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#REDIRECT [[IR 07100204/2012017]]
| number = ML20237E665
| issue date = 12/21/1987
| title = Forwards Plant Status Rept for 871204-1217
| author name = Linville J
| addressee name = Kane W
| docket = 05000277, 05000278
| license number =
| contact person =
| document report number = NUDOCS 8712290116
| page count = 6
{{#Wiki_filter:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _      _      .-
21 DEC 1981 Docket Nos. 50-277 50-278 MEMORANDUM FOR:      William F. Kane, Director, Division of Reactor Projects FROM:                J. C. Linville, Chief, Reactor Projects Section 2A
PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION STATUS REPORT FOR THE l-                                                  PERIOD DECEMBER 4, 1987 - DECEMBER 17, 1987 Enclosed is the Peach Bottom periodic status report from the NRC Resident Office r. Peach Bottom. Three NRC resident inspectors monitored L tivities at the plant during the report period.
l                              These status reports are intended to provide NRC management and the public l                              with an overview of plant activities and NRC inspection activities.
I                              Subsequent inspection reports will address many of these topics in more detail.
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James C. Linville, Chief i                                                                        Reactor Projects Section 2A
As Stated l
l OFFICIAL RECORD COPY      PB STATUS REPORT 12/18 - 0001.0.0 8712290116 871221                                        12/21/87 PDR    ADOCK 05000277                                                  //
R                  DCD
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William F. Kane                          2 g} Q(( jgg7 cc w/ encl:
Dickinson M. Smith, Manager, Peach Bottom _ Atomic Power Station John S. Kemper, Senior.Vice President, Engineering and Production Thomas S. Shaw, Jr. , Vice President, Production Troy B. Conner, Jr. , Esquire W. H. Hirst, Director, Joint Generation Projects Department, Atlantic Electric G..Leitch, Nuclear Generation Manager            .  .
Eugene J. Bradley, Esquire, Assistant General Counsel (Without Report)
Raymond L. Hovis, Esquire
                            . Thomas Magette, Power Plant Siting, Nuclear Evaluations W. M. Alden, Charge, Licensing Section          __
Doris Poulsen, Secretary of Harford County Council Public Document Room (PDR)
Local Public Document Room (LPDR)
Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)
NRC Resident. Inspector-Commonwealth of Pennsylvania bec w/encis:
Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)
J. Taylor, EDO T. Murley, NRR J. Sniezek, NRR                        .
F. Miraglia, NRR                                                                    ,
S. Varga, NRR                                                                        {
B. Boyer, NRR W. Butler, NRR                                                                        q R. Martin, NRR                                                                      !
B. Clayton, EDO W. Russell, RI                                                                        ;
W. Johnston, RI                                                                      i T. Martin, RI S. Collins, RI E. Wenzinger, RI                                                                    l K. Abraham, RI M. Miller, RI J. Williams, RI RI:DRP                RI:DRP                                                        i
* Linville/rhl
* Wenzinger 12/ /87              12/ /87
                          *See previous concurrences 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY      PB STATUS REPORT 12/18 - 0002.0.0 12/21/87 i
William F. Kane                          2 l
cc w/ enc 1:
Dickinson M. Smith, Manager, Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station John S. Kemper, Senior Vice President, Engineering and Production Thomas S. Shaw, Jr., Vice President, Production Troy B. Conner, Jr. , Esquire W. H. Hirst, Director, Joint Generation Projects Department,                          j Atlantic Electric                                                                ]
G. Leitch, Nuclear Generation Manager                                                1 Eugene J. Bradley, Esquire, As~sistant General Counsel (Without Report)                )
Raymond L. Hovis, Esquire                                                              l Thomas Magette, Power Plant Siting, Nuclear Evaluations                                I W. M. Alden, Engineer in Charge, Licensing Section Doris Poulsen, Secretary of Harford County Council Public Document Room (PDR)                                                            3 Local Public Document Room (LPDR)                                                      j Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)-                                              l NRC Resident Inspector                                                                l Commonwealth of Pennsylvania                                                          j i
bec w/encis:
Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)                                              l J. Taylor, EDO                                                                        '
T. Murley, NRR g J. SMI8)*"-
lt. L.utccM , NRR F. Miraglia, NRR S. Varga, NRR B. Boyer, NRR W. Butler, NRR R. Martin, NRR B. Clayton, EDO W. Russell, RI W. Johnston, RI T. Martin, RI S. Collins, RI E. Wenzinger, RI K. Abraham, RI M. Miller, RI J. Williams, RI
L4 ville/rhl          Wenzinger 12/f/87              12/SI/87 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY    PB STATUS REPORT 12/18 - 0002.0.0 12/21/87
William.F. Kane                                '3 ENCLOSURE PEACH-BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION STATUS REPORT FOR THE PERIOD December 4'- December 17,-- 1987:
1.0' Plant Status As of 8iOO 'a.m.t on 0ecember 17, 1987, Unit 2 and 3 are in a cold
condition per the March 31,.1987, NRC Order with coolant' temperatures-less than;200 degrees Fahrenheit. -The' Unit.3 core is
                                      . loaded into the spent _ fuel pool.                                                ,
i' 2.0 Facility Operations Summary Unit'2 is i_n. day 280'of-its seventh' refueling. outage that' began March 13, 'j 1987. Final work is being performed to support the reactor pressure' vessel hydrostatic test, that is currently scheduled for the first week          ,
                                      . of January 1988. : Unit -3 has been in a cold ~ condition per'the March 31,      j
                                        '1987, NRC Order since April 1, 1987. Unit 3 is in day 1 78 of its
recirculate.on system pipe replacement outage that_ began October 1,1987.
Piping decontamination flushes are currently in. progress.                        i i
3.0 Items of Special Interest 3.1 The annual Peach Bcctom emergency plan exercise was held on December
: 8. The states' of Pennsylvania'.and Maryland did not participate, but representatives did observe-response actions in the-Technical Support Center and Emergency Operations-Facility. The exercise was observed by an eight member NRC evaluation team. The'NRC. team concluded that in the event of an. accident at_ Peach Bottom,_PECo could' adequately protect the health and safety of the public.
i 3.2 NRC Commissioner K.~ Carr visited Peach Bottom on December 15; he was accompanied by W. Russell, Region I' Administrator. Commissioner Carr toured the control room and power block and met with the senior-l                                              resident inspector. and . licensee management.
3.3 The licensee announced that John F. Franz, current plant. manager of        !
Limerick 1, will become the Peach Bottom plant manager, effective January 4, 1988.
4.0 Other Items of Interest                                                            J 4.1_ On December 6, a Unit 2 reactor l automatic' scram signal and group-II/III containment isolations occurred during surveillance testing.
I&C technicians were performing _a calibration' check of a pressure        !
switch that shares a common: reference leg with the reactor. level transmitters that provide the low-level scram and isolation signals.
Initial investigation has determined that a leaky instrument isolation valve for the pressure switch was the probable cause. The licensee reset the scram and isolation signals and returned the affected systems to normal.
l:. ;,o              u                                                                                                                  b L'                              William F.=Kane                            ,
,                                          4.2 On November 21, two contractor security guards 1found a.very small E                                                plastic bag containing a minute amount of white the.
protected area. The plastic bag.was.found on the'centerlof.the-4 floor in the northwest st'airwell of the administration' building.-
                                                -This stairwell leads from the~ yard area to the.only vending machine' area on site. The licensee sent'the substance to'a testing. lab-for
!                                                analysis. If-the licensee wo'ld                u have' performed a[ field. test, there would.not have been .enough substance' remaining' for: laboratory verification (field tests 'are only;75% accurate). . The licensee informed the resident on: December 4, that the' substance tested positive as 10 mg. of cocaine.
                                        .4.3    On December 16, a valve leaked about 250. gallons of lube oil from the E-2 diesel generator. -The~ oil passed through the-storm drain into the discharge canal and was contained. Clean up. operations started on December 16 and were completed'on December 17.
The resident inspectors are following the licensee's investig'ationsLand -
corrective actions regarding.these occurrences.
5.0 NRC Activities During the Period Three NRC Resident Inspectors were assigned to monitor. plant activities between December 4 and December 17, 1987. These individuals consisted.
of the following:
Thomas P. Johnson                                      - Senior. Res1'd ent Inspector Richard J. Urban                                      - Resident Inspector-Larry E. Myers                                        - Resident Inspector Areas inspected included operational safety,. shutdown order commitments, radiation protection, physical. security, control room activities and I                                          demeanor, reportable events, surveillance' testing, outage activities, I
maintenance, and outstanding items.
NRC Combined Inspection Report 50-277/87-26 and 50-278/87-26 was issued                          ;
on December 10, 1987. The inspection was performed by a region' based specialist inspector from October 19 - 23, 1987 and was.a' routine unannounced radiation safety inspection of the following areas: recir-culation pipe project, ALARA, radwaste, staffing, control.of' hot particles and replacement HP procedures. _ No violations were observed but weak'nesses_                    ;
continued to be exhibited in the licensee's ALARA program,                                      j i
Also NRC Combined Inspection Report 50-277/87-30 and 50-278/87-30 was                            !
issued on December 4, 1987. The inspection was performed'by a region based specialist inspector, accompanied by two contractor personnel, from.
October 19 - 23, 1987. The routine announced fire protection team                                j inspection examined licensee's efforts to comply with.the requirements of .                      !
10 CFR 50 Appendix R. One violation of NRC requirements'was observed and                          j concerned fire brigade drills and training.                                                        i l
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William F.'Kane                            5 i
Two region based specialist inspectors'were on site the week of December.
14'- 18, 1987. The inspection was a review of licensee health physics activities. The results will be provided in a future status report.
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Latest revision as of 05:30, 5 September 2023