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#REDIRECT [[1CAN041404, Responses to RAIs 1R24 Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report]]
| number = ML14120A496
| issue date = 04/30/2014
| title = Responses to RAIs 1R24 Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report
| author name = Pyle S L
| author affiliation = Entergy Operations, Inc
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/Document Control Desk, NRC/NRR
| docket = 05000313
| license number = DPR-051
| contact person =
| case reference number = 1CAN041404
| document type = Letter
| page count = 22
{{#Wiki_filter:1CAN041404April 30, 2014U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionAttn: Document Control DeskWashington, DC  20555
Responses to RAIs Regarding 1R24 Steam GeneratorTube Inspection ReportArkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1Docket No. 50-313 License No. DPR-51
: 1. Entergy letter dated October 23, 2013, "Steam Generator TubeInspection Report - 1R24", (1CAN101306)(ML13296A746)2. NRC letter dated April 1, 2014, "Request for Additional InformationRegarding the Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report for Refueling Outage 1R24 (TAC NO. MF3251)(1CNA041401)(ML14078A112)
==Dear Sir or Madam:==
Entergy Operations, Inc. submitted the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Steam Generator TubeInspection Report for refueling outage 1R24 in accordance with Technical Specifications 5.5.9"Steam Generator (SG) Program" via Reference 1. The NRC is currently reviewing thissubmittal and has determined that additional information is needed to complete its review.Reference 2 provides the request for the needed additional information. Attached are theresponses to the requests.There are no new commitments contained in this submittal.Should you have any questions regarding this report, please contact me.
Sincerely,Original signed by David B. Bice for Stephenie L. PyleSLP/rwcAttachment Responses to RAIs Regarding 1R24 Steam Generator Tube Inspection ReportEntergy Operations, Inc.1448 S.R. 333Russellville, AR  72802Tel  479-858-4710 Stephenie PyleManager, Regulatory AssuranceArkansas Nuclear One 1CAN041404Page 2 of 2cc: Mr. Marc L. DapasRegional AdministratorU. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region IV1600 East Lamar BoulevardArlington, TX 76011-4511NRC Senior Resident InspectorArkansas Nuclear OneP.O. Box 310London, AR 72847U. S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionAttn: Mr. Peter Bamford MS O-8B3One White Flint North 11555 Rockville PikeRockville, MD 20852 ATTACHMENT TO1CAN041404Responses to RAIs Regarding 1R24 Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report Attachment to 1CAN041404Page 1 of 19Responses to RAIs Regarding 1R24 Steam Generator Tube Inspection ReportBy letter dated October 23, 2013 (ML 13296A746), Entergy Operations, Inc. (Entergy),submitted the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 (ANO-1) Steam Generator Tube Inspection Reportfor refueling outage 1R24 to ensure compliance with ANO-1 Technical Specification (TS) 5.5.9,"Steam Generator (SG) Program." The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff iscurrently reviewing the submittal and has determined that the additional information listed belowis needed to complete its review:
1.Section 3.7 indicates that there is tie rod bowing in the plastic range in the first-spantie rod region of both steam generators (SGs) and that as a result there will be someresidual bowing during normal power operation. Please discuss what effects thisresidual bowing may have on normal operation of the SGs.Based on the amount of plastic deformation that currently exist and projected to exist, tubeswere plugged and stabilized to surround the affected tie rods. The gap between the tie rodsand the adjacent tubes is ~ 0.25 inches. Therefore once the amount of plastic deformationexceeds that distance, there is a potential for the tie rod to come in contact with a tube andcould potential result in mechanical wear. Therefore the affected tubes were removed fromservice by plugging and stabilizing.
2.Section 3.7 indicates that the direction of tie rod bowing in the first span for SGs Aand B are not consistent. For SG B, some of the bowing is circumferential as opposedto being all radially inward, as with SG A. Please discuss any insights on why there isa difference in the direction of bowing.The direction of the bowing is a direct result of where the tube support plates (TSPs) comein contact with the inner shroud as well as which plates and how many are affected by theinner shroud. As the component cools off, the frictional forces of the TSPs that come incontact with the inner shroud increase and cause a downward force on the tie rods. Basedon where those contacts are cause the rods to bow in different directions. This hasgenerally been consistent but can change slightly from outage to outage.3. As discussed in the telephone call on July 9, 2013 (ADAMS Accession No. ML13172A029), peripheral tubes were inspected for signs of denting to assist inidentifying locations where the tube support plates are suspected not to befreefloating. Please discuss the results of these inspections and your assessment ofthese results.The top tube support plate (15S) showed a slight circumferential progression in theperiphery along the W and or X axis as shown in the plot (red indications are the new dents(DNTs) in 1R24). The progression was not as significant as seen in prior outages.All voltages were below or near 1.0 Volts, and there was no noticeable difference in anyrepeat DNT voltage.
Attachment to 1CAN041404Page 2 of 19The circumferential extent of locking at the top TSP appears to be increasing with eachoperating cycle. The small dent analysis of the tubes in the 'drilled-only' holes of the topTSP are used to monitor this general progression of the overall mechanism associated withtie rod bowing. An increase in circumferential extent of locking may indicate thatincremental load is being applied to the tie rods (with potential consequent increase innumber of rods with bowing and/or increased magnitude of bowing). Of course, the as-inspected changes in tie rod bowing are the final measure of the progression of thepostulated mechanism.4. Figure 3.7.1 indicates that one tie rod in the first span may have been in contact witha tube during normal (hot) operating conditions. Please confirm that no tube wearwas identified in the first span region of the tube that was in contact with the tie rod.The NRC staff notes that in 1 R24 (2013 outage), tube stabilization and plugging wasperformed in tubes that were predicted to be in contact with the tie rods duringoperation (hot conditions). Please explain if this is a change in practice since the prior inspection.In the 180 day report on Figures 3.7.1 and 3.7.2, the red dots on the graphs indicate whenthat location was plugged and stabilized. Preventative plugging was started in the first in-service inspection in 1R20 for SGA and 1R23 for SGB. This practice has been performed Attachment to 1CAN041404Page 3 of 19and was continued in the last outage (1R24) to plug out to the point that would allow for fouradditional thermal cycles to prevent contact. To date there has been no tube wearassociated with tie rod bowing in either generator.5. Figure 3.7.1 indicates that the bow in 1 R23 had slightly less bow than was observedin 1R22. Please discuss any insights on condition.When the component is returned to service (normal operating temperature and pressure),the TSPs are released from the inner shroud as it expands due to thermal expansion.During the next cool down, the TSPs may adhere to the shroud at different locations andtimes which results in more or less bowing.6. Please provide a listing of the location, orientation, and measured size of all service-induced wear indications detected during the 1 R24 (2013) outage and discuss anywear indications attributed to interaction between the tube and tube support plates.This was not a code inspection so the list of TSP wear was only on those tubes near the tierods that were part of the planned scope or that were contained in the previous tube to tubewear tubes. Therefore it was not included. Tables 1 and 2 lists the tubes for SGA and SGB,respectively, that were identified based on the limited scope inspection.7. The 95th percentile growth rate in SG A appears higher in 2013 (1 R24) than it was in2011 (1 R23). In addition, the maximum growth rate observed was higher in SG B in2013 than it was in 2011. Please discuss any insights on this condition since thegrowth rate for wear tends to decrease with time. In addition, please discuss how thiscondition was factored into your operational assessment (an increasing growth ratewith time).The 1R23 operational assessment was performed using a fully probabilistic model. Sincethis was a limited scope inspection, not all tubes were equally represented across thebundle. Once through designs, tend to have higher wear in the periphery than in the innerbundle. The maximum value (12.88%) was a periphery tube which was removedconservatively due to the higher growth rate. The value still fell within the distribution of thevalues used in the probabilistic model. Since the 1R23 data was based on a 100%inspection, one would expect it to be lower since it has all of the inner tubes in thepopulation while this inspection focused on those around the tie rods and the periphery from the 9 th TSP to the upper tube end.8. In Tables 3.7.5 and 3.7.6, depths are not provided in the X-probe column when twowear scars were detected by an array coil. Please clarify why the depth for each of thewear scars was not provided and discuss how the indications could have been sizedwith the array (X-) probe).The reported depth was the total depth for the multiple wear scars based on the bobbincorrelation. The indications do not reflect the locations with multiple wear scars at the sameelevation since the depth sizing was based on the bobbin correlation. For the evaluations Attachment to 1CAN041404Page 4 of 19for depth and growth, the multiple indications are conservatively treated as one indicationwith the total depth for both wear scars. X-probe data was taken on all tube-to-tube wear.This was not included in the original submittal. The following tables list those tubes withmultiple indications and the depths by X-probe:From Table 3.7.5 (SGA)
Row Column Location Inch Depth 43 22 8 18.94 7 43 22 8 18.49 6 50 23 8 17.18 5 50 23 8 17.75 4 75 109 8 17.89 8 75 109 8 18.14 5 77 25 8 18.81 6 77 25 8 19.20 6 77 109 8 17.12 9 77 109 8 18.97 6 81 111 8 18.33 9 81 110 8 18.52 9From Table 3.7.6 (SGB)
Row Column Location Inch Depth 22 63 8 18.77 8 22 63 8 18.38 6 25 71 8 17.90 9 25 71 8 17.72 5 25 72 8 17.68 8 25 72 8 17.86 7 25 72 8 17.77 8 28 77 8 18.01 10 28 77 8 18.20 7 34 90 8 17.48 5 34 90 8 18.51 5 66 21 8 18.19 6 66 21 8 18.01 5 78 20 8 18.19 5 78 20 8 18.01 6 119 29 7 19.91 6 119 29 7 19.73 7 Attachment to 1CAN041404Page 5 of 19Table 1SGA TSP Wear
#Row ColVolts % ThroughwallSupport Location Location 1 1 6 0.12 6 13S 0.51 2 1 16 0.13 7 10S 0.52 3 1 17 0.12 6 10S 0.55 4 1 19 0.16 8 10S 0.54 5 1 19 0.11 6 13S-0.71 6 1 23 0.14 7 10S 0.52 7 2 4 0.18 9 13S-0.64 8 9 31 0.27 11 12S-0.74 9 10 1 0.25 12 13S 0.56 10 10 3 0.38 17 13S 0.53 11 11 1 0.43 19 13S 0.56 12 11 2 0.12 6 14S-0.65 13 11 14 0.28 12 10S-0.58 14 11 14 0.12 6 12S-0.57 15 11 15 0.16 8 10S-0.67 16 11 55 0.16 7 09S 0.42 17 12 1 0.16 8 13S 0.6 18 12 2 0.16 8 13S 0.58 19 12 15 0.2 9 10S-0.62 20 12 15 0.11 5 10S 0.48 21 13 1 0.18 9 13S 0.53 22 13 17 0.21 10 09S-0.59 23 13 17 0.28 13 10S-0.67 24 13 57 0.17 7 09S-0.65 25 14 19 0.26 12 10S-0.67 26 14 77 0.21 11 13S-0.81 27 15 80 0.38 17 13S-0.79 28 19 87 0.24 12 13S-0.76 29 20 89 0.25 13 12S-0.79 30 21 90 0.52 23 12S-0.83 31 22 92 0.23 12 12S-0.79 32 22 92 0.32 16 13S-0.81 33 23 85 0.43 17 10S-0.76 34 23 86 0.73 26 10S-0.83 35 23 94 0.32 16 12S-0.83 36 24 38 0.15 7 08S 0.5 Attachment to 1CAN041404Page 6 of 19
#Row ColVolts % ThroughwallSupport Location Location 37 24 83 0.46 18 10S-0.8 38 24 83 0.25 11 12S 0.32 39 24 91 0.25 12 12S-0.85 40 25 40 0.11 5 08S 0.45 41 25 59 0.25 10 08S-0.67 42 26 99 0.13 7 12S-0.76 43 27 102 0.14 7 10S-0.79 44 31 79 0.1 4 08S 0.41 45 32 29 0.18 8 08S-0.5 46 32 29 0.13 6 08S 0.52 47 33 29 0.18 8 08S-0.62 48 33 30 0.13 6 08S 0.5 49 33 31 0.18 8 08S-0.68 50 33 80 0.16 6 08S-0.71 51 42 22 0.15 7 08S-0.62 52 46 22 0.16 8 08S 0.5 53 46 23 0.31 13 08S-0.62 54 46 23 0.12 6 08S 0.5 55 46 24 0.2 9 08S-0.66 56 47 21 0.19 9 08S-0.62 57 47 23 0.2 9 08S-0.66 58 47 118 0.15 8 14S 0.28 59 48 22 0.17 8 08S-0.64 60 51 1 0.16 8 13S-0.55 61 64 22 0.2 9 08S-0.62 62 65 21 0.36 15 08S-0.62 63 65 23 0.2 9 08S-0.59 64 65 110 0.2 8 07S 0.46 65 65 110 0.19 8 09S-0.66 66 65 110 0.22 9 10S 0.3 67 66 21 0.14 7 08S-0.53 68 66 22 0.28 12 08S-0.64 69 66 23 0.18 8 08S-0.62 70 66 24 0.2 9 08S-0.62 71 67 22 0.24 11 08S-0.62 72 67 23 0.29 13 08S-0.57 73 67 24 0.29 13 08S-0.57 74 67 25 0.19 9 08S-0.62 75 70 1 0.14 7 11S 0.62 Attachment to 1CAN041404Page 7 of 19
#Row ColVolts % ThroughwallSupport Location Location 76 71 1 0.16 8 11S-0.46 77 71 110 0.22 10 08S 0.44 78 72 1 0.23 11 13S-0.53 79 72 107 0.21 10 08S-0.81 80 74 109 0.22 10 07S 0.48 81 74 109 0.24 11 08S-0.72 82 74 109 0.16 7 08S 0.46 83 74 110 0.18 9 05S-0.65 84 74 110 0.3 13 06S-0.67 85 74 110 0.14 7 07S 0.46 86 74 110 0.19 9 08S 0.46 87 74 110 0.36 16 10S-0.81 88 74 110 0.22 10 10S 0.28 89 75 108 0.4 17 06S-0.67 90 75 108 0.2 9 08S-0.65 91 75 108 0.29 13 09S-0.76 92 75 109 0.45 19 06S 0.46 93 75 109 0.14 7 07S 0.44 94 75 109 0.17 8 08S 0.46 95 77 22 0.19 9 08S 0.5 96 77 109 0.35 15 08S-0.69 97 77 109 0.28 12 08S 0.42 98 77 109 0.22 10 09S-0.74 99 77 132 0.26 13 10S-0.77 100 77 132 0.44 20 10S 0.34 101 78 131 0.14 7 10S-0.75 102 81 1 0.1 5 13S 0.56 103 81 111 0.17 8 05S-0.6 104 81 111 0.45 19 06S-0.65 105 82 111 0.15 7 08S 0.49 106 84 22 0.4 17 08S-0.57 107 84 22 0.16 8 08S 0.53 108 84 23 0.32 14 08S-0.57 109 85 21 0.25 11 08S-0.59 110 85 23 0.14 6 08S 0.53 111 86 22 0.17 8 08S 0.5 112 86 24 0.21 10 08S-0.59 113 87 20 0.23 11 08S-0.57 114 87 21 0.25 11 08S-0.62 Attachment to 1CAN041404Page 8 of 19
#Row ColVolts % ThroughwallSupport Location Location 115 93 1 0.13 7 13S 0.55 116 94 1 0.12 6 13S 0.55 117 100 1 0.12 6 13S-0.51 118 101 1 0.17 9 13S-0.55 119 104 23 0.2 9 08S-0.59 120 104 25 0.19 9 08S-0.66 121 106 23 0.24 11 08S-0.64 122 106 23 0.17 8 08S 0.53 123 106 98 0.21 9 08S-0.76 124 106 119 0.55 24 10S-0.78 125 107 88 0.24 11 08S 0.48 126 119 30 0.28 12 08S-0.66 127 119 30 0.12 4 09S-0.61 128 119 44 0.28 13 07S 0.46 129 119 44 0.12 6 08S-0.6 130 119 70 0.15 7 08S 0.48 131 120 78 0.13 5 08S-0.68 132 120 78 0.25 11 08S 0.48 133 122 1 0.21 11 10S 0.53 134 125 1 0.14 8 13S 0.55 135 127 41 0.25 11 08S 0.46 136 127 88 0.15 6 09S 0.39 137 127 98 0.35 17 13S-0.85 138 128 1 0.3 15 13S 0.48 139 128 83 0.29 12 09S 0.41 140 129 9 0.46 19 09S 0.48 141 129 10 0.12 4 14S 0.51 142 130 2 0.17 9 13S 0.53 143 131 1 0.12 7 14S-0.48 144 133 1 0.11 6 13S 0.5 145 133 2 0.13 7 13S 0.53 146 133 2 0.15 8 14S-0.55 147 134 1 0.31 15 14S-0.62 148 135 1 0.18 9 13S 0.53 149 135 1 0.16 9 14S-0.59 150 139 57 0.17 7 09S-0.62 151 140 1 0.18 10 13S-0.69 152 140 15 0.47 19 10S-0.69 153 140 16 0.11 4 09S-0.64 Attachment to 1CAN041404Page 9 of 19
#Row ColVolts % ThroughwallSupport Location Location 154 140 16 0.38 16 09S 0.43 155 141 14 0.24 10 09S 0.46 156 141 15 0.26 11 09S 0.43 157 143 1 0.28 14 14S-0.64 158 146 47 0.12 7 10S-0.75 159 150 4 0.24 12 11S-0.67 160 151 19 0.17 9 10S-0.68 161 151 23 0.12 7 13S 0.28 Attachment to 1CAN041404Page 10 of 19Table 2 SGB TSP Wear
#Row ColVolts % ThroughwallSupport Location Location 1 1 1 0.27 12 11S-0.71 2 1 4 0.81 28 11S-0.69 3 1 8 0.63 23 11S-0.82 4 1 10 0.32 14 11S-0.85 5 1 14 0.54 21 11S-0.78 6 1 15 0.29 13 11S-0.73 7 1 16 0.93 30 11S-0.78 8 1 17 0.43 17 11S-0.75 9 1 18 0.51 20 11S-0.73 10 1 19 0.28 12 11S-0.71 11 1 20 0.58 22 11S-0.78 12 1 24 0.32 14 11S-0.75 13 2 1 0.26 11 11S-0.69 14 2 2 0.24 11 10S 0.55 15 2 2 0.27 12 11S 0.53 16 2 2 0.09 5 14S-0.81 17 2 3 0.09 4 10S 0.53 18 2 4 0.68 25 11S-0.8 19 2 28 0.39 16 11S-0.73 20 2 31 0.11 5 12S-0.78 21 3 1 0.34 15 11S-0.74 22 3 1 0.14 7 11S 0.46 23 3 2 0.14 7 10S 0.51 24 3 2 0.87 29 11S-0.74 25 3 3 0.16 8 10S 0.55 26 3 3 0.36 15 11S-0.74 27 3 34 0.17 8 10S 0.48 28 3 35 0.14 7 10S 0.57 29 4 1 0.11 5 10S 0.58 30 4 2 0.11 5 10S 0.53 31 5 41 0.39 16 11S-0.69 32 5 41 0.25 11 11S 0.41 33 5 42 0.16 7 10S 0.6 34 6 3 0.1 5 10S 0.53 35 6 45 0.22 10 12S 0.39 36 6 46 0.29 13 11S-0.69 Attachment to 1CAN041404Page 11 of 19
#Row ColVolts % ThroughwallSupport Location Location 37 6 46 0.32 14 11S 0.5 38 6 47 0.29 12 10S 0.52 39 7 49 0.18 8 10S 0.53 40 7 49 0.31 13 11S 0.5 41 7 49 0.12 6 12S 0.41 42 7 50 0.19 9 10S 0.57 43 8 1 0.2 9 10S 0.55 44 8 1 0.29 13 11S-0.67 45 8 52 0.31 13 11S-0.66 46 8 53 0.16 7 10S 0.57 47 8 53 0.26 11 11S-0.71 48 8 54 0.14 7 10S 0.62 49 8 54 0.27 12 12S-0.78 50 9 1 0.17 8 10S 0.53 51 9 58 0.73 26 10S 0.66 52 9 59 0.17 8 10S 0.55 53 9 59 0.44 18 11S-0.75 54 9 59 0.14 7 11S 0.46 55 9 60 0.35 15 10S 0.57 56 9 60 0.33 14 12S-0.84 57 10 2 0.19 9 10S 0.53 58 10 64 0.27 12 11S-0.66 59 10 65 0.22 10 10S 0.59 60 11 2 0.21 10 11S-0.69 61 11 2 0.16 7 11S 0.51 62 11 14 1 32 10S-0.57 63 12 1 0.16 7 10S 0.48 64 12 1 0.14 7 11S-0.71 65 12 2 0.1 5 10S 0.41 66 12 2 0.23 10 11S-0.71 67 12 69 0.18 8 10S 0.55 68 13 17 0.14 6 11S-0.79 69 13 18 0.19 8 10S-0.69 70 13 74 0.69 25 10S-0.66 71 13 74 0.2 9 10S 0.46 72 14 76 0.39 16 11S-0.71 73 14 77 0.15 7 10S 0.52 74 15 79 0.34 14 10S 0.64 75 15 79 0.6 22 11S-0.75 Attachment to 1CAN041404Page 12 of 19
#Row ColVolts % ThroughwallSupport Location Location 76 15 80 0.54 21 10S-0.75 77 15 80 0.44 18 11S-0.75 78 16 1 0.16 8 11S-0.76 79 16 81 0.45 18 10S 0.52 80 16 81 0.33 14 11S-0.75 81 17 1 0.37 16 11S-0.78 82 17 84 0.29 13 10S-0.7 83 17 84 0.4 16 11S-0.75 84 18 1 0.54 21 11S-0.78 85 18 78 0.41 16 10S 0.44 86 18 85 0.53 21 10S-0.72 87 19 1 1 32 11S-0.8 88 19 87 0.37 15 10S 0.5 89 20 50 0.1 4 07S-0.6 90 20 51 0.14 6 07S-0.68 91 20 51 0.3 13 08S 0.46 92 20 51 0.2 9 08S-0.53 93 20 51 0.16 7 09S-0.66 94 21 47 0.14 6 08S 0.55 95 22 62 0.14 5 08S 0.5 96 22 63 0.13 5 08S 0.48 97 22 93 0.21 10 10S-0.66 98 22 93 0.26 11 11S-0.71 99 23 8 0.91 30 10S-0.74 100 23 38 0.11 4 08S 0.46 101 23 56 0.1 4 08S 0.51 102 23 59 0.19 8 08S 0.53 103 24 1 0.39 16 11S-0.74 104 25 1 0.56 21 10S-0.78 105 25 2 0.23 10 10S-0.76 106 25 41 0.07 3 08S-0.71 107 25 72 0.15 6 08S 0.5 108 26 39 0.22 9 06S 0.48 109 27 2 1.18 35 11S-0.85 110 27 67 0.19 8 08S 0.53 111 27 68 0.09 4 08S 0.41 112 28 67 0.12 4 08S 0.53 113 28 68 0.11 4 08S 0.48 114 31 1 0.96 30 11S-0.85 Attachment to 1CAN041404Page 13 of 19
#Row ColVolts % ThroughwallSupport Location Location 115 31 33 0.15 6 10S-0.69 116 31 33 0.39 16 08S 0.48 117 31 34 0.27 12 08S 0.48 118 31 78 0.23 10 08S 0.5 119 31 79 0.15 7 08S 0.5 120 32 1 0.6 22 11S-0.78 121 32 77 0.17 7 08S 0.48 122 33 1 0.3 13 11S-0.81 123 33 79 0.19 8 08S 0.52 124 34 1 0.33 14 11S-0.78 125 34 90 0.14 5 08S 0.55 126 37 114 0.17 8 11S-0.72 127 38 1 0.2 9 10S 0.46 128 38 115 0.17 8 10S-0.59 129 44 1 0.16 7 10S 0.44 130 44 25 0.07 2 08S 0.53 131 44 117 0.32 14 11S-0.73 132 46 119 0.26 11 11S-0.59 133 46 119 0.28 12 13S-0.71 134 48 1 0.3 13 11S 0.42 135 48 121 0.18 8 11S 0.57 136 48 121 0.37 15 13S-0.68 137 48 121 0.34 14 12S-0.66 138 49 1 0.26 11 11S-0.74 139 49 122 0.33 14 13S-0.66 140 51 120 0.18 8 10S 0.59 141 53 121 0.45 18 10S 0.58 142 53 124 0.1 5 10S 0.69 143 54 125 0.19 8 12S 0.48 144 56 127 0.19 9 12S-0.64 145 58 129 0.17 8 12S-0.5 146 61 130 0.14 6 10S 0.62 147 63 123 0.16 7 09S-0.44 148 64 129 0.26 11 10S 0.59 149 65 110 0.18 8 10S 0.53 150 66 109 0.16 8 08S 0.55 151 67 130 0.16 7 12S 0.55 152 67 130 0.22 10 13S 0.5 153 67 130 0.16 7 13S-0.62 Attachment to 1CAN041404Page 14 of 19
#Row ColVolts % ThroughwallSupport Location Location 154 68 110 0.17 7 08S 0.6 155 68 131 0.15 7 10S-0.48 156 68 131 0.18 8 10S 0.59 157 68 131 0.33 14 13S 0.48 158 70 131 0.16 7 09S-0.46 159 71 1 0.16 7 12S-0.81 160 71 132 0.21 9 10S-0.57 161 72 131 0.13 6 09S-0.48 162 72 131 0.25 11 10S-0.64 163 72 131 0.23 10 11S 0.66 164 72 131 0.2 9 12S 0.59 165 73 132 0.71 25 10S-0.66 166 73 132 0.15 7 12S 0.52 167 74 131 0.23 10 12S 0.57 168 75 132 0.16 6 12S 0.6 169 77 1 0.48 20 11S-0.81 170 77 132 0.15 7 09S-0.52 171 77 132 0.23 10 12S 0.52 172 79 1 0.42 17 12S-0.76 173 80 1 0.3 13 11S-0.88 174 81 132 0.14 6 09S-0.55 175 82 131 0.11 5 12S-0.57 176 86 20 0.11 5 08S-0.78 177 86 20 0.11 5 08S 0.39 178 86 109 0.1 4 08S 0.58 179 88 122 0.23 11 09S 0.55 180 92 129 0.12 6 12S-0.52 181 93 128 0.26 11 12S-0.64 182 98 125 0.15 7 12S-0.57 183 99 124 0.14 6 12S 0.59 184 99 124 0.19 8 13S 0.46 185 100 123 0.13 6 12S 0.57 186 101 120 0.26 11 12S 0.55 187 101 120 0.11 5 13S 0.53 188 104 99 0.13 6 10S 0.54 189 110 109 0.13 6 14S 0.6 190 113 1 0.35 13 12S-0.71 191 114 115 0.1 5 13S 0.51 192 115 23 0.19 7 08S-0.74 Attachment to 1CAN041404Page 15 of 19
#Row ColVolts % ThroughwallSupport Location Location 193 116 113 0.49 19 10S 0.55 194 116 113 0.26 11 11S 0.55 195 117 1 0.57 21 12S-0.74 196 117 112 0.32 13 10S-0.61 197 117 112 0.11 5 11S-0.53 198 117 112 0.27 12 11S 0.53 199 118 28 0.1 3 08S 0.46 200 118 111 0.21 9 10S-0.55 201 118 111 0.18 8 11S 0.57 202 118 111 0.1 5 13S-0.5 203 118 111 0.25 11 13S 0.58 204 119 79 0.2 9 08S 0.55 205 121 106 0.17 8 11S 0.6 206 122 1 0.34 13 12S-0.71 207 122 105 0.27 12 10S-0.64 208 122 105 0.65 23 11S 0.59 209 122 105 0.64 23 12S-0.62 210 123 1 0.59 21 12S-0.78 211 124 1 0.7 24 12S-0.78 212 124 103 0.44 17 10S-0.64 213 125 1 0.18 6 11S-0.79 214 125 1 0.37 14 12S-0.78 215 125 1 0.15 5 12S 0.39 216 125 101 0.3 13 12S 0.53 217 126 1 0.63 22 12S-0.78 218 126 1 0.3 11 12S 0.35 219 126 99 0.18 8 11S 0.6 220 126 99 0.17 8 12S 0.55 221 127 1 0.54 20 12S-0.78 222 127 97 0.29 12 11S-0.6 223 127 97 0.39 16 12S-0.6 224 127 98 0.43 17 11S 0.55 225 127 98 0.18 8 12S-0.62 226 127 98 0.26 11 12S 0.51 227 128 1 0.38 14 12S-0.76 228 128 60 0.19 7 08S 0.59 229 128 91 0.25 11 12S-0.62 230 128 91 0.14 6 12S 0.55 231 129 1 0.57 21 12S-0.76 Attachment to 1CAN041404Page 16 of 19
#Row ColVolts % ThroughwallSupport Location Location 232 129 38 0.12 4 08S 0.55 233 129 83 0.15 7 09S 0.55 234 129 94 0.35 14 12S 0.53 235 130 1 0.22 8 12S-0.78 236 130 92 0.17 8 10S-0.61 237 130 92 0.26 11 12S-0.6 238 130 93 0.27 12 11S 0.57 239 131 90 0.29 12 12S-0.62 240 132 1 0.31 12 12S-0.74 241 132 89 0.5 19 10S-0.63 242 132 89 0.36 15 11S 0.58 243 132 89 0.15 7 12S-0.51 244 133 87 0.21 9 11S 0.6 245 133 87 0.35 14 12S-0.6 246 133 87 0.21 9 13S 0.53 247 133 88 0.16 7 11S 0.64 248 133 88 0.37 15 12S-0.53 249 134 1 0.31 12 12S-0.74 250 134 1 0.14 4 12S 0.46 251 134 85 0.24 10 10S-0.55 252 134 85 0.42 17 12S-0.57 253 134 85 0.11 5 13S 0.62 254 135 83 0.18 8 11S-0.58 255 135 83 0.19 9 11S 0.57 256 135 83 0.31 13 12S-0.55 257 135 83 0.21 9 13S-0.55 258 135 83 0.32 13 13S 0.56 259 135 84 0.31 13 12S-0.55 260 135 84 0.25 11 13S-0.55 261 136 81 0.27 11 10S-0.55 262 136 81 0.16 7 11S-0.58 263 136 81 0.37 15 11S 0.57 264 136 81 0.39 16 12S-0.6 265 136 81 0.24 10 13S-0.55 266 136 81 0.35 15 13S 0.56 267 137 1 0.12 3 12S 0.32 268 137 79 0.21 9 11S-0.62 269 137 79 0.58 22 13S-0.6 270 137 80 0.12 6 11S 0.6 Attachment to 1CAN041404Page 17 of 19
#Row ColVolts % ThroughwallSupport Location Location 271 138 76 0.36 15 13S-0.53 272 138 76 0.17 8 12S-0.58 273 138 77 0.13 6 11S 0.58 274 139 57 0.13 6 09S-0.48 275 139 74 0.58 22 12S-0.6 276 139 74 0.19 9 12S 0.53 277 140 55 0.19 9 11S-0.67 278 140 55 0.3 13 13S 0.53 279 140 69 0.47 18 12S-0.58 280 141 14 0.15 6 12S 0.39 281 141 54 0.1 5 11S-0.48 282 141 55 0.21 10 11S-0.62 283 141 68 0.24 10 12S-0.55 284 141 68 0.23 10 13S-0.6 285 142 64 0.14 6 11S 0.55 286 142 64 0.16 7 12S-0.51 287 142 64 0.39 16 12S 0.6 288 142 65 0.16 7 10S-0.52 289 142 65 0.15 7 11S-0.58 290 142 65 0.17 8 13S-0.48 291 144 52 0.2 9 13S-0.53 292 144 52 0.14 6 13S 0.56 293 146 1 0.18 6 11S-0.69 294 147 41 0.13 6 13S 0.55 295 147 42 0.17 8 11S-0.64 296 147 42 0.24 11 14S 0.44 297 149 1 0.67 24 12S-0.64 298 150 1 0.21 8 12S-0.71 299 150 3 0.33 14 12S-0.73 300 150 28 0.21 9 11S-0.66 301 150 29 0.32 14 11S-0.71 302 150 29 0.23 10 13S-0.62 303 150 30 0.28 12 12S-0.62 304 150 30 0.24 10 12S 0.46 305 151 1 0.39 16 12S-0.71 306 151 1 0.21 9 10S 0.48 307 151 2 0.13 6 11S-0.67 308 151 2 0.7 25 12S-0.71 309 151 2 0.21 9 12S 0.46 Attachment to 1CAN041404Page 18 of 19
#Row ColVolts % ThroughwallSupport Location Location 310 151 3 0.23 10 10S 0.48 311 151 3 0.53 20 12S-0.71 312 151 3 0.2 9 13S-0.69 313 151 4 0.84 28 10S 0.48 314 151 4 0.53 20 11S 0.46 315 151 4 0.16 7 12S-0.69 316 151 5 0.45 18 10S 0.51 317 151 5 0.49 19 12S-0.71 318 151 6 0.21 9 10S 0.53 319 151 6 0.36 15 12S-0.71 320 151 7 0.1 5 12S-0.71 321 151 7 0.17 7 13S 0.39 322 151 8 0.17 8 10S 0.51 323 151 8 0.23 10 11S-0.69 324 151 8 0.44 17 12S-0.73 325 151 9 0.35 14 10S-0.63 326 151 9 0.25 11 13S 0.42 327 151 10 0.23 10 13S-0.71 328 151 12 0.26 11 12S-0.71 329 151 12 0.18 8 12S 0.41 330 151 12 0.12 6 13S-0.67 331 151 15 0.26 11 11S-0.71 332 151 15 0.18 8 11S 0.46 333 151 15 0.85 28 12S-0.75 334 151 15 0.57 21 12S 0.41 335 151 15 0.38 15 13S-0.67 336 151 15 0.37 15 13S 0.39 337 151 16 0.41 16 11S-0.69 338 151 16 0.46 18 12S-0.69 339 151 16 0.21 9 12S 0.46 340 151 16 0.34 14 13S-0.71 341 151 16 0.31 13 13S 0.42 342 151 17 0.21 9 11S-0.62 343 151 17 0.33 14 12S-0.68 344 151 17 0.3 13 13S-0.6 345 151 17 0.28 12 13S 0.37 346 151 18 0.18 8 11S-0.62 347 151 18 0.22 10 12S-0.66 348 151 18 0.47 18 13S-0.71 Attachment to 1CAN041404Page 19 of 19
#Row ColVolts % ThroughwallSupport Location Location 349 151 19 0.45 18 11S-0.69 350 151 19 0.39 16 12S-0.66 351 151 19 0.34 14 12S 0.46 352 151 19 0.32 13 13S-0.69 353 151 20 0.24 10 12S-0.59 354 151 20 0.24 10 13S-0.67 355 151 21 0.46 18 12S-0.62 356 151 24 0.16 7 12S 0.53}}

Latest revision as of 08:26, 11 April 2019