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{{#Wiki_filter:National SNF Transportation Risk Calculations for ISP EIS for Single Phase PAL 12/3/2019 Calculated Population Dose and Health Effects for 425 SNF Shipments by Exposed Population (Person-Sv)
Calculations --------------------->                                        Population Dose = Number of Proposed SNF Shipments x Population Dose Per Shipment Factor Population Health Effects = Population Dose x Health Effects Conversion Factor Results:
Accident Shielding Incident-Free Public    Incident-Free Worker                                Accident with Release Representative Route-Specific Impact                                                                                        Intact, No Release                                      Note: Loss of shielding dose-risks were calculated in NUREG-2125 (NRC< 2014) but are not included here because the Maine Yankee to Deaf Smith Population Dose                                          0.15                    1.07                    0.03                    See Table 1            low probability of the accidents severe enough to cause loss of sheilding result in far lower dose-risks than Maine Yankee to Deaf Smith Population Health Effects                                0.01                    0.06                  0.002                    See Table 1            accidents with shielding intact that were included here.
INEL to Deaf Smith, TX Population Dose                                              0.07                    0.41                    0.03                    See Table 1 INEL to Deaf Smith, TX Population Health Effects                                    0.00                    0.02                  0.002                    See Table 1 Inputs:
Number of Proposed SNF Shipments                                                    425          Source: ISP, 2019 (phase average, calculated from ISP RAI response information indicating approximately 3400 canisters shipped during total of 8 phases)
ICRP Pub 103 Health Effects Conversion Factor                                      0.057          Source: ICRP, 2007 (Pub 103)                    (health effects/person-Sv)
Table 1 Exposed Population Dose Per Shipment Factors Compiled from Results in NUREG-2125 (NRC, 2014)
Exposed Population Collective Doses per Shipment (person-Sv)
Accident Public Incident-Free Public    Incident-Free Worker      Shielding Intact,          Accident with Release Representative Route                                                                                                            No Release Maine Yankee to Deaf Smith. TX                                                            3.64E-04                2.52E-03            6.60E-05 N/A for Rail-Steel                  Note: Rail-Steel cask is for canistered SNF; NUREG-2125 analysis concluded INEL to Deaf Smith, TX                                                                    1.76E-04                9.73E-04            6.60E-05 N/A for Rail-Steel                  no release from canistered SNF in an accident; ISP proposed transportation involves canistered SNF Supplemental Information and Calculations for Table 1 NUREG-2125 (NRC, 2014, Table 2-15) Collective Doses for Exposed Subgroups                                Note: External dose estimates for Rail-Lead cask were used because in NUREG-2125 the dose rate for that per Shipment , Rail-Lead Cask (Person-Sv)                                                                cask was set to the regulatory maximum Railyard Workers and Residents Along      Occupants of Vehicles      Residents Near Inspectors (at stops), In-transit Route                Sharing Route              Stops              Train Crew, and Escorts Maine Yankee to Deaf Smith. TX ----->                                                    2.50E-04                6.10E-05            5.30E-05                          2.52E-03 Note: Railyard worker, crew, and escort dose was not described completely in NUREG-2125 so it was verified below using intermediate outputs in that report. The value from the verification calculation was used here because it was slightly higher than the reported value of 5.1E-4 person-Sv and therefore it was a conservative selection.
INEL to Deaf Smith, TX ------->                                                          6.70E-05                3.20E-05            7.70E-05                          9.73E-04 Maine Yankee to Deaf Smith, Tx                                  INEL to Deaf Smith, TX NUREG-2125 (NRC, 2014, Table 2-14) Occupational Dose Rates from Incident-Free Transportation                                    Calculated Collective Occupational Dose for Trip (person-Sv)
Note: values in red are further described below**                                        4.30E-09 person-Sv/km            Rail Crew in Transit, Rail-Lead, Rural and Sub                                            1.35E-05                                                        8.05E-06 7.20E-09 person-Sv/km            Rail Crew in Transit, Rail-Lead, Urban                                                    1.52E-06                                                        2.88E-07 5.80E-06 Sv/hr                    Rail Escort in Transit, Rail-Lead, Rural and Sub                                          4.52E-04                                                        2.69E-04 5.80E-06 Sv/hr                    Rail Escort in Transit, Rail-Lead, Urban                                                  5.10E-05                                                        9.67E-06 5.18E-04 Total                                                  2.87E-04 Total Note: rail inspector average dose per inspection is addressed              NUREG-2125 (NRC, 2014, Table 2-11) Classification Stops and In-transit Inspection Worker Collective Doses by NUREG-2125 truck inspector average dose in footnote c                                  3.00E-05 person-Sv                Railyard Worker, Origin and Destination Classification stops of Table 2-14 (1.64E-4 Sv per inspection-hr); for a long route 3                          1.97E-03 person-Sv                Rail Inspector, In-transit Inspection (sum of doses for three 4-hr inspections) 4 hour inspections assumed based on NUREG-2125 Table 2-11;                                6.56E-04 person-Sv                Rail Inspector, In-transit Inspection (dose from one 4-hr inspection) for shorter (repository) route one 4 hour inspection is assumed.
NUREG-2125 (NRC, 2014, Table 5-4) Collective Dose Risks to Public from No sheilding loss, no release, accident, rail-lead cask (Person-Sv)
Maine Yankee to Deaf Smith. TX ------>                                                    6.60E-05 INEL to Deaf Smith, TX ------>                                                            6.60E-05 Vehicle speeds (NUREG-2125) (NRC, 2014)                                            Urban                  Suburban                  Rural          Units Truck                                                                                60                      63                      67          mph Rail                                                                                  15                    25.25                  25.25          mph Trip Distances (NUREG-2125) (NRC, 2014) and Calculated Durations                  Urban                    total              Sub and Rural Maine Yankee to Deaf Smith. TX                                                      211                    3362                    3151          km 132                    2101                    1969          mi 1.6                                                          km per mi Trip Duration            9                                              78          hrs INEL to Deaf Smith, TX                                                            Urban                    total              Sub and Rural 40                    1913                    1873          km 25                    1196                    1171          mi 1.6                                                          km per mi Trip Duration            2                                              46          hrs
**Note: values in red above were corrected from values reported in NUREG-2125 (NRC, 2014). RADTRAN outputs results in person-rem which is a factor of 100 greater than person-Sv. The crew values in the NUREG-2125 Table were labeled person-Sv but were found to be actually in units of person-rem and were therefore corrected by dividing the report crew dose values in Table 2-14 (for Rail-lead cask) by 100.
The mislabeling in the the report was evident from the calculated occupational doses using intermediate results presented in NUREG-2125 (calculation results herein agree w/ reported values with the correction) and from review of the similar output information reported in Table B-27 of NUREG-2125 (note the Rail-lead urban crew dose entry in B-27 appears to have an additional typo in the exponent as there is no reason that this individual result would be over 10 times greater than the preceding rural/sub value in that table nor the following rail-steel crew dose values in that table where the ratio of urban to sub/rural results is 1.66). No other/similar discrepancies were identified in these tabulated results in NUREG-2125.
ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection). The 2007 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. Annals of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. ICRP Publication 103. Amsterdam Netherlands: Elsevier, Inc. March, 2007. <> (Accessed 28 June 2019).
NRC. Spent Fuel Transportation Risk Assessment, Final Report. NUREG-2125. Accession No. 14031A323. Washington DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 2014 ISP. Submission of ISP Responses for RAIs and Associated DocumentMarkups from First Request For Additional Information, Part 3, Docket 72-1050 CAC/EPID 001028/L-2017-NEW-0002 ADAMS Accession No. TBD. Andrews, Texas: Interim Storage Partners LLC. 2019.}}

Revision as of 11:02, 17 January 2022

National Snf Transportation Risk Calculations for ISP EIS for Single Phase
Person / Time
Site: Consolidated Interim Storage Facility
Issue date: 12/03/2019
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Park J
Shared Package
ML21158A110 List:
Download: ML21158A132 (1)
