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#REDIRECT [[BYRON 2010-0029, Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report]]
| number = ML101260472
| issue date = 04/30/2010
| title = 2009 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
| author name = Enright D J
| author affiliation = Exelon Generation Co, LLC, Exelon Nuclear
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/Document Control Desk, NRC/NRR
| docket = 05000454, 05000455
| license number = NPF-037, NPF-066
| contact person =
| case reference number = BYRON 2010-0029
| document type = Annual Operating Report, Environmental Monitoring Report, Letter
| page count = 345
{{#Wiki_filter:Exelkn,.Exelon Generation Company, LLC Nuclear Byron Station 4450 North German Church Road Byron, IL 61010-9794 April 30, 2010 10 CFR 50.36a LTR: BYRON 2010-0029 File: 1.10.0101 2.12.1522 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001
.Byron Station, Units 1 and 2 Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-37 and NPF-66 NRC Docket Nos. STN 50-454 and STN 50-455
2009 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report Enclosed is the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for Byron Station. This report is being submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.36a(2), "Technical specifications on effluents from nuclear power reactors," and includes a summary of radiological liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the site from January 2009, through December 2009. Also enclosed is the current Revision 6 of the Byron Station Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), the Byron ODCM, Revision 6 Change Document and Technical Requirements Manual Chapters 3.11 and 3.12.If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact David T. Gudger, Regulatory Assurance Manager, at (815) 406-2800.Respectfully, Daniel J. Enright Site Vice President Byron Nuclear Generating Station DJE/JG/TH/cy Attachments:
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report-ODCM Rev 6 Change Document Summary A-TRM Chapters 3.11 and 3.12-CY-BY-170-301 -Rev 6 (ODCM Rev 6) _El -is, BYRON NUCLEAR POWER STATION ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT (ARERR)2009 Page 1 of 94 BYRON NUCLEAR POWER STATION UNIT 1/2 DOCKET NUMBER STN-50-454/455 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT January 2009 -December 2009 Supplemental Information Regulatory Limits a. Fission and activation gases: Tech Spec Whole Body = 500 mrem/year Skin = 3000 mrem/year 10CFR50 Gamma = 5 mrad/quarter; 10 mrad/year Beta = 10 mrad/quarter; 20 mrad/year b. Iodine: (summed with particulate, see below)c. Particulates with half-lives
> 8 days: Tech Spec Organ = 1500 mrem/year 10CFR50 Organ = 7.5 mrem/quarter; 15 mrem/year d. Liquid Effluents:
10CFR50 Whole Body = 1.5 mrem/quarter; 3 mrem year Organ = 5 mrem/quarter; 10 mrem/year e. Total Effective Dose Equivalent:
10CFR20 TEDE = 100 mrem/year 2. Maximum Permissible Concentration
: a. Fission and Activation Gases: 1 OCFR20 Appendix B Table 2 b. Iodine: 10CFR20 Appendix B Table 2 c. Particulates:
10CFR20 Appendix B Table 2 d. Liquid Effluents:
10 X 10CFR20 Appendix B Table 2 3. Average Energy: This item is not applicable.
Release rates are calculated using an isotopic mix rather than average energy.4. Measurements and Approximations of Total Radioactivity
: a. Fission and activation gases: Prior to release, the isotopic content is determined.
Released activity is calculated using volume of release, which is determined by the change in tank or containment pressure.
Additional methods of calculation utilize historical data and assign an isotopic mix, which is representative of normal vent stack isotopics.
: b. Particulate, tritium and iodine sampling media for the plant vent stacks are collected and isotopically analyzed weekly.c. Liquid effluents:
Isotopic analysis is performed on each batch release prior to its release. Total release activity is calculated using volume of release. Total tritium activity released is calculated Page 2 of 94 from the highest of a monthly circulating water blowdown composite activity or a sum of the input composite activities.
: d. Analysis results that are less than the lower limit of detection
(<LLD) are reported in units of uCi/cc or uCi/mI unless otherwise noted. All LLD values are listed in Attachment A.5. Batch Releases: a. Liquid: 1. Number of batch releases = 76 2. Total time period for batch releases = 10,837 minutes 3. Maximum time period for a batch release = 441 minutes 4. Average time period for a batch release = 143 minutes 5. Minimum time period for a batch release = 45 minutes 6. Average stream flow during periods of release of effluent into a flowing stream = 309 m 3/sec, based on information from the U.S. Geological Survey Byron Gauging Station.b. Gaseous: 1. Number of batch releases = 314 2. Total time period for batch releases = 31,765 minutes 3. Maximum time period for a batch release = 3,333 minutes 4. Average time period for batch releases = 101 minutes 5. Minimum time period for a batch release = 10 minutes 6. Abnormal Releases: a. Liquid -None b. Gaseous -None 7. 2009 Radiological Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP) Results Summary: In 2009, the number of Radiological Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP) monitoring wells sampled was reduced from 22 to 13 based on the evaluation and recommendation from an environmental consulting firm. The 9 wells removed from the sampling program in 2009 had not tested positive for tritium since the program began in 2006 and were determined to be low risk for contamination based on their locations commensurate with local hydrogeology.
The samples obtained from the 13 wells in 2009 were obtained in April and October and analyzed for tritium. Of these samples, two wells contained levels of tritium above the lower limit of detection (LLD) of 200 pCi/L.They were: AR-4 (1350 pCi/L in April, 1360 pCi/L in October) and AR-1 1 (1110 pCi/L in April, 1010 pCi/L in October).
Both of these wells are near the Circulating Water Blowdown piping, where historical leakage through vacuum breakers was known to have occurred.
Well AR-4 has shown an overall steady decrease in tritium concentration since first sampled in 2006. Well AR-1 1 has also shown an overall decrease in tritium since 2006, and a slight decrease from 2008. The dose consequence from tritium present in these sample wells is negligible.
: 8. 2007 Errata During the week of 8/3/2009, the biennial Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) inspection per NRC inspection manual 71122.02, Radioactive Material Processing and Transportation, identified that resin radioactive waste shipment RWS 07-015 on 12/5/07 used incorrect samples and scaling factors to characterize the resin. During the extent of condition review, one other resin shipment, RWS 07-016 on 12/12/07, was found to contain the same error as found in shipment RWS 07-015. After re-characterizing the shipments using the proper scaling factors, the waste shipment classification (Class Page 3 of 94 "C") did not change, however, the new radionuclide makeup resulted in minor changes to the total curie content of the shipments.
Using the correct scaling factors, shipment RWS 07-015 on 12/5/07 went from 211 to 288 curies. Shipment RWS-07-016 on 12/12/07 went from 338 to 203 curies. Below are the corrected shipment and quarterly curie totals: SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE FOR BURIAL 4 TH QUARTER 2007 DISPOSITION OF MATERIAL MODEOF VOLUME CURIES*DATE (DESCRIPTION, CLASS, TYPE TRANSPORT DESTINATION PER PER AND SOLIDIFYING AGENT) SHIPMENT SHIPMENT RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, LOW SPECIFIC 10/08/07 ACTIVITY (LSA-I), 7, UN2912, CLASS A, EXCLUSIVE-USE Oak Ridge, TN 9.23E+00 4.62E-03 GENERAL DESIGN PACKAGE, 20' METAL BOX, NONE RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, LOW SPECIFIC 11/28/07 ACTIVITY (LSA-II), 7, UN3321, CLASS B, TYPE EXCLUSIVE-USE Barnwell, SC 2.63E+00 4.19E+01 B(U) PACKAGE, CASK, NONE RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, TYPE B(U)12/5/07 PACKAGE, 7, UN2916, CLASS C, TYPE B(U) EXCLUSIVE-USE Barnwell, SC 2.63E+00 2.88E+02 PACKAGE, CASK, NONE RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, TYPE B(U)12/12/07 PACKAGE, 7, UN2916, CLASS C, TYPE B(U) EXCLUSIVE-USE Barnwell, SC 2.63E+00 2.03E+02 PACKAGE, CASK, NONE Number of Quarterly Totals Shipments:
4 1.71 E+01 5.33E+02* Calculated using measured ratios CUBIC M CURIES Page 4 of 94
Calculations based on gaseous and liquid effluents, Rock River flow and average/concurrent meteorological data indicate that public dose due to radioactive material attributable to Byron Station during the reporting period did not exceed any limits listed in the Regulatory Limits section.The Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) due to licensed activities at Byron Station calculated for the maximum-exposed individual for the period is 3.09E-01 mrem. The annual limit on TEDE is 100 mrem.The assessment of radiation doses to the public is performed in accordance with the ODCM.The results of these analyses confirm that the station is operating in compliance with 1 OCFR50 Appendix I, 10CFR20 and 40CFR1 90.There were no additional operational controls implemented which affected the areas of radiological effluents in 2009.There were no measurements which exceeded the reporting levels, including any which would not have been attributable to station effluents.
The results of the current radiological environmental monitoring program are approximately the same as those found during the pre-operational studies conducted at Byron Station.Gaseous Effluents to the Atmosphere A total of 1.20E+01 curies of fission and activation gases were released with a maximum average quarterly release rate of 1.33E+00 pCi/sec.A total of 1.01 E-04 curies of 1-131 were released during the year with a maximum average quarterly release rate of 6.41 E-06 pCi/sec.A total of 1.51 E-05 curies were released as airborne particulate matter with a maximum average quarterly release rate of 1 .12E-06 pCi/sec. Alpha-emitting radionuclides were below detectable limits.A total of 0.OOE+00 curies of other radioisotopes were released with a maximum average quarterly release rate of 0.OOE+00 pCi/sec.A total of 1.05E+02 curies of tritium were released with a maximum average quarterly release rate of 2.60E+00 pCi/sec.Liquids Released to Rock River A total of 2.76E+10 liters of radioactive liquid wastes (prior to dilution) containing 2.1OE-02 curies (excluding tritium, noble gases and alpha) were discharged from the station. These wastes were released at a maximum quarterly average concentration of 1.01 E-09 pCi/ml. A total of 1.81 E+03 curies of tritium were released.Page 5 of 94 Gamma Dose Rates Offsite Gamma air and whole body dose rates were calculated based on measured release rates, isotopic composition of the noble gases, and average meteorological data for the period.Based on measured effluents and average meteorological data, the maximum total body dose to an individual would be 1.73E-02 mrem for the year, with an occupancy or shielding factor of 0.7 included.
The maximum total body dose based on measured effluents and concurrent meteorological data would be 9.72E-06 mrem. The maximum gamma air dose was 1.64E-04 mrad based on measured effluents and average meteorological data, and 1.93E-05 mrad based on concurrent meteorological data.Beta Air and Skin Dose Rates The range of beta particles in air is relatively small (on the order of a few meters or less);consequently, plumes of gaseous effluents may be considered "semi-infinite" for purpose of calculating the dose from beta radiation incident on the skin. However, the actual dose to sensitive skin tissues is difficult to calculate due to the effect of the beta particle energies, thickness of inert skin and clothing covering sensitive tissues. For purposes of this report the skin is taken to have a thickness of 7.0 mg/cm 2 and an occupancy factor of 1.0 is used. The skin dose based on concurrent meteorological data for the year was 2.52E-04 mrem. The maximum offsite beta air dose for the year, based on measured effluents and average meteorological data, was 6.36E-04 mrad. The beta air dose based on concurrent meteorological data was 4.52E-04 mrad.Radioactive Iodine The human thyroid exhibits a significant capacity to concentrate ingested or inhaled iodine.The minimal levels of radioiodine, 1-131, released during routine operation of the station, may be made available to man resulting in a dose to the thyroid. The principal pathway of interest for this radionuclide is ingestion of radioiodine in milk. Calculations made for 2009 and previous years indicate that contributions to doses from inhalation of 1-131 and 1-133 and ingestion of 1-133 in milk are negligible.
The hypothetical thyroid dose to the maximum exposed individual living near the station via ingestion of milk was calculated.
The radionuclide considered was 1-131 and the source of milk was taken to be the nearest dairy farm with the cows pastured from May through October. The maximum thyroid dose was 7.1OE-02 mrem during the year (infant).Liquid Effluent Pathways The three principal pathways through the aquatic environment for potential doses to man from liquid waste are ingestion of potable water, eating aquatic foods, and exposure while on the shoreline.
Not all of these pathways are significant or applicable at a given time or station but a reasonable approximation of the dose can be made by adjusting the dose formula for season of the year or type and degree of use of the aquatic environment.
NRC developed equations were used to calculate the doses to the whole body, lower GI tracts, thyroid, bone and skin;specific parameters for use in the equations are given in the Exelon Offsite Dose Calculation Manual. The maximum whole body dose for the year was 2.92E-01 mrem (adult) and no organ dose exceeded 3.60E-01 mrem (adult).Page 6 of 94 Site Meteorology A summary of the site meteorological measurements taken during each calendar quarter of the year is included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report (AREOR) or is retained on file to be provided upon request. The data are presented as cumulative joint frequency distributions of the wind direction for the 250' level and wind speed class by atmospheric stability class determined from the temperature difference between the 250' and 30' levels. Data recovery for all measurements on the tower was 99.8% during 2009.Page 7 of 94 SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE FOR BURIAL 1 ST QUARTER 2009 DISPOSITION OF MATERIAL MODE OF DESTINATION VOLUME (M 3) CURIES*DATE (DESCRIPTION, CLASS, TYPE AND TRANSPORT PER PER SOLIDIFYING AGENT) SHIPMENT SHIPMENT RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, LOW SPECIFIC ACTIVITY (LSA-II), 7, UN3321, FISSILE EXCEPTED, CLASS A, EXCLUSIVE-USE 9.77E-02 2/12/09 GENERAL DESIGN PACKAGE (GDP), 20' METAL BOX Oak Ridge, TN 6.52E+01 (2), NONE RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, EXCEPTED PACKAGE LIMITED QUANTITY OF MATERIAL, 7, UN291 0, EXCLUSIVE-USE 3/9/09 FISSILE EXCEPTED, CLASS A, GENERAL DESIGN Oak Ridge, TN 2.13E+01 8.23E-03 PACKAGE (GDP), 20' METAL BOX (3), NONE RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, LOW SPECIFIC ACTIVITY.3/24/09 (LSA-II), 7, UN3321, FISSILE EXCEPTED, CLASS A, EXCLUSIVE-USE Oak Ridge, TN 3.21 E+01 GENERAL DESIGN PACKAGE (GDP), 20' METAL 1.16E-01 BOX, NONE RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, LOW SPECIFIC ACTIVITY 3/31/09 (LSA-II), 7, UN3321, FISSILE EXCEPTED, CLASS A, EXCLUSIVE-USE GENERAL DESIGN PACKAGE (GDP), 20' METAL BOX Oak Ridge, TN 6.80E+01 8.99E-02 (2), NONE Number of QuarterlyTotals Shipments:
5 1.70E+02 1.18E+01* Calculated using measured ratios CUBIC M CURIES Page 11 of 94 SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE FOR BURIAL Estimated Solid Waste Composition 2009 Resins, Filters, Evap Bottoms 2009 Volume (m3) 1.85E+01 Class A Nuclide % Adund Curies uCi/ml H-3 56.089 2.35E+01 1.27E+00 C-14 0.351 1.47E-01 7.952-03 CR-51 0.002 9.82E-04 5.31 E-05 MN-54 1.174 4.93E-01 2.66E-02 FE-55 7.168 3.01E+00 1.63E-01 FE-59 0.002 9.33E-04 5.04E-05 CO-57 0.450 1.89E-01 1.02E-02 CO-58 14.027 5.89E+00 3.18E-01 CO-60 10.437 4.38E+00 2.37E-01 NI-59 0.153 6.40E-02 3.46E-03 NI-63 7.351 3.08E+00 1.66E-01 ZN-65 0.113 4.75E-02 2.57E-03 SR-89 0.000 1.20E-04 6.49E-06 SR-90 0.009 3.82E-03 2.06E-04 ZR-95 0.009 3.90E-03 2.11E-04 NB-95 0.002 8.75E-04 4.73E-05 TC-99 0.012 4.94E-03 2.67E-04 RU-103 0.000 1.07E-06 5.78E-08 AG-11iM 0.012 4.99E-03 2.70E-04 SN-113 0.004 1.84E-03 9.95E-05 SB-124 0.001 3.06E-04 1.65E-05 SB-125 1.567 6.57E-01 3.55E-02 TE-123M 0.002 9.40E-04 5.08E-05 TE-125M 0.005 2.19E-03 1.18E-04 1-129 0.000 4.35E-05 2.35E-06 CS-134 0.039 1.63E-02 8.81 E-04 CS-137 0.426 1.79E-01 9.68E-03 0E-144 0.562 2.36E-01 1.28E-02 PU-238 0.000 4.11E-05 2.22E-06 PU-239 0.000 1.98E-05 1.07E-06 PU-241 0.033 1.39E-02 7.51E-04 AM-241 0.000 1.02E-05 5.51E-07 CM-242 0.000 6.70E-06 3.62E-07 CM-243 0.000 1.03E-05 5.57E-07 Dry Active Waste 2009 Volume (m3) 5.50E+02 Class A Nuclide % Adund Curies uCi/ml H-3 3.845 3.73E-02 6.78E-05 C-14 0.046 4.45E-04 8.09E-07 CR-51 3.751 3.64E-02 6.62E-05 MN-54 1.469 1.43E-02 2.60E-05 FE-55 23.929 2.32E-01 4.22E-04 FE-59 0.803 7.79E-03 1.42E-05 CO-57 0.142 1.38E-03 2.51E-06 CO-58 23.267 2.26E-01 4.11E-04 CO-60 17.682 1.72E-01 3.13E-04 NI-59 0.051 4.93E-04 8.96E-07 NI-63 13.884 1.35E-01 2.45E-04 ZN-65 0.034 3.31E-04 6.02E-07 SR-90 0.006 6.16E-05 1.12E-07 ZR-95 3.615 3.51E-02 6.38E-05 NB-95 4.918 4.77E-02 8.67E-05 TC-99 0.875 8.48E-03 1.54E-05 SN-113 0.052 5.02E-04 9.13E-07 SB-1 25 0.520 5.04E-03 9.16E-06 TE-123M 0.029 2.81E-04 5.11E-07 1-129 0.000 2.59E-06 4.71E-09 CS-137 0.159 1.54E-03 2.80E-06 CE-144 0.467 4.53E-03 8.24E-06 PU-238 0.038 3.73E-04 6.78E-07 PU-239 0.018 1.78E-04 3.24E-07 PU-241 0.359 3.48E-03 6.33E-06 AM-241 0.010 9.27E-05 1.69E-07 CM-242 0.020 1.91E-04 3.47E-07 CM-243 0.011 1.08E-04 1.96E-07 Irradiated Components 2009 -No Shipments Volume (m3) 0.00E+00 Class N/A% Abund Curies uCi/ml Other Waste (Oil)2009 Volume (m3) 1.04E+01 Class A% Abund Curies uCi/ml H-3 99.970 4.87E-03 4.68E-04 C-14 0.000 1.10E-09 1.06E-10 FE-55 0.004 1.97E-07 1.89E-08 CO-60 0.003 1.68E-07 1.62E-08 NI-59 0.000 2.28E-09 2.19E-10 NI-63 0.003 1.63E-07 1.57E-08 SR-90 0.000 2.42E-09 2.33E-10 TC-99 0.000 8.05E-09 7.74E-10 1-129 0.000 2.92E-12 2.81E-13 CS-137 0.002 1.14E-07 1.10E-08 CE-144 0.017 8.14E-07 7.83E-08 PU-238 0.000 4.24E-10 4.08E-11 PU-239 0.000 2.01E-10 1.93E-11 PU-241 0.000 3.72E-09 3.58E-10 AM-241 0.000 1.08E-10 1.04E-11 CM-242 0.000 4.99E-11 4.80E-12 CM-243 0.000 1.69E-10 1.63E-11 Page 12 of 94 Process Control Pro-gram (PCP) for Radioactive Wastes During the calendar year 2009, no changes were implemented to RW-AA-1 00, Process Control Program for Radioactive Wastes.Page 13 of 94 Error Analysis The following is an estimate of the errors associated with effluent monitoring and analysis.The estimate is calculated using the square root of the sum of the squares methodology.
: 1. Gaseous Effluents Qme=3.33%RM=N/A ECe=5%Stdcse/Smplcse=5%
qme=N/A Total error = 7.8%2. Liquid Effluents Qme=3.33%RM=N/A ECe=N/A Stdcse/Smplcse=5%
qme=2.22%Total error = 6.4%3. Waste Resin Qme=1 0.0%RM=N/A ECe=5%Stdcse/Smplcse=5%
qme=1.0%Total error = 12.3%4. DAW, Mechanical Filters, and Contaminated Metal Qme=1 0.0%RM=N/A ECe=N/A Stdcse/Smplcse=5%
qme=N/A Instrument calibration error = 10%Total error = 11.2%Definition of Terms Qme = the process quantity measurement error associated with the release point (e.g. flow, level measurements)
Page 14 of 94 RM = error associated with the radiation monitor used in quantifying releases through the release point ECe = error associated with the collection efficiency of the sample media Stdcse = one-sigma counting error associated with the counting instrument of interest Smplcse = one-sigma counting error associated with a sample of a given geometry that is used for the release point of interest qme = sample quantity measurement error associated with the sample of interest Page 15 of 94 Miscellaneous Information A. As required by Technical Specification 5.6.2, meteorological and environmental impact information is reported in the Station Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report or is retained on file to be provided upon request.B. No limits were exceeded in liquid hold up tanks as stated in Technical Specification 5.5.12 or in waste gas decay tanks as stated in Technical Specification 5.5.12.C. There were no irradiated fuel shipments during this reporting period.D. There were no REMP sample results that exceeded any technical specification limits or analytical results investigation levels during this reporting period. REMP third quarter composite surface water sample from point BY-12, Rock River downstream of the plant liquid effluent discharge, had a tritium result of 725 pCi/L. Although this result is well below the reportable limit of 30,000 pCi/L, tritium is not typically observed above the detection limit in this sample under normal operating conditions.
The positive tritium result was likely due to the increase in liquid releases performed prior to and during the refueling outage beginning in September 2009. REMP November milk control sample result from BY-26-1 was 3.58 pCi/L for 1-131, above the LLD of 1.00 pCi/L and the reportable limit of 3.00 pCi/L. This result was determined to be a false positive due to nuclide interference as a result of sample preparation contamination, as the sample was recounted one week later and showed an increase in activity, which is not consistent with radioactive decay of 1-131. Milk samples from other plants in the same time period also had similar results. The issue has been properly documented via the vendor laboratory corrective action process.E. There were no elevated releases during this reporting period. All releases are considered vent or ground level releases.F. There were no plant effluent radiation release monitors that exceeded inoperability time limits as stated in TRM TLCO 3.11 .a, TRM TLCO 3.11 .b, or Technical Specification 5.5.12.G. There were no unplanned or abnormal releases from the site to unrestricted areas during this reporting period.H. Revision 6 of the ODCM was issued on May of 2009. The revision included literature and references that were added to include the planned commencement of Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI), updates to REMP sample locations and TLD locations, and editorial changes. Although originally planned for 2009, the ISFSI campaign experienced delays, and no spent fuel was moved in 2009. None of the changes to the ODCM affected the ability to maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 1 OCFR20, 40CFR1 90, or 1 OCFR50, nor did the changes impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent dose or set point calculations.
I. Attached are offsite dose calculation reports for January through December of 2009.Page 16 of 94 Attachment A, 2009 Radioactive Effluent Release Report 2009 Lower Limits of Detection (LLD's)Gaseous Liquid Nuclide LLD (uCi/cc) Nuclide LLD (uCVml)H3 6.26E-08 H3 2.05E-06 Ar4l 4.55E-07 Na24 3.27E-08 Cr51 3.05E-12 Cr51 2.1OE-07 Mn54 6.23E-13 Mn54 3.56E-08 Co58 7.55E-13 Fe55 9.30E-07 Fe59 1.58E-12 Co57 2.20E-08 Co60 1.14E-12 Co58 3.12E-08 Zn65 3.38E-13 Fe59 8.86E-08 Br82 6.22E-13 Co60 5.1OE-08 Kr85m 1.50E-07 Zn65 8.53E-08 Kr87 4.30E-07 Sr85 3.81 E-08 Kr88 4.87E-07 Sr89 3.65E-07 Sr89 3.09E-14 Sr-90 6.23E-09 Sr-90 1.97E-15 Sr92 4.01E-08 Mo99 2.44E-13 Nb95 6.78E-09 1131 5.OOE-13 Zr95 6.90E-08 Xe131m 6.58E-06 Mo99 2.14E-08 1133 7.87E-13 Ag11Om 3.25E-08 Xe133 4.11 E-07 Sb122 4.73E-08 Xe133m 1.71 E-06 Te123m 2.29E-08 Cs134 4.80E-13 Sb124 1.03E-07 1135 3.07E-12 Sb125 8.52E-08 Xe135 1.94E-07 Te125m 6.95E-06 Cs137 3.44E-13 Sb126 3.76E-08 Xe138 6.97E-07 1131 2.89E-08 Ba140 2.OOE-12 1132 2.08E-08 La140 2.58E-13 Te132 2.48E-08 Cel141 5.36E-13 1133 3.80E-08 Ce144 1.93E-12 Xe133 5.90E-08 Gross Alpha 4.09E-13 Cs134 3.73E-08 Xe135 2.77E-08 Cs137 3.05E-08 Bal40 1.07E-07 Lal40 1.42E-08 Ce141 4.06E-08 Ce144 1.67E-07 Gross Alpha 8.31 E-08 Page 17 of 94 EFFLUENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL REPORT TABLE 2A LIQUID EFFLUENTS
-SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES 2009 Unit 1 REPORT FOR 2009 Units Fission and Activation Products 1. Total Release Ci 2. Avg. Diluted Conc. uCi/ml Tritium 1. Total Release Ci 2. Avg. Diluted Conc. uCi/ml Dissolved and Entrained Gases 1. Total Release Ci 2. Avg. Diluted Conc. uCi/ml Gross Alpha Radioactivity
: 1. Total Release Ci Volume of liquid waste liters Volume of dil. water liters QTR 1 3.35E-03 1. 01E-09 QTR 2 2.64E-03 7. 41E-10 QTR 3 2.32E-03 6.49E-10 QTR 4 2 .77E-03 8.38E-10 YEAR 1. 05E-02 7.61E-10 1.63E+02 2.12E+02 4.14E+02 1.18E+02 9.07E+02 4.92E-05 5.96E-05 1.16E-04 3.56E-05 6.59E-05 3.54E-03 4.88E-06 1.64E-03 0.OOE+00 5.18E-03 1.07E-09 1.37E-12 4.58E-10 0.00E+00 3.76E-10 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3 .32E+09 0. OOE+00 3 .56E+09 0. 00E+00 3 .58E+09 0. OOE+00 3 .30E+09 0. OOE+00 1.38E+10 0. OOE+00 Page 18 of 94 EFFLUENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL REPORT TABLE 2A -Release Tank LIQUID EFFLUENTS
-SUMMATION BY RELEASE POINT 2009 Unit 1 REPORT FOR 2009 Units QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR Fission and Activation Products 1. Total Release Ci 2. Avg. Diluted Conc. uCi/ml Tritium 1. Total Release Ci 2. Avg. Diluted Conc. uCi/ml Dissolved and Entrained Gases 1. Total Release Ci 2. Avg. Diluted Conc. uCi/ml Gross Alpha Radioactivity
: 1. Total Release Ci Volume of liquid waste liters Volume of dil. water liters 3.35E-03 2.64E-03 2.32E-03 2.77E-03 1.05E-02 6.23E-06 4.91E-06 1.68E-06 3.88E-06 3.30E-06 1.56E+02 1.98E+02 3.70E+02 1.08E+02 8.33E+02 2.91E-01 3.69E-01 2.68E-01 1.51E-01 2.62E-01 3.54E-03 4.88E-06 1.64E-03 0.OOE+00 5.18E-03 6.58E-06 9.08E-09 1.18E-06 0.00E+00 1.63E-06 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 5.38E+05 5.37E+05 1.38E+06 7.14E+05 3.17E+06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Page 19 of 94 EFFLUENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL REPORT TABLE 2A -Circulating Water Blowdown LIQUID EFFLUENTS
-SUMMATION BY RELEASE POINT 2009 Unit 1 REPORT FOR 2009 Fission and Activation I.' Total Release 2. Avg. Diluted Conc.Units Products Ci uCi/ml Tritium 1. Total Release Ci 2. Avg. Diluted Conc. uCi/ml Dissolved and Entrained Gases 1. Total Release Ci 2. Avg. Diluted Conc. uCi/ml Gross Alpha Radioactivity
: 1. Total Release Ci QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.96E+00 1.41E+01 4.41E+01 9.61E+00 7.47E+01 2.09E-06 3.96E-06 1.23E-05 2.91E-06 5.43E-06 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0O.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.58E+09 3.30E+09 1.38E+10 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Volume of liquid waste liters 3.32E+09 3.56E+09 Volume of dil. water liters 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Page 20 of 94 EFFLUENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL REPORT TABLE 2B LIQUID EFFLUENTS
-CONTINUOUS MODE 2009 Unit 1 REPORT FOR 2009 Units QTR 1 Fission and Activation Products** No Nuclide Activities
** ........QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR Tritium H-3 Ci 6.96E+00 6. 96E+00 1. 41E+01 1. 41E+01 4.41E+01 4.41E+01 9. 61E+00 9. 61E+00 7.47E+01 7. 47E+01 Totals for Period...
Ci Dissolved and Entrained Gases** No Nuclide Activities
**Gross Alpha Radioactivity
** No Nuclide Activities
-BATCH MODE 2009 Unit 1 REPORT FOR 2009 Fission and Activation AG-110M CO-57 CO-58 CO-60 CS-137 1-131 MN-54 NB-95 SB-124 SB-125 SR-85 TE-125M Totals for Period...Units Products Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR 0. OOE+00 1. 09E-05 2. 48E-03 2 .97E-04 0 OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 08E-05 0 OOE+00 0 OOE+00 0. 00E+00 1. 53E-05 5 36E-04 3.35E-03 0. OOE+00 1. 70E-05 1.39E-03 4.38E-04 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.07E-05 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 62E-04 2. 42E-03 2. 29E-05 8. 07E-06 8. 18E-04 6.48E-04 0. OOE+00 1.34E-06 2 .16E-05 0. OOE+00 5.44E-06 1.34E-05 4. 59E-06 4. 48E-04 1. 99E-03 0 .OOE+00 2 .66E-06 2 .59E-03 1.14E-04 2. 52E-06 0. OOE+00 2.41E-06 1. 36E-06 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2. 71E-03 2. 29E-05 3.87E-05 7.28E-03 1.50E-03 2 .52E-06 1.34E-06 4. 55E-05 1. 36E-06 5.44E-06 1.34E-05 1.99E-05 1.55E-03 1.05E-02 Tritium H-3 Ci Ci 1.56E+02 1.98E+02 1.56E+02 1.98E+02 3.70E+02 1.08E+02 8.33E+02 3.70E+02 1.08E+02 8.33E+02 Totals for Period...Dissolved and Entrained Gases KR-85 Ci.XE-133 Ci Totals for Period...
Ci Gross Alpha Radioactivity
** No Nuclide Activities
**3 .50E-03 3 .70E-05 3.54E-03 0. OOE+00 4. 88E-06 4. 88E-06 1.05E-03 5.91E-04 1. 64E-03 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 4. 55E-03 6.32E-04 5. 18E-03 Page 22 of 94 EFFLUENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL REPORT TABLE 1A GASEOUS EFFLUENTS
-SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES Unit 1 2009 REPORT FOR 2009 Fission and Activation I. Total Release 2. Avg. Release Rate Iodine-131
: 1. Total Release 2. Avg. Release Rate Particulates Half Life 1. Total Release 2. Avg. Release Rate Tritium 1. Total Release 2. Avg. Release Rate Gross Alpha I. Total Release 2. Avg. Release Rate Units Gases Ci uCi/sec QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR 2.67E-01 2.28E-01 3.63E-01 1.06E+01 1.14E+01 3.39E-02 2.89E-02 4.61E-02 1.33E+00 3.62E-01 Ci 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.99E-06 5.96E-06 1.29E-05 uCi/sec 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8.86E-07 7.56E-07 4.10E-07>= 8 days Ci 0.OOE+00 4.56E-06 8.85E-06 0.00E+00 1.34E-05 uCi/sec 0.00E+00 5.78E-07 1.12E-06 O.00E+00 4.25E-07 Ci 2.60E+00 3.11E+01 1.16E+01 7.74E+00 5.31E+01 uCi/sec 3.29E-01 3.95E+00 1.47E+00 9.82E-01 1.68E+00 Ci 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 uCi/sec 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Page 23 of 94 EFFLUENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL REPORT TABLE IC FFLUENTS -GROUND RELEASES -CONTINt Unit 1 2009 GASEOUS El JOUS MODE REPORT FOR 2009 Fission and Activation XE-133 Totals for Period...Iodines 1-131 1-132 1-133 Totals for Period...Particulates Half Life CR-51 TE-123M ZN-69M Totals for Period...Tritium H-3 Totals for Period...Gross Alpha Gross Alpha Totals for Period...Units Gases Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR>= 8 days Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci 1.21E-01 1.21E-01 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2 .60E+00 2. 60E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.27E-01 1.27E-01 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 4. 05E-06 5.07E-07 0. OOE+00 4.56E-06 3. 11E+01 3. 11E+01 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 6.44E-02 6.44E-02 6. 99E-06 3.40E-04 9. 70E-05 4.44E-04 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 8. 85E-06 8. 85E-06 1. 16E+01 1. 16E+01 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 81E-02 5. 81E-02 5. 96E-06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5.96E-06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 7.74E+00 7.74E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3 .70E-01 3.70E-01 1.29E-05 3.40E-04 9. 70E-05 4. 50E-04 4. 05E-06 5. 07E-07 8. 85E-06 1.34E-05 5. 31E+01 5. 31E+01 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 Ci Ci Page 24 of 94 EFFLUENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL REPORT TABLE IC EFFLUENTS
-GROUND RELEASES -BATC}Unit 1 2009 GASEOUS H MODE REPORT FOR 2009 Units QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR Fission and Activation Gases AR-41 Ci KR-85 Ci KR-85M Ci XE-131M Ci XE-133 Ci XE-133M Ci XE-135 Ci Totals for Period...
Ci 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.36E-04 1. 46E-01 7. 93E-06 3. 78E-04 7.61E-03 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 71E-05 9.38E-02 0. OOE+00 9 .34E-07 1. 01E-02 0. OOE+00 1. 74E-04 2. 46E-04 2. 62E-01 2 59E-03 2. 39E-02 1.57E-02 1. 05E+01 0. OOE+00 7.43E-05 1. 78E-02 3.03E-04 1.28E-03 3.34E-02 1. 05E+01 1.74E-04 5.13E-04 5. 19E-01 2.90E-03 2. 56E-02 1.47E-01 1.02E-01 2.99E-01 1.05E+01 1.10E+01 Iodines** No Nuclide Activities
**Particulates Half Life >= 8 days** No Nuclide Activities
**Tritium** No Nuclide Activities
**Gross Alpha** No Nuclide Activities
-SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES 2009 Unit 2 REPORT FOR 2009 Units QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR Fission and Activation Products 1. Total Release Ci 2. Avg. Diluted Conc. uCi/ml Tritium 1. Total Release Ci 2. Avg. Diluted Conc. uCi/ml Dissolved and Entrained Gases 1. Total Release Ci 2. Avg. Diluted Conc. uCi/ml Gross Alpha Radioactivity
: 1. Total Release Ci Volume of liquid waste liters Volume of dil. water liters 3.35E-03 2.64E-03 2.32E-03 2.77E-03 1.05E-02 1.01E-09 7.41E-10 6.49E-10 8.38E-10 7.61E-10 1.63E+02 2.12E+02 4.14E+02 1.18E+02 9.07E+02 4.92E-05 5.96E-05 1.16E-04 3.56E-05 6.59E-05 3.54E-03 4.88E-06 1.64E-03 0.OOE+00 5.18E-03 1.07E-09 1.37E-12 4.58E-10 0.OOE+00 3.76E-10 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.32E+09 3.56E+09 3.58E+09 3.30E+09 1.38E+10 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Page 26 of 94 EFFLUENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL REPORT TABLE 2A -Release Tank LIQUID EFFLUENTS
-SUMMATION BY RELEASE POINT 2009 Unit 2 REPORT FOR 2009 Units QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR Fission and Activation Products 1. Total Release Ci 2. Avg. Diluted Conc. uCi/ml Tritium 1. Total Release Ci 2. Avg. Diluted Conc. uCi/ml Dissolved and Entrained Gases 1. Total Release Ci 2. Avg. Diluted Conc. uCi/ml Gross Alpha Radioactivity
: 1. Total Release Ci Volume of liquid waste liters Volume of dil. water liters 3.35E-03 2.64E-03 2.32E-03 2.77E-03 1.05E-02 6.23E-06 4.91E-06 1.68E-06 3.88E-06 3.30E-06 1.56E+02 1.98E+02 3.70E+02 1.08E+02 8.33E+02 2.91E-01 3.69E-01 2.68E-01 1.51E-01 2.62E-01 3.54E-03 4.88E-06 1.64E-03 0.OOE+00 5.18E-03 6.58E-06 9.08E-09 1.18E-06 0.OOE+00 1.63E-06 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.38E+05 5.37E+05 1.38E+06 7.14E+05 3.17E+06 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Page 27 of 94 EFFLUENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL REPORT TABLE 2A -Circulating Water Blowdown LIQUID EFFLUENTS
-SUMMATION BY RELEASE POINT 2009 Unit 2 REPORT FOR 2009 Units QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR Fission and Activation Products 1. Total Release Ci 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2. Avg. Diluted Conc. uCi/ml 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Tritium 1. Total Release Ci 6.96E+00 1.41E+01 4.41E+01 9.61E+00 7.47E+01 2. Avg. Diluted Conc. uCi/ml 2.09E-06 3.96E-06 1.23E-05 2.91E-06 5.43E-06 Dissolved and Entrained Gases 1. Total Release Ci 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2. Avg. Diluted Conc. uCi/ml 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Gross Alpha Radioactivity
: 1. Total Release Ci 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Volume of liquid waste liters 3.32E+09 3.56E+09 3.58E+09 3.30E+09 1.38E+10 Volume of dil. water liters 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Page 28 of 94 EFFLUENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL REPORT TABLE 2B LIQUID EFFLUENTS
-CONTINUOUS MODE 2009 Unit 2 REPORT FOR 2009 Units Fission and Activation Products** No Nuclide Activities
**Tritium H-3 Ci Totals for Period...
Ci Dissolved and Entrained Gases** No Nuclide Activities
**Gross Alpha Radioactivity
** No Nuclide Activities
**QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR 6. 96E+00 6 .96E+00 1.41E+01 1.41E+01 4.41E+01 4.41E+01 9. 61E+00 9. 61E+00 7.47E+01 7.47E+01 Page 29 of 94 EFFLUENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL REPORT TABLE 2B LIQUID EFFLUENTS
-BATCH MODE 2009 Unit 2 REPORT FOR 2009 Fission and Activation AG-I1OM CO-57 CO-58 CO-60 CS-137 1-131 MN-54 NB-95 SB-124 SB-125 SR-85 TE-125M Totals for Period...Tritium H-3 Units Products Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR 0. OOE+00 1. 09E-05 2 .48E-03 2.97E-04 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 1. 08E-05 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.53E-05 5.36E-04 3 .35E-03 1. 56E+02 1. 56E+02 3. 50E-03 3. 70E-05 3.54E-03 0. OOE+00 1.70E-05 1. 39E-03 4.38E-04 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.07E-05 0 .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 62E-04 2.42E-03 1. 98E+02 1. 98E+02 0 .OOE+00 4. 88E-06 4. 88E-06 2 .29E-05 8. 07E-06 8. 18E-04 6.48E-04 0. OOE+00 1.34E-06 2. 16E-05 0. OOE+00 5.44E-06 1.34E-05 4. 59E-06 4.48E-04 1. 99E-03 3. 70E+02 3. 70E+02 1. 05E-03 5.91E-04 1.64E-03 0. OOE+00 2 .66E-06 2 .59E-03 1.14E-04 2. 52E-06 0. OOE+00 2.41E-06 1.36E-06 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2 .71E-03 1. 08E+02 1. 08E+02 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2. 29E-05 3. 87E-05 7.28E-03 1.50E-03 2. 52E-06 1.34E-06 4. 55E-05 1.36E-06 5.44E-06 1.34E-05 1. 99E-05 1.55E-03 1.05E-02 8. 33E+02 8. 33E+02 4. 55E-03 6.32E-04 5. 18E-03 Totals for Period...
Ci Dissolved and Entrained Gases KR-85 Ci XE-133 Ci Totals for Period...
Ci Gross Alpha Radioactivity
** No Nuclide Activities
-SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES Unit 2 2009 REPORT FOR 2009 Units QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR Fission and Activation
: 1. Total Release 2. Avg. Release Rate Iodine-131
: 1. Total Release 2. Avg. Release Rate Particulates Half Life 1. Total Release 2. Avg. Release Rate Tritium 1. Total Release 2. Avg. Release Rate Gases Ci uCi/sec 1.57E-01 1.30E-01 2.33E-02 1.07E-02 6.27E-01 1.99E-02 1.65E-02 2.96E-02 1.36E-02 1.99E-02 Ci 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.80E-05 5.05E-05 8.85E-05 uCi/sec 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.81E-06 6.41E-06 2.81E-06>= 8 days Ci 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.86E-07 9.77E-07 1.66E-06 uCi/sec 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 8.71E-08 1.24E-07 5.27E-08 Ci 9.13E+00 5.94E+00 2.05E+01 1.61E+01 5.16E+01 uCi/sec 1.16E+00 7.53E-01 2.60E+00 2.04E+00 1.64E+00 Gross Alpha 1. Total Release Ci 0.OOE+00 2. Avg. Release Rate uCi/sec 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Page 31 of 94 EFFLUENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL REPORT TABLE IC FLUENTS -GROUND RELEASES -CONTINI Unit 2 2009 GASEOUS EF JOUS MODE REPORT FOR 2009 Fission and Activation XE-133 Totals for Period...Iodines 1-131 1-132 1-133 Totals for Period...Particulates Half Life CO-58 CS-136 Totals for Period...Tritium H-3 Units Gases Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci>= 8 dayE Ci Ci'Ci Ci QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR 1.21E-01 1.21E-01 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 9.13E+00 9. 13E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1.27E-01 1.27E-01 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0 .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 94E+00 5 .94E+00 0 .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 6.44E-02 6.44E-02 3.80E-05 9. 26E-05 1. 86E-04 3.17E-04 3.58E-07 3. 28E-07 6.86E-07 2 .05E+01 2. 05E+01 0 .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 81E-02 5. 81E-02 5. 05E-05 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 5. 05E-05 5. lOE-07 4.67E-07 9.77E-07 1. 61E+01 1. 61E+01 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3.70E-01 3.70E-01 8. 85E-05 9. 26E-05 1. 86E-04 3.67E-04 8. 68E-07 7. 95E-07 1. 66E-06 5. 16E+01 5.16E+01 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 Totals for Period...
-GROUND RELEASES -BATCH MODE Unit 2 2009 REPORT FOR 2009 Units QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR Fission and Activation Gases AR-41 Ci KR-85M Ci XE-131M Ci XE-133M Ci XE-133 Ci XE-135 Ci XE-138 Ci Totals for Period...
Ci 5 .19E-03 0. OOE+00 1. 36E-04 7 .93E-06 2 .69E-02 2. 56E-06 4.22E-03 2 .35E-03 0. OOE+00 5.71E-05 0. OOE+00 1.25E-03 9.34E-07 0. OOE+00 3. 15E-03 1. 74E-04 2. 46E-04 2. 59E-03 1. 39E-01 2. 39E-02 0 OOE+00 1.82E-02 0. OOE+00 1.02E-02 3.03E-04 1.88E-02 1.28E-03 0. OOE+00 2 .89E-02 1. 74E-04 1 .06E-02 2. 90E-03 1. 86E-01 2 .52E-02 4 .22E-03 3.65E-02 3.67E-03 1.69E-01 4.88E-02 2.58E-02 Iodines** No Nuclide Activities
**Particulates Half Life >= 8 days** No Nuclide Activities
**Tritium** No Nuclide Activities
**Gross Alpha** No Nuclide Activities
2009 Unit 1 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 1 To: 1 Liquid Receptor PERIOD DOSE BY ORGAN AND AGE GROUP (mrem) QUARTER 1 Agegrp Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Skin TB ADULT 1.84E-03 3.86E-02 3.80E-02 4.49E-02 3.74E-02 5.29E-02 0.OOE+00 3.86E-02 TEEN 2.OOE-03 2.93E-02 2.87E-02 2.81E-02 2.81E-02 3.95E-02 0.OOE+00 2.93E-02 CHILD 2.57E-03 3.24E-02 3.20E-02 3.13E-02 3.13E-02 3.57E-02 0.OOE+00 3.26E-02 INFANT 6.27E-06 1.39E-02 1.39E-02 1.39E-02 1.39E-02 1.39E-02 0.OOE+00 1.39E-02 SITE DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS QUARTER 1 Age Dose Limit Max % of Quartr -Limit Group Organ (mrem) (mrem) Limit Qtr 1 -Admin. Any Organ ADULT GILLI 5.29E-02 3.75E+00 1.41E+00 Qtr 1 -Admin. Total Body ADULT TBODY 3.86E-02 1.13E+00 3.43E+00 Qtr 1 -T.Spc. Any Organ ADULT GILLI Critical Pathway: Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 7.07E+01 MN-54 3.65E-01 CO-58 1.14E+01 CO-60 3.64E+00 TE-125M 1.39E+01 Qtr 1 -T.Spc. Total Body ADULT TBODY Critical Pathway: Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 9.70E+01 MN-54 3.12E-02 CO-58 1.73E+00 CO-60 5.85E-01 TE-125M 6.38E-01 5.29E-02 5.OOE+00 1.06E+00 3.86E-02 1.50E+00 2.57E+00 Page 34 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT LIQUID DOSE
2009 Unit 1 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 1 To: 1 Liquid Receptor PERIOD DOSE BY ORGAN AND AGE GROUP (mrem) QUARTER 2 Agegrp Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Skin TB ADULT 3.74E-03 3.62E-02 3.57E-02 4.11E-02 3.54E-02 4.59E-02 0.00E+00 3.61E-02 TEEN 3.67E-03 2.74E-02 2.69E-02 2.65E-02 2.66E-02 3.45E-02 0.00E+00 2.73E-02 CHILD 4.39E-03 3.04E-02 3.01E-02 2.95E-02 2.96E-02 3.26E-02 0.00E+00 3.04E-02 INFANT 4.64E-05 1.31E-02 1.31E-02 1.31E-02 1.31E-02 1.31E-02 0.OOE+00 1.31E-02 SITE DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS QUARTER 2 Age Dose Limit Max % of Quartr -Limit Group Organ (mrem) (mrem) Limit Qtr 2 -Admin. Any Organ ADULT GILLI 4.59E-02 3.75E+00 1.22E+00 Qtr 2 -Admin. Total Body ADULT TBODY 3.61E-02 1.13E+00 3.21E+00 Qtr 2 -T.Spc. Any Organ ADULT GILLI Critical Pathway: Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 7.69E+01 MN-54 3.12E-01 FE-55 1.20E-01 CO-58 5.48E+00 CO-60 4.59E+00 SR-89 5.37E-02 SR-90 1.10E-01 TE-125M 1.25E+01 Qtr 2 -T.Spc. Total Body ADULT TBODY Critical Pathway: Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 9.78E+01 MN-54 2.47E-02 FE-55 6.23E-02 CO-58 7.71E-01 CO-60 6.86E-01 SR-89 1.22E-02 SR-90 1.12E-01 TE-125M 5.33E-01 4.59E-02 5.00E+00 9.19E-01 3.61E-02 1.50E+00 2.41E+00 Page 35 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT LIQUID DOSE
2009 Unit 1 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 1 To: 1 Liquid Receptor PERIOD DOSE BY ORGAN AND AGE GROUP (mrem) QUARTER 3 Agegrp Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Skin TB ADULT 2.35E-03 3.46E-02 3.43E-02 3.65E-02 3.41E-02 3.91E-02 0.00E+00 3.45E-02 TEEN 2.25E-03 2.61E-02 2.58E-02 2.56E-02 2.56E-02 2-93E-02 0.00E+00 2.60E-02 CHILD 2.64E-03 2.89E-02 2.88E-02 2.85E-02 2.85E-02 2.99E-02 0.00E+00 2.90E-02 INFANT 3.37E-05 1.26E-02 1.26E-02 1.26E-02 1.26E-02 1.26E-02 0.OOE+00 1.26E-02 SITE DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS QUARTER 3 Age Dose Limit Max % of Quartr -Limit Group Organ (mrem) (mrem) Limit Qtr 3 -Admin. Any Organ ADULT GILLI 3.91E-02 3.75E+00 1.04E+00 Qtr 3 -Admin. Total Body ADULT TBODY 3.45E-02 1.13E+00 3.07E+00 Qtr 3 -T.Spc. Any Organ ADULT GILLI Critical Pathway: Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 8.73E+01 MN-54 3.80E-01 FE-55 1.08E-01&#xfd;CO-58 1.95E+00 CO-60 4.12E+00 SR-89 4.82E-02 SR-90 9.88E-02 AG-IIOM 1.15E-02 TE-125M 6.03E+00 1-131 1.01E-04 Qtr 3 T.Spc. Total Body ADULT TBODY Critical Pathway: Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 9.88E+01 MN-54 2.68E-02 FE-55 4.96E-02 CO-58 2.45E-01 CO-60 5.47E-01 SR-89 9.76E-03 SR-90 8.94E-02 AG-110M 1.89E-05 3.91E-02 5.OOE+00 7.82E-01 3.45E-02 1.50E+00 2.30E+00 Page 36 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT Nuclide Percentage TE-125M 2.29E-01 1-131 2.49E-04 Page 37 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT LIQUID DOSE
2009 Unit 1 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 1 To: 1 Liquid Receptor PERIOD DOSE BY ORGAN AND AGE GROUP (mrem) QUARTER 4 Agegrp Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Skin TB ADULT 2.94E-03 3.93E-02 3.63E-02 3.71E-02 3.66E-02 5.01E-02 0.00E+00 3.90E-02 TEEN 2.97E-03 3.03E-02 2.72E-02 2.81E-02 2.76E-02 3.67E-02 0.OOE+00 2.93E-02 CHILD 3.60E-03 3.31E-02 3.03E-02 3.11E-02 3.06E-02 3.36E-02 0.00E+00 3.19E-02 INFANT 2.13E-05 1.34E-02 1.34E-02 1.34E-02 1.34E-02 1.34E-02 0.OOE+00 1.34E-02 SITE DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS QUARTER 4 Age Dose Limit Max % of Quartr -Limit Group Organ (mrem) (mrem) Limit Qtr 4 -Admin. Any Organ ADULT GILLI 5.01E-02 3.75E+00 1.34E+00 Qtr 4 -Admin. Total Body ADULT TBODY 3.90E-02 1.13E+00 3.47E+00 Qtr 4 -T.Spc. Any Organ ADULT GILLI Critical Pathway: Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 7.23E+01 MN-54 1.21E-01 FE-55 5.42E-02 CO-58 *1.76E+01 CO-60 2.07E+00 SR-89 2.42E-02 SR-90 4.96E-02 NB-95 7.64E+00 CS-137 9.51E-02 Qtr 4 -T.Spc. Total Body ADULT TBODY Critical Pathway: Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 9.29E+01 MN-54 9.67E-03 FE-55 2.83E-02 CO-58 2.50E+00 CO-60 3.12E-01 SR-89 5.56E-03 SR-90 5.10E-02 NB-95 8.70E-04 CS-137 4.14E+00 5.01E-02 5.OOE+00 1.OOE+00 3.90E-02 1.50E+00 2.60E+00 Page 38 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT LIQUID DOSE
2009 Unit 1 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 1 To: 1 Liquid Receptor PERIOD DOSE BY ORGAN AND AGE GROUP (mrem) ANNUAL 2009 Agegrp Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Skin ADULT 4.70E-03 1.46E-01 1.44E-01 1.58E-01 1.43E-01 1.80E-01 0.OOE+00 TEEN 5.11E-03 1.lIE-01 1.08E-01 1.07E-01 1.07E-01 1.34E-01 0.OOE+00 CHILD 6.54E-03 1.23E-01 1.21E-01 1.19E-01 1.19E-01 1.29E-01 0.OOE+00 INFANT 1.34E-05 5.27E-02 5.27E-02 5.27E-02 5.27E-02 5.27E-02 0.OOE+00 SITE DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS ANNUAL 2009 Age Dose Limit Annual -Limit Group Organ (mrem) (mrem)2009 -Admin. Any Organ ADULT GILLI 1.80E-01 7.50E+00 2009 -Admin. Total Body ADULT TBODY 1.46E-01 2.25E+00 TB 1. 46E-01 1. 1OE-01 1.22E-01 5. 27E-02 Max % of Limit 2.40E+00 6.49E+00 2009 -T*Spc. Any Organ ADULT GILLI Critical Pathway: Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage 1.80E-01 1.OOE+Ol 1.80E+00 H-3 MN-54 CO-58 CO-60 NB-95 AG-IIOM TE-125M 1-131 CS-137 7 .93E+01 3 .25E-01 7 .03E+00 3. 85E+00 1. 09E+00 4. 65E-03 8. 42E+00 4. lE-05 1.35E-02 2009 -T.Spc. Total Body ADULT TBODY Critical Pathway: Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 9.76E+01 MN-54 2.49E-02 CO-58 9.58E-01 CO-60 5.57E-01 NB-95 1.18E-04 AG-11OM 8.33E-06 TE-125M 3.48E-01 1-131 1.10E-04 CS-137 5.63E-01 1.46E-01 3.OOE+00 4.87E+00 Page 39 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT GASEOUS DOSE
2009 Unit 1 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 1 To: 1 I&P DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS QUARTER 1 Age Dose Limit Max % of Quartr -Limit Group Organ (mrem) (mrem) Limit Qtr 1 -Admin. Any Organ CHILD LIVER 9.68E-04 5.63E+00 1.72E-02 Qtr 1 -Admin. Total Body CHILD TBODY 9.68E-04 5.25E+00 1.84E-02 Qtr 1 -T.Spc. Any Organ CHILD LIV Receptor:
5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compas Critical Pathway: Vegetation (VEG)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 1.OOE+02 Qtr 1 -T.Spc. Total Body CHILD TBC Receptor:
5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compas Critical Pathway: Vegetation (VEG)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 1.OOE+02'ER 9.68E-04 7.50E+00 1.29E-02 s Point: NA DY 9.68E-04 7.50E+00 1.29E-02 s Point: NA Page 40 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT GASEOUS DOSE
2009 Unit 1 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 1 To: 1 NG DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS QUARTER 1 Dose Limit Max % of Quartr -Limit (mrad) (mrad) Limit Qtr 1 -Admin. Gamma 1.36E-05 3.75E+00 3.62E-04 Qtr 1 -Admin. Beta 6.75E-06 7.50E+00 9.OOE-05 Qtr 1 -T.Spc. Gamma 1.36E-05 5.OOE+00 2.72E-04 Receptor:
4 Composite Crit. Receptor -NG Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Nuclide Percentage AR-41 2.06E+01 XE-138 1.66E+01 XE-135 3.12E-01 XE-133M 2.21E-03 XE-131M 1.80E-02 XE-133 6.25E+01 Qtr 1 -T.Spc. Beta 6.75E-06 1.00E+01 6.75E-05 Receptor:
4 Composite Crit. Receptor -NG Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Nuclide Percentage AR-41 3.59E+00 XE-138 4.24E+00 XE-135 1.98E-01 XE-133M 4.96E-03 XE-131M 6.35E-02 XE-133 9.19E+01 Page 41 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT GASEOUS DOSE
2009 Unit 1 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 1 To: 1 I&P DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS QUARTER 2 Age Dose Limit Max % of Quartr -Limit Group Organ (mrem) (mrem) Limit Qtr 2 -Admin. Any Organ CHILD GILLI 3.06E-03 5.63E+00 5.44E-02 Qtr 2 -Admin. Total Body CHILD TBODY 3.06E-03 5.25E+00 5.83E-02 Qtr 2 -T.Spc. Any Organ CHILD GIL Receptor:
5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compas Critical Pathway: Vegetation (VEG)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 1.00E+02 CR-51 2.76E-04 TE-123M 0.OOE+00 LI 3.06E-03 7.50E+00 4.08E-02 s Point: NA Qtr 2 -T.Spc. Total Body CHILD TBODY 3.06: Receptor:
5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Critical Pathway: Vegetation (VEG)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 1.OOE+02 CR-51 7.74E-05 TE-123M 0.OOE+00 E-03 7.50E+00 4.08E-02 Page 42 of 94 40CFRI90 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT GASEOUS DOSE
2009 Unit 1 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 1 To: 1 NG DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS QUARTER 2 Dose Limit Max % of Quartr -Limit (mrad) (mrad) Limit----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Qtr 2 -Admin. Gamma 1.25E-05 3.75E+00 3.34E-04 Qtr 2 -Admin. Beta 5.68E-06 7.50E+00 7.57E-05 Qtr 2 -T.Spc. Gamma 1.25]Receptor:
4 Composite Crit. Receptor -NG Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Nuclide Percentage AR-41 4.30E+01 XE-135 1.66E-03 XE-131M 8.26E-03 XE-133 5.70E+01 Qtr 2 -T.Spc. Beta 5.681 Receptor:
4 Composite Crit. Receptor -NG Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Nuclide Percentage AR-41 8.20E+00 XE-135 1.15E-03 XE-131M 3.18E-02 XE-133 9.18E+01 E-05 5.OOE+00 2.50E-04 E-06 1.00E+01 5.68E-05 Page 43 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT GASEOUS DOSE
2009 Unit 1 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 1 To: 1 I&P DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS QUARTER 3 Age Dose Limit Max % of Quartr -Limit Group Organ (mrem) (mrem) Limit Qtr 3 -Admin. Any Organ INFANT THYROID 1.52E-02 5.63E+00 2.70E-01 Qtr 3 -Admin. Total Body CHILD TBODY 2.66E-03 5.25E+00 5.06E-02 Qtr 3 -T.Spc. Any Organ INFANT THYROID 1.52]Receptor:
5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Critical Pathway: Grs/Goat/Milk (GMILK)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 1.35E+01 CO-58 1.07E-04 1-131 8.17E+01 1-132 7.30E-03 1-133 4.78E+00 CS-136 3.87E-05 E-02 7.50E+00 2.03E-01 Qtr 3 -T.Spc. Total Body CHILD TBO Receptor:
5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compas Critical Pathway: Vegetation (VEG)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 9.96E+01 CO-58 1.08E-03 1-131 3.53E-01 1-132 2.85E-03 1-133 2.88E-02 CS-136 1.lE-02 DY 2.66 s Point: NA E-03 7.50E+00 3.54E-02 Date/Time:
02/08/2010 09:28 retdas Page -. 11 Page 44 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT GASEOUS DOSE
2009 Unit 1 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 1 To: 1 NG DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS Dose Quartr -Limit-tr- 3 --- -Ad --- -- ---n.- ---Gamma-- -- -Qtr 3 -Admin. Beamm (mrad)2.35E-0 1.03E-0 QUARTER 3 Limit (mrad)'5 3.75E+00'5 7.50E+00 Max % of Limit 6.26E-04 1.38E-04 Qtr 3 -Receptor: Distance: Nuclide AR-41 KR-85M XE-135 XE-133M XE-131M XE-133 T.Spc. Gamma 2.351 4 Composite Crit. Receptor -NG 0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Percentage E-05 5.OOE+00 4.69E-04 3. 05E+01 1. 06E-01 2 .27E+01 4.19E-01 1. 90E-02 4. 62E+01 Qtr 3 -T.Spc. Beta 1.03E-05 1.OOE+01 1.03E-04 Receptor:
4 Composite Crit. Receptor -NG Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Nuclide Percentage AR-41 6.OOE+00 KR-85M 9. 42E-02 XE-135 1.62E+01 XE-133M 1.06E+00 XE-131M 7.52E-02 XE-133 7.65E+01 Page 45 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT GASEOUS DOSE
2009 Unit 1 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 1 To: 1 I&P DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS Age Dose Quartr -Limit Group Organ (mrem)Qtr 4 -Admin. Any Organ Qtr 4 -Admin. Total Body INFANT CHILD THYROID TBODY QUARTER 4 Limit Max % of (mrem) Limit'2 5.63E+00 3.05E-01 3 5.25E+00 3.77E-02 1. 71E-0 1.98E-0 Qtr 4 -T.Spc. Any Organ INFANT THYROID 1.71E-02 7.50E+00 2.29E-01 Receptor:
5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Critical Pathway: Grs/Goat/Milk (GMILK)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 CO-58 1-131 CS-136 8. 93E+00 1. 35E-04 9. 11E+01 4. 88E-05 Qtr 4 -T.Spc. Total Body CHILD TBODY 1.98 Receptor:
5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Critical Pathway: Vegetation (VEG)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 9.94E+01 CO-58 2.06E-03 1-131 5.95E-01 CS-136 2.11E-02 E-03 7.50E+00 2.64E-02 Page 46 of 94 40CFRI90 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT GASEOUS DOSE
2009 Unit 1 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 1 To: 1 NG DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS QUARTER 4 Dose Limit Max % of Quartr -Limit (mrad) (mrad) Limit Qtr 4 -Admin. Gamma 3.22E-05 3.75E+00 8.59E-04 Qtr 4 -Admin. Beta 2.95E-04 7.50E+00 3.93E-03 Qtr 4 -T.Spc. Gamma 3.22: Receptor:
4 Composite Crit. Receptor -NG Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Nuclide Percentage AR-41 5.67E+01 KR-85 3.24E+01 XE-135 8.86E-01 XE-133M 3.57E-02 XE-131M 2.89E-01 XE-133 9.71E+00 Qtr 4 -T.Spc. Beta 2.95: Receptor:
4 Composite Crit. Receptor -NG Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Nuclide Percentage AR-41 5.37E-01 KR-85 9.86E+01 XE-135 3.05E-02 XE-133M 4.34E-03 XE-131M 5.51E-02 XE-133 7.76E-01 E-05 5.OOE+00 6.44E-04 E-04 1.OOE+01 2.95E-03 Page 47 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT GASEOUS DOSE
2009 Unit 1 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 1 To: 1 I&P DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS ANNUAL 2009 Age Dose Limit Annual -Limit Group Organ (mrem) (mrem)2009 -Admin. Any Organ INFANT THYROID 3.55E-02 1.13E+01 2009 -Admin. Total Body CHILD TBODY 8.67E-03 1.05E+01 Max % of Limit 3.15E-01 8.25E-02 2009 -T.Spc. Any Organ INFANT THYROID 3.55E-02 Receptor:
5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Critical Pathway: Grs/Goat/Milk (GMILK)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 1.90E+01 CR-51 6.50E-06 CO-58 1.lIE-04 1-131 7.90E+01 1-132 3.13E-03 1-133 2.05E+00 CS-136 4.02E-05 TE-123M 0.OOE+00 1.50E+01 2.37E-01 2009 -T.Spc. Total Body CHILD TBO Receptor:
5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compas Critical Pathway: Vegetation (VEG)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 9.97E+01 CR-51 2.73E-05 CO-58 7.99E-04 1-131 2.44E-01 1-132 8.75E-04 1-133 8.84E-03 CS-136 8.23E-03 TE-123M 0.OOE+00 DY 8.67 s Point: NA E-03 1.50E+01 5.78E-02 Page 48 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT---------------------------------------
2009 Unit 1 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 1 To: 1 NG DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS ANNUAL 2009 Dose Limit Annual -Limit (mrad) (mrad)-----------------------------------------------------
-------- --------2009 -Admin. Gamma 8.18E-05 7.50E+00 2009 -Admin. Beta 3.18E-04 1.50E+01 Max % of Limit 1.09E-03 2.12E-03 2009 -T.Spc. Gamma 8.18E-05 1.OOE+01 8.18E-04 Receptor:
4 Composite Crit. Receptor -NG Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Nuclide Percentage AR-41 4.11E+01 KR-85 1.28E+01 XE-138 2.76E+00 KR-85M 3.03E-02 XE-135 6.92E+00 XE-133M 1.35E-01 XE-131M 1.23E-01 XE-133 3.62E+01 2009 -T.Spc. Beta 3.18E-04 2.OOE+01 1.59E-03 Receptor:
4 Composite Crit. Receptor -NG Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Nuclide Percentage AR-41 9.16E-01 KR-85 9.15E+01 XE-138 9.OOE-02 KR-85M 3.07E-03 XE-135 5.61E-01 XE-133M 3.85E-02 XE-131M 5.55E-02 XE-133 6.80E+00 Page 49 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT 2009 Unit 1 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 1 To: 1 MAXIMUM DOSE ANALYSIS ANNUAL 2009 Age Dose Type Group Any Organ ADULT Liquid Receptor:
0 Liquid Receptor Gaseous Receptor:
5 Composite Crit. Re Distance:
0.00 (meters) C Dose Organ (mrem)GILLI 1.85E-01 ceptor -IP ompass Point: NA Liquid Dose: Critical Pathway: Major Contributors Nuclide H-3 MN-54 CO-58 CO-60 NB-95 AG-i1OM TE-125M 1-131 CS-137 Gaseous Dose: Cri~tical Pathway: Major Contributors Nuclide H-3 CR-51 CO-58 1-131 1-132 1-133 CS-136 TE-123M 1.80E-01 % of Fresh Water Fish 0% or greater Percentage 7.93E+01 3.25E-01 7.03E+00 3.85E+00 1.09E+00 4.65E-03 8.42E+00 4.10E-05 1.35E-02 Total: 9.71E+01-Sport (FFSP)to total)5.25E-03 % of Total: 2.84E+00 Vegetation (VEG)0% or greater to total)Percentage 9.99E+01 2.44E-04 2.94E-03 6.87E-02 1.27E-03 1.29E-02 1.17E-03 0.OOE+00 MAXIMUM DOSE ANALYSIS ANNUAL 2009 Age Dose Dose Type Group Organ (mrem)Total Body ADULT TBODY 1.51E-01 Liquid Receptor:
0 Liquid Receptor Gaseous Receptor:
5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Page 50 of 94 Liquid Dose: Critical Pathway: Major Contributors Nuclide H-3 MN-54 CO-58 CO-60 NB-95 AG-1IOM TE-125M 1-131 CS-137 Gaseous Dose: Critical Pathway: Major Contributors Nuclide H-3 CR-51 CO-58 1-131 1-132 1-133 CS-136 TE-123M 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT 1.46E-01 % of Total: 9.67E+01 Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)0% or greater to total)Percentage 9.76E+01 2.49E-02 9.58E-01 5.57E-01 1.18E-04 8.33E-06 3.48E-01 1.10E-04 5.63E-01 5.26E-03 % of Total: 3.48E+00 Vegetation (VEG)0% or greater to total)Percentage 9.98E+01 4.36E-05 9.88E-04 1.45E-01 1.36E-03 5.53E-03 5.96E-03 0.OOE+00 Page 51 of 94 40CFRI90 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT LIQUID DOSE
2009 Unit 2 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 2 To: 2 Liquid Receptor PERIOD DOSE BY ORGAN AND AGE GROUP (mrem) QUARTER 1 Agegrp Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Skin TB ADULT 1.84E-03 3.86E-02 3.80E-02 4.49E-02 3.74E-02 5.29E-02 0.00E+00 3.86E-02 TEEN 2.OOE-03 2.93E-02 2.87E-02 2.81E-02 2.81E-02 3.95E-02 0.OOE+00 2.93E-02 CHILD 2.57E-03 3.24E-02 3.20E-02 3.13E-02 3.13E-02 3.57E-02 0.OOE+00 3.26E-02 INFANT 6.27E-06 1.39E-02 1.39E-02 1.39E-02 1.39E-02 1.39E-02 0.OOE+00 1.39E-02 SITE DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS QUARTER 1 Age Dose Limit Max % of Quartr -Limit Group Organ (mrem) (mrem) Limit Qtr 1 -Admin. Any Organ ADULT GILLI 5.29E-02 3.75E+00 1.41E+00 Qtr 1 -Admin. Total Body ADULT TBODY 3.86E-02 1.13E+00 3.43E+00 Qtr 1 -T.Spc. Any Organ ADULT GILLI Critical Pathway: Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 7.07E+01 MN-54 3.65E-01 CO-58 1.14E+01 CO-60 3.64E+00 TE-125M 1.39E+01 Qtr 1 -T.Spc. Total Body ADULT TBODY Critical Pathway: Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 9.70E+01 MN-54 3.12E-02 CO-58 1.73E+00 CO-60 5.85E-01 TE-125M 6.38E-01 5.29E-02 5.OOE+00 1.06E+00 3.86E-02 1.50E+00 2.57E+00 Page 52 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT LIQUID DOSE
2009 Unit 2 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 2 To: 2 Liquid Receptor PERIOD DOSE BY ORGAN AND AGE GROUP (mrem) QUARTER 2 Agegrp Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Skin TB ADULT 3.74E-03 3.62E-02 3.57E-02 4.11E-02 3.54E-02 4.59E-02 0.OOE+00 3.61E-02 TEEN 3.67E-03 2.74E-02 2.69E-02 2.65E-02 2.66E-02 3.45E-02 0.OOE+00 2.73E-02 CHILD 4.39E-03 3.04E-02 3.01E-02 2.95E-02 2.96E-02 3.26E-02 0.OOE+00 3.04E-02 INFANT 4.64E-05 1.31E-02 1.31E-02 1.31E-02 1.31E-02 1.31E-02 0.OOE+00 1.31E-02 SITE DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS QUARTER 2 Age Dose Limit Max % of Quartr -Limit Group Organ (mrem) (mrem) Limit Qtr 2 -Admin. Any Organ ADULT GILLI 4.59E-02 3.75E+00 1.22E+00 Qtr 2 -Admin. Total Body ADULT TBODY 3.61E-02 1.13E+00 3.21E+00 Qtr 2 -T.Spc. Any Organ ADULT GILLI Critical Pathway: Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 7.69E+01 MN-54 3.12E-01 FE-55 1.20E-01 CO-58 5.48E+00 CO-60 4.59E+00 SR-89 5.37E-02 SR-90 1.10E-01 TE-125M 1.25E+01 Qtr 2 -T.Spc. Total Body ADULT TBODY Critical Pathway: Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 9.78E+01 MN-54 2.47E-02 FE-55 6.23E-02 CO-58 7.71E-01 CO-60 6.86E-01 SR-89 1.22E-02 SR-90 1.12E-01 TE-125M 5.33E-01 4.59E-02 5.OOE+00 9.19E-01 3.61E-02 1.50E+00 2.41E+00 Page 53 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT LIQUID DOSE
2009 Unit 2 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 2 To: 2 Liquid Receptor PERIOD DOSE BY ORGAN AND AGE GROUP (mrem) QUARTER 3 Agegrp Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Skin TB ADULT 2.35E-03 3.46E-02 3.43E-02 3.65E-02 3.41E-02 3.91E-02 0.OOE+00 3.45E-02 TEEN 2.25E-03 2.61E-02 2.58E-02 2.56E-02 2.56E-02 2.93E-02 0.OOE+00 2.60E-02 CHILD 2.64E-03 2.89E-02 2.88E-02 2.85E-02 2.85E-02 2.99E-02 0.00E+00 2.90E-02 INFANT 3.37E-05 1.26E-02 1.26E-02 1.26E-02 1.26E-02 1.26E-02 0.OOE+00 1.26E-02 SITE DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS QUARTER 3 Age Dose Limit Max % of Quartr -Limit Group Organ (mrem) (mrem) Limit Qtr 3 -Admin. Any Organ ADULT GILLI 3.91E-02 3.75E+00 1.04E+00 Qtr 3 -Admin. Total Body ADULT TBODY 3.45E-02 1.13E+00 3.07E+00 Qtr 3 -T.Spc. Any Organ ADULT GILLI Critical Pathway: Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 8.73E+01 MN-54 3.80E-01 FE-55 1.08E-01 CO-58 1.95E+00 CO-60 4.12E+00 SR-89 4.82E-02 SR-90 9.88E-02 AG-11OM 1.15E-02 TE-125M 6.03E+00 1-131 1.01E-04 Qtr 3 -T.Spc. Total Body ADULT TBODY Critical Pathway: Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 9.88E+01 MN-54 2.68E-02 FE-55 4.96E-02 CO-58 2.45E-01 CO-60 5.47E-01 SR-89 9.76E-03 SR-90 8.94E-02 AG-110M 1.89E-05 3.91E-02 5.OOE+00 7.82E-01 3.45E-02 1.50E+00 2.30E+00 Page 54 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT Nuclide Percentage TE-125M 2.29E-01 1-131 2.49E-04 Page 55 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT LIQUID DOSE
2009 Unit 2 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 2 To: 2 Liquid Receptor PERIOD DOSE BY ORGAN AND AGE GROUP (mrem-) QUARTER 4 Agegrp Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Skin TB ADULT TEEN CHILD INFANT 2. 94E-03 2. 97E-03 3. 60E-03 2. 13E-05 3. 93E-02 3. 03E-02 3. 31E-02 1.34E-02 3. 63E-02 2.72E-02 3. 03E-02 1.34E-02 3.71E-02 3.66E-02 5.01E-02 2.81E-02 2.76E-02 3.67E-02 3.11E-02 3.06E-02 3.36E-02 1.34E-02 1.34E-02 1.34E-02 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 3. 90E-02 2. 93E-02 3.19E-02 1.34E-02 SITE DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS QUARTER 4 Age Group Quartr -Limit Organ Dose (mrem)Limit (mrem)Max % of Limit Qtr 4 -Admin. Any Organ Qtr 4 -Admin. Total Body ADULT GILLI ADULT TBODY 5.01E-02 3.75E+00 1.34E+00 3.90E-02 1.13E+00 3.47E+00 5.01E-02 5.OOE+00 1.OOE+00 Qtr 4 -T.Spc. Any Organ ADULT GILLI Critical Pathway: Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 MN-54 FE-55 CO-58 CO-60 SR-89 SR-90 NB-95 CS-137 7 .23E+01 1. 21E-01 5 42E-02 1. 76E+01 2 .07E+00 2 .42E-02 4. 96E-02 7. 64E+00 9 51E-02 Qtr 4 -T.Spc. Total Body ADULT TBODY Critical Pathway: Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage 3.90E-02 1.50E+00 2.60E+00 H-3 MN-54 FE-55 CO-58 CO-60 SR-89 SR-90 NB-95 CS-137 9.29E+01 9. 67E-03 2. 83E-02 2.50E+00 3. 12E-01 5. 56E-03 5. lOE-02 8. 70E-04 4. 14E+00 Date/Time:
02/08/2010 09:30 retdas Page -5 Page 56 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT LIQUID DOSE
2009 Unit 2 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 2 To: 2 Liquid Receptor PERIOD DOSE BY ORGAN AND AGE GROUP (mrem) ANNUAL 2009 Agegrp Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Skin ADULT TEEN CHILD INFANT 4.70E-03 1.46E-01 5.11E-03 1.l1E-01'6.54E-03 1.23E-01 1.34E-05 5.27E-02 1.44E-01 1.58E-01 1.43E-01 1.80E-01 1.08E-01 1.07E-01 1.07E-01 1.34E-01 1.21E-01 1.19E-01 1.19E-01 1.29E-01 5.27E-02 5.27E-02 5.27E-02 5.27E-02 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 TB 1. 46E-01 1.10E-01 1.22E-01 5.27E-02 SITE DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS ANNUAL 2009 Age Group Annual -Limit Organ 2009 -Admin. Any Organ 2009 -Admin. Total Body ADULT GILLI ADULT TBODY Dose Limit Max % of (mrem) (mrem) Limit 1.80E-01 7.50E+00 2.40E+00 1.46E-01 2.25E+00 6.49E+00 1.80E-01 1.OOE+01 1.80E+00 2009 -T.Spc. Any Organ ADULT GILLI Critical Pathway: Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 MN-54 CO-58 CO-60 NB-95 AG-IIOM TE-125M 1-131 CS-137 7.93E+01 3.25E-01 7. 03E+00 3 .85E+00 1. 09E+00 4. 65E-03 8. 42E+00 4. lE-05 1. 35E-02 2009 -T.Spc. Total Body ADULT TBODY Critical Pathway: Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage 1.46E-01 3.OOE+00 4.87E+00 H-3 MN-54 CO-58 CO-60 NB-95 AG-11OM TE-125M 1-131 CS-137 9.76E+01 2.49E-02 9. 58E-01 5. 57E-01 1.18E-04 8. 33E-06 3.48E-01 1.10E-04 5.63E-01 Page 57 of 94 40CFRI90 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT GASEOUS DOSE
2009 Unit 2 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 2 To: 2 I&P DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS Age Dose Quartr -Limit Group Organ (mrem)Qtr 1 -Admin. Any Organ Qtr 1 -Admin. Total Body QUARTER 1 Limit Max % of (mrem) Limit 4 5.63E+00 1.72E-02 4 5.25E+00 1.84E-02 CHILD CHILD LIVER TBODY 9.68E-0 9. 68E-0 Qtr 1 -T.Spc. Any Organ CHILD LIV Receptor:
5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compas Critical Pathway: Vegetation (VEG)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 1.OOE+02 Qtr 1 -T.Spc. Total Body CHILD TBO Receptor:
5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compas Critical Pathway: Vegetation (VEG)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 1.OOE+02 ER 9.68E-04 7.50E+00 1.29E-02 s Point: NA DY 9.68E-04 7.50E+00 1.29E-02 s Point: NA Page 58 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT GASEOUS DOSE
2009 Unit 2 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 2 To: 2 NG DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS QUARTER 1 Dose Limit Quartr -Limit (mrad) (mrad)Qtr 1 -Admin. Gamma 1.36E-05 3.75E+(Qtr 1 -Admin. Beta 6.75E-06 7.50E+(Max % of Limit 00 3.62E-04 00 9.OOE-05 Qtr 1 -T.Spc. Gamma 1.36]Receptor:
4 Composite Crit. Receptor -NG Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Nuclide Percentage AR-41 2.06E+01 XE-138 1.66E+01 XE-135 3.12E-01 XE-133M 2.21E-03 XE-131M 1.80E-02 XE-133 6.25E+01 Qtr 1 -T.Spc. Beta 6.75]Receptor:
4 Composite Crit. Receptor -NG Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Nuclide Percentage AR-41 3.59E+00 XE-138 4.24E+00 XE-135 1.98E-01 XE-133M 4.96E-03 XE-131M 6.35E-02 XE-133 9.19E+01 E-05 5.OOE+00 2.72E-04 E-06 1.OOE+01 6.75E-05 Page 59 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT GASEOUS DOSE
2009 Unit 2 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 2 To: 2 I&P DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS QUARTER 2 Age Dose Limit Max % of Quartr -Limit Group Organ (mrem) (mrem) Limit Qtr 2 -Admin. Any Organ CHILD GILLI 3.06E-03 5.63E+00 5.44E-02 Qtr 2 -Admin. Total Body CHILD TBODY 3.06E-03 5.25E+00 5.83E-02 Qtr 2 -T.Spc. Any Organ CHILD GIL Receptor:
5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compas Critical Pathway: Vegetation (VEG)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage LI 3.06 s Point: NA E-03 7.50E+00 4.08E-02 H-3 CR-51 TE-123M 1. OOE+02 2.76E-04 0. OOE+00 Qtr 2 -T.Spc. Total Body CHILD TBODY 3.061 Receptor:
5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Critical Pathway: Vegetation (VEG)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 1.OOE+02 CR-51 7.74E-05 TE-123M 0.OOE+00 E-03 7.50E+00 4.08E-02 Page 60 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT GASEOUS DOSE
2009 Unit 2 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 2 To: 2 NG DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS Dose Quartr -Limit-tr- 2--- -A ---min.- -- -- --Gamma- -- -- -Qtr 2 -Admin. Beamm (mrad)1.25E-(5.68E-(QUARTER 2 Limit (mrad))5 3.75E+C)6 7.50E+C Max % of Limit 10 3.34E-04 10 7.57E-05 Qtr 2 -T.Spc. Gamma 1.25E-05 5.OOE+00 2.50E-04 Receptor:
4 Composite Crit. Receptor -NG Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Nuclide Percentage AR-41 XE-135 XE-131M XE-133 4. 30E+01 1. 66E-03 8. 26E-03 5.70E+01 Qtr 2 -T.Spc. Beta 5.68E-06 1.OOE+01 5.68E-05 Receptor:
4 Composite Crit. Receptor -NG Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Nuclide Percentage AR-41 8.20E+00 XE-13-5 1.15E-03 XE-131M 3.18E-02 XE-133 9.18E+01 Page 61 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT GASEOUS DOSE
2009 Unit 2 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 2 To: 2 I&P DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS QUARTER 3 Age Dose Limit Max % of Quartr -Limit Group Organ (mrem) (mrem) Limit Qtr 3 -Admin. Any Organ INFANT THYROID 1.52E-02 5.63E+00 2.70E-01 Qtr 3 -Admin. Total Body CHILD TBODY 2.66E-03 5.25E+00 5.06E-02 Qtr 3 -T.Spc. Any Organ INFANT THYROID 1.521 Receptor:
5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Critical Pathway: Grs/Goat/Milk (GMILK)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 1.35E+01 CO-58 1.07E-04 1-131 8.17E+01 1-132 7.30E-03 1-133 4.78E+00 CS-136 3.87E-05-02 7.50E+00 2.03E-01 Qtr 3 -T.Spc. Total Body CHILD TBO Receptor:
5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compas Critical Pathway: Vegetation (VEG)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 9.96E+01 CO-58 1.08E-03 1-131 3.53E-01 1-132 2.85E-03 1-133 2.88E-02 CS-136 1.lIE-02 DY 2.66: s Point: NA E-03 7.50E+00 3.54E-02 Page 62 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT GASEOUS DOSE
2009 Unit 2 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 2 To: 2 NG DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS QUARTER 3 Dose Limit Max % of Quartr -Limit (mrad) (mrad) Limit Qtr 3 -Admin. Gamma 2.35E-05 3.75E+00 6.26E-04 Qtr 3 -Admin. Beta 1.03E-05 7.50E+00 1.38E-04 Qtr 3 -T.Spc. Gamma 2.35: Receptor:
4 Composite Crit. Receptor -NG Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Nuclide Percentage AR-41 3.05E+01 KR-85M 1.06E-01 XE-135 2.27E+01 XE-133M 4.19E-01 XE-131M 1.90E-02 XE-133 4.62E+01 I E-05 5.OOE+00 4.69E-04 E-05 1.OOE+01 1.03E-04 Qtr 3 -T.Spc. Beta 1.031 Receptor:
4 Composite Crit. Receptor -NG Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Nuclide Percentage AR-41 6.OOE+00 KR-85M 9.42E-02 XE-135 1.62E+01 XE-133M 1.06E+00 XE-131M 7.52E-02 XE-133 7.65E+01 Page 63 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT GASEOUS DOSE
2009 Unit 2 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 2 To: 2 I&P DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS QUARTER 4 Age Dose Limit Max % of Quartr -Limit Group Organ (mrem) (mrem) Limit Qtr 4 -Admin. Any Organ INFANT THYROID 1.71E-02 5.63E+00 3.05E-01 Qtr 4 -Admin. Total Body CHILD TBODY 1.98E-03 5.25E+00 3.77E-02 Qtr 4 -T.Spc. Any Organ INFANT THYROID 1.71E-02 7.50E+00 2.29E-01 Receptor:
5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Critical Pathway: Grs/Goat/Milk (GMILK)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 8.93E+00 CO-58 1.35E-04 1-131 9.11E+01 CS-136 4.88E-05 Qtr 4 -T.Spc. Total Body CHILD TBODY 1.98J Receptor:
5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Critiecal Pathway: Vegetation (VEG)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 9.94E+01 CO-58 2.06E-03 1-131 5.95E-01 CS-136 2.11E-02 E-03 7.50E+00 2.64E-02 Page 64 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT GASEOUS DOSE
2009 Unit 2 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 2 To: 2 NG DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS QUARTER 4 Dose Limit Quartr -Limit (mrad) (mrad)Qtr 4 -Admin. Gamma 3.22E-05 3.75E+C Qtr 4 -Admin. Beta 2.95E-04 7.50E+C Max % of Limit 10 8.59E-04 10 3.93E-03 Qtr 4 -T.Spc. Gamma 3.221 Receptor:
4 Composite Crit. Receptor -NG Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Nuclide Percentage AR-41 5.67E+01 KR-85 3.24E+01 XE-135 8.86E-01 XE-133M 3.57E-02 XE-131M 2.89E-01 XE-133 9.71E+00-05 5.OOE+00 6.44E-04-04 1.OOE+01 2.95E-03 Qtr 4 -T.Spc. Beta 2.95: Receptor:
4 Composite Crit. Receptor -NG Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Nuclide Percentage AR-41 5.37E-01 KR-85 9.86E+01 XE-135 3.05E-02 XE-133M 4.34E-03 XE-131M 5.51E-02 XE-133 7.76E-01 Page 65 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT GASEOUS DOSE
2009 Unit 2 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 2 To: 2=== I&P DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS Annual -Limit 2009 -Admin. Any Organ 2009 -Admin. Total Body ANNUAL 2009 Age Dose Limit Group Organ (mrem) (mrem)INFANT THYROID 3.55E-02 1.13E+01 CHILD TBODY 8.67E-03 1.05E+01 Max % of Limit 3.15E-01 8.25E-02 2009 -T.Spc. Any Organ INFANT THY Receptor:
5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compas Critical Pathway: Grs/Goat/Milk (GMILK)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 1.90E+01 CR-51 6.50E-06 ROID 3.55E-02 s Point: NA 1.50E+01 2.37E-01 CO-58 1-131 1-132 1-133 CS-136 TE-123M 1. 11E-04 7. 90E+01 3. 13E-03 2 .05E+00 4. 02E-05 0. OOE+00 2009 -T.Spc. Total Body CHILD TBO Receptor:
5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compas Critical Pathway: Vegetation (VEG)Major Contributors ( 0% or greater to total)Nuclide Percentage H-3 9.97E+01 CR-51 2.73E-05 CO-58 7.99E-04 1-131 2.44E-01 1-132 8.75E-04 1-133 8.84E-03 CS-136 8.23E-03 TE-123M 0.OOE+00 DY 8.67]s Point: NA E-03 1.50E+01 5.78E-02 Page 66 of 94 40CFRI90 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT GASEOUS DOSE
2009 Unit 2 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 2 To: 2 NG DOSE LIMIT ANALYSIS ANNUAL 2009 Dose Limit Annual -Limit (mrad) (mrad)2009 -Admin. Gamma 8.18E-05 7.50E+00 2009 -Admin. Beta 3.18E-04 1.50E+01 Max % of Limit 1. 09E-03 2. 12E-03 2009 -T.Spc. Gamma 8.18E-05 1.OOE+01 8.18E-04 Receptor:
4 Composite Crit. Receptor -NG Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Nuclide Percentage AR-41 KR-85 XE-138 KR-85M XE-135 XE-133M XE- 13 IM XE-133 4. 11E+01 1.28E+01 2 .76E+00 3. 03E-02 6. 92E+00 1.35E-01 1. 23E-01 3. 62E+01 2009 -T.Spc. Beta 3.18E-04 2.OOE+01 1.59E-03 Receptor:
4 Composite Crit. Receptor -NG Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Nuclide Percentage AR-41 9.16E-01 KR-85 9.15E+01 XE-138 9.OOE-02 KR-85M 3.07E-03 XE-135 5.61E-01 XE-133M 3.85E-02 XE-131M 5.55E-02 XE-133 6.80E+00 Page 67 of 94 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT 2009 Unit 2 Report for: 2009 Unit Range -From: 2 To: 2 MAXIMUM DOSE ANALYSIS ANNUAL 2009 Age Dose Dose Type Group Organ (mrem)Any Organ ADULT GILLI 1.85E-01 Liquid Receptor:
0 Liquid Receptor Gaseous Receptor:
5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP Distance:
0.00 (meters) Compass Point: NA Liquid Dose: Critical Pathway: Major Contributors Nuclide H-3 MN-54 CO-58 CO-60 NB-95 AG-iIOM TE-125M 1-131 CS-137 Gaseous Dose: Critical Pathway: Major Contributors Nuclide H-3 CR-51 CO-58 1-131 1-132 1-133 CS-136 TE-123M 1.80E-01 % of Fresh Water Fish 0% or greater Percentage 7.93E+01 3.25E-01 7.03E+00 3.85E+00 1.09E+00 4.65E-03 8.42E+00 4.10E-05 1.35E-02 Total: 9.71E+01-Sport (FFSP)to total)5.25E-03 % of Total: 2.84E+00 Vegetation (VEG)0% or greater to total)Percentage 9.99E+01 2.44E-04 2.94E-03 6.87E-02 1.27E-03 1.29E-02 1.17E-03 0.OOE+00 MAXIMUM DOSE ANALYSIS ANNUAL 2009 Dose Type Total Body Liquid Receptor:
0 Gaseous Receptor:
5 Distance:
0.00 Age Dose Group Organ (mrer ADULT TBODY 1.511 Liquid Receptor Composite Crit. Receptor -IP (meters) Compass Point: NA n)Z-01 Page 68 of 94 Liquid Dose: Critical Pathway: Major Contributors Nuclide H-3 MN-54 CO-58 CO-60 NB-95 AG-IIOM TE-125M.1-131 CS-137 Gaseous Dose: Critical Pathway: Major Contributors Nuclide H-3 CR-51 CO-58 1-131 1-132 1-133 CS-136 TE-123M 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT 1.46E-01 % of Total: 9.67E+01 Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)0% or greater to total)Percentage 9.76E+01 2.49E-02 9.58E-01 5.57E-01 1.18E-04 8.33E-06 3.48E-01 1.10E-04 5.63E-01 5.26E-03 % of Total: 3.48E+00 Vegetation (VEG)0% or greater to total)Percentage
: 9. 98E+01 4. 36E-05 9. 88E-04 1. 45E-01 1. 36E-03 5. 53E-03 5 .96E-03 0 OOE+00 Page 69 of 94 GASEOUS RELEASE AND DOSE
REPORT -BY UNIT (Composite Critical Receptor -Limited Analysis)Release ID .............
1 All Gas Release Types Period Start Date .... :.01/01/2009 00:00 Period End Date ...... :.01/01/2010 00:00 Period Duration (min): 5.256E+05 Coefficient Type ..... :.Historical Unit ....................
1 RELEASE DATA Total Release Duration (minutes).
5.803E+05 Total Release Volume (cf) .............................................
6.536E+10 Average Release Flowrate (cfm) ........................................
1.126E+05 Average Period Flowrate (cfm) .........................................
1.244E+05 NUCLIDE DATA Average EC Nuclide uCi uCi/cc Ratio EC AR-41 3.34E+04 1.80E-11 1.80E-03 1.OOE-08 KR-85M 1.74E+02 9.38E-14 9.38E-07 1.00E-07 KR-85 1.05E+07 5.65E-09 8.08E-03 7.OOE-07 XE-131M 5.13E+02 2.77E-13 1.39E-07 2.OOE-06 XE-133M 2.90E+03 1.57E-12 2.61E-06 6.OOE-07 XE-133 8.89E+05 4.80E-10 9.61E-04 5.OOE-07 XE-135 2.56E+04 1.38E-11 1.98E-04 7.OOE-08 F&AG 1.14E+07 6.17E-09 1.10E-02 1-131 1.29E+01 6.99E-15 3.50E-05 2.OOE-10 1-132 3.40E+02 1.84E-13 9.19E-06 2.OOE-08 1-133 9.70E+01 5.24E-14 5.24E-05 1.OOE-09 Iodine 4.50E+02 2.43E-13 9.66E-05 BR-82 3.OOE+00 1.62E-15 3.24E-07 5.OOE-09 Other 3.OOE+00 1.62E-15 3.24E-07 H-3 5.31E+07 2.87E-08 2.87E-01 1.OOE-07 H-3 5.31E+07 2.87E-08 2.87E-01 ZN-69M 8.85E+00 4.78E-15 4.78E-07 1.OOE-08 TE-123M 5.07E-01 2.74E-16 3.42E-07 8.OOE-10 CR-51 4.05E+00 2.19E-15 7.29E-08 3.OOE-08 P>=8 1.34E+01 7.24E-15 8.94E-07 Page 70 of 94 GASEOUS RELEASE AND DOSE
REPORT -BY UNIT (Composite Critical Receptor -Limited Analysis)Release ID .............
1 All Gas Release Types Period Start Date .... :.01/01/2009 00:00 Period End Date ...... :.01/01/2010 00:00 Period Duration (min): 5.256E+05 Coefficient Type ..... : Historical Unit ..................
: 1 NUCLIDE Nuclide Total DATA Average EC uCi uCi/cc Ratio EC 6.45E+07 3.49E-08 2.98E-01 Page 71 of 94 GASEOUS RELEASE AND DOSE
REPORT -BY UNIT (Composite Critical Receptor -Limited Analysis)Release ID .............
1 All Gas Release Types Period Start Date .... :.01/01/2009 00:00 Period End Date ...... :.01/01/2010 00:00 Period Duration (min): 5.256E+05 Coefficient Type ..... : Historical Unit .....................
1 MAXIMUM I&P DOSE Limit Organ Type Type Admin Any Organ FOR PERIOD Age Dose Limit Limit Percent Group Organ (mrem) Period (mrem) of Limit INFANT THYROID 7.24E-03 31-day 2.25E-01 3.22E+00 Quarter 5.63E+00 1.29E-01 Annual 1.13E+01 6.43E-02 T. Spec Any Organ INFANT THYROID 7.24E-03 31-day Quarter Annual 3.OOE-01 7 .50E+00 1. 50E+01 2.41E+00 9 .65E-02 4. 83E-02 Receptor ..........
Distance (meters).Compass Point .....Critical Pathway..Major Contributors
...... 5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP...... 0 .0...... 0.0...... 3 Grs/Goat/Milk (GMILK)...... 0.0 % or greater to total Nuclide TE-123M H-3 CR-51 1-131 1-132 1-133 Percentage 0.OOE+00 4.71E+01 3.19E-05 4.94E+01 1.21E-02 3.45E+00 Page 72 of 94 GASEOUS RELEASE AND DOSE
REPORT -BY UNIT (Composite Critical Receptor -Limited Analysis)Release ID .............
1 All Gas Release Types Period Start Date .... :.01/01/2009 00:00 Period End Date ...... ..01/01/2010 00:00 Period Duration (min): 5.256E+05 Coefficient Type ..... : Historical Unit .....................
1 PERIOD ORGAN DOSE BY AGE GROUP AND PATHWAY (mrem)Age/Path Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB AGPD AINHL AVEG AGMILK ACMEAT ACMILK TGPD TINHL TVEG TGMILK TCMEAT TCMILK CGPD CINHL CVEG CGMILK CCMEAT CCMILK IGPD I INHL IGMILK ICMILK ADULT TEEN CHILD INFANT 1. 08E-07 2 .22E-08 1. 49E-07 6. 02E-07 1. 66E-08 5. 02E-07 1. 08E-07 3. lIE-08 1. 41E-07 1. 09E-06 1. 38E-08 9. lIE-07 1. 08E-07 4. 21E-08 2. 61E-07 2. 65E-06 2. 55E-08 2 .21E-06 1. 08E-07 3 .35E-08 5. 54E-06 4. 62E-06 1.40E-06 2.30E-06 5 .30E-06 1.03E-05 1.08E-07 5.44E-04 9. 76E-04 6.73E-04 1.40E-04 3. 30E-04 1. 08E-07 5.49E-04 1. 12E-03 8. 76E-04 8. 36E-05 4.30E-04 1. 08E-07 4. 84E-04 1. 73E-03 1 .39E-03 1. 01E-04 6. 81E-04 1. 08E-07 2 .79E-04 2 lIE-03 1. 04E-03 2 .66E-03 3 .05E-03 4. 39E-03 3.42E-03 1. 08E-07 5.49E-04 1.04E-03 9. 43E-04 1. 48E-04 5. 55E-04 1. 08E-07 5. 56E-04 1. 17E-03 1.30E-03 8. 92E-05 7. 87E-04 1. 08E-07 4. 94E-04 1.82E-03 2 .24E-03 1.10E-04 1.39E-03 1.08E-07 2. 87E-04 4. 18E-03 2. 77E-03 3. 24E-03 3. 91E-03 6. 05E-03 7.24E-03 1. 08E-07 5. 44E-04 9. 76E-04 6. 73E-04 1. 40E-04 3 31E-04 1. 08E-07 5. 49E-04 1. 12E-03 8. 77E-04 8. 36E-05 4.31E-04 1. 08E-07 4. 85E-04 1. 73E-03 1. 39E-03 1. OIE-04 6. 83E-04 1. 08E-07 2.79E-04 2.11E-03 1.04E-03 TOTALS -2 .66E-03 3 .06E-03 4. 39E-03 3 .42E-03 1. 08E-07 5. 44E-04 9.76E-04 6. 72E-04 1.40E-04 3 .29E-04 1.08E-07 5.49E-04 1.12E-03 8. 74E-04 8. 36E-05 4.29E-04 1. 08E-07 4. 84E-04 1 .73E-03 1. 38E-03 1. 01E-04 6. 79E-04 1. 08E-07 2 .79E-04 2 .lOE-03 1. 03E-03 2 .66E-03 3.05E-03 4.38E-03 3.41E-03 1. 08E-07 5.44E-04 9.76E-04 6.72E-04 1.40E-04 3 .30E-04 1.08E-07 5.49E-04 1.12E-03 8. 75E-04 8. 36E-05 4. 29E-04 1.08E-07 4. 84E-04 1. 73E-03 1. 39E-03 1. 01E-04 6. 79E-04 1. 08E-07 2. 79E-04 2 lOE-03 1. 03E-03 2 .66E-03 3 .05E-03 4. 38E-03 3.41E-03 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 1. 08E-07 5. 44E-04 9. 76E-04 6. 72E-04 1 .40E-04 3. 30E-04 1. 08E-07 5.49E-04 1. 12E-03 8. 75E-04 8. 36E-05 4.29E-04 1.08E-07 4. 84E-04 1.73E-03 1.39E-03 1. 01E-04 6. 80E-04 1. 08E-07 2.79E-04 2 .1OE-03 1.03E-03 2. 66E-03 3.05E-03 4. 39E-03 3.42E-03 AGE GROUP / PATHWAY DESCRIPTIONS Abbreviation Age Group Pathway AGPD ADULT Ground Plane Deposition (GPD)AINHL ADULT Inhalation (INHL)AVEG ADULT Vegetation (VEG)AGMILK ADULT Grs/Goat/Milk (GMILK)ACMEAT ADULT Grs/Cow/Meat (CMEAT)ACMILK ADULT Grs/Cow/Milk (CMILK)TGPD TEEN Ground Plane Deposition (GPD)TINHL TEEN Inhalation (INHL)Page 73 of 94 GASEOUS RELEASE AND DOSE SUM4ARY REPORT -BY UNIT (Composite Critical Receptor -Limited Analysis)Release ID .............
1 All Gas Release Types Period Start Date.....
01/01/2009 00:00 Period End Date ...... :.01/01/2010 00:00 Period Duration (min): 5.256E+05 Coefficient Type ..... :.Historical Unit .....................
REPORT -BY UNIT (Composite Critical Receptor -Limited Analysis)Release ID .............
1 All Gas Release Types Period Start Date .... :.01/01/2009 00:00 Period End Date ...... :.01/01/2010 00:00 Period Duration (min): 5.256E+05 Coefficient Type ..... : Historical Unit .....................
1 MAXIMUM NG DOSE FOR PERIOD Limit Type Admin Admin Dose Type Gamma Dose Limit (mrad) Period 4.96E-05 31-day Quarter Annual 3.07E-04 31-day Quarter Annual 4.96E-05 31-day Quarter Annual Limit (mrad)1.50E-01 3 .75E+00 7. 50E+00 3.O0E-01 7. 50E+00 1. 50E+01 2. OOE-01 5. OOE+00 1. OOE+01 Percent of Limit 3.31E-02 1.32E-03 6.61E-04 1.02E-01 4.09E-03 2.04E-03 2.48E-02 9.92E-04 4.96E-04 Beta T.Spec Gamma Receptor ..............
Distance (meters) .....Compass Point .........Major Contributors
....Nuclide Percentage.AR-41 3.63E+01 KR-85M 2.50E-02 KR-85 2.lIE+01 XE-131M 9.36E-03 XE-133M 1.l1E-01 XE-133 3.67E+01 XE-135 5.75E+00.: 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 Composite Crit. Receptor -NG% or greater to total T.Spec Beta 3.07E-04 31-day Quarter Annual 4. OOE-01 1. OOE+01 2. OOE+01 7.67E-02 3.07E-03 1. 53E-03 Receptor ...................
4 Distance (meters) .......: 0.0 Compass Point .............
===0.0 Major===
...... :.0.0 Nuclide Percentage AR-41 5.09E-01 KR-85M 1.59E-03 Composite Crit. Receptor -NG% or greater to total Page 75 of 94 GASEOUS RELEASE AND DOSE
REPORT -BY UNIT (Composite Critical Receptor -Limited Analysis)Release ID ...........
:.1 All Gas Release Types Period Start Date .... .01/01/2009 00:00 Period End Date ...... .01/01/2010 00:00 Period Duration (min): 5.256E+05 Coefficient Type ..... .Historical Unit ...................
1 Major Contributors
...... : 0.0 % or greater to total Nuclide Percentage KR-85 9.48E+01 XE-131M 2.65E-03 XE-133M 2.OOE-02 XE-133 4.34E+00 XE-135 2.93E-01 Page 76 of 94 LIQUID RELEASE AND DOSE
Release ID ..............
1 All Liquid Releases Period Start Date ..... :.01/01/2009 00:00 Period End Date ....... :.01/01/2010 00:00 Period Duration (mins): 5.256E+05 Unit ..................
: 1 MULTIPLE RELEASE POINT MESSAGE Undiluted and Diluted Flowrate(s) and Concentration(s) cannot be combined.RELEASE DATA Total Release Duration (minutes)
5.364E+05 Total Undiluted Volume Released (gallons)
NA Average Undiluted Flowrate (gpm) .....................................
NA Total Dilution Volume (gallons)
NA Average Dilution Flowrate (gpm) ......................................
NA NUCLIDE DATA Nuclide uCi CO-57 3.87E+01 SB-124 5.44E+00 SB-125 1.34E+01 MN-54 4.55E+01 CO-58 7.28E+03 CO-60 1.50E+03 NB-95 1.36E+00 AG-ll0M 2.29E+01 TE-125M 1.55E+03 1-131 1.34E+00 CS-137 2.52E+00 Gamma 1.05E+04 KR-85 4.55E+03 XE-133 6.32E+02 D&EG 5.18E+03 SR-85 1.99E+01 H-3 9.07E+08 Beta 9.07E+08 Total 9.07E+08 Page 77 of 94 LIQUID RELEASE AND DOSE
Release ID ..............
1 All Liquid Releases Period Start Date ..... ..01/01/2009 00:00 Period End Date ....... :.01/01/2010 00:00 Period Duration (mins): 5.256E+05 Unit ...................
1 Receptor .................
0 Liquid Receptor PERMIT ORGAN DOSE BY AGE GROUP AND PATHWAY (mrem)Age/Path Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB APWtr AFWFSp TPWtr TFWFSp CPWtr CFWFSp IPWtr 1.74E-06 2 .36E-03 1.73E-06 2 .56E-03 5. 15E-06 3.28E-03 6. 75E-06 2. OOE-02 5. 37E-02 1. 41E-02 4. 17E-02 2 .70E-02 3 .47E-02 2 .65E-02 2 OOE-02 5 .24E-02 1. 41E-02 4. 04E-02 2. 70E-02 3. 37E-02 2. 65E-02 2. OOE-02 5.97E-02 1. 41E-02 4.OOE-02 2. 70E-02 3.31E-02 2 .65E-02 2 .OOE-02 5. 18E- 02 1. 41E-02 3.98E-02 2. 70E-02 3 .30E-02 2. 65E-02 2. 01E-02 7. 04E-02 1.41E-02 5.34E-02 2.71E-02 3.81E-02 2.66E-02 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 2 00E-02 5 35E-02 1. 41E-02 4. 14E-02 2. 70E-02 3. 46E-02 2. 66E-02 ADULT 2.37E-03 7.36E-02 7.23E-02 TEEN 2.57E-03 5.58E-02 5.44E-02 CHILD 3.29E-03 6.17E-02 6.07E-02 INFANT 6.75E-06 2.65E-02 2.65E-02 TOTALS- -------------------------------------
7.97E-02 7.18E-02 9.05E-02 0.00E+00 7.35E-02 5.41E-02 5.39E-02 6.75E-02 0.00E+00 5.55E-02 6.02E-02 6.00E-02 6.51E-02 0.OOE+00 6.16E-02 2.65E-02 2.65E-02 2.66E-02 0.OOE+00 2.66E-02==AGE GROUP / PATHWAY DESCRIPTIONS Abbreviation Age Group Pathway APWtr AFWFSp TPWtr TFWFSp CPWtr CFWFSp IPWtr ADULT ADULT TEEN TEEN CHILD CHILD INFANT Potable Water (PWtr)Fresh Water Fish -Sport Potable Water (PWtr)Fresh Water Fish -Sport Potable Water (PWtr)Fresh Water Fish -Sport Potable Water (PWtr)(FFSP)(FFSP)(FFSP)Page 78 of 94 LIQUID RELEASE AND DOSE
Release ID ..............
1 All Liquid Releases Period Start Date ..... :.01/01/2009 00:00 Period End Date ....... :.01/01/2010 00:00 Period Duration (mins): 5.256E+05 Unit ..................
1 Receptor .................
0 Liquid Receptor PERMIT ORGAN DOSE BY AGE GROUP AND NUCLIDE (mrem)Agegroup Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB ADULT H-3 0.OOE+00 7.17E-02 7.17E-02 7.17E-02 7.17E-02 7.17E-02 0.OOE+00 7.17E-02 MN-54 0.OOE+00 9.56E-05 0.OOE+00 2.85E-05 0.OOE+00 2.93E-04 0.OOE+00 1.82E-05 CO-58 0.OOE+00 3.14E-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.35E-03 0.OOE+00 7.03E-04 CO-60 0.OOE+00 1.85E-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.48E-03 0.OOE+00 4.08E-04 NB-95 2.90E-07 1.62E-07 0.OOE+00 1.60E-07 0.OOE+00 9.80E-04 0.OOE+00 8.69E-08 AG-IIOM 1.lIE-08 1.03E-08 0.OOE+00 2.02E-08 0.OOE+00 4.20E-06 0.OOE+00 6.11E-09 TE-125M 1.90E-03 6.90E-04 5.73E-04 7.75E-03 0.OOE+00 7.60E-03 0.OOE+00 2.55E-04 I-i31 9.82E-08 1.40E-07 4.60E-05 2.41E-07 0.OOE+00 3.71E-08 0.OOE+00 8.05E-08 CS-137 4.61E-04 6.31E-04 0.OOE+00 2.14E-04 7.11E-05 1.22E-05 0.OOE+00 4.13E-04 TEEN H-3 0.OOE+00 5.38E-02 5.38E-02 5.38E-02 5.38E-02 5.38E-02 0.OOE+00 5.38E-02 MN-54 0.OOE+00 9.41E-05 0.OOE+00 2.81E-05 0.OOE+00 1.93E-04 0.OOE+00 1.87E-05 CO-58 0.OOE+00 3.11E-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.29E-03 0.OOE+00 7.18E-04 CO-60 0.OOE+00 1.85E-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.41E-03 0.OOE+00 4.17E-04 NB-95 2.92E-07 1.62E-07 0.OOE+00 1.57E-07 0.OOE+00 6.94E-04 0.OOE+00 8.93E-08 AG-1IOM 107E-08 1.02E-08 0.OOE+00 1.94E-08 0.OOE+00 2.86E-06 0.OOE+00 6.18E-09 TE-125M 2.07E-03 7.47E-04 5.79E-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.12E-03 0.OOE+00 2.77E-04 1-131 1.05E-07 1.47E-07 4.29E-05 2.53E-07 0.OOE+00 2.91E-08 0.OOE+00 7.90E-08 CS-137 4.94E-04 6.57E-04 0.OOE+00 2.24E-04 8.68E-05 9.34E-06 0.OOE+00 2.29E-04 CHILD H-3 0.OOE+00 5.99E-02 5.99E-02 5.99E-02 5.99E-02 5.99E-02 0.OOE+00 5.99E-02 MN-54 0.OOE+00 7.37E-05 0.OOE+00 2.07E-05 0.OOE+00 6.18E-05 0.OOE+00 1.96E-05 CO-58 0.OOE+00 2.51E-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.46E-03 0.OOE+00 7.68E-04 CO-60 0.OOE+00 1.52E-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8.39E-04 0.OOE+00 4.47E-04 NB-95 3.45E-07 1.34E-07 0.OOE+00 1.26E-07 0.OOE+00 2.49E-04 0.OOE+00 9.60E-08 AG-IIOM 1.41E-08 9.55E-09 0.OOE+00 1.78E-08 0.OOE+00 1.14E-06 0.OOE+00 7.63E-09 TE-125M 2.66E-03 7.22E-04 7.48E-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.57E-03 0.OOE+00 3.55E-04 1-131 1.37E-07 1.38E-07 4.55E-05 2.26E-07 0.OOE+00 1.22E-08 0.OOE+00 7.82E-08 CS-137 6.22E-04 5.95E-04 0.OOE+00 1.94E-04 6.98E-05 3.73E-06 0.OOE+00 8.78E-05 INFANT H-3 0.OOE+00 2.65E-02 2.65E-02 2.65E-02 2.65E-02 2.65E-02 0.OOE+00 2.65E-02 MN-54 0.OOE+00 1.63E-07 0.OOE+00 3.62E-08 0.OOE+00 6.01E-08 0.OOE+00 3.71E-08 CO-58 0.OOE+00 4.73E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.18E-05 0.OOE+00 1.18E-05 CO-60 0.OOE+00 2.92E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.94E-06 0.OOE+00 6.89E-06 NB-95 1.03E-11 4.23E-12 0.OOE+00 3.03E-12 0.OOE+00 3.57E-09 0.OOE+00 2.45E-12 AG-11OM 4.11E-09 3.OOE-09 0.OOE+00 4.29E-09 0.OOE+00 1.56E-07 0.OOE+00 1.99E-09 Page 79 of 94 LIQUID RELEASE AND DOSE
Release ID ............
Period Start Date ......Period End Date .......Period Duration (mins): 1 All Liquid Releases 01/01/2009 00:00 01/01/2010 00:00 5.256E+05 PERMIT' ORGAN DOSE BY AGE GROUP AND NUCLIDE (mrem)Agegroup Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung TE-125M 6.50E-06 2.17E-06 2.19E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1-131 8.68E-09 1.02E-08 3.36E-06 1.19E-08 0.00E+00 CS-137 2.37E-07 2.78E-07 0.OOE+00 7.45E-08 3.02E-08 GI-Lli Skin TB 3.10E-06 0.OOE+00 8.78E-07 3.65E-10 0.OOE+00 4.50E-09 8.68E-10 0.OOE+00 1.97E-08 Page 80 of 94 LIQUID RELEASE AND DOSE
Release ID ..............
1 All Liquid Releases Period Start Date ..... :.01/01/2009 00:00 Period End Date ....... :.01/01/2010 00:00 Period Duration (mins): 5.256E+05 Unit ...................
1 Receptor .................
0 Liquid Receptor MAXIMUM DOSE FOR PERIOD Limit Type Admin Organ Type Any Organ Admin Tot Body T.Spec Any Organ Age Dose Limit Group Organ (mrem) Period ADULT GILLI 9.05E-02 31-day Quarter Annual ADULT TBODY 7.35E-02 31-day Quarter Annual ADULT GILLI 9.05E-02 31-day Quarter Annual Limit (mrem)1. 50E-01 3 .75E+00 7. 50E+00 4. 50E-02 1. 13E+00 2.25E+00 2. OOE-01 5 .OOE+00 1. OOE+01 Percent of Limit 6.03E+01 2.41E+00 1.21E+00 1.63E+02 6.54E+00 3.27E+00 4.52E+01 1.81E+00 9.05E-01 Critical Pathway ..........
1 Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP Major Contributors
....... .0.0 % or greater to total Nuclide Percentage H-3 7.93E+01 MN-54 3.24E-01 CO-58 7.02E+00 CO-60 3.85E+00 NB-95 1.08E+00 AG-11OM 4.64E-03 TE-125M 8.41E+00 1-131 4.10E-05 CS-137 1.35E-02 T.Spec Tot Body ADULT Critical Pathway .........: 1 Major Contributors
.......Nuclide Percentage H-3 9.76E+01 MN-54 2.48E-02 CO-58 9.56E-01 CO-60 5.56E-01 TBODY 7.35E-02 31-day Quarter Annual Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP 0.0 % or greater to total 6. O0E-02 1. 50E+00 3. OOE+00 1.23E+02 4. 90E+00 2. 45E+00 Page 81 of 94 LIQUID RELEASE AND DOSE
REPORT-------(PERIOD BASIS -BY UNIT)Release ID ..............
1 All Liquid Releases Period Start Date ..... ..01/01/2009 00:00 Period End Date ....... :.01/01/2010 00:00 Period Duration (mins): 5.256E+05 Major Contributors
....... .0.0 % or greater to total Nuclide Percentage NB-95 1.18E-04 AG-11OM 8.31E-06 TE-125M 3.47E-01 1-131 1.10E-04 CS-137 5.62E-01 Page 82 of 94 GASEOUS RELEASE AND DOSE
REPORT -BY UNIT (Composite Critical Receptor -Limited Analysis)Release ID .............
1 All Gas Release Types Period Start Date .... ..01/01/2009 00:00 Period End Date ...... :.01/01/2010 00:00 Period Duration (min): 5.256E+05 Coefficient Type ..... :.Historical Unit ....................
2 RELEASE DATA Total Release Duration (minutes)
5.804E+05 Total Release Volume (cf) .............................................
7.235E+10 Average Release Flowrate (cfm) ........................................
1.247E+05 Average Period Flowrate (cfm) .........................................
1.376E+05 NUCLIDE DATA Average EC Nuclide uCi uCi/cc Ratio EC AR-41 2.89E+04 1.41E-11 1.41E-03 1.OOE-08 KR-85M 1.74E+02 8.47E-14 8.47E-07 1.OOE-07 XE-131M 1.06E+04 5.19E-12 2.60E-06 2.OOE-06 XE-133M 2.90E+03 1.42E-12 2.36E-06 6.OOE-07 XE-133 5.55E+05 2.71E-10 5.42E-04 5.OOE-07 XE-135 2.52E+04 1.23E-11 1.76E-04 7.OOE-08 XE-138 4.22E+03 2.06E-12 1.03E-04 2.OOE-08 F&AG 6.27E+05 3.06E-10 2.24E-03 1-131 8.85E+01 4.32E-14 2.16E-04 2.OOE-10 1-132 9.26E+01 4.52E-14 2.26E-06 2.OOE-08 1-133 1.86E+02 9.07E-14 9.07E-05 1.OOE-09 Iodine 3.67E+02 1.79E-13 3.09E-04 H-3 5.16E+07 2.52E-08 2.52E-01 1.OOE-07 H-3 5.16E+07 2.52E-08 2.52E-01 CO-58 8.68E-01 4.24E-16 4.24E-07 1.OOE-09 CS-136 7.95E-01 3.88E-16 4.31E-07 9.OOE-10 P>=8 1.66E+00 8.12E-16 8.55E-07 Total 5.23E+07 2.55E-08 2.55E-01 Page 83 of 94 GASEOUS RELEASE AND DOSE
REPORT -BY UNIT (Composite Critical Receptor -Limited Analysis)Release ID...........
:.1 All Gas Release Types Period Start Date .... :.01/01/2009 00:00 Period End Date ...... :.01/01/2010 00:00 Period Duration (min): 5.256E+05 Coefficient Type ..... : Historical Unit .....................
2 MAXIMUM I&P DOSE FOR PERIOD Limit Organ Age Dose Limit Limit Percent Type Type Group Organ (mrem) Period (mrem) of Limit Admin Any Organ INFANT THYROID 2.82E-02 31-day 2.25E-01 1.26E+01 Quarter 5.63E+00 5.02E-01 Annual 1.13E+01 2.51E-01 T.Spec Any Organ INFANT THYROID 2.82E-02 31-day Quarter Annual 3 .OOE-01 7.50E+00 1.50E+01 9.42E+00 3. 77E-01 1.88E-01 Receptor ..........
Distance (meters).Compass Point .....Critical Pathway..Major Contributors
...... 5 Composite Crit. Receptor -IP...... 0.0...... 0 .0...... 3 Grs/Goat/Milk (GMILK)...... 0.0 % or greater to total Nuclide H-3 CO-58 1-131 1-132 1-133 CS-136 Percentage 1.17E+01 1.39E-04 8.66E+01 8.40E-04 1.69E+00 5.05E-05 Page 84 of 94 GASEOUS RELEASE AND DOSE
REPORT -BY UNIT (Composite Critical Receptor -Limited Analysis)Release ID ...........
Period Start Date ....Period End Date .......Period Duration (min): Coefficient Type .....Unit ..................
1 All Gas Release Types 01/01/2009 00:00 01/01/2010 00:00 5.256E+05 Historical
==PERIOD ORGAN DOSE BY AGE GROUP AND PATHWAY (mrem)Age/Path AGPD AINHL AVEG AGMILK ACMEAT ACMILK TGPD TINHL TVEG TGMILK TCMEAT TCMILK CGPD CINHL CVEG CGMILK CCMEAT CCMILK IGPD IINHL IGMILK ICMILK Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney 3. 03E-07 5. 66E-08 9. 02E-07 3. 93E-06 1.14E-07 3 .23E-06 3 .03E-07 7.96E-08 8. 57E-07 7. 12E-06 9 .50E-08 5. 87E-06 3. 03E-07 1. 08E-07 1. 59E-06 1.72E-05 1.76E-07 1.42E-05 3. 03E-07 8. 57E-08 3 .60E-05 2. 97E-05 8. 53E-06 1.43E-05 3. 36E-05 6 .60E-05 3. 03E-07 5. 29E-04 9. 50E-04 6. 59E-04 1. 37E-04 3 .25E-04 3 .03E-07 5. 34E-04 1. 09E-03 8. 60E-04 8. 14E-05 4. 25E-04 3. 03E-07 4. 71E-04 1. 69E-03 1 36E-03 9. 86E-05 6. 75E-04 3. 03E-07 2. 71E-04 2. 09E-03 1. 04E-03 2 .60E-03 2. 99E-03 4.30E-03 3.40E-03 3. 03E-07 5. 50E-04 1.36E-03 2.44E-03 1. 89E-04 1. 81E-03 3. 03E-07 5. 60E-04 1. 43E-03 3 .67E-03 1.20E-04 2. 77E-03 3. 03E-07 5. 02E-04 2 .20E-03 6.94E-03 1.57E-04 5. 32E-03 3 .03E-07 2. 99E-04 1. 56E-02 1.23E-02 6 .34E-03 8.55E-03 1.51E-02 2. 82E-02 3. 03E-07 5.29E-04 9. 51E-04 6. 63E-04 1.37E-04 3 .28E-04 3. 03E-07 5.34E-04 1. 09E-03 8.67E-04 8. 15E-05 4.31E-04 3. 03E-07 4.71E-04 1.69E-03 1.38E-03 9. 88E-05 6. 84E-04 3.03E-07 2.71E-04 2.09E-03 1. 04E-03 TOTALS -2 .61E-03 3 .OOE-03 4.32E-03 3.41E-03 Lung 3. 03E-07 5.29E-04 9.49E-04 6.53E-04 1. 36E-04 3.20E-04 3. 03E-07 5. 33E-04 1. 09E-03 8. 50E-04 8. 12E-05 4. 17E-04 3. 03E-07 4. 71E-04 1. 69E-03 1. 35E-03 9. 85E-05 6. 60E-04 3. 03E-07 2.71E-04 2.04E-03 1.00E-03 2 .59E-03 2. 97E-03 4. 26E-03 3 .32E-03 GI-Lli 3. 03E-07 5.29E-04 9.49E-04 6. 55E-04 1.36E-04 3.22E-04 3 .03E-07 5.33E-04 1. 09E-03 8. 52E-04 8. 13E-05 4. 19E-04 3 .03E-07 4. 71E-04 1. 69E-03 1. 35E-03 9. 85E-05 6. 62E-04 3. 03E-07 2.71E-04 2. 05E-03 1.OOE-03 2. 59E-03 2. 97E-03 4 .27E-03 3 .32E-03 Skin 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 TB 3. 03E-07 5. 29E-04 9. 49E-04 6. 57E-04 1. 36E-04 3 .23E-04 3 .03E-07 5 .33E-04 1. 09E-03 8. 56E-04 8. 13E-05 4. 21E-04 3. 03E-07 4. 71E-04 1. 69E-03 1. 36E-03 9. 86E-05 6. 68E-04 3. 03E-07 2.71E-04 2 .06E-03 1.02E-03 2 .59E-03 2. 98E-03 4.28E-03 3 .35E-03 ADULT TEEN CHILD INFANT AGE GROUP / PATHWAY DESCRIPTIONS Abbreviation Age Group Pathway AGPD ADULT Ground Plane Deposition (GPD)AINHL ADULT Inhalation (INHL)AVEG ADULT Vegetation (VEG)AGMILK ADULT Grs/Goat/Milk (GMILK)ACMEAT ADULT Grs/Cow/Meat (CMEAT)ACMILK ADULT Grs/Cow/Milk (CMILK)TGPD TEEN Ground Plane Deposition (GPD)TINHL TEEN Inhalation (INHL)Page 85 of 94 GASEOUS RELEASE AND DOSE
REPORT -BY UNIT (Composite Critical Receptor -Limited Analysis)Release ID .............
1 All Gas Release Types Period Start Date .... :.01/01/2009 00:00 Period End Date ...... :.01/01/2010 00:00 Period Duration (min): 5.256E+05 Coefficient Type ..... : Historical Unit .....................
REPORT -BY UNIT (Composite Critical Receptor -Limited Analysis)Release ID .............
1 All Gas Release Types Period Start Date .... :.01/01/2009 00:00 Period End Date ...... :.01/01/2010 00:00 Period Duration (min): 5.256E+05 Coefficient Type ..... :.Historical Unit .....................
2 MAXIMUM NG DOSE FOR PERIOD Limit Type Admin Dose Type Gamma Dose (mrad)3 .22E-05 Limit Period 31-day Quarter Annual Admin Beta 1.11E-05 31-day Quarter Annual 3.22E-05 31-day Quarter Annual Limit (mrad)1.50E-01 3 .75E+00 7 .50E+00 3.O0E-01 7. 50E+00 1. 50E+01 2.OOE-01 5 OOE+00 1. OOE+01 Percent of Limit 2.15E-02 8.58E-04 4.29E-04 3.69E-03 1.48E-04 7.38E-05 1.61E-02 6.44E-04 3.22E-04 T. Spec Gamma Receptor ...................
4 Distance (meters) .........
===0.0 Compass===
Point .............
===0.0 Major===
...... :.0.0 Nuclide Percentage AR-41 4.84E+01 KR-85M 3.85E-02 XE-131M 2.99E-01 XE-133M 1.71E-01 XE-133 3.53E+01 XE-135 8.73E+00 XE-138 7.01E+00 T.Spec Beta Receptor ...................
4 Distance (meters) .........
===0.0 Compass===
Point .............
===0.0 Major===
...... ..0.0 Nuclide Percentage AR-41 1.22E+01 KR-85M 4.40E-02 Composite Crit. Receptor -NG% or greater to total 1.lIE-05 31-day Quarter Annual Composite Crit. Receptor -NG% or greater to total 4. OOE-01 1. OOE+01 2 .OOE+01 2.77E-03 1. l1E-04 5. 53E-05 Page 87 of 94 GASEOUS RELEASE AND DOSE
REPORT -BY UNIT (Composite Critical Receptor -Limited Analysis)Release ID ...........
:.1 All Gas Release Types Period Start Date ....: 01/01/2009 00:00 Period End Date ...... .01/01/2010 00:00 Period Duration (min): 5.256E+05 Coefficient Type ..... : Historical Unit ...................
2 Major Contributors
...... : 0.0 % or greater to total Nuclide Percentage XE-131M 1.52E+00 XE-133M 5.53E-01 XE-133 7.51E+01 XE-135 7.99E+00 XE-138 2.58E+00 Page 88 of 94 LIQUID RELEASE AND DOSE
Release ID ..............
1 All Liquid Releases Period Start Date ..... :.01/01/2009 00:00 Period End Date ....... :.01/01/2010 00:00 Period Duration (mins): 5.256E+05 Unit ..................
: 2=== MULTIPLE RELEASE POINT MESSAGE Undiluted and Diluted Flowrate(s) and Concentration(s) cannot be combined.RELEASE DATA Total Release Duration (minutes)
5.364E+05 Total Undiluted Volume Released (gallons)
NA Average Undiluted Flowrate (gpm) .....................................
NA Total Dilution Volume (gallons)
NA Average Dilution Flowrate (gpm) ......................................
NA NUCLIDE DATA Nuclide uCi CO-57 3.87E+01 SB-124 5.44E+00 SB-125 1.34E+01 MN-54 4.55E+01 CO-58 7.28E+03 CO-60 1.50E+03 NB-95 1.36E+00 AG-11OM 2.29E+01 TE-125M 1.55E+03 1-131 1.34E+00 CS-137 2.52E+00 Gamma 1.05E+04 KR-85 4.55E+03 XE-133 6.32E+02 D&EG 5.18E+03 SR-85 1.99E+01 H-3 9.07E+08 Beta 9.07E+08 Total 9.07E+08 Page 89 of 94 LIQUID RELEASE AND DOSE
Release ID ..............
1 All Liquid Releases Period Start Date ..... :.01/01/2009 00:00 Period End Date ....... :.01/01/2010 00:00 Period Duration (mins): 5.256E+05 Unit ....................
2 Receptor .................
: 0 Liquid Receptor PERMIT ORGAN DOSE BY AGE GROUP AND PATHWAY (mrem)Age/Path Bone APWtr 1.74E-06 AFWFSp 2.36E-03 TPWtr 1.73E-06 TFWFSp 2.56E-03 CPWtr 5.15E-06 CFWFSp 3.28E-03 IPWtr 6.75E-06 Liver Thyroid 2.OOE-02 2.OOE-02 5.37E-02 5.24E-02 1.41E-02 1.41E-02 4.17E-02 4.04E-02 2.70E-02 2.70E-02 3.47E-02 3.37E-02 2.65E-02 2.65E-02 Kidney 2 .OOE-02 5 .97E-02 1.41E-02 4. OOE-02 2.70E-02 3.31E-02 2.65E-02 Lung 2 OOE-02 5. 18E-02 1. 41E-02 3. 98E-02 2. 70E-02 3. 30E-02 2 .65E-02 GI-Lli 2. 01E-02 7.04E-02 1.41E-02 5.34E-02 2.71E-02 3. 81E-02 2. 66E-02 Skin 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 TB 2 .OOE-02 5. 35E-02 1. 41E-02 4. 14E-02 2. 70E-02 3. 46E-02 2. 66E-02 ADULT 2.37E-03 7.36E-02 7.23E-02 TEEN 2.57E-03 5.58E-02 5.44E-02 CHILD 3.29E-03 6.17E-02 6.07E-02 INFANT 6.75E-06 2.65E-02 2.65E-02 TOTALS -------------------------------------
7.97E-02 7.18E-02 9.05E-02 0.OOE+00 7.35E-02 5.41E-02 5.39E-02 6.75E-02 0.OOE+00 5.55E-02 6.02E-02 6.OOE-02 6.51E-02 0.OOE+00 6.16E-02 2.65E-02 2.65E-02 2.66E-02 0.OOE+00 2.66E-02==AGE GROUP / PATHWAY DESCRIPTIONS Abbreviation APWtr AFWFSp TPWtr TFWFSp CPWtr CFWFSp IPWtr Age Group ADULT ADULT TEEN TEEN CHILD CHILD INFANT Pathway Potable Water (PWtr)Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)Potable Water (PWtr)Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)Potable Water (PWtr)Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP)Potable Water (PWtr)Page 90 of 94 LIQUID RELEASE AND DOSE
Release ID ..............
1 All Liquid Releases Period Start Date ..... :.01/01/2009 00:00 Period End Date ....... :.01/01/2010 00:00 Period Duration (mins): 5.256E+05 Unit ..................
2 Receptor .................
0 Liquid Receptor PERMIT ORGAN DOSE BY AGE GROUP AND NUCLIDE (mrem)Agegroup Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-Lli Skin TB ADULT H-3 0.OOE+00 7.17E-02 7.17E-02 7.17E-02 7.17E-02 7.17E-02 0.OOE+00 7.17E-02 MN-54 0.OOE+00 9.56E-05 0.OOE+00 2.85E-05 0.OOE+00 2.93E-04 0.OOE+00 1.82E-05 CO-58 0.OOE+00 3.14E-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.35E-03 0.OOE+00 7.03E-04 CO-60 0.OOE+00 1.85E-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.48E-03 0.OOE+00 4.08E-04 NB-95 2.90E-07 1.62E-07 0.OOE+00 1.60E-07 0.OOE+00 9.80E-04 0.OOE+00 8.69E-08 AG-11OM 1.11E-08 1.03E-08 0.OOE+00 2.02E-08 0.OOE+00 4.20E-06 0.OOE+00 6.11E-09 TE-125M 1.90E-03 6.90E-04 5.73E-04 7.75E-03 0.OOE+00 7.60E-03 0.OOE+00 2.55E-04 1-131 9.82E-08 1.40E-07 4.60E-05 2.41E-07 0.OOE+00 3.71E-08 0.OOE+00 8.05E-08 CS-137 4.61E-04 6.31E-04 0.OOE+00 2.14E-04 7.11E-05 1.22E-05 0.OOE+00 4.13E-04 TEEN H-3 0.OOE+00 5.38E-02 5.38E-02 5.38E-02 5.38E-02 5.38E-02 0.OOE+00 5.38E-02 MN-54 0.OOE+00 9.41E-05 0.OOE+00 2.81E-05 0.OOE+00 1.93E-04 0.OOE+00 1.87E-05 CO-58 0.OOE+00 3.11E-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.29E-03 0.OOE+00 7.18E-04 CO-60 0.OOE+00 1.85E-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.41E-03 0.OOE+00 4.17E-04 NB-95 2.92E-07 1.62E-07 0.OOE+00 1.57E-07 0.OOE+00 6.94E-04 0.OOE+00 8.93E-08 AG-1IOM 1.07E-08 1.02E-08 0.OOE+00 1.94E-08 0.OOE+00 2.86E-06 0.OOE+00 6.18E-09 TE-125M 2.07E-03 7.47E-04 5.79E-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.12E-03 0.OOE+00 2.77E-04 1-131 1.05E-07 1.47E-07 4.29E-05 2.53E-07 0.OOE+00 2.91E-08 0.OOE+00 7.90E-08 CS-137 4.94E-04 6.57E-04 0.OOE+00 2.24E-04 8.68E-05 9.34E-06 0.OOE+00 2.29E-04 CHILD H-3 0.OOE+00 5.99E-02 5.99E-02 5.99E-02 5.99E-02 5.99E-02 0.O0E+00 5.99E-02 MN-54 0.OOE+00 7.37E-05 0.OOE+00 2.07E-05 0.OOE+00 6.18E-05 0.OOE+00 1.96E-05 CO-58 0.OOE+00 2.51E-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.46E-03 0.OOE+00 7.68E-04 C0-60 0.OOE+00 1.52E-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8.39E-04 0.OOE+00 4.47E-04 NB-95 3.45E-07 1.34E-07 0.OOE+00 1.26E-07 0.OOE+00 2.49E-04 0.OOE+00 9.60E-08 AG-11OM 1.41E-08 9.55E-09 0.OOE+00 1.78E-08 0.OOE+00 1.14E-06 0.OOE+00 7.63E-09 TE-125M 2.66E-03 7.22E-04 7.48E-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.57E-03 0.OOE+00 3.55E-04 1-131 1.37E-07 1.38E-07 4.55E-05 2.26E-07 0.OOE+00 1.22E-08 0.OOE+00 7.82E-08 CS-137 6.22E-04 5.95E-04 0.OOE+00 1.94E-04 6.98E-05 3.73E-06 0.OOE+00 8.78E-05 INFANT H-3 0.OOE+00 2.65E-02 2.65E-02 2.65E-02 2.65E-02 2.65E-02 0.OOE+00 2.65E-02 MN-54 0.OOE+00 1.63E-07 0.OOE+00 3.62E-08 0.OOE+00 6.01E-08 0.OOE+00 3.71E-08 CO-58 0.OOE+00 4.73E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.18E-05 0.OOE+00 1.18E-05 CO-60 0.OOE+00 2.92E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.94E-06 0.OOE+00 6.89E-06 NB-95 1.03E-11 4.23E-12 0.OOE+00 3.03E-12 0.OOE+00 3.57E-09 0.OOE+00 2.45E-12 AG-1IOM 4.11E-09 3.OOE-09 0.OOE+00 4.29E-09 0.OOE+00 1.56E-07 0.OOE+00 1.99E-09 Page 91 of 94 LIQUID RELEASE AND DOSE
Release ID ............
Period Start Date ......Period End Date .......Period Duration (mins): 1 All Liquid Releases 01/01/2009 00:00 01/01/2010 00:00 5.256E+05 PERMIT ORGAN DOSE BY AGE GROUP AND NUCLIDE (mrem)Agegroup Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung TE-125M 6.50E-06 2.17E-06 2.19E-06 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 1-131 8.68E-09 1.02E-08 3.36E-06 1.19E-08 0.OOE+00 CS-137 2.37E-07 2.78E-07 0.OOE+00 7.45E-08 3.02E-08 GI-Lli Skin TB 3.10E-06 0.OOE+00 8.78E-07 3.65E-10 0.OOE+00 4.50E-09 8.68E-10 0.OOE+00 1.97E-08 Page 92 of 94 LIQUID RELEASE AND DOSE
Release ID ..............
: 1 All Liquid Releases Period Start Date ..... : 01/01/2009 00:00 Period End Date ....... : 01/01/2010 00:00 Period Duration (mins): 5.256E+05 Unit ..................
2 Receptor..................
0 Liquid Receptor MAXIMUM DOSE FOR PERIOD Limit Type Admin Organ Type Any Organ Age Group ADULT Admin Tot Body ADULT T.Spec Any Organ ADULT Critical Pathway .........: 1 Major Contributors
.......Nuclide Percentage H-3 7.93E+01 MN-54 3.24E-01 CO-58 7.02E+00 CO-60 3.85E+00 NB-95 1.08E+00 AG-1IOM 4.64E-03 TE-125M 8.41E+00 1-131 4.10E-05 CS-137 1.35E-02 T.Spec Tot Body ADULT Critical Pathway ..........
1 Major Contributors
.......Nuclide Percentage H-3 9.76E+01 MN-54 2.48E-02 CO-58 9.56E-01 CO-60 5.56E-01 Dose Limit Organ (mrem) Period GILLI 9.05E-02 31-day Quarter Annual TBODY 7.35E-02 31-day Quarter Annual GILLI 9.05E-02 31-day Quarter Annual Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP 0.0 % or greater to total Limit (mrem)1. 50E-01 3 .75E+00 7 .50E+00 4. 50E-02 1. 13E+00 2 .25E+00 2. OOE-01 5 .OOE+00 1. OOE+01 Percent of Limit 6.03E+01 2.41E+00 1.21E+00 1.63E+02 6.54E+00 3.27E+00 4.52E+01 1.81E+00 9.05E-01 TBODY 7.35E-02 31-day Quarter Annual Fresh Water Fish -Sport (FFSP 0.0 % or greater to total 6. OOE-02 1. 50E+00 3 .OOE+00 1. 23E+02 4.90E+00 2.45E+00 Page 93 of 94 LIQUID RELEASE AND DOSE
REPORT-------(PERIOD BASIS -BY UNIT)Release ID ..............
1 All Liquid Releases Period Start Date ..... :.01/01/2009 00:00 Period End Date ....... :.01/01/2010 00:00 Period Duration (mins): 5.256E+05 Major Contributors
...... :.0.0 % or greater to total Nuclide Percentage NB-95 1.18E-04 AG-IIOM 8.31E-06 TE-125M 3.47E-01 1-131 1.10E-04 CS-137 5.62E-01 Page 94 of 94
/Byron ODCM Revision 6 Change Summary ISFSI Project Literature and references were added to reflect the commencement of ISFSI. The changes describe the licensing requirements (10CFR72.104
& 40CFR190) for ISFSI with respect to offsite dose. The changes describe dose contribution due to ISFSI in combination with historical uranium fuel cycle operations prior to ISFSI was analyzed to be within federal limits, the methodology of which is documented in the 10CFR72.212 report using the Holtec HI-2084113 report as a basis for the dose calculation.
REMP Changes Additional inner ring TLDs were added due to NRC recommendation to ensure each sector had a TLD between the plant and the nearest residence.
Additions and deletions for dairy farms were made to reflect a change in status of the milk sampling.
Special interest TLDs that were installed as part of the ISFSI project to monitor potential offsite dose were added. Special interest TLDs that are part of the REMP program, but were not previously included in the ODCM were added.Editorial Changes Changes to Table of Contents, page numbering, nomenclature, references, sample point designators, diagram labeling.
CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 INFORMATION USE ODCM TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I -RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENT CONTROLS 1.0 D E F IN IT IO N S .......................................................................................
1.3-1 3.13 METEOROLOGICAL MONITORING PROGRAM ................................
1.3-2 4.0 BASES ...........................................
11.1-1 1.1 Structure of the O DC M ..............................................................
11.1-1 1.2 R eg ulatio ns ...............................................................................
11.1-2 1.2.1 Code of Federal Regulations
11.1-2 1.2.2 Radiological Effluent Technical Standards
11.1-5 1.2.3 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual .....................................
11.1-5 1.2.4 Overlapping Requirem ents .............................................
11.1-5 1.2.5 Dose Receiver Methodology
11.1-6 I 1.3 Offsite Dose Calculation Parameters
11.1-10 1.4 R eferences
11,1-10 2.0 INSTRUMENTATION AND SYSTEMS ................................................
11.2-1 2.1 Liquid Effluent System Description
11.2-1 2.1.1 R elease Tanks ...............................................................
11.2-1 2.1.2 Turbine Building Fire and Oil Sump ................................
11.2-1 2.1.3 Condensate Polisher Sump ............................................
11.2-1 2.2 Liquid Effluent Radiation Monitors .............................................
11.2-2 2.2.1 Liquid Radwaste Effluent Monitor ...................................
11.2-2 2.2.2 Station Blowdown Monitor ..............................................
11.2-2 2.2.3 Reactor Containment Fan Cooler (RCFC) and Essential Service Water (SX) Outlet Line Monitor..........
11.2-2 2.2.4 Turbine Building Fire and Oil Sump Monitor ...................
11.2-2 2.2.5 Condensate Polisher Sump Monitor ...............................
11.2-2 2.2.6 Component Cooling Water Monitors ...............................
11.2-2 2.3 Liquid Radiation Effluent Monitors Alarm and Trip S etpo ints ..................................................................................
11.2 -3 2.3.1 Station Blowdown Monitor ..............................................
11.2-3 2.3.2 Liquid Radwaste Effluent Monitor ...................................
11.2-3 2.3.3 Other Liquid Effluent Monitors ........................................
11.2-5 2.3.4 Conversion Factors .........................................................
11.2-6 Page 1 of 6 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 PART 11 -ODCM 2.3.5 Allocation of Effluent from Common Release P o ints ..............................................................................
11.2 -6 2.3.6 Solidification of Wastes/Process Control P rog ram ..........................................................................
11.2-6 2.4 Gaseous Effluent System Description
11.2-6 2.4.1 Waste Gas Holdup System .............................................
11.2-6 2.4.2 Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System ...........................
11.2-6 2.5 Gaseous Effluent Radiation Monitors ........................................
11.2-7 2.5.1 Auxiliary Building Vent Effluent Monitors ........................
11.2-7 2.5.2 Containment Purge Effluent Monitors .............................
11.2-7 2.5.3 Waste Gas Decay Tank Monitors ...................................
11.2-8 2.5.4 Gland Steam and Condenser Air Ejector M o nito rs ..........................................................................
11.2-8 2.5.5 Radwaste Building Ventilation Monitor ...........................
11.2-8 2.6 Gaseous Effluent Monitor Alarm and Trip Setpoints
11.2-8 2.6.1 Auxiliary Building Vent Effluent Monitors ........................
11.2-8 2.6.2 Containment Purge Effluent Monitors .............................
11.2-9 2.6.3 Waste Gas Decay Tank Effluent Monitors ......................
11.2-9 2.6.4 Gaseous Effluent Release Limits ....................................
11.2-9 2.6.5 Release Mixture ............................................................
11.2-10 2.6.6 Conversion Factors .......................................................
11.2-10 2.6.7 HVAC Dilution Flow Rates ............................................
11.2-10 2.6.8 Allocation of Effluents from Common Release P o ints ............................................................................
11.2 -10 2.6.9 Dose Projections for Batch Releases ...........................
11.3-1 3.1 Liquid Effluent Releases -General Information
11.3-1 3.2 Liquid Effluent Concentrations
11.3-2 3.3 Liquid Effluent Dose Calculation Requirements
11.3-4 3.4 Dose Methodology
11.3-4 3.5 Site Specific Dose Factors and Bioaccumulation F a cto rs .....................................................................................
11.4-1 4.1 Gaseous Effluents
-General Information
11.4-1 4.2 Gaseous Effluents
-Dose and Dose Rate Calculation R equirem ents ............................................................................
11.4-2 4.2.1 Instantaneous Dose Rates .............................................
11.4-2 4.2.2 Time Averaged Dose from Noble Gas ............................
11.4-5 4.2.3 Time Averaged Dose from Non-Noble Gas R adionuclides
11.4-9 Page 2 of 6 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 PART II -ODCM 5.0 TOTAL DOSE ......................................................................................
11.5-1 5.1 Total Dose Calculation Requirements
11.5-1 5.1.1 Total Effective Dose Equivalent Limits, 10CFR20 and 40CFR190 ...............................................................
11.5-1 5.1.2 ISFSI ..............................................................................
11.5-1 5.1.3 Total Dose Calculation Methodology
11.5-2 5.2 Onsite Radwaste and Rad Material Storage Facilities
11.5-2 5.2.1 Process W aste Storage Facilities
11.5-2 5.2.2 DAW Storage Facilities
11.5-2 5.2.3 Replaced Steam Generator Storage Facilities
11.5-3 5.2.4 ISFSI Facilities
11.5-3 5.3 Methodology
11.5-3 5.4 Total Dose .................................................................................
11.5-4 5.5 Compliance to Total Dose Limits ...............................................
11.5-4 5.5.1 Total Effective Dose Equivalent Limit -IOCFR20 Com pliance .....................................................................
11.5-4 5.5.2 Dose to a Member of the Public in the Unrestricted Area ............................................................
11.5-4 5.5.3 Dose to a Member of the Public in the Restricted Area ................................................................................
11.5-5 5.5.4 Total Dose Due to the Uranium Fuel Cycle (40CFRI 90) ....................................................................
11.5-5 5.6 W hen Compliance Assessment is Required ..............................
11.5-6 6.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM ...........................................................................................
11.6-1 Page 3 of 6 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 ODCM TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES PART I -RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENT CONTROLS Table 1-1 Frequency Notations
1.1-4 Table 1-2 C om pliance M atrix ...................................................................
1.1-5 PART II -ODCM Table 1-1 Regulatory Dose Limit Matrix ..................................................
11.1-7 Table 1-2 Dose Assessment Receivers
11.1-8 Table 1-3 Miscellaneous Dose Assessment Factors: Environmental Parameters
11.1-17 Table 1-4 Stable Element Transfer Data ...............................................
11.1-18 Table 2-1 Liquid Radioactive Effluent Monitors .....................................
11,2-11 Table 2-2 Gaseous Radioactive Effluent Monitors ................................
11.2-12 Table 2-3 Assumed Composition of the Byron Station Noble Gas Effl uent ..................................................................................
11.2-13 Table 2-4 Assumed Composition of the Byron Station Liquid E ffl uent ..................................................................................
11.2-14 Table 3-1 Site Specific Potable Water Dose Factors for Adult Age G ro u p ......................................................................................
11.3 -9 Table 3-2 Site Specific Potable Water Dose Factors for Teen Age G ro u p ....................................................................................
11.3 -1 1 Table 3-3 Site Specific Potable Water Dose Factors for Child Age G ro u p .....................................................................................
11.3 -13 Table 3-4 Site Specific Potable Water Dose Factors for Infant Age G ro u p ....................................................................................
11.3 -15 Table 3-5 Site Specific Fish Ingestion Dose Factors for Adult Age G ro u p ....................................................................................
11.3-17 Table 3-6 Site Specific Fish Ingestion Dose Factors for Teen Age G ro u p ....................................................................................
11.3 -19 Table 3-7 Site Specific Fish Ingestion Dose Factors for Child Age G ro u p ....................................................................................
11.3 -2 1 Table 3-8 Bioaccumulation Factors (BF 1) to be used in the Absence of Site-Specific Data ..............................................
11.3-23 Table 4-1 X/Q and D/Q Maxima at or Beyond the Unrestricted A rea B oundary ......................................................................
11.4-18 Table 4-2 X/Q and D/Q Maxima at or Beyond the Restricted Area B oundary ..............................................................................
11.4-19 Table 4-3 Maximum Offsite Gamma-X/Q
11.4-20 Table 4-4 X/Q and D/Q at the Nearest Resident Locations within 5 m ile s .....................................................................................
11.4 -2 1 Page 4 of 6 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 ODCM TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES PART II -ODCM Table 4-5 X/Q and D/Q at the Nearest Cow Milk Locations within 5 m ile s .....................................................................................
11.4 -2 2 Table 4-6 X/Q and D/Q at the Nearest Cow Milk Meat Locations w ithin 5 m iles ........................................................................
11.4-23 Table 4-7 Ground Plane Dose Factors ......................
11.4-24 Table 4-8 External Dose Factors for Standing on Contaminated G ro u nd ..................................................................................
11.4 -2 6 Table 4-9 Adult Inhalation Dose Factors ...............................................
11.4-29 Table 4-10 Teen Inhalation Dose Factors ...............................................
11.4-31 Table 4-11 Child Inhalation Dose Factors ...............................................
11.4-33 Table 4-12 Infant Inhalation Dose Factors ..............................................
11.4-35 Table 4-13 Adult Vegetation Dose Factors .............................................
11.4-37 Table 4-14 Teen Vegetation Dose Factors .............................................
11.4-39 Table 4-15 Child Vegetation Dose Factors .............................................
11.4-41 Table 4-16 Adult Grass-Cow-Milk Dose Factors .....................................
11.4-43 Table 4-17 Teen Grass-Cow-Milk Dose Factors ................
11.4-45 Table 4-18 Child Grass-Cow-Milk Dose Factors .....................................
11.4-47 Table 4-19 Infant Grass-Cow-Milk Dose Factors ....................................
11.4-49 Table 4-20 Adult Grass-Goat-Milk Dose Factors ....................................
11.4-51 Table 4-21 Teen Grass-Goat-Milk Dose Factors ....................................
11.4-53 Table 4-22 Child Grass-Goat-Milk Dose Factors ....................................
11.4-55 Table 4-23 Infant Grass-Goat-Milk Dose Factors ...................................
11.4-57 Table 4-24 Adult Grass-Cow-Meat Dose Factors ...................................
11.4-59 Table 4-25 Teen Grass-Cow-Meat Dose Factors ...................................
11.4-61 Table 4-26 Child Grass-Cow-Meat Dose Factors ...................................
11.4-63 Table 4-27 Byron Station Characteristics
11.4-65 Table 4-28 Dose Factors for Noble Gases ..............................................
11.4-66 Table 6-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program ................
11.6-2 Table 6-2 Latitude/Longitude Positions of REMP samples ...................
11.6-14 Page 5 of 6 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 ODCM TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES PART I -RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENT CONTROLS NONE PART II -ODCM Figure 1-1 Figure 1-2 Figure 1-3 Figure 2-1 Figure 2-2 Figure 2-3 Figure 6-1 Figure 6-2 Figure 6-3 Figure 6-4 Figure 6-5 Radiation Exposure Pathways to Humans ........................
11.1-9 Removed -See Figure 6-1 .............................................................
Restricted Area Boundary .....................................................
11.1-20 Simplified HVAC & Gaseous Effluent Flow Diagram ............
11.2-15 Simplified Liquid Radwaste Processing Diagram ..................
11.2-17 Liquid Release Flow Path .....................................................
11.2-18 Onsite Air Sampling Locations and Site Boundary ...............
11.6-10 Offsite Air Sampling Locations
11.6-11 Inner Ring & Outer Ring TLD Locations
11.6-12 Ingestion
& Waterborne Exposure Pathway Sample Locations
11.6-13 Site Layout and Exclusion Area .............................................
===1.1 ACTIONS===
shall be that part of a Requirement that prescribes Required Actions to be taken under designated Conditions within specified Completion Times.1.2 CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall be the adjustment, as necessary, of the channel so that it responds within the required range and accuracy to known inputs. The CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall encompass the entire channel, including the required sensor, alarm, Interlock, display, and trip functions.
Calibration of instrument channels with Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) or thermocouple sensors may consist of an in place qualitative assessment of sensor behavior and normal calibration of the remaining adjustable devices in the channel. The CHANNEL CALIBRATION may be performed by means of any series of sequential, overlapping calibrations or total channel steps so that the entire channel is calibrated.
===1.3 CHANNEL===
CHECK shall be the quantitative assessment, by observation, of channel behavior during operation.
This determination shall include, where possible, comparison of the channel indication and status to other indications or status derived from independent instrument channels measuring the same parameter.
===1.4 CHANNEL===
OPERATIONAL TEST (COT) shall be the injection of a simulated or actual signal into the channel as close to the sensor as practicable to verify the OPERABILITY of required alarm, interlock, display and trip functions.
The COT shall include adjustments, as necessary, of the required alarm, interlock, and trip setpoints so that the setpoints are within the required range and accuracy.1.5 DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131 shall be that concentration of 1-131 (microcuries/gram) that alone would produce the same thyroid dose as the quantity and isotopic mixture of 1-131, 1-132, 1-133, 1-134, and 1-135 actually present. The dose conversion factors used for this calculation shall be those listed in Table III of TID-14844, AEC, 1962. "Calculation of Distance Factors for Power and Test Reactor Sites," or those listed in Table E-7 of Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev.1, NRC, 1977, or ICRP 30, Supplement to Part 1, pages 192-212, Table Titled, "Committed Dose Equivalent in Target Organs or Tissues per Intake of Unit Activity, or Federal Guidance Report 11, "Limiting Values of Radionuclide Intake and Air Concentration and Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation, Submersion and Ingestion," 1989, (Table 2.1, Exposure-to-Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation).
===1.6 FREQUENCY===
-Table 1-1 provides the definitions of various frequencies for which surveillances, sampling, etc., are performed unless defined otherwise.
The 25% variance shall not be applied to Operability Action statements.
The bases to Improved Technical Specification
====3.0.2 provide====
clarifications to this requirement.
-When "immediately" is used as a completion time the Required Action should be pursued without delay and in a controlled manner.1.8 MEMBER(S)
OF THE PUBLIC shall include all persons who are not occupationally associated with the plant. This category does not include employees of the licensee, its contractors or vendors and persons who enter the site to service equipment or to make deliveries.
This category does include persons who use portions of the site for recreational, occupational, or other purposes not associated with the plant.1.9 MODE shall correspond to any one inclusive combination of core reactivity condition, power level, average reactor coolant temperature, and reactor vessel head closure bolt tensioning specified in TRM Table T1.1-1 with fuel in the reactor vessel.Page 1.1-1 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 1.10 OCCUPATIONAL DOSE means the dose received by an individual in the course of employment in which the individual's assigned duties involve exposure to radiation and/or to radioactive material from licensed and unlicensed sources of radiation, whether in the possession of the licensee or other person. Occupational dose does not include dose from background radiation, as a patient from medical practices, from voluntary participation in medical research programs, or as a member of the public.1.11 A system, subsystem, train, component, or device shall be OPERABLE or have OPERABLITY when it is capable of performing its specified safety functions(s) and when all necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, normal or emergency electrical power, cooling and seal water, lubrication, and other auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component, or device to perform its specified safety function(s) are also capable of performing their related support function(s).
1.12 PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) shall contain the current formulas, sampling, analyses, tests, and determinations to be made to ensure that processing and packaging of solid radioactive wastes based on demonstrated processing of actual or simulated wet solid wastes will be accomplished in such a way as to assure compliance with 10 CFR Parts 20, 61, and 71, State regulations, burial ground requirements and other requirements governing the disposal of solid radioactive waste.1.13 PURGE/PURGING shall be any controlled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity, concentration or other operating condition, in such a manner that replacement air or gas is required to purify the confinement.
1.14 RATED THERMAL POWER shall be a total core heat transfer rate to the reactor coolant of 3586.6 MWT.1.15 RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENT CONTROLS AND SURVEILLANCES (RECS) are in accordance with Byron Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) and the Code of Federal Regulations.
1.16 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM (REMP) are in accordance with Byron Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) and the Code of Federal Regulations.
1.17 SITE BOUNDARY shall be that line beyond which, the land is neither owned, nor leased, nor otherwise controlled by the licensee.1.18 SOLIDIFICATION shall be the conversion of wet wastes into a form that meets shipping and burial ground requirements.
1.19 SOURCE CHECK shall be the qualitative assessment of channel response when the channel sensor is exposed to a source of Increased radioactivity.
1.20 THERMAL POWER shall be the total reactor core heat transfer rate to the reactor coolant.1.21 TLCO-TECHNICAL LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION Limiting Condition for Operation as listed in the TRM.1.22 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MANUAL (TRM) Chapter 3.11 contains the Radiological Effluent Controls and Surveillances (RECS). Chapter 3.12 contains the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP).1.23 UNRESTRICTED AREA means an area, access to which is neither limited nor controlled by the licensee.Page 1.1-2 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 1.24 VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM shall be any system designed and installed to reduce gaseous radiolodine or radioactive material In particulate form in effluents by passing ventilation or vent exhaust gases through charcoal adsorbers and/or HEPA filters for the purpose of removing lodines or particulates from the gaseous exhaust stream prior to the release to the environment.
Such a system is not considered to have any effect on noble gas effluents.
Engineered Safety Features Atmospheric Cleanup Systems are not considered VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM components.
1.25 VENTING shall be any controlled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity, concentration or other operating condition, in such a manner that replacement air or gas is not provided or required during VENTING. Vent, used in system names, does not imply a VENTING process.1.26 WASTE GAS HOLDUP SYSTEM shall be any system designed and installed to reduce radioactive gaseous effluents by collecting Reactor Coolant System off-gases from the Reactor Coolant System and providing for delay or holdup for the purpose of reducing the total radioactivity prior to release to the environment.
1.27 Definitions Peculiar to Estimating Dose to Members of the Public using the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM) Computer Program.a. ACTUAL -ACTUAL refers to using known release data to project the dose to members of the public for the previous time period. This data is stored in the database and used to demonstrate compliance with the reporting requirements of the ODCM.b. PROJECTED
-PROJECTED refers to using known release data from the previous time period or estimated release data to forecast a future dose to members of the public. This data is not incorporated into the database.Page 1. 1-3 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 1-1 FREQUENCY NOTATIONS*
Notation Frequency S -Shiftly D -Daily W -Weekly B- Biweekly M -Monthly Q -Quarterly SA -Semiannually A -Annually R -Refuel Cycle S/U -Startup N.A.P -Prior At least once per 12 hours At least once per 24 hours At least once per 7 days At least once every 14 days At least once per 31 days At'least once per 92 days At least once per 184 days At least once per 366 days At least once per 18 months Prior to each reactor startup Not applicable Prior to each radioactive release*Each frequency requirement shall be performed within the specified time interval with the maximum allowable extension not to exceed 25% of the frequency interval.
The 25% variance shall not be applied to Operability Action statements.
The bases to ITS 3.0.2 provide clarifications to this requirement.
These frequency notations do not apply to the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program as described in TRM 3.12.Page 1.1-4 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 1-2 COMPLIANCE MATRIX Regulation Dose Component Limit ODCM REC Technical Regulation___
D C n LEquation REC Specification 10 CFR 50 1. Gamma air dose and beta air dose due to 4-4 3.11.g 5.5.4.h Appendix I airborne radioactivity in effluent plume. 4-5 a. Total body and skin dose due to airborne 4-6 N/A N/A radioactivity in effluent plume are 4-7 reported only if certain gamma and beta air dose criteria are exceeded.2. Dose for all organs and all four age groups 4-8 3.11.h due to iodines and particulates in effluent plume. All pathways are considered.
: 3. Dose for all organs and all four age groups 3-3 3.11.d 5.5.4.d due to radioactivity in liquid effluents.
10 CFR 20 1. Total Dose, totaling all external dose 5-2 5.5.4.c components (direct, ground and plume shine) and internal dose (all pathways, both airborne and liquid-borne).
40 CFR 190 1. Total body dose due to direct dose, 5-1 3.11.k 5.5.4.j (now by ground and plume shine from all sources at a reference, station.also part of 10 CFR 20) 2. Organ doses to an adult due to all 3-3 pathways.
4-8 Technical
: 1. "Instantaneous" total body, skin and organ 4-1 3.11.f 5.5.4.g Specifications dose rates to a child due to radioactivity in 4-2 airborne effluents.
For the organ dose, only 4-3 inhalation is considered.
: 2. "Instantaneous" concentration limits for liquid effluents.
3-1 3.11.c 5.5.4.b Technical
: 1. Radioactive Effluent Release Report NA 5.2 5.6.2 Specifications I I Page 1. 1-5 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 1-2 Page 2 of 2 COMPLIANCE MATRIX Regulation Component Limit ODCM TRM Technical_0CR50 _Equation Specification 10OCFR50 Appendix I 1. Implement Environmental Monitoring Program. N/A 3.12.a N/A Section IV.B.2 10CFR50 Appendix I 1. Land Use Census N/A 3.12.b N/A Section IV.B.3 10CFR50 Appendix I 1. Interlaboratory Comparison Program N/A 3.12.c N/A Section IV.B.2 1OCFR50 Appendix I Section IV.B.2 1. Annual Radiological Environmental Operating N/A 5.1 5.6.2 and Technical Report Specifications , _ _ 1 Page 1.1-6 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 NOTE: 3.0.5 through 3.10 Not Used 3.11 Radiological Effluent Controls and Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program NOTE: SEE TRM Chapter 3.11 for Radiological Effluents Controls and Surveillances (RECS) and TRM Chapter 3.12 for Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP).Page 1.3-1 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 3.13 METEOROLOGICAL MONITORING PROGRAM 3.13.1 METEOROLOGICAL MONITORING Meteorological parameters are measured in the vicinity of each nuclear power station in order to provide data for calculating radiation doses due to airborne effluent radioactivity.
Some nuclear power stations' Technical Specifications state applicable requirements (typically under the subheading, "Meteorological Instrumentation," in the instrumentation section).
Regulatory guidance is given in Regulatory Guide 1.23 (Reference 5). Wind speed, wind direction and the temperature gradient are measured using instruments at two or more elevations on a meteorological tower at each Exelon Nuclear station. The elevations are chosen to provide meteorological data representative of the elevations of the airborne releases from the station. The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report includes a summary of meteorological data collected over the reporting year. These data are used to calculate optional isopleths of radiation dose and radioactivity concentration.
3.13.2 METEOROLOGICAL CONTRACTOR The meteorological contractor operates and maintains the meteorological tower instrumentation at each nuclear power station. The contractor collects and analyzes the data and issues periodic reports. The contractor prepares the meteorological data summary required for the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report (AREOR) and also computes and plots isopleths included in the AREOR.Page 1.3-2 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 4.0 BASES 4.1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION (TRM 3.11.a)The radioactive liquid effluent instrumentation is provided to monitor and control, as applicable, the releases of radioactive materials in liquid effluents during actual or potential releases of liquid effluents.
The alarm/trip setpoints for these instruments shall be calculated and adjusted in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM to ensure that the alarm/trip will occur prior to exceeding 10 times the EFFLUENT CONCENTRATION values specified in Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 to 10 CFR 20. The OPERABILITY and use of this instrumentation is consistent with the requirements of General Design Criteria 60, 63 and 64 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50.The purpose of tank level indicating devices is to assure the detection and control of leaks that if not controlled could potentially result in the transport of radioactive materials to UNRESTRICTED AREAS.4.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION (TRM 3.1 1.b)The radioactive gaseous effluent instrumentation is provided to monitor and control, as applicable, the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents during actual or potential releases of gaseous effluents.
The alarm/trip setpoints for these instruments shall be calculated and adjusted in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM to ensure that the alarm/trip will occur prior to exceeding the limits of 10 CFR Part 20. The OPERABILITY and use of this instrumentation Is consistent with the requirements of General Design Criteria 60, 63 and 64 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50.4.3 LIQUID EFFLUENT CONCENTRATION (TRM 3.11.c)This Control is provided to ensure that the concentration of radioactive materials released in liquid waste effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS will be less than 10 times the EFFLUENT CONCENTRATION values specified in Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 to 10 CFR 20. The Control provides operational flexibility for releasing liquid effluents in concentrations to follow the Section II.A and II.C design objectives of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. This limitation provides reasonable assurance that the levels of radioactive materials in bodies of water in UNRESTRICTED AREAS will result in exposures within (1) the Section II.A design objectives of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50, to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC and (2) the restrictions authorized by 10 CFR Part 20.1301 (e). The concentration limit for the dissolved or entrained noble gases is based upon the assumption that Xe-1 33 is the controlling radionuclide and its EFFLUENT CONCENTRATION in air (submersion) was converted to an equivalent concentration In water. This control does not affect the requirement to comply with the annual limitations of 10 CFR Part 20.1301(a).
This Control applies to the release of radioactive materials in liquid effluents from all units at the site.The required detection capabilities for radioactive materials in liquid waste samples are tabulated in terms of the lower limits of detection (LLDs). Detailed discussion of the LLD and other detection limits can be found in Currie, L.A., "Lower Limit of Detection:
Definition and Elaboration of a Proposed Position for Radiological Effluent and Environmental Measurements," NUREG/CR-4007 (September 1984), and in the HASL Procedures Manual, HASL-300 (revised annually).
Page 1.4-1 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 4.4 DOSE FROM LIQUID EFFLUENTS (TRM 3.11.d)This Control Is provided to implement the requirements of Sections ILA, III.A and IV.A of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50. The Control statement implements the guides set forth In Section IL.A of Appendix I, The Action statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive material in liquid effluents willbe kept "as low as Is reasonably achievable." Also, for fresh water sites with drinking water supplies that can be potentially affected by plant operations, there is reasonable assurance that the operation of the facility will not result in radionuclide concentrations in the finished drinking water that are in excess of the requirements of 40 CFR Part 141. The dose calculation methodology and parameters in the ODCM implement the requirements in Section III.A of Appendix I that conformance with the guides of Appendix I be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data, such that the actual exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated.
The equations specified in the ODCM for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of radioactive materials in liquid effluents are consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I," Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.113, "Estimating Aquatic Dispersion of Effluents from Accidental and Routine Reactor Releases for the Purpose of Implementing Appendix I," April 1977.This Control applies to the release of liquid effluents from each reactor at the site. For units with shared radwaste treatment systems, the liquid effluents from the shared system are proportioned among the units sharing that system.4.5 LIQUID RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM (TRM 3.11.e)The OPERABILITY of the Liquid Radwaste Treatment System ensures that this system will be available for use whenever liquid effluents require treatment prior to release to the environment.
The requirement that the appropriate portions of this system be used, when specified, provides assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in liquid effluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable".
This Control implements the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.36a, General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50 and the design objective given in Section I.D of Appendix I to 10 CFR part 50. The specified limits governing the use of appropriate portions of the liquid radwaste treatment system were specified as a suitable fraction of the dose design objectives set forth in Section II.A of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50, for liquid effluents.
This Control applies to the release of liquid effluents from each reactor at the site. For units with shared radwaste treatment systems, the liquid effluents from the shared system are proportioned among the units sharing that system.Page 1.4-2 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 4.6 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS DOSE RATES (TRM 3.11.Dl This Control provides reasonable assurance that radioactive material discharged in gaseous effluents will not result in the exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC in an UNRESTRICTED AREA, either at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY in excess of the design objectives of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50.This Control is provided to ensure that gaseous effluents from all units on the site will be appropriately controlled.
It provides operational flexibility for releasing gaseous effluents to satisfy the Section II.A and II.C design objectives of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. For MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC who may at times be within the SITE BOUNDARY, the occupancy of that MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC will usually be sufficiently low to compensate for the reduced atmospheric dispersion of gaseous effluents relative to that for the SITE BOUNDARY.
Examples of calculations for such MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC, with the appropriate occupancy factors, shall be given in the ODCM. The specified release rate limits restrict, at all times, the corresponding dose rates above background to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY to less than or equal to 500 mrem/year to the total body or to less than or equal to 3000 mrem/year to the skin. These release rate limits also restrict, at all times, the corresponding thyroid dose rate above background to a child via the inhalation pathway to less than or equal to 1500 mrem/year.
This Control does not affect the requirement to comply with the annual limitations of 10 CFR 20.1301(a).
This Control applies to the release of gaseous effluents from all units at the site.The required detection capabilities for radioactive materials in gaseous waste samples are tabulated in terms of the lower limits of detection (LLDs). Detailed discussion of the LLD and other detection limits can be found in Currie, L.A., "Lower Limit of Detection:
Definition and Elaboration of a Proposed Position for Radiological Effluent and Environmental Measurements," NUREG/CR-4007 (September 1984), and in the HASL Procedures Manual, HASL-300 (revised annually).
4.7 DOSE FROM NOBLE GASES (TRM 3.1 I.g)This Control is provided to implement the requirements of Sections 11.B, III.A and IV.A of Appendix 1, 10 CFR Part 50. The Control statements implement the guides set forth in Section II.B of Appendix I. The Action statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive material in gaseous effluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." The Surveillance Requirements implement the requirements in Section III.A of Appendix I that conformance with the guides of Appendix I be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data such that the actual exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated.
The dose calculation methodology and parameters established in the ODCM for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of radioactive noble gases in gaseous effluents are consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I," Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.111, "Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water Cooled Reactors," Revision 1, July 1977. The ODCM equations provided for determining the air doses at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY are based upon the historical average atmospheric conditions.
This Control applies to the release of gaseous effluents from each reactor at the site. For units with shared radwaste treatment systems, the gaseous effluents from the shared system are proportioned among the units sharing that system.Page 1.4-3 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 4.8 DOSE FROM IODINE-131, TRITIUM, AND RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL IN PARTICULATE FORM (TRM 3.11.h)This Control is provided to implement the requirements of Sections II.C, Ili.A and IV.A of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50. The Controls are the guides set forth In Section I.C of Appendix I. The Action statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents will be kept"as low as is reasonably achievable." The ODCM calculational methods specified In the Surveillance Requirements implement the requirements in Section III.A of Appendix I that conformance with the guides of Appendix I be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data, such that the actual exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated.
The ODCM calculational methodology and parameters for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of the subject materials are consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I," Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.111, "Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water-Cooled Reactors," Revision 1, July 1977. These equations also provide for determining the actual doses based upon the historical average atmospheric conditions.
The release rate controls for Iodine-131, Tritium, and radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days are dependent upon the existing radionuclide pathways to man, in the areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY.
The pathways that were examined in the development of these calculations were: 1) individual inhalation of airborne radionuclides, 2) deposition of radionuclides onto green leafy vegetation with subsequent consumption by man, 3) deposition onto grassy areas where milk animals and meat producing animals graze with consumption of the milk and meat by man, and 4)deposition on the ground with subsequent exposure of man.This Control applies to the release of gaseous effluents from each reactor at the site. For units with shared radwaste treatment systems, the gaseous effluents from the shared systems are proportioned among the units sharing that system.4.9 GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM (TRM 3.1 1.i)The OPERABILITY of the Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System ensures that the system will be available for use whenever gaseous effluents require treatment prior to release of the environment.
The requirement that the appropriate portions of these systems be used, when specified, provides reasonable assurance that the release of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." This Control implements the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.36a, General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50, and the design objectives given in Section II.D of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50.The specified limits governing the use of appropriate portions of the systems were specified as a suitable fraction of the dose design objectives set forth in Sections II.B and II.C of Appendix 1, 10 CFR Part 50, for gaseous effluents.
This Control applies to the release of gaseous effluents from each reactor at the site. For units with shared radwaste treatment systems, the gaseous effluents from the shared systems are proportioned among the units sharing that system.Page 1.4-4 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 4.10 TOTAL DOSE (TRM 3.11.k)This Control Is provided to meet the dose limitations of 40 CFR Part 190 that have been incorporated into 10 CFR Part 20.1301(d).
The Control requires the preparation and submittal of a Special Report whenever the calculated doses due to releases of radioactivity and to radiation from uranium fuel cycle sources exceed 25 mrems to the total body or any organ, except the thyroid, which shall be limited to less than or equal to 75 mrems.For sites containing up to 4 reactors, it is highly unlikely that the resultant dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC will exceed the dose limits of 40 CFR Part 190 if the individual reactors remain within twice the dose design objectives of Appendix I, and if direct radiation doses from the reactor units and outside storage tanks, etc., are kept small. The Special Report will describe a course of action that should result in the limitation of the annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC to within the 40 CFR Part 190 limits.For the purposes of the Special Report, it may be assumed that the dose commitment to the MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from other uranium fuel cycle sources is negligible, with the exception that dose contributions from other nuclear fuel cycle facilities at the same site or within a radius of 8 km must be considered.
If the dose to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC is estimated to exceed the requirements of 40 CFR Part 190, submittal of the Special Report within 30 days with a request for a variance (provided the release conditions resulting in violation of 40 CFR Part 190 have not already been corrected), in accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR Part 190.11 and 10 CFR Part 20.2203(a)(4), is considered to be a timely request and fulfills the requirements of 40 CFR Part 190 until NRC staff action is completed.
Demonstration of compliance with the limits of 40 CFR Part 190 or with the design objectives of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 will be considered to demonstrate compliance with the 0.1 rem limit of 10 CFR Part 20.1301.4.11 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM (TRM 3.12)The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program required by this Control provides representative measurements of radiation and of radioactive materials in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides that lead to the highest potential radiation exposures of MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC resulting from the station operation.
This monitoring program implements Section IV.B.2 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 and thereby supplements the Radiological Effluent Monitoring Program by verifying that the measurable concentrations of radioactive materials and levels of radiation are not higher than expected on the basis of the effluent measurements and the modeling of the environmental exposure pathways.
Isotopes identified in REMP are compared to those identified In the applicable Annual Effluent Report. Program changes may be Initiated based on these operational experiences.
The required detection capabilities for environmental sample analyses are tabulated in terms of the lower limits of detection (LLDs). The LLDs required by Table T3.12.a-3 are considered optimum for routine environmental measurements in industrial laboratories.
It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a prIod (before the fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as an a posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.
Detailed discussion of the LLD and other detection limits can be found in Currie, L.A., "Lower Limit of Detection:
Definition and Elaboration of a Proposed Position for Radiological Effluent and Environmental Measurements," NUREG/CR-4007 (September 1984), and in the HASL Procedures Manual, HASL-300 (revised annually).
Page 1.4-5 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 4.12 LAND USE CENSUS (TRM 3.12.b)This Control is provided to ensure that changes in the use of areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY are identified and that modifications to the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program are made if required by the results of this census. The best information from the door-to-door survey, from aerial survey or from consulting with local agricultural authorities shall be used. This census satisfies the requirements of Section IV.B.3 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. Restricting the census to gardens of greater than 50 m 2 provides assurance that significant exposure pathways via leafy vegetables will be identified and monitored since a garden of this size is the minimum required to produce the quantity (26 kg/year) of leafy vegetables assumed in Regulatory Guide 1.109 for consumption by a child. To determine this minimum garden size, the following assumptions were made: 1) 20% of the garden was used for growing broad leaf vegetation (i.e., similar to lettuce and cabbage), and 2) a vegetation yield of 2 kg/m 2.4.13 INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM (TRM 3.12.c)The requirement for participation in an approved Interlaboratory Comparison Program is provided to ensure that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurements of radioactive material in environmental sample matrices are performed as part of the quality assurance program for environmental monitoring in order to demonstrate that the results are reasonably valid for the purposes of Section IV.B.2 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50.Page 1.4-6 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 51 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report*Routine Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report covering the operation of the Unit(s)during the previous calendar year shall be submitted prior to May 15 of each year.The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report shall include summaries, interpretations, and an analysis of trends of the results of the radiological environmental surveillance activities for the report period, including a comparison with operational controls as appropriate, and with previous environmental surveillance reports, and an assessment of the observed impacts of the plant operation on the environment.
The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report shall include the results of all radiological environmental samples and of all environmental radiation measurements taken during the period pursuant to the locations specified in the tables and figures in Part II Section 6 of the ODCM, as well as summarized and tabulated results of these analyses and measurements in the format of the table in the Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979. In the event that some individual results are not available for inclusion with the report, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the reasons for the missing results. The missing data shall be submitted as soon as possible in a supplementary report.The reports shall also include the following:
a summary description of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program; legible maps covering all sampling locations keyed to a table giving distances and directions from the midpoint between the two units; reasons for not conducting the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program as required by TLCO 3.12.a, a Table of Missed Samples and a Table of Sample Anomalies for all deviations from the sampling schedule of TRM Table T3.12.a-1; discussion of environmental sample measurements that exceed the reporting levels of TRM Table T3.12.a-2 but are not the result of plant effluents, discussion of all analyses in which the LLD required by TRM Table T3.12.a-3 was not achievable; result of the Land Use Census required by TRM TLCO 3.12.b; and the results of the licensee participation in an Interlaboratory Comparison Program and the corrective actions being taken if the specified program is not being performed as required by TRM TLCO 3.12.c.The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report shall also include an annual summary of hourly meteorological data collected over the applicable year. This annual summary may be either in the form of an hour-by-hour listing on magnetic tape of wind speed, wind direction, atmospheric stability, and precipitation (if measured), or in the form of joint frequency distributions of wind speed, wind direction, and atmospheric stability.
In lieu of submission with the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report, the licensee has the option of retaining this summary of required meteorological data on site in a file that shall be provided to the NRC upon request.The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report shall also include an assessment of the radiation doses due to the radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents released from the Unit or Station during the previous calendar year. This report shall also include an assessment of the radiation doses to the most likely exposed MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from reactor releases and other near-by uranium fuel cycle sources including doses from primary effluent pathways and direct radiation, for the previous calendar year. The assessment of radiation doses shall be performed in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM, and in compliance with 1 OCFR20 and 40 CFR Part 190, "Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Nuclear Power Operation."*A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station.Page 1.5-1 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 5.2 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report**Routine Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports covering the operation of the unit during the previous calendar year of operation shall be submitted prior to May 1 of the following year.The Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit as outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21, "Measuring Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants," Revision 1, June 1974, with data summarized on a quarterly basis following the format of Appendix B thereof.For solid wastes, the format for Table 3 in Appendix B of the report shall be supplemented with three additional categories:
class of solid wastes (as defined by 10 CFR Part 61), type of container (e.g., LSA, Type A, Type B, Large Quantity), and SOLIDIFICATION agent or absorbent (e.g., cement, urea formaldehyde).
The Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports shall include a list and description of unplanned releases from the site to UNRESTRICTED AREAS of radioactive materials in gaseous and liquid effluents made during the reporting period.The Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports shall include any changes made during the reporting period to the PCP as well as any major changes to Liquid, Gaseous or Solid Radwaste Treatment Systems, pursuant to Part I Section 5.3.The Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports shall also Include the following:
an explanation as to why the inoperability of liquid or gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation was not corrected within the time specified in TRM TLCO 3.11 .a or TLCO 3.11 .b, respectively; and description of the events leading to liquid holdup tanks or gas storage tanks exceeding the limits of TS 5.5.12.** A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine those sections that are common to all units at the station; however, for units with separate radwaste systems, the submittal shall specify the releases of radioactive material from each unit.Page 1.5-2 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 5.3 ODCM 5.3.1 The ODCM shall be submitted to the Commission following proper approval through station processes.
5.3.2 Licensee-initiated changes to the ODCM: a. Shall be documented and records of reviews performed shall be retained as required by UFSAR Chapter 17. This documentation shall contain: 1. Sufficient information to support the change together with the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the changes(s);
and 2. A determination that the change will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR Part 20, 40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 and not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent, dose, or setpoint calculations.
: b. Shall become effective after review and acceptance by the Independent Technical Review and PORC and the approval of the Plant Manager on the date specified by the Independent Technical Review and PORC.c. Shall be submitted to the Commission in the form of the complete, legible copy of the entire ODCM, or updated pages if the Commission retains a controlled copy. If an entire copy of the ODCM is submitted, it shall be submitted as a part of or concurrent with the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period of the report in which any change to the ODCM was made effective.
Each change shall be identified by markings in the margin of the affected pages, clearly indicating the area of the page that was changed, and shall indicate the date (e.g., month/year) the change was implemented.
Page 1.5-3 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 5.4 Maior Changes to Liquid and Gaseous Radwaste Treatment Systems***
Licensee-initiated major changes to the Radwaste Treatment Systems (liquid and gaseous): a. Shall be reported to the Commission in the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period in which the evaluation was reviewed by the Independent Technical Review and PORC.The discussion of each change shall contain: 1) A summary of the evaluation that led to the determination that the change could be made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59;2) Sufficient detailed information to totally support the reason for the change without benefit of additional and supplemental information;
: 3) A detailed description of the equipment, components, and processes involved and the interfaces with other plant systems.4) An evaluation of the change which shows the predicted releases of radioactive materials in liquid and gaseous effluents that differ from those previously predicted in the License application and amendments thereto;5) An evaluation of the change, which shows the expected maximum exposures to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC in the UNRESTRICTED AREA and to the general population that differ from those previously estimated in the License application and amendments thereto;6) A comparison of the predicted releases of radioactive materials, in liquid and gaseous effluents, to the actual releases for the period prior to when the changes are to be made;7) An estimate of the exposure to plant operating personnel as a result of the change; and 8) Documentation of the fact that the change was reviewed and found acceptable by the Independent Technical Review and PORC.b. Shall become effective upon review and acceptance by the Independent Technical Review and PORC.***Licensees may choose to submit the information called for in this standard as part of the annual FSAR update.Page 1.5-4 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Byron Station Units 1 and 2 Revision 6 I CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 I
-ODCM GENERAL INFORMATION The Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) presents a discussion of the following:
* The basic concepts applied in calculating offsite doses from plant effluents.
* The regulations and requirements for the ODCM and related programs." The methodology and parameters for the offsite dose calculations to assess impact on the environment and compliance with regulations.
The methodology detailed in this manual is intended for the calculation of radiation doses during routine (i.e., non-accident) conditions.
The calculations are normally performed using a computer program. Manual calculations may be performed in lieu of the computer program.The dose effects of airborne radioactivity releases predominately depend on meteorological conditions (wind speed, wind direction, and atmospheric stability).
For airborne effluents, the dose calculations prescribed in this manual are based on historical average atmospheric conditions.
This methodology is appropriate for estimating annual average dose effects and is stipulated in the Bases Section of the Radiological Effluents Controls (RECS).1.1 Structure of the ODCM Part I of the ODCM is considered to be the Radiological Effluents Controls (RECS), and contains the former Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications that have been removed from the Technical Specifications.
Part I is organized as follows:* Definitions" Radiological Effluent Controls and Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program" Meteorological Monitoring Program" Bases" Administrative Requirements Page 11.1-1 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Part II of the ODCM is considered to be the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), and contains methods, equations, assumptions, and parameters for calculation of radiation doses from plant effluents.
Part II is organized as follows:* Introduction
* Instrumentation and Systems* Liquid Effluents* Gaseous Effluents* Total Dose* Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 1.2 Regulations This section serves to illustrate the regulations and requirements that define and are applicable to the ODCM. Any information provided in the ODCM concerning specific regulations are not a substitute for the regulations as found in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) or Technical Specifications.
1.2.1 Code of Federal Regulations Various sections of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) require nuclear power stations to be designed and operated in a manner that limits the radiation exposure to members of the public. These sections specify limits on offsite radiation doses and on effluent radioactivity concentrations and they also require releases of radioactivity to be "As Low As Reasonably Achievable".
These requirements are contained in 10CFR20, 10CFR50 and 40CFRI90.
In addition, 40CFR141 imposes limits on the concentration of radioactivity in drinking water provided by the operators of public water systems.0 1 OCFR20, Standards for Protection Against Radiation This revision of the ODCM addresses the requirements of 10CFR20.The 1OCFR20 dose limits are summarized in Table 1 -1.a Design Criteria (Appendix A of 10CFR50)Section 50.36 of IOCFR50 requires that an application for an operating license include proposed Technical Specifications.
Final Technical Specifications for each station are developed through negotiation between the applicant and the NRC. The Technical Specifications are then issued as a part of the operating license, and the licensee is required to operate the facility in accordance with them.Page 11.1-2 CY-BY- 170-301 Revision 6 Section 50.34 of 1OCFR50 states that an application for a license must state the principal design criteria of the facility.
Minimum requirements are contained in Appendix A of 10CFR50.ALARA Provisions (Appendix I of 1 OCFR50)Sections 50.34a and 50.36a of 10CFR50 require that the nuclear plant design and the station RECS have provisions to keep levels of radioactive materials in effluents to unrestricted areas "As Low As Reasonably Achievable" (ALARA). Although 1OCFR50 does not impose specific limits on releases, Appendix I of 10CFR50 does provide numerical design objectives and suggested limiting conditions for operation.
According to Section I of Appendix I of 10CFR50, design objectives and limiting conditions for operation, conforming to the guidelines of Appendix I "shall be deemed a conclusive showing of compliance with the "As Low As Reasonably Achievable" requirements of 10CFR50.34a and 50.36a." An applicant must use calculations to demonstrate conformance with the design objective dose limits of Appendix I. The calculations are to be based on models and data such that the actual radiation exposure of an individual is "unlikely to be substantially underestimated" (see 1OCFR50 Appendix I, Section III.A. 1).The guidelines in Appendix I call for an investigation, corrective action and a report to the NRC whenever the calculated dose due to the radioactivity released in a calendar quarter exceeds one-half of an annual design objective.
The guidelines also require a surveillance program to monitor releases, monitor the environment and identify changes in land use.40CFRI90, Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Nuclear Power Operations Under an agreement between the NRC and the EPA, the NRC stipulated to its licensees in Generic Letter 79-041 that "Compliance with Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications (RETS), NUREG-0472 (Rev.2) for PWR's, implements the LWR provisions to meet 40CFRI90". (See References 49 and 103.)The regulations of 40CFRI90 limit radiation doses received by members of the public as a result of operations that are part of the uranium fuel cycle. Operations must be conducted in such a manner as to provide reasonable assurance that the annual dose equivalent to any member of the public due to radiation and to planned discharges of radioactive materials does not exceed the following limits: o 25 mrem to the total body o 75 mrem to the thyroid Page 11.1-3 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I o 25 mrem to any other organ An important difference between the design objectives of 10CFR50 and the limits of 40CFR190 is that 10CFR50 addresses only doses due to radioactive effluents.
40CFR190 limits doses due to effluents and to radiation sources maintained on site. See Section 1.2.4 for further discussion of the differences between the requirements of IOCFR50 Appendix I and 40CFR190.40CFR141.
National Primary Drinking Water Regulations The following radioactivity limits for community water systems were established in the July, 1976 Edition of 40CFR141: o Combined Ra-226 and Ra-228: < 5 pCi/L.o Gross alpha (particle activity including Ra-226 but excluding radon and uranium):
< 15 pCi/L.o The average annual concentration of beta particle and photon radioactivity from man-made radionuclides in drinking water shall not produce an annual dose equivalent to the total body or any internal organ greater than 4 mrem/yr.The regulations specify procedures for determining the values of annual average radionuclide concentration that produce an annual dose equivalent of 4 mrem. Radiochemical analysis methods are also specified.
The responsibility for monitoring radioactivity in a community water system falls on the supplier of the water. The Byron Station has requirements related to 40CFR141 in the RECS.* 10CFR72, Licensing Requirements for the Independent Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel, High-Level Radioactive Waste, and Reactor-Related Greater Than Class C Waste I0CFR72.104 states that annual dose to any real individual located beyond the controlled area must not exceed the following:
o 25 mrem to the total body o 75 mrem to the thyroid o 25 mrem to any other critical organ as a result of planned discharges of radioactive material to the environment, direct radiation from ISFSI operation, and other radiation from uranium fuel cycle operation (40CFR190).
These requirements are consistent with the requirements of 40CFRI90.Page 11.1-4 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 1.2.2 Radiological Effluent Technical Standards The Radiological Effluent Technical Standards (RETS) were formerly a subset of the Technical Specifications.
They implement provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations aimed at limiting offsite radiation dose. The NRC published Standard RETS for PWRs (Reference
: 2) as guidance to assist in the development of technical specifications.
These documents have undergone frequent minor revisions to reflect changes in plant design and evolving regulatory concerns.
The RETS have been removed from the Technical Specifications and placed in the TRM as the RECS (see Reference 90). The RECS are similar but not identical to the guidance of the Standard Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications.
====1.2.3 Offsite====
Dose Calculation Manual The NRC in Generic Letter 89-01 defines the ODCM as follows (not verbatim) (see Reference 90): The Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) shall contain the methodology and parameters used in the calculation of offsite doses resulting from radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents, in the calculation of gaseous and liquid effluent monitoring Alarm/Trip Setpoints, and in the conduct of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. The ODCM shall also contain (1) the Radioactive Effluent Controls and Radiological Environmental Monitoring Programs and (2) descriptions of the Information that should be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating and Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports.Additional requirements for the content of the ODCM are contained throughout the text of the RECS.1.2.4 Overlapping Requirements In 10CFR20, I0CFR50 and 40CFR190, there are overlapping requirements regarding offsite radiation dose and dose commitment to the total body. In 10CFR20.1301, the total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) to a member of the public is limited to 100 mrem per calendar year. In addition, Appendix I to 10CFR50 establishes design objectives on annual total body dose or dose commitment of 3 mrem per reactor for liquid effluents and 5 mrem per reactor for gaseous effluents (see 10CFR50 Appendix I, Sections II.A and II.B.2(a)).
Finally, 40CFR190 limits annual total body dose or dose commitment to a member of the public to 25 mrem due to all uranium fuel cycle operations.
Page 11.1-5 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 I While these dose limits/design objectives appear to overlap, they are different and each is addressed separately by the RETS. Calculations are made and reports are generated to demonstrate compliance to all regulations.
Refer to Table 1 -1 and Table I -2 for additional information regarding instantaneous effluent limits, design objectives and regulatory compliance.
1.2.5 Dose Receiver Methodology Table 1 -2 lists the location of the dose recipient and occupancy factors, if applicable.
Dose is assessed at the location in the unrestricted area where the combination of existing pathways and receptor age groups indicates the maximum potential exposures.
The dose calculation methodology is consistent with the methodology of Regulatory Guide 1.109 (Reference
: 6) and NUREG 0133 (Reference 14). Dose is therefore calculated to a maximum individual.
The maximum individual is characterized as "maximum" with regard to food consumption, occupancy and other usage of the area in the vicinity of the plant site.Such a "maximum individual" represents reasonable deviation from the average for the population in general. In all physiological and metabolic respects, the maximum individual is assumed to have those characteristics that represent averages for their corresponding age group. Thus, the dose calculated is very conservative compared to the"average" (or typical) dose recipient who does not go out of the way to maximize radioactivity uptakes and exposure.Page 11.1-6 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I Table I -I Regulatory Dose Limit Matrix REGULATION DOSE TYPE DOSE LIMIT(s) Section I___I_______
TR Airborne Releases: (quarterly) (annual)1OCFR50 App. I1 Gamma Dose to Air due to Noble Gas 5 mrad 10 mrad 3.11.g Radionuclides (per reactor unit)Beta Dose to Air Due to Noble Gas 10 mrad 20 mrad 3.11 .g Radionuclides (per reactor unit)Organ Dose Due to Specified Non-Noble 7.5 mrem 15 mrem 3.1 l.h Gas Radionuclides (per reactor unit)Total Body and Skin Total Body 2.5 mrem 5 mrem N/A Dose (if air dose is exceeded)
Skin 7.5 mrem 15 mrem N/A Technical Specifications Total Body Dose Rate Due to Noble Gas 500 mrem/yr 3.1 1.f Radionuclides (instantaneops limit, per site)Skin Dose Rate Due to Noble Gas 3,000 mrem/yr 3.1 l.f Radionuclides (instantaneous limit, per site)Organ Dose Rate Due to Specified Non- 1,500 mrem/yr 3.11.f Noble Gas Radionuclides (instantaneous limit, per site)Liquid Releases: (quarterly) (annual)1 OCFR50 App. I' Whole (Total) Body Dose 1.5 mrem 3 mrem 3.11 .d (per reactor unit)Organ Dose (per reactor unit) 5 mrem 10 mrem 3.11.d Technical Specifications The concentration of radioactivity in liquid Ten times the values effluents released to unrestricted areas listed in IOCFR20 3.1 1.c Appendix B; Table 2, Column 2, and note 5 Total ____ Doses__ below for Noble Gases Total Doses ': ODCM Section II 10 CFR 20.1301 (a)(1) Total Effective Dose Equivalent g 100 mrem/yr 5.5 10CFR20.1301 (d) Total Body Dose 25 mrem/yr 5.5 And 40CFR190 Thyroid Dose 75 mrem/yr 5.5 Other Organ Dose 25 mrem/yr 5.5 Other Limits 2: 40CFR141 Total Body Dose Due to Drinking Water 4 mrem/yr 3.4 From Public Water Systems Organ Dose Due to Drinking Water From 4 mrem/yr 3.4 Public Water Systems 1 These doses are calculated considering all sources of radiation and radioactivity in effluents.
2 These limits are not directly applicable to nuclear power stations.
They are applicable to the owners or operators of public water systems. However, the Byron RECS requires assessment of compliance with these limits.3 Note that 1 OCFR50 provides design objectives, not limits.4 Compliance with 10CFR20.1301(a)(1) is demonstrated by compliance with 40CFR190.
Note that it may be necessary to address dose from on-site activity by members of the public as well.5 Kr-85m, Kr-85, Kr-87, Kr-88, Ar-41, Xe-131m, Xe-133m, Xe-133, Xe-135m and Xe-135 allowable concentration is 2E-4 pCi/ml computed from Equation 17 of ICRP Publication 2 adjusted for infinite cloud submersion In water, and R = 0.01 rem/wk, p. = 1.0 g/cm3, and P/Pj = 1.0.Page 11.1-7 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table I -2 Dose Assessment Receivers Location; Occupancy if Dose Component or Pathway Different than 100%"Instantaneous" dose rates from Unrestricted area boundary location that airborne radioactivity results in the maximum dose rate"Instantaneous" concentration limits in Point where liquid effluents enter the liquid effluents unrestricted area Annual average concentration limits for Point where liquid effluents enter the liquid effluents unrestricted area Direct dose from contained sources Receiver spends part of this time in the controlled area and the remainder at his residence or fishing nearby; occupancy factor is considered and is site-specific.
Direct dose from airborne plume Receiver is at the unrestricted area boundary location that results in the maximum dose.Dose due to radioiodines, tritium and Receiver is at the location in the particulates with half-lives greater than unrestricted area where the combination of 8 days for inhalation, ingestion of existing pathways and receptor age groups vegetation, milk and meat, and ground indicates the highest potential exposures.
plane exposure pathways.Ingestion dose from drinking water The drinking water pathway is considered as an additive dose component in this assessment only if the public water supply serves the community immediately adjacent to the plant.Ingestion dose from eating fish The receiver eats fish from the receiving body of water Total Organ Doses Summation of ingestion/inhalation doses Total Dose Summation of above data (Note it may also be necessary to address dose from on-site activity by members of the public.)Figure 1 -I illustrates some of the potential radiation exposure pathways to humans due to routine operation of a nuclear power station.Page 11.1-8 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 I Figure 1 -1 Radiation Exposure Pathways to Humans Page 11.1-9 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I 1.3 Offsite Dose Calculation Parameters This section contains offsite dose calculation parameter factors, or values not specific only to one of the gas, liquid, or total dose chapters.
Additional parameters are provided in the Sections 2, 4 and 5 of the ODCM.1 OCFR50 Dose Commitment Factors With the exception of H-3, the dose commitment factors for 1 OCFR50 related calculations are exactly those provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109 (Reference 6). The following table lists the parameters and the corresponding data tables in the RG 1.109: PATHWAY ADULT TEENAGER CHILD INFANT Inhalation RG 1.109: RG 1.109: RG 1.109: RG 1.109: Table E-7 Table E-8 Table E-9 Table E-10 Ingestion RG 1.109: RG 1.109: RG 1.109: RG 1.109: Table E-11 Table E-12 Table E-13 Table E-14 These tables are contained in Regulatory Guide 1.109 (Reference 6).Each table (E-7 through E-14) provides dose factors for seven organs for each of 73 radionuclides, and Table E-5 lists Miscellaneous Dose Assessment Factors -Consumption Parameters.
For radionuclides not found in these tables, dose factors will be derived from ICRP 2 (Reference
: 50) or NUREG-0172 (Reference 51). The values for H-3 are taken from NUREG-4013 (Reference 107).
The references listed below were transferred from the previous ODCM revision that was common to all former Commonwealth Edison nuclear stations.
The references not applicable to Byron have been deleted, however the numbering has been preserved for ease of reference management throughout the ODCM document; therefore, reference numbering is not sequential.
: 2. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Standard Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Pressurized Water Reactors, NUREG-0472, Rev. 3, Draft, January 1983 (frequently revised).4. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Measurinq, Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants, Regulatory Guide 1.21. Revision 1, June 1974.Page 11.1-10 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I 5. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Onsite Meteorological Programs, Regulatory Guide 1.23, Safety Guide 23, February 17, 1972.6. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix I, Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev. 1, October 1977.7. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water-Cooled Reactors, Regulatory Guide 1.111, Rev. 1, July 1977.8. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Calculation of Releases of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Power Reactors, Regulatory Guide 1.112, Rev. 0-R, April 1976; reissued May 1977.9. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Estimating Aquatic Dispersion of Effluents from Accidental and Routine Reactor Releases for the Purpose of Implementing Appendix I, Regulatory Guide 1.113, Rev. 1, April 1977.10. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Programs for Monitoring Radioactivity in the Environs of Nuclear Power Plants, Regulatory Guide 4.1, Rev. 1, April 1975.11. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Preparation of Environmental Reports for Nuclear Power Stations, Regulatory Guide 4.2, Rev. 2, July 1976.12. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Environmental Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants, Regulatory Guide 4.8, Rev. 1, December 1975. (See also the related Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position, Rev. 1, November 1979.)13. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Quality Assurance for Radiological Monitoring Programs (Normal Operations)--Effluent Streams and the Environment, Regulatory Guide 4.15, Rev. 1, February 1979.14. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants, edited by J. S. Boegli et al.NUREG-0133, October 1978.15. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, XOQDOQ: Computer Program for the Meteorological Evaluation of Routine Effluent Releases at Nuclear Power Stations, J. F. Sagendorf et al. NUREG/CR-2919, PNL-4380, September 1982.16. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Radiological Assessment, edited by J. E.Till and H. R. Meyer, NUREG/CR-3332, ORNL-5968, September 1983.17. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Standard Review Plan, NUREG-0800, July 1981.Page 11.1-11 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 18. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Meteorology and Atomic Ener-gy 1968, edited by D. H. Slade, TID-21940, July 1968.19. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Plume Rise, G. A. Briggs, TID-25075, 1969.20. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, The Potential Radiological Implications of Nuclear Facilities in the Upper Mississippi River Basin in the Year 2000, WASH 1209, January 1973.21. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, HASL Procedures Manual, Health and Safety Laboratory, HASL-300 (revised annually).
: 22. U.S. Department of Energy, Models and Parameters for Environmental Radiolo-gical Assessments, edited by C. W. Miller, DOE/TIC-11468, 1984.23. U.S. Department of Energy, Atmospheric Science and Power Production, edited by D. Randerson, DOE/TIC-27601, 1984.24. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Workbook of Atmospheric Dispersion Estimates, D. B. Turner, Office of Air Programs Publication No. AP-26, 1970.25. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 40CFR190 Environmental Radiation Protection Requirements for Normal Operations of Activities in the Uranium Fuel Cycle, Final Environmental Statement, EPA 520/4-76-016, November 1, 1976.26. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Analysis of the Uranium Fuel Cycle, EPA-520/9-73-003-C, November 1973.27. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Recommended Guide for the Prediction of the Dispersion of Airborne Effluents, 1973.28. Eisenbud, M., Environmental Radioactivity, 3rd Edition, (Academic Press, Orlando, FL, 1987).29. Glasstone, S., and Jordan, W. H., Nuclear Power and Its Environmental Effects (American Nuclear Society, LaGrange Park, IL, 1980).30. International Atomic Energy Agency, Generic Models and Parameters for Assessing the Environmental Transfer of Radionuclides from Routine Releases, Safety Series, No. 57, 1982.31. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Radiological Assessment:
Predicting the Transport.
Bloaccumulation, and Uotake by Man of Radionuclides Released to the Environment, NCRP Report No. 76, March 15, 1984.Page 11.1-12 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 32. American National Standards Institute, Guide to Sampling Airborne Radioactive Materials in Nuclear Facilities, ANSI N13.1-1969, February 19, 1969.33. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Specification and Performance of On-Site Instrumentation for Continuously Monitoring Radioactivity in Effluents, ANSI N13.10-1974, September 19, 1974.34. American National Standards Institute, Testing and Procedural Specifications for Thermoluminescence Dosimetry (Environmental Applications), ANSI N545-1975, August 20, 1975.35. American Nuclear Insurers, Effluent Monitorinq, ANI/MAELU Engineering Inspection Criteria for Nuclear Liability Insurance, Section 5.1, Rev. 2, October 24,1986.36. American Nuclear Insurers, Environmental Monitoring, ANI/MAELU Engineering Inspection Criteria for Nuclear Liability Insurance, Section 5.2, Rev. 1, March 23, 1987.37. American Nuclear Insurers, Environmental Monitoring Programs, ANI/MAELU Information Bulletin 86-1, June 9, 1986.38. Cember, H., Introduction to Health Physics, 2nd Edition (Pergamon Press, Elmsford, NY 1983).41. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Branch Technical Position, Radiological Assessment Branch, Revision 1, November 1979. (This is a branch position on Regulatory Guide 4.8.)43. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Calculation of Releases of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR-GALE Code), NUREG-0017, April 1976.49. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Methods for Demonstrating LWR Compliance with the EPA Uranium Fuel Cycle Standard (40 CFR Part 190), NUREG-0543, February 1980.50. International Commission on Radiological Protection, Report of Committee Two on Permissible Dose for Internal Radiation, Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection, ICRP Publication 2, 1959.51. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Age-Specific Radiation Dose Commitment Factors for a One-Year Chronic Intake, Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, NUREG-0172, 1977.52. W. C. Ng, Transfer Coefficients for Prediction of the Dose to Man via the Forage-Cow-Milk Pathway from Radionuclides Released to the Biosphere, UCRL-51939.
Page 11.1-13 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I 53. E. C. Eimutis and M. G. Konicek, Derivations of Continuous Functions for the Lateral and Vertical Atmosoheric Dispersion Coefficients, Atmospheric Environment 6, 859 (1972).54. D. C. Kocher, Editor, Nuclear Decay Data for Radionuclides Occurring in Routine Releases from Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities, ORNL/NUREG/TM-102, August 1977.55. R. L. Heath, Gamma-Ray Spectrum Catalog, Aerojet Nuclear Co., ANCR-1000-2, third or subsequent edition.56. S. E. Thompson, Concentration Factors of Chemical Elements in Edible Aquatic Organisms, UCRL-50564, Rev. 1, 1972.57. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Instruction Concerning Risks from Occupational Radiation Exposure, Regulatory Guide 8.29, July 1981.58. Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Radioactive Waste and Environmental Monitoring, Annual Report 1987, March 1988.59. Reserved reference number 70. D. C. Kocher, Radioactivity Decay Data Tables, DOE/TIC-I 1026, 1981.71. J. C. Courtney, A Handbook of Radiation Shielding Data, ANS/SD-76/14, July 1976.75. Sargent & Lundy, METWRSUM, S&L Program Number 09.5.187-1.0.
: 76. Sargent & Lundy, Comments on CECo ODCM and List of S&L Calculations, Internal Office Memorandum, P. N. Derezotes to G. R. Davidson, November 23, 1988.77. Sargent & Lundy, AZAP, A Computer Program to Calculate Annual Average Offsite Doses from Routine Releases of Radionuclides in Gaseous Effluents and Postaccident X/Q Values, S&L Program Number 09.8.054-1.7.
: 78. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, A Program for Evaluating Atmospheric Dispersion from a Nuclear Power Station, J. F. Sagendorf, NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL ARL-42, Air Resources Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, May 1974.79. G. P. Lahti, R. S. Hubner, and J. C. Golden, Assessment of Gamma-Ray Exoosures Due to Finite Plumes, Health Physics 41, 319 (1981).Page 11.1-14 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 80. National Council of Radiation Protection and Measurements, lonizinq Radiation Exposure of the Population of the United States, NCRP Report No. 93, September 1, 1987.82. W. R. Van Pelt (Environmental Analysts, Inc.), Letter to J. Golden (CornEd) dated January 3, 1972.84. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Uranium Milling, NUREG-0511, April 1979.85. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Analysis of the Uranium Fuel Cycle, Part I -Fuel Supply, EPA-520/9-73-003-B, October 1973.86. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Final Generic Environmental Statement on the Use of Recycle Plutonium in Mixed Oxide Fuel in Light Water Cooled Reactors, NUREG-0002, August 1976.87. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Demographic Statistics Pertaining to Nuclear Power Reactor Sites, NUREG-0348, Draft, December 1977.88. Nuclear News 31, Number 10, Page 69 (August 1988).89. General Electric Company, Irradiated Fuel Storage at Morris Operation, Operating Experience Report, January 1972 through December 1982, K. J. Eger, NEDO-20969B.
: 90. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Generic Letter 89-01, "Guidance For The Implementation of Programmatic Controls For RETS In The Administrative Controls Section of Technical Specifications and the Relocation of Procedural Details of Current RETS to the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual or Process Control Pro-gram", January 1989.92. NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER)/Idaho Notional Engineering Laboratory Technical Evaluation Report (TER) of the Commonwealth Edison Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), Revision O.A, December 2,1991.95. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Standards for Protection Against Radiation (10CFR20).
: 96. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities (10CFR50).
: 97. Federal Register, Vol. 57, No. 169, Monday, August 31, 1992, page 39358.98. Miller, Charles W., Models and Parameters for Environmental Radiological Assessments, U.S. Dept. of Energy, DE8102754, 1984, pages 32, 33, 48, and 49.Page 11.1-15 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 99. Kocher, D. C., "Dose-Rate Conversion Factors For External Exposure To Photons and Electrons", Health Physics Vol. 45, No. 3 (September), pp. 665-686,1983.100. U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare Public Health Service, Radiological Health Handbook, January 1970.101. ODCM Bases and Reference Document, rev.0, November, 1998.103. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Generic Letter 79-041, September 17, 1979.104. Federal Register, Vol. 56, No. 98, Tuesday, May 21, 1991, page 23374, column 3.105. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Guidance:
Standard Radiolo-gical Effluent Controls for Pressurized Water Reactors, NUREG-1301, April 1991.107. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, LADTAP II -Technical Reference and Users Guide, NUREG-4013, April 1986.108. Holtec Report No. HI-2084113, Dose Versus Distance from a HI-STORM 100S Version B Containing the MPC-32 for Byron/Braidwood, Holtec International, 8/14/08.Page 11.1-16 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 1 -3 Miscellaneous Dose Assessment Factors: Environmental Parameters Parameter Value Comment Equation Basisa fq 0.76 4-11,4-12 A fL 1.0 4-11,4-12 A fp 1.0 4-13,4-15 A fs 1.0 4-13,4-15 A tb 262,800 30 years 4-9 C hrs tf 48 hrs Cow Milk Pathway 4-13 A tf 480 hrs Cow Meat Pathway 4-15 A th 1440 hrs 60 days for produce 4-11 A th 2160 hrs 90 days for produce 4-13, 4-15 A tL 24 hrs 1 day for leafy vegetables 4-11 A QF 50 4-13, 4-14, 4-15, B Kg/day 4-16 r 1.0 For lodines 4-11, 4-13, 4-15 A r 0.2 For Particulates 4-11, 4-13, 4-15 A Yp 0.7 4-13, 4-15 A Kg/m 2 Ys 2.0 4-13,4-15 A Kg/rnm 2 Yv 2.0 4-11 A Kg/m 2?w 0.0021 4-11,4-13, 4-15 A hr-1 H 8 gm/mi Absolute Atmospheric Humidity 4-12, 4-14, 4-16 D aBasis key: A: Reference 6, Table E-15.B: Reference 6, Table E-3.C: The parameter tb is taken as the midpoint of plant operating life (based upon an assumed 60 year plant operating lifetime).
D: Reference 14, Section 11.1-17 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I Table I -4 Stable Element Transfer Data Element H Be C F Na Mg Al P Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Cd In Sn Sb Ag Te I Xe Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Ff Meat (d/ka)1.2E-02 1.5E-03 3.1 E-02 2.9E-03 3.OE-02 1.5E-03 1.5E-02 4.6E-02 2.9E-03 NA 1.8E-02 1.6E-03 2.4E-03 3.4E-02 2.8E-01 2.4E-03 8.OE-04 4.0E-02 1.3E-02 5.3E-02 8.0E-03 3.OE-02 1.5E-02 9.1 E-04 1.7E-02 7.7E-02 2.9E-03 NA 3.1 E-02 6.0E-04 4.6E-03 3.4E-02 2.8E-01 8.0E-03 4.0E-01 4.OE-01 1.5E-03 5.3E-02 3.0E-02 1.5E-02 9.1 E-04 5.0E-03 1.7E-02 7.7E-02 2.9E-03 NA 4.0E-03 3.2E-03 2.0E-04 1.2E-03 4.7E-03 3.3E-03 FM(Cow)Milk (d/L)I.0E-02 3.2E-03 1.2E-02 1.4E-02 4.OE-02 3.2E-03 1.3E-03 2.5E-02 1.4E-02 NA 7.2E-03 1.1E-02 7.5E-06 5.0E-06 1.3E-03 2.2E-03 2.5E-04 1.2E-03 I.0E-03 6.7E-03 1.4E-02 3.9E-02 1.3E-03 9.9E-05 5.OE-04 I.0E-03 2.2E-02 NA 3.0E-02 8.0E-04 I.0E-05 5.0E-06 2.5E-03 7.5E-03 2.5E-02 1.0E-06 1.0E-02 6.7E-03 2.0E-02 1.3E-03 9.9E-05 2.0E-05 5.OE-02 1.0E-03 6.0E-03 NA 1.2E-02 4.0E-04 5.0E-06 1.OE-04 5.0E-06 5.0E-06 Reference 6 Footnote 1 6 Footnote 2 6 Footnote 1 Footnote 3 6 Footnote 2 NA 16 16 Footnote 4 Footnote 5 Footnote 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Footnote 3 Footnote 7 Footnote 8 Footnote 9 Ff Footnote 2;FM from Ref. 16 NA 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Footnote 10 Footnote 11 Footnote 3 Footnote 7 98 6 6 6 NA 6 6 6 6 6 6 Page 11.1-18 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 1 -4 (Cont'd)Stable Element Transfer Data Ff FM (Cow)Element Meat (d/kq) Milk (dWLU Reference Pm 2.9E-04 2.OE-05 16 Sm 2.9E-04 2.OE-05 16 Eu 2.9E-04 2.OE-05 16 Gd 2.9E-04 2.OE-05 16 Dy 2.9E-04 2.OE-05 16 Er 2.9E-04 2.OE-05 16 Tm 2.9E-04 2.OE-05 16 Yb 2.9E-04 2.OE-05 16 Lu 2.9E-04 2.OE-05 16 Hf 3.4E-02 5.OE-06 Footnote 5 Ta 2.8E-01 1.3E-03 FM -Ref.16; Ff -Footnote 6 W 1.3E-03 5.OE-04 6 Re 1.OE-01 1.3E-03 FM- Ref.16; Ff -Footnote 12 Os 2.2E-01 6.OE-04 Footnote 13 Ir 7.3E-03 5.5E-03 Footnote 14 Pt 5.3E-02 6.7E-03 Footnote 10 Au 1.3E-02 3.2E-02 Footnote 15 Hg 3.OE-02 9.7E-06 FM -Ref. 16; Ff -Footnote 11 TI 1.5E-02 1.3E-03 FM -Ref.16; Ff -Footnote 3 Pb 9.1E-04 9.9E-05 98 Bi 1.7E-02 5.OE-04 98 Ra 5.5E-04 5.9E-04 98 Th 1.6E-06 5.OE-06 98 U 1.6E-06 1.2E-04 98 Np 2.OE-04 5.OE-06 6 Am 1.6E-06 2.OE-05 98 Notes: 1. NA = It is assumed that noble gases are not deposited on the ground.2. Elements listed are those considered for 10CFR20 assessment and compliance.
There are numerous Ff and FM values that were not found In published literature.
In these cases, the periodic table was used In conjunction with published values. The periodic table was used based on a general assumption that elements have similar characteristics when in the same column of the periodic table. The values of elements in the same column of the periodic table, excluding atomic numbers 58-71 and 90-103, were averaged then assigned to elements missing values located In the same column of the periodic table. This method was used for all columns where there were missing values except column 3A, where there was no data, hence, the average of column 2B and 4A were used.1. Values obtained by averaging Reference 6 values of Ca, Sr, Ba and Ra.2. Ff value obtained by assigning the Reference 6 value for I. FM value obtained by averaging I (Ref. 6) and Br (Ref.16).3. Ff values obtained by averaging Zn (Ref.6) and Pb (Ref. 98); there were no values for elements In the same column; an average Is taken between values of columns 2B and 4A on the periodic table. FM values obtained by using the value for TI from Reference 16.4. Values obtained by averaging Reference 6 values of Y and La.5. Values obtained by assigning the Reference 6 value for Zr.6. Ff values obtained from Ref. 6 value for Nb. FM values obtained by averaging values for Nb (Ref.6) and Ta (Ref, 16).7. Values obtained from the Reference 6 values for Pb.8. Values obtained from the Reference 6 values for BI.9. Values obtained from the Reference 6 values for Te.10. Values obtained from the Reference 6 values for NI.11. Ft values obtained from Ref. 6 values for Zn. FM values obtained by averaging the Reference 6 values for Zn and Hg.12. Values obtained by averaging Reference 6 values for Mn, Tc, Nd and Reference 98 value for U.13. Values obtained by averaging Reference 6 values from Fe and Ru.14. Values obtained by averaging Reference 6 values from Co and Rh.15. Values obtained by averaging Reference 6 values from Cu and Ag.Page 11.1-19 CY-BYAI70-301t Advsi~on8 I OAWBUIrlding W44j6ouu 0).FuIlLn DAW, & 48. Pck, Locato ISF$I NOd on 'a IPU O.FMSTE DOSE .CALGULATION MANUAL BYRON STATION FIGURE 1-3.RESTRICTED AREA BOUDARY: Page CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 2.0 INSTRUMENTATION AND SYSTEMS 2.1 Liquid Effluents
===System Description===
A simplified liquid release flowpath diagram is provided in Figure 2-3.A simplified liquid radwaste processing diagram is provided in Figure 2-2.The liquid radwaste treatment system is designed and installed to reduce radioactive liquid effluents by collecting the liquids, providing for retention or holdup, and providing for treatment by demineralizer for the purpose of reducing the total radioactivity prior to release to the environment.
The system is described in Chapter 11 of the Byron Updated Final Safety Analysis Report.2.1.1 Release Tanks There are two radwaste release tanks (OWXOIT and OWX26T 30,000-gallon capacity each) that receive liquid waste before discharge to the Rock River.2.1.2 Turbine Building Fire and Oil Sump The turbine building fire and oil sump receives water from selected turbine building sumps, the tendon tunnel sumps, and the diesel fuel oil storage sumps, all of which are normally non-radioactive but potentially contaminated.
The effluent from this sump is monitored, and if radioactive contamination exceeds a predetermined level pump operation is automatically terminated.
The water may then be sent to the liquid radwaste treatment system.2.1.3 Condensate Polisher Sump The condensate polisher sump receives wastewater from the condensate polisher system, which is normally non-radioactive but potentially contaminated.
The effluent from this sump is monitored and if radioactive contamination exceeds a predetermined level sump discharge is terminated and major condensate polisher inputs to the sump are automatically isolated.
The water may then be sent to the liquid radwaste treatment system.Page 11.2-1 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 2.2 Liquid Effluent Radiation Monitors Pertinent information on the Liquid Radioactive Effluent Monitors and associated control devices are shown in Table 2-1; additional information is provided in the Byron UFSAR Chapter Liquid Radwaste Effluent Monitor Monitor ORE-PRO01 is used to monitor all releases from the release tanks. On high alarm, the monitor automatically initiates closure of valves OWX-353 and OWX-869 to terminate the release.2.2.2 Station Blowdown Monitor Monitor ORE-PR01 0 continuously monitors the circulating water blowdown.
No control device is initiated by this channel.2.2.3 Reactor Containment Fan Cooler (RCFC) and Essential Service Water (SX) Outlet Line Monitors.Monitors 1 RE-PR002, 2RE-PROO2, 1 RE-PR003, and 2RE-PRO03 continuously monitor the RCFC and SX outlet lines. No control device is initiated by these channels.2.2.4 Turbine Building Fire and Oil Sump Monitor Monitor ORE-PRO05 continuously monitors the fire and oil sump discharge.
On high alarm the monitor automatically initiates an interlock to trip the discharge pumps, close valve 0OD030, and terminate the release.2.2.5 Condensate Polisher Sump Monitor Monitor ORE-PRO41 continuously monitors the condensate polisher sump discharge.
On high alarm, the monitor automatically initiates an interlock to trip the discharge pumps and terminate the release.2.2.6 Component Cooling Water Monitors Monitors ORE-PRO09 (common), 1 RE-PRO09 (Unit 1), and 2RE-PRO09 (Unit 2) continuously monitor the component cooling water heat exchanger outlets. On high alarm ORE-PRO09 initiates closure of both component cooling water surge tank (CCWST) vents, I RE-PRO09 initiates closure of the Unit I Page 11.2-2
*CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 CCWST vent, and 2RE-PRO09 initiates closure of the Unit 2 CCWST vent.2.3 Liquid Radiation Effluent Monitors Alarm and Trip Setpoints Alarm and trip setpoints of liquid effluent monitors at the principal release points are established to ensure that the limits of TRM Section 3.11 .a are not exceeded in the unrestricted area.Setpoint calculations normally consist of identified release mixtures, dilution factors, conversion factors (detector sensitivity), maximum release flow rates, and conservatism factors.2.3.1 Station Blowdown Monitor During release, the monitor setpoint is found by solving equation 2-1 P < Ccf + (1.50 x CT) X ( t;/(FCW + Fma) (2-1)P Release Setpoint [pCi/ml]1.50 Factor to account for minor fluctuations in count rate CCW Concentration of activity in the circulating water blowdown at the time of discharge
("Background reading")
[pCi/ml]CT Analyzed activity in the release tank (excluding tritium)[pCi/ml]
FCW Circulating Water Blowdown Rate [gpm]Frmax Maximum Release Tank Discharge Flow Rate [gpm]The flow rate from the radwaste discharge tank The release mixture used for the setpoint determination is the radionuclide mix identified in the release tank grab sample isotopic analysis.2.3.2 Liquid Radwaste Effluent Monitor During release, the setpoint is established at 1.5 times the analyzed tank activity plus the background reading. However, per procedure, the maximum discharge flow rate is limited to a value that will result in less than 50% of 10*ECL at the discharge point. (See Section 11.2-3 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Radwaste Tank Discharge Flow Rate Prior to each batch release, a grab sample is obtained.The results of the analysis of the waste sample determine the discharge rate of each batch as follows: F;na, = O.5(F '/1(C, /JO*ECL ,)) (2-2)The summation is over radionuclides i.F1&#xfd;ax Maximum Permitted Discharge Flow Rate [gpm]The maximum permitted flow rate from the radwaste discharge tank based on radiological limits (not chemistry limits which may be more restrictive)
Fact Circulating Water Blowdown Rate (gpm]C, Concentration of Radionuclide i in the Release Tank [gCi/ml]The concentration of radioactivity in the radwaste discharge tank based on measurements of a sample drawn from the tank.ECL 1  Effluent Concentration Limit [jiCi/ml]The concentration of radionuclide i given in Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 to 1OCFR20.1001
-20.2402.10 Multiplier Release Mixture The release mixture used for the setpoint determination is the radionuclide mix identified in the release tank grab sample isotopic analysis. Liquid Dilution Flow Rates Dilution flow rates are obtained from the main control board in the control room. If this information is unavailable, releases may continue for up to 30 days provided the dilution flow rates are estimated every 4 hours during the release, in accordance with TRM Table T 3.11.a-1.Page 11.2-4 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Projected Concentrations for Releases After determining F',ax 0 from Equation 2-2, RECS compliance is verified using Equations 2-3 and 2-4.G c[F*/ (Fr= + (2-3)X{ Ci/ 10 *ECL") (2-4)The summation is over radionuclides iL i Concentration of Radionuclide i in the Unrestricted Area [pCi/mL]The calculated concentration of radionuclide i in the unrestricted area as determined by Equation Concentration of Radionuclide i in the Release Tank [pCi/mL]The concentration of radioactMty in' tie radNaste discharge tank based on measurements of a sample drawn from the tank.ECLI Effluent Concentration Limit [pCi/ml]The concentration of radionuclide i given in Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 to IOCFR20.1001
-20.2402.10 Multiplier Foax Maximum Release Tank Discharge Flow Rate [gpm]Fact Circulating Water Blowdown Rate [gpm]2.3.3 Other Liquid Efflueht Monitors For all other liquid effluent mrnyitors, including ORE-PROO1 and ORE-batch' releasing, setpointsare determined such that the 6cnhcentratibn limits do."not exceed&1l0 timeis the ECL value given in Appendix B, Table 2,'Column 2'to 16CFR2.1001'
-20.2402 in the unrestricted area. Release miXtUres &#xfd; airelbased on"a representative isotopic mixture of the- stream.or inputs-to the waste stream, or defaulted to the mix listed in Table 2-4.Page 11.2-5 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 2.3.4 Conversion Factors The readouts for the liquid effluent monitors are in jtCi/ml. The cpm to jtCi/ml conversion is determined for each monitor.2.3.5 Allocation of Effluents from Common Release Points Radioactive liquid effluents released from either release tank (OWX01T or OWX26T) are comprised of contributions from both units. Under normal operating conditions, it is difficult to apportion the radioactivity between the units. Consequently, allocation is made evenly between units.2.3.6 Solidification Of Waste/Process Control Program The process control program (PCP) contains the sampling, analysis, and formulation determination by which solidification of radioactive wastes from liquid systems is ensured.2.4 Gaseous Effluents
===System Description===
A simplified HVAC and gaseous effluent flow diagram is provided in Figure 2-1. The principal release points for potentially radioactive airborne effluents are the two auxiliary building vent stacks (designated Stack 1 and Stack 2 in Figure 2-1). In the classification scheme of Section 4.1.4, each is classified as a vent release point. Engineered safety features atmospheric cleanup systems are not considered to be ventilation exhaust treatment system components.
====2.4.1 Waste====
Gas Holdup System The waste gas holdup system is designed and installed to reduce radioactive gaseous effluents by collecting reactor coolant system off-gases from the reactor coolant system and providing for delay or holdup to reduce the total radioactivity by radioactive decay prior to release to the environment.
====2.4.2 Ventilation====
Exhaust Treatment System Ventilation exhaust treatment systems are designed and installed to reduce gaseous radioiodine or radioactive material in particulate form in gaseous effluents by passing ventilation or vent exhaust gases through charcoal adsorbers and/or HEPA filters prior to release to the environment.
Such a system is not considered to have any effect on noble gas effluents.
The ventilation exhaust treatment systems are shown in Figure 2-1.Page 11.2-6 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Engineered safety features atmospheric cleanup systems are not considered to be ventilation exhaust treatment system components.
===2.5 Gaseous===
Effluent Radiation Monitors Pertinent information on the Gaseous Effluent Radiation Monitors and associated control devices are shown in Table 2-2, additional information is provided in Byron UFSAR Chapter Auxiliary Building Vent Effluent Monitors Monitors 1RE-PR028 (Unit 1) and 2RE-PR028 (Unit 2)continuously monitor the final effluent from the auxiliary building vent stacks.Both vent stack monitors feature automatic noble gas monitoring, isokinetic sampling, grab sampling, and sampling for iodine, particulate, and tritium.These monitors perform no automatic isolation or control functions.
====2.5.2 Containment====
Purge Effluent Monitors Monitors 1RE-PRO01 (Unit 1) and 2RE-PRO01 (Unit 2)continuously monitor the effluent from the Unit I and Unit 2 containments, respectively.
When airborne radioactivity in the containment purge effluent stream exceeds a specified level station personnel will follow established procedures to terminate the release by manually activating the containment purge valves. Additionally, the auxiliary building vent effluent monitors provide an independent, redundant means of monitoring the containment purge effluent.These monitors perform no automatic isolation or control functions.
Monitors 1RE-AR011, 2RE-AR011, 1RE-AR012 and 2RE-AR012 continuously monitor the containment atmosphere for radioactive gas and particulates.
On high alarm during a containment purge, these monitors will automatically terminate the purge.Page 11.2-7 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 2.5.3 Waste Gas Decay Tank Monitors Monitors ORE-PRO02A and ORE-PRO02B continuously monitor the noble gas activity released from the gas decay tanks.On high alarm, the monitors automatically initiate closure of the valve OGWI04 thus terminating the release.2.5.4 Gland Steam and Condenser Air Ejector Monitors Monitors 1 RE-PR027 and 2RE-PR027 continuously monitor the condenser air ejector gas from Units 1 and 2, respectively.
This monitor performs no automatic isolation or control functions.
====2.5.5 Radwaste====
Building Ventilation Monitor Monitor ORE-PR026 continuously monitors radioactivity in the radwaste building ventilation system. On high alarm, ORE-PR026 initiates isolation of the radwaste building ventilation system. Miscellaneous Ventilation Monitors Monitor ORE-PRO03 continuously monitors radioactivity in the ventilation exhaust from the laboratory fume hoods. This monitor performs no automatic isolation or control functions.
===2.6 Gaseous===
Effluent Monitor Alarm and Trip Setpoints 2.6.1 Auxiliary Building Vent Effluent Monitors The setpoints for the low range noble gas channel are conservatively established at 2.5% of the maximum permissible release rate for the high alarm and 0.25% of the maximum release rate for the alert alarm.The setpoints for the high range noble gas channel are conservatively established at 50% of the maximum permissible release rate for the high alarm and 5% of the maximum release rate for the alert alarm.Page 11.2-8 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 2.6.2 Containment Purge Effluent Monitors The setpoints are established at 1.25 times the containment noble gas activity during purge.2.6.3 Waste Gas Decay Tank Effluent Monitors The setpoints are established at 1.25 times the analyzed waste gas tank activity during release.2.6.4 Gaseous Effluent Release Limits Alarm and trip setpoints of gaseous effluent monitors are established to ensure that the release rate limits of TRM Section 3.11 .b are not exceeded.
The release limits are found by solving Equations 2-5 and 2-6 for the total allowed release rate of vent releases, Qty.(X/Q)VQtv"K, f, <500 mremlyr (2-5)Q0f,f-fL, (x/Q), + (1.11) M, (X/Q)l 1< 3000 mrem/yr (2-6)The summations are over noble gas radionuclides i.Fractional Radionuclide Composition The release rate of noble gas radionuclide i divided by the total release rate of all noble gas radionuclides.
Qtv Total Allowed Release Rate, Vent Release [jiCi/sec]
The total allowed release rate of all noble gas radionuclides released as vent releases.The remaining parameters in Equation 2-5 have the same definitions as in Equation 4-1 of Part II Section 4. The remaining parameters in Equation 2-6 have the same definition as in Equation 4-2 of Part II Section 4.Equation 2-5 is based on Equation 4-1 of Section 4 and the RECS restriction on whole body dose rate (500 mrem/yr) due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents (see Part II Section
Equation 2-6 is based on Equation 4-2 of Section 4 and the RECS restriction on skin dose rate (3000 mrem/yr) due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents (see Part II Section 11.2-9 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Since the solution to Equation 2-6 is more conservative than the solution to Equation 2-5, the value of Equation 2-6 (1.02 x 107 PCi/sec)is used as the limiting noble gas release rate. During evolutions involving releases from the containment or waste gas decay tanks, the total station release rate is procedurally limited such that the maximum permissible release rate is not exceeded.2.6.5 Release Mixture In the determination of alarm and trip setpoints, the radioactivity mixture in exhaust air is assumed to have the radionuclide composition of Table 2- Conversion Factors.The response curves used to determine the monitor count rates are based on the sensitivity to Xe-1 33 for conservatism.
2.6.7 HVAC Dilution Flow Rates The plant vent stack flow rates are obtained from the RM-1 1 (or equivalent) console in the control room. If the values cannot be obtained from RM-1 1 (or equivalent), flow rates can be estimated from the operating fan combinations.
====2.6.8 Allocation====
of Effluents from Common Release Points Radioactive gaseous effluents released from the auxiliary building, miscellaneous ventilation systems and the gas decay tanks are comprised of contributions from both units. Consequently, allocation is made evenly between units.2.6.9 DoseProjections for Batch Releases The I OCFR20 dose limits have been converted into a station administrative release rate limit using the methodology in the ODCM.Compliance is verified prior to each release. Doses are calculated after purging the containmernt or venting the ywastel gas decaY tanks.Per procedure, representative.samples are obtained and. analyzed, and the doses calculated on a monthly basis to verify compliance with IOCFR50.Page 11.2-10 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I Table 2-1 Liquid Radioactive Effluent Monitors Alarm Setpoint Channel Monitor Description Sampling Locations Effluent Control Functions Used Radwaste Release Common release point from Radwaste ORE-PRO01 Tank Monitor Release Tanks OWX01T, OWX26T Radwaste release termination Yes Station Blowdown ORE-PRO10 Monitor Circulating Water Blowdown None No 1 RE-PRO02 Reactor Containment 2RE-PRO02 Fan Cooler and 1RE-PRO03 Essential Service Water 2RE-PRO03 Outlet Line Monitors RCFC and SX outlet lines None No Turbine Building Fire Terminates release from ORE-PRO05 and Oil Sump Monitor Fire and Oil Sump discharge Fire and Oil Sump Yes Condensate Polisher Terminates release from ORE-PRO41 Sump Monitor Condensate Polisher Sump discharge Condensate Polisher Sump Yes ORE-PRO09:
CCW Heat Exchangers, ORE-PRO09:
Closes both CCW surge common discharge tank vents 1 RE-PRO09:
Unit 1 CCW Heat Exchanger 1 RE-PRO09:
Closes Unit I CCW ORE-PRO09 discharge surge tank vent 1 RE-PRO09 Component Cooling 2RE-PRO09:
Unit 2 CCW Heat Exchanger 2RE-PRO09:
Closes Unit 2 CCW 2RE-PRO09 Water (CCW) Monitors discharge surge tank vent Yes Page 11.2-11 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I Table 2-2 Gaseous Radioactive Effluent Monitors Alarm Setpoint Channel Monitor Description I Sampling Locations Effluent Control Functions Used Final effluent from auxiliary building vent stack 1 RE-PR028 Auxiliary Building Vent from Unit 1 (1 RE-PR028) and 2RE-PR028 Effluent Monitors from Unit 2 (2RE-PR028)
None Yes 1RE-PRO01 Containment Purge Effluent from Unit 1 Containment (IRE-PRO01) j 2RE-PRO01 Effluent Monitors Effluent from Unit 2 Containment (2RE-PROO1)
None Yes 1RE-AROI1 Unit I Containment (1RE-AR011, 1RE-AR012) 2RE-ARO1 1 Reactor Containment Unit 2 Containment (2RE-ARO1 1, 2RE-AR012) 1RE-AR012 Particulate and Gas Note: not effluent monitors, but have effluent 2RE-AR012 Monitors control functions Terminate containment purge Yes ORE-PRO02A Waste Gas Decay Tank Closes valve OGW104, ORE-PRO02B Monitors Release line from Waste Gas Decay Tanks terminates release , Yes Gland Steam and Condenser Air Ejector (CAE) gas from Unit I 1 RE-PR027 Condenser Air Ejector (1RE-PR027) and 2RE-PR027 Monitors CAE gas from Unit 2 (2RE-PR027)
None No Radwaste Building Isolates Radwaste Building ORE-PR026 Ventilation Radwaste Building Ventilation System ventilation system Yes Laboratory Fume Hood ORE-PRO03 Exhaust Monitor Common line from laboratory fume hoods None No Page 11.2-12 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 2-3 Assumed Composition of the Byron Station Noble Gas Effluent Isotop~e Percent of Effluent Ar-41 0.89 Kr-85m 0.18 Kr-85 24.9 Kr-87 0.04 Kr-88 0.28 Xe-1 31 m 1.42 Xe-1 33m 0.57 Xe-133 71.1 Xe-135 0.53 Xe-138 0.04 Page 11.2-13 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 2-4 Assumed Composition of the Byron Station Liquid Effluent Isotope Concentration Isotope Concentration (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml)H-3 1.16E-05 Ag-110m 1.70E-11 Cr-51 2.39E-12 Te-127 5.40E-13 Mn-54 3.86E-11 Te-129m 1.78E-12 Fe-55 2.08E-12 Te-129 1.16E-12 Fe-59 1.35E-12 Te-131 m 1.27E-12 Co-58 1.74E-10 Te-132 2.39E- 11 Co-60 3.40E-10 1-130 4.24E-12 Br-83 6.59E-13 1-131 3.09E-09 Rb-86 1.81E-12 1-132 6.95E- 11 Sr-89 5.02E-13 1-133 1.43E-09 Zr-95 5.40E-11 1-135 1.66E-10 Nb-95 7.72E-11 Cs-134 1.08E-09 Mo-99 7.72E-11 Cs-136 2.66E-10 Tc-99m 8.88E-11 Cs-137 1.35E-09 Ru-103 5.40E-12 Ce-144 2.01E-10 Ru-106 9.26E-11 Np-239 8.88E-13 Page 11.2-14 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Ifl ELEV. 200'0*ABOVE GRADE STATE OF LJ.;NOI8 STACK MONITOR MAIN H PURGE H MINI PURGE 4,00o H G H POST LOCA PURGE (NOTE 2) PROOl CONTAINMENT UNIT 2 STATE OF ILLINOIS STACK MONITOR N 0 135,900 NONFILTERED I--AUXILLARY BUILDING TANK VENTS FILTERED AUXILLARY BUILDING TANK VENTS*VOLUME REDUCTION EaUIP VENTS H G H H G H92 1"4 9,230 ORE-PRO15 9,000 Figure 2-1 SIMPLIFIED HVAC AND GASEOUS EFFLUENT FLOW DIAGRAM (SHEET 1 OF 2)Page 11.2-15 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 UNIT 1 CONDENSOR 2,500 DURING UNIT I STARTUP HOGGING PUMP GLAND STEAM 1 ,400 CONDENSOR G H 1,432 1RE-PR027
0 During any calendar quarter, less than or equal to 1.5 mrem to the total body and less than or equal to 5 mrem to any organ.* During any calendar year, less than or equal to 3 mrem to the total body and less than or equal to 10 mrem to any organ.3.1.2 The organ doses due to radioactivity in liquid effluents are also used as part of the 40CFR190 compliance and are included in the combination of doses to determine the total dose used to demonstrate 10CFR20 compliance. (See Section 5.0, Total Dose)3.1.3 Dose assessments for 10CFR50 Appendix I compliance are made for four age groups (adult, teenager, child, infant) using NUREG 0133 (Reference
: 14) methodology and Regulatory Guide 1.109 (Reference
: 6) dose conversion factors.3.1.4 To limit the consequences of tank overflow, Technical Specification 5.5.12 limits the quantity of radioactivity that may be stored in unprotected outdoor tanks to 10 Curies.Unprotected tanks are tanks that are not surrounded by liners, dikes, or walls capable of holding the tank contents and that do not have tank overflows and surrounding area drains connected to the liquid radwaste treatment system.The specific objective is to provide assurance that in the event of an uncontrolled release of a tank's contents, the resulting radioactivity concentrations beyond the unrestricted area boundary, at the nearest potable water supply and at the nearest surface water supply, will be less than the limits of 1OCFR20 Appendix B, Table 2; Column Cases in which normally non-radioactive liquid streams (such as the Service Water) are found to contain radioactive material are non-routine and will be treated on a case specific basis if and when this occurs. Since the station has sufficient capacity to delay a liquid release for reasonable periods of time, it is expected that Page 11.3-1 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 planned releases will not take place under these circumstances.
Therefore, the liquid release setpoint calculations need not and do not contain provisions for treating multiple simultaneous release pathways.3.1.6 Radioactive liquid effluents released from either release tank (OWXOIT or OWX26T) are comprised of contributions from both units. Under normal operating conditions, it is difficult to apportion the radioactivity between the units. Consequently, allocation is made evenly between units.3.2 Liquid Effluent Concentrations 3.2.1 One method of demonstrating compliance to the requirements of 10CFR20.1301 is to demonstrate that the annual average concentrations of radioactive material released in gaseous and liquid effluents do not exceed the values specified in 10CFR20 Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2. (See IOCFR 20.1302(b)(2).)
However, as noted in Section 5.5, this mode of 1OCFR20.1301 compliance has not been elected.As a means of assuring that annual concentration limits will not be exceeded, and as a matter of policy assuring that doses by the liquid pathway will be ALARA; RECS provides the following restriction: "The concentration of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to unrestricted areas shall be limited to ten times the concentration values in Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 to 10CFR20.1001-20.2402." This also meets the requirement of Station Technical Specifications and RECS.3.2.2 According to the footnotes to IOCFR20 Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2, if a radionuclide mix of known composition is released, the concentrations must be such that where the summation is over radionuclide i.Page 11.3-2 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I C 1  Radioactivity Concentration in Liquid Effluents to the Unrestricted Area [ECi/ml]Concentration of radionuclide I in liquid released to the unrestricted area.ECIL Effluent Concentration Limit in Liquid Effluents Released to the Unrestricted Area [p.Ci/ml]The allowable annual average concentration of radionuclide i in liquid effluents released to the unrestricted area. This concentration is specified in 10CFR20 Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2. Concentrations for noble gases are different and are specified in the stations' Technical Specifications and RECS.10 Multiplier to meet the requirements of Technical Specifications.
If either the identity or concentration of any radionuclide in the mixture is not known, special rules apply. These are given in the footnotes in 10CFR20 Appendix B, Table 2, Column When radioactivity is released to the unrestricted area with liquid discharge from a tank (e.g., a radwaste discharge tank), the concentration of a radionuclide in the effluent is calculated as follows: C,= Ct Waste Flow Dilution Flow (3-2)C 1  Concentration in Liquid effluent to the unrestricted area.[pCi/ml]Concentration of radionuclide i in liquid released to the unrestricted area.Cit Concentration in the Discharge Tank [pCi/ml]Measured concentration of radionuclide I in the discharge tank.The RECS and Technical Specifications require a specified sampling and analysis program to assure that liquid radioactivity concentrations at the point of release are maintained within the required limits. To comply with this provision, samples are analyzed in accordance with the radioactive liquid waste (or effluent)Page 11.3-3 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 sampling and analysis program in the TRM 3.11.c. Radioactivity concentrations in tank effluents are determined in accordance with Equation 3-2. Comparison with the Effluent Concentration Limit is made using Equation 3-1.3.3 Liquid Effluent Dose Calculation Requirements 3.3.1 RECS require determination of cumulative and projected dose contributions from liquid effluents for the current calendar quarter and the current calendar year at least once per 31 days. (See TRM Chapter 3.11.)For a release attributable to a processing or effluent system shared by more than one reactor unit, the dose due to an individual unit is obtained by proportioning the effluents among the units sharing the system. The allocation procedure is specified in section Operability and Use of the Liquid Radwaste Treatment System The design objectives of 10CFR50, Appendix I, RECS and Technical Specifications require that the liquid radwaste treatment system be operable and that appropriate portions be used to reduce releases of radioactivity when projected doses due to the liquid effluent from each reactor unit to restricted area boundaries exceed either of the following (see TRM Chapter 3.11, RECS);0 0.06 mrem to the total body in a 31-day period.0 0.2 mrem to any organ in a 31-day period.3.4 Dose Methodology
====3.4.1 Liquid====
Effluent Dose Method: General The dose from radioactive materials in liquid effluents considers the contributions for consumption of fish and potable water. All of these pathways are considered in the dose assessment unless demonstrated not to be present. While the adult is normally considered the maximum individual, the methodology provides for dose to be calculated for all four age groups. The dose to each organ (and to the total body) is calculated by the following expression:
Uq = F At ,,,ANC 1  (3-3)p I Page 11.3-4 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 I The summation is over exposure pathways p and radionuclides i.D ") Organ and Total Body Dose Due to Liquid Effluents (mrem]Dose to organ j (including total body) of age group a due to radioactivity in liquid effluents.
F Near Field Average Dilution Factor [dimensionless]
Dilution in the near field averaged over the period of interest.Defined as: F = Waste Flow (34)Dilution Flow x Z Waste Flow Liquid Radioactive Waste Flow [gpm]The average flow during disposal from the discharge structure release point into the receiving water body.Dilution Flow Dilution Water Flow During Period of Interest [gpm]Z Discharge Structure Mixing Factor [dimensionless]
Site-specific factor to account for the mixing effect of the discharge structure.
The factor addresses the dilution that occurs in the near field between the discharge structure and the body of water containing the fish in the liquid ingestion pathway (See section Duration of Release [hrs]C 1  Average Radionuclide Concentration
[p.Ci/ml]Average concentration of radionuclide I, in the undiluted liquid effluent during time period At.Aalpj Site-Specific Liquid Dose Factor [(mrem/hr)/(piCi/ml)]
Site-specific dose factor for age group a, nuclide i, liquid pathway p and organ j. The pathways included are potable water and fish ingestion.
Aajpj is defined for these pathways in the following sections.
Values for Aaipj are provided in Part II Section 3.5 of this ODCM.Page 11.3-5 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 3.4.2 Potable Water Pathway The site-specific potable water pathway dose factor is calculated by the following expression:
= koa{ DFL.i (3-5)Where: AaI(pwv)j Site-Specific Dose Factor for Potable Water Pathway ((mrem/hr)/(jtCi/ml)]
Site-specific potable water ingestion dose factor for age group a, nuclide I and organ j.k, Conversion,, Constant (11.14E05)
Units constant to convert years to hours, pCi to gCi and liters to ml.Uaw Potable Water Consumption Rate [I/yr]Potable water consumption rate for age group a. Taken frdm Table E-5 of Regulatory Guide 1.109.Dw Potable Water Dilution Factor [dimensionless]
Dilution factor from the near field area within one-quarter mile of the release point to the potable water intake (See Section'
DFLal),ingestion.,DoseConversion Factor [mrem/pCi]
Ingestion dose conver.s osion factor for age group a, nuclide I and organj. oCnvets pCiingested tb mrie-m. Taken from Tables E-1sE14 of Regulator Guide 1.109. The value for H-3 is taken fromNUREG4013 (Reference 107).Page 11.3-6 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 I 3.4.3 Fish Ingestion Pathway The site-specific fish ingestion pathway dose factor is calculated by the following expression:
= koUF.BFDFL.jJ (3-6)Where: Aal(Flsh)j Site-Specific Dose Factor for Fish Ingestion Pathway Site-specific fish ingestion dose factor for age group a, nuclide i and organ j.UaF Fish Consumption Rate [kg/yr]Fish consumption rate for age group a. Taken from Table E-5 of Regulatory Guide 1.109.BF, Bioaccumulation Factor [(pCi/kg)/(pCi/l)]
Bioaccumulation factor for nuclide i in fresh water fish.Taken from Table 3-8.All other terms have been previously defined.3.4.4 Offsite doses due to projected releases of radioactive materials in liquid effluents are calculated using Equation 3-3. Projected radionuclide release concentrations are used in place of measured concentrations, C 1.3.5 Site Specific Dose Factors and Bioaccumulation Factors 3.5.1 There are no public potable water intakes on the Rock River downstream of the station.3.5.2 There is no irrigation occurring on the Rock River downstream of the station.3.5.3 Recreation includes one or more of the following:
boating, water-skiing, swimming, and sport fishing.Page 11.3-7 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 3.5.4 According to Section and Figure 2.4-5 of the Byron Environmental Report, there are four downstream dams on the Rock River within approximately 50 miles of the station one at Oregon, one at Dixon and two at Sterling.3.5.5 Water and Fish Ingestion Parameters Dw= 10 (potable water dilution factor, dimensionless) Z = 32 (discharge structure mixing factor, dimensionless) 3.5.6 Site-specific dose factors for potable water consumption are shown in Table 3-1 for adult, Table 3-2 for teen, Table 3-3 for child, and Table 3-4 for infant age groups. These tables include dose factors for the bone, liver, total body, thyroid, kidney, lung, and GI (lower large intestines).
3.5.7 Site-specific dose factors for fish ingestion are shown in Table 3-5 for adult, Table 3-6 for teen, and Table 3-7 for child age groups.These tables include dose factors for the bone, liver, total body, thyroid, kidney, lung, and GI (lower large intestines).
Page 11.3-8 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 3-1 Site Specific Potable Water Dose Factors for Adult Age Group Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI H-3 0.OOE+00 4.98E-01 4.98E-01 4.98E-01 4.98E-01 4.98E-01 4.98E-01 Na-24 1.41E+0 1.41E+01 1.41E+01 1.41E+01 1.41E+01 1.41E+01 1.41E+0I Cr-51 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.21E-02 1.32E-02 4.88E-03 2.94E-02 5.57E+00 Mn-54 0.OOE+00 3.80E+01 7.26E+00 0.OOE+00 1.13E+O1 0.OOE+00 1.17E+02 Mn-56 O.OOE+00 9.57E-01 1.70E-01 O.OOE+00 1.22E+00 O.OOE+00 3.05E+O1 Fe-55 2.29E+01 1,58E+01 3.69E+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.82E+00 9.07E+00 Fe-59 3.61E+O1 8.49E+01 3.25E+01 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.37E+01 2.83E+02 Co-58 O.OOE+00 6.20E+00 1.39E+01 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.26E+02 Co-60 O.OOE+00 1.78E+01 3.93E+O1 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.35E+02 Ni-63 1.08E+03 7.50E+01 3.63E+01 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.56E+01 Ni-65 4.39E+00 5.71E-01 2.60E-01 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.45E+01 Cu-64 O.OOE+00 6.93E-01 3.25E-01 0.OOE+00 1.75E+00 0.OOE+00 5.91E+01 Zn-65 4.03E+01 1.28E+02 5.79E+01 O.OOE+00 8.57E+01 O.OOE+00 8.07E+01 Zn-69 8.57E-02 1.64E-01 1.14E-02 0.OOE+00 1.07E-01 0.OOE+00 2.46E-02 Br-83 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.35E-01 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.82E-01 Br-84 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.34E-01 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.40E-06 Br-85 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.78E-02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O Rb-86 O.OOE+00 1.76E+02 8.18E+01 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.46E+01 Rb-88 O.OOE+00 5.03E-01 2.67E-01 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+0 0.OOE+00 6.96E-12 Rb-89 O.OOE+00 3.34E-01 2.35E-01 O.OOE+001 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.94E-14 Sr-89 2.56E+03 0.OOE+00 7.36E+01 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.11E+02 Sr-90 7.25E+04 O.OOE+00 1.46E+03 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.82E+03 Sr-91 4.72E+01 0.OOE+00 1 .91E+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.25E+02 Sr-92 1.79E+01 O.OOE+00 7.74E-01 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.55E+02 Y-90 8.01E-02 0.OOE+00 2.15E-03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8.49E+02 Y-91M 7.56E-04 O.OOE+00 2.93E-05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.22E-03 Y-91 1.17E+00 0.OOE+00 3.14E-02 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.46E+02 Y-92 7.03E-03 O.OOE+00 2.06E-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.23E+02 Y-93 2.23E-02 0.OOE+00 6.16E-04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7.07E+02 Zr-95 2.53E-01 8.11E-02 5.49E-02 0.OOE+00 1.27E-01 O.OOE+00 2.57E+02 Zr-97 1.40E-02 2.82E-03 1.29E-03 O.OOE+00 4.26E-03 0.OOE+00 8.74E+02 Nb-95 5.18E-02 2.88E-02 1.55E-02 O.OOE+00 2.85E-02 0.OOE+00 1.75E+02 Mo-99 O.OOE+00 3.59E+01 6.82E+00 O.OOE+00 8.12E+01 0.OOE+00 8.31E+O1 Tc- 99M 2.06E-03 5.8 1E-03 7.40E-02 0.OOE+00 8.82E-02 2.85E-03 3.44E+00 Tc-101 2.11E-03 3.05E-03 2.99E-02 0.OOE+00 5.48E-02 1.56E-03 9.15E-15 Ru-103 1.54E+00 O.OOE+00 6.63E-01 0.OOE+00 5.88E+00 0.OOE+00 1.80E+02 Ru-105 1.28E-01 0.OOE+00 5.06E-02 O.OOE+00 1.66E+00 O.OOE+00 7.84E+O1 Ru-106 2.29E+O1 0.OOE+00 2.90E+00 0.OOE+00 4.42E+01 O.OOE+00 1.48E+03 Ag-I IOM 1.33E+00 1.23E+00 7.32E-01 0.00E+00 2.42E+00 0.0OE+00 5.03E+02 Te-125M 2.23E+01 8.08E+00 2.99E+00 6.71E+00 9.07E+01 0.OOE+00 8.90E+O1 Page 11.3-9 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 3-1 (continued)
Site Specific Potable Water Dose Factors for Adult Age Group I Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Te-127M 5.63E+01 2.01E+01 6.87E+00 1.44E+01 2.29E+02 0.OOE+00 1.89E+02 Te-127 9.15E-01 3.29E-01 1.98E-01 6.78E-01 3.73E+00 O.OOE+00 7.22E+01 Te-129M 9.57E+01 3.57E+01 1.51E+01 3.29E+01 3.99E+02 0.OOE+00 4.82E+02 Te-129 2.61E-01 9.82E-02 6.37E-02 2.01E-01 1.1OE+00 0.OOE+00 1.97E-01 Te-131M 1.44E+O1 7.04E+00 5.87E+00 1.12E+O1 7.13E+01 0.OOE+00 6.99E+02 Te-131 1.64E-01 6.85E-02 5.18E-02 1.35E-01 7.18E-01 0.OOE+00 2.32E-02 Te-132 2.1OE+01 1.36E+01 1.27E+01 1.50E+01 1.31E+02 0.OOE+00 6.42E+02 1-130 6.29E+00 1.86E+01 7.32E+00 1.57E+03 2.90E+O1 0.OOE+00 1.60E+01 1-131 3.46E+O1 4.95E+01 2.84E+01 1.62E+04 8.49E+01 0.OOE+00 1.31E+01 1-132 1.69E+00 4.52E+00 1.58E+00 1.58E+02 7.20E+00 0.OOE+00 8.49E-01 1-133 1.18E+01 2.06E+01 6.27E+00 3.02E+03 3.59E+01 0.OOE+00 1.85E+01 1-134 8.82E-01 2.40E+00 8.57E-01 4.15E+01 3.81E+00 0.OOE+00 2.09E-03 1-135 3.69E+00 9.65E+00 3.56E+00 6.37E+02 1.55E+01 0.OOE+00 1.09E+01 Cs-134 5.18E+02 1.23E+03 1.01E+03 0.OOE+00 3.99E+02 1.32E+02 2.16E+01 Cs-136 5.42E+01 2.14E+02 1.54E+02 0.00E+00 1.19E+02 1.63E+01 2.43E+01 Cs-137 6.63E+02 9.07E+02 5.94E+02 0.OOE+00 3.08E+02 1.02E+02 1.76E+01 Cs-138 4.59E-01 9.07E-01 4.49E-01 0.OOE+00 6.67E-01 6.58E-02 3.87E-06 Ba-139 8.07E-01 5.75E-04 2.36E-02 0.OOE+00 5.38E-04 3.26E-04 1.43E+00 Ba-140 1.69E+02 2.12E-01 1.11E+01 O.OOE+00 7.22E-02 1.22E-01 3.48E+02 Ba-141 3.92E-01 2.96E-04 1.32E-02 0.00E+00 2.75E-04 1.68E-04 1.85E-10 Ba-142 1.77E-01 1.82E-04 1.12E-02 0.OOE+00 1.54E-04 1.03E-04 2.50E-19 La-140 2.08E-02 1.05E-02 2.77E-03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7.70E+02 La-142 1.07E-03 4.84E-04 1.21E-04 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.54E+00 Ce-141 7.79E-02 5.27E-02 5.98E-03 O.OOE+00 2.45E-02 0.OOE+00 2.01E+02 Ce-143 1.37E-02 1.02E+01 1.12E-03 O.OOE+00 4.47E-03 O.OOE+00 3.79E+02 Ce-144 4.06E+00 1.70E+00 2.18E-01 O.OOE+00 1.01E+00 0.OOE+00 1.37E+03 Pr-143 7.66E-02 3.07E-02 3.79E-03 0.OOE+00 1.77E-02 0.OOE+00 3.35E+02 Pr-144 2.50E-04 1.04E-04 1.27E-05 0.OOE+00 5.87E-05 O.OOE+00 3.60E-1 1 Nd-147 5.23E-02 6.05E-02 3.62E-03 0.OOE+00 3.54E-02 0.OOE+00 2.90E+02 W-187 8.57E-01 7.17E-01 2.50E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 2.35E+02 Np-239 9.90E-03 9.74E-04 5.37E-04 0.OOE+00 3.04E-03 O.OOE+00 2.OOE+02 Notes: 1) Units are mrem/hr per ptCi/ml.Page 11.3-10 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 3-2 Site Specific Potable Water Dose Factors for Teen Age Group Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI H-3 O.OOE+00 3.51E-01 3.51E-01 3.51E-01 3.51E-01 3.51E-01 3.51E-01 Na-24 1.34E+01 1.34E+01 1.34E+01 1.34E+01 1.34E+01 1.34E+01 1.34E+01 Cr-51 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.09E-02 1.16E-02 4.59E-03 2.99E-02 3.52E+00 Mn-54 0.OOE+00 3.43E+01 6.80E+00 O.OOE+00 1.02E+01 O.OOE+00 7.03E+01 Mn-56 0.OOE+00 9.19E-01' 1.63E-01 O.OOE+00 1.16E+00 0.OOE+00 6.05E+01 Fe-55 2.20E+01 1.56E+01 3.63E+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9.88E+00 6.74E+00 Fe-59 3.41E+01 7.97E+01 3.08E+O1 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 2.51E+OI 1.88E+02 Co-58 0.OOE+00 5.65E+00 1.30E+01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 7.79E+01 Co-60 0.OOE+00 1.63E+01 3.68E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.13E+02 Ni-63 1.03E+03 7.27E+01 3.49E+01 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.16E+O1 Ni-65 4.35E+00 5.56E-01 2.53E-01 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.02E+01 Cu-64 O.OOE+00 6.69E-01 3.15E-01 0.OOE+00 1.69E+00 0.OOE+00 5.19E+O1 Zn-65 3.35E+01 1.16E+02 5.42E+01 0.OOE+00 7.44E+01 0.OOE+00 4.92E+01 Zn-69 8.55E-02 1.63E-01 1.14E-02 0.OOE+00 1.06E-01 0.OOE+0O 3.OOE-01 Br-83 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.34E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Br-84 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.20E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 Br-85 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.77E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Rb-86 0.OOE+00 1.73E+02 8.14E+O1' O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.56E+01 Rb-88 O.OOE+00 4.95E-01 2.64E-01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.24E-08 Rb-89 0.OOE+00 3.20E-01 2.26E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.90E-10 Sr-89 2.56E+03 0.OOE+00 7.33E+01 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.05E+02 Sr-90 5.93E+04 O.OOE+00 1.19E+03 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.35E+03 Sr-91 4.69E+01 O.OOE+00 1.87E+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.13E+02 Sr-92 1.77E+01 O.OOE+00 7.56E-O1 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.52E+02 Y-90 7.97E-02 O.OOE+00 2.15E-03 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.57E+02 Y-91M 7.50E-04 0.OOE+00 2.87E-05 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.54E-02 Y-91 1.17E+00 O.OOE+00 3.13E-02 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.79E+02 Y-92 7.03E-03 0.OOE+00 2.03E-04 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.93E+02 Y-93 2.23E-02 0.OOE+00 6.1OE-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 6.80E+02 Zr-95 2.40E-01 7.56E-02 5.20E-02 0.OOE+00 1.11 E-01 0.OOE+00 1.74E+02 Zr-97 1.38E-02 2.73E-03 1.26E-03 0.OOE+00 4.13E-03 O.OOE+00 7.38E+02 Nb-95 4.78E-02 2.65E-02 1.46E-02 O.OOE+00 2.57E-02 O.OOE+00 1.13E+02 Mo-99 0.OOE+00 3.5 1E+01 6.69E+00 O.OOE+00 8.02E+01 0.OOE+00 6.28E+01 Tc- 99M 1.93E-03 5.38E-03 6.98E-02 O.OOE+00 8.02E-02 2.99E-03 3.53E+00 Tc-101 2.09E-03 2.98E-03 2.92E-02 O.OOE+00 5.38E-02 1.81E-03 5.09E-10 Ru-103 1.48E+00 0.OOE+00 6.34E-01 0.OOE+00 5.23E+00 0.OOE+00 1.24E+02 Ru-105 1.27E-01 O.OOE+00 4.92E-02 0.OOE+00 1.60E+00 O.OOE+00 1.02E+02 Ru-106 2.28E+01 O.OOE+00 2.87E+00 0.OOE+00 4.40E+01 O.OOE+00 1.09E+03 Ag-I IOM 1.19E+00 1.13E+00 6.86E-01 0.OOE+00 2.15E+00 O.OOE+00 3.17E+02 Te-125M 2.23E+01I 8.02E+00 2.98E+00 6.22E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 6.57E+01 Page 11.3-11 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I Table 3-2 (continued)
Site Specific Potable Water Dose Factors for Teen Age Group Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Te-127M 5.62E+01 1.99E+01 6.69E+00 1.34E+01 2.28E+02 0.OOE+00 1.40E+02 Te-127 9.19E-01I 3.26E-01 1.98E-01 6.34E-01 3.72E+00 0.OOE+00 7.09E+01 Te-129M 9.48E+01 3.52E+01 1.50E+01 3.06E+01 3.97E+02 0.OOE+00 3.56E+02 Te-129 2.60E-01 9.71E-02 6.34E-02 1.86E-01 1.09E+00 0.OOE+00 1.42E+00 Te-131M 1.42E+01 6.80E+00 5.67E+00 1.02E+01 7.09E+01 0.OOE+00 5.46E+02 Te-131 1.62E-01 6.69E-02 5.07E-02 1.25E-01 7.09E-01 0.OOE+00 1.33E-02 Te-132 2.03E+01 1.28E+01 1.21E+01 1.35E+01 1.23E+02 0.OOE+00 4.07E+02 1-130 5.99E+00 1.73E+01 6.92E+00 1.41E+03 2.67E+01 0.OOE+00 1.33E+01 1-131 3.40E+01 4.76E+01 2.56E+01 1.39E+04 8.20E+01 0.OOE+00 9.42E+00 1-132 1.62E+00 4.24E+00 1.52E+00 1.43E+02 6.69E+00 0.OOE+00 1.85E+00 1-133 1.17E+01 1.98E+01 6.05E+00 2.77E+03 3.48E+01 0.OOE+00 1.50E+01 1-134 8.49E-01 2.25E+00 8.08E-01 3.75E+01 3.55E+00 0.OOE+00 2.97E-02 1-135 3.55E+00 9.13E+00 3.38E+00 5.87E+02 1.44E+01 0.OOE+00 1.O1E+01 Cs-134 4.87E+02 1.15E+03 5,31E+02 0.OOE+00 3.64E+02 1.39E+02 1.42E+O1 Cs-136 4.99E+01 1.97E+02 1.32E+02 O.OOE+00 1.07E+02 1.69E+01 1.58E+01 Cs-137 6.51E+02 8.66E+02 3.02E+02 0.OOE+00 2.95E+02 1.15E+02 1.23E+01 Cs-138 4.51E-01 8.66E-01 4.33E-01 O.OOE+00 6.40E-01 7.44E-02 3.93E-04 Ba-139 8.08E-01 5.69E-04 2.35E-02 0.OOE+00 5.36E-04 3.92E-04 7.21E+00 Ba-140 1.65E+02 2.02E-01 1.06E+01 0.OOE+00 6.86E-02 1.36E-01 2.55E+02 Ba-141 3.90E-01 2.91E-04 1.30E-02 0.OOE+00 2.70E-04 1.99E-04 8.31E-07 Ba-142 1.74E-01 1.74E-04 1.07E-02 0.OOE+00 1.47E-04 1.16E-04 5.34E-13 La-140 2.02E-02 9.94E-03 2.65E-03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.71E+02 La- 142 1.04E-03 4.62E-04 1.1 5E-04 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.41E+01 Ce-141 7.73E-02 5.16E-02 5.93E-03 0.OOE+00 2.43E-02 0.OOE+00 1.48E+02 Ce-143 1.37E-02 9.94E+00 1.11E-03 0.OOE+00 4.46E-03 0.OOE+00 2.99E+02 Ce-144 4.05E+00 1.67E+00 2.17E-01 0.OOE+00 1.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.02E+03 Pr-143 7.62E-02 3.04E-02 3.79E-03 0.OOE+00 1.77E-02 0.OOE+00 2.5 1E+02 Pr-144 2.50E-04 1.02E-04 1.27E-05 0.OOE+00 5.87E-05 0.OOE+00 2.76E-07 Nd-147 5.45E-02 5.93E-02 3.55E-03 0.OOE+00 3.48E-02 0.OOE+00 2.14E+02 W-187 8.49E-01 6.92E-01 2.42E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.87E+02 Np-239 I 1.02E-02 9.65E-04 5.36E-04 0.OOE+00 3.03E-03 0.OOE+00 1.55E+02 Notes: 1) Units are mrem/hr per pCi/ml.Page 11.3-12 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I Table 3-3 Site Specific Potable Water Dose Factors for Child Age Group Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI H-3 O.OOE+00 6.74E-01 6.74E-01 6.74E-01 6.74E-01 6.74E-01 6.74E-0I Na-24 3.37E+O1 3.37E+O1I 3.37E+01 3.37E+O1 3.37E+01 3.37E+01 3.37E+OI Cr-51 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.17E-02 2.87E-02 7.85E-03 5.24E-02 2.74E+00 Mn-54 0.OOE+00 6.22E+01 1.66E+01 0.OOE+00 1.74E+01 0.OOE+00 5.22E+01 Mn-56 O.OOE+00 1.94E+00 4.38E-01 O.OOE+00 2.35E+00 O.OOE+00 2.81E+02 Fe-55 6.69E+O1 3.55E+01 1.IOE+01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.01E+01 6.57E+00 Fe-59 9.59E+01 1.55E+02 7.73E+01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.50E+01 1.62E+02 Co-58 0.OOE+00 1.05E+01 3.20E+01 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+0 6.1OE+01 Co-60 O.OOE+00 3.08E+01 9.07E+01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.70E+02 Ni-63 3.13E+03 1.67E+02 1.06E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.13E+O0 Ni-65 1.29E+O1 1.22E+00 7.09E-01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.49E+02 Cu-64 O.OOE+00 1.42E+00 8.60E-01 0.OOE+00 3.44E+00 O.OOE+00 6.69E+01 Zn-65 7.97E+01 2.12E+02 1.32E+02 O.OOE+00 1.34E+02 O.OOE+00 3.73E+01 Zn-69 2.55E-01 3.68E-01 3.40E-02 0.00E+00 2.23E-01 O.OOE+00 2.32E+01 Br-83 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9.94E-01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+0O Br-84 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.1 5E+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Br-85 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.30E-02 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O Rb-86 O.OOE+00 3.90E+02 2.40E+02 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.51E+01 Rb-88 0.OOE+00 1L1OE+00 7.67E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.42E-02 Rb-89 O.OOE+00 6.80E-01 6.05E-01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.93E-03 Sr-89 7.67E+03 O.OOE+00 2.199E+02 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 2.97E+02 Sr-90 1.49E+05 O.OOE+00 2.99E+03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0 0.OOE+00 1.33E+03 Sr-91 1.40E+02 0.OOE+00 5.27E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.08E+02 Sr-92 5.25E+01 O.OOE+00 2.1OE+00 0.OOE+OO O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9.94E+02 Y-90 2.39E-01 O.OOE+00 6.40E-03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 6.80E+02 Y-91M 2.22E-03 O.OOE+00 8.08E-05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.35E+00 Y-91 3.50E+00 0.OOE+00 9.36E-02 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 4.66E+02 Y-92 2.09E-02 0.OOE+00 5.99E-04 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 6.05E+02 Y-93 6.63E-02 O.OOE+00 1.82E-03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9.88E+02 Zr-95 6.74E-01 1.48E-01 1.32E-01 0.OOE+00 2.12E-01 O.OOE+00 1.55E+02 Zr-97 4.06E-02 5.87E-03 3.47E-03 O.OOE+00 8.43E-03 0.OOE+00 8.90E+02 Nb-95 1.31E-01 5.09E-02 3.64E-02 O.OOE+00 4.78E-02 0.OOE+00 9.42E+01 Mo-99 O.OOE+00 7.73E+01 1.91E+01 0.OOE+00 1.65E+02 O.OOE+00 6.40E+O1 Tc- 99M 5.37E-03 1.05E-02 1.74E-01 0.OOE+00 1.53E-01 5.34E-03 5.99E+00 Tc-101 6.22E-03 6.51E-03 8.26E-02 O.OOE+00 1.11E-01 3.44E-03 2.07E-02 Ru- 103 4.25E+00 0.00E+00 1.63E+00 O.OOE+00 1.07E+01 0.OOE+00 1.1 OE+02 Ru-105 3.75E-01 O.OOE+00 1.36E-01 0.OOE+00 3.30E+00 0.OOE+00 2.45E+02 Ru-106 6.80E+01 0.00E+00 8.49E+00 O.OOE+00 9.19E+O1 0.00E+OO 1.06E+03 A-I lOM 3.13E+00 2.12E+00 1.69E+00 O.OOE+00 3.94E+00 O.OOE+O0 2.52E+02 Te-125M 6.63E+01 1.80E+O1 8.84E+00 1.86E+01 0.00E+01 0.OOE+00 6.40E+01 Page 11.3-13 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 I Table 3-3 (continued)
Site Specific Potable Water Dose Factors for Child Age Group Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lunz GI-LLI Te-127M 1.68E+02 4.52E+01 1.99E+01 4.02E+01 4.79E+02 0.OOE+OO 1.36E+02 Te-127 2.74E+00 7.38E-01 5.87E-01 1.90E+00 7.79E+00 0.OOE+00 1.07E+02 Te-129M 2.83E+02 7.91E+01 4.40E+01 9.13E+01 8.31E+02 0.00E+00 3.45E+02 Te-129 7.79E-01 2.17E-01 1.85E-01 5.56E-01 2.28E+00 0.OOE+00 4.85E+01 Te-131M 4.19E+01 1.45E+01 1.54E+01 2.98E+01 1.40E+02 0.00E+00 5.87E+02 Te-131 4.83E-01 1.47E-01 1.44E-01 3.69E-01 1.46E+00 0.OOE+00 2.53E+00 Te-132 5.87E+01 2.60E+01 3.14E+01 3.78E+01 2.41E+02 0.OOE+00 2.62E+02 1-130 1.70E+01 3.43E+01 1.77E+01 3.78E+03 5.13E+01 0.00E+00 1.60E+01 1-131 1.OOE+02 1.01E+02 5.72E+O1 3.33E+04 1.65E+02 0.OOE+00 8.95E+00 1-132 4.65E+00 8.55E+00 3.93E+00 3.97E+02 1.31E+01 O.OOE+00 1.OIE+01 1-133 3.44E+O1 4.26E+01 1.61E+01 7.91E+03 7.09E+01 0.00E+00 1.72E+01 1-134 2.44E+00 4.52E+00 2.08E+00 1.04E+02 6.92E+00 O.OOE+00 3.00E+00 1-135 1.02E+01 1.83E+01 8.66E+00 1.62E+03 2.81E+01 0.OOE+00 1.40E+01 Cs-134 1.36E+03 2.23E+03 4.71E+02 0.OOE+00 6.92E+02 2.48E+02 1.20E+01 Cs-136 1.37E+02 3.76E+02 2.43E+02 0.OOE+00 2.OOE+02 2.98E+01 1.32E+01 Cs-137 1.90E+03 1.82E+03 2.69E+02 0.OOE+00 5.93E+02 2.13E+02 1.14E+01 Cs-138 1.33E+00 1.84E+00 1.17E+00 0.OOE+00 1.30E+00 1.40E-01 8.49E-01 Ba-139 2.41E+00 1.28E-03 6.98E-02 O.OOE+00 1.12E-03 7.56E-04 1.39E+02 Ba-140 4.83E+02 4.23E-01 2.82E+01 0.OOE+00 1.38E-01 2.52E-01 2.45E+02 Ba-141 1.16E+00 6.51E-04 3.78E-02 0.OOE+00 5.63E-04 3.83E-03 6.63E-01 Ba-142 5.08E-01 3.66E-04 2.84E-02 0.00E+00 2.96E-04 2.15E-04 6.63E-03 La-140 5.87E-02 2.05E-02 6.92E-03 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 5.72E+02 La-142 3.05E-03 9.71E-04 3.04E-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.92E+02 Ce-141 2.31E-01 1.15E-01 1.71E-02 O.OOE+00 5.05E-02 O.OOE+00 1.44E+02 Ce-143 4.06E-02 2.20E+01 3.19E-03 O.OOE+00 9.24E-03 O.OOE+00 3.23E+02 Ce-144 1.21E+01 3.79E+00 6.45E-01 0.OOE+00 2.1OE+00 O.OOE+00 9.88E+02 Pr-143 2.28E-01 6.86E-02 1.13E-02 0.OOE+00 3.72E-02 0.OOE+00 2.47E+02 Pr-144 7.50E-04 2.32E-04 3.77E-05 0.OOE+00 1.23E-04 0.OOE+00 4.99E-01 Nd-147 1.62E-01 1.31E-01 1.02E-02 O.OOE+00 7.21E-02 0.OOE+00 2.08E+02 W-187 2.49E+00 1.48E+00 6.63E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.08E+02 Np-239 3.05E-02 2.19E-03 1.54E-03 0.00E+00 6.34E-03 0.00E+00 1.62E+02 Notes: 1) Units are mrem/hr per pCi/ml.Page 11.3-14 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 I Table 3-4 Site Specific Potable Water Dose Factors for Infant Age Group Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI H-3 0.OOE+00 6.62E-01 6.62E-01 6.62E-01 6.62E-01 6.62E-01 6.62E-0I Na-24 3.80E+01 3.80E+01 3.80E+01 3.80E+01 3.80E+01 3.80E+01 3.80E+01 Cr-51 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 5.30E-02 3.46E-02 7.56E-03 6.73E-02 1.55E+00 Mn-54 O.OOE+00 7.49E+01 1.70E+01 0.00E+00 1.66E+01 0.001E+00 2.75E+01 Mn-56 0.00E+00 3.08E+00 5.30E-01 0.00E+00 2.64E+00 0.OOE+00 2.80E+02 Fe-55 5.23E+011 3.38E+01 9.03E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 1.65E+01 4.29E+00 Fe-59 1.16E+02 2.02E+02 7.98E+01 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 5.98E+01 9.67E+01 Co-58 0.00E+00 1.35E+01 3.388E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0 0.001E+00 3.37E+01 Co-60 0.OOE+00 4.06E+01 9.59E+01 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 9.67E+01 Ni-63 2.39E+03 1.47E+02 8.28E+01 O.OOE+00 0.003E+00 0.001E+00 7.34E+00 Ni-65 1.77E+01 2.OOE+00 9.10E-01 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 1.52E+02 Cu-64 0.OOE+00 2.29E+00 1.06E+00 0.0013+00 3.87E+00 0.00E+00 4.70E+01 Zn-65 6.92E+01 2.37E+02 1.09E+02 0.OOE+00 1.15E+02 0.00E+00 2.01E+02 Zn-69 3.511E-01 6.32E-01 4.70E-02 0.00E+00 2.63E-01 0.OOE+00 5.15E+01 Br-83 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 1.37E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.0013+00 0.OOE+00 Br-84 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.44E+00 0.00E+00 0.001E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Br-85 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.30E-02 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Rb-86 0.00E+00 6.40E+02 3.16E+02 0.0013+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.64E+01 Rb-88 0.OOE+00 1.87E+00 1.03E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 1.82E+00 Rb-89 0.OOE+00 1.08E+00 7.41E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.66E-01 Sr-89 9.44E+03 0.00E+00 2.7 11E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.94E+02 Sr-90 1.06E+05 0.00E+00 2.16E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 8.69E+02 Sr-91 1.88E+02 0.00E+00 6.811E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.001E+00 2.23E+02 Sr-92 7.22E+01 0.00E+00 2.68E+00 0.001E+00 0.00E+00 0.001E+00 7.79E+02 Y-90 3.27E-01 0.00E+00 8.77E-03 0.00E+00 0.001E+00 0.00E+00 4.511E+02 Y-91M 3.05E-03 0.00E+00 1.04E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.02E+01 Y-91 4.25E+00 0.00E+00 1.13E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.05E+02 Y-92 2.88E-02 0.00E+00 8.09E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.49E+02 Y-93 9.14E-02 0.00E+00 2.49E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.22E+02 Zr-95 7.75E-01 1.89E-01 1.34E-01 0.00E+00 2.04E-01 0.00E+00 9.411E+01 Zr-97 5.57E-02 9.56E-03 4.36E-03 0.00E+00 9.63E-03 0.00E+00 6.09E+02 Nb-95 1.58E-01 6.511E-02 3.76E-02 0.00E+00 4.66E-02 0.00E+00 5.49E+01 Mo-99 0.00E+00 1.28E+02 2.49E+01 0.00E+00 1.91E+02 0.001E+00 4.211E+01 Tc- 99M 7.22E-03 1.49E-02 1.92E-01 0.00E+00 1.60E-01 7.79E-03 4.33E+00 Tc-101 8.54E-03 1.08E-02 1.06E-01 0.00E+00 1.28E-01 5.87E-03 1.83E+00 Ru-103 5.57E+00 0.001E+00 1.86E+00 0.00E+00 1.16E+01 0.001E+00 6.77E+01 Ru-105 5.12E-01 0.001E+00 1.72E-01 0.00E+00 3.76E+00 0.00E+00 2.04E+02 Ru-106 9.07E+01 0.00E+00 1.13E+01 0.001E+00 1.07E+02 0.00E+00 6.88E+02 Ag-1 OM 3.75E+00 2.73E+00 1.81E+00 0.001E+00 3.911E+00 0.00E+00 1.42E+02 Te-125M 8.77E+01 2.93E+01 1.19E+01 2.95E+01 0.001E+00 0.00E+00 4.18E+01 Page 11.3-15 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I Table 3-4 (continued)
Site Specific Potable Water Dose Factors for Infant Age Group Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thvroid Kidnev Lune GI-LLI Te-127M 2.20E+02 7.30E+01 2.66E+01 6.36E+01 5.42E+02 0.OOE+00 8.88E+01 Te-127 3.76E+00 1.26E+00 8.09E-01 3.06E+00 9.18E+00 0.OOE+00 7.90E+01 Te-129M 3.76E+02 1.29E+02 5.79E+01 1.44E+02 9.41E+02 0.OOE+00 2.25E+02 Te-129 1.07E+00 3.68E-01 '2.49E-01 8.95E-01 2.66E+00 0.001E+00 8.54E+01 Te-131M 5.72E+/-01 2.30E+01 l.90E+01 4.66E+01 1.58E+02 0.OOE+00 3.87E+02 Te-131 6.62E-01 2.45E-01 1.86E01 M'591E-01 1.69E+00 O.OOE+00 2.67E+01 Te-132 7.82E+01 3.87E+01 3.62Et01 5.72E+01 2.42E+02 0.00E+00 1.43E+02 I130 2.26E+01 4.97E+01 1.99E+01 5.57E+03 5.45E+01 0.OOE+00 1.06E+01 1-131 1.35E+02 1.59E+02 7.00E+01 5.23E+04 1.86E+02 0.0OE+00 5.68E-00 1432 6.24E+00 1.27E+01 4.51E-&#xfd;00
-5.94E+02 1.41E+01 0.O0E+00 1.03E+01 1-133 4.70E+01 6.85E+01 2.01E+01 1:25E+04 8.05E+-01 O.OOE+00 1.16E+01 1-134 3.27E+00 6070E+00 2;38E+00:1.56E+02 7.49E+00 0.OOE+/-00 6.92E+00 1-135 1.37E+01 2.72E+01 9.93E400 '2.44E+03 3.04E+01 0.0.E+00 9.86E+00 Cs-134 1.42E+03 2.64E+03 ,2.67E+02
,0013+000 6.81E802+2.79E-02 7.19E-00 Cs-136 1.73E+02 5.08E+02 I90E +02 0.00E+00 2.02E402 4.14E+O1 7.71E+00 Cs-137 1.96E+03 2.30E+03 1.63E+02 0.OOE&#xf7;00 6.17E+02 2.50E+02 7.19E+/-0 Cs-138 1.81E+00 2.94E+00 1.4'3E+/-00 0.OO+00 1.47E400 2'29E-01 4.70E+-00 Ba-1393'.
31E 0O 2.20E-03 9.59E-02 0.OE+00 1;.32E-03 L331E-03 2.1.0E402 Ba-140 6.433E+02 6.43E-01 3.311E+01 0.OOE+00 1.53E-01i'3.95E-01 1.58E+02 Ba-141 1.60E4-00 1.09E-03 5'.04E-02 0.OoE+00 6.58E-04 6.66E-04 1.95E+01 Ba-142 6.92E-01 5.76E-04.
3.41E-02 .0.OOE+00 3.3ElE-04 3.48E-04 '2.86E+00 La-140: 7.94E'02 3.13E-02 8.05E-'0300.tOO00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.68EV02 La-142 4.14E-03 1.52E-03 3.64E-04 .00E+00[ 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 2.58E+02 Ce-141 296E-01 1.81E&01 211'3E-02 0.OOE+00 '5.57E-02
:O.OOE+00 9.33E,+01 Ce-143 5.57E-02 3,69E+01.
4.2iE-03 0,00E+00 :1.08E-02 0.00E+00 2.6E+02 Ce-144 1.12E+0I 4.59E+00 6.28E-01 0.06E+00 -1.85E+00 0.00E+00 6.43E+02 Pr-143 3.'06E'01 1..14E-0!
1.52E-02 0I00E+00 -4,25E-02
,0OOE+001.61E+02 Pr-144 1.03E-03 3.99E 04 5.i9E-05 0.00E+00 i.44E-04 0.O0E+00 1'85E+01 Nd-147 2.08E-01t 2.14E-01 1';31E-02
'O.OOE+00 8.24E-02' 0.00E+00 1.35E-02 W- 187. 3.40E+00 2,36E+00 8,16E-061 0.O0OE+00
.0.0E+00 0.OOE+00 1.39E+02 Np-239 4.18E-02 3.74E-03 21,!E-03 7.45E,03 O0OOE+O0 L08E+02 Notes: 1) Units are mrem/hr per p.Ci/ml.Page 11.3-16 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 3-5 I Site Specific Fish Ingestion Dose Factors for Adult Age Group Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI H-3 O.OOE+00' 1.29E-01 1.29E-01 1.29E-01 1.29E-01 1.29E1-01 1.29E-O1 Na-24 4.07E+02.
4.07E+02 4.07E+02 4.07E+02 4.07E+02 4.07E+02 4.07E+02 Cr-51 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.27E+00 7.61E-01 2.81E-01 1.69E+00 3.20E+02 Mn-54 O.OOE+00 4.38E+03 8.35E+02 O.OOE+00 1.30E+03 O.OOE+00 1.34E+04 Mn-56 O.OOE+00 1.10E+02 1.95E+01 O.OOE+00 1.40E+02 O.OOE+00 3.51E+03 Fe-55 6.58E+021 4.55E+02 1.06E+02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.54E+02 2.61E+02 Fe-59 1.04E+031 2.44E+03 9.36E+02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 6.82E+02 8.14E+03 Co-58 O.OOE+00 8.92E+O1 2.OOE+02 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.81E+03 Co-60 O.OOE+00 2.56E+02 5.65E+02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 4.81E+03 Ni-63 3.11E+04 2.16E+03 1.04E+03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.50E+02 Ni-65 1.26E+021 1.64E+01 7.49E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.17E+02 Cu-64 O.OOE+00 I 9.97E+00 4.68E+00 O.OOE+00 2.511E+01 O.OOE+00 8.50E+02 Zn-65 2.32E+04 7.37E+04 3.33E+04 0.00E+00 4.93E+04 O.OOE+00 4.64E+04 Zn-69 4.93E+01 9.43E+01 6.56E+00 0.00E+00 6.13E+O1 O.OOE+00 1.42E+01 Br-83 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.04E+01 O.OOE+0O O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.82E+O1 Br-84 O.OOE+00 i O.OOE+00 5.24E+01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 4.11 E-04 Br-85 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.15E+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+0O Rb-86 O.OOE+00 1.01E+05 4.71E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.99E+04 Rb-88 O.OOE+00 2.90E+02 1.54E+02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.003E+00 4.OOE-09 Rb-89 O.OOE+00 1.92E+02 1.35E+02 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.12E-11 Sr-89 2.21E+04 O.OOE+00 6.35E+02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.55E+03 Sr-90 6.26E+05 O.OOE+00 1.26E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.57E+04 Sr-91 4.07E+02 O.OOE+00 1.64E+01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.94E+03 Sr-92 1.54E+02 O.OOE+00 6.68E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+oo 3.06E+03 Y-90 5.76E-01 0.00E+00 1.54E-02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 6.1OE+03 Y-91M 5.44E-03 O.OOE+00 2.11E-04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 1.60E-02 Y-91 8.44E+00 0.00E+00 2.26E-01 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.64E+03 Y-92 5.06E-02 O.OOE+00 1.48E-03 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 8.86E+02 Y-93 1.60E-01 O.OOE+00 4.43E-03 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 5.09E+03 Zr-95 2.40E-01 7.70E-02 5.21E-02 O.OOE+00 1.21E-01 O.OOE+00 2.44E+02 Zr-97 1.33E-02 2.68E-03 1.22E-03 O.OOE+00 4.04E-03 O.OOE+00 8.30E+02 Nb-95 4.47E+02 2.48E+02 1.34E+02 O.OOE+00 2.46E+02 O.OOE+00 1.51E+06 Mo-99 O.OOE+00 1.03E+02 1.96E+01 O.OOE+00 2.34E+02 O.OOE+00 2.39E+02 Tc- 99M 8.87E-03 2.51E-02 3.19E-01 O.OOE+00 3.81E-01 1.23E-02 1.48E+01 Tc-101 9.12E-03 1.31E-02 1.29E-01 0.00E+00 2.37E-01 6.72E-03 3.95E-14 Ru-103 4.43E+00 O.OOE+00 1.91E+00 O.OOE+00 1.69E+01 O.OOE+00 5.17E+02 Ru-105 3.69E-01 O.OOE+00 1.46E-01 O.OOE+00 4.76E+00 O.OOE+00 2.26E+02 Ru-106 6.58E+01 O.OOE+00 8.33E+00 0.00E+00 1.27E+02 O.OOE+0O 4.26E+03 Ag-I10M 8.81E-01 8.15E-01 4.84E-01 O.OOE+00 1.60E+00 O.OOE+00 3.33E+02 Te-125M 2.57E+03 9.30E+02 3.44E+02 7.72E+02 1.04E+04 O.OOE+0O 1.02E+04 Page 11.3-17 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 3-5 (continued)
Site Specific Fish Ingestion Dose Factors for Adult Age Group Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung I GI-LLI Te-127M 6.48E+03 2.32E+03 7.90E+02 1.66E+03 2.63E+04 O.OOE+00 2.17E+04 Te-127 1.05E+02 3.78E+01 2.28E+01 7.80E+01 4.29E+02 0.OOE+00 8.31E+03 Te-129M 1.1OE+04 4.11E+03 1.74E+03 3.78E+03 4.60E+04 0.OOE+00 5.54E+04 Te-129 3.01E+01 1.13E+01 7.33E+00 2.31E+O1 1.26E+02 0.OOE+00 2.27E+O1 Te-131M 1.66E+03 8.1OE+02 6.75E+02 1.28E+03 8.21E+03 O.OOE+00 8.04E+04 Te-131 1.89E+01 7.88E+00 5.96E+00 1.55E+01 8.26E+01 0.OOE+00 2.67E+00 Te-132 2.41E+03 1.56E+03 1.47E+03 1.72E+03 1.50E+04 0.OOE+00 7.38E+04 1-130 2.71E+O1 8.01E+01 3.16E+01 6.79E+03 1.25E+02 0.OOE+00 6.89E+01 1-131 1.49E+02 2.14E+02 1.22E+02 7.OOE+04 3.66E+02 O.OOE+00 5.64E+01 1-132 7.29E+00 1.95E+01 6.82E+00 6.82E+02 3.1 1E+01 0.OOE+00 3.66E+00 1-133 5.1OE+01 8.87E+01 2.70E+O1 1.30E+04 1.55E+02 0.OOE+00 7.97E+01 1-134 3.81E+00 1.03E+01 3.70E+00 1.79E+02 1.64E+01 O.OOE+00 9.01E-03 1-135 1.59E+01 4.17E+01 1.54E+01 2.75E+03 6.68E+01 O.OOE+00 4.70E+01 Cs-134 2.98E+05 7.09E+05 5.79E+05 0.OOE+00 2.29E+05 7.61E+04 1.24E+04 Cs-136 3.12E+04 1.23E+05 8.86E+04 0.OOE+00 6.85E+04 9.38E+03 1.40E+04 Cs-137 3.82E+05 5.22E+05 3.42E+05 0.OOE+00 1.77E+05 5.89E+04 1.01E+04 Cs-138 2.64E+02 5.22E+02 2.59E+02 0.OOE+00 3.84E+02 3.79E+01 2.23E-03 Ba-139 9.29E-01 6.62E-04 2.72E-02 0.OOE+00 6.19E-04 3.75E-04 1.65E+00 Ba- 140 1.94E+02 2.44E-0 1 1.27E+01 0.OOE+00 8.30E-02 1.40E-01 4.OOE+02 Ba-141 4.51E-01 3.41E-04 1.52E-02 0.OOE+00 3.17E-04 1.93E-04 2.13E-10 Ba-142 2.04E-01 2.1OE-04 1.28E-02 0.OOE+00 1.77E-04 1.19E-04 2.87E-19 La-140 1.50E-01 7.54E-02 1.99E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.54E+03 La-142 7.66E-03 3.48E-03 8.68E-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.54E+01 Ce-141 2.24E-02 1.52E-02 1.72E-03 O.OOE+00 7.04E-03 0.OOE+00 5.79E+01 Ce-143 3.95E-03 2.92E+00 3.23E-04 0.OOE+00 1.29E-03 0.OOE+00 1.09E+02 Ce-144 1.17E+00 4.88E-01 6.27E-02 0.OOE+00 2.90E-01 0.OOE+00 3.95E+02 Pr-143 5.5 1E-01 2.21E-01 2.73E-02 0.OOE+00 1.27E-01 0.OOE+00 2.41E+03 Pr-144 1.80E-03 7.48E-04 9.16E-05 0.OOE+00 4.22E-04 0.OOE+00 2.59E-10 Nd-147 3.76E-01 4.35E-01 2.60E-02 0.OOE+00 2.54E-01 0.OOE+00 2.09E+03 W-187 2.96E+02 2.47E+02 8.65E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8.1OE+04 Np-239 2.85E-02 2.80E-03 1.54E-03 0.OOE+00 8.74E-03 0.OOE+O0 5.75E+02 Notes: 1) Units are mrem/hr per pCi/ml.Page 11.3-18 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 3-6 Site Specific Fish Ingestion Dose Factors for Teen Age Group Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung Nuclide GI-LLI H-3 0.OOE+00 9.92E-02 9.92E-02 9.92E-02 9.92E-02 9.92E-02 9.92E-02 Na-24 4.20E+02 4.20E+02 4.20E+02 4.20E+02 4.20E+02 4.20E+02 4.20E+02 Cr-51 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.31E+00 7.30E-01 2.88E-01 1.88E+00 2.21E+02 Mn-54 0.OOE+00 4.30E+03 8.54E+02 O.OOE+00 1.28E+03 O.OOE+00 8.83E+03 Mn-56 0.00E+00 1.15E+02 2.05E+01 0.00E+00 1.46E+02 0.OOE+00 7.59E+03 Fe-55 6.89E+02 4.89E+02 1.14E+02 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.1OE+02 2.12E+02 Fe-59 1.07E+03 2.50E+03 9.65E+02 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7.88E+02 5.91E+03 Co-58 0.OOE+00 8.86E+01 2.04E+02 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.22E+03 Co-60 0.00E+00 2.56E+02 5.77E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.34E+03 Ni-63 3.23E+04 2.28E+03 1.09E+03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.63E+02 Ni-65 1.37E+02 1.75E+01 7.95E+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 9.47E+02 Cu-64 0.OOE+00 1.05E+01 4.93E+00 0.00E+00 2.65E+01 O.OOE+00 8.14E+02 Zn-65 2. 1OE+04 7.30E+04 3.40E+04 0.OOE+00 4.67E+04 0.OOE+00 3.09E+04 Zn-69 5.36E+O1 1.02E+02 7.15E+00 0.OOE+00 6.68E+01 0.OOE+00 1.88E+02 Br-83 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+/-00 4.40E+O0 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Br-84 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.53E+01 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Br-85 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.34E+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 Rb-86 O.OOE+00 1.09E+05 5.11E+04 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.61E+04 Rb-88 0.OOE+00 3.11 E+02 1.66E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.66E-05 Rb-89 O.OOE+00 2.01E+02 1.42E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.08E-07 Sr-89 2.41E+04 O.OOE+00 6.89E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.87E+03 Sr-90 5.58E+05 0.00E+00 1.12E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.27E+04 Sr-91 4.42E+02 0.001E+00 1.76E+01 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.OOE+03 Sr-92 1.67E+02 0.OOE+00 7.11E+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.25E+03 Y-90 6.25E-01 0.00E+00 1.68E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.15E+03 Y-91M 5.88E-03 O.OOE+00 2.25E-04 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.78E-01 Y-91 9.17E+0 0.OOE+00 2.46E-01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.76E+03 Y-92 5.52E-02 0.OOE+00 1.60E-03 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.51E+03 Y-93 1.75E-01 O.OOE+00 4.79E-03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.34E+03 Zr-95 2.48E-01 7.82E-02 5.38E-02 0.OOE+00 1.15E-01 0.OOE+00 1.81E+02 Zr-97 1.43E-02 2.82E-03 1.30E-03 0.OOE+00 4.28E-03 0.OOE+00 7.64E+02 Nb-95 4.50E+02 2.50E+02 1.37E+02 0.OOE+00 2.42E+02 O.OOE+00 1.07E+06 Mo-99 0.00E+00 1.10E+02 2.1OE+01 0.00E+00 2.52E+02 O.OOE+00 1.97E+02 Tc- 99M 9.08E-03 2.53E-02 3.28E-01 0.OOE+00 3.78E-01 1.41E-02 1.66E+O1 Tc-101 9.85E-03 1.40E-02 1.38E-01 0.OOE+00 2.53E-01 8.54E-03 2.39E-09 Ru-103 4.65E+00 0.OOE+00 1.99E+00 O.OOE+00 1.64E+01 O.OOE+00 3.89E+02 Ru-105 3.98E-01 O.OOE+00 1.54E-01 0.OOE+00 5.02E+00 0.OOE+00 3.2 1E+02 Ru-106 7.15E+01 O.OOE+00 9.01E+0 0.OOE+00 1.38E+02 O.OOE+00 3.43E+03 Ag-ll0M 8.60E-01 8.14E-01 4.95E-01 0.OOE+00 1.55E+00 O.OOE+00 2.29E+02 Te-125M 2.79E+03 1.01E+03 3.74E+02 7.81E+02 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.24E+03 Page 11.3-19 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 I Table 3-6 (continued)
Site Specific Fish Ingestion Dose Factors for Teen Age Group Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Nuclide Te-127M 7.06E+03 2.50E+03 8.39E+02 1.68E+03 2.86E+04 0.OOE+00 1.76E+04 Te-127 1.15E+02 4.09E+01 2.48E+01 7.95E+01 4.67E+02 0.OOE+00 8.90E+03 Te-129M 1.19E+04 4.41E+03 1.88E+03 3.84E+03 4.98E+04 O.OOE+00 4.47E+04 Te-129 3.27E+01 1.22E+01 7.95E+00 2.33E+01 1.37E+02 O.OOE+00 1.79E+02 Te-131M 1.78E+03 8.54E+02 7.12E+02 1.28E+03 8.90E+03 O.OOE+00 6.85E+04 Te-131 2.04E+01 8.39E+00 6.36E+00 1.57E+01 8.90E+01 0.OOE+00 1.67E+00 Te-132 2.55E+03 1.61E+03 1.52E+03 1.70E+03 1.55E+04 0.OOE+00 5.11E+04 1-130 2.82E+01 8.15E+01 3.26E+01 6.65E+03 1.26E+02 0.OOE+00 6.27E+01 1-131 1.60E+02 2.24E+02 1.20E+02 6.54E+04 3.86E+02 O.OOE+00 4.43E+01 1-132 7.63E+00 2.OOE+01 7.17E+00 6.73E+02 3.15E+01 0.OOE+00 8.70E+00 1-133 5.50E+01 9.33E+01 2.85E+01 1.30E+04 1.64E+02 0.OOE+00 7.06E+01 1-134 3.99E+00 1.06E+01 3.80E+00 1.76E+02 1.67E+01 O.OOE+00 1.40E-01 1-135 1.67E+01 4.30E+01 1.59E+01 2.76E+03 6.79E+01 O.OOE+00 4.76E+01 Cs-134 3.05E+05 7.19E+05 3.33E+05 0.OOE+00 2.28E+05 8.72E+04 8.94E+03 Cs-136 3.13E+04 1.23E+05 8.28E+04 O.OOE+00 6.71E+04 1.06E+04 9.92E+03 Cs-137 4.09E+05 5,44E+05 1.89E+05 0.OOE+00 1.85E+05 7.19E+04 7.73E+03 Cs-138 2.83E+02 5.44E+02 2.72E+02 0.OOE+00 4.01E+02 4.67E+01 2.47E-01 Ba-139 1.01E+00 7.14E-04 2.95E-02 0.OOE+00 6.73E-04 4.92E-04 9.05E+00 Ba-140 2.07E+02 2.54E-01 1.34E+01 O.OOE+00 8.61E-02 1.71E-01 3.20E+02 Ba-141 4.90E-01 3.66E-04 1.63E-02 0.OOE+00 3.39E-04 2.50E-04 1.04E-06 Ba-142 2.18E-01 2.18E-04 1.34E-02 0.OOE+00 1.85E-04 1.45E-04 6.70E-13 La-140 1.59E-01 7.80E-02 2.07E-02 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 4.48E+03 La-142 8.16E-03 3.63E-03 9.03E-04 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.1OE+02 Ce-141 2.43E-02 1.62E-02 1.86E-03 0.OOE+00 7.62E-03 0.OOE+00 4.63E+01 Ce-143 4.29E-03 3.12E+00 3.48E-04 O.OOE+00 1.40E-03 0.OOE+00 9.38E+01 Ce-144 1.27E+00 5.25E-01 6.82E-02 0.OOE+00 3.14E-01 0.OOE+00 3.19E+02 Pr-143 5.97E-01 2.38E-01 2.97E-02 0.OOE+00 1.39E-01 0.OOE+00 1.97E+03 Pr-144 1.96E-03 8.03E-04 9.94E-05 0.OOE+00 4.61E-04 0.OOE+00 2.16E-06 Nd-147 4.28E-01 4.65E-01 2.79E-02 0.OOE+00 2.73E-01 0.OOE+00 1.68E+03 W-187 3.20E+02 2.60E+02 9.13E+01 0.I00-E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7.05E+04 Np-239 3.21E-02 3.03E-03 1.68E-03 0.OOE+00 9.50E-03 0.OOE+00 4.87E+02 Notes: 1) Units are mrem/hr per p.tCi/ml.Page 11.3-20 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 I Table 3-7 Site Specific Fish Ingestion Dose Factors for Child Age Group Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI H-3 O.OOE+00 8.21E-02 8.21E-02 8.21E-02 8.21E-02 8.21E-02 8.21E-02 Na-24 4.56E+02 4.56E+02 4.56E+02 4.56E+02 4.56E+02 4.56E+02 4.56E+02 Cr-51 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.40E+00 7.77E-01 2.12E-01 1.42E+00 7.43E+01 Mn-54 0.OOE+00 3.37E+03 8.97E+02 0.OOE+00 9.44E+02 0.OOE+00 2.83E+03 Mn-56 O.OOE+00 1.05E+02 2.37E+01 0.OOE+00 1.27E+02 0.OOE+00 1.52E+04 Fe-55 9.05E+02 4.80E+02 1.49E+02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.71E+02 8.89E+01 Fe-59 1.30E+03 2.1OE+03 1.05E+03 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 6.09E+02 2.19E+03 Co-58 O.OOE+00 7.08E+01 2.17E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.13E+02 Co-60 0.OOE+00 2.08E+02 6.14E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.15E+03 Ni-63 4.23E+04 2.27E+03 1.44E+03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.53E+02 Ni-65 1.75E+02 1.64E+01 9.60E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.01E+03 Cu-64 0.OOE+00 9.64E+00 5.82E+00 0.OOE+00 2.33E+01 O.OOE+00 4.52E+02 Zn-65 2.16E+04 5.74E+04 3.57E+04 0.OOE+00 3.62E+04 O.OOE+00 1.01E+04 Zn-69 6.89E+01 9.96E+01 9.20E+00 0.OOE+00 6.04E+01I 0.OOE+00 6.28E+03 Br-83 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.65E+01 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Br-84 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.54E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Br-85 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.01E+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Rb-86 0.OOE+00 1.05E+05 6.48E+04 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.78E+03 Rb-88 0.OOE+00 2.99E+02 2.08E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.47E+01 Rb-89 0.OOE+00 1.84E+02 1.64E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.60E+00 Sr-89 3.11EE+04 0.OOE+0O 8.90E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.21E+03 Sr-90 6.04E+05 0.OOE+00 1.22E+04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.40E+03 Sr-91 5.66E+02 O.OOE+00 2.14E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.25E+03 Sr-92 2.13E+02 0.OOE+00 8.54E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.04E+03 Y-90 8.08E-01 0.OOE+00 2.16E-02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.30E+03 Y-91M 7.51E-03 0.OOE+00 2.73E-04 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.47E+01 Y-91 1.18E+01 0.OOE+00 3.17E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.58E+03 Y-92 7.08E-02 O.OOE+00 2.03E-03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+001 0.OOE+00 2.05E+03 Y-93 2.24E-01 0.OOE+00 6.16E-03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.34E+03 Zr-95 3.01E-01 6.62E-02 5.89E-02 O.OOE+00 9.47E-02 0.OOE+00 6.90E+01 Zr-97 1.81E-02 2.62E-03 1.55E-03 0.OOE+00 3.76E-03 0.OOE+00 3.97E+02 Nb-95 5.3 1E+02 2.07E+02 1.48E+02 0.OOE+00I 1.94E+02 0.OOE+00 3.82E+05 Mo-99 0.OOE+00 1.05E+02 2.59E+01 O.OOE+00 2.23E+02 0.OOE+00 8.65E+O1 Tc- 99M 1.09E-02 2.14E-02 3.54E-01 O.OOE+00 3.1OE-01 1.08E-02 1.22E+01 Tc-101 1.26E-02 1.32E-02 1.68E-01 0.OOE+00 2.25E-01 6.99E-03 4.20E-02 Ru-103 5.75E+00 0.OOE+00 2.21E+00 O.OOE+00 1.45E+01 O.OOE+00 1.49E+02 Ru-105 5.07E-01 0.OOE+00 1.84E-01 0.OOE+00 4.46E+00 O.OOE+00 3.31E+02 Ru-106 9.20E+01 O.OOE+00 1.15E+O1 0.OOE+00 1.24E+02 O.OOE+00 1.43E+03 Ag-I IOM 9.75E-01 6.59E-01 5.26E-01 O.OOE+00 1.23E+00 O.OOE+00 7.83E+01 Te-125M 3.59E+03 9.72E+02 4.78E+02 1.01E+03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.46E+03 Page 11.3-21 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 3-7 (continued)
Site Specific Fish Ingestion Dose Factors for Child Age Group I Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Luna GI-LLI Te-127M 9.09E+03 2.45E+03 1.08E+03 2.17E+03 2.59E+04 0.OOE+00 7.36E+03 Te-127 1.48E+02 4.OOE+01 3.18E+01 1.03E+02 4.22E+02 0.OOE+00 5.79E+03 Te-129M 1.53E+04 4.28E+03 2.38E+03 4.94E+03 4.50E+04 0.OOE+00 1.87E+04 Te-129 4.22E+01 1.18E+01 1.OOE+01 3.01E+01 1.23E+02 0.OOE+00 2.62E+03 Te-131M 2.27E+03 7.83E+02 8.34E+02 1.61E+03 7.58E+03 0.OOE+00 3.18E+04 Te-131 2.61E+01 7.96E+00 7.77E+00 2.OOE+01 7.90E+01 0.OOE+00 1.37E+02 Te-132 3.18E+03 1.41E+03 1.70E+03 2.05E+03 1.3 1E+04 0.OOE+00 1.42E+04 1-130 3.45E+01 6.96E+01 3.59E+01 7.67E+03 1.04E+02 0.OOE+00 3.26E+01 1-131 2.03E+02 2.04E+02 1.16E+02 6.75E+04 3.35E+02 0.OOE+00 1.82E+01 1-132 9.44E+00 1.73E+01 7.98E+00 8.05E+02 2.65E+01 0.001E+00 2.04E+01 1-133 6.99E+01 8,64E+01 3.27E+01 1.60E+04 1.44E+02 0.OOE+00 3.48E+01 1-134 4.94E+00 9.18E+00 4.22E+00 2.11 E+02 1.40E+01 0.OOE+00 6.09E+00 1-135 2.06E+01 3.72E+01 1.76E+01 3.29E+03 5.70E+01 0.OOE+00 2.83E+01 Cs-134 3.68E+05 6.04E+05 1.27E+05 0.OOE+00 1.87E+05 6.72E+04 3.26E+03 Cs-136 3.70E+04 1.02E+05 6.58E+04 0.00E+00 5.41E+04 8.07E+03 3.57E+03 Cs-137 5.14E+05 4.92E+05 7.27E+04 0.OOE+00 1.60E+05 5.77E+04 3.08E+03 Cs-138 3.59E+02 4.99E+02 3.16E+02 0.OOE+00 3.51E+02 3.78E+01 2.30E1+02 Ba-139 1.30E+00 6.95E-04 3.78E-02 0.OOE+00 6.07E-04 4.09E-04 7.52E+01 Ba-140 2.61E+02 2.29E-01 1.53E+01 0.OOE+00 7.46E-02 1.37E-01 1.32E+02 Ba-141 6,29E-01 3.52E-04 2.05E-02 O.OOE+00 3.05E-04 2.07E-03 3.59E-01 Ba-142 2.75E-01 1.98E-04 1.54E-02 O.OOE+00 1.60E-04 1.16E-04 3.59E-03 La- 140 1.99E-01 6.94E-02 2.34E-02 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.94E+03 La-142 1.03E-02 3.28E-03 1.03E-03 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.51E+02 Ce-141 3.12E-02 1.56E-02 2.31E-03 0.00E+00 6.83E-03 0.OOE+00 1.94E+01 Ce-143 5.50E-03 2.98E+00 4.32E-04 O.OOE+00 1.25E-03 O.OOE+00 4.37E+01 Ce-144 1.64E+00 5.13E-01 8.73E-02 0.OOE+00 2.84E-01 0.OOE+00 1.34E+02 Pr-143 7.73E-01 2.32E-01 3.83E-02 0.OOE+00 1.26E-01 0.00E+00 8.34E+02 Pr-144 2.54E-03 7.85E-04 1.28E-04 0.OOE+00 4.15E-04 0.OOE+00 1.69E+00 Nd-147 5.49E-01 4.44E-01 3.44E-02 0.OOE+00 2.44E-01 0.OOE+00 7.04E+02 W-187 4.05E+02 2.40E+02 1.08E+02 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.37E+04 Np-239 4.13E-02 2.97E-03 2.08E-03 0.OOE+00 8.57E-03 0.OOE+00 2.19E+02 Notes: 1)2)Units are mrem/hr per jtCi/ml.The infant age group is assumed to receive no dose through the fish ingestion pathway;therefore, no dose factors are supplied.Page 11.3-22 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 3-8 Bioaccumulation Factors (BFI) to be Used in the Absence of Site-Specific Data Element BF, for Freshwater Fish Reference (pCi/kg per pCi/L)H 9.OE-01 6 Be 2.8E+01 Footnote 2 C 4.6E+03 6 F 2.2E+02 Footnote 16 Na 1.OE+02 6 Mg 2.8E+01 Footnote 2 Al 2.2E+03 Footnote 13 P 1.OE+05 6 Cl 2.2E+02 Footnote 16 Ar NA NA K 1.OE+03 Footnote 1 Ca 2.8E+01 Footnote 2 Sc 2.5E+01 Footnote 3 Ti 3.3E+00 Footnote 4 V 3.OE+04 Footnote 5 Cr 2.OE+02 6 Mn 4.OE+02 6 Fe 1.OE+02 6 Co 5.OE+01 6 Ni 1.OE+02 6 Cu 5.OE+01 6 Zn 2.OE+03 6 Ga 2.2E+03 Footnote 13 Ge 2.4E+03 Footnote 12 As 3.3E+04 Footnote 14 Se 4.OE+02 Footnote 15 Br 4.2E+02 6 Kr NA NA Rb 2.OE+03 6 Sr 3.OE+01 6 Y 2.5E+01 6 Zr 3.3E+00 6 Nb 3.OE+04 6 Mo I.OE+01 6 Tc 1.5E+01 6 Ru I.OE+01 6 Rh 1.OE+01 6 Pd I.OE+02 Footnote 9 Page 11.3-23 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 3-8 (cont.)Bioaccumulation Factors (BFI) to be Used in the Absence of Site-Specific Data Cd 2.OE+03 Footnote 11 In 2.2E+03 Footnote 13 Sn 2.4E+03 Footnote 12 Sb 1.OE+00 98 Ag 2.3E+00 56 Te 4.OE+02 6 1 1.5E+01 6 Xe NA NA Cs 2.OE+03 6 Ba 4.OE+00 6 La 2.5E+01 6 Ce 1.OE+00 6 Pr 2.5E+01 6 Nd 2.5E+01 6 Pm 3.OE+01 98 Sm 3.OE+01 Footnote 3 Eu 1.0E+02 Footnote 3 Gd 2.6E+01 Footnote 3 Dy 2.2E+03 Footnote 3 Er 3.3E+04 Footnote 3 Tm 4.OE+02 Footnote 3 Yb 2.2E+02 Footnote 3 Lu 2.5E+01 Footnote 3 Hf 3.3E+00 Footnote 4 Ta 3.OE+04 Footnote 5 W 1.2E+03 6 Re 2.1 E+02 Footnote 6 Os 5.5E+01 Footnote 7 Ir 3.OE+01 Footnote 8 Pt 1.OE+02 Footnote 9 Au 2.6E+01 Footnote 10 Hg 2.OE+03 Footnote 11 TI 2.2E+03 Footnote 13 Pb 3.OE+02 98 Bi 2.OE+01 98 Ra 5.OE+01 98 Th 3.OE+01 98 U 1.0E+01 98 Np 1.OE+01 6 Am 3.OE+01 98 Page 11.3-24 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Footnotes:
NA = It Is assumed that noble gases are not accumulated.
In Reference 6, see Table A-1 in the ODCM Training and Reference Material.A number of bioaccumulation factors could not be found in literature.
In this case, the periodic table was used in conjunction with published element values. This method was used for periodic table columns except where there were no values for column 3A so the average of columns 2B and 4A was assigned.1. Value is the average of Reference 6 values in literature for H, Na, Rb and Cs.2. Value is the average of Ref. 6 values in literature for Sr, Ba and Ref. 98 values for Ra.3. Value is the same as the Reference 6 value used for Y.4. Value is the same as the Reference 6 value used for Zr.5. Value is the same as the Reference 6 value used for Nb.6. Value is the average of Reference 6 values in literature for Mn and Tc.7. Value is the average of Reference 6 values in literature for Fe and Ru.8. Value is the average of Reference 6 values in literature for Co and Rh.9. Value is the same as the Reference 6 value used for Ni.10. Value is the average of Reference 6 values in literature for Cu and Reference 56 value for Ag.11. Value used is the same as the Reference 6 value used for Zn.12. Value is the average of Reference 6 value in literature for C and Reference 98 value for Pb.13. Value is the average of columns 2B and 4A, where column 2B is the "Reference 6 value for Zn" and column 4A is the average of "Reference 6 value for C and Reference 98 value for Pb".14. Value is the average of Ref. 6 value found in literature for P and the Ref. 98 values for Bi and Sb.15. Value is the same as the Reference 6 value used for Te.16. Value is the average of Reference 6 values found in literature for Br and I.Page 11.3-25 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 4.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 4.1 Gaseous Effluents
-General Information This section reviews the offsite radiological limits applicable to the nuclear power stations and presents in detail the equations and procedures used to assess compliance with these limits. This calculational approach uses the methodology of NUREG-0133 (Reference 14), and incorporates certain simplifications such as the use of average meteorology.
4.1.1 Pre-calculated atmospheric transport parameters are based on historical average atmospheric conditions.
These historical meteorological conditions have resulted in the dispersion parameters shown in Table 4-1, Table 4-2 and Table 4- The equations and parameters of this section are for use in calculating offsite radiation'doses during routine operating conditions.
They are not for use in calculating doses due to non-routine releases (e.g., accident releases).
4.1.3 An overview of the required compliance is given in Table 1-1. The dose components are itemized and referenced, and an indication of their regulatory application is noted. Additionally, the locations of dose receivers for each dose component are given in Table 1- Airborne Release Point Classifications The pattern of dispersion of airborne releases is dependent on the height of the release point relative to adjacent structures.
Each release point is classified as one of the following three height-dependent types: " Stack (or Elevated)
Release Point (denoted by the letter S or subscript s)" Ground Level Release Point (denoted by the letter G or subscript g)" Vent (or Mixed Mode) Release Point (denoted by the letter V or subscript v)4.1.5 Operability and Use of Gaseous Effluent Treatment Systems 10CFR50 Appendix I and ODCM Part I require that the ventilation exhaust treatment system and the waste gas holdup system be used when projected offsite doses in 31 days, due to gaseous effluent releases, from each reactor unit, exceed any of the following limits:* 0.2 mrad to air from gamma radiation.
* 0.4 mrad to air from beta radiation.
* 0.3 mrem to any organ of a member of the public.Page 11.4-1 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 The station must project doses due to gaseous releases from the site at least once per 31 days. The calculational methods shown in sections 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 are used for this dose projection.
4.1.6 For a release attributable to a processing or effluent system shared by more than one reactor unit, the dose due to an individual unit is obtained by proportioning the effluents among the units sharing the system.4.2 Gaseous Effluents
-Dose and Dose Rate Calculation Requirements
====4.2.1 Instantaneous====
Dose Rates Noble Gas: Total Body Dose Rate ODCM Part I limits the total body dose rate due to noble gases in gaseous effluents released from a site to areas at and beyond the site boundary to less than or equal to 500 mrem/yr at all times.The total body dose rate due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents is calculated by the following expression:
6TB, =ZTK, {(,X/Q).oQ,, + (,x/Q)'Q,,, + (X/Q)YQ,g}
(4-1)The summation is over noble gas radionuclides i.Since Byron does not have an elevated release point, the Q 1 , term is not used.DTB Total Body Dose Rate [mrem/yr]Dose rate to the total body due to gamma radiation from noble gas radionuclides released in gaseous effluents.
Qis, Qiv, Qig Release Rate ([Ci/sec]Measured release rate of radionuclide I from a stack, vent or ground level release point, respectively.
Ki Gamma Total Body Dose Conversion Factor [(mrem/yr)/(pCi/m 3)]Gamma total body dose factor due to gamma emissions for noble gas radionuclide
: i. K values are taken from Table 4-27 Page 11.4-2 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 I Relative Concentration Factor [sec/m 3](XlQ), (xlQ)v Radioactivity concentration based on semi-infinite cloud methodology at a (xlQ)g specified location per unit of radioactivity release rate for a stack, vent, or ground level release, respectively.
See Table 4-1.To comply with this specification, the effluent radiation monitor has a setpoint corresponding to an offsite total body dose rate at or below the limit (see Part II Section 2.6). In addition, compliance is assessed by calculating offsite total body dose rate based on periodic samples obtained per station procedures. Noble Gas: Skin Dose Rate ODCM Part I limits the skin dose rate due to noble gases in gaseous effluents released from a site to areas at and beyond the site boundary to less than or equal to a dose rate of 3000 mrem/yr at all times. (See TRM 3.11 .f)The skin dose rate due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents is calculated by the following expression:
DSK = F{ L,[ (x/Q).Q,.
+ (x/Q).Ql + (x/Q)9 Q,g]+ ,(I-" )M, [(W O)Q 1.+(X/Q) Q ," +(X/Q) QigJ} (4-2)The summation is over noble gas radionuclides I.DSK Skin Dose Rate (mrem/yr]Dose rate to skin due to beta and gamma radiation from noble gas radionuclides released in gaseous effluents.
Ll Skin Dose Conversion Factor [(mrem/yr)/(pCi/m 3)]Skin dose factor due to gamma emissions for noble gas radionuclide
: i. L values are taken from Table 4-27 MI Gamma Air Dose Conversion Factor [(mrad/yr)/([.Ci/m 3)]Gamma air dose rate factor per unit of radioactivity release rate for radionuclide i.See Table 4-27 for Gamma Air Dose conversion factors (From Table B-1 of Regulatory Guide 1.109).Since Byron does not have an elevated release point, the Q 1.term is not used.Page 11.4-3 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I To comply with this specification, gaseous effluent radiation monitors have setpoints corresponding to an offsite skin dose rate at or below the limit (see Part II Section 2.6). In addition, compliance is assessed by calculating offsite skin dose rate based on periodic samples obtained per station procedures. Non-Noble Gas Radionuclides:
Organ Dose Rate ODCM Part I limits the dose rate to any organ, due to radioactive materials in gaseous effluents released from a site to areas at and beyond the site boundary, to less than or equal to a dose rate of 1500 mrem/yr (See TRM 3.11 .f)Typically the child is considered to be the limiting receptor in calculating dose rate to organs due to inhalation of non-noble gas radionuclides in gaseous effluents.
The dose rate to any child organ due to inhalation is calculated by the following expression:
.NNG D(Chlld)1(Inhal)j
= R(chlid)l(inhal)j{(x/Q)BQi
-+ (X/Q),Qiv
+ (J(/Q)gQig}
(4-3)The summation is over non-noble gas radionuclides i.* NNG D(ChI1d)J(.nhaI)j Inhalation Dose Rate [mrem/yr]Dose rate to the child age group from radionuclide i, via the inhalation pathway to organ j due to non-noble gas radionuclides.
R(chlld)I(Inhal)j Inhalation Dose Factor [(mremlyr)/(.Ci/m 3)]Inhalation dose factor for child age group for radionuclide i, and organ j.Inhalation dose factors for non-noble gas radionuclides (child) are shown in Table 4-11 Since Byron does not have an elevated release point, the Q1S term is not used.ODCM Part I requires the dose rate due to non-noble gas radioactive materials in airborne effluents be determined to be within the above limit in accordance with a sampling and analysis program specified in TRM Table T3.11 .f-1.The child organ dose rate due to inhalation is calculated in each sector at the location of the highest offsite X/Q (see Table 4-1). The result for the sector with the highest organ inhalation dose rate is compared to the limit.Page 11.4-4 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 4.2.2 Time Averaged Dose from Noble Gas Gamma Air Dose ODCM and TRM limits the gamma air dose due to noble gas effluents released from each reactor unit to areas at and beyond the unrestricted area boundary to the following: " Less than or equal to 5 mrad per calendar quarter.* Less than or equal to 10 mrad per calendar year.The gamma air dose due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents is calculated by the following expression:
D= (3.17E -8) M, { (X/Q)' A,. + (X/Q), A + (X/Q) Ag J (4-4)The summation is over noble gas radionuclides i.D, Gamma Air Dose [mrad]Dose to air due to gamma radiation from noble gas radionuclides released in gaseous effluents.
3.17E-8 Conversion Constant (seconds to years) [yr/sec]MI Gamma Air Dose Conversion Factor [(mrad/yr)/(pCi/m 3)]Gamma air dose rate factor per unit of radioactivity release rate for radionuclide i.See Table 4-27 for Gamma Air Dose conversion factors (From Table B-i of Regulatory Guide 1.109).(x/Q)-, (x/Q), (x/Q)y Gamma-X/Q Factor [sec/m 3]Radioactivity concentration based on finite cloud methodology at a specific location per unit of radioactivity release rate from a stack, vent or ground level release, respectively.
See Table 4-3 for Gamma-X/Q Factors.Als, A 1 v, AIg Cumulative Radionuclide Release [giCi]Measured cumulative release of radionuclide i over the time period of interest from a stack, vent, or ground level release point, respectively.
Since Byron does not have an elevated release point, the As term is not used.Page 11.4-5 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 TRM 3.11 .g requires determination of cumulative and projected gamma air dose contributions due to noble gases for the current calendar quarter and the current calendar year at least once per 31 days.Gamma air dose is calculated for the sector with the highest offsite (X/Qy and is compared with the Part I limits on gamma air dose.For a release attributable to a processing or effluent system shared by more than one reactor unit, the dose due to an individual unit is obtained by proportioning the effluents among the units sharing the system. Beta Air Dose TRM Chapter 3.11 limits beta air dose due to noble gases in gaseous effluents released from each reactor unit to areas at and beyond the unrestricted area boundary to the following: " Less than or equal to 10 mrad per calendar quarter." Less than or equal to 20 mrad per calendar year.The beta air dose due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents is calculated by the following expression:
Dp = (3.17E -8)Z { NI(X/Q).A,.
+ (X/Q) k + (X/Q)g A,,, (4-5)The summation is over noble gas radionuclides i.Dp Beta Dose [mrad]Dose to air due to beta radiation from noble gas radionuclides released in gaseous effluents.
3.17E-8 Conversion Constant (seconds to years) [yr/sec]N, Beta Air Dose Conversion Factor [(mrad/yr)/(PtCi/m 3)]Beta air dose rate per unit of radioactivity concentration for radionuclide
: i. See Table 4-27 for Beta Air Dose conversion factors (From Table B-1 of Regulatory Guide 1.109).Page 11.4-6 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I (XlQ)s Relative Concentration Factor [sec/m 3](x/Q)v (xlQ)g Radioactivity concentration based on semi-infinite cloud methodology at a specified location per unit of radioactivity release rate for a stack, vent, or ground level release, respectively.
See Table 4-1.Als, A,,,, Aig Cumulative Radionuclide Release [&#xfd;iCi]Measured cumulative release of radionuclide i over the time period of interest from a stack, vent, or ground level release point, respectively.
Since Byron does not have an elevated release point, the A,. term is not used.TRM 3.1 1.g requires determination of cumulative and projected beta air dose contributions due to noble gases for the current calendar quarter and the current calendar year at least once per 31 days.Beta air dose is calculated for the sector with the highest offsite (X/Q) and is compared with the ODCM Part I limit on beta air dose.For a release attributable to a processing or effluent system shared by more than one reactor unit, the dose due to an individual unit is obtained by proportioning the effluents among the units sharing the system. Whole Body Dose The total body dose, to any receiver is due, in part, to gamma radiation emitted from radioactivity in airborne effluents.
This component is added to others to demonstrate compliance to the requirements of 40CFR190 and 1OCFR20.The total body dose component due to gamma radiation from noble gases released in gaseous effluents is calculated by the following expression:
DTi = (3.17E -8)y K, { (X/Q) 'A,. + (X/Q)" A, + (&#xfd;/Q)gy A 1 9 } (4-6)The summation is over noble gas radionuclides I.DTB Total Body Dose [mrem]Dose to the total body due to gamma radiation from noble gas radionuclides released in gaseous effluents.
3.17E-8 Conversion Constant (seconds to years) [yr/sec]Page 11.4-7 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Ki Gamma Total Body Dose Conversion Factor [(mremlyr)/(pCi/m 3)]Gamma total body dose factor due to gamma emissions for noble gas radionuclide I released from a stack, vent or ground level release point, respectively.
See Table 4-27 for Gamma total body dose conversion factors. (From Table B-1 of Regulatory Guide 1.109)Ais, Ar, Aig Cumulative Radionuclide Release [pCi]Measured cumulative release of radionuclide i over the time period of interest from a stack, vent, or ground level release point, respectively.
The total body dose is also calculated for the 40CFR190 and 1OCFR20 compliance assessments.
In some cases, the total body dose may be required in 1OCFR50 Appendix I assessments (See Part II Table 1-1). Skin Dose There is no regulatory requirement to evaluate skin dose. However, this component is evaluated for reference as there is skin dose design objective contained in 1OCFR50 Appendix I. Note that in the unlikely event that beta air dose guideline is exceeded, then the skin dose will require evaluation.
The part of skin dose due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents is calculated by the following expression:
D = (3.17E -8) ({L,[ (X/Q). A ,.+ (X/Q), A,, + (X/Q) Aig]I (4-7)+ (1.1 1)M, [(X/Q)Y A ,.+ (/Q)'A,, + (X/Q); Alg]}The summation is over noble gas radionuclides I.DSK Skin Dose (mrem]Dose to the skin due to beta and gamma radiation from noble gas radionuclides released in gaseous effluents.
Ll Beta Skin Dose Conversion Factor [(mrem/yr)/(pCi/m 3)]Beta skin dose rate per unit of radioactivity concentration for radionuclide
: i. Taken from Table 4-27.1.11 Conversion Constant (rads in air to rem in tissue) [mrem/mrad]
All other terms have been previously defined.Page 11.4-8 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I The skin dose is calculated for reference only.4.2.3 Time Averaged Dose from Non-Noble Gas Radionuclides TRM 3.11 provides the following limits, based on 1OCFR50 Appendix I, on the dose to a member of the public from specified non-noble gas radionuclides in gaseous effluents released from each reactor unit to areas at and beyond the unrestricted area boundary: " Less than or equal to 7.5 mrem to any organ during any calendar quarter* Less than or equal to 15 mrem to any organ during any calendar year The individual dose components are also required as part of the 40CFR190 assessments and combined as part of the 10CFR20 assessment (Part II Table 1-1).The dose due to radionuclides deposited on the ground is considered to be a component of the deep dose equivalent for 1 OCFR20 compliance and an organ (and total body) dose component for IOCFR50 Appendix I and 40CFRI90 compliance.
The dose is calculated for releases in the time period under consideration.
Specifically, the dose is calculated as follows: DNNG =
+ WgRapjA, 9] (4-8)a)p I The summation is over pathways p and non-noble gas radionuclides i.DNG Dose Due to Non-Noble Gas Radionuclides
[mrem]Dose due to non-noble gases (radioiodines, tritium and particulates) to age group a, and to organ j.3.17E-8 Conversion Constant (seconds to years) [yr/sec]W", Wv, Wg Relative Concentration Factor Radioactive concentration at a specific location per unit of radioactivity release rate or concentration for stack, vent or ground level release, respectively.
W., Wv, or Wg = (x/Q)s, (x/Q), or (X/Q)g for immersion, inhalation and all tritium pathways.Ws, Wv, or Wg = (D/Q)s, (D/Q)v or (D/Q)g for ground plain and all ingestion pathways.Page 11.4-9 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 (x/Q)s, (xlQ)v, (x/Q)g Relative Concentration Factor [sec/m 3]Radioactivity concentration based on semi-infinite cloud model at a specified location per unit of radioactivity release rate for a stack, vent, or ground level release, respectively.
See Table 4-1 through Table 4-6.(DIQ)s, (D/Q)v, (D/Q)g Relative Deposition Factor (1/m2]Radioactivity concentration at a specified location per unit of radioactivity release concentration for a stack, vent, or ground level release, respectively.
See Table 4-1 through Table 4-6.RaIpj Site-Specific Dose Factor [(M 2 mrem/yr)/(pCi/sec)]
or [(mrem/yr)/(PCi/m 3)]Site-specific dose factor for age group a, nuclide i, pathway p and organ j.Pathways included are ground plane exposure, inhalation, vegetation ingestion, milk ingestion and meat ingestion.
Values of Raipj are provided in Table 4-7 and Table 4-9 through Table 4-26.A,,, A,,, Aig Cumulative Radionuclide Release [gCi]Measured cumulative release of radionuclide i over the time period of interest from a stack, vent, or ground level release point, respectively.
Since Byron does not have an elevated release point, the stack terms for A,., W., (X/Q)s, and (D/Q), are not used.TRM 3.1 l.h requires cumulative and projected dose contributions for the current calendar quarter and the current calendar year for the specified non-noble gas radionuclides in airborne effluents to be determined at least once per 31 days.To comply with this specification, Byron Station obtains and analyzes samples in accordance with the radioactive gaseous waste or gaseous effluent sampling and analysis program (TRM 3.11.f-1).
In accordance with NUREG 0133 (Reference 14), dose due to non-noble gases is assessed at the location in the unrestricted area where the combination of existing pathways and receptor age groups indicates the maximum potential exposure.
The inhalation and ground plane exposure pathways are considered to exist at all locations.
The food ingestion pathways at a specific location are considered based on their existence as determined by land use census. The values used for (x/Q) and (D/Q) are shown in Table 4-1 through Table 4-6 and correspond to the applicable pathway location.Page 11.4-10 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I For a release attributable to a processing or effluent system shared by more than one reactor, the dose due to an individual unit is obtained by proportioning the effluents among the units sharing the system.The dose evaluated is also included as part of the 1 OCFR20 and 40CFR1 90 assessment (See Part II Section 5).4.2,3.1 Ground Plane The site-specific dose factor for ground deposition of radioactivity is considered to be a total body dose component and is calculated by the following expression:
R aI(GP)J [D/0] = K' K"(o.7)DFG,[
--1 (4-9).j RaI(GP)J[D/Q]
Ground Plane Deposition Dose Factor [(M 2 mrem/yr)/(ptCi/sec)]
Site-specific ground plane dose factor for age group a, nuclide i and organ j. The ground plane dose is calculated using (D/Q).K' Conversion Constant (1 E6 pCi per gCi) [pCi/gCi]K'" Conversion Constant (8760 hr/yr) [hr/yr]0.7 Shielding Factor; a factor that accounts for dimensionless shielding due to occupancy of structures.
DFG, Ground Plane Dose Conversion Factor [(mrem/hr)/(pCi/m 2)]Dose rate to the total body per unit of surface radioactivity concentration due to standing on ground uniformly contaminated with radionuclide
: i. Ground Plane Dose Conversion Factors are shown in Table 4-8.Note that ground plane dose conversion factors are only given for the total body and no age group. Doses to other organs are assumed to be equal to the total body dose. All age groups are assumed to receive the same dose.X1 Radiological Decay Constant [hr 1]Radiological decay constant for radionuclide i.tb Time Period of Ground Deposition
[hr]Time period during which the radioactivity on the ground is assumed to have been deposited (see Part II Table 1-3).Page 11.4-11 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 The ground plane exposure pathway is considered to exist at all locations. Inhalation The site-specific dose factor for inhalation is calculated by the following expression:
R I(Inha,)j
[x/Q] = K' (4-10)R,,(,nh,,)j ,I/Q] Inhalation Pathway Dose Factor 3)]Site-specific inhalation dose factor for age group a, nuclide i and organ j. The inhalation dose is calculated using (X/Q).K' Conversion Constant (1 E6 pCi per pCi) [pCi/jiCi]
BRa Individual Air Inhalation Rate [m 3/yr]The air intake rate for individuals in age group a. See Table E-5 of Regulatory Guide 1.109.DFAaij Inhalation Dose Conversion Factor [mrem/pCi]
Dose commitment to an individual in age group a to organ j per unit of activity of radionuclide i inhaled. Taken from Tables E-7 through E-10 of Regulatory Guide 1.109. The value for H-3 is taken from NUREG 4013 (Reference 107).The inhalation exposure pathway is considered to exist at all locations. Ingestion:
Vegetation Food ingestion pathway doses are calculated at locations indicated by the land use census survey. If no real pathway exists within 5 miles of the station, the cow-milk pathway is assumed to be located at 5 miles. Food pathway calculations are not made for sectors in which the offsite regions near the station are over bodies of water.The dose factor for consumption of vegetables is calculated by the following expression:
K'[- ( (OFLaf) [ UfLe-11L + U:fge-1] 1 411)Page 11.4-12 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 I Ra,(vog)j[D/Q]
Vegetation Ingestion Pathway Dose Factor[(M2 mrem/yr)/(pCi/sec)]
Site-specific vegetation ingestion dose factor for age group a, nuclide i and organ j. With the exception of H-3, the vegetation dose is calculated using (D/Q).K' Conversion Constant (1E6 pCi per &#xfd;iCi) [pCi4/Ci]r Vegetation Retention Factor [dimensionless]
Y, Agricultural Productivity Yield [kg/ m 2]Radiological Decay Constant [l/sec]Radiological decay constant for radionuclide I Weathering Decay Constant [l/sec]Removal constant for physical loss of activity by weathering.
See ODCM Part II Table 1-3.DFLaij Ingestion Dose Conversion Factor [mrem/pCi]
Ingestion dose conversion factor for age group a, nuclide i and organ j.Converts pCi ingested to mrem. Taken from Tables E-1 I though E-14 of Regulatory Guide 1.109. The value for H-3 is taken from NUREG 4013 (Reference 107).UaL Consumption Rate for Fresh Leafy Vegetation
[kg/yr]Consumption rate for fresh leafy vegetation for age group a.Uas Consumption Rate for Stored Vegetation
[kg/yr]Consumption rate for stored vegetation for age group a.ft. Local Leafy Vegetation Fraction [dimensionless]
Fraction of the annual intake of fresh leafy vegetation that is grown locally.f9 Local Stored Vegetation Fraction [dimensionless]
Fraction of the annual intake of stored vegetation that is grown locally.Page 11.4-13 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 tL Environmental Transport Time -Fresh Vegetation
[sec]Average time between harvest of leafy vegetation and its consumption.
th Environmental Transport Time -Stored Vegetation (sec]Average time between harvest of stored vegetation and its consumption.
The tritium dose from the vegetation pathway must be considered separately as the transport mechanism is based on airborne concentration rather than ground deposition.
The dose factor for the tritium vegetation pathway is: Ra(H_3XV09)j
[x/Q] = K' K (U.L f + U fg )DFL.(,-3)j
Tritium Vegetation Ingestion Pathway Dose Factor[(mrem/yr)/(&#xfd;LCi/mz)]
Site-specific tritium vegetation ingestion dose factor for age group a and organ j. The tritium vegetation dose is calculated using X/Q.K"' Conversion Constant (1 E3 gm per Kg) [gm/Kg]H Absolute Atmospheric Humidity [gm/m 3]0.75 Water Fraction (dimensionless]
The fraction of total vegetation that is water.0.5 Specific Activity Ratio [dimensionless] Ingestion:
Milk The dose factor for consumption of milk is calculated by the following expressions:
=K.QF (U.m) F.(r)(DFLaij)
.-!1!1 (4f3 p RM,+j + K .[v Y e-"' (4-13)R.,(M,,,)j[D/Q]
Milk Ingestion Pathway Dose Factor[(M2 mrem/yr)/(pCi/sec)]
Site-specific milk ingestion dose factor for age group a, nuclide I and organ j. With the exception of H-3, the milk dose factor is calculated using (D/Q).K' Conversion Constant (1E6 pCi per jICi) [pCi/pCi]Page 11.4-14 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 I QF Feed Consumption
[Kg/da]Amount of feed consumed by milk animal each day. See ODCM Part II Table 1-3.aIM Milk Consumption Rate [l/yr]Milk consumption rate for age group a.Fm Stable Element Transfer Coefficient for Milk [da/I]Fraction of animal's daily intake of a particular chemical element that appears in each liter of milk (pCi/I in milk per pCi/da ingested by animal). See ODCM Part II Table 1-4.fp Pasture Time Fraction [dimensionless]
Fraction of year that animal is on pasture.f. Pasture Grass Fraction [dimensionless]
Fraction of animal feed that is pasture grass while animal is on pasture.Yp Agricultural Productivity Yield -Pasture Grass [kg/m 2]The agricultural productivity by unit area of pasture feed grass.Ys Agricultural Productivity Yield -Stored Feed [kg/m 2]The agricultural productivity by unit area of stored Environmental Transport Time -Stored Feed [sec]Average time between harvest to consumption of stored feed by milk Environmental Transport Time -Pasture to Consumption
[sec]Average time from pasture, to milk animal, to milk, to consumption.
All other terms have been previously defined.The tritium dose from the milk pathway must be considered separately as the transport mechanism is based on airborne concentration rather than ground deposition.
The dose factor for the tritium milk pathway is: Page 11.4-15 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Ra(H 3 xMfk)Jx/Q]=
K' KF. QFUamDFLa(H3)j0.75(0.5/H)]
(4-14)Ra(H-3XM111 K12 H 0.75 k)j IX/QJ Tritium Milk Ingestion Pathway Dose Factor[(mremlyr)/(P.Ci/m 3)]Site-specific tritium milk ingestion dose factor for age group a and organ j.The tritium milk dose is calculated using X/Q.Conversion Constant (1 E3 gm per Kg) [gm/Kg]Absolute Atmospheric Humidity [gm/mi 3]Water Fraction [dimensionless]
The fraction of total feed that is water.Specific Activity Ratio [dimensionless]
Meat 0.5 The dose factor for consumption of meat is calculated by the following expression:
R=(M~~~t~~j[D/Q]( K''U),r(F.jF~'+(-fpf,)e
-)L't Ra1(Meatj[D/Q]
= K' X*(+X, F 1 (r Fff (i e-f'Ith (4-15)x, Laj Y.R aI(Meat)j Uar Ff th)/QJ Meat Ingestion Pathway Dose Factor[(M2 mrem/yr)/(&#xfd;Ci/sec)]
Site-specific meat ingestion dose factor for age group a, nuclide i and organ j. With the exception of H-3, the meat dose factor is calculated using (D/Q).Meat Consumption Rate [kg/yr]Meat consumption rate for age group a.Stable Element Transfer Coefficient for Meat [da/Kg]Fraction of animal's daily intake of a particular chemical element that appears in each Kg of meat (pCi/Kg in meat per pCi/da ingested by animal). See ODCM Part II Table 1-4.Environmental Transport Time -Stored Feed [sec]Page 11.4-16 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Average time between harvest to consumption of stored feed by meat Environmental Transport Time -Pasture to Consumption (sec]Average time from pasture, to meat animal, to meat, to consumption.
All other terms have been previously defined.The tritium dose from the meat pathway must be considered separately as the transport mechanism is based on airborne concentration rather than ground deposition.
The dose factor for the tritium meat pathway is: R.(N_3XM.nt)j
[/Q] = K'K Ff, QU.fDFL.(H_3)j
(4-16)Ra(H_.3 Xmeat)j[/Q]
Tritium Meat Ingestion Pathway Dose Factor [(mrem/yr)/(p Cilm 3)]Site-specific tritium meat ingestion dose factor for age group a and organ j. The tritium meat dose is calculated using x/Q.Ko' Conversion Constant (1 E3 gm per Kg) (gm/Kg]H Absolute Atmospheric Humidity [gm/m 3]0.75 Water Fraction [dimensionless]
The fraction of total feed that is water.0.5 Specific Activity Ratio [dimensionless]
All other terms have been previously defined.Page 11.4-17 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 4-1 X/Q and D/Q Maxima at or Beyond the Unrestricted Area Boundary Pomwlnd NMIed NdmKVent)
Woewe Ormud Levt benese Pirmtlan Itedlus %IA Radius 00 RadIus 1/O 01/(eNtews) (CecV'3) CatelO) 1/AmW) cmteruJ (seW/u"3) (C/VM)V 1875. 11.900-07 1615. I.98X-09 18WS. 8.67W-07 4.64715-09 an1 1U29. I.61Tr-0T 129. 1.92/1-09 W1O9. .&#xfd;51Wl7 4.V711-09 a[ 1585. Ig5. 1.8211-09 155. T.676-07 4..8-09 in 1254. 1.3551-07 1254. 1.7446-09 Wi34. 8.1061r5 .S6-091-I 1227. 1.6M-07 1227. Z.XE-09 1227. 1.1431-06 6.2=61-W ES 991 9 .211-0 991. 3.54W-0 991. I4921-06 9.8961-09 99 1006. 3.-981-0?
1006. $.S6/1-09 1006. 2.4801-06 1.11111-0 306 600. 4.4973-07 800. 3.741-09 B0. 4.152E-06 1.4M0E-=945. 2.2491-W 945. 2.193E-09 945. 1.94M-16 9.364E-09 SSW 9M. 1.47W407 9M7. 1.9700-09 97S. I.J05E-6 6.6121-09 S 1067. 1.148E-07 1067. ,I.78E-09 1067. 9.27M-0 5.361E-09.
M14 1212. 1.19-07? 1212. 1.903-09 1212. 7.444-47 5.0021-09 V 1169. 1.75m-07 1169. 1.1700-09 1189. 9.3485-0?
5.30E-09 W 121. 1.206-0? 1Wr. 1.2I9Z-09 1227. 6.543-or 3.7495.09 M 1138. I.461-4 1123. I.719-09 1128. 8.1807-07 4.8411-09 W 1044. 3.047111-104.- S.1-09 1064. 14A1M-06 6.8715-09 asite 16 taoretlleaic Pats 1/7I -12/87 Note: Based on "Irrigation from the Rock River letter from G.P. Lahti (Sargent and Lundy) to J.C. Golden (NSEP), June 4, 1990 and the formulas in Reg. Guide 1.109.X/Q is used for beta skin, and inhalation dose pathways.
See Sections 4.2.1, 4.2.2 and is used for produce and leafy vegetable pathways.
See Section 4.2.3.The ground level release data are provided for reference purposes only. Routine dose calculations are performed using mixed mode data.Radius is the approximate distance from the midpoint between gaseous effluent release points to the location of the highest X/Q or D/Q at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary (UAB).Page 11.4-18 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I Table 4-2 X/Q and D/Q Maxima at or Beyond the Restricted Area Boundary DoaWIrnd Nid Nodg(Vent)
I.t.m grwond LWmel feba.irestlm adium XIS Radius DI6 ISadus V/A D/4) (mtere) (astaer s) uer~a3) I aZ M 71T. 6.357T-0T
: 7. T.0041-09 M77. 3.2W-06 L.Ot-05 S M. 8.I -07 535. 1.046-5 536. 5.01-041 .l. -0 N 525. 6.5031-01
: 52. /.193-09 53. 4.31-06 ;,.6641-S liBE 474. 5.341167 414. 5.9471-09 484. .414-f ..445.-l5[ 466. 6.6W55-47 46L. 7.9rW-o9 4ot. 143591-06 L.945-OS"a 480. 7.3M71-7 7 .48.L431-09 480. 5.431-06 ,%.1944-03 K 427. 1.11U-0W 427. 1.043-00 421. 1.24M1-05 C.095-06 aSO 410. 1.3491-06 410. 5.744-09 410. 1.05-05 h.04-08 S 29. 1.4411-06 195. 1.1719-06
: 29. 1.319111-05
.707C-08 SSW 299. 9.3=-0.7 M.* G-UN3-09 M9. 9.3741-0 i).197E-09 SW 451. 3.949t-07 451. 5.08-W09 41. 3.464-06'.95 lWS 386. 6.09-0 386. 306. 4.6M-06 3.0=h-OW V 379. 1.641-06 319. 8.1161-0 379. C.00-ft ..-0S S, 36 .451-4? 0M. 6.0619-09 , 4.335-06 1.3706-08 IM 445. 7.34M-07 445. 6.1171-9 445. 4.C6E-06 M.1951-0 No 65.6W-3 5.6.177-09 M5. 2.9=0-" 1.1741-SB lyimi Site, ct 1s -12/57 Note: Based on "irrigation from the Rock River" letter from G.P. Lahti (Sargent and Lundy) to J.C. Golden (NSEP), June 4, 1990 and the formulas in Reg. Guide 1.109.The ground level release data are provided for reference purposes only. Routine dose calculations are performed using mixed mode data.Radius is the approximate distance from the midpoint between gaseous effluent release points to the location of the highest XIQ or D/Q at or beyond the restricted area boundary (RAB).Page 11.4-19 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 4-3 Maximum Offsite Gamma-I/Q Downwind Direction N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW Radius (meters)1875 1829 1585 1234 1227 991 1006 800 945 975 1067 1212 1189 1227 1128 1044 Ground Gamma-X/Q (sec/m**3) 4.80E-07 4.16E-07 4.34E-07 4.83E-07 6.1OE-07 8.73E-07 1.24E-06 1.83E-06 9.68E-07 6.69E-07 4.84E-07 4.19E-07 5.07E-07 3.54E-07 4.61E-07 7.43E-07 Vent Gamma-X/Q (sec/m**3) 1.46E-07 1.36E-07 1.3 1E-07 1.27E-07 1.50E-07 2.13E-07 2.45E-07 3.02E-07 1.85E-07 1.34E-07 1.08E-07 1.11E-07 1.39E-07 9.70E-08 1.29E-07 2.15E-07 Page 11.4-20 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 4-4 X/Q and D/Q at the Nearest Resident Locations within 5 miles Mixed Mode (Vent)Release Location Description Direction Distance Ground Level Release X/Q Miles meters see/m3 D/Q m-2 X/Q sec/m 3 D/Q m-2 NEAREST RESIDENCE NEAREST RESIDENCE NEAREST RESIDENCE NEAREST RESIDENCE NEAREST RESIDENCE NEAREST RESIDENCE NEAREST RESIDENCE NEAREST RESIDENCE NEAREST RESIDENCE NEAREST RESIDENCE NEAREST RESIDENCE NEAREST RESIDENCE NEAREST RESIDENCE NEAREST RESIDENCE NEAREST RESIDENCE NEAREST RESIDENCE N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW 2.67 0.99 1.18 1.30 1.30 1.43 0.75 0.62 0.50 0.62 0.75-1.68 1.68 0.75 0.99 1.30 4300 1600 1900 2100 2100 2300 1200 1000 800 1000 1200 2700 2700 1200 1600 2100 3.70E-07 1.50E-06 1.OOE-06 8.20E-07 1.20E-06 9.10E-07 3.60E-06 3.80E-06 3.40E-06 1.70E-06 7.80E-07 3.30E-07 5.50E-07 1.70E-06 1.1OE-06 8.50E-07 9.80E-10 5.30E-09 3.40E-09 2.20E-09 2.80E-09 2.10E-09 7.40E-09 8. 1OE-09 1.20E-08 6.80E-09 3.1 OE-09 1.40E-09 1.40E-09 5.20E-09 3.30E-09 2.90E-09 6.30E-08 8.30E-08 6.60E-08 4.60E-08 5.90E-08 5.10E-08 6.90E-08 5.40E-08 8.40E-08 6.40E-08 3.50E-08 5.40E-08 5.20E-08 4.60E-08 4.30E-08 6.20E-08 3.80E-10 1.70E-09 1.10E-09 7.30E-10 9.40E-10 7.10E-10 2.OOE-09 1.60E-09 2.40E-09 1.90E-09 8.80E-10 6.50E-10 4.10E-10 1.OOE-09 7.30E-10 7.90E-10 Page 11.4-21 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I Table 4-5 X/Q and D/Q at the Nearest Cow Milk Locations within 5 miles Mixed Mode (Vent)Location Description Direction Distance Ground Level Release Release X/Q D/Q z/Q D/Q miles meters sec/m3 m"2 sec/m3 m2 COW MILK N 4.97 8000 1.50E-07 3.20E-10 4.20E-08 1.40E-10 COW MILK NNE 4.97 8000 1.30E-07 3.10E-10 3.90E-08 1.60E-10 COW MILK NE 1.86 3000 5.OOE-07 1.50E-09 6.70E-08 6.20E-10 COW MILK ENE 4.97 8000 1.1OE-07 2.00E-10 2.90E-08 1.1OE-10 COW MILK E 4.97 8000 1.60E-07 2.70E-10 3.90E-08 1.40E-10 COW MILK ESE 4.97 8000 1.40E-07 2.30E-10 3.50E-08 1.20E-10 COW MILK SE 4.97 8000 2.OOE-07 2.70E-10 3.80E-08 1.40E-10 COW MILK SSE 4.97 8000 1.50E-07 2.20E-10 3.1OE-08 1.20E-10 COW MILK S 4.78 7700 9.1OE-08 2.40E-10 2.90E-08 1.50E-10 COW MILK SSW 4.97 8000 6.IOE-08 1.80E-10 2.20E-08 1.20E-10 COWMILK SW 4.97 8000 3.90E-08 1.LOE-10 1.50E-08 7.10E-11 COWMILK WSW 4.97 8000 6.30E-08 2.10E-10 2.50E-08 1.30E-10 COW MILK W 2.49 4000 3.00E-07 7.20E-10 4.90E-08 2.60E-10 COW MILK WNW 3.29 5300 1.70E-07 4.OOE-10 3.40E-08 1.50E-10 COW MILK NW 2.98 4800 2.1OE-07 4.90E-10 3.70E-08 1.80E-10 COW MILK NNW 4.97 8000 1.10E-07 2.70E-10 3.50E-08 1.20E-10 Page 11.4-22 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 4-6 X/Q and D/Q at the Nearest Cow Meat Locations within 5 miles Location Description Direction Distance Ground Level Release Mixed Mode (Vent)Release X/Q D/Q sec/m 3 m-2 X/Q miles meters sec/m 3 D/Q m-2 COW MEAT COW MEAT COW MEAT COW MEAT COW MEAT COW MEAT COW MEAT COW MEAT COW MEAT COW MEAT COW MEAT COW MEAT COW MEAT COW MEAT COW MEAT COW MEAT N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW 2.98 1.49 3.42 2.30 2.24 1.49 1.68 3.17 0.56 2.17 3.17 1.68 1.68 3.29 3.79 1.37 4800 2400 5500 3700 3600 2400 2700 5100 900 3500 5100 2700 2700 5300 6100 2200 3. 1OE-07 7.70E-07 2.OOE-07 3.40E-07 5.OOE-07 8.50E-07 9.80E-07 2.90E-07 2.80E-06 2. 1OE-07 7.60E-08 3.30E-07 5.50E-07 1.70E-07 1.50E-07 7.90E-07 8.10E-10 2.60E-09 5.30E-10 8.10E-10 1.1OE-09 2.OOE-09 1.80E-09 4.90E-10 9.90E-09 8.OOE-10 2.50E-10 1.40E-09 1.40E-09 4.OOE-10 3.20E-10 2.70E-09 6.OOE-08 7.60E-08 5.20E-08 4.30E-08 5.80E-08 5.10E-08 5.90E-08 4.10E-08 7.70E-08 4.00E-08 2.10E-08 5.40E-08 5.20E-08 3.40E-08 3.30E-08 6.20E-08 3.20E-10 9.90E-10 2.70E-10 3.50E-10 4.70E-10 6.80E-10 6.90E-10 2.40E-10 2.10E-09 4.30E-10 1.50E-10 6.50E-10 4.10E-10 1.50E-10 1.30E-10 7.50E-10 Page 11.4-23 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 4-7 Ground Plane Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI H-3 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Na-24 1.20E+07 1.20E+07 1.20E+07 1.20E+07 1.20E+07 1.20E+07 1.20E+07 Cr-51 4.65E+06 4.65E+06 4.65E+06 4.65E+06 4.65E+06 4.65E+06 4.65E+06 Mn-54 1.38E+09 1.38E+09 1.38E+09 1.38E+09 1.38E+09 1.38E+09 1.38E+09 Mn-56 9.03E+05 9.03E+05 9.03E+05 9.03E+05 9.03E+05 9.03E+05 9.03E+05 Fe-55 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O Fe-59 2.73E+08 2.73E+08 2.73E+08 2.73E+08 2.73E+08 2.73E+08 2.73E+08 Co-58 3.80E+08 3.80E+08 3.80E+08 3.80E+08 3.80E+08 3.80E+08 3.80E+08 Co-60 2.45E+10 2.45E+10 2.45E+10 2.45E+10 2.45E+10 2.45E+10 2.45E+10 Ni-63 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+0O Ni-65 2.97E+05 2.97E+05 2.97E+05 2.97E+05 2.97E+05 2.97E+05 2.97E+05 Cu-64 6.05E+05 6.05E+05 6.05E+05 6.05E+05 6.05E+05 6.05E+05 6.05E+05 Zn-65 7.46E+08 7.46E+08 7.46E+08 7.46E+08 7.46E+08 7.46E+08 7.46E+08 Zn-69 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+0O 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Br-83 4.87E+03 4.87E+03 4.87E+03 4.87E+03 4.87E+03 4.87E+03 4.87E+03 Br-84 2.03E+05 2.03E+05 2.03E+05 2.03E+05 2.03E+05 2.03E+05 2.03E+05 Br-85 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Rb-86 9.01E+06 9.01E+06 9.01E+06 9.01E+06 9.01E+06 9.01E+06 9.01E+06 Rb-88 3.31E+04 3.31E+04 3.31E+04 3.31E+04 3.31E+04 3.31E+04 3.31E+04 Rb-89 1.23E+05 1.23E+05 1.23E+05 1.23E+05 1.23E+05 1.23E+05 1.23E+05 Sr-89 2.16E+04 2.16E+04 2.16E+04 2.16E+04 2.16E+04 2.16E+04 2.16E+04 Sr-90 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Sr-91 2.14E+06 2.14E+06 2.14E+06 2.14E+06 2.14E+06 2.14E+06 2.14E+06 Sr-92 7.76E+05 7.76E+05 7.76E+05 7.76E+05 7.76E+05 7.76E+05 7.76E+05 Y-90 4.50E+03 4.50E+03 4.50E+03 4.50E+03 4.50E+03 4.50E+03 4.50E+03 Y-91M 1.OOE+05 1.OOE+05 1.OOE+05 i.OOE+05 I.OOE+05 i.OOE+05 I.OOE+05 Y-91 1.07E+06 1.07E+06 1.07E+061 1.07E+06 1.07E+06 1.07E+06 1.07E+06 Y-92 1,80E+05 1.80E+05 1.80E+05 1.80E+05 1.80E+05 1.80E+05 1.80E+05 Y-93 1.83E+05 1.83E+05 1.83E+05 1.83E+05 1.83E+05 1.83E+05 1.83E+05 Zr-95 2.45E+08 2.45E+08 2.45E+08 2.45E+08 2.45E+08 2.45E+08 2.45E+08 Zr-97 2.96E+06 2.96E+06 2.96E+06 2.96E+06 2.96E+06 2.96E+06 2.96E+06 Nb-95 1.37E+08 1.37E+08 1.37E+08 1.37E+08 1.37E+08 1.37E+08 1.37E+08 Mo-99 3.99E+06 3.99E+06 3.99E+06 3.99E+06 3.99E+06 3.99E+06 3.99E+06 Tc- 99M 1.84E+05 1.84E+05 1.84E+05 1.84E+05 1.84E+05 1.84E+05 1.84E+05 Tc-101 2.03E+04 2.03E+04 2.03E+04 2.03E+04 2.03E+04 2.03E+04 2.03E+04 Ru-103 1.08E+08 1.08E+08 1.08E+08 1.08E+08 1.08E+08 1.08E+08 1.08E+08 Ru-105 6.36E+05 6.36E+05 6.36E+05 6.36E+05 6.36E+05 6.36E+05 6.36E+05 Ru-106 4.22E+08 4.22E+08 4.22E+08 4.22E+08 4.22E+08 4.22E+08 4.22E+08 Ag-II OM 3.45E+09 3.45E+09 3.45E+09 3.45E+09 3.45E+09 3.45E+09 3.45E+09 Page 11.4-24 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 I Table 4-7 (Continued)
Ground Plane Dose Factors (same for all age groups)Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Te-125M 1.56E+06 1.56E+06 1.56E+06 1.56E+06 1.56E+06 1.56E+06 1.56E+06 Te-127M 9.16E+04 9.16E+04 9.16E+04 9.16E+04 9.16E+04 9.16E+04 9.16E+04 Te-127 2.99E+03 2.99E+03 2.99E+03 2.99E+03 2.99E+03 2.99E+03 2.99E+03 Te-129M 1.98E+07 1.98E+07 1.98E+07 1.98E+07 1.98E+07 1.98E+07 1.98E+07 Te-129 2.62E+04 2.62E+04 2.62E+04 2.62E+04 2.62E+04 2.62E+04 2.62E+04 Te-131M 8.02E+06 8.02E+06 8.02E+06 8.02E+06 8.02E+06 8.02E+06 8.02E+06 Te-131 2.92E+04 2.92E+04 2.92E+04 2.92E+04 2.92E+04 2.92E+04 2.92E+04 Te-132 4.22E+06 4.22E+06 4.22E+06 4.22E+06 4.22E+06 4.22E+06 4.22E+06 1-130 5.50E+06 5.50E+06 5.50E+06 5.50E+06 5.50E+06 5.50E+06 5.50E+06 1-131 1.72E+07 1.72E+07 1.72E+07 1.72E+07 1.72E+07 1.72E+07 1.72E+07 1-132 1.25E+06 1.25E+06 1.25E+06 1.25E+06 1.25E+06 1.25E+06 1.25E+06 1-133 2.45E+06 2.45E+06 2.45E+06 2.45E+06 2.45E+06 2.45E+06 2.45E+06 1-134 4.46E+05 4.46E+05 4.46E+05 4.46E+05 4.46E+051 4,46E+05 4.46E+05 1-135 2.53E+06 2.53E+06 2.53E+06 2.53E+06 2.53E+06 2.53E+06 2.53E+06 Cs-134 6.94E+09 6.94E+09 6.94E+09 6.94E+09 6.94E+09 6.94E+09 6.94E+09 Cs-136 1.50E+08 1.50E+08 1.50E+08 1.50E+08 1.50E+08 1.50E+08 1.50E+08 Cs-137 1.76E+10 1.76E+10 1.76E+10 1.76E+10 1.76E+10 1.76E+10 1.76E+10 Cs-138 3.59E+05 3.59E+05 3.59E+05 3.59E+05 3.59E+05 3.59E+05 3.59E+05 Ba-139 1.06E+05 1.06E+05 1.06E+05 1.06E+05 1.06E+05 1.06E+05 1.06E+05 Ba-140 2.05E+07 2.05E+07 2.05E+07 2.05E+07 2.05E+07 2.05E+07 2.05E+07 Ba-141 4.17E+04 4.17E+04 4.17E+04 4.17E+04 4.17E+04 4.17E+04 4.17E+04 Ba-142 4.44E+04 4.44E+04 4.44E+04 4.44E+04 4,44E+04 4.44E+04 4.44E+04 La-140 1.92E+07 1.92E+07 1.92E+07 1.92E+07 1.92E+07 1.92E+07 1.92E+07 La-142 7.60E+05 7.60E+05 7.60E+05 7.60E+05 7.60E+05 7.60E+05 7.60E+05 Ce-141 1.37E+07 1.37E+07 1.37E+07 1.37E+07 1.37E+07 1.37E+07 1.37E+07 Ce-143 2.31E+06 2.31E+06 2.31E+06 2.31E+06 2.31E+06 2.31E+06 2.31E+06 Ce-144 6.96E+07 6.96E+07 6.96E+07 6.96E+07 6.96E+07 6.96E+07 6.96E+07 Pr-143 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Pr-144 1.84E+03 1.84E+03 1.84E+03 1.84E+03 1.84E+03 1.84E+03 1.84E+03 Nd-147 8.48E+06 8.48E+06 8.48E+06 8.48E+06 8.48E+06 8.48E+06 8.48E+06 W-187 2.35E+06 2.35E+06 2.35E+06 2.35E+06 2.35E+06 2.35E+06 2.35E+06 Np-239 1.71E+06 1.71E+06 1.71E+06 1.71E+06 1.71E+06 1.71E+061 1.71E+06 Notes: 1) Units are m 2 mrem/yr per ptCi/sec.2) All age groups are assumed to receive the same dose.Page 11.4-25 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 I Table 4-8 External Dose Factors for Standing on Contaminated Ground DFGI, (mrem/hr per rCi/ m 2)Whole Body Whole Body Element Dose Factor Reference Element Dose Factor Reference H-3 O.OOE+00 6 Be-7 5.95E-10 99 C-14 O.OOE+00 6 F-18 1.19E-08 99 Na-22 2.42E-08 99 Na-24 2,50E-08 6 Mg-27 1. 14E-08 99 Mg-28 1.48E-08 99 AI-26 2.95E-08 99 AI-28 2,OOE-08 99 P-32 O.OOE+00 6 CI-38 1,70E-08 99 Ar-41 1.39E-08 99 K-40 2.22E-09 99 K-42 4.64E-09 99 K-43 1.19E-08 99 Ca-47 1.14E-08 99 Sc-44 2.50E-08 99 Sc-46m 1,21 E-09 99 Sc-46 2.24E-08 99 Sc-47 1.46E-09 99 Ti-44 1.95E-09 99 V-48 3.21E-08 99 Cr-51 2.20E-10 6 Mn-52m 2.79E-08 99 Mn-52 3.80E-08 99 Mn-54 5.80E-09 6 Mn-56 1.IOE-08 6 Fe-52 9.12E-09 99 Fe-55 O.OOE+00 6 Fe-59 8.OOE-09 6 Co-57 1.65E-09 99 Co-58 7.OOE-09 6 Co-60 1.70E-08 6 Ni-63 O.OOE+00 6 Ni-65 3.70E-09 6 Cu-64 1.50E-09 6 Cu-67 1.52E-09 99 Cu-68 8.60E-09'
-- Zn-65 4.OOE-09 6 Zn-69m 5.06E-09 99 Zn-69 0.00E+00 6 Ga-66 2.70E-08 99 Ga-67 1.89E-09 99 Ga-68 1.24E-08 99 Ga-72 3.OOE-08 99 Ge-77 1.34E-08 99 As-72 2.23E-08 99 As-73 1.16E-10 99 As-74 9.41E-09 99 As-76 6.46E-09 99 As-77 1.79E-10 99 Se-73 1.38E-08 99 Se-75 4.98E-09 99 Br-77 3.84E-09 99 Br-80 2.01E-09 99 Br-82 3.OOE-08 99 Br-83 6.40E-1 1 6 Br-84 1.20E-08 6 Br-85 O.OOE+00 6 Kr-79 3.07E-09 99 Kr-81 1.59E-10 99 Kr-83m 1.42E-1 1 99 Kr-85m 2.24E-09 99 Kr-85 1.35E-10 99 Kr-87 1.03E-08 99 Kr-88 2,O7E-08 99 Kr-90 1.56E-08 99 Rb-84 l.07E-08 99 Rb-86 6.30E-10 6 Rb-87 I,00E+OO 99 Rb-88 3.50E-09 6 Rb-89 1.50E-08 6 Sr-85 6.16E-09 99 Sr-87m 3.92E-09 99 Sr-89 5.60E-13 6 Sr-90 1.84E-11 99 Sr-91 7.lGE-09 6 Sr-92 9.OOE-09 6 Y-86 4.OOE-08 99 Y-87 5.53E-09 99 Y-88 2.88E-08 99 Y-90 2.20E-12 6 Y-91m 3.80E-09 6 Y-91 2.40E-11 6 Y-92 1.60E-09 6 Y-93 5.70E-10 6 Zr-95 5,O0E-09 6 Zr-97 5.50E-09 6 Nb-94 1.84E-08 99 Nb-95 5.1OE-09 6 Nb-97m 8.57E-09 99 Nb-97 8.48E-09 99 Mo-99 1.90E-09 6 Tc-99m 9.60E-1O 6 Tc-10l 2.70E-09 6 Tc-104 1.83E-08'
-- Ru-97 2.99E-09 99 Ru-103 3.60E-09 6 Ru-105 4.50E-09 6 Ru/Rh-106 5.76E-09 3  6, 99 Pc-109 3.80E-10 99 Cc-109 1.12E-10 99 In-11 5.11E-09 99 In-115m 2.01E-09 99 In-116 O0OOE+00 2  --Sn-113 1.15E-09 99 Sn-117m 1.96E-08 99 Sn-119m 7.05E-11 99 Sb-117 O.OOE+00 2  -Sb-122 2.71E-09'
-- Sb-124 1.16E-08'
--Sb-125 4,56E-09 99 Sb-126 7.13E-10 99 Ag-108m 1.92E-08 99 Ag-108 1.14E-09 99 Ag-110m 1.80E-08 6 Ag-I l 6.75E-10 99 Te-121m 2.65E-09 99 Te-121 6.75E-09 99 Te-123m 1.88E-09 99 Te-125m 3.50E-11 6 Page 11.4-26 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 4-8 (cont.)External Dose Factors for Standing on Contaminated Ground DFG 1 1 (mrem/hr per nCi/ m 2)Element Te-125 Te-127 Te-129 Te-131 Te-134 1-124 1-130 1-133 1-135 Xe-129m Xe-133m Xe-135m Xe-137 Cs-129 Cs-134 Cs-137/Ba-137m Cs-139 Ba-133m Ba-135m Ba-137 Ba-La-140 Ba-142 Ce-139 Ce-143 Pr-142 Nc-147 Pm-145 Pm-148 Sm-153 Eu-154 Gc-153 Er-169 Tm- 170 Yb-175 Hf-181 Ta-183 Re- 188 Ir-194 Pt-197 Au-195 Au-199 Hg-203 TI-206 Pb-203 Pb-212 Bi-206 Bi-214 Th-232 Np-239 Whole Body Dose Factor 0.00E+00 2 1.00E-1I 7.10E-10 2.20E-09 1.05E-08 1.23E-08 1.40E-08 3.70E-09 1.20E-08 5.57E-10 4.81E-10 5.23E-09 4,26E-09 3.39E-09 1.20E-08 1. 14E-08 4 5.15E-09 8.10E-10 7.26E-10 O.00E+00 2 1.71E-08 8 7.90E-09 2.04E-09 2.20E-09 1.84E-09 1.00E-09 3.38E-10 7.22E-09 8.95E-10 1.41E-08 1.46E-09 6.12E-14 3.41E-10 4.94E-10 6.67E-09 2.93E-09'1.89E-09 2.31 E-09 3.57E-10 1.14E-09 1.18E-09 2.89E-09 0.00E+002 3.88E-09 1.91 E-09 3.74E-08 1.71E-08 8,14E-12 9.50E-10 Reference 6 6 6 99 99 6 6 6 99 99 99 99 99 6 6,99 99 99 99 6 6 99 6 99 6 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 6 Element Te-127m Te-129m Te-131m Te-I-132 1-123 1-125 1-131 1-134 Xe-127 Xe-131m Xe-133 Xe-135 Xe-138 Cs- 132 Cs- 136 Cs-138 Ba-131 Ba-133 Ba- 137m Ba-139 Ba-141 La-142 Ce-141 Ce-Pr-144 Pr-143 Nc-149 Pm-148m Pm-149 Eu-152 Eu-155 Dy-157 Er-171 Yb-169 Lu- 177 Ta-182 W-187 Os-191 Pt-195m Au-195m Au-N98 Hg-197 TI-201 TM-208 Pb-210 Pb-214 BI-207 Ra-226 U-238 Am-241 Whole Body Dose Factor 1.10E-12 7.70E-10 8.40E-09 3.40E-09s 2,12E-09 2.89E-10 2.80E-09 1.60E-08 3.44E-09 2.13E-10 5.91E-10 3.36E-09 1.30E-08 8.40E-09 1.50E-08 2.10E-08 5.74E-09 4.85E-09 7.17E-09 2,40E-09 4.30E-09 1.50E-08 5.50E-10 5.20E-10'0.00E+00 5.32E-09 2.35E-08 5.32E-10 1.30E-08 8.27E-10 4.39E-09 5.11E-09 4.12E-09 4.60E-10 1.42E-08 3.1OE-09 9.83E-10 9.79E-10 2.54E-09 5.19E-09 9.33E-10 1.24E-09 3.58E-08 3.57E-11 3.18E-09 1.77E-08 8.78E-11 7.98E-12 3.48E-10 Reference 6 6 6 6 99 99 6 6 99 99 99 99 99 99 6 6 99 99 99 6 6 6 6 6 6 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 6 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 I Value derived by comparing the percentage and MeV of the nuclide's gammas and then comparing to Cesium-137, as a value was not available in the literature.
2 0.0 due to low yield and short half-life.
A value was not available in the literature.
3 Value Is the sum of Ru-106 (1.50E-9) and Rh-106 (4.26E-9).
The Rh-106 value is from Reference 99 and the Ru-106 value Is from Reference
===6.4 Value===
Is the sum of Cs-137 (4.20E-9) and Ba-137m (7.17E-9).
The values are from references 6 and 99, respectively.
Page 11.4-27 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 4-8 (cont.)External Dose Factors for Standing on Contaminated Ground DFGij (mrem/hr per pCi/ M 2)5 Value is the sum of Te-132 (1.70E-9) and 1-132 (1.70E-9).
6 Value is the sum of Ba-140 (2.10E-9) and La-140 (1.50E-8) from reference
: 6. In Reference 6, see Table E-6.7 Value is the sum of Ce-144 (3.20E-10) and Pr-144 (2.OOE-10) from reference 6.Note Dose assessments for IOCFR20 and 40CFR190 compliance are made for an adult only.Dose assessments for I OCFR50 Appendix are made using dose factors of Regulatory Guide 1.109 (Reference
: 6) for all age groups.Page 11.4-28 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 4-9 Adult Inhalation Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI H-3 O.OOE+00 7.18E+02 7.18E+02 7.18E+02 7.18E&#xf7;-02 7.18E+02 7.18E+02 Na-24 1.02E+04 1.02E+04 1.02E+04 1.02E+04 1.02E+04 1.02E+04 1.02E+04 Cr-51 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 1.00E+02 5.95E+01 2.28E+01 1.44E+04 3.32E+03 Mn-54 O.OOE+00 3.96E+04 6.30E+03 O.OOE+00 9.84E+03 1.40E+06 7.74E+04 Mn-56 O.OOE+00 1.24E+00 1.83E-01 O.OOE+00 1.30E+00 9.44E+03 2.02E+04 Fe-55 2.46E+04 1.70E+04 3.94E+03 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7.21E+04 6.03E+03 Fe-59 1.18E+04 2.78E+04 1.06E+04 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.02E+06 1.88E+05 Co-58 0.OOE+00 1.58E+03 2.07E+03 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 9.28E+05 1.06E+05 Co-60 O.OOE+00 1.15E+04 1.48E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.97E+06 2.85E+05 Ni-63 4.32E+05 3.14E+04 1.45E+04 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.78E+05 1.34E+04 Ni-65 1.54E+00 2.10E-01 9.12E-02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.60E+03 1.23E+04 Cu-64 O.OOE+00 1.46E+00 6.15E-01 O.OOE+00 4.62E+00 6.78E+03 4.90E+04 Zn-65 3.24E+04 1.03E+05 4.66E+04 O.OOE+00 6.90E+04 8.64E+05 5.34E+04 Zn-69 3.38E-02 6.51E-02 4.52E-03 0.OOE+00 4.22E-02 9.20E+02 1.63E+01 Br-83 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.41E+02 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.32E+02 Br-84 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.13E+02 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.64E-03 Br-85 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.28E+01 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Rb-86 O.OOE+00 1.35E+05 5.90E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.66E+04 Rb-88 O.OOE+00 3.87E+02 1.93E+02 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.34E-09 Rb-89 0.OOE+00 2.56E+02 1.70E+02 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9.28E-12 Sr-89 3.04E+05 O.OOE+00 8.72E+03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.40E+06 3.50E+05 Sr-90 2.87E+07 0.OOE+00 5.77E+05 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 9.60E+06 7.22E+05 Sr-91 6.19E+O1 0.OOE+00 2.50E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.65E+04 1.91E+05 Sr-92 6.74E+00 O.OOE+00 2.91E-01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.65E+04 4.30E+04 Y-90 2.09E+03 O.OOE+00 5.61E+01 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.70E+05 5.06E+05 Y-91M 2.61E-01 O.OOE+00 1.02E-02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.92E+03 1.33E+00 Y-91 4.62E+05 O.OOE+00 1.24E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.70E+06 3.85E+05 Y-92 1.03E+01 O.OOE+00 3.02E-01 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.57E+04 7.35E+04 Y-93 9.44E+01 0.OOE+00 2.61E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.85E+04 4.22E+05 Zr-95 1.07E+05 3.44E+04 2.33E+04 O.OOE+00 5.42E+04 1.77E+06 1.50E+05 Zr-97 9.68E+01 1.96E+01 9.04E+00 0.OOE+00 2.97E+01 7.87E+04 5.23E+05 Nb-95 1.41E+04 7.82E+03 4.21E+03 O.OOE+00 7.74E+03 5.05E+05 1.04E+05 Mo-99 O.OOE+00 1.21E+02 2.30E+01 O.OOE+00 2.91E+02 9.12E+04 2.48E+05 Tc- 99M 1.03E-03 2.91E-03 3.70E-02 O.OOE+00 4.42E-02 7.64E+02 4.16E+03 Tc-101 4.18E-05 6.02E-05 5.90E-04 O.OOE+00 1.08E-03 3.99E+02 1.09E-1 1 Ru-103 1.53E+03 0.OOE+00 6.58E+02 O.OOE+00 5.83E+03 5.05E+05 1.10E+05 Ru-105 7.90E-01 0.OOE+00 3.11E-01 0.OOE+00 1.02E+00 1.10E+04 4.82E+04 Ru-106 6.91E+04 O.OOE+00 8.72E+03 O.OOE+00 1.34E+05 9.36E+06 9.12E+05 Ag-1 OM 1.08E+04 1.00E+04 5.94E+03 O.OOE+00 1.97E+04 4.63E+06 3.02E+05 Page 11.4-29 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 4-9 (Continued)
Adult Inhalation Dose Factors I Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Te-125M 3.42E+03 1.58E+/-03 4.67E+02 1.05E+03 1.24E+04 3.14E+05 7.06E+04 Te-127M 1.26E+04 5.77E+03 1.57E+03 3.29E+03 4.58E+04 9.60E+05 1.50E+05 Te-127 1.40E+00 6.42E-01 3.1OE-01 1.06E+00 5.1OE+00 6.5 1E+03 5.74E+04 Te-129M 9.76E+03 4.67E+03 1.58E+03 3.44E+03 3.66E+04 1.16E+06 3.83E+05 Te-129 4.98E-02 2.39E-02 1.24E-02 3.90E-02 1.87E-01 1.94E+03 1.57E+02 Te-131M 6.99E+01 4.36E+01 2.90E+01 5.50E+01 3.09E+02 1.46E+05 5.56E+05 Te-131 1.11E-02 5.95E-03 3.59E-03 9.36E-03 4,37E-02 1.39E+03 1.84E+01 Te-132 2.60E+02 2.15E+02 1.62E+02 1.90E+02 1.46E+03 2.88E+05 5.10E+05 1-130 4.58E+03 1.34E+04 5.28E+03 1.14E+06 2.09E+04 0.OOE+00 7.69E+03 1-131 2.52E+04 3.58E+04 2.05E+04 1.19E+07 6.13E+04 0.OOE+00 6.28E+03 1-132 1.16E+03 3.26E+03 1.16E+03 1.14E+05 5.18E+03 0.OOE+00 4.06E+02 1-133 8.64E+03 1.48E+04 4.52E+03 2.15E+06 2.58E+04 O.OOE+00 8.88E+03 1-134 6.44E+02 1.73E+03 6.15E+02 2.98E+04 2.75E+03 0.OOE+00 1.01E+00 1-135 2.68E+03 6.98E+03 2.57E+03 4.48E+05 1.11E+04 O.OOE+00 5.25E+03 Cs-134 3.73E+05 8.48E+05 7.28E+05 0.OOE+00 2.87E+05 9.76E+04 1.04E+04 Cs-136 3.90E+04 1.46E+05 1.1OE+05 0.OOE+00 8.56E+04 1.20E+04 1.17E+04 Cs-137 4.78E+05 6.21E+05 4.28E+05 0.OOE+00 2.22E+05 7.52E+04 8.40E+03 Cs-138 3.31E+02 6.21E+02 3.24E+02 0.OOE+00 4.80E+02 4.86E+01 1.86E-03 Ba-139 9.36E-01 6.66E-04 2.74E-02 0.OOE+00 6.22E-04 3.76E+03 8.96E+02 Ba-140 3.90E+04 4.90E+01 2.57E+03 0.OOE+00 1.67E+01 1.27E+06 2.18E+05 Ba-141 1.OOE-01 7.53E-05 3.36E-03 0.OOE+00 7.OOE-05 1.94E+03 1.16E-07 Ba-142 2.63E-02 2.70E-05 1.66E-03 0.OOE+00 2.29E-05 1.19E+03 1.57E-16 La-140 3.44E+02 1.74E+02 4.58E+01 O.OOE+0010.OOE+00 1.36E+05 4.58E+05 La-142 6.83E-01 3.1OE-01 7.72E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.33E+03 2.1IE+03 Ce-141 1.99E+04 1.35E+04 1.53E+03 0.OOE+00 6.26E+03 3.62E+05 1.20E+05 Ce-143 1.86E+02 1.38E+02 1.53E+01 0.OOE+00 6.08E+01 7.98E+04 2.26E+05 Ce-144 3.43E+06 1.43E+06 1.84E+05 0.OOE+00 8.48E+05 7.78E+06 8.16E+05 Pr-143 9.36E+03 3.75E+03 4.64E+02 0.OOE+00 2.16E+03 2.81E+05 2.OOE+05 Pr-144 3.01E-02 1.25E-02 1.53E-03 0.OOE+00 7.05E-03 1.02E+03 2.15E-08 Nd-147 5.27E+03 6.10E+03 3.65E+02 0.OOE+00 3.56E+03 2.21E+05 1.73E+05 W-187 8.48E+00 7.08E+00 2.48E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 2.90E+04 1.55E+05 Np-239 2.30E+02 2.03E+02 1.24E+01 0.00E+00 7.OOE+01 3.76E+04 1.19E+05 Notes: 1)Units are mrem/yr per g+/-Ci/m 3.Page 11.4-30 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 4-10 Teen Inhalation Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI.. .. .. .... .._ -.- _ -' -' ..=H-3 O.OOE+00 7.25E+02 7.25E+02 7.25E+02 7.25E+02 7.25E+02 7.25E+02 Na-24 1.38E+04 1.38E+04 1.38E+04 1.38E+04 1.38E+04 1.38E+04 1.38E+04 Cr-51 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.35E+02 7.50E+01 3.07E+01 2.10E+04 3.OOE+03 Mn-54 O.OOE+00 5.1 1E+04 8.40E+03 O.OOE+00 1.27E+04 1.98E+06 6.68E+04 Mn-56 O.OOE+00 1.70E+00 2.52E-01 O.OOE+00 1.79E+00 1.52E+04 5.74E+04 Fe-55 3.34E+04 2.38E+04 5.54E+03 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.24E+05 6.39E+03 Fe-59 1.59E+04 3.70E+04 1.43E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.53E+06 1.78E+05 Co-58 0.OOE+00 2.07E+03 2.78E+03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.34E+06 9.52E+04 Co-60 0.00E+00 1.51E+04 1.98E+04 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.72E+06 2.59E+05 Ni-63 5.80E+05 4.34E+04 1.98E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.07E+05 1.42E+04 Ni-65 2.18E+00 2.93E-01 1.27E-01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9.36E+03 3.67E+04 Cu-64 O.OOE+00 2.03E+00 8.48E-01 O.OOE+00 6.41EE+00 1.11 E+04 6.14E+04 Zn-65 3.86E+04 1.34E+05 6.24E+04 O.OOE+00 8.64E+04 1.24E+06 4.66E+04 Zn-69 4.83E-02 9.20E-02 6.46E-03 O.OOE+00 6.02E-02 1.58E+03 2.85E+02 Br-83 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.44E+02 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Br-84 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.33E+02 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Br-85 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.83E+01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Rb-86 O.OOE+00 1.90E+05 8.40E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.77E+04 Rb-88 O.OOE+00 5.46E+02 2.72E+02 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.92E-05 Rb-89 O.OOE+00 3.52E+02 2.33E+02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.38E-07 Sr-89 4.34E+05 O.OOE+00 1.25E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.42E+06 3.71E+05 Sr-90 3.3 1E+07 0.OOE+00 6.66E+05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.65E+07 7.65E+05 Sr-91 8.80E+01 O.OOE+00 3.51E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.07E+04 2.59E+05 Sr-92 9.52E+00 O.OOE+00 4.06E-01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.74E+04 1.19E+05 Y-90 2.98E+03 O.OOE+00 8.OOE+01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.93E+05 5.59E+05 Y-91M 3.70E-01 O.OOE+00 1.42E-02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.20E+03 3.02E+01 Y-91 6.61E+05 0.00E+00 1.77E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.94E+06 4.09E+05 Y-92 1.47E+01 0.OOE+00 4.29E-01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.68E+04 1.65E+05 Y-93 1.35E+02 0.OOE+00 3.72E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8.32E+04 5.79E+05 Zr-95 1.46E+05 4.58E+04 3.15E+04 O.OOE+00 6.74E+04 2.69E+06 1.49E+05 Zr-97 1.38E+02 2.72E+01 1.26E+01 O.OOE+00 4.12E+01 1.30E+05 6.30E+05 Nb-95 1.86E+04 1.03E+04 5.66E+03 0.00E+00 11.00E+04 7.51E+05 9.68E+04 Mo-99 O.OOE+00 1.69E+02 3.22E+01 O.OOE+00 4.1 IE+02 1.54E+05 2.69E+05 Tc- 99M 1.38E-03 3.86E-03 4.99E-02 O.OOE+00 5.76E-02 1.15E+03 6.13E+03 Tc-101 5.92E-05 8.40E-05 8.24E-04 0.OOE+00 1.52E-03 6.67E+02 8.72E-07 Ru-103 2.1OE+03 0.OOE+00 8.96E+02 O.OOE+00 7.43E+03 7.83E+05 1.09E+05 Ru-105 1.12E+00 O.OOE+00 4.34E-01 0.OOE+00 1.41E+00 1.82E+04 9.04E+04 Ru-106 9.84E+04 O.OOE+00 1.24E+04 O.OOE+00 1.90E+05 1.61E+07 9.60E+05 Ag-1 OM 1.38E+04 1.3 1E+04 7.99E+03 O.OOE+00 2.50E+04 6.75E+0612.73E+05 Page 11.4-31 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 4-10 (Continued)
Teen Inhalation Dose Factors I Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lune GI-LLI Te-125M 4.88E+03 2.24E+03 6.67E+02 1.40E+03 0.00E+00 5.36E+05 7.50E+04 Te-127M 1.80E+04 8.16E+03 2.18E+03 4.38E+03 6.54E+04 1.66E+06 1.59E+05 Te-127 2.01E+00 9.12E-01 4.42E-01 1.42E+00 7.28E+00 1.12E+04 8.08E+04 Te-129M 1.39E+04 6.58E+03 2.25E+03 4.58E+03 5.19E+04 1.98E+06 4.05E+05 Te-129 7.10E-02 3.38E-02 1.76E-02 5.18E-02 2.66E-01 3.30E+03 1.62E+03 Te-131M 9.84E+01 6.01E+01 4.02E+01 7.25E+01 4.39E+02 2.38E+05 6.2 1E+05 Te-131 1.58E-02 8.32E-03 5.04E-03 1.24E-02 6.18E-02 2.34E+03 1.51E+01 Te-132 3.60E+02 2.90E+02 2.19E+02 2.46E+02 1.95E+03 4.49E+05 4.63E+05 1-130 6.24E+03 1.79E+04 7.17E+03 1.49E+06 2.75E+04 0.OOE+00 9.12E+03 1-131 3.54E+04 4.91E+04 2.64E+04 1.46E+07 8.40E+04 0.OOE+00 6.49E+03 1-132 1.59E+03 4.38E+03 1.58E+03 1.51E+05 6.92E+03 O.OOE+00 1.27E+03 1-133 1.22E+04 2.05E+04 6.22E+03 2.92E+06 3.59E+04 0.OOE+00 1.03E+04 1-134 8.88E+02 2.32E+03 8.40E+02 3.95E+04 3.66E+03 0.00E+00 2.04E+01 1-135 3.70E+03 9.44E+03 3.49E+03 6.21E+05 1.49E+04 0.OOE+00 6.95E+03 Cs-134 5.02E+05 1.13E+06 5.49E+05 0.OOE+00 3.75E+05 1.46E+05 9.76E+03 Cs-136 5.15E+04 1.94E+05 1.37E+05 O.OOE+00 1.10E+05 1.78E+04 1.09E+04 Cs-137 6.70E+05 8.48E+05 3.11 E+05 0.OOE+00 3.04E+05 1.2 1E+05 8.48E+03 Cs-138 4.66E+02 8.56E+02 4.46E+02 0.OOE+00 6.62E+02 7.87E+01 2.70E-01 Ba-139 1.34E+00 9.44E-04 3.90E-02 0.OOE+00 8.88E-04 6.46E+03 6.45E+03 Ba-140 5.47E+04 6.70E+01 3.52E+03 O.OOE+00 2.28E+01 2.03E+06 2.29E+05 Ba-141 1.42E-01 1.06E-04 4.74E-03 0.OOE+00 9.84E-05 3.29E+03 7.46E-04 Ba-142 3.70E-02 3.70E-05 2.27E-03 0.OOE+00 3.14E-05,1.91E+03 4.79E-10 La-140 4.79E+02 2.36E+02 6.26E+01 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.14E+05 4.87E+05 La-142 9.60E-01 4.25E-01 1.06E-01 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.02E+04 1.20E+04 Ce-141 2.84E+04 1.90E+04 2.17E+03 0.OOE+00 8.88E+03 6.14E+05 1.26E+05 Ce-143 2.66E+02 1.94E+02 2.16E+01 0.OOE+00 8.64E+01 1.30E+05 2.55E+05 Ce-144 4.89E+06 2.02E+06 2.62E+05 0.00E+00 1.21E+06 1.34E+07 8.64E+05 Pr-143 1.34E+04 5.3 1E+03 6.62E+02 0.OOE+00 3.09E+03 4.83E+05 2.14E+05 Pr-144 4.30E-02 1.76E-02 2.18E-03 0.001E+00 1.01E-02 1.75E+03 2.35E-04 Nd-147 7.86E+03 8.56E+03 5.13E+02 0.OOE+00 5.02E+03 3.72E+05 1.82E+05 W-187 1.20E+01 9.76E+00 3.43E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.74E+04 1.77E+05 Np-239 3.38E+02 2.88E+02 1.77E+01 0.OOE+00 1.OOE+02 6.49E+04 1.32E+05 Notes: 1)Units are mrem/yr per jCi/m 3.Page 11.4-32 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 4-11 Child Inhalation Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI H-3 0.OOE+00 6.40E+02 6.40E+02 6.40E+02 6.40E+02 6.40E+02 6.40E+02 Na-24 1.61E+04 1.61E+04 1.61E+04 1.61E+04 1.61E+04 1.61E+04 1.61E+04 Cr-51 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 1.54E+02 8.55E+01 2.43E+01 1.70E+04 1.08E+03 Mn-54 O.OOE+00 4.29E+04 9.5 1E+03 0.00E+00 l.OOE+04 1.58E+06 2.29E+04 Mn-56 O.OOE+00 l.66E+00 3.12E-01 0.OOE+00 1.67E+00 1.31E+04 1.23E+05 Fe-55 4.74E+04 2.52E+04 7.77E+03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.1 1E+05 2.87E+03 Fe-59 2.07E+04 3.34E+04 1.67E+04 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.27E+06 7.07E+04 Co-58 0.OOE+00 1.77E+03 3.16E+03 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.11 E+06 3.44E+04 Co-60 0.OOE+00 1.31E+04 2.26E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 7.07E+06 9.62E+04 Ni-63 8.21E+05 4.63E+04 2.80E+04 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.75E+05 6.33E+03 Ni-65 2.99E+00 2.96E-01 1.64E-01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.18E+03 8.40E+04 Cu-64 0.OOE+00 1.99E+00 1.07E+00 O.OOE+00 6.03E+00 9.58E+03 3.67E+04 Zn-65 4.26E+04 1.13E+05 7.03E+04 0.00E+00 7.14E+04 9.95E+05 1.63E+04 Zn-69 6.70E-02 9.66E-02 8.92E-03 0.OOE+00 5.85E-02 1.42E+03 1.02E+04 Br-83 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.74E+02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00O0.OOE+0O Br-84 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 5.48E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Br-85 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.53E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Rb-86 0.OOE+00 1.98E+05 1.14E+05 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 7.99E+03 Rb-88 O.OOE+00 5.62E+02 3.66E+02 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.72E+01 Rb-89 O.OOE+00 3.45E+02 2.90E+02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.89E+00 Sr-89 5.99E+05 0.OOE+00 1.72E+04 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.16E+06 1.67E+05 Sr-90 3.85E+07 0.OOE+00 7.66E+05 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.48E+07 3.43E+05 Sr-91 1.21E+02 O.OOE+00 4.59E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.33E+04 1.74E+05 Sr-92 1.31E+01 0.00E+00 5.25E-01 O.OOE+0010.OOE+00 2.40E+04 2.42E+05 Y-90 4.11 E+03 0.OOE+00 1.11 E+02 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+00 2.62E+05 2.68E+05 Y-91M 5.07E-01 O.OOE+00 1.84E-02 O.OOE+00O0.OOE+00 2.81E+03 1.72E+03)Y-91 9.14E+05 0.00E+00 2.44E+04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.63E+06 1.84E+05 Y-92 2.04E+01 0.OOE+00 5.81E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.39E+04 2.39E+05 Y-93 1.86E+02 0.OOE+00 5.1 1E+0 0.0OOE+00 0.00E+00 7.44E+04 3.89E+05 Zr-95 1.90E+05 4.18E+04 3.70E+04 O.OOE+00 5.96E+04 2.23E+06 6.11 E+04 Zr-97 1.88E+02 2.72E+01 1.60E+01 0.OOE+00 3.89E+01 1.13E+05 3.51E+05 Nb-95 2.35E+04 9.18E+03 6.55E+03 0.OOE+00 8.62E+03 6.14E+05 3.70E+04 Mo-99 0.OOE+00 1.72E+02 4.26E+01 0.OOE+00 3.92E+02 1.35E+05 1.27E+05 Tc- 99M 1.78E-03 3.48E-03 5.77E-02 O.OOE+00 5.07E-02 9.51E+02 4.81E+03 Tc-101 8.1OE-05 8.51E-05 1.08E-03 0.OOE+00 1.45E-03 5.85E+02 1.63E+O1 Ru-103 2.79E+03 O.OOE+00 1.07E+03 0.OOE+00 7.03E+03 6.62E+05 4.48E+04 Ru-105 1.53E+00 O.OOE+00 5.55E-01 0.00E+00 1.34E+00 1.59E+04 9.95E+04 Ru-106 1.36E+05 0.OOE+00 1.69E+04 0.OOE+00 1.84E+05 1.43E+07 4.29E+05 Ag- IOM 1.69E+04 1.14E+04 9.14E+03 0.OOE+00 2.12E+04 5.48E+06 1.00E+05 Page 11.4-33 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 I Table 4-11 (Continued)
Child Inhalation Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lun2 GI-LLI Te-125M 6.73E+03 2.33E+03 9.14E+02 1.92E+03 O.OOE+00 4.77E+05 3.38E+04 Te-127M 2.49E+04 8.55E+03 3.02E+03 6.07E+03 6.36E+04 1.48E+06 7.14E+04 Te-127 2.77E+00 9.51E-01 6.11 E-01 1.96E+00 7.07E+00 1.00E+04 5.62E+04 Te-129M 1.92E+04 6.85E+03 3.04E+03 6.33E+03 5.03E+04 1.76E+06 1.82E+05 Te-129 9.77E-02 3.50E-02 2.38E-02 7.14E-02 2.57E-01 2.93E+03 2.55E+04 Te-131M 1.34E+02 5.92E+01 5.07E+01 9.77E+01 4.OOE+02 2.06E+05 3.08E+05 Te-131 2.17E-02 8.44E-03 6.59E-03 1.70E-02 5.88E-02 2.05E+03 1.33E+03 Te-132 4.81E+02 2.72E+02 2.63E+02 3.17E+02 1.77E+03 3.77E+05 1.38E+05 1-130 8.18E+03 1.64E+04 8.44E+03 1.85E+06 2.45E+04 0.OOE+00 5.11E+03 1-131 4.81E+04 4.81E+04 2.73E+04 1.62E+07 7.88E+04 0.OOE+00 2.84E+03 1-132 2.12E+03 4.07E+03 1.88E+03 1,94E+05 6.25E+03 0.OOE+00 3.20E+03 1-133 1.66E+04 2.03E+04 7.70E+03 3.85E+06 3.38E+04 0.OOE+00 5.48E+03 1-134 1.17E+03 2.16E+03 9.95E+02 5.07E+04 3.30E+03 0.OOE+00 9.55E+02 1-135 4.92E+03 8.73E+03 4,14E+03 7.92E+05 1.34E+04 0.OOE+00 4.44E+03 Cs-134 6.51E+05 1.01E+06 2.25E+05 0.OOE+00 3.30E+05 1.21E+05 3.85E+03 Cs-136 6.51E+04 1.71E+05 1.16E+05 0.OOE+00 9.55E+04 1.45E+04 4.18E+03 Cs-137 9.07E+05 8.25E+05 1.28E+05 0.OOE+00 2.82E+05 1.04E+05 3.62E+03 Cs-138 6.33E+02 8.40E+02 5.55E+02 0.OOE+00 6.22E+02 6.81E+01 2.70E+02 Ba-139 1.84E+00 9.84E-04 5.37E-02 O.OOE+00 8.62E-04 5.77E+03 5.77E+04 Ba-140 7.40E+04 6.48E+01 4.33E+03 0.OOE+00 2.1 1E+01 1.74E+06 1.02E+05 Ba-141 1.96E-01 1.09E-04 6.36E-03 O.OOE+00 9.47E-05 2.92E+03 2.75E+02 Ba-142 5.00E-02 3.60E-05 2.79E-03 O.OOE+00 2.91E-05 1.64E+03 2.74E+00 La-140 6.44E+02 2.25E+02 7.55E+01 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.83E+05 2.26E+05 La-142 1.30E+00 4.11E-01 1.29E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8.70E+03 7.59E+04 Ce-141 3.92E+04 1.95E+04 2.90E+03 O.OOE+00 8.55E+03 5.44E+05 5.66E+04 Ce-143 3.66E+02 1.99E+02 2.87E+01 0.OOE+00 8.36E+01 1.15E+05 1.27E+05 Ce-144 6.77E+06 2.12E+06 3.61E+05 0.OOE+00 1.17E+06 1.20E+07 3.89E+05 Pr-143 1.85E+04 5.55E+03 9.14E+02 0.OOE+00 3.OOE+03 4.33E+05 9.73E+04 Pr-144 5.96E-02 1.85E-02 3.OOE-03 0.OOE+00 9.77E-03 1.57E+03 1.97E+02 Nd-147 1.08E+04 8.73E+03 6.81E+02 0.OOE+00 4.81E+03 3.28E+05 8.21E+04 W-187 1.63E+01 9.66E+00 4.33E+00O0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.111E+04 9.10E+04 Np-239 4.66E+02 3.O1E+02 2.35E+01 0.OOE+00 9.73E+01 5.81E+04 6.40E+04 Notes: 1)Units are mrem/yr per jiCi/m 3.Page 11.4-34 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I Table 4-12 Infant Inhalation Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI H-3 O.OOE+00 3.68E+02 3.68E+02 3.68E+02 3.68E+02 3.68E+02 3.68E+02 Na-24 1.06E+04 1.06E+04 1.06E+04 1.06E+04 1.06E+04 1.06E+04 1.06E+04 Cr-51 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8.95E+01 5.75E+01 1.32E+01 1.28E+04 3.57E+02 Mn-54 O.OOE+00 2.53E+04 4.98E+03 0.OOE+00 4.98E+03 1.00E+06 7.06E+03 Mn-56 0.OOE+00 1.54E+00 2.21E-01 0.OOE+00 1.10E+00 1.25E+04 7.17E+04 Fe-55 1.97E+04 1.17E+04 3.33E+03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8.69E+04 1.09E+03 Fe-59 1.36E+04 2.35E+04 9.48E+03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.02E+06 2.48E+04 Co-58 O.OOE+00 1.22E+03 1.82E+03 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 7.77E+05 1.11 E+04 Co-60 O.OOE+00 8.02E+03 1.18E+04 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 4.51E+06 3.19E+04 Ni-63 3.39E+05 2.04E+04 1.16E+04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.09E+05 2.42E+03 Ni-65 2.39E+00 2.84E-01 1.23E-01 0.OOE+00O0.OOE+00 8.12E+03 5.01E+04 Cu-64 0.OOE+00 1.88E+00 7.74E-01 O.OOE+00 3.98E+00 9.30E+03 1.50E+04 Zn-65 1.93E+04 6.26E+04 3.1 IE+04 0.OOE+00 3.25E+04 6.47E+05 5.14E+04 Zn-69 5.39E-02 9.67E-02 7.18E-03 0.OOE+00 4.02E-02 1.47E+03 1.32E+04 Br-83 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.81E+02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Br-84 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.OOE+02 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Br-85 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.04E+O1 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Rb-86 0.OOE+00 1.90E+05 8.82E+04 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.04E+03 Rb-88 O.OOE+00 5.57E+02 2.87E+02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.39E+02 Rb-89 O.OOE+00 3.21E+02 2.06E+02 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 6.82E+01 Sr-89 3.98E+05 0.OOE+00 1.14E+04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.03E+06 6.40E+04 Sr-90 1.55E+07 0.OOE+00 3.12E+05 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.12E+07 1.31E+05 Sr-91 9.56E+01 0.OOE+00 3.46E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.26E+04 7.34E+04 Sr-92 1.05E+01 0.OOE+00 3.91E-01 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.38E+04 1.40E+05 Y-90 3.29E+03 0.OOE+00 8.82E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.69E+05 1.04E+05 Y-91M 4.07E-01 O.OOE+00 1.39E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.79E+03 2.35E+03 Y-91 5.88E+05 0.OOE+00 1.57E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.45E+06 7.03E+04 Y-92 1.64E+01 0.OOE+00 4.61E-01 0.OOE+0 0.OOE+00 2.45E+04 1.27E+05 Y-93 1.50E+02 0.OOE+00 4.07E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7.64E+04 1.67E+05 Zr-95 1.15E+05 2.79E+04 2.03E+04 0.OOE+00 3.11 E+04 1.75E+06 2,17E+04 Zr-97 1.50E+02 2.56E+01 1.17E+01 0.OOE+00 2.59E+01 1.10E+05 1.40E+05 Nb-95 1.57E+04 6.43E+03 3.78E+03 0.OOE+00 4.72E+03 4.79E+05 1.27E+04 Mo-99 0.OOE+00 1.65E+02 3.23E+01 O.OOE+00 2.65E+02 1.35E+05 4.87E+04 Tc- 99M 1.40E-03 2.88E-03 3.72E-02 0.OOE+00 3.1 IE-02 8.1 1E+02 2.03E+03 Tc-101 6.5 1E-05 8.23E-05 8.12E-04 0.OOE+00 9.79E-04 5.84E+02 8.44E+02 Ru-103 2.02E+03 0.OOE+00I 6.79E+02 0.OOE+00 4.24E+03 5.52E+05 1.61E+04 Ru-105 1.22E+00 0.OOE+00 4.10E-01 0.OOE+00 8.99E-01 1.57E+04 4.84E+04 Ru-106 8.68E+04 0.OOE+00 1.09E+04 0.OOE+00 1.07E+05 1.16E+07 1.64E+05 Ag-I 10M 9.98E+03 7.22E+03 5.OOE+03 0.OOE+00 1.09E+04 3.67E+06 3.30E+04 Page 11.4-35 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 4-12 (Continued)
Infant Inhalation Dose Factors I Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Te-125M 4.76E+03 1.99E+03 6.58E+02 1.62E+03 0.OOE+00 4.47E+05 1.29E+04 Te-127M 1.67E+04 6.90E+03 2.07E+03 4.87E+03 3.75E+04 1.31E+06 2.73E+04 Te-127 2.23E+00 9.53E-01 4.89E-01 1.85E+00 4.86E+00 1.03E+04 2.44E+04 Te-129M 1.41E+04 6.09E+03 2,23E+03 5.47E+03 3.18E+04 1.68E+06 6.90E+04 Te-129 7.88E-02 3.47E-02 1.88E-02 6.75E-02 1.75E-01 3.OOE+03 2.63E+04 Te-131M 1.07E+02 5.50E+01 3.63E+01 8.93E+01 2.65E+02 1.99E+05 1.19E+05 Te-131 1.74E-02 8.22E-03 5.OOE-03 1.58E-02 3.99E-02 2.06E+03 8.22E+03 Te-132 3.72E+02 2.37E+02 1.76E+02 2.79E+02 1.03E+03 3.40E+05 4.41E+04 1-130 6.36E+03 1.39E+04 5.57E+03 1.60E+06 1.53E+04 O.OOE+00 1.99E+03 1-131 3.79E+04 4.44E+04 1.96E+04 1.48E+07 5.18E+04 O.OOE+00 1.06E+03 1-132 1.69E+03 3.54E+03 1.26E+03 1.69E+05 3.95E+03 0.00E+00 1 .90E+03 1-133 1.32E+04 1.92E+04 5.60E+03 3.56E+06 2.24E+04 0,OOE+00 2.16E+03 1-134 9.21E+02 1.88E+03 6.65E+02 4.45E+04 2.09E+03 O.OOE+00 1.29E+03 1-135 3.86E+03 7.60E+03 2.77E+03 6.96E+05 8.47E+03 0.OOE+00 1.83E+03 Cs-134 3.96E+05 7.03E+05 7.45E+04 O.OOE+00 1.90E+05 7.97E+04 1.33E+03 Cs-136 4.83E+04 1.35E+05 5.29E+04 0.OOE+00 5.64E+04 1.18E+04 1.43E+03 Cs-137 5.49E+05 6.12E+05 4.55E+04 0.00E+00 1.72E+05 7.13E+04 1.33E+03 Cs-138 5.05E+02 7.81E+02 3.98E+02 0.OOE+00 4.10E+02 6.54E+01 8.76E+02 Ba-139 1.48E+00 9.84E-04 4.30E-02 O.OOE+00 5.92E-04 5.95E+03 5.1OE+04 Ba-140 5.60E+04 5.60E+01 2.90E+03 0.OOE+00 1.34E+01 1.60E+06 3.84E+04 Ba-141 1.57E-01 1.08E-04 4.97E-03 0.OOE+00 6.50E-05 2.97E+03 4.75E+03 Ba-142 3.98E-02 3.30E-05 1.96E-03 0.00E+00 1.90E-05 1.55E+03 6.93E+02 La- 140 5.05E+02 2.OOE+02 5.15E+01 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.68E+05 8.48E+04 La-142 1.03E+00 3.77E-01 9.04E-02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.22E+03 5.95E+04 Ce-141 2.77E+04 1.67E+04 1.99E+03 0.OOE+00 5.25E+03 5.17E+05 2.16E+04 Ce-143 2.93E+02 1.93E+02 2.21E+01 O.OOE+00 5.64E+01 1.16E+05 4.97E+04 Ce-144 3.19E+06 1.21E+06 1.76E+05 0.OOE+00 5.38E+05 9.84E+06 1.48E+05 Pr-143 1.40E+04 5.24E+03 6.99E+02 0.OOE+00 1.97E+03 4.33E+05 3.72E+04 Pr-144 4.79E-02 1.85E-02 2.41E-03 0.OOE+00 6.72E-03 1.61E+03 4.28E+03 Nd-147 7.94E+03 8.13E+03 5.OOE+02 O.OOE+00 3.15E+03 3.22E+05 3.12E+04 W-187 1.30E+01 9.02E+00 3.12E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.96E+04 3.56E+04 Np-239 3.71E+02 2.98E+02 1.88E+01 O.OOE+00 6.62E+01 5.95E+04 2.49E+04 Notes: 1)Units are mren/yr per &#xfd;tCi/m 3.Page 11.4-36 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 4-13 Adult Vegetation Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Bodv Thyroid Kidney Lune GI-LLI H-3 0.OOE+00 1.29E+03 1.29E+03 1.29E+03 1.29E+03 1.29E+03 1.29E+03 Na-24 2.69E+05 2.69E+05 2.69E+05 2.69E+05 2.69E+05 2.69E+05 2.69E+05 Cr-51 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.64E+04 2.77E+04 1.02E+04 6.15E+04 1.17E+07 Mn-54 0.OOE+00 3.13E+08 5.97E+07 O.OOE+00 9.31E+07 0.OOE+00 9.58E+08 Mn-56 0.OOE+00 1.54E+0O1 2.73E+00 O.OOE+00 1.95E+O1 0.OOE+00 4.91E+02 Fe-55 2.1OE+08 1.45E+08 3.38E+07 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.08E+07 8.3 1E+07 Fe-59 1.26E+08 2.96E+08 1.13E+08 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.27E+07 9.87E+08 Co-58 0.OOE+00 3.08E+07 6.90E+07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 6.24E+08 Co-60 O.OOE+00 1.67E+08 3.69E+08 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.14E+09 Ni-63 1.04E+10 7.21E+08 3.49E+08 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.50E+08 Ni-65 5.97E+01 7.75E+00 3.54E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.97E+02 Cu-64 0.OOE+00 9.09E+03 4.27E+03 0.OOE+00 2.29E+04 O.OOE+00 7.75E+05 Zn-65 3.17E+08 1.O1E+09 4.56E+08 0.OOE+00 6.75E+08 0.OOE+00 6.36E+08 Zn-69 4.95E-06 9.48E-06 6.59E-07 O.OOE+00 6.16E-06 0.OOE+00 1.42E-06 Br-83 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.OOE+00 O.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.32E+00 Br-84 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.20E-1 1 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.72E-16 Br-85 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0 0.0OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Rb-86 0.OOE+00 2.20E+08 1.03E+08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.34E+07 Rb-88 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Rb-89 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Sr-89 9.95E+09 0.OOE+00 2.86E+08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.60E+09 Sr-90 6.95E+1 I 0.OOE+00 1.40E+10 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.75E+10 Sr-91 3.01E+05 O.OOE+00 1.22E+04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.43E+06 Sr-92 4.12E+02 0.OOE+00 1.78E+01 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 8.17E+03 Y-90 1.33E+04 0.OOE+00 3.57E+02 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.41E+08 Y-91M 4.93E-09 0.OOE+00 1.91E-10 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 1.45E-08 Y-91 5.12E+06 0.00E+00 1.37E+05 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.82E+09 Y-92 8.95E-01 0.OOE+00 2.62E-02 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 1.57E+04 Y-93 1.67E+02 O.OOE+00 4.62E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 5.31E+06 Zr-95 1.18E+06 3.77E+05 2.55E+05 0.OOE+00 5.92E+05 0.OOE+00 1.20E+09 Zr-97 3.35E+02 6.77E+01 3.09E+01 0.OOE+00 1.02E+02 0.OOE+00 2.10E+07 Nb-95 1.43E+05 7.95E+04 4.27E+04 O.OOE+00 7.86E+04 O.OOE+00 4.83E+08 Mo-99 0.OOE+00 6.14E+06 1.17E+06 0.OOE+00 1.39E+07 0.OOE+00 1.42E+07 Tc- 99M 3.06E+00 8.64E+00 1.1OE+02 0.OOE+00 1.3 1E+02 4.23E+00 5.11 E+03 Tc-101 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Ru-103 4.77E+06 0.OOE+00 2.05E+06 0.OOE+00 1.82E+07 0.OOE+00 5.57E+08 Ru-105 5.27E+01 0.OOE+00 2.08E+01 0.OOE+00 6.81E+02 0.00E+00 3.23E+04 Ru-106 1.93E+08 0.OOE+00 2.44E+07 0.OOE+00 3.72E+08 0.00E+00 1.25E+10 Ag-I IOM 1.05E+07 9.75E+06 5.79E+06 0.OOE+00 1.92E+07 0.OOE+00 3.98E+09 Page 11.4-37 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 4-13 (Continued)
Adult Vegetation Dose Factors I Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Te-125M 9.67E+07 3.50E+07 1.30E+07 2.91E+07 3.93E+08 0.OOE+00 3.86E+08 Te-127M 3.49E+08 1.25E+08 4.26E+07 8.92E+07 1.42E+09 0.OOE+00 1.17E+09 Te-127 5.68E+03 2.04E+03 1.23E+03 4.2 1E+03 2.3 1E+04 0.OOE+00 4.48E+05 Te-129M 2.51E+08 9.37E+07 3.97E+07 8.62E+07 1.05E+09 0.OOE+00 1.26E+09 Te-129 7.14E-04 2.68E-04 1.74E-04 5.48E-04 3.OOE-03 O.OOE+00 5.39E-04 Te-131M 9.09E+05 4.45E+05 3.71E+05 7.04E+05 4.50E+06 0.OOE+00 4.41E+07 Te-131 1.26E-15 5.26E-16 3.97E-16 1.03E-15 5.51E-15 O.OOE+00 1.78E-16 Te-132 4.28E+06 2.77E+06 2.60E+06 3.06E+06 2.67E+07 0.OOE+00 1.31E+08 1-130 3.89E+05 1.15E+06 4.52E+05 9.72E+07 1.79E+06 O.OOE+00 9.87E+05 1-131 8.07E+07 1.15E+08 6.62E+07 3.78E+10 1.98E+08 0.OOE+00 3.05E+07 1-132 5.58E+01 1.49E+02 5.22E+01 5.22E+03 2.38E+02 O.OOE+00 2.80E+01 1-133 2.08E+06 3.62E+06 1.1OE+06 5.32E+08 6.3 IE+06 O.OOE+00 3.25E+06 1-134 8.55E-05 2.32E-04 8.31E-05 4.02E-03 3.69E-04 O.OOE+00 2.02E-07 1-135 3.87E+04 1.01E+05 3.74E+04 6.68E+06 1.62E+05 0.OOE+00 1.14E+05 Cs-134 4.67E+09 1.11E+10 9.08E+09 0.OOE+00 3.59E+09 1.19E+09 1.94E+08 Cs-136 4.25E+07 1.68E+08 1.21E+08 0.OOE+00 9.33E+07 1.28E+07 1.90E+07 Cs-137 6.36E+09 8.70E+09 5.70E+09 0.OOE+00 2.95E+09 9.81E+08 1.68E+08 Cs-138 3.32E-11 6.56E-11 3.25E-11 O.OOE+00 4.82E-11 4.76E-12 2.80E-16 Ba-139 2.71E-02 1.93E-05 7.92E-04 O.OOE+00 1.80E-05 1.09E-05 4.80E-02 Ba-140 1.29E+08 1.61E+05 8.42E+06 0.OOE+00 5.49E+04 9.24E+04 2.65E+08 Ba-141 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Ba- 142 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 La-140 1.98E+03 9.97E+02 2.63E+02 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7.32E+07 La-142 1.94E-04 8.83E-05 2.20E-05 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.45E-01 Ce-141 1.97E+05 1.33E+05 1.51E+04 0.OOE+00 6.19E+04 0.OOE+00 5.09E+08 Ce-143 9.94E+02 7.35E+05 8.13E+01 0.OOE+00 3.24E+02 0.OOE+00 2.75E+07 Ce-144 3.29E+07 1.38E+07 1.77E+06 O.OOE+00 8.16E+06 0.OOE+00 1.11E+10 Pr-143 6.27E+04 2.5 1E+04 3.11 E+03 0.OOE+00 1.45E+04 O.OOE+00 2.75E+08 Pr-144 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Nd-147 3.37E+04 3.90E+04 2.33E+03 0.OOE+00 2.28E+04 O.OOE+00 1.87E+08 W-187 3.79E+04 3.17E+04 1.11 E+04 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.04E+07 Np-239 1.42E+03 1.40E+02 7.72E+01 0.OOE+00 4.37E+0210.OOE+00 2.87E+07 Notes: 1)2)Units are m 2 mrem/yr per iiCi/sec with the exception of H-3.For H-3, the units are mrem/yr per paCi/m 3.Page 11.4-38 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 4-14 Teen Vegetation Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lune GI-LLI H-.3 0.OOE+00 1.47E+03 1.47E+03 I.47E+031.47E+03 1.47E+03 1.47E+03 Na-24 2.39E+05 2.39E+05 2.39E+05 2.39E+05 2.39E+05 2.39E+05 2.39E+05 Cr-51 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 6.16E+04 3.42E+04 1.35E+04 8.79E+04 1.03E+07 Mn-54 O.OOE+00 4.54E+08 9.01E+07 0.OOE+00 1.36E+08 0.OOE+00 9.32E+08 Mn-56 O.OOE+00 1.39E+01 2.47E+00 O.OOE+00 1.76E+01 0.OOE+00 9.13E+02 Fe-55 3.26E+08 2.31E+08 5.39E+07 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.47E+08 1.OOE+08 Fe-59 1.79E+08 4.18E+08 1.61E+08 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.32E+08 9.89E+08 Co-58 O.OOE+00 4.37E+07 1.0IE+08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 6.02E+08 Co-60 0.OOE+00 2.49E+08 5.60E+08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.24E+09 Ni-63 1.61E+10 1.13E+09 5.45E+08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.8 1E+08 Ni-65 5.55E+O1 7.1OE+00 3.23E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.85E+02 Cu-64 0.OOE+00 8.24E+03 3.87E+03 0.OOE+00 2.08E+04 0.OOE+00 6.39E+05 Zn-65 4.24E+08 1.47E+09 6.86E+08 O.OOE+00 9.41E+08 0.OOE+00 6.23E+08 Zn-69 4.64E-06 8.84E-06 6.19E-07 0.OOE+00 5.78E-06 0.OOE+00 1.63E-05 Br-83 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.81E+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00O0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Br-84 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.OOE-11 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Br-85 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Rb-86 O.OOE+00 2.75E+08 1.29E+08 O.OOE&#xf7;00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.06E+07 Rb-88 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Rb-89 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Sr-89 1.5 1E+10 0.OOE+00 4.33E+08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.80E+09 Sr-90 9.22E+1 0.OOE+00 1.84E+10 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.11E+10 Sr-91 2.81E+05 O.OOE+00 1.12E+04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.27E+06 Sr-92 3.84E+02 0.OOE+00 1.64E+01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 9.78E+03 Y-90 1.24E+04 0.OOE+00 3.35E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.02E+08 Y-91M 4.59E-09 0.OOE+00 1.75E-10 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.17E-07 Y-91 7.84E+06 O.OOE+00 2.10E+05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.21E+09 Y-92 8.4iE-01 O.OOE+00 2.43E-02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.3 1IE+04 Y-93 1.57E+02 O.OOE+00 4.30E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.80E+06 Zr-95 1.72E+06 5.44E+05 3.74E+05 O.OOE+00 7.99E+05 0.OOE+00 1.26E+09 Zr-97 3.10E+02 6.14E+01 2.83E+01 0.OOE+00 9.31E+01 0.OOE+00 1.66E+07 Nb-95 ii.93E+05 1.07E+05 5.90E+04 0.OOE+00 1.04E+05 O.OOE+00 4.58E+08 Mo-99 0.OOE+00 5.63E+06 1.07E+06 0.OOE+00 1.29E+07 O.OOE+00 1.O1E+07 Tc- 99M 2.70E+00 7.52E+00 9.75E+01 0.OOE+00 1.12E+02 4.17E+00 4.94E+03 Tc-101 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Ru-103 6.82E+06 O.OOE+00 2.91E+06 O.OOE+00 2.40E+07 0.OOE+00 5.69E+08 Ru-105 4.90E+01 O.OOE+00 1.90E+01 0.OOE+oo 6.18E+02 O.OOE+00 3.95E+04 Ru-106 3.09E+08 O.OOE+00 3.90E+07 O.OOE+00 5.97E+08 0.OOE+00 1.48E+10 Ag-I IOM 1.52E+07 1.44E+07 8.73E+06 0.OOE+00 2.74E+07 0.OOE+00 4.03E+09 Page 11.4-39 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 4-14 (Continued)
Teen Vegetation Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Te-125M 1.49E+08 5.35E+07 1.99E+07 4.15E+07 0.OOE+00 0.00E-+00 4.38E+08 Te-127M 5.51E+08 1.96E+08 6.56E+07 1.3 iE+08 2.24E+09 0.00E+00 1.37E+09 Te-127 5.36E+03 1.90E+03 1.15E+03 3.70E+03 2.17E+04 0.OOE+00 4.14E+05 Te-129M 3.61E+08 1.34E+08 5.72E+07 1.17E+08 1.51E+09 0.00E+00 1.36E+09 Te-129 6.68E-04 2.49E-04 1.63E-04 4.77E-04 2.80E-03 0.OOE+00 3.65E-03 Te-131M 8.42E+05 4.04E+05 3.37E+05 6.07E+05 4.21E+06 0,OOE+00 3.24E+07 Te-131 1.17E-15 4.82E-16 3.66E-16 9.011E-16 5.11E-15 0.00E+00 9.60E1-17 Te-132 3.89E+06 2.46E+06 2.32E+06 2.60E+06 2.36E+07 0.OOE+00 7.81E+07 1-130 3.47E+05 1.01E+06 4.01E+05 8.20E+07 1.55E+0610.OOE+00 7.73E+05 1-131 7.68E+07 1.08E+08 5.78E+07 3.14E+10 1.85E+08 0.00E+00 2.13E+07 1-132 5.03E+01 1.32E+02 4.72E+01 4.43E+03 2.07E+02 0.OOE+00 5.73E+01 1-133 1.93E+06 3.28E+06 1.00E+06 4.58E+08 5.75E+06 0.OOE+00 2.48E+06 1-134 7.73E-05 2.05E-04 7.36E-05 3.41E-03 3.23E-04 0.OOE+00 2.70E-06 1-135 3.49E+04 8.99E+04 3.33E+04 5.78E+06 1.42E+05 0.00E+00 9.97E+04 Cs-134 7.101E+09 1.67E+10 7.75E+09 0.00E+00 5.3 11E+09 2.03E+09 2.08E+08 Cs-136 4.35E+07 1.71E+08 1.15E+08 0.OOE+00 9.31E+07 1.47E+07 1.38E+07 Cs-137 1.01E+10 1.35E+10 4.69E+09 0.OOE+00 4.59E+09 1.78E+09 1.92E+08 Cs-138 3.07E-11 5.89E-11 2.94E-11 0.00E+00 4.35E-11 5.06E-12 2.67E-14 Ba-139 2.55E-02 1.79E-05 7.42E-04 0.00E+00 1.69E-05 1.23E-05 2.27E-01 Ba-140 1.38E+08 1.69E+05 8.90E+06 0.OOE+00 5.74E+04 1.14E+05 2.13E+08 Ba-141 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Ba-142 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.0013+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 La-140 1.81E+03 8.88E+02 2.36E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 5.10E+07 La-142 1.78E-04 7.92E-05 1.97E-05 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.41E+00 Ce-141 2.83E+05 1.89E+05 2.1713+04 0.00E+00 8.89E+04 0.00E+00 5.40E+08 Ce-143 9.29E+02 6.76E+05 7.55E+01 0.00E+00 3.03E+02 0.00E+00 2.03E+07 Ce-144 5.27E+07 2.18E+07 2.83E+06 0.00E+00 1.30E+07 0.00E+00 1.33E+10 Pr-143 7.01E+04 2.80E+04 3.49E+03 O.00E+00 1.63E+04 0.00E+00 2.31E+08 Pr-144 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Nd-147 3.67E+04 4.00E+04 2.39E+03 0.00E+00 2.35E+04 0.OOE+00 1.44E+08 W-187 3.53E+04 2.87E+04 1.01E+04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.78E+06 Np-239 1.38E+03 1.30E+02 7.24E+01 0.00E+00 4.09E+02 0.00E+00 2.10E+07 Notes: 1)2)Units are m 2 mrem/yr per ptCi/sec with the exception of H-3.For H-3, the units are mrem/yr per pCi/m 3.Page 11.4-40 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 4-15 Child Vegetation Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lun2 GI-LLI H-3 O.OOE+00 2.29E+03 2.29E+03 2.29E+03 2.29E+03 2.29E+03 2.29E+03 Na-24 3.73E+05 3.73E+05 3.73E+05 3.73E+05 3.73E+05 3.73E+05 3.73E+05 Cr-51 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.1 7E+05 6.49E+04 1.77E+04 1.18E+05 6.20E+06 Mn-54 O.OOE+00 6.65E+08 1.77E+08 O.OOE+00 1.86E+08 0.OOE+00 5.58E+08 Mn-56 O.OOE+00 1.82E+01 4.10E+00 0.OOE+00 2.20E+01 0.OOE+00 2.63E+03 Fe-55 8.01E+08 4.25E+08 1.32E+08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.40E+08 7.87E+07 Fe-59 3.97E+08 6.42E+08 3.20E+08 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.86E+08 6.69E+08 Co-58 0.OOE+00 6.45E+07 1.97E+08 OOOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.76E+08 Co-60 O.OOE+00 3.78E+08 1.12E+09 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.10E+09 Ni-63 3.95E+10 2.1 1E+09 1.34E+09 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.42E+08 Ni-65 1.02E+02 9.59E+00 5.60E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.18E+03 Cu-64 0.OOE+00 1.09E+04 6.56E+03 O.OOE+00 2.62E+04 O.OOE+00 5.1OE+05 Zn-65 8.12E+08 2.16E+09 1.35E+09 0.OOE+00 1.36E+09 0.OOE+00 3.80E+08 Zn-69 8.56E-06 1.24E-05 1.14E-06 O.OOE+00 7.50E-06 0.OOE+00 7.80E-04 Br-83 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.18E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Br-84 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.39E-1 1 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+0+/-Br-85 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+0 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Rb-86 O.OOE+00 4.54E+08 2.79E+08 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.92E+07 Rb-88 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Rb-89 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+0 0.0OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Sr-89 3.59E+10 O.OOE+00 1.03E+09 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0 0.OOE+00 1.39E+09 Sr-90 1.87E+12 O.OOE+00 3.77E+10 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.67E+10 Sr-91 5.17E+05 O.OOE+00 1.95E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.14E+06 Sr-92 7.04E+02 O.OOE+00 2.82E+01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.33E+04 Y-90 2.3 1E+04 O.OOE+00 6.18E+02 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 6.57E+07 Y-91M 8.42E-09 O.OOE+00 3.06E-1O 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.65E-05 Y-91 1.87E+07 O.OOE+00 4.99E+05 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.49E+09 Y-92 1.55E+00 O.OOE+00 4.43E-02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.47E+04 Y-93 2.89E+02 O.OOE+00 7.94E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.3 1E+06 Zr-95 3.86E+06 8.50E+05 7.56E+05 O.OOE+00 1.22E+06 O.OOE+00 8.86E+08 Zr-97 5.67E+02 8.19E+01 4.83E+01 O.OOE+00 1.18E+02 0.OOE+00 1.24E+07 Nb-95 4.12E+05 1.61E+05 1.15E+05 0.OOE+00 1.51E+05 O.OOE+00 2.97E+08 Mo-99 O.OOE+00 7.69E+06 1.90E+06 O.OOE+00 1.64E+07 O.OOE+00 6.36E+06 Tc- 99M 4.64E+00 9.10E+00 1.5 IE+02 O.OOE+00 1.32E+02 4.62E+00 5.18E+03 Tc-101 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Ru-103 1.53E+07 0.OOE+00 5.89E+06 O.OOE+00 3.86E+07 0.OOE+00 3.96E+08 Ru-105 8.97E+01 O.OOE+00 3.25E+01 O.OOE+00 7.89E+02 O.OOE+00 5.86E+04 Ru-106 7.45E+08 O.OOE+00 9.30E+07 O.OOE+00 1.O1E+09 0.OOE+00 1.16E+10 Ag-I 10M 3.21 E+07 2.17E+07 1.74E+07 O.OOE+00 4.04E+07 0.OOE+00 2.58E+09 Page 11.4-41 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 4-15 (Continued)
Child Vegetation Dose Factors I Nuclide Bone Liver TBody Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Te-125M 3.5 1 E+08 9.52E+07 4.68E+07 9.86E+07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.39E+08 Te- 127M 1.32E+09 3.56E+08 1.57E+08 3.16E+08 3.77E+09 O.OOE+00 1.07E+09 Te-127 9.89E+03 2.67E+03 2.12E+03 6.84E+03 2.8 1E+04 0.OOE+00 3.86E+05 Te-129M 8.40E+08 2.35E+08 1.30E+08 2.71E+08 2.47E+09 0.OOE+00 1.02E+09 Te-129 1.24E-03 3.45E-04 2.94E-04 8.83E-04 3.62E-03 0.OOE+00 7.70E-02 Te-131M 1.54E+06 5.32E+05 5.66E+05 1.09E+06 5.15E+06 0.00E+00 2.16E+07 Te-131 2.15E-15 6.57E-16 6.41E-16 1.65E-15 6.51E-15 0.OOE+00 1.13E-14 Te-132 6.97E+06 3.09E+06 3.73E+06 4.49E+06 2.86E+07 0.OOE+00 3.1 IE+07 1-130 6.10E+05 1.23E+06 6.35E+05 1.36E+08 1.84E+06 0.OOE+00 5.76E+05 1-131 1.43E+08 1.44E+08 8.17E+07 4.75E+10 2.36E+08 O.OOE+00 1.28E+07 1-132 8.93E+01 1.64E+02 7.54E+01 7.61E+03 2.51E+02 O.OOE+00 1.93E+02 1-133 3.52E+06 4.36E+06 1.65E+06 8.09E+0817.26E+06 0.OOE+00 1.76E+06 1-134 1.37E-04 2.55E-04 1.17E-04 5.86E-03 3.90E-04 0.OOE+00 1.69E-04 1-135 6.20E+04 1.12E+05 5.28E+04 9.89E+06 1.71E+05 O.OOE+00 8.51E+04 Cs-134 1.60E+10 2.63E+10 5.55E+09 0.00E+00 8.16E+09 2.93E+09 1.42E+08 Cs-136 8.18E+07 2.25E+08 1.46E+08 0.OOE+00 1.20E+08 1.79E+07 7.90E+06 Cs-137 2.39E+10 2.29E+10 3.38E+09 0.OOE+00 7.46E+09 2.68E+09 1.43E+08 Cs-138 5.58E-11 7.75E-11 4.92E-11 0.00E+00 5.45E-1 1 5.87E-12 3.57E-11 Ba-139 4.69E-02 2.51E-05 1.36E-03 0.OOE+00 2.19E-05 1.47E-05 2.71E+00 Ba-140 2.77E+08 2.43E+05 1.62E+07 O.OOE+00 7.90E+04 1.45E+05 1.40E+08 Ba-141 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Ba-142 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 La-140 3.25E+03 1.13E+03 3.82E+02 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.16E+07 La-142 3.23E-04 1.03E-04 3.22E-05 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.04E+01 Ce-141 6.55E+05 3.27E+05 4.85E+04 0.OOE+00 1.43E+05 0.OOE+00 4.08E+08 Ce-143 1.71E+03 9.28E+05 1.34E+02 0.OOE+00 3.89E+02 O.OOE+00 1.36E+07 Ce-144 1.27E+08 3.98E+07 6.78E+06 0.OOE+00 2.21E+07 0.OOE+00 1.04E+10 Pr-143 1.46E+05 4.38E+04 7.24E+03 0.OOE+00 2.37E+04 O.OOE+00 1.57E+08 Pr-144 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Nd-147 7.27E+04 5.89E+04 4.56E+03 O.OOE+00 3.23E+04 0.OOE+00 9.33E+07 W-187 6.41E+04 3.80E+04 1.70E+04 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.34E+06 Np-239 2.55E+03 1.83E+0211.29E+02 O.OOE+00 5.30E+02 0.OOE+00 1.36E+07 Notes: 1)2)3)Units are m 2 mrem/yr per pCi/sec with the exception of H-3.For H-3, the units are mrem/yr per p.tCi/m 3.The infant age group is assumed to receive no dose through the vegetation ingestion pathway therefore no dose factors are supplied.Page 11.4-42 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 4-16 Adult Grass-Cow-Milk Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lune GI-LLI H-3 O.OOE+00 4.35E+02 4.35E+02 4.35E+02 4.35E+02 4.35E+02 4.35E+02 Na-24 2.46E+06 2.46E+06 2.46E+06 2.46E+06 2.46E+06 2.46E+06 2.46E+06 Cr-5i O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.86E+04 1.71E+04 6.29E+03 3.79E+04 7.18E+06 Mn-54 O.OOE+00 8.41E+06 1.61E+06 O.OOE+00 2.50E+06 O.OOE+00 2.58E+07 Mn-56 0.OOE+00 4.13E-03 7.32E-04 O.OOE+00 5.24E-03 0.OOE+00 1.32E-01 Fe-55 2.5 1E+07 1.74E+07 4.05E+06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9.68E+06 9.95E+06 Fe-59 2.97E+07 6.98E+07 2.67E+07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.95E+07 2.33E+08 Co-58 O.OOE+00 4.72E+06 1.06E+07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9.56E+07 Co-60 O.OOE+00 1.64E+07 3.62E+07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+0010.OOE+00 3.08E+08 Ni-63 6.73E+09 4.66E+08 2.26E+08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9.73E+07 Ni-65 3.70E-01 4.8 1E-02 2.19E-02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.22E+00 Cu-64 O.OOE+00 2.36E+04 1.11E+04 O.OOE+00 5.95E+04 O.OOE+00 2.O1E+06 Zn-65 1.37E+09 4.36E+09 1.97E+09 O.OOE+00 2.92E+09 O.OOE+00 2.75E+09 Zn-69 2.01E-12 3.84E-12 2.67E-13 O.OOE+00 2.50E-12 O.OOE+00 5.78E-13 Br-83 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9.65E-02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.39E-01 Br-84 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Br-85 O.OOE+0 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Rb-86 0.OOE+00 2.60E+09 1.21E+09 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.12E+08 Rb-88 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Rb-89 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Sr-89 1.45E+09 O.OOE+00 4.16E+07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.33E+08 Sr-90 5.38E+10 O.OOE+00 1.08E+09 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.35E+09 Sr-91 2.87E+04 O.OOE+00 1.16E+03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.37E+05 Sr-92 4.84E-01 0.OOE+00 2.09E-02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9.58E+00 Y-90 7.1OE+01 O.OOE+00 1.90E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7.52E+05 Y-91M 6.42E-20 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.89E-19 Y-91 8.59E+03 O.OOE+00 2.30E+02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.73E+06 Y-92 5.57E-05 O.OOE+00 1.63E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 9.75E-01 Y-93 2.22E-01 O.OOE+00 6.12E-03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 7.03E+03 Zr-95 9,44E+02 3.03E+02 2.05E+02 O.OOE+00 4.75E+02 O.OOE+00 9.59E+05 Zr-97 4.32E-01 8.72E-02 3.99E-02 O.OOE+00+/-
1.32E-01 O.OOE+00 2.70E+04 Nb-95 8.26E+04 4.60E+04 2.47E+04 O.OOE+00 4.54E+04 O.OOE+00 2.79E+08 Mo-99 O.OOE+00 2.47E+07 4.70E+06 O.OOE+00 5.60E+07 O.OOE+00 5.73E+07 Tc- 99M 3.31 E+00 9.35E+00 1.19E+02 O.OOE+00 1.42E+02 4.58E+00 5.53E+03 Tc-101 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 Ru-103 1.02E+03 O.OOE+00 4.39E+02 0.OOE+00 3.88E+03 0.OOE+00 1.19E+05 Ru-105 8.51E-04 O.OOE+00 3,36E-04 0.OOE+00 1.1OE-02 O.OOE+00 5.20E-01 Ru-106 2.04E+04 O.OOE+00 2.58E+03 0.OOE+00 3.94E+04 0.OOE+00 1.32E+06 Ag-I 10M 5.82E+07 5.39E+07 3.20E+07 O.OOE+00 1.06E+08 0.OOE+00 2.20E+10 Page 11.4-43 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 4-16 (Continued)
Adult Grass-Cow-Milk Dose Factors I Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lun2 GI-LLI Te-125M 1,63E+07 5.91E+06 2.18E+06 4.90E+06 6.63E+07 0.OOE+00 6.51E+07 Te-127M 4.58E+07 1.64E+07 5.58E+06 1.17E+07 1.86E+08 O.OOE+00 1.54E+08 Te-127 6.66E+02 2.39E+02 1.44E+02 4.94E+02 2.71E+03 0.OOE+00 5.26E+04 Te-129M 6.02E+07 2.24E+07 9.52E+06 2.07E+07 2.5 1E+08 0.OOE+00 3.03E+08 Te-129 2.83E-10 1.06E-10 6.88E-1 I 2.17E-10 1.19E-09 0.OOE+00 2.13E-10 Te-131M 3.61E+05 1.76E+05 1.47E+05 2.79E+05 1.79E+06 0.OOE+00 1.75E+07 Te-131 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+0 0.0OOE+0O Te-132 2,39E+06 1.55E+06 1.45E+06 1.71E+06 1.49E+07 0.OOE+00 7.32E+07 1-130 4.18E+05 1.23E+06 4.86E+05 1.04E+08 1.92E+06 0.OOE+00 1.06E+06 1-131 2.96E+08 4.23E+08 2.43E+08 1.39E+11 7.26E+08 0.OOE+00 1.12E+08 1-132 1.65E-01 4.40E-01 1.54E-01 1.54E+01 7.02E-01 0.OOE+00 8.27E-02 1-133 3.88E+06 6.74E+06 2.06E+06 9.91E+08 1.18E+07 0.OOE+00 6.06E+06 1-134 1.89E-12 5.13E-12 1.83E-12 8,89E-11 8.16E-120.OOE+00 4.47E-15 1-135 1.29E+04 3.38E+04 1.25E+04 2.23E+06 5.42E+04 0.OOE+00 3.82E+04 Cs-134 5.65E+09 1.35E+10 1.1OE+10 0.OOE+00 4.35E+09 1.45E+09 2.35E+08 Cs-136 2.63E+08 1.04E+09 7.46E+08 0.OOE+00 5.77E+08 7.91E+07 1.18E+08 Cs-137 7.38E+09 1.OIE+10 6.61E+09 O.OOE+00 3.43E+09 1.14E+09 1.95E+08 Cs-138 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+-0 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Ba-139 4.43E-08 3.16E-1I 1.30E-09 0.OOE+00 2.95E-11 1.79E-11 7.86E-08 Ba-140 2.69E+07 3.38E+04 1.76E+06 0.OOE+00 1.15E+04 1.93E+04 5.54E+07 Ba-141 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Ba-142 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 La-140 4.52E+00 2.28E+00 6.02E-01 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.67E+05 La-142 1.89E-11 8.59E-12 2.14E-12 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00i0.OOE+00 6.28E-08 Ce-141 4.84E+03 3.28E+03 3.72E+02 0.OOE+00 1.52E+03 0.OOE+00 1.25E+07 Ce-143 4.15E+01 3.07E+04 3.39E+00 0.OOE+00 1.35E+01 0.OOE+00 1.15E+06 Ce-144 3.58E+05 1.50E+05 1.92E+04 0.OOE+00 8.87E+04 0.OOE+00 1.21E+08 Pr-143 1.58E+02 6.34E+01 7.83E+00 0.OOE+00 3.66E+01 0.OOE+00 6.92E+05 Pr-144 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0,OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Nd-147 9.48E+01 1.1OE+02 6.56E+00 0.OOE+00 6.41E+01 O.OOE+00 5.26E+05 W-187 6.51E+03 5.44E+03 1.90E+03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.78E+06 Np-239 3.67E+00 3.61E-01 1.99E-01 0.OOE+00 1.12E+00 0.OOE+00 7.40E+04 Notes: 1)2)Units are m 2 mrem/yr per j.Ci/sec with the exception of H-3.For H-3, the units are mrem/yr per jLCi/m 3.Page 11.4-44 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 4-17 Teen Grass-Cow-Milk Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidnev Lung, GI-LLI H-3 0.OOE+00 5.66E+02 5.66E+02 5.66E+02 5.66E+02 5.66E+02 5.66E+02 Na-24 4.29E+06 4.29E+06 4.29E+06 4.29E+06 4.29E+06 4.29E+06 4.29E+06 Cr-51 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.99E+04 2.77E+04 1.09E+04 7.12E+04 8.38E+06 Mn-54 0.OOE+00 1.40E+07 2.78E+06 0.OOE+00 4.18E+06 0.OOE+00 2.87E+07 Mn-56 O.OOE+00 7.32E-03 1.30E-03 0.OOE+00 9.27E-03 0.OOE+00 4.82E-01 Fe-55 4.45E+07 3.16E+07 7.36E+06 0.OOE+00 0.0OE+00 2.OOE+07 1.37E+07 Fe-59 5.18E+07 1.21E+08 4.67E+07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.81E+07 2.86E+08 Co-58 0.OOE+00 7.94E+06 1.83E+07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.09E+08 Co-60 0.OOE+00 2.78E+07 6.26E+07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.62E+08 Ni-63 1.18E+10 8.35E+08 4.01E+08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.33E+08 Ni-65 6.78E-01 8.66E-02 3.94E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.70E+00 Cu-64 0.OOE+00 4.2 1E+04 1.98E+04 0.OOE+00 1.06E+05 O.OOE+00 3.26E+06 Zn-65 2.1 1E+09 7.31E+09 3.41E+09 0.OOE+00 4.68E+09 0.OOE+00 3.10E+09 Zn-69 3.70E-12 7.05E-12 4.94E-13 0.OOE+00 4.61E-12 0.OOE+00 1.30E-1 1 Br-83 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.78E-0l 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Br-84 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Br-85 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Rb-86 0.OOE+00 4.73E+09 2.22E+09 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7.01E+08 Rb-88 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Rb-89 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Sr-89 2.67E+09 0.OOE+00 7.66E+07 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.18E+08 Sr-90 8.13E+10 0.OOE+00 1.63E+09 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.86E+09 Sr-91 5.27E+04 0.OOE+00 2.10E+03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.39E+05 Sr-92 8.85E-01 0.OOE+00 3.77E-02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.26E+01 Y-90 1.30E+02 0.OOE+00 3.51E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 1.08E+06 Y-91M 1.18E-19 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.55E-18 Y-91 1.58E+04 0.OOE+00 4.24E+/-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.48E+06 Y-92 1.03E-04 0.OOE+00 2.98E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.82E+00 Y-93 4.09E-01 0.OOE+00 1.12E-02 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.25E+04 Zr-95 1.65E+03 5.21E+02 3.58E+02 0.OOE+00 7.65E+02 0.OOE+00 1.20E+06 Zr-97 7.87E-01 I.56E-01 7.17E-02 0.OOE+00 2.36E-01 O.OOE+00 4.22E+04 Nb-95 1.41E+05 7.82E+04 4.30E+04 0.00E+00 7.58E+04 0.OOE+00 3.34E+08 Mo-99 0.OOE+/-00 4.46E+07 8.51E+06 0.OOE+00 1.02E+08 0.OOE+00 8.00E+07 Tc- 99M 5.74E+00 1.60E+01 2.07E+02 O.OOE+00 2.39E+02 8.89E+00 1.05E+04 Tc-101 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Ru-103 1.81E+03 0.OOE+00 7.74E+02 O.OOE+00 6.38E+03 0.OOE+00 1.51E+05 Ru-105 1.55E-03 O.OOE+0O 6.03E-04 O.OOE+00 1.96E-02 0.OOE+00 1.25E+00 Ru-106 3.75E+04 0.OOE+00 4.73E+03 0.OOE+00 7.24E+04 0.OOE+00 1.80E+06 Ag-I IOM 9.63E+07 9.1 1E+07 5.54E+07 0.OOE+00 1.74E+08 0.OOE+00 2.56E+10 Page 11.4-45 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 4-17 (Continued)
Teen Grass-Cow-Milk Dose Factors I Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lunz GI-LLI Te-125M 3.01E+07 1.08E+07 4.02E+06 8.40E+06 O.OOE+00 00.OE+00 8.87E+07 Te-127M 8.44E+07 2.99E+07 1.OOE+07 2.01E+07 3.42E+08 0.OOE+00 2.10E+08 Te-127 1.24E+03 4.38E+02 2.66E+02 8.52E+02 5.OOE+03 0.OOE+00 9.54E+04 Te-129M 1.10E+08 4.09E+07 1.74E+07 3.55E+07 4.61E+08 0.00E+00 4.13E+08 Te-129 5.20E-10 1.94E-10 1.27E-10 3.72E-10 2.18E-09 0.00E+00 2.84E-09 Te-131M 6.57E+05 3.15E+05 2.63E+05 4.74E+05 3.28E+06 0.00E+00 2.53E+07 Te-131 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O Te-132 4.27E+06 2.71E+06 2.55E+06 2.85E+06 2.60E+07 0.0OE+00 8.57E+07 1-130 7.35E+05 2.13E+06 8.49E+05 1.73E+08 3.27E+06 0.OOE+00 1.63E+06 1-131 5.37E+08 7.52E+08 4.04E+08 2.19E+1 I 1.29E+09 0.OOE+00 1.49E+08 1-132 2.92E-01 7.64E-01 2.74E-01 2.57E+01 1.20E+00 0.OOE+00 3.33E-01 1-133 7.08E+06 1.20E+07 3.66E+06 1.68E+09 2.11 E+07 0.OOE+00 9.09E+06 1-134 3.35E-12 8.89E-12 3.19E-12 1.48E-10 1.40E-11 0.00E+00 1.17E-13 1-135 2.29E+04 5.91E+04 2.19E+04 3.80E+06 9.33E+04 0.OOE+00 6.54E+04 Cs-134 9.82E+09 2.31E+10 1.07E+10 0.OOE+00 7.34E+09 2.80E+09 2.87E+08 Cs-136 4.47E+08 1.76E+09 1.18E+09 0.OOE+00 9.58E+08 1.51E+08 1.42E+08 Cs-137 1.34E+10 1.78E+10 6.20E+09 0.OOE+00 6.06E+09 2.35E+09 2.53E+08 Cs-138 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Ba-139 8.20E-08 5.77E-11 2.39E-09 0.OOE+00 5.44E-11 3.98E-11 7.31E-07 Ba-140 4.85E+07 5.95E+04 3.13E+06 0.OOE+00 2.02E+04 4.OOE+04 7.49E+07 Ba-141 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Ba-142 0.OOE+0+/- 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 La-140 8.12E+00 3.99E+00 1.06E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.29E+05 La-142 3.41E-11 1.51E-11 3.77E-12 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.61E-07 Ce-141 8.88E+03 5.93E+03 6.81E+02 O.OOE+00 2.79E+0310.OOE+00 1.70E+07 Ce-143 7.62E+01 5.55E+04 6.20E+00 O.OOE+00 2.49E+01 0.00E+00 1.67E+06 Ce-144 6.58E+05 2.72E+05 3.54E+04 0.OOE+00 1.63E+05 0.OOE+00 1.66E+08 Pr-143 2.90E+02 1.16E+02 1.44E+01 O.OOE+00 6.74E+01 0.OOE+00 9.55E+05 Pr-144 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Nd-147 1.82E+02 1.98E+02 1.19E+01 0.OOE+00 1.17E+02 0.OOE+00 7.16E+05 W-187 1.19E+04 9.71E+03 3.40E+03 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.63E+06 Np-239 7.00E+00 6.60E-01 3.67E-01 0.OOE+00 2.07E+00 0.OOE+00 1.06E+05 Notes: 1)2)Units are m 2 nirem/yr per giCi/sec with the exception of H-3.For H-3, the units are mren/yr per tCi/m 3.Page 11.4-46 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 4-18 Child Grass-Cow-Milk Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lun2 GI-LLI H-3 0.00E+00 8.97E+02 8.97E+02 8.97E+02 8.97E+02 8.97E+02 8.97E+02 Na-24 8.93E+06 8.93E+06 8.93E+06 8.93E+06 8.93E+06 8.93E+06 8.93E+06 Cr-51 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 1.02E+05 5.65E+04 1.54E+04 1.03E+05 5.39E+06 Mn-54 0.00E+00 2.10E+07 5.59E+06 0.00E+00 5.88E+06 0.00E+00 1.76E+07 Mn-56 0.00E+00 1.28E-02 2.88E-03 0.00E+00 1.54E-02 0.00E+00 1.85E+00 Fe-55 1.12E+08 5.93E+07 1.84E+07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.35E+07 1.103E+07 Fe-59 1.20E+08 1.94E+08 9,69E+07 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 5.64E+07 2.02E+08 Co-58 0.00E+00 1.21E+07 3.71E+07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.08E+07 Co-60 0.00E+00 4.32E+07 1.27E+08 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 2.39E+08 Ni-63 2.96E+10 1.59E+09 1.01E+09 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 1.07E+08 Ni-65 1.66E+00 1.56E-01 9.11E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.91E+01 Cu-64 0.OOE+00 7.39E+04 4.47E+04 0.00E+00 1.79E+05 0.00E+00 3.47E+06 Zn-65 4.13E+09 1.103E+10 6.85E+09 0.00E+00 6.94E+09 0.00E+00 1.93E+09 Zn-69 9.1OE-12 1.32E-11 1.22E-12 0.00E+00 7.98E-12 0.OOE+00 8.29E-10 Br-83 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.37E-01 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Br-84 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 Br-85 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Rb-86 0.00E+00 8.78E+09 5.40E+09 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 5.65E+08 Rb-88 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Rb-89 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Sr-89 6.62E+09 0.00E+00 1.89E+08 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.56E+08 Sr-90 1.68E+11 0.001E+00 3.38E+09 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.5 11E+09 Sr-91 1.29E+05 0.00E+00 4.88E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.86E+05 Sr-92 2.16E+00 0.00E+00 8.67E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 4.09E+01 Y-90 3.23E+02 0.00E+00 8.64E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 9.19E+05 Y-91M 2.87E-19 0.00E+00 1.04E-20 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.62E-16 Y-91 3.90E+04 0.001E+00 1.04E+03 o.003E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.20E+06 Y-92 2.53E-04 0.00E+00 7.23E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.30E+00 Y-93 1.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.75E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.50E+04 Zr-95 3.83E+03 8.43E+02 7.50E+02 0.00E+00 1.21E+03 0.00E+00 8.79E+05 Zr-97 1.91E+00 2.77E-01 1.63E-01 0.00E+00 3.97E-01 0.00E+00 4.19E+04 Nb-95 3.18E+05 1.24E+05 8.85E+04 0.00E+00 1.16E+05 0.00E+00 2.29E+08 Mo-99 0.00E+00 8.12E+07 2.01E+07 0.00E+00 1.73E+08 0.001E+00 6.72E+07 Tc- 99M 1.32E+01 2.58E+01 4.28E+02 0.00E+00 3.75E+02 1.31E+01 1.47E+04 Tc-101 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Ru-103 4.28E+03 0.00E+00 1.65E+03 0.00E+00 1.08E+04 0.00E+00 1.111E+05 Ru-105 3.79E-03 0.00E+00 1.38E-03 0.00E+00 3.33E-02 0.00E+00 2.48E+00 Ru-106 9.24E+04 0.00E+00 1.151E+040.001E+00 1.25E+05 0.00E+00 1.44E+06 Ag-I 10M 2.09E+08 1.41E+08 1.13E+08 0.00E+0012.63E+0810.00E+00 1.68E+10 Page 11.4-47 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 4-18 (Continued)
Child Grass-Cow-Milk Dose Factors I Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Te- 125M 7.38E+07 2.OOE+07 9.84E+06 2.07E+07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7.12E+07 Te-127M 2.08E+08 5.60E+07 2.47E+07 4.97E+07 5.93E+08 O.OOE+00 1.68E+08 Te-127 3.04E+03 8.19E+02 6.51E+02 2.1OE+03 8.64E+03 0.OOE+00 1.19E+05 Te-129M 2.71E+08 7.58E+07 4.21E+07 8.75E+07 7.97E+08 0.OOE+00 3.3 1E+08 Te-129 1.28E-09 3.58E-10 3.05E-10 9.16E-10 3.75E-09 0.OOE+00 7.99E-08 Te-131M 1.60E+06 5.53E+05 5.88E+05 1.14E+06 5.35E+06 0.OOE+00 2.24E+07 Te-131 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Te-132 1.02E+07 4.52E+06 5.46E+06 6.58E+06 4.19E+07 O.OOE+00 4.55E+07 1-130 1.72E+06 3.47E+06 1.79E+06 3.82E+08 5.19E+06 0.OOE+00 1.62E+06 1-131 1.30E+09 1.3 1E+09 7.45E+08 4.33E+1I 2.15E+09 0.OOE+00 1.17E+08 1-132 6.91E-01 1.27E+00 5.84E-01 5.89E+O1, 1.94E+00 0.OOE+00 1.49E+00 1-133 1.72E+07 2.13E+07 8.05E+06 3.95E+09 3.55E+07 0.OOE+00 8.57E+06 1-134 7.94E-12 1.47E-11 6.79E-12 3.39E-10 2.26E-11 O.OOE+00 9.78E-12 1-135 5.43E+04 9.78E+04 4.62E+04 8.66E+06 1.50E+05 0.OOE+00 7.45E+04 Cs-134 2.26E+10 3.72E+10 7.84E+09 O.OOE+00 1.15E+10 4.13E+09 2.OOE+08 Cs-136 1.O1E+09 2.77E+09 1.80E+09 0.OOE+00 1.48E+09 2.20E+08 9.75E+07 Cs-137 3.22E+10 3.09E+10 4.55E+09 0.OOE+00 1.O1E+10 3.62E+09 1.93E+08 Cs-138 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Ba-139 2.01E-07 1.08E-10 5.84E-09 0.OOE+00 9.39E-11 6.33E-11 1.16E-05 Ba-140 1.17E+08 1.03E+05 6.84E+06 0.OOE+00 3.34E+04 6.12E+04 5.94E+07 Ba-141 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O Ba-142 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 La-140 1.95E+01 6.80E+00 2.29E+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.90E+05 La-142 8.24E-1 1 2.63E-1 1 8.22E-12 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.20E-06 Ce-141 2.19E+04 1.09E+04 1.62E+03 0.OOE+00 4.78E+03 0.OOE+00 1.36E+07 Ce-143 1.87E+02 1.O0E+05 1.47E+01 0.OOE+00 4.26E+01 0.OOE+00 1.49E+06 Ce-144 1.62E+06 5.09E+05 8.66E+04 0.OOE+00 2.82E+05 0.OOE+00 1.33E+08 Pr-143 7.18E+02 2.16E+02 3.57E+01 0.OOE+00 1.17E+02 0.OOE+00 7.75E+05 Pr-144 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Nd-147 4.48E+02 3.63E+02 2.81E+01 0.OOE+00 1.99E+02 0.OOE+00 5.75E+05 W-187 2.89E+04 1.71E+04 7.67E+03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.40E+06 Np-239 1.72E+01 1.24E+00 8.69E-01 0.OOE+00 3.58E+00 0.OOE+00 9.15E+04 Notes: 1) Units are m 2 mrem/yr per .tCi/sec with the exception of H-3.2) For H-3, the units are mrem/yr per ptCi/m 3.Page 11.4-48 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 1 Table 4.19 Infant Grass-Cow-Milk Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI H-3 O.OOE+O0 1.36E+03 l.36E+03 1.36E+03 1.36E+03 1.36E+03 1.36E+03 Na-24 1.56E+07 1.56E+07 1.56E+07 1.56E+07 1.56E+07 1.56E+07 1.56E+07 Cr-51 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.61E+05 1.05E+05 2.30E+04 2.05E+05 4.70E+06 Mn-54 O.OOE+00 3.90E+07 8.84E+06 0.OOE+00 8.64E+06 0.OOE+00 1.43E+07 Mn-56 0.OOE+00 3.13E-02 5.39E-03 O.OOE+00 2.69E-02 0.OOE+00 2.84E+00 Fe-55 1.35E+08 8.73E+07 2.33E+07 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.27E+07 1.1IE+07 Fe-59 2.24E+08 3.92E+08 1.54E+08 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.16E+08 1.87E+08 Co-58 O.OOE+00 2.43E+07 6.05E+07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 6.04E+07 Co-60 O.OOE+00 8.82E+07 2.08E+08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2. 1OE+08 Ni-63 3.49E+10 2.16E+09 1.21E+09 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.07E+08 Ni-65 3.51E+00 3.97E-01 1.81E-01 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+0O O.OOE+00 3.02E+01 Cu-64 0.OOE+00 1.84E+05 8.5 1E+04 0.OOE+00 3.11 E+05 0.OOE+00 3.77E+06 Zn-65 5.55E+09 1.90E+10 8.78E+09 O.OOE+00 9.23E+09 0.OOE+00 1.61E+10 Zn-69 1.94E-1 1 3.49E-1 1 2.60E-12 0.OOE+00 1.45E-1 1 0.OOE+00 2.85E-09 Br-83 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 9.27E-01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Br-84 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Br-85 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 Rb-86 0.OOE+00 2.23E+10 1.10E+10 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.70E+08 Rb-88 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Rb-89 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Sr-89 1.26E+10 0.OOE+00 3.61E+08 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.59E+08 Sr-90 1.86E+1 1 O.OOE+00 3.77E+09 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.52E+09 Sr-91 2.70E+05 0.OOE+00 9.76E+03 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.19E+05 Sr-92 4.60E+00 0.OOE+00 1.71E-01 0.OOE+000.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.96E+01 Y-90 6.82E+02 O.OOE+00 1.83E+01 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9.42E+05 Y-91M 6.09E-19 0.OOE+00 2.07E-20 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.03E-15 Y-91 7.33E+04 0.OOE+00 1.95E+03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.25E+06 Y-92 5.37E-04 O.OOE+00 1.51E-05 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+0O O.OOE+00 1.02E+01 Y-93 2.14E+00 O.OOE+00 5.83E-02 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.69E+04 Zr-95 6.81E+03 1.66E+03 1.18E+03 O.OOE+00 1.79E+03 O.OOE+00 8.26E+05 Zr-97 4.05E+00 6.96E-01 3.18E-01 0.OOE+00 7.01E-01 0.OOE+00 4.44E+04 Nb-95 5.94E+05 2.45E+05 1.41E+05 O.OOE+00 1.75E+05 O.OOE+00 2.07E+08 Mo-99 0.OOE+00 2.08E+08 4.05E+07 0.OOE+00 3.1OE+08 0.OOE+00 6.84E+07 Tc- 99M 2.74E+01 5.65E+01 7.27E+02 0.OOE+00 6.08E+02 2.95E+01 1.64E+04 Tc-101 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Ru-103 8.67E+03 O.OOE+00 2.90E+03 0.OOE+00 1.80E+04 O.OOE+00 1.05E+05 Ru- 105 8.OOE-03 0.OOE+00 2.69E-03 0.OOE+00 5.88E-02 0.OOE+00 3.18E+00 Ru-106 1.90E+05 O.OOE+00 2.38E+04 0.OOE+00 2.25E+05 O.OOE+00 1.44E+06 Ag-110M13.86E+08 2.82E+08 1.86E+08 0.OOE+00 4.03E+08 0.OOE+00 1.46E+10 Page 11.4-49 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I Table 4-19 (Continued)
Infant Grass-Cow-Milk Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Te-125M 1.51E+08 5.04E+07 2.04E+07 5.08E+07 0.OOE+00 0.00+E00 7.19E+07 Te-127M 4.21E+08 1.40E+08 5.10E+07 1.22E+08 1.04E+09 0.OOE+00 1.70E+08 Te-127 6.45E+03 2.16E+03 1.39E+03 5.25E+03 1.57E+04 0.00E+00 1.35E+05 Te-129M 5.57E+08 1.91E+08 8.58E+07 2.14E+08 1.39E+09 0.OOE+00 3.33E+08 Te-129 2.72E-09 9.38E-10 6.35E-10 2.28E-09 6.77E-09 0.00E+00 2.17E-07 Te-131M 3.37E+06 1.36E+06 1.12E+06 2.75E+06 9.35E+06 0.00E+00 2.29E+07 Te-131 0.00E+00 0.000+00 0.006+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Te-132 2.10E+07 1.04E+07 9.71E+06 1.54E+07 6.51E+07 0.OOE+00 3.85E+07 1-130 3.53E+06 7.77E+06 3.12E+06 8.71E+08 8.53E+06 0.00E+00 1.67E+06 1-131 2.72E+09 3.20E+09 1.41E+09 1.05E+12 3.74E+09 0.OOE+00 1.14E+08 1-132 1.43E+00 2.91E+00 1.04E+00 1.36E+02 3.25E+00 0.OOE+00 2.36E+00 1-133 3.63E+07 5.29E+07 1.55E+07 9.62E+09 6.22E+07 0.OOE+00 8.95E+06 1-134 1.65E-11 3.37E-11 1.20E-11 7.87E-10 3.77E-I1 0.OOE+00 3.49E-11 1-135 1.13E+05 2.25E+05 8.19E+04 2.01E+07 2.50E+05 0.00E+00 8.13E+04 Cs-134 3.65E+10 6.80E+10 6.87E+09 0.OOE+00 1.75E+10 7.18E+09 1.85E+08 Cs-136 1.97E+09 5.80E+09 2.16E+09 0.OOE+00 2.31E+09 4.72E+08 8.80E+07 Cs-137 5.15E+10 6.02E+10 4.27E+09 0.00E+00 1.62E+10 6.55E+09 1.88E+08 Cs-138 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Ba-139 4.29E-07 2.84E-10 1.24E-08 0.OOE+00 1.71E-10 1.72E-10 2.72E-05 Ba-140 2.41E+08 2.41E+05 1.24E+07 0.OOE+00 5.72E+04 1.48E+05 5.92E+07 Ba-141 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Ba-142 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 La-140 4.06E+01 1.60E+01 4.12E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 1.88E+05 La-142 1.73E-10 6.35E-11 1.52E-11 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 1.08E-05 Ce-141 4.34E+04 2.64E+04 3.11E+03 0.00E+00 8.15E+03 0.00E+00 1.37E+07 Ce-143 3.96E+02 2.63E+05 3.00E+01 O.OOE+00 7.65E+01 O.OOE+00 1.53E+06 Ce-144 2.33E+06 9.52E+05 1.30E+05 0.OOE+00 3.85E+05 0.00E+00 1.33E+08 Pr-143 1.49E+03 5.56E+02 7.37E+01 0.00E+00 2.07E+02 0.OOE+00 7.84E+05 Pr-144 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.05E+00 Nd-147 8.88E+02 9.12E+02 5.59E+01 0.00E+00 3.51E+02 0.OOE+00 5.78E+05 W-187 6.08E+04 4.23E+04 1.46E+04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.48E+06 Np-239 3.64E+01 3.26E+00 1.84E+00 0.OOE+00 6.50E+00 O.00E+00 9.42E+04 Notes: 1)2)Units are m 2 mrem/yr per pCi/sec with the exception of H-3.For H-3, the units are mrem/yr per I.tCi/m 3.Page 11.4-50 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I Table 4-20 Adult Grass-Goat-Milk Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI H-3 O.OOE+00 8.88E+02 8.88E+02 8.88E+02 8.88E+02 8.88E+02 8.88E+02 Na-24 2.95E+05 2.95E+05 2.95E+05 2.95E+05 2.95E+05 2.95E+05 2.95E+05 Cr-51 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.43E+03 2.05E+03 7.55E+02 4.55E+03 8.62E+05 Mn-54 O.OOE+00 1.O1E+06 1.93E+05 O.OOE+00 3.OOE+05 0.OOE+00 3.09E+06 Mn-56 O.OOE+00 4.95E-04 8.79E-05 0.OOE+00 6.29E-04 0.OOE+00 1.58E-02 Fe-55 3.26E+05 2.26E+05 5.26E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.26E+05 1.29E+05 Fe-59 3.86E+05 9.07E+05 3.48E+05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.53E+05 3.02E+06 Co-58 O.OOE+00 5.66E+05 1.27E+06 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0,00E+00 1.15E+07 Co-60 O.OOE+00 1.97E+06 4.34E+06 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.70E+07 Ni-63 8.07E+08 5.60E+07 2.7 1E+07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.17E+07 Ni-65 4.44E-02 5.77E-03 2.63E-03 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.46E-01 Cu-64 O.OOE+00 2.63E+03 1.23E+03 O.OOE+00 6.63E+03 O.OOE+00 2.24E+05 Zn-65 1.65E+08 5.24E+08 2.37E+08 O.OOE+00 3.50E+08 O.OOE+00 3.30E+08 Zn-69 2.41E-13 4.61E-13 3.21E-14 O.OOE+00 3.OOE-13 O.OOE+00 6.93E-14 Br-83 O.OOE+00O0.OOE+00 1.16E-02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.67E-02 Br-84 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Br-85 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Rb-86 O.OOE+00 3.12E+08 1.45E+08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O 6.15E+07 Rb-88 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Rb-89 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.0OE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Sr-89 3.05E+09 O.OOE+00 8.74E+07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.88E+08 Sr-90 1.13E+1 1 O.OOE+00 2.27E+09 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.84E+09 Sr-91 6.03E+04 0.OOE+00 2.44E+03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.87E+05 Sr-92 1.02E+00 O.OOE+00 4.39E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.01E+01 Y-90 8.52E+00 O.OOE+00 2.28E-01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9.03E+04 Y-91M O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+0O 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.26E-20 Y-91 1.03E+03 0.OOE+00 2.76E+01 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.67E+05 Y-92 6.68E-06 0.OOE+00 1.95E-07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.17E-01 Y-93 2.66E-02 O.OOE+00 7.34E-04 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.43E+02 Zr-95 1.13E+02 3.63E+01 2.46E+01 OOOE+00 5.70E+01 0.OOE+00 1.15E+05 Zr-97 5.19E-02 1.05E-02 4.79E-03 O.OOE+00 1.58E-02 0.OOE+00 3.24E+03 Nb-95 9.92E+03 5.52E+03 2.97E+03 0.OOE+00 5.45E+03 0.OOE+00 3.35E+07 Mo-99 0.OOE+00 2.97E+06 5.65E+05 O.OOE+00 6.72E+06 O.OOE+00 6.88E+06 Tc- 99M 3.97E-01 1.12E+00 1.43E+01 O.OOE+00 1.70E+01 5.50E-01 6.64E+02 Tc-101 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Ru-103 1.22E+02 O.OOE+00 5.26E+01 0.OOE+00 4.66E+02 0.OOE+00 1.43E+04 Ru-105 1.02E-04 0.OOE+00 4.03E-05 0.OOE+00 1.32E-03 0.00E+00 6.25E-02 Ru-106 2.45E+03 0.OOE+00 3.10E+02 O.OOE+00 4.73E+03 0.OOE+00 1.58E+05 Ag- I10M 6.99E+06 6.46E+06 3.84E+06 0.OOE+00 1.27E+07 0.OOE+00 2.64E+09 Page 11.4-51 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 4-20 (Continued)
Adult Grass-Goat-Milk Dose Factors I Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Te-125M 1.96E+06 7.09E+05 2.62E+05 5.88E+05 7.95E+06 0.OOE+00 7.81E+06 Te-127M 5.49E+06 1.96E+06 6.69E+05 1.40E+06 2.23E+07 O.OOE+00 1.84E+07 Te-127 8.OOE+01 2.87E+01 1.73E+01 5.92E+01 3.26E+02 O.OOE+00 6.31E+03 Te-129M 7.22E+06 2.69E+06 1.14E+06 2.48E+06 3.01E+07 0.00E+00 3.64E+07 Te-129 3.39E-11 1.27E-11 8.26E-12 2.60E-11 1.43E-10 0.OOE+00 2.56E-11 Te-131M 4.33E+04 2.12E+04 1.76E+04 3.35E+04 2.14E+05 0.OOE+00 2.1OE+06 Te-131 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Te-132 2.87E+05 1.86E+05 1.74E+05 2.05E+05 1.79E+06 0.OOE+00 8.78E+06 1-130 5.01E+05 1.48E+06 5.84E+05 1.25E+08 2.31E+06 0.OOE+00 127E+06 1-131 3.55E+08 5.08E+08 2.91E+08 1.67E+I1 8.71E+08 O.OOE+00 1.34E+08 1-132 1.98E-01 5.29E-01 1.85E-01 1.85E+01 8.42E-01 0.OOE+00 9.93E-02 1-133 4.65E+06 8.09E+06 2.47E+06 1.19E+09 1.41E+07 0.OOE+00 7.27E+06 1-134 2.27E-12 6.15E-12 2.20E-12 1.07E-10 9.79E-12 0.OOE+00 5.36E-15 1-135 1.55E+04 4.06E+04 1.50E+04 2.68E+06 6.51E+04 O.OOE+00 4.58E+04 Cs-134 1.70E+10 4.04E+10 3.30E+10 O.OOE+00 1.31E+10 4.34E+09 7.06E+08 Cs-136 7.88E+08 3.11E+09 2.24E+09 0.OOE+00 1.73E+09 2.37E+08 3.53E+08 Cs-137 2.21E+10 3.03E+10 1.98E+10 0.OOE+00 1.03E+10 3.42E+09 5.86E+08 Cs-138 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Ba-139 5.32E-09 3.79E-12 1.56E-10 O.OOE+00 3.54E-12 2.15E-12 9.44E-09 Ba-140 3.23E+06 4.05E+03 2.11E+05 O.OOE+00 1.38E+03 2.32E+03 6.64E+06 Ba-141 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Ba-142 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00O0.OOE+00 La-140 5.43E-01 2.74E-01 7.23E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.01E+04 La-142 2.27E-12 1.03E-12 2.57E-13 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7.53E-09 Ce-141 5.81E+02 3.93E+02 4.46E+01 O.OOE+00 1.83E+02 0.OOE+00 1.50E+06 Ce-143 4.98E+00 3.68E+03 4.07E-01 0.OOE+00 1.62E+00 0.OOE+00 1.38E+05 Ce-144 4.29E+04 1.79E+04 2.30E+03 0.OOE+00 1.06E+04 0.OOE+00 1.45E+07 Pr-143 1.90E+01 7.60E+00 9.40E-01 0.OOE+00 4.39E+00 O.OOE+00 8.3 1E+04 Pr-144 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Nd-147 1.14E+01 1.32E+01 7.87E-01 O.OOE+00 7.69E+00 O.OOE+00 6.31E+04 W-187 7.82E+02 6.53E+02 2.28E+02 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.14E+05 Np-239 4.40E-01 4.33E-02 2.39E-02 0.OOE+00 1.35E-01 0.OOE+00 8.88E+03 Notes: 1)2)Units are m 2 mrem/yr per pCi/sec with the exception of H-3.For H-3, the units are mrem/yr per &#xfd;tCi/m 3.Page 11.4-52 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I Table 4-21 Teen Grass-Goat-Milk Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lun2 GI-LLI H-3 0.OOE+00 1.16E+03 1.16E+03 1.16E+03 1.16E+03 1.16E+03 1.16E+03 Na-24 5.15E+05 5.15E+05 5.15E+05 5.15E+05 5.15E+05 5.15E+05 5.15E+05 Cr-51 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 5.99E+03 3.33E+03 1.3 1E+03 8.55E+03 1.01E+06 Mn-54 0.OOE+00 1.68E+06 3.34E+05 O.OOE+00 5.02E+05 0.OOE+00 3.45E+06 Mn-56 0.OOE+00 8.78E-04 1.56E-04 O.OOE+00 1.1 1E-03 O.OOE+00 5.78E-02 Fe-55 5.79E+05 4.1 IE+05 9.57E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.60E+05 1.78E+05 Fe-59 6.74E+05 1.57E+06 6.07E+05 O.OOE+0+/- 0.OOE+00 4.96E+05 3.72E+06 Co-58 O.OOE+00 9.53E+05 2.20E+06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.31E+07 Co-60 O.OOE+00 3.34E+06 7.52E+06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.35E+07 Ni-63 1.42E+09 1.OOE+08 4.81E+07 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.59E+07 Ni-65 8.13E-02 1.04E-02 4.73E-03 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.63E-01 Cu-64 0.OOE+00 4.69E+03 2.20E+03 O.OOE+00 1. 19E+04 O.OOE+00 3.64E+05 Zn-65 2.53E+08 8.78E+08 4.09E+08 O.OOE+00 5.62E+08 0.OOE+00 3.72E+08 Zn-69 4.44E-13 8.46E-13 5.92E-14 O.OOE+00 5.53E-13 0.OOE+00 1.56E-12 Br-83 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.13E-02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+0O Br-84 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+0 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+0O Br-85 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+0010.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O Rb-86 O.OOE+00 5.68E+08 2.67E+08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8.41E+07 Rb-88 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+0O Rb-89 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Sr-89 5.61E+09 O.OOE+00 1.61E+08 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+0O O.OOE+00 6.69E+08 Sr-90 1.71E+1 1 0.OOE+00 3.41E+09 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.90E+09 Sr-91 1.11E+05 O.OOE+00 4.41E+03 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.02E+05 Sr-92 1.86E+00 O.OOE+00 7.92E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.74E+01 Y-90 1.56E+01 0.OOE+00 4.21E-01 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.29E+05 Y-91M 1.41E-20 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.66E-19 Y-91 1.90E+03 0.OOE+00 5.08E+01 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 7.77E+05 Y-92 1.23E-05 O.OOE+00 3.57E-07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.39E-01 Y-93 4.90E-02 0.OOE+00 1.34E-03 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.50E+03 Zr-95 1.98E+02 6.25E+01 4.30E+01 O.OOE+00 9.18E+01 O.OOE+00 1.44E+05 Zr-97 9.44E-02 1.87E-02 8.61E-03 O.OOE+00 2.83E-02 0.OOE+00 5.06E+03 Nb-95 1.69E+04 9.38E+03 5.16E+03 0.OOE+00 9.09E+03 0.OOE+00 4.01E+07 Mo-99 O.OOE+00 5.36E+06 1.02E+06 O.OOE+00 1.23E+07 O.OOE+00 9.59E+06 Tc- 99M 6.89E-01 1.92E+00 2.49E+01 O.OOE+00 2.86E+01 1.07E+00 1.26E+03 Tc-101 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+000.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Ru-103 2.17E+02 O.OOE+00 9.29E+01 O.OOE+00 7.66E+02 O.OOE+00 1.81E+04 Ru-105 1.86E-04 0.OOE+00 7.24E-05 0.OOE+00 2.35E-03 0.OOE+00 1.51E-01 Ru-106 4.50E+03 O.OOE+00 5.67E+02 O.OOE+00 8.68E+03 0.OOE+00 2.16E+05 Ag- IOM 1.16E+07 1.09E+07 6.65E+06 0.OOE+00 2.09E+07 0.OOE+00 3.07E+09 Page 11.4-53 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 4-21 (Continued)
Teen Grass-Goat-Milk Dose Factors I Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Te-125M 3.61E+06 1.30E+06 4.82E+05 1.O1E+06 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.06E+07 Te-127M 1.O1E+07 3.59E+06 1.20E+06 2.41E+06 4.10E+07 0.OOE+00 2.52E+07 Te-127 1.48E+02 5.25E+01 3.19E+01 1.02E+02 6.OOE+02 0.OOE+00 1.14E+04 Te-129M 1.32E+07 4.90E+06 2.09E+06 4.26E+06 5.53E+07 0.OOE+00 4.96E+07 Te-129 6.24E-11 2.33E-11 1.52E-11 4.46E-11 2.62E-10 0.OOE+00 3.41E-10 Te-131M 7.88E+04 3.78E+04 3.15E+04 5.68E+04 3.94E+05 0.00E+00 3.03E+06 Te- 131 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Te-132 5.13E+05 3.25E+05 3.06E+05 3.42E+05 3.12E+06 0.00E+00 1.03E+07 1-130 8.82E+05 2.55E+06 1.02E+06 2.08E+08 3.93E+06 O.OOE+00 1.96E+06 1-131 6.45E+08 9.02E+08 4.85E+08 2.63E+11 1.55E+09 0.OOE+00 1.78E+08 1-132 3.50E-01 9.17E-01 3.29E-01 3.09E+01 1.44E+00 0.OOE+00 3.99E-01 1-133 8.50E+06 1.44E+07 4.40E+06 2.01E+09 2.53E+07 0.OOE+00 1.09E+07 1-134 4.03E-12 1.07E-11 3.83E-12 1.78E-10 1.68E-11 0.OOE+00 1.41E-13 1-135 2.75E+04 7.09E+04 2.63E+04 4.56E+06 1.12E+05 0.00E+00 7.85E+04 Cs-134 2.94E+10 6.93E+10 3.22E+10 0.OOE+00 2.20E+10 8.41E+09 8.62E+08 Cs-136 1.34E+09 5.28E+09 3.54E+09 O.OOE+00 2.87E+09 4.53E+08 4.25E+08 Cs-137 4.02E+10 5.34E+10 1.86E+10 0.OOE+00 1.82E+10 7.06E+09 7.60E+08 Cs-138 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Ba-139 9.84E-09 6.92E-12 2.87E-10 O.OOE+00 6.53E-12 4.77E-12 8.78E-08 Ba-140 5.82E+06 7.14E+03 3.75E+05 O.OOE+00 2.42E+03 4.80E+03 8.98E+06 Ba-141 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0 0.0OOE+00 Ba-142 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 La-140 9.75E-01 4.79E-01 1.27E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 2.75E+04 La-142 4.09E-12 1.82E-12 4.53E-13 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 5.53E-08 Ce-141 1.07E+03 7.12E+02 8.17E+01 0.OOE+00 3.35E+02 0.OOE+00 2.04E+06 Ce-143 9.15E+00 6.66E+03 7.44E-01 0.OOE+00 2.99E+00 0.OOE+00 2.OOE+05 Ce-144 7.90E+04 3.27E+04 4.24E+03 O.OOE+00 1.95E+04 0.00E+00 1.99E+07 Pr-143 3.48E+01 1.39E+01 1.73E+00 0.OOE+00 8.08E+00 0.00E+00 1.15E+05 Pr-144 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Nd-147 2.19E+01 2.38E+01 1.43E+00 0.00E+00 1.40E+01 0.OOE+00 8.59E+04 W-187 1.43E+03 1.17E+03 4.08E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.15E+05 Np-239 8.40E-01 7.92E-02 4.40E-02 0.OOE+00 2.49E-01 0.00E+00 1.27E+04 Notes: 1) Units are m 2 mrem/yr per &#xfd;LCi/sec with the exception of H-3.2) For H-3, the units are mrem/yr per &#xfd;tCi/m 3.Page 11.4-54 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 4-22 Child Grass-Goat-Milk Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI H-3 0.00E+00 1.83E+03 1.83E+03 1.83E+03 1.83E+03 1.83E-+03 1.83E+03 Na-24 1.07E+06 1.07E+06 1.07E+06 1.07E+06 1.07E+06 1.07E+06 1.07E+06 Cr-51 0.OOE+0 0.001E+00 1.22E+04 6.78E+03 1.85E+03 1.24E+04 6.47E+05 Mn-54 0.OOE+00 2.52E+06 6.70E+05 0.00E+00 7.06E+05 0.OOE+00 2.111E+06 Mn-56 0.00E+00 1.53E-03 3.46E-04 0.00E+00 1.85E-03 0.OOE+00 2.22E-01 Fe-55 1.45E+06 7.71E+05 2.39E+05 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 4.36E+05 1.43E+05 Fe-59 1.56E+06 2.53E+06 1.26E+06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.33E+05 2.63E+06 Co-58 0.00E+00 1.46E+06 4.46E+06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+0O 0.00E+00 8.49E+06 Co-60 0.00E+00 5.18E+06 1.53E+07 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 2.87E+07 Ni-63 3.56E+09 1.90E+08 1.21E+08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.28E+07 Ni-65 1.99E-01 1.87E-02 1.09E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 2.29E+00 Cu-64 0.00E+00 8.24E+03 4.98E+03 0.00E+00 1.99E+04 0.OOE+00 3.87E+05 Zn-65 4.96E+08 1.32E+09 8.22E+08 0.00E+00 8.33E+08 0.00E+00 2.32E+08 Zn-69 1.09E-12 1.58E-12 1.46E-13 0.00E+00 9.57E-13 0.00E+00 9.95E-11 Br-83 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.24E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Br-84 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Br-85 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Rb-86 0.00E+00 1.05E+09 6.48E+08 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.78E+07 Rb-88 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Rb-89 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.001E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Sr-89 1.39E+10 0.00E+00 3.97E1+08 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.38E+08 Sr-90 3.53E+11 0.00E+00 7.111E+09 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.16E+09 Sr-91 2.72E+05 0.00E+00 1.03E+04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.00E+05 Sr-92 4.54E+00 0.00E+00 1.82E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 8.60E+01 Y-90 3.87E+01 0.00E+00 1.04E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.10E+05 Y-91M 3.45E-20 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.75E-17 Y-91 4.68E+03 0.00E+00 1.25E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.24E+05 Y-92 3.03E-05 0.00E+00 8.67E-07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 8.75E-01 Y-93 1.20E-01 0.00E+00 3.311E-03 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.80E+03 Zr-95 4.60E+02 1.01E+02 9.00E+01 0.00E+00 1.45E+02 0.00E+00 1.05E+05 Zr-97 2.30E-01 3.32E-02 1.96E-02 0.OOE+00 4.77E-02 0.00E+00 5.03E+03 Nb-95 3.82E+04 1.49E+04 1.06E+04 0.00E+00 1.40E+04 0.00E+00 2.75E+07 Mo-99 0.00E+00 9.75E+06 2.41E+06 0.00E+00 2.08E+07 O.00E+00 8.06E+06 Tc- 99M 1.58E+00 3.100E+00 5.14E+01 0.0013+00 4.50E+01 1.57E+00 1.76E+03 Tc-101 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Ru-103 5.14E+02 0.00E+00 1.97E+02 0.00E+00 1.29E+03 0.00E+00 1.33E+04 Ru-105 4.55E-04 0.00E+00 1.65E-04 0.00E+00 4.00E-03 0.001+00 2.97E-01 Ru-106 1.111E+04 0.001E+00 1.38E+03 0.00E+00 1.50E+04 0.00E+001 1.72E+05 Ag-110M 2.51E+07 1.69E+07 1.35E+07 0,00E+00 3.15E+07 0.00E+00 2.01E+09 Page 11.4-55 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 4-22 (Continued)
Child Grass-Goat-Milk Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Te-125M 8.86E+06 2.40E+06 1.18E+06 2.49E+06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.55E+06 Te-127M 2.50E+07 6.72E+06 2.96E+06 5.97E+06 7.12E+07 0.OOE+00 2.02E+07 Te-127 3.64E+02 9.83E+01 7.82E+01 2.52E+02 1.04E+03 G.OOE+00 1.42E+04 Te-129M 3.26E+07 9.09E+06 5.05E+06 1.05E+07 9.56E+07 0.OOE+00 3.97E+07 Te-129 1.54E-10 4.30E-11 3.66E-11 1.1OE-10 4.51E-100.OOE+00 9.59E-09 Te-131M 1.92E+05 6.63E+04 7.06E+04 1.36E+05 6.42E+05 O.OOE+00 2.69E+06 Te-131 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+OO 0.OOE+00 Te-132 1.22E+06 5.42E+05 6.55E+05 7.89E+05 5.03E+06 0.OOE+00 5.46E+06 1-130 2.06E+06 4.17E+06 2.15E+06 4.59E+08 6.23E+06 0.OOE+00 1.95E+06 1-131 1.56E+09 1.57E+09 8.94E+08 5.20E+11 2.58E+09 O.OOE+00 1.40E+08 1-132 8.29E-01 1.52E+00 7.OOE-01 7.07E+01 2.33E+00 0.OOE+00 1.79E+00 1-133 2.06E+07 2.55E+07 9.66E+06 4.74E+09 4.25E+07 0.OOE+00 1.03E+07 1-134 9.53E-12 1.77E-11 8.14E-12 4.07E-10 2.71E-11 0.OOE+00 1.17E-11 1-135 6.52E+04 1.17E+05 5.55E+04 1.04E+07 1.80E+05 0.OOE+00 8.94E+04 Cs-134 6.79E+10 1.1 1E+I 1 2.35E+10 0.OOE+00 3.45E+10 1.24E+10 6.01E+08 Cs-136 3.03E+09 8.32E+09 5.39E+09 O.OOE+00 4.43E+09 6.61E+08 2.92E+08 Cs-137 9.67E+10 9.26E+10 1.37E+10 0.OOE+00 3.02E+10 1.09E+10 5.80E+08 Cs-138 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Ba-139 2.42E-08 1.29E-11 7.O1E-100.OOE+00 1.13E-11 7.59E-12 1.40E-06 Ba-140 1.41E+07 1.23E+04 8.21E+05 0.OOE+00 4.O1E+03 7.34E+03 7.12E+06 Ba-141 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Ba-142 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0+/- 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 La-140 2.33E+00 8.16E-01 2.75E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.27E+04 La-142 9.88E-12 3.15E-12 9.87E-13 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.24E-07 Ce-141 2.62E+03 1.31E+03 1.94E+02 0.OOE+00 5.74E+02 0.OOE+00 1.63E+06 Ce-143 2.25E+01 1.22E+04 1.76E+00 0.OOE+00 5.1 1E+00 0.OOE+00 1.78E+05 Ce-144 1.95E+05 6.11E+04 1.04E+04 0.OOE+00 3.38E+04 0.OOE+00 1.59E+07 Pr-143 8.62E+01 2.59E+01 4.28E+00 0.OOE+00 1.40E+01 0.OOE+00 9.30E+04 Pr-144 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Nd-147 5.37E+01 4.35E+01 3.37E+00 0.OOE+00 2.39E+01 0.OOE+00 6.89E+04 W-187 3.47E+03 2.05E+03 9.21E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.88E+05 Np-239 2.07E+00 1.48E-01 1.04E-01 0.OOE+00 4.29E-01 0.OOE+00 1.1OE+04 Notes: 1) Units are m 2 mreni/yr per &#xfd;tCi/sec with the exception of H-3.2) For H-3, the units are mrem/yr per jCi/m 3.Page 11.4-56 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 4-23 Infant Grass-Goat-Milk Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI H-3 0.OOE+00 2.78E+03 2.78E+03 2.78E+03 2.78E+03 2.78E+03 2.78E+03 Na-24 1.87E+06 1.87E+06 1.87E+06 1.87E+06 1.87E+06 1.87E+06 1.87E+06 Cr-51 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.93E+04 1.26E+04 2.76E+03 2.46E+04 5.64E+05 Mn-54 0.OOE+00 4.68E+06 1.06E+06 0.OOE+00 1.04E+06 0.OOE+00 1.72E+06 Mn-56 0.OOE+00 3.75E-03 6.47E-04 0.OOE+00 3.22E-03 0.OOE+00 3.41E-01 Fe-55 1.76E+06 1.13E+06 3.03E+05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.55E+05 1.44E+0_5 Fe-59 2.92E+06 5.09E+06 2.01E+06 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.51E+06 2.43E+06 Co-58 0.OOE+00 2.91E+06 7.26E+06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7.25E+06 Co-60 0.OOE+00 1.06E+07 2.50E+07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.52E+07 Ni-63 4.19E+09 2.59E+08 1.45E+08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.29E+07 Ni-65 4.21E-01 4.77E-02 2.17E-02 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+0010.OOE+00 3.63E+00 Cu-64 0.OOE+00 2.05E+04 9.48E+03 0.OOE+00 3.46E+04 0.OOE+00 4.20E+05 Zn-65 6.66E+08 2.28E+09 1.05E+09 0.OOE+00 1.11 E+09 0.OOE+00 1.93E+09 Zn-69 2.33E-12 4.19E-12 3.12E-13 O.OOE+00 1.74E-12 0.OOE+00 3.42E-10 Br-83 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.1 IE-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Br-84 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Br-85 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Rb-86 0.OOE+00 2.67E+/-09 1.32E+09 0.OOE+0 0.0OOE+00 O.OOE+00 6.84E+07 Rb-88 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Rb-89 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00O0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Sr-89 2.64E+10 0.OOE+00 7.58E+08 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 5.43E+08 Sr-90 3.91E+1 1 0.OOE+00 7.92E+09 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 3.19E+09 Sr-91 5.66E+05 0.OOE+00 2.05E+04 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 6.70E+05 Sr-92 9.65E+00 0.OOE+00 3.59E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.04E+02 Y-90 8.19E+01 0.00E+00 2.20E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.13E+05 Y-91M 7.31E-20 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+/-00 0.OOE+00 2.44E-16 Y-91 8.79E+03 0.OOE+00 2.34E+02 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.30E+05 Y-92 6.44E-05 0.00E+00 1.81E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.23E+00 Y-93 2.57E-01 0.00E+00 6.99E-03 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 2.03E+03 Zr-95 8.17E+02 1.99E+02 1.41E+02 0.OOE+00 2.15E+02 0.00E+00 9.91E+04 Zr-97 4.87E-01 8.35E-02 3.81E-02 0.OOE+00 8.42E-02 0.OOE+00 5.33E+03 Nb-95 7.13E+04 2.94E+04 1.70E+04 0.OOE+00 2.10E+04 0.OOE+00 2.48E+07 Mo-99 0.OOE+00 2.49E+07 4.86E+06 0.00E+00 3.72E+07 0.OOE+00 8.21E+06 Tc- 99M 3.29E+00 6.78E+00 8.73E+01 0.OOE+00 7.29E+01 3.54E+00 1.97E+03 Tc-101 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Ru- 103 1.04E+03 0.OOE+00 3.48E+02 0.00E+00 2.16E+03 0.OOE+00 1.27E+04 Ru-105 9.60E-04 0.OOE+00 3.23E-04 0.00E+00 7.06E-03 O.OOE+00 3.82E-01 Ru- 106 2.28E+04 0.00E+00 2.85E+03 0.OOE+00 2.70E+04 0.00E+00 1.73E+05 Ag-110M 4.63E+07 3.38E+07 2.24E+07 0.OOE+00 4.84E+07 0.OOE+00 1.75E+09 Page 11.4-57 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Error! Reference source not found. (Continued)
Infant Grass-Goat-Milk Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Te-125M 1.81E+07 6.05E+06 2.45E+06 6.09E+06 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.62E+06 Te-127M 5.05E+07 1.68E+07 6.12E+06 1.46E+07 1.24E+08 0.OOE+00 2.04E+07 Te-127 7.74E+02 2.59E+02 1.66E+02 6.30E+02 1.89E+03 0.OOE+00 1.63E+04 Te-129M 6.68E+07 2.29E+07 1.03E+07 2.57E+07 1.67E+08 0.OOE+00 3.99E+07 Te-129 3.26E-10 1.13E-10 7.62E-11 2.74E-10 8.13E-10 0.OOE+00 2.61E-08 Te-131M 4.05E+05 1.63E+05 1.35E+05 3.30E+05 1.12E+06 0.OOE+00 2.74E+06 Te-131 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Te-132 2.52E+06 1.25E+06 1.17E+06 1.84E+06 7.81E+06 0.OOE+00 4.62E+06 1-130 4.24E+06 9.32E+06 3.74E+06 1.04E+09 1.02E+07 O.OOE+00 2.OOE+06 1-131 3.26E+09 3.85E+09 1.69E+09 1.26E+12 4.49E+09 0.OOE+00 1.37E+08 1-132 1.72E+00 3.49E+00 1.24E+00 1.64E+02 3.90E+00 O.OOE+00 2.83E+00 1-133 4.36E+07 6.35E+07 1.86E+07 1.15E+10 7.46E+07 0.OOE+00 1.07E+07 1-134 1.98E-11 4.05E-1I 1.44E-11 9.44E-10 4.53E-11 0.OOE+00 4.19E-11 1435 1.36E+05 2.70E+05 9.83E+04 2.42E+07 3.01E+05 0.OOE+00 9.76E+04 Cs-134 1.09E+l I2.04E+l 1 2.06E+10 0.OOE+00 5.25E+10 2.15E+10 5.54E+08 Cs-136 5.91E+09 1.74E+10 6.49E+09 0.OOE+00 6.93E+09 1.42E+09 2.64E+08 Cs-137 1.54E+11 1.81E+l 1 1.28E+10 0.OOE+00 4.85E+10 1.96E+10 5.65E+08 Cs-138 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Ba-139 5.14E-08 3.41E-11 1.49E-090.00E+00 2.05E-111 2.07E-11 3.26E-06 Ba-140 2.89E+07 2.89E+04 1.49E+06 O.OOE+00 6.87E+03 1.78E+04 7.1 1E+06 Ba-141 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Ba-142 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 La-140 4.88E+00 1.92E+00 4.95E-01 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.26E+04 La-142 2.08E-11 7.62E-12 1.82E-12 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.29E-06 Ce-141 5.20E+03 3.17E+03 3.73E+02 0.OOE+00 9.78E+02 0.OOE+00 1.64E+06 Ce-143 4.75E+01 3.15E+04 3.60E+00 0.OOE+00 9.19E+00 0.OOE+00 1.84E+05 Ce-144 2.79E+05 1.14E+05 1.56E+04 0.00E+00 4.62E+04 O.OOE+00 1.60E+07 Pr-143 1.78E+02 6.67E+01 8.84E+00 0.OOE+00 2.48E+01 0.OOE+00 9.41E+04 Pr-144 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Nd-147 1.07E+02 1.09E+02 6.70E+00 0.OOE+00 4.22E+01 0.OOE+00 6.93E+04 W-187 7.29E+03 5.07E+03 1.75E+03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.98E+05 Np-239 4.37E+00 3.91E-01 2.21E-01 O.OOE+00 7.80E-01 0.OOE+00 1.13E+04 Notes: 1)2)Units are m 2 mremi/yr per jiCi/sec with the exception of H-3.For H-3, the units are mrem/yr per pCi/m .Page 11.4-58 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 4-23 Adult Grass-Cow-Meat Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lun2 GI-LLI H-3 0.OOE+00 1.85E+02 1.85E+02 1.85E+02 1.85E+02 1.85E+02 1.85E+02 Na-24 1.45E-03 1.45E-03 1.45E-03 1.45E-03 1.45E-03 1.45E-03 1.45E-03 Cr-51 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 7.04E+03 4.21E+03 1.55E+03 9.34E+03 1.77E+06 Mn-54 0.OOE+00 9.18E+06 1.75E+06 0.OOE+00 2.73E+06 0.OOE+00 2.81E+07 Mn-56 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE&#xf7;00 O.OOE+0(Fe-55 2.93E+08 2.03E+08 4.72E+07 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.13E+08 1.16E+08 Fe-59 2.65E+08 6.24E+08 2.39E+08 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.74E+08 2.08E+09 Co-58 O.OOE+00 1.82E+07 4.09E+07 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.70E+08 Co-60 O.OOE+00 7.52E+07 1.66E+08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.41E+09 Ni-63 1.89E+10 1.31E+09 6.33E+08 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.73E+08 Ni-65 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+0O Cu-64 O.OOE+00 2.52E-07 1.18E-07 O.OOE+00 6.36E-07 0.OOE+00 2.15E-05 Zn-65 3.56E+08 1.13E+09 5.12E+08 O.OOE+00 7.57E+08 0.OOE+00 7.13E+08 Zn-69 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Br-83 O.OOE+00 0.0OOE+0 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0 0.0OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Br-84 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+0 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Br-85 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Rb-86 0.OOE+00 4.88E+08 2.28E+08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 9.63E+07 Rb-88 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Rb-89 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Sr-89 3.01E+08 0.OOE+00 8.65E+06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.83E+07 Sr-90 1.43E+10 0.OOE+00 2.87E+08 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.59E+08 Sr-91 1.43E-10 O.OOE+00 5.79E-12 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 6.83E-10 Sr-92 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Y-90 1.08E+02 O.OOE+00 2.91E+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.15E+06 Y-91M O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 Y-91 1.13E+06 O.OOE+00 3.03E+04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.23E+08 Y-92 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Y-93 4.39E-12 0.OOE+00 1.21E-13 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.39E-07 Zr-95 1.87E+06 6.01E+05 4.07E+05 0.OOE+00 9.43E+05 0.OOE+00 1.91E+09 Zr-97 2.04E-05 4.12E-06 1.88E-06 0.OOE+00 6.22E-06 O.OOE+00 1.28E+00 Nb-95 2.30E+06 1.28E+06 6.89E+05 O.OOE+00 1.27E+06 0.OOE+00 7.78E+09 Mo-99 0.OOE+00 9.93E+04 1.89E+04 0.OOE+00 2.25E+05 0.OOE+00 2.30E+05 Tc- 99M 0.OOE+00 1.22E-20 1.56E-19 O.OOE+00 1.85E-19 O.OOE+00 7.23E-18 Tc-101 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.05E+00 O.OOE+00 Ru-103 1.05E+08 0.OOE+00 4.53E+07 0.OOE+00 4.01E+08 O.OOE+00 1.23E+10 Ru-105 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 Ru-106 2.80E+09 O.OOE+00 3.54E+08 0.OOE+O0 5.40E+09 0.OOE+00 1.81E+1 1 Ag- I10M 6.68E+06 6.18E+06 3.67E+06 O.OOE+00 1.22E+07 0.OOE+00 2.52E+09 Page 11.4-59 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 4-23 (Continued)
Adult Grass-Cow-Meat Dose Factors I Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Te-125M 3.59E+08 1.30E+08 4.81E+07 1.08E+08 1.46E+09 0.OOE+00 1.43E+09 Te-127M 1.12E+09 3.99E+08 1.36E+08 2.85E+08 4.53E+09 0.00E+00 3.74E+09 Te-127 2.50E-10 8.98E-11 5.41E-11 1.85E-10 1.02E-09 0.OOE+00 1.97E-08 Te-129M 1.13E+09 4.23E+08 1.79E+08 3.89E+08 4.73E+09 0.OOE+00 5.71E+09 Te-129 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O Te-131M 4.49E+02 2.20E+02 1.83E+02 3.48E+02 2.23E+03 0.OOE+00 2.18E+04 Te-131 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+0O Te-132 1.40E+06 9.03E+05 8.48E+05 9.98E+05 8.70E+06 0.OOE+00 4.27E+07 1-130 2.03E-06 5.98E-06 2.36E-06 5.07E-04 9.33E-06 O.OOE+00 5.15E-06 1-131 1.07E+07 1.54E+07 8.80E+06 5.03E+09 2.63E+07 O.OOE+00 4.05E+06 1-132 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1-133 3.70E-01 6.43E-01 1.96E-01 9.45E+01 1.12E+00 O.OOE+00 5.78E-01 1-134 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+0 0.0OOE+00 0.00E+00 1-135 4.66E-17 1.22E-16 4.50E-17 8.04E-15 1.95E-16 O.OOE+00 1.38E-16 Cs-134 6.58E+08 1.57E+09 1.28E+09 0.00E+00 5.07E+08 1.68E+08 2.74E+07 Cs-136 1.20E+07 4.73E+07 3.40E+07 0.OOE+00 2.63E+07 3.61E+06 5.37E+06 Cs-137 8.72E+08 1.19E+09 7.81E+08 O.OOE+00 4.05E+08 1.35E+08 2.31E+07 Cs-138 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+0 0.0OOE+00 0.00E+00 Ba-139 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Ba-140 2.88E+07 3.61E+04 1.88E+06 0.00E+00 1.23E+04 2.07E+04 5.92E+07 Ba-141 O.OOE+00 +.OE+O00 E 0.0E+000 O.OO E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Ba-142 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 La-140 3.76E-02 1.90E-02 5.01E-03 0.00E+O 0.0OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.39E+03 La-142 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Ce-141 1.40E+04 9.49E+03 1.08E+03 0.00E+00 4.41E+03 0.00E+00 3.63E+07 Ce-143 1.99E-02 1.47E+01 1.63E-03 0.OOE+00 6.47E-03 0.OOE+00 5.49E+02 Ce-144 1.46E+06 6.09E+05 7.83E+04 O.OOE+00 3.61E+05 0.00E+00 4.93E+08 Pr-143 2.10E+04 8.42E+03 1.04E+03 0.0013+00 4.86E+03 0.OOE+00 9.20E+07 Pr-144 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Nd-147 7.21E+03 8.3313+03 4.98E+02 0.0013+00 4.87E+03 0.00E+00 4.0013+07 W-187 2.0713-02 1.73E-02 6.04E-03 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 5.66E+00 Np-239 2.57E-01 2153E-02 1.40E-02 0.00E+00 7.90E-02 0.0013+00 5.19E+03 Notes: 1)2)Units are m 2 mrem/yr per 4tCi/sec with the exception of H-3.For H-3, the units are mrem/yr per tCi/m 3.Page 11.4-60 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 I Table 4-24 Teen Grass-Cow-Meat Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI H-3 0.OOE+00 1.1OE+02 1.1OE+02 1.1OE+02 1.1OE+02 1.1OE+02 1.LOE+02 Na-24 1.16E-03 1.16E-03 1.16E-03 1.16E-03 1.16E-03 1.16E-03 1.16E-03 Cr-51 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.63E+03 3.13E+03 1.23E+03 8.04E+03 9.46E+05 Mn-54 0.OOE+00 7.OOE+06 1.39E+06 0.OOE+00 2.09E+06 0.OOE+00 1.44E+07 Mn-56 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 Fe-55 2.38E+08 1.69E+08 3.94E+07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.07E+08 7.3 1E+07 Fe-59 2.12E+08 4.95E+08 1.91E+08 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.56E+08 1.17E+09 Co-58 O.OOE+00 1.41E+07 3.24E+07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.94E+08 Co-60 0.OOE+00 5.83E+07 1.3 1E+08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7.60E+08 Ni-63 1.52E+10 1.07E+09 5.15E+08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.71E+08 Ni-65 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Cu-64 0.OOE+00 2.06E-07 9.68E-08 0.OOE+00 5.21E-07 O.OOE+00 1.60E-05 Zn-65 2.50E+08 8.69E+08 4.05E+08 O.OOE+00 5.56E+08 0.OOE+00 3.68E+08 Zn-69 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Br-83 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0 0.0OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Br-84 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+0 0.0OOE+00 Br-85 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Rb-86 0.OOE+00 4.08E+08 1.9 1E+08 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.03E+07 Rb-88 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00O0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Rb-89 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Sr-89 2.54E+08 0.OOE+00 7.28E+06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.03E+07 Sr-90 9.89E+09 0.OOE+00 1.98E+08 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.26E+08 Sr-91 1.21E-10 0.OOE+00 4.80E-12 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.47E-10 Sr-92 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Y-90 9.13E+01 0.00E+00 2.46E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7.53E+05 Y-91M 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.0OOE+0 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Y-91 9.54E+05 0.OOE+00 2.56E+04 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.91E+08 Y-92 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Y-93 3.71E-12 O.OOE+00 1.02E-13 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.13E-07 Zr-95 1.50E+06 4.74E+05 3.26E+05 0.OOE+00 6.96E+05 0.OOE+00 1.09E+09 Zr-97 1.70E-05 3.37E-06 1.55E-06 0.00E+00 5.10E-06 0.OOE+00 9.1 IE-01 Nb-95 1.80Et06 9.98E+05 5.49E+05 0.OOE+00 9.67E+05 0.OOE+00 4.27E+09 Mo-99 O.OOE+00 8.21E+04 1.57E+04 0.OOE+00 1.88E+05 O.OOE+00 1.47E+05 Tc- 99M 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.24E-19 0.OOE+00 1.43E-19 0.OOE+00 6.29E-18 Tc-101 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Ru-103 8.56E+07 O.OOE+00 3.66E+07 O.OOE+00 3.02E+08 0.OOE+00 7.15E+09 Ru-105 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Ru-106 2.36E+09 0.OOE+00 2.97E+08 O.OOE+00 4.55E+09 O.OOE+00 1.13E+1 1 Ag- 1OM 5.06E+06 4.79E+06 2.91E+06 0.OOE+00 9.13E+06 0.OOE+00 1.35E+09 Page 11.4-61 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 4-24 (Continued)
Teen Grass-Cow-Meat Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lun2 GI-LLI Te-125M 3.03E+08 1.09E+08 4.06E+07 8.47E+07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8.95E+08 Te-127M 9.40E+08 3.34E+08 1.12E+08 2.24E+08 3.82E+09 0.OOE+00 2.35E+09 Te-127 2.12E-10 7.53E-11 4.57E-11 1.46E-10 8.60E-10 0.OOE+00 1.64E-08 Te-129M 9.49E+08 3.52E+08 1.50E+08 3.06E+08 3.97E+09 0.OOE+00 3.56E+09 Te-129 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O Te-131M 3.75E+02 1.80E+02 1.50E+02 2.70E+02 1.87E+03 0.OOE+00 1.44E+04 Te- 131 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Te-132 1.14E+06 7.24E+05 6.8 1E+05 7.63E+05 6.94E+06 0.OOE+00 2.29E+07 1-130 1.63E-06 4.72E-06 1.88E-06 3.85E-04 7.27E-06 0.OOE+00 3.63E-06 1-131 8.92E+06 1.25E+07 6.71E+06 3.64E+09 2.15E+07 0.OOE+00 2.47E+06 1-132 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.00E+00 0.OOE+00 1-133 3.09E-01 5.25E-01 1.60E-01 7.32E+01 9.20E-01 0.OOE+00 3.97E-01 1-134 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1-135 3.79E-17 9.75E-17 3.61E-17 6.27E-15 1.54E-16 0.OOE+00 1.08E-16 Cs-134 5.23E+08 1.23E+09 5.71E+08 0.OOE+00 3.91E+08 1.49E+08 1.53E+07 Cs-136 9.34E+06 3.68E+07 2.47E+07 0.OOE+00 2.OOE+07 3.15E+06 2.96E+06 Cs-137 7.24E+08 9.63E+08 3.36E+08 0.OOE+00 3.28E+08 1.27E+08 1.37E+07 Cs-138 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Ba-139 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Ba-140 2.38E+07 2.91E+04 1.53E+06 O.OOE+00 9.88E+03 1.96E+04 3.67E+07 Ba-141 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Ba-142 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 La-140 3.09E-02 1.52E-02 4.04E-03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8.73E+02 La-142 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Ce-141 1.18E+04 7.87E+03 9.04E+02 0.OOE+00 3.70E+03 0.OOE+00 2.25E+07 Ce-143 1.67E-02 1.22E+01 1.36E-03 0.OOE+00 5.46E-03 0.OOE+00 3.66E+02 Ce-144 1.23E+06 5.08E+05 6.60E+04 0.OOE+00 3.04E+05 0.OOE+00 3.09E+08 Pr-143 1.77E+04 7.05E+03 8.79E+02 0.OOE+00 4.10E+03 0.OOE+00 5.81E+07 Pr-144 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Nd-147 6.35E+03 6.90E+03 4.14E+02 O.OOE+00 4.05E+03 0.OOE+00 2.49E+07 W-187 1.73E-02 1.41E-02 4.94E-03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.82E+00 Np-239 2.25E-01 2.12E-02 1.18E-02 0.OOE+00 6.66E-02 0.OOE+00 3.41E+03 Notes: 1)2)Units are m 2 mrem/yr per 4tCi/sec with the exception of H-3.For H-3, the units are mrem/yr per gtCi/m 3.Page 11.4-62 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 4-25.Child Grass-Cow-Meat Dose Factors Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Luna GI-LLI H-3 0.OOE+00 1.34E+02 1.34E+02 1.34E+02 1.34E+02 1.34E+02 1.34E+02 Na-24 1.84E-03 1.84E-03 1.84E-03 1.84E-03 1.84E-03 1.84E-03 1.84E-03 Cr-51 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8.78E+03 4.87E+03 1.33E+03 8.90E+03 4.66E+05 Mn-54 O.OOE+00 8.01E+06 2.13E+06 O.OOE+00 2.25E+06 0.OOE+00 6.72E+06 Mn-56 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+0O Fe-55 4.57E+08 2.42E+08 7.5 1E+07 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.37E+08 4.49E+07 Fe-59 3.76E+08 6.08E+08 3.03E+08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.76E+08 6.34E+08 Co-58 O.OOE+00 1.64E+07 5.03E+07 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9.59E+07 Co-60 0.OOE+00 6.93E+07 2.04E+08 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.84E+08 Ni-63 2.91E+10 1.56E+09 9.91E+08 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.05E+08 Ni-65 0.00E+0 0.0OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Cu-64 0.OOE+00 2.77E-07 1.67E-07 O.OOE+00 6.68E-07 0.OOE+00 1.30E-05 Zn-65 3.75E+08 1.OOE+09 6.22E+08 0.OOE+00 6.30E+08 0.OOE+00 1.76E+08 Zn-69 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Br-83 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+0 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Br-84 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Br-85 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Rb-86 O.OOE+00 5.78E+08 3.55E+08 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.72E+07 Rb-88 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+O0 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Rb-89 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Sr-89 4.81E+08 0.OOE+00 1.37E+07 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.86E+07 Sr-90 1.57E+10 0.OOE+00 3.15E+08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.40E+08 Sr-91 2.26E-10 0.OOE+00 8.54E-12 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.OOE-10 Sr-92 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Y-90 1.73E+02 O.OOE+00 4.62E+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.92E+05 Y-91M O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Y-91 1.80E+06 0.OOE+00 4.82E+04 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 2.40E+08 Y-92 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Y-93 6.97E-12 0.OOE+00 1.91E-13 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.04E-07 Zr-95 2.67E+06 5.86E+05 5.22E+05 O.OOE+00 8.39E+05 O.OOE+00 6.1 1E+08 Zr-97 3.16E-05 4.57E-06 2.70E-06 0.OOE+00 6.56E-06 0.OOE+00 6.93E-01 Nb-95 3.11 E+06 1.21E+06 8.64E+05 0.OOE+00 1.14E+06 0.OOE+00 2.24E+09 Mo-99 0.OOE+00 1.14E+05 2.82E+04 0.OOE+00 2.44E+05 0.OOE+00 9.44E+04 Tc- 99M 0.OOE+00 1.18E-20 1.96E-19 0.OOE+00 1.72E-19 0.OOE+00 6.72E-18 Tc-101 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Ru-103 1.55E+08 0.00E+00 5.95E+07 0.OOE+00 3.90E+08 0.00E+00 4.OOE+09 Ru-105 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.O0E+00 0.OOE+00 Ru-106 4.44E+09 O.OOE+00 5.54E+08 0.OOE+00 5.99E+09 0.OOE+00 6.90E+10 Ag-1 10M 8.39E+06 5.67E+06 4.53E+06 0.OOE+00 1.06E+07 O.O0E+00 6.74E+08 Page 11.4-63 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 4-25 (Continued)
Child Grass-Cow-Meat Dose Factors I Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Te-125M 5.70E+08 1.54E+08 7.59E+07 1.60E+08 0.OOE+O0 O.OOE+00 5.50E+08 Te-127M 1.77E+09 4.78E+08 2.11E+08 4.24E+08 5.06E+09 0.OOE+00 1.44E+09 Te-127 3.99E-10 1.08E-10 8.56E-11 2.76E-10 1.14E-090.OOE+00 1.56E-08 Te-129M 1.79E+09 5.OOE+08 2.78E+08 5.77E+08 5.25E+09 0.OOE+00 2.18E+09 Te-129 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O Te-131M 6.97E+02 2.41E+02 2.57E+02 4.96E+02 2.33E+03 0.OOE+00 9.78E+03 Te-131 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+0 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+0+/- 0.OOE+0O Te-132 2.09E+06 9.23E+05 1.12E+06 1.34E+06 8.57E+06 0.OOE+00 9.30E+06 1-130 2.92E-06 5.89E-06 3.04E-06 6.49E-04 8.81E-06 0.00E+00 2.76E-06 1-131 1.65E+07 1.66E+07 9.45E+06 5.50E+09 2.73E+07 0.OOE+00 1.48E+06 1-132 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1-133 5.75E-01 7.1OE-01 2.69E-01 1.32E+02 1.18E+00 0.00E+00 2.86E-01 1-134 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1-135 6.86E-17 1.23E-16 5.84E-17 1.09E-14 1.89E-16 O.OOE+00 9.40E-17 Cs-134 9.22E+08 1.51E+09 3.19E+08 0.00E+00 4.69E+08 1.68E+08 8.16E+06 Cs-136 1.61E+07 4.43E+07 2.87E+07 0.OOE+00 2.36E+07 3.52E+06 1.56E+06 Cs-137 1.33E+09 1.28E+09 1.88E+08 0.00E+00 4.16E+08 1.50E+08 7.99E+06 Cs-138 0.00E+00O0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Ba-139 O.OOE+0O 0.0OOE+0 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Ba-140 4.39E+07 3.84E+04 2.56E+06 0.OOE+00 1.25E+04 2.29E+04 2.22E+07 Ba-141 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 .OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 Ba-142 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 La-140 5.66E-02 1.98E-02 6.67E-03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.52E+02 La-142 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Ce-141 2.22E+04 1.11E+04 1.64E+03 0.OOE+00 4.85E+03 0.OOE+00 1.38E+07 Ce-143 3.14E-02 1.70E+01 2.46E-03 0.OOE+00 7.14E-03 0.00E+00 2.49E+02 Ce-144 2.32E+06 7.26E+05 1.24E+05 0.00E+00 4.02E+05 0.OOE+00 1.89E+08 Pr-143 3.34E+04 1.OOE+04 1.66E+03 0.OOE+00 5.44E+03 0.00E+00 3.61E+07 Pr-144 0.00E+00 0.00 E+00 0.E+0 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Nd-147 1.19E+04 9.65E+03 7.47E+02 0.OOE+00 5.29E+03 O.OOE+00 1.53E+07 W-187 3.21E-02 1.90E-02 8.52E-03 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.67E+00 Np-239 4.23E-01 3.04E-02 2.14E-02 0.00E+00 8.79E-02 0.OOE+00 2.25E+03 Notes: 1)2)3)Units are m 2 mrem/yr per .iCi/sec with the exception of H-3.For H-3, the units are mrem/yr per jiCi/m 3.The infant age group is assumed to receive no dose through the meat ingestion pathway therefore no dose factors are supplied.Page 11.4-64 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 4-26 Byron Station Characteristics LOCATION:
===3.7 miles===
SSW of Byron, Illinois Characteristics of Elevated Release Point: 1) Release Height = m 2)3) Exit Speed = ms 1 4)Not applicable (NA)Diameter = m Heat Content Kcal s-1 Characteristics of Vent Stack Release Point 1) Release Height = 60.66 ma 2)3) Exit Speed = 13.00 ms-la Diameter = 2.80 m Characteristics of Ground Level Point 1) Release Height = 0 m 2) Building Factor (D) = 60.6 ma Meteorological Data A 250 ft Tower is Located 1036 m SW of vent stack release point Tower Data Used in Calculations Wind Speed Release Point and Direction Elevated (NA)Vent 250 ft Ground 30 ft Differential Temperature (NA)250-30 ft 250-30 ft a Used in calculating the meteorological and dose factors in Table 4-1 and Table 4-4. , Page 11.4-65 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 4-27 Dose Factors for Noble Gases Beta Air Dose Factor NI Nuclide (mrad/r prer uCi/m )Beta Skin Dose Factor LI (mrem/yr p~er uCi/m3')Gamma Air Dose Factor MI (mrad/yr per uCi/m3)Gamma Total Body Dose Factor Ki (mrem/yrper uCi/m3)Kr-83m Kr-85m Kr-85 Kr-87 Kr-88 Kr-89 Kr-90 Xe-I 31 m Xe-1 33m Xe-1 33 Xe-1 35m Xe-1 35 Xe-1 37 Xe-138 Ar-41 2.88E+02 1.97E+03 1.95E+03 1.03E+04 2.93E+03 1.06E+04 7.83E+03 1.11E+03 1.48E+03 1.05E+03 7.39E+02 2.46E+03 1.27E+04 4.75E+03 3.28E+03 1.46E+03 1.34E+03 9.73E+03 2.37E+03 1.01EE+04 7.29E+03 4.76E+02 9.94E+02 3.06E+02 7.11 E+02 1.86E+03 1.22E+04 4.13E+03 2.69E+03 1.93E+01 1.23E+03 1.72E+01 6.17E+03 1.52E+04 1.73E+04 1.63E+04 1.56E+02 3.27E+02 3.53E+02 3.36E+03 1.92E+03 1.51 E+03 9.21 E+03 9.30E+03 7.56E-02 1.17E+03 1.61 E+01 5.92E+03 1.47E+04 1.66E+04 1.56E+04 9.15E+01 2.51 E+02 2.94E+02 3.12E+03 1.81 E+03 1.42E+03 8.83E+03 8.84E+03 Source: Table B-1 of US NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109 Page 11.4-66 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I 5.0 TOTAL DOSE 5.1 Total Dose Calculation Requirements
====5.1.1 Total'====
Effective Dose Equivalent Limits; 1OCFR20 and 40CFR190 The Byron Station is required to determine the total dose to a member of the public due to all uranium fuel cycle sources in order to assess compliance with 40CFR1 90 as part of demonstrating compliance with 10CFR20.The total dose for the uranium fuel cycle is the sum of doses due to radioactivity in airborne and liquid effluents and the doses due to direct radiation from contained sources at the nuclear power station. When evaluation of total dose is required for a station, the following contributions are summed:* Doses due to airborne and liquid effluents from the station.* Doses due to liquid effluents from nuclear power stations upstream.* Doses due to any onsite radioactive waste storage facilities, if applicable.
* Doses due to ISFSI 1 OCFR20 requires compliance to dose limits expressed as "Total Effective Dose Equivalent" (TEDE). Although annual dose limits in 10CFR20 are now expressed in terms of TEDEs, 40CFR190 limits remain stated as organ dose. The NRC continues to require 1OCFR50 Appendix I and 40CFR190 doses to be reported in terms of organ dose and not TEDE. Due to the fact that organ dose limits set forth in 40CFR190 are substantially lower than those of 1 OCFR20 (25 mrem/yr vs. 100 mrem/yr), the NRC has stated that demonstration of compliance with the dose limits in 40CFR190 will be deemed as demonstration of compliance with the dose limits of 10CFR20 for most facilities (Reference 104). In addition to compliance with 40CFR190, it may be necessary for a nuclear power plant to address dose from on-site activity by members of the public.5.1.2. ISFSI 10CFR72.104 dose limits are the same as those specified by 40CFRI90.Page 11.5-1 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I ISFSI dose contribution is in the form of direct radiation as no liquid or gas releases are expected to occur. The 10CFR72.212 report prepared in accordance with ISFSI requirements assumes a certain array of casks exists on the pad. The dose contribution from this array of casks in combination with historical uranium fuel cycle operations prior to ISFSI operations was analyzed to be within the 40CFRI90 and 10CFR72.104 limits, and is documented in Holtec Report No. HI-2084113, Dose Versus Distance from a HI-STORM 10OS version B containing the MPC-32 for Byron/Braidwood.
If the dose limits of 40CFR190 or 10CFR72.104 are exceeded, a special report to the NRC as well as an appropriate request for exemption/variance is required to be submitted to the NRC.The requirement that the dose limits of 10CFR72.104 apply to "any real individual" is controlled for ISFSI activities in the ISFSI 72.212 report. Therefore, for the purposes of analyzing dose from the ISFSI, the member of the public as defined in 40CFR190 is the same as the "real individual" identified in the 72.212 report.5.1.3. Total Dose Calculation Methodology In addition to the total body, skin and single organ dose assessments previously described, an additional assessment is required.
The additional assessment addresses radiation dose due to radioactivity contained within the nuclear power station and its structures.
Pressurized water reactors have the potential to affect off-site doses from contained sources of radioactivity, primarily due to gamma rays associated with radioactive material contained in onsite radwaste and radioactive material storage facilities.
===5.2 Onsite===
Radwaste and Rad Material Storage Facilities A 1OCFR50.59 analysis is required for radwaste storage facilities.
====5.2.1 Process====
Waste Storage Facilities
* Interim Radwaste Storage Facility (IRSF) structure* Concrete vaults containing radwaste liners 5.2.2 DAW Storage Facilities" Dry Active Waste (DAW) facilities (may include Butler buildings/warehouses)" Seavans or other temporary warehouses Page 11.5-2 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 5.2.3 Replaced Steam Generator Storage Facilities
====5.2.4 ISFSI====
* Independent spent fuel storage installation facilities.
===5.3 Methodology===
The external total body dose is comprised of the following parts: 1) Total body dose due to noble gas radionuclides in gaseous effluents (Section, 2) Dose due to other contained sources and 3) Total body dose due to radioactivity deposited on the ground (Section external total body dose due to radioactivity deposited on the ground is accounted for in the determination of the non-noble gas dose and is considered in section 5.4.The total external total body dose, DEx, is given by: DEx= DTS + DOSF (5-1)DEx Total External Total Body Dose [mrem]Total external total body dose due to irradiation by external sources at the location of interest.DTS Noble Gas Total Body Dose [mrem]External total body dose due to gamma radiation from noble gas radionuclides released in gaseous effluents at the location of interest.
See Section Dose From On-Site Storage Facilities
[mrem]External total body dose due to gamma radiation from on-site storage facilities at the location of interest.
See Section 5.2.Page 11.5-3 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 5.4 Total Dose The total dose, DTot, in the unrestricted area to a member of the public due to plant operations is given by: DTot DE + Dq NN (5-2)where: DTot Total Dose To Member of Public [mrem]Total off-site dose to a member of public due to plant operations.
D Total External Total Body Dose [mrem]Total body dose due to external exposure to noble gases, N-16 skyshine and on-site storage facilities.
DUq Liquid Effluent Dose [mrem]Dose due to liquid effluents to age group a and organ J. The age group and organ with the highest dose from liquid effluents is used.Da)NNG Non-Noble Gaseous Effluent Dose [mrem]Dose due to non-noble gaseous effluents to age group a and organ J. The age group and organ with the highest dose from non-noble gas effluents is used.5.5 COMPLIANCE TO TOTAL DOSE LIMITS 5.5.1 Total Effective Dose Equivalent Limit -10CFR20 Compliance Each station's RECS limits the Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) to an annual limit of 100 mrem, as required by 10CFR20.1301 (a)(1). Demonstration of compliance with the limits of 40CFR1 90 (per Section 4.2.2) will be considered to demonstrate compliance with the 100 mrem/year limit.5.5.2 Dose to a Member of the Public in the Unrestricted Area The NRC has stated that demonstration of compliance with the limits of 40CFR190 or with the design objectives of Appendix I to 10CFR50 will be deemed to demonstrate compliance with the limits of 1 OCFR20.1301 (a)(1). Power reactors that comply with Appendix Page 11.5-4 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 I may also have to demonstrate that they are within the 25 mrem limit of 40CFR190 (See Reference 104).5.5.3 Dose to a Member of the Public in the Restricted Area In August of 1995, a revision to 1OCFR20 was implemented that changed the definition of a member of the public. As a result, for each nuclear station, estimated doses were calculated for a member of the public who enters the site boundary, but is not authorized for unescorted access to the protected area of the site and does not enter any radiologically posted areas on the site.Realistic assumptions were made for occupancy times and locations visited while within the site boundary.These evaluations indicate that the doses estimated for these members of the public are well within the 1 OCFR20 limits. These dose evaluations will be performed annually and if necessary, a model will be developed and included in the ODCM.Evaluation of the 40CFR190 dose is used to demonstrate compliance to 1OCFR20 and satisfy station TRM and Technical Specifications (see ODCM Part I).5.5.4 Total Dose due to the Uranium Fuel Cycle (40CFR190)
RECS and 40CFR1 90 limit the annual (calendar year) dose or dose commitment to any member of the public due to releases of radioactivity and to radiation from uranium fuel cycle sources to the following:
* Less than or equal to 25 mrem to the total body.* Less than or equal to 25 mrem to any organ except the thyroid.Less than or equal to 75 mrem to the thyroid.Total Dose Components This requirement includes the total dose from operations at the nuclear power station. This includes doses due to radioactive effluents (airborne and liquid) and dose due to direct radiation from non-effluent sources (e.g., sources contained in systems on site). It also includes dose due to plants under consideration, neighboring plants and dose due to other facilities in the uranium fuel cycle.Page 11.5-5 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 The operations comprising the uranium fuel cycle are specified in 40CFR190.02(b).
The following are included to the extent that they directly support the production of electrical power for public use utilizing nuclear energy:* Milling of uranium ore.* Chemical conversion of uranium.* Isotopic enrichment of uranium.* Fabrication of uranium fuel.* Generation of electricity by a light-watered-cooled nuclear power plant using uranium fuel.* Reprocessing of spent uranium fuel.Excluded are:* Mining operations.
* Operations at waste disposal sites.* Transportation of any radioactive material in support of these operations.
The re-use of recovered non-uranium special nuclear and by-product materials from the cycle.5.6 When Compliance Assessment is Required Compliance with the 40CFR190 regulations is now required as part of demonstration of compliance to 10CFR20 regulations per 10CFR20.1301(d).
The dose due to the uranium fuel cycle is determined by equation 5-2 Page 11.5-6 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 I 6.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM The radiological environmental monitoring program for the environs around Byron Station is given in Table 6-1.Figures 6-1 through 6-4 show sampling and monitoring locations.
Page II 6-1 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 6-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Pathway and/or Sample Sampling or Collection Frequency Type or Frequency of Analysis 1. Airborne Radioiodine and Particulates Sampling or Monitoring Locations a. Indicators-Near Field BY-21, Byron Nearsite N, 0.3 mi N (0.5 km A)BY-22, Byron Nearsite ESE, 0.4 mi ESE (0.6 km F)BY-23, Byron Nearsite S, 0.6 mi S (1.0 km J)BY-24, Byron Nearsite SW, 0.6 mi SW (1.0 km L)Continuous sampler operation with particulate sample collection weekly, or more frequently if required by dust loading, and radioiodine canister collection weekly.Radioiodine Canister.1-131 analysis weekly on near field and control samples.1 Particulate Sampler.Gross beta analysis following weekly filter change and gamma isotopic analysis 3 quarterly on composite filters by location on near field and control samples.b. Indicators-Far Field BY-01, Byron, 3.0 mi N (4.8 km A)BY-04, Paynes Pt., 5.0 mi SE (8.0 km G)BY-06, Oregon, 4.7 mi SSW (7.5 km K)c. Controls BY-08, Leaf River, 6.8.mi WNW (10.9 km P)I Page II 6-2 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 I Table 6-1 (Cont.)Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Pathway and/or Sample 2. Direct Radiation Sampling or Collection Frequency Type or Frequency of Analysis Samrnling or Monitoring Locations a. Indicators-Inner Ring Quarterly Gamma Dose Quarterly BY-101-1, 0.3 mi N BY-101-2, 0.3 mi N BY-102-1, 0.9 mi NNE BY-102-2, 1.0 mi NNE BY-103-1, 1.7 mi NE BY-103-2, 1.7 mi NE BY-103-3, 0.4 mi NE BY-104-1, 1.5 mi ENE BY-104-2, 1.5 mi ENE BY-104-3, 0.4 mi ENE BY-105-1, 1.3 mi E BY-105-2, 1.3 mi E BY-106-1, 1.4 mi ESE BY-106-2, 1.4 mi ESE BY-107-1, 1.4 mi SE BY-107-2, 1.4 mi SE BY-107-3, 0.5 mi SE BY-108-1, 0.7 mi SSE BY-1 08-2, 0.6 mi SSE BY-109-1, 0.6 mi S BY-109-2, 0.6 mi S BY-110-1, 0.6 mi SSW BY-110-2, 0.6 mi SSW BY- 111-3, 0.7 mi SW BY-111-4, 0.8 mi SW BY-112-3, 0.8 mi WSW BY-112-4, 0.8 mi WSW (0.5 km A)(0.5 km A)(1.5 km B)(1.5 km B)(2.8 km C)(2.7 km C)(0.7 km C)(2.4 km D)(2.4 km D)(0.6 km D)(2.1 km E)(2.1 km E)(2.3 km F)(2.3 km F)(2.2 km G)(2.2 km G)(0.8 km G)(1.1 km H)(1.0 km H)(1.0 km J)(1.0 km J)(1.0 km K)(1.0 km K)(1.1 km L)(1.3 km L)(1.2 km M)(1.2 km M)I Page II 6-3 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Table 6-1 (Cont.)Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Pathway and/or Sample 2. Direct Radiation Sampling or Collection Frequency Type or Frequency of Analysis Sampling or Monitoring Locations Indicators-Inner Ring (cont'd)(cont'd)BY-113-1, 0.7 mi W BY-113-2, 0.7 mi W BY-1 14-1, 0.8 mi WNW BY-1 14-2, 0.8 mi WNW BY-115-1, 1.0 mi NW BY-115-2, 1.0 mi NW BY-116-1, 1.4 mi NNW BY-116-2, 1.4 mi NNW BY-116-3, 0.9 mi NNW b. Indicators-Outer Ring BY-201-3, 4.5 mi N BY-201-4, 4.4 mi N BY-202-1, 4.3 mi NNE BY-202-2, 4.8 mi NNE BY-203-1, 4.8 mi NE BY-203-2, 4.7 mi NE BY-204-1, 4.2 mi ENE BY-204-2, 4.1 mi ENE BY-205-1, 3.8 mi E BY-205-2, 3.8 mi E BY-206-1,4.1 mi ESE BY-206-2, 4.4 mi ESE BY-207-1, 4.2 mi SE BY-207-2, 3.6 mi SE (1. 1 km N)(1.1 km N)(1.2 km P)(1.3 km P)(1.6 km Q)(1.7 km Q)(2.3 km R)(2.3 km R)(1.4 km R)(7.1 km A)(7.1 km A)(6.9 km B)(7.6 km B)(7.7 km C)(7.5 km C)(6.6 km D)(6.5 km D)(6.2 km E)(6.2 km E)(6.5 km F)(7.0 km F)(6.7 km G)(5.8 km G)I Quarterly Gamma Dose Quarterly Page II 6-4 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I Table 6-1 (Cont.)Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Pathway and/or Sample 2. Direct Radiation (cont'd)Sampling or Monitoring Locations Indicators-Outer Ring (cont'd)BY-208-1, 4.0 mi SSE (6.4 km H)BY-208-2, 3.7 mi SSE (5.9 km H)BY-209-1, 3.7 mi S (5.9 km J)BY-209-4, 3.7 mi S (5.9 km J)BY-210-3, 3.9 mi SSW (6.2 km K)BY-210-4, 3.9 mi SSW (6.2 km K)BY-211-1, 4.9 mi SW (7.9 km L)BY-211-4, 4.9 mi SW (7.8 km L)BY-212-1, 4.7 mi WSW (7.4 km M)BY-212-4, 4.7 mi WSW (7.4 km M)BY-213-1, 4.7 mi W (7.5 km N)BY-213-4, 4.6 mi W (7.4 km N)BY-214-1, 4.6 mi WNW (7.4 km P)BY-214-4, 4.9 mi WNW (7.8 km P)BY-215-1, 5.3 mi NW (8.4 km Q)BY-215-4, 5.2 mi NW (8.3 km Q)BY-216-1,4.6 mi NNW (7.3 km R)BY-216-2, 4.8 mi NNW (7.6 km R)Sampling or Collection Frequency Type of Frequency of Analysis c. Indicators-Other BY-01-1, 3.Omi N BY-01-2, 3.Omi N BY-04-1, 5.Omi SE BY-04-2, 5.Omi SE BY-24-1, 0.6mi SW BY-24-2, 0.6mi SW BY-06-1, 4.7mi SSW BY-06-2, 4.7mi SSW BY-21-1, 0.3mi N Quarterly Gamma Dose Quarterly (4.76 km A)(4.76 km A)(7.98 km G)(7.98 km G)(1.03 km L)(1.03 km L)(7.54km K)(7.54 km K)(0.48 km A)Page II 6-5 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 1 Table 6-1 (Cont.)Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Pathway and/or Sample 2. Direct Radiation (cont'd)Sampling or Collection Frequency Type of Frequency of Analysis Sampling or Monitoring Locations Indicators-Other (cont'd)BY-21-2, 0.3mi N BY-22-1, 0.4mi ESE BY-22-2, 0.4mi ESE BY-23-1, 0.6mi S BY-23-2, 0.6mi S d. Control BY-08-1, 6.8mi WNW BY-08-2, 6.8mi WNW (0.48 km A)(0.60 km F)(0.60 km F)(0.95 km J)(0.95 km J)(10.9 km P)(10.9 km P)Page II 6-6 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 I Table 6-1 (Cont.)Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Pathway and/or Sample Sampling or Collection Frequency Sampling or Monitoring Locations 3. Waterbome Ground/Well Type or Frequency of Analysis Gamma isotopic 3 and tritium analysis quarterly.
: a. Indicators Quarterly BY-14-1, 3200 German Church Rd 1.0 mi SSE (1.6 km H)BY-18, McCoy Farmstead 0.7 mi SW (1.2 km L)BY-32, Wolford Well 1.8 mi W (2.9 km N)BY-35, Vancko Well 2.0 mi WNW (3.22km P)BY-36, Blanchard Well 1.0 mi NW (1.61 km Q)BY-37, Alexander Well 1.80 mi WNW (2.90 km P)Drinkina Surface There is no drinking water pathway within 6.2 mi downstream of the station.a. Indicators BY-1 2, Oregon Pool of Rock River, Downstream of Discharge, 4.5 mi SSW (7.3 km K)b. Control BY-29, Byron, Upstream of Intake 3.0 mi N (4.8 km A)a. Indicators BY-12, Oregon Pool of Rock River, Downstream of Discharge, 4.5 mi SSW (7.3 km K)Weekly grab samples.Gross beta and gamma isotopic analysis on monthly composite; tritium analysis on quarterly composite.
Sediment Semiannually Gamma isotopic analysis semiannually.
BY-34, Rock River Downstream of discharge 0.6 mi W (1.0 km N)I Page II 6-7 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 I Table 6-1 (Cont.)Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Pathway and/or Sample 4. In-gestion Milk Sampling or Monitoring Locations a. Indicators BY-20-1 R. Snodgrass,Dairy Farm 4.7 mi WSW (7.52km M)BY-30-1 Ebert Farm 5.0 mi NNW (8.0 km R)b. Controls BY-26-1, Dennis Herberts Dairy 12.8 mi N (20.6 km A)a. Indicator Sampling or Collection Frequency Biweekly:
May through October;, monthly: November through April.Gamma isotopic 3 and 1-131 analysis 4 on each sample.Type or Frequency of Analysis Fish BY-31, Rock River in vicinity of Discharge, Two times annually 2.2 mi WNW (3.5 km P)b. Control Gamma isotopic 3 analysis on edible portions.BY-29, Byron, Upstream of Intake 3.0 mi N (4.8 km A)Food Products a. Indicators Annually Gamma isotopic 3 analysis on each sample.Two samples from each of the four major quadrants within 6.2 miles of the station.Page II 6-8 Table 6-1 (Cont.)Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 Type of Frequency of Analysis Gamma Isotopic 3 analysis on each sample.Exposure Pathway and/or Sample Sampling or Collection Frequency Samplina or Monitorinc Locations Food Products (cont'd)b. Control Annually Two samples within 9.3 to 18.6 miles of the station.Sample locations for food products may vary based on availability and therefore are not required to be identified here but shall be taken.Page II 6-9 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Table 6-1 (Cont'd)Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 1 Far field samples are not required to be analyzed, unless the respective near field sample results are inconsistent with previous measurements and radioactivity is confirmed as having its origin in airborne effluents from the station, or at the discretion of the Chemistry Manager.2 Airborne particulate sample filters shall be analyzed for gross beta radioactivity 24 hours or more after sampling to allow for radon and thoron daughter decay. If gross beta activity in air particulate samples is greater than ten times the yearly mean of control samples, gamma isotopic analysis shall be performed on the individual samples.3 Gamma isotopic analysis means the identification and quantification of gamma-emitting radionuclides that may be attributable to the effluents from the station.41-131 analysis means the analytical separation and counting procedure are specific for this radionuclide.
Page II 6-10 CY-SY-170-301 o im flu OF$[ 9 DOSECALCLATION MANUAL, BYRON STATiON FlOu i~E6 ONf. A&#xfd;0 R SAW4UNGLGA" N Pag~#O-i1 CY-BY-1-70-30I AeV~Bon 0: r RPw ~.U BYRO14 ArFA1OH.OFFSITE OSE CALCULA&#xfd;TION MANIJ$L 8ON. STATiON;OFFS~ffE AA1I*&#xfd;ui4G lOAT Paeg*181 c.Y-BY- 170-301'Revision 8:, OFFM 0900B ;0MW.UATM MOMOJ.SYO TATO FIGL INE8.e0 41: TL LrA Page 116.13 CY.BY-I 70.30 i t 9&a 4.U W lillsk, SOMIEW wm. .I WNW as%" CFFM DW ...A 0 NALL CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Latitude/Longitude Positions of REMP Samples Table 6-2 Sampling Latitude Longitude Distance (km) Direction(degrees)
Sector Location I II_ IFrom Stack Vent Stack 4204506 08917023 Air Sampling Stations BY-01 4207057 08916796 4.76 5 A BY-04 4201 132 08913335 7.98 142 G BY-06 4200946 08919806 7.54 211 K BY-08 42 07 598 089 23 951 10.90 302 P BY-21 42 04 745 089 16 928 0.48 2 A BY-22 4204303 08916620 0.60 120 F BY-23 4203951 089 16 938 0.95 174 J BY-24 4204074 08917567 1.03 228 L Surface Water/Fish/Sediment Sam ping Locations BY-12 4201030 08919567 7.26 209 K BY-29 4207069 08916789 4.76 5 A BY-31 4205628 08919560 3.50 288 P BY-34 4202623 08920487 5.15 225 M M ilk S am p ling L ocatio ns __ _ _ __ _ _ 22 473 _7.24 BY-20-1 42 03 535 089 22 473 7.24 236 1 M BY-26-1 4215665 08916552 19.31 5 A BY-30-1 42 08 907 089 19 030 8.73 341 R Well Water Sam ling Locations BY-14-1 4203665 08916657 1.6 160 H BY-18 4203965 08917438 1.2 217 L BY-32 4204516 08919139 2.9 260 N BY-35 4204858 089 19081 3.22 300 P BY-36 4204900 089 17760 1.61 324 Q BY-37 4204946 08919148 2.90 304 P Vegetation Sampling Location BY-Control BY-Quad I BY-Quad 2 BY-Quad 3 BY-Quad 4 _Page II 6-15 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 6 I Latitude/Longltude Positions of REMP Samples Table 6-2 TLD Locations Sampling Latitude Longitude Distance (km) Direction Sector Location (degrees)
From Stack BY-101-1 4204749 08916950 0.52 2 A BY-101-2 4204776 08916937 0.50 6 A BY-102-1 4205254 08916513 1.49 26 B BY-102-2 42 05251 089 16463 1.53 28 B BY-103-1 4205441 08915493 2.79 50 C BY-103-2 4205412 08915497 2.73 50 C BY-103-3 4204736 08916623 0.70 52 C BY-104-1 4205010 08915479 2.37 66 D BY-104-2 42 04 982 089 15 478 2.35 67 D BY-104-3 4204632 08916635 0.58 66 D BY-105-1 4204580 08915466 2.13 86 E BY-105-2 4204555 08915463 2.12 87 E BY-106-1 4204093 08915462 2.27 109 F BY-106-2 4204062 08915461 2.28 111 F BY-107-1 4203520 08915965 2.20 143 G BY-107-2 4203524 08915948 2.24 141 G BY-107-3 4204216 08916638 0.72 133 G BY-108-1 4203953 08916674 1.08 152 H BY-108-2 4203953 08916752 1.01 160 H BY-109-1 4203948 08917014 0.95 178 J BY-109-2 4203950 08917056 0.95 183 J BY-110-1 4203947 08917243 0.99 199 K BY-110-2 4203946 08917276 1.01 203 K BY-111-3 4203944 08917509 1.10 214 L BY-111-4 4203939 08917618 1.25 221 L BY-112-3 4204174 08917796 1.20 243 M BY-112-4 4204211 08917799 1.22 246 M BY-113-1 4204431 08917799 1.10 267 N BY-113-2 4204466 08917802 1.08 271 N BY-114-1 4204777 08917804 1.24 297 P BY-114-2 4204800 08917804 1.27 300 P BY-115-1 4205060 08917823 1.58 316 Q BY-115-2 4205084 08917821 1.65 316 Q BY-116-1 4205511 08917818 2.26 329 R BY-116-2 4205536 08917823 2.31 330 R BY-116-3 4205221 08917283 1.37 345 R BY-201-3 4208284 08917024 7.14 1 A BY-201-4 4208283 08916988 7.11 1 A I Page II 6-16 CY-BY-1 70-301 Revision 6 Latltude/Longltude Positions of REMP Samples Table 6-2 TLD Locations Continued Sampling Latitude Longitude Distance (km) Direction Sector Location (degrees)
From Stack BY-202-1 4208136 08916856 6.85 14 B BY-202-2 42 08 494 089 15490 7.62 14 B BY-203-1 4207704 08913443 7.66 40 C BY-203-2 4207355 08913113 7.53 47 C BY-204-1 4206244 08912828 6.64 61 D BY-204-2 4205687 08912589 6.53 71 D BY-205-1 4204 817 089 12 554 6.15 86 E BY-205-2 42 04 552 089 12 544 6.15 90 E BY-206-1 4203424 08912517 6.51 109 F BY-206-2 4202773 08912522 6.96 118 F BY-207-1 42 01 676 089 13 920 6.74 142 G BY-207-2 4202146 08914248 5.75 140 G BY-208-1 4201455 08914739 6.41 152 H BY-208-2 42 01 353 08916 039 5.94 168 H BY-209-1 42 01 295 08916 971 5.86 181 J BY-209-4 4201298 08917087 5.85 183 J BY-210-3 4201 308 08918607 6.16 202 K BY-210-4 42 01 308 089 18 650 6.20 202 K BY-211-1 4201595 08921 203 7.85 228 L BY-211-4 4201 587 08921 167 7.84 228 L BY-212-1 4202908 08921 986 7.44 248 M BY-212-4 42 02 941 08922 009 7.44 248 M BY-213-1 42 04 358 089 22 464 7.49 269 N BY-213-4 4204310 08922464 7.43 269 N BY-214-1 42 05 632 089 22 167 7.43 288 P BY-214-4 4205635 08922126 7.83 288 P BY-215-1 4207708 08921 345 8.41 316 Q BY-215-4 4207677 08921 342 8.34 315 Q BY-216-1 4207835 08919749 7.33 330 R BY-216-2 4208308 08919021 7.64 346 R BY-301-1 4204698 08917003 0.36 4 A BY-302-1 42 04 574 089 16 899 0.30 10 A BY-314-1 4204556 08917254 0.33 286 P BY-309-1 4204197 08916988 0.57 175 J BY-309-2 4204132 08916924 0.71 169 J BY-309-3 4204119 08917018 0.72 179 J BY-309-4 4204110 08917083 0.74 186 J Page II 6-17 TRM Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.11.a 3.11 RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENTS(RE) 3.11.a Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Insturmentation TLCO 3.11.a APPLICABILITY:
All radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channels shown in Table T3.11.a-1 shall be OPERABLE.At all times.ACTIONS-------------------------------------
NOTE ----------------------------
: 1. Separate Condition entry is allowed for each channel.2. All samples are to be analyzed for radioactivity at a lower limit of detection as specified in Table T3.11.c-1.
: 3. TLCO 3.0.c is not applicable.
: 4. TLCO 3.0.d is not applicable.
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One or more A.1 Suspend the release Immediately radioactive liquid of radioactive effluent monitoring liquid effluent instrumentation monitored by the channel Alarm/Trip affected channel.Setpoint less conservative than OR required.A.2 Declare the channel Immediately inoperable.
B. Less than the B.1 Enter the Condition Immediately required radioactive referenced in liquid effluent Table T3.11.a-1 for monitoring the affected instrumentation channel(s).
channels OPERABLE.(continued)
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.a -1 Revision 1 TRM Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.11.a ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION R REQUIRED ACTION [COMPLETION TIME C. As required by Required Action B.1 and referenced by Table T3.11.a-1.
C.1 AND C.2 Verify at least two independent samples are analyzed.Verify at least two technically qualified members of the facility staff independently verify the release rate calculations.
Verify at least two technically qualified members of the facility staff independently verify the discharge line valving.C.3 Prior to initiating a release Prior to initiating a rel ease Prior to initiating a release 14 days In accordance with Technical Specification 5.6.3 AND C.4.1 Restore the required number of channels to OPERABLE.OR C.4.2 Supplement the Radioactive Effluent Release Report pursuant to Technical Specification 5.6.3 with the cause for failure to correct inoperability.(continued)
Revision 46 BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.a -2 TRM Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.11.a ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME D. As required by D.1 Verify grab samples Every 12 hours Required Action B.1 are collected and and referenced by analyzed.Table T3.11.a-1.
AND D.2.1 Restore the 30 days required number of channels to OPERABLE.OR D.2.2 Supplement the In accordance Radioactive with Technical Effluent Release Specification Report pursuant to 5.6.3 Technical Specification 5.6.3 with the cause for failure to correct inoperability.(continued)
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.a -3 Revision 46 TRM Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.11.a ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION E REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME E. As required by Required Action B.1 and referenced by Table T3.11.a-1.
E. I AND E.2.1 OR E.2.2------ NOTES------
: 1. Pump performance curves generated in place may be used to estimate flow.2. Only required to be performed during actual releases.Estimate flow rate.Restore the required number of channels to OPERABLE.Supplement the Radioactive Effluent Release Report pursuant to Technical Specification 5.6.3 with the cause for failure to correct inoperabil ity.Every 4 hours 30 days In accordance with Technical Speci fi cati on 5.6.3 (continued)
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.a -4 Revision 46 TRM Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.11.a ACTIONS (continued)
I CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME F. As required by Required Action B.1 and referenced by Table T3.11.a-1.
F.1.1 OR F.1.2 AND--------NOTE------
Only required to be performed when the specific activity of the secondary coolant is>0.01 gCi/gm DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131.Verify grab samples are collected and analyzed.------- NOTE------
Only required to be performed when the specific activity of the secondary coolant is<0.01 gCi/gm DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131.Verify grab samples are collected and analyzed.Every 12 hours Every 24 hours (continued)
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.a -5 Revision 1 Radioactive TRM Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.11.a ACTIONS (continued)
F.2.1 Restore the 30 days required number of channels to OPERABLE.OR In accordance F.2.2 Supplement the with Technical Radioactive Specification Effluent Release 5.6.3 Report Pursuant to Technical Specification 5.6.3 with the cause for failure to correct inoperabil ity.G. As required by G.1 Verify liquid grab Every 12 hours Required Action B.1 samples are and referenced by collected and Table T3.11.a-1.
analyzed.AND G.2.1 R~store the 30 days required number of channels to OPERABLE.OR G.2.2. Supplement the In accordance Radioactive with Technical Effluent Release Specification Report pursuant to 5.6.3 Technical Specification 5.6.3 with the cause for failure to correct Iinoperability.
I (continued)
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.a -6 Revision 46 TRM Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.11.a ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME H. Required Action and H.1 Suspend the release Immediately associated of radioactive Completion Time for liquid effluent Conditions C,D,E, monitored by the F, or G not met. affected channel.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS
NOTES ------------------------------
: 1. Refer to Table T3.11.a-1 to determine which TSRs apply to each instrument.
: 2. Alarm/Trip Setpoints shall be SE Technical Requirements 3.11.c ar Setpoints of these channels shal accordance with the methodology CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM).!t to ensure that the limits of ,e not exceeded.
The Alarm/Trip 1 be determined and adjusted in and parameters in the OFFSITE DOSE SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY TSR 3.11.a.1 Perform a CHANNEL CHECK. 24 hours TSR 3.11.a.2 Perform a SOURCE CHECK. 31 days TSR 3.11.a.3 Perform a CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST. 92 days TSR 3.11.a.4 Perform a CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST. 184 days (continued)
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.a -7 Revision 46 TRM Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.11.a SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued)
18 months TSR 3.11.a.6 Perform a SOURCE CHECK. Prior to each Irelease BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.a -8 Revision 46 TRM Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.11.a Table T3.11.a-1 (page 1 of 3)Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation INSTRUMENT REQUIRED CHANNELS CONDITION SURVEILLANCE REQU I REMENTS 1. Radioactivity Monitors Providing Alarm and Automatic Termination of Release a. Liquid Radwaste Effluent Line (ORE-PRO01) 1 C TSR 3.11.a.1 TSR 3.11.a.4 W TSR 3.11.a.5 W TSR 3.11.a.6 b. Fire and Oil Sump (ORE-PRO05) 1 F TSR 3.11.a.1 TSR 3.11.a.2 TSR 3.11.a.4 <TSR 3.11.a.5 (c c. Condensate Polisher SLup Discharge 1 F TSR 3.11.a.1 (ORE-PRO41)
TSR 3.11.a.2 TSR 3.11.a.4 TSR 3.11.a.5 W (continued)(a) The CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST shall also dmnonstrate that autamatic isolation of this pathway and control room alarm annunciation occur if any of the following conditions exists: 1.2.Instrument indicates measured levels above the ALA1TRIP Setpoint, or Circuit failure (monitor loss of ccmmunications
-alarm only, detector loss of coumts, or monitor loss of power), or Detector check source test failure, or Detector channel out-of-service, or 3.4.5. Monitor loss of sample flow.(c) The initial CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall be performed using one or more of the reference standards certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or using standards that have been obtained from suppliers that participate in measurement assurance activities with NIST. These standards shall permit calibrating the system over its intended range of energy and measurement range. For subsequent CHANNEL CALIBRATION, sources that have been related to the initial calibration shall be used.I I BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.a -9 Revision 46 TRM Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.11.a Table T3.11.a-1 (page 2 of 3)Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation INSTRUMENT REQUIRED CHANNELS CONDITION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS
: 2. Radioactivity Monitors Providing Alarm But Not Providing Automatic Termnination of Release a. Essential Service Water 1) Unit 1 a) RCFC 1A and IC Outlet (1RE-PRO02) 1 0 TSR 3.11.a.1 TSR 3.11.a.2 T TSR 3.11.a.4 Wb)TSR 3.11.a.5 W b) RCFC 1B and 1D Outlet (1RE-PRO02) 1 0 SR 3.11.a.1 TSR 3.11.a.2 TSR 3.11.a.4 (b)TSR 3.11.a.5 (c)2) Unit 2 a) RCFC 2A and 2C Outlet (1RE-PRO02) 1 0 TSR 3.11.a.1 TSR 3.11.a.2 TSR 3.11.a.4 (b)TSR 3.11.a.5 (c)b) RCFC 2B and 2D Outlet (1RE-PROO3) 1 0 TSR 3.11.a.1 TSR 3.11.a.2 TSR 3.11.a.4 (b)TSR 3.11.a.5 (c)b. Station Bladown Line (ORE-PROIO) 1 0 TSR 3.11.a.1 TSR 3.11.a.2 TSR 3.11.a.4 (a)TSR 3.11.a.5 (c)(b) The CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that control room alarm annunciation occurs if any of the folloing conditions exists: 1. Instrument indicates measured levels above the ALARM Setpoint, or 2. Circuit failure (monitor loss of communications
-alarm only, detector loss of counts, or monitor loss of poker), 3. Detector check source test failure, or 4. Detector channel out-of-service, or 5. Monitor loss of sample flow.(c) The initial CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall be performed using one or more of the reference standards certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or using standards that have been obtained from suppliers that participate in measurement assurance activities with NIST. These standards shall permit calibrating the systen over its intended range of energy and measurent range. For subsequent CHANNEL CALIBRATION, sources that have been related to the initial calibration shall be used.(continued)
I I BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.a -10 Revision 46 TRM Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.11.a Table T3.11.a-1 (page 3 of 3)Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation INSTRUMENT REQUIRED CHANNELS CONDITION SURVEILLANCE REQU I REMENTS 3. Flow Rate Measurement Devices a. Liquid Radwaste Effluent Line (Loop-WXO01) 1 E TSR 3.11.a.1 (9 TSR 3.11.a.3 TSR 3.11.a.5 b. Liquid Radwaste Effluent Line (Loop-WX630) 1 E TSR 3.11.a.1 4m TSR 3.11.a.3 TSR 3.11.a.5 c. Station BlowMm Line (Loop-CW032) 1 E TSR 3.11.a.1 d TSR 3.11.a.3 TSR 3.11.a.5 4. Radioactivity Monitors Providing Alarm and TSR 3.11.a.1 Automatic Closure of Surge Tank Vent Camponent Cooling Water Line GO TSR 3.11.a.2 a. (ORE-PRO9 and 1/2RE-PRO09)
TSR 3.11.a.4 ()TSR 3.11.a.5 (c)I I (a) The CMANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that automatic isolation of this pathway and control room alarm annunciation occur if any of the following conditions exist: 1. Instrument indicates measured levels above the ALARM/TRIP Setpoint, or 2. Circuit failure (monitor loss of coamunications
-alarm only, detector loss of counts, or monitor loss of power), 3. Detector check source test failure, or 4. Detector channel out-of-service, or 5. Monitor loss of sample flow.(c) The initial CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall be performed using one or more of the reference standards certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or using standards that have been obtained frcm suppliers that participate in measurmTent assurance activities with NIST. These standards shall permit calibrating the system over its intended range of energy and rreasurement range. For subsequent CHANNEL CALIBRATION, sources that have been related to the initial calibration shall be used.(d) CHANNEL CHECK shall consist of verifying indication of flow during periods of release.CHANNEL CHECK shall be made at least once per 24 hours on days on which continuous, periodic, or batch releases are made.I I BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.a -11 Revision 46 TRM Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.11.b 3.11 RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENTS(RE) 3.11.b Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation TLCO 3.11.b All radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channels shown in Table T3.11.b-1 shall be OPERABLE.APPLICABILITY:
At all times.ACTIONS-------------------------------------
NOTE --------------------------
: 1. Separate Condition entry is allowed for each channel.2. TLCO 3.0.c is not applicable.
: 3. TLCO 3.0.d is not applicable.
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One or more gaseous A.1 Suspend the release Immediately effluent monitoring of radioactive instrumentation gaseous effluent channel Alarm/Trip monitored by the Setpoint(s) less affected channel.conservative than required.
OR A.2 Declare the channel Immediately inoperable.
B. Less than the B.1 Enter the Condition Immediately required radioactive referenced in gaseous effluent Table T3.11.b-1 for monitoring the affected instrumentation channel(s).
channels OPERABLE.(continued)
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.b -1 Revision 1 TRM Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.11.b ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION IREQUIRED ACTION [COMPLETION TIME C. As required by Required Action B and referenced by Table T3.11.b-1.
C.1.1 AND C.2 Verify at least two independent samples of the tank's contents are analyzed.Verify at least two technically qualified members of the facility staff independently verify the release rate calculations.
Verify at least two technically qualified members of the facility staff independently verify the discharge valve lineup.Restore the required number of channels to OPERABLE.AND C.3 Prior to initiating a rel ease Prior to initiating a rel ease Prior to initiating a release 14 days In accordance with Technical Specification 5.6.3 AND C.4.1 C.4.2 Supplement the Radioactive Effluent Release Report ursuant to echnical Specification 5.6.3 with the cause for failure to correct the inoperability.(continued)
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.b -2 Revision 46 Radioactive TRM Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.11.b ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME D. As required by D.1.1 Suspend PURGING via Immediately Required Action this pathway.B.1 and referenced by Table T3.11.b- OR 1.D.1.2 Verify real time monitoring of During release radioactive effluents released via this.pathway.AND D.2.1 Restore the required 7 days number of channels to OPERABLE.OR D.2.2 Supplement the In accordance Radioactive Effluent with Technical Release Report Specification pursuant to Technical 5.6.3.Specification 5.6.3 with the cause for failure to correct the inoperabil ity.(continued)
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.b -3 Revision 46 Radioactive TRM Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.11.b ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME E. As required by E.1 Estimate flow rate Every 4 hours Required Action B.1 and referenced AND by Table T3.11.b-1. E.2.1 Restore the required 30 days number of channels to OPERABLE.OR E.2.2 Supplement the In accordance Radioactive Effluent with Technical Release Report Specification pursuant to Technical
====5.6.3 Specification====
5.6.3 with the cause for failure to correct inoperabil ity.(continued)
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.b -4 Revision 46 Radioactive TRM Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.11.b ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME F. As required by F.1 Verify samples are During release Required Action continuous]
y B.1 and referenced collected with by Table T3.11.b- auxiliary sampling 1. equipment as required by Table T3.11.f-1.
AND F.1.2 Restore the required 30 days number of channels to OPERABLE.OR F.2.2 Supplement the In accordance Radioactive Effluent with Technical Release Report Specification pursuant to Technical
====5.6.3 Specification====
5.6.3 with the cause for failure to correct the inoperability.(continued)
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.b -5 Revision 46 Radioactive TRM Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.11.b ACTIONS (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME G. As required by G.1 Verify gaseous grab Every 12 hours Required Action samples are collected B.1 and referenced and analyzed for by Table T3.11.b- principle gamma 1. emitters at a Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) as specified in TRM 3.11 Table T3.11.f-l.n AND G.2.1 Restore the required 30 days number of channels to OPERABLE.OR G.2.2 Supplement the In accordance Radioactive Effluent with Technical Release Report Specification pursuant to Technical
====5.6.3 Specification====
5.6.3 with the cause for failure to correct the inoperability.
H. Required Action H.1 Suspend the release Immediately and associated of radioactive Completed Time for gaseous effluent Conditions C, D, monitored by the E, F, or G not affected channel.met.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.b -6 Revision 46 TRM Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.11.b SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS
NOTES- ------------------------------
: 1. Refer to Table T3.11.b-1 to determine which TSRs apply to each instrument.
: 2. Alarm/Trip Setpoints shall be set to ensure that the limits of Technical Requirements 3.11.f and Technical Specification 5.5.12 are not exceeded.
The Alarm/Trip Setpoints of these channels meeting TLCO 3.11.f shall be determined and adjusted in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM).SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY TSR 3.11.b.1 Perform a CHANNEL CHECK. 24 hours TSR 3.11.b.2 Perform a SOURCE CHECK. 31 days TSR 3.11.b.3 Perform a CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST. 92 days TSR 3.11.b.4 Perform a CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST. 184 days TSR 3.11.b.5 Perform a CHANNEL CALIBRATION.
18months TSR 3.11.b.6 Perform a CHANNEL CHECK. Prior to each R brelease TSR 3.11.b.7 Perform a SOURCE CHECK. Prior to each" release BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.b -7 Revision 1 TRM Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.11.b Table T3.11.b-1 (page 1 of 3)Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Moni tori ng Instrumentation INSTRUMENT REQUIRED CHANNELS CONDITION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS U-I Plant Vent Monitoring
: 1. Noble Gas Activity Monitor -Providing Al arm a. High Range (1RE-PRO28D) 1 G TSR 3.11.b.I TSR 3.11.b.2 TSR 3.11.a.4(b)
TSR 3.11.a.5(c)
: b. Low Range (IRE-PRO28B) 1 G TSR 3.11.b.1 TSR 3.11.b.2 TSR 3.11.b.4 (N TSR 3.11.b.5 Wc)c. Iodine Sanlpler (IRE-PRO28C) 1 F TSR 3.11.b.1 TSR 3.11.b.2 TSR 3.11.b.4 N TSR 3.11.b.5 (C)d. Particulate Sanlpler (1RE-PRO28A) 1 F TSR 3.11.b.1 TSR 3.11.b.2 TSR 3.11.b.4 b)TSR 3.11.b.5 (d e. Effluent System Flow Rate Measuring 1 E TSR 3.11.b.1 Device (LOOP-VAO19)
TSR 3.11.b.3 TSR 3.11.b.5 f. Sairpler Flow Rate Measuring Devices 1 E TSR 3.11.b.1 TSR 3.11.b.4 TSR 3.11.b.5 (continued)(b) The CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that control roan alarm annunciation occurs if any of the following conditions exists: 1. Instrument indicates neasured levels above the ALARM Setpoint, or 2. Circuit failure (monitor loss of caomunications
-alarm only, detector loss of counts, or monitor loss of power), or 3. Detector check source test failure, or 4. Detector channel out-of-service, or 5. Monitor loss of sanple flow.(c) The initial CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall be perfonred using one or more of the reference standards certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or using standards that have been obtained from suppliers that participate in measurernt assurance activities with NIST. These standards shall pennit calibrating the systen over its intended range of energy and measureient range. For subsequent CHANNEL CALIBRATION, sources that have been related to the initial calibration shall be used.I BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.b -8 Revision 46 TRM Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.11.b Table T3.11.b-1 (page 2 of 3)Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation INSTRUMENT REQUIRED CONDITION SURVEILLANCE CHANNELS REQUIREMENTS U-2 2.Plant Vent Monitoring System Noble Gas Activity Monitor -Providing Alarm a. High Range (2RE-PRO28D)
I G b. Low Range (2RE-PRO28B)
: c. Iodine Sampler (2RE-PRO28C)
: d. Particulate Sampler (2RE-PRO28A)
: e. Effluent System Flow Rate Measuring Device (LOOP-VA020)
: f. Sampler Flow Rate Measuring Device (2F-PR165) 1 G 1 F TSR 3.11.b.1 TSR 3.11.b.2 TSR 3.11.b.4 (b0 TSR 3.11.b.5 (W TSR 3.11.b.1 TSR 3.11.b.2 TSR 3.11.b.4 (b)TSR 3.11.b.5 (c)TSR 3.11.b.1 TSR 3.11.b.2 TSR 3.11.b.4 (b)TSR 3.11.b.5 (c)TSR 3.11.b.1 TSR 3.11.b.2 TSR 3.11.b.4 (bN TSR 3.11.b.5 (W TSR 3.11.b.1 TSR 3.11.b.3 TSR 3.11.b.5 TSR 3.11.b.1 TSR 3.11.b.4 TSR 3.11.b.5 1 F 1 E 1 E 3. Refer to Technical Requirements Manual 3.3.e for Gaseous Waste Management Explosive Gas Monitoring Instrumentation (continued)(b) The CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that control room alarm annunciation occurs if any of the following conditions exists: 1. Instrument indicates measured levels above the ALARM Setpoint, or 2. Circuit failure (monitor loss of camnunications
-alarm only, detector loss of counts, or monitor loss of power), or 3. Detector check source test failure, or 4. Detector channel out-of-service, or 5. Monitor loss of sample flow.(c) The initial CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall be performed using one or more of the reference standards certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or using standards that have been obtained from suppliers that participate in measuremnt assurance activities with NIST. These standards shall permit calibrating the system over its intended range of energy and measurement range. For subsequent CHANEL CALIBRATION, sources that have been related to the initial calibration shall be used.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.b -9 Revision 46 TRM Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3.11.b Table T3.11.b-1 (page 3 of 3)Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation INSTRUMENT REQUIRED CONDITION SURVEILLANCE CHANNELS REQU I REMENTS 4. Gas Decay Tank System Noble Gas Activity Monitor -Providing 2 C TSR 3.11.b.4 dm Alarm and Autamatic Termination of Release TSR 3.11.b.5 (c)(ORE-PROO2A and 2B) TSR 3.11.b.6 TSR 3.11.b.7 5. Containment Purge System TSR 3.11.b.1 a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor -Providing 1 D TSR 3.11.b.4 (a Alarm (1/2RE-PRO01B)
TSR 3.11.b.5 (c TSR 3.11.b.7 b. Iodine Sampler (1/2RE-PROO1C) 1 F TSR 3.11.b.5 (c)TSR 3.11.b.6 TSR 3.11.b.7 c. Particulate Sampler (1/2RE-PROO1A) 1 F TSR 3.11.b.5 (c TSR 3.11.b.6 TSR 3.11.b.7 (a) The CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST shall also denonstrate that automatic isolation of this pathway and control room alarm annunciation occur if any of the following conditions exists: I. indicates measured levels above the Alanim/Trip Setpoint, or Circuit failure (monitor loss of cOrrmunications
-alarm only, detector loss of counts, or monitor loss of power), or Detector check source test failure, or Detector channel out-of-service, or Monitor loss of sample flow.(b) The CH1ANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that control room alarm annunciation occurs if any of the following conditions exists: 1. Instrurent indicates measured levels above the Alarm Setpoint, or 2. Circuit failure (monitor loss of camnnications
-alarm only, detector loss of counts, or monitor loss of power), or 3. Detector check source test failure, or 4. Detector channel out-of-service, or 5. Monitor loss of sample flow.(c) The initial CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall be performed using one or more of the reference standards certified by the National Instititute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or using standards that have been obtained from suppliers that participate in measurement assurance activities with NIST. These standards shall permit calibrating the system over its intended range of energy and measurement range. For subsequent CHANNEL CALIBRATION, sources that have been related to the initial calibration shall be used.I I BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.b -10 Revision 46 TRM Concentration Limits for Effluents 3.11.c 3.11 RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENTS(RE) 3.11.c Concentration Limits for Effluents TLCO 3.11.c The concentration of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS (see Byron Station OFFSIT E DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM) Annex, Appendix F, (Figure F-1) shall be limited to 10 times the concentrations specified in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2, for radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases.For dissolved or entrained noble gases, the concentration shall be limited to 2x10 4 gCi/ml total activity.APPLICABILITY:
At all times.ACTIONS-------------------------------------
NOTE -----------------------------
: 1. Separate Condition entry is allowed for each release.2. TLCO 3.0.c is not applicable.
: 3. TLCO 3.0.d is not applicable.
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Concentration of A.1 Restore the Immediately radioactive concentration within material released the limit.exceeding limit. OR A.2 Terminate the Immediately release.(continued)
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.c -1 Revision 1 TRM Concentration Limits for Effluents 3.11.c SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS
NOTES ------------------------------
: 1. All TSRs to be performed at frequency defined by Table T3.11.c-1.
: 2. The results of the radioactivity analysis shall be used in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM to assure that the concentrations at this point of release are maintained with the limits of TLCO 3.11.c.SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY TSR 3.11.c.1 Sample and analyze liquid wastes. Per Table* T3.11.c-1 BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.c -2 Revision 1 TRM Concentration Limits for Effluents 3.11.c Table T3.11.c-1 (page 1 of 4)Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis Program LIQUID RELEASE SAMPLING MINIMUM TYPE OF LOWER LIMIT OF TYPE FREQUENCY ANALYSIS ACTIVITY DETECTION (LLD)FREQUENCY ANALYSIS (pCi/ml) (Refer to Note 1. Page 3.11.c-6)1. Batch Release Tanks (a) P P Principal GamTe 5 x 10 -7 Emitters N Each Batch Each Batch 1-131 1 x 10-6 P M Dissolved and 1 x 10 -5 Entrained Gases One Batch/M (Ganma Emitters)P M H-3 1 x 10 Each Batch Composi te (c)P Q Gross Alhpa 1 x 10 -7 Each Batch Composite (c) Sr-89, Sr-90 5 x 10 -8 Fe-55 I x 10-(continued)(a) A batch release is the discharge of liquid wastes of a discrete volume. Prior to sampling for analyses, each batch shall be isolated, and then. thoroughly mixed (b) The principal gamna emitters for which the LLD specification applies include the following radionuclides:
fl*-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, Zn-65, Mo-99, CS-134, Cs-137, and Ce-141. CE-144 shall also be measured, but at the LLD of 5E-06.This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be considered.
Other ganma peaks that are identifiable, together with those of the above nuclides, shall also be analyzed and reported in the Radioactive Effluent Release Report purusuant to Specification 5.6.3 in the format outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21. Appendix B, Revision 1.June 1974.(c) A composite sample is one in which the quantity of liquid sampled is proportional to the quantity of liquid waste discharged and in which the method of sampling employed results in a specimen that is representative of the liquids released.I BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.c -3 Revision 24 TRM Concentration Limits for Effluents 3. 11.c Table T3,11.b-1 (page 2 of 4)Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis Program LIQUID RELEASE SAMPLING MINIMUM TYPE OF LOWER LIMIT OF TYPE FREQUENCY ANALYSIS ACTIVITY DETECTION (LLD)FREQUENCY ANALYSIS (pCi/ml) (Refer to Note 1. Page 3.11.c-6)2. Continuous Continuous (e) W Principal Ganma 5 x 10 -7 Emitters 7WJ Releases (4 Continuous (e 1-131 1 x 10 6 a. Circulating Water M M Dissolved and 1 x 10 -5 Bl oawdow Entrained Gases Grab Sampl e (Gamnm Emitters)b. Waste Water Continuous (e M H-3 1 x 10 -5 Treatment System Discharge to Continuous (e Fl uim c. Condensate Continuous (e) Q Gross Alhpa 1 x 10 -7 Polisher Suip Discharge Continuous (e) Sr-89, St-90 5 x 10 Fe-55 x 10 -6 (continued)(b) The principal ganjra emitters for which the LLD specification applies include the following radionuclides t"1-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, Zn-65, Wo-99, Cs-134, Cs-137, and Ce-141. Ce-144 shall also be measured, but at the LLD of 5E-06. This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be considered.
Other gammra peaks hat are identifiable, together with those of the above nuclides, shall also be analyzed and reported in the Radioactive Effluent Release Report pursuant to Specifications 5.6.3 in the format outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21, Appendix B, Revision 1, June 1974.(d) A continuous release is the discharge of liquid wastes of a nondiscrete volume, e.g., from a volume of a systen that has an input flow during the continuous release.(e) To be representative of the quantities and concentrations of radioactive materials in liquid effluents, samples shall be collected continuously in proportion to the rate of flow of the effluent stream. Prior to analyses, all samples taken for the composite shall be thoroughly mixed in order for the composite sample to be representative of the effluent release.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.c -4 Revision 24 TRM Concentration Limits for Effluents 3.11.c Table T3.11.b-1 (page 3 of 4)Radioactive Liquid Waste Sanpling and Analysis Program LIQUID RELEASE SAMPLING MINIMUM TYPE OF LOWER LIMIT OF TYPE FREQUENCY ANALYSIS ACTIVITY DETECTION (LLD)FREQUENCY ANALYSIS (1Ci/ml ) (Refer to Note 1. Page 3.11.c-6)3. Continuous Releases (d) W () W (f Principal Garme 5 x 10 -7 Essential Service Grab Sarple Emitters (b Water Reactor Containment Fan Cooler (RCFC) Outlet Line 1-131 1 x 10 6 Dissolved and 1 x 10 -5 Entrained Cases (Gamna Emitters)H-3 x 0-5 (b) The principal gane Emitters for which the LLD specification applies include the following radionuclides Mn-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, Zn-65, Mo-99, Cs-134, Cs-137, and Ce-141. Ce-144 shall also be measured, but at the LLD of 5E-06. This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be considered.
Other ganme peaks that are identifiable, together with those of the above nuclides, shall also be analyzed and reported in the Radioactive Effluent Release Report pursuant to Specifications 5.6.3 in the forimat outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21, Appendix B, Revision 1, June 1974.(d) A continuous release is the discharge of liquid wastes of a nondiscrete volue, e.g., from a volume of a system that has an input flcw during the continuous release.(f) Not required unless the Essential Service Water RCFC Outlet Radiation Monitors 1/2RE-PRO02 and 1/2RE-PRO03 indicates measure levels greater than ix10 -6 pCi/ml above background at any time during the week.I BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.c -5 Revision 24 TRM Concentration Limits for Effluents 3.11.c Table T3.11.b-1 (page 3 of 4)Radioactive Liquid Waste Sarpling and Analysis Program Note 1: Lower Limit of Detection (LLD)The LLD is defined, for purposes of these Technical Requirements, as the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will yield a net count, above system background, that will be detected with 95% probability with only 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.For a particular measurement system, which may include radiochemical separation:
LLD = 4.66 sh E* V
* 2.22 x 106 *Y* exp (-PAT)Where: LLD = the lower limit of detection (microCuries per unit mass or volume).Sb= the standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of a blank sample as appropriate (counts per minute).E = the counting efficiency (counts per disintegration).
V = the sample size (units of mass or volume)2.22 x 106 = the number of disintegrations per minute per microCurie.
Y = the fractional radiochemical yield, when applicable.
= the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide (sec -1), and AT= the elapsed time between the midpoint of sample collection and the time of counting (sec).Typical values of E, V, Y and AT should be used in the calculation.
It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as a before the fact limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as an after the fact limit for a particular measurement.
BYRON -UNITS I & 2 3.11.c -6 Revision 1 Technical Requirements Manual TRM Dose From Liquid Effluents 3.11.d 3.11 RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENTS(RE) 3.11.d Dose from Liquid Effluents TLCO 3.11.d The dose or dose commitment to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from radioactive materials in liquid effluents, from each unit, to UNRESTRICTED AREAS (see Byron Station OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM) Annex, Appendix F, Figure F-i)shall be limited: 1. During any calendar quarter to < 1.5 mrem body and to < 5 mrem to any organ, and to the whole 2. During any calendar year to < 3 mrem to the whole body and to < 10 mrem to any organ.APPLICABILITY:
At all times.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.d -1 Revision 1 TRM Dose From Liquid Effluents 3.11.d ACTIONS-------------------------------
NOTES ------------------------------
: 1. Separate Condition entry is allowed for each dose.2. TLCO 3.0.c is not applicable.
: 3. TLCO 3.0.d is not applicable.
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Calculated dose A.1 Submit Special Report 30 days exceeding above to the Commission limits, that identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit(s) and defines the corrective actions that have been taken to reduce the releases and the proposed corrective actions to be taken to assure that subsequent releases will be in compliance with the above limits.SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY 31 days TSR 3.11.d.1 Determine cumulative dose contributions from liquid effluents for the current calendar quarter and the current calendar year.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.d -2 Revision 1 TRM Liquid Radwaste Treatment System 3.11.e 3.11 RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENTS(RE) 3.11.e Dose from Liquid Effluents TLCO 3.11.e APPLICABILITY:
The Liquid Radwaste Treatment System shall be OPERABLE and shall be used to reduce releases from each unit to UNRESTRICTED AREAS (see Byron Station OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM) Annex, Appendix F, Figure F-i)when the projected dose would exceed 0.06 mrem to the whole body or 0.2 mrem to any organ in a 31 day period.At all times.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.e -1 Revision 1 TRM Liquid Radwaste Treatment System 3.11.e ACTIONS-------------------------------
NOTES ----------------------------
: 1. Separate Condition entry is allowed for each dose.2. TLCO 3.0.c is not applicable.
: 3. TLCO 3.0.d is not applicable.
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Radioactive liquid A.1 Submit Special Report 30 days waste being to the Commission discharged without that includes an treatment.
explanation of why liquid radwaste was AND being discharged without treatment, In excess of above identification of any limits, inoperable equipment or subsystems, and AND the reason for the inoperability; Any portion of the action(s) taken to Liquid Radwaste restore the Treatment System inoperable equipment not in operation.
to OPERABLE status;and a summary description of action(s) taken to prevent recurrence.
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.e -2 Revision 1 TRM Liquid Radwaste Treatment System 3.11.e SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY TSR 3.11.e.1 ---------------
Only required to be performed when the Liquid Radwaste Treatment System is not fully utilized.Project doses due to liquid releases from 31 days each unit to UNRESTRICTED AREAS.TSR 3.11.e.2 Verify the installed Liquid Radwaste Per the Treatment System is OPERBLE by meeting the applicable TSRs requirements of TLCO 3.11.c and TLCO 3.11.d.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.e -3 Revision 1 TRM Dose Rate for Gaseous Effluent 3.11.f 3.11 RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENTS(RE) 3.11.f Dose Rate for Gaseous Effluent TLCO 3.11.f The dose rate in gaseous effluents from the site to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY (See Byron Station OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM) Annex, Appendix F, Figure F-1) shall be limited to: 1. For noble gases: < 500 mrem/yr to the whole body and< 3000 mrem/yr to the skin, and 2. For Iodine-131 and 133, for tritum, and for all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives
> 8 days; < 1500 mrem/yr to any organ.APPLICABILITY:
At all times.ACTIONS----------------------
NOTES-- ------------------1.2.3.Separate Condition entry is allowed for each dose.TLCO 3.O.c is not applicable.
TLCO 3.0.d is not applicable.
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Dose rate A.1 Restore the release Immediately exceeding above rate to within limits, limits.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.f -1 Revision 1 TRM Dose Rate for Gaseous Effluent 3.11.f SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY TSR 3.11.f.1 Determine dose rate due to noble gases Per Table within limits. T3.11.f-1 Per Table TSR 3.11.f.2 Determine dose rate due to 1-131, 1-133 T3.11.f-I tritium and all other radionuclides in particulate from with half-lives
> 8 days within limits.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.f -2 Revision 1 TRM Dose Rate for Gaseous Effluent 3.11.f Table T3.11.f-1 (page 1 of 3)Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sanmling and Analysis Program GASEOUS RELEASE SAMPLING MINIMUM TYPE OF LOWER LIMIT OF TYPE FREQUENCY ANALYSIS ACTIVITY DETECTION (LLD)FREQUENCY ANALYSIS (pCi/ml) (Refer to_____Note
: 1. Page 3.11.F-5)1. Waste Gas Decay Tank 2. Containment Purge P Each Tank Grab Sampl e P Each Tank Principal Gaman Emitters Ca)1 x 10 P Each PURGE (b)Each PURGE V Grab Sample Principal Gamma 1 x 10 -Grab Sample Emitters(a)
H-3 1 x 10 7 (continued)(a) The principal gamma emitters for which the LLD specification applies include the following radionuclides; Kr-87, Kr-88, Xe133m, Xe-135, and Xe-138 in noble gas releases and tro-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, Zn-65, Mo-99, 1-131, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce-141, and Ce-144 in iodine and particulate releases.
This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be considered.
Other gammn peaks that are identifiable, together with those of the above nuclides, shall also be analyzed and reported in the Radioactive Effluent Release Report pursuant to Specification 5.6.3, in the fornmt outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21, Appendix B, Revision 1, June 1974.(b) Sanpling and analysis shall also be performed following shutdown, startup or a POWER change exceeding 15% of RATED THERMAL POWER within a 1-hour period.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.f -3 Revision 1 TRM Dose Rate for Gaseous Effluent 3.11.f Table T3.11.f-I (page 2 of 3)Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis Program GASEOUS RELEASE SAMPLING MINIMUM TYPE OF LOWER LIMIT OF TYPE FREQUENCY ANALYSIS ACTIVITY DETECTION (LLD)FREQUENCY ANALYSIS (gCi/ml) (Refer to Note 1. Page 3.11.F-5)3. Auxiliary Building Vent Stack (Units 1 and 2)Principal Ganma Emitters (a)1 x 10 -4 M (c) (d)Grab Sample M H-3 I x 10 -7 Continuous (e) W ()Charcoal 1-131 1 x 10-a Sampl e 1-133 1 x 10-m Continuous Ch W (c Principal Gamn I x 10 -u Charcoal Emi tters(a)Sampl e Continuous (e) Q Gross Alpha I x 10-Composite Particulate Sample Continuous (e) Q Composite Sr-89, Sr-90 1 x 10 -Particulate Sample Continuous N.A. Noble Gases; Gross 1 x 10 6 Noble Gas Bo r Gas Gro Monitor Beta or Gamra (continued)(a) The principal gama emitters for which the LLD specification applies include the following radionuclides; Kr-87, Kr-88, Xe133m, Xe-135, and Xe-138 in noble gas releases and Mn-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, Zn-65, Mo-99, 1-131, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce-141, and Ce-144 in iodine and particulate releases.
This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be considered.
Other gamma peaks that are identifiable, together with those of the above nuclides, shall also be analyzed and reported in the Radioactive Effluent Release Report pursuant to Specification 5.6.3, in the format outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21, Appendix B, Revision 1, June 1974.(c) Tritiun grab samples shall be taken at least once per 24 hours when the refueling canal is flooded.(d) Tritium grab samples shall be taken at least once per 7 days from the spent fuel pool area, whenever spent fuel is in the spent fuel pool.(e) The ratio of the sample flow rate to the sampled stream flow rate shall be known for the time period covered by each dose or dose rate calculation made in accordance with Technical Requirements 3.11.f, 3.11.g, and 3.11.h.(f) Samples shall be changed at least once per 7 days and analyses shall be carpleted within 48 hours after changing, or after removal from sampler. Sampling shall also be performed at least once per 24 hours for at least 7 days following each shutdown, startup or THERMAL POWER change exceeding 15% of RATED THERMAL POWER within a 1-hour period and analyses shall be ccmpleted with 48 hours of changing.
When samples collected for 24 hours are analyzed, the corresponding LLDs may be increased by a factor of 10. This requirement does not apply if: (1) analysis shows that the DOSE EOUIVALENT 1-131 concentration in the reactor coolant has not increased more than a factor of 3, and (2) the noble gas monitor shows that effluent activity has not increased more than a factor of 3.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.f -4 Revision 1 TRM Dose Rate for Gaseous Effluent 3.11.f Table T3.11.f-1 (page 3 of 3)Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis Program Note 1: Lower Limit of Detection (LLD)The LLD is defined, for purposes of these Technical Requirements, as the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will yield a net count, above system background, that will be detected with 95%probability with only 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.For a particular measurement system, which may include radiochemical separation:
LLD = 4.66S E* V
* 2.22 x 10 *
* exp (-4AT)Where: LLD = the lower limit of detection (microCuries per unit mass or volume).Sb= the standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of a blank sample as appropriate (counts per minute).E = the counting efficiency (counts per disintegration).
V = the sample size (units of mass or volume)2.22 x 106 = the number of disintegrations per minute per microCurie.
Y = the fractional radiochemical yield, when applicable.
= the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide (sec-1), and AT= the elapsed time between the midpoint of sample collection and the time of counting (sec).Typical values of E, V, Y, and AT should be used in the calculation.
It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as a before the fact limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as an after the fact limit for a particular measurement.
BYRON -UNITS I & 2 3.11.f -5 Revision I Technical Requirements Manual TRM Dose -Noble Gases 3.11.g 3.11 RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENTS(RE) 3.11.g Dose -Noble Gases TLCO 3.11.g The air dose due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents, from each unit, to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY/UNRESTRICTED AREA boundary (see Byron Station OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM) Annex, Appendix F, Figure F-I) shall be limited to: 1. During any calendar quarter: < 5 mrad for gamma radiation and < 10 mrad for beta radiation, and 2. During any calendar year: < 10 mrad for gamma radiation and < 20 mrad for beta radiation.
At all times.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.g -1 Revision 1 TRM Dose -Noble Gases 3.11.g ACTIONS-------------------------------
NOTES ------------------------------
: 1. Separate Condition entry is allowed for each dose.2. TLCO 3.0.c is not applicable.
: 3. TLCO 3.0.d is not applicable.
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Calculated air A.1 Submit a Special 30 days dose exceeding Report to the limit. Commission that identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit(s) and defines the corrective actions that have been taken to reduce the releases and the proposed corrective actions to be taken to assure that subsequent releases will be in compliance with the above limits.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY TSR 3.11.g.1 Determine cumulative dose contributions for 31 days noble gases for the current calendar quarter and current calendar year.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.g -2 Revision 1 TRM Dose 131, 1-133, Tritium and Radioactive Material in Particulate Form 3.11.h 3.11 RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENTS(RE) 3.11.h Dose 131, 1-133, Tritium, and Radioactive Material in Particulate Form TLCO 3.11.h The dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from 1-131, 1-133, tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives
> 8 days in gaseous effluents released, from each unit, to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY/UNRESTRICTED AREA boundary (see BYRON Station OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM) Figure 1-2) shall be limited to: 1. During any calendar quarter: 5 7. mrem to any organ, and 2. During any calendar year: < 15 mrem to any organ.APPLICABILITY:
At all times.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.h -1 Revision 46 TRM Dose 131, 1-133, Tritium and Radioactive Material in Particulate Form 3.11.h ACTIONS-------------------------------
NOTES ------------------------------
: 1. Separate Condition entry is allowed for each calculated dose.2. TLCO 3.0.c is not applicable.
: 3. TLCO 3.0.d is not applicable.
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Calculated dose A.1 Submit a Special 30 days exceeding limit. Report to the Commission that identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit(s) and defines the corrective actions that have been taken to reduce the releases and the proposed corrective actions to be taken to assure that subsequent releases will be in compliance with the above limits.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.h -2 Revision 1 TRM Dose 131, 1-133, Tritium and Radioactive Material in Particulate Form 3.11.h SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY TSR 3.11.h.1 Determine cumulative dose contributions for 31 days fodine-131 and 133, tritium, and radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives
> 8 days for the current calendar quarter and current calendar year.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.h -3 Revision 1 TRM Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System 3.11.i 3.11 RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENTS(RE) 3.11.J Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System TLCO 3.11.i The VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM and the WASTE GAS HOLDUP SYSTEM shall be OPERABLE and shall be used to reduce activity in releases, from each unit, of gaseous effluents when the projected doses at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY!UNRESTRICTED AREA boundary (see Byron Station OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM) Figure 1-2) in 31 days would exceed: 1. 0.2 mrad to air from gamma radiation 2. 0.4 mrad to air from beta radiation, or 3. 0.3 mrem to any organ of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC.APPLICABILITY:
At all times.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.i -1 Revision 46 TRM Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System 3.11.i ACTIONS-------------------------------
NOTES- ------------------------------
: 1. Separate Condition entry is allowed for each gaseous release.2. TLCO 3.0.c is not applicable.
: 3. TLCO 3.0.d is not applicable.
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. ----- NOTE ------- A.1 Submit a Special 30 days Only applicable if Report to the radioactive Commission that gaseous waste includes the being discharged following without treatment, information:
: a. Identification of Gaseous releases any inoperable in excess of equipment or limit, subsystems, and the reason for the inoperability.
: b. Action(s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to OPERABLE status, and c. Summary description of action(s) taken to prevent recurrence.
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.i -2 Revision 1 TRM Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System 3.11.i SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY TSR 3.11.i.1 ---------------
Only required to be performed when the Gaseous Radwaste Treatment Systems are not being fully utilized.Project doses due to gaseous releases from 31 days each unit to areas at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY/UNRESTRICTED AREA boundary.TSR 3.11.i.2 Verify the installed VENTILATION EXHAUST Per the TREATMENT SYSTEM and WASTE GAS HOLDUP applicable TSRs SYSTEM are OPERABLE by meeting TSR 3.11.f, and TSR 3.11.g or TSR 311.h.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.i -3 Revision 1 TRM Solid Radioactive Wastes 3.11.j 3.11 RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENTS(RE) 3.11.j Solid Radioactive Wastes TLCO 3.11.j APPLICABILITY:
Radioactive wastes shall be solidified or dewatered in accordancewith the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM.At all times.ACTIONS-- ---------------------
NOTES-- ------------------1.2.TLCO 3.0.c is not applicable.
TLCO 3.0.d is not applicable.
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A.1 Solidification or A.1 Suspend shipment of Immediately dewatering not inadequately meeting either the processed wastes.disposal site, shipping or AND transportation requirements.
A.2 Determine root cause Prior to and correct to resuming preclude recurrence.
shipments BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.j -1 Revision 1 TRM Solid Radioactive Wastes 3.11.j Actions (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME B.1 Solidification or B.1 Test the improperly Prior to dewatering not processed waste in resuming performed in each container to shipments accordance with the ensure it meets PROCESS CONTROL burial ground and PROGRAM. shipping requirements.
AND B.2 Take appropriate Prior to administrative action resuming to prevent shipments recurrence.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY TSR 3.11.j.1 The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM shall be used At least one to collect and test representative representative specimens to verify the solidification of test specimen each type of wet radioactive waste. (Refer from at least to Note 1, Page 3.11.j-3) every tenth batch of each type of wet radioactive waste BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.j -2 Revision 1 TRM Solid Radioactive Wastes 3.11.j NOTE 1 Solidification of at least one representative test specimen from at least every tenth batch of each type of wet radioactive wastes (e.g., filter sludges, spent resins, evaporator bottoms, boric acid solutions and sodium sulfate solutions) shall be verified in accordance with the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM: a. If any test specimen fails to verify solidification, the solidification of the batch under test shall be suspended until such time as additional test specimens can be obtained, alternative solidification parameters can be determined in accordance with the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM, and a subsequent test verifies solidification.
Solidification of the batch may then be resumed using the alternative solidification parameters determined by the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM;b. If the initial test specimen from a batch of waste fails to verify solidification, the PROCESS CONTROL PROGAM, shall provide for me the collection and testing of representative test specimens from each consecutive batch of the same type of wet waste until at least 3 consecutive initial test specimens demonstrate solidification.
The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM shall be modified as required, as provided in TLCO 5.2.5, to assure solidification of subsequent batches of waste; and c. With the installed equipment incapable of meeting TLCO 3.11.j or declared out-of-service, restore the equipment to operable status or provide for contract capability to process wastes as necessary to satisfy all applicable transportation and disposal requirements.
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.j -3 Revision 1 TRM Total Dose 3.11.k 3.11 RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENTS(RE) 3.11.k Total Dose TLCO 3.11.k APPLICABILITY:
The annual (calendar year) dose or dose commitment to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC due to releases of radioactivity and to radiation from the uranium fuel cycle sources shall be limited to < 25 mrem to the whole body or any organ (except the thyroid) and < 75 mrem to the thyroid.At all times.ACTIONS---------------
NOTES 1.2.3.Separate Condition entry is allowed for each calculated dose.TLCO 3.0.c is not applicable.
TLCO 3.0.d is not applicable.
exceeding twice the Calculations to TLCO limits for: include direct radiation 3.11.D.1 contributions from 3.11.D.2 the Unit and from 3.11.G.1 outside storage 3.11.G.2 tanks.3.11.H.1, or 3.11.H,2 Determine if the 15 days TLCO 3.11.k limits have been exceeded.(continued)
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.k- 1 Revision 1 TRM Total Dose 3.11.k Actions (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME B. Required Action of B.1 Submit a Special 15 days Condition A determines Report to the the TLCO 3.11.k limits Commission (Refer to have been exceeded.
Only applicable if Condition A is entered In accordance Determine cumulative dose contributions with the from direct radiation from the units and OFFSITE DOSE from radwaste storage tanks. CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM)TSR 3.11.k.2 Determine cumulative dose contributions Per the from liquid and gaseous effluents in applicable TSRs accordance with TSR 3.11.d.1, TSR 3.11.g.1, and TSR 3.11.h.1 and in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM).TSR 3.11.k.3 Inspect the Old Steam Generator Storage 92 days Facility (OSGSF) sump for the presence of liquid and the appearance that seepage has occurred.(continued)
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.k- 2 Revision 1 TRM Total Dose 3.11.k SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY TSR 3.11.k.4 --------------
Only required to be performed if TSR 3.11.k.3 identifies both the presence of liquid and indications of seepage.Sample and analyze the liquid from the 92 days OSGSF sump.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.k- 3 Revision 1 TRM Total Dose 3.11.k NOTE 1 The Special Report shall define the corrective actions to be taken to reduce subsequent releases to prevent recurrence of exceeding the TLCO 3.11.k limits and includes the schedule for achieving conformance with the TLCO 3.11.k limits. The Special Report, as defined by 10 CFR 20.405c, shall include an analysis that estimates the radiation exposure to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from the uranium, cycle sources, including all effluent pathways and direct radiation, for the calendar year that includes the release(s) covered by this report. It shall also describe levels of radiation and concentration of radioactive material involved, and the cause of the exposure levels or concentrations.
If the estimated dose(s) exceeds the TLCO 3.11.k limits, and if the release condition resulting in violation of 40 CFR Part 190 has not already been corrected, the Special Report shall include a request for a variance in accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR Part 190. Submittal of the report is considered a timely response and a variance is granted until staff action on the request is complete.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.11.k- 4 Revision 1 TRM Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 3.12.a 3.12 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM 3.12.a Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program TLCO 3.12.a APPLICABILITY:
The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP)shall be conducted as specified in Table T3.12.a-1.
At all times.ACTIONS-- ---------------------
NOTES-- ------------------1.2.TLCO 3.0.c is not applicable.
TLCO 3.0.d is not applicable.
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. REMP not being A.1 Submit in the Annual In accordance conducted as specified Radiological with in Table T3.12.a-1.
Environmental Technical Operating Report, as Specification required by 5.6.2.Specification 5.6.2, a description of the reasons for not conducting the program as required and the plans for preventing recurrence.(continued)
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.a- 1 Revision 46 TRM Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 3.12.a Actions (continued)
radioactivity as a The methodology and result of plant parameters used to effluents in an estimate the environmental potential annual dose sampling medium at a to a MEMBER OF THE specified location PUBLIC shall be exceeding the indicated in this reporting limits of report.Table T3.12.a-2 when averaged over any calendar quarter. Submit a Special 30 days Report to the Commission that identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit(s) and defines the corrective actions to be taken to reduce radioactive effluents so that the potential annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC is less than the calendar year limits of Technical Requirements 3.11.d, 3.11.g and 3.11.h I (continued)
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.a- 2 Revision 1 TRM Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 3.12.a Actions (continued)
radionuclides in The methodology and Table T3.12.a-2 are parameters used to detected in the estimate the sampling medium, potential annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE AND PUBLIC shall be indicated in this C, C 2  report.+ ..1.-0 30--------------------
3days RL 1  RL 2 Submit a Special Where; Report to the C = concentration Commission that RL = reporting level, identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit(s) and defines the corrective actions to be taken to reduce radioactive effluents so that the potential annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC is less than the calendar year limits of Technical Requirements 3.11.d, I__ 3.11.g and 3.11.h I (continued)
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.a- 3 Revision 1 TRM Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 3.12.a Actions (continued)
than those in Table The methodology and T3.12.a-2 are parameters used to detected.
estimate the potential annual dose AND to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC shall be Are the results of indicated in this plant effluents.
report.AND Submit a Special 30 days The potential annual Report to the dose to a MEMBER OF ComTnission that THE PUBLIC from identifies the radionuclides is equal cause(s) for to or greater than the exceeding the calendar limits of limit(s) and defines Technical Requirements the corrective 3.11.d, 3.11.g and actions to be taken 3.11.h. to reduce radioactive effluents so that the potential annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC is less than the calendar year limits of Technical Requirements 3.11.d, 3.11.g and 3.11.h E. Measured levels of E.1 Report and describe In accordance radioactivity not the the condition in the with result of plant Annual Radiological Technical effluents.
Environmental Specification Operating Report 5.6.2 required by Specification 5.6.2 1 (continued)
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.a- 4 Revision 46 TRM Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 3.12.a Actions (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME F. Milk or fresh I eafy F.1 Identify specific 30 days vegetable samples locations for unavailable from one obtaining replacement or more of the samples and add them sample locations to the REMP given the required by Table OFFSITE DOSE T3.12.a-1.
CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM).AND F.2 Submit controlled version of the ODCM 180 days to the NRC including a revised figure(s)and table reflecting the new location(s) with supporting information identifying the cause of the unavailability of samples, deleting the specific locations from which samples were unavailable and justifying the selection of the new location(s) for obtaining samples. I BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.a- 5 Revision 1 TRM Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 3.12.a SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY TSR 3.12.a.1 The radiological environmental monitoring Per the samples shall be collected pursuant to applicable Table T3.12.a-1 from the specific locations Table(s)given in the table and figure(s) in the ODCM and shall be analyzed pursuant to the requirements of Table T3.12.a-1 and the detection capabilities required by the Table T3.12.a-3.
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.a- 6 Revision 1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued)
TRM Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 3.12.a Table T3.12.a-1 (Page 1 of 5)Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program EXPOSURE PATHWAY NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLES SAMPLING AND TYPE/FREQUENCY OF ANALYSIS AND SAMPLE LOCATIONS(a)
COLLECTION AND/OR SAMPLE FREQUENCY 1 Airborne Radioiodine and Sanples from a total of eight locations:
Continuous sampler Radioiodine Canister: Particulates operation with saimple a. Indicator
-Near Field collection weekly (or 1-131 analysis bi-weekly on near Four sanples from locations within rmre frequently if field sanples and control. N)4 In (2.5 mi) in different sectors. required due to dust loading.Particulate Sampler: Gross beta analysis following weekly filter change (C) and ganmr isotopic analysis (d quarterly on corposite filters by location on near field sarrples and control. (b)b. Indicator
-Far Field Three additional locations within 4 to 10 In (2.5 to 6.2 mi) in different sectors.c. Control One sarrple from a control location within 10 to 30 Ian (6.2 to 18.6 mi).(continued)(a) Specific parameters of distance and direction from the centerline of the midpoint of the two units and additional description where pertinent, shall be provided for each and every sample location in Table 11-1 of the ODCM Station Annexes. Refer to NUREG-0133, "Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants," October 1978, and to Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979.Deviations are permitted from the required sampling schedule if specimens are unobtainable due to hazardous conditions, seasonal unavailability, malfunction of sampling equi pent, if a person/business who participates in the program goes out of business or no longer can provide samples, or due to a contractor omission which is corrected as soon as discovered.
If the equipment malfunctions, corrective actions shall be completed as soon as practical.
If a person/business supplying samples goes out of business, a replacement supplier should be found as soon as possible.
Refer to Technical Requirements Manual section 3.12.a Required Action A.1 for guidance as to required actions to be taken whenever a sample is not obtained.(b) Far field samples are analyzed when the respective near field sample results are inconsistent with previous measurements and radioactivity is confirmed as having its origin in airborne effluents from the station, or at the discretion of the Health Physics Support Director.(c) Airborne particulate sample filters shall be analyzed for gross beta radioactivity 24 hours or more after sampling to allow for radon and daughter decay. If gross beta activity in air particulate samples is greater than 10 times the yearly mean of control samples, gamma isotopic analysis shall be performed on the individual samples.(d) Ganmma isotopic analysis means the identification and quantification of gamma emitting radionuclides that may be attributable to the effluents from the station.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.a- 7 Revision 24 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued)
TRM Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 3.12.a Table T3.12.a-1 (Page 2 of 5)Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program EXPOSURE PATHWAY NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLES SAMPLING AND TYPE/FREQUENCY OF ANALYSIS AND SAMPLE LOCATIONSCaW COLLECTION AND/OR SAMPLE FREQUENCY 2. Direct Radiation (e) Forty routine monitoring stations either Quarterly Gaffma does on each TLD quarterly.
with a thermolumnnescent dosimeter (TLD)or with one instrument for measuring dose rate continuously, placed as follows: a. Indicator
-Inner Ring (100 Series TEL) One in each meteorological sector, in the general area of the SITE BOUNDARY;b. Indicator
-Outer Ring (200 Series TLD) One in each meteorol ogical sector, within 6 to 8 km (3.7 to 5.0 mi); and c. Other One at each Airborne location given in part l.a. and 1.b.The balance of the TLDs to be claced at special interest cations beyond the restricted locations beyond the Restricted Area where either a MEMER OF THE PUBLIC or Exelon Nuclear employees have routine access (300 Series TLO).d. Control One at each Airborne control location given in part 1.c.(continued)(a) Specific parameters of distance and direction from the centerline of the midpoint of the two units and additional description where pertinent, shall be provided for each and every sample location in ODCM Part II Table 6-1 and Table 6-2. Refer to NUREG-0133, "Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants," October 1978, and to Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979.Deviations are permitted from the required sampling schedule if specimens are unobtainable due to hazardous conditions, seasonal unavailability, malfunction of sampling equipment, if a person/business who participates in the program goes out of business or no longer can provide samples, or due to a contractor omission which is corrected as soon discovered.
If the equipment malfunctions, corrective actions shall be completed as soon as practical.
If a person/business supplying samples goes out of business, a replacement supplier should be found as soon as possible.Refer to Technical Requirements Manual section 3.12.a Required Action A.1 for guidance as to required actions to be taken whenever a sample is not obtained.(e) One or more instruments, such as a pressurized ion chamber, for measuring and recording dose rate continuously may be used in place of, or in addition, to, integrating dosimeters.
Film badges shall not be used as dosimeters for measuring direct radiation.
The 40 locations is not an absolute number. The number of direct radiation monitoring stations may be reduced according to geographical limitations, etc., if a station is adjacent to a lake, some sectors may be over water thereby reducing the number of dosimeters, which could be placed at the indicated distances.
The frequency of analysis or readout for TLD systems will depend upon the characteristics of the specific system used and should be selected to obtained optimum dose information with minimal fading.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.a- 8 Revision 46 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued)
TRM Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 3.12.a Table T3.12.a-1 (Page 3 of 5)Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program EXPOSURE PATHWAY NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLES SAMPLING AND TYPE/FREQUENCY OF ANALYSIS AND/OR SAMPLE AND SAMPLE LOCATIONS(a)
: a. Ground/Well
: a. Indicator Quarterly Gamma isotopic (d) and tritium Samples from three sources only if analysis quarterly.
likely to be affected. (f b. Drinking (g) a. Indicator Weekly grab samples. Gross beta and gamm isotopic analyses (d) on monthly composite; Some sample from each camunity tritium analysis on quarterly drinking water supply that could be cacposite.
affected by the station discharge within 10 km (6.2 mi) downstream of discharge.
: c. Surface Water (g) If no camnunity water supply (Drinking Weekly grab samples Gross beta and gamma isotopic Water) exists within 10 In donstream of analyses (d on monthly coaposite; discharge then surface water sampling tritium analysis on quarterly shall be perfonTed.
: a. Indicator One sample downstream.
: d. Control Sample (g a. Control Weekly grab samples Gross beta and gamna isotopic analyses (d) on monthly camposite; One surface sample upstream of tritium analysis on quarterly discharge.
: e. Sediment a. Indicator Semi-annually Gaama isotopic analysis 4 semiannual ly.At least one sample from downstream (g) area within 10 km (6.2 mi)distance.(continued)(a) Specific parameters of distance and direction from the centerline of the midpoint of the two units and additional description where pertinent, shall be provided for each and every sample location in ODCM Part II Table 6-1 and Table 6-2. Refer to NUREG-0133, "Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants," October 1978, and to Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979.Deviations are permitted from the required sampling schedule if specimens are unobtainable due to hazardous conditions, seasonal unavailability, malfunction of sampling equipment, if a person/business who participates in the program goes out of business or no longer can provide samples, or due to a contractor omission which is corrected as soon discovered.
If the equipment malfunctions, corrective actions shall be completed as soon as practical.
If a person/business supplying samples goes out of business, a replacement supplier should be found as soon as possible.Refer to Technical Requirements Manual section 3.12.a Required Action A.1 for guidance as to required actions to be taken whenever a sample is not obtained.(d) Gamma isotopic analysis means the identification and quantification of gamma emitting radionuclides that may be attributable to the effluents from the station.(f) Groundwater samples shall be taken when this source is tapped for drinking or irrigation purposes in areas where the hydraulic gradient or recharge properties are suitable for contamination.(g) The 'downstream' sample shall be taken in an area beyond but near the mixing zone. The 'upstream sample' shall be taken at a distance beyond significant influence of the discharge.
Upstream samples in an estuary must be taken far enough up stream beyond the station influence.
BYRON -UNITS I & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.a- 9 Revision 46 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued)
TRM Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 3.12.a Table T3.12.a-1 (Page 4 of 5)Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program EXPOSURE PATHWAY NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLES SAMPLING TYPE/FREQUENCY OF ANALYSIS AND/OR SAMPLE AND SAMPLE LOCATIONS(a)
AND COLLECTION FREQUENCY 4. Ingestion a. Milk N a Indicator Gamma isotopic (D and 1-131 Q) analysis on Sarrples from milking animals from a Bi-weekly (i) each sample.maximum of three locations within 10 when animals Im (6.2 mi) distance, are on pasture (May through October), monthly at other times (Novemier through April).b. Control One sample from milking animals at a control location within 15 to 30 <m (9.3 to 18.6 mi).a. Indicator Two times Ganma isotopic analysis (d) on edible Representative samples of annually.
portions.commercially and recreationally important species in discharge area.b. Fish b. Control Weekly grab Gross beta and gamma isotopic analyses (d)samples on monthly composite; tritium analysis on One surface samrple upstream of quarterly composite.
discharge.(continued)(a) Specific parameters of distance and direction from the centerline of the midpoint of the two units and additional description where pertinent, shall be provided for each and every sample location in ODCM Part II Table 6-1 and Table 6-2. Refer to NUREG-0133, "Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants," October 1978, and to Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979.Deviations are permitted from the required sampling schedule if specimens are unobtainable due to hazardous conditions, seasonal unavailability, malfunction of sampling equipment, if a person/business who participates in the program goes out of business or no longer can provide samples, or due to a contractor omission which is corrected as soon discovered.
If the equipment malfunctions, corrective actions shall be completed as soon as practical.
If a person/business supplying samples goes out of business, a replacement supplier should be found as soon as possible.
Refer to Technical Requirements Manual section 3.12.a Required Action A.1 for guidance as to required actions to be taken whenever a sample is not obtained.(d) Gamma isotopic analysis means the identification and quantification of gamma emitting radionuclides that may be attributable to the effluents from the station.(h) If milking animals are not found in the designated indicator locations, or if the owners decline to participate in the REMP, all milk sampling shall be discontinued.(i) Bi-weekly refers to every two weeks.(j) 1-131 analysis means the analytical separation and counting procedure are specific for this radionucl ide.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.a- 10 Revision 46 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued)
TRM Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 3.12.a Table T3.12.a-1 (Page 5 of 5)Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program EXPOSURE PATHWAY NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLES SAMPLING AND TYPE/FREQUENCY OF ANALYSIS AND SAMPLE LOCATIONS(a)
: c. Food Products a. Indicator Annually Gamna isotopic (d) analysis on each Two representative samples from the sample.principal food pathways grow in each of four major quadrants within 10 Ion (6.2 ml): At least one root vegetable sample.(k)At least one broad leaf vegetable (or vegetation). (W b. Control Two representative samples similar to indicator samples grown within 15 to 301m (9.3 to 18.6 mi).(a) Specific parameters of distance and direction from the centerline of the midpoint of the two units and additional description where pertinent, shall be provided for each and every sample location in ODCM Part II Table 6-1 and Table 6-2. Refer to NUREG-0133, "Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants," October 1978, and to Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979.Deviations are permitted from the required sampling schedule if specimens are unobtainable due to hazardous conditions, seasonal unavailability, malfunction of sampling equipment, if a person/business who participates in the program goes out of business or no longer can provide samples, or due to a contractor omission which is corrected as soon discovered.
If the equipment malfunctions, corrective actions shall be completed as soon as practical.
If a person/business supplying samples goes out of business, a replacement supplier should be found as soon as possible.
Refer to Technical Requirements Manual section 3.12.a Required Action A.1 for guidance as to required actions to be taken whenever a sample is not obtained.(d) Ganmma isotopic analysis means the identification and quantification of gamma emitting radionuclides that may be attributable to the effluents from the station.(k) One sample shall consist of a volume/weight of sample large enough to fill contractor specified container.
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.a- 11 Revision 46 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued)
TRM Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 3.12.a Table T3.12.a-2 (Page 1 of 1)Reporting Levels for Radioactivity Concentration in Environmental Samples Reporting Levels ANALYSIS WATER AIRBORNE Fish FOOD PRODUCTS (pci/i) PARTICULATE (pci/kg, MILK (pCi/l) (pCi/kg, wet)OR GASES wet)(pCi/0 3)H-3 20,000(a)W-54 1,000 30,000 Fe-59 400 10,000 Co-58 1,000 30,000 Co-60 300 10,000 Zn-65 300 20,000 Zr-95 400 Nb-95 400 1-131 2(b 0.9 3 100 Cs-134 30 10 1,000 60 1,000 CS-137 50 20 2,000 70 2,000 Ba-140 200 300 La-140 200 300 (a) For drinking water saniTles.
This is 40 CFR Part 141 value. If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 30,000 pCi/i my be used.(b) If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 20 pCi/i may be used.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.a- 12 Revision 24 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued)
TRM Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 3.12.a Table T3.12.a-3 (Page I of 2)Detection Capabilities for Environmental Sample Analysis c Lower Limit of Detection (LLD)"b) (Refer to Note 1, page 3.12.a-14)
AIRBORNE PARTICULAT SEDIMENT E OR GASES ANALYSIS WATER (pCi/nG ) Fish FOOD PRODUCTS (pCi/kg, dry)(pci/i ) (pCi/kg MILK (pCi/1) (pCi/kg, wet)Gross Beta 4 0.01 1000 H-3 2000 (c(d)Mn-54 15 130 Fe-59 30 260 Co-58, 60 15 130 Zn-65 30 260 Zr-95 30 Nb-95 15 1-131 1(e) 0.07 1 60 Cs-134 15 0.05 130 15 60 150 Cs-137 18 0.06 150 18 80 180 Ba-140 60 60 La-140 15 15 (a) This list does not rmean that only these nuclides are to be considered.
Other peaks at are identifiable, together with those of the above I (b)(c)(d)(e)nuclides, shall also be analyzed and reported in the mnual Radiological Envirorirental Operating Report'pursuant to Technical Specification 5.6.2.Required detection capabilities for thermoluminescent dosimeters used for environmental measurerents shall be in accordance with the recconrendations of Regulatory Guide 4.13 This LLD is the mininun allowable, however, vendors performing envirorrental sanple analysis offsite will be required to mreet an LLD of 200 pCi/L.If no drinking water pathway exists, a valve of 3000 pCi/L may be used.If no drinking water pathway exists, a valve of 15 pCi/L may be used.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.a- 13 Revision 46 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued)
TRM Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 3.12.a Table T3.12.a-3 (Page 2 of 2)Detection Ca pabilities for Environmental Sample Analysis (Lower Limit of Detection (LLD)(bN (Refer to Note 1, page 3.12.a-14)
Note 1: Lower Limit of Detection (LLD)The LLD is defined, for purposes of these Technical Requirements, as the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will yield a net count, above system background, that will be detected with 95%probability with only 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.For a particular measurement system, which may include radiochemical separation:
LLD = 4.66 E
* V* 2.22*Y* exp (-t)Where: LLD = the "a priori" lower limit of detection (picoCuries per unit mass or volume), Sb = the standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of a blank sample as appropriate (counts per minute), E = the counting efficiency (counts per disintegration), V = the sample size (units of mass or volume), 2.22 = the number of disintegrations per minute per picoCurie.
Y = the fractional radiochemical yield, when applicable, X= the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide (sec-1), and At = the elapsed time between the midpoint of sample collection and the time of counting (sec).Typical values of E,V, Y, and At should be used in the calculation.
It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as a before the fact limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as an after the fact limit for a particular measurement.
Analyses shall be performed in such a manner that the stated LLDs will be achieved under routine conditions.
Occasionally, ackground fluctuations, unavoidable small sample sizes, the presence of interfering nuclides, or other uncontrollable circumstances may render these LLDs unachievable.
In such cases, the contributing factors shall be identified and described in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reporting pursuant to Technical Specification 5.6.2.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 3.12.a- 14 Revision 1 Technical Requirements Manual TRM Land Use Census 3.12.b 3.12 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM 3.12.b Land Use Census TLCO 3.12.b The Land Use Census shall be conducted and shall identify within a distance of 10 km (6.2 miles) the location in each of the 16 meteorological sectors (Refer to Note 1, Page 3.12.b-3) of the nearest milk animal, the nearest residence (Refer to Note 2, Page 3.12.b-3), and a enumeration of livestock.
For dose calculation, a garden will be assumed at the nearest residence.
At all times.ACTIONS----------------------
NOTES-- ------------------1.2.TLCO 3.0.c is not applicable.
TLCO 3.0.d is not applicable.
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Calculated dose or A.1 Identify the new 12 months dose commitment location(s) in the greater than the value next Annual currently calculated Radiological in Technical Environmental Requirement 3.11.h.1.
Operating Report pursuant to Technical Specification 5.6.2 1 (continued)
BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.b- 1 Revision 1 TRM Land Use Census 3.12.b Actions (continued)
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME B. Identification of a B.1 Add the new location that yields location(s) to the 30 days a calculated dose or Radiological dose commitment (via Environmental the same exposure Monitoring Program pathway) 20% greater (REMP) given in the than at a location OFFSITE DOSE from which samples CALCULATION MANUAL are currently being (ODCM) (Refer to Note obtained, in 3.) Page 3.12.b-3)accordance with Technical Requirement 3.12.a. I I SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY TSR 3.12.b.1 The Land Use Census (Refer to Note 4, Page 12 months 3.12.b-3) shall be conducted during the growing season (01 JUN -01 OCT).BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.b- 2 Revision 1 Note 1: Note 2: Note 3: Note 4: TRM Land Use Census 3.12.b This requirement may be reduced according to geographical limitations:
e.g., at a lake site where some sectors will be over water.The nearest industrial facility shall also be documented if closer than the nearest residence.
The sampling location(s), excluding the control station location, having the lowest calculated dose or dose commitment(s), via the same exposure pathway, may be deleted from this monitoring program after October 31 of the year in which this Land Use Census was conducted.
Pursuant to Technical Specification 5.5.1.c, submit in the next Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report documentation for a change in the ODCM including a revised figure(s) and table(s) for the ODCM reflecting the new location(s) with information supporting the change in sampling locations.
The Land Use Census shall use information that will provide the best results, such as by a door-to-door survey, aerial survey, or by consulting local agriculture authorities.
The results of the Land Use Census shall be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.b- 3 Revision 1 TRM Interlaboratory Comparison Program 3.12.c 3.12 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM 3.12.c Interlaboratory Comparison Program TLCO 3.12.c APPLICABILITY:
Analyses shall be performed on radioactive materials, supplied as part of an Interlaboratory Comparison Program that corresponds to samples required by Table 3.12.a-1.At all times.ACTIONS-- ---------------------
NOTES-- ------------------1.2.TLCO 3.0.c is not applicable.
TLCO 3.0.d is not applicable.
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Analyses NOT being A.1 Report the corrective In accordance performed per Table actions to preclude with 3.12.a-1.
recurrence in the Technical Annual Radiological Specification Operating Report to 5.6.2.the Commission pursuant to Technical I___ Specification 5.6.2.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.c- 1 Revision 46 Interl aboratory Compari son TRM Program 3.12.c SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY TSR 3.12.c.1 Summarize the results obtained as pat of In accordance the Interlaboratory Comparison Program in with Technical the Annual Radiological Environmental Specification Operating Report to the Commission pursuant 5.6.2 to Technical Specifications 5.6.2.BYRON -UNITS 1 & 2 Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.c- 2 Revision 46}}

Latest revision as of 09:43, 13 April 2019