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#REDIRECT [[L-2014-274, Third Overall Integrated Plan Status Report in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order EA-12-049)]]
| number = ML14253A184
| issue date = 08/27/2014
| title = St. Lucie, Units 1 and 2 - Third Overall Integrated Plan Status Report in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order EA
| author name = Jensen J
| author affiliation = Florida Power & Light Co
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/Document Control Desk, NRC/NRR
| docket = 05000335, 05000389
| license number =
| contact person =
| case reference number = EA-12-049, L-2014-274
| document type = Letter
| page count = 32
| project =
| stage = Other
{{#Wiki_filter:0 August 27, 2014FPL. L-2014-27410 CFR 2.202U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionAttn: Document Control DeskWashington, DC 20555-0001St. Lucie Units I and 2Docket Nos. 50-335 and 50-389Florida Power & Light (FPL)/St. Lucie's Third Overall Integrated Plan Status Report inResponse to March 12, 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard toRequirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (OrderNumber EA-12-049)
: 1. NRC Order Number EA- 12-049, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements forMitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events dated March 12, 2012,Accession No. ML 12054A736.2. NRC Interim Staff Guidance JLD-ISG-2012-01, "Compliance with Order EA-12-049, OrderModifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events," Revision 0, dated August 29, 2012, Accession No.ML12229A174.3. NEI 12-06, "Diverse and Flexible Coping Strategies (FLEX) Implementation Guide,"Revision 0, dated August, 2012, Accession No. ML12242A378.4. FPL Letter L-2012-385 dated October 25, 2012, FPL's Initial Status Report in Response toMarch 12, 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements forMitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA- 12-049),dated October 25, 2012, Accession No. ML 12300A421.5. FPL Letter L-2013-084 dated February 28, 2013, Florida Power & Light (FPL)/St. Lucie'sOverall Integrated Plan in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission Order ModifyingLicenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-BasisExternal Events (Order Number EA- 12-049), Accession No. ML 13063A020.6. FPL Letter L-2013-192 dated June 18, 2013, Florida Power & Light (FPL)/St. Lucie'sOverall Integrated Plan in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission Order ModifyingLicenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-BasisExternal Events (Order Number EA- 12-049), Accession No. ML 13179A 184.7. FPL Letter L-2013-254 dated August 28, 2013, Florida Power & Light (FPL)/St. Lucie'sFirst Overall Integrated Plan Status Report in Response to March 12, 2012 CommissionOrder Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies forBeyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049), Accession No.ML 1 3242A274.Florida Power & Light Company6501 S. Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, FL 34957 L-2014-274Page 28. FPL Letter L-2014-063 dated February 26, 2014, Florida Power & Light (FPL)/St. Lucie'sSecond Overall Integrated Plan Status Report in Response to March 12, 2012 CommissionOrder Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies forBeyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049), Accession No.ML 14064A 192.On March 12, 2012, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC" or "Commission") issued anorder (Reference 1) to Florida Power & Light (FPL). Reference I was immediately effective anddirects FPL/St. Lucie to develop, implement, and maintain guidance and strategies to maintain orrestore core cooling, containment, and spent fuel pooi cooling capabilities in the event of abeyond-design-basis external event. Specific requirements are outlined in Attachment 2 ofReference 1.Reference I required submission of an Overall Integrated Plan by February 28, 2013. The NRCInterim Staff Guidance (ISG) (Reference 2) was issued August 29, 2012 which endorses industryguidance document NEI 12-06, Revision 0 (Reference 3) with clarifications and exceptionsidentified in Reference 2. Reference 3 provides direction regarding the content of this OverallIntegrated Plan.Reference 4 provided the FPL/St. Lucie initial status report regarding mitigation strategies, asrequired by Reference 1. Reference 5 provided the FPL/St. Lucie Overall Integrated Planpursuant to Section IV, Condition C. 1, of Reference 1. Reference 6 informed the NRC that St.Lucie was no longer pursuing reactor coolant pump (RCP) seal package modifications as part ofthe FLEX strategy. References 7 and 8 provided the FPL/St. Lucie first and second six-monthOverall Integrated Plan status report.The purpose of this letter is to provide the third six-month Overall Integrated Plan status report.The information in the enclosure is based on conceptual design information that is current as ofthis letter. As design details and associated procedural guidance are finalized, additionalinformation, as well as revisions to the information contained in the enclosure to this letter, willbe communicated to the NRC in the 6-month Integrated P!an updates as required by Reference 1.This letter contains no new regulatory commitments.If there are any questions regarding this submittal, please contact Eric Katzman, St. LucieLicensing Manager, at (772) 467-7748.
L-2014-274Page 3I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.Executed on August 2.'7 ,2014.Respectfully submitted,J~oseph JensenSite Vice PresidentSt. Lucie PlantJJ/KWFcc: USNRC Regional Administrator, Region IIUSNRC Senior Resident Inspector, St. Lucie Units 1 and 2
Third Six Month Status Report for the Implementation of Order EA-12-049, Order ModifyingLicenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-BasisExternal Events L-2014-274EnclosurePage 1 of 29Third Six Month Status Report for the Implementation of Order EA-12-049, OrderModifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies forBeyond-Design-Basis External Events1 IntroductionFlorida Power and Light (FPL) developed an Overall Integrated Plan (Reference 1 in Section 8), documenting thediverse and flexible strategies (FLEX), in response to Reference 3 for the St. Lucie plant. This attachment providesan update of milestone accomplishments since submittal of the Overall Integrated Plan including any changes to thecompliance method, schedule, or need for relief/relaxation and the basis, if any.To simplify review of impacts the six-month updates have on the original Overall Integrated Plan (Reference 1),this third six-month update has been formatted as a revision to the second six-month update (Reference 14), thuskeeping all updates in one document; changes since the second six-month update are reflected via revision bars inthe right-hand margin.2 Milestone AccomplishmentsThe following milestone(s) have been completed since the development of the Overall Integrated Plan (Reference1). Milestone accomplishments are current as of August 11, 2014.* Submittal of First 6-Month Status Report, August 2013 (Reference 6)* FLEX Strategy (Preliminary) Walkthrough Demonstration" Submittal of Second 6-Month Status Report, February 2014 (Reference 14)* Submittal of Third 6-Month Status Report, August 2014 (This Document)3 Milestone Schedule StatusThe following provides an update to Attachment 2 of the Overall Integrated Plan. It provides the activity status ofeach item, and whether the expected completion date has changed. The dates are planning dates subject to changeas design and implementation details are developed. An additional milestone for FLEX Strategy WalkthroughDemonstration has been added per NEI template revision. The revised milestone target completion dates do notimpact the order implementation date.Target Revised TargetMilestone Completion Date Activity Status Completion DateSubmit 60 Day Status Report Oct 2012 CompleteSubmit Overall Integrated Plan Feb 2013 CompleteSubmit 6 Month Updates:Update 1 Aug 2013 CompleteUpdate 2 Feb 2014 CompleteUpdate 3 Aug 2014 CompleteUpdate 4 Feb 2015 Not Started L-2014-274EnclosurePage 2 of 29Target Revised TargetMilestone Completion Date Activity Status Completion DateUpdate 5 Aug 2015 Not StartedFLEX Strategy Evaluation Feb 2014 Started February 2015FLEX Strategy Walkthrough Demonstration Feb 2014 CompletePerform Staffing Analysis Oct 2014 StartedModifications:Unit 2 Implementation Outage Mar 2015 Not StartedUnit 2 Implementation Outage Nov 2015 Not StartedStorage:Storage Implementation Mar 2015 Not StartedFLEX Equipment:Procure On-Site Equipment Oct 2014 StartedProcedures:Create Site-Specific FSGs Mar 2014 Started September 2014Create New/Revisions to OPS Procedures Mar 2014 Started October 2014Create Maintenance Procedures Mar 2014 Started October 2014Training:Develop Training Plan June 2014 CompleteTraining Complete Mar 2015 Not StartedUnit 1 FLEX Implementation Mar 2015 Not StartedUnit 2 FLEX Implementation Nov 2015 Not StartedFull Site FLEX Implementation Nov 2015 Not Started4 Changes to Compliance Method4.1 RCP Seal ModificationThe Reference 1 (page 35 of 102) FLEX response indicated St. Lucie would modify the seals for the reactorcoolant pumps of both units to include Flowserve Abeyance seal stages. Reference 2 revised the St. LucieFLEX strategy to maintain the current Flowserve N-9000 RCP seal configuration without making a FlowserveAbeyance seal modification. The existing St. Lucie seal configuration is consistent with the N-9000 RCP sealconfiguration evaluated in WCAP-17601-P, "Reactor Coolant System Response to the Extended Loss of ACPower Event for Westinghouse, Combustion Engineering and Babcock & Wilcox NSSS Designs" (Reference5) and with the approaches adopted by other Combustion Engineering NSSS plants that currently utilize theFlowserve N-9000 seal. Note that both St. Lucie units have excess flow check valves in the RCP controlledbleed off (CBO) lines and, additionally, have fail closed isolation valves to isolate the CBO leakage pathway.Station Blackout Emergency Operating Procedures, have an early positive step to isolate the CBO leak path onloss of seal cooling; these procedures will be revised to require that isolation within 10 minutes post event -seePending Action 73A.
L-2014-274EnclosurePage 3 of 29As part of the revised RCP seal approach, St. Lucie will initiate the reactor coolant system cooldown to a steamgenerator pressure of 120 psia in a 2-6 hour timeframe as opposed to the 10-14 hour timeframe originallyindicated in Reference 1. This action is compliant with WCAP-17601-P and eliminates the deviation previouslyindicated within Reference 1 Attachment 1B, NSSS Significant Reference Analysis Deviation Table.4.2 Condenser Makeup LinesThe Reference 1 FLEX response (page 22 of 102) stated that non-seismic condenser makeup lines from theCST would be seismically qualified to provide an additional qualified water inventory for hot standby andcooldown. In a seismic scenario, the qualified contents of the two CSTs and two RWTs will be available toprovide approximately 120 hours of Phase 2 coping time. There is reasonable assurance that volumes of one ormore non-qualified tanks may also be available. Entry into Phase 3 shutdown cooling (SDC) is expected wellbefore use of makeup of seawater from the Ultimate Heat Sink would be anticipated. Accordingly, the currentFLEX strategy does not include a modification to seismically qualify the condenser makeup lines.4.3 Mechanical ConnectionsThe St. Lucie FLEX strategy for making mechanical system connections has evolved from that indicated inReference 1 response figures to be consistent with NEI 12-06 guidance (Reference 4). Secondary connectionsmay require reconfiguration (e.g., removal of valve bonnet or disassembly of a flanged pipe joint) if validatedthat time and resources are reasonably available to support the reconfiguration. Location of the connectionpoints provide reasonable assurance that at least one connection will be available for all applicable hazards.Refer to attached revised mechanical connection Figures 11, 12 and 14 for the latest changes.4.4 Electrical ConnectionsThe St. Lucie FLEX strategy for making electrical system connections has evolved from that indicated in theReference 1 response figures to be consistent with NEI 12-06 guidance (Reference 4). Refer to attached revisedelectrical connection figures; final versions will be provided in a future six-month update. Note the 480 voltconnections will now be made using procedurally controlled breakers rather than using transfer switches.Question 25 of audit document Order EA-12-049 Mitigation Strategies, Overall Integrated Plan RegulatoryAudit Questions, St. Lucie 1 & 2, Rev. 1, Dated October 30, 2013, questioned the St. Lucie FLEX strategy forisolation of Class 1E Electrical equipment from portable/FLEX equipment. The FPL response was to provide adouble isolation scheme with appropriate coordinated current interrupting devices. In lieu of the doubleisolation concept, FPL has decided that during normal operation, these new breakers will be racked out andlocked open with springs discharged. Under this arrangement, isolation between the Class IE Electricalequipment and portable/FLEX equipment is maintained.In the same question regarding prevention of multiple sources powering the electrical buses, the strategyprovided was that for Phase 3, the scheme would rely on electrically interlocked breakers of the incomingfeeder breakers with the FLEX circuit breaker such that both breakers must be OPENED before the FLEXcircuit breaker can be closed. The present strategy has evolved to having all the connections for FLEX powerconnection and breaker positioning be procedurally controlled. This strategy has evolved due to the lessrestricting time frame for Phase 3 coping.
L-2014-274EnclosurePage 4 of 294.5 Boration Requirements for Shutdown MarginThe Reference 1 FLEX response (page 37 of 102) discussed boration requirements for shutdown margin.FPL has adopted the position expressed by the NRC staff regarding the boron mixing issue for PWRs(Reference 7) -see Pending Action 17 and Open Item in Section 6. The NRC letter states that theNRC staff has reviewed the information submitted to date and concluded that use of the industry approachdocumented in Reference 8 is acceptable with clarifications listed in the letter. FLEX guidelines will addresssub-criticality for Phase 1/2 (3007F) and Phase 3 (507F) including sources and timing for adding borated water.Guidelines will include monitoring of Thot and Tcold to ensure single phase Natural Circulation AT conditionsexist prior to adding boron and the I hour mixing delay is included prior to entering conditions requiringadditional boration4.6 RRC LUHS PumpThe Reference I FLEX response (page 68 of 102) indicated a pump would be provided from the RegionalResponse Center (RRC) to replace the function of the Intake Cooling Water Pumps due to the Loss of UltimateHeat Sink (LUHS) event. The design point of the SAFER RRC pump is 5000 gpm at 150 psi. The LUHS Pumpcriteria mentioned in Reference I (page 72 of 102; 7162 gpm, 90 psi) is altered to align with SAFER providedequipment. The nominal flow rate of 5000 gpm is adequate for Shutdown Cooling in the timeframe for entrysome 72-120 hours after shutdown. The RRC generic pump has inadequate suction lift for the intendeddeployment of the RRC pump on the intake structure deck. An RRC supplied diesel/hydraulic driven suctionbooster pump will be used to provide the required lift capability. This pump combination will allow water to bedrawn from the intake structure downstream of the traveling water screens (non-seismic) to address debrisconcerns in a hurricane scenario. A backup plan will locate the floating booster pumps within the intake canal.4.7 Makeup Water SourcesThe St. Lucie FLEX makeup water strategy has evolved from that indicated in the Reference I responsecrediting two Condensate Storage Tanks (CSTs) and one Refueling Water Tank (RWT -borated water source).The current strategy is consistent with NEI 12-06 guidance (Reference 4), including their response to FLEXGuidance Inquiry 2013-11, "Use of Raw or Untreated Water".For a seismic based event, the current FLEX strategy credits water volumes within the CSTs and RWTs of bothunits. All four tanks are seismically qualified, as is the cross-connect line between the CSTs. Tank inventoriesabove the lowest non-seismic line are not credited.For a high wind-hurricane based event, sufficient warning time will be available to ensure site tanks, e.g.,CSTs, RWTs, City Water Storage Tanks (CWSTs), Treated Water Storage Tank (TWST) and Primary WaterStorage Tanks (PWSTs), are filled with water. Analysis using current licensing basis criteria indicates thatwater-filled tanks are qualified for a hurricane wind event. Current plant severe weather preparationsprocedures require all water tanks to be filled when a hurricane watch or warning has been declared. Thecurrent FLEX strategy credits the water volumes within the subject tanks for a hurricane event.For a high wind-tornado based event, site tanks will be pre-filled, as required by administrative procedures.With respect to tornado winds and missiles, the Unit 2 CST volume is fully qualified and the Unit I CSTvolume is being qualified by analysis. The seven other major tanks (RWTs, CWSTs, TWST and PWSTs) arebeing qualified for many of the assumed tornado missiles. It can be reasonably assumed that many of these L-2014-274EnclosurePage 5 of 29tanks will survive a high wind-tornado based event based on their design, separation and intervening structures;the CWSTs, TWST and/or PWSTs should be available as secondary sources of water to provide makeup to theCSTs/RWTs during Phase 2 following a high wind missile event. An alternate makeup water strategy creditsthe underground water supply line from Fort Pierce Utilities (FPU), the local potable water supplier. Ratherthan missile protecting the single existing source from tornado, a second source will be installed and separatedby greater than diameter of typical tornado path (1200 ft) with that path oriented from the west to southwest.See new Figure 23.4.8 RWT Cross-ConnectAs stated in the Reference 1 FLEX response (page 18 of 102), the Unit 1 & 2 RWTs are not currently cross-connected. The FLEX response indicated that, as required by the tank evaluations, the RWTs would be cross-connected with a seismically qualified, missile protected line to allow either RWT to be aligned for gravityflow to the SDC piping of either unit. Based on the numerous potential makeup water sources discussed above,as well as guidance provided in the NEI response to FLEX Guidance Inquiry 2013-10, "Shutdown ModeCapability Requirements for PWRs", the current FLEX strategy does not include a modification to install anRWT cross-connect line.4.9 DC and Extended DC Load SheddingThe St. Lucie DC coping strategy has evolved from that indicated in the Reference 1 response which was toperform load shedding on both safety related batteries. The revised strategy will be to initially secure onebattery, load shed/operate on the other battery and return the secured battery to service before the first battery isdepleted (and then secure the first battery). This approach will improve battery margin by using the twobatteries in a series operating mode. This revised strategy is still being analyzed, which includes evaluation ofspecific loads to be shed and any impact to required instrumentation, as well as potential impact to the ControlRoom heat up evaluation -see Pending Action 26A and Confirmatory Item in Section 6.4.10 Steam Generator Makeup -Mode 1-4The Reference 1 FLEX response indicated a portable pump (FLEX SG Pump) would be used to providemakeup to the steam generators as a backup source should the existing turbine driven Auxiliary FeedwaterPump fail. The pump will be sized to provide 300 gpm at 300 psi discharge (steam generator ring pressure)while drawing from the Condensate Storage Tank. Actual makeup requirements (nominally 130 gpm followingcooldown) are considerably less than the 300 gpm design point. The FLEX CST Pump will be used to replenishthe Condensate Storage Tank from available site water sources with ultimate backup from the intake(seawater). The FLEX SG Pump will also be capable of drafting from the intake canal at a flowrate near to, butsomewhat below, the 300 gpm/300 psi design point.4.11 Mode 5 & 6 StrategiesNEI 12-06 (Reference 4) states that the FLEX strategies are not explicitly designed for outage conditions. FPLwill incorporate the supplemental guidance provided in the NEI position paper entitled "Shutdown / RefuelingModes" to enhance the shutdown risk process and procedures (see Reference 9 and 10), as well as that providedin the NEI response to FLEX Guidance Inquiry 2013-10, "Shutdown Mode Capability Requirements forPWRs". As such, pending actions associated with these modes have been closed, including those associatedwith boron batching alternatives since they are no longer required -both the Unit 1 and Unit 2 RWTs are nowconsidered available to cope with an event during Mode 5 & 6.
L-2014-274EnclosurePage 6 of 294.12 FLEX Equipment StorageThe Reference I FLEX response indicated the FLEX Equipment Storage Building (FESB) will be 170' x 70'and will be capable of housing all required FLEX equipment, including required spares ("+1" equipment). TheFLEX strategy has evolved to incorporate NEI 12-06 guidance (Reference 4), including their response to FLEXGuidance Inquiry 2013-07, Reasonable Protection", that spare equipment need not be stored in the FESB. Thespare equipment will now be stored elsewhere on site, resulting in a smaller FESB footprint (150' x 60'). TheReference 1 FLEX response also stated the FESB will include natural ventilation to maintain temperatureswithin the manufacturer's recommendations; in lieu of natural ventilation, air-conditioning is now beingprovided, which will also limit humidity extremes inside the FESB.Note that the Reference I FLEX response stated the refueling of diesel fuel oil driven equipment will beaccomplished via a trailer stored in the FESB, on which will be mounted a 500-gallon tank. The tank size hasbeen evaluated and a 1000 gallon trailer mounted tank is being procured. Gravity fill of this tank has beenrevised to use V17202 or one of two new redundant valves to be installed on the fill line. See new Figure 24.4.13 Maintenance and Testing of FLEX EquipmentFPL will comply with the EPRI generic industry program for maintenance and testing of FLEX equipment asdelineated in References 11 and 12.4.14 Sequence of Events TimelineThe Reference 1 FLEX response included Sequence of Events Timelines. A new action in the Modes 1-5, SGsAvailable timeline for RCP Control Bleed Off isolation is added at 10 minutes to limit RCP leakage. Thisaddresses Confirmatory Item .A. Note that these timelines are under review and may be adjusted via afuture six-month update based on ongoing evaluations and development of FLEX strategies.4.15 Instrumentation Credited for Coping EvaluationsThe Reference 1 FLEX response included lists of instrumentation credited for coping evaluations supportingFLEX Strategies that Maintain Core Cooling & Heat Removal, Maintain RCS Inventory Control and MaintainContainment. Several of the instrument tags listed have been revised to provide improved sensing range and tobe aligned with the power supplies that will be available under the DC Loading Shedding strategy (described in4.9 of this attachment). Note that the parameters listed under these FLEX Strategies in the Reference 1 FLEXresponse are not revised.4.16 FLEX SFP Pump DischargeThe Reference 1 FLEX response described the hardened makeup flowpath to Maintain Spent Fuel Pool Coolingas via the 21/2" ICW lines on the exterior east wall of each Fuel Handling Building (FHB). In lieu of providingmissile protection for these lines, an alternate missile protected flow path will be provided. The alternate pathis via a new FLEX connection on the suction of one of Spent Fuel Pool Pumps on each unit. These lines andtheir flow paths to the Spent Fuel Pools are within the missile protected interior of the FHB's. The 21/2" ICWlines remain the preferred hardpipe flowpath should they remain intact following the BDBEE. See new Figure22.
L-2014-274EnclosurePage 7 of 294.17 FLEX Strategy Internal FloodingQuestion 2 of audit document Order EA-12-049 Mitigation Strategies, Overall Integrated Plan RegulatoryAudit Questions, St. Lucie 1 & 2, Rev. 1, Dated October 30, 2013, questioned the St. Lucie FLEX strategiesaddress considerations for seismic hazards associated with large internal flooding sources that are notseismically robust. The FPL response was that internal flooding was a concern for access to the ECCS Pumprooms and that no AC power was required to access those rooms. In addition, internal flooding has beenconsidered for FLEX Equipment deployment. The FLEX Strategy for RCS Makeup requires hose deploymentto connections on the LPSI pump piping that is located behind the watertight doors to the ECCS Pump rooms.Access into the watertight doors is via the -0.5 ft hallways whose design bases internal flood level (from non-seismic Unit 2 Holdup Tank ruptures) is above the watertight door thresholds. To facilitate hose deployment, amodification to the watertight doorways is to be implemented to allow insertion of a flood barrier. This limitsthe volume of water entering the LPSI pump rooms to that between the barriers and the doors.4.18 FLEX Equipment +1 SparesPSL does not intent to have a complete set of spare hoses and cables but will accomplish +1 by having thegreater of (1) 10% of the "N" required spares or (2) those sections of hose and cables required to replace thelongest run of each hose or cable type and size needed for FLEX Strategies.5 Need for Relief/Relaxation and Basis for the Relief/RelaxationFPL expects to comply with the order implementation date. No relief/relaxation is required at this time.6 Pending Actions from Overall Integrated Plan and Draft Safety EvaluationOverall Integrated Plan Pending Actions Status1 Seismic re-evaluation of site and submit to NRC. Include Complete. PSL has screened out. FPLinsights in development of the FLEX integrated plan Letter L-2014-215 (Ref. 15)2 Flooding re-evaluation of site and submit to NRC. Include Startedinsights in development of the FLEX integrated plan3 Establish location of RRC Staging Area (outside of 25 mile Complete. Staging areas have beenradius) established with SAFER review.4 Review FESB deployment routes for liquefaction Started5 Determine RRC staging area location and develop Complete. Staging areas have beendeployment routes to site established with SAFER review.6 Review Communications adequacy during Phase 2 staffing Startedstudy7 Review Extend DC Shedding Approach regarding potential Startedspurious actions8 Determine alternate plant locations for obtaining critical Startedparameters remotely L-2014-274EnclosurePage 8 of 29Overall Integrated Plan Pending Actions Status9 Review 480 VAC Diesel Generator FLEX Sizing Complete. 350 kW DG/unit is required10 Review 4.16 KVAC Diesel Generator RRC FLEX Sizing Complete. RRC 2MW unit is acceptable11 Analysis to maintain acceptable CR temperatures duringELAP, identify additional required strategies/ modifications Started12 Review EER operation up to 129°F for 72 hours or provide Startedportable fans, initiate FSG/Time Validation as required13 Qualify UI CST regarding tornado wind hazards, identify Startedany required modifications14 Qualify RWT(s) regarding tornado wind hazards, identify Complete. No modifications required. Seeany required modifications Section 4.7 and 4.815 Review boron batching alternatives, determine approach, Complete. Not Required. See Section 4.7identify required modifications and 4.1116 Perform analysis supporting survivability of one or more Startednon-qualified water tanks17 Finalize boration requirements for Cold Shutdown Marginand timing of injection with electrical power availability. Started. Letdown modification is notEnsure letdown flow is not required or provide modification required. See Section 4.5to provide letdown. Update milestone as necessary.18 Review boron precipitation during Phase l&2 (pool boiling) Closed -Not Required. See Section 4.11and Phase 3 (final cooldown) for Mode 6&5 w/o SGs19 Evaluate establishment of contract or letter of agreement for Startedwater supply by tanker trucks20 Review M5 containment vent path (RWT gravity Closed -Not Required. See Section 4.11feed/Containment overpressure) Consider LCO 3.9.4, (Note: Reviewed; will now use 30" EscapeRAB/CR ventilation. Confirm adequacy of Unit 2 8" mini- Hatch)purge line size.21 Review potential modification for an 8" relief path to Closed -Not Required. See Section 4.11prevent UI containment overpressure in M5 (and note above)22 Review safeguard equipment initiation with respect to M5 Complete. Not Required. See Section 4.11containment vacuum analysis (Note: Reviewed; will lockout equipment)23 Review LUHS Pumping System RRC FLEX Sizing Started24 Ensure FHB L-shaped door can be opened in the required Re-Opened; Under Evaluationtime frame or identify alternate venting approach25 Provide Technical Basis for WCAP-1760 1-P deviations to Ongoing. No deviations. See Section 4.1NRC during six month updates25A Time validation study for isolation of controlled bleed off Complete and acceptable; CBO lines can(CBO) lines within 10 minutes be isolated within 10 minutes post eventComplete and acceptable for current26 Time validation study for completing DC load shedding strategy -Unit 1: -30 minutes; Unit 2:within specified time period -30 minutes (inverters)/one hour(balance); to be re-evaluated (see L-2014-274EnclosurePage 9 of 29Overall Integrated Plan Pending Actions StatusAction 26A below)26A Time validation study for completing revised DC loadshedding discussed in Section 4.9 within specified time Startedperiod, to include any impact to required instrumentationand Control Room heat up27 Time validation study for Control Room ventilation CompleteClosed -Not Required. Battery Room roofexhausters will be powered when the28 Time validation study for Battery Room ventilation battery room chargers are placed inoperation; both will be powered by sameFLEX 480V portable diesel-generator.29 Time validation study for Electrical Equipment Room Completeventilation30 Time validation study for FHB ventilation and thedeployment and staging of SFP makeup/spray capability Complete31 Time validation study for 480 VAC diesel generator to the Completestation 480 VAC bus32 Time validation study for CST non-seismic lines isolation, Closed -Not Applicable. See Section 4.2as required by design33 Time validation study for CST cross-connect Complete34 Time validation study for FLEX CST pump deployment Complete35 Time validation study for FLEX SG pumps for CST/AFW Complete and acceptable; pumps can bedeployed -five hours post event)36 Time validation study for boration to establish Cold CompleteShutdown Margin (M1-4 w/SGs)37 Time validation study for establishing power to SIT MOVs Completeto isolate38 Time validation study for establishing RWT gravity flow Closed -Not Applicable. See Section 4.11path to RCS (include mid-loop conditions)39 Time validation study for FLEX SG pump for RWT/RCS Closed -Not Applicable. See Section 4.1140 Time validation study for batch boration to maintain borated Closed -Not Applicable. RWT availablewater supply (M6 & 5 w/o SGs) for makeup use. See Section 4.7 and 4.1141 Time validation study for venting containment in mid-loop Closed -Not Applicable. See Section 4.11conditions42 Time validation study for isolating Fuel Transfer Tube path. Closed -Not Applicable. See Section 4.1143 Time validation study for establishing containment vent Closed -Not Applicable. See Section 4.11path.44 Time validation study for isolating CCW Flow to Closed -Not Applicable. See Section 4.11Containment Fan Cooler Penetrations45 Time validation study for hoses for SFP makeup/spray in Complete L-2014-274EnclosurePage 10 of 29Overall Integrated Plan Pending Actions StatusPhase I46 Time validation study for FLEX SFP pump Complete47 Time validation study for refueling FLEX equipment Started48 U1 & U2 Construct FLEX Equipment Storage Building StartedStorage Building49 U 1 & U2 Install external satellite phone antenna and Starteddocking stations for TSC & EOF50 U1 & U2 Install new cabling with disconnects for MCCsupplying battery chargers. Alternate connections line side51 U 1 & U2 Change essential instrumentation source to vital Started120VAC power panel52 U1 & U2 Install cabling to Class 1E 480 VAC SwitchgearA&B for primary and alternate connection of 480 VAC StartedFLEX DG53 Ul & U2 Install transfer switches on load side charging Closed- Not Applicable. See Section 4.4pumps and Class 1 E battery chargers. Alternate connection.54 U I & U2 Design cabling/disconnects for Class I E 4.16 Started (Installation would be performedKVAC busses A&B for Phase 3)55 U I & U2 Install RCP low leakage seals Closed -Not Applicable. See Section 4.156 UI Install ADV seismic pneumatic backup and air pressure Started (Design Issued; EC 279190)regulator, provide quick connectsComplete and acceptable; Operator actions56A U I Time validation study for ADV Operator actions can be completed within 90 minutes postevent57 U 1 Install modifications for CST as required by tornado Not Startedwind hazard analysis58 U I & U2 Qualify non-seismic lines penetrating CSTs or use Closed -Not Applicable. See Section 4.2another approach to qualify additional CST inventory59 U I & U2 Qualify non-seismic CST cross-connect Complete60 UI & U2 Install 2 connections per CST for refilling the Started (Design Issued; EC 279190 -UnitCSTs via FLEX CST pump 1; EC 279191 Unit 2)61 U I & U2 Install 2 connections per CST for suction point for Started (Design Issued; EC 279190 -UnitFLEX SG pump 1; EC .279191 Unit 2)62 U1 & U2 Install 2 connections on AFW lines upstream ofMVs for FLEX SG pump to symmetrically feed both steam Started. See Section 4.3generators63 U1 & U2 Install single connections for taking suction on Started (Design Issued; EC 278639)non-qualified tanks64 U 1 & U2 Install modifications for RWT as required by Closed -Not Required. See Section 4.7tornado wind hazard analyses and 4.11I L-2014-274EnclosurePage 11 of 29Overall Integrated Plan Pending Actions Status65 UI & U2 Install RWT cross-connect sized for gravity fill as Closed -Not Applicable. See Section 4.8required by tornado wind hazard analyses66 UI & U2 Install 2 connections per RWT for suction point Started (Design Issued; EC 279190 -Unitfor FLEX SG pump/FLEX CST Pump 1; EC 279191 Unit 2)67 U 1 & U2 Install 2 connections per RWT for CST FLEX Started (Design Issued; EC 279190 -Unitpump discharge 1; EC 279191 Unit 2)68 U l & U2 Install 2 connections on LPSI pump discharge Started (Design Issued; EC 279190 -Unitpiping for RCS cold leg injection via FLEX pump 1; EC 279191 Unit 2)69 UI & U2 Install 2 connections on LPSI pump suction piping Started (Design Issued; EC 279190 -Unit(Mode 6 with Rx head off/SG primary manways off) 1; EC 279191 Unit 2)Closed -Not Required. See Section 4.1170 U1 Provide containment vent path to ensure sufficient RWT ( Not Review ed; wil Sec30"nEscapgravty fow or RS maeup(Note: Reviewed; will now use 30" Escapegravity flow for RCS makeup Hatch)71 Ul & U2 Missile protect ICW line I-2 '/1/2-CW-178 located Closed -Not Required. See Section 4.16on the exterior of U1 & U2 FHBs72 U1 & U2 Install ICW manifolds with hose connections and Started (Design Issued; EC 279190 -Unitisolation valves for LUHS 1; EC 279191 Unit 2)73 Create new site procedures, including one(s) for use of StartedSatellite communications73A Revise existing site procedures, including EOPs to reflect Startedisolation of CBO lines within 10 minutes post event74 FSG: Establishing FLEX Control Room Ventilation Started75 FSG: Extended DC bus load shedding Started76 FSG: Damage assessment following event Started77 FSG: Accessibility considerations for personnel to enter Startedareas to perform local manual actions78 FSG: Deployment and staging of portable equipment (Onsite Startedand Offsite)79 FSG: Operation of the FLEX equipment (startup, shutdown, Startedoperational monitoring, minor troubleshooting80 FSG: Operation of DFO transfueler, filling from U2 DFO Startedtanks, filling FLEX portable equipment, etc.81 FSG: Restore AC power or alternate power sources for Startedspecific plant equipment82 FSG: Lighting and comnmunications necessary for ingressand egress to plant areas for deployment of FLEX strategies Started83 FSG: Deployment and operation of 480 VAC diesel Startedgenerator84 FSG: Power restoration with ESF signals present due to de- Startedenergized instrument inverters L-2014-274EnclosurePage 12 of 29Overall Integrated Plan Pending Actions Status85 FSG: Repowering selected station loads to support long term Startedsafety functions (load management)86 FSG: Operation of ADVs with backup compressed gas Started87 FSG: Deployment and operation of FLEX CST pump Started88 FSG: Maintaining flow to SGs, with identified backup Startedsources and criteria for transferring between sources89 FSG: Deployment and operation of FLEX SG pump Started90 FSG/EOP- 10 to address for FLEX RCS cooldown(cooldown, solid plant conditions, SIT isolation, Attach IB)91 FSG: Guidance for SIT injection and isolation Started92 FSG: Establish RWT gravity flow to RCS and criteria for Staedtransfer to FLEX SG pump93 FSG: Guidance for boron mixing Closed -Not Applicable. RWT availablefor makeup use. See Section 4.7 and 4.1194 FSG: Deployment and operation of FLEX SFP pump Started95 FSG: Guidance for isolation of CCW penetrations for CFC Closed -Not Applicable. See Section 4.11Coolers96 FSG: Guidance for venting containment in M5/6 Once- Closed -Not Applicable. See Section 4.11Through-Cooling with LUHS (include CS Lockout)97 FSG: Deployment and operation of RRC 4.16 KVAC Startedgenerator98 FSG: Deployment and operation of RRC pumping system Startedfor ICW99 FSG: Deployment and operation of FLEX SG pump: Closed -Not Applicable. See Section 4.11injection for vapor bound LPSI pump Closed_-_NtApplicale._SeeSction_4.199A FSG: Transition from FLEX Equipment to Plant Equipment Started100 Implement FLEX program stipulating the required Startedadministrative controls to be implemented101 Confirm adequacy of access provisions for locked areasaffected by loss of ac power and address any additional Startedguidance or procedure upgrades required102 Provide final versions of electrical one-line diagrams in a Startedfuture six-month update.103 Provide update of any changes to dc coping strategy Started. See Section 4.9104 Ul & U2 Install 1 connection on one SFP Pump suction line Started. See Section 4.16for SFP FLEX pump discharge105 Install two sets of secondary water supply connections fromunderground water main (Ft. Pierce Utilities) at north and Started. See Section 4.7new south metering stations L-2014-274EnclosurePage 13 of 29Overall Integrated Plan Pending Actions Status106 Install removable flood barriers at watertight doors to ECCS Started. See Section 4.17Pump Rooms.Alpha suffixes and numbers above 100 indicate additional items beyond those identified in Reference 1Draft Safety Evaluation Pending Items StatusDraft NRC Safety Evaluation has not been received.j N/A6A Open and Confirmatory Items from Interim Staff EvaluationThe NRC Interim Staff Evaluation and Audit Report on the St. Lucie Overall Integrated Plan have been receivedvia Reference 13. Responses to the following two Open Items and 15 Confirmatory Items are in the process ofbeing developed. Where responses have been developed though not completed or reviewed by the NRC, briefsummary remarks are added to the Notes section with St. Lucie response white paper tracking number:Open ItemsItem Number Description Notes3.2.1.8.A Core Sub-Criticality -Confirm that St. Lucie will apply St. Lucie will apply the genericthe generic resolution for boron mixing under natural requirement per Reference 16circulation conditions potentially involving two-phase regarding conditions and timingflow, in accordance with the conditions provided in the for boron mixing. Response to beNRC's endorsement letter dated January 8, 2014, or included with Programalternately, justify the boric acid mixing assumptions that Document.will ensure adequate shutdown margin exists through allthree phases of an ELAP event. The St. Lucie RCS Inventory coping strategy involves an St. Lucie repowering and use ofalternate approach relying on repowering one of three an installed charging pump as aninstalled charging pumps in each unit using a portable alternate coping strategy is480 VAC FLEX generator. Justify how these installed currently being evaluated.pumps will be capable of performing their mitigating Response to be included withstrategies function following an undefined ELAP event, Program contrast with using a portable FLEX pump.
L-2014-274EnclosurePage 14 of 29Confirmatory ItemsItem Number Description Notes3.1.1.2.A Confirm that the routes for deployment of FLEX St. Lucie has ensured that theequipment provide for at least one connection point for FLEX equipment staged locationsthe FLEX equipment that will only require access and cable/hose routes arethrough seismically robust structures, consistent with protected from seismic events orconsideration 2 of NEI 12-06, Section 5.3.2. allow for multiple placementlocations/routes. Response to beincluded with ProgramDocument. Confirm that the deployment routes and methods to be St. Lucie deployment routes andused will enable delivery of resources from the RRC methods have been reviewed bystaging area to the site following a BDBEE. SAFER and enable delivery ofoff-site resources. Response to beincluded with ProgramDocument.3.2.1.A The NRC staff endorsed the PWROG position paper on St. Lucie ELAP analysis CENTSthe use of the Combustion Engineering Nuclear Transient code results are used for non-(CENTS) code in the ELAP analysis for Combustion reflux boiling conditions.Engineering plants, with the limitation that it can only be Response to be included withapplied to the flow conditions prior to reflux boiling Program Document.initiation. Confirm that the applicable ELAP analyses forSt. Lucie meet the above limitation on the use of CENTS. .A Confirm the plant-specific RCP seal leakage rates St. Lucie RCP seal leakage ratesassumed for St. Lucie from time zero to the time when remain at 1 gprn/seal with earlysubcooling in the RCS cold-legs decreases to 50 CBO isolation included in SOE.degrees F' and confirm the impact of these leakage Response to be included withrates on the plant-specific time constraints and Program Document.sequence of events (SOE). (Note: The TER, on page30 of 69, listed an incorrect ADAMS accessionnumber for the August 16, 2013, PWROG positionpaper on RCP seal leakage; it should beML13235A151). Confirm the assumption that the RCP seal leakage rate St. Lucie RCP Seal leakage is <1is less than 1 gpm per RCP during an ELAP before the gpm per seal up to CBO isolation.controlled bleed off is isolated. Response to be included withProgram Document.
L-2014-274EnclosurePage 15 of 29Item Number Description Notes3.2.1.5.A Confirm that the Rosemount pressure transmitters Rosemount transmitters arecredited in an ELAP event will continue to function in confirmed to be adequate forthe anticipated environmental conditions. ELAP conditions. The FPL EQProgram shows that theenvironmental conditions thatwould exist during an ELAPevent are enveloped by the typetesting done under the program.Other essential instruments, notlocated in a harsh environmentare found acceptable based onvendor specification sheets.Response to be included withProgram Document. Justify the use of the NOTRUMP computer code to AFW integrated flow ratedetermine the integrated flow rate required to remove requirement revised to compare todecay heat and sensible heat. CENTS code output. Response tobe included with ProgramDocument. Confirm that the revised calculation for RCS makeup Flow supplied by AFW and SGflow demonstrates that the FLEX strategies and FLEX pumps confirmed to supplyequipment can provide sufficient flow to accommodate adequate cooldown flow.the sensible heat resulting from cooldown in the 2-6 Response to be included withhour time frame. Program Document. Confirm that the pump criteria and the associated Reduced flow provided by RRCanalysis support the adequacy of the RRC-supplied supplied pump is confirmed to bepumps to re-establish Shutdown Cooling for Phase 3. adequate for reestablishingShutdown Cooling. Response tobe included with ProgramDocument. Confirm that the electrical equipment room equipment Shed heat loads are beingis analyzed for operation up to a temperature of 129 recalculated to lower temperaturedegrees F&deg; for 72 hours, or that portable fans will be profile and required equipmentused to provide adequate room ventilation, confirmed to function for 72hours. Response to be includedwith Program Document. The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee Upgrades to the communicationscommunications assessment (ADAMS Accession Nos. systems are currently beingML12307A1 16 and ML13057A033) and has implemented and are trackeddetermined that the assessment for communications is under their Engineering Changereasonable (ADAMS Accession No. ML13134A050). Packages with plannedConfirm that upgrades to the site's communications completion in April have been completed.
L-2014-274EnclosurePage 16 of 29Item Number Description Notes3.2.4.6.A Confirm that the-measures to provide main control Shed heat loads are beingroom ventilation under high ambient temperatures recalculated to lower temperatureduring an ELAP event are sufficient to mitigate room profile and confirm measures areheat-up and allow operators to perform their functions. sufficient for habitability.Response to be included withProgram Document. Confirm the availability of secondary sources of water New high wind missile separatedto provide makeup to the CSTs/RWTs during Phase 2 2nd potable water supplyfollowing a high wind missile event, connection ensure secondarysource maintained for Phase 2.Response to be included withProgram Document. The revised battery load shed strategy is to initially Loads are being calculated tosecure one battery, load shed and operate on the other confirm there is sufficient powerbattery, and return the secured battery to service before available. Response to bethe first battery is depleted, thereby extending the included with Programavailable coping time. Confirm that this revised strategy sufficient to power all critical loads during Phase 1,and can be implemented consistent with the assumedtime constraints and SOE.3.3.2.A Confirm that considerations 1 and 3 of Section 11.8 of NEI 12-06 considerations will beNEI 12-06 will be addressed, so that: A) a historical addressed in Program Documentrecord of previous mitigating strategies and the basis for controlled under Appendix B QAchanges will be maintained, and B) a mitigating program maintains FLEXstrategies change process will be adopted which provides strategies current and futurea documented engineering basis that ensures that any configuration. Response to bechange in FLEX strategy continues to ensure the key included with Programsafety functions are met; or provide an appropriate Document.alternative.7 Potential Draft Safety Evaluation ImpactsDraft NRC Safety Evaluation has not been received.8 ReferencesThe following references support the updates to the Overall Integrated Plan described in this Attachment.1. FPL Letter L-2013-084 to NRC, Florida Power & Light (FPL)/St. Lucie's Overall Integrated Plan inResponse to March 12. 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for L-2014-274EnclosurePage 17 of 29Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049) dated February28, 20132. FPL Letter L-2013-192 to NRC, Florida Power & Light (FPL)/St. Lucie's Overall Integrated Plan inResponse to March 12, 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements forMitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049) dated June 18,20133. NRC Order Number EA-12-049, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for MitigationStrategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events, dated March 12, 20124. NEI 12-06 Rev 0, Diverse and Flexible Coping Strategies (FLEX) Implementation Guide (includingsupplemental guidance contained within posted Flex Guidance Inquiry Forms)5. WCAP-17601-P Rev 1, Reactor Coolant System Response to Extended Loss of AC Power Event forWestinghouse, Combustion Engineering and Babcock & Wilcox NSSS Designs, January 20136. FPL Letter L-2013-254 to NRC, Florida Power & Light (FPL)/St. Lucie's First Overall Integrated Plan StatusReport in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirementsfor Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049), datedAugust 28, 20137. NRC Endorsement of Reference 8, Agencywide Documents Access and Management Systems (ADAMS)Accession No. ML13276A 183, dated January 8, 20148. Westinghouse Position Paper entitled "Westinghouse Response to NRC Generic Request for AdditionalInformation (RAI) on Boron Mixing in Support of the Pressurized Water Reactor Owners Group (PWROG)",ADAMS Accession No. ML13235A135, dated August 15, 20139. NEI Position Paper entitled "Shutdown / Refueling Modes", ADAMS Accession No. ML13273A514, datedSeptember 18, 201310. NRC Endorsement of Reference 9, ADAMS Accession No. MLI3267A382, dated September 30, 201311. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Report 3002000623 entitled "Nuclear Maintenance ApplicationsCenter: Preventive Maintenance Basis for FLEX Equipment", ADAMS Accession No. ML13276A573, datedSeptember 201312. NRC Endorsement of Reference 11, ADAMS Accession No. ML 13276A224, dated October 7, 201313. Interim Staff Evaluation and Audit Report by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Related to Order EA-12-049 Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-BasisExternal Events, Florida Power and Light Company, St. Lucie Plant, Units I and 2, Docket Nos. 50-335 and50-389, dated February 6, 201414. FPL Letter L-2014-063 to NRC, Florida Power & Light (FPL)/St. Lucie's Second Overall Integrated PlanStatus Report in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard toRequirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049), dated February 26, 201415. FPL Letter L-2014-215 to NRC, Florida Power & Light (FPL) Response to NRC 10 CFR 50.54(f) Requestfor Information Update Regarding Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3, Seismic, dated June 30,201416. Westinghouse Letter LTR-FSE-13-46, Rev. 0-A (DRAFT), Westinghouse Response to NRC GenericRequest for Additional Information (RAI) on Boron Mixing in Support of the Pressurized Water ReactorOwner's Group, June 11,2013 L-2014-274EnclosurePage 18 of 29SIMPLIFIED ONE-LINE DIAGRAM OF UNIT 1 CLASS 1E AUXILIARY ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM4.16 SWGR 1A2 4.16 SWGR 1B2UNIT 1EDG EDGFLEX 1A 1 B FLEX41601 DG 4160 DGSECONDARY PRIMARYSTRATEGY STRATEGYU 4.16 SWGR 1A3 4.16 SWGR lAB 416 SWGR 11A CCW IA LPSI 1c 1cIB cCCw 1B LPSIPUMP PUMP PUMP PUMP PUMPSBOCOSSTIETO UNIT 2 1 B2 SSTCONNECTION CONNECTIONPANEL FLEX DG FLEX DG PANE1-I -.SECONDARY PRIMARYI480VACSWGR1A2 [S; STRATEGY STRATEGY 480VACSWGR1B2L.1 400VAC SWGR IAB1AA Batterycharger 1 B BatteryChargerMCC lAB0 C10011S A(atey25)6CagrCHARGING CHARGING CHRGNG1BpBatteryFigure 1 PSL FLEX Electrical Connections (Unit 1) (Rev OA)
L-2014-274EnclosurePage 20 of 29Connection made on bonnets of abandoned check valvesfor FLEX CST Pump Discharge and FLEX SG PumpSuction via Temporary Wye FittingPortion of Drawing 8770-G-080 Sh. 4V09104 Branch connections for FLEX connections forFLEX CST Pump Discharge and FLEX SG PumpSuction via Temporary Wye FittingPortion of Drawin2 2998-G-080 Sh. 2BFigure 1 Connections for CST FLEX Pump Suction on CSTs (Rev 1)
L-2014-274EnclosurePage 21 of 29Connection made on bonnets of abandoned check valvesfor FLEX CST Pump Discharge and FLEX SG PumpDischarge via Temporary Wye FittingPortion of Drawing 8770-G-080 Sh. 4V09 104 Branch connections for FLEX connections forFLEX CST Pump Discharge and FLEX SG PumpDischarge via Temporary Wye FittingPortion of Drawing 2998-G-080 Sh. 2BFigure 12 Connections for CST/SG FLEX Pump Discharge for CST Fill (Rev 1)
L-2014-274EnclosurePage 22 of 29Install a 4" isolation valve and hose connection to the AFW pumplC(2C) discharge piping forSteam Generator Injection by using a FLEX pump.-' " 't9 " M! -'-r" LV* T ~ '0=SPortion of Drawing8770-G-:08 Sh. 4Portion of Drawinq2998-G-080 Sh. 2BFigure 13 Connections for SG FLEX Pump Discharge to AFW Pump Discharge Lines (Rev OA)
L-2014-274EnclosurePage 23 of 29Install primary and secondary 3" isolation valves & hose connections on the LPSI 1A/1B Pumps commondischarge piping. For RCS cold leg injection with FLEX SG Pump drawing suction from the RWT., ., .LOW PBLSMRE SM"R4JCMf PUM tAF-S1 SW -LM qn LiLOW PWOURE SUMINJECTDN FM 18Portion of Drawing 8770-G-078 Sh. 130BInstall 3" isolation valves and hose connections on each of the LPSI 2A & 2B Pumps discharge piping.For RCS cold leg injection with FLEX SG Pump drawing suction from the RWT.Sw-IPortion of Drawing 2998-G-078 Sh. 130BFigure 14 Connections for SG FLEX Pump Discharge to LPSJ Pump Discharge Lines (Rev 1)
L-2014-274EnclosurePage 24 of 29WATERINTAKE CANALFigure 17 Connections for RRC LUHS Pumping System (Unit 1) (Rev OA)
L-2014-274 Enclosure Page 25 of 29INTAKE SRITUC11.Est42ed 24" FMane with onnectons fn HRC P=VSPMR21165DR212112 1/7- DRDRNINTAKE COOUNG WATERPUMP 2AINTAKE CMIXIG WATERPUMP 2CFigure 18 Connections for RRC LUHS Pumping System (Unit 2) (Rev OA)
L-2014-274EnclosurePage 26 of 29PRIMARY WATER STORAGE TANKI150.000 GAL CAPACIYY4 4 8PRIMARY WATERPUMP 2Figure 21 Connections for CST/SG FLEX Pump Suction From PWSTs (Unit 2, Unit I Similar) (Rev OA)
L-2014-274EnclosurePage 27 of 29Install a 3" isolation valve and hose connection on SFP Pumps 1A & 2ASuction piping. For SFP Hardened Makeup from FLEX SFP PumpFLEX(A)TIFUEL P0Portion of Drawing 8770-G-078 Sh. 140Figure 22 Connection for SFP FLEX Pump Discharge to Fuel Pool Pump (Unit 1, Unit 2 Similar) (Rev 0)
L-2014-274Enclosure'Page 28 of 29FLEX PUUP,COWOt FORPORTA8LEFLEX PLUP.FLEX Connections for FLEX SFP PumpSuction and FLEX CST Pump SuctionsI-iOInCOMN FOR?*f~-PORTABLEFLEX PUiIP.---F C e no EX" CONN FORI'-' --3PORTAB,.E" FLEX PUMP. *VI5???r ------,LXone t onorF E 6"X5" CONN FORFLEXConnctios fo FLE 1 ..]PORTABLEI SFP Pump Suction and FLEX FLEX PUMP.I CST Pump Suctions V15???I I*I6*X5 CONN FORFT. PIERCE WTR. SUPPTy L[&#xfd;.. PORT.ABLEji -FLEX PUMP.I V15???* EQUIPMENTLSTORAGE BUILDINGJPortions of Drawing 8770-G-084 Sh 1AFigure 23 Connections for Secondary Water Sources (Ft. Pierce Utilities) for SFP FLEX Pump Suctionand FLEX CST Pump Suctions (Rev. 0)
L-2014-274Enclosure1 126IIUULOLoPage 29 of 296 I 'V1 7206DIESEL OIL'ANSFER PUMP 2AI-.1Vi 7215V1 7216DIESEL OILANSFER PUMP 28iPortion of 2998-G-086 Sh. 1Figure 24 Connections for Diesel Oil Gravity Drain Connections from Unit 2 Diesel Oil Storage Tanks (Rev 0)}}

Latest revision as of 04:27, 11 April 2019