SECY-18-0006, M180405A: Affirmation Session - SECY-18-0006-UNITECH Services Group, Inc.; SECY-18-0018 - Florida Power and Light Co. (Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Units 6 and 7)

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M180405A: Affirmation Session - SECY-18-0006-UNITECH Services Group, Inc.; SECY-18-0018 - Florida Power and Light Co. (Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Units 6 and 7)
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/05/2018
From: Commissioners
Download: ML18095A734 (5)


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION AFFIRMATION SESSION PUBLIC MEETING Nuclear Regulatory Commission Commission Hearing Room 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland April 5, 2018 The Commission met in open session, pursuant to notice at 9:55 AM, Kristine L. Svinicki, Chairman, presiding.


KRISTINE L. SVINICKI, Chairman of the Commission JEFF BARAN, Member of the Commission STEPHEN G. BURNS, Member of the Commission STAFF AND PRESENTERS SEATED AT THE COMMISSION TABLE:

MARGARET DOANE, General Counsel ANNETTE VIETTI-COOK, Secretary of the Commission

2 DISCLAIMER This is an unofficial transcript of a meeting of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission on April 5, 2018, in the Commissions office at One White Flint North, Rockville, Maryland. The meeting was open to public attendance and observation. This transcript has not been reviewed, corrected or edited, and it may contain inaccuracies.

The transcript is intended solely for general information purposes. As provided by 10 CFR 9.103, it is not part of the formal or informal record and decision of the matters discussed. Expressions of opinion in the transcript do not necessarily reflect final determination or beliefs. No pleading or other paper may be filed with the Commission in any proceeding as the result of, or addressed to, any statement or argument contained herein, except as the Commission may authorize.


[9:55 AM]

PROCEEDINGS CHAIRMAN SVINICKI: Good Morning, we begin today the Commission will convene for a very brief, as they all are, affirmation session. We have two items for affirmation this morning.

Madam Secretary would you please lead us through the affirmation.

ANNETTE VIETTI-COOK: The first item is SECY-18-0006 - UNITECH Services Group, Inc. (Export of Low-Level Waste). The Commission is being asked to act on a Memorandum and Order responding to a request for hearing and petition to intervene filed by Nuclear Information and Resource Service, Beyond Nuclear, the Nuclear Energy Information Service, Tennessee Environmental Council, and Citizens for Alternatives to Chemical Contamination on an export license application submitted by UniTech Services Group, Inc.

The Commission has voted to approve a Memorandum and Order that denies the request for hearing and directs the NRC staff to expeditiously address the pending export license application in accordance with the NRCs regulations.

ANNETTE VIETTI-COOK: Would you please affirm your votes?




ANNETTE VIETTI-COOK: The second item is SECY-18-0018 - Florida Power and Light Co. (Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Units 6 and 7) mandatory hearing decision. The Commission is being asked to act on a Memorandum and Order addressing the required findings of 10 C.F.R. §§ 52.97(a) and 51.107(a) and the issues discussed at the uncontested hearing on December 12, 2017, concerning the application of Florida Power and Light Company to construct and operate two AP1000 advanced passive pressurized water reactors at the

4 Turkey Point site in Miami-Dade County, Florida. The Commission has voted to approve a Memorandum and Order that authorizes issuance of the combined licenses.

ANNETTE VIETTI-COOK: Would you please affirm your votes?




ANNETTE VIETTI-COOK: Thats all I have, Thank you.

CHAIRMAN SVINICKI: Thank you Madam Secretary. Those are the items for affirmation. Do either of my colleagues have any remarks regarding the affirmation items?

Hearing none; the affirmation session is concluded.

5 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the attached description of a meeting of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission entitled:


PLACE OF MEETING: Rockville, Maryland DATE OF MEETING: April 5, 2018 was held as herein appears, is a true and accurate record of the meeting, and that this is the original transcript thereof taken stenographically by me, thereafter reduced to typewriting by me or under the direction of the court reporting company.


Transcriber: Patricia J. Jimenez Reporter: (TAPE RECORDING)