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#REDIRECT [[HCH-2009-142, Discharge Monitoring Report, NJPDES Permit NJ0025411]]
| number = ML101170060
| issue date = 12/21/2009
| title = Discharge Monitoring Report, NJPDES Permit NJ0025411
| author name = Perry J
| author affiliation = PSEG Nuclear, LLC
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/NRR, State of NJ, Dept of Environmental Protection
| docket = 05000354
| license number = NJ0025411
| contact person =
| case reference number = HCH-2009-142, FOIA/PA-2011-0113
| document type = Environmental Monitoring Report, Letter
| page count = 13
{{#Wiki_filter:aPSEG                                Nuclear LLC P.O. Box 236, Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038-0236 DEC 21 Z009                          0 PSEG HCH-2009-142                            NuclearL.L. C.
CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ARTICLE NUMBER: 7006 0100 0004 0657 4954 Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Bureau of Permit Management P.O. Box 029 Trenton, N.J. 08625-0029 NEW JERSEY POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM DISCHARGE MONITORING. REPORT HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION NJPDES PERMIT NJ0025411
==Dear Sir:==
Attached is the Discharge Monitoring Report for the Hope Creek Generating Station for the month of November 2009.
This report is required by and prepared specifically for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). It presents only the observed results of measurements and analyses required to be performed by the above agencies. The choice of the measurement devices and analytical methods are controlled by the EPA and the NJDEP, not by the company, and there are limitations on the accuracy of such measurement devices and analytical techniques even when used and maintained as required. Accordingly, this report is not intended as an assertion that any instrument has measured, or that any reading or analytical result represents the true value with absolute accuracy, nor is it an endorsement of the suitability of any analytical or measurement procedure.
If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact Christopher White at (856) 339-3301.
Sincerely, John F. Perry LI Site Vice President - Hope Creek
b ...............
DEC 2 !2009 HCH-20097-142                                  2 NJ D ESDMR                      ....
Attachments C                  Executive Director, DRBC USNRC - Docket number50-354
DEC21 2009
-. HCH-2009-142                                   3
  'November 2009 The following .explanations are included to clarify possible-deviation from permit'conditions.                          b.
General - The columns labeled "No. Ex' on-the enclosedDMR tabulate
  -the nurmiber of daily discharge values outside the indidate-d limits
  -Data"reporting and accuracy.reflect the workingeinvironment,.
the desig'n.capabilities and reliabiit'y of the' monitoring instruments and o*eratingequipment.
Deviations from required sampling, analysis monitoring and reporting methods and periodicities are noted'on -the respective transmittal sheet.
Results reported..on the Discharge. Monitoring Report forms are consistent with. permit limits,, data supplied from contract laboratories, the December 2007 revision of the NJDEP Monitoring Report Form Reference Manual and specific guidance from DEP personnel.
DEC 21 2009 IHCH-2009-142                4 NJPDES DMR..I:-- --
-EXPLANATION"OF"EXCEEDANCES....            ..          .
November 2009 Theollowig              re includedi the,    ched repor and exlained below.
DSN No.              -EXPLANATION No Exceedances
HCH-.2009--142                                      .5 NJPDES:DMR COUNTY:OFSALEM ..
STATE OF NEW JERSEY I1,John F. Perry, of full-age, being duly sworn according to-law, upon-my oath depose&
and say:
: 1.        I am the Site Vice President-Hope Creek for PSEG Nuclear, and as such,:am authorized to. sign Hope Creek's Discharge Monitoring Reports submitted to the New Jersey D.epartmient ofEnvironmental Protection pursuant-to the Station's New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination:System permit.
: 2.        I certify, under penalty of law.'that 1 have personally examined' and am."
familiar with the information submitt ed in this documerit and all attachments:.-
and that, based.:on my inquiry of those individuals nimmediately responsible for obtaining the information, I beli6ve the submitted informatio0n is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fine and imprisonment..
: 3.        The signature on the attached Discharge Monitoring Reports is my signature and I am submitting-this affidavit in satisfaction of the requirement that my" signature be notarized'.
John F. Perry Site. Vice ,President- Hope Cr,eepk..
Sworn and subscribedbefore me this ,,/.-C1day ofDeIembDzr 2009.
                    .......................~~.... ..                ................ .          ....
Notary Puolfc:*          JeK'sey, ..
MyOommilssioj"En-"E- ire,'
ID .*0f3649i%
                  "D#              s 03/2912010
New Jersey Departmentof Environmental Protection                                                              PI 46815.  -?
Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal-Form NJPDE$ PERMIT                                      MONITORING PERIOD                                                  MONITORED LOCATION:,.
NJ"021DaY NJ0025411 ....                                      Year 209
Month                          .dsw
                                                                                                              .461A      - DSN 461A                                      ,30 PERMITTEE:                                                LOCATION OF ACTIVITY:                                      REPORT RECIPIENT:                            i
  ,PSE&G 14U LEAR LLC.                                      HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION PO BOX1234-N21 - ALLOWAY CREEK NECK                        ARTIFICIAL ISLAND RD                                                        FOOT OF BUTTONWOOD RD                                      P.O. BOX 236/ H15
  ýHANCOCK BRIDGE, NJ 0803,8                                LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK, NJ 08038                            HANCOCKS BRIDGENJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern / Salem County CHECK IF APPLICABLE:                  E] No Discharge this Monitoring Period                fl  Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certificatioI or, in his absence a' person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certificatio. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that reponsibility o, person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the,local agency has contracted with another entity operate the treatment works' the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification .
I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments,ý and that, based on    my  inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate, and complete. I        aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fineand/or imprisonment, pursuant toVN.J.A.C. 7 l-4A-6.9(B). The New Jersey Water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up .to $50,000 per violation..
vi~                                      wf          a*fJen4-            0ivno Cbce-(C                          .ý
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______________________________                                                                              /Z "L--r    ?        _____',,_-_-  __,_-____.
*Eor a localliago ncy where the highest.ranking operatordoes not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person havihg that responsibility or person designate d by that person shall sign the following certification:
I certify under p nalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58: 1OA-6F(5) that I have received and reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports.
si/A                                                                                                      AI/A                      A,-.A NAME AND TrE XE                                            SIGNATURE                                                    DATE                  AREA CODE/PHONE NOMBER
SPur ravpe ývvater            i*scnarge ivigflnhonfng. eporn                                                                                                                            P1 46815 PERMIT NUMBER:.                    MONITORED LOCA TION:                          MONITORING PERIOD:                      FACILITY NAME:
i, NJ0025411                          461A DSN 461A - dsw                          11/1/2009 TO 11/30/2009                HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION PARAMETER                                QUANTITY OR LOADING                UNITS                    QUALI -Y OR CONCENTRATION                                              SAMPLE        I TYPE" Flow, In Conduit or              SAMPLE IaADL Thru Treatment Plant 50050 1                                        REPORT              REPORT            MGD Effluent Gross Value          R01MOAV                                01DANIX Flow, in Cohduit or Thru Treatment Plant          MEASUREMENT                              3.S*                                                                                            6    j~~
Intake From Stream                                NOWAV 01oURE,              011DMX, H              I SAMPLE              '                            I
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Oxidants SAMPLE MEASUREMENT                              ** ****
                                                                                  . I                * * * * **            ~oI
*CPOX 1 MG/L Effluent Gross Value Temperatured oC SAMPLE MEASUREMENT
                                                                                                      * ** * *
* I          C)                                    0 e*"'          vI~4e 00010 1 DEG.C Effluent Gross Value Temperature, oC E"
SAMPLEE'SR MEASUREMENT            **                ***
1-31915.                              Io                  £41e+~f      I 00010 7                                                                                                                                                  DEG.C Intake From Stream Comments: Ifthere are any !ýuestions in regards to the monitoring report form, please contact Susan Rosenwinkel of the BPSP - Regin 2 at (609) 292-4860 orvia email at "".
            ~- S~w~pI~          Iv  2ffirff0 Tht        .47      Ad -.1firL 0~p40(, 111f~      I"          411-a~              o6"'      ,i(e                  ~
Pre-PrintCreation Date: 1011/2009 Page 1of2
,UI I          VV.LE            *ll.ll  dE yt  IVUI IILUI Ily: I'IltF iJUI L                                                                                                            P1 46815      !
PERMIT NUMBER:ý                      MONITORED LOCATION:                      MONITORING PERIOD:                FACILITY NAME:
NJ0025411                             461A DSN 461A - dsw                      11(1(2009 TO 11/30(2009            HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATIC N PAAEE Jr PARAMETER                                    QUNTT ORL.DN QANTITY  OR LOADING              UNITS              QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION                    uNITS NITS      EX. N    A YF        SAMPLE;
                                            .,  .                                                                                                                  ,      ,    . *    ;! '2    . :. t Carbon, Tot Organic SAMPLE (TOC)
MEASUREMENT 5-                                        6        '4e4s,    <&c4 00680 1 MG/L Effluent Gross Value Carbon, Tot.Organic (TOC)                      I I    SAMPLE MEASUREMENT I      I          I        I 00680 2 MG/L Effluent Net Value f
Carbon, Tot Oiganic.
MEASUREMENT 0      //'b~b~.Vhf    &-4 00680 7 MG/L Intake From Stream Heat (winter)
(per Hr.)
81387 1
_      _      _33 3
_                I                                                                    0    I '/o4          (4/c-hi REPORT              662          MBTUIHR Effluent Gross Value              RQUHIREMET      0  MOAV          01 DA XTU A I LAb Certification            i    SAMPLE SAMIPLE.
MEASUREMENT                                                  I  Z) v6&#xfd;-3 1&#xfd; 99999 99                                          REPORT            REPORT Lab                              REOUI1REMENT~      Lab #            Lab#
Comments: If there are any questions in regards to the monitoring report form, please contact Susan Rosenwinkel Of the BPSP Regin 2 at (609) 292-4860 or via email at "susan.rosenwinkel @dep.St
Pre-PrintCreation Date: 10*k2009 Page 2of 2
                                                                                                                                                                            *,i*y*- *, -*-
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection                                                            P1i46815 Division of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form H
NJPDE$ PERMIT                                      MONITORING PERIOD                                                  MONITORED LOCATION:                      .
NJ0025411      i    :      IMonth I"  11  I!Day1      Year 2 0 09  To [ Month1    IL!Day3    I 2 0        461C - DSN 461C-- DSWinternal                              .
PERMIT' 'EE:                                              LOCATION OF ACTIVITY:                                    REPORT RECIPIENT:
PSE&G ULZLEARLLC                                          HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION                            PSE&Gi PO BOX 23 5-N21 - ALLOWAY CREEK NECK                      ARTIFICIAL ISLAND RD                                                        FOOT OF BUTTONWOOD RD                                    P.O. BOX 236 / H15 HANCOCI< 3 BRIDGE, NJ 08038                              LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK, NJ 08038                            HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern / Salem County CHECK IF APPLICABLE:                  jE] No-Discharge this Monitoring Period              E] Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign:
the certific&#xfd;tio. n or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certificdtio i. Where the highest ranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, aperson having that reponsibility o - person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. Ifthe local agency has contracted with another entity' o operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking-official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification,.
I certify under penalty of la~v that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments; and that, based !on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe .that the information is true, accurate and complete. I a niaware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C.1 7:1 4A-6.9(B). The New Jersey Water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation..
4 d~Pen"~            r, 1-e    Vic? Prevs'44f              -  #p  -        w                                        ,/VIA NAME AND T1rILE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR de'-            ic-o                                                                              *.
*Fora local ag ncy where the higfest,ranking operatordoes not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel,,a person having that responsibility or person designatnd by thatperson shallsign thefollowing certification:
I certify under p1nalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58: 10A-6F(5) thatI have received and reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports.
A1  .i AlI/A NAME AND TIT                                              SIGNATURE                                                    DATE                  AREA CODE/PHONt NUMBER
aurnaceirvater u'scnarge.ivioni-Luring 1-leporn                                                                                                    Pi 46815 PERMIT NUMBER:                MONITORED LOCATION.                      A4ONITORING PERIOD:        FACILITY NAME.
NJ0025411                      461C DSN 461C - DSW intern,              1 1/1/2009 TO 11130/2009    HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION PARAMETER                          QUANTITY OR LOADING                              QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION    I      -UNITS
Flow, In Conduitor I  SAMPL                          -I        A Thru Treatment Plant                          ,..              /    LJ 50050OlREPORT 1        a                                        REPORTG MGD Effluent Gross Value    i~E~N          I  1OA~      I~0DAX SAMPLE, MEASUREMENT qf              I. Io Y~~I                eoE4~, 00 5 MG/L IM MEAUREME SAMPLE  NTI  ****
                                                            * *** *
* I                                                          2/~4~
MG/L SAMPLE MEASUREMENT                                                              1      15  *&#xfd; 1  .*  I-      &#xa3;~    '/~4~-~*L~ C&v~po5 MG/L
                            .SAMPLE                  I/
I /S5  1)7/57      )-I 6I          1        I  oq4 &#xfd;3 1                                                                I Pre-PrintCreation Date:
Page 1 of 1
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection                                                            P 146815    .1 Division of Water Quality Surface WaterDischarge Monitoring Report Submittal Form NJPDES PERMIT                                      MONITORING PERIOD                                                    MONITORED LOCATION:,
NJ0025411                    I            Day      Year            Month    IToDay                  462B - dsn 462B - dswoutfall I                                      1        2009    To I      11          0      209 I" PERMITTEE:                                                  LOCATION OF ACTIVITY:                                      REPORT RECIPIENT:
PSE&G NTU CLEAR LLC                                        HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION                              PSE&G PO BOX 23 5-N21 ALLOWAY CREEK NECK                        ARTIFICIAL ISLAND                                          T4FFApNY    gABNR 4          'v ~ 1' L4; RD                                                        FOOT OF BUTTONWOOD RD                                      P.O. BOX 236/ H15
  *HANCOCK S BRIDGE, NJ 0803.8                                LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK, NJ 08038                              HANCOCKS BRIDGE; NJ 08038 REGION / COUNTY: Southern / Salem County CHECK IF APPLICABLE:                    ,[  No Discharge this Monitoring Period                -] Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certificatioh or, in his absence a person designatedby that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign, the certification. Where the highestranking operator does not have the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that reponsibility ot person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If~the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official-of the contracted entity shall sign the certification.
I certify under penalty of law that i have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and.
that, based on my inquiry of those, individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accuratd and complete. I at n aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the. possibility of fine andlor imprisonment, PUrsuant to N.J.A.C.; 7:' 4A-6.9(B). The New Jersey Water Pollution Control"Act provides for penalties up to $50,000.per violation.                    .
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*Fora local ag &#xfd;ncy where.the hi'g'hest,ranking operatordoes not have the ability to authorize capital,expenditures and hire personnel, a personwhaving that responsibility or person designat 'd by thatperson shall'sign the following certification:
I certify under r mnalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58: IOA-6F(5) that I have received and reviewed the attached discharge m6nitoring reports.
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Pre-PrintCreation Date: 10)212009                                                                                                                                                          P Page I of 2 1
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Latest revision as of 20:58, 6 December 2019