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{{#Wiki_filter:S ' Structural Integrity Associates, IncY File No.: 1001527.304 li No.: 1400365 CALCULATION PACKAGE Quality Program: [] Nuclear [] Commercial PROJECT NAME: Plant Hatch Unit 1 &2 P-T Curve Evaluation CONTRACT NO.: P0: SNC19354-0010, Rev. 1 CONTRACT:
19354, Rev. 4 CALCULATION TITLE: Hatch Unit 1 P-T Curve Calculation for 38 and 49.3 EFPY Document Affected Project Manager Preparer(s)
& Checker(s)
Revision Description ApprovalSintrs&De Revision Pages __________
& DateSintrs&De 0 1 -45 Initial Issue Responsible Engineer A-i -A-3 R. Gnagne B-i -B-43 D. V. Sommerville 12/30/2011 12/30/2011 Responsible Verifier G. Licina 12/30/2011 D. V. Sommerville 12/30/2011 117 Citations for References Responsible Engineer[1] and [2] have been updated to show citation D.V. Sommerville M. Qin for NRC approved 9/19/2013 9/19/2013 versions.
Citation for Reference
[10] has been Responsible verifier updated to show current revision.
[10] D. V. Sommerville was revised for the same 9/19/2013 reason as identified above for References
[1] and[2]. No technical changes are made for this revision.Page 1 of 46 F0306-01IRI V' Structural Integrity Associates,/Inc.Y File No.: 1001527.304Project No.: 1001527 CALCULATION PACKAGE Quality Program: [] Nuclear LI] Commercial CALCULATION TITLE: Hatch Unit 1 P-T Curve Calculation for 38 and 49.3 EFPY Document Affected Project Manager Peae~)&Cekrs Reiin PgsRevision Description Approval Prepaurers)
& C atekrs Revision__Pages
& DateSintrs&De 2 6, 7, 9, 11 -34, Revised to incorporate Responsible Engineer 37 -46 updated fluence data 7 '¢A-I -A-3 to address NRC condition B-1 -B-43 for SIR-05-044-Rev.
1-A regarding lowest service D. V. Sommerville temperature.
9/10/2014 D. V. Sommerville for C. J. Oberembt 9/10/2014 Responsible Verifier D. V. Sommerville 9/10/20 14 Page 2 of 46 F0306-O1R 1
VStructural Integrity Associates, IncY Table of Contents
6 3.0 ASSUMPTIONS...........................................................................
12 4.0 DESIGN INPUTS.......................14
15 5.1 Pressure Test (Curve A)...........................................................
15 5.2 Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical (Curve B)...............................
16 5.3 Normal Operation
-Core Critical (Curve C)....................................
18 APPENDIX A : P -T CURVE INPUT LISTING ..............................................
B-i File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 3 of 46 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, IncY List of Tables Table 1 : Summary of Minimum Temperature Requirements for P-T Limit Curves...................
11 Table 2: HNP-1 Beitline Region, Curve A, for 38 EFPY ...............................................
19 Table 3: HNP-1 Beitline Region, Curve A, for 49.3 EFPY .............................................
20 Table 4: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve A, for All EFPY ........................................
21 Table 5: HNP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve A, for All EFPY... .....................................
21 Table 6: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve B, for 38 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient
22 Table 7: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve B; for 49.3 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient
.......23 Table 8: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve B, for 38 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient
24 Table 9: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve B, for 49.3 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient
......25 Table 10: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve B for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient...
26 Table 11: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve B for All EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient...
27 Table 12: HNP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve B, for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient
.. 28 Table 13: HNP- 1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve B, for All EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient
..29 Table 14: HiNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 38 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient.........
30 Table 15: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 49.3 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient
.....31 Table 16: H-NP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 38 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient.......32 Table 17: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 49.3 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient
.....33 Table 18: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve C for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient...
34 Table 19: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve C for All EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient...
35 Table 20: HNP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve C, for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient
.. 36 Table 21: HNP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve C, for All EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient
.. 36 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 4 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.e List of Figures Figure 1: INP-1 (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A, 38 EFPY.......................
37 Figure 2: HNP-1 (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A, 49.3 EFPY ...............
.....38 Figure 3: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and 100 0 F/hr....39 Figure 4: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 100°F/hr .. 40 Figure 5: TNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr....41 Figure 6: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr .. 42 Figure 7: J-NP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 100OF/hr.........
43 Figure 8: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and lOO°F/hr......44 Figure 9: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-. Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 200°F/hr.........
45 Figure 10: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200°F/hr.....46 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 5 of 46 F0306-01R1 VStructural Integrity Associates,
This calculation develops pressure-temperature (P-T) limit curves for the beltline, bottom head, and non-beitline regions of the Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 (HNP-1) reactor pressure vessel (RPV). The P-T curves are developed for 38 and 49.3 effective full power years (EFPY) of operation, and for 100OF/hr and 200°F/hr thermal transients.
The P-T curves are prepared using the methods documented in the Boiling Water Reactor Owner's Group (BWROG) Licensing Topical Reports (LTRs), "Pressure Temperature Limits Report Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors" [ 1] and "Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics Evaluation of General Electric Boiling Water Reactor Water Level Instrument Nozzles for Pressure-Temperature Curve Evaluations" [2]. These LTRs satisfy the requirements of 1OCFR50 Appendix G [3] and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Code, Section XI, Non-mandatory Appendix G [4].2.0 METHODOLOGY A full set of P-T curves, applicable to the following plant conditions, are prepared: 1. Pressure Test (Curve A), 2. Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical (Curve B), and 3. Normal Operation
-Core Critical (Curve C).For each plant condition above, separate curves are provided for each of the following three regions of the RPV as well as a composite curve for the entire RPV: 1. The beltline region, 2. The bottom head region, 3. The non-beltline region, 4. Composite curve (bounding curve for all regions)In some cases, a region may contain more than one component which is considered for development of the associated P-T curve. For HINP-1, the curve for each vessel region identified above is composed from the bounding P-T limits determined for the following components:
: 1. Beltline: a. Beltline shell b. Water level instrument (WLI) nozzle, N16 2. Non-beltline
: a. Feedwater (FW) nozzle b. 10CFR50 Appendix G limits [3]3. Bottom Head: a. Bottom head penetrations (in-core monitor housings, control rod drive housings)b. Core DP nozzle Consequently, separate curves are prepared for each component considered for each region then a bounding curve is drawn from the individual curves.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 6 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, /nc?Complete sets of P-T curves, as identified above, are provided for a 100 °F/hr and 200 °F/hr thermal transient at 38 and 49.3 EFPY of operation.
The methodology for calculating P-T curves, described below, is taken from Reference
[1] unless specified otherwise.
Additional guidance regarding analysis of WLI nozzles is taken from Reference[2].The P-T curves are calculated by means of an iterative procedure, in which the following steps are performed:
Step 1: A fluid temperature, T, is assumed. The P-T curves are calculated considering a postulated flaw with a 6:1 aspect ratio that extends '1/4 of the way through the vessel wall. The temperature at the postulated flaw tip is assumed equal to the coolant temperature.
Step 2: The static fracture toughness, K 1 0 , is computed using the following equation: K 1 c 33.2 + 20.734 .e°°2(r-AT)
(1)Where: K 1 0  = the lower bound static fracture toughness (ksi'lin).
T = the metal temperature at the tip of the postulated 1/4 through-wall flaw (0 F).ART = the Adjusted Reference Temperature (ART) for the limiting material in the RPV region under consideration
(°F).Step 3: The allowable stress intensity factor due to pressure, Kip, is calculated as: Kzp -(2)Where: K 1 ip the allowable stress intensity factor due to membrane (pressure) stress (ksi'Iin).
Ki 0  the lower bound static fracture toughness calculated in Eq. (1)(ksi\Iin).
Kit the thermal stress intensity factor (ksi Win) from through wall thermal gradients.
SF =the ASME Code recommended safety factor, based on the reactor condition.
For hydrostatic and leak test conditions (i.e., P-T Curve A), SF = 1.5. For normal operation, both core non-critical and core critical (i.e., P-T Curves B and C), SF =2.0.When calculating values for Curve A, the thermal stress intensity factor is neglected (Kit = 0), since the hydrostatic leak test is performed at or near isothermal conditions (typically, the rate of temperature change is 25°F/hr or less).File No.: 1001527.304 Page 7 of 46 Revision:
2 FO306-01R1 VStructural Integrity Associates, IncY For Curve B and Curve C calculations, K 1 t is computed in different ways based on the evaluated region. For the beitline, with the exception of nozzles, and bottom head regions, Kit is determined using the following equation: K 1 , =O0.953 x10-3**CR. t 2 5  (3)Where: CR = the cooldown rate of the vessel (°F/hr).t= the RPV wall thickness (in).For the FW nozzle, K 1 t is obtained from the stress distribution output of a plant specific finite element analyses (FEA). A polynomial curve-fit is determined for the through-wall stress distribution at the bounding time point. The linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) solution for K 1 t is: K 1  ,no0.06C,0.57 2 c 1 0.48 +2 0.33 ~3 1(4 Where: a =/1/4 through-wall postulated flaw depth, a = 1/4 t (in).t = thickness of the cross-section through the nozzle at the limiting path near the inner blend radius (in).Cot,Clt, = thermal stress polynomial coefficients, obtained from a curve-Czt,C 3 t fit of the extracted stresses from a transient FEA.The thermal stress polynomial coefficients are based on the assumed polynomial form ofo'(x) =Co +C 1.x +C 2* x 2 + C 3*. x 3.In this equation, "x" represents the radial distance in inches from the inside surface to any point on the crack face.For the WLI nozzle, the nozzle assembly consists of an insert attached to the RPV with a partial penetration weld. The nozzle material is not ferritic and does not need to be specifically evaluated.
However, the effect of the penetration on the adjacent shell must be considered.
[2, Equation 8-2] provides the following simplified solution for the thermal stress intensity factor due to a 1 00°F/hr thermal ramp transient:
Ki1-ramp = 874,
+t.)-]-20.715 (5)Where: Ki-ramp = the K 1 t (thermal stress intensity factor from through wall thermal gradients) for a WLI nozzle subjected to 1 00°F/hr thermal transient (ksi\/in).
ct = the instrument nozzle material coefficient of thermal expansion at the highest thermal ramp temperature (in/in/°F).
tv = the vessel thickness (in).tn = the nozzle thickness (in).File No.: 1001527.304 Page 8 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI VStructural Integrity Associates, IncY Larger heat-up/cool-down rates are conservatively considered by scaling the stress intensity factor obtained using Eq. (5) by the ratio of the desired heat-up/cool-down rate to 100 &deg;F/hr.Since the P-T curves are applicable to all Level A/B events, the bounding Level A/B events, for each region and component, identified from the vessel and nozzle thermal cycle diagrams[7], are considered when calculating the Kit above.Step 4: The allowable internal pressure of the RPV is calculated differently for each evaluation region.For the beltline region, with the exception of nozzles, the allowable pressure is determined as follows: Pallow -M m .R (6)Where: Pailow = the allowable RPV internal pressure (psig).Kip = the allowable stress intensity factor due to membrane (pressure) stress, as defined in Eq. (2) t = the RPV wall thickness (in).Mm = the membrane correction factor for an inside surface axial flaw: Mm =1.85 for /t< 2 Mm = 0.926 "It for 2 <.It < 3.464 Mm =3.21 for "It >3.464.Ri = the inner radius of the RPV, per region (in).For the bottom head region, the allowable pressure is calculated with the following equation: 2.K .t Polw= (7)SCF. Mm
* R, Where: SCF = conservative stress concentration factor to account for bottom head penetration discontinuities; SCF = 3.0 per Reference
[1].Paiiow, K 1 p, t, Mm and Ri are defined in Eq. (6).The bottom head region methodology for calculating the allowable pressure shown in Eq. (7)above is applied for the thicker shell portion of the HNP-1 bottom head. It is noted that the Core DP nozzle at HNP-1 penetrates a section of the bottom head in which the shell is 3 3/16" thick. Use of Eq. (7) to treat the effect of the penetration would be excessively conservative.
Preliminary calculations showed that this approach produced a bottom head curve which bounded the entire vessel. Consequently, the effect of the Core DP nozzle penetration is considered in a manner similar to the FW nozzle, as described below.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 9 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.P For the FW nozzle the allowable pressure is determined from a ratio of the allowable and applied stress intensity factors. The applied factor can be determined from a FEA that determines the stresses due to the internal pressure on the nozzle and RPV. The methodology for this approach is as follows: p K 1 p "ref altlow, -(8)Where: Pref = RPV internal pressure at which the FEA stress coefficients (Eq.(9)) are determined (psi).KIp-app --the applied pressure stress intensity factor Pallow and K 1 p are defined as in Eq. (6)..The applied pressure stress intensity factor is determined using a polynomial curve-fit approximation for the through-wall pressure stress distribution from a FEA and the LEFM solution given in Eq. (4): -p 0.448/-i-12p
+ 0.393(- C~ 9 Where: a = 1/4 through-wall postulated flaw depth, a = 1/4 t (in).t = thickness of the cross-section through the limiting nozzle inner blend radius corner (in).C~,l,= pressure stress polynomial coefficients, obtained from a curve-C~,~ fit of the extracted stresses from a FEA.For the WLI nozzle, the nozzle .material is not ferritic and does not need to be specifically evaluated.
However, the effect of the penetration on the adjacent shell must be considered.
The allowable pressure is determined from the ratio of the allowable and applied stress intensity factors given in Equation 8. The applied stress intensity factor, for a 1000 psig load case, is calculated generically as follows [2, Equation 8-1]: KI Pressure =2.9045IR tF.+ +/-t,, 1-4.434 (10)-L. ]" Where: KI-pressure
=generic Kip-app for the WLI nozzle (ksi'lin).
R = RPV nominal inside radius (in).tv and tn are described as in Eq. (5).The allowable pressure for the WLI nozzle is then calculated using Eq. (8), similar to the FW nozzle.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 10 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.*Step 5: Steps 1 through 4 are repeated in order to generate a series of P-T points; the fluid temperature is incremented with each repetition.
Calculations proceed in this iterative manner until 1,300.psig. This value bounds expected pressures.
Step 6: Table 1 below summarizes the minimum temperature requirements contained in 10OCFR50, Appendix G [3, Table 1], which are applicable to the material highly stressed by the main closure flange bolt preload (non-beltline curve). SI also includes additional minimum temperature requirements for bolt-up as shown in Table 1 below.Table 1: Summary of Minimum Temperature Requirements for P-T Limit Curves.Maximum of: ASME Appendix G [4]P<O P RTNDT,max, requirements A
* 60 0 F [1],* TSDM P > 20% Ph RTNDT,max
+ 90 0 FASEpeniG[4 requirements Maximum of: ASME Appendix G [4]*< %hRTNDT,max, requirements B
* 60 0 F [1],* TSDM _______________
P> 20% Ph RTNDT, max + 120 0 FASEpeniG[4 requirements Maximum of: ASME Appendix G [4]P<OhRTNDT, max + 60 0 F, requirements
+ 40 &deg;F* 60 0 F [1], C
* TSDM Maximum of: ASME Appendix G [4]P > 20% Ph
* RTNDT, max + 160 0 F, requirements
+ 40 0 F* TISHT______________
___wnHere: t~h iS me pre-servlce nyUorotes pressure, 1~on psig RTNBT,ma, is the maximum RTNoT of the vessel materials highly stressed by the bolt preload.TSDM is the temperature used in the shutdown margin evaluation T lisfrr is the temperature at which the full in-service hydrotest pressure is allowed per Curve A Note that the minimum bolt-up temperature of 60&deg;F, is used here, consistent with the position given in Reference
[1]. Further, some utilities specifically request that the minimum moderator temperature used in the plant shutdown margin evaluation be applied as a minimum bolt-up temperature requirement; therefore, it is also included in Table 1 above. However, to address the NRC condition regarding lowest service temperature in Reference
[1 ], the minimum temperature is set to 76 0 F, which is equal to the RTNDT, max + 60 0 F. This value is consistent with the File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 11 of 46 F0306-01IR1 V Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.'previous minimum temperature limits developed in [11], and is higher than the minimum bolt-up temperature specified in [ 12].Step 7: Uncertainty in the RPV pressure and metal temperature measurements is incorporated by adjusting the P-T curve pressure and temperature using the following equations:
TpTr = T +UT (11)PP-r = -PH- UP (12)Where: Tp-T = The allowable coolant (metal) temperature (0 F).UT = The coolant temperature instrument uncertainty (0 F).PP-j = The allowable reactor pressure (psig).P 1 1  = The pressure head to account for the water in the RPV (psig).Can be calculated from the following expression:
PIH= p"Ah.p = Water density at ambient temperature (lb/in 3).Ah = Elevation of full height water level in RPV (in).Up = The pressure instrument uncertainty (psig).Steps 1 through 7, above, are implemented for all components, in all regions, for each heat-up/cool-down rate, and at all EFPY.3.0 " ASSUMPTIONS The 10OCFR5 0 Appendix G [3] and AsME Code [4] requirements and methods are considered to be supported in their respective technical basis documentation; therefore, the assumptions inherent in the ASME B&PV Code methods utilized for this evaluation are not specifically identified and justified in this calculation.
Only those assumptions specific to this calculation are identified and justified here.The following assumptions are used in preparation of the HNP- 1 P-T curves:.1. The bounding ART for the beltline materials is used in the calculation of the WLI nozzle curve.This assumption is conservative since the WLI nozzle is located near the upper limit of the beltline region and the cumulative fluence at this location is substantially lower than for the beitline location corresponding to the peak fluence. Use of a fluence representative of the location in the beltline shell corresponding to the WLJ nozzle location would result in an ART, local to the WLI nozzle, which is lower than used in the present evaluation.
Since the fluence at the WLI nozzle location is not specifically provided in the available fluence analysis results, the peak beltline value is used in this calculation.
Conservatism can be removed from the P-T curves by considering a WLI nozzle fluence in the ART calculation
[5], which would result in a lower ART used in the WLI nozzle beltline curve.2. The full-vessel height is used in the calculation of the static head contributed by the coolant in the RPV.This assumption is conservative in that the static head at the non-beltline regions is slightly lower than that of the bottom head curve; however, the difference in static head is small; therefore, the File No.: 1001527.304 Page 12 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncY added complexity in considering different static head values for each region of the vessel is not considered beneficial.
: 3. The FW nozzle is the bounding non-beltline component of the RPV.This assumption is made because: a. The geometric discontinuity caused by the nozzle penetration in the RPV shell causes a stress concentration which results in larger pressure induced stresses than would be calculated in the shell regions of the RPV.b. The FW nozzle experiences more severe thermal transients than most of the other nozzles because of the feedwater injection temperature which causes larger thermal stresses than are experienced in the shell region of the RPV.c. Although some other nozzles can experience thermal transients, which Would cause thermal stresses larger than those calculated for the shell regions of the RPV, and some nozzles are larger diameter than the FW nozzle, which could result in a slightly larger K 1 p, the combined stresses from the applied thermal and pressure loads are considered to bound all other non-beltiline discontinuities.
: 4. Application of a SCF = 3.0 to the membrane pressure stress in the bottom head bounds the effect of the bottom head penetrations on the stress field in this region of the vessel.Bottom head penetrations will create geometric discontinuities into the bottom head hemisphere resulting in high localized stresses.
This effect must be considered in calculating the stress intensity factor from internal pressure.
Rather than performing a plant specific analysis, SI applies a conservative SCF for a circular hole in a flat plate subjected to a uniaxial load to the membrane stress in the shell caused by the internal pressure.
The assumption of SCF -- 3.0 is conservative because: a. It applies a peak SCF to the membrane stress which essentially, intensifies the stress through the entire shell thickness and along the entire crack face of the postulated flaw rather than intensifying the stress local to the penetration and considering the stress attenuation away from the penetration, b. Review of SCFs for circular holes in plates subjected to an equi-bi-axial stress state as well as SCFs for arrays of circular holes in shells, shows that the SCF is likely closer to 2-2.5 rather than 3.0.Consequently, the method utilized by SI is expedient, as intended, and conservatively bounds the expected effect of bottom head penetrations because a bounding SCF is used and applied as a membrane stress correction factor.5. ASME XI, Non-mandatory Appendix G, Paragraph G-22 14.3 [4] is used to calculate the thermal stress intensity factor for heat-up / cool-down rates greater than 100 &deg;F/hr.The ASME Code [4] acknowledges that this methodology is conservative when applied to heat-up / cool-down rates greater than 100 0 F/hr; therefore, the results obtained using this method for the 200 0 F/hr heat-up / cool-down rate are conservative.
Conservatism can be removed, if File No.: 1001527.304 Page 13 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrit, Associates, Inc?necessary, by solving the thermo-elastic problem for the stresses in the vessel shell then calculating the stress intensity factor using the plant specific stress distribution.
===4.0 DESIGN===
INPUTS The design inputs, also included in Appendix A, used to develop the HNP-1 P-T curves are discussed below: 1. Limiting RTNDT and ART [5]: Non-beltline:
Bottom Head: Beltline:*38 EFPY: 49.3 EFPY: 2. Shutdown Margin Temperature
[9]: 3. RPV Dimensions*.[6]:
Full vessel height: RPV inside radius: RPV shell thickness:
Bottom head inside radius: Bottom head shell thickness:
: 4. Heat-up / Cool-down Rates [8]: 5. Nozzle Stress Intensity Factors [1I0]: FW Nozzle: 1 ksi Pressure: 100 &deg;F/hr: 200 &deg;F/hr: 450&deg;F shock: WLI Nozzle: 1 ksi Pressure: 100 &deg;F/hr: 200 &deg;F/hr: 40 *F (bounding value for non-belItline region, excluding bottom head)16 0 F (bounding value for materials highly stressed by bolt preload)10 0 F 116.3 OF 129.0 &deg;F 68 0 F 836.75 inches (Used to calculate maximum water head during pressure test and conservatively applied for normal operation as well)110.375 inches 5.375 inches 110.5 inches 3.188 inches (in region with Core DP penetration) 6.813 inches (in region with CRD9 penetrations) 100 0 F/hr 200 0 F/hr 76.6 ksi-in&deg;5 11.5 ksi-in&deg;5 23.1 ksi-in&deg;5 65.3 ksi-in&deg;5 71.6 ksi-in 0 5 17.4 ksi-in 0 5 34.8 ksi-in 0 5 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 14 of 46 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Core DP Nozzle: 1 ksi Pressure:
32.3 ksi-in&deg;5 100 &deg;F/hr: 1.73 ksi-in&deg;5 200 &deg;F/hr: 3.46 ksi-in&deg;5 6. Design Pressure [7]:, 1250 psig 7. Pre-service Hydro-test pressure [7]: 1563 psig (Taken as 1.25 *Design pressure = 1563 psig)8. Instrument uncertainties
[8]: Pressure:
0 psig Temperature:
0*F 5.0 CALCULATIONS The P-T curves in this calculation were developed using an Excel spreadsheet, which is independently verified for use on a project-specific basis in accordance with SI's Nuclear QA program. Four cases are evaluated, corresponding to two EFPY values (38 and 49.3) and two cool-down rates (100 and 200&deg;F/hr). P-T limits are calculated from 0 to 1300 psig. Supporting calculations for all curves are included in Appendix B.Because BWR operation is typically along the saturation curve, the limiting K 1 t for the FW nozzle is scaled to reflect the worst-case step change due to the available temperature difference between the saturation temperature at a given pressure and the 100 0 F feedwater temperature.
It is recognized that at low temperatures, the available temperature difference is insignificant, which could result in a near zero Kit. Therefore, a minimum K 1 u is calculated for both the 100 0 F/hr and 200 0 F/hr cool-down rates; scaling of the non-beltline
/ feedwater nozzle Kit based on the available temperature difference is not allowed below the minimum Kit corresponding to the cool-down rate, being evaluated.
The composite P-T curves are extended below 0 psig to -14.7 psig based on the evaluation documented in Reference
[13], which demonstrates that the P-T curves are applicable to negative gauge pressures.
Since the P-T curve calculation methods used do not specifically apply to negative values of pressure, the tabulated results start at 0 psig. However, the minimum RPV pressure is -14.7 psig.5.1 Pressure Test (Curve A)The minimum bolt-up temperature of 76 0 F minus instrument uncertainty (0&deg;F) is applied to all regions as the initial temperature in the iterative calculation process. The static fracture toughness (Kit) is calculated for all regions using Eq. (1). The resulting value of K 1 t, along with a safety factor ofl .5 is used in Eq. (2) to calculate the pressure stress intensity factor (K 1 p). The allowable RPV pressure is calculated for the beltline, bottom head and Non-Beltline regions 'using Eq. (6, 7, and 8), as appropriate.
For the non-beltline region (feedwater nozzle / upper vessel), the additional constraints specified in Step 6 of Section 2.0 are applied. Final P-T limits for temperature and pressure are obtained from Eq. (12 and 13), respectively.
File No.: 1001527.304 Page 15 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI VStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Since the thermal stress intensity factor is taken as zero for Curve A, the cool-down rates do not affect the results for Curve A.Values for the composite beltline region curves for 38 and 49.3 EFPY are listed in Table 2 and Table 3, respectively.
Additionally, more detailed data for the composite beltline are provided in Appendix B.Data for the composite bottom head region curve for all EFPY is listed in Table 4. Data for the composite non-beltline (feedwater nozzle / upper vessel) region curve, including the 10OCFR50 Appendix G [4] limits, for all EFPY is listed in Table 5. The data for each region is graphed, and the resulting composite Curve A for 38 and 49.3 EFPY are provided in Figure 1 and Figure 2, respectively.
Additional data and curves for each region are included in Appendix B.5.2 Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical (Curve B)The minimum bolt-up temperature of 76&deg;F minus coolant temperature instrument uncertainty (0 0 F) is applied to all regions as the initial temperature in the iterative calculation process. The static fracture toughness (Kic) is calculated for all regions using Eq. (1). The thermal stress intensity factor (K 1 t) is calculated for the beltline plate and bottom head regions using Eq. (3), for the FW nozzle using Eq. (4), and for the WLI (N16) nozzle using Eq. (5).The resulting values of Kit and Kit, along with a safety factor of 2.0, are used in Eq. (2) to calculate the pressure stress intensity factor (K 1 p). The allowable RPV pressure is calculated for the beltline, bottom head, and non-beltline regions using Eq. (6, 7, and 8), as appropriate.
For the non-beltline (FW nozzle /upper vessel) region, the additional constraints specified in Step 6 of Section 2.0 are applied. Final P-T limits for temperature and pressure are obtained from Eq. (12 and 13), respectively.
The data resulting from each P-T curve calculation is tabulated.
Values for the composite beltline region with a 100&deg;F/hr cool-down rate at 38 and 49.3 EFPY are listed in Table 6 and Table 7, respectively.
Values for the composite beltline region with a 200&deg;F/hr cool-down rate at 38 and 49.3 EFPY are listed in Table 8 and Table 9, respectively.
Data for the bottom head region with 1 00&deg;F/hr and 200&deg;F/hr cool-down rates are listed in Table 10 and Table 11, respectively.
Data for the FW nozzle/ upper vessel region with 100&deg;F/hr and 200&deg;F/hr cool-down rates are listed in Table 12 and Table 13, respectively.
The data for each region is graphed, and the resulting composite Curve B for 38 and 49.3 EFPY with a 1O 0 0F/hr cool-down rate are provided in Figure 3 and Figure 4, respectively.
The resulting composite Curve B for 38 and 49.3 EFPY with a 200&deg;F/hr cool-down rate are provided in Figure 5 and Figure 6, respectively.
Additional data and curves for each region are included in Appendix B.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 16 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01R1 Structural.lIntegrity Associates, IncY 5.3 Normal Operation
-Core Critical (Curve C)The pressure and temperature values for Curve C are calculated in a similar manner as Curve B, with several exceptions.
The initial evaluation temperature is calculated as the limiting non-beltline RTNDT that is highly stressed by the bolt preload (in this case, that of the closure flange region: 16 0 F per Section 3.0) plus 60&deg;F, resulting in a minimum critical temperature of 76 &deg;F. When the pressure exceeds 20% of the system hydrostatic test pressure (20% of 1,563 psig =313 psig), the P-T limits are specified as 40&deg;F higher than the Curve B values. The minimum temperature above the 20%of the pre-service system hydrostatic test pressure is always greater than the reference temperature (RTNDT) of the closure region plus 160&deg;F, or is taken as the minimum temperature required for the hydrostatic pressure test. The final Curve C values are taken as the absolute maximum between the regions of the beitline, the bottom head, and the non-beitline.
The data resulting from each P-T curve calculation is tabulated.
Values for the composite beltllne region with a 100&deg;F/hr cool-down rate at 38 and 49.3 EFPY are listed in Table 14 and Table 15, respectively.
Values for the composite beltline region with a 200&deg;F/hr cool-down rate at 38 and 49.3 EFPY are listed in Table 16 and Table 17, respectively.
Data for the bottom head region with 100&deg;F/hr and 200&deg;F/hr cool-down rates are listed in Table 18 and Table 19, respectively.
Data for the non-beltline (FW nozzle / upper vessel) region with 100&deg;F/hr and 200&deg;F/hr cool-down rates are listed in Table 20 and Table 21, respectively.
The data for each region is graphed, and the resulting composite Curve C for 38 and 49.3 EFPY with a 100&deg;F/hr cool-down rate are provided in Figure 7 and Figure 8, respectively.
The resulting composite Curve C for 38 and 49.3 EFPY with a 200&deg;F/hr cool-down rate are provided in Figure 9 and Figure 10, respectively.
Additional data and curves for each region are included in Appendix B.Note that the Beltline Region curves for the 200 0 F/hr thermal transient at 38 and 49.3 EFPY shown in Tables 16 and 17 and Figures 9 and 10 exhibit negative pressures at the lower end of the curve. This is non-realistic and essentially indicates a higher minimum temperature for this region than for the other regions of the RPV. Since these curves are not intended for normal operation and are intended only to disposition out-of-specification thermal transients these results do not pose any operational difficulties.
S P-T curves are developed for JINP-1 using the methodology, assumptions, and design inputs defined in Sections 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0. P-T curves are developed for the beltline, bottom head, and non-beltline regions, considering a 100 0 F/hr and 200 *F/hr thermal transient at 38 and 49.3 EFPY, for the following plant conditions:
Pressure Test (Curve A), Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical (Curve B), and Normal Operation
-Core Critical (Curve C). Tabulated pressure and temperature values are provided for all regions and EFPYs in Tables 2 through 21. The accompanying P-T curve plots are provided in Figures 1 through 10.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 17 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-0 1RI VStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y
: 1. Structural Integrity Associates Report No. SIR-05-044, Revision 1-A, "Pressure-Temperature Limits Report Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors," June 2013, SI File No. GE-10Q-401.
: 2. Structural Integrity Associates Report No. 0900876.40 1, Revision 0-A, "Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics Evaluation of General Electric Boiling Water Reactor Water Level Instrument Nozzles for Pressure-Temperature Curve Evaluations," May 2013.3. U. S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Energy, Part 50, "Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," Appendix G, "Fracture Toughness Requirements," (60 FR 65474, Dec.19, 1995; 73 FR 5723, Jan. 2008).4. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, Rules for In-Service Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, Appendix G, "Fracture Toughness Criteria for Protection Against Failure," 2001 Edition including the 2003 Addenda.5. Structural Integrity Associates Calculation No. 1001527.301, Rev 1, "Hatch Unit 1 RPV Material Summary and ART Calculation." 6. General Electric Drawing No. E-234-270, Revision 3, "General Arrangement Elevation for: 218" I.D. BWR," SI File No. 100 1527.208.7. General Electric Drawing No. I135B9990, "Nozzle Thermal Cycles (Feedwater)," SI File 1001527.211.
: 8. Design Input Requests: a. DIR, Revision 2, "Revised P-T Curves for Plant Hatch Units 1&2," SI File No.1001527.201.
: b. DIR, Revision 0, "Hatch Units 1 and 2 P-T Curve Revisions," SI File No. 1400365.200.
: 9. General Electric Document No. GE-NE-BI1 10069 1-01R1, "Plant Hatch Unit 1 RPV Surveillance Materials Testing and Analysis," March 1997, 51 File No. 1001527.202.
: 10. Structural Integrity Associates Calculation No. 1001527.303, Revision 1, "Feedwater, Water Level Instrument, and Core DP Nozzle Fracture Mechanics Evaluation for Hatch Unit 1 and Unit 2 Pressure-Temperature Limit Curve Development.
: 11. General Electric Document No. GE-NE-B1 100827-00-01, "Plant Hatch Units 1 & 2 RPV Pressure Temperature Limits License Renewal Evaluation," March 1999, SI File No. 1400365.202.
: 12. NRC Docket No. 50-321, "Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit No. 1, Amendment to Facility Operating License," Amendment No. 59, License No. DPR-57, ADAMS Accession No.ML0 12950436, SI File No. 1400365.202.
: 13. SI Calculation No. 1400365.30 1, Rev. 0, "Hatch RPV Vacuum Assessment." File No.: 1001527.304 Page 18 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Table 2: HNP-I Beltline Region, Curve A, for 38 EFPY&deg;F psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 365.2 98.8 415.1 114.4 465.0 126.3 514.9 135.9 564.8 144.0 614.7 150.9 664.6 157.0 714.5 162.4 764.5 167.3 814.4 171.8 864.3 175.8 914.2 179.6 964.1 183.1 1014.0 186.4 1063.9 189.5 1113.8 192.4 1163.7 195.2 1213.6 197.8 1263.5 200.2 1313.5 202.6 1363.4 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 19 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc Table 3:HINP-1 Beltline Region, Curve A, for 49.3 EFPY.A 9. .-76.76.0 103.3 120.9 133.9 144.2 152.7 160.0 166.4 172.0 177.1 181.7 185.9 189.8 193.4 196.7 199.9 202.9 205.7 208.3 210.8 213.2 psi 0.0 345.8 394.5 443.2 491.9 540.6 589.3 638.0 686.6 735.3 784.0 832.7 881.4 930.1 978.8 1027.4 1076.1 1124.8 1173.5 1222.2 1270.9 1319.6 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 20 of 46 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, lncY Table 4: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve A, for All EFPY OF psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 1226.1 78.7 1274.2 81.2 1322.4 83.6 1370.5 Table 5: HNP-Z Non-Beltline Region, Curve A, for All EFPY P-T Curve P-T Curve Temperature Pressure&deg;F psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 312.6 106.0 312.,6 106.0 934.2 109.5 982.6 112.7 1031.0 115,7 1079.3 118.6 1127.7 121,3 1176.1 123.9 1224.4 126.3 1272.8 128.6 1321.2 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 21 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI
~jStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Table 6: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve B, for 38 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient OF psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 144.9 104.2 193.8 122.1 242.7 135.2 291.6 145.6 340.5 154.2 389.4 161.6 438.3 168.0 487.2 173.6 536.1 178.7 585.0 183.4 633.9 187.6 682.8 191.5 731.7 195.1 780.6 198.5 829.5 201.6 878.4 204.6 927.3 207.4 976.2 210.1 1025.1 212.6 1074.0 215.0 1122.9 217.3 1171.8 219.5 1220.7 221.6 1269.6 223.6 1318.5 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 22 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Table 7: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve B, for 49.3 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient&deg;F psi 76.0 76.0 110.3 130.4 144.7 155.9 164.9 172.6 179.3 185.2 190.4 195.2 199.5 203.5 207.2 210.7 213.9 216.9 219.8 222.5 225.1 227.5 229.8 232.0 234.2 236.2 0.0 130.4 179.8 229.2 278.6 328.0 377.4 426.8 476.2 525.6 575.0 624.4 673.8 723.2 772.6 822.0 871.4 920.8 970.2 1019.6 1069.0 1118.4 1167.8 1217.2 1266.6 1316.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 23 of 46 F0306-01 RI Sj1~ tructural Integri~t Associates, IncYe Table 8: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve B, for 38 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient&deg;F psi 76.0 76.0 104.5 122.5 135.8 146.2 154.8 162.2 168.6 174.3 179.4 184.1 188.3 192.2 195.8 199.2 202.4 205.3 208.2 210.8 213.3 215.7 218.0 220.2 222.3 224.3 226.3 228.2 0.0 23.3 72.9 122.6 172.3 222.0 271.6 321.3 371.0 420.6 470.3 520.0 569.6 619.3 669.0 718.6 768.3 818.0 867.6 917.3 967.0 1016.6 1066.3 1116.0 1165.7 1215.3 1265.0 1314.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
:2 Page 24 of 46 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, /ncY Table 9: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve B, for 49.3 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient&deg;F psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 8.8 109.9 57.3 129.9 105.9 144.1 154.5 155.2 203.1 164.2 251.6 171.9 300.2 178.6 348.8 184.4 397.3 189.7 445.9 194.4 494.5 198.8 543.0 202.8 591.6 206.5 640.2 209.9 688.7 213.1 737.3 216.1 785.9 219.0 834.5 221.7 883.0 224.3 931.6 226.7 980.2 229.0 1028.7 231.2 1077.3 233.4 1125.9 235.4 1174.4 237.4 1223.0 239.2 1271.6 241.1 1320.2 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 25 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Table 10: HNP-I Bottom Head Region, Curve B for All EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient* a.e*
* U 76.76.0 79.6 83.0 86.2 89.2 92.0 94.7 97.3 99.7 102.0 104.2 psi 0.0 813.9 863.8 913.8 963.7 1013.6 1063.6 1113.5 1163.5 1213.4 1263.3 1313.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 26 of 46 F0306-01 RI
~jjStructuraIiIntegrity Associates, IncY Table 11: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve B for All EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient..- e u&deg;F psi 76.0 76.0 79.6 83.0 86.2 89.2 92.0 94.7 97.2 99.6 101.9 104.1 106.2 108.3 0.0 715.7 765.6 815.4 865.2 915.1 964.9 1014.8 1064.6 1114.4 1164.3 1214.1 1264.0 1313.8 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 27 of 46 F0306-01I R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc Table 12:HINP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve B, for All EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient OF psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 198.2 84.6 236.4 91.8 274.5 97.9 312.6 136.0 312.6 136.0 724.2 139.0 773.5 141.8 822.9 144.4 872.2 146.8 921.5 149.2 970.9 151.4 1020.2 153.6 1069.6 155.6 1118.9 157.6 1168.3 159.4 1217.6 161.2 1266.9 163.0 1316.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 28 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, lnc~e Table 13: HNP-I Non-Beltline Region, Curve B, for All EFPY and 20O&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient&deg;F psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 198.2 84.6 236.4 91.8 274.5 97.9 312.6 136.0 312.6 136.0 724.2 139.0 773.5 141.8 822.9 144.4 872.2 146.8 921.5 149.2 970.9 151.4 1020.2 153.6 1069.6 155.6 1118.9 157.6 1168.3 159.4 1217.6 161.2 1266.9 163.0 1316.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 29 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.e Table 14: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve C, for 38 EFPY and i00&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient 9 76.76.0 125,1 149.3 165.6 177.9 187.7 195.9 203.0 209.1 214.6 219.6 224.1 228.2 232.1 235.6 238.9 242.0 245.0 247.7 250.3 252.8 255.2 257.5 259.6 261.7 263.7 psi 0.0 109.3 157.8 206.2 254.7 303.1 351.6 400.0 448.5 497.0 545.4 593.9 642.3 690.8 739.2 787.7 836.1 884.6 933.1 981.5 1030.0 1078.4 1126.9 1175.3 1223.8 1272.3 1320.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 30 of 46 F0306-01 RI
$j~tructural Integrity Associates, Inc.*Table 15: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 49.3 EFPY and 100 0 F/hr Thermal Transient OF psi 76.0 76.0 133.5 159.6 176.6 189.3 199.4 207.8 215.0 221.3 226.9 231.9 236.4 240.6 244.5 248.1 251.4 254.5 257.5 260.3 262.9 265.4 267.8 270.1 272.3 274.3 276.3 0.0 102.8 151.5 200.1 248.8 297.5 346.1 394.8 443.5 492.2 540.8 589.5 638.2 686.9 735.5 784.2 832.9 881.6 930.2 978.9 1027.6 1076.3 1124.9 1173.6 1222.3 1271.0 1319.6 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 31 of 46 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.e Table 16: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 38 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient&deg;F psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 -12.3 125.6 36.9 149.9 86.1 166.3 135.4 178.6 184.6 188.4 233.8 196.6 283.0 203.7 332.3 209.9 381.5 215.4 430.7 220.4 480.0 224.9 529.2 229.0 578.4 232.8 627.6 236.4 676.9 239.7 726.1 242.8 775.3 245.7 824.6 248.5 873.8 251.1 923.0 253.6 972.3 256.0 1021.5 258.2 1070.7 260.4 1119.9 262.5 1169.2 264.5 1218.4 266.4 1267.6 268.2 1316.9 NOTE: See the discussion in Section 5.3 regarding the negative pressure in this table.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 32 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc Table 17: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve C, for 49.3 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient"F 76.0 76.0 134.0 160.2 177.3 190.0 200.1 208.5 215.7 222.0 227.6 232.6 237.2 241.4 245.2 248.8 252.2 255.3 258.3 261.0 263.7 266.2 268.6 270.8 273.0 275.1 277.1 279.0 280.9 psi 0.0-18.8 30.6 80.0 129.4 178.9 228.3 277.7 327.2 376.6 426.0 475.5 524.9 574.3 623.8 673.2 722.6 772.1 821.5 870.9 920.4 969.8 1019.2 1068.7 1118.1 1167.5 1217.0 1266.4 1315.8 NOTE: See the discussion in Section 5.3 regarding the negative pressure in this table.File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 33 of 46 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, /ncYe Table 18: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve C for All EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient 9 76.0 76.0 83.6 90.1 95.9 101.1 105.8 110.1 114.1 117.8 121.2 124.4 127.4 130.2 132.9 135.4 137.9 140.2 142.4 144.5 psi 0.0 450.5 498.8 547.2 595.6 643.9 692.3 740.7 789.1 837.4 885.8 934.2 982.5 1030.9 1079.3 1127.7 1176.0 1224.4 1272.8 1321.1 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 34 of 46 F0306-01 R1 Structural Integrity Associates, lnc: Table 19: HNP-I Bottom Head Region, Curve C for All EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient e&deg;F psi 76.0 76.0 83.6 90.1 95.9 101.1 105.8 110.2 114.1 117.8 121.2 124.4 127.4 130.3 132.9 135.5 137.9 140.2 142.4 144.6 146.6 148.5 0.0 352.3 400.7 449.2 497.6 546.0 594.4 642.9 691.3 739.7 788.1 836.6 885.0 933.4 981.9 1030.3 1078.7 1127.1 1175.6 1224.0 1272.4 1320.9 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 35 of 46 F0306-01 R1
~Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.*Table 20:tINP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve C, for All EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient&deg;F psi 76.0 76.0 98.0 112.1 122.6 130.9 137.9 217.0 217.0 0.0 97.6 140.6 183.6 226.6 269.6 312.6 312.6 1563.0 Table 21: HNP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve C, for All EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient*F psi 76.0 76.0 98.0 112.1 122.6 130.9 137.9 217.0 217.0 0.0 97.6 140.6 183.6 226.6 269.6 312.6 312.6 1563.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 36 of 46 F0306-01R 1
Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.'Curve A -Pressure Test, Composite Curves-Bei .... Bottom Head--- Non-Beltline 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 4.E 1150 300 200 100 I 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(&deg;F)Figure 1: HNP-1 (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A, 38 EFPY File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 37 of 46 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Curve A -Pressure Test, Composite Curves-Beltline
---- Bottom Head -- -- Non-Beltline
-==,Overall 1300 -____I__I I 110'- ____-I I _11o 800... I___ I -_t, I , I!,I'94 0 0 -I- --- ........ -.... ..... .... .. .......-... ..300 -~ -' -i!--!_ _ _ _+/- _ _ _ _200 1.......M inim um............
B olt-Up.. ....-
........Teprtre=7 0 100, -Minimm RI Prssr i-1. pi FieN. 0052.0 Page 3=of 4 Revison: F030-OII Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Curve B -Core Not Critical, Composite Curves-Be...n --Bottom Head -- -Non-Beltline
-K....1300 1200 1100 1000 900* 800 0.E-I 500 El#.400 300 200 100 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature (0 F)Figure 3: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and IOO&deg;F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 39 of 46 F0306-01 RI VStructural Integrity Associates,/lnc.?
Curve B -Core Not Critical, Composite Curves-Beiti.e.---Bottom Head---- Non-Beltline m===Overall 1300 1200 1100 900800700 t E-1 500&- 400 300 200 100 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
('F)Figure 4: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 1O 0 0Ffhr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 40 of 46 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, lncY Curve B -Core Not Critical, Composite Curves-....n --Bottom Head --1 Non-Beitline
-==Overall 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 a.*1 E S500&" 400 300 0 1!;0 2(X)Minimum Reactor VesselI Metal Temperature
(*F)Figure 5: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 41 of 46 F0306-01RI jjStructural Integrity Associates, IncY Curve B -Core Not Critical, Composite Curves-eilie-- -- Bottom Head -- -- Non-Beltline m===Ove rail 1300 1200 1100 1000 900800 ....7010 *E-. 500 Si 300 200 100 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(=F)Figure 6: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 42 of 46 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, IncY Curve C -Core Critical, Composite --Bottom Head -- -- Non-Beitline
-.mmOverall 1300 1200 1100 1O00 900 ,6" 600 300 200 100 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(&deg;F)Figure 7: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 10O&deg;F/hr Figure 7: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 100 0 F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 43 of 46 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Curve C -Core Critical, Composite Curves-Bei....---Bottom Head -- -- Non-Beltline -Overall 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 0.gi70 E A- 4o0 300 200 100 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(@F)Figure 8: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 44 of 46 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Curve C -Core Critical, Composite -- Bottom Head -- -- Non-Beitline i,,,,,Overall 1300 12001 1100 10001 900O Minimum Bolt-Temperature
=7 Minimum Beltli Temperature
= 5 Minimum RP\Pressure = -14.7 a.S E-, Sg 800 700 op l ! a nI!94 0 FI __ a I a Ve I psig ji a a a I I a Ia I I I I I I I I I* i /I A , I ii i, ii ii'i, .../600 400-.. ......300 200 100 , 0 5 200 250 3 0o+/-_Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature (0 F)Figure 9: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 45 of 46 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncYe Curve C -Core Critical, Composite Head -- -- Non-Beitline -Overall 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 J 600 4..E"1 500&" 400 300 200 100 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
('F)Figure I0: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 20O&deg;F/hr Figure 10: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 46 of 46 F0306-01I RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc5 APPENDIX A: P -T CURVE INPUT LISTING File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page A-i1 of A-3 F0306-01 RI jjStructural Integrity Associates, Inc~e Table A-i: HINP-I Stress Intensity Factors for Feedwater and WLI Nozzles 1131 Feedwater 76.6 65.3 11.5 23.1 WLI 71.6 N/A 17.4 34.8 Core DP 32.3 N/A 1.7 3.5 Notes: 1. K 1 in units of ksi-in 0 s 2. 200 "F/hr results are scaled from 100 "F/hr assuming response is linear Table A-2: HNP-I P-T Curve Input Listing General Parameters English Unit System for Tables and Plots 0 Temperature Instrument Uncertainty Adjustment
(&deg;F)0 Pressure Instrument Uncertainty Adjustment (psig)62.4 Water Density (lbm/ft 3)836.75 Full-Vessel Water Height (in)1.5 Safety Factor for Curve A 2 Safety Factor for Curves B and C 76 Bolt-up Temperature
(&deg;F)16 ART of Closure Flange Region (&deg;F)10 Default Temperature Increment for Tables (0 F)50 Default Pressure Increment for Composite Tables (psig)Beltline Parameters 116.3 Adjusted Reference Temperature, 38 EFPY (&deg;F)129.0 Adjusted Reference Temperature, 49.3 EFPY (0 F)110.375 Vessel Radius (in)5.375 Vessel Thickness (in)100 Heat-up / Cool-down Rate (&deg;F/hr)200 Heat-up / Cool-down Rate (&deg;F/hr)Generic Type of Static Pressure Head Addition N/A Specific Water Height for Static Pressure Head Addition (in)Generic Type of Temperature Increment for Tables 5 Specific Temperature Increment for Tables (&deg;F)File No.: 100 1527.304 Page A-2 of A-3 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, /nc*P- uv nputs Instrument Nozzle Parameters 116.3 Adjusted Reference Temperature, 38 EFPY (OF)129.0 Adjusted Reference Temperature, 49.3 EFPY ('F)110.375 Vessel Radius (in)5.375 Vessel Thickness (in)See Table Applied Pressure Stress Intensity Factor (ksi*in^0.5)
A-i Applied Thermal Stress Intensity Factor (ksi*in^0.5) 7.70E-06 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (in!/in/'F) 1000 Reference Pressure (psig)Generic Type of Static Pressure Head Addition N/A Specific Water Height for Static Pressure Head Addition (in)Generic Type of Temperature Increment for Tables 5 Specific Temperature Increment for Tables (*F)Bottom Heai 10 110.5 6.8125 100 200 3 Generic N/A Generic 5 Non-Beltline 40 See Table A-i Yes 100 550 1000 Generic N/A Generic 5 d Parameters Adjusted Reference Temperature
(&deg;F)Vessel Radius (in)Vessel Thickness (in)Heat-up / Cool-down Rate (&deg;F/hr)Heat-up / Cool-down Rate (&deg;F/hr)Stress Concentration Factor Type of Static Pressure Head Addition Specific Water Height for Static Pressure Head Addition (in)Type of Temperature Increment for Tables Specific Temperature Increment for Tables (&deg;F)(Feedwater Nozzle) Parameters Adjusted Reference Temperature
(&deg;F)Applied Pressure Stress Intensity Factor (ksi* in^0.5)Applied Thermal Stress Intensity Factor (ksi*in^0.5)
Minimum Thermal Stress Intensity Factor (ksi*in^0.5)
Scale KIT based on Saturation Temperature?
Minimum Transient Temperature
(&deg;F)Maximum Transient Temperature
(*F)Reference Pressure for Thermal Transient (psig)Type of Static Pressure Head Addition Specific Water Height for Static Pressure Head Addition (in)Type of Temperature Increment for Tables Specific Temperature Increment for Tables (&deg;F)File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page A-3 of A-3 F0306-01RI jjStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.*APPENDIX B: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-I of B-43 F0306-01RI
~jStructoral Integrity Associates, Inc.*Table B-I: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve A Calculations, for 38 EFPY-A
* I&deg;ksi*in^0.5
&deg;ksi*inAO.5-IF ps'76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 42.5 42,5 44.5 47.0 50.1 53.8 58.4 63.9 70.8 79.1 89.2 28.3 28.3 29.7 31.3 33.4 35.9 38.9 42.6 47.2 52.7 59.5 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 0.0 611.9 642.9 680.8 727.0 783.5 852.5 936.8 1039.7 1165.5 1319.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-2 of B-43 F0306-01R I
Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.t Table B-2: HNP-1, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve A Calculations, for 38 EFPY-A U -- -ksiifl^O.5 -IF psi 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 42.5 42.5 44.5 47.0 50.1 53.8 58.4 63.9 70.8 79.1 89.2 101.6 116.8 135.3 157.9 28.3 28.3 29.7 31.3 33.4 35.9 38.9 42.6 47.2 52.7 59.5 67.8 77.9 90.2 105.3 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 0.0 365.2 384.3 407.6 436.1 470.9 513.4 565.3 628.7 706.1 800.6 916.2 1057.2 1229.5 1440.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-3 of B-43 F0306-0tRI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Table B-3: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve A Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY-A U -Gageiiiii Fl idiii Temprtr&deg;ksi*inAO.5
&deg;ksi*inAO.5 P- Crv psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 26.9 26.9 27.4 28.0 28.6 29.3 30.0 30.9 31.8 32.8 33.9 35.2 36.5 38.0 39.7 41.6 43.6 45.9 48.3 51.1 54.2 57.5 61.2 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 0.0 580.5 591.9 604.5 618.5 633.9 650.9 669.8 690.6 713.6 739.0 767.1 798.2 832.5 870.4 912.4 958.7 1009.9 1066.5 1129.0 1198.1 1274.5 1358.9 File No.: 1001527.304 Page B-4 of B-43 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Table B-4: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beitline Region, Curve A Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY-A F --&deg;F psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1 151.3 26.9 26.9 27.4 28.0 28.6 29.3 30.0 30.9 31.8 32.8 33.9 35.2 36.5 38.0 39.7 41.6 43.6 45.9 48.3 51.1 54.2 ,57.5 61.2 65.4 69.9 74.9 80.5 86.6 93.4 100.9 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 0.0 345.8 352.9 360.7 369.2 378.7 389.2 400.8 413.7 427.8 443.5 460.8 479.9 501.0 524.4 550.2 578.7 610.3 645.1 683.6 726.2 773.2 825.2 882.7 946.2 1016.3 1093.9 1179.6 1274.3 1379.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-5 of B-43 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.*Table B-5: HNP-1, Bottom Head Region, Curve A Calculations, All EFPY A .-&deg;ksi *inA0.5 &deg;ksi*inA0.5 psi 76.0 110.8 73.9 76.0 0.0 76.0 110.8 73.9 76.0 1226.1 81.0 119.0 79.3 81.0 1318.6 86.0 128.0 85.3 86.0 1420.9 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-6 of B-43 F0306-01RI j&sect;StructuraI Integrity Associates, Inc.e Table B-6: HNP-I, FW Nozzle / Non-Beitline, Curve A Calculations, All EFPY 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0&deg;ksi*inA0.5 75.8 75.8 79.3 83.2 87.4 91.9 96.7 102.0 107.8 114.0 120.7 128.0 135.9 144.4 153.7&deg;ksi*inA0.5 50.5 50.5 52.9 55.5 58.2 61.2 64.5 68.0 71.8 76.0 80.5 85.3 90.6 96.3 102.5 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 psi 0.0 629.5 660.3 693.8 730.0 769.3 811.8 857.9 907.8 961.8 1020.4 1083.8 1152.5 1227.0 1307.6 File No.: 1001527.304 Page B-7 of B-43 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.?Table B-7: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient..* a a 76.76.0 76.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0&deg;ksi*inA0.5 42.5 42.5 44.5 47.0 50.1 53.8 58.4 63.9 70.8 79.1 89.2 101.6 116.8 135.3&deg;ksi*inAO.5 18.0 18.0 19.1 20.3 21.8 23.7 26.0 28.8 32.2 36.3 41.4 47.6 55.2 64.4 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 psi 0.0 379.0 402.2 430.6 465.3 507.7 559.4 622.6 699.9 794.2 909.3 1050.0 1221.8 1431.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-8 of B-43 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, /nc.Y Table B-8: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient* S S *- 9 D&deg;F ksi*inA0.5
&deg;ksi*inAO.5 psi 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 216.0 226.0 42.5 42.5 44.5 47.0 50.1 53.8 58.4 63.9 70.8 79.1 89.2 101.6 116.8 135.3 157.9 185.5 219.2 12.5 12.5 13.6 14.8 16.3 18.2 20.5 23.3 26.7 30.8 35.9 42.1 49.7 58.9 70.2 84.1 100.9 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 216.0 226.0 0.0 144.9 159.2 176.7 198.1 224.2 256.0 295.0 342.5 400.6 471.5 558.1 663.9 793.2 951.0 1143.8 1379.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-9 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncY t Table B-9: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient..* .U Gage fluid P-T Curve P-T Curve Temperature K 1 Temperature Pressure&deg;F &deg;ksi*in^0.5
&deg;ksi*in^0.5 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 17.0 17.0 17.4 17.8 18.3 18.8 19.3 20.0 20.6 21.4 22.2 23.2 24.2 25.3 26.6 28.0 29.5 31.2 33.1 35.1 37.4 39.9 42.7 45.8 49.2 53.0 57.2 61.8 76.76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 psi 0.0 355.4 364.0 373.4 383.9 395.5 408.3 422.4 438.0 455.3 474.3 495.4 518.7 544.4 572.9 604.3 639.1 677.5 719.9 766.8 818.6 875.9 939.2 1009.2 1086.5 1172.0 1266.5 1370.8 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-1l0 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.~Table B-I0: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient-S p **
* e-ksi~in^O.5 "ksi~inAO.5 psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1 151.3 163.8 177.5 192.7 209.4 11.5 11.5 11.9 12.3 12.8 13.3 13.8 14.5 15.1 15.9 16.7 17.7 18.7 19.8 21.1 22.5 24.0 25.7 27.6 29.6 31.9 34.4 37.2 40.3 43.7 47.5 51.7 56.3 61.4 67.0 73.2 80.0 87.6 96.0 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 0.0 130.4 135.7 141.5 148.0 155.1 163.0 171.6 181.3 191.9 203.6 216.6 231.0 246.8 264.3 283.7 305.1 328.7 354.9 383.7 415.7 450.9 489.9 533.0 580.6 633.3 691.4 755.7 826.7 905.3 992.0 1087.9 1193.9 1311.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B- 11 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Table B-Il: HNP-I, Bottom Head Region, Curve B Calculations, for All EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient* e. e U-/-&deg;ksi*inAO.5
&deg;ksi*in^0.5 "1-psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 110.8 110.8 119.0 128.0 138.0 149.0 161.2 174.6 49.6 49.6 53.7 58.2 63.2 68.7 74.8 81.5 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 0.0 813.9 883.3 960.0 1044.8 1138.4 1242.0 1356.4 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-12 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, lnc.*Table B-12: HNP-I, FW Nozzle / Non-Beitline, Curve B Calculations, for All EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient... 9 F&deg;ksi*inAO.5
&deg;F psi 76.0 76,0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 75.8 75.8 79.3 83.2 87.4 91.9 96.7 102.0 107.8 114.0 120,7 128.0 135.9 144.4 153.7 163.8 174.6 186.4 199.2 213.0 228.0 244.2 261.8 280.8 32.1 17.5 18.8 20.2 21.7 23.4 25.3 27.4 29.7 32.2 34.9 37.9 41.2 44.8 48.7 53.1 57.8 62.9 68.6 74.7 81.5 88.8 96.8 105.5 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 0.0 198.2 214.9 233.3 253.5 275.8 300.3 327.3 356.9 389.5 425.2 464.4 507.4 554.5 606.0 662.4 724.1 791.4 865.0 945.4 1033.1 1128.8 1233.1 1346.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-13 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, /InCY Table B-13: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 200&deg;Ffhr Thermal Transient* S S *~ 9 Gage Fluid P-T curve P-T Curve Temperature Temperature Pressure&deg;F ksi*inAO.5 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 42.5 42.5 43.4 44.5 45.7 47.0 48.5 50.1 51.8 53.8 56.0 58.4 61.0 63.9 67.2 70.8 74.7 79.1 83.9 89.2 95.1 101.6 108.8 116.8 125.6 135.3&deg;ksi*inA0.5 14.8 14.8 15.3 15.9 16.5 17.1 17.9 18.7 19.5 20.5 21.6 22.8 24.1 25.6 27.2 29.0 31.0 33.2 35.6 38.2 41.2 44.4 48.0 52.0 56.4 61.3"F 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 psi 0.0 306.6 317.6 329.8 343.3 358.2 374.7 392.9 413.0 435.3 459.9 487.0 517.1 550.3 586.9 627.5 672.3 721.8 776.5 836.9 903.8 977.6 1059.2 1149.4 1249.1 1359.3 File No.: 100 1527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-14 of B-43 F0306-01 RI1 Structural Integrity Associates, IncY Table B-14: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beitline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient.e* e F&deg;F ksi*in^0.5
&deg;ksi*inA0.5 0 F psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 42.5 42.5 43.4 44.5 45.7 47.0 48.5 50.1 51.8 53.8 56.0 58.4 61.0 63.9 67.2 70.8 74.7 79.1 83.9 89.2 95.1 101.6 108.8 116.8 125.6 135.3 146.0 157.9 171.0 185.5 201.5 219.2 238.8 3.8 3.8 4.3 4.9 5.5 6.1 6.8 7.6 8.5 9.5 10.6 11.8 13.1 14.6 16.2 18.0 20.0 22.1 24.5 27.2 30.2 33.4 37.0 41.0 45.4 50.2 55.6 61.5 68.1 75.3 83.4 92.2 102.0 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 0.0 23.3 30.1 37.6 45.9 55.1 65.2 76.4 88.8 102.5 117.7 134.4 152.9 173.3 195.9 220.9 248.4 278.9 312.6 349.8 391.0 436.5 486.7 542.3 603.6 671.5 746.4 829.3 920.9 1022.1 1133.9 1257.5 1394.1 File No.: 100 1527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-15 of B-43 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc, Table B-15: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient* a 9 e*
* F Gage Fluid P-T Curve P-T Curve Temperature K 1 1 Temperature Pressure&deg;F 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0&deg;ksi*inA0.5 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1&deg;ksi*in^0.5 13.8 13.8 14.2 14.6 15.1 15.6 16.1 16.8 17.4 18.2 19.1 20.0 21.0 22.1 23.4 24.8 26.3 28.0 29.9 31.9 34.2 36.8 39.5 42.6 46.0 49.8 54.0 58.6 63.7 76.76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 psi 0.0 283.0 291.6 301.0 311.5 323.1 335.9 350.0 365.6 382.9 401.9 423.0 446.3 472.0 500.5 531.9 566.7 605.1 647.5 694.4 746.2 803.5 866.8 936.8 1014.2 1099.6 1194.1 1298.5 1413.8 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-16 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncYe Table B-16: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient..- 9 9 3=&deg;ksi*inA0.5 "ksi*inAO.5 psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1 151.3 163.8 177.5 192.7 209.4 228.0 2.8 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.6 5.1 5.7 6.4 7.2 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.1 12.4 13.8 15.3 17.0 18.9 20.9 23.2 25.7 28.5 31.6 35.0 38.8 43.0 47.6 52.6 58.3 64.5 71.3 78.9 87.3 96.6 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 0.0 8.8 14.1 19.9 26.3 33.4 41.3 50.0 59.6 70.3 82.0 95.0 109.3 125.2 142.7 162.0 183.4 207.1 233.2 262.1 294.0 329.3 368.3 411.3 459.0 511.6 569.7 634.0 705.0 783.5 870.3 966.2 1072.1 1189.2 1318.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B- 17 of B-43 F0306-01 R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Table B-17: HNP-1, Bottom Head Region, Curve B Calculations, for All EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient a **
* U Gage FluId P-T Curve P-T Curve Temperature Temperature Pressure 76.76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0&deg;ksi*inAO.5 110.8 110.8 119.0 128.0 138.0 149.0 161.2 174.6 189.5&deg;ksi*inAO.5 43.9 43.9 47.9 52.5 57.4 63.0 69.0 75.8 83.2 76.76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 psi 0.0 715.7 785.1 861.8 946.6 1040.3 1143.8 1258.3 1384.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-I18 of B-43 F0306-01RI j7Structural Integrity Associates, /nc,5 Table B-18: HNP-I, FW Nozzle / Non-Beltline, Curve B Calculations, for All EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient.e* 9 U&deg;F ksi*in^0.5
&deg;ksi*inA0.5 psi 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 75.8 75.8 79.3 83.2 87.4 91.9 96.7 102.0 107.8 114.0 120.7 128.0 135.9 144.4 153.7 163.8 174.6 186.4 199.2 213.0 228.0 244.2 261.8 280.8 26.3 17.5 18.8 20.2 21.7 23.4 25.3 27.4 29.7 32.2 34.9 37.9 41.2 44.8 48.7 53.1 57.8 62.9 68.6 74.7 81.5 88.8 96.8 105.5 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 0.0 198.2 214.9 233.3 253.5 275.8 300.3 327.3 356.9 389.5 425.2 464.4 507.4 554.5 606.0 662.4 724.1 791.4 865.0 945.4 1033.1 1128.8 1233.1 1346.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B- 19 of B-43 F0306-01Rt Structural Integrity Associates, Inc Table B-19: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient O&deg;ksi*inA0.5
&deg;Fpsi 36.0 37.4 15.5 76.0 0.0 36.0 37.4 15.5 76.0 321.1 46.0 38.3 15.9 86.0 331.6 56.0 39.4 16.5 96.0 344.3 66.0 40.8 17.2 106.0 359.9 76.0 42.5 18.0 116.0 379.0 86.0 44.5 19.1 126.0 402.2 96.0 47.0 20.3 136.0 430.6 106.0 50.1 21.8 146.0 465.3 116.0 53.8 23.7 156.0 507.7 126.0 58.4 26.0 166.0 559.4 136.0 63.9 28.8 176.0 622.6 146.0 70.8 32.2 186.0 699.9 156.0 79.1 36.3 196.0 794.2 166.0 89.2 41.4 206.0 909.3 176.0 101.6 47.6 216.0 1050.0 186.0 116.8 55.2 226.0 1221.8 196.0 135.3 64.4 236.0 1431.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Page B-20 of B-43 Revision:
2 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Table B-20: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient Gage Fluid P-T Curve P-T Curve Temperature Temperature Pressure 36.36.0 46.0 56.0 66.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 216.0 226.0&deg;ksi*inAO.5 37.4 37.4 38.3 39.4 40.8 42.5 44.5 47.0 50.1 53.8 58.4 63.9 70.8 79.1 89.2 101.6 116.8 135.3 157.9 185.5 219.2&deg;ksi*inA0.5 10.0 10.0 10.4 11.0 11.7 12.5 13.6 14.8 16.3 18.2 20.5 23.3 26.7 30.8 35.9 42.1 49.7 58.9 70.2 84.1 100.9 76.76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 216.0 226.0 236.0 246.0 256.0 266.0 psi 0.0 109.3 115.7 123.6 133.2 144.9 159.2 176.7 198.1 224.2 256.0 295.0 342.5 400.6 471.5 558.1 663.9 793.2 951.0 1143.8 1379.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-21 of B-43 F0306-01RI S~tructural Integrity Associates, IncYe Table B-21:. HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0&deg;ksi*inA0.5 36.4 36.4 36.8 37.1 37.6 38.0 38.5 39.1 39.7 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9&deg;ksi*inAO.5 15.0 15.0 15.2 15.4 15.6 15.8 16.1 16.3 16.7 17.0 17.4 17.8 18.3 18.8 19.3 20.0 20.6 21.4 22.2 23.2 24.2 25.3 26.6 28.0 29.5 31.2 33.1 35.1 37.4 39.9 42.7 45.8 49.2 53.0 57.2 61.8&deg;F 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 246.0 psi 0.0 310.5 314.4 318.6 323.3 328.5 334.3 340.6 347.7 355.4 364.0 373.4 383.9 395.5 408.3 422.4 438.0 455.3 474.3 495.4 518.7 544.4 572.9 604.3 639.1 677.5 719.9 766.8 818.6 875.9 939.2 1009.2 1086.5 1172.0 1266.5 1370.8 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-22 of B-43 F0306-01R 1
Structural Integrity Associates, Inc: Table B-22: HNP-I, WLI (NI6) Nozzle Beitline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 1O 0 0F/hr Thermal Transient"F"ksi'inA0.5 "ksi'inA0.5"F psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 36.4 36.4 36.8 37.1 37.6 38.0 38.5 39.1 39.7 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1 9.5 9.5 9.7 9.9 10.1 10.3 10.6 10.8 11.2 11.5 11.9 12.3 12.8 13.3 13.8 14.5 15.1 15.9 16.7 17.7 18.7 19.8 21.1 22.5 24.0 25.7 27.6 29.6 31.9 34.4 37.2 40.3 43.7 47.5 51.7 56.3 61.4 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 246.0 251.0 0.0 102.8 105.1 107.8 110.7 113.9 117.4 121.3 125.6 130.4 135.7 141.5 148.0 155.1 163.0 171.6 181.3 191.9 203.6 216.6 231.0 246.8 264.3 283.7 305.1 328.7 354.9 383.7 415.7 450.9 489.9 533.0 580.6 633.3 691.4 755.7 826.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-23 of B-43 F0306-01 RI j&sect;Structural Integrity Associates, Inc:~216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 151.3 163.8 177.5 192.7 209.4 67.0 73.2 80.0 87.6 96.0 256.0 261.0 266.0 271.0 276.0 905.3 992.0 1087.9 1193.9 1311.0 Table B-23: HNP-I, Bottom Head Region, Curve C Calculations, for All EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient Temperature II*F &deg;ksi*inA0.5 36.0 68.1 36.0 68.1 41.0 71.7 46.0 75.8 51.0 80.3 56.0 85.2 61.0 90.7 66.0 96.7 71.0 103.4 76.0 110.8 81.0 119.0 86.0 128.0 91.0 138.0 96.0 149.0 101.0 161.2 106.0 174.6::Temperature Pesr&deg;ksi*inAO.5 OF psi 28.3 76.0 0.0 28.3 76.0 450.5 30.1 81.0 481.6 32.1 86.0 516.1 34.4 91.0 554.2 36.8 96.0 596.3 39.6 101.0 642.8 42.6 106.0 694.2 45.9 111.0 751.1 49.6 116.0 813.9 53.7 121.0 883.3 58.2 126.0 960.0 63.2 131.0 1044.8 68.7 136.0 1138.4 74.8 141.0 1242.0 81.5 146.0 1356.4 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-24 of B-43 F0306-01R 1
Structural Integrity Associates,/Inc.:
Table B-24: HNP-1, FW Nozzle / Non-Beltline, Curve C Calculations, for All EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient e 36.36.0 40.0 44.0 48.0 52.0 56.0 60.0 64.0 68.0 72.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0&deg;ksi*inAO.5 52.3 52.3 53.9 55.7 57.5 59.6 61.8 64.1 66.7 69.5 72.5 75.8 79.3 83.2 87.4 91.9 96.7 102.0 107.8 114.0 120.7 128.0 135.9 144.4 153.7 163.8 174.6 186.4 199.2 213.0 228.0 244.2 261.8 280.8&deg;ksi*inA0.5 psi 20.4 9.8 10.3 10.8 11.4 12.0 12.7 13.5 14.3 15.3 16.3 17.5 18.8 20.2 21.7 23.4 25.3 27.4 29.7 32.2 34.9 37.9 41.2 44.8 48.7 53.1 57.8 62.9 68.6 74.7 81.5 88.8 96.8 105.5 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 168.0 172.0 176.0 180.0 184.0 188.0 192.0 196.0 200.0 204.0 0.0 97.6 103.8 110.6 118.1 126.5 135.7 145.8 157.1 169.5 183.1 198.2 214.9 233.3 253.5 275.8 300.3 327.3 356.9 389.5 425.2 464.4 507.4 554.5 606.0 662.4 724.1 791.4 865.0 945.4 1033.1 1128.8 1233.1 1346.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-25 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrit, Associates, Inc." Table B-25: HNP-I, Beitline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient-9. D&deg;ksi*inA0.5
&deg;ksi*inAO.5 psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 37.4 37.4 37.8 38.3 38.8 39.4 40.1 40.8 41.6 42.5 43.4 44.5 45.7 47.0 48.5 50.1 51.8 53.8 56.0 58.4 61.0 63.9 67.2 70.8 74.7 79.1 83.9 89.2 95.1 101.6 108.8 116.8 125.6 135.3 12.3 12.3 12.5 12.8 13.0 13.3 13.6 14.0 14.4 14.8 15.3 15.9 16.5 17.1 17.9 18.7 19.5 20.5 21.6 22.8 24.1 25.6 27.2 29.0 31.0 33.2 35.6 38.2 41.2 44.4 48.0 52.0 56.4 61.3 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 0.0 248.7 253.7 259.2 265.2 271.9 279.3 287.5 296.6 306.6 317.6 329.8 343.3 358.2 374.7 392.9 413.0 435.3 459.9 487.0 517.1 550.3 586.9 627.5 672.3 721.8 776.5 836.9 903.8 977.6 1059.2 1149.4 1249.1 1359.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-26 of B-43 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.: Table B-26: HNP-1, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient GaeFli&deg;ksi*inAO.5"ksi*in^0.5 P-T Curve Temperature"F P-T Curve Pressure psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 37.4 37.4 37.8 38.3 38.8 39.4 40.1 40.8 41.6 42.5 43.4 44.5 45.7 47.0 48.5 50.1 51.8 53.8 56.0 58.4 61.0 63.9 67.2 70.8 74.7 79.1 83.9 89.2 95.1 101.6 108.8 116.8 125.6 135.3 146.0 157.9 171.0 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.8 4.3 4.9 5.5 6.1 6.8 7.6 8.5 9.5 10.6 11.8 13.1 14.6 16.2 18.0 20.0 22.1 24.5 27.2 30.2 33.4 37.0 41.0 45.4 50.2 55.6 61.5 68.1 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 246.0 251.0 0.0-12.3-9.3-5.9-2.2 2.0 6.5 11.6 17.1 23.3 30.1 37.6 45.9 55.1 65.2 76.4 88.8 102.5 117.7 134.4 152.9 173.3 195.9 220.9 248.4 278.9 312.6 349.8 391.0 436.5 486.7 542.3 603.6 671.5 746.4 829.3 920.9 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-27 of B-43 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.e 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 185.5 201.5 219.2 238.8 75.3 83.4 92.2 102.0 256.0 261.0 266.0 271.0 1022.1 1133.9 1257.5 1394.1 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-28 of B-43 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, InC*: Table B-27: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient e. 9&deg;F oksi*inAO.5
&deg;ksi*inA0.5 psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 36.4 36.4 36.8 37.1 37.6 38.0 38.5 39.1 39.7 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140,1 11.8 11.8 12.0 12.2 12.4 12.6 12.9 13.2 13.5 13.8 14.2 14.6 15.1 15.6 16.1 16.8 17.4 18.2 19.1 20.0 21.0 22.1 23.4 24.8 26.3 28.0 29.9 31.9 34.2 36.8 39.5 42.6 46.0 49.8 54.0 58.6 63.7 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 246.0 251.0 0.0 238.1 242.0 246.2 251.0 256.1 261.9 268.2 275.3 283.0 291.6 301.0 311.5 323.1 335.9 350.0 365.6 382.9 401.9 423.0 446.3 472.0 500.5 531.9 566.7 605.1 647.5 694.4 746.2 803.5 866.8 936.8 1014.2 1099.6 1194.1 1298.5 1413.8 File No.: 100 1527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-29 of B-43 F030-01R 1 Structural Integrity Associates, IncY Table B-28: HNP-1, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beitline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient Temprtr&deg;ksi*inA0.5
&deg;ksi~inA0.5 P &deg;FCrv P-T Curve Pressure psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 36.4 36.4 36.8 37.1 37.6 38.0 38.5 39.1 39.7 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.9 2.1 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.6 5.1 5.7 6.4 7.2 8.0 9.0 10.0 12.4 13.8 15.3 17.0 18.9 20.9 23.2 25.7 28.5 31.6 35.0 38.8 43.0 47.6 52.6 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 246.0 251.0 0.0-18.8-16.5-13.9-11.0-7.8-4.2-0.3 4.0 8.8 14.1 19.9 26.3 33.4 41.3 50.0 59.6 70.3 82.0 95.0 109.3 125.2 142.7 162.0 183.4 207.1 233.2 262.1 294.0 329.3 368.3 411.3 459.0 511.6 569.7 634.0 705.0 File No.: 100 1527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-30 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncYe 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 151.3 163.8 177.5 192.7 209.4 228.0 58.3 64.5 71.3 78.9 87.3 96.6 256.0 261.0 266.0 271.0 276.0 281.0 783.5 870.3 966.2 1072.1 1189.2 1318.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-31I of B-43 F0306-01 R1 S~tructural Integrity Associates, Inc.t Table B-29: HNP-1, Bottom Head Region, Curve C Calculations, for All EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient 9 OF ksi*in^0.5
&deg;ksi*in^0.5 psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 68.1 68.1 71.7 75.8 80.3 85.2 90.7 96.7 103.4 110.8 119.0 128.0 138.0 149.0 161.2 174.6 189.5 22.5 22.5 24.3 26.4 28.6 31.1 33.8 36.8 40.2 43.9 47.9 52.5 57.4 63.0 69.0 75.8 83.2 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 0.0 352.3 383.5 418.0 456.0 498.1 544.7 596.1 652.9 715.7 785.1 861.8 946.6 1040.3 1143.8 1258.3 1384.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-32 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, lnc.Y Table B-30: HNP-1, FW Nozzle / Non-Beitline, Curve C Calculations, for All EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient-.- 9&deg;F ksi*inAO.5
&deg;ksi*inA0.5 psi 36.0 36.0 40.0 44.0 48.0 52.0 56.0 60.0 64.0 68.0 72.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 52.3 52.3 53.9 55.7 57.5 59.6 61.8 64.1 66.7 69.5 72.5 75.8 79.3 83.2 87.4 91.9 96.7 102.0 107.8 114.0 120.7 128.0 135.9 144.4 153.7 163.8 174.6 186.4 199.2 213.0 228.0 244.2 261.8 280.8 14.6 9.8 10.3 10.8 11.4 12.0 12.7 13.5 14.3 15.3 16.3 17.5 18.8 20.2 21.7 23.4 25.3 27.4 29.7 32.2 34.9 37.9 41.2 44.8 48.7 53.1 57.8 62.9 68.6 74.7 81.5 88.8 96.8 105.5 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 168.0 172.0 176.0 180.0 184.0 188.0 192.0 196.0 200.0 204.0 0.0 97.6 103.8 110.6 118.1 126.5 135.7 145.8 157.1 169.5 183.1 198.2 214.9 233.3 253.5 275.8 300.3 327.3 356.9 389.5 425.2 464.4 507.4 554.5 606.0 662.4 724.1 791.4 865.0 945.4 1033.1 1128.8 1233.1 1346.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-33 of B-43 F0306-01RI jjStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.Curve A -Pressure Test, All Components-BL ....-N16 -- -- BH -.-FWN -* OCFR50 ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 hi u 0*1 400 300 200 100 0 0-I ____ ________ ________ _______100 150 200 250 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(*F)50 300 Figure B-I: HNP-1 (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A, 38 EFPY Note: BL is Beltline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-34 of B-43 F0306-01R I
Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Curve A -Pressure Test, All Components-BL .... N16 --BH -- --FWN 10CFR50 ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000 900.~800 p70'Ul UI E 0 i U-400 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(*F)250 300 Figure B-2: HNP-1 (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A, 49.3 EFPY Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-35 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, lncY Curve B -Core Not Critical, All Components-BL .... N16 --- BH --.-FWN -. 1OCFR50O....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000{90 6Il600 6Il500 SI 400 300 200 100 0 50}100 150 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(&deg;F)200 250 Figure B-3: HNP-I P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and 100OF/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-36 of B-43 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Curve B -Core Not Critical, All Components-BL ....-N16 --- BH -- -FWN -- 10CFRSO0....CDPN 1300- __1200 ~--1100 1000 ...900 I=ED 300 +200- _-100 0o 0 50 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(*F)250 300 Figure B-4:HINP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-37 of B-43 F0306-01R 1
~jjStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.e Curve B -Core Not Critical, All Components-BL .... N16 --BH -- --FWN -* OCFRSO ....CDPN 1300O-1200 1100 -,...1000 900 -.:800 S700j &#xf7;600 ---U 400 ...300: I I" I: l i* I___ I I *-ii;, 4/:17 II!/I I II I I I F i i t I i&#xf7;__I I I I I__~1~I I I I I I'I/2001! I tI/ ltll 100 4 4 ~-~----------~-,o i 250 0 4---50 300 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(*F)Figure B-5: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-38 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, lnc.e Curve B -Core Not Critical, All Components-BL ....-N16 --BH --.--FWN -, 1OCFR50 ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1O00 900 Ip7 6I e,0@16o E 400~300 200 I 100 0o4 0 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature (0 F)*250 50 300 Figure B-6: HNP-I P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Note: BL is Beltline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-39 of B-43 F0306-01RI Sj~tructural Integrity Associates, Curve C -Core Critical, All Components-BL .... N16 --- BH --.-FWN -. 10CFR50 ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 S800 b700 S600~500 4-400 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(*F)250 300 Figure B-7: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-40 of B-43 F0306-01RI V$tructural Integrity Associates, Ince Curve C -Core Critical, All Components-BL .... N16 -- -- BH -.-FWN IOCFRSO ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000 900.~800 p700 Els00 U-400 300 200 100 0 4-0 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(*F)50 250 300 Figure B-8: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 100 0 F/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-41 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncY t Curve C -Core Critical, All Components-BL ....-N16 --BH -.-FWN -. 1OCFR50 ... CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000 900.~800 p 700:; 600 6E w50 4OO 300 200 100 0 i &deg;- I 100 150 200 Minimum Reacto Vessel Metal Temperature I*F)300 Figure B-9: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Note: BL is Beltline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-42 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, InY Curve C -Core Critical, All Components-BL .... N16 --BH I- --FWN -10CFR50 ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1O00 900700 U E--P 0 V A-0 400 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(&deg;F)300 Figure B-10: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-43 of B-43 F0306-01R 1
S ' Structural Integrity Associates, IncY File No.: 1001527.304 li No.: 1400365 CALCULATION PACKAGE Quality Program: [] Nuclear [] Commercial PROJECT NAME: Plant Hatch Unit 1 &2 P-T Curve Evaluation CONTRACT NO.: P0: SNC19354-0010, Rev. 1 CONTRACT:
19354, Rev. 4 CALCULATION TITLE: Hatch Unit 1 P-T Curve Calculation for 38 and 49.3 EFPY Document Affected Project Manager Preparer(s)
& Checker(s)
Revision Description ApprovalSintrs&De Revision Pages __________
& DateSintrs&De 0 1 -45 Initial Issue Responsible Engineer A-i -A-3 R. Gnagne B-i -B-43 D. V. Sommerville 12/30/2011 12/30/2011 Responsible Verifier G. Licina 12/30/2011 D. V. Sommerville 12/30/2011 117 Citations for References Responsible Engineer[1] and [2] have been updated to show citation D.V. Sommerville M. Qin for NRC approved 9/19/2013 9/19/2013 versions.
Citation for Reference
[10] has been Responsible verifier updated to show current revision.
[10] D. V. Sommerville was revised for the same 9/19/2013 reason as identified above for References
[1] and[2]. No technical changes are made for this revision.Page 1 of 46 F0306-01IRI V' Structural Integrity Associates,/Inc.Y File No.: 1001527.304Project No.: 1001527 CALCULATION PACKAGE Quality Program: [] Nuclear LI] Commercial CALCULATION TITLE: Hatch Unit 1 P-T Curve Calculation for 38 and 49.3 EFPY Document Affected Project Manager Peae~)&Cekrs Reiin PgsRevision Description Approval Prepaurers)
& C atekrs Revision__Pages
& DateSintrs&De 2 6, 7, 9, 11 -34, Revised to incorporate Responsible Engineer 37 -46 updated fluence data 7 '&#xa2;A-I -A-3 to address NRC condition B-1 -B-43 for SIR-05-044-Rev.
1-A regarding lowest service D. V. Sommerville temperature.
9/10/2014 D. V. Sommerville for C. J. Oberembt 9/10/2014 Responsible Verifier D. V. Sommerville 9/10/20 14 Page 2 of 46 F0306-O1R 1
VStructural Integrity Associates, IncY Table of Contents
6 3.0 ASSUMPTIONS...........................................................................
12 4.0 DESIGN INPUTS.......................14
15 5.1 Pressure Test (Curve A)...........................................................
15 5.2 Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical (Curve B)...............................
16 5.3 Normal Operation
-Core Critical (Curve C)....................................
18 APPENDIX A : P -T CURVE INPUT LISTING ..............................................
B-i File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 3 of 46 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, IncY List of Tables Table 1 : Summary of Minimum Temperature Requirements for P-T Limit Curves...................
11 Table 2: HNP-1 Beitline Region, Curve A, for 38 EFPY ...............................................
19 Table 3: HNP-1 Beitline Region, Curve A, for 49.3 EFPY .............................................
20 Table 4: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve A, for All EFPY ........................................
21 Table 5: HNP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve A, for All EFPY... .....................................
21 Table 6: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve B, for 38 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient
22 Table 7: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve B; for 49.3 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient
.......23 Table 8: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve B, for 38 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient
24 Table 9: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve B, for 49.3 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient
......25 Table 10: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve B for All EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient...
26 Table 11: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve B for All EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient...
27 Table 12: HNP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve B, for All EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient
.. 28 Table 13: HNP- 1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve B, for All EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient
..29 Table 14: HiNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 38 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient.........
30 Table 15: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 49.3 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient
.....31 Table 16: H-NP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 38 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient.......32 Table 17: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 49.3 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient
.....33 Table 18: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve C for All EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient...
34 Table 19: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve C for All EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient...
35 Table 20: HNP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve C, for All EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient
.. 36 Table 21: HNP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve C, for All EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient
.. 36 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 4 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.e List of Figures Figure 1: INP-1 (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A, 38 EFPY.......................
37 Figure 2: HNP-1 (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A, 49.3 EFPY ...............
.....38 Figure 3: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and 100 0 F/hr....39 Figure 4: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr .. 40 Figure 5: TNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr....41 Figure 6: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr .. 42 Figure 7: J-NP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 100OF/hr.........
43 Figure 8: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and lOO&deg;F/hr......44 Figure 9: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-. Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr.........
45 Figure 10: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr.....46 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 5 of 46 F0306-01R1 VStructural Integrity Associates,
This calculation develops pressure-temperature (P-T) limit curves for the beltline, bottom head, and non-beitline regions of the Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 (HNP-1) reactor pressure vessel (RPV). The P-T curves are developed for 38 and 49.3 effective full power years (EFPY) of operation, and for 100OF/hr and 200&deg;F/hr thermal transients.
The P-T curves are prepared using the methods documented in the Boiling Water Reactor Owner's Group (BWROG) Licensing Topical Reports (LTRs), "Pressure Temperature Limits Report Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors" [ 1] and "Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics Evaluation of General Electric Boiling Water Reactor Water Level Instrument Nozzles for Pressure-Temperature Curve Evaluations" [2]. These LTRs satisfy the requirements of 1OCFR50 Appendix G [3] and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Code, Section XI, Non-mandatory Appendix G [4].2.0 METHODOLOGY A full set of P-T curves, applicable to the following plant conditions, are prepared: 1. Pressure Test (Curve A), 2. Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical (Curve B), and 3. Normal Operation
-Core Critical (Curve C).For each plant condition above, separate curves are provided for each of the following three regions of the RPV as well as a composite curve for the entire RPV: 1. The beltline region, 2. The bottom head region, 3. The non-beltline region, 4. Composite curve (bounding curve for all regions)In some cases, a region may contain more than one component which is considered for development of the associated P-T curve. For HINP-1, the curve for each vessel region identified above is composed from the bounding P-T limits determined for the following components:
: 1. Beltline: a. Beltline shell b. Water level instrument (WLI) nozzle, N16 2. Non-beltline
: a. Feedwater (FW) nozzle b. 10CFR50 Appendix G limits [3]3. Bottom Head: a. Bottom head penetrations (in-core monitor housings, control rod drive housings)b. Core DP nozzle Consequently, separate curves are prepared for each component considered for each region then a bounding curve is drawn from the individual curves.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 6 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, /nc?Complete sets of P-T curves, as identified above, are provided for a 100 &deg;F/hr and 200 &deg;F/hr thermal transient at 38 and 49.3 EFPY of operation.
The methodology for calculating P-T curves, described below, is taken from Reference
[1] unless specified otherwise.
Additional guidance regarding analysis of WLI nozzles is taken from Reference[2].The P-T curves are calculated by means of an iterative procedure, in which the following steps are performed:
Step 1: A fluid temperature, T, is assumed. The P-T curves are calculated considering a postulated flaw with a 6:1 aspect ratio that extends '1/4 of the way through the vessel wall. The temperature at the postulated flaw tip is assumed equal to the coolant temperature.
Step 2: The static fracture toughness, K 1 0 , is computed using the following equation: K 1 c 33.2 + 20.734 .e&deg;&deg;2(r-AT)
(1)Where: K 1 0  = the lower bound static fracture toughness (ksi'lin).
T = the metal temperature at the tip of the postulated 1/4 through-wall flaw (0 F).ART = the Adjusted Reference Temperature (ART) for the limiting material in the RPV region under consideration
(&deg;F).Step 3: The allowable stress intensity factor due to pressure, Kip, is calculated as: Kzp -(2)Where: K 1 ip the allowable stress intensity factor due to membrane (pressure) stress (ksi'Iin).
Ki 0  the lower bound static fracture toughness calculated in Eq. (1)(ksi\Iin).
Kit the thermal stress intensity factor (ksi Win) from through wall thermal gradients.
SF =the ASME Code recommended safety factor, based on the reactor condition.
For hydrostatic and leak test conditions (i.e., P-T Curve A), SF = 1.5. For normal operation, both core non-critical and core critical (i.e., P-T Curves B and C), SF =2.0.When calculating values for Curve A, the thermal stress intensity factor is neglected (Kit = 0), since the hydrostatic leak test is performed at or near isothermal conditions (typically, the rate of temperature change is 25&deg;F/hr or less).File No.: 1001527.304 Page 7 of 46 Revision:
2 FO306-01R1 VStructural Integrity Associates, IncY For Curve B and Curve C calculations, K 1 t is computed in different ways based on the evaluated region. For the beitline, with the exception of nozzles, and bottom head regions, Kit is determined using the following equation: K 1 , =O0.953 x10-3**CR. t 2 5  (3)Where: CR = the cooldown rate of the vessel (&deg;F/hr).t= the RPV wall thickness (in).For the FW nozzle, K 1 t is obtained from the stress distribution output of a plant specific finite element analyses (FEA). A polynomial curve-fit is determined for the through-wall stress distribution at the bounding time point. The linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) solution for K 1 t is: K 1  ,no0.06C,0.57 2 c 1 0.48 +2 0.33 ~3 1(4 Where: a =/1/4 through-wall postulated flaw depth, a = 1/4 t (in).t = thickness of the cross-section through the nozzle at the limiting path near the inner blend radius (in).Cot,Clt, = thermal stress polynomial coefficients, obtained from a curve-Czt,C 3 t fit of the extracted stresses from a transient FEA.The thermal stress polynomial coefficients are based on the assumed polynomial form ofo'(x) =Co +C 1.x +C 2* x 2 + C 3*. x 3.In this equation, "x" represents the radial distance in inches from the inside surface to any point on the crack face.For the WLI nozzle, the nozzle assembly consists of an insert attached to the RPV with a partial penetration weld. The nozzle material is not ferritic and does not need to be specifically evaluated.
However, the effect of the penetration on the adjacent shell must be considered.
[2, Equation 8-2] provides the following simplified solution for the thermal stress intensity factor due to a 1 00&deg;F/hr thermal ramp transient:
Ki1-ramp = 874,
+t.)-]-20.715 (5)Where: Ki-ramp = the K 1 t (thermal stress intensity factor from through wall thermal gradients) for a WLI nozzle subjected to 1 00&deg;F/hr thermal transient (ksi\/in).
ct = the instrument nozzle material coefficient of thermal expansion at the highest thermal ramp temperature (in/in/&deg;F).
tv = the vessel thickness (in).tn = the nozzle thickness (in).File No.: 1001527.304 Page 8 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI VStructural Integrity Associates, IncY Larger heat-up/cool-down rates are conservatively considered by scaling the stress intensity factor obtained using Eq. (5) by the ratio of the desired heat-up/cool-down rate to 100 &deg;F/hr.Since the P-T curves are applicable to all Level A/B events, the bounding Level A/B events, for each region and component, identified from the vessel and nozzle thermal cycle diagrams[7], are considered when calculating the Kit above.Step 4: The allowable internal pressure of the RPV is calculated differently for each evaluation region.For the beltline region, with the exception of nozzles, the allowable pressure is determined as follows: Pallow -M m .R (6)Where: Pailow = the allowable RPV internal pressure (psig).Kip = the allowable stress intensity factor due to membrane (pressure) stress, as defined in Eq. (2) t = the RPV wall thickness (in).Mm = the membrane correction factor for an inside surface axial flaw: Mm =1.85 for /t< 2 Mm = 0.926 "It for 2 <.It < 3.464 Mm =3.21 for "It >3.464.Ri = the inner radius of the RPV, per region (in).For the bottom head region, the allowable pressure is calculated with the following equation: 2.K .t Polw= (7)SCF. Mm
* R, Where: SCF = conservative stress concentration factor to account for bottom head penetration discontinuities; SCF = 3.0 per Reference
[1].Paiiow, K 1 p, t, Mm and Ri are defined in Eq. (6).The bottom head region methodology for calculating the allowable pressure shown in Eq. (7)above is applied for the thicker shell portion of the HNP-1 bottom head. It is noted that the Core DP nozzle at HNP-1 penetrates a section of the bottom head in which the shell is 3 3/16" thick. Use of Eq. (7) to treat the effect of the penetration would be excessively conservative.
Preliminary calculations showed that this approach produced a bottom head curve which bounded the entire vessel. Consequently, the effect of the Core DP nozzle penetration is considered in a manner similar to the FW nozzle, as described below.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 9 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.P For the FW nozzle the allowable pressure is determined from a ratio of the allowable and applied stress intensity factors. The applied factor can be determined from a FEA that determines the stresses due to the internal pressure on the nozzle and RPV. The methodology for this approach is as follows: p K 1 p "ref altlow, -(8)Where: Pref = RPV internal pressure at which the FEA stress coefficients (Eq.(9)) are determined (psi).KIp-app --the applied pressure stress intensity factor Pallow and K 1 p are defined as in Eq. (6)..The applied pressure stress intensity factor is determined using a polynomial curve-fit approximation for the through-wall pressure stress distribution from a FEA and the LEFM solution given in Eq. (4): -p 0.448/-i-12p
+ 0.393(- C~ 9 Where: a = 1/4 through-wall postulated flaw depth, a = 1/4 t (in).t = thickness of the cross-section through the limiting nozzle inner blend radius corner (in).C~,l,= pressure stress polynomial coefficients, obtained from a curve-C~,~ fit of the extracted stresses from a FEA.For the WLI nozzle, the nozzle .material is not ferritic and does not need to be specifically evaluated.
However, the effect of the penetration on the adjacent shell must be considered.
The allowable pressure is determined from the ratio of the allowable and applied stress intensity factors given in Equation 8. The applied stress intensity factor, for a 1000 psig load case, is calculated generically as follows [2, Equation 8-1]: KI Pressure =2.9045IR tF.+ +/-t,, 1-4.434 (10)-L. ]" Where: KI-pressure
=generic Kip-app for the WLI nozzle (ksi'lin).
R = RPV nominal inside radius (in).tv and tn are described as in Eq. (5).The allowable pressure for the WLI nozzle is then calculated using Eq. (8), similar to the FW nozzle.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 10 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.*Step 5: Steps 1 through 4 are repeated in order to generate a series of P-T points; the fluid temperature is incremented with each repetition.
Calculations proceed in this iterative manner until 1,300.psig. This value bounds expected pressures.
Step 6: Table 1 below summarizes the minimum temperature requirements contained in 10OCFR50, Appendix G [3, Table 1], which are applicable to the material highly stressed by the main closure flange bolt preload (non-beltline curve). SI also includes additional minimum temperature requirements for bolt-up as shown in Table 1 below.Table 1: Summary of Minimum Temperature Requirements for P-T Limit Curves.Maximum of: ASME Appendix G [4]P<O P RTNDT,max, requirements A
* 60 0 F [1],* TSDM P > 20% Ph RTNDT,max
+ 90 0 FASEpeniG[4 requirements Maximum of: ASME Appendix G [4]*< %hRTNDT,max, requirements B
* 60 0 F [1],* TSDM _______________
P> 20% Ph RTNDT, max + 120 0 FASEpeniG[4 requirements Maximum of: ASME Appendix G [4]P<OhRTNDT, max + 60 0 F, requirements
+ 40 &deg;F* 60 0 F [1], C
* TSDM Maximum of: ASME Appendix G [4]P > 20% Ph
* RTNDT, max + 160 0 F, requirements
+ 40 0 F* TISHT______________
___wnHere: t~h iS me pre-servlce nyUorotes pressure, 1~on psig RTNBT,ma, is the maximum RTNoT of the vessel materials highly stressed by the bolt preload.TSDM is the temperature used in the shutdown margin evaluation T lisfrr is the temperature at which the full in-service hydrotest pressure is allowed per Curve A Note that the minimum bolt-up temperature of 60&deg;F, is used here, consistent with the position given in Reference
[1]. Further, some utilities specifically request that the minimum moderator temperature used in the plant shutdown margin evaluation be applied as a minimum bolt-up temperature requirement; therefore, it is also included in Table 1 above. However, to address the NRC condition regarding lowest service temperature in Reference
[1 ], the minimum temperature is set to 76 0 F, which is equal to the RTNDT, max + 60 0 F. This value is consistent with the File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 11 of 46 F0306-01IR1 V Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.'previous minimum temperature limits developed in [11], and is higher than the minimum bolt-up temperature specified in [ 12].Step 7: Uncertainty in the RPV pressure and metal temperature measurements is incorporated by adjusting the P-T curve pressure and temperature using the following equations:
TpTr = T +UT (11)PP-r = -PH- UP (12)Where: Tp-T = The allowable coolant (metal) temperature (0 F).UT = The coolant temperature instrument uncertainty (0 F).PP-j = The allowable reactor pressure (psig).P 1 1  = The pressure head to account for the water in the RPV (psig).Can be calculated from the following expression:
PIH= p"Ah.p = Water density at ambient temperature (lb/in 3).Ah = Elevation of full height water level in RPV (in).Up = The pressure instrument uncertainty (psig).Steps 1 through 7, above, are implemented for all components, in all regions, for each heat-up/cool-down rate, and at all EFPY.3.0 " ASSUMPTIONS The 10OCFR5 0 Appendix G [3] and AsME Code [4] requirements and methods are considered to be supported in their respective technical basis documentation; therefore, the assumptions inherent in the ASME B&PV Code methods utilized for this evaluation are not specifically identified and justified in this calculation.
Only those assumptions specific to this calculation are identified and justified here.The following assumptions are used in preparation of the HNP- 1 P-T curves:.1. The bounding ART for the beltline materials is used in the calculation of the WLI nozzle curve.This assumption is conservative since the WLI nozzle is located near the upper limit of the beltline region and the cumulative fluence at this location is substantially lower than for the beitline location corresponding to the peak fluence. Use of a fluence representative of the location in the beltline shell corresponding to the WLJ nozzle location would result in an ART, local to the WLI nozzle, which is lower than used in the present evaluation.
Since the fluence at the WLI nozzle location is not specifically provided in the available fluence analysis results, the peak beltline value is used in this calculation.
Conservatism can be removed from the P-T curves by considering a WLI nozzle fluence in the ART calculation
[5], which would result in a lower ART used in the WLI nozzle beltline curve.2. The full-vessel height is used in the calculation of the static head contributed by the coolant in the RPV.This assumption is conservative in that the static head at the non-beltline regions is slightly lower than that of the bottom head curve; however, the difference in static head is small; therefore, the File No.: 1001527.304 Page 12 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncY added complexity in considering different static head values for each region of the vessel is not considered beneficial.
: 3. The FW nozzle is the bounding non-beltline component of the RPV.This assumption is made because: a. The geometric discontinuity caused by the nozzle penetration in the RPV shell causes a stress concentration which results in larger pressure induced stresses than would be calculated in the shell regions of the RPV.b. The FW nozzle experiences more severe thermal transients than most of the other nozzles because of the feedwater injection temperature which causes larger thermal stresses than are experienced in the shell region of the RPV.c. Although some other nozzles can experience thermal transients, which Would cause thermal stresses larger than those calculated for the shell regions of the RPV, and some nozzles are larger diameter than the FW nozzle, which could result in a slightly larger K 1 p, the combined stresses from the applied thermal and pressure loads are considered to bound all other non-beltiline discontinuities.
: 4. Application of a SCF = 3.0 to the membrane pressure stress in the bottom head bounds the effect of the bottom head penetrations on the stress field in this region of the vessel.Bottom head penetrations will create geometric discontinuities into the bottom head hemisphere resulting in high localized stresses.
This effect must be considered in calculating the stress intensity factor from internal pressure.
Rather than performing a plant specific analysis, SI applies a conservative SCF for a circular hole in a flat plate subjected to a uniaxial load to the membrane stress in the shell caused by the internal pressure.
The assumption of SCF -- 3.0 is conservative because: a. It applies a peak SCF to the membrane stress which essentially, intensifies the stress through the entire shell thickness and along the entire crack face of the postulated flaw rather than intensifying the stress local to the penetration and considering the stress attenuation away from the penetration, b. Review of SCFs for circular holes in plates subjected to an equi-bi-axial stress state as well as SCFs for arrays of circular holes in shells, shows that the SCF is likely closer to 2-2.5 rather than 3.0.Consequently, the method utilized by SI is expedient, as intended, and conservatively bounds the expected effect of bottom head penetrations because a bounding SCF is used and applied as a membrane stress correction factor.5. ASME XI, Non-mandatory Appendix G, Paragraph G-22 14.3 [4] is used to calculate the thermal stress intensity factor for heat-up / cool-down rates greater than 100 &deg;F/hr.The ASME Code [4] acknowledges that this methodology is conservative when applied to heat-up / cool-down rates greater than 100 0 F/hr; therefore, the results obtained using this method for the 200 0 F/hr heat-up / cool-down rate are conservative.
Conservatism can be removed, if File No.: 1001527.304 Page 13 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrit, Associates, Inc?necessary, by solving the thermo-elastic problem for the stresses in the vessel shell then calculating the stress intensity factor using the plant specific stress distribution.
===4.0 DESIGN===
INPUTS The design inputs, also included in Appendix A, used to develop the HNP-1 P-T curves are discussed below: 1. Limiting RTNDT and ART [5]: Non-beltline:
Bottom Head: Beltline:*38 EFPY: 49.3 EFPY: 2. Shutdown Margin Temperature
[9]: 3. RPV Dimensions*.[6]:
Full vessel height: RPV inside radius: RPV shell thickness:
Bottom head inside radius: Bottom head shell thickness:
: 4. Heat-up / Cool-down Rates [8]: 5. Nozzle Stress Intensity Factors [1I0]: FW Nozzle: 1 ksi Pressure: 100 &deg;F/hr: 200 &deg;F/hr: 450&deg;F shock: WLI Nozzle: 1 ksi Pressure: 100 &deg;F/hr: 200 &deg;F/hr: 40 *F (bounding value for non-belItline region, excluding bottom head)16 0 F (bounding value for materials highly stressed by bolt preload)10 0 F 116.3 OF 129.0 &deg;F 68 0 F 836.75 inches (Used to calculate maximum water head during pressure test and conservatively applied for normal operation as well)110.375 inches 5.375 inches 110.5 inches 3.188 inches (in region with Core DP penetration) 6.813 inches (in region with CRD9 penetrations) 100 0 F/hr 200 0 F/hr 76.6 ksi-in&deg;5 11.5 ksi-in&deg;5 23.1 ksi-in&deg;5 65.3 ksi-in&deg;5 71.6 ksi-in 0 5 17.4 ksi-in 0 5 34.8 ksi-in 0 5 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 14 of 46 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Core DP Nozzle: 1 ksi Pressure:
32.3 ksi-in&deg;5 100 &deg;F/hr: 1.73 ksi-in&deg;5 200 &deg;F/hr: 3.46 ksi-in&deg;5 6. Design Pressure [7]:, 1250 psig 7. Pre-service Hydro-test pressure [7]: 1563 psig (Taken as 1.25 *Design pressure = 1563 psig)8. Instrument uncertainties
[8]: Pressure:
0 psig Temperature:
0*F 5.0 CALCULATIONS The P-T curves in this calculation were developed using an Excel spreadsheet, which is independently verified for use on a project-specific basis in accordance with SI's Nuclear QA program. Four cases are evaluated, corresponding to two EFPY values (38 and 49.3) and two cool-down rates (100 and 200&deg;F/hr). P-T limits are calculated from 0 to 1300 psig. Supporting calculations for all curves are included in Appendix B.Because BWR operation is typically along the saturation curve, the limiting K 1 t for the FW nozzle is scaled to reflect the worst-case step change due to the available temperature difference between the saturation temperature at a given pressure and the 100 0 F feedwater temperature.
It is recognized that at low temperatures, the available temperature difference is insignificant, which could result in a near zero Kit. Therefore, a minimum K 1 u is calculated for both the 100 0 F/hr and 200 0 F/hr cool-down rates; scaling of the non-beltline
/ feedwater nozzle Kit based on the available temperature difference is not allowed below the minimum Kit corresponding to the cool-down rate, being evaluated.
The composite P-T curves are extended below 0 psig to -14.7 psig based on the evaluation documented in Reference
[13], which demonstrates that the P-T curves are applicable to negative gauge pressures.
Since the P-T curve calculation methods used do not specifically apply to negative values of pressure, the tabulated results start at 0 psig. However, the minimum RPV pressure is -14.7 psig.5.1 Pressure Test (Curve A)The minimum bolt-up temperature of 76 0 F minus instrument uncertainty (0&deg;F) is applied to all regions as the initial temperature in the iterative calculation process. The static fracture toughness (Kit) is calculated for all regions using Eq. (1). The resulting value of K 1 t, along with a safety factor ofl .5 is used in Eq. (2) to calculate the pressure stress intensity factor (K 1 p). The allowable RPV pressure is calculated for the beltline, bottom head and Non-Beltline regions 'using Eq. (6, 7, and 8), as appropriate.
For the non-beltline region (feedwater nozzle / upper vessel), the additional constraints specified in Step 6 of Section 2.0 are applied. Final P-T limits for temperature and pressure are obtained from Eq. (12 and 13), respectively.
File No.: 1001527.304 Page 15 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI VStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Since the thermal stress intensity factor is taken as zero for Curve A, the cool-down rates do not affect the results for Curve A.Values for the composite beltline region curves for 38 and 49.3 EFPY are listed in Table 2 and Table 3, respectively.
Additionally, more detailed data for the composite beltline are provided in Appendix B.Data for the composite bottom head region curve for all EFPY is listed in Table 4. Data for the composite non-beltline (feedwater nozzle / upper vessel) region curve, including the 10OCFR50 Appendix G [4] limits, for all EFPY is listed in Table 5. The data for each region is graphed, and the resulting composite Curve A for 38 and 49.3 EFPY are provided in Figure 1 and Figure 2, respectively.
Additional data and curves for each region are included in Appendix B.5.2 Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical (Curve B)The minimum bolt-up temperature of 76&deg;F minus coolant temperature instrument uncertainty (0 0 F) is applied to all regions as the initial temperature in the iterative calculation process. The static fracture toughness (Kic) is calculated for all regions using Eq. (1). The thermal stress intensity factor (K 1 t) is calculated for the beltline plate and bottom head regions using Eq. (3), for the FW nozzle using Eq. (4), and for the WLI (N16) nozzle using Eq. (5).The resulting values of Kit and Kit, along with a safety factor of 2.0, are used in Eq. (2) to calculate the pressure stress intensity factor (K 1 p). The allowable RPV pressure is calculated for the beltline, bottom head, and non-beltline regions using Eq. (6, 7, and 8), as appropriate.
For the non-beltline (FW nozzle /upper vessel) region, the additional constraints specified in Step 6 of Section 2.0 are applied. Final P-T limits for temperature and pressure are obtained from Eq. (12 and 13), respectively.
The data resulting from each P-T curve calculation is tabulated.
Values for the composite beltline region with a 100&deg;F/hr cool-down rate at 38 and 49.3 EFPY are listed in Table 6 and Table 7, respectively.
Values for the composite beltline region with a 200&deg;F/hr cool-down rate at 38 and 49.3 EFPY are listed in Table 8 and Table 9, respectively.
Data for the bottom head region with 1 00&deg;F/hr and 200&deg;F/hr cool-down rates are listed in Table 10 and Table 11, respectively.
Data for the FW nozzle/ upper vessel region with 100&deg;F/hr and 200&deg;F/hr cool-down rates are listed in Table 12 and Table 13, respectively.
The data for each region is graphed, and the resulting composite Curve B for 38 and 49.3 EFPY with a 1O 0 0F/hr cool-down rate are provided in Figure 3 and Figure 4, respectively.
The resulting composite Curve B for 38 and 49.3 EFPY with a 200&deg;F/hr cool-down rate are provided in Figure 5 and Figure 6, respectively.
Additional data and curves for each region are included in Appendix B.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 16 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01R1 Structural.lIntegrity Associates, IncY 5.3 Normal Operation
-Core Critical (Curve C)The pressure and temperature values for Curve C are calculated in a similar manner as Curve B, with several exceptions.
The initial evaluation temperature is calculated as the limiting non-beltline RTNDT that is highly stressed by the bolt preload (in this case, that of the closure flange region: 16 0 F per Section 3.0) plus 60&deg;F, resulting in a minimum critical temperature of 76 &deg;F. When the pressure exceeds 20% of the system hydrostatic test pressure (20% of 1,563 psig =313 psig), the P-T limits are specified as 40&deg;F higher than the Curve B values. The minimum temperature above the 20%of the pre-service system hydrostatic test pressure is always greater than the reference temperature (RTNDT) of the closure region plus 160&deg;F, or is taken as the minimum temperature required for the hydrostatic pressure test. The final Curve C values are taken as the absolute maximum between the regions of the beitline, the bottom head, and the non-beitline.
The data resulting from each P-T curve calculation is tabulated.
Values for the composite beltllne region with a 100&deg;F/hr cool-down rate at 38 and 49.3 EFPY are listed in Table 14 and Table 15, respectively.
Values for the composite beltline region with a 200&deg;F/hr cool-down rate at 38 and 49.3 EFPY are listed in Table 16 and Table 17, respectively.
Data for the bottom head region with 100&deg;F/hr and 200&deg;F/hr cool-down rates are listed in Table 18 and Table 19, respectively.
Data for the non-beltline (FW nozzle / upper vessel) region with 100&deg;F/hr and 200&deg;F/hr cool-down rates are listed in Table 20 and Table 21, respectively.
The data for each region is graphed, and the resulting composite Curve C for 38 and 49.3 EFPY with a 100&deg;F/hr cool-down rate are provided in Figure 7 and Figure 8, respectively.
The resulting composite Curve C for 38 and 49.3 EFPY with a 200&deg;F/hr cool-down rate are provided in Figure 9 and Figure 10, respectively.
Additional data and curves for each region are included in Appendix B.Note that the Beltline Region curves for the 200 0 F/hr thermal transient at 38 and 49.3 EFPY shown in Tables 16 and 17 and Figures 9 and 10 exhibit negative pressures at the lower end of the curve. This is non-realistic and essentially indicates a higher minimum temperature for this region than for the other regions of the RPV. Since these curves are not intended for normal operation and are intended only to disposition out-of-specification thermal transients these results do not pose any operational difficulties.
S P-T curves are developed for JINP-1 using the methodology, assumptions, and design inputs defined in Sections 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0. P-T curves are developed for the beltline, bottom head, and non-beltline regions, considering a 100 0 F/hr and 200 *F/hr thermal transient at 38 and 49.3 EFPY, for the following plant conditions:
Pressure Test (Curve A), Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical (Curve B), and Normal Operation
-Core Critical (Curve C). Tabulated pressure and temperature values are provided for all regions and EFPYs in Tables 2 through 21. The accompanying P-T curve plots are provided in Figures 1 through 10.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 17 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-0 1RI VStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y
: 1. Structural Integrity Associates Report No. SIR-05-044, Revision 1-A, "Pressure-Temperature Limits Report Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors," June 2013, SI File No. GE-10Q-401.
: 2. Structural Integrity Associates Report No. 0900876.40 1, Revision 0-A, "Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics Evaluation of General Electric Boiling Water Reactor Water Level Instrument Nozzles for Pressure-Temperature Curve Evaluations," May 2013.3. U. S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Energy, Part 50, "Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," Appendix G, "Fracture Toughness Requirements," (60 FR 65474, Dec.19, 1995; 73 FR 5723, Jan. 2008).4. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, Rules for In-Service Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, Appendix G, "Fracture Toughness Criteria for Protection Against Failure," 2001 Edition including the 2003 Addenda.5. Structural Integrity Associates Calculation No. 1001527.301, Rev 1, "Hatch Unit 1 RPV Material Summary and ART Calculation." 6. General Electric Drawing No. E-234-270, Revision 3, "General Arrangement Elevation for: 218" I.D. BWR," SI File No. 100 1527.208.7. General Electric Drawing No. I135B9990, "Nozzle Thermal Cycles (Feedwater)," SI File 1001527.211.
: 8. Design Input Requests: a. DIR, Revision 2, "Revised P-T Curves for Plant Hatch Units 1&2," SI File No.1001527.201.
: b. DIR, Revision 0, "Hatch Units 1 and 2 P-T Curve Revisions," SI File No. 1400365.200.
: 9. General Electric Document No. GE-NE-BI1 10069 1-01R1, "Plant Hatch Unit 1 RPV Surveillance Materials Testing and Analysis," March 1997, 51 File No. 1001527.202.
: 10. Structural Integrity Associates Calculation No. 1001527.303, Revision 1, "Feedwater, Water Level Instrument, and Core DP Nozzle Fracture Mechanics Evaluation for Hatch Unit 1 and Unit 2 Pressure-Temperature Limit Curve Development.
: 11. General Electric Document No. GE-NE-B1 100827-00-01, "Plant Hatch Units 1 & 2 RPV Pressure Temperature Limits License Renewal Evaluation," March 1999, SI File No. 1400365.202.
: 12. NRC Docket No. 50-321, "Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit No. 1, Amendment to Facility Operating License," Amendment No. 59, License No. DPR-57, ADAMS Accession No.ML0 12950436, SI File No. 1400365.202.
: 13. SI Calculation No. 1400365.30 1, Rev. 0, "Hatch RPV Vacuum Assessment." File No.: 1001527.304 Page 18 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Table 2: HNP-I Beltline Region, Curve A, for 38 EFPY&deg;F psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 365.2 98.8 415.1 114.4 465.0 126.3 514.9 135.9 564.8 144.0 614.7 150.9 664.6 157.0 714.5 162.4 764.5 167.3 814.4 171.8 864.3 175.8 914.2 179.6 964.1 183.1 1014.0 186.4 1063.9 189.5 1113.8 192.4 1163.7 195.2 1213.6 197.8 1263.5 200.2 1313.5 202.6 1363.4 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 19 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc Table 3:HINP-1 Beltline Region, Curve A, for 49.3 EFPY.A 9. .-76.76.0 103.3 120.9 133.9 144.2 152.7 160.0 166.4 172.0 177.1 181.7 185.9 189.8 193.4 196.7 199.9 202.9 205.7 208.3 210.8 213.2 psi 0.0 345.8 394.5 443.2 491.9 540.6 589.3 638.0 686.6 735.3 784.0 832.7 881.4 930.1 978.8 1027.4 1076.1 1124.8 1173.5 1222.2 1270.9 1319.6 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 20 of 46 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, lncY Table 4: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve A, for All EFPY OF psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 1226.1 78.7 1274.2 81.2 1322.4 83.6 1370.5 Table 5: HNP-Z Non-Beltline Region, Curve A, for All EFPY P-T Curve P-T Curve Temperature Pressure&deg;F psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 312.6 106.0 312.,6 106.0 934.2 109.5 982.6 112.7 1031.0 115,7 1079.3 118.6 1127.7 121,3 1176.1 123.9 1224.4 126.3 1272.8 128.6 1321.2 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 21 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI
~jStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Table 6: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve B, for 38 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient OF psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 144.9 104.2 193.8 122.1 242.7 135.2 291.6 145.6 340.5 154.2 389.4 161.6 438.3 168.0 487.2 173.6 536.1 178.7 585.0 183.4 633.9 187.6 682.8 191.5 731.7 195.1 780.6 198.5 829.5 201.6 878.4 204.6 927.3 207.4 976.2 210.1 1025.1 212.6 1074.0 215.0 1122.9 217.3 1171.8 219.5 1220.7 221.6 1269.6 223.6 1318.5 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 22 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Table 7: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve B, for 49.3 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient&deg;F psi 76.0 76.0 110.3 130.4 144.7 155.9 164.9 172.6 179.3 185.2 190.4 195.2 199.5 203.5 207.2 210.7 213.9 216.9 219.8 222.5 225.1 227.5 229.8 232.0 234.2 236.2 0.0 130.4 179.8 229.2 278.6 328.0 377.4 426.8 476.2 525.6 575.0 624.4 673.8 723.2 772.6 822.0 871.4 920.8 970.2 1019.6 1069.0 1118.4 1167.8 1217.2 1266.6 1316.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 23 of 46 F0306-01 RI Sj1~ tructural Integri~t Associates, IncYe Table 8: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve B, for 38 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient&deg;F psi 76.0 76.0 104.5 122.5 135.8 146.2 154.8 162.2 168.6 174.3 179.4 184.1 188.3 192.2 195.8 199.2 202.4 205.3 208.2 210.8 213.3 215.7 218.0 220.2 222.3 224.3 226.3 228.2 0.0 23.3 72.9 122.6 172.3 222.0 271.6 321.3 371.0 420.6 470.3 520.0 569.6 619.3 669.0 718.6 768.3 818.0 867.6 917.3 967.0 1016.6 1066.3 1116.0 1165.7 1215.3 1265.0 1314.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
:2 Page 24 of 46 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, /ncY Table 9: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve B, for 49.3 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient&deg;F psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 8.8 109.9 57.3 129.9 105.9 144.1 154.5 155.2 203.1 164.2 251.6 171.9 300.2 178.6 348.8 184.4 397.3 189.7 445.9 194.4 494.5 198.8 543.0 202.8 591.6 206.5 640.2 209.9 688.7 213.1 737.3 216.1 785.9 219.0 834.5 221.7 883.0 224.3 931.6 226.7 980.2 229.0 1028.7 231.2 1077.3 233.4 1125.9 235.4 1174.4 237.4 1223.0 239.2 1271.6 241.1 1320.2 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 25 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Table 10: HNP-I Bottom Head Region, Curve B for All EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient* a.e*
* U 76.76.0 79.6 83.0 86.2 89.2 92.0 94.7 97.3 99.7 102.0 104.2 psi 0.0 813.9 863.8 913.8 963.7 1013.6 1063.6 1113.5 1163.5 1213.4 1263.3 1313.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 26 of 46 F0306-01 RI
~jjStructuraIiIntegrity Associates, IncY Table 11: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve B for All EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient..- e u&deg;F psi 76.0 76.0 79.6 83.0 86.2 89.2 92.0 94.7 97.2 99.6 101.9 104.1 106.2 108.3 0.0 715.7 765.6 815.4 865.2 915.1 964.9 1014.8 1064.6 1114.4 1164.3 1214.1 1264.0 1313.8 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 27 of 46 F0306-01I R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc Table 12:HINP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve B, for All EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient OF psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 198.2 84.6 236.4 91.8 274.5 97.9 312.6 136.0 312.6 136.0 724.2 139.0 773.5 141.8 822.9 144.4 872.2 146.8 921.5 149.2 970.9 151.4 1020.2 153.6 1069.6 155.6 1118.9 157.6 1168.3 159.4 1217.6 161.2 1266.9 163.0 1316.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 28 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, lnc~e Table 13: HNP-I Non-Beltline Region, Curve B, for All EFPY and 20O&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient&deg;F psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 198.2 84.6 236.4 91.8 274.5 97.9 312.6 136.0 312.6 136.0 724.2 139.0 773.5 141.8 822.9 144.4 872.2 146.8 921.5 149.2 970.9 151.4 1020.2 153.6 1069.6 155.6 1118.9 157.6 1168.3 159.4 1217.6 161.2 1266.9 163.0 1316.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 29 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.e Table 14: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve C, for 38 EFPY and i00&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient 9 76.76.0 125,1 149.3 165.6 177.9 187.7 195.9 203.0 209.1 214.6 219.6 224.1 228.2 232.1 235.6 238.9 242.0 245.0 247.7 250.3 252.8 255.2 257.5 259.6 261.7 263.7 psi 0.0 109.3 157.8 206.2 254.7 303.1 351.6 400.0 448.5 497.0 545.4 593.9 642.3 690.8 739.2 787.7 836.1 884.6 933.1 981.5 1030.0 1078.4 1126.9 1175.3 1223.8 1272.3 1320.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 30 of 46 F0306-01 RI
$j~tructural Integrity Associates, Inc.*Table 15: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 49.3 EFPY and 100 0 F/hr Thermal Transient OF psi 76.0 76.0 133.5 159.6 176.6 189.3 199.4 207.8 215.0 221.3 226.9 231.9 236.4 240.6 244.5 248.1 251.4 254.5 257.5 260.3 262.9 265.4 267.8 270.1 272.3 274.3 276.3 0.0 102.8 151.5 200.1 248.8 297.5 346.1 394.8 443.5 492.2 540.8 589.5 638.2 686.9 735.5 784.2 832.9 881.6 930.2 978.9 1027.6 1076.3 1124.9 1173.6 1222.3 1271.0 1319.6 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 31 of 46 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.e Table 16: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 38 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient&deg;F psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 -12.3 125.6 36.9 149.9 86.1 166.3 135.4 178.6 184.6 188.4 233.8 196.6 283.0 203.7 332.3 209.9 381.5 215.4 430.7 220.4 480.0 224.9 529.2 229.0 578.4 232.8 627.6 236.4 676.9 239.7 726.1 242.8 775.3 245.7 824.6 248.5 873.8 251.1 923.0 253.6 972.3 256.0 1021.5 258.2 1070.7 260.4 1119.9 262.5 1169.2 264.5 1218.4 266.4 1267.6 268.2 1316.9 NOTE: See the discussion in Section 5.3 regarding the negative pressure in this table.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 32 of 46 Revision:
2 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc Table 17: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve C, for 49.3 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient"F 76.0 76.0 134.0 160.2 177.3 190.0 200.1 208.5 215.7 222.0 227.6 232.6 237.2 241.4 245.2 248.8 252.2 255.3 258.3 261.0 263.7 266.2 268.6 270.8 273.0 275.1 277.1 279.0 280.9 psi 0.0-18.8 30.6 80.0 129.4 178.9 228.3 277.7 327.2 376.6 426.0 475.5 524.9 574.3 623.8 673.2 722.6 772.1 821.5 870.9 920.4 969.8 1019.2 1068.7 1118.1 1167.5 1217.0 1266.4 1315.8 NOTE: See the discussion in Section 5.3 regarding the negative pressure in this table.File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 33 of 46 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, /ncYe Table 18: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve C for All EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient 9 76.0 76.0 83.6 90.1 95.9 101.1 105.8 110.1 114.1 117.8 121.2 124.4 127.4 130.2 132.9 135.4 137.9 140.2 142.4 144.5 psi 0.0 450.5 498.8 547.2 595.6 643.9 692.3 740.7 789.1 837.4 885.8 934.2 982.5 1030.9 1079.3 1127.7 1176.0 1224.4 1272.8 1321.1 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 34 of 46 F0306-01 R1 Structural Integrity Associates, lnc: Table 19: HNP-I Bottom Head Region, Curve C for All EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient e&deg;F psi 76.0 76.0 83.6 90.1 95.9 101.1 105.8 110.2 114.1 117.8 121.2 124.4 127.4 130.3 132.9 135.5 137.9 140.2 142.4 144.6 146.6 148.5 0.0 352.3 400.7 449.2 497.6 546.0 594.4 642.9 691.3 739.7 788.1 836.6 885.0 933.4 981.9 1030.3 1078.7 1127.1 1175.6 1224.0 1272.4 1320.9 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 35 of 46 F0306-01 R1
~Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.*Table 20:tINP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve C, for All EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient&deg;F psi 76.0 76.0 98.0 112.1 122.6 130.9 137.9 217.0 217.0 0.0 97.6 140.6 183.6 226.6 269.6 312.6 312.6 1563.0 Table 21: HNP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve C, for All EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient*F psi 76.0 76.0 98.0 112.1 122.6 130.9 137.9 217.0 217.0 0.0 97.6 140.6 183.6 226.6 269.6 312.6 312.6 1563.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 36 of 46 F0306-01R 1
Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.'Curve A -Pressure Test, Composite Curves-Bei .... Bottom Head--- Non-Beltline 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 4.E 1150 300 200 100 I 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(&deg;F)Figure 1: HNP-1 (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A, 38 EFPY File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 37 of 46 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Curve A -Pressure Test, Composite Curves-Beltline
---- Bottom Head -- -- Non-Beltline
-==,Overall 1300 -____I__I I 110'- ____-I I _11o 800... I___ I -_t, I , I!,I'94 0 0 -I- --- ........ -.... ..... .... .. .......-... ..300 -~ -' -i!--!_ _ _ _+/- _ _ _ _200 1.......M inim um............
B olt-Up.. ....-
........Teprtre=7 0 100, -Minimm RI Prssr i-1. pi FieN. 0052.0 Page 3=of 4 Revison: F030-OII Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Curve B -Core Not Critical, Composite Curves-Be...n --Bottom Head -- -Non-Beltline
-K....1300 1200 1100 1000 900* 800 0.E-I 500 El#.400 300 200 100 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature (0 F)Figure 3: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and IOO&deg;F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 39 of 46 F0306-01 RI VStructural Integrity Associates,/lnc.?
Curve B -Core Not Critical, Composite Curves-Beiti.e.---Bottom Head---- Non-Beltline m===Overall 1300 1200 1100 900800700 t E-1 500&- 400 300 200 100 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
('F)Figure 4: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 1O 0 0Ffhr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 40 of 46 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, lncY Curve B -Core Not Critical, Composite Curves-....n --Bottom Head --1 Non-Beitline
-==Overall 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 a.*1 E S500&" 400 300 0 1!;0 2(X)Minimum Reactor VesselI Metal Temperature
(*F)Figure 5: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 41 of 46 F0306-01RI jjStructural Integrity Associates, IncY Curve B -Core Not Critical, Composite Curves-eilie-- -- Bottom Head -- -- Non-Beltline m===Ove rail 1300 1200 1100 1000 900800 ....7010 *E-. 500 Si 300 200 100 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(=F)Figure 6: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 42 of 46 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, IncY Curve C -Core Critical, Composite --Bottom Head -- -- Non-Beitline
-.mmOverall 1300 1200 1100 1O00 900 ,6" 600 300 200 100 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(&deg;F)Figure 7: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 10O&deg;F/hr Figure 7: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 100 0 F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 43 of 46 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Curve C -Core Critical, Composite Curves-Bei....---Bottom Head -- -- Non-Beltline -Overall 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 0.gi70 E A- 4o0 300 200 100 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(@F)Figure 8: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 44 of 46 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Curve C -Core Critical, Composite -- Bottom Head -- -- Non-Beitline i,,,,,Overall 1300 12001 1100 10001 900O Minimum Bolt-Temperature
=7 Minimum Beltli Temperature
= 5 Minimum RP\Pressure = -14.7 a.S E-, Sg 800 700 op l ! a nI!94 0 FI __ a I a Ve I psig ji a a a I I a Ia I I I I I I I I I* i /I A , I ii i, ii ii'i, .../600 400-.. ......300 200 100 , 0 5 200 250 3 0o+/-_Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature (0 F)Figure 9: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 45 of 46 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncYe Curve C -Core Critical, Composite Head -- -- Non-Beitline -Overall 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 J 600 4..E"1 500&" 400 300 200 100 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
('F)Figure I0: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 20O&deg;F/hr Figure 10: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page 46 of 46 F0306-01I RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc5 APPENDIX A: P -T CURVE INPUT LISTING File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page A-i1 of A-3 F0306-01 RI jjStructural Integrity Associates, Inc~e Table A-i: HINP-I Stress Intensity Factors for Feedwater and WLI Nozzles 1131 Feedwater 76.6 65.3 11.5 23.1 WLI 71.6 N/A 17.4 34.8 Core DP 32.3 N/A 1.7 3.5 Notes: 1. K 1 in units of ksi-in 0 s 2. 200 "F/hr results are scaled from 100 "F/hr assuming response is linear Table A-2: HNP-I P-T Curve Input Listing General Parameters English Unit System for Tables and Plots 0 Temperature Instrument Uncertainty Adjustment
(&deg;F)0 Pressure Instrument Uncertainty Adjustment (psig)62.4 Water Density (lbm/ft 3)836.75 Full-Vessel Water Height (in)1.5 Safety Factor for Curve A 2 Safety Factor for Curves B and C 76 Bolt-up Temperature
(&deg;F)16 ART of Closure Flange Region (&deg;F)10 Default Temperature Increment for Tables (0 F)50 Default Pressure Increment for Composite Tables (psig)Beltline Parameters 116.3 Adjusted Reference Temperature, 38 EFPY (&deg;F)129.0 Adjusted Reference Temperature, 49.3 EFPY (0 F)110.375 Vessel Radius (in)5.375 Vessel Thickness (in)100 Heat-up / Cool-down Rate (&deg;F/hr)200 Heat-up / Cool-down Rate (&deg;F/hr)Generic Type of Static Pressure Head Addition N/A Specific Water Height for Static Pressure Head Addition (in)Generic Type of Temperature Increment for Tables 5 Specific Temperature Increment for Tables (&deg;F)File No.: 100 1527.304 Page A-2 of A-3 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, /nc*P- uv nputs Instrument Nozzle Parameters 116.3 Adjusted Reference Temperature, 38 EFPY (OF)129.0 Adjusted Reference Temperature, 49.3 EFPY ('F)110.375 Vessel Radius (in)5.375 Vessel Thickness (in)See Table Applied Pressure Stress Intensity Factor (ksi*in^0.5)
A-i Applied Thermal Stress Intensity Factor (ksi*in^0.5) 7.70E-06 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (in!/in/'F) 1000 Reference Pressure (psig)Generic Type of Static Pressure Head Addition N/A Specific Water Height for Static Pressure Head Addition (in)Generic Type of Temperature Increment for Tables 5 Specific Temperature Increment for Tables (*F)Bottom Heai 10 110.5 6.8125 100 200 3 Generic N/A Generic 5 Non-Beltline 40 See Table A-i Yes 100 550 1000 Generic N/A Generic 5 d Parameters Adjusted Reference Temperature
(&deg;F)Vessel Radius (in)Vessel Thickness (in)Heat-up / Cool-down Rate (&deg;F/hr)Heat-up / Cool-down Rate (&deg;F/hr)Stress Concentration Factor Type of Static Pressure Head Addition Specific Water Height for Static Pressure Head Addition (in)Type of Temperature Increment for Tables Specific Temperature Increment for Tables (&deg;F)(Feedwater Nozzle) Parameters Adjusted Reference Temperature
(&deg;F)Applied Pressure Stress Intensity Factor (ksi* in^0.5)Applied Thermal Stress Intensity Factor (ksi*in^0.5)
Minimum Thermal Stress Intensity Factor (ksi*in^0.5)
Scale KIT based on Saturation Temperature?
Minimum Transient Temperature
(&deg;F)Maximum Transient Temperature
(*F)Reference Pressure for Thermal Transient (psig)Type of Static Pressure Head Addition Specific Water Height for Static Pressure Head Addition (in)Type of Temperature Increment for Tables Specific Temperature Increment for Tables (&deg;F)File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page A-3 of A-3 F0306-01RI jjStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.*APPENDIX B: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-I of B-43 F0306-01RI
~jStructoral Integrity Associates, Inc.*Table B-I: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve A Calculations, for 38 EFPY-A
* I&deg;ksi*in^0.5
&deg;ksi*inAO.5-IF ps'76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 42.5 42,5 44.5 47.0 50.1 53.8 58.4 63.9 70.8 79.1 89.2 28.3 28.3 29.7 31.3 33.4 35.9 38.9 42.6 47.2 52.7 59.5 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 0.0 611.9 642.9 680.8 727.0 783.5 852.5 936.8 1039.7 1165.5 1319.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-2 of B-43 F0306-01R I
Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.t Table B-2: HNP-1, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve A Calculations, for 38 EFPY-A U -- -ksiifl^O.5 -IF psi 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 42.5 42.5 44.5 47.0 50.1 53.8 58.4 63.9 70.8 79.1 89.2 101.6 116.8 135.3 157.9 28.3 28.3 29.7 31.3 33.4 35.9 38.9 42.6 47.2 52.7 59.5 67.8 77.9 90.2 105.3 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 0.0 365.2 384.3 407.6 436.1 470.9 513.4 565.3 628.7 706.1 800.6 916.2 1057.2 1229.5 1440.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-3 of B-43 F0306-0tRI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Table B-3: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve A Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY-A U -Gageiiiii Fl idiii Temprtr&deg;ksi*inAO.5
&deg;ksi*inAO.5 P- Crv psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 26.9 26.9 27.4 28.0 28.6 29.3 30.0 30.9 31.8 32.8 33.9 35.2 36.5 38.0 39.7 41.6 43.6 45.9 48.3 51.1 54.2 57.5 61.2 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 0.0 580.5 591.9 604.5 618.5 633.9 650.9 669.8 690.6 713.6 739.0 767.1 798.2 832.5 870.4 912.4 958.7 1009.9 1066.5 1129.0 1198.1 1274.5 1358.9 File No.: 1001527.304 Page B-4 of B-43 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Table B-4: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beitline Region, Curve A Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY-A F --&deg;F psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1 151.3 26.9 26.9 27.4 28.0 28.6 29.3 30.0 30.9 31.8 32.8 33.9 35.2 36.5 38.0 39.7 41.6 43.6 45.9 48.3 51.1 54.2 ,57.5 61.2 65.4 69.9 74.9 80.5 86.6 93.4 100.9 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 0.0 345.8 352.9 360.7 369.2 378.7 389.2 400.8 413.7 427.8 443.5 460.8 479.9 501.0 524.4 550.2 578.7 610.3 645.1 683.6 726.2 773.2 825.2 882.7 946.2 1016.3 1093.9 1179.6 1274.3 1379.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-5 of B-43 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.*Table B-5: HNP-1, Bottom Head Region, Curve A Calculations, All EFPY A .-&deg;ksi *inA0.5 &deg;ksi*inA0.5 psi 76.0 110.8 73.9 76.0 0.0 76.0 110.8 73.9 76.0 1226.1 81.0 119.0 79.3 81.0 1318.6 86.0 128.0 85.3 86.0 1420.9 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-6 of B-43 F0306-01RI j&sect;StructuraI Integrity Associates, Inc.e Table B-6: HNP-I, FW Nozzle / Non-Beitline, Curve A Calculations, All EFPY 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0&deg;ksi*inA0.5 75.8 75.8 79.3 83.2 87.4 91.9 96.7 102.0 107.8 114.0 120.7 128.0 135.9 144.4 153.7&deg;ksi*inA0.5 50.5 50.5 52.9 55.5 58.2 61.2 64.5 68.0 71.8 76.0 80.5 85.3 90.6 96.3 102.5 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 psi 0.0 629.5 660.3 693.8 730.0 769.3 811.8 857.9 907.8 961.8 1020.4 1083.8 1152.5 1227.0 1307.6 File No.: 1001527.304 Page B-7 of B-43 Revision:
2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.?Table B-7: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient..* a a 76.76.0 76.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0&deg;ksi*inA0.5 42.5 42.5 44.5 47.0 50.1 53.8 58.4 63.9 70.8 79.1 89.2 101.6 116.8 135.3&deg;ksi*inAO.5 18.0 18.0 19.1 20.3 21.8 23.7 26.0 28.8 32.2 36.3 41.4 47.6 55.2 64.4 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 psi 0.0 379.0 402.2 430.6 465.3 507.7 559.4 622.6 699.9 794.2 909.3 1050.0 1221.8 1431.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-8 of B-43 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, /nc.Y Table B-8: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient* S S *- 9 D&deg;F ksi*inA0.5
&deg;ksi*inAO.5 psi 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 216.0 226.0 42.5 42.5 44.5 47.0 50.1 53.8 58.4 63.9 70.8 79.1 89.2 101.6 116.8 135.3 157.9 185.5 219.2 12.5 12.5 13.6 14.8 16.3 18.2 20.5 23.3 26.7 30.8 35.9 42.1 49.7 58.9 70.2 84.1 100.9 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 216.0 226.0 0.0 144.9 159.2 176.7 198.1 224.2 256.0 295.0 342.5 400.6 471.5 558.1 663.9 793.2 951.0 1143.8 1379.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-9 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncY t Table B-9: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient..* .U Gage fluid P-T Curve P-T Curve Temperature K 1 Temperature Pressure&deg;F &deg;ksi*in^0.5
&deg;ksi*in^0.5 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 17.0 17.0 17.4 17.8 18.3 18.8 19.3 20.0 20.6 21.4 22.2 23.2 24.2 25.3 26.6 28.0 29.5 31.2 33.1 35.1 37.4 39.9 42.7 45.8 49.2 53.0 57.2 61.8 76.76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 psi 0.0 355.4 364.0 373.4 383.9 395.5 408.3 422.4 438.0 455.3 474.3 495.4 518.7 544.4 572.9 604.3 639.1 677.5 719.9 766.8 818.6 875.9 939.2 1009.2 1086.5 1172.0 1266.5 1370.8 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-1l0 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.~Table B-I0: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient-S p **
* e-ksi~in^O.5 "ksi~inAO.5 psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1 151.3 163.8 177.5 192.7 209.4 11.5 11.5 11.9 12.3 12.8 13.3 13.8 14.5 15.1 15.9 16.7 17.7 18.7 19.8 21.1 22.5 24.0 25.7 27.6 29.6 31.9 34.4 37.2 40.3 43.7 47.5 51.7 56.3 61.4 67.0 73.2 80.0 87.6 96.0 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 0.0 130.4 135.7 141.5 148.0 155.1 163.0 171.6 181.3 191.9 203.6 216.6 231.0 246.8 264.3 283.7 305.1 328.7 354.9 383.7 415.7 450.9 489.9 533.0 580.6 633.3 691.4 755.7 826.7 905.3 992.0 1087.9 1193.9 1311.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B- 11 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Table B-Il: HNP-I, Bottom Head Region, Curve B Calculations, for All EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient* e. e U-/-&deg;ksi*inAO.5
&deg;ksi*in^0.5 "1-psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 110.8 110.8 119.0 128.0 138.0 149.0 161.2 174.6 49.6 49.6 53.7 58.2 63.2 68.7 74.8 81.5 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 0.0 813.9 883.3 960.0 1044.8 1138.4 1242.0 1356.4 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-12 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, lnc.*Table B-12: HNP-I, FW Nozzle / Non-Beitline, Curve B Calculations, for All EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient... 9 F&deg;ksi*inAO.5
&deg;F psi 76.0 76,0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 75.8 75.8 79.3 83.2 87.4 91.9 96.7 102.0 107.8 114.0 120,7 128.0 135.9 144.4 153.7 163.8 174.6 186.4 199.2 213.0 228.0 244.2 261.8 280.8 32.1 17.5 18.8 20.2 21.7 23.4 25.3 27.4 29.7 32.2 34.9 37.9 41.2 44.8 48.7 53.1 57.8 62.9 68.6 74.7 81.5 88.8 96.8 105.5 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 0.0 198.2 214.9 233.3 253.5 275.8 300.3 327.3 356.9 389.5 425.2 464.4 507.4 554.5 606.0 662.4 724.1 791.4 865.0 945.4 1033.1 1128.8 1233.1 1346.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-13 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, /InCY Table B-13: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 200&deg;Ffhr Thermal Transient* S S *~ 9 Gage Fluid P-T curve P-T Curve Temperature Temperature Pressure&deg;F ksi*inAO.5 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 42.5 42.5 43.4 44.5 45.7 47.0 48.5 50.1 51.8 53.8 56.0 58.4 61.0 63.9 67.2 70.8 74.7 79.1 83.9 89.2 95.1 101.6 108.8 116.8 125.6 135.3&deg;ksi*inA0.5 14.8 14.8 15.3 15.9 16.5 17.1 17.9 18.7 19.5 20.5 21.6 22.8 24.1 25.6 27.2 29.0 31.0 33.2 35.6 38.2 41.2 44.4 48.0 52.0 56.4 61.3"F 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 psi 0.0 306.6 317.6 329.8 343.3 358.2 374.7 392.9 413.0 435.3 459.9 487.0 517.1 550.3 586.9 627.5 672.3 721.8 776.5 836.9 903.8 977.6 1059.2 1149.4 1249.1 1359.3 File No.: 100 1527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-14 of B-43 F0306-01 RI1 Structural Integrity Associates, IncY Table B-14: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beitline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient.e* e F&deg;F ksi*in^0.5
&deg;ksi*inA0.5 0 F psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 42.5 42.5 43.4 44.5 45.7 47.0 48.5 50.1 51.8 53.8 56.0 58.4 61.0 63.9 67.2 70.8 74.7 79.1 83.9 89.2 95.1 101.6 108.8 116.8 125.6 135.3 146.0 157.9 171.0 185.5 201.5 219.2 238.8 3.8 3.8 4.3 4.9 5.5 6.1 6.8 7.6 8.5 9.5 10.6 11.8 13.1 14.6 16.2 18.0 20.0 22.1 24.5 27.2 30.2 33.4 37.0 41.0 45.4 50.2 55.6 61.5 68.1 75.3 83.4 92.2 102.0 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 0.0 23.3 30.1 37.6 45.9 55.1 65.2 76.4 88.8 102.5 117.7 134.4 152.9 173.3 195.9 220.9 248.4 278.9 312.6 349.8 391.0 436.5 486.7 542.3 603.6 671.5 746.4 829.3 920.9 1022.1 1133.9 1257.5 1394.1 File No.: 100 1527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-15 of B-43 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc, Table B-15: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient* a 9 e*
* F Gage Fluid P-T Curve P-T Curve Temperature K 1 1 Temperature Pressure&deg;F 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0&deg;ksi*inA0.5 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1&deg;ksi*in^0.5 13.8 13.8 14.2 14.6 15.1 15.6 16.1 16.8 17.4 18.2 19.1 20.0 21.0 22.1 23.4 24.8 26.3 28.0 29.9 31.9 34.2 36.8 39.5 42.6 46.0 49.8 54.0 58.6 63.7 76.76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 psi 0.0 283.0 291.6 301.0 311.5 323.1 335.9 350.0 365.6 382.9 401.9 423.0 446.3 472.0 500.5 531.9 566.7 605.1 647.5 694.4 746.2 803.5 866.8 936.8 1014.2 1099.6 1194.1 1298.5 1413.8 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-16 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncYe Table B-16: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient..- 9 9 3=&deg;ksi*inA0.5 "ksi*inAO.5 psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1 151.3 163.8 177.5 192.7 209.4 228.0 2.8 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.6 5.1 5.7 6.4 7.2 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.1 12.4 13.8 15.3 17.0 18.9 20.9 23.2 25.7 28.5 31.6 35.0 38.8 43.0 47.6 52.6 58.3 64.5 71.3 78.9 87.3 96.6 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 0.0 8.8 14.1 19.9 26.3 33.4 41.3 50.0 59.6 70.3 82.0 95.0 109.3 125.2 142.7 162.0 183.4 207.1 233.2 262.1 294.0 329.3 368.3 411.3 459.0 511.6 569.7 634.0 705.0 783.5 870.3 966.2 1072.1 1189.2 1318.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B- 17 of B-43 F0306-01 R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Table B-17: HNP-1, Bottom Head Region, Curve B Calculations, for All EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient a **
* U Gage FluId P-T Curve P-T Curve Temperature Temperature Pressure 76.76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0&deg;ksi*inAO.5 110.8 110.8 119.0 128.0 138.0 149.0 161.2 174.6 189.5&deg;ksi*inAO.5 43.9 43.9 47.9 52.5 57.4 63.0 69.0 75.8 83.2 76.76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 psi 0.0 715.7 785.1 861.8 946.6 1040.3 1143.8 1258.3 1384.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-I18 of B-43 F0306-01RI j7Structural Integrity Associates, /nc,5 Table B-18: HNP-I, FW Nozzle / Non-Beltline, Curve B Calculations, for All EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient.e* 9 U&deg;F ksi*in^0.5
&deg;ksi*inA0.5 psi 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 75.8 75.8 79.3 83.2 87.4 91.9 96.7 102.0 107.8 114.0 120.7 128.0 135.9 144.4 153.7 163.8 174.6 186.4 199.2 213.0 228.0 244.2 261.8 280.8 26.3 17.5 18.8 20.2 21.7 23.4 25.3 27.4 29.7 32.2 34.9 37.9 41.2 44.8 48.7 53.1 57.8 62.9 68.6 74.7 81.5 88.8 96.8 105.5 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 0.0 198.2 214.9 233.3 253.5 275.8 300.3 327.3 356.9 389.5 425.2 464.4 507.4 554.5 606.0 662.4 724.1 791.4 865.0 945.4 1033.1 1128.8 1233.1 1346.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B- 19 of B-43 F0306-01Rt Structural Integrity Associates, Inc Table B-19: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient O&deg;ksi*inA0.5
&deg;Fpsi 36.0 37.4 15.5 76.0 0.0 36.0 37.4 15.5 76.0 321.1 46.0 38.3 15.9 86.0 331.6 56.0 39.4 16.5 96.0 344.3 66.0 40.8 17.2 106.0 359.9 76.0 42.5 18.0 116.0 379.0 86.0 44.5 19.1 126.0 402.2 96.0 47.0 20.3 136.0 430.6 106.0 50.1 21.8 146.0 465.3 116.0 53.8 23.7 156.0 507.7 126.0 58.4 26.0 166.0 559.4 136.0 63.9 28.8 176.0 622.6 146.0 70.8 32.2 186.0 699.9 156.0 79.1 36.3 196.0 794.2 166.0 89.2 41.4 206.0 909.3 176.0 101.6 47.6 216.0 1050.0 186.0 116.8 55.2 226.0 1221.8 196.0 135.3 64.4 236.0 1431.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Page B-20 of B-43 Revision:
2 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Table B-20: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient Gage Fluid P-T Curve P-T Curve Temperature Temperature Pressure 36.36.0 46.0 56.0 66.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 216.0 226.0&deg;ksi*inAO.5 37.4 37.4 38.3 39.4 40.8 42.5 44.5 47.0 50.1 53.8 58.4 63.9 70.8 79.1 89.2 101.6 116.8 135.3 157.9 185.5 219.2&deg;ksi*inA0.5 10.0 10.0 10.4 11.0 11.7 12.5 13.6 14.8 16.3 18.2 20.5 23.3 26.7 30.8 35.9 42.1 49.7 58.9 70.2 84.1 100.9 76.76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 216.0 226.0 236.0 246.0 256.0 266.0 psi 0.0 109.3 115.7 123.6 133.2 144.9 159.2 176.7 198.1 224.2 256.0 295.0 342.5 400.6 471.5 558.1 663.9 793.2 951.0 1143.8 1379.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-21 of B-43 F0306-01RI S~tructural Integrity Associates, IncYe Table B-21:. HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0&deg;ksi*inA0.5 36.4 36.4 36.8 37.1 37.6 38.0 38.5 39.1 39.7 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9&deg;ksi*inAO.5 15.0 15.0 15.2 15.4 15.6 15.8 16.1 16.3 16.7 17.0 17.4 17.8 18.3 18.8 19.3 20.0 20.6 21.4 22.2 23.2 24.2 25.3 26.6 28.0 29.5 31.2 33.1 35.1 37.4 39.9 42.7 45.8 49.2 53.0 57.2 61.8&deg;F 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 246.0 psi 0.0 310.5 314.4 318.6 323.3 328.5 334.3 340.6 347.7 355.4 364.0 373.4 383.9 395.5 408.3 422.4 438.0 455.3 474.3 495.4 518.7 544.4 572.9 604.3 639.1 677.5 719.9 766.8 818.6 875.9 939.2 1009.2 1086.5 1172.0 1266.5 1370.8 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-22 of B-43 F0306-01R 1
Structural Integrity Associates, Inc: Table B-22: HNP-I, WLI (NI6) Nozzle Beitline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 1O 0 0F/hr Thermal Transient"F"ksi'inA0.5 "ksi'inA0.5"F psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 36.4 36.4 36.8 37.1 37.6 38.0 38.5 39.1 39.7 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1 9.5 9.5 9.7 9.9 10.1 10.3 10.6 10.8 11.2 11.5 11.9 12.3 12.8 13.3 13.8 14.5 15.1 15.9 16.7 17.7 18.7 19.8 21.1 22.5 24.0 25.7 27.6 29.6 31.9 34.4 37.2 40.3 43.7 47.5 51.7 56.3 61.4 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 246.0 251.0 0.0 102.8 105.1 107.8 110.7 113.9 117.4 121.3 125.6 130.4 135.7 141.5 148.0 155.1 163.0 171.6 181.3 191.9 203.6 216.6 231.0 246.8 264.3 283.7 305.1 328.7 354.9 383.7 415.7 450.9 489.9 533.0 580.6 633.3 691.4 755.7 826.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-23 of B-43 F0306-01 RI j&sect;Structural Integrity Associates, Inc:~216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 151.3 163.8 177.5 192.7 209.4 67.0 73.2 80.0 87.6 96.0 256.0 261.0 266.0 271.0 276.0 905.3 992.0 1087.9 1193.9 1311.0 Table B-23: HNP-I, Bottom Head Region, Curve C Calculations, for All EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient Temperature II*F &deg;ksi*inA0.5 36.0 68.1 36.0 68.1 41.0 71.7 46.0 75.8 51.0 80.3 56.0 85.2 61.0 90.7 66.0 96.7 71.0 103.4 76.0 110.8 81.0 119.0 86.0 128.0 91.0 138.0 96.0 149.0 101.0 161.2 106.0 174.6::Temperature Pesr&deg;ksi*inAO.5 OF psi 28.3 76.0 0.0 28.3 76.0 450.5 30.1 81.0 481.6 32.1 86.0 516.1 34.4 91.0 554.2 36.8 96.0 596.3 39.6 101.0 642.8 42.6 106.0 694.2 45.9 111.0 751.1 49.6 116.0 813.9 53.7 121.0 883.3 58.2 126.0 960.0 63.2 131.0 1044.8 68.7 136.0 1138.4 74.8 141.0 1242.0 81.5 146.0 1356.4 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-24 of B-43 F0306-01R 1
Structural Integrity Associates,/Inc.:
Table B-24: HNP-1, FW Nozzle / Non-Beltline, Curve C Calculations, for All EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient e 36.36.0 40.0 44.0 48.0 52.0 56.0 60.0 64.0 68.0 72.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0&deg;ksi*inAO.5 52.3 52.3 53.9 55.7 57.5 59.6 61.8 64.1 66.7 69.5 72.5 75.8 79.3 83.2 87.4 91.9 96.7 102.0 107.8 114.0 120.7 128.0 135.9 144.4 153.7 163.8 174.6 186.4 199.2 213.0 228.0 244.2 261.8 280.8&deg;ksi*inA0.5 psi 20.4 9.8 10.3 10.8 11.4 12.0 12.7 13.5 14.3 15.3 16.3 17.5 18.8 20.2 21.7 23.4 25.3 27.4 29.7 32.2 34.9 37.9 41.2 44.8 48.7 53.1 57.8 62.9 68.6 74.7 81.5 88.8 96.8 105.5 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 168.0 172.0 176.0 180.0 184.0 188.0 192.0 196.0 200.0 204.0 0.0 97.6 103.8 110.6 118.1 126.5 135.7 145.8 157.1 169.5 183.1 198.2 214.9 233.3 253.5 275.8 300.3 327.3 356.9 389.5 425.2 464.4 507.4 554.5 606.0 662.4 724.1 791.4 865.0 945.4 1033.1 1128.8 1233.1 1346.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-25 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrit, Associates, Inc." Table B-25: HNP-I, Beitline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient-9. D&deg;ksi*inA0.5
&deg;ksi*inAO.5 psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 37.4 37.4 37.8 38.3 38.8 39.4 40.1 40.8 41.6 42.5 43.4 44.5 45.7 47.0 48.5 50.1 51.8 53.8 56.0 58.4 61.0 63.9 67.2 70.8 74.7 79.1 83.9 89.2 95.1 101.6 108.8 116.8 125.6 135.3 12.3 12.3 12.5 12.8 13.0 13.3 13.6 14.0 14.4 14.8 15.3 15.9 16.5 17.1 17.9 18.7 19.5 20.5 21.6 22.8 24.1 25.6 27.2 29.0 31.0 33.2 35.6 38.2 41.2 44.4 48.0 52.0 56.4 61.3 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 0.0 248.7 253.7 259.2 265.2 271.9 279.3 287.5 296.6 306.6 317.6 329.8 343.3 358.2 374.7 392.9 413.0 435.3 459.9 487.0 517.1 550.3 586.9 627.5 672.3 721.8 776.5 836.9 903.8 977.6 1059.2 1149.4 1249.1 1359.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-26 of B-43 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.: Table B-26: HNP-1, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient GaeFli&deg;ksi*inAO.5"ksi*in^0.5 P-T Curve Temperature"F P-T Curve Pressure psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 37.4 37.4 37.8 38.3 38.8 39.4 40.1 40.8 41.6 42.5 43.4 44.5 45.7 47.0 48.5 50.1 51.8 53.8 56.0 58.4 61.0 63.9 67.2 70.8 74.7 79.1 83.9 89.2 95.1 101.6 108.8 116.8 125.6 135.3 146.0 157.9 171.0 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.8 4.3 4.9 5.5 6.1 6.8 7.6 8.5 9.5 10.6 11.8 13.1 14.6 16.2 18.0 20.0 22.1 24.5 27.2 30.2 33.4 37.0 41.0 45.4 50.2 55.6 61.5 68.1 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 246.0 251.0 0.0-12.3-9.3-5.9-2.2 2.0 6.5 11.6 17.1 23.3 30.1 37.6 45.9 55.1 65.2 76.4 88.8 102.5 117.7 134.4 152.9 173.3 195.9 220.9 248.4 278.9 312.6 349.8 391.0 436.5 486.7 542.3 603.6 671.5 746.4 829.3 920.9 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-27 of B-43 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.e 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 185.5 201.5 219.2 238.8 75.3 83.4 92.2 102.0 256.0 261.0 266.0 271.0 1022.1 1133.9 1257.5 1394.1 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-28 of B-43 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, InC*: Table B-27: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient e. 9&deg;F oksi*inAO.5
&deg;ksi*inA0.5 psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 36.4 36.4 36.8 37.1 37.6 38.0 38.5 39.1 39.7 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140,1 11.8 11.8 12.0 12.2 12.4 12.6 12.9 13.2 13.5 13.8 14.2 14.6 15.1 15.6 16.1 16.8 17.4 18.2 19.1 20.0 21.0 22.1 23.4 24.8 26.3 28.0 29.9 31.9 34.2 36.8 39.5 42.6 46.0 49.8 54.0 58.6 63.7 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 246.0 251.0 0.0 238.1 242.0 246.2 251.0 256.1 261.9 268.2 275.3 283.0 291.6 301.0 311.5 323.1 335.9 350.0 365.6 382.9 401.9 423.0 446.3 472.0 500.5 531.9 566.7 605.1 647.5 694.4 746.2 803.5 866.8 936.8 1014.2 1099.6 1194.1 1298.5 1413.8 File No.: 100 1527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-29 of B-43 F030-01R 1 Structural Integrity Associates, IncY Table B-28: HNP-1, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beitline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient Temprtr&deg;ksi*inA0.5
&deg;ksi~inA0.5 P &deg;FCrv P-T Curve Pressure psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 36.4 36.4 36.8 37.1 37.6 38.0 38.5 39.1 39.7 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.9 2.1 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.6 5.1 5.7 6.4 7.2 8.0 9.0 10.0 12.4 13.8 15.3 17.0 18.9 20.9 23.2 25.7 28.5 31.6 35.0 38.8 43.0 47.6 52.6 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 246.0 251.0 0.0-18.8-16.5-13.9-11.0-7.8-4.2-0.3 4.0 8.8 14.1 19.9 26.3 33.4 41.3 50.0 59.6 70.3 82.0 95.0 109.3 125.2 142.7 162.0 183.4 207.1 233.2 262.1 294.0 329.3 368.3 411.3 459.0 511.6 569.7 634.0 705.0 File No.: 100 1527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-30 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncYe 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 151.3 163.8 177.5 192.7 209.4 228.0 58.3 64.5 71.3 78.9 87.3 96.6 256.0 261.0 266.0 271.0 276.0 281.0 783.5 870.3 966.2 1072.1 1189.2 1318.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-31I of B-43 F0306-01 R1 S~tructural Integrity Associates, Inc.t Table B-29: HNP-1, Bottom Head Region, Curve C Calculations, for All EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Thermal Transient 9 OF ksi*in^0.5
&deg;ksi*in^0.5 psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 68.1 68.1 71.7 75.8 80.3 85.2 90.7 96.7 103.4 110.8 119.0 128.0 138.0 149.0 161.2 174.6 189.5 22.5 22.5 24.3 26.4 28.6 31.1 33.8 36.8 40.2 43.9 47.9 52.5 57.4 63.0 69.0 75.8 83.2 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 0.0 352.3 383.5 418.0 456.0 498.1 544.7 596.1 652.9 715.7 785.1 861.8 946.6 1040.3 1143.8 1258.3 1384.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-32 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, lnc.Y Table B-30: HNP-1, FW Nozzle / Non-Beitline, Curve C Calculations, for All EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient-.- 9&deg;F ksi*inAO.5
&deg;ksi*inA0.5 psi 36.0 36.0 40.0 44.0 48.0 52.0 56.0 60.0 64.0 68.0 72.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 52.3 52.3 53.9 55.7 57.5 59.6 61.8 64.1 66.7 69.5 72.5 75.8 79.3 83.2 87.4 91.9 96.7 102.0 107.8 114.0 120.7 128.0 135.9 144.4 153.7 163.8 174.6 186.4 199.2 213.0 228.0 244.2 261.8 280.8 14.6 9.8 10.3 10.8 11.4 12.0 12.7 13.5 14.3 15.3 16.3 17.5 18.8 20.2 21.7 23.4 25.3 27.4 29.7 32.2 34.9 37.9 41.2 44.8 48.7 53.1 57.8 62.9 68.6 74.7 81.5 88.8 96.8 105.5 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 168.0 172.0 176.0 180.0 184.0 188.0 192.0 196.0 200.0 204.0 0.0 97.6 103.8 110.6 118.1 126.5 135.7 145.8 157.1 169.5 183.1 198.2 214.9 233.3 253.5 275.8 300.3 327.3 356.9 389.5 425.2 464.4 507.4 554.5 606.0 662.4 724.1 791.4 865.0 945.4 1033.1 1128.8 1233.1 1346.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-33 of B-43 F0306-01RI jjStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.Curve A -Pressure Test, All Components-BL ....-N16 -- -- BH -.-FWN -* OCFR50 ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 hi u 0*1 400 300 200 100 0 0-I ____ ________ ________ _______100 150 200 250 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(*F)50 300 Figure B-I: HNP-1 (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A, 38 EFPY Note: BL is Beltline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-34 of B-43 F0306-01R I
Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Curve A -Pressure Test, All Components-BL .... N16 --BH -- --FWN 10CFR50 ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000 900.~800 p70'Ul UI E 0 i U-400 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(*F)250 300 Figure B-2: HNP-1 (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A, 49.3 EFPY Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-35 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, lncY Curve B -Core Not Critical, All Components-BL .... N16 --- BH --.-FWN -. 1OCFR50O....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000{90 6Il600 6Il500 SI 400 300 200 100 0 50}100 150 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(&deg;F)200 250 Figure B-3: HNP-I P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and 100OF/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-36 of B-43 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Curve B -Core Not Critical, All Components-BL ....-N16 --- BH -- -FWN -- 10CFRSO0....CDPN 1300- __1200 ~--1100 1000 ...900 I=ED 300 +200- _-100 0o 0 50 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(*F)250 300 Figure B-4:HINP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-37 of B-43 F0306-01R 1
~jjStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.e Curve B -Core Not Critical, All Components-BL .... N16 --BH -- --FWN -* OCFRSO ....CDPN 1300O-1200 1100 -,...1000 900 -.:800 S700j &#xf7;600 ---U 400 ...300: I I" I: l i* I___ I I *-ii;, 4/:17 II!/I I II I I I F i i t I i&#xf7;__I I I I I__~1~I I I I I I'I/2001! I tI/ ltll 100 4 4 ~-~----------~-,o i 250 0 4---50 300 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(*F)Figure B-5: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-38 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, lnc.e Curve B -Core Not Critical, All Components-BL ....-N16 --BH --.--FWN -, 1OCFR50 ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1O00 900 Ip7 6I e,0@16o E 400~300 200 I 100 0o4 0 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature (0 F)*250 50 300 Figure B-6: HNP-I P-T Curve B (Normal Operation
-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Note: BL is Beltline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-39 of B-43 F0306-01RI Sj~tructural Integrity Associates, Curve C -Core Critical, All Components-BL .... N16 --- BH --.-FWN -. 10CFR50 ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 S800 b700 S600~500 4-400 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(*F)250 300 Figure B-7: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 100&deg;F/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-40 of B-43 F0306-01RI V$tructural Integrity Associates, Ince Curve C -Core Critical, All Components-BL .... N16 -- -- BH -.-FWN IOCFRSO ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000 900.~800 p700 Els00 U-400 300 200 100 0 4-0 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(*F)50 250 300 Figure B-8: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 100 0 F/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-41 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncY t Curve C -Core Critical, All Components-BL ....-N16 --BH -.-FWN -. 1OCFR50 ... CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000 900.~800 p 700:; 600 6E w50 4OO 300 200 100 0 i &deg;- I 100 150 200 Minimum Reacto Vessel Metal Temperature I*F)300 Figure B-9: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Note: BL is Beltline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-42 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, InY Curve C -Core Critical, All Components-BL .... N16 --BH I- --FWN -10CFR50 ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1O00 900700 U E--P 0 V A-0 400 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature
(&deg;F)300 Figure B-10: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation
-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200&deg;F/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:
2 Page B-43 of B-43 F0306-01R 1}}

Latest revision as of 00:18, 17 March 2019

Calculation No. 1001527.304, Revision 2, Hatch Unit 1, P-T Curve Calculation for 38 and 49.3 EFPY
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 09/10/2014
From: Sommerville D V
Structural Integrity Associates
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML15322A088 List:
NL-15-2034 1001527.304, Rev. 2
Download: ML15322A092 (92)


S ' Structural Integrity Associates, IncY File No.: 1001527.304 li No.: 1400365 CALCULATION PACKAGE Quality Program: [] Nuclear [] Commercial PROJECT NAME: Plant Hatch Unit 1 &2 P-T Curve Evaluation CONTRACT NO.: P0: SNC19354-0010, Rev. 1 CONTRACT:

19354, Rev. 4 CALCULATION TITLE: Hatch Unit 1 P-T Curve Calculation for 38 and 49.3 EFPY Document Affected Project Manager Preparer(s)

& Checker(s)

Revision Description ApprovalSintrs&De Revision Pages __________


& DateSintrs&De 0 1 -45 Initial Issue Responsible Engineer A-i -A-3 R. Gnagne B-i -B-43 D. V. Sommerville 12/30/2011 12/30/2011 Responsible Verifier G. Licina 12/30/2011 D. V. Sommerville 12/30/2011 117 Citations for References Responsible Engineer[1] and [2] have been updated to show citation D.V. Sommerville M. Qin for NRC approved 9/19/2013 9/19/2013 versions.

Citation for Reference

[10] has been Responsible verifier updated to show current revision.


[10] D. V. Sommerville was revised for the same 9/19/2013 reason as identified above for References

[1] and[2]. No technical changes are made for this revision.Page 1 of 46 F0306-01IRI V' Structural Integrity Associates,/Inc.Y File No.: 1001527.304Project No.: 1001527 CALCULATION PACKAGE Quality Program: [] Nuclear LI] Commercial CALCULATION TITLE: Hatch Unit 1 P-T Curve Calculation for 38 and 49.3 EFPY Document Affected Project Manager Peae~)&Cekrs Reiin PgsRevision Description Approval Prepaurers)

& C atekrs Revision__Pages



& DateSintrs&De 2 6, 7, 9, 11 -34, Revised to incorporate Responsible Engineer 37 -46 updated fluence data 7 '¢A-I -A-3 to address NRC condition B-1 -B-43 for SIR-05-044-Rev.

1-A regarding lowest service D. V. Sommerville temperature.

9/10/2014 D. V. Sommerville for C. J. Oberembt 9/10/2014 Responsible Verifier D. V. Sommerville 9/10/20 14 Page 2 of 46 F0306-O1R 1

VStructural Integrity Associates, IncY Table of Contents





6 3.0 ASSUMPTIONS...........................................................................

12 4.0 DESIGN INPUTS.......................14





15 5.1 Pressure Test (Curve A)...........................................................

15 5.2 Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical (Curve B)...............................

16 5.3 Normal Operation

-Core Critical (Curve C)....................................








18 APPENDIX A : P -T CURVE INPUT LISTING ..............................................



B-i File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 3 of 46 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, IncY List of Tables Table 1 : Summary of Minimum Temperature Requirements for P-T Limit Curves...................

11 Table 2: HNP-1 Beitline Region, Curve A, for 38 EFPY ...............................................

19 Table 3: HNP-1 Beitline Region, Curve A, for 49.3 EFPY .............................................

20 Table 4: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve A, for All EFPY ........................................

21 Table 5: HNP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve A, for All EFPY... .....................................

21 Table 6: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve B, for 38 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient


22 Table 7: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve B; for 49.3 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient

.......23 Table 8: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve B, for 38 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient


24 Table 9: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve B, for 49.3 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient

......25 Table 10: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve B for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient...

26 Table 11: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve B for All EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient...

27 Table 12: HNP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve B, for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient

.. 28 Table 13: HNP- 1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve B, for All EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient

..29 Table 14: HiNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 38 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient.........

30 Table 15: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 49.3 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient

.....31 Table 16: H-NP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 38 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient.......32 Table 17: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 49.3 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient

.....33 Table 18: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve C for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient...

34 Table 19: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve C for All EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient...

35 Table 20: HNP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve C, for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient

.. 36 Table 21: HNP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve C, for All EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient

.. 36 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 4 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.e List of Figures Figure 1: INP-1 (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A, 38 EFPY.......................

37 Figure 2: HNP-1 (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A, 49.3 EFPY ...............

.....38 Figure 3: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and 100 0 F/hr....39 Figure 4: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 100°F/hr .. 40 Figure 5: TNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr....41 Figure 6: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr .. 42 Figure 7: J-NP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 100OF/hr.........

43 Figure 8: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and lOO°F/hr......44 Figure 9: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-. Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 200°F/hr.........

45 Figure 10: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200°F/hr.....46 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 5 of 46 F0306-01R1 VStructural Integrity Associates,


This calculation develops pressure-temperature (P-T) limit curves for the beltline, bottom head, and non-beitline regions of the Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 (HNP-1) reactor pressure vessel (RPV). The P-T curves are developed for 38 and 49.3 effective full power years (EFPY) of operation, and for 100OF/hr and 200°F/hr thermal transients.

The P-T curves are prepared using the methods documented in the Boiling Water Reactor Owner's Group (BWROG) Licensing Topical Reports (LTRs), "Pressure Temperature Limits Report Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors" [ 1] and "Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics Evaluation of General Electric Boiling Water Reactor Water Level Instrument Nozzles for Pressure-Temperature Curve Evaluations" [2]. These LTRs satisfy the requirements of 1OCFR50 Appendix G [3] and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Code,Section XI, Non-mandatory Appendix G [4].2.0 METHODOLOGY A full set of P-T curves, applicable to the following plant conditions, are prepared: 1. Pressure Test (Curve A), 2. Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical (Curve B), and 3. Normal Operation

-Core Critical (Curve C).For each plant condition above, separate curves are provided for each of the following three regions of the RPV as well as a composite curve for the entire RPV: 1. The beltline region, 2. The bottom head region, 3. The non-beltline region, 4. Composite curve (bounding curve for all regions)In some cases, a region may contain more than one component which is considered for development of the associated P-T curve. For HINP-1, the curve for each vessel region identified above is composed from the bounding P-T limits determined for the following components:

1. Beltline: a. Beltline shell b. Water level instrument (WLI) nozzle, N16 2. Non-beltline
a. Feedwater (FW) nozzle b. 10CFR50 Appendix G limits [3]3. Bottom Head: a. Bottom head penetrations (in-core monitor housings, control rod drive housings)b. Core DP nozzle Consequently, separate curves are prepared for each component considered for each region then a bounding curve is drawn from the individual curves.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 6 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, /nc?Complete sets of P-T curves, as identified above, are provided for a 100 °F/hr and 200 °F/hr thermal transient at 38 and 49.3 EFPY of operation.

The methodology for calculating P-T curves, described below, is taken from Reference

[1] unless specified otherwise.

Additional guidance regarding analysis of WLI nozzles is taken from Reference[2].The P-T curves are calculated by means of an iterative procedure, in which the following steps are performed:

Step 1: A fluid temperature, T, is assumed. The P-T curves are calculated considering a postulated flaw with a 6:1 aspect ratio that extends '1/4 of the way through the vessel wall. The temperature at the postulated flaw tip is assumed equal to the coolant temperature.

Step 2: The static fracture toughness, K 1 0 , is computed using the following equation: K 1 c 33.2 + 20.734 .e°°2(r-AT)

(1)Where: K 1 0 = the lower bound static fracture toughness (ksi'lin).

T = the metal temperature at the tip of the postulated 1/4 through-wall flaw (0 F).ART = the Adjusted Reference Temperature (ART) for the limiting material in the RPV region under consideration

(°F).Step 3: The allowable stress intensity factor due to pressure, Kip, is calculated as: Kzp -(2)Where: K 1 ip the allowable stress intensity factor due to membrane (pressure) stress (ksi'Iin).

Ki 0 the lower bound static fracture toughness calculated in Eq. (1)(ksi\Iin).

Kit the thermal stress intensity factor (ksi Win) from through wall thermal gradients.

SF =the ASME Code recommended safety factor, based on the reactor condition.

For hydrostatic and leak test conditions (i.e., P-T Curve A), SF = 1.5. For normal operation, both core non-critical and core critical (i.e., P-T Curves B and C), SF =2.0.When calculating values for Curve A, the thermal stress intensity factor is neglected (Kit = 0), since the hydrostatic leak test is performed at or near isothermal conditions (typically, the rate of temperature change is 25°F/hr or less).File No.: 1001527.304 Page 7 of 46 Revision:

2 FO306-01R1 VStructural Integrity Associates, IncY For Curve B and Curve C calculations, K 1 t is computed in different ways based on the evaluated region. For the beitline, with the exception of nozzles, and bottom head regions, Kit is determined using the following equation: K 1 , =O0.953 x10-3**CR. t 2 5 (3)Where: CR = the cooldown rate of the vessel (°F/hr).t= the RPV wall thickness (in).For the FW nozzle, K 1 t is obtained from the stress distribution output of a plant specific finite element analyses (FEA). A polynomial curve-fit is determined for the through-wall stress distribution at the bounding time point. The linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) solution for K 1 t is: K 1 ,no0.06C,0.57 2 c 1 0.48 +2 0.33 ~3 1(4 Where: a =/1/4 through-wall postulated flaw depth, a = 1/4 t (in).t = thickness of the cross-section through the nozzle at the limiting path near the inner blend radius (in).Cot,Clt, = thermal stress polynomial coefficients, obtained from a curve-Czt,C 3 t fit of the extracted stresses from a transient FEA.The thermal stress polynomial coefficients are based on the assumed polynomial form ofo'(x) =Co +C 1.x +C 2* x 2 + C 3*. x 3.In this equation, "x" represents the radial distance in inches from the inside surface to any point on the crack face.For the WLI nozzle, the nozzle assembly consists of an insert attached to the RPV with a partial penetration weld. The nozzle material is not ferritic and does not need to be specifically evaluated.

However, the effect of the penetration on the adjacent shell must be considered.


[2, Equation 8-2] provides the following simplified solution for the thermal stress intensity factor due to a 1 00°F/hr thermal ramp transient:

Ki1-ramp = 874,

+t.)-]-20.715 (5)Where: Ki-ramp = the K 1 t (thermal stress intensity factor from through wall thermal gradients) for a WLI nozzle subjected to 1 00°F/hr thermal transient (ksi\/in).

ct = the instrument nozzle material coefficient of thermal expansion at the highest thermal ramp temperature (in/in/°F).

tv = the vessel thickness (in).tn = the nozzle thickness (in).File No.: 1001527.304 Page 8 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI VStructural Integrity Associates, IncY Larger heat-up/cool-down rates are conservatively considered by scaling the stress intensity factor obtained using Eq. (5) by the ratio of the desired heat-up/cool-down rate to 100 °F/hr.Since the P-T curves are applicable to all Level A/B events, the bounding Level A/B events, for each region and component, identified from the vessel and nozzle thermal cycle diagrams[7], are considered when calculating the Kit above.Step 4: The allowable internal pressure of the RPV is calculated differently for each evaluation region.For the beltline region, with the exception of nozzles, the allowable pressure is determined as follows: Pallow -M m .R (6)Where: Pailow = the allowable RPV internal pressure (psig).Kip = the allowable stress intensity factor due to membrane (pressure) stress, as defined in Eq. (2) t = the RPV wall thickness (in).Mm = the membrane correction factor for an inside surface axial flaw: Mm =1.85 for /t< 2 Mm = 0.926 "It for 2 <.It < 3.464 Mm =3.21 for "It >3.464.Ri = the inner radius of the RPV, per region (in).For the bottom head region, the allowable pressure is calculated with the following equation: 2.K .t Polw= (7)SCF. Mm

  • R, Where: SCF = conservative stress concentration factor to account for bottom head penetration discontinuities; SCF = 3.0 per Reference

[1].Paiiow, K 1 p, t, Mm and Ri are defined in Eq. (6).The bottom head region methodology for calculating the allowable pressure shown in Eq. (7)above is applied for the thicker shell portion of the HNP-1 bottom head. It is noted that the Core DP nozzle at HNP-1 penetrates a section of the bottom head in which the shell is 3 3/16" thick. Use of Eq. (7) to treat the effect of the penetration would be excessively conservative.

Preliminary calculations showed that this approach produced a bottom head curve which bounded the entire vessel. Consequently, the effect of the Core DP nozzle penetration is considered in a manner similar to the FW nozzle, as described below.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 9 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.P For the FW nozzle the allowable pressure is determined from a ratio of the allowable and applied stress intensity factors. The applied factor can be determined from a FEA that determines the stresses due to the internal pressure on the nozzle and RPV. The methodology for this approach is as follows: p K 1 p "ref altlow, -(8)Where: Pref = RPV internal pressure at which the FEA stress coefficients (Eq.(9)) are determined (psi).KIp-app --the applied pressure stress intensity factor Pallow and K 1 p are defined as in Eq. (6)..The applied pressure stress intensity factor is determined using a polynomial curve-fit approximation for the through-wall pressure stress distribution from a FEA and the LEFM solution given in Eq. (4): -p 0.448/-i-12p

+ 0.393(- C~ 9 Where: a = 1/4 through-wall postulated flaw depth, a = 1/4 t (in).t = thickness of the cross-section through the limiting nozzle inner blend radius corner (in).C~,l,= pressure stress polynomial coefficients, obtained from a curve-C~,~ fit of the extracted stresses from a FEA.For the WLI nozzle, the nozzle .material is not ferritic and does not need to be specifically evaluated.

However, the effect of the penetration on the adjacent shell must be considered.

The allowable pressure is determined from the ratio of the allowable and applied stress intensity factors given in Equation 8. The applied stress intensity factor, for a 1000 psig load case, is calculated generically as follows [2, Equation 8-1]: KI Pressure =2.9045IR tF.+ +/-t,, 1-4.434 (10)-L. ]" Where: KI-pressure

=generic Kip-app for the WLI nozzle (ksi'lin).

R = RPV nominal inside radius (in).tv and tn are described as in Eq. (5).The allowable pressure for the WLI nozzle is then calculated using Eq. (8), similar to the FW nozzle.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 10 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.*Step 5: Steps 1 through 4 are repeated in order to generate a series of P-T points; the fluid temperature is incremented with each repetition.

Calculations proceed in this iterative manner until 1,300.psig. This value bounds expected pressures.

Step 6: Table 1 below summarizes the minimum temperature requirements contained in 10OCFR50, Appendix G [3, Table 1], which are applicable to the material highly stressed by the main closure flange bolt preload (non-beltline curve). SI also includes additional minimum temperature requirements for bolt-up as shown in Table 1 below.Table 1: Summary of Minimum Temperature Requirements for P-T Limit Curves.Maximum of: ASME Appendix G [4]P<O P RTNDT,max, requirements A

  • 60 0 F [1],* TSDM P > 20% Ph RTNDT,max

+ 90 0 FASEpeniG[4 requirements Maximum of: ASME Appendix G [4]*< %hRTNDT,max, requirements B

  • 60 0 F [1],* TSDM _______________

P> 20% Ph RTNDT, max + 120 0 FASEpeniG[4 requirements Maximum of: ASME Appendix G [4]P<OhRTNDT, max + 60 0 F, requirements

+ 40 °F* 60 0 F [1], C

  • TSDM Maximum of: ASME Appendix G [4]P > 20% Ph
  • RTNDT, max + 160 0 F, requirements

+ 40 0 F* TISHT______________

___wnHere: t~h iS me pre-servlce nyUorotes pressure, 1~on psig RTNBT,ma, is the maximum RTNoT of the vessel materials highly stressed by the bolt preload.TSDM is the temperature used in the shutdown margin evaluation T lisfrr is the temperature at which the full in-service hydrotest pressure is allowed per Curve A Note that the minimum bolt-up temperature of 60°F, is used here, consistent with the position given in Reference

[1]. Further, some utilities specifically request that the minimum moderator temperature used in the plant shutdown margin evaluation be applied as a minimum bolt-up temperature requirement; therefore, it is also included in Table 1 above. However, to address the NRC condition regarding lowest service temperature in Reference

[1 ], the minimum temperature is set to 76 0 F, which is equal to the RTNDT, max + 60 0 F. This value is consistent with the File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 11 of 46 F0306-01IR1 V Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.'previous minimum temperature limits developed in [11], and is higher than the minimum bolt-up temperature specified in [ 12].Step 7: Uncertainty in the RPV pressure and metal temperature measurements is incorporated by adjusting the P-T curve pressure and temperature using the following equations:

TpTr = T +UT (11)PP-r = -PH- UP (12)Where: Tp-T = The allowable coolant (metal) temperature (0 F).UT = The coolant temperature instrument uncertainty (0 F).PP-j = The allowable reactor pressure (psig).P 1 1 = The pressure head to account for the water in the RPV (psig).Can be calculated from the following expression:

PIH= p"Ah.p = Water density at ambient temperature (lb/in 3).Ah = Elevation of full height water level in RPV (in).Up = The pressure instrument uncertainty (psig).Steps 1 through 7, above, are implemented for all components, in all regions, for each heat-up/cool-down rate, and at all EFPY.3.0 " ASSUMPTIONS The 10OCFR5 0 Appendix G [3] and AsME Code [4] requirements and methods are considered to be supported in their respective technical basis documentation; therefore, the assumptions inherent in the ASME B&PV Code methods utilized for this evaluation are not specifically identified and justified in this calculation.

Only those assumptions specific to this calculation are identified and justified here.The following assumptions are used in preparation of the HNP- 1 P-T curves:.1. The bounding ART for the beltline materials is used in the calculation of the WLI nozzle curve.This assumption is conservative since the WLI nozzle is located near the upper limit of the beltline region and the cumulative fluence at this location is substantially lower than for the beitline location corresponding to the peak fluence. Use of a fluence representative of the location in the beltline shell corresponding to the WLJ nozzle location would result in an ART, local to the WLI nozzle, which is lower than used in the present evaluation.

Since the fluence at the WLI nozzle location is not specifically provided in the available fluence analysis results, the peak beltline value is used in this calculation.

Conservatism can be removed from the P-T curves by considering a WLI nozzle fluence in the ART calculation

[5], which would result in a lower ART used in the WLI nozzle beltline curve.2. The full-vessel height is used in the calculation of the static head contributed by the coolant in the RPV.This assumption is conservative in that the static head at the non-beltline regions is slightly lower than that of the bottom head curve; however, the difference in static head is small; therefore, the File No.: 1001527.304 Page 12 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncY added complexity in considering different static head values for each region of the vessel is not considered beneficial.

3. The FW nozzle is the bounding non-beltline component of the RPV.This assumption is made because: a. The geometric discontinuity caused by the nozzle penetration in the RPV shell causes a stress concentration which results in larger pressure induced stresses than would be calculated in the shell regions of the RPV.b. The FW nozzle experiences more severe thermal transients than most of the other nozzles because of the feedwater injection temperature which causes larger thermal stresses than are experienced in the shell region of the RPV.c. Although some other nozzles can experience thermal transients, which Would cause thermal stresses larger than those calculated for the shell regions of the RPV, and some nozzles are larger diameter than the FW nozzle, which could result in a slightly larger K 1 p, the combined stresses from the applied thermal and pressure loads are considered to bound all other non-beltiline discontinuities.
4. Application of a SCF = 3.0 to the membrane pressure stress in the bottom head bounds the effect of the bottom head penetrations on the stress field in this region of the vessel.Bottom head penetrations will create geometric discontinuities into the bottom head hemisphere resulting in high localized stresses.

This effect must be considered in calculating the stress intensity factor from internal pressure.

Rather than performing a plant specific analysis, SI applies a conservative SCF for a circular hole in a flat plate subjected to a uniaxial load to the membrane stress in the shell caused by the internal pressure.

The assumption of SCF -- 3.0 is conservative because: a. It applies a peak SCF to the membrane stress which essentially, intensifies the stress through the entire shell thickness and along the entire crack face of the postulated flaw rather than intensifying the stress local to the penetration and considering the stress attenuation away from the penetration, b. Review of SCFs for circular holes in plates subjected to an equi-bi-axial stress state as well as SCFs for arrays of circular holes in shells, shows that the SCF is likely closer to 2-2.5 rather than 3.0.Consequently, the method utilized by SI is expedient, as intended, and conservatively bounds the expected effect of bottom head penetrations because a bounding SCF is used and applied as a membrane stress correction factor.5. ASME XI, Non-mandatory Appendix G, Paragraph G-22 14.3 [4] is used to calculate the thermal stress intensity factor for heat-up / cool-down rates greater than 100 °F/hr.The ASME Code [4] acknowledges that this methodology is conservative when applied to heat-up / cool-down rates greater than 100 0 F/hr; therefore, the results obtained using this method for the 200 0 F/hr heat-up / cool-down rate are conservative.

Conservatism can be removed, if File No.: 1001527.304 Page 13 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrit, Associates, Inc?necessary, by solving the thermo-elastic problem for the stresses in the vessel shell then calculating the stress intensity factor using the plant specific stress distribution.


INPUTS The design inputs, also included in Appendix A, used to develop the HNP-1 P-T curves are discussed below: 1. Limiting RTNDT and ART [5]: Non-beltline:


Bottom Head: Beltline:*38 EFPY: 49.3 EFPY: 2. Shutdown Margin Temperature

[9]: 3. RPV Dimensions*.[6]:

Full vessel height: RPV inside radius: RPV shell thickness:

Bottom head inside radius: Bottom head shell thickness:

4. Heat-up / Cool-down Rates [8]: 5. Nozzle Stress Intensity Factors [1I0]: FW Nozzle: 1 ksi Pressure: 100 °F/hr: 200 °F/hr: 450°F shock: WLI Nozzle: 1 ksi Pressure: 100 °F/hr: 200 °F/hr: 40 *F (bounding value for non-belItline region, excluding bottom head)16 0 F (bounding value for materials highly stressed by bolt preload)10 0 F 116.3 OF 129.0 °F 68 0 F 836.75 inches (Used to calculate maximum water head during pressure test and conservatively applied for normal operation as well)110.375 inches 5.375 inches 110.5 inches 3.188 inches (in region with Core DP penetration) 6.813 inches (in region with CRD9 penetrations) 100 0 F/hr 200 0 F/hr 76.6 ksi-in°5 11.5 ksi-in°5 23.1 ksi-in°5 65.3 ksi-in°5 71.6 ksi-in 0 5 17.4 ksi-in 0 5 34.8 ksi-in 0 5 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 14 of 46 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Core DP Nozzle: 1 ksi Pressure:

32.3 ksi-in°5 100 °F/hr: 1.73 ksi-in°5 200 °F/hr: 3.46 ksi-in°5 6. Design Pressure [7]:, 1250 psig 7. Pre-service Hydro-test pressure [7]: 1563 psig (Taken as 1.25 *Design pressure = 1563 psig)8. Instrument uncertainties

[8]: Pressure:

0 psig Temperature:

0*F 5.0 CALCULATIONS The P-T curves in this calculation were developed using an Excel spreadsheet, which is independently verified for use on a project-specific basis in accordance with SI's Nuclear QA program. Four cases are evaluated, corresponding to two EFPY values (38 and 49.3) and two cool-down rates (100 and 200°F/hr). P-T limits are calculated from 0 to 1300 psig. Supporting calculations for all curves are included in Appendix B.Because BWR operation is typically along the saturation curve, the limiting K 1 t for the FW nozzle is scaled to reflect the worst-case step change due to the available temperature difference between the saturation temperature at a given pressure and the 100 0 F feedwater temperature.

It is recognized that at low temperatures, the available temperature difference is insignificant, which could result in a near zero Kit. Therefore, a minimum K 1 u is calculated for both the 100 0 F/hr and 200 0 F/hr cool-down rates; scaling of the non-beltline

/ feedwater nozzle Kit based on the available temperature difference is not allowed below the minimum Kit corresponding to the cool-down rate, being evaluated.

The composite P-T curves are extended below 0 psig to -14.7 psig based on the evaluation documented in Reference

[13], which demonstrates that the P-T curves are applicable to negative gauge pressures.

Since the P-T curve calculation methods used do not specifically apply to negative values of pressure, the tabulated results start at 0 psig. However, the minimum RPV pressure is -14.7 psig.5.1 Pressure Test (Curve A)The minimum bolt-up temperature of 76 0 F minus instrument uncertainty (0°F) is applied to all regions as the initial temperature in the iterative calculation process. The static fracture toughness (Kit) is calculated for all regions using Eq. (1). The resulting value of K 1 t, along with a safety factor ofl .5 is used in Eq. (2) to calculate the pressure stress intensity factor (K 1 p). The allowable RPV pressure is calculated for the beltline, bottom head and Non-Beltline regions 'using Eq. (6, 7, and 8), as appropriate.

For the non-beltline region (feedwater nozzle / upper vessel), the additional constraints specified in Step 6 of Section 2.0 are applied. Final P-T limits for temperature and pressure are obtained from Eq. (12 and 13), respectively.

File No.: 1001527.304 Page 15 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI VStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Since the thermal stress intensity factor is taken as zero for Curve A, the cool-down rates do not affect the results for Curve A.Values for the composite beltline region curves for 38 and 49.3 EFPY are listed in Table 2 and Table 3, respectively.

Additionally, more detailed data for the composite beltline are provided in Appendix B.Data for the composite bottom head region curve for all EFPY is listed in Table 4. Data for the composite non-beltline (feedwater nozzle / upper vessel) region curve, including the 10OCFR50 Appendix G [4] limits, for all EFPY is listed in Table 5. The data for each region is graphed, and the resulting composite Curve A for 38 and 49.3 EFPY are provided in Figure 1 and Figure 2, respectively.

Additional data and curves for each region are included in Appendix B.5.2 Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical (Curve B)The minimum bolt-up temperature of 76°F minus coolant temperature instrument uncertainty (0 0 F) is applied to all regions as the initial temperature in the iterative calculation process. The static fracture toughness (Kic) is calculated for all regions using Eq. (1). The thermal stress intensity factor (K 1 t) is calculated for the beltline plate and bottom head regions using Eq. (3), for the FW nozzle using Eq. (4), and for the WLI (N16) nozzle using Eq. (5).The resulting values of Kit and Kit, along with a safety factor of 2.0, are used in Eq. (2) to calculate the pressure stress intensity factor (K 1 p). The allowable RPV pressure is calculated for the beltline, bottom head, and non-beltline regions using Eq. (6, 7, and 8), as appropriate.

For the non-beltline (FW nozzle /upper vessel) region, the additional constraints specified in Step 6 of Section 2.0 are applied. Final P-T limits for temperature and pressure are obtained from Eq. (12 and 13), respectively.

The data resulting from each P-T curve calculation is tabulated.

Values for the composite beltline region with a 100°F/hr cool-down rate at 38 and 49.3 EFPY are listed in Table 6 and Table 7, respectively.

Values for the composite beltline region with a 200°F/hr cool-down rate at 38 and 49.3 EFPY are listed in Table 8 and Table 9, respectively.

Data for the bottom head region with 1 00°F/hr and 200°F/hr cool-down rates are listed in Table 10 and Table 11, respectively.

Data for the FW nozzle/ upper vessel region with 100°F/hr and 200°F/hr cool-down rates are listed in Table 12 and Table 13, respectively.

The data for each region is graphed, and the resulting composite Curve B for 38 and 49.3 EFPY with a 1O 0 0F/hr cool-down rate are provided in Figure 3 and Figure 4, respectively.

The resulting composite Curve B for 38 and 49.3 EFPY with a 200°F/hr cool-down rate are provided in Figure 5 and Figure 6, respectively.

Additional data and curves for each region are included in Appendix B.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 16 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01R1 Structural.lIntegrity Associates, IncY 5.3 Normal Operation

-Core Critical (Curve C)The pressure and temperature values for Curve C are calculated in a similar manner as Curve B, with several exceptions.

The initial evaluation temperature is calculated as the limiting non-beltline RTNDT that is highly stressed by the bolt preload (in this case, that of the closure flange region: 16 0 F per Section 3.0) plus 60°F, resulting in a minimum critical temperature of 76 °F. When the pressure exceeds 20% of the system hydrostatic test pressure (20% of 1,563 psig =313 psig), the P-T limits are specified as 40°F higher than the Curve B values. The minimum temperature above the 20%of the pre-service system hydrostatic test pressure is always greater than the reference temperature (RTNDT) of the closure region plus 160°F, or is taken as the minimum temperature required for the hydrostatic pressure test. The final Curve C values are taken as the absolute maximum between the regions of the beitline, the bottom head, and the non-beitline.

The data resulting from each P-T curve calculation is tabulated.

Values for the composite beltllne region with a 100°F/hr cool-down rate at 38 and 49.3 EFPY are listed in Table 14 and Table 15, respectively.

Values for the composite beltline region with a 200°F/hr cool-down rate at 38 and 49.3 EFPY are listed in Table 16 and Table 17, respectively.

Data for the bottom head region with 100°F/hr and 200°F/hr cool-down rates are listed in Table 18 and Table 19, respectively.

Data for the non-beltline (FW nozzle / upper vessel) region with 100°F/hr and 200°F/hr cool-down rates are listed in Table 20 and Table 21, respectively.

The data for each region is graphed, and the resulting composite Curve C for 38 and 49.3 EFPY with a 100°F/hr cool-down rate are provided in Figure 7 and Figure 8, respectively.

The resulting composite Curve C for 38 and 49.3 EFPY with a 200°F/hr cool-down rate are provided in Figure 9 and Figure 10, respectively.

Additional data and curves for each region are included in Appendix B.Note that the Beltline Region curves for the 200 0 F/hr thermal transient at 38 and 49.3 EFPY shown in Tables 16 and 17 and Figures 9 and 10 exhibit negative pressures at the lower end of the curve. This is non-realistic and essentially indicates a higher minimum temperature for this region than for the other regions of the RPV. Since these curves are not intended for normal operation and are intended only to disposition out-of-specification thermal transients these results do not pose any operational difficulties.


S P-T curves are developed for JINP-1 using the methodology, assumptions, and design inputs defined in Sections 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0. P-T curves are developed for the beltline, bottom head, and non-beltline regions, considering a 100 0 F/hr and 200 *F/hr thermal transient at 38 and 49.3 EFPY, for the following plant conditions:

Pressure Test (Curve A), Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical (Curve B), and Normal Operation

-Core Critical (Curve C). Tabulated pressure and temperature values are provided for all regions and EFPYs in Tables 2 through 21. The accompanying P-T curve plots are provided in Figures 1 through 10.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 17 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-0 1RI VStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y


1. Structural Integrity Associates Report No. SIR-05-044, Revision 1-A, "Pressure-Temperature Limits Report Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors," June 2013, SI File No. GE-10Q-401.
2. Structural Integrity Associates Report No. 0900876.40 1, Revision 0-A, "Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics Evaluation of General Electric Boiling Water Reactor Water Level Instrument Nozzles for Pressure-Temperature Curve Evaluations," May 2013.3. U. S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Energy, Part 50, "Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," Appendix G, "Fracture Toughness Requirements," (60 FR 65474, Dec.19, 1995; 73 FR 5723, Jan. 2008).4. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, Rules for In-Service Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, Appendix G, "Fracture Toughness Criteria for Protection Against Failure," 2001 Edition including the 2003 Addenda.5. Structural Integrity Associates Calculation No. 1001527.301, Rev 1, "Hatch Unit 1 RPV Material Summary and ART Calculation." 6. General Electric Drawing No. E-234-270, Revision 3, "General Arrangement Elevation for: 218" I.D. BWR," SI File No. 100 1527.208.7. General Electric Drawing No. I135B9990, "Nozzle Thermal Cycles (Feedwater)," SI File 1001527.211.
8. Design Input Requests: a. DIR, Revision 2, "Revised P-T Curves for Plant Hatch Units 1&2," SI File No.1001527.201.
b. DIR, Revision 0, "Hatch Units 1 and 2 P-T Curve Revisions," SI File No. 1400365.200.
9. General Electric Document No. GE-NE-BI1 10069 1-01R1, "Plant Hatch Unit 1 RPV Surveillance Materials Testing and Analysis," March 1997, 51 File No. 1001527.202.
10. Structural Integrity Associates Calculation No. 1001527.303, Revision 1, "Feedwater, Water Level Instrument, and Core DP Nozzle Fracture Mechanics Evaluation for Hatch Unit 1 and Unit 2 Pressure-Temperature Limit Curve Development.
11. General Electric Document No. GE-NE-B1 100827-00-01, "Plant Hatch Units 1 & 2 RPV Pressure Temperature Limits License Renewal Evaluation," March 1999, SI File No. 1400365.202.
12. NRC Docket No. 50-321, "Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit No. 1, Amendment to Facility Operating License," Amendment No. 59, License No. DPR-57, ADAMS Accession No.ML0 12950436, SI File No. 1400365.202.
13. SI Calculation No. 1400365.30 1, Rev. 0, "Hatch RPV Vacuum Assessment." File No.: 1001527.304 Page 18 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Table 2: HNP-I Beltline Region, Curve A, for 38 EFPY°F psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 365.2 98.8 415.1 114.4 465.0 126.3 514.9 135.9 564.8 144.0 614.7 150.9 664.6 157.0 714.5 162.4 764.5 167.3 814.4 171.8 864.3 175.8 914.2 179.6 964.1 183.1 1014.0 186.4 1063.9 189.5 1113.8 192.4 1163.7 195.2 1213.6 197.8 1263.5 200.2 1313.5 202.6 1363.4 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 19 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc Table 3:HINP-1 Beltline Region, Curve A, for 49.3 EFPY.A 9. .-76.76.0 103.3 120.9 133.9 144.2 152.7 160.0 166.4 172.0 177.1 181.7 185.9 189.8 193.4 196.7 199.9 202.9 205.7 208.3 210.8 213.2 psi 0.0 345.8 394.5 443.2 491.9 540.6 589.3 638.0 686.6 735.3 784.0 832.7 881.4 930.1 978.8 1027.4 1076.1 1124.8 1173.5 1222.2 1270.9 1319.6 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 20 of 46 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, lncY Table 4: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve A, for All EFPY OF psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 1226.1 78.7 1274.2 81.2 1322.4 83.6 1370.5 Table 5: HNP-Z Non-Beltline Region, Curve A, for All EFPY P-T Curve P-T Curve Temperature Pressure°F psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 312.6 106.0 312.,6 106.0 934.2 109.5 982.6 112.7 1031.0 115,7 1079.3 118.6 1127.7 121,3 1176.1 123.9 1224.4 126.3 1272.8 128.6 1321.2 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 21 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI

~jStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Table 6: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve B, for 38 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient OF psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 144.9 104.2 193.8 122.1 242.7 135.2 291.6 145.6 340.5 154.2 389.4 161.6 438.3 168.0 487.2 173.6 536.1 178.7 585.0 183.4 633.9 187.6 682.8 191.5 731.7 195.1 780.6 198.5 829.5 201.6 878.4 204.6 927.3 207.4 976.2 210.1 1025.1 212.6 1074.0 215.0 1122.9 217.3 1171.8 219.5 1220.7 221.6 1269.6 223.6 1318.5 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 22 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Table 7: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve B, for 49.3 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient°F psi 76.0 76.0 110.3 130.4 144.7 155.9 164.9 172.6 179.3 185.2 190.4 195.2 199.5 203.5 207.2 210.7 213.9 216.9 219.8 222.5 225.1 227.5 229.8 232.0 234.2 236.2 0.0 130.4 179.8 229.2 278.6 328.0 377.4 426.8 476.2 525.6 575.0 624.4 673.8 723.2 772.6 822.0 871.4 920.8 970.2 1019.6 1069.0 1118.4 1167.8 1217.2 1266.6 1316.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 23 of 46 F0306-01 RI Sj1~ tructural Integri~t Associates, IncYe Table 8: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve B, for 38 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient°F psi 76.0 76.0 104.5 122.5 135.8 146.2 154.8 162.2 168.6 174.3 179.4 184.1 188.3 192.2 195.8 199.2 202.4 205.3 208.2 210.8 213.3 215.7 218.0 220.2 222.3 224.3 226.3 228.2 0.0 23.3 72.9 122.6 172.3 222.0 271.6 321.3 371.0 420.6 470.3 520.0 569.6 619.3 669.0 718.6 768.3 818.0 867.6 917.3 967.0 1016.6 1066.3 1116.0 1165.7 1215.3 1265.0 1314.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 24 of 46 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, /ncY Table 9: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve B, for 49.3 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient°F psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 8.8 109.9 57.3 129.9 105.9 144.1 154.5 155.2 203.1 164.2 251.6 171.9 300.2 178.6 348.8 184.4 397.3 189.7 445.9 194.4 494.5 198.8 543.0 202.8 591.6 206.5 640.2 209.9 688.7 213.1 737.3 216.1 785.9 219.0 834.5 221.7 883.0 224.3 931.6 226.7 980.2 229.0 1028.7 231.2 1077.3 233.4 1125.9 235.4 1174.4 237.4 1223.0 239.2 1271.6 241.1 1320.2 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 25 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Table 10: HNP-I Bottom Head Region, Curve B for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient* a.e*

  • U 76.76.0 79.6 83.0 86.2 89.2 92.0 94.7 97.3 99.7 102.0 104.2 psi 0.0 813.9 863.8 913.8 963.7 1013.6 1063.6 1113.5 1163.5 1213.4 1263.3 1313.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 26 of 46 F0306-01 RI

~jjStructuraIiIntegrity Associates, IncY Table 11: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve B for All EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient..- e u°F psi 76.0 76.0 79.6 83.0 86.2 89.2 92.0 94.7 97.2 99.6 101.9 104.1 106.2 108.3 0.0 715.7 765.6 815.4 865.2 915.1 964.9 1014.8 1064.6 1114.4 1164.3 1214.1 1264.0 1313.8 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 27 of 46 F0306-01I R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc Table 12:HINP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve B, for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient OF psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 198.2 84.6 236.4 91.8 274.5 97.9 312.6 136.0 312.6 136.0 724.2 139.0 773.5 141.8 822.9 144.4 872.2 146.8 921.5 149.2 970.9 151.4 1020.2 153.6 1069.6 155.6 1118.9 157.6 1168.3 159.4 1217.6 161.2 1266.9 163.0 1316.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 28 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, lnc~e Table 13: HNP-I Non-Beltline Region, Curve B, for All EFPY and 20O°F/hr Thermal Transient°F psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 198.2 84.6 236.4 91.8 274.5 97.9 312.6 136.0 312.6 136.0 724.2 139.0 773.5 141.8 822.9 144.4 872.2 146.8 921.5 149.2 970.9 151.4 1020.2 153.6 1069.6 155.6 1118.9 157.6 1168.3 159.4 1217.6 161.2 1266.9 163.0 1316.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 29 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.e Table 14: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve C, for 38 EFPY and i00°F/hr Thermal Transient 9 76.76.0 125,1 149.3 165.6 177.9 187.7 195.9 203.0 209.1 214.6 219.6 224.1 228.2 232.1 235.6 238.9 242.0 245.0 247.7 250.3 252.8 255.2 257.5 259.6 261.7 263.7 psi 0.0 109.3 157.8 206.2 254.7 303.1 351.6 400.0 448.5 497.0 545.4 593.9 642.3 690.8 739.2 787.7 836.1 884.6 933.1 981.5 1030.0 1078.4 1126.9 1175.3 1223.8 1272.3 1320.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 30 of 46 F0306-01 RI

$j~tructural Integrity Associates, Inc.*Table 15: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 49.3 EFPY and 100 0 F/hr Thermal Transient OF psi 76.0 76.0 133.5 159.6 176.6 189.3 199.4 207.8 215.0 221.3 226.9 231.9 236.4 240.6 244.5 248.1 251.4 254.5 257.5 260.3 262.9 265.4 267.8 270.1 272.3 274.3 276.3 0.0 102.8 151.5 200.1 248.8 297.5 346.1 394.8 443.5 492.2 540.8 589.5 638.2 686.9 735.5 784.2 832.9 881.6 930.2 978.9 1027.6 1076.3 1124.9 1173.6 1222.3 1271.0 1319.6 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 31 of 46 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.e Table 16: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 38 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient°F psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 -12.3 125.6 36.9 149.9 86.1 166.3 135.4 178.6 184.6 188.4 233.8 196.6 283.0 203.7 332.3 209.9 381.5 215.4 430.7 220.4 480.0 224.9 529.2 229.0 578.4 232.8 627.6 236.4 676.9 239.7 726.1 242.8 775.3 245.7 824.6 248.5 873.8 251.1 923.0 253.6 972.3 256.0 1021.5 258.2 1070.7 260.4 1119.9 262.5 1169.2 264.5 1218.4 266.4 1267.6 268.2 1316.9 NOTE: See the discussion in Section 5.3 regarding the negative pressure in this table.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 32 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc Table 17: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve C, for 49.3 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient"F 76.0 76.0 134.0 160.2 177.3 190.0 200.1 208.5 215.7 222.0 227.6 232.6 237.2 241.4 245.2 248.8 252.2 255.3 258.3 261.0 263.7 266.2 268.6 270.8 273.0 275.1 277.1 279.0 280.9 psi 0.0-18.8 30.6 80.0 129.4 178.9 228.3 277.7 327.2 376.6 426.0 475.5 524.9 574.3 623.8 673.2 722.6 772.1 821.5 870.9 920.4 969.8 1019.2 1068.7 1118.1 1167.5 1217.0 1266.4 1315.8 NOTE: See the discussion in Section 5.3 regarding the negative pressure in this table.File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 33 of 46 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, /ncYe Table 18: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve C for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient 9 76.0 76.0 83.6 90.1 95.9 101.1 105.8 110.1 114.1 117.8 121.2 124.4 127.4 130.2 132.9 135.4 137.9 140.2 142.4 144.5 psi 0.0 450.5 498.8 547.2 595.6 643.9 692.3 740.7 789.1 837.4 885.8 934.2 982.5 1030.9 1079.3 1127.7 1176.0 1224.4 1272.8 1321.1 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 34 of 46 F0306-01 R1 Structural Integrity Associates, lnc: Table 19: HNP-I Bottom Head Region, Curve C for All EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient e°F psi 76.0 76.0 83.6 90.1 95.9 101.1 105.8 110.2 114.1 117.8 121.2 124.4 127.4 130.3 132.9 135.5 137.9 140.2 142.4 144.6 146.6 148.5 0.0 352.3 400.7 449.2 497.6 546.0 594.4 642.9 691.3 739.7 788.1 836.6 885.0 933.4 981.9 1030.3 1078.7 1127.1 1175.6 1224.0 1272.4 1320.9 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 35 of 46 F0306-01 R1

~Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.*Table 20:tINP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve C, for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient°F psi 76.0 76.0 98.0 112.1 122.6 130.9 137.9 217.0 217.0 0.0 97.6 140.6 183.6 226.6 269.6 312.6 312.6 1563.0 Table 21: HNP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve C, for All EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient*F psi 76.0 76.0 98.0 112.1 122.6 130.9 137.9 217.0 217.0 0.0 97.6 140.6 183.6 226.6 269.6 312.6 312.6 1563.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 36 of 46 F0306-01R 1

Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.'Curve A -Pressure Test, Composite Curves-Bei .... Bottom Head--- Non-Beltline 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 4.E 1150 300 200 100 I 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(°F)Figure 1: HNP-1 (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A, 38 EFPY File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 37 of 46 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Curve A -Pressure Test, Composite Curves-Beltline

Bottom Head -- -- Non-Beltline

-==,Overall 1300 -____I__I I 110'- ____-I I _11o 800... I___ I -_t, I , I!,I'94 0 0 -I- --- ........ -.... ..... .... .. .......-... ..300 -~ -' -i!--!_ _ _ _+/- _ _ _ _200 1.......M inim um............

B olt-Up.. ....-

........Teprtre=7 0 100, -Minimm RI Prssr i-1. pi FieN. 0052.0 Page 3=of 4 Revison: F030-OII Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Curve B -Core Not Critical, Composite Curves-Be...n --Bottom Head -- -Non-Beltline


-K....1300 1200 1100 1000 900* 800 0.E-I 500 El#.400 300 200 100 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature (0 F)Figure 3: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and IOO°F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 39 of 46 F0306-01 RI VStructural Integrity Associates,/lnc.?

Curve B -Core Not Critical, Composite Curves-Beiti.e.---Bottom Head---- Non-Beltline m===Overall 1300 1200 1100 900800700 t E-1 500&- 400 300 200 100 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

('F)Figure 4: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 1O 0 0Ffhr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 40 of 46 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, lncY Curve B -Core Not Critical, Composite Curves-....n --Bottom Head --1 Non-Beitline

-==Overall 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 a.*1 E S500&" 400 300 0 1!;0 2(X)Minimum Reactor VesselI Metal Temperature

(*F)Figure 5: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and 200°F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 41 of 46 F0306-01RI jjStructural Integrity Associates, IncY Curve B -Core Not Critical, Composite Curves-eilie-- -- Bottom Head -- -- Non-Beltline m===Ove rail 1300 1200 1100 1000 900800 ....7010 *E-. 500 Si 300 200 100 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(=F)Figure 6: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200°F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 42 of 46 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, IncY Curve C -Core Critical, Composite --Bottom Head -- -- Non-Beitline

-.mmOverall 1300 1200 1100 1O00 900 ,6" 600 300 200 100 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(°F)Figure 7: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 10O°F/hr Figure 7: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 100 0 F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 43 of 46 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Curve C -Core Critical, Composite Curves-Bei....---Bottom Head -- -- Non-Beltline -Overall 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 0.gi70 E A- 4o0 300 200 100 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(@F)Figure 8: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 100°F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 44 of 46 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Curve C -Core Critical, Composite -- Bottom Head -- -- Non-Beitline i,,,,,Overall 1300 12001 1100 10001 900O Minimum Bolt-Temperature

=7 Minimum Beltli Temperature

= 5 Minimum RP\Pressure = -14.7 a.S E-, Sg 800 700 op l ! a nI!94 0 FI __ a I a Ve I psig ji a a a I I a Ia I I I I I I I I I* i /I A , I ii i, ii ii'i, .../600 400-.. ......300 200 100 , 0 5 200 250 3 0o+/-_Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature (0 F)Figure 9: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 200°F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 45 of 46 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncYe Curve C -Core Critical, Composite Head -- -- Non-Beitline -Overall 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 J 600 4..E"1 500&" 400 300 200 100 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

('F)Figure I0: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 20O°F/hr Figure 10: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 46 of 46 F0306-01I RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc5 APPENDIX A: P -T CURVE INPUT LISTING File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page A-i1 of A-3 F0306-01 RI jjStructural Integrity Associates, Inc~e Table A-i: HINP-I Stress Intensity Factors for Feedwater and WLI Nozzles 1131 Feedwater 76.6 65.3 11.5 23.1 WLI 71.6 N/A 17.4 34.8 Core DP 32.3 N/A 1.7 3.5 Notes: 1. K 1 in units of ksi-in 0 s 2. 200 "F/hr results are scaled from 100 "F/hr assuming response is linear Table A-2: HNP-I P-T Curve Input Listing General Parameters English Unit System for Tables and Plots 0 Temperature Instrument Uncertainty Adjustment

(°F)0 Pressure Instrument Uncertainty Adjustment (psig)62.4 Water Density (lbm/ft 3)836.75 Full-Vessel Water Height (in)1.5 Safety Factor for Curve A 2 Safety Factor for Curves B and C 76 Bolt-up Temperature

(°F)16 ART of Closure Flange Region (°F)10 Default Temperature Increment for Tables (0 F)50 Default Pressure Increment for Composite Tables (psig)Beltline Parameters 116.3 Adjusted Reference Temperature, 38 EFPY (°F)129.0 Adjusted Reference Temperature, 49.3 EFPY (0 F)110.375 Vessel Radius (in)5.375 Vessel Thickness (in)100 Heat-up / Cool-down Rate (°F/hr)200 Heat-up / Cool-down Rate (°F/hr)Generic Type of Static Pressure Head Addition N/A Specific Water Height for Static Pressure Head Addition (in)Generic Type of Temperature Increment for Tables 5 Specific Temperature Increment for Tables (°F)File No.: 100 1527.304 Page A-2 of A-3 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, /nc*P- uv nputs Instrument Nozzle Parameters 116.3 Adjusted Reference Temperature, 38 EFPY (OF)129.0 Adjusted Reference Temperature, 49.3 EFPY ('F)110.375 Vessel Radius (in)5.375 Vessel Thickness (in)See Table Applied Pressure Stress Intensity Factor (ksi*in^0.5)

A-i Applied Thermal Stress Intensity Factor (ksi*in^0.5) 7.70E-06 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (in!/in/'F) 1000 Reference Pressure (psig)Generic Type of Static Pressure Head Addition N/A Specific Water Height for Static Pressure Head Addition (in)Generic Type of Temperature Increment for Tables 5 Specific Temperature Increment for Tables (*F)Bottom Heai 10 110.5 6.8125 100 200 3 Generic N/A Generic 5 Non-Beltline 40 See Table A-i Yes 100 550 1000 Generic N/A Generic 5 d Parameters Adjusted Reference Temperature

(°F)Vessel Radius (in)Vessel Thickness (in)Heat-up / Cool-down Rate (°F/hr)Heat-up / Cool-down Rate (°F/hr)Stress Concentration Factor Type of Static Pressure Head Addition Specific Water Height for Static Pressure Head Addition (in)Type of Temperature Increment for Tables Specific Temperature Increment for Tables (°F)(Feedwater Nozzle) Parameters Adjusted Reference Temperature

(°F)Applied Pressure Stress Intensity Factor (ksi* in^0.5)Applied Thermal Stress Intensity Factor (ksi*in^0.5)

Minimum Thermal Stress Intensity Factor (ksi*in^0.5)

Scale KIT based on Saturation Temperature?

Minimum Transient Temperature

(°F)Maximum Transient Temperature

(*F)Reference Pressure for Thermal Transient (psig)Type of Static Pressure Head Addition Specific Water Height for Static Pressure Head Addition (in)Type of Temperature Increment for Tables Specific Temperature Increment for Tables (°F)File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page A-3 of A-3 F0306-01RI jjStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.*APPENDIX B: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-I of B-43 F0306-01RI

~jStructoral Integrity Associates, Inc.*Table B-I: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve A Calculations, for 38 EFPY-A

  • I°ksi*in^0.5

°ksi*inAO.5-IF ps'76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 42.5 42,5 44.5 47.0 50.1 53.8 58.4 63.9 70.8 79.1 89.2 28.3 28.3 29.7 31.3 33.4 35.9 38.9 42.6 47.2 52.7 59.5 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 0.0 611.9 642.9 680.8 727.0 783.5 852.5 936.8 1039.7 1165.5 1319.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-2 of B-43 F0306-01R I

Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.t Table B-2: HNP-1, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve A Calculations, for 38 EFPY-A U -- -ksiifl^O.5 -IF psi 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 42.5 42.5 44.5 47.0 50.1 53.8 58.4 63.9 70.8 79.1 89.2 101.6 116.8 135.3 157.9 28.3 28.3 29.7 31.3 33.4 35.9 38.9 42.6 47.2 52.7 59.5 67.8 77.9 90.2 105.3 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 0.0 365.2 384.3 407.6 436.1 470.9 513.4 565.3 628.7 706.1 800.6 916.2 1057.2 1229.5 1440.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-3 of B-43 F0306-0tRI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Table B-3: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve A Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY-A U -Gageiiiii Fl idiii Temprtr°ksi*inAO.5

°ksi*inAO.5 P- Crv psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 26.9 26.9 27.4 28.0 28.6 29.3 30.0 30.9 31.8 32.8 33.9 35.2 36.5 38.0 39.7 41.6 43.6 45.9 48.3 51.1 54.2 57.5 61.2 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 0.0 580.5 591.9 604.5 618.5 633.9 650.9 669.8 690.6 713.6 739.0 767.1 798.2 832.5 870.4 912.4 958.7 1009.9 1066.5 1129.0 1198.1 1274.5 1358.9 File No.: 1001527.304 Page B-4 of B-43 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Table B-4: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beitline Region, Curve A Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY-A F --°F psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1 151.3 26.9 26.9 27.4 28.0 28.6 29.3 30.0 30.9 31.8 32.8 33.9 35.2 36.5 38.0 39.7 41.6 43.6 45.9 48.3 51.1 54.2 ,57.5 61.2 65.4 69.9 74.9 80.5 86.6 93.4 100.9 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 0.0 345.8 352.9 360.7 369.2 378.7 389.2 400.8 413.7 427.8 443.5 460.8 479.9 501.0 524.4 550.2 578.7 610.3 645.1 683.6 726.2 773.2 825.2 882.7 946.2 1016.3 1093.9 1179.6 1274.3 1379.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-5 of B-43 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.*Table B-5: HNP-1, Bottom Head Region, Curve A Calculations, All EFPY A .-°ksi *inA0.5 °ksi*inA0.5 psi 76.0 110.8 73.9 76.0 0.0 76.0 110.8 73.9 76.0 1226.1 81.0 119.0 79.3 81.0 1318.6 86.0 128.0 85.3 86.0 1420.9 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-6 of B-43 F0306-01RI j§StructuraI Integrity Associates, Inc.e Table B-6: HNP-I, FW Nozzle / Non-Beitline, Curve A Calculations, All EFPY 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0°ksi*inA0.5 75.8 75.8 79.3 83.2 87.4 91.9 96.7 102.0 107.8 114.0 120.7 128.0 135.9 144.4 153.7°ksi*inA0.5 50.5 50.5 52.9 55.5 58.2 61.2 64.5 68.0 71.8 76.0 80.5 85.3 90.6 96.3 102.5 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 psi 0.0 629.5 660.3 693.8 730.0 769.3 811.8 857.9 907.8 961.8 1020.4 1083.8 1152.5 1227.0 1307.6 File No.: 1001527.304 Page B-7 of B-43 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.?Table B-7: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient..* a a 76.76.0 76.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0°ksi*inA0.5 42.5 42.5 44.5 47.0 50.1 53.8 58.4 63.9 70.8 79.1 89.2 101.6 116.8 135.3°ksi*inAO.5 18.0 18.0 19.1 20.3 21.8 23.7 26.0 28.8 32.2 36.3 41.4 47.6 55.2 64.4 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 psi 0.0 379.0 402.2 430.6 465.3 507.7 559.4 622.6 699.9 794.2 909.3 1050.0 1221.8 1431.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-8 of B-43 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, /nc.Y Table B-8: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient* S S *- 9 D°F ksi*inA0.5

°ksi*inAO.5 psi 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 216.0 226.0 42.5 42.5 44.5 47.0 50.1 53.8 58.4 63.9 70.8 79.1 89.2 101.6 116.8 135.3 157.9 185.5 219.2 12.5 12.5 13.6 14.8 16.3 18.2 20.5 23.3 26.7 30.8 35.9 42.1 49.7 58.9 70.2 84.1 100.9 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 216.0 226.0 0.0 144.9 159.2 176.7 198.1 224.2 256.0 295.0 342.5 400.6 471.5 558.1 663.9 793.2 951.0 1143.8 1379.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-9 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncY t Table B-9: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient..* .U Gage fluid P-T Curve P-T Curve Temperature K 1 Temperature Pressure°F °ksi*in^0.5

°ksi*in^0.5 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 17.0 17.0 17.4 17.8 18.3 18.8 19.3 20.0 20.6 21.4 22.2 23.2 24.2 25.3 26.6 28.0 29.5 31.2 33.1 35.1 37.4 39.9 42.7 45.8 49.2 53.0 57.2 61.8 76.76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 psi 0.0 355.4 364.0 373.4 383.9 395.5 408.3 422.4 438.0 455.3 474.3 495.4 518.7 544.4 572.9 604.3 639.1 677.5 719.9 766.8 818.6 875.9 939.2 1009.2 1086.5 1172.0 1266.5 1370.8 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-1l0 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.~Table B-I0: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient-S p **

  • e-ksi~in^O.5 "ksi~inAO.5 psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1 151.3 163.8 177.5 192.7 209.4 11.5 11.5 11.9 12.3 12.8 13.3 13.8 14.5 15.1 15.9 16.7 17.7 18.7 19.8 21.1 22.5 24.0 25.7 27.6 29.6 31.9 34.4 37.2 40.3 43.7 47.5 51.7 56.3 61.4 67.0 73.2 80.0 87.6 96.0 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 0.0 130.4 135.7 141.5 148.0 155.1 163.0 171.6 181.3 191.9 203.6 216.6 231.0 246.8 264.3 283.7 305.1 328.7 354.9 383.7 415.7 450.9 489.9 533.0 580.6 633.3 691.4 755.7 826.7 905.3 992.0 1087.9 1193.9 1311.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B- 11 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Table B-Il: HNP-I, Bottom Head Region, Curve B Calculations, for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient* e. e U-/-°ksi*inAO.5

°ksi*in^0.5 "1-psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 110.8 110.8 119.0 128.0 138.0 149.0 161.2 174.6 49.6 49.6 53.7 58.2 63.2 68.7 74.8 81.5 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 0.0 813.9 883.3 960.0 1044.8 1138.4 1242.0 1356.4 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-12 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, lnc.*Table B-12: HNP-I, FW Nozzle / Non-Beitline, Curve B Calculations, for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient... 9 F°ksi*inAO.5


°F psi 76.0 76,0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 75.8 75.8 79.3 83.2 87.4 91.9 96.7 102.0 107.8 114.0 120,7 128.0 135.9 144.4 153.7 163.8 174.6 186.4 199.2 213.0 228.0 244.2 261.8 280.8 32.1 17.5 18.8 20.2 21.7 23.4 25.3 27.4 29.7 32.2 34.9 37.9 41.2 44.8 48.7 53.1 57.8 62.9 68.6 74.7 81.5 88.8 96.8 105.5 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 0.0 198.2 214.9 233.3 253.5 275.8 300.3 327.3 356.9 389.5 425.2 464.4 507.4 554.5 606.0 662.4 724.1 791.4 865.0 945.4 1033.1 1128.8 1233.1 1346.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-13 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, /InCY Table B-13: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 200°Ffhr Thermal Transient* S S *~ 9 Gage Fluid P-T curve P-T Curve Temperature Temperature Pressure°F ksi*inAO.5 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 42.5 42.5 43.4 44.5 45.7 47.0 48.5 50.1 51.8 53.8 56.0 58.4 61.0 63.9 67.2 70.8 74.7 79.1 83.9 89.2 95.1 101.6 108.8 116.8 125.6 135.3°ksi*inA0.5 14.8 14.8 15.3 15.9 16.5 17.1 17.9 18.7 19.5 20.5 21.6 22.8 24.1 25.6 27.2 29.0 31.0 33.2 35.6 38.2 41.2 44.4 48.0 52.0 56.4 61.3"F 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 psi 0.0 306.6 317.6 329.8 343.3 358.2 374.7 392.9 413.0 435.3 459.9 487.0 517.1 550.3 586.9 627.5 672.3 721.8 776.5 836.9 903.8 977.6 1059.2 1149.4 1249.1 1359.3 File No.: 100 1527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-14 of B-43 F0306-01 RI1 Structural Integrity Associates, IncY Table B-14: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beitline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient.e* e F°F ksi*in^0.5

°ksi*inA0.5 0 F psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 42.5 42.5 43.4 44.5 45.7 47.0 48.5 50.1 51.8 53.8 56.0 58.4 61.0 63.9 67.2 70.8 74.7 79.1 83.9 89.2 95.1 101.6 108.8 116.8 125.6 135.3 146.0 157.9 171.0 185.5 201.5 219.2 238.8 3.8 3.8 4.3 4.9 5.5 6.1 6.8 7.6 8.5 9.5 10.6 11.8 13.1 14.6 16.2 18.0 20.0 22.1 24.5 27.2 30.2 33.4 37.0 41.0 45.4 50.2 55.6 61.5 68.1 75.3 83.4 92.2 102.0 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 0.0 23.3 30.1 37.6 45.9 55.1 65.2 76.4 88.8 102.5 117.7 134.4 152.9 173.3 195.9 220.9 248.4 278.9 312.6 349.8 391.0 436.5 486.7 542.3 603.6 671.5 746.4 829.3 920.9 1022.1 1133.9 1257.5 1394.1 File No.: 100 1527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-15 of B-43 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc, Table B-15: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient* a 9 e*

  • F Gage Fluid P-T Curve P-T Curve Temperature K 1 1 Temperature Pressure°F 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0°ksi*inA0.5 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1°ksi*in^0.5 13.8 13.8 14.2 14.6 15.1 15.6 16.1 16.8 17.4 18.2 19.1 20.0 21.0 22.1 23.4 24.8 26.3 28.0 29.9 31.9 34.2 36.8 39.5 42.6 46.0 49.8 54.0 58.6 63.7 76.76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 psi 0.0 283.0 291.6 301.0 311.5 323.1 335.9 350.0 365.6 382.9 401.9 423.0 446.3 472.0 500.5 531.9 566.7 605.1 647.5 694.4 746.2 803.5 866.8 936.8 1014.2 1099.6 1194.1 1298.5 1413.8 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-16 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncYe Table B-16: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient..- 9 9 3=°ksi*inA0.5 "ksi*inAO.5 psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1 151.3 163.8 177.5 192.7 209.4 228.0 2.8 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.6 5.1 5.7 6.4 7.2 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.1 12.4 13.8 15.3 17.0 18.9 20.9 23.2 25.7 28.5 31.6 35.0 38.8 43.0 47.6 52.6 58.3 64.5 71.3 78.9 87.3 96.6 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 0.0 8.8 14.1 19.9 26.3 33.4 41.3 50.0 59.6 70.3 82.0 95.0 109.3 125.2 142.7 162.0 183.4 207.1 233.2 262.1 294.0 329.3 368.3 411.3 459.0 511.6 569.7 634.0 705.0 783.5 870.3 966.2 1072.1 1189.2 1318.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B- 17 of B-43 F0306-01 R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Table B-17: HNP-1, Bottom Head Region, Curve B Calculations, for All EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient a **

  • U Gage FluId P-T Curve P-T Curve Temperature Temperature Pressure 76.76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0°ksi*inAO.5 110.8 110.8 119.0 128.0 138.0 149.0 161.2 174.6 189.5°ksi*inAO.5 43.9 43.9 47.9 52.5 57.4 63.0 69.0 75.8 83.2 76.76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 psi 0.0 715.7 785.1 861.8 946.6 1040.3 1143.8 1258.3 1384.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-I18 of B-43 F0306-01RI j7Structural Integrity Associates, /nc,5 Table B-18: HNP-I, FW Nozzle / Non-Beltline, Curve B Calculations, for All EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient.e* 9 U°F ksi*in^0.5

°ksi*inA0.5 psi 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 75.8 75.8 79.3 83.2 87.4 91.9 96.7 102.0 107.8 114.0 120.7 128.0 135.9 144.4 153.7 163.8 174.6 186.4 199.2 213.0 228.0 244.2 261.8 280.8 26.3 17.5 18.8 20.2 21.7 23.4 25.3 27.4 29.7 32.2 34.9 37.9 41.2 44.8 48.7 53.1 57.8 62.9 68.6 74.7 81.5 88.8 96.8 105.5 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 0.0 198.2 214.9 233.3 253.5 275.8 300.3 327.3 356.9 389.5 425.2 464.4 507.4 554.5 606.0 662.4 724.1 791.4 865.0 945.4 1033.1 1128.8 1233.1 1346.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B- 19 of B-43 F0306-01Rt Structural Integrity Associates, Inc Table B-19: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient O°ksi*inA0.5


°Fpsi 36.0 37.4 15.5 76.0 0.0 36.0 37.4 15.5 76.0 321.1 46.0 38.3 15.9 86.0 331.6 56.0 39.4 16.5 96.0 344.3 66.0 40.8 17.2 106.0 359.9 76.0 42.5 18.0 116.0 379.0 86.0 44.5 19.1 126.0 402.2 96.0 47.0 20.3 136.0 430.6 106.0 50.1 21.8 146.0 465.3 116.0 53.8 23.7 156.0 507.7 126.0 58.4 26.0 166.0 559.4 136.0 63.9 28.8 176.0 622.6 146.0 70.8 32.2 186.0 699.9 156.0 79.1 36.3 196.0 794.2 166.0 89.2 41.4 206.0 909.3 176.0 101.6 47.6 216.0 1050.0 186.0 116.8 55.2 226.0 1221.8 196.0 135.3 64.4 236.0 1431.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Page B-20 of B-43 Revision:

2 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Table B-20: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient Gage Fluid P-T Curve P-T Curve Temperature Temperature Pressure 36.36.0 46.0 56.0 66.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 216.0 226.0°ksi*inAO.5 37.4 37.4 38.3 39.4 40.8 42.5 44.5 47.0 50.1 53.8 58.4 63.9 70.8 79.1 89.2 101.6 116.8 135.3 157.9 185.5 219.2°ksi*inA0.5 10.0 10.0 10.4 11.0 11.7 12.5 13.6 14.8 16.3 18.2 20.5 23.3 26.7 30.8 35.9 42.1 49.7 58.9 70.2 84.1 100.9 76.76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 216.0 226.0 236.0 246.0 256.0 266.0 psi 0.0 109.3 115.7 123.6 133.2 144.9 159.2 176.7 198.1 224.2 256.0 295.0 342.5 400.6 471.5 558.1 663.9 793.2 951.0 1143.8 1379.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-21 of B-43 F0306-01RI S~tructural Integrity Associates, IncYe Table B-21:. HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0°ksi*inA0.5 36.4 36.4 36.8 37.1 37.6 38.0 38.5 39.1 39.7 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9°ksi*inAO.5 15.0 15.0 15.2 15.4 15.6 15.8 16.1 16.3 16.7 17.0 17.4 17.8 18.3 18.8 19.3 20.0 20.6 21.4 22.2 23.2 24.2 25.3 26.6 28.0 29.5 31.2 33.1 35.1 37.4 39.9 42.7 45.8 49.2 53.0 57.2 61.8°F 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 246.0 psi 0.0 310.5 314.4 318.6 323.3 328.5 334.3 340.6 347.7 355.4 364.0 373.4 383.9 395.5 408.3 422.4 438.0 455.3 474.3 495.4 518.7 544.4 572.9 604.3 639.1 677.5 719.9 766.8 818.6 875.9 939.2 1009.2 1086.5 1172.0 1266.5 1370.8 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-22 of B-43 F0306-01R 1

Structural Integrity Associates, Inc: Table B-22: HNP-I, WLI (NI6) Nozzle Beitline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 1O 0 0F/hr Thermal Transient"F"ksi'inA0.5 "ksi'inA0.5"F psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 36.4 36.4 36.8 37.1 37.6 38.0 38.5 39.1 39.7 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1 9.5 9.5 9.7 9.9 10.1 10.3 10.6 10.8 11.2 11.5 11.9 12.3 12.8 13.3 13.8 14.5 15.1 15.9 16.7 17.7 18.7 19.8 21.1 22.5 24.0 25.7 27.6 29.6 31.9 34.4 37.2 40.3 43.7 47.5 51.7 56.3 61.4 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 246.0 251.0 0.0 102.8 105.1 107.8 110.7 113.9 117.4 121.3 125.6 130.4 135.7 141.5 148.0 155.1 163.0 171.6 181.3 191.9 203.6 216.6 231.0 246.8 264.3 283.7 305.1 328.7 354.9 383.7 415.7 450.9 489.9 533.0 580.6 633.3 691.4 755.7 826.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-23 of B-43 F0306-01 RI j§Structural Integrity Associates, Inc:~216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 151.3 163.8 177.5 192.7 209.4 67.0 73.2 80.0 87.6 96.0 256.0 261.0 266.0 271.0 276.0 905.3 992.0 1087.9 1193.9 1311.0 Table B-23: HNP-I, Bottom Head Region, Curve C Calculations, for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient Temperature II*F °ksi*inA0.5 36.0 68.1 36.0 68.1 41.0 71.7 46.0 75.8 51.0 80.3 56.0 85.2 61.0 90.7 66.0 96.7 71.0 103.4 76.0 110.8 81.0 119.0 86.0 128.0 91.0 138.0 96.0 149.0 101.0 161.2 106.0 174.6::Temperature Pesr°ksi*inAO.5 OF psi 28.3 76.0 0.0 28.3 76.0 450.5 30.1 81.0 481.6 32.1 86.0 516.1 34.4 91.0 554.2 36.8 96.0 596.3 39.6 101.0 642.8 42.6 106.0 694.2 45.9 111.0 751.1 49.6 116.0 813.9 53.7 121.0 883.3 58.2 126.0 960.0 63.2 131.0 1044.8 68.7 136.0 1138.4 74.8 141.0 1242.0 81.5 146.0 1356.4 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-24 of B-43 F0306-01R 1

Structural Integrity Associates,/Inc.:

Table B-24: HNP-1, FW Nozzle / Non-Beltline, Curve C Calculations, for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient e 36.36.0 40.0 44.0 48.0 52.0 56.0 60.0 64.0 68.0 72.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0°ksi*inAO.5 52.3 52.3 53.9 55.7 57.5 59.6 61.8 64.1 66.7 69.5 72.5 75.8 79.3 83.2 87.4 91.9 96.7 102.0 107.8 114.0 120.7 128.0 135.9 144.4 153.7 163.8 174.6 186.4 199.2 213.0 228.0 244.2 261.8 280.8°ksi*inA0.5 psi 20.4 9.8 10.3 10.8 11.4 12.0 12.7 13.5 14.3 15.3 16.3 17.5 18.8 20.2 21.7 23.4 25.3 27.4 29.7 32.2 34.9 37.9 41.2 44.8 48.7 53.1 57.8 62.9 68.6 74.7 81.5 88.8 96.8 105.5 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 168.0 172.0 176.0 180.0 184.0 188.0 192.0 196.0 200.0 204.0 0.0 97.6 103.8 110.6 118.1 126.5 135.7 145.8 157.1 169.5 183.1 198.2 214.9 233.3 253.5 275.8 300.3 327.3 356.9 389.5 425.2 464.4 507.4 554.5 606.0 662.4 724.1 791.4 865.0 945.4 1033.1 1128.8 1233.1 1346.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-25 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrit, Associates, Inc." Table B-25: HNP-I, Beitline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient-9. D°ksi*inA0.5

°ksi*inAO.5 psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 37.4 37.4 37.8 38.3 38.8 39.4 40.1 40.8 41.6 42.5 43.4 44.5 45.7 47.0 48.5 50.1 51.8 53.8 56.0 58.4 61.0 63.9 67.2 70.8 74.7 79.1 83.9 89.2 95.1 101.6 108.8 116.8 125.6 135.3 12.3 12.3 12.5 12.8 13.0 13.3 13.6 14.0 14.4 14.8 15.3 15.9 16.5 17.1 17.9 18.7 19.5 20.5 21.6 22.8 24.1 25.6 27.2 29.0 31.0 33.2 35.6 38.2 41.2 44.4 48.0 52.0 56.4 61.3 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 0.0 248.7 253.7 259.2 265.2 271.9 279.3 287.5 296.6 306.6 317.6 329.8 343.3 358.2 374.7 392.9 413.0 435.3 459.9 487.0 517.1 550.3 586.9 627.5 672.3 721.8 776.5 836.9 903.8 977.6 1059.2 1149.4 1249.1 1359.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-26 of B-43 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.: Table B-26: HNP-1, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient GaeFli°ksi*inAO.5"ksi*in^0.5 P-T Curve Temperature"F P-T Curve Pressure psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 37.4 37.4 37.8 38.3 38.8 39.4 40.1 40.8 41.6 42.5 43.4 44.5 45.7 47.0 48.5 50.1 51.8 53.8 56.0 58.4 61.0 63.9 67.2 70.8 74.7 79.1 83.9 89.2 95.1 101.6 108.8 116.8 125.6 135.3 146.0 157.9 171.0 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.8 4.3 4.9 5.5 6.1 6.8 7.6 8.5 9.5 10.6 11.8 13.1 14.6 16.2 18.0 20.0 22.1 24.5 27.2 30.2 33.4 37.0 41.0 45.4 50.2 55.6 61.5 68.1 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 246.0 251.0 0.0-12.3-9.3-5.9-2.2 2.0 6.5 11.6 17.1 23.3 30.1 37.6 45.9 55.1 65.2 76.4 88.8 102.5 117.7 134.4 152.9 173.3 195.9 220.9 248.4 278.9 312.6 349.8 391.0 436.5 486.7 542.3 603.6 671.5 746.4 829.3 920.9 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-27 of B-43 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.e 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 185.5 201.5 219.2 238.8 75.3 83.4 92.2 102.0 256.0 261.0 266.0 271.0 1022.1 1133.9 1257.5 1394.1 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-28 of B-43 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, InC*: Table B-27: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient e. 9°F oksi*inAO.5

°ksi*inA0.5 psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 36.4 36.4 36.8 37.1 37.6 38.0 38.5 39.1 39.7 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140,1 11.8 11.8 12.0 12.2 12.4 12.6 12.9 13.2 13.5 13.8 14.2 14.6 15.1 15.6 16.1 16.8 17.4 18.2 19.1 20.0 21.0 22.1 23.4 24.8 26.3 28.0 29.9 31.9 34.2 36.8 39.5 42.6 46.0 49.8 54.0 58.6 63.7 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 246.0 251.0 0.0 238.1 242.0 246.2 251.0 256.1 261.9 268.2 275.3 283.0 291.6 301.0 311.5 323.1 335.9 350.0 365.6 382.9 401.9 423.0 446.3 472.0 500.5 531.9 566.7 605.1 647.5 694.4 746.2 803.5 866.8 936.8 1014.2 1099.6 1194.1 1298.5 1413.8 File No.: 100 1527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-29 of B-43 F030-01R 1 Structural Integrity Associates, IncY Table B-28: HNP-1, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beitline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient Temprtr°ksi*inA0.5

°ksi~inA0.5 P °FCrv P-T Curve Pressure psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 36.4 36.4 36.8 37.1 37.6 38.0 38.5 39.1 39.7 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.9 2.1 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.6 5.1 5.7 6.4 7.2 8.0 9.0 10.0 12.4 13.8 15.3 17.0 18.9 20.9 23.2 25.7 28.5 31.6 35.0 38.8 43.0 47.6 52.6 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 246.0 251.0 0.0-18.8-16.5-13.9-11.0-7.8-4.2-0.3 4.0 8.8 14.1 19.9 26.3 33.4 41.3 50.0 59.6 70.3 82.0 95.0 109.3 125.2 142.7 162.0 183.4 207.1 233.2 262.1 294.0 329.3 368.3 411.3 459.0 511.6 569.7 634.0 705.0 File No.: 100 1527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-30 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncYe 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 151.3 163.8 177.5 192.7 209.4 228.0 58.3 64.5 71.3 78.9 87.3 96.6 256.0 261.0 266.0 271.0 276.0 281.0 783.5 870.3 966.2 1072.1 1189.2 1318.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-31I of B-43 F0306-01 R1 S~tructural Integrity Associates, Inc.t Table B-29: HNP-1, Bottom Head Region, Curve C Calculations, for All EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient 9 OF ksi*in^0.5

°ksi*in^0.5 psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 68.1 68.1 71.7 75.8 80.3 85.2 90.7 96.7 103.4 110.8 119.0 128.0 138.0 149.0 161.2 174.6 189.5 22.5 22.5 24.3 26.4 28.6 31.1 33.8 36.8 40.2 43.9 47.9 52.5 57.4 63.0 69.0 75.8 83.2 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 0.0 352.3 383.5 418.0 456.0 498.1 544.7 596.1 652.9 715.7 785.1 861.8 946.6 1040.3 1143.8 1258.3 1384.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-32 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, lnc.Y Table B-30: HNP-1, FW Nozzle / Non-Beitline, Curve C Calculations, for All EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient-.- 9°F ksi*inAO.5

°ksi*inA0.5 psi 36.0 36.0 40.0 44.0 48.0 52.0 56.0 60.0 64.0 68.0 72.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 52.3 52.3 53.9 55.7 57.5 59.6 61.8 64.1 66.7 69.5 72.5 75.8 79.3 83.2 87.4 91.9 96.7 102.0 107.8 114.0 120.7 128.0 135.9 144.4 153.7 163.8 174.6 186.4 199.2 213.0 228.0 244.2 261.8 280.8 14.6 9.8 10.3 10.8 11.4 12.0 12.7 13.5 14.3 15.3 16.3 17.5 18.8 20.2 21.7 23.4 25.3 27.4 29.7 32.2 34.9 37.9 41.2 44.8 48.7 53.1 57.8 62.9 68.6 74.7 81.5 88.8 96.8 105.5 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 168.0 172.0 176.0 180.0 184.0 188.0 192.0 196.0 200.0 204.0 0.0 97.6 103.8 110.6 118.1 126.5 135.7 145.8 157.1 169.5 183.1 198.2 214.9 233.3 253.5 275.8 300.3 327.3 356.9 389.5 425.2 464.4 507.4 554.5 606.0 662.4 724.1 791.4 865.0 945.4 1033.1 1128.8 1233.1 1346.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-33 of B-43 F0306-01RI jjStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.Curve A -Pressure Test, All Components-BL ....-N16 -- -- BH -.-FWN -* OCFR50 ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 hi u 0*1 400 300 200 100 0 0-I ____ ________ ________ _______100 150 200 250 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(*F)50 300 Figure B-I: HNP-1 (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A, 38 EFPY Note: BL is Beltline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-34 of B-43 F0306-01R I

Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Curve A -Pressure Test, All Components-BL .... N16 --BH -- --FWN 10CFR50 ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000 900.~800 p70'Ul UI E 0 i U-400 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(*F)250 300 Figure B-2: HNP-1 (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A, 49.3 EFPY Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-35 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, lncY Curve B -Core Not Critical, All Components-BL .... N16 --- BH --.-FWN -. 1OCFR50O....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000{90 6Il600 6Il500 SI 400 300 200 100 0 50}100 150 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(°F)200 250 Figure B-3: HNP-I P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and 100OF/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-36 of B-43 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Curve B -Core Not Critical, All Components-BL ....-N16 --- BH -- -FWN -- 10CFRSO0....CDPN 1300- __1200 ~--1100 1000 ...900 I=ED 300 +200- _-100 0o 0 50 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(*F)250 300 Figure B-4:HINP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 100°F/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-37 of B-43 F0306-01R 1

~jjStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.e Curve B -Core Not Critical, All Components-BL .... N16 --BH -- --FWN -* OCFRSO ....CDPN 1300O-1200 1100 -,...1000 900 -.:800 S700j ÷600 ---U 400 ...300: I I" I: l i* I___ I I *-ii;, 4/:17 II!/I I II I I I F i i t I i÷__I I I I I__~1~I I I I I I'I/2001! I tI/ ltll 100 4 4 ~-~----------~-,o i 250 0 4---50 300 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(*F)Figure B-5: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and 200°F/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-38 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, lnc.e Curve B -Core Not Critical, All Components-BL ....-N16 --BH --.--FWN -, 1OCFR50 ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1O00 900 Ip7 6I e,0@16o E 400~300 200 I 100 0o4 0 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature (0 F)*250 50 300 Figure B-6: HNP-I P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200°F/hr Note: BL is Beltline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-39 of B-43 F0306-01RI Sj~tructural Integrity Associates, Curve C -Core Critical, All Components-BL .... N16 --- BH --.-FWN -. 10CFR50 ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 S800 b700 S600~500 4-400 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(*F)250 300 Figure B-7: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 100°F/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-40 of B-43 F0306-01RI V$tructural Integrity Associates, Ince Curve C -Core Critical, All Components-BL .... N16 -- -- BH -.-FWN IOCFRSO ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000 900.~800 p700 Els00 U-400 300 200 100 0 4-0 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(*F)50 250 300 Figure B-8: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 100 0 F/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-41 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncY t Curve C -Core Critical, All Components-BL ....-N16 --BH -.-FWN -. 1OCFR50 ... CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000 900.~800 p 700:; 600 6E w50 4OO 300 200 100 0 i °- I 100 150 200 Minimum Reacto Vessel Metal Temperature I*F)300 Figure B-9: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 200°F/hr Note: BL is Beltline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-42 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, InY Curve C -Core Critical, All Components-BL .... N16 --BH I- --FWN -10CFR50 ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1O00 900700 U E--P 0 V A-0 400 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(°F)300 Figure B-10: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200°F/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-43 of B-43 F0306-01R 1

S ' Structural Integrity Associates, IncY File No.: 1001527.304 li No.: 1400365 CALCULATION PACKAGE Quality Program: [] Nuclear [] Commercial PROJECT NAME: Plant Hatch Unit 1 &2 P-T Curve Evaluation CONTRACT NO.: P0: SNC19354-0010, Rev. 1 CONTRACT:

19354, Rev. 4 CALCULATION TITLE: Hatch Unit 1 P-T Curve Calculation for 38 and 49.3 EFPY Document Affected Project Manager Preparer(s)

& Checker(s)

Revision Description ApprovalSintrs&De Revision Pages __________


& DateSintrs&De 0 1 -45 Initial Issue Responsible Engineer A-i -A-3 R. Gnagne B-i -B-43 D. V. Sommerville 12/30/2011 12/30/2011 Responsible Verifier G. Licina 12/30/2011 D. V. Sommerville 12/30/2011 117 Citations for References Responsible Engineer[1] and [2] have been updated to show citation D.V. Sommerville M. Qin for NRC approved 9/19/2013 9/19/2013 versions.

Citation for Reference

[10] has been Responsible verifier updated to show current revision.


[10] D. V. Sommerville was revised for the same 9/19/2013 reason as identified above for References

[1] and[2]. No technical changes are made for this revision.Page 1 of 46 F0306-01IRI V' Structural Integrity Associates,/Inc.Y File No.: 1001527.304Project No.: 1001527 CALCULATION PACKAGE Quality Program: [] Nuclear LI] Commercial CALCULATION TITLE: Hatch Unit 1 P-T Curve Calculation for 38 and 49.3 EFPY Document Affected Project Manager Peae~)&Cekrs Reiin PgsRevision Description Approval Prepaurers)

& C atekrs Revision__Pages



& DateSintrs&De 2 6, 7, 9, 11 -34, Revised to incorporate Responsible Engineer 37 -46 updated fluence data 7 '¢A-I -A-3 to address NRC condition B-1 -B-43 for SIR-05-044-Rev.

1-A regarding lowest service D. V. Sommerville temperature.

9/10/2014 D. V. Sommerville for C. J. Oberembt 9/10/2014 Responsible Verifier D. V. Sommerville 9/10/20 14 Page 2 of 46 F0306-O1R 1

VStructural Integrity Associates, IncY Table of Contents





6 3.0 ASSUMPTIONS...........................................................................

12 4.0 DESIGN INPUTS.......................14





15 5.1 Pressure Test (Curve A)...........................................................

15 5.2 Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical (Curve B)...............................

16 5.3 Normal Operation

-Core Critical (Curve C)....................................








18 APPENDIX A : P -T CURVE INPUT LISTING ..............................................



B-i File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 3 of 46 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, IncY List of Tables Table 1 : Summary of Minimum Temperature Requirements for P-T Limit Curves...................

11 Table 2: HNP-1 Beitline Region, Curve A, for 38 EFPY ...............................................

19 Table 3: HNP-1 Beitline Region, Curve A, for 49.3 EFPY .............................................

20 Table 4: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve A, for All EFPY ........................................

21 Table 5: HNP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve A, for All EFPY... .....................................

21 Table 6: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve B, for 38 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient


22 Table 7: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve B; for 49.3 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient

.......23 Table 8: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve B, for 38 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient


24 Table 9: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve B, for 49.3 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient

......25 Table 10: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve B for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient...

26 Table 11: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve B for All EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient...

27 Table 12: HNP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve B, for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient

.. 28 Table 13: HNP- 1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve B, for All EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient

..29 Table 14: HiNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 38 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient.........

30 Table 15: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 49.3 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient

.....31 Table 16: H-NP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 38 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient.......32 Table 17: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 49.3 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient

.....33 Table 18: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve C for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient...

34 Table 19: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve C for All EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient...

35 Table 20: HNP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve C, for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient

.. 36 Table 21: HNP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve C, for All EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient

.. 36 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 4 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.e List of Figures Figure 1: INP-1 (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A, 38 EFPY.......................

37 Figure 2: HNP-1 (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A, 49.3 EFPY ...............

.....38 Figure 3: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and 100 0 F/hr....39 Figure 4: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 100°F/hr .. 40 Figure 5: TNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr....41 Figure 6: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr .. 42 Figure 7: J-NP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 100OF/hr.........

43 Figure 8: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and lOO°F/hr......44 Figure 9: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-. Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 200°F/hr.........

45 Figure 10: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200°F/hr.....46 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 5 of 46 F0306-01R1 VStructural Integrity Associates,


This calculation develops pressure-temperature (P-T) limit curves for the beltline, bottom head, and non-beitline regions of the Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 (HNP-1) reactor pressure vessel (RPV). The P-T curves are developed for 38 and 49.3 effective full power years (EFPY) of operation, and for 100OF/hr and 200°F/hr thermal transients.

The P-T curves are prepared using the methods documented in the Boiling Water Reactor Owner's Group (BWROG) Licensing Topical Reports (LTRs), "Pressure Temperature Limits Report Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors" [ 1] and "Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics Evaluation of General Electric Boiling Water Reactor Water Level Instrument Nozzles for Pressure-Temperature Curve Evaluations" [2]. These LTRs satisfy the requirements of 1OCFR50 Appendix G [3] and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Code,Section XI, Non-mandatory Appendix G [4].2.0 METHODOLOGY A full set of P-T curves, applicable to the following plant conditions, are prepared: 1. Pressure Test (Curve A), 2. Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical (Curve B), and 3. Normal Operation

-Core Critical (Curve C).For each plant condition above, separate curves are provided for each of the following three regions of the RPV as well as a composite curve for the entire RPV: 1. The beltline region, 2. The bottom head region, 3. The non-beltline region, 4. Composite curve (bounding curve for all regions)In some cases, a region may contain more than one component which is considered for development of the associated P-T curve. For HINP-1, the curve for each vessel region identified above is composed from the bounding P-T limits determined for the following components:

1. Beltline: a. Beltline shell b. Water level instrument (WLI) nozzle, N16 2. Non-beltline
a. Feedwater (FW) nozzle b. 10CFR50 Appendix G limits [3]3. Bottom Head: a. Bottom head penetrations (in-core monitor housings, control rod drive housings)b. Core DP nozzle Consequently, separate curves are prepared for each component considered for each region then a bounding curve is drawn from the individual curves.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 6 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, /nc?Complete sets of P-T curves, as identified above, are provided for a 100 °F/hr and 200 °F/hr thermal transient at 38 and 49.3 EFPY of operation.

The methodology for calculating P-T curves, described below, is taken from Reference

[1] unless specified otherwise.

Additional guidance regarding analysis of WLI nozzles is taken from Reference[2].The P-T curves are calculated by means of an iterative procedure, in which the following steps are performed:

Step 1: A fluid temperature, T, is assumed. The P-T curves are calculated considering a postulated flaw with a 6:1 aspect ratio that extends '1/4 of the way through the vessel wall. The temperature at the postulated flaw tip is assumed equal to the coolant temperature.

Step 2: The static fracture toughness, K 1 0 , is computed using the following equation: K 1 c 33.2 + 20.734 .e°°2(r-AT)

(1)Where: K 1 0 = the lower bound static fracture toughness (ksi'lin).

T = the metal temperature at the tip of the postulated 1/4 through-wall flaw (0 F).ART = the Adjusted Reference Temperature (ART) for the limiting material in the RPV region under consideration

(°F).Step 3: The allowable stress intensity factor due to pressure, Kip, is calculated as: Kzp -(2)Where: K 1 ip the allowable stress intensity factor due to membrane (pressure) stress (ksi'Iin).

Ki 0 the lower bound static fracture toughness calculated in Eq. (1)(ksi\Iin).

Kit the thermal stress intensity factor (ksi Win) from through wall thermal gradients.

SF =the ASME Code recommended safety factor, based on the reactor condition.

For hydrostatic and leak test conditions (i.e., P-T Curve A), SF = 1.5. For normal operation, both core non-critical and core critical (i.e., P-T Curves B and C), SF =2.0.When calculating values for Curve A, the thermal stress intensity factor is neglected (Kit = 0), since the hydrostatic leak test is performed at or near isothermal conditions (typically, the rate of temperature change is 25°F/hr or less).File No.: 1001527.304 Page 7 of 46 Revision:

2 FO306-01R1 VStructural Integrity Associates, IncY For Curve B and Curve C calculations, K 1 t is computed in different ways based on the evaluated region. For the beitline, with the exception of nozzles, and bottom head regions, Kit is determined using the following equation: K 1 , =O0.953 x10-3**CR. t 2 5 (3)Where: CR = the cooldown rate of the vessel (°F/hr).t= the RPV wall thickness (in).For the FW nozzle, K 1 t is obtained from the stress distribution output of a plant specific finite element analyses (FEA). A polynomial curve-fit is determined for the through-wall stress distribution at the bounding time point. The linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) solution for K 1 t is: K 1 ,no0.06C,0.57 2 c 1 0.48 +2 0.33 ~3 1(4 Where: a =/1/4 through-wall postulated flaw depth, a = 1/4 t (in).t = thickness of the cross-section through the nozzle at the limiting path near the inner blend radius (in).Cot,Clt, = thermal stress polynomial coefficients, obtained from a curve-Czt,C 3 t fit of the extracted stresses from a transient FEA.The thermal stress polynomial coefficients are based on the assumed polynomial form ofo'(x) =Co +C 1.x +C 2* x 2 + C 3*. x 3.In this equation, "x" represents the radial distance in inches from the inside surface to any point on the crack face.For the WLI nozzle, the nozzle assembly consists of an insert attached to the RPV with a partial penetration weld. The nozzle material is not ferritic and does not need to be specifically evaluated.

However, the effect of the penetration on the adjacent shell must be considered.


[2, Equation 8-2] provides the following simplified solution for the thermal stress intensity factor due to a 1 00°F/hr thermal ramp transient:

Ki1-ramp = 874,

+t.)-]-20.715 (5)Where: Ki-ramp = the K 1 t (thermal stress intensity factor from through wall thermal gradients) for a WLI nozzle subjected to 1 00°F/hr thermal transient (ksi\/in).

ct = the instrument nozzle material coefficient of thermal expansion at the highest thermal ramp temperature (in/in/°F).

tv = the vessel thickness (in).tn = the nozzle thickness (in).File No.: 1001527.304 Page 8 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI VStructural Integrity Associates, IncY Larger heat-up/cool-down rates are conservatively considered by scaling the stress intensity factor obtained using Eq. (5) by the ratio of the desired heat-up/cool-down rate to 100 °F/hr.Since the P-T curves are applicable to all Level A/B events, the bounding Level A/B events, for each region and component, identified from the vessel and nozzle thermal cycle diagrams[7], are considered when calculating the Kit above.Step 4: The allowable internal pressure of the RPV is calculated differently for each evaluation region.For the beltline region, with the exception of nozzles, the allowable pressure is determined as follows: Pallow -M m .R (6)Where: Pailow = the allowable RPV internal pressure (psig).Kip = the allowable stress intensity factor due to membrane (pressure) stress, as defined in Eq. (2) t = the RPV wall thickness (in).Mm = the membrane correction factor for an inside surface axial flaw: Mm =1.85 for /t< 2 Mm = 0.926 "It for 2 <.It < 3.464 Mm =3.21 for "It >3.464.Ri = the inner radius of the RPV, per region (in).For the bottom head region, the allowable pressure is calculated with the following equation: 2.K .t Polw= (7)SCF. Mm

  • R, Where: SCF = conservative stress concentration factor to account for bottom head penetration discontinuities; SCF = 3.0 per Reference

[1].Paiiow, K 1 p, t, Mm and Ri are defined in Eq. (6).The bottom head region methodology for calculating the allowable pressure shown in Eq. (7)above is applied for the thicker shell portion of the HNP-1 bottom head. It is noted that the Core DP nozzle at HNP-1 penetrates a section of the bottom head in which the shell is 3 3/16" thick. Use of Eq. (7) to treat the effect of the penetration would be excessively conservative.

Preliminary calculations showed that this approach produced a bottom head curve which bounded the entire vessel. Consequently, the effect of the Core DP nozzle penetration is considered in a manner similar to the FW nozzle, as described below.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 9 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.P For the FW nozzle the allowable pressure is determined from a ratio of the allowable and applied stress intensity factors. The applied factor can be determined from a FEA that determines the stresses due to the internal pressure on the nozzle and RPV. The methodology for this approach is as follows: p K 1 p "ref altlow, -(8)Where: Pref = RPV internal pressure at which the FEA stress coefficients (Eq.(9)) are determined (psi).KIp-app --the applied pressure stress intensity factor Pallow and K 1 p are defined as in Eq. (6)..The applied pressure stress intensity factor is determined using a polynomial curve-fit approximation for the through-wall pressure stress distribution from a FEA and the LEFM solution given in Eq. (4): -p 0.448/-i-12p

+ 0.393(- C~ 9 Where: a = 1/4 through-wall postulated flaw depth, a = 1/4 t (in).t = thickness of the cross-section through the limiting nozzle inner blend radius corner (in).C~,l,= pressure stress polynomial coefficients, obtained from a curve-C~,~ fit of the extracted stresses from a FEA.For the WLI nozzle, the nozzle .material is not ferritic and does not need to be specifically evaluated.

However, the effect of the penetration on the adjacent shell must be considered.

The allowable pressure is determined from the ratio of the allowable and applied stress intensity factors given in Equation 8. The applied stress intensity factor, for a 1000 psig load case, is calculated generically as follows [2, Equation 8-1]: KI Pressure =2.9045IR tF.+ +/-t,, 1-4.434 (10)-L. ]" Where: KI-pressure

=generic Kip-app for the WLI nozzle (ksi'lin).

R = RPV nominal inside radius (in).tv and tn are described as in Eq. (5).The allowable pressure for the WLI nozzle is then calculated using Eq. (8), similar to the FW nozzle.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 10 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.*Step 5: Steps 1 through 4 are repeated in order to generate a series of P-T points; the fluid temperature is incremented with each repetition.

Calculations proceed in this iterative manner until 1,300.psig. This value bounds expected pressures.

Step 6: Table 1 below summarizes the minimum temperature requirements contained in 10OCFR50, Appendix G [3, Table 1], which are applicable to the material highly stressed by the main closure flange bolt preload (non-beltline curve). SI also includes additional minimum temperature requirements for bolt-up as shown in Table 1 below.Table 1: Summary of Minimum Temperature Requirements for P-T Limit Curves.Maximum of: ASME Appendix G [4]P<O P RTNDT,max, requirements A

  • 60 0 F [1],* TSDM P > 20% Ph RTNDT,max

+ 90 0 FASEpeniG[4 requirements Maximum of: ASME Appendix G [4]*< %hRTNDT,max, requirements B

  • 60 0 F [1],* TSDM _______________

P> 20% Ph RTNDT, max + 120 0 FASEpeniG[4 requirements Maximum of: ASME Appendix G [4]P<OhRTNDT, max + 60 0 F, requirements

+ 40 °F* 60 0 F [1], C

  • TSDM Maximum of: ASME Appendix G [4]P > 20% Ph
  • RTNDT, max + 160 0 F, requirements

+ 40 0 F* TISHT______________

___wnHere: t~h iS me pre-servlce nyUorotes pressure, 1~on psig RTNBT,ma, is the maximum RTNoT of the vessel materials highly stressed by the bolt preload.TSDM is the temperature used in the shutdown margin evaluation T lisfrr is the temperature at which the full in-service hydrotest pressure is allowed per Curve A Note that the minimum bolt-up temperature of 60°F, is used here, consistent with the position given in Reference

[1]. Further, some utilities specifically request that the minimum moderator temperature used in the plant shutdown margin evaluation be applied as a minimum bolt-up temperature requirement; therefore, it is also included in Table 1 above. However, to address the NRC condition regarding lowest service temperature in Reference

[1 ], the minimum temperature is set to 76 0 F, which is equal to the RTNDT, max + 60 0 F. This value is consistent with the File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 11 of 46 F0306-01IR1 V Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.'previous minimum temperature limits developed in [11], and is higher than the minimum bolt-up temperature specified in [ 12].Step 7: Uncertainty in the RPV pressure and metal temperature measurements is incorporated by adjusting the P-T curve pressure and temperature using the following equations:

TpTr = T +UT (11)PP-r = -PH- UP (12)Where: Tp-T = The allowable coolant (metal) temperature (0 F).UT = The coolant temperature instrument uncertainty (0 F).PP-j = The allowable reactor pressure (psig).P 1 1 = The pressure head to account for the water in the RPV (psig).Can be calculated from the following expression:

PIH= p"Ah.p = Water density at ambient temperature (lb/in 3).Ah = Elevation of full height water level in RPV (in).Up = The pressure instrument uncertainty (psig).Steps 1 through 7, above, are implemented for all components, in all regions, for each heat-up/cool-down rate, and at all EFPY.3.0 " ASSUMPTIONS The 10OCFR5 0 Appendix G [3] and AsME Code [4] requirements and methods are considered to be supported in their respective technical basis documentation; therefore, the assumptions inherent in the ASME B&PV Code methods utilized for this evaluation are not specifically identified and justified in this calculation.

Only those assumptions specific to this calculation are identified and justified here.The following assumptions are used in preparation of the HNP- 1 P-T curves:.1. The bounding ART for the beltline materials is used in the calculation of the WLI nozzle curve.This assumption is conservative since the WLI nozzle is located near the upper limit of the beltline region and the cumulative fluence at this location is substantially lower than for the beitline location corresponding to the peak fluence. Use of a fluence representative of the location in the beltline shell corresponding to the WLJ nozzle location would result in an ART, local to the WLI nozzle, which is lower than used in the present evaluation.

Since the fluence at the WLI nozzle location is not specifically provided in the available fluence analysis results, the peak beltline value is used in this calculation.

Conservatism can be removed from the P-T curves by considering a WLI nozzle fluence in the ART calculation

[5], which would result in a lower ART used in the WLI nozzle beltline curve.2. The full-vessel height is used in the calculation of the static head contributed by the coolant in the RPV.This assumption is conservative in that the static head at the non-beltline regions is slightly lower than that of the bottom head curve; however, the difference in static head is small; therefore, the File No.: 1001527.304 Page 12 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncY added complexity in considering different static head values for each region of the vessel is not considered beneficial.

3. The FW nozzle is the bounding non-beltline component of the RPV.This assumption is made because: a. The geometric discontinuity caused by the nozzle penetration in the RPV shell causes a stress concentration which results in larger pressure induced stresses than would be calculated in the shell regions of the RPV.b. The FW nozzle experiences more severe thermal transients than most of the other nozzles because of the feedwater injection temperature which causes larger thermal stresses than are experienced in the shell region of the RPV.c. Although some other nozzles can experience thermal transients, which Would cause thermal stresses larger than those calculated for the shell regions of the RPV, and some nozzles are larger diameter than the FW nozzle, which could result in a slightly larger K 1 p, the combined stresses from the applied thermal and pressure loads are considered to bound all other non-beltiline discontinuities.
4. Application of a SCF = 3.0 to the membrane pressure stress in the bottom head bounds the effect of the bottom head penetrations on the stress field in this region of the vessel.Bottom head penetrations will create geometric discontinuities into the bottom head hemisphere resulting in high localized stresses.

This effect must be considered in calculating the stress intensity factor from internal pressure.

Rather than performing a plant specific analysis, SI applies a conservative SCF for a circular hole in a flat plate subjected to a uniaxial load to the membrane stress in the shell caused by the internal pressure.

The assumption of SCF -- 3.0 is conservative because: a. It applies a peak SCF to the membrane stress which essentially, intensifies the stress through the entire shell thickness and along the entire crack face of the postulated flaw rather than intensifying the stress local to the penetration and considering the stress attenuation away from the penetration, b. Review of SCFs for circular holes in plates subjected to an equi-bi-axial stress state as well as SCFs for arrays of circular holes in shells, shows that the SCF is likely closer to 2-2.5 rather than 3.0.Consequently, the method utilized by SI is expedient, as intended, and conservatively bounds the expected effect of bottom head penetrations because a bounding SCF is used and applied as a membrane stress correction factor.5. ASME XI, Non-mandatory Appendix G, Paragraph G-22 14.3 [4] is used to calculate the thermal stress intensity factor for heat-up / cool-down rates greater than 100 °F/hr.The ASME Code [4] acknowledges that this methodology is conservative when applied to heat-up / cool-down rates greater than 100 0 F/hr; therefore, the results obtained using this method for the 200 0 F/hr heat-up / cool-down rate are conservative.

Conservatism can be removed, if File No.: 1001527.304 Page 13 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrit, Associates, Inc?necessary, by solving the thermo-elastic problem for the stresses in the vessel shell then calculating the stress intensity factor using the plant specific stress distribution.


INPUTS The design inputs, also included in Appendix A, used to develop the HNP-1 P-T curves are discussed below: 1. Limiting RTNDT and ART [5]: Non-beltline:


Bottom Head: Beltline:*38 EFPY: 49.3 EFPY: 2. Shutdown Margin Temperature

[9]: 3. RPV Dimensions*.[6]:

Full vessel height: RPV inside radius: RPV shell thickness:

Bottom head inside radius: Bottom head shell thickness:

4. Heat-up / Cool-down Rates [8]: 5. Nozzle Stress Intensity Factors [1I0]: FW Nozzle: 1 ksi Pressure: 100 °F/hr: 200 °F/hr: 450°F shock: WLI Nozzle: 1 ksi Pressure: 100 °F/hr: 200 °F/hr: 40 *F (bounding value for non-belItline region, excluding bottom head)16 0 F (bounding value for materials highly stressed by bolt preload)10 0 F 116.3 OF 129.0 °F 68 0 F 836.75 inches (Used to calculate maximum water head during pressure test and conservatively applied for normal operation as well)110.375 inches 5.375 inches 110.5 inches 3.188 inches (in region with Core DP penetration) 6.813 inches (in region with CRD9 penetrations) 100 0 F/hr 200 0 F/hr 76.6 ksi-in°5 11.5 ksi-in°5 23.1 ksi-in°5 65.3 ksi-in°5 71.6 ksi-in 0 5 17.4 ksi-in 0 5 34.8 ksi-in 0 5 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 14 of 46 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Core DP Nozzle: 1 ksi Pressure:

32.3 ksi-in°5 100 °F/hr: 1.73 ksi-in°5 200 °F/hr: 3.46 ksi-in°5 6. Design Pressure [7]:, 1250 psig 7. Pre-service Hydro-test pressure [7]: 1563 psig (Taken as 1.25 *Design pressure = 1563 psig)8. Instrument uncertainties

[8]: Pressure:

0 psig Temperature:

0*F 5.0 CALCULATIONS The P-T curves in this calculation were developed using an Excel spreadsheet, which is independently verified for use on a project-specific basis in accordance with SI's Nuclear QA program. Four cases are evaluated, corresponding to two EFPY values (38 and 49.3) and two cool-down rates (100 and 200°F/hr). P-T limits are calculated from 0 to 1300 psig. Supporting calculations for all curves are included in Appendix B.Because BWR operation is typically along the saturation curve, the limiting K 1 t for the FW nozzle is scaled to reflect the worst-case step change due to the available temperature difference between the saturation temperature at a given pressure and the 100 0 F feedwater temperature.

It is recognized that at low temperatures, the available temperature difference is insignificant, which could result in a near zero Kit. Therefore, a minimum K 1 u is calculated for both the 100 0 F/hr and 200 0 F/hr cool-down rates; scaling of the non-beltline

/ feedwater nozzle Kit based on the available temperature difference is not allowed below the minimum Kit corresponding to the cool-down rate, being evaluated.

The composite P-T curves are extended below 0 psig to -14.7 psig based on the evaluation documented in Reference

[13], which demonstrates that the P-T curves are applicable to negative gauge pressures.

Since the P-T curve calculation methods used do not specifically apply to negative values of pressure, the tabulated results start at 0 psig. However, the minimum RPV pressure is -14.7 psig.5.1 Pressure Test (Curve A)The minimum bolt-up temperature of 76 0 F minus instrument uncertainty (0°F) is applied to all regions as the initial temperature in the iterative calculation process. The static fracture toughness (Kit) is calculated for all regions using Eq. (1). The resulting value of K 1 t, along with a safety factor ofl .5 is used in Eq. (2) to calculate the pressure stress intensity factor (K 1 p). The allowable RPV pressure is calculated for the beltline, bottom head and Non-Beltline regions 'using Eq. (6, 7, and 8), as appropriate.

For the non-beltline region (feedwater nozzle / upper vessel), the additional constraints specified in Step 6 of Section 2.0 are applied. Final P-T limits for temperature and pressure are obtained from Eq. (12 and 13), respectively.

File No.: 1001527.304 Page 15 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI VStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Since the thermal stress intensity factor is taken as zero for Curve A, the cool-down rates do not affect the results for Curve A.Values for the composite beltline region curves for 38 and 49.3 EFPY are listed in Table 2 and Table 3, respectively.

Additionally, more detailed data for the composite beltline are provided in Appendix B.Data for the composite bottom head region curve for all EFPY is listed in Table 4. Data for the composite non-beltline (feedwater nozzle / upper vessel) region curve, including the 10OCFR50 Appendix G [4] limits, for all EFPY is listed in Table 5. The data for each region is graphed, and the resulting composite Curve A for 38 and 49.3 EFPY are provided in Figure 1 and Figure 2, respectively.

Additional data and curves for each region are included in Appendix B.5.2 Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical (Curve B)The minimum bolt-up temperature of 76°F minus coolant temperature instrument uncertainty (0 0 F) is applied to all regions as the initial temperature in the iterative calculation process. The static fracture toughness (Kic) is calculated for all regions using Eq. (1). The thermal stress intensity factor (K 1 t) is calculated for the beltline plate and bottom head regions using Eq. (3), for the FW nozzle using Eq. (4), and for the WLI (N16) nozzle using Eq. (5).The resulting values of Kit and Kit, along with a safety factor of 2.0, are used in Eq. (2) to calculate the pressure stress intensity factor (K 1 p). The allowable RPV pressure is calculated for the beltline, bottom head, and non-beltline regions using Eq. (6, 7, and 8), as appropriate.

For the non-beltline (FW nozzle /upper vessel) region, the additional constraints specified in Step 6 of Section 2.0 are applied. Final P-T limits for temperature and pressure are obtained from Eq. (12 and 13), respectively.

The data resulting from each P-T curve calculation is tabulated.

Values for the composite beltline region with a 100°F/hr cool-down rate at 38 and 49.3 EFPY are listed in Table 6 and Table 7, respectively.

Values for the composite beltline region with a 200°F/hr cool-down rate at 38 and 49.3 EFPY are listed in Table 8 and Table 9, respectively.

Data for the bottom head region with 1 00°F/hr and 200°F/hr cool-down rates are listed in Table 10 and Table 11, respectively.

Data for the FW nozzle/ upper vessel region with 100°F/hr and 200°F/hr cool-down rates are listed in Table 12 and Table 13, respectively.

The data for each region is graphed, and the resulting composite Curve B for 38 and 49.3 EFPY with a 1O 0 0F/hr cool-down rate are provided in Figure 3 and Figure 4, respectively.

The resulting composite Curve B for 38 and 49.3 EFPY with a 200°F/hr cool-down rate are provided in Figure 5 and Figure 6, respectively.

Additional data and curves for each region are included in Appendix B.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 16 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01R1 Structural.lIntegrity Associates, IncY 5.3 Normal Operation

-Core Critical (Curve C)The pressure and temperature values for Curve C are calculated in a similar manner as Curve B, with several exceptions.

The initial evaluation temperature is calculated as the limiting non-beltline RTNDT that is highly stressed by the bolt preload (in this case, that of the closure flange region: 16 0 F per Section 3.0) plus 60°F, resulting in a minimum critical temperature of 76 °F. When the pressure exceeds 20% of the system hydrostatic test pressure (20% of 1,563 psig =313 psig), the P-T limits are specified as 40°F higher than the Curve B values. The minimum temperature above the 20%of the pre-service system hydrostatic test pressure is always greater than the reference temperature (RTNDT) of the closure region plus 160°F, or is taken as the minimum temperature required for the hydrostatic pressure test. The final Curve C values are taken as the absolute maximum between the regions of the beitline, the bottom head, and the non-beitline.

The data resulting from each P-T curve calculation is tabulated.

Values for the composite beltllne region with a 100°F/hr cool-down rate at 38 and 49.3 EFPY are listed in Table 14 and Table 15, respectively.

Values for the composite beltline region with a 200°F/hr cool-down rate at 38 and 49.3 EFPY are listed in Table 16 and Table 17, respectively.

Data for the bottom head region with 100°F/hr and 200°F/hr cool-down rates are listed in Table 18 and Table 19, respectively.

Data for the non-beltline (FW nozzle / upper vessel) region with 100°F/hr and 200°F/hr cool-down rates are listed in Table 20 and Table 21, respectively.

The data for each region is graphed, and the resulting composite Curve C for 38 and 49.3 EFPY with a 100°F/hr cool-down rate are provided in Figure 7 and Figure 8, respectively.

The resulting composite Curve C for 38 and 49.3 EFPY with a 200°F/hr cool-down rate are provided in Figure 9 and Figure 10, respectively.

Additional data and curves for each region are included in Appendix B.Note that the Beltline Region curves for the 200 0 F/hr thermal transient at 38 and 49.3 EFPY shown in Tables 16 and 17 and Figures 9 and 10 exhibit negative pressures at the lower end of the curve. This is non-realistic and essentially indicates a higher minimum temperature for this region than for the other regions of the RPV. Since these curves are not intended for normal operation and are intended only to disposition out-of-specification thermal transients these results do not pose any operational difficulties.


S P-T curves are developed for JINP-1 using the methodology, assumptions, and design inputs defined in Sections 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0. P-T curves are developed for the beltline, bottom head, and non-beltline regions, considering a 100 0 F/hr and 200 *F/hr thermal transient at 38 and 49.3 EFPY, for the following plant conditions:

Pressure Test (Curve A), Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical (Curve B), and Normal Operation

-Core Critical (Curve C). Tabulated pressure and temperature values are provided for all regions and EFPYs in Tables 2 through 21. The accompanying P-T curve plots are provided in Figures 1 through 10.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 17 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-0 1RI VStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y


1. Structural Integrity Associates Report No. SIR-05-044, Revision 1-A, "Pressure-Temperature Limits Report Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors," June 2013, SI File No. GE-10Q-401.
2. Structural Integrity Associates Report No. 0900876.40 1, Revision 0-A, "Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics Evaluation of General Electric Boiling Water Reactor Water Level Instrument Nozzles for Pressure-Temperature Curve Evaluations," May 2013.3. U. S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Energy, Part 50, "Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," Appendix G, "Fracture Toughness Requirements," (60 FR 65474, Dec.19, 1995; 73 FR 5723, Jan. 2008).4. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, Rules for In-Service Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, Appendix G, "Fracture Toughness Criteria for Protection Against Failure," 2001 Edition including the 2003 Addenda.5. Structural Integrity Associates Calculation No. 1001527.301, Rev 1, "Hatch Unit 1 RPV Material Summary and ART Calculation." 6. General Electric Drawing No. E-234-270, Revision 3, "General Arrangement Elevation for: 218" I.D. BWR," SI File No. 100 1527.208.7. General Electric Drawing No. I135B9990, "Nozzle Thermal Cycles (Feedwater)," SI File 1001527.211.
8. Design Input Requests: a. DIR, Revision 2, "Revised P-T Curves for Plant Hatch Units 1&2," SI File No.1001527.201.
b. DIR, Revision 0, "Hatch Units 1 and 2 P-T Curve Revisions," SI File No. 1400365.200.
9. General Electric Document No. GE-NE-BI1 10069 1-01R1, "Plant Hatch Unit 1 RPV Surveillance Materials Testing and Analysis," March 1997, 51 File No. 1001527.202.
10. Structural Integrity Associates Calculation No. 1001527.303, Revision 1, "Feedwater, Water Level Instrument, and Core DP Nozzle Fracture Mechanics Evaluation for Hatch Unit 1 and Unit 2 Pressure-Temperature Limit Curve Development.
11. General Electric Document No. GE-NE-B1 100827-00-01, "Plant Hatch Units 1 & 2 RPV Pressure Temperature Limits License Renewal Evaluation," March 1999, SI File No. 1400365.202.
12. NRC Docket No. 50-321, "Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit No. 1, Amendment to Facility Operating License," Amendment No. 59, License No. DPR-57, ADAMS Accession No.ML0 12950436, SI File No. 1400365.202.
13. SI Calculation No. 1400365.30 1, Rev. 0, "Hatch RPV Vacuum Assessment." File No.: 1001527.304 Page 18 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Table 2: HNP-I Beltline Region, Curve A, for 38 EFPY°F psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 365.2 98.8 415.1 114.4 465.0 126.3 514.9 135.9 564.8 144.0 614.7 150.9 664.6 157.0 714.5 162.4 764.5 167.3 814.4 171.8 864.3 175.8 914.2 179.6 964.1 183.1 1014.0 186.4 1063.9 189.5 1113.8 192.4 1163.7 195.2 1213.6 197.8 1263.5 200.2 1313.5 202.6 1363.4 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 19 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc Table 3:HINP-1 Beltline Region, Curve A, for 49.3 EFPY.A 9. .-76.76.0 103.3 120.9 133.9 144.2 152.7 160.0 166.4 172.0 177.1 181.7 185.9 189.8 193.4 196.7 199.9 202.9 205.7 208.3 210.8 213.2 psi 0.0 345.8 394.5 443.2 491.9 540.6 589.3 638.0 686.6 735.3 784.0 832.7 881.4 930.1 978.8 1027.4 1076.1 1124.8 1173.5 1222.2 1270.9 1319.6 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 20 of 46 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, lncY Table 4: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve A, for All EFPY OF psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 1226.1 78.7 1274.2 81.2 1322.4 83.6 1370.5 Table 5: HNP-Z Non-Beltline Region, Curve A, for All EFPY P-T Curve P-T Curve Temperature Pressure°F psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 312.6 106.0 312.,6 106.0 934.2 109.5 982.6 112.7 1031.0 115,7 1079.3 118.6 1127.7 121,3 1176.1 123.9 1224.4 126.3 1272.8 128.6 1321.2 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 21 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI

~jStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Table 6: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve B, for 38 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient OF psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 144.9 104.2 193.8 122.1 242.7 135.2 291.6 145.6 340.5 154.2 389.4 161.6 438.3 168.0 487.2 173.6 536.1 178.7 585.0 183.4 633.9 187.6 682.8 191.5 731.7 195.1 780.6 198.5 829.5 201.6 878.4 204.6 927.3 207.4 976.2 210.1 1025.1 212.6 1074.0 215.0 1122.9 217.3 1171.8 219.5 1220.7 221.6 1269.6 223.6 1318.5 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 22 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Table 7: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve B, for 49.3 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient°F psi 76.0 76.0 110.3 130.4 144.7 155.9 164.9 172.6 179.3 185.2 190.4 195.2 199.5 203.5 207.2 210.7 213.9 216.9 219.8 222.5 225.1 227.5 229.8 232.0 234.2 236.2 0.0 130.4 179.8 229.2 278.6 328.0 377.4 426.8 476.2 525.6 575.0 624.4 673.8 723.2 772.6 822.0 871.4 920.8 970.2 1019.6 1069.0 1118.4 1167.8 1217.2 1266.6 1316.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 23 of 46 F0306-01 RI Sj1~ tructural Integri~t Associates, IncYe Table 8: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve B, for 38 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient°F psi 76.0 76.0 104.5 122.5 135.8 146.2 154.8 162.2 168.6 174.3 179.4 184.1 188.3 192.2 195.8 199.2 202.4 205.3 208.2 210.8 213.3 215.7 218.0 220.2 222.3 224.3 226.3 228.2 0.0 23.3 72.9 122.6 172.3 222.0 271.6 321.3 371.0 420.6 470.3 520.0 569.6 619.3 669.0 718.6 768.3 818.0 867.6 917.3 967.0 1016.6 1066.3 1116.0 1165.7 1215.3 1265.0 1314.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 24 of 46 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, /ncY Table 9: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve B, for 49.3 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient°F psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 8.8 109.9 57.3 129.9 105.9 144.1 154.5 155.2 203.1 164.2 251.6 171.9 300.2 178.6 348.8 184.4 397.3 189.7 445.9 194.4 494.5 198.8 543.0 202.8 591.6 206.5 640.2 209.9 688.7 213.1 737.3 216.1 785.9 219.0 834.5 221.7 883.0 224.3 931.6 226.7 980.2 229.0 1028.7 231.2 1077.3 233.4 1125.9 235.4 1174.4 237.4 1223.0 239.2 1271.6 241.1 1320.2 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 25 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Table 10: HNP-I Bottom Head Region, Curve B for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient* a.e*

  • U 76.76.0 79.6 83.0 86.2 89.2 92.0 94.7 97.3 99.7 102.0 104.2 psi 0.0 813.9 863.8 913.8 963.7 1013.6 1063.6 1113.5 1163.5 1213.4 1263.3 1313.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 26 of 46 F0306-01 RI

~jjStructuraIiIntegrity Associates, IncY Table 11: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve B for All EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient..- e u°F psi 76.0 76.0 79.6 83.0 86.2 89.2 92.0 94.7 97.2 99.6 101.9 104.1 106.2 108.3 0.0 715.7 765.6 815.4 865.2 915.1 964.9 1014.8 1064.6 1114.4 1164.3 1214.1 1264.0 1313.8 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 27 of 46 F0306-01I R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc Table 12:HINP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve B, for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient OF psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 198.2 84.6 236.4 91.8 274.5 97.9 312.6 136.0 312.6 136.0 724.2 139.0 773.5 141.8 822.9 144.4 872.2 146.8 921.5 149.2 970.9 151.4 1020.2 153.6 1069.6 155.6 1118.9 157.6 1168.3 159.4 1217.6 161.2 1266.9 163.0 1316.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 28 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, lnc~e Table 13: HNP-I Non-Beltline Region, Curve B, for All EFPY and 20O°F/hr Thermal Transient°F psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 198.2 84.6 236.4 91.8 274.5 97.9 312.6 136.0 312.6 136.0 724.2 139.0 773.5 141.8 822.9 144.4 872.2 146.8 921.5 149.2 970.9 151.4 1020.2 153.6 1069.6 155.6 1118.9 157.6 1168.3 159.4 1217.6 161.2 1266.9 163.0 1316.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Page 29 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.e Table 14: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve C, for 38 EFPY and i00°F/hr Thermal Transient 9 76.76.0 125,1 149.3 165.6 177.9 187.7 195.9 203.0 209.1 214.6 219.6 224.1 228.2 232.1 235.6 238.9 242.0 245.0 247.7 250.3 252.8 255.2 257.5 259.6 261.7 263.7 psi 0.0 109.3 157.8 206.2 254.7 303.1 351.6 400.0 448.5 497.0 545.4 593.9 642.3 690.8 739.2 787.7 836.1 884.6 933.1 981.5 1030.0 1078.4 1126.9 1175.3 1223.8 1272.3 1320.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 30 of 46 F0306-01 RI

$j~tructural Integrity Associates, Inc.*Table 15: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 49.3 EFPY and 100 0 F/hr Thermal Transient OF psi 76.0 76.0 133.5 159.6 176.6 189.3 199.4 207.8 215.0 221.3 226.9 231.9 236.4 240.6 244.5 248.1 251.4 254.5 257.5 260.3 262.9 265.4 267.8 270.1 272.3 274.3 276.3 0.0 102.8 151.5 200.1 248.8 297.5 346.1 394.8 443.5 492.2 540.8 589.5 638.2 686.9 735.5 784.2 832.9 881.6 930.2 978.9 1027.6 1076.3 1124.9 1173.6 1222.3 1271.0 1319.6 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 31 of 46 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.e Table 16: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve C, for 38 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient°F psi 76.0 0.0 76.0 -12.3 125.6 36.9 149.9 86.1 166.3 135.4 178.6 184.6 188.4 233.8 196.6 283.0 203.7 332.3 209.9 381.5 215.4 430.7 220.4 480.0 224.9 529.2 229.0 578.4 232.8 627.6 236.4 676.9 239.7 726.1 242.8 775.3 245.7 824.6 248.5 873.8 251.1 923.0 253.6 972.3 256.0 1021.5 258.2 1070.7 260.4 1119.9 262.5 1169.2 264.5 1218.4 266.4 1267.6 268.2 1316.9 NOTE: See the discussion in Section 5.3 regarding the negative pressure in this table.File No.: 1001527.304 Page 32 of 46 Revision:

2 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc Table 17: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve C, for 49.3 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient"F 76.0 76.0 134.0 160.2 177.3 190.0 200.1 208.5 215.7 222.0 227.6 232.6 237.2 241.4 245.2 248.8 252.2 255.3 258.3 261.0 263.7 266.2 268.6 270.8 273.0 275.1 277.1 279.0 280.9 psi 0.0-18.8 30.6 80.0 129.4 178.9 228.3 277.7 327.2 376.6 426.0 475.5 524.9 574.3 623.8 673.2 722.6 772.1 821.5 870.9 920.4 969.8 1019.2 1068.7 1118.1 1167.5 1217.0 1266.4 1315.8 NOTE: See the discussion in Section 5.3 regarding the negative pressure in this table.File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 33 of 46 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, /ncYe Table 18: HNP-1 Bottom Head Region, Curve C for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient 9 76.0 76.0 83.6 90.1 95.9 101.1 105.8 110.1 114.1 117.8 121.2 124.4 127.4 130.2 132.9 135.4 137.9 140.2 142.4 144.5 psi 0.0 450.5 498.8 547.2 595.6 643.9 692.3 740.7 789.1 837.4 885.8 934.2 982.5 1030.9 1079.3 1127.7 1176.0 1224.4 1272.8 1321.1 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 34 of 46 F0306-01 R1 Structural Integrity Associates, lnc: Table 19: HNP-I Bottom Head Region, Curve C for All EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient e°F psi 76.0 76.0 83.6 90.1 95.9 101.1 105.8 110.2 114.1 117.8 121.2 124.4 127.4 130.3 132.9 135.5 137.9 140.2 142.4 144.6 146.6 148.5 0.0 352.3 400.7 449.2 497.6 546.0 594.4 642.9 691.3 739.7 788.1 836.6 885.0 933.4 981.9 1030.3 1078.7 1127.1 1175.6 1224.0 1272.4 1320.9 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 35 of 46 F0306-01 R1

~Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.*Table 20:tINP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve C, for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient°F psi 76.0 76.0 98.0 112.1 122.6 130.9 137.9 217.0 217.0 0.0 97.6 140.6 183.6 226.6 269.6 312.6 312.6 1563.0 Table 21: HNP-1 Non-Beltline Region, Curve C, for All EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient*F psi 76.0 76.0 98.0 112.1 122.6 130.9 137.9 217.0 217.0 0.0 97.6 140.6 183.6 226.6 269.6 312.6 312.6 1563.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 36 of 46 F0306-01R 1

Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.'Curve A -Pressure Test, Composite Curves-Bei .... Bottom Head--- Non-Beltline 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 4.E 1150 300 200 100 I 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(°F)Figure 1: HNP-1 (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A, 38 EFPY File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 37 of 46 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Curve A -Pressure Test, Composite Curves-Beltline

Bottom Head -- -- Non-Beltline

-==,Overall 1300 -____I__I I 110'- ____-I I _11o 800... I___ I -_t, I , I!,I'94 0 0 -I- --- ........ -.... ..... .... .. .......-... ..300 -~ -' -i!--!_ _ _ _+/- _ _ _ _200 1.......M inim um............

B olt-Up.. ....-

........Teprtre=7 0 100, -Minimm RI Prssr i-1. pi FieN. 0052.0 Page 3=of 4 Revison: F030-OII Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Curve B -Core Not Critical, Composite Curves-Be...n --Bottom Head -- -Non-Beltline


-K....1300 1200 1100 1000 900* 800 0.E-I 500 El#.400 300 200 100 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature (0 F)Figure 3: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and IOO°F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 39 of 46 F0306-01 RI VStructural Integrity Associates,/lnc.?

Curve B -Core Not Critical, Composite Curves-Beiti.e.---Bottom Head---- Non-Beltline m===Overall 1300 1200 1100 900800700 t E-1 500&- 400 300 200 100 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

('F)Figure 4: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 1O 0 0Ffhr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 40 of 46 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, lncY Curve B -Core Not Critical, Composite Curves-....n --Bottom Head --1 Non-Beitline

-==Overall 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 a.*1 E S500&" 400 300 0 1!;0 2(X)Minimum Reactor VesselI Metal Temperature

(*F)Figure 5: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and 200°F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 41 of 46 F0306-01RI jjStructural Integrity Associates, IncY Curve B -Core Not Critical, Composite Curves-eilie-- -- Bottom Head -- -- Non-Beltline m===Ove rail 1300 1200 1100 1000 900800 ....7010 *E-. 500 Si 300 200 100 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(=F)Figure 6: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200°F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 42 of 46 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, IncY Curve C -Core Critical, Composite --Bottom Head -- -- Non-Beitline

-.mmOverall 1300 1200 1100 1O00 900 ,6" 600 300 200 100 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(°F)Figure 7: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 10O°F/hr Figure 7: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 100 0 F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 43 of 46 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Curve C -Core Critical, Composite Curves-Bei....---Bottom Head -- -- Non-Beltline -Overall 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 0.gi70 E A- 4o0 300 200 100 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(@F)Figure 8: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 100°F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 44 of 46 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Curve C -Core Critical, Composite -- Bottom Head -- -- Non-Beitline i,,,,,Overall 1300 12001 1100 10001 900O Minimum Bolt-Temperature

=7 Minimum Beltli Temperature

= 5 Minimum RP\Pressure = -14.7 a.S E-, Sg 800 700 op l ! a nI!94 0 FI __ a I a Ve I psig ji a a a I I a Ia I I I I I I I I I* i /I A , I ii i, ii ii'i, .../600 400-.. ......300 200 100 , 0 5 200 250 3 0o+/-_Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature (0 F)Figure 9: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 200°F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 45 of 46 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncYe Curve C -Core Critical, Composite Head -- -- Non-Beitline -Overall 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 J 600 4..E"1 500&" 400 300 200 100 0 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

('F)Figure I0: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 20O°F/hr Figure 10: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page 46 of 46 F0306-01I RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc5 APPENDIX A: P -T CURVE INPUT LISTING File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page A-i1 of A-3 F0306-01 RI jjStructural Integrity Associates, Inc~e Table A-i: HINP-I Stress Intensity Factors for Feedwater and WLI Nozzles 1131 Feedwater 76.6 65.3 11.5 23.1 WLI 71.6 N/A 17.4 34.8 Core DP 32.3 N/A 1.7 3.5 Notes: 1. K 1 in units of ksi-in 0 s 2. 200 "F/hr results are scaled from 100 "F/hr assuming response is linear Table A-2: HNP-I P-T Curve Input Listing General Parameters English Unit System for Tables and Plots 0 Temperature Instrument Uncertainty Adjustment

(°F)0 Pressure Instrument Uncertainty Adjustment (psig)62.4 Water Density (lbm/ft 3)836.75 Full-Vessel Water Height (in)1.5 Safety Factor for Curve A 2 Safety Factor for Curves B and C 76 Bolt-up Temperature

(°F)16 ART of Closure Flange Region (°F)10 Default Temperature Increment for Tables (0 F)50 Default Pressure Increment for Composite Tables (psig)Beltline Parameters 116.3 Adjusted Reference Temperature, 38 EFPY (°F)129.0 Adjusted Reference Temperature, 49.3 EFPY (0 F)110.375 Vessel Radius (in)5.375 Vessel Thickness (in)100 Heat-up / Cool-down Rate (°F/hr)200 Heat-up / Cool-down Rate (°F/hr)Generic Type of Static Pressure Head Addition N/A Specific Water Height for Static Pressure Head Addition (in)Generic Type of Temperature Increment for Tables 5 Specific Temperature Increment for Tables (°F)File No.: 100 1527.304 Page A-2 of A-3 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, /nc*P- uv nputs Instrument Nozzle Parameters 116.3 Adjusted Reference Temperature, 38 EFPY (OF)129.0 Adjusted Reference Temperature, 49.3 EFPY ('F)110.375 Vessel Radius (in)5.375 Vessel Thickness (in)See Table Applied Pressure Stress Intensity Factor (ksi*in^0.5)

A-i Applied Thermal Stress Intensity Factor (ksi*in^0.5) 7.70E-06 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (in!/in/'F) 1000 Reference Pressure (psig)Generic Type of Static Pressure Head Addition N/A Specific Water Height for Static Pressure Head Addition (in)Generic Type of Temperature Increment for Tables 5 Specific Temperature Increment for Tables (*F)Bottom Heai 10 110.5 6.8125 100 200 3 Generic N/A Generic 5 Non-Beltline 40 See Table A-i Yes 100 550 1000 Generic N/A Generic 5 d Parameters Adjusted Reference Temperature

(°F)Vessel Radius (in)Vessel Thickness (in)Heat-up / Cool-down Rate (°F/hr)Heat-up / Cool-down Rate (°F/hr)Stress Concentration Factor Type of Static Pressure Head Addition Specific Water Height for Static Pressure Head Addition (in)Type of Temperature Increment for Tables Specific Temperature Increment for Tables (°F)(Feedwater Nozzle) Parameters Adjusted Reference Temperature

(°F)Applied Pressure Stress Intensity Factor (ksi* in^0.5)Applied Thermal Stress Intensity Factor (ksi*in^0.5)

Minimum Thermal Stress Intensity Factor (ksi*in^0.5)

Scale KIT based on Saturation Temperature?

Minimum Transient Temperature

(°F)Maximum Transient Temperature

(*F)Reference Pressure for Thermal Transient (psig)Type of Static Pressure Head Addition Specific Water Height for Static Pressure Head Addition (in)Type of Temperature Increment for Tables Specific Temperature Increment for Tables (°F)File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page A-3 of A-3 F0306-01RI jjStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.*APPENDIX B: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-I of B-43 F0306-01RI

~jStructoral Integrity Associates, Inc.*Table B-I: HNP-1, Beltline Region, Curve A Calculations, for 38 EFPY-A

  • I°ksi*in^0.5

°ksi*inAO.5-IF ps'76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 42.5 42,5 44.5 47.0 50.1 53.8 58.4 63.9 70.8 79.1 89.2 28.3 28.3 29.7 31.3 33.4 35.9 38.9 42.6 47.2 52.7 59.5 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 0.0 611.9 642.9 680.8 727.0 783.5 852.5 936.8 1039.7 1165.5 1319.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-2 of B-43 F0306-01R I

Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.t Table B-2: HNP-1, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve A Calculations, for 38 EFPY-A U -- -ksiifl^O.5 -IF psi 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 42.5 42.5 44.5 47.0 50.1 53.8 58.4 63.9 70.8 79.1 89.2 101.6 116.8 135.3 157.9 28.3 28.3 29.7 31.3 33.4 35.9 38.9 42.6 47.2 52.7 59.5 67.8 77.9 90.2 105.3 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 0.0 365.2 384.3 407.6 436.1 470.9 513.4 565.3 628.7 706.1 800.6 916.2 1057.2 1229.5 1440.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-3 of B-43 F0306-0tRI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Table B-3: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve A Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY-A U -Gageiiiii Fl idiii Temprtr°ksi*inAO.5

°ksi*inAO.5 P- Crv psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 26.9 26.9 27.4 28.0 28.6 29.3 30.0 30.9 31.8 32.8 33.9 35.2 36.5 38.0 39.7 41.6 43.6 45.9 48.3 51.1 54.2 57.5 61.2 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 0.0 580.5 591.9 604.5 618.5 633.9 650.9 669.8 690.6 713.6 739.0 767.1 798.2 832.5 870.4 912.4 958.7 1009.9 1066.5 1129.0 1198.1 1274.5 1358.9 File No.: 1001527.304 Page B-4 of B-43 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Table B-4: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beitline Region, Curve A Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY-A F --°F psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1 151.3 26.9 26.9 27.4 28.0 28.6 29.3 30.0 30.9 31.8 32.8 33.9 35.2 36.5 38.0 39.7 41.6 43.6 45.9 48.3 51.1 54.2 ,57.5 61.2 65.4 69.9 74.9 80.5 86.6 93.4 100.9 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 0.0 345.8 352.9 360.7 369.2 378.7 389.2 400.8 413.7 427.8 443.5 460.8 479.9 501.0 524.4 550.2 578.7 610.3 645.1 683.6 726.2 773.2 825.2 882.7 946.2 1016.3 1093.9 1179.6 1274.3 1379.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-5 of B-43 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.*Table B-5: HNP-1, Bottom Head Region, Curve A Calculations, All EFPY A .-°ksi *inA0.5 °ksi*inA0.5 psi 76.0 110.8 73.9 76.0 0.0 76.0 110.8 73.9 76.0 1226.1 81.0 119.0 79.3 81.0 1318.6 86.0 128.0 85.3 86.0 1420.9 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-6 of B-43 F0306-01RI j§StructuraI Integrity Associates, Inc.e Table B-6: HNP-I, FW Nozzle / Non-Beitline, Curve A Calculations, All EFPY 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0°ksi*inA0.5 75.8 75.8 79.3 83.2 87.4 91.9 96.7 102.0 107.8 114.0 120.7 128.0 135.9 144.4 153.7°ksi*inA0.5 50.5 50.5 52.9 55.5 58.2 61.2 64.5 68.0 71.8 76.0 80.5 85.3 90.6 96.3 102.5 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 psi 0.0 629.5 660.3 693.8 730.0 769.3 811.8 857.9 907.8 961.8 1020.4 1083.8 1152.5 1227.0 1307.6 File No.: 1001527.304 Page B-7 of B-43 Revision:

2 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.?Table B-7: HNP-1, Beitline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient..* a a 76.76.0 76.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0°ksi*inA0.5 42.5 42.5 44.5 47.0 50.1 53.8 58.4 63.9 70.8 79.1 89.2 101.6 116.8 135.3°ksi*inAO.5 18.0 18.0 19.1 20.3 21.8 23.7 26.0 28.8 32.2 36.3 41.4 47.6 55.2 64.4 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 psi 0.0 379.0 402.2 430.6 465.3 507.7 559.4 622.6 699.9 794.2 909.3 1050.0 1221.8 1431.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-8 of B-43 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, /nc.Y Table B-8: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient* S S *- 9 D°F ksi*inA0.5

°ksi*inAO.5 psi 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 216.0 226.0 42.5 42.5 44.5 47.0 50.1 53.8 58.4 63.9 70.8 79.1 89.2 101.6 116.8 135.3 157.9 185.5 219.2 12.5 12.5 13.6 14.8 16.3 18.2 20.5 23.3 26.7 30.8 35.9 42.1 49.7 58.9 70.2 84.1 100.9 76.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 216.0 226.0 0.0 144.9 159.2 176.7 198.1 224.2 256.0 295.0 342.5 400.6 471.5 558.1 663.9 793.2 951.0 1143.8 1379.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-9 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncY t Table B-9: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient..* .U Gage fluid P-T Curve P-T Curve Temperature K 1 Temperature Pressure°F °ksi*in^0.5

°ksi*in^0.5 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 17.0 17.0 17.4 17.8 18.3 18.8 19.3 20.0 20.6 21.4 22.2 23.2 24.2 25.3 26.6 28.0 29.5 31.2 33.1 35.1 37.4 39.9 42.7 45.8 49.2 53.0 57.2 61.8 76.76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 psi 0.0 355.4 364.0 373.4 383.9 395.5 408.3 422.4 438.0 455.3 474.3 495.4 518.7 544.4 572.9 604.3 639.1 677.5 719.9 766.8 818.6 875.9 939.2 1009.2 1086.5 1172.0 1266.5 1370.8 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-1l0 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.~Table B-I0: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient-S p **

  • e-ksi~in^O.5 "ksi~inAO.5 psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1 151.3 163.8 177.5 192.7 209.4 11.5 11.5 11.9 12.3 12.8 13.3 13.8 14.5 15.1 15.9 16.7 17.7 18.7 19.8 21.1 22.5 24.0 25.7 27.6 29.6 31.9 34.4 37.2 40.3 43.7 47.5 51.7 56.3 61.4 67.0 73.2 80.0 87.6 96.0 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 0.0 130.4 135.7 141.5 148.0 155.1 163.0 171.6 181.3 191.9 203.6 216.6 231.0 246.8 264.3 283.7 305.1 328.7 354.9 383.7 415.7 450.9 489.9 533.0 580.6 633.3 691.4 755.7 826.7 905.3 992.0 1087.9 1193.9 1311.0 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B- 11 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Table B-Il: HNP-I, Bottom Head Region, Curve B Calculations, for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient* e. e U-/-°ksi*inAO.5

°ksi*in^0.5 "1-psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 110.8 110.8 119.0 128.0 138.0 149.0 161.2 174.6 49.6 49.6 53.7 58.2 63.2 68.7 74.8 81.5 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 0.0 813.9 883.3 960.0 1044.8 1138.4 1242.0 1356.4 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-12 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, lnc.*Table B-12: HNP-I, FW Nozzle / Non-Beitline, Curve B Calculations, for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient... 9 F°ksi*inAO.5


°F psi 76.0 76,0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 75.8 75.8 79.3 83.2 87.4 91.9 96.7 102.0 107.8 114.0 120,7 128.0 135.9 144.4 153.7 163.8 174.6 186.4 199.2 213.0 228.0 244.2 261.8 280.8 32.1 17.5 18.8 20.2 21.7 23.4 25.3 27.4 29.7 32.2 34.9 37.9 41.2 44.8 48.7 53.1 57.8 62.9 68.6 74.7 81.5 88.8 96.8 105.5 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 0.0 198.2 214.9 233.3 253.5 275.8 300.3 327.3 356.9 389.5 425.2 464.4 507.4 554.5 606.0 662.4 724.1 791.4 865.0 945.4 1033.1 1128.8 1233.1 1346.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-13 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, /InCY Table B-13: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 200°Ffhr Thermal Transient* S S *~ 9 Gage Fluid P-T curve P-T Curve Temperature Temperature Pressure°F ksi*inAO.5 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 42.5 42.5 43.4 44.5 45.7 47.0 48.5 50.1 51.8 53.8 56.0 58.4 61.0 63.9 67.2 70.8 74.7 79.1 83.9 89.2 95.1 101.6 108.8 116.8 125.6 135.3°ksi*inA0.5 14.8 14.8 15.3 15.9 16.5 17.1 17.9 18.7 19.5 20.5 21.6 22.8 24.1 25.6 27.2 29.0 31.0 33.2 35.6 38.2 41.2 44.4 48.0 52.0 56.4 61.3"F 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 psi 0.0 306.6 317.6 329.8 343.3 358.2 374.7 392.9 413.0 435.3 459.9 487.0 517.1 550.3 586.9 627.5 672.3 721.8 776.5 836.9 903.8 977.6 1059.2 1149.4 1249.1 1359.3 File No.: 100 1527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-14 of B-43 F0306-01 RI1 Structural Integrity Associates, IncY Table B-14: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beitline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient.e* e F°F ksi*in^0.5

°ksi*inA0.5 0 F psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 42.5 42.5 43.4 44.5 45.7 47.0 48.5 50.1 51.8 53.8 56.0 58.4 61.0 63.9 67.2 70.8 74.7 79.1 83.9 89.2 95.1 101.6 108.8 116.8 125.6 135.3 146.0 157.9 171.0 185.5 201.5 219.2 238.8 3.8 3.8 4.3 4.9 5.5 6.1 6.8 7.6 8.5 9.5 10.6 11.8 13.1 14.6 16.2 18.0 20.0 22.1 24.5 27.2 30.2 33.4 37.0 41.0 45.4 50.2 55.6 61.5 68.1 75.3 83.4 92.2 102.0 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 0.0 23.3 30.1 37.6 45.9 55.1 65.2 76.4 88.8 102.5 117.7 134.4 152.9 173.3 195.9 220.9 248.4 278.9 312.6 349.8 391.0 436.5 486.7 542.3 603.6 671.5 746.4 829.3 920.9 1022.1 1133.9 1257.5 1394.1 File No.: 100 1527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-15 of B-43 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc, Table B-15: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient* a 9 e*

  • F Gage Fluid P-T Curve P-T Curve Temperature K 1 1 Temperature Pressure°F 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0°ksi*inA0.5 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1°ksi*in^0.5 13.8 13.8 14.2 14.6 15.1 15.6 16.1 16.8 17.4 18.2 19.1 20.0 21.0 22.1 23.4 24.8 26.3 28.0 29.9 31.9 34.2 36.8 39.5 42.6 46.0 49.8 54.0 58.6 63.7 76.76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 psi 0.0 283.0 291.6 301.0 311.5 323.1 335.9 350.0 365.6 382.9 401.9 423.0 446.3 472.0 500.5 531.9 566.7 605.1 647.5 694.4 746.2 803.5 866.8 936.8 1014.2 1099.6 1194.1 1298.5 1413.8 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-16 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncYe Table B-16: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve B Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient..- 9 9 3=°ksi*inA0.5 "ksi*inAO.5 psi 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 40.4 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1 151.3 163.8 177.5 192.7 209.4 228.0 2.8 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.6 5.1 5.7 6.4 7.2 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.1 12.4 13.8 15.3 17.0 18.9 20.9 23.2 25.7 28.5 31.6 35.0 38.8 43.0 47.6 52.6 58.3 64.5 71.3 78.9 87.3 96.6 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 0.0 8.8 14.1 19.9 26.3 33.4 41.3 50.0 59.6 70.3 82.0 95.0 109.3 125.2 142.7 162.0 183.4 207.1 233.2 262.1 294.0 329.3 368.3 411.3 459.0 511.6 569.7 634.0 705.0 783.5 870.3 966.2 1072.1 1189.2 1318.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B- 17 of B-43 F0306-01 R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Table B-17: HNP-1, Bottom Head Region, Curve B Calculations, for All EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient a **

  • U Gage FluId P-T Curve P-T Curve Temperature Temperature Pressure 76.76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0°ksi*inAO.5 110.8 110.8 119.0 128.0 138.0 149.0 161.2 174.6 189.5°ksi*inAO.5 43.9 43.9 47.9 52.5 57.4 63.0 69.0 75.8 83.2 76.76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 psi 0.0 715.7 785.1 861.8 946.6 1040.3 1143.8 1258.3 1384.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-I18 of B-43 F0306-01RI j7Structural Integrity Associates, /nc,5 Table B-18: HNP-I, FW Nozzle / Non-Beltline, Curve B Calculations, for All EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient.e* 9 U°F ksi*in^0.5

°ksi*inA0.5 psi 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 75.8 75.8 79.3 83.2 87.4 91.9 96.7 102.0 107.8 114.0 120.7 128.0 135.9 144.4 153.7 163.8 174.6 186.4 199.2 213.0 228.0 244.2 261.8 280.8 26.3 17.5 18.8 20.2 21.7 23.4 25.3 27.4 29.7 32.2 34.9 37.9 41.2 44.8 48.7 53.1 57.8 62.9 68.6 74.7 81.5 88.8 96.8 105.5 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 0.0 198.2 214.9 233.3 253.5 275.8 300.3 327.3 356.9 389.5 425.2 464.4 507.4 554.5 606.0 662.4 724.1 791.4 865.0 945.4 1033.1 1128.8 1233.1 1346.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B- 19 of B-43 F0306-01Rt Structural Integrity Associates, Inc Table B-19: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient O°ksi*inA0.5


°Fpsi 36.0 37.4 15.5 76.0 0.0 36.0 37.4 15.5 76.0 321.1 46.0 38.3 15.9 86.0 331.6 56.0 39.4 16.5 96.0 344.3 66.0 40.8 17.2 106.0 359.9 76.0 42.5 18.0 116.0 379.0 86.0 44.5 19.1 126.0 402.2 96.0 47.0 20.3 136.0 430.6 106.0 50.1 21.8 146.0 465.3 116.0 53.8 23.7 156.0 507.7 126.0 58.4 26.0 166.0 559.4 136.0 63.9 28.8 176.0 622.6 146.0 70.8 32.2 186.0 699.9 156.0 79.1 36.3 196.0 794.2 166.0 89.2 41.4 206.0 909.3 176.0 101.6 47.6 216.0 1050.0 186.0 116.8 55.2 226.0 1221.8 196.0 135.3 64.4 236.0 1431.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Page B-20 of B-43 Revision:

2 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Table B-20: HNP-I, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient Gage Fluid P-T Curve P-T Curve Temperature Temperature Pressure 36.36.0 46.0 56.0 66.0 76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 216.0 226.0°ksi*inAO.5 37.4 37.4 38.3 39.4 40.8 42.5 44.5 47.0 50.1 53.8 58.4 63.9 70.8 79.1 89.2 101.6 116.8 135.3 157.9 185.5 219.2°ksi*inA0.5 10.0 10.0 10.4 11.0 11.7 12.5 13.6 14.8 16.3 18.2 20.5 23.3 26.7 30.8 35.9 42.1 49.7 58.9 70.2 84.1 100.9 76.76.0 86.0 96.0 106.0 116.0 126.0 136.0 146.0 156.0 166.0 176.0 186.0 196.0 206.0 216.0 226.0 236.0 246.0 256.0 266.0 psi 0.0 109.3 115.7 123.6 133.2 144.9 159.2 176.7 198.1 224.2 256.0 295.0 342.5 400.6 471.5 558.1 663.9 793.2 951.0 1143.8 1379.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-21 of B-43 F0306-01RI S~tructural Integrity Associates, IncYe Table B-21:. HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0°ksi*inA0.5 36.4 36.4 36.8 37.1 37.6 38.0 38.5 39.1 39.7 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9°ksi*inAO.5 15.0 15.0 15.2 15.4 15.6 15.8 16.1 16.3 16.7 17.0 17.4 17.8 18.3 18.8 19.3 20.0 20.6 21.4 22.2 23.2 24.2 25.3 26.6 28.0 29.5 31.2 33.1 35.1 37.4 39.9 42.7 45.8 49.2 53.0 57.2 61.8°F 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 246.0 psi 0.0 310.5 314.4 318.6 323.3 328.5 334.3 340.6 347.7 355.4 364.0 373.4 383.9 395.5 408.3 422.4 438.0 455.3 474.3 495.4 518.7 544.4 572.9 604.3 639.1 677.5 719.9 766.8 818.6 875.9 939.2 1009.2 1086.5 1172.0 1266.5 1370.8 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-22 of B-43 F0306-01R 1

Structural Integrity Associates, Inc: Table B-22: HNP-I, WLI (NI6) Nozzle Beitline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 1O 0 0F/hr Thermal Transient"F"ksi'inA0.5 "ksi'inA0.5"F psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 36.4 36.4 36.8 37.1 37.6 38.0 38.5 39.1 39.7 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1 9.5 9.5 9.7 9.9 10.1 10.3 10.6 10.8 11.2 11.5 11.9 12.3 12.8 13.3 13.8 14.5 15.1 15.9 16.7 17.7 18.7 19.8 21.1 22.5 24.0 25.7 27.6 29.6 31.9 34.4 37.2 40.3 43.7 47.5 51.7 56.3 61.4 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 246.0 251.0 0.0 102.8 105.1 107.8 110.7 113.9 117.4 121.3 125.6 130.4 135.7 141.5 148.0 155.1 163.0 171.6 181.3 191.9 203.6 216.6 231.0 246.8 264.3 283.7 305.1 328.7 354.9 383.7 415.7 450.9 489.9 533.0 580.6 633.3 691.4 755.7 826.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-23 of B-43 F0306-01 RI j§Structural Integrity Associates, Inc:~216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 151.3 163.8 177.5 192.7 209.4 67.0 73.2 80.0 87.6 96.0 256.0 261.0 266.0 271.0 276.0 905.3 992.0 1087.9 1193.9 1311.0 Table B-23: HNP-I, Bottom Head Region, Curve C Calculations, for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient Temperature II*F °ksi*inA0.5 36.0 68.1 36.0 68.1 41.0 71.7 46.0 75.8 51.0 80.3 56.0 85.2 61.0 90.7 66.0 96.7 71.0 103.4 76.0 110.8 81.0 119.0 86.0 128.0 91.0 138.0 96.0 149.0 101.0 161.2 106.0 174.6::Temperature Pesr°ksi*inAO.5 OF psi 28.3 76.0 0.0 28.3 76.0 450.5 30.1 81.0 481.6 32.1 86.0 516.1 34.4 91.0 554.2 36.8 96.0 596.3 39.6 101.0 642.8 42.6 106.0 694.2 45.9 111.0 751.1 49.6 116.0 813.9 53.7 121.0 883.3 58.2 126.0 960.0 63.2 131.0 1044.8 68.7 136.0 1138.4 74.8 141.0 1242.0 81.5 146.0 1356.4 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-24 of B-43 F0306-01R 1

Structural Integrity Associates,/Inc.:

Table B-24: HNP-1, FW Nozzle / Non-Beltline, Curve C Calculations, for All EFPY and 100°F/hr Thermal Transient e 36.36.0 40.0 44.0 48.0 52.0 56.0 60.0 64.0 68.0 72.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0°ksi*inAO.5 52.3 52.3 53.9 55.7 57.5 59.6 61.8 64.1 66.7 69.5 72.5 75.8 79.3 83.2 87.4 91.9 96.7 102.0 107.8 114.0 120.7 128.0 135.9 144.4 153.7 163.8 174.6 186.4 199.2 213.0 228.0 244.2 261.8 280.8°ksi*inA0.5 psi 20.4 9.8 10.3 10.8 11.4 12.0 12.7 13.5 14.3 15.3 16.3 17.5 18.8 20.2 21.7 23.4 25.3 27.4 29.7 32.2 34.9 37.9 41.2 44.8 48.7 53.1 57.8 62.9 68.6 74.7 81.5 88.8 96.8 105.5 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 168.0 172.0 176.0 180.0 184.0 188.0 192.0 196.0 200.0 204.0 0.0 97.6 103.8 110.6 118.1 126.5 135.7 145.8 157.1 169.5 183.1 198.2 214.9 233.3 253.5 275.8 300.3 327.3 356.9 389.5 425.2 464.4 507.4 554.5 606.0 662.4 724.1 791.4 865.0 945.4 1033.1 1128.8 1233.1 1346.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-25 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrit, Associates, Inc." Table B-25: HNP-I, Beitline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient-9. D°ksi*inA0.5

°ksi*inAO.5 psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 37.4 37.4 37.8 38.3 38.8 39.4 40.1 40.8 41.6 42.5 43.4 44.5 45.7 47.0 48.5 50.1 51.8 53.8 56.0 58.4 61.0 63.9 67.2 70.8 74.7 79.1 83.9 89.2 95.1 101.6 108.8 116.8 125.6 135.3 12.3 12.3 12.5 12.8 13.0 13.3 13.6 14.0 14.4 14.8 15.3 15.9 16.5 17.1 17.9 18.7 19.5 20.5 21.6 22.8 24.1 25.6 27.2 29.0 31.0 33.2 35.6 38.2 41.2 44.4 48.0 52.0 56.4 61.3 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 0.0 248.7 253.7 259.2 265.2 271.9 279.3 287.5 296.6 306.6 317.6 329.8 343.3 358.2 374.7 392.9 413.0 435.3 459.9 487.0 517.1 550.3 586.9 627.5 672.3 721.8 776.5 836.9 903.8 977.6 1059.2 1149.4 1249.1 1359.3 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-26 of B-43 F0306-01IRI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.: Table B-26: HNP-1, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beltline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 38 EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient GaeFli°ksi*inAO.5"ksi*in^0.5 P-T Curve Temperature"F P-T Curve Pressure psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 37.4 37.4 37.8 38.3 38.8 39.4 40.1 40.8 41.6 42.5 43.4 44.5 45.7 47.0 48.5 50.1 51.8 53.8 56.0 58.4 61.0 63.9 67.2 70.8 74.7 79.1 83.9 89.2 95.1 101.6 108.8 116.8 125.6 135.3 146.0 157.9 171.0 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.8 4.3 4.9 5.5 6.1 6.8 7.6 8.5 9.5 10.6 11.8 13.1 14.6 16.2 18.0 20.0 22.1 24.5 27.2 30.2 33.4 37.0 41.0 45.4 50.2 55.6 61.5 68.1 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 246.0 251.0 0.0-12.3-9.3-5.9-2.2 2.0 6.5 11.6 17.1 23.3 30.1 37.6 45.9 55.1 65.2 76.4 88.8 102.5 117.7 134.4 152.9 173.3 195.9 220.9 248.4 278.9 312.6 349.8 391.0 436.5 486.7 542.3 603.6 671.5 746.4 829.3 920.9 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-27 of B-43 F0306-01 RI Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.e 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 185.5 201.5 219.2 238.8 75.3 83.4 92.2 102.0 256.0 261.0 266.0 271.0 1022.1 1133.9 1257.5 1394.1 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-28 of B-43 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, InC*: Table B-27: HNP-I, Beltline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient e. 9°F oksi*inAO.5

°ksi*inA0.5 psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 36.4 36.4 36.8 37.1 37.6 38.0 38.5 39.1 39.7 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140,1 11.8 11.8 12.0 12.2 12.4 12.6 12.9 13.2 13.5 13.8 14.2 14.6 15.1 15.6 16.1 16.8 17.4 18.2 19.1 20.0 21.0 22.1 23.4 24.8 26.3 28.0 29.9 31.9 34.2 36.8 39.5 42.6 46.0 49.8 54.0 58.6 63.7 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 246.0 251.0 0.0 238.1 242.0 246.2 251.0 256.1 261.9 268.2 275.3 283.0 291.6 301.0 311.5 323.1 335.9 350.0 365.6 382.9 401.9 423.0 446.3 472.0 500.5 531.9 566.7 605.1 647.5 694.4 746.2 803.5 866.8 936.8 1014.2 1099.6 1194.1 1298.5 1413.8 File No.: 100 1527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-29 of B-43 F030-01R 1 Structural Integrity Associates, IncY Table B-28: HNP-1, WLI (N16) Nozzle Beitline Region, Curve C Calculations, for 49.3 EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient Temprtr°ksi*inA0.5

°ksi~inA0.5 P °FCrv P-T Curve Pressure psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 36.4 36.4 36.8 37.1 37.6 38.0 38.5 39.1 39.7 40.4 41.1 42.0 42.9 43.9 45.0 46.3 47.7 49.2 50.9 52.7 54.8 57.0 59.6 62.3 65.4 68.8 72.5 76.7 81.2 86.3 91.9 98.0 104.8 112.4 120.7 129.9 140.1 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.9 2.1 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.6 5.1 5.7 6.4 7.2 8.0 9.0 10.0 12.4 13.8 15.3 17.0 18.9 20.9 23.2 25.7 28.5 31.6 35.0 38.8 43.0 47.6 52.6 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 171.0 176.0 181.0 186.0 191.0 196.0 201.0 206.0 211.0 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 246.0 251.0 0.0-18.8-16.5-13.9-11.0-7.8-4.2-0.3 4.0 8.8 14.1 19.9 26.3 33.4 41.3 50.0 59.6 70.3 82.0 95.0 109.3 125.2 142.7 162.0 183.4 207.1 233.2 262.1 294.0 329.3 368.3 411.3 459.0 511.6 569.7 634.0 705.0 File No.: 100 1527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-30 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncYe 216.0 221.0 226.0 231.0 236.0 241.0 151.3 163.8 177.5 192.7 209.4 228.0 58.3 64.5 71.3 78.9 87.3 96.6 256.0 261.0 266.0 271.0 276.0 281.0 783.5 870.3 966.2 1072.1 1189.2 1318.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-31I of B-43 F0306-01 R1 S~tructural Integrity Associates, Inc.t Table B-29: HNP-1, Bottom Head Region, Curve C Calculations, for All EFPY and 200°F/hr Thermal Transient 9 OF ksi*in^0.5

°ksi*in^0.5 psi 36.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 51.0 56.0 61.0 66.0 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 68.1 68.1 71.7 75.8 80.3 85.2 90.7 96.7 103.4 110.8 119.0 128.0 138.0 149.0 161.2 174.6 189.5 22.5 22.5 24.3 26.4 28.6 31.1 33.8 36.8 40.2 43.9 47.9 52.5 57.4 63.0 69.0 75.8 83.2 76.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 106.0 111.0 116.0 121.0 126.0 131.0 136.0 141.0 146.0 151.0 0.0 352.3 383.5 418.0 456.0 498.1 544.7 596.1 652.9 715.7 785.1 861.8 946.6 1040.3 1143.8 1258.3 1384.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-32 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, lnc.Y Table B-30: HNP-1, FW Nozzle / Non-Beitline, Curve C Calculations, for All EFPY and 200 0 F/hr Thermal Transient-.- 9°F ksi*inAO.5

°ksi*inA0.5 psi 36.0 36.0 40.0 44.0 48.0 52.0 56.0 60.0 64.0 68.0 72.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 52.3 52.3 53.9 55.7 57.5 59.6 61.8 64.1 66.7 69.5 72.5 75.8 79.3 83.2 87.4 91.9 96.7 102.0 107.8 114.0 120.7 128.0 135.9 144.4 153.7 163.8 174.6 186.4 199.2 213.0 228.0 244.2 261.8 280.8 14.6 9.8 10.3 10.8 11.4 12.0 12.7 13.5 14.3 15.3 16.3 17.5 18.8 20.2 21.7 23.4 25.3 27.4 29.7 32.2 34.9 37.9 41.2 44.8 48.7 53.1 57.8 62.9 68.6 74.7 81.5 88.8 96.8 105.5 76.0 76.0 80.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 96.0 100.0 104.0 108.0 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 148.0 152.0 156.0 160.0 164.0 168.0 172.0 176.0 180.0 184.0 188.0 192.0 196.0 200.0 204.0 0.0 97.6 103.8 110.6 118.1 126.5 135.7 145.8 157.1 169.5 183.1 198.2 214.9 233.3 253.5 275.8 300.3 327.3 356.9 389.5 425.2 464.4 507.4 554.5 606.0 662.4 724.1 791.4 865.0 945.4 1033.1 1128.8 1233.1 1346.7 File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-33 of B-43 F0306-01RI jjStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.Curve A -Pressure Test, All Components-BL ....-N16 -- -- BH -.-FWN -* OCFR50 ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 hi u 0*1 400 300 200 100 0 0-I ____ ________ ________ _______100 150 200 250 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(*F)50 300 Figure B-I: HNP-1 (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A, 38 EFPY Note: BL is Beltline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-34 of B-43 F0306-01R I

Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Curve A -Pressure Test, All Components-BL .... N16 --BH -- --FWN 10CFR50 ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000 900.~800 p70'Ul UI E 0 i U-400 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(*F)250 300 Figure B-2: HNP-1 (Hydrostatic Pressure and Leak Test) P-T Curve A, 49.3 EFPY Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-35 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, lncY Curve B -Core Not Critical, All Components-BL .... N16 --- BH --.-FWN -. 1OCFR50O....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000{90 6Il600 6Il500 SI 400 300 200 100 0 50}100 150 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(°F)200 250 Figure B-3: HNP-I P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and 100OF/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-36 of B-43 F0306-01R1 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.Y Curve B -Core Not Critical, All Components-BL ....-N16 --- BH -- -FWN -- 10CFRSO0....CDPN 1300- __1200 ~--1100 1000 ...900 I=ED 300 +200- _-100 0o 0 50 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(*F)250 300 Figure B-4:HINP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 100°F/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-37 of B-43 F0306-01R 1

~jjStructural Integrity Associates, Inc.e Curve B -Core Not Critical, All Components-BL .... N16 --BH -- --FWN -* OCFRSO ....CDPN 1300O-1200 1100 -,...1000 900 -.:800 S700j ÷600 ---U 400 ...300: I I" I: l i* I___ I I *-ii;, 4/:17 II!/I I II I I I F i i t I i÷__I I I I I__~1~I I I I I I'I/2001! I tI/ ltll 100 4 4 ~-~----------~-,o i 250 0 4---50 300 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(*F)Figure B-5: HNP-1 P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 38 EFPY and 200°F/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-38 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, lnc.e Curve B -Core Not Critical, All Components-BL ....-N16 --BH --.--FWN -, 1OCFR50 ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1O00 900 Ip7 6I e,0@16o E 400~300 200 I 100 0o4 0 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature (0 F)*250 50 300 Figure B-6: HNP-I P-T Curve B (Normal Operation

-Core Not Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200°F/hr Note: BL is Beltline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-39 of B-43 F0306-01RI Sj~tructural Integrity Associates, Curve C -Core Critical, All Components-BL .... N16 --- BH --.-FWN -. 10CFR50 ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 S800 b700 S600~500 4-400 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(*F)250 300 Figure B-7: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 100°F/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-40 of B-43 F0306-01RI V$tructural Integrity Associates, Ince Curve C -Core Critical, All Components-BL .... N16 -- -- BH -.-FWN IOCFRSO ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000 900.~800 p700 Els00 U-400 300 200 100 0 4-0 100 150 200 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(*F)50 250 300 Figure B-8: HNP-1 P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 100 0 F/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-41 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, IncY t Curve C -Core Critical, All Components-BL ....-N16 --BH -.-FWN -. 1OCFR50 ... CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1000 900.~800 p 700:; 600 6E w50 4OO 300 200 100 0 i °- I 100 150 200 Minimum Reacto Vessel Metal Temperature I*F)300 Figure B-9: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 38 EFPY and 200°F/hr Note: BL is Beltline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-42 of B-43 F0306-01RI Structural Integrity Associates, InY Curve C -Core Critical, All Components-BL .... N16 --BH I- --FWN -10CFR50 ....CDPN 1300 1200 1100 1O00 900700 U E--P 0 V A-0 400 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Minimum Reactor Vessel Metal Temperature

(°F)300 Figure B-10: HNP-I P-T Curve C (Normal Operation

-Core Critical), 49.3 EFPY and 200°F/hr Note: BL is Beitline, BH is Bottom Head, CDPN is Core Differential Pressure Nozzle, and FWN is Feedwater Nozzle File No.: 1001527.304 Revision:

2 Page B-43 of B-43 F0306-01R 1