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#REDIRECT [[GO2-06-043, Response to Request for Additional Information Related to Alternative Source Term License Amendment Request]]
| number = ML060900602
| issue date = 03/21/2006
| title = Columbia Response to Request for Additional Information Related to Alternative Source Term License Amendment Request
| author name = Oxenford W S
| author affiliation = Energy Northwest
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/Document Control Desk, NRC/NRR
| docket = 05000397
| license number = NPF-021
| contact person =
| case reference number = GO2-06-043
| document type = Letter
| page count = 270
| project =
| stage = Response to RAI
{{#Wiki_filter:ENERGY'INORTHWEST People -Vision -Solutions P.O. Box 968
* Richland, WA
* 99352-0968 March 21, 2006 G02-06-043 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001
: 1) Letter dated February 9, 2006 from B Benney (NRC) to JV Parrish (Energy Northwest), "Request for Additional Information (TAC No.MC4570)" 2) Letter dated September 30, 2004 from DK Atkinson (Energy Northwest) to the NRC, "License Amendment Request -Alternative Source Term"
==Dear Sir or Madam:==
Transmitted herewith in Enclosure 1 is the Energy Northwest response to the subject Request for Additional Information (Reference 1). This response provides additional justification for the Energy Northwest Alternative Source Term (AST) License Amendment Request (LAR) (Reference 2).Enclosure 2 of this submittal provides the details of the RADTRAD analysis for the dose associated with the Condensate Storage Tank as requested in RAI 4. Enclosure 3 provides a proprietary Polestar Topical Report that supports the responses to RAls 6e, 6h, 9 and 28. Energy Northwest requests Enclosure 3 be withheld from public disclosure in accordance with 10 CFR 2.390(b).
The supporting affidavit for this request is included in Enclosure
: 3. Enclosure 4 provides the drop analysis for a fuel handling accident over the spent fuel pool that supports the response to RAI 14.Enclosure 5 provides several figures that support the responses to RAls 31 and 33 No new commitments are made in this submittal.
And RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Page 2 of 2 If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Michael K.Brandon at (509) 377-4758.I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on the date of this letter.Respectfully, WS xenfr Vice Preside , Technical Services Mail Drop PE08
: 1. Response to Request for Additional Information
: 2. CST RADTRAD Analysis 3. Proprietary version of the Polestar Applied Technology, Topical Report on Alternative Source Term Application, PSAT Cl10.03, Revision 0 including the Affidavit for Withholding Proprietary Information
: 4. Drop Analysis for FHA Over the Spent Fuel Pool (Calculation NE-02-94-15)5. Source/Receptor Figures for Determining X/Qs cc: (without Enclosure 3 unless otherwise noted)BS Mallett- NRC RIV RN Sherman -BPA11 399 BJ Benney -NRC NRR (with Enclosure 3)WA Horin -Winston & Strawn NRC Senior Resident Inspector/988C TH Boyce -NRC NRR RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 1 of 45 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I) Attachment 2, Section 2, Table 1 states that the fission product inventory is ORIGEN2-based.
Please explain what ORIGEN2-based means. Wfas the inventory determined using the ORIGEN 2 code?Energy Northwest Response: The inventory was generated using the ORIGEN2 code. However, because the burnup assumed in the ORIGEN2 analysis was not equivalent to a core with the maximum burnup stated in Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.183 (62,000 MWD/AITU), the activities of the long-lived radionuclides (greater than one year) were increased by a factor of 1.6. The activities for short-lived Kr isotopes were also increased by 25% to be more in line with core inventories used by other licensees that have performed AST analyses.Energy Northwest independently validated the adequacy of this source term by comparing it to the BWROG generic source term (
"BWR Owner's Group Generic BWNR Source Terms," NEDC-33043P, rev. 1, dated November 2001) generated using site-specific parameters.
The LOCA dose using the BWROG source term was compared to the LOCA dose using the modified ORIGEN2 source term. The results showed that the ORIGEN2 source term used in this AST analysis was slightly more conservative than the BWROG source term.2) The main steam line break (MSLB) accident uses an assumption of 6 seconds for the maximum time for the main steam isolation valve (MSIV) closure. Please confirm that this assumption is to be used only for the purpose of radiological analysis for the MSLB calculation and not as a justification for changing technical specification (TS)surveillance closure times.Energy Northwest Response: The radiological dose calculated for the MSLB event was based on an assumed MSIV closure time of 6 seconds. This closure time is conservative relative to the maximum closure time of < 5 seconds as currently specified in TS Surveillance Requirement (SR)
The 6 second closure time assumption was only used for the purpose of the radiological analysis and no change to the MSIV closure time has been requested.
Energy Northwest has no plans to request a change to the MSIV closure time and if a change is desired in the future, it would require NRC review and approval.3) Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.183, Position 5.1.2, "Credit for Engineered Safeguard Features," states: Credit may be taken for accident mitigation features that are classified as safety-related, are required to be operable by technical specifications, are powered by emergency power RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMIENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 2 of 45 sources, and are either automatically actuated or, in limited cases, have actuation requirements explicitly addressed in emergency operating procedures.
The single active component failure that results in the most limiting radiological consequences should be assumed. Assumptions regarding the occurrence and timing of a loss of offsite power should be selected with the objective of maximizing the postulated radiological consequences.
Attachment 2, Page 9 of the Columbia Generating Station (CGS) license amendment states that credited mitigation features meet these requirements and are automatic except residual heat removal (RHR) drywell sprays and standby liquid control injection.
Please verify that RHR drywell sprays wvill be operable by TSs and are powered by emergency power sources.Energy Northwest Response: TS requires two operable RHR drywell spray subsystems during Modes 1, 2, and 3. The divisional power source for each RHR drywell subsystem is automatically aligned to its associated emergency diesel generator in the event of a loss of offsite power.4) Attachment 1, Section 51 of 91 states: A sensitivity calculation was performed to evaluate the significance of the dose contribution from [engineered safety features (ESFs)] leakage to the [condensate storage tank (CST)].The calculation is included in the [alternative source term (AST)loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA)] analysis in Attachment
: 5. The dose contribution from the CST is negligible.
The impact to the 30-day [low population zone] dose is less than 2 percent.a) The LOCA analysis does not contain an Attachment
: 5. Was this reference to Attachment 2 of NE-02-04-05?
Energy Northwest Response: The referenced LOCA analysis is part of Attachment 5 to the September 30, 2004 AST LAR submittal.
The LOCA analysis also has several attachments and the Attachment 2 to the LOCA analysis does provide the CST dose calculation.
b) Please provide the RADTRAD input and outputs for the CST analysis.
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 3 of 45 Energy Northwest Response: The CST RADTRAD input files may be created by making selected modifications to the RADTRAD.PSF files Columbia 5f.psf and Columbia 5u.psf found in Appendix F4 of the LOCA dose calculation NE-02-04-05 submitted with the September 30, 2004 LAR. These are the files that calculated the dose contribution from ESF leakage. The instructions to make this adaptation are provided in Enclosure 2 to this submittal.
The modified inputs for the RADTRAD CST analysis and the associated output are also provided in Enclosure
: 2. The result of this case are a control room (CR) dose of 0.032 rem TEDE and an LPZ dose of 0.065 rem TEDE. These results agree acceptably with those in Attachment 2 of the LOCA calculation obtained with STARDOSE, i.e., 0.03 rem TEDE for the CR and 0.07 rem TEDE for the LPZ.c) Attachment 2 of NE-02-04-05 states that the liquid leakage to the CST is 0.48 gallons per minute (gpm). If the ESF leakage assumed is 1 gpm and is doubled to 2 gpm for the analysis; why is the CST leakage not 2 gpm?Energy Northwest Response: The current Columbia licensing basis value for ESF leakage is 1 gpm. RG 1.183 recommended multiplying the licensing basis value by 2; therefore, Energy Northwest used 2 gpm. On the other hand, CST leakage is not part of the current Columbia licensing basis, and no specific guidance is provided in RG 1.183.Energy Northwest developed a conservative site-specific estimate of the CST leakage value. Energy Northwest identified the suction and return lines (and the associated suction and return valves) connecting the suppression pool (SP) to the CST that could be potential leakage paths to the CST.The HPCS and RCIC suction and return valves are not included in the Columbia Local Leak Rate Testing Program (LLRT); therefore, no leakage data are available for these valves. The valves are not in the Appendix J Program because they are not Primary Containment Isolation Valves (PCIVs), and they are not in an airborne pathway.However, the system operation history indicates that the HPCS and RCIC systems are essentially leak tight. The following evidence supports this conclusion:
The suction valves from the CST to RCIC and HPCS are similar to the suppression pool ECCS suction valves. Local leak rate testing of the suppression pool suction valves shows leakage on the order of 0.00 to 0.02 gpm after 15 years of service without valve seat maintenance.
The test return valves on the HPCS leading to the CST are Quality Class I gate valves similar to those on the ECCS systems used for RPV pressure isolation.
The RPV isolation valves are routinely leak tested at 950 psid and yield leak test values less than 0.1 gpm.
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 4 of 45 Considering the worst leak test data, the total leak rate from HPCS and RCIC valves is calculated as follows:* The maximum leak rate of 0.02 gpm for the SP suction valves was used for the HPCS and RCIC suction valves.The maximum leak rate of 0.1 gpm for the RPV pressure isolation valves was used for the HPCS and RCIC return valves.The sum of the maximum leak rates was then multiplied by 2.CST Leakage = (2 x 0.02 + 2 x 0.1) x 2 = 0.48 gpm This is a conservative estimate for the following reasons:* The maximum leak rates were used.* The leak rate tests were performed at a pressure differential that is much higher than that available between the SP and CST.* All lines are assumed to leak simultaneously.
* The maximum test leakage wovas doubled.* Operating histories of both the HPCS and RCIC systems support the conclusion that these valves have minimal leakage. An operating characteristic of HPCS for the last several years has been that the discharge piping tends to pressurize above the nominal pressure provided by the system "keep fill" pump. Such pressurization could only occur if the boundaries of the discharge piping are essentially leak tight. During maintenance on RCIC-P-3 (keep fill pump), the pump lwas secured for several hours and the RCIC system maintained pressure above the system low pressure alarm setpoint.
In order for this to occur, one or both of the RCIC test-return valves would have to be essentially leak-tight.
* The In-Service Testing (IST) Program verifies the functionality of the RCIC and HPCS system boundary valves. Power operated valves are stroke-time tested.Check valves are full stroke exercised.
Remote position indications are verified.The IST program reduces the likelihood of significant, undetected leakage through these valves due to malfunction.
a The boundary valves are configured in pairs. Leakage through two valves in series is expected to be less than the leakage through a single valve.d) Please justify not including this dose contribution since this pathway contributes to the total dose (greater than 1 percent contributes to the reported results).Energy Northwest Response: The current Columbia licensing basis does not include postulated CST inleakage as a contributor to the analyzed CR or offsite doses. Energy Northwest has performed a conservative sensitivity evaluation of this potential dose source and has RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 5 of 45 shown it has a less than minimal impact. A review of other BWR AST SEs, indicates the Columbia licensing basis is consistent w ith other BWRs in this regard.The CST doses, as discussed in the response to part b of this question and in response to RAI 33, are slightly greater than 0.03 rem TEDE for the CR and 0.07 rem TEDE for the LPZ. For conservatism, a CR dose value of 0.04 rem TEDE will be used in the following discussion.
Comparing these values to the actual AST calculated licensing basis values of 3.44 and 3.85 rem TEDE (for CR and LPZ, respectively), or to the proposed AST licensing basis values (rounded up) of 3.5 and 4.0 rem TEDE, respectively, one can make two observations.
The proposed AST licensing basis values do bound the sum of the actual AST calculated value and the calculated CST value (i.e., 3.44+0.04<3.5 and 3.85+0.07<4.0).
Secondly, CST CR dose is approximately 1% of either the proposed AST licensing basis value or the actual AST calculated value and the CST LPZ dose is approximately 1.8% in the limiting case.The impact of the CST dose values are considered less than minimal by the standards associated waith 10 CFR 50.59. NEI 96-07, Rev.1, Section 4.3.3, defines a less than minimal increase in dose as follows: (1) Less than or equal to 10% of the difference between the current calculated dose value and the regulatory guideline value.(2) The increased dose does not exceed the current SRP guideline value for the particular design basis accident.The CST dose contribution at Columbia meets this definition of a less than minimal increase for CR dose and offsite dose as follows: Control Room LPZ LOCA dose without CST (rem) 3.44 3.85 Regulatory Limit (rem) 5 25 Margin (rem) 1.56 21.15 LOCA dose with CST (rem) 3.48 3.92 CST contribution (rem) 0.04 0.07 CST % of margin 2.56 0.33 The calculated
"% of margin" is well below the 10% criterion standard for regulatory analyses to characterize a change as less than minimal.Since CST dose is not in the current licensing basis and the contribution of this source is less than minimal by existing regulatory standards, Energy Northwest is not proposing any changes to the licensing basis relative to the CST. The conversion from a TID source term to the AST source term provides no compelling reason or regulatory basis to change this aspect of the current licensing basis.
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMNENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 6 of 45 5) In the MSLB accident (Calculation NE-02-04-06) an MSLB release can occur from a variety of locations.
These locations appear to impact the volume of the steam released.
Please explain how the analyses determined the worst case transport scenario.Energy Northwest Response: The initial dimensions of the plume are established by the mass released and are independent of the release location.
To determine the worst case transport scenarios, Energy Northwest performed a sensitivity analysis.
Several points on the Turbine Generator Building (TGB) were examined as the source of the puff, the distance from each point to the local intake was calculated, and the puff model in RG 1.194, Section 5, was used to calculate the X/Q for each release point. The following table shows that the X/Q value selected by Energy Northwest represents the worst case scenario.X/Q as a Function of Distance Using the iMISLB Puff Model in RG 1.194 Distance (m) X/Q 20 7.02E-04 25 7.45E-04 30 7.76E-04 35 7.96E-04 40 8.09E-04 45 8.15E-04 50 8.18E-04 55 8.18E-04 60 8.17E-04 65 8.15E-04 70 8.12E-04 75 8.09E-04 80 8.06E-04 85 8.03E-06 90 8.OOE-04 100 7.92E-04 Per the above table, the highest X/Q is 8.18E-4 sec/m 3.Energy Northwest used 8.19E-4 sec/M 3 in the AST submittal.
: 6) The following questions pertain to the spray removal credit in containment and steam lines.a) Per TS Bases B, "Suppression Pool Water Level," the suppression pool volume ranges between approximately 112,000 cubic feet at the low water level RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 7 of 45 limit, of 30 feet, 9.75 inches, and approximately 114,000 cubic feet at the high water level limit, of 31 feet, 1.75 inches.Chapter 15, Table 15.8-1, states that the minimum suppression pool liquid volume is 112,197 cubic feet. It also states that the water in the pedestal and water lower than 12 feet below the vent exit are not included in this volume.The minimum volume of the suppression pool assumed in the LOCA calculation (NE-02-04-05) is 137,262 cubic feet. This value includes the pedestal and water 12 feet below the vent exits. Please justify the use of this volume and justify that the water in the pedestal and 12 feet below the vent exits can, and will, mix completely with the volume credited for determining the spray decontamination factor (DF) and for the determination of the doses from emergency core cooling system leakage.Energy Northwest Response: FSAR Table 15.8-1 applies to the initial conditions assumed for an Anticipated Transient Without Scram (ATWNS) event. Since the peak suppression pool temperature and peak containment pressure occur in as little as 75 minutes for the ATWS events considered in Section 15.8, it may be appropriate to restrict the water mass considered to the 112,197 ft 3 value, ignoring the water deep in the pool and within the pedestal for that short duration.However, the time frame for acid production and decreasing pH in the suppression pool and for ESF leakage for the AST LOCA analysis is 30 days, a time frame nearly 600 times longer than the time frame for the ATWN'S peak containment temperature and pressure analysis (see the response to 6c). For this time frame, mixing will be complete, both because of openings in the pedestal that permit mixing and because of pool cooling operation that will return suppression pool water at a temperature tens of degrees below that of the bulk pool tending to eliminate stratification.
Also, if the participating water volume were less than the 137,262 ft 3 value used for the pH calculation and for ESF leakage, all concentrations would increase; and the net result would be an increase in pH and a greater sequestering of the iodine. The greater sequestering of iodine wiould be offset by an increasing fractional leakage rate for ESF leakage (same absolute leakage rate and a smaller source volume); but the increasing pH would be a compensating effect.b) Page 5.12 of NE-02-04-05 states: No maximum DF is established for aerosol removal (as permitted by Reference 3), and there is no practical need to limit elemental iodine removal (since Revision I of Reference 13 establishes a minimum elemental iodine partition coefficient, H, of 300 as long as the pH is greater than approximately 7.3).
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERNI LICENSE AMIENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 8 of 45 Please specify where Reference 13 provides the partition coefficient for sodium pentaborate at a pH of 7.3 and justify its use if it is not explicitly specified.
Energy Northwest Response: The Reference 13 data is taken to be representative of the relationship between H and pH.Much work has been done in the area of iodine re-evolution from water pools (e.g., NUREG/CR-5732, NUREG/CR-5950), and the results have been shown to be sensitive to iodine concentration, water temperature, and pH without regard for the agent affecting pH control. On that basis, the Reference 13 information was used to define H for Columbia.A more rigorous analysis using the modeling of NUREG/CR-5732 would showv a value for H much greater than the value of 300 used to determine the ultimate iodine decontamination factor (DF) for the LOCA dose analysis.
An analysis of aqueous iodine speciation embodied in the following equation: F = [12]/([12]
+ [I]) = (1 + e 1.7 2 pi) -6.08).1 (with F expressed as a ratio of gram-atoms/L, not gram-moles/L) from NUREG/CR-5732 combined with the expression for P = [I (aq)]/[I2 (g)] = 1 0 6.29-0.0149T (for T ill degrees K, also from NUREG/CR-5732) is plotted below. In this plot, H = ([I2 (aq)] + [V])/[I2 (g)] = P/F, as calculated using NUREG/CR-5732, is about an order of magnitude greater at pH = 7.3 than H from the SRP 6.5.2.
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM\ LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 9 of 45 H vs. pH 10000 _1000 __ _ -I_1._ _ -, t .._ _100 -i 7SRP 6.5.2-. ~NUREGCR-5732 10.5 6 7 8 9 10 11 pH c) Page 5.12 of NE-02-04-05 states: The limited amount of elemental iodine initially present (4.85%) means that once the DF is applied, the percentage of elemental iodine remaining airborne would be approximately 0.04% of the total release. This is only 27% of the organic iodine percentage; and therefore, this amount may be neglected (particularly because the pH reaches 7.3 only after 30 days when the dominant dose contributor 1-131 has already been through 3.7 halflives).
Since this analysis focuses only on the source contribution and does not consider the entire pathway for the releases, justify this argument considering the total impact to the dose Energy Northwest Response: The CR dose contribution from organic iodine is 0.28 rem TEDE out of 3.44 rem TEDE total for the limiting case. Considering the potential for 27% of this dose contribution being added because of elemental iodine being airborne in the long term, the potential dose addition could be as great as 0.076 rem TEDE. However, most of this theoretical dose increase would be the result of leakage through the main steam lines where at least RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERNM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 10 of 45 1/3 of the additional elemental iodine would be trapped. Therefore, the maximum dose increase (even with an ultimate iodine DF corresponding to H = 300 from t = 0) would be about 0.05 rem TEDE or an increase of the CR dose of about 1.5%.As explained in 6b, the H would be much greater than 300, particularly early in the accident when the pH would be much higher than the 7.3 value used to determine the H =300. As noted, by 30 days, the 1-131 would have already been through 3.7 half-lives and the dose would be correspondingly lower both because of the decay and because of the more favorable atmospheric dispersion.
The pH transient for Columbia is as shown: Figure 1- [H+] Added vs. Time 1.20E403 I ~~~pH7.3~72lHrs 60r 1.OOE-03 I__II 8.OOE-04 actual d impact e I I pH7.9,1 Ohrst o 6.OOE-04 E.18. 76 hr 4.OOE-04 ~F .,5r 0.OOE+00 10 100 1000 Hours Given the above, the maximum CR dose impact of the ignored elemental iodine wvould be about 1.5%, and the actual dose impact would be much less.d) Please justify how elemental and particulate iodine removal in the drywell can be removed with the same removal coefficients.
Energy Northwest Response: This treatment is justified by the experimental data and observations documented in the EPRI report "Iodine Behavior within Confinement, Advanced Containment Experiments Extension (ACEX) Project," 1011037, Final Report, July 2004. The ACE Phase B experiments on iodine behavior observed: "The presence of reactive aerosols within containment vessels at gram/cubic meter concentrations is a very effective sink for both HI and I2 such that these iodine species, which may exist as vapors initially, soon behave as particulates.
Since the transport properties of particles are different from those of vapors this finding has RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 11 of 45 important implications for models or computer codes, which seek to predict the time-dependent behavior of iodine within containment during severe accidents." In addition, it is slightly more conservative in the Columbia analysis to treat the elemental iodine as particulate.
The basis for this conclusion is documented in Attachment 2 of the September 30, 2004 submittal in the comments pertaining to Appendix A of Regulatory Guide 1.183, Section 3.3.e) The staff would like to understand the methods used to determine the deposition velocity and flow rates used for aerosol, elemental and organic deposition in the steamlines.
Please provide LOCA dose analysis Reference 15 entitled, "Aerosol Removal in the Drywell and Steamlines," Document No. PSAT 206.QA.01.06.
Energy Northwest Response: The referenced PSAT 206.QA.01.06 is included as Attachment 1 of PSAT CI10.03,"Polestar Applied Technology, Inc. Topical Report on Alternative Source Term Application," Revision 0 which is submitted as Enclosure 3 to this submittal.
Calculation PSAT 206.QA.01.06 refers to four Polestar documents as follows: Polestar report PSAT C101.02, "STARNAUA
-A Code for Evaluating Severe Accident Aerosol Behavior in Nuclear Power Plant Containment:
A Validation and Verification Report," Revision 1.03 (Reference 1 of PSAT 206.QA.01.06).
* Polestar memo "BWR Inert Aerosol Composition" (Reference 4 of PSAT 206.QA.01.06).
* Polestar memo "Aerosol Size Parameters" (Reference 6 of PSAT 206.QA.01.06).
Polestar procedure PSAT 090211.02, "AP600 Containment Aerosol Calculation Project Procedure
-Assumptions and Input Information," Revision 2 (Reference 8 of PSAT 206.QA.01.06).
The content of these documents has been consolidated into the Polestar Topical Report in the following sections:* Polestar report PSAT CIO1.02 has been consolidated in Sections V.C.3 and V.C.7.* Polestar memo "BWR Inert Aerosol Composition" has been consolidated in Section V.B.* Polestar memo "Aerosol Size Parameters" and the relevant portions of Polestar procedure PSAT 0902H.02 have been consolidated in Section V.f) Please confirm that the surface areas used for the aerosol removal in the steamlines includes only horizontal piping and is calculated using the following equation: Area = Horizontal Length RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMNI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 12 of 45 Energy Northwest Response: Confirmed.
The surface area was calculated using the above equation and based only on the horizontal sections.g) Please confirm that the surface areas used for elemental iodine in the steamlines are calculated using the followving equation: Area = Diameterintemal.x Length x t Energy Northwest Response: Confirmed.
The surface area was calculated using the above equation.h) Calculation NE-02-04-05, determines the flow rates of the leakage into steam lines.The volumetric flow rate is determined for both the intact and failed lines. Please describe the models, methods, assumptions and justification for the assumptions and models used to calculate these flow rates.Energy Northwest Response: Section V.D.1 of PSAT CI10.03, "Polestar Applied Technology, Inc. Topical Report on Alternative Source Term Application," Revision 0 (Enclosure
: 3) describes the current approach used by Polestar to calculate volumetric flow rates into and through the main steam lines. The Columbia LOCA analysis deviates slightly from this approach.
A comparison of the approaches is as follows: Volumetric Flow from the Drywell into the Steamt Line -Polestar Topical In the approach outlined in PSAT CI10.03, there are three steps in the process of converting a measured MSIV mass leakrate (measured in scfh) to a volumetric flow in clh for the drywell accident conditions.
Note that the drywell is assumed to be the source of MSIV leakage as stated in RG 1.183 and as explained further in the response to RAI 28 below. The three steps are: (a) obtain the test volumetric flow by dividing the measured mass flow rate (scfh) times atmospheric pressure by the absolute test pressure, (b) verify the test pressure to be above critical pressure (to establish that volumetric flow through the valve would remain constant for a constant temperature; i.e., the maximum temperature for the accident to be considered), and (c) convert the volumetric flow of air/nitrogen (at test pressure and standard temperature) to steam (at test pressure and maximum temperature) by comparing sonic velocities.
Using Columbia inputs for an example application of the PSAT CI10.03 methodology: (a) The volumetric flow rate under test conditions is CFHtest = 16 scfli x 14.7/(25 +14.7) = 5.92 cfh per steam line, RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 13 of 45 (b) Note that the test pressure is above the critical pressure, (c) The ratio of the sonic velocities is as follows ('is used to identify accident conditions):
V.-onic ml k'-1 C M T' ((0.3)(8)(29)(743R)
= 1.391 s- k-1 cp A{' T (0.4)(7)(18)(530R)(k-1) MTstandard One may now calculate the volumetric flow rate under accident conditions by multiplying the result under (a) by this ratio. One finds: Q = 5.92 cfh x 1.391 = 8.23 cfh.Volunietric Flow from the Drywell into the Steant Line -Coluntbia Calculations For the actual Columbia dose calculation (as previously stated), a somewhat different approach was used from that described in the Polestar Topical. The mass flow rate was assumed to increase linearly with absolute pressure so that at the accident pressure the mass flow rate becomes 16 scfh x (52.1 psia/39.7 psia) = 21 scfli. This mass flow is then converted into a volumetric flow using a perfect gas law assumption for post-accident density of the containment atmosphere (i.e., paccident=
pstandard X (Patm/Paccident)
X (Taccident/Tstandard))
^ ith the following result: 21 x (14.7 psia/52.1 psia) x (743 R/530 R) = 8.31 cfh. Therefore, for both methods (Polestar Topical and Columbia LOCA dose calculation), the volumetric flow leaking out of containment via the main steam line pathway is essentially the same. However, the aerosol transport analysis presented in PSAT 206.QA.01.06 uses a higher flow rate.In PSAT 206CT.QA.01.06, the aerosol loading in the main steam line for the application of the STARNAUA code (to calculate aerosol sedimentation) was calculated for MSIV test limits of 25 scfh, 50 scfh, 75 scfh, and 100 scfh. Taking 25 scfh as an example, the 25 scfh was converted to 5.21E-4 Ibm/sec (by using the definition of standard conditions);
and then scaled up by the ratio of accident pressure to test pressure (i.e., 52.1 psia/39.7 psia) to become 6.91E-4 Ibm/sec. The only difference in what was done for the Columbia aerosol transport calculations as compared to the Columbia dose calculation (other than the fact that the transport calculations were done at test limit values of 25 scfh, 50 scfh, 75 scfh, and 100 scfl per line whereas the dose calculation was done at a test limit value of 16 scfh per line) is that the density was based on a partial pressure of nitrogen at accident temperature (equal to 19.25 psia) as well as a steam partial pressure of 33.45 psia. In other words, in PSAT 206CT.QA.01.06, the mass flow rate out of containment was determined on the basis of all nitrogen (no steam), but the volumetric flow was determined on the basis of nitrogen + steam post-accident density using the all-nitrogen mass flow rate. This is very conservative (in that it maximizes volumetric flow), but it is non-physical.
If RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 14 of 45 nitrogen + steam were considered in determining the mass flow at accident pressure, the mass flow rate would have been considerably less than 6.91E-4 Ibm/sec.If the PSAT 206CT.QA.01.06 method had been applied for 16 scfh per line, the volumetric flow rate from the containment and into the main steam lines (per line)would have been 10.9 cfh, about 30% more than that used for the Columbia dose calculation.
Volumetric Flow froml the Space between Closed MSIVs -Polestar Topical To calculate the volumetric flow out of the volume between the inboard and outboard NISIVs, Polestar now assumes the pressure in this space to be nearly that of the drywell but the temperature to be that of the steam line (as stated in Section V.D.1 of PSAT CI10.03).
Therefore, the volumetric flow out of that space must be that into the space increased by the ratio of the sonic velocities for the two conditions, that is to say the square root of the ratio of the absolute temperatures (steam line temperature divided by containment temperature).
One would find for Columbia: Leakrate (@ 16 scfh) = 8.23 cfl x [(460 + 544)/(460
+ 283)]"1= 9.57 cfli Volumetric Flow from the Space between Closed 1SIVs -Columbia Calculations For the dose calculation, the value used is 11.7 cfh for flow out of the space between the two closed MSIVs. The 11.7 cfh value was obtained based on two assumptions:
(1)that the density between the MISIVs is only one-half that in the drywell and (2) the mass flow rate is 1/42 times that coming out of the drywell. This means the 8.31 cfh becomes 8.31 x 42 leaving the space between the NISIVs or 11.7 cfli.The latter assumption (i.e., that the mass flow rate is 1/42 times that coming out of the drywell) is based on a very conservative assumption of incompressible flow; i.e., that the gauge pressure in the MSIV interstice is equal to one half of the gauge pressure in the containment (assuming also that the leak paths through each of the two closed MISIVs in series are identical).
The former assumption (i.e., that the density between the MSIVs is only one-half that in the drywell) is based on the pressures being high enough so that (Pdrywell
-absolute) is approximately the same as (Pdrwell -gauge)/(Pinterstitial
-gauge). The fact that (Pdrywell
-gauge) > (Pdrywell
-absolute) means that even if (Pdry.ell
-gauge) = 2, (Pdryssell
-absolute) will be less than 2; and the density will not be quite a factor of two lower between the MSIVs as was conservatively assumed.For example, the incompressible flow assumption would mean that the pressure between the MSIVs for Columbia would be one half of the peak accident pressure of 37.4 psig or 18.7 psig. But then the uniform-temperature density ratio would be only (37.4 + 14.7 psig)/(18.7
+ 14.7 psig) = 1.56. In other words, if the temperature RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 15 of 45 between the MSIVs were the same as that in the drawell, the density between the MSIN's would not be one half that in the drywell, it would be only 64% of that in the drywell.One reason that this level of apparent conservatism is acceptable is that the temperature between the MSIVs could be as much as 35% higher than that in the drywell. When this temperature effect is taken into account, the assumption of the density between the MSIVs being one half that in the drywell appears appropriate.
For the aerosol transport calculation, the volumetric leak rate into the steam lines (10.9 cflh being equivalent to 16 scf'h) was increased by the ratio of the steam line temperature to the drywell temperature (i.e., (460 F + 544 F)/(460 F + 283 F)) rather than by the square root of that ratio (per the Polestar Topical).
Therefore, the volumetric flow leaving the space between the MSIVs according to the methodology of PSAT 206CT.QA.01.06 would be 14.7 cib for 10.9 cfh coming in.The volumetric flow rates into and out of the space between the MSIVs for each of the three Polestar documents may be compared as follows (all for 16 scfl per main steam line): Columbia aerosol Columbia LOCA Considering space removal dolumbion Polestar Topical between MSIVs calculation dfh per line clh per line cfh per line cbprln Into space 10.9 8.31 8.23 Out of space 14.7 11.7 9.57 For the aerosol removal calculation, the key variable is the ratio of flow into the space to the flow out of the space since that ratio establishes the concentration in the space (a low concentration being conservative).
In other words, the source is Cd-Qin (the concentration in the drywell times the volumetric flow into the space), the mass airborne is Cd.Qin/X (where X = Qout/Volume), and the concentration in the space is, therefore, Cspace = Cd,,Qin/X/VOlUn1e
= Cdw(Qin/Qout).
The ratio Qin/Q 0 ut as used for the Columbia aerosol removal calculation is conservatively 0.74 as compared to 0.86 if calculated using the Polestar Topical.For the dose calculation, the higher the flow out of the space between the MSIVs, the greater the degree of conservatism.
For this calculation, the Columbia value of 11.7 cfh is conservative with respect to the 9.57 cfh for the Polestar Topical.7) CGS proposes to no longer credit the main steam isolation valve leakage control system and remove the associated operability requirements from TSs. How is potential leakage from this system accounted for in the LOCA dose model and controlled by TSs?
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 16 of 45 Energy Northwest Response: The original design function of the main steam isolation valve leakage control (MISLC)system was to minimize the release of fission products via the main steam lines which could potentially bypass containment and the standby gas treatment (SGT) system after a LOCA. The MISLC system performed this function by directing main steam isolation valve VISIV) leakage to the SGT system. This leakage was directed to the SGT system by a blower that served to maintain the pressure in the steam lines negative with respect to atmosphere.
The routing of this leakage to the SGT system provided for filtration of MSIV leakage and its exhaust via the plant stack.The MISIV leakage in the AST LOCA dose model is assumed to flow directly to the environment without credit for SGT filtration.
Additionally, the MSIV leakage was analyzed as a release from the TGB exhaust, and this provides a conservative X/Q compared to a release via the plant stack. This analysis bounds any i\ISIV leakage through the MISLC system should leakage continue to take place via MISLC. Energy Northwest is planning to deactivate the iMISLC system during the implementation of the approved AST LAR, and will eventually remove the system completely.
Since the mitigation function of the MSLC function is no longer credited, Energy Northwest has requested the deletion of the TS requiring the operability of this system.However, the TS continue to limit and control the amount of flow via this leakage path.TS requires each MISIV to be operable during power operations and Surveillance Requirements (SRs) and limit the stoke time and the leakage rate of each MISIV. These TS requirements provide adequate controls for this leakage path and conservatively support the AST LOCA dose model.8) CGS has requested that credit for the standby gas treatment system (SGTS) is delayed for the first 20 minutes while a negative pressure condition is being established in secondary containment.
The basis for this 20 minute drawdown needs to be clarified.
Does the 20 minute drawdown include the time for the SGTS to become operational (time for an initiation signal etc.)?Energy Northwest Response: Yes. The AST assumed time of 20 minutes for the secondary containment to be drawn down to equal to or less than -0.25 inwg from an initial pressure condition of 0.0 inwg, includes the two minutes assumed for one SGT fan to become operational.
This two minute time interval includes the time from initiation of the accident signal, start and load of the associated emergency diesel, automatic start and assumed failure of the lead SGT fan and subsequent start of the lag SGT fan. Note that although only one SGT fan (out of a total of four -one lead and one lag per train) is required for establishment and long term maintenance of the required negative pressure in secondary containment, two SGT fans (one per train) would be automatically started and available to support restoration of secondary containment integrity.
Although a total time of 20 minutes is assumed in the RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 17 of 45 dose analysis for restoration of secondary containment, analysis shows that secondary containment can be established in approximately 16 minutes at an SGT flow rate of 4800 ACFM. (
Calc NE 02-01-05 Ri, Item 5 on Section 3.4 and Appendix D, Section 25, Calc NE 02-01-05 RI, Conclusions, Section 2.0.)9) For the calculation of the aerosol removal rates in the drywell, CGS uses guidance from NUREG-0800, Section 6.5.2. To calculate the spray removal rate for particulate iodine the sprayed volume is used. Please justify the volume used.Energy Northwest Response: See Assumption 1 of Attachment 1 of PSAT CI10.03, "Polestar Applied Technology, Inc.Topical Report on Alternative Source Term Application," Revision 0 (Enclosure 3). The justification for this assumption provides the basis for assuming a wvell-mixed drywell for spray removal. A considerable penalty has been taken in the volume of spray flow credited and in the reduced fall height as a result of the confined volume of the drywell.The assertion of a w ell-mixed condition is the result of that same small volume.10) Attachment 1, Section 47 states ESF, "Leakage was assumed to start at t = 15 minutes after the event." Please justify this assumption.
Energy Northwest Response: The basis for this assumption is presented in NE-02-04-01, "Dose Calculation Database," Item 8.6, on Page 5.008, which is as follows: Per FSAR Section "System Performance During the Accident" operator action is not required during the short-term cooling period following the LOCA. During the long-term cooling period (after 10 minutes), the operator may take actions to:* Use ECCS for vessel level control,* Use ADS or SRVs for vessel pressure control, or* Place systems into operation, such as containment cooling, standby liquid control, or drywell spray.An assumption to credit drywell spray initiation in 15 minutes is a reasonable time duration relative to the FSAR analysis for ECCS system performance during a LOCA that allows operators to spray the drywell after 10 minutes.The assumption that ESF leakage dose does not begin for 15 minutes post-accident also parallels the treatment for PWN'Rs in which the ESF leakage dose accumulation does not begin until recirculation of containment coolant begins. In the development of the AST for BWRs, it was assumed that emergency core cooling systems did not operate until t =2.033 hours when the assumed restoration of core cooling arrests core damage and ends RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 18 of 45 the activity release to the containment.
For Columbia, sprays are assumed to begin at t =15 minutes. At this time suppression pool water is drawn out of the containment, and ESF leakage of contaminated water may begin.It is also the case that until sprays begin, very little activity would be transferred to the suppression pool except the coolant activity in the blowdown.
Once blowdown is complete, without core cooling and the associated heat and mass transfer from the core to the containment, there is limited volumetric flow from the drywell atmosphere to the wetwell, i.e., the containment is essentially quiescent.
AEB-98-03 suggests that a volumetric flow out of the drywell of 3000 cfm be considered for Mark III containment designs, and there is no fundamental difference between flow out of the drywell for a Mark I, II, or III containment.
Even with twice this flow (approximately the flow out of the drywell proposed by Perry as documented by AEB-98-03), the transfer of gap activity from the Columbia drywell to the wetwell would be as follows: Iodine Distribution (Fraction of Core Inventory) 6000 cfm Drywell to Wetwell Flow Assumed 0.025 --Total 0D- W 0.02 ..... ww 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 3 6 9 12 15 Minutes As can be seen from this figure, prior to the initiation of sprays, less than 0.4% of the core inventory of iodine would have been transferred from the drywell to the suppression pool.
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 19 of 45 11) Attachment 2, page 9 states that CGS conforms to Regulatory Position 5.1.3.Regulatory Position 5.1.3 states: The numeric values that are chosen as inputs to the analyses required by [Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 50.67] should be selected with the objective of determining a conservative postulated dose ...The ranges of flow rates out of the standby gas treatment system are given in the proposed TS 5.5 as 4320 to 5280 cubic feet per minute (cfm) for the SGTS and 900 to 1100 cfm for the control room emergency filtration (CREF) system.a) The modeling of the SGTS appears to use a flow rate of 5000 cfm for the SGTS.Please justify why the nominal value is conservative when calculating a postulated dose.Energy Northw est Response: The LOCA dose calculated in the model is independent of the SGT flow rate since no credit was taken for Reactor Building mixing, holdup, or dilution.
To demonstrate this conclusion, Energy Northwest performed the following sensitivity study spanning a range of SGT flow rates from 4000 cfm to 10,000 cfm. The table below shows that the dose was not affected.
Note that the RB volume wvas intentionally set equal to 5000 ft 3 as an analytical device to provide negligible holdup (i.e., one minute at the 5000 cfm SGTS flow rate). Using similarly high flow rates of 4,000 cfm to 10,000 cfm with no change in dose confirms that the holdup corresponding to 5,000 cfm is negligible as intended.RB Volume (cf) SGT Flow (cfm) Dose (rem)5000 4000 3.44 5000 5000 3.44 5000 10,000 3.44 b) The volumetric flow rate provided in Calculation NE-02-04-1 (Revision 1), Section 3.10, Section 5.003 states the actual flow rate is 5378+/-433.5 cfm.Please clarify the actual range of flows for this system.Energy Northwest Response: The SGT fans are single speed fans and the system's flow rate is controlled by vortex dampers. The 5378+433.5 cfm value represents the capability of the system when started following an emergency start signal, prior to the achievement of secondary containment drawdown.
A conservative initial flow value of 4800 cfm is assumed in the drawdown analysis.
This value is bounded by the low end of 5378+433.5 value provided in NE-02-04-1. Note the vortex dampers include a high flow limiter setpoint in the flow control loop RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 20 of 45 of each SGT fan that limits the flow to 5378 cfm. This limiter functions to restrict maximum fan flow to prevent a fan motor thermal overload trip. The AST secondary containment drawdown analysis demonstrates a single SGT fan, operating at a maximum flow rate of 4800 cfm, is capable of establishing
-0.25 inwg in secondary containment within the assumed drawdown time of 20 minutes. Following the initial secondary containment drawdown, a flow rate of 4800 cfm or less is required to maintain this required negative pressure for the required analysis duration of 30 days.With respect to the flow range of 4320 to 5280 cfm specified in TS 5.5.7 (Ventilation Filter Test Program) for the SGTS, this range of values is based on RG 1.52, "Design, Inspection, and Testing Criteria for Air Filtration and Adsorption Units of Post-Accident Engineered-Safety-Feature Atmosphere Cleanup Systems in Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants" and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard N510-1989,"Testing of Nuclear Air Treatment Systems" using the analysis value of 4800 cfm plus or minus a tolerance of 10%. This range of flow is used for the purpose of testing the filters and is not intended to verify the flow capacity of the system.12) Attaclunent 2, Section 4, states that the nuclides used for CGS are:... the 60 identified as potentially important contributors to[total effective dose equivalent]
in NUREG/CR-4691 (MACCS Users Guide) [less the two cobalt isotopes which have a minor impact] plus four additional noble gas isotopes from TID-14844, plus three other short-lived noble gas isotopes, plus Bal37m for a total of 66.The staff believes the list from NUREG/CR-4691 is the same list as the default list provided for the RADTRAD computer code. The 60 radionuclides that are contained in the RADTRAD code were selected based upon a study that determined that those 60 radionuclides have the greatest impact on offsite dose assuming that each individual element has an equal release fraction.a) Attachment 2, Section 7, Section 4.2.3, states that the models used to transport radioactive material into and through the control room, and the shielding models used to determine radiation dose rates from external sources, should be structured to provide suitably conservative estimates of the exposure to control room personnel.
It states that the CGS analysis conforms to this guidance.
Confirm that the most conservative radionuclides were used to determine the source for the CGS shielding studies for the shine doses from external sources to the control room.
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 21 of 45 Energy Northwest Response: The CR filter shine dose has been calculated using the 53 non-noble gas radionuclides used with STARDOSE in the LOCA dose analysis.
Polestar has recently completed a study in which 31 additional non-noble gas radionuclides were considered for integrated gamma power over 30 days. When added to the existing 53 radionuclides, the 30-day integrated gamma power increased by approximately one percent. Therefore, Energy Northwest considers these radionuclides to be adequate for calculating a dose contribution that is, itself, only one percent of the total CR TEDE.b) Please justify the changes to the default RADTRAD list of nuclides.Energy Northwest Response: A sensitivity analysis was performed to assess the impact of the changes to the default RADTRAD list of nuclides.
The STARDOSE analysis was rerun with the seven additional noble gas radionuclides included in the Columbia analysis (i.e., Kr-83m, Kr-89, Xe-1317n, Xe-133m, Xe-135M, Xe-137, and Xe-138) deleted. The result was a decrease in the CR dose of 3E-3 rem TEDE. The same case was run again with Co-58 and Co-60 added.There was no discernable increase in the CR dose to three significant figures.On this basis, the list of radionuclides used in the Columbia dose analysis, as modified from the RADTRAD list, is justified.
: 13) Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) Section, "Fuel Assembly Description," states: The core is loaded with FANP and Westinghouse Electric Company reload fuel. The Westinghouse Electric Company reload fuel assemblies are composed of a 10 x 10 array of fuel rods with a central, cruciform water channel (see Reference 4.1-8). The FANP reload fuel assemblies are composed of 10 x 10 array of fuel rods with a single, large, central water channel (Reference 4.1-20).Page 62 of Attachment 1 states that the fuel handling accident (FHA) analysis is based on an 8 x 8 fuel pin array with 250 fuel pins that are postulated to break. On Section 18 of Attachment 2, CGS states that they conform to Regulatory Position 1. 1, Appendix B Regulatory Guide 1.183. This Regulatory Position states, "The number of fuel rods damaged during the accident should be based on a conservative analysis that considers the most limiting case." For the allowed fuel designs in the CGS core please describe why the proposed analysis, based upon an 8x8 assembly, provides the limiting radiological consequences for the fuel handling accident.
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE A-MENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 22 of 45 Energy Northwest Response: The 250 failed rods assumed in the Columbia FHA for the 8X8 assembly is more conservative than the FHA analyzed for the 10x10 assembly for the following reasons: 1. The vendor calculations for the ATRIUMI-10 assembly resulted in up to 156 failed rods, whereas Energy Northwest is using 250 rods.2. On a per rod basis, the 8x8 assembly is more conservative since each 8x8 rod contains a larger amount of fuel than a l0x10 rod, the following calculations confirm this conclusion:
: a. The 8x8 assembly contains 176.1 KgU, each assembly has 62 fuel rods, this results in 2.84 KgU per rod.b. The 10x10 assembly contains 177.8 KgU, each assembly has 91 fuel rods, this results in 1.95 KgU per rod.14) Page 63 of 91 of Attachment 1 states that: Based on the comparable water depth available for decontamination and the difference in the postulated drop distances, Energy Northwest concludes that the consequences of an FHA over the reactor cavity bound those for an FHA over the transfer area or over the spent fuel pool. This conclusion is consistent with the [U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)] staff conclusion for a similar configuration at the Fitzpatrick plant as documented in a recent Safety Evaluation Report (SER) (Reference 32).The staff reviewed the Fitzpatrick SER and found that the basis of the staff's conclusion was as follows: ENO stated that the implied reduction in scrubbing efficiency is offset by the reduced number of fuel rods (i.e., 81 vs. 125) that are projected to be damaged by a fuel assembly drop over the spent fuel pool.CGS has not provided a similar argument because CGS has not provided a value (and justifying analysis) for the reduced number of damaged fuel rods for an FHA in the fuel transfer area or over the spent fuel pool. If CGS plans to use this method of analysis please provide the number of fuel rods and the analysis justifying this number.
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 23 of 45 Energy Northwest Response: In response to this RAI, Energy Northwest has performed a drop analysis to provide a quantitative comparison to the referenced Fitzpatrick SE. This drop analysis is provided as Enclosure
: 4. For conservatism, a drop height of 4 feet, that bounds the maximum credible drop height of 17 inches discussed in the September 30, 2004 LAR submittal, was analyzed and the resulting number of rods postulated to fail is 83. This number is fiery comparable to the 81 rods postulated at Fitzpatrick.
The conclusion of the Fitzpatrick SE that the drop over the reactor vessel bounded the drop over the spent fuel pool was based on a (125-81)/125 or 35% reduction in the initial source term for the drop over the spent fuel pool. The quantitative reduction in the initial source term for Columbia is (250-83)/250 or 67%. As previously established, the available water heights are effectively identical (i.e., the Fitzpatrick SE states an assumed water depth of 21 feet 7 inches and the Columbia TS requires a water depth of 22 feet) and thus the implied reduction in scrubbing efficiency would be effectively identical.
Therefore, the qualitative conclusion provided in the Energy Northwvest LAR has been substantiated with the attached drop analysis and the conclusion documented in the Fitzpatrick SE has been shown to be applicable and bounding to Columbia.15) Page 62 of Attachment 1 states, 'The TS minimum required water depth available over the point of fuel assembly impact is approximately 22 [feet], just 1 [foot] lower than the 23 [feet] upon which a DF of 200 is based." The discussion is focused on the water level above the point of impact for an FHA over the fuel transfer area or the spent fuel pool. It compares this depth of water to the 23 feet upon which the DF of 200 is based.The depth should be compared to a conservative release point of the radioactivity from the damaged fuel assemblies.
Please provide details about the assumptions used to determine water depth above these release points. Please justify your assumptions.
If the assembly is assumed to lie flat on top of the racks justify why it is not possible that the fuel assembly could be in any other position.Energy Northwest Response: The above discussion was solely intended to demonstrate why the current licensing basis drop over the reactor cavity bounds a postulated drop over the spent fuel pool and this conclusion was supported by comparing the configuration at Columbia to that of Fitzpatrick.
As shown in the response to question 14 above, the basis and approach provided by Energy Northwest is identical to that provided by Entergy and the NRC Staff has accepted this approach.
The plant specific configuration of interest, (i.e., water height) and drop analysis results at Columbia are both conservative compared to Fitzpatrick.
: 16) Page 19 of 22 of Attachment 2 provides Table 3, "Comparison with Regulatory Guide 1.183, Appendix B." In Table 3 CGS states that the application conforms with Regulatory Position 5.3. Regulatory Position 5.3 states:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 24 of 45 If the containment is open during fuel handling operations (e.g., personnel air lock or equipment hatch is open), 3 the radioactive material that escapes from the reactor cavity pool to the containment is released to the environment over a 2-hour time period.Footnote 3: The staff will generally require that technical specifications allowing such operations include administrative controls to close the airlock, hatch, or open penetrations within 30 minutes. Such administrative controls will generally require that a dedicated individual be present, with necessary equipment available, to restore containment closure should a fuel handling accident occur. Radiological analyses should generally not credit this manual isolation.
Several proposed TS changes (for example TS,, delete the requirement for these systems to be operable and do not include any controls in the TS for manual isolation if a fuel handling accident were to occur. Explain how the proposed TS and bases provide assurance that the intent of closure as a defense-in-depth measure is accomplished and that the open penetrations are closed.Energy Northwest Response: The TS changes referenced in this question were proposed consistent with the requirements of the NRC Staff approved TSTF-51. In a letter dated September 29, 2005 (ADAMS accession number ML052850270), Energy Northwest provided additional justification for the proposed TSTF-51 related changes and a number of commitments relative to the detection and mitigation of a FHA that included containment closure contingencies.
A specific closure time is not required by TSTF-51. The 2-hour release period assumed for the FHA is conservative because it results in 100% of the airborne activity being released over a short period of time when no active mechanism is present to drive the postulated release. Secondary containment is not a credited mitigative feature for the FHA event. The administrative controls to manually restore containment are a defense in depth type measure that does not meet the 10 CFR 50.36 criteria for inclusion in a plant's TS. The commitments provided in the September 29, 2005 letter to establish containment closure in a prompt fashion satisfy the requirements in TSTF-51 and serve to satisfy the intent of RG 1.183. A commitment to promptly close containment using administrative controls has been an acceptable basis for approval of the TSTF-51 related TS changes associated with other licensees' AST submittals
-refer to NRC SEs dated October 24, 2004 and April 28, 2005 for the Hope Creek and Pilgrim facilities, respectively.
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 25 of 45 17) General Design Criterion (GDC) 61 and 64 are part of the CGS licensing bases. For the proposed TSs changes describe how these criteria continue to be met for these proposed changes.Energy Northwest Response: The Columbia design features credited for GDC 61 and 64 are described in FSAR Section and, respectively.
Although not explicitly discussed in these FSAR sections, the Main Steam Leakage Control (hMSLC) system is the only design feature that will be physically deactivated as a result of this LAR. The other proposed relaxations in the TS (e.g., secondary containment operability not required during fuel handling) do not change the design of the plant. The AST accident analyses supporting this LAR have demonstrated MSLC system is not required to meet the 10 CFR 50.67 dose limits and the other TS relaxations have also been demonstrated as acceptable.
Therefore the changes proposed in this LAR do not adversely impact the plant's compliance wvith these 2 GDCs.18) Several proposed specification changes delete the Note: Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) 3.0.3 is not applicable.
For an example see the required action for TS LCO 3.7.4, Action E. This change appears to deviate from the TSTF-51 traveler.Please provide a justification for this change.Energy Northwest Response: The proposed TSTF-51 based changes, including the deletion of this note, are consistent with the changes proposed by the Tennessee Valley Authority for the Browns Ferry AST LAR and approved by the NRC in the associated SE dated September 27, 2004.The deletion of this note is technically justified because the purpose of this note has been obviated by the deletion of the "during fuel movement of irradiated fuel" operating condition from the LCO Applicability statement.
The purpose of this note was to prevent an inappropriate entry into LCO 3.0.3 based on some issue associated with the movement of irradiated fuel and that issue resulting in a TS required shutdown when the issue had no bearing on Mlode 1, 2, or 3 operation.
Since the LCO Applicability statement was modified to delete "during the movement of irradiated fuel" the need for this note no longer exists. This note was not deleted in TSTF-51 because it is theoretically possible, depending on how a licensee defined "recently irradiated" to be in Mode 1, 2, or 3 operation and be moving "recently irradiated" fuel. In this case, the original purpose would still exist and the note would serve a purpose.19) Appendix B to 10 CFR, Part 50, establishes quality assurance requirements for the design, construction, and operation of those structures, systems, and components that prevent or mitigate the consequences of postulated accidents that could cause undue risk to the health and safety of the public. Appendix B, Criterion III, "Design Control," requires that design control measures be provided for verifying or checking the adequacy of a design. Generic Letter (GL) 2003-01, "Control Room Habitability,"
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERIM LICENSE AMIENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 26 of 45 addresses issues with respect to assumed values of unfiltered inleakage.
Generally, these issues can only be resolved by inleakage testing.Section 4.2 of Attachment 1 provides the test conditions and results of inleakage testing. This section does not provide a description of the inleakage testing performed in the normal operating mode credited in the FHA and control rod drop accident (CRDA). In light of your Appendix B requirements, GL 2003-01, and because the 1100 cfm value for unfiltered inleakage is not based upon a measurement during this mode of operation, justification should be provided to explain why this number is appropriate.
Please provide information as to how CGS has confirmed the inleakage characteristics of the control room envelope in the normal operating mode credited for the duration of the FHA and CRDA. Please provide details regarding your control room, design, maintenance and assessments to justify the use of and any plans to verify this number.a) Does the 1100 cfm unfiltered inleakage include 10 cfm for ingress and egress into and out of the control room over the duration of the accident?Energy Northwest Response: No and the treatment of any ingress or egress inleakage has no meaningful effect on the resulting dose. The FHA and CRDA dose analyses have used a maximum make-up rate to the CR of 1100 cfm (all unfiltered) and were based on a conservative X/Q. As shown on the below graph, the CR operator dose is relatively insensitive to any increases in this flow rate and the dose would be less if the flow were less.
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 27 of 45 CR TEDE vs. CR Make-Up Flow 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 rem 2.0 1.5 1.0 Current Case/ l6 FHALl--A-- CRDAlSiys- kk~-- *-----.. ... ... .. .. .. ..._ -. e- " Current Case 0.5 0.0 L 10'10 cfm 1000 10000 100000w More specifically, if one assumed the unfiltered flow rate increased by 50%, the resulting change in doses would be: Event CR Dose @ CR Dose @ Dose increase % change % change in 1100 cfm 1650 cfm (rem TEDE) margin to 5 (rem TEDE) (rem TEDE) rem TEDE FHA 3.631 3.664 0.033 0.9 2.4 CRDA 0.698 0.716 0.018 2.5 0.4 As shown in the above table, the increase in dose is very small and well within the definition of a minimal change (i.e., less than 10% change in margin) as defined in 10 CFR 50.59.b) How much of the 1100 cfm is due to forced design flow and how much is assumed for unfiltered inleakage due to inflow other than egress and ingress?
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMIENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 28 of 45 Energy Northwest Response: As stated above, the dose to the CR operator asymptotically approaches a maximum value. The dose to the operator is due to the flow of unfiltered air into the CR volume.The assumed 1100 CFMI is based on the maximum flow of the make-up air to the CR.Additionally, the X/Qs for these calculations were based on the limiting release point for each event with the receptor being the local intake. This is conservative because during normal operation, all three CR intakes (the local and the two remote intakes) are open to the normal operating ventilation path. The X/Q for the local intake bounds the X/Qs for the two remote intakes.c) The use of 1100 cfm of unfiltered inleakage for the design bases FHA and CRDA meets the requirements of 10 CFR 50.36, Criterion
: 2. This value is "a process variable, design feature, or operating restriction that is an initial condition of a design basis accident or transient analysis that either assumes the failure of, or presents a challenge to, the integrity of a fission product barrier." Since use of the 1100 cfm unfiltered inleakage value meets 50.36, Criterion 2, and the system which supplies this inflow essentially replaces the TS for the CREF system (TS 3.7.3), please justify why CGS has not proposed a limiting condition for operation for this flow rate or provide a limiting condition for operation for this value.Energy Northwest Response: The assumed 1100 cfm is not credited for the mitigation of the FHA or CRDA analysis.This value is simply the maximum (i.e., worst case) flow of the normal CR HVAC system.As discussed above, the dose due to unfiltered flow into the CR asymptotically approaches a maximum value as the flow rate increases.
The flow rate chosen is based on the upper flow rate limit per TS 5.5.7 and this value is of such magnitude that the calculated dose is not sensitive to postulated increases above this value. Decreases in the assumed flow will result in decreases in the dose. TS control of this value is not needed to ensure the FHA and CRDA dose analyses remain valid or bounding, and as such, does not meet the criteria of 10 CFR 50.36.20) Regulatory Position 5.1.2 of RG 1.183 states: Credit may be taken for accident mitigation features that are classified as safety-related, are required to be operable by technical specifications, are powered by emergency power sources, and are either automatically actuated or, in limited cases, have actuation requirements explicitly addressed in emergency operating procedures.
The single active component failure that results in the most limiting radiological consequences should be assumed. Assumptions regarding the occurrence and timing of a RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 29 of 45 loss of offsite power should be selected with the objective of maximizing the postulated radiological consequences.
Attachment 2, Table 1 states that the CGS analysis conforms to this regulatory position.For the FHA and CRDA accident please provide additional details how CGS control room heating, ventilation, and air conditioning credited for these accidents conforms to Regulatory Position 5.1.2. State whether the system operation credited is operable by TS, is powered by emergency power sources, credits the worst case single failure and models the occurrence and timing of a loss of offsite power. Please provide justification for these answers.Energy Northwest Response: Yes, the air handlers that provide outside air to the CR support the operability of the CREF system and CR AC system. Both the CREF system and the CR AC system have TS operability requirements (see TS 3.7.3 and 3.7.4). These air handlers are powered by the emergency diesel generators in the event of a loss of offsite power.The AST LAR does propose to delete these operability requirements during the movement of irradiated fuel. However, as stated in the response to RAT 19, no mitigation credit is taken for the operation of these air handlers in the FHA and CRDA accidents analyses.Normal ventilation at it maximum flow rate is conservatively assumed to be operating at the onset of these events and it is conservative to assume it continues to operate throughout the event.21) Page 19 of Attachment 2 states that CGS conforms to Regulatory Position 5.3.Regulatory Position 5.3 states: If the containment is open during fuel handling operations (e.g., personnel air lock or equipment hatch is open), 3 the radioactive material that escapes from the reactor cavity pool to the containment is released to the environment over a 2-hour time period.Page 67, Section 4.7.4 states: For modeling purposes, a fractional release rate of 2.3 volumes per hours was utilized to ensure that at least 99% of the activity was released from the reactor building during the first 2 hours.If less than 100 percent is released from the building how does this conform to Regulatory Position 5.3?
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMIATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERIM LICENSE ANIENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 30 of 45 Energy Northwest Response: Energy Northwest complies with the intent of Regulatory Position 5.3 for the following reasons: The model uses a mechanistic approach based on air exchanges which results in an exponential transport of the activity to the environment.
This model results in the majority of the release occurring early in the event, vice a linear model that would result in 100% of the release being evenly distributed over the 2 hour period. In this regard, the Energy Northwest approach is conservative in that the mean decay time prior to the release of radioactive nuclides is minimized and thus the dose due to short-lived radionuclides is overstated.
A table of released fraction versus time is provided below for information:
Released Fraction Time (min)50% 18 60% 24 70% 31 90% 60 From this table, it can be seen that half of the activity was released in the first 18 minutes and 90% of the activity was released in the first hour.If one ignored decay time, the maximum effect of the remaining 1% would be a 1%increase in the dose. A 1% increase in the calculated doses is bounded by the round-off included in the proposed AST licensing basis dose values. Note the model could be forced to release greater than 99% by increasing the fractional release rate, but this would result in a much more unrealistic model of the plant's design. Moreover, using any fractional release rate, there would always be some residue; i.e., there would be no way to obtain a 100% release. Therefore, the modeling approach used by Energy Northwest provides a conservative and reasonable approach for modeling the release and it meets the intent of the Regulatory Position.22) CGS proposes to remove the following words from Section B. of the TSs,"CORE ALTERATIONS and movement of irradiated fuel assemblies must be immediately suspended if the secondary containment is inoperable." Attachment 1, Section 62 states: The analysis assumed a ground level release from the reactor building over a 2-hour period. No credit was taken for secondary containment, the [SGTS] or the CREF system. The assumptions used in this analysis are consistent with RG 1.183.
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 31 of 45 The analysis that supports the removal of this statement assumes a certain containment configuration and resulting leakage pathways out of containment.
Please confirm that this configuration provides the most bounding atmospheric dispersion factors for all possible release paths allowed by removing this statement.
For example, if this statement is removed there would appear to be no controls on the configuration of containment.
It might be possible that hatches or scuttles could be opened that would lead to a more direct leakage pathway to the control room. Please verify that your analysis bounds all possible containment configurations.
Energy Northwest Response: The phrase "if the secondary containment is inoperable" does not imply a loss of control over the Reactor Building.
As discussed in response to RAI 16 and in a previous RAI response dated September 29, 2005 (ADAMS accession number ML052850270), Energy Northwest provided additional justification for the proposed TSTF-51 related changes and a number of commitments.
These commitments provide for administrative controls for tracking containment status and contingencies plans for establishing containment closure and the restoration of a SGT subsystem if needed as a defense in depth to mitigate a FHA event.While no credit is taken for CREF filtration, the forced intake of outside air via the normal CR HV'AC is conservatively assumed. As discussed in response to RAI 19, the assumed flow rate tends to maximize the dose and is appropriately conservative.
The tracer gas testing indicated that the CR unfiltered inleakage wvill most likely enter the CR via the CR HYAC system located in the HIYAC/mechanical equipment room on top of the CR. The CR local intake is located on the wall of the mechanical room above the CR;therefore, the local intake X/Q w as the most suitable for representing the atmospheric dispersion factor for any unfiltered inleakage.
Energy Northwest selected the highest X/Q value from the reactor building sources-to-local intake. The following table shows the results.Source X/Q at the Local intake Roofline stack 6.95E-4 Reactor building walls 8.69E-4 King Kong doors 5.34E-4 The point on the reactor building wall that is closest to the local intake was selected as the source, this resulted in the highest X/Q value of 8.69E-4. Since this source is the closest to local intake, no other point in the reactor building produces a higher X/Q.
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORIM'ATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE ANIENDINIENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 32 of 45 23) Page 5.0 of Calculation NE-02-04-08 states that the "X/Q values take into account that[the] release [of radioactivity]
begins 24 hours after the accident." The accident is typically assumed to begin when the fuel assembly is dropped and not at the time of shutdown.
Please justify using an X/Q that models the accident starting at the shutdown of the reactor.Energy Northwest Response: The statement erroneously stated "24 hours after the accident" the corrected statement should read "24 hours after shutdown." That is because no fuel transfer will take place prior to 24 hours post shutdown.
Once the fuel transfer begins (24 hrs post shutdown), Energy Northwest assumed the FHA immediately occurred.
This is a conservative assumption since waiting more than 24 hours will allow the short-lived radionuclides to decay, thus reducing the amount of radioactivity available for release which leads to a lower dose.It should also be noted that the calculation of X/Q used in this evaluation is not time dependent; therefore, the X/Q value will not change regardless of when the accident starts.24) Please justify the removal of the fuel handling accident reference from the bases of TS (Section B, "Secondary Containment Isolation Instrumentations.").
Energy Northwest Response: The reference in question is TS Bases Reference 2, FSAR 15.7.4 "Fuel Handling Accident." This reference was deleted based on the proposed deletion of note (b) to TS Table and other associated revisions to Bases Pages B and -6. Note (b)imposed operability requirements on specific secondary containment isolation functions during core alterations or movement of irradiated fuel. The current licensing basis credits these functions in the FHA analysis described in FSAR 15.7.4. These functions are not credited in the AST FHA and FSAR 15.7.4 will be revised accordingly.
Therefore the deletion of this reference is appropriate.
: 25) Page 82 of the submittal states: Based on the overall reduction in [control room] operator dose due to AST methodology, similarities in ventilation systems, and the ability to evacuate the [technical support center (TSC)], an updated quantitative assessment of the TSC dose based on the AST source term was not performed.
Likewise, the emergency operations facility (EOF) doses were not reassessed based upon a qualitative assessment of the doses. The NRC staff requests further information regarding the qualitative assessment of the TSC and EOF doses.
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 33 of 45 a) Does Columbia currently have in its licensing bases commitments to meet GDC 19 for the TSC and EOF without compensatory actions such as evacuations?
Energy Northwest Response: No. The licensing bases for Columbia are contained in Energy Northwest's response to NUREG 0737, the Staff's subsequent SERs (ENUREG 0872) and the Staff's Emergency Response Facilities Appraisal (see below references).
This licensing basis is implemented through the Columbia Emergency Plan. Compensatory actions include monitoring and projecting the dose to TSC and EOF personnel.
Although relocation of the TSC function is not anticipated due to similar design features to the CR for protection of TSC emergency response personnel, the licensing bases commitments include evacuation and relocation of the TSC function, if required, based on projected dose. Likewise, the EOF has specific design features (described below) that make evacuation unlikely; however, as part of the licensing bases, an alternate emergency response location is maintained available at the Richland Office headquarters approximately
===9.5 miles===
from the plant.
: 1. Letter G02-82-541 dated June 17, 1982, GD Bouchey, (WNP-2) to A. Schwencer, (NRC), "Description of Supply System Emergency Response Facilities" 2. NUREG-0892, Safety Evaluation Report, including Supplement 4 and 5 3. Letter dated July 5, 1985RA Scarano, (NRC), to GC Sorensen, ('NNIP-2), "Emergency Response Facilities Appraisal" b) Please provide enough detail regarding the qualitative assessment for the NRC staff to come to the same conclusion as the Columbia evaluation.
Consider that the reduction in doses due the AST may be due to factors that are independent of the TSC and EOF doses (such as atmospheric dispersion factors etc. before isolation).
Energy Northwest Response: Additional detail for the Technical Support Center: The TSC has been designed to have the same habitability as the CR under accident conditions.
TSC personnel are protected from gamma radiological hazards by eighteen inch exterior concrete walls and ceilings.In an emergency, the normal TSC air inlet isolates and make-up air is drawn from the CR remote air intake system. This change in mode of operation, which also directs the TSC air through high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) and charcoal filters, is actuated by the signal(s) that activate the CREF system. The air supply is monitored for iodine, particulates and noble gases. An audio signal alarm has been installed in the TSC to alert personnel of adverse conditions.
A portable airborne radiation monitor is also available for use in the TSC. Radiological protection of TSC personnel during an emergency is also accomplished by portable monitoring equipment.
When a release is present, the health RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 34 of 45 physics (HP) technician who is assigned to the TSC is responsible for making periodic surveys. The radiation protection manager is responsible for monitoring the status of TSC habitability.
If the emergency worker dose limit is projected to exceed 5 REM over the course of the event for TSC staff, the TSC manager is advised that conditions are projected that may require evacuating or relocating the TSC functions.
The Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures direct these actions.Additional detail for the Emergency Operations Facility:
The EOF is located in the shielded lower level of the Plant Support Facility (PSF) approximately 0.75 miles southwest of the plant. The EOF was designed using the guidance of NUREG 0696,"Functional Criteria for Emergency Response Facilities." The EOF is partially under ground and has 2 feet thick concrete walls and ceiling separating it from the remainder of the PSF. The protection factor calculated using the class 9 reactor accidents from WASH-1400 is 4000. The EOF ventilation subsystem receives air from the lower PSF ventilation subsystem which includes a HEPA filter. The first emergency mode of operation of the PSF places the upper and lower PSF ventilation subsystem in a recirculation mode, isolating its suction from outside air. Actuation of this mode occurs nominally at 100 mr/hr on the intake air to the lower PSF ventilation subsystem.
A second mode of operation of the lower floor ventilation subsystem occurs nominally at 50 mr/hr on its return duct. At this level, the EOF ventilation subsystem is isolated from the remainder of the PSF ventilation subsystems and the other PSF subsystems are stopped. The EOF ventilation subsystem also includes a HEPA filter. The final mode of operation stops the operation of all three subsystems when 50 mr/hr is detected on the radiation detector in the EOF subsystem.
: 26) Page 5.007 of NE-02-04-06 states that consistency with the current licensing basis is maintained by the position that only the reactor coolant liquid contains the iodine.UFSAR Section states: The only activity available for release from the break is that which is present in the reactor coolant and steam lines prior to the break. The iodine inventories and the subsequent exposures are based on the equilibrium conditions and maximum reactor coolant activity for an iodine spiking event as allowed by the Technical Specifications.
Iodine partitions into the steam in the steam lines. Justify why the iodine in this steam is not included in the source term used to calculate the doses in NE-02-04-06.
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 35 of 45 Energy Northwest Response: Energy Northwest is not proposing any changes to the current licensing basis regarding the source term being the quantity of iodine in the initial mass of liquid (105,000 Ibm)coolant assumed to be discharged.
The AST MSLB analysis, using the current licensing basis, is conservative with respect to the amount of activity released for the following reasons:* The analysis assumes release duration of 6 seconds, when the maximum closure time for the MSIVs is 5 seconds. This assumption adds 20% more coolant to the amount discharged.
The analysis assumes the entire amount of activity present in the discharged liquid transfers from the liquid to the portion of the liquid that flashed into steam. This is conservative because the activity will partition between the unflashed liquid and the flashed portion. Considering the fact that only 38% of the initial liquid flashes into steam, the amount of activity that is carried by this steam is only 38% of the total activity released; nonetheless, the analysis assumes 100% of the activity migrated to the flashed portion. This assumption adds 62% of the total activity to the amount of activity released.* The amount of initial steam released (the 25,000 Ibm) is only 19.2% of the total quantity of coolant released (the 130,000 Ibm). If the analysis included activity in the initial 25,000 ibm of steam, it would increase the activity by 19.2%. The conservatism applied in Items 1 and 2 above has more than compensated for the 19.2%.* In the discussion above, it wvas assumed that per unit mass iodine will partition equally between the steam and the liquid, in fact a unit mass of liquid will retain more iodine than a unit mass of steam, this adds to the conservatism.
: 27) Attachment 1, Section 14, states, "This change does not affect any accident analysis and does not affect the operation of the plant during refueling activities." Please justify why this does not affect any accident analyses if this change establishes an operational requirement that is consistent with the assumptions in the AST FHA analysis.Energy Northwest Response: The TS currently address water level during refueling conditions based on two different reference points. One being "above the top of irradiated fuel seated within the RPV" and the other being "above the top of the RPV flange." The statement referenced in this question was made in the description of the proposed change to TS 3.9.7 and revised the depth of water from 22 to 23 feet. The reference point for this particular TS is "above the top of irradiated fuel seated within the vessel." Current and routine plant refueling operations for the activities addressed in the Applicability Statement of TS (i.e., the movement of new fuel assemblies or the handling of control rods within the RPV) are performed with water maintained well in excess of the existing 22 feet requirement.
The RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TER1NM LICENSE AMIENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 36 of 45 normal practice is to flood the reactor cavity to the level of spent fuel pool while disassembling the upper internals of the reactor that must occur to allow access to the core as needed to move new fuel within the RPV or to handle control rods within the RPV. Therefore this change does not affect the operation of the plant during the applicable refueling activities.
This change is conservative in that it requires a higher water level and provides for a greater DF. Both, the current licensing basis FHA and the proposed licensing basis FHA for the limiting drop over the RPV, credit 23 feet of water for the purpose of determining the assumed DF. Therefore, the assumed DF is not affected by this change. The purpose of this change was to make the TS value for the required water level consistent with the assumption used in the licensing basis FHA.28) Regulatory Position 6.2, Appendix A, Regulatory Guide 1.183 states: All the MSIVs should be assumed to leak at the maximum leak rate above which the technical specifications would require declaring the MSIVs inoperable.
The leakage should be assumed to continue for the duration of the accident.
Postulated leakage may be reduced after the first 24 hours, if supported by site-specific analyses, to a value not less than 50% of the maximum leak rate.Please justify the 50 percent reduction assumed, and provide the supporting site-specific analyses.Energy Northwest Response: See Section V.D.2.a of PSAT CI10.03, "Polestar Applied Technology Topical Report on Alternative Source Term Application," Revision 0 (Enclosure 3). This reference defends the assertion that the drywell may be regarded as the source of MISIV leakage. This fact makes the drywell pressure (as presented and discussed in Assumption 2 of NTE-02-04-05 submitted with the September 30, 2004 LAR) the relevant pressure to consider when justifying the 50 percent reduction in the maximum leak rate for the MSIV leakage pathway.29) Did the onsite meteorological measurement program meet the recommendations of RG 1.23, "Onsite Meteorological Programs," from 1996-1999?
If not, please describe the deviations and provide justification that the deviations did not significantly impact collection of high quality data.
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 37 of 45 Energy Northwest Response: The tower location, construction and instrument locations meet the RG 1.23 requirements.
The instrument accuracies for air temperature, wind speed and wind direction meet the RG 1.23 requirements.
The delta temperature accuracy of +0.2&deg; C per 65 meters meets the RG 1.97 Rev. 2 accuracy of +/-0.15 0 C per 50 meters.30) A detailed examination of the 1996-1999 onsite meteorological data revealed a few irregularities.
For example, beginning in mid-June 1996, approximately two months of the daytime atmospheric stability measurements were shown as invalid while most of the nighttime measurements were provided as valid. At the end of December 1999 the hourly stability was listed as Category E for a period of approximately 250 consecutive hours. Staff made a year-by-year comparison of ARCON96-generated X/Q values using the 1996-1999 Columbia data and found larger year-to-year differences in the X/Q values than expected.
Therefore, please provide: a) A summary description of any significant changes in the Columbia onsite meteorological measurement program since 1996, and Energy Northwest Response: In June 1996 the Main D prime computer was removed from service and the data processing transferred to the Plant Prime computer.
The communication path for the meteorological system to the Plant Prime wvas changed to the supervisory system from the CDS Micro serial link.The Plant Prime computer was unreliable throughout 1999 and in late 1999 it was removed from service and replaced with networked PCs running SCADA software.New Meteorological Tower Instrumentation was installed in October 2001. This modification replaced all of the signal conditioning and sensors with new, redundant sensors and computers located at the tower.Infant mortality failures and process problems created with the meteorological system upgrade severely impacted the 2002 meteorological data.A total review of the Meteorological data process and the meteorological system was performed in 2001 and 2002. Numerous corrective actions were established and are being implemented.
b) Hourly data for a representative period of record (e.g., three years) following any post-1999 changes in the measurement program. Please include a summary description of the data (e.g., height and units of measurement) for each parameter.
The data may be provided as "raw" hourly electronic summaries RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE ANIENDIMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 38 of 45 (e.g., do not need to be in ARCON96 format) if the format and data description facilitate ready examination and conversion of the units of the data by a commercially available computer spreadsheet.
Energy Northwest Response: As discussed and agreed in a February 2, 2006 telecom between Energy Northwest and NRC Staff, this request for post 1999 meteorological data was based in part on the perceived anomalies discussed in the root of this question.
These perceived anomalies were discussed in the February 2 telecom and the NRC agreed that a documented explanation of the above identified anomalies obviate the need to provide a representative sample of post 1999 meteorological data.Energy Northwest's response to the root of question 30 is provided in three parts below: (1) A detailed examination of the 1996-1999 onsite meteorological data revealed a few irregularities.
For example, beginning in mid-June 1996, approximately two months of the daytime atmospheric stability measurements were shown as invalid while most of the nighttime measurements were provided as valid.The evaluation of the subject data by a certified meteorologist concluded an aspirator fan had failed on the upper temperature sensor starting June 19, 1996, and ending August 29, 1996. Such fans serve to continuously move air across the temperature sensor, thus preventing the reading from being biased due to solar insolation.
When the fan failed, the upper temperature sensor was influenced by solar insolation and this caused unrealistic delta temperature readings during the day (delta temperature is defined as the upper tower level temperature value minus the lower tower level temperature value). These daytime data were flagged as bad by the analyst and were not used in the atmospheric dispersion analyses.
The nighttime data were retained as valid data, since there is no solar insolation during the night to bias the temperature readings.(2) At the end of December 1999 the hourly stability was listed as Category E for a period of approximately 250 consecutive hours.This was an extended period of slightly stable conditions.
Inspection of Hanford meteorological data for this period supports the results reported by Energy Northwest for that period.(3) Staff made a year-by-year comparison of ARCON96-generated X/Q values using the 1996-1999 Columbia data and found larger year-to-year differences in the X/Q values than expected.
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 39 of 45 Energy Northwest performed an independent evaluation that compared wind speed and direction data collected at Columbia with data collected at Hanford. This evaluation concluded there was good agreement between these two data sources. A certified meteorologist performed a study that compared stability class information collected at Columbia vithl data collected at Hanford. This study determined that there was good agreement between these two data sources. In addition, the 4 year average X/Q values generated from both data sources match up well, while the four-year average values generated using Columbia data are more conservative than those generated using Hanford data.In summary, Energy Northwest acknowledges year to year variations do exist; however, the meteorological data collected by Energy Northwest compares well with the data independently collected by Hanford over the same period. These comparisons support the validity and reasonableness of the data and the resulting X/Qs. The year-to-year variations noted by the NRC may be due to the absence of a nearby large body of water at Columbia that would tend to moderate variations.
: 31) Do each of the three control room air intakes meet applicable design criteria of an ESF, including single-failure criterion, missile protection, seismic criteria, and operability under loss-of-offsite alternating current power conditions?
The staff was unable to confirm that the local and remote-i control room air intakes are in separate 90 degree windows for all of the postulated release locations evaluated using ARCON96. If two intakes could concurrently be in a single 90-degree window for a given release point, then a weighting factor, such as that described in Section 3.3.2. 1 of RG 1. 194,"Atmospheric Relative Concentrations for Control Room Radiological Habitability Assessments at Nuclear Power Plants," should be applied when calculating the effective X/Q values. Therefore, please provide a figure drawn to scale demonstrating that no two intakes are within the same 90-degree window for any of the postulated release points.Energy Northwest Response: Design criteria for the three CR intakes: Yes. The three CR air intakes do meet the applicable design criteria of an ESF including single-failure criterion, missile protection, seismic criteria, and operability under loss-of-offsite alternating current power conditions.
The remote fresh air intakes are used to pressurize the main CR through emergency filter units. This limits infiltration of airborne radioactive contaminants and smoke due to a fire within the plant but external to the CR.The CR intakes and their associated equipment (isolation valves, purge valves, instrumentation, etc.) were designed and installed with redundancy and physical separation as required in the electrical and mechanical design to ensure that no single failure prevents the system from performing its intended functions.
equipment (valves and instrumentation) are safety-related (Class 1E) electrical loads (Divisions 1 and 2) in conformance with GDC 17, IEEE 308-1974, and RG 1.6, Rev 0 and RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 40 of 45 on loss of offsite power, emergency power from the onsite diesel generator sets is automatically supplied to the equipment.
No single failure can result in loss of CR air conditioning or CREF.The CR remote air intake structure piping is embedded a minimum of 5 ft. for protection from tornado-generated missiles.
The remote air intake structures are also missile-hardened.
Therefore, the missile protection design criterion is met.The normal and remote intake pipe, valves, duct and associated instrumentation were designed, installed and maintained to Seismic Category I, Quality Class 1 requirements.
The CR HVAC was designed with redundant equipment and on loss of offsite power emergency power from the onsite diesel generator sets is automatically supplied to the equipment.
The normal intake isolation valves are energized to open and fail closed to their de-energized position via a yoke mounted spring. The remote intake isolation valves are manual valves.90 degree window discussion:
Energy Northwest acknowledges that for the railway doors (King Kong doors) source, the local and remote-1 intakes lie in the same 90-degree angle.However, the calculations of the effective X/Q for this source-receptor combination using either method [equations 6(b) or 5(b)] provided in RG 1.194] resulted in the identical effective X/Q as the following calculations show: The following table provides the ARCON96 X/Q data and the calculated effective X/Q using equation 6(b) of RG 1.194 assuming no two intakes lie in a 90-degree angle for the source receptors configurations, which was used in the AST submittal.
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 41 of 45 8-24 l I 0-Xhrs X-21irs 2-8hrs hrs l -4d l 4-30 d Control Room Intake (cfm) 1300 800 800 800 800 800 Intake ; ___;____ F= Flov Rate (cfm)Local 150 150 150 150 150 150 Remote 1 575 325 325____ 325 325 325 Remote 2 575 325 325 325 325 325 King Kong Scenario ARCON96 (XIQ) RESULTS (s/m 3)doors 4 Local 5.34E-04 5.34E-04 1.97E-04 8.41E-05 7.26E-05 7.OOE-05 5 Remote-1 1.85E-04 1.85E-04 1.19E-04 4.18E-05 3.71E-05 3.27E-05 6 Remote-2 8.99E-04 8.99E-04 7.12E-04 2.90E-04 2.42E-04 2.12E-04 Effective X/Q 3.98E-04 3.65E-04 2.89E-04 I.18E-04 9.83E-05 8.61E-05 Since the remote-1 and local intakes lie in the same 90-degree angle, equation 5(b) of RG 1.194 will be used to calculate the effective XIQ for these 2 intakes as follows: CQ)LRI FL.(X/Q)L
+FRI.(X/Q)Rl FL +FRI For the time period X-2 hrs with total intake of 800 cfm: FL =150 cfm = local intake leakage flow rate L: denotes Local Intake FRI = 325 cfm = remote-1 flow rate for one train RI: denotes remote-i Intake FR-= 325 cfm = remote-2 flow rate for one train R2: denotes remote-2 Intake For illustration purposes the X/Q for the first 2 hrs (X-2 hrs) vill be used from the table above: (X/Q)L = 5.34E-04 (XIQ)Ri = 1.85E-04 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERNM LICENSE AMIENDIMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 42 of 45 Introducing the above values into equation 5(b) gives the effective X/Q for these 2 intakes (X/Q)nfr = 2.95E-04 = (X/Q) L,R1 Now, since remote-2 is not in the same 90-degree angle, equation 6(b) is used to calculate the effective X/Q for the combined (X/Q)LRl and the remote-2 intake (X/Q)R2.X) max[(FL + FRI) (X / Q)LRI, FR 2.(X / Q)R 2]Q CffL,RI,R2 FL +FRI +FR2 Evaluation of the terms: (FL +FRI).(X/Q)LRI
/ (FL +FRI +FR2)=[(150
+ 325)*2.95E-4]
/ (150+325+325)=1.75E-04 FR2 .(X/Q)R2 / (FL +FRI + Fu ) = 325 x 8.99E-04 / (150+325+325)
= 3.65E-04 Max [l.75E-4, 3.65E-4] = 3.65E-4 same result as that provided in the table above (and the September 30, 2004 submittal).
Similarly, the effective X/Q for the rest of the time periods was calculated and the results were exactly the same as those in the table above. This is because the effective X/Q is governed by the remote-2 X/Q, which yields the maximum among the three intakes regardless of whether the remote-1 and local intakes are treated as separate or as being in the same 90-degree angle.Figures 1 through 6 are provided for all source receptor combinations with 90-degree angles from each source to each receptor (intake) shown on the drawing.32) The effective atmospheric dispersion factors (X/Q values) shown in Tables 3 through 6 (Sections
===5.5 through===
5.8) of Calculation No. NE-02-03-14 (attachment to the September 30, 2004, submittal) are based on the assumption that the local, remote-i and remote-2 intakes are concurrently drawing air throughout the course of each accident.
Flow into the two remote intakes is assumed to be the same at any point in time but can change as a function of time. Although closed, the local intake is assumed to draw 150 cubic feet per minute of filtered flow under all scenarios.
The calculations assume that the intake with the largest associated X/Q value is drawing the contaminated air and that the contamination is reduced by dilution with clean air from the other two intakes.a) Please confirm that closure of a remote intake as discussed in the submittal (e.g., Section 5.3 of Calculation No. NE-02-03-14 item C) would not result in higher effective X/Q values than those listed in Tables 3 through 6.
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 43 of 45 Energy Northwest Response: The AST analyses support the elimination of the manual action to isolate the "worst" remote intake. This is a change from the current licensing basis. However, the guidance provided in abnormal operating procedure ABN-RAD-CR, "Control Room HVAC High Radiation," will continue to direct the operator to secure the remote intake %vith the higher contamination level within 3 hours of the accident.
The action is desired to maintain the CR radiation levels as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). The procedure also directs the operator to monitor the remote air intake radiation levels and to swap the remote air intakes if conditions dictate. This procedural guidance will ensure the effective X/Q value in the AST analysis remains bounding.b) Item 2 on Section 5.3 of Calculation No. NE-02-03-14 states that the filtered flow rate for the closed local intake is assumed to be 150 cubic feet per second.Have tests or other procedures been performed to confirm this value? If the flow could be significantly more or less than 150 cubic feet per second, then the effective X/Q values listed in Tables 3 through 6 may not be the limiting values.Energy Northwest Response: Yes this value has been confirmed and plant procedures will ensure the assumed value is not exceeded.
Periodic verification of this leakage is performed using the Columbia Operating and Engineering Test Procedure, OSP-WVMA-X701, "Normal and Remote Intake Isolation Valve Leakage Measurement." The applicable acceptance criterion in this procedure states the combined leakage from any two closed intakes cannot exceed 150 cfm. The use of the maximum leakage valve provides the worst case effective X/Q.Therefore, assurance is provided that the listed effective X/Qs will be bounding.c) What provisions are in place to assess and potentially revise the effective X/Q values in the event that the flow rates could change to an unanalyzed or more limiting condition?
Energy Northwest Response: A deviation from a value assumed or credited in these AST analyses will be entered into the Energy Northwest Corrective Action Program. Any operability impact will be assessed via that process. If the deviation impacts the licensing basis and it is desired to not restore the condition, then the change will be evaluated using the 10 CFR 50.59 process and NRC review and approval will be pursued if required by that process.33) Attachment 1 to Calculation No. NE-02-03-14 provides X/Q values for an assumed release from the CST to the remote-1 intake. It is noted that the CST is closest to this intake. What are the approximate distances of the CST to the remote-2 and local RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 44 of 45 intakes to justify the assumption that a release to the remote-1 intake would be limiting?Could more than one intake be in the same 90-degree window for this postulated release?Energy Northwest Response: Energy Northwest identified an error was made w hen the remote-1 intake was characterized as the closest intake.Distance from CST to remote-2 = 187.8 m Distance from CST to remote-1 = 119.6 m Distance from CST to local intake = 110.1 m Energy Northwest has assessed the impact of this error. New X/Qs from the CST to local intake have been calculated and listed in the table below. The revised results for the CST contribution to the CR LOCA dose, and the new X/Q values did not cause any significant change (CR LOCA dose with CST contribution of 3.476 vs. 3.478 rem) This change does not affect the LPZ dose. The contribution of the CST to the CR dose remains approximately 1% of the dose in both cases. The impact of this change was considered in the response to RAI 4.CST Liquid Leakage Source Local Intake Remote-1 Intake 0 -2 hrs 4.57E-04 4.18E-04 2 -8 hrs 2.31E-04 1.59E-04 8 -24 hrs 1.05E-04 6.31E-05 1 -4 days 7.40E-05 5.78E-05 4 -30 days 6.44E-05 5.57E-05 LOCA Dose (rem) 3.478 3.476 Dose from CST 0.038 0.036 CST % contribution to LOCA dose 1.10 1.05 In response to the last question of this RAI regarding the 90-degree window, Energy Northwest has confirmed that no more than one intake could be in the same 90-degree window for a release from the CST (see Enclosure 5, Figure 3).34) Could more than one release scenario occur for any of the design basis accidents addressed in this license amendment request? For example, could effluent be released to the environment from a different location should loss of offsite power or other single failure occur?
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 1 Page 45 of 45 Energy Northwest Response: The bounding release scenario was evaluated for each design basis accident where more than one release scenario was postulated.
The safety related equipment credited for mitigating the events analyzed in the AST analyses is designed to accommodate a single failure (or to an acceptable level of robustness as is the case for the SLC system) and a loss of offsite power. The occurrence of a single failure or a loss of offsite power will not result in a dose greater than the proposed design basis scenario.
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 CST RADTRAD Analvsis RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 1 of 192 To make the adaptation, described in the response to RAI 4b, the following changes are made to the Columbia 5f.psf and Columbia 5u.psf files found in Appendix F4 of the LOCA dose calculation provided in Attachment 5 of the September 30, 2004 AST LAR./ Compartment 3 volume is changed from 5000 ft 3 to 18048 ft 3.V Pathway 9 (Compartment 4 to Compartment
: 3) flow rate is changed from 0.268 cfm to 0.064 cfin./ Pathway 10 (Compartment 3 to Compartment
: 6) flow rate is changed from 5000 cfm to 0.064 cfm and all filter efficiencies are changed to 0%./ Columbia 5f.psf X/Q for the control room is changed from the following (sec/M 3): Effective Volume Location: 1 6 O.OOOOE+OO 2.OOOOE+O0 8.0000E+OO 2.4000E+01 9.6000E+Ol 7.2000E+02 1.4300E-04 1.0500E-04 4 .1400E-05 3.5200E-05 3.0300E-05 3.0300E-05 to the following (sec/M 3): Effective Volume Location: 1 6 O.OOOOE+OO 2.OOOOE+OO 8.OOOOE+OO 2.4000E+O1 9.6000E+Ol 7.2000E+02 4.57E-04 2.31E-04 1.05E-04 7.40E-05 6.44E-05 6.44E-05 V Columbia_5u.psf X/Q for the control room is changed from the following (sec/M 3): Effective Volume Location: 1 6 O.OOOOE+OO 2.OOOOE+OO 8.0000E+00 2.4000E+01
: 9. 6000E+01 7.2000E+02 6.9500E-04 3.3600E-04 1.2800E-04 9.7200E-05 7.6900E-05 7.6900E-05 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 2 of 192 to the following (sec/m 3): Effective Volume Location: 1 6 O.OOOOE+00 2.OOOOE+00 8.OOOOE+00 2.4000E+01
: 9. 6000E+01 7.2000E+02 4.57E-04 2.31E-04 1.05E-04 7.40E-05 6.44E-05 6. 44E-05 This case was run with the results of a control room dose increment of 0.032 rem TEDE and an LPZ dose increment of 0.065 rem TEDE. The output files are provided below: Attachment 1 -RADTRAD Sensitivity Run for CST, Filtered Make-up to Control Room D## A##44#4rs##on33###Sr###g2#001
#run ## #o#n#30#1##06#a##3#5350 RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 3/01/2006 at 13:53:50###4############4##############4###########4############4#########4####
File information Plant file = esfcstf.psf Inventory file = F:\radtrad303\columbia 2006\columbiaesf.NIF Release file = F:\radtrad303\columbia 2006\columbia.rft Dose Conversion file = F:\radtrad303\columbia 2006\fgrl 1&12.inp#4#4# #44# ## 4##### ###4 4 #4# ##44##### 4 #44 ##4 4 ## # 4#### 4# ## 4 44 #4 4 44 4 44 ##X 4#4## #44 4 4 44 4 4 4 4##### #4####444#### 4 4 4####Radtrad 3.03 4/15/2001 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 3 of 192 Columbia AST -ESF -Filtered Nuclide Inventory File: F:\radtrad303\columbia 2006\columbiaesf.NIF Plant Power Level: 3.5560E+03 Compartments:
7 Compartment 1: DW 3 2.0050E+05 1 0 0 0 0 Compartment 2: WW 3 1 .4420E+05 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 3: RB 3 1 .8048E+04 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 4: SP 3 1 .3730E+05 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 5:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERNM LICENSE AMIENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 4 of 192 CR 1 2.1 400E+05 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 6: Enviro 2 0. 000E+00 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 7: Dummy 3 1.0000E+06 0 0 0 0 0 Pathways: 12 Pathway 1: DWV to WW 1 2 2 Pathway 2: WW to DW 2 1 2 Pathway 3: Failed SL to Dummy 1 7 Pathway 4:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 5 of 192 Intact SLs to Dummy 1 7 2 Pathway 5: DW to RB 1 3 2 Pathway 6: WW to RB 2 3 2 Pathway 7: Bypass DW to Dummy 1 7 2 Pathway 8: Bypass WW to Dummy 2 7 2 Pathway 9: SP to RB 4 3 2 Pathway 10: RB SGTS to Enviro 3 6 2 Pathway 1 1: Enviro to CR (filtered) 6 5 2 Pathway 12: CR to Enviro 5 6 2 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE ANIENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 6 of 192 End of Plant Model File Scenario Description Name: Plant Model Filename: Source Term: 1 O.OOOOE+00 4 1.0000E+00 F:\radtrad3O3\columbia 2006\fgrl 1&12.inp F:\radtrad303\columbia 2006\columbia.rft O.OOOOE+00 1 9.5000E-01 4.8500E-02 1.5000E-03 1.0000E+00 Overlying Pool: 0 O.OOOOE+00 0 0 0 0 Compartments:
7 Compartment 1: 0 1 1 0.OOOOE+00 5 0.00O0E+00 2.5000E-01 2.4400E+00 2.4000E+01 7.2000E+02 1 0.OOOOE+00 5 0.OOOOE+00 2.5000E-01 2.4400E+00 2.4000E+01 7.2000E+02 1 O.OOOOE+00 0.000OOE+00 6.2000E+00 6.2000E-01 0.00O0E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 6.2000E+00 6.2000E-01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 7 of 192 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 2: 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 3: 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 4: 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 5: 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERAI LICENSE ANIENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 8 of 192 0 Compartment 6: 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 7: 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathways: 12 Pathway 1: 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 2.0333E+00 1.4420E+05 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 7.2000E+02 1.4420E+05 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 2: 0 0 0 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVkE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 9 of 192 0 0 1 3 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 O.0000E+00 O.OOOOE+00 2.0333E+00 1.4420E+05 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 O.0000E+00 7.2000E+02 1.4420E+05 0.0000E+00 O.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 3: 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0.0000E+00 1.3800E-01 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 O.0000E+00 2.4000E+01 6.9200E-02 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 7.2000E+02 6.9200E-02 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 4: 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0.0000E+00 4.1500E-01 8.9700E+01 4.2800E+01 1.0000E-01 2.4000E+01 2.0800E-01 8.9700E+01 4.2800E+01 1.0000E-01 7.2000E+02 2.08OOE-01 8.9700E+01 4.2800E+01 1.0000E-01 0 0 0 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAi\ITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 10 of 192 0 0 0 Pathway 5: 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0.00O0E+00 3.3300E-01 2.4000E+01 7.2000E+02 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 6: 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0.000OE+00 3.3300E-01 2.4000E+01 7.2000E+02 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 7: 0 0 0 0 O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 6.9600E-01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 3.4800E-01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 3.4800E-01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.000OE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 5.OOOOE-01 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.5000E-01 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 2.5000E-01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 11 of 192 0 1 4 O.OOOOE+00 7.5200E-01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 3.3300E-01 5.6000E-02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.4000E+01 2.80OOE-02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 2.8000E-02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 8: 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0.OOOOE+00 5.4100E-01 O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 3.3300E-01 4.OOOOE-02 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 2.4000E+01 2.0000E-02 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 7.2000E+02 2.0000E-02 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 9: 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.5000E-01 6.4000E-02 1.OOOOE+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 7.2000E+02 6.4000E-02 1.0000E+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 0 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 12 of 192 0 0 0 0 Pathway 10: 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0.OOOOE+00 3.3300E-01 7.2000E+02 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.4000E-02 6.4000E-02 6.4000E-02 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E-+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Pathway 11: 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0.OOOOE+00 8.OOOOE+02 9.9000E+01 9.5000E+01 9.5000E+01 7.2000E+02 8.OOOOE+02 9.9000E+01 9.5000E+01 9.5000E+01 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathxway 12: 0 0 0 0 0 1 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 13 of 192 2 O.OOOOE+OO 8.5000E+02 1.OOOOE+02 1.OOOOE+02 1.0000E+02 7.2000E+02 8.5000E+02 1.OOOOE+02 1.OOOOE+02 1.OOOOE+02 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dose Locations:
3 Location 1: CR 5 0 1 2 O.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 1 4 O.OOOOE+00 2.4000E+01 9.6000E+01 7.2000E+02 Location 2: EAB 6 1 2 0.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 1 4 O.OOOOE+00 8.OOOOE+00 2.4000E+01 7.2000E+02 0 Location 3: LPZ 6 1 5 3.5000E-04 3.5000E-04 1 .OOOOE+00 6.OOOOE-01 4.OOOOE-01 4.OOOOE-01 1.8100E-04 1.8100E-04 3.5000E-04 3.5000E-04 3.5000E-04 3.5000E-04 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 14 of 192 O.OOOOE+00 4.9500E-05 8.OOOOE+00 3.6900E-05 2.4000E+01 1.9500E-05 9.6000E+01 7.8 100E-06 7.2000E+02 7.81 OOE-06 I 4 O.OOOOE+00 3.5000E-04 8.0000E+00 1.8000E-04 2.4000E+01 2.3000E-04 7.2000E+02 2.3000E-04 0 Effective Volume Location: 1 6 0.OOOOE+00 4.57E-04 2.OOOOE+00 2.31 E-04 8.0000E+00 1.05E-04 2.4000E+01 7.40E-05 9.6000E+01 6.44E-05 7.2000E+02 6.44E-05 Simulation Parameters:
6 0.OOOOE+00 5.OOOOE-02 4.OOOOE+00 5.OOOOE-01 8.OOOOE+00 1.0000E+00 2.4000E+O1 2.OOOOE+00 4.8000E+01 2.4000E+01 7.2000E+02 0.OOOOE+00 Output Filename: C:\Program Files\radtrad303\ENW\Columbia 5&#xa3; oO o 1 1 End of Scenario File RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 15 of 192 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAAITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 16 of 192 RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 3/01/2006 at 13:53:50 Plant Description Number of Nuclides = 60 Inventory Power = 1.0000E+00 MWth Plant Power Level = 3.5560E+03 MWth Number of compartments
= 7 Compartment information Compartment number 1 Name: DW Compartment volume = 2.0050E+05 (Cubic feet)Compartment type is Normal Removal devices within compartment:
Spray(s)Pathways into and out of compartment 1 Inlet Pathway Number 2: WW to DW Exit Pathway Number 1: DW to WWN Exit Pathway Number 3: Failed SL to Dummy Exit Pathway Number 4: Intact SLs to Dummy Exit Pathway Number 5: DW to RB Exit Pathway Number 7: Bypass DW to Dummy Compartment number 2 Name: WW Compartment volume = 1.4420E+05 (Cubic feet)Compartment type is Normal Pathways into and out of compartment 2 Inlet Pathway Number 1: DW to WWN Exit Pathway Number 2: WW to DW Exit Pathway Number 6: WW to RB Exit Pathway Number 8: Bypass WW to Dummy Compartment number 3 Name: RB RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 17 of 192 Compartment volume = 1.8048E+04 (Cubic feet)Compartment type is Normal Pathways into and out of compartment 3 Inlet Pathway Number 5: DW to RB Inlet Pathway Number 6: WW to RB Inlet Pathway Number 9: SP to RB Exit Pathway Number 10: RB SGTS to Enviro Compartment number 4 (Source term fraction=
)Name: SP Compartment volume = 1.3730E+05 (Cubic feet)Compartment type is Normal Pathways into and out of compartment 4 Exit Pathway Number 9: SP to RB Compartment number 5 Name: CR Compartment volume = 2.1400E+05 (Cubic feet)Compartment type is Control Room Pathways into and out of compartment 5 Inlet Pathway Number 11: Enviro to CR (filtered)
Exit Pathway Number 12: CR to Enviro Compartment number 6 Name: Enviro Compartment type is Environment Pathways into and out of compartment 6 Inlet Pathway Number 10: RB SGTS to Enviro Inlet Pathway Number 12: CR to Enviro Exit Pathway Number 11: Enviro to CR (filtered)
Compartment number 7 Name: Dummy Compartment volume = 1.OOOOE+06 (Cubic feet)Compartment type is Normal Pathways into and out of compartment 7 Inlet Pathway Number 3: Failed SL to Dummy Inlet Pathway Number 4: Intact SLs to Dummy Inlet Pathway Number 7: Bypass DW to Dummy Inlet Pathway Number 8: Bypass WW to Dummy Total number of pathways = 12 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORANITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERAI LICENSE ANIENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 18 of 192 RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 3/01/2006 at 13:53:50 Scenario Description Radioactive Decay is enabled Calculation of Daughters is enabled Release Fractions and Timings GAP EARLY IN-VESSEL LATE RELEASE 0.033330 hr 0.5000 hrs 1.5000 hrs (gm)NOBLES 0.OOOOE+00 5.OOOOE-02 9.5000E-01 IODINE 0.OOOOE+00 5.OOOOE-02 2.5000E-01 (CESIUM 0.OOOOE+00 5.0000E-02 2.OOOOE-01 TELLURIUM 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 5.0000E-02 STRONTIUM 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 2.OOOOE-02 BARIUM 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.OOOOE-02 RUTHENIUM 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.5000E-03 CERIUM 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 5.OOOOE-04 RELEASE MASS 0.OOOE+00 6.261E+02 0.00OE+00 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 0.00OE+00 0.0OOE+00 0.OOOE+00 4 0.OOOE+00 LANTHANUM 0.00O0E+00 0.000OE+00 2.0000E-0z Inventory Power = 3556. MNVt Nuclide Name 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 I-135 Group Specific half Whole Body Inhaled Inhaled Inventory life DCF Thyroid Effective (Ci/MWt) (s) (Sv-m3/Bq-s) (Sv/Bq) (Sv/Bq)2 5.580E+04 6.947E+05 1.820E-14 2.920E-07 8.890E-09 2 7.880E+04 8.280E+03 1.120E-13 1.740E-09 1.030E-10 2 1.088E+05 7.488E+04 2.940E-14 4.860E-08 1.580E-09 2 1.206E+05 3.156E+03 1.300E-13 2.880E-10 3.550E-11 2 1.006E+05 2.380E+04 8.294E-14 8.460E-09 3.320E-10 Nuclide I-131 I-133 I-135 Daughter Xe-131m Xe-133m Xe-135m Fraction Daughter Fraction Daughter Fraction 0.01 none 0.00 none 0.00 0.03 Xe-133 0.97 none 0.00 0.15 Xe-135 0.85 none 0.00 Iodine fractions Aerosol = 9.5000E-01 Elemental
= 4.8500E-02 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 19 of 192 Organic = 1.5000E-03 COMPARTMENT DATA Compartment number 1: DW Sprays: Aerosal Removal Data Time (hr) Removal Coef. (hrs-1)O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 2.5000E-01 6.2000E+00 2.4400E+00 6.2000E-01 2.4000E+01 O.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 O.OOOOE+00 Sprays: Elemental Removal Data Time (hr) Removal Coef. (hrA-1)0.0000E+00 O.OOOOE+00 2.5000E-01 6.2000E+00 2.4400E+00 6.2000E-01 2.4000E+01 O.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 0.0000E+00 Compartment number 2: WW Compartment number 3: RB Compartment number 4: SP Compartment number 5: CR Compartment number 6: Enviro Compartment number 7: Dummy PATHWAY DATA Pathway number 1: DW to WW Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (C/)(cfhi) Aerosol Elemental Organic O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 2.0333E+00 1.4420E+05 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TER1AI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 20 of 192 7.2000E+02 1.4420E+05 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 2: WW to DW Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies
(%)(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.0333E+00 1.4420E+05 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 1.4420E+05 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 3: Failed SL to Dummy Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies
(%)(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic O.OOOOE+00 1.3800E-01 O.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+0 0.0OOOOE+00 2.4000E+01 6.9200E-02 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 6.9200E-02 O.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 O.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 4: Intact SLs to Dummy Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies
(%)(cfir) Aerosol Elemental Organic O.OOOOE+00 4.1500E-01 8.9700E+01 4.2800E+01 1.0000E-01 2.4000E+01 2.0800E-01 8.9700E+01 4.2800E+01 1.0000E-01 7.2000E+02 2.0800E-01 8.9700E+01 4.2800E+01 1.0000E-01 Pathway number 5: DW to RB Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies
(%)(cfmi) Aerosol Elemental Organic O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+0
: 0. OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 3.3300E-01 6.9600E-01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.4000E+01 3.4800E-01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 3.4800E-01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 6: WW to RB RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 21 of 192 Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies
(%)(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 0.0000E+00 O.OOOOE+0
: 0. 00OOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 3.3300E-01 5.0000E-01 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 2.4000E+01 2.5000E-01 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 2.5000E-01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 7: Bypass DW to Dummy Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies
(%)(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 0.OOOOE+00 7.5200E-01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 3.3300E-01 5.6000E-02 O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.4000E+01 2.8000E-02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 2.80OOE-02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 8: Bypass WW to Dummy Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies
(%)(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 0.0000E+0O 5.4100E-01 O.0O0OE+OO 0.OOOOE+00 3.3300E-01 4.OOOOE-02 O.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.4000E+01 2.OOOOE-02 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 2.OOOOE-02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+OO 0.OOOOE+O0 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+O0 Pathway number 9: SP to RB Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies
(%)(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.O00OE+00 2.5000E-01 6.4000E-02 1.OOOOE+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 6.4000E-02 1.OOOOE+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.O000E+0O Pathway number 10: RB SGTS to Enviro RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMT LICENSE AMENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 22 of 192 Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies
(%)(cfhi) Aerosol Elemental Organic O.OOOOE+00 6.4000E-02 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 3.3300E-01 6.4000E-02 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 6.4000E-02 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 11: Enviro to CR (filtered)
Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies
(%)(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic O.OOOOE+00 8.OOOOE+02 9.9000E+01 9.5000E+01 9.5000E+01 7.2000E+02 8.0000E+02 9.9000E+01 9.5000E+01 9.5000E+01 Pathway number 12: CR to Enviro Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate (cfm) Aerosol O.OOOOE+00 8.5000E+02 7.2000E+02 8.5000E+02 Filter Efficiencies
(%)Elemental Organic 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02 1.OOOOE+02 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02 LOCATION DATA Location CR is in compartment 5 Location X/Q Data Time (hr) X/Q (s
* m'-3)O.OOOOE+00 4.5700E-04 2.OOOOE+00 2.3 100E-04 8.OOOOE+00 1.0500E-04 2.4000E+01 7.4000E-05 9.6000E+01 6.4400E-05 7.2000E+02 6.4400E-05 Location Breathing Rate Data Time (hr) Breathing Rate (m^3
* secA-l)O.OOOOE+00 3.5000E-04 7.2000E+02 3.5000E-04 Location Occupancy Factor Data RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 23 of 192 Time (hr) Occupancy Factor O.OOOOE+00 1.0000E+00 2.4000E+01 6.OOOOE-01 9.6000E+01 4.OOOOE-01 7.2000E+02 4.OOOOE-01 Location EAB is in compartment 6 Location X/Q Data Time (hr) X/Q (s
* m^-3)O.OOOOE+00 1.8100E-04 7.2000E+02 1.8100E-04 Location Breathing Rate Data Time (hr) Breathing Rate (m^3
* sec^-1)O.OOOOE+00 3.5000E-04 8.OOOOE+00 3.5000E-04 2.4000E+01 3.5000E-04 7.2000E+02 3.5000E-04 Location LPZ is in compartment 6 Location X/Q Data Time (hr) X/Q (s
* m^-3)O.OOOOE+00 4.9500E-05 8.OOOOE+00 3.6900E-05 2.4000E+01 1.9500E-05 9.6000E+01 7.8100E-06 7.2000E+02 7.8100E-06 Location Breathing Rate Data Time (hr) Breathing Rate (mA3
* secA^-)0.0000E+00 3.5000E-04 8.OOOOE+00 1.8000E-04 2.4000E+01 2.3000E-04 7.2000E+02 2.30OOE-04 USER SPECIFIED TIME STEP DATA -SUPPLEMENTAL TIME STEPS Time Time step O.OOOOE+00 5.OOOOE-02 4.OOOOE+00 5.OOOOE-01 8.OOOOE+00 1.OOOOE+00 2.4000E+01 2.OOOOE+00 4.8000E+01 2.4000E+01 7.2000E+02 O.OOOOE+00 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORANITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE A.MENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 24 of 192##X################XX###X#######################################
RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 3/0 1/2006 at 13:53:50#ff#######X#f##X#t###ft#####ttf#X#X####X####f#f####fttf#####X#Xt####
f##t######f####X f#####Xt### # #f##### ##### # # ###### #f# # # # #f# # #X X# # # # Xt# f #X X # X # #X### # # ## # 9 # # # # X X ft X# ft ft ft ft ft ft###Xtf f###X Xt ft #X##f ft Dose Output##fff#f#f####X tf### f####XX tf#Xt###XX tf##XX# t#X#XX####Xfttf###
Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.0333 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.0333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.0333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.0333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.0500 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORANITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 25 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.1000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.1500 CR Doses: Time (h)= 0.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMIENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 26 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) O.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) O.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.2000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.2500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 27 of 192 Time (h) = 0.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.3000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Deltadose(rem) 3.2305E-14 1.1480E-10 3.6520E-12 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.2305E-14 1.1480E-10 3.6520E-12 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.9750E-10 1.6280E-07 5.8307E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.9750E-10 1.6280E-07 5.8307E-09 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.9075E-10 4.4523E-08 1.5946E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.9075E-10 4.4523E-08 1.5946E-09 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.3330 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.3330 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.1755E-14 2.9360E-10 9.3367E-12 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.1406E-13 4.0840E-10 1.2989E-11 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.3330 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2899E-09 3.0671E-07 1.0958E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.9874E-09 4.6951E-07 1.6789E-08 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAAITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TER1MI LICENSE AMENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 28 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.3330 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.5277E-10 8.3878E-08 2.9968E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.4352E-10 1.2840E-07 4.5913E-09 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.3500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.7157E-14 2.7861E-10 8.8578E-12 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.9122E-13 6.8701E-10 2.1847E-11 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.4614E-10 2.2764E-07 8.1204E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.9336E-09 6.9714E-07 2.4909E-08 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.5875E-10 6.2254E-08 2.2208E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.0227E-10 1.9066E-07 6.8121E-09 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.4000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.6305E-13 1.6594E-09 5.2757E-11 Accumulateddose(rem) 6.5427E-13 2.3464E-09 7.4603E-11 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.031 1E-09 9.7516E-07 3.4762E-08 Accumulateddose(rem) 6.9647E-09 1.6723E-06 5.9671E-08 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.1024E-09 2.6669E-07 9.5067E-09 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 29 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.9047E-09 4.5734E-07 1.63199E-08 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.4500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.3917E-13 3.3695E-09 1.0710E-10 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5934E-12 5.7160E-09 1.8170E-10 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.0317E-09 1.4847E-06 5.2808E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2996E-08 3.1570E-06 1.1248E-07 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.6495E-09 4.0604E-07 1.4442E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.5542E-09 8.6338E-07 3.0761E-08 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.5000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.6225E-12 5.8233E-09 1.8504E-10 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.2160E-12 1.1539E-08 3.6674E-10 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.2392E-09 2.0629E-06 7.3216E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.1236E-08 5.2200E-06 1.8569E-07 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.2533E-09 5.6417E-07 2.0023E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.8075E-09 1.4276E-06 5.0784E-08 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.5333 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAM1TION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 30 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.5333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5622E-12 5.6225E-09 1.7861E-10 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.7782E-12 1.7162E-08 5.4535E-10 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.5333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.7932E-09 1.7299E-06 6.1268E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.8029E-08 6.9499E-06 2.4696E-07 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.5333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.8578E-09 4.7310E-07 1.6756E-08 Accumulateddose(rem) 7.6653E-09 1.9007E-06 6.7540E-08 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.5500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.5151E-13 3.4318E-09 1.0900E-10 Accumulateddose(rem) 5.7297E-12 2.0594E-08 6.5435E-10 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.8026E-09 9.7922E-07 3.4633E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.1831E-08 7.9291E-06 2.8160E-07 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0399E-09 2.6780E-07 9.4714E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7053E-09 2.1685E-06 7.7011E-08 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.6000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.7239E-12 1.3314E-08 4.2288E-10 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 31 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.4536E-12 3.3908E-08 1.0772E-09 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3270E-08 3.4325E-06 1.2133E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.5102E-08 1.1362E-05 4.0293E-07 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.6292E-09 9.3873E-07 3.3182E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2334E-08 3.1072E-06 1.1019E-07 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.6500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.2383E-12 1.8560E-08 5.8939E-10 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.4692E-11 5.2467E-08 1.6666E-09 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.6248E-08 4.2621E-06 1.5039E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.1350E-08 1.5624E-05 5.5332E-07 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.4436E-09 1.1656E-06 4.1130E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6778E-08 4.2728E-06 1.5132E-07 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.7000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.1781E-12 2.4986E-08 7.9342E-10 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.1870E-11 7.7454E-08 2.4601E-09 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMNI LICENSE A.MENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 32 of 192 Time (h) = 0.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.9600E-08 5.2058E-06 1.8341E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.0950E-08 2.0829E-05 7.3673E-07 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.3601E-09 1.4237E-06 5.0159E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.21388E-08 5.6965E-06 2.0148E-07 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.7500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.6487E-12 3.2740E-08 1.0396E-09 Accumulateddose(rem) 3.1519E-11 1.1019E-07 3.4997E-09 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.3311E-08 6.2634E-06 2.2036E-07 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.0426E-07 2.7093E-05 9.5709E-07 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.3751E-09 1.7129E-06 6.0263E-08 Accumulateddose(rem) 2.8513E-08 7.4094E-06 2.6175E-07 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.8000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2759E-11 4.1963E-08 1.3326E-09 Accumulateddose(rem) 4.4278E-11 1.5216E-07 4.8323E-09 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.7370E-08 7.4346E-06 2.6121E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3163E-07 3.4527E-05 1.2183E-06 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 33 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.4852E-09 2.0332E-06 7.1436E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.5999E-08 9.4426E-06 3.3318E-07 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.8500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.6622E-11 5.2797E-08 1.6769E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.0900E-1 1 2.0495E-07 6.5092E-09 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.1766E-08 8.7191E-06 3.0595E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6340E-07 4.3246E-05 1.5242E-06 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.6873E-09 2.3845E-06 8.3671E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.4686E-08 1.1827E-05 4.1685E-07 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.9000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.1355E-11 6.5382E-08 2.0769E-09 Accumulateddose(rem) 8.2256E-11 2.7034E-07 8.5862E-09 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.6487E-08 1.0117E-05 3.5455E-07 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.9988E-07 5.3363E-05 1.8788E-06 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.9785E-09 2.7667E-06 9.6964E-08 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMIENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 34 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.4664E-08 1.4594E-05 5.1382E-07 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.9500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.7078E-11 7.9854E-08 2.5371E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0933E-10 3.5019E-07 1.1123E-08 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.1525E-08 1.1627E-05 4.0700E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.4141E-07 6.4990E-05 2.2858E-06 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.1356E-08 3.1798E-06 1.113 1E-07 Accumulateddose(rem) 6.6021E-08 1.7774E-05 6.2512E-07 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.3914E-11 9.6347E-08 3.0618E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.4325E-10 4.4654E-07 1.4185E-08 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.6872E-08 1.3250E-05 4.6328E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.8828E-07 7.8241E-05 2.7491E-06 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2818E-08 3.6237E-06 1.2670E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.8839E-08 2.1397E-05 7.5182E-07 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.0500 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 35 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.1990E-11 1.1500E-07 3.6552E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.8524E-10 5.6153E-07 1.7840E-08 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.25181E-08 1.4986E-05 5.2337E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.4080E-07 9.3226E-05 3.2725E-06 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4363E-08 4.0983E-06 1.4313E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.3202E-08 2.5496E-05 8.9495E-07 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.1000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.1438E-11 1.3593E-07 4.3215E-09 Accumulateddose(rem) 2.3668E-10 6.9746E-07 2.2162E-08 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.8457E-08 1.6833E-05 5.8725E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.9926E-07 1.1006E-04 3.8597E-06 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5987E-08 4.6035E-06 1.6060E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0919E-07 3.0099E-05 1.0556E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.1500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.2391E-11 1.5928E-07 5.0650E-09 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAOITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERAI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 36 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.9907E-10 8.5673E-07 2.7227E-08 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.4683E-08 1.8792E-05 6.5491E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.6394E-07 1.2885E-04 4.5146E-06 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.7690E-08 5.1393E-06 1.7911E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2688E-07 3.5238E-05 1.2347E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.2000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.4986E-11 1.8516E-07 5.8896E-09 Accumulateddose(rem) 3.7405E-10 1.0419E-06 3.3116E-08 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.1190E-08 2.0863E-05 7.2633E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.3513E-07 1.4971E-04 5.2410E-06 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.9469E-08 5.7056E-06 1.9864E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.4635E-07 4.0944E-05 1.4333E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.2500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.9363E-11 2.1372E-07 6.7994E-09 Accumulateddose(rem) 4.6342E-10 1.2556E-06 3.9916E-08 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 37 of 192 Time (h) = 1.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.7972E-08 2.3045E-05 8.0150E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.131 OE-07 1.7276E-04 6.0425E-06 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.1324E-08 6.3023E-06 2.1920E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6767E-07 4.7246E-05 1.6525E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.3000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0567E-10 2.4506E-07 7.7983E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.6908E-10 1.5007E-06 4.7714E-08 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.5025E-08 2.5338E-05 8.8041E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.9813E-07 1.9810E-04 6.9229E-06 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.3253E-08 6.9294E-06 2.4077E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.9092E-07 5.4176E-05 1.8933E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.3500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2404E-10 2.7931E-07 8.8903E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.9312E-10 1.7800E-06 5.6604E-08 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.2344E-08 2.7742E-05 9.6303E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.9047E-07 2.2584E-04 7.8859E-06 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TER1AI LICENSE A1IENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 38 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.5254E-08 7.5868E-06 2.6337E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.1618E-07 6.1762E-05 2.1566E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.4000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4463E-10 3.1659E-07 1.0079E-08 Accumulateddose(rem) 8.3775E-10 2.0966E-06 6.6684E-08 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.9925E-08 3.0256E-05 1.0494E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.9040E-07 2.5609E-04 8.9353E-06 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.7328E-08 8.2745E-06 2.8698E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.4351E-07 7.0037E-05 2.4436E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.4500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.6759E-10 3.5702E-07 1.1369E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0053E-09 2.4536E-06 7.8052E-08 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0777E-07 3.2881E-05 1.1394E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.9816E-07 2.8898E-04 1.0075E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.9472E-08 8.9923E-06 3.1160E-07 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM\I LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 39 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.7298E-07 7.9029E-05 2.7552E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.5000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.9308E-10 4.0070E-07 1.2763E-08 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.1984E-09 2.8543E-06 9.0815E-08 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.1586E-07 3.5616E-05 1.2331E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1140E-06 3.2459E-04 1.1308E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.1686E-08 9.7402E-06 3.3723E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.0466E-07 8.8769E-05 3.0925E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.5500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.2125E-10 4.4777E-07 1.4265E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.4197E-09 3.3021E-06 1.0508E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2421E-07 3.8460E-05 1.3305E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2382E-06 3.6305E-04 1.2638E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.3970E-08 1.0518E-05 3.6386E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.3863E-07 9.9288E-05 3.4563E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.6000 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 40 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.5226E-10 4.9832E-07 1.5879E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6719E-09 3.8004E-06 1.2096E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3282E-07 4.1414E-05 1.4315E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3711E-06 4.0447E-04 1.4070E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.6322E-08 1.1326E-05 3.9150E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.7496E-07 1.1061E-04 3.8478E-06 Detailed model informnation at time (H) = 1.6500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.8626E-10 5.5247E-07 1.7609E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.9582E-09 4.3528E-06 1.3857E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4167E-07 4.4478E-05 1.5362E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5127E-06 4.4894E-04 1.5606E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.8743E-08 1.2164E-05 4.2013E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.1370E-07 1.2278E-04 4.2680E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.7000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.2343E-10 6.1032E-07 1.9457E-08 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 41 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.2816E-09 4.9632E-06 1.5803E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5076E-07 4.7651E-05 1.6446E-06 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.6635E-06 4.9659E-04 1.7251E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.1231E-08 1.3032E-05 4.4976E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.5493E-07 1.3581E-04 4.7177E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.7500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.6392E-10 6.7199E-07 2.1427E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.6455E-09 5.6352E-06 1.7945E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.6011E-07 5.0932E-05 1.7566E-06 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.8236E-06 5.4753E-04 1.9007E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.3787E-08 1.3929E-05 4.8039E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.9872E-07 1.4974E-04 5.1981E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.8000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.0791E-10 7.3758E-07 2.3524E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.0535E-09 6.3727E-06 2.0298E-07 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMIENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 42 of 192 Time (h) = 1.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.6970E-07 5.4323E-05 1.8722E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.9933E-06 6.0185E-04 2.0879E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.6409E-08 1.4856E-05 5.1200E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.4513E-07 1.6459E-04 5.7101E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.8500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.5556E-10 8.0719E-07 2.5749E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.5090E-09 7.1799E-06 2.2873E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.7953E-07 5.7821E-05 1.9914E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.1728E-06 6.5967E-04 2.2871E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.9098E-08 1.5813E-05 5.4461E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.9422E-07 1.8041E-04 6.2547E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.9000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.0704E-10 8.8092E-07 2.8107E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.0161E-09 8.0608E-06 2.5683E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.8961E-07 6.1428E-05 2.1142E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.3624E-06 7.2110E-04 2.4985E-05 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 43 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.1854E-08 1.6799E-05 5.7820E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.4608E-07 1.9721E-04 6.8329E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.9500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.6252E-10 9.5888E-07 3.0601E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.5786E-09 9.0197E-06 2.8743E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.9993E-07 6.5143E-05 2.2406E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.5624E-06 7.8624E-04 2.7226E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.4676E-08 1.7815E-05 6.1277E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.0075E-07 2.1502E-04 7.4457E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.2218E-10 1.0412E-06 3.3234E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.2008E-09 1.0061E-05 3.2067E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.1049E-07 6.8966E-05 2.3706E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.7728E-06 8.5521E-04 2.9596E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.7564E-08 1.8861E-05 6.4833E-07 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 44 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.5832E-07 2.3388E-04 8.0940E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.0333 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.0333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.4056E-10 7.2983E-07 2.3297E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.6413E-09 1.0791E-05 3.4396E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.0333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4589E-07 4.8099E-05 1.6522E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.9187E-06 9.0331E-04 3.1249E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.0333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.9899E-08 1.3154E-05 4.5186E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.9822E-07 2.4704E-04 8.5459E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.0333 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.0333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.0162E-13 6.6491E-10 2.1223E-11 Accumulateddose(rem) 5.6417E-09 1.0791E-05 3.4399E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.0333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3313E-10 4.4117E-08 1.5147E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.9189E-06 9.0335E-04 3.1250E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.0333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.6408E-11 1.2065E-08 4.1423E-10 Accumulateddose(rem) 7.9825E-07 2.4705E-04 8.5463E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.0500 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMIENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 45 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.2497E-10 3.7168E-07 1.1864E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.8667E-09 1.1163E-05 3.5585E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.4721E-08 2.4741E-05 8.4948E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.9936E-06 9.2809E-04 3.2100E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.0435E-08 6.7661E-06 2.3232E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.1869E-07 2.5382E-04 8.7786E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.1000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.9599E-10 1.1419E-06 3.6453E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.5627E-09 1.2305E-05 3.9230E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.3227E-07 7.6915E-05 2.6407E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.2259E-06 1.0050E-03 3.4740E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.3521E-08 2.1035E-05 7.2219E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.8221E-07 2.7485E-04 9.5008E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.1500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.2746E-10 1.1837E-06 3.7788E-08 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 46 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.2901E-09 1.3489E-05 4.3009E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.4313E-07 8.0946E-05 2.7775E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.469013-06 1.0860E-03 3.7518E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.6492E-08 2.2137E-05 7.5960E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.487013-07 2.9699E-04 1.0260E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.2000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.6131E-10 1.2278E-06 3.9198E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.0515E-09 1.4716E-05 4.6929E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.5382E-07 8.4972E-05 2.9139E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.7228E-06 1.1709E-03 4.0432E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.9416E-08 2.3238E-05 7.9690E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0181E-06 3.2023E-04 1.1057E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.2500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.9751E-10 1.2742E-06 4.0683E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.8490E-09 1.5991E-05 5.0997E-07 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORANITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 47 of 192 Time (h) = 2.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.6435E-07 8.8992E-05 3.0499E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.9872E-06 1.2599E-03 4.3482E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.2295E-08 2.4338E-05 8.3409E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0904E-06 3.4456E-04 1.1891E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.3000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.3602E-10 1.3229E-06 4.2241E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.6850E-09 1.7314E-05 5.5221E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.7472E-07 9.3006E-05 3.1856E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.2619E-06 1.3529E-03 4.6667E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.5129E-08 2.5435E-05 8.7119E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1655E-06 3.7000E-04 1.2763E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.3500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.7681E-10 1.3739E-06 4.3871E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0562E-08 1.8688E-05 5.9608E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.8493E-07 9.7015E-05 3.3209E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.5468E-06 1.4499E-03 4.9988E-05 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 48 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.7923E-08 2.6532E-05 9.0819E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2435E-06 3.9653E-04 1.3671E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.4000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.1985E-10 1.4271E-06 4.5572E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1482E-08 2.0115E-05 6.4166E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.9499E-07 1.0102E-04 3.4558E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.8418E-06 1.55101E-03 5.3444E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.0675E-08 2.7626E-05 9.4509E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3241E-06 4.2416E-04 1.4616E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.4400 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.4400 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.6788E-10 1.1812E-06 3.7724E-08 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.2250E-08 2.1296E-05 6.7938E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.4400 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.4291E-07 8.3686E-05 2.8611E-06 Accumulateddose(rem) 5.0847E-06 1.6346E-03 5.6305E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.4400 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.6432E-08 2.2887E-05 7.8246E-07 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAKITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERAI LICENSE ANIENDAIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 49 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3906E-06 4.4704E-04 1.5398E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.4500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.9629E-10 3.0089E-07 9.6089E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2446E-08 2.1597E-05 6.8899E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.1535E-08 2.1316E-05 7.2837E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.1463E-06 1.6560E-03 5.7033E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.6829E-08 5.8296E-06 1.9919E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.4074E-06 4.5287E-04 1.5598E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.5000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0125E-09 1.5399E-06 4.9183E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3458E-08 2.3137E-05 7.3817E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.1471E-07 1.0901E-04 3.7247E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.4610E-06 1.7650E-03 6.0758E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.6068E-08 2.981 lE-05 1.0186E-06 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.4935E-06 4.8268E-04 1.6616E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.5500 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 50 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0620E-09 1.5995E-06 5.1091E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.4520E-08 2.4736E-05 7.8926E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.2437E-07 1.1299E-04 3.8586E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.7853E-06 1.8780E-03 6.4617E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.8709E-08 3.0901E-05 1.0552E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5822E-06 5.1358E-04 1.7671E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.6000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.1137E-09 1.6612E-06 5.3067E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5634E-08 2.6397E-05 8.4233E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.3390E-07 1.1697E-04 3.9922E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.1192E-06 1.9949E-03 6.8609E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.1315E-08 3.1990E-05 1.0918E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6735E-06 5.4557E-04 1.8763E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.6500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.1674E-09 1.7249E-06 5.5108E-08 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 51 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6801E-08 2.8122E-05 8.9744E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.4331E-07 1.2095E-04 4.1255E-06 Accumulateddose(rem) 6.4625E-06 2.1159E-03 7.2734E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.3889E-08 3.3077E-05 1.1282E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.7674E-06 5.7865E-04 1.9891E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.7000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2232E-09 1.7907E-06 5.7215E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.8025E-08 2.9913E-05 9.5465E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.5260E-07 1.2492E-04 4.2584E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.8151E-06 2.2408E-03 7.6993E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.6430E-08 3.4162E-05 1.1646E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.8638E-06 6.1281E-04 2.1056E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.7500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2810E-09 1.8585E-06 5.9385E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.9306E-08 3.1771E-05 1.0140E-06 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 52 of 192 Time (h) = 2.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.6178E-07 1.2888E-04 4.391 IE-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.1769E-06 2.3697E-03 8.1384E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.8940E-08 3.5246E-05 1.2009E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.9628E-06 6.4806E-04 2.2257E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.8000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3407E-09 1.9282E-06 6.1619E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.0646E-08 3.3700E-05 1.0757E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.7085E-07 1.3284E-04 4.5235E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.5478E-06 2.5025E-03 8.5907E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0142E-07 3.6329E-05 1.2371E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.0642E-06 6.8439E-04 2.3494E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.8500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4024E-09 l.9999E-06 6.3915E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.2049E-08 3.5700E-05 1.1396E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.7982E-07 1.3679E-04 4.6555E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.9276E-06 2.6393E-03 9.0563E-05 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 53 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0387E-07 3.7410E-05 1.2732E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.1680E-06 7.2180E-04 2.4767E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.9000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4660E-09 2.0735E-06 6.6272E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.3515E-08 3.7773E-05 1.2058E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.8868E-07 1.4074E-04 4.7873E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.3163E-06 2.7800E-03 9.5350E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0630E-07 3.8489E-05 1.3092E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.2743E-06 7.6029E-04 2.6076E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.9500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5315E-09 2.1490E-06 6.8690E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.5046E-08 3.9922E-05 1.2745E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.9745E-07 1.4468E-04 4.9188E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7137E-06 2.9247E-03 1.0027E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0869E-07 3.9567E-05 1.3452E-06 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 54 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.3830E-06 7.9985E-04 2.7422E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5989E-09 2.2264E-06 7.1167E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.6645E-08 4.2149E-05 1.3457E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.0612E-07 1.4862E-04 5.0500E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.1198E-06 3.0733E-03 1.0532E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.1107E-07 4.0644E-05 1.3811E-06 Accumulateddose(rem) 2.4941E-06 8.4050E-04 2.8803E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.0500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.6680E-09 2.3055E-06 7.3703E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.8313E-08 4.4454E-05 1.4194E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.1470E-07 1.5255E-04 5.1809E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.5345E-06 3.2259E-03 1.1050E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.1341E-07 4.1719E-05 1.4169E-06 Accumulateddose(rem) 2.6075E-06 8.8222E-04 3.0219E-05 Detailed model information at time (H)= 3.1000 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 55 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.7390E-09 2.3865E-06 7.6297E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.0052E-08 4.6841E-05 1.4957E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.2319E-07 1.5647E-04 5.3115E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.9577E-06 3.3824E-03 1.1581E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.1573E-07 4.2792E-05 1.4526E-06 Accumulateddose(rem) 2.7232E-06 9.2501E-04 3.1672E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.1500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.8118E-09 2.4693E-06 7.8947E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.1864E-08 4.9310E-05 1.5746E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.3160E-07 1.6039E-04 5.4419E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0389E-05 3.5427E-03 1.2125E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.1803E-07 4.3864E-05 1.4883E-06 Accumulateddose(rem) 2.8413E-06 9.6887E-04 3.3160E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.2000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.8863E-09 2.5538E-06 8.1654E-08 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 56 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.3750E-08 5.1864E-05 1.6563E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.3992E-07 1.6431E-04 5.5720E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0829E-05 3.7071E-03 1.2683E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2031E-07 4.4935E-05 1.5238E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.9616E-06 1.0138E-03 3.4684E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.2500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.9625E-09 2.6401E-06 8.4416E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.5713E-08 5.4504E-05 1.7407E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.4816E-07 1.6822E-04 5.7019E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1277E-05 3.8753E-03 1.3253E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2256E-07 4.6004E-05 1.5594E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.0842E-06 1.0598E-03 3.6244E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.3000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.0404E-09 2.7280E-06 8.7232E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.7753E-08 5.7232E-05 1.8279E-06 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAAITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMNI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 57 of 192 Time (h) = 3.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.5633E-07 1.7212E-04 5.8315E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1734E-05 4.0474E-03 1.3836E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2480E-07 4.7072E-05 1.5948E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.2090E-06 1.1069E-03 3.7838E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.3500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.1200E-09 2.8176E-06 9.0102E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.9873E-08 6.004913-05 1.9180E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.6441E-07 1.7602E-04 5.9608E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2198E-05 4.2234E-03 1.4432E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2701E-07 4.8138E-05 1.6302E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.3360E-06 1.1550E-03 3.9469E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.4000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.2012E-09 2.9089E-06 9.3025E-08 Accumulateddose(rem) 4.2074E-08 6.2958E-05 2.0111E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.7243E-07 1.7992E-04 6.0899E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2671E-05 4.4033E-03 1.5041E-04 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 58 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2920E-07 4.9203E-05 1.6655E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.4652E-06 1.2042E-03 4.1134E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.4500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.2840E-09 3.001SE-06 9.6000E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.4358E-08 6.5960E-05 2.1071E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.8037E-07 1.8380E-04 6.2187E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3151E-05 4.5871E-03 1.5663E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3137E-07 5.0267E-05 1.7007E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.5965E-06 1.2545E-03 4.2835E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.5000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.3685E-09 3.0963E-06 9.9026E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.6727E-08 6.9056E-05 2.2061E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.8825E-07 1.8769E-04 6.3473E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3639E-05 4.7748E-03 1.6298E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3353E-07 5.1329E-05 1.7359E-06 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 59 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.7301E-06 1.3058E-03 4.4571E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.5500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.4544E-09 3.1924E-06 1.021OE-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.9181E-08 7.2249E-05 2.3082E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.9606E-07 1.9157E-04 6.4756E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.4135E-05 4.9664E-03 1.6945E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3566E-07 5.2390E-05 1.7710E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.8657E-06 1.3582E-03 4.6341E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.6000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.5419E-09 3.2901E-06 1.0523E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.1723E-08 7.5539E-05 2.4134E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.0380E-07 1.9544E-04 6.6037E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.4639E-05 5.1618E-03 1.7605E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3778E-07 5.3449E-05 1.8060E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.0035E-06 1.4117E-03 4.8147E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.6500 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 60 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.6310E-09 3.3892E-06 1.0840E-07 Accumulateddose(rem) 5.4354E-08 7.8928E-05 2.5218E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.1147E-07 1.99311E-04 6.7316E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5151E-05 5.3611lE-03 1.8279E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3988E-07 5.4507E-05 1.8410E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.14341E-06 1.4662E-03 4.9988E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.7000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.7215E-09 3.4899E-06 1.1163E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.7076E-08 8.24188E-05 2.6335E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.1909E-07 2.0317E-04 6.8592E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5670E-05 5.564312-03 1.89651E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.41961E-07 5.5563E-05 1.8759E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.2853E-06 1.5217E-03 5.1864E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.7500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.8135E-09 3.59211E-06 1.14901E-07 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORANITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 61 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.9889E-08 8.6010E-05 2.7484E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.2665E-07 2.0703E-04 6.9866E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6196E-05 5.7713E-03 1.9663E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4403E-07 5.6619E-05 1.9107E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.4294E-06 1.5783E-03 5.3775E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.8000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.9069E-09 3.6958E-06 1.1822E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.2796E-08 8.9706E-05 2.8666E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.3414E-07 2.1088E-04 7.1137E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6730E-05 5.9822E-03 2.0375E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4608E-07 5.7672E-05 1.9455E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.5754E-06 1.6360E-03 5.5720E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.8500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0017E-09 3.8009E-06 1.2158E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.5798E-08 9.3507E-05 2.9882E-06 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 62 of 192 Time (h) = 3.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.4158E-07 2.1473E-04 7.2407E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.7272E-05 6.1969E-03 2.1099E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4811E-07 5.8725E-05 1.9802E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.7236E-06 1.6947E-03 5.7701E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.9000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0980E-09 3.9074E-06 1.2499E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.8896E-08 9.7414E-05 3.1131E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.4896E-07 2.1857E-04 7.3674E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.7821E-05 6.4155E-03 2.1835E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5013E-07 5.9776E-05 2.0148E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.8737E-06 1.7545E-03 5.9715E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.9500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.1956E-09 4.0154E-06 1.2844E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.2091E-08 1.0143E-04 3.2416E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.5629E-07 2.2241E-04 7.4938E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.8377E-05 6.6379E-03 2.2585E-04 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMIENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 63 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5213E-07 6.0825E-05 2.0494E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.0258E-06 1.8153E-03 6.1765E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 4.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 4.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.2945E-09 4.1247E-06 1.3194E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.5386E-08 1.0555E-04 3.3735E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 4.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.6356E-07 2.2624E-04 7.6201E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.8941E-05 6.8642E-03 2.3347E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 4.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5412E-07 6.1874E-05 2.0839E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.1799E-06 1.8772E-03 6.3849E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 4.5000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 4.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.8752E-08 4.7569E-05 1.5218E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1414E-07 1.5312E-04 4.8953E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 4.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.0429E-06 2.4730E-03 8.3144E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.4984E-05 9.3372E-03 3.1661E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 4.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.6526E-06 6.7632E-04 2.2738E-05 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORANITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERI\I LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 64 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.8325E-06 2.5535E-03 8.6587E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 5.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 5.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.9980E-08 5.9882E-05 1.9155E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6412E-07 2.1300E-04 6.8108E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 5.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.7178E-06 2.851 IE-03 9.5540E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.1701E-05 1.2188E-02 4.1215E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 5.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.8372E-06 7.7973E-04 2.6128E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.6697E-06 3.3333E-03 1.1272E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 5.5000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 5.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.221 lE-08 7.3275E-05 2.3434E-06 Accumulateddose(rem) 2.2633E-07 2.8628E-04 9.1542E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 5.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.3529E-06 3.2246E-03 1.0774E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.9054E-05 1.5413E-02 5.1989E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 5.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.0109E-06 8.8186E-04 2.9465E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0681E-05 4.2151E-03 1.4218E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) =6.0000 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TER1MI LICENSE AMIENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 65 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 6.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.5265E-08 8.7593E-05 2.8004E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.0159E-07 3.7387E-04 l.1955E-05 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 6.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.9532E-06 3.5935E-03 1.1975E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.7008E-05 1.9006E-02 6.3965E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 6.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.1750E-06 9.8275E-04 3.2750E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2856E-05 5.1979E-03 1.7493E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 6.5000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 6.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.8979E-08 1.0270E-04 3.2822E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.9057E-07 4.7657E-04 1.5237E-05 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 6.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.5218E-06 3.9581E-03 1.3159E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.5529E-05 2.2964E-02 7.7124E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 6.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.3305E-06 1.0825E-03 3.5988E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5186E-05 6.2803E-03 2.1092E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 7.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 7.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0321E-07 1.1847E-04 3.7849E-06 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 66 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.9378E-07 5.9504E-04 1.9022E-05 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 7.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.061 IE-06 4.3184E-03 1.4326E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.4590E-05 2.7283E-02 9.1450E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 7.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.4780E-06 1.1810E-03 3.9179E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.7664E-05 7.4613E-03 2.5010E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 7.5000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 7.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.1781E-07 1.3481E-04 4.3051E-06 Accumulateddose(rem) 6.1159E-07 7.2986E-04 2.3327E-05 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 7.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.5728E-06 4.6747E-03 1.5477E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.4163E-05 3.1958E-02 1.0693E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 7.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.6180E-06 1.2784E-03 4.2326E-05 Accumulateddose(rem) 2.0282E-05 8.7398E-03 2.9242E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 8.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 8.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3267E-07 1.5163E-04 4.8399E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.4426E-07 8.8149E-04 2.8167E-05 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM~ LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 67 of 192 Time (h) = 8.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0058E-05 5.0270E-03 1.6612E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.4222E-05 3.6985E-02 1.2354E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 8.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.7508E-06 1.3748E-03 4.5430E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.3033E-05 1.0115E-02 3.3785E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 9.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 9.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.7234E-07 3.1608E-04 1.0078E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0166E-06 1.1976E-03 3.8245E-05 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 9.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.1474E-05 1.1096E-02 3.6569E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0570E-04 4.8080E-02 1.6011E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 9.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.3779E-06 1.1633E-03 4.0467E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.7411E-05 1.1278E-02 3.7832E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 10.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 10.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.6432E-07 3.1427E-04 1.0005E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2809E-06 1.5118E-03 4.8250E-05 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 10.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.3128E-05 1.2460E-02 4.0934E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2882E-04 6.0540E-02 2.0104E-03 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORANITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AM1ENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 68 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time(h)= 10.0000 WholeBody Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.7150E-06 1.3064E-03 4.5208E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.2126E-05 1.2584E-02 4.2353E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 11.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 11.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.6531E-07 3.2071E-04 1.0198E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5462E-06 1.8326E-03 5.8449E-05 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 11.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.4606E-05 1.3797E-02 4.5191E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5343E-04 7.4337E-02 2.4623E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 11.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.0163E-06 1.4465E-03 4.9818E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.7142E-05 1.403 IE-02 4.7335E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 12.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 12.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.7228E-07 3.3344E-04 1.0592E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.8185E-06 2.1660E-03 6.9041E-05 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 12.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.5919E-05 1.5107E-02 4.9347E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.7935E-04 8.9444E-02 2.9558E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 12.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.2840E-06 1.5839E-03 5.4304E-05 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE ANIENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 69 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.2426E-05 1.5615E-02 5.2765E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 13.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 13.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.8431E-07 3.5115E-04 1.1145E-05 Accumulateddose(rem) 2.1028E-06 2.5171E-03 8.0186E-05 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 13.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.7190E-05 1.6402E-02 5.3451E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.0654E-04 1.0585E-01 3.4903E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 13.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.5432E-06 1.7197E-03 5.8733E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.7969E-05 1.7334E-02 5.8638E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 14.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 14.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0621E-07 3.7390E-04 1.1866E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.4090E-06 2.8910E-03 9.2052E-05 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 14.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.8951E-05 1.7734E-02 5.7724E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.3549E-04 1.2358E-01 4.0675E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 14.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.9022E-06 1.8593E-03 6.3388E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.3872E-05 1.9194E-02 6.4977E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 15.0000 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 70 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 15.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.2013E-07 3.9759E-04 1.2605E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.7292E-06 3.2886E-03 1.0466E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 15.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.9806E-05 1.8975E-02 6.1613E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.6530E-04 1.4256E-01 4.6837E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 15.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.0765E-06 1.9895E-03 6.7551E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.9948E-05 2.1183E-02 7.1732E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 16.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 16.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.3412E-07 4.2325E-04 1.3405E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.0633E-06 3.7119E-03 1.1806E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 16.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0540E-05 2.0195E-02 6.5420E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.9584E-04 1.6275E-01 5.3379E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 16.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.2261E-06 2.1174E-03 7.1615E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.6174E-05 2.3301E-02 7.8894E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 17.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 17.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.4762E-07 4.5032E-04 1.4247E-05 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERIM LICENSE AIENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 71 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.4109E-06 4.1622E-03 1.3231E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 17.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.1160E-05 2.1394E-02 6.9148E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.2700E-04 1.8414E-01 6.0294E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 17.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.3525E-06 2.2430E-03 7.5585E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.2527E-05 2.5544E-02 8.6452E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 18.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 18.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.6025E-07 4.7837E-04 1.5118E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.771 IE-06 4.6406E-03 1.4743E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 18.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.1673E-05 2.2572E-02 7.2802E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.5867E-04 2.0672E-01 6.7574E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 18.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.4571E-06 2.3666E-03 7.9466E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.8984E-05 2.7910E-02 9.4399E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 19.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 19.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.7175E-07 5.0709E-04 1.6008E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.1429E-06 5.1477E-03 1.6344E-04 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAAITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMIENDIMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 72 of 192 Time (h) = 19.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.2088E-05 2.3731E-02 7.6384E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.9076E-04 2.3045E-01 7.5212E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h)= 19.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.5417E-06 2.4881E-03 8.3263E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.5526E-05 3.0398E-02 1.0273E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 20.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 20.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.8195E-07 5.3623E-04 1.6909E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.5248E-06 5.6839E-03 1.8035E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 20.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.2412E-05 2.4871E-02 7.9898E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.2317E-04 2.5532E-01 8.3202E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 20.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.6077E-06 2.6076E-03 8.6979E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.2133E-05 3.3006E-02 1.1142E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 21.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 21.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.9078E-07 5.6558E-04 1.7816E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.9156E-06 6.2495E-03 1.9816E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 21.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.2651E-05 2.5993E-02 8.3347E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.5582E-04 2.8131E-01 9.1537E-03 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 73 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 21.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.6565E-06 2.7253E-03 9.0620E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.8790E-05 3.5731E-02 1.2049E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 22.0000 CR Doses: Time (h)= 22.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.9818E-07 5.9502E-04 1.8722E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.3138E-06 6.8445E-03 2.1688E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 22.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.2814E-05 2.7099E-02 8.6735E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.8863E-04 3.0841E-01 1.0021E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 22.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.6897E-06 2.8412E-03 9.4187E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0548E-04 3.8572E-02 1.2990E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 23.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 23.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.0417E-07 6.2442E-04 1.9627E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.7180E-06 7.4689E-03 2.3651E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 23.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.2908E-05 2.8187E-02 9.0063E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.2154E-04 3.3660E-01 1.0922E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 23.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.7088E-06 2.9553E-03 9.7686E-05 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 74 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1219E-04 4.1528E-02 1.3967E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 24.0000 CR Doses: Time (h)= 24.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.0877E-07 6.5371E-04 2.0525E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.1267E-06 8.1226E-03 2.5704E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 24.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.2938E-05 2.9260E-02 9.3335E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.5448E-04 3.6586E-01 1.1855E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 24.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.7150E-06 3.0678E-03 1.0112E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1890E-04 4.4596E-02 1.4978E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 26.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 26.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.5816E-07 7.7748E-04 2.4371E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.5849E-06 8.9001E-03 2.8141E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 26.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.5749E-05 6.1676E-02 1.9627E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.2023E-04 4.2753E-01 1.3818E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 26.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.0834E-06 4.3665E-03 1.4138E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2599E-04 4.8962E-02 1.6392E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 28.0000 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAIXITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 75 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 28.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.0957E-07 7.5290E-04 2.3552E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.9945E-06 9.6530E-03 3.0496E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 28.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.5272E-05 6.5788E-02 2.0874E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.8550E-04 4.9332E-01 1.5905E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 28.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.0321E-06 4.6576E-03 1.5020E-04 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.3302E-04 5.3620E-02 1.7894E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 30.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 30.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.8056E-07 7.5579E-04 2.3598E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.3750E-06 1.0409E-02 3.2856E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 30.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.4503E-05 6.9791E-02 2.2084E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.5000E-04 5.6311E-01 1.8114E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 30.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.9492E-06 4.9410E-03 1.5873E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3997E-04 5.8561E-02 1.9482E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 32.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 32.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.6106E-07 7.7499E-04 2.4155E-05 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 76 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.7361E-06 1.1184E-02 3.5271E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 32.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.351SE-05 7.3690E-02 2.3260E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.1352E-04 6.3680E-01 2.0440E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 32.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.8431E-06 5.2171E-03 1.6702E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.4681E-04 6.3778E-02 2.1152E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 34.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 34.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.4596E-07 8.0374E-04 2.5010E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.0821E-06 1.1988E-02 3.7772E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 34.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.2382E-05 7.7493E-02 2.4404E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7590E-04 7.1430E-01 2.2880E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 34.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.7207E-06 5.4863E-03 1.7508E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5353E-04 6.9264E-02 2.2903E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 36.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 36.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.3273E-07 8.3792E-04 2.6034E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.4148E-06 1.2825E-02 4.0376E-04 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 77 of 192 Time (h) = 36.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.1149E-05 8.1204E-02 2.5519E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.3705E-04 7.9550E-01 2.5432E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h)= 36.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.5879E-06 5.7490E-03 1.8293E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6012E-04 7.5013E-02 2.4732E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 38.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 38.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.2019E-07 8.7504E-04 2.7148E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7350E-06 1.3700E-02 4.3090E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 38.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.9865E-05 8.4829E-02 2.6607E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.9692E-04 8.8033E-01 2.8093E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 38.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.4495E-06 6.0056E-03 1.9058E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6657E-04 8.1019E-02 2.6638E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 40.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 40.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0790E-07 9.1361E-04 2.8307E-05 Accumulateddose(rem) 9.0429E-06 1.4614E-02 4.5921E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 40.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.8566E-05 8.8372E-02 2.7669E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0555E-03 9.6870E-01 3.0859E-02 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 78 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h)= 40.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.3095E-06 6.2565E-03 1.9805E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.7288E-04 8.7275E-02 2.8618E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 42.0000 CR Doses: Time (h)= 42.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.9573E-07 9.5272E-04 2.9482E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.3386E-06 1.5567E-02 4.8869E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h)= 42.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.7280E-05 9.1836E-02 2.8707E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1 128E-03 1.0605E+00 3.3730E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h)= 42.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.1711E-06 6.5018E-03 2.0535E-04 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.7905E-04 9.3777E-02 3.0672E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 44.0000 CR Doses: Time (h)= 44.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.8374E-07 9.9183E-04 3.0658E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.6223E-06 1.6559E-02 5.1935E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 44.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.6031E-05 9.5227E-02 2.9723E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1688E-03 1.1558E+00 3.6702E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 44.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.0365E-06 6.7418E-03 2.1250E-04 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORATMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 79 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.8509E-04 1.0052E-01 3.2797E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 46.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 46.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.7203E-07 1.0306E-03 3.1824E-05 Accumulateddose(rem) 9.8944E-06 1.7589E-02 5.5118E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 46.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.4837E-05 9.8546E-02 3.0717E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2236E-03 1.2543E+00 3.9774E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 46.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.9078E-06 6.9768E-03 2.1950E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.9099E-04 1.0750E-01 3.4992E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 48.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 48.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.6072E-07 1.0690E-03 3.2976E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0155E-05 1.8658E-02 5.8415E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 48.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.3709E-05 1.0180E-01 3.1692E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2773E-03 1.3561E+00 4.2943E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 48.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.7863E-06 7.2070E-03 2.2635E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.9678E-04 1.1470E-01 3.7255E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 72.0000 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORANITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 80 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 72.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.4832E-06 1.5589E-02 4.7879E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2638E-05 3.4247E-02 1.0629E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 72.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.8575E-04 1.4537E+00 4.5004E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.8631E-03 2.8098E+00 8.7947E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 72.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.3106E-05 1.0292E-01 3.2078E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.5989E-04 2.1762E-01 6.9333E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 96.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 96.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.0303E-06 l.9991E-02 6.1176E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.4669E-05 5.4238E-02 1.6747E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h)= 96.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.5536E-04 1.8235E+00 5.6174E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.4184E-03 4.6334E+00 1.4412E-01 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 96.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.9831E-05 1.2910E-01 3.9974E-03 Accumulateddose(rem) 3.1972E-04 3.4672E-01 1.0931E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 120.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 120.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2722E-06 1.3993E-02 4.2767E-04 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMIENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 81 of 192 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.5941E-05 6.8231E-02 2.1024E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 120.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.8162E-04 2.1231E+00 6.5278E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.0001E-03 6.7565E+00 2.0940E-01 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 120.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.5096E-05 6.0201E-02 1.8596E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.4481E-04 4.0692E-01 1.2790E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 144.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 144.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3718E-06 1.5326E-02 4.6818E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.7313E-05 8.3557E-02 2.5706E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 144.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.2006E-04 2.3630E+00 7.2593E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.6201E-03 9.1194E+00 2.8199E-01 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 144.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.6755E-05 6.7002E-02 2.0676E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.7157E-04 4.7393E-01 1.4858E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 168.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 168.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4784E-06 1.6623E-02 5.0768E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.8791E-05 1.0018E-01 3.0782E-03 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 82 of 192 Time (h) = 168.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.5476E-04 2.5499E+00 7.8305E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.2749E-03 1.1669E+01 3.6030E-01 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 168.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.8252E-05 7.2304E-02 2.2301E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.9982E-04 5.4623E-01 1.7088E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 192.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 192.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5462E-06 1.7602E-02 5.3750E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.0337E-05 1.1778E-01 3.6157E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 192.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.8115E-04 2.6901E+00 8.2590E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.9560E-03 1.4359E+01 4.4289E-01 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 192.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.9391E-05 7.6277E-02 2.3519E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.2921E-04 6.2251E-01 1.9440E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 216.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 216.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5778E-06 1.8302E-02 5.5881E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.1915E-05 1.3608E-01 4.1745E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 216.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.9845E-04 2.7890E+00 8.5616E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.6545E-03 1.7148E+01 5.2850E-01 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORANITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMIENDIMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 83 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 216.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0137E-05 7.9084E-02 2.4380E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.5935E-04 7.0159E-01 2.1878E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 240.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 240.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5798E-06 1.8759E-02 5.7270E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.3495E-05 1.5484E-01 4.7472E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 240.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.0717E-04 2.8523E+00 8.7548E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.3617E-03 2.0001E+01 6.1605E-01 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 240.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0514E-05 8.0877E-02 2.4929E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.8986E-04 7.8247E-01 2.4371E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 264.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 264.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5583E-06 1.9007E-02 5.8024E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.5053E-05 1.7385E-01 5.3275E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 264.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.0833E-04 2.8849E+00 8.8540E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.0700E-03 2.2886E+01 7.0459E-01 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 264.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0564E-05 8.1801 E-02 2.521 OE-03 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERAI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 84 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.2043E-04 8.6427E-01 2.6892E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 288.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 288.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5190E-06 1.9078E-02 5.8236E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.6572E-05 1.9293E-01 5.9099E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 288.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.0309E-04 2.8914E+00 8.8731E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.7731E-03 2.5777E+01 7.9332E-01 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 288.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0338E-05 8.1985E-02 2.5264E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.5077E-04 9.4625E-01 2.9418E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 312.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 312.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4665E-06 1.9000E-02 5.7992E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.8039E-05 2.1193E-01 6.4898E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 312.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.9257E-04 2.8759E+00 8.8250E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.4656E-03 2.8653E+01 8.8157E-01 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 312.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.9884E-05 8.1546E-02 2.5126E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.8065E-04 1.0278E+00 3.1931E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 336.0000 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORANITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 85 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 336.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4046E-06 1.8797E-02 5.7367E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.9443E-05 2.3072E-01 7.0634E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 336.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.7782E-04 2.8421E+00 8.7206E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.1435E-03 3.1495E+01 9.6878E-01 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 336.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.9247E-05 8.0588E-02 2.4828E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.0990E-04 1.1084E+00 3.4414E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 360.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 360.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3364E-06 1.8490E-02 5.6427E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.0780E-05 2.4921E-01 7.6277E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 360.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.5973E-04 2.7932E+00 8.5700E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.8032E-03 3.4288E+01 1.0545E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 360.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.8467E-05 7.9202E-02 2.4398E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.3836E-04 1.1876E+00 3.6853E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 384.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 384.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2643E-06 1.8099E-02 5.5231E-04 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERIM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 86 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.2044E-05 2.6731E-01 8.1800E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 384.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.3910E-04 2.7320E+00 8.3817E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0442E-02 3.7020E+01 1.1383E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 384.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.7577E-05 7.7467E-02 2.3861E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.6594E-04 1.2651E+00 3.9239E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 408.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 408.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.1904E-06 1.7641E-02 5.3828E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.3234E-05 2.849513-01 8.7183E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 408.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.1660E-04 2.6610E+00 8.1631E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.105913-02 3.9681E+01 1.2199E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 408.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.660613-05 7.5453E-02 2.3238E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.9255E-04 1.3405E+00 4.1563E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 432.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 432.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.1161E-06 1.713013-02 5.2263E-04 Accumulateddose(rem) 3.4350E-05 3.0208E-01 9.2409E-03 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAAITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMT LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 87 of 192 Time (h) = 432.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.9277E-04 2.5822E+00 7.9210E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1652E-02 4.2263E+01 1.2991E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 432.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.5578E-05 7.3220E-02 2.2548E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.1812E-04 1.4137E+00 4.3818E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 456.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 456.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0427E-06 1.6577E-02 5.0574E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.5393E-05 3.1866E-01 9.7467E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 456.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.6810E-04 2.4976E+00 7.6608E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2220E-02 4.4761E+01 1.3757E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 456.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.4513E-05 7.0820E-02 2.1806E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.4264E-04 1.4846E+00 4.5999E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 480.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 480.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.7100E-07 1.5994E-02 4.8792E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.6364E-05 3.3466E-01 1.0235E-02 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 480.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.4296E-04 2.4086E+00 7.3874E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2763E-02 4.7170E+01 1.4496E+00 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 88 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 480.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.3428E-05 6.8297E-02 2.1027E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.6606E-04 1.5528E+00 4.8101E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 504.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 504.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.0172E-07 1.5391E-02 4.6947E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.7266E-05 3.5005E-01 1.0704E-02 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 504.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.1768E-04 2.3167E+00 7.1049E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3280E-02 4.9486E+01 1.5207E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 504.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.2337E-05 6.5690E-02 2.0223E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.8840E-04 1.6185E+00 5.0124E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 528.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 528.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.3531E-07 1.4774E-02 4.5062E-04 Accumulateddose(rem) 3.8101E-05 3.6482E-01 1.1155E-02 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 528.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.9250E-04 2.2229E+00 6.8169E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3773E-02 5.1709E+01 1.5888E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 528.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.1251E-05 6.3031E-02 1.9402E-03 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORANITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERAI LICENSE ANIENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 89 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.0965E-04 1.6816E+00 5.2064E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 552.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 552.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.7209E-07 1.4150E-02 4.3158E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.8873E-05 3.7897E-01 1.1586E-02 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 552.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.6764E-04 2.1283E+00 6.5264E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.4241E-02 5.3838E+01 1.6541E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 552.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.0178E-05 6.0349E-02 1.8575E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.2983E-04 1.7419E+00 5.3921E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 576.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 576.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.1226E-07 1.3526E-02 4.1250E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.9585E-05 3.9250E-01 l.1999E-02 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 576.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.4326E-04 2.0337E+00 6.2359E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.4684E-02 5.5871E+01 1.7165E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 576.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.9126E-05 5.7666E-02 1.7748E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.4896E-04 1.7996E+00 5.5696E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 600.0000 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 90 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 600.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.5592E-07 1.2905E-02 3.9355E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.0241E-05 4.0540E-01 1.2392E-02 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 600.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.1949E-04 1.9397E+00 5.9476E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5103E-02 5.7811E+01 1.7759E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 600.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.8101E-05 5.5002E-02 1.6926E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.6706E-04 1.8546E+00 5.7389E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 624.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 624.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.0309E-07 1.2292E-02 3.7482E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.0844E-05 4.1769E-01 1.2767E-02 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 624.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.9643E-04 1.8471E+00 5.6630E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5500E-02 5.9658E+01 1.8326E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 624.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.7105E-05 5.2374E-02 1.6116E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.8416E-04 1.9070E+00 5.9000E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 648.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 648.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.5373E-07 1.1689E-02 3.5643E-04 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORANITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMNI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 91 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.1398E-05 4.2938E-01 1.3124E-02 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 648.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.7414E-04 1.7561E+00 5.3838E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5874E-02 6.1414E+01 1.8864E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 648.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.6144E-05 4.9794E-02 1.5321E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.0031E-04 1.9568E+00 6.0533E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 672.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 672.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.0778E-07 1.1100E-02 3.3846E-04 Accumulateddose(rem) 4.1906E-05 4.4048E-01 1.3462E-02 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 672.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.5269E-04 1.6672E+00 5.111 IE-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6227E-02 6.3081E+01 1.9375E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 672.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5218E-05 4.7273E-02 1.4545E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.1553E-04 2.0040E+00 6.1987E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 696.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 696.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.6511E-07 1.0527E-02 3.2096E-04 Accumulateddose(rem) 4.2371E-05 4.5101E-01 1.3783E-02 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 92 of 192 Time (h) = 696.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.3211E-04 1.5807E+00 4.8457E-02 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.6559E-02 6.4662E+01 1.9860E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 696.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4330E-05 4.4821E-02 1.3789E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.2986E-04 2.0488E+00 6.3366E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 720.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 720.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.2560E-07 9.9705E-03 3.0398E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.2797E-05 4.6098E-01 1.4087E-02 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 720.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.1241E-04 1.4969E+00 4.5885E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6871E-02 6.6159E+01 2.0319E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 720.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3480E-05 4.2444E-02 1.3057E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.4334E-04 2.0913E+00 6.4672E-02 883 I-131 Summary Time (hr)0.000 0.033 0.250 0.333 0.533 0.800 DW I-131 (Curies)0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 WW RB I-131 (Curies)0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 I-131 (Curies)0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 5.9386E-01 2.8117E+00 8.0580E+00 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 93 of 192 1.050 1.300 1.550 1.800 2.033 2.033 2.350 2.440 2.700 2.950 3.200 3.450 3.700 3.950 4.300 4.600 4.900 5.200 5.500 5.800 6.100 6.400 6.700 7.000 7.300 7.600 7.900 8.000 8.300 8.600 8.900 9.200 9.500 9.800 10.100 10.400 24.000 96.000 720.000 Time (hr)0.000 0.033 0.000OE+00 0.000OE+00 0.000OE+00 0.000OE+00 0.000OE+00 0.0000E+00 0.000OE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.000OE+00 0.0000E+00 0.000OE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.00001E+00 0.0000OE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.000OE+00 0.000OE+00 0.000OE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0OOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.00O0E+00 0.0000E+00 0.000OE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.000OE+00 0.0000E+00 0.000OE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.000OE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.00O0E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.000OE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.00001E+00 0.00001E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.00O0E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.00O0E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 1.5940E+01 2.6684E+01 4.0282E+01 5.6727E+01 7.4634E+01 7.4637E+01 1.0082E+02 1.0826E+02 1.2970E+02 1.5028E+02 1.7082E+02 1.9133E+02 2.1180E+02 2.3222E+02 2.6076E+02 2.8516E+02 3.0950E+02 3.3379E+02 3.5803E+02 3.8221E+02 4.0634E+02 4.3041E+02 4.5443E+02 4.7840E+02 5.023 1E+02 5.2616E+02 5.4997E+02 5.5789E+02 5.8162E+02 6.0530E+02 6.2893E+02 6.5250E+02 6.76021E+02 6.9948E+02 7.2289E+02 7.4625E+02 1.7510E+03 5.5608E+03 4.1581E+03 I-131 (Curies)0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 SP I-131 (Curies)0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 CR Enviro I-131 (Curies)0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 94 of 192 0.250 0.333 0.533 0.800 1.050 1.300 1.550 1.800 2.033 2.033 2.350 2.440 2.700 2.950 3.200 3.450 3.700 3.950 4.300 4.600 4.900 5.200 5.500 5.800 6.100 6.400 6.700 7.000 7.300 7.600 7.900 8.000 8.300 8.600 8.900 9.200 9.500 9.800 10.100 10.400 24.000 96.000 720.000 4.2954E+06 5.9391E+06 9.9022E+06 1.8466E+07 2.6686E+07 3.4891E+07 4.3081E+07 5.1257E+07 5.8873E+07 5.8874E+07 5.9353E+07 5.9334E+07 5.9278E+07 5.9224E+07 5.9171E+07 5.9117E+07 5.9064E+07 5.901 OE+07 5.8936E+07 5.8872E+07 5.8808E+07 5.8744E+07 5.8680E+07 5.8616E+07 5.8553E+07 5.8489E+07 5.8426E+07 5.8362E+07 5.8299E+07 5.8236E+07 5.8172E+07 5.81511E+07 5.8088E+07 5.8025E+07 5.7962E+07 5.7899E+07 5.7836E+07 5.7774E+07 5.771 lE+07 5.7648E+07 5.4879E+07 4.2287E+07 4.4172E+06 0.OOOOE+00 4.2542E-1 I 6.2180E-10 3.0440E-09 8.1198E-09 1.705 lE-08 3.0885E-08 5.0603E-08 7.2918E-08 7.2919E-08 9.2403E-08 9.9050E-08 1.2086E-07 1.4530E-07 1.7293E-07 2.0357E-07 2.3701E-07 2.731 OE-07 3.2774E-07 3.7812E-07 4.3153E-07 4.8772E-07 5.4649E-07 6.0765E-07 6.7101 E-07 7.3641E-07 8.0368E-07 8.7269E-07 9.4329E-07 1.0154E-06 1.0888E-06 1.1 135E-06 1.1051E-06 1.1002E-06 1.0985E-06 1.0999E-06 1.1039E-06 1.1106E-06 1.1197E-06 1.1310E-06 2.5462E-06 6.6318E-06 4.4890E-06 0.0000E+00 4.9629E-06 7.3598E-05 3.6654E-04 9.9202E-04 2.1129E-03 3.881 lE-03 6.4483E-03 9.6981E-03 9.6986E-03 1.5609E-02 1.761lE-02 2.4192E-02 3.1638E-02 4.0178E-02 4.9809E-02 6.0529E-02 7.233713-02 9.0690E-02 1.0811E-01 1.2709E-01 1.4761E-01 1.6969E-01 1.9331E-01 2.1847E-01 2.4517E-01 2.7341E-01 3.0317E-01 3.3447E-01 3.6728E-01 4.0162E-01 4.1341E-01 4.4977E-01 4.8764E-01 5.2703E-01 5.6791E-01 6.1031E-01 6.5420E-01 6.9959E-01 7.4646E-0 I 4.3790E+00 6.3223E+01 9.5804E+02 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 95 of 192 Dummy Time (hr) I-131 (Curies)0.000 0.OOOOE+00 0.033 0.OOOOE+00 0.250 0.OOOOE+00 0.333 0.OOOOE+00 0.533 O.0000E+00 0.800 0.0000E+00 1.050 0.OOOOE+00 1.300 0.OOOOE+00 1.550 0.OOOOE+00 1.800 0.0000E+00 2.033 0.OOOOE+00 2.033 0.OOOOE+00 2.350 0.OOOOE+00 2.440 0.OOOOE+00 2.700 0.OOOOE+00 2.950 0.0000E+00 3.200 0.OOOOE+00 3.450 0.0000E+00 3.700 0.0000E+00 3.950 0.OOOOE+00 4.300 0.OOOOE+00 4.600 0.OOOOE+00 4.900 0.OOOOE+00 5.200 0.OOOOE+00 5.500 0.OOOOE+00 5.800 0.OOOOE+00 6.100 0.OOOOE+00 6.400 0.OOOOE+00 6.700 0.OOOOE+00 7.000 0.OOOOE+00 7.300 0.OOOOE+00 7.600 0.OOOOE+00 7.900 0.OOOOE+00 8.000 0.OOOOE+00 8.300 0.OOOOE+00 8.600 0.OOOOE+00 8.900 0.OOOOE+00 9.200 0.OOOOE+00 9.500 0.OOOOE+00 9.800 0.OOOOE+00 10.100 0.OOOOE+00 10.400 0.OOOOE+00 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 96 of 192 24.000 0.OOOOE+00 96.000 O.OOOOE+00 720.000 0.0000E+00 Cumulative Dose Summary CR EAB LPZ Time Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem)0.000 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.033 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.250 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.333 4.0840E-10 1.2989E-1 1 4.695 1E-07 1.6789E-08 1.2840E-07 4.59133E-09 0.533 1.7162E-08 5.4535E-10 6.9499E-06 2.4696E-07 1.9007E-06 6.7540E-08 0.800 1.5216E-07 4.8323E-09 3.4527E-05 1.2183E-06 9.4426E-06 3.3318E-07 1.050 5.6153E-07 1.7840E-08 9.3226E-05 3.2725E-06 2.5496E-05 8.9495E-07 1.300 1.5007E-06 4.7714E-08 1.9810E-04 6.9229E-06 5.4176E-05 1.8933E-06 1.550 3.3021E-06 1.0508E-07 3.6305E-04 1.2638E-05 9.9288E-05 3.4563E-06 1.800 6.3727E-06 2.0298E-07 6.0185E-04 2.0879E-05 1.6459E-04 5.7101E-06 2.033 1.0791E-05 3.4396E-07 9.0331E-04 3.1249E-05 2.4704E-04 8.5459E-06 2.033 1.0791E-05 3.4399E-07 9.0335E-04 3.1250E-05 2.4705E-04 8.5463E-06 2.350 1.8688E-05 5.9608E-07 1.4499E-03 4.9988E-05 3.9653E-04 1.3671E-05 2.440 2.1296E-05 6.7938E-07 1.6346E-03 5.6305E-05 4.4704E-04 1.5398E-05 2.700 2.9913E-05 9.5465E-07 2.2408E-03 7.6993E-05 6.1281E-04 2.1056E-05 2.950 3.9922E-05 1.2745E-06 2.9247E-03 1.0027E-04 7.9985E-04 2.7422E-05 3.200 5.1864E-05 1.6563E-06 3.7071E-03 1.2683E-04 1.0138E-03 3.4684E-05 3.450 6.5960E-05 2.1071E-06 4.5871E-03 1.5663E-04 1.2545E-03 4.2835E-05 3.700 8.2418E-05 2.6335E-06 5.5643E-03 1.8965E-04 1.5217E-03 5.1864E-05 3.950 1.0143E-04 3.2416E-06 6.6379E-03 2.2585E-04 1.8153E-03 6.1765E-05 4.300 1.3268E-04 4.2415E-06 8.3023E-03 2.8185E-04 2.2705E-03 7.7082E-05 4.600 1.6408E-04 5.2458E-06 9.8773E-03 3.3473E-04 2.7013E-03 9.1543E-05 4.900 1.9999E-04 6.3945E-06 1.1588E-02 3.9206E-04 3.1691E-03 1.0722E-04 5.200 2.4065E-04 7.6951E-06 1.3434E-02 4.5379E-04 3.6738E-03 1.24IOE-04 5.500 2.8628E-04 9.1542E-06 1.5413E-02 5.1989E-04 4.2151E-03 1.4218E-04 5.800 3.3706E-04 1.0778E-05 1.7525E-02 5.9031E-04 4.7927E-03 1.6144E-04 6.100 3.93188E-04 1.2572E-05 1.9769E-02 6.6502E-04 5.4064E-03 1.8187E-04 6.400 4.5479E-04 1.4541E-05 2.2144E-02 7.4398E-04 6.0559E-03 2.0346E-04 6.700 5.2203E-04 1.6689E-05 2.4649E-02 8.2715E-04 6.7410E-03 2.2621E-04 7.000 5.9504E-04 1.9022E-05 2.7283E-02 9.1450E-04 7.46133E-03 2.5010E-04 7.300 6.7394E-04 2.15411E-05 3.0045E-02 1.0060E-03 8.2168E-03 2.75122E-04 7.600 7.5883E-04 2.4252E-05 3.2935E-02 1.10166E-03 9.0071E-03 3.0126E-04 7.900 8.4980E-04 2.7155E-05 3.59511E-02 1.20133E-03 9.83199E-03 3.2852E-04 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMZI LICENSE AMIENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 97 of 192 8.000 8.8149E-04 2.8167E-05 3.6985E-02 1.2354E-03 8.300 9.7709E-04 3.1217E-05 4.0168E-02 1.3404E-03 8.600 1.0719E-03 3.4240E-05 4.3477E-02 1.4495E-03 8.900 1.1662E-03 3.7245E-05 4.6909E-02 1.5625E-03 9.200 1.2603E-03 4.0242E-05 5.0464E-02 1.6795E-03 9.500 1.3544E-03 4.3238E-05 5.4142E-02 1.8004E-03 9.800 1.4487E-03 4.6241E-05 5.7941E-02 1.9251E-03 1.01 15E-02 3.3785E-04 1.0448E-02 3.4949E-04 1.0795E-02 3.6156E-04 1.1 155E-02 3.7406E-04 1.1528E-02 3.8699E-04 1.1913E-02 4.0034E-04 1.2312E-02 4.1411E-04 10.100 1.5435E-03 4.9258E-05 6.1860E-02 2.0537E-03 1.2723E-02 4.2831E-04 10.400 1.6390E-03 5.2294E-05 6.5900E-02 2.1861E-03 1.3146E-02 4.4291E-04 24.000 8.1226E-03 2.5704E-04 3.6586E-01 1.1855E-02 4.4596E-02 1.4978E-03 96.000 5.4238E-02 1.6747E-03 4.6334E+00 1.44122E-01 3.4672E-01 1.0931E-02 720.000 4.6098E-01 1.4087E-02 6.6159E+01 2.0319E+00 2.0913E+00 6.4672E-02 Worst Twvo-Hour Doses####X##########X########X###X#######
EAB Time Whole Body Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem)96.0 4.6323E-05 1.9720E-01 6.0504E-03 Attachment 2 -RADTRAD Sensitivity Run for CST, Unfiltered Inleakage to Control Room RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 3/01/2006 at 14:01:23 File information
Plant file = esfcstu.psf Inventory file = F:\radtrad303\columbia 2006\columbiaesf.NIF Release file = F:\radtrad303\columbia 2006\columbia.RFT Dose Conversion file = F:\radtrad303\columbia 2006\fgrl 1 &12.inp# ###### ##### # # # ####X # # #####X 4# ## # # # # #
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 98 of 192# # # # # ## ## # # ####### #I### #### # ## ####### # #### # # ### # # # #t# #t # # #~ ## I# I#It# #Radtrad 3.03 4/15/2001 Columbia AST -ESF Release -Unfiltered Nuclide Inventory File: F:\radtrad3O3\columbia 2006\columbiaesf.NIF Plant Power Level: 3.5560E+03 Compartments:
7 Compartment 1: DW 3 2.0050E+05 1 0 0 0 0 Compartment 2: WW 3 1.4420E+05 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 3: RB 3 1.8048E+04 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 4: SP RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERME LICENSE AIMENDAIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 99 of 192 3 1 .3730E+05 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 5: CR 1 2. 1400E-I05 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 6: Enviro 2 0. 000OE+00 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 7: Dummy 3 1.0000E+06 0 0 0 0 0 Pathwvays:
12 Pathway 1: DW to VWW 1 2 2 Pathway 2: WW to DW 2 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 100 of 192 1 2 Pathway 3: Failed SL to Dummy 1 7 2 Pathway 4: Intact SLs to Dummy 1 7 2 Pathway 5: DW to RB 1 3 2 Pathway 6: WW to RB 2 3 2 Pathway 7: Bypass DW to Dummy 1 7 2 Pathway 8: Bypass WW to Dummy 2 7 2 Pathway 9: SP to RB 4 3 2 Pathway 10: RB SGTS to Enviro 3 6 2 Pathway 1 1: Enviro to CR (unfiltered)
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 101 of 192 6 5 Pathway 12: CR to Enviro 5 6 2 End of Plant Model File Scenario Description Name: Plant Model Filename: Source Term: 2 1 0.0000E+00 4 1.OOOOE+00 F:\radtrad303\columbia 2006\fgrl 1&12.inp F:\radtrad303\columbia 2006\columbia.RFT 0.0000E+00 1 9.5000E-01 4.8500E-02 1.5000E-03 1.0000E+00 Overlying Pool: 0 0.OOOOE+00 0 0 0 0 Compartments:
7 Compartment 0 1 1 0.0000E+00 5 0.00O0E+00 2.5000E-01 2.4400E+00 2.4000E+01 7.2000E+02 1 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 6.2000E+00 6.2000E-01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 102 of 192 5 0.OOOOE+00 2.5000E-01 2.4400E+00 2.4000E+01 7.2000E+02 1 0.0000E+00 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment:
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment:
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment, 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment:
0.0000E+00 6.2000E+00 6.2000E-01 0.0000E+00 O.OOOOE+00 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAAITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE ANIENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 103 of 192 0*1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 6: 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Compartment 7: 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathways: 12 Pathway 1: 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 2.0333E+00 1.4420E3+05 0.OOOOE3+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE3+00 7.2000E3+02 1 .4420E+/-+05 0.0130 .OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 000Ei0 0 0 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 104 of 192 0 0 0 0 Pathway 2: 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.0333E+00 1.4420E+05 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 7.2000E+02 1.4420E+05 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 O.0000E+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 3: 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0.OOOOE+00 1.3800E-01 O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.4000E+01 6.9200E-02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 6.9200E-02 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 4: 0 0 0 0 0 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 105 of 192 1 3 0.0OOOE+00 2.4000E+01 7.2000E+02 0 0 0 0 4.1500E-01 8.9700E+01 4.2800E+01 1.0000E-01 2.0800E-01 8.9700E+01 4.2800E+01 1.OOOOE-01 2.0800E-01 8.9700E+01 4.2800E+01 1.OOOOE-01 0 0 Pathway 5: 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 3.3300E-01 6.9600E-01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.4000E+01 3.4800E-01 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 3.4800E-01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 6: 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+0O 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 3.3300E-01 5.OOOOE-01 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.4000E+01 2.5000E-01 O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 2.5000E-01 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0 0 0 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 106 of 192 0 0 0 Pathway 7: 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0.0000E+00 3.3300E-01 2.4000E+01 7.2000E+02 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 8: 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0.OOOOE+00 3.3300E-01 2.4000E+01 7.2000E+02 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 9: 0 0 0 0 7.5200E-01 5.6000E-02 2.8000E-02 2.8000E-02 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 5.4100E-01 4.0000E-02 2.0000E-02 2.0000E-02 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 107 of 192 0 1 3 0.00001E+00 2.5000E-01 7.2000E+02 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pathway 10: 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0.000OE+00 3.3300E-01 7.2000E+02 0 0 0 0 0.000OE+00 6.4000E-02 6.4000E-02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 1.0000E+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 1.0000E+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 6.4000E-02 6.4000E-02 6.4000E-02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.00O0E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.000OE+00 0 0 Pathway 11: 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0.OOOOE+00 5.0000E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 7.2000E+02 5.0000E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 0 0 0 0 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 108 of 192 0 Pathway 12: 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0.0000E+00 8.5000E+02 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02 7.2000E+02 8.5000E+02 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dose Locations:
3 Location 1: CR 5 0 1 2 O.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 1 4 O.OOOOE+00 2.4000E+01 9.6000E+01 7.2000E+02 Location 2: EAB 6 1 2 0.0000E+00 7.2000E+02 1 4 0.OOOOE+00 8.0000E+00 3.5000E-04 3.5000E-04 1.0000E+00 6.0000E-01 4.0000E-01 4.0000E-01 1.8100E-04 1.8100E-04 3.5000E-04 3.5000E-04 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAAITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERAI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 109 of 192 2.4000E+01 3.5000E-04 7.2000E+02 3.5000E-04 0 Location 3: LPZ 6 1 5 0.OOOOE+00 4.9500E-05 8.OOOOE+00 3.6900E-05 2.4000E+01 1.9500E-05 9.6000E+01 7.8100E-06 7.2000E+02 7.8100E-06 1 4 0.OOOOE+00 3.5000E-04 8.0000E+00 1.80OOE-04 2.4000E+01 2.3000E-04 7.2000E+02 2.3000E-04 0 Effective Volume Location: I 6 0.OOOOE+00 4.57E-04 2.OOOOE+00 2.3 1E-04 8.OOOOE+00 1.05E-04 2.4000E+01 7.40E-05 9.6000E+01 6.44E-05 7.2000E+02 6.44E-05 Simulation Parameters:
6 0.OOOOE+00 5.OOOOE-02 4.OOOOE+00 5.OOOOE-01 8.OOOOE+00 1.0000E+00 2.4000E+01 2.OOOOE+00 4.8000E+01 2.4000E+01 7.2000E+02 0.OOOOE+00 Output Filename: C:\Programr Files\radtrad303\ENW\Columbia AST_5u.oO 1 1 1 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 110 of 192 End of Scenario File RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORANITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMIENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 111 of 192 RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 3/01/2006 at 14:01:23 Plant Description Number of Nuclides=
60 Inventory Power = 1.0000E+00 MWth Plant Power Level = 3.5560E+03 MWth Number of compartments
=7 Compartment information Compartment number I Name: DW Compartment volume = 2.0050E+05 (Cubic feet)Compartment type is Normal Removal devices within compartment:
Spray(s)Pathways into and out of compartment I Inlet Pathway Number Exit Pathway Number Exit Pathway Number Exit Pathway Number Exit Pathway Number Exit Pathway Number Compartment number 2 Name: WW Compartment volume =2: WW to DW 1: DW to WW 3: Failed SL to Dummy 4: Intact SLs to Dummy 5: DW to RB 7: Bypass DW to Dummy 1.4420E+05 (Cubic feet)Compartment type is Normal Pathways into and out of compartment 2 Inlet Pathway Number 1: DW to WW Exit Pathway Number 2: WW to DW Exit Pathway Number 6: WW to RB Exit Pathway Number 8: Bypass WW to Dummy Compartment number 3 Name: RB RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERME LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 112 of 192 Compartment volume = 1.8048E+04 (Cubic feet)Compartment type is Normal Pathways into and out of compartment 3 Inlet Pathway Number 5: DW to RB Inlet Pathway Number 6: WW to RB Inlet Pathway Number 9: SP to RB Exit Pathway Number 10: RB SGTS to Enviro Compartment number 4 (Source term fraction = 1 .OOOOE+00)Name: SP Compartment volume = 1.3730E+05 (Cubic feet)Compartment type is Normal Pathways into and out of compartment 4 Exit Pathway Number 9: SP to RB Compartment number 5 Name: CR Compartment volume = 2.1400E+05 (Cubic feet)Compartment type is Control Room Pathways into and out of compartment 5 Inlet Pathway Number 11: Enviro to CR (unfiltered)
Exit Pathway Number 12: CR to Enviro Compartment number 6 Name: Enviro Compartment type is Environment Pathways into and out of compartment 6 Inlet Pathway Number 10: RB SGTS to Enviro Inlet Pathway Number 12: CR to Enviro Exit Pathway Number 11: Enviro to CR (unfiltered)
Compartment number 7 Name: Dummy Compartment volume = I.OOOOE+06 (Cubic feet)Compartment type is Normal Pathways into and out of compartment 7 Inlet Pathway Number 3: Failed SL to Dummy Inlet Pathway Number 4: Intact SLs to Dummy Inlet Pathway Number 7: Bypass DW to Dummy Inlet Pathway Number 8: Bypass WVW to Dummy Total number of pathways = 12 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 113 of 192 RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 3/01/2006 at 14:01:23 Scenario Description Radioactive Decay is enabled Calculation of Daughters is enabled Release Fractions and Timings GAP EARLY IN-VESSEL LATE RELEASE 0.033330 hr 0.5000 hrs 1.5000 hrs (gm)NOBLES 0.OOOOE+00 5.OOOOE-02 9.5000E-01 IODINE 0.OOOOE+00 5.OOOOE-02 2.5000E-01 4 CESIUM 0.OOOOE+00 5.OOOOE-02 2.OOOOE-01 TELLURIUM 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 5.OOOOE-02 STRONTIUM 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.0000E-02 BARIUM 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.OOOOE-02 RUTHENIUM 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.5000E-03 CERIUM 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 5.OOOOE-04 RELEASE MASS 0.OOOE+00 6.261E+02 0.OOOE+00 0.00OE+00 0.OOOE+00 0.00OE+00 0.00OE+00 0.OOOE+00 1 O.OOOE+00 LANTHANUM 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.0000E-0' Inventory Power =3556. MWt Nuclide Group Specific half Whole Body Inhaled Inhaled Name Inventory life DCF Thyroid Effective (Ci/MWt) (s) (Sv-m3/Bq-s) (Sv/Bq) (Sv/Bq)1-131 2 5.580E+04 6.947E+05 1.820E-14 2.920E-07 8.890E-09 1-132 2 7.880E+04 8.280E+03 1.120E-13 1.740E-09 1.030E-10 1-133 2 1.088E+05 7.488E+04 2.940E-14 4.860E-08 1.580E-09 1-134 2 1.206E+05 3.156E+03 1.300E-13 2.880E-10 3.550E-11 1-135 2 1.006E+05 2.380E+04 8.294E-14 8.460E-09 3.320E-10 Nuclide 1-131 I-133 I-135 Daughter Xe-131m Xe-133m Xe-135m Fraction Daughter Fraction Daughter Fraction 0.01 none 0.00 none 0.00 0.03 Xe-133 0.97 none 0.00 0.15 Xe-135 0.85 none 0.00 Iodine fractions Aerosol = 9.5000E-01 Elemental
= 4.8500E-02 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 114 of 192 Organic = 1.5000E-03 COMPARTMENT DATA Compartment number 1: DW Sprays: Aerosal Removal Data Time (hr) Removal Coef. (hrl-1)O.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 2.5000E-01 6.2000E+00 2.4400E+00 6.2000E-01 2.4000E+01 O.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 0.0000E+00 Sprays: Elemental Removal Data Time (hr) Removal Coef. (hr'-1)0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 2.5000E-01 6.2000E+00 2.4400E+00 6.2000E-01 2.4000E+01 O.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 0.0000E+00 Compartment number 2: WW Compartment number 3: RB Compartment number 4: SP Compartment number 5: CR Compartment number 6: Enviro Compartment number 7: Dummy PATHWAY DATA Pathway number 1: DW to WW Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies
(%)(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 2.0333E+00 1.4420E+05 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AINIENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 115 of 192 7.2000E+02 1.4420E+05 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 2: WW to DW Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies
(%)(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 2.0333E+00 1.4420E+05 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 1.4420E+05 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 3: Failed SL to Dummy Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies
(%)(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Orgganic O.OOOOE+00 1.3800E-01 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 2.4000E+01 6.9200E-02 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 6.9200E-02 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 4: Intact SLs to Dummy Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies
(%)(cfhi) Aerosol Elemental Organic O.OOOOE+00 4.1500E-01 8.9700E+01 4.2800E+01 1.0000E-01 2.4000E+01 2.0800E-01 8.9700E+01 4.2800E+01 1.0000E-01 7.2000E+02 2.0800E-01 8.9700E+01 4.2800E+01 1.0000E-01 Pathway number 5: DW to RB Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies
(%)(cefin) Aerosol Elemental Organic O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 O.OOOOE+00 3.3300E-01 6.9600E-01 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 2.4000E+01 3.4800E-01 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 3.4800E-01 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 6: WW to RB RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 116 of 192 Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies
(%)(cfmi) Aerosol Elemental Organic 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 3.3300E-01 5.OO0OE-0l 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.4000E+01 2.5000E-01 O.O00OE+00 0.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 2.5000E-01 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 Pathway number 7: Bypass DW to Dummy Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies
(%)(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 0.00OOE+00 7.5200E-01 O.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 3.3300E-01 5.6000E-02 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 2.4000E+01 2.8000E-02 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 7.2000E+02 2.8000E-02 0.00OOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 O.O00OE+OO 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 Pathway number 8: Bypass WW to Dummy Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies
(%)(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 0.0000E+00 5.4100E-01 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 3.3300E-01 4.0000E-02 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.4000E+01 2.OOOOE-02 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 7.2000E+02 2.OOOOE-02 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Pathway number 9: SP to RB Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies
(%)(cfrn) Aerosol Elemental Organic 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 2.5000E-01 6.4000E-02
.00003E+02 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 7.2000E+02 6.4000E-02 1.OOOOE+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 10: RB SGTS to Enviro RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 117 of 192 Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies
(%)(cfrn) Aerosol Elemental Organic 0.0000E+00 6.4000E-02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 3.3300E-01 6.4000E-02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 6.4000E-02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.000OE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Pathway number 11: Enviro to CR (unfiltered)
Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies
(%)(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 0.OOOOE+00 5.OOOOE+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 5.OOOOE+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 12: CR to Enviro Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Fill (cfm) Aerosol E O.OOOOE+00 8.5000E+02 1.00 7.2000E+02 8.5000E+02 1.00 LOCATION DATA Location CR is in compartment Ier Efficiencies
(%)lemental Organic 000E+02 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02 000E+02 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02 5 Location X/Q Data Time (hr) X/Q (s
* m^-3)0.0000E+00 4.5700E-04 2.0000E+00 2.3100E-04 8.0000E+00 1.0500E-04 2.4000E+01 7.4000E-05 9.6000E+01 6.4400E-05 7.2000E+02 6.4400E-05 Location Breathing Rate Data Time (hr) Breathing Rate (m^3
* secA^l)0.0000E+00 3.5000E-04 7.2000E+02 3.5000E-04 Location Occupancy Factor Data RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERAM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 118 of 192 Time (hr) Occupancy Factor 0.OOOOE+00 1.0000E+00 2.4000E+01 6.OOOOE-01 9.6000E+01 4.OOOOE-01 7.2000E+02 4.OOOOE-01 Location EAB is in compartment 6 Location X/Q Data Time (hr) X/Q (s
* m^-3)0.0000E+00 1.81OOE-04 7.2000E+02 1.8100E-04 Location Breathing Rate Data Time (hr) Breathing Rate (m^3
* sec^-1)0.0000E+00 3.5000E-04 8.OOOOE+00 3.5000E-04 2.4000E+01 3.5000E-04 7.2000E+02 3.5000E-04 Location LPZ is in compartment 6 Location X/Q Data Time (hr) X/Q (s
* m^-3)O.OOOOE+00 4.9500E-05 8.0000E+00 3.6900E-05 2.4000E+01 1.9500E-05 9.6000E+01 7.8100E-06 7.2000E+02 7.81 OOE-06 Location Breathing Rate Data Time (hr) Breathing Rate (m^3
* sec^-1)0.OOOOE+00 3.5000E-04 8.00O0E+00 1.8000E-04 2.4000E+01 2.3000E-04 7.2000E+02 2.30OOE-04 USER SPECIFIED TIME STEP DATA -SUPPLEMENTAL TIME STEPS Time Time step 0.OOOOE+00 5.OOOOE-02 4.OOOOE+00 5.OOOOE-01 8.OOOOE+00 1.0000E+00 2.4000E+01 2.OOOOE+00 4.8000E+01 2.4000E+01 7.2000E+02 0.OOOOE+00 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDIMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 119 of 192#####################################*#4############################
RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 3/01/2006 at 14:01:23 4 # # # # #4 4 ## # # # # #### # # ## # # 4 4 # # 4 ## ## # # # # # #Dose Output 4##4#4#################44####44##4##4#####4######4#4##4#4#######444#####
Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.0333 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.0333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.0333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000OE+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.0333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.0500 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 120 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.1000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h)= 0.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.1500 CR Doses: Time (h)= 0.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORANITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 121 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h)= 0.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.2000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.2500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 122 of 192 Time (h) = 0.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.3000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.3197E-14 1.4350E-10 4.5578E-12 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.3197E-14 1.4350E-10 4.5578E-12 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.9750E-10 1.6280E-07 5.8307E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.97501E-10 1.6280E-07 5.8307E-09 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.9075E-10 4.4523E-08 1.5946E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.9075E-10 4.4523E-08 1.5946E-09 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.3330 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.3330 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.3319E-14 3.6701E-10 1.1652E-11 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1652E-13 5.1051E-10 1.6210E-11 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.3330 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2899E-09 3.0671E-07 1.0958E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.9874E-09 4.6951E-07 1.6789E-08 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 123 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.3330 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.5277E-10 8.3878E-08 2.9968E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.4352E-10 1.2840E-07 4.5913E-09 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.3500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.8105E-14 3.4826E-10 1.1054E-11 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.9462E-13 8.5877E-10 2.7264E-11 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.4614E-10 2.2764E-07 8.1204E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.9336E-09 6.9714E-07 2.4909E-08 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.5875E-10 6.2254E-08 2.2208E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.0227E-10 1.9066E-07 6.8121E-09 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.4000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.6258E-13 2.0743E-09 6.5830E-1 1 Accumulateddose(rem) 6.5720E-13 2.9330E-09 9.3094E-l1 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.0311 E-09 9.7516E-07 3.4762E-08 Accumulateddose(rem) 6.9647E-09 1.6723E-06 5.9671E-08 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.1024E-09 2.6669E-07 9.5067E-09 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 124 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.9047E-09 4.5734E-07 1.6319E-08 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.4500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.2277E-13 4.2119E-09 1.3362E-10 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5800E-12 7.1450E-09 2.2671E-10 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.0317E-09 1.4847E-06 5.2808E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2996E-08 3.1570E-06 1.1248E-07 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.6495E-09 4.0604E-07 1.4442E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.5542E-09 8.6338E-07 3.0761E-08 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.5000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5671E-12 7.2791E-09 2.3084E-10 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.1471E-12 1.4424E-08 4.5755E-10 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.2392E-09 2.0629E-06 7.3216E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.1236E-08 5.2200E-06 1.8569E-07 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.2533E-09 5.6417E-07 2.0023E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.8075E-09 1.4276E-06 5.0784E-08 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.5333 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORANITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMNI LICENSE AMIENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 125 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.5333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4871E-12 7.0282E-09 2.2280E-10 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.6342E-12 2.1452E-08 6.8035E-10 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.5333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.7932E-09 1.7299E-06 6.1268E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.8029E-08 6.9499E-06 2.4696E-07 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.5333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.8578E-09 4.73101E-07 1.6756E-08 Accumulateddose(rem) 7.6653E-09 1.9007E-06 6.7540E-08 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.5500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.9731E-13 4.2898E-09 1.3596E-10 Accumulateddose(rem) 5.5315E-12 2.5742E-08 8.1631E-10 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.8026E-09 9.7922E-07 3.4633E-08 Accumulateddose(rem) 3.1831E-08 7.9291E-06 2.8160E-07 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0399E-09 2.6780E-07 9.4714E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7053E-09 2.1685E-06 7.701 1E-08 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.6000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.4636E-12 1.6643E-08 5.2741E-10 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 126 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.9951E-12 4.2385E-08 1.3437E-09 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3270E-08 3.4325E-06 1.2133E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.5102E-08 1.1362E-05 4.0293E-07 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.6292E-09 9.3873E-07 3.3182E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2334E-08 3.1072E-06 1.1019E-07 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.6500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.751 lE-12 2.3200E-08 7.3494E-10 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.3746E-11 6.5584E-08 2.0787E-09 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.6248E-08 4.2621E-06 1.5039E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.1350E-08 1.5624E-05 5.5332E-07 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.4436E-09 1.1656E-06 4.1130E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6778E-08 4.2728E-06 1.5132E-07 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.7000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.2998E-12 3.1233E-08 9.8911E-10 Accumulateddose(rem) 2.0046E-11 9.6817E-08 3.0678E-09 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERNI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 127 of 192 Time (h) = 0.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.9600E-08 5.2058E-06 1.8341E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.0950E-08 2.0829E-05 7.3673E-07 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.3601E-09 1.4237E-06 5.0159E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.2138E-08 5.6965E-06 2.0148E-07 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.7500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.1372E-12 4.0924E-08 1.2956E-09 Accumulateddose(rem) 2.8183E-11 1.3774E-07 4.3634E-09 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.3311E-08 6.2634E-06 2.2036E-07 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.0426E-07 2.7093E-05 9.5709E-07 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.3751E-09 1.7129E-06 6.0263E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.8513E-08 7.4094E-06 2.6175E-07 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.8000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0289E-11 5.2454E-08 1.6601E-09 Accumulateddose(rem) 3.8473E-11 1.9020E-07 6.0235E-09 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.7370E-08 7.4346E-06 2.6121E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3163E-07 3.4527E-05 1.2183E-06 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 128 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.4852E-09 2.0332E-06 7.1436E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.5999E-08 9.4426E-06 3.3318E-07 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.8500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2780E-11 6.5997E-08 2.0881E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.1253E-11 2.5619E-07 8.1116E-09 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.1766E-08 8.7191E-06 3.0595E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6340E-07 4.3246E-05 1.5242E-06 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.6873E-09 2.3845E-06 8.3671E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.4686E-08 1.1827E-05 4.1685E-07 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.9000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5633E-11 8.1728E-08 2.5851E-09 Accumulateddose(rem) 6.6886E-11 3.3792E-07 1.0697E-08 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.6487E-08 1.0117E-05 3.5455E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.9988E-07 5.3363E-05 1.8788E-06 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.9785E-09 2.7667E-06 9.6964E-08 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAUvITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 129 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.4664E-08 1.4594E-05 5.1382E-07 Detailed model information at time (H) = 0.9500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 0.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.8869E-11 9.9817E-08 3.1564E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.5756E-11 4.3774E-07 1.3853E-08 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 0.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.1525E-08 1.1627E-05 4.0700E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.4141E-07 6.4990E-05 2.2858E-06 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 0.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.1356E-08 3.1798E-06 1.1131E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.6021E-08 1.7774E-05 6.2512E-07 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.2509E-1 1 1.2043E-07 3.8073E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0827E-10 5.5817E-07 1.7661E-08 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.6872E-08 1.3250E-05 4.6328E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.8828E-07 7.8241E-05 2.7491E-06 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2818E-08 3.6237E-06 1.2670E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.8839E-08 2.1397E-05 7.5182E-07 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.0500 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 130 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.6573E-11 1.4374E-07 4.5431E-09 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.3484E-10 7.0191E-07 2.2204E-08 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.2518E-08 1.4986E-05 5.2337E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.4080E-07 9.3226E-05 3.2725E-06 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4363E-08 4.0983E-06 1.4313E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.3202E-08 2.5496E-05 8.9495E-07 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.1000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.1077E-11 1.6991E-07 5.3687E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6592E-10 8.7182E-07 2.7572E-08 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.8457E-08 1.6833E-05 5.8725E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.9926E-07 1.1006E-04 3.8597E-06 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5987E-08 4.6035E-06 1.6060E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0919E-07 3.0099E-05 1.0556E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.1500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.6041E-11 1.9909E-07 6.2893E-09 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 131 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.0196E-10 1.0709E-06 3.3862E-08 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.4683E-08 1.8792E-05 6.5491E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.6394E-07 1.2885E-04 4.5146E-06 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.7690E-08 5.1393E-06 1.791 lE-07 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.2688E-07 3.5238E-05 1.2347E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.2000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.1481E-11 2.3145E-07 7.3097E-09 Accumulateddose(rem) 2.4344E-10 1.3024E-06 4.1171E-08 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.1190E-08 2.0863E-05 7.2633E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.3513E-07 1.4971E-04 5.2410E-06 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.9469E-08 5.7056E-06 1.9864E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.4635E-07 4.0944E-05 1.4333E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.2500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.7413E-1 1 2.6715E-07 8.4349E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.9085E-10 1.5695E-06 4.9606E-08 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 132 of 192 Time (h) = 1.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.7972E-08 2.3045E-05 8.0150E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.1310E-07 1.7276E-04 6.0425E-06 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.1324E-08 6.3023E-06 2.1920E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6767E-07 4.7246E-05 1.6525E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.3000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.3853E-11 3.0632E-07 9.6697E-09 Accumulateddose(rem) 3.4470E-10 1.8758E-06 5.9276E-08 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.5025E-08 2.5338E-05 8.8041E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.9813E-07 1.9810E-04 6.9229E-06 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.3253E-08 6.9294E-06 2.4077E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.9092E-07 5.4176E-05 1.8933E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.3500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.0815E-11 3.4914E-07 1.1019E-08 Accumulateddose(rem) 4.0552E-10 2.2250E-06 7.0294E-08 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.2344E-08 2.7742E-05 9.6303E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.9047E-07 2.2584E-04 7.8859E-06 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORANITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 133 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.5254E-08 7.5868E-06 2.6337E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.1618E-07 6.1762E-05 2.1566E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.4000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.8315E-11 3.9574E-07 1.2487E-08 Accumulateddose(rem) 4.7383E-10 2.6207E-06 8.2781E-08 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.9925E-08 3.0256E-05 1.0494E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.9040E-07 2.5609E-04 8.9353E-06 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.7328E-08 8.2745E-06 2.8698E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.4351E-07 7.0037E-05 2.4436E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.4500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.6366E-1 1 4.4627E-07 1.4078E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.5020E-10 3.0670E-06 9.6859E-08 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0777E-07 3.2881E-05 1.1394E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.9816E-07 2.8898E-04 1.0075E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.9472E-08 8.9923E-06 3.1160E-07 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 134 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.7298E-07 7.9029E-05 2.7552E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.5000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.4982E-1 1 5.0088E-07 1.5797E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.3518E-10 3.5679E-06 1.1266E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.1586E-07 3.5616E-05 1.2331E-06 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.1140E-06 3.2459E-04 1.1308E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.1686E-08 9.7402E-06 3.3723E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.0466E-07 8.8769E-05 3.0925E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.5500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.4177E-11 5.5971E-07 1.7649E-08 Accumulateddose(rem) 7.2936E-10 4.1276E-06 1.3031E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2421E-07 3.8460E-05 1.3305E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2382E-06 3.6305E-04 1.26388E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.3970E-08 1.0518E-05 3.6386E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.3863E-07 9.9288E-05 3.4563E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) =1.6000 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMIENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 135 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0396E-10 6.2290E-07 1.9638E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.3332E-10 4.7505E-06 1.4994E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3282E-07 4.1414E-05 1.4315E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3711E-06 4.0447E-04 1.4070E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.6322E-08 1.1326E-05 3.9150E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.7496E-07 1.1061E-04 3.8478E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.6500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.1436E-10 6.9058E-07 2.1767E-08 Accumulateddose(rem) 9.4768E-10 5.4411E-06 1.7171E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4167E-07 4.4478E-05 1.5362E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5127E-06 4.4894E-04 1.5606E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.8743E-08 1.2164E-05 4.2013E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.1370E-07 1.2278E-04 4.2680E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.7000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2537E-10 7.6290E-07 2.4042E-08 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 136 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0730E-09 6.2040E-06 1.9575E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5076E-07 4.7651E-05 1.6446E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6635E-06 4.9659E-04 1.7251E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.1231E-08 1.3032E-05 4.4976E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.5493E-07 1.3581E-04 4.7177E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.7500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3701E-10 8.3999E-07 2.6466E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2100E-09 7.0439E-06 2.2222E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.6011E-07 5.0932E-05 1.7566E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.8236E-06 5.4753E-04 1.9007E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.3787E-08 1.3929E-05 4.8039E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.9872E-07 1.4974E-04 5.1981E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.8000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4929E-10 9.2197E-07 2.9044E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3593E-09 7.9659E-06 2.5126E-07 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 137 of 192 Time (h) = 1.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.6970E-07 5.4323E-05 1.8722E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.9933E-06 6.0185E-04 2.0879E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.6409E-08 1.4856E-05 5.1200E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.4513E-07 1.6459E-04 5.7101E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.8500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.6222E-10 1.0090E-06 3.1779E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5216E-09 8.9749E-06 2.8304E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.7953E-07 5.78211E-05 1.9914E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.1728E-06 6.5967E-04 2.28711E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.9098E-08 1.5813E-05 5.4461E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.9422E-07 1.8041E-04 6.2547E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.9000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.7583E-10 1.1012E-06 3.4676E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6974E-09 1.0076E-05 3.1772E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.8961E-07 6.1428E-05 2.1142E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.3624E-06 7.2110E-04 2.4985E-05 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 138 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.1854E-08 1.6799E-05 5.7820E-07 Accumulateddose(rem) 6.4608E-07 1.97211E-04 6.8329E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 1.9500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 1.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.9011E-10 1.1986E-06 3.7738E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.8875E-09 1.1275E-05 3.5546E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 1.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.9993E-07 6.5143E-05 2.2406E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.5624E-06 7.8624E-04 2.7226E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 1.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.4676E-08 1.7815E-05 6.1277E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.0075E-07 2.1502E-04 7.4457E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.0508E-10 1.3015E-06 4.0969E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.0926E-09 1.2576E-05 3.9643E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.1049E-07 6.8966E-05 2.3706E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.7728E-06 8.5521E-04 2.9596E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.7564E-08 1.8861E-05 6.4833E-07 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAIMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 139 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.5832E-07 2.3388E-04 8.0940E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.0333 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.0333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4264E-10 9.1229E-07 2.8714E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.2352E-09 1.3488E-05 4.2514E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.0333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4589E-07 4.8099E-05 1.6522E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.9187E-06 9.0331E-04 3.1249E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.0333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.9899E-08 1.3154E-05 4.5186E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.9822E-07 2.4704E-04 8.5459E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.0333 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.0333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2914E-13 8.3113E-10 2.6156E-1 1 Accumulateddose(rem) 2.2354E-09 1.3489E-05 4.2517E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.0333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3313E-10 4.4117E-08 1.5147E-09 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.9189E-06 9.0335E-04 3.1250E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.0333 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.6408E-11 1.2065E-08 4.1423E-10 Accumulateddose(rem) 7.9825E-07 2.4705E-04 8.5463E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) =2.0500 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 140 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.2218E-11 4.6460E-07 1.4621E-08 Accumulateddose(rem) 2.3076E-09 1.3954E-05 4.3979E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.4721E-08 2.4741E-05 8.4948E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.9936E-06 9.2809E-04 3.2100E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.0435E-08 6.7661E-06 2.3232E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.1869E-07 2.5382E-04 8.7786E-06 Detailed model information at time (H)= 2.1000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.2147E-10 1.4274E-06 4.4918E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.5290E-09 1.5381E-05 4.8470E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.3227E-07 7.6915E-05 2.6407E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.2259E-06 1.0050E-03 3.4740E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.3521E-08 2.1035E-05 7.2219E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.8221E-07 2.7485E-04 9.5008E-06 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.1500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.2780E-10 1.4796E-06 4.6554E-08 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORANITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 141 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.7568E-09 1.68611E-05 5.3126E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.4313E-07 8.0946E-05 2.7775E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.4690E-06 1.0860E-03 3.7518E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.6492E-08 2.2137E-05 7.5960E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.4870E-07 2.9699E-04 1.0260E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.2000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.3454E-10 1.5348E-06 4.8281E-08 Accumulateddose(rem) 2.9914E-09 1.8396E-05 5.7954E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.5382E-07 8.4972E-05 2.9139E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.7228E-06 1.1709E-03 4.0432E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.9416E-08 2.3238E-05 7.9690E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0181E-06 3.2023E-04 1.1057E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.2500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.4168E-10 1.5928E-06 5.0098E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.2331E-09 1.9988E-05 6.2964E-07 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 142 of 192 Time (h) = 2.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.6435E-07 8.8992E-05 3.0499E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.9872E-06 1.2599E-03 4.3482E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.2295E-08 2.4338E-05 8.3409E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0904E-06 3.4456E-04 1.1891 E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.3000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.4919E-10 1.6537E-06 5.2005E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.4822E-09 2.1642E-05 6.8164E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.7472E-07 9.3006E-05 3.1856E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.2619E-06 1.3529E-03 4.6667E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.5129E-08 2.5435E-05 8.7119E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1655E-06 3.7000E-04 1.2763E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.3500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.5707E-10 1.7174E-06 5.3999E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.7393E-09 2.3359E-05 7.3564E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.8493E-07 9.7015E-05 3.3209E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.5468E-06 1.4499E-03 4.9988E-05 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM1 LICENSE ANIENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 143 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.7923E-08 2.6532E-05 9.0819E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2435E-06 3.9653E-04 1.3671E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.4000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.6531E-10 1.7838E-06 5.6080E-08 Accumulateddose(rem) 4.0046E-09 2.5143E-05 7.9172E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.9499E-07 1.0102E-04 3.4558E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.8418E-06 1.5510E-03 5.3444E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.0675E-08 2.7626E-05 9.4509E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3241E-06 4.2416E-04 1.4616E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.4400 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.4400 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.1817E-10 1.4766E-06 4.6413E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.2228E-09 2.6620E-05 8.3814E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.4400 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.4291E-07 8.3686E-05 2.861 1E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.0847E-06 1.6346E-03 5.6305E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.4400 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.6432E-08 2.2887E-05 7.8246E-07 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 144 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3906E-06 4.4704E-04 1.5398E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.4500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.5250E-11 3.7611E-07 1.1821E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.2780E-09 2.6996E-05 8.4996E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.1535E-08 2.1316E-05 7.2837E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.1463E-06 1.6560E-03 5.7033E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.6829E-08 5.8296E-06 1.9919E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.4074E-06 4.5287E-04 1.5598E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.5000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.8278E-10 1.9249E-06 6.0496E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.5608E-09 2.8921E-05 9.1045E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.1471E-07 1.0901E-04 3.7247E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.4610E-06 1.7650E-03 6.0758E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.6068E-08 2.9811E-05 1.018613-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.4935E-06 4.8268E-04 1.6616E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.5500 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 145 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.9199E-10 1.9994E-06 6.2829E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.8528E-09 3.0920E-05 9.7328E-07 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.2437E-07 1.1299E-04 3.8586E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.7853E-06 1.8780E-03 6.4617E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.8709E-08 3.0901E-05 1.0552E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5822E-06 5.1358E-04 1.7671E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.6000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0151E-10 2.0765E-06 6.5243E-08 Accumulateddose(rem) 5.1543E-09 3.2997E-05 1.0385E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h)= 2.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.3390E-07 1.1697E-04 3.9922E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.1192E-06 1.9949E-03 6.8609E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.13151E-08 3.1990E-05 1.0918E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6735E-06 5.4557E-04 1.8763E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.6500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.1132E-10 2.1562E-06 6.7737E-08 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERAI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page I46 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.4656E-09 3.5153E-05 1.1063E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.4331E-07 1.2095E-04 4.1255E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.4625E-06 2.1159E-03 7.2734E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.3889E-08 3.3077E-05 1.1282E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.7674E-06 5.7865E-04 1.9891E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.7000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.2141E-10 2.2384E-06 7.0311E-08 Accumulateddose(rem) 5.7871E-09 3.7391E-05 1.1766E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.5260E-07 1.2492E-04 4.2584E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.8151E-06 2.2408E-03 7.6993E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.6430E-08 3.4162E-05 1.1646E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.8638E-06 6.1281E-04 2.1056E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.7500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.3178E-10 2.3231E-06 7.2962E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.1188E-09 3.9714E-05 1.2495E-06 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAi\ITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMNIENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 147 of 192 Time (h) = 2.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.6178E-07 1.2888E-04 4.3911E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.1769E-06 2.3697E-03 8.1384E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.8940E-08 3.5246E-05 1.2009E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.9628E-06 6.4806E-04 2.2257E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.8000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.4241E-10 2.4103E-06 7.5690E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.4613E-09 4.2125E-05 1.3252E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.7085E-07 1.3284E-04 4.5235E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.5478E-06 2.5025E-03 8.5907E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0142E-07 3.6329E-05 1.2371E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.0642E-06 6.8439E-04 2.3494E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.8500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.5330E-10 2.4999E-06 7.8494E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.8146E-09 4.4624E-05 1.4037E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.7982E-07 1.3679E-04 4.6555E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.9276E-06 2.6393E-03 9.0563E-05 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMAl LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 148 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0387E-07 3.7410E-05 1.2732E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.1680E-06 7.2180E-04 2.4767E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.9000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.6444E-10 2.5919E-06 8.1372E-08 Accumulateddose(rem) 7.1790E-09 4.7216E-05 1.4851E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 2.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.8868E-07 1.4074E-04 4.7873E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.3163E-06 2.7800E-03 9.5350E-05 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0630E-07 3.8489E-05 1.3092E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.2743E-06 7.6029E-04 2.6076E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 2.9500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 2.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.7581E-10 2.6863E-06 8.4324E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.5548E-09 4.9903E-05 1.5694E-06 EAB Doses:*Time (h) = 2.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.9745E-07 1.4468E-04 4.9188E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7137E-06 2.9247E-03 1.0027E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) ].0869E-07 3.9567E-05 1.3452E-06 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAINITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 149 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.3830E-06 7.9985E-04 2.7422E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.8741E-10 2.7830E-06 8.7348E-08 Accumulateddose(rem) 7.9422E-09 5.2686E-05 1.6568E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.0612E-07 1.4862E-04 5.0500E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.1198E-06 3.0733E-03 1.0532E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.1107E-07 4.0644E-05 1.381 1E-06 Accumulateddose(rem) 2.4941E-06 8.4050E-04 2.8803E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.0500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.9924E-10 2.8819E-06 9.0443E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.3414E-09 5.5568E-05 1.7472E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.1470E-07 1.5255E-04 5.1809E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.5345E-06 3.2259E-03 1.1050E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.0500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.1341E-07 4.1719E-05 1.4169E-06 Accumulateddose(rem) 2.6075E-06 8.8222E-04 3.0219E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.1000 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 150 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.1128E-10 2.9832E-06 9.3608E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7527E-09 5.8551E-05 1.8408E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.2319E-07 1.5647E-04 5.3115E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.9577E-06 3.3824E-03 1.1581E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.1000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.1573E-07 4.2792E-05 1.4526E-06 Accumulateddose(rem) 2.7232E-06 9.2501E-04 3.1672E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.1500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.2353E-10 3.0866E-06 9.6843E-08 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.1762E-09 6.1637E-05 1.9377E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.3160E-07 1.6039E-04 5.4419E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0389E-05 3.5427E-03 1.2125E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.1500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.1803E-07 4.3864E-05 1.4883E-06 Accumulateddose(rem) 2.8413E-06 9.6887E-04 3.3160E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.2000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.3598E-10 3.1923E-06 1.0015E-07 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 151 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.6122E-09 6.4830E-05 2.0378E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.3992E-07 1.6431E-04 5.5720E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0829E-05 3.7071E-03 1.2683E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.2000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2031E-07 4.4935E-05 1.52388E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.9616E-06 1.0138E-03 3.4684E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.2500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.4863E-10 3.3001E-06 1.0352E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0061E-08 6.8130E-05 2.1413E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.4816E-07 1.6822E-04 5.7019E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1277E-05 3.8753E-03 1.3253E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.2500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2256E-07 4.6004E-05 1.5594E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.0842E-06 1.0598E-03 3.6244E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.3000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.6146E-10 3.4100E-06 1.0695E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0522E-08 7.1540E-05 2.2483E-06 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 152 of 192 Time (h) = 3.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.5633E-07 1.7212E-04 5.8315E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1734E-05 4.0474E-03 1.3836E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.3000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2480E-07 4.7072E-05 1.5948E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.2090E-06 1.1069E-03 3.7838E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.3500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.7448E-10 3.5220E-06 1.1045E-07 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.0997E-08 7.5062E-05 2.3587E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.6441E-07 1.7602E-04 5.9608E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2198E-05 4.2234E-03 1.4432E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.3500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2701E-07 4.8138E-05 1.6302E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.3360E-06 1.J550E-03 3.9469E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.4000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.8768E-10 3.6361E-06 1.1402E-07 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.1484E-08 7.8698E-05 2.4727E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.7243E-07 1.7992E-04 6.0899E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2671E-05 4.4033E-03 1.5041E-04 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORANITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 153 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.4000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2920E-07 4.9203E-05 1.6655E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.4652E-06 1.2042E-03 4.1134E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.4500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.0105E-10 3.7523E-06 1.1765E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1986E-08 8.2450E-05 2.5904E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.8037E-07 1.8380E-04 6.2187E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3151E-05 4.5871E-03 1.5663E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.4500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3137E-07 5.0267E-05 1.7007E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.5965E-06 1.2545E-03 4.2835E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.5000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.1459E-10 3.8704E-06 1.2134E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2500E-08 8.6320E-05 2.7117E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.8825E-07 1.8769E-04 6.3473E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3639E-05 4.7748E-03 1.6298E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3353E-07 5.1329E-05 1.7359E-06 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 154 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.7301E-06 1.3058E-03 4.4571E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.5500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.2828E-10 3.9905E-06 1.2509E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3028E-08 9.0311E-05 2.8368E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.9606E-07 1.9157E-04 6.4756E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.4135E-05 4.9664E-03 1.6945E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.5500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3566E-07 5.2390E-05 1.7710E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.8657E-06 1.3582E-03 4.6341E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.6000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.4214E-10 4.1126E-06 1.2890E-07 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.3571E-08 9.4424E-05 2.9657E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.0380E-07 1.9544E-04 6.6037E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.4639E-05 5.1618E-03 1.7605E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.6000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3778E-07 5.3449E-05 1.8060E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.0035E-06 1.4117E-03 4.8147E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.6500 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM~I LICENSE t"IENDNIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 155 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.5614E-10 4.2366E-06 1.3277E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.4127E-08 9.8660E-05 3.0985E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.1147E-07 1.9931E-04 6.7316E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5151E-05 5.361 lE-03 1.8279E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.6500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3988E-07 5.4507E-05 1.8410E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.1434E-06 1.4662E-03 4.9988E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.7000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.7029E-10 4.3624E-06 1.3670E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.4697E-08 1.0302E-04 3.2352E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.1909E-07 2.0317E-04 6.8592E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5670E-05 5.5643E-03 1.8965E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.7000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4196E-07 5.5563E-05 1.8759E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.2853E-06 1.5217E-03 5.1864E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.7500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.8458E-10 4.4902E-06 1.4069E-07 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 156 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5282E-08 1.0751E-04 3.3759E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.2665E-07 2.0703E-04 6.9866E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6196E-05 5.7713E-03 1.9663E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.7500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4403E-07 5.6619E-05 1.9107E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.4294E-06 1.5783E-03 5.3775E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.8000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.9901E-10 4.6197E-06 1.4474E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5881E-08 1.1213E-04 3.5206E-06 EAB Doses: Time () = 3.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.3414E-07 2.1088E-04 7.1137E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6730E-05 5.9822E-03 2.0375E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.8000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4608E-07 5.7672E-05 1.9455E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.5754E-06 1.6360E-03 5.5720E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.8500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.1358E-10 4.7511E-06 1.4884E-07 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.6494E-08 1.1688E-04 3.6694E-06 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMIENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 157 of 192 Time (h) = 3.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.4158E-07 2.1473E-04 7.2407E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.7272E-05 6.1969E-03 2.1099E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.8500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.481 1E-07 5.8725E-05 1.9802E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.7236E-06 1.6947E-03 5.7701E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.9000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.2827E-10 4.8843E-06 1.5299E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.7122E-08 1.2177E-04 3.8224E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.4896E-07 2.1857E-04 7.3674E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.7821E-05 6.4155E-03 2.1835E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.9000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5013E-07 5.9776E-05 2.0148E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.8737E-06 1.7545E-03 5.9715E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 3.9500 CR Doses: Time (h) = 3.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.4309E-10 5.0192E-06 1.5720E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.7765E-08 1.2679E-04 3.9796E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 3.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.5629E-07 2.2241E-04 7.4938E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.8377E-05 6.6379E-03 2.2585E-04 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIV7E SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 158 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 3.9500 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5213E-07 6.0825E-05 2.0494E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.0258E-06 1.8153E-03 6.1765E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 4.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 4.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.5802E-10 5.1559E-06 1.6147E-07 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.8424E-08 1.3194E-04 4.1411E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 4.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.6356E-07 2.2624E-04 7.6201E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.8941E-05 6.8642E-03 2.3347E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 4.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5412E-07 6.1874E-05 2.0839E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.1799E-06 1.8772E-03 6.3849E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 4.5000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 4.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.4501E-09 5.9461E-05 1.8613E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.5874E-08 1.9140E-04 6.0024E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 4.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.0429E-06 2.4730E-03 8.3144E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.4984E-05 9.3372E-03 3.1661E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 4.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.6526E-06 6.7632E-04 2.2738E-05 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 159 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.8325E-06 2.5535E-03 8.6587E-05 Detailed model information at time (H) = 5.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 5.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.0532E-09 7.4852E-05 2.3409E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.4927E-08 2.6626E-04 8.3433E-06 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 5.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.7178E-06 2.851 1E-03 9.5540E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.1701E-05 1.2188E-02 4.1215E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 5.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.8372E-06 7.7973E-04 2.6128E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.6697E-06 3.3333E-03 1.1272E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 5.5000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 5.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0725E-08 9.1594E-05 2.8622E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.5652E-08 3.5785E-04 1.1206E-05 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 5.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.3529E-06 3.2246E-03 1.0774E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.9054E-05 1.5413E-02 5.1989E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 5.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.0109E-06 8.8186E-04 2.9465E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0681E-05 4.2151E-03 1.4218E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 6.0000 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORANITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENJDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 160 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 6.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2442E-08 1.0949E-04 3.4189E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.8093E-08 4.6734E-04 1.4624E-05 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 6.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.9532E-06 3.5935E-03 1.1975E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.7008E-05 1.9006E-02 6.3965E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 6.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.1750E-06 9.8275E-04 3.2750E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2856E-05 5.1979E-03 1.7493E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 6.5000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 6.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4184E-08 1.2837E-04 4.0057E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.2278E-08 5.9571E-04 1.8630E-05 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 6.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.5218E-06 3.9581E-03 1.3159E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.5529E-05 2.2964E-02 7.7124E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 6.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.3305E-06 1.0825E-03 3.5988E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5186E-05 6.2803E-03 2.1092E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 7.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 7.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5937E-08 1.4809E-04 4.6181E-06 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 161 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.8215E-08 7.4381E-04 2.3248E-05 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 7.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.061 1E-06 4.3184E-03 1.4326E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.4590E-05 2.7283E-02 9.1450E-04 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 7.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.4780E-06 1.1810E-03 3.9179E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.7664E-05 7.4613E-03 2.5010E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 7.5000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 7.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.7688E-08 1.6852E-04 5.2518E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0590E-07 9.1232E-04 2.8500E-05 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 7.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.5728E-06 4.6747E-03 1.5477E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.4163E-05 3.1958E-02 1.0693E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 7.5000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.6180E-06 1.2784E-03 4.2326E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.0282E-05 8.7398E-03 2.9242E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 8.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 8.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.9425E-08 1.8954E-04 5.9034E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2533E-07 1.1019E-03 3.4403E-05 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 162 of 192 Time (h) = 8.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0058E-05 5.0270E-03 1.6612E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.4222E-05 3.6985E-02 1.2354E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 8.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.7508E-06 1.374SE-03 4.5430E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.3033E-05 1.0115E-02 3.3785E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 9.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 9.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.8927E-08 3.9510E-04 1.2296E-05 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.6425E-07 1.4970E-03 4.6700E-05 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 9.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.1474E-05 1.1096E-02 3.6569E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0570E-04 4.8080E-02 1.601 1E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 9.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.3779E-06 1.1633E-03 4.0467E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.741 IE-05 1.1278E-02 3.7832E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 10.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 10.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.6781E-08 3.9283E-04 1.2213E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.0104E-07 1.8898E-03 5.8913E-05 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 10.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.3128E-05 1.2460E-02 4.0934E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2882E-04 6.0540E-02 2.0104E-03 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 163 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 10.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.7150E-06 1.3064E-03 4.5208E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.2126E-05 1.2584E-02 4.2353E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 11.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 11.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.5916E-08 4.0089E-04 1.2452E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.3695E-07 2.2907E-03 7.1365E-05 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 11.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.4606E-05 1.3797E-02 4.5191E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5343E-04 7.4337E-02 2.4623E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 11.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.0163E-06 1.4465E-03 4.9818E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.7142E-05 1.4031E-02 4.7335E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 12.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 12.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.5895E-08 4.1680E-04 1.2936E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.7285E-07 2.7075E-03 8.4300E-05 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 12.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.5919E-05 1.5107E-02 4.9347E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.7935E-04 8.9444E-02 2.9558E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 12.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.2840E-06 1.5839E-03 5.4304E-05 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 164 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.2426E-05 1.5615E-02 5.2765E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 13.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 13.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.6569E-08 4.3893E-04 1.3613E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.0942E-07 3.1464E-03 9.7913E-05 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 13.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.7190E-05 1.6402E-02 5.3451E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.0654E-04 1.0585E-01 3.4903E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 13.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.5432E-06 1.7197E-03 5.8733E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.7969E-05 1.7334E-02 5.8638E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 14.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 14.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.8455E-08 4.6737E-04 1.4489E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.4787E-07 3.6138E-03 1.1240E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 14.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.8951E-05 1.7734E-02 5.7724E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.3549E-04 1.2358E-01 4.0675E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 14.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.9022E-06 1.8593E-03 6.3388E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.3872E-05 1.9194E-02 6.4977E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 15.0000 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 165 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 15.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.9481E-08 4.9699E-04 1.5396E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.8735E-07 4.1108E-03 1.2780E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 15.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.9806E-05 1.8975E-02 6.1613E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.6530E-04 1.4256E-01 4.6837E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 15.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.0765E-06 1.9895E-03 6.7551E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.9948E-05 2.1183E-02 7.1732E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 16.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 16.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.0588E-08 5.2906E-04 1.6379E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.2794E-07 4.6398E-03 1.4418E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 16.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0540E-05 2.0195E-02 6.5420E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.9584E-04 1.6275E-01 5.3379E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 16.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.2261E-06 2.1174E-03 7.1615E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.6174E-05 2.3301E-02 7.8894E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 17.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 17.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.1707E-08 5.6290E-04 1.7416E-05 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 166 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.6965E-07 5.2027E-03 1.6159E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 17.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.1160E-05 2.1394E-02 6.9148E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.2700E-04 1.8414E-01 6.0294E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 17.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.3525E-06 2.2430E-03 7.5585E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.2527E-05 2.5544E-02 8.6452E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 18.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 18.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.2790E-08 5.9797E-04 1.8490E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.1244E-07 5.8007E-03 1.8008E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 18.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.1673E-05 2.2572E-02 7.2802E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.5867E-04 2.0672E-01 6.7574E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 18.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.4571E-06 2.3666E-03 7.9466E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.8984E-05 2.7910E-02 9.4399E-04 Detailed model information at time (H) = 19.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 19.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.3806E-08 6.3387E-04 1.9589E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.5624E-07 6.4346E-03 1.9967E-04 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMkITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 167 of 192 Time (h) = 19.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.2088E-05 2.3731E-02 7.6384E-04 Accumulateddose(rem) 3.9076E-04 2.3045E-01 7.5212E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 19.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.5417E-06 2.4881E-03 8.3263E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.5526E-05 3.0398E-02 1.0273E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 20.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 20.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.4736E-08 6.7028E-04 2.0704E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.0098E-07 7.1049E-03 2.2038E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 20.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.2412E-05 2.4871E-02 7.9898E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.2317E-04 2.5532E-01 8.3202E-03 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 20.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.6077E-06 2.6076E-03 8.6979E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.2133E-05 3.3006E-02 1.1142E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 21.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 21.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.5568E-08 7.0698E-04 2.1827E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.4655E-07 7.8118E-03 2.4220E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h)= 21.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.2651E-05 2.5993E-02 8.3347E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.5582E-04 2.8131E-01 9.1537E-03 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 -Page 168 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 2 1.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.6565E-06 2.7253E-03 9.0620E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.8790E-05 3.5731E-02 1.2049E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 22.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 22.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.6298E-08 7.4377E-04 2.2952E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.9285E-07 8.5556E-03 2.6515E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h)= 22.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.2814E-05 2.7099E-02 8.6735E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.8863E-04 3.0841E-01 1.0021E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 22.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.6897E-06 2.8412E-03 9.4187E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0548E-04 3.8572E-02 1.2990E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 23.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 23.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.6922E-08 7.8052E-04 2.4075E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.3977E-07 9.3361E-03 2.8923E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 23.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.2908E-05 2.8187E-02 9.0063E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.2154E-04 3.3660E-01 1.0922E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 23.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.7088E-06 2.9553E-03 9.7686E-05 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE ANMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 169 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1219E-04 4.1528E-02 1.3967E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 24.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 24.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.7444E-08 8.1714E-04 2.5193E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.8721E-07 1.0153E-02 3.1442E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 24.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.2938E-05 2.9260E-02 9.3335E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.5448E-04 3.6586E-01 1.1855E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 24.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.7150E-06 3.0678E-03 1.0112E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1890E-04 4.4596E-02 1.4978E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 26.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 26.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.3434E-08 9.7185E-04 2.9945E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.4065E-07 1.1125E-02 3.4437E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 26.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.5749E-05 6.1676E-02 1.9627E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.2023E-04 4.2753E-01 1.3818E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 26.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.0834E-06 4.3665E-03 1.4138E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2599E-04 4.8962E-02 1.6392E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 28.0000 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 170 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 28.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.8174E-08 9.4112E-04 2.8976E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.8882E-07 1.2066E-02 3.7334E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 28.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.5272E-05 6.5788E-02 2.0874E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.8550E-04 4.9332E-0l 1.5905E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 28.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.0321E-06 4.6576E-03 1.5020E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3302E-04 5.3620E-02 1.7894E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 30.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 30.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.5183E-08 9.4473E-04 2.9067E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.3400E-07 1.3011E-02 4.0241E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 30.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.4503E-05 6.9791E-02 2.2084E-03 Accumulateddose(rem) 7.5000E-04 5.6311E-01 1.8114E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h)= 30.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.9492E-06 4.9410E-03 1.5873E-04 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.3997E-04 5.8561E-02 1.9482E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 32.0000 CR Doses: Time (h)= 32.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.3373E-08 9.6874E-04 2.9786E-05 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAiIMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDIMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 171 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.7738E-07 1.3980E-02 4.3220E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 32.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.351SE-05 7.3690E-02 2.3260E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.1352E-04 6.3680E-01 2.0440E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 32.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.8431E-06 5.2171E-03 1.6702E-04 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.4681E-04 6.3778E-02 2.1152E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 34.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 34.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.2166E-08 1.0047E-03 3.0873E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0195E-06 1.4984E-02 4.6307E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 34.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.2382E-05 7.7493E-02 2.4404E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7590E-04 7.1430E-01 2.2880E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 34.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.7207E-06 5.4863E-03 1.7508E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5353E-04 6.9264E-02 2.2903E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 36.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 36.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.1259E-08 1.0474E-03 3.2168E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0608E-06 1.6032E-02 4.9524E-04 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 172 of 192 Time (h) = 36.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.1149E-05 8.1204E-02 2.5519E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.3705E-04 7.9550E-01 2.5432E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 36.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.5879E-06 5.7490E-03 1.8293E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6012E-04 7.5013E-02 2.4732E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 38.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 38.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.0499E-08 1.0938E-03 3.3576E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1013E-06 1.7126E-02 5.2881E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 38.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.9865E-05 8.4829E-02 2.6607E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.9692E-04 8.8033E-01 2.8093E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 38.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.4495E-06 6.0056E-03 1.9058E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6657E-04 8.1019E-02 2.6638E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 40.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 40.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.981 IE-08 1.1420E-03 3.5039E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1411E-06 1.8268E-02 5.6385E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 40.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.8566E-05 8.8372E-02 2.7669E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0555E-03 9.6870E-01 3.0859E-02 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TER1AI LICENSE AMIENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 173 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 40.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.3095E-06 6.2565E-03 1.9805E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.7288E-04 8.7275E-02 2.8618E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 42.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 42.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.9162E-08 1.1909E-03 3.6523E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1803E-06 1.9459E-02 6.0037E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 42.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.7280E-05 9.1836E-02 2.8707E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1128E-03 1.0605E+00 3.3730E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 42.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.171 IE-06 6.5018E-03 2.0535E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.7905E-04 9.3777E-02 3.0672E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 44.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 44.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.8540E-08 1.2398E-03 3.8006E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2188E-06 2.0698E-02 6.3838E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 44.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.6031E-05 9.5227E-02 2.9723E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1688E-03 1.1558E+00 3.6702E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 44.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.0365E-06 6.7418E-03 2.1250E-04 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 174 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.8509E-04 1.0052E-01 3.2797E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 46.0000 CR Doses: Time (h)= 46.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.7944E-08 1.2883E-03 3.9478E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2568E-06 2.1987E-02 6.7786E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 46.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.4837E-05 9.8546E-02 3.0717E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2236E-03 1.2543E+00 3.9774E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h)= 46.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.9078E-06 6.9768E-03 2.1950E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.9099E-04 1.0750E-01 3.4992E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 48.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 48.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.7375E-08 1.3362E-03 4.0931E-05 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.29411E-06 2.3323E-02 7.1879E-04 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 48.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.3709E-05 1.0180E-01 3.169213-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2773E-03 1.3561E+00 4.2943E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 48.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.7863E-06 7.2070E-03 2.2635E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.9678E-04 1.1470E-01 3.7255E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 72.0000 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERWM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 175 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 72.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.1865E-07 1.9486E-02 5.9580E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.7128E-06 4.2809E-02 1.3146E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 72.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.8575E-04 1.4537E+00 4.5004E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.8631E-03 2.8098E+00 8.7947E-02 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 72.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.3106E-05 1.0292E-01 3.2078E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.5989E-04 2.1762E-01 6.9333E-03 Detailed model information at time (H) = 96.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 96.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.0859E-07 2.4989E-02 7.6258E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.1214E-06 6.7797E-02 2.0772E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 96.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.5536E-04 1.8235E+00 5.6174E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.4184E-03 4.6334E+00 1.4412E-01 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 96.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.9831E-05 1.2910E-01 3.9974E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.1972E-04 3.4672E-01 1.0931E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 120.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 120.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.5792E-07 1.7491E-02 5.3325E-04 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 176 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.3793E-06 8.5288E-02 2.6104E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 120.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.8162E-04 2.1231E+00 6.5278E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.0001E-03 6.7565E+00 2.0940E-01 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 120.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.5096E-05 6.0201E-02 1.8596E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.4481E-04 4.0692E-01 1.2790E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 144.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 144.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.7076E-07 1.9158E-02 5.8378E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.6501E-06 1.0445E-01 3.1942E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 144.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.2006E-04 2.3630E+00 7.2593E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.6201E-03 9.1194E+00 2.8199E-01 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 144.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.6755E-05 6.7002E-02 2.0676E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.7157E-04 4.7393E-01 1.4858E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 168.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 168.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.8756E-07 2.0779E-02 6.3304E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.9376E-06 1.2522E-01 3.8272E-03 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORA1ITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMIENDMIENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 177 of 192 Time (h) = 168.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.5476E-04 2.5499E+00 7.8305E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.2749E-03 1.1669E+01 3.6030E-01 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 168.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.8252E-05 7.2304E-02 2.2301E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.9982E-04 5.4623E-01 1.7088E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 192.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 192.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0041E-07 2.2003E-02 6.7025E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.2380E-06 1.4723E-01 4.4975E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 192.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.8115E-04 2.6901E+00 8.2590E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.9560E-03 1.4359E+01 4.4289E-01 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 192.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.9391E-05 7.6277E-02 2.3519E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.2921E-04 6.2251E-01 1.9440E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 216.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 216.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0902E-07 2.2877E-02 6.9684E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.5470E-06 1.7010E-01 5.1943E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 216.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.9845E-04 2.7890E+00 8.5616E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.6545E-03 1.7148E+01 5.2850E-01 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 178 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 216.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0137E-05 7.9084E-02 2.4380E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.5935E-04 7.0159E-01 2.1878E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 240.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 240.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.1365E-07 2.3448E-02 7.1422E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.8607E-06 1.9355E-01 5.9086E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 240.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.0717E-04 2.8523E+00 8.7548E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.3617E-03 2.0001E+01 6.1605E-01 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 240.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0514E-05 8.0877E-02 2.4929E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.8986E-04 7.8247E-01 2.4371E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 264.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 264.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.1479E-07 2.3759E-02 7.2367E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.1755E-06 2.1731E-01 6.6322E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 264.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.0833E-04 2.8849E+00 8.8540E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.0700E-03 2.2886E+01 7.0459E-01 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 264.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0564E-05 8.1801E-02 2.5210E-03 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERVI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 179 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.2043E-04 8.6427E-01 2.6892E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 288.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 288.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.1296E-07 2.3848E-02 7.2637E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.4884E-06 2.4116E-01 7.3586E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 288.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.0309E-04 2.8914E+00 8.8731E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.7731E-03 2.5777E+01 7.9332E-01 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 288.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0338E-05 8.1985E-02 2.5264E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.5077E-04 9.4625E-01 2.9418E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 312.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 312.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0869E-07 2.3750E-02 7.2338E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.7971E-06 2.6491E-01 8.0820E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 312.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.9257E-04 2.8759E+00 8.8250E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.4656E-03 2.8653E+01 8.8157E-01 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 312.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.9884E-05 8.1546E-02 2.5126E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.8065E-04 1.0278E+00 3.1931E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 336.0000 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERAI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 180 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 336.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0246E-07 2.3496E-02 7.1563E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.0996E-06 2.8840E-01 8.7976E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 336.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.7782E-04 2.8421E+00 8.7206E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.1435E-03 3.1495E+01 9.6878E-01 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 336.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.9247E-05 8.0588E-02 2.4828E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.0990E-04 1.1084E+00 3.4414E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 360.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 360.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.9468E-07 2.3113E-02 7.0396E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.3943E-06 3.1152E-01 9.5016E-03 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 360.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.5973E-04 2.7932E+00 8.5700E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.8032E-03 3.4288E+01 1.0545E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 360.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.8467E-05 7.9202E-02 2.4398E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.3836E-04 1.1876E+00 3.6853E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 384.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 384.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.8570E-07 2.2624E-02 6.8909E-04 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAIMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TER1MI LICENSE AMIENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 181 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.6800E-06 3.3414E-01 1.0191E-02 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 384.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.3910E-04 2.7320E+00 8.3817E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0442E-02 3.7020E+01 1.1383E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 384.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.7577E-05 7.7467E-02 2.3861E-03 Accumulateddose(rem) 6.6594E-04 1.2651E+00 3.9239E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 408.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 408.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.7584E-07 2.2051E-02 6.7164E-04 Accumulateddose(rem) 5.9558E-06 3.5619E-01 1.0862E-02 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 408.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.1660E-04 2.6610E+00 8.1631E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1059E-02 3.9681E+01 1.2199E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 408.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.6606E-05 7.5453E-02 2.3238E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.9255E-04 1.3405E+00 4.1563E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 432.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 432.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.6536E-07 2.1412E-02 6.5216E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.2212E-06 3.7761E-01 1.1514E-02 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 182 of 192 Time (h) = 432.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.9277E-04 2.5822E+00 7.9210E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.1652E-02 4.226313+01 1.2991E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 432.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.5578E-05 7.3220E-02 2.2548E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.1812E-04 1.413713+00 4.3818E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 456.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 456.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.5446E-07 2.072113-02 6.3112E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.475613-06 3.9833E-01 1.2146E-02 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 456.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.681013-04 2.4976E+00 7.660813-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2220E-02 4.4761E+01 1.3757E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 456.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.451313-05 7.0820E-02 2.1806E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.4264E-04 1.4846E+00 4.5999E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 480.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 480.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.4332E-07 1.9993E-02 6.089413-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.7189E-06 4.1832E-01 1.2755E-02 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 480.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.429613-04 2.4086E+00 7.3874E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2763E-02 4.7170E+01 1.4496E+00 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AIMIENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 183 of 192 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 480.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.3428E-05 6.8297E-02 2.1027E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.6606E-04 1.5528E+00 4.8101E-02 Detailed model informnation at time (H) = 504.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 504.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.3210E-07 1.9238E-02 5.8595E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.951OE-06 4.3756E-01 1.3340E-02 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 504.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.1768E-04 2.3167E+00 7.1049E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3280E-02 4.9486E+01 1.5207E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 504.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.2337E-05 6.5690E-02 2.0223E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.8840E-04 1.6185E+00 5.0124E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 528.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 528.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.2090E-07 1.8467E-02 5.6246E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.1719E-06 4.5603E-01 1.3903E-02 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 528.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.9250E-04 2.2229E+00 6.8169E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3773E-02 5.1709E+01 1.5888E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 528.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.1251E-05 6.3031E-02 1.9402E-03 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 184 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.0965E-04 1.6816E+00 5.2064E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 552.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 552.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.0983E-07 1.7688E-02 5.3872E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.3818E-06 4.7371E-01 1.4442E-02 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 552.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.6764E-04 2.1283E+00 6.5264E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.4241E-02 5.3838E+01 1.6541E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 552.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.0178E-05 6.0349E-02 1.8575E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.2983E-04 1.7419E+00 5.3921E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 576.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 576.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.9896E-07 1.6907E-02 5.1494E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.5807E-06 4.9062E-01 1.4957E-02 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 576.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.4326E-04 2.03371E+00 6.2359E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.4684E-02 5.5871E+01 1.7165E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 576.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.9126E-05 5.7666E-02 1.7748E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.4896E-04 1.7996E+00 5.5696E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 600.0000 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORANITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 185 of 192 CR Doses: Time (h) = 600.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.8835E-07 1.6131E-02 4.9130E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.7691E-06 5.0675E-01 1.5448E-02 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 600.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.1949E-04 1.9397E+00 5.9476E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5103E-02 5.7811E+01 1.7759E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 600.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.8101E-05 5.5002E-02 1.6926E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.6706E-04 1.8546E+00 5.7389E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 624.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 624.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.7805E-07 1.5364E-02 4.6795E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.9471E-06 5.2212E-01 1.5916E-02 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 624.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.9643E-04 1.8471E+00 5.6630E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5500E-02 5.9658E+01 1.8326E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 624.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.7105E-05 5.2374E-02 1.6116E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.8416E-04 1.9070E+00 5.9000E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 648.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 648.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.6808E-07 1.4612E-02 4.4502E-04 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 186 of 192 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.1152E-06 5.3673E-01 1.6361E-02 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 648.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.7414E-04 1.7561E+00 5.3838E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.5874E-02 6.1414E+01 1.8864E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 648.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.6144E-05 4.9794E-02 1.5321E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.0031E-04 1.9568E+00 6.0533E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 672.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 672.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5849E-07 1.3875E-02 4.2260E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.2737E-06 5.5060E-01 1.6783E-02 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 672.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.5269E-04 1.6672E+00 5.111lE-02 Accumulateddose(rem) 1.6227E-02 6.3081E+01 1.9375E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 672.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5218E-05 4.7273E-02 1.4545E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.1553E-04 2.0040E+00 6.1987E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 696.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 696.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4927E-07 1.3159E-02 4.0076E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.4230E-06 5.6376E-01 1.7184E-02 EAB Doses:
RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 187 of 192 Time (h) = 696.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.3211E-04 1.5807E+00 4.8457E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6559E-02 6.4662E+01 1.9860E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 696.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4330E-05 4.4821E-02 1.3789E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.2986E-04 2.0488E+00 6.3366E-02 Detailed model information at time (H) = 720.0000 CR Doses: Time (h) = 720.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4045E-07 1.2463E-02 3.7958E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.5634E-06 5.7622E-01 1.7564E-02 EAB Doses: Time (h) = 720.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.1241E-04 1.4969E+00 4.5885E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.6871E-02 6.6159E+01 2.0319E+00 LPZ Doses: Time (h) = 720.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3480E-05 4.2444E-02 1.3057E-03 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.4334E-04 2.0913E+00 6.4672E-02 883 I-131 Summary Time (hr)0.000 0.033 0.250 0.333 0.533 0.800 DW I-131 (Curies)0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.000OE+00 0.OOOOE+00 WW RB 1-131 (Curies)0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 I-131 (Curies)0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 5.9386E-01 2.8117E+00 8.0580E+00 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE Enclosure 2 Page 188 of 192 TERMI LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST 1.050 1.300 1.550 1.800 2.033 2.033 2.350 2.440 2.700 2.950 3.200 3.450 3.700 3.950 4.300 4.600 4.900 5.200 5.500 5.800 6.100 6.400 6.700 7.000 7.300 7.600 7.900 8.000 8.300 8.600 8.900 9.200 9.500 9.800 10.100 10.400 24.000 96.000 720.000 Time (hr)0.000 0.033 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.000OE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0OOOE+00 1.5940E+01 2.6684E+01 4.0282E+01 5.6727E+01 7.4634E+01 7.4637E+01 1.0082E+02 1.0826E+02 1.2970E+02 1.5028E+02 1.7082E+02 1.9133E+02 2.1180E+02 2.3222E+02 2.6076E+02 2.8516E+02 3.0950E+02 3.3379E+02 3.5803E+02 3.8221E+02 4.0634E+02 4.3041E+02 4.5443E+02 4.7840E+02 5.023 1lE+02 5.2616E+02 5.4997E+02 5.5789E+02 5.8162E+02 6.0530E+02 6.2893E+02 6.5250E+02 6.7602E+02 6.9948E+02 7.2289E+02 7.4625E+02 1.75 1OE+03 5.5608E+03 4.1581E+03 I-131 (Curies)0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 SP 1-131 (Curies)0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 CR Enviro 1-131 (Curies)0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMIENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 189 of 192 0.250 0.333 0.533 0.800 1.050 1.300 1.550 1.800 2.033 2.033 2.350 2.440 2.700 2.950 3.200 3.450 3.700 3.950 4.300 4.600 4.900 5.200 5.500 5.800 6.100 6.400 6.700 7.000 7.300 7.600 7.900 8.000 8.300 8.600 8.900 9.200 9.500 9.800 10.100 10.400 24.000 96.000 720.000 4.2954E+06 5.9391E+06 9.9022E+06 1.8466E+07 2.6686E+07 3.4891E+07 4.3081E+07 5.1257E+07 5.8873E+07 5.8874E+07 5.9353E+07 5.9334E+07 5.9278E+07 5.9224E+07 5.9171E+07 5.9117E+07 5.9064E+07 5.9010E+07 5.8936E+07 5.8872E+07 5.8808E+07 5.8744E+07 5.8680E+07 5.8616E+07 5.8553E+07 5.8489E+07 5.8426E+07 5.8362E+07 5.8299E+07 5.8236E+07 5.8172E+07 5.815 1E+07 5.8088E+07 5.8025E+07 5.7962E+07 5.7899E+07 5.7836E+07 5.7774E+07 5.771 1E+07 5.7648E+07 5.4879E+07 4.2287E+07 4.4172E+06 0.0000E+00 5.3177E-1 1 7.7725E-10 3.8050E-09 1.0150E-08 2.1314E-08 3.8607E-08 6.3254E-08 9.1147E-08 9.1149E-08 1.1550E-07 1.2381E-07 1.5107E-07 1.8162E-07 2.1617E-07 2.5446E-07 2.9626E-07 3.4137E-07 4.0968E-07 4.7266E-07 5.3941E-07 6.0965E-07 6.831 1E-07 7.5956E-07 8.3876E-07 9.205 lE-07 1.0046E-06 1.0909E-06 1.1791E-06 1.2692E-06 1.3610E-06 1.3919E-06 1.3814E-06 1.3753E-06 1.3732E-06 1.3748E-06 1.3799E-06 1.3883E-06 1.3996E-06 1.4137E-06 3.1828E-06 8.2898E-06 5.6113E-06 0.0000E+00 4.9629E-06 7.3598E-05 3.6654E-04 9.9202E-04 2.1129E-03 3.88 1 lE-03 6.4483E-03 9.6981E-03 9.6986E-03 1.5609E-02 1.7611E-02 2.4192E-02 3.1638E-02 4.0178E-02 4.9809E-02 6.0529E-02 7.2337E-02 9.0690E-02 1.0811E-01 1.2709E-01 1.4761E-01 1.6969E-01 1.9331E-01 2.1847E-01 2.4517E-01 2.7341E-01 3.0317E-01 3.3447E-01 3.6728E-01 4.0162E-01 4.1341E-01 4.4977E-01 4.8764E-01 5.2703E-01 5.6791E-01 6.103 lE-01 6.5420E-01 6.9959E-01 7.4646E-01 4.3790E+00 6.3223E+01 9.5804E+02 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 190 of 192 Dummy Time (hr) I-131 (Curies)0.000 0.OOOOE+00 0.033 0.OOOOE+00 0.250 0.0000E+00 0.333 0.0000E+00 0.533 0.0000E+00 0.800 0.0000E+00 1.050 0.0000E+00 1.300 0.OOOOE+00 1.550 0.OOOOE+00 1.800 0.OOOOE+00 2.033 0.OOOOE+00 2.033 0.OOOOE+00 2.350 0.OOOOE+00 2.440 0.OOOOE+00 2.700 0.OOOOE+00 2.950 0.OOOOE+00 3.200 0.OOOOE+00 3.450 0.OOOOE+00 3.700 0.OOOOE+00 3.950 0.OOOOE+00 4.300 0.OOOOE+00 4.600 0.OOOOE+00 4.900 0.OOOOE+00 5.200 0.OOOOE+00 5.500 0.0000E+00 5.800 0.OOOOE+00 6.100 0.OOOOE+00 6.400 0.OOOOE+00 6.700 0.OOOOE+00 7.000 0.OOOOE+00 7.300 0.OOOOE+00 7.600 0.OOOOE+00 7.900 0.OOOOE+00 8.000 0.0000E+00 8.300 0.OOOOE+00 8.600 0.OOOOE+00 8.900 0.0000E+00 9.200 0.OOOOE+00 9.500 0.OOOOE+00 9.800 0.OOOOE+00 10.100 0.OOOOE+00 10.400 0.0000E+00 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMITION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE ANIENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 191 of 192 24.000 96.000 720.000 0.OOOOE+00 0.000OE+00 0.0000E+00 Cumulative Dose Summary CR EAB Time Thyroid TEDE Thyroid LPZ TEDE Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem)0.000 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.033 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.250 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.333 5.10511E-10 1.6210E-11 4.6951E-07 1.6789E-08 1.2840E-07 4.5913E-09 0.533 2.1452E-08 6.8035E-10 6.9499E-06 2.4696E-07 1.9007E-06 6.7540E-08 0.800 1.9020E-07 6.0235E-09 3.4527E-05 1.2183E-06 9.4426E-06 3.33188E-07 1.050 7.0191E-07 2.2204E-08 9.3226E-05 3.2725E-06 2.5496E-05 8.9495E-07 1.300 1.8758E-06 5.9276E-08 1.9810E-04 6.9229E-06 5.4176E-05 1.8933E-06 1.550 4.1276E-06 1.3031E-07 3.6305E-04 1.2638E-05 1.800 7.9659E-06 2.5126E-07 6.0185E-04 2.0879E-05 2.033 1.3488E-05 4.2514E-07 9.0331E-04 3.1249E-05 2.033 1.3489E-05 4.2517E-07 9.0335E-04 3.1250E-05 9.9288E-05 3.4563E-06 1.6459E-04 5.7101E-06 2.4704E-04 8.5459E-06 2.4705E-04 8.5463E-06 3.9653E-04 1.3671E-05 2.350 2.3359E-05 2.440 2.6620E-05 2.700 3.7391E-05 2.950 4.9903E-05 3.200 6.4830E-05 3.450 8.2450E-05 7.3564E-07 1.4499E-03 8.3814E-07 1.6346E-03 1.1766E-06 2.2408E-03 1.5694E-06 2.9247E-03 2.0378E-06 3.7071E-03 2.5904E-06 4.5871E-03 4.9988E-05 5.6305E-05 4.4704E-04 1.5398E-05 7.6993E-05 6.1281E-04 2.1056E-05 1.0027E-04 7.9985E-04 2.7422E-05 1.2683E-04 1.0138E-03 3.4684E-05 1.5663E-04 1.2545E-03 4.2835E-05 3.700 1.0302E-04 3.2352E-06 5.5643E-03 1.8965E-04 1.5217E-03 5.1864E-05 3.950 1.2679E-04 3.9796E-06 6.6379E-03 2.2585E-04 1.8153E-03 6.1765E-05 4.300 1.6586E-04 5.2029E-06 8.3023E-03 2.8185E-04 2.2705E-03 7.7082E-05 4.600 2.0510E-04 6.4308E-06 9.8773E-03 3.3473E-04 2.7013E-03 9.1543E-05 4.900 2.4999E-04 7.8347E-06 1.1588E-02 3.9206E-04 3.1691E-03 1.0722E-04 5.200 3.0082E-04 9.4235E-06 1.3434E-02 4.5379E-04 3.6738E-03 1.2410E-04 5.500 3.5785E-04 1.1206E-05 1.5413E-02 5.1989E-04 4.2151E-03 1.4218E-04 5.800 4.2133E-04 1.3188E-05 1.7525E-02 5.9031E-04 4.7927E-03 1.6144E-04 6.100 4.9148E-04 1.5378E-05 1.9769E-02 6.6502E-04 5.4064E-03 1.8187E-04 6.400 5.6849E-04 1.7781E-05 2.2144E-02 7.4398E-04 6.0559E-03 2.0346E-04 6.700 6.5254E-04 2.0403E-05 2.4649E-02 8.2715E-04 6.7410E-03 2.2621E-04 7.000 7.4381E-04 2.3248E-05 2.7283E-02 9.1450E-04 7.4613E-03 2.5010E-04 7.300 8.4243E-04 2.6322E-05 3.0045E-02 1.0060E-03 8.2168E-03 2.7512E-04 7.600 9.4853E-04 2.9628E-05 3.2935E-02 1.1016E-03 9.0071E-03 3.0126E-04 7.900 1.0622E-03 3.3170E-05 3.5951E-02 1.2013E-03 9.8319E-03 3.2852E-04 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORAMTION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 2 Page 192 of 192 8.000 1.1019E-03 3.4403E-05 3.6985E-02 1.23541E-03 1.0115E-02 3.3785E-04 8.300 1.2214E-03 3.8124E-05 4.0168E-02 1.3404E-03 1.0448E-02 3.4949E-04 8.600 1.3399E-03 4.1812E-05 4.3477E-02 1.4495E-03 1.0795E-02 3.6156E-04 8.900 1.4577E-03 4.5480E-05 4.6909E-02 1.5625E-03 1.1155E-02 3.7406E-04 9.200 1.5753E-03 4.9137E-05 5.0464E-02 1.6795E-03 1.1528E-02 3.8699E-04 9.500 1.6930E-03 5.2794E-05 5.4142E-02 1.8004E-03 1.1913E-02 4.0034E-04 9.800 1.8109E-03 5.6460E-05 5.7941E-02 1.9251E-03 1.2312E-02 4.141 IE-04 10.100 1.9294E-03 6.0143E-05 6.1860E-02 2.0537E-03 1.2723E-02 4.2831E-04 10.400 2.0487E-03 6.3850E-05 6.5900E-02 2.1861E-03 1.3146E-02 4.4291E-04 24.000 1.0153E-02 3.1442E-04 3.6586E-01 1.1 855E-02 4.4596E-02 1.4978E-03 96.000 6.7797E-02 2.0772E-03 4.6334E+00 1.4412E-01 3.4672E-01 1.0931IE-02 720.000 5.7622E-01 1.75641E-02 6.6159E+01 2.0319E+00 2.0913E+00 6.4672E-02 Worst Two-Hour Doses EAB Time Whole Body Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem)96.0 4.6323E-05 1.9720E-01 6.0504E-03 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Enclosure 4 Drop Analysis for FHA Over the Spent Fuel Pool (NE-02-94-1
: 5)
: 1. Transmittal No. 2. Page 1 of P.O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352 9. Initiating Doc. No. 21. Priority Attention:
Administrative Services MID 964Y PDC 2406-527 3. From 4. Purchase Order/Contract No.JL Lewis. Rx/Fuels Engineering
: 5. Energy Northwest Cognizant Engineer 14. Receipt Acknowledged JD Fisher (PE26) x4179 6. Originator Remarks Submitted For 7. 8. 6. 6. 10. 11. 12. 13. 15.A R I ITEM DOCUMENT OR SHEET REV. DOCUMENT TITLE OR ITEM SUBMITTED P E N OFFICIAL NO. DRAWING NO. NO. NO. P L F DISPOS.R E o 0 A V S E E 1 CMR 4417 NE-02-94-15 X 2 NE-02-94-15 I EC DMS Reference Document Index Sheet X A 4417 TO BE-COMPLETED BY ENERGY NORTHWEST 16. Energy Northwest Dispositic Manager / ,X// / REO 20. RESPONSE 19. REt 20. RESPONSE 6. Engr. Req. Response bald' A R A AA D A R A AA D P E P PS I P E P PS I P V P P S P V P P S ACTION PARTIES R I R RN A SIGNATURE ACTION PARTIES R I R RN A SIGNATURE 0 E 0 RO P 0 E 0 RO P V W V OT p AND V W V OT p AND E E VE R DATE E E VE R DATE ED 0 ED 0 V V E E 5. Cognizant Engineer X -V -18. Design ALARA JD Fisher ____ __ _ _ _ _ __ 3 i r, 17. Component/System Anal. X s18. Penetrations CF Richey. Supr Fuel Design Engr N -17. MechancauCiiviuStress Engineer -1,tASMF.CeCoonance
: 17. ElectricaVl&C Engineer 18. Contrnt Sys. Failure 18. Overall Design Veri. X 7 7 )/7bt 18. Pine 3re~akiissele M. Abu-Shehadeh
.____ _18. Equip. Engineer 18. A;p. R/&cclncal Sep.18. Human Factors _ = _Hea Sa*tyFpc Prot 18. Emergency Prep. 18. Secunlty 18. Environmenlal
: 18. Ouality Assurance 18. MEL Input Coord. 1R.8PjecMager
-----_______ M MAbu-Shehadeh
~ --12310 RS
(&sect;NORTHWEST DMS REFERNCE DOCUMENT E 17Nuber Peopleh Vision -Solutions INDEX SHEET AED CAL NE-02-94-15 3 Primary Document Identification Document Document Shea Documcn Type Sub-Type Document Number Number Revision Input References Output References ADD DELETE Type Subtype Doc Number Sheet No ADD DELETE Type Subtype Doc Numbcr Shect No A O AED CAL NL-02-04-01 El AED CAL, NE-02-04-08 2 CVI DWG 773-00,12 E CVI SPC 981-00,133 3 a0 a o 4 El _ E 8 1El El __ E El 9 El ~_ _mE _ _ __ _WEl El E El___11 0 El l 13 El__ El El__ _ _ _16 E El] _ _ El -n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I O o o -El 20 W El El El-0 16e El No te __No tcc:= Note: = -=25405 R2 Engineering Change PDC 2406-527 Print Date: 63/03/06 FN ENERGY'." ..-'NORTHWEST P.zerpie Vi oiin ISc!uticns EC Number Status/Date
: Facility Type/Sub-type:
0000004417 000 APPROVED 03/03/06 02 CMR 1111111 11111 liii IIBI11111 III!!111111111111111111111111!
111111111101111111n Page: 1 N __EC Title: NE-02-94-15 FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT IN REACTOR AND SPENT FUEL POOL PDC 2406 Mod Nbr : 00107301 KW1: AST KW2: FUEL KW3: FHA KW4: SFP KW5: 001.3 Master EC Outage WO Required : Adv Wk Appvd: Auto-Advance:
Caveat Outst: Resp Engr Location N N N JOHN Work Group : Alert Group: Image Addr : Alt Ref.Priority Department
: D FISHER CALCS Temporary Aprd Reqd Date: Exp Insvc Date: Expires On Auto-Asbuild
: Discipline 03/03/06 N1 02 Mi; Ptone CLOSURE REVIEW PREPARED BY VERIFIED BY SUPERVISOR 03a/3 03/03/06 03/03/ 06 03/03/0 6 passnrt Name, JFISHE MABUSH DRICHE FISHER ABU-SHEHADEH RICHEY JOHN MOHAMMED DANIEL ACTIVE Units Foa 11ni t 02 00 nePc,-r pl-i on COLUMBIA GENERATING STATION -POWER BLOCK Systems r;;f- Ryctpm ng-g.;Jpti on 02 MS MAIN STEAM (NUCLEAR.)
02 FPC FUEL POOL COOLING Affected Documents List Sub-Ea I= a C p flncnmpnt
__h 02 AED CAL NE-02-94-15 Minor Rev: Major Rev: Title: CALCULATION FOR FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT ANALYSIS DPM N Updt EMA Y Due: pri InC N Reference Documents List Facni ; ty Z e Snhbype 02 AED CAL Title: VENDOR CALCULATION flnn nmenn NE-02-04-08 FOR COLUMBIA FUEL HANDLING Sheet ACCIDENT OFFSITE & C Engineering Change EC Number 0000004417 000 Status/Date APPROVED 03/03/06 Facility : 02 Type/Sub-type:
CMR II111111 1111 liii! 1111 11111 1111111111 11111 1111 11111 ii!! liii! 1111 liii lii CMR 4417 Page 2 Print Date: 03/03/06 E ENERGY NORTHWEST Pa:Cp=l? 2 '>
* sc2utionn.
Page: 2 Reference Documents List rn r- ; 1 i- ty Z=ASI 02 AED CAL Title: VENDOR CALCULATION nnenmpnt NE-02-04-01 FOR DOSE DATABASE.Shpee 02 CVI DWG 773-00,12 Title: NF500 REFUELING MAST OUTLINE 02 CVI SPC 981-00,133 Title: PROPRIETARY INFORMATION FOR COLUMBIA GENERATING STATION CYCLE 18 REL Cross References Ref .EC Ilumbar 0000002406 Sub-Nilihar nPfl ?4pe; en AST ANALYSIS DOCUMENTATION
/ IMPLEMENTATION CMR 4417 Page 3 Engineering Change Print Date: 03/03/06 EC Number : 0000004417 000 "',ENERGY Facility : 02 NORTHWEST Type/Sub-type:
CMR Ptp'eVi;io
&#xb6;clutnP Page: I Topic :
UPDATE Last Updated By JFISHE From Panel : TIME100 Last Updated Date: 03/02/06 Text Status : UNLOCKED Minor Revision 002 Document Summary NOTE: Information obtained from this document summary should be verified against the original (hardcopy) controlled document prior to use in any design documents or the formulation of any official position statement.
Document Number: NE-02-94-15 Revision/
Date: 002 / 05-31-1995 Title: Calculation for Predicted Fuel Damage from Fuel Handling Accident in the Reactor Core and Spent Fuel Pool Purpose/Scope:
Determine the number of predicted fuel failures from a Fuel Handling Accident in the reactor core and Spent Fuel Pool. Provide resolution for PER 294-0322 by reaccomplishing the Fuel Handling Accident analysis reported in CGS FSAR 15.7.4 using assumptions consistent with the plant configuration.
Original accident source term and reactor power uprate are retained for historical information but dose consequences are superseded by NE-02-04-08.
Nuclear System(s):
Quality Class: I Attributes:
Inputs: AED CAL NE-02-90-59 AED CAL NE-02-04-01 FSAR Section 15.7.4 CVI DWG 812-00,111 Outputs: AED CAL NE-02-04-08 CVI SPC 981-00,133 FSAR Section 15.7.4 Results/Conclusions:
All of the fuel assemblies in the Columbia Generating Station core are covered by FHA analyses with maximum drop heights which conservatively encompass the Technical Specification limits on Refueling Bridge uptravel.Within the analytical assumptions, which are consistent with the original FSAR analysis except for drop height, the offsite dose consequences of the Fuel Handling Accident are within the Standard Review Plan guidelines, which limit FHA consequences to 25% of the siting criteria in 10CFR100.GE Power Uprate Analysis Dose release for the Fuel Handling Accident bound the dose determined for all fuel assemblies residing in the core in Cycle 11. Therefore the dose determined by GE for power uprate can conservatively be used for all assemblies in Cycle 11 and for future CMR 4417 Page 4 Engineering Change Print Date: 03/03/06 EC Number : 0000004417 000 ' *' ENERGY Facility : 02 MflDTU" lIEST Type/Sub-type:
CMR 'Page: 2 cycles where these assemblies reside in power uprate conditions.
NE-02-04-01 Appendix C provides a qualitative assessment that the Fuel Handling Accident (FHA) in the core bounds the Spent Fuel Pool. The NRC requested the predicted number of fuel failures in the Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) in an RAI on the CGS Alternate Source Term license amendment request. This calculation demonstrates that the number of fuel failures assumed in the dose consequences (NE-02-04-08) bounds the spent fuel pool and the in-core accident.
The number of fuel rod failures in the core also bounds the spent fuel pool accident.
Page A.21 calculates the number of failed rods in the spent fuel pool to be 83, which is less than the in-core results (105 from Page A.17). Both are less than the 250 rods assumed in the dose analysis (NE-02-04-08).
The fuel damage from the FHA in the core bounds the FHA in the spent fuel pool and both are bounded by the assumptions in the dose analysis.Methodology:
Manual calculation Key Parameters:
Integrated dose rates Comments: Initiating Document:
PER 294-0322 Initiating Document:
RFTS 95-03-047 Initiating Document:
PDC 2406 This calculation has been revised for power uprate.CMR: 4417 PDC 2406: Alternate Source Term replaces dose analysis.
Add Spent Fuel Pool FHA. Revision 3 markup attached.
Summary for Title, Purpose, Results, Input/Output updated.
NORTHWEST CALCULATION COVER SHEET BDCIPOC Page People *Vision. Solutions Equipment Piece No. Project Page Cont'd on Page Columbia 1.000 1.100 Discipline Calculation No.NE-02-94-15 Nuclear Quality Class 1 Remarks TITLEISUBJECTIPURPOSE Title/Subject Predicted Fuel Damage from Fuel Handling Accident in the Reactor Core and Spent Fuel Pool Purpose Determine the number of predicted fuel failures from a Fuel Handling Accident in the reactor core and Spent Fuel Pool.Provide resolution for PER 294-0322 by reaccomplishing the Fuel Handling Accident analysis reported in CGS FSAR 15.7.4 using assumptions consisten with the plant configuration.
Original accident source term and reactor power uprate are retained for historical information but dose consequences are superseded by NE-02-04-08.
,, DFjichey 31- 3/0l6 M^,f .n t > e%//-//r* Study Calculations shall be used only for the purpose of evaluating alternate design options or assisting the engineer in performing assessments.
18645 R5 BDC Page hWASHINGTON PUBLIC POWER CALCULATION COVER SHEET -~ -~- Xw*ite G1SUPPLY SYSTEM ~Equipment Piece No. Project Page Cont'd On Page/WNP-2 1.000 :1.10 Discipline Calculation No.Nuclear NE-02-94-)e Quality Class 1/RemarksO/TITLEISUBJECTJPURPOSE Title, SubFect \ i Fuel Handling Accident Analysis (PER 2A:1a-r Purpose Provide resolution for PER 294-0322 by reaccomplishing the Fuel (ing'Accident analysis usi assumptions consistent with the plant configuration.
F, Accidten-us,, G//i7 CAp CTION REVISION RECORD RE I I NST T S, INITI TING TRANSM ITTAL REVISION STATUS/ E SCRIPTION INITIATING NO. F.P. OR S DOCUMENTS NO.__ __ __ __ a8<1St ;-~ i :>1g.--- .g .A9 / 59 2 $R \ 14 A , 1F SO~~~4 1L t- 2>j e6-o~-~q-<j~
Pec a 2 PERFORMANCE VERIFICATION RECORD REVISION l P1FORMED BY/DATE VERIFIED BY/DATE APPROVED BYIDATE N O.1 __ __z__ __O 05/20/94 13 .n. ni , &#xa3;/2./?% qp z2 '/ 5 2_____ / __________
*~ 6g '7, jJ#X25&(tlfit5_,;
-Ag;{ /-.---~ sG,, ~5: ej Ii ,J4 ,/c Study calculations shall be used only for the purpose of evaluating alternate design options or assisting the engineer in performing assessments.
Uti- I t5040 K.4 10i")
Page 504nid On Page s9 --o~fuslro CALCULATIONINDEX ECoZu ratwn o. /.2SPLYSSE N002-94-1 5 KevIoin NY 2 ITEM Calculation Cover Sheet Calculation Index Verification Checklist for Calculations and CMR's Calculation Reference List Calculation Output Interface Document Revision Index Calculation Output Summary Calculation Method Sketches Manual Calculation APPENDICES:
(.Comnuter Runs PAGE N .SEQUENCE 1 .-NA.100- NA 1.200- 1.202 1.300- NA./I,) 1.400 -NA)/ A) 2.000 -2.001 3.000- NA 4.000 -5.000 -None 5.01 4 N. -'I_ i /Historical
/ lnformatonn Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix H Appendix S Appendix E Appendix Appendix A-000- A.017 Super eded P'..), NIA NIA E.01 -E.02 Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Cnnv of RPfPZ/nce 3 ( 1Pi Q 1 ----UAI S z vv-* _ f w n l v cws #
ENR YPage Cont'd on Page ENERGY CALCULATION INDEX 1.100 1.200 NORTH WEST i-"
* Calculation No.Peopaph-Vision*Sclutions NE-02-94-15 Revision No.3 PAGE NO. SEQUENCE ITEM Calculation Cover Sheet Calculation Index Verification Checklist for Calculations and CMR's Calculation Reference List Calculation Output Interface Documents Revision Index Calculation Output Summary Calculation Method Sketches Manual Calculation 1.000 -1.100 -1.200 -1.300 -1.400 -2.000 -3.000 -4.000 -5.000 -NA NA 1.203 1.301 NA 2.2 3.1 NONE 5.15 APPENDICES:
Computer Runs Copy of selected references Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix A B C 0 E A.0-A.21 E.1-E.4 Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages 25278 R5
"' ENERGY VERIFICATION CHECKLIST FOR Page Cont'd On Page People-.Vision-Solutions CALCULATIONS AND CMRs 1.203 1.300 CalculationICMR NE-02-94-15
/ 4417 was verified using the following methods:l Checklist Below Revision 3 D Alternate Calculation(s)
Verifier Initials Checklist Item Clear statement of purpose of analysis ....................................................................
Methodology is clearly stated, sufficiently detailed, and appropriate for the proposed application..........................................................................................
Does the analysis/calculation methodology (including criteria and assumptions) differ from that described in the Plant or ISFSI FSAR or NRC Safety Evaluation Report, or are the results of the analysis/calculation as described in the Plant or ISFSI FSAR or NRC Safety Evaluation Report affected?a Yes ( No ..................................................................................................
If Yes, ensure that the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59 and/or 10 CFR 72.48 have been processed in accordance with SWP-LIC-02.....................................
Does the analysis/calculation result require revising any existing output interface document as identified in DES-4-1, Attachment 7.3?El Yes INo ..........
If Yes, ensure that the appropriate actions are taken to revise the output interface documents per DES-4-1, section 3.1.8 (i.e., document change is initiated in accordance with applicable procedures)...........................................
Logical consistency of analysis.................................................................................
* Completeness of documenting references
* Completeness of input .......................................................................................
* Accuracy of input data........................................................................................
* Consistency of input data with approved criteria.
* Completeness in stating assumptions................................................................
* Validity of assumptions.......................................................................................
* Calculation sufficiently detailed ..........................................................................
* Arithmetical accuracy.........................................................................................
* Physical units specified and correctly used........................................................
* Reasonableness of output conclusion
Supervisor independency check (if acting as Verifier)..............................................
-Did not specify analysis approach-Did not rule out specific analysis options-Did not establish analysis inputs ........................................................................
If a computer program was used: .............................................................................
-Is the program appropriate for the proposed application?
-Have the program error notices been reviewed to determine if they pose any limitations for this application?
-Is the program name, revision number, and date of run inscribed on the output?-Is the program identified on the Calculation Method Form?If so, is it listed in Chapter 10 of the Engineering Standards Manual?...............
Other elements considered:
A4 &'1VA AS i;A 4 t;A4 A I hi A I A'A4 If separate Verifiers were used for validating these functions or a portion of these functions, each sign and initial below.Based on the foregoing, the Calculation/CMR is adequate for the purpose intended.Verifier Signature(s)/Date Verifier Initials M .A bu-Shehadeh
> .) W16- .?/u,,(. _____________
25280 R5 Page Cont'd On Page ENERGY 1.301 1.400 e NORTHWEST CALCULATION REFERENCE LIST Calculation No.People Vision*Sclutions NE-02-94-15 Revision No.3 SEQUENCE ISSUE DATE, DOCUMENT NO. AUTHOR EDITION TITLE NO.OR REVISION 9 Energy Northwest 0 Vendor Calculation For Dose Database NE-02-04-01 10 Energy Northwest various Columbia Generating Station FSAR_Final Safety Analysis Report 11 GE Nuclear Energy 0 NF-500 Refueling Mast Inspection GENE-771 Instructions 1194 (Appendix E)12 General Electric 4 NF500 Refueling Mast Outline CVI 773-00,12 (107E5143) 13 Energy Northwest 0 Columbia Fuel Handling Accident Offsite NE-02-04-08 and Control Room Doses Using Regulatory Guide 1.183 Source Terms 14 Framatome ANP 0 Columbia Generating Station Cycle 18 CVI 981-00,133 (AREVA) Reload Analysis (EMF-3164) 15 ABB/Combustion 0 Fuel Assembly Mechanical Design Report CE NPSD-792-P Engineering for WNP-2 (DIC 555)25281 R2 ENERGY ACLTO UPTS~VAY Page Cont'd On Page1 (P NORTHWEST CALCULATION OUTPUT
Caic7a in o People .Vlsion -Solutions CltNE-02-94-1 5 NE10294--Discussion of Results Revision No.3 REV.BAR NE-02-04-01 Appendix C provides a qualitative assessment that the Fuel Handling Accident (FHA) in the core bounds the Spent Fuel Pool. The NRC requested the predicted number of fuel failures in the Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) in an RAI on the CGS Alternate Source Term license amendment request. This calculation demon strates that the number of fuel failures assumed in the dose consequences (NE-02-04-08) bounds the spent fuel pool and the in-core accident.
The number of fuel rod failures in the core also bounds the spent fuel pool accident.
Page A.21 calculates the number of failed rods in the spent fuel pool to be 83, which is less than the in-core results (105 from Page A.17). Both are less than the 250 rods assumed in the dose analysis (NE-02-04-08).
Conclusions The fuel damage from the FHA in the core bounds the FHA in the spent fuel pool and both are bounded by the assumptions in the dose analysis.18652 R3 ENERGY Page Ccnt'd On Page.(D)ENNORTHWEST
'CALCULATION METHOD a 3.peapt, Vison sarstin-1Calculation No.Pt'oplr. Vs-on Sotutiens CONTINUATION PAGE, NE-02-94-15 Prepared By/Date Venfled by/Cate 2 b Revision No.JO Fisher 312/2006 M. Abu-Shehadeh VA l L, .3 Et ___I REV.BAR Input Interfaces Spent Fuel Pool Drop Height Calculation NE-02-04-01 (Reference 9 page C. 1)developed a spent fuel pool drop height of 29 inches forATRIUM-10 fuel using an assembly length of 176 inches. The assembly length used for the design basis in-core fuel handling accident is 160 in (Reference 1, page US- 19). This results in a drop height of (176 -160 + 29) in or 3.75 ft.FSAR (Reference
: 10) reports, Accidental drop of a fuel assembly from the maximum possible height consistent with fuel handling operations, which is 4 ft above the top of fuel rack.Taking no credit for bail handles protruding above the fuel storage racks, 4 ft is selected as a conservative drop height.Refueling Mast & Grapple Weight CVI 773-00,12 (Reference
: 12) contains the nominal weight of the entire refueling mast (1049 lb). Reference 11 (cf Appendix E for copy of pages) provides the weights and tolerances for the components of the mast and grapple. The total weight is consistent with Reference
: 12. Per Reference 12, the grapple head and three, four and five inch tube assemblies will rest on the fuel assembly in the spent fuel pool because the drop height is not sufficient to extend any of the mast sections fully. The six inch tube assembly is attached to the refueling bridge.Combining the weights of the grapple and tube assemblies and their tolerances yields (36 + 171 + 227 + 284+4'15) lb = 778 lb dry weight. This is heavier than the 350 lb wet weight assumed for the FHA over the core, which was selected to bound the grapple head and three inch tube assembly.
The remaining tube assemblies remain attached to the mast for the in-core FHA.Output Interfaces Dose Consequences The fuel handling accident dose consequences evaluated in this calculation are superseded by NE-02-04-08 when RG 1.183 Alternate Source Term is implemented.
NE-02-04-08 assumes 250 failed rods from the in-core FHA for determining dose consequences.
This calculation demonstrates that 250 failed rods bounds the number of failed rods from an FHA in the core or spent fuel pool.FSAR FSAR 15.7.4 summarizes the methodology used in this calculation and reports the number of fuel failures for GE6 8x8 fuel (the design basis fuel assembly).
ATRIUM-I 0 and SVEA-96 reload fuel (not lead fuel) results are obtained from separate analyses referenced in the FSAR(cf. Reference 14 and 15). The 124 rods reported in the FSAR Amd 58 were determined using an older methodology described in FSAR 15.7.4 Amd 33.I 25291 R1
,r W,1311 O IT W , -- --...-. ,. ----Page Ccnt'd On&J SUPPLY SYSIEM MANUAL CALCULATION 5.000 Page r. I Calcufation tlo.-NE-02-94-15 Prepared vyoate Venified ByRDatee o J..Chnle 5/094 iV8)/L/F Revition No. REV.TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 2.0 3.0
AND SUMSIARY ..................
4.1 ANF-4 and ANF-6 Fuel ......................
4.2 GE-6 and GE- II Fuel .......................
4.3 SVEA-96 Fuel ...........................
5 oi A Qc:vNsIST CAr 134t 4 ..6 -.--_/ovckA LL,4TF Co 10 1. ._ _ _ , _Pane* ...5.001.... 5.002.... 5.003.... 5.004.... 5.004.... 5.006.... 5.006..!-q--- .10 VA I&lFuel Handling Accident in Spent Fuel Pool ...............................
5.15 .l.ft 4$ /ul I -9bU 18U64 I 16!33JI Page Cont'd On Page (?~ENERGY MAULCLUAIN5.15 X NORTHWEST IACAL CALCULATIONalculation No.People. Vision* Solutions NE-02-94-15 Prepared ByiDate Verified byiDate 3 I Z-1 -Revision No.JD Fisher 3/2/2006 M Abu-Shehadeh
., .i yAm 3 REV.BAR Fuel Handling Accident in Spent Fuel Pool NE-02-04-01 Appendix C provides a qualitative assessment that the Fuel Handling Accident (FHA) in the core bounds the Spent Fuel Pool. The NRC requested the predicted number of fuel failures in the Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) in an RAI on the CGS Alternate Source Term license amendment request. This calculation demonstrates that the number of fuel failures assumed in the dose consequences (NE-02-04-08) bounds the spent fuel pool and the in-core accident.
The number of fuel rod failures in the core also bounds the spent fuel pool accident.Principal differences between the FHA over the core and in the SFP include: 1. The drop height is much less in the SFP from the same initial elevation.
: 2. The mass of the NF-500 fuel grapple and tube assemblies falling with the dropped fuel assembly is higher in the spent fuel pool because the NF-500 cannot fully extend in the spent fuel pool.Conservative values for the forgoing are selected in Page 3.1.The calculations are performed in Appendix A with Microsoft Excel 2003 (11.6355.6360 SPI) using the methodology described in Reference
: 1. The equations taken from Reference 1 are reported on Page A.18 with sources referenced.
The spreadsheet is validated as follows: 1. Page A.19 duplicates the calculation and results from the NRC approved methodology topical report (Reference 1, Page US-1 9). Note that energy from the first impact is lower than reported in Reference 1, which appears to have rounded up to 31870 ft-lb. This does not alter the predicted number of rods failed.2. Page A.20 duplicates the in core accident documented on Page A.17.Page A.21 calculates the number of failed rods in the spent fuel pool to be 83, which is less than the in-core results (105 from Page A.17). Both are less than the 250 rods assumed in the dose analysis (NE-02-04-08).
The fuel damage from the FHA in the core bounds the FHA in the spent fuel pool and both are bounded by the assumptions in the dose analysis.1 E604 R3 jr IISI.T11PUICPIVIIPage Cont'd On SUPPLY SYT r ' -- ---APPENDIX A a -On Prepared BylDate Verified ByDate NE-02-94-1 5 J.C. Chandler 05/20/94 levo No R3 V4. MR COMPUTER CALCULATIONS All of the computer runs in this calculation were performed with Quattro Pro for Windows, Version 5.0. The values from the spreadsheet are shown in this appendix.Exetasntd nPge51 A S3/3/oG jID- I u'5J4 I1 1013)
Prepared By. JO Ftshe 3/20206i Ventied By: Mi Abu-Shehadeh Page A.1B NE-0294-515 Revision 3 I -- ...i .,. ....Variable WVB WG Hdrop FE HG HB Nrod Dttermine number of I ElD N1F Nltotai Determine number of I E2D N2F Units lb lb ft ft-lbliod in ib/d rods Description wet weight GE Bxa tuel assembly wet weight grapple component Drop height in core (lest impact)cladding mass traction of non-tuel components energy absorbed before rladdmng lallure in compression grapple elevation before 2nd impact GE Ms8 fuel assembly length number rods in GE Bx8 potential energy first impact failed rods 4 impacted assemblies total failed rods first impact. Al faJ in dropped assembly Reterence NEDE-2401 I-P-A-tO-US NEDE-2401 1-P-A-1O-US Page uS-i9 t* 1 1* I* I* 1* I I Sequence No.v*(WBUNG)H.1-1rop aROUNO(EI D/2Cralio/FE,O) t1-lb rods US-19 1 B 15*Nrod aWG IG112 ,O.SWtiHB/I2 tt-lb=ROUND(O.S E2D CratroIFEO) lods potential energy second impact failed rods in impacted assembilies I Total number of failed t !'::, :.1 I YVW5 <t6 J {/ -s t GE6-corceqn Prepared By: JD Fisher 3/2/2006 Verified By: M Abu-Shehadeh Page A. 19 NE-02-94-1 5 Revision 3 iI.: t I- I " C. ..i ;l i::Ci L. Con!c lCui:iioa; ii I Di 2'PLI i -E, p.- 1 (J-S to i i;.io stra ic: qu i Variable Value Units Description Reference Page Sequence No.WB 617 lb wet weight GE 8x8 fuel assembly NEDE-24011-P-A-10-US US-19 1 WG 350 lb wet weight grapple component " 1 Hdrop 32.95 ft Drop height in core (first impact) 1 cladding mass fraction of non-fuel Cratio 0.519 Ib/lb components 1 energy absorbed before cladding FE 250 ft-lb/rod failure in compression 1 grapple elevation before 2nd HG 160 in impact 1 HB 160 in GE 8x8 fuel assembly length 1 Nrod 62 rods number rods in GE 8x8 1 Determine number of failed rods in first impact ElD 31863 ft-lb potential energy first impact NEDE-24011-P-A-10-US US-19 1 NIF 33 rods failed rods 4 impacted assemblies 1 total failed rods first impact. All fail NWtotal 95 in dropped assembly 1 Determine number of failed rods in impacted assemblies for second impact E2D 8780 ft-lb potential energy second impact to 1 N2F 9 rods failed rods in impacted assemblies o I1 Total number of failed rods in first and second impacts Nii OtI 104 icd- M.,alches r(s' "Al" 1 7 13 1/a GE6-core Prepared By: JD Fisher 3/2/2006 Verified By: M Abu-Shehadeh Variable Value Units Description Reference WB 617 lb wet weight GE 8x8 fuel assembly NEDE-2401 1.WG 350 lb wet weight grapple component'~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ J;'. is 1i t :C? Ozin J C.-t lr:'S itl*.t' I .l' !-cladding mass fraction of non-fuel Cratio 0.519 lb/lb components NEDE-24011.
energy absorbed before cladding FE 250 ft-lb/rod failure in compression grapple elevation before 2nd HG 160 in impact HB 160 in GE 8x8 fuel assembly length Nrod 62 rods number rods in GE 8x8 Determine number of failed rods in first impact ElD 32878 ft-lb potential energy first impact NE-02-94-15 NIF 34 rods failed rods 4 impacted assemblies NE-02-94-15 total failed rods first impact. All fail NItotal 96 in dropped assembly Determine number of failed rods in impacted assemblies for second impact E2D 8780 ft-lb potential energy second impact NE-02-94-15 N2F 9 rods failed rods in impacted assemblies NE-02-94-15 Total number of failed rods in first and second impacts Page-P-A-10-US US-19 ,. --U C,..9 I-P-A-10-US US-19 Page A.20 NE-02-94-15 Revision 3 Sequence No.1 1 1 1 1 1-7V1-A.017 A.017 A.017 A.017 AA)ii GE6-core (2)
Prepared By: JD Fisher 3/2/2006 Verified By: M Abu-Shehadeh Page A.21 NE-02-94-15 Revision 3>'t s~il: [*At.-n.:
6EG iit'ur.4 gr-z aidpI;:-t R:j ic : ,,!A Variable Value Units Description WB i.,;617 lb r'S !;I t 4 Cratio 0.519 Ib/lb wet weight GE 8x8 fuel assembly Ia'! ' :e .-g<a.- .\..! CC :C (N .ot cladding mass fraction of non-fuel components energy absorbed before cladding failure in compression grapple elevation before 2nd impact GE 8x8 fuel assembly length number rods in GE 8x8 Reference NEDE-2401 1-P-A-10-US
;-. ! -0'2 '@.-16'&sect; t- j -84E US-19.3 i;., Page Sequence No.I NEDE-24011-P-A-10-US US-19 1 FE 250 ft-lb/rod HG HB Nrod 160 in 160 in 62 rods ftI n. 1 1 I" 1 7 1/t, Determine number of failed rods in first impact EID 5580 ft-lb potential energy first impact NIF 6 rods failed rods 4 impacted assemblies total failed rods first impact. All fail in dropped assembly NItotal 68 Determine number of failed rods In impacted assemblies for second impact E2D 14487 ft-lb potential energy second impact N2F 15 rods failed rods in impacted assemblies Total number of failed rods in first and second impacts i !01:- &deg;3 1 Cdb.GE6-SFP Prepared By: JD Fisher 312/2006 Verified By: M Abu-Shehadeh Page E.3 NE-02-94-1 5 73q.-jR L;? flp*k GENE-771-78-1194 Rev. O*:, Agh GE Nuclear Energy I.I NF-5O0 REMULqG MAST INSPECTION R4STRUCTIONS Prepared for WASHINGTON PUBUC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM, WASHINGTON NUCIYAR ?"NT. 2 By GE Nuclear Energy, San Jose, Ca.n1'I I1 Prepared Br..L. F. Karan, Sr. Engincer Date: 3/_ 2_? Q ,i Approved By: 6 Pe & !a t4 Date:_ _/_7___C.R. Bozni&, Site Services Mfanager, WNP-2 jI'4.1 A t cj dH 9002 22 I .C1 XUJ 13r83SUI dH Lip:el 900 ZZ qaj RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERM LICENSE AMENDEMENT REQUEST Enclosure 5 SourcelRecentor Figures for Determining X/Qs Figure 1: Site Layout Figure 2: Reactor Bldg Wall Source to the 3 Control Room Intakes Figure 3: Condensate Storage Tanks to the 3 Control Room Intakes Figure 4: King Kong Doors to the 3 Control Room Intakes Figure 5: Reactor Bldg Roof to the 3 Control Room Intakes Figure 6: TG Bldg Exhaust to the 3 Control Room Intakes REMOTE-1 (N12294', W1589')a (N 12148', W1224.7')N 12179.5'CONDENSATE STORAGE TANKS' N12115'RX BLDG WALL (N11918.5', W1332')NI 2000' __ _Ni 1874' __ _ _N11851' __ ___LOCAL (N 11874', W1460')-,-ROO (Nil F LINE / SGT 1918.5', W1243.5')N11918.5'-KK-DOORS (N11778', W1176')-RX BLDG WALL (N11770', W1176')N 11500 REMOTE-2 0 (N11565', W1025')I C>0 0 B:: U)I SITE LAYOUT FIGURE 1 REMOTE-i ... ....... ...~w ..vm .w..........(N12294', W 59 .>.7.........<X V..........
...... ....... _ c.. .. .... ...h.. ...'.........0..
...... .....\....w ..... o. .. ...I.: ... .0.0: .(N118..6...5.'. .W1.33.2')
N 1 2179.5'CONDENSATE STORAGE TANKS Nl12115' I LOG WALL)18.5', W1332')411918.5'IkttJ 4 tal' Jbh'Wi; 6 Yi.. ......... .... ... / .................
..............;;/I--1'0.1 14 UZ) I-.......................
RX BLDG W ALL...................................
N I 1770" W 1176')........................
.... ... LD G............................
.... ......... DIESEL GENERATOR
...... ........ .... ........ ...... ....................................
t2 BLDG.... ..... .... ..........
.... .. ..... ... ...... ...............
....... ..... .... .... ...... : .. ................
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..N l..i5 0. .0 ............- _ -_ -_ -_. .o o.. ............. .. ...o.. .......o. ............................R E M O T E -2. ....... ..... .CONDENSATE STORAGE TANKS TO THE 3 CONTROL ROOM INTAKES FIGURE 3 REMOTE-i.1 (N12294', W1589')... f '. ...N'i .2112 ... ..... ...... ...... ..............................
.. .. .. ... .. ... ..I.. .. .. ... ...... .... .... .... ....... .... .. ...- .... '.V.U:2TURB~t..:..2.'..:.~..........
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o 0o o 0 ............ .. ..... .. ..0......E.O.E.2 KIN.KOG.DORSTO.N..65'.W125' THE.3 CONTROL.ROOM INTAKES....... FIGURE ..4 REMOTE-1 (N12294', W1559')......
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Latest revision as of 21:59, 13 July 2019