energy and radioactive material production from fusion reactions cease without any intervention in off-normal events or accident scenarios o Active post shutdown cooling of the fusion device structures containing radioactive material is not necessary to prevent a loss of radiological confinement o Credible accident scenarios from any radionuclides present at the licensed facility are expected to result in low doses to workers and less than 1 rem effective dose equivalent to a member of the public offsite 5

U.S. Academic/Commercial Fusion Landscape

  • Fusion Regulation and Regulatory Guidance Needed Now o Several academic/commercial fusion research and development facilities currently licensed by Agreement States o 25 commercial companies currently pursuing fusion in U.S. for energy, heat, propulsion, etc.

o Over $6 billion dollars in private investment o Two commercial companies currently constructing proof of concept fusion system facilities o Tokamak (magnetic) design currently under construction, operational by 2025 (CFS)

License application submitted to Agreement State o Field reverse configuration with magnetic confinement (magneto-inertial) design currently under construction, operational by 2025 (Helion)

Earlier prototype licensed by Agreement State, application for current design expected in 2024 Signed two purchase agreements to provide electricity by 2030 6

Fusion Basics Deuterium - Tritium (D - T)

Deuterium -

Deuterium (D - D)

Deuterium - Helium 3 (D - 3He) 7

Fusion Basics Breeding Blanket Deuterium (2H) Neutron (1n) 1. Shielding:

moderate and Captured in absorb neutrons breeding blanket to shield magnets

2. Heat Capture:

14.1 MeV generate power

3. Tritium breeding:

Make more Exhaust tritium for fuel (Lithium +

neutron) 3.5 MeV Tritium (3H) Helium (4He) 8

Lawson Criteria To initiate a fusion reaction, you must confine the energy long enough in a fuel that is dense enough at a temperature that is high enough. The relationship that quantifies this is called the Lawson criterion.


Horvath, A., Rachlew, E. Nuclear power in the 21st century:

Challenges and possibilities. Ambio 45, 38-49 (2016). Figure 4 9

Fusion is Hard: Status of the Technology and Performance Challenges 10

Three General Approaches to Fusion Magneto - Inertial Pulsed Inertial Magnetic Pulsed Continuous 11 Commonwealth Fusion Systems

- Devens, MA

SPARC Facility at Commonwealth Fusion Systems

Challenge - Diversity of Designs and Hazards under One Framework Fusion Reactions (Fuel)

  • Deuterium - Tritium (DT) Design Elements
  • Shielding
  • Deuterium - Deuterium (DD)
  • Breeding Blankets
  • System Controls (cryogenic, etc.)
  • Access Control, etc.

Radiological Hazards

  • Activation Products
  • Radiation Protection
  • Neutrons
  • Training Fusion Technologies
  • Waste Management
  • Magnetic
  • Accountability, etc.
  • Inertial
  • Magneto-Inertial 22

Radioactive Material

  • Tritium o 10 - 20 grams for R&D o <500 grams for commercial 1 gram of tritium = 9620 curies o HT or HTO is important for dosimetry
  • Activation products o Quantity and Type unknown o Highly dependent on selection of materials o Area of extensive research o Mostly in structural materials
  • Dust o Quantity and type dependent on inner wall o Small metallic particles from plasma and inner vessel wall interactions o Contains tritium and activation products o Contributor to offsite doses 23

Scope of Fusion Rulemaking Activities Rulemaking:

  • Based on 11e.(3) definition in AEA of byproduct material (statutory)

- Radioactive material for research, commercial or medical purposes

- Accelerator-produced

  • Limited-scope rulemaking in Title 10, Part 30 of Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR 30) to cover only near-term, known fusion energy system designs

- Definitions

- Content-of-application requirements specific to fusion - Use standard Part 30 processes where applicable

- Other fusion-specific requirements, as needed, to address specialized topics

  • Agreement State regulations required to be compatible 24

Preliminary Proposed Rule Language Definitions in Parts 20 and 30 Approach for New and Amended Definitions

  • Focus on byproduct material and associated radiation

- Emphasis on containing, processing, or controlling radiation and radioactive materials

  • Limited to specific components - not facility-wide
  • No impact on current licensees
  • Enhance regulatory clarity and predictability 25

Preliminary Proposed Rule Language Content of Application in Part 30 Approach for Content of Application

  • Supplement existing Part 30 regulations to address fusion system specific application o General description of fusion system o Operating and emergency procedures o Organization structure related to radiation safety o Training o Inspection and Maintenance o Material Inventory 26

Preliminary Proposed Rule Language Content of Application in Part 30 Approach for Content of Application - continued

  • Alternative Approach o Radiation safety description of fusion system o Encourage pre-application communications
  • Regulations are intended to apply to fusion systems during research and development or commercial deployment
  • Issuance of license 27

Preliminary Proposed Rule Language Changes to Part 20 Approach for disposal of fusion systems byproduct material

  • New construction materials potentially resulting in activation products consisting of different radionuclides and in different quantities than previously considered

- Waste streams not considered in the development of the Part 61 tables may require disposal

- Staff considering whether applications should include an assessment of the disposal pathway as part of the decommissioning funding plan

  • Allow waste from fusion systems to be disposed at existing LLW disposal sites
  • Use risk-informed approach based on site-specific intrusion assessment at LLW disposal facility to allow disposal of novel waste streams

- Does not require changes to Part 61

- Does not require changes to other sections and appendices in Part 20

- Consistent with LLW rulemaking currently underway 28

Scope of Fusion Rulemaking Activities

  • Licensing Guidance:

o New NUREG-1556 licensing volume o Well established structure - 21 volumes o Focus on topics that distinguish fusion from other uses of radioactive materials o Address range of fusion technologies o Technology-inclusive o Scale safety requirements o Use standard content from guidance documents to the extent possible o NRC, Agreement State, and DOE o No other licensing guidance development anticipated o Agreement State guidance required to be compatible

  • Other Related Activities:

o Technology-specific implementation o Inspection guidance o Training for NRC and Agreement State staff o Public Outreach 29

Challenges - Regulatory and Guidance Development Several regulatory and safety issues need to be addressed during the rulemaking and guidance development process

  • Sharing design approvals across the National Materials Program
  • Composition of materials used in fusion systems o Area of active research to minimize production of activation products and minimize radiation damage o Radionuclides and quantities affect source term for emergency preparedness evaluation, decommissioning costs, waste disposal, maintenance and inspection protocols, etc.
  • Radiation safety o Shielding of high energy neutrons and production of photons and x-rays o Dosimetry considerations for gaseous tritium v. tritiated water (HTO) v. special tritiated products o Worker protection during maintenance of vacuum vessel o Tritium handling systems and containment of tritium contamination 30

Engagement and Outreach Leverage Existing Diverse Stakeholder Engagement Timeframe Communication Avenues

  • Start of official rulemaking Engagement
  • State-Tribal
  • Middle of draft development
  • Agreement States Communication letters
  • After publication of proposed
  • Tribal Nations
  • Government-to- rule (official public comment
  • CRCPD Government meetings period)
  • Public Meetings Meetings as needed
  • Federal Agencies
  • User Groups
  • Fusion Industry Association
  • Professional Associations Leverage Existing Regulatory Build Capabilities and
  • Utilities Experience Knowledge
  • Universities
  • Agreement States
  • Workshops
  • International community
  • Office of Regulatory Research (RES)
  • Seminars
  • Non-Government
  • Department of Energy (DOE) Organizations
  • ARPA-E
  • Training
  • Standards Development
  • Staff rotations/details Organizations (ASME, ANS)
  • International 31

Thank You!