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#REDIRECT [[HNP-15-065, Shearon Harris, Unit 1 - Submits Cycle 20 Startup Test Report]]
| number = ML15217A565
| issue date = 08/05/2015
| title = Shearon Harris, Unit 1 - Submits Cycle 20 Startup Test Report
| author name = Brewer H D
| author affiliation = Duke Energy Progress, Inc
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/Document Control Desk, NRC/NRR
| docket = 05000400
| license number = NPF-063
| contact person =
| case reference number = HNP-15-065
| document type = Letter, Startup Test Report
| page count = 31
{{#Wiki_filter:August5,2015 Serial: HNP-15-065 ATTN: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (HNP), Unit 1 Docket No.
License No. NPF-63 Startup Test Report Ladies and Gentlemen:
H. Duncan Brewer Director, Nuclear Organizational Effectiveness Harris Nuclear Plant 5413 Shearon Harris Road New Hill NC 27562-9300 919.362.2000 In accordance with Specification, Duke Energy Progress, Inc. (Duke Energy) submits the Startup Test Report for the Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant, Unit 1. The report is required of  that has a different design or has been manufactured by a different fuel This document contains no regulatory commitments.
Please refer any questions regarding this submittal to John Caves at (919) 362-2406.
H. Duncan Brewer
Startup Test Report cc: Mr. J. D. Austin, NRC Sr. Resident Inspector, HNP Ms. M.
NRC Project Manager, HNP Mr. V. M. McCree, NRC Regional Administrator, Region II 
HNP-15-065 SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT NO. 1 DOCKET NO. 50-400 / RENEWED LICENSE NO. NPF-63 Enclosure Cycle 20 Startup Test Report (30 pages including cover)
Page 1 of 29  Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20 Startup Test Report July 30, 2015 DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC.
Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 3 of 29  Table of Contents                    Page 1.0      Introduction ................................................................................................................ 5  1.1 General ......................................................................................................................... 5 1.2 Cycle Description......................................................................................................... 6 2.0 Summary ..................................................................................................................... 7 3.0 Component &
Initial Operation Test Summaries .................................................. 8 3.1 Fuel Handling Equipment System Test ....................................................................... 8 4.0 Operational and Power Ascension Test Summaries .......................................... 9 4.1 Reactor Coolant System Flow Measurement ............................................................... 9 4.2 Calibration of Nuclear Instrumentation Test ............................................................... 9 4.3 Flux Distribution Measurement Test ......................................................................... 10 4.4 Core Performance Test .............................................................................................. 11 4.5 Power Coefficient Measurement Test ........................................................................ 11 4.6 Control Rod Reactivity Worth Test ........................................................................... 12 4.7  Boron Endpoint Measurement - All Rods Out Test................................................... 12 5.0 References ............................................................................................................. 13
Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 4 of 29                                        List of Tables and Figures                                        Page Figure 1.2.1    Harris Cycle 20 Full Core Loading Pattern ................................................... 14 Table 4.2.1      Intermediate Range Detector Set point Determination ................................. 15 Table 4.2.2      Power Range Detector Calibration Values ................................................... 15 Figure 4.3.1      Flux Map 521 Measured vs. Calculated Powers (30%) .............................. 16 Figure 4.3.2      Flux Map 522 Measured vs. Calculated Powers (75%) .............................. 17 Figure 4.3.3      Flux Map 523 Measured vs. Calculated Powers (100%) ............................. 18 Table 4.4.1        Flux Map Summary ..................................................................................... 19 Table 4.5.1        Reactivity Computer Checkout .................................................................... 20 Table 4.5.2        Low Power Physics Test Results Summary Endpoint, Control Rod Worth, and HZP Temperature Coefficient.................................................................................................... 21 Figure 4.6.1      Integral Worth of the Reference Bank ......................................................... 22 Figure 4.6.2      Differential Worth of the Reference Bank ................................................... 23 Table 4.6.3        FSAR Chapter 14 Tests ............................................................................... 24
Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 5 of 29  1.0 Introduction 1.1  General This startup report documents test results for Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20 and the introduction of a Lead Test Assembly (LTA) program featuring fuel of a different design. EC 95161 (Reference 5.1) implements the Cycle 20 core design, which contains 8 LTAs of the AREVA GAIA mechanical design. An evaluation was performed in EC 98982 (Reference 5.2) to validate that receipt, storage, and handling of the GAIA LTAs are acceptable with current site equipment and procedures. The GAIA fuel design is similar to the resident AREVA Advanced HTP (High Thermal Performance) fuel design in form, function, and material. However, the GAIA LTA is differentiated from the AREVA Advanced HTP assembly by several key design features:
The GAIA structural spacer grids feature a new mixing vane design for improved thermal hydraulic performance. Fuel rod stability is based upon the HTP spacer grid spring line contact with springs located at the four corners of each cell. The grids are fabricated with the M5 alloy, which has been used as cladding material for two previous HNP fuel regions. The GAIA assembly contains three Intermediate GAIA Mixers (IGMs) based on a proven mid span mixing grid design to further augment thermal hydraulic performance. The IGMs are also fabricated with the M5 alloy.
The GAIA assembly features the GRIP TM bottom nozzle assembly for maximum filtering efficiency and serviceability, as well as a reconstitutable top nozzle, which is typical of the nozzles used on Advanced HTP 17x17 fuel. The GRIP TM bottom nozzle is a combination of AREVA FUELGUARD technology, used in the current HTP product, and TRAPPER technology, which provides a low p. The GAIA guide and instrumentation tubes are fabricated from the Q12 TM quaternary alloy. This alloy is a variation on the M5 alloy, differing primarily by the presence of small quantities of tin and iron in Q12 TM. The tin improves resistance to thermal creep, and iron is key to maintaining excellent corrosion performance. Small differences in the fuel pellet, fuel rod, fuel assembly, and guide/instrument tube dimensions.
This report primarily focuses on the results of the following evolutions:  Component
& Initial Operation Tests Operational and Power Ascension Tests These evolutions were modeled after those described in Chapter 14 of the Harris FSAR. The evolutions were modified to eliminate testing that is no longer appropriate. Examples of tests that were judged to be inappropriate include low power flux mapping and boron worth measurements.
In the cases of boron worth measurement alternate testing described in ANSI 19.6.1 (Reference 5.3) was performed. Plant power ascension data demonstrates that HNP core monitoring systems can safely and accurately measure core behavior following implementation of the LTA program. 
Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 6 of 29  1.2  Cycle Description The Cycle 20 core consists of 56 fresh AREVA (Advanced HTP) assemblies, along with 93 previously irradiated HTP assemblies. Additionally, Cycle 20 introduces 8 fresh LTAs, all of the AREVA GAIA mechanical design. The specifics for the core reload design are presented in the Engineering Change package for the Cycle 20 reload (Reference 5.1). The Cycle 20 full core loading pattern (Reference 5.15) is shown in Figure 1.2.1, with the GAIA LTAs displayed by fresh fuel index ZA7. The GAIA LTAs are incorporated into the core loading pattern such that they remain non-limiting with regard to power production and peaking during normal operation and transients. Additionally, the GAIA LTAs were restricted from core locations in which Rod Cluster Control Assemblies (RCCAs) are also located. 
Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 7 of 29  2.0 Summary Safe operation with the LTAs is supported by evaluation of the core loading pattern such that it will operate safely within the bounds defined in Technical Specifications, and that installed safety systems and procedures remain effective at mitigating the consequences of events and accidents described in Chapter 15 of the FSAR. The reload safety evaluation, as documented by the reload Engineering Change package (Reference 5.1), validates safe operation of the Cycle 20 loading pattern and, by extension, the LTAs within the loading pattern. Monitoring the various core parameters and responses during low power physics testing and power ascension verified there were no unanticipated changes in reactor physics or power distribution with respect to the designed core, that the core can operate within design limits, and that systems available for reactivity control and core monitoring are not impacted. 
Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 8 of 29  3.0 Component & Initial Operation Test Summaries 3.1 Fuel Handling Equipment System Test EC 98982 (Reference 5.2) contains an evaluation validating that receipt, storage, and handling of the GAIA LTAs is acceptable with current site equipment and procedures. The LTA fuel assembly to handling tool/gripper interfaces were verified to be acceptable, dimensionally, and a functional test with the new-fuel tool and a GAIA top nozzle was completed prior to manufacture and shipment. Movement of the GAIA LTAs to the reactor vessel during the refueling outage was completed without issues.     
Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 9 of 29  4.0 Operational and Power Ascension Test Summaries  4.1 Reactor Coolant System Flow Measurement Test The GAIA LTAs were evaluated in Reference 5.1 with respect to influence on core pressure drop, and were not expected to impact RCS flow significantly. Reactor coolant system flow was measured using EST-709 (Reference 5.5). The HNP accident analyses are based on the most limiting RCS flow values (minimum or maximum). The Cycle 20 measured EST-709 flow is bounded by the various accident analysis values. The corresponding description and numerical values are as follows:
RCS Flow Description Flow (gpm)
Thermal Design (low) 277,800 Technical Specification Minimum1 299,9982 Cycle 20 Measured Flow per EST
-709 302,827 Mechanical Design Flow Limit 314,231 2 1 293,540 x 1.022, where 1.022 is the RCS flow rate measurement uncertainty (2.1%) plus a penalty of 0.1% for minor undetected fouling of feedwater venturi.
2 EST-709(Reference 5.5). 4.2  Calibration of Nuclear Instrumentation Test The Intermediate Range (IR) and Power Range (PR) detectors were adjusted prior to initial Cycle 20 startup per procedure EPT-008 [Reference 5.7]. The adjustments account for changes in instrumentation response due to changes in loading pattern design and core leakage from the previous cycle (19) to the new cycle (20). The methodology and calculations to determine the adjustment factor (also referred to as the "R
-factor") and any calculation biases are detailed in calculation HNP
-F/NFSA-0252 [Reference 5.8]. The GAIA LTAs are modeled explicitly in the physics code used to model the core power distribution, and therefore, any impact to the calibration is implicit in the supplied adjustment factors.
The Cycle 20 predicted Intermediate Range setpoints  for the N35 and N36 detectors are compared to the actual calibrated IR setpoint installed for Cycle 19 by procedure EPT-009 [Reference 5.6].
This data is included in Table 4.2.1. The Cycle 20 Power Range (PR) R-factor is applied to the N41, N42, N43, and N44 top and bottom HFP normalized detector currents from the last incore/excore calibration performed in Cycle 19 using procedure EST-911 [Reference 5.9]. This data is included in Table 4.2.2.
Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 10 of 29  4.3  Flux Distribution Measurement Test Testing of the Movable Incore Detector System was effectively accomplished by exercising the system for performance of core flux mapping and power distribution measurement. Core power distributions for Cycle 20 are measured by processing moveable detector traces with the INPAX-W code, which is a module of the POWERTRAX core monitoring system. The INPAX-W code uses the physics code PRISM to supply calculated reaction rates, assembly power distributions, and local peaking factors. The GAIA LTAs are modeled explicitly in PRISM, allowing for best-estimate calculated reaction rates for signal
-to-power conversion in INPAX-W. Power distribution maps for the power ascension flux maps are included as Figures 4.3.1 through 4.3.3. It should be noted that the GAIA LTAs are in the following core locations, per the core loading pattern shown in Figure 1.2.1:  F-13, C-10, C-06, F-03, K-03, N-06, N-10, K-13 Two of these locations (F-13 and N-10) are directly measurable by the Movable Incore Detector system.
The initial low power flux map is taken near 30% power to verify core loading is as designed.
Map 521 was taken immediately after stabilizing power near 30% (before equilibrium xenon was established) for core verification. The maximum difference between measured and calculated powers was -5.9% (location R08), as shown in Figure 4.3.1. Map 523 taken near 100% power exhibited a limiting assembly (location D07) enthalpy rise hot channel factor (FH) of 1.536, including uncertainties, or 0.925 fraction of limit. The following flux maps passed acceptance criteria contained in FMP-200 (Reference 5.10). Map 521 @ 30% (verifying that the core was loaded as designed)  Map 522 @ 75%  Map 523 @ 100% The Core Operating Limits Report (COLR, PLP-106) [Reference 5.11] requires a minimum of 38 measured traces for all flux maps.
Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 11 of 29  4.4  Core Performance Test The flux maps following core loading verification are taken to verify compliance with Technical Specification requirements and limits on hot channel factors, quadrant power tilts, and to establish allowed power levels for successive power ascension. The following flux maps were taken near 75% and 100% power, respectively. Map 522 @ 75%  Map 523 @ 100%
All flux maps allowed full power operation with no additional intermediate power level maps other than those required per PLP-626 [Reference 5.12]. Table 4.4.1 includes pertinent statistics for evaluating map quality and monitoring of required core parameters. The flux maps allowed power ascension and then full power operation based on meeting the applicable acceptance criteria.
4.5  Power Coefficient Measurement Test The RMAS reactivity computer is set up before LPPT using procedure EPT-026 [Reference 5.13].
Comparing period measurements to the startup rate indicated by the computer performed following initial criticality performs a checkout of the reactivity computer. The six-group constants input into the reactivity computer were provided by AREVA and are listed in Table 4.5.1. The reactivity computer checkout requires that the average absolute difference between indicated and theoretical reactivity for the positive period measurements is less than 5%. Results of the reactivity computer checkout are included in Table 4.5.1. The isothermal temperature coefficient (ITC) is measured at All Rods Out (ARO), HZP to verify that Technical Specification requirements limiting the ARO moderator temperature coefficient (MTC) to less than or equal to +5 pcm/
oF. Should the MTC exceed the acceptance criteria, rod withdrawal limits for startup and power ascension must be established. The MTC is derived from the measured ITC using the equation below, where the doppler temperature coefficient (DTC) is accounted for as a calculated predicted value.
ITC = MTC + DTC Low Power Physics Testing (LPPT) is performed under a single test procedure (EST-923) (Reference 5.14). EST-923 covers:  Initial criticality Reactivity computer period checks  Test band determination (point of adding heat determination)
ARO boron endpoint Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 12 of 29  Temperature coefficient determination Control rod bank worth measurements (rod swap) Results for Cycle 20 LPPT and the corresponding acceptance criteria are listed in Table 4.5.2. Table 4.5.2 also contains tes t results from sections 4.6 and 4.7.
4.6  Control Rod Reactivity Worth Test The worths of the control and shutdown banks are measured using the rod swap technique. The reference bank (for Cycle 20, control bank B) was measured via boron dilution. The remaining banks were measured fully inserted in the presence of the reference bank in a critical configuration. The review criteria for the rod worths are as follows:
1 The absolute value of the percent difference between measured and predicted integral worth of the reference bank is less than 10%.
2 For all banks other than the reference bank, the absolute value of the percent difference between measured and predicted worths is less than 15% or the absolute value of the reactivity difference between measured and predicted worths is less than 100 pcm, whichever is greater.
The acceptance criterion requires that the sum of the measured worths be between 90% and 110% of the sum of the predicted worths. Results for Cycle 20 LPPT and the corresponding acceptance criteria are listed in Table 4.5.2. Figures 4.6.1 and 4.6.2 graphically compare the predicted and measured integral and differential rod worths for the reference bank.
4.7  Boron Endpoint Measurement All Rods Out Test The boron endpoint is measured at the Hot Zero Power (HZP), All Rods Out (ARO) condition. The acceptance criterion for the boron endpoint measurement requires the HZP, ARO endpoint to be within 50 ppm of the predicted value. Results for Cycle 20 Low Power Physics Testing (LPPT) and the corresponding acceptance criteria are listed in Table 4.5.2. 
Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 13 of 29  5.0  References 5.1 EC 95161, Revision 1, "HNP Cycle 20 Core Design and Safety Analysis." 5.2 EC 98982, Revision 0, "GAIA Lead Assembly Fuel Receipt (H1C20)
." 5.3 ANSI 19.6.1 "Reload Startup Physics Test for Pressurized Water Reactors." 5.4 NOT USED 5.5 EST-709 "Reactor Coolant System Flow Determination By Calorimetric." 5.6 EPT-009 "Intermediate Range Detector Setpoint Verification." 5.7 EPT-008 "Intermediate and Power Range Detector Setpoint Determination." 5.8  HNP-F/NFSA-0252, "HNP Cycle 20 BOC NI Adjustment." 5.9 EST-911 "Incore/Excore Detector Calibration Using POWERTRAX."
5.10 FMP-200 "Full Core Flux Map Review Checklist (POWERTRAX Version)." 5.11 PLP-106 "Technical Specification Equipment List Program and Core Operating Limits Report." 5.12 PLP-626, "Power Ascension Testing After a Refueling Outage
." 5.13 EPT-026 "RMAS Setup and Operation." 5.14 EST-923 "Initial Criticality and Low Power Physics Testing." 5.15 HNP-F/NFSA-0243, "HNP Cycle 20 Loading Pattern and Core Models."
5.16 POWERTRAX (HNP Cycle 20)
Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 14 of 29  Figure 1.2.1 Harris Cycle 20 Full Core Loading Pattern RPNMLKJHGFEDCBAY12Y62Y13 1F-14D-12K-14 1---------Y65Z27ZA44ZA38ZA43Z24Y72 2J-13F-05------------K-05G-13 2------ZA5ZA5ZA5------Y25ZA52ZA60Z39Z62Z44ZA59ZA51Y32 3D-13--------B-07H-14P-07--------M-13 3---ZA6ZA7---------ZA7ZA6---Y26Z46ZA32Z54ZA24Z18ZA23Z61ZA31Z49Y31 4C-12E-13----F-13----D-09----K-13----N-11N-12 4------ZA4---ZA3---ZA3---ZA4------Y66ZA53ZA33Z16ZA16Z09ZA02Z02ZA15Z15ZA30ZA50Y71 5C-07--------J-04----J-10----G-10----D-07--------N-07 5---ZA6ZA4---ZA3---ZA1---ZA3---ZA4ZA6---Z25ZA61Z58ZA17Z13ZA08Z34ZA07Z12ZA14Z57ZA58Z26 6L-10----C-10----L-08----D-11----H-05----N-10----E-10 6---ZA7---ZA3---ZA2---ZA2---ZA3---ZA7---Y15ZA45Z45ZA25Z03ZA09Z52Z31Z51ZA06Z08ZA22Z38ZA42Y10 7B-10----J-14----F-07----N-05D-05E-03----K-07----G-14----P-10 7---ZA5---ZA3---ZA2---------ZA2---ZA3---ZA5---Y64ZA39Z63Z19ZA03Z35Z32Z01Z30Z37ZA01Z21Z65ZA37Y60 8D-04----B-08G-04----E-04L-04H-08E-12L-12----J-12P-08----M-12 8---ZA5------ZA1---------------ZA1------ZA5---Y14ZA46Z40ZA26Z06ZA10Z53Z33Z50ZA05Z05ZA21Z43ZA41Y11 9B-06----J-02----F-09----L-13M-11C-11----K-09----G-02----P-06 9---ZA5---ZA3---ZA2---------ZA2---ZA3---ZA5---Z28ZA62Z55ZA18Z10ZA11Z36ZA12Z11ZA13Z60ZA57Z23 10L-06----C-06----H-11----M-05----E-08----N-06----E-06 10---ZA7---ZA3---ZA2---ZA2---ZA3---ZA7---Y67ZA54ZA34Z17ZA19Z04ZA04Z07ZA20Z14ZA29ZA49Y70 11C-09--------M-09----J-06----G-06----G-12--------
N-09 11---ZA6ZA4---ZA3---ZA1---ZA3---ZA4ZA6---Y27Z47ZA35Z59ZA27Z20ZA28Z56ZA36Z48Y30 12C-04C-05----F-03----M-07----K-03----L-03N-04 12------ZA4---ZA3---ZA3---ZA4------Y28ZA55ZA63Z42Z64Z41ZA64ZA56Y29 13D-03--------B-09H-02P-09--------M-03 13---ZA6ZA7---------ZA7ZA6---Y68Z22ZA47ZA40ZA48Z29Y69 14J-03F-11------------K-11G-03 14------ZA5ZA5ZA5------Y09Y58Y16Serial Number 15F-02M-04K-02Previous Core Location 15---------Fresh Fuel IndexRPNMLKJHGFEDCBAFresh  FuelNumber ofBundle Serial IndexAssembliesFuel TypeDescriptionZA1 4ZA01 - ZA04HTP4.70 CZE24 pins at 8 w/o Gd2O3 + 4 pins at 2 w/o Gd2O3ZA2 8ZA05 - ZA12HTP4.70 CZE20 pins at 8 w/o Gd2O3 + 8 pins at 2 w/o Gd2O3ZA3 16ZA13 - ZA28HTP4.70 CZE20 pins at 8 w/o Gd2O3 + 4 pins at 2 w/o Gd2O3ZA4 8ZA29 - ZA36HTP4.95 CZE16 pins at 8 w/o Gd2O3 + 8 pins at 4 w/o Gd2O3ZA5 12ZA37 - ZA48HTP4.95 CZE16 pins at 4 w/o Gd2O3ZA6 8ZA49 - ZA56HTP4.95 CZE4 pins at 4 w/o Gd2O3ZA7 8ZA57 - ZA64GAIA LTA4.45 CZE4 pins at 8 w/o Gd2O3 + 16 pins at 6 w/o Gd2O3Numbers Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 15 of 29  Table 4.2.1 Intermediate Range Detector Setpoint Determination Cycle Conditions N35 N36 Trip Rod Stop 1 Trip Rod Stop 1 19 Installed (EPT
-009) 8.420E-05 6.736E-05 6.990E-05 5.592E-05 20 Predicted (initial startup) (EPT-008) 8.471E-05 6.777E-05 7.947E-05 6.358E-05  1 Rod Stop setpoints are 80% of the trip values, per EPT
-008. Table 4.2.2 Power Range Detector Calibration Values PR Detector Cycle 19 Currents 1 Cycle 20 Currents 2 N41 Top 177.2 148.9 Bottom 194.5 163.5 N42 Top 190.3 159.9 Bottom 214.7 180.4 N43 Top 215.4 181.0 Bottom 234.1 196.7 N44 Top 174.8 146.9 Bottom 205.2 172.5  1 Power Range data taken from applicable performance of EST
-911. (Reference 5.9). 2 Power Range data taken from Cycle 20 performance of EPT
-008. (Reference 5.7).
Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 16 of 29    Figure 4.3.1  Flux Map 521 Measured vs. Calculated Powers (30%)
R      P      N      M      L      K      J      H      G      F      E      D      C      B      A
______ ______ ______                                                                                                                l 0.253l 0.321l 0.253l 01                                          l 0.252l 0.323l 0.252l l  0.4l 
-0.6l  0.4l
______ ______l______l______l______l______ ______
l 0.326l 0.604l 0.988l 0.997l 0.989l 0.610l 0.330l  Measured  Power 02                            l 0.327l 0.604l 0.983l 0.988l 0.983l 0.605l 0.329l  Calculated Power                     
l  -0.3l  0.0l  0.5l  0.9l  0.6l  0.8l  0.3l  Percent Difference
l 0.408l 1.188l 1.190l 1.304l 1.315l 1.298l 1.193l 1.197l 0.420l 03                      l 0.408l 1.192l 1.190l 1.296l 1.305l 1.296l 1.191l 1.195l 0.411l l  0.0l 
-0.3l  0.0l  0.6l  0.8l  0.2l  0.2l  0.2l  2.1l
l 0.408l 0.941l 1.280l 1.294l 1.313l 1.213l 1.319l 1.298l 1.285l 0.957l 0.413l                                      04              l 0.410l 0.947l 1.283l 1.304l 1.320l 1.221l 1.322l 1.304l 1.285l 0.948l 0.408l                           
l  -0.5l  -0.6l  -0.2l  -0.8l  -0.5l  -0.7l  -0.2l  -0.5l  0.0l  0.9l  1.2l
l 0.327l 1.191l 1.272l 1.158l 1.228l 1.122l 1.164l 1.142l 1.240l 1.176l 1.305l 1.210l 0.334l 05        l 0.328l 1.194l 1.284l 1.186l 1.245l 1.146l 1.173l 1.147l 1.245l 1.187l 1.284l 1.193l 0.328l                   
l  -0.3l  -0.3l  -0.9l  -2.4l  -1.4l  -2.1l  -0.8l  -0.4l  -0.4l  -0.9l  1.6l  1.4l  1.8l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.599l 1.182l 1.290l 1.232l 0.973l 1.138l 1.112l 1.150l 0.977l 1.251l 1.322l 1.212l 0.616l 06        l 0.604l 1.190l 1.303l 1.244l 0.978l 1.144l 1.118l 1.149l 0.978l 1.245l 1.304l 1.191l 0.605l                   
l  -0.8l  -0.7l  -1.0l  -1.0l  -0.5l  -0.5l  -0.5l  0.1l  -0.1l  0.5l  1.4l  1.7l  1.8l
l 0.247l 0.974l 1.284l 1.310l 1.136l 1.145l 1.220l 1.114l 1.226l 1.149l 1.156l 1.350l 1.323l 1.004l 0.259l 07 l 0.252l 0.982l 1.294l 1.321l 1.146l 1.148l 1.216l 1.113l 1.216l 1.144l 1.146l 1.321l 1.296l 0.984l 0.252l             
l  -2.0l  -0.8l  -0.8l  -0.8l  -0.9l  -0.3l  0.3l  0.1l  0.8l  0.4l  0.9l  2.1l  2.0l  2.0l  2.7l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.305l 0.982l 1.293l 1.207l 1.161l 1.108l 1.108l 1.093l 1.116l 1.112l 1.183l 1.242l 1.338l 1.038l 0.337l 08 l 0.323l 0.987l 1.304l 1.220l 1.172l 1.117l 1.113l 1.095l 1.113l 1.118l 1.173l 1.221l 1.306l 0.988l 0.323l             
l  -5.9l  -0.5l  -0.9l  -1.1l  -0.9l  -0.8l  -0.5l  -0.2l  0.3l 
-0.5l  0.8l  1.7l  2.4l  4.8l  4.2l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.247l 0.974l 1.284l 1.305l 1.122l 1.131l 1.203l 1.110l 1.230l 1.143l 1.153l 1.342l 1.320l 1.008l 0.257l 09 l 0.252l 0.982l 1.295l 1.320l 1.145l 1.144l 1.216l 1.113l 1.216l 1.149l 1.147l 1.322l 1.296l 0.984l 0.252l             
l  -2.0l  -0.8l  -0.9l  -1.1l  -2.0l  -1.1l  -1.1l  -0.3l  1.1l 
-0.5l  0.5l  1.5l  1.8l  2.4l  1.9l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.600l 1.187l 1.289l 1.228l 0.968l 1.126l 1.109l 1.147l 0.979l 1.253l 1.321l 1.208l 0.606l 10        l 0.604l 1.189l 1.303l 1.245l 0.978l 1.149l 1.118l 1.144l 0.979l 1.245l 1.304l 1.191l 0.605l l  -0.7l  -0.2l  -1.1l  -1.4l  -1.0l  -2.0l  -0.8l  0.3l  0.0l  0.6l  1.3l  1.4l  0.2l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.325l 1.180l 1.269l 1.168l 1.236l 1.140l 1.168l 1.144l 1.240l 1.186l 1.300l 1.211l 0.332l                              11        l 0.327l 1.191l 1.283l 1.186l 1.245l 1.147l 1.173l 1.146l 1.245l 1.187l 1.285l 1.195l 0.329l                   
l  -0.6l  -0.9l  -1.1l  -1.5l  -0.7l  -0.6l  -0.4l  -0.2l  -0.4l  -0.1l  1.2l  1.3l  0.9l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.404l 0.937l 1.274l 1.299l 1.336l 1.221l 1.323l 1.308l 1.292l 0.963l 0.426l 12              l 0.408l 0.947l 1.285l 1.304l 1.322l 1.221l 1.321l 1.304l 1.284l 0.948l 0.411l                           
l  -1.0l  -1.1l  -0.9l  -0.4l  1.0l  0.0l  0.2l  0.3l  0.6l  1.6l  3.5l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.407l 1.184l 1.187l 1.295l 1.298l 1.298l 1.204l 1.200l 0.413l 13                      l 0.411l 1.194l 1.191l 1.296l 1.305l 1.296l 1.190l 1.193l 0.408l                                 
l  -1.0l  -0.8l  -0.3l  -0.1l  -0.5l  0.2l  1.2l  0.6l  1.2l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.326l 0.602l 0.980l 0.990l 0.984l 0.608l 0.330l 14                            l 0.328l 0.605l 0.983l 0.988l 0.984l 0.604l 0.328l                                         
l  -0.6l  -0.5l  -0.3l  0.2l  0.0l  0.7l  0.6l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.246l 0.322l 0.252l 15                                          l 0.252l 0.323l 0.252l                                                       
l  -2.4l  -0.3l  0.0l l______l______l______l                                                                             
Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 17 of 29  Figure 4.3.2 Flux Map 522 Measured vs. Calculated Powers (75%)
R      P      N      M      L      K      J      H      G      F      E      D      C      B      A
______ ______ ______                                                                                                                l 0.276l 0.362l 0.277l 01                                          l 0.276l 0.361l 0.276l l  0.0l  0.3l  0.4l
______ ______l______l______l______l______ ______
l 0.331l 0.612l 1.008l 1.080l 1.011l 0.621l 0.335l  Measured  Power 02                            l 0.332l 0.613l 1.008l 1.081l 1.009l 0.614l 0.333l  Calculated Power                     
l  -0.3l  -0.2l  0.0l 
-0.1l  0.2l  1.1l  0.6l  Percent Difference
l 0.408l 1.147l 1.156l 1.276l 1.303l 1.277l 1.161l 1.153l 0.420l 03                      l 0.407l 1.147l 1.157l 1.276l 1.301l 1.276l 1.158l 1.150l 0.410l l  0.2l  0.0l 
-0.1l  0.0l  0.2l  0.1l  0.3l  0.3l  2.4l
l 0.409l 0.919l 1.237l 1.259l 1.282l 1.194l 1.288l 1.263l 1.234l 0.930l 0.412l 04              l 0.409l 0.921l 1.233l 1.265l 1.290l 1.205l 1.292l 1.266l 1.236l 0.923l 0.408l l  0.0l 
-0.2l  0.3l 
-0.5l  -0.6l  -0.9l  -0.3l  -0.2l  -0.2l  0.8l  1.0l
l 0.331l 1.147l 1.225l 1.140l 1.230l 1.129l 1.163l 1.146l 1.236l 1.149l 1.252l 1.163l 0.341l 05        l 0.332l 1.148l 1.234l 1.168l 1.246l 1.151l 1.171l 1.153l 1.247l 1.169l 1.235l 1.148l 0.332l                   
l  -0.3l  -0.1l  -0.7l  -2.5l  -1.3l  -1.9l  -0.7l  -0.6l  -0.9l  -1.7l  1.4l  1.3l  2.6l                                        l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.608l 1.150l 1.256l 1.240l 1.071l 1.171l 1.136l 1.178l 1.066l 1.243l 1.279l 1.174l 0.625l 06        l 0.613l 1.156l 1.265l 1.245l 1.080l 1.174l 1.136l 1.179l 1.081l 1.247l 1.267l 1.158l 0.613l                   
l  -0.8l  -0.5l  -0.7l  -0.4l  -0.8l  -0.3l  0.0l 
-0.1l  -1.4l  -0.3l  0.9l  1.4l  1.9l
l 0.273l 0.996l 1.260l 1.281l 1.146l 1.179l 1.251l 1.139l 1.247l 1.173l 1.155l 1.313l 1.293l 1.031l 0.282l 07 l 0.276l 1.007l 1.274l 1.290l 1.152l 1.178l 1.239l 1.134l 1.239l 1.175l 1.152l 1.291l 1.277l 1.009l 0.276l             
l  -1.1l  -1.1l  -1.1l  -0.7l  -0.5l  0.1l  1.0l  0.4l  0.6l 
-0.2l  0.3l  1.7l  1.2l  2.1l  2.1l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.359l 1.064l 1.279l 1.191l 1.165l 1.132l 1.134l 1.117l 1.136l 1.126l 1.174l 1.213l 1.304l 1.106l 0.370l 08 l 0.360l 1.079l 1.299l 1.203l 1.170l 1.136l 1.134l 1.115l 1.134l 1.137l 1.171l 1.205l 1.301l 1.081l 0.361l             
l  -0.3l  -1.4l  -1.6l  -1.0l  -0.4l  -0.4l  0.0l 0.2l  0.2l 
-1.0l  0.3l  0.7l  0.2l  2.3l  2.4l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.274l 0.997l 1.262l 1.276l 1.129l 1.165l 1.233l 1.135l 1.249l 1.175l 1.155l 1.302l 1.287l 1.025l 0.283l 09 l 0.276l 1.007l 1.275l 1.289l 1.151l 1.174l 1.239l 1.134l 1.239l 1.179l 1.153l 1.292l 1.277l 1.009l 0.277l             
l  -0.7l  -1.0l  -1.0l  -1.0l  -1.9l  -0.8l  -0.5l  0.1l  0.8l 
-0.3l  0.2l  0.8l  0.8l  1.6l  2.1l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.609l 1.156l 1.253l 1.229l 1.067l 1.169l 1.135l 1.179l 1.079l 1.250l 1.278l 1.172l 0.622l 10        l 0.612l 1.156l 1.265l 1.246l 1.080l 1.179l 1.137l 1.175l 1.081l 1.247l 1.267l 1.159l 0.614l                   
l  -0.5l  0.0l 
-1.0l  -1.4l  -1.2l  -0.9l  -0.2l  0.3l 
-0.2l  0.2l  0.9l  1.1l  1.3l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.329l 1.138l 1.221l 1.147l 1.238l 1.151l 1.172l 1.154l 1.249l 1.163l 1.248l 1.167l 0.338l 11        l 0.331l 1.146l 1.233l 1.168l 1.246l 1.153l 1.171l 1.152l 1.247l 1.169l 1.236l 1.151l 0.333l                   
l  -0.6l  -0.7l  -1.0l  -1.8l  -0.6l  -0.2l  0.1l  0.2l  0.2l 
-0.5l  1.0l  1.4l  1.5l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l                                                l 0.404l 0.913l 1.226l 1.264l 1.307l 1.208l 1.298l 1.276l 1.245l 0.939l 0.430l 12              l 0.407l 0.922l 1.235l 1.266l 1.292l 1.205l 1.291l 1.267l 1.235l 0.923l 0.410l                           
l  -0.7l  -1.0l  -0.7l  -0.2l  1.1l  0.2l  0.5l  0.7l  0.8l  1.7l  4.7l                                                      l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.407l 1.143l 1.157l 1.278l 1.293l 1.284l 1.178l 1.161l 0.414l 13                      l 0.410l 1.150l 1.158l 1.276l 1.301l 1.277l 1.158l 1.149l 0.408l                                 
l  -0.7l  -0.6l  -0.1l  0.2l 
-0.6l  0.5l  1.7l  1.0l  1.4l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.331l 0.613l 1.011l 1.080l 1.019l 0.622l 0.336l 14                            l 0.333l 0.614l 1.009l 1.081l 1.009l 0.614l 0.332l                                         
l  -0.6l  -0.2l  0.2l 
-0.1l  1.0l  1.3l  1.2l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.282l 0.363l 0.279l 15                                          l 0.276l 0.361l 0.276l l  2.1l  0.6l  1.1l l______l______l______l               
Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 18 of 29  Figure 4.3.3 Flux Map 523 Measured vs. Calculated Powers (100%)
R      P      N      M      L      K      J      H      G      F      E      D      C      B      A
______ ______ ______
l 0.293l 0.390l 0.294l 01                                          l 0.292l 0.385l 0.292l l  0.3l  1.3l  0.7l
______ ______l______l______l______l______ ______
l 0.334l 0.617l 1.018l 1.138l 1.021l 0.623l 0.338l  Measured  Power                                02                            l 0.334l 0.617l 1.017l 1.135l 1.017l 0.618l 0.336l  Calculated Power l  0.0l  0.0l  0.1l  0.3l  0.4l  0.8l  0.6l  Percent Difference
l 0.408l 1.115l 1.133l 1.260l 1.296l 1.261l 1.138l 1.123l 0.423l 03                      l 0.407l 1.116l 1.134l 1.259l 1.293l 1.260l 1.136l 1.121l 0.410l l  0.2l 
-0.1l  -0.1l  0.1l  0.2l  0.1l  0.2l  0.2l  3.1l
l 0.407l 0.902l 1.205l 1.236l 1.265l 1.187l 1.271l 1.242l 1.203l 0.915l 0.413l 04              l 0.409l 0.906l 1.203l 1.242l 1.272l 1.194l 1.274l 1.244l 1.207l 0.908l 0.408l                           
l  -0.5l  -0.4l  0.2l 
-0.5l  -0.6l  -0.6l  -0.2l  -0.2l  -0.3l  0.8l  1.2l
l 0.332l 1.111l 1.190l 1.127l 1.235l 1.139l 1.164l 1.152l 1.238l 1.136l 1.219l 1.132l 0.345l 05        l 0.335l 1.117l 1.204l 1.159l 1.250l 1.157l 1.171l 1.159l 1.252l 1.161l 1.205l 1.119l 0.335l                   
l  -0.9l  -0.5l  -1.2l  -2.8l  -1.2l  -1.6l  -0.6l  -0.6l  -1.1l  -2.2l  1.1l  1.1l  2.9l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.609l 1.122l 1.229l 1.244l 1.152l 1.195l 1.149l 1.199l 1.140l 1.244l 1.254l 1.150l 0.630l 06        l 0.616l 1.133l 1.241l 1.249l 1.159l 1.196l 1.149l 1.201l 1.160l 1.252l 1.244l 1.136l 0.618l                   
l  -1.1l  -1.0l  -1.0l  -0.4l  -0.6l  -0.1l  0.0l 
-0.2l  -1.8l  -0.6l  0.8l  1.2l  1.9l
l 0.290l 1.002l 1.237l 1.259l 1.150l 1.201l 1.266l 1.155l 1.268l 1.196l 1.160l 1.292l 1.275l 1.045l 0.299l 07 l 0.291l 1.014l 1.256l 1.271l 1.157l 1.200l 1.253l 1.147l 1.254l 1.197l 1.158l 1.273l 1.261l 1.018l 0.292l             
l  -0.3l  -1.2l  -1.5l  -1.0l  -0.6l  0.1l  1.0l  0.7l  1.1l 
-0.1l  0.2l  1.5l  1.1l  2.6l  2.3l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.388l 1.119l 1.269l 1.179l 1.163l 1.145l 1.150l 1.134l 1.154l 1.142l 1.173l 1.199l 1.289l 1.154l 0.392l 08 l 0.384l 1.132l 1.290l 1.192l 1.169l 1.148l 1.147l 1.129l 1.148l 1.150l 1.172l 1.195l 1.294l 1.135l 0.386l                          l  1.0l 
-1.2l  -1.7l  -1.1l  -0.5l  -0.3l  0.3l  0.4l  0.5l 
-0.7l  0.1l  0.3l 
-0.4l  1.6l  1.5l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.290l 1.006l 1.246l 1.255l 1.131l 1.187l 1.251l 1.153l 1.270l 1.199l 1.159l 1.278l 1.264l 1.027l 0.296l                        09 l 0.291l 1.015l 1.257l 1.270l 1.156l 1.196l 1.253l 1.147l 1.254l 1.201l 1.159l 1.274l 1.260l 1.018l 0.292l             
l  -0.3l  -0.9l  -0.9l  -1.2l  -2.2l  -0.8l  -0.2l  0.5l  1.3l 
-0.2l  0.0l  0.3l  0.3l  0.9l 1.4l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.614l 1.137l 1.231l 1.234l 1.150l 1.198l 1.153l 1.205l 1.162l 1.253l 1.248l 1.143l 0.623l                   
10        l 0.616l 1.132l 1.241l 1.250l 1.159l 1.200l 1.149l 1.197l 1.160l 1.252l 1.244l 1.136l 0.618l                   
l  -0.3l  0.4l 
-0.8l  -1.3l  -0.8l  -0.2l  0.3l  0.7l  0.2l  0.1l  0.3l  0.6l  0.8l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.333l 1.109l 1.192l 1.140l 1.244l 1.160l 1.176l 1.164l 1.259l 1.155l 1.213l 1.132l 0.339l 11        l 0.334l 1.116l 1.203l 1.159l 1.250l 1.158l 1.171l 1.158l 1.252l 1.161l 1.206l 1.120l 0.336l                   
l  -0.3l  -0.6l  -0.9l  -1.7l  -0.5l  0.2l  0.4l  0.5l  0.6l 
-0.5l  0.6l  1.1l  0.9l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.405l 0.899l 1.196l 1.241l 1.286l 1.198l 1.281l 1.254l 1.213l 0.921l 0.429l 12              l 0.407l 0.906l 1.205l 1.243l 1.273l 1.195l 1.272l 1.244l 1.205l 0.908l 0.410l                           
l  -0.5l  -0.8l  -0.8l  -0.2l  1.0l  0.3l  0.7l  0.8l  0.7l  1.4l  4.4l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.407l 1.112l 1.134l 1.260l 1.284l 1.268l 1.153l 1.128l 0.413l 13                      l 0.409l 1.119l 1.135l 1.259l 1.293l 1.260l 1.135l 1.118l 0.408l                                 
l  -0.5l  -0.6l  -0.1l  0.1l 
-0.7l  0.6l  1.6l  0.9l  1.2l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.334l 0.617l 1.021l 1.138l 1.031l 0.626l 0.339l 14                            l 0.335l 0.617l 1.017l 1.135l 1.017l 0.617l 0.335l                                         
l  -0.3l  0.0l  0.4l  0.3l  1.4l  1.4l  1.2l l______l______l______l______l______l______l______l l 0.300l 0.389l 0.296l 15                                          l 0.292l 0.385l 0.292l                                                                                                              l  2.7l  1.0l  1.4l l______l______l______l               
Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20   Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 19 of 29  Table 4.4.1 Flux Map Summary1 Map # Burnup (EFPD) Date Time Power (%) CBD (steps) Boron (ppm) 521 0.13 5/15/2015 23:30:00 28.2 134 1958 522 0.67 5/17/2015 03:30:00 72.7 177 1664 523 2.77 5/19/2015 09:30:00 99.8 218 14 64  Map # RMS Difference2 Max FH Fraction to Limit, FH Max F Q Fraction to Limit, F Q Axial Offset (%)
521 1.15% 1.651 0.795 2.563 0.532 -8.7 522 0.95% 1.582 0.870 2.315 0.699 -1.6 523 0.95% 1.536 0.925 2.146 0.8 89 -1.6  Map # Thimbles Used Thimbles Required Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio NW NE SW SE 521 48 38 0.994 1.007 0.992 1.007 522 47 38 0.995 1.004 0.994 1.007 523 45 38 0.994 1.004 0.995 1.007  1 Flux map summary data taken from respective INPAX-W runs [Reference 5.16] 2 RMS Difference = Measured Power - Calculated Power
Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 20 of 29  Table 4.5.1 Reactivity Computer Checkout Input Parameters to the Reactivity Computer 1 Group 1
* 1 1 0.000215 0.000208 0.0128 2 0.001341 0.001301 0.0317 3 0.001218 0.001181 0.1207 4 0.002629 0.002550 0.3209 5 0.000966 0.000937 1.4022 6 0.000235 0.000228 3.8778 i 0.006603 0.006405 ----- Prompt Neutron Lifetime  = 14.26 Importance Factor ()  = 0.97 eff) = 0.0064 05  Positive Insertion Period Check 2 Collection #
time (sec)
Period (sec)
Calculated Reactivity (pcm) Measured Reactivity (pcm) % Deviation 1 48.1 69.4 76.283 75.793 -0.64 2 48.9 70.6 75.327 75.334 0.01 3 49.8 71.8 74.391 74.384 -0.01 4 51.9 74.8 72.151 72.684 0.74 Average 49.7 71.6 74.538 74.549 0.02  1 Reactivity computer inputs from Cycle 20 Powertrax [Reference 5.16
]. 2 Measured data from Cycle 20 (RFO19) performance of EST
-923 [Reference 5.14].
Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 21 of 29    Table 4.5.2 Low Power Physics Testing Results Summary Boron Endpoint (ppm)
Configuration Measured 1 Predicted 1 Difference Acceptance HZP, ARO 2144 2139 5.0 +/- 50 Control Rod Worths (pcm)
Bank Measured 1 Predicted 1 Difference Pcm      % Dev 2 Acceptance pcm      % Dev2 CBB 1288.673 1244.000 -44.673 3.59  +/- 10 SBA 1067.412 1022.000 45.412 4.44  +/- 15 SBB 983.048 1019.000 -35.952 -3.53  +/- 15 SBC 305.787 315.000 -9.213 -2.92 +/- 100  CBA 277.476 309.000 -31.524 -10.2 +/- 100  CBC 775.020 812.000 -36.980 -4.55  +/- 15 CBD 1005.793 1024.000 -18.207 -1.78  +/- 15 Sum of Worths 5703.208 5745.000 M/P = 0.99 27 M/P  HZP Temperature Coefficient (pcm/
o F) RCS @ 21 32 ppm  Measured 1 Predicted 1 Difference Acceptance ITC -3.571 -4.051 0.480 Difference +/- 2 MTC -2.051 -2.531 0.480  1 Measured and predicted data obtained from Cycle 20 performance of EST
-923 [Reference 5.14
]. 2 % Deviation = [(Measured - Predicted) / Predicted]
* 100
Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 22 of 29                                                                                                     
Figure 4.6.1 Integral Worth of the Reference Bank 0100200 300 400 500 600 700 800 9001000 1100 1200 1300 0255075100125150175200225Integral Rod Worth (pcm)
Reference Bank Position (steps)
MeasuredPredicted Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 23 of 29              Figure 4.6.2 Differential Worth of the Reference Bank 0 1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 0255075100125150175200225Differential Rod Worth (pcm/step)
Reference Bank Position (steps)
MeasuredPredicted Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 24 of 29      Table 4.6.3 - FSAR Chapter 14 Tests Heat Tracing and Freeze Protection Not impacted by LTA program. Main, Auxiliary and Start
-up Transformer Not impacted by LTA program.
6.9 kv Switchgear Not impacted by LTA program.
480 VAC Distribution Not impacted by LTA program.
120 V ESF Uninterruptible AC System Not impacted by LTA program.
Class 1E DC System Not impacted by LTA program.
Normal Emergency AC/DC Lighting System Not impacted by LTA program.
Communications System Not impacted by LTA program.
Annunciator System Not impacted by LTA program, system performance is monitored during routine operation, maintenance, and surveillance tests.
Reactor Protection System Engineered Safety Features Actuation Logic Not impacted by LTA program.
Reactor Protection System Engineered Safety Features Actuation Response Time Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation. Piping Vibration No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation
. Metal Impact Monitoring No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation. Radiation Monitoring System No impact on system from LTA program , system performance is monitored during routine operation
. Excore Nuclear Instrumentation (NIS) No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation.
Emergency Diesel No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation and surveillance tests
. Fire Protection System No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation
. Normal Service Water No impact on system from LTA program , system performance is monitored during routine operation
. Emergency Service Water No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation and surveillance tests.
Compressed and Instrument Air Systems No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation
Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 25 of 29  Reactor Coolant System Hydrostatic Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation and surveillance tests
. RTD/TC Cross Calibration Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation and surveillance tests
. Pressurizer Relief Tank (PRT) Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation
. Safety Injection System Performance Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation and surveillance tests
. High -Head Safety Injection System Check Valve Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation and surveillance tests. Safety Injection (SI) Accumulator Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation and surveillance tests.
Residual Heat Removal System Cold Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation and surveillance tests
. Residual Heat Removal System Hot Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation and surveillance tests
. Containment Spray System Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation and surveillance tests
. Chemical and Volume Control Cold Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation and surveillance tests
. Chemical and Volume Control Hot Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation and surveillance tests. Auxiliary Feedwater System Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation and surveillance tests
. Fuel Handling Equipment System Test LTA dimensions evaluated for compatibility prior to manufacture & shipment. See discussion in Section 3.1.
Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup System Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation and surveillance tests.
Component Cooling Water No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation.
Gaseous Waste Processing System Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation and surveillance tests
. Solid Waste Processing Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation
. Liquid Waste Processin g System Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation
. Containment Isolation Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation and surveillance test
: s. Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test and Structural Integrity Test Not impacted by LTA program
. Reactor Coolant System Hot Functional Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation and surveillance tests
. Piping Thermal Expansion No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 26 of 29  and Dynamic Effects Test monitored during routine operation
. Pressurizer Pressure and Level Control Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation
. Main Steam System Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation.
Feedwater System Tes t No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation.
Condensate System Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation.
Turbine Generator Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation.
Circulating Water System Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation.
Condenser Vacuum and Condensate Makeup System No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation. Waste Processing Computer Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation.
Containment Ventilation and Cooling, Primary Shield and Reactor Supports Cooling System Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation. Plant HVAC Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation.
Engineered Safety Features Integrated Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation
. Process Computer Test No impact on system from LTA progr am , system performance is monitored during routine operation.
Boron Recycle Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation.
Refueling Water Storage Tank Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation
. Primary Makeup Water System Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation
. Rod Control System Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation.
Passive Safety Injection System Check Valve Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation.
Containment Recirculation Sump Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation.
Containment Vacuum Relief Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation.
Combustible Gas Control System In Containment No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation.
Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 27 of 29  Test Gross Failed Fuel Detection System Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation.
Essential Services Chilled Water System Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation.
Stud Tensioner Hoist Load Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation
. Polar Crane Test Summary No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation.
Feedwater Heater Drain, Level and Bypass Control Systems Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation. Seismic Instrumentation Test No impact on system from LTA program.
Extraction Steam System Test No impact on system from LTA program.
Primary Sampling System Test No impact on system from LTA program.
Secondary Sampling System Test No impact on system from LTA program.
Loss of Instrument Air Test No impact on system from LTA program.
Containment Building Hot Penetration Test No impact on system from LTA program.
Simulated Loss of On
-Site Power Test No impact on system from LTA program.
AC Distribution System Optimum Operating Voltage Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation. Auxiliary Feedwater Turbine Pump Two-Hour Run Test No impact on system from LTA program.
Moveable Incore Detector Test Minimal impact on system from LTA program, due to different materials and dimensions of the GAIA instrument tube. System performance is discussed in Sectio n 4.4. Rod Control and Position Indication System Test No impact from LTA program, since the LTAs were not loaded in rodded core locations. Rod Drive Mechanism Timing Test No impact from LTA program, since the LTAs were not loaded in rodded core locati ons. Rod Drop Time Measurement Test No impact from LTA program, since the LTAs were not loaded in rodded core locations. Reactor Coolant System Flow Measurement Test Minimal impact on system from LTA program , due to different pressure drop associated with GAIA assemblies. system performance discussed in section 4.1
. Reactor Coolant System Flow Coastdown Test System operation was reviewed and determined to be acceptable by analytical methods.
Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 28 of 29  Calibration of Nuclear Instrumentation Test Minimal impact on system from LTA program , system performance discussed in section 4.2
. Rod Control System Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation.
Flux Distribution Measurement Test Minimal impact on system from LTA program , system performance discussed in section 4.3
. Core Performance Test Minimal impact on system from LTA program , system performance discussed in section 4.4
. Power Coefficient Measurement Test Minimal impact on system from LTA program , system performance discussed in section 4.5
. Control Rod Reactivity Worth Test Minimal impact on system from LTA program , system performance discussed in section 4.6
. Boron Reactivity Worth Test Minimal impact on system from LTA program , system performance discussed in section 4.7
. Automatic Rod Control Test No impact on system from LTA program.
Steam Generator Moisture Carryover Test No impact on system from LTA program.
Load Swing Test No impact on system from LTA program.
Large Load Reduction From 75 Percent Power Test No impact on system from LTA program.
Turbine Trip From 100 Percent Power Test No impact on system from LTA program.
Remote Shutdown Test No impact on system from LTA program. Loss of Offsite Power Test No impact on system from LTA program.
Pressurizer Heaters and Spray Valves Capability Test No impact on system from LTA program.
Gross Failed Fuel Detection System Test No impact on system from LTA program.
Pressurizer Continuous Spray Flow Verification Test Not impacted by LTA program, system performance is monitored during routine operation. Reactor Coolant System Leakrate Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation and surveillance
. Natural Circulation Test Summary No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation and surveillance.
Main Steam and Feedwater Systems Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation and surveillance.
Shield Survey Test No impact on system from LTA program
, system performance is monitored during routine operation and surveillance.
Loss of Feedwater Heater(s) Test No impact on system from LTA program.
Harris Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 20  Startup Test Report Revision 0                                                                                                                 
______________________________________________________________________________ Page 29 of 29  Main Steam Isolation Valve Test No impact on system from LTA program.
Steam Generator Test for Condensation Water Hammer No impact on system from LTA program.
Steam Turbine
-Driven and Motor-Driven Auxiliary FW Pumps Endurance Test No impact on system from LTA program.
Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) Bypass Flow VerificationTest Test is no longer applicable with current RTD configuration Secondary Sampling System Test No impact on system from LTA program.}}

Revision as of 23:55, 10 October 2018