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#REDIRECT [[IA-84-411, Further Response to FOIA Request for Details of H Weidlich Presentation to NRC on German Study of Comparison of Limiting Conditions for Generation of German & Us Pwrs. Document Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 4)]]
| number = ML20128P442
| issue date = 05/30/1985
| title = Further Response to FOIA Request for Details of H Weidlich Presentation to NRC on German Study of Comparison of Limiting Conditions for Generation of German & Us Pwrs. Document Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 4)
| author name = Felton J
| author affiliation = NRC OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION (ADM)
| addressee name = Kerchner J
| addressee affiliation = DOC-SEARCH ASSOCIATES
| docket =
| license number =
| contact person =
| case reference number = FOIA-84-411
| document report number = NUDOCS 8507260415
| page count = 2
| project =
| stage = Other
[g. newIc.,.
    $            j                        W ASHING TON. D. C. 20555 k . e. . . ,o/                            E 30 W                                                    hM Ms. Jon Lynn Kerchner Doc Search Associates l        5200 Daventry Court                                        IN RESPONSE REFER Burke, VA 22015                                            TO F01A-84-411
==Dear Ms. Kerchner:==
This is in further response to your letter dated May 18, 1984, in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (F01A), the following be placed in the NRC Public Docurrent Room (PDR),1717 H Street, NW, Wa',hington, DC 20555:
All details of the presentation given by Dr. H. Weidlich of the Geman Society for Reactor Safety to mernbers of hRR, RES, and AE00 on the results of a German study on a comparison of limiting conditions for operation of German and U.S. PWRs.
We have completed our review of the English translation of the Gennan document KTA 1407: " Methods for the De*ermination of Permissible Maintenance Times in Nuclear Power Plants," which consists of 15 pages. Pursuant to Exemption 4 of the F0!A (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4)) and 10 CFR 9.5(a)(4) of the Comission's regula-tion, this document is being withheld in its entirety.      The document contains information received in confidence from a foreign source. Under these condi-tions, the document is protected from mandatory public disclosure under the alternative test set out in National Parks and Conservation Association v.
Morton  a 498 F.2d 765 (D.C. CTr.1974). Under that test, a record ccT W with-hiTdlecause disclosure would impair the Govarr nent's ability to obtain neces-sary information in the future, it is our view that a breach of understanding between the NRC and a foreign source could in the future inhibit the free flow of information to the NRC and could interfere with our mission.
Pursuant to 10 CFR 9.9 of the NRC's regulations, it has been detemined that the information withhold is esempt from production or disclosure, and that its production or disclosure is contrary to the public interest.        The persons re-sponsible for the denial of the document are the undersigned and James R.
Shea, Director, Office of International Programs, g72[q0gD (100%i0 ALHCHNLil4-411      Pillt
This denial may be appealed to the NRC's Executive Director for Operations within 30 days from the receipt of this letter. As provided in 10 CFR 9.11, any such appeal must be in writing, addressed to the Executive Director for Operations, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, and should clearly state on the envelope and in the letter that it is an " Appeal from an Initial F01A Decision."
!      This completes action on your request.
Sin  rely,            __
M. Felton, Director Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration
l Mr. J.M. Felton, Director                                      May 18, 1984 Division of Rules and Records                                                  l Office.of Administration                                                        '
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission                      FREEDOM OF INFORMATK)N Washington, D.C. 20555                                        ACT REQUEST Fora -ry-w/
==Dear Mr. Felton:==
Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, please make available at the NRC's Public Document Room at 1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.,
copies of documents in the following categories:
All details of the presentation given by Dr. H. Weidlich of the German Society for Reactor Safety to members of NRR, RES and AE0D on the results of a German study on a comparison of limiting conditions for operation of German and U.S. PWRs.
If you or your staff have any questions regarding this request, please call me at (202) 634-1439. For your information, the presentation was referenced on page 1 of Enclosure G of the " Weekly Information Report" for the week ending April 27, 1984, dated May 3, 1984.
Thank you for your attention to this request.
                                                                  <hM Jon Lynn Kerchner Doc Search Associates 5200 Daventry Court Burke, Virginia 22015

Revision as of 19:34, 2 September 2020