IA-88-580, Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App a Documents

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Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App a Documents
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/07/1988
From: Plulyi J
To: Aftergood S
Shared Package
ML20155G021 List:
FOIA-88-580 NUDOCS 8812090174
Download: ML20196D726 (2)


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. e U.S. NUCLEAR REcVLATORY CoMMISSloN hac roa atoutst hvvetasise

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FOIA 500 e'%1 * ,.iseoksi im

! T RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF X Inw I l e*atia6 o^"


(..e.. .DOCati hvMfstmiss tu appa s eser REQUtlTOR Steven Aftergood, Committee to Bridge the Gap PART 1.- AGENCY RECORDS RELE/ SED OR NOT LOCATED ISee checaed bones)

No egency records subsect to the request have been located.

No addetsonal egency records subsect to the teovest have been located.

.eovested records are availab6e through another pubhc testributen program See Commerts Section.

Agency records subsect to the reovest that are ident f ed on Appendiatest __ a,e stready avadab4 f or pubhc mspecton and copymg ee t*e

  • .RC Put4 Document Room. 2021 L Street N W . Wash.ngton. DC 205* 5_

Agency records subec to the teowest that are .dentifed on Appendia.es! e e bemg reade awedable *

  • Nbhc mspecte and copyeg m t*e NRO P,ba.c Doevmant Roorr 202t L Street. N W . .vashmgton OC m a folder unwe this FOIA nur .5ee and reewester name The e*oreprietary we*>on of the tropos Alsl that you vreed to accept m a telephor . conversation eith a me *Me of my staff is nosc bos g made avi'able for pub C ines, ,
  • and Cocyeg at the FtC PuAC 0 w eent Room iO21 L S reet. N W . Wasa ng:en. DC. m a foidee unde < t+: FoiA number end reewster name A;ency rocc, ids subrect 'o the request that are '.teritihed on Apt end.aien _ rrer be erst +cted and cop ed at tg NRC Loc 11 Pubhc oxwment Room ideet f e3 m the Comrnen's Secton.

Enclosed is efonate on how you may obte.n access to and the cha<ges for ccpo gn reco<ds faced e the NRC Pwblic Document Room. 2021 L street NW Washngten. OC y Agency records subject to the reouest are enciesed.

t records sob,eci to the ,equesi ha,e been ,ef t ,ed to anc. er rede,si anac,hes, f or te,4e* .nd di, et ,essonie to ou vou ai be b.ned by the NRc for fees totai.no s in www of NRC's response to this request. no fwe tter acton is t+eg taken on acreal iettee dated __ . No l PART 11. A-INFORMATION WITHHELD FRoM PUBLIC DISCLOSI'IM i

Certain m'ormation m the requested records s t+es asthmeto from subi.c d setosv'e purset to tN eiemet.ons desce t+d e cd f x the vessors stated e Part e sections B. C. and 0 An, ie'essed port.ons of the docwmeats for **.ch onN pa<t cf the seco.d s t.eeg n.take d a e beca mas ava iab;s f oe pubhc inspectva ano n

copyeg m the NRC Putu Document Room. 2021 L Street. N W . Wash.ngton. OC. .n a fedet u de< th>s 8 0 A este* and req,. ester eame I

CCWENTS The records are identified on the enclosed Appendix A., This responds to your F0IA request dated October 4,1988, which was addressed to the Freedom of Information Act Officer at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). FEMA referred to NRC these relevant records for review and direct response to you.

I s,cNArvRt ou ,R. oiv

.8 of mioo a on uowArion 4No rusuCArioNs stRvices A- u

, T 0812090174 001207 PDR FOIA PDR AFTERW000-500

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FOIA-88-580 Appendix A

l. 9/1/88 NRC Information Notice No. 88-71 (4 pages). (Accession No. 8808260492)

?. . 9/20/88 Memo for William Russell, RI,et al., from Edward Jordan, AE00,


4 Possible NRC Regional Involvement in the Reentry of Cosmos 1900 (4 pages)(8810140048)

3. Undated General Comments on Cosmos 1900 Supplement (2 pages).

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All holders of operating licenses or construction pennits for nuclear power reactors, fuel cycle licensees, and Priority 1 material licensees. .


This information notice is being provided to: 1) alert licensees to the anti-cipated reentry of a U.S.S.R. satellite, COSMOS 1900, which is powered by a nuclear reactor; and 2) request voluntary reporting of any licensee environ-mental radioactivity measurement data probably caused by that event.

In order to enhance Federal and State monitoring programs, all facilities with ongoing environmental monitoring programs are requested to consider the NRC request to report confinned anomalous environmental radioactivity measurements likely to have been caused by radioactive material released during the reentry of COSMOS 1900. However, the request contained in this information notice does not constitute an NRC requirement.

Description of Circumstances:

On May 13, 1988, the Soviet News Agency Tass announced that the Soviets had lost radio contact with COSMOS 1900, a satellite launched on December 12, 1987. Tass noted that COSMOS 1900 carries a nuclear power plant which is believed to still be operating. The Soviets have indicated that the satellite is continuing to maintain its orientation. However, if nothing is done to maintain the orbit, the satellite will eventually decay and enter the earth's atmosphere. Latest predictions are that the satellite will reenter between mid-September and early October. This prediction is subject to uncertainties, however, and the reentry could occur sooner if the stability of the satellite changes.

The primary incans of preventing the reentry of a radioactive nuclear core is to boost the reactor into a higher orbit to allow for decay. By radio com-mar.d from earth, the nuclear reactor would be ejected and moved to an orbit

$606260492- #ff


' IN 88-71 September 1, 1988 Page 2 of 3 in excess of 800 kilometers. Since this method has apparently failed, there is a system designed to automatically separate the core from the satellite, if upon reentry, there has been a separation, it is expected that the reactor would burn up completely like COSMOS 1402 in 1983 and no debris would reach the earth's surface. There is, however, uncertainty about the condition of any of these systems.

If the satellite and nuclear power plant remain intact, it is believed that debris may reach the earth's surface like the 1978 reentry of COSMOS 954 which deposited a significant amount of radioactive debris on Canada.


This notice is primarily to alert licensees of the reentry of COSMOS 1900. It is highly unlikely that debris f rom the reentry will impact any part of the U.S.

However, tected. Inthere is some probability that increased radiation levels may be de-that case, in order to supplement and reinforce the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) nationwide surveillance program NRC licensees, as part of their routine provide environmental the following monitoring program, are r,equested to voluntarily information:

Report to the NRC any anomalous environmental radiation or radioactivity measurement that can be reasonably assumad to have resulted from the reentry of COSMOS 1900. The NRC would like confirmed measurement results from the licensee's routine environmental monitoring program to be reported via facsimile to the NRC Operations Center (301/492-8187; verification 301/951-0550) within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of determining that material from the re-entry has been measured.

The reporting format is requested to provide for:

Sample date(s) and approximate location (s)

  • Medium or pathway Type of analysis .g.,(e(e.g., air particulate, gross beta, soil) gama spectrometry)

Statistical data (mean, range, number of samples)

Any data provided by NRC licensees will be transmitted to EPA. Because of the sensitivity and broad scope of existing licensee programs, augmentation of NRC licensee environmental monitoring programs is not being requested.

We appreciate your cooperation with us in this. matter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the technical contact listed below or the Regional Administrator of the appropriate NRC regional office.

This request is covered by Office of Management and Budget Clearance Number 3150-0011 which expires December 31, 1989. The estimated average burden hours is 4 man-hours per licensee response, including assessment of the request, searching reports.

data sources, gathering and analyzing the data, and preparing the Contents on the accuracy of this estimate and suggestions to reduce

IN 88-71 September 1, 1988 Page 3 of 3 the burden may be directed to the Office of Management and Budget, Room 3208, New Executive Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20503, and to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Records and Reports Management Branch, Office of Ad-ministration and Resources Management, Washington, D.C. 20555.

4 h harles E. Rossi, Director Division of Operational Events Assessment Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Technical


Bernard H. Weiss, AE00 (301) 492-7053 List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices


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Atteaueat la M.fl Septester 1.1988 Pete 1 of 1 tilf Of itCtutLT 155ute het IRFOss t!04 2011CES Informatten pote er motice me. Sutf ec t Issvence issued to -

64 70 Check Velve laservice 8/29/88 Testing Progree All holders of CLs er cps for M iese Deficiencies pewer Netters.

84 69 Novable Contact finger 1/19/M Sinding in MFA Belsys All holders of Rs er cps for M 1 ear Manu factured by General p m r reacters.


M 48. Licersee tepert of Defective 8/24/M All holders of OLs Suppleneat 1 Refertishet Valves or C7s for awclear a

power reacters.

M.68 Setpoint festleg of Pres. 8/22/M All holders of Ra swetter Safety valves with or cps for N clear Filled Leep Seals Using p e r n ectors.

Pydraulle Assist Cevices M.4 7 Ph1 Aust11ery Feedetter Pwsp $/22/M All holders of OLs Tertise Ciersteed trip or C#s for M iese failure power reacters.

M 64 Industrial Railogrepey 8/ll/M All hec f 4vstrial Inspectica and Inforcement rettegrepny litersees.

88 45 laaevertent Cratnages of 4/18/44 All holders of OLs Spent Feel Peels tr cps for M1ese power reacters eat feel storage facilities.

88 64 Report 1*e Ftres in n clear 4/18/68 All holders of OLs Process listees at hwclose er cps for M 1 ear Pceer Plants power reactors.

68 63 Nign taitatica keteeds 4/18/84 All holders of CLs from Irrastated lacere er C7s for nucleer Detectors nas Costes pe==r roectors.

research reacters and test reacters.

OL e Operating Licente C7

  • Ceestrw tten Perett UNITED STATES

,i it euss weit NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555 Po8 t*08,Q' 8 **'o naurt ne o47 OFACIAL SU$1N($$


l I F7CERAL ENFPGENCY MANAGEt1ENT AGENCY A1TN: st-ct-ss.3t 500 C STREIT, Sh li A S!!I hG T C N , IC 20472 A11N: GEoEGI C. E1115 l
