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#REDIRECT [[3F1112-01, Alion Technical Report ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02, Rev. 0, Crystal River 3: Bypass Fiber Quantity Test Plan]]
| number = ML12326A877
| issue date = 11/07/2012
| title = Alion Technical Report ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02, Rev. 0, Crystal River 3: Bypass Fiber Quantity Test Plan
| author name =
| author affiliation = ALION Science & Technology Corp
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/NRR
| docket = 05000302
| license number = DPR-072
| contact person =
| case reference number = 3F1112-01, GSI-191
| document report number = ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02, Rev 0
| document type = Report, Technical
| page count = 44
{{#Wiki_filter:A L IO N TECHNICAL DOCUMENT COVER PAGE SC ,rwL U ,I Mf~oo, Ot Document No: ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02 Revision:
0 Page Il of 20 Document Title: Crystal River 3: Bypass Fiber Quantity Test Plan Project No: 261-8706 Project Name: Crystal River 3 Top Hat Strainer Bypass Testing for ENERCON Client: ENERCON Document Purpose/Summary:
This document presents the Alion Test Plan for the Crystal River 3 Top Hat Strainer Bypass Testing measurement.
All design inputs are based on the Enercon Design Input Letter [Ref. 10].This test plan is prepared Safety-related in accordance with the Alion Science and Technology Innovative Technology Solutions Operation Nuclear Quality Assurance Program.Total Page Count: 44 pages Design Verification Method: X Design Review Alternative Calculation
___ Qualification Testing Professional Engineer (if required)
./.a. Date Matthew G. Jursich Printed/Typed Name -Sig nature Date David Juryevich
-.... I Reviewed By: David Daily Signature_
ate Printed/Typed Name SigitfUre Date ,hr Dig,,Aly by M- A.Approved By: Megan Stachowiak D 0210 1ý3 1 7 2 1 Printed/Typed Name Signature Date SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY REVISION HISTORY LOG Page 2 of 20 Document Number: ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02 Revision:
0 Document Title: Crystal River 3: Bypass Fiber Quantity Test Plan Instructions:
Project Manager is to provide a brief description of each document revision including rationale for the change and, if applicable, identification of source documents used for the change.REVISION DATE Description See Cover 0 Issued for use.Page+ i Form 6.1.3 Revision I Effective Date: 2/28/07 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Background
6 2.0 Test O bjectives
6 2. I Strainer D esign ...............................................................................................................................................
6 2.2 Fiber Bypass Testing ......................................................................................................................................
7 3.0 Technical A pproach ...........................................................................................................................................
7 3. I O verview of Testing Strategy .....................................................................................................................
7 3.2 D ebris Load D efinition
8 3.3 Scaling of D ebris Q uantities for Testing ...........................................................................................
8 3.4 Filter Bags ........................................................................................................................................................
8 3.5 A ssum ptions ....................................................................................................................................................
9 4.0 Test D escription
9 4. I Scaling and Selection of Prototype
10 4.2 D ebris and Flow Scaling .............................................................................................................................
10 4.3 Fiber D ebris Size D istribution
10 4.4 D ebris Preparation-Fiber
10 4.5 D ebris Introduction
I1 4.6 H ydraulic Test C onditions
I1 4.6. I Strainer A pproach Velocity ..................................................................................................................
I 4.6.2 W ater Tem perature and C hem istry ..................................................................................................
I1 4.6.3 W ater Level .............................................................................................................................................
II 4.6.4 pH ...............................................................................................................................................................
12 4.6.5 T urbidity ...................................................................................................................................................
12 4.7 D ebris Type ..................................................................................................................................................
12 4.8 Test C ontrol .................................................................................................................................................
12 4.9 Preparation
12 4.1 0 D ebris A ddition ............................................................................................................................................
13 5.0 Test M atrix .........................................................................................................................................................
13 6.0 Test Procedures
13 7.0 Test Equipm ent and Specifications
14 7. I Equipm ent Specifications
14 7.2 Test Equipm ent and A ccuracy ..................................................................................................................
15 8.0 Test A cceptance C riteria ................................................................................................................................
16 8.1 Fiber Bypass ..................................................................................................................................................
16 8.2 H ead Loss ......................................................................................................................................................
16 8.3 Testing Stabilization C riteria .....................................................................................................................
16 8.3.1 Step Stabilization C riteria .....................................................................................................................
16 8.3.2 Final Stabilization C riteria .....................................................................................................................
17 8.4 Test Term ination .........................................................................................................................................
17 9.0 Test D ocum entation and Records ...........................................................................................................
17 10.0 D ebris H andling Requirem ents .....................................................................................................................
18 11.0 Q uality A ssurance Requirem ents .................................................................................................................
18 12.0 References
20 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2- I: Strainer and T est Tank Layout ..................................................................................................................
7 Figure 4- I: A lion Hydraulic Test Tank D iagram ...................................................................................................
9 LIST OF TABLES T able 5-I -Bypass T est M atrix ....................................................................................................................................
13 LIST OF APPENDICES A ppendix I -Calculation of Testing Param eters ........................................................................................
(3 pages)LIST OF ATTACHMENTS A ttachm ent A -D esign Input Letter ..............................................................................................................
(9 pages)Attachm ent B -Table 3-2 of N U REG/C R-6808 ............................................................................................ (I page)A ttachm ent C -Vortex Strength Scale ............................................................................................................ ( I page)Attachm ent D -Material Safety and Data Sheets .....................................................................................
(10 pages)
ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONS OC OF Alion CFR CR3 cm D dp ECCS FE GL gpm GSI ft HDFG in ITSO kg LDFG lb LOCA MSDS NI PCI PWR QA S or sec TB USNRC/NRC inches (length)Degrees Celsius Degrees Fahrenheit Alion Science and Technology Code of Federal Regulations Crystal River 3 centimeter Diameter differential pressure Emergency Core Cooling System Flow Element Generic Letter gallons per minute (flow)Generic Safety Issue Feet (of water)High Density Fiberglass inch Innovative Technology Solutions Operation Kilogram Low Density Fiberglass Pound Loss of Coolant Accident Material Safety Data Sheet National Instruments Performance Contracting, Inc.Pressurized Water Reactor Quality Assurance second Turbidity United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission
The design of the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) at the Crystal River Nuclear Power Plant provides a suction source for the ECCS pumps, allowing the ECCS to operate in a containment recirculation mode. If a Loss-of-Coolant-Accident (LOCA) inside containment were to occur, it could generate debris that, if transported to and deposited on the containment sump screens, could pass through the screens and affect downstream components and/or the ability to maintain long term core cooling.The United States' Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Staff has identified Generic Safety Issue (GSI)-191, "Assessment of Debris Accumulation on PWR Sump Performance." To this end, on September 13, 2004, the NRC issued Generic Letter (GL) 2004-02 to Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Owners for action to ensure that LOCA-generated debris does not degrade ECCS performance.
2.0 TEST OBJECTIVES The objective of this test program is to measure the mass of the fibrous debris that passes through the screen perforated area using: " Prototype strainer hydraulic tank testing" 5-micron nominal inline filters to capture bypassed fiber and subsequently take the difference of pre and post-test weights" Incremental fiber loading to ensure conservative measurement of fiber bypass 2.1 Strainer Design A single-ring top hat will be installed in the Alion test tank, see Figure 2- I. The top hat is 38" in length and has a net surface area of 14.70 ft2 [Ref. 10].
Crystal River 3: Bypass Fiber Quantity Test Plan AL I 0 N Document No: ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02 Revision:
0 Page: 7 of 20 Side Suction To Op Manifold Figure 2- I: Strainer and Test Tank Layout 2.2 Fiber Bypass Testing Alion will perform a fiber bypass test on a prototypical section of the sump strainer to measure the maximum fiber bypass quantity through the test strainer that is comprised of one top hat. The testing will be performed in the Alion Test tank located in Warrenville, Illinois.3.0 TECHNICAL APPROACH The discussion of technical approach implemented in this plan includes the following:
* an overview of testing strategy* debris load definition
* scaling of plant quantities for testing* filter bags* assumptions
===3.1 Overview===
of Testing Strategy The technical approach implemented in this test plan is to measure the bypassed fiber quantity for a prototypical ECCS strainer using test conditions that conservatively maximize fiber bypass. Alion will perform bypass testing for Enercon in accordance with the requirements of the project plan [Ref. 14].A representative approach velocity will be passed through a prototypical strainer.
Incremental fiber additions simulate the worst-case scenario for fiber bypass by minimizing the concentration, which prevents early bed formation.
To account for the installation tolerance of 1/16" for any gaps or openings between connecting components of the strainer that provide entry to the strainer internals, a 1/ 16" gap will be included between a portion of the test Top Hat and the plenum. Bypassed fiber will be captured using downstream 5-micron filter bags via a 100% pass through alignment in the flow stream, so that bypassed fiber can be captured and measured.
See Section 3.4 for filter bag preparation, processing and measuring.
The test report will show the measured bypassed fiber quantities per addition and the total quantity of bypassed fiber.3.2 Debris Load Definition Debris load definition is provided by the Enercon Design Input Letter, which identifies the fibrous debris source terms for the current plant configuration.
The single debris type predicted to be destroy post-LOCA at Crystal River is NUKON [Ref. 10]. The debris source terms are scaled for the test article in Appendix I. NUKON will be utilized during testing to represent the plant fibrous debris (see Section 4.7). NUKON fines and smalls will be created according to the current revision of the NEI ZOI Fibrous Debris Preparation
[Ref. 12].3.3 Scaling of Debris Quantities for Testing Scaling of debris quantities is detailed in Appendix I.3.4 Filter Bags The filter bags used for this test will be 5-micron mesh size, which will capture bypassed NUKON particles/fibers, which typically have a diameter of 7-micron and are expected to have a much longer characteristic length, thereby facilitating high capture efficiencies.
Before 'use and in accordance with ALION-SPP-LAB-2352-70
[Ref. 3], the filters will be prewashed to remove any loose material.
The filters will be dried and weighed before and after testing to calculate the amount of NUKON that was captured in the filter bags during the test. Alion lab procedure ALION-SPP-LAB-2352-70, "Filter Bag Preparation and Processing Procedure", will be the procedure utilized to measure the collected NUKON.At least seven filter bags will be prepared before the test. During testing one filter bag will be set up to capture NUKON, another used as a control and the remaining filter bags will be switched out one at a time for each fiber addition.
Also, filter bags may be replaced as required to maintain acceptable filter bag differential pressure.
Filter bags will be dried with set drying times until the difference in weight change between drying sessions is minimal. The test procedures will specify drying time intervals and the weight change differential.
Extreme care shall be taken to preclude any loss of fiber mass throughout the life of the filter bags. The test procedures also reiterate the significance precluding any loss of fiber of filter mass.
* Crystal River 3: Bypass Fiber Quantity Test Plan A L I 0 N Document No: ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02 Revision:
0 Page: 9 of 20 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Dcmn o LO Prior to testing, another set of cleaning filter bags shall be used to completely filter out any latent debris that would affect the post-test mass of the testing filter bags.3.5 Assumptions The following assumption is made:* The effective surface area of the strainer is 1139 ft2 [Ref. 10]. However, testing will be performed using a scaling ratio based on a 1050 ft 2 strainer.
This incorporates margin into the results for tag/label sacrificial area." The fiber from each addition collects on the screen prior to the next addition and does not remain suspended in the tank volume.4.0 TEST DESCRIPTION The test will be performed at the Alion Hydraulics Laboratory located in Warrenville, IL. A diagram of a typical test tank instrumentation setup is illustrated in Figure 4- I. A pre-test check of SBV-0 I and the filter housing inlet and outlet valves (e.g. FHI-01 and FHO-01) will be completed to ensure there is no leakage across the valves. Additionally, the filter housing inlet and outlet valves will be inspected for leakage at every filter change. A post-test check of SBV-0 I may be completed if SBV-0 I is manipulated during testing. The test procedures will specify the steps necessary to perform the pre and post-test checks.Tank drain Pump Figure 4- I: Alion Hydraulic Test Tank Diagram
===4.1 Scaling===
and Selection of Prototype A prototype section consisting of one Top Hat will be tested in the tank. This assures a I to I scaling ratio for dimensions and perforated plate hole size including gaps installed at the base of Top Hats at the plenum. The height of the gap between the plenum and Top Hat will be 1/16 inch (+1/32", -0"). The total length of the gap on the interior perimeter of the Top Hat (i.e., adjacent to a plenum cover plate)will be 11-7/16" (+/- 1/16"), which may be placed on any single interior side of the Top Hat. The distance between the test Top Hat and the cover plate adjacent to the gap on the interior perimeter of the Top Hat will be 'A" (+ 1/16", -0"). Also, the total length of gap on the exterior perimeter of the Top Hat (i.e., at the edge of the plenum) will be 7-9/16" (+/- 1/16"). The effective surface area of the strainer is 1139 ft 2 [Ref. 10]. However, testing will be performed using a scaling ratio based on a 1050 ft2 strainer.
This incorporates margin into the results for tag/label sacrificial area. The other test parameters are scaled and are included in Appendix I.4.2 Debris and Flow Scaling All testing parameters will be based on the project inputs outlined in the Design Input Letter [Ref. 10].These parameters will be scaled based on the ratio of testing strainer area to plant net effective area.This scaling factor and its use in determining test parameters are shown in Appendix I.4.3 Fiber Debris Size Distribution The fiber debris size distribution given in the design input letter [Ref. 10] for NUKON debris classifies the fibrous debris as "large pieces", "small pieces", and "fines". For the tests outlined in this document, two fibrous debris classifications will be used, "fines" characterized as Classes 1-3 in NUREG/CR-6224
[Ref. I1] and "smalls" characterized as Classes 4-6 in NUREG/CR-6224.
Classes 1-3 "fines" will be used to represent the latent debris source term for all tests. For the "fines" generated in the design input letter [Ref. 10], 92% transport to the strainer.
For the "small pieces" generated, 20% transport to the strainer, with 13% remaining as smalls and 7% of the smalls eroding to fines.4.4 Debris Preparation-Fiber Debris will be prepared according to the NEI ZOI Fibrous Debris Preparation procedure
[Ref. 12]. This procedure produces the required size distribution of fiber fines and smalls that are easily transportable and readily disperse in the testing medium. Fines are defined in the NEI procedure document [Ref. 12]as readily suspendable in water and are Classes I through 3 while smalls are class 4 and 5 of Table 3-2 of NUREG/CR-6808
[Ref. 13]. Table 3-2 is in Attachment B. All fiber will be Performance Contracting, Inc.(PCI) NUKON single side baked between 6 and 8 hours. Fibrous fines will be cut, weighed out and separated using a commercially available pressure washer, and then verified to meet the correct classification of fiber sizes. Fiber fines are then combined to maintain a fiber mass to volume ratio less than or equal to 0.21 lbs/gal. Fibrous smalls will be cut for the appropriate mass for each specific addition, soaked in water and stirred with a hand paddle until the pieces are fully saturated and separated from each other. Samples of fiber smalls and fines will be examined and photographed using a light-board, or equivalent device, to ensure fiber preparation is consistent with the guidance provided in Reference 12.4.5 Debris Introduction Debris will be introduced into the tank in areas of high velocities near the pump return line. This will allow the flow within the tank to carry the debris to the Top Hats. Adjustable tank internal mixing will be added to areas of low velocities.
Batches of fiber will be added in increments that ensure the concentration in the test tank is less than or equal to the plant's concentration.
Additionally, these increments will be in the same containers utilized to perform the NEI debris preparation procedure.
This is done to limit the possibility of debris loss through transfer.
The plant concentration is calculated in Appendix I.Fiber additions are included in the test matrix in Section Hydraulic Test Conditions
====4.6.1 Strainer====
Approach Velocity Plant and prototype strainer surface areas for which the approach velocity is used to calculate the testing flow rate is given in the design input letter [Ref. 10] and specified Appendix I. The approach velocity to be modeled to during testing is 0.0185 ft/s. The equivalent flow rate for the approach velocity is 122 gpm.4.6.2 Water Temperature and Chemistry The water temperature will be maintained above 60 'F during the course of the test. Temperature shall not exceed the maximum limit of 110 *F. Deionized/demineralized water will be used and the chemistry will not be monitored or controlled during this test other than initially verifying the use of deionized/demineralized water.4.6.3 Water Level The pool water level for the bypass test will be initially set at 54 inches. If vortexing occurs, a vortex suppressor will be installed or the water level will be increased.
Any required actions will be recorded in the test logs. The water level will be recorded during testing and increase with each debris addition.Test tank water may be removed to mix the next debris addition and re-introduced into the test tank.Test tank water may be discarded after visually verifying there is no fiber within the water to ensure there is room for further debris additions.
4.6.4 pH pH will not be monitored or controlled during this test.4.6.5 Turbidity The tank liquid may be sampled for turbidity when determined by the test engineer.
Turbidity measurements will be recorded for informational purposes only.4.7 Debris Type The low density fiberglass insulation quantities that transport to the strainer will be accurately represented by NUKON. NUKON, provided by PCI, is specified as the plant fibrous insulation.
The as-fabricated density of NUKON is 2.4 lb/ft3 and the fiber diameter is 7 microns [Ref. 8]. Attachment D contains Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) information.
4.8 Test Control All testing actions and control must be noted in the test log. This includes flow adjustments, debris addition (beginning and completion), stirring (including the duration of the stir), and all other acts that affect the testing environment.
The test logs shall be able to describe everything about the test without recourse to the test engineer.
Additionally, observations must be in the test logs about the strainer coverage and any open screen area.The flow rate of the system should be maintained at -10 gpm, +20 gpm of the prescribed value.Stabilization criteria for each subtest are given in Section Preparation The test tank must be arranged and equipped as per the following (see Figure 2- I):* A sparger system will be installed on the return line to aid in the suspension of the debris within the water. Mechanical mixers may be utilized in low velocity areas to ensure settled debris becomes re-suspended.
Hydraulic shakedown testing can be conducted to ensure that the return flow will create adequate turbulence to suspend the test debris." The differential pressure tubing, both the High and Low lines must be securely fastened inside the tank to prevent vibrations that cause noisy signals. Furthermore, the Low side must be securely fastened to the plenum to prevent ambient leakage.The National Instruments' LabVIEWTM data acquisition program must be programmed to match the test parameters, such as screen area and correct orifice plate conversion (see Section 7.0). Imperial units will be displayed and recorded in the test logs and data during testing.
p Crystal River 3: Bypass Fiber Quantity Test Plan A I I 0 N Document No: ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02 Revision:
0 Page: 13 of 20 The debris batches of Section 5 must be prepared according to the test matrix and the latest NEI debris preparation procedure
[Ref. 12]. The containers utilized to perform the NEI debris preparation procedure will be utilized for debris introduction into the test tank (See Section 4.5)4.10 Debris Addition All debris will be added in two places directly over the sparger system which will allow the flow within the tank to carry debris to the Top Hat. This will allow for equal debris bed growth on the top hat.The debris must be added in a controlled manner as to not disturb the debris bed through unnecessary turbulence.
Also, visual observations shall be made to ensure that a vortex does not form during the testing. If a vortex does form, water shall be added to the tank to raise the water level until no vortices are observed or a vortex suppressor may be installed.
5.0 TEST MATRIX To maintain the correct debris concentration below that of the plant and to maintain the correct fiber mass to volume ratio given in the NEI debris preparation procedure
[Ref. 12], the volume of water per addition is specified.
The six gallons of water added to the test tank per stage will satisfy both criteria above while maintaining practical testing actions during testing. It is worth noting that the last addition for each fiber size will have a different concentration because the addition represents the remaining amount of scaled test fiber for that size classification.
Table 5-I -Bypass Test Matrix F. I 122 0.157 0 2175 54.00 0.053 0.00003 0.03 6 F.2 122 0.157 0 2181 54.16 0.107 0.00003 0.03 6 F.3 122 0.157 0 2187 54.32 0.160 0.00003 0.03 6 FA 122 0.030 0 2193 54.48 0.170 0.000006 0.00 6 S.1 122 0 0.036 2199 54.64 0.182 0.00001 0.01 6 6.0 TEST PROCEDURES The Alion Test Program has developed generic test procedures for debris preparation, fill and start-up testing, and head loss testing. These generic test procedures are applicable, and the current revisions at the time of testing will be used to perform the testing specified in this test plan. Generic test procedures are listed in References 2 through 7.The Test Lab Safety Procedure, ALION-SPP-LAB-2352-21
[Ref. 7] shall be followed at all times.The general sequence of the test is as follows: I. Prepare test filter bags in accordance with procedure ALION-SPP-LAB-2352-70
[Ref. 3].2. Verify the tank has been cleaned in accordance with ALION-SPP-LAB-2352-45
[Ref. 4] and filled according to ALION-SPP-LAB-2352-44
[Ref. 5].3. Verify the tank is setup correctly and dimensional variations from the general layout included in Figure 2-I and Figure 4-I are approved by the Project Manager and/or Test Coordinator.
: 4. Debris shall be prepared in accordance with the latest NEI debris preparation Procedure
[Ref.12].5. Photographs of typical samples of prepared debris will be taken.6. For cleaning purposes, filter bags shall be used to filter water in the tank for at least 5 turnovers prior to adding any debris at a cleaning flow rate greater than the test flow rate to ensure that no residual debris interferes with the measured bypass quantities.
: 7. Strainer bypass testing will be performed in accordance with test specific procedures and the Test Matrix described in Section 5 of this Test Plan.8. Photographs of the debris bed, open screen area and any non-attached settled debris must be taken when visibility permits.9. At the conclusion of testing, process test filter bags in accordance with ALION-SPP-LAB-2352-70 [Ref. 3].10. Drain and clean the Test Tank in accordance with Test Tank Draining and Cleaning Procedure, ALION-SPP-LAB-2352-45
[Ref. 4].7.0 TEST EQUIPMENT AND SPECIFICATIONS This section details the test specification requirements in which the test instrumentation must conform.In addition, the test equipment used and the accuracy of each instrument are discussed.
===7.1 Equipment===
Specifications The equipment employed during testing and their associated accuracies are given in Section 7.2. The data acquisition system is used to collect flow rate, differential pressure, and temperature data throughout the performance of the test. This system also allows for the creation of graphs of the data as well as tables of the raw data.Due to instrument noise and combined instrument uncertainties, the data that is displayed via LabVIEWTM (version controlled by [Ref. I] and verification controlled by [Ref. 2]) is a floating-average, averaged over the previous 10 data points, with each data point recorded every 2 seconds. This QCrystal River 3: Bypass Fiber Quantity Test Plan I 0 N Document No: ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02 Revision:
0 Page: 15 of 20 averaging may lead to small discrepancies in instrument readouts.
In such a case, the most conservative measurement for any given instrument will be recorded in the test logs. For instance, the lowest flow rate, highest differential pressure, and highest temperature shall be recorded in the test logs.7.2 Test Equipment and Accuracy The details of the equipment used and the calibration of the following instruments in this testing are identified and controlled in the Test Program Description, ALION-PLN-LAB-2352-003, "Hydraulic Testing of Debris Program
== Description:==
Test Tank" [Ref. I] and Alion "Test Equipment Verification Procedure" [Ref. 2]. The following is a summary of the equipment used in this testing: " Scales and Balances, as needed (balances verified prior to use)o 0 to 150 lbs range, +/- (I % of reading + 0. I Ibs)o 0 to 610 grams range, +/- 0.02 grams o 0 to 6 kilograms range, +/- 0.002 kilograms o 0 to 10 kilograms range, +/- 0.006 kilograms" Pressure transmitters, as needed o 0 to 100 inches of water range, +/- 0. 17% accuracy of upper range o 0 to 250 inches of water range, +/- 0. 17% accuracy of upper range o 0 to 300 inches of water range, +/- 0.25% accuracy of upper range o 0 to 25 psi range, +/- 0.25% accuracy of upper range o 0 to 50 psi range, +/- 0.25% accuracy of upper range* Flow orifice o 70 gpm to 900 gpm, +/- 0.25 % of measured velocity" Thermocouples o 32 *F to 1652 *F range, +1- 3 'F, LabVIEWTM verified to +/-5%" Temperature probe o -40 CF to 1999 *F range, +/- (0.1% reading + 2 'F)o -50 to 300 °C range, +/- I °C" NI LabVIEWTM data acquisition system, (version controlled by [Ref. I])o Real-time analog data acquisition system, allowing continuous display of test parameter values and trends. Data is sampled every two seconds, and averaged over the previous 10 data points. Test data is recorded for each instrument in a simple spreadsheet for later analysis.* 5-micron nominal filter bags* Digital Caliper o 0 to 6 inches, +/- 0.001 inches Commercially Available Tape Measure o 0-25', 1/16t inch divisions o 0- 12', 1/32th inch division up to one foot, I/I 6th inch division after one foot 8.0 TEST ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA In accordance with the test objective, the acceptance criterion for this testing is to conduct the fiber bypass test in accordance with applicable test procedures outlined in this document and to successfully collect and record data. The duration of the test shall be no shorter than 13 hours.8.1 Fiber Bypass Fiber that bypasses the test strainer will be collected continuously throughout the test, examined and quantified at the conclusion of testing.8.2 Head Loss Head loss measurements will be recorded continuously throughout the test and are used to determine the stability of the debris bed before ending the test.To prevent structural failure to the prototype or tank system, a head loss limit of 6 ft-water will be imposed during testing. Above this head loss, the Test Module, tank pump, and other components may become susceptible to fatigue or failure; therefore, the head loss across the debris bed should not exceed this value. If the head loss approaches this value, the flow rate of the system may be reduced to maintain a value slightly less than the limit.8.3 Testing Stabilization Criteria The head loss measurements for this test will be continuously recorded by the data acquisition system.The test will be monitored by lab personnel and measurements will additionally be recorded manually throughout the test. There are multiple stabilization points throughout the test, each with a particular level of required stability.
The criteria are listed in the following sections.
Note that pool turnover times are based on water level and flow rate, and must be calculated separately for each addition.8.3.1 Step Stabilization Criteria At least 5 pool turnovers must occur after the end of the debris addition and before the beginning of the next debris addition.At the completion of each fiber addition step in the test matrix, settled debris shall be agitated manually with the intent to ensure that debris reaches the strainer module and that no significant quantities of debris are allowed to settle elsewhere in the tank environs.
However, manual agitation shall continue only until further manual stirring has no noticeable effect on the system head loss or the amount of settled debris. Agitation may be provided through use of a wooden oar or through temporary Q) Crystal River 3: Bypass Fiber Quantity Test Plan SL I 0 iN Document No: ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02 Revision:
0 Page: 17 of 20 SCIENE .rCHNO OGY adjustment of the mechanical mixers. Supplemental agitation shall be conducted carefully to avoid disturbing the debris bed on the strainer module.8.3.2 Final Stabilization Criteria Manual agitation of settled debris will be done to ensure all debris reaches the strainer.
Additionally, head loss stabilization may be required by the test coordinator.
The test can be considered complete after the following criteria are satisfied:
* The bypass test has to have run for at least 13 hours.* A minimum of 6 hours have elapsed since the last debris batch was added to the tank." During the first 2 hours of the 6-hour hold, the filter bags must be switched out every 30 minutes (this results in at least 4 filter bags being used for this step) and once every hour after the 2-hour hold.* Two consecutive filter bags appear to be clean during or after the 6-hour hold (e.g. No visible fiber, etc.). These filter bags cannot be the filter bags changed out during the first 4 hours of the 6-hour hold.8.4 Test Termination The following cases require that the test be immediately terminated and the pump secured OFF to avoid equipment damage or personal injury: a) The head loss across the debris bed should not exceed 6 ft-water.
If reached, the flow rate will be reduced as specified in the test procedure.
If reducing the flow rate as specified fails to maintain the head loss below 6 ft-water, the test must be terminated and the pump must be secured OFF.b) Any catastrophic system failure, such as loss of power or equipment malfunction (for which no spare is available), will require test termination if deemed necessary by the Project Manager or Test Coordinator.
9.0 TEST DOCUMENTATION AND RECORDS The test specific procedure and Test Matrix provide the instructions for performing the required test steps and the associated signatures provide documentation for the performance and witnessing of critical steps. The test specific procedure also provides a test log, which is used to document significant points during the performance of the test.The Test Equipment Verification Procedure
[Ref. 2] provides the means to verify the calibration and setup of each instrument before testing to ensure error-free data acquisition.
Furthermore, the
: 0) Crystal River 3: Bypass Fiber Quantity Test Plan LA, L N,!'o 0 -N Document No: ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02 Revision:
0 Page: 18 of 20 procedure is run again near the end of testing to check for instrument failure or inaccuracies produced during testing.Other test laboratory procedures are provided in Section 6.0.The test logs are used to track the overall progression of testing and not used as safety-related measurements.
The data file recorded by the data acquisition system is used for all stabilization calculations, post-test analysis, trending, and application.
The Fiber Bypass Report will further clarify how the test data can be utilized.10.0 DEBRIS HANDLING REQUIREMENTS This test plan identifies a test matrix using fiberglass.
All appropriate MSDS shall be followed and the following will be used when handling (preparing, mixing, and adding into the test tank) the materials:
* Safety glasses with side shields or goggles," Cloth or Tyvek laboratory coat," Dust mask with a N95 rating similar to 3M Model 8210,* Latex, nitrile or neoprene gloves (leak check gloves before use),* Long-sleeved shirt and long pants (recommended),* Fire extinguisher with water, foam, carbon dioxide or dry powder, and" Filled eye wash station in proximity to debris.None of the testing debris is directly harmful under normal testing use (submerged in the test tank water); therefore, the above personnel safety equipment is unnecessary between debris additions or preparation.
11.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The test program is developed, implemented, and maintained in accordance with the Alion Science and Technology Innovative Technology Solutions Operation (ITSO) Quality Assurance (QA) Program for nuclear safety-related services.
Those processes that affect the quality of the output are identified and controlled by project specific procedures.
The goal of the testing program is to develop bypass data that may be used to support safety related analyses; therefore, the data shall be obtained and developed in accordance with the Alion ITSO IOCFRSO Appendix B QA Program. Although this test is designed to measure the quantity of fiber that bypasses the strainer, head loss data will be monitored to ensure strainer integrity is maintained and therefore the Alion QA program will be followed.
Materials, parts, and components used by the testing program do not perform safety related functions and are not designated for installation and use in nuclear facilities.
The data developed from the testing program, however, will be used to validate the performance and/or form the basis for design of components installed in a nuclear facility.
Measuring and test equipment is calibrated in accordance with the ITSO QA Program.It should be noted that the performance or critical characteristics of the test apparatus and equipment are not the same as that required for a nuclear safety-related system (i.e. not withstand a design basis accident);
however, to ensure a quality output, the input and process will be controlled in a quality manner. Those processes that affect quality will be identified and controlled by project-specific procedures.
Those processes that affect quality are preparation of test specimens, measurement and test equipment (procurement, calibration, and data collection), and test operation.
The fit, form, and function of materials, parts, and components used for testing and analysis by Alion are controlled by specification to ensure the required design characteristics are established to duplicate and/or model safety-related nuclear components.
Certificates of conformance and compliance may be used to document specification or design compliance for materials, parts, or components.
Debris materials tested are supplied commercially from original equipment manufacturers.
aCrystal River 3: Bypass Fiber Quantity Test Plan L I 0 hN Document No: ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02 Revision:
0 Page: 20 of 20 SCEtNCE AND TECHNO OGY D c m n o LO
Current revisions of all Alion procedures shall be used.I. ALION-PLN-LAB-2352-003
-Hydraulic Testing of Debris Program
== Description:==
Test Tank, Revision 6, 1/9/09 2. ALION-SPP-LAB-2352-13
-Test Equipment Verification Procedure 3. ALION-SPP-LAB-2352-70
-Filter Bag Preparation and Processing Procedure 4. ALION-SPP-LAB-2352-45
-Test Tank Draining and Cleaning Procedure 5. ALION-SPP-LAB-2352-44
-Test Tank Fill Procedure 6. ALION-SPP-LAB-2352-46
-Test Tank Debris Head Loss Procedure 7. ALION-SPP-LAB-2352-21
-Test Lab Safety Procedure 8. NEI 04-07, Volume I, "Pressurized Water Reactor Sump Performance Evaluation Methodology," Rev. 0, December 2004 9. NEI 04-07, Volume 2, "Safety Evaluation by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Related to NRC Generic Letter 2004-02," Rev. 0, December 6, 2004 10. Enercon Design Input Letter, FPC-121-LTR-001 Revision 3, October 22, 2012 (Included as Attachment A)II. NUREG/CR-6224 "Parametric Study of the Potential for BWR ECCS Strainer Blockage Due to LOCA Generated Debris.", October 1995 12. Nuclear Energy Institute, ZOI Fibrous Debris Preparation:
Processing, Storage and Handling Revision 1, January 2012 13. NUREG/CR-6808 "Knowledge Base for the Effect of Debris on Pressurized Water Reactor Core Cooling Sump Performance," February 2003 14. ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-01, Revision 0, "Crystal River 3 Top Hat Strainer Bypass Testing for ENERCON" Appendix I -Calculation of Testing Parameters Inputs: Net surface area of 38 in. test top hat = 14.70 ft2 [Ref. 10]CR3 total plant strainer screen area I 139 ft2 net [Ref. 10]Maximum Sump Flow Rate during Recirculation
= 8696 gpm [Ref. 10]NUKON Insulation
=10 ft3 [Ref. 10]Latent Fiber = 30.0 Ibm [Ref. 10]Maximum Containment Water Volume = 71936 ft3 [Ref. 10]Strainer Area Obstructed by Miscellaneous Debris = 89 ft2 [Ref. 10]Tank volume = 37.5 gallons/inch (approximately)
+ 150 gallons (piping volume)Determination of Test Tank Flow Rates The total strainer area obstructed by miscellaneous debris identified in the Design Input Letter is 89 ft2. Therefore, the total surface area follows: Crystal River 3 Plant strainer net effective screen area = I 139 ft 2 -89 ft 2 = 1050 ft2 Scaling factor (Test Surface Area / Plant Strainer Screen Area) = 14.70 ft2 / 1050 ft 2= 0.014 The testing flow rate and approach velocity are determined by the following formulas: The Approach Velocity is determined by the following formula: App. Velocity = Plant Flow (gpm) / (Plant Strainer Area (ft 2)
* 7.48 gallon/ft 3
* 60 sec/min)App. Velocity = 8696 gpm / (1050 ft 2
* 7.48 gal/min
* 60 sec/min)App. Velocity = 0.0185 ft/s The Scaled Test Tank Flow is determined as follows: Scaled Test Tank Flow = Plant Flow x Scaling Factor Scaled Test Tank Flow = 8696 gpm
* 0.014 Scaled Test Tank Flow Rate = 121.7 gpm The flow is rounded up to the nearest gpm for practicality in testing therefore, 122 gpm will be used.
S 0.0140 j 1050 1 0.0185 1 22 1 Determination of Plant Concentration and Batch Size The plant concentration is determined by taking the total debris transported to the sump divided by the maximum containment water volume. This concentration is maintained throughout testing with the exception of the last debris batches for each debris size. The initial batch (F. I) is calculated below.The water level changes with each addition and therefore the amount of NUKON required to maintain the plant concentration also changes. See the following calculations:
Plant Concentration
= Total Transported Debris (ft3) / Maximum Containment Water Volume (gal)Plant Concentration
= 15.9 ft3 / (71936 ft 3
* 7.48 gal/ft 3)Plant Concentration
= 0.00003 ft3 / gallon Initial Batch Size = Initial Tank Volume
* Plant Concentration
* NUKON Density Initial Batch Size = [(54 inches
* 37.5 gallons/inch)
+ 150 gallons]
* 0.00003 ft 3/gallon
* 2.4 lb/ft 3 Initial Batch Size = 0. 16 lb This batch size will model the fiber suspended in the sump pool.Determination of Scaled Mass Values for Test Debris Loads To determine the mass of NUKON for testing, NUKON plant quantities are scaled by volume then multiplied by the density of NUKON (2.4 lb/ft3). The debris transport fractions are taken from the Enercon Design Input Letter [Ref. 10]. The bed thickness is determined by dividing the scaled volume by the strainer surface area ( 14.70 ft2).For the "fines" generated in the design input letter [Ref. 10], 92% transport to the strainer.
For the"small pieces" generated, 20% transport to the strainer, with 13% remaining as smalls and 7% of the smalls eroding to fines. The latent debris source term is documented in the Enercon Design Input Letter is treated at LDFG and will be scaled in the same manner as NUKON above.
Table A 1-2: Scaling Fiber for Test Quantities
*Latent fiber is treated as LDFG and scaled directly from the mass given as an input in the Enercon Design Input Letter [Ref. 10]. The volume is calculated using the density of NUKON.Table A 1-3: Test Matrix F. I 122 0.157 0 2175 54.00 0.053 0.00003 0.03 6 F.2 122 0.157 0 2181 54.16 0.107 0.00003 0.03 6 F.3 122 0.157 0 2187 54.32 0.160 0.00003 0.03 6 FA 122 0.030 0 2193 54.48 0.170 0.000006 0.00 6 S.1 122 0 0.036 2199 54.64 0.182 0.00001 0.01 6 Attachment A Design Input Letter E ,ENERCON Enercon Services, Inc.500 TownPark Lane, &dk 275 Kennesaw, GA 30144-5509 770.919.1930
-770.919.1932fat October 22, 2012 FPC-121-LTR-001 Revision 3 Ms. Megan Stachowiak Alion Science and Technology 15505 Howe St.Overland Park, KS 66224
Design Inputs for Crystal River Strainer Fiber Bypass Testing
==Dear Ms. Stachowiak,==
ENERCON is providing the following design inputs for Alion's use in the Crystal River Strainer Fiber Bypass Prototype Test Plait 1. Conventional Debris Amounts for the Test Case: The conventional (non-chemical) debris types, densities, and volumes generated for the test case are documented M' M04-0004, " CR3 Reactor Building GSI 191 Debris Generation Calculation", Rev. 4. Inputs collected from calculation M04-0004 can be seen in Attachment A, Tables I and 2.2. Debris Transport Fractions:
The debris transport fractions are documented in M04-0005, "CR3 Containment Building GSI-191 Debris Transport Calculation", Rev. 2. Table 3 of Attachment A displays the debris transport fractions from calculation M04-0005.3. Hydraulic and Dimensional Parameters The hydraulic and dimensional parameters that will be used for testing can be seen in the table below.Hydraulic and Dimensional Parameters Input Value Reference Total Net Strainer Surface Area (ft') 1,139 M04-0007.
Rev. 5 Strainer Area Obstructed by Miscellaneous Debris (ft 2) 89 M04-0007, Rev. 5 Net Surface Area of 38 in Test Top Hat (ft 2) 14.70* A4ION-REP-ENER-4724-07, Rev. 0 Maximum Sump Flow Rate Duinng Recirculation 8,696 M04-0007, Rev. 5 Mode (gpm) 8,696 M04_07,_e._
Maximum Containment Water Volume (ft 3) 71,936 M90-0023, Rev. 13 Minimum Test Submergence (fit) 0.6 ALION-REP-ENER-4724-07, Rev. 0 Test Strainer Head Loss Limit (psid) 3 S04-0006, Rev. 0* ALION-REP-ENER-4724-07, Rev. 0 provides a net surface area of a nine (9) Test Top Hat array. The value provided is the test array surface area, 132.33 f11, divided by nine (9).
0 Crystal River 3: Bypass Fiber Quantity Test Plan SC I 0 N Document No: ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02 Revision:
0 Page: A-3 of A-9 FPC-121-LTR-001, Rev. 3 Page 2 of 2 4. Testing Termination Criteria Testing termination criteria shall be in accordance with Section 6.5 of the revised draft of the Generic Guideline for Strainer Fiber Bypass Test Protocol (I 2f7/201 1) as published on the NEI Sump Performance Task Force website.5. Gap Lengths The test Top Hat shall be installed onto the test plenum such that there is a gap available for flow between the baseplate and the plenum (bypassing the perforated plate). The height of the gap between the test plenum and Top Hat shall be 1/16" (+1/32", -0"). The total length of the gap on the interior perimeter of the Top Hat (i.e., adjacent to a plenum cover plate) shall be 11-7/16" (+/-1/16"), which may be placed on any single interior side of the Top Hat. The distance between the test Top Hat and the cover plate adjacent to the gap on the interior perimeter of the Top Hat shall be 1/4" (+1/16", -0"). Also, the total length of gap on the exterior perimeter of the Top Hat ( the edge of the plenum) shall be 7-9/16" (+/-1/16").
See Attachment B for the detailed calculation of these values.Regards, Kip Walker Mechanical Engineering Lead Waqas Abbasi Mechanical Engineer Mechanical Engineering Manager Poet Manager Cc: Craig Miller Wes McGoun
Attachment A -2 pages Attachment B -4 pages 0Crystal River 3: Bypass Fiber Quantity Test Plan SI. I 0 N Document No: ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02 Revision:
0 Page: A-4 of A-9 SCIENCE AND TECHNO OGDo cuetNo LO FPC-121-LTR-001, Rev. 3 Attachment A Page 1 of 2 Attachment A: Tables of Calculation Results FPC-121-LTR-001, Rev. 3 Attachment A Page 2 of 2 Table 1: Fibrous Insulation Debris Source Term -LBLOCA (M04-0004, Rev. 4)Fines Total Amn. (individual Small Pieces Large Exposed Insulation Type Destroyed fibers) (<6" on a side) (Uncovered)
Pieces Nukon 10 f? 2 f 8 e 0 Table 2: Latent Debris Source Term (M04-0004, Rev. 4)Latent Debris Type Mass (Ibm Density Size Latent Fiber 30 94 lbm/t1 2.3 E-05 ft Table 3: Overall Fraction of Debris Transported to Sup (M04-0005, Rev. 2)Debris Type Size Transport Fraction Individual Fibers 92%20% (7% as individual fibers, 13% as Nukon Small Pieces (<6 inches) small pieces)Pieces (>6 inches) 12% (9/o as individual fibers, 3% as Large Pis(large pieces)Latent Fiber Individual Fibers 100%
F3 ENERCON FPC-121-LTR-001, Rev. 3 Attachment B Page I of 4 Attachment B: Crystal River Nuclear Plant Bypass Testing Total Test Gap Oripinator:
A I4/ t. Date: /0/2//Kip Walker Reviewer:
2 In/2/AI2.Priya Chhiba FPC-121-LTR-001, Rev. 3 FrtIF~flMAttachmnent B* NE O 2 of 4 Objective This attachment provides a calculation of the total gap length that may be used in the strainer bypass testing for Crystal River Nuclear Plant (CR3).Design Inputs 1. The following dimensions were used to calculate the total amount of gaps that could potentially be present in the installed configuration at CR3: a. Any gaps or opernigs between connecting parts of the srainer that provide entry to the strainer internals shall not exceed 1/16' (Ref. 1).b. The baseplate of all Top Hats is square with a side length of '-2 1/2" (Ref. 3).c. The total number of Top Hats is 32 (Ref. 2).d. The total number of interior Top Hat sides is 112 (see Assumption 5), and the total number of exterior Top Hat sides is 16 (Ref. 2).e. Thewidthofthe sumpis4'-l1 3 W while the lengthofthe sumpis 10' (Ref 6)2. The net strainer surface area is 1,139 ft 2 (Ref. 4) with 89 ft 2 of area obstructed by miscellaneous debris (Ref. 5) which results in a total net strainer surface area of 1,050 ft 2.3. The net surface area of a single 38 inch test Top Hat strainer module is 14.70 ft 2 per Item 3 of this letter.Assumptions I. It is conservatively assumed that all of the gaps between the sealing plates and the plenums as well as the clearance between the Top Hats and the plenums are equal to the 1/16 in. clearance as specified on Drawing PGENCRO04-C-00I (Ref. 1). The clearance specified on this drawing is the maximum allowable clearance.
Most of these connected components are expected to have little or no clearance between the connected components.
: 2. Progress Energy directed ENERCON to use 50% of the total gap length in the testing based on the following rational.
When mating the Top Hat to the plenum or the plenum members to the sunp wall, the areas around the bolts are assumed to be in direct contact. The maximum gap dimension of 1/16 inch would be present at the rmidpoint between bolts, forming an isosceles triangle with a height of 1/16 inch. This is mathematically equal to 50% of a rectangular 1/16 inch gap area For practical purposes, a rectangular gap will be used in testing with 50% of the calculated total gap length.
Crystal River 3: Bypass Fiber Quantity Test Plan A L I 0 N Document No: ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02 Revision:
0 Page: A-8 of A-9 SCIIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY D c m n o LO rj ENERCON FPC-121-LTR-001, Rev. 3 Attachment B Page 3 of 4 3. It is assumed that the bypass amount could be different for a Top Hat gap that is adjacent to another Top Hat (interior) versus a Top Hat gap that faces a relatively open volume (exterior).
Therefore, these gap lengths will be totaled separately, and the ratio of the two values will be used to scale the interior and exterior gap lengths for testing.4. It is assumed that a gap between the plenum members and the suinp wall would have very similar bypass amounts as an exterior Top Hat gap. Therefore.
the sump wall gaps can be represented in the test by an exterior Top Hat gap.5. The Top Hats on the South Side of the sump pit are close enough to the sump pit wall that they are assumed to have a bypass that is similar to interior Top Hats and will be included in the count for this category.References
: 1. Drawing PGENCRO04-C-001, Reactor Building Sump Strainer Notes, Rev. 1 2. Drawing PGENCRO04-C-002, Reactor Building Suwp Strainer Plan & Sections, Rev. 1 3. Drawing PGENCRO04-C-006, Reactor Building Sump Strainer Top Hat Assembly, Rev. 1 4. Calculation M04-0019, RB Sump Screen -Clean Sump Screen Head Loss, Surface Area, Interstitial Volume, Rev. 1 5. Calculation M04-0007, CR3 RB Sump-Head Loss Calculation for Debris Laden Screen, Rev. 5 6. Drawing SC-521-038, Reactor Building Sump Liner, Screen & Coves Plan, Section & Details, Rev. 11 Calculation and Results The gap lengths are calculated by multiplying the total number of Top Hat sides for each category by the length of the Top Hat side. The interior gap length is calculated as follows: I 112 * (1f t + L-f) = 135.33f t The exterior gap length is calculated as follows: 16 -(1ft = 19.33ft Equation 1 Equation 2 The gap lengths between two adjacent pieces of the plenum or between the plenum and the sump wall is calculated based on 4 gaps along the width of the plenum and 5 gaps along the length of the plenum as shown in Reference 2:
kAENERCON FPC-121-LTR-001, Rev. 3 Attachment B Page 4 of 4 4(4ft +-- f t) + 5coft) = 69.92 Table 1. Installed Plant Strainer Gap Lengths Gap Length (ft)Interior Top Hat Gap 135.33 Exterior Top Hat Gap 19.33 Sump Wall Gap 69.92 Total Gap 224.58 Equation 3 The linear gap lengths to be used for testing are calculated by scaling the gap lengths in Table 1 using the ratio of the total test strainer surface area (14.70 ft2) to the total net strainer surface area installed in CR3 (1050 ft2). Equation 4 shows the methodology for calculating the total test gap length.Test Gap Length = Plant Gap Length x Test Strainer Area 14.70 ft 2 Plant Net Strainer Area = Plant Gap Length x 1,0 Equation4 Table 2 presents the total gap length to be used for testing. The table presents 100% of the scaled test gap length and the value for 50% of the scaled value for test gap lengths. Note that there is some discrepancy in the presented values due to rounding errors.Table 2. Scaled Test Gap Lengths 100%Plant Gap Scaled Test Scaled Test (0t) Gap Gap (ft)Interior Top Hat Gap 135.33 1.90 0.95 Exterior Top Hat Gap 19.33 0.27 0.14 Sump Wall Gap 69.92 0.98 0.49*Total Gap 224.58 3.14 1.57*Note that this value will be combined with the exterior Top Hat gaps in the testing (see Assumption
: 4)
Attachment B Table 3-2 of NUREG/CR-6808 Table 3-2 Size Classification Scheme for Fibrous Debris'No. Description I Very small pieces of fibergfass matmial; "micrusopidc fines that appear to be cyinders of varying ID.2 Singbe, flexible strands of fiberglass; essentlally acts as a suspending strand-3 Mutlple attached or intenwoven strands that exhibit considerable flexibility and that because of random orentations induced by turbulent drag, can exhibit low settling velocities.
4 Fiber dusters that have more rigidity than Class 3 debris and that react to drag forces as a semi-igbd body-5 Clumps of fibrous debns that have been noted to sink when saturated with waler. Generated by diferent methods by various researchers but easily created by manual shredding of fiber malting-larger dumps of fibers lying between Classes 5 and 7.7 E -Fragments of iber that retaain some aspects ofihe original reudangular cansoucti"on of the fiber matting, Typically precut pieces of a large blanket to simulate moderate-size segments of original blanket WCrystal River 3: Bypass Fiber Quantity Test Plan CIE 0 N Document No: ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02 Revision:
0 Page: C-I of C- I Attachment C Vortex Strength Scale~ci I -~9'/I..r 0 4 C. '-7 SU"'C D'.. L 1.J. 'Z7 A.Tt'.-0 T= FJLI. r FIG.URE 0 VOp'rEX FTMAIGTH SCALE-RJR mNrKF, ;rLjjy Crystal River 3: Bypass Fiber Quantity Test Plan SCIEC oEoNOO N Document No: ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02 Revision:
0 Page: D-I of D-I0 Attachment D Material Safety and Data Sheets 0Crystal River 3: Bypass Fiber Quantity Test Plan A L I O N Document No: ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02 Revision:
0 Page: D-2 of D-10 SCIENCE ANDO TECHNOLOGN NUKON I I 0 Crystal River 3s: bypass rider Quantity I est Plan SCIENCEA 0ECH N Document No: ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02 Revision:
0 Page: D-3 of D- 10 Material Safety Data Sheet Material Name: 700 forsi Board MSM Nol: S-MD- 1702"1-1 SSction 1 -Chemical Product and Company Identification
*Product Namejs); 700 Seres Board AF 220 AF 500 Seties, AT-400 Sweri Equiprent
& Appliance FbricatpDro Board F~berglass Basic for Modwng. Fle~t'Map, InutQi-Ou jet-Cel Acoustical Muffier Paclkng Nt#~on','
insAaton Uar*s Pipe & Tank Inpugn, Railroad SCR Board. Select Sound Saned Acous.ical Board SR & HT Rwc. TIW Ther m-al lnskilatinon al Trwlsportatkori Type. 1000 CMen-s Cormn One Owens Coring WaN lw ieaoquwfs Att Prodtuct Sterardsh p Toledo, OH 43659 USA Emergency Contacts: Erergenoes ONLY (after 5pm ET and weekerds; 1 419-248-5330 CH1iEMTREC (24 hours everyday 1-800-424.930O CANUJTEC (Canwa -24 ho everday: A13 &#xfd;96 666 Health and Technical Contacts: Healri lssLms Infowmation (Sam-r5n ETp 9800-GET-PlNK Technical Product Ilnfrmation iSarr5pm ET) ' 80-GE3T-PINK J ........ ** *Section 2 -Coqmpoition I Informnaio on Ingredients*
".AS .Component P.rcen ..t by wt-65997-17-3 FDer Glass ~AbU- 898bos -a 251 0-55-6 UeaY'TImer With formaldehyde and penol 4-15 Component Related Regulatory Informatlon Thu prxliuct mnay b~e re.9ulated 1O haeeXPOSLIlIre i's or other intcirnlat an iderilified as it- P otloung F iber Glass woo. Fdxous gtass Nuisance &#xfd;partculates Component Infortaftn/Vnformatwon on Non-Hazardous Components No a&.ttoral inofomaticn avxljat&#xfd;e I
* Section 3 -Hazards Identification Appearance and Odor. Pinlr yellow or tan fibrous materia wmt, fait resin odor Some prooucts nave a i brown paper foifl or polypropylene fat&#xfd;'nq Emerglency Overview Potential Health Effects tntalathon:
Dusts a-nd fibe-s fromrT this product may caust, mrecnarncalIcritation, of the nose, throat ai eprtr rc1 " of g Issue. 1)xi?Nort America English
* Crystal River 3: Bypass Fiber Quantity Test Plan L I 0 N Document No: ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02 Revision:
0 Page: D-4 of D-10 Material Safety Data Sheet Material Name: 700 Series Board MSDS No.: 15-MSO1 1700I01.IM Skin Contact: Dusts and hbers from rtis prfo. cause temporary mecanical ritation to the skin Eye Contact: Dusts and ftiers from this product may cause temporary mecanircal irritacton to the eyes ingsto of this is unitikely Howtever.
inge-tion of prodc may proou~e gatroSritest!!linal imato and Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure: Chronic res~fatoiy or Oin conditions may tempoirarly wioren frm exposure to "neX prdut Section 4 -Firt Aid Measures *Inhalation:
If italed remove t affeteo person to fresh air it imtaon grs et medical aenon Skin Contact: For skin co.tact wash wvir mild soap and ruining waler Use a washcloth to he'p remove fiters To avoid further irritaton, do no lt ib or soratch' affeclad areas Ri*nbr~ig or scatc hing&#xfd; mawy forCe fber-s ito" the skin It irntatlon persists get mnedica altention Never use compressed air to remove fliers from the skin, 1f fters are seen penetrating ftrom the skin, the fiber can be removed by and rmoving adhesive tiO so that the fibers achere to the tape and are pulled ot of the ski, Eye Contact: I-mmeiately flush e wit plenty of running water for at least 15 minutes If irritation persis get medical attention Ingestion:
ingestion of thii materal is uritily1 IV it des occur watch the person for seveal days to make sie that partial o- complete obstT,&#xfd;lion does not occur Donot irnuce vomit;io Ioc ds o by medcal personinel
* Section 5 -Fire FIgthting Measurs*Flash Point None Flash Point Method- Notappi"abe Upper Flammabtity Limit Not applcwdle Lower Flammability Limft: Not appicabe Flammability Classificatio:
Nonitanimtle Extinguishing Media: Dry chemcal floam carb ioxide, water fog Unusal Fire & Explosion Hazards: Thtse products avy ereas acriid smoke in a susta fireInstructions:
Use self-conitained breaithing apparatus (SCE5A anrd 'S.I bunker turniout gear inl a sustafned fire pa 2 Of 9 ssje Uate 12)121'&#xfd;3 Page~) f 9isse Dta 212)03North America -rngfsh I I 1%. -n~ rL~ ~ r~ nI~9 Lrystai Risver I: Bypass rider Quantity Iest rlan K L N0I ., 0 O N Document No: ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02 Revision:
0 Page: D-5 of D- 10 Material Safety Data Sheet Materlal Name: 700 Series Board MSDS No: 1ISO- 1T020-01-M Hazrdous Combustio Products: Pnrmary combustion produict afr cart" ryiw oxiode carborn dioxide ammrnia, ard wawr Other ,udetermineo Wopounds coulO be reased In smai  Section 6 -Accidental Release Measures Contalameot Procedures:
This settle oii of the afr If concentrated on land it can Then ,e swo,)Pe u for disposal as a non-hazardous waste This mallnwWt s Sink and disperse along te wao e ways and ponds It can-no easily be removed anfer it is walibome owvver tie material is r on-hazadus t water Clean-Up Procedures:
Scoo up material WC pull ito a sjuieoe container for disposal as a non-rarardous waste lResponse Procedures:
Isolate area Keep unnec y wersonncl awvy Special Procodures:
None" Sectlon 7 -Handling and Storsla *Handling Procedures:
Keep proxluct in its pacnaging as long as practicable to mrirumze elntiar dust generaton Keep work areas clean Avoid unnecessary of scrap materials Storap Procedures:
Material should be kept 7y and uncercover S* ction 8 -Exposur Controls I Personal Protection Exposure Guidellins:
A: General Product Information Folow at applicabie exposure Imrts B: Componeln Exposure Lmnts ACGIH and OSHA exposure fimit lists have been crecked for those componerts with CAS regstry -umbers Fiber Glass Wool (Fibrous Glass) (G5 7-17-3)ACGIM I f{cc TVVA for respirfae fioe Ionger than 5 uri %ilh a diraeer less than 3 Lir, (Listed unde, Syntthetc us fiters") (related to Glass wool fibers)10 mg/hn3 TWA tinhvatee particulate).
3 ngIr-n3 TWVA esvrable particulate) (Thlese, values are fr Particuiae mraitter cDta ing no asestos and I", aystalline silicai (rel~atedl to P~afticulates rfbi otherwise d&#xfd;assirfied iPNOC))OSH-A I fitierccesirale TWA iat (See Note Belcwir ~rvilaed t- (3a,,w, l ib Notes: &#xfd;a) Voluntary PEL was estab)stite b- the Nortt American ManufaCtures Association (NAIMA) and OSHA per tf al and SCfety Pan ersp Progcry iSPPi aeeme for SyI VltreuJs Fibes iSVF.Page 3 of 9 Issue Datr Page3 ol9 I~ue ate 2~%23 Nrth A -nerica -Eng islh I I --- --E ~ ~ ~ ~ flL...9 lrlStLI I: Bypass rioer Iuantity i est riP" VW SCIEC 0N TCNOLG Document No: ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02 Revision:
0 1Page: D-6 of D-I10 Material Safety Data Sheet Maternal Name: 700 Series Board MSDS No,: 1s-MSo- 1702001-M Ventilation:
General ddiluon ventilatici a&#xfd; ior cal exhauist vertilation should e providd as necessary to maintain exposures belov regulatory limts Dust collertion Vsyterns should be used in opatlns involving cutting or machining aid may be recured in operations using pner foqls PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EOUIPMENT Respiratory Protection:
FlbeGIassQ j if thermal decomposition proauts are not antcipaled, a praterl fi ed NIOSHI or MSHA approved N series e dust reptr suh as the 3M modei 8210 7 mo 8271 vi U h dity envirornrents) or equivalent shouxt be used when high -rUSt s a rOr-t , the level of glass ftbrms in the air exceejs the occLrpatinal exposure Imits, ritilio ocr) s o. insalklng or emivinq any of these prxodcs in ,ony ventilated spaces As an extra precaoion y iu may t-ro but are not -euired to whar a dispfsable dust respirator at alt tfimes Hot Use Applications: ,en the lemperature of Ite su&#xfd;rce berig isulated exceeds 25'rF 12 M 0 C)  initial system sartup te bi nder fn thee prDucts may un dergo var;iJs degrees of decompositiuon epending on the temperure of the application The need for respe'atory protection will vary accoreing to the airborne concentration of the decomposition products d a accumated in the area If the- insulation s installed or h ot sur faces aibove 2O57 T2 1-,~ bit below 69.0,r i343"C, a futll-ace, respiraito wIih cartridges approved for protection against organic vapors (or formaldehyde I availaUbe) should be s I-areas with good general andior local eoxtast ventilatron where exposwes are &#xfd;cntrotleo below the formadehyde carbon mornoxie and arvnmoia PEL or STEL and additive e ae been factored in then respiratory protecti, n is rmally not needed form1jajtoe e In some nriig temperature aplicaticns these p7oducts may iniially elease tio" Of formaldehlye equat to or greater than 0 1 ppm but es tan 0 5 ppm Airborne concentratcins should be assessed to deltmine the appropriate type of respiratory protectio 1 to be used vit-en doubt, use sucpliea ar respiratory pfotec-tion Ammonia Significant a f amm nia y be raSed initialy in high tlemerature app~lcatlons.
Ammonia has goaxd wmng prope-ties and any resp,rator weefef irtaiori while w-aring ra al puriging resp rator sh-uld leave .area Simultaneous respiratory proteaion against forma&ldeyde and ammronia requires use of a supped air system A careful assessent of the w place enonme sul be made to deltfrmn tie appropriate respiratory protection required If air -pj ifytng respirator is uset for Iammona protectiont should be I face w!thctge acppoved for ammornia Carbon Mooxide Reiratory otection enerally requres a supe air s Caronmonoxdeas poor Use respiratory protefton i-n accordalnce wim respirtor and in .ccordnrce with your company's respiratory proteto program lcal eqratinari OShA regulatidri unde 29) CFR i9i0 134 Skin Protection:
Normal wor cothin on sleeved stirt IOro pa-tss amd gqoves&#xfd; is recormmended
%kn mtatiori is krowri to occur c-iefy at the pressurP s such as arou r -e cec-, 4rsts wa&st a-d between the f ngers Eyes/Face ProtcIve Equipment:
Wea safety glasses g l or face shield Page 4 of 9 I t j Dnli,:1 222t03 Page4 01Y lsue Dte 12203Nort AmetIca -gtislh
* Crystal River 3: Bypass Fiber Quantity Test Plan C L NI 0 N Document No: ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02 Revision:
0 Page: D-7 of D-10 SCiIE E AND TCNNOLDGY Material Safety Data Shoot Matera "na : 700 Series Board MSDS No.: 115-.IlS 17020-01-M Section 9 -Physical & Cheml"l P es *Appearance:
Fibrlous Odor: Organic Physical State: Soed pH: Not applicable Vapor Pressure mrin Hg a Vapor Density EAirI): Not appicable 20 C): Not applicable Boling Point: Not applicable Solubility (H20): Insoluble Specific Gravity Freezing Point Not apclicable (Waterml):
Not apphlic*e Evaporation Rate (n-euqy Viscosity:
Not applicable Acetateal):
Noit applicate Physical Propeies:
Additional information No addiltioal informAion avaitanle Section 10 -Chemical Stably & Reacttvty Information Stability:
This is a stabl materit Conditions to Avoid: None expected lIcompatible Materials:
None exlpeded Hazardous Decomposition Products: Prirmay combustion Producs rPe ca(rbon monoidcwap rbon dotOe de amnonra and water Other unretermined compounds could be release in small quantities Hazardous Polymtrizabon:
Mrl occur Acute and Chronic Toxicity: A: General Product Informationmay cause mezhanical irriacon to eyes a!n siri Ingestinn may cause transient rritation of stomach and gastrointestial tra<ct Irnalation may case coughing n&#xfd;ose aod Vroat irtaton arid sneezing Higher exposures may cause idifficujlty breathingconetl and chsttihtl s If tIS product is subjec to high temperature processing ow ir ouctI is appliM to n surtaces, tormaicehyde gas may be released Ammonia gas and carbon rornode may atso be rfeeased Formaloehyde may irtate V &#xa2;&#xfd;;-n the skin and eyes Fomildehyoe is a lung sensitzer causing an astrma-like allergy ftre exposures may alleirgy attack~s w*th shortness of breath, wheezing.
coi.ghing and ciest gtitnes5 Repeated exposujre moy cause tronchi.s Fomialdehy may cause allergic skin sen"uzwjao.
reactons Ammonia gas carn caute respiratory tract anrd eye rntation Breathing carbon rican cause headaches na dizziness and can be faat at high conrce-,ntons pap 5 of i igejo E)ntr- 12Z'03 Na thAnmrica Fng sh I --. ---- .-~.---~ ~ Ii..=All Crystal Klver 3: Bypass rider Quantity I est ria"/i L I 0 N Document No: ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02 Revision:
0 Page: D-8 of D- 10 SCIE CI AND TECHNOLOGY Material Safety Data Sheet Material Name: 700 Series Board MSDS No.. 165-SD- 17020-O1-M B: Component Analys -LDSOILCSO Urea. polymer with for-aldehyde and phenol (261046554)
Oral LD50 Rat 7 gmlkg Oral LDS0 Muse 7 gmftvg C: Component Analysis -LD 0LC For ChemIcals Which May Be Released During Use Ammonta (766441-7) hhla!laon LCS0 2000 pJpm4H LCS0 Mos 4230 ppm/riH Carbon monoxide (130-N-01 Inhatin LC50 Rat 1 B07 n41LCSO Mouse 2444 ppmi/4H Fonaldelty (660.)Flow-thwougtiLC50 Fathea Minnow 24 1 maL 9 Phr Flow-through LC50 BtImgill 0 10 intLq (96 hrglassf Wo In Octote 2001 the Aygecy f-r Research on Cancer (IARC) dass)fed&#xfd; fiber glass woo0 as Group 3 no: classirfiale a8 to rts carcinogenhietyto hmarns' The 2101 decision was batsed on human studies and anima! research that have not shown an association between expostue to dust from fiber glass wooi a the devemvent of respiratory disease T-is cication repla--es the IARQC finding i 1987 of a Group B designation
'possilY C n e humans'In May 1997 t1e American Conterence of Govemmelnw IqCustrial Hygr),nits (ACGIH) adopted an A3 carcinogen ciasfication for gass wc4 fibers The ACGIH A3c- assiftation onsrwders g!ass wool to te cwciogemc.
ki expenmental anerras at reatively high doses by routeS of adrimnstrion., at sries or by rmeCriSns that it does not cont rerl'elvant to Wioft(8r exiposure It also feveviewed the availatle
&pKlemiolog~rA4 stutties and ocue that they co not confirm an inmased risk of cainer In exposed hMans Overall tte ACGIH fcund that the available rnsdiciasciermfic evidence suggests !a glass wool %s not I*eioyto cause cancer in hvmans excert under un;ommn or unlukely -outes or l-vels If exLpsjue tIi 1994 the Nationa! Toxicoioy ProgramW NP c 9gass wool (respiabei sin as aeaso ntabyl cipted to be a human carc'iogen-Ti cla was primrily based upon the 1987 iARC classification NTP is curery onsiderng reclassify;ng this material Carcinogenic"t:
A: General Product Information No infoirmaion ava-latite for the product 13- Comfponent Carelnoegwlicity ACGIIH IARC OSHA and NTP carcinogen hsts have been checked for those components with CAS reg itr'y numbetXrs Fiber Glass Wool (Fibrous Glass) (6997-17-3)
IARC Group 3 Iasslfible as t is car,,rogenicty to hm s irelated to Classwool October 20101 Meeting ACGIH A3 -animal carr -ogen (relateu to Gass wool f be-s)NTP Reasoably ant cpated to ie a humra carcnogen tri, to qlasSwoo I pcssibk saedec car, lgeli), Pap &#xfd;) o 9 Isq l;ouPe' ', Y217 3 Page6 0 ~lIss* Dae I2~2J 3North America Fngili-0
*D Crystal River 3: Bypass Fiber Quantity Test Plan AL I O N Document No: ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02 Revision:
0 Page: D-9 of D- 10 Material Safety Data Sheet Makterfl Name: 700 Series Board MSDS No.: 15-MSD- 17020-01-M Section 12 -Ecolo al Information No data avaiabIe for this product This materal is exc to cause to animals pl3~s or fish* Section 13 -Disposal Considerations N,.US EPA Waste Nume & Descriptions:
A: General Product Infomiation This rrodtt if liscarded, is not expected to be a chactenristic hazardous waste &#xfd;-Ler RCRA: Component Waste Numbers No EPA Waste NOmesP ar p a :p-ptle for tS p-ouct 5 crmlponerts Disposal Instructions:
Dispose of waste matenad accordg to Local State F edea.. and Prov;inca Evl ti Regulations S* ** Section 14 -Trans tin Informaion US DOT Information Shipping Name: Nor regulat-C for transWrr Hazard Class: None UWINA I: Non Packing Group: None Required Label(s):
None TOG Infomation Shipping Name, NA regt jf tranpo Hazard Class: Norne UNINA #: None Packing Group: Norn Rqired Label(s):
None Additional Info.: None Additional Transportation Regulations:
No addiuonal irrnimatlorm ayai;abie Section 15- Re torynformaon US Federal Regulations:
A: General Product Information No addional frmaton aorm~ab4e B: Component Analysis This rmateral c.ortatns one or more ofthe f olonh required Co be iKje&#xfd;ed u"lder SARA Section 302 (40 CFR 355 Aperdix A) SARA Section 313 140 CFR 372 65) aridor CERCLA t40 CFR 302 4).None Page 7 of Issue DaW 12&#xfd;22)03 Page7 of9 Isue Lste~12/2-034;4 America &#xfd; ngt91sh 9 C.lrystal River 3: bypass riler QuanILILy i L ridn SCL I 0 N Document No: ALION-PLN-ENER-8706-02 Revision:
0 Page: D- 10 of D- 10 Material Safety Data Sheet Material Name: 7M0 Series Board MSDS No,: 154M -17020-01-M The foltowi.n is Provided o axie in the pirepa!aton if SARA section 3t I anri 312 repors SARA 311V312 Acute Health Hazrd Yes Chronic Helth Hazard: Yes Fire Hazd No Sudden Release of Pressure Hazard: No Reactive Hazar: No C: Clean Air Act The fcolwing co ionents appear on the Clear Af Acl-1990 Hazardous Air Pollut.nts List None State Regulations:
A: General Product Information No adimtonal informatrn availabie B: Component Analysis -State The following cont&5,e appear on one o, or.e of the orf sat z ss s list1____t CAS CA FL MA W NJ PA Fiber Glass Wool (Fibroas Glassi F65997-11-3 Yes' No Yes' Yes' No ~Yes'irelated to Minerof wool fite__________
The fo0llwing statementls) are 0rcided unoer tRe CaI31forn Safe DnnkliN Water and Toxic Enfotcemint Act of 1986 (Proposlion 65)WARNING! Tis Prfouic! e&#xfd;turir a chernical kno,. to the state of Califorun to cat!secancr Other Regulations:
A: General Product Information No; additional informationi areiatie 8: Component Ana~is -Inventory
-Component CAS It TSCA $L .E.NECS .riber Gass Wool Glass) .. Yes Yes Yes Ufeapolymer Avlth formnaldehyd~e and phenol 25i10 5~6 6, Yes Yes No___C: Component Analysis WHiWS IDL The lollowng components are ide-tified under the Canadian HazardousPr Aroducts A- Dre iclosure List Co mponent CAS #Fiber Glass Wool FibFaiS Gas5) 659l717-3 1% item 7!5b8 (4) (related to IFitxrus ass)WHS Status: Controlled WHS Classificatioi:
D2A Carcwargenrcity D2B- Imiation Page a of 9 Page$ o ~ lsC~ [1te I?12A33Niorth Arenica -Fnglish}}

Latest revision as of 11:24, 6 February 2020