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#REDIRECT [[L-MT-16-014, License Amendment Request: Revise Battery Charger Surveillance Requirement]]
| number = ML16099A097
| issue date = 04/04/2016
| title = Monticello - License Amendment Request: Revise Battery Charger Surveillance Requirement
| author name = Gardner P A
| author affiliation = Northern States Power Co, Xcel Energy
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/Document Control Desk, NRC/NRR
| docket = 05000263
| license number = DPR-022
| contact person =
| case reference number = L-MT-16-014
| document type = Letter, License-Application for Facility Operating License (Amend/Renewal) DKT 50
| page count = 67
| project =
| stage = Other
{{#Wiki_filter:(l Xcel Energy" April4, 2016 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Docket No. 50-263 Renewed Facility Operating License No. DPR-22 Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant 2807 W County Road 75 Monticello, MN 55362 L-MT 014 10 CFR 50.90 License Amendment Request: Revise Battery Charger Surveillance Requirement In accordance with 10 CFR 50.90, "Application for amendment of license, construction permit, or early site permit," the Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation, d/b/a Xcel Energy (hereafter "NSPM"), requests an amendment to the Technical Specifications (TS) for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP). The proposed change revises Specification 3.8.4, "DC Sources-Operating", Surveillance Requirement (SR) to increase the required 125 VDC subsystems battery charger output current and to remove the second method specified to perform the surveillance.
Enclosure 1 contains a description and summary safety assessment of the proposed TS change as well as the technical bases for the changes. The enclosure also provides the No Significant Hazards Consideration evaluation in accordance with 10 CFR 50.92, "Issuance of Amendment," and the Environmental Assessment.
These provide the bases for the conclusion that the license amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration and meets the eligibility criterion for a categorical exclusion as set forth in 10 CFR 51.22, "Criteria for categorical exclusion; identification of licensing and regulatory actions eligible for categorical exclusion or otherwise not requiring environmental review," paragraph (c)(9). Attachment 1 to Enclosure 1 contains the marked-up TS page. Attachment 2 to Enclosure 1 provides the marked-up TS Bases pages for information.
Enclosure 2 provides a copy of MNGP Calculation 91-006, Revision 4, "125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing." The MNGP Plant Operations Review Committee has reviewed this application.
In accordance with 10 CFR 50.91, "Notice for public comment; State consultation," paragraph (b), NSPM is notifying the State of Minnesota by transmitting a copy of this application, with enclosures, to the designated State Official.
Document Control Desk L-MT 014 Page 2 of2 NSPM requests NRC approval of the proposed license amendment request (LAR) by April4, 2017. Once approved, the amendment will be implemented within 120 days. Summary of Commitments This letter proposes no new commitments and does not revise any existing commitments.
If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mr. Richard Loeffler at (763) 295-1247.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on April '-/, 2016.
Peter A. Gardner Site Vice President-Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Northern States Power Company -Minnesota
Enclosure 1: Attachment 1: Attachment 2: Enclosure 2: LAR: Revise 125 VDC Battery Charger SR Marked-up Technical Specification Page Draft Marked-up Technical Specification Bases Pages MNGP Calculation 91-006, Revision 4, "125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing" cc: Administrator, Region Ill, US NRC Project Manager, Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, US NRC Resident Inspector, Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, US NRC State of Minnesota L-MT-16-014 LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST: REVISE 125 VDC BATTERY CHARGER SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT Table of Contents ENCLOSURE 1 1.0
3 4.1 250 VDC and 125 VDC Electrical Power Systems Description
3 4.2 Revise the Required 125 VDC System Battery Charger Amperage ................
5 4.3 Basis for Removal of the Second Testing Option Under SR ...............
7 4.4 Design Basis Accident Considerations
9 5.1 Applicable Regulatory Requirements
9 5.2 Precedent
12 5.3 No Significant Hazards Determination
DESCRIPTION In accordance with 10 CFR 50.90, "Application for amendment of license, construction permit, or early site permit," the Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation, d/b/a Xcel Energy (hereafter "NSPM"), requests to revise the Technical Specifications (TS) for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP). There are two proposed changes to Surveillance Requirement (SR) in Specification 3.8.4, "DC Sources -Operating".
The first proposed change is to increase the required 125 Volt (V) Direct Current (DC) battery charger output current specified as the first option under SR to resolve a non-conservative TS condition.
The second proposed change is to remove from SR an alternative option for meeting the surveillance requirement.
This alternative requires verifying each battery charger can recharge the battery to the fully charged state within the required time period, 24 hours for the 250 VDC and 8 hours for the 125 VDC subsystems, respectively, while supplying the largest combined continuous steady state loads, after a battery discharge to the bounding design basis event (DBE) discharge state. The second option under SR was added during the MNGP Improved Technical Specifications (ITS) conversion process in 2006 (Reference
: 1) but has not been utilized, and it has been determined that it will not be utilized in the future. There is no specific schedule or timing constraints related to approval of this license amendment request. However, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) approval and issuance of a license amendment revising the MNGP TS is requested as soon as reasonable to resolve the non-conservative TS condition.
INFORMATION The value of the required output current specified for the 125 VDC battery chargers in SR within the MNGP TS has been identified as being non-conservative.
The guidance of NRC Administrative Letter 98-10, "Dispositioning of Technical Specifications that are Insufficient to Assure Plant Safety," is being applied until this condition has been resolved with approval of this proposed license amendment request. Corrective actions have been taken to administratively control via procedure changes the required current value during the interim period between the identification of this condition and resolution to ensure conservative operation.
L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 2 of 16 3.0 DETAILED DESCRIPTION The first option under SR currently requires verifying that each required 125 VDC subsystem battery charger supplies greater than or equal to 50 amps. <1 l It is proposed to increase the required current output for each required 125 VDC subsystem battery charger to greater than or equal to 75 amps. The second option under SR requires the following:
Verify each required battery charger can recharge the battery to the fully charged state within 24 hours for 250 VDC subsystems and 8 hours for 125 VDC subsystems while supplying the largest combined demands of the various continuous steady state loads, after a battery discharge to the bounding design basis event discharge state. It is proposed to remove the second option under SR from the MNGP TS. This method has not been utilized in the past, and it has been determined that this method will not be employed at the MNGP in the future to satisfy the surveillance requirement.
Following incorporation of the proposed changes, revised SR would then read (changes are double underlined and deletions are struck through):
SR SURVEILLANCE Verify each required battery charger supplies the following:
* 150 amps for 250 VDC Div 1
* 110 amps for 250 VDC Div 2
* 75 amps for 125 VDC subsystems, at greater than or equal to the minimum established float voltage for 4 hours. Verify each required battery charger can recharge the battery to the fully charged state within 24 hours for 250 VDC subsystems and 24 hours for 125 VDC FREQUENCY 24 months 1. Specification 3.8.5, "DC Sources-Shutdown", SR requires SR to be met for the division of DC sources required to be OPERABLE during shutdown conditions.
SR is unaffected by the proposed changes.
L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 3 of 16 SURVEILLANCE subsystems vvhile supplying the largest combined demands of the various continuous steady state loads, after a battery discharge to the bounding design basis event discharge state. FREQUENCY The TS mark-ups indicating the proposed changes are provided in Attachment 1 to this enclosure.
The associated proposed TS Bases changes are provided as mark-ups in Attachment 2 to this enclosure, for information.
TS Bases changes are issued in accordance with MNGP Specification 5.5.9, "Technical Specification (TS) Bases Control Program," following approval of the associated license amendment request. 4.0 TECHNICAL EVALUATION MNGP is a boiling water reactor (BWR) of the General Electric BWR/3 design, with a Mark I containment.
The plant is located within the city limits of Monticello, Minnesota, on the south bank of the Mississippi River. The electrical power system at the MNGP consists of various Alternating Current (AC) and DC systems. The essential plant DC battery system consists of two 125 VDC and two 250 VDC batteries and subsystems which provide for controls and instrumentation which are vital to reactor and overall plant safety and to power certain functional requirements for reactor shutdown.
During normal operation, the DC loads are powered from the battery chargers with the batteries floating on the system. In case of loss of normal power to a battery charger, the DC loads are automatically powered from the station batteries.
4.1 250 VDC and 125 VDC Electrical Power Systems Description The following paragraphs provide a summary discussion of the systems, components, and parameters affected by the proposed changes. The discussion is provided for information but does not describe the changes being proposed.
Two independent divisions of 250 VDC and 125 VDC batteries are provided.
The 250 VDC "power" batteries serve the larger loads such as DC motor driven pumps, valves, etc. The 125 VDC "control" batteries provide the control power for the in-plant 13.8 kVAC breakers, 4160 VAC breakers, 480 VAC Load Center breakers, auxiliary control power for the 1 R and 2R Transformers, and various control relays, annunciators, etc. The 125 VDC System also provides power for some emergency lighting.
The Division 1 and Division 2 250 VDC electrical power subsystems provide power to their associated uninterruptible AC power supply (UPS). The Division 1 electrical power subsystem also provides power to support the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) System motor operated valves, and other non-critical L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 4 of 16 loads. The Division 2 electrical power subsystem supplies power for the High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) System motor operated valves, the HPCI auxiliary oil pumps, and the Control Room Ventilation System control circuits.
Each 250 VDC electrical power subsystem consists of two in series 125 VDC batteries, two normally inservice 125 VDC chargers, a spare 125 VDC charger, and all of the control equipment and interconnecting cabling to the associated distribution panel. Each battery is exclusively associated with a single division.
Each set of battery chargers is also exclusively associated with a 250 VDC electrical power subsystem and cannot be interconnected with the other 250 VDC electrical power subsystem.
The inservice and spare chargers are supplied from the associated AC load group. The Division 1 and Division 2 125 VDC electrical power subsystems provide control power to the associated 4.16 kVAC essential bus and each of the two 480 VAC essential Load Centers, in addition to other non-essential loads. Each 125 VDC electrical power subsystem consists of a one battery (No. 11 for Division 1 and No. 12 for Division 2), one battery charger (D1 0 for Division 1 and D20 for Division 2), and the corresponding control equipment and interconnecting cabling up to the associated distribution panels. Each 125 VDC subsystem battery is composed of 58 C&D Type KCR-13 cells. The inservice battery chargers are supplied from the associated AC load group. The design includes a common spare charger (D40)(2) that can supply either 125 VDC electrical power subsystem.
Each DC battery subsystem is separately housed in a ventilated room. The common standby 125 VDC battery charger is located in a room separate from the other 125 VDC battery chargers electrical power subsystems.
Each subsystem is located in an area separated physically and electrically from the other subsystems to ensure that a single failure in one subsystem does not cause a failure in a redundant subsystem.
There is no sharing between redundant Class 1 E subsystems such as batteries, battery chargers, or distribution panels, except the common standby 125 VDC battery charger may be shared between the Division 1 and Division 2 125 VDC electrical power subsystems, as described previously.
Each division (subsystem) of the DC electrical power system is required to be operable to ensure availability of the required power to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe condition after an anticipated operational occurrence (AOO) or a postulated design basis accident (DBA). Loss of any DC electrical power subsystem does not prevent the minimum safety function from being performed.
: 2. The spare 125 VDC battery charger is supplied from the Division 2 AC load group and can only be used to meet the LCO for that division.
If it is supplying the Division 1 subsystem, that subsystem is inoperable.
L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 5 of 16 Each essential station battery has adequate storage capacity to meet the duty cycle(s) discussed in Sections and of the MNGP Updated Safety Analysis Report. The essential station batteries are designed with additional capacity above that required by the design duty cycle to allow for temperature variations and aging. The essential batteries for the DC electrical power subsystems are sized to produce capacity greater than required for a DBA and monitored to ensure capacity remains greater than 90 percent during the operating cycle. 4.2 Revise the Required 125 VDC System Battery Charger Amperage SR (first option) currently requires verifying that each 125 VDC battery charger supplies greater than or equal to 50 amps at greater than or equal to the minimum established float voltage to each 125 VDC subsystem for greater than or equal to 4 hours. NSPM proposes to increase the required amperage from each 125 VDC subsystem battery charger from the present value to a value of greater than or equal to 75 amps in SR Increasing the required amperage for each 125 VDC subsystem battery charger corrects a non-conservative TS condition in SR A simplified methodology for evaluating battery charger sizing is provided within the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standard, IEEE 946-1985, "IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of Safety-Related DC Auxiliary Power Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations" (Reference 2). MNGP Calculation 91-006, Revision 4, "125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing," provided as Enclosure 2, discusses the methodology and assumptions involved in determining a revised amperage value for the first option under SR of greater than or equal to 75 amps for each 125 VDC subsystem.
The125 VDC System battery charger sizing was evaluated by calculating the re-charge times(4) considering the coincident 125 VDC System loads also supplied by the charger, utilizing the IEEE 946-1985 methodology.
MNGP Updated Safety Analysis Report Section states: Each 125 VDC [battery]
charger is capable of carrying the normal 125 VDC load and at the same time supplying additional charging current to keep the batteries in a fully charged condition.
IEEE 946-1985 recommends that a battery charger have an output current capability greater than the continuous loads plus the largest combination of non-continuous loads that would be likely to occur simultaneously during normal 3. No change is proposed to the required amperage for each of the 250 VDC subsystem battery chargers under the first option of SR 4. Note, that for the MNGP there are no explicit licensing basis criteria in place for the recharge time after the design basis discharge.
L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 6 of 16 plant operation.
This criterion is met if the battery charger output current exceeds the normal continuous system loads by an amount adequate to bound the non-continuous load combinations likely during normal plant operation.
The respective load profiles used to determine the degree of battery discharge were taken from the sizing worksheets of the battery sizing calculations.
The 125 VDC System is required to operate without the battery chargers supplying system loads during two DBEs, i.e., during a DBA, a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) with a Loss of Off-site Power (LOOP) and a Station Blackout (SBO). The load profiles modelled are a bounding composite combination of loads that would be needed to mitigate a LOOP I LOCA and the loads necessary to operate equipment necessary to mitigate a 4-hour SBO event. The IEEE standard recommends that the battery charger output current capacity exceed the combination of continuous system loads plus the largest combination of non-continuous loads that would be likely to occur simultaneously during normal operation.
The highest actual operating 125 VDC subsystem operating loads were 23 amps (Division
: 1) and 24 amps (Division
: 2) determined from a review of several months of system operating logs. After including allowances for uncertainty and margin, the normal continuous 125 VDC subsystem loads have been determined to be less than 30 amps for either subsystem.(s)
The 125 VDC battery chargers provide an output current capability of 75 amps (minimum) resulting in more than 45 amps available to serve simultaneous continuous loads. The proposed revised amperage value for the first option under SR, of greater than or equal to 75 amps assures each 125 VDC battery charger supplies sufficient current output to meet the respective 125 VDC subsystem loads, while providing sufficient charging capacity to restore the battery in a reasonable timeframe for a full rated discharge with the normal plant 125 VDC subsystem loads, and for a LOOP-LOCA I 4-hour SBO event. No change is necessary to the frequency of the surveillance (SR as the surveillance will continue to be performed at the current frequency of 24 months. 5. The determination of the respective a125 VDC subsystem loading range incorporates tolerances for reading uncertainty and margin.
L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 7 of 16 4.3 Basis for Removal of the Second Testing Option Under SR It is proposed to remove the second testing option under SR from the MNGP TS. Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF) traveler TSTF-360, "DC Electrical Rewrite" (Reference 3), was incorporated into the MNGP TS as part of the Monticello ITS conversion.
One of the changes included within the TSTF traveler was a new provision under SR providing an alternative to the criteria that specified to meet this surveillance requirement for battery charger testing. TSTF-360 provides the following description as the basis for this alternative:
NUREG STS [Standard Technical Specification]
SR (being revised to SR requires specific parameters for battery charger performance testing. This test is intended to confirm the charger design capacity.
Alternate acceptance criteria [emphasis added] are proposed that would allow an actual in service demonstration that the charger can recharge the battery to the fully charged state within [24] hours while supplying the largest combined demands of the various continuous steady state loads, after a battery discharge to the bounding design basis event discharge state. This meets the intent of the existing test and allows for normal in-place demonstration of the charger capability thereby minimizing the time when the charger would be disconnected from the DC bus. The second option under SR states: Verify each required battery charger can recharge the battery to the fully charged state within 24 hours for 250 VDC subsystems and 8 hours for 125 VDC subsystems while supplying the largest combined demands of the various continuous steady state loads, after a battery discharge to the bounding design basis event discharge state. The second option was added during the Monticello ITS conversion because it was included as part of the standard wording within the applicable NUREG for the BWR/4 design, i.e., NUREG-1433 (which was applied for the Monticello conversion), and it was thought that inclusion of this alternative would provide additional flexibility that might prove useful for testing of the 250 VDC subsystems and 125 VDC subsystems in the future. However, this method has not been utilized to satisfy this surveillance requirement (SR since its incorporation into the MNGP TS for either the 250 VDC System or the 125 VDC System. It has been determined that this second option will not be employed at the MNGP to satisfy this surveillance requirement for either the 250 VDC System or the 125 VDC System. The second option requires that each battery charger be capable of recharging the battery after a service test coincident with supplying the largest coincident demands of the various continuous steady state loads (irrespective L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 8 of 16 of the status of the plant during which these demands occur). This level of loading is not normally available following the battery service test and would need to be supplemented with additional loads. The requirements to satisfy the second option under SR complicate testing at the MNGP and require initial conditions that are not typically present during a refueling outage. As previously indicated, this option has not been employed at the MNGP to satisfy SR and is not planned to be used in the future. NSPM does not typically perform service tests for the essential batteries, but instead performs modified performance tests on a refuel cycle frequency as described in "Supplemental Safety Evaluation Report -Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Station Blackout Rule", dated August 5, 1992 (Reference 4). The MNGP is therefore not generally in the initial conditions necessary to perform the testing as presently described in the MNGP TS Bases. Furthermore, the second option is considered less desirable to be performed at the MNGP due to the added complexity of controlling the additional load needed to simulate the largest coincident demands of the various continuous steady state loads during the recharge period. Removing the second option also eliminates the difficulty associated with selecting a conservative recharge time to specify in the TS surveillance requirement considering that the MNGP essential batteries may vary from greater than 100 to 90 percent of rated capacity, that recharge time is affected by temperature as well as charger output voltage, and that the largest coincident steady state loads may change somewhat with future plant modifications.
Directly loading and monitoring the battery charger output current as specified under the first option of SR is considered to provide a clearer and more definitive demonstration of the battery charger capacity and capability.
Therefore, since the first (original) testing option under SR is being retained and the second option provides an alternate means of meeting the surveillance requirement, independent of the first option, removal of the second
* option for testing the 250 VDC System and the 125 VDC System under SR is acceptable.
Testing of the 250 VDC and the 125 VDC Systems will continue to be performed under the "first" testing option under SR 4.4 Design Basis Accident Considerations The initial conditions of the DBA and transient analyses in Updated Safety Analysis Report Chapter 14, assume that the Engineered Safety Feature (ESF) systems are operable.
The DC electrical power system provides normal and emergency DC electrical power for the emergency diesel generators (EDGs), emergency auxiliaries, and control and switching during all modes of operation.
The operability of the DC electrical subsystems is consistent with the initial assumptions of the accident analyses and is based upon meeting the design L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 9 of 16 basis of the unit. This includes maintaining DC sources operable during accident conditions in the event of: a. An assumed loss of all offsite AC power or all onsite AC power; and b. A worst case single failure. The DC electrical power subsystems are also required to be operable to ensure the availability of the required power to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe condition after an AOO, in addition to a postulated DBA. Loss of any DC electrical power subsystem does not prevent the minimum safety function from being performed.
The revised 125 VDC battery charger required output current will continue to ensure that the Updated Safety Analysis Report described battery charger design basis is met and that essential batteries can be maintained fully charged to provide adequate power to support the Emergency Core Cooling System function.
The limit also assures adequate charger capacity at the conclusion of the essential battery duty cycle following a DBA to support continuous steady state DC system loads. Hence, this proposed TS change to increase the required amperage of the 125 VDC battery chargers from 50 to 75 amps under the first option of SR will assure that each 125 VDC battery charger supplies sufficient current output to meet the respective 125 VDC subsystem loads. Removal of the second (alternate) testing option under SR, only removes some unnecessary flexibility in testing methodology from the MNGP TS. The retention of the first testing option under SR maintains the original methodology for performing and meeting SR Therefore, both of the proposed changes to SR are safe and are acceptable.
===5.1 Applicable===
Regulatory Requirements 10 CFR 50.36, 'Technical specifications," provides the regulatory requirements for the content required in the TS. 10 CFR 50.36(c)(3) requires the establishment of surveillance requirements "relating to test, calibration, or inspection to assure that the necessary quality of systems and components is maintained, that facility operation will be within safety limits, and that the limiting conditions for operation will be met." The proposed TS changes revise Specification 3.8.4, "DC Sources-Operating", Surveillance Requirement (SR), to increase the required 125 VDC subsystems battery charger amperage, and to also remove a second option under SR to perform battery charger testing.
L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 10 of 16 The MNGP was designed largely before the publishing of the 70 General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plant Construction Permits proposed by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) for public comment in July 1967, and constructed prior to the 1971 publication of Appendix A, "General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants," to 10 CFR Part 50. As such, the MNGP was not licensed to the Appendix A, General Design Criteria (GDC). The MNGP Updated Safety Analysis Report, Section 1.2, lists the principal design criteria (PDCs) for the design, construction and operation of the plant. USAR Appendix E provides a plant comparative evaluation to the 70 proposed AEC design criteria.
It was concluded that the plant conforms to the intent of the GDCs. The applicable GDCs and PDCs are discussed below.
* PDC 1.2.6 -Plant Electrical Power Sufficient normal and standby auxiliary sources of electrical power are provided to attain prompt shutdown and continued maintenance of the plant in a safe condition under all credible circumstances.
The capacity of the power sources is adequate to accomplish all required engineered safeguards functions under all postulated design basis accident conditions.
Of the 70 Draft AEC General Design Criteria (AEC-GDC) the following are applicable:
* AEC-GDC Criterion 24 -Emergency Power for Protection Systems (Category
: 8) In the event of the loss of all off-site power, sufficient alternate sources of power shall be provided to permit the required functioning of the protection systems.
* AEC-GDC Criterion 39 -Emergency Power for Engineered Safety Features Category A) Alternate power systems shall be provided and designed with adequate independency, redundancy, capacity, and testability to permit the functioning required of the engineered safety features.
As a minimum, the on-site power system and the off-site power system shall each, independently, provide this capacity assuming a failure of a single active component in each power system.
L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 11 of 16
* AEC-GDC Criterion 41 -Engineered Safety Features Performance Capability (Category A) Engineered safety features such as emergency core cooling and containment heat removal systems shall provide sufficient performance capability to accommodate partial loss of installed capacity and still fulfill the required safety function.
As a minimum, each engineered safety feature shall provide this required safety function assuming a failure of a single active component.
While not part of the MNGP Licensing Basis, the applicable 10 CFR 50, Appendix A, GDC are:
* GDC 17 -Electric power systems An onsite electric power system and an offsite electric power system shall be provided to permit functioning of structures, systems, and components important to safety. The safety function for each system (assuming the other system is not functioning) shall be to provide sufficient capacity and capability to assure that (1) specified acceptable fuel design limits and design conditions of the reactor coolant pressure boundary are not exceeded as a result of anticipated operational occurrences and (2) the core is cooled and containment integrity and other vital functions are maintained in the event of postulated accidents.
The onsite electric power supplies, including the batteries, and the onsite electric distribution system, shall have sufficient independence, redundancy, and testability to perform their safety functions assuming a single failure. Electric power from the transmission network to the onsite electric distribution system shall be supplied by two physically independent circuits (not necessarily on separate rights of way) designed and located so as to minimize to the extent practical the likelihood of their simultaneous failure under operating and postulated accident and environmental conditions.
A switch yard common to both circuits is acceptable.
Each of these circuits shall be designed to be available in sufficient time following a loss of all onsite alternating current power supplies and the other offsite electric power circuit, to assure that specified acceptable fuel design limits and design conditions of the reactor coolant pressure boundary are not exceeded.
One of these circuits shall be designed to be available within a few seconds following a loss-of-coolant accident to assure that core cooling, containment integrity, and other vital safety functions are maintained.
Provisions shall be included to minimize the probability of losing electric power from any of the remaining supplies as a result of, or coincident with, L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 12 of 16 the loss of power generated by the nuclear power unit, the loss of power from the transmission network, or the loss of power from the onsite electric power supplies.
* GDC 18 -Inspection and testing of electric power systems Electric power systems important to safety shall be designed to permit appropriate periodic inspection and testing of important areas and features, such as wiring, insulation, connections, and switchboards, to assess the continuity of the systems and the condition of their components.
The systems shall be designed with a capability to test periodically (1) the operability and functional performance of the components of the systems, such as on site power sources, relays, switches, and buses, and (2) the operability of the systems as a whole and, under conditions as close to design as practical, the full operation sequence that brings the systems into operation, including operation of applicable portions of the protection system, and the transfer of power among the nuclear power unit, the offsite power system, and the onsite power system. NSPM has evaluated the proposed changes against the applicable regulatory requirements and acceptance criteria.
The technical analysis in Section 4.0 concludes that the revised 125V battery charger output current is reasonable and that it is acceptable to remove the second option for meeting SR since it is not necessary and is not going to be performed.
Based on this, there is reasonable assurance that the health and safety of the public, following approval of this change, is unaffected.
===5.2 Precedent===
In 1996, the two unit Salem Nuclear Generating Station received two license amendments to revise the respective units TSs to lower the 125 Volt Battery Charger surveillance amperage from at least 200 amps to at least 170 amps so as not to require the replacement of input cables to the battery chargers for charger replacements (Reference 5). IEEE Standard IEEE 946-1992 was utilized to size the replacement battery chargers.
In 1997, Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No.3, received a somewhat similar license amendment to increase the required test voltage for the 125 Volt Battery Chargers (Reference 6).
L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 13 of 16 5.3 No Significant Hazards Determination In accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.90, "Application for amendment of license, construction permit, or early site permit," the Northern States Power Company-Minnesota (NSPM), doing business as Xcel Energy, Inc., requests an amendment to revise Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP) Technical Specification 3.8.4, "DC Sources-Operating", Surveillance Requirement (SR) to increase the 125 VDC subsystems battery charger amperage and to remove the second surveillance option which requires monitoring battery recharge time while controlling additional load to simulate the largest combined demands of the various continuous steady state loads. NSPM's evaluation against each of the criteria in 10 CFR 50.92, "Issuance of amendment," follows: 1. Does the proposed change involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated?
No. The proposed TS changes revise the battery charger surveillance requirements in SR The DC electrical power system, including associated battery chargers, is not an initiator of any accident sequence analyzed in the Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR). Rather, the DC electrical power system supports operation of equipment used to mitigate accidents.
Operation in accordance with the proposed TS continues to ensure that the DC electrical power system is capable of performing its specified safety functions as described in the USAR. Therefore, the mitigating functions supported by the DC electrical power system will continue to provide the protection assumed by the analysis.
Accidents are initiated by the malfunction of plant equipment, or the catastrophic failure of plant structures, systems, or components (SSCs). Performance of battery testing is not a precursor to any accident previously evaluated, nor does it change the manner in which the batteries and battery chargers are operated.
The proposed testing requirements will not contribute to the failure of the batteries nor any plant SSC. NSPM has determined that the proposed TS changes provide an equivalent level of assurance that the batteries and battery chargers are capable of performing their intended safety functions.
Thus, the proposed changes do not affect the probability of an accident previously evaluated.
Therefore, the proposed change does not involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 14 of 16 2. Does the proposed change create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated?
No The DC electrical power system, including the associated battery chargers, is not an initiator of any accident sequence analyzed in the USAR. The proposed TS changes do not involve operation of the DC electrical power system in a manner or configuration different from those previously evaluated.
Performance of battery testing is not a precursor to any accident previously evaluated.
NSPM has determined that the proposed TS changes provide an equivalent level of assurance that the batteries and battery chargers are capable of performing their intended safety functions.
Therefore, the mitigating functions supported by the DC electrical power system will continue to provide the protection assumed in the safety analyses.
Therefore, the proposed change does not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.
: 3. Does the proposed change involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety? Response:
No The margin of safety is established through the equipment design, the operating parameters, and the setpoints at which automatic actions are initiated.
The equipment margins will be maintained in accordance with the plant-specific design bases as a result of the proposed changes. The proposed changes do not adversely affect operation of plant equipment.
The proposed TS changes do not result in a change to the setpoints at which protective actions are initiated.
Sufficient DC capacity to support operation of mitigation equipment continues to be ensured. The equipment fed by the DC electrical sources will continue to provide adequate power to safety-related loads in accordance with safety analysis assumptions.
Therefore, the proposed changes do not involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety. Based on the above, the NSPM has determined that operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed change does not involve a significant hazards consideration as defined in 10 CFR 50.92, "Issuance of amendment," paragraph (c), in that it does not: (1) involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated; or (2) create the possibility of L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 15 of 16 a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated; or (3) involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety. 6.0 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION 10 CFR 51.22, "Criterion for categorical exclusion; identification of licensing and regulatory actions eligible for categorical exclusion or otherwise not requiring environmental review," identifies certain licensing and regulatory actions which are eligible for categorical exclusion from the requirement to perform an environmental assessment.
NSPM has determined that the proposed amendment meets the criteria for a categorical exclusion from an environmental review as set forth in 10 CFR 51.22, specifically 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9).
First, the proposed amendment changes a requirement with respect to installation or use of a facility or component located within the restricted area, as defined in 10 CFR 20, "Standards for Protection Against Radiation," or involves a change to an inspection or surveillance requirement.
Second, the proposed amendment requires no environmental assessment since operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed amendment does not (i) involve a significant hazards consideration, or (ii) authorize a significant change in the types or significant increase in the amounts of any effluents that may be released offsite, or (iii) result in a significant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure.
Therefore, the NSPM concludes pursuant to 10 CFR 51.22(b), no environmental impact statement or environmental assessment need be prepared in connection with the proposed amendment.
L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 16 of 16
: 1. Letter from T. Beltz (NRC) to J. Conway (NMC), "Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP) -Issuance of Amendment for the Conversion to the Improved Technical Specifications with Beyond-Scope Issues (TAG Nos. MC7505, MC7597 through MC7611, and MC8887," dated June 5, 2006 2. IEEE Std. 946-1985, "IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of Safety-Related DC Auxiliary Power Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations" 3. Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF) traveler TSTF-360-A, Revision 1, "DC Electrical Rewrite", dated December 18, 2000. 4. Supplemental Safety Evaluation
-Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Station Blackout Rule (10 CFR 50.63), dated August 5, 1992 5. Letter from L. Olshan (NRC) to L. Eliason (PSEG), "Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (TAG Nos. M94634 and M94635)," dated June 27, 1996. Issuance of Amendment No. 183 for Unit 1 and Amendment No. 164 for Unit 2, respectively.
: 6. Letter from J. Andersen (NRC) to N. Carns (Northeast Nuclear Energy Company), "Issuance of Amendment (TAG No. M98724)," for the Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3," dated September 5, 1997 (Amendment No. 149)
DC Sources-Operating
====3.8.4 ACTIONS====
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION C. Required Action and associated Completion Time not met. C.1 Be in MODE 3. AND C.2 Be in MODE 4. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SR SR SURVEILLANCE Verify battery terminal voltage is greater than or equal to the minimum established float voltage. Verify each required battery charger supplies the following:
* ;;::: 150 amps for 250 VDC Div 1 * ;;::: 110 amps for 250 VDC Div 2 * ;;::: 75 amps for 125 VDC subsystems, at greater than or equal to the minimum established float voltage for ;;::: 4 hours. Verify each required battery charger can recharge the battery to the fully charged state within 24 hours for 250 VDC subsystems and 8 hours for 125 VDC subsystems
*.vhile supplying the largest combined demands of the various continuous steady state loads, after a battery discharge to the bounding design basis event discharge state. COMPLETION TIME 12 hours 36 hours FREQUENCY 7 days 24 months Monticello 3.8.4-2 Amendment No. -149, 153 ENCLOSURE 1 ATTACHMENT 2 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST REVISE BATTERY CHARGER SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT DRAFT MARKED-UP TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION BASES PAGES (FOR INFORMATION)
(4 pages follow)
BASES DC Sources -Operating B 3.
No Changes. The page is included for information, so that the context of the change on the next page is clear. Monticello During normal operation, the DC loads are powered from the battery chargers with the batteries floating on the system. In case of loss of normal power to the battery charger, the DC loads are automatically powered from the station batteries.
The DC power distribution system is described in more detail in Bases for LCO 3.8.7, "Distribution System-Operating," and LCO 3.8.8, "Distribution System-Shutdown." Each DC battery subsystem is separately housed in a ventilated room. The common standby 125 VDC battery charger is located in a room separate from the other 125 VDC battery chargers electrical power subsystems.
Each subsystem is located in an area separated physically and electrically from the other subsystems to ensure that a single failure in one subsystem does not cause a failure in a redundant subsystem.
There is no sharing between redundant Class 1 E subsystems such as batteries, battery chargers, or distribution panels, except the common standby 125 VDC battery charger may be shared between the Division 1 and Division 2 125 VDC electrical power subsystems.
Each Division 1 and Division 2 250 VDC battery has adequate storage capacity to meet the duty cycle(s) discussed in USAR, Section (Ref 4). Each Division 1 and Division 2 125 VDC battery has adequate storage capacity to meet the duty cycle(s) discussed in USAR, Section (Ref. 5). The battery is designed with additional capacity above that required by the design duty cycle to allow for temperature variations and other factors. The batteries for DC electrical power subsystems are sized to produce capacity greater than required for a design basis accident and monitored to ensure battery capacity will remain > 90% during the operating cycle. The minimum design voltage limit is 105/210 V. The battery cells are of flooded lead acid construction with a nominal specific gravity of 1.215. The open circuit voltage is the voltage maintained when there is no charging or discharging.
Once fully charged, the battery cell will maintain 98% capacity for 30 days without further charging per manufacturer's instructions.
Optimal long term performance however, is obtained by maintaining a float voltage 2.20 to 2.25 Vpc. This provides adequate over-potential, which limits the formation of lead sulfate and self discharge.
Each battery charger of DC electrical power subsystem has ample power output capacity for the steady state operation of connected loads required during normal operation, while at the same time maintaining its battery B 3.8.4-2 Revision No.
BASES DC Sources -Operating B 3.
The battery chargers are sized to charge the batteries while supplying the normal continuous DC loads (Refs. 4 and 5). APPLICABLE SAFETY ANALYSES Monticello bank fully charged. Each station service battery charger has sufficient e*cess capacity to restore the battery from the design minimum charge to its fully charged state V.'ithin 24 hours 'Nhile supplying normal steady state teaa&.-The battery charger is normally in the float-charge mode. Float-charge is the condition in which the charger is supplying the connected loads and the battery cells are receiving adequate current to optimally charge the battery. This assures the internal losses of a battery are overcome and the battery is maintained in a fully charged state. When desired, the charger can be placed in the equalize mode. The equalize mode is at a higher voltage than the float mode and charging current is correspondingly higher. The battery charger is operated in the equalize mode after a battery discharge or for routine maintenance.
Following a battery discharge, the battery recharge characteristic accepts current at the current limit of the battery charger (if the discharge was significant, e.g., following a battery service test) until the battery terminal voltage approaches the charger voltage setpoint.
Charging current then reduces exponentially during the remainder of the recharge cycle. calcium batteries have recharge efficiencies of greater than 95%, so once at least 105% of the ampere-hours discharged have been returned, the battery capacity would be restored to the same condition as it was prior to the discharge.
This can be monitored by direct observation of the exponentially decaying charging current or by evaluating the amp-hours discharged from the battery and amp-hours returned to the battery. The initial conditions of Design Basis Accident (DBA) and transient analyses in USAR, Chapter 14 (Ref. 6), assume that Engineered Safety Feature (ESF) systems are OPERABLE.
The DC electrical power system provides normal and emergency DC electrical power for the emergency diesel generators (EDGs), emergency auxiliaries, and control and switching during all MODES of operation.
The OPERABILITY of the DC subsystems is consistent with the initial assumptions of the accident analyses and is based upon meeting the design basis of the unit. This includes maintaining DC sources OPERABLE during accident conditions in the event of: a. An assumed loss of all offsite AC power or all onsite AC power; and b. A worst'case single failure. The DC Sources-Operating satisfy Criterion 3 of 10 CFR 50.36(c)(2)(ii).
B 3.8.4-3 Revision No. 
BASES DC Sources -Operating B 3.8.4 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued)
Monticello battery servioe test and 'Nill need to be supplemented with additional loads. The duration for this test may be longer than the oharger sizing oriteria sinoe the battery reoharge is affeoted by float voltage, temperature, and the exponential deoay in oharging ourrent. The battery is reoharged
'.vhen the measured charging ourrent is < 2 amps for 250 VDC batteries and < 1 amp for 125 VDC batteries.
The Frequency is acceptable, given the unit conditions required to perform the test and the other administrative controls existing to ensure adequate charger performance during these 24 month intervals.
In addition, this Frequency is intended to be consistent with expected fuel cycle lengths. SR A battery service test is a special test of the battery's capability, as found, to satisfy the design requirements (battery duty cycle) of the DC electrical power system. The discharge rate and test length corresponds to the design duty cycle requirements as specified in Reference 4 for the 250 VDC electrical power system and Reference 5 for the 125 VDC electrical power system. The Frequency of 24 months is acceptable, given plant conditions required to perform the test and the other requirements existing to ensure adequate battery performance during the 24 months intervals.
In addition, this Frequency is intended to be consistent with expected fuel cycle lengths. This SR is modified by two Notes. Note 1 allows the performance of a modified performance discharge test in lieu of a service test. The reason for Note 2 is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required DC electrical power subsystem from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety systems. This restriction from normally performing the Surveillance in MODE 1 or 2 is further amplified to allow portions of the Surveillance to be performed for the purpose of reestablishing OPERABILITY (e.g., post work testing following corrective maintenance, corrective modification, deficient or incomplete surveillance testing, and other unanticipated OPERABILITY concerns) provided an assessment determines plant safety is maintained or enhanced.
This assessment shall, as a minimum, consider the potential outcomes and transients associated with a failed partial Surveillance, a successful partial Surveillance, and a perturbation of the offsite or onsite system when they are tied together or operated B 3.8.4-8 Revision No.
QF0549 (FP-E-CAL-01), Rev. 7 Page 1 of4 (! XceiEnergy*
Calculation Signature Sheet Document Information NSPM Calculation (Doc) No: 91-006 I Revision:
4 Title: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Facility:
D PI I Unit: 1 02 Safety Class: OAugQ D Non SR Special Codes: D Safeguards D Proprietary
.. Type: Calc Sub-Type:
I NOTE: I Print and sign name in signature blocks, as required.
Major Revisions I D N/A EC Number: 24146 D Vendor Calc Vendor Name or Code: Vendor Doc No: Description of Revision:
See Purpose section of calculation.
The following calculation and attachments have been reviewed and deemed I acceptable as a legible QA Prepared by: (sign) f I (print) Rhon Sanderson Date: 1 D -).8 -Is-Reviewed by:(sign) :--., ** I (print) Jnkc.
Date: /o /2 8/2<-*1 :s Type of Review: gDesign Verification D Tech Review D Suitability Review Method Used (For qv Review D Alternate Calc D Test Approved by:
P r.jff /(print) &#xa3;P vJArzL Date: to.
tt Minor Revisions I N/A EC No: D Vendor Calc: Minor Rev. No: Description of Change: Pages Affected:
The following calculation and attachments have been reviewed and deemed I D acceptable as a legible QA record Prepared by: (sign) I (print) Date: Reviewed by: (sign) / I (print) Date: Type of Review: D Verification D Tech Review D Suitability Review Method Used (For DV Only): D Review D Alternate Calc 0 Test Approved by: (sign) /"(print)
Date: Record Retention:
Retain this form with the associated calculation for the life of the plant.
QF0549 (FP-E-CAL-01), Rev. 7 Pa(le 2 of 4 (l Xcel Energy* Calculation Signature Sheet # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 This reference table is used for data entry into the PassPort Controlled Documents Module reference tables (C012 Panel). It may also be used as the reference section of the calculation.
The input documents, output documents and other references should all be listed here. Add additional lines as needed by using the "TAB" key and filling in the appropriate information in each column. Reference Documents (PassPort co12 Panel from C020)
Document Name Document Doc Ref Type** Doc?+ Type Number Rev INPUT OUTPUT y CALC Div. 1125 Volt Battery Calculation 02-179 3 X y CALC Div. II 125 Volt Battery Calculation 02-192 3 X N --------IEEE Recommended Practice for Sizing Large Lead Storage-IEEE 485-1983 -------X Batteries for Generating Stations and SubStations y PROC Operations Manual, Lighting, Description of Equipment B.09.14-02 1 X N -----C&D Technologies Publication 12-316, KCR-13 Lead-Calcium 12-316 -----X Standby Batteries y PROC Operations Manual, 125 VDC System, Description of Equipment B.09.10-02 9 X N ----.. -Operator Rounds record, Turbine Building East (2010) 2014-2015
----X N -------IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of Safety-Related DC Auxiliary Power Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations IEEE 946-1985 ----X y PROC D1 0 Battery Charger Preventive Maintenance 4066-PM 3 X y PROC D20 Battery Charger Preventive Maintenance 4075-PM 3 X y PROC D40 Battery Charger Preventive Maintenance I 4078-PM 5 X N -.. -----Replace Div. 1125 VDC Battery Charger D10 EC720 ------X N ------Replace Div. 11125 VDC Battery Charger D20 EC 12877 ------X N -----Replace 125 VDC Battery Swing Charger D40 EC 13284 ------X N ------ITS 125 VDC charger SR 2 unachievable AR#01131103
------N -------TS SR 3:8.4.2 Non-Conservative for the 125 VDC Chargers AR # 01456839 -----Record Retention:
Retain this form with the associated calculation for the life of the plant.
QF0549 (FP-E-CAL-01), Rev. 7 Page 3 of4 (t Xcel Energy-Calculation Signature Sheet
* Controlled Doc marked with an "X' means the reference can be entered on the C012 panel in black. Unmarked lines will be yellow. If marked with an "X", also list the Doc Type, e.g., CALC, DRAW, VTM, PROC, etc. ** Mark with an 'X" if the calculation provides inputs and/or outputs or both. If not, leave blank. (Corresponds to PassPort "Ref Type" GOdes: Inputs I Both = "ICALC", Outputs= "OCALC", Other I Unknown= blank) Other PassPort Data Associated System (PassPort C011, first three columns) OR Equipment References (PassPort C025, all five columns):
Facility Unit System Equipment Type Equipment Number MT 1 125 CHGR 010 MT 1 125 CHGR 020 MT 1 125 CHGR 040 Superseded Calculations (PassPort C019): I Faolllty I Calo Dooumenl Numb" .1 Tille Description Codes-Optional (PassPort C018): Code Description (optional)
Code Description (optional)
Notes (Nts)-Optional (PassPortX293 from C020): Topic Notes I Tex,t [gl Calc Introduction I [gl Copy directly from the calculation Intra Paragraph or D See write-up below D (Specify)
I Record Retention:
Retain this form with the associated calculation for the life of the plant.
QF0549 (FP-E-CAL-01)
Rev. 7 (l Xcel Energy-Calculation Signature .Sheet Monticello Specific Information
[g) YES DYES ON/A jg!N/A Topic Code(s) (See MT Form 3805): SBO Structural Code(s) (See MT Form 3805): __ _ Does the Calculation:
Paae 4 of4 DYES 0 No Require Fire Protection Review? (Using MT Form 3765, "Fire Protection Program Checklisr, determine if a DYES DYES [g) No [g) No Fire Protection Review is required.)
If YES, document the engineering review. in the EC. If NO, then attach completed MT Form 3765 to the associated EC. Affect piping or supports? (If Yes, Attach MT Fonn 3544.) Affect 1ST Program Valve or Pump Reference Values, and/or Acceptance Criteria? (If Yes, inform IST Coordinator and provide copy of calculation.)
Record Retention:
Retain this form with the associated calculation for the life of the plant.
QF-0527 (FP-E-MOD-07)
Rev. 4 Page 1 of 1 Xcel Design Review Checklist EC Number or Document Number I Title I Revision Number: 91-006. 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing, Rev. 4 Verifier's Name: Jake Strasser Discipline: Electrical Design DESIGN REVIEWCONSIDERATIONS:
: 1. Were the inputs correctly selected and incorporated into design? 2. Are assumptions necessary to perform the design activity adequately described and reasonable?
Where necessary, are the assumptions identified for subsequent re-verifications when the detailed design activities are completed? . 3. Are the appropriate quality and quality assurance requirements specified?
: 4. Are the applicable codes, standards, and regulatory requirements including issue
* and addends properly identified and are their requirements for design met? 5. Have applicable construction and operating experience been considered?
: 6. Have the design interface requirements been satisfied?
: 7. Was an appropriate design method used? 8. Is the output reasonable compared to inputs? 9. Are the specified parts, equipment and processes suitable for the required application?
: 10. *Are the specified materials compatible with each other and the design environmental conditions to which the material will be exposed? 11. Have adequate maintenance and requirements been specified?
: 12. Are accessibility and other design provisions adequate for performance of needed maintenance and repair? * . .
* 13. Has adequate accessibility been provided to perform the in-service inspection expected to be required during the plant life? 14. Has the design properly considered radiation exposure to the public and plant personnel?
: 15. Are the acceptance criteria incorporated in the desi9n documents sufficient to allow . verification requirements have been satisfactorily accomplished?
: 16. Have adequate subseguent periodic test and inspection requirements been*appropriately specified, including acceptance criteria?
: 17. Are adequate handling, storage, cleaning, and shipping requirements specified?
: 18. Are adequate identification requirements specified?
: 19. Are requirements.
for record preparation, review, approval, and retention adequately specified? . . 20. Have Design and Operational Margins been considered and documented?
0 None 1Z1 Attached (Use Form QF-0528) D In ECTopic Notes Form retained in accordance with record retention schedule identified in FP-G-RM-01.
QF-0528 (FP-E-MOD-07)
Rev. 1 (l Xcel Energy** Design Review Comment Form DOCUMENT NUMBER/ TITLE: Sheet _1_ of _1_-91_-006, 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing ITEM # 1. 2. 3. 4. REVIEWER'S COMMENTS The calculation references IEEE Std 946-1985 for guidance and methodology.
The standard has since been revised (presently IEEE Std 946-2004) and given that MNGP has no licensing commitments to the 1985 version, the latest revision should be referenced or the differences dispositioned within the calculation.
The recharge time computation for "full-rated" discharge is noted to be very conservative in that the 8-hr rate to 1. 75 vpc is used. From a cell sizing and performance test standpoint "rated" capacity for the MNGP application is generally taken to be the 4-hr rate to 1.81 vpc. Reference 1 0.22 (ML 11111 0396) is noted to be an interim paper discussing the NRC's then ongoing research on float current as an indicator of state-of-charge.
The final testing report is documented as NUREG/CR-7148.
The information as presented in the final report has no impact on the data as referenced within the calculation.
The composite bi:lttery duty cycle currents for periods 11 and 9 of Div I and Div II, respectively, need to be adjusted per CAP AR 01474466.
4 DATE: 10/28/2015 PREPARER'S RESOLUTION Included a discussion regarding the 1985 version versus the 2004 version. No response required.
Reference 10.22 changed to NUREG/CR-7148.
Values adjusted and reference to CAP added. REVIEWER'S DISPOSITION Accepted.
Reviewer: ..
-Date: JohRhwr PreQ_arer: /_ I , Page 1 of 1 Item QF-0549 QF-0527 QF-0528 TOC Calculation TABLE OF CONTENTS Description Calculation Signature Sheet Design Review Checklist Design Review Comment Form Table of Contents Body (including attachments)
Page 1 of 1 CA-91-006, Rev. 4 Pages 4 1 1 1 33 Total 40 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision 4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 1 of 33 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this calculation is to analyze the sizing of the 125V battery chargers.
The specific battery chargers analyzed are: D10-Div. 1125 VDC Battery Charger-supplies #11 Battery D20-Div. II 125 VDC Battery Charger-supplies #12 Battery 040 -Swing 125 VDC Battery Charger-can supply either #11 or #12 Battery Revision 3 addressed the increased DC output current capability of the 125 VDC chargers installed perECs 13284,12877, and 720 (References 10.12, 10.13, 10.14). Revision 4 addresses changes to steady-state loads for post SBO re-charge per new revisions of the station 125 VDC battery calculations (References 10.1, 1 0.2). ** 2. METHODOLOGY Ops Manual B.09.10-02 (Ref. 10.6) describes the 125 VDC System equipment.
Each battery (#11 for Division I and #12 for Division II) is composed of 58 C&D Type KCR-13 cells. The 125 VDC system battery chargers D1 0, D20, and D40 are output current-limited at nominal value of 80 amps. The minimum current limit value of 75 amps will be applied in this calculation.
-During battery recharging, each charger must also supply its divisional 125 VDC system loads. A simplified methodology for evaluating charger sizing is given in IEEE 946-1985 (Ref. 10.8). The equation given in this standard will be applied to determine the approximate re-charge times expected for each 125 VDC battery. Note that the IEEE 946 standard has been updated (see following excerpt from IEEE 946-2004).
For purposes of this calculation the original1985 version of IEEE 946 specifically for nuclear generating stations will be the primary reference for the methodology and acceptance criteria employed in evaluating charger sizing. Where the 2004 version provides more technical detail or prescribes a more conservative method of evaluation the 2004 version of IEEE 946 will be adhered to.
MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Revision 4 Page 2 of33 Excerpt of IEEE 946-2004:
The original issue-of IEEE Std. 946 was published in 19&5 with fue-title ffiEE Rec-ommended Pl-adice for the of S:afety-R.elated DC Auxili.;uy Power Systems for Nuclear Power Gene-ating Statioru.
The 1992 l'e\ision changed ilie title to apply to all generating
!>bti.oll!l, while including specific:
guidance and a detailed 'biblitJ _gnphy of nuclear refell!llC'J!
This revision makes ;a general update. to reflect the most xe<:ent indusb:y practices as. wen as substanfi;U additions to annexes. In addition, as the design of nuclear plmt sy!items has become v.*ell docwnented by other IEEE standards, the-direct emphasis nn unique aspecb of nuelear plant desi_gn has 'b!!en furlhex diminished, with a full lilitlng of the .nuclear <lesign standards included in A. Some 'uude<U* di5c=sion and illusinti>.'ec balie been retained as they offe:r a compans<ln to non-nuclear designs without ha1.-:ing to res111f to -additional standards.
Charger sizing will be evaluated by calculating re-charge times considering coincident 125 VDC system loads also supplied by the charger, using the IEEE 946 methodology.
This is the same method described in the EPRI Power Plant Electrical Reference Series Volume 9, DC Distribution System (Reference 1 0.18). Acceptance criteria will be from the 1985 version of IEEE-946.
The 2004 version will be referenced as appropriate.
: 3. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Per USAR Section 08.05 (Reference 1 0.17): "Each 125 VDC charger is capable of carrying the normal125 VDC load and at the same time supplying additional charging current to keep the batteries in a fully charged condition." This criterion is met if the charger output current exceeds the normal system loads such that charging current can be supplied to the battery. For the purposes of determining required output current capability of the 125 VDC chargers, the methodology and criteria of IEEE 946 (References 10.8 and 10.9) will be used, with acceptance criteria from IEEE 946-1985.
IEEE 946-1985 recommends a re-charge time of 8 to 12 hours. This IEEE 946-1985 criteria is met if the calculated re-charge time (after a rated discharge ofthe battery) is between 8 and 12 hours, considering normal125 VDC system loads.
* IEEE 946-1985 also recommends that the charger have output current capability greater than the continuous the largest combination of non-continuous loads that would be likely to occur simultaneously during normal plant operation.
This IEEE 946-1985 criteria is met if the charger output current exceeds nornial continuous*
system loads by an amount adequate to bound non-continuous load combinations likely during normal plant operation.
Note that meeting the IEEE 946 criteria ensures the USAR criterion is met. This calculation will also evaluate re-charge time following a Station Blackout discharge of each battery. The Monticello licensing basis discharge corresponds to the Station Blackout event ahd the equivalent discharge load profile is taken from the battery sizing calculations (References 10.1 and 1 0.2). This is the discharge that the battery would undergo if subjected to a service test with a load profile matching that modelled in the battery calculations which MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision 4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 3 of 33 model a composite profile for the 4-hour LOCA I Station Blackout event The re-charge time will be calculated using the IEEE 946 equation (same equation for both the 1985 and 2004 versions of IEEE 946) with system load considered to be the largest continuous load combination present at the end of the modelled station blackout event. There are currently no explicit licensing basis criteria in place for the recharge time after the design basis discharge.
The load profile used to determine the degree of battery discharge will be taken from the sizing worksheets of the battery sizing calculations.
These sizing worksheets tabulate loads vs. time and evaluate battery positive-plates-required in accordance with IEEE Std.485-1983 (Reference 1 0.3). The profiles modelled are a composite combination of loads that would be needed to mitigate a LOCA event coincident with a loss of offsite power and the loaqs necessary to operate equipment necessary to mitigate a 4-hour Station Blackout event. 4. INPUTS 4.1 The charger output-current limit setting is 78-82 amps, per PM procedures (References 1 0.9, 10.1 0, 10.11 ). A charger minimum current output of 75 amps will be used for this calculation.
4.2 The battery discharge during an SBO event is modelled in the following calculations:
For Div. I (#11 Battery)-CA-02-179 (Reference 1 0.1) For Div. II (#12 Battery)-CA-02-192 (Reference 10.2) The load data from these calculations is consolidated in the spreadsheet of Attachment
: 02. This spreadsheet tabulates the effective amp-hours discharged for both the Div. I and Div. II SBO events. The load values were adjusted in select time periods in accordance with the issue identified in CAP AR # 01474466 (Reference 10.24). The corrected values are as given in ECs 25634 and 25511 (References 10.25 and 10.26). Note that the bounding loads considering 1 minute minimum time interval taken from the battery sizing worksheets are used. The results of the calculations in the spreadsheet are as follows: . Div. I (#11 Battery) total amp-hours discharged=
263.01 Div. II (#12 Battery) total amp-hours discharged=
240.49 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision 4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 4 of 33 4.3 The rated battery discharge capacity will be taken to be the full KCR-13 cell capacity for a discharge to 1. 75 volts I cell as given in Attachment
: 01. Full rated discharge amps hours = 495 maximum This is conservative as it is a larger value than the 8-hour value recommended by IEEE 946-1985.
Also in Attachment 1 are the ratings as given in the battery sizing calculations (excerpt taken from 02-192). Note that the ratings are slightly different.
The 495 amp-hour value representing ultimate capacity will be used to determine the maximum re-charge time. The 8 hour value from the C&D ratings table of 61 x 8 = 488 will be used to calculate minimum re-charge time. Full rated discharge amps hours = 488 minimum 4.4 The steady-state system loads after an SBO discharge will be taken from the node current analysis in the battery sizing calculations.
The DC system loads at analyzed time steps were inspected to select the load for each battery that represents the largest combination of steady-state loads that could be present at the end of the SBO event.. For the Div. I system, Time Step 52 of the Div. I calculation (Reference 10.1) represents that maximum steady state load on the Div. I 125 VDC system at the end of an SBO event. For the Div. II system, the maximum steady state load considered is taken from Time Step 53 of the Div. II calculation (Reference 10.2). The effective system loads are dependent on the corresponding system voltages.
These voltages will be taken as the battery node voltage from the calculations fodhe applicable time steps. Div. I (#11 Battery) current at Time Step 52 = 61.54 Amps Div. I (#11 Battery) voltage at Time Step 52 = 109.204 VDC Div. II (#12 Battery) current at Time Step 53= 57.95 Amps Div. II (#12 Battery) voltage at Time Step 53= 110.130 VDC For the Div. I system, the current due to the emergency lighting load will be subtracted, as the emergency lights will switch off once AC power is restored to the holding coil for the DC contactor feeding Panel L40 (Reference 1 0.4) at the end of the SBO event. Div. I Emergency Lighting current at Time Step 52= 13.94 amps Therefore:
Div. I post-SBO 125 VDC system load= 61.54-13.94
= 47.6 amps (at a battery terminal voltage of 109.204 VDC)
MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Div. II post-SBO 125 VDC system load= 57.95 amps (at a battery terminal voltage of 110.130 VDC) . . Revision 4 Page 5 of 33 4.5 For full-rated battery discharge, the system loads present during re-charge would be the same as the 125 VDC system loads under normal plant conditions.
Per Operation's Logs (Reference 1 0. 7), these normal loads are very consistent.
* separate months of data were reviewed and the highest load value selected for each Division (Attachment 03): Div. I normal system load = 23 amps Div. II normal system load= 24 amps The loading recorded in the logs was very consistent.
The panel ammeter has an accuracy of 1% of the 150 amps full scale range or +I-1.5 amps (Reference 1 0.20). The current shunt has an accuracy of +I-0.33% or 0.495 amps (References 1 0.20, 10.21 and Attachment 5). The ammeter scale has 2 amp graduations for a readability error of +/-1 amp. Combining these errors statistically using a sum-of-squares method: Total ammeter uncertainty=
(1.5A2 + 0.495A2 + 1A2)A1f2 = 1.87 amps. Therefore an uncertainty of+/-2 amps will be considered to apply to the log readings.
For conservatism, the upper limit and lower limits on normal load will be adjusted by + or-3 amps, giving normal load limits as follows: Div. I minimum normal system load = 23 3 = 18 amps Div. I maximum normal system load = 23 + 2 + 3 = 28 amps Div. II minimum normal system load = 24-2 -3 = 19 amps Div. II maximum normal system load = 24 + 2 + 3 =
29 amps 5. ASSUMPTIONS 5.1 None MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Revision 4 Page 6 of 33 6. ANALYSIS From IEEE 946-1985 (Reference 10.8), the battery charger sizing should be evaluated using the following formula: A= l.lxAHR +L T A = Charger Rating L = Station Load AHR . =Battery Discharge in Ampere Hours T = Hours to Recharge 1.1 = Compensation for battery losses No correction factors for altitude or temperature are needed for the chargers in use at Monticello as temperatures are less than 50 deg; C and altitude is less than 3300 feet. When solved for time (T), equation 2.1 becomes: T == l.lxAHR A-L Division I Calculation (01 0 or 040 re-charging
#11 .Battery)
For a Station Blackout.
design basis discharge event (DIV 1): During re-charge following a station blackout event, the continuous load given in Input 4.4 will increase as voltage increases during re-charge.
The load will be considered constant resistance for conservatism and adjusted for the maximum charger float. voltage of 130.5 volts, as defined in procedure 4510-PM (Reference 10.19). The 2004 version of IEEE-946 notes that the actual percent charge restored to a battery when using the given sizing equation is dependent on applied voltage. To ensure a 95% restored charge consistent with the standard, a charger voltage output in the equalizing range may be necessary.
Per procedure 4510-PM, the maximum equalizing voltage for the 125 VDC chargers is 135.8 VDC, or 2.342 volts I cell. Note however, that during the current limited portion of the re-charge cycle (bulk phase) battery voltage rises over time to the charger setting. As an example of this charging response for. lead acid batteries reference the following excerpts from C&D Batteries and NRC (References 10.22 and 10.23). At the onset of charging, battery voltage
* would be well below normal float voltage.*
The average current available for charging the battery would then be*reduced as voltage rises, due to the corresponding increase in current to the system loads. The voltage rise can be conservatively 
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'I MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision 4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 8 of 33 Adjusting system loads as discussed*
and applying the sizing equation gives: L = 47.6 amps x 130.5 VDC /109.204 VDC = 56.9 amps A= 75 amps AHR= 263.01 amp-hours T = (1.1 x 263.01) I (75-56.9) Input 4.1 Input 4.2 Input 4.4 T = 16.0 Hours (Div. L re-charge after design basis Station Blackout event) For a full-rated battery discharge (DIV 1): The system load considered for calculating time for a recharge of the battery after a discharge of its rated capacity is taken from Operator logs of the battery charger output current during normal plant conditions. L = 23 amps +/-5 amps A= 75 amps minimum A= 82 amps maximum Input 4.5 Input 4.1 Input 4.1 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing AHR = 495 amp-hours maximum AHR = 488 amp-hourminimum Tmin = (1.1 x 488) I (82-18) = 8.3*hours Tmax = (1.1 x 495) I (75 -28) = 11.6 hours Input 4.3 Input 4.3 CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 9 of 33 T = 8.3 Hours to 11.6 Hours (Div. I. re-charge after full rated battery discharge)
Division II Calculation (020 or 040 re-charging
#12 Battery) For a Station Blackout, design basis discharge event (Div II): During re-charge following a station blackout event, the continuous load given in Input 4.4 will increase as voltage increases during re-charge.
The -load given for the Div. II 125 VDC system can be conservatively considered constant-resistance and adjusted for a maximum charger float voltage of 130.5 volts, as defined in procedure 451 0-PM * (Reference 1 0.19). See the discussion for the Division I station blackoutcharging calculation for justification of the use of 130.5 volts for determination of system loads, even if the actual recharge is performed with the charger at a maximum equalize setting of 135.8 VDC. L = 57.95 amps x 130.5 VDC 1110.130 VDC = 68.7 amps lnput4.4 This is a large load and bounds the Div. I considered maximum recharge load by a wide margin. As a significant portion of the loading is due to constant power and constant current loads, a DCSDM software run of the Time Step 53 loads was executed with a battery node voltage of 130.5 VDC. *The output report of this run is given in Attachment
* 4. The calculated load value of 60.25 amps from Attachment 4 will be used. L = 60.25 amps A= 75 amps AHR = 240.49 amp-hours T = (1.1 x 240.49) I (75-60.25) Attachment 4 lnput4.1 Input 4.2 T = 18.0 Hours (Div. II. re-charge after design basis Station Blackout event)
* 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 10 of 33 For a full-rated battery discharge (DIV II): The system load considered for calculating time for a recharge of the battery after a discharge of its rated capacity is taken from Operator logs of the battery charger output current during normal plant conditions.
L = 24amps +1-5 amps A = 75 amps minimum A= 82 amps maximum lnput4.5 AHR = 495 amp-hours maximum AHR = 488 amp-hour minimum Tmin = (1.1 x488) I (82 -19) Tmax = (1.1 x 495) I (75-29) Input 4.1 Input 4.1 Input 4.3 Input 4.3 T = 8.5 Hours to 11.9 Hours (Div. II, re-charge after full rated battery discharge)
S IEEE 946-1985 (Reference 1 0.8) recommends sizing battery chargers for an 8 to 12 hour re-charge time, considering a battery discharged to its full rating and normal DC system loading. The corresponding re-charge times calculated were: Re-charge after full rated discharge with normal plant loads Div. I, 8.3 to 11.6 hours Div. II, 8.5 to 11.9 hours These calculated times are within the IEEE 946-1985 recommended time range of 8 to 12 hours. The 125 VDC system loading range assumed incorporates tolerance for reading uncertainty and margin. Therefore the charger current limit settings are matched to the battery size considering system loads and in accordance with the standard.
IEEE 946 recommends that charger output current capacity exceed the combination of continuous system loads plus the largest combination of non-continuous loads that would be 'likely to occur simultaneously during normal operation.
With continuous loads less than 30 amps and charger output current capability of 75 amps (minimum), more*
MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Revision 4 Page 11 of 33 than 45 amps is available for simultaneous non-continuous loads. During normal plant operation, additional non-continuous simultaneous loads are very uri likely to exceed 45 amps. Recharge times were conservatively calculated for a design battery re-charge considering the continuous loads that would be present post-event:
Recharge after a Station Blackout, design basis discharge event: Div. I, 16.0 hours Div. II, 18.0 hours The calculated times demonstrate that the each charger's sizing is adequate to supply the maximum combination of continuous loads present after a Station Blackout event and re-charge its battery in a reasonable time (to 95% capacity).
The 125 VDC system loads assumed during recharge after the design basis event were conservatively adjusted to correspond to maximum float voltage for the entire recharge time period. Note that AR #011311 03 documented an issue with the 2nd method of determining acceptance for Tech Specs surveillance requirement SR, i.e. that the battery chargers can accomplish a re-charge in <= 8 hours after a design basis discharge event (SBO). AR # 01456839 formally documented this issue as a non-conservative Tech
* Specs surveillance requirement and establishe*d administrative limit for the 1st method of meeting SR The administrative limit 125 VDC system battery charger output current was established as >= 75 amps.
* The basis for the second method of SR involves achieving re-charge of a battery after a service test with the maximum continuous load applied to the system that could be present regardless of plant conditions.
The service test would essentially correspond to the design basis load profile modelled in the battery calculations for a station blackout event. The maximum continuous loads would be as determined in this calculation based on a review of the continuous loads applied at the end of this event. Thus, this calculation demonstrates that re-charge would occur in this case in reasonable time. However, this method of surveillance of the battery chargers would not be used at Monticello as battery testing is performed via a modified performance test, which of necessity discharges the battery to a greater degree than a service test. The most precise way to ensure the battery charger is capable of performing its design functions is to test it per the 1st method, thus ensuring it can supply adequate current at float voltage for a 4 hour time period. Final resolution of the Tech Spec issue described in ARs 01131103 and 01456839 requires a permanent change to the 1st method of meeting SR The criteria should be changed to>= 75 amps for 4 hours (as is presently administratively MONTICELLO NUCL!;AR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 12 of 33 controlled):
It is recommended that 2nd method of meeting the surveillance be removed, as this test method is not used at Monticello.
This calculation shows that a charger current of 75 amps is adequate to re-charge the 125 VDC batteries within a reasonable time after a design basis event and considering continuous post-event loads. 8.0 FUTURE NEEDS AR # 01456839 tracks completion of a License Amendment Request for Technical Specifications SR The first option should be changed to >= 75 amps, as is currently administratively controlled.
The second option should be removed from Tech Specs as this test option would not be of practical use at Monticello.
This calculation determines that a charger test to >= 75 amps for 4 hours demonstrates the ability to charge batteries after the limiting Station Blackout event in reasonable time, considering the largest combination of 125 VDC system steady state loads. 9.0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 01-Excerpt of C&D Technologies, Publication 12-316, KCR-13 Calcium Standby Batteries Attachment 02-Spreadsheet showing total discharge amp-hours for Div. I and Div. II 125 VDC batteries based on SBO battery calc load profiles Attachment 03-Excerpt of 2010 Ops Log for 010, 020 charger output current, Sept. 2010, Jan. and June 2011 Attachment 04-DCSDM software sizing report showing calculation 02-192 Time Step 53 loads at a battery node voltage of 130.5 VDC.
10.1 Calculation CA-02-179, Div. 1125 Volt Battery Calculation, Rev. 3 10.2 Calculation CA-02-192, Div. 11125 Volt Battery Calculation, Rev. 3 1"0.3 IEEE Std. 485-1983, 'IEEE Recommended Practice for Sizing Large Lead Storage Batteries for Generating Stations and Substations' MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision 4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 13 of33 10.4 B.09.14-02, Operations Manual, Lighting, Description of Equipment, Rev. 1 10.5 C&D Technologies, Publication 12-316, Lead-Calcium Standby Batteries (see Attachment 01 for excerpt) 10.6 B.09.1 0-02, Operations Manual, 125 VDC System, Description of Equipment, Rev. 9 10.7 Operator rounds records, Turbine Building East (2010), excerpts from December, 2014 and July, 2015 included as Attachment
: 03. 10.8. IEEE Std. 946-1985, 'IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of Safety-Related DC Auxiliary Power Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations' 10.9 IEEE Std. 946-2004, 'IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of DC Auxiliary Systems for Generating.
Stations' 10.10 4066-PM, D1 0 Battery Charger Preventive Maintenance, Rev. 3 10.11 4075-PM, D20 Battery Charger Preventive Maintenance, Rev. 3 10.12 4078-PM, D40 Battery Charger Preventive Maintenance, Rev. 5 10.13 EC 720, Replace DIV. 1125 VDC Battery Charger D10 10.14 EC 12877, Replace Div. 11125 VDC Battery Charger D20 10.15 EC 13284, Replace 125 VDC Battery Swing Charger 040 10.15 AR # 01131103, ITS 125VDC charger SR 2 unachievable 10.16 AR # 01456839, TS SR Non Conservative for the 125 VDC Chargers 10.17 USAR-08.05, Plant Electrical Systems, Rev. 30 10.18 EPRI Power Plant Electrical Reference Series, Volume 9, EC Distribution System, Copyright 1987 10.19 451 0-PM, Maintenance of On-Site Batteries and Battery Chargers at Monticello Nuclear Plant, rev. 35 10.20 NX-9173-19, C & D Battery Chargers (D10,020,D40)
NLI Model: ARR130K100F-MOD, rev. 1 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision 4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 14 of 33
* 10.21 Rammeter website page showing.F150A50 current shunt accuracy (Attachment
: 5) 10.22 NUREG/CR-7148, Confirmatory Battery Testing: The Use of Float Current Monitoring
* to Determine Battery State-of-Charge, p*ublished November 2012 10.23 C&D Technologies Technical Bulletin 41-2128, Charging Valve Regulated Lead Acid Batteries
* 10.24 CAP AR # 01474466, DCSDM Software Issue, initiated 04-14-15 10.25 EC 25634, Monticello 125V #11 Battery Modified Performance Test Profile 10.26 EC 25511, Monticello 125V #12 Battery Modified Performance Test Profile MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision 4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 15 of33 Attachment 01 -KCR-13 Battery Ratings: Excerpt of C&D Technologies, page 1 of 2 Publication 12-316, KCR-13 Lead-Calcium Standby Batteries:
Excerpt of 02-192, MNGP 125 Volt Div. II Battery Calculation --------------
__ Powet SGluTilnfr-'.::
* RATINGS TABLE: AMPERES Excerpt of C&D Technologies Doc. 12-316,2007
'Nominal Rat?" 0 77'F (2G'C) in 1.21!> N<!mlnai_SG (lntludas cimnaclor voH.oga drop} *. Amp&nltO Models NomlnaiAH Final Volta Rating
* lihr 4hr 3hr 1.5hr 1 hr 30m!n 15m!n KCRIKAR-5 200 25 .. 41 . 50 77 .M 1211 165 KCRIKAR-7 250 31 li3 65 101 126 173 221 KCRIKAR-0 330 41 71 9T 135 ,:169 231 294 KCRIKAR-11 410 52 88 109 '. 166 ' 206 294 364 1.75 KCRlKAR-13 495 61 106 tat 204 254 351 450 KCRIKAR-16 577 72. 124 162*** .. 237 297 411 6112 KCR!i<AR-17 660 .. '92 . 142 174: 272 '340 470 604 KCRIKAR-19 742 92 159 195. aoa *378 .520 664 KCRIKAR--21 925 100 176 216. 332 -413 567 728 KCRIKAR-6 194 24 41 41l : 74 Ill 122 154 KCRIKAR-7 239 '30 51 62 95 .117 169 198 KCRIKAR-9
:119 . 40. 6ll 93 . 126 . "156 .-211 264 KCWKAR-11 401 . _ . .-60 < . ll4 wi* . 155 *. 191 260 327 1.76 KCRIKAR-13 479 SQ. 102 124 191 236 320 404 KGR/i<AR-15 659 *.* *70 119 145 222 . 275 ll75 4Tr KCRIKAR-17 637 00 136 166'-254 : 315 . 429 542 KCRJKAR-111 719 90 152 0 196 293 . a!io -* . 474 596 KCRIKAR-21 1102 .*-too 169 .-205. 310 382 . 518 653 KCRIKAR-6 190 . 24 . ... @ 49 71 96 114 140 KCRJKAR-7 231 29 .(9 . '511 as I 109 143 175 KCRIKAR-9 ll10 65 ... 7B 117 I 14&deg;4 ; .. 0 191 293 KCRIKAR-11 300 . 90 '. 97 *. 146 tfr .** 235 289 1.81 KCRIKAR-13 464 511 !!7 . 118. . 178 . 219 200 .*. 357; I(CR/KAR-15 541 *68 114 **..-139'* 207 254 .< agg 422 KCRIKAR-11 619 77 1110 *H>7 237 ,291' 9118 479 KCRIKAR-10 699 '97 146 176 264 :123 420 627** KCRIKAR-21 779 97 161 '194. 289 ,' 353 460 577 *oaa baood en tllroody lrom a 72-hoor noat oonlfllon periEEE-450 prooedu1eo.
1mln 243 300 412 608 655 707 871 949 1028 213 264 353 435 560 682 746 912 891 *193 22t 204 364 467 569 621 677 736 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision 4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 16 of 33 Attachment 01 -KCR-13 Battery Ratings: Excerpt of C&D Technolog*ies, page 2 of 2
* Rating Publication 12-316, KCR-13 Lead-Calcium Standby Batteries:
Excerpt of02-192, MNGP 125 Volt Div. II Battery Calculation
'C&D 'F.I!C:El:N()LOGI&#xa3;S, Jl'ic .. 1400 Pl'rrdN'M:EE:$'Q.
* FAX;:(115}6lil-7i!4o . . 5 10 15" 2(.} ;>_ll. 45.' .* . . " . . .. * *. . . . . . 19 12 16 19' 24 l m1n miil. mill IiliD. min. Iithi *min lhr 11ir j hr 4 hr 5 .bi lHrr B iii lir hi hi hr 243)' :ih5 l2$::uol!.c
!14;3 *cr4.\' sM 'tl.'l :>H rJ-:s H:plH.s *
.. ?OE,II l4:5J 116.0 &4.!l
+J.ll 38:9 3([8 15;5 lU . KC:R:p 4Ii.7
:no:9 i9:L i6!Lo nt2 10.1 59.7 5ts *n:o ri9.o 155 k&#xa2;&-Ii* 5o&.Q JL5284:P!7.:
_87.9. }j'4.o K0.-13 "!'t54.i'f 5'76.jj
*b!J-;2 mt.ll UO.P 2!13.3 2$'f:4 106.2 89,7 77,1 61.4 S'O:ll Ft:M 33.5i27.'12H . KCR.-15 7!.17.-i' 693.4 S!IS.15!l.7 81,8 41Ll 342;1! l9MJ9,1)J 152311lj)
!10.1 71.'1 593 3!).2 3.1,9 27,0 .
* ti(l3,6154S:S
'fliP 39_2J
:st!l 61, 3{1.8
!14a:7 &-u:t 740'.7 6il4.it6iisj 4i5.C 154:ii 1951 15ll:ll il4.'
9-23 6{3 so.6W.Ll H:9 KCR."21 1,0283 91L1 812:ll n7.6 1562:151573 474; Ui.5119.6 14Stll2!l.( lOH ltS,S 73J 51i.BfM.4 3!l.l 'All mtii:all'lilmllltiom llinSt bli"Vlirifioo With C&D
* Iii If silbji!ci to cliangr. . %oiri;i#asP-..u MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Attachment 02-Spreadsheets showing total discharge amp-hours for Div. I and Div. 11125 VDC batteries based on SBO battery Calc. load profiles (from calc. sizing worksheets)
.. 'O __ :* ...... .. : .. j:. Time .Step Duration Div; I Batt. Current
* Div I Batt.Dischrg
.... *: __
* ___ *
.. -: ..
... ;1.. LOO 14!t03 2..483833
: 2.
** *-------* 7f79 * *i:1965o&*
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-* *-*--*--*-----------****---**
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..... , ...
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... *-*---------*----*----**
---* -*-----------'--*---
-p J,OO :10!1:22 l
* Total nllration=l
* * * *240:oo!h.inutes
* ** i -_[-*. .
i TofalDischarge
=1 .-26l-.01!amp-hours i
l' 1-00"'L' **n* ><"" ., ** .,. *.-o' ="' ' n <
! * ';---""""'-'"-"",.._.=-
_ _,._, * .-,, *. .,..-, ...... -.,..,...._.,., .,.,. .... ,-;..-, CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 17 of 33 page 1 of 2 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Attachment 02-Spreadsheets showing total discharge amp-hours for Div. I and Div, II 125 VDC batteries based on SBO battery Calc. load profiles (from calc. sizing worksheets)
**o -*-*.-*---'.-_
(-.=* l Duratiqn Div.IIBatt.
i:>iv ! Batt/D.isthtg
-* .. ::: . : *:** .1 130:47 2*174500 .1 .*r:o*
* ** *"
*a 27,*0 62:93 2.8.318500
--__ ,____ *-** .. . .. __.. __
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.. 4 'l.O
..... **-**** -*-*-*****-
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t-*---,s. 29.0 59:44 '18, .
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.. . l""'" ----------s
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---** --2:o;o667 --____ 1 ___ _
,. . -*-,.,,_, _ __.,_,,
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,.13 -28J). 58-0.5 L.7.ti90000 i ..........
'"''i4 ,. . **-**o3of5 , --. -on-** ,._, "5810"i . --*-.......
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... -ta * ,'i.9 l05.fl6 t'7Qil333
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* 240.00! minutes i :
... .. ..
* __
* Total
______ ______ L_ CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 18 of 33 page 2 of2 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TITLE: 125. VDC Battery Charger Sizing Attachment 03-Excerpt of 2010 Ops Log for 010, 020 charger output current, Dec. 2014 and July, 2015 021) Max: !ill till 11fl1/2014 21)00 ;!.of nmf.!Q14 (IBQJ l4 U/lQ/2014 illOO li
.11f.J(lf.1DH (IBQJ ;1:4 tlf2!lf#l14 2000 H U/2(1J2Q14 (111(;0 24
:12,1211/1014 2000 H $dl.liber, .lan'e;l U/18/2014 llliOO 1;4 Ra!Toall:f 1 11/27}2014 2(10) :z..t Sd\lill!f, lilrrlel l1/l11W14 l)(I(I) 24 12/26/2014 2000 l4 12f2B/2014 01100 ;!.of 2000 24 U/lS/2014 01100 1;4 11/2-olflQH 200) 24 12/2412014 Olli;J;l H taemw,Lamy 11/2Jj2Q14 2DOO 24 12/2lf.!P14
()(l(ll H IO!:mlv,L.oony U/22/11)11 2IJOO 1;4
:12,121J2!)14 IJ(l(ll 24 IO!:l:l)W, I..Mny U/21/2014 21)0) :l.i Sil!I*Y 12/21/2014 (lllC() B I..<!Wfeo<:"', IIIII l1/2M014 200) 14 U/2!lf.1o14 (lllC() 24 Ll!Wfeoo:..,.,, mn 121191-1 2ll00 1;4 12/1?J2o14 (lllC() 24 Ll!Wf<l!K.oe, IIIII 12/11!121!14 2(10) N 11/111J20H (lllC() :!:4
:12,117}2()14 2(10) H Cawf,JQe U/1712Q14 oow 1;4 He!nl$.m.w 11f1(iJ2!)14 2000 M UitB/2014 l)(l(ll 2-f li!i!rii'I!>JillfJW 200) 24 oow 11/14{2014 21l00 14 Bltll:l\.C'>>
()(l(ll 1;4 l2/1l/2oH 21l00 :H
:12/11/2014 onm :H 12/12/<QH 21l00 24 l3fol:l\ (:t;ty :12,111}2ll14 (1000 2.4 l2/1l,rul14
.2llOO 24 llf1)lffl, 1:!)'1 11f1lJ2Q14 (l!I(Jl 2.4 U/1WWl4 2ll00 H U/1QJ2o14 (IBQJ ;1.4 J2.10m!l14
;!.i 1.2,1Wj2()14 (lli(;O !1.4 12/(lll/1014 2(10) H AjbekJ, II(. 12/QIIJ2o14 Q8(JO 24 12/(]7/21)14 2(10) M 11(07(.!014 0800 14 12/(lli/2l)14 211(]} ;H 1.2,1%'W14
()(l(ll :M 211(]} 2.4 t::a!e1, Joe 01!00 7;4 12/0'I:P..l.)H
&llOO 24 ()800 2'1 12((1l{2QH 21100 2;4 12{Dl/2!l14
()8(ll 14 U/2.411 CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 19 of 33 page 1 of 8 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Attachment 03 -Excerpt of 201 0 Ops Log for D 1 0, 020 charger output current, Dec. 2014 and July, 2015 12/(l:l/2014 11)00 :11fll2J2014 QIJOO 11/(11/2014 21)00
()IJOO 24 D-20 Nf:G'ro GROUND VOlT p;m 11/.HnQ14 11/3 tjJll14 . 01100 (iii 11/JMOH U/J11,'21l14 01100 67 11,12!1{2014 21)1;() 67 !1/29{2Il14 01100 67 11,1.2J!{2.1)14 21)1;() (i&
()OQJ 12,127.{2014.
21100 66 11/27n014 0000 !1/21!/2014 llllll 66 OllOO U/25}Ul14
.21)00 (iii 11,12!if.!(l14 ogoo 66 Uf2'lf,lll14 21)00 ft7 11,124{2014 01100 fi7 2000 67 12/23.(2014 01100 ummH fiT D/21PQ1-I 01100 fi7 fiT llf2tjJll14 01100 1,7 11/2!111014 2(]00 fiT U/2\lf21)14 0600 67 Uf1ft/2Q14 21)(,(1 67 ll/19{2014 0&11 1;7 12,111!/201-1 21)(,(1 67 J2,1U1{2D14 0001 1;7 D/17.{201-1 21)(,(1 fi7 U/1'112014 (UJ():l 1;7 21)(,(1 *67 Wl6rn14 (lg():l 1;1 JlfU/2014 21)00 67 '11,11ml)14 01100' 66 U/14/2014 21)00 4i6 :12/11/2014 QI)OO o(i6 fl/l:Jfl014 21)00 .67 12/U/2D14
()llOO .f,7 fl/11{l014
.67 l2/UJ20H Ql)l'Q f>7 WHf2014 2(]00 67 l2/1ll2014
()l)l'Q *1,6 11/11!12014 21100 66 D/1!112014 0&11 66 llJll912014 2(]00 67 12/ll9f2014 0600 4i6 l2,1()11/11)14 21l(() .f,7 (111(0 .u j1J(I1}1,1;J14 2(li;O a !:lftl.7,i2D14 0000 .u 200:) .u 12100120 1" 0000 *66 U/240 tfnl W
Sn)l!by, 1.<<
t:lill!'f,m t:lill!'f,)OO t:lill!'f,XIe R;;m;lle'f, r>!lke R!lml!le;', Mike R;ltnllley, 1.4Vfl-.e,l!ln I!IH tlit)l(:b,Cay flJQI.:il, (i;ly 81sliii,DaYkl All!(lld 1 Rl!mal!:y, Hike. AIOO!if, Hit <;RS. AA 01458586 WI!. 0016 CR$. AA 0145&$111>
W11. c;RS. AA 0145m4 Wll 0016$
AA O.HW!i!!li WII.IJ(l11W9 1/22,12Dfi CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 20 of33 page 2 of 8 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Sizing Attachment 03-Excerpt of 2010 Ops Log for 010, D20 charger output current, Dec. 2014 and July, .2015 Tliti;Jil'oll flplldlll;j Em (2010) gwr-o2.o;1 Oi*fW D-10VOLTAGE*ROAT JJU BAlTmY lbnW= !lDV 0111 Mnl118 m UlR$: W!I/S. BAmRES REI::! 29 12(2612014 onoo 131 Mike 1.212.5.,2014 21100 01 Jlla/2014 onoo 131 Ratllilley, 1.21.2112014
.:liiOO 01 U/2'1/20!4
()(100 1l1 Ktett)tv, L.Qnny 12fZl!20H 21100 01 11/2312014 0!100 1l1 I.Qnny 12,121/1014 2000 131 12,122/2014 0!100 1l1 12,121/21)14
:moo 131 12f21/2014 0600 131.
12(211,'21)14 21100 1J1 U/l.ll/2014 onoo 1:)1
.12,11!112014 21100 131 U/1!1/20!4 onoo m 11/111,'2014
:200) U1
!Vtll/2014 Cl&n U1 12f17[2Q14
.12,117/1014 onoo 131 12/1&'2014 2000 131 OlliW,m 12(1&'2014 onoo 131 21!00 U1 .IJ/U/1014
()fiCO 131
;!1100 1:!0
.12,11.ol/1014 onoo 131 U/U12014 21100 m U/U/2014 ()fiCO m GillY U/l2Ril14 21!00 1Jt !I!AA Cg,y 12,112/2014
()lj{l;l 1;11 GillY 12,111/2014 21100 1JO 12/11/2014
()lj{l;l ill 12,1111,'2014 21J00 1J1 U/11.WQ14 onoo U1 11f0912014 200) 131 CIIIOO 1:11 J2IQI!/2014
:21XX) 131 Allxlld, Nlc. WQI!Ii!014 onoo m t2/Q712014 2{l('Q m Mo1tl;ew !1/0712014 onoo m l2/QG/2014 2{l('Q m 11f06/l014 1;11100 131 12/0S/2014 2000 1l1 Ol$l!i';m Jll()!if1014 onoo m 11/(14f2014 21!00 U1 12(Q412014 011(0 131 Ul(llfl011 131 J2/()3/2014 0!100 U1 U/01111)14
;!1100 m 11/07/2014
<!800 1;11 1.2101/2014 2llCO m AAi: i2/Q1[2Q14 Olji)O 131 l.UVDC tllAR$fR.
fOR #11 BATRitlY (;I.IRRfHT NoinW "' 2$ i\ll'(H 010 llfi.Tifiii!S Sl:'ir-39 Jl&o: JD 12/ll/2014 2DOO 1l 1&#xa5;->mo!.-.
(1(1(1) :u 12,1lllll014
:2000 n (liii;O 11,12!1/2014 21100 n Petef$1!!11, Gal'f 37/2.41) 1JUIM15 CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 21 of33 page 3 of 8 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERA TJNG PLANT TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Attachment 03 -Excerpt of 2010 Ops Log for D 10, 020 charger output current, Dec. 2014 and July, 2015 USVOC CJWIGEJHOR:
#U .IIATnJlY C!JRRE!fT Dll) AIYfd.
(1{100 :u J1flljf2{)14 2000 2J J212ll{lOH (ll!OO :u J1f27{2014 2000 2J :f2/27MH (li\U) :13 J1f26[2014 2000 ll :f2/26@1'f (lllf;l) ;1;1 21!00 2l :12/2!1/ZOH OntO 12121/2014 21!00 2l 12/24/2014 (IU<<l n 12/:lWOH 2llOO 2l Jlfll/2014 (11!00 ll J2/21/2014 2000 2l 12/22/2014 (11!00 ll Z()CQ 23 J1f21/1D14 01!00 2J 2J 12/2WlQ14 0800 2l :12l1!!nQl4 2000 :IJ 12/1!1{2014 0000 2l Jlflll/2014 2000 :11 :t111llf2014 (1000 2l 12/17f2014 2000 :!l :11117{2014 onoo 2l Dflli/2014
:2000 ll 12/ifimlif (ll\00 2J
:2000 2l WW1C!l'f 01)00 12/1-lf2014 21!00 23 :WH/1014 (11100 a 12113{2014 2000 2l l2,11J/1(114(1000 ll 12112/2014 21100 2l .12/12/2014 (1000 ll :t1/1lJ2014 2000 ll .12,11 f/21)14 (1000 ll :u/11!111)14 2000 a Jl!1fHll)14 0000 2l mwJ2Ql4 2000 2l 12/()!1{2014 onoo 2-l :t&#xa3;l0llnl)14 200Q 2l 12100/2014 01!00 :u .12f07{1IJ14 21lt'l) 2J 121!)7{2014 (11100 :u J1f(l9f20142!100 2J W01iR014 01100 a 2000 2l ooro Dl04/2014 21100 2l WO'!/ZOJ4 ooro 2l 12/0lflOH 2000 :u lnQH ooro :IJ 12/02/2014 21!00 :u .12,102/11114 OlllD ll f/2014 2000 23 J1f!)f{2014 QI!OO 2J
!l:Mb!r, Rairlaley, Mike Kleltrw,t.onny Qsej,Jill!
BtQkil, cay Pli!li!i'SI!fl,GatY AIIXli<J, Ell!lb, Da\>kl RMIBie'f, Mike AIOOI4, Me Pad:e'$1\, Kllii$'Jbelrtel, lUck Srlldl)', La!
= M';l$ MmRE$
CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 22 of 33 page 4 of 8 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Attachment 03-Excerpt of 2010 Ops Log for 010, 020 charger output current, Dec. 2014 and July, 2015 VOlTAGl-JU)AJ lfUIIATnRV 02!1 07/(11)201!>
21Xll 07/0l/2D15 QI)(Q 07/(lf/2015" 21Xll 07/0IJ2fl1'.i
()1,100 tll Ul 1ll m 125VD(: CHARGER. FOR JtU I!ATnA.VC:UAAfMT 07/ll/201!} 07/Jf/2015 OllOO H 07/l!ln015 a+ 07/J!I/2015 OllOO H 07/29{ID1!>
200J 24 07/29{2Wi 01!00 2.4 07/lQ{lQ15' 21J(Xj l4 07/l!ln015 Q(ll;il H 07121]2f!15 2000 u 07/].7fl015 OllOO . 07/26fiD15 2(100 l4 07/1G/l01S O!iOO H 07/15]1D1f.
21l00 l4 07/2ffi.015 (1(!00 24 07/24/2015 21l00 l4 D1/WQ15 (llj(O D1/2l{2ll15 21l00 :B W/2lf2L)15 OIJ(O H 07/27RQ1S 200l H f11121PJJ1'.i 0(!00 (l7/,U{2ll1!>
H D1flt/20t!i OllOO 24 24 D1/2i!{lo1!;
01!00 l4 1)1[1!1{11)1!>
200J lf f11/19{2015 0(1(0 14 W/10}21!15" 2000 lf 07/U{2/l1ri 0(1(0 14 QJ/17]21!1!>
21J00 lf 07f-1.7M1S OllOO Wl11i/2D1l>
lOCO 1.4 07/16{2/l15 OllOO :l4 D1/1!ij2Jl1!i 21Xll l4 0745n0!5 OllOO 07/Wllllfi 21Xll 1.4 t17/H/2D15 OBW lf 01/lJ/201!}
2IJIXI 24 ti7/UJ2ll1!i 01)00 lf 01(1JP/Wi 2IJIXI 24 1!1/1l/2D1!i OllOO lf 07/1.1ntlt5
.... 07/U/101!>
QIKQ 14 07/l!lf<Qt5
:H 07/11J{2ll15 OllOO Z-l 2DCO .7-* 01/0!tfl015 lllliD Z4 lOCO . 24 IJJ/()8/201ri lllliD l.i 111MJ2fWi 21)(1) l4 IJJ{(J7{2ll15 OliOO H *IJJ/lMV201'.i 200) 14 0710612D15 OllOO >>rm 8106:h, Ct.y Gal)'
Ko\illnen, (Ii5if!l,m Ktalllo Ndl8 ll.ifi;IR)ii',CQ!w Kr.llllo Ndl n
{$iff( Kr.\lll, ft!i_8 K.arib)ft', {Qtey AI 001<1, Nl e AIIJOiil, Nlf.
"''*"'*eery Albott, Nle:
!II>.TTERI!!iS u CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 23 of 33 page 5 of 8 "118/201$
MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Attachment 03-Excerpt of 2010 Ops Log for 010, 020 charger output current, Dec. 201.4 and July, 2015 * . . .
Blilh11ttg (10i0) lUVDC CIWtGEilfQit .tU BATTfAYti.IIUWfl' D.m 01{(1512Q1S 200). 01/05@15 0000 Dlf0'1f,Ul1!>
200). 01!<Hn01!1 IJ!ll)l 1)7/0J/2015 2(ICO !l7/0J/l01!1 IJ!ll)l 01/02/lQ1S 20CO D7f02[1Il15 . .0000 . ()7(01}2015 21100 07{(lf,{lll15 OilOO D-20 MGTO GIIDUND \/Ol'l' 07/Jmtli!l
'2QQ1 li6 C17(J1}201$'
0800 66 1)7/JQ/?1)15'
'2llQ) li6 C17(3QI201$
(1800 66 Dlf.2!1f.Zll1!>
21l00 66 0800 66 Dlf21l[.!.015 21l00 66 l)O!Xl 66 07/27[2015
.2000 *66 Olll)l 66 Q7f2ti}2[115 2000 66 66 Wtl!>/201$
2000 66 08 66 C17(2.Jj201$'
2000 li6 Dl(2'1i201S 06lll1 66 01/.24/2015 2000 li6 0800 66 07/21J'HH'i 2()()) li6 Q7/22,/21l15 0800 66 2()()) li6 01/21/21)1$
0800 li6 2()()) li6 07/.a(lflQI$ .OilCO 66 Q7/1!!1201!i 2000 66 01/1'!112015 (Jil(Xl (11 07{1!1/2015 21100 li6 W(JB/2015 O&lll (11 21l00 66 07/171201!1 0000 (17 01/i!i/21115 2000 til 01/11li201!i 0000 (17 Q7(15'}2Q15 200l 66 01/15/2015 0!100 li6 01/11/2015 lOOl 66 07/1-112015 0!100 ii6 W(J.;!,\2015 2oo;) ii6 01{1JJ2Q15 Osoo 66 01(rl,f1D1S 2!100 66 01/12/lQ1S 01IOJ li6 01/UJUli!i
:2000 66 01/11/2015 (11100 .116 ll7/11!1:Z015 211()1 66 01/1(!121)15 (11100 tj6 01/fi'H2015 21l(n f'l7 07/0mll15 0600 66 14/W Mil! 60 U11W VQII$
Btolth,. C<<y AleX F'&t$el, Gar; raser,m Ktanz, lf<)!lll 1'1\'inz, lf<)!lll Katlflolf, i;Qrey Ktant,. Ne!lll Cb<<!f Alli::!l4; A!llOkl, NIC Alf.'diJ, rte
!IIQI:ll,<;ory Gil')' !!IOI:b. OIY l'l'letSI:Il,GIIll lbnlill " 2Q fiRll$ Bmn!ES. lbl\Jal = &#xa3;,5'1
!;llq! .12 CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 24 of 33 page 6 of 8 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Attachment 03-Excerpt of 2010 Ops Log for 010, 020 charger output current, Dec. 2014 and July, 2015
.-11 Blo.TTfR&#xa5; 01(14{2!)15:
21100 ll1 01/1'!m1'i
()(100 :m 01f13!2Dn 2ll00 n1 m ODOO m 2000 U1 BiQkl'l, CCi'f QDOO Gort 21)00 fro rJJ(11{2!)1S:
Q!IOO 130 07/tlla015 2000 :130 Blt;lth, W/111/201s:
01100 m Ga;y uo rJl/fW{2!)1S QQOO Gal'f Ql'f(IBfiQ1'i Ill. AlbQ!rf, Nli;; 01/QU/201!1 IIQO)
GillY wromw* 21)(() m AJIJOii;f, Hie Cf//07{lf;l15 IIQO) ut Y/aoli111'io!nll, CflfQ6/lQlfi 2ll(Q 111 AIIXllif, Hie Cfl/OiiPIJlS OUIXl U1 rJJ(CJ5fl!lli 21)00 131 01100 Ut SoXit. 01(Q4{2!)15 21)00 ll1 (li)(Q Ut
!11/QlflQ1'i 2!1(,Jl 131 * .m Q'J/WnDl'i QIII;Q 1;11) 01{02{2Q1'i 2!1Ql 1l0 fP{01J201fi (lll(() 130 BIQid!, CCI&#xa5; rJlf(ljjWl!i 2DOO U1 West:,A\9:
fP/Qf/21)15 QIIIX) 1:!1 F'f:tet$1eff, Galj' U5VIM; tmMJ:It fQJl *n
<<:!IAAIII'ff 25 A!lllS Dlo HiJx: 51HMJti: 11/rfl!; BI\TifRII;S seq: 41 wntflots 2ll(Q n Wfl!f21)1'i IIQO) 23 l;li'f31JP015 2000 n Wf.l0Jl01!i (Jill):) 23 07/2!1/201!>
2000 23 WP'.l/Wt'i 01100 23 rJlf2JJ{l015 l!llOO ll 07P!l{l!l15 (lll(ll) n 07/27/2011>
21100 ll 07t:l7!J,Q1'i OlliXl n (aey,Joe 01().firn1fi 21100 23 l<,No;!ln 07(26J2Q15 OJ!OI) 2l
!11mf21)1fi 2 23 Hell n OI!(X) 2l 111/24{2!)11>
2 n 07/2.4/1l/15 IIQO) 2l IWi<IIOII',COio\!'r 07/ll!lQl!i 21)00 07(2:4/2015 1)11(0 ll IWI<tio6, CL1Ief 1111).11201!1 21)00 Wf22/21)1!i Ql)((l 23 Al{lokl, WrllBJ:!lfi 2ilOO :u
!11/2.1{21)1Sc 0!100 n Albol4, 11Jf2Q[l1)1fi l!OOl :Q !1112f)fl01';. 2l Albol4 1 Q7/l!l{l!l1l>
2IJOO ll W/1!1f201!i
(]000 23 Wflll/lll1!>
21l00 ll Q7116{.ll)15" OlliXl :23 R<<:: JQ l9/nl tl.(i.Bf201S CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 25 of 33 .page 7 of 8 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Attachment 03 -Excerpt of 201 0 Ops Log for D 1 0, 020 charger output current, Dec. 2014 and July, 2015 125'/CiC CIIAAGfll POR Mti llAMllV CURIII:IfT 07117/2015 2000 u (JJ/17[2015' 11600 . 23 (J]fl6{201!>
0600 :0 2000 23 W/1if21l1<J 0600 n 2000 2l 0600 n 2{]C() 11 11{100 u (JJ/1]J201(;
2000 23 Qgf.O W/1fJ201'$
2000 n wt111201!i oaoo 12 !11/111:{201!$
2!100 ll (JJ/111:{2015" OIJW 2l (JJ{(I!If2015" 2000 2l CI1/0W2Q15" 01)00 1l ll QJ/08}2.015" Oil(() 2l wromoto;, n Wf07]2Jl1'!i 0600 2l WW2JJ1S 2000 1l (JJJOGil(l1!>
0600 2l 071l)S/101S 2000 23 W/O'i/201'-i' 0600 2l W/il'lrnl15" 20<<) n 01/11'112015-0600 2l 07J(ll}2.()1S 2000 1l 0000 07/02/2015" 200:l 2l 07/0lnOI';, 0000 W/OfJ2015" 2000 U 07/(lf/201$
0600 1l -IHO P1Q r;;,m Rki Cil$ef,M BfOI:JI, Cay Brol:h,Cay BIOI:h,Ccr(
AlOOI!f, Nli; AIOOI!f, Ill&#xa2; W/JiVi!l'ieli11 1 1!1!1'1 HI(; P.;ib;!IS(Wl, SrXtt (J]flfJ201'i 2000 111/ll/2015" QI)(Q 07/JllaOlS 21100 D7/JI!/lQ15" QI)(Q (J]f2W21Jl5 21l00 Wf2W201'i oaoo W/18{1I!15 2000 !11(2llflll15' 0000 07/27/2/)15 200J Q7(27_fl1l1'J 0000 Q7/2&n!l1!i-21)CQ Q7/J6i21!1!i-0600 Q1f25/2fJ1S 20CQ 07/2Sn015 (1600 21)(0 07/24{2!)15
()IJW Q7{)){2Jl1S Q7/2J{2015 0000 07(2112015-Cl1f21POU Ollrll Q7f21i201S:
2000 07/21.12015" 1)1)00 64
,64 6J 6l 6J Ill Gal')' 6J KI\!IIU,K;Jilll
*fiol KBMI!l<<, -I:Dit1y {>l 64 (Q!ey 6J -C>l -M .AII:df,Nre; 64 M AIIJQio1, Me. lbm;li = :2<;
11/!.Trn\IES CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 26 of33 page 8 of 8 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Revision 4 Page 27 of33 Attachment 04-DCSDM software sizing report showing calculation 02-192 Time Step 53 loads at a battery node voltage of 130.5 VDC. page 1 of 6 Attachment F Node Voltages By: -----------------Dale:
______ _ Check: Datg: ______ _ Xcel Energy 1 Monllceno
-12liVdo Cole No. 02.192 Reil. 3 DCSDM Version 3.0 Attaclunent FD2DBA Page FD2DBA 1 of FD2DBA3 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: *.* Revision 4* 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page28 of 33 Attachment 04-DCSDM software sizing report showing calculation 02-:192 Time Step 53 loads at a battery node voltage of 130.5 VDC. page 2 of6 Node Voltages 08'2512015 03:46pm Batlery: D2 Scenario:
D2DBA Scenario o:!Banery CoolposileScenaJio Oosr:ripllon:
-... .__ I p2 TTERYD> 2 I ffl00DtSTfl\li!:LD11 3 ,..,. TIBIYCIWIGU112
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y, .. ,. j"/IIC) """" (VOC) 1\'DC) (VD01 M>01 I'/ DC) IV DOl (VDClt rvoct !YOO) fVDCI fVDCI MICI "'*"' >:10.10 "''' '"'"' '"" 13dl\ 1.31.7 '"'*"' ,,.., , .. , jl2J I:)(LIQ '''''" ..... !32.1. ,,.,. t.YJ ,,., I:IU ,,..., *-* 1JI2'J ,.....,. IYJ 1.1>.1 *-132.1. ll'l.Ci ,,., tfl.!ll ,,,
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"'"' 1::1:).1 1"1.CO 131.7 '"'-"' t:il-.i 1t9.SI ,,., ..... 1>21 '"" j:tl1L* '"'' "'" "" tlU ., ... tW ''""' OOSDY Version 3.0 Al11ohmentFD2DBA Pogo FD2DHA20I FD2DBA3 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Attachment 04-DCSDM software sizing report showing calculation 02-192 Time Step 53 loads at a battery node voltage of 130.5 VDC. Node Voltages Generation Date: 08/25'20 15 03:46pm Ballery: D2 Scenario:
D2DBA Scenario 02 Battery Composite Scenalio
== Description:==
CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page29 of33 page 3 of 6 1 T 2 l1ma. Step Ranga*lOO:Oi
* 3.'5800.0 I I I I I I I I I I I I -""""""' " ""' fWJHASJEPMH.WB 32 , .....
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Xcel Energy I Monticello
-12SVdo Cole No.02-192Rov.
3 IV DCI '"'' '"'"' 13:!.7' ..... .... .... ....
v ..... . .,.. .. ...... .,. .. l'lllCI IV DCI ('{00) II'DCl 12&.51 12-5..81 lt1'.13, DCSDM Varslon 3.0 .... ,., .. --
...... Yo !tiS' . ..... fVDC) f'lllC) (VDCI ('tOOl I'IDCI I'IDCI IYilCI M>CI MICI Allaohmont F020BA Page FDlDBA 3 of FDlDBA 3 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT . CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision 4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Pa9e 30 of33 Attachment 04-DCSDM software sizing report showing calculation 02-192 Time Step 53 loads at a battery node voltage of 130.5 VDC. page 4 of 6 Attachment G Node Currents By: _________________
Date: _______ _ Check:
Xcel Energy I MonUcello-125Vdc calo No. 02-192 Rev. 3 DCSDM version 3.0 Attachmem GD2DBA Page GD2DBA 1 of GD2DBA3 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision 4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 31 of 33 Attachment 04-DCSDM software sizing report showing calculation page 5 of6
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D2DBA Scenario 02 SaHel}'
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QJ121lDA P190 QD2DBA:lof 002DBA 3 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision 4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 32 of33 Attachment 04-DCSDM software sizing report showing calculation 02-192 Time Step 53 loads,at a battery node voltage of 130.5 VDC. page 6 of6 Node currents GeneraUon Date; 08/2!!12015 03;48 pm Ballery: D2 Se<narlo:
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DCSDU Version 3.0 Alladlment GD201!J\ l'a!JD GDWII/Ia ol GD20DA 3 Cole 'No. 0).19llloY.1 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Attachment 05-Ram meter web page showing 0.33% accuracy for current shunt model F150A50. CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 33 of33 page 1 of 1 (l Xcel Energy" April4, 2016 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Docket No. 50-263 Renewed Facility Operating License No. DPR-22 Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant 2807 W County Road 75 Monticello, MN 55362 L-MT 014 10 CFR 50.90 License Amendment Request: Revise Battery Charger Surveillance Requirement In accordance with 10 CFR 50.90, "Application for amendment of license, construction permit, or early site permit," the Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation, d/b/a Xcel Energy (hereafter "NSPM"), requests an amendment to the Technical Specifications (TS) for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP). The proposed change revises Specification 3.8.4, "DC Sources-Operating", Surveillance Requirement (SR) to increase the required 125 VDC subsystems battery charger output current and to remove the second method specified to perform the surveillance.
Enclosure 1 contains a description and summary safety assessment of the proposed TS change as well as the technical bases for the changes. The enclosure also provides the No Significant Hazards Consideration evaluation in accordance with 10 CFR 50.92, "Issuance of Amendment," and the Environmental Assessment.
These provide the bases for the conclusion that the license amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration and meets the eligibility criterion for a categorical exclusion as set forth in 10 CFR 51.22, "Criteria for categorical exclusion; identification of licensing and regulatory actions eligible for categorical exclusion or otherwise not requiring environmental review," paragraph (c)(9). Attachment 1 to Enclosure 1 contains the marked-up TS page. Attachment 2 to Enclosure 1 provides the marked-up TS Bases pages for information.
Enclosure 2 provides a copy of MNGP Calculation 91-006, Revision 4, "125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing." The MNGP Plant Operations Review Committee has reviewed this application.
In accordance with 10 CFR 50.91, "Notice for public comment; State consultation," paragraph (b), NSPM is notifying the State of Minnesota by transmitting a copy of this application, with enclosures, to the designated State Official.
Document Control Desk L-MT 014 Page 2 of2 NSPM requests NRC approval of the proposed license amendment request (LAR) by April4, 2017. Once approved, the amendment will be implemented within 120 days. Summary of Commitments This letter proposes no new commitments and does not revise any existing commitments.
If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mr. Richard Loeffler at (763) 295-1247.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on April '-/, 2016.
Peter A. Gardner Site Vice President-Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Northern States Power Company -Minnesota
Enclosure 1: Attachment 1: Attachment 2: Enclosure 2: LAR: Revise 125 VDC Battery Charger SR Marked-up Technical Specification Page Draft Marked-up Technical Specification Bases Pages MNGP Calculation 91-006, Revision 4, "125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing" cc: Administrator, Region Ill, US NRC Project Manager, Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, US NRC Resident Inspector, Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, US NRC State of Minnesota L-MT-16-014 LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST: REVISE 125 VDC BATTERY CHARGER SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT Table of Contents ENCLOSURE 1 1.0
3 4.1 250 VDC and 125 VDC Electrical Power Systems Description
3 4.2 Revise the Required 125 VDC System Battery Charger Amperage ................
5 4.3 Basis for Removal of the Second Testing Option Under SR ...............
7 4.4 Design Basis Accident Considerations
9 5.1 Applicable Regulatory Requirements
9 5.2 Precedent
12 5.3 No Significant Hazards Determination
DESCRIPTION In accordance with 10 CFR 50.90, "Application for amendment of license, construction permit, or early site permit," the Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation, d/b/a Xcel Energy (hereafter "NSPM"), requests to revise the Technical Specifications (TS) for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP). There are two proposed changes to Surveillance Requirement (SR) in Specification 3.8.4, "DC Sources -Operating".
The first proposed change is to increase the required 125 Volt (V) Direct Current (DC) battery charger output current specified as the first option under SR to resolve a non-conservative TS condition.
The second proposed change is to remove from SR an alternative option for meeting the surveillance requirement.
This alternative requires verifying each battery charger can recharge the battery to the fully charged state within the required time period, 24 hours for the 250 VDC and 8 hours for the 125 VDC subsystems, respectively, while supplying the largest combined continuous steady state loads, after a battery discharge to the bounding design basis event (DBE) discharge state. The second option under SR was added during the MNGP Improved Technical Specifications (ITS) conversion process in 2006 (Reference
: 1) but has not been utilized, and it has been determined that it will not be utilized in the future. There is no specific schedule or timing constraints related to approval of this license amendment request. However, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) approval and issuance of a license amendment revising the MNGP TS is requested as soon as reasonable to resolve the non-conservative TS condition.
INFORMATION The value of the required output current specified for the 125 VDC battery chargers in SR within the MNGP TS has been identified as being non-conservative.
The guidance of NRC Administrative Letter 98-10, "Dispositioning of Technical Specifications that are Insufficient to Assure Plant Safety," is being applied until this condition has been resolved with approval of this proposed license amendment request. Corrective actions have been taken to administratively control via procedure changes the required current value during the interim period between the identification of this condition and resolution to ensure conservative operation.
L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 2 of 16 3.0 DETAILED DESCRIPTION The first option under SR currently requires verifying that each required 125 VDC subsystem battery charger supplies greater than or equal to 50 amps. <1 l It is proposed to increase the required current output for each required 125 VDC subsystem battery charger to greater than or equal to 75 amps. The second option under SR requires the following:
Verify each required battery charger can recharge the battery to the fully charged state within 24 hours for 250 VDC subsystems and 8 hours for 125 VDC subsystems while supplying the largest combined demands of the various continuous steady state loads, after a battery discharge to the bounding design basis event discharge state. It is proposed to remove the second option under SR from the MNGP TS. This method has not been utilized in the past, and it has been determined that this method will not be employed at the MNGP in the future to satisfy the surveillance requirement.
Following incorporation of the proposed changes, revised SR would then read (changes are double underlined and deletions are struck through):
SR SURVEILLANCE Verify each required battery charger supplies the following:
* 150 amps for 250 VDC Div 1
* 110 amps for 250 VDC Div 2
* 75 amps for 125 VDC subsystems, at greater than or equal to the minimum established float voltage for 4 hours. Verify each required battery charger can recharge the battery to the fully charged state within 24 hours for 250 VDC subsystems and 24 hours for 125 VDC FREQUENCY 24 months 1. Specification 3.8.5, "DC Sources-Shutdown", SR requires SR to be met for the division of DC sources required to be OPERABLE during shutdown conditions.
SR is unaffected by the proposed changes.
L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 3 of 16 SURVEILLANCE subsystems vvhile supplying the largest combined demands of the various continuous steady state loads, after a battery discharge to the bounding design basis event discharge state. FREQUENCY The TS mark-ups indicating the proposed changes are provided in Attachment 1 to this enclosure.
The associated proposed TS Bases changes are provided as mark-ups in Attachment 2 to this enclosure, for information.
TS Bases changes are issued in accordance with MNGP Specification 5.5.9, "Technical Specification (TS) Bases Control Program," following approval of the associated license amendment request. 4.0 TECHNICAL EVALUATION MNGP is a boiling water reactor (BWR) of the General Electric BWR/3 design, with a Mark I containment.
The plant is located within the city limits of Monticello, Minnesota, on the south bank of the Mississippi River. The electrical power system at the MNGP consists of various Alternating Current (AC) and DC systems. The essential plant DC battery system consists of two 125 VDC and two 250 VDC batteries and subsystems which provide for controls and instrumentation which are vital to reactor and overall plant safety and to power certain functional requirements for reactor shutdown.
During normal operation, the DC loads are powered from the battery chargers with the batteries floating on the system. In case of loss of normal power to a battery charger, the DC loads are automatically powered from the station batteries.
4.1 250 VDC and 125 VDC Electrical Power Systems Description The following paragraphs provide a summary discussion of the systems, components, and parameters affected by the proposed changes. The discussion is provided for information but does not describe the changes being proposed.
Two independent divisions of 250 VDC and 125 VDC batteries are provided.
The 250 VDC "power" batteries serve the larger loads such as DC motor driven pumps, valves, etc. The 125 VDC "control" batteries provide the control power for the in-plant 13.8 kVAC breakers, 4160 VAC breakers, 480 VAC Load Center breakers, auxiliary control power for the 1 R and 2R Transformers, and various control relays, annunciators, etc. The 125 VDC System also provides power for some emergency lighting.
The Division 1 and Division 2 250 VDC electrical power subsystems provide power to their associated uninterruptible AC power supply (UPS). The Division 1 electrical power subsystem also provides power to support the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) System motor operated valves, and other non-critical L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 4 of 16 loads. The Division 2 electrical power subsystem supplies power for the High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) System motor operated valves, the HPCI auxiliary oil pumps, and the Control Room Ventilation System control circuits.
Each 250 VDC electrical power subsystem consists of two in series 125 VDC batteries, two normally inservice 125 VDC chargers, a spare 125 VDC charger, and all of the control equipment and interconnecting cabling to the associated distribution panel. Each battery is exclusively associated with a single division.
Each set of battery chargers is also exclusively associated with a 250 VDC electrical power subsystem and cannot be interconnected with the other 250 VDC electrical power subsystem.
The inservice and spare chargers are supplied from the associated AC load group. The Division 1 and Division 2 125 VDC electrical power subsystems provide control power to the associated 4.16 kVAC essential bus and each of the two 480 VAC essential Load Centers, in addition to other non-essential loads. Each 125 VDC electrical power subsystem consists of a one battery (No. 11 for Division 1 and No. 12 for Division 2), one battery charger (D1 0 for Division 1 and D20 for Division 2), and the corresponding control equipment and interconnecting cabling up to the associated distribution panels. Each 125 VDC subsystem battery is composed of 58 C&D Type KCR-13 cells. The inservice battery chargers are supplied from the associated AC load group. The design includes a common spare charger (D40)(2) that can supply either 125 VDC electrical power subsystem.
Each DC battery subsystem is separately housed in a ventilated room. The common standby 125 VDC battery charger is located in a room separate from the other 125 VDC battery chargers electrical power subsystems.
Each subsystem is located in an area separated physically and electrically from the other subsystems to ensure that a single failure in one subsystem does not cause a failure in a redundant subsystem.
There is no sharing between redundant Class 1 E subsystems such as batteries, battery chargers, or distribution panels, except the common standby 125 VDC battery charger may be shared between the Division 1 and Division 2 125 VDC electrical power subsystems, as described previously.
Each division (subsystem) of the DC electrical power system is required to be operable to ensure availability of the required power to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe condition after an anticipated operational occurrence (AOO) or a postulated design basis accident (DBA). Loss of any DC electrical power subsystem does not prevent the minimum safety function from being performed.
: 2. The spare 125 VDC battery charger is supplied from the Division 2 AC load group and can only be used to meet the LCO for that division.
If it is supplying the Division 1 subsystem, that subsystem is inoperable.
L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 5 of 16 Each essential station battery has adequate storage capacity to meet the duty cycle(s) discussed in Sections and of the MNGP Updated Safety Analysis Report. The essential station batteries are designed with additional capacity above that required by the design duty cycle to allow for temperature variations and aging. The essential batteries for the DC electrical power subsystems are sized to produce capacity greater than required for a DBA and monitored to ensure capacity remains greater than 90 percent during the operating cycle. 4.2 Revise the Required 125 VDC System Battery Charger Amperage SR (first option) currently requires verifying that each 125 VDC battery charger supplies greater than or equal to 50 amps at greater than or equal to the minimum established float voltage to each 125 VDC subsystem for greater than or equal to 4 hours. NSPM proposes to increase the required amperage from each 125 VDC subsystem battery charger from the present value to a value of greater than or equal to 75 amps in SR Increasing the required amperage for each 125 VDC subsystem battery charger corrects a non-conservative TS condition in SR A simplified methodology for evaluating battery charger sizing is provided within the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standard, IEEE 946-1985, "IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of Safety-Related DC Auxiliary Power Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations" (Reference 2). MNGP Calculation 91-006, Revision 4, "125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing," provided as Enclosure 2, discusses the methodology and assumptions involved in determining a revised amperage value for the first option under SR of greater than or equal to 75 amps for each 125 VDC subsystem.
The125 VDC System battery charger sizing was evaluated by calculating the re-charge times(4) considering the coincident 125 VDC System loads also supplied by the charger, utilizing the IEEE 946-1985 methodology.
MNGP Updated Safety Analysis Report Section states: Each 125 VDC [battery]
charger is capable of carrying the normal 125 VDC load and at the same time supplying additional charging current to keep the batteries in a fully charged condition.
IEEE 946-1985 recommends that a battery charger have an output current capability greater than the continuous loads plus the largest combination of non-continuous loads that would be likely to occur simultaneously during normal 3. No change is proposed to the required amperage for each of the 250 VDC subsystem battery chargers under the first option of SR 4. Note, that for the MNGP there are no explicit licensing basis criteria in place for the recharge time after the design basis discharge.
L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 6 of 16 plant operation.
This criterion is met if the battery charger output current exceeds the normal continuous system loads by an amount adequate to bound the non-continuous load combinations likely during normal plant operation.
The respective load profiles used to determine the degree of battery discharge were taken from the sizing worksheets of the battery sizing calculations.
The 125 VDC System is required to operate without the battery chargers supplying system loads during two DBEs, i.e., during a DBA, a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) with a Loss of Off-site Power (LOOP) and a Station Blackout (SBO). The load profiles modelled are a bounding composite combination of loads that would be needed to mitigate a LOOP I LOCA and the loads necessary to operate equipment necessary to mitigate a 4-hour SBO event. The IEEE standard recommends that the battery charger output current capacity exceed the combination of continuous system loads plus the largest combination of non-continuous loads that would be likely to occur simultaneously during normal operation.
The highest actual operating 125 VDC subsystem operating loads were 23 amps (Division
: 1) and 24 amps (Division
: 2) determined from a review of several months of system operating logs. After including allowances for uncertainty and margin, the normal continuous 125 VDC subsystem loads have been determined to be less than 30 amps for either subsystem.(s)
The 125 VDC battery chargers provide an output current capability of 75 amps (minimum) resulting in more than 45 amps available to serve simultaneous continuous loads. The proposed revised amperage value for the first option under SR, of greater than or equal to 75 amps assures each 125 VDC battery charger supplies sufficient current output to meet the respective 125 VDC subsystem loads, while providing sufficient charging capacity to restore the battery in a reasonable timeframe for a full rated discharge with the normal plant 125 VDC subsystem loads, and for a LOOP-LOCA I 4-hour SBO event. No change is necessary to the frequency of the surveillance (SR as the surveillance will continue to be performed at the current frequency of 24 months. 5. The determination of the respective a125 VDC subsystem loading range incorporates tolerances for reading uncertainty and margin.
L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 7 of 16 4.3 Basis for Removal of the Second Testing Option Under SR It is proposed to remove the second testing option under SR from the MNGP TS. Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF) traveler TSTF-360, "DC Electrical Rewrite" (Reference 3), was incorporated into the MNGP TS as part of the Monticello ITS conversion.
One of the changes included within the TSTF traveler was a new provision under SR providing an alternative to the criteria that specified to meet this surveillance requirement for battery charger testing. TSTF-360 provides the following description as the basis for this alternative:
NUREG STS [Standard Technical Specification]
SR (being revised to SR requires specific parameters for battery charger performance testing. This test is intended to confirm the charger design capacity.
Alternate acceptance criteria [emphasis added] are proposed that would allow an actual in service demonstration that the charger can recharge the battery to the fully charged state within [24] hours while supplying the largest combined demands of the various continuous steady state loads, after a battery discharge to the bounding design basis event discharge state. This meets the intent of the existing test and allows for normal in-place demonstration of the charger capability thereby minimizing the time when the charger would be disconnected from the DC bus. The second option under SR states: Verify each required battery charger can recharge the battery to the fully charged state within 24 hours for 250 VDC subsystems and 8 hours for 125 VDC subsystems while supplying the largest combined demands of the various continuous steady state loads, after a battery discharge to the bounding design basis event discharge state. The second option was added during the Monticello ITS conversion because it was included as part of the standard wording within the applicable NUREG for the BWR/4 design, i.e., NUREG-1433 (which was applied for the Monticello conversion), and it was thought that inclusion of this alternative would provide additional flexibility that might prove useful for testing of the 250 VDC subsystems and 125 VDC subsystems in the future. However, this method has not been utilized to satisfy this surveillance requirement (SR since its incorporation into the MNGP TS for either the 250 VDC System or the 125 VDC System. It has been determined that this second option will not be employed at the MNGP to satisfy this surveillance requirement for either the 250 VDC System or the 125 VDC System. The second option requires that each battery charger be capable of recharging the battery after a service test coincident with supplying the largest coincident demands of the various continuous steady state loads (irrespective L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 8 of 16 of the status of the plant during which these demands occur). This level of loading is not normally available following the battery service test and would need to be supplemented with additional loads. The requirements to satisfy the second option under SR complicate testing at the MNGP and require initial conditions that are not typically present during a refueling outage. As previously indicated, this option has not been employed at the MNGP to satisfy SR and is not planned to be used in the future. NSPM does not typically perform service tests for the essential batteries, but instead performs modified performance tests on a refuel cycle frequency as described in "Supplemental Safety Evaluation Report -Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Station Blackout Rule", dated August 5, 1992 (Reference 4). The MNGP is therefore not generally in the initial conditions necessary to perform the testing as presently described in the MNGP TS Bases. Furthermore, the second option is considered less desirable to be performed at the MNGP due to the added complexity of controlling the additional load needed to simulate the largest coincident demands of the various continuous steady state loads during the recharge period. Removing the second option also eliminates the difficulty associated with selecting a conservative recharge time to specify in the TS surveillance requirement considering that the MNGP essential batteries may vary from greater than 100 to 90 percent of rated capacity, that recharge time is affected by temperature as well as charger output voltage, and that the largest coincident steady state loads may change somewhat with future plant modifications.
Directly loading and monitoring the battery charger output current as specified under the first option of SR is considered to provide a clearer and more definitive demonstration of the battery charger capacity and capability.
Therefore, since the first (original) testing option under SR is being retained and the second option provides an alternate means of meeting the surveillance requirement, independent of the first option, removal of the second
* option for testing the 250 VDC System and the 125 VDC System under SR is acceptable.
Testing of the 250 VDC and the 125 VDC Systems will continue to be performed under the "first" testing option under SR 4.4 Design Basis Accident Considerations The initial conditions of the DBA and transient analyses in Updated Safety Analysis Report Chapter 14, assume that the Engineered Safety Feature (ESF) systems are operable.
The DC electrical power system provides normal and emergency DC electrical power for the emergency diesel generators (EDGs), emergency auxiliaries, and control and switching during all modes of operation.
The operability of the DC electrical subsystems is consistent with the initial assumptions of the accident analyses and is based upon meeting the design L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 9 of 16 basis of the unit. This includes maintaining DC sources operable during accident conditions in the event of: a. An assumed loss of all offsite AC power or all onsite AC power; and b. A worst case single failure. The DC electrical power subsystems are also required to be operable to ensure the availability of the required power to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe condition after an AOO, in addition to a postulated DBA. Loss of any DC electrical power subsystem does not prevent the minimum safety function from being performed.
The revised 125 VDC battery charger required output current will continue to ensure that the Updated Safety Analysis Report described battery charger design basis is met and that essential batteries can be maintained fully charged to provide adequate power to support the Emergency Core Cooling System function.
The limit also assures adequate charger capacity at the conclusion of the essential battery duty cycle following a DBA to support continuous steady state DC system loads. Hence, this proposed TS change to increase the required amperage of the 125 VDC battery chargers from 50 to 75 amps under the first option of SR will assure that each 125 VDC battery charger supplies sufficient current output to meet the respective 125 VDC subsystem loads. Removal of the second (alternate) testing option under SR, only removes some unnecessary flexibility in testing methodology from the MNGP TS. The retention of the first testing option under SR maintains the original methodology for performing and meeting SR Therefore, both of the proposed changes to SR are safe and are acceptable.
===5.1 Applicable===
Regulatory Requirements 10 CFR 50.36, 'Technical specifications," provides the regulatory requirements for the content required in the TS. 10 CFR 50.36(c)(3) requires the establishment of surveillance requirements "relating to test, calibration, or inspection to assure that the necessary quality of systems and components is maintained, that facility operation will be within safety limits, and that the limiting conditions for operation will be met." The proposed TS changes revise Specification 3.8.4, "DC Sources-Operating", Surveillance Requirement (SR), to increase the required 125 VDC subsystems battery charger amperage, and to also remove a second option under SR to perform battery charger testing.
L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 10 of 16 The MNGP was designed largely before the publishing of the 70 General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plant Construction Permits proposed by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) for public comment in July 1967, and constructed prior to the 1971 publication of Appendix A, "General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants," to 10 CFR Part 50. As such, the MNGP was not licensed to the Appendix A, General Design Criteria (GDC). The MNGP Updated Safety Analysis Report, Section 1.2, lists the principal design criteria (PDCs) for the design, construction and operation of the plant. USAR Appendix E provides a plant comparative evaluation to the 70 proposed AEC design criteria.
It was concluded that the plant conforms to the intent of the GDCs. The applicable GDCs and PDCs are discussed below.
* PDC 1.2.6 -Plant Electrical Power Sufficient normal and standby auxiliary sources of electrical power are provided to attain prompt shutdown and continued maintenance of the plant in a safe condition under all credible circumstances.
The capacity of the power sources is adequate to accomplish all required engineered safeguards functions under all postulated design basis accident conditions.
Of the 70 Draft AEC General Design Criteria (AEC-GDC) the following are applicable:
* AEC-GDC Criterion 24 -Emergency Power for Protection Systems (Category
: 8) In the event of the loss of all off-site power, sufficient alternate sources of power shall be provided to permit the required functioning of the protection systems.
* AEC-GDC Criterion 39 -Emergency Power for Engineered Safety Features Category A) Alternate power systems shall be provided and designed with adequate independency, redundancy, capacity, and testability to permit the functioning required of the engineered safety features.
As a minimum, the on-site power system and the off-site power system shall each, independently, provide this capacity assuming a failure of a single active component in each power system.
L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 11 of 16
* AEC-GDC Criterion 41 -Engineered Safety Features Performance Capability (Category A) Engineered safety features such as emergency core cooling and containment heat removal systems shall provide sufficient performance capability to accommodate partial loss of installed capacity and still fulfill the required safety function.
As a minimum, each engineered safety feature shall provide this required safety function assuming a failure of a single active component.
While not part of the MNGP Licensing Basis, the applicable 10 CFR 50, Appendix A, GDC are:
* GDC 17 -Electric power systems An onsite electric power system and an offsite electric power system shall be provided to permit functioning of structures, systems, and components important to safety. The safety function for each system (assuming the other system is not functioning) shall be to provide sufficient capacity and capability to assure that (1) specified acceptable fuel design limits and design conditions of the reactor coolant pressure boundary are not exceeded as a result of anticipated operational occurrences and (2) the core is cooled and containment integrity and other vital functions are maintained in the event of postulated accidents.
The onsite electric power supplies, including the batteries, and the onsite electric distribution system, shall have sufficient independence, redundancy, and testability to perform their safety functions assuming a single failure. Electric power from the transmission network to the onsite electric distribution system shall be supplied by two physically independent circuits (not necessarily on separate rights of way) designed and located so as to minimize to the extent practical the likelihood of their simultaneous failure under operating and postulated accident and environmental conditions.
A switch yard common to both circuits is acceptable.
Each of these circuits shall be designed to be available in sufficient time following a loss of all onsite alternating current power supplies and the other offsite electric power circuit, to assure that specified acceptable fuel design limits and design conditions of the reactor coolant pressure boundary are not exceeded.
One of these circuits shall be designed to be available within a few seconds following a loss-of-coolant accident to assure that core cooling, containment integrity, and other vital safety functions are maintained.
Provisions shall be included to minimize the probability of losing electric power from any of the remaining supplies as a result of, or coincident with, L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 12 of 16 the loss of power generated by the nuclear power unit, the loss of power from the transmission network, or the loss of power from the onsite electric power supplies.
* GDC 18 -Inspection and testing of electric power systems Electric power systems important to safety shall be designed to permit appropriate periodic inspection and testing of important areas and features, such as wiring, insulation, connections, and switchboards, to assess the continuity of the systems and the condition of their components.
The systems shall be designed with a capability to test periodically (1) the operability and functional performance of the components of the systems, such as on site power sources, relays, switches, and buses, and (2) the operability of the systems as a whole and, under conditions as close to design as practical, the full operation sequence that brings the systems into operation, including operation of applicable portions of the protection system, and the transfer of power among the nuclear power unit, the offsite power system, and the onsite power system. NSPM has evaluated the proposed changes against the applicable regulatory requirements and acceptance criteria.
The technical analysis in Section 4.0 concludes that the revised 125V battery charger output current is reasonable and that it is acceptable to remove the second option for meeting SR since it is not necessary and is not going to be performed.
Based on this, there is reasonable assurance that the health and safety of the public, following approval of this change, is unaffected.
===5.2 Precedent===
In 1996, the two unit Salem Nuclear Generating Station received two license amendments to revise the respective units TSs to lower the 125 Volt Battery Charger surveillance amperage from at least 200 amps to at least 170 amps so as not to require the replacement of input cables to the battery chargers for charger replacements (Reference 5). IEEE Standard IEEE 946-1992 was utilized to size the replacement battery chargers.
In 1997, Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No.3, received a somewhat similar license amendment to increase the required test voltage for the 125 Volt Battery Chargers (Reference 6).
L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 13 of 16 5.3 No Significant Hazards Determination In accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.90, "Application for amendment of license, construction permit, or early site permit," the Northern States Power Company-Minnesota (NSPM), doing business as Xcel Energy, Inc., requests an amendment to revise Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP) Technical Specification 3.8.4, "DC Sources-Operating", Surveillance Requirement (SR) to increase the 125 VDC subsystems battery charger amperage and to remove the second surveillance option which requires monitoring battery recharge time while controlling additional load to simulate the largest combined demands of the various continuous steady state loads. NSPM's evaluation against each of the criteria in 10 CFR 50.92, "Issuance of amendment," follows: 1. Does the proposed change involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated?
No. The proposed TS changes revise the battery charger surveillance requirements in SR The DC electrical power system, including associated battery chargers, is not an initiator of any accident sequence analyzed in the Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR). Rather, the DC electrical power system supports operation of equipment used to mitigate accidents.
Operation in accordance with the proposed TS continues to ensure that the DC electrical power system is capable of performing its specified safety functions as described in the USAR. Therefore, the mitigating functions supported by the DC electrical power system will continue to provide the protection assumed by the analysis.
Accidents are initiated by the malfunction of plant equipment, or the catastrophic failure of plant structures, systems, or components (SSCs). Performance of battery testing is not a precursor to any accident previously evaluated, nor does it change the manner in which the batteries and battery chargers are operated.
The proposed testing requirements will not contribute to the failure of the batteries nor any plant SSC. NSPM has determined that the proposed TS changes provide an equivalent level of assurance that the batteries and battery chargers are capable of performing their intended safety functions.
Thus, the proposed changes do not affect the probability of an accident previously evaluated.
Therefore, the proposed change does not involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 14 of 16 2. Does the proposed change create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated?
No The DC electrical power system, including the associated battery chargers, is not an initiator of any accident sequence analyzed in the USAR. The proposed TS changes do not involve operation of the DC electrical power system in a manner or configuration different from those previously evaluated.
Performance of battery testing is not a precursor to any accident previously evaluated.
NSPM has determined that the proposed TS changes provide an equivalent level of assurance that the batteries and battery chargers are capable of performing their intended safety functions.
Therefore, the mitigating functions supported by the DC electrical power system will continue to provide the protection assumed in the safety analyses.
Therefore, the proposed change does not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.
: 3. Does the proposed change involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety? Response:
No The margin of safety is established through the equipment design, the operating parameters, and the setpoints at which automatic actions are initiated.
The equipment margins will be maintained in accordance with the plant-specific design bases as a result of the proposed changes. The proposed changes do not adversely affect operation of plant equipment.
The proposed TS changes do not result in a change to the setpoints at which protective actions are initiated.
Sufficient DC capacity to support operation of mitigation equipment continues to be ensured. The equipment fed by the DC electrical sources will continue to provide adequate power to safety-related loads in accordance with safety analysis assumptions.
Therefore, the proposed changes do not involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety. Based on the above, the NSPM has determined that operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed change does not involve a significant hazards consideration as defined in 10 CFR 50.92, "Issuance of amendment," paragraph (c), in that it does not: (1) involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated; or (2) create the possibility of L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 15 of 16 a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated; or (3) involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety. 6.0 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION 10 CFR 51.22, "Criterion for categorical exclusion; identification of licensing and regulatory actions eligible for categorical exclusion or otherwise not requiring environmental review," identifies certain licensing and regulatory actions which are eligible for categorical exclusion from the requirement to perform an environmental assessment.
NSPM has determined that the proposed amendment meets the criteria for a categorical exclusion from an environmental review as set forth in 10 CFR 51.22, specifically 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9).
First, the proposed amendment changes a requirement with respect to installation or use of a facility or component located within the restricted area, as defined in 10 CFR 20, "Standards for Protection Against Radiation," or involves a change to an inspection or surveillance requirement.
Second, the proposed amendment requires no environmental assessment since operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed amendment does not (i) involve a significant hazards consideration, or (ii) authorize a significant change in the types or significant increase in the amounts of any effluents that may be released offsite, or (iii) result in a significant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure.
Therefore, the NSPM concludes pursuant to 10 CFR 51.22(b), no environmental impact statement or environmental assessment need be prepared in connection with the proposed amendment.
L-MT-16-014 Enclosure 1 Page 16 of 16
: 1. Letter from T. Beltz (NRC) to J. Conway (NMC), "Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP) -Issuance of Amendment for the Conversion to the Improved Technical Specifications with Beyond-Scope Issues (TAG Nos. MC7505, MC7597 through MC7611, and MC8887," dated June 5, 2006 2. IEEE Std. 946-1985, "IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of Safety-Related DC Auxiliary Power Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations" 3. Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF) traveler TSTF-360-A, Revision 1, "DC Electrical Rewrite", dated December 18, 2000. 4. Supplemental Safety Evaluation
-Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Station Blackout Rule (10 CFR 50.63), dated August 5, 1992 5. Letter from L. Olshan (NRC) to L. Eliason (PSEG), "Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (TAG Nos. M94634 and M94635)," dated June 27, 1996. Issuance of Amendment No. 183 for Unit 1 and Amendment No. 164 for Unit 2, respectively.
: 6. Letter from J. Andersen (NRC) to N. Carns (Northeast Nuclear Energy Company), "Issuance of Amendment (TAG No. M98724)," for the Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3," dated September 5, 1997 (Amendment No. 149)
DC Sources-Operating
====3.8.4 ACTIONS====
CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION C. Required Action and associated Completion Time not met. C.1 Be in MODE 3. AND C.2 Be in MODE 4. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SR SR SURVEILLANCE Verify battery terminal voltage is greater than or equal to the minimum established float voltage. Verify each required battery charger supplies the following:
* ;;::: 150 amps for 250 VDC Div 1 * ;;::: 110 amps for 250 VDC Div 2 * ;;::: 75 amps for 125 VDC subsystems, at greater than or equal to the minimum established float voltage for ;;::: 4 hours. Verify each required battery charger can recharge the battery to the fully charged state within 24 hours for 250 VDC subsystems and 8 hours for 125 VDC subsystems
*.vhile supplying the largest combined demands of the various continuous steady state loads, after a battery discharge to the bounding design basis event discharge state. COMPLETION TIME 12 hours 36 hours FREQUENCY 7 days 24 months Monticello 3.8.4-2 Amendment No. -149, 153 ENCLOSURE 1 ATTACHMENT 2 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST REVISE BATTERY CHARGER SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT DRAFT MARKED-UP TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION BASES PAGES (FOR INFORMATION)
(4 pages follow)
BASES DC Sources -Operating B 3.
No Changes. The page is included for information, so that the context of the change on the next page is clear. Monticello During normal operation, the DC loads are powered from the battery chargers with the batteries floating on the system. In case of loss of normal power to the battery charger, the DC loads are automatically powered from the station batteries.
The DC power distribution system is described in more detail in Bases for LCO 3.8.7, "Distribution System-Operating," and LCO 3.8.8, "Distribution System-Shutdown." Each DC battery subsystem is separately housed in a ventilated room. The common standby 125 VDC battery charger is located in a room separate from the other 125 VDC battery chargers electrical power subsystems.
Each subsystem is located in an area separated physically and electrically from the other subsystems to ensure that a single failure in one subsystem does not cause a failure in a redundant subsystem.
There is no sharing between redundant Class 1 E subsystems such as batteries, battery chargers, or distribution panels, except the common standby 125 VDC battery charger may be shared between the Division 1 and Division 2 125 VDC electrical power subsystems.
Each Division 1 and Division 2 250 VDC battery has adequate storage capacity to meet the duty cycle(s) discussed in USAR, Section (Ref 4). Each Division 1 and Division 2 125 VDC battery has adequate storage capacity to meet the duty cycle(s) discussed in USAR, Section (Ref. 5). The battery is designed with additional capacity above that required by the design duty cycle to allow for temperature variations and other factors. The batteries for DC electrical power subsystems are sized to produce capacity greater than required for a design basis accident and monitored to ensure battery capacity will remain > 90% during the operating cycle. The minimum design voltage limit is 105/210 V. The battery cells are of flooded lead acid construction with a nominal specific gravity of 1.215. The open circuit voltage is the voltage maintained when there is no charging or discharging.
Once fully charged, the battery cell will maintain 98% capacity for 30 days without further charging per manufacturer's instructions.
Optimal long term performance however, is obtained by maintaining a float voltage 2.20 to 2.25 Vpc. This provides adequate over-potential, which limits the formation of lead sulfate and self discharge.
Each battery charger of DC electrical power subsystem has ample power output capacity for the steady state operation of connected loads required during normal operation, while at the same time maintaining its battery B 3.8.4-2 Revision No.
BASES DC Sources -Operating B 3.
The battery chargers are sized to charge the batteries while supplying the normal continuous DC loads (Refs. 4 and 5). APPLICABLE SAFETY ANALYSES Monticello bank fully charged. Each station service battery charger has sufficient e*cess capacity to restore the battery from the design minimum charge to its fully charged state V.'ithin 24 hours 'Nhile supplying normal steady state teaa&.-The battery charger is normally in the float-charge mode. Float-charge is the condition in which the charger is supplying the connected loads and the battery cells are receiving adequate current to optimally charge the battery. This assures the internal losses of a battery are overcome and the battery is maintained in a fully charged state. When desired, the charger can be placed in the equalize mode. The equalize mode is at a higher voltage than the float mode and charging current is correspondingly higher. The battery charger is operated in the equalize mode after a battery discharge or for routine maintenance.
Following a battery discharge, the battery recharge characteristic accepts current at the current limit of the battery charger (if the discharge was significant, e.g., following a battery service test) until the battery terminal voltage approaches the charger voltage setpoint.
Charging current then reduces exponentially during the remainder of the recharge cycle. calcium batteries have recharge efficiencies of greater than 95%, so once at least 105% of the ampere-hours discharged have been returned, the battery capacity would be restored to the same condition as it was prior to the discharge.
This can be monitored by direct observation of the exponentially decaying charging current or by evaluating the amp-hours discharged from the battery and amp-hours returned to the battery. The initial conditions of Design Basis Accident (DBA) and transient analyses in USAR, Chapter 14 (Ref. 6), assume that Engineered Safety Feature (ESF) systems are OPERABLE.
The DC electrical power system provides normal and emergency DC electrical power for the emergency diesel generators (EDGs), emergency auxiliaries, and control and switching during all MODES of operation.
The OPERABILITY of the DC subsystems is consistent with the initial assumptions of the accident analyses and is based upon meeting the design basis of the unit. This includes maintaining DC sources OPERABLE during accident conditions in the event of: a. An assumed loss of all offsite AC power or all onsite AC power; and b. A worst'case single failure. The DC Sources-Operating satisfy Criterion 3 of 10 CFR 50.36(c)(2)(ii).
B 3.8.4-3 Revision No. 
BASES DC Sources -Operating B 3.8.4 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued)
Monticello battery servioe test and 'Nill need to be supplemented with additional loads. The duration for this test may be longer than the oharger sizing oriteria sinoe the battery reoharge is affeoted by float voltage, temperature, and the exponential deoay in oharging ourrent. The battery is reoharged
'.vhen the measured charging ourrent is < 2 amps for 250 VDC batteries and < 1 amp for 125 VDC batteries.
The Frequency is acceptable, given the unit conditions required to perform the test and the other administrative controls existing to ensure adequate charger performance during these 24 month intervals.
In addition, this Frequency is intended to be consistent with expected fuel cycle lengths. SR A battery service test is a special test of the battery's capability, as found, to satisfy the design requirements (battery duty cycle) of the DC electrical power system. The discharge rate and test length corresponds to the design duty cycle requirements as specified in Reference 4 for the 250 VDC electrical power system and Reference 5 for the 125 VDC electrical power system. The Frequency of 24 months is acceptable, given plant conditions required to perform the test and the other requirements existing to ensure adequate battery performance during the 24 months intervals.
In addition, this Frequency is intended to be consistent with expected fuel cycle lengths. This SR is modified by two Notes. Note 1 allows the performance of a modified performance discharge test in lieu of a service test. The reason for Note 2 is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required DC electrical power subsystem from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety systems. This restriction from normally performing the Surveillance in MODE 1 or 2 is further amplified to allow portions of the Surveillance to be performed for the purpose of reestablishing OPERABILITY (e.g., post work testing following corrective maintenance, corrective modification, deficient or incomplete surveillance testing, and other unanticipated OPERABILITY concerns) provided an assessment determines plant safety is maintained or enhanced.
This assessment shall, as a minimum, consider the potential outcomes and transients associated with a failed partial Surveillance, a successful partial Surveillance, and a perturbation of the offsite or onsite system when they are tied together or operated B 3.8.4-8 Revision No.
QF0549 (FP-E-CAL-01), Rev. 7 Page 1 of4 (! XceiEnergy*
Calculation Signature Sheet Document Information NSPM Calculation (Doc) No: 91-006 I Revision:
4 Title: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Facility:
D PI I Unit: 1 02 Safety Class: OAugQ D Non SR Special Codes: D Safeguards D Proprietary
.. Type: Calc Sub-Type:
I NOTE: I Print and sign name in signature blocks, as required.
Major Revisions I D N/A EC Number: 24146 D Vendor Calc Vendor Name or Code: Vendor Doc No: Description of Revision:
See Purpose section of calculation.
The following calculation and attachments have been reviewed and deemed I acceptable as a legible QA Prepared by: (sign) f I (print) Rhon Sanderson Date: 1 D -).8 -Is-Reviewed by:(sign) :--., ** I (print) Jnkc.
Date: /o /2 8/2<-*1 :s Type of Review: gDesign Verification D Tech Review D Suitability Review Method Used (For qv Review D Alternate Calc D Test Approved by:
P r.jff /(print) &#xa3;P vJArzL Date: to.
tt Minor Revisions I N/A EC No: D Vendor Calc: Minor Rev. No: Description of Change: Pages Affected:
The following calculation and attachments have been reviewed and deemed I D acceptable as a legible QA record Prepared by: (sign) I (print) Date: Reviewed by: (sign) / I (print) Date: Type of Review: D Verification D Tech Review D Suitability Review Method Used (For DV Only): D Review D Alternate Calc 0 Test Approved by: (sign) /"(print)
Date: Record Retention:
Retain this form with the associated calculation for the life of the plant.
QF0549 (FP-E-CAL-01), Rev. 7 Pa(le 2 of 4 (l Xcel Energy* Calculation Signature Sheet # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 This reference table is used for data entry into the PassPort Controlled Documents Module reference tables (C012 Panel). It may also be used as the reference section of the calculation.
The input documents, output documents and other references should all be listed here. Add additional lines as needed by using the "TAB" key and filling in the appropriate information in each column. Reference Documents (PassPort co12 Panel from C020)
Document Name Document Doc Ref Type** Doc?+ Type Number Rev INPUT OUTPUT y CALC Div. 1125 Volt Battery Calculation 02-179 3 X y CALC Div. II 125 Volt Battery Calculation 02-192 3 X N --------IEEE Recommended Practice for Sizing Large Lead Storage-IEEE 485-1983 -------X Batteries for Generating Stations and SubStations y PROC Operations Manual, Lighting, Description of Equipment B.09.14-02 1 X N -----C&D Technologies Publication 12-316, KCR-13 Lead-Calcium 12-316 -----X Standby Batteries y PROC Operations Manual, 125 VDC System, Description of Equipment B.09.10-02 9 X N ----.. -Operator Rounds record, Turbine Building East (2010) 2014-2015
----X N -------IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of Safety-Related DC Auxiliary Power Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations IEEE 946-1985 ----X y PROC D1 0 Battery Charger Preventive Maintenance 4066-PM 3 X y PROC D20 Battery Charger Preventive Maintenance 4075-PM 3 X y PROC D40 Battery Charger Preventive Maintenance I 4078-PM 5 X N -.. -----Replace Div. 1125 VDC Battery Charger D10 EC720 ------X N ------Replace Div. 11125 VDC Battery Charger D20 EC 12877 ------X N -----Replace 125 VDC Battery Swing Charger D40 EC 13284 ------X N ------ITS 125 VDC charger SR 2 unachievable AR#01131103
------N -------TS SR 3:8.4.2 Non-Conservative for the 125 VDC Chargers AR # 01456839 -----Record Retention:
Retain this form with the associated calculation for the life of the plant.
QF0549 (FP-E-CAL-01), Rev. 7 Page 3 of4 (t Xcel Energy-Calculation Signature Sheet
* Controlled Doc marked with an "X' means the reference can be entered on the C012 panel in black. Unmarked lines will be yellow. If marked with an "X", also list the Doc Type, e.g., CALC, DRAW, VTM, PROC, etc. ** Mark with an 'X" if the calculation provides inputs and/or outputs or both. If not, leave blank. (Corresponds to PassPort "Ref Type" GOdes: Inputs I Both = "ICALC", Outputs= "OCALC", Other I Unknown= blank) Other PassPort Data Associated System (PassPort C011, first three columns) OR Equipment References (PassPort C025, all five columns):
Facility Unit System Equipment Type Equipment Number MT 1 125 CHGR 010 MT 1 125 CHGR 020 MT 1 125 CHGR 040 Superseded Calculations (PassPort C019): I Faolllty I Calo Dooumenl Numb" .1 Tille Description Codes-Optional (PassPort C018): Code Description (optional)
Code Description (optional)
Notes (Nts)-Optional (PassPortX293 from C020): Topic Notes I Tex,t [gl Calc Introduction I [gl Copy directly from the calculation Intra Paragraph or D See write-up below D (Specify)
I Record Retention:
Retain this form with the associated calculation for the life of the plant.
QF0549 (FP-E-CAL-01)
Rev. 7 (l Xcel Energy-Calculation Signature .Sheet Monticello Specific Information
[g) YES DYES ON/A jg!N/A Topic Code(s) (See MT Form 3805): SBO Structural Code(s) (See MT Form 3805): __ _ Does the Calculation:
Paae 4 of4 DYES 0 No Require Fire Protection Review? (Using MT Form 3765, "Fire Protection Program Checklisr, determine if a DYES DYES [g) No [g) No Fire Protection Review is required.)
If YES, document the engineering review. in the EC. If NO, then attach completed MT Form 3765 to the associated EC. Affect piping or supports? (If Yes, Attach MT Fonn 3544.) Affect 1ST Program Valve or Pump Reference Values, and/or Acceptance Criteria? (If Yes, inform IST Coordinator and provide copy of calculation.)
Record Retention:
Retain this form with the associated calculation for the life of the plant.
QF-0527 (FP-E-MOD-07)
Rev. 4 Page 1 of 1 Xcel Design Review Checklist EC Number or Document Number I Title I Revision Number: 91-006. 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing, Rev. 4 Verifier's Name: Jake Strasser Discipline: Electrical Design DESIGN REVIEWCONSIDERATIONS:
: 1. Were the inputs correctly selected and incorporated into design? 2. Are assumptions necessary to perform the design activity adequately described and reasonable?
Where necessary, are the assumptions identified for subsequent re-verifications when the detailed design activities are completed? . 3. Are the appropriate quality and quality assurance requirements specified?
: 4. Are the applicable codes, standards, and regulatory requirements including issue
* and addends properly identified and are their requirements for design met? 5. Have applicable construction and operating experience been considered?
: 6. Have the design interface requirements been satisfied?
: 7. Was an appropriate design method used? 8. Is the output reasonable compared to inputs? 9. Are the specified parts, equipment and processes suitable for the required application?
: 10. *Are the specified materials compatible with each other and the design environmental conditions to which the material will be exposed? 11. Have adequate maintenance and requirements been specified?
: 12. Are accessibility and other design provisions adequate for performance of needed maintenance and repair? * . .
* 13. Has adequate accessibility been provided to perform the in-service inspection expected to be required during the plant life? 14. Has the design properly considered radiation exposure to the public and plant personnel?
: 15. Are the acceptance criteria incorporated in the desi9n documents sufficient to allow . verification requirements have been satisfactorily accomplished?
: 16. Have adequate subseguent periodic test and inspection requirements been*appropriately specified, including acceptance criteria?
: 17. Are adequate handling, storage, cleaning, and shipping requirements specified?
: 18. Are adequate identification requirements specified?
: 19. Are requirements.
for record preparation, review, approval, and retention adequately specified? . . 20. Have Design and Operational Margins been considered and documented?
0 None 1Z1 Attached (Use Form QF-0528) D In ECTopic Notes Form retained in accordance with record retention schedule identified in FP-G-RM-01.
QF-0528 (FP-E-MOD-07)
Rev. 1 (l Xcel Energy** Design Review Comment Form DOCUMENT NUMBER/ TITLE: Sheet _1_ of _1_-91_-006, 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing ITEM # 1. 2. 3. 4. REVIEWER'S COMMENTS The calculation references IEEE Std 946-1985 for guidance and methodology.
The standard has since been revised (presently IEEE Std 946-2004) and given that MNGP has no licensing commitments to the 1985 version, the latest revision should be referenced or the differences dispositioned within the calculation.
The recharge time computation for "full-rated" discharge is noted to be very conservative in that the 8-hr rate to 1. 75 vpc is used. From a cell sizing and performance test standpoint "rated" capacity for the MNGP application is generally taken to be the 4-hr rate to 1.81 vpc. Reference 1 0.22 (ML 11111 0396) is noted to be an interim paper discussing the NRC's then ongoing research on float current as an indicator of state-of-charge.
The final testing report is documented as NUREG/CR-7148.
The information as presented in the final report has no impact on the data as referenced within the calculation.
The composite bi:lttery duty cycle currents for periods 11 and 9 of Div I and Div II, respectively, need to be adjusted per CAP AR 01474466.
4 DATE: 10/28/2015 PREPARER'S RESOLUTION Included a discussion regarding the 1985 version versus the 2004 version. No response required.
Reference 10.22 changed to NUREG/CR-7148.
Values adjusted and reference to CAP added. REVIEWER'S DISPOSITION Accepted.
Reviewer: ..
-Date: JohRhwr PreQ_arer: /_ I , Page 1 of 1 Item QF-0549 QF-0527 QF-0528 TOC Calculation TABLE OF CONTENTS Description Calculation Signature Sheet Design Review Checklist Design Review Comment Form Table of Contents Body (including attachments)
Page 1 of 1 CA-91-006, Rev. 4 Pages 4 1 1 1 33 Total 40 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision 4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 1 of 33 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this calculation is to analyze the sizing of the 125V battery chargers.
The specific battery chargers analyzed are: D10-Div. 1125 VDC Battery Charger-supplies #11 Battery D20-Div. II 125 VDC Battery Charger-supplies #12 Battery 040 -Swing 125 VDC Battery Charger-can supply either #11 or #12 Battery Revision 3 addressed the increased DC output current capability of the 125 VDC chargers installed perECs 13284,12877, and 720 (References 10.12, 10.13, 10.14). Revision 4 addresses changes to steady-state loads for post SBO re-charge per new revisions of the station 125 VDC battery calculations (References 10.1, 1 0.2). ** 2. METHODOLOGY Ops Manual B.09.10-02 (Ref. 10.6) describes the 125 VDC System equipment.
Each battery (#11 for Division I and #12 for Division II) is composed of 58 C&D Type KCR-13 cells. The 125 VDC system battery chargers D1 0, D20, and D40 are output current-limited at nominal value of 80 amps. The minimum current limit value of 75 amps will be applied in this calculation.
-During battery recharging, each charger must also supply its divisional 125 VDC system loads. A simplified methodology for evaluating charger sizing is given in IEEE 946-1985 (Ref. 10.8). The equation given in this standard will be applied to determine the approximate re-charge times expected for each 125 VDC battery. Note that the IEEE 946 standard has been updated (see following excerpt from IEEE 946-2004).
For purposes of this calculation the original1985 version of IEEE 946 specifically for nuclear generating stations will be the primary reference for the methodology and acceptance criteria employed in evaluating charger sizing. Where the 2004 version provides more technical detail or prescribes a more conservative method of evaluation the 2004 version of IEEE 946 will be adhered to.
MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Revision 4 Page 2 of33 Excerpt of IEEE 946-2004:
The original issue-of IEEE Std. 946 was published in 19&5 with fue-title ffiEE Rec-ommended Pl-adice for the of S:afety-R.elated DC Auxili.;uy Power Systems for Nuclear Power Gene-ating Statioru.
The 1992 l'e\ision changed ilie title to apply to all generating
!>bti.oll!l, while including specific:
guidance and a detailed 'biblitJ _gnphy of nuclear refell!llC'J!
This revision makes ;a general update. to reflect the most xe<:ent indusb:y practices as. wen as substanfi;U additions to annexes. In addition, as the design of nuclear plmt sy!items has become v.*ell docwnented by other IEEE standards, the-direct emphasis nn unique aspecb of nuelear plant desi_gn has 'b!!en furlhex diminished, with a full lilitlng of the .nuclear <lesign standards included in A. Some 'uude<U* di5c=sion and illusinti>.'ec balie been retained as they offe:r a compans<ln to non-nuclear designs without ha1.-:ing to res111f to -additional standards.
Charger sizing will be evaluated by calculating re-charge times considering coincident 125 VDC system loads also supplied by the charger, using the IEEE 946 methodology.
This is the same method described in the EPRI Power Plant Electrical Reference Series Volume 9, DC Distribution System (Reference 1 0.18). Acceptance criteria will be from the 1985 version of IEEE-946.
The 2004 version will be referenced as appropriate.
: 3. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Per USAR Section 08.05 (Reference 1 0.17): "Each 125 VDC charger is capable of carrying the normal125 VDC load and at the same time supplying additional charging current to keep the batteries in a fully charged condition." This criterion is met if the charger output current exceeds the normal system loads such that charging current can be supplied to the battery. For the purposes of determining required output current capability of the 125 VDC chargers, the methodology and criteria of IEEE 946 (References 10.8 and 10.9) will be used, with acceptance criteria from IEEE 946-1985.
IEEE 946-1985 recommends a re-charge time of 8 to 12 hours. This IEEE 946-1985 criteria is met if the calculated re-charge time (after a rated discharge ofthe battery) is between 8 and 12 hours, considering normal125 VDC system loads.
* IEEE 946-1985 also recommends that the charger have output current capability greater than the continuous the largest combination of non-continuous loads that would be likely to occur simultaneously during normal plant operation.
This IEEE 946-1985 criteria is met if the charger output current exceeds nornial continuous*
system loads by an amount adequate to bound non-continuous load combinations likely during normal plant operation.
Note that meeting the IEEE 946 criteria ensures the USAR criterion is met. This calculation will also evaluate re-charge time following a Station Blackout discharge of each battery. The Monticello licensing basis discharge corresponds to the Station Blackout event ahd the equivalent discharge load profile is taken from the battery sizing calculations (References 10.1 and 1 0.2). This is the discharge that the battery would undergo if subjected to a service test with a load profile matching that modelled in the battery calculations which MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision 4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 3 of 33 model a composite profile for the 4-hour LOCA I Station Blackout event The re-charge time will be calculated using the IEEE 946 equation (same equation for both the 1985 and 2004 versions of IEEE 946) with system load considered to be the largest continuous load combination present at the end of the modelled station blackout event. There are currently no explicit licensing basis criteria in place for the recharge time after the design basis discharge.
The load profile used to determine the degree of battery discharge will be taken from the sizing worksheets of the battery sizing calculations.
These sizing worksheets tabulate loads vs. time and evaluate battery positive-plates-required in accordance with IEEE Std.485-1983 (Reference 1 0.3). The profiles modelled are a composite combination of loads that would be needed to mitigate a LOCA event coincident with a loss of offsite power and the loaqs necessary to operate equipment necessary to mitigate a 4-hour Station Blackout event. 4. INPUTS 4.1 The charger output-current limit setting is 78-82 amps, per PM procedures (References 1 0.9, 10.1 0, 10.11 ). A charger minimum current output of 75 amps will be used for this calculation.
4.2 The battery discharge during an SBO event is modelled in the following calculations:
For Div. I (#11 Battery)-CA-02-179 (Reference 1 0.1) For Div. II (#12 Battery)-CA-02-192 (Reference 10.2) The load data from these calculations is consolidated in the spreadsheet of Attachment
: 02. This spreadsheet tabulates the effective amp-hours discharged for both the Div. I and Div. II SBO events. The load values were adjusted in select time periods in accordance with the issue identified in CAP AR # 01474466 (Reference 10.24). The corrected values are as given in ECs 25634 and 25511 (References 10.25 and 10.26). Note that the bounding loads considering 1 minute minimum time interval taken from the battery sizing worksheets are used. The results of the calculations in the spreadsheet are as follows: . Div. I (#11 Battery) total amp-hours discharged=
263.01 Div. II (#12 Battery) total amp-hours discharged=
240.49 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision 4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 4 of 33 4.3 The rated battery discharge capacity will be taken to be the full KCR-13 cell capacity for a discharge to 1. 75 volts I cell as given in Attachment
: 01. Full rated discharge amps hours = 495 maximum This is conservative as it is a larger value than the 8-hour value recommended by IEEE 946-1985.
Also in Attachment 1 are the ratings as given in the battery sizing calculations (excerpt taken from 02-192). Note that the ratings are slightly different.
The 495 amp-hour value representing ultimate capacity will be used to determine the maximum re-charge time. The 8 hour value from the C&D ratings table of 61 x 8 = 488 will be used to calculate minimum re-charge time. Full rated discharge amps hours = 488 minimum 4.4 The steady-state system loads after an SBO discharge will be taken from the node current analysis in the battery sizing calculations.
The DC system loads at analyzed time steps were inspected to select the load for each battery that represents the largest combination of steady-state loads that could be present at the end of the SBO event.. For the Div. I system, Time Step 52 of the Div. I calculation (Reference 10.1) represents that maximum steady state load on the Div. I 125 VDC system at the end of an SBO event. For the Div. II system, the maximum steady state load considered is taken from Time Step 53 of the Div. II calculation (Reference 10.2). The effective system loads are dependent on the corresponding system voltages.
These voltages will be taken as the battery node voltage from the calculations fodhe applicable time steps. Div. I (#11 Battery) current at Time Step 52 = 61.54 Amps Div. I (#11 Battery) voltage at Time Step 52 = 109.204 VDC Div. II (#12 Battery) current at Time Step 53= 57.95 Amps Div. II (#12 Battery) voltage at Time Step 53= 110.130 VDC For the Div. I system, the current due to the emergency lighting load will be subtracted, as the emergency lights will switch off once AC power is restored to the holding coil for the DC contactor feeding Panel L40 (Reference 1 0.4) at the end of the SBO event. Div. I Emergency Lighting current at Time Step 52= 13.94 amps Therefore:
Div. I post-SBO 125 VDC system load= 61.54-13.94
= 47.6 amps (at a battery terminal voltage of 109.204 VDC)
MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Div. II post-SBO 125 VDC system load= 57.95 amps (at a battery terminal voltage of 110.130 VDC) . . Revision 4 Page 5 of 33 4.5 For full-rated battery discharge, the system loads present during re-charge would be the same as the 125 VDC system loads under normal plant conditions.
Per Operation's Logs (Reference 1 0. 7), these normal loads are very consistent.
* separate months of data were reviewed and the highest load value selected for each Division (Attachment 03): Div. I normal system load = 23 amps Div. II normal system load= 24 amps The loading recorded in the logs was very consistent.
The panel ammeter has an accuracy of 1% of the 150 amps full scale range or +I-1.5 amps (Reference 1 0.20). The current shunt has an accuracy of +I-0.33% or 0.495 amps (References 1 0.20, 10.21 and Attachment 5). The ammeter scale has 2 amp graduations for a readability error of +/-1 amp. Combining these errors statistically using a sum-of-squares method: Total ammeter uncertainty=
(1.5A2 + 0.495A2 + 1A2)A1f2 = 1.87 amps. Therefore an uncertainty of+/-2 amps will be considered to apply to the log readings.
For conservatism, the upper limit and lower limits on normal load will be adjusted by + or-3 amps, giving normal load limits as follows: Div. I minimum normal system load = 23 3 = 18 amps Div. I maximum normal system load = 23 + 2 + 3 = 28 amps Div. II minimum normal system load = 24-2 -3 = 19 amps Div. II maximum normal system load = 24 + 2 + 3 =
29 amps 5. ASSUMPTIONS 5.1 None MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Revision 4 Page 6 of 33 6. ANALYSIS From IEEE 946-1985 (Reference 10.8), the battery charger sizing should be evaluated using the following formula: A= l.lxAHR +L T A = Charger Rating L = Station Load AHR . =Battery Discharge in Ampere Hours T = Hours to Recharge 1.1 = Compensation for battery losses No correction factors for altitude or temperature are needed for the chargers in use at Monticello as temperatures are less than 50 deg; C and altitude is less than 3300 feet. When solved for time (T), equation 2.1 becomes: T == l.lxAHR A-L Division I Calculation (01 0 or 040 re-charging
#11 .Battery)
For a Station Blackout.
design basis discharge event (DIV 1): During re-charge following a station blackout event, the continuous load given in Input 4.4 will increase as voltage increases during re-charge.
The load will be considered constant resistance for conservatism and adjusted for the maximum charger float. voltage of 130.5 volts, as defined in procedure 4510-PM (Reference 10.19). The 2004 version of IEEE-946 notes that the actual percent charge restored to a battery when using the given sizing equation is dependent on applied voltage. To ensure a 95% restored charge consistent with the standard, a charger voltage output in the equalizing range may be necessary.
Per procedure 4510-PM, the maximum equalizing voltage for the 125 VDC chargers is 135.8 VDC, or 2.342 volts I cell. Note however, that during the current limited portion of the re-charge cycle (bulk phase) battery voltage rises over time to the charger setting. As an example of this charging response for. lead acid batteries reference the following excerpts from C&D Batteries and NRC (References 10.22 and 10.23). At the onset of charging, battery voltage
* would be well below normal float voltage.*
The average current available for charging the battery would then be*reduced as voltage rises, due to the corresponding increase in current to the system loads. The voltage rise can be conservatively 
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'I MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision 4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 8 of 33 Adjusting system loads as discussed*
and applying the sizing equation gives: L = 47.6 amps x 130.5 VDC /109.204 VDC = 56.9 amps A= 75 amps AHR= 263.01 amp-hours T = (1.1 x 263.01) I (75-56.9) Input 4.1 Input 4.2 Input 4.4 T = 16.0 Hours (Div. L re-charge after design basis Station Blackout event) For a full-rated battery discharge (DIV 1): The system load considered for calculating time for a recharge of the battery after a discharge of its rated capacity is taken from Operator logs of the battery charger output current during normal plant conditions. L = 23 amps +/-5 amps A= 75 amps minimum A= 82 amps maximum Input 4.5 Input 4.1 Input 4.1 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing AHR = 495 amp-hours maximum AHR = 488 amp-hourminimum Tmin = (1.1 x 488) I (82-18) = 8.3*hours Tmax = (1.1 x 495) I (75 -28) = 11.6 hours Input 4.3 Input 4.3 CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 9 of 33 T = 8.3 Hours to 11.6 Hours (Div. I. re-charge after full rated battery discharge)
Division II Calculation (020 or 040 re-charging
#12 Battery) For a Station Blackout, design basis discharge event (Div II): During re-charge following a station blackout event, the continuous load given in Input 4.4 will increase as voltage increases during re-charge.
The -load given for the Div. II 125 VDC system can be conservatively considered constant-resistance and adjusted for a maximum charger float voltage of 130.5 volts, as defined in procedure 451 0-PM * (Reference 1 0.19). See the discussion for the Division I station blackoutcharging calculation for justification of the use of 130.5 volts for determination of system loads, even if the actual recharge is performed with the charger at a maximum equalize setting of 135.8 VDC. L = 57.95 amps x 130.5 VDC 1110.130 VDC = 68.7 amps lnput4.4 This is a large load and bounds the Div. I considered maximum recharge load by a wide margin. As a significant portion of the loading is due to constant power and constant current loads, a DCSDM software run of the Time Step 53 loads was executed with a battery node voltage of 130.5 VDC. *The output report of this run is given in Attachment
* 4. The calculated load value of 60.25 amps from Attachment 4 will be used. L = 60.25 amps A= 75 amps AHR = 240.49 amp-hours T = (1.1 x 240.49) I (75-60.25) Attachment 4 lnput4.1 Input 4.2 T = 18.0 Hours (Div. II. re-charge after design basis Station Blackout event)
* 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 10 of 33 For a full-rated battery discharge (DIV II): The system load considered for calculating time for a recharge of the battery after a discharge of its rated capacity is taken from Operator logs of the battery charger output current during normal plant conditions.
L = 24amps +1-5 amps A = 75 amps minimum A= 82 amps maximum lnput4.5 AHR = 495 amp-hours maximum AHR = 488 amp-hour minimum Tmin = (1.1 x488) I (82 -19) Tmax = (1.1 x 495) I (75-29) Input 4.1 Input 4.1 Input 4.3 Input 4.3 T = 8.5 Hours to 11.9 Hours (Div. II, re-charge after full rated battery discharge)
S IEEE 946-1985 (Reference 1 0.8) recommends sizing battery chargers for an 8 to 12 hour re-charge time, considering a battery discharged to its full rating and normal DC system loading. The corresponding re-charge times calculated were: Re-charge after full rated discharge with normal plant loads Div. I, 8.3 to 11.6 hours Div. II, 8.5 to 11.9 hours These calculated times are within the IEEE 946-1985 recommended time range of 8 to 12 hours. The 125 VDC system loading range assumed incorporates tolerance for reading uncertainty and margin. Therefore the charger current limit settings are matched to the battery size considering system loads and in accordance with the standard.
IEEE 946 recommends that charger output current capacity exceed the combination of continuous system loads plus the largest combination of non-continuous loads that would be 'likely to occur simultaneously during normal operation.
With continuous loads less than 30 amps and charger output current capability of 75 amps (minimum), more*
MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Revision 4 Page 11 of 33 than 45 amps is available for simultaneous non-continuous loads. During normal plant operation, additional non-continuous simultaneous loads are very uri likely to exceed 45 amps. Recharge times were conservatively calculated for a design battery re-charge considering the continuous loads that would be present post-event:
Recharge after a Station Blackout, design basis discharge event: Div. I, 16.0 hours Div. II, 18.0 hours The calculated times demonstrate that the each charger's sizing is adequate to supply the maximum combination of continuous loads present after a Station Blackout event and re-charge its battery in a reasonable time (to 95% capacity).
The 125 VDC system loads assumed during recharge after the design basis event were conservatively adjusted to correspond to maximum float voltage for the entire recharge time period. Note that AR #011311 03 documented an issue with the 2nd method of determining acceptance for Tech Specs surveillance requirement SR, i.e. that the battery chargers can accomplish a re-charge in <= 8 hours after a design basis discharge event (SBO). AR # 01456839 formally documented this issue as a non-conservative Tech
* Specs surveillance requirement and establishe*d administrative limit for the 1st method of meeting SR The administrative limit 125 VDC system battery charger output current was established as >= 75 amps.
* The basis for the second method of SR involves achieving re-charge of a battery after a service test with the maximum continuous load applied to the system that could be present regardless of plant conditions.
The service test would essentially correspond to the design basis load profile modelled in the battery calculations for a station blackout event. The maximum continuous loads would be as determined in this calculation based on a review of the continuous loads applied at the end of this event. Thus, this calculation demonstrates that re-charge would occur in this case in reasonable time. However, this method of surveillance of the battery chargers would not be used at Monticello as battery testing is performed via a modified performance test, which of necessity discharges the battery to a greater degree than a service test. The most precise way to ensure the battery charger is capable of performing its design functions is to test it per the 1st method, thus ensuring it can supply adequate current at float voltage for a 4 hour time period. Final resolution of the Tech Spec issue described in ARs 01131103 and 01456839 requires a permanent change to the 1st method of meeting SR The criteria should be changed to>= 75 amps for 4 hours (as is presently administratively MONTICELLO NUCL!;AR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 12 of 33 controlled):
It is recommended that 2nd method of meeting the surveillance be removed, as this test method is not used at Monticello.
This calculation shows that a charger current of 75 amps is adequate to re-charge the 125 VDC batteries within a reasonable time after a design basis event and considering continuous post-event loads. 8.0 FUTURE NEEDS AR # 01456839 tracks completion of a License Amendment Request for Technical Specifications SR The first option should be changed to >= 75 amps, as is currently administratively controlled.
The second option should be removed from Tech Specs as this test option would not be of practical use at Monticello.
This calculation determines that a charger test to >= 75 amps for 4 hours demonstrates the ability to charge batteries after the limiting Station Blackout event in reasonable time, considering the largest combination of 125 VDC system steady state loads. 9.0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 01-Excerpt of C&D Technologies, Publication 12-316, KCR-13 Calcium Standby Batteries Attachment 02-Spreadsheet showing total discharge amp-hours for Div. I and Div. II 125 VDC batteries based on SBO battery calc load profiles Attachment 03-Excerpt of 2010 Ops Log for 010, 020 charger output current, Sept. 2010, Jan. and June 2011 Attachment 04-DCSDM software sizing report showing calculation 02-192 Time Step 53 loads at a battery node voltage of 130.5 VDC.
10.1 Calculation CA-02-179, Div. 1125 Volt Battery Calculation, Rev. 3 10.2 Calculation CA-02-192, Div. 11125 Volt Battery Calculation, Rev. 3 1"0.3 IEEE Std. 485-1983, 'IEEE Recommended Practice for Sizing Large Lead Storage Batteries for Generating Stations and Substations' MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision 4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 13 of33 10.4 B.09.14-02, Operations Manual, Lighting, Description of Equipment, Rev. 1 10.5 C&D Technologies, Publication 12-316, Lead-Calcium Standby Batteries (see Attachment 01 for excerpt) 10.6 B.09.1 0-02, Operations Manual, 125 VDC System, Description of Equipment, Rev. 9 10.7 Operator rounds records, Turbine Building East (2010), excerpts from December, 2014 and July, 2015 included as Attachment
: 03. 10.8. IEEE Std. 946-1985, 'IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of Safety-Related DC Auxiliary Power Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations' 10.9 IEEE Std. 946-2004, 'IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of DC Auxiliary Systems for Generating.
Stations' 10.10 4066-PM, D1 0 Battery Charger Preventive Maintenance, Rev. 3 10.11 4075-PM, D20 Battery Charger Preventive Maintenance, Rev. 3 10.12 4078-PM, D40 Battery Charger Preventive Maintenance, Rev. 5 10.13 EC 720, Replace DIV. 1125 VDC Battery Charger D10 10.14 EC 12877, Replace Div. 11125 VDC Battery Charger D20 10.15 EC 13284, Replace 125 VDC Battery Swing Charger 040 10.15 AR # 01131103, ITS 125VDC charger SR 2 unachievable 10.16 AR # 01456839, TS SR Non Conservative for the 125 VDC Chargers 10.17 USAR-08.05, Plant Electrical Systems, Rev. 30 10.18 EPRI Power Plant Electrical Reference Series, Volume 9, EC Distribution System, Copyright 1987 10.19 451 0-PM, Maintenance of On-Site Batteries and Battery Chargers at Monticello Nuclear Plant, rev. 35 10.20 NX-9173-19, C & D Battery Chargers (D10,020,D40)
NLI Model: ARR130K100F-MOD, rev. 1 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision 4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 14 of 33
* 10.21 Rammeter website page showing.F150A50 current shunt accuracy (Attachment
: 5) 10.22 NUREG/CR-7148, Confirmatory Battery Testing: The Use of Float Current Monitoring
* to Determine Battery State-of-Charge, p*ublished November 2012 10.23 C&D Technologies Technical Bulletin 41-2128, Charging Valve Regulated Lead Acid Batteries
* 10.24 CAP AR # 01474466, DCSDM Software Issue, initiated 04-14-15 10.25 EC 25634, Monticello 125V #11 Battery Modified Performance Test Profile 10.26 EC 25511, Monticello 125V #12 Battery Modified Performance Test Profile MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision 4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 15 of33 Attachment 01 -KCR-13 Battery Ratings: Excerpt of C&D Technologies, page 1 of 2 Publication 12-316, KCR-13 Lead-Calcium Standby Batteries:
Excerpt of 02-192, MNGP 125 Volt Div. II Battery Calculation --------------
__ Powet SGluTilnfr-'.::
* RATINGS TABLE: AMPERES Excerpt of C&D Technologies Doc. 12-316,2007
'Nominal Rat?" 0 77'F (2G'C) in 1.21!> N<!mlnai_SG (lntludas cimnaclor voH.oga drop} *. Amp&nltO Models NomlnaiAH Final Volta Rating
* lihr 4hr 3hr 1.5hr 1 hr 30m!n 15m!n KCRIKAR-5 200 25 .. 41 . 50 77 .M 1211 165 KCRIKAR-7 250 31 li3 65 101 126 173 221 KCRIKAR-0 330 41 71 9T 135 ,:169 231 294 KCRIKAR-11 410 52 88 109 '. 166 ' 206 294 364 1.75 KCRlKAR-13 495 61 106 tat 204 254 351 450 KCRIKAR-16 577 72. 124 162*** .. 237 297 411 6112 KCR!i<AR-17 660 .. '92 . 142 174: 272 '340 470 604 KCRIKAR-19 742 92 159 195. aoa *378 .520 664 KCRIKAR--21 925 100 176 216. 332 -413 567 728 KCRIKAR-6 194 24 41 41l : 74 Ill 122 154 KCRIKAR-7 239 '30 51 62 95 .117 169 198 KCRIKAR-9
:119 . 40. 6ll 93 . 126 . "156 .-211 264 KCWKAR-11 401 . _ . .-60 < . ll4 wi* . 155 *. 191 260 327 1.76 KCRIKAR-13 479 SQ. 102 124 191 236 320 404 KGR/i<AR-15 659 *.* *70 119 145 222 . 275 ll75 4Tr KCRIKAR-17 637 00 136 166'-254 : 315 . 429 542 KCRJKAR-111 719 90 152 0 196 293 . a!io -* . 474 596 KCRIKAR-21 1102 .*-too 169 .-205. 310 382 . 518 653 KCRIKAR-6 190 . 24 . ... @ 49 71 96 114 140 KCRJKAR-7 231 29 .(9 . '511 as I 109 143 175 KCRIKAR-9 ll10 65 ... 7B 117 I 14&deg;4 ; .. 0 191 293 KCRIKAR-11 300 . 90 '. 97 *. 146 tfr .** 235 289 1.81 KCRIKAR-13 464 511 !!7 . 118. . 178 . 219 200 .*. 357; I(CR/KAR-15 541 *68 114 **..-139'* 207 254 .< agg 422 KCRIKAR-11 619 77 1110 *H>7 237 ,291' 9118 479 KCRIKAR-10 699 '97 146 176 264 :123 420 627** KCRIKAR-21 779 97 161 '194. 289 ,' 353 460 577 *oaa baood en tllroody lrom a 72-hoor noat oonlfllon periEEE-450 prooedu1eo.
1mln 243 300 412 608 655 707 871 949 1028 213 264 353 435 560 682 746 912 891 *193 22t 204 364 467 569 621 677 736 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision 4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 16 of 33 Attachment 01 -KCR-13 Battery Ratings: Excerpt of C&D Technolog*ies, page 2 of 2
* Rating Publication 12-316, KCR-13 Lead-Calcium Standby Batteries:
Excerpt of02-192, MNGP 125 Volt Div. II Battery Calculation
'C&D 'F.I!C:El:N()LOGI&#xa3;S, Jl'ic .. 1400 Pl'rrdN'M:EE:$'Q.
* FAX;:(115}6lil-7i!4o . . 5 10 15" 2(.} ;>_ll. 45.' .* . . " . . .. * *. . . . . . 19 12 16 19' 24 l m1n miil. mill IiliD. min. Iithi *min lhr 11ir j hr 4 hr 5 .bi lHrr B iii lir hi hi hr 243)' :ih5 l2$::uol!.c
!14;3 *cr4.\' sM 'tl.'l :>H rJ-:s H:plH.s *
.. ?OE,II l4:5J 116.0 &4.!l
+J.ll 38:9 3([8 15;5 lU . KC:R:p 4Ii.7
:no:9 i9:L i6!Lo nt2 10.1 59.7 5ts *n:o ri9.o 155 k&#xa2;&-Ii* 5o&.Q JL5284:P!7.:
_87.9. }j'4.o K0.-13 "!'t54.i'f 5'76.jj
*b!J-;2 mt.ll UO.P 2!13.3 2$'f:4 106.2 89,7 77,1 61.4 S'O:ll Ft:M 33.5i27.'12H . KCR.-15 7!.17.-i' 693.4 S!IS.15!l.7 81,8 41Ll 342;1! l9MJ9,1)J 152311lj)
!10.1 71.'1 593 3!).2 3.1,9 27,0 .
* ti(l3,6154S:S
'fliP 39_2J
:st!l 61, 3{1.8
!14a:7 &-u:t 740'.7 6il4.it6iisj 4i5.C 154:ii 1951 15ll:ll il4.'
9-23 6{3 so.6W.Ll H:9 KCR."21 1,0283 91L1 812:ll n7.6 1562:151573 474; Ui.5119.6 14Stll2!l.( lOH ltS,S 73J 51i.BfM.4 3!l.l 'All mtii:all'lilmllltiom llinSt bli"Vlirifioo With C&D
* Iii If silbji!ci to cliangr. . %oiri;i#asP-..u MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Attachment 02-Spreadsheets showing total discharge amp-hours for Div. I and Div. 11125 VDC batteries based on SBO battery Calc. load profiles (from calc. sizing worksheets)
.. 'O __ :* ...... .. : .. j:. Time .Step Duration Div; I Batt. Current
* Div I Batt.Dischrg
.... *: __
* ___ *
.. -: ..
... ;1.. LOO 14!t03 2..483833
: 2.
** *-------* 7f79 * *i:1965o&*
.. '' *
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-* *-*--*--*-----------****---**
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..... , ...
... _ ... -...........
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15 {bb -105:58. 1:759667 *---****--*--------*-----------*-
... *-*---------*----*----**
---* -*-----------'--*---
-p J,OO :10!1:22 l
* Total nllration=l
* * * *240:oo!h.inutes
* ** i -_[-*. .
i TofalDischarge
=1 .-26l-.01!amp-hours i
l' 1-00"'L' **n* ><"" ., ** .,. *.-o' ="' ' n <
! * ';---""""'-'"-"",.._.=-
_ _,._, * .-,, *. .,..-, ...... -.,..,...._.,., .,.,. .... ,-;..-, CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 17 of 33 page 1 of 2 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Attachment 02-Spreadsheets showing total discharge amp-hours for Div. I and Div, II 125 VDC batteries based on SBO battery Calc. load profiles (from calc. sizing worksheets)
**o -*-*.-*---'.-_
(-.=* l Duratiqn Div.IIBatt.
i:>iv ! Batt/D.isthtg
-* .. ::: . : *:** .1 130:47 2*174500 .1 .*r:o*
* ** *"
*a 27,*0 62:93 2.8.318500
--__ ,____ *-** .. . .. __.. __
-------* ------'o-
.. 4 'l.O
..... **-**** -*-*-*****-
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t-*---,s. 29.0 59:44 '18, .
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.. . l""'" ----------s
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---** --2:o;o667 --____ 1 ___ _
,. . -*-,.,,_, _ __.,_,,
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....... _ .. ] .... . 11 63:29 1;_054833
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,.13 -28J). 58-0.5 L.7.ti90000 i ..........
'"''i4 ,. . **-**o3of5 , --. -on-** ,._, "5810"i . --*-.......
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.16 13,0 6Vl5 :11.q55833
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... -ta * ,'i.9 l05.fl6 t'7Qil333
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* 240.00! minutes i :
... .. ..
* __
* Total
______ ______ L_ CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 18 of 33 page 2 of2 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TITLE: 125. VDC Battery Charger Sizing Attachment 03-Excerpt of 2010 Ops Log for 010, 020 charger output current, Dec. 2014 and July, 2015 021) Max: !ill till 11fl1/2014 21)00 ;!.of nmf.!Q14 (IBQJ l4 U/lQ/2014 illOO li
.11f.J(lf.1DH (IBQJ ;1:4 tlf2!lf#l14 2000 H U/2(1J2Q14 (111(;0 24
:12,1211/1014 2000 H $dl.liber, .lan'e;l U/18/2014 llliOO 1;4 Ra!Toall:f 1 11/27}2014 2(10) :z..t Sd\lill!f, lilrrlel l1/l11W14 l)(I(I) 24 12/26/2014 2000 l4 12f2B/2014 01100 ;!.of 2000 24 U/lS/2014 01100 1;4 11/2-olflQH 200) 24 12/2412014 Olli;J;l H taemw,Lamy 11/2Jj2Q14 2DOO 24 12/2lf.!P14
()(l(ll H IO!:mlv,L.oony U/22/11)11 2IJOO 1;4
:12,121J2!)14 IJ(l(ll 24 IO!:l:l)W, I..Mny U/21/2014 21)0) :l.i Sil!I*Y 12/21/2014 (lllC() B I..<!Wfeo<:"', IIIII l1/2M014 200) 14 U/2!lf.1o14 (lllC() 24 Ll!Wfeoo:..,.,, mn 121191-1 2ll00 1;4 12/1?J2o14 (lllC() 24 Ll!Wf<l!K.oe, IIIII 12/11!121!14 2(10) N 11/111J20H (lllC() :!:4
:12,117}2()14 2(10) H Cawf,JQe U/1712Q14 oow 1;4 He!nl$.m.w 11f1(iJ2!)14 2000 M UitB/2014 l)(l(ll 2-f li!i!rii'I!>JillfJW 200) 24 oow 11/14{2014 21l00 14 Bltll:l\.C'>>
()(l(ll 1;4 l2/1l/2oH 21l00 :H
:12/11/2014 onm :H 12/12/<QH 21l00 24 l3fol:l\ (:t;ty :12,111}2ll14 (1000 2.4 l2/1l,rul14
.2llOO 24 llf1)lffl, 1:!)'1 11f1lJ2Q14 (l!I(Jl 2.4 U/1WWl4 2ll00 H U/1QJ2o14 (IBQJ ;1.4 J2.10m!l14
;!.i 1.2,1Wj2()14 (lli(;O !1.4 12/(lll/1014 2(10) H AjbekJ, II(. 12/QIIJ2o14 Q8(JO 24 12/(]7/21)14 2(10) M 11(07(.!014 0800 14 12/(lli/2l)14 211(]} ;H 1.2,1%'W14
()(l(ll :M 211(]} 2.4 t::a!e1, Joe 01!00 7;4 12/0'I:P..l.)H
&llOO 24 ()800 2'1 12((1l{2QH 21100 2;4 12{Dl/2!l14
()8(ll 14 U/2.411 CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 19 of 33 page 1 of 8 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Attachment 03 -Excerpt of 201 0 Ops Log for D 1 0, 020 charger output current, Dec. 2014 and July, 2015 12/(l:l/2014 11)00 :11fll2J2014 QIJOO 11/(11/2014 21)00
()IJOO 24 D-20 Nf:G'ro GROUND VOlT p;m 11/.HnQ14 11/3 tjJll14 . 01100 (iii 11/JMOH U/J11,'21l14 01100 67 11,12!1{2014 21)1;() 67 !1/29{2Il14 01100 67 11,1.2J!{2.1)14 21)1;() (i&
()OQJ 12,127.{2014.
21100 66 11/27n014 0000 !1/21!/2014 llllll 66 OllOO U/25}Ul14
.21)00 (iii 11,12!if.!(l14 ogoo 66 Uf2'lf,lll14 21)00 ft7 11,124{2014 01100 fi7 2000 67 12/23.(2014 01100 ummH fiT D/21PQ1-I 01100 fi7 fiT llf2tjJll14 01100 1,7 11/2!111014 2(]00 fiT U/2\lf21)14 0600 67 Uf1ft/2Q14 21)(,(1 67 ll/19{2014 0&11 1;7 12,111!/201-1 21)(,(1 67 J2,1U1{2D14 0001 1;7 D/17.{201-1 21)(,(1 fi7 U/1'112014 (UJ():l 1;7 21)(,(1 *67 Wl6rn14 (lg():l 1;1 JlfU/2014 21)00 67 '11,11ml)14 01100' 66 U/14/2014 21)00 4i6 :12/11/2014 QI)OO o(i6 fl/l:Jfl014 21)00 .67 12/U/2D14
()llOO .f,7 fl/11{l014
.67 l2/UJ20H Ql)l'Q f>7 WHf2014 2(]00 67 l2/1ll2014
()l)l'Q *1,6 11/11!12014 21100 66 D/1!112014 0&11 66 llJll912014 2(]00 67 12/ll9f2014 0600 4i6 l2,1()11/11)14 21l(() .f,7 (111(0 .u j1J(I1}1,1;J14 2(li;O a !:lftl.7,i2D14 0000 .u 200:) .u 12100120 1" 0000 *66 U/240 tfnl W
Sn)l!by, 1.<<
t:lill!'f,m t:lill!'f,)OO t:lill!'f,XIe R;;m;lle'f, r>!lke R!lml!le;', Mike R;ltnllley, 1.4Vfl-.e,l!ln I!IH tlit)l(:b,Cay flJQI.:il, (i;ly 81sliii,DaYkl All!(lld 1 Rl!mal!:y, Hike. AIOO!if, Hit <;RS. AA 01458586 WI!. 0016 CR$. AA 0145&$111>
W11. c;RS. AA 0145m4 Wll 0016$
AA O.HW!i!!li WII.IJ(l11W9 1/22,12Dfi CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 20 of33 page 2 of 8 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Sizing Attachment 03-Excerpt of 2010 Ops Log for 010, D20 charger output current, Dec. 2014 and July, .2015 Tliti;Jil'oll flplldlll;j Em (2010) gwr-o2.o;1 Oi*fW D-10VOLTAGE*ROAT JJU BAlTmY lbnW= !lDV 0111 Mnl118 m UlR$: W!I/S. BAmRES REI::! 29 12(2612014 onoo 131 Mike 1.212.5.,2014 21100 01 Jlla/2014 onoo 131 Ratllilley, 1.21.2112014
.:liiOO 01 U/2'1/20!4
()(100 1l1 Ktett)tv, L.Qnny 12fZl!20H 21100 01 11/2312014 0!100 1l1 I.Qnny 12,121/1014 2000 131 12,122/2014 0!100 1l1 12,121/21)14
:moo 131 12f21/2014 0600 131.
12(211,'21)14 21100 1J1 U/l.ll/2014 onoo 1:)1
.12,11!112014 21100 131 U/1!1/20!4 onoo m 11/111,'2014
:200) U1
!Vtll/2014 Cl&n U1 12f17[2Q14
.12,117/1014 onoo 131 12/1&'2014 2000 131 OlliW,m 12(1&'2014 onoo 131 21!00 U1 .IJ/U/1014
()fiCO 131
;!1100 1:!0
.12,11.ol/1014 onoo 131 U/U12014 21100 m U/U/2014 ()fiCO m GillY U/l2Ril14 21!00 1Jt !I!AA Cg,y 12,112/2014
()lj{l;l 1;11 GillY 12,111/2014 21100 1JO 12/11/2014
()lj{l;l ill 12,1111,'2014 21J00 1J1 U/11.WQ14 onoo U1 11f0912014 200) 131 CIIIOO 1:11 J2IQI!/2014
:21XX) 131 Allxlld, Nlc. WQI!Ii!014 onoo m t2/Q712014 2{l('Q m Mo1tl;ew !1/0712014 onoo m l2/QG/2014 2{l('Q m 11f06/l014 1;11100 131 12/0S/2014 2000 1l1 Ol$l!i';m Jll()!if1014 onoo m 11/(14f2014 21!00 U1 12(Q412014 011(0 131 Ul(llfl011 131 J2/()3/2014 0!100 U1 U/01111)14
;!1100 m 11/07/2014
<!800 1;11 1.2101/2014 2llCO m AAi: i2/Q1[2Q14 Olji)O 131 l.UVDC tllAR$fR.
fOR #11 BATRitlY (;I.IRRfHT NoinW "' 2$ i\ll'(H 010 llfi.Tifiii!S Sl:'ir-39 Jl&o: JD 12/ll/2014 2DOO 1l 1&#xa5;->mo!.-.
(1(1(1) :u 12,1lllll014
:2000 n (liii;O 11,12!1/2014 21100 n Petef$1!!11, Gal'f 37/2.41) 1JUIM15 CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 21 of33 page 3 of 8 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERA TJNG PLANT TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Attachment 03 -Excerpt of 2010 Ops Log for D 10, 020 charger output current, Dec. 2014 and July, 2015 USVOC CJWIGEJHOR:
#U .IIATnJlY C!JRRE!fT Dll) AIYfd.
(1{100 :u J1flljf2{)14 2000 2J J212ll{lOH (ll!OO :u J1f27{2014 2000 2J :f2/27MH (li\U) :13 J1f26[2014 2000 ll :f2/26@1'f (lllf;l) ;1;1 21!00 2l :12/2!1/ZOH OntO 12121/2014 21!00 2l 12/24/2014 (IU<<l n 12/:lWOH 2llOO 2l Jlfll/2014 (11!00 ll J2/21/2014 2000 2l 12/22/2014 (11!00 ll Z()CQ 23 J1f21/1D14 01!00 2J 2J 12/2WlQ14 0800 2l :12l1!!nQl4 2000 :IJ 12/1!1{2014 0000 2l Jlflll/2014 2000 :11 :t111llf2014 (1000 2l 12/17f2014 2000 :!l :11117{2014 onoo 2l Dflli/2014
:2000 ll 12/ifimlif (ll\00 2J
:2000 2l WW1C!l'f 01)00 12/1-lf2014 21!00 23 :WH/1014 (11100 a 12113{2014 2000 2l l2,11J/1(114(1000 ll 12112/2014 21100 2l .12/12/2014 (1000 ll :t1/1lJ2014 2000 ll .12,11 f/21)14 (1000 ll :u/11!111)14 2000 a Jl!1fHll)14 0000 2l mwJ2Ql4 2000 2l 12/()!1{2014 onoo 2-l :t&#xa3;l0llnl)14 200Q 2l 12100/2014 01!00 :u .12f07{1IJ14 21lt'l) 2J 121!)7{2014 (11100 :u J1f(l9f20142!100 2J W01iR014 01100 a 2000 2l ooro Dl04/2014 21100 2l WO'!/ZOJ4 ooro 2l 12/0lflOH 2000 :u lnQH ooro :IJ 12/02/2014 21!00 :u .12,102/11114 OlllD ll f/2014 2000 23 J1f!)f{2014 QI!OO 2J
!l:Mb!r, Rairlaley, Mike Kleltrw,t.onny Qsej,Jill!
BtQkil, cay Pli!li!i'SI!fl,GatY AIIXli<J, Ell!lb, Da\>kl RMIBie'f, Mike AIOOI4, Me Pad:e'$1\, Kllii$'Jbelrtel, lUck Srlldl)', La!
= M';l$ MmRE$
CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 22 of 33 page 4 of 8 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Attachment 03-Excerpt of 2010 Ops Log for 010, 020 charger output current, Dec. 2014 and July, 2015 VOlTAGl-JU)AJ lfUIIATnRV 02!1 07/(11)201!>
21Xll 07/0l/2D15 QI)(Q 07/(lf/2015" 21Xll 07/0IJ2fl1'.i
()1,100 tll Ul 1ll m 125VD(: CHARGER. FOR JtU I!ATnA.VC:UAAfMT 07/ll/201!} 07/Jf/2015 OllOO H 07/l!ln015 a+ 07/J!I/2015 OllOO H 07/29{ID1!>
200J 24 07/29{2Wi 01!00 2.4 07/lQ{lQ15' 21J(Xj l4 07/l!ln015 Q(ll;il H 07121]2f!15 2000 u 07/].7fl015 OllOO . 07/26fiD15 2(100 l4 07/1G/l01S O!iOO H 07/15]1D1f.
21l00 l4 07/2ffi.015 (1(!00 24 07/24/2015 21l00 l4 D1/WQ15 (llj(O D1/2l{2ll15 21l00 :B W/2lf2L)15 OIJ(O H 07/27RQ1S 200l H f11121PJJ1'.i 0(!00 (l7/,U{2ll1!>
H D1flt/20t!i OllOO 24 24 D1/2i!{lo1!;
01!00 l4 1)1[1!1{11)1!>
200J lf f11/19{2015 0(1(0 14 W/10}21!15" 2000 lf 07/U{2/l1ri 0(1(0 14 QJ/17]21!1!>
21J00 lf 07f-1.7M1S OllOO Wl11i/2D1l>
lOCO 1.4 07/16{2/l15 OllOO :l4 D1/1!ij2Jl1!i 21Xll l4 0745n0!5 OllOO 07/Wllllfi 21Xll 1.4 t17/H/2D15 OBW lf 01/lJ/201!}
2IJIXI 24 ti7/UJ2ll1!i 01)00 lf 01(1JP/Wi 2IJIXI 24 1!1/1l/2D1!i OllOO lf 07/1.1ntlt5
.... 07/U/101!>
QIKQ 14 07/l!lf<Qt5
:H 07/11J{2ll15 OllOO Z-l 2DCO .7-* 01/0!tfl015 lllliD Z4 lOCO . 24 IJJ/()8/201ri lllliD l.i 111MJ2fWi 21)(1) l4 IJJ{(J7{2ll15 OliOO H *IJJ/lMV201'.i 200) 14 0710612D15 OllOO >>rm 8106:h, Ct.y Gal)'
Ko\illnen, (Ii5if!l,m Ktalllo Ndl8 ll.ifi;IR)ii',CQ!w Kr.llllo Ndl n
{$iff( Kr.\lll, ft!i_8 K.arib)ft', {Qtey AI 001<1, Nl e AIIJOiil, Nlf.
"''*"'*eery Albott, Nle:
!II>.TTERI!!iS u CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 23 of 33 page 5 of 8 "118/201$
MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Attachment 03-Excerpt of 2010 Ops Log for 010, 020 charger output current, Dec. 201.4 and July, 2015 * . . .
Blilh11ttg (10i0) lUVDC CIWtGEilfQit .tU BATTfAYti.IIUWfl' D.m 01{(1512Q1S 200). 01/05@15 0000 Dlf0'1f,Ul1!>
200). 01!<Hn01!1 IJ!ll)l 1)7/0J/2015 2(ICO !l7/0J/l01!1 IJ!ll)l 01/02/lQ1S 20CO D7f02[1Il15 . .0000 . ()7(01}2015 21100 07{(lf,{lll15 OilOO D-20 MGTO GIIDUND \/Ol'l' 07/Jmtli!l
'2QQ1 li6 C17(J1}201$'
0800 66 1)7/JQ/?1)15'
'2llQ) li6 C17(3QI201$
(1800 66 Dlf.2!1f.Zll1!>
21l00 66 0800 66 Dlf21l[.!.015 21l00 66 l)O!Xl 66 07/27[2015
.2000 *66 Olll)l 66 Q7f2ti}2[115 2000 66 66 Wtl!>/201$
2000 66 08 66 C17(2.Jj201$'
2000 li6 Dl(2'1i201S 06lll1 66 01/.24/2015 2000 li6 0800 66 07/21J'HH'i 2()()) li6 Q7/22,/21l15 0800 66 2()()) li6 01/21/21)1$
0800 li6 2()()) li6 07/.a(lflQI$ .OilCO 66 Q7/1!!1201!i 2000 66 01/1'!112015 (Jil(Xl (11 07{1!1/2015 21100 li6 W(JB/2015 O&lll (11 21l00 66 07/171201!1 0000 (17 01/i!i/21115 2000 til 01/11li201!i 0000 (17 Q7(15'}2Q15 200l 66 01/15/2015 0!100 li6 01/11/2015 lOOl 66 07/1-112015 0!100 ii6 W(J.;!,\2015 2oo;) ii6 01{1JJ2Q15 Osoo 66 01(rl,f1D1S 2!100 66 01/12/lQ1S 01IOJ li6 01/UJUli!i
:2000 66 01/11/2015 (11100 .116 ll7/11!1:Z015 211()1 66 01/1(!121)15 (11100 tj6 01/fi'H2015 21l(n f'l7 07/0mll15 0600 66 14/W Mil! 60 U11W VQII$
Btolth,. C<<y AleX F'&t$el, Gar; raser,m Ktanz, lf<)!lll 1'1\'inz, lf<)!lll Katlflolf, i;Qrey Ktant,. Ne!lll Cb<<!f Alli::!l4; A!llOkl, NIC Alf.'diJ, rte
!IIQI:ll,<;ory Gil')' !!IOI:b. OIY l'l'letSI:Il,GIIll lbnlill " 2Q fiRll$ Bmn!ES. lbl\Jal = &#xa3;,5'1
!;llq! .12 CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 24 of 33 page 6 of 8 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Attachment 03-Excerpt of 2010 Ops Log for 010, 020 charger output current, Dec. 2014 and July, 2015
.-11 Blo.TTfR&#xa5; 01(14{2!)15:
21100 ll1 01/1'!m1'i
()(100 :m 01f13!2Dn 2ll00 n1 m ODOO m 2000 U1 BiQkl'l, CCi'f QDOO Gort 21)00 fro rJJ(11{2!)1S:
Q!IOO 130 07/tlla015 2000 :130 Blt;lth, W/111/201s:
01100 m Ga;y uo rJl/fW{2!)1S QQOO Gal'f Ql'f(IBfiQ1'i Ill. AlbQ!rf, Nli;; 01/QU/201!1 IIQO)
GillY wromw* 21)(() m AJIJOii;f, Hie Cf//07{lf;l15 IIQO) ut Y/aoli111'io!nll, CflfQ6/lQlfi 2ll(Q 111 AIIXllif, Hie Cfl/OiiPIJlS OUIXl U1 rJJ(CJ5fl!lli 21)00 131 01100 Ut SoXit. 01(Q4{2!)15 21)00 ll1 (li)(Q Ut
!11/QlflQ1'i 2!1(,Jl 131 * .m Q'J/WnDl'i QIII;Q 1;11) 01{02{2Q1'i 2!1Ql 1l0 fP{01J201fi (lll(() 130 BIQid!, CCI&#xa5; rJlf(ljjWl!i 2DOO U1 West:,A\9:
fP/Qf/21)15 QIIIX) 1:!1 F'f:tet$1eff, Galj' U5VIM; tmMJ:It fQJl *n
<<:!IAAIII'ff 25 A!lllS Dlo HiJx: 51HMJti: 11/rfl!; BI\TifRII;S seq: 41 wntflots 2ll(Q n Wfl!f21)1'i IIQO) 23 l;li'f31JP015 2000 n Wf.l0Jl01!i (Jill):) 23 07/2!1/201!>
2000 23 WP'.l/Wt'i 01100 23 rJlf2JJ{l015 l!llOO ll 07P!l{l!l15 (lll(ll) n 07/27/2011>
21100 ll 07t:l7!J,Q1'i OlliXl n (aey,Joe 01().firn1fi 21100 23 l<,No;!ln 07(26J2Q15 OJ!OI) 2l
!11mf21)1fi 2 23 Hell n OI!(X) 2l 111/24{2!)11>
2 n 07/2.4/1l/15 IIQO) 2l IWi<IIOII',COio\!'r 07/ll!lQl!i 21)00 07(2:4/2015 1)11(0 ll IWI<tio6, CL1Ief 1111).11201!1 21)00 Wf22/21)1!i Ql)((l 23 Al{lokl, WrllBJ:!lfi 2ilOO :u
!11/2.1{21)1Sc 0!100 n Albol4, 11Jf2Q[l1)1fi l!OOl :Q !1112f)fl01';. 2l Albol4 1 Q7/l!l{l!l1l>
2IJOO ll W/1!1f201!i
(]000 23 Wflll/lll1!>
21l00 ll Q7116{.ll)15" OlliXl :23 R<<:: JQ l9/nl tl.(i.Bf201S CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 25 of 33 .page 7 of 8 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Attachment 03 -Excerpt of 201 0 Ops Log for D 1 0, 020 charger output current, Dec. 2014 and July, 2015 125'/CiC CIIAAGfll POR Mti llAMllV CURIII:IfT 07117/2015 2000 u (JJ/17[2015' 11600 . 23 (J]fl6{201!>
0600 :0 2000 23 W/1if21l1<J 0600 n 2000 2l 0600 n 2{]C() 11 11{100 u (JJ/1]J201(;
2000 23 Qgf.O W/1fJ201'$
2000 n wt111201!i oaoo 12 !11/111:{201!$
2!100 ll (JJ/111:{2015" OIJW 2l (JJ{(I!If2015" 2000 2l CI1/0W2Q15" 01)00 1l ll QJ/08}2.015" Oil(() 2l wromoto;, n Wf07]2Jl1'!i 0600 2l WW2JJ1S 2000 1l (JJJOGil(l1!>
0600 2l 071l)S/101S 2000 23 W/O'i/201'-i' 0600 2l W/il'lrnl15" 20<<) n 01/11'112015-0600 2l 07J(ll}2.()1S 2000 1l 0000 07/02/2015" 200:l 2l 07/0lnOI';, 0000 W/OfJ2015" 2000 U 07/(lf/201$
0600 1l -IHO P1Q r;;,m Rki Cil$ef,M BfOI:JI, Cay Brol:h,Cay BIOI:h,Ccr(
AlOOI!f, Nli; AIOOI!f, Ill&#xa2; W/JiVi!l'ieli11 1 1!1!1'1 HI(; P.;ib;!IS(Wl, SrXtt (J]flfJ201'i 2000 111/ll/2015" QI)(Q 07/JllaOlS 21100 D7/JI!/lQ15" QI)(Q (J]f2W21Jl5 21l00 Wf2W201'i oaoo W/18{1I!15 2000 !11(2llflll15' 0000 07/27/2/)15 200J Q7(27_fl1l1'J 0000 Q7/2&n!l1!i-21)CQ Q7/J6i21!1!i-0600 Q1f25/2fJ1S 20CQ 07/2Sn015 (1600 21)(0 07/24{2!)15
()IJW Q7{)){2Jl1S Q7/2J{2015 0000 07(2112015-Cl1f21POU Ollrll Q7f21i201S:
2000 07/21.12015" 1)1)00 64
,64 6J 6l 6J Ill Gal')' 6J KI\!IIU,K;Jilll
*fiol KBMI!l<<, -I:Dit1y {>l 64 (Q!ey 6J -C>l -M .AII:df,Nre; 64 M AIIJQio1, Me. lbm;li = :2<;
11/!.Trn\IES CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 26 of33 page 8 of 8 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Revision 4 Page 27 of33 Attachment 04-DCSDM software sizing report showing calculation 02-192 Time Step 53 loads at a battery node voltage of 130.5 VDC. page 1 of 6 Attachment F Node Voltages By: -----------------Dale:
______ _ Check: Datg: ______ _ Xcel Energy 1 Monllceno
-12liVdo Cole No. 02.192 Reil. 3 DCSDM Version 3.0 Attaclunent FD2DBA Page FD2DBA 1 of FD2DBA3 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: *.* Revision 4* 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page28 of 33 Attachment 04-DCSDM software sizing report showing calculation 02-:192 Time Step 53 loads at a battery node voltage of 130.5 VDC. page 2 of6 Node Voltages 08'2512015 03:46pm Batlery: D2 Scenario:
D2DBA Scenario o:!Banery CoolposileScenaJio Oosr:ripllon:
-... .__ I p2 TTERYD> 2 I ffl00DtSTfl\li!:LD11 3 ,..,. TIBIYCIWIGU112
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y, .. ,. j"/IIC) """" (VOC) 1\'DC) (VD01 M>01 I'/ DC) IV DOl (VDClt rvoct !YOO) fVDCI fVDCI MICI "'*"' >:10.10 "''' '"'"' '"" 13dl\ 1.31.7 '"'*"' ,,.., , .. , jl2J I:)(LIQ '''''" ..... !32.1. ,,.,. t.YJ ,,., I:IU ,,..., *-* 1JI2'J ,.....,. IYJ 1.1>.1 *-132.1. ll'l.Ci ,,., tfl.!ll ,,,
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D2DBA Scenario 02 Battery Composite Scenalio
== Description:==
CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page29 of33 page 3 of 6 1 T 2 l1ma. Step Ranga*lOO:Oi
* 3.'5800.0 I I I I I I I I I I I I -""""""' " ""' fWJHASJEPMH.WB 32 , .....
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Xcel Energy I Monticello
-12SVdo Cole No.02-192Rov.
3 IV DCI '"'' '"'"' 13:!.7' ..... .... .... ....
v ..... . .,.. .. ...... .,. .. l'lllCI IV DCI ('{00) II'DCl 12&.51 12-5..81 lt1'.13, DCSDM Varslon 3.0 .... ,., .. --
...... Yo !tiS' . ..... fVDC) f'lllC) (VDCI ('tOOl I'IDCI I'IDCI IYilCI M>CI MICI Allaohmont F020BA Page FDlDBA 3 of FDlDBA 3 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT . CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision 4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Pa9e 30 of33 Attachment 04-DCSDM software sizing report showing calculation 02-192 Time Step 53 loads at a battery node voltage of 130.5 VDC. page 4 of 6 Attachment G Node Currents By: _________________
Date: _______ _ Check:
Xcel Energy I MonUcello-125Vdc calo No. 02-192 Rev. 3 DCSDM version 3.0 Attachmem GD2DBA Page GD2DBA 1 of GD2DBA3 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision 4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 31 of 33 Attachment 04-DCSDM software sizing report showing calculation page 5 of6
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D2DBA Scenario 02 SaHel}'
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QJ121lDA P190 QD2DBA:lof 002DBA 3 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CA-91-006 TITLE: Revision 4 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Page 32 of33 Attachment 04-DCSDM software sizing report showing calculation 02-192 Time Step 53 loads,at a battery node voltage of 130.5 VDC. page 6 of6 Node currents GeneraUon Date; 08/2!!12015 03;48 pm Ballery: D2 Se<narlo:
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DCSDU Version 3.0 Alladlment GD201!J\ l'a!JD GDWII/Ia ol GD20DA 3 Cole 'No. 0).19llloY.1 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TITLE: 125 VDC Battery Charger Sizing Attachment 05-Ram meter web page showing 0.33% accuracy for current shunt model F150A50. CA-91-006 Revision 4 Page 33 of33 page 1 of 1}}

Latest revision as of 00:12, 7 April 2019