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| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = State of TN, Wildlife Resources Agency
| author affiliation = State of TN, Wildlife Resources Agency
| addressee name = Poole J C
| addressee name = Poole J
| addressee affiliation = NRC/NRR/DORL/LPWB
| addressee affiliation = NRC/NRR/DORL/LPWB
| docket = 05000391
| docket = 05000391
| license number =  
| license number =  
| contact person = Poole J C, NRR/DORL 415-2048
| contact person = Poole J, NRR/DORL 415-2048
| document type = Policy and Program Guidance
| document type = Policy and Program Guidance
| page count = 29
| page count = 29
{{#Wiki_filter:410 410                                                          402 WMA                  WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT L
HAN EL  C AREAS                                                      OCK                                            SULLIV SULLIVAN CLAIBORNE                                                                                                                          JO 414    MP                                                                          HA HAWKIN S                                  TO                                  H B                                                                                                                      N without the owners permission, whether or not such a dwelling is on 415 41    CA public or private lands.
CARTER          NG
                                LQFKHV A I N GER 2QVRPH:0$VDQWOHUHGEXFNV
Litter: No litter or sewage may be deposited in the area.
OHJDO IRU KDUYHVW PXVW KDYH DQ                                                  HI 404 403        GR                  Motorized GREENE N          vehicles: All motorized vehicles must be mufflerIequipped RXWVLGH DQWOHU VSUHDG RI                                                  402to WA L E LQFKHV RU ODUJHU :KHQ MXGJLQJ
suppress noise  and  be spark-arrestor      402 equipped    to      O prevent fires. Opera-UNION 401          A MB tion of motorized vehicles WKH VL]H RI  DQWOHUV LQ WKH ILHOG
412                              I C is confined to roads not designated S
as closed.
H                411 UNandmotorized UHPHPEHUWKHJHQHUDOJXLGHOLQH
Off-road vehicles are restricted to roads open to other                traffic O N                WKDWLI WKHRXWVLGHDQWOHUVSUHDG
(except where prohibited by state or federal statute)      designated trails RS              408                                      402 during daylight LV ZLGHU WKDQ WKH EXFN*V HDUV
402hours and at other times D E        KNOX                      when  participating  in authorized activities. Driving off roads into woods, JEFFERSON 413 DWOHDVWLQFKHV
AN                                                                            fields or utility right-of-ways is prohibited for all motorized vehicles.
Motorized vehicles may be prohibited on any agency-owned wildlife 406                                                management area if deemed necessary to protect wildlife, vegetation COCKE and/or property. Some exceptions apply. See individual WMAs for specific restrictions.
407                                                          402 No person shall damage or remove any trees or other plants, dirt, gravel 7
here are over 100 WMAs and refuges across Tennessee man-                              or sod from any wildlife management area or other Tennessee Wildlife 417              SEVIER aged by the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Varying                              Resources Agency-controlled lands without specific authorization.
in size from 53 to 625,000 acres, all WMAs are available to the public                                                                                No species of wildlife may be harassed except those authorized to be DO    N for various outdoor activities, although certain regula-BLOUNT LOU tions do apply.                                                                            harvested and no animal killed shall be dismembered to the extent that its species and sex cannot be identified before checking out of the area.
409 GENERAL REGULATIONS                                                              On WMAs open with statewide seasons, the season dates, bag lim-405or boisterous conduct, including acts Acts of disorderly, obnoxious                                                    its, weapon types, and ammunition types that pertain to the county 416 with the orderly process of hunting, are prohibited.
which interfere                                                                  where the WMA is located apply to that WMA. Special regulations Violators shall be removed from the area and/or prosecuted.                      listed specifically for those WMAs still apply.
Alcoholic beverages: Possession of any alcoholic beverage, narcotic MONROE                                                                          Overnight camping may be permitted on designated areas by permis-drug, barbiturate or marijuana while hunting within the manage-                  sion from area manager, park ranger, lake manager, park superintendent ment area is prohibited. No individual may be under the influence of            or national forest supervisor. Such camping is subject to the limitation these substances at any time while within a management area. The                prescribed in the permit, if required. On areas where overnight camping 402 use of any alcoholic beverage is prohibited on these areas year round:          is allowed, firearms and archery equipment must remain in camp except Catoosa, Cheatham, Chuck Swan, Forks of the River, Laurel Hill, Pea              during legal hunting hours.
Ridge and Prentice Cooper, except in designated camping areas.                  Pen-raised game birds: The release of pen-raised game birds on WMAs Bag limits: Statewide bag and possession limits apply unless special            is prohibited unless otherwise specified.
exception is indicated.                                                          Safety zones: Hunting is prohibited in safety zones except where provided.
Baiting: The placement or depositing of any type of food to feed or at-          Target practice is prohibited except on designated ranges. See page 44 for a tract wildlife on WMAs is prohibited.                                            list of TWRA firing ranges.
Dog training: Year round unless otherwise indicated.                            Unauthorized persons are prohibited from being in the area during Firearms: Use, possession or transportation of firearms, bows and ar-            big game hunts except when indicated. Unauthorized persons are pro-rows or other arms and ammunition is expressly prohibited except when            hibited from being in the wildlife management area during managed authorized. Firearms loaded with ammunition in either the chamber or            turkey hunts, except on the Cherokee, North Cumberland, Tellico Lake magazine may not be transported in vehicles. A muzzleloader is con-              and Land Between the Lakes wildlife management areas. Only persons sidered to be unloaded if the cap or primer is removed. A crossbow is            having valid turkey hunt permits for the hunt date are authorized to be considered to be unloaded if the bolt/arrow is removed from the device.          on the management area. Exception: A licensed hunter may accompany See page 16 for handgun carry regulations.                                      a hunter with a valid permit to assist him/her in calling. The assisting Horses permitted on roads and trails open to motorized traffic and other        hunter may not have a firearm in his possession at any time and may not trails or routes established for their use, except as otherwise indicated.      harvest a bird. Check with the WMA area manager before the hunt date.
Riding off roads into fields, woods or on foot trails is prohibited unless      Calling or attempting to call wild turkeys using any sound that mimics otherwise provided.                                                              those made by a wild turkey is prohibited from March 1 to the opening Hunters (except raccoon, opossum, turkey, and waterfowl hunters) may            day of the spring turkey hunts on all WMAs.
not enter prior to one hour before sunrise, and they must be out of the          Wanton waste: Hunters are required to retrieve all crippled or dead game area by one hour after sunset. Raccoon and opossum hunters must be out          if possible and are prohibited from disposing of dead wildlife on WMAs.
of the area by one hour after sunrise except on Cherokee WMA. Public            Wheelchair-bound hunts, zones, or blinds are open to hunters who access will be prohibited in the subimpoundments of Barkley Unit I,              are totally and permanently confined to a wheelchair as certified by a Cheatham Lake, Haynes Bottom, Old Hickory Units I and II, Camden                physician. On wheelchair-bound big game hunts, each wheelchair-bound Units I and II, Big Sandy, Gooch Unit A, Tigrett, and West Sandy from            hunter must be accompanied by a non-hunting assistant (age 16 years two hours after legal waterfowl shooting hours have ended until 4:00            or older), except on Cordell Hull WMA and Yuchi WMA where the as-a.m. the following day during the late duck season(s).                          sistant may also participate in hunting. On wheelchair-bound waterfowl Hunting near private dwellings: It is unlawful to hunt, shoot at, chase          hunts, each wheelchair-bound hunter must be accompanied by at least or kill with or without dogs any wild animal, wild birds or waterfowl on        one, but not more than three assistants (at least one of whom must be public lands and waters within 100 yards of a visible dwelling house,            age 16 years or older), who may also participate in hunting.
46                                                                                                                  2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide
Wildlife Management Areas                                                                                                  wma BIG GAME HUNTING ON WMAs                                                      Treestands: The use of wire, nails or other metal material is prohibited in the building or attaching of climbing devices or hunting stands. Por-Permits: WMAs with a BG after the name require a Big Game WMA table devices or stands that do not injure trees can be used. Hunting Permit in order to hunt big game, in addition to the regular hunting from permanent, attached stands is prohibited. Leaving any personal and big game licenses. There are two types of big game WMA permits property, including treestands, unattended for more than 24 hours is for all WMAs depending upon the hunt: Quota and Annual Nonquota prohibited without prior approval of the area manager. WMAs require Special Season/WMA Big Game. Quota Permits must be obtained by ap-that treestands must be marked with the hunters TWRA ID number.
plication to the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, and are allocated based upon a computer random drawing. Annual Nonquota Special                SMALL GAME HUNTING ON WMAs Season/WMA Big Game Permits (Type 094), or Type 167 permits are available at all license agents and offices of the TWRA and are valid for    Permits: In order to hunt or trap small game on WMAs with a SG all nonquota big game hunts, including the Cherokee WMA, for the              after the name, individuals are required to have one of the following entire license year. Lifetime Sportsman and Sportsman License holders        permits in addition to the regular hunting or trapping license: Annual do not need to purchase the nonquota permit, and may apply for quota          Senior Citizen Permit (Type 167); Annual Small Game only (Type 093);
permits at no charge.                                                        1-Day Small Game and Waterfowl (Type 092); or Annual Small Game and Waterfowl (Type 091). (Lifetime Sportsman, Sportsman License On the Cherokee WMA, a Type 094, Type 095 or Type 167 is required            holders or youths age 6-16 who are accompanied by an adult with a to hunt big game and is valid for all nonquota Cherokee WMA big game          valid permit are exempt from purchasing a permit.)
hunts. Type 095 permits are not valid for any other WMA.
Closures during big game hunts: Closures may apply, see specific WMA permits are not transferable.                                            WMA listing for those closures.
Young Sportsmans Hunts: Young Sportsmans deer hunts are for youths          Groundhog, and striped skunk hunting is permitted on all wildlife age 6-16 unless otherwise noted. Proper licenses and permits required.        management areas during any scheduled small game hunt unless special Each youth must be accompanied by a nonhunting adult. Both adult and          exception is indicated.
youth must wear 500 square inches of fluorescent orange.
Small game hunting with center-fire rifles and shotguns: Rifles and Youths hunting big game on a WMA: Proof of hunter education cer-              handguns using center-fire ammunition are prohibited for hunting tificate is required for youths 10 years of age and older. An appropriate    all small game species on wildlife management areas with only a few hunting license is also required for youths 13 years of age and older. All    exceptions: Rifles and handguns using center-fire ammunition are legal youths, age 6-16, are required to have a WMA permit (Type 094) or a          for hunting beaver, bobcat, foxes, coyotes, groundhogs, and crows, quota permit where applicable, unless they are hunting with a Lifetime        only during big game seasons and the hunter must be a licensed legal License. Youths age 6-16 may also apply for WMA quota hunts. Youths          big game hunter. Coyotes may be taken on any hunt but only with the age 6-16 must be accompanied by an adult, 21 years of age or older,          firearm or archery equipment that is legal for that hunt.
who must remain in a position to take immediate control of the hunting device, who is not required to have a license (if not hunting) but must      Crow may be taken on small game hunt days that coincide with the wear 500 square inches of fluorescent orange.                                statewide crow season (see page 22).
WMA Big Game Quota Hunts: Deadline for applications is July 27,              Falconry open with statewide falconry seasons.
2011. See page 34 for information.                                            Bobcat and fox may be taken on any hunt that coincides with the Cherokee party dog hunts: Applications are available from the TWRA            statewide bobcat season.
Region III Office (931) 484-9571 from May to June.                            Raccoon and opossum hunting is from sunset of the date shown to Muzzleloading firearms are legal on all gun hunts except where indi-          sunrise of the next day. Raccoon dog field trials permitted Sep. 1-Apr. 30 cated under the individual WMA listings.                                      unless prohibited.
Antlered and Antlerless Defined: Deer taken on buck-only hunts                Field Trials: Small game (except raccoon) and retriever field trials must have at least one antler a minimum of three (3) inches in length        permitted year-round with approval of the area manager unless oth-unless otherwise specified. On antlerless only hunts, antlerless deer are    erwise specified.
defined as those deer with no antlers or deer with antlers less than three    Dogs are allowed for small game hunting unless special exception is (3) inches in length.                                                        indicated. A permit is required for dog training on areas which require a Tagging and Checking Stations: It is unlawful to move, transport, or          small game permit. On Cherokee and LBL management areas, dogs are field dress any big game animal, taken on WMAs open with statewide            allowed on improved roads and in permitted camping areas. All dogs seasons without validating a properly completed temporary kill tag. If        must be detained by chain or leash if not being legally used for hunting.
additional animals are to be harvested on that calendar day, the hunter      Dogs are allowed during spring squirrel season except where noted.
is not required to stop hunting and tag the animal until he/she is ready to Youth hunting small game on a WMA: Youths, ages 6-16, must be move, transport, or field dress the animal. All animals harvested must be accompanied by a permitted adult, 21 years of age or older, who must accompanied by one animal with a validated temporary kill tag and must remain in a position to take immediate control of the hunting device be checked in on the same calendar day at a big game checking station or except as otherwise noted.
a TWRA internet site where one new temporary kill tag will be issued.
Evidence of species and sex must be available for inspection by a wildlife officer or agency-designated personnel prior to issuance of permanent game tag. The permanent harvest tag is a legal document and must be signed by the hunter. By signing the permanent harvest tag, the hunter is affirming that the information, as it appears on the permanent tag, is correct and valid. The permanent game tag must remain with each carcass until final processing. All big game taken to a taxidermist to be mounted must be accompanied by documentation showing the permanent game tag number and date of harvest.
2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide                                                                                                                        47
wma                  Wildlife Management Areas WATERFOWL HUNTING ON WMAs                                                      the blind. No blind may be constructed, repaired or any floating blinds moved onto the area that have not met the deadlines for registering Permits: WMAs with a WF after the name require either an An-the blind and displaying the registration number. Unregistered and/
nual Small Game and Waterfowl permit (Type 091); or a 1-Day Small or unnumbered blinds are subject to removal.
Game and Waterfowl permit (Type 092) in addition to a regular hunting license (Type 001) and Waterfowl license (Type 005). There are three            No blind may be locked or barricaded to deny entrance to other hunters exceptions: Lifetime Sportsman, Sportsman License holders and                  when the blind is not in use.
youths age 6-16 who are accompanied by an adult with a valid permit,            Wheelchair-bound blind sites - Certain WMAs have special blind do not need a permit. Nonresidents, however, must have either a Type            sites established for wheelchair-bound hunters. See specific WMAs 091 or Type 092 in addition to their license.                                  for regulations if applicable.
Blind Site Drawings: A hand drawing will be held on the first Satur-            Temporary blinds and decoys must be removed at the end of shoot-day in August for permanent waterfowl draw blind sites on Barkley              ing hours each day, unless otherwise indicated under the individual Unit I, Big Sandy (including Gin Creek Unit), Camden Units I and II,            WMA listing.
Cheatham Lake, Gooch Unit A, Harmon Creek, Haynes Bottom, Old Hickory Units I and II, Tigrett, AEDC (Woods Reservoir), West Sandy,            All decoys must be removed by the owner of the blind within ten days and Reelfoot. Individuals wishing to compete in the drawing must ap-            after the close of waterfowl season, unless otherwise indicated under pear in person at the designated location, with the appropriate licenses        the individual WMA listing. Refer to the 2011 Waterfowl Guide for and permits and submit an application between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00              additional restrictions.
a.m. The drawing will be held immediately after the last person signs          Youths hunting waterfowl on a WMA: Youths, ages 6-15, must be up. One application is permitted per person and no one may apply for            accompanied by an adult, 21 years of age or older, who must remain more than one area. Each applicant must be at least sixteen (16) years          in position to take immediate control of the hunting device except as of age to compete in the drawing or sign-on.                                    otherwise noted.
Permanent registered and permanent draw blinds: Waterfowl hunting on all the above WMAs (except Big Sandy, Camden Unit II,                Wildlife Management Area (WMA)  Icon Key Harmon Creek, Barkley Unit II, Reelfoot, and West Sandy) permitted only from permanent blinds allocated by the hand-held drawing, unless            Big Game otherwise specified. On Big Sandy, Camden Unit II, Harmons Creek,                            Big Game Barkley Unit II, Reelfoot, and West Sandy hunting is permitted from registered blinds and from temporary blinds or hides. Blinds, blind                  Deer                    Spring Turkey              Fall Turkey materials, boats, hides, and decoys must be removed from temporary sites at the end of the shooting hours each day.
Bear                  Elk Blind permittee, the person to whom the TWRA issued the permit, must occupy his/her blind by the legal daily opening shooting time on days he/she wishes to hunt, and if the blind is unoccupied at that time          Small Game by the permittee, the first person or party occupying the blind shall                        Small Game be entitled to the privilege of its exclusive and uninterrupted use until the end of shooting hours that day. Exclusive and uninterrupted use                    Spring Squirrel            Squirrel            Dove entitles the person or party the right to exclude all others from the blind at the persons or partys option, except for law enforcement personnel                      Rabbit              Quail                    Grouse engaged in the performance of their duties. The permittee has priority use (exclusive and uninterrupted) only if he/she is at the blind on or before the legal daily opening shooting time, regardless of whether                      Woodcock                Snipe                    Crow or not the blind is occupied by another person or party, provided the permittee produces identification and his/her blind permit. No more                      Waterfowl              Raccoon                  Opossum than 8 individuals age 16 or older may occupy a permanent draw blind at any time. No restrictions on the number of youths under age 16.
Trapping            Coyote Computerized Blind Drawings: A computerized drawing will take place for duck and blind sites for Bogota and Thorny Cypress WMAs in Dyer County and four Chickamauga WMA units (Candies Creek,                    other icons Johnson Bottoms, Rogers Creek and Yellow Creek). Quota application period runs from Sept. 7-Oct. 12, 2011.                                                Wheelchair                        Shooting Range West Sandy (Springville Bottoms) and Reelfoot registered blinds West Sandy blind sites must be registered at the designated location on the first Saturday in August by 10:00 a.m. CDT. Reelfoot blinds must                  WMA Dog Training Season Year-round be registered with the TWRA manager prior to August 1. Lifetime                          except as otherwise indicated.
Sportsman License or Sportsman License or an Annual Small Game and Waterfowl Permit (Type 091), or Type 167 is required at registra-            Permit Key tion except Reelfoot where a Reelfoot Duck Blind Permit (Type 025) is required. Individuals claiming blind sites on these areas may not            BG Big Game quota                  SG      Small Game WMA permit or compete for blind site drawings on other areas.                                        permit or nonquota                    combination waterfowl and WMA annual permit.                    small game WMA permit.
All blind sites will be given a registration number, which must be dis-played, using lettering 2 inches or larger inside the blind, or on a stake at    WF Combination waterfowl and NP No permit required.
floating blind sites. When floating blinds are moved to designated blind              small game WMA permit.
stakes, the number must be immediately transferred from the stake to 48                                                                                                              2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide
WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREAS                                                                                              WMA TRAPPING ON WMAs Other TWRA lands not proclaimed as a WMA or refuge are open                      WHITE NOSE SYNDROME with statewide seasons unless otherwise indicated.                                PLEASE HELP!
Permits: A WMA small game permit is required to trap on all areas that require a small game hunt permit.                                                In the spring of 2006 a new wildlife illness was observed in Howes Cave in New York State. The malady is being called White Nose Syndrome or WNS due to a white fungus appearing on the snout area of bats (see the attached picture).
USING THE ICONS:                                                                Since 2006, the occurrence of WNS has spread into Icons indicate that a season is open. If an icon is listed in a WMA, that season is open with possible restrictions that will be listed. If there    Connecticut, Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, is no icon listed in the WMA, the season is closed.                              New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Virginia, and If the Big Game and/or Small Game icon is listed, then all Big Game              West Virginia. In 2010, it was found for the first time in and/or Small Game species are open with the statewide season unless              Tennessee and has been found in additional sites in 2011.
otherwise noted.
Bats with WNS are dying in alarming numbers. It is unclear The top line of each WMA is a quick reference guide to see what if this fungal infection is causing their death or if it is a species are open to hunting during the statewide season. Refer to pages 20-43.                                                                          secondary infection due to the bats weakened condition.
The WMA summaries supply hunt dates, bag limits and special Research is ongoing.
regulations. There are general regulations that may not be listed but            Because hunters are in the woods during the winter months, apply to all WMAs (pages 46-49). Read ALL regulations before visiting we are asking for your help. If you see bats:
a WMA.
If there are special managed hunts or seasons, these will be listed
* flying during daylight hours (before dusk) separately underneath each WMA. Specific dates, bag limits, and or restrictions will be listed here.
* having trouble flying,
* dead on the ground, or WMA example:
* exhibiting a white fungus on the face or wings,
* 17,000 ACRES                                                  please notify the TWRA or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service of WAYNE SANDERS (931) 968-6215
* SG, BG                                            the location, date and circumstances of what you observed.
ATVs and other types of ORVs are prohibited unless otherwise specified.
ATVs may be used only on existing roads and only to retrieve harvested          TWRA Offices are:
deer. No camping or fires permitted. Bear Hollow, Poplar Springs, Cave Springs, Keith Springs and Rock House Roads will be open for scouting on        Region 1 (Jackson)  (800) 372-3928 Aug. 22. During daylight hours, all users outside of an enclosed vehicle        Region 2 (Nashville)  (800) 624-7406 or out of camp must wear fluorescent orange during the deer gun and muzzleloader seasons. Horseback riders must stay on the designated trail        Region 3 (Crossville)  (800) 262-6704 and park their vehicles in designated parking areas at all times. No tying      Region 4 (Morristown)  (800) 332-0900 horses to trees during rides. Possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
Central Office (Wildlife Div.)  (615) 781-6610 Big Game      Small Game
                                                                            U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Same as statewide seasons except as noted. Only one antlerless deer per          Cookeville Field Office day. All treestands must be marked with hunters TWRA ID number.                (931) 528-6481 Little brown bats with white-nose syndrome, New York Need to Know On the Go?
The 2011 Tennessee Hunting Regulations are now available online through your mobile devices!
Photo courtesy Nancy Heaslip, New York Department of                                                Environmental Conservation 2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide                                                                                                                      49
wma              Wildlife Management Areas (731) 423-5725 Big Game    Small Game Region I                                118                                            Closed to dove and waterfowl.
101 104                                                            Same as statewide seasons except as noted. All seasons closed during 127                          HENRY                  STEWART refuge closure date, including dog training.
OBION LA          130 114 WEAKLEY              124 KE                                    133 119 HOUSTON 132            108      125 102 103-BIG SANDY (gin Creek) 105            120                  103 113 134                                                                Benton/Henry counties
* 2,370 acres 112 129 DYER 116                      EYS NT  HR            David Ulderich (731) 593-0588 *SG, WF, BG 131    GIBSON                          MP ON 122                          CARROLL          HU 106 BE
                                              -      115 ER UD      CRO                        123                            Big Game    Small Game LA LE          CKE DA                TT 117                                      ND HE            DE O        128 CAT              Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Fishing, trapping and hunting N
of all species other than waterfowl is prohibited in the subimpoundments O
H D    MADISON            SO      PERRY UR TIPTON      AY                            ER    109                      during the late duck season(s).
W CHESTER 121                                    107            135 Waterfowl - Same as statewide seasons except that waterfowl Region I
111 H
SHELBY    FAYETTE AR                                                    hunting is permitted only on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, D
126 EM AN MCNAIRY  HARDIN                      Monday, and the first and last day of each segment of the late statewide 136                                    110                  duck and goose seasons. During the late duck season, all activities are prohibited in the subimpoundments when waterfowl hunting is closed.
All activities are prohibited in the subimpoundments five days before each opening day of the statewide duck season. Any temporary blinds or hides and decoys must be at least 200 yards from any permanent blind 101-BARKLEY                                                                                and removed at the end of shooting hours each day.
stewart county
* 8,090 acres hwy. 79 downstream to river mile 85 david ulderich (731) 593-0588                                                                    Trapping - No trapping during duck season.
UNIT I *SG, WF, BG Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15 except closed during late duck Big Game    Small Game                                                                  season.
Same as statewide seasons except as noted. Fishing, trapping, and hunt-                    104-BLACK BAYOU REFUGE ing of all species other than waterfowl prohibited in the sub-impound-                    Lake County
* 1,350 acres ments during the late duck season(s). Deer and small game hunting is                      five miles north of Tiptonville on Hwy. 78 only allowed on days waterfowl hunting is closed during the late duck                      Jeff Martin (731) 253-7343 *SG seasons.
Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - the last day of Feb.
Designated observation areas will be open year-round.
Waterfowl - Hunting allowed only from permanent draw blinds and designated temporary blind sites. Waterfowl hunting is permitted only on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday during wa-                        Big Game    Small Game terfowl seasons with fewer than 45 days and is permitted on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday during waterfowl seasons with 45 days                        Same as statewide seasons except as noted. All seasons subject to refuge or more. Hunting of waterfowl permitted on the first and last day of each                  closure. Archery equipment only during the muzzleloader season. All segment of the late duck and goose seasons. During the late duck season,                  small game hunters must use non-toxic shot approved by the U.S. Fish &
all activities are prohibited in the subimpoundments when waterfowl                        Wildlife Service. Closed to young sportsman deer hunt.
hunting is closed. All activities are prohibited in the subimpoundments five days before each opening day of the statewide duck season.                                  Dog training - Sep. 1-Nov. 14.
Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15 except closed during the late duck                    105-BOGOTA season.                                                                                    Dyer County
* 2,293 acres Jason MaxeDon (713) 285-6124 *SG, WF, BG UNIT II *SG, WF, BG all of Barkley WMA except that defined as Unit I                                                        Small Game Big Game    Small Game                                                                  Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. All small game hunting, except waterfowl, closed Nov. 1-Jan. 31.
Same as statewide seasons. Waterfowl hunting is allowed from tempo-rary blinds only which must be removed at the end of the day. No blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight.                                        Dove - Young Sportsman - Sep. 3, noon until sunset. Youths must be accompanied by a non-hunting adult. Designated fields only.
102-BEAN SWITCH REFUGE                                                                    Dove - Same as statewide seasons except opens Sep. 4 through the Weakley County
* 530 acres                                                                remainder of the first and second segments of the statewide season.
off Hwy. 54 near Greenfield on Middle                                                      Designated fields only.
Fork of the Obion River Larry Armstrong (731) 749-5587 *SG, BG                                                          Waterfowl - Same as statewide season, except hunting of water-fowl during the late duck season permitted only on Friday, Saturday, Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - the last day of Feb.
Sunday and the first and last day of each segment of the late duck season and youth waterfowl season. All hunting shall cease at 3:00 p.m. (CST) 50                                                                                                                            2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide
Wildlife Management Areas                                                                                                          wma each day, except the last day of each season when hunting shall close at Region I
sunset. Waterfowl hunting is restricted to designated pools or temporary                Waterfowl - Same as statewide season except waterfowl hunting blind sites only. Designated pools/sites will be allocated by computer          closes at 3:00 p.m. on Units A and E. Waterfowl hunting on the last day draw. Quota application period runs from Sep. 7-Oct. 12. All hunters in          of each segment of the duck and remaining goose seasons close at sunset.
a party are required to hunt in the pool/site for which they are drawn.          On Unit E, no waterfowl hunters are permitted on the unit or access area Decoys and temporary blinds may be left out over the specified hunt but          from two hours after legal shooting hours have ended until 4:00 a.m. the must be removed upon completion of the hunt on the last day.                    following day, during the late duck season(s). No permanent blinds. All Goose Season: To coincide with statewide season AFTER the youth                  decoys, temporary blinds, blind materials and boats must be removed waterfowl hunting season. No pool restrictions or drawings.                      from Unit E daily.
Special Regulations: Motorized vehicles are allowed only on designated roads, trails, and parking areas. No vehicles are allowed in fields, woods,      109-CYPRESS POND REFUGE or on levees.                                                                    Decatur County
* 585 acres East Decatur, south of Whites Creek on the Tennessee River Dog training - Sep. 1-Oct. 31.                                            Pete Creech (731) 687-3444 *SG, BG 106-CAMDEN                                                                      Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - the last day of Feb.
(731) 423-5725 Benton County
* 3,682 acres Hwy. 70, west of New Johnsonville                                                Big Game    Small Game David Ulderich (731) 584-7317                                                                          Closed to waterfowl.
Same as statewide seasons except as noted. All seasons closed during UNIT I *SG, WF, BG                                                              refuge closure date.
Big Game  Small Game Closed to dog training.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Fishing, trapping, and hunt-ing of all species other than waterfowl prohibited during the late duck          110-Dry Creek season(s).
Hardin County
* 4,000 Acres North of Pickwick Lake near Bruton Branch Waterfowl - Same as statewide seasons except waterfowl hunting            Pete Creech (731) 687-3444
* SG, BG shall close at 3:00 p.m. (CST) each day of the regular statewide waterfowl seasons, except the last day of each segment of the late duck season and          Big Game    Small Game remaining goose seasons when hunting shall close at sunset. Waterfowl                                            Same as statewide seasons.
hunting allowed only from permanent draw blinds and designated tem-porary blind sites. All activities are prohibited in the subimpoundments five days before each opening day of the statewide duck season.
Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15 except closed during the late duck season.
* SG, WF, BG Big Game  Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. No deer hunting during the waterfowl season. Any temporary waterfowl blinds or hides and decoys must be at least 200 yards from any permanent blind and removed at the end of shooting hours each day.
Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15 except closed during the late duck season.
107-CHICKASAW STATE FOREST Hardeman/Chester counties
* 11,215 acres Pete Creech (731) 687-3444 *NP Big Game  Small Game Same as statewide seasons.
108-C. M. GOOCH Obion County
* 7,000 acres east of Hwy. 51 and south of Obion Larry Armstrong (731) 749-5587 *SG, WF, BG Big Game  Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except Units A and E are closed during the waterfowl seasons and are closed to all activities five days before the first segment of the late duck season. Fishing and trapping prohibited in Units A and E during the waterfowl season.
2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide                                                                                                                                  51
wma              Wildlife Management Areas 111-EAGLE LAKE REFUGE (731) 423-5725 Big Game    Small Game Shelby County
* 3,253 acres                                                                                              Closed to dove and waterfowl.
adjacent to Shelby Forest WMA                                                      Same as statewide seasons, except all seasons closed during refuge Chris Park (731) 738-0233 *SG, BG                                                closure date.
Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - last day of Feb., except    115-HORNS BLUFF REFUGE Bomprezzi Unit. Designated observation areas will be open year-round. Dog training prohibited. Access to the south end of Shelby Forest WMA through          Crockett/Gibson counties
* 1,790 acres Eagle Lake Refuge will be allowed during hunting seasons. Bomprezzi Unit          six miles northeast of Alamo off Hwy. 54 has a separate access.                                                            Carl Wirwa (731) 696-3197 *NP Eagle Lake Refuge Unit                                                            Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - the last day of Feb.
Designated observation areas will be open year-round.
Big Game    Small Game Closed to waterfowl.                                                      Small Game Same as statewide seasons except as noted. All species subject to refuge closure. Nontoxic shot approved by US Fish & Wildlife Service required            Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. All seasons closed during Region I
for small game hunting on Eagle Lake Refuge. Hunting allowed Monday,              refuge closure date.
Wednesday, and Saturday only.
Deer - Archery equipment only.
Turkey - Hunting to coincide and be included with drawn quota hunts on Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park and Natural Area (bonus bird).            116-JARRELL SWITCH REFUGE BOMPREZZI UNIT                                                                    Carroll County
* 250 acres near McKenzie on the South Fork of the Obion River Big Game    Small Game                                                            Larry Armstrong (731) 749-5587 *SG, WF, BG Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Shotguns only for small game.          Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - last day of Feb. Des-ignated observation areas will be open year-round.
Deer - Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. No antlerless              Big Game    Small Game deer may be taken during the statewide deer gun season. Centerfire rifles                                        Closed to waterfowl.
prohibited for deer.                                                              Same as statewide seasons, except all seasons closed during refuge closure date.
Dyer County
* 2,900 acres                                                          117-JOHN TULLY Jason Maxedon (731) 285-6124 *SG, WF, BG                                          Lauderdale County
* 15,500 acres Hwy. 19 west of Ripley and Hwy. 87 west of Henning Small Game                                                                  Chris Park (731) 738-0233 *SG, BG, WF Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Small game hunting is closed          Camping is permitted in designated camp sites only. Some roads may be during big game gun hunts except for waterfowl, raccoon and opossum.              posted as closed to motorized vehicles during the deer hunts.
Waterfowl hunting from temporary blinds only. No blinds, blind materi-als, boats, or decoys may be left overnight. Dog training closed.                  Big Game    Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Retriever trials permitted Deer - Same as statewide season. Archery equipment only. Bucks must year-round with permission of area manager.
be spike or nine antler points or better. Deer count toward statewide bag limit.
Deer - gun - One hunt. Dec. 17-25. One deer, antlered only. Must be spike or nine antler points or better.                                                        Dove - Open noon Sep. 3 - remainder of the statewide dove sea-son. One youth-only field and one adult field.
Deer - muzzleloader - Nov. 12-13. One deer, antlerless only.
Deer - gun - Young Sportsman - Same as statewide Young Sportsman seasons.
Deer - Same as statewide seasons except antlered deer must be No antler requirement.
spikes or have 9 points or more. Antler points must be one inch or longer.
Deer count toward Unit A bag limit. All deer taken must be checked out 113-HARMON CREEK                                                                  at Cold Creek Grocery, Woodards Grocery or Hargetts Meat Processing.
Benton County
* 983 acres                                                          Tree stands must be marked with hunters TWRA ID number.
David Ulderich (731) 584-7317 *SG, WF, BG Big Game    Small Game                                                                  Waterfowl - Same as statewide seasons, except shooting ends at 3:00 p.m. (CST). Waterfowl hunting from temporary blinds only. No Same as statewide seasons. Any temporary waterfowl blinds or hides and            blinds, blind materials, boats or decoys left overnight.
decoys must be at least 200 yards from any permanent blind and removed at the end of shooting hours each day.                                            118-LAND BETWEEN THE LAKES Stewart County
* 170,000 acres (60,000 in TN) 114-HOP-IN REFUGE                                                                  between Paris Landing and Dover Obion County
* 650 acres                                                          For information contact USDA-Forest Service, LBL, on the South Fork of the Obion River, Hwy. 89 near Kenton                          100 Van Morgan Drive, Golden Pond, KY 42211, (270) 924-2000 Larry Armstrong (731) 749-5587 *SG, BG Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 1 - the last day of Feb.
Designated observation areas will be open year-round.
52                                                                                                                    2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide
Wildlife Management Areas                                                                                              wma 119-LICK CREEK                                                              122-MOSS ISLAND Region I
Benton County
* 198 acres                                                    Dyer County
* 5,119 acres David Ulderich (731) 593-0588                                                six miles south of Hwy. 20 on Mississippi River Levee, SG, WF, BG                                                                  23 miles west of Dyersburg Jason Maxedon (731) 285-6124 *SG, WF, BG Big Game    Small Game Small Game Same as statewide seasons. Waterfowl hunting allowed from temporary blinds only which must be removed at the end of the day. No blinds, blind    Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Small game hunting is closed materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight.                          during big game gun hunts except for waterfowl, raccoon and opossum.
Waterfowl hunting from temporary blinds only. No blinds, blind materi-120-MANESS SWAMP REFUGE                                                      als, boats, or decoys may be left overnight.
Weakley and Gibson counties
* 1,200 acres at the Junct. of South & Middle Forks of the Obion River                          Deer - Same as statewide seasons. Archery equipment only. Bucks Larry Armstrong (731) 749-5587 *SG, BG                                      must be spike or nine antler points or better. Deer count toward state-wide bag limit.
Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 1 - Feb. 14. Designated (731) 423-5725 observation areas will be open year-round.                                  Deer - gun - One hunt. Dec. 17-25. One deer, antlered only. Bucks must be spike or nine antler points or better.
Big Game    Small Game                                                      Deer - gun - Young Sportsman - Same as statewide Young Sportsman season. No antler requirement. Deer count toward statewide bag limit.
Same as statewide seasons except all seasons closed during refuge closure Deer - muzzleloader - Nov. 12-13. One deer, antlerless only.
date, including dog training.
121-MEEMAN-SHELBY FOREST STATE                                                    Dog training closed.
* 13,000 acres near Millington, north of Memphis Chris Park (731) 738-0233 *SG, WF, BG All hunters are required to register and obtain a free permit at the park headquarters (901) 876-5215.
Big Game    Small Game Closed to spring squirrel.
Open Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday within the statewide seasons, except as noted. Small game hunters must meet legal fluorescent orange requirements during deer-gun seasons. Raccoon and opossum open Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, sunset to sunrise. Shotguns, muzzle-loader and archery equipment only. Rifles and handguns prohibited.
Beaver - Open during any hunt date. No limit.
Squirrel - Young Sportsman - Aug. 20.
Deer - Open Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday during the state-wide seasons. No antlerless deer may be taken during the statewide deer gun season.
Turkey - Young Sportsman - One hunt. Mar. 24, 2012.
One bearded turkey.
Turkey - Three hunts. Apr. 2, 4 and 7; Apr. 9, 11 and 14; Apr. 16, 18 and
: 21. 50 hunter quota per hunt. One turkey (bonus bird).
Waterfowl - Open Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday within the statewide duck season and the last 7 days of the statewide duck season, except Sunday. No permanent blinds. No blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight.
Trapping - Beaver trapping by permit only, issued by area manager.
Trapping of all other species prohibited.
Dog training - Open Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, Sep. 1-Mar. 15.
Field trials - Sep. 1-Apr. 30.
2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide                                                                                                                    53
wma              Wildlife Management Areas 123-NATCHEZ TRACE STATE FOREST                                                  Deer - archery - excluding Ensley Unit - One hunt. Dec. 2-4. 50 hunter (731) 423-5725 quota. Two deer, one antlered buck, and one antlerless (bonus deer). Bucks Benton/Carroll/Henderson counties
* 48,000 acres must have at least nine antler points. Antler points must be one inch or off I-40, Exit 116 longer. Access permitted from Farm Road only. No access permitted from David Ulderich (731) 584-7317 *SG, BG Mississippi River, McKellar Lake, or from the Causeway.
Big Game  Small Game Deer - archery - Ensley Unit - One hunt. Dec. 2-4. 30 hunter quota.
Same as statewide seasons.                                                      One deer, buck only (bonus deer). Bucks must have at least nine antler points.
Antler points must be one inch or longer. Access permitted from Shelby Shooting Range - See page 44.                                            Drive only.
124-NEW HOPE                                                                    127-REELFOOT Benton County
* 88 acres                                                        Lake/Obion counties
* 24,000 acres David Ulderich (731) 593-0588 *SG, WF, BG                                      north of Hwy. 22 and east of Hwy. 78 Jeff Martin (731) 253-7343 *Reelfoot Preservation Permit Region I
Big Game  Small Game No WMA permits are required. However, in addition to regular hunting and Same as statewide seasons. Waterfowl hunting from temporary blinds              fishing licenses, a Reelfoot Preservation Permit is required to hunt, trap, fish only. No blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight.      or boat on Reelfoot WMA, (including the washout and tailwaters down-stream as marked, and that portion of Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge in Tennessee). The exceptions are Sportsman License holders, Lifetime Sports-125-OBION RIVER                                                                man License holders, youth under 16 and residents over 65.
Obion/Weakley/Gibson counties
* 8,500 acres along the Obion River between Hwy. 45W and Hwy. 45E Small Game Larry Armstrong (731) 749-5587 *SG, WF, BG Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.
Big Game  Small Game Same as statewide seasons. No permanent blinds. No blinds, blind mate-                      Opossum - raccoon - Sunset Sep. 2-Feb. 15. No bag limit.
rials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight.
MANESS SWAMP HUNTING UNIT                                                            Deer - archery - Three hunts. Sep. 18-Oct. 28, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, Nov.
North of State Hwy. 445, bordered by the South Fork and                        11-Dec. 26. Three deer, either sex per hunt (bonus deer).
Middle Fork of the Obion Rivers as marked.                                      Deer - gun - Young Sportsman - Same as statewide season.
Big Game  Small Game                                                          Deer - muzzleloader - One hunt. Nov. 5-10. One deer, buck only (bonus deer).
Same as statewide seasons, except closed to all activities five days before          Turkey - Young Sportsman - Same as Young Sportsman the first opening of the late duck season. All hunting other than water-        statewide season.
fowl is prohibited during the late duck season.
Waterfowl - Same as statewide (Reelfoot Zone*) seasons. Plastic and Waterfowl - Same as statewide, except hunting is permitted only          metal containers used as decoys are prohibited. Waterfowl hunting closes on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and the first and last day of each segment      at 3:00 p.m. (CST) except the last day of each segment of the late duck and of the late duck season. All hunting shall cease at 3:00 p.m. (CST) each        the remaining Reelfoot goose seasons when hunting will cease at sunset.
day, except the last day of the season when hunting shall close at sunset.
No permanent blinds. All decoys, blind materials and boats must be              * The Reelfoot Zone consist of the lands and waters of Reelfoot WMA only.
removed daily. No waterfowl hunters on unit or access area from two                See waterfowl guide for more information.
hours after legal shooting hours have ended until 4 a.m. the following day during the late duck season(s).                                                        Waterfowl - Wheelchair-bound only blind sites - An application must be received by the TWRA Region I Office by noon on the fourth 126-PRESIDENTS ISLAND                                                          Friday in October. Persons holding a permit for another blind are not Shelby County
* 6,300 acres                                                    eligible to compete in the wheelchair-bound blind drawing. If a blind is not Chris Park (731) 738-0233
* BG                                                  occupied by shooting time, another wheelchair-bound hunter and 1 to 3 as-sistants (at least one assistant must be age 16 or older) may occupy the blind Hunters must check in at hunter check station before hunting and check out      for that day. Hunting restricted to wheelchair hunters and assistants only at the completion of each days hunt. Permit will be held while hunters hunt. within the marked wheelchair hunting zone at designated blinds.
Access allowed only to TWRA authorized personnel and permit holders.
Scouting dates - Oct. 13 for the Oct. 14-16 permit holders only. Oct. 20        SHELBY FOREST for the Oct. 21-23 permit holders only. Dec. 1 for the Dec. 2-4 permit          see Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park and Natural Area holders only.
128-SOUTH FORK WATERFOWL REFUGE Deer - archery - excluding Ensley Unit - Two hunts. Oct. 14-16,          Madison County
* 778 acres 21-23. 150 hunter quota. Two deer (bonus deer), antlerless or spike buck        ON Hwy. 412 only. Access permitted from Farm Road only. No access permitted from            Carl Wirwa (731) 696-3197 *NP Mississippi River, McKellar Lake, or from the Causeway.
Big Game    Small Game Closed to fall turkey.
Same as statewide seasons, except closed to all activities five days before the first opening of the late duck season. All hunting other than waterfowl is prohibited during the late duck season.
54                                                                                                                  2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide
Wildlife Management Areas                                                                                                        wma 132-TUMBLEWEED Region I
Waterfowl - Same as statewide season, except hunting of water-          Lake County
* 2,924 acres fowl during the late duck season permitted on Saturday, Sunday and the        SOUTHWEST CORNER, on Hwy. 79 first and last day of each segment of the late duck season. All hunting        Jason Maxedon (731) 285-6124 *NP ceases at 3:00 p.m. (CST) each day, except the last day of the season when hunting closes at sunset. Walk-in only. No waterfowl hunters permit-            Big Game    Small Game ted on the area or access areas before 4:00 a.m. opening day and from 5:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. the following days during the late duck season. No      Same as statewide seasons.
blinds, blind materials, boats or decoys may be left overnight.
133-WEST SANDY 129-THorny Cypress                                                            (Springville Bottoms)
Dyer county
* 3,100 acres                                                      Henry County
* 4,319 acres Tract I  Between Hwy. 104 and I-155                                          David Ulderich (731) 593-0588 *SG, WF, BG Tract II  Between Boothspoint Rd. and White Lake Refuge Jason Maxedon (731) 285-6124 *SG, WF, BG                                      Big Game    Small Game (731) 423-5725 Big Game  Small Game                                                        Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Fishing, trapping and hunt-ing of all species other than waterfowl is prohibited in the subimpound-Same as statewide seasons, except closed in waterfowl pools.                  ments during the late duck season(s).
Waterfowl - Same as statewide season, except hunting of waterfowl              Waterfowl - Waterfowl hunting shall close at 3:00 p.m. (CST) each during the late duck season permitted only on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and    day of the regular statewide waterfowl seasons, except the last day of the the first and last day of each segment of the late duck season and youth wa-  duck seasons and remaining goose seasons when hunting shall close at terfowl season. All hunting shall cease at 3:00 p.m. (CST) each day, except    sunset. All activities are prohibited in the subimpoundments five days the last day of each season when hunting shall close at sunset. Waterfowl      before each opening day of the statewide duck season.
hunting is restricted to designated pools or temporary blind sites only.
Designated pools/sites will be allocated by computer draw. Quota applica-tion period runs from Sep. 7-Oct. 12. All hunters in a party are required              Waterfowl - Wheelchair-bound only blind sites - Provided on a to hunt in the pool/site for which they were drawn. Decoys and temporary      first come, first serve basis. Hunting restricted to wheelchair hunters and blinds may be left out over the specified hunt but must be removed upon the    assistants only within the marked wheelchair hunting zone.
completion of the hunt on the last day.
Goose Season: To coincide with statewide season AFTER the youth                      Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15. Closed during the late duck season.
waterfowl hunting season. No pool restrictions or drawings.
Special Regulations: Motorized vehicles are allowed only on designated        134-WHITE LAKE REFUGE roads, trails and parking areas. No vehicles are allowed in fields, woods      Dyer County
* 1,194 acres or on levees.                                                                  Jason Maxedon (731) 285-6124 *SG, BG 130-THREE RIVERS                                                              Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - the last day of Feb.
Designated observation areas will be open year-round.
Obion County
* 1,577 acres Larry Armstrong (731) 749-5587 *SG, WF, BG Big Game    Small Game Closed to waterfowl, dove, and fall turkey.
Big Game  Small Game Same as statewide seasons except all seasons closed during refuge Same as statewide seasons.                                                    closure date.
135-WHITE OAK Waterfowl - No waterfowl hunters permitted on unit or access            Hardin County
* 7,000 acres area from two hours after legal shooting hours have ended until 4:00 a.m.      southeast of Milledgeville, off of Hwy. 69 the following day during late duck seasons. No permanent blinds. No            Pete Creech (731) 687-3444 *SG, WF, BG blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight.
Big Game    Small Game 131-TIGRETT                                                                                                      Closed to fall turkey.
Dyer County
* 7,000 acres                                                      Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Small game hunting closed Carl Wirwa (731) 696-3197 *SG, WF, BG                                        during the Young Sportsman deer hunt.
Big Game  Small Game Dove - Sep. 1, 3, 5 and the remainder of the statewide dove season.
Same as statewide seasons. Small game hunting , excluding waterfowl is closed during Young Sportsman deer hunts.                                            Deer - Same as statewide seasons except archery equipment-only after Dec. 4; archers must meet legal blaze orange requirements during Waterfowl - Same as statewide seasons. Waterfowl hunting shall          statewide muzzleloader and gun seasons. Closed to Jan. Young Sports-close at 3:00 p.m. (CST) each day of the regular statewide waterfowl          man hunt.
seasons, except the last day of the duck seasons and remaining goose seasons when hunting shall close at sunset.                                          Quail - Dec. 5-Jan. 1.
2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide                                                                                                                                55
wma              Wildlife Management Areas (731) 423-5725 Waterfowl - Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Water-            Rabbit - Nov. 19-Jan. 31 fowl hunting closes at 3:00 p.m. CST during the late duck season(s) and all types of water traffic prohibited after 5:00 p.m. CST. No waterfowl hunters permitted on the area or access areas before 4:00 a.m. opening            Deer - Same as statewide seasons except archery equipment only day, and from 5:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. the following days during the late    after Nov. 18 and archers must meet legal blaze orange requirements duck season. All water traffic prohibited five days before each opening    during statewide muzzleloader and gun seasons. Tree stands must be day of statewide duck season. Temporary blinds only. No decoys, boats,      marked with hunters TWRA ID number. Closed to Jan. Young Sports-blinds, and blind materials may be left overnight.                          man hunt.
136-WOLF RIVER AND GHOST RIVER                                                  Turkey - Young Sportsman - Same as statewide, Young Sports-STATE NATURAL AREA                                                          man hunt. One turkey.
Fayette County
* 7,000 acres                                                Turkey - Two hunts. Apr. 6-8 (25 hunter quota), Apr. 20-22 (30 hunter on Hwy. 57 east of Memphis, south of LaGrange                              quota). One turkey (bonus bird). Hunting ends at noon each day and suc-Brandon Gilbert (901) 878-0855 *SG, BG, WF                                cessful hunters must check birds at Wolf River check station by 1:00 p.m.
Region I
Ghost River Natural Area is open same as Wolf River WMA. Hunting or access to hunt from the boardwalk structure is prohibited.                        Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15 except closed during the deer gun seasons.
Big Game  Small Game Closed to fall turkey.
Waterfowl - Waterfowl hunting closes at 3:00 p.m. (CST) each day Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Centerfire rifles prohibited, during the late duck season(s), except the last day of each segment of the except on Young Sportsman hunt. Small game closed during Young season(s) when hunting closes at sunset. Temporary blinds only.
Sportsman deer hunts.
Dove - Sep. 1, 3, and the remainder of the statewide dove season.
Quail - Dec. 5-Jan. 1.
30 Minutes of daylight left 5 Miles still to go No problem.
Always be prepared with a 4Sevens Quark series "ashlight. Maximum outputs of over 200 lumens, and low-mode runtimes of up to 50 days.                                                                                    REDEFINING THE FLASHLIGHT WWW.4SEVENS.COM 56                                                                                                            2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide
Wildlife Management Areas                                                                                                          wma Region II UNIT 2  Old Camp Forrest area, from golf course to UTSI road and Region II
207 Wattendorf Memorial Hwy to southern property boundary.
MONTGOMERY                                                MACON      UNITs 3, 4, 5, & 6  remainder of WMA 226          ROBERTSON SUMNER 214 222 TROUS-      UNITS 3, 4, 5 & 6 212 222 223 DALE 209  AM TH                                              Small Game EA                    222 CH                                          SMITH DICKSON      208 DAVIDSON                WILSON Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Small Game hunting closed 225 during deer hunts.
213 220            WILLIAMSON                          RD R  FO            N Deer-turkey-archery - Four hunts. Oct. 7-9, Oct. 14-16, C
HICKMAN                                      HE          AN 205                                  RU T                NO Oct. 21-23, Dec. 9-11. No hunter quota, 2 deer, either sex only one may 228                                                  be antlered. Bonus deer. One turkey, either sex.
MAURY          MA              221 218                Deer - shotgun/muzzleloader - Young Sportsman - One hunt. Oct.
229                          203 LEWIS                          RS      BEDFORD COFFEE                1-2. No hunter quota, 2 deer, either sex only one may be antlered. Bonus 215                            HA 216              deer.
(615) 781-6622 LL 202        217                                          201                  Deer - shotgun/muzzleloader - Two hunts. Nov. 25-27, Dec. 2-4; 600 210 206                                                  MO quota, 2 deer, either sex only one may be antlered. Bonus deer.
E 227              C E
OR EN WAYNE        R                            LINCOLN              FRANKLIN LA              GILES                                219 W                                    211              224 204                  Turkey - One hunt. Dec. 12-18. No hunter quota, 3 turkeys either sex.
Turkey - Youth Sportsman Hunt - Mar. 24-25.
201-AEDC and WOODS                                                                    Turkey - Seven hunts. Mar. 31-Apr. 2, Apr. 6-8, Apr. 13-15, Apr. 20-22, RESERVOIR REFUGE                                                                  Apr. 27-29, May 4-6, May 11-13. One bearded bird per hunt, not to Coffee/Franklin counties
* 32,000 acres                                                exceed 4 per season.
near Tullahoma, I-24 exit #117 Wes Winton (931) 967-6101 *SG, WF, BG                                                        Waterfowl - Same as statewide season, except open on Wednes-day, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday of the late duck season and the first All access is strictly controlled. Big Game and Small game hunters are              and last day of each segment. Hunting from registered blind sites only required to sign-in at one of the three hunter sign-in stations. Sign-in              on Woods Reservoir. During the early duck and goose season hunting is stations are located just west of Wattendorf Hwy on Dixie Road next to                allowed outside of registered blind sites, except 150 yards from the bank I-24 and on Harton Blvd. at the west end of Wattendorf Hwy. Hunters may                starting at the pumping station going west to the Rowlands Creek cause-also sign in at the check station. Hunters must fill out a sign-in card and            way. Waterfowl hunting is allowed during big game deer hunts.
keep a portion of the card on their person while hunting. One card per hunt will suffice (weekend, if staying in the campground or daily). Deer hunters will be required to fill out an observation card at the end of each deer hunt.              Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.
Certain areas will be closed due to military training. These areas will be Woods Reservoir Waterfowl Refuge - Dec. 1-Jan. 31. All forms of gated off and signs will be placed at the gates. These areas may be hunted trespass are prohibited.
only if the gates are open. Deer-Archery Zones may be hunted on any deer hunt by drawn hunters with archery equipment only. These areas are closed              Special Regulations - All access will be strictly controlled. Big Game to small game hunting and turkey hunting. These areas will be marked with              and Small game hunters are required to sign-in at one of the three hunter orange signs and orange paint.                                                        sign in stations. All hunters must fill out a sign-in card and keep a por-CAUTION: There are areas of AEDC that may contain unexploded                        tion of the card on their person while hunting. Deer hunters will be re-ordnances (small ammunition, anti-personnel mine, mortars, and artillery              quired to fill out an observation card at the end of each hunt and deposit rounds.) There are also areas of AEDC where open holes (manholes, wells,              it at one of the sign-in stations. Certain areas may be closed due to mili-and sinkholes) are present. Some of the areas, but not all, are marked.                tary training. The barricades at the designated entry points will be closed Hunters are advised to use extreme caution. If any unexploded ordnance or              and appropriate signs will be displayed. If the barricades are locked, the open holes are found DO NOT TOUCH. STAY AWAY and notify the AEDC                      area is closed to all public activity including hunting. Deer-Archery Operations Center at (931) 454-7752.                                                  Zones may be hunted on any deer hunt with archery equipment only.
These areas are closed to Small Game hunting and Spring Turkey hunt-Shotgun and archery equipment only, except muzzleloading rifles ing. ATVs are prohibited on the AEDC WMA. The use of metal detectors are permitted. Rifles, center fire and rim fire, are prohibited. Federal law is prohibited. Digging is prohibited. Buried and unexploded ordnance prohibits all handguns, including muzzleloading pistols are prohibited. Air (UXO) could be encountered and unauthorized ground disturbance is rifles are allowed for small game hunting, except for migratory birds.
a violation of federal law. Rifles, center fire and rim fire, are prohibited.
ATVs are prohibited on AEDC WMA.                                                    All handguns, including muzzleloading pistols are prohibited. Air rifles Camping and fires are prohibited outside of designated campgrounds.                are allowed for small game hunting, except for migratory birds. Camping Unauthorized digging on AEDC is prohibited for safety and legal rea-                and fires are prohibited outside of designated campgrounds.
sons. Buried and unexploded ordinance (UXO) could be encountered and UNIT 1previously known as tnarng unauthorized ground disturbance is a violation of Federal Law.
Deer must be checked in at the Hunters Check-in station on Old                    Public access only through gate on Rifle Range Road north of Brick Church Rd. If the Check-in station is closed, hunters should go to the          railroad tracks.
Lake Road Market on Hwy 127.                                                          Small Game WOODS RESERVOIR WATERFOWL REFUGEall forms of trespass                                                      Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.
is prohibited from Dec. 1-Jan. 31.                                                    The area will be open to hunting as military training allows. Small Game hunting dates will be posted on the TWRA website and at sign-in UNIT 1  Previously known as the TNARNG maneuver area.                                stations. Turkey hunt dates will be posted on the TWRA website and at 2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide                                                                                                                                    57
wma              Wildlife Management Areas the sign-in stations. Closed to raccoon and opossum hunting. Small          203-BARK CAMP BARRENS (615) 781-6622 Game hunting closed during deer hunts.
Coffee County
* 2,800 acres Trapping: Closed to trapping.                                              Wes Winton (931) 967-6101 *SG, BG Big Game    Small Game Deer - special regulations - All deer hunting season dates are subject to coordination with military training mission. Hunt dates will Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.
be confirmed a month in advance and advertised on the TWRA website and posted at the sign-in stations. Special quota permits will be sold by  Managed dove field: Sep. 1, 3 and remainder of season.
REAL system license agents or purchased online through the TWRA website.                                                                    204-BEAR HOLLOW MOUNTAIN Deer - shotgun/muzzleloader - Seven hunts. Potential hunt dates:            Franklin County
* 17,000 acres Oct. 29-30, Nov. 5-6, Nov. 12-13, Nov. 19-20, Nov. 25-27, Dec. 2-4,        Stacy Stevenson (931) 968-6215 *SG, BG Dec. 17-18; 100 hunter quota. 2 deer, either sex only one may be ant-lered. Bonus deer.                                                          ATVs and other types of ORVs are prohibited unless otherwise specified. ATVs may be used only on existing roads and only to retrieve harvested deer. No lit-Region II
Deer - Young Sportsman - shotgun/muzzleloader: One hunt. Poten-            tering. Hunter camping allowed only at designated campground (Lakeview).
tial Hunt Dates: Oct. 1-2. No hunter quota, 2 deer, either sex only one    Fires permitted only in designated campground. Bear Hollow, Poplar Springs, may be antlered. Bonus deer.                                                Cave Springs, Keith Cove and Rock House Roads will be open for scouting on UNIT 2old camp forrest area                                                the 4th Saturday in August. During daylight hours, all users outside of an enclosed vehicle or out of camp must wear fluorescent orange during the deer Public access only through gate west of fire tower field.                  gun and muzzleloader seasons. Horseback riders must stay on the designated Small Game trail and park their vehicles in designated parking areas at all times. No tying Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. The area will        horses to trees during rides.
be open to hunting as military training allows. Dates will be posted on the TWRA website and at sign in stations. Small Game hunting closed          Big Game    Small Game during deer hunts.
Trapping: Closed to trapping.                                              Same as statewide seasons except as noted. Only one antlerless deer per day. All treestands must be marked with hunters TWRA ID number.
Deer - special regulations - All deer hunting season dates are        205-BEAVER DAM CREEK subject to coordination with military training mission. Hunt dates will    Hickman County
* 7,619 acres be confirmed a month in advance and advertised on the TWRA website          south of Centerville and posted at the sign-in stations. Special quota permits will be sold by  Region II Office (615) 781-6622 *SG, BG REAL system license agents or purchased online through the TWRA website.                                                                    Big Game    Small Game Deer-turkey-archery - Four hunts. Potential hunt dates:        Same as statewide seasons.
Oct. 7-9, Oct. 14-16, Oct. 21-23, Dec. 9-11. No hunter quota, 2 deer, either sex only one may be antlered. Bonus deer. One turkey either sex. 206-BROWNTOWN Wayne County
* 6,336 acres Deer - shotgun/muzzleloader - Six hunts. Potential hunt dates:
north of Waynesboro Oct. 29-30, Nov. 5-6, Nov. 12-13, Nov. 19-20, Nov. 25-27, Dec. 2-4.
Phillip Smith (931) 762-5749 *SG, BG 200 hunter quota. 2 deer, either sex only one may be antlered. Bonus deer.
Big Game    Small Game Deer - Young Sportsman - shotgun/muzzleloader - One hunt. Poten-tial hunt dates: Oct. 1-2. No hunter quota, 2 deer, either sex only one    Same as statewide seasons.
may be antlered. Bonus deer.
207-CEDAR HILL SWAMP Turkey - One hunt. Dec. 12-18. No hunter quota,                      Robertson County
* 200 acres 3 turkeys either sex.                                                      Region II Office (615) 781-6622 *SG, WF, BG Big Game    Small Game Turkey - Young Sportsman Hunt - March 24-25.
Turkey - Seven hunts. Mar. 31-Apr. 2, Apr. 6-8, Apr. 13-15, Apr.            Same as statewide seasons, except Big Game hunting is archery only.
20-22, Apr. 27-29, May 4-6, May 11-13. One bearded bird per hunt,          Archers must comply with legal blaze orange requirements during not to exceed 4 per season.                                                muzzleloader and gun seasons.
202-ARNOLD HOLLOW                                                          208-CHEATHAM Wayne County
* 7,844 acres                                                  Cheatham County
* 20,810 acres north of Waynesboro                                                        South of the Cumberland River, near Ashland City Region II Office (615) 781-6622 *SG, BG                                    Randy Cromer (615) 792-4510 *SG, BG Unauthorized entry or presence is prohibited between sunset and sunrise.
Big Game    Small Game Same as statewide seasons.                                                        Small Game Same as statewide seasons except as noted, except buck only during muzzleloader and gun seasons.
58                                                                                                              2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide
Wildlife Management Areas                                                                                                      wma 211-FLINTVILLE HATCHERY Region II
Turkey - One hunt. Oct. 17-28. 150 hunter quota. Two turkeys,          Lincoln County
* 750 acres either sex.                                                                    east of Fayetteville on Hwy. 64 Region II Office (615) 781-6622 *NP Dog training - Daylight hours only.
Big Game  Small Game Shooting Range - See page 44.                                          Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Archery equipment-only for deer; archers must comply with legal blaze orange requirements during 209-CHEATHAM LAKE                                                              muzzleloader and gun seasons. Guns may be used on Young Sportsman Cheatham County
* 5,152 acres                                                  hunts and during the fall turkey season.
off Hwys. 49 and 12, west of Ashland City Randy Cromer (615) 792-4510 *SG, WF, BG Dog training -Daylight hours only.
Big Game    Small Game 212-GALLATIN STEAM PLANT Same as statewide seasons on Sycamore Creek upstream from rail-                Sumner County
* 1,500 acres (615) 781-6622 road trestle, Harpeth River upstream from Hwy. 49, and on Johnson              near Gallatin Creek upstream from Johnson Creek Bridge. Hunting on remainder of              Region II Office (615) 781-6622
* BG Cheatham Lake WMA same as statewide seasons except during the late duck season. Hunting is open only on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday,            Free permit required in addition to WMA permit. For permit information Sunday and the first and last day of each segment of the late statewide        contact TWRA Region II Office (615) 781-6622. Parking in designated duck season. Night hunting, trapping, and fishing is prohibited in water-      areas. No camping. Contract workers may be present Monday-Friday fowl impoundments during the waterfowl season.                                during the fall big game seasons. Use caution while hunting deer and turkey.
Waterfowl - Hunting is permitted only from registered blind                              Closed to Dog training sites and from staked temporary blind sites during the late duck season.
Hunting on Harpeth Island, Marks Creek, and Bluff Creek wade-in                Same as statewide seasons except archery equipment only; archers must areas is not restricted to registered or staked temporary sites. The sub      comply with legal blaze orange requirements during muzzleloader and impoundments are closed, as posted, to all types of activities five (5) days  gun seasons. Scouting begins one week prior to opening day.
prior to the opening of the first segment of the late duck season.
213-HALEY-JAQUETH Williamson County
* 200 acres Dove - Same as statewide seasons. Hunting allowed only from              College Grove designated fields.                                                            Tommy Edwards (931) 840-4042 *SG, BG Waterfowl - Wheelchair-bound only blind site - Same as state-Turkey - Same as statewide seasons.
wide seasons. Applications must be received by the TWRA Region II Office by noon on the fourth Friday in October. Persons holding a permit for another blind are not eligible to compete in the wheelchair-bound              Deer - Same as statewide seasons. Archery equipment only.
drawing. If blind is not occupied by shooting time, another wheelchair-        Archers must comply with legal blaze orange requirements during bound hunter and 1 to 3 assistants (age 16 and older) may occupy the          muzzleloader and gun seasons.
blind for that day.
Dove - Sep. 3 youth only ages 6-16 accompanied by a non hunting Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15 except closed during the duck seasons. adult and shooting is from staked positions only.
PARDUE POND REFUGE &                                                          Sep. 5 and every Sat. thereafter of the 1st segment, open to all ages. All DYSON DITCH REFUGE UNITS                                                      hunting is on designated field only.
Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - the last day of Feb.
Designated observation areas will be open year-round.                                Dog training - Daylight hours only.
Big Game    Small Game                                                        214-HAYNES BOTTOM Montgomery County
* 971 acres Access by boat only. Same as statewide seasons except as noted. All sea-      near Dotsonville, adjoining the Cumberland River sons closed during refuge closure date unless otherwise indicated. Deer        Doug Martin (615) 781-6622
* sG, wf, bg hunting is archery only; archers must comply with legal blaze orange requirements during muzzleloader and gun seasons.                              Big Game  Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. During the late duck season, Turkey - Oct. 17-28. 50 hunter quota. Two turkeys, either sex.
waterfowl and small game hunting is open only on Wednesday, Thursday, Access by boat only.
Saturday, Sunday, and the first and last day of each segment of the late duck season. Night hunting, fishing, dog training, and trapping is pro-210-EAGLE CREEK                                                                hibited in the waterfowl impoundments from Oct. 15-May 31. Participat-Wayne County
* 22,000 acres                                                    ing waterfowl hunters only in the bottoms during waterfowl seasons.
near Waynesboro Phillip Smith (931) 762-5749 *SG, BG Waterfowl - Waterfowl hunting is permitted only from registered Big Game    Small Game                                                        blinds during the late duck season.
Same as statewide seasons.
2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide                                                                                                                              59
wma              Wildlife Management Areas 215-HICK HILL                                                              218-MAPLE SPRINGS (615) 781-6622 Lewis County
* 3,608 acres                                                  Coffee County
* 122 acres south of Hohenwald                                                          north of Manchester Phillip Smith (931) 762-5749 *SG, BG                                      Wes Winton (931) 967-6101 *SG, BG Big Game  Small Game                                                      Big Game    Small Game Same as statewide seasons.                                                  Same as statewide seasons.
216-HICKORY FLATS                                                          219-MINGO SWAMP coffee County
* 800 acres                                                  Franklin County
* 370 acres Wes Winton (931) 967-6101 *SG, BG                                          west of Winchester Stacey Stevenson (931) 968-6215 *SG, wf, bg Big Game  Small Game Big Game    Small Game Region II
Same as statewide seasons.
Same as statewide seasons.
217-LAUREL HILL 220-MTSU Lawrence County
* 14,952 acres west of Lawrenceburg off Hwy. 64                                            Hickman County
* 995 acres Phillip Smith (931) 762-5749 *SG, BG                                      west of Centerville Region II Office (615) 781-6622 *SG, BG All horses must be ridden on designated trails or roads open to motorized vehicles. Possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. No fox chasing    Big Game    Small Game permitted. Unauthorized entry or presence is prohibited between sunset and sunrise.                                                                Same as statewide seasons.
221-NORMANDY Bedford/Coffee counties
* 750 acres Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Small game hunting is closed    on Normandy Lake at sunset the day before and during big game hunts.                        Region II Office (615) 781-6622 *SG, BG Big Game    Small Game Quail - Nov. 12-Jan. 31.
Same as statewide seasons.
Opossum - raccoon - Nov. 18-Feb. 5. Two raccoons per person, per night.                                                          222-OLD HICKORY Sumner/Wilson/Trousdale counties north of Lebanon on Old Hickory Lake Deer - Special regulations apply on all deer hunts. Bucks must        Dan Lavacot (615) 444-6673 have at least five antler points on one side or a 15-inch minimum outside spread.                                                                    Area consists of 6,000 huntable acres in narrow strips of land along the 21,700 acres of water on Old Hickory Lake. Of the 6,000 acres, only 1,000 acres have public land access. The remaining 5,000 acres are primarily Deer - turkey - archery - One hunt. Sep. 17-Oct. 7. Three    accessible by water.
deer, either sex (bonus deer). Three turkeys, either sex.
UNIT I Deer - gun/archery - Young Sportsman - One hunt. Oct. 8-9.            Highway 109 upstream to River Mile 267 One deer, either sex (bonus deer).                                          excluding Lock 5 Refuge *SG, WF, BG Deer - muzzleloader/archery - One hunt. Oct. 20-23. 500 hunter quota.
Big Game    Small Game One deer, either sex (bonus deer).
Deer - gun/archery - Three hunts. Nov. 11-13, 25-27, and Dec. 2-4. 500      Same as statewide seasons except as noted and small game hunting ceases hunter quota. One deer, buck only (bonus deer).                            at 3:00 p.m. (CST) during the late duck season. Raccoon and opossum hunting, trapping, and fishing prohibited in subimpoundments during waterfowl season.
Turkey - One hunt. Dec. 9-11. Two turkeys, either sex.
Dove - Same as statewide season, except Bartons Creek Peninsula Trapping - Dec. 5-Feb. 15.                                            opens September 4th and every Saturday and Wednesday thereafter of the first segment.
Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15, daylight hours only.                  Dove-Young Sportsman - Youth/Adult only hunt is Sep. 3 on Bartons Creek. Opens at 6 a.m. Lead shot permitted.
SHIELDS FARM UNIT Big Game  Small Game                                                            Waterfowl - Hunting is permitted only from registered blind sites and staked temporary blind sites during the late duck season. Same as Same as statewide seasons. Centerfire rifles and handguns prohibited.      statewide seasons except that all hunting ceases at 3:00 p.m. (CST) dur-ing the late duck season. Shooting hours on the last day of each segment of the late duck season will be same as statewide. Subimpoundments are closed, as posted, to all types of activity five days prior to the opening of the first segment of the late duck season.
60                                                                                                              2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide
Wildlife Management Areas                                                                                                        wma 224-OWL HOLLOW MILL Region II
Waterfowl - wheelchair-bound only blind site - Applications              Franklin County
* 3,000 acres must be received by the TWRA Region II Office by noon on the fourth              near Tims Ford Lake Friday in October. Persons holding a permit for another blind are not eli-      Stacy Stevenson (931) 968-6215 *SG, BG gible. Each permittee must be accompanied by at least one, but not more than three assistants (age 16 or older), who may also hunt.                      Big Game    Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.
Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15 except closed during the duck season.
Dove - Young Sportsman - Sep. 3. Maple Bend Road Field only.
UNIT II The rest of the area is closed. Young sportsmen (6-16 years of age) must Hwy. 109 downstream to Old Hickory Dam *SG, WF, BG                              be accompanied by a licensed non-hunting adult.
Big Game    Small Game                                                          Dove - Young Sportsman/Adult only - Sep. 4. Young sportsmen (6-16 years of age) must be accompanied by a licensed adult who may Same as statewide seasons.                                                      also hunt. Maple Bend field only. Rest of area closed.
Dove - Open to all ages from Sep. 5 through the remainder of the dove (615) 781-6622 Waterfowl - Same as statewide seasons. Hunting from registered            season.
blind sites only except during the early duck season. All goose hunting is from registered blinds only.                                                    225-PERCY PRIEST Davidson/Rutherford/Wilson counties UNIT III                                                                        Two units consisting of 10,768 huntable acres From River Mile 267 upstream to the old Lock 6 site                              surrounding 14,500 acres of water at River Mile 281 *SG, WF, BG                                                  bordering Percy Priest Lake Glen Rogers (615) 355-0914 Big Game    Small Game No waterfowl hunting in the Poole Knobs Rest Area.
Same as statewide seasons.
UNIT I near LaVergne north of Smyrna Air Base
* 1,408 acres Waterfowl - Same as statewide seasons. Hunting from tempo-                SG, BG rary blinds only. No blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight.                                                                      All activities except dove hunts on designated fields and scheduled field trials are prohibited on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, from Sep. 1-Apr.
223-OLD HICKORY LOCK 5 REFUGE                                                    30 unless otherwise specified. Unit I is closed to all activity from sunset to Trousdale/Wilson counties
* 900 acres                                            one-half hour before sunrise, except as noted. Additional WMA closures for north of Lebanon; Located from Hwy. 231 upstream                                special field trial dates at the managers discretion. Call (615) 781-6622 for to River Mile 265.5                                                              dates.
Dan Lavacot (615) 444-6673 Public use, including all forms of trespass, is prohibited from Nov. 15 - last day of Feb. Public entry and fishing permitted while on the main river chan-    Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Deer and fall turkey is nel passing through the refuge.                                                  archery only; archers must comply with legal blaze orange requirements during muzzleloader and gun seasons.
North of the Cumberland River right side of river heading downstream *SG, BG                                  Muzzleloader Deer Hunt same as statewide muzzleloader season except Monday through Thursday only.
Big Game    Small Game Closed to waterfowl.
Dove - Sep. 1, and each Saturday and Sunday thereafter, during the Same as statewide seasons.                                                      statewide seasons (first and second segments only) and also Labor Day.
South of the Cumberland River                                                    Shooting from staked positions only. On Sep. 1 staked positions will be left side of river heading downstream
* BG                                      assigned by a drawing held on site at 10:00 a.m. and hunters must check out at the conclusion of their hunt. Successful applicants must be at their Boat access only.                                                                staked positions at the start of shooting hours.
Quail - rabbit - Young Sportsman - Same as statewide Deer - turkey - archery - Young Sportsman - Sep. 24-25, seasons, except Mon.-Thurs. only. Shotguns only. Young sportsmen Oct. 1-2, 8-9, 15-16, 22-23, Oct. 29-30.
must be accompanied by an adult who may not hunt or carry firearms or archery equipment. Each adult must possess a valid hunting license and Deer - muzzleloader/archery - Young Sportsman - Nov. 5-6, 12.              an area permit.
Turkey - Young Sportsman - Same as statewide seasons.                            Turkey - Same as statewide season except closed Friday-Sunday until Apr. 30.
Dog Training (except retrievers) - Sep. 1-Apr. 30. Small game permit required. Training from horseback prohibited prior to Oct. 1.
Participants of sanctioned field trials may train 72 hours prior to and after scheduled dates without a small game permit. Blank ammunition only. Night time dog training is permitted.
2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide                                                                                                                              61
wma              Wildlife Management Areas 227-TIE CAMP (615) 781-6622 Retriever dog training and trials - Year-round in designated            Wayne County
* 8,088 acres areas only. Trials must be scheduled with area manager and special field      north of Waynesboro trial permits must be obtained from the Region II Office (615-781-6622)        Phillip Smith (931) 762-5749 *SG, BG at least 30 days in advance of trial dates. Participants of sanctioned field trials may train 72 hours prior to and after scheduled dates without a          Big Game    Small Game small game permit.
Bird dog, rabbit dog and fox hound trials - Sep. 1-Apr. 30. Trials must        Same as statewide seasons.
be scheduled with the area manager and special field trial permits must be obtained from the Region II Office, (615-781-6622), at least 30 days in    228-WILLIAMSPORT advance of trial dates. Field trial gallery must be kept out of standing or    Maury County
* 1,722 acres planted crops by marshals provided by sponsoring club. Fox hound trials        on Hwy. 50 approximately 10 mi. west of Columbia subject to special regulations.                                                Tommy Edwards (931) 840-4042 *SG, BG Horseback riding - Horses permitted on all areas except freshly planted All horses must be ridden on designated trails only. No riding during sched-and standing crops and special areas as posted.
uled big game hunts. Possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
Region II
UNIT II Davidson/Rutherford/Wilson counties                                            Small Game 9,360 non-contiguous acres bordering Percy Priest Reservoir *SG, WF, BG                                  Same as statewide seasons , except as noted. Small game hunting is closed at sunset the day before and during all big game hunts.
Big Game    Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Shotguns, muzzleloaders                  Dove - Same as statewide seasons, except open only on Sep. 1 and and archery only for hunting deer.                                            every Saturday during the first segment of the statewide season. Designat-ed fields only and shooting from staked positions only on Sep. 1. On Sep. 1, Archery practice - Open year-round, on designated range site only (Poole      staked positions will be assigned by a drawing held on site at 10:00 a.m.
Knobs). Target arrows only.                                                    Hunters must be present at drawing and must check out at the conclusion of the hunt. Successful applicants must be on stake at legal shooting hours.
Waterfowl - Same as statewide seasons. Temporary blinds only.
No blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight. No              Deer - archery - Three hunts. Sep. 24-26, Sep. 30-Oct. 2, waterfowl hunting in the Poole Knobs Rest Area.                                Oct. 7-9. Two deer, either sex but only one may be antlered. Bonus deer.
Deer - gun - Young Sportsman - Two hunts (no quota). Oct. 15-16, Dog training - Sep. 1-Apr. 30. No hunting or training allowed            22-23. Two deer, either sex but only one may be antlered (bonus deer).
from horseback.
Deer - muzzleloader - One hunt. Oct. 28-30. 100 hunter quota. Two deer, either sex but only one may be antlered (bonus deer).
226-SHELTON FERRY Deer - gun - Four hunts. Nov. 4-6, 11-13, 18-20, Dec. 2-4.
Montgomery County
* 628 acres 100 hunter quota. Two deer, either sex but only one may be antlered south of Clarksville (bonus deer).
Region II Office (615) 781-6622
* SG, WF, BG Big Game    Small Game                                                              Turkey - Two hunts. Mar. 31-Apr. 3, Apr. 13-16. One bearded bird per hunt. Counts toward statewide season bag limit.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Deer is archery equipment Turkey - Young Sportsman - One hunt. Mar. 24-25. One bearded bird only, except during Young Sportsman hunt.
counts toward statewide bag limit.
Shooting Range - Montgomery Co. Shooting Complex. See page 44.
Crow - Sep. 1-Feb. 28. All crow hunting limited to Saturdays during the month of September during the first segment of dove season; thereafter on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15, daylight hours only.
229-YANAHLI Maury County
* 12,800 acres South east of Columbia Tommy Edwards (931) 840-4042 *SG, wf, BG Horses must be ridden on designated trails only. Possession of alcoholic bev-erages is prohibited. During daylight hours, all users outside of an enclosed vehicle or out of camp must wear fluorescent orange during the deer gun and muzzleloader seasons.
Big Game    Small Game Same as statewide seasons. All treestands must be marked with hunters TWRA ID number.
Shooting Range - See page 44.
62                                                                                                                2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide
Wildlife Management Areas                                                                                                              wma Big Bottom Unit Region III
PICK ETT      322 CLAY                                                                            Unauthorized entry is prohibited between sunset and sunrise. Motorized 325                                                                vehicles and ATVs restricted to designated roads. Camping in designated JACKSON 314              324                                        areas only. Wild hogs may be taken during deer season by a legal deer hunter.
308                                      FENTRESS 307                          301 327                  OVERTON                                                            Big Game    Small Game MORGAN PUTNAM Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.
310                                              303 315 DEKALB                                        316                            319 WHITE              CUMBERLAND 317                    E                        Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.
N 321                                                              OA 302                                  R 320                    303-CATOOSA VANBUREN                                          329                      Cumberland/Morgan counties
* 79,740 acres WARREN 311 RHEA M                                  I-40 exits, Peavine, Genesis, and Westel roads EI G BLEDSOE              330        S                            Jim Lane (931) 456-2479 *SG, BG 306 (931) 484-9571 313 SE                                                              MONROE Entire area open on all deer hunts. Catoosa WMA will be closed to all users QU                          306 306                                    Feb. 1 through last Friday in March except for walk-in small game hunting GRUNDY              C        306                        MCMINN AT 306                                      from Feb. 1-last day of Feb. Guides prohibited on all hunts. Unauthorized HI E                                                    305          entry or presence is prohibited between sunset and sunrise. During big game 326 HAMILTON                                                    hunts, the area is open only to legal big game hunting participants. ATVs 305 309                                                                  and motorized bikes are permitted only by individuals possessing a hunting MARION                      328          BRADLEY              POLK 323                                                                        and fishing license and a WMA permit, from the fourth Saturday in August 318            304                      312            through the spring squirrel season. ATVs, motorized bikes, and horseback riders may not enter the area except through gated TWRA access points.
Wild hogs may be taken during any deer hunt. Chasing fox, coyotes, bobcat 301-ALPINE MOUNTAIN                                                                                or wild hogs with dogs is not permitted. Big game hunters are required to Overton County
* 1,642 acres                                                                      check out big game and wild hogs at the WMA check stations when stations Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *SG, BG                                                          are in operation. Attention: Wild Hog Hunters there have been three (3) documented cases of Brucellosis in hogs on Catoosa. Use caution when Big Game    Small Game                                                                          handling harvested hogs. For info on this disease see page 19.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.                                                        Small Game  Big Game Same as statewide seasons except closes at sunset on the day before and Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.                                                              during big game hunts unless otherwise noted. Dogs prohibited during the spring squirrel season. Walk-in hunting only from Feb. 1 - last day of 302-BRIDGESTONE/FIREsTONE                                                                        Feb. Closed to all hunting Mar. 1 through the 4th Friday in Aug., except CENTENNIAL WILDERNESS                                                                          during turkey and spring squirrel seasons.
White County
* 10,000 acres                                                                        Bullfrog - Apr. 1-Sep. 1. No hunting during turkey hunts.
on the Cumberland County line 6 miles south of Hwy. 70S James Douglas (931) 935-3280 *SG, BG Opossum - raccoon - Sunset Nov. 1 to sunrise Dec. 31 No ATVs, motorcycles, or horseback riding permitted. Closed to all non-                            except closes at sunset on the day before and during big game hunts.
hunting activities during big game hunts.
Small Game Deer - On all hunts, antlered deer must have a minimum of 4 points Closed to quail hunting.                                                              on one antler or a 15-inch minimum outside antler spread on all hunts.
Same as statewide season except as noted. Closed to all hunting Mar. 1 through the 4th Friday in Aug., except during turkey and spring squirrel                                Deer - archery - Three hunts. Oct. 15-17, 18-20, 21-23. Two deer, seasons. Small game hunting and dog training closed at sunset on the                              no more than one antlered (bonus deer). Area checking stations oper-day before and during scheduled deer and turkey hunts.                                            ated.
Deer - gun/archery - Young Sportsman - One hunt. Oct. 29-30. Two Turkey - Same as statewide seasons.                                                deer, no more than one antlered (bonus deer).
Deer - gun/archery - One hunt. Nov. 10-12. Station quota: Genesis Deer - archery - Sep. 24-Oct. 28, Oct. 31- Nov. 4. Bag limit same                          1,000; Bicolor 1,000. One deer, buck only (bonus deer).
as statewide season.                                                                              Deer - muzzleloader/archery - One hunt. Nov. 17-19. Station quota:
Deer - muzzleloader/archery - Nov. 5-11. Bag limit same as statewide                              Genesis 1,000; Bicolor 1,000. One deer, buck only (bonus deer).
season.                                                                                            Deer - gun/archery - One hunt. Dec. 1-3. Station quota: Genesis 1,000; Deer - gun/archery - Nov. 19-Dec. 15. Bag limit same as statewide season.                          Bicolor 1,000. One deer, buck only (bonus deer).
Deer - Young Sportsman - Oct. 29-30. Bag limit same as statewide season.                          Deer - gun/archery - One hunt. Dec. 15-17. One deer, buck only (bonus deer). Entire area open.
Antlered deer must have a minimum of 4 points on one antler or a 15-inch minimum outside antler spread on all hunts.
Wild hogs may be taken during any deer hunt by legal deer hunters.                                      Turkey - Six hunts. Apr. 6-8, 13-15, 17-19, 24-26, Apr. 27-29, May 1-3. One turkey per hunt, not to exceed four per season.
Turkey - Young Sportsman - One hunt. Apr. 21-22. One turkey (bonus bird).
Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.
2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide                                                                                                                                                63
wma              Wildlife Management Areas (931) 484-9571 Trapping - Jan. 1-31. Any fishers caught must be released if found in a trap alive. Fishers found dead in traps must be presented to the TWRA.          Same as statewide seasons except as noted. Small game hunting in bear reserves and party hunt area (during quota hunts), prohibited one day Dog Training - Closed.                                                      before and during bear/wild hog hunts. Small game hunters, except rac-coon and opossum hunters, must wear 500 square inches of fluorescent orange during muzzleloader and gun season. Dogs permitted for squirrel Shooting Range - See page 44.                                              hunting outside of bear reserve Jan. 1 - last day of Feb. Spring squirrel season is closed. Area closed to all hunting Mar. 1-4th Friday in August 304-CHARLOTTE ANN FINNELL NEAL                                                    except during turkey season.
Bradley County
* 495 acres Region iii office (931) 484-9571
* sg,wf, bg Deer - wild hog - archery - One hunt. Sep. 17-23. One deer, either Use of motorized vehicles prohibited.                                            sex (bonus deer). Wild hogs, no limit.
Wild hog - gun - dogs permitted - Two hunts. Oct. 3-7, Dec. 30-Jan.
Region III
: 2. Hunting confined to that area outside the Tellico and Ocoee Bear Reserves. Wild hogs, no limit.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Archery equipment only for deer hunting. Deer season closes Dec. 16.
Deer - wild hog - muzzleloader -One hunt. Oct. 28-30. One deer, buck only (bonus deer). Wild hogs, no limit.
Small Game Small game season is Dec. 17 - last day of Feb., except squirrel    Deer - wild hog - gun - Young Sportsman - One hunt. Nov 5-6. One season is also open from last Sat. in Aug. to Sep. 23 and during the spring      deer, either sex (bonus deer). Wild hogs, no limit.
squirrel season. Dogs are not permitted during spring squirrel season.
Deer - wild hog - gun - Two hunts. Nov. 19-29, Dec. 16-25. Two deer, buck only (bonus deer). Wild hogs, no limit.
Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.
305-South CHEROKEE                                                                      Bear - wild hog - gun - dogs permitted - Four hunts. Oct. 1-2, 8-9, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, Dec. 1-14. One bear, either sex. Wild hog, no limit.
along the Tennessee-North Carolina state line south of Hunting confined to that area outside the Ocoee and Tellico Bear Re-the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
* 250,000 acres serves. Party Dog Area closed during scheduled quota party dog hunts.
David Whitehead (423) 884-6767
* bg Includes former Ocoee and Tellico Units. Bear reserves are closed to all big            Bear - wild hog - gun - party dog hunts - Four hunts. Oct. 1-2, game hunting when the bear season is open on the South Cherokee. It is illegal    8-9, Oct. 31-Nov. 1, Dec. 1-2. Hunter quota, 75 permits per party. One to possess firearms with any breed of dog other than pointing breeds during      party permitted in each of the following areas: Upper Tellico, Lower daylight hours, excluding bear and wild hog season, except as provided. Chero-    Tellico, Upper Bald River, and Lower Bald River. One bear, either sex.
kee WMA Nonquota Big Game permit (Type 095, Type 167 or Type 094) or              Wild hogs, no limit. Non-hunting youth under the age of 13 may ac-Sportsman License required to hunt the nonquota big game hunts. Some roads        company an adult hunter (18 years old or older) who has a valid party normally open to public travel may be closed from Dec. 15-March 31. Wild          hunt permit. Juveniles must also comply with all regulations specified for hog hunting is permitted as indicated. During gun and muzzleloader wild hog      permitted hunters.
hunts all wild hog hunters must comply with the Big Game Hunter Orange requirements. All hogs harvested must be checked in at WMA check station if check station is in operation. If WMA check station is not in operation, hogs must be checked in at a county check station or through the internet and desig-nated as South Cherokee hogs.
CHEROKEE PARTY HUNT COMPARTMENTS Upper Tellico South Cherokee                                                            The portion of the Tellico River drainage lying north of the Tellico River Road, south of the North River Road and west BEAR RESERVES                                                            of the North Carolina line.
Ocoee Bear Reserve                                                                Lower Bald River The Cherokee Wildlife Management Area and private                                That portion of the Bald River and Tellico River drainages inholdings bounded on the north by Ocoee Lake and Ocoee                          lying south of the Tellico River Road, and north of the Holly River, on the south by the Tennessee/Georgia state line and on                    Flats Road.
the east and west by the National Forest Boundary.
Lower Tellico Tellico Bear Reserve                                                              That portion of the Tellico River drainage lying east of Turkey The Cherokee Wildlife Management Area in Monroe County                            Creek, north of the Tellico River Road, west of the North that lies north of the Tellico-Robbinsville Road, east of                        Carolina state line, and south of the Tellico-Robbinsville Forest Service Road 35, south of Forest Service Road 26                          Road.
and west of the ridge running from Farr Gap through Little Fodderstack to Big Fodderstack and following the North                            Upper Bald River Carolina state line to the Tellico-Robbinsville Road.                            That portion of the Bald River and Tellico River drainages lying south of the Tellico River road, south of the Holly Flats For other bear reserves, see page 71.                                            Road, and north of the North Carolina state line.
64                                                                                                                  2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide
Wildlife Management Areas                                                                                                      wma October. Quota application period runs from Sep. 7-Oct. 12. Hunters Region III
Opossum - raccoon - Outside of Tellico and Ocoee Bear            selected for a blind site may bring up to three additional hunters. No Reserves Nov. 7-16, Jan. 1-last day of Feb.. Tellico and Ocoee Bear Re-      more than four hunters per blind. No blind site may be hunted unless the serves open for raccoon hunting, Jan. 1-last day of Feb. .22 caliber short,  hunter selected for that assigned blind site and date is present. Hunters and long rifle are the only legal firearms on a raccoon hunt.                may leave in place decoys and a temporary blind at their blind site during their assigned hunt date, but must remove all decoys at the end of their last hunt date. Young Sportsman hunters may hunt blind sites during the Trapping - Jan. 1-last day of Feb.                                      youth waterfowl season on a first come, first serve basis. Youth hunters during the youth waterfowl season must enter the hunting area only from established TWRA parking areas.
Bear Dog Training - Sep. 8-13. No bears may be harvested.
No firearms or archery equipment may be possessed. No training in reserves.                                                                          Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15 except closed during the late duck season.
307-CORDELL HULL Shooting ranges - Open daylight hours only (see page 44).
Jackson/Smith counties
* 25,000 acres Safety Zone - On the Cherokee WMA, hunting or discharging a firearm          includes all property posted and painted with is prohibited within 150 yards of a developed recreation area, camp-(931) 484-9571 Corps of Engineer and/or TWRA signs site, residence, building, occupied area, across or on a National Forest      Gary Black (931) 484-9571 *SG, WF, BG system road. Contact the appropriate U.S. Forest Service office for more information.                                                                  Big Game  Small Game Horseback riding - Horseback riding on properties owned by the U.S.
Forest Service shall be the same as U.S. Forest Service regulations. Con-    Same as statewide seasons except deer hunting ends on Dec. 16.
tact the U.S. Forest Service (423-476-9700). On those properties owned or leased by the TWRA, horseback riding is only allowed upon roads opened for vehicle travel. No riding off road into openings, fields, trails                    Wheelchair-Bound Hunter Zone - That area in the or through streams.                                                          old Corps of Engineers Roaring River Campground area of Cordell Hull WMA (north of Hwy. 135, north of Roaring River, south and east of Dog Training - Dog training prohibited unless otherwise specified. The        Hwy 85, and west of old Roaring River Iron Bridge Road).
use or possession of any electronic tracking devices from Mar. 1-Aug. 15 is illegal. Hunting of coyotes with dogs is prohibited.                      Turkey - Wheelchair-bound zone (that portion of Cordell Hull WMA known as the Old Roaring River Campground, as posted) - Mar. 31-May 13.
Wheelchair-bound hunters only. Two turkeys, either sex (bonus birds).
306-CHICKAMAUGA Bradley/Hamilton/McMinn/Meigs/Rhea counties
* 4,000 acres Soddy Creek, Sale Creek R & J OUTFITTERS Greg Atchley (931) 484-9571 *NP Cottonport, Washington Ferry Bernie Swiney (423) 365-9166 *NP                                              Affordable trophy whitetail hunts in N.W. Missouri Shelton Bottoms, Mud Creek, New Bethal, Moon Island, Goodfield Creek, Gillespie Bend, Agency Creek, Sugar Creek, South Mouse Creek Units Rob Klippel (423) 334-4788 *NP Big Game  Small Game Same as statewide seasons. No waterfowl hunters permitted on units from two hours after legal shooting hours have ended until 4:00 a.m. the following day during the entire statewide duck season(s).
Candies Creek, Johnson Bottoms, Rogers Creek 176 B&C Jason Jackson (423) 614-3018 *SG, WF, BG Yellow Creek Units                                                              5-Day, Fully Guided, Fair Chase Hunts Bernie Swiney (423) 365-9166 *SG, WF, BG with Lodging start at only $1,700.00!
Big Game  Small Game Thousands of private acres.
Same as statewide seasons, except units closed to all forms of trespass, fishing, trapping and hunting of all species, on Monday, Tuesday and                      No trophy fees or hidden charges.
Wednesday during the statewide duck seasons.
Waterfowl hunting permitted on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday and the first and last day of the duck season. Waterfowl hunting        Ray: 786-319-1367 John: 786-394-3536 ends at 3:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday only. No waterfowl hunters or other activities permitted on units from two hours after legal shoot-ing hours have ended until 4:00 a.m. the following day during the duck seasons. Hunting is allowed only from registered blinds sites. Blind sites and hunting dates will be allocated through a computer drawing held in 2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide                                                                                                                            65
wma              Wildlife Management Areas Deer - gun/archery - Wheelchair-bound hunter zone - Nov. 19-20.
(931) 484-9571 Bag limit 2 deer, no more than one antlered (bonus deer). Wheelchair-                Squirrel - Dec. 1 - last day of Feb. Shotguns only. Spring squirrel bound hunters only.                                                            season is closed.
Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.                                                Deer - archery - One hunt. Nov. 5-7. 300 hunter quota. Two deer, no more than one antlered (bonus deer).
308-CORDELL HULL REFUGE Deer - archery - One hunt. Nov. 8-13. Two deer, no more than one Jackson County
* 600 acres antlered (bonus deer).
near Gainesboro between Freestate Bridge Hwy 85A and Hwy 56 Bridge Gary Black (931) 484-9571 *SG, wf, bg                                              Turkey - archery - Apr. 7-15. One turkey per day, not to exceed two turkeys (bonus bird).
Public use including all forms of trespass and hunting is prohibited from Nov. 15 - last day of Feb., except as otherwise indicated. Public entry per-  312-FOURTH FRACTIONAL TOWNSHIP mitted while on the main river channel passing through the refuge. Fishing Region III
by boat allowed during refuge closure in marked river channel only.            Polk County
* 1,107 acres near Copper Hill Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *NP Big Game    Small Game Closed to quail hunting.
ATVs and motorcycles prohibited.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. All seasons closed during refuge closure date, including dog training. Deer season is Sep. 26-Oct. 28.
Big Game    Small Game Deer - archery - wheelchair-bound - Sep. 24-25. One deer,        Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Big game is archery-only.
either sex (bonus deer).                                                      Archers must comply with legal blaze orange requirements during muzzleloader and gun seasons. Beagles and pointing breed dogs only.
Deer - gun/archery - wheelchair-bound - Nov. 5-6. One deer, either            Shotguns only, with No. 6 shot or smaller for small game. Dogs are not sex (bonus deer).                                                              permitted during spring squirrel season.
Dog training - Sep. 1-Nov. 14, Mar. 1-15, daylight hours only.                Dog training - beagles and pointing breeds only.
309-CUMMINGS COVE                                                              313-HIWASSEE REFUGE Hamilton/Marion counties
* 1,200 acres                                        Meigs/Rhea counties
* 2,500 acres Region iii office (931) 484-9571
* sg, wf, bG                                  on Chickamauga Reservoir WMA Office (423) 614-3018 *SG, WF, BG There is currently no public access for Cummings Cove. The only access at present is through private properties with the permission from the various    Refuge is closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 through the landowners. TWRA is working on solving this problem, but this situation        last day of Feb., except the wildlife viewing area is open year-round. Public may not be resolved before the 2011-12 hunting season.                        entry and fishing is permitted while on the main river channel passing through the refuge.
Big Game    Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.                                                Closed to spring and fall squirrel hunting on the Hiwassee Island.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. All seasons closed during Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.
refuge closure date unless otherwise indicated. Nontoxic shot approved 310-EDGAR EVINS STATE PARK                                                    by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is required for small game hunt-ing. Small game hunting and dog training is closed at sunset on the day DeKalb County
* 6,000 acres                                                    before and during scheduled big game hunts, unless special exception is on Center Hill Lake                                                            indicated.
Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *NP Big Game    Small Game                                                              Dove - Sep. 1, 3. Noon to sunset only on Sep. 1. No access permit-ted by boat.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to spring squirrel on north side of Center Hill Lake.
Dove - Young Sportsman - Sep. 10. Noon to sunset only. No ac-cess permitted by boat. Hunters must pre-register for hunt online. Regis-Dog Training - Same as statewide, except closed on north side of          tration and hunt information will be available at
Center Hill Lake.
Squirrel - Fourth Saturday in Aug. - second Saturday in Sep. To 311-FALL CREEK FALLS STATE PARK                                                include all of the Hiwassee Refuge except Hiwassee Island.
Bledsoe/Van Buren counties
* 7,000 acres off Hwy. 30 between Pikeville and Spencer Region III Office (931) 484-9571
* BG                                                Spring Squirrel - Same as statewide.
All hunters are required to register and obtain a free permit at the park Spring Turkey - Same as statewide.
headquarters (423) 881-5298. Dog training prohibited. Vehicle parking restricted to designated parking areas only during the hunting season. No parking allowed on roadside grass. All deer and turkey hunters must sign                Opossum - raccoon - Sep. 10-Nov. 12. Hunting on Tuesday register at the horse stables before hunting.                                  and Wednesday nights only. Two raccoons per person per night.
66                                                                                                                2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide
Wildlife Management Areas                                                                                                  wma Region III
Deer - archery - One hunt. Sep. 23-25. 250 hunter quota. Two              Deer - Same as statewide Unit A season. Closed to county non-deer, either sex (bonus deer).                                              quota antlerless deer hunts.
Deer - archery - One hunt. Oct. 7-9. Two deer, either sex (bonus deer).
Deer - muzzleloader - One hunt. Oct. 21-23. 200 hunter quota. Two                Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.
deer, either sex (bonus deer).
318-NORTH CHICKAMAUGA CREEK Deer - muzzleloader - One hunt. Nov. 11-13. 150 hunter quota. Two deer, either sex (bonus deer).                                              Hamilton County
* 5,400 acres Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *SG, wf, bg Deer - shotgun/muzzleloader - Young Sportsman - One hunt. Sep. 17-18.
100 hunter quota. Two deer, either sex (bonus deer).                        Hixson, Rogers, Sutton, Thrasher Bottoms, Vandergriff, and Varner Units.
Also includes Flipper Bend Unit of North Wood duck/teal, Canada goose - Same as statewide September            Chickamauga Creek Gorge State Natural seasons. No waterfowl hunters allowed on refuge from two hours after        Area shooting hours have ended until 4:00 a.m. the following day.
No motorized vehicles outside parking areas. Area closed after sunset except (931) 484-9571 for opossum and raccoon hunters. Trespass prohibited by non-hunters on Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15, daylight hours only.                  hunt days, except on Flipper Bend Unit of North Chickamauga Creek Gorge Retriever field trials - Pre-approved by area manager at least 30 days in  SNA. Dogs are not permitted on North Chickamauga Creek Gorge SNA.
advance of trial dates.
Big Game  Small Game 314-JACKSON SWAMP                                                                                  Closed to quail hunting.
Overton County
* 203 acres                                                  Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. All hunting ends on Jan. 31 Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *SG, WF, BG                              except for spring squirrel and spring turkey. The bag limit for rabbits is 3 per day. Shotguns loaded with #4 shot or smaller only (except waterfowl).
Big Game  Small Game                                                      Hunting allowed only on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, unless excep-Closed to quail hunting.                      tion is indicated.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.
Dove - Sep. 1 and every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of the statewide dove season. Noon until sunset only. No dove hunters or dove Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.
hunting equipment on dove fields prior to 7:00 a.m. on opening day of 315-KEYES-HARRISON                                                          the first segment of the dove season.
Cumberland County
* 1,740 acres Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *NP                                            Deer - Archery equipment only. Archers must comply with the big game hunter orange requirements during the statewide deer gun or Big Game  Small Game                                                      muzzleloader hunts.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Dogs are not permitted dur-ing spring squirrel season.                                                      Turkey - Hunting ends at noon each day.
Waterfowl - Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and the first and last day Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.
of the statewide season, including the youth waterfowl season. Shotguns 316-Luper Mountain                                                          loaded with BBB shot or smaller. Hunting ends at noon each day including the youth waterfowl season. Hunting from temporary blinds only. No Cumberland County
* 2,070 acres blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight.
Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *NP Big Game  Small Game                                                          Trapping - Friday before Thanksgiving - Jan. 31. Traps must be checked daily. North Chickamauga Creek Gorge SNA closed to trapping.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Dogs are not permitted dur-ing spring squirrel season.
Dog training - Sep. 1-Jan. 31, except closed to training during the late duck season. Dog training not permitted on North Chickamauga Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.                                        Creek Gorge SNA.
317-MT. ROOSEVELT                                                          Patton Unit Cumberland/Roane/Morgan counties
* 11,000 acres                            All motorized vehicles must stay on main road while transiting the area.
Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *NP                                      Possession of alcoholic beverages prohibited.
ATVs and motorized bikes are permitted only by individuals possessing a      Big Game  Small Game hunting and fishing license and a WMA permit, from the fourth Saturday in August through the spring squirrel season.                              Same as statewide seasons.
Big Game  Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to all nonhunting activities during big game hunts.
2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide                                                                                                                          67
wma              Wildlife Management Areas 319-OAK RIDGE (931) 484-9571 Big Game    Small Game Roane/Anderson counties
* 37,000 acres Jim Evans (865) 576-2380 *SG, wf, bg                                          Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. All seasons closed during refuge closure date, including dog training. Archery equipment only for Shotguns, muzzleloading rifles and archery equipment only. On big game          deer; archers must comply with legal blaze orange requirements during quota hunts and on approved scouting days for all zones, except Tower          muzzleloader and gun seasons. Shotguns only for small game. Non-toxic Shielding and Chestnut Ridge/Park City Road Zone, one non-hunting juve-        shot required for small game hunting.
nile under the age of 16 may accompany an adult hunter (18 years old or older) who has a valid WMA quota permit. During deer hunts, non-hunting juveniles must also comply with fluorescent orange regulations specified for          Dog training - Sep. 1-Nov. 14, Mar. 1-15.
legal hunters. No boat access except for Haw Ridge Park during deer hunts and waterfowl hunters accessing Solway and Freels Bend on Sep. 3, 5, 10        321-PEA RIDGE and Saturdays during October Canada Goose season. Except for the spring        DeKalb County
* 1,550 acres turkey season, all big game hunters must wear fluorescent orange during all    Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *SG, BG hunts, including archery hunters in the archery-only zones. Hunters must Region III
carry, at all times, hunting license and permit, valid picture identification    Big Game    Small Game (youth excluded), and signed current hunt map. Dog training prohibited.                                          Closed to quail hunting.
Hunters are required to check out big game at WMA check station.                Same as statewide seasons.
Deer scouting dates - 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Oct. 15 for the                    Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.
Oct. 22-23 permit holders and approved youths only; Nov. 5 for the Nov. 12-13 permit holders and approved youths only; Dec. 3 for the Dec.        322-PICKETT STATE FOREST 10-11 permit holders and approved youths only.                                  Pickett County
* 11,000 acres Deer - shotgun/muzzleloader - gun zones only - Three hunts.                    Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *NP Oct. 22-23, Nov. 12-13, and Dec. 10-11. 450 hunter quota. Two deer, no more than one antlered (bonus deer).                                            Big Game    Small Game Deer - archery - Park City Road, Chestnut Ridge Zone - Three hunts.            Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.
Oct. 22-23, Nov. 12-13, and Dec. 10-11. 250 hunter quota. Two deer, no more than one antlered (bonus deer). One turkey, either sex.
Deer - archery - Poplar Creek Road Zone - Three hunts. Oct. 22-23,                    Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.
Nov. 12-13, and Dec. 10-11. 175 hunter quota. Two deer, no more than one antlered (bonus deer). One turkey, either sex.                              323-PRENTICE COOPER STATE FOREST Deer - archery - Tower Shielding Zone - Three hunts. Oct. 22-23, Nov.
12-13, and Dec. 10-11. 250 hunter quota. Two deer, no more than one            Marion County
* 24,000 acres antlered (bonus deer). One turkey, either sex.                                  on Hwy. 27 five miles east of Powells Crossroads Clint Smith (423) 658-0298 *SG, BG Turkey - Two hunts. Apr. 14-15, 21-22. 225 hunter quota. One            Unauthorized entry or presence is prohibited between sunset and sunrise.
turkey (bonus bird). Hunting ends at noon daily. Successful hunters must        ORVs, horseback riding, bicycles, and all other vehicles are restricted to roads, be at the check station by 1:00 p.m. Hunts subject to cancellation for          trails or routes designated for their use. Organized competition events for national security reasons. Hunting area may be reduced. Turkey scouting        motorized vehicles is prohibited. The maximum noise limit for all motorized date is 7:00 a.m. to noon Apr. 7 for the Apr. 14-15 and Apr. 21-22 permit      vehicles is 86 dBa, as measured 50 feet from the exhaust, except as otherwise holders and approved youths only.                                              permitted. Reckless operation of motorized and non-motorized vehicles is prohibited. Reckless operation is defined as operating a vehicle in a reckless or negligent manner as to endanger the life and limb of others, or property or de-Waterfowl - One half hour before sunrise to noon. Hunting on              velopments of the State, or property of any person. The maximum speed limit Solway and Freels Bend only from the shoreline to Solway Bend Farm              is 25 mph or less if otherwise posted. All side roads and trails will be closed to Road and from the shoreline to Freels Bend Farm Road. Access by boat            motorized vehicles Dec. 20-Mar. 15. Big game hunters are required to check from Melton Hill Reservoir only. Hunting from temporary blinds only.            out big game at the WMA check station when station is in operation.
Wood Duck /Teal - Sep. 10 Small Game Canada Goose - Sep. 3, 5, 10 and Saturdays during the October Canada                        Closed to quail hunting.
goose season. Goose hunting closed on scheduled deer scouting or hunt-ing days in Oct.                                                                Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Small game hunting and dog training will close at sunset the day before and during scheduled big 320-PAINT ROCK REFUGE                                                          game hunts unless otherwise indicated.
Roane County
* 1,600 acres on Watts Bar Lake                                                                            Fox - opossum - raccoon - Third Friday in Oct. through Rob Klippel (865) 717-0579 *NP                                                Jan. 30, except hunting limited to Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday nights only. Closed at sunset the day before and during scheduled big Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - last day of Feb. Pub-    game hunts. Bag limit is one per party, per night.
lic entry and fishing is permitted while on the main river channel passing through the refuge.
Deer - archery - One hunt. Sep. 17-19. 500 hunter quota. Two deer, no more than one antlered (bonus deer).
Deer - archery - One hunt. Sep. 20-25. Two deer, no more than one antlered (bonus deer). No area checking station operated.
Deer - muzzleloader/archery - One hunt. Oct. 13-15. 350 hunter quota.
Two deer, no more than one antlered (bonus deer).
68                                                                                                                    2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide
Wildlife Management Areas                                                                                                      wma Deer - gun/archery - Young Sportsman - One hunt. Oct. 29-30. Two              Horses - Permitted except on freshly planted fields, standing crops and Region III
deer, no more than one antlered (bonus deer).                                special areas as posted.
Deer - gun/archery - One hunt. Nov. 4-6. One deer, buck only (bonus deer).
Deer - gun/archery - One hunt. Nov. 26-Dec. 1. Two deer, buck only                  Dove - Young Sportsman - Sep. 5. Opens at noon.
(bonus deer).
Squirrel/Rabbit - shotgun/archery - Young Sportsman -
Turkey - Six hunts. Apr. 3-5, 6-8, 11-13, 19-21, 24-26, 27-29.          Same as statewide seasons, except Monday through Thursday only.
One turkey per hunt, not to exceed four turkeys.
Deer - shotgun/archery - Young Sportsman - One hunt. Dec. 17.
Trapping - Dec. 16-28.                                                  35 hunter quota. One deer, either sex (bonus deer).
Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.                                                Dog training - Closed during field trials and big game hunts.
Daylight hours only.
Shooting Range - See page 40.                                          Field trials - Sep. 1-Apr. 15. Trials must be scheduled with area man-(931) 484-9571 ager and special field trial permit obtained from the Region III Office (931-484-9571) at least 30 days prior to trial dates. Field trial gallery 324-Skinner Mountain must be kept out of standing or planted crops by marshals provided by Fentress County
* 4,193 acres                                                sponsoring clubs.
Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *NP CHOTA REFUGE UNIT ATVs and motorized bikes are permitted only by individuals possessing a      That portion from LTRM 26.0 upstream to the Hiwassee-Alcoa Powerline hunting and fishing license and WMA permit, from the fourth Saturday in      at LTRM 29.7 August through the spring squirrel season.
Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - last day of Feb.
Big Game    Small Game except in designated observation areas.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.                                    Big Game    Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. All seasons closed dur-Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.                                          ing refuge closure date. Deer hunting closed Nov. 1-14. Non-toxic shot approved by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service required for small game 325-STANDING STONE STATE FOREST                                              hunting as posted.
Overton County
* 8,764 acres Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *NP                                                      Quail - rabbit - Nov. 1-14.
Big Game    Small Game Dog training - Mar. 1-Oct 31.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.                                  Field trials - Mar. 1-Oct. 31. Trials must be scheduled with area man-ager and special field trial permit must be obtained from the Region III Deer - Same as statewide seasons, except buck-only bag limit during      Office (931-484-9571) at least 30 days prior to trial dates.
the muzzleloader season. Closed to county special season antlerless hunts.
327-THE BOILS Jackson County
* 119 acres Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.                                          Region iii * (931) 484-9571
* sg, wf, bg 326-TELLICO LAKE                                                              Big Game    Small Game (Including Wears Bend) (That                                                                            Closed to quail hunting.
portion of Tellico Reservoir                                            Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.
Developement Agency Industrial Park a LTRM 18.0)
Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.
Monroe County
* 8,000 acres David Whitehead (423) 884-6767 *SG, BG                                      328-Enterprise South Park Field trial permit required.                                                      (Formerly Volunteer Army Ammunition Plant)
Big Game    Small Game                                                      Hamilton County
* 1800 acres Region iii Office * (931) 484-9571
* sg, wf, bg No blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight.
Hunters are required to check out big game at WMA check station when McGHEE-CARSON UNIT                                                            check station is in operation. Closed to dog training.
That peninsula of Fort Loudoun Historic Park at Little Tennessee River Mile
[LTRM] 21.0.
Deer - turkey - archery - Two hunts. Oct. 10-11, 24-25.
All small game hunting is for Young Sportsman (ages 6-16) only. Youths        80 hunter quota. Two deer, either sex, first deer harvested must be antler-must be accompanied by a licensed adult, 21 years of age or older, who may    less (bonus deer). One turkey, either sex.
not hunt or carry hunting devices. Each adult must possess a valid hunting license and area permit.
2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide                                                                                                                            69
wma              Wildlife Management Areas 329-WATTS BAR (931) 484-9571 Small Game Roane County
* 3,880 acres                                                                        Closed to quail hunting.
primarily on islands and access areas on Watts Bar Lake                          Same as statewide season, except as noted. Small game seasons closed in Rob Klippel (865) 717-0579 *NP                                                  Wetland Zone from Nov. 15 - last day of Feb. Small game hunting closes at sunset the day before and during scheduled big game hunts.
Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Waterfowl hunting allowed                  Rabbit - Nov. 7-last day of Feb. Bag Limit is 3 per day.
from temporary blinds only. No blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight.
Dove - Young Sportsman - Sep. 3. Noon to sunset.
Dove - Sep. 4-24.
Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.                                                                Opossum - raccoon - Same as statewide seasons except Iron Hill Island
* NP Region III
closed after Nov. 10. Hunting permitted on Wednesdays and Thursdays only, sunset to sunrise. All dogs need to be removed from the area prior LONG ISLAND UNIT
* SG, WF, BG                                                    to sunrise on Friday. Raccoon bag limit, one per party per night. No limit THIEF NECK ISLAND UNIT
* NP                                                      on opossums.
Big Game    Small Game Deer - Antlered deer must have a minimum of 4 points on one Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Deer is archery only, except        antler or a 15 inch minimum outside spread.
juveniles may use shotgun/muzzleloader/archery equipment during the Young Sportsman hunts. Centerfire rifles prohibited. Small game hunting                      Deer - turkey - archery - Two hunts. Oct. 1-2, 15-16. 100 is archery and shotgun only. Small game hunting and dog training closed          hunter quota. Two deer, no more than one antlered (bonus deer). One at sunset on the day before and during scheduled deer and turkey hunts on        turkey, either sex.
Thief Neck Island Unit. Non-toxic shot approved by the U.S. Fish & Wild-life Service required for small game hunting on Long Island Unit.
Deer - gun/archery - Young Sportsman - Two hunts. Oct. 8-9, Oct. 29-30. 75 hunter quota. Two deer, only one antlered (bonus deer).
Trapping - Same as statewide except closed during the duck sea-son on Long Island Unit.                                                        Deer - muzzleloader/archery - One hunt. Oct. 22-23. 50 hunter quota.
One deer, either sex (bonus deer).
330-YUCHI REFUGE                                                                Deer - gun/archery - One hunt. Nov. 5-6. 50 hunter quota. One deer, Rhea County
* 2,364 Acres                                                        either sex (bonus deer).
Bernie Swiney (423) 365-9166 *SG, WF, bg Non-toxic shot only in Wetland Zone. Wetland Zone closed to all forms              Deer - gun - wheelchair-bound only - One hunt. Nov. 12-13.
of public use, including all forms of trespass, from Nov. 15 - the last day of  One deer, either sex (bonus deer).
Feb. No boat access. No ATV, ORV, or horseback riding permitted.
On big game quota hunts, one non-hunting juvenile under the age of                  Turkey - Five hunts. Mar. 30-Apr. 1, Apr. 13-15, 20-22, 24-26, 16 may accompany an adult hunter (18 years or older) who has a valid            May 1-3. 10 hunter quota. One turkey (bonus bird). Hunting ends at WMA quota permit. During deer gun hunts, non-hunting juveniles must              noon each day. No access by boat. Walk-in only.
also comply with fluorescent orange regulations specified for legal hunters.
Hunters required to check out big game at WMA check station when check station is in operation.                                                              Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15 in Upland Zone. Sep. 1-Nov. 14 and Mar. 1-15 in Wetland Zone. Daylight hours only. No fox or coyote chasing. No dog training one day before and during scheduled big game hunts.
Retriever field trials - Must be pre-approved by area manager at least 30 days in advance of trial dates.
Americas Easiest Loading                                                      15 inches            On some WMAs, antlered bucks legal
                            & Most Accurate Sabots                                                                              for harvest must have an outside antler spread of 15 inches or larger.
DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED                                                                                When judging the size of antlers in the field, remember the general guideline that if the outside antler Toll Free: 800-922-6287                                                                            spread is wider than the bucks ears, then the outside antler spread is at                                                                            least 15 inches.
70                                                                                                                  2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide
Wildlife Management Areas                                                                                                          wma Region IV 410 HANCOCK SULLIVAN 402  JOHNSON CLAIBORNE 413 402 SCOTT                                                                HAWKINS CAMPBELL WASHINGTON        CARTER 404 403    UNION      GRAINGER N          GREENE LE 401                MB                                            402 HA                                402 411    412                  OI 408 C
ANDERSON                                                                          NI 402      402 U
KNOX JEFFERSON    414 406 COCKE 407 (423) 587-7037 402 415 ON                              SEVIER LO UD BLOUNT 409 405 401-BUFFALO SPRINGS Grainger County
* 342 acres Region IV Office (423) 587-7037 *SG, BG                                                Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Only pointing breed dogs are allowed in the bear reserve one day before and during bear hunts.
Waterfall parking area closed one hour after sunset until one hour before              Small game hunters (except raccoon and opossum hunters between sunrise. Use or possession of alcohol is prohibited in the waterfall area.              sunset and sunrise) must wear 500 square inches of fluorescent orange during muzzleloader and gun season. Wild hogs may be taken on any Big Game    Small Game                                                                big game hunt with the hunting device legal for that hunt, except wild hogs may NOT be taken in the bear reserves during bear season.
Quail hunting closed. Quail dog training only during statewide quail season. Same as statewide seasons. Dove hunting is first come, first serve and from staked positions only.
North Cherokee 402-North CHEROKEE along the Tennessee-North Carolina                                                                  BEAR RESERVES state line Region IV Office (423) 587-7037
* bg                                                        Wild hog hunting with dogs and bear hunting are not permit-ted in the following bear reserves unless a special exception Cherokee WMA Nonquota Big Game permit (Type 095, Type 167 or Type                            is provided by proclamation. Wild hog season is closed during 094) or Sportsman License required to hunt the nonquota big game hunts.                      bear season.
Some roads normally open to public travel may be closed from Dec. 15-March 31.                                                                                    Andrew Johnson Bear Reserve The Cherokee Wildlife Management Area and private inhold-ings lying southwest of Hwy. 70, east of Hwy. 107 and north Shooting ranges - Open daylight hours only (see page 44).                            of Hwys. 25-70.
Safety Zone - On the Cherokee WMA, hunting or discharging a firearm is prohibited within 150 yards of a developed recreation area, camp-                        Kettlefoot Bear Reserve site, residence, building, occupied area, across or on a National Forest                    The Cherokee Wildlife Management area and private inhold-system road. Contact the appropriate U.S. Forest Service office for more                    ings lying north of Hwy. 421, east of South Holston Lake, information.                                                                                south of the Tennessee-Virginia line, and west of Hwy. 91.
Horseback riding - Horseback riding on properties owned by the U.S.
Forest Service shall be the same as U.S. Forest Service regulations. Con-                    Laurel Fork Bear Reserve tact the U.S. Forest Service (423-476-9700). On those properties owned                      The Cherokee Wildlife Management area and private inhold-or leased by the TWRA, horseback riding is only allowed upon roads                          ings lying south of Hwy. 321, west of Poga Road, west of the opened for vehicle travel. No riding off road into openings, fields, trails                  Tennessee-North Carolina line, and north of Hwy or through streams.
Unicoi Bear Reserve Dog Training - Dog training prohibited unless otherwise specified. The use or possession of any electronic tracking devices from Mar. 1-Aug. 15 is illegal.
The Cherokee Wildlife Management Area lying west of U.S.
Hwy. 23, and the Devils Fork Road, north of the Tennessee/
NORTH CHEROKEE                                                                              North Carolina state line, east of the Horse Creek Road to Cherokee WMA north of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.                              Hwy. 107 and south of Hwy. 107 to Erwin.
On property owned or leased by the TWRA, ATV and OHV operation is                            For other bear reserves, see page 64.
2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide                                                                                                                                    71
wma              Wildlife Management Areas (423) 587-7037 Opossum - raccoon - Oct. 14 - last day in Feb. except                    Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15, daylight hours only, pointing breed closed Nov. 1-4, Nov. 25-28 and Dec. 2-15 in all bear reserves.                  dogs prohibited. Closed at sunset the day before and during scheduled big game hunts unless otherwise specified.
Deer - Same as statewide seasons except closed to special season antlerless deer hunts.                                                                  Shooting range - See page 44.
404-COVE CREEK Bear - Same as statewide seasons, except closed Sep. 24-Oct. 14.
Closed in the bear reserves.                                                    Campbell County
* 2,450 acres Region IV Office (423) 587-7037 *SG, BG Bear Dog Training - Sep. 7-Sep. 19. May train in daytime or at            Big Game  Small Game night. No bears may be harvested. No firearms or archery equipment may be possessed. No training in the bear reserves.                              Same as statewide seasons.
403-CHUCK SWAN STATE FOREST Region IV 405-FOOTHILLS Union/Campbell counties
* 24,444 acres                                          Blount County
* 11,000 acres near Maynardville                                                                Bill Smith (865) 856-9711 *SG, BG Dustin McCubbins (865) 278-3248 *SG, BG Motorized vehicles and horseback riding prohibited.
Deer driving, loud noises, and harassment on all deer hunts is prohibited.
Entering the WMA from Norris Lake during the deer and turkey hunts                Big Game  Small Game is prohibited. Guides prohibited on all hunts. Horses, ATVs, bicycles, non-licensed passenger vehicles and motorcycles are prohibited on the            Wild hogs may be taken during any hunt with hunting devices legal for that main forest road. ORV, horseback riding, bicycles, and all other vehicles        hunt. Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. The use of and/or posses-are restricted to roads marked open to vehicular traffic. Speed limit is 25    sion of any tracking device for dogs from Mar. 1 to Aug. 31 is not permitted.
mph. Organized competition events for motorized/non-motorized vehicles prohibited. Reckless operation of motorized and non-motorized vehicles prohibited. Reckless operation is defined as operating a vehicle in a reckless                Opossum - raccoon - Jan. 1-Feb. 29.
or negligent manner as to endanger the life, limb, or property of any person or damage TWRA property or developments. Maximum noise limit of 86              406-FORKS OF THE RIVER dBs for all motorized vehicles as measured at 50 feet from the exhaust.          Knox County
* 450 acres east of Knoxville Bill Smith (865) 856-9711
* sg, bg Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to hunting March 1            No motorcycle and/or ATV riding. No target practice. Closed one hour after through the 4th Friday in August except for spring turkey and spring            sunset to one hour before sunrise except for raccoon and opossum hunters and squirrel hunting. Small game hunting will close at sunset the day before        scheduled events. Bicycles are restricted to greenway trail from Sep. 24-25.
and during scheduled big game hunts unless otherwise specified. Water-          Nov. 5-20, Dec. 17-18. Paintball guns and accessories prohibited. All animals fowl is closed as posted. Quail hunting prohibited.                              accompanied by a non-hunting person are required to be leashed.
Big Game  Small Game Raccoon - Seven 1-night hunts. Nov. 5-11. Hunters must check out by 1:00 a.m. All raccoons must be checked out. One raccoon per Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. All hunting is closed from party. Party defined as all occupants of a single vehicle.
Mar. 1 - fourth Friday in Aug. except for spring squirrel and spring tur-key seasons. Shotguns, muzzleloaders, and archery equipment only.
Deer - archery - Two hunts. Oct. 14-15, 21-22. 800 hunter quota.
One deer, either sex (bonus deer).
Dove - Sep. 1, 3, 5 and every day thereafter during the statewide dove seasons. Field capacity may be limited. Pigeon open during dove Deer - gun/archery - Young Sportsman - One hunt. Oct. 29-30.              hunts only.
200 hunter quota. One deer, either sex (bonus deer).
Deer - gun/archery - Two hunts. Dec. 2-3, 9-10. 750 hunter quota. One                    Dove - Youth/Adult - Youth/Adult field on the Whaley tract only deer, buck only (bonus deer).                                                    will be open Sep. 3 and every day after during the statewide dove season.
Deer - muzzleloader/archery - One hunt. Nov. 25-26. 750 hunter quota.            The youths must be accompanied by a licensed adult who may also hunt One deer, buck only (bonus deer).                                                this field. Pigeon open during dove hunts only.
Turkey - Seven hunts. Mar. 29-31, Apr. 5-7, 12-14, 19-21, 26-28,                Waterfowl - Closed in September.
May 3-5, 10-12. 125 hunter quota. One turkey per hunt (bonus bird).
Hunters must sign in and out at the checking station. Hunting ends at            407-FORT LOUDOUN noon each day. Hunter must be at check station by 1:00 p.m.                      Knox county
* 492 acres lands owned by the TVA and public waters of Fort Loudoun Reservoir between TRM 638.5 and TRM 649.5 as posted Trapping - Jan. 8 (no raccoon) - Quota, 1 party per com-              Region IV office (423) 587-7037 *NP partment. Trappers must apply at WMA office for permit. No snares or conibear traps. Trappers must report catch annually.
Waterfowl - Same as statewide season except open only on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, one half hour before sunrise until noon.
Shot size BBB or smaller required.
72                                                                                                                  2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide
Wildlife Management Areas                                                                                                  wma 408-HENDERSON ISLAND REFUGE Region IV Big Game    Small Game Jefferson County
* 300 acres on Douglas Reservoir between river miles 42 and 44                            Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Waterfowl closed as posted.
David Sams (423) 235-4882
* sg, bg                                            Non-toxic shot is required for small game hunting as posted. No blinds, blind materials, boats or decoys may be left overnight.
Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - last day of Feb. ex-cept as otherwise indicated. Designated observation area open year-round.
Public entry and fishing permitted while in the main river channel passing            Dove - Sep. 1, 5 and every day thereafter during the statewide through the refuge. Horses prohibited.                                        dove seasons. Sep. 3 youth/adult only from sunrise to noon then open to all hunters.
Big Game    Small Game JOACHIM BIBLE REFUGE UNIT That portion of Lick Creek WMA between Murray Bridge Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. All seasons closed during Road and South Mohawk Road.
refuge closure date. All small game hunting is Young Sportsman only (ages 6-16). Youths must be accompanied by a licensed adult, 21 years        Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - last day of Feb.
of age or older, who may also hunt. Non-toxic shot approved by the U.S.      except in designated observation areas.
Fish & Wildlife Service required for small game hunting if posted.
(423) 587-7037 Big Game    Small Game Quail - rabbit - Nov. 1-14.
Same as statewide, except as noted. All seasons closed during refuge closure date. All small game hunting is Young Sportsman (ages 6-16).
Dog training - Rabbit and quail: Sep. 1-Oct. 31. All other: Mar. 1-    Youths must be accompanied by a licensed adult, 21 years of age or older, Oct. 31, daylight hours only.                                                who may also hunt. Nontoxic shot approved by the US Fish & Wildlife Service is required for small game hunting if posted.
* 350 acres Bill Smith (865) 856-9711 *SG, BG                                                Dove - Sep. 3-5 and every day thereafter during the first and second segments.
Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - last day of Feb.
except in designated observation areas.
Big Game    Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Deer hunting is archery and muzzleloader only. Turkey is Youth/Adult only open Friday-Sunday only.
Youth must be accompanied by a licensed adult who may also hunt. Wild hogs may be taken on any deer or turkey hunt with legal devices for these hunts. All seasons closed during refuge closure date. All small game Norris Lake hunting is Young Sportsman only (ages 6-16). Youths must be accom-panied by a licensed adult, 21 years of age or older, who may also hunt.
Non-toxic shot required for small game hunting as posted.
Come for any or all Spring Turkey - Youth/Adult only - Same as statewide season                                            of our four seasons:
except Friday-Sunday hunting only. Youth must be accompanied by a licensed adult who may also hunt.                                                                              ~Walleye Deer - Muzzleloader/Archery only - Same as statewide seasons.                                              ~Striper Squirrel - Young Sportsman only (ages 6-16) - Same as statewide 17 3/4 lbs.
Caught 6/1/2011                ~Bass season. Non-toxic shot is required for small game hunting as posted.                                                ~Crappie Quail - rabbit - Nov. 1-14.
Dog training - Rabbit and quail: Sep. 1-Oct. 31.
All other: Mar. 1-Oct 31, daylight hours only.
410-KYLES FORD Hancock/hawkins County
* 1,000 acres David Sams (423) 235-4882 *SG, wf, bg Big Game    Small Game Same as statewide seasons.
411-LICK CREEK BOTTOMS                                                           Greene County
* 1,400 acres David Sams (423) 235-4882 *SG, wf, bg 2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide                                                                                                                          73
wma              Wildlife Management Areas ing vines), or building stones from the area without specific authorization.
(423) 587-7037 Quail - rabbit - Nov. 1-14.                                              Camping is permitted on the entire area. Night time use by the general public and raccoon hunters is permitted area wide.
ORV, horseback riding, bicycles, and all other vehicles are restricted to roads Dog training - rabbit and quail - Sep. 1-Oct. 31. All other:
marked open to vehicular traffic. See page 13 for Special Use Permit information Mar. 1-Oct. 31, daylight hours only.
and fees. Speed limit is 25 mph. Organized competition events for motorized/
non-motorized vehicles prohibited. Reckless operation of motorized and non-mo-412-NOLICHUCKY                                                                      torized vehicles prohibited. Reckless operation is defined as operating a vehicle Greene County
* 1,000 acres                                                        in a reckless or negligent manner as to endanger the life, limb, or property of any ten miles south of Greeneville                                                      person or damage TWRA property or developments. Maximum noise limit of 86 David Sams (423) 235-4882 *SG, wf, Bg                                              dBs for all motorized vehicles as measured at 50 feet from the exhaust.
Big Game    Small Game Big Game    Small Game Closed to spring squirrel.
Same as statewide seasons.
Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to hunting March 1 -
fourth Friday in August except for spring turkey season. Archery hunters Region IV 413-North Cumberland                                                                will be required to meet legal blaze orange requirements while hunting ANDERSON, Campbell, morgan                                                          in the elk zones during the elk hunt. Wild hogs may be taken during any AND Scott counties
* 146,000 acres                                                  hunt with hunting devices legal for that hunt.
ROYAL BLUE, SUNDQUIST & NEW RIVER UNITS 35 miles north of Knoxville                                                              Elk - gun/archery - One hunt. Oct. 19-23, hunter quota 5. One elk, Stan Stooksbury (423) 566-8557 *SG, BG                                            bull only. Application for the 2011 hunt will be available in early spring.
OHV Information - Rusty Dunn (423) 562-2013 All users should be aware that hazards associated with mining (deep                    Trapping - Beaver trapping is prohibited.
and strip) exist on this area.
Public use is permitted during all hunts. During daylight hours all users out-          Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.
side of an enclosed vehicle or outside of camp must wear, on the upper portion of their body and head, a minimum of 500 square inches of daylight fluorescent orange, visible front and back, during the deer and elk gun and muzzleloader              Shooting range - See page 44.
seasons. No person shall remove minerals, including coal, trees, plants (includ-    Ginseng season - Aug. 15-Dec. 31.
414-RANKIN Cocke County
* 1,255 acres Windsor Woods David Sams (423) 235-4882 *SG, BG Big Game    Small Game Hunting Ranch                                                                Same as statewide seasons. Small game hunters (except waterfowl) must meet legal fluorescent orange requirements during big game hunts.
415-WHITES MILL Blount County
* 53 acres Bill Smith (865) 856-9711 *NP Bullfrog - Mar. 1-Nov. 14, gigs only.
Waterfowl - Youth/Adult only - Youths must be accompanied by a licensed adult who may also hunt. Saturdays only from staked positions only.
* Turkey
* Pheasant
* Quail Hunt 1,000 private acres of paradise just 90 minutes south of Nashville.
Deer hunts available from $100-$200/day!
Includes lodging and supper.
Call (931) 722-5772 74                                                                                                                        2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide}}

Latest revision as of 13:49, 6 February 2020

Twra 2011 - Wildlife Management Area Seasons
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 01/01/2011
State of TN, Wildlife Resources Agency
To: Justin Poole
Watts Bar Special Projects Branch
Poole J, NRR/DORL 415-2048
Download: ML12223A443 (29)



HAN EL C AREAS OCK SULLIV SULLIVAN CLAIBORNE JO 414 MP HA HAWKIN S TO H B N without the owners permission, whether or not such a dwelling is on 415 41 CA public or private lands.



Litter: No litter or sewage may be deposited in the area.

OHJDO IRU KDUYHVW PXVW KDYH DQ HI 404 403 GR Motorized GREENE N vehicles: All motorized vehicles must be mufflerIequipped RXWVLGH DQWOHU VSUHDG RI   402to WA L E LQFKHV RU ODUJHU :KHQ MXGJLQJ

suppress noise and be spark-arrestor 402 equipped to O prevent fires. Opera-UNION 401 A MB tion of motorized vehicles WKH VL]H RI  DQWOHUV LQ WKH ILHOG

412 I C is confined to roads not designated S

as closed.


Off-road vehicles are restricted to roads open to other traffic O N WKDWLI WKHRXWVLGHDQWOHUVSUHDG

(except where prohibited by state or federal statute) designated trails RS 408 402 during daylight LV ZLGHU WKDQ WKH EXFN*V HDUV


402hours and at other times D E KNOX when participating in authorized activities. Driving off roads into woods, JEFFERSON 413 DWOHDVWLQFKHV

AN fields or utility right-of-ways is prohibited for all motorized vehicles.

Motorized vehicles may be prohibited on any agency-owned wildlife 406 management area if deemed necessary to protect wildlife, vegetation COCKE and/or property. Some exceptions apply. See individual WMAs for specific restrictions.

407 402 No person shall damage or remove any trees or other plants, dirt, gravel 7

here are over 100 WMAs and refuges across Tennessee man- or sod from any wildlife management area or other Tennessee Wildlife 417 SEVIER aged by the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Varying Resources Agency-controlled lands without specific authorization.

in size from 53 to 625,000 acres, all WMAs are available to the public No species of wildlife may be harassed except those authorized to be DO N for various outdoor activities, although certain regula-BLOUNT LOU tions do apply. harvested and no animal killed shall be dismembered to the extent that its species and sex cannot be identified before checking out of the area.

409 GENERAL REGULATIONS On WMAs open with statewide seasons, the season dates, bag lim-405or boisterous conduct, including acts Acts of disorderly, obnoxious its, weapon types, and ammunition types that pertain to the county 416 with the orderly process of hunting, are prohibited.

which interfere where the WMA is located apply to that WMA. Special regulations Violators shall be removed from the area and/or prosecuted. listed specifically for those WMAs still apply.

Alcoholic beverages: Possession of any alcoholic beverage, narcotic MONROE Overnight camping may be permitted on designated areas by permis-drug, barbiturate or marijuana while hunting within the manage- sion from area manager, park ranger, lake manager, park superintendent ment area is prohibited. No individual may be under the influence of or national forest supervisor. Such camping is subject to the limitation these substances at any time while within a management area. The prescribed in the permit, if required. On areas where overnight camping 402 use of any alcoholic beverage is prohibited on these areas year round: is allowed, firearms and archery equipment must remain in camp except Catoosa, Cheatham, Chuck Swan, Forks of the River, Laurel Hill, Pea during legal hunting hours.

Ridge and Prentice Cooper, except in designated camping areas. Pen-raised game birds: The release of pen-raised game birds on WMAs Bag limits: Statewide bag and possession limits apply unless special is prohibited unless otherwise specified.

exception is indicated. Safety zones: Hunting is prohibited in safety zones except where provided.

Baiting: The placement or depositing of any type of food to feed or at- Target practice is prohibited except on designated ranges. See page 44 for a tract wildlife on WMAs is prohibited. list of TWRA firing ranges.

Dog training: Year round unless otherwise indicated. Unauthorized persons are prohibited from being in the area during Firearms: Use, possession or transportation of firearms, bows and ar- big game hunts except when indicated. Unauthorized persons are pro-rows or other arms and ammunition is expressly prohibited except when hibited from being in the wildlife management area during managed authorized. Firearms loaded with ammunition in either the chamber or turkey hunts, except on the Cherokee, North Cumberland, Tellico Lake magazine may not be transported in vehicles. A muzzleloader is con- and Land Between the Lakes wildlife management areas. Only persons sidered to be unloaded if the cap or primer is removed. A crossbow is having valid turkey hunt permits for the hunt date are authorized to be considered to be unloaded if the bolt/arrow is removed from the device. on the management area. Exception: A licensed hunter may accompany See page 16 for handgun carry regulations. a hunter with a valid permit to assist him/her in calling. The assisting Horses permitted on roads and trails open to motorized traffic and other hunter may not have a firearm in his possession at any time and may not trails or routes established for their use, except as otherwise indicated. harvest a bird. Check with the WMA area manager before the hunt date.

Riding off roads into fields, woods or on foot trails is prohibited unless Calling or attempting to call wild turkeys using any sound that mimics otherwise provided. those made by a wild turkey is prohibited from March 1 to the opening Hunters (except raccoon, opossum, turkey, and waterfowl hunters) may day of the spring turkey hunts on all WMAs.

not enter prior to one hour before sunrise, and they must be out of the Wanton waste: Hunters are required to retrieve all crippled or dead game area by one hour after sunset. Raccoon and opossum hunters must be out if possible and are prohibited from disposing of dead wildlife on WMAs.

of the area by one hour after sunrise except on Cherokee WMA. Public Wheelchair-bound hunts, zones, or blinds are open to hunters who access will be prohibited in the subimpoundments of Barkley Unit I, are totally and permanently confined to a wheelchair as certified by a Cheatham Lake, Haynes Bottom, Old Hickory Units I and II, Camden physician. On wheelchair-bound big game hunts, each wheelchair-bound Units I and II, Big Sandy, Gooch Unit A, Tigrett, and West Sandy from hunter must be accompanied by a non-hunting assistant (age 16 years two hours after legal waterfowl shooting hours have ended until 4:00 or older), except on Cordell Hull WMA and Yuchi WMA where the as-a.m. the following day during the late duck season(s). sistant may also participate in hunting. On wheelchair-bound waterfowl Hunting near private dwellings: It is unlawful to hunt, shoot at, chase hunts, each wheelchair-bound hunter must be accompanied by at least or kill with or without dogs any wild animal, wild birds or waterfowl on one, but not more than three assistants (at least one of whom must be public lands and waters within 100 yards of a visible dwelling house, age 16 years or older), who may also participate in hunting.

46 2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide

Wildlife Management Areas wma BIG GAME HUNTING ON WMAs Treestands: The use of wire, nails or other metal material is prohibited in the building or attaching of climbing devices or hunting stands. Por-Permits: WMAs with a BG after the name require a Big Game WMA table devices or stands that do not injure trees can be used. Hunting Permit in order to hunt big game, in addition to the regular hunting from permanent, attached stands is prohibited. Leaving any personal and big game licenses. There are two types of big game WMA permits property, including treestands, unattended for more than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> is for all WMAs depending upon the hunt: Quota and Annual Nonquota prohibited without prior approval of the area manager. WMAs require Special Season/WMA Big Game. Quota Permits must be obtained by ap-that treestands must be marked with the hunters TWRA ID number.

plication to the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, and are allocated based upon a computer random drawing. Annual Nonquota Special SMALL GAME HUNTING ON WMAs Season/WMA Big Game Permits (Type 094), or Type 167 permits are available at all license agents and offices of the TWRA and are valid for Permits: In order to hunt or trap small game on WMAs with a SG all nonquota big game hunts, including the Cherokee WMA, for the after the name, individuals are required to have one of the following entire license year. Lifetime Sportsman and Sportsman License holders permits in addition to the regular hunting or trapping license: Annual do not need to purchase the nonquota permit, and may apply for quota Senior Citizen Permit (Type 167); Annual Small Game only (Type 093);

permits at no charge. 1-Day Small Game and Waterfowl (Type 092); or Annual Small Game and Waterfowl (Type 091). (Lifetime Sportsman, Sportsman License On the Cherokee WMA, a Type 094, Type 095 or Type 167 is required holders or youths age 6-16 who are accompanied by an adult with a to hunt big game and is valid for all nonquota Cherokee WMA big game valid permit are exempt from purchasing a permit.)

hunts. Type 095 permits are not valid for any other WMA.

Closures during big game hunts: Closures may apply, see specific WMA permits are not transferable. WMA listing for those closures.

Young Sportsmans Hunts: Young Sportsmans deer hunts are for youths Groundhog, and striped skunk hunting is permitted on all wildlife age 6-16 unless otherwise noted. Proper licenses and permits required. management areas during any scheduled small game hunt unless special Each youth must be accompanied by a nonhunting adult. Both adult and exception is indicated.

youth must wear 500 square inches of fluorescent orange.

Small game hunting with center-fire rifles and shotguns: Rifles and Youths hunting big game on a WMA: Proof of hunter education cer- handguns using center-fire ammunition are prohibited for hunting tificate is required for youths 10 years of age and older. An appropriate all small game species on wildlife management areas with only a few hunting license is also required for youths 13 years of age and older. All exceptions: Rifles and handguns using center-fire ammunition are legal youths, age 6-16, are required to have a WMA permit (Type 094) or a for hunting beaver, bobcat, foxes, coyotes, groundhogs, and crows, quota permit where applicable, unless they are hunting with a Lifetime only during big game seasons and the hunter must be a licensed legal License. Youths age 6-16 may also apply for WMA quota hunts. Youths big game hunter. Coyotes may be taken on any hunt but only with the age 6-16 must be accompanied by an adult, 21 years of age or older, firearm or archery equipment that is legal for that hunt.

who must remain in a position to take immediate control of the hunting device, who is not required to have a license (if not hunting) but must Crow may be taken on small game hunt days that coincide with the wear 500 square inches of fluorescent orange. statewide crow season (see page 22).

WMA Big Game Quota Hunts: Deadline for applications is July 27, Falconry open with statewide falconry seasons.

2011. See page 34 for information. Bobcat and fox may be taken on any hunt that coincides with the Cherokee party dog hunts: Applications are available from the TWRA statewide bobcat season.

Region III Office (931) 484-9571 from May to June. Raccoon and opossum hunting is from sunset of the date shown to Muzzleloading firearms are legal on all gun hunts except where indi- sunrise of the next day. Raccoon dog field trials permitted Sep. 1-Apr. 30 cated under the individual WMA listings. unless prohibited.

Antlered and Antlerless Defined: Deer taken on buck-only hunts Field Trials: Small game (except raccoon) and retriever field trials must have at least one antler a minimum of three (3) inches in length permitted year-round with approval of the area manager unless oth-unless otherwise specified. On antlerless only hunts, antlerless deer are erwise specified.

defined as those deer with no antlers or deer with antlers less than three Dogs are allowed for small game hunting unless special exception is (3) inches in length. indicated. A permit is required for dog training on areas which require a Tagging and Checking Stations: It is unlawful to move, transport, or small game permit. On Cherokee and LBL management areas, dogs are field dress any big game animal, taken on WMAs open with statewide allowed on improved roads and in permitted camping areas. All dogs seasons without validating a properly completed temporary kill tag. If must be detained by chain or leash if not being legally used for hunting.

additional animals are to be harvested on that calendar day, the hunter Dogs are allowed during spring squirrel season except where noted.

is not required to stop hunting and tag the animal until he/she is ready to Youth hunting small game on a WMA: Youths, ages 6-16, must be move, transport, or field dress the animal. All animals harvested must be accompanied by a permitted adult, 21 years of age or older, who must accompanied by one animal with a validated temporary kill tag and must remain in a position to take immediate control of the hunting device be checked in on the same calendar day at a big game checking station or except as otherwise noted.

a TWRA internet site where one new temporary kill tag will be issued.

Evidence of species and sex must be available for inspection by a wildlife officer or agency-designated personnel prior to issuance of permanent game tag. The permanent harvest tag is a legal document and must be signed by the hunter. By signing the permanent harvest tag, the hunter is affirming that the information, as it appears on the permanent tag, is correct and valid. The permanent game tag must remain with each carcass until final processing. All big game taken to a taxidermist to be mounted must be accompanied by documentation showing the permanent game tag number and date of harvest.

2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide 47

wma Wildlife Management Areas WATERFOWL HUNTING ON WMAs the blind. No blind may be constructed, repaired or any floating blinds moved onto the area that have not met the deadlines for registering Permits: WMAs with a WF after the name require either an An-the blind and displaying the registration number. Unregistered and/

nual Small Game and Waterfowl permit (Type 091); or a 1-Day Small or unnumbered blinds are subject to removal.

Game and Waterfowl permit (Type 092) in addition to a regular hunting license (Type 001) and Waterfowl license (Type 005). There are three No blind may be locked or barricaded to deny entrance to other hunters exceptions: Lifetime Sportsman, Sportsman License holders and when the blind is not in use.

youths age 6-16 who are accompanied by an adult with a valid permit, Wheelchair-bound blind sites - Certain WMAs have special blind do not need a permit. Nonresidents, however, must have either a Type sites established for wheelchair-bound hunters. See specific WMAs 091 or Type 092 in addition to their license. for regulations if applicable.

Blind Site Drawings: A hand drawing will be held on the first Satur- Temporary blinds and decoys must be removed at the end of shoot-day in August for permanent waterfowl draw blind sites on Barkley ing hours each day, unless otherwise indicated under the individual Unit I, Big Sandy (including Gin Creek Unit), Camden Units I and II, WMA listing.

Cheatham Lake, Gooch Unit A, Harmon Creek, Haynes Bottom, Old Hickory Units I and II, Tigrett, AEDC (Woods Reservoir), West Sandy, All decoys must be removed by the owner of the blind within ten days and Reelfoot. Individuals wishing to compete in the drawing must ap- after the close of waterfowl season, unless otherwise indicated under pear in person at the designated location, with the appropriate licenses the individual WMA listing. Refer to the 2011 Waterfowl Guide for and permits and submit an application between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 additional restrictions.

a.m. The drawing will be held immediately after the last person signs Youths hunting waterfowl on a WMA: Youths, ages 6-15, must be up. One application is permitted per person and no one may apply for accompanied by an adult, 21 years of age or older, who must remain more than one area. Each applicant must be at least sixteen (16) years in position to take immediate control of the hunting device except as of age to compete in the drawing or sign-on. otherwise noted.

Permanent registered and permanent draw blinds: Waterfowl hunting on all the above WMAs (except Big Sandy, Camden Unit II, Wildlife Management Area (WMA) Icon Key Harmon Creek, Barkley Unit II, Reelfoot, and West Sandy) permitted only from permanent blinds allocated by the hand-held drawing, unless Big Game otherwise specified. On Big Sandy, Camden Unit II, Harmons Creek, Big Game Barkley Unit II, Reelfoot, and West Sandy hunting is permitted from registered blinds and from temporary blinds or hides. Blinds, blind Deer Spring Turkey Fall Turkey materials, boats, hides, and decoys must be removed from temporary sites at the end of the shooting hours each day.

Bear Elk Blind permittee, the person to whom the TWRA issued the permit, must occupy his/her blind by the legal daily opening shooting time on days he/she wishes to hunt, and if the blind is unoccupied at that time Small Game by the permittee, the first person or party occupying the blind shall Small Game be entitled to the privilege of its exclusive and uninterrupted use until the end of shooting hours that day. Exclusive and uninterrupted use Spring Squirrel Squirrel Dove entitles the person or party the right to exclude all others from the blind at the persons or partys option, except for law enforcement personnel Rabbit Quail Grouse engaged in the performance of their duties. The permittee has priority use (exclusive and uninterrupted) only if he/she is at the blind on or before the legal daily opening shooting time, regardless of whether Woodcock Snipe Crow or not the blind is occupied by another person or party, provided the permittee produces identification and his/her blind permit. No more Waterfowl Raccoon Opossum than 8 individuals age 16 or older may occupy a permanent draw blind at any time. No restrictions on the number of youths under age 16.

Trapping Coyote Computerized Blind Drawings: A computerized drawing will take place for duck and blind sites for Bogota and Thorny Cypress WMAs in Dyer County and four Chickamauga WMA units (Candies Creek, other icons Johnson Bottoms, Rogers Creek and Yellow Creek). Quota application period runs from Sept. 7-Oct. 12, 2011. Wheelchair Shooting Range West Sandy (Springville Bottoms) and Reelfoot registered blinds West Sandy blind sites must be registered at the designated location on the first Saturday in August by 10:00 a.m. CDT. Reelfoot blinds must WMA Dog Training Season Year-round be registered with the TWRA manager prior to August 1. Lifetime except as otherwise indicated.

Sportsman License or Sportsman License or an Annual Small Game and Waterfowl Permit (Type 091), or Type 167 is required at registra- Permit Key tion except Reelfoot where a Reelfoot Duck Blind Permit (Type 025) is required. Individuals claiming blind sites on these areas may not BG Big Game quota SG Small Game WMA permit or compete for blind site drawings on other areas. permit or nonquota combination waterfowl and WMA annual permit. small game WMA permit.

All blind sites will be given a registration number, which must be dis-played, using lettering 2 inches or larger inside the blind, or on a stake at WF Combination waterfowl and NP No permit required.

floating blind sites. When floating blinds are moved to designated blind small game WMA permit.

stakes, the number must be immediately transferred from the stake to 48 2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide

WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREAS WMA TRAPPING ON WMAs Other TWRA lands not proclaimed as a WMA or refuge are open WHITE NOSE SYNDROME with statewide seasons unless otherwise indicated. PLEASE HELP!

Permits: A WMA small game permit is required to trap on all areas that require a small game hunt permit. In the spring of 2006 a new wildlife illness was observed in Howes Cave in New York State. The malady is being called White Nose Syndrome or WNS due to a white fungus appearing on the snout area of bats (see the attached picture).

USING THE ICONS: Since 2006, the occurrence of WNS has spread into Icons indicate that a season is open. If an icon is listed in a WMA, that season is open with possible restrictions that will be listed. If there Connecticut, Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, is no icon listed in the WMA, the season is closed. New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Virginia, and If the Big Game and/or Small Game icon is listed, then all Big Game West Virginia. In 2010, it was found for the first time in and/or Small Game species are open with the statewide season unless Tennessee and has been found in additional sites in 2011.

otherwise noted.

Bats with WNS are dying in alarming numbers. It is unclear The top line of each WMA is a quick reference guide to see what if this fungal infection is causing their death or if it is a species are open to hunting during the statewide season. Refer to pages 20-43. secondary infection due to the bats weakened condition.

The WMA summaries supply hunt dates, bag limits and special Research is ongoing.

regulations. There are general regulations that may not be listed but Because hunters are in the woods during the winter months, apply to all WMAs (pages 46-49). Read ALL regulations before visiting we are asking for your help. If you see bats:

a WMA.

If there are special managed hunts or seasons, these will be listed

  • flying during daylight hours (before dusk) separately underneath each WMA. Specific dates, bag limits, and or restrictions will be listed here.
  • having trouble flying,
  • dead on the ground, or WMA example:
  • exhibiting a white fungus on the face or wings,



  • SG, BG the location, date and circumstances of what you observed.

ATVs and other types of ORVs are prohibited unless otherwise specified.

ATVs may be used only on existing roads and only to retrieve harvested TWRA Offices are:

deer. No camping or fires permitted. Bear Hollow, Poplar Springs, Cave Springs, Keith Springs and Rock House Roads will be open for scouting on Region 1 (Jackson) (800) 372-3928 Aug. 22. During daylight hours, all users outside of an enclosed vehicle Region 2 (Nashville) (800) 624-7406 or out of camp must wear fluorescent orange during the deer gun and muzzleloader seasons. Horseback riders must stay on the designated trail Region 3 (Crossville) (800) 262-6704 and park their vehicles in designated parking areas at all times. No tying Region 4 (Morristown) (800) 332-0900 horses to trees during rides. Possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

Central Office (Wildlife Div.) (615) 781-6610 Big Game Small Game

   U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Same as statewide seasons except as noted. Only one antlerless deer per Cookeville Field Office day. All treestands must be marked with hunters TWRA ID number. (931) 528-6481 Little brown bats with white-nose syndrome, New York Need to Know On the Go?

The 2011 Tennessee Hunting Regulations are now available online through your mobile devices!

Photo courtesy Nancy Heaslip, New York Department of Environmental Conservation 2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide 49

wma Wildlife Management Areas (731) 423-5725 Big Game Small Game Region I 118 Closed to dove and waterfowl.

101 104 Same as statewide seasons except as noted. All seasons closed during 127 HENRY STEWART refuge closure date, including dog training.

OBION LA 130 114 WEAKLEY 124 KE 133 119 HOUSTON 132 108 125 102 103-BIG SANDY (gin Creek) 105 120 103 113 134 Benton/Henry counties

  • 2,370 acres 112 129 DYER 116 EYS NT HR David Ulderich (731) 593-0588 *SG, WF, BG 131 GIBSON MP ON 122 CARROLL HU 106 BE

- 115 ER UD CRO 123 Big Game Small Game LA LE CKE DA TT 117 ND HE DE O 128 CAT Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Fishing, trapping and hunting N

of all species other than waterfowl is prohibited in the subimpoundments O

H D MADISON SO PERRY UR TIPTON AY ER 109 during the late duck season(s).

W CHESTER 121 107 135 Waterfowl - Same as statewide seasons except that waterfowl Region I

111 H

SHELBY FAYETTE AR hunting is permitted only on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, D

126 EM AN MCNAIRY HARDIN Monday, and the first and last day of each segment of the late statewide 136 110 duck and goose seasons. During the late duck season, all activities are prohibited in the subimpoundments when waterfowl hunting is closed.

All activities are prohibited in the subimpoundments five days before each opening day of the statewide duck season. Any temporary blinds or hides and decoys must be at least 200 yards from any permanent blind 101-BARKLEY and removed at the end of shooting hours each day.

stewart county

  • 8,090 acres hwy. 79 downstream to river mile 85 david ulderich (731) 593-0588 Trapping - No trapping during duck season.

UNIT I *SG, WF, BG Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15 except closed during late duck Big Game Small Game season.

Same as statewide seasons except as noted. Fishing, trapping, and hunt- 104-BLACK BAYOU REFUGE ing of all species other than waterfowl prohibited in the sub-impound- Lake County

  • 1,350 acres ments during the late duck season(s). Deer and small game hunting is five miles north of Tiptonville on Hwy. 78 only allowed on days waterfowl hunting is closed during the late duck Jeff Martin (731) 253-7343 *SG seasons.

Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - the last day of Feb.

Designated observation areas will be open year-round.

Waterfowl - Hunting allowed only from permanent draw blinds and designated temporary blind sites. Waterfowl hunting is permitted only on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday during wa- Big Game Small Game terfowl seasons with fewer than 45 days and is permitted on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday during waterfowl seasons with 45 days Same as statewide seasons except as noted. All seasons subject to refuge or more. Hunting of waterfowl permitted on the first and last day of each closure. Archery equipment only during the muzzleloader season. All segment of the late duck and goose seasons. During the late duck season, small game hunters must use non-toxic shot approved by the U.S. Fish &

all activities are prohibited in the subimpoundments when waterfowl Wildlife Service. Closed to young sportsman deer hunt.

hunting is closed. All activities are prohibited in the subimpoundments five days before each opening day of the statewide duck season. Dog training - Sep. 1-Nov. 14.

Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15 except closed during the late duck 105-BOGOTA season. Dyer County

  • 2,293 acres Jason MaxeDon (713) 285-6124 *SG, WF, BG UNIT II *SG, WF, BG all of Barkley WMA except that defined as Unit I Small Game Big Game Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. All small game hunting, except waterfowl, closed Nov. 1-Jan. 31.

Same as statewide seasons. Waterfowl hunting is allowed from tempo-rary blinds only which must be removed at the end of the day. No blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight. Dove - Young Sportsman - Sep. 3, noon until sunset. Youths must be accompanied by a non-hunting adult. Designated fields only.

102-BEAN SWITCH REFUGE Dove - Same as statewide seasons except opens Sep. 4 through the Weakley County

  • 530 acres remainder of the first and second segments of the statewide season.

off Hwy. 54 near Greenfield on Middle Designated fields only.

Fork of the Obion River Larry Armstrong (731) 749-5587 *SG, BG Waterfowl - Same as statewide season, except hunting of water-fowl during the late duck season permitted only on Friday, Saturday, Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - the last day of Feb.

Sunday and the first and last day of each segment of the late duck season and youth waterfowl season. All hunting shall cease at 3:00 p.m. (CST) 50 2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide

Wildlife Management Areas wma each day, except the last day of each season when hunting shall close at Region I

sunset. Waterfowl hunting is restricted to designated pools or temporary Waterfowl - Same as statewide season except waterfowl hunting blind sites only. Designated pools/sites will be allocated by computer closes at 3:00 p.m. on Units A and E. Waterfowl hunting on the last day draw. Quota application period runs from Sep. 7-Oct. 12. All hunters in of each segment of the duck and remaining goose seasons close at sunset.

a party are required to hunt in the pool/site for which they are drawn. On Unit E, no waterfowl hunters are permitted on the unit or access area Decoys and temporary blinds may be left out over the specified hunt but from two hours after legal shooting hours have ended until 4:00 a.m. the must be removed upon completion of the hunt on the last day. following day, during the late duck season(s). No permanent blinds. All Goose Season: To coincide with statewide season AFTER the youth decoys, temporary blinds, blind materials and boats must be removed waterfowl hunting season. No pool restrictions or drawings. from Unit E daily.

Special Regulations: Motorized vehicles are allowed only on designated roads, trails, and parking areas. No vehicles are allowed in fields, woods, 109-CYPRESS POND REFUGE or on levees. Decatur County

  • 585 acres East Decatur, south of Whites Creek on the Tennessee River Dog training - Sep. 1-Oct. 31. Pete Creech (731) 687-3444 *SG, BG 106-CAMDEN Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - the last day of Feb.

(731) 423-5725 Benton County

  • 3,682 acres Hwy. 70, west of New Johnsonville Big Game Small Game David Ulderich (731) 584-7317 Closed to waterfowl.

Same as statewide seasons except as noted. All seasons closed during UNIT I *SG, WF, BG refuge closure date.

Big Game Small Game Closed to dog training.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Fishing, trapping, and hunt-ing of all species other than waterfowl prohibited during the late duck 110-Dry Creek season(s).

Hardin County

  • 4,000 Acres North of Pickwick Lake near Bruton Branch Waterfowl - Same as statewide seasons except waterfowl hunting Pete Creech (731) 687-3444
  • SG, BG shall close at 3:00 p.m. (CST) each day of the regular statewide waterfowl seasons, except the last day of each segment of the late duck season and Big Game Small Game remaining goose seasons when hunting shall close at sunset. Waterfowl Same as statewide seasons.

hunting allowed only from permanent draw blinds and designated tem-porary blind sites. All activities are prohibited in the subimpoundments five days before each opening day of the statewide duck season.

Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15 except closed during the late duck season.


  • SG, WF, BG Big Game Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. No deer hunting during the waterfowl season. Any temporary waterfowl blinds or hides and decoys must be at least 200 yards from any permanent blind and removed at the end of shooting hours each day.

Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15 except closed during the late duck season.

107-CHICKASAW STATE FOREST Hardeman/Chester counties

  • 11,215 acres Pete Creech (731) 687-3444 *NP Big Game Small Game Same as statewide seasons.

108-C. M. GOOCH Obion County

  • 7,000 acres east of Hwy. 51 and south of Obion Larry Armstrong (731) 749-5587 *SG, WF, BG Big Game Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except Units A and E are closed during the waterfowl seasons and are closed to all activities five days before the first segment of the late duck season. Fishing and trapping prohibited in Units A and E during the waterfowl season.

2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide 51

wma Wildlife Management Areas 111-EAGLE LAKE REFUGE (731) 423-5725 Big Game Small Game Shelby County

  • 3,253 acres Closed to dove and waterfowl.

adjacent to Shelby Forest WMA Same as statewide seasons, except all seasons closed during refuge Chris Park (731) 738-0233 *SG, BG closure date.

Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - last day of Feb., except 115-HORNS BLUFF REFUGE Bomprezzi Unit. Designated observation areas will be open year-round. Dog training prohibited. Access to the south end of Shelby Forest WMA through Crockett/Gibson counties

  • 1,790 acres Eagle Lake Refuge will be allowed during hunting seasons. Bomprezzi Unit six miles northeast of Alamo off Hwy. 54 has a separate access. Carl Wirwa (731) 696-3197 *NP Eagle Lake Refuge Unit Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - the last day of Feb.

Designated observation areas will be open year-round.

Big Game Small Game Closed to waterfowl. Small Game Same as statewide seasons except as noted. All species subject to refuge closure. Nontoxic shot approved by US Fish & Wildlife Service required Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. All seasons closed during Region I

for small game hunting on Eagle Lake Refuge. Hunting allowed Monday, refuge closure date.

Wednesday, and Saturday only.

Deer - Archery equipment only.

Turkey - Hunting to coincide and be included with drawn quota hunts on Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park and Natural Area (bonus bird). 116-JARRELL SWITCH REFUGE BOMPREZZI UNIT Carroll County

  • 250 acres near McKenzie on the South Fork of the Obion River Big Game Small Game Larry Armstrong (731) 749-5587 *SG, WF, BG Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Shotguns only for small game. Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - last day of Feb. Des-ignated observation areas will be open year-round.

Deer - Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. No antlerless Big Game Small Game deer may be taken during the statewide deer gun season. Centerfire rifles Closed to waterfowl.

prohibited for deer. Same as statewide seasons, except all seasons closed during refuge closure date.


Dyer County

  • 2,900 acres 117-JOHN TULLY Jason Maxedon (731) 285-6124 *SG, WF, BG Lauderdale County
  • 15,500 acres Hwy. 19 west of Ripley and Hwy. 87 west of Henning Small Game Chris Park (731) 738-0233 *SG, BG, WF Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Small game hunting is closed Camping is permitted in designated camp sites only. Some roads may be during big game gun hunts except for waterfowl, raccoon and opossum. posted as closed to motorized vehicles during the deer hunts.

Waterfowl hunting from temporary blinds only. No blinds, blind materi-als, boats, or decoys may be left overnight. Dog training closed. Big Game Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Retriever trials permitted Deer - Same as statewide season. Archery equipment only. Bucks must year-round with permission of area manager.

be spike or nine antler points or better. Deer count toward statewide bag limit.

Deer - gun - One hunt. Dec. 17-25. One deer, antlered only. Must be spike or nine antler points or better. Dove - Open noon Sep. 3 - remainder of the statewide dove sea-son. One youth-only field and one adult field.

Deer - muzzleloader - Nov. 12-13. One deer, antlerless only.

Deer - gun - Young Sportsman - Same as statewide Young Sportsman seasons.

Deer - Same as statewide seasons except antlered deer must be No antler requirement.

spikes or have 9 points or more. Antler points must be one inch or longer.

Deer count toward Unit A bag limit. All deer taken must be checked out 113-HARMON CREEK at Cold Creek Grocery, Woodards Grocery or Hargetts Meat Processing.

Benton County

  • 983 acres Tree stands must be marked with hunters TWRA ID number.

David Ulderich (731) 584-7317 *SG, WF, BG Big Game Small Game Waterfowl - Same as statewide seasons, except shooting ends at 3:00 p.m. (CST). Waterfowl hunting from temporary blinds only. No Same as statewide seasons. Any temporary waterfowl blinds or hides and blinds, blind materials, boats or decoys left overnight.

decoys must be at least 200 yards from any permanent blind and removed at the end of shooting hours each day. 118-LAND BETWEEN THE LAKES Stewart County

  • 170,000 acres (60,000 in TN) 114-HOP-IN REFUGE between Paris Landing and Dover Obion County
  • 650 acres For information contact USDA-Forest Service, LBL, on the South Fork of the Obion River, Hwy. 89 near Kenton 100 Van Morgan Drive, Golden Pond, KY 42211, (270) 924-2000 Larry Armstrong (731) 749-5587 *SG, BG Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 1 - the last day of Feb.

Designated observation areas will be open year-round.

52 2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide

Wildlife Management Areas wma 119-LICK CREEK 122-MOSS ISLAND Region I

Benton County

  • 198 acres Dyer County
  • 5,119 acres David Ulderich (731) 593-0588 six miles south of Hwy. 20 on Mississippi River Levee, SG, WF, BG 23 miles west of Dyersburg Jason Maxedon (731) 285-6124 *SG, WF, BG Big Game Small Game Small Game Same as statewide seasons. Waterfowl hunting allowed from temporary blinds only which must be removed at the end of the day. No blinds, blind Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Small game hunting is closed materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight. during big game gun hunts except for waterfowl, raccoon and opossum.

Waterfowl hunting from temporary blinds only. No blinds, blind materi-120-MANESS SWAMP REFUGE als, boats, or decoys may be left overnight.

Weakley and Gibson counties

  • 1,200 acres at the Junct. of South & Middle Forks of the Obion River Deer - Same as statewide seasons. Archery equipment only. Bucks Larry Armstrong (731) 749-5587 *SG, BG must be spike or nine antler points or better. Deer count toward state-wide bag limit.

Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 1 - Feb. 14. Designated (731) 423-5725 observation areas will be open year-round. Deer - gun - One hunt. Dec. 17-25. One deer, antlered only. Bucks must be spike or nine antler points or better.

Big Game Small Game Deer - gun - Young Sportsman - Same as statewide Young Sportsman season. No antler requirement. Deer count toward statewide bag limit.

Same as statewide seasons except all seasons closed during refuge closure Deer - muzzleloader - Nov. 12-13. One deer, antlerless only.

date, including dog training.

121-MEEMAN-SHELBY FOREST STATE Dog training closed.


  • 13,000 acres near Millington, north of Memphis Chris Park (731) 738-0233 *SG, WF, BG All hunters are required to register and obtain a free permit at the park headquarters (901) 876-5215.

Big Game Small Game Closed to spring squirrel.

Open Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday within the statewide seasons, except as noted. Small game hunters must meet legal fluorescent orange requirements during deer-gun seasons. Raccoon and opossum open Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, sunset to sunrise. Shotguns, muzzle-loader and archery equipment only. Rifles and handguns prohibited.

Beaver - Open during any hunt date. No limit.

Squirrel - Young Sportsman - Aug. 20.

Deer - Open Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday during the state-wide seasons. No antlerless deer may be taken during the statewide deer gun season.

Turkey - Young Sportsman - One hunt. Mar. 24, 2012.

One bearded turkey.

Turkey - Three hunts. Apr. 2, 4 and 7; Apr. 9, 11 and 14; Apr. 16, 18 and

21. 50 hunter quota per hunt. One turkey (bonus bird).

Waterfowl - Open Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday within the statewide duck season and the last 7 days of the statewide duck season, except Sunday. No permanent blinds. No blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight.

Trapping - Beaver trapping by permit only, issued by area manager.

Trapping of all other species prohibited.

Dog training - Open Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, Sep. 1-Mar. 15.

Field trials - Sep. 1-Apr. 30.

2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide 53

wma Wildlife Management Areas 123-NATCHEZ TRACE STATE FOREST Deer - archery - excluding Ensley Unit - One hunt. Dec. 2-4. 50 hunter (731) 423-5725 quota. Two deer, one antlered buck, and one antlerless (bonus deer). Bucks Benton/Carroll/Henderson counties

  • 48,000 acres must have at least nine antler points. Antler points must be one inch or off I-40, Exit 116 longer. Access permitted from Farm Road only. No access permitted from David Ulderich (731) 584-7317 *SG, BG Mississippi River, McKellar Lake, or from the Causeway.

Big Game Small Game Deer - archery - Ensley Unit - One hunt. Dec. 2-4. 30 hunter quota.

Same as statewide seasons. One deer, buck only (bonus deer). Bucks must have at least nine antler points.

Antler points must be one inch or longer. Access permitted from Shelby Shooting Range - See page 44. Drive only.

124-NEW HOPE 127-REELFOOT Benton County

  • 88 acres Lake/Obion counties
  • 24,000 acres David Ulderich (731) 593-0588 *SG, WF, BG north of Hwy. 22 and east of Hwy. 78 Jeff Martin (731) 253-7343 *Reelfoot Preservation Permit Region I

Big Game Small Game No WMA permits are required. However, in addition to regular hunting and Same as statewide seasons. Waterfowl hunting from temporary blinds fishing licenses, a Reelfoot Preservation Permit is required to hunt, trap, fish only. No blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight. or boat on Reelfoot WMA, (including the washout and tailwaters down-stream as marked, and that portion of Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge in Tennessee). The exceptions are Sportsman License holders, Lifetime Sports-125-OBION RIVER man License holders, youth under 16 and residents over 65.

Obion/Weakley/Gibson counties

  • 8,500 acres along the Obion River between Hwy. 45W and Hwy. 45E Small Game Larry Armstrong (731) 749-5587 *SG, WF, BG Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.

Big Game Small Game Same as statewide seasons. No permanent blinds. No blinds, blind mate- Opossum - raccoon - Sunset Sep. 2-Feb. 15. No bag limit.

rials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight.

MANESS SWAMP HUNTING UNIT Deer - archery - Three hunts. Sep. 18-Oct. 28, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, Nov.

North of State Hwy. 445, bordered by the South Fork and 11-Dec. 26. Three deer, either sex per hunt (bonus deer).

Middle Fork of the Obion Rivers as marked. Deer - gun - Young Sportsman - Same as statewide season.

Big Game Small Game Deer - muzzleloader - One hunt. Nov. 5-10. One deer, buck only (bonus deer).

Same as statewide seasons, except closed to all activities five days before Turkey - Young Sportsman - Same as Young Sportsman the first opening of the late duck season. All hunting other than water- statewide season.

fowl is prohibited during the late duck season.

Waterfowl - Same as statewide (Reelfoot Zone*) seasons. Plastic and Waterfowl - Same as statewide, except hunting is permitted only metal containers used as decoys are prohibited. Waterfowl hunting closes on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and the first and last day of each segment at 3:00 p.m. (CST) except the last day of each segment of the late duck and of the late duck season. All hunting shall cease at 3:00 p.m. (CST) each the remaining Reelfoot goose seasons when hunting will cease at sunset.

day, except the last day of the season when hunting shall close at sunset.

No permanent blinds. All decoys, blind materials and boats must be * The Reelfoot Zone consist of the lands and waters of Reelfoot WMA only.

removed daily. No waterfowl hunters on unit or access area from two See waterfowl guide for more information.

hours after legal shooting hours have ended until 4 a.m. the following day during the late duck season(s). Waterfowl - Wheelchair-bound only blind sites - An application must be received by the TWRA Region I Office by noon on the fourth 126-PRESIDENTS ISLAND Friday in October. Persons holding a permit for another blind are not Shelby County

  • 6,300 acres eligible to compete in the wheelchair-bound blind drawing. If a blind is not Chris Park (731) 738-0233
  • BG occupied by shooting time, another wheelchair-bound hunter and 1 to 3 as-sistants (at least one assistant must be age 16 or older) may occupy the blind Hunters must check in at hunter check station before hunting and check out for that day. Hunting restricted to wheelchair hunters and assistants only at the completion of each days hunt. Permit will be held while hunters hunt. within the marked wheelchair hunting zone at designated blinds.

Access allowed only to TWRA authorized personnel and permit holders.

Scouting dates - Oct. 13 for the Oct. 14-16 permit holders only. Oct. 20 SHELBY FOREST for the Oct. 21-23 permit holders only. Dec. 1 for the Dec. 2-4 permit see Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park and Natural Area holders only.

128-SOUTH FORK WATERFOWL REFUGE Deer - archery - excluding Ensley Unit - Two hunts. Oct. 14-16, Madison County

  • 778 acres 21-23. 150 hunter quota. Two deer (bonus deer), antlerless or spike buck ON Hwy. 412 only. Access permitted from Farm Road only. No access permitted from Carl Wirwa (731) 696-3197 *NP Mississippi River, McKellar Lake, or from the Causeway.

Big Game Small Game Closed to fall turkey.

Same as statewide seasons, except closed to all activities five days before the first opening of the late duck season. All hunting other than waterfowl is prohibited during the late duck season.

54 2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide

Wildlife Management Areas wma 132-TUMBLEWEED Region I

Waterfowl - Same as statewide season, except hunting of water- Lake County

  • 2,924 acres fowl during the late duck season permitted on Saturday, Sunday and the SOUTHWEST CORNER, on Hwy. 79 first and last day of each segment of the late duck season. All hunting Jason Maxedon (731) 285-6124 *NP ceases at 3:00 p.m. (CST) each day, except the last day of the season when hunting closes at sunset. Walk-in only. No waterfowl hunters permit- Big Game Small Game ted on the area or access areas before 4:00 a.m. opening day and from 5:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. the following days during the late duck season. No Same as statewide seasons.

blinds, blind materials, boats or decoys may be left overnight.

133-WEST SANDY 129-THorny Cypress (Springville Bottoms)

Dyer county

  • 3,100 acres Henry County
  • 4,319 acres Tract I Between Hwy. 104 and I-155 David Ulderich (731) 593-0588 *SG, WF, BG Tract II Between Boothspoint Rd. and White Lake Refuge Jason Maxedon (731) 285-6124 *SG, WF, BG Big Game Small Game (731) 423-5725 Big Game Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Fishing, trapping and hunt-ing of all species other than waterfowl is prohibited in the subimpound-Same as statewide seasons, except closed in waterfowl pools. ments during the late duck season(s).

Waterfowl - Same as statewide season, except hunting of waterfowl Waterfowl - Waterfowl hunting shall close at 3:00 p.m. (CST) each during the late duck season permitted only on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and day of the regular statewide waterfowl seasons, except the last day of the the first and last day of each segment of the late duck season and youth wa- duck seasons and remaining goose seasons when hunting shall close at terfowl season. All hunting shall cease at 3:00 p.m. (CST) each day, except sunset. All activities are prohibited in the subimpoundments five days the last day of each season when hunting shall close at sunset. Waterfowl before each opening day of the statewide duck season.

hunting is restricted to designated pools or temporary blind sites only.

Designated pools/sites will be allocated by computer draw. Quota applica-tion period runs from Sep. 7-Oct. 12. All hunters in a party are required Waterfowl - Wheelchair-bound only blind sites - Provided on a to hunt in the pool/site for which they were drawn. Decoys and temporary first come, first serve basis. Hunting restricted to wheelchair hunters and blinds may be left out over the specified hunt but must be removed upon the assistants only within the marked wheelchair hunting zone.

completion of the hunt on the last day.

Goose Season: To coincide with statewide season AFTER the youth Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15. Closed during the late duck season.

waterfowl hunting season. No pool restrictions or drawings.

Special Regulations: Motorized vehicles are allowed only on designated 134-WHITE LAKE REFUGE roads, trails and parking areas. No vehicles are allowed in fields, woods Dyer County

  • 1,194 acres or on levees. Jason Maxedon (731) 285-6124 *SG, BG 130-THREE RIVERS Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - the last day of Feb.

Designated observation areas will be open year-round.

Obion County

  • 1,577 acres Larry Armstrong (731) 749-5587 *SG, WF, BG Big Game Small Game Closed to waterfowl, dove, and fall turkey.

Big Game Small Game Same as statewide seasons except all seasons closed during refuge Same as statewide seasons. closure date.

135-WHITE OAK Waterfowl - No waterfowl hunters permitted on unit or access Hardin County

  • 7,000 acres area from two hours after legal shooting hours have ended until 4:00 a.m. southeast of Milledgeville, off of Hwy. 69 the following day during late duck seasons. No permanent blinds. No Pete Creech (731) 687-3444 *SG, WF, BG blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight.

Big Game Small Game 131-TIGRETT Closed to fall turkey.

Dyer County

  • 7,000 acres Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Small game hunting closed Carl Wirwa (731) 696-3197 *SG, WF, BG during the Young Sportsman deer hunt.

Big Game Small Game Dove - Sep. 1, 3, 5 and the remainder of the statewide dove season.

Same as statewide seasons. Small game hunting , excluding waterfowl is closed during Young Sportsman deer hunts. Deer - Same as statewide seasons except archery equipment-only after Dec. 4; archers must meet legal blaze orange requirements during Waterfowl - Same as statewide seasons. Waterfowl hunting shall statewide muzzleloader and gun seasons. Closed to Jan. Young Sports-close at 3:00 p.m. (CST) each day of the regular statewide waterfowl man hunt.

seasons, except the last day of the duck seasons and remaining goose seasons when hunting shall close at sunset. Quail - Dec. 5-Jan. 1.

2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide 55

wma Wildlife Management Areas (731) 423-5725 Waterfowl - Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Water- Rabbit - Nov. 19-Jan. 31 fowl hunting closes at 3:00 p.m. CST during the late duck season(s) and all types of water traffic prohibited after 5:00 p.m. CST. No waterfowl hunters permitted on the area or access areas before 4:00 a.m. opening Deer - Same as statewide seasons except archery equipment only day, and from 5:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. the following days during the late after Nov. 18 and archers must meet legal blaze orange requirements duck season. All water traffic prohibited five days before each opening during statewide muzzleloader and gun seasons. Tree stands must be day of statewide duck season. Temporary blinds only. No decoys, boats, marked with hunters TWRA ID number. Closed to Jan. Young Sports-blinds, and blind materials may be left overnight. man hunt.

136-WOLF RIVER AND GHOST RIVER Turkey - Young Sportsman - Same as statewide, Young Sports-STATE NATURAL AREA man hunt. One turkey.

Fayette County

  • 7,000 acres Turkey - Two hunts. Apr. 6-8 (25 hunter quota), Apr. 20-22 (30 hunter on Hwy. 57 east of Memphis, south of LaGrange quota). One turkey (bonus bird). Hunting ends at noon each day and suc-Brandon Gilbert (901) 878-0855 *SG, BG, WF cessful hunters must check birds at Wolf River check station by 1:00 p.m.

Region I

Ghost River Natural Area is open same as Wolf River WMA. Hunting or access to hunt from the boardwalk structure is prohibited. Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15 except closed during the deer gun seasons.

Big Game Small Game Closed to fall turkey.

Waterfowl - Waterfowl hunting closes at 3:00 p.m. (CST) each day Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Centerfire rifles prohibited, during the late duck season(s), except the last day of each segment of the except on Young Sportsman hunt. Small game closed during Young season(s) when hunting closes at sunset. Temporary blinds only.

Sportsman deer hunts.

Dove - Sep. 1, 3, and the remainder of the statewide dove season.

Quail - Dec. 5-Jan. 1.

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Wildlife Management Areas wma Region II UNIT 2 Old Camp Forrest area, from golf course to UTSI road and Region II

207 Wattendorf Memorial Hwy to southern property boundary.

MONTGOMERY MACON UNITs 3, 4, 5, & 6 remainder of WMA 226 ROBERTSON SUMNER 214 222 TROUS- UNITS 3, 4, 5 & 6 212 222 223 DALE 209 AM TH Small Game EA 222 CH SMITH DICKSON 208 DAVIDSON WILSON Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Small Game hunting closed 225 during deer hunts.

213 220 WILLIAMSON RD R FO N Deer-turkey-archery - Four hunts. Oct. 7-9, Oct. 14-16, C

HICKMAN HE AN 205 RU T NO Oct. 21-23, Dec. 9-11. No hunter quota, 2 deer, either sex only one may 228 be antlered. Bonus deer. One turkey, either sex.

MAURY MA 221 218 Deer - shotgun/muzzleloader - Young Sportsman - One hunt. Oct.

229 203 LEWIS RS BEDFORD COFFEE 1-2. No hunter quota, 2 deer, either sex only one may be antlered. Bonus 215 HA 216 deer.

(615) 781-6622 LL 202 217 201 Deer - shotgun/muzzleloader - Two hunts. Nov. 25-27, Dec. 2-4; 600 210 206 MO quota, 2 deer, either sex only one may be antlered. Bonus deer.

E 227 C E

OR EN WAYNE R LINCOLN FRANKLIN LA GILES 219 W 211 224 204 Turkey - One hunt. Dec. 12-18. No hunter quota, 3 turkeys either sex.

Turkey - Youth Sportsman Hunt - Mar. 24-25.

201-AEDC and WOODS Turkey - Seven hunts. Mar. 31-Apr. 2, Apr. 6-8, Apr. 13-15, Apr. 20-22, RESERVOIR REFUGE Apr. 27-29, May 4-6, May 11-13. One bearded bird per hunt, not to Coffee/Franklin counties

  • 32,000 acres exceed 4 per season.

near Tullahoma, I-24 exit #117 Wes Winton (931) 967-6101 *SG, WF, BG Waterfowl - Same as statewide season, except open on Wednes-day, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday of the late duck season and the first All access is strictly controlled. Big Game and Small game hunters are and last day of each segment. Hunting from registered blind sites only required to sign-in at one of the three hunter sign-in stations. Sign-in on Woods Reservoir. During the early duck and goose season hunting is stations are located just west of Wattendorf Hwy on Dixie Road next to allowed outside of registered blind sites, except 150 yards from the bank I-24 and on Harton Blvd. at the west end of Wattendorf Hwy. Hunters may starting at the pumping station going west to the Rowlands Creek cause-also sign in at the check station. Hunters must fill out a sign-in card and way. Waterfowl hunting is allowed during big game deer hunts.

keep a portion of the card on their person while hunting. One card per hunt will suffice (weekend, if staying in the campground or daily). Deer hunters will be required to fill out an observation card at the end of each deer hunt. Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.

Certain areas will be closed due to military training. These areas will be Woods Reservoir Waterfowl Refuge - Dec. 1-Jan. 31. All forms of gated off and signs will be placed at the gates. These areas may be hunted trespass are prohibited.

only if the gates are open. Deer-Archery Zones may be hunted on any deer hunt by drawn hunters with archery equipment only. These areas are closed Special Regulations - All access will be strictly controlled. Big Game to small game hunting and turkey hunting. These areas will be marked with and Small game hunters are required to sign-in at one of the three hunter orange signs and orange paint. sign in stations. All hunters must fill out a sign-in card and keep a por-CAUTION: There are areas of AEDC that may contain unexploded tion of the card on their person while hunting. Deer hunters will be re-ordnances (small ammunition, anti-personnel mine, mortars, and artillery quired to fill out an observation card at the end of each hunt and deposit rounds.) There are also areas of AEDC where open holes (manholes, wells, it at one of the sign-in stations. Certain areas may be closed due to mili-and sinkholes) are present. Some of the areas, but not all, are marked. tary training. The barricades at the designated entry points will be closed Hunters are advised to use extreme caution. If any unexploded ordnance or and appropriate signs will be displayed. If the barricades are locked, the open holes are found DO NOT TOUCH. STAY AWAY and notify the AEDC area is closed to all public activity including hunting. Deer-Archery Operations Center at (931) 454-7752. Zones may be hunted on any deer hunt with archery equipment only.

These areas are closed to Small Game hunting and Spring Turkey hunt-Shotgun and archery equipment only, except muzzleloading rifles ing. ATVs are prohibited on the AEDC WMA. The use of metal detectors are permitted. Rifles, center fire and rim fire, are prohibited. Federal law is prohibited. Digging is prohibited. Buried and unexploded ordnance prohibits all handguns, including muzzleloading pistols are prohibited. Air (UXO) could be encountered and unauthorized ground disturbance is rifles are allowed for small game hunting, except for migratory birds.

a violation of federal law. Rifles, center fire and rim fire, are prohibited.

ATVs are prohibited on AEDC WMA. All handguns, including muzzleloading pistols are prohibited. Air rifles Camping and fires are prohibited outside of designated campgrounds. are allowed for small game hunting, except for migratory birds. Camping Unauthorized digging on AEDC is prohibited for safety and legal rea- and fires are prohibited outside of designated campgrounds.

sons. Buried and unexploded ordinance (UXO) could be encountered and UNIT 1previously known as tnarng unauthorized ground disturbance is a violation of Federal Law.

Deer must be checked in at the Hunters Check-in station on Old Public access only through gate on Rifle Range Road north of Brick Church Rd. If the Check-in station is closed, hunters should go to the railroad tracks.

Lake Road Market on Hwy 127. Small Game WOODS RESERVOIR WATERFOWL REFUGEall forms of trespass Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.

is prohibited from Dec. 1-Jan. 31. The area will be open to hunting as military training allows. Small Game hunting dates will be posted on the TWRA website and at sign-in UNIT 1 Previously known as the TNARNG maneuver area. stations. Turkey hunt dates will be posted on the TWRA website and at 2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide 57

wma Wildlife Management Areas the sign-in stations. Closed to raccoon and opossum hunting. Small 203-BARK CAMP BARRENS (615) 781-6622 Game hunting closed during deer hunts.

Coffee County

  • 2,800 acres Trapping: Closed to trapping. Wes Winton (931) 967-6101 *SG, BG Big Game Small Game Deer - special regulations - All deer hunting season dates are subject to coordination with military training mission. Hunt dates will Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.

be confirmed a month in advance and advertised on the TWRA website and posted at the sign-in stations. Special quota permits will be sold by Managed dove field: Sep. 1, 3 and remainder of season.

REAL system license agents or purchased online through the TWRA website. 204-BEAR HOLLOW MOUNTAIN Deer - shotgun/muzzleloader - Seven hunts. Potential hunt dates: Franklin County

  • 17,000 acres Oct. 29-30, Nov. 5-6, Nov. 12-13, Nov. 19-20, Nov. 25-27, Dec. 2-4, Stacy Stevenson (931) 968-6215 *SG, BG Dec. 17-18; 100 hunter quota. 2 deer, either sex only one may be ant-lered. Bonus deer. ATVs and other types of ORVs are prohibited unless otherwise specified. ATVs may be used only on existing roads and only to retrieve harvested deer. No lit-Region II

Deer - Young Sportsman - shotgun/muzzleloader: One hunt. Poten- tering. Hunter camping allowed only at designated campground (Lakeview).

tial Hunt Dates: Oct. 1-2. No hunter quota, 2 deer, either sex only one Fires permitted only in designated campground. Bear Hollow, Poplar Springs, may be antlered. Bonus deer. Cave Springs, Keith Cove and Rock House Roads will be open for scouting on UNIT 2old camp forrest area the 4th Saturday in August. During daylight hours, all users outside of an enclosed vehicle or out of camp must wear fluorescent orange during the deer Public access only through gate west of fire tower field. gun and muzzleloader seasons. Horseback riders must stay on the designated Small Game trail and park their vehicles in designated parking areas at all times. No tying Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. The area will horses to trees during rides.

be open to hunting as military training allows. Dates will be posted on the TWRA website and at sign in stations. Small Game hunting closed Big Game Small Game during deer hunts.

Trapping: Closed to trapping. Same as statewide seasons except as noted. Only one antlerless deer per day. All treestands must be marked with hunters TWRA ID number.

Deer - special regulations - All deer hunting season dates are 205-BEAVER DAM CREEK subject to coordination with military training mission. Hunt dates will Hickman County

  • 7,619 acres be confirmed a month in advance and advertised on the TWRA website south of Centerville and posted at the sign-in stations. Special quota permits will be sold by Region II Office (615) 781-6622 *SG, BG REAL system license agents or purchased online through the TWRA website. Big Game Small Game Deer-turkey-archery - Four hunts. Potential hunt dates: Same as statewide seasons.

Oct. 7-9, Oct. 14-16, Oct. 21-23, Dec. 9-11. No hunter quota, 2 deer, either sex only one may be antlered. Bonus deer. One turkey either sex. 206-BROWNTOWN Wayne County

  • 6,336 acres Deer - shotgun/muzzleloader - Six hunts. Potential hunt dates:

north of Waynesboro Oct. 29-30, Nov. 5-6, Nov. 12-13, Nov. 19-20, Nov. 25-27, Dec. 2-4.

Phillip Smith (931) 762-5749 *SG, BG 200 hunter quota. 2 deer, either sex only one may be antlered. Bonus deer.

Big Game Small Game Deer - Young Sportsman - shotgun/muzzleloader - One hunt. Poten-tial hunt dates: Oct. 1-2. No hunter quota, 2 deer, either sex only one Same as statewide seasons.

may be antlered. Bonus deer.

207-CEDAR HILL SWAMP Turkey - One hunt. Dec. 12-18. No hunter quota, Robertson County

  • 200 acres 3 turkeys either sex. Region II Office (615) 781-6622 *SG, WF, BG Big Game Small Game Turkey - Young Sportsman Hunt - March 24-25.

Turkey - Seven hunts. Mar. 31-Apr. 2, Apr. 6-8, Apr. 13-15, Apr. Same as statewide seasons, except Big Game hunting is archery only.

20-22, Apr. 27-29, May 4-6, May 11-13. One bearded bird per hunt, Archers must comply with legal blaze orange requirements during not to exceed 4 per season. muzzleloader and gun seasons.


  • 7,844 acres Cheatham County
  • 20,810 acres north of Waynesboro South of the Cumberland River, near Ashland City Region II Office (615) 781-6622 *SG, BG Randy Cromer (615) 792-4510 *SG, BG Unauthorized entry or presence is prohibited between sunset and sunrise.

Big Game Small Game Same as statewide seasons. Small Game Same as statewide seasons except as noted, except buck only during muzzleloader and gun seasons.

58 2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide

Wildlife Management Areas wma 211-FLINTVILLE HATCHERY Region II

Turkey - One hunt. Oct. 17-28. 150 hunter quota. Two turkeys, Lincoln County

  • 750 acres either sex. east of Fayetteville on Hwy. 64 Region II Office (615) 781-6622 *NP Dog training - Daylight hours only.

Big Game Small Game Shooting Range - See page 44. Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Archery equipment-only for deer; archers must comply with legal blaze orange requirements during 209-CHEATHAM LAKE muzzleloader and gun seasons. Guns may be used on Young Sportsman Cheatham County

  • 5,152 acres hunts and during the fall turkey season.

off Hwys. 49 and 12, west of Ashland City Randy Cromer (615) 792-4510 *SG, WF, BG Dog training -Daylight hours only.

Big Game Small Game 212-GALLATIN STEAM PLANT Same as statewide seasons on Sycamore Creek upstream from rail- Sumner County

  • 1,500 acres (615) 781-6622 road trestle, Harpeth River upstream from Hwy. 49, and on Johnson near Gallatin Creek upstream from Johnson Creek Bridge. Hunting on remainder of Region II Office (615) 781-6622
  • BG Cheatham Lake WMA same as statewide seasons except during the late duck season. Hunting is open only on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Free permit required in addition to WMA permit. For permit information Sunday and the first and last day of each segment of the late statewide contact TWRA Region II Office (615) 781-6622. Parking in designated duck season. Night hunting, trapping, and fishing is prohibited in water- areas. No camping. Contract workers may be present Monday-Friday fowl impoundments during the waterfowl season. during the fall big game seasons. Use caution while hunting deer and turkey.

Waterfowl - Hunting is permitted only from registered blind Closed to Dog training sites and from staked temporary blind sites during the late duck season.

Hunting on Harpeth Island, Marks Creek, and Bluff Creek wade-in Same as statewide seasons except archery equipment only; archers must areas is not restricted to registered or staked temporary sites. The sub comply with legal blaze orange requirements during muzzleloader and impoundments are closed, as posted, to all types of activities five (5) days gun seasons. Scouting begins one week prior to opening day.

prior to the opening of the first segment of the late duck season.

213-HALEY-JAQUETH Williamson County

  • 200 acres Dove - Same as statewide seasons. Hunting allowed only from College Grove designated fields. Tommy Edwards (931) 840-4042 *SG, BG Waterfowl - Wheelchair-bound only blind site - Same as state-Turkey - Same as statewide seasons.

wide seasons. Applications must be received by the TWRA Region II Office by noon on the fourth Friday in October. Persons holding a permit for another blind are not eligible to compete in the wheelchair-bound Deer - Same as statewide seasons. Archery equipment only.

drawing. If blind is not occupied by shooting time, another wheelchair- Archers must comply with legal blaze orange requirements during bound hunter and 1 to 3 assistants (age 16 and older) may occupy the muzzleloader and gun seasons.

blind for that day.

Dove - Sep. 3 youth only ages 6-16 accompanied by a non hunting Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15 except closed during the duck seasons. adult and shooting is from staked positions only.

PARDUE POND REFUGE & Sep. 5 and every Sat. thereafter of the 1st segment, open to all ages. All DYSON DITCH REFUGE UNITS hunting is on designated field only.

Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - the last day of Feb.

Designated observation areas will be open year-round. Dog training - Daylight hours only.

Big Game Small Game 214-HAYNES BOTTOM Montgomery County

  • 971 acres Access by boat only. Same as statewide seasons except as noted. All sea- near Dotsonville, adjoining the Cumberland River sons closed during refuge closure date unless otherwise indicated. Deer Doug Martin (615) 781-6622
  • sG, wf, bg hunting is archery only; archers must comply with legal blaze orange requirements during muzzleloader and gun seasons. Big Game Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. During the late duck season, Turkey - Oct. 17-28. 50 hunter quota. Two turkeys, either sex.

waterfowl and small game hunting is open only on Wednesday, Thursday, Access by boat only.

Saturday, Sunday, and the first and last day of each segment of the late duck season. Night hunting, fishing, dog training, and trapping is pro-210-EAGLE CREEK hibited in the waterfowl impoundments from Oct. 15-May 31. Participat-Wayne County

  • 22,000 acres ing waterfowl hunters only in the bottoms during waterfowl seasons.

near Waynesboro Phillip Smith (931) 762-5749 *SG, BG Waterfowl - Waterfowl hunting is permitted only from registered Big Game Small Game blinds during the late duck season.

Same as statewide seasons.

2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide 59

wma Wildlife Management Areas 215-HICK HILL 218-MAPLE SPRINGS (615) 781-6622 Lewis County

  • 3,608 acres Coffee County
  • 122 acres south of Hohenwald north of Manchester Phillip Smith (931) 762-5749 *SG, BG Wes Winton (931) 967-6101 *SG, BG Big Game Small Game Big Game Small Game Same as statewide seasons. Same as statewide seasons.

216-HICKORY FLATS 219-MINGO SWAMP coffee County

  • 800 acres Franklin County
  • 370 acres Wes Winton (931) 967-6101 *SG, BG west of Winchester Stacey Stevenson (931) 968-6215 *SG, wf, bg Big Game Small Game Big Game Small Game Region II

Same as statewide seasons.

Same as statewide seasons.

217-LAUREL HILL 220-MTSU Lawrence County

  • 14,952 acres west of Lawrenceburg off Hwy. 64 Hickman County
  • 995 acres Phillip Smith (931) 762-5749 *SG, BG west of Centerville Region II Office (615) 781-6622 *SG, BG All horses must be ridden on designated trails or roads open to motorized vehicles. Possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. No fox chasing Big Game Small Game permitted. Unauthorized entry or presence is prohibited between sunset and sunrise. Same as statewide seasons.

221-NORMANDY Bedford/Coffee counties

  • 750 acres Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Small game hunting is closed on Normandy Lake at sunset the day before and during big game hunts. Region II Office (615) 781-6622 *SG, BG Big Game Small Game Quail - Nov. 12-Jan. 31.

Same as statewide seasons.

Opossum - raccoon - Nov. 18-Feb. 5. Two raccoons per person, per night. 222-OLD HICKORY Sumner/Wilson/Trousdale counties north of Lebanon on Old Hickory Lake Deer - Special regulations apply on all deer hunts. Bucks must Dan Lavacot (615) 444-6673 have at least five antler points on one side or a 15-inch minimum outside spread. Area consists of 6,000 huntable acres in narrow strips of land along the 21,700 acres of water on Old Hickory Lake. Of the 6,000 acres, only 1,000 acres have public land access. The remaining 5,000 acres are primarily Deer - turkey - archery - One hunt. Sep. 17-Oct. 7. Three accessible by water.

deer, either sex (bonus deer). Three turkeys, either sex.

UNIT I Deer - gun/archery - Young Sportsman - One hunt. Oct. 8-9. Highway 109 upstream to River Mile 267 One deer, either sex (bonus deer). excluding Lock 5 Refuge *SG, WF, BG Deer - muzzleloader/archery - One hunt. Oct. 20-23. 500 hunter quota.

Big Game Small Game One deer, either sex (bonus deer).

Deer - gun/archery - Three hunts. Nov. 11-13, 25-27, and Dec. 2-4. 500 Same as statewide seasons except as noted and small game hunting ceases hunter quota. One deer, buck only (bonus deer). at 3:00 p.m. (CST) during the late duck season. Raccoon and opossum hunting, trapping, and fishing prohibited in subimpoundments during waterfowl season.

Turkey - One hunt. Dec. 9-11. Two turkeys, either sex.

Dove - Same as statewide season, except Bartons Creek Peninsula Trapping - Dec. 5-Feb. 15. opens September 4th and every Saturday and Wednesday thereafter of the first segment.

Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15, daylight hours only. Dove-Young Sportsman - Youth/Adult only hunt is Sep. 3 on Bartons Creek. Opens at 6 a.m. Lead shot permitted.

SHIELDS FARM UNIT Big Game Small Game Waterfowl - Hunting is permitted only from registered blind sites and staked temporary blind sites during the late duck season. Same as Same as statewide seasons. Centerfire rifles and handguns prohibited. statewide seasons except that all hunting ceases at 3:00 p.m. (CST) dur-ing the late duck season. Shooting hours on the last day of each segment of the late duck season will be same as statewide. Subimpoundments are closed, as posted, to all types of activity five days prior to the opening of the first segment of the late duck season.

60 2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide

Wildlife Management Areas wma 224-OWL HOLLOW MILL Region II

Waterfowl - wheelchair-bound only blind site - Applications Franklin County

  • 3,000 acres must be received by the TWRA Region II Office by noon on the fourth near Tims Ford Lake Friday in October. Persons holding a permit for another blind are not eli- Stacy Stevenson (931) 968-6215 *SG, BG gible. Each permittee must be accompanied by at least one, but not more than three assistants (age 16 or older), who may also hunt. Big Game Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.

Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15 except closed during the duck season.

Dove - Young Sportsman - Sep. 3. Maple Bend Road Field only.

UNIT II The rest of the area is closed. Young sportsmen (6-16 years of age) must Hwy. 109 downstream to Old Hickory Dam *SG, WF, BG be accompanied by a licensed non-hunting adult.

Big Game Small Game Dove - Young Sportsman/Adult only - Sep. 4. Young sportsmen (6-16 years of age) must be accompanied by a licensed adult who may Same as statewide seasons. also hunt. Maple Bend field only. Rest of area closed.

Dove - Open to all ages from Sep. 5 through the remainder of the dove (615) 781-6622 Waterfowl - Same as statewide seasons. Hunting from registered season.

blind sites only except during the early duck season. All goose hunting is from registered blinds only. 225-PERCY PRIEST Davidson/Rutherford/Wilson counties UNIT III Two units consisting of 10,768 huntable acres From River Mile 267 upstream to the old Lock 6 site surrounding 14,500 acres of water at River Mile 281 *SG, WF, BG bordering Percy Priest Lake Glen Rogers (615) 355-0914 Big Game Small Game No waterfowl hunting in the Poole Knobs Rest Area.

Same as statewide seasons.

UNIT I near LaVergne north of Smyrna Air Base

  • 1,408 acres Waterfowl - Same as statewide seasons. Hunting from tempo- SG, BG rary blinds only. No blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight. All activities except dove hunts on designated fields and scheduled field trials are prohibited on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, from Sep. 1-Apr.

223-OLD HICKORY LOCK 5 REFUGE 30 unless otherwise specified. Unit I is closed to all activity from sunset to Trousdale/Wilson counties

  • 900 acres one-half hour before sunrise, except as noted. Additional WMA closures for north of Lebanon; Located from Hwy. 231 upstream special field trial dates at the managers discretion. Call (615) 781-6622 for to River Mile 265.5 dates.

Dan Lavacot (615) 444-6673 Public use, including all forms of trespass, is prohibited from Nov. 15 - last day of Feb. Public entry and fishing permitted while on the main river chan- Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Deer and fall turkey is nel passing through the refuge. archery only; archers must comply with legal blaze orange requirements during muzzleloader and gun seasons.

North of the Cumberland River right side of river heading downstream *SG, BG Muzzleloader Deer Hunt same as statewide muzzleloader season except Monday through Thursday only.

Big Game Small Game Closed to waterfowl.

Dove - Sep. 1, and each Saturday and Sunday thereafter, during the Same as statewide seasons. statewide seasons (first and second segments only) and also Labor Day.

South of the Cumberland River Shooting from staked positions only. On Sep. 1 staked positions will be left side of river heading downstream

  • BG assigned by a drawing held on site at 10:00 a.m. and hunters must check out at the conclusion of their hunt. Successful applicants must be at their Boat access only. staked positions at the start of shooting hours.

Quail - rabbit - Young Sportsman - Same as statewide Deer - turkey - archery - Young Sportsman - Sep. 24-25, seasons, except Mon.-Thurs. only. Shotguns only. Young sportsmen Oct. 1-2, 8-9, 15-16, 22-23, Oct. 29-30.

must be accompanied by an adult who may not hunt or carry firearms or archery equipment. Each adult must possess a valid hunting license and Deer - muzzleloader/archery - Young Sportsman - Nov. 5-6, 12. an area permit.

Turkey - Young Sportsman - Same as statewide seasons. Turkey - Same as statewide season except closed Friday-Sunday until Apr. 30.

Dog Training (except retrievers) - Sep. 1-Apr. 30. Small game permit required. Training from horseback prohibited prior to Oct. 1.

Participants of sanctioned field trials may train 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> prior to and after scheduled dates without a small game permit. Blank ammunition only. Night time dog training is permitted.

2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide 61

wma Wildlife Management Areas 227-TIE CAMP (615) 781-6622 Retriever dog training and trials - Year-round in designated Wayne County

  • 8,088 acres areas only. Trials must be scheduled with area manager and special field north of Waynesboro trial permits must be obtained from the Region II Office (615-781-6622) Phillip Smith (931) 762-5749 *SG, BG at least 30 days in advance of trial dates. Participants of sanctioned field trials may train 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> prior to and after scheduled dates without a Big Game Small Game small game permit.

Bird dog, rabbit dog and fox hound trials - Sep. 1-Apr. 30. Trials must Same as statewide seasons.

be scheduled with the area manager and special field trial permits must be obtained from the Region II Office, (615-781-6622), at least 30 days in 228-WILLIAMSPORT advance of trial dates. Field trial gallery must be kept out of standing or Maury County

  • 1,722 acres planted crops by marshals provided by sponsoring club. Fox hound trials on Hwy. 50 approximately 10 mi. west of Columbia subject to special regulations. Tommy Edwards (931) 840-4042 *SG, BG Horseback riding - Horses permitted on all areas except freshly planted All horses must be ridden on designated trails only. No riding during sched-and standing crops and special areas as posted.

uled big game hunts. Possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

Region II

UNIT II Davidson/Rutherford/Wilson counties Small Game 9,360 non-contiguous acres bordering Percy Priest Reservoir *SG, WF, BG Same as statewide seasons , except as noted. Small game hunting is closed at sunset the day before and during all big game hunts.

Big Game Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Shotguns, muzzleloaders Dove - Same as statewide seasons, except open only on Sep. 1 and and archery only for hunting deer. every Saturday during the first segment of the statewide season. Designat-ed fields only and shooting from staked positions only on Sep. 1. On Sep. 1, Archery practice - Open year-round, on designated range site only (Poole staked positions will be assigned by a drawing held on site at 10:00 a.m.

Knobs). Target arrows only. Hunters must be present at drawing and must check out at the conclusion of the hunt. Successful applicants must be on stake at legal shooting hours.

Waterfowl - Same as statewide seasons. Temporary blinds only.

No blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight. No Deer - archery - Three hunts. Sep. 24-26, Sep. 30-Oct. 2, waterfowl hunting in the Poole Knobs Rest Area. Oct. 7-9. Two deer, either sex but only one may be antlered. Bonus deer.

Deer - gun - Young Sportsman - Two hunts (no quota). Oct. 15-16, Dog training - Sep. 1-Apr. 30. No hunting or training allowed 22-23. Two deer, either sex but only one may be antlered (bonus deer).

from horseback.

Deer - muzzleloader - One hunt. Oct. 28-30. 100 hunter quota. Two deer, either sex but only one may be antlered (bonus deer).

226-SHELTON FERRY Deer - gun - Four hunts. Nov. 4-6, 11-13, 18-20, Dec. 2-4.

Montgomery County

  • 628 acres 100 hunter quota. Two deer, either sex but only one may be antlered south of Clarksville (bonus deer).

Region II Office (615) 781-6622

  • SG, WF, BG Big Game Small Game Turkey - Two hunts. Mar. 31-Apr. 3, Apr. 13-16. One bearded bird per hunt. Counts toward statewide season bag limit.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Deer is archery equipment Turkey - Young Sportsman - One hunt. Mar. 24-25. One bearded bird only, except during Young Sportsman hunt.

counts toward statewide bag limit.

Shooting Range - Montgomery Co. Shooting Complex. See page 44.

Crow - Sep. 1-Feb. 28. All crow hunting limited to Saturdays during the month of September during the first segment of dove season; thereafter on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15, daylight hours only.

229-YANAHLI Maury County

  • 12,800 acres South east of Columbia Tommy Edwards (931) 840-4042 *SG, wf, BG Horses must be ridden on designated trails only. Possession of alcoholic bev-erages is prohibited. During daylight hours, all users outside of an enclosed vehicle or out of camp must wear fluorescent orange during the deer gun and muzzleloader seasons.

Big Game Small Game Same as statewide seasons. All treestands must be marked with hunters TWRA ID number.

Shooting Range - See page 44.

62 2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide

Wildlife Management Areas wma Big Bottom Unit Region III

PICK ETT 322 CLAY Unauthorized entry is prohibited between sunset and sunrise. Motorized 325 vehicles and ATVs restricted to designated roads. Camping in designated JACKSON 314 324 areas only. Wild hogs may be taken during deer season by a legal deer hunter.

308 FENTRESS 307 301 327 OVERTON Big Game Small Game MORGAN PUTNAM Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.

310 303 315 DEKALB 316 319 WHITE CUMBERLAND 317 E Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.

N 321 OA 302 R 320 303-CATOOSA VANBUREN 329 Cumberland/Morgan counties

  • 79,740 acres WARREN 311 RHEA M I-40 exits, Peavine, Genesis, and Westel roads EI G BLEDSOE 330 S Jim Lane (931) 456-2479 *SG, BG 306 (931) 484-9571 313 SE MONROE Entire area open on all deer hunts. Catoosa WMA will be closed to all users QU 306 306 Feb. 1 through last Friday in March except for walk-in small game hunting GRUNDY C 306 MCMINN AT 306 from Feb. 1-last day of Feb. Guides prohibited on all hunts. Unauthorized HI E 305 entry or presence is prohibited between sunset and sunrise. During big game 326 HAMILTON hunts, the area is open only to legal big game hunting participants. ATVs 305 309 and motorized bikes are permitted only by individuals possessing a hunting MARION 328 BRADLEY POLK 323 and fishing license and a WMA permit, from the fourth Saturday in August 318 304 312 through the spring squirrel season. ATVs, motorized bikes, and horseback riders may not enter the area except through gated TWRA access points.

Wild hogs may be taken during any deer hunt. Chasing fox, coyotes, bobcat 301-ALPINE MOUNTAIN or wild hogs with dogs is not permitted. Big game hunters are required to Overton County

  • 1,642 acres check out big game and wild hogs at the WMA check stations when stations Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *SG, BG are in operation. Attention: Wild Hog Hunters there have been three (3) documented cases of Brucellosis in hogs on Catoosa. Use caution when Big Game Small Game handling harvested hogs. For info on this disease see page 19.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Small Game Big Game Same as statewide seasons except closes at sunset on the day before and Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15. during big game hunts unless otherwise noted. Dogs prohibited during the spring squirrel season. Walk-in hunting only from Feb. 1 - last day of 302-BRIDGESTONE/FIREsTONE Feb. Closed to all hunting Mar. 1 through the 4th Friday in Aug., except CENTENNIAL WILDERNESS during turkey and spring squirrel seasons.

White County

  • 10,000 acres Bullfrog - Apr. 1-Sep. 1. No hunting during turkey hunts.

on the Cumberland County line 6 miles south of Hwy. 70S James Douglas (931) 935-3280 *SG, BG Opossum - raccoon - Sunset Nov. 1 to sunrise Dec. 31 No ATVs, motorcycles, or horseback riding permitted. Closed to all non- except closes at sunset on the day before and during big game hunts.

hunting activities during big game hunts.

Small Game Deer - On all hunts, antlered deer must have a minimum of 4 points Closed to quail hunting. on one antler or a 15-inch minimum outside antler spread on all hunts.

Same as statewide season except as noted. Closed to all hunting Mar. 1 through the 4th Friday in Aug., except during turkey and spring squirrel Deer - archery - Three hunts. Oct. 15-17, 18-20, 21-23. Two deer, seasons. Small game hunting and dog training closed at sunset on the no more than one antlered (bonus deer). Area checking stations oper-day before and during scheduled deer and turkey hunts. ated.

Deer - gun/archery - Young Sportsman - One hunt. Oct. 29-30. Two Turkey - Same as statewide seasons. deer, no more than one antlered (bonus deer).

Deer - gun/archery - One hunt. Nov. 10-12. Station quota: Genesis Deer - archery - Sep. 24-Oct. 28, Oct. 31- Nov. 4. Bag limit same 1,000; Bicolor 1,000. One deer, buck only (bonus deer).

as statewide season. Deer - muzzleloader/archery - One hunt. Nov. 17-19. Station quota:

Deer - muzzleloader/archery - Nov. 5-11. Bag limit same as statewide Genesis 1,000; Bicolor 1,000. One deer, buck only (bonus deer).

season. Deer - gun/archery - One hunt. Dec. 1-3. Station quota: Genesis 1,000; Deer - gun/archery - Nov. 19-Dec. 15. Bag limit same as statewide season. Bicolor 1,000. One deer, buck only (bonus deer).

Deer - Young Sportsman - Oct. 29-30. Bag limit same as statewide season. Deer - gun/archery - One hunt. Dec. 15-17. One deer, buck only (bonus deer). Entire area open.

Antlered deer must have a minimum of 4 points on one antler or a 15-inch minimum outside antler spread on all hunts.

Wild hogs may be taken during any deer hunt by legal deer hunters. Turkey - Six hunts. Apr. 6-8, 13-15, 17-19, 24-26, Apr. 27-29, May 1-3. One turkey per hunt, not to exceed four per season.

Turkey - Young Sportsman - One hunt. Apr. 21-22. One turkey (bonus bird).

Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.

2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide 63

wma Wildlife Management Areas (931) 484-9571 Trapping - Jan. 1-31. Any fishers caught must be released if found in a trap alive. Fishers found dead in traps must be presented to the TWRA. Same as statewide seasons except as noted. Small game hunting in bear reserves and party hunt area (during quota hunts), prohibited one day Dog Training - Closed. before and during bear/wild hog hunts. Small game hunters, except rac-coon and opossum hunters, must wear 500 square inches of fluorescent orange during muzzleloader and gun season. Dogs permitted for squirrel Shooting Range - See page 44. hunting outside of bear reserve Jan. 1 - last day of Feb. Spring squirrel season is closed. Area closed to all hunting Mar. 1-4th Friday in August 304-CHARLOTTE ANN FINNELL NEAL except during turkey season.

Bradley County

  • 495 acres Region iii office (931) 484-9571
  • sg,wf, bg Deer - wild hog - archery - One hunt. Sep. 17-23. One deer, either Use of motorized vehicles prohibited. sex (bonus deer). Wild hogs, no limit.

Wild hog - gun - dogs permitted - Two hunts. Oct. 3-7, Dec. 30-Jan.

Region III

2. Hunting confined to that area outside the Tellico and Ocoee Bear Reserves. Wild hogs, no limit.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Archery equipment only for deer hunting. Deer season closes Dec. 16.

Deer - wild hog - muzzleloader -One hunt. Oct. 28-30. One deer, buck only (bonus deer). Wild hogs, no limit.

Small Game Small game season is Dec. 17 - last day of Feb., except squirrel Deer - wild hog - gun - Young Sportsman - One hunt. Nov 5-6. One season is also open from last Sat. in Aug. to Sep. 23 and during the spring deer, either sex (bonus deer). Wild hogs, no limit.

squirrel season. Dogs are not permitted during spring squirrel season.

Deer - wild hog - gun - Two hunts. Nov. 19-29, Dec. 16-25. Two deer, buck only (bonus deer). Wild hogs, no limit.

Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.

305-South CHEROKEE Bear - wild hog - gun - dogs permitted - Four hunts. Oct. 1-2, 8-9, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, Dec. 1-14. One bear, either sex. Wild hog, no limit.

along the Tennessee-North Carolina state line south of Hunting confined to that area outside the Ocoee and Tellico Bear Re-the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

  • 250,000 acres serves. Party Dog Area closed during scheduled quota party dog hunts.

David Whitehead (423) 884-6767

  • bg Includes former Ocoee and Tellico Units. Bear reserves are closed to all big Bear - wild hog - gun - party dog hunts - Four hunts. Oct. 1-2, game hunting when the bear season is open on the South Cherokee. It is illegal 8-9, Oct. 31-Nov. 1, Dec. 1-2. Hunter quota, 75 permits per party. One to possess firearms with any breed of dog other than pointing breeds during party permitted in each of the following areas: Upper Tellico, Lower daylight hours, excluding bear and wild hog season, except as provided. Chero- Tellico, Upper Bald River, and Lower Bald River. One bear, either sex.

kee WMA Nonquota Big Game permit (Type 095, Type 167 or Type 094) or Wild hogs, no limit. Non-hunting youth under the age of 13 may ac-Sportsman License required to hunt the nonquota big game hunts. Some roads company an adult hunter (18 years old or older) who has a valid party normally open to public travel may be closed from Dec. 15-March 31. Wild hunt permit. Juveniles must also comply with all regulations specified for hog hunting is permitted as indicated. During gun and muzzleloader wild hog permitted hunters.

hunts all wild hog hunters must comply with the Big Game Hunter Orange requirements. All hogs harvested must be checked in at WMA check station if check station is in operation. If WMA check station is not in operation, hogs must be checked in at a county check station or through the internet and desig-nated as South Cherokee hogs.

CHEROKEE PARTY HUNT COMPARTMENTS Upper Tellico South Cherokee The portion of the Tellico River drainage lying north of the Tellico River Road, south of the North River Road and west BEAR RESERVES of the North Carolina line.

Ocoee Bear Reserve Lower Bald River The Cherokee Wildlife Management Area and private That portion of the Bald River and Tellico River drainages inholdings bounded on the north by Ocoee Lake and Ocoee lying south of the Tellico River Road, and north of the Holly River, on the south by the Tennessee/Georgia state line and on Flats Road.

the east and west by the National Forest Boundary.

Lower Tellico Tellico Bear Reserve That portion of the Tellico River drainage lying east of Turkey The Cherokee Wildlife Management Area in Monroe County Creek, north of the Tellico River Road, west of the North that lies north of the Tellico-Robbinsville Road, east of Carolina state line, and south of the Tellico-Robbinsville Forest Service Road 35, south of Forest Service Road 26 Road.

and west of the ridge running from Farr Gap through Little Fodderstack to Big Fodderstack and following the North Upper Bald River Carolina state line to the Tellico-Robbinsville Road. That portion of the Bald River and Tellico River drainages lying south of the Tellico River road, south of the Holly Flats For other bear reserves, see page 71. Road, and north of the North Carolina state line.

64 2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide

Wildlife Management Areas wma October. Quota application period runs from Sep. 7-Oct. 12. Hunters Region III

Opossum - raccoon - Outside of Tellico and Ocoee Bear selected for a blind site may bring up to three additional hunters. No Reserves Nov. 7-16, Jan. 1-last day of Feb.. Tellico and Ocoee Bear Re- more than four hunters per blind. No blind site may be hunted unless the serves open for raccoon hunting, Jan. 1-last day of Feb. .22 caliber short, hunter selected for that assigned blind site and date is present. Hunters and long rifle are the only legal firearms on a raccoon hunt. may leave in place decoys and a temporary blind at their blind site during their assigned hunt date, but must remove all decoys at the end of their last hunt date. Young Sportsman hunters may hunt blind sites during the Trapping - Jan. 1-last day of Feb. youth waterfowl season on a first come, first serve basis. Youth hunters during the youth waterfowl season must enter the hunting area only from established TWRA parking areas.

Bear Dog Training - Sep. 8-13. No bears may be harvested.

No firearms or archery equipment may be possessed. No training in reserves. Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15 except closed during the late duck season.

307-CORDELL HULL Shooting ranges - Open daylight hours only (see page 44).

Jackson/Smith counties

  • 25,000 acres Safety Zone - On the Cherokee WMA, hunting or discharging a firearm includes all property posted and painted with is prohibited within 150 yards of a developed recreation area, camp-(931) 484-9571 Corps of Engineer and/or TWRA signs site, residence, building, occupied area, across or on a National Forest Gary Black (931) 484-9571 *SG, WF, BG system road. Contact the appropriate U.S. Forest Service office for more information. Big Game Small Game Horseback riding - Horseback riding on properties owned by the U.S.

Forest Service shall be the same as U.S. Forest Service regulations. Con- Same as statewide seasons except deer hunting ends on Dec. 16.

tact the U.S. Forest Service (423-476-9700). On those properties owned or leased by the TWRA, horseback riding is only allowed upon roads opened for vehicle travel. No riding off road into openings, fields, trails Wheelchair-Bound Hunter Zone - That area in the or through streams. old Corps of Engineers Roaring River Campground area of Cordell Hull WMA (north of Hwy. 135, north of Roaring River, south and east of Dog Training - Dog training prohibited unless otherwise specified. The Hwy 85, and west of old Roaring River Iron Bridge Road).

use or possession of any electronic tracking devices from Mar. 1-Aug. 15 is illegal. Hunting of coyotes with dogs is prohibited. Turkey - Wheelchair-bound zone (that portion of Cordell Hull WMA known as the Old Roaring River Campground, as posted) - Mar. 31-May 13.

Wheelchair-bound hunters only. Two turkeys, either sex (bonus birds).

306-CHICKAMAUGA Bradley/Hamilton/McMinn/Meigs/Rhea counties

  • 4,000 acres Soddy Creek, Sale Creek R & J OUTFITTERS Greg Atchley (931) 484-9571 *NP Cottonport, Washington Ferry Bernie Swiney (423) 365-9166 *NP Affordable trophy whitetail hunts in N.W. Missouri Shelton Bottoms, Mud Creek, New Bethal, Moon Island, Goodfield Creek, Gillespie Bend, Agency Creek, Sugar Creek, South Mouse Creek Units Rob Klippel (423) 334-4788 *NP Big Game Small Game Same as statewide seasons. No waterfowl hunters permitted on units from two hours after legal shooting hours have ended until 4:00 a.m. the following day during the entire statewide duck season(s).

Candies Creek, Johnson Bottoms, Rogers Creek 176 B&C Jason Jackson (423) 614-3018 *SG, WF, BG Yellow Creek Units 5-Day, Fully Guided, Fair Chase Hunts Bernie Swiney (423) 365-9166 *SG, WF, BG with Lodging start at only $1,700.00!

Big Game Small Game Thousands of private acres.

Same as statewide seasons, except units closed to all forms of trespass, fishing, trapping and hunting of all species, on Monday, Tuesday and No trophy fees or hidden charges.

Wednesday during the statewide duck seasons.


Waterfowl hunting permitted on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday and the first and last day of the duck season. Waterfowl hunting Ray: 786-319-1367 John: 786-394-3536 ends at 3:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday only. No waterfowl hunters or other activities permitted on units from two hours after legal shoot-ing hours have ended until 4:00 a.m. the following day during the duck seasons. Hunting is allowed only from registered blinds sites. Blind sites and hunting dates will be allocated through a computer drawing held in 2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide 65

wma Wildlife Management Areas Deer - gun/archery - Wheelchair-bound hunter zone - Nov. 19-20.

(931) 484-9571 Bag limit 2 deer, no more than one antlered (bonus deer). Wheelchair- Squirrel - Dec. 1 - last day of Feb. Shotguns only. Spring squirrel bound hunters only. season is closed.

Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15. Deer - archery - One hunt. Nov. 5-7. 300 hunter quota. Two deer, no more than one antlered (bonus deer).

308-CORDELL HULL REFUGE Deer - archery - One hunt. Nov. 8-13. Two deer, no more than one Jackson County

  • 600 acres antlered (bonus deer).

near Gainesboro between Freestate Bridge Hwy 85A and Hwy 56 Bridge Gary Black (931) 484-9571 *SG, wf, bg Turkey - archery - Apr. 7-15. One turkey per day, not to exceed two turkeys (bonus bird).

Public use including all forms of trespass and hunting is prohibited from Nov. 15 - last day of Feb., except as otherwise indicated. Public entry per- 312-FOURTH FRACTIONAL TOWNSHIP mitted while on the main river channel passing through the refuge. Fishing Region III

by boat allowed during refuge closure in marked river channel only. Polk County

  • 1,107 acres near Copper Hill Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *NP Big Game Small Game Closed to quail hunting.

ATVs and motorcycles prohibited.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. All seasons closed during refuge closure date, including dog training. Deer season is Sep. 26-Oct. 28.

Big Game Small Game Deer - archery - wheelchair-bound - Sep. 24-25. One deer, Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Big game is archery-only.

either sex (bonus deer). Archers must comply with legal blaze orange requirements during muzzleloader and gun seasons. Beagles and pointing breed dogs only.

Deer - gun/archery - wheelchair-bound - Nov. 5-6. One deer, either Shotguns only, with No. 6 shot or smaller for small game. Dogs are not sex (bonus deer). permitted during spring squirrel season.

Dog training - Sep. 1-Nov. 14, Mar. 1-15, daylight hours only. Dog training - beagles and pointing breeds only.

309-CUMMINGS COVE 313-HIWASSEE REFUGE Hamilton/Marion counties

  • 1,200 acres Meigs/Rhea counties
  • 2,500 acres Region iii office (931) 484-9571
  • sg, wf, bG on Chickamauga Reservoir WMA Office (423) 614-3018 *SG, WF, BG There is currently no public access for Cummings Cove. The only access at present is through private properties with the permission from the various Refuge is closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 through the landowners. TWRA is working on solving this problem, but this situation last day of Feb., except the wildlife viewing area is open year-round. Public may not be resolved before the 2011-12 hunting season. entry and fishing is permitted while on the main river channel passing through the refuge.

Big Game Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to spring and fall squirrel hunting on the Hiwassee Island.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. All seasons closed during Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.

refuge closure date unless otherwise indicated. Nontoxic shot approved 310-EDGAR EVINS STATE PARK by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is required for small game hunt-ing. Small game hunting and dog training is closed at sunset on the day DeKalb County

  • 6,000 acres before and during scheduled big game hunts, unless special exception is on Center Hill Lake indicated.

Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *NP Big Game Small Game Dove - Sep. 1, 3. Noon to sunset only on Sep. 1. No access permit-ted by boat.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to spring squirrel on north side of Center Hill Lake.

Dove - Young Sportsman - Sep. 10. Noon to sunset only. No ac-cess permitted by boat. Hunters must pre-register for hunt online. Regis-Dog Training - Same as statewide, except closed on north side of tration and hunt information will be available at

Center Hill Lake.

Squirrel - Fourth Saturday in Aug. - second Saturday in Sep. To 311-FALL CREEK FALLS STATE PARK include all of the Hiwassee Refuge except Hiwassee Island.

Bledsoe/Van Buren counties

  • 7,000 acres off Hwy. 30 between Pikeville and Spencer Region III Office (931) 484-9571
  • BG Spring Squirrel - Same as statewide.

All hunters are required to register and obtain a free permit at the park Spring Turkey - Same as statewide.

headquarters (423) 881-5298. Dog training prohibited. Vehicle parking restricted to designated parking areas only during the hunting season. No parking allowed on roadside grass. All deer and turkey hunters must sign Opossum - raccoon - Sep. 10-Nov. 12. Hunting on Tuesday register at the horse stables before hunting. and Wednesday nights only. Two raccoons per person per night.

66 2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide

Wildlife Management Areas wma Region III

Deer - archery - One hunt. Sep. 23-25. 250 hunter quota. Two Deer - Same as statewide Unit A season. Closed to county non-deer, either sex (bonus deer). quota antlerless deer hunts.

Deer - archery - One hunt. Oct. 7-9. Two deer, either sex (bonus deer).

Deer - muzzleloader - One hunt. Oct. 21-23. 200 hunter quota. Two Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.

deer, either sex (bonus deer).

318-NORTH CHICKAMAUGA CREEK Deer - muzzleloader - One hunt. Nov. 11-13. 150 hunter quota. Two deer, either sex (bonus deer). Hamilton County

  • 5,400 acres Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *SG, wf, bg Deer - shotgun/muzzleloader - Young Sportsman - One hunt. Sep. 17-18.

100 hunter quota. Two deer, either sex (bonus deer). Hixson, Rogers, Sutton, Thrasher Bottoms, Vandergriff, and Varner Units.

Also includes Flipper Bend Unit of North Wood duck/teal, Canada goose - Same as statewide September Chickamauga Creek Gorge State Natural seasons. No waterfowl hunters allowed on refuge from two hours after Area shooting hours have ended until 4:00 a.m. the following day.

No motorized vehicles outside parking areas. Area closed after sunset except (931) 484-9571 for opossum and raccoon hunters. Trespass prohibited by non-hunters on Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15, daylight hours only. hunt days, except on Flipper Bend Unit of North Chickamauga Creek Gorge Retriever field trials - Pre-approved by area manager at least 30 days in SNA. Dogs are not permitted on North Chickamauga Creek Gorge SNA.

advance of trial dates.

Big Game Small Game 314-JACKSON SWAMP Closed to quail hunting.

Overton County

  • 203 acres Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. All hunting ends on Jan. 31 Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *SG, WF, BG except for spring squirrel and spring turkey. The bag limit for rabbits is 3 per day. Shotguns loaded with #4 shot or smaller only (except waterfowl).

Big Game Small Game Hunting allowed only on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, unless excep-Closed to quail hunting. tion is indicated.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.

Dove - Sep. 1 and every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of the statewide dove season. Noon until sunset only. No dove hunters or dove Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.

hunting equipment on dove fields prior to 7:00 a.m. on opening day of 315-KEYES-HARRISON the first segment of the dove season.

Cumberland County

  • 1,740 acres Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *NP Deer - Archery equipment only. Archers must comply with the big game hunter orange requirements during the statewide deer gun or Big Game Small Game muzzleloader hunts.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Dogs are not permitted dur-ing spring squirrel season. Turkey - Hunting ends at noon each day.

Waterfowl - Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and the first and last day Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.

of the statewide season, including the youth waterfowl season. Shotguns 316-Luper Mountain loaded with BBB shot or smaller. Hunting ends at noon each day including the youth waterfowl season. Hunting from temporary blinds only. No Cumberland County

  • 2,070 acres blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight.

Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *NP Big Game Small Game Trapping - Friday before Thanksgiving - Jan. 31. Traps must be checked daily. North Chickamauga Creek Gorge SNA closed to trapping.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Dogs are not permitted dur-ing spring squirrel season.

Dog training - Sep. 1-Jan. 31, except closed to training during the late duck season. Dog training not permitted on North Chickamauga Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15. Creek Gorge SNA.

317-MT. ROOSEVELT Patton Unit Cumberland/Roane/Morgan counties

  • 11,000 acres All motorized vehicles must stay on main road while transiting the area.

Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *NP Possession of alcoholic beverages prohibited.

ATVs and motorized bikes are permitted only by individuals possessing a Big Game Small Game hunting and fishing license and a WMA permit, from the fourth Saturday in August through the spring squirrel season. Same as statewide seasons.

Big Game Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to all nonhunting activities during big game hunts.

2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide 67

wma Wildlife Management Areas 319-OAK RIDGE (931) 484-9571 Big Game Small Game Roane/Anderson counties

  • 37,000 acres Jim Evans (865) 576-2380 *SG, wf, bg Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. All seasons closed during refuge closure date, including dog training. Archery equipment only for Shotguns, muzzleloading rifles and archery equipment only. On big game deer; archers must comply with legal blaze orange requirements during quota hunts and on approved scouting days for all zones, except Tower muzzleloader and gun seasons. Shotguns only for small game. Non-toxic Shielding and Chestnut Ridge/Park City Road Zone, one non-hunting juve- shot required for small game hunting.

nile under the age of 16 may accompany an adult hunter (18 years old or older) who has a valid WMA quota permit. During deer hunts, non-hunting juveniles must also comply with fluorescent orange regulations specified for Dog training - Sep. 1-Nov. 14, Mar. 1-15.

legal hunters. No boat access except for Haw Ridge Park during deer hunts and waterfowl hunters accessing Solway and Freels Bend on Sep. 3, 5, 10 321-PEA RIDGE and Saturdays during October Canada Goose season. Except for the spring DeKalb County

  • 1,550 acres turkey season, all big game hunters must wear fluorescent orange during all Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *SG, BG hunts, including archery hunters in the archery-only zones. Hunters must Region III

carry, at all times, hunting license and permit, valid picture identification Big Game Small Game (youth excluded), and signed current hunt map. Dog training prohibited. Closed to quail hunting.

Hunters are required to check out big game at WMA check station. Same as statewide seasons.

Deer scouting dates - 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Oct. 15 for the Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.

Oct. 22-23 permit holders and approved youths only; Nov. 5 for the Nov. 12-13 permit holders and approved youths only; Dec. 3 for the Dec. 322-PICKETT STATE FOREST 10-11 permit holders and approved youths only. Pickett County

  • 11,000 acres Deer - shotgun/muzzleloader - gun zones only - Three hunts. Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *NP Oct. 22-23, Nov. 12-13, and Dec. 10-11. 450 hunter quota. Two deer, no more than one antlered (bonus deer). Big Game Small Game Deer - archery - Park City Road, Chestnut Ridge Zone - Three hunts. Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.

Oct. 22-23, Nov. 12-13, and Dec. 10-11. 250 hunter quota. Two deer, no more than one antlered (bonus deer). One turkey, either sex.

Deer - archery - Poplar Creek Road Zone - Three hunts. Oct. 22-23, Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.

Nov. 12-13, and Dec. 10-11. 175 hunter quota. Two deer, no more than one antlered (bonus deer). One turkey, either sex. 323-PRENTICE COOPER STATE FOREST Deer - archery - Tower Shielding Zone - Three hunts. Oct. 22-23, Nov.

12-13, and Dec. 10-11. 250 hunter quota. Two deer, no more than one Marion County

  • 24,000 acres antlered (bonus deer). One turkey, either sex. on Hwy. 27 five miles east of Powells Crossroads Clint Smith (423) 658-0298 *SG, BG Turkey - Two hunts. Apr. 14-15, 21-22. 225 hunter quota. One Unauthorized entry or presence is prohibited between sunset and sunrise.

turkey (bonus bird). Hunting ends at noon daily. Successful hunters must ORVs, horseback riding, bicycles, and all other vehicles are restricted to roads, be at the check station by 1:00 p.m. Hunts subject to cancellation for trails or routes designated for their use. Organized competition events for national security reasons. Hunting area may be reduced. Turkey scouting motorized vehicles is prohibited. The maximum noise limit for all motorized date is 7:00 a.m. to noon Apr. 7 for the Apr. 14-15 and Apr. 21-22 permit vehicles is 86 dBa, as measured 50 feet from the exhaust, except as otherwise holders and approved youths only. permitted. Reckless operation of motorized and non-motorized vehicles is prohibited. Reckless operation is defined as operating a vehicle in a reckless or negligent manner as to endanger the life and limb of others, or property or de-Waterfowl - One half hour before sunrise to noon. Hunting on velopments of the State, or property of any person. The maximum speed limit Solway and Freels Bend only from the shoreline to Solway Bend Farm is 25 mph or less if otherwise posted. All side roads and trails will be closed to Road and from the shoreline to Freels Bend Farm Road. Access by boat motorized vehicles Dec. 20-Mar. 15. Big game hunters are required to check from Melton Hill Reservoir only. Hunting from temporary blinds only. out big game at the WMA check station when station is in operation.

Wood Duck /Teal - Sep. 10 Small Game Canada Goose - Sep. 3, 5, 10 and Saturdays during the October Canada Closed to quail hunting.

goose season. Goose hunting closed on scheduled deer scouting or hunt-ing days in Oct. Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Small game hunting and dog training will close at sunset the day before and during scheduled big 320-PAINT ROCK REFUGE game hunts unless otherwise indicated.

Roane County

  • 1,600 acres on Watts Bar Lake Fox - opossum - raccoon - Third Friday in Oct. through Rob Klippel (865) 717-0579 *NP Jan. 30, except hunting limited to Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday nights only. Closed at sunset the day before and during scheduled big Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - last day of Feb. Pub- game hunts. Bag limit is one per party, per night.

lic entry and fishing is permitted while on the main river channel passing through the refuge.

Deer - archery - One hunt. Sep. 17-19. 500 hunter quota. Two deer, no more than one antlered (bonus deer).

Deer - archery - One hunt. Sep. 20-25. Two deer, no more than one antlered (bonus deer). No area checking station operated.

Deer - muzzleloader/archery - One hunt. Oct. 13-15. 350 hunter quota.

Two deer, no more than one antlered (bonus deer).

68 2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide

Wildlife Management Areas wma Deer - gun/archery - Young Sportsman - One hunt. Oct. 29-30. Two Horses - Permitted except on freshly planted fields, standing crops and Region III

deer, no more than one antlered (bonus deer). special areas as posted.

Deer - gun/archery - One hunt. Nov. 4-6. One deer, buck only (bonus deer).

Deer - gun/archery - One hunt. Nov. 26-Dec. 1. Two deer, buck only Dove - Young Sportsman - Sep. 5. Opens at noon.

(bonus deer).

Squirrel/Rabbit - shotgun/archery - Young Sportsman -

Turkey - Six hunts. Apr. 3-5, 6-8, 11-13, 19-21, 24-26, 27-29. Same as statewide seasons, except Monday through Thursday only.

One turkey per hunt, not to exceed four turkeys.

Deer - shotgun/archery - Young Sportsman - One hunt. Dec. 17.

Trapping - Dec. 16-28. 35 hunter quota. One deer, either sex (bonus deer).

Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15. Dog training - Closed during field trials and big game hunts.

Daylight hours only.

Shooting Range - See page 40. Field trials - Sep. 1-Apr. 15. Trials must be scheduled with area man-(931) 484-9571 ager and special field trial permit obtained from the Region III Office (931-484-9571) at least 30 days prior to trial dates. Field trial gallery 324-Skinner Mountain must be kept out of standing or planted crops by marshals provided by Fentress County

  • 4,193 acres sponsoring clubs.

Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *NP CHOTA REFUGE UNIT ATVs and motorized bikes are permitted only by individuals possessing a That portion from LTRM 26.0 upstream to the Hiwassee-Alcoa Powerline hunting and fishing license and WMA permit, from the fourth Saturday in at LTRM 29.7 August through the spring squirrel season.

Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - last day of Feb.

Big Game Small Game except in designated observation areas.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Big Game Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. All seasons closed dur-Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15. ing refuge closure date. Deer hunting closed Nov. 1-14. Non-toxic shot approved by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service required for small game 325-STANDING STONE STATE FOREST hunting as posted.

Overton County

  • 8,764 acres Region III Office (931) 484-9571 *NP Quail - rabbit - Nov. 1-14.

Big Game Small Game Dog training - Mar. 1-Oct 31.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Field trials - Mar. 1-Oct. 31. Trials must be scheduled with area man-ager and special field trial permit must be obtained from the Region III Deer - Same as statewide seasons, except buck-only bag limit during Office (931-484-9571) at least 30 days prior to trial dates.

the muzzleloader season. Closed to county special season antlerless hunts.

327-THE BOILS Jackson County

  • 119 acres Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15. Region iii * (931) 484-9571
  • sg, wf, bg 326-TELLICO LAKE Big Game Small Game (Including Wears Bend) (That Closed to quail hunting.

portion of Tellico Reservoir Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.

Developement Agency Industrial Park a LTRM 18.0)

Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.

Monroe County

  • 8,000 acres David Whitehead (423) 884-6767 *SG, BG 328-Enterprise South Park Field trial permit required. (Formerly Volunteer Army Ammunition Plant)

Big Game Small Game Hamilton County

  • 1800 acres Region iii Office * (931) 484-9571
  • sg, wf, bg No blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight.

Hunters are required to check out big game at WMA check station when McGHEE-CARSON UNIT check station is in operation. Closed to dog training.

That peninsula of Fort Loudoun Historic Park at Little Tennessee River Mile

[LTRM] 21.0.

Deer - turkey - archery - Two hunts. Oct. 10-11, 24-25.

All small game hunting is for Young Sportsman (ages 6-16) only. Youths 80 hunter quota. Two deer, either sex, first deer harvested must be antler-must be accompanied by a licensed adult, 21 years of age or older, who may less (bonus deer). One turkey, either sex.

not hunt or carry hunting devices. Each adult must possess a valid hunting license and area permit.

2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide 69

wma Wildlife Management Areas 329-WATTS BAR (931) 484-9571 Small Game Roane County

  • 3,880 acres Closed to quail hunting.

primarily on islands and access areas on Watts Bar Lake Same as statewide season, except as noted. Small game seasons closed in Rob Klippel (865) 717-0579 *NP Wetland Zone from Nov. 15 - last day of Feb. Small game hunting closes at sunset the day before and during scheduled big game hunts.

Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Waterfowl hunting allowed Rabbit - Nov. 7-last day of Feb. Bag Limit is 3 per day.

from temporary blinds only. No blinds, blind materials, boats, or decoys may be left overnight.

Dove - Young Sportsman - Sep. 3. Noon to sunset.

Dove - Sep. 4-24.

Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15. Opossum - raccoon - Same as statewide seasons except Iron Hill Island

  • NP Region III

closed after Nov. 10. Hunting permitted on Wednesdays and Thursdays only, sunset to sunrise. All dogs need to be removed from the area prior LONG ISLAND UNIT

  • SG, WF, BG to sunrise on Friday. Raccoon bag limit, one per party per night. No limit THIEF NECK ISLAND UNIT
  • NP on opossums.

Big Game Small Game Deer - Antlered deer must have a minimum of 4 points on one Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Deer is archery only, except antler or a 15 inch minimum outside spread.

juveniles may use shotgun/muzzleloader/archery equipment during the Young Sportsman hunts. Centerfire rifles prohibited. Small game hunting Deer - turkey - archery - Two hunts. Oct. 1-2, 15-16. 100 is archery and shotgun only. Small game hunting and dog training closed hunter quota. Two deer, no more than one antlered (bonus deer). One at sunset on the day before and during scheduled deer and turkey hunts on turkey, either sex.

Thief Neck Island Unit. Non-toxic shot approved by the U.S. Fish & Wild-life Service required for small game hunting on Long Island Unit.

Deer - gun/archery - Young Sportsman - Two hunts. Oct. 8-9, Oct. 29-30. 75 hunter quota. Two deer, only one antlered (bonus deer).

Trapping - Same as statewide except closed during the duck sea-son on Long Island Unit. Deer - muzzleloader/archery - One hunt. Oct. 22-23. 50 hunter quota.

One deer, either sex (bonus deer).

330-YUCHI REFUGE Deer - gun/archery - One hunt. Nov. 5-6. 50 hunter quota. One deer, Rhea County

  • 2,364 Acres either sex (bonus deer).

Bernie Swiney (423) 365-9166 *SG, WF, bg Non-toxic shot only in Wetland Zone. Wetland Zone closed to all forms Deer - gun - wheelchair-bound only - One hunt. Nov. 12-13.

of public use, including all forms of trespass, from Nov. 15 - the last day of One deer, either sex (bonus deer).

Feb. No boat access. No ATV, ORV, or horseback riding permitted.

On big game quota hunts, one non-hunting juvenile under the age of Turkey - Five hunts. Mar. 30-Apr. 1, Apr. 13-15, 20-22, 24-26, 16 may accompany an adult hunter (18 years or older) who has a valid May 1-3. 10 hunter quota. One turkey (bonus bird). Hunting ends at WMA quota permit. During deer gun hunts, non-hunting juveniles must noon each day. No access by boat. Walk-in only.

also comply with fluorescent orange regulations specified for legal hunters.

Hunters required to check out big game at WMA check station when check station is in operation. Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15 in Upland Zone. Sep. 1-Nov. 14 and Mar. 1-15 in Wetland Zone. Daylight hours only. No fox or coyote chasing. No dog training one day before and during scheduled big game hunts.

Retriever field trials - Must be pre-approved by area manager at least 30 days in advance of trial dates.

Americas Easiest Loading 15 inches On some WMAs, antlered bucks legal

& Most Accurate Sabots for harvest must have an outside antler spread of 15 inches or larger.

DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED When judging the size of antlers in the field, remember the general guideline that if the outside antler Toll Free: 800-922-6287 spread is wider than the bucks ears, then the outside antler spread is at least 15 inches.

70 2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide



KNOX JEFFERSON 414 406 COCKE 407 (423) 587-7037 402 415 ON SEVIER LO UD BLOUNT 409 405 401-BUFFALO SPRINGS Grainger County

  • 342 acres Region IV Office (423) 587-7037 *SG, BG Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Only pointing breed dogs are allowed in the bear reserve one day before and during bear hunts.

Waterfall parking area closed one hour after sunset until one hour before Small game hunters (except raccoon and opossum hunters between sunrise. Use or possession of alcohol is prohibited in the waterfall area. sunset and sunrise) must wear 500 square inches of fluorescent orange during muzzleloader and gun season. Wild hogs may be taken on any Big Game Small Game big game hunt with the hunting device legal for that hunt, except wild hogs may NOT be taken in the bear reserves during bear season.

Quail hunting closed. Quail dog training only during statewide quail season. Same as statewide seasons. Dove hunting is first come, first serve and from staked positions only.

North Cherokee 402-North CHEROKEE along the Tennessee-North Carolina BEAR RESERVES state line Region IV Office (423) 587-7037

  • bg Wild hog hunting with dogs and bear hunting are not permit-ted in the following bear reserves unless a special exception Cherokee WMA Nonquota Big Game permit (Type 095, Type 167 or Type is provided by proclamation. Wild hog season is closed during 094) or Sportsman License required to hunt the nonquota big game hunts. bear season.

Some roads normally open to public travel may be closed from Dec. 15-March 31. Andrew Johnson Bear Reserve The Cherokee Wildlife Management Area and private inhold-ings lying southwest of Hwy. 70, east of Hwy. 107 and north Shooting ranges - Open daylight hours only (see page 44). of Hwys. 25-70.

Safety Zone - On the Cherokee WMA, hunting or discharging a firearm is prohibited within 150 yards of a developed recreation area, camp- Kettlefoot Bear Reserve site, residence, building, occupied area, across or on a National Forest The Cherokee Wildlife Management area and private inhold-system road. Contact the appropriate U.S. Forest Service office for more ings lying north of Hwy. 421, east of South Holston Lake, information. south of the Tennessee-Virginia line, and west of Hwy. 91.

Horseback riding - Horseback riding on properties owned by the U.S.

Forest Service shall be the same as U.S. Forest Service regulations. Con- Laurel Fork Bear Reserve tact the U.S. Forest Service (423-476-9700). On those properties owned The Cherokee Wildlife Management area and private inhold-or leased by the TWRA, horseback riding is only allowed upon roads ings lying south of Hwy. 321, west of Poga Road, west of the opened for vehicle travel. No riding off road into openings, fields, trails Tennessee-North Carolina line, and north of Hwy or through streams.

Unicoi Bear Reserve Dog Training - Dog training prohibited unless otherwise specified. The use or possession of any electronic tracking devices from Mar. 1-Aug. 15 is illegal.

The Cherokee Wildlife Management Area lying west of U.S.

Hwy. 23, and the Devils Fork Road, north of the Tennessee/

NORTH CHEROKEE North Carolina state line, east of the Horse Creek Road to Cherokee WMA north of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Hwy. 107 and south of Hwy. 107 to Erwin.

On property owned or leased by the TWRA, ATV and OHV operation is For other bear reserves, see page 64.


2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide 71

wma Wildlife Management Areas (423) 587-7037 Opossum - raccoon - Oct. 14 - last day in Feb. except Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15, daylight hours only, pointing breed closed Nov. 1-4, Nov. 25-28 and Dec. 2-15 in all bear reserves. dogs prohibited. Closed at sunset the day before and during scheduled big game hunts unless otherwise specified.

Deer - Same as statewide seasons except closed to special season antlerless deer hunts. Shooting range - See page 44.

404-COVE CREEK Bear - Same as statewide seasons, except closed Sep. 24-Oct. 14.

Closed in the bear reserves. Campbell County

  • 2,450 acres Region IV Office (423) 587-7037 *SG, BG Bear Dog Training - Sep. 7-Sep. 19. May train in daytime or at Big Game Small Game night. No bears may be harvested. No firearms or archery equipment may be possessed. No training in the bear reserves. Same as statewide seasons.

403-CHUCK SWAN STATE FOREST Region IV 405-FOOTHILLS Union/Campbell counties

  • 24,444 acres Blount County
  • 11,000 acres near Maynardville Bill Smith (865) 856-9711 *SG, BG Dustin McCubbins (865) 278-3248 *SG, BG Motorized vehicles and horseback riding prohibited.

Deer driving, loud noises, and harassment on all deer hunts is prohibited.

Entering the WMA from Norris Lake during the deer and turkey hunts Big Game Small Game is prohibited. Guides prohibited on all hunts. Horses, ATVs, bicycles, non-licensed passenger vehicles and motorcycles are prohibited on the Wild hogs may be taken during any hunt with hunting devices legal for that main forest road. ORV, horseback riding, bicycles, and all other vehicles hunt. Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. The use of and/or posses-are restricted to roads marked open to vehicular traffic. Speed limit is 25 sion of any tracking device for dogs from Mar. 1 to Aug. 31 is not permitted.

mph. Organized competition events for motorized/non-motorized vehicles prohibited. Reckless operation of motorized and non-motorized vehicles prohibited. Reckless operation is defined as operating a vehicle in a reckless Opossum - raccoon - Jan. 1-Feb. 29.

or negligent manner as to endanger the life, limb, or property of any person or damage TWRA property or developments. Maximum noise limit of 86 406-FORKS OF THE RIVER dBs for all motorized vehicles as measured at 50 feet from the exhaust. Knox County

  • 450 acres east of Knoxville Bill Smith (865) 856-9711
  • sg, bg Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to hunting March 1 No motorcycle and/or ATV riding. No target practice. Closed one hour after through the 4th Friday in August except for spring turkey and spring sunset to one hour before sunrise except for raccoon and opossum hunters and squirrel hunting. Small game hunting will close at sunset the day before scheduled events. Bicycles are restricted to greenway trail from Sep. 24-25.

and during scheduled big game hunts unless otherwise specified. Water- Nov. 5-20, Dec. 17-18. Paintball guns and accessories prohibited. All animals fowl is closed as posted. Quail hunting prohibited. accompanied by a non-hunting person are required to be leashed.

Big Game Small Game Raccoon - Seven 1-night hunts. Nov. 5-11. Hunters must check out by 1:00 a.m. All raccoons must be checked out. One raccoon per Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. All hunting is closed from party. Party defined as all occupants of a single vehicle.

Mar. 1 - fourth Friday in Aug. except for spring squirrel and spring tur-key seasons. Shotguns, muzzleloaders, and archery equipment only.

Deer - archery - Two hunts. Oct. 14-15, 21-22. 800 hunter quota.

One deer, either sex (bonus deer).

Dove - Sep. 1, 3, 5 and every day thereafter during the statewide dove seasons. Field capacity may be limited. Pigeon open during dove Deer - gun/archery - Young Sportsman - One hunt. Oct. 29-30. hunts only.

200 hunter quota. One deer, either sex (bonus deer).

Deer - gun/archery - Two hunts. Dec. 2-3, 9-10. 750 hunter quota. One Dove - Youth/Adult - Youth/Adult field on the Whaley tract only deer, buck only (bonus deer). will be open Sep. 3 and every day after during the statewide dove season.

Deer - muzzleloader/archery - One hunt. Nov. 25-26. 750 hunter quota. The youths must be accompanied by a licensed adult who may also hunt One deer, buck only (bonus deer). this field. Pigeon open during dove hunts only.

Turkey - Seven hunts. Mar. 29-31, Apr. 5-7, 12-14, 19-21, 26-28, Waterfowl - Closed in September.

May 3-5, 10-12. 125 hunter quota. One turkey per hunt (bonus bird).

Hunters must sign in and out at the checking station. Hunting ends at 407-FORT LOUDOUN noon each day. Hunter must be at check station by 1:00 p.m. Knox county

  • 492 acres lands owned by the TVA and public waters of Fort Loudoun Reservoir between TRM 638.5 and TRM 649.5 as posted Trapping - Jan. 8 (no raccoon) - Quota, 1 party per com- Region IV office (423) 587-7037 *NP partment. Trappers must apply at WMA office for permit. No snares or conibear traps. Trappers must report catch annually.

Waterfowl - Same as statewide season except open only on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, one half hour before sunrise until noon.

Shot size BBB or smaller required.

72 2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide

Wildlife Management Areas wma 408-HENDERSON ISLAND REFUGE Region IV Big Game Small Game Jefferson County

  • 300 acres on Douglas Reservoir between river miles 42 and 44 Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Waterfowl closed as posted.

David Sams (423) 235-4882

  • sg, bg Non-toxic shot is required for small game hunting as posted. No blinds, blind materials, boats or decoys may be left overnight.

Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - last day of Feb. ex-cept as otherwise indicated. Designated observation area open year-round.

Public entry and fishing permitted while in the main river channel passing Dove - Sep. 1, 5 and every day thereafter during the statewide through the refuge. Horses prohibited. dove seasons. Sep. 3 youth/adult only from sunrise to noon then open to all hunters.

Big Game Small Game JOACHIM BIBLE REFUGE UNIT That portion of Lick Creek WMA between Murray Bridge Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. All seasons closed during Road and South Mohawk Road.

refuge closure date. All small game hunting is Young Sportsman only (ages 6-16). Youths must be accompanied by a licensed adult, 21 years Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - last day of Feb.

of age or older, who may also hunt. Non-toxic shot approved by the U.S. except in designated observation areas.

Fish & Wildlife Service required for small game hunting if posted.

(423) 587-7037 Big Game Small Game Quail - rabbit - Nov. 1-14.

Same as statewide, except as noted. All seasons closed during refuge closure date. All small game hunting is Young Sportsman (ages 6-16).

Dog training - Rabbit and quail: Sep. 1-Oct. 31. All other: Mar. 1- Youths must be accompanied by a licensed adult, 21 years of age or older, Oct. 31, daylight hours only. who may also hunt. Nontoxic shot approved by the US Fish & Wildlife Service is required for small game hunting if posted.


  • 350 acres Bill Smith (865) 856-9711 *SG, BG Dove - Sep. 3-5 and every day thereafter during the first and second segments.

Closed to all forms of use and trespass from Nov. 15 - last day of Feb.

except in designated observation areas.

Big Game Small Game Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Deer hunting is archery and muzzleloader only. Turkey is Youth/Adult only open Friday-Sunday only.

Youth must be accompanied by a licensed adult who may also hunt. Wild hogs may be taken on any deer or turkey hunt with legal devices for these hunts. All seasons closed during refuge closure date. All small game Norris Lake hunting is Young Sportsman only (ages 6-16). Youths must be accom-panied by a licensed adult, 21 years of age or older, who may also hunt.

Non-toxic shot required for small game hunting as posted.

Come for any or all Spring Turkey - Youth/Adult only - Same as statewide season of our four seasons:

except Friday-Sunday hunting only. Youth must be accompanied by a licensed adult who may also hunt. ~Walleye Deer - Muzzleloader/Archery only - Same as statewide seasons. ~Striper Squirrel - Young Sportsman only (ages 6-16) - Same as statewide 17 3/4 lbs.

Caught 6/1/2011 ~Bass season. Non-toxic shot is required for small game hunting as posted. ~Crappie Quail - rabbit - Nov. 1-14.

Dog training - Rabbit and quail: Sep. 1-Oct. 31.

All other: Mar. 1-Oct 31, daylight hours only.

410-KYLES FORD Hancock/hawkins County

  • 1,000 acres David Sams (423) 235-4882 *SG, wf, bg Big Game Small Game Same as statewide seasons.

411-LICK CREEK BOTTOMS Greene County

  • 1,400 acres David Sams (423) 235-4882 *SG, wf, bg 2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide 73

wma Wildlife Management Areas ing vines), or building stones from the area without specific authorization.

(423) 587-7037 Quail - rabbit - Nov. 1-14. Camping is permitted on the entire area. Night time use by the general public and raccoon hunters is permitted area wide.

ORV, horseback riding, bicycles, and all other vehicles are restricted to roads Dog training - rabbit and quail - Sep. 1-Oct. 31. All other:

marked open to vehicular traffic. See page 13 for Special Use Permit information Mar. 1-Oct. 31, daylight hours only.

and fees. Speed limit is 25 mph. Organized competition events for motorized/

non-motorized vehicles prohibited. Reckless operation of motorized and non-mo-412-NOLICHUCKY torized vehicles prohibited. Reckless operation is defined as operating a vehicle Greene County

  • 1,000 acres in a reckless or negligent manner as to endanger the life, limb, or property of any ten miles south of Greeneville person or damage TWRA property or developments. Maximum noise limit of 86 David Sams (423) 235-4882 *SG, wf, Bg dBs for all motorized vehicles as measured at 50 feet from the exhaust.

Big Game Small Game Big Game Small Game Closed to spring squirrel.

Same as statewide seasons.

Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Closed to hunting March 1 -

fourth Friday in August except for spring turkey season. Archery hunters Region IV 413-North Cumberland will be required to meet legal blaze orange requirements while hunting ANDERSON, Campbell, morgan in the elk zones during the elk hunt. Wild hogs may be taken during any AND Scott counties

  • 146,000 acres hunt with hunting devices legal for that hunt.

ROYAL BLUE, SUNDQUIST & NEW RIVER UNITS 35 miles north of Knoxville Elk - gun/archery - One hunt. Oct. 19-23, hunter quota 5. One elk, Stan Stooksbury (423) 566-8557 *SG, BG bull only. Application for the 2011 hunt will be available in early spring.

OHV Information - Rusty Dunn (423) 562-2013 All users should be aware that hazards associated with mining (deep Trapping - Beaver trapping is prohibited.

and strip) exist on this area.

Public use is permitted during all hunts. During daylight hours all users out- Dog training - Sep. 1-Mar. 15.

side of an enclosed vehicle or outside of camp must wear, on the upper portion of their body and head, a minimum of 500 square inches of daylight fluorescent orange, visible front and back, during the deer and elk gun and muzzleloader Shooting range - See page 44.

seasons. No person shall remove minerals, including coal, trees, plants (includ- Ginseng season - Aug. 15-Dec. 31.

414-RANKIN Cocke County

  • 1,255 acres Windsor Woods David Sams (423) 235-4882 *SG, BG Big Game Small Game Hunting Ranch Same as statewide seasons. Small game hunters (except waterfowl) must meet legal fluorescent orange requirements during big game hunts.

415-WHITES MILL Blount County

  • 53 acres Bill Smith (865) 856-9711 *NP Bullfrog - Mar. 1-Nov. 14, gigs only.

Waterfowl - Youth/Adult only - Youths must be accompanied by a licensed adult who may also hunt. Saturdays only from staked positions only.


  • Turkey
  • Pheasant
  • Quail Hunt 1,000 private acres of paradise just 90 minutes south of Nashville.

Deer hunts available from $100-$200/day!

Includes lodging and supper.

Call (931) 722-5772 74 2011 Hunting & Trapping Guide