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#REDIRECT [[ST-HL-AE-2037, Clarifies Util Understanding Re Bypass Testing.Use of Action Statements 2 & 6 in Tech Spec Table 3.3-1 on Options for Bypass Testing Consistent W/Conclusions in SER & Recommendations in WCAP-10271-A]]
| number = ML20213A518
| issue date = 04/15/1987
| title = Clarifies Util Understanding Re Bypass Testing.Use of Action Statements 2 & 6 in Tech Spec Table 3.3-1 on Options for Bypass Testing Consistent W/Conclusions in SER & Recommendations in WCAP-10271-A
| author name = Wisenburg M
| author affiliation = HOUSTON LIGHTING & POWER CO.
| addressee name =
| docket = 05000498, 05000499
| license number =
| contact person =
| document report number = IEIN-84-37, ST-HL-AE-2037, NUDOCS 8704280056
| page count = 3
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The Light N              f Iloustor Lighting 8 Power P.O. Box 1700 Ilouston. Texas 77001 (713) 228-9211 April 15, 1987 ST-HL-AE-2037 File No.: G09.06 10CFR50.36 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention:    Document Control Desk Washington, DC      20555 South Texas Project Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. STN 50-498, STN 50-499 Clarification of Bypass Testing Based on recent discussions with other utilities and members of the NRC Staff, Houston Lighting & Power Company (HLAP) has egncluded that a letter stating our understanding on bypass testing is necessary.
HL&P incorporated the use of Westinghouse (W) WCAP-10271-A, " Evaluation of Surveillance Frequencies and Out        of Service Times for the Reactor Protection Instrumentation System,"        into the South Texas Unit 1 Technical Specifications (Tech Specs). ACTION          statements 2 and 6 in Table 3.3-1 of the South Texas Unit 1 Tech Specs are a        result of the changes identified in WCAP-10271-A. As indicated in WCAP-10271-A Appendix K ({{letter dated|date=May 16, 100|text=letter dated May 16, 100}}*;, L. O. Omttm f
* 1J of th. *;CC iv li. R. L e m.u u va. imw , une w e s ungnuum e Owners Group (WOG) proposed options in ACTIONS 2 and 6, depending upon whether or not the plant had installed capability for routine testing in the bypass mode. HL&P is not presently pursuing the installation of permanent hardware bypass capabilities.
In response to the {{letter dated|date=May 16, 1985|text=May 16, 1985 letter}} and as shown in WCAP-10271-A Appendix L ({{letter dated|date=July 24, 1985|text=letter dated July 24, 1985}}, H. R. Denton of NRC to L. D.
Butterfield of the WOG), NRC indicated that Tech Spec guidance to plants should not include these proposed options. This direction was based upon the knowledge that plants did not have bypass testing capability installed. Note that the STP Tech Spec ACTIONS use the wording identified as acceptable by the {{letter dated|date=July 24, 1985|text=July 24, 1985 letter}}, which are the action statements for routine testing in bypass before the design change. These statements allow the inoperable channel to be bypassed for surveillance testing of other channels. Thus these revised ACTION statements adequately meet the NRC Safety Evaluation Report on WCAP-10271-A.
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llouston Lighting & Power Company ST-HL-AE-2037 File No.: G9.06 Page 2 The NRC stated in this SER that " testing of the RPS analog channels in the bypassed condition by use of temporary jumpers or by lifting leads is not acceptable." Further, the NRC stated that " licensees choosing this option to perform routine channel testing in the bypass mode should ensure that the plant design allows testing in bypass without lifting leads or installing temporary j umpers" . It is HL&P's position that we will not lift leads or install temporary jumpers for routine channel testing unless no other method is practical. However, we do not consider channel testing following a single failure which causes one channel to be inoperable as routine channel testing.
As such, the lifting of leads and/or installation of temporary jumpers may be utilized in this limited circumstance, in order to avoid a plant shutdown due to the inability to perform a surveillance requirement. Whenever lifting of leads or use of jumpers is required for an inoperable channel, the surveillance testing will be conducted in accordance with the recommendations regarding administrative controls and functional testing to verify operability as discussed in IE Information Notice 84-37, "Use of Lifted Leads and Jumpers During Maintenance or Surveillance Testing." We note that this approach has been found acceptable for the Perry units (NUREG-0887).
We believe that our position meets the conclusions reached in the Safety Evaluation Report and those recommended by Westinghouse in WCAP-10271-A.      If the S,taff has any questions or comments regarding our position, we request that they be identified expeditiously so as not to delay the issuance of the South Texas Project Unit 1 Operating License.      Please refer any comments or questions to Frostie A. White at (512) 972-7985 or Tom H. Crawford at (713) 993-1386.
Ih  .
4 M. R. W senburg Deputy    oj ect M< ag FAW/ljm L3/NRC/da
Ilouston Lighting & Power Company ST-HL-AE-2037 File No.: G9.06 Page 3 cc:
Regional Administrator, Region IV      M.B. Lee /J.E. Malaski Nuclear Regulatory Commission          City of Austin 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000      P.O. Box 1088 Arlington, TX 76011                    Austin, TX 78767-8814 N. Prasad Kadambi, Project Manager    A. von Rosenberg/M.T. Hardt U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission    City Public Service Board 7920 Norfolk Avenue                    P.O. Box 1771 Bethesda, MD 20814                    San Antonio, TX 78296 Robert L. Perch, Project Manager      Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission    U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 7920 Norfolk Avenue                    1717 H Street Bethesda, MD 20814                    Washington, DC 20555 Dan R. Carpenter Senior Resident Inspector / Operations c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P.O. Box 910 Bay City, TX 77414 Claude E. Johnson Senior Resident Inspector /STP c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P.O. Box 910 Bay City, TX 77414 M.D. Schwarz, Jr., Esquire Baker & Botts One Shell Plaza llouston, TX 77002 J.R. Newman, Esquire Newman & Holtzinger, P.C.
1615 L Street, N.P.
Washington, DC 20036 T.V. Shockley/R.L. Range Central Power & Light Company P. O. Box 2121 Corpus Christi, TX 78403 Revised 2/3/87 L3/NRC/da
                      ..                                          _}}

Latest revision as of 08:44, 11 March 2022