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#REDIRECT [[TXX-9022, Forwards Detailed Descriptions of Changes in Amend 79 to FSAR for Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station]]
| number = ML20081E058
| issue date = 07/31/1990
| title = Forwards Detailed Descriptions of Changes in Amend 79 to FSAR for Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station
| author name = Cahill W
| addressee name =
| docket = 05000445, 05000446
| license number =
| contact person =
| document report number = TXX-90223, NUDOCS 9008060026
| page count = 64
{{#Wiki_filter:.'      3 M
                                                                      ==                      Log # TXX-90223 L-          4          File # 10010
                                                                      --          --          Ref. # 10CFR50,34(b) 118ELFCTRIC July 31, 1990 Wilhem J. Cahlit. Jr.
Lurnthe Vke besudent U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555
Amendment 79 to the CPSES ESAR was transmitted to you under a separate cover letter TXX 90222, dated Juiy 31, 1990. The attachment to this letter provides
* line-by-line descriptions of the changes in Amendment 79.                                    FSAR pages which do not have technical changes but are included in the amendment (because they are on the opposite side of the sheet from a page that was changed, because the change shifted the existing material to another page or because only editorial changes were made on these pages), are not discussed in the attachment.
All~ changes described in the attachment have been evaluated for relative significance (i.e., the group number'1, 2, 3 or 4.following each' change                                        ,
                ,iustification) as discussed in TV Electric letter TXX-88467, dated June 1, 1988.            In addition, all changes affecting Unit 1 (but not necessarily changes which affect Unit 2 only) have been evaluated under the TU Electric
  '"            10CFR50.59 evaluation process.
                ' Included in this amendment are:
: 1. Revisions, clarifications, corrections and updates to text, tables and figures.
: 2. Several updated FSAR mechanical systems flow diagrams on which excessive detail was removed as previously' discussed with the NRC and as referenced in NRC {{letter dated|date=May 15, 1990|text=letter dated May 15, 1990}}. The remaining mechanical systems flow diagrams willibe updated in a similar manner in future amendments.
                              .L d br
9008060026 900731 PDR  ADOCK 05000445 ph P                          PDC                                                                                          l 400 North Olive Street L B. 81 Dallas, Texas 75201 s'
                                                . .. ..._ _ _                                      =
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TXX 90223                                                                          .;
                . July 31 -1990 Page 2 of 2 l
: 3. A number of responses to NRC questions (currently located in the 0&R section of the FSAR) have been relocated to FSAR text, tables or            l figures in preparation for converting the FSAR into an Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR). This process is expected to be                I ongoing for the next several amendments until all responses have            l been relocated. The relocated Q&R responses are revised using words-similar to "See FSAR Section (3.2.2), or revised FSAR Section (3.2.2)", depending on whether the response already exists in the      .
FSAR, or needs to be relocated to the FSAR. A O&R reference is usually added to the margin adjacent to the FSAR paragraph.                '
containing the Q&R response.
: 4. A. revised Effective Page List updated through Amendment 79.
:N      !
William J. Cahill,-Jr.
BSD/bsd Attachment c - Mr. R. D. Hartin, Region IV Resident inspectors.-CPSES (3) l l
l l
        '' July;31=, 1990:
:    %,"    Page 1 of(62
  ,  "Y CPSES FSAR AMENDMENT 79-DETAILED DESCRIPTION FSAR Page (At AR9Adej)        Description IA(B)-7             
== Description:==
Correct schedule for monthly c.perating report.
The Monthly Operating Report is required to be submitted by the 15th of each month pursuant to Specification This chriges the FSAR to be consistent with the Tech. Spec, coquirements.
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 066 SER/SSER Impact: No 1A(B)-36           
== Description:==
Revise Steam Generator Power 0perated. Atmospheric Relief Valve Capacity Justification:
The as-designed relief valve capacity has been changed.
The capacity has been changed to allow sufficient mar-gin to meet the minimum and maximum values in the cur-rent accident analysis and plant cooldown analysis, respectively. The change to the FSAR also provides the basis for the capacities in more detail than before.
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-131.3 SER/SSER Impact: No 1A(B)-51           
== Description:==
For clarity and consistency with the revised cable separation criteria, the discussion of " equivalent" raceway, enclosures and wraps is consolidated into a discussion of " acceptable barriers"_.
For clarity and consistency with the revised cable separation criteria, the discussion of-" equivalent" raceway, enclosures and wraps is consolidated into a discussion of " acceptable barriers". For the same reasons, equipment and device enclosures and enclosed-metal wireways inside equipment are now specifically mentioned as " barriers".
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-091.3
                                    -Related SER Section: 8.4.4:    SSER22 8.4.4 SER/SSER Impact: Yes Although equivalency of these " barriers" is discussed in SSER 22. Section 8.4.4, they are not referred to as barriers.
I 1
Attachment to TXX-90223 July:31.-1990 Page 2 of 62                                                                              ,
I                                                                                          .
FSAR Page                                                                              [
(at apended)            Description
:2.5 148, 149-           
== Description:==
Revises design basis groundwater elevation for the mn                                      service water intake structure (SWIS) from 780' to 793'.
Justification:                                  ,
The highest and lowest groundwater level a'djacent to the SWIS were reported to be 783' 2" and 782'-3",
respectively, during 1988. Considering the maximum fluctuation in the groundwater elevation expected over; the 40 years life of the p'. ant, the SWIS has              ,
been reanalyzed using a c>nservative groundwater elevation _of 793', which is the probable maximum flood
.                                                (PMF) level-for the Saft. Shutdown Impoundment including L                                              wave run up at the SWIS. This envelopes the highest E                                              groundwater level expected for the life of the plant.
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 052 Related SER Section: 2.4.6 SER/SSER Impact: Yes-The design basis ground water elevation for the service water intake structure should be revised from 775 to-793, l
t l                3.6B-47, 49             
== Description:==
(Clarification)                      .
l                                                Clarification is provided to pipe whip design criteria      i i                                              that specifically allows the use of existing pipe-support hardware-in mitigating the consequences of a        '
                                                .high energy-line break (HELB).
Pipe-whip design criteria is clarified to address the use of existing pipe supports, if shown to'be accept-able by analysis, can be credited with mitigating the-consequences of the HELB.
Group: 4-FSAR Change-Request Number: 90 019.1 Related SER Section: SSER17 APP. A SER/SSER Impact: No 3.6B-54, 58             
== Description:==
Break postulation for Mainsteam lines inside contain-ment is corrected to reflect that break locations are no longer arbitrarily selected based upon the highest-stress although ASME Code allowables and usage factors.    !
as provided_by the SRP are not exceeded.
The correction to the Mainsteam line break postulation is incorporated consistent with the provisions specified by NRC {{letter dated|date=October 13, 1987|text=letter dated October 13, 1987}}, which provided approval for implementLtion of Generic Letter 87-11.                                                      i Group: 3 FSAR Change Raquest Number: 90-019.2 i
Attach:ent to TXX-90223i
                            < July 31.-1990-Page 3 of 62 FSAR Page (n amended)-            Ducription~
Related SER Section: 3.6.2:                  SSER21 3.6.2 SER/SSER Impact: No 3.6B 58                 
== Description:==
Clarification is provided to pipe whip design criteria that specifically allows the use of existing pipe
            ,                                              support hardware in mitigating the consequences of a high energy line break (HELB).
Justification y'
Pipe whip design criteria is clarified to address 'the use of existing pipe supports, if shown to be accept-able by analysis, can be credited with mitigating the consequences of the HELB.
Group: 4
        ,                                              FSAR Change Request Number: 90 019.3 Related SER Section: 3.6.1:                  SSER17 APP. A SER/SSER Impact: No g
Figure 3.6B 19-       
== Description:==
Figures are'provided with clarifying details that de-note existing pipe supports, supported by analysis, credited with mitigating the consequences of a postulated high energy line break (HELB).
Pipe whip design criteria is clarified to address the use of existing pipe supports, if shown to be accept-able by analysis, can be credited with mitigating the consequences of the HELB.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 019.4 Related SER Section: 3.6.1:                  SSER17 APP..A SER/SSER Impact: No Figure 3.6B-20         
== Description:==
Figures are provided with clarifying details that de-note existing pipe supports, supported by analysis, credited with mitigating the consequences of a postulated high energy line break (HELB).
Pipe whip design criteria is clarified to address the a;
                                                              'use of existing pipe supports, if shown to be accept-
                    ,                                          able by analysis.- can be credited with mitigating the consequences of the HELB.
Group: 4
          !lx                                              FSAR Change Request Number:- 90-019.5 Related SER Section: 3.6.1:                SSER17 APP. A SER/SSER Impact: No l
              .      6 l
MlW.l)Nhh o[,      i 1
g  7
.=  n
      . Attach ent-to TXX 90223 aJuly.31,11990 Page:4.of 62
          -FSAR Page (n amended)            Description Figure 3.6B-21         
== Description:==
Figures are provided with clarifying' details that de-note existing pipe supports, supported by analysis, credited with mitigating the consequences of a postulated high energy line break (HELB).
Pipe whip design criteria is clarified to address the use of existing pipe supports, if:shown to be accept-able by analysis, can be credited with mitigating the consequences of the HElB.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request-Number: 90-019.6 Related SER Section: 3.6.1;      SSER17 APP. A SER/SSER Impact: No
      . Figure 3.6B 22         
== Description:==
Figures are provided with clarifying details that de-note existing pipe supports, supported by analysis, credited with mitigating the consequences of a postulated high energy line break (HELB).
Pipe whip-design criteria-is clarified to address the use of existing pipe supports, if shown to be accept-able by analysis, can be credited with mitigating the-consequencesoof the HELB.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 019.7 Related SER Section: 3.6.1:      SSER17 APP, A SER/SSER Impact: No 3.9N-26               
== Description:==
Corrections are provided by providing reference for STRUDL verification and description.
Justifi cation:
The minor corrections provided reflect the recon-ciliation of inadvertent errors made during-the final processing of Amendment 78 of the FSAR.
Group: 4-FSAR Change Request Number:. 90-027.1 Related-SER Section: 3.9.1;      SSER12 3.9.1 SER/SSER Impact: No
== Description:==
Corrections are provided by providing an accurate de-scription of the STRUDL computer code capabilities by correcting the discussion of STRUDL features.
  ,                                    The minor corrections provided reflect the recon-ciliation of inadvertent errors made daring the final processing of Amendment 78 of the FSAR.
Group: 4                                                    j FSAR Chtuge Request Number: 90-027.2                        l
  . go !.                                      -.                                              j
.g        AttactCent to TXX 90223 L M    -July-31,-1990 Page 5 of 62' o
FSAR Page (31 amended)            Descrintion                                                      ,
L                                  Related.SER Section: 3.9.1:      SSER12 3.9.1 SER/SSER Impact: No                                            4 1
== Description:==
(Correction)                                      '
Correction is provided by providing the correct              <
reference Appendix designation: the reference 16        -!
Appendix letter is "A" and not "B".                          ;
n                                  Justification:
l-                                    The minor corrections provided reflect the recon-
,                                      ciliation of inadvertent errors made during the' final L
processing of Amendment 78 of the FSAR.                      5 Group: 4                                                    '!
FSAR Change Request. Number: 90-027.3 Related SER Section: 3.9.1:      SSER12 3.9.1              ..
SER/SSER Impact: No Figure 5.1 1            See Sheet No(s):01 and 02
== Description:==
(Update) l l-                                    Update the FSAR figure to reduce the amount of. details    1 Justification:
Update the.FSAR figure for mechanical systems to reduce      l the amount of details so that they support the text in R
the FSAR, require less-frequent update to reflect plant as-built conditions, and support: Units 1 and 2.
Update of FSAR figures was discussed earlier with NRC, and referenced in NRC {{letter dated|date=May 15, 1990|text=letter dated May 15, 1990}}.              I Group 3                                                          i FSAR Change Request Number: 90-126 Related SER Section: 5.0: SSER24 5.0'                            l SER/SSER Impact: No                                              .
== Description:==
Modification of Containment sump setpoints.
The FSAR Section is revised to delete reference to specific setpoints and time durations since instrument setpoint tolerances and the exact duration of detection    'l time under 1' subject to change.                    i Group: 3            .
i FSAR Change Request Number: 90-014                            j Related SER Section: 5.2.5'                                      l SER/SSER Impact: No                                              '
E.4-52. 64             
== Description:==
RHR suction line de-energized.
Clarifies .that one valve in each of the RHRS suction lines is de-energized to prevent spurious actuation.
This clarification was described in Amendment 78 and is consistent with TXX-6582 and reviewed in Inspection.
Report 50/445/87-22. dated 1/12/88.
Group: 4 i
/A            yK.
                                                                                                              .8 Attachment"to TXXo90223-k                      . July 31,;?t990 l7
                  ' Page 6 Of 62-
FSAR Page (31 Agended)            Description                                                        :
FSAR Change Request Number: 90-024'.1 Related SSER Section: SSER22 8.4.3-                                I SER/SSER Impact: No                                              -
1 Figure 5.4 6
== Description:==
(Revision)                                          l Deletes note referring to RHRS being sealed closed.
K!L                                                                                                            .
,.                                                Justification:
+                                                    Delete. Note 11 and reference to the note since Mode requirements do not. form part of the flow diagrams.
Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-024.2 Related SSER Section: SSER22 8.4.3 SER/SSER Impact: No Figure 5.4-6             
== Description:==
Update the FSAR figure to reduce the amount of details Justification:
Update the FSAR figure for mechanical systems to reduce        !
the amount of details so that they support-the text in the FSAR, require less frequent update to reflect-plant as-built conditions -- and support Units 1 and 2.
Update of FSAR figures was discussed earlier with NRC,    _
and referenced in NRC letter dated May 15, 1.990.        ~l Group 3                                                            j FSAR Change Request Number: 90-124                                l
                                                  'Related SER Section: 5.4.3:- SSER23 5.4.3                          ;
SER/SSER Impact: No                                                l
,                      6.~2-88                    Description (Revision)                                            l Justification:                                                    l Removes the SIS 'est line pressure indicator (item 9)          l s-                                      from the di uussion of special containment isolation            l
            /                                        provisions and renumbers the remaining item. In accor-          l dance with 10 CFR 50 Appendix A, GDC 55 the root valve          l l                                                    for-pressure. indicator 1-PI 929 will be locked closed    -.
  ,                                                  and under administrative controis as shown on FSAR              l
(                                                    Table 6.2.4-2 item 83.
Group: 3 4^                                                FSAR. Change Request Number: 90 049.1 Related SER Section: 6.2.3 SER/SSER Impact: No Figure 6.2.2-1            See Sheet No(s):01 and 02                                          l
== Description:==
(Update)                                              i Update the FSAR figure to reduce the amount of details          l Justification:                                                    l Update the FSAR figure for mechanical systems to reduce        l the amount of details so that they support the text in          l the FSAR, require less frequent update to reflect              I plant as-built conditions, and support Units 1 and 2.
Update of FSAR figures was discussed earlier with NRC,          .
and referenced in NRC {{letter dated|date=May 15, 1990|text=letter dated May 15, 1990}}.                )
l 1
Attachment to TXX 90223 July 31, 1990--
Page 7 of.:62-FSAR Page
            -(n anftdtd)            Description
Groups 3' FSAR Change Request Number: 90 125 Related SER Section: 6.5.2; SSER23 6.5.2 SER/SSER Impact: No Table 6.2.4-2            See Sheet No(s):09
== Description:==
Justification:                                                J Adds the root valve (1-SI-8961) for pressure indicator-1 PI-929 to the list of containment isoletion valves for item 83. See justifications on page 6.2-88 and        ,.
Figure 6,3 1 sheet 02.
Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 049.2 l                                    Related SER Section: 6.2.3 l
SER/SSER Impact: No.                                            .
            . Table 6.2.4-2          See Sheet No(s):13 Descriptions (Revision)                                          '
l-                                    Justification:
L<!                                        Adds note 5 to indicate that the root valve for pres-l                                          sure indicator 1-PI-929 (item 83) will be locked closed in accordance with 10 CFR 50' Appendix A, 000 55.
L                                          Also, this valve is not required to be leakage tested per 10 CFR 50 Appendix J since the sensing          7
,'                                        element of>the pressure indicator. located downstream.      ~
is dead ended and.hydrostatically tested to 1.5 times    i the design pressure of the pipe, thus providing a:1eak  .;
tight barrier similar to vent and drains having capped-
l                                    Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number:. 90-049.3 Related SER Section: 6.2.3 SER/SSER Impact: No H
f            Figure 6.3-1            See Sheet No(s):01 through 05 l'                                 
== Description:==
Update the FSAR figure to reduce the amount of details Justification:
Update the FSAR figure for mecharical systems to reduce l                                          the amount of details so that they_ support the text in-the FSAR, require less frequent update to reflect plant as-built conditions, and support Units 1 and-2.
Update of FSAR figures was -discusstM earlier with NRC, and re'erenced in NRC letter dated Ha.v 15, 1990.
Group: 3 l-                                    FSAR Change Request Number: 90-127 Related SER Section: 6.3:      SSER3 6.3 SER/SSER Impact: No
            ~ Attach 2ent=to TXX-90223 L            July 31, 1990 l            Page 8 of 62
FSAR Page (11 genRdad)              DescriptioD Figure 6.3 1              See Sheet No(s):02
== Description:==
Revises the position of root valve ISI 8961 for pressure indicator 1-PI-0929 from normally open to locked closed. See justification for page 6.2 88 and Table 6'.2.4 2 sheet 9 & 13.
Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-049.4
  ,                                      Related SER-Section: 6.2.3 SER/SSER Impact: No Table 7.1 2.3            See Sheet No(s):02
== Description:==
Conformance of Criteria and Guidelines Justification:
GDC 54 is applicable to the design / functional requirements of the auxiliary feedwater system and not the instrumentation. The Table is being revised to be consistent with FSAR Sections'and 6.2.4 Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-011.1 Related SSER Section: SSER22 7.1.2 SER/SSER 1mpact: Yes Table 7.1-2 Sheet 1 of SSER 22 shows GDC 54 as being applicable-to the auxiliary feedwater system Table 7.1-2.4            See Sheet No(s):02
                                        -Description: (Correction)-
Conformance of Criteria and Guidelines Justification:
GDC 54 is' applicable to tie design / functional requirements of the auxillary feedwater system and not the instrumentation. The Table is being revised to be consistent with FSAR' Sections and 6.2.4.
Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-011.2 Related SSER Section: SSER22 7.1.2 SER/SSER Impact: Yes Table 7.1-2 Sheet I shows GDC 54 as applicable to the auxiliary feedwater system.
Figure 7.1-3            See Sheet No(s):11
== Description:==
Delete control room pressure transmitters X-PT-5855 and X-PT-5856 Justification:
The control room differential transmitters were changed from the 1E qualified Rosemount 1153 models to the non-1E 1151 Rosemount transmitters.
The control room pressure transmitters perform no nuclear safety related function.
Attach 2ent to TXX-90223 H          s  July 31, 1990 Page 9 of 62 l
( n gaggdgj)            Delcr1Dtion Note: Figure 7.1-3, sheet 11, reflecting this change, has be6n q1 ready incorporated in FSAR Amendment 78.
However, the description for this change was inadver-tently missed in'the description letter for FSAR Amend-ment 78, and is provided now in FSAR Amendment 79.
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-028 Related SER Section: 7.1 SER/SSER Impact: No Figure 7.2 1            See Sheet No(s):15
== Description:==
Revise figure 7.2-1 pg 15 to reflect as-built implementation of a design modification which changed the logic to the auxiliary feedwater pressure control valves.
The control logic to the aux feedwater pressure. control valves was changed to correct a flow inbalance problem in the automatic mode for additional information see page 10.4 92 and table 10.4-9 Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-119.1 SER/SSER Impact: No iFigure 7.2-1              See Sheet No(s):15            .
== Description:==
Revise figure'7.2-1 pg 15 to reflect change in logic to initiate closure of Feedwater Split Bypass ~ Valves.
This change will achieve consistency with FSAR section 10.4.7 which states that the FSBV's are designed to-close on initiation of aux feed the description to the operation of the FSBV's was added in ammendment 71.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-119.2 SER/SSER Impact: No
                -Table 7.5 7              See Sheet No(s):14
== Description:==
Accident Monitoring Instrumentation Justification:
During a Reg Guide 1.97 Inspection (May 1990), the NRC ,
noted a discrepancy regarding the instrumentation used to verify standby power availability. Power panels 1ECS and IEC6 were listed in the FSAR as having indication instrumentation. TV Electric verbally committed to revise the FSAR to remove IECS and IEC6. Since that time, TV Electric has decided instead of removing IECS and 1EC6, to revise the FSAR to distinguish between voltage busses and distribution panels and to clarify which busses and/or distribution panels provide
Attach:ent tolTXX 90223
                                                  ' July 31, 1990 Page 10Lof 62                                                                                                  l FSAR'Page (E p endtd)                                    Description control room indication (i.e., board indication and/or ERF computer). For the distribution panels which have ERF indication only, th6 correct instrument range is 0 - 150 VAC instead of 110    130 VAC.
Group 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 092.1 i
Related SSER Section: SSER23 7.5.2 SER/SSER Impact: No                                          ,
: Figure 7.7-14A-                               
== Description:==
(Revision)                                    .;
Remove reference tp Sequence of Events Recorder keyed  ~! ~
as item 4 on the drawing.
The sequence of events recorder printer is being relocated to the Sequence Of Events recorder cabinet.
Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-103 SER/SSER Impact: No 8.3 53, 54                                     
== Description:==
(Clarification)                      .
Provides discussion in instrumentation and control section for clarification concerning instrumentation-and control cables routed as associated beyond the isolation device.
The design philosophy described in FSAR Section              l 8.3.1 2.1.7a has been applied consistently for-both        1 power and instrumentation and control circuits. The    ?
                                                                                                        . power circuits in the referenced Section 8.3 figures    j and in Table 8.3 11 have related control circuits            '
which, though not shown..use the same power source and      i 4..
separation. device and routed as associated the same as the power cables. Table 8.3-10 also includes    -
discussion of several instrumentation and control level circuits. The application for instrumentation and control circuits. however, is not limited to the power-
                                                                                                      -cable applications discussed in Table 8.3-11 or the specific internal separations discussed in Table 8'.3-10.
These instrumentation and control cables are routed.
with their respective train and a fault in the non-Class IE section of the circuit will not degrade the Class IE circuit, including the power source.
(due to the isolation device) or Class IE cables        i routed with the associated cables (due to this isola-tion combined with the Class IE circuit protection device or the circuit current limiting capability and the qualification and routing of associated cables).
Group: 3 FSAR Change' Request Number: 90-025 Related SER Section: 8.4.4: SSER22 8.4.4 f
__________-_.___________________m_______m_.__                      - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -          g
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N pm      y,                                                    .
  "4          -: Attach ent ito  TXX-90223                                                                    '
E            July 31~, 1990 H  ,    Page 11 of 62 FSAR Page (n amended)                Description                                                        i SER/SSER Impact: No Does not gonflict with SER and design.previously              l reviewed by the NRC in prior FSAR amendments.
              -8.3-79, 71                  See Page No(s):72, 73 and 75
== Description:==
Simplified criteria for cable and raceway separation-at CPSES based on existing docketed testing and                ,
supplemental analysis.
Justification:-                                                  <
Since it was approoched on a case by case basis on
,                                              Unit 1, the cable separation criteria for CPSES became L                                              complicated, with lengthy and detailed inspection criteria. This change simplifies the cable and raceway separation criteria by expanding the 1 barrier and      1"-
l-                                            criterion to cover power tray separation and conduit l-                                            separation above a tray or cable.        The revised criteria  ;
are based on testing already docketed for CPSES with          ,
appropriate supplemental analysis. The separation            1 criteria based on testing and analysis meet the requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.75, Revision 1.
The discussion of separation caiteria has been.
rearranged and editorial corrections made for clarity          ,
and to consolidate the discussion.
To minimize future complications to the criteria,              ,
included in the revision is a discussion of the-              '
minimum distances demonstrated by the existing test data. These distances would be used to evaluate any conditions found or encountered in construction where it is not practical to meet the more conservative minimum separation crituta due to. actual plant conditions. These cases would be documented in accordance with site procedures and, if found accept-able based on the testing and analysis described in the FSAR, will be in compliance with Regulatory Guide 1.75.
Revision 1.
The revised criteria have been evaluated under-10CFR50.59-and been found not to be an Unreviewed Safety Question.
The revised criteria will be applied te b_oth Unit 1 and Unit 2 as of the date of the advance amendment (TXX-90229 dated June 28, 1990) and will be used for the walkdown: in Unit 2.
Group: 2              -
l FSAR Change Request Number: 90-091.1                              '
Related SER Section: 8i4.4:    SSER22 8.4.4 l
n    '
        , , ; f. 7  4                                    .
Attachment to TXX 90223                                                              ;
              # July 31, 1990 Page 12 of 62 FSAR Page
                '(at amendedL            Dn.scrietion
    ',                                      SER/SSER Impact: Yes The 1 barrier and 1" criteria is expanded to cover power tray separations and conduit separation above a tray or cable, which is not reflected in the current SSER 22 discussion.
8.3 75                 
== Description:==
For clarity and consistency with the revised cable:
separation criteria, the discussion of " equivalent" raceway, enclosures and wraps is consolidated into a discussion of " acceptable barriers."
E                                              For clarity and consistency with the revised cable l-                                              separation criteria, the discussion of " equivalent" raceway, enclosures and wraps is consolidated into L                                              a discussion of " acceptable barriers." For the same reasons, equipment and device enclosures and enclosed metal wireways inside equipment are now specifically l                                              mentioned as " barriers."
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 091.2 Related SER Section: 8.4.4:    SSER22 8.4.4 SER/SSER Impact: Yes
                                              .Although equivalency of these " barriers" is discussed
[                                              in SSER 22, Section 8.4.4, they are not referred to L                                              as barriers.
8,3 93                 
== Description:==
( Addi ti on)                                  !
Adds supplemental information to criteria for loading    l cable' trays'above siderails.
Justification:                                                l As requested by tne NRC and described in TV-Electric      l letter 10gged.TXX-90025, dated January 17, 1990,          i supplemental information is added to the description of-  l criteria for loading cable trays above siderails..        l
This change provides the results of a one time' review of Unit I made at the request of the NRC to identify, l&                                              where cables extend above'the top of Class IE cable-tray siderails and exceed the percent fill limit and'    l
      ,                                        can not be corrected by reasonable means. TV Electric recognizes the.need to minimize the number of cases where cables extend above the top of Class 1E cable tray siderails and exceed the percent fill limit and. l
[_                                              has implemented measures to control future installa-    i' t                                              -tions such that additional instances will only be l                                              inplemented subsequent to evaluation by TU Electric.
Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-026 Related SER Section: 8.4.6                                  l SER/SSER Impact: No l
l l
  ,            - /;                                                                    >
1 Ifl j                                      .
1 Attach:ent-to TXX 90223'-                                                                l July 31, 1990 Page 13~of 62-                                                                        'l FSAR Page a
(n . amended)            Ef1Crjption
          !8.3-100                    Descriptions ( Addition)
Adds test. configurations 3 and 6 to Reference 44.
1ustifications                                                !
The revised separation criteria for power cables / trays and for conduit above a cable tray or cable are            ,
based on test configurations.which include test configurations 3 and 4 for power cables / trays and test configuration 6 for conduit. The additional test configurations are added for reference.
Group 3                                                        ,
FSAR Change Request Number: 90 091.4 Related SER Section: 8.4.4: 'SSER22 8.4.4 SER/SSER Impact: No                                            ,
Figure 8.3-1              Descriptions (Clarificatioli)
Pressurizer switchboard tag numbers beve a. suffix added to prevent duplicationcof equipment and breaker tag        '
numbers between switchboards and motor control centers.
Justi f'# ca ti on:
To~ prevent confusion, e suffix.has been added to the pressurizer switchboard tag numbers. This prevents having the same alternate tag number used for a          l pressurizer switchboard and a motor control center.
Since breaker tag numbers use the alternate tag number as part of the breaker tag number, this-will-also          ,
prevent duplicate breaker tag numbers.
Group: 4 FSAR Change' Request Number: 90-087.1 Related SER Section: 8.3.1: SSER22 8.3.1 SER/SSER Impact: No H                                                                                                    !
          -Figure 8.3-7                See Sheet.No(s) 02        .    .
== Description:==
Pressurizer switchboard tag numbers have a suffix added to prevent duplication of equipment and breaker tag numbers between switchboards and motor control centers.    -
To prevent confusion,.a suffix has been added to the.
pressurizer switchboard tag numbers. This prevents        i
  .                                      having the same alternate tag number for a pressurizer switchboard and a motor control center.
Since breaker tag numbers use the alternate tag number as part of the breaker tag number, this will also prevent duplicate breaker tag numbers.                    '
Group: 4 FSAR Change-Request Number: 90 087.2 Related SER Section: 8.3.1: SSER22 8.3.1 SER/SSER Impact: No
y .        . _
mi      y N-  . ., y                        .          .
W % JAttach:ent to TXX-90223 Q . ? July 31.1990      .
fp # y Page 14 of 62 g        -
@?            4    FSAR Page 4.-
(n amended)      DescriDtiori q
h                Figure 8.3 9      See Sheet No(s):04
== Description:==
Adds "ST" notation to breakers in compartments 12D and
  ?                                      12FL of-MCC IEB4 1, which was inadvertently left off FSAR drawing.
The breakers in compartments 120 and 12FL of MCC 1EB4-1 are tripped on a safety injection (S) signal via a shunt trip. The breakers were marked with the "**'
note to designate them as tripping on an S signal.
However, the "ST" symbol showing that this is a shunt trip was inadvertently left off and is now added to the figure for these two breakers.
Group: 4                  _
FSAR Change Request Number: 90-088.1 Related SER Section: 8.4.5;          SSER22 8.4.5 SER/SSER Impact: No Figure 8.3-9      See Sheet No(s);04
== Description:==
Corrects Class IE border which had been drawn on wrong side of correctly identified non Class 1E loads and cables for compartments 120 and 12FL of MCC 1EB4-1.
Justification:                          -
Corrects Class 1E border which' had been inadvertently drawn on the wrong side of:the non-Class IE loads and cables for compartments 12D and 12FL of'HCC IEC4-1.
These loads and cables were correctly-identifiel-as-as non-Class'1E on the FSAR drawing.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-088.2 Related SER Section: 8.4.5:        SSER22 8.4.5 SER/SSER 1mpact: No-9l2-26,27         
== Description:==
Clarification to the leak detection and operator corrective actions for the CCW surge tank in the CCW s,: tem.
Clarification of the FSAR text to read better for the leak detection and methods of control for the CCW surge tank.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-072 Related SER Section: 9.2.2: SSER22 9.2.2 SER/SSER Impact: No
: 9. 3              See Page No(s):11.5-40
== Description:==
Adds an alternate path for discharging wastes from the Co-Current Waste Hold-up Tanks to the Low Level Reten-tion Ponr! via Turbine Building Sump No. 4 (Unit 2).
w          w
            '][        9G
      ,g ,'
Attach:ent to TXX 90223
July 31,-1990
                      -Page 15 of 62'
                        .FSAR Page                                                                          l (n amended)            pescrintion i
r o
This change is made to facilitate chemical treatment of    ,
large volumes of waste water that contain radioactivity  1 concentrations which are less than specified LLD values  j prior"to release to the_ circulating water discharge          1
                                      ,            tunnel.
Group 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 079.2 Related SER Section: 9.3.3 SER/SSER Impact: No Figure 9.2-3            See Sheet No(s):01 through 08 Description (Update) r                                        Update the FSAR figure to reduce the emount of details Justification:
:j -                                              Update the FSAR figure for rechanical systems to= reduce the amount of details so that they support the text in the FSAR, require less frequent update to reflect plant as-built cor.ditions, and support Units 1 and 2.
l                                                  Update of FSAR figures was discussed earlier with NRC, and referenced in NRC {{letter dated|date=May 15, 1990|text=letter dated May 15, 1990}}.
Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 00 129                            3 Related SER Section: 9.2.2:    SSER22 9.2.2 SER/SSER Impact: No                                        .i Figure 9.2-3            See Sheet No(s):04' Descriptions-(Addition)-                                    T Add filter /demineralizer chemical addition skid to the-  1 Component Cooling Water system                              l L                                                Justification:
L l
The CCW filter /demineralizer chemical addition skid    1 provides filtration required to reduce system suspended  ~j solids to an acceptable level and provides ion exchange  'j to maintain chloride level within specification.            j Group: 3                                                      j FSAR Change Request Number: 90-030 L                                                Related SER Section: 9.2.2: SSER22 9.2.2                      i SER/SSER Impact: No Figure 9.2-4A.          See Sheet No(s):03                                            I L                                             
== Description:==
(Addition)                                    'l
[                                                  Add suction strainers, delete check valves and revise      ;
l                                                  suction pipe class for Water Treatment system.            I o                                                Justification:                                                !
Revise the flow diagram to allow for existing PVC mate-    i rials.on suction side of chemical addition pumps which is under design pressures of the pipe. Pump vendor      j l                                                  recommends suction strainers and pump internal check        i L                                                  valves to prevent system backflow on pump stop.
Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-068
Attachment to TXX 90223 July 31, 1990 Page if of 62 FSAR Page (At Attaded)            Dg}crintion Related CIR Section: 9.2 SER/SSER 1mpact: No Figure 9.2 15              See Sheet No(s):02 Description (Addition)
Add taps and isolation valves for the vendor supplied oil / water separator skids in the Weste Management system.
Addition of oil / water filter skids will aid in reducing the suspended solids in the Weste Management system.
Piping taps and isolation valves enable temporary
,-                                      hook up of the filter skids to the system.
l                                    Group 3
!                                    FSAR Change Request Number: 90 073 Related SER Section: 9.2.4      SSER22 9.2.4 SER/SSER Impact: No                                          1 Figure 9.2 15              See Sheet No(s) 02 Descriptions (Revision)
Revises the positions o' three valves (XWM 0096 & 0097, and X HV WM161) to n F w 11y closed (from normally open).
This change is made to bring the valve lineup into con-formance with current liquid radwaste system operating    ,
practice and in the case of valve X HV WH161, to also    !
prevent inadvertent discharges to the envir.pnment.
Groups 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 043.7                          i Related SER Section:                                l SER/SSER Impact: No 9.3 8                   
== Description:==
(Revision)                                      f Revise Steam Generator power Operated, Atmospheric Relief Valve Capacity Justification:
Based on the increased air pressure for the new relief valve settings, the accumulator sizing calculation was    f 1
revised to reflect the new capacities. Operator action is required after 4 hours due to the new settings.
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-131.5 -
SER/SSER 1mpact: No 9.3 14                   
== Description:==
Process Sampling System Sample Temperature Change from "105+ 10" to "<120".
Revision of the sample temperature (af ter being cooled by CCW) is required to provide Operations .nore flexibility in drawing samples. The temperature limit      ,
l e .                                      .
AttachmOnt to TXX 90223 July 31, 1990 Page 17 of 62 r$AR Pope (M amettdtd)            Et1G.tlD119.0 of 105+ 10 degrees F is based on the maximum CCW design temperature. The upper limit is specified for operator protection. Raising the upper limit to 120 has no effect on operator safety.      Eliminating the lower limit does not have any effect on the chemistry parameters measured.
Groups 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 076.1 SER/SSER Impact: No 9.3 16                 
== Description:==
Delete pressure gauges and add isolation valves for the sample vessels in the process sampling system.
l,                                Justification:
By redesigning the sample vessels, deletion of pressure gauges will reduce the number of fittings, which will reduce the leakage, and also reduce the m.'ght of the        '
sample vessel. The addition of isolation valves for the l'                                    quick disconnectors will reduce the chance of overpres-surization and failure.
Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 082.1 Related SER Section: 9.3.2:      SSER22 9.3.2 SER/SSER impact: No l        9.3 17                  Descriptions (Correction) 1                                    Sample Line Purge Flow Rate i                                  Justification l1                                    This change alters the text to reference Teble 9.3 4 l
The text currently statet, e recommended minimum sample flow rate. Table 9.3 4 contains the minimum sample and purge flow rates, when applicable, for each of the sam-pies listed in the table.
l                                  Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 076.2 L                                  SER/SSEh Impact: No i:        Tcble 0.3 3              See Sheet No(s):01
== Description:==
Revise Steam Generator Power Operated. Atmospheric Relief Valve Capacity Justification:
                                      . Based on the increased air pressure for the new relief g                                vehe ' settings, the accumulator sizing calculation was r6 vised to reflect the new capacities. Operator action (s required after 4 hours due to the new settings,          i Group: 2 FE B Change Request Number: 90 131.4                        .
SER/SSER Impact: No I
on    ..                ('                    .
Attachment to TXX 90223 July _31, 1990 Page 18 of 62 F$AR Page (A$.teended)            Deserin11RD Table 9.3 4              See Sheet No(s):03                                        -
Description ,(Correction)                                  !
Process Sampling System Parameter Change Elimination of sample flow minimum for CYCS demineralizer influent  '
and effluent.
The current flow rate minimum (0.75gpm) was based on a 4 ft/sec flow rate through the sample lines as spe:1-fied by Westinghouse. This minimum, however, was in-tended for the RCS hot leg sample lines to ensure that
  '>                                      suspended particles will reach the sample panel for analysis. The samples of the CVCS demineralizer influ-ent and effluent are for analyzing the effectiveness of g                                          demineralizers and so do not have the same flow rate    i e                                          requirement as the RCS hotleg samples.                  .
Groups 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 076.5 SER/SSER 1mpact: No figure 9.3 4            See Sheet No(s):02 Descriptions (Correction)                                  ,
Delete pressure gauges and add isolation valves for    ,
the sample vessels in the process sampling system.
By redesigning the sample vessels, deletion of pressure ,
i gauges will reduce the number of fittings, which will L                                          reduce the leakage, and also reduce the weight of the sample vessel. The addition of isolation valves for the quick disconnectors will reduce the chance of overpres-surization and failure.
Groups 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 082.2 Related SER Section: 9.3.2: SSER22 9.3.2 SER/SSER 1mpact: No Figure 9.3 8            See Sheet No(s):01                                        ;
l                                      Description (Correction)
L Revise the piping systsm to Radiation Monitor 1RE 5100 Justification:
The present piping configuration produces problems with in line clogging. The proposed configuration will pro-vide continuous and increased flow to 1RE-5100 thereby reducing the possibility of in line clogging. The submersible sample pump will be installed in the Tur-bine Building sump, which recirculates through the existing radiation monitor and back to the sump. The sample pump will be placed between the Turbine Building sump pumps and the incoming flow. This. along with the combined recirculation of the samplo pump and the incoming flow, will provide sufficient mixing for a representative sample of the sump.
l-                                      Group: 3 L
Attachment to TXX 90223 July 31, 1990                                                                          .
Page 19 of 62
i FSAR Page (11 mataded)            Description FSAR Change Request Number: 90 069 Related SER $ection: 9.3.3:    SSER6  9.3.3 SER/SSER 1mpact: No Figure 9.3 11            See She*t No(s):01                                            1 Descriptions (Revision)
Revises the locking condition for valve XBR 8588 in the Recycle Holdup Tank Recirc Line.                            i Justification:                                                l This change is inade to increase system operational flexibility and to reduce operator exposure during nor-mal system operation.                                      ;
Group 3                                                      i FSAP Change Request Number: 90 043.6                            l Related SER Section: SER/SSER Impact: No 9.4 22, 23             
== Description:==
(Correction)                                      I Delete the interlock between supply f ans CPX VAFNAV-23 and 24 with exhaust fans CPX VAFNCB 21 and 22 in the Primary Plant Ventilation system.                            l Justification                                                    l The primary plant exhaust fans CPX VAFNCB 21 and 22 and      I associated fans were upgraded to ESF status to provide additional capability.of the PPVS to maintain slight negative pressure in the negative pressure ravelope.
Earlier, these fans were interlocked with non ESF sup-      I ply fens CPX VAFNAV 23 and 24, respectively. During the      I operation of ESF exhaust fans, operation of non ESF          1 exhaust fans are not required to maintain negativa pressure in the negative pressure envelope. Hence, the        I interlock has been removed from these two fans.
The removal of interlock allows the supply fans to be utilized as standby supply fans. If any other supply f an is down for maintenance and additional cooling is required, these fans could be started, as long as the negative pressure is maintained.                          4 The removal of interlock may affect the negative pres-sure requirements in the case when these fans are oper-ating and a loss of Offsite Power occurs. This trips all the exhaust units and all those interlocked supply    ,
f ans. If either of these supply f ans were in operation, the negative pressure may be affected in the short run, however, the operator may manually energize one or more of the ESF exhaust fans after 120 seconds to achieve and maintain slight negative pressure in the envelope. Appropriate plant documents have been revised to provide a system limitation and precaution to operate these supply f ans.
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-060 Related SER Section: 9.4.3,4:      SSER22 1
Attachment to TXX 90223
;        July 31 2990 Page 20 of 62
I r$AR Page
        -(il Datadtd)          Pil.GriRUAG SER/SSER impact: Yes SER sectign 9.4.3. page 9 24, indicates after LOCA and LOOP, the non ESF supply system is isolated to maintain
          .                            negative pressure. Clarify that the interlocked supply fans are isolated automatically and supply fans CPX-VAFNAV 23 and 24 are isolated manually by operator.
9.4 29, 30            See Page No(s):33 Descriptions (Addition)
Addition of Boron injection Tank Room (Room 100) ventilation system (BITRVS)
Boron Injection Tank Room (Room 100) consists of Unit 1 Train B MCC which operates during LOCA and Loss .'f Off-site Power (LOOP). During normal plant operation mode, PPVS provides cooling and maintains negative pressure.
During LOOP and.LOCA when the MCC is operating PPVS does not provide enough cooling which requires addition of BITRVS, During operation of this system, Room 100 will be maintained at a slight positive pressure in lieu of a slight negative pressure. Roca 100 has no inside source of radiation and during operation of MCC, maintaining positive pressure in the room will prevent influx of radiation in the room. Based on the analysis, offsite dose consequences to the thyroid of an indivi-dual at the exclusion area boundary is negligible. In the detormination of the overall dose assessment due to.
accidents, the impact due to an unfiltered release of normal airborne activity is too small to be included.
Thic information was provided earlier to the NRC in FSAR Amendment 76. Figure 9.4 2 Sheet 2 of 3, and in letter TXX-90015, dated January 17, 19f0.
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 031.2 Related SER Section: 9.4.4: SSER22 9.4.4 3
SER/SSER 1mpact: Yes
                                        . Sections 9.4.4 and 1S.4.5 of SER and-SSER#22 need to clarify that the portion of the safeguard building is maintained at a slight negative pressure during normal operation and during LOCA and LOOP.
Figure 9.4 1          See Sheet No(s):01 Description (Correction)
Added the note in.the figure to indicate locked open position of the Control Room Air Balance Dampers CPX VADPOU 46,47,48,and 49.
  -                                Justification:
Based on the air flow balance test results, air balance dampers in the Control Room HVAC system are locked me-chanically in the full open position, which represents
                                        .the fail safe position of the dampers.
Group: 3
: l.                3 o .                  .                                      .
'g                        Attachment to TXX 90223 July.31, 1990 Page 21 of 62 J              '
["                        (A1 amended)            Description p                                                FSAR Change Request Number: 90 100 7
Related SER Stetion: 9.4.1: $$ER22 9.4.1 SER/SSER Impact: No
          @                Figure 9.4 2            See Sheet No(s):02 0 J'..                                         
== Description:==
Addition of Boron Injection Tank Room (Room 100) ventilation system (BITRVS), and balance of flow for the PPVS.
L Justification:
Boron Injection Tank Room (Room 100) consists of Unit 1 Train B MCC which operates during LOCA and Loss of Off-site Power (LOOP). During normal plant operation mode, J,
PPVS provides cooling and maintains negative pressure.
During LOOP and LOCA when the MCC is operating, PPVS does not provide enough cooling which requires addition of BITRVS, During operation of this system Room 100 will be' maintained at a slight positive pressure in-g                                          lieu of a slight negative pressure. Room 100 has no inside source of radiation and during operation of MCC, r                                                      maintaining positive pressure in the room will prevent' influx of radiation in the room. Based on the analysis, offsite dose consequences to the thyroid of an indivi-  l dual at the exclusion' area boundary is negligible, in  i the determination of the overall dose assessment due to  '
accidents, the impact due to an unfiltered release of    1 e                                                      normal airborne activity is too small to be included. l m                                                  This information was provided earlier to the NRC in      '
FSAR Amendment 76. Figure 9.4 2. Sheet 2 of 3, and in letter TXX 90015. dated January 17, 1990.                l p                                                  Group: 2 H                  '
FSAR Change Request Number: 90 031.3                        ;
L'                                                  Related SER Section: 9.4.41 SSER22 9.4.4                    l t                                                  SER/SSER Impact: Yes                                        l i,                                                    Sections 9.4.4 and 15.4.5 of SER and SSER#22 need to l'                    '
clarify that the portion of the safeguard building is l                                                      maintained at-slight negative pressure during normal    .
operation and during LOCA and LOOP.                      j 1
Figure 9.4-4            See Sheet No(s):01 s                                                 
== Description:==
Electric unit heater CP1 VAHEUH 01 is installed as      l l
spare equipment                                          !
1 Justification:                                              l Electric heater is instal *ed as a spare and electric    !
instrument connections are not installed. This change reflects the plant as built condition.
Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-051 Related SER Section: 9.4.4      SSER22 9.4.4 SER/SSER Impact: No l
{                      p
I Attachment to TXX 90223                                                                )
July 31, 1990                                                                          '
Page 22 of 62 l
FSAR Page                                                                            !
(n amended)            Descrintion                                                    i Figure 9.4 6            Description (Correction)                                    j Ref.sove the LC designator from the valve 1 HV 5548 &      l 5549 and revise the note for the maximum opening of        l conte 7ent pressure relief valves.                          ;
Justification:                                                i Revise the maximum opening of the valves to 65 degrees      !
which is consistent with SSER22, section !!.E.4.2 and      i posi seal report # 349775L 001. Current setting of the    I valves is at 53 and 55 degrees. Delete the 'LC'            i L                                  designator on the containment pressure relief valves        l 1 HV 5548 and 5549, as it is shown inadvertently            1 and is not required for the co:;tainment isolation function.
l                                  Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 075                            ;
Related SER Section: 22,11E42:    SSER23 !!.E.4.2            ,
SER/SSER Impact: No                                            I Figure 9.4 6            Descriptions (Correction) l-                                    Correct and delete the tag numbers for radiation monitors.
* Justification:
Corrects the tag numbers for the containment radiation monitors due to the drafting errors and misessignment of the tag numbers.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 084                          .
Related SER Section 9.1.5:      SSER22 9.4.5 SER/SSER Impact: No Figure 9.4 14            See Sheet No(s):01,02 and 03 Descriptuni (Addition)          _
Add fume hood in Chemistry Hot Laboratory (Room 30)
Justification:                                                ,
Addition of second fume hood in the hot icboratory will provide additional capacity for the Unit 1 operations.
Split the previous figure into three sheets for better l
clarity Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 063 Related SER Section: 9.4.5: SSER22 9.4.5 SER/SSER Impact: No Figure 9.4 14            See Sheet No(s):01.02 and 03 L                               
== Description:==
Add ventilation system in chemistry hot laboratory l~
(Room 30)
L                                    Addition of a ventilation system to makeup and exhaust the air is required when the atomic absorption unit is in operation. As this system is operating intermittent-ly and no outside air is rcquired, this will not impact a
i l
Attachment to TXX 90223 July 31, 1990 Page 23 of 62 l
i FSAR Page                                                                            '
(As amended)            Deserin119p the operation of the Primary Plant Ventilation System to maintain negative pressure in the negative pressure  i envelope. Split the previous figure into three sheets for better clarity.                                      I Gro.sp: 3 FSA) Change Request Number: 90 096 Related SER Section: 9.4.5: SSER22 9.4.5 L                              SER/SSER Impact: No                                        I figure 9.4 15         
== Description:==
Add chiller condenser water control valve air supply system and assign the tag numbers for the control valve Justification:                                              '
Assigning tag numbers for the chiller control valve      l
;                                  will ensure equipment availability as the system align- j 1                                  ment may be verified by the operators, and also          i l                                  identifies the as built condition of the instrument air  ,
l                                  system for the UPS chiller condenser water control l                                  valves.                                                  l l
Group: 3                                                    ;
FSAR Change Request Number: 90 044 Related SER Section: 9.4.5;      SSER22 9.4.5 SER/SSER Impact: No 9.4C-14, 15              Description (Addition)
Addition of Boron Injection Tank Room (Room 100) i                                  ventilation system (BITRVS) l                              Justifications                                              !
Boron Injection Tank Room (Room 100) consists of Unit 1 l                                  Train B MCC which operates during LOCA'and Loss of Off-site Power (LOOP). During normal plant operation mode, PPVS provides cooling and maintains negative pressure.
During LOOP and LOCA when the MCC is operating, PPVS does not provide enough cooling which requires addition of B11RVS. During operation of this system Room 100 will be maintained at a slight positive pressure in lieu of a slight negative pressure. Room 100 has no inside source of radiation and during operation of HCC, maintaining positive pressure in the room will prevent l
influx of radiation in the room. Based on the analysis, offsite dose consequences to the thyroid of an indivi*
dual at the exclusion area boundary is negligible. In the determination of the overall dose assessment due to accidents, the impact due to an unfiltered release of normal airborne activity is too small to be included.
                                  ' This information was provided earlier to the NRC in FSAR Amendment 76. Figure 9.4-2, Sheet 2 of 3, and in letter TXX 90015, dated January 17, 1990.              '
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 031.1 Related SER Section: 9.4.4;      SSER22 9.4.4 l
: s.  .
Attachment to TXX 90223 July 31, 1990 Page 24 of 62 FSAR Page (AA AAfftdtd)          EtELiE11Dif SER/SSER Impact: Yes Sections 9.4.4 and 15.4.5 of SER and SSER$22 need to clarify that the portion of the safeguard building is maintained at a slight negative pressure during normal operation and during LOCA and LOOP.
10.3 7                  Descriptions (Revision)
Revise Steam Generator Power Operated Atmospheric Relief Valve Capacity Justification:
The as designed relief valve capacity has been changed.-
The capacity has been changed to allow sufficient mar-gin to meet the minimum and maximum values in the cur-rent accident analysis and plant cooloown er lysis,      i respectively. The change to the FSAR 61so p ovides the basis for the capacities in more detail than before.
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 131.1 SER/SSER Impact: No Table 10.3 3            Descriptions (Revision)
Revise Steam Generator Power-0perated, Atmospheric Relief Valve Capacity                                    ,
The as-designed relief valve capacity has been changed.
The capacity has been changed to allow sufficient mar-gin to meet the minimum and maximum values in the cur-rent accident analysis and plant cooldown analysis,      ;
respectively, The change to the FSAR also provides the basis for the capacities in more detail than before.
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-131.2                        ;
SER/SSER Impacts flo Figure 10.3 1            See Sheet No(s):01 Description (Addition)
Add instruments to the Main Steam System for the Data l                                      Acquisition System indication and input.
l                                  Justification:
The instruments are required for indication and input for the Data Acquisition System. The new instruments do not have any adverse interactions with existing in-sta11ations nor do they create any new hazards.
Group 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 080.1 SER/SSER Impact: No Figure 10.3-1            See Sheet No(s):01 Descriition: (Update)
Update the FSAR figure to reduce the amount of details Justification:
Upoate the FSAR figure for mechanical systems to reduce
                -                                  --  e
l  .: ,                                        ,
h          Attachme2t to TXXo90223                                                                :
L        July 31, 1990                                                                          L Page 25 of 62                                                                          -
            .r$AR Page
          -(14.getated)            pescriction the amount of details so that they support the text in    !
the FSAR, require less frequent update to reflect plant as-built conditions, and support Units 1 and 2.
Update of FSAR figures was discussed earlier with NRC,    l and referenced in NRC {{letter dated|date=May 15, 1990|text=letter dated May 15, 1990}}.          ;
Group: 3                                                    ;
FSAR Change Request Number: 90 146 Related SER Section: 10.3.2: SSER22 10.3.2                    '
SER/SSER Impact: No 10.4 3                  See Page No(s):0&R040 133.10.3 20.10.4 33                    '
Description (Correction)
Incorporation of Response to Question 040.98 into the main text of the FSAR Justification:
The response is being relocated to the sections of the    -
FSAR for which the response is applicable. There is no change in technical content. The move is to update the FSAR as required by 10CFR50.71(e).
Group: 4                                                    ,
FSAR Change Request Number: 90 105.3 Related SER Section: 1
                                    .SER/SSER 1mpact: No 10.4 33                  See Page No(s):0&R040-133,10.3-20,10.4-3 Description (Correction)                                    3 Incorporation of Response to Question 040.98 into the main text of the FSAR Justification:
The response is being relocated to the sections of the FSAR for which the response is applicable. There is no change in technical content. The move is to update the FSAR as required by 10CFR50.71(e).
Group: A FSAR Change Request Number
* 90 105.2 Related SER Section: 1
: l.                                  SER/SSER Impact: No L          10.4-67               
== Description:==
(Revision)                                      :
1 Feedwater Isolation Valve (FIV) Actuation Logic Modification of Low Flow Interlocks Justification:
The opening of the FIV causes a momentary flow insta-    t bility during wh:ch the feedwater flow may decrease be-low the Low Flow closure setpoint. The logic automat-ically shuts the F4V. The modification changes the logic so that the FlV will not shut on feedwater low temperature alone, but will shut the FIV when the feed-water low flow is coincident with feedwater low temper-ature.
Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 097
Attache:nt toJtXX 90223 July 31, 1990 Page 26 of 62 FSAR Page (n .astfMLtd)          D.turiDtiOn SER/SSER 1mpact: No 10.4 92               
== Description:==
Delete the automatic control function of the flow control valves of the motor driven auxiliary feedwater pumps.
Automatic control of the flow control valves is provi-ded to prevent pump runout. During hot fun'tional testing, both motor driven pumps were tested on SI signals, with the steam generators depressurized, for flow criteria and pump runout. The test results indica-ted that the pump runout controls were not required be-cause the piping system provided sufficient resistance to prevent pump runout conditions. Deletion of this requirement does not impact any system requirements and simplifies the system design.
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 070.1 Related SER Section: 10.4.9      SSER22 10.4.9 SER/SSER 1mpact: No Table 10.4 9            See Sheet No(s):05
== Description:==
Delete the automatic control function of the flow control valves of the motor driven auxiliary feedwater pumps.
Automatic control of the flow control valves is provi-ded to prevent pump runout. During hot functional testing, both motor driven pumps were tested on SI signals, with the steam generators depressurized, for flow criteria and pump runout. The test results indica-ted that the pump runout controls were not required be-cause the piping system provided sufficient resistance to prevent pump runcut conditions. Deletion of this requirement does not impact any system requirements and simplifies the system design.
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 070.2 Related SER Section: 10.4.9      SSER22 10.4.9                        ,
SER/SSER Impact: No Table 10.4-10            See Sheet No(s):01 and 02
== Description:==
Rsvise Figure 10.4 15 and Table 10.A 10 to reflect that the Reverse Osmosis Package has beta abandoned in place and no longer requires Turbine Plant Cooling Water.
Other minor changes to Table 10.4-10 are required.
Justification:                                                          ,
The Total Cooling Water Flow Rates for the Generator              !
seal oil unit have been restored to the values that
        - Attachment to TXX 90223 July 31, 1990 Page 27 of 62 FSAR Page (11 mReftded)          Reicripti2D were in the FSAR prior to Amendment 78,                  incorrect ven-dor data sheets were used to make the Amendment 78 change. The correct vendor data sheets were located after the change was processed. Additionally, the Heat load for the H2 side coolers was inadvertently omitted, so has been added.
The Total Cooling Water Flow Rate for the Auxiliary boiler sample cooler and conductivity cell has been changed to the as built value.
Group 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 071.1 SER/SSER lupact: No Figure 10.4-3            See Sheet No(s) 01
== Description:==
Add failure Mode Designation, Failed Closed (FC), for Valve 1 LV-2950 Justification:
The addition'of the failure mode is a non physical and non-functional change. The failure mode is being added to the flow diagram for ready reference for Operations and Maintenante personnel.
Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 050 SER/SSER Impact: No Figure 10.4 9-          See Sheet No(s):01, 02 and 03 Description (Update)
Update the FSAR figure to reduce the amount of details Justification:
Update the FSAR figure for mechanical systems to reduce the amount of details so that they support the text in the FSAR. require less frequent update to reflect plant as-built conditions, and support Units 1 and 2.
Update of FSAR figures was discussed earlier with NRC, and referenced in NRC {{letter dated|date=May 15, 1990|text=letter dated May 15, 1990}}.
Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-149 Related SER Section: 10.4.9: SSER24 10.4.9 SER/SSER 1mpact: No Figure 10.4 9            See Shest No(s):02
== Description:==
Add instruments to the Feedwater System for the Data Acquisition System for indication and input.
The instruments are required for indication and input for the Data Acquisition System. The new instruments do not have any adverse interactions with existing in-sta11ations nor do they create any new hazards.
Groups 3
Att.cchtent to TXX-90223 July 31, 1990 Page 28 of 62 i
FSAR Page (M .attaded)            Description FSAR Change Request Number: 90 080.2 SER/SSER 1mpact: No Figure 10.4 15            See Sheet'No(s):03                                          .
Descriptions (Revision)                                      l Revise Figure 10.4 15 and Table 10.4 10 to reflect that the Reverse Osmosis Package has been abandoned in place' and no longer requires Turbine Plant Cooling Water.
Valves XTW 0054 and XTW 0053, the Turbine Plant Cooling  i Water supply and return valves for the Reverse Osmosis Package chiller, are no longer required to be normally open due to the Reverse Osmosis Package being abandoned in place.
Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 071.2 SER/SSER 1mpact: No figure 10.4-16            See Sheet No(s):03
== Description:==
(Correction)                                    1 Deletion of valve XSA 0332. Auxiliary Steam Condensate Cooler drain valve Justification:
The velve is not required for draining the cooler. An alternate drain path is available. The change is con-sistent with the as-built design.                        j Group: 3                                                    l FSAR Change Request Number: 90 020.1                          l SER/SSER Impact: No Figure 10.4 16            See Sheet No(s):03                                          l Description (Correction)                                    !
Deletion of valve XSA 0315. Unit 2 Auxiliary Steam-        !
Drain Tank drain line valve                                l Justification:                                                1 The valve is not required for isolation of the drain      l line. 'Another valve can be used for isolation. The    j change is consistent with the as-built design,            i Group: 3                                                      I FSAR Change Request Number: 90 020.2                        l SER/SSER Impact: No Figure 10.4-16            See Sheet No(s):03                                          l
== Description:==
Relocate Auxiliary Steam System HELB Pressure Taps        l Justification:
In their present location, the pressure sensors are isolated from the Auxiliary Steam System when certain L                                    combinations of evaporators are running. Relocation of I
l the pressure sensors allows any combination of evapora-tors to be running without isolating the pressure sen-sors.
F                                                                                          j
  ' Attachment to TXX 90223 July 31, 1990 Page'29 of 62                                                                          ;
i l
FSAR Page (11 amended)            Description Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 064                          ,
SER/SSER Impact: No Figure 10.4 16            See Sheet No(s):04 Descriptions (Correction)
Deletion of XSA 0550, Auxiliary Boiler Blowdown Sample line valve                                                I Justification:
The valve is not required for isolating blowdown. Ano-ther valve can be used for isolation. The change is        ;
consistent with the as built design,                      i Group 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 020.3 SER/SSER Impact: No                                          l Figure 10.4-16            See Sheet No(s):04 Description (Correction)
Change normal position of XSA 0531, Auxiliary Boiler        ,
Deaerator vent valve, from CLOSED to OPEN                  l Justification:
The vent valve is open during Deaerator operation to        I remove the non-condensible gases. The change is con-      !
sistent with the as built design.                        ,
Group 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 020.4 SER/SSER Impact -No Figure 10.4 20            See Sheet No(s):03
== Description:==
Add Condensate Storage Tank Grab Sample Sink Justification:
Addition of a grab sample sink at the conde.. sate stor-    l age tank sample panel will facilitate drawing grab sem-    l ples. The sink is an addition required by NRC Inspec-      l tion Report 50-445/89-21.                                  I Group: 3                                                      l FSAR Change Request Number: 90 058                            i SER/SSER Impact: No                                          j i
Table 11.2 3              See Sheet No(s):25
== Description:==
Modifies the description of the Floor Drain Tank Filter by deleting mention of the filter itself.
This temporary change (until the first refueling) is        i made in order to avoid very frequent filter changeout operations with their attendant additional operator exposure. The use of the portable filter /demineralizer and the floor drain evaporator (with a certain amount of defouling operations) should combine to reduce the overall. operator exposure that would have resulted from  :
L                                                                                        1
    . ,                                      -                                              i Attachment to TXX 90223 July 31, 1990 Page 30 of 62 I
i FSAR Page                                                                          l (n . amended)          Description                                                  j the more frequent filter changeouts. A newly designed filter will be installed during the first refueling      1 outage.                                                  i Group: 2                                                    !
FSAR Change Request Number: 90 021.1                      !
Related SER Section:                              +
SER/SSER Impact: Yes SER section should be revised to reflect the fact that the portable filter /demineralizer or the floor drain evaporator will be used to process certain waste streams (e.g., aerated waste. nontritiated waste and laboratory chemical waste).
Figure 11.2-3            See Sheet No(s) 01 Descriptions (Revision)
Revises the lineup and locking condition of certain valves in the Liquid Waste Processing System.
The changes are made to (1) bring the normal valve lineup and locking condition into conformance with cur-rent liquid radwaste system operating practice, (2) up-date the valve lineup to be consistent with design changes. (3) simplify system operation or increase sys-tem operational flexibility, (4) improve isolation cap-
: i.                                  ability and (5) reduce operetor exposure during normal l                                  system operation.
Groups 3                                                  5 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 043.1                      -
Related SER Section: SER/SSER Impact: No Figure 11.2 3            See Sheet No(s) 01                                        1 L                                Descriptions (Editorial)                                  ,
l                                  Revises the normal position of valve XWP 0166 to the Unit 1 Reactor Hakeup Water Storage Tank from acen to closed.
This change is made to correct a drafting error in which the valve position was inadvertently shown as
: j.                                  open.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 016.01
..                              Related SER Section: 11.2.1 SER/SSER Impact: No Figure 11.2-4            See Sheet No(s) 01 and 02
== Description:==
-(Revi si on)
Revises the lineup and locking condition of certain valves in the Liquid Waste Processing System.
The changes are made to (1) bring the normal valve      >
lineup and locking condition into conformance with cur-
a Attach:ent to TXX 90223 I      ,,
July 31. 1990 Page 31 of 62 t            FSAR Pope (gg agended)            Descrirtion rent liquid radwaste system operating practice. (2) up-date the valve lineup to be consistent with design changes. (3) simplify system operation or increase sys-tem operational flexibil'1ty, (4) improve isolation cap-ability, (5) reduce operator exposure during normal byttem operation and (6) correct a drafting error for valve XWP 8033.
F Grourt 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 043.2 Related SER Section: SER/SSER Impact: No Figure 11.2 5            See Sheet No(s) 00 Description (Revision)
Revises the lineup and locking condition of certain valves in the Liquid Waste Processing System.
The changes are made to (1) bring the normal valve lineup and locking condition into conformance with cur-rent liquid radweste system operating practice, (?) up-date the valve lineup to be consistent with design changes. (3) simplify system operation or increase sys-tem operational flexibility. (4) improve isolation cap-ability and (5) reduce operator exposure during normal system operation.
Groups 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 043.3 Related SER Section: SER/SSER 1mpact: No Figure 11.2 6            See Sheet No(s) 00 Descriptions (Revision)
Revises the locking condition of two valves (XWP 7300 &
7347) in the Liquid Waste Processing System.
The chanyes are made to simplify system operation or increase operational flexibilit;'.
Group 3 FSAR Changa Request Number: 90 043.4 Related St.R Section: SER/SSER 1mpact: No Figure 11.2 8         
== Description:==
Revises the locking condition of one of the valves (XWP 7331) in the Liquid Waste Processing System.
This change is made to increase system operational flexibility and to reduce operator exposure during nor-mal system operation.
Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 043.5 Related SER Section:                                i
m Attachment to TXX+90223 MN      July 31, 1990 Page 32 of 62 FSAR Page (41 Amended)                      Description SER/SSER Impact: No 11.5 40                            See Page No(s):9.2 63 Descriptions (Revision)
Revises the flow paths from the Waste Water Holdup Tanks to include a discharge path through Turbine Building Sump No. 4 directly to the Low Volume Re-tention Pond, Justification:
This change is made to facilitate chemical treatment of large volumet ' waste water that contain radioactivity
  +                                            concentrations which are less than specified LLO values prior to release to the circulating water discharge tunnel.
Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 079.1 Related SER Section: 9.3.3 SER/SSER 1mpact: No 13.1 2                              See Page No(s):07 and 08 Descriptions (Revision)
Revise the TV Electric Organization structure and start up program to support the completion and licens-ing of CPSES Unit 2.
These changes reflect the revised organization to show Unit 2 Projects and Unit 2 Startup & startup program changes resulted in lessons learned from the startup of Unit 1.
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 036 Related SSER Section: SSER22 SER/SSFR Impact: Yes The existing SER and Supplements reflect only Unit 1 programs and organization structures. Consequently, although most of the principle personnel.are the same, the NRC should review the Unit 2 startup program and organization structure.
13.1 5                              See Page No(s):06 thru 09, 11 thru 14                        ,
== Description:==
Revise the NEO Organizations (Nuclear Ops and QA) to reflect personnel changes and to reflect restructuring to support the completion and licensing of CPSES Unit 2 See also LDCR SA 90 036.
Organization changes which occurred within the QA Dept.
to improve effectiveness and better utilize the available department resources. Due to reallocation of  ,
personnel, some changes impacted Nuclear Operations. I Group 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-102
i      Attachm3nt to TXX 90223 July 31, 1990 Page 33 of 62 FSAR Pepe (H Attildtd)            EtKE.lPli90 Related SER Section: 13:    SSER22 13 SER/SSER lupact: Yes The OA Dept organization is discussed in the SER, Supp
: 22. Consequently, the NRC will need to assess these changes. NOTE: The QA Program was not affected by these organizational updates.
Figure 13.1 2          Descriptions (Revision)
Revise the TV Electric Organization structure to support the completion and licensing of CPSES Unit 2.
Update figure to reflect the positions of UNIT 2 PROJECT MANAGER: UNIT 2 PROJECT ENGINEERING MANAGER: &
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 036 Related SSER Section: SSER22 SER/SSER 1mpact: No Figure 13.1 2            Description (Revision)
Revise the NEO Organizations (Nuclear Ops and QA) to reflect personnel changes and to reflect restructuring to support the completion and licensing of CPSES Unit 2 See also LOCR SA 90 036.
Organization changes which occurred within the OA Dept, to improve effectiveness and better utilize the available department resources. Add U 2 Project Mgr:
Mgr Mtris Hngmnt: 3 OA/0C slots 2 U 2 Hgts & a Dir.
Groups 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 102 Related SER Section: 13:      SSER22 13 SER/SSER Impact: No 13.1A 1                See Page No(s):02, 27 thru 29, 54 thru 58 Description (Revision)
Revise the NEO Organizations (Nuclear Ops and QA) to reflect personnel changes and to reflect restructuring to support the completion and licensing of CPSES Unit 2 See also LDCR SA 90 036.
Change personnel resumes      C. W. K111ough. C. L. Terry and  D. W. Stonestreet.
Remove the resume of D. E. Deviney.
Group: 3 FS/R Change Request Number: 90 102 Related SER Section: 13: SSER22 13 SER/SSER Impact: No I
Attachment to TXX 90223 July 31, 1990 Page 34 of 62 FSAR Page                                                                            j (a) angDdid)            Etterintion
13.1A 1                  See Page No(s) 03, 36 and 40 Descriptions,(Revision)
Revise the TV Electric Organization structure            ;
to support the completion and licensing of CPSES Unit 2.
Add personnel resumes      M. (.. Bagale and C. A. Rau; insert TBA for Manager of Design Basis Engineering.
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 036 Related SSER Section: SSER22 SER/SSER Impact: No 13.1A 1                  See Page No(s):09 and 10 Descriptions (Update)
Update organization due to personnel reassignments.
Personnel reassignments    - Add R. C. Byrd resume.      <
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 035 Related SER Section: 13.1:    SSER24 13.1 SER/SSER Impact: No i
13.4 1, 2                Description (Revision)
Revise SORC quorum and membership requirements.
Justification:                                              1 The SORC charter is to advise the Vice President,        f Nuclear Operations on matters of nuclear safety. As such, the core of the committee is being changed to those functions / disciplines which are involved in the daily / routine operation of the plant. Also, the membership limiting restriction has been removed, thus permitting the SORC membership, designated by the VP.NO, to expand in expertise and background.
As described, the 50RC quorum can not be less than what was originally accepted and actually becomes a larger group since the quorum will be based on the membership designated by the VP, NO.
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 040 Related SSER Section: SSER22 13.4.1 SER/SSER Impact: Yes SSER 22, section 13.4.1, defines the SORC quorum as the Chairman or Vice Chairman plus five members. This is incorrectly stated as the FSAR (A 76) lists the        ;
SORC quorum as the Chairman (or Vice Chairman) and FOUR members. SORC membership, as described, is unchanged.
Attachment to TXX 90223                                                              i p    July 31, 1990                                                                          i Page 35 of 62                                                                          l 1
r$AR Page                                                                              l (M .tetDdtil)
Etscripti9D 14.2 1                  See Page No(s):02, 06 thru 11, 13, 14, 23, 24 & 36 Descriptions,(Revision)                                      I Revise the TV Electric Organization structure and          .
start up program to support the completion and licens-    l ing of CPSES Unit 2.                                      i Justification:
These changes reflect the revised organization to show Unit 2 Projects and Unit 2 Startup & startup program    -l changes resulted in lessons learned from the startup        i of Unit 1.
Group: 2                                                      ;
FSAR Change Request Number: 90 036                            .
Related SER Section: 14:  SSER23 14                        )
SER/SSER 1mpact: Yes                                          i The existing SER and Supplements reflect only Unit 1        !
programs and organization structures. Consequently,    )
although most of the principal personnel are the same, the NRC should review the Unit startup program and          ;
organization structure.
Table 14.2 2            See Sheet No(s) 08A                                          1 Descriptions (Editorial)                                      !
Replace line of text inadvertently dropped.
During the printing of Amendment 78, Table 14.2 2,          ,
Sheet *A, one line of text at the top of the page was    ;
inadvertently dropped.
Group: 4                                                    '
FSAR Change Request Number: 90 034 SER/SSER 1mpact: No Figure 14.2-2            Descriptions (Revision)
Revise the TV Electric Organization structure and        -
start up program to support the completion and licens-      1 ing of CPSES Unit 2.
Justification Update figure to be consistent with text by adding OA as a member of the the Joint Test Group.                -
4 Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 036 Related SER Section: 14;  SSER23 14 SER/SSER 1mpact: Yes The existing SER and Supplements reflect only Unit 1 programs and organization structures. Consequently, although most of the principle personnel are the same, the NRC should review the Unit startup program and organitation structure.
l in j
c  ,                                      .
Attachment to TXX 90223 July 31, 1990 Page 36 of 62 FSAR Pope (Al attaded)            ERAGription Figure 14.2 3            See Sheet No(s):02
== Description:==
Revise the TU Electric Organization structure and start up program to support the completion and licens-ing of CPSES Unit 2.
Update table to be consistent with text by indicating that the begin test date schedule is 18 months prior to the projected fuel load date.
rirouD: ?
FSAR Change Request Numbert 90 033 Related SER Section 14      55EP3 14 SER/SSER Impact: Ye The existing SER ind Supplements reflect only Unit 1 programs and organization structures. Consequently, although most of the principle = rsonnel are the same, the NRC should review the Unit 6cartup program and organization structure.
15.0 10, 11              See Page No(s):0&R 212 189 Descriptions (Clarification)                                ,
Adds the information from a portion of the response to Question 212.118 dealing with the initial conditions    ,
generally assumed for pressurizer water level in the p                                    Chapter 15 accident evaluations:-alsu adds clarifying l
t Justification:
This change is made to partially transfer to the main text the applicable portion of the information in the    '
response to Question 212.118.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 115.2                        -
:                                Related SER Section:-15.1.1 SER/SSER Impact: No l      15.1 4, 5                See Page No(s):06, 07 l                                Description -(Revision)
Changes the accident scenario used for analysis of the Feedwater System Malfunction event that results in an i
increase in feedwater flow, in order to incorporate a i
new single failure which allows two (rather than one)    -
feedwater control valves to fully open.
l                                    This change is made to reflect the fact that during the l                                    review initiated by Generic Letter 89 19, a single l                                    failure was identified which could potentially cause l                                    two main feedwater control valves (rather than one, as was assumed in the earlier analysis) to open fully, resulting in an increase in feedwater flow to the two affected steam generators. In the TV Electric response to GL 89-19 (TXX-90106, dated March 19, 1990, and the update in TXX 90197, dated May 31, 1990), it was stated
n Attachment to TXX 90223 July 31, 1990 Page 37 of 62 FSAR Page (n amended)            Description that FSAT Section 15.1.2 and O&R032.108 would be revised tg riflect the new analysis. Although this analysis yielded marginally more limiting results, all applicable safety criteria for a feedwater system malfunction event continue to be satisfied and the conclusions stated in FSAR Section 15.1.2 remain valid.
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 067.1 Related SER Section: 15.2.1 SER/SSER 1mpact: No 15.1 6                  Descriptions (Revision)
Changes several of the assumptions used in the reanaly-sis of the Feedwater System Malfunction event that re-sults in an increase in feedwater flow to the affected steam generators.
This change is made to reflect the revised assumptions utilized in reanalysis of the Feedwater System Hal-function event to incorporate the failure of two feedwater control valves (rather than one, as used in the earlier analysis).
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 067.2 Related SER Section: 15.2.1                                  i j                                SER/SSER impact: No
?                                                                                              l 15.1 8                 
== Description:==
Revises the text of section, " Conclusions",
which discusses the results of the reanalysis of the Feedwater System Malfunction event.
This change is made to reflect the results obtained from the reanalysis of the Feedwater System Halfunction
;                                    event in which two feedwater control valves (rather L                                    than one, as used in the earlier analysis) are assumed l                                    to fail fully open.
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Nember: 90 067.4 Related SER Section: 15.2.1                                  !
SER/SSER 1mpact: No l        15.1-21                  See Page No(s):0&R 212 135 and Table 17A 1 (sh, 14)
== Description:==
Adds a portion of the information from the response to Question 212.71.
,                                    This change is made to transfer to the main text a portion of the information in tha response to Question 212.71. The remainder is contained in previously revised Table 17A 1 (sh. 14).
Group: 4
o .                                      .
Attachment to TXX 90223 July 31, 1990 Page 38 of 62 FSAR Page (31 catRdtd)            Description FSAR Change Request Number: 90 113.1 Related SER Section: 15.3.5 SER/SSER Impacts No Table 15.1 1            See Sheet No(s):01                                        g Descriptions (Revision)                                    '
Changes the time response for the g?quence of events for the entry, "Feedwater system malfutetions that re-sult in an increase in feedwater flow".
This table is changed to incorporate new time values for the sequence of events that were obtained from the reanalysis of the Feedwater System Malfunction event.
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 067.3 Related SER Section: 15.2.1 SER/SSER 1mpact: No Figure 15.1 1, 2        Description (Revision)
Revises the figures depicting the transient behavior of selected core and reactor coolant system parameters based on the results obtained from the reanalysis of the feedwater System Malfunction event.
This change is made to reflect the results obtained from the reanalysis of the Feewater System Halfunction event in which two feedwater control valves (rather than one, as used in the eariter analysis) are assumed to fail fully open.
;                                Group: 2 l'                              FSAR Change Request Number: 90-067.5 Related SER Section: 15.2.1 SER/SSER Impact: '; J l
15.2-2                  See Page No(s):212 189
== Description:==
Adds the information from that portion of the response to Question 212.118 dealing with the Loss of Ev.ternal l                                  Electrical Load event, l'                              Justification:
This change is made to transfer to the main text the applicable portion of the information in the response-to Question 212.118.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 115.3 L                                Related SER Section: 15.2.2 1                                SER/SSER Impact: No i
l L                                                                                          i
Attachment to TXX 90223 J:1y 31, 1990 Page 39 of 62                                                                                                                                                                                                    i FSAR Page (A1 ADtftdtd)          911sf.iP11RD                                                                                                                                                                            i l
  '15.2 21                  See Page No(s):212 189 Descriptions (Editorial)
Adds the information from that portion of the response to Question 212.118 dealing with the Loss of Normal                                                                                                                                j Feedwater event.
This change is made to transfer to the main text the applicable portion of the information in the response to Question 212.118.
Group: 4 FSAn Change Request Number: 90 115.4 Related SEA Section: 15.2.2 SER/SSER Impact: No 15.2 27                  See Page No(s):0&R 212*200. 15.2 36 Descriptions (Editorial)
Adds the reference notation as identified in the response to Question 212.128.
This change is made to transfer to the main text a                                                                                                                                  I portion of the information in the response to Question l                                212,128.
Groupi 4                                                                                                                                                                              1 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 112.1                                                                                                                                                    l l                            Related SER Section: 15.3.6                                                                                                                                                            1 L                            SER/SSER 1mpact: No 15.2 28                  See Page No(s):0&R 222 7 Descriptions (Editorial)
Adds the portion of the response to Question 222.6 dealing with the methods used.
!                            Justification:
This change is made to transfer to the main text a                                                                                                                                  >
l                              portion of the information in the response to Question                                                                                                                              :
l                              222.6.
l                            Group: 4                                                                                                                                                                              -
FSAR Change Request Number: 90 111.1 Related SER Section: 15.3.6 SER/SSER 1mpact: No l-  15.2 29                  See Page No(s):0&R 212-189
== Description:==
Adds the information from that portion of the response to Question 212.118 dealing with the feedline Rupture event.
This change is made to transfer to the main text the applicable portion of the information in th: response to Question 212.118.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 115.5 Related SER Section: 15.3.6
r Attachment to TXX 90223 July 31, 1990 Page 40 of 62                                                                      ,
FSAR Pope                                                                          i (At metaded)            Description SER/SSER 1mpact: No                                        i 15.2 34                  See Page No(s):0&R 222 7
== Description:==
Adds the portion of the response to Question 222.6 which compares the results reported in the FSAR with those in WCAP 9230.                                    ,
This change is made to transfer to the main text the remaining portion of the information in the response to ,
Question 222.6.
Group: 4                                                  :
FSAR Change Request Number: 90 111.1 Related SER Section: 15.3.6 SER/SSER impact: No 15.2 35                  See Page No(s)t212 189, 15.2 29                            .
== Description:==
Adds a statement regarding the length of time to fill the pressurizer. taken from the applicable portion of the response to Question 212.118 dealing with the feed-line Rupture event, and refers to previously revised Fig. 15.2 14.
This change is made to transfer to the main text the applicable portion of the information in the response  ,
to Question 212.118.
* Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 115.6 Related SER Section: 15.3.6 SER/SSER Impact: No 15.2 36                  See Page No(s):0&R 212 200, 15.2 27 Description    (Editorial)
Adds the details of the reference as identified in the response to Question 212.128.
This change is made to transfer to the main text the    i remaining portion of the information in the response to Question 212.128.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 112.1 Related SER Section: 15.3.6 SER/SSER 1mpact: No 15.3 6                  See Page No(s):0&R 212 182
== Description:==
-( Edi tori al )
Adds information from the response to Question 212.114.
This change is made to transfer to the main text the information in the response to Question 212.114.
Group: 4
f 1
    . 4                                      -                                                                    (
Attachment to TXX 90223 July 31. 1990                                                                                            !
Page 41 of 62                                                                                            1 FSAR Page (R& Attttdtd)          EllSlipilAD FSAR Change Request Number: 90 110.1 Related SER Section: 15.2.2
'R                                SER/SSER 1mpact: No                                                              a
  "      16.3 9                  See Page No(s):0&R 212 202 Description (Editorial)                                                            '
Adds the information from the response to Question 212.130.                                                                        l Justification:                                                                  l This change is made to transfer to the main text the                          i information in the response to Question 212.130.
1 Group 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 108.1                                            J Related SER Section: 15.3.7 SER/SSER 1mpact: No                                                              -
l 15.3 10                  See Page No(s) 0&R 212-189 Descriptions (Editorial) l Adds the information from that portion of the response to Question 212.118 dealing with the Reactor Coolant Pump Locked Rotor event.
This change is made to transfer to the main text the l                                    applicable portion of the information in the response to Question 212.118.
Group 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 115.7 Related'SER Section: 15.3.7 l
2 bER/SSER 1mpact: No 15.3 11                  See Page No(s):0&R 212 203, 15.3 14 Descriptions (Editorial)
Adds information from the response to. Question 212.131 that had not already been incorporated into the main text.
This change is made to transfer to tk main text a portion of the information in the t. ,ponse to Question 212.131.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 108.2 Related SER Section: 15 ~. 3. 7 SER/SSER Impact: No                                                              ;
i_        15.4 6                  See Page No(s):0&R 232 8 Description (Editorial)
Adds information from the response to Question 232.8.                        i Justification:
This change is made to complete transfer to the main text of information in the response to Question 232.8.
Group 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-107.1
O 4-                                      ,
Attachment to TXX-90223                                                                i July'31, 1990 Page 42 of 62                                                                          ,
l FSAR Page (H amended)            EtittiP11911 Related SER Section: SER/SSER 1mpact: Yes                                            i Section should be revised since, although the    !
Doppler coefficient used in the analysis is negative, as stated, the moderator temperature coefficient is no    I greater than zero (rather than " positive"), yielding an  <
isothermal temperature coefficient that is negative. . I 15.4 11                See Page No(s):0LR 212 189 Descriptions (Editorial)
Adds the information from that portion of the response to Question 212.118 dealing with the Uncontrolled RCCA Withdrawal at Power event.
This change is made to transfer to the main text the      l applicable portion of the information in the response to Question 212.118.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 115.8 Related SER Section: 15.3.7 SER/SSER 1mpact: No 15.4 20                See Page No(s):0&R 232 10 Description (Editorial)
Adds the substance of the informatio" in the response    j to Question 232.10 that had not previously been incor-porated.
This change is made to complete transfer to the main text of the information in the response to Question 232.10. However, reference to Westinghouse letter NS TMA 2167 which described interim operational re-strictions cove 90% power when in automatic rod control, has been deleted since use of WCAP 10297-A (Reference 11 of Section methodology obviates those restrictions.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 100.1 Related SER Section: SER/SSER 1mpact: No 15.4 49                See Page No(s):0&R 212-189 Oescription: (Editorial)
Adds the information from that portion of the response to Question 212.118 dealing with the Rod Ejection event.
This change is made to transfer to the main text the applicable portion of the information in the respon3e to Question 212.118.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 115.9
  .- .                                                                                          j Attachment to TXX 90223                                                                  !
J 1y 31, 1990                                                                            i Page 43 of 62                                                                            I l
FSAR Page (11 memDAid)            Descr1Dt10n                                                      l Related SER Section: 15.3.4-                                    l SER/SSER Impact: No                                            I 15.5 2, 3                See Page No(s):0&R 212 194
== Description:==
(Editorial)                                        1 Adds the information from the response to Question 212.123, makes a number of editorial changes therein,        ,
deletes existing text in Section 15.5,1.1 that is re-        :
dundant with the response and adds a phrase that intro-duces the relocated material.                                '
These changes are made to transfer to the main text the information in the response to Question 212.123 and to.      .
improve its readability.
Group: 4 FSAR Chango Request Number: 90 123.1                              1 Related SER Section: 15.2.1 SER/SSER Impact: No 15.6-31                  Description (Correction)                                        .
Changes the total peak clad temperature (PCT) penalty (from the base case analysis) and the PCT valuo for the small break LOCA.
This change is made in'or-der to include the penalties
!                                  from safety evaluations performed for an increase in the value of the AFW line purge volume and a lower low pressurizer pressure shfety injection signal setpoint, as well as to incorporate the result of an adjustment made to the scaling factor used in a previous safety evaluation.
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 086.1 Related SER Section: 15.3.8 SER/SSER Impact: Yes The values for PCT penalty and the final PCT for the l                                  small break LOCA, as included in SSER 24      should be re-L                                  vised to be consistent with this change.
l l
17.1 2                  See Page No(s):04 thru 06,08,09.15,17,23,32 thru 35 t,                             
== Description:==
Revise the NE0 Organizations (Nuclear Ops and 0A) to l                                  reflect personnel changes and to reflect restructuring I
to support the completion and licensing of CPSES Unit 2 Justification:
l                                  Organization changes which cJeurred within the OA Dept.
to improve effer.tiveness and better utilize the i
available department resources. Due to reallocation of personnel, some changes impacted Nuclear Operations.
Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 102 Related SER Section: 17;  SSER22 17.2
      )  . .
Atcach:ent to TXX 90223 JJuly 31, 1990 Page 44=of 62                                                                          ;
              =FSAR Page i
( A1.. amended)      Descriptips
'a ~                                SER/SSER Impact: Yes The QA Dept organization is discussed in the SER, Supp
: 22. Consequently, the NRC will need to assess these changes. NOTE: The OA Program was not affected by          ;
these organizational updates.                                '
Figure 17.1 5       
== Description:==
-(Revision)                                          .
Revise the NE0 Organizations (Nuclear Ops and QA) to reflect personnel changes snd to reflect restructuring
                                      -to support the completien and licensing of CPSES Unit 2 Justification:-
Organization (;nanges which occurred within the 0A Dept.
to improve effectiveness and better utilize the I                                      available department resources. Illustrates ASME Sect. i l-                                      III OA organiz: tion for Unit 2.
Group: 3 FSAR Change Request- tuer: 90-102 Related SER Section: 17: SSER22 17.2 SER/SSER Impact: No Figure 17.1 6       
== Description:==
Revise the NE0 Organizations (Nuclear Ops and QA) to reflect personnel changes and to reflect restructuring to support the completion and licensing of CPSES Unit 2 Justification:                                          . .
Organization changes which occurred within the QA Dept.
j to improve effectiveness and better' utilize the available department resources. Adds U 2 Project Mgr:      ,
Mgr Mtris Mngmat: 3 QA/0C slots & Dir, Mngmnt Serv.
Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 102 Related SER Section: 17:  SSER22 17.2 o#                                  SER/SSER Impact: No                                                '
1 17.2-2                See Page No(s):03, 05 thru 09, 13, 22,.26 and 36                  )
== Description:==
Revise the HE0 Organizations (Nuclear Ops and QA) to          i reflect personnel changes and to reflect restructuring          l to support the completion and licensing of CPSES Unit.2      i Justification:                                                    ;
Organization changes which occurred within the 0A Dept.        I to improve effectiveness and better utilize the available department resources. Due to reallocation of personnel, some changes impacted Nuclear Operations.
Group: 3                                                      !
FSAR Change Request Numoer: 90-102                                !
Related SER Section: 17:  SSER22 17.2 n
          .i.                                                                                      ;
l':..  '.                                        .
Attach ent to.TXX-90223 July 31. 1990 4          Page 45 of 62 FSAR Page (M AttD4td)            D21C.tiR119D SER/SSER Impact: Yes The QA Dept organization is discussed in the SER. Supp
: 22. Consequently, the HRC will need to assess these changes. NOTE: The QA Program tvas not affected by these organizational updates.
== Description:==
Specific Duties'and Responsibilities of Plant Manager Justification:
Clarifies the requirement for the responsibility of the Plant Manager regarding membership on the Operations Roview Committee (ORC). The change allows the Plant Manager to be a member of ORC by appointment only at the discretion of the Executive Vice President. The Plant Manager's membership on ORC is not automatic.
This change is consistent with the qualification.
requirements of personnel / committee members responsible for independent review of activities-occurring during the operational phase per ANSI N18.7/ANS 3.2 (1976).
Group:.3 FSAR Ci4ange Request Number: 90 089.1 Related SER Section:'17.2 SER/SSER Impact: No
            .17.2-5                  Deccription: (Correction)
Specific Duties and Responsibilities of Director. 0A Justification:
Clarifies the requirement for the responsibility of the Director of QA regarding membership on the Operations Review Comm.ttee (ORC). The change allows the Director of QA to be a member'of ORC by' appointment only at
                                        -the discretion of the. Executive Vice President. The membership of the Director of10A on the ORC'is not automatic. This is consistent with the qualification requirements of personnel / committee members responsible for independent review of activities occurring during the operational phase per ANSI-N18.7/ANS 3.2 (1976)..
Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-089.2 Related SSER Section: SSER22 17.2 SER/SSER Impact: Yes SSER #22 Section 17.2 indicates that one of the duties of the QA Director is to be a member of ORC.
Figure 17.2-1         
== Description:==
Revise the HE0 Organizations sHuclear Ops and QA) to reflect personnel changes and to reflect restructuring to support the completion and licensing of CPSES Unit 2 Justification:
Organization changes which occurred within the QA Dept, to improve effectiveness and better utilize the available department resources. Adds U-2 Project Mar:
wp'      n y ''
i                                        .
              .Attachr;nt to TXX-90223 EJulyj31,:1990-
      "  t IPage 46 of 62 LFSAR Page 7(gg angpjed)-          Descriotijtn Mgr, Matis Mngent: 3 QA/0C slots & Dir, Mngmnt Serv.
Group 3        .
FSAR Change Request Number: 90-102 Related SER Section: 17: SSER22 17.2 SER/SSER Impact: No 117A-2                 
== Description:==
P                                      The establishment of a specifically structured non-
    ,                                      Appendix B quality assurance program.
(i                                    Justification:
Revised text to reflect that the program specifically structured for non Appendix B quality assurance items is described in the Quality Assurance Manual instead of Nuclear Engineering and Operations procedures.
Group 3 FSAR Change Request-Number: 90 053 Reinted SSER Section:'SSER22 17.3 SER/SSER Impact: No TMI II.K-11            Description (Revision)
Revise response to TMI action plan II.K 3.10 to reflect -
thts implementation of the P 9 permissive.
The' revision to TMI action plan II.K.3.10 was inadvertently omitted by LDCR 89-520 and 89-579, both of which were incorporated in A77.'Implementatina of the P-9 permissive changes TV's_ original response.
Group: 2 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-083 Related SER Section: IIK.3.10 SER/SSER Impact: Yes The SER on page 22-76 states that reactar trip on turbine trip is not blocked above 10% power, which is no longer true due to this change.
TM! III.b 8            Description (Update)
Update the text refering to an analysis to be performed which evaluates the potential impact of a HELB (steam generator. blowdown piping break) on habitability within the Control Room.
The analysis has been completed. The results indicate that the HELB from the SGB piping break would not-impact the habitability of the Control Room.
From the HELB analysis in FSAR Section 's.ti.1. the following design modifications were instituted: addit-ion of dampers in ventilation ducts connecting to Room 113 to prevent steam flow through the ventilation leak-age path to surrounding areas (including the stairwell which leads to the Control Room): and a door            j modification to keep steam f rom entering the            l stairwell through the doorway ( the door now opens into
                                                                    ~        ^          ~^
y                                                                                ,
          -e                  i                                      .
[            - Attach:ent~to:TXX 90223.                                                                      l July 31, 1990c Page 47 of:62                                                                            1
          ,    +
          .g                        FSAR Page.
(H AM03ht4)          Description Room 113),  (Any pressure Room 113 causes
            *-                                                the door to push against the seals.)
These modifications prevent significant amounts of steam from entering the stairwell and also limit the J
pressure in the stairwell to levels.that are too unlatch the Control Room doors. The Systems Inter-u                                                            action calculation (SI-CA 0000-997, rev. 0) assumes, in
                                                              .the worst case, that the dampers remain open during the HELB, The calculated pressure increase in the stair-well is 0.254 psi. A Gibbs & Hill letter'(GTN-60131),
which provides the results of a pressure test on the
  ,                                                            doors, indicates that-the BRINKS latches used on the security doors do not unlatch until the pressure -
l                                                              differential exceeds 1.1 psi. In addition, the Control y                                                              Rcam is routinely maintained at a slight positive H                                                              pressca (0.125-in wg), the joints-and penetrations
}            '
are sealeo, and the doors are gasketed and provided u                        <
w/ metal interlocks (ref FSAR Section
Group: 4                                                          '
FSAR Change Request Number: 90 022                              :
Related SER Section:.22;      SSER23 22
?                                                          SER/SSEit Impact: No
                                ' 0&R 032 163           
== Description:==
(Correction) 4N                                                            Deletes reference to Tables 032.108 2 through 032.108 5    i Justification:                                                  ;
j                                                              See justification on page 032 164.
p                                                          Group: 3 pg                                                        FSAR Change Request Number: 90 099.01 i            ,
Related SER Section: 15.2.1 e                                                SER/SSER Impact: No                                            ;
                                  .0&R 032-163, 164     
== Description:==
(Correction)-                                    1 I.                                                        Justification:                                      _
V                  ;
Corrects name of NSSS instrument power distribution a                          1 panels from 1A, 2A, 3A and 4A to IPC1, IPC2, IPC3 and -
IPC4 respectively.-                                          !
Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 099.01
          ,y,                                              Related SER Section: 15.2.1 SER/SSER Impact: No
  ,M                                0&R-032-164         
== Description:==
(Correction)                                      .!
OI                                                            Corrects description of NSSS inverters power supplies      !'
W            i                                        and their operation / failure.
y Justification:
Correction to reflect the as l'uilt condition of the plant and to better describe the operation of the NSSS
  ,                                                            inverters. Incorporates discussion of non safety backup      3 power to the control group cabinets. A loss of a            ;
single inverter can cause only the loss of one protection set but not the control group (as was stated
    . s.    :      ,
Attachment'to TXX-90223 July 31, 1990 Page.48 of 62.
          .FSAR"Page (n mundgA)              Description tw                                erroneously in the previous response). As a result of the correction of this error Tables 032.108 2.3.4 & 5 are not necessary (since loss of power to both the Protection Set and its Control Group is the basis of these tables) and are del +eted. Also as a result of this corcection Tables 03'!.108 10.11.12 & 13 are no longer necetw ry (since icss of the Control Group is the basis of these tables) cad cre deleted.
Group: 2                                                                                  f FSAR Change Request Number: 90-099.02 Related SER Section: 15.1.2 SER/SSER Impact: No                                                                        ;
O&R 032-164. 165       
== Description:==
Revises description of the B0P power supplies to the control system and sensors.
Deletes reference to BOP inverters and replaces them with a discussion of Class 1E and Non-Class 1E uninterruptible power supplies used for control system and sensor power. This is a more accurate description.
of the CPSES design.                Because the BOP power. sources-to' control system and sensors are uninterruptible,the loss of inverter' power discussion is inappropriate and~is deleted. The original discussion contained in.this Q&R response was based on an erroneous interpretation of.the CPSES design which is now corrected. The g
  <                                      corrected-response is more conservative than that previously described.
Group: 2.
FSAR Change Request Number: 90-099.04 Related SER Section: 15.1.2 s
SER/SSER Impact: No 0&R 032-165           
== Description:==
                                        - Deletes reference to loss of " control group" at two locations on the page.
                                    ~ Justification:
Losstof power to control group is not postulated due to availability of backup power.                                See justification-on page 032.164 Group: 3                                                                                      _
FSAR Change Request Number: 90-099.05                                                        -
Related SER Section: 15.1.2 SER/SSER Impact: No 0&R 032-166           
== Description:==
-(Correction)                                                                $
Remove mention to protection set I *or steam generator narrow range level.
Correction to reflect as-built.
Group: 3                                                                                  _
c,t                                  <    q                                                                                ,
      ' ' '~ ~1 (          ., s $ .              -
                    , Q u{ [,                                                                                              '
f' % @ ! Attach:ent to:TXX-90223 n % h Julyh31, 1990!                            .
f K Page'49.of~62                  '
n J'
                          ,          '(A1 ADAD.(gj)      Daseristion'                                                    ,
P                                                        FSAR Change Request Number: 90 099.06 h:  a ,.
SER/SSER Impact: No                                            '
siMf e                                  l0&R 032-166       
== Description:==
Remone sentence.
4",                            '
Just). ,.t i on :
    ' ' *g.                                                    Senience is redundant with the one immediately above.
Group: 4 Q                                                    FSAR Change Request Number: 90 099.07 SER/SSER Impact: No p                                  0&R 032-167       
== Description:==
W- V                                                  Justification:
Revise conclusion section to incorporate changes made o                                                              to question 32.108.
l'                                                          Group: 4                                                    +
1                                  FSAR Change Request Number: 90-099.08
'W                            -
SER/SSER Impact: No
,m                            ,
,,                                    Q&R Table 032.108 1  See Sheet No(s):05                                                l h                                                       
== Description:==
(Clarification) m";
j                                                              Add-asterisk next to "(pos. I or 2)"
j                  '
    ;                                                        Applies note at end of table to clarify that the effect ;
pj Ei of the failed sensor is dependent on the switch position.
l l
MS                                                          Group:-'4                                                          '
"f                                                          FSAR Change Request Number: 90-099.09 y                                                          SF.1/SSER Impact: No
'#'                                    Q&R Table 032.108-1  See Sheet No(s):05 Mi,t                                                     
== Description:==
(Clarification)                                  -l
,,                                                            Add asterisk next to "(pos. 2 or 3)"
Applies note at end of table to clarify that the effect 1                                                              of the failed sensor is dependent on the switch position.
Group: 4                                                          l
.,          :p                                              FSAR Change Request Number: 90 099.10                              l P.                                                          SER/SSER Impact: No                                                l W                                                                                                                  j f0&R Table 032.108-1  See Sheet No(s):06 g
== Description:==
Add bounding event as Loss of Normal Feedwater Flow.
        ,                                                  Justification:
Re-analysis performed as a result of Generic letter 89-
                  ,y"                                          19 shows bounding event as loss of normal feedwater flow. This revision incorporates the change.
see discussion under pg 15.1-4
                      ,                                    Group: 3                                                      '
FSAR Change Request Number: 90-099.11
            , ,                                            SER/SSER Impact: No
* I j
            . i.                                                              e.
e    ., .- . ,                                                                          .
Attach:ent to TXX 90223:
July 31, 1990~
Page 50 of 62' FSAR Page (A1 Attafftd)                                        Rt1RC19119D                                                        I e
                - 0&R. Table'032.108-1                                    See Sheet No(s):10
== Description:==
Delete entry II(Pos.1)* and I(Pos, 2)*
and replace with chaF.iel under-consideration.
(Two locations)
Corrects table to reflect plant as built condition, Group: 4                  .    .
FSAR Change Request Number: 90 099.12 SER/SSER Impact: No
                - 0&R Table 032.108-1                                    See Sheet'No(s):11                                                l
== Description:==
(Correction)                                    .
j Revise to indicate no effect due to nuclear feedforward gain value set to'zero.                                    1 Justification:                                                    1 Revision to reflect plant as-built-condition,          D Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number:-90 099,14                            i SER/SSER~ Impact: No                                              j i
l0&R Table 032,108-1                                      See Sheet No(s):11'and 12                                      i
== Description:==
Remove entry for Tavg auctioneering' circuit board, Justification:.
Analysis'not required.. The Tavg auctioneer is a cir-cuit board, not a sensor.                                !
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-099.15 SER/SSER Impact: No                                            ,
Q&R Table,032.108-2                                      See Sheet No(s):01
== Description:==
Delete table in its entirety.
Justification: .
                                                                              -See justification page 032-164 Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-099.16 SER/SSER Impact: No-Q&R Table 032.108-3                                      See. Sheet No(s):01 and 02
== Description:==
Delete table in its eistirety.
See justificatinn en page 032-164 Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Humber: 90-099.17 SER/SSER Impact: No 4
        ,                  ,________________--__-__-_-.____---b---------------*-
:  Attach ent to TXX 90223' July-31,-1990 Page 51'of 62                                                                              .
              -FSAR Page (Al ARRaded)            Description O&R Table 032.108 4      See Sheet No(s):0.1 Description (Editorial)
Delete its entirety.                              ,
See justification page 032-164 Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 099.18 SER/SSER Impact: No                                              ,
i 0&R-Table 032.108-5      See Sheet No(s):01 Description (Editorial)
Delete table in its entirety.
L Justification:
See justification on page 032-164 Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 099.19 SER/SSER Impact: No 1
Q&R Table 032.108-6      See Sheet No(s):01                                              5 Description (Editorial)    .
Rewrite itemized ef fects section on Pressurizer level.
l and pressure Justification:
l                                        -Section re written for clarity.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-099.26 SER/SSER Impact: No Q&R Table 032.108      See Sheet No(s):01
== Description:==
Revise itemized effects and bounding event columns for.      -
l                                          the feedwater control system.
L                                          This revision is a result of the re-analysis performed for G.L.89-19.
Group: 3 FSAR Change. Request Number: 90-099.25 SER/SSER Impact: No l            O&R Table 032.108-6      See Sheet No(s):01 l                                     
== Description:==
Rewrite itemized effects section on Steam Dump entry
:                                      Justification:
Section re-written for clarity.
<                                      Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-099.24 SER/SSER Impact: No                                                ;
l l  1 l
4 .;    '.-                                        .
Attach 2ent 'to'TXX 90223 July 31, 1990 Page 52 of 62 FSAR Page
          - (Al MfDdid)              pgscription O&R Table 032.108 7        See Sheet Ho(s):01
== Description:==
Rewrite' itemized effects section on Pressurizer level and pressure Justification:
Section re written for clarity.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-099.29 SER/SSER Impact: No Q&R Table 032.108 7      See Sheet No(s):01
== Description:==
Revise itemized effects and bounding event columns for the feedwater control system.
This revision is a result of the re analysis performed for G.L.89 19.
Group 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-099.28 SER/SSER Impact: No Q&R-Table 032.108-7        See Sheet No(s):01
== Description:==
'( Addition)
Rewrite description for itemized effects for i    am dump system.
Revision will achieve-consistency with similar entry in table 32.108-6.
Group: 4 FSAR Change. Request Number: 90-099.27 SER/SSER Impact: No Q&R Table 032.108-8        See Sheet No(s):01
== Description:==
Rewrite the bounding event on a loss of power to protection set Ill.
Revision as a result of the re-analysis performed for G. L. 89-19.
See discussion under page 15.1-4 Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-099.31 SER/SSER Impact: No 0&R Table 032.108-8        See Sheet No(s):01
== Description:==
Revise the " itemized effects" column for the Reactor control entry Justification:
Revision takes into account the fact that the affected signal is the control signal.
Group: 4
v -.    ,
                                                                                                ,    . 3 Attach:ent to TXX 90223-                                                                  I 1
JJuly-31, 1990-                                                                            -'
      <        Page'53 of 62 FSAM Page
              - ( Al Antfldtd)          91Mr_ipl19E FSAR Change Request Number: 90-099.30-SER/SSER Impact: No 0&R Table 032.108 8        See Sheet No(s):01 Description (Clarification)                                    !
Rewrite-the effects of a loss of power to protection        .
set III on pressurizer control, Justification:
Rewritten for clarity.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-099.32 SER/SSER Impact: No                                          :i
              'O&R Table 032.108 9        See' Sheet No(s):01
== Description:==
Rewrite the effects of a loss of power to protection      i set III on pressurizer control.
;.                                        Justification:
Rewritten for clarity.
L                                        ' Group: 4-l                                          FSAR Change Request Number: 90-099.34 SER/SSER Impact: No L              O&R Table 032.108 3        See Sheet No(s):01
== Description:==
(Clarification)                                -!
Revise the " itemized' effects" column for the Reactor control entry.                                            ,
l-                                        Justification:
Revision takes into account the fact that the affected L                                            signal is the control signal,                              ,
I                                          Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-099'.33 SER/SSER Impact: No                                          r I
l Q&R Table 032.108 10-        See Sheet Ho(s):01
== Description:==
Delete table in its entirety.
See justification on page 032-164 Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-099.20 SER/SSER Impact: No 0&R Table 032.108-11        See Sheet No(s):01                                          :
== Description:==
(Editorial)                                      ;
Delete-table in its entirety.
See justification on page 032-164                          ,
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 099.21
        ,                                  SER/SSER Impact: No 1
Attachment 1to=TXX-90223=
    ,      July 31, 1990 Page 54 of 62; ,
          - (M Angsind)'              DescriDtion' Q&R Table 032.108-12        See Sheet No(s):01
== Description:==
Delete table in its entirety.
Rae .iustification on page 032-164 Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-099.22 SER/SSER Impact: No Q&R Table 032.108 13        See Sheet No(s):01
== Description:==
Delete table in its entirety.
Justification:                        .
See justification on prge 032 164 Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-099.23 SER/SSER Impact: No Q&R Table 032.108-14        See U    't No(s):01 Descri,a m: (Correction)
Remon mention of protection set I for steam generator narrow-range level.
                                      ' Justification:
Revision to reflect as-built since only channel 11 is-affected.
Group: 4-FSAR Change Request Number: 90-099.35 SER/SSER Impact: No Q&R Table 032.108-14        See Sheet No(s):01
== Description:==
Rewrite the last three entries in this table to encom-pass the different scenarios affected by the position of the selector switch.
The scenario or effects are dependent on the parameter selected ~for control. This change is a rewrite and does not change the physical plant.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-099.36 SER/SSER Impact: No 0&R Table 032.110-1        See Sheet No(s):14
== Description:==
Accident Monitoring Instrumentation Justification:
During an Reg Guide 1.97 Inspection (May 1990), the NRC noted a discrepancy regarding the instrumentation used to verify standby power availability. Power panels 1ECS and IEC6 were listed in the FSAR as having indication                    i instrumentation. TU Electric verbally committed to revise the FSAR to remove 1ECS and 1ECG. Since that
                        ~                                                                                                                                                    -                            . - -    ~_
4:.      .i:                                                    ,
          -Attachn nt to TXX 90223 LJuly 31,'1990J
          'Page SS of 62-                                                                                                                                                                                                    .
FSAR Page                                                                                                                                                                                                      ,
(31 angpnded)          Description' time, TV Electric.hes decided instead of removing 1ECS and 1EC6,,to revise the FSAR to distinguish between                                                                                                                              ,,
voltage busses and distribution panels and to clarify                                                                                                                                '
which busses and/or distribution panels provide                                                                                                                                    3 control room indicaticn (i.e., board indication and/or                                                                                                                            l ERF computer). For the distribution. panels which have                                                                                                                                ,
ERF indication only, the correct instrument. range is 0 - 150 VAC instead rf 110 - 130 VAC.
  ,                                  Group: 3                                                                                                                                                                                ;
FSAR Change'Requast Number: 90-092.2 Related SSER Section: SSER23 7.5.2 SER/SSER Impact: No 0&R Table 032.110 1    See Shaet No(s):14 Desc. o;.lon: (Editorial)
Accident Nonitoriny Instrumentation Justificatien:
Corrects the instrument range for vital                                                                                                                          bus voltages      !
IEA1 and IEA2 The correct range is 0 -                                                                                                                            9000 VAC instead of 9 - 9000 VAC. This change is                                                                                                                          consistent with the specified instrument range in Table                                                                                                                          7.5-7 Sheet 14.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request.Humber: 90-092.3                                                                                                                                                  a Related SSER Section: SSER23-7.5.2                                                                                                                                                    i SER/SSER Impact: No t
0&R 040-133            See Page No(s):10.4-20,10.4 3,10.4 33
== Description:==
(Correction)                                                                                                                                                              1 Incorporation of Response to Question 040.98 into the main text of the FSAR                                                                                                                                                                '
The response is being relocated to_the sections of the-FSAR for which the response is applicable.- There is no                                                                                                                              ;
change in technical. content.                                                                    The move is to update the FSAR as required by 10CFR50.71(e).
Group: 4                                                                                                                                                                                ;
FSAR Change Request Number: 90-105.1                                                                                                                                                    !
Related'SER Section: 1-                                                                                                                                                              -i SER/SSER Impact: No Q&R 040-136, 138        See Page No(s):10.4-4, 10.4-30
== Description:==
Eliminate responses to Questions 040.101 and 040.103 Justification:                                                                                                                                                                          i
                                        -The responses to the Questions already appear in the main text of the FSAR. This change will eliminate the redundancy by referring to the applicable sections in the main text.            This revision is to update the FSAR as.
required by 10CFR50.71(e).
Group: 4                                                                                                                                                                                  _
FSAR Change Request Number: 90-109.1                                                                                                                                                    i SER/SSER Impact: No Y,{
                                                .s _ _ _ _ _ _ _          _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
: c.        t                                                        .
Attach:ent to TXX-90223.
t July 31, s 1990 Page 56 of 62                                                                                                        !
q            FSAR Page (at:mmended).            Description ~
                  -0&R Table' 040.109 1      See Sheet No(s):03                                                                        l
== Description:==
The 62/ST2 timer setting is corrected consistent with that shown in Figure 040.109 1 in Amendment 78.
                                ,            Justification:
g                                                The 62/ST2 timer setting is corrected to 40 seconds.:
consistent with that shown in Figure 040.109-1 in                                      i
        ,                                          Amendment 78 and the design basis documentation.
                                            -Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 023.2
                                            .Related SER Section: 8.2.4                                                SSER22 8.2.4 SER/SSER Impact: No 0&R Table-040.109-1~      See Sheet No(s):03 and 04
== Description:==
  .                                                The remarks and note for the setpoint for 62/ST2 are updated to reflect the as built plant and design-basis documentation.
The remarks on sheet 3 and note 4 on page 4 of. Table                            J
                                                .040.109-1 are updated to match the as built plant and                                1 design basis documentation (changed to 339 volts from 339.5 volts) and reflect the actual setting of the relay. The relay is provide an: alarm for a 345kV offsite source undervoltage-condition.
Group: 3                          .
FSAR Change Request Number: 90-023.1 Related SER Section: 8.2.4:                                              SSER22 8.2.4 1 SER/SSER Impact: No l
l Q&R Figure 040.109 1     
== Description:==
(Update) b                                                  The timer setting of 27AX/ST1 is updated to reflect the
                                                  .as built plant and design basis documentation.                                    ,
The timer. setting of.27AX/ST1-is updated from 0.66 sec.                              .
to 0.5 sec. to. reflect the as built plant and design                              1 basis documentation. The settingLis based on the                                        I minimum voltage expected on the 6.9kV bus during motor-                                  i start for the voltage setting. The timer is set to=
allow sufficient delay for clearing a' bolted fault and                          :
is based on a maximum relay operating time of 0.1 sec.                            i plus breaker trip time of 0.3 seconds, with a margin of 0.1 seconds added for a setting of 0.5 seconds.
Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-023.3 Related SER Section: 8.2.4:                                              SSER22 8.2.4 SER/SSER Impact: No t
: e. . w .s                                      .-
              =Attachient'to TXX-90223 4              July 31, 1990_-
!              LPage'57 of 62l FSAR Page
: (n . gage. dad)      Descrintion' O&R 112 30           
== Description:==
Correction is made to 0&R 112.21 response concerning active valve stress limits to reflect prior FSAR amend-ment 66 changes to Table 3.9B-5.
The active stress limits for the faulted plant con-
                                            'ditions are limited to the' values delineated in Table 3.9B 5'and referenced here to ensure consistency with the table- specified limits.
Group 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-002 Related SER Section: 3.9.3:      SSER22 3.9.3 SER/SSER Impact: No
                ' Q&R Table 140.1-1    See Sheet No(s):06
== Description:==
Additional details are provided as a note to the table that delineates the measures taken to assure that MSIVs remain closed given.that a non mechanistic one square foot break exists in the Mainsteam line superpipe.-re-      #
The note is added to show that appropriate guidance is provided to operations in the applicable emergency          i operating procedure for this scenario.-The procedure        ,
provides that if offsite power is not available,            j necessary measures-are taken for early restoration of power to the battery charger for the batteries which        !
power the_non-1E'ASCO-soleniod valve (S0V), thereby          l
                                              = assuring that the SOV remains energized closed and pre-    i venting the continued pumping.of hydraulic fluid to the
                                            -MSIVs actuator. This provides for the continued-assurance that the MSIVs remain close. This addition          I has been previously discussed with the NRC staff at a          ,
meeting held on March 5,1990, at the NRC White Flint            :
office. TV Electric subsequently submitted a letter,            i logged TXX-90135, documenting the final resolution of-this issue as-reflected by this change.
Group: 3 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-065 Related SER Section: 3.6.2; SSER22 3.6.2                      .,
SER/SSER Impact: No O&R 212-30, 31       
== Description:==
Response to 0212.19 was previously updated and included in Section in Amendment 76. Existing response            ,
updated to reflect previous Amendment '/6 submittal.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-046 SER/SSER Impact: No l
      . -      t                                      .
Attach =nt to TXX 90223
                , July 31.-1990
                -Psge 58 of.:62:
_ FSAR Page (at amended)          DescriptioD'
                '0&R 212 135              See Page No(s):15.1-21 and Table 17A-1 (sh. 14)
== Description:==
Replaces the response to Question 212.71 with a referral to revised Section and to iable 17A 1 (sh. 14),
This change is made to ready the O&R section for deletion when the USAR is prepared.
Grrup:                                                        j FSAR Change Request Number: 90 113.1                          i Related SER Section: 15.3.5                                  1 SER/SSER Impact: No
!:                0&R 212-138              See Page No(s):15.2-30 and 32. T15.2-1 (sh 7) l                                          Description (Editorial)
Deletes the response to Question 212.74 and replaces it    I with a referral to Section and Table 15.,2-1.    !
(sh. 7)                                                    ,
This. made to ready the Q&R section for-        )
deletion when.the USAR is prepared. The fact that no      ;
operator action is required to secure the reactor cool-    l ant pumps (RCPs) is implicit in the sequence of events for the Feedwater System Pipe Break event with offsite.
power available (see Table 15.2-1,'sh. 7 & 8), i.e.,    j i
''                                            the. transient'is insensitive to the status of the RCPs. 1 The: parenthetical "3000 seconds" mentioned in the res-ponse is deleted since it is-deemed to be irrelevant to    !
    ,                                        the question.                                              !
Group: 4:                                                    !
''                                        FSAR-Change-Request Number: 90 143.1 Related SER Section: 15.3.6
                                                                                                      'li SER/SSER Impact: No i
Q&R 212-182            See Page No(s):15.3 6
== Description:==
(Editorial) 1 Replaces the response to Question 212.114 with a l                                            referral to revised Section
                                          . Justification:                                              l This change is ready the Q&R section for deletion when the USAR is prepared.
;                                          Group: 4 l'            ,                            FSAR Change Request Number: 90-110.1 L                                          Related SER Section: 15.2.2 SER/SSER Impact: No
                '0&R'212-184              See Page No(s):0&R 212 187 and 15.0-2                          ,
== Description:==
Replaces the response to Question 212.115 with a referral to previously. revited Section 15.0.1 and certain figures (sequence diagrams) in Section 15.0.
[,                                        Justification:
    .J.+  y                                          -
h,*      1 Attach ent tb TXX 90223-
          ~ July:31, 1990 F          Page 59:of 62 4  4 FSAR Page (Al'Attadtd)            ER. lit 1Rt190' This change is made to ready the 0&R section for dele-tion when.the USAR is prepared. The list of figures to which the response refers, is modified to include only those associated with the specific events identified in the question.
Group: 4 FSAR Ch-ange Request Number: 90 114.1 Related SER Section: 15.1.1 SER/SSER 1mpact: No 0&R'212-187              See Page No(s):0&R 212 184 and 185, and 15.0 2
== Description:==
Replaces the response to Question 212.116 with a referral to the previously revised sequence diagrams (figures) in Section 15.0.
This change is made to ready the 0&R section for dele-tion when the USAR is prepared. The list of figures to which the response refers, is modified to include only those associated with the specific revisions requested in the question (rather than the entire list of figures).
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 114.2 Related SER Section: 15.1.1 SER/SSER Impact: No-0&R 212 189              See Page No(s):15.0-10 & 11: 15.2-2, 21, 29 & 35
== Description:==
. (Edi tori al )
Replaces the response to Question 212.118 with a refer-ral to revised Sections,, 15.P. 8.2., and, and to previously: re-3.
vised Section and Fig. 15.2-14.    (See-Addi-tional Sheet Nos. 15.3-10, 15.4-11 & 26, and 15.4-49.)
This change is made to ready the Q&R section for deletion when the USAR is prepared.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-115.1 Related SER Section: 15.1.1 SER/SSER Impact: No 0&R'212-190              See Page No(s):15.4-26
== Description:==
Replaces the response to Question 212.119 with a referral to previously revised Section
This change is made to ready the 0&R section for deletion when the USAR is prepared.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-116.1 Related SER Section: 15.2.1
y                                                  -~
g [ v. 4 : 1
* g              Attach 2 ant'to TXX 90223-6              July 31, 1990 Page 60 of 62 FSAR Page ar              (31 magnd94)              P3 %rietion' SER/SSER Impact: No Q&R 212-194                See Page No(s):15.5-2 and 3
== Description:==
Replaces the response to Question 212.123 with a referral to revised Section
This change is made to ready the O&R section for deletion when the USAR is prepared.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-123.1 Related SER Section: 15.2.1 SER/SSER Impact: No Q&R 212-198                See Page Ho(s):T15.1 3 (sh 1)
== Description:==
Replaces-the response to Question 212.126 with a referral to previously revised Table-15.1 3.-
This change is made to ready the Q&R section for-deletion when the USA is prepared.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 117.1 Related SER Section: 15.4.1 SER/SSER Impact: No 0&R 212-200                See Page No(s):15.2-27
: i.                                   
== Description:==
Replaces the response to Question 212.128 with a.
referral to revised Section 15.2.8.~1 where the reference' identified in the' response was added as number 5.
This change is made to ready the Q&R section for deletion when the prepared.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 112.1 Related SER Section: 15.3.6 SER/SSER Impact: No 0&R 212-201               
== Description:==
Changes the criteria (provided in the response to Question 212.129) for tripping all reactor coolant pumps for the adverse (harsh) environment case in the event of a secondary steam line rupture when offsite power is available.
The trip criteria are now the same for either contain-ment environment case (i.e., " normal" and " adverse"..or
                                                  " harsh"). This simplifies the procedure and at the same time reduces the risk of operator error and de-creases the magnitude of the uncertainty associated
e:=i0                                        .
Attachacnt to TXX-90223
: July S1, 1990
  >        -Page_61 of 62 FSAR Page
:            (A&_amanded)          Rescription with the subcooling value.
Group: 3      ,
FSAR Change Request Number: 90-061.01 Related SER Section: 15.3.5 SER/SSER 1mpact: No Q&R 212 202            See Page No(s):15.3-9 Description (Editorial)
Replaces the response to Question 212.130 with a reference to revised Section
This change _is made to ready the Q&R section for deletion when the USAR is prepared.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90 108.1 Related SER Section: 15.3.7 SER/SSER Impact: No-0&R 212-203            See Page No(s):15.3 11 and 14
== Description:==
Replaces the response to Question 212.131 with a reference to revised Section and existing Section Justification:
This change is.made to ready the 0&R section for deletion when the USAR is prepared.
Group: 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-108.2 Related SER Section: 15.3.7 SER/SSER Impact: No Q&R 222-7              See Page No(s):15.2-28 and 34-
== Description:==
- (Editorial)
Replaces the response to Question 222.6 with a referral to revised Section 15 2.8.2.
This change is made- to ready the Q&R section for deletion when the USAR is prepared.
Group: 4-FSAR Change Request Number: 90-111.1 Related SER Sectio:i: 15.3.6 SER/SSER Impact: No Q&R 232-8              See Page No(s):15.4-6
== Description:==
Replaces the response to Question 232.8 with a referral to revised Section
This change is made to ready the Q&R section for deletion when the USAR is prepared.
Group: 4                                                                        ;
FSAR Change Request Number: 90-107.1                                            l
                                                                                            -. -._~
1-'                            ~)'
_ _        f_
                ! ttach;ent to TXX 90223 m      July 31, 1990 Page 62 of 62-FSAR Page (A1 Agended)            Eticriotion                                                    .
Related SER Section: SER/SSER Impact: Yes LO&R 232-10              See Page No(s):15.4 20
== Description:==
Replaces the response to Question 232.10 with a referral to revised Section
I                                          Justification:
This change is made to ready the 0&R section for deletion when the USAR is prepared.
Group 4 FSAR Change Request Number: 90-106.1 Related SER Section: l                                          SER/SSER Impact: No 0&R 312 21              See Page No(s):15.6 15 Description (Update)
Changes the response to Question 312.19 to be con-sistent with figures currently in the FSAR and provides a more specific section reference for a portion of the response.
L                                          Justification:
L                                              This change is made to update the list of figures to      ;
L                                              which the response refers: the need to update this      =
: l.                                            response was inadvertently overlooked during the pro-l                                              cessing of Amendments 72 and 78, in which three of the i
figures identified in the response were deleted since the information contained-(primarily the temperature transients) was determined to be not relevant. The        ;
,                                              more specific section reference is provided to facili-tate locating the information in the text.              '
/                                          Group: 4 l
FSAR Change Request Number: 90 136.1 Related SER.Section: 15.4.4 l                                          SER/SSER Impact:-No
                -0&R 423-58, 59          See Page No(s):1A(B)-36                                      *
== Description:==
Eliminate Response to 0423.28 Justification:
l-                                            The response to the Question already appears in'the .
: l.                                            main text of the FSAR. This change will eliminate.the redundancy by referring to the applicable section in the main text. This change is to update the FSAR as-required by 10CFR50.71(e).
I                                          Group: 4 l~                                        FSAR Change Request Numter: 90-139.1 l                                          SER/SSER Impact: No

Latest revision as of 23:58, 25 July 2023