Regulatory Guide 3.53

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Applicability of Existing Regulatory Guides to the Design and Operation of an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation
Person / Time
Site: WM-00011
Issue date: 07/31/1982
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Shared Package
ML031990378 List:
CE 037-4 NUDOCS 8804290116, RG-3.053
Download: ML031990381 (17)




REGULATORY GUIDE 3.63 (Task CE 0374)




72 in some cases (in particular, those guides written with reference to power reactors), they can be of benefit to The storage of spent fuel in an independent spent fuel applicants and licensees who already have experience with storage installation (ISFSI) pending its ultimate disposal the solutions endorsed in them and who may wish to apply Is a new step in the nuclear fuel cycle that is licensed familiar solutions rather than develop alternative solutions pursuant to 10 CFR Part 72, "Licensing Requirements for less certain of being acceptable to the NRC staff.

the Storage of Spent Fuel in an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation." The conventional method for such


storage is in water basins embedded in the ground with their water surface approximately at grade level. Other Existing regulatory guides were examined for their methods using dry storage are also being considered. These potential applicability to the design and operation of an methods may include air-cooled canyons or vaults, under- ISFSI that may use either a wet or dry mode of storage.

ground caissons or dry wells, or surface-storage casks or The specific revision of each guide that may be appli- silos. Applicants may determine that other regulatory cable, in whole or In part, is listed In the tables of this guides contain useful information for particular situations. guide. This guide will be updated as referenced guides Potential use of other guides may be discussed with the are revised.

NRC staff.

The user and staff must exercise discretion in using all of This regulatory guide identifies existing regulatory the detailed information ssociated with each regulatory guides that may be applicable in whole or in part to the position cited, e.g., not all appendices and examples con- design and operation of an ISFSI. Since the different tained in the cited guides are applicable to an ISFSI. If modes of storage vary widely in design, the guides cited will the guidance in a guide written specifically for an ISFSI

obviously not all be applicable to all design technologies. differs from that in a guide developed for another facility, Also, as a general rule, the technologies and operating (e.g., a Division I guide), the guidance in the guide specific conditions involved in the receipt and storage of aged spent to an ISFSI should be followed.

fuel (i.e., spent fuel that has undergone at least 1 year of decay since removal from a reactor core) are not only much


less complex and dynamic than those of production and utilization facilities (i.e., reactor and reprocessing facilities), Tables 1, 2, and 3 list existing regulatory guides that but they are also less complex and dynamic than the tech- may be applicable to an ISFSI. Table I identifies guides nologies and conditions involved in the receipt and storage applicable to ISFSI design and Table 2 identifies guides of spent fuel in reactor basins designed to receive spent fuel applicable to ISFSI operation. Table 3 identifies guides that directly from a reactor core after a decay of a few days or are specific to an ISFSI. The guides are listed in the tables less. The referenced guides are useful not only because the by number, title, and revision under general subjects that methods of design and operation cited have been examined are arranged alphabetically. Relevant regulatory positions in by the NRC staff and found to be appropriate as a means of each guide are identified and briefly described. In Tables 1 meeting the requirements of NRC regulations, but also and 2, the portions of the NRC regulations addressed by because these guides are familiar to licensees and applicants. the regulatory positions are also identified and other Thus, while the guides inay exceed the requirements of Part pertinent information is provided.

USNRC REGULATORY GUIDES Comments should be ent to the Secretary of the Commission.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington D.C. 20555.

Regulatory Guides are issued to describe and make available to the Attentiong Dockting and Service ranch.

public methods acceptable to the NRC taff of Implementing specific parts f the Commission's regulations, to delineate tech- The guides are ssued In the following ten broad divisions:

niques used by the staff In evaluating specific problems or postu- lated ccloents or to provide guidance to applicants Regulatory 1. Power Reactors

6. Products

~ Guides are nof substitutes for regulations, and compliance with 2. Research and Test Reactors

7. Transportation

-; them Is not required. Methods and solutions different from those set 3. Fuels and MaterIals Fcilities 8. Occupational Health out In the guides will be acceptable I they Povide basis for the 4. Environmental and Siting 9. Antitrust and Financial Review findings requisite to the issuance or continuance of a permit or 5. Materials and Plant Protection 10. General license by the Commission.

Copies of Issued guides may be purchased at the current Government This guide was Issued after consideration of comments received from Printing Office price. A subscription service for future guides In spe- the Public. Comments and suggestions for Improvements in these cific divisions Is available through the Government Printing Office.

guides are encouraged at all times, and guides will be revised, as information on the subscription service and current OPO prices may appropriate, to accommodate comments and to reflect new Informa- be obtained by writing the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

tion or experience. Washington, D.C. 20555. Attention: Publications Sales Manager.

8804290116 80411 N-ISS SUBJ .-

-- ~102 DCD.

V , .

Table I


Subject Regulatory Guide Regulatory Position Portions of 10 CFR Addressed Accident Analysis

1.25, Assumptions Used for Evaluating the 2 - Atmospheric diffusion 72.65(a), 72.74(d)

Potential Radiological Consequences of a assumptions Fuel Handling Accident in the Fuel Handl- 3.b - External whole-body 72.65(a), 72.74(d)

ing and Storage Facility for Boiling and approximations assumptions Pressurized Water Reactors (Safety Guide 25).

1.91, Revision , Evaluations of Explosions 2 Explosive transport 7x.63, 72.7f(c)



Postulated To Occur on Transportation 2 - Explosive transport 72.63, 72.72(c)

Routes Near Nuclear Power Plants 3 - Explosive transport 72.63, 72.72(c)

1.145, Atmosphen'S Dispersion Models for In applying this guide to an Potential Accidenytonsequence Assess- ISFSI, substitute the terms ments at Nucleaf Power Plants "controlled area" as defined in § 72.3(h) and "ISFSI-

emergency planning zone (ISFSI-EPZ)" as defined in

§ 72.3(n) respectively for the terms "exclusion area"

and "low population zone (LPZ)" wherever they appear.

1.2 - Distances for X/Q 72.65(a), 72.74(d)

1.3 - X/Q at the controlled area 72.65(a), 72.74(d)

1.4 - X/Q at EPZ 72.65(a), 72.74(d)

2 - Maximum sector X/Q values 72.65(a), 72.74(d)

3 - 5% overall site XJ1 value 72.65(a), 72.74(d)

4 - Selection of X/Q 72.65(a), 72.74(d)

Control Room- Chemical Release 1.78, Assumptions for Evaluating the I - Stored chemicals 72.61(b), 72.72(j)

Habitability of a Nuclear Power Plant 2 - Transported chemicals 72.61 (b), 72.72(j)

Control Room During a Postulated 3 - Onsite chemicals 72.6 1(b), 72.72(j)-

Hazardous Chemical Release 4 - Toxicity limits 72.72(j)

5.a - Accident concentration 72.61(b), 72.72(j)

6 - Dilution factor 72.61(b), 72.72(j)


  • Removal systems 72.72(j)

12 - Natural phenomena 72.61(b), 72.720)

and chemical release As - Emergency procedures 72.1 (a)(1 l)

Table 1 (Continued)


Regulatory Position Portions of 10 CFR Addressed Subject Regulatory Guide Criticality Safety

3.41, RevisioA 1, Validation of Calculational All - Endorsement of ANSI 72.73(a)

Methods for Nuclear Criticality Safety N16.9-1975 Floods

1.59, Revision 2, Design Basis Floods for I - Flood conditions 72.33(cX4), 72.61(c), 72.62, Nuclear Power Plants 72.72(bX2), 72.72(b)(4)



- Hardened protection alternative-warning time

- Hardened protection alternative-less severe





72.61(c), 72.62,


72.61(c), 72.62,



flood conditions

3 - Unanticipated changes 72.33(cX4), 72.61(c), 72.62,

72.72(bX2), 72.72(b)(4)

4 - Data utilization 72.33(c)(4), 72.61(c), 72.62,

72.72(bX2), 72.72(bX4)

w w Flood Protection 72.72(b)X2)

1.102, Revision 1, Flood Protection for 2 - Types of protection

2 - Shutdown specifications 72.72(b)(2)

Nuclear Power Plants 72.72(b)X2)

3 - Vulnerability of safety-related equipment Physical Hydraulic Models

1.125, Revision 1, Physical Models for 2 - Model preconstruction 72.15(aX3), 72.33(cX4),

Design and Operation of Hydraulic Struc- submittals 72.61(c), 72.62 tures and Systems for Nuclear Power 2 - Early staff discussions 72.1 5(aX3), 72.33(cX4),

Plants 72.61(c), 72.62

3 - Documentation 72.15(a)(3), 72.33(cX4),

72.61(c), 72.62

4 - Comparison of data and 72.15(aX3), 72.33(cX4),

model 72.61(c), 72.62, 72.72(bX3)

5 - Design changes 72.1 S(aX3), 72.33(cX4),

72.61(c), 72.62, 72.72(bX3)

6 - Report contents 72.15(aX3), 72.33(cX4),

72.61(c), 72.62, 72.72(bX3)

r . I

Table I (Continued)


Subject Regulatory Guide Regulatory Position Portons of 10 CFR Addressed Quality Assutance-Design and Constructon 1.28, Revision 2, Quality Assurance General - Endorsement of ANSI

Program Requirements (Design and N45.2-1977 Construction) 4 72.15(a)(14), 72.72(a), 72.80

4 72.15(aX14), 7.72(a), 72.80

Quality Auurance-Terms

1.7, Quality Assurance Terms and Detinitions Second Paragraph - Procurement documents 72.80


Radiological Protection- ALARA 8.8, Revision 3, Information Relevant to In applying this guide to an i!nsuring that Occupational Radiation Expo- ISFSI, substitute the term sures at Nuclear Power Stations Wm Be As "ISFSI" for the tenns "LWR"

Low As h Reasonably Achievable and "nuclear power station"

W wherever they appear. Dis- Lab regard references to the nuclear steam supply vendor.


  • Review of designs and 20.1(c), 72.15(a)(5), 72.74(a)


2.a - Access control of radiation 20.1(c), 72.15(aXS), 72.74(a)


2.b( 1) - Shielding for senice personnel 20.1(c), 72.IS(a)(S), 72.74(a)


  • Temporary shieldft and 20.1(c), 72.15(a)(5), 72.74(a) II


2.b(4) - Streaming and scattering 20. 1(c), 72. I5(aX5), 72.74(a)

2.b(5) - Streaming 20.1(c), 72.1S(a)(5), 72.74(a)

2.b(6) - Reduction of exposure 20.1(c), 72.15(aXS), 72.74(a)

from pipes

2.b(7) - Expeditious design features 20.1(c), 72.15(aXS), 72.74(a)

2.b(8) - Laydown space 20.1(c), 72.15(a)(5), 72.74(a)

2.b(9) - Removal of equipment 20.1(c), 72.15(aXS), 72.74(a)

2.b(I0) - Drains 20.1(c), 72.15(aX5), 72.74(a)


  • Process instrumentation and 20.1(c), 72.1S(a)(S), 72.74(a)


2.d(l) - Control of airborne con- 20.1(c), 72.15(a)(S), 72.74(a),

taminants (air flow) 72.74(c), 72.74(d)

2.d(2) - Ventilation systems 20.1(c), 72.1 5(aXS),

72.1 5(aXI 2), 72.74(a)


Table (Continued)


Subject Regulatory Guide Regulatory Position Portions of 10 dFR Addresed

2.d(3) - Auxiliary ventilation 20.1(c), 72$ 5(ax)()

systems 72.1 5(a)( 2), 72.74(a)

72.74(c), 72.74(d).

2.f - Isolation and decontamination 20.1(c), 72.1S(a)(S),

72.74(a), 72.74(b)

2.g - Radiation monitoring systems 20.1(c), 72.16(aXS),

72.74(b), 72.74(c)


  • Reduction of accumulation 20.1(c), 72.15(aXS), 72.74(a)

2.h(2) - Need for maintenance 20.1(c), 72.1S(a)(S), 72.74(a)

2.h(3) - Pipe bends 20.1(c), 72.15(aX5), 72.74(a)


  • Pipe surfaces 20.1(c), 72.lS(aXS), 72.74(a)

2.h(5) - Pipe tees 20.1(c), 72.15(aXS), 72.74(a)


  • Slurry piping 20.1(c), 72.1S(aXS), 72.74(a)

2.h(7) - Sparging 20.1(c), 72.15(aXS), 72.74(a)


  • Radiation-damage-resistant 20.1(c), 72.15(a)(5), 72.74(a)

materials w

2i(2) - Stainless steel piping . 20.1(c), 72.15(aX5), 72.74(a)



  • Pipe routing 20.1(c), 72.15(a)(5), 72.74(a)


  • Filters 20.1(c), 72.1S(aX5), 72.74(a)

2i(5) - Servicing valves 20.1(c), 72.1S(aXS), 72.74(a)

2i(7) - Valve selection 20.1(c), 72.1S(aX5), 72.74(a)

2.i(8) - Pumps 20.1(c), 72.15(aX5), 72.74(a)

2i(9) - Sedimentation 20.1(c), 72.15(aXS), 72.74(a)

2(10) - Spare pipe connections 20.1(c), 72.15(aXS), 72.74(a)

2.i(11) - Station design,. 20.1(c), 72.IS(aXS), 72.74(a)'




- Component removal

- Working environment

- Lamp replacement










( -

2i.(15) - Emergency lighting 20.1(c), 72.1S(aXS), 72.74(a)

3.a - Radiation protection program 20.1(c), 72.33(c)(5)

preparation and planning

3.b(1) - Health physics technicians 20.1(c), 72.33(c)(S)

3.b(3) - Communications 20.1(c), 72.33(cX5)


  • Postoperations 20.1(c), 72.33(cXS)

4. - Radiation protection facil- 20.1(c), 72.33(c)(S), 72.74 ities Instrumentation and equipment I.

Table I (Continued)


Portions of 10 CFR Addressed Regulatory Position Regulator Guide an Subject In applying this guide to ISFSI, substitute the term Seismic Design Classification "ISFSI Design Earthquake

1.29, Revision 3, Seismic (ISFSI-DE)" (or the "Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE)"

wherever it appears.

posi- 72.72(b)(2)

I .d - All sections listed for tion I describe applicable activities to be included 72.72(bl(2) -

1.6 72.72(b)X2)

I.i 72.72(b)X2)

I.j 72.72(b)X2), 72.72(i)

L.k 72.72(b)X2)

11 72.720)

1.n 72.75(a)

L.p 72.72(b)X2)

W 1.q 72.72(b)X2)


W 2 - Non-safety-related components 72.72(bX2)

- Defined boundaries

3 an In applying this guide to term ISFSI, substitute the Response Spectra for "ISFSI Design Earthquake

1.6o, Revision 1, Design Power Plants Seismic Design of Nuclear (ISFSI-DE)" for the term

"Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE)" wherever it appears.

The term "Operating Basis not Earthquake (OBE)" is applicable to an SFSI.

72.66(a)(2), 72.66(a)(6),

- Horizontal component 72.66(b)


72.66(aX2), 72.66(a)(6),


  • Vertical component 72.66(b)

an In applying this guide to ISFSI, substitute the term Seismic Design of

1.61, Damping Values for "ISFSI Design Earthquake Nuclear Power Plants (ISFSI-DE)" for the term To


.7 C

Table I (Continued)


Subfeet Regulatory Guide Regulatory Position Portiots of 10 CF1 Addressed

"Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE)' wherever t appears.

The term "Operating Basis Earthquake (OBD)" is not applicable to an ISFSI.

2 - Modal damping values 72.66(aX2), 72.66(aX6),



  • High damping values 72.66(aX2), 72.66(a)(6),


3 - Combined stress 72.66(aX2), 72.66(aX6),


  • 1.92, Revision 1. Combining Modal Responses I - Combining of modal responses 72.66(aX2), 72.66(sX6),

and Spatial Components In Seismic Response 72.66(b)

Analysis 2 - Combination of effects 72.66(aX2), 72.66(a)(6),

w 72.66(b)



1.122, Revision 1, Development of Floor Design l - Directional analysis 72.66(aX2), 72.66(a)(6),

Response Spectra for Seismic Design of Floor- 72.66(b)

Supported Equipment or Components 2 - Uncertainties 72.66(aX2), 72.66(aX6),


3 - Response spectrum 72.66(aX2), 72.66(a)(6),


Site Investigations- Foundstions 1.132, Revision 1, Site Investigations for Foundations of Nuclear Power Plants This guide applies to all types of ISFSI designs (§ 72.66).


If massive structures or foundations are required by the specific design (i.e., water basin, vault, canyon, support hot cell), this guide would provide applicable guidance for the site investigation.

2 - General site investigation 72.61(a), 72.66(a)(4)

2 - Boring logs 72.61(a), 72.66(aX4)

3 - Ground-water investigations 72.61(a), 72.66(a)(4)


Table 1 (Continued)


Portlon of 10 CFR Addressed Regulatory Position Suet Regulator Guide

- Procedures 72.61(a), 72.66(aX4)

4 72.61(a), 72.66(a)(4)

S - Spacing and depth



- Sampling

- Retention of records and samples

72.61(a), 72.66(a)(4)

72.61(a), 72.66(aX4)


Site Investlgations- - Requirements for testing 72.61(a), 72.66(aX4)


soils 1.138, Laboratory Inwestigations of Soils for program Engineering Analysis and Design of Nuclear - Handling and storage of 72.61(a), 72.66(a(4)

2 Power Plants samples

- Selection and preparation 72.61(a), 72.66(aX4)

3 of specimens Criteria for testing procedures 72.61(a), 72.66(aX4)

4 -

72.61(a), 72.66(aX4)

S - Documentation w 72.1 S(aX3), 72.33(c)(4),

th Structures.-Concrete General - Endorsement of Y

Shields 1.69, Concrete Radiation Shields for Nuclear ANSI-N101.6-1972 72.74(a)

Power Plants 72.80

1 72.80

2 3

72.1 5(aX3), 72. 3(cX4),

3 72.74(a)

72.1 5(a)(3), 72.33(c)(4),

4 72.74(a)


72.1 S(aX3), 7 .33(c)(4),

5 72.74(a)

72.1 S(aX3), 72.3 3(cX4),

6 72.74(a)

72.1 5(aX3), 72.33(cX4),

7 72.74(a)


72.1 S(aX3), 2.33(cX4),

8 72.74(a)

- General design 72.72(f, 72.72(k)

Testing-Diesel Generator 3

1.108, Revision 1, Periodic Testingof

  • Testing 72.72(k)

Diesel Generator Units Used as Onsite 2 Reports are not submitted

3 - Records and reports Electric Power Systems at Nuclear Power pursuant to Regulatory Plants Guide 1.16. 72.72(k)

40 to Table 1 ContInued)


Subject Regulatory Guide Regulator Position Porton of 10 CFR Addresed Testing-Protective

1.22, Periodic Testing of Protection System In applying this guide to an Actuation Functions (Safety Guide 22) ISFSI, substitute the expres- sion "lSFSI receiving and stor- age operations" for the expres- sion "reactor operation" wher- ever it appears.




- Testing requirements

- Testing methods

- Untested equipment



72.72(f) (


1.76, Design Basis Tornado for Nuclear Power 1 - Design basis tornado 72.61(c), 72.62 Plants 2 b conseis tive design Len 72.61(c), 72.62 basis tornado W

b Waste Management t41 Systems 1.143, Revision 1, Design Guidance for This guide does not refer to Radioactive Waste Management Systems,. the spent fuel storage systems Structures, and Components Installed in such as the basin, cask, vault, Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants etc., but only applies to the systems that ae used to collect, store, control, or process waste that is generated during the ISFSI operation.

Liquid Waste System


  • Design and test requrements 72.72(a)

1.1.3 - Seismic criteria 72.72(b)(1), 72.72(bX2)


  • Seismic criteria 72.72(b)(1), 72.72(bX2)

1.2 - Tank design 72.75 I

Table I (Continued)


Subject Regulatory Guide Regulatory Position Porthr of 10 CFR Addressed Solid Waste System

3.1.1 e Design and test requirements 7i.72(a)

3.1.3 - Seismic criteria 72.72(b)(1). 72.72(b)(2)

3.1.4 v Seismic criteria 72.72(b)(1), 72.72(bX2)

4.1 - ALARA 72.75

4.4 - Hydrostatic testing 72.75

4.5 - Testing 72.75



- Buildings housing radwaste


systems Optional shielding

72.72(b)(1), 72.72(b)(2)

72.72(b)(1), 72.72(b)(2)


%wf wf CD


C t)



Subject Regulatory Guide Regulatory Position Portions of 10 CFR Addressed Atmospheric Releases

4.16,Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Examples in this guide are not Radioactivity in Releases of Radioactive applicable to an ISFSI.

Materials in Liquid and Airborne Effluents Environmental reports for an from Nuclear Fuel Processing and Fabrica- ISFSI should be submitted on tion Plants an annual basis rather than semiannually as stated In posi- tion 5.1.


  • Methods of sampling analysis 72.74(c)

2 - Sampling program 72.74(c)

3 - Analysis of samples 72.74(c)

4 - Precision and accuracy of 72.74(c)

results S - Reporting of results 72.33(dX3)


Atmospheric Transport

1.11"1) Revision 1, Methods for Estimating I

  • Atmospheric transport 72.33(dX3), 72.61(e).


Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of and diffusion models 72.65(a), 72.74(d)

Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from 2 - Source configuration 72.33(d)(3), 72.61(e),

Light.Water-Cooled Reactors 72.65(a), 72.74(d)

3 - Removal mechanisms 72.33(dX3), 72.61(e),

72.65(a), 72.74(d)

4 Meteorological data for 72.33(dX3), 72.61(e),

models 72.65(a), 72.74(d)

Aqnati Dispersion

1.113, Revision 1, Estimating Aquatic Disper- I - Transport and water-use 72.15(a)(13), 72.33(dX3),

sion of Effluents from Accidental and Routine models 72.61(e), 72.65(a), 72.74(d)

Reactor Releases for the Purpose of Imple. 2 - Selection of models 72.15(aX13), 72.33(dX3),

menting Appendix I 72.61(e), 72.65(a), 72.74(d)

Dose Assessment

1.1IUY, Revision 1, Calculation of Annual 1 - Doses from liquid 72.33(d)(3), 72.61(e),

Doses to Man from Routine Releases of effluent pathways 72.65(a), 72.74(d)

Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of 3 - Doses from airborne 72.33(dX3), 72.61(e),

Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR particulates 72.6S(a), 72.74(d)

Part 50, Appendix I 4 - Integrated doses to 72.33(dX3), 72.61(e),


population 72.65(a), 72.74(d)


Table 2 (Continued)


Subject Tleguhar Guide Regulatory Position Portion of 10 CFR Addressed Effluent Monitoring

1.21, Revision l, Measuring, Evaluating, For an ISPSI that is co-located and Reporting Radioactivity in Solid at a reactor site, as opposed to Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Mate- an ISFSI at a separate site, the dals in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from monitoring requirements may Light-Water-Cooled Nudear Power Plants be reduced. Monitoring may be needed at the fuel receiving and storage areas on a continuous basis only when spent fuel is being handled. Otherwise, periodic measurements may


suffice, particularly for possible sealed storage modes.

2 Location of monitoring 72.74(c)(1), 72.74(d)


  • Type of monitoring 72.33(d), 72.74(c)(1), 72.74(d)

4 - Gross radioactivity 72.33(d), 72.74(cX 1),

'.ft measurements 72.74(d)

le) S - Measurements of specific 72.33(d), 72.74(c)(1),

radionuclides 72.74(d)

6 - Representative samples 72.33(d), 12.74(c)(1)

7 - Composite samples 72.33(d), 72.74(c)(1)


  • Time between collection 72.33(d), 72.74(c)(1)

and analysis

9 - Corrections for decay 72.33(d), 72.74(c)( 1)

l .a - Errors in measurement 72.33(d), 72.74(d)

I I.b - Quality controls 72.80(b)

I .c - Calibrations 72.74(d)

12.b - Significant figures 72.33(d), 72.74(d)

12.c - Numerical values 72.33(d), 72.74(d)

Environmental Monitoring The preoperational monitoring period as stated in regulatory position I should be reduced from 2 years to I year.

4.1, Revision 1, Programs for Monitoring 1 - Preoperational program 72.33(d)(2), 72.67 Radioactivity in the Environs of Nuclear 2.a

  • Sample media 72.33(dX2), 72.67 Power Plants 2.b - Sample frequency 72.33(dX2), 72.67

R4 Table 2 (Continued)


Regui!Wry Guie Regatory Position Portions of 10 CR Addressed

2.d - Analysis 72.33(dX2)

2.e - Quality control 72.33(d)l2), 72.80

3 - Detection capabilities 72.33(dX2), 72.67 Envi"omental Monrtovins-TLD 4.13, Revision 1, Performance, Testing, General - Endorsement of and Procedural Specifications for ANSI N545-1979 Thermoluminescence Dosimetry:

Environmental Applications

4 I












5 72.33(dX2), 72.74(c)(2)

Quality Asmnce- Environmental I 4.15, Revision 1, Quality Assurance for Radio- 1 - Organization and 72.17 Monitoring logical Monitoring Programs (Normal Opera- responsibilities

'4 tions)-Effluent Streams and the Environment 2 - Personnel qualifications 72.17 I..) 4 * Records 72.33(cXS), 72.80

S - Quality control In sampling 72.33(c)(S), 72.80

6 - Quality control in analysis 72.33(c)(5), 72.80

7 - Quality control for continuous 72.33(cXS), 72.80

monitoring systems

8 - Review and analysis of data 72.33(c)(S), 72.80

9 - Audits 72.33(cXS), 72.80

Radiological Protection-ALARA 8.8, Revision 3, Information Relevant to In applying this guide to an Ensuring that Occupational Radiation ISFSI, substitute the term Exposures at Nuclear Power Stations Will "ISFSI" for the terms "LWR"

Be As Low As Is Reasonably Achievable and "nuclear power station"

wherever they appear. Dis- regard references to the nuclear steam supply vendor.

I - General-program goals 20.1(c), 72 . 3 3 (c)(S)

  • Establishment of program 20.1(c), 7 2 .33(c)(S)

l.b - Organization and personnel 20.1(c), 72.17 responsibilities I.c - Training and instruction 20.1(c), 72.17, 72.92 r

Table 2 (Continued)


Subject Regulatory Guide Regulatory Position Portlons of 10 CFR Addressed

8.10, Revision -R, Operating Philosophy for L.a - Management commitment 20.1(c), 72.1 S(aX8), 72.17, Maintaining Occupational Radiation Expo- 72.33(c)(S)

sumas As Low As Is Reasonably Achievable I .b - Audits 20.1(c), 72.1S(aX8),


I c - Responsibilities 20.1(c), 72.15saX8), 72.17,

72.33(bX4), 72.33(cXS),


1.d l.e

- Training

- RSO authority

19.12, 72.17(d), 72.33(bX4),


20.1(e), 72.15(a)(8),



l.f - Procedure modifications 20.1(c), 72.1 S(aX8),


2 - Staff vigilance 20.1(c), 72.15(aX8),

72.33(c)3), 72.33(cXS)

w Radiological Protection- Ar Sampling Instru- 8.25) Calibration and Error Limits of Air 1 - Calibration frequency 20.103(aX3), 72.74(b)

ments Sampling Instruments for Total Volume 2 - Err6r limit 20.103(aX3), 72.74(b)

of Air Sampled 3 - Documentation 20.103(a)(3), 72.74(b)

Radiological Protection- Boassay 8.9, Acceptable Concepts, Models, Equa- All - Assumption, models, concepts 20.108, 72.15(aI2)

tions, and Assumptions for a Bioassay Program

8.26, Applications of Bioassay for Fission All

  • Endorsement of 20.108, 72.1 S(aX8)

and Activation Products ANSI N343-1978 Radiological Protection- Evacuation Signal 8.5, Revision 1, Criticality and Other AU

  • Endorsement of 72.74(b)

Interior Evacuation Signals ANSI/ANS N2.3-1979 Radiological Protection- Pocket Dosimeters 8.4, Direct-Reading and Indirect-Reading I - Testing 20.202(a), 20.401, P6cket Dosimeters 72.15(aX5)

2 Rejection 20.202(a), 20.401,

72.1 S(aXS)

3 - Mixed radiation fields 20.202(a), 20.401,

72.1 S(a(5)

ii ..

4 ho .,


Table 2 Continued)


Subjct Regulary Guide Regulatory Position Portions of 10 CFR Addressed Radiological Protection- Prenatal Exposure 8.13j Revision, 1, Instruction Concerning 2 - Instruction 19.12 i natal Radiation Exposure 2 - Reasons 19.12 Radiological Protection- Respiratory Protection 8.1 5)Acceptable Programs for Respiratory 1 - Written policy 20.103 Ptotection 2 - Equipment selection 20.103

3 - Individual use of respirator 20.103

4 - *Requirements of program 20.103


  • Equipment approval 20.103

6 - Unapproved equipment 20.103

7 - Protection factors 20.103

8 - Technical requirements 20.103 Radiological Protecton- Symbol 8.1, Radiation Symbol General 20.203

-t Safeguards-Alann Systems 5.44, Revision 2, Perimeter Intrusion Alarm 2 - Qualification 72.81 Systems 2 - Testing 72.81 Safeguards-Contingeney Plans 5.55, Standard Format and Content of Safe- All - Contingency plans 72.83 guards Contingency Plans for Fuel Cycle Facilities Safeguards-Entry/Exit Control 5.7, Revision 1, Entry/Exit Control for I - Protected Areas 72.81 Protected Areas, Vital Areas, and Material 2 - Material Access Areas 72.81 Access Areas 3

  • Vital Areas 72.81

4 - Emergency procedures 72.71(q), 72.81 Safeguards-ocks S.12, General Use of Locks in the Protection 1

  • Combination locks 72.81 and Control of Facilities and Special Nuclear 2 - Combination padlocks 72.81 Materials 3 - Key locks 72.81

4 - Key padlocks 72.81

Table 2 (Continued)


Subject Reguiatoey Gulde Regulatory Position Portlons of 10 CFR Addressed


  • Electric locks 72.81

6 - Pushbutton mechanical locks 72.81

7 - Mechanical locks 72.81

8 - Combinations 72.81 Safeguards-Security Force 5.20, Training, Equipping, and Qualifying 1 - Preemployment screening 72.81 of Guards and Watchmen 2 - Training 72.81

3 - Testing and requalification 72.81

4 - Equipment 72.81

5.43, Plant Security Force Duties 2 - Oganization 72.81


  • Duties 72.81 Safeguds-Trmngportatlon

5.57, Revision 1, Shipping and Receiving 1 - Preshipment controls on waste 72.81 Control of Strategic Special Nuclear 2

  • Overchecks 72.81 Material 3 - Additional shipping controls 72.54, 72.81

4 - Receipts 72.4, 72.81 Safeguardo-Viual Surveillance S 14, Revision 1, Use of Observation (Visual I - Operational measures 72.81 Surveillance) Techniques in Material Access 2 - Aids to effective surveillance 72.81 Areas t q


. --X )

a I


1. PROPOSED ACTION 1.4 Decision on Proposed Action

1.1 Description -This guide is considered the most expeditious way to convey to the public, the industry, and the staff the appli- The storage of spent fuel in an independent spent cability of existing guidance to licensing actions pursuant to fuel storage installation (ISFSI) is licensed under 10 CFR Part 72.

Part 72. For this type of installation, much of the material in existing regulatory guides Is applicable. The proposed


action would be the ssuance of a regulatory guide that would identify the guides that are applicable to SFSls and This guide addresses all technical subjects applicable to the extent of their applicability. ISFSls on which there is existing guidance.

1.2 Need


Applications covering spent fuel storage in an ISFSI are expected to be received in increasing quantity during the Among the procedural alternatives considered for next few years. The regulatory base applicable to SFSls is making this guidance available, a regulatory guide was not comparable to that for nuclear reactors, therefore, the determined to be the most appropriate.

issuance of this guide is a major step toward meeting this deficiency.


1.3 Value/Impact Assessment

4.1 NRC Authority

1.3.1 NRC

The NRC derives its statutory authority from the Atomic The guidance provided by this guide is likely to expedite Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the Energy Reorgani- the NRC staff's evaluation of the applications. zation Act of 1974, as amended, to provide guidance on acceptable means of meeting the requirements of its

1.3.2 Other Government Agencies regulations.

None. 4.2 Need for NEPA Assessment

1.3.3 Industry The issuance of this guide is not a major action as defined in paragraph 15(a) of 10 CFR Part 51, hence, the This guide will be of particular value to industry since action does not require an environmental impact statement.

there are no precedents specifically applicable to a license application under 10 CFR Part 72.



The principle of maintaining occupational exposures as This guide is one of a series of guides on the storage of low as is reasonably achievable (ALARA) Is covered in the spent fuel in an ISFSL

proposed document.


1.3.S Public This guide is the most expeditious way of establishing This guide is designed primarily for the protection of part of the regulatory base required for the licensing of the the public and the environment. storage of spent fuel in an ISFSI
