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#REDIRECT [[AECM-82-261, Forwards Final Rept Re Control Sys Failures Evaluation,In Response to SER (NUREG-0831) License Condition 1.11(10). Rept Supersedes 820422 Submittal]]
| number = ML20054F759
| issue date = 06/11/1982
| title = Forwards Final Rept Re Control Sys Failures Evaluation,In Response to SER (NUREG-0831) License Condition 1.11(10). Rept Supersedes 820422 Submittal
| author name = Dale L
| author affiliation = MISSISSIPPI POWER & LIGHT CO.
| addressee name = Denton H
| docket = 05000416, 05000417
| license number =
| contact person =
| case reference number = RTR-NUREG-0831, RTR-NUREG-831
| document report number = AECM-82-261, NUDOCS 8206170295
| page count = 31
{{#Wiki_filter:-              _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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l M MISSISSIPPI POWER & LIGH      Helping Build Mississippi P. O. B OX 164 0, J AC K S O N, MIS SIS SIP PI 3 9 2 0 5 June 11,1982 NUCLEAR pro 00CTioN DEPARTMENT U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Washington, D. C.        20555 Attention:        Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director
==Dear Mr. Denton:==
Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-416 and 50-417 File: 0260/0840/L-350.0 Transmittal of Evaluation for Control Systems Failures; SER License Condition Item 1.11(10)
AECM-82/261 Mississippi Power & Light (MP&L) letter, AECM-82/159, dated April 22, 1982, transmitted information in regard to Safety Evaluation Report (SER),
NUREG-0831 License Condition 1.11(10).            It was noted in the report that certain reviews / verifications were required and that a final report would be forthcccing. The attachment to this letter represents our final report and
,      therefore, supercedes Attachment I to AECM-82/159.
If you have any questions or require further information, please contact this office.
s truly, M
L. F. Dale Manager of Nuclear Services JTB/JGC/JDR:lg
: 1. Control Systems Failure Evaluation cc:    (See Next Page) o\
o 8206170295 820611 PDR ADOCK 05000416 E                      PDR Member Middle South Utilities System
AECM-82/261 E
MISSISSIPPI POWER O LIE HT COMPANY cc: Mr. N. L. Stampley Mr. R. B. McGehee Mr. T. B. Conner Mr. G. B. Taylor Mr. Richard C. DeYoung, Director Office of Inspection & Enforcement U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Mr. J. P. O'Reilly, Regional Administrator Office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta St., N.W.,  Suite 3100 Atlanta, Georgia 30303
                                                          #E MISSISSIPPI POWER Q L12HT COMPANY bec: Dr. D. C. Gibbs (w/o)
Mr. A. Zaccaria (w/o)
Mr. L. E. Ruhland (w/o)
Mr. R. S. Trickovic (w/a)
Mr. C. D. Wood (w/o)
Mr. J. F. Hudson, Jr. (w/o)
Mr. T. H. Cloninger (w/o)
Mr. J. P. McGaughy (w/o)
Mr. T. E. Reaves (w/o)
Mr. C. K. McCoy (w/o)
Mr. J. W. Yelverton (w/o)
Mr. A. R. Smith (w/o)
Mr. R. F. Phares (w/a)
Mr. A. G. Wagner (w/a)
Mr. C. C. Hayes (w/o)
Mr. M. D. Houston (w/a)
Mr. J. F. Pinto (w/o)
Mr. M. D. Archdeacon (w/a)
File (w/a) l l
I i
i l
I e
I i
CONTROL SYSTEMS FAILURES EVALUATION The evaluation discussed in this attachment was performed in response to the NRC letter dated April 16, 1981 (MAEC-82/80), from R. L. Tedesco to J. P. McGaughy.
A. Common Power Supplies Methodology This evaluation covers the spectrum of all non-safety control systems whose failures (resulting from the loss of common power supplies) could have the potential to cause the consequences of transients or accidents evaluated in FSAR Chapter 15 analysis to be more severe.
The evaluation was developed in accordance with the steps described below:
: 1.        A review of FSAR Chapter 15 events was conducted and a list of non-safety control systems was developed whose failure could have the potential to impact reactor pressure, reactor water level or reactor power. The list consisted of the following.
non' safety control systems:
: a. Reactor Feedwater System
: b. Reactor Turbine Pressure Regulator System
: c. Recirculation Flow Control System
: d. Feedwater Heater System (Condensate and Extraction Steam)
: e. Condenser. Vacuum System
: f. Reactor Water Level 8 Turbine Trip
: g. Bypass System Operation
: h. Rod Control and Information System (RC&IS)
: i. Environmental Control System (Offgas Vent and Offgas Flow Control System)
: j. Instrument Air System (Isolation Actuation) i Master Parts List (MPL) system number prefixes associated with l
the above non-safety control systems:
B33, C11, C34, C85, D17, N19, N21, N23, N31, N32, N33, N34,        i N35, N36, N43, N62, N64, PS2, P53
: 2.        This step provided the data base necessary to identify the potential control systems and electrical loads which were to be considered for this analysis. In preparing data for a i                      response to IE Bulletin 79-27 (letter submittal AECM-82/121, dated April 29, 1982), a complete set of tables were developed which included all electrical loads of power generation design basis systems. Each electrical load listed in the tables was identified by its unique MPL system number, circuit description, power distribution (lowest to highest level power source) and effects (primary and secondary) due to power loss.
If the actual effect for each power loss evaluated could not I                      be determined, the effect was delineated by a worst case assumption. For example, an actual effect would be a pump trip resulting from loss of power. However, if the loss of power caused a fail-as-is condition to a throttle valve, a worst case assumption would have to be made since the position of the valve prior to the power loss would be undetermined.
An example of these tables is provided on Attachment No. I to this report.
: 3. All supporting electrical components'or loads having the same              !
MPL tystem number prefix as the ten non-safety systems defined            i in Step 1 were identified utilizing the drawings referenced in            )
Step 2.
: 4. After identifying all components, a list of elimination criterion was established which provided a basis for
        ' determining whether an individual component would require further consideration or could be deleted from the analysis.
Each of the original loads identified.on the. drawings (Step 3) were reviewed against each of the criteria listed below. .A component which met any one of the following criteria was eliminated from consideration and the applicable elimination code (NI, N2, etc.) was indicated on the associated drawing next to the component's MPL system prefix. (Examples of loads eliminated are indicated on Attachment No. 1.)
Elimination              Elimination Criterion Code
* Criterion N1                Components whose failure effects are        '
clearly bounded by a dominant failure effect on the same breaker can be eliminated by inspection. For example, the loss of several trips such as feedwater turbine overspeed trip on the same breaker as the solenoid that controls all remote trips. The solenoid loss is clearly the dominant effect. Also, in the case of identical components, only one of the components on that breaker need be listed. However, when it was not obvious by inspection that a component could be eliminated by this criteria, it was included for further analysis.
N2                Instrumentation which have no direct or indirect controlling function or passive input (such as permissive) into control logic. Instrumentation and other dedicated inputs to the process computer, as well as the computer itself, can be excluded. Operator actions as a result of indications are not considered control functions for the control systems failure analysis.
N3                Control systems and controlled components (heaters, fans) which have no direct or indirect interaction with reactor operation or reactor parameters. For example, communications, most unit heaters and controls, lighting controls and ventilation control systems for exterior buiidings.
CONTROL SYSTEMS FAILURES EVALUATION - Ccntinu:d Elimination          Elimination Criterion Code
* Criterion N4              Control systems and controlled components (pumps, valves) that do interact or interface with reactor operating systems but which cannot affect the reactor parameters (water level, pressure or reactivity) either directly or indirectly.
For example, some offgas components and area radiation monitors.
N5              Systems which are not used during normal power operation. For example, start-up, shutdown or refueling systems not used.
during normal operation.
N6              Some lube oil pumps are powered from AC busses but have a back-up pump powered from a DC source. Since a single electrical failure cannot disable the lube oil function these components were eliminated from the analysis.
Y              Required further analysis and therefore, were not eliminated.
        *In some cases more than one of these criteria may apply.
: 5. Bus tree tables were then developed for all components requiring further analysis, utilizing the power distribution and other information described in Step 2. The bus tree tables were primarily developed in order to group all components according to their common bus structures thus, establishing a format to evaluate all potential combinations of electrical load failures that could occur as a result of a single bus failure. Bus tree development was limited to certain pre-selected high leval busses in the power distribution system (See FSAR 8.1-1). The evaluation of loss of power supply was taken no higher than these pre-selected busses because the loss of the next higher level bus (bus 12R) initiates an event that is already bounded by loss of AC power evaluations presented in FSAR Chapter 15.2.6.
: 6. The above process resulted in a bus tree table consisting of those control systems remaining common at some power level and whose individual failures were shown to have a potential effect (see Attachment No. 2 columns labled " Primary Effect" and "Second(y Effect") on one or more reactor parameters.
Further analysis was performed to determine the combinational effects of multiple control systems failures where applicable due to the loss of a lowest common level power source (See Attachmert No. 2 column labled "Combinational Effects").
: 7. Further analysis was performed to determine the most severe bus failures and their combinational effects resulting from      ,
the effects of cascading power losses extending from lowest-      !
common level power sources to higher level distribution.        j panels, battery busses, and load centers. This task was          '
accomplished by. utilizing the combined effects at the lowest common level bus (Attachment No.' 2) as a starting point. The next higher common level bus was then postulated to. fail and the total effects at that level were analyzed. This method was repeated for each higher level bus; continuing the process up to the highest level the bus tree tables. For power -
losses where competing effects existed, the dominant failure effect was determined by an evaluation of the circuitry involved or a worst case assumption was made. An example of two competing effects resulting from the same bus loss, would be the generation of a trip signal to a pump's trip solenoid initiating a pump trip, in conjunction with the deenergization  ;
of the same trip solenoid resulting in the loss of the trip function. By evaluation, the dominant effect for the above case was determined to be the loss of the trip function. If-it was not possible to determine the dominant effect, worst case assumptions were made considering all cases involved.
Attachment No. 3 delineates the highest level busses and shows the most severe bus failures and their combinational effects resulting from the effects of cascading power losses.
: 8. The most severe combinational effects resulting from power-losses were then analyzed against specific events in FSAR Chapter 15 (Attachment No. 3). The evaluation revealed no        )
power supply failure which initiated an event not bounded by      i the current transient analysis presented in FSAR Chapter 15.
B. Common Instrument Line Methodology This evaluation covers the spectrum of all non-safety control systems whose failure (resulting from the loss of common instrument lines) could    I have the potential to cause the consequences of transients or accidents evaluated in FSAR Chapter 15 analysis to be more severe.
The common instrument line failure analysis was performed after the common bus failure analysis was completed. The methodology used was as follows:
: 1. A list of instruments was developed that provided inputs to the non-safety control systems identified in Step 1 above and which also shared a common instrument line with another instrument.
: 2. The effect of the loss of these instruments was listed in terms of the systems or components affected.
: 3. Instrument combinations whose loss had been covered previously in the electrical portion of-the control systems failure analysis were eliminated.
MID4 1
: 4. The remaining instruments were then grouped according to their common taps and evaluated for the case of a broken line or plugged line (Attachment No. 4). In the case of absolute ,
pressure instruments, the plugging mechanism was assumed to cause an increase in pressure since this would cause the worst case effects.
: 5. The effects on the reactor parameters resulting from the loss of common instruments were then analyzed against events in
          -FSAR Chapter 15 (Attachment No. 4). The evaluation revealed no common instrument failure which initiated an event not bounded by the current transient analysis presented in FSAR Chapter 15.
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                                                                                                                                                          \                                                -
4                                                        -y IES 79-27 sys.            Cowattti                    PRIMARY                  stC0tDARY                                              COMf14AT104AL                              l
: 40.        DESCRIPflot                    EffECT                    iffECT                                                tifECTS TABLE hD.
i                                  ,                                                                                                                        THE LOSS OF REL*CTE MANUAL CAPABILITY TO BATTE RY BUS            1504-49    N21  RFPT A SPEED CHANGER    LOSS OF SPEED CHANGER          LOSS OF REMOTE MAMJAL CAPABILITY TO CHANGE                          CHA,4GE SPEED OF RFPT A HAS NO EFFECT ON                  . 's 1100                                      CONTROL                CONTROL REACTOR WATER LEVEL.                                    -'
1                                                                            (RFPT B ON BUS 11 DE)          SPEED OF RFPT A.                                                                                            O I
POSStBLE MAIN TURBtNE TRIP.                                t 1504-50    N35  MOISTURE SEPAR ATOR    LOSS OF DRAIN CONTROL          POSSIBLE WATER INDUC-l                                                    REHEATER VENTS & DRAIN.                                TION AND/OR OVER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  , 1 f
SPEED TRIP OF MAIN TURBINE.                                                                                                ~ f, s          4 l1DD1 N35  MOISTUR E SEPAR ATOR    LOSS OF LEVEL INPUT            LOSS OF DIV. "A" CON-
                        !                            REHEATER DRAIN LEVEL    CONTROLi.                      TACTS TO TRIP TURBINE j"
AND ALARMS                                            ON H1-HI LEVEL                                                                            ,
l l
(DIV."B" B ACK-UP)                                                                                    _i 1504-54    C34    REACTOR HIGH WATER      HICH WATER LEVEL StGNAL RX HI LEVEL TRIP "C" LEVEL TRIP *C"        'T" GENE RATED                  OCCURS (2 OF 3 RE-(TRIP "A" ON BUS 1100)      ,
OulRED TO TRIP RFPT'S                                                                          ,
(TRIP ~8"ON BUS 11DE)          NO EFFECT) s j
.                                                    LOGICS "A"              R E LAY LOGICS "A"
f'                                                                                                                                  .
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                                                                                                                                        .                        4 -~                                                  _ ,
M, e                b
I    9 s                  e
Attachment i                                                                              .** - .[-
rn - e Dum Tree Table 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                '4 s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ~l4 IEB 79-27                  sys.          COMPontNT                              PRIMARY                  SECONDARY                            COMBilliAfl0NAL TAptt ho.                h D.          Ot$C RIPTf 04                          EffICT                    EFFECT                              EFFECTS BATTERY BUS      [  1505 12                    N21  RFPT B TRIP SOLENOID                SOLENOID DE-ENERG12ED      LOSS OF REMOTE CAPA.        THE LOSS OF REMOTE MANUAL CAPABILITY TO 11 DE                                                SVF-6128                              (RFPT A TRIP SOLENOID ON  ABILITY TO TRIP RFPT B CHANGE SPEED OF RFPT B HAS NO EFFECT ON% f BUS 11DD)                                              REACTOR WATER LEVEL.                                          'i
150513                    N21    RFPT B SPEED CHANGER                  LOSS OF SPEED CHANGER      LOSS OF REMOTE MAN-                                                        l 1DE2                                                                                                                                                                                    I CONTROL                              CONTROL (RFPT A ON          UAL CAPABILITY TO l                                                                                BUS 11 DD)                CHANGE SPEED OF                                                              l h                                                                                                          RFPT B.
* l          150518                    N21  RFTP B TRIP & ALARMS                  LOSSOF TRIP & ALARMS      LOSS OF ABILITY TO TR P
* j                                                                                (RFPT A ON BUS 11 DD)      RFPT B ON LOW SUCTIOfi AND LOW RECIRC FLOW I
i                                150516                    N32  TURBINE TRIP SYSTEM                  LOSS OF TRIP SYSTEM        LOSS OF LOW VACUUM          PARTIAL LOSS OF CAPABILITY'TO TRIP MAIN .
B ATTE RY BUS        50522                    N21    RFPT B CONTROLLER                    LOSS OF RFPT B CON-        LOSSOF REMOTE AUTO            LOSS OF BUS UNLIKE LY SINCE INVE RTER WHKH TROL        (RFPT A ON    CONTROL OF RFPT B.            F EEDS IT IS BACKED UP BY AN ALTERNATE AC i BUS 1100)              .
SOURCE.                                    l AC    !          1505-25                  B33    RECIRC LOOP"B" FLOW                  LOSS OF LOOP "B" FLOW            NONE ALT.                                                CONTROL                              CONTROL (LOOP A ON BUS 11 DD)                                                  LOSS OF REACTOR nECIRC LOOP"B* FLOW
CONTROL l                                    B33  HPU CONTROL CIRCUITS                                            SHUTDOWN OF LOOP"B WITH THE LOSS OF RFPT B REMOTE AUTO
                  !                                                DIVISION "B"                        LOSS OF DIV "B" HPU CON-l                                                                                                                                        CONTROL. MAINTENANCE OF NORMAL REACTOR
            -    INV                                                                                    TROL CIRCUlTS                DIV. *A" TAKES OVE R 1YR7 WATER LEVEL IS LIMITED TO THE CAPACITY OF (DIV "A"ON BUS 11 DD)      (BUS IS INVERTER FED THE REMAINING RFPT WORST CASE LOSS OF TO.
(                                                                                                      ""^ ^
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .. h
                                                                                                                                                              .                                                                    g
                            -_                                                                                                                                                                          g
PAC & 7 0F 17                    3 1                                                                                                                                                                                  s Attac' ment 2                                                                              ;j ,
comen Bue Tree T251,                                                                              .
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i                                                      I IEB 79-27  SYS.          COMPONENT                    PRIMARY                  SECONDPRY                          COMetNAT104AL                          ]
TABLEkO. h0.          DESCRIPTION                    EFFECT                    IFF E C)                            EFFECTS                              ;
BATTERY BUS        1505 32                                                                                                                                            -      .j LEV E L T RIP "B"          "B" GENER AT ED                OCCURS (2 OF 3 RE.          CHANGE SPEED OF RFPT B HAS NO EFFECT ON 11 DE (TRIP "A" ON BUS 11DD)        OUIRED TO TRIP RFPT*S      REACTOR WATER LEVEL.                                  j 1DE3 M                                                (TRIP *C" ON BUS 11DD)        NO EFFECT)                                                            ,
e i
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(  1508-1            EHC CABINET TURBINE      LOSS OF POWER              BATTERY BACK-UP .              SEE AC BUS 13AD AND SEE BATTERY BUS 11 DJ :            5 11 DH                              CONTROL                                                NO EFFECT                      FOR BACK.UP -
CHANNE L 1 STEAM          LOSS OF POWE R                                                                                              e    j
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CHANNE L 3 STE AM          LOSS OF POWER PRESSURE CONTROL                                                                                                                            }  ,
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PRESSURE CONTROL                                                                                                                                        I STRESS /SPEEO MEASURING        LOSS OF POWER
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                                  !                                            B SUCTION                                                SATE PUMP B                                                                        .
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: IEB 79-27            SYS.          COMP 0 TENT                  PRIMARY                    SEf0hDARY ',                                  COM86EATIDtAL                      .
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PUMP C OUT OF                      LOSS OF CONDENSER VACUUM AND TURBINE              .$
PUMP "C" DISCHARGE MOV                                      SE RVICE                            TRIP AFTER TWO MINUTES - WORSE CASE
                                                                                                                                                                                                          . , ., j 1125-4              N62  MOV, CONDENCE R OUTLET    F ALLS AS IS                    PUMP B OUT OF '
1}BE4l12841                                      MOV STE AM SUPPLY          Fall AS IS                      WORSE CASE 'IS LOSS OF                                                                  1'
!            l    L                                          MOV FIRST STAGE SJAE      Fall AS IS s.                    CONDENSER VACUUM        .~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -l g'                                          "B" SUCTION                                                AND TURBlNE TRIP "A"                                                                      f l                                                                          Fall AS IS                      AFTER TWO M*NUTES                                                                  , {
i                              .                              .
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                  . i                                      MOV SEPARATOR "B"          Fall AS IS                                                                                                              j g
l                                      DRAIN                                                                                                                                                l g
l    l                  1125-6                  MOV INTERCONDENSER        Fall AS IS l
                        !                                      *B" DRAIN                                                                                                                                              f l                                                                                                                                                                                                    '
l                                      MOV FIRST STAGE SJAE      FAIL AS IS g    g j
l                                      "B"lNLET
* LOSS OF CONDENSER VACUUM AND TURBINE 1126 2              N64  GAS DRYER SKlD AND        LOSS OF PANEL"A"                NONE. PANE L "B"-
CONTROLPANEL                                                AVAILABLE                          TRIP AFTER TWO MINUTES WORSE CASE I                                N64  OFF GAS HYDROGEN          LOSS OF ANALYZER "A"            NONE,"B" AVAILABLE                                                                          l l*                                    ANALYZ ER "A" h                                N64  OFF GAS VALVES            VALVES Fall AS IS                NONE I                                                                LOSS OF SYSTEM                    NONE                                                                                        [
1126 3              N64  OFF GAS POWER SUPPLY NONE                                                                                    .!
N64  HEATER AND CONTROL        LOSS OF HEATER ClRCUIT "A" N64  HEATER ANDCONTROL        LOSS OF HEATER                    NONE                                                                                  'd
(                                  CIRCUIT "B" i
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ,I I;
IEB 79-27  SYS.                      COMPON ENT              PRIM AR Y                SECONDARY                                  C0tl8IhAT104AE                                I TABLENO. 40.                      DESCRIPTION                EFFECT                    iFFECT                                      EFFECTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .,'4 12 HE AC BUS  ( 1126 1    N64                GLYCOL REFRIG COM-      LOSS OF COMP                WORSE CASE-LOSS OF                  TURBINE TRIP AFTER TWO MINUTES -WORSE PRESSOR "A"                                        CONDENSE R VACUUM                  CASE                                                        t GLYCOL REFRIG COM--    LOSS OF COMP                AND TURBINE TRIP                                                                                ,",
1[8E4                                                                                                                                                                                          ' #
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l                                      GAS DRYER BLOWER "A"    LOSS OF BLOWER                                                                                                              -
1  I                                      GLYCOL COOLER TANK                                              k LOSSOF AGITATOR
* l  l                                      AGITATOR                                                            ,
GAS DRYER HEATER        LOSSOF HEATER I                                          CONDENSER GLYCOL PUMP  LOSS OF PUMP                                                                                                                ,.
l  !C                                    "A" l                                      CONDENSER GLYCOL PUMP  LOSS CF PUMP "C-MOV WATER SEPARATOR    FAIL AS IS OUTLET CATALYTIC RECOMBINER    LOSS OF TRANSFORME R                                                                                    .
(                              HEATE R TR ANSFORMER 1202-3    B33                REACTOR RECIRC SYSTEM  PUMP B INOPERATIVE          PLANT POWER LEVEL                  PLANT POWER LEVEL LIMITED 3
c                                                                RECIRC PUMP B MOTOR    AT FULL SPEED              LIMITED POWER CIRCUlT          (PUMP A ON BUS 11 HD)
F l
I 1                                                                                                                                .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .              (
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .          y 4    .
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                                                                                                                                                                                                      .[                      b
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                                                                                                                                                                                                    - n IFB 79-27                                      PRlWARY                            SECONDARY                              COM8ttATlot4L SVs          E0rP0nENT                                                                                            EFFECTS                                            ..
DESCRIPTION            EfIECT                              EFFECT T ABLE hD. h 0.                                                                                                                                                                    '4 TURB CONT SYS BCU/IPC  LOSS OF AC POWER                NONE-BATTERY BACK-UI' 13AD ^ 0          1131-6    N32 f
AUX CH B                                                (SEE BATTERY BLS-                                                                                      J#
13BD1 13811
* t                          TURB CONT SYS BCU/IPC  LOSS OF AC POWER                  IIDH AND 11DJ)                                                                                              j M        y                          CHANNE L 1 CAB                                                                                                                                                      j TURB CONT SYS BCU/IPC  LOSS OF AC POWER                                  t g
CHANNEL 2 CAB                                                                                                                                                    ~j I                          TURB CONT SYS BCU/IPC  LOSS OF AC POWER l                                                                                                                                                                                                    l
            '                          CHANNEL 3 CAB l        13Pi2 (                                                                                                  '                                                                              j LOSS OF AC POWER                  NONE BATTERY BACK-UI                NONE l 13812          1132-10    N32  TURB CONT SYS ELECTRO-j HYDRAULIC CONTROLLER                                    (SEE BATTERY BUS.
l                                                                                                                                                                                                j
        !    I                                                                                    11DH AND 11DJ) '
l    I        r                                                                                                      i L                                                                _
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l    l                                                                                                                                                                          -
I                                                                                                                                                                                            '
1 l                1132-2    N21  FEEDWATER SYSTEM HIGH  MOV F009A-N F AILS ASrtS          F AILED CLOSED- LOSS O
                                                                                                                                  '                                                  r l                          PRESS. F EEDWATER                                        H.P. FN STRING. PLANT
                  ,                                                                                                                                                                  y HEATER OUTLET MOV
g                                                                                                                                                                                          -
f    1 MOV F042A-N F AILS AS IS          F AILED CLOSED-LOSS 01 I                N19  CONDENSATE SYSTEM LOW l                                PRESS. FEEDWATER HTRS                                    LP. F W STRING "A" l
l                                STRINGS"A" INLET MOV l                                                  MOV F040A-N FAILS AS-IS            F AILED CLOSED-LOSS O l                          N19  CONDENSATE SYSTEM LOW l    l                      PRESS FEEDWATER HTRS                                    L.P' FW STRING "A"          ,
I l    i  t STRINGS "A" OUTLET MOV                                                                l(
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l N36      EXTRACTION STEAM SYS. MOV F011 A-N FAILS ASIS      F AILED LLOSED-LOSS                                                                          )
1                            FEEDWATER HTR 6A INLET                              OF FEEDWATER HTR B006A 1132-5        N36      EXTRACTION STEAM SYS,  BTV F013 FAILL CLOSED        LOSS OF B0058 FEED-                                                                    i l                            F EEDWATER HEATER                                  WATER HEATER N36      EXTRACTION STEAM SYS,  BTV F012 FAILS CLOSED        LOSS OF B0068 F EED-l FDW HTR & DRAIN VALVE  F008A FAILS OPEN            WATER HEATER
(                                                                                                                                                                            4
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              !  13p21 L i    .
g SYSTE M                          CONTROLLERS                              VACUUM-TURBINE              DELAY                                                                  5 l          ,
TRIP                                                                                          r I    i a
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* N19  CONDENSATE BOOSTER                F AIL AS IS                              F All CLOSE D - LOSS                                                                          ' i I                                  PUVP SUCTION MOV                                                            OF C002A PUMP I
N19  CONDENSATE BOOSTER                Fall AS IS                                F All CLOSED - LOSS
                    !                                  PUMP SUCTION MOV                                                            OF C002B PUMP I                  1134-5      N19  CONDENSATE MOV SPACE              F All AS IS                              WORSE CASE - LOSS OF                                                                                I le          ;                      HEATER                                                                      C003A PUMP, C002A l                              N19  CONDENSATE MOV# UMP              F AIL AS l$                              PUMP, "B" DISCH.
N19  CONDENSATE MOVPUMP                FAIL AS IS "A* SUCTION N19  CONDENSATE MOV- PUMP              FAIL AS IS l                                                      "B" SUCTION                          ;
1134 6      N19  CONDENSATE MOV4 UMP              FAIL ASIS "A" DISCHARGE 13802
              ]  1 822              11351      135  MOISTURE SEPARATOR                FAIL AS IS                                WORSE CASE - LOSS            PARTIAL LOSS OF FEEDWATER HEATING
* l                    c                                REHEATER VENTS MOV                                                          OF FEEDWATER HTR 6A
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l                                                      3A LEVEL CONTROL VALVES                                                    MAINTAIN LEVEL. HEAT.                                                                          t I    l
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Cotmon Bus Tree Table
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TABLE ND. 20.        DESCRIPTION                EFFECT                        EFFECT                                            EFFECTS                              .
I 14 AE AC BUS      f  1143-2      N36  EXTRACTION STEAM        H.P. HEATER STRING                                                      PARTIAL LOSS OF FEEDWATER HEATING                  4(      ,
SYSTEM                  "B" OUT                                                                  & FEEDWATER FLOW                              i      1,;.
14BE2                                                                                                                                                                                        .i I                1143-3      N36  EXTRACTION STEAM        Fall AS IS                      DROP IN WATER TEMP                                                                            ' '3
                                                                                        '    pB21 i    1 SYSTEM FW HEATER VALVE                                  TO REACTOR s                                                                                  -I l    l          1143 7      N21  HIGH PRESSURE FW HEATER FAIL ASIS                        FAIL OPEN-HEATE R
                                                                                        ,                                  START-UP MOV                                            OU'PUT BYPASSED TO                                                                            1, g                                                                                            CRW,95% OF FEED-WATER FLOW TO                                                                                    ;
14822 i    g                                                                                    REACTOR
                                                                                              ,  11P22 (                                                                                                                                                                            #
l          1144- 5.6  N64 OFF GAS CONTROL SYS.      LOSS OF POWER SUPPLY            WORSE CASE IS                            WORSE CASE-TURBINE TRIP l    l    1                      ' OWE R SUPPLY ,                                        TURBINE TRIP
[  1204 1      N32  CONTROL FLUID PUMP      LOSS OF PUMP                    BACK.UP AVAILABLE.                      WORSE CASE-TURBINE TRIP                                  e TURSINE TRIP IF NOT.
N23  HEATER DRAIN PUMP 8      PUMP B INOPERATIVE (BKU NO EFFECT                                        RFPT A & B WILLTRIP PUMP A ON BUS 13AD )
N19  CONDENSATE BOOSTER      PUMPS INOPE RATIVE              RFPT A & B WILL TRIP PUMPS C002C, C0038,C003C                                ON LOW SUCTION PRESSURE
s 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .Q i                                                                                                                                                                          -                                                                                                  4,    5 y4                    I        f.                                                        . .'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              - a 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -, -      .g i          %                                                          --                                      >                                                                        N                  y ,
PAGE 17 OF 17            .,
Attachment 2                                                                          .
Common Bus Tree Table                                                                        -
                                                                                                                                                                                            .-A y                                                  -4
                                                                                                                                                                                                -i I
PRIMARY                SECCADARY                                  COMBINAfl0NAL                      ,P IEB 79-27  SYS.          COMPONENT TABLE No. N o.        DESCRIPTION                    EFFECT                  EFFECT                                    EFFECTS 15AA AC bus 15BA3                                  PS2 SERVICE AIR                LOSS OF BACK-UP AIR                                            MSIV CLOSURF, REACTOR SCRAM i
11512                                                                  gsgyeS CLOSE                                                                            ,
          '  15Bf1 15431 g                    PS3  DSTRIMENT AIRTO C(1.7AINl  I ASS OF INSTRINENT AIR                                                                                ..
                  ,i                              FILT,DRYWELL. & AUX BLDG.                                                                                                                      )
g                    .
15BA                      1157-5    B33    ATWS INSTRUMENTS        TRIP RECIRC PUMPS            REDUCED REACTOR                    ATWS TRIP *A" 5861  1961                                                                                                                                                                      .i
* POWER SUPPLY              (ATWS TFilP "B" ON BUS      POWER 3        l                                                          16AB) j 16ABI          l  1
        's'      15831 j6P31      11612      P53    INSTRUMENT AIR BOOSTER  LOSS OF BOOSTER              NO EFFECT
                                                                                                                                                                                              -t d
                    ;                                A l
i p                                                                                                                    NONE                                            ;j
l                                                          LOSS OF BOOSTER l                                P53    INSTRUMENT AIR BOOSTER                                NO EFFECT
                                                                                                                                                                                                'f 8
(                                                                                                                                                                      i
(                                              (SERVICE AIR IS BACK-UP)                                                                                                {
1167-3    B33    ATWS INSTRUMENTS          TRIP RECIRC PUMPS            REDUCED REACTOR                  ATWS TRIP "B"                                        I 1
H                          POWER SUPPLY              (ATWS TRIP "A" ON BUS      POWER l    [                                                15AA) i      I    I    L i  16P61 I    16B61                                                                                                                                                                                j 16886                                                                                                                                                                                      j .
                                                                                                                                                                                                  .I i
_.                ..      ..                -        __    .s.              .
              .                    1- -                                                                                                                                                            :
e mP e-i  s s                                        .
                                                                        .P;g2 4 Attachment 3 Combinational Effects of Common Bus Loss DC BUS 11DA    - The effect of loss of this bushis the loss of the normal recirculation pump.A & B trips. Since the'1E trips powered by safety busses are still available, there are no ef fects on reactor parameters and hence no effect on the Chapter-15 analysis.
DC Bus 11DB    -  TFe effect of loss of this hus is the loss of ability to-transfer recirculation pumps A & B from the LFMG power _to the normal power source and hence limits the pumps to 25% of normal flow. Limitation of power falls within normal operational limits and does not affect the Chapter 15 analysis.
The Loss of this bus at full power has no effect since the recirculation pumps will be on the normal power source.
DC BUS 11DH    - These two busses provide back-up power to the main turbine DC BUS 11DJ        controls. Normal power is supplied by AC bus 13AD. Loss of either of these busses will cause no transient and hence    l no effect on the Chapter.15 analysis.
DC BUS 11DD    -
The busses supplied by 11DD are analyzed separately as follows:
AC BUS 1Y74    - Loss of this bus will cause a loss of control of recirculation loop 'A'. The control valve fails as is and there will be no effects on reactor parameters of water level, pressure, or power, since the
    'B' loop will adjust to compensate for any demand changes. Loss of this bus will also cause a total loss of feedwater. This event is analyzed in Chapter 15.2.7. There is no additional consequence of loss of recirculation control since reactor parameters are not affected.
AC BUS 1Y71    - Loss of this bus will cause a loss of icedwater control and l
other elements of the feedwater system. There is also the possibility as a worst case effect of a coincident partial loss of feedwater heating. Normal
!  operator action in this event would be to manually control the feedwater pumps and shutdown the plant.
As a result of the total loss of feedwater control the reactor water level may increase significantly, decrease significantly, or remain relativc1y unchanged.
If the water level increases significantly and reaches the high water level trip point, a reactor scrcm and a feedwater turbine trip will result. This event is bounded by the feedwater controller failure event analyzed in Chapter 15.1.2.
Paga 2 of'4 Attachment 3
;                                                    Combinational Effects of Common Bus Loss (Continued)
If the water level decreases significantly and reaches the low water level trip point, a reactor scram will result. This event is bounded by the loss of feedwater event analyzed in Chapter 15.2.7.
In either one of these two events the effect of the loss of feedwater heating vill not reach the vessel quickly enough to change the event -before a reactor scram.
If the water level remains relatively unchanged, this event is bounded by the loss of feedwater heating event analyzed in Chapter 15.1.1.
DC BUS IDD1        -
Loss of this bus will cause a loss of the' feedwater speedchanger A and a~possible trip of the main turbine. If the feedwater 'A' control is being operated in the full automatic mode, loss of this remote manual capability has no effect on the automatic control. If operated in the tr.nual mode, the speed changer fails as is and the RFPT speed will remain at the last setting. In either case the reactor water level is not affected.
Main turbine trip is analyzed in Chapter 15.2.3.
DC BUS IDD2        - Loss of this bus will cause the loss of the ability to trip
!                                      feedwater turbine A remotely. There would also be a partial loss of feedwater heating and loss of the remote manual control of feedwater turbine A. The loss of the feedwater turbine trip would not affect the feedwater heating loss event which is bounded by Chapter 15.1.1. The loss of remote manual feedwater
                                      ' A' control is discussed under bus 1DDI except for a possible reactor water level decrease due to the increased power from colder feedwater. Loss of the feedwater turbine trip would not affect this event either since the water level is decreasing.
i The only other combination of failures possible on Bus 11DD, since two of the
[                                    sub-busses are inverter fed with e.utom tic transfer to the AC beck-up, is the coincident loss of 1DDI and IDD2. This event would be identical to the Bus IDD2 event except for the immediate initiation of safety systems in the
:                                    event of a main turbine trip. Main turbine trip is analyzed in l                                    Chapter 15.2.3.
DC BUS 11DE        - The busses supplied by llDE are analyzed separately as follows:
AC BUS 1Y76        - Loss of this bus will cause a loss of control of recirculation loop 'B'. The control valve fails as is and there will be no ef fects on reactor parameters of water level, pressure or power, since the
                                      'A' loop will adjust to compensate for any demand changes.
Loss of this bus also causes a loss of automatic control of RFPT B. If RFPT A is in the full automatic node at the time of this event, normal reactor water level will be maintained by RFPT A. If RFPT A is in the manual mode, the water level may increase, decrease, or remain the same as discussed under bus lY71. This event is bounded by Chapter 15.1.2 and 15.2.7 for increase or decrease in water level. There is no additional consequence of loss of recirculatien control since reactor parameters are not affected.
Paga 3 ef 4 Attachment 3 Combinational Effects of Common Bus Loss (Continued)
DC BUS 1DE1    - Loss of this bus will cause a loss of the feedwater speedchanger. If the feedwater 'B' control is being operated in the full automatic mode, loss of this remote manual capability has no effect on the automatic control. If operated in the manual mode, the speed changer fails as is and the RFPT speed will remain at the last setting. In either case the reactor water level is not affected and causes no transient.
DC BUS 1DE2    - Loss of this buss will cause the loss of the ability to trip feedwater turbine B from the control room and a loss of control of feedwater turbine B. The loss of feedwater turbine B control is discussed under bus IDEl. Loss of the feedwater turbine trip does not complicate this event.
The only combination of failures possible on Bus 11DE, since 1Y76 is inverter fed with automatic transfer to the AC back-up, is the coincident loss of IDE1 and IDE2. This event would be bounded by the loss of IDE2 alone and cause no transient.
AC BUS 11HD    - The effect of this bus is the crip of recirculation pump A to the LFMG set power. This limits plant power but does not affect the Chapter 15 analysis.
AC BUS 12HE    - The worst consequence of the loss of individual busses fed from 12HE, or loss of 12HE itself, is possible loss of condenser vacuum and turbine trip in conjunction with loss of some feedwater heating. The most severe event has been identified to be the loss of condenser vacuum in conjunction with the loss of feedwater heater. Timing would be an important factor to determine the severity of the consequence. The worst combination of these two events would be that the low vacuum induced turbine trip occurs prior to the thermal power monitor (TPM) scram or at the maximum power level if the TPM scram setpoint has not ever been reached.
An ODYN run was performed to simulate this event for Grand Gulf initial core. The maximum temperature reduction resulting from the single power source failure was identified to be 68* F, which was used in the analysis. The result showed that the thermal power leveled of f at 110% NBR power prior to the turbine trip. The peak heat flux at the turbine trip was approximately 110% NBR. The change in CPR is estimated to be only 0.06 compared to 0.12 for the loss of feedwater heater event evaluated in FSAR Chapter 15. The maximum dome pressure was 1212 psia which was bounded by the Chapter 15 turbine trip with bypass failure case (1217 psia). Thus, the loss of bus 12HE event is bounded by the FSAR Chapter 15 analysis.
Pcg2 4 cf 4:
Attachment 3 Combined Effects of Common Bus Loss - (Continued)
AC BUS 13AD - The worst case combination of failures associated with this bus would be a main turbine trip and a partial loss of~
feedwater heating. This. event is bounded by the FSAR.
Chapter 15 analysis as described under Eus'12HE.
AC BUS 14AE - The worst. case combination of failures associated with this-bus is partial loss of feedwater heating and a main turbine trip. This event is identical to the bus 12HE failure and is bounded as described above under bus 12HE.
AC BUS 15AA - The effect of loss of the busses fed from 15AA is either a loss of instrument air which is analyzed in Chapter 15.2.10 or a trip of both recirculation pumps which is analyzed in Chapter 15.3.1. Loss of bus 15AA itself will initiate both events. Recirculation pump trip would also occur as a result of the loss of instrument air scenario and there is no reliance on recirculation pump operation in the loss of instrument air analysis.
AC BUS 16AB - The ef fect of the loss of this bus is identical to 15AA and therefora bounded by Chapter 15 analysis.
AC BUS 12R  -  This bus feeds 11HD, 12HE, 13AD, 14AE. Loss of bus will cause a plant scram and MSIV closure since it supplies the RPS MG sets. The analysis lin Chapter 15.2.6 would bound this event.
i 1
t                                                                  .
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s I                                                                                                                                                  Page 1 of 1                              $
Attachment 4 Common Instrument Table 1:
                                                      ,.,                                                                                                            BOTH RECIRC PUMPS            FAILURES
                              - .,:                                                                                                                                                                                        IN CH.13.3.1
              '-[ $ [ , +f                                            NO. 2 UPPER        821 LT-N0998    ATWS RX VESSEL LEVEL                                      WATER LEVEL INSTRU.          LOSSOF LEVELTRIP FUNC-V k'fd * '
* TAP        B21.LT-N099F    ATWS RX VESSEL LEVEL                                      MENTS INDICATE HIGH          TION, NO EFFECT WITHOUT        SAME
                      ' l , - l,                      <
                                                  . , ,                                  C34 LT.N0048    FW LEVEL B                    AFFECTS REACTOR            WATER, NO TRIP TO RECIRC    ADDITIONAL FAILURES              AS.
Cd Nh;gQ                                                      ONLY        B33-PT-N040      VESSEL DOME PRESSURE RECIRC SYSTEM &
ABOVE TAP                                                        SYSTEM
                        .'' -lf, ?*ep@g' g                                                B21-PT N058B    ATWS VESSE L PRESSURE                                    PRESSURE INSTRUMENTS -      WORSE CASE IS ATWS TRIP a ' 'd[%
            , YE              '# 5 .                                                      B21-PT-N058F    ATWS VESSEL PRESSURE                                      NO TRIPS OCCUR              DOMINANT EFFECT IS A                                    i
          ,j ' .2-
                                                      -]   #
TRIP EVEN WITH LOSS OF                                  '
?~W , *, '.,' yf              z NO. 3 LOWE R y
B21-LT-N099A    ATWS RX VESSEL LEVEL          AFFECTS REACTOR y m;@fe'ddgg g                  r -~
TAP        B21 LT-N099E    ATWS RX VESSEL LEVEL          RECIRC SYSTEM ONLY        SAME AS NO.1                SAME AS NO,1              SAME AS ABOVE gY                                  4y-1"d*)                    NO. 4 UPPER        821-LT.N099A    ATWS RX VESSEL LEVEL 4                                            -
      './ i ~    ?                    , ,                                              C34 LT-N004A    FW LEVEL A                    RECIRC SYSTEM &
                                      , ".. ]                                                                                             F EEDWATER CONTROL
                                  . ,i" ';g                                  ONLY        C34-PT-N005      WIDE RANGE PRESSURE            SYSTEM                    SAME AS NO.2                SAME AS NO.2              SAME AS ABOVE
                                      ,.              -3                      TAP
                                                        , ;.                              821-PT-N058A    ATWS VESSEL PRESSUR E
                                            "{      ~
B21-PT-N058E    ATWS VESSEL PRESSURE                                                                                                                      '
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  ,, . , y ob
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Latest revision as of 10:11, 21 November 2023