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#REDIRECT [[L-12-448, Mid-Cycle Revision to the Core Operating Limits Report]]
| number = ML12342A413
| issue date = 12/07/2012
| title = Perry - Mid-Cycle Revision to the Core Operating Limits Report
| author name = Hanson H D
| author affiliation = FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/NRR, NRC/Document Control Desk
| docket = 05000440
| license number = NPF-058
| contact person =
| case reference number = L-12-448
| document report number = PDB-F0001, Rev 20
| document type = Letter, Fuel Cycle Reload Report
| page count = 24
{{#Wiki_filter:FENOC RrstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company December 7,2012 L-12-448 ATTN: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001
Perry Nuclear Power Plant Docket No. 50-440, License No. NPF-58 Mid-Cycle Revision to the Core Operating Limits Report Perry Nuclear Power Plant 10 Center Road Po. Box 97 Perry, Ohio 4408 1 Enclosed is a mid-cycle revision to the Cycle 14 Core Operating Limits Report for the Perry Nuclear Power Plant (PNPP). A description of the change is provided on page 22 of the Enclosure.
This mid-cycle revision is submitted in accordance with Technical Specification 5.6.5, "Core Operating Limits Report (COLR)." There are no regulatory commitments contained in this submittal.
If there are any questions or if additional information is required, please contact Mr. Thomas A. Lentz, . Manager -Fleet Licensing, at (330) 315-6810.
Sincerely, Harlan D. Ha on, Jr. 0 U Director, Performance Improvement
Mid-Cycle Revision of the PNPP Core Operating Limits Report cc: NRC Region III Administrator NRC Resident Inspector NRC Project Manager Enclosure L-12-448 Mid-Cycle Revision of the PNPP Core Operating Limits Report PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Procedure Number: PDB-FOO01 Title: Use Category:
Core Operating Limits Report for the Perry Nuclear In-Field Reference Power Plant Unit 1 Cycle 14 (Reload 13) Revision:
I Page: 20 . 1 of 22 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT FOR THE PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNIT 1 CYCLE 14 (RELOAD 13) Functional Location (J11) Plant Data Book Effective Date: __
__ Preparer:
Pat Curran I 11-8-12 Date Approver:
Paul W. Bordley I 11-30-12 Date PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Procedure Number: PDB-FOO01 Title: Use Category:
Core Operating Limits Report for the Perry Nuclear In-Field Reference Power Plant Unit 1 Cycle 14 (Reload 13) Revision:
1 pa g e: 2 of 22 20 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page
* PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Procedure Number: PDB-FOO01 Title: Use Category:
Core Operating Limits Report for the Perry Nuclear In-Field Reference Power Plant Unit 1 Cycle 14 (Reload 13) Revision:
I Page: 3 of 22 20
This Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) for the Perry Nuclear Power Plant (PNPP) Unit 1 Cycle 14 is prepared in accordance with the requirements of PNPP Technical Specification Administrative Control 5.6.5. The core operating limits presented herein were determined using NRC-approved methods (Reference 1 and Reference 2). The core operating limits for the Global Nuclear Fuel (GNF) fuel in PNPP Unit 1 for Cycle 14 are documented in References 3,4,5,6,15, and 16 and summarized herein for the following PNPP Unit 1 Technical Specifications:
: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate (APLHGR) Limits for each fueillattice type, including the power and flow dependent MAPFAC curves with the single loop MAPLHGR reduction factor. (Technical Specification 3.2.1) Minimum Critical Power Ratio Operating Limit including the power and flow dependent MCPR curves for Two Loop Operation and Single Loop Operation. (Technical Specification 3.2.2) Additional power dependent MCPR curves for Two Loop Operation and Single Loop Operation are provided for operation with one pressure regulator out of service.*
Linear Heat Generation Rate (LHGR) Limits for each fuel/lattice type, including the power and flow dependent MAPFAC curves with the single loop MAPLHGR reduction factor. (Technical Specification 3.2.3) The simulated thermal power time constant. (Technical Specification, SR
Oscillation Power Range Monitor (OPRM) Instrumentation. (Technical Specification Calculation FM-075, Support for the Core Operating Limits Report details the development of the various graphs contained within this COLR.
PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Procedure Number: PDB-FOO01 Title: Use Category:
Core Operating Limits Report for the Perry Nuclear In-Field Reference Power Plant Unit 1 Cycle 14 (Reload 13) Revision:
I pa g e: 4 of 22 20
2.1 Discretionary None 2.2 Obligations
: 1. General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel-GESTAR II, NEDE-24011-P-A-17 and NEDE-24011-P-A-17 (US Supplement), September 2010 2. Reactor Stability Detect and Suppress Solutions Licensing Basis Methodology for Reload Applications, Licensing Topical Report, NEDO-32465-A, August 1996 3. Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Perry 1 Reload 13 Cycle 14, GNF Document 0000-0088-8470-SRLR, Rev 0, December 2010 4. Fuel Bundle Information Report for Perry 1 Reload 13 Cycle 14, GNF Document 0000'-0088'-8470'-FBIR
--Rev 0 December 2010 . .'. I 5. Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Perry Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 Reload 8 Cycle 9, GNF Document J11-03754SRLR, Rev 1, January 2003 6. Calculation FM-012, Revision 4, Addendum 1, OPRM Device Settings and Setpoints
: 7. License Amendment 155, Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1 -Issuance of Amendment RE: License Amendment to Modify Technical Specification 2.1.1, "Reactor Core SLS," To Incorporate Revised Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio Values (TAC No. MC ME4925), April 18, 2011 8. Technical Specification, Safety Limit MCPR, Amendment No. 155 PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Procedure Number: PDB-FOO01 Title: Use Category:
Core Operating Limits Report for the Perry Nuclear In-Field Reference Power Plant Unit 1 Cycle 14 (Reload 13) Revision:
20 9. Technical Specification 3.2.1, Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate, Amendment No. 112 10. Technical Specification 3.2.2, Minimum Critical Power Ratio, Amendment No. 112 11. Technical Specification 3.2.3, Linear Heat Generation Rate, Amendment No. 112 12. Technical Specification, Reactor Protection System Instrumentation (SR, Amendment No. 115 13. Technical Specification, OPRM Instrumentation (SR, Amendment 138 14. Technical Specification 5.6.5, Core Operating Limits Report, Amendment No. 136 15. Neutron Monitoring System Design Specification, 22A3739, Revision 6 1 Page: 5 of 22 ... _ ...... -*-1'6. Perry Cycle 14 -MCPR Improvement SRLR Supplement,-GNF Document 0000-0118-8789 R1, October 17, 2012 17. Calculation FM-075, Support For Core Operating Limits Report, Revision 0 Commitments addressed in this document:
None PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Procedure Number: PDB-FOO01 Title: Use Category:
Core Operating Limits Report for the Perry Nuclear In-Field Reference Power Plant Unit 1 Cycle 14 (Reload 13) Revision:
I pa g e: 6 of 22 20 3.0 AVERAGE PLANAR LINEAR HEAT GENERATION RATE (T.S. 3.2.1) All AVERAGE PLANAR LINEAR HEAT GENERATION RATES (APLHGRs) shall not exceed the result obtained from multiplying the applicable MAPLHGR limit. Figure 3.2.1-1. by the smaller of either the flow dependent MAPLHGR factor (MAPFACf).
Figure 3.2.1-2 or the power dependent MAPLHGR factor (MAPFAC p) Figure 3.2.1-3. MAPLHGR Limits and MAPFACf and MAPFAC p are defined in Reference
: 3. ForTwo Loop Operation.
MAPFAC, and MAPFAC p shall not exceed 1.0. For Single Loop Operation.
MAPFACf and MAPFAC p shall not exceed O.S. The Single Loop Operation limits take effect when reset for single loop operation per LCO 3.4.1."Recirculation Loops Operating".
This is consistent with note "(b)" to Table of the Technical Specifications.
Use FTI-B0012 Single Loop Operation to implement the revised MAPLHGR Limits.
PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Procedure Number: PDB-FOOO1 TiUe: Use Category:
Core Operating Limits Report for the Perry Nuclear In-Field Reference Power Plant Unit 1 Cycle 14 (Reload 13) Revision:
I pa g e: 7 of 22 20 14 12 10 f 8 -4 2 o --Figure 3.2.1-1 MAPLHGR Versus Average Planar Exposure Fuel Type GE14 I '"' " " !III... "" " " .. --\ I-GE14 ECCS MAPLHGR LimitJ MAPLHGR = 12.82 for Exposures
<1= 19.13 MAPLHGR = 12.82 + (-0.12526)
* (Exposure
-19.13) for 19.13 < Exposures
<1= 57.61 MAPLHGR = 8.00 + (-0.50934)
* (Exposure
-57.61) for 57.61 < Exposures
<1= 63.50 \ \ o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55* 60 65 70 Average Planar Exposure (GWD/ST) .
PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Procedure Number: PDB-FOO01 Title: Use Category:
Core Operating Limits Report for the Perry Nuclear In-Field Reference Power Plant Unit 1 Cycle 14 (Reload 13) Revision:
Figure 3.2.1-2 Flow Dependent MAPLHGR Factor (MAPFAC,)
Fuel Type GE14 20 I Page: 8 of 22 1.1 __ ---...... ---__ ---__ ----r----_
1.0 .--------------------' ... ---....... ---0.9 -----------GE14
* Clamped at 0.80 DuringSLO tr D. 0.8 .#--+-_ ............
-----i MAPFAC,=MIN( 0.1 -------o 20 40 80 80 100 120 CORE FLOW (% RATED)
PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Procedure Number: PDB-FOOO1 Title: Use Category:
Core Operating Limits Report for the Perry Nuclear In-Field Reference Power Plant Unit 1 Cycle 14 (Reload 13) Revision:
1 Page: 9 of 22 20 1.1 1.0 0.9 cJ" D. 0.8 ;j 0.7 0.6 0.5 o Figure 3.2.1-3 Power Dependent MAPLHGR Factor (MAPFAC p) Fuel Type GE14 -MAPFAC p=1.0+0.0052(P.100) 38%<P<=100%j Core Flow <=105% 23.8%<=P<=38%j Core Flow <=50% " MAPFAC p=0.6+0.0021 (P*38) GE14
* Clamped at 0.80 During SLO ./ 23.8%<=P<=38%;
Core Flow >50% 20 40 80 80 100 CORE THERMAL POWER (% RATED)
PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Procedure Number: PDB-FOO01 Title: Use Category:
Core Operating Limits Report for the Perry Nuclear In-Field Reference Power Plant Unit 1 Cycle 14 (Reload 13) Revision:
1 pa g e 1 0 of 22 20 4.0 MINIMUM CRITICAL POWER RATIO (T.S. 3.2.2) The MINIMUM CRITICAL POWER RATIO (MCPR) shall be equal to or greater than the higher of the flow dependent MCPR (MCPRf) and power dependent MCPR (MCPR p) limits at the indicated core flow and THERMAL POWER. The MCPR Safety Limit for Cycle 14 for Two Loop Operation is 1.10 and the MCPR Safety Limit for Single Loop Operation is 1.11 <TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS> (Reference 3 and 7). The change in Safety Limit from Two Loop Operations to Single Loop Operations is accomplished by increasing the Cycle 14 MCPR, and MCPR p limits by 0.01. 3DMONICORE PANACEA Version 11 uses this approach to calculate Single Loop Operation Limits. The Single Loop Operation limits take effect when reset for single loop operation per LCO 3.4.1,"Recirculation Loops Operating".
This is consistent with note "(b)" to Table of the Technical Specifications.
Use FTI-B0012 Single Loop Operation to implement the revised MCPR Limits. During Two Loop Operation, the resulting limit from MCPRf and MCPR p shall not be less than the OLMCPR of 1.34. During Single Loop Operation, the resulting.limit from MCPRf and MCPR p shall not be less than the OLMCPR of 1.35. For Cycle 14 no change to MCPR limits is required for planned reduction of feedwater temperature to as low as 325.5&deg;F. Final feedwater temperature may be reduced to 255.5&deg;F after all control rods are withdrawn at the end of cycle if the OPRMs are OPERABLE.
Planned reduction of rated feedwater temperature from nominal rated feedwater temperature is not permitted during plant operation with the reactor recirculation system in Single Loop Operation.
PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Procedure Number: .PDB-FOO01 Title: Use Category:
Core Operating Limits Report for the Perry Nuclear In-Field Reference Power Plant Unit 1 Cycle 14 (Reload 13) Revision:
I pa g e 11 of 22 20 The 3DMONICORE Computer software should automatically shift between 2 LOOP ON and ONE LOOP ON modes of operation on transfer to Single Loop Operations.
As such the Safety Limit change should occur automatically.
The guidance in FTI-B0012 can be used to verify proper functioning of the 3DMONICORE System. If the 3DMONICORE System is not functioning properly, FTI-B0012 will implement administrative limits until such time as 3DMONICORE is properly calculating MCPR values. The MCPR, and MCPR p Limits are based on whether the plant is operating in Two Loop or Single Loop Operations and whether Two Pressure Regulators or One Pressure Regulator is in service. Select MCPR, I MCPR p Limit Curves based on plant conditions:
MCPRf Figure 3.2.2-1, Figure 3.2.2-2, MCPR p Figure 3.2.2-3, Figure 3.2.2-4, Figure 3.2.2-5, Figure 3.2.2-6, Figure 3.2.2-7 MCPRf-Two Loop Operations MCPRf-Single Loop Operations MCPR p -Two Loop Operations MCPR p -Single Loop Operations MCPR p -Two Loop Operations I Pressure Regulator Out of Service-. MCPR p-Single Loop Operations I Pressure Regulator Out of Service Maximum Fraction Limiting Critical Power Ratio Limit (MFLCPR) With One Pressure Regulator Out Of Service The 3DMONICORE Software will not automatically shift to the Pressure Regulator Out of Service Thermal Limits. The 3DMONICORE databank will be manually changed using a software change request. Until such time as 3DMONICORE databank is updated for the Pressure Regulator Out of Service Thermal Limits, an MFLCPR Administrative Limit will be issued to Operations.
Figure 3.2.2-7 can be used as a guide in establishing the MFLCPR Administrative Limit. The graph is the ratio of MCPR p to MCPR p -Pressure Regulator Out Of Service.
PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Procedure Number: PDB-FOO01 Title: Use Category:
Core Operating Limits Report for the Perry Nuclear In-Field Reference Power Plant Unit 1 Cycle 14 (Reload 13) Revision:
I pa g e 12 of 22 20 1.8 1.7 -C o .-18 1a . .. g, o g, o .9 i 1.6 !=. rZ Q. o :i 1.4 1.3 1.2 o Figure 3.2.2-1 Flow Dependent MCPR (MCPR,) -Two Loop Operation Fuel Type GE14 \ PERMISSIBLE
\ REGION OF \ OPERATION X / \ / \ MCPR, = MAX [1.34, i\ (1.7978-O.00675F)*(1.10/1.07)] 1 OLMCPR = 1.34 1 20 40 80 80 100 CORE FLOW (% RATED) 120 PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Procedure Number: PDB-FOO01 Title: Use Category:
Core Operating Limits Report for the Perry Nuclear In-Field Reference Power Plant Unit 1 Cycle 14 (Reload 13) Revision:
20 -C o ., 1.8 1.7 I! 1.8 CD a. o a. CD '811.6 C u; -1.4 1.3 1.2 o Figure 3.2.2-2 Flow Dependent MCPR (MCPR f) -Single Loop Operation Fuel Type GE14 \ PERMISSIBLE REGION OF OPERATION , \ .. .... _ .. MCPRr. MAll [(1034+00( <<1.7978-\ 0.00675F)*(1.1 011.07)+0.01)]
\. ./ V I OLMCPR = 1.34 + 0.01 I 20 40 80 80 100 CORE FLOW (% RATED) J pa g e 13 of 22 120 PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Procedure Number: PDB-FOO01 Title: Use Category:
Core Operating Limits Report for the Perry Nuclear In-Field Reference Power Plant Unit 1 Cycle 14 (Reload 13) Revision:
I P8 g e 14 of 22 20 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 c-O 2.0 .. & o Q. 1.9 i 1.8 t:-tl" Q. 1.7 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 o Figure 3.2.2-3 Power Dependent MCPR Limit (MCPR p) -Two Loop Operation Fuel Type GE14 \ , .. \ J MCPRp = 2.02 + 0.0246(38
-P) r-i""""*1 For 23.8% <= P <= 38%; Core Flow > 50% ...J MCPRp = 1.99 + 0.0162(38
-P) I I For 23.8%<= P <=38%; Core Flow<=50%
I I * '" PERMISSIBLE 1 MCPRp = 1.34* [1;448 + 0.007(50.0
-P)] 1-REGION OF For 38% < P <=50.0%; Core Flow <=105% I OPERATION
--. I""' 'T I MCPRp = 1.34* [1.223 + 0.004{66.7
-P)] I I For 50.0% < P <=66.7%; Core Flow <=105% I , '" I MCPRp = 1.34* [1 +0.005(100
-P)] .1 For 66.7% < P<= 100%; Core Flow <=105% '"' 20 40 80 80 100 CORE THERMAL POWER (% RATED)
PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Procedure Number: PDB-FOO01 Title: Use Category:
Core Operating Limits Report for the Perry Nuclear In-Field Reference Power Plant Unit 1 Cycle 14 (Reload 13) Revision:
20 -C o +I 2. & 2. 4 2. 3 2. 2 2. 1 l! 2. 0 & o go 1. .9 CI) c;, 1: C en -fl!a. 1. 0. o :E 1. 1. 9 a .. 7 8 & .4 t . 3 t
* 2 Figure 3.2.2-4 Power Dependent MCPR Limit (MCPR p) -Single Loop Operation Fuel Type GE14 \ " \ ... ...-MCPRp = (2.02 + 0.0246(38
* P))+0.01 ,I For 23.8% <= P <= 38%; Core Flow> 60% I ,,\-MCPRp = (1.99 + 0.0162(38*
P>>+O.01 I
* For 23.8% <= P<= 38%; Core Flow<= 60%. "-/1 PERMISSIBLE REGION OF MCPRp = (1.34+0.01)
* [1.448 + 0.007(50.0*
P)] OPERATION For 38% < P<=50.0%;
Core Flow <=105% * ._ o-r '-/ " I MCPRp = (1.34+0.01)
* [1.223 + 0.004(66.7*
P)] I For 60.0% < P<=66.70k; Core Flow <=105% ./" I MCPRp 1:1 (1.34+0.01)*[1
+ 0.005(100.
P)] I I For 66.7% < P <=100%; Core Flow <=105% I o 20 40 80 80 CORE THERMAL POWER (% RATED) I pa g e 15 of 22 100 PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Procedure Number: PDB-FOO01 Title: Use Category:
Core Operating Limits Report for the Perry Nuclear In-Field Reference Power Plant Unit 1 Cycle 14 (Reload 13) Revision:
20 Figure 3.2.2-6 Power Dependent MCPR Limit (MCPR p) -Two Loop Operation Pressure Regulator Out Of Service I Fuel Type GE14 I pa g e 16 of 22 2.5 _----...,......----_-----r-----_----
....... 2.4 ...... ----+-----+_----_+_----_1_------1
\ 2.3 ......
...... _II MCPRp = 2.02 + 0.0246(38*
;;; 12 '\ \ _ ...-I For 23.8% .,. P <= 38%; Core Flow > 50%1 *. t c 2*0 / * " i H MCPRp = 1.99 + 0.0162(38*
P) ,,, CI>> 1.9 8' For 23.8%<= P <=38%; Core Flow<=50%
I " a.. _ __ __ _ _____ "__ _ ____________ " __ -_ \,;_ g 1.8 ......
..... _I_-----__I
i // "'-
For 38% < P <=80%; Core Flow <=105% I PERMISSIBLE REGION OF H------I OPERATION 1.4
./ , 1.3
__ --IJ MCPRp = 1.M*[1 +0.005(100*
P)l 11-__ --1 For 80% < P<= 100%; Core Flow <=105% I 1.2 '--__ .......... .a-.................... ____ ...................
.._.._ .....................
__ ..... o 20 40 80 80 100 CORE THERMAL POWER (% RATED)
PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Procedure Number: PDB-FOOO1 Title: Use Category:
Core Operating Limits Report for the Perry Nuclear In-Field Reference Power Plant Unit 1 Cycle 14 (Reload 13) Revision:
20 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 en 8 2.1 D: a. C 2.0 o a-a. 1.9 o a. o .9 1.8 a-m .5 1.7 U) -rl" a. 1.6 o ::i 1.5 1.4 1.2 o Figure 3.2.2-6 Power Dependent MCPR Limit (MCPR p) -Single Loop Operation Pressure Regulator Out Of Service' Fuel Type GE14 \
MCPRp =(2.02 + 0.0246 * (38 -P>>+0.01 .1 For 23.8% <= P <= 38%; Core Flow> 50% I \.\A PERMISSIBLE REGION OF " OPERATION
/ , MCPRp = (1.99+ 0.0162 * (38 -P>> + 0.01 " For 23.8% <= P<= 38%; Core Flow<= 50% .. --,,', --4 .-, -,,' / , I MCPRp = (1.34 + 0.01) * [1.19 + 0.00881(80.00
-P)] For 38% < P<=80%; Core Flow <=105% '\ I MCPRp = (1.34+ 0.01) * [1 + 0.005(100
-P)] I For 80% < P <=100%; Core Flow <=105% 20 40 60 60 CORE THERMAL POWER (% RATED) I pa g e 17 of 22 (' '" 100 PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Procedure Number: PDB-FOOO1 Title: Use Category:
Core Operating Limits Report for the Perry Nuclear In-Field Reference Power Plant Unit 1 Cycle 14 (Reload 13) Revision:
.1 pa g e 18 of 22 20 1.000 0.97& UJ o o 0.950 D!: IL D!: t-i 00925 ..J D!: IL g IL :IE 0.900 0.875 0.850 Figure 3.2.2-7 Maximum Fraction Limiting Critical Power Ratio Limit (MFLCPR) With One Pressure Regulator Out Of Service I Fuel Type GE14 I I I I I I (23.B, 1.000) I (3B, 1.000) I I (50, O.99B) I I (BO, 1.000) I (100, 1.000) I V) V (3B, 0.982) I (BB.7, 0.93B) I J V I I (80, 0.924) Y I V I :; -; (BB.7, 0.892) l (50, 0.887) J PREMISSIBLE REGION OF OPERATION
-20 25 30 3& 40 4S 60 55 60 85 70 75 80 8& 90 95 100 CORE THERMAL POWER (% RATED)
PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Procedure Number: PDB-FOO01 Title: Use Category:
Core Operating Limits Report for the Perry Nuclear In-Field Reference Power Plant Unit 1 Cycle 14 (Reload 13) Revision:
I pa g e 19 of 22 20 5.0 LINEAR HEAT GENERATION RATE (T.S. 3.2.3) All LINEAR HEAT GENERATION RATES (LHGRs) shall not exceed the result obtained from multiplying the applicable LHGR limit, Figure 3.2.3-1, by the smaller of either the flow dependent MAPLHGR factor (MAPFACf), Figure 3.2.1-2 or the power dependent MAPLHGR factor (MAPFAC p) Figure 3.2.1-3. LHGR Limits and MAPFACf and MAPFAC p are defined in References 3 and 4. For Two Loop Operation, MAPFACf and MAPFAC p shall not exceed 1.0. For Single Loop Operation, MAPFACf and MAPFAC p shall not exceed 0.8. The Single Loop Operation limits take effect when reset for single loop operation per LCO 3.4.1,IIRecirculation Loops Operating".
is consistent with note "(b)" to Table of the Technical Specifications.
Use FTI-B0012 Single Loop Operation to implement the revised MAPLHGR Limits.
PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Procedure Number: PDB-FOOO1 Title: Use Category:
Core Operating Limits Report for the Perry Nuclear In-Field Reference Power Plant Unit 1 Cycle 14 (Reload 13) ReviSion:
20 16 14 12 10 6 4 2 o o ..... Figure 3.2.3-1 LHGR Versus Peak Pellet Exposure Fuel Type GE14 " "-'" "" iIIIo.. '" ""'" \' ..... U02lGd LHGR LIMIT I -U02 LHGR LIMIT \ U02 LHGR LIMIT LHGR =13.40 for Exposures
<Ie 14.51 LHGR =13.40 + (-0.12529)
* (Exposure
.14.51) for 14.51 < Exposures
<1= 57.81 LHGR = 8.00 + (-0.50934)
* (Exposure*
57.81) for 57.81 < Exposures
<1= 83.50 U02lGd LHGR LIMIT LHGR =12.00 for Exposures
<1= 12.17 LHGR =12.00 + (-0.11410)' (Exposure
.12.17) for 12.17 < Exposures
<1= 64.59 LHGR = 7.18 + (-0.48207)
* (Exposure*
64.59) for 64.95 < Exposures
<1= 80.39 1 1 1 1 --\ \ 10 20 30 40 50 60 Peak Pellet Exposure (GWD/ST) I pa g e 20 of 22 70 PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Procedure Number: PDB-FOO01 Title: Use Category:
Core Operating Limits Report for the Perry Nuclear In-Field Reference Power Plant Unit 1 Cycle 14 (Reload 13) Revision:
I pa g e 21 of 22 20 6.0 REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTRUMENTATION (T.S. The simulated thermal power time constant shall be 6 +/-0.6 seconds (Reference 15). 7.0 OSCILLATION POWER RANGE MONITOR (OPRM) INSTRUMENTATION (T.S. These are the Cycle 14 OPRM setpoints for operable OPRMs. Current Settings:
: 1. Confirmation Count Setpoint (Np = N2): 12 2. Amplitude Setpoint (Sp): 1.10 (Reference
: 6)
PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Procedure Number: PDB-FOO01 Title: Use Category:
Core Operating Limits Report for the Perry Nuclear I n-Field Reference Power Plant Unit 1 Cycle 14 (Reload 13) Revision:
I pa g e 22 of 22 20 8.0 SCOPE OF REVISION Rev. 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Updated the Two Loop MCPR Operating Limit from 1.35 to 1.34 and Single Loop MCPR Operating Limit from 1.36 to 1.35 Updated the MCPR Curves 3.2.2-1 through 3.2.2-7 with the new MCPR Operating Limit. Changed the Y scale on Figure 3.2.2-7 from 2 significant digits to three significant digits. Updated References per Notification 600746467.
Added to the Introduction and Reference Sections Calculation FM-075, Support for the Core Operating Limits Report. gei-0045 This calculation develops the graphs depicted in this COLR. FM-075 came about as a result of a core design self assessment improvement item to draw all the information necessary for the COLR into one document as opposed to having to search through many past and the present SRLR's to determine the basis for the COLR graphs. The indicated slope on the MAPFACf curve was updated to match the FM-075. FM-075 used slightly different Significant dig'its and rounding than the original Cycle 9 SRLR. The MCPR, Curves (both Two Loop and Single Loop) were updated to be consistent with FM-075 and the Cycle 14 SRLR.
this curve was depicted using the more conservative Cycle 9 SRLR curve. As a result the round down discussion in Section 4.0 was deleted as now there are no differences between the Cycle 14 SRLR and COLR (Notification 600746467).
The MCPR p PROOS Curves were updated to bring consistency between the FM-075 and Cycle 14 SRLR. FM-075 and the Cycle 14 SRLR used different significant digits and rounding than what was used in the original Cycle 11 MCPR p PROOS Curves. None of the changes made for consistency between FM-075 and COLR resulted in any real changes to the graphs depicted in the COLR. The only change to the 3DMONICORE Databank' is the change in the OLMCPR from 1.35 to 1.34. None of the changes to the COLR as result of bringing consistency between FM-075 and COLR resulted in a need to change to the 3DM databank.}}

Latest revision as of 01:27, 12 April 2019